www.abozeb.com/video/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b7%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8-%d9%8a%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%83-%d9%85%d8%b9%d9%8 Crossword Puzzles

3.Dodawanie pamięciowe. 2020-05-31

3.Dodawanie pamięciowe. crossword puzzle
  1. 29+27
  2. 15+4
  3. 20+8
  4. 15+62
  5. 25+56
  1. 42+17
  2. 17+0+1
  3. 20+7
  4. 50+21
  5. 19+65

10 Clues: 15+420+820+729+2742+1715+6250+2125+5619+6517+0+1

Numbers 2024-11-25

Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 92
  2. 84
  3. 76
  4. 53
  5. 45
  1. 20
  2. 8
  3. 12
  4. 38

9 Clues: 82092841276385345

Kruiswoordpuzzel H7+10 2023-03-06

Kruiswoordpuzzel H7+10 crossword puzzle
  1. H10, opgave 37c
  2. H10, opgave 56b
  3. H10, opgave 70e
  1. H7, opgave 15c
  2. H10, opgave 49b
  3. H7, opgave 74a
  4. H7, opgave 8a
  5. H7, opgave 66c
  6. H7, opgave 20c

9 Clues: H7, opgave 8aH7, opgave 15cH7, opgave 74aH7, opgave 66cH7, opgave 20cH10, opgave 37cH10, opgave 49bH10, opgave 56bH10, opgave 70e

Spanish numbers 2021-09-24

Spanish numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 11
  2. 5
  3. 37
  4. 46
  5. 19
  6. 39
  7. 78
  8. 42
  9. 9
  10. 71
  11. 32
  12. 53
  13. 82
  14. 60
  15. 23
  16. 79
  17. 12
  18. 66
  19. 74
  20. 31
  21. 7
  22. 4
  23. 34
  24. 77
  25. 2
  26. 57
  27. 16
  28. 67
  29. 64
  30. 54
  31. 73
  32. 65
  33. 51
  34. 26
  35. 6
  36. 68
  37. 18
  38. 35
  39. 48
  40. 45
  41. 38
  1. 43
  2. 59
  3. 63
  4. 85
  5. 69
  6. 50
  7. 81
  8. 41
  9. 28
  10. 44
  11. 61
  12. 3
  13. 76
  14. 62
  15. 55
  16. 13
  17. 21
  18. 8
  19. 47
  20. 10
  21. 58
  22. 29
  23. 56
  24. 1
  25. 83
  26. 24
  27. 70
  28. 40
  29. 20
  30. 14
  31. 36
  32. 22
  33. 25
  34. 33
  35. 30
  36. 75
  37. 72
  38. 49
  39. 52
  40. 84
  41. 27
  42. 17
  43. 80
  44. 15

85 Clues: 53981742611435963853746695081193941284461766278551321427132475310825829602379125683246670402014743136222533303475724977528457271617676454736551802668151835484538

S2P Team 2021-11-03

S2P Team crossword puzzle
  1. Goals need to be
  2. 85% of Macedonia's territory is covered in...
  3. The planet we live on
  4. european Green Capital in 2016
  5. won 11 consecutive domestic basketball game in Montenegro
  1. second-largest country in Europe
  2. Great teams have this in common
  3. the coldest planet
  4. Football team for Croatia and Romania
  5. Border of Bulgaria with Serbia
  6. host to the ’84 Winter Olympics
  7. The Most Beautiful Towns to Visit in Kosovo

12 Clues: Goals need to bethe coldest planetThe planet we live onBorder of Bulgaria with Serbiaeuropean Green Capital in 2016Great teams have this in commonhost to the ’84 Winter Olympicssecond-largest country in EuropeFootball team for Croatia and RomaniaThe Most Beautiful Towns to Visit in Kosovo85% of Macedonia's territory is covered in......

Fruit of the spirit 2024-07-13

Fruit of the spirit crossword puzzle
  1. Romans 12:21 NIV
  2. 1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV
  3. Ephesians 4:2 NIV
  4. Nehemiah 8:10 NIV
  1. Ephesians 4:32
  2. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a NIV
  3. Proverbs 15:1 NIV
  4. James 1:19 NIV
  5. Romans 12:18 NIV

9 Clues: Ephesians 4:32James 1:19 NIVRomans 12:21 NIVRomans 12:18 NIVProverbs 15:1 NIVEphesians 4:2 NIVNehemiah 8:10 NIV1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV1 Corinthians 13:4-8a NIV

Ulangan Harian Bahasa Jawa 2023-10-11

Ulangan Harian Bahasa Jawa crossword puzzle
  1. 8a, 11i, 8u, 7a, 12u, 8a, 8i
  2. cacahing larik saben sapada
  3. watake nelangsa, susah, keranta - ranta, sedhih
  4. sasmitane yaiku kinanthi, kanthi, gandeng, kanthil
  1. tibaning swara ing saben gatra
  2. watake sakepenake lan kurang greget
  3. 5 gatra
  4. cacahing wanda saben gatra
  5. cocog kanggo wong ing kahanan peprangan
  6. tembang sing nggambarake laire manungsa saka guwa garba ibune kang wis cetha priya utawa wanita

10 Clues: 5 gatracacahing wanda saben gatracacahing larik saben sapada8a, 11i, 8u, 7a, 12u, 8a, 8itibaning swara ing saben gatrawatake sakepenake lan kurang gregetcocog kanggo wong ing kahanan pepranganwatake nelangsa, susah, keranta - ranta, sedhihsasmitane yaiku kinanthi, kanthi, gandeng, kanthil...

Latitude & Longitude of Capital Cities 2014-01-13

Latitude & Longitude of Capital Cities crossword puzzle
  1. 50* 27'N, 30* 31'E
  2. 0* 22'N, 9* 27'E
  3. 9*N, 73* 31'W
  4. 45* 25'N, 75* 42'W
  5. 59* 54'N, 10* 44'E
  6. 36* 49'N, 10* 09'E
  7. 39* 57'N, 83*W
  8. 9* 55'N, 84* 04'W
  9. 41* 53'N, 12* 29'E
  10. 4* 22'N, 18* 33'E
  1. 39* 54'N, 116* 24'E
  2. 60* 10'N, 24* 56'E
  3. 19* 26'N, 99* 07'W
  4. 41* 17'S, 174* 46'E
  5. 35* 41'N, 51* 25'E
  6. 10* 30'N, 66* 55'W
  7. 20* 9'S, 57* 30'E
  8. 39* 55'N, 32* 51'E
  9. 0* 13'S,78* 31'W
  10. 6* 55'N, 79* 50'E

20 Clues: 9*N, 73* 31'W39* 57'N, 83*W0* 22'N, 9* 27'E0* 13'S,78* 31'W20* 9'S, 57* 30'E6* 55'N, 79* 50'E9* 55'N, 84* 04'W4* 22'N, 18* 33'E50* 27'N, 30* 31'E60* 10'N, 24* 56'E19* 26'N, 99* 07'W35* 41'N, 51* 25'E10* 30'N, 66* 55'W39* 55'N, 32* 51'E45* 25'N, 75* 42'W59* 54'N, 10* 44'E36* 49'N, 10* 09'E41* 53'N, 12* 29'E39* 54'N, 116* 24'E41* 17'S, 174* 46'E

Sarvinoz 2024-12-10

Sarvinoz crossword puzzle
  1. Tenglikni saqlovchi funksiyalar qanday ataladi? (10 harf): Saqlovchilar
  2. Predikatlar va kvantorlar (15 ta)
  3. Jegalkin teoremasining asosiy maqsadi nima? (11 harf): Optimizatsiya
  4. Predikatlarning algebraik ifodalari? (9 harf): Ekvivalensiya
  5. Matematik mantiqda kvantorlarning o‘rni qanday? (8 harf): Asosiylik
  6. Mavjudlik kvantorining ramziy belgisi? (1 harf): ∃
  7. Bul funksiyalarning eng katta soni qanday hisoblanadi? (12 harf): Kombinatorika
  8. Mulohazalarni mantiqiy bog‘lash jarayoni qanday ataladi? (10 harf): Kombinatsiya
  9. Mantiqiy formulani tahlil qilishning asosiy usuli nima? (13 harf): Chinlilik jadvali
  10. Jegalkin kophadlari qanday ko‘rinish hosil qiladi? (15 harf): Algebraik tizim
  11. Formulaning qism qismlarini qanday aniqlaymiz? (9 harf): Qism formula
  12. Predikatlarning teskari munosabatini qanday yozamiz? (8 harf): Inversiya
  13. Chin va yolg‘on qiymatlar orasidagi munosabatni tushuntiring. (8 harf): Negatsiya
  14. Chin yoki yolg‘on qiymatlarga ega elementlar (8 harf): Mulohazalar
  15. Jadval usulidan foydalanib funksiya soddalashtirish (8 harf): Minimallashtirish
  16. Qanday operatorlar mantiqning to‘liq sistemasini tashkil qiladi? (9 harf): Sistemalar
  17. Ikki mulohazaning chin yoki yolg‘onligi orasidagi munosabat? (12 harf): Teng kuchlilik
  18. Bul algebra formulalarini eng sodda shaklga keltirish usuli (9 harf): Optimizatsiya
  19. Biror predikatni boshqa formuladan hosil qilish usuli? (10 harf): Transformatsiya
  20. Kvantorlar orqali maxsus predikatlarni aniqlash? (9 harf): Tasniflash
  21. Jegalkin ko‘phadlari va Bul algebra (15 ta)
  22. Bir mantiqiy ifoda boshqa ifodaga qanday qarama-qarshi bo‘ladi? (8 harf): Inversiya
  23. Mavjudlik kvantori ko‘pincha qanday misollar uchun ishlatiladi? (9 harf): Tasdiq
  24. Predikatlar algebrasi nimani o‘rganadi? (10 harf): Mantiqiy aloqa
  25. Berilgan mulohaza qiymatlarini tekshirish uchun qanday jadval ishlatiladi? (13 harf): Chinlilik jadvali
  26. “Mantiqiy va” amali nimani anglatadi? (10 harf): Konjunksiya
  1. Bul funksiyasining asosiy algebraik qoidasi? (11 harf): Dual tamoyil
  2. Mulohazalar algebraida ishlatiladigan asosiy jadval? (13 harf): Chinlilik jadvali
  3. Bul funksiyalarning eng oddiy turi (10 harf): Elementar
  4. Funksiyalarning teng kuchli ko‘rinishini qanday aniqlaymiz? (13 harf): Teng kuchlilik
  5. Bul algebra funksiyalarini ikki asosiy ko‘rinishda yozish usuli? (8 harf): Duallik
  6. Qanday funksiyalar o‘z-o‘ziga teng bo‘ladi? (17 harf): O‘z-o‘ziga dual
  7. Biror funksiyaning o‘ziga qarshi shakli nima? (6 harf): NOT
  8. Chinlik jadvali yordamida funksiyaning minimal ko‘rinishini topish usuli? (8 harf): Reduksiya
  9. Biror formulani boshqa teng kuchli formulaga almashtirish? (13 harf): Teng kuchlilik
  10. Funksiyalarni sxemalar orqali tasvirlash jarayoni? (12 harf): Diagramma
  11. Kvantorlar yordamida ko‘plab xulosalarni qanday yozamiz? (10 harf): Kvantifikatsiya
  12. Biror formula ustidan matematik induksiya bajarish? (7 harf): Induksiya
  13. Predikatlarni diagramma orqali tasvirlash? (6 harf): Hasse
  14. Biror predikatning qiymatini qanday topamiz? (8 harf): Hisoblash
  15. “Ikki tomonlama implikatsiya” deganda nimani tushunasiz? (3 harf): IFF
  16. Chinlikni saqlovchi funksiyalar qaysi turga kiradi? (10 harf): Chinlik tutuvchilar
  17. Umumiylik kvantorining ramziy belgisi? (1 harf): ∀
  18. Nol va bir qiymatni saqlovchi funksiyalar (10 harf): Saqlovchilar
  19. Predikatlar algebrasining asosiy amali? (8 harf): Logika
  20. Biror ifodaning chin yoki yolg‘onligini isbotlash? (6 harf): Tahlil
  21. Relatsion algebrada ishlatiladigan asosiy amallar (8 harf): Kompozitsiya
  22. Bul algebra orqali texnik sxemalarni tasvirlash? (11 harf): Elektronika
  23. Chin qiymatli barcha kombinatsiyalarni ko‘rsatuvchi jadval? (12 harf): To‘liq jadval
  24. Kvantorlar yordamida mulohaza shakllarini yozish? (10 harf): Tizimlashtirish
  25. “Mantiqiy yoki” amali nimani anglatadi? (10 harf): Disjunktsiya
  26. Implikatsiya deganda nimani tushunasiz? (11 harf): Natija

52 Clues: Predikatlar va kvantorlar (15 ta)Jegalkin ko‘phadlari va Bul algebra (15 ta)Mavjudlik kvantorining ramziy belgisi? (1 harf): ∃Umumiylik kvantorining ramziy belgisi? (1 harf): ∀Bul funksiyalarning eng oddiy turi (10 harf): ElementarPredikatlar algebrasining asosiy amali? (8 harf): LogikaImplikatsiya deganda nimani tushunasiz? (11 harf): Natija...

TTS OSPEK A7 2019-06-03

TTS OSPEK A7 crossword puzzle
  1. Penyanyi lagu 'Kisah Kasih di Sekolah'
  2. Nama dari tokoh pewayangan berwajah merah
  3. Nama panjang Miss Velia
  4. Perputaran planet mengelilingi matahari
  5. Pemenang All England tunggal putra 2017
  6. Tokoh dalam cerita rakyat Jawa Barat
  7. Nama lain Douwes Dekker
  8. Dewi cinta dalam mitologi Yunani
  1. Nama ketua FanOs
  2. Merupakan mata pelajaran Divisi Magix
  3. Hubungan timbal balik antara makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya
  4. Tokoh antagonis dalam kisah Ramayana
  5. Ilmu yang mempelajari interaksi antara organisme dengan lingkungannya
  6. Planet yang memiliki cincin
  7. Hak DPR untuk melakukan penyelidikan terhadap kebijakan pemerintah

15 Clues: Nama ketua FanOsNama panjang Miss VeliaNama lain Douwes DekkerPlanet yang memiliki cincinDewi cinta dalam mitologi YunaniTokoh antagonis dalam kisah RamayanaTokoh dalam cerita rakyat Jawa BaratMerupakan mata pelajaran Divisi MagixPenyanyi lagu 'Kisah Kasih di Sekolah'Perputaran planet mengelilingi matahariPemenang All England tunggal putra 2017...

8A 2014-05-02

8A crossword puzzle
  1. a cat is a?
  2. A park with rides
  3. a place bigger then a town
  4. something that floats in the water with people in it
  5. the USA is a ______
  1. pro football players play in a football____
  2. another word for ocean
  3. to travle
  4. a place where you can see wild animals in cages
  5. another word for to rest
  6. something that takes people t school in the morning
  7. something that flies through the air
  8. something that flies people all over the country
  9. not a motel but a?
  10. not a river but a?

15 Clues: to travlea cat is a?A park with ridesnot a motel but a?not a river but a?the USA is a ______another word for oceananother word for to resta place bigger then a townsomething that flies through the airpro football players play in a football____a place where you can see wild animals in cagessomething that flies people all over the country...

84 2021-07-13

84 crossword puzzle
  1. pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
  2. the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light
  3. stubbornly unyielding
  4. easily excused or forgiven
  1. make corrections to
  2. capable of being proved
  3. someone who takes more time than necessary
  4. a ghostly figure, especially one seen shortly before death
  5. full of trivial conversation
  6. a laborer who is obliged to do menial work

10 Clues: make corrections tostubbornly unyieldingcapable of being provedeasily excused or forgivenfull of trivial conversationsomeone who takes more time than necessarya laborer who is obliged to do menial workpause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingnessthe quality of being bright and sending out rays of light...

Puzzle: Mean, Median, Mode, and Range 2023-02-26

Puzzle: Mean, Median, Mode, and Range crossword puzzle
  1. Find the range for 5, 8, 14, 16, 8, 11, 17, 11, 6, 14
  2. Find the mode for 8, 20, 17, 6, 20, 7, 13, 21
  3. Find the mean for 6, 19, 15, 10, 13, 12, 9, 18, 15
  4. Find the mode for 21, 62, 66, 66, 79, 28, 63, 48, 59, 94, 19
  5. Find the range for 53, 44, 10, 45, 59, 97, 77
  6. Find the mean for 83, 23, 24, 71, 52, 62, 63
  7. Find the mean for 63, 25, 43, 28, 72, 61, 45, 46, 13
  8. Find the mean for 21, 62, 66, 66, 79, 28, 63, 48, 59, 94, 19
  9. Find the median for 83, 93, 77, 33, 62, 28, 23
  10. Find the range for 83, 93, 77, 33, 62, 28, 23
  1. Find the mean for 67, 70, 49, 95, 40, 97, 62, 54, 42
  2. Find the mean for 5, 8, 14, 16, 8, 11, 17, 11, 6, 14
  3. Find the mode for 24, 22, 32, 59, 99, 59, 76, 83, 21, 95, 57
  4. Find the mode for 31, 92, 25, 69, 80, 31, 29
  5. Find the range for 82, 23, 59, 94, 70, 26, 32, 83, 87, 94, 32
  6. Find the median for 86, 13, 60, 55, 61, 97, 30, 98, 79, 52, 18
  7. Find the mode for 6, 19, 15, 10, 13, 12, 9, 18, 15
  8. Find the range for 67, 70, 49, 95, 40, 97, 62, 54, 42
  9. Find the range for 63, 25, 43, 28, 72, 61, 45, 46, 13

19 Clues: Find the mode for 31, 92, 25, 69, 80, 31, 29Find the mean for 83, 23, 24, 71, 52, 62, 63Find the mode for 8, 20, 17, 6, 20, 7, 13, 21Find the range for 53, 44, 10, 45, 59, 97, 77Find the range for 83, 93, 77, 33, 62, 28, 23Find the median for 83, 93, 77, 33, 62, 28, 23Find the mean for 6, 19, 15, 10, 13, 12, 9, 18, 15...

Periodic Table Scavenger Hunt 2023-09-10

Periodic Table Scavenger Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. 6 valence electrons, Period 2
  2. Transition Metal, atomic symbol W
  3. bonds with Group 1 elements, Period 2
  4. 39 Protons
  5. Group 11, Period 5
  6. Valence Group 4A, Period 2
  7. Noble Gas, full with 2 ve-
  1. Valence Group 8A, Period 4
  2. Period 2, tends to lose 2 ve-
  3. Atomic Number 118
  4. Halogen, Period 3
  5. Group 8, Period 4
  6. Alkali Metal, 5 energy levels/shells
  7. 2 valence electrons, Period 7

14 Clues: 39 ProtonsAtomic Number 118Halogen, Period 3Group 8, Period 4Group 11, Period 5Valence Group 8A, Period 4Valence Group 4A, Period 2Noble Gas, full with 2 ve-Period 2, tends to lose 2 ve-6 valence electrons, Period 22 valence electrons, Period 7Transition Metal, atomic symbol WAlkali Metal, 5 energy levels/shellsbonds with Group 1 elements, Period 2

8A 2018-03-04

8A crossword puzzle
  1. piece of cloth, fabric
  2. alguna cosa
  3. Otra palabra para “casa”
  4. Donde hacemos la comida
  5. mucho
  6. to arrange to meet
  7. gardening
  8. To know
  9. instrucciones para cocinar algo
  10. la ventana es de _____
  1. oil
  2. verbo usado para instrumentos musicales
  3. ability
  4. donde ponemos nuestra ropa
  5. Ninguna persona
  6. around

16 Clues: oilmuchoaroundabilityTo knowgardeningalguna cosaNinguna personato arrange to meetpiece of cloth, fabricla ventana es de _____Donde hacemos la comidaOtra palabra para “casa”donde ponemos nuestra ropainstrucciones para cocinar algoverbo usado para instrumentos musicales

Janno Auksmaa ristsõna 2019-10-30

Janno Auksmaa ristsõna crossword puzzle
  1. Kuuba diktaator
  2. Poola ametiühing, mis sai tuntuks oma Nõukogude Liidu vastase tegevuse poolest (1980)
  3. Oligarhia liik, kus valitsejad on oluliselt vanemad kui enamik riigi täiskasvanud elanikkonnast (NSVL diktaatorid)
  4. Nõukogude kommunistlik partei
  5. Mis riigis toimus 1956 aastal Nõukogude korra vastane ülestõus
  1. Hiina diktaator
  2. Hiinas aastatel 1966–1976 toimunud kampaania
  3. NSVL diktaator aastatel 1984-85
  4. Varssavi Lepingu Organisatsioon
  5. Linn, kus toimus 1968 aastal ülestõus NSVL vastu
  6. NSVL diktaator aastatel 1982-84
  7. Riik, mis oli NSVL mudelist keeldunud sotsialistlik riik
  8. Nõukogude vangilaagrite süsteem

13 Clues: Hiina diktaatorKuuba diktaatorNõukogude kommunistlik parteiNSVL diktaator aastatel 1984-85Varssavi Lepingu OrganisatsioonNSVL diktaator aastatel 1982-84Nõukogude vangilaagrite süsteemHiinas aastatel 1966–1976 toimunud kampaaniaLinn, kus toimus 1968 aastal ülestõus NSVL vastuRiik, mis oli NSVL mudelist keeldunud sotsialistlik riik...

Unit 84 2022-12-08

Unit 84 crossword puzzle
  1. to tell personal and private things to (someone)
  2. brag___
  3. All I could think to do was to _____ her with questions.
  4. Under Russian law, anyone under criminal conviction is _____ from running for public office.
  5. a _____citizen - a person who obeys the law
  6. Babbage is _______ inventing the first mechanical computer that eventually led to more complex designs.
  7. However, Australians do not brag about luxury homes, cars and lifestyle.
  8. We ___ all laws and regulations, accounting standards and ethical guidelines.
  1. Such difficulties are especially common in the _____ of a toxic relationship.
  2. However, the resulting ______ in expenditures had a further negative impact on growth.
  3. deal effectively with something difficult
  4. The Ministers also expressed their conviction that continued activity of the good offices group constituted an _____ of the trilateral cooperation.
  5. In our warm and cozy ambience we will offer you a variety of dishes of the exquisite cuisine which _____ all tastes.
  6. This is hardly draconian or a ban ____ trading.
  7. In Provincial School (1990), each of the characters is absorbed ____ their own play in the break time.
  8. Financial operators must abide ____ certain internationally accepted regulations.
  9. apart from
  10. If you regularly _____ complaining colleagues, take steps to handle the situation constructively.

18 Clues: brag___apart fromdeal effectively with something difficulta _____citizen - a person who obeys the lawThis is hardly draconian or a ban ____ trading.to tell personal and private things to (someone)All I could think to do was to _____ her with questions.However, Australians do not brag about luxury homes, cars and lifestyle....

Integrated: Ionic vs. Covalent Review 2024-10-10

Integrated: Ionic vs. Covalent Review crossword puzzle
  1. Nonmetals tend to ___ electrons to form anions
  2. ___ Electrons are in the highest occupied energy level
  3. Group 8A elements
  4. Number of valence electrons that sodium has
  5. Most ionic compounds are __ __ at room temperature
  6. Charge of an anion
  7. A bond that involves three shared pairs of electrons
  8. Number of electrons that elements are trying to get to have a full octet
  1. Ionic compounds usually have ___ melting points
  2. Charge of ionic compounds even though they are made of ions
  3. Group 8A elements are very ___ and unreactive
  4. ___ forces that hold ions together in ionic compounds
  5. A pair of electrons that is not shared between atoms
  6. Number of electrons that chlorine has
  7. In an ionic bond, electrons are ___
  8. Represents the covalent bonds by dashes and shows the arrangement of covalently bonded atoms
  9. Charge of a cation
  10. Valence electrons are used by atoms to form ___
  11. Metals tend to ___ electrons to form cations
  12. In a covalent bond, electrons are ___
  13. An atom or group of atoms that has a charge

21 Clues: Group 8A elementsCharge of a cationCharge of an anionIn an ionic bond, electrons are ___Number of electrons that chlorine hasIn a covalent bond, electrons are ___Number of valence electrons that sodium hasAn atom or group of atoms that has a chargeMetals tend to ___ electrons to form cationsGroup 8A elements are very ___ and unreactive...

Maths Crossword 3 2017-09-18

Maths Crossword 3 crossword puzzle
  1. 29 x 3 =
  2. 49 x 3 =
  3. 4 x 63 =
  4. 28 x 3 =
  5. 12 x 36 =
  6. 3 x 720 =
  7. 69 x 5 =
  8. 98 x 5 =
  1. 299 x 3 =
  2. 5 x 29 =
  3. 5 x 48 =
  4. 11 x 45 =
  5. 10 x 23 =
  6. 8 x 212 =

14 Clues: 29 x 3 =49 x 3 =5 x 29 =4 x 63 =5 x 48 =28 x 3 =69 x 5 =98 x 5 =299 x 3 =11 x 45 =12 x 36 =10 x 23 =3 x 720 =8 x 212 =

8A 2012-12-11

8A crossword puzzle
  1. stadium
  2. museum
  3. to visit
  4. theater
  5. monument
  6. relax
  7. to travel
  1. scuba dive
  2. zoologico
  3. early
  4. place
  5. sea
  6. sunbathe
  7. city
  8. lake

15 Clues: seacitylakeearlyplacerelaxmuseumstadiumtheaterto visitsunbathemonumentzoologicoto travelscuba dive

kt 2019-10-30

kt crossword puzzle
  1. Varssavi Lepingu Organisatsioon
  2. Hiina diktaator
  3. Oligarhia liik, kus valitsejad on oluliselt vanemad kui enamik riigi täiskasvanud elanikkonnast (NSVL diktaatorid)
  4. NSVL diktaator aastatel 1984-85
  5. Poola ametiühing, mis sai tuntuks oma Nõukogude Liidu vastase tegevuse poolest (1980)
  6. NSVL diktaator aastatel 1982-84
  1. Hiinas aastatel 1966–1976 toimunud kampaania
  2. Kuuba diktaator
  3. Nõukogude vangilaagrite süsteem
  4. Mis riigis toimus 1956 aastal Nõukogude korra vastane ülestõus
  5. Nõukogude kommunistlik partei
  6. Linn, kus toimus 1968 aastal ülestõus NSVL vastu
  7. Riik, mis oli NSVL mudelist keeldunud sotsialistlik riik

13 Clues: Kuuba diktaatorHiina diktaatorNõukogude kommunistlik parteiVarssavi Lepingu OrganisatsioonNõukogude vangilaagrite süsteemNSVL diktaator aastatel 1984-85NSVL diktaator aastatel 1982-84Hiinas aastatel 1966–1976 toimunud kampaaniaLinn, kus toimus 1968 aastal ülestõus NSVL vastuRiik, mis oli NSVL mudelist keeldunud sotsialistlik riik...

les grands nombres 2020-09-08

les grands nombres crossword puzzle
  1. 2005
  2. 66
  3. 55
  4. 73
  5. 907
  6. 101
  7. 33
  8. 15
  9. 6
  10. 82
  11. 41
  12. 80
  13. 96
  1. 81
  2. 402
  3. 37
  4. 300
  5. 84
  6. 49
  7. 92

20 Clues: 681665573373315844982924180964029071013002005

Code 84 2024-10-17

Code 84 crossword puzzle
  1. for our God
  2. There's to do in every land
  3. we a hand
  4. in which to serve and our days
  5. To good news to everyone
  6. out in love
  7. in nearby
  8. And here at
  9. To bring us
  1. all
  2. we plan, we
  3. We learn to speak a tongue
  4. new we try
  5. Jehovah knows just what we
  6. So he so many ways
  7. And where the need is
  8. we we care
  9. We want to

18 Clues: allwe a handin nearbynew we trywe we careWe want tofor our Godwe plan, weout in loveAnd here atTo bring usSo he so many waysAnd where the need isTo good news to everyoneWe learn to speak a tongueJehovah knows just what weThere's to do in every landin which to serve and our days

PAST VERB 2024-01-17

PAST VERB crossword puzzle
  1. Senna ... English notes last Tuesday.
  2. Al Hur and friends ... away from the school activity last month.
  3. Mr. Irwan ... English Yesterday.
  4. Nauval ... strange sound in the class last week.
  5. 8A Students ... Jelly Satay yesterday.
  1. Malaki ... Arabic two days ago.
  2. Mrs. Hasya ... Jelly Satay from 8A students yesterday..
  3. Mrs. Khofifah ... to East Java last year.
  4. Ramadhan ... roasted sausage last Monday.
  5. Kira ... the assignment on time last week.

10 Clues: Malaki ... Arabic two days ago.Mr. Irwan ... English Yesterday.Senna ... English notes last Tuesday.8A Students ... Jelly Satay yesterday.Mrs. Khofifah ... to East Java last year.Ramadhan ... roasted sausage last Monday.Kira ... the assignment on time last week.Nauval ... strange sound in the class last week....

A7 CrossWord Puzzle 2023-11-16

A7 CrossWord Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Mr. Johnson's drink of choice.
  2. Yahir's favorite vehicle.
  3. Gonzalo's favorite food.
  4. Classroom A7's mascot.
  5. Israel's favorite thing to look at.
  6. Saul's daily dish.
  1. The name of Evelyn's favorite song.
  2. Nathaniel's favorite Cartoon Character.
  3. Nycole's favorite building blocks.
  4. Alejandro's favorite thing.

10 Clues: Saul's daily dish.Classroom A7's mascot.Gonzalo's favorite food.Yahir's favorite vehicle.Alejandro's favorite thing.Mr. Johnson's drink of choice.Nycole's favorite building blocks.The name of Evelyn's favorite song.Israel's favorite thing to look at.Nathaniel's favorite Cartoon Character.

Multiply by 4 2024-07-12

Multiply by 4 crossword puzzle
  1. 4*32
  2. 8*4
  3. 12*4
  4. 54*4
  1. 4*128
  2. 4*21
  3. 18*4
  4. 9*4
  5. 4*4

9 Clues: 8*49*44*44*324*2118*412*454*44*128

Chapter 4: America's Political Heritage Buddy Guide 2014-09-10

Chapter 4: America's Political Heritage Buddy Guide crossword puzzle
  1. The Declaration of Independence listed ways the English government had ____________ ____________. (p. 98)
  2. _________________ is another name for the English legislature. (p. 93)
  3. The Roman republic offered the colonial legislatures a model of ____________________ government. (p.91)
  4. Parliament (English legislature) raised taxes in the colonies in order to pay off huge ______ debts. (p. 96)
  5. A _____________ is when the citizens elect representatives to make laws in this form of government? (p.92)
  6. Direct democracy was first practiced in ______________. (p. 91)
  7. of powers Writers Locke and Montesquieu inspired the colonists with the ideas of natural rights and _________________ _____ ___________. (p.94)
  8. ___________ includes ignoring colonists' rights; the abuse of power. (p.89)
  9. The English ______________ had final authority over the colonists. (p. 84)
  1. The Declaration of ____________________ outlined the reasons the colonists separated from Great Britain (England). (pgs. 97 and 98)
  2. _____________ means the traditions passed down to us from generation to generation. (p.84)
  3. A _____________ is a written agreement to make and obey laws for the welfare of the group. (p.99)
  4. A ______________ is a document giving permission to create a government. (p.84)
  5. _____________ ___________ are people’s rights to life, liberty, and property. (p. 94)
  6. Both the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights listed basic __________________. (pgs. 92 & 93)
  7. A group of people chosen to make laws is a ________________. (p.84)
  8. ____________________ means approval. (p.100)
  9. The ___________ ____________ and the English Bill of Rights protected against tyranny. (p.92)
  10. Under the Articles of Confederation, most of the power remained with the ____________. (p.99)

19 Clues: ____________________ means approval. (p.100)Direct democracy was first practiced in ______________. (p. 91)A group of people chosen to make laws is a ________________. (p.84)_________________ is another name for the English legislature. (p. 93)The English ______________ had final authority over the colonists. (p. 84)...

2o Year 2014-05-20

2o Year crossword puzzle
  1. 7d
  2. 10
  3. 3d
  4. 2
  5. 8a(p.23)
  6. 7a
  7. 1
  8. 3c(not-Action)
  1. 4
  2. 9
  3. 8b(p.23)
  4. 5
  5. 8c(p.23)
  6. 6
  7. 7b
  8. 7c

16 Clues: 4952617d103d7a7b7c8b(p.23)8a(p.23)8c(p.23)3c(not-Action)

Algebra: Polynomials 2013-08-18

Algebra: Polynomials crossword puzzle
  1. 8 more than z
  2. (a3+3b-27) + (7a3-6b=2)=
  3. 4p less than 8qr
  4. 14 more than 2x
  5. Thirteen times s minus nine times j
  6. x-18, if x=35
  1. (5y3+3y2-7y+10) - (3y3-y2+4y-1)=
  2. 2mn2, m=3 and n=4
  3. (m3+2m2-4) - (5m3-3m2-5)=
  4. x diminished by 7
  5. Sum of p and 2pq
  6. Divide m2 by 9
  7. 18 more than 3x
  8. Negative 6 multiplied by d
  9. j multiplied by z

15 Clues: 8 more than zx-18, if x=35Divide m2 by 914 more than 2x18 more than 3x4p less than 8qrSum of p and 2pq2mn2, m=3 and n=4x diminished by 7j multiplied by z(a3+3b-27) + (7a3-6b=2)=(m3+2m2-4) - (5m3-3m2-5)=Negative 6 multiplied by d(5y3+3y2-7y+10) - (3y3-y2+4y-1)=Thirteen times s minus nine times j

Політологія 2012-11-29

Політологія crossword puzzle
  1. 72
  2. 107
  3. 59
  4. 108
  5. 55
  6. 24
  7. 3
  8. 102
  9. 8
  10. 19
  11. 92
  12. 46
  13. 67
  14. 43
  15. 9
  16. 57
  17. 26
  18. 103
  19. 87
  20. 91
  21. 42
  22. 101
  23. 104
  24. 84
  1. 81
  2. 27
  3. 64
  4. 35
  5. 34
  6. 79
  7. 98
  8. 53
  9. 106
  10. 44
  11. 50
  12. 23
  13. 77
  14. 39
  15. 99
  16. 100
  17. 70
  18. 21
  19. 10
  20. 96
  21. 52
  22. 5

46 Clues: 389581277264355955342479985319924644675023774339995770262110879652914284107108102106100103101104

Spanish Preliminary Chpt. Review 2020-09-22

Spanish Preliminary Chpt. Review crossword puzzle
  1. 42
  2. orange
  3. winter
  4. It's windy
  5. Tuesday
  6. bless you
  7. 57
  8. 11
  9. yellow
  10. 8
  11. purple
  12. take out
  13. how do you say
  14. August
  15. it's raining
  1. 71
  2. largest Spanish-speaking country in S. America
  3. green
  4. 99
  5. December
  6. spring
  7. Smallest Spanish-speaking island
  8. July
  9. 101
  10. I don't know
  11. it's bad out (weather)
  12. 25
  13. 84
  14. Friday
  15. 36
  16. January
  17. open
  18. Thursday
  19. 63
  20. Sunday

35 Clues: 8719942258457361163101JulyopengreenspringorangewinterFridayyellowpurpleSundayAugustTuesdayJanuaryDecemberThursdaytake outbless youIt's windyI don't knowit's raininghow do you sayit's bad out (weather)Smallest Spanish-speaking islandlargest Spanish-speaking country in S. America

Los números 2021-10-06

Los números crossword puzzle
  1. 30
  2. 79
  3. 84
  4. 10
  5. 97
  6. 32
  7. 70
  8. 41
  9. 80
  1. 55
  2. 40
  3. 20
  4. 60
  5. 26
  6. 90
  7. 50
  8. 63
  9. 100
  10. 14

19 Clues: 553040206079269084501063973214704180100

Math Puzzle 2022-06-16

Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 47
  2. 38
  3. 84
  4. 97
  5. 46
  6. 18
  7. 17
  8. 25
  9. 39
  10. 11
  11. 16
  1. 49
  2. 25
  3. 47
  4. 45
  5. 99
  6. 72
  7. 65
  8. 37
  9. 100
  10. 19

21 Clues: 4947382547459984974672653719181725391116100

class 2015-09-06

class crossword puzzle
  1. 4a
  2. 25a
  3. 31a
  4. 10a
  5. 35a
  6. 34a
  7. 21a
  8. 19a
  9. 7a
  10. 26a
  11. 9a
  12. 8a
  13. 28a
  14. 23a
  15. 27a
  16. 3a
  17. 24a
  18. 1a
  19. 12a
  20. 5a
  21. 18a
  1. 11a
  2. 16a
  3. 30a
  4. 32a
  5. 15a
  6. 13a
  7. 14a
  8. 2a
  9. 6a
  10. 22a
  11. 29a
  12. 17a
  13. 20a
  14. 33a

35 Clues: 4a2a6a7a9a8a3a1a5a11a25a16a31a30a32a10a15a13a14a35a34a21a19a26a22a29a28a17a23a27a20a24a12a33a18a

Serat Wedhatama 2023-09-14

Serat Wedhatama crossword puzzle
  1. Serat Wedhatama iku wonten 100 padha dibagi 2, salah sawijining kapisan 10 pada kang isine tentang babagan
  2. wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatra
  3. cacahing gatra saben sapada
  4. serat wedhatama ngandhut piwulang luhur
  5. serat wedhatama iku salah sawijining kabudayaan jawa kang asale saka basa
  6. KGPAA Mangkunegara iku wujudake tokoh agung pujangga kang uga
  7. 8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i paugeran saka tembang
  8. Serat Wedhatama yaiku Serat kang ngajarake babagan
  1. serat wedhatama iku dianggit dening pujangga gedhe kang kagungan asma
  2. dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"
  3. Sandi, Kode, isuarat, Pasemon, lan Pralambang uga disebut
  4. serat wedhatama ikut wujude
  5. tibaning swara ana ing pungkasaning gatra
  6. cacahing wanda ana ing saben gatra
  7. kumpulan tembang kong padha guru gatra,guru lagu,lan guru wilangan diarani
  8. kanjeng gusti pangeran adipati aryo mangunegara IV kanthi asma raden mas sudiro ing sasi
  9. watake tembang kinanthi
  10. para kanoman supaya nyinau babagan busana lan
  11. dideleng sama tembung tegese "tama"
  12. guru lagu tembang macapat kinanthi

20 Clues: watake tembang kinanthiserat wedhatama ikut wujudecacahing gatra saben sapadacacahing wanda ana ing saben gatraguru lagu tembang macapat kinanthidideleng sama tembung tegese "tama"dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatraserat wedhatama ngandhut piwulang luhur8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i paugeran saka tembang...

Serat Wedhatama 2023-09-14

Serat Wedhatama crossword puzzle
  1. Sandi, Kode, isuarat, Pasemon, lan Pralambang uga disebut
  2. KGPAA Mangkunegara iku wujudake tokoh agung pujangga kang uga
  3. para kanoman supaya nyinau babagan busana lan
  4. tibaning swara ana ing pungkasaning gatra
  5. serat wedhatama iku dianggit dening pujangga gedhe kang kagungan asma
  6. dideleng sama tembung tegese "tama"
  7. jinising laras sing isine pathet 6 lan pathet barabg dene urutan nadane 1234567
  8. watake tembang kinanthi
  9. serat wedhatama ngandhut piwulang luhur
  10. guru lagu tembang macapat kinanthi
  1. Serat Wedhatama yaiku Serat kang ngajarake babagan
  2. 8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i paugeran saka tembang
  3. Serat Wedhatama iku wonten 100 padha dibagi 2, salah sawijining kapisan 10 pada kang isine tentang babagan
  4. serat wedhatama ikut wujude
  5. cacahing wanda ana ing saben gatra
  6. cacahing gatra saben sapada
  7. dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"
  8. serat wedhatama iku salah sawijining kabudayaan jawa kang asale saka basa
  9. kumpulan tembang kong padha guru gatra,guru lagu,lan guru wilangan diarani
  10. wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatra

20 Clues: watake tembang kinanthiserat wedhatama ikut wujudecacahing gatra saben sapadacacahing wanda ana ing saben gatraguru lagu tembang macapat kinanthidideleng sama tembung tegese "tama"dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatra8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i paugeran saka tembangserat wedhatama ngandhut piwulang luhur...


CARDINAL NUMBERS crossword puzzle
  1. 0
  2. 33
  3. 71
  4. 83
  5. 31
  6. 13
  7. 60
  8. 100
  9. 21
  10. 9
  11. 16
  12. 66
  13. 18
  14. 85
  15. 52
  16. 58
  17. 74
  18. 10
  19. 8
  20. 77
  1. 34
  2. 99
  3. 44
  4. 96
  5. 43
  6. 45
  7. 49
  8. 26
  9. 3
  10. 22
  11. 100
  12. 38
  13. 38
  14. 54
  15. 88
  16. 24
  17. 19
  18. 55
  19. 4
  20. 20
  21. 90
  22. 17
  23. 13

43 Clues: 03948349944964345492633712238833113603821165488246619188555525820907410171377100100

All About VEGA 2024-05-11

All About VEGA crossword puzzle
  1. Kearifan lokal yang dipilih oleh Annabel
  2. Tarian yang ditarikan oleh Emma
  3. Dusun yang ditinggali oleh Annabel
  4. Kegiatan Social Service yang dilakukan oleh Vallerie
  1. Nama tokoh inspiratif Giselle
  2. Desa tempat tinggal kelas 84 & 85
  3. Dusun yang ditinggali oleh Giselle dan Emma
  4. Dusun yang ditinggali oleh Vallerie

8 Clues: Nama tokoh inspiratif GiselleTarian yang ditarikan oleh EmmaDesa tempat tinggal kelas 84 & 85Dusun yang ditinggali oleh AnnabelDusun yang ditinggali oleh VallerieKearifan lokal yang dipilih oleh AnnabelDusun yang ditinggali oleh Giselle dan EmmaKegiatan Social Service yang dilakukan oleh Vallerie

Multiplying & Dividing Integers Cross Number Puzzle- Jaayla. M 2021-09-24

Multiplying & Dividing Integers Cross Number Puzzle- Jaayla. M crossword puzzle
  1. -28 split evenly into seven groups.
  2. -72 split evenly into nine groups.
  3. 2 groups of -3 x -6.
  4. 11 groups of 6.
  5. -35 groups of -12.
  6. 72 split evenly into 3 groups.
  1. 8 groups of -8.
  2. -48 split evenly into eight groups.
  3. 8 groups of -3.
  4. -6 groups of -10.
  5. 84 split evenly into eight groups.

11 Clues: 8 groups of -8.8 groups of -3.11 groups of 6.-6 groups of -10.-35 groups of -12.2 groups of -3 x -6.72 split evenly into 3 groups.-72 split evenly into nine groups.84 split evenly into eight groups.-28 split evenly into seven groups.-48 split evenly into eight groups.


  1. LEV. 11:14B
  2. JEREMIAH 17:11
  3. ISAIAH 38:14B
  4. LEV. 11:16B
  5. LEV. 11:18B
  6. LEV. 1:14B
  7. ISAIAH 40:31
  8. LEV. 11:16
  9. LEV. 11:13B
  10. LEV. 11:13
  11. JOB 39:13B
  12. LEV. 11:19C
  13. GENESIS 1;20
  14. LEV. 11;17
  1. LEV. 11:16C
  2. LEV. 11:19
  3. LEVITCUS 1:14
  4. MATT. 23:37B
  5. JOB 39:13
  6. JOB 38:41
  7. MATT. 23:37
  8. LEV. 11:18
  9. ISAIAH 40:31B
  10. GENESIS 1:20B
  11. PSALM 84:3
  12. PSALM 84:3B
  13. JOB 38:41B
  14. ISAIAH 38:14
  15. LEV. 11:19B
  16. LEV. 11:14

30 Clues: JOB 39:13JOB 38:41LEV. 11:19LEV. 11:18LEV. 1:14BPSALM 84:3LEV. 11:16JOB 38:41BLEV. 11:13JOB 39:13BLEV. 11:14LEV. 11;17LEV. 11:16CLEV. 11:14BMATT. 23:37LEV. 11:16BLEV. 11:18BPSALM 84:3BLEV. 11:13BLEV. 11:19BLEV. 11:19CMATT. 23:37BISAIAH 40:31ISAIAH 38:14GENESIS 1;20LEVITCUS 1:14ISAIAH 38:14BISAIAH 40:31BGENESIS 1:20BJEREMIAH 17:11

Impariamo i numeri 2019-10-01

Impariamo i numeri crossword puzzle
  1. 1000
  2. 64
  3. 43
  4. 99
  5. 7
  6. 35
  7. 51
  8. 300
  1. 17
  2. 115
  3. 56
  4. 48
  5. 60
  6. 84
  7. 73
  8. 180
  9. 102
  10. 19
  11. 21
  12. 70

20 Clues: 717564860847364439935192151701151801023001000

Numeros 2020-10-20

Numeros crossword puzzle
  1. 19(compound)
  2. 41
  3. 3
  4. 53
  5. 13
  6. 15
  7. 67
  8. 35
  9. 16
  10. 6
  11. 40
  12. 27
  1. 84
  2. 14
  3. 21
  4. 78
  5. 57
  6. 100
  7. 99
  8. 2

20 Clues: 36284144121785357131567359916402710019(compound)

Almanca Proje 2021-04-11

Almanca Proje crossword puzzle
  1. 34
  2. 45
  3. 99
  4. 18
  5. 96
  6. 12
  7. 21
  1. 44
  2. 72
  3. 27
  4. 90
  5. 31
  6. 15
  7. 67
  8. 43
  9. 35
  10. 84
  11. 51
  12. 53
  13. 40

20 Clues: 4472279034311567454335998418515396124021

Numbers and Number Words 2023-10-15

Numbers and Number Words crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 56
  4. 32
  5. 11
  6. 10
  7. 20
  8. 84
  9. 41
  10. 77
  11. 100
  12. 19
  13. 72
  1. 58
  2. 88
  3. 13
  4. 19
  5. 65
  6. 23
  7. 97
  8. 12

21 Clues: 13588813561932651110208441237797121972100

Maths 2024-08-31

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. =(7*7)+65-25
  2. = 100*4÷16
  3. = 42*4/8
  4. = 10/4*470
  5. = (353-233)/3
  1. = (34+12)*2
  2. = 4/72*3
  3. = 6+10*7-10
  4. = (13+8)*4

9 Clues: = 4/72*3= 42*4/8= 100*4÷16= 10/4*470= (13+8)*4= (34+12)*2= 6+10*7-10=(7*7)+65-25= (353-233)/3

Serat Wedhatama 2023-09-14

Serat Wedhatama crossword puzzle
  1. watake tembang kinanthi
  2. dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"
  3. serat wedhatama iku salah sawijining kabudayaan jawa kang asale saka basa
  4. serat wedhatama ikut wujude
  5. serat wedhatama ngandhut piwulang luhur
  6. serat wedhatama iku dianggit dening pujangga gedhe kang kagungan asma
  7. cacahing gatra saben sapada
  8. KGPAA Mangkunegara iku wujudake tokoh agung pujangga kang uga
  9. cacahing wanda ana ing saben gatra
  10. para kanoman supaya nyinau babagan busana lan
  1. Serat Wedhatama iku wonten 100 padha dibagi 2, salah sawijining kapisan 10 pada kang isine tentang babagan
  2. Sandi, Kode, isuarat, Pasemon, lan Pralambang uga disebut
  3. Serat Wedhatama yaiku Serat kang ngajarake babagan
  4. 8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i paugeran saka tembang
  5. kanjeng gusti pangeran adipati aryo mangunegara IV kanthi asma raden mas sudiro ing sasi
  6. kumpulan tembang kong padha guru gatra,guru lagu,lan guru wilangan diarani
  7. wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatra
  8. tibaning swara ana ing pungkasaning gatra
  9. dideleng sama tembung tegese "tama"
  10. guru lagu tembang macapat kinanthi

20 Clues: watake tembang kinanthiserat wedhatama ikut wujudecacahing gatra saben sapadacacahing wanda ana ing saben gatraguru lagu tembang macapat kinanthidideleng sama tembung tegese "tama"dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatra8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i paugeran saka tembangserat wedhatama ngandhut piwulang luhur...

Calculator Crossword 2018-01-29

Calculator Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 5 x 3 + 43 x 21 =
  2. 130 + 5 x 4 =
  3. 7243-1234 =
  4. 3 x (4 x 2 + 3) =
  5. 334455- 51796 =
  6. (84-10) + (4 x 2 =
  7. (788-245) x 8 + 1000 =
  1. (9-4) x 362 =
  2. 56 x 8 + 4 + 5 + 99 =
  3. 160 ÷ 4 + 9998 =
  4. 45 + 38992 =
  5. 4 x 4 + 2 + 3 + 1 =
  6. (7-7) + 1 x 800 =
  7. 9 x 9 – 37 -10 =

14 Clues: 7243-1234 =45 + 38992 =(9-4) x 362 =130 + 5 x 4 =334455- 51796 =160 ÷ 4 + 9998 =9 x 9 – 37 -10 =5 x 3 + 43 x 21 =3 x (4 x 2 + 3) =(7-7) + 1 x 800 =(84-10) + (4 x 2 =4 x 4 + 2 + 3 + 1 =56 x 8 + 4 + 5 + 99 =(788-245) x 8 + 1000 =

Almanca Proje 2021-04-10

Almanca Proje crossword puzzle
  1. 44
  2. 34
  3. 15
  4. 99
  5. 12
  6. 90
  7. 27
  8. 18
  9. 21
  10. 96
  11. 51
  12. 40
  13. 43
  1. 53
  2. 72
  3. 35
  4. 67
  5. 84
  6. 31
  7. 45

20 Clues: 5344347215991235679027182184319645514043

Math for 5th 2023-09-05

Math for 5th crossword puzzle
  1. seven multiplied six
  2. four multiplied five
  3. eight multiplied eight
  4. five multiplied five
  5. The franction is equal to 2/5 and 3/7, if The Franctions have a same ...
  6. seven multiplied seven
  7. 3 143 562 is ... than 4 143 562
  8. 85 310 is ... when rounded of the nearest thousand
  9. 1/2 is ... than 4/8
  10. six multiplied nine
  11. three multiplied three
  12. 5.678.943, the digit 3 is in the ... place
  1. nine multiplied seven
  2. nine multiplied nine
  3. five multiplied nine
  4. 100 400 is ... than 100 399
  5. six multiplied sis
  6. eight multyplied nine
  7. ten multiplied one hundred
  8. nine multiplied three
  9. 85 210 is ... to 85 000 than to 86 000
  10. 3.456.987, the digit 3 is in the ... place
  11. eigth multiplied seven
  12. four multiplied four
  13. two multiplied two

25 Clues: six multiplied sistwo multiplied two1/2 is ... than 4/8six multiplied ninenine multiplied ninefive multiplied nineseven multiplied sixfour multiplied fivefive multiplied fivefour multiplied fournine multiplied seveneight multyplied ninenine multiplied threeeight multiplied eightseven multiplied seveneigth multiplied seventhree multiplied three...

Los números 0-199 2023-09-06

Los números 0-199 crossword puzzle
  1. 15
  2. 39
  3. 75
  4. 10
  5. 1
  6. 0
  7. 100
  8. 14
  9. 63
  10. 22
  1. 129
  2. 84
  3. 28
  4. 57
  5. 12
  6. 91
  7. 16
  8. 101
  9. 40
  10. 13

20 Clues: 10841528395775101291164014136322129100101

Matemática - frações -cruzadinha 2021-03-08

Matemática - frações -cruzadinha crossword puzzle
  1. 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2
  2. 3/4 x 1/5
  3. 1/2 x 1/3
  4. 3/8 : 1/6
  5. 3/7 : 1/5
  6. simplifique 28/24
  7. 1/6 : 1/5
  1. simplifique 12/36
  2. 2/3 + 5/6
  3. simplifique 14/10
  4. 7/2 x 1/4
  5. 3/5 - 1/4
  6. 1/2 - 1/8 + 1/4
  7. simplifique 20/100
  8. 2/5 + 1/2
  9. simplifique 84/120

16 Clues: 2/3 + 5/63/4 x 1/57/2 x 1/43/5 - 1/41/2 x 1/32/5 + 1/23/8 : 1/63/7 : 1/51/6 : 1/51/2 x 1/2 x 1/21/2 - 1/8 + 1/4simplifique 12/36simplifique 14/10simplifique 28/24simplifique 20/100simplifique 84/120

84 Lumber 2022-12-05

84 Lumber crossword puzzle
  1. The company had low b**** a********, which is why a campaign was needed in the first place
  2. 84 Lumber's original commercial has one of these, which was why their first concept was denied
  3. The name of the effect 84 Lumber was trying to accomplish which was stated in their objectives
  1. The LARGE number of impressions that 84 Lumber's website saw after the commercial aired
  2. The state 84 Lumber was founded
  3. The event during which 84 Lumber's commercial was aired
  4. The amount of money the company budgeted for this campaign
  5. The company whom 84 Lumber gave early access to their full commercial

8 Clues: The state 84 Lumber was foundedThe event during which 84 Lumber's commercial was airedThe amount of money the company budgeted for this campaignThe company whom 84 Lumber gave early access to their full commercialThe LARGE number of impressions that 84 Lumber's website saw after the commercial aired...

Percentages 1 2023-04-01

Percentages 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 32% of 200
  2. 8% of 100
  3. 3% of 100
  4. 2% of 100
  5. 1% of 100
  1. 39% of 100
  2. 84% of
  3. 100% of 100
  4. 10% of 100
  5. 18% of 100
  6. 2% of 200
  7. 2% of 400

12 Clues: 84% of8% of 1003% of 1002% of 2002% of 4002% of 1001% of 10039% of 10032% of 20010% of 10018% of 100100% of 100

Percentages 1 2023-04-01

Percentages 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 32% of 200
  2. 8% of 100
  3. 3% of 100
  4. 2% of 100
  5. 1% of 100
  1. 39% of 100
  2. 84% of
  3. 100% of 100
  4. 10% of 100
  5. 18% of 100
  6. 2% of 200
  7. 2% of 400

12 Clues: 84% of8% of 1003% of 1002% of 2002% of 4002% of 1001% of 10039% of 10032% of 20010% of 10018% of 100100% of 100

RIOT FEST 2023 2023-07-31

RIOT FEST 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. 56
  2. 94
  3. 48
  4. 15
  5. 35
  6. 34
  7. 57
  8. 37
  9. 97
  10. 25
  11. 22
  12. 65
  13. 74
  14. 91
  15. 29
  16. 17
  17. 68
  18. 3
  19. 90
  20. 10
  21. 83
  22. 80
  23. 72
  24. 69
  25. 51
  26. 71
  27. 54
  28. 55
  29. 73
  30. 27
  31. 9
  32. 26
  33. 30
  34. 94
  35. 64
  36. 2
  37. 60
  38. 32
  39. 53
  40. 43
  41. 6
  42. 40
  43. 49
  44. 9293
  45. 42
  46. 59
  47. 39
  48. 11
  49. 58
  50. 47
  1. 70
  2. 33
  3. 78
  4. 12
  5. 50
  6. 81
  7. 5
  8. 96
  9. 79
  10. 13
  11. 95
  12. 28
  13. 18
  14. 8
  15. 52
  16. 62
  17. 77
  18. 82
  19. 14
  20. 38
  21. 61
  22. 7
  23. 46
  24. 19
  25. 75
  26. 4
  27. 36
  28. 87
  29. 89
  30. 45
  31. 21
  32. 67
  33. 86
  34. 23
  35. 44
  36. 66
  37. 1
  38. 16
  39. 76
  40. 85
  41. 24
  42. 31
  43. 41
  44. 20
  45. 88

95 Clues: 587349126705633789412485081159679133595342818573752627797252265821438617491294617681990753687108389807245692151677186235455447327661676263085249464603132534143204049884259391158479293

Maths Crossword - Solve the "?" 2023-08-17

Maths Crossword - Solve the "?" crossword puzzle
  1. 55 - 12 = ? + 21
  2. 50 - ? = 42 + 8
  3. 36 + 25 = ? - 27
  4. 42 - 12 = ? + ?
  5. 156 - ? = 48 + 12
  6. ? - 36 = 10 + 3
  7. 28 + 25 = 52 + ?
  8. ? + ? = 100 - 20
  9. 20 + 14 = 45 - ?
  1. ? + 4 = 30 - 10
  2. x + 81 = 118 - 17
  3. 4 x ? = 32 ÷ 2
  4. 11 + 25 = ? + 3
  5. 100 + 25 = 43 + ?
  6. 55 + 32 = x + 31
  7. 25 + ? = 91 + 11
  8. 25 - ? = 10 + 5
  9. 70 - 28 = 92 - ?
  10. 250 - 225 = x - 66
  11. 58 + ? = 84 - 17

20 Clues: 4 x ? = 32 ÷ 2? + 4 = 30 - 1011 + 25 = ? + 350 - ? = 42 + 825 - ? = 10 + 542 - 12 = ? + ?? - 36 = 10 + 355 - 12 = ? + 2155 + 32 = x + 3125 + ? = 91 + 1136 + 25 = ? - 2770 - 28 = 92 - ?58 + ? = 84 - 1728 + 25 = 52 + ?? + ? = 100 - 2020 + 14 = 45 - ?x + 81 = 118 - 17100 + 25 = 43 + ?156 - ? = 48 + 12250 - 225 = x - 66

nostal33 2024-06-15

nostal33 crossword puzzle
  1. 1996 gymnastics vault
  2. Olympic wrestling shock
  3. Decathlon gold in Rio
  4. 7 golds in '72
  5. 8 golds in Beijing
  6. 1972 Olympic gold moment
  7. 4 golds in diving
  8. '92 400m heroics
  1. Perfect 10 in gymnastics
  2. '84 gymnastics hero
  3. Double gold distance
  4. Decathlon gold in '72
  5. 400m gold in Sydney
  6. Olympic sprinting legend
  7. Gymnastics superstar
  8. 1972 Olympic figure skating
  9. 9time gold medalist
  10. 100m and 200m records
  11. 4 golds in Berlin
  12. Middle-distance legend

20 Clues: 7 golds in '72'92 400m heroics4 golds in Berlin4 golds in diving8 golds in Beijing'84 gymnastics hero400m gold in Sydney9time gold medalistDouble gold distanceGymnastics superstar1996 gymnastics vaultDecathlon gold in '72Decathlon gold in Rio100m and 200m recordsMiddle-distance legendOlympic wrestling shockPerfect 10 in gymnastics...

class 2015-09-06

class crossword puzzle
  1. 20a
  2. 7a
  3. 16a
  4. 11a
  5. 13a
  6. 27a
  7. 10a
  8. 4a
  9. 34a
  10. 24a
  11. 32a
  12. 21a
  13. 12a
  14. 22a
  15. 18a
  1. 25a
  2. 31a
  3. 17a
  4. 29a
  5. 33a
  6. 19a
  7. 28a
  8. 8a
  9. 23a
  10. 35a
  11. 14a
  12. 26a
  13. 9a
  14. 6a
  15. 5a
  16. 30a
  17. 2a
  18. 15a
  19. 3a
  20. 1a

35 Clues: 7a8a4a9a6a5a2a3a1a25a31a17a29a33a20a19a28a16a11a13a23a27a10a35a14a26a34a24a32a30a21a15a12a22a18a

Perelandra Crossword 1 2023-02-15

Perelandra Crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 16A
  2. 28A
  3. 6A
  4. 34A
  5. 24A
  6. 25A
  7. 4A
  8. 12A
  9. 11A
  10. 8A
  11. 9A
  12. 1A
  13. 5A
  14. 27A
  15. 19A
  16. 2A
  1. 18A
  2. 31A
  3. 22A
  4. 21A
  5. 7A
  6. 26A
  7. 23A
  8. 15A
  9. 3A
  10. 13A
  11. 10A
  12. 20A
  13. 14A
  14. 33A
  15. 35A
  16. 17A
  17. 30A
  18. 32A
  19. 29A

35 Clues: 7A6A3A4A8A9A1A5A2A18A16A31A22A28A21A26A34A24A23A25A15A13A10A20A14A33A12A35A11A17A30A32A29A27A19A

How People Change 2024-10-20

How People Change crossword puzzle
  1. Lesson 8b
  2. Lesson 1d
  3. Lesson 3a
  4. Lesson 10a
  5. Lesson 8a
  6. Lesson 5b
  7. Lesson 11b
  8. Lesson 11a
  9. Lesson 7b
  10. Lesson 5a
  11. Lesson 1c
  12. Lesson 4a
  1. Lesson 7a
  2. Lesson 2
  3. Lesson 1a
  4. Lesson 1b
  5. Lesson 10b
  6. Lesson 6a
  7. Lesson 2b
  8. Lesson 6b
  9. Lesson 9a
  10. Lesson 9b
  11. Lesson 4b

23 Clues: Lesson 2Lesson 8bLesson 7aLesson 1dLesson 1aLesson 1bLesson 3aLesson 6aLesson 2bLesson 6bLesson 8aLesson 9aLesson 9bLesson 5bLesson 7bLesson 4bLesson 5aLesson 1cLesson 4aLesson 10bLesson 10aLesson 11bLesson 11a

11 and 12 Times Table 2023-04-24

11 and 12 Times Table crossword puzzle
  1. 12x10=
  2. 11x11=
  3. 11x10=
  4. 12x7=
  5. 4x12=
  6. 12x2=
  7. 12x1=
  8. 12x5=
  9. 12x8=
  10. 12x3=
  1. 12x6=
  2. 12x11=
  3. 12x9=
  4. 11x12=
  5. 12x12=
  6. 11x8=
  7. 11x4=
  8. 11x2=
  9. 10x10=
  10. 11x6=
  11. 8x12=

21 Clues: 12x6=12x9=12x7=11x8=4x12=11x4=12x2=11x2=12x1=12x5=11x6=12x8=8x12=12x3=12x10=12x11=11x11=11x12=11x10=12x12=10x10=

PEL 2022-06-10

PEL crossword puzzle
  1. 46
  2. 98
  3. 20
  4. 9
  5. 73
  6. 80
  7. 49
  8. 38
  9. 16
  10. 68
  11. 5
  12. 1
  13. 10
  14. 79
  15. 4
  16. 55
  17. 56
  18. 42
  19. 28
  20. 53
  1. 18
  2. 76
  3. 85
  4. 32
  5. 8
  6. 6
  7. 65
  8. 2
  9. 92
  10. 15
  11. 74
  12. 39
  13. 23
  14. 75
  15. 83
  16. 71
  17. 72
  18. 26
  19. 62
  20. 34
  21. 11
  22. 35

42 Clues: 86295141876468532982065921573807449381639236875837110722679623411555642352853

8A 2020-11-29

8A crossword puzzle
  1. se
  2. ko
  3. kaks
  4. yks
  5. kol
  6. ne
  7. ky
  8. vi
  1. ku
  2. ys
  3. ka
  4. ykkönen
  5. nel
  6. kak

14 Clues: sekuyskokanekyviykskolnelkakkaksykkönen

8A 2013-06-03

8A crossword puzzle
  1. One party against another
  2. Causing or evoking pity
  3. A person who has been converted from their religion, beliefs, or attitudes
  4. Of, pertaining to , or characteristic of controversy
  5. To overthrow
  6. Something inscribed
  7. To return to a former habit, practice or belief
  8. To credit or assign as to a cause or source; attribute input
  9. Absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement
  1. A particular account of some matter from one person
  2. The medicine prescribed
  3. One who studies the origin or nature of diseases
  4. Harmony of or agreement in feeling between persons
  5. A dizzying sensation

14 Clues: To overthrowSomething inscribedA dizzying sensationCausing or evoking pityThe medicine prescribedOne party against anotherTo return to a former habit, practice or beliefOne who studies the origin or nature of diseasesHarmony of or agreement in feeling between personsA particular account of some matter from one person...

8A 2021-04-13

8A crossword puzzle
  1. the pilot
  2. the passenger
  3. the luggage
  4. the arrival
  5. the flight
  6. the passport
  7. the aisle
  8. to last
  1. to plan
  2. the window
  3. ready
  4. to open
  5. departure/exit
  6. welcome
  7. the announcement

15 Clues: readyto planto openwelcometo lastthe pilotthe aislethe windowthe flightthe luggagethe arrivalthe passportthe passengerdeparture/exitthe announcement

Los Numeros 2023-10-04

Los Numeros crossword puzzle
  1. 16
  2. 81
  3. 92
  4. 49
  5. 56
  6. 70
  7. 7
  8. 0
  9. 90
  10. 14
  1. 18
  2. 33
  3. 84
  4. 30
  5. 41
  6. 2
  7. 5
  8. 75
  9. 24
  10. 100

20 Clues: 2570183316819284304941567524709014100

A7+A9 2023-09-30

A7+A9 crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of indoor
  2. we all speak one
  3. used to prepare a dish
  4. a particular part of a place
  5. das Ergebnis, wenn man etwas sammelt
  6. a body part that might hurt when eating too much
  7. Rezension
  1. different word for choice
  2. not hungry
  3. vegetarians do not eat it
  4. you drink from it
  5. jemand der Fälle löst

12 Clues: Rezensionnot hungrywe all speak oneyou drink from itopposite of indoorjemand der Fälle löstused to prepare a dishdifferent word for choicevegetarians do not eat ita particular part of a placedas Ergebnis, wenn man etwas sammelta body part that might hurt when eating too much

A7+A9 2023-09-30

A7+A9 crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of indoor
  2. we all speak one
  3. used to prepare a dish
  4. a particular part of a place
  5. wenn man etwas sammelt
  6. it might hurt when eating too much
  7. Rezension
  1. different word for choice
  2. not hungry
  3. vegetarians do not eat it
  4. you drink from it
  5. jemand der Fälle löst

12 Clues: Rezensionnot hungrywe all speak oneyou drink from itopposite of indoorjemand der Fälle löstused to prepare a dishwenn man etwas sammeltdifferent word for choicevegetarians do not eat ita particular part of a placeit might hurt when eating too much

Perelandra Crossword 1 2023-02-15

Perelandra Crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 16A
  2. 28A
  3. 6A
  4. 34A
  5. 24A
  6. 25A
  7. 4A
  8. 12A
  9. 11A
  10. 8A
  11. 9A
  12. 1A
  13. 5A
  14. 27A
  15. 19A
  16. 2A
  1. 18A
  2. 31A
  3. 22A
  4. 21A
  5. 7A
  6. 26A
  7. 23A
  8. 15A
  9. 3A
  10. 13A
  11. 10A
  12. 20A
  13. 14A
  14. 33A
  15. 35A
  16. 17A
  17. 30A
  18. 32A
  19. 29A

35 Clues: 7A6A3A4A8A9A1A5A2A18A16A31A22A28A21A26A34A24A23A25A15A13A10A20A14A33A12A35A11A17A30A32A29A27A19A

Marga's Puzzle 2014-01-20

Marga's Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 105
  2. 91
  3. 71
  4. 66
  5. 29
  6. plant materials and animal waste used as fuel
  7. 109
  8. 113
  9. 111
  10. 11
  11. 79
  12. 37
  13. 70
  14. 39
  15. 89
  16. 83
  17. 64
  18. 22
  19. the regions of the surface and atmosphere of the Earth (or other planet) where living organisms exist
  20. 46
  21. 15
  22. 47
  23. 72
  24. 27
  25. 30
  26. 73
  27. 76
  28. 99
  29. the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary
  30. 86
  31. 24
  32. 44
  33. 61
  34. the branch of biology that studies plants
  35. 20
  36. 17
  37. The act of accelerating, or the state of being accelerated
  38. 31
  39. 77
  40. 98
  41. 56
  42. 21
  43. 69
  44. 12
  45. 8
  46. 41
  47. 26
  48. 63
  49. 4
  50. 68
  51. 81
  52. 102
  53. 101
  54. 60
  55. 9
  56. 85
  57. 80
  58. 93
  59. 54
  60. 51
  61. 1
  62. 13
  63. 107
  64. 38
  65. 34
  1. 97
  2. 57
  3. 94
  4. 106
  5. 78
  6. 49
  7. 52
  8. that which indicates or fixes a limit or extent, or marks a bound
  9. 58
  10. 115
  11. 108
  12. 112
  13. 32
  14. 3
  15. 18
  16. 43
  17. 50
  18. 14
  19. the mass of air surrounding the Earth
  20. 74
  21. 6
  22. 42
  23. a light, gentle wind; a fresh, soft-blowing wind
  24. 2
  25. The action of sticking; the state of being attached
  26. 28
  27. That branch of science which treats of the composition of substances, and of the changes which they undergo
  28. 95
  29. 92
  30. 82
  31. refer to categorization, the process in which ideas and objects are recognized, differentiated, and understood
  32. 36
  33. 65
  34. 100
  35. 53
  36. 59
  37. 84
  38. 40
  39. 33
  40. 96
  41. 7
  42. 5
  43. to cause to combine with oxygen or other active agent, with evolution of heat
  44. 104
  45. 23
  46. 35
  47. 25
  48. The science which treats of the celestial bodies
  49. 10
  50. 67
  51. 55
  52. 16
  53. 103
  54. 75
  55. 62
  56. 110
  57. 19
  58. 90
  59. 87
  60. 88
  61. The smallest particle of matter
  62. a substance used for producing a chemical effect; a reagent
  63. 114
  64. 45
  65. 48

130 Clues: 362758491975794917178664952295832117918377039438983506422147446421547722728309592737682998624366544536159844033201796317798562335252169106755121641266375621968819087886085804593485451133834105106109115108113111112100104103110102101114107The smallest particle of matterthe mass of air surrounding the Earththe branch of biology that studies plants...

Spotlight 8 8A 2021-04-09

Spotlight 8 8A crossword puzzle
  1. neule
  2. suoristaa
  3. valinta
  4. loistava
  5. sisältää
  6. kierrättää
  7. rannekoru
  8. vähemmän
  9. ympäristö
  10. vihollinen
  11. kiusaaminen
  12. paikallinen
  13. halpa
  1. suurenmoinen
  2. lahja
  3. peili
  4. sisarus
  5. jakaa
  6. valikoiva
  7. vihannes
  8. hanska
  9. valittaa
  10. ansaita
  11. vaatetus
  12. huivi

25 Clues: neulelahjapeilijakaahuivihalpahanskasisarusvalintaansaitaloistavavihannessisältäävalittaavähemmänvaatetussuoristaavalikoivarannekoruympäristökierrättäävihollinenkiusaaminenpaikallinensuurenmoinen

84 2024-10-01

84 crossword puzzle
  1. Golpe dado con las disciplinas.
  2. Mellizo, nacido de un mismo parto.
  3. Que uniforma.
  4. Que contiene blasfemia.
  5. Pan moreno hecho con harina poco cernida.
  6. Grosella silvestre.
  1. Perteneciente o relativo a Australia o a los australianos.
  2. Que se puede aprovechar.
  3. Cada una de las muescas abiertas en el sombrero del cabrestante, donde se encajan las barras para hacerlo girar.
  4. Que se enciende con facilidad y desprende llamas.

10 Clues: Que uniforma.Grosella silvestre.Que contiene blasfemia.Que se puede aprovechar.Golpe dado con las disciplinas.Mellizo, nacido de un mismo parto.Pan moreno hecho con harina poco cernida.Que se enciende con facilidad y desprende llamas.Perteneciente o relativo a Australia o a los australianos....

Multiplying Fractions by Fractions and Fractions by Whole #s 2024-10-31

Multiplying Fractions by Fractions and Fractions by Whole #s crossword puzzle
  1. 1/2 x 9/10
  2. 7/9 x 6/7
  3. 40 x 2/5
  4. 3/12 x 5/7
  5. 4/12 x 2/9
  6. 10 x 3/2
  7. 6/11 x 1/12
  1. 24 x 1/2
  2. 3/12 x 3/12
  3. 28 x 1/2
  4. 8/9 x 4/6
  5. 12 x 3/2
  6. 6/7 x 3/8
  7. 30 x 1/3
  8. 22 x 1/2

15 Clues: 24 x 1/228 x 1/240 x 2/512 x 3/230 x 1/310 x 3/222 x 1/27/9 x 6/78/9 x 4/66/7 x 3/81/2 x 9/103/12 x 5/74/12 x 2/93/12 x 3/126/11 x 1/12

class 2015-09-06

class crossword puzzle
  1. 25a
  2. 23a
  3. 16a
  4. 13a
  5. 28a
  6. 11a
  7. 35a
  8. 12a
  9. 4a
  10. 9a
  11. 29a
  12. 19a
  13. 34a
  14. 22a
  15. 31a
  16. 15a
  17. 17a
  18. 1a
  1. 18a
  2. 27a
  3. 20a
  4. 32a
  5. 3a
  6. 26a
  7. 14a
  8. 10a
  9. 21a
  10. 30a
  11. 33a
  12. 24a
  13. 2a
  14. 6a
  15. 8a
  16. 5a
  17. 7a

35 Clues: 3a4a9a2a6a8a5a7a1a18a25a27a20a23a32a16a13a28a26a11a14a10a21a30a35a33a12a24a29a19a34a22a31a15a17a

Burkholderia sp. 2022-05-25

Burkholderia sp. crossword puzzle
  1. 12b
  2. 12a
  3. 6b
  4. 6a
  5. 8c
  6. 14a
  7. 2
  8. 7c
  9. 4
  10. 5a
  11. 5b
  12. 16b
  13. 7b
  14. 14b
  15. 11b
  16. 11a
  17. 12c
  18. 12d
  1. 8d
  2. 8a
  3. 1b
  4. 8b
  5. 7a
  6. 3b
  7. 1a
  8. 5c
  9. 17
  10. 9
  11. 16a
  12. 14c
  13. 10
  14. 13
  15. 6c
  16. 15
  17. 3a

35 Clues: 2498d8a6b1b8b7a6a3b1a8c5c177c5a5b107b136c153a12b12a14a16a14c16b14b11b11a12c12d


  1. 410
  2. 68
  3. 84
  4. 14
  5. 37
  6. 9
  7. 43
  8. 79
  1. 91
  2. 52
  3. 502
  4. 800
  5. 300
  6. 900
  7. 700
  8. 213
  9. 22
  10. 50
  11. 123
  12. 4

20 Clues: 9491526884221437504379502410800300900700213123

Almanca Proje 2021-04-10

Almanca Proje crossword puzzle
  1. 34
  2. 45
  3. 99
  4. 18
  5. 96
  6. 12
  7. 21
  1. 44
  2. 72
  3. 27
  4. 90
  5. 31
  6. 15
  7. 67
  8. 43
  9. 35
  10. 84
  11. 51
  12. 53
  13. 40

20 Clues: 4472279034311567454335998418515396124021

integer choice board 2023-11-28

integer choice board crossword puzzle
  1. what is 35 x 2??
  2. what is - 25 x -3?
  3. what is 34 x 2??
  4. what is -15 x -2??
  5. what is 250+-150?
  6. what is -6 x 2??
  7. what is -50 x -2??
  8. what is 6 x 9??
  9. what is 5 x 40??
  1. what is 8 x -4??
  2. What is 23+-11?
  3. what is 90 x -2??
  4. what is 8 x 8??
  5. what is 80+-120??
  6. what is -12 + -22??
  7. what is 6 + 18??
  8. what is 7 + 14??
  9. what is 50 + -50??
  10. what is 84/2??
  11. what is 33 + 33??
  12. what is -15 x -2??

21 Clues: what is 84/2??What is 23+-11?what is 8 x 8??what is 6 x 9??what is 8 x -4??what is 35 x 2??what is 34 x 2??what is 6 + 18??what is 7 + 14??what is -6 x 2??what is 5 x 40??what is 90 x -2??what is 80+-120??what is 33 + 33??what is 250+-150?what is - 25 x -3?what is 50 + -50??what is -15 x -2??what is -50 x -2??what is -15 x -2??what is -12 + -22??

Eat Some Integers 2021-10-11

Eat Some Integers crossword puzzle
  1. (-84)/(-7)
  2. any whole number (can be negative)
  3. 3^3*(-10)
  4. The opposite of 45
  5. 15*(-4)
  1. -9^2
  2. 33/(-11)
  3. -27+25+13-16
  4. 4*(-8)
  5. 3^2
  6. The absolute value of 4

11 Clues: 3^2-9^24*(-8)15*(-4)33/(-11)3^3*(-10)(-84)/(-7)-27+25+13-16The opposite of 45The absolute value of 4any whole number (can be negative)

Ch. 12 - Intro to Early Civilizations 2024-02-23

Ch. 12 - Intro to Early Civilizations crossword puzzle
  1. Provided protection from weather and dangerous animals. (p. 77)
  2. Time before history was written down. (p.75)
  3. The exchange of goods and services without using money. (p. 81)
  4. Hunter-Gatherers learned to make ________ to help them perform basic tasks. (p. 76)
  5. To become an expert in a particular subject, skill, or trade. (p. 79)
  6. Prehistoric people lived as ____________. (two words, p. 75)
  7. Ancient civilization that developed near the Yellow River in eastern Asia. (p. 85)
  8. The feature of a civilization where people were ranked into classes according to the job they did. (two words, p. 83)
  9. The feature of a civilization that people developed to help explain the world around them. (p. 83)
  10. Civilization that developed between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in southwestern Asia (Middle East). (p. 85)
  11. The feature of a civilization that led to early civilizations developing near rivers. (p. 83)
  12. To tame a wild animal to keep as a pet or farm animal. (p. 78)
  1. People, societies, or other groups who rely on each other for survival or success. (p. 79)
  2. Ancient civilization that developed near the Nile River in Northern Africa. (p. 85)
  3. The highest level of human society. (p. 83)
  4. Extra; leftover amount after demand has been met. (p. 79)
  5. The discovery of farming is called _________ because it greatly changed people's lives. (two words, p.78)
  6. The feature of a civilization that includes the development of writing systems and irrigation. (p. 83)
  7. The feature of a civilization where people made products, tools, and decorative items to use and to trade at markets near and far. (p. 83)
  8. The feature of a civilization that addresses issues such as controlling resources, irrigation, and trade. (p. 83)
  9. Having no permanent home; traveling from place to place, often to hunt or find fresh pasture for livestock. (p.75)
  10. Ancient civilization that developed near the Indus River on the Indian subcontinent. (p. 85)
  11. An item used by people from the past. (p. 75)

23 Clues: The highest level of human society. (p. 83)Time before history was written down. (p.75)An item used by people from the past. (p. 75)Extra; leftover amount after demand has been met. (p. 79)Prehistoric people lived as ____________. (two words, p. 75)To tame a wild animal to keep as a pet or farm animal. (p. 78)...

Montreal Canadiens (Well, most of them) 2023-09-20

Montreal Canadiens (Well, most of them) crossword puzzle
  1. #84
  2. #57
  3. #21
  4. #62
  5. #51
  6. #52
  7. #40
  8. #30
  9. #17
  10. #6
  1. #22
  2. #34
  3. #11
  4. #56
  5. #14
  6. #15
  7. #54
  8. #71
  9. #58
  10. #97
  11. #73

21 Clues: #6#22#84#34#11#56#57#14#21#15#62#54#71#51#52#58#40#30#97#73#17

Water Tribe 2021-10-27

Water Tribe crossword puzzle
  1. XCIII
  3. LVII
  4. XXIX
  5. XVII
  7. LXXIX
  8. LXII
  11. LXXIV
  2. LXVII
  3. LIX
  4. XXVII
  5. XIII
  6. XXXIX
  7. LXXII
  8. LXIII
  10. LXXXIV


Los Números 2022-07-09

Los Números crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 75
  3. 25
  4. 11
  5. 79
  6. 92
  7. 93
  8. 84
  9. 57
  1. 68
  2. 46
  3. 81
  4. 50
  5. 33
  6. 13
  7. 100
  8. 22
  9. 14
  10. 40
  11. 60
  12. 12
  13. 7
  14. 15

23 Clues: 676846815033751325221411407960929312158457100

KANTO 2024-10-20

KANTO crossword puzzle
  1. 65
  2. 10
  3. 39
  4. 14
  5. 12
  6. 23
  7. 98
  8. 98
  9. 60
  1. 2
  2. 84
  3. 11
  4. 46
  5. 4
  6. 22
  7. 26
  8. 46
  9. 76
  10. 57
  11. 6
  12. 15
  13. 47
  14. 56

23 Clues: 2468411462265261046397657141223154756989860

chelsea fc 2023-10-08

chelsea fc crossword puzzle
  1. Stadium where Chelsea plays its home games.
  2. Chelsea won this European competition in 1998
  3. Winger signed from Manchester United in 1983.
  4. Goalkeeper known as 'The Cat'
  5. Chelsea's home ground.
  6. Gained promotion to this division in the 83/84 season
  7. Midfielder who made over 400 appearances for Chelsea, with many of those during the 1980s.
  8. 1998 World Cup Winning defender
  9. Skillful winger signed from Clyde in the early 80s.
  10. Striker signed from Darlington in the early 80s
  11. Manager who took over in 1996 and brought several international stars to the club
  1. Defender who joined Chelsea from Aberdeen in the early 84.
  2. Italian manager who led Chelsea to FA Cup and Cup Winners' Cup glory in the late 90s
  3. Chelsea's top scorer in the 1988-89 season
  4. Midfielder and captain during the 90s, signed from Wimbledon
  5. Striker signed from Manchester United in 1995, known for his physical presence
  6. Scottish striker who played for Chelsea in the 90s
  7. Midfielder known for his curly hair and combative style.
  8. Flo Norwegian forward signed in the late 90s
  9. Defender who served as captain in the early 80s.
  10. Forward who was Chelsea's top scorer for several seasons in the 80s.
  11. Chelsea were relegated to this division in 1988.
  12. Chelsea's traditional color.
  13. Manager who led Chelsea to promotion in 1984.
  14. Chelsea's nearest rivals, whom they face in the West London Derby.
  15. The stand at Stamford Bridge that was redeveloped in the early 70s and became an iconic part of the stadium.

26 Clues: Chelsea's home ground.Chelsea's traditional color.Goalkeeper known as 'The Cat'1998 World Cup Winning defenderChelsea's top scorer in the 1988-89 seasonStadium where Chelsea plays its home games.Chelsea won this European competition in 1998Winger signed from Manchester United in 1983.Manager who led Chelsea to promotion in 1984....

Number 2023-11-01

Number crossword puzzle
  1. 61
  2. 71
  3. 100
  4. 33
  5. 88
  6. 47
  7. 63
  8. 20
  9. 33
  1. 63
  2. 25
  3. 10
  4. 4
  5. 78
  6. 50
  7. 84
  8. 22
  9. 61
  10. 56
  11. 17

20 Clues: 4632510617871503384884722615617632033100

Money and Time 2021-07-21

Money and Time crossword puzzle
  1. Question 2A
  2. Question 4a
  3. Question 10
  4. Question 9b
  5. Question 7b
  6. Question 3
  7. Question 9c to nearest pence
  8. Question 5a
  9. Question 1 Gail
  10. Question 6b
  11. Question 8a
  12. Question 7a
  1. Question 9a
  2. Question 8b
  3. Question 1 Janice
  4. Question 4b
  5. Question 6c
  6. Question 7c
  7. Question 1 Martin
  8. Question 2B
  9. Question 6a
  10. Question 5b

22 Clues: Question 3Question 2AQuestion 9aQuestion 4aQuestion 8bQuestion 4bQuestion 10Question 9bQuestion 7bQuestion 6cQuestion 7cQuestion 5aQuestion 6bQuestion 2BQuestion 6aQuestion 8aQuestion 5bQuestion 7aQuestion 1 GailQuestion 1 JaniceQuestion 1 MartinQuestion 9c to nearest pence

Earth Facts 2017-11-03

Earth Facts crossword puzzle
  1. the crust and upper mantle
  2. present geologic processes are the key to the past
  3. the study of the earth and its processes
  4. natural resources like trees, fish, and algae
  5. probably 85% iron and 4-5% nickel
  1. takes up about 84% of the earth by volume
  2. supports a very old earth
  3. recources that once used are gone forever
  4. natural resources that can readily by replaced
  5. the earth's outer layer
  6. short for Mohorovicic discontinuity
  7. a way to manage resources by reuse

12 Clues: the earth's outer layersupports a very old earththe crust and upper mantleprobably 85% iron and 4-5% nickela way to manage resources by reuseshort for Mohorovicic discontinuitythe study of the earth and its processestakes up about 84% of the earth by volumerecources that once used are gone forevernatural resources like trees, fish, and algae...

NUMBERS 2024-04-24

NUMBERS crossword puzzle
  1. 69
  2. 14
  3. 23
  4. 99
  5. 95
  6. 33
  7. 82
  8. 60
  9. 16
  10. 74
  1. 41
  2. 37
  3. 82
  4. 78
  5. 46
  6. 7
  7. 19
  8. 84
  9. 51

19 Clues: 7413782697846142399199533845182601674

Les Nombres 2024-07-15

Les Nombres crossword puzzle
  1. 84
  2. 16
  3. 21
  4. 100
  5. 80
  6. 18
  7. 11
  8. 15
  9. 1000
  10. 32
  1. 66
  2. 91
  3. 2
  4. 41
  5. 13
  6. 74
  7. 59
  8. 3

18 Clues: 2366914113841674592180181115321001000

Let the Trivia Begin! 2017-06-27

Let the Trivia Begin! crossword puzzle
  1. test 6
  2. test 2b
  3. test 8a
  4. test 5
  5. test 2
  6. Test 9
  7. test 7
  8. test 1
  1. test 10
  2. test 4
  3. test 3
  4. test 8b

12 Clues: test 4test 6test 3test 5test 2Test 9test 7test 1test 10test 2btest 8atest 8b

Let the Trivia Begin! 2017-06-27

Let the Trivia Begin! crossword puzzle
  1. test 2
  2. Test 9
  3. test 3
  4. test 7
  5. test 5
  6. test 1
  7. test 8a
  1. test 4
  2. test 10
  3. test 8b
  4. test 2b
  5. test 6

12 Clues: test 4test 2Test 9test 3test 7test 6test 5test 1test 10test 8btest 2btest 8a

PEL 2022-06-10

PEL crossword puzzle
  1. 46
  2. 98
  3. 20
  4. 9
  5. 73
  6. 80
  7. 49
  8. 38
  9. 16
  10. 68
  11. 5
  12. 1
  13. 10
  14. 47
  15. 4
  16. 55
  17. 56
  18. 42
  19. 28
  20. 53
  1. 18
  2. 76
  3. 85
  4. 31
  5. 8
  6. 6
  7. 65
  8. 2
  9. 92
  10. 15
  11. 74
  12. 39
  13. 23
  14. 75
  15. 83
  16. 71
  17. 72
  18. 26
  19. 62
  20. 34
  21. 11
  22. 35

42 Clues: 86295141876468531982065921573807449381639236875837110722647623411555642352853

Game Knights D&D Rules Puzzle 1 2021-09-25

Game Knights D&D Rules Puzzle 1 crossword puzzle
  1. sneak attack and short swords deal damage with this die.
  2. the action that lets you use your weapons to harm foes. Extras of these let you do it more than once during this action.
  3. inflicting this condition on a foe would give you advantage, but only automatic critical hits if you are within 5 feet.
  4. your character is this after three failed deaths saves
  5. type of hit when you roll a 20 on 1d20
  6. this condition makes you fail ability checks requiring a certain sense AND imposes disadvantage on your attacks and advantage on attacks against you.
  7. maces and longswords deal damage with this die.
  8. this condition ends automatically if you are moved by another creature or spell away from whatever inflicted it on you.
  9. this condition gets worse the more of it you get, potentially causing even instant death.
  10. inflicting this condition will cause your target to fail ability checks tied to a sense, but otherwise does nothing to attack rolls related to the creature.
  11. number of death saves you lose if you take critical damage while at 0 hit points
  12. with this action you will not provoke attacks of opprotunity by movement
  13. glaves and heavy crossbows deal damage with this die.
  14. you can take this action to make an ally's attack against a foe next to you have advantage.
  15. the reach, in feet of most creatures, including larger creatures, unless otherwise specifically stated.
  16. You suffer an automatic critical hit if someone within 5 feet of you damages you while suffering this condition.
  17. while "suffering" this condition you have advantage on attack rolls and foes have disadvantage to attack you.
  18. your speed becomes 0 and cannot be improved while suffering this condition.
  19. suffering this condition gives you resistance to all damage.
  1. when you get to roll 2d20 and keep the lowest
  2. amount of your movement you spend standing up from prone. (Use hypen if two words are needed).
  3. the cost of movement in feet while trying to move wile prone and in difficult terrain.
  4. this action lets you double your movement speed at the cost of your action.
  5. if you suffer this condition you cannot attack or otherwise harm the one who inflicted it upon you.
  6. you can only focus on one of these kinds of spells at once.
  7. when you score a critical hit you double these, but not your modifiers.
  8. daggers and magic missiles deal their damage with this die.
  9. you can only cast these kinds of spells with your action if you spend your bonus action casting a level 1 spell or higher.
  10. amount of your total hit die recovered on long rest (use hyphen if you need two words)
  11. Initiative roll is an ability check using this ability.
  12. a typically underground area that adventurers explore to slay monsters, find loot, and twart evil.
  13. reduce fire damage from *fireball* to this amount if you both pass the dexterity save AND have fire resistence.
  14. greataxes and witch bolt deal damage with this die.
  15. when you get to roll 2d20 and keep the highest
  16. attack rolls and saving throws are made with this die.
  17. You automatically fail strength and dexterity saving throws while suffering this condition.
  18. you may willingly inflict this condition on yourself to impose disadvantage on ranged attacks against you.
  19. size of hit dice for wizards in 5th edition
  20. the number of feet a single square on a grid map takes up when using grid rules.
  21. a magical monster, typically large and intelligent, and can grow to be anchient.

40 Clues: type of hit when you roll a 20 on 1d20size of hit dice for wizards in 5th editionwhen you get to roll 2d20 and keep the lowestwhen you get to roll 2d20 and keep the highestmaces and longswords deal damage with this die.greataxes and witch bolt deal damage with this die.glaves and heavy crossbows deal damage with this die....

Les Nombres 2021-09-20

Les Nombres crossword puzzle
  1. 3
  2. 21
  3. 55
  4. 73
  5. 12
  6. 46
  7. 34
  8. 16
  9. 100,000
  1. 67
  2. 88
  3. 57
  4. 20
  5. 84
  6. 1
  7. 97
  8. 129
  9. 102

18 Clues: 3167885720842155731246973416129102100,000

Math Pt 2021-09-20

Math Pt crossword puzzle
  1. Find the hcf of 65 AND 117
  2. 9.02+2.28 =(round to the nearest whole number)
  3. 10 + 2x=
  4. 9s + 8e(10e - 12) + 7h(3h + 14)
  5. Find the LCM of 120 and 226
  6. x is _____ °
  7. Find the value of x _____°
  8. calculate 11² + 243²
  9. Find the LCM of 18 and 120
  10. √24 - 2
  11. Find the LCM of 2 and 5
  12. 2.53+14.68 =(round to the nearest whole number)
  13. b is _____ °
  14. Find the prime numbers of 8 and 10 x 5
  15. 4(x+84) + 8y(2y+12)
  16. Find angle X= ___°
  17. calculate 21² + √4
  1. 3(x+70)+2(5x^2 - 2x^2) if x is 5
  2. a⁶+ a⁴ ( a is 7 )
  3. B²+B⁴= (b is 4)
  4. Find angle x = ____°
  5. Find the LCM of 7 and 2
  6. The sum of the angle x + 64 ° = ______ °
  7. 1180 + 1022 ( round to 2 sf )
  8. If x is 28 what is 279 +39x
  9. x + y =______° (refer to figure 19)
  10. 4a + 8c +9c + 10a + 34b
  11. 289 + 38x
  12. 9(x+12)-4(x+16-3²) if x is 3
  13. bc + ac+ ca

30 Clues: √24 - 210 + 2x=289 + 38xbc + ac+ cax is _____ °b is _____ °B²+B⁴= (b is 4)a⁶+ a⁴ ( a is 7 )Find angle X= ___°calculate 21² + √44(x+84) + 8y(2y+12)Find angle x = ____°calculate 11² + 243²Find the LCM of 7 and 24a + 8c +9c + 10a + 34bFind the LCM of 2 and 5Find the hcf of 65 AND 117Find the value of x _____°Find the LCM of 18 and 120...

Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Fractions 2021-11-11

Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Fractions crossword puzzle
  1. (-5/6) / (-2/3)
  2. (2 4/6) + (3 2/3)
  3. (4 3/4) + (12 12/21)
  4. (3/4) / (-1/2)
  5. (-1 7/8) * (-2 2/5)
  6. (5/1) / (1 1/3)
  7. (3/9) + (2/4)
  8. (1/2) + (4/5)
  9. (-4/5) / (8/9)
  1. (4 5/6) - (3 2/3)
  2. (3 1/4) - (1 3/4)
  3. (2 1/3) / (1/5)
  4. (1/4) * (8 4/9)
  5. (11 2/5) - (2 3/5)
  6. (8/10) - (2/10)
  7. (13 4/5) - (5 15/21)
  8. (2/3) * (-1/4)
  9. (3/5) * (1/2)
  10. (5 14/16) + (7 8/16)
  11. (-1/3) * (-3/7)

20 Clues: (3/5) * (1/2)(3/9) + (2/4)(1/2) + (4/5)(3/4) / (-1/2)(2/3) * (-1/4)(-4/5) / (8/9)(-5/6) / (-2/3)(2 1/3) / (1/5)(1/4) * (8 4/9)(8/10) - (2/10)(5/1) / (1 1/3)(-1/3) * (-3/7)(4 5/6) - (3 2/3)(2 4/6) + (3 2/3)(3 1/4) - (1 3/4)(11 2/5) - (2 3/5)(-1 7/8) * (-2 2/5)(4 3/4) + (12 12/21)(13 4/5) - (5 15/21)(5 14/16) + (7 8/16)

Countries and Numbers 2014-09-18

Countries and Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. apersonfromGreatBritain
  2. 37
  3. 55
  4. 100
  5. 11
  6. 61
  7. 30
  1. apersonfromtheusa
  2. 12
  3. apersonfromSpain
  4. apersonfromItaly
  5. 13
  6. 79
  7. 84
  8. 92
  9. apersonfromGermany
  10. apersonfromFrance
  11. 15
  12. 19

19 Clues: 123713798492551519116130100apersonfromSpainapersonfromItalyapersonfromtheusaapersonfromFranceapersonfromGermanyapersonfromGreatBritain

Numbers 2014-08-24

Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 4
  3. 60
  4. 9
  5. 19
  6. 10
  7. 90
  8. 34
  9. 77
  10. 40
  11. 3
  1. 60
  2. 15
  3. 55
  4. 21
  5. 7
  6. 84
  7. 16
  8. 11
  9. 2

20 Clues: 6497326015556021191090843477161140

Los números 0-199 2023-10-18

Los números 0-199 crossword puzzle
  1. 100
  2. 11
  3. 5
  4. 28
  5. 13
  6. 15
  7. 114
  8. 23
  9. 57
  1. 65
  2. 43
  3. 109
  4. 20
  5. 96
  6. 16
  7. 84
  8. 0
  9. 32
  10. 71

19 Clues: 506543112028961613158423573271100109114