www.abozeb.com/video/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b7%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8-%d9%8a%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%83-%d9%85%d8%b9%d9%8 Crossword Puzzles

Element Practice (you might need it later) 2023-11-08

Element Practice (you might need it later) crossword puzzle
  1. O 8
  2. Rg 111
  3. Y 39
  4. Co 27
  5. Po 84
  6. Nh 113
  7. At 85
  8. Rb 37
  9. Ag 47
  10. Li 3
  11. Mn 25
  12. He 2
  13. B 5
  14. Hf 72
  15. Fm 100
  16. No 102
  17. Pa 91
  18. Th 90
  19. U 92
  20. Sb 51
  21. Cr 24
  22. Tc 43
  23. Be 4
  24. I 53
  25. Lr 103
  26. Cd 48
  27. Db 105
  28. S 16
  29. Au 79
  30. Os 76
  31. Zn 30
  32. Ti 22
  33. Pm 61
  34. Pr 59
  35. Hg 80
  36. Ge 32
  37. Sn 50
  38. K 19
  39. Tl 81
  40. Ne 10
  41. Cf 98
  42. Bh 107
  43. Ra 88
  44. Ba 56
  45. Al 13
  46. F 9
  47. Kr 36
  48. Rh 45
  49. La 57
  50. Og 118
  51. Mo 42
  52. Te 52
  53. Bi 83
  54. As 33
  55. Am 95
  56. Hs 108
  57. Rf 104
  58. Ga 31
  59. Pt 78
  60. Sc 21
  61. Dy 66
  62. Ds 110
  63. Zr 40
  1. Yb 70
  2. Ru 44
  3. Es 99
  4. Cl 17
  5. Lu 71
  6. Ar 18
  7. Ce 58
  8. Re 75
  9. Ca 20
  10. Np 93
  11. Nb 41
  12. Sm 62
  13. Fl 114
  14. Sr 38
  15. Rn 86
  16. Cn 112
  17. Pu 94
  18. W 74
  19. Pd 46
  20. Mg 12
  21. Ni 28
  22. Mc 115
  23. Lv 116
  24. Nd 60
  25. Cs 55
  26. Si 14
  27. Eu 63
  28. Mt 109
  29. Br 35
  30. Fr 87
  31. Ir 77
  32. Ts 117
  33. Ac 89
  34. V 23
  35. Gd 64
  36. N 7
  37. Cu 29
  38. Ho 67
  39. Ta 73
  40. P 15
  41. Sg 106
  42. H 1
  43. Fe 26
  44. Er 68
  45. Na 11
  46. C 6
  47. Xe 54
  48. Bk 97
  49. Tb 65
  50. Se 34
  51. Pb 82
  52. Md 101
  53. Tm 69
  54. Cm 96
  55. In 49

118 Clues: O 8B 5N 7H 1F 9C 6Y 39Li 3He 2W 74U 92Be 4I 53S 16K 19V 23P 15Yb 70Ru 44Es 99Cl 17Co 27Po 84Lu 71At 85Ar 18Ce 58Rb 37Ag 47Re 75Ca 20Mn 25Np 93Nb 41Hf 72Sm 62Sr 38Rn 86Pa 91Pu 94Th 90Pd 46Sb 51Cr 24Tc 43Mg 12Ni 28Nd 60Cs 55Cd 48Au 79Si 14Os 76Zn 30Ti 22Pm 61Pr 59Eu 63Br 35Hg 80Fr 87Ir 77Ge 32Sn 50Tl 81Ac 89Ne 10Gd 64Cf 98Cu 29Ra 88Ho 67Ba 56Ta 73...

การวัดความยาว 2019-02-11

การวัดความยาว crossword puzzle
  1. ประตูบานหนึ่งหนา3เซนติเมตร8มิลลิเมตรประตูบานนี้หนากี่มิลลิเมตร
  2. ความยาว540นิ้วเท่ากับกี่ฟุต
  3. ที่ดินแปลงหนึ่งมีความยาว30วาคิดเป็นกี่เมตร
  4. ก28หลาคิดเป็นกี่นิ้ว
  5. ก9ฟุต5นิ้วเท่ากับกี่นิ้ว
  6. ก8ไมล์คิดเป็นกี่ฟุต
  7. ลูกเสือเดินทางไกลระยะทาง5กิโลเมตร750เมตรลูกเสือเดินทางไกลคิดเป็นทั้งหมดกี่เมตร
  8. ไม้ท่อนหนึ่งยาว144นิ้วไม้ท่อนนี้ยาวกี่ศอก
  9. ที่ดินแปลงหนึ่งกว้าง58เมตรคิดเป็นกี่วา
  10. ก7โยชน์คิดเป็นกี่วา
  1. ลูกโป่งลอยสูงจากพื้น5430ฟุตคิดเป็นกี่หลา
  2. ว4ไมล์คิดเป็นกี่หลา
  3. ริบบิ้นยาว24คืบริบบิ้นเส้นนี้ยาวกี่วา
  4. ก5วาคิดเป็นความยาวกี่นิ้ว
  5. ถนนยาว7ไมล์326หลาถนนยาวกี่หลา
  6. ก7ศอกเท่ากับกี่คืบ
  7. ความยาว3.56เมตรเท่ากับกี่เซนติเมตร
  8. ความยาว24นิ้วเท่ากับกี่ฟุต
  9. สายไฟยาว84นิ้วสายไฟเส้นนี้ยาวกี่ฟุต
  10. น3โยชน์กี่เส้น

20 Clues: น3โยชน์กี่เส้นก7ศอกเท่ากับกี่คืบว4ไมล์คิดเป็นกี่หลาก8ไมล์คิดเป็นกี่ฟุตก7โยชน์คิดเป็นกี่วาก28หลาคิดเป็นกี่นิ้วก9ฟุต5นิ้วเท่ากับกี่นิ้วก5วาคิดเป็นความยาวกี่นิ้วความยาว24นิ้วเท่ากับกี่ฟุตความยาว540นิ้วเท่ากับกี่ฟุตถนนยาว7ไมล์326หลาถนนยาวกี่หลาความยาว3.56เมตรเท่ากับกี่เซนติเมตรสายไฟยาว84นิ้วสายไฟเส้นนี้ยาวกี่ฟุตริบบิ้นยาว24คืบริบบิ้นเส้นนี้ยาวกี่วา...

Numbers 2015-11-17

Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 86-63=
  2. 35-24=
  3. 3x4+1=
  4. 78-57=
  5. 32-18=
  6. 6+6=
  1. 3x7-18=
  2. 4x4-8=
  3. 24-9+1=
  4. 3x7-4=
  5. 4x7-4=
  6. 83-68=
  7. 92-22-50=
  8. 63-50-3=

14 Clues: 6+6=4x4-8=3x7-4=86-63=4x7-4=35-24=83-68=3x4+1=78-57=32-18=3x7-18=24-9+1=63-50-3=92-22-50=

RC Who Was Dr Seuss? 2019-05-02

RC Who Was Dr Seuss? crossword puzzle
  1. (p 84) unrefined or unsophisticated
  2. (p 94) deleting parts of publications or correspondence or theatrical performances
  3. (p 65) advanced university degree; PhD
  4. (p 78) concerned with actual use or practice
  5. (p 2) really serious and dignified
  1. (p 62) negative attitude towards someone based on race or ethnicity rather than personal experience
  2. (p 8) inspired by love for your country
  3. (p 86) "ordinary writing" — made up of sentences and paragraphs, without any metrical (or rhyming) structure.
  4. (p 93) taking a leisurely, pleasurable walk
  5. (p 80) ruler who is cruel and unjust

10 Clues: (p 2) really serious and dignified(p 84) unrefined or unsophisticated(p 80) ruler who is cruel and unjust(p 65) advanced university degree; PhD(p 8) inspired by love for your country(p 93) taking a leisurely, pleasurable walk(p 78) concerned with actual use or practice...

Book Thief Part II 2021-10-14

Book Thief Part II crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the canine protagonist of the book Liesel receives (88)
  2. German holiday celebrated December 24/25 (88)
  3. According to Death, Germans love to... (84)
  1. Hans has plans to help him (83)
  2. According to Death, this starts with apparent happiness (84)
  3. Liesel's brother's name

6 Clues: Liesel's brother's nameHans has plans to help him (83)According to Death, Germans love to... (84)German holiday celebrated December 24/25 (88)According to Death, this starts with apparent happiness (84)The name of the canine protagonist of the book Liesel receives (88)

Math 2021-01-26

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 12×7
  2. 8×13
  3. 250÷2
  4. 7×50
  1. 105×4
  2. 300÷2
  3. 9×5
  4. 39÷3
  5. 40÷4
  6. 8×7

10 Clues: 9×58×712×78×1339÷340÷47×50105×4300÷2250÷2

Simon bolivar 2024-11-01

Simon bolivar crossword puzzle
  1. Where did the War of independence in Latin America end? pg.81
  2. What year was Bolivar in Cali, assembling an army to invade Quito by land? pg.72
  3. What year did the Battle of Lexington occur? pg.82
  4. which country was the last South American country to declare independence? pg.77
  5. Where did the War of independence in Latin America begin? pg.81
  6. What year did Guayaquil declare itself independent from Spain? pg.75
  7. What village was San Martin born in? pg.74
  8. how many soldiers did San Martin have in Mendoza to invade chile? pg.75
  1. On the 1st of April of what year did Sucre defeat the last Spanish troops in tumusla? pg.84
  2. The "republica Bolivar" is now known today as? pg.84
  3. What year was D. Jose de San Martin? pg.74
  4. What day in April did the Battle of Bombona? pg.72
  5. What country was divided by three military districts governed by Bermudez, Marino and Paez? pg.86
  6. Who was the commander of Pasto? pg.72
  7. Pastutos are inhabitants of where? pg.72

15 Clues: Who was the commander of Pasto? pg.72Pastutos are inhabitants of where? pg.72What year was D. Jose de San Martin? pg.74What village was San Martin born in? pg.74What year did the Battle of Lexington occur? pg.82What day in April did the Battle of Bombona? pg.72The "republica Bolivar" is now known today as? pg.84...

Lesson 84 2024-11-06

Lesson 84 crossword puzzle
  1. - 절름거리다
  2. - 고아원
  3. - 트림하다, 분출하다
  4. - 무리, 군중, 대집단
  5. - 무릎보호대
  6. - 안목
  7. - 미리 알리지 않은
  8. - 독점하다
  9. - 고고학
  10. - 오해, 착오
  11. - 기말고사
  12. - 기후학
  13. - 다도
  14. - 조정자, 진행자, 담당자
  15. - 상호작용, 교류
  16. - 특별한 기고자
  17. - 담보
  1. - 방해, 장애
  2. - 2학년
  3. - 천문관
  4. - 색으로 분류된
  5. - 영양사, 영양학자
  6. - 출산율
  7. - 가정하다, 추정하다, 예측하다, 생각하다
  8. - 의료시설, 간호시설
  9. - 쑤시고 얼얼한 통증
  10. - 정규직
  11. - 동료, 공범
  12. - 확 잡아 당기다
  13. - 근시
  14. - 말이 막히는, 무슨 말을 해야 할지 모르는
  15. - 다문화의
  16. - 흩어져 없어지다, 흩뜨리다, 흩어지다
  17. - 감수, 감성, 감수성
  18. - 약간, 조금

35 Clues: - 안목- 근시- 다도- 담보- 2학년- 천문관- 고아원- 출산율- 정규직- 고고학- 기후학- 독점하다- 다문화의- 기말고사- 절름거리다- 무릎보호대- 방해, 장애- 동료, 공범- 오해, 착오- 약간, 조금- 색으로 분류된- 특별한 기고자- 확 잡아 당기다- 상호작용, 교류- 영양사, 영양학자- 미리 알리지 않은- 트림하다, 분출하다- 의료시설, 간호시설- 쑤시고 얼얼한 통증- 무리, 군중, 대집단- 감수, 감성, 감수성- 조정자, 진행자, 담당자- 흩어져 없어지다, 흩뜨리다, 흩어지다- 가정하다, 추정하다, 예측하다, 생각하다- 말이 막히는, 무슨 말을 해야 할지 모르는


REMIDI MATEMATIKA 4A crossword puzzle
  1. 24 x 9 = ....
  2. 206 : 6 = ....
  3. 26 x 6 = .....
  4. 152 : 4 = .....
  5. dua puluh lima juta
  6. Empat juta lima ratus delapan puluh ribu delapan ratus
  7. 2536 + 1478 = .....
  8. 125 : 5 = ......
  9. Tiga ribu empat ratus lima puluh enam
  10. Dani mempunyai 4 karung beras , masing-masing beras berisi 35 kg. Jumlah seluruh beras milik Dani adalah .... kg
  1. satu juta dua ratus ribu
  2. 92 : 4 = ....
  3. Empat juta lima ratus enam puluh tujuh ribu
  4. 65 x 3 = ....
  5. 25 x 12 = .....
  6. 2345 - 1258 = .....
  7. 22 X 12 = .....
  8. 255 : 3 = .....
  9. 140 : 2= .....
  10. 135 : 3 = ....
  11. 28 x 3 = ....
  12. 184 : 4 = .....
  13. 95 x 2 = .....
  14. 21 X 21 = ....
  15. 90 : 2 = .....

25 Clues: 92 : 4 = ....24 x 9 = ....65 x 3 = ....28 x 3 = ....206 : 6 = ....26 x 6 = .....140 : 2= .....135 : 3 = ....95 x 2 = .....21 X 21 = ....90 : 2 = .....25 x 12 = .....152 : 4 = .....22 X 12 = .....255 : 3 = .....184 : 4 = .....125 : 5 = ......2345 - 1258 = .....dua puluh lima juta2536 + 1478 = .....satu juta dua ratus ribu...

AC2401 2023-03-24

AC2401 crossword puzzle
  1. SSA 220.A8 + SSQC 1:A7 - A9 Whether the audit firm and the engagement team can comply with the relevant ________ requirement
  2. SSA 220.A8 + SSQC 1:A18 Whether the engagement team is ________ to perform the audit engagement and has the necessary capabilities, including time and resources
  3. SSA 220.A8 + SSQC 1:A19 The audit firm needs to obtain information on the __________ of principal owners, key management and those charged with governance of the entity before accepting an engagement with a new client.
  1. SSA 600:A16 Does the group management ________ the access of the group engagement team to the information of this significant component?
  2. SSA 600:A11 Whether the group engagement team will have _________ access to those charged with governance and perform necessary work on the financial information of the components
  3. SSA 600:A15 Can the engagement team collect sufficient ________ audit evidence with restriction to information?
  4. SSA 600.A11 _________ of the consolidation process
  5. SSA 600.A11 Component business activities _________ to the group, including industry and regulatory, economic and political environments in which those activities take place

8 Clues: SSA 600.A11 _________ of the consolidation processSSA 600:A15 Can the engagement team collect sufficient ________ audit evidence with restriction to information?SSA 220.A8 + SSQC 1:A7 - A9 Whether the audit firm and the engagement team can comply with the relevant ________ requirement...

Negative & Positive Integers 2021-11-12

Negative & Positive Integers crossword puzzle
  1. -128-30
  2. 13x-29
  3. 937,090-937126
  4. -35+57
  5. -137x-4
  6. 202+8
  1. 19,720÷29
  2. -7x199
  3. 154÷2
  4. -122÷10
  5. 213-129
  6. 9237+(-3837)

12 Clues: 154÷2202+8-7x19913x-29-35+57-128-30-122÷10213-129-137x-419,720÷299237+(-3837)937,090-937126

A7 2021-02-01

A7 crossword puzzle
  1. Typ molekul tvořených touto skupinou
  2. Toxická, červenohnědá kapalina
  1. Nejlehčí z řady halogenů
  2. Prvek existující jen ve formě nestabilních izotopů
  3. Toxický, světle zelený plyn
  4. Počet valenčních elektronů této skupiny
  5. Prvek tvořící tmavě fialové krystalky

7 Clues: Nejlehčí z řady halogenůToxický, světle zelený plynToxická, červenohnědá kapalinaTyp molekul tvořených touto skupinouPrvek tvořící tmavě fialové krystalkyPočet valenčních elektronů této skupinyPrvek existující jen ve formě nestabilních izotopů

periodioc table 2015-11-04

periodioc table crossword puzzle
  1. the atomic number is 3
  2. the atomic number is 27
  3. the atomic number is 16
  4. the atomic number is 73
  5. the atomic number is 76
  6. the atomic number is 83
  7. the atomic number is 21
  8. the atomic number is 12
  9. the atomic number is 40
  10. the atomic number is 5
  11. the atomic number is 49
  1. the atomic number is 9
  2. the atomic number is 30
  3. the atomic number is 79
  4. the atomic number is 24
  5. the atomic number is 46
  6. the atomic number is 18
  7. the atomic number is 43
  8. the atomic number is 1
  9. the atomic number is 84

20 Clues: the atomic number is 9the atomic number is 3the atomic number is 1the atomic number is 5the atomic number is 30the atomic number is 79the atomic number is 27the atomic number is 24the atomic number is 16the atomic number is 46the atomic number is 73the atomic number is 18the atomic number is 76the atomic number is 43the atomic number is 83...

10 Codes 2017-04-16

10 Codes crossword puzzle
  1. 10-43
  2. 10-18
  3. 10-86
  4. 10-19
  5. 10-99
  6. 10-11
  7. 10-24
  8. 10-97
  9. 10-13
  10. 10-6
  11. 10-63
  12. 10-36
  13. 10-92
  14. 10-55
  15. 10-20
  16. 10-70
  17. 10-84
  18. 10-52
  19. 10-50
  20. 10-2
  21. 10-58
  22. 10-77
  23. 10-10
  24. 10-12
  25. 10-95
  26. 10-51
  1. 10-41
  2. 10-9
  3. 10-56
  4. 10-75
  5. 10-76
  6. 10-7
  7. 10-28
  8. 10-29
  9. 10-25
  10. 10-78
  11. 10-46
  12. 10-96
  13. 10-100
  14. 10-16
  15. 10-90
  16. 10-21
  17. 10-37
  18. 10-23
  19. 10-80
  20. 10-1
  21. 10-57
  22. 10-74
  23. 10-42
  24. 10-89
  25. 10-8
  26. 10-27
  27. 10-33
  28. 10-81
  29. 10-17
  30. 10-59
  31. 10-60
  32. 10-22
  33. 10-4
  34. 10-32

60 Clues: 10-910-710-610-110-810-210-410-4110-5610-7510-4310-7610-2810-2910-1810-2510-7810-4610-9610-8610-1910-9910-1110-1610-2410-9010-2110-9710-1310-3710-6310-2310-3610-8010-9210-5710-7410-4210-8910-5510-2710-2010-7010-3310-8410-5210-8110-1710-5010-5910-6010-2210-5810-7710-1010-3210-1210-9510-5110-100

MATH 2023-08-30

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. 3000+3000+3000=?
  2. 160+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+1+=?
  3. 14+15+16+17+18=
  4. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,?
  5. 25,23,21,19,17,15,?
  6. 587-345=
  7. 999999999*0=
  8. 144/12=
  9. 10+5-7+3=
  10. 1+1=?
  11. 70-20=
  12. 3x5=
  13. 1,8,27,64,125,216,343,512,?
  1. 10x10=
  2. 90x20=
  3. 888+88+8+8+8=
  4. 5+55+555+5555
  5. 1,2,4,8,16,32,?
  6. 7,12,19,28,39,?
  7. 500-498+1=?
  8. 12+84-50+3+7-10=
  9. 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, 6=?
  10. 5+10-14+5=

23 Clues: 3x5=1+1=?10x10=90x20=70-20=144/12=587-345=10+5-7+3=5+10-14+5=500-498+1=?999999999*0=888+88+8+8+8=5+55+555+55551,2,4,8,16,32,?14+15+16+17+18=7,12,19,28,39,?3000+3000+3000=?12+84-50+3+7-10=25,23,21,19,17,15,?0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,?1,8,27,64,125,216,343,512,?1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, 6=?160+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+1+=?

Pasteurella sp. 2022-04-29

Pasteurella sp. crossword puzzle
  1. 13a
  2. 8a
  3. 14b
  4. 13c
  5. 15
  6. 10c
  7. 9c
  8. 13b
  9. 9a
  10. 14a
  11. 8b
  12. 10b
  13. 16a
  14. 4
  1. 12a
  2. 6
  3. 10a
  4. 16c
  5. 11a
  6. 9b
  7. 3b
  8. 1
  9. 5
  10. 3c
  11. 3a
  12. 12b
  13. 7
  14. 16b
  15. 2
  16. 11b

30 Clues: 6157248a9b3b159c3c3a9a8b12a13a10a16c11a14b13c10c12b13b16b14a10b11b16a

Arithmetic Crossword 2021-05-18

Arithmetic Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 91÷7
  2. 37÷1
  3. 3/9+4/9
  4. 13/20-8/20
  5. 3.45+0.03
  6. 12x10
  7. 1400+2345
  8. 34÷10
  9. 400x3
  10. 670-420
  11. 1000-300
  12. 9000-1032
  1. 304+21
  2. 3.40-0.2
  3. 8900-1200
  4. 723+200
  5. 45÷100
  6. 5/100+84/100
  7. 234-100
  8. 13x10
  9. 4100-100
  10. 600x3
  11. 13x6

23 Clues: 91÷737÷113x612x1013x1034÷10400x3600x3304+2145÷1003/9+4/9723+200234-100670-4203.40-0.24100-1001000-3008900-12003.45+0.031400+23459000-103213/20-8/205/100+84/100

Orangutans Ecosystem 2023-11-21

Orangutans Ecosystem crossword puzzle
  1. Layer below the tallest layer of the rainforest (p. 82)
  2. Type of oil made in the Midwest of the U.S. (p. 35)
  3. The largest producer of soybean oil other than the U.S. (p. 35)
  4. Food that termites eat (p. 89)
  5. How orangutans spread drupes (p. 86)
  6. Layer above the floor of the rainforest (p. 82)
  7. Type of prairies that need to be replaced for canola farms (p. 36)
  8. Eats insects and figs (p. 20)
  9. Type of fruit that orangutans defecate (p. 86)
  10. Animal that eats grass (p. 89)
  1. Groups of different species living together
  2. Type of fruit that orangutans eat (p. 20)
  3. Type of oil made in Canada (p. 36)
  4. Movement of seeds away from the parent plant (p. 84)
  5. Animals that eat wild bananas (p. 89)
  6. Groups of living and non-living things together
  7. Group of the same species living together
  8. Food that wild pigs and boars eat (p. 89)
  9. Country where Orangutans live (p. 20)
  10. Animals that eat orangutans (p. 89)

20 Clues: Eats insects and figs (p. 20)Food that termites eat (p. 89)Animal that eats grass (p. 89)Type of oil made in Canada (p. 36)Animals that eat orangutans (p. 89)How orangutans spread drupes (p. 86)Animals that eat wild bananas (p. 89)Country where Orangutans live (p. 20)Type of fruit that orangutans eat (p. 20)Group of the same species living together...

84-89 2016-03-29

84-89 crossword puzzle
  1. Run into again.
  2. Early animal period.
  3. relating to heat.
  4. Writing the name of oneself.
  5. Being a law to oneself.
  6. Running, Ongoing.
  7. Supplying its own power.
  8. A machine that seems to think for itself.
  9. Not feeling; lack of feeling.
  10. Can be molded or formed when heated.
  11. Device for measuring heat.
  12. Middle animal Period.
  13. Turning toward heat.
  14. Running out; a trip.
  15. Heat.
  16. Study of animals.
  17. A zoological park.
  18. Run.
  1. Small moving square on a computer screen.
  2. To feel what another feels.
  3. Power in one person.
  4. Study of suffering or disease.
  5. Feeling against.
  6. Study that runs over a period of time.
  7. Self moving.
  8. Animal.
  9. Life story written by oneself.
  10. Beginning animal period.
  11. Marked by suffering or sorrow.
  12. Feeling, suffering.
  13. Earliest form of one-celled animal life on earth.
  14. Recent animal period.
  15. Causing heat.
  16. Knowing how someone far away feels.
  17. A running into.
  18. Measures feeling; lie detector.
  19. Earlier animal period.
  20. Writing that runs on without lifting the pen or pencil.
  21. Run against.
  22. Self.

40 Clues: Run.Heat.Self.Animal.Self moving.Run against.Causing heat.Run into again.A running into.Feeling against.relating to heat.Running, Ongoing.Study of animals.A zoological park.Feeling, suffering.Power in one person.Early animal period.Turning toward heat.Running out; a trip.Recent animal period.Middle animal Period.Earlier animal period....

PALAISIPAN-84 2021-01-02

PALAISIPAN-84 crossword puzzle
  1. – peste
  2. – hayaan
  3. – pag-okupa
  4. – ibang tao
  5. – kalampag
  6. – lisanin
  7. – tuhugin
  8. – tusok
  9. – layon
  10. – likha
  1. – batuta
  2. – umandar
  3. – kalaban
  4. – tungkod
  5. – suspetsa
  6. – bahagi
  7. – trabaho
  8. – kuminang
  9. – gasgas
  10. – kinusa

20 Clues: – peste– tusok– layon– likha– batuta– hayaan– bahagi– gasgas– kinusa– umandar– kalaban– tungkod– trabaho– lisanin– tuhugin– suspetsa– kalampag– kuminang– pag-okupa– ibang tao

Escape Room 2023-03-06

Escape Room crossword puzzle
  1. 39°46’N, 89°39’W
  2. 33°45’N, 84°23’W
  3. 38°35’N, 121°29’W
  4. 37°32’N, 77°26’W
  5. 58°18’N, 134°25’W
  6. 47°02’N, 122°54’W
  7. 39°57’N, 82°59’W
  8. 40°13’N, 74°44’W
  1. 42°44’N, 84°33’W
  2. 42°39’N, 73°45’W
  3. 35°46’N, 78°38’W
  4. 30°16’N, 97°44’W
  5. 40°16’N, 76°53’W
  6. 21°18’N, 157°51’W
  7. 30°26’N, 84°17’W

15 Clues: 42°44’N, 84°33’W42°39’N, 73°45’W39°46’N, 89°39’W35°46’N, 78°38’W30°16’N, 97°44’W33°45’N, 84°23’W40°16’N, 76°53’W37°32’N, 77°26’W30°26’N, 84°17’W39°57’N, 82°59’W40°13’N, 74°44’W38°35’N, 121°29’W21°18’N, 157°51’W58°18’N, 134°25’W47°02’N, 122°54’W

KELOMPOK 8 2024-08-20

KELOMPOK 8 crossword puzzle
  1. unsur kimia yang penting untuk kesehatan tulang
  2. unsur kimia yang mudah berkarat ketika terkena udara dan air
  3. pada golongan 8a unsur yang cocok dicampur dengan helium untuk pemelasan aluminium
  4. unsur kimia dalam tabel periodik yang memiliki simbol Au dan bernomor atom 79
  5. unsur 7a yang cairannya merah coklat yang mudah menguap pada suhu kamar dan membentuk uap berwarna serupa
  6. tabel periodik golongan 8a disebut juga golongan
  7. golongan gas mulia yang bersifat radio aktif
  8. nama lain dari zat arang
  9. simbol dari timah adalah
  10. logam keras dengan lambang periodik Fe
  11. unsurnya berwarna kuning pucat dan merupakan gas ringan terdapat pada golongan 7a
  1. unsur yang bisa digunakan untuk pembuatan pestisida adalah
  2. belerang dalam unsur kimia disebut juga
  3. simbol dari perak adalah
  4. sebuah logam abu-abu keputihan yang sangat lunak dalam golongan logam alkali
  5. unsur kimia yang penting bagi kita untuk bernapas adalah
  6. tabel yang mengatur semua unsur kimia berdasarkan nomor atom, konfigurasi elektron, dan sifat kimia yang berulang adalah
  7. unsur kimia dalam tabel periodik yang memiliki lambang Pt dan nomor atom 78
  8. lambang unsur kimia nomor atom 13
  9. unsur kimia yang nomor atom nya 10 adalah
  10. bagian baris horizontal pada tabel periodik kimia dengan trend horizontal yang lebih signifikan dibandingkan trend vertical karena sulit dipahami
  11. unsur golongan 8a yang bisa digunakan sebagai pengisi balon adalah

22 Clues: simbol dari perak adalahnama lain dari zat arangsimbol dari timah adalahlambang unsur kimia nomor atom 13logam keras dengan lambang periodik Febelerang dalam unsur kimia disebut jugaunsur kimia yang nomor atom nya 10 adalahgolongan gas mulia yang bersifat radio aktifunsur kimia yang penting untuk kesehatan tulang...

Allies Crossword by Marco 2022-04-18

Allies Crossword by Marco crossword puzzle
  1. A person who commits or practices sabotage, pg 70. Noun.
  2. To manage, maneuver, or direct, pg 84. Verb.
  3. A shrill, whistle like sound or loud raucous shout made to express disapproval at a theater or meeting, pg 86. Noun.
  1. A person belonging to the lowest social group in a city, pg 55. Noun.
  2. Given the courage or nerve to do something daring, challenging, or controversial, pg 89. Adjective.
  3. A badge or distinguishing mark of office or honor, pg 83. Noun.
  4. An enclosure that houses electric wires or cables that are joined together and protects the connections, pg 60. Noun.
  5. Thing of monstrous size or power, pg 68. Noun.

8 Clues: To manage, maneuver, or direct, pg 84. Verb.Thing of monstrous size or power, pg 68. Noun.A person who commits or practices sabotage, pg 70. Noun.A badge or distinguishing mark of office or honor, pg 83. Noun.A person belonging to the lowest social group in a city, pg 55. Noun....

A7 Day1 voc 2022-11-11

A7 Day1 voc crossword puzzle
  1. The steak is too _____ to chew.
  2. a water sport; you have to control the sail
  3. She has a lot of _______ in taking care of babies.
  4. an insect that jumps with its long back legs
  5. An ______ park is a paradise for many kids.
  6. It is common to see people eat mashed _____ in Europe.
  7. The old man is ill, so the doctor suggested him to eat ______ food.
  1. an exciting activity that you jump out of the plane with a parachute
  2. People see performers and animals do tricks in a _______.
  3. I hope to visit the United State ______ in the future.
  4. I like this movie because it is ______.
  5. There is a parade at the ________ in Brazil.
  6. People who are not afraid of height can go ______ jumping.
  7. Students go on vacation ______ summer vacation.
  8. a red powder people use to add flavor
  9. People in Japan like to eat ______ fish.
  10. The farmer keeps hundreds of sheep on his ______.

17 Clues: The steak is too _____ to chew.a red powder people use to add flavorI like this movie because it is ______.People in Japan like to eat ______ fish.a water sport; you have to control the sailAn ______ park is a paradise for many kids.There is a parade at the ________ in Brazil.an insect that jumps with its long back legs...

8a 2016-08-26

8a crossword puzzle
  1. žmogus, rūpestingiausiai prižiūrintis jaunesnius šeimos vaikus
  2. žmogus, gebantis išgyventi be mobilaus telefono
  3. žmogus su akiniais nuo saulės
  4. žmogus, kovojantis už save
  5. kukliausias klasės žmogus
  6. gudriausiai besišypsantis žmogus
  7. savanoriškiausias klasės žmogus
  8. žmogus, draugaujantis su kamuoliu
  1. žmogus, žinantis, kokia karšta gali būti saulė
  2. savarankiškai priiminėjantis sprendimus žmogus
  3. žmogus, mėgstantis šokti gatvės šokius
  4. žmogus, nebijantis karinių įsakymų
  5. žmogus, neleidžiantis kištis į savo gyvenimą
  6. žmogus, dėl kurio dėmesio varžosi merginos
  7. žmogus administratorius
  8. žmogus,žiūrintis į kitus iš aukštai
  9. žmogus - ligų maišelis

17 Clues: žmogus - ligų maišelisžmogus administratoriuskukliausias klasės žmogusžmogus, kovojantis už savežmogus su akiniais nuo saulėssavanoriškiausias klasės žmogusgudriausiai besišypsantis žmogusžmogus, draugaujantis su kamuoliužmogus, nebijantis karinių įsakymųžmogus,žiūrintis į kitus iš aukštaižmogus, mėgstantis šokti gatvės šokius...

Rekenpuzzel 7.2 2013-10-10

Rekenpuzzel 7.2 crossword puzzle
  1. 97 x 83 =
  2. 85 x 64 =
  3. 8 x 125 =
  4. 16 x 125 =
  5. 4 x 125 =
  6. 9000 - 895 =
  7. 195 + 195 =
  8. 73 x 49 =
  9. 3000 - 156 =
  1. 2000 - 48 =
  2. 5000 - 395 =
  3. 12 x 125 =
  4. 96 x 78 =
  5. 995 + 995 =
  6. 10.000 - 935 =
  7. 1175 + 1175 =
  8. 2 x 125 =
  9. 475 + 475 =
  10. 395 + 395 =

19 Clues: 97 x 83 =96 x 78 =85 x 64 =8 x 125 =4 x 125 =2 x 125 =73 x 49 =12 x 125 =16 x 125 =2000 - 48 =995 + 995 =195 + 195 =475 + 475 =395 + 395 =5000 - 395 =9000 - 895 =3000 - 156 =1175 + 1175 =10.000 - 935 =

Periodic Table Elements 2024-08-15

Periodic Table Elements crossword puzzle
  1. O 8
  2. Cu 29
  3. Nb 41
  4. Ge 32
  5. K 19
  6. H 1
  7. Fl 114
  8. Co 27
  9. At 85
  10. Rn 86
  11. Md 101
  12. S 16
  13. Es 99
  14. U 92
  15. Pr 59
  16. Sr 38
  17. Am 95
  18. Tb 65
  19. Lu 71
  20. Pa 91
  21. Ru 44
  22. Li 3
  23. La 57
  24. Og 118
  25. Rg 111
  26. Sb 51
  27. Pu 94
  28. In 49
  29. Re 75
  30. Fe 26
  31. Pm 61
  32. No 102
  33. Br 35
  34. Ir 77
  35. Na 11
  36. Mt 109
  37. V 23
  38. Ho 67
  39. Tc 43
  40. Os 76
  41. Np 93
  42. Nd 60
  43. Cl 17
  44. Ac 89
  45. Pt 78
  46. Au 79
  47. Lr 103
  48. Po 84
  49. Cf 98
  50. Y 39
  51. Si 14
  52. Ar 18
  53. Ce 58
  54. Ne 10
  55. Ba 56
  56. Cn 112
  57. Sm 62
  58. Ga 31
  59. Ds 110
  60. Al 13
  61. Gd 64
  1. Te 52
  2. Nh 113
  3. Fr 87
  4. Eu 63
  5. P 15
  6. Hs 108
  7. Se 34
  8. Ts 117
  9. Sg 106
  10. Hf 72
  11. As 33
  12. Cr 24
  13. W 74
  14. Bi 83
  15. Sc 21
  16. Er 68
  17. C 6
  18. Mg 12
  19. Ag 47
  20. N 7
  21. Ti 22
  22. Cd 48
  23. Mn 25
  24. Cs 55
  25. Bk 97
  26. Rh 45
  27. Sn 50
  28. I 53
  29. Zn 30
  30. Rb 37
  31. Mo 42
  32. Fm 100
  33. Yb 70
  34. Ra 88
  35. Ni 28
  36. B 5
  37. Xe 54
  38. Zr 40
  39. Ca 20
  40. Bh 107
  41. Tm 69
  42. Kr 36
  43. Tl 81
  44. Cm 96
  45. Ta 73
  46. F 9
  47. Rf 104
  48. Pd 46
  49. Be 4
  50. Lv 116
  51. Mc 115
  52. Hg 80
  53. Dy 66
  54. Th 90
  55. Db 105
  56. He 2
  57. Pb 82

118 Clues: O 8H 1C 6N 7B 5F 9P 15K 19W 74S 16U 92Li 3I 53V 23Be 4Y 39He 2Te 52Fr 87Eu 63Cu 29Se 34Nb 41Ge 32Hf 72Co 27As 33Cr 24At 85Bi 83Rn 86Sc 21Es 99Er 68Pr 59Mg 12Sr 38Ag 47Am 95Tb 65Lu 71Pa 91Ru 44Ti 22Cd 48Mn 25La 57Cs 55Bk 97Rh 45Sn 50Sb 51Zn 30Pu 94In 49Re 75Fe 26Rb 37Pm 61Mo 42Yb 70Br 35Ra 88Ni 28Ir 77Xe 54Zr 40Ca 20Na 11Ho 67Tc 43Tm 69Os 76Np 93...

Periodic Table Elements 2024-11-03

Periodic Table Elements crossword puzzle
  1. Mt 109
  2. Tc 43
  3. Pa 91
  4. Te 52
  5. Lu 71
  6. Gd 64
  7. Mo 42
  8. In 49
  9. H 1
  10. Fr 87
  11. Pt 78
  12. Nb 41
  13. Pm 61
  14. Cd 48
  15. Rn 86
  16. Ag 47
  17. Cn 112
  18. Se 34
  19. Y 39
  20. Xe 54
  21. Np 93
  22. Re 75
  23. Ne 10
  24. No 102
  25. Cs 55
  26. Ta 73
  27. Hs 108
  28. Dy 66
  29. Cu 29
  30. C 6
  31. Cl 17
  32. Ir 77
  33. Lv 116
  34. Pu 94
  35. Co 27
  36. Am 95
  37. Al 13
  38. Os 76
  39. As 33
  40. Ca 20
  41. Br 35
  42. Ar 18
  43. Au 79
  44. Po 84
  45. Nd 60
  46. U 92
  47. K 19
  48. Lr 103
  49. Md 101
  50. Th 90
  51. Yb 70
  52. Fm 100
  53. Ru 44
  54. Sn 50
  55. Sm 62
  56. Ho 67
  1. Ce 58
  2. Ts 117
  3. Ni 28
  4. La 57
  5. Eu 63
  6. Fl 114
  7. Si 14
  8. Ra 88
  9. Rf 104
  10. Rh 45
  11. Be 4
  12. O 8
  13. B 5
  14. Mg 12
  15. Mn 25
  16. Sg 106
  17. Fe 26
  18. Db 105
  19. N 7
  20. He 2
  21. Ac 89
  22. Sr 38
  23. Tl 81
  24. Es 99
  25. Ti 22
  26. S 16
  27. Og 118
  28. At 85
  29. Er 68
  30. W 74
  31. V 23
  32. Bk 97
  33. Tb 65
  34. Ga 31
  35. Na 11
  36. Cr 24
  37. Zr 40
  38. Sb 51
  39. Pb 82
  40. Hg 80
  41. Rg 111
  42. Hf 72
  43. Ba 56
  44. Zn 30
  45. Tm 69
  46. Bh 107
  47. Sc 21
  48. Cf 98
  49. Cm 96
  50. F 9
  51. I 53
  52. Ds 110
  53. Rb 37
  54. Ge 32
  55. Pr 59
  56. P 15
  57. Li 3
  58. Mc 115
  59. Nh 113
  60. Pd 46
  61. Kr 36
  62. Bi 83

118 Clues: O 8B 5H 1N 7C 6F 9Be 4He 2Y 39S 16W 74V 23I 53U 92K 19P 15Li 3Ce 58Tc 43Ni 28La 57Eu 63Pa 91Si 14Te 52Ra 88Lu 71Rh 45Gd 64Mo 42Mg 12In 49Fr 87Mn 25Fe 26Pt 78Nb 41Pm 61Ac 89Cd 48Rn 86Ag 47Sr 38Se 34Tl 81Xe 54Np 93Re 75Ne 10Es 99Ti 22Cs 55Ta 73At 85Er 68Bk 97Tb 65Dy 66Ga 31Na 11Cu 29Cr 24Cl 17Zr 40Sb 51Pb 82Ir 77Hg 80Hf 72Ba 56Zn 30Pu 94Co 27Tm 69...

Periodic Table Elements 2024-12-17

Periodic Table Elements crossword puzzle
  1. Cn 112
  2. Dy 66
  3. Hf 72
  4. Sr 38
  5. Ru 44
  6. B 5
  7. Yb 70
  8. I 53
  9. Ca 20
  10. Fr 87
  11. Sg 106
  12. Cd 48
  13. Al 13
  14. Po 84
  15. Kr 36
  16. U 92
  17. C 6
  18. Ag 47
  19. Sm 62
  20. As 33
  21. Ce 58
  22. Pt 78
  23. Tl 81
  24. Pu 94
  25. Ne 10
  26. O 8
  27. S 16
  28. Rh 45
  29. Xe 54
  30. Os 76
  31. Pb 82
  32. Ar 18
  33. Ni 28
  34. Lv 116
  35. Fl 114
  36. Bi 83
  37. Cm 96
  38. Md 101
  39. Ba 56
  40. Nd 60
  41. Nb 41
  42. He 2
  43. Ts 117
  44. Es 99
  45. Ac 89
  46. Li 3
  47. Lr 103
  48. P 15
  49. Se 34
  50. Np 93
  51. Og 118
  52. Ge 32
  53. Br 35
  54. Gd 64
  55. Sn 50
  56. Sc 21
  57. Th 90
  58. Cf 98
  59. Y 39
  60. Mo 42
  1. Cl 17
  2. In 49
  3. Tm 69
  4. Pa 91
  5. Lu 71
  6. H 1
  7. Na 11
  8. Ta 73
  9. Cr 24
  10. Pd 46
  11. Co 27
  12. Db 105
  13. Fm 100
  14. Rb 37
  15. Zn 30
  16. F 9
  17. No 102
  18. Am 95
  19. At 85
  20. Tc 43
  21. Ds 110
  22. Cu 29
  23. Pr 59
  24. Ga 31
  25. V 23
  26. Mt 109
  27. W 74
  28. Fe 26
  29. Mc 115
  30. K 19
  31. Ra 88
  32. Ti 22
  33. Si 14
  34. Te 52
  35. La 57
  36. Be 4
  37. Hg 80
  38. Er 68
  39. Rg 111
  40. Nh 113
  41. Pm 61
  42. Rf 104
  43. Rn 86
  44. Tb 65
  45. Bh 107
  46. N 7
  47. Zr 40
  48. Mn 25
  49. Eu 63
  50. Cs 55
  51. Ho 67
  52. Mg 12
  53. Bk 97
  54. Sb 51
  55. Ir 77
  56. Re 75
  57. Hs 108
  58. Au 79

118 Clues: H 1B 5F 9C 6O 8N 7I 53U 92V 23W 74K 19S 16Be 4He 2Li 3P 15Y 39Cl 17In 49Tm 69Pa 91Lu 71Dy 66Hf 72Sr 38Ru 44Na 11Yb 70Ta 73Cr 24Pd 46Co 27Ca 20Fr 87Rb 37Zn 30Cd 48Al 13Am 95Po 84At 85Kr 36Tc 43Cu 29Pr 59Ga 31Ag 47Sm 62As 33Ce 58Pt 78Fe 26Tl 81Pu 94Ne 10Ra 88Rh 45Ti 22Si 14Te 52La 57Xe 54Os 76Hg 80Pb 82Er 68Ar 18Ni 28Pm 61Bi 83Cm 96Rn 86Tb 65Ba 56...

Periodic Table Elements By Number And Symbols 2024-05-22

Periodic Table Elements By Number And Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. O 8
  2. Tl 81
  3. Ce 58
  4. Bi 83
  5. Ac 89
  6. Mn 25
  7. K 19
  8. Ar 18
  9. Cn 112
  10. Yb 70
  11. Lr 103
  12. Nd 60
  13. Sb 51
  14. Rf 104
  15. La 57
  16. Dy 66
  17. Nh 113
  18. Cl 17
  19. Fe 26
  20. Cf 98
  21. Pu 94
  22. B 5
  23. Ne 10
  24. Cs 55
  25. Rh 45
  26. Cu 29
  27. Xe 54
  28. Zn 30
  29. Tm 69
  30. Lu 71
  31. Am 95
  32. S 16
  33. Si 14
  34. Fl 114
  35. Ra 88
  36. P 15
  37. Ho 67
  38. Pb 82
  39. Na 11
  40. Ge 32
  41. Re 75
  42. Se 34
  43. Al 13
  44. H 1
  45. Hf 72
  46. Po 84
  47. Os 76
  48. Ti 22
  49. Tb 65
  50. Be 4
  51. Nb 41
  52. Fr 87
  53. Sg 106
  54. Ir 77
  55. Pr 59
  56. Hg 80
  1. Ga 31
  2. At 85
  3. Np 93
  4. V 23
  5. W 74
  6. Ts 117
  7. Es 99
  8. He 2
  9. Ag 47
  10. Cr 24
  11. Mc 115
  12. C 6
  13. Sm 62
  14. Pt 78
  15. Cd 48
  16. Og 118
  17. Cm 96
  18. I 53
  19. Br 35
  20. Kr 36
  21. Gd 64
  22. Y 39
  23. Ca 20
  24. Zr 40
  25. Sc 21
  26. Lv 116
  27. Pa 91
  28. Eu 63
  29. Md 101
  30. No 102
  31. Er 68
  32. U 92
  33. Ni 28
  34. Pd 46
  35. As 33
  36. Rg 111
  37. Au 79
  38. Hs 108
  39. In 49
  40. Bk 97
  41. Tc 43
  42. Pm 61
  43. Sn 50
  44. Ru 44
  45. N 7
  46. Db 105
  47. Mg 12
  48. Th 90
  49. Mo 42
  50. Te 52
  51. Ds 110
  52. Bh 107
  53. Sr 38
  54. Rn 86
  55. Co 27
  56. Fm 100
  57. Ba 56
  58. Mt 109
  59. F 9
  60. Ta 73
  61. Rb 37
  62. Li 3

118 Clues: O 8C 6B 5N 7H 1F 9V 23W 74He 2K 19I 53Y 39U 92S 16P 15Li 3Be 4Ga 31Tl 81At 85Np 93Ce 58Bi 83Es 99Ac 89Ag 47Cr 24Mn 25Ar 18Sm 62Pt 78Yb 70Cd 48Cm 96Nd 60Br 35Kr 36Gd 64Sb 51Ca 20Zr 40La 57Dy 66Sc 21Pa 91Cl 17Eu 63Fe 26Cf 98Pu 94Ne 10Cs 55Er 68Rh 45Ni 28Pd 46As 33Au 79Cu 29Xe 54Zn 30In 49Tm 69Lu 71Bk 97Am 95Tc 43Pm 61Sn 50Si 14Ra 88Ru 44Ho 67Pb 82...

Periodic Table Elements By Number And Symbol 2024-05-21

Periodic Table Elements By Number And Symbol crossword puzzle
  1. Sb 51
  2. Mg 12
  3. Ra 88
  4. At 85
  5. Cf 98
  6. Ti 22
  7. O 8
  8. Nh 113
  9. Sr 38
  10. Tb 65
  11. Mt 109
  12. Ge 32
  13. Br 35
  14. Cl 17
  15. Ar 18
  16. Po 84
  17. W 74
  18. Ir 77
  19. Lr 103
  20. Mn 25
  21. Pt 78
  22. Os 76
  23. I 53
  24. Hf 72
  25. Nd 60
  26. Hg 80
  27. Cr 24
  28. Rh 45
  29. Ru 44
  30. F 9
  31. Ho 67
  32. Pm 61
  33. Sg 106
  34. Es 99
  35. Og 118
  36. Li 3
  37. Cm 96
  38. Rf 104
  39. Mc 115
  40. Sm 62
  41. N 7
  42. Eu 63
  43. Tc 43
  44. Bh 107
  45. Yb 70
  46. H 1
  47. Md 101
  48. Be 4
  49. Ag 47
  50. La 57
  51. Tm 69
  52. Pa 91
  53. Ce 58
  54. Al 13
  1. P 15
  2. Y 39
  3. He 2
  4. Tl 81
  5. Ta 73
  6. Sn 50
  7. V 23
  8. Np 93
  9. Pu 94
  10. Mo 42
  11. As 33
  12. Nb 41
  13. S 16
  14. Db 105
  15. Hs 108
  16. Rn 86
  17. Pr 59
  18. Co 27
  19. Ni 28
  20. In 49
  21. Bk 97
  22. Zr 40
  23. Ga 31
  24. Rg 111
  25. Ac 89
  26. Cn 112
  27. Dy 66
  28. Zn 30
  29. Pd 46
  30. C 6
  31. Lv 116
  32. Fr 87
  33. Ts 117
  34. Kr 36
  35. Th 90
  36. Cs 55
  37. Am 95
  38. Ds 110
  39. Re 75
  40. U 92
  41. Rb 37
  42. Na 11
  43. Ba 56
  44. Fl 114
  45. Se 34
  46. No 102
  47. Cu 29
  48. Bi 83
  49. Lu 71
  50. Au 79
  51. Si 14
  52. Gd 64
  53. Ca 20
  54. Xe 54
  55. B 5
  56. Pb 82
  57. Fe 26
  58. K 19
  59. Te 52
  60. Er 68
  61. Sc 21
  62. Fm 100
  63. Cd 48
  64. Ne 10

118 Clues: O 8C 6F 9N 7B 5H 1P 15Y 39He 2V 23S 16W 74I 53U 92Li 3K 19Be 4Sb 51Tl 81Ta 73Sn 50Np 93Pu 94Mg 12Ra 88Mo 42As 33At 85Cf 98Nb 41Ti 22Sr 38Rn 86Tb 65Pr 59Co 27Ni 28In 49Bk 97Zr 40Ga 31Ge 32Br 35Cl 17Ar 18Ac 89Po 84Dy 66Zn 30Ir 77Pd 46Mn 25Pt 78Os 76Fr 87Hf 72Nd 60Kr 36Hg 80Th 90Cr 24Cs 55Am 95Rh 45Ru 44Ho 67Pm 61Re 75Rb 37Es 99Na 11Ba 56Se 34Cu 29...

Special Product Crossword Puzzle 2021-12-03

Special Product Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. (5-x)(8-x)
  2. (6x+2y)^2
  3. (6-x)(6-x)
  4. (3x+3)(3x+6)
  5. (b+4a)^2
  1. -3b(a+6-8a)
  2. (b+5-3b)^2
  3. (6x+9)
  4. (35b^2-4)(35b^2-4x)
  5. (2x^2y^4+3)(4x^4y^8−6x^2y^4+9)

10 Clues: (6x+9)(b+4a)^2(6x+2y)^2(5-x)(8-x)(b+5-3b)^2(6-x)(6-x)-3b(a+6-8a)(3x+3)(3x+6)(35b^2-4)(35b^2-4x)(2x^2y^4+3)(4x^4y^8−6x^2y^4+9)

MATH DIVISION 2023-03-21

MATH DIVISION crossword puzzle
  1. 24 ÷ 8
  2. 105 ÷ 7
  3. 35 ÷ 5
  4. 78 ÷ 39
  5. 105 ÷ 5
  1. 64 ÷ 16
  2. 1 ÷ 1
  3. 200 ÷ 20
  4. 96 ÷ 12
  5. 78 ÷ 13
  6. 84 ÷ 12
  7. 99 ÷ 11

12 Clues: 1 ÷ 124 ÷ 835 ÷ 564 ÷ 1696 ÷ 1278 ÷ 1384 ÷ 12105 ÷ 799 ÷ 1178 ÷ 39105 ÷ 5200 ÷ 20


REMIDI MATEMATIKA 4A crossword puzzle
  1. 152 : 4 = .....
  2. 22 X 12 = .....
  3. 184 : 4 = .....
  4. 206 : 6 = ....
  5. 135 : 3 = ....
  6. 125 : 5 = ......
  7. 28 x 3 = ....
  8. dua puluh lima juta
  9. 140 : 2= .....
  10. 2345 - 1258 = .....
  11. Dani mempunyai 4 karung beras , masing-masing beras berisi 35 kg. Jumlah seluruh beras milik Dani adalah .... kg
  12. 2536 + 1478 = .....
  13. satu juta dua ratus ribu
  14. 65 x 3 = ....
  1. Tiga ribu empat ratus lima puluh enam
  2. 24 x 9 = ....
  3. Empat juta lima ratus delapan puluh ribu delapan ratus
  4. Empat juta lima ratus enam puluh tujuh ribu
  5. 25 x 12 = .....
  6. 255 : 3 = .....
  7. 92 : 4 = ....
  8. 95 x 2 = .....
  9. 21 X 21 = ....
  10. 90 : 2 = .....
  11. 26 x 6 = .....

25 Clues: 24 x 9 = ....28 x 3 = ....92 : 4 = ....65 x 3 = ....206 : 6 = ....135 : 3 = ....140 : 2= .....95 x 2 = .....21 X 21 = ....90 : 2 = .....26 x 6 = .....152 : 4 = .....22 X 12 = .....184 : 4 = .....25 x 12 = .....255 : 3 = .....125 : 5 = ......dua puluh lima juta2345 - 1258 = .....2536 + 1478 = .....satu juta dua ratus ribu...

Periodic Table 2013-06-30

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Cm-96
  2. Hf-72
  3. At-85
  4. C-6
  5. Ac-89
  6. Tm-69
  7. Sb-51
  8. Cu-29
  9. La-57
  10. Pu-94
  11. He-2
  12. Se-34
  13. Ne-10
  14. Tl-81
  15. Li-3
  16. Si-14
  17. Uuq-114
  18. Rb-37
  19. Ba-56
  20. Cs-55
  21. As-33
  22. Au-79
  23. Re-75
  24. Ta-73
  25. Ga-31
  26. Db-105
  27. Ds-110
  28. S-16
  29. Pt-78
  30. Sm-62
  31. Pr-59
  32. Am-95
  33. Tc-43
  34. Cr-24
  35. Fe-26
  36. V-23
  37. Rg-111
  38. Cn-112
  39. Uup-115
  40. Ir-77
  41. Br-35
  42. Ar-18
  43. Xe-54
  44. Mn-25
  45. Uus-117
  46. H-1
  47. Md-101
  48. B-5
  49. Sr-38
  50. Yb-70
  51. Sg-106
  52. Mt-109
  53. Ge-32
  54. Ra-88
  55. Lu-71
  56. K-19
  57. Zr-40
  58. Bk-97
  59. Lr-103
  60. Mg-12
  1. Rn-86
  2. Fr-87
  3. Eu-63
  4. W-74
  5. Zn-30
  6. Sc-21
  7. F-9
  8. Y-39
  9. Po-84
  10. Te-52
  11. Np-93
  12. Ru-44
  13. Al-13
  14. Ti-22
  15. Co-27
  16. U-92
  17. Rf-104
  18. Ca-20
  19. Hs-108
  20. In-49
  21. Th-90
  22. Kr-36
  23. Fm-100
  24. Bh-107
  25. O-8
  26. Cf-98
  27. Cl-17
  28. Uut-113
  29. Ce-58
  30. No-102
  31. Ho-67
  32. Hg-80
  33. Es-99
  34. Mo-42
  35. Pd-46
  36. Gd-64
  37. Pa-91
  38. Cd-48
  39. Uuh-116
  40. Na-11
  41. N-7
  42. Nb-41
  43. Er-68
  44. Ni-28
  45. P-15
  46. Uuo-118
  47. Bi-83
  48. I-53
  49. Tb-65
  50. Dy-66
  51. Nd-60
  52. Pm-61
  53. Be-4
  54. Os-76
  55. Rh-45
  56. Pb-82
  57. Ag-47
  58. Sn-50

118 Clues: C-6F-9O-8N-7H-1B-5W-74Y-39He-2U-92Li-3S-16V-23P-15I-53Be-4K-19Cm-96Rn-86Hf-72Fr-87At-85Eu-63Ac-89Zn-30Tm-69Sc-21Sb-51Cu-29Po-84La-57Te-52Np-93Ru-44Al-13Pu-94Ti-22Co-27Se-34Ne-10Tl-81Si-14Ca-20Rb-37In-49Th-90Kr-36Ba-56Cs-55Cf-98As-33Au-79Cl-17Ce-58Re-75Ta-73Ho-67Hg-80Ga-31Es-99Mo-42Pd-46Gd-64Pt-78Sm-62Pr-59Pa-91Am-95Cd-48Tc-43Cr-24Na-11Fe-26Nb-41...

Chemical Elements by Symbol and Atomic Number 2023-06-22

Chemical Elements by Symbol and Atomic Number crossword puzzle
  1. O 8
  2. Tl 81
  3. Ce 58
  4. Bi 83
  5. Ac 89
  6. Mn 25
  7. K 19
  8. Ar 18
  9. Cn 112
  10. Yb 70
  11. Lr 103
  12. Nd 60
  13. Sb 51
  14. Rf 104
  15. La 57
  16. Dy 66
  17. Nh 113
  18. Cl 17
  19. Fe 26
  20. Cf 98
  21. Pu 94
  22. B 5
  23. Ne 10
  24. Cs 55
  25. Rh 45
  26. Cu 29
  27. Xe 54
  28. Zn 30
  29. Tm 69
  30. Lu 71
  31. Am 95
  32. S 16
  33. Si 14
  34. Fl 114
  35. Ra 88
  36. P 15
  37. Ho 67
  38. Pb 82
  39. Na 11
  40. Ge 32
  41. Re 75
  42. Se 34
  43. Al 13
  44. H 1
  45. Hf 72
  46. Po 84
  47. Os 76
  48. Ti 22
  49. Tb 65
  50. Be 4
  51. Nb 41
  52. Fr 87
  53. Sg 106
  54. Ir 77
  55. Pr 59
  56. Hg 80
  1. Ga 31
  2. At 85
  3. Np 93
  4. V 23
  5. W 74
  6. Ts 117
  7. Es 99
  8. He 2
  9. Ag 47
  10. Cr 24
  11. Mc 115
  12. C 6
  13. Sm 62
  14. Pt 78
  15. Cd 48
  16. Og 118
  17. Cm 96
  18. I 53
  19. Br 35
  20. Kr 36
  21. Gd 64
  22. Y 39
  23. Ca 20
  24. Zr 40
  25. Sc 21
  26. Lv 116
  27. Pa 91
  28. Eu 63
  29. Md 101
  30. No 102
  31. Er 68
  32. U 92
  33. Ni 28
  34. Pd 46
  35. As 33
  36. Rg 111
  37. Au 79
  38. Hs 108
  39. In 49
  40. Bk 97
  41. Tc 43
  42. Pm 61
  43. Sn 50
  44. Ru 44
  45. N 7
  46. Db 105
  47. Mg 12
  48. Th 90
  49. Mo 42
  50. Te 52
  51. Ds 110
  52. Bh 107
  53. Sr 38
  54. Rn 86
  55. Co 27
  56. Fm 100
  57. Ba 56
  58. Mt 109
  59. F 9
  60. Ta 73
  61. Rb 37
  62. Li 3

118 Clues: O 8C 6B 5N 7H 1F 9V 23W 74He 2K 19I 53Y 39U 92S 16P 15Li 3Be 4Ga 31Tl 81At 85Np 93Ce 58Bi 83Es 99Ac 89Ag 47Cr 24Mn 25Ar 18Sm 62Pt 78Yb 70Cd 48Cm 96Nd 60Br 35Kr 36Gd 64Sb 51Ca 20Zr 40La 57Dy 66Sc 21Pa 91Cl 17Eu 63Fe 26Cf 98Pu 94Ne 10Cs 55Er 68Rh 45Ni 28Pd 46As 33Au 79Cu 29Xe 54Zn 30In 49Tm 69Lu 71Bk 97Am 95Tc 43Pm 61Sn 50Si 14Ra 88Ru 44Ho 67Pb 82...

Element Practice (you might need it later) 2023-11-08

Element Practice (you might need it later) crossword puzzle
  1. O 8
  2. Rg 111
  3. Y 39
  4. Co 27
  5. Po 84
  6. Nh 113
  7. At 85
  8. Rb 37
  9. Ag 47
  10. Li 3
  11. Mn 25
  12. He 2
  13. B 5
  14. Hf 72
  15. Fm 100
  16. No 102
  17. Pa 91
  18. Th 90
  19. U 92
  20. Sb 51
  21. Cr 24
  22. Tc 43
  23. Be 4
  24. I 53
  25. Lr 103
  26. Cd 48
  27. Db 105
  28. S 16
  29. Au 79
  30. Os 76
  31. Zn 30
  32. Ti 22
  33. Pm 61
  34. Pr 59
  35. Hg 80
  36. Ge 32
  37. Sn 50
  38. K 19
  39. Tl 81
  40. Ne 10
  41. Cf 98
  42. Bh 107
  43. Ra 88
  44. Ba 56
  45. Al 13
  46. F 9
  47. Kr 36
  48. Rh 45
  49. La 57
  50. Og 118
  51. Mo 42
  52. Te 52
  53. Bi 83
  54. As 33
  55. Am 95
  56. Hs 108
  57. Rf 104
  58. Ga 31
  59. Pt 78
  60. Sc 21
  61. Dy 66
  62. Ds 110
  63. Zr 40
  1. Yb 70
  2. Ru 44
  3. Es 99
  4. Cl 17
  5. Lu 71
  6. Ar 18
  7. Ce 58
  8. Re 75
  9. Ca 20
  10. Np 93
  11. Nb 41
  12. Sm 62
  13. Fl 114
  14. Sr 38
  15. Rn 86
  16. Cn 112
  17. Pu 94
  18. W 74
  19. Pd 46
  20. Mg 12
  21. Ni 28
  22. Mc 115
  23. Lv 116
  24. Nd 60
  25. Cs 55
  26. Si 14
  27. Eu 63
  28. Mt 109
  29. Br 35
  30. Fr 87
  31. Ir 77
  32. Ts 117
  33. Ac 89
  34. V 23
  35. Gd 64
  36. N 7
  37. Cu 29
  38. Ho 67
  39. Ta 73
  40. P 15
  41. Sg 106
  42. H 1
  43. Fe 26
  44. Er 68
  45. Na 11
  46. C 6
  47. Xe 54
  48. Bk 97
  49. Tb 65
  50. Se 34
  51. Pb 82
  52. Md 101
  53. Tm 69
  54. Cm 96
  55. In 49

118 Clues: O 8B 5N 7H 1F 9C 6Y 39Li 3He 2W 74U 92Be 4I 53S 16K 19V 23P 15Yb 70Ru 44Es 99Cl 17Co 27Po 84Lu 71At 85Ar 18Ce 58Rb 37Ag 47Re 75Ca 20Mn 25Np 93Nb 41Hf 72Sm 62Sr 38Rn 86Pa 91Pu 94Th 90Pd 46Sb 51Cr 24Tc 43Mg 12Ni 28Nd 60Cs 55Cd 48Au 79Si 14Os 76Zn 30Ti 22Pm 61Pr 59Eu 63Br 35Hg 80Fr 87Ir 77Ge 32Sn 50Tl 81Ac 89Ne 10Gd 64Cf 98Cu 29Ra 88Ho 67Ba 56Ta 73...

Elements by Atomic Numbers And Symbols 2024-05-21

Elements by Atomic Numbers And Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. O 8
  2. Tl 81
  3. Ce 58
  4. Bi 83
  5. Ac 89
  6. Mn 25
  7. K 19
  8. Ar 18
  9. Cn 112
  10. Yb 70
  11. Lr 103
  12. Nd 60
  13. Sb 51
  14. Rf 104
  15. La 57
  16. Dy 66
  17. Nh 113
  18. Cl 17
  19. Fe 26
  20. Cf 98
  21. Pu 94
  22. B 5
  23. Ne 10
  24. Cs 55
  25. Rh 45
  26. Cu 29
  27. Xe 54
  28. Zn 30
  29. Tm 69
  30. Lu 71
  31. Am 95
  32. S 16
  33. Si 14
  34. Fl 114
  35. Ra 88
  36. P 15
  37. Ho 67
  38. Pb 82
  39. Na 11
  40. Ge 32
  41. Re 75
  42. Se 34
  43. Al 13
  44. H 1
  45. Hf 72
  46. Po 84
  47. Os 76
  48. Ti 22
  49. Tb 65
  50. Be 4
  51. Nb 41
  52. Fr 87
  53. Sg 106
  54. Ir 77
  55. Pr 59
  56. Hg 80
  1. Ga 31
  2. At 85
  3. Np 93
  4. V 23
  5. W 74
  6. Ts 117
  7. Es 99
  8. He 2
  9. Ag 47
  10. Cr 24
  11. Mc 115
  12. C 6
  13. Sm 62
  14. Pt 78
  15. Cd 48
  16. Og 118
  17. Cm 96
  18. I 53
  19. Br 35
  20. Kr 36
  21. Gd 64
  22. Y 39
  23. Ca 20
  24. Zr 40
  25. Sc 21
  26. Lv 116
  27. Pa 91
  28. Eu 63
  29. Md 101
  30. No 102
  31. Er 68
  32. U 92
  33. Ni 28
  34. Pd 46
  35. As 33
  36. Rg 111
  37. Au 79
  38. Hs 108
  39. In 49
  40. Bk 97
  41. Tc 43
  42. Pm 61
  43. Sn 50
  44. Ru 44
  45. N 7
  46. Db 105
  47. Mg 12
  48. Th 90
  49. Mo 42
  50. Te 52
  51. Ds 110
  52. Bh 107
  53. Sr 38
  54. Rn 86
  55. Co 27
  56. Fm 100
  57. Ba 56
  58. Mt 109
  59. F 9
  60. Ta 73
  61. Rb 37
  62. Li 3

118 Clues: O 8C 6B 5N 7H 1F 9V 23W 74He 2K 19I 53Y 39U 92S 16P 15Li 3Be 4Ga 31Tl 81At 85Np 93Ce 58Bi 83Es 99Ac 89Ag 47Cr 24Mn 25Ar 18Sm 62Pt 78Yb 70Cd 48Cm 96Nd 60Br 35Kr 36Gd 64Sb 51Ca 20Zr 40La 57Dy 66Sc 21Pa 91Cl 17Eu 63Fe 26Cf 98Pu 94Ne 10Cs 55Er 68Rh 45Ni 28Pd 46As 33Au 79Cu 29Xe 54Zn 30In 49Tm 69Lu 71Bk 97Am 95Tc 43Pm 61Sn 50Si 14Ra 88Ru 44Ho 67Pb 82...

การวัดความยาว 2019-02-11

การวัดความยาว crossword puzzle
  1. สายไฟยาว84นิ้วสายไฟเส้นนี้ยาวกี่ฟุต
  2. ประตูบานหนึ่งหนา3เซนติเมตร8มิลลิเมตรประตูบานนี้หนากี่มิลลิเมตร
  3. ความยาว540นิ้วเท่ากับกี่ฟุต
  4. ที่ดินแปลงหนึ่งมีความยาว30วาคิดเป็นกี่เมตร
  5. ก28หลาคิดเป็นกี่นิ้ว
  6. ก9ฟุต5นิ้วเท่ากับกี่นิ้ว
  7. ก8ไมล์คิดเป็นกี่ฟุต
  8. ลูกเสือเดินทางไกลระยะทาง5กิโลเมตร750เมตรลูกเสือเดินทางไกลคิดเป็นทั้งหมดกี่เมตร
  9. ไม้ท่อนหนึ่งยาว144นิ้วไม้ท่อนนี้ยาวกี่ศอก
  10. ที่ดินแปลงหนึ่งกว้าง58เมตรคิดเป็นกี่วา
  11. ก7โยชน์คิดเป็นกี่วา
  1. ลูกโป่งลอยสูงจากพื้น5430ฟุตคิดเป็นกี่หลา
  2. ว4ไมล์คิดเป็นกี่หลา
  3. ริบบิ้นยาว24คืบริบบิ้นเส้นนี้ยาวกี่วา
  4. ก5วาคิดเป็นความยาวกี่นิ้ว
  5. ถนนยาว7ไมล์326หลาถนนยาวกี่หลา
  6. ก7ศอกเท่ากับกี่คืบ
  7. ความยาว3.56เมตรเท่ากับกี่เซนติเมตร
  8. ความยาว24นิ้วเท่ากับกี่ฟุต
  9. น3โยชน์กี่เส้น

20 Clues: น3โยชน์กี่เส้นก7ศอกเท่ากับกี่คืบว4ไมล์คิดเป็นกี่หลาก8ไมล์คิดเป็นกี่ฟุตก7โยชน์คิดเป็นกี่วาก28หลาคิดเป็นกี่นิ้วก9ฟุต5นิ้วเท่ากับกี่นิ้วก5วาคิดเป็นความยาวกี่นิ้วความยาว24นิ้วเท่ากับกี่ฟุตความยาว540นิ้วเท่ากับกี่ฟุตถนนยาว7ไมล์326หลาถนนยาวกี่หลาความยาว3.56เมตรเท่ากับกี่เซนติเมตรสายไฟยาว84นิ้วสายไฟเส้นนี้ยาวกี่ฟุตริบบิ้นยาว24คืบริบบิ้นเส้นนี้ยาวกี่วา...

Formules hv1d versie 1 2023-11-13

Formules hv1d versie 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Opgave 9d blz. 138 (geef het begin getal)
  2. Opgave 10d blz. 138 (geef het stijggetal)
  3. Opgave 9c blz. 138
  4. Opgave 10c blz. 138
  5. Opgave 7c blz. 131
  6. Opgave 10d blz. 138 (geef het begin getal)
  7. Opgave 7a blz. 131
  1. Opgave 9b blz. 138
  2. Opgave 8a blz. 131 (geef het begin getal)
  3. Opgave 10a blz. 138
  4. Opgave 7b blz. 131 (zet het aantal uur en het aantal minuten achter elkaar)
  5. Opgave 6c (eerste deel) blz. 131 (maak hiervoor ook opgave 6b)
  6. Opgave 6c (tweede deel) blz. 131 (maak hiervoor ook opgave 6b)
  7. Opgave 9d blz. 138 (geef het stijggetal)
  8. Opgave 8a blz. 131 (geef het stijggetal)
  9. Opgave 9a blz. 138

16 Clues: Opgave 9b blz. 138Opgave 9c blz. 138Opgave 7c blz. 131Opgave 9a blz. 138Opgave 7a blz. 131Opgave 10a blz. 138Opgave 10c blz. 138Opgave 9d blz. 138 (geef het stijggetal)Opgave 8a blz. 131 (geef het stijggetal)Opgave 8a blz. 131 (geef het begin getal)Opgave 9d blz. 138 (geef het begin getal)Opgave 10d blz. 138 (geef het stijggetal)...

Math crossword ch-4 2022-08-26

Math crossword ch-4 crossword puzzle
  1. A2
  2. A5
  3. A6
  1. A1
  2. A3
  3. A4
  4. A7

7 Clues: A1A3A2A4A5A7A6

Nama siswa 2023-07-03

Nama siswa crossword puzzle
  1. 14a
  2. 11a
  3. 17a
  4. 4a
  5. 23a
  6. 15a
  7. 6a
  8. 8a
  9. 13a
  10. 21a
  11. 1a
  12. 20a
  1. 27a
  2. 26a
  3. 22a
  4. 25a
  5. 18a
  6. 24a
  7. 5a
  8. 19a
  9. 16a
  10. 3a
  11. 10a
  12. 12a
  13. 9a
  14. 2a
  15. 7a

27 Clues: 4a5a3a6a9a2a8a7a1a27a26a22a14a11a25a17a18a24a23a19a16a10a15a12a13a21a20a

Game Days - Chemistry 2022-05-06

Game Days - Chemistry crossword puzzle
  1. column
  2. 7A
  3. 6.02 x 10E23
  4. start of reaction
  5. hard stuff
  6. electrons
  7. negative
  8. positive
  9. 1A
  1. 8A
  2. electons lowest first
  3. branch of science
  4. hydrogen+carbon
  5. row
  6. hydroxide ions
  7. no charge
  8. ending
  9. used first
  10. hydrogen ions
  11. has mass

20 Clues: 8A7A1Arowcolumnendingnegativepositivehas masselectronsno chargehard stuffused first6.02 x 10E23hydrogen ionshydroxide ionshydrogen+carbonbranch of sciencestart of reactionelectons lowest first

Notable SLUH Alumni 2015-09-17

Notable SLUH Alumni crossword puzzle
  1. The unknown service member from the Vietnam War buried at the Tomb of the Unknowns. ('66)
  2. Producer of Guardians of the Galaxy and other movies and TV shows. (‘84)
  3. Retired Chairman of the Board and CEO of Wendy's International. (‘69)
  4. Former St. Louis City Chief of Police. (‘85)
  5. Inventor of the teleprompter. (‘37)
  6. Producer of Draft Day and other movies and TV shows. (‘81)
  7. Former President and CEO of Valvoline Oil Company. (‘44)
  8. Harvard professor, author of The Other America, and founder of the Democratic Socialists of America. (‘44)
  9. Former Major League Soccer player for the New England Revolution and member of the U.S. Men's National Soccer Team. (‘98)
  1. Actor, star of NBC series "Grimm." (‘98)
  2. Director of Sesame Street and other TV shows and films. (‘75)
  3. Member of the national soccer hall of fame. (‘61)
  4. Only graduate to be pictured on US currency.
  5. Writer for HBO show Real Time with Bill Maher. ('90)
  6. Emmy Award-winning comedy writer for The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien and other TV shows. (‘86)

15 Clues: Inventor of the teleprompter. (‘37)Actor, star of NBC series "Grimm." (‘98)Only graduate to be pictured on US currency.Former St. Louis City Chief of Police. (‘85)Member of the national soccer hall of fame. (‘61)Writer for HBO show Real Time with Bill Maher. ('90)Former President and CEO of Valvoline Oil Company. (‘44)...

The Eruption of M.S.H. Chapters 15 - 16 (to page 89) 2023-04-11

The Eruption of M.S.H. Chapters 15 - 16 (to page 89) crossword puzzle
  1. The author describes Jess’s intense thirst by adding the detail of her tongue being swollen and _________ dry. P. 80
  2. Jess felt as if she had crash-landed on a distant _________, a smoking, ash-covered land. P. 79
  3. Jess and her Mom were working nonstop all weekend to get the apartment ready for ________. P. 86
  4. For a moment, Jess let her eyes drift closed. She had the feeling of letting go, of ________ away. P. 82
  5. Jess realized that Sam and Eddie were her best friends. She pictured their _________ faces and remembered how they hardly left her side in those terrible months after her Dad died. P. 81
  6. This word means, “an electronic device for amplifying the sound of the voice so it can be heard at a distance; a megaphone.” P. 84
  7. This word means, “moving back and forth with an irregular, rapid, or violent action,” and describes the cloud above the volcano. P. 81
  8. Jess and her Mom had moved to ________, Washington. P. 87
  9. When Jess was fighting off the terrifying thoughts, she tried to hear Mom’s voice, “Whatever ______, you and I will make it through.” P. 81
  10. The wind from the helicopter’s ________ kicked up so much ash that Jess could barely see. P. 84
  11. This is a multi-meaning word that means “grooming or untangling the hair” and “searching carefully and systematically.” P. 85
  12. This word means “a sick feeling in the stomach that may lead to vomiting” and describes Jess’s feeling when she thought of swallowing the stinky water, ashy water. P 80
  13. Jess removed her ________ because it was so hot that her clothes were sticking to her sweat-soaked skin.” P. 80
  14. This word relates to a sensation of pain that occurs in rhythmic waves or bursts. It can be described as a recurring ache, or a pulsing or beating pain. P. 80
  15. This word means, “a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.” P. 88
  16. Jess probably wished for Chapstick when her lips were ________ and bleeding. P. 80
  17. Jess realized she was completely lost and was afraid that she might be walking in ________. P. 82
  18. Mom disagreed that the camera was Jess’s Dad’s _________ possession. Jess’s Mom said that Jess was her Dad’s _______ possession. P. 87
  1. From the helicopter, it was almost ______ to see anything because the air was filled with smoke and the trees were covered with ash. P. 85
  2. Jess was probably very grateful for the thermos of ______ that the man in the vest gave her, while on the helicopter. P. 85
  3. Jess was confused about which direction to go for help. The trail was gone. Nothing looked _______. P. 79
  4. This compound word means, “an area that is devastated, as by flood, storm, or war.” P. 84
  5. Mount St. Helens was more explosive than Mt. Pelée, which means it erupted with terrible ________, as Dr. Morales predicted. P. 88-89.
  6. Millions of tons of rock and ice and volcanic _________ crashed down the mountain. P. 89
  7. After unsuccessful attempts to get the attention of the helicopter pilot, Jess created a smoke _______ with a leaf-covered stick. P. 83
  8. Did Jess drop her sweatshirt over a _________ to leave it as a “landmark” so she’d be able to find her way back? P. 80 (*landmark: an object that is easily seen that enables someone to establish their location)
  9. On Jess’s camping trips with Dad, they’d scooped up water right from the streams and _______ it down without a worry. P. 80
  10. Jess wanted to write to Missy to tell her that Skeleton Woman really did ________, in a way. P. 89
  11. As a mudslide swept down the mountain, it picked up trees, logs, _______, houses and bridges. P. 89
  12. Jess ________ the pain, the intense thirst and the volcano’s roar. P. 81
  13. Jess would’ve used the sun as a _______, like her Dad taught her, but the sun was blotted out by the ash and smoke. P 79
  14. Early in the morning of Sunday, May 18, 1980, the forest had been ________ with creeks filled with clear rushing water. P. 80
  15. Some onomatopoeias that the author uses are boom, whoosh, and “_________,” a word that represents the swirling blades of the helicopter. P. 82-83
  16. While aboard the helicopter, Jess was given earphones to _______ her ears from the engine noise. P. 85
  17. Sadly, fifty-seven people died in the eruption. Some were killed instantly in the pyroclastic surge and blast. Others died in the floods and _______ that followed hours later. P. 88
  18. Like many of the ________, Dr. Morales blamed himself for not being able to better predict the eruption. P. 88

36 Clues: Jess and her Mom had moved to ________, Washington. P. 87Jess ________ the pain, the intense thirst and the volcano’s roar. P. 81Jess probably wished for Chapstick when her lips were ________ and bleeding. P. 80This word means, “a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.” P. 88...

Periodic Table Elements 2024-08-16

Periodic Table Elements crossword puzzle
  1. Rb 37
  2. Bk 97
  3. Se 34
  4. N 7
  5. Gd 64
  6. Sg 106
  7. Np 93
  8. Rh 45
  9. Fe 26
  10. Md 101
  11. P 15
  12. Fr 87
  13. Ra 88
  14. Am 95
  15. Si 14
  16. K 19
  17. Au 79
  18. Ne 10
  19. Al 13
  20. Kr 36
  21. Ni 28
  22. Sm 62
  23. Sr 38
  24. Cd 48
  25. C 6
  26. Po 84
  27. Tc 43
  28. Cs 55
  29. Ag 47
  30. Zr 40
  31. Be 4
  32. O 8
  33. Cr 24
  34. Nh 113
  35. Y 39
  36. Ts 117
  37. La 57
  38. Og 118
  39. B 5
  40. Lu 71
  41. Ru 44
  42. Ar 18
  43. Cl 17
  44. V 23
  45. Br 35
  46. Db 105
  47. Mo 42
  48. Ir 77
  49. Pm 61
  50. Rf 104
  51. Ce 58
  52. Rg 111
  53. Sn 50
  54. Hg 80
  55. W 74
  56. Pu 94
  57. Cm 96
  58. Ho 67
  59. Hs 108
  60. Mc 115
  1. Ds 110
  2. Te 52
  3. Tl 81
  4. Os 76
  5. Nd 60
  6. Pr 59
  7. Ac 89
  8. Eu 63
  9. At 85
  10. Li 3
  11. Ge 32
  12. Nb 41
  13. Ca 20
  14. Cf 98
  15. Lv 116
  16. Hf 72
  17. Es 99
  18. He 2
  19. Ti 22
  20. Bh 107
  21. Lr 103
  22. Zn 30
  23. S 16
  24. Sb 51
  25. U 92
  26. As 33
  27. Ba 56
  28. In 49
  29. H 1
  30. Mt 109
  31. Tm 69
  32. Er 68
  33. Th 90
  34. F 9
  35. I 53
  36. Mg 12
  37. No 102
  38. Bi 83
  39. Ga 31
  40. Rn 86
  41. Dy 66
  42. Mn 25
  43. Pd 46
  44. Sc 21
  45. Ta 73
  46. Pa 91
  47. Fl 114
  48. Fm 100
  49. Cu 29
  50. Pb 82
  51. Cn 112
  52. Yb 70
  53. Co 27
  54. Pt 78
  55. Na 11
  56. Tb 65
  57. Xe 54
  58. Re 75

118 Clues: N 7C 6H 1F 9O 8B 5Li 3P 15He 2K 19S 16U 92I 53Be 4Y 39V 23W 74Rb 37Te 52Bk 97Tl 81Os 76Se 34Nd 60Gd 64Pr 59Ac 89Eu 63Np 93Rh 45At 85Fe 26Ge 32Nb 41Ca 20Cf 98Hf 72Es 99Fr 87Ra 88Am 95Ti 22Si 14Au 79Ne 10Al 13Kr 36Ni 28Zn 30Sm 62Sb 51Sr 38Cd 48As 33Ba 56Po 84In 49Tm 69Tc 43Cs 55Ag 47Er 68Th 90Zr 40Mg 12Bi 83Ga 31Cr 24Rn 86Dy 66Mn 25Pd 46Sc 21La 57...

Periodic Table Elements 2024-08-16

Periodic Table Elements crossword puzzle
  1. Cu 29
  2. Hs 108
  3. Ir 77
  4. Md 101
  5. Pu 94
  6. Er 68
  7. Gd 64
  8. Ne 10
  9. Rb 37
  10. C 6
  11. Nd 60
  12. Pa 91
  13. Nb 41
  14. Sr 38
  15. Yb 70
  16. Zn 30
  17. Mg 12
  18. Sb 51
  19. S 16
  20. Am 95
  21. Os 76
  22. Rg 111
  23. Co 27
  24. Lu 71
  25. F 9
  26. Fr 87
  27. Si 14
  28. Ce 58
  29. Sc 21
  30. Fe 26
  31. V 23
  32. H 1
  33. Bk 97
  34. At 85
  35. Y 39
  36. La 57
  37. Pd 46
  38. P 15
  39. Ag 47
  40. Ge 32
  41. Nh 113
  42. Bh 107
  43. Tl 81
  44. Ts 117
  45. In 49
  46. Xe 54
  47. Rn 86
  48. Fm 100
  49. Sm 62
  50. Te 52
  51. Cl 17
  52. Cr 24
  53. Mc 115
  54. W 74
  55. Cs 55
  56. Ni 28
  57. Ti 22
  58. Ds 110
  59. Ca 20
  60. Rh 45
  61. Hg 80
  1. Tb 65
  2. Ra 88
  3. Na 11
  4. Cn 112
  5. Ho 67
  6. B 5
  7. Lr 103
  8. Mo 42
  9. Hf 72
  10. O 8
  11. Og 118
  12. Fl 114
  13. Th 90
  14. K 19
  15. Ar 18
  16. Pm 61
  17. Pt 78
  18. Mt 109
  19. As 33
  20. Lv 116
  21. Bi 83
  22. Be 4
  23. Db 105
  24. Sg 106
  25. Ru 44
  26. Ba 56
  27. Sn 50
  28. Cm 96
  29. Ta 73
  30. Zr 40
  31. Es 99
  32. Cd 48
  33. Mn 25
  34. Cf 98
  35. Au 79
  36. Li 3
  37. N 7
  38. Ga 31
  39. U 92
  40. Al 13
  41. Pb 82
  42. Po 84
  43. Se 34
  44. Ac 89
  45. Dy 66
  46. Rf 104
  47. No 102
  48. I 53
  49. Tc 43
  50. Br 35
  51. He 2
  52. Eu 63
  53. Pr 59
  54. Np 93
  55. Re 75
  56. Tm 69
  57. Kr 36

118 Clues: B 5O 8C 6F 9H 1N 7K 19Be 4S 16V 23Li 3Y 39U 92P 15I 53He 2W 74Tb 65Ra 88Cu 29Na 11Ho 67Ir 77Pu 94Er 68Gd 64Mo 42Hf 72Ne 10Rb 37Th 90Ar 18Pm 61Nd 60Pt 78As 33Pa 91Nb 41Sr 38Bi 83Yb 70Zn 30Mg 12Sb 51Am 95Os 76Ru 44Ba 56Co 27Lu 71Sn 50Cm 96Ta 73Zr 40Es 99Fr 87Si 14Ce 58Cd 48Mn 25Cf 98Sc 21Fe 26Au 79Bk 97At 85Ga 31La 57Al 13Pd 46Pb 82Po 84Ag 47Se 34...

Periodic Table Elements by Symbol and Number 2024-05-28

Periodic Table Elements by Symbol and Number crossword puzzle
  1. Ds 110
  2. Li 3
  3. Hg 80
  4. Ce 58
  5. N 7
  6. Cs 55
  7. Y 39
  8. Pr 59
  9. As 33
  10. Es 99
  11. Cl 17
  12. Mo 42
  13. K 19
  14. Ne 10
  15. Tl 81
  16. Np 93
  17. Ac 89
  18. Br 35
  19. Os 76
  20. Db 105
  21. Ag 47
  22. Cn 112
  23. Ni 28
  24. Nb 41
  25. B 5
  26. Bh 107
  27. Am 95
  28. Er 68
  29. Eu 63
  30. P 15
  31. Ge 32
  32. Gd 64
  33. Au 79
  34. Kr 36
  35. Yb 70
  36. U 92
  37. Xe 54
  38. Sm 62
  39. Ra 88
  40. Ga 31
  41. Fl 114
  42. Al 13
  43. Mn 25
  44. Ir 77
  45. Dy 66
  46. W 74
  47. Ta 73
  48. Mt 109
  49. Tc 43
  50. Rb 37
  51. Bi 83
  52. Cf 98
  53. C 6
  54. Ru 44
  55. Tb 65
  56. Fr 87
  57. S 16
  58. Pm 61
  59. I 53
  60. Rg 111
  61. Sg 106
  62. Mc 115
  1. Nh 113
  2. Ho 67
  3. Te 52
  4. At 85
  5. Cr 24
  6. Pb 82
  7. He 2
  8. Zr 40
  9. Pd 46
  10. Pt 78
  11. Nd 60
  12. F 9
  13. Lr 103
  14. Rf 104
  15. Hs 108
  16. Pu 94
  17. Th 90
  18. Lv 116
  19. O 8
  20. Hf 72
  21. Bk 97
  22. Ba 56
  23. Cd 48
  24. Cu 29
  25. Sr 38
  26. La 57
  27. Pa 91
  28. Be 4
  29. In 49
  30. Rh 45
  31. Md 101
  32. Sb 51
  33. Cm 96
  34. V 23
  35. Tm 69
  36. H 1
  37. No 102
  38. Og 118
  39. Fe 26
  40. Na 11
  41. Rn 86
  42. Mg 12
  43. Fm 100
  44. Si 14
  45. Lu 71
  46. Sn 50
  47. Zn 30
  48. Ts 117
  49. Ti 22
  50. Re 75
  51. Po 84
  52. Co 27
  53. Sc 21
  54. Ca 20
  55. Se 34
  56. Ar 18

118 Clues: N 7F 9O 8B 5H 1C 6Li 3He 2Y 39K 19Be 4P 15V 23U 92W 74S 16I 53Ho 67Te 52At 85Hg 80Cr 24Ce 58Pb 82Cs 55Zr 40Pr 59Pd 46As 33Pt 78Nd 60Es 99Cl 17Mo 42Ne 10Tl 81Pu 94Th 90Np 93Ac 89Br 35Os 76Ag 47Ni 28Hf 72Nb 41Bk 97Ba 56Cd 48Cu 29Sr 38Am 95La 57Pa 91Er 68Eu 63In 49Rh 45Ge 32Gd 64Sb 51Au 79Cm 96Kr 36Yb 70Tm 69Xe 54Sm 62Ra 88Ga 31Fe 26Na 11Rn 86Mg 12...

Periodic Table of Elements 2022-07-11

Periodic Table of Elements crossword puzzle
  1. O 8
  2. Tl 81
  3. Ce 58
  4. Bi 83
  5. Ac 89
  6. Mn 25
  7. K 19
  8. Ar 18
  9. Cn 112
  10. Yb 70
  11. Lr 103
  12. Nd 60
  13. Sb 51
  14. Rf 104
  15. La 57
  16. Dy 66
  17. Nh 113
  18. Cl 17
  19. Fe 26
  20. Cf 98
  21. Pu 94
  22. B 5
  23. Ne 10
  24. Cs 55
  25. Rh 45
  26. Cu 29
  27. Xe 54
  28. Zn 30
  29. Tm 69
  30. Lu 71
  31. Am 95
  32. S 16
  33. Si 14
  34. Fl 114
  35. Ra 88
  36. P 15
  37. Ho 67
  38. Pb 82
  39. Na 11
  40. Ge 32
  41. Re 75
  42. Se 34
  43. Al 13
  44. H 1
  45. Hf 72
  46. Po 84
  47. Os 76
  48. Ti 22
  49. Tb 65
  50. Be 4
  51. Nb 41
  52. Fr 87
  53. Sg 106
  54. Ir 77
  55. Pr 59
  56. Hg 80
  1. Ga 31
  2. At 85
  3. Np 93
  4. V 23
  5. W 74
  6. Ts 117
  7. Es 99
  8. He 2
  9. Ag 47
  10. Cr 24
  11. Mc 115
  12. C 6
  13. Sm 62
  14. Pt 78
  15. Cd 48
  16. Og 118
  17. Cm 96
  18. I 53
  19. Br 35
  20. Kr 36
  21. Gd 64
  22. Y 39
  23. Ca 20
  24. Zr 40
  25. Sc 21
  26. Lv 116
  27. Pa 91
  28. Eu 63
  29. Md 101
  30. No 102
  31. Er 68
  32. U 92
  33. Ni 28
  34. Pd 46
  35. As 33
  36. Rg 111
  37. Au 79
  38. Hs 108
  39. In 49
  40. Bk 97
  41. Tc 43
  42. Pm 61
  43. Sn 50
  44. Ru 44
  45. N 7
  46. Db 105
  47. Mg 12
  48. Th 90
  49. Mo 42
  50. Te 52
  51. Ds 110
  52. Bh 107
  53. Sr 38
  54. Rn 86
  55. Co 27
  56. Fm 100
  57. Ba 56
  58. Mt 109
  59. F 9
  60. Ta 73
  61. Rb 37
  62. Li 3

118 Clues: O 8C 6B 5N 7H 1F 9V 23W 74He 2K 19I 53Y 39U 92S 16P 15Li 3Be 4Ga 31Tl 81At 85Np 93Ce 58Bi 83Es 99Ac 89Ag 47Cr 24Mn 25Ar 18Sm 62Pt 78Yb 70Cd 48Cm 96Nd 60Br 35Kr 36Gd 64Sb 51Ca 20Zr 40La 57Dy 66Sc 21Pa 91Cl 17Eu 63Fe 26Cf 98Pu 94Ne 10Cs 55Er 68Rh 45Ni 28Pd 46As 33Au 79Cu 29Xe 54Zn 30In 49Tm 69Lu 71Bk 97Am 95Tc 43Pm 61Sn 50Si 14Ra 88Ru 44Ho 67Pb 82...

PeriodiCrossword 2024-11-20

PeriodiCrossword crossword puzzle
  1. Tb-65
  2. Hf-72
  3. Lr-103
  4. S-16
  5. Po-84
  6. Zr-40
  7. N-7
  8. Pm-61
  9. Os-76
  10. Br-35
  11. Dy-66
  12. W-74
  13. Ce-58
  14. Ru-44
  15. Sg-106
  16. Au-79
  17. K-19
  18. Sr-38
  19. Ca-20
  20. La-57
  21. Ts-117
  22. He-2
  23. Co-27
  24. Nd-60
  25. Na-11
  26. Ti-22
  27. Hs-108
  28. V-23
  29. Fm-100
  30. Sn-50
  31. Nh-113
  32. Bh-107
  33. Sc-21
  34. Se-34
  35. Ag-47
  36. Tc-43
  37. Hg-80
  38. Sm-62
  39. P-15
  40. Pd-46
  41. Fe-26
  42. O-8
  43. Tm-69
  44. Lv-116
  45. Mg-12
  46. Cf-98
  47. Cr-24
  48. C-6
  49. In-49
  50. Rn-86
  51. Li-3
  52. Sb-51
  53. Er-68
  54. U-92
  55. Tl-81
  56. Mt-109
  57. Re-75
  58. Pu-94
  59. Rb-37
  1. Ge-32
  2. Kr-36
  3. Ga-31
  4. Es-99
  5. Zn-30
  6. Md-101
  7. At-85
  8. Db-105
  9. Rh-45
  10. Cu-29
  11. B-5
  12. Mn-25
  13. Pa-91
  14. Fr-87
  15. Al-13
  16. No-102
  17. Y-39
  18. Og-118
  19. Ir-77
  20. Cl-17
  21. Si-14
  22. Ac-89
  23. Rg-111
  24. Pr-59
  25. Cm-96
  26. Cn-112
  27. Pb-82
  28. Ra-88
  29. Ba-56
  30. As-33
  31. Cd-48
  32. Mo-42
  33. Xe-54
  34. Am-95
  35. Ni-28
  36. Yb-70
  37. Be-4
  38. Te-52
  39. Bk-97
  40. Ar-18
  41. Gd-64
  42. Np-93
  43. Cs-55
  44. Eu-63
  45. Bi-83
  46. Rf-104
  47. Mc-115
  48. H-1
  49. Ta-73
  50. Ds-110
  51. Ho-67
  52. F-9
  53. Lu-71
  54. I-53
  55. Fl-114
  56. Nb-41
  57. Pt-78
  58. Ne-10
  59. Th-90

118 Clues: N-7B-5H-1O-8F-9C-6S-16Y-39W-74K-19He-2V-23Be-4P-15I-53Li-3U-92Ge-32Kr-36Tb-65Ga-31Es-99Hf-72Zn-30Po-84At-85Zr-40Rh-45Cu-29Pm-61Mn-25Pa-91Fr-87Al-13Os-76Br-35Ir-77Dy-66Ce-58Cl-17Ru-44Si-14Ac-89Pr-59Au-79Sr-38Ca-20Cm-96Pb-82Ra-88Ba-56La-57As-33Co-27Cd-48Nd-60Na-11Ti-22Mo-42Xe-54Am-95Sn-50Ni-28Sc-21Yb-70Se-34Te-52Bk-97Ag-47Tc-43Ar-18Gd-64Np-93Cs-55...

Notable SLUH Alumni 2015-09-17

Notable SLUH Alumni crossword puzzle
  1. Inventor of the teleprompter. (’37)
  2. Former President and CEO of Valvoline Oil Company. (’44)
  3. Producer of Guardians of the Galaxy and other movies and TV shows. (’84)
  4. Member of the National Soccer Hall of Fame. (’61)
  5. Harvard professor, author of The Other America, and founder of the Democratic Socialists of America. (’44)
  6. Writer for HBO show Real Time with Bill Maher. (’90)
  7. The unknown service member from the Vietnam War buried at the Tomb of the Unknowns. (’66)
  8. Former St. Louis City Chief of Police. (’85)
  1. Only graduate to be pictured on US currency.
  2. Retired Chairman of the Board and CEO of Wendy's International. (’69)
  3. Emmy Award-winning comedy writer for The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien and other TV shows. (’86)
  4. Major League Soccer player for the New England Revolution and member of the U.S. Men's National Soccer Team. (’98)
  5. Actor, star of NBC series Grimm. (’98)
  6. Producer of Draft Day and other movies and TV shows. (’81)
  7. Director of Sesame Street and other TV shows and films. (’75)

15 Clues: Inventor of the teleprompter. (’37)Actor, star of NBC series Grimm. (’98)Only graduate to be pictured on US currency.Former St. Louis City Chief of Police. (’85)Member of the National Soccer Hall of Fame. (’61)Writer for HBO show Real Time with Bill Maher. (’90)Former President and CEO of Valvoline Oil Company. (’44)...

Serat Wedhatama 2023-09-14

Serat Wedhatama crossword puzzle
  1. wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatra
  2. cacahing gatra saben sapada
  3. watake tembang kinanthi
  4. 8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i paugeran saka tembang
  1. tibaning swara ana ing pungkasaning gatra
  2. dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"
  3. guru lagu tembang macapat kinanthi
  4. serat wedhatama ngandhut piwulang luhur
  5. serat wedhatama ikut wujude
  6. dideleng sama tembung tegese "tama"

10 Clues: watake tembang kinanthicacahing gatra saben sapadaserat wedhatama ikut wujudeguru lagu tembang macapat kinanthidideleng sama tembung tegese "tama"dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatraserat wedhatama ngandhut piwulang luhur8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i paugeran saka tembangtibaning swara ana ing pungkasaning gatra

p.84-86 2020-04-26

p.84-86 crossword puzzle
  1. You can do it on a boat
  2. A man who works a lot
  3. You can find it in a newspaper
  4. Somebody who owns land
  1. People who live in Switzerland
  2. It started in 1848
  3. How empty towns after the goldrush are called
  4. A place where are many trees and wild animals
  5. People who are born in the country they live
  6. It`s the opposite of full

10 Clues: It started in 1848A man who works a lotSomebody who owns landYou can do it on a boatIt`s the opposite of fullPeople who live in SwitzerlandYou can find it in a newspaperPeople who are born in the country they liveHow empty towns after the goldrush are calledA place where are many trees and wild animals

Church History #6 2021-01-26

Church History #6 crossword puzzle
  1. to ____ the body and to enliven the soul (D&C 59:19)
  2. all wholesome ____ God hath ordained (D&C 89:10)
  3. give diligent ____ to the words of eternal life (D&C 84:43)
  4. ask in ____, with an honest heart (D&C 8:1)
  1. my ____ shall be in your hearts (D&C 84:88)
  2. be heirs of the celestial kingdom of ____ (D&C 137:7)
  3. according to the desire of their ____ (D&C 137:9)
  4. field is white already to ____ (D&C 4:4)
  5. In my name they shall heal the ____ (D&C 84:68)
  6. mine elect ____ my voice (D&C 29:7)

10 Clues: mine elect ____ my voice (D&C 29:7)field is white already to ____ (D&C 4:4)my ____ shall be in your hearts (D&C 84:88)ask in ____, with an honest heart (D&C 8:1)In my name they shall heal the ____ (D&C 84:68)all wholesome ____ God hath ordained (D&C 89:10)according to the desire of their ____ (D&C 137:9)...

sottrazioni2 2020-05-24

sottrazioni2 crossword puzzle
  1. 65-25
  2. 77-35
  3. 68-45
  4. 52-28
  5. 26-9
  6. 84-36
  1. 84-50
  2. 36-24
  3. 56-43
  4. 39-18
  5. 64-25
  6. 45-16

12 Clues: 26-965-2584-5036-2456-4339-1877-3564-2568-4552-2845-1684-36

monomi e polinomi 2020-05-13

monomi e polinomi crossword puzzle
  1. a-(2b+a)
  2. Somma algebrica di monomi
  3. come si dice questo monomio 8a² -8a²
  4. è un tipo di polinomio con tutti i suoi termini dello stesso grado
  5. qual è il grado di questo polinomio a³+a²b²-4b²
  6. i monomi che compongono il polinomio sono detti
  7. un polinomio che ha tutti gli esponenti in ordine decrescente
  8. (x+3)(x-3)
  1. (2/3 x-1)(2/3 x+1)
  2. è un monomio quando è scritto come prodotto fra un numero e una o più lettere
  3. (a-2b)(a+2b)
  4. è la somma dei gradi rispetto a tutte le lettere del monomio
  5. (4ab-6ab)÷2ab
  6. polinomio ridotto in forma normale con due termini
  7. lettere in un monomio
  8. {[(74ax)7]9}⋅0
  9. [(8x)÷(2x)]⋅2
  10. come si dice questo monomio 5a² 3a²
  11. polinomio con tre termini
  12. Un polinomio che rispetto ad una lettera presenta tutte le potenze

20 Clues: a-(2b+a)(x+3)(x-3)(a-2b)(a+2b)(4ab-6ab)÷2ab[(8x)÷(2x)]⋅2{[(74ax)7]9}⋅0(2/3 x-1)(2/3 x+1)lettere in un monomioSomma algebrica di monomipolinomio con tre terminicome si dice questo monomio 5a² 3a²come si dice questo monomio 8a² -8a²qual è il grado di questo polinomio a³+a²b²-4b²i monomi che compongono il polinomio sono detti...

3M LOK 2017-02-13

3M LOK crossword puzzle
  5. 3-M MANAGER
  1. A7 4ABG N / A = ___
  2. PMS-5


kpl 3 s. 84-85 2024-03-21

kpl 3 s. 84-85 crossword puzzle
  1. jälkeen
  2. talo
  3. rakennus
  4. silta
  5. hieno
  6. keskusta
  7. kaupunki
  8. hengailla
  9. pyöräillä
  10. vanha
  11. koska
  12. matkustaa
  13. tunneli
  14. koulumatka
  15. että
  16. vain
  17. kaikki
  1. yli
  2. lempipaikka
  3. ulkopuolella
  4. asua
  5. kotikaupunki
  6. moderni
  7. jotain
  8. kaveri
  9. mutta
  10. kiva
  11. sijaita
  12. katu
  13. auto

30 Clues: ylitaloasuakivakatuettävainautosiltahienovanhamuttakoskajotainkaverikaikkijälkeenmodernitunnelisijaitarakennuskeskustakaupunkihengaillapyöräillämatkustaakoulumatkalempipaikkaulkopuolellakotikaupunki

Orangutans Ecosystem 2023-11-21

Orangutans Ecosystem crossword puzzle
  1. Layer below the tallest layer of the rainforest (p. 82)
  2. Type of oil made in the Midwest of the U.S. (p. 35)
  3. The largest producer of soybean oil other than the U.S. (p. 35)
  4. Food that termites eat (p. 89)
  5. How orangutans spread drupes (p. 86)
  6. Layer above the floor of the rainforest (p. 82)
  7. Type of prairies that need to be replaced for canola farms (p. 36)
  8. Eats insects and figs (p. 20)
  9. Type of fruit that orangutans defecate (p. 86)
  10. Animal that eats grass (p. 89)
  1. Groups of different species living together
  2. Type of fruit that orangutans eat (p. 20)
  3. Type of oil made in Canada (p. 36)
  4. Movement of seeds away from the parent plant (p. 84)
  5. Animals that eat wild bananas (p. 89)
  6. Groups of living and non-living things together
  7. Group of the same species living together
  8. Food that wild pigs and boars eat (p. 89)
  9. Country where Orangutans live (p. 20)
  10. Animals that eat orangutans (p. 89)

20 Clues: Eats insects and figs (p. 20)Food that termites eat (p. 89)Animal that eats grass (p. 89)Type of oil made in Canada (p. 36)Animals that eat orangutans (p. 89)How orangutans spread drupes (p. 86)Animals that eat wild bananas (p. 89)Country where Orangutans live (p. 20)Type of fruit that orangutans eat (p. 20)Group of the same species living together...

Pasteurella sp. 2022-04-29

Pasteurella sp. crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 13a
  3. 10b
  4. 3a
  5. 13b
  6. 16a
  7. 9c
  8. 4
  9. 14b
  10. 7
  11. 10a
  12. 16b
  13. 11a
  14. 10c
  15. 5
  16. 2
  1. 14a
  2. 13c
  3. 11b
  4. 12b
  5. 12a
  6. 8a
  7. 9a
  8. 3b
  9. 3c
  10. 16c
  11. 1
  12. 9b
  13. 15
  14. 8b

30 Clues: 6147528a3a9a3b3c9c9b158b14a13c11b12b12a13a10b13b16c16a14b10a16b11a10c

NuMbErS 2022-12-01

NuMbErS crossword puzzle
  1. 27
  2. 26
  3. 91
  4. 86
  5. 39
  6. 90
  7. 76
  8. 45
  9. 60
  10. 62
  11. 8
  12. 64
  13. 79
  14. 32
  15. 24
  16. 80
  17. 38
  18. 15
  19. 2
  20. 94
  21. 12
  22. 17
  23. 41
  24. 4
  25. 69
  26. 75
  27. 6
  28. 5
  29. 57
  30. 3
  31. 95
  32. 49
  33. 96
  34. 36
  35. 70
  36. 66
  37. 9
  38. 68
  39. 34
  40. 61
  41. 21
  42. 33
  43. 59
  44. 43
  45. 65
  46. 84
  47. 88
  48. 101
  49. 77
  50. 98
  51. 28
  1. 71
  2. 99
  3. 20
  4. 10
  5. 44
  6. 22
  7. 42
  8. 19
  9. 18
  10. 63
  11. 92
  12. 100
  13. 82
  14. 40
  15. 25
  16. 37
  17. 23
  18. 14
  19. 52
  20. 89
  21. 16
  22. 48
  23. 46
  24. 29
  25. 74
  26. 97
  27. 53
  28. 56
  29. 11
  30. 67
  31. 7
  32. 78
  33. 50
  34. 83
  35. 54
  36. 47
  37. 72
  38. 1
  39. 87
  40. 55
  41. 93
  42. 31
  43. 58
  44. 73
  45. 30
  46. 35
  47. 51
  48. 13

99 Clues: 82476531971992720269110448639902242197618456063926264824025793732232414528089163815484629947497121741535669116775785057835495499647723670875566933158683461732130333559435165138488779828100101

E 2024-12-01

E crossword puzzle
  1. 352+85
  2. 97-25
  3. 854-568
  4. 54+85
  5. 88-52
  6. 875+65
  7. 985-425
  8. 852+85
  1. 456-74
  2. 580+685
  3. 854-85
  4. 47+58
  5. 25+875
  6. 758-89
  7. 854-86

15 Clues: 97-2554+8547+5888-52352+85456-74854-8525+875875+65758-89852+85854-86580+685854-568985-425

Orangutans Ecosystem 2023-11-21

Orangutans Ecosystem crossword puzzle
  1. Animals that eat wild bananas (p. 89)
  2. Group of the same species living together
  3. Food that termites eat (p. 89)
  4. Food that wild pigs and boars eat (p. 89)
  5. Animals that eat orangutans (p. 89)
  6. Type of fruit that orangutans defecate (p. 86)
  7. Groups of living and non-living things together
  8. Eats insects and figs (p. 20)
  9. The largest producer of soybean oil other than the U.S. (p. 35)
  10. Layer below the tallest layer of the rainforest (p. 82)
  1. Type of oil made in Canada (p. 36)
  2. Type of oil made in the Midwest of the U.S. (p. 35)
  3. Layer above the floor of the rainforest (p. 82)
  4. Type of prairies that need to be replaced for canola farms (p. 36)
  5. Animal that eats grass (p. 89)
  6. Country where Orangutans live (p. 20)
  7. Type of fruit that orangutans eat (p. 20)
  8. How orangutans spread drupes (p. 86)
  9. Groups of different species living together
  10. Movement of seeds away from the parent plant (p. 84)

20 Clues: Eats insects and figs (p. 20)Animal that eats grass (p. 89)Food that termites eat (p. 89)Type of oil made in Canada (p. 36)Animals that eat orangutans (p. 89)How orangutans spread drupes (p. 86)Animals that eat wild bananas (p. 89)Country where Orangutans live (p. 20)Group of the same species living togetherType of fruit that orangutans eat (p. 20)...

general 84 2023-10-11

general 84 crossword puzzle
  1. november holiday, big NYC parade day
  2. world war 2 president
  3. city noted for manufacturing automobiles
  4. philadelphia state
  5. islam is one
  6. it causes malfunctions in electronic equipment
  7. mid-day meal
  8. spoken or writen known untruth
  1. microscopic lifeform, some make you sick
  2. paper flying device, windblown, tethered by string
  3. legless reptile
  4. traffic controller
  5. fuel dug out of mines
  6. germany's capital
  7. sweetener
  8. ice cream treat with topping and whipped cream
  9. mom, dad, and children
  10. large, flightless bird
  11. element that is 78 percent of air

19 Clues: sweetenerislam is onemid-day meallegless reptilegermany's capitaltraffic controllerphiladelphia stateworld war 2 presidentfuel dug out of minesmom, dad, and childrenlarge, flightless birdspoken or writen known untruthelement that is 78 percent of airnovember holiday, big NYC parade daymicroscopic lifeform, some make you sick...

God Uses Us 2021-01-30

God Uses Us crossword puzzle
  1. Clue 5A
  2. Clue 11B
  3. Clue 9A
  4. Clue 2B
  5. Clue 3B
  6. Clue 11A
  7. Clue 6A
  8. Clue 8A
  9. Clue 1A
  10. Clue 7B
  1. Clue 10A
  2. Clue 12A
  3. Clue 8B
  4. Clue 3A
  5. Clue 4B
  6. Clue 4A
  7. Clue 12B
  8. Clue 7A
  9. Clue 1B
  10. Clue 2A

20 Clues: Clue 5AClue 8BClue 3AClue 4BClue 9AClue 2BClue 4AClue 3BClue 7AClue 6AClue 8AClue 1AClue 1BClue 2AClue 7BClue 10AClue 12AClue 11BClue 12BClue 11A

Solving Equations Crossword 2020-10-24

Solving Equations Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. x/13 + 2 = 5
  2. x/7 - 5 = 1
  3. 3x - 15 = 42
  4. 4(x-20) = 200
  5. 5(x-5) = 75
  6. x/9 + 8 = 10
  1. 3(x+8) = 84
  2. x/3 - 4 = 1
  3. x/5 + 2 = 9
  4. 8x - 23 = 65
  5. 2x + 4 = 16
  6. 3x - 8 = 22

12 Clues: 3(x+8) = 84x/3 - 4 = 1x/7 - 5 = 1x/5 + 2 = 92x + 4 = 163x - 8 = 225(x-5) = 75x/13 + 2 = 53x - 15 = 428x - 23 = 65x/9 + 8 = 104(x-20) = 200

tts 84 2015-04-04

tts 84 crossword puzzle
  1. doppelt, zweifach
  2. Einheit, Anlage, Aggregat, Abteilung, Teil
  3. Gift, Toxin, Giftstoff
  4. leben
  5. unglücklich, fruchtlos, unglückselig
  6. Migration, Wanderung
  7. Tagtraum, Traum, Träumerei
  8. Gesellschaft, Verein
  9. stinkend, übel riechend
  10. Netzwerk, Netz
  11. Sabotage
  12. Charakter, Figur
  13. verschwunden, entschwinden, tauchen
  14. magisch, zauberhaft
  1. heilig, heweiht, gottgefällig
  2. Symbol, Zeichen
  3. hungrig, hungernd
  4. Wert, Valuta, Kostbarkeit, Nutzen
  5. Zusammenfassung, Auszug, Überblick
  6. Akronym
  7. Glucose, Traubenzucker
  8. Nächstenliebe, Karitas, Güte, Wohltätigkeit
  9. wild
  10. Held, Heros, Idol
  11. Paar
  12. vier
  13. Raum, Platz
  14. schreiben

28 Clues: wildPaarvierlebenAkronymSabotageschreibenRaum, PlatzNetzwerk, NetzSymbol, ZeichenCharakter, Figurdoppelt, zweifachhungrig, hungerndHeld, Heros, Idolmagisch, zauberhaftMigration, WanderungGesellschaft, VereinGift, Toxin, GiftstoffGlucose, Traubenzuckerstinkend, übel riechendTagtraum, Traum, Träumereiheilig, heweiht, gottgefällig...

Puzzle 84 2022-12-23

Puzzle 84 crossword puzzle
  1. The islands extensively studied by Charles Darwin.
  2. Units of electric power.
  3. The 'R' in NMR.
  4. The most common element in pure water.
  5. The change of state from gas to liquid.
  6. The study of materials at very low temperatures.
  7. The units of electric resistance.
  8. Molten rock before it has erupted.
  9. Substances that don’t conduct heat.
  10. The device used to measure electric current.
  11. The instrument used to accurately measure small amounts of liquid.
  1. A person who studies fossils and prehistoric life.
  2. The 'E' in EMP.
  3. A planet circled by two moons.
  4. The lens used in a magnifying glass.
  5. The 'D' in LED.
  6. The gas essential in the production of fertilizers and light bulbs.
  7. A single piece of coiled DNA.
  8. The wire inside an electric bulb.
  9. One of the three-time periods of the dinosaurs.

20 Clues: The 'E' in EMP.The 'D' in LED.The 'R' in NMR.Units of electric power.A single piece of coiled DNA.A planet circled by two moons.The wire inside an electric bulb.The units of electric resistance.Molten rock before it has erupted.Substances that don’t conduct heat.The lens used in a magnifying glass.The most common element in pure water....

transword 84 2018-07-18

transword 84 crossword puzzle
  1. bag
  2. no, none
  3. to add
  4. switched off
  5. will
  6. collected
  7. institute, institution, settings
  8. set
  9. cashier
  10. enabled
  11. by,at
  12. wait
  13. options
  1. during
  2. billing address
  3. selected
  4. influence
  5. name
  6. to pay, to settle one's bill
  7. to modify, to alter
  8. mandatory
  9. payment
  10. this
  11. clicked
  12. ask
  13. become
  14. with
  15. what

28 Clues: bagsetasknamewillthiswithwaitwhatby,atduringto addbecomepaymentclickedcashierenabledoptionsselectedno, noneinfluencecollectedmandatoryswitched offbilling addressto modify, to alterto pay, to settle one's billinstitute, institution, settings

Lesson 84 2024-11-07

Lesson 84 crossword puzzle
  1. - 징조
  2. - 거실, 응접실
  3. - 의무를 지우다, 강요하다, 돕다
  4. - 옷
  5. - 궤도
  6. - 반대, 저항, 항의
  7. - 생산량, 출력
  8. - 제공하다, 권하다
  9. - 장애(물)
  10. - 부분의, 편파적인, 불완전한
  11. - 출구, 배출구
  12. - 낙천적인, 긍정적인
  13. - 개요, 윤곽, 외형
  14. - 애국자, 우국지사
  15. - 동가, 동질, 동액, 동량
  16. - 활약이 지나친
  17. - 국회
  18. - 패러디, 풍자적인 모방
  19. - 목적, 목표, 대상
  20. - 조작자, 수술하는 사람, 운영자
  1. - 폭력을 휘두르다, 화나게 만들다
  2. - 일시적으로 완화시키다
  3. - 시작
  4. - 애처로운, 한심한
  5. - 억압하다, 괴롭히다
  6. - 색다른, 이상한
  7. - 후원자, 단골 손님
  8. - 순찰하다
  9. - 꿰뚫다, 관통하다
  10. - 능가하다, 앞지르다
  11. - 간과하다, 소홀히 하다
  12. - 부분적으로, 일부
  13. - 불길한, 나쁜 징조의
  14. - 펜팔
  15. - 목걸이에 매달린 장식품

35 Clues: - 옷- 징조- 궤도- 시작- 펜팔- 국회- 순찰하다- 장애(물)- 거실, 응접실- 생산량, 출력- 출구, 배출구- 활약이 지나친- 색다른, 이상한- 애처로운, 한심한- 꿰뚫다, 관통하다- 제공하다, 권하다- 부분적으로, 일부- 애국자, 우국지사- 반대, 저항, 항의- 억압하다, 괴롭히다- 후원자, 단골 손님- 능가하다, 앞지르다- 낙천적인, 긍정적인- 개요, 윤곽, 외형- 목적, 목표, 대상- 일시적으로 완화시키다- 불길한, 나쁜 징조의- 간과하다, 소홀히 하다- 목걸이에 매달린 장식품- 패러디, 풍자적인 모방- 동가, 동질, 동액, 동량- 부분의, 편파적인, 불완전한- 폭력을 휘두르다, 화나게 만들다...

Lesson 2 crossword 2023-05-04

Lesson 2 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. In 1302, Philip IV gained approval for taxes from three classes of French society in a group called the Estates-________________. Pg 83
  2. ___________________ appears to have been common law in the 1200s, stating that a person needed to appear before a judge to determine if they are to be put in jail. Pg 81
  3. Because of the acceptance of many cultures in Sicily, people shared _____________ and knowledge with each other. Pg 90
  4. In 1174, Jerusalem was recaptured by Muslim forces under the direction of a brilliant general named _______________. Pg 88
  5. In 1240, _______________ warriors from Central Asia conquered Kievan Rus. Pg 84
  6. After Pope Urban II agreed to help the Byzantines fight Muslim forces, the first ______________, or holy war, began. Pg 87
  7. During his first census, King William had every person and farm animal recorded in the __________________ Book. pg 80
  8. Between 1072 and 1091, Norman Roger I won control of _______________. Pg 89
  9. Moscow prospered because it was at the crossroads of several ___________ routes. Pg 85
  10. The combination of Anglo-Saxon and French languages became the ___________ language. Pg 79
  11. In 843, the western part of Charlemagne’s empire became _______________. Pg 82
  12. Under Norman rule, Anglo-Saxons learned many skills from Norman weavers and __________________. Pg 80
  1. During the crusades, Christians attempted to spread Christianity throughout Europe, often causing _______________ of European Jews and Muslims. Pg 88
  2. In 1099, the First Crusade stormed the city of ______________. Pg 87
  3. King John of England, was forced to put his seal on a document called the ___________________, which placed limits on a king’s power. Pg 81
  4. In 1066, the Pope _____________ a noble named Harold Godwinson and gave his support to William, the Duke of Normandy. Pg 79
  5. William defeated Harold at the Battle of ______________ in 1066. Pg 79
  6. The Russian term czar, like Caesar in Latin, means ____________. Pg 86
  7. Normans were descendants of the northwestern European _______________. Pg 89
  8. The growth of Parliament marked an important step toward _______________ government. Pg 82

20 Clues: In 1099, the First Crusade stormed the city of ______________. Pg 87William defeated Harold at the Battle of ______________ in 1066. Pg 79The Russian term czar, like Caesar in Latin, means ____________. Pg 86Between 1072 and 1091, Norman Roger I won control of _______________. Pg 89...

Aglomeracija 2024-05-02

Aglomeracija crossword puzzle
  1. 1a
  2. 6e
  3. 11i
  4. 3l
  5. 7r
  1. 4o
  2. 5m
  3. 10j
  4. 8a
  5. 9c
  6. 2g
  7. 12a

12 Clues: 4o5m8a9c1a6e2g3l7r10j11i12a

Crossword-Round-3 2023-12-03

Crossword-Round-3 crossword puzzle
  1. It's important to _________ the nutritional value of the food we eat. (a7)
  2. The human effects are solely responsible for the destruction of flora and ______ of the marine ecosystem. (f5)
  3. a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed.(r9)
  4. showing data using images. (p10)
  1. Maps are tools that _______ the driver to reach a destination. (g5)
  2. India played _________ Australia in the World Cup final. (a7)
  3. synonym of something that is specific or special to a person or thing.(p10)
  4. In the hot and fiery _______, the brave little mouse found a safe path to escape. (i7)
  5. The consumers _________ on producers for their food. (d6)
  6. The shop is ________ the street. (a6)

10 Clues: showing data using images. (p10)The shop is ________ the street. (a6)The consumers _________ on producers for their food. (d6)India played _________ Australia in the World Cup final. (a7)Maps are tools that _______ the driver to reach a destination. (g5)It's important to _________ the nutritional value of the food we eat. (a7)...

Cardinal Numbers Crossword Puzzle 2023-07-28

Cardinal Numbers Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 22*2
  2. 12*2
  3. 31*2
  4. 16+18
  5. 140-52
  6. 84+16
  7. 32+46
  8. 33*2
  1. 68+26
  2. -90+47
  3. 33+19
  4. -16+8+2*504
  5. 120-22
  6. 19*2
  7. Math Symbol: +
  8. 16.4*5
  9. Math Symbol: =
  10. 98-24

18 Clues: 22*212*231*219*233*268+2633+1916+1884+1698-2432+46-90+47120-22140-5216.4*5-16+8+2*504Math Symbol: +Math Symbol: =

teka teki matematika 2024-01-31

teka teki matematika crossword puzzle
  1. 68 dibagi 4
  2. 84 dibagi 7
  3. 112 dibagi 7
  4. 36 dibagi 6
  5. 120 dibagi 8
  6. 21 dibagi 3
  7. 28 dibagi 7
  8. 56 dibagi 7
  9. 22 dibagi 11
  1. 90 dibagi 5
  2. 18 dibagi 2
  3. 133 dibagi 7
  4. 78 dibagi 6
  5. 21 dibagi 7
  6. 77 dibagi 7
  7. 180 dibagi 9
  8. 126 dibagi 9
  9. 70 dibagi 7

18 Clues: 90 dibagi 568 dibagi 418 dibagi 278 dibagi 621 dibagi 777 dibagi 784 dibagi 770 dibagi 736 dibagi 621 dibagi 328 dibagi 756 dibagi 7133 dibagi 7180 dibagi 9112 dibagi 7126 dibagi 9120 dibagi 822 dibagi 11

Fula tjejer kapitel 18 2024-01-15

Fula tjejer kapitel 18 crossword puzzle
  1. På ett sätt som visar att man vill någon gott. Weldadig. Naxariis badan. ሕያዋይ.
  2. Sätt man säger något på, ifråga röstläge och betoning. Toon. Cod. ቃና. 85
  3. Inte nöjd. Ontevreden. Ku qanacsanayn. ብሓደ ሰብ/ነገር ዘይዓገበ. 86
  4. Intresse, beaktande. Aandacht. Fiiro gaar ah. ኣቓልቦ. 86
  5. Antagande, förmodan. Gok. Qiyaas. ግምት. 85
  6. Berättelser där huvudtemat är olika brott och hur de utreds. Detective verhaal. Sheeko baarayaal. ታሪኽ መርማሪ.
  7. En tankemodell, en grupp antaganden eller påståenden om hur någonting är eller gått till. Theorie. Aragti. ክልሰ-ሓሳብ. 85
  8. Förolämpa, förödmjuka, såra. Schenden. Ku xad gudub. ኣርከሰ.
  9. Mentalt störd. Gestoord. Qallafsanaan. ዘረገ. 85
  1. Respons på något som händer. Reactie. Falcelin. መልሰ-ግብሪ. 85
  2. Utan reaktion, nonchalant. Onaangeroerd. Lama taabtaan. ዕጅብ ዘይብሎ.
  3. Klargör, förklarar så att det blir lättare atrt förstå. Verduidelijkt. Cadeynayaa. ኣጻረየ. 86
  4. Brist på förtroende till en person eller en sak. Wantrouwen. Kalsooni darro. ጥርጠራ.
  5. Fritidsintresse. Vrijetijdsbelang. Hiwaayad. ፍሉይ ግዳሰ. 86

14 Clues: Antagande, förmodan. Gok. Qiyaas. ግምት. 85Mentalt störd. Gestoord. Qallafsanaan. ዘረገ. 85Intresse, beaktande. Aandacht. Fiiro gaar ah. ኣቓልቦ. 86Fritidsintresse. Vrijetijdsbelang. Hiwaayad. ፍሉይ ግዳሰ. 86Förolämpa, förödmjuka, såra. Schenden. Ku xad gudub. ኣርከሰ.Respons på något som händer. Reactie. Falcelin. መልሰ-ግብሪ. 85...

maths crossword 2023-05-08

maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ((60/5)×12)/8/9
  2. 8×4×2
  3. 12x12/24×2
  4. 60/15)×12/6/2+2
  5. (((72×5)/30) & 12 - 44) / 5
  6. 84×2/8
  7. 12×12/4
  8. 18/4 x 3-2.5
  9. (7×3+3)/6+7
  1. 7×3×2
  2. 72×5/10-6
  3. (88/11)×12-21+30-5
  4. square root of 64
  5. 12 squared /4
  6. 5×3
  7. (9072/18)/4-43
  8. 3x12+(92/4)-19
  9. 3 cubed
  10. ((3squared x3)-3)/2
  11. square root of 81

20 Clues: 5×37×3×28×4×284×2/83 cubed12×12/472×5/10-612x12/24×2(7×3+3)/6+718/4 x 3-2.512 squared /4(9072/18)/4-433x12+(92/4)-19((60/5)×12)/8/960/15)×12/6/2+2square root of 64square root of 81(88/11)×12-21+30-5((3squared x3)-3)/2(((72×5)/30) & 12 - 44) / 5

8a 2016-08-26

8a crossword puzzle
  1. žmogus, rūpestingiausiai prižiūrintis jaunesnius šeimos vaikus
  2. žmogus, gebantis išgyventi be mobilaus telefono
  3. žmogus su akiniais nuo saulės
  4. žmogus, kovojantis už save
  5. kukliausias klasės žmogus
  6. gudriausiai besišypsantis žmogus
  7. savanoriškiausias klasės žmogus
  8. žmogus, draugaujantis su kamuoliu
  1. žmogus, žinantis, kokia karšta gali būti saulė
  2. savarankiškai priiminėjantis sprendimus žmogus
  3. žmogus, mėgstantis šokti gatvės šokius
  4. žmogus, nebijantis karinių įsakymų
  5. žmogus, neleidžiantis kištis į savo gyvenimą
  6. žmogus, dėl kurio dėmesio varžosi merginos
  7. žmogus administratorius
  8. žmogus,žiūrintis į kitus iš aukštai
  9. žmogus - ligų maišelis

17 Clues: žmogus - ligų maišelisžmogus administratoriuskukliausias klasės žmogusžmogus, kovojantis už savežmogus su akiniais nuo saulėssavanoriškiausias klasės žmogusgudriausiai besišypsantis žmogusžmogus, draugaujantis su kamuoliužmogus, nebijantis karinių įsakymųžmogus,žiūrintis į kitus iš aukštaižmogus, mėgstantis šokti gatvės šokius...

Periyodik Sistem 2023-05-21

Periyodik Sistem crossword puzzle
  1. Isı ve elektriği iyi ileten elementlerin genel adı
  2. Periyodik sistemde 1A grubuna verilen özel isim
  3. Periyodik tablodaki grup sayısı
  4. 1. periyot 8A grubundaki element
  5. Periyodik sistemde 8A grubuna verilen özel isim
  6. Periyodik sistemdeki yatay satırlar
  7. Periyodik sistemde 7A grubuna verilen özel isim
  1. Periyodik sistemin sağ tarafında bulunan elementler
  2. Soygazların oda sıcaklığında bulunduğu hal
  3. Hem metallerin hem de ametallerin özelliklerini bir arada bulunduran elementler
  4. Günümüzde kullanılan, elementleri artan atom numaralarına göre sıralayan sistem
  5. Periyodik sistemdeki dikey sütunlar
  6. Periyodik tabloda 6A grubundaki elementlerin değerlik elektron sayısı

13 Clues: Periyodik tablodaki grup sayısı1. periyot 8A grubundaki elementPeriyodik sistemdeki dikey sütunlarPeriyodik sistemdeki yatay satırlarSoygazların oda sıcaklığında bulunduğu halPeriyodik sistemde 1A grubuna verilen özel isimPeriyodik sistemde 8A grubuna verilen özel isimPeriyodik sistemde 7A grubuna verilen özel isim...

2 n gunakirima 2024-07-12

2 n gunakirima crossword puzzle
  1. 3 x 8
  2. 9 x 3
  3. 32 x 4
  4. 12 x 6
  5. 50 x 10
  1. 51 x 2
  2. 24 x 3
  3. 39 x 2
  4. 15 x 10
  5. 10 x 8
  6. 9 x 5

11 Clues: 3 x 89 x 39 x 551 x 224 x 339 x 232 x 410 x 812 x 615 x 1050 x 10

1.Dodawanie pamięciowe. 2020-06-07

1.Dodawanie pamięciowe. crossword puzzle
  1. 29+27
  2. 15+4
  3. 20+8
  4. 15+62
  5. 25+56
  1. 42+17
  2. 17+0+1
  3. 20+7
  4. 50+21
  5. 19+65

10 Clues: 15+420+820+729+2742+1715+6250+2125+5619+6517+0+1

secret garden passcode 2023-03-14

secret garden passcode crossword puzzle
  1. who helped mary find the key to the secret garden? (pages 84-85)
  2. who parents died of cholera?(chapter1 page 8-7)
  3. how did mary's parents die?(page 8-7 chapter1)
  4. who did mrs craven told to take care of the secret garden?(chapter 21 page281-282-283)
  5. what is the athors last name? (front cover)
  1. who gave mary the skipping rope(chapter8 page 90-91)
  2. What does Mary tell her uncle she wants?(chapter12 page 149-150-151)
  3. where mary lennox lived?(chapter1 page 2-3)

8 Clues: where mary lennox lived?(chapter1 page 2-3)what is the athors last name? (front cover)how did mary's parents die?(page 8-7 chapter1)who parents died of cholera?(chapter1 page 8-7)who gave mary the skipping rope(chapter8 page 90-91)who helped mary find the key to the secret garden? (pages 84-85)...

soma, subtração e multiplicação 2022-03-22

soma, subtração e multiplicação crossword puzzle
  1. 2000 - 1879= __________
  2. 3070 - 1658=___________
  3. 293 X 4=_____________
  4. 509 X 7=____________
  5. 590 - 427=___________
  1. 199 + 84 + 39=__________
  2. 8 X 7=___________
  3. 290 - 120=_____________
  4. 290 X 4 =____________
  5. 4381 - 2474=___________
  6. 3702 - 2417=_______________
  7. 47 X 15=____________

12 Clues: 8 X 7=___________47 X 15=____________509 X 7=____________290 X 4 =____________293 X 4=_____________590 - 427=___________290 - 120=_____________2000 - 1879= __________4381 - 2474=___________3070 - 1658=___________199 + 84 + 39=__________3702 - 2417=_______________

medieval 2020-01-13

medieval crossword puzzle
  1. 3
  2. 4a
  3. 6
  4. 2
  5. 1b
  6. 7
  7. 1a
  1. 8b
  2. 5
  3. 4b
  4. 8a

11 Clues: 356278b4a4b8a1b1a

Probability from a Two-Way Table 2023-08-29

Probability from a Two-Way Table crossword puzzle
  1. #7f
  2. #6e
  3. #7a
  4. #5a
  5. #4
  6. #6f
  7. #1
  8. #6b
  9. #7c
  10. #7e
  11. #8b
  1. #8a
  2. #5b
  3. #6c
  4. #3
  5. #6a
  6. #7b
  7. #7d
  8. #6d
  9. #2

20 Clues: #3#4#1#2#7f#8a#5b#6e#6c#7a#6a#5a#6f#7b#6b#7c#7d#6d#7e#8b

Zbrajanje i oduzimanje 2014-01-13

Zbrajanje i oduzimanje crossword puzzle
  1. 27+5
  2. 84-5
  3. 28+8
  4. 53+20
  1. 61-6
  2. 93-10
  3. 49+9
  4. 52-5
  5. 48+30
  6. 68-40

10 Clues: 61-627+549+952-584-528+893-1048+3068-4053+20

Multiplying Decimals 2018-05-16

Multiplying Decimals crossword puzzle
  1. 3.2 X .41=
  2. 22 X 10=
  3. .67 X 10=
  4. 54.3 X 8=
  5. 2.4 X 9.3=
  6. 0.009 X .35=
  7. 4.5 X 9.3=
  8. 1.5 X 10=
  9. 1.9 X 5.3=
  10. 8 X 0.007=
  11. 47 X 25=
  12. 1.2 X 1.9=
  1. 17 X .68=
  2. .03 X .08=
  3. 120 X .4=
  4. .9 X .362=
  5. .84 X .53=
  6. 41 X .63=
  7. .62 X .19=
  8. 7.98 X 4=
  9. 14 X 0.09=
  10. 0.07 X .3=
  11. 16 X 0.3=
  12. 94 X 18 =

24 Clues: 22 X 10=47 X 25=17 X .68=.67 X 10=54.3 X 8=120 X .4=41 X .63=7.98 X 4=1.5 X 10=16 X 0.3=94 X 18 =3.2 X .41=.03 X .08=.9 X .362=2.4 X 9.3=.84 X .53=.62 X .19=4.5 X 9.3=1.9 X 5.3=14 X 0.09=0.07 X .3=8 X 0.007=1.2 X 1.9=0.009 X .35=

tricky trip trop puzzle 2024-08-30

tricky trip trop puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 85+5
  2. 6000+400+70+1
  3. 30+30
  4. 9000+300+80+2
  5. Round 542 to the nearest tens
  6. 3000+200+70+8
  7. 7000+800+60+4
  8. 78x95
  9. 95-22
  10. 15+15
  11. 740-520
  1. 8643+536
  2. 830+230
  3. 5600+23
  4. 3000+500+80+4
  5. 5000+400+60+3
  6. 5x5
  7. 521+352
  8. round 7,896 to the nearest thousand

19 Clues: 5x585+530+3078x9595-2215+15830+2305600+23521+352740-5208643+5366000+400+70+19000+300+80+23000+500+80+45000+400+60+33000+200+70+87000+800+60+4Round 542 to the nearest tensround 7,896 to the nearest thousand

Bruce after 1314 2020-07-27

Bruce after 1314 crossword puzzle
  1. How the 1320 declaration has been described. (pg 83)
  2. This demoralised English earl forced to negotiate truces with Bruce. (pg 80)
  3. Scottish spearmen used to great advantage at Bannockburn. (pg 72)
  4. English forced to camp here after first day of Bannockburn. (pg 72)
  5. Edward II fled here after Bannockburn – but was denied entry. (pg 74)
  6. How the 1328 treaty deal was secured. (pg 84)
  7. To whom the 1320 declaration was addressed. (pg 81)
  8. Captured English earl exchanged for Bruce’s wife. (pg 78)
  9. Constant Scottish raids here wore down English morale. (pg 79)
  10. English knight killed by Bruce with a single strike of an axe. (pg 70)
  11. This 1314 parliament decided that nobles could only have land in Scotland OR England. (pg 77)
  12. English name for the 1328 treaty. (not in book)
  13. Deposed by his wife in 1327. (pg 83)
  14. How the majority of the Scottish army fought. (pg 67)
  1. Scottish commander whose ‘hit and run’ tactics were effective in preventing English invasions, 1317-22. (pg 80 & 81)
  2. Famous declaration of 1320. (pg 81)
  3. New ruler of England in 1327 in place of her son. (pg 83)
  4. Made up the bulk of the English army at Bannockburn. (pg 65)
  5. Arrival of this force at key moment in 1314 panicked the English into retreat. (pg 73)
  6. Strategic island recaptured by the Scots in 1317. (pg 79)
  7. Edward II failed to recapture this strategic town in 1319. (pg 80)
  8. Attached at the bottom of the 1320 declaration. (pg 81)
  9. Low for the English, high for the Scots at Bannockburn. (pg 68)
  10. This talked of alliance scared the English. (pg 79)
  11. Number of letters actually sent in 1320 as the declaration. (pg 81)
  12. Bruce’s brother sent to invade here. (pg 78)
  13. 1328 treaty that concluded the wars. (pg 84)
  14. Dug at Bannockburn to trap the English. (pg 69)
  15. Lands of this family given to Bruce supporters as rewards. (pg 77)
  16. Key Bruce lieutenant at Bannockburn – and after. (pg 68)

30 Clues: Famous declaration of 1320. (pg 81)Deposed by his wife in 1327. (pg 83)Bruce’s brother sent to invade here. (pg 78)1328 treaty that concluded the wars. (pg 84)How the 1328 treaty deal was secured. (pg 84)Dug at Bannockburn to trap the English. (pg 69)English name for the 1328 treaty. (not in book)To whom the 1320 declaration was addressed. (pg 81)...

Number work 2023-10-03

Number work crossword puzzle
  1. 7x9
  2. 10 cubed +8 squared
  3. The cube root of 1000
  4. Multiply the cube root of 27 by 8
  5. 14 squared
  6. 3x5+2x2
  7. Multiply the square root of 81 by 8
  8. 9x11x10
  9. -11x-11
  10. Use long multiplication to work out 25 squared
  11. 7x12
  12. 11x12
  13. 3x3x10x10x10
  14. 8 squared + 6 squared
  1. 6x12x5
  2. 12 squared
  3. 13x13
  4. Use your calculator to work out 6 cubed
  5. The square root of 144
  6. -9x-12
  7. Use your calculator to work out the square root of 5625
  8. 5 cubed
  9. 100 squared
  10. (-15)x-15
  11. 7x7
  12. The square root of 100
  13. The square root of 121

27 Clues: 7x97x77x1213x1311x126x12x5-9x-123x5+2x29x11x10-11x-115 cubed(-15)x-1512 squared14 squared100 squared3x3x10x10x1010 cubed +8 squaredThe cube root of 10008 squared + 6 squaredThe square root of 144The square root of 100The square root of 121Multiply the cube root of 27 by 8Multiply the square root of 81 by 8Use your calculator to work out 6 cubed...

History Week 7 2023-10-23

History Week 7 crossword puzzle
  1. Where was Eleanor's court? p. 84
  2. Who wrote "Historia Calamitatum?" p. 87
  3. Where was the cathedral Villard de Honnecourt designed? p. 93
  4. What would the bride's family give to the groom's family upon their marriage? p. 97
  5. What new architectural style was introduced by Abbot Suger? p. 92
  6. Who sent a letter to the pope proposing to give Rome great power in exchange for mercenaries? p. 79
  7. What was the name for a catapult that threw rocks at one part of a wall to weaken it? p. 95
  1. Who worked to reform the church in the 1200's? p. 91
  2. What type of poetry began to become popular in the 12th century? p. 82
  3. Who arranged the marriage between Eleanor of Aquitaine and King Louis VII? p. 83
  4. What were men who travelled around telling romances to nobles called? p. 85
  5. Who wanted to kill young William Marshall? p. 89
  6. What was the first town the first crusaders captured? p. 81
  7. What were young men called before they became knights? p. 96
  8. What would a lady grow in her garden? p. 94

15 Clues: Where was Eleanor's court? p. 84Who wrote "Historia Calamitatum?" p. 87What would a lady grow in her garden? p. 94Who wanted to kill young William Marshall? p. 89Who worked to reform the church in the 1200's? p. 91What was the first town the first crusaders captured? p. 81What were young men called before they became knights? p. 96...

8A 2022-05-17

8A crossword puzzle
  1. I want to be an architect or realter when I grow up
  2. My middle name is my grandpa's middle name
  3. I have strawberry blonde hair that is very rare
  4. I'm part Indian
  5. I'm part Greek
  6. My favorite food is ramen
  7. I play two instruments
  8. I breath carbon dioxide
  1. I don't travel a lot
  2. My favorite animal is a hippo
  3. My pet is named Oscar
  4. I don't like football
  5. I was born in Outer Banks, NC
  6. I have a collection of broken pens and pencils
  7. When I get excited I talk a lot
  8. I collect squishmallows

16 Clues: I'm part GreekI'm part IndianI don't travel a lotMy pet is named OscarI don't like footballI play two instrumentsI collect squishmallowsI breath carbon dioxideMy favorite food is ramenMy favorite animal is a hippoI was born in Outer Banks, NCWhen I get excited I talk a lotMy middle name is my grandpa's middle name...

spons 2024-06-12

spons crossword puzzle
  1. 31
  2. 14
  3. 49
  4. 3
  5. 32
  6. 68
  7. 54
  8. 74
  9. 78
  10. 42
  11. 20
  12. 41
  13. 51
  14. 4
  15. 34
  16. 79
  17. 56
  18. 33
  19. 29
  20. 46
  21. 67
  22. 37
  23. 77
  24. 6
  25. 71
  26. 28
  27. 58
  28. Bought by JackSucksAtLife
  29. 43
  30. 18
  31. 40
  32. 50
  33. 24
  34. 9
  35. 81
  36. 30
  37. 55
  38. 84
  39. 39
  40. 65
  41. 2
  42. 57
  43. 73
  44. 7
  45. 45
  46. 62
  47. 22
  48. 60
  1. 12
  2. 44
  3. 8
  4. 82
  5. 25
  6. 72
  7. 75
  8. 59
  9. 10
  10. 23
  11. 85
  12. 47
  13. 27
  14. 26
  15. 11
  16. 21
  17. 66
  18. 17
  19. 69
  20. 5
  21. Holds the world record for Wii Sports Resort All Stamps
  22. 38
  23. 13
  24. 36
  25. 53
  26. 16
  27. 70
  28. 76
  29. 15
  30. 1
  31. 35
  32. 64
  33. 19
  34. 48
  35. 63
  36. 61
  37. 52

85 Clues: 8345619273112144449822532726854755974107823422041855147342726117921563366294617696737381377365371281658431840707650241535641981305584486361523965577345622260Bought by JackSucksAtLifeHolds the world record for Wii Sports Resort All Stamps

4. Dodawanie pamięciowe. 2020-06-07

4. Dodawanie pamięciowe. crossword puzzle
  1. 29+27
  2. 15+4
  3. 20+8
  4. 15+62
  5. 25+56
  1. 42+17
  2. 17+0+1
  3. 20+7
  4. 50+21
  5. 19+65

10 Clues: 15+420+820+729+2742+1715+6250+2125+5619+6517+0+1

Medium Math (multiplication and division) 2022-06-01

Medium Math (multiplication and division) crossword puzzle
  1. 12x5=
  2. 14*3=
  3. 90/9
  4. 546x6= (for triple dig. multiplication + division, write #1 digit word form and the others as normal numbers eg. fourthoudand754)
  5. 96/6
  6. 249x8=
  7. 3x3=
  1. 9*8=
  2. 84/21=
  3. 936*4=
  4. 21554/13=
  5. 4977/7=
  6. 13x4=
  7. 49/7
  8. 57492975340/0

15 Clues: 9*8=90/949/796/63x3=12x5=14*3=13x4=84/21=936*4=249x8=4977/7=21554/13=57492975340/0546x6= (for triple dig. multiplication + division, write #1 digit word form and the others as normal numbers eg. fourthoudand754)

TTS BAHASA BALI 2023-02-03

TTS BAHASA BALI crossword puzzle
  1. Tutur
  2. Karangan bebas
  3. Kanda
  1. Kasusastraan
  2. 8a 11i 8u 8a 12u 8a 8i
  3. Prosa Bali anyar

6 Clues: TuturKandaKasusastraanKarangan bebasProsa Bali anyar8a 11i 8u 8a 12u 8a 8i

A7 2021-02-01

A7 crossword puzzle
  1. Typ molekul tvpřenůch touto skupinou
  2. Toxická, červenohnědá kapalina
  1. Nejlehčí z řady halogenů
  2. Prvek existující jen ve formě nestabilních izotopů
  3. Toxický, světle zelený plyn
  4. Počet valenčních elektronů této skupiny
  5. Prvek tvořící tmavě fialové krystalky

7 Clues: Nejlehčí z řady halogenůToxický, světle zelený plynToxická, červenohnědá kapalinaTyp molekul tvpřenůch touto skupinouPrvek tvořící tmavě fialové krystalkyPočet valenčních elektronů této skupinyPrvek existující jen ve formě nestabilních izotopů

matematik marcus og toke og Brogaard 2020-11-23

matematik marcus og toke og Brogaard crossword puzzle
  1. en sofa koster 699 kr. Der er udsalg på 300 kr. Hvad koster den nu?
  2. Der er en kasse på 7,41 centimeter. Hvad er det i millimeter
  3. Onkel Anders køber 2 geder til 70 kr hver hvor meget skal han betale
  4. i brugsen har de 84 pakker med masker. 31 af dem er blevet købt. Hvor mange pakker masker er der tilbage
  5. 710+(9x10+42+90)
  6. 15⁸
  7. 82+50x9-(8x7+6x2)
  8. 3,14159x10+2+(7x5)
  1. 10+60x20+(50x2)+0,2
  2. 1% af 79700
  3. pi med 5 decimaler + 1 uden komma
  4. lars har købt 23 æbler. Når han kommer hjem har han kun 12 æbler. Hvor mange æbler har Lars tabt.
  5. Hvad er kvadratroden af 6400
  6. afrund 15555,692153 til nærmeste ener
  7. Hvad er kvadratroden af 3364
  8. 41x9
  9. 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 x 34 57 91. Hvad er x?
  10. Hvad er kvadratroden af 8649
  11. hvad er størst 009 eller 010
  12. 357+141

20 Clues: 15⁸41x9357+1411% af 79700710+(9x10+42+90)82+50x9-(8x7+6x2)3,14159x10+2+(7x5)10+60x20+(50x2)+0,2Hvad er kvadratroden af 6400Hvad er kvadratroden af 3364Hvad er kvadratroden af 8649hvad er størst 009 eller 010pi med 5 decimaler + 1 uden kommaafrund 15555,692153 til nærmeste ener0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 x 34 57 91. Hvad er x?...

... 2022-07-08

... crossword puzzle
  1. x²-2x+1
  2. 3x²+2-6=0
  3. X²-5X+6=0
  4. x²-x-12=0
  5. x²+(7-x)²=25
  6. 3x²-8x+5=0
  7. 3X²-7X+6=0
  8. 4X²-6X+2=0
  9. x²+x-552=0x
  10. 6X²-5X+1=0
  11. 8x(x+10)+3=5
  12. 8x+12x-1
  13. 4x²+8X-12=0
  14. x²-x-26=0
  15. x²+(x+2)²=580
  16. 3x(x+5)+8-15=0
  17. x²+27x-4=0
  1. 2X²-7X+3=0
  2. x²-5x+6=0
  3. 5x²(x+7)+8=0
  4. 18=6X+X(X-13)
  5. X²+7X-10=0
  6. 6x²-5x+12x²+3x-5=0 2(1)²+3(-25)-5=0 2x²+3x-5=0
  7. x²+3x-10=0
  8. x²-4x+3=0
  9. 7x²+21x-28=0
  10. x²+3x-2=0
  11. x²-5x-84=0

28 Clues: x²-2x+18x+12x-1x²-5x+6=03x²+2-6=0X²-5X+6=0x²-x-12=0x²-4x+3=0x²+3x-2=0x²-x-26=02X²-7X+3=0X²+7X-10=0x²+3x-10=03x²-8x+5=03X²-7X+6=04X²-6X+2=06X²-5X+1=0x²-5x-84=0x²+27x-4=0x²+x-552=0x4x²+8X-12=05x²(x+7)+8=0x²+(7-x)²=257x²+21x-28=08x(x+10)+3=518=6X+X(X-13)x²+(x+2)²=5803x(x+5)+8-15=0...

math 2023-05-17

math crossword puzzle
  1. 42
  2. 50
  3. 92
  4. 12
  5. 47
  1. 94
  2. 53
  3. 21
  4. 60
  5. 7

10 Clues: 7429450532192601247