www.abozeb.com/video/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b7%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8-%d9%8a%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%83-%d9%85%d8%b9%d9%8 Crossword Puzzles

Get fit for the test: word families 2018-11-18

Get fit for the test: word families crossword puzzle
  1. 2a
  2. 7
  3. 8a
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 2d
  7. 11
  8. 13
  9. 12
  10. 3d
  1. 10
  2. 1
  3. 15
  4. 8d
  5. 14
  6. 9
  7. 6
  8. 3a

18 Clues: 174965102a158a8d143a2d1113123d

Europe in the Middle Ages 2023-04-17

Europe in the Middle Ages crossword puzzle
  1. Muslim military leader (p. 89)
  2. also known as Charles the Great (p. 78)
  3. the pope and his power (p. 76)
  4. the world of Christians (p. 91)
  5. a self-sufficient estate (p. 81)
  6. of great historical importance (p. 83)
  7. the economic system of the time (p. 81)
  8. He won the Battle of Hastings and became King of England. (p.83)
  9. the church of the bishop (p. 77)
  1. the act of changing to a new religion (p.77)
  2. animal that carried fleas that caused the Black Death (p. 93)
  3. "Great Charter" (p. 84)
  4. King Richard of England's other name (p. 89)
  5. the system of government during the Middle Ages (p. 80)
  6. a disease that spread throughout the world in the mid-1300s (p.92)
  7. another name for the Black Death (p.92)
  8. a widespread disease that can affect a whole country or the world (p. 92)
  9. pertaining to history (p.83)
  10. series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims (p.87)

19 Clues: "Great Charter" (p. 84)pertaining to history (p.83)Muslim military leader (p. 89)the pope and his power (p. 76)the world of Christians (p. 91)a self-sufficient estate (p. 81)the church of the bishop (p. 77)of great historical importance (p. 83)also known as Charles the Great (p. 78)another name for the Black Death (p.92)...

The numbers 2020-02-27

The numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 10+10
  2. 17+2
  3. 13+33
  4. 89+11
  5. 42+26
  6. 52+31
  7. 9+9
  8. 14+3
  9. 27+28
  1. 13+3
  2. 12+3
  3. 8+2
  4. 47+44
  5. 84+13
  6. 23+10
  7. 15+14
  8. 5+9
  9. 32+42
  10. 6+2
  11. 4+7

20 Clues: 8+25+99+96+24+713+312+317+214+310+1047+4484+1313+3323+1089+1142+2615+1432+4252+3127+28

Writing numbers 2024-04-23

Writing numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 60
  2. 20
  3. 84
  4. 42
  5. 11
  6. 33
  7. 79
  8. 17
  9. 92
  10. 40
  11. 2
  12. 25
  1. 58
  2. 28
  3. 50
  4. 41
  5. 47
  6. 13
  7. 12
  8. 8
  9. 1
  10. 77
  11. 10
  12. 19
  13. 100

25 Clues: 812582850604147201312844211773379101917924025100

Serat Wulangreh Pupuh Kinanthi 2024-01-29

Serat Wulangreh Pupuh Kinanthi crossword puzzle
  1. adhat kabiasaan
  2. akibate salah milih kanca
  3. cacahe suku kata saben sagatra
  4. watake tembang kinnathi
  5. isine pupuh kinanthi ngandharaken supaya urip ...
  6. sukan-sukan
  7. aja pijer mangan nendra
  1. tembang macapat 6 gatra cacahe guru wilangan 8 kabeh
  2. pikiran
  3. suda
  4. nendra
  5. guru wilangan lan guru lagu kinanthi gatra sepisan
  6. tibane swara ing pungkasane gatra
  7. lantip
  8. isine tembang kinanthi bab carane ...
  9. nora
  10. gumunggung dhiri
  11. baris / larik
  12. suku kata
  13. kalbu

20 Clues: sudanorakalbunendralantippikiransuku katasukan-sukanbaris / larikadhat kabiasaangumunggung dhiriwatake tembang kinnathiaja pijer mangan nendraakibate salah milih kancacacahe suku kata saben sagatratibane swara ing pungkasane gatraisine tembang kinanthi bab carane ...isine pupuh kinanthi ngandharaken supaya urip ......

8A 2024-04-24

8A crossword puzzle
  1. astrofizyk
  2. oszczędzać czas
  3. naukowiec
  4. polonium
  5. wynalazca
  6. rad
  7. nie mieć nic przeciwko
  8. samochód elektryczny
  9. spełnić swoje marzenie
  10. Nagroda Nobla
  11. morski
  1. precyzyjny
  2. hipoteza
  3. przeobrażać
  4. wzór matematyczny
  5. szersze pojęcie
  6. nauka
  7. zrobić przerwę
  8. inżynier
  9. drobnoustrój
  10. unikać
  11. względność

22 Clues: radnaukaunikaćmorskihipotezapoloniuminżyniernaukowiecwynalazcaprecyzyjnyastrofizykwzględnośćprzeobrażaćdrobnoustrójNagroda Noblazrobić przerwęoszczędzać czasszersze pojęciewzór matematycznysamochód elektrycznynie mieć nic przeciwkospełnić swoje marzenie

Weird But True 9 :D 😀😀 2024-11-24

Weird But True 9 :D 😀😀 crossword puzzle
  1. Leatherback turtles mostly eat this (125)
  2. Mario was originally named this (65)
  3. This is the name of the smallest toe on your foot (107)
  4. This animal brings snakes back to its nest to eat pests. (84)
  5. This animal can edit its own genes (84)
  6. This animal takes all day to burn the same number of calories as the Baudrys playing soccer for 10 minutes (83)
  7. This penguin was a brigadier in the Royal Norwegian Guard (101)
  1. This country has color changing ice cream.
  2. This is the name of the space between your thumb and forefinger (107)
  3. This is Scotland’s national animal (126)
  4. This is a robot that collects whale snot (120)
  5. People used this to carry water in, long ago (105)
  6. Cookie Monster claims his name was originally this (171)
  7. This plant can detect bombs! (27)

14 Clues: This plant can detect bombs! (27)Mario was originally named this (65)This animal can edit its own genes (84)This is Scotland’s national animal (126)Leatherback turtles mostly eat this (125)This country has color changing ice cream.This is a robot that collects whale snot (120)People used this to carry water in, long ago (105)...

84 2021-12-16

84 crossword puzzle
  1. Where was the rebellion in the Caribbean
  2. Robespierre's first name
  3. What went from America to England in the Slave triangle
  4. How long did the Zanj rebellion last
  5. What could you not do to a Slave under Islamic Law
  6. Person who took over France in 1799
  7. What rebellion happened in Iraq
  1. What sea did slavers cross to get to America
  2. are there slaves now?
  3. What declaration started rebellion in the caribbean created by France
  4. What jobs did the slaves do in South America
  5. Louis Number
  6. What revolution did we look at last term
  7. what went from Africa to the Americas

14 Clues: Louis Numberare there slaves now?Robespierre's first nameWhat rebellion happened in IraqPerson who took over France in 1799How long did the Zanj rebellion lastwhat went from Africa to the AmericasWhere was the rebellion in the CaribbeanWhat revolution did we look at last termWhat sea did slavers cross to get to America...

84 2021-12-16

84 crossword puzzle
  1. What rebellion happened in Iraq
  2. What jobs did the slaves do in South America
  3. are there slaves now?
  4. What went from America to England in the Slave triangle
  5. What declaration started rebellion in the caribbean created by France
  6. What sea did slavers cross to get to America
  7. What could you not do to a Slave under Islamic Law
  8. Where was the rebellion in the Caribbean
  1. Robespierre's first name
  2. How long did the Zanj rebellion last
  3. what went from Africa to the Americas
  4. What revolution did we look at last term
  5. Louis Number
  6. Person who took over France in 1799

14 Clues: Louis Numberare there slaves now?Robespierre's first nameWhat rebellion happened in IraqPerson who took over France in 1799How long did the Zanj rebellion lastwhat went from Africa to the AmericasWhat revolution did we look at last termWhere was the rebellion in the CaribbeanWhat jobs did the slaves do in South America...

84 2021-12-16

84 crossword puzzle
  1. Person who took over France in 1799
  2. What went from America to England in the Slave triangle
  3. What could you not do to a Slave under Islamic Law
  4. What jobs did the slaves do in South America
  5. are there slaves now?
  6. What declaration started rebellion in the caribbean created by France
  7. What sea did slavers cross to get to America
  8. Louis Number
  9. What rebellion happened in Iraq
  1. How long did the Zanj rebellion last
  2. what went from Africa to the Americas
  3. Robespierre's first name
  4. What revolution did we look at last term
  5. Where was the rebellion in the Caribbean

14 Clues: Louis Numberare there slaves now?Robespierre's first nameWhat rebellion happened in IraqPerson who took over France in 1799How long did the Zanj rebellion lastwhat went from Africa to the AmericasWhat revolution did we look at last termWhere was the rebellion in the CaribbeanWhat jobs did the slaves do in South America...

Spanish 7/8 Numbers 2021-10-29

Spanish 7/8 Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 17
  3. 51
  4. 888
  5. 47
  6. 900
  7. 98
  8. 490
  9. 84
  10. 1000
  11. 79
  12. 90
  13. 56
  14. 177
  15. 52
  1. 200
  2. 25
  3. 8
  4. 1
  5. 2
  6. 64
  7. 4
  8. 8
  9. 340
  10. 15
  11. 18
  12. 310
  13. 33
  14. 100
  15. 255
  16. 101
  17. 3

32 Clues: 8124831025175164479815188433799056522008889003404903101002551011771000

Writing numbers 2024-04-23

Writing numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 60
  2. 20
  3. 84
  4. 42
  5. 11
  6. 33
  7. 79
  8. 17
  9. 92
  10. 40
  11. 2
  12. 25
  1. 58
  2. 28
  3. 50
  4. 41
  5. 47
  6. 13
  7. 12
  8. 8
  9. 1
  10. 77
  11. 10
  12. 19
  13. 100

25 Clues: 812582850604147201312844211773379101917924025100

8a 2020-02-16

8a crossword puzzle
  1. класть
  2. подметать
  3. иметь дело с, сделка
  4. в данный текущий момент, в настоящее время,
  5. мозг
  6. насыщенный
  7. прятать
  8. искать
  9. обнимать
  10. лечение
  11. деятельность
  12. кандидат,претендент
  13. позволить
  14. страх
  15. ударить, бить (о часах), бастовать
  16. портье, секретарь
  17. прощать
  18. включать, вовлекать
  19. преимущество
  20. устанавливать
  21. улучшить
  22. гладить белье, железо, утюг
  23. рвать
  24. гнуть
  1. предотвратить, помешать, избежать
  2. кусать
  3. грудная клетка
  4. запястье
  5. локоть
  6. ссылка,связь
  7. предыдущий, прошлый
  8. гибкий,гнущийся
  9. углевод
  10. талия
  11. количество
  12. важный, главный
  13. лихорадка, жар
  14. смущение, стыд
  15. приклеить
  16. рекламное объявление
  17. уверенный
  18. дуть
  19. болеутоляющее
  20. сотрясение
  21. ссылка, рекомендация
  22. натрий
  23. лихорадочный, испытывающий жар
  24. замораживать, морозить
  25. копать

49 Clues: мозгдутьталиястрахрватьгнутькластькусатьлокотьискатьнатрийкопатьуглеводпрятатьлечениепрощатьзапястьеобниматьулучшитьподметатьприклеитьуверенныйпозволитьколичествонасыщенныйсотрясениессылка,связьдеятельностьпреимуществоболеутоляющееустанавливатьгрудная клеткалихорадка, жарсмущение, стыдгибкий,гнущийсяважный, главныйпортье, секретарь...

8a 2024-06-22

8a crossword puzzle
  1. First English Civil War battle
  2. Attila the Hun's battle
  3. Halted Ottoman advance
  4. Maryland Civil War battle
  5. Italian front disaster in WWI
  6. Part of Gallipoli campaign
  7. Goths beat Eastern Rome
  8. Last major naval battle
  9. Grant vs. Lee in 1864
  1. Barca's fights in Sicily
  2. Greeks end Persian Wars
  3. Vietnam War turning point
  4. Secured Napoleon's power
  5. Civil War Confederate win
  6. British-Egyptian victory
  7. Encircled German army in WWII
  8. Largest WWI naval battle
  9. Bloodiest English battle
  10. Decisive English Civil War battle
  11. Start of Hundred Years' War

20 Clues: Grant vs. Lee in 1864Halted Ottoman advanceGreeks end Persian WarsAttila the Hun's battleGoths beat Eastern RomeLast major naval battleBarca's fights in SicilySecured Napoleon's powerBritish-Egyptian victoryLargest WWI naval battleBloodiest English battleVietnam War turning pointCivil War Confederate winMaryland Civil War battle...

Bahasa Jawa 2023-09-09

Bahasa Jawa crossword puzzle
  1. serat wedhatama asale saka basa
  2. tegese angka
  3. baris utawane larik yaiku
  4. dideleng saka tembung tegese "tama"
  5. dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"
  6. wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatra
  7. salah sawijining serat KGPAA IV
  8. watake tembang kinanthi
  9. guru lagu tembang macapat kinanthi
  10. tembung kang tegese becik miturut kamus kawi indonesia
  1. serat wedhatama ngandhut piwulang luhur
  2. tegese suku kata
  3. vokal utawane suara yaiku
  4. cacahing gatra saben sapada
  5. 8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i paugeran saka tembang
  6. tembung kang ana ing sajroning macapat
  7. tibaning swara ana ing pungkasaning gatra
  8. serat wedhatama iku wujude
  9. jinising titi laras kang isine pathet 6 lan urutan nadane yaiku 12356
  10. tembung kang tegese ilmu pengerten miturut kamus kawi indonesia

20 Clues: tegese angkategese suku katawatake tembang kinanthivokal utawane suara yaikubaris utawane larik yaikuserat wedhatama iku wujudecacahing gatra saben sapadaserat wedhatama asale saka basasalah sawijining serat KGPAA IVguru lagu tembang macapat kinanthidideleng saka tembung tegese "tama"dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"...

Bahasa Jawa 2023-09-09

Bahasa Jawa crossword puzzle
  1. watake tembang kinanthi
  2. tegese angka
  3. cacahing gatra saben sapada
  4. jinising titi laras kang isine pathet 6 lan urutan nadane yaiku 12356
  5. tembung kang tegese ilmu pengerten miturut kamus kawi indonesia
  6. guru lagu tembang macapat kinanthi
  7. vokal utawane suara yaiku
  8. tegese suku kata
  9. serat wedhatama iku wujude
  10. baris utawane larik yaiku
  1. serat wedhatama ngandhut piwulang luhur
  2. serat wedhatama asale saka basa
  3. dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"
  4. tembung kang ana ing sajroning macapat
  5. salah sawijining serat KGPAA IV
  6. tibaning swara ana ing pungkasaning gatra
  7. tembung kang tegese becik miturut kamus kawi indonesia
  8. 8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i paugeran saka tembang
  9. dideleng saka tembung tegese "tama"
  10. wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatra

20 Clues: tegese angkategese suku katawatake tembang kinanthivokal utawane suara yaikubaris utawane larik yaikuserat wedhatama iku wujudecacahing gatra saben sapadaserat wedhatama asale saka basasalah sawijining serat KGPAA IVguru lagu tembang macapat kinanthidideleng saka tembung tegese "tama"dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"...

Vitamin B 2015-02-04

Vitamin B crossword puzzle
  1. ,Another name for Vitamin B9, that can prevent birth defects: _________ acid.
  2. ,Vitamin B are all ________ soluble vitamins.
  3. ,The body needs vitamin ___ for more than 100 enzyme reactions involved in metabolism.
  4. ,Vitamin B7, which is allegedly good for hair, skin and nails.
  5. ,A niacin deficiency causes _______; the symptoms include: Digestive problems, inflamed skin, and mental impairment.
  6. ,Another name for Vitamin B2, which in inadequate amounts can increase risk of anemia.
  7. ,What is another name for Vitamin B5?
  8. ,B Vitamins play a role in cell multiplication and the production of ___ blood cells.
  9. ,Vitamin B9 plays an important role in making and maintaining ___.
  10. ,B Vitamins are involved in the metabolic processes that release _____ from carbohydrates, fats, and protein.
  1. ,What kind of reaction is Vitamin B2 usually involved in?
  2. ,Christiaan Eijkman used chicken in 1883 to discover that unpolished _______ could help reduce Beriberi-like symptom.
  3. ,Another name for Vitamin B1
  4. ,A lack of Vitamin ____ or ___ can cause anemia.
  5. ,Condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells.
  6. ,_____ is used to lower cholesterol and increase high density lipoproteins.
  7. ,Vitamin B12 is not made from plants or animals, but from ____.
  8. ,What is cyanocobalamin?
  9. Willis, ,Who discovered Vitamin B9?
  10. ,Where is Vitamin B7 found?
  11. ,What was niacin first discovered in?
  12. ,Vitamin ___ is essential in the production of melatonin.

22 Clues: ,What is cyanocobalamin?,Where is Vitamin B7 found?,Another name for Vitamin B1Willis, ,Who discovered Vitamin B9?,What is another name for Vitamin B5?,What was niacin first discovered in?,Vitamin B are all ________ soluble vitamins.,A lack of Vitamin ____ or ___ can cause anemia.,What kind of reaction is Vitamin B2 usually involved in?...

Just Some 20 Elements 2012-11-26

Just Some 20 Elements crossword puzzle
  1. Hg, 80
  2. 9
  3. No, 102
  4. Ga, 31
  5. O, 8
  6. Uuo, 118
  7. Fe, 26
  8. Ge, 32
  9. Co, 27
  10. Pt, 78
  11. Pu, 94
  12. Ni, 28
  13. Lu, 71
  1. H, 1
  2. Lr, 103
  3. Ti, 22
  4. Au, 79
  5. K, 19
  6. La, 57
  7. Tm, 69
  8. Po, 84
  9. Os, 76

22 Clues: 9H, 1O, 8K, 19Hg, 80Ti, 22Ga, 31Au, 79Fe, 26La, 57Ge, 32Co, 27Pt, 78Tm, 69Pu, 94Po, 84Ni, 28Os, 76Lu, 71Lr, 103No, 102Uuo, 118

alfa 2023-03-19

alfa crossword puzzle
  1. - maszyna matematyczna
  2. - humanoidalny robot
  3. - komunikacja za pomocą myśli
  4. – Teodor z komiksu „Dziwne zdarzenia” (A6)
  5. - komandor z komiksu „Najważniejszy powrót” (A7)
  6. - partner Thora w komiksie „Zemsta” (A4)
  7. - planeta Czarnego Barona (A4)
  8. - asystentka profesora K. z komiksu „Głowa” (A6)
  9. - Jerry, prezes Towarzystwa Kontaktów Międzygwiezdnych (A7)
  10. - nieistniejący superkontynent
  11. – droga na niebie
  12. - zakłada go astronauta
  13. - bohater opowiadania „Metoda laboratoryjna” J. Zajdla (A5)
  14. - planeta lub rakieta nośna NASA
  15. - główny bohater komiksu „W służbie galaktycznej” (A1)
  16. - latający lub pod filiżanką
  17. - krzyknął "Eureka"
  18. – narzeczona Roberta, bohatera komiksu „W służbie galaktycznej” (A5)
  19. - wymarły gatunek gadów latających
  20. - kwas rybonukleinowy
  21. - imię autora powieści „Zaginiony świat”
  22. - kryształowa, znaleziona przez F. A. Mitchella-Hedgesa w 1927 roku (A1)
  23. - UFO po polsku
  24. - rośliny związane z czasem (A4)
  25. - największa planetoida
  26. - jeden z bohaterów opowiadania „Wizyta” (A1)
  27. - mieszkał tam Czarny Baron (A2)
  28. - glob z powieści J. Żuławskiego
  29. - trójkąt znany z tajemniczych zniknięć statków i samolotów
  30. - program kosmiczny NASA w latach 60. i 70.
  31. - astronawigator z opowiadania „Peryferie układu” (A7)
  32. - komputer pokładowy z komiksu „W służbie galaktycznej” (A3)
  33. – wewnętrzna część planety o dużej gęstości
  34. - czarne w kosmosie
  35. – Centauri, gwiazda odkryta w 1915 roku przez Roberta Innesa
  36. – nazwisko pierwszego człowieka na Księżycu
  37. – grupy gwiazd tworzące wzorce na niebie
  38. – nazwisko dżentelmena podróżującego dookoła świata
  39. - obszar przestrzeni kosmicznej będący strefą oddziaływania ziemskiego pola magnetycznego
  40. - mała czerwona gwiazda
  41. - imię autora opowiadania „Spotkanie” (A2)
  42. – skrótowa nazwa kwasu deoksyrybonukleinowego
  43. - pierwsza zidentyfikowana kometa krótkookresowa
  44. - automat transportowy-obronny samoprogramujący 0001 (A1)
  45. - amerykańska sonda kosmiczna, jej nieudana misja miała miejsce w 1962 roku
  1. - finlandzki cukier „antypróchnicowy” (A6)
  2. - najeźdźcy z „Wojny światów” (A4)
  3. – amerykańska sonda kosmiczna orbitująca wokół Marsa w 1976 roku
  4. - planeta nazywana również "gwiazdą poranną" lub "Jutrzenką"
  5. - właściciel psa lubiącego elektryczność (A1)
  6. - spotkania w filmie Spielberga
  7. – pojazd księżycowy
  8. – stan, w którym brak jest siły ciążenia
  9. - porysowany płaskowyż w Andach
  10. – planeta odkryta przez W. Herschela w 1781 roku
  11. – jeden z księżyców Marsa
  12. - wirusy atakujące bakterie
  13. - gwiazda neutronowa emitująca wiązkę promieniowania elektromagnetycznego
  14. - nazwa bazy księżycowej w komiksie „W służbie galaktycznej” (A1)
  15. - nazwisko węgierskiego scenarzysty komiksowego (drugie z najczęściej występujących nazwisk na Węgrzech) (A1)
  16. – podróżnik z powieści J. Swifta
  17. - pismo węzełkowe
  18. - stan uśpienia organizmu z obniżeniem jego temperatury
  19. - Juliusz, pionier gatunku science fiction
  20. - antycząstka elektronu
  21. – pierwszy amerykański sztuczny satelita
  22. – jeden z księżyców Marsa
  23. - tor ciała niebieskiego
  24. - kapitan z komiksu „Najważniejszy powrót” (A7)
  25. - świetlny, jednostka odległości stosowana w astronomii
  26. - pies lubiący elektryczność (A1)
  27. - imię genialnego fizyka urodzonego w Ulm
  28. - świat w tytule komiksu (A1)
  29. - najjaśniejsze ciało niebieskie na ziemskim niebie
  30. - tytuł komiksu, nazwisko twórcy „mechanicznego pisarza” (A4)
  31. - fikcyjna broń ręczna powszechnie występująca w utworach fantastycznonaukowych (A7)
  32. - imię ukochanej Neda Malone (A1)
  33. – nauka przyrodnicza zajmująca się badaniem ciał niebieskich
  34. - ile księżyców ma Neptun?
  35. - najlepszy magazyn fantastyczno komiksowy w PRL
  36. – kierownik kopalni z komiksu „Dziwne zdarzenia” (A6)
  37. – pantera z komiksu „W służbie galaktycznej” (A5)
  38. - człowiek zbudowany przez J. Moore'a w 1893
  39. - podstawowa jednostka dziedziczenia
  40. - imię twórcy pojęcia „robot”
  41. - czwarta planeta Układu Słonecznego
  42. - imię bohatera komiksu „Wehikuł czasu” (A3)
  43. - na głowie astronauty

88 Clues: - UFO po polsku– droga na niebie- pismo węzełkowe– pojazd księżycowy- krzyknął "Eureka"- czarne w kosmosie- humanoidalny robot- kwas rybonukleinowy- maszyna matematyczna- na głowie astronauty- zakłada go astronauta- antycząstka elektronu- największa planetoida- mała czerwona gwiazda- tor ciała niebieskiego– jeden z księżyców Marsa...

Priesthood Ordinances 2021-08-01

Priesthood Ordinances crossword puzzle
  1. One of the two offices that are necessary parts of the lesser priesthood. D&C 84:30
  2. The greater priesthood holds the key of the _____ of the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God. D&C 84:19
  3. Who in D&C 84:27 had the Aaronic Priesthood?
  4. Without the priesthood, the power of ______ is not manifest unto men D&C 84:21
  5. Where are some priesthood ordinances performed? D&C 138:54
  6. What priesthood ordinance do we participate in each Sunday? D&C 27:2
  7. "______ by immersion for the remission of sins" AofF 4
  8. the lesser priesthood D&C 107:20
  1. "Laying on of hands for the gift of the _____ ____." AofF 4
  2. the greater priesthood D&C 107:2
  3. "We believe that a man must be _____ of God" AofF 5
  4. "...which priesthood also continueth and abideth" D&C 84:18
  5. One of the two offices that are necessary parts of the lesser priesthood. D&C 84:30
  6. "...which priesthood holdeth the key of the _____ of angels" D&C 84:26

14 Clues: the greater priesthood D&C 107:2the lesser priesthood D&C 107:20Who in D&C 84:27 had the Aaronic Priesthood?"We believe that a man must be _____ of God" AofF 5"______ by immersion for the remission of sins" AofF 4Where are some priesthood ordinances performed? D&C 138:54"Laying on of hands for the gift of the _____ ____." AofF 4...

Saksa kpl 1 ja 2 2013-12-13

Saksa kpl 1 ja 2 crossword puzzle
  1. yksinkertainen
  2. mein farrad ist _______!
  3. terve
  4. hyödyllisempi
  5. todellinen
  6. maatila
  7. vatsa
  8. meine ______ ist 8A.
  9. sämpylä
  10. ilkeä
  11. tarkka
  1. koulukaveri
  2. anteeksi
  3. myöhään
  4. siksi
  5. kotimaa
  6. palvelu
  7. lopultakin
  8. valmis
  9. Hast du _______ Zeit?

20 Clues: siksitervevatsailkeävalmistarkkamyöhäänkotimaamaatilapalvelusämpyläanteeksitodellinenlopultakinkoulukaverihyödyllisempiyksinkertainenmeine ______ ist 8A.Hast du _______ Zeit?mein farrad ist _______!

Trident Crossword 2024-04-19

Trident Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 2023 Deployment Site
  2. VP-26 Mascot
  3. The Navy Can't Fly Without
  4. 2024-25 Deployment Site
  1. Okinawa Deployment Site
  2. ____ Strike
  3. Homeport
  4. What can the P-8A Drop?
  5. P-8A
  6. Flight Schedule

10 Clues: P-8AHomeport____ StrikeVP-26 MascotFlight Schedule2023 Deployment SiteOkinawa Deployment SiteWhat can the P-8A Drop?2024-25 Deployment SiteThe Navy Can't Fly Without

TA 2023-06-07

TA crossword puzzle
  1. 10pe
  2. 3h
  3. 12tu
  4. 8a
  5. 11mo
  6. 17su
  7. 15fr
  8. 7e
  9. 2m
  10. 13we
  1. 4g
  2. 5s
  3. 14th
  4. 1p
  5. 6cs
  6. 9sp
  7. 16sa

17 Clues: 4g5s1p3h8a7e2m6cs9sp14th10pe12tu11mo17su16sa15fr13we

MATH 2023-08-30

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. 3x5=
  2. 144/12=
  3. 500-498+1=?
  4. 888+88+8+8+8=
  5. 1+1=?
  6. 160+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+1+=?
  7. 90x20=
  8. 12+84-50+3+7-10=
  9. 1,8,27,64,125,216,343,512,?
  10. 1=3,2=3,3=5,4=4,5=4,6=?
  1. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,?
  2. 1,2,4,8,16,32,?
  3. 10+5-7+3=
  4. 3000+3000+3000=?
  5. 587-345=
  6. 7,12,19,28,39,?
  7. 70-20=
  8. 14+15+16+17+18=
  9. 25,23,21,19,17,15,?
  10. 10x10=
  11. 999999999*0=

21 Clues: 3x5=1+1=?70-20=90x20=10x10=144/12=587-345=10+5-7+3=500-498+1=?999999999*0=888+88+8+8+8=1,2,4,8,16,32,?7,12,19,28,39,?14+15+16+17+18=3000+3000+3000=?12+84-50+3+7-10=25,23,21,19,17,15,?1=3,2=3,3=5,4=4,5=4,6=?0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,?1,8,27,64,125,216,343,512,?160+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+1+=?

STAD 2023-02-26

STAD crossword puzzle
  1. 10B
  2. 9A
  3. 9B
  4. 2A
  5. 5B
  6. 4A
  7. 10A
  8. 4B
  9. 11
  10. 1B
  11. 6B
  1. 5A
  2. 3A
  3. 7B
  4. 8B
  5. 8A
  6. 3B
  7. 1A
  8. 7A
  9. 6A
  10. 2B

21 Clues: 5A3A7B8B9A8A9B3B1A2A5B4A7A4B6A111B6B2B10B10A

wඞඞk 29 hඞstඞry ??? 2024-03-25

wඞඞk 29 hඞstඞry ??? crossword puzzle
  1. This fort was captured by a large French force in April 1754 (p.86)
  2. Ben Franklin helped write this treaty in 1783? (p.88)
  3. Hungry french soldiers at Fort Duquesne were eating what? (p.99)
  4. In what fort did a council of war convene? (p.91)
  5. Who sent a circular instruction to all American governors in 1753 (p.85)
  6. first name of the man elected to the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1751 (p.87)
  7. Georgfe Washington surrendered this fort in 1754 (p.93)
  8. Dr. John Mitchell got whose attention by drawing a map of French encroachments in America (p.84)
  9. Ben Franklin helped write what document which is very important to our country? (p.88)
  1. Who withdrew from government positions after 1755? (p.87)
  2. Robert Dinwiddie was the government of where at the time of the Seven Years War? (p.81)
  3. The building of what is often an essential part of a military campaign? (p.91)
  4. a synonym for British government (p.82)
  5. last name of the man elected to the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1751 (p.87)
  6. George Washington delivered a stern warning to a French commander at this fort. (p.86)

15 Clues: a synonym for British government (p.82)In what fort did a council of war convene? (p.91)Ben Franklin helped write this treaty in 1783? (p.88)Georgfe Washington surrendered this fort in 1754 (p.93)Who withdrew from government positions after 1755? (p.87)Hungry french soldiers at Fort Duquesne were eating what? (p.99)...

Family 2019-10-27

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Birthday 2/28/89
  2. The Families best friend in England
  3. Dads best friend in High School
  4. Wedding Day 3/20/83
  5. Where Peggi was born
  6. Birthday 12/25/29
  7. Moms Maid of Honor
  8. Dads best friend in California
  9. Second family pet
  10. Cecil Birthday 1/17/1903
  11. Sheffield Who introduced Mom and Dad
  12. Birthday 14/4/1921
  13. Birthday 9/21/79
  1. PawPaw was born in
  2. Art Birthday 5/8/1903
  3. First town we lived at in England
  4. Third Family pet
  5. Birthday 4/11/81
  6. Birthday 7/11/84
  7. Second town we lived at in England
  8. MeMaw was born in
  9. First Family pet
  10. Heights First tow we lived at in California
  11. Dads best friend after High School
  12. Birthday 12/2/1921
  13. Dad and he joined Air Force together
  14. The Love of My Life

27 Clues: Birthday 2/28/89Third Family petBirthday 4/11/81Birthday 7/11/84First Family petBirthday 9/21/79MeMaw was born inBirthday 12/25/29Second family petPawPaw was born inMoms Maid of HonorBirthday 12/2/1921Birthday 14/4/1921Wedding Day 3/20/83The Love of My LifeWhere Peggi was bornArt Birthday 5/8/1903Cecil Birthday 1/17/1903...

HCM - Hóquei em Patins #2 2021-02-02

HCM - Hóquei em Patins #2 crossword puzzle
  1. 127+598+263+12=___
  2. 452-33-100-85-34=___
  3. 19+23+5+12+1+10=___
  4. 4x20=___
  1. 37-22=___
  2. 3x6=___
  3. 158-68=___
  4. 84-19-58=___

8 Clues: 3x6=___4x20=___37-22=___158-68=___84-19-58=___127+598+263+12=___19+23+5+12+1+10=___452-33-100-85-34=___

Multiplication and division 2021-11-22

Multiplication and division crossword puzzle
  1. 7×8
  2. 28÷7
  3. 35÷7
  4. 9×3
  5. 9×7
  6. 21÷3
  7. 7×12
  8. 7×10
  1. 2×7
  2. 49÷7
  3. 3×7
  4. 77÷7
  5. 9×9
  6. 56÷7
  7. 84÷7
  8. 42÷7
  9. 63÷7

17 Clues: 7×82×73×79×99×39×749÷728÷777÷735÷756÷784÷742÷763÷721÷37×127×10

8A 2023-11-17

8A crossword puzzle
  1. people
  2. the opposite of the host
  3. succeed
  4. 距离
  5. from Monday to Friday
  6. but
  7. 正确地
  8. feel good
  9. people who invents things
  1. fun
  2. 挑战
  3. Chinese people use them to eat
  4. Alexander Graham Bell
  5. Britain
  6. 对比
  7. _____ on
  8. at a ____ of
  9. a kind of animal that has died out
  10. place an _____
  11. 开发;研制
  12. one of the greatest inventions in history
  13. 意识到

22 Clues: 挑战对比距离funbut正确地意识到开发;研制peopleBritainsucceed_____ onfeel goodat a ____ ofplace an _____Alexander Graham Bellfrom Monday to Fridaythe opposite of the hostpeople who invents thingsChinese people use them to eata kind of animal that has died outone of the greatest inventions in history

8a 2023-01-17

8a crossword puzzle
  1. διάστημα
  2. πολυσύχναστος
  3. εμφανίζομαι
  4. τέλειος
  5. ερείπια
  6. γέφυρα
  7. περιοχή
  8. πασίγνωστος, διάσημος
  9. τούνελ
  10. προτείνω, συνιστώ
  11. λαμπερός
  12. συντριβάνι
  1. κάνω πεζοπορία
  2. ουρανοξύστης
  3. παραδοσιακός
  4. αρχαίος
  5. δωρεάν
  6. καλωσορίζω
  7. παιδική χαρά, χώρος αναψυχής
  8. σκαλοπάτι
  9. συμπεριλαμβανομένου
  10. λιμάνι
  11. ασανσέρ

23 Clues: δωρεάνγέφυραλιμάνιτούνελτέλειοςαρχαίοςερείπιαπεριοχήασανσέρδιάστημαλαμπερόςσκαλοπάτικαλωσορίζωσυντριβάνιεμφανίζομαιουρανοξύστηςπαραδοσιακόςπολυσύχναστοςκάνω πεζοπορίαπροτείνω, συνιστώσυμπεριλαμβανομένουπασίγνωστος, διάσημοςπαιδική χαρά, χώρος αναψυχής

2.4 Números (NO SPACES) 2020-12-08

2.4 Números (NO SPACES) crossword puzzle
  1. 7853+65
  2. 665+55
  3. 592/4
  4. 1.600/20
  5. 850-350
  6. 25+29
  7. 8*4
  8. 52+21
  9. 190/2
  1. 20*15.000
  2. 1.000/10
  3. 45+16
  4. 800+400
  5. 84-36
  6. 450.000*20

15 Clues: 8*445+16592/484-3625+2952+21190/2665+557853+65800+400850-3501.000/101.600/2020*15.000450.000*20

Gen 1 Pokemon 2020-03-18

Gen 1 Pokemon crossword puzzle
  1. #22
  2. #146
  3. #67
  4. #138
  5. #002
  6. #99
  7. #60
  8. #100
  9. #63
  10. #64
  11. #145
  12. #93
  13. #95
  14. #49
  15. #121
  16. #91
  17. #39
  18. #48
  19. #016
  20. #32
  21. #36
  22. #55
  23. #117
  24. #013
  25. #009
  26. #42
  27. #81
  28. #132
  29. #78
  30. #115
  31. #110
  32. #124
  33. #019
  34. #92
  35. #86
  36. #004
  37. #140
  38. #53
  39. #119
  40. #88
  41. #148
  42. #012
  43. #150
  44. #25
  45. #37
  46. #101
  47. #70
  48. #123
  49. #103
  50. #105
  51. #73
  52. #122
  53. #62
  54. #52
  55. #23
  56. #45
  57. #006
  58. #89
  59. #94
  60. #66
  61. #83
  62. #65
  63. #104
  64. #001
  65. #46
  66. #59
  67. #80
  68. #134
  69. #44
  70. #51
  71. #128
  1. #85
  2. #133
  3. #137
  4. #74
  5. #139
  6. #114
  7. #43
  8. #011
  9. #40
  10. #130
  11. #96
  12. #41
  13. #109
  14. #54
  15. #75
  16. #143
  17. #57
  18. #79
  19. #144
  20. #112
  21. #33
  22. #34
  23. #017
  24. #116
  25. #131
  26. #018
  27. #27
  28. #120
  29. #28
  30. #020
  31. #147
  32. #125
  33. #107
  34. #31
  35. #71
  36. #015
  37. #108
  38. #141
  39. #152
  40. #135
  41. #003
  42. #005
  43. #87
  44. #118
  45. #24
  46. #106
  47. #38
  48. #29
  49. #50
  50. #69
  51. #102
  52. #30
  53. #68
  54. #111
  55. #136
  56. #127
  57. #84
  58. #72
  59. #21
  60. #007
  61. #008
  62. #113
  63. #97
  64. #61
  65. #58
  66. #142
  67. #010
  68. #90
  69. #56
  70. #35
  71. #014
  72. #98
  73. #129
  74. #126
  75. #47
  76. #26
  77. #151
  78. #82
  79. #77
  80. #76

151 Clues: #85#74#22#43#67#40#96#41#99#60#54#75#63#64#57#79#93#95#33#49#34#91#39#48#27#28#32#36#55#31#71#42#81#78#87#24#38#92#86#53#29#88#50#69#30#68#84#25#37#72#21#70#97#61#58#73#90#56#62#35#52#23#98#45#89#94#66#83#47#26#82#65#46#77#59#76#80#44#51#133#137#139#146#114#011#138#130#002#109#100#145#143#144#112#121#016#017#116#131#018#120#020#117#013#147#009#125...

MJH Christmas Puzzle Part 2 2023-12-18

MJH Christmas Puzzle Part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Tony, forward, England, 1988-94, 230, 99
  2. Richard, defender, Scotland, 1999-2001, 42, 1
  3. Anders, midfield, Sweden, 1994-97, 82, 6
  4. Leighton, defender, England, 2007-20, 420, 39
  5. Peter, forward, England, 1991-92, 95, 32
  6. Steve, midfield, England, 1980-83, 120, 14
  7. Andy, forward, Scotland, 1983-85, 68, 22
  8. Sylvain, defender, France, 2009-15, 210, 5
  9. David, defender, Scotland, 1998-2007, 269, 11
  10. Paul, midfield, England, 1984-89, 143, 10
  11. James, midfield, Ireland, 2013-19, 133, 6
  12. Joseph, defender, Nigeria, 2002-12, 259, 10
  13. Pat, defender, Wales, 1984-89, 203, 3
  14. Leon, midfield, England, 2000-16, 433, 57
  15. Kevin, midfield, England, 1981-86, 145, 20
  16. Gary, defender, England, 1990-95, 155, 6
  1. Phil, defender, England, 2007-19, 385, 19
  2. Pat, midfield, Scotland, 1988-91, 148, 21
  3. Alan, midfield, England, 1966-71, 250, 78;
  4. Thomas, midfield, Denmark, 2000-05, 2007-08, 168, 12
  5. Mikel, midfield, Spain, 2005-11, 209, 35
  6. Gareth, midfield, England, 2013-17, 155, 5
  7. Andy, midfield, England, 1976-80, 1982-84, 247, 68
  8. Joe, forward, England, 1966-74, 276, 119
  9. Thomas, goalkeeper, Norway, 1997-2001, 70, 0
  10. Alan, defender, England, 1983-88, 1991-93, 240, 5
  11. Paul, forward, England, 1992-96, 140, 40
  12. Slaven, defender, Croatia, 1997-99, 26, 0
  13. Nick, midfield, England, 1996-2000, 133, 23
  14. Tim, goalkeeper, United States, 2006-16, 414, 1
  15. Séamus, defender, Ireland, 2009-, 384, 27
  16. Gary, defender, Scotland, 2000-07, 151, 7
  17. Romelu, forward, Belgium, 2013-17, 166, 87
  18. Derek, defender, England, 1982-88, 153, 24
  19. Louis, forward, France, 2008-12, 115, 35

35 Clues: Pat, defender, Wales, 1984-89, 203, 3Tony, forward, England, 1988-94, 230, 99Mikel, midfield, Spain, 2005-11, 209, 35Anders, midfield, Sweden, 1994-97, 82, 6Peter, forward, England, 1991-92, 95, 32Joe, forward, England, 1966-74, 276, 119Andy, forward, Scotland, 1983-85, 68, 22Paul, forward, England, 1992-96, 140, 40...

The numbers 2020-02-27

The numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 12+3
  2. 17+2
  3. 32+42
  4. 9+9
  5. 5+9
  6. 23+10
  7. 84+13
  8. 8+2
  1. 27+28
  2. 13+3
  3. 6+2
  4. 13+33
  5. 52+31
  6. 10+10
  7. 14+3
  8. 4+7

16 Clues: 6+29+95+94+78+213+312+317+214+327+2813+3332+4252+3110+1023+1084+13

test 2018-01-03

test crossword puzzle
  1. 65
  2. 33
  3. 9
  4. 51
  5. 70
  6. 80
  7. 46
  8. 54
  9. 44
  10. 37
  11. 7
  12. 14
  13. 4
  14. 31
  15. 13
  16. 56
  17. 40
  18. 16
  19. 67
  20. 82
  21. 50
  22. 29
  23. 5
  24. 27
  25. 20
  26. 23
  27. 77
  28. 42
  29. 8
  30. 68
  31. 52
  32. 30
  33. 79
  34. 62
  35. 38
  36. 47
  37. 21
  38. 53
  39. 49
  40. 72
  41. 83
  42. 61
  43. 43
  44. 41
  1. 10
  2. 19
  3. 35
  4. 59
  5. 26
  6. 76
  7. 55
  8. 78
  9. 15
  10. 25
  11. 28
  12. 84
  13. 73
  14. 69
  15. 3
  16. 2
  17. 74
  18. 66
  19. 34
  20. 60
  21. 64
  22. 75
  23. 39
  24. 1
  25. 63
  26. 36
  27. 58
  28. 71
  29. 11
  30. 45
  31. 12
  32. 22
  33. 57
  34. 81
  35. 48
  36. 24
  37. 18
  38. 32

82 Clues: 932741581019355926765578651533512570288473698046544437746614343113564060647516673982502963362758711120234512774222685752307981624838472421531832497283614341

2.4 Números (NO SPACES) 2020-12-08

2.4 Números (NO SPACES) crossword puzzle
  1. 20*15.000
  2. 7853+65
  3. 8*4
  4. 665+55
  5. 1.000/10
  6. 25+29
  7. 1.600/20
  8. 84-36
  1. 450.000*20
  2. 800+400
  3. 850-350
  4. 45+16
  5. 190/2
  6. 592/4
  7. 52+21

15 Clues: 8*445+16190/2592/452+2125+2984-36665+55800+400850-3507853+651.000/101.600/2020*15.000450.000*20

Fear Factor Crossword 2021-09-20

Fear Factor Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a strong desire for something (para 2, line 21)
  2. being interested in one main thing (para 5, line 84)
  3. be very good at something (para 2, line 18)
  4. a way of thinking about something (para 4, 70)
  5. having your complete attention (para 5, line 83)
  1. change to be different (para 4, line 61)
  2. proven by numbers (para 4, line 76)
  3. to make smaller (para 4, line 76)
  4. done something many times (para 3, line 38)
  5. do with enthusiasm (para 2, line 8)

10 Clues: to make smaller (para 4, line 76)proven by numbers (para 4, line 76)do with enthusiasm (para 2, line 8)change to be different (para 4, line 61)be very good at something (para 2, line 18)done something many times (para 3, line 38)a way of thinking about something (para 4, 70)a strong desire for something (para 2, line 21)...

Numbers Practice 2022-01-04

Numbers Practice crossword puzzle
  1. 23 + 21
  2. 44 / 4
  3. 224 - 192
  4. 25 x 40
  5. 11 + 12
  6. 9 x 8
  7. 19 x 5
  8. 40 x 1.5
  9. 99 - 28
  10. 21 x 4
  11. 7 x 5
  12. 94 / 2
  1. 167 - 84
  2. 52 + 44
  3. 17 + 39
  4. 46 - 28
  5. 10²
  6. 119 - 60
  7. 50 / 2.5
  8. 17 x 4

20 Clues: 10²9 x 87 x 544 / 419 x 517 x 421 x 494 / 223 + 2152 + 4417 + 3946 - 2825 x 4011 + 1299 - 28167 - 84119 - 6040 x 1.550 / 2.5224 - 192

Integer Math Problems Positive & Negative 2022-09-19

Integer Math Problems Positive & Negative crossword puzzle
  1. -60 x -30 / 2 = ?
  2. -100 x -2 - 22 = ?
  3. -90 - 8 + 155 = ?
  4. -40 x 3 + 77 = ?
  5. 48 - (-96) = ?
  6. 16 / 8 - 18 = ?
  7. -96 / -2 = ?
  8. -100 + 209 = ?
  9. -7 + 362 = ?
  10. (65 x (-4) x 4) + 2,107 = ?
  1. -1,000 / -2 x 1½ + 50 = ?
  2. 100 - -27 + -29 = ?
  3. -51 x -41 = ?
  4. -2 x 43 = ?
  5. -11 x 4 = ?
  6. -12 + -88 = ?
  7. 36 / -4 = ?
  8. -66 - 7 = ?
  9. 50 + -1 + 2 = ?
  10. -60 x -1 + 7 = ?

20 Clues: -2 x 43 = ?-11 x 4 = ?36 / -4 = ?-66 - 7 = ?-96 / -2 = ?-7 + 362 = ?-51 x -41 = ?-12 + -88 = ?48 - (-96) = ?-100 + 209 = ?16 / 8 - 18 = ?50 + -1 + 2 = ?-40 x 3 + 77 = ?-60 x -1 + 7 = ?-60 x -30 / 2 = ?-90 - 8 + 155 = ?-100 x -2 - 22 = ?100 - -27 + -29 = ?-1,000 / -2 x 1½ + 50 = ?(65 x (-4) x 4) + 2,107 = ?

Noble Gases 2012-12-03

Noble Gases crossword puzzle
  1. Discovered in 1900 by Friedrich E. Dorn.
  2. All 8A elements are ________ gases at room temperature.
  3. Argon prevents metals from oxidizing during _________.
  4. Helium has ____ valence electrons.
  5. Noble gases are used in ___________ bulbs, strobe lights, and headlights.
  6. The position of a satellite may be maintained by a xenon-ion _________ system.
  7. Discovered in 1898 by Sir William Ramsay and Morris Travers.
  8. Scientists can produce light by passing an _______ current through a gas in a tube.
  9. Helium is ________ from natural gas deposits.
  1. Discovered in 1868 by Pierre Janssen.
  2. Discovered in 1894 by Lord Rayliegh and Sir William Ramsay.
  3. Neon, argon, krypton, and xenon are separated from air using ___________ distillation.
  4. Noble gases have 8 ________ electrons' except helium.
  5. The most common ____________ number for noble gases is +2.
  6. Noble gases rarely form ___________.
  7. Each noble gas emits a characteristic ____ in a gas discharge tube.
  8. The _____________ bulb is filed with argon instead of air.
  9. Helium is used in weather balloons and airships because of its low _________.
  10. Noble gases are _________, odorless, and tasteless.
  11. Noble gases make up what group?

20 Clues: Noble gases make up what group?Helium has ____ valence electrons.Noble gases rarely form ___________.Discovered in 1868 by Pierre Janssen.Discovered in 1900 by Friedrich E. Dorn.Helium is ________ from natural gas deposits.Noble gases are _________, odorless, and tasteless.Noble gases have 8 ________ electrons' except helium....

8a 2023-03-30

8a crossword puzzle
  1. she has a nameday in 7th of January
  2. she is from Ovoshtnik
  3. she was born in Shumen
  4. his nickname is cocroach
  5. she has a long black hair
  6. she has her own country
  7. she wants to be a citizen of Dunavtsi
  8. he is a big fan of trains
  9. she is our Baba Marta
  10. she is from Dolno Sahrane
  11. she loves to draw
  12. she is from Hadjidimitrovo
  1. he sit on the last desk in school
  2. she loves reading a books
  3. she is from Dolno Izvorovo
  4. he doesn't like English very much
  5. she is very good at English
  6. he is always late for English classes
  7. her name means silk
  8. his cousin is in the sam class
  9. she plays folk dances
  10. she is the bravest in the class-she kills mirizlivki
  11. her name is meaning win
  12. someone who do Aikido
  13. she wants to be a Haris's girlfriend
  14. he is from Buzovgrad

26 Clues: she loves to drawher name means silkhe is from Buzovgradshe plays folk dancesshe is from Ovoshtniksomeone who do Aikidoshe is our Baba Martashe was born in Shumenher name is meaning winshe has her own countryhis nickname is cocroachshe loves reading a booksshe has a long black hairhe is a big fan of trainsshe is from Dolno Sahrane...

8A 2024-07-26

8A crossword puzzle
  1. driving a car
  2. window
  3. highway
  4. to validate (ticket)
  5. traffic
  6. to hit
  7. motor
  8. fine
  9. second class
  10. track; platform
  11. seatbelt
  12. speed limit
  13. brakes
  14. to get gas
  15. service station
  16. tire
  17. schedule
  18. to park
  19. (bus/train) stop
  20. to rent (car)
  1. to get a flat tire
  2. trunk
  3. headlight
  4. to repair
  5. mechanic
  6. ticket
  7. driver’s license
  8. to have/be in an accident
  9. to buckle (seatbelt)
  10. taking public transportation
  11. first class
  12. driver
  13. hood
  14. traffic officer
  15. ticket office/window

35 Clues: finehoodtiretrunkmotorwindowticketto hitbrakesdriverhighwaytrafficto parkmechanicseatbeltscheduleheadlightto repairto get gasspeed limitfirst classsecond classdriving a carto rent (car)track; platformservice stationtraffic officerdriver’s license(bus/train) stopto get a flat tireto validate (ticket)to buckle (seatbelt)ticket office/window...

vocabulary p 84-85 2012-11-14

vocabulary p 84-85 crossword puzzle
  1. The people on the ... of a company or an organization are the people who work for it and are paid by it.
  2. is a book in which a company or organization writes down the amounts of money it spends and receives.
  3. If you ...a message, letter, or parcel, you send it to a particular person or destination.
  4. rival
  5. is a screen and keyboard that are part of an office computer system.
  6. in which you keep all your appointments
  7. the money a company makes
  8. a document that lists goods that have been supplied or services that have been done, and says how much money you owe for them.
  9. means to make certain something happens
  1. a person who owns shares in a company
  2. you need for an activity or task are the qualities and skills that you need to be able to do it.
  3. the fact of having a paid job.
  4. it involves it or causes it.
  5. paper, envelopes, and other materials or equipment used for writing.
  6. they talk about a problem or a situation such as a business arrangement in order to solve the problem or complete the arrangement.
  7. something that you hope to achieve, especially when much time and effort will be needed.

16 Clues: rivalthe money a company makesit involves it or causes it.the fact of having a paid job.a person who owns shares in a companyin which you keep all your appointmentsmeans to make certain something happensis a screen and keyboard that are part of an office computer system.paper, envelopes, and other materials or equipment used for writing....

Saksa kpl 1 ja 2 2013-12-13

Saksa kpl 1 ja 2 crossword puzzle
  1. kotimaa
  2. ilkeä
  3. terve
  4. sämpylä
  5. tarkka
  6. hyödyllisempi
  7. maatila
  8. meine ______ ist 8A.
  9. palvelu
  10. lopultakin
  1. valmis
  2. mein farrad ist _______!
  3. Hast du _______ Zeit?
  4. vatsa
  5. koulukaveri
  6. anteeksi
  7. siksi
  8. myöhään
  9. todellinen
  10. yksinkertainen

20 Clues: vatsailkeätervesiksivalmistarkkakotimaasämpylämaatilamyöhäänpalveluanteeksitodellinenlopultakinkoulukaverihyödyllisempiyksinkertainenmeine ______ ist 8A.Hast du _______ Zeit?mein farrad ist _______!

BAHASA JAWA 2023-09-07

BAHASA JAWA crossword puzzle
  1. wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatra
  2. tegese angka
  3. baris utawane larik yaiku
  4. jinising titi laras kang isine pathet 6 lan urutan nadane yaiku 12356
  5. watake tembang kinanthi
  6. dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"
  7. tembung kang tegese becik miturut kamus kawi indonesia
  8. serat wedhatama iku wujude
  9. tegese suku kata
  10. 8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i paugeran saka tembang
  11. serat wedhatama asale saka basa
  12. tembung kang tegese ilmu pengerten miturut kamus kawi indonesia
  1. guru lagu tembang macapat kinanthi
  2. tibaning swara ana ing pungkasaning gatra
  3. salah sawijining serat KGPAA IV
  4. cacahing gatra saben sapada
  5. tembung kang ana ing sajroning macapat
  6. vokal utawane suara yaiku
  7. serat wedhatama ngandhut piwulang luhur
  8. dideleng saka tembung tegese "tama"

20 Clues: tegese angkategese suku katawatake tembang kinanthibaris utawane larik yaikuvokal utawane suara yaikuserat wedhatama iku wujudecacahing gatra saben sapadasalah sawijining serat KGPAA IVserat wedhatama asale saka basaguru lagu tembang macapat kinanthidideleng saka tembung tegese "tama"wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatra...

Bahasa Jawa 2023-09-09

Bahasa Jawa crossword puzzle
  1. tegese angka
  2. serat wedhatama ngandhut piwulang luhur
  3. serat wedhatama iku wujude
  4. salah sawijining serat KGPAA IV
  5. baris utawane larik yaiku
  6. guru lagu tembang macapat kinanthi
  7. dideleng saka tembung tegese "tama"
  8. watake tembang kinanthi
  9. wilangan cacahing wanda saben gatra
  10. tegese suku kata
  1. 8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i paugeran saka tembang
  2. cacahing gatra saben sapada
  3. tembung kang ana ing sajroning macapat
  4. dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"
  5. jinising titi laras kang isine pathet 6 lan urutan nadane yaiku 12356
  6. tembung kang tegese ilmu pengerten miturut kamus kawi indonesia
  7. tibaning swara ana ing pungkasaning gatra
  8. vokal utawane suara yaiku
  9. serat wedhatama asale saka basa
  10. tembung kang tegese becik miturut kamus kawi indonesia

20 Clues: tegese angkategese suku katawatake tembang kinanthivokal utawane suara yaikubaris utawane larik yaikuserat wedhatama iku wujudecacahing gatra saben sapadasalah sawijining serat KGPAA IVserat wedhatama asale saka basaguru lagu tembang macapat kinanthidideleng saka tembung tegese "tama"dideleng saka tembung tegese "wedha"...

Bilangan Bulat Mudah 2 2023-11-19

Bilangan Bulat Mudah 2 crossword puzzle
  1. (-134)+(-86)=
  2. 56×(-36)=
  3. -16-8+34=
  4. -52+(-31)=
  5. -38+(-21)=
  6. 4750:50-1650=
  7. (-184)-49=
  8. 213+(-165)=
  1. 25+(-9)-(-16)=
  2. (-1320):(-33)=
  3. (-52)×(-15)=
  4. -20-(-4)=
  5. 32-12=
  6. 32:(-4)+21×(-2)=
  7. 97+(-92)-(-138)=
  8. -78-(-53)=
  9. (-31)×15=
  10. (-736):23=
  11. 45×(-4)-128=
  12. 774:18=

20 Clues: 32-12=774:18=-20-(-4)=56×(-36)=-16-8+34=(-31)×15=-52+(-31)=-78-(-53)=-38+(-21)=(-736):23=(-184)-49=213+(-165)=(-52)×(-15)=45×(-4)-128=(-134)+(-86)=4750:50-1650=25+(-9)-(-16)=(-1320):(-33)=32:(-4)+21×(-2)=97+(-92)-(-138)=

Daisy's Maths Challenge 2012-10-02

Daisy's Maths Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. 27 divided by 9
  2. 12x7
  3. 63 divided by 7
  4. 4x6
  5. 3x9
  6. 7x8
  7. 3x12
  8. 35 divided by 7
  1. 9x8
  2. 12x12
  3. 64 divided by 8
  4. 84 divided by 7
  5. 48 divided by 12
  6. 9x9
  7. 2x5
  8. 66 divided by 11
  9. 3x10

17 Clues: 9x89x94x62x53x97x812x73x103x1212x1264 divided by 827 divided by 984 divided by 763 divided by 735 divided by 748 divided by 1266 divided by 11

Panto Crossword - hint (A1,A3,D2,D6,D4,A5,D3,D10,A9,D8,A11,A12,A7) 2021-06-05

Panto Crossword - hint (A1,A3,D2,D6,D4,A5,D3,D10,A9,D8,A11,A12,A7) crossword puzzle
  1. The ____ of the Wild.
  2. Zoro but with an e for the second letter
  3. Opposite of Aft
  4. One hour before midday
  5. Short for Hector Zeroni (think of Holes)
  6. German for No
  7. @
  1. Past tense of eat
  2. The number of Pantos better than ours.
  3. The fifth word of Lose Yourself by Eminem
  4. The Magnificent _____
  5. One fat lady
  6. Half a dozen

13 Clues: @One fat ladyHalf a dozenGerman for NoOpposite of AftPast tense of eatThe ____ of the Wild.The Magnificent _____One hour before middayThe number of Pantos better than ours.Zoro but with an e for the second letterShort for Hector Zeroni (think of Holes)The fifth word of Lose Yourself by Eminem

Los números 0 - 101 2022-09-18

Los números 0 - 101 crossword puzzle
  1. 17
  2. 10
  3. 8
  4. 13
  5. 26
  6. 14
  7. 95
  8. 84
  9. 0
  10. 100
  11. 62
  12. 22
  13. 9
  14. 101
  15. 20
  16. 40
  1. 15
  2. 80
  3. 12
  4. 41
  5. 30
  6. 35
  7. 50
  8. 59
  9. 4
  10. 23
  11. 90
  12. 60
  13. 71
  14. 70
  15. 16
  16. 11

32 Clues: 84091580171241303510505913262314959084626071701622112040100101

Alinka1 2024-05-28

Alinka1 crossword puzzle
  1. 83
  2. 22
  3. 3
  4. 31
  5. 76
  6. 39
  7. 17
  8. 12
  9. 55
  10. 60
  11. 54
  12. 67
  13. 44
  14. 56
  15. 34
  16. 78
  17. 82
  18. 57
  19. 81
  20. 77
  21. 24
  22. 35
  23. 58
  24. 36
  25. 11
  26. 90
  27. 23
  28. 14
  29. 62
  30. 41
  31. 69
  32. 66
  1. 46
  2. 50
  3. 68
  4. 87
  5. 4
  6. 51
  7. 84
  8. 47
  9. 6
  10. 19
  11. 71
  12. 27
  13. 64
  14. 63
  15. 13
  16. 16
  17. 29
  18. 53
  19. 59
  20. 1
  21. 7
  22. 2
  23. 10
  24. 25
  25. 20
  26. 91
  27. 9
  28. 52
  29. 21
  30. 72

62 Clues: 346172946835022688731765139844717191255712760646313541629536759445634781082252057915281772435583611219023721462416966

Decimals 2015-05-28

Decimals crossword puzzle
  1. 20/+64*2=
  2. 8*8+20=
  3. (4*2)*(8/2+12)=
  4. 25+25/2=
  5. 2.45+6.4=
  6. 44+88+2=
  7. 8+2*16=
  8. 7^2+8=
  9. 28+31=
  10. 8^2*8^2=
  11. 40+20/3=
  12. (3+5)*(6.52+2.8)=
  13. 10*10/5=
  14. 10*7/2=
  1. 4+(7*7)=
  2. 4+8*16=
  3. 22*2+44=
  4. 63-21=
  5. 70+5/3*6=
  6. 7.5+3.48/2=
  7. (6.50+7)*8.2=
  8. 78*4/2
  9. 2*2+3
  10. 29+28=
  11. 6*5.5+4.26=
  12. 8+2*10=
  13. 5.5+2=

27 Clues: 2*2+363-21=78*4/27^2+8=29+28=28+31=5.5+2=4+8*16=8*8+20=8+2*16=8+2*10=10*7/2=4+(7*7)=22*2+44=25+25/2=44+88+2=8^2*8^2=40+20/3=10*10/5=20/+64*2=70+5/3*6=2.45+6.4=7.5+3.48/2=6*5.5+4.26=(6.50+7)*8.2=(4*2)*(8/2+12)=(3+5)*(6.52+2.8)=

INTEGERS 2023-05-30

INTEGERS crossword puzzle
  1. PRODUCT OF -28 AND -13
  2. SUM OF -21,-10 AND -12
  4. QUOTIENT OF 4186 AND 7
  5. QUOTIENT OF 2367 AND 3
  1. PRODUCT OF -174 AND 2
  2. PRODUCT OF -2 AND +24
  3. PRODUCT OF 14,2 AND 3
  4. PRODUCT OF -33 AND 3
  5. DIFFERENCE OF -204 AND -53
  6. SUM OF -36 AND 108


OTF crossword 2024-11-22

OTF crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Used to challenge balance and stability
  2. Unlimited membership
  3. What color represents 71-83%
  4. what color represents 84-91%
  5. Signature workout with inclines
  1. minutes spent in the orange and red
  2. Class that focuses on strength
  3. Measures body composition
  4. Founder of Orangetheory Fitness
  5. Straps that have an anchor in the wall

10 Clues: Unlimited membershipMeasures body compositionWhat color represents 71-83%what color represents 84-91%Class that focuses on strengthFounder of Orangetheory FitnessSignature workout with inclinesminutes spent in the orange and redStraps that have an anchor in the wallUsed to challenge balance and stability

Pisano zbrajanje 2014-11-12

Pisano zbrajanje crossword puzzle
  1. 16+52+4
  2. 49+19+2
  3. 29+56
  4. 49+14+1
  1. 35+35
  2. 58+17
  3. 18+66
  4. 25+35

8 Clues: 35+3558+1729+5618+6625+3516+52+449+19+249+14+1

Solving Multi-Step Equations 2022-06-08

Solving Multi-Step Equations crossword puzzle
  1. 7-(5t-13)=-25
  2. 68=3(6r-1)-7(1-3r)
  3. x/5+2=-1
  4. -3x+5(x+3)=23
  5. (-8-3k)/2=11
  6. 2=a+9
  7. 5(2x+6)=-4(-5-2x)+3
  8. 329=-7(1+6b)
  9. -12=5(6x+4)+7(x+6)
  10. 8n-6(-5n-3)=18+7n
  11. 2n-15=-5n+4n
  12. 3(m+7)=6(m+2)
  13. -10=-14v+14v
  1. 8m+6=4m-14
  2. 6y+12=-2(y+10)
  3. 35+7x=-3(-5-4x)
  4. -5x+13=1-7x
  5. 10p+3p+5=2(p-3)
  6. 8(4-5m)=-4(6+8m)
  7. -7-5a=7(8a-1)
  8. -12=-6(-8n+6)+8(-4+n)
  9. 3p+1-5=-16+6p

22 Clues: 2=a+9x/5+2=-18m+6=4m-14-5x+13=1-7x(-8-3k)/2=11329=-7(1+6b)2n-15=-5n+4n-10=-14v+14v7-(5t-13)=-25-3x+5(x+3)=23-7-5a=7(8a-1)3(m+7)=6(m+2)3p+1-5=-16+6p6y+12=-2(y+10)35+7x=-3(-5-4x)10p+3p+5=2(p-3)8(4-5m)=-4(6+8m)8n-6(-5n-3)=18+7n68=3(6r-1)-7(1-3r)-12=5(6x+4)+7(x+6)5(2x+6)=-4(-5-2x)+3-12=-6(-8n+6)+8(-4+n)

Wijkkrant Purmer Noord 5 2013-06-21

Wijkkrant Purmer Noord 5 crossword puzzle
  1. naburig dorp
  2. Wim Sonneveld nam dit vervoermiddel naar Purmerend
  3. activiteitencentrum
  4. cultureel festival
  5. op de A7 sta je er elke dag in
  6. ingenieur, bekend van droogleggingen
  7. welke Willem was erg belangrijk voor Purmerend
  8. popgroep, had werldhit met "You"
  9. windrichting
  1. kerkgebouw in het park
  2. voornaam wijkmanager
  3. speeltuin (zonder lidwoord)
  4. industriegebied
  5. won goud en zilver bij Paralympics
  6. Burgemeester
  7. winkelcentrum
  8. wijkwethouder
  9. tweewielig sportrijtuig (ook bekend van het plein)

18 Clues: naburig dorpBurgemeesterwindrichtingwinkelcentrumwijkwethouderindustriegebiedcultureel festivalactiviteitencentrumvoornaam wijkmanagerkerkgebouw in het parkspeeltuin (zonder lidwoord)op de A7 sta je er elke dag inpopgroep, had werldhit met "You"won goud en zilver bij Paralympicsingenieur, bekend van droogleggingen...

8A 2022-03-14

8A crossword puzzle
  1. Together
  2. Water
  3. Sit
  4. animal
  5. Hand
  6. Mind
  7. book
  8. Read
  9. Rock
  10. Twist
  11. Holy
  1. Name
  2. sound
  3. sound
  4. Half
  5. Across
  6. all
  7. Roll
  8. Wonder
  9. Life
  10. Change
  11. Right

22 Clues: SitallNameHalfHandRollMindbookLifeReadRockHolysoundsoundWaterRightTwistAcrossanimalWonderChangeTogether

8A 2022-12-10

8A crossword puzzle
  1. by
  2. bird
  3. trip
  4. monkey
  5. boat, ship
  6. lake
  7. monument
  8. to visit
  9. stadium
  10. country, nation
  11. place
  12. bus
  13. tell me
  14. sea
  15. like, such as
  16. late
  17. airplane
  18. during
  19. to travel
  20. ticket
  1. bear
  2. train
  3. theater
  4. hotel
  5. tree
  6. city
  7. to ride a horse
  8. I saw
  9. to sunbathe
  10. early
  11. museum
  12. impressive
  13. to learn
  14. animal

34 Clues: bybusseabearbirdtriptreecitylakelatetrainhotelI sawearlyplacemonkeymuseumanimalduringtickettheaterstadiumtell memonumentto visitto learnairplaneto travelboat, shipimpressiveto sunbathelike, such asto ride a horsecountry, nation

8A 2024-05-31

8A crossword puzzle
  1. bet someone to shave their eyebrows
  2. Horse girl
  3. To nice
  4. Never comes to school
  5. Use to dance
  6. Super quiet
  7. Turtle
  8. Dumb blonde
  9. Has a baby
  10. Tiffen's best Friend
  11. Sits by Kendra
  1. Cologne obsession
  2. Sat in front the whole year
  3. Same name as a girl
  4. "So real"
  5. Nerd
  6. Answers all the question
  7. Has a twin brother
  8. Indigenous
  9. Sits by Layla
  10. Shaved off his eyebrows
  11. Ginger
  12. Really curly hair
  13. Screams a lot
  14. Obsessed with fortnite
  15. Sneezes on people

26 Clues: NerdTurtleGingerTo nice"So real"Horse girlIndigenousHas a babySuper quietDumb blondeUse to danceSits by LaylaScreams a lotSits by KendraCologne obsessionReally curly hairSneezes on peopleHas a twin brotherSame name as a girlTiffen's best FriendNever comes to schoolObsessed with fortniteShaved off his eyebrowsAnswers all the question...

Iron Valiant Moveset 2024-01-05

Iron Valiant Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 84 Fighting St
  2. 1 Ghost Ph
  3. 63 Fighting Ph
  4. 14 Normal Ph
  5. 49 Grass Ph
  6. 56 Fairy Sp
  7. 28 Fairy Sp
  8. 21 Psychic Sp
  1. 91 Fairy Ph
  2. 35 Psychic Ph
  3. 1 Normal St
  4. 1 Normal St
  5. 70 Dark Ph
  6. 77 Ghost St
  7. 84 Rock St
  8. Rem Electric St
  9. 1 Bug Ph
  10. 7 Psychic St
  11. 42 Dark Ph

19 Clues: 1 Bug Ph70 Dark Ph1 Ghost Ph84 Rock St42 Dark Ph91 Fairy Ph1 Normal St1 Normal St77 Ghost St49 Grass Ph56 Fairy Sp28 Fairy Sp14 Normal Ph7 Psychic St35 Psychic Ph21 Psychic Sp84 Fighting St63 Fighting PhRem Electric St

OTF crossword 2024-11-22

OTF crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Used to challenge balance and stability
  2. Unlimited membership
  3. What color represents 71-83%
  4. what color represents 84-91%
  5. Signature workout with inclines
  1. minutes spent in the orange and red
  2. Class that focuses on strength
  3. Measures body composition
  4. Founder of Orangetheory Fitness
  5. Straps that have an anchor in the wall

10 Clues: Unlimited membershipMeasures body compositionWhat color represents 71-83%what color represents 84-91%Class that focuses on strengthFounder of Orangetheory FitnessSignature workout with inclinesminutes spent in the orange and redStraps that have an anchor in the wallUsed to challenge balance and stability

Gas Mulia 2023-11-06

Gas Mulia crossword puzzle
  1. gas mulia memiliki titik didih dan titik leleh yang sangat
  2. untuk mendapatkan unsur unsur gas mulia dilakukan dengan ..... bertingkat pada udara cair
  3. unsur golongan 8A (kecuali helium) yang stabil adalah
  4. unsur Ne
  5. radon merupakan satu satunya unsur di golongan 8A yang bersifat
  6. helium memiliki 2 kestabilan elektron valensi
  7. gas mulia memiliki konfigurasi yang
  8. unsur Ar
  1. senyawa gas mulia pertama kali dibuat oleh ahli kimia dari kanada adalah
  2. unsur Xe
  3. sebutan lain gas mulia
  4. gas helium digunakan untuk mengisi
  5. unsur nomor atom 36
  6. unsur nomor atom 2
  7. unsur Rn

15 Clues: unsur Xeunsur Neunsur Rnunsur Arunsur nomor atom 2unsur nomor atom 36sebutan lain gas muliagas helium digunakan untuk mengisigas mulia memiliki konfigurasi yanghelium memiliki 2 kestabilan elektron valensiunsur golongan 8A (kecuali helium) yang stabil adalahgas mulia memiliki titik didih dan titik leleh yang sangat...

historia de los periodos de la historia de roma 2024-06-10

historia de los periodos de la historia de roma crossword puzzle
  1. (2D)
  2. (3D)
  3. (6A)
  4. (5D)
  5. (9A)
  6. (7A)
  7. Nona (7D)
  8. (9D)
  9. Romana (1D)
  1. (8A)
  2. (1A)
  3. Tablas (3A)
  4. (4D)
  5. (4A)
  6. (6D)
  7. (8D)
  8. (5A)
  9. (2A)

18 Clues: (2D)(8A)(1A)(4D)(3D)(4A)(6A)(6D)(8D)(5D)(9A)(5A)(7A)(2A)(9D)Nona (7D)Tablas (3A)Romana (1D)

English Crossword 2021-09-27

English Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the sudden or violent start of something unwelcome, such as disease (P.91, line 11, book 2)
  2. a microorganism which causes disease (P.83, line 35, book 3)
  3. the same as disappeared (P.83, line 13, book 3)
  4. the infinitive form of lost
  5. the opposite of unviable (P.91, line 15, book 3)
  6. a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines (P.83, line 19, book 3)
  7. the opposite of small (P.91, line 5, book 3)
  8. the dominant social system in medieval Europe (P.86, line 1, book 2)
  9. the past participle form of take
  10. the infinitive form of felt
  1. the past form of draw
  2. the same as feedstock (P.91, line 26, book 3)
  3. the same as avoid (P.87, line 20, book 3)
  4. a society with a special culture and way of life in a particular area (P.83, line 8, book 3)
  5. a glass building in which plants are grown (P.87, line 9, book 3)
  6. the same as tributes (P.86, line 15, book 2)
  7. the past participle form of drive
  8. a building devoted to the worship to a god or gods (P.83, line 11, book 3)
  9. a type of source of energy that is not depleted by use, such as wind or water (P.91, line 2, book 3)
  10. the past form of begin

20 Clues: the past form of drawthe past form of beginthe infinitive form of lostthe infinitive form of feltthe past participle form of takethe past participle form of drivethe same as avoid (P.87, line 20, book 3)the same as tributes (P.86, line 15, book 2)the opposite of small (P.91, line 5, book 3)the same as feedstock (P.91, line 26, book 3)...

8A 2024-04-22

8A crossword puzzle
  1. as clever as a fox
  2. smarter than AI
  3. snores like a dad
  4. as tall as a giraffe
  5. as lazy as a sloth
  6. as chatty as a budgie
  7. as talkative as two-year-old
  1. as calm as the sea
  2. as tall as two giraffes
  3. as aquadynamic as a dolphin
  4. as friendly as a dog
  5. as quiet as a grave
  6. as sleepy as a cat
  7. writes more than a professor
  8. as cute as a kangaroo
  9. as cool as a snowman
  10. as mysterious as a secret
  11. as sneaky as a thief

18 Clues: smarter than AIsnores like a dadas calm as the seaas clever as a foxas sleepy as a catas lazy as a slothas quiet as a graveas friendly as a dogas tall as a giraffeas cool as a snowmanas sneaky as a thiefas cute as a kangarooas chatty as a budgieas tall as two giraffesas mysterious as a secretas aquadynamic as a dolphinwrites more than a professor...

Numbers 2015-11-17

Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 4x4-8=
  2. 92-22-50=
  3. 3x3=
  4. 78-57=
  5. 4x7-4=
  6. 3x7-4=
  7. 83-68=
  8. 32-18=
  1. 24-9+1=
  2. 35-24=
  3. 6+6=
  4. 86-63=
  5. 3x4+1=
  6. 63-50-3=
  7. 3x7-18=

15 Clues: 6+6=3x3=4x4-8=35-24=78-57=86-63=3x4+1=4x7-4=3x7-4=83-68=32-18=24-9+1=3x7-18=63-50-3=92-22-50=

Signal Codes 2021-02-11

Signal Codes crossword puzzle
  1. Sig 30
  2. Sig 86
  3. Sig 82
  4. Sig 13
  5. Sig 7
  6. Sig 3
  7. Sig 76
  8. Sig 14
  9. Sig 89
  1. Sig 11
  2. Sig 87
  3. Sig 88
  4. Sig 85
  5. Sig 15
  6. Sig 8

15 Clues: Sig 7Sig 8Sig 3Sig 11Sig 30Sig 87Sig 86Sig 88Sig 82Sig 85Sig 13Sig 15Sig 76Sig 14Sig 89

83-85 2021-12-30

83-85 crossword puzzle
  1. Happiness shouldn't depend on any _____ conditions.
  2. The security team is working _____ in order to ensure the safety of everyone.
  3. You have to organize your _____ to avoid some last-minute trouble.
  4. My _____ for next year is to work harder.
  5. The number of ballot papers did not _____ with the number of voters.
  6. A stylish laptop case is a must for anyone who prides herself on being both _____ and fashionable.
  7. We are open every _____ from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.
  8. My mother always wakes up at _____ to go to the bathroom.
  9. Most countries' _____ suffered after the pandemic.
  10. He was _____ to take the opportunity because he was scared.
  11. Why is there an increasing numer of youth in _____ in Korea?
  12. If you call the hotline, you will talk to an _____ system instead of a real person.
  1. The suspects are under police _____.
  2. I found this bag of money under the bus chair by _____.
  3. He was given 22 shocks with a _____ in an ambulance and at the hospital after going into cardiac arrest.
  4. The leader of the _____ was arrested after he was caught stealing from his employees.
  5. The video _____ showed the face of the suspect as he tried to escape.
  6. Government officials claim there have been numerous security breaches that must be _____ for.
  7. We measured the water and flour in a _____ of one to three.
  8. In my opinion, the internet is the greatest _____ in history.
  9. The train to Seoul is packed with early morning _____.
  10. What _____ of your income do you spend on rent?
  11. Americans _____ independence day every July 4th of the year.
  12. Offices are closed during _____ holidays.

24 Clues: The suspects are under police _____.My _____ for next year is to work harder.Offices are closed during _____ holidays.What _____ of your income do you spend on rent?We are open every _____ from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.Most countries' _____ suffered after the pandemic.Happiness shouldn't depend on any _____ conditions....

English Crossword 2021-09-27

English Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the sudden or violent start of something unwelcome, such as disease (P.91, line 11, book 2)
  2. a microorganism which causes disease (P.83, line 35, book 3)
  3. the same as disappeared (P.83, line 13, book 3)
  4. the infinitive form of lost
  5. the opposite of unviable (P.91, line 15, book 3)
  6. a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines (P.83, line 19, book 3)
  7. the opposite of small (P.91, line 5, book 3)
  8. the dominant social system in medieval Europe (P.86, line 1, book 2)
  9. the past participle form of take
  10. the infinitive form of felt
  1. the past form of draw
  2. the same as feedstock (P.91, line 26, book 3)
  3. the same as avoid (P.87, line 20, book 3)
  4. a society with a special culture and way of life in a particular area (P.83, line 8, book 3)
  5. a glass building in which plants are grown (P.87, line 9, book 3)
  6. the same as tributes (P.86, line 15, book 2)
  7. the past participle form of drive
  8. a building devoted to the worship to a god or gods (P.83, line 11, book 3)
  9. a type of source of energy that is not depleted by use, such as wind or water (P.91, line 2, book 3)
  10. the past form of begin

20 Clues: the past form of drawthe past form of beginthe infinitive form of lostthe infinitive form of feltthe past participle form of takethe past participle form of drivethe same as avoid (P.87, line 20, book 3)the same as tributes (P.86, line 15, book 2)the opposite of small (P.91, line 5, book 3)the same as feedstock (P.91, line 26, book 3)...

English Crossword 2021-09-27

English Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a glass building in which plants are grown (P.87, line 9, book 3)
  2. the opposite of unviable (P.91, line 15, book 3)
  3. the dominant social system in medieval Europe (P.86, line 1, book 2)
  4. a type of source of energy that is not depleted by use, such as wind or water (P.91, line 2, book 3)
  5. the past form of draw
  6. a society with a special culture and way of life in a particular area (P.83, line 8, book 3)
  7. the sudden or violent start of something unwelcome, such as disease (P.91, line 11, book 2)
  8. a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines (P.83, line 19, book 3)
  9. the same as tributes (P.86, line 15, book 2)
  10. the past participle form of take
  1. the same as disappeared (P.83, line 13, book 3)
  2. a building devoted to the worship to a god or gods (P.83, line 11, book 3)
  3. the infinitive form of felt
  4. the opposite of small (P.91, line 5, book 3)
  5. the past participle form of drive
  6. the same as feedstock (P.91, line 26, book 3)
  7. the past form of begin
  8. the infinitive form of lost
  9. a microorganism which causes disease (P.83, line 35, book 3)
  10. the same as avoid (P.87, line 20, book 3)

20 Clues: the past form of drawthe past form of beginthe infinitive form of feltthe infinitive form of lostthe past participle form of takethe past participle form of drivethe same as avoid (P.87, line 20, book 3)the opposite of small (P.91, line 5, book 3)the same as tributes (P.86, line 15, book 2)the same as feedstock (P.91, line 26, book 3)...

2023 Nascar Teams 2023-10-25

2023 Nascar Teams crossword puzzle
  1. #44
  2. #11 #19 #20 #54
  3. #34 #36 #38
  4. #4 #10 #14 #41
  5. #42 #43 #84
  6. #26 #27
  7. #47
  8. #23 #45 #67
  9. #30
  10. #6 #17
  1. #1 #91 #99
  2. #15 #51
  3. #5 #9 #24 #48
  4. #13 #16 #31
  5. #80
  6. #62
  7. #7 #77
  8. #3 #8 #33
  9. #50
  10. #78
  11. #2 #22 #12
  12. #21

22 Clues: #44#80#62#50#78#21#47#30#7 #77#6 #17#15 #51#26 #27#3 #8 #33#1 #91 #99#2 #22 #12#13 #16 #31#34 #36 #38#42 #43 #84#23 #45 #67#5 #9 #24 #48#4 #10 #14 #41#11 #19 #20 #54

Lektion 1B 2016-09-12

Lektion 1B crossword puzzle
  1. Wann du bist im dein Freunds Hause
  2. Zum Beispiel 5A oder 8A
  3. Was bringst du ...
  4. Ein gut Getränk.
  5. Zum Beispiel Ouuskunnantie
  6. Das Gegentail von Der Ausgang
  1. 8A ist ... Klasse
  2. Darryl Jones
  3. durch, für ... ohne, um
  4. Das Gegenteil von gehen

10 Clues: Darryl JonesEin gut Getränk.8A ist ... KlasseWas bringst du ...Zum Beispiel 5A oder 8Adurch, für ... ohne, umDas Gegenteil von gehenZum Beispiel OuuskunnantieDas Gegentail von Der AusgangWann du bist im dein Freunds Hause

cruciverba monomi 2022-03-24

cruciverba monomi crossword puzzle
  1. 4xy-7xy-xy
  2. 8a:3b2
  3. 3ab2+5ab2-7ab2
  4. 5a:8ab*4a
  5. 4c-2c-8c
  1. 8xy+6xy-5xy
  2. 6-b*4ab
  3. -2a*(3b2)+b(-4ab)+12a2b2:3a
  4. 5b*4a
  5. -3c+3c+5c
  6. 11x+6x-8x-3x

11 Clues: 5b*4a8a:3b26-b*4ab4c-2c-8c5a:8ab*4a-3c+3c+5c4xy-7xy-xy8xy+6xy-5xy11x+6x-8x-3x3ab2+5ab2-7ab2-2a*(3b2)+b(-4ab)+12a2b2:3a

Teka-Teki Silang Basa Jawa 2023-03-02

Teka-Teki Silang Basa Jawa crossword puzzle
  1. tu+tuku
  2. puisi basa Jawa
  3. tangga nada;notasi
  4. kesimpulan; inti carita/isi teks
  5. Ibukku (...) blanja kanggo masa ing Pasar Gedhe
  6. basa kang endah;basa kang dipaes
  7. teks utawa lirik tembang macapat
  8. 8a,11i,8u,7a,12u,8a,8i
  9. tembang cilik; cacahe ana sewelas
  10. krama alus;krama lugu;ngoko alus;ngoko lugu
  11. Pakdhe (ngongkon) aku tumbas krupuk ing warung
  1. tibaning swara ing saben pungkasan gatra
  2. tembang kang nggambarake pisahing ruh lan badan
  3. tanggal panulisan geguritan
  4. mundur + ma lima
  5. wujud isi geguritan bebas, bisa awujud pada utawa carita
  6. awan;langit
  7. bapak pucung renteng-renteng kaya kalung, dawa kaya ula, pencokanmu wesi miring, sing disaba si pucung mung turut kutha
  8. pencipta;pengarang
  9. laras kang nduweni angka 4 lan 7

20 Clues: tu+tukuawan;langitpuisi basa Jawamundur + ma limatangga nada;notasipencipta;pengarang8a,11i,8u,7a,12u,8a,8itanggal panulisan geguritankesimpulan; inti carita/isi teksbasa kang endah;basa kang dipaesteks utawa lirik tembang macapatlaras kang nduweni angka 4 lan 7tembang cilik; cacahe ana sewelastibaning swara ing saben pungkasan gatra...

10 Codes 2023-07-14

10 Codes crossword puzzle
  1. 10-42
  2. 10-13
  3. 10-27
  4. 10-48
  5. 10-32
  6. 10-92
  7. 10-6
  8. 10-29
  9. 10-90
  10. 10-24
  11. 10-89
  12. 10-20
  13. 10-40
  14. 10-17
  15. 10-99
  16. 10-46
  17. 10-28
  18. 10-94
  19. 10-14
  20. 10-22
  21. 10-41
  22. 10-23
  23. 10-77
  24. 10-4
  25. 10-12
  26. 10-97
  27. 10-93
  28. 10-85
  29. 10-36
  1. 10-9
  2. 10-3
  3. 10-49
  4. 10-19
  5. 10-95
  6. 10-8
  7. code 100
  8. 10-44
  9. 10-10
  10. 10-43
  11. 10-2
  12. 10-96
  13. 10-45
  14. 10-21
  15. 10-84
  16. 10-7
  17. 10-1
  18. 10-64
  19. 10-33
  20. 10-39
  21. 10-80
  22. 10-67
  23. 10-15
  24. 10-98

53 Clues: 10-910-310-810-610-210-710-110-410-4210-1310-2710-4810-4910-1910-9510-3210-9210-4410-1010-4310-2910-9010-9610-2410-4510-8910-2010-2110-8410-4010-1710-9910-4610-2810-6410-3310-9410-3910-1410-2210-4110-8010-2310-6710-7710-1510-1210-9710-9310-9810-8510-36code 100

a7 2022-06-21

a7 crossword puzzle
  1. Mënyra se si pajisja kryen funksionin e saj.
  2. Përpjekje për të shkaktuar dëm.
  3. Disa gjëra ose njerëz që janë në një marrëdhënie të caktuar me njëri-tjetrin.
  4. Bërtisni papritmas, nga një përvojë e fortë.
  1. Një ngastër me tokë të sheshtë.
  2. Të pazakonta; e pazakontë.
  3. Aftësia për t'u zgjatur kur tërhiqet.

7 Clues: Të pazakonta; e pazakontë.Një ngastër me tokë të sheshtë.Përpjekje për të shkaktuar dëm.Aftësia për t'u zgjatur kur tërhiqet.Mënyra se si pajisja kryen funksionin e saj.Bërtisni papritmas, nga një përvojë e fortë.Disa gjëra ose njerëz që janë në një marrëdhënie të caktuar me njëri-tjetrin.

GCF & Distributive Property Crossword Puzzle 2014-10-19

GCF & Distributive Property Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 30 + 36
  2. 9 + 24
  3. 20 + 28
  4. 42 + 90
  5. 80 + 64
  6. 90 + 60
  7. 12 + 8
  8. 6 + 15
  9. 20 + 15
  10. 18 + 63
  1. 42 + 12
  2. 18 + 12
  3. 32 + 40
  4. 35 + 56
  5. 48 + 36
  6. 18 + 54
  7. 84 + 60
  8. 24 + 18
  9. 16 + 20
  10. 14 + 6

20 Clues: 9 + 2412 + 86 + 1514 + 630 + 3642 + 1218 + 1232 + 4020 + 2835 + 5642 + 9048 + 3680 + 6418 + 5484 + 6090 + 6024 + 1816 + 2020 + 1518 + 63

Blessed by God 2022-09-14

Blessed by God crossword puzzle
  1. 7b
  2. 6a
  3. 6b
  4. 2b
  5. 3a
  6. 10a
  7. 2c
  8. 10b
  9. 3b
  10. 1d
  11. 2a
  12. 5c
  13. 4b
  1. 4a
  2. 9B
  3. 7a
  4. 7c
  5. 1c
  6. 9a
  7. 1b
  8. 8a
  9. 5a
  10. 1a
  11. 10 c
  12. 5b

25 Clues: 4a9B7a7b6a7c6b2b1c9a3a1b2c3b8a1d2a5c5a1a4b5b10a10b10 c

Hunter's Week 10 Crossword 2023-11-11

Hunter's Week 10 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Where did Jan Hus prepare his sermons for? - F.M.R: PG.84
  2. ________ was an early master of bronze sculpting - M.A.I: PG.141
  3. Henry VII founded the _________ Dynasty - M.A.I: PG.142
  4. The teaching in the church that the bread and wine in communion literally became the body and blood of Jesus. - F.M.R: PG.81
  5. At what age did Wycliffe go to Oxford? - F.M.R: PG.80
  6. _______ was typical of those who sold artwork for private consumption - M.A.I: PG.141
  7. The Council declared Jan Hus a __________. - F.M.R: PG.84
  8. Hus composed _______ hymns himself. - F.M.R: PG.84
  1. Jan Hus was ___________ by the Archbishop of Prague because he refused to be condemned. - F.M.R: PG.84
  2. The Pope and many bishops were more concerned with political power rather than completing their __________ duties - F.M.R: PG.79
  3. Who died quickly after their capture? - F.M.R: PG.79
  4. What did Thomas Bradwardine die from? - F.M.R: PG.80
  5. Who won followers in England - M.A.I: PG.143
  6. The drinking of wine was reserved for the ____________ only. - F.M.R: PG.84
  7. What didn't interfere with the development of architecture and literature? - M.A.I: PG.141

15 Clues: Who won followers in England - M.A.I: PG.143Hus composed _______ hymns himself. - F.M.R: PG.84Who died quickly after their capture? - F.M.R: PG.79What did Thomas Bradwardine die from? - F.M.R: PG.80At what age did Wycliffe go to Oxford? - F.M.R: PG.80Henry VII founded the _________ Dynasty - M.A.I: PG.142...

maths crossword 2017-07-03

maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 12 x 8
  2. 1164 divided by 2
  3. 4638.43 rounded to the nearest whole number
  4. 14 x 1000
  5. 431 x 2
  6. 75 divided by 5
  7. 45000 + 6010
  8. 869 + 365
  9. 11 x 4
  10. 93 divided by 3
  11. 84 x 6
  1. 425 + 224
  2. 98 x 67
  3. 37000 - 49
  4. 73.8 rounded to the nearest whole number
  5. 9622 divided by 2
  6. 782 x 2
  7. 265.5 x 2
  8. 8+6
  9. 50 x 7

20 Clues: 8+612 x 850 x 711 x 484 x 698 x 67782 x 2431 x 2425 + 22414 x 1000265.5 x 2869 + 36537000 - 4945000 + 601075 divided by 593 divided by 31164 divided by 29622 divided by 273.8 rounded to the nearest whole number4638.43 rounded to the nearest whole number

Wijkkrant Purmer Noord 5 2013-06-21

Wijkkrant Purmer Noord 5 crossword puzzle
  1. welke Willem was erg belangrijk voor Purmerend
  2. Burgemeester
  3. industriegebied
  4. naburig dorp
  5. won goud en zilver bij Paralympics
  6. cultureel festival
  7. tweewielig sportrijtuig (ook bekend van het plein)
  8. wijkwethouder
  9. popgroep, had werldhit met "You"
  1. op de A7 sta je er elke dag in
  2. winkelcentrum
  3. activiteitencentrum
  4. Wim Sonneveld nam dit vervoermiddel naar Purmerend
  5. kerkgebouw in het park
  6. speeltuin (zonder lidwoord)
  7. ingenieur, bekend van droogleggingen
  8. windrichting
  9. voornaam wijkmanager

18 Clues: Burgemeesternaburig dorpwindrichtingwinkelcentrumwijkwethouderindustriegebiedcultureel festivalactiviteitencentrumvoornaam wijkmanagerkerkgebouw in het parkspeeltuin (zonder lidwoord)op de A7 sta je er elke dag inpopgroep, had werldhit met "You"won goud en zilver bij Paralympicsingenieur, bekend van droogleggingen...

Valor numérico 2017-06-28

Valor numérico crossword puzzle
  1. 6x + 4x ; x = -3
  2. 14a : -2a ; a = -3
  3. a.a + 6a ; a = -7
  4. 5x . x ; x = -4
  5. 10x : 5x + x ; x = -6
  6. 4m - 2m + 4m ; m = -8
  1. 2a+4a+5a ; a=2
  2. 2a . a + a : a ; a = 8
  3. -13m + 7m - 5m ; m=-2
  4. -2a + 5a ; a = 10
  5. 3a - 5a + 8a - 7a ; a=4
  6. m.m + 5a . a ; m=-1 a = 3

12 Clues: 2a+4a+5a ; a=26x + 4x ; x = -35x . x ; x = -414a : -2a ; a = -3a.a + 6a ; a = -7-2a + 5a ; a = 10-13m + 7m - 5m ; m=-24m - 2m + 4m ; m = -82a . a + a : a ; a = 83a - 5a + 8a - 7a ; a=410x : 5x + x ; x = -6m.m + 5a . a ; m=-1 a = 3

MECHANICAL B 2014-04-03

MECHANICAL B crossword puzzle
  1. 93
  2. 116
  3. 70
  4. 111
  5. 135
  6. 83
  7. 63
  8. 120
  9. 134
  10. 107
  11. 88
  12. 94
  13. 76
  14. 110
  15. 118
  16. 82
  17. 86
  18. 62
  19. 103
  20. 64
  21. 102
  22. 109
  23. 79
  24. 114
  25. 78
  26. 115
  27. 91
  28. 66
  29. 104
  1. 105
  2. 96
  3. 99
  4. 106
  5. 98
  6. 95
  7. 100
  8. 72
  9. 119
  10. 89
  11. 71
  12. 85
  13. 117
  14. 74
  15. 77
  16. 81
  17. 97
  18. 101
  19. 68
  20. 75
  21. 90
  22. 108
  23. 80
  24. 87
  25. 113
  26. 92
  27. 65

56 Clues: 93969970989583726388899471857674778281866297646875908079877892659166105106116111135100120134107119117110118101103102109108114113115104


REMIDI MATEMATIKA 4A crossword puzzle
  1. Tiga ribu empat ratus lima puluh enam
  2. 135 : 3 = ....
  3. 92 : 4 = ....
  4. 26 x 6 = .....
  5. 184 : 4 = .....
  6. 25 x 12 = .....
  7. 65 x 3 = ....
  8. satu juta dua ratus ribu
  9. 152 : 4 = .....
  10. 22 X 12 = .....
  11. 255 : 3 = .....
  12. 2536 + 1478 = .....
  13. 206 : 6 = ....
  14. 95 x 2 = .....
  1. 2345 - 1258 = .....
  2. Empat juta lima ratus enam puluh tujuh ribu
  3. dua puluh lima juta
  4. Empat juta lima ratus delapan puluh ribu delapan ratus
  5. 140 : 2= .....
  6. 24 x 9 = ....
  7. 125 : 5 = ......
  8. 90 : 2 = .....
  9. 28 x 3 = ....
  10. 21 X 21 = ....
  11. Dani mempunyai 4 karung beras , masing-masing beras berisi 35 kg. Jumlah seluruh beras milik Dani adalah .... kg

25 Clues: 92 : 4 = ....65 x 3 = ....24 x 9 = ....28 x 3 = ....135 : 3 = ....26 x 6 = .....140 : 2= .....90 : 2 = .....21 X 21 = ....206 : 6 = ....95 x 2 = .....184 : 4 = .....25 x 12 = .....152 : 4 = .....22 X 12 = .....255 : 3 = .....125 : 5 = ......2345 - 1258 = .....dua puluh lima juta2536 + 1478 = .....satu juta dua ratus ribu...

INTEGERS 2023-05-30

INTEGERS crossword puzzle
  1. DIFFERENCE OF -204 AND 53
  2. QUOTIENT OF 2367 AND 3
  3. SUM OF -21,-10 AND -12
  4. PRODUCT OF 14,2 AND 3
  5. PRODUCT OF -28 AND -13
  1. PRODUCT OF -33 AND 3
  2. QUOTIENT OF 4186 AND 7
  3. SUM OF -36 AND 108
  4. PRODUCT OF -2 AND +24


Arithmetic Questions 2021-02-18

Arithmetic Questions crossword puzzle
  1. 1784+2773=
  2. 4/5-2/5=
  3. 38÷10=
  4. 5/12+5/12=(simplified)
  5. 2.8+0.6=
  6. 9/10-1/2=(simplified)
  7. 7.03x10=
  8. 2408÷56=
  9. 12squared=
  10. 629-60=
  11. 460+100=
  12. 82934+4155=
  13. 209x34=
  14. 7345÷5=
  15. 900x6=
  1. 427x6=
  2. 96÷4=
  3. 3.5+4.12=
  4. 6216-549=
  5. 869325-36837=
  6. 7628x72=
  7. 40000-900=
  8. 4x3x9=
  9. 3500÷50=
  10. 7x8=
  11. 2/3+2/12=(simplified)
  12. 672÷8=

27 Clues: 7x8=96÷4=427x6=38÷10=4x3x9=672÷8=900x6=629-60=209x34=7345÷5=4/5-2/5=2.8+0.6=7628x72=7.03x10=2408÷56=3500÷50=460+100=3.5+4.12=6216-549=1784+2773=40000-900=12squared=82934+4155=869325-36837=9/10-1/2=(simplified)2/3+2/12=(simplified)5/12+5/12=(simplified)

Adding 1's 2022-10-25

Adding 1's crossword puzzle
  1. 84+1
  2. 15+1
  3. 26+1
  4. 59+1
  5. 55+1
  6. 41+1
  7. 32+1
  1. 11+1
  2. 98+1
  3. 4+1
  4. 70+1
  5. 8+1
  6. 9+1
  7. 29+1
  8. 3+1

15 Clues: 4+18+19+13+111+198+184+170+115+126+129+159+155+141+132+1

Math Crossword 2022-06-29

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 11 x 5 = …
  2. 3.408 : 4 = …
  3. 4.104 : 9 = …
  4. 562 x 84 = …
  5. 6 x 195 = …
  6. 105 x 118 = …
  7. 12.586 + 7.560 = …
  1. 168 : 3 = …
  2. 3.586 – 658 = …
  3. 69.543 – 25.621 = …
  4. 8 x 9 = …
  5. 1500 + 2500 = …
  6. 60 : 6 = …
  7. 12 x 12 = …
  8. 23 x 3 = …

15 Clues: 8 x 9 = …11 x 5 = …60 : 6 = …23 x 3 = …168 : 3 = …6 x 195 = …12 x 12 = …562 x 84 = …3.408 : 4 = …4.104 : 9 = …105 x 118 = …3.586 – 658 = …1500 + 2500 = …12.586 + 7.560 = …69.543 – 25.621 = …

Order of Operations 2020-03-28

Order of Operations crossword puzzle
  1. (35-3)x3+10
  2. 2x(4^3-3)
  3. 60+48/2
  4. (23-4)x(4^2-3)
  5. 4(15-3)+16
  6. 50+(3x10^2)/2
  7. 5^2x(28/2)
  8. 180+1-x2^5
  9. (7x9)+(8^2-1)
  10. 9^2+10x4
  1. (19-13)x(35/7)
  2. (19-7)x(4+8)+8
  3. 72/(3^2-5)+10
  4. 2x(14^2+15)
  5. 72/3x10+3
  6. 12^2+2
  7. (93+7)x4+20
  8. 72+4x6/3
  9. 12+6^2/3x4+300
  10. 12+9x16
  11. 1+10x10

21 Clues: 12^2+260+48/212+9x161+10x1072+4x6/39^2+10x42x(4^3-3)72/3x10+34(15-3)+165^2x(28/2)180+1-x2^5(35-3)x3+102x(14^2+15)(93+7)x4+2072/(3^2-5)+1050+(3x10^2)/2(7x9)+(8^2-1)(19-13)x(35/7)(19-7)x(4+8)+8(23-4)x(4^2-3)12+6^2/3x4+300

Math crossword ch-5 2022-08-26

Math crossword ch-5 crossword puzzle
  1. A4
  2. A2
  3. A1
  1. A7
  2. A5
  3. A3
  4. A6

7 Clues: A7A4A5A3A6A2A1

Fanveran A7 2019-06-03

Fanveran A7 crossword puzzle
  1. Tokoh dalam cerita rakyat Jawa Barat
  2. Planet yang memiliki cincin
  3. Pemenang All England tunggal putra 2017
  4. Hak DPR untuk melakukan penyelidikan terhadap kebijakan pemerintah
  5. Nama lain Douwes Dekker
  6. Nama panjang Miss Velia
  7. Hubungan timbal balik antara makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya
  8. Nama dari tokoh pewayangan berwajah merah
  1. Nama ketua FanOs
  2. Merupakan mata pelajaran Divisi Magic
  3. Tokoh antagonis dalam kisah Ramayana
  4. Dewi cinta dalam mitologi Yunani
  5. Penyanyi lagu 'Kisah Kasih di Sekolah'
  6. Perputaran planet mengelilingi matahari
  7. Ilmu yang mempelajari interaksi antara organisme dengan lingkungannya

15 Clues: Nama ketua FanOsNama lain Douwes DekkerNama panjang Miss VeliaPlanet yang memiliki cincinDewi cinta dalam mitologi YunaniTokoh dalam cerita rakyat Jawa BaratTokoh antagonis dalam kisah RamayanaMerupakan mata pelajaran Divisi MagicPenyanyi lagu 'Kisah Kasih di Sekolah'Pemenang All England tunggal putra 2017Perputaran planet mengelilingi matahari...

Numbers 0-100 2022-09-22

Numbers 0-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 99
  2. 42
  3. 12
  4. 21
  5. 8
  1. 60
  2. 84
  3. 73
  4. 15
  5. 35
  6. 10

11 Clues: 860847399154212213510

8a 2016-08-26

8a crossword puzzle
  1. savanoriškiausias klasės žmogus
  2. kukliausias klasės žmogus
  3. žmogus, kurio žodis paskutinis klasėje
  4. žmogus, nebijantis karinių įsakymų
  5. žmogus, draugaujantis su kamuoliu
  6. žmogus su akiniais nuo saulės
  7. žmogus, mėgstantis šokti gatvės šokius
  8. žmogus, žinantis, kokia karšta gali būti saulė
  9. žmogus, dėl kurio dėmesio varžosi merginos
  10. savarankiškai priiminėjantis sprendimus žmogus
  1. žmogus,žiūrintis į kitus iš aukštai
  2. gudriausiai besišypsantis žmogus
  3. žmogus - ligų maišelis
  4. žmogus, rūpestingiausiai prižiūrintis jaunesnius šeimos vaikus
  5. žmogus, kovojantis už save
  6. žmogus, gebantis išgyventi be mobilaus telefono
  7. žmogus, neleidžiantis kištis į savo gyvenimą
  8. žmogus administratorius

18 Clues: žmogus - ligų maišelisžmogus administratoriuskukliausias klasės žmogusžmogus, kovojantis už savežmogus su akiniais nuo saulėssavanoriškiausias klasės žmogusgudriausiai besišypsantis žmogusžmogus, draugaujantis su kamuoliužmogus, nebijantis karinių įsakymųžmogus,žiūrintis į kitus iš aukštaižmogus, kurio žodis paskutinis klasėje...

Solving Equations Review 2024-09-10

Solving Equations Review crossword puzzle
  1. -174=6(n-10)
  2. 2.2p-176p=3.3
  3. 3.4(3.6+x)=-0.68
  4. -8(2v+8)=32-4v
  5. 4a+7+8a=-17
  6. 4(1+6n)=148
  7. 6(n+3)=8(1+n)
  8. -104=-3(6+4m)-2
  9. -3+5b-7=-5
  1. 225=5(3-6v)
  2. 4p-19=8+7(5p+5)
  3. When is the next binder check?
  4. 5(3+6x)=-39+3x
  5. v+3.6+3=-1
  6. 15+4n=-4+3(3+2n)
  7. What is a letter that represents an unknown value?
  8. -110=-4-2(7n+4)
  9. -104=4-9m

18 Clues: -104=4-9mv+3.6+3=-1-3+5b-7=-5225=5(3-6v)4a+7+8a=-174(1+6n)=148-174=6(n-10)2.2p-176p=3.36(n+3)=8(1+n)5(3+6x)=-39+3x-8(2v+8)=32-4v4p-19=8+7(5p+5)-110=-4-2(7n+4)-104=-3(6+4m)-23.4(3.6+x)=-0.6815+4n=-4+3(3+2n)When is the next binder check?What is a letter that represents an unknown value?

Periodic Table of Elements 2022-12-09

Periodic Table of Elements crossword puzzle
  1. Sr - 38
  2. Mg - 12
  3. Ca - 20
  4. Cf - 98
  5. Mo - 42
  6. Ti - 22
  7. La - 57
  8. Nh - 113
  9. Tb - 65
  10. Mt - 109
  11. Al - 13
  12. Br - 35
  13. Cm - 96
  14. Cl - 17
  15. Po - 84
  16. W - 74
  17. Ir - 77
  18. Lr - 103
  19. Mn - 25
  20. Pt - 78
  21. Os - 76
  22. N - 7
  23. I - 53
  24. Hf - 72
  25. Nd - 60
  26. Hg - 80
  27. Cr - 24
  28. Rh - 45
  29. Xe - 54
  30. Ru - 44
  31. F - 9
  32. Ho - 67
  33. Pm - 61
  34. Sg - 106
  35. Tc - 43
  36. Es - 99
  37. Og - 118
  38. As - 33
  39. Li - 3
  40. Sn - 50
  41. Ag - 47
  42. Zn - 30
  43. Mc - 115
  44. Cd - 48
  45. Sm - 62
  46. Eu - 63
  47. Am - 95
  48. Bh - 107
  49. Ba - 56
  50. Yb - 70
  51. No - 102
  52. H - 1
  53. Gd - 64
  54. Ra - 88
  55. Md - 101
  56. Be - 4
  57. Pa - 91
  58. Ce - 58
  59. Tm - 69
  1. Y - 39
  2. He - 2
  3. Tl - 81
  4. Ta - 73
  5. Ge - 32
  6. Pu - 94
  7. Dy - 66
  8. V - 23
  9. Nb - 41
  10. S - 16
  11. Db - 105
  12. Sc - 21
  13. Te - 52
  14. Hs - 108
  15. Rn - 86
  16. Pr - 59
  17. Co - 27
  18. Ni - 28
  19. In - 49
  20. Bk - 97
  21. Zr - 40
  22. Ga - 31
  23. Rg - 111
  24. Ac - 89
  25. O - 8
  26. Cn - 112
  27. Pd - 46
  28. C - 6
  29. Lv - 116
  30. Fr - 87
  31. Ts - 117
  32. Kr - 36
  33. Th - 90
  34. Cs - 55
  35. Ds - 110
  36. Np - 93
  37. Rf - 104
  38. Re - 75
  39. Ar - 18
  40. U - 92
  41. Rb - 37
  42. Na - 11
  43. Fl - 114
  44. Se - 34
  45. Ne - 10
  46. Sb - 51
  47. Cu - 29
  48. Bi - 83
  49. Lu - 71
  50. Au - 79
  51. Si - 14
  52. P - 15
  53. B - 5
  54. Pb - 82
  55. Fe - 26
  56. At - 85
  57. K - 19
  58. Fm - 100
  59. Er - 68

118 Clues: O - 8C - 6N - 7F - 9B - 5H - 1Y - 39He - 2V - 23S - 16W - 74I - 53U - 92Li - 3P - 15K - 19Be - 4Sr - 38Tl - 81Ta - 73Ge - 32Pu - 94Mg - 12Dy - 66Ca - 20Cf - 98Nb - 41Mo - 42Ti - 22Sc - 21La - 57Te - 52Rn - 86Tb - 65Pr - 59Co - 27Ni - 28In - 49Bk - 97Zr - 40Ga - 31Al - 13Br - 35Cm - 96Cl - 17Ac - 89Po - 84Ir - 77Pd - 46Mn - 25Pt - 78Os - 76Fr - 87...

Elements by Atomic Numbers And Symbols 2024-05-21

Elements by Atomic Numbers And Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. O 8
  2. Tl 81
  3. Ce 58
  4. Bi 83
  5. Ac 89
  6. Mn 25
  7. K 19
  8. Ar 18
  9. Cn 112
  10. Yb 70
  11. Lr 103
  12. Nd 60
  13. Sb 51
  14. Rf 104
  15. La 57
  16. Dy 66
  17. Nh 113
  18. Cl 17
  19. Fe 26
  20. Cf 98
  21. Pu 94
  22. B 5
  23. Ne 10
  24. Cs 55
  25. Rh 45
  26. Cu 29
  27. Xe 54
  28. Zn 30
  29. Tm 69
  30. Lu 71
  31. Am 95
  32. S 16
  33. Si 14
  34. Fl 114
  35. Ra 88
  36. P 15
  37. Ho 67
  38. Pb 82
  39. Na 11
  40. Ge 32
  41. Re 75
  42. Se 34
  43. Al 13
  44. H 1
  45. Hf 72
  46. Po 84
  47. Os 76
  48. Ti 22
  49. Tb 65
  50. Be 4
  51. Nb 41
  52. Fr 87
  53. Sg 106
  54. Ir 77
  55. Pr 59
  56. Hg 80
  1. Ga 31
  2. At 85
  3. Np 93
  4. V 23
  5. W 74
  6. Ts 117
  7. Es 99
  8. He 2
  9. Ag 47
  10. Cr 24
  11. Mc 115
  12. C 6
  13. Sm 62
  14. Pt 78
  15. Cd 48
  16. Og 118
  17. Cm 96
  18. I 53
  19. Br 35
  20. Kr 36
  21. Gd 64
  22. Y 39
  23. Ca 20
  24. Zr 40
  25. Sc 21
  26. Lv 116
  27. Pa 91
  28. Eu 63
  29. Md 101
  30. No 102
  31. Er 68
  32. U 92
  33. Ni 28
  34. Pd 46
  35. As 33
  36. Rg 111
  37. Au 79
  38. Hs 108
  39. In 49
  40. Bk 97
  41. Tc 43
  42. Pm 61
  43. Sn 50
  44. Ru 44
  45. N 7
  46. Db 105
  47. Mg 12
  48. Th 90
  49. Mo 42
  50. Te 52
  51. Ds 110
  52. Bh 107
  53. Sr 38
  54. Rn 86
  55. Co 27
  56. Fm 100
  57. Ba 56
  58. Mt 109
  59. F 9
  60. Ta 73
  61. Rb 37
  62. Li 3

118 Clues: O 8C 6B 5N 7H 1F 9V 23W 74He 2K 19I 53Y 39U 92S 16P 15Li 3Be 4Ga 31Tl 81At 85Np 93Ce 58Bi 83Es 99Ac 89Ag 47Cr 24Mn 25Ar 18Sm 62Pt 78Yb 70Cd 48Cm 96Nd 60Br 35Kr 36Gd 64Sb 51Ca 20Zr 40La 57Dy 66Sc 21Pa 91Cl 17Eu 63Fe 26Cf 98Pu 94Ne 10Cs 55Er 68Rh 45Ni 28Pd 46As 33Au 79Cu 29Xe 54Zn 30In 49Tm 69Lu 71Bk 97Am 95Tc 43Pm 61Sn 50Si 14Ra 88Ru 44Ho 67Pb 82...

Periodic Table Elements by Atomic Number and Symbol 2024-05-28

Periodic Table Elements by Atomic Number and Symbol crossword puzzle
  1. Cn 112
  2. Dy 66
  3. Hf 72
  4. Sr 38
  5. Ru 44
  6. B 5
  7. Yb 70
  8. I 53
  9. Ca 20
  10. Fr 87
  11. Sg 106
  12. Cd 48
  13. Al 13
  14. Po 84
  15. Kr 36
  16. U 92
  17. C 6
  18. Ag 47
  19. Sm 62
  20. As 33
  21. Ce 58
  22. Pt 78
  23. Tl 81
  24. Pu 94
  25. Ne 10
  26. O 8
  27. S 16
  28. Rh 45
  29. Xe 54
  30. Os 76
  31. Pb 82
  32. Ar 18
  33. Ni 28
  34. Lv 116
  35. Fl 114
  36. Bi 83
  37. Cm 96
  38. Md 101
  39. Ba 56
  40. Nd 60
  41. Nb 41
  42. He 2
  43. Ts 117
  44. Es 99
  45. Ac 89
  46. Li 3
  47. Lr 103
  48. P 15
  49. Se 34
  50. Np 93
  51. Og 118
  52. Ge 32
  53. Br 35
  54. Gd 64
  55. Sn 50
  56. Sc 21
  57. Th 90
  58. Cf 98
  59. Y 39
  60. Mo 42
  1. Cl 17
  2. In 49
  3. Tm 69
  4. Pa 91
  5. Lu 71
  6. H 1
  7. Na 11
  8. Ta 73
  9. Cr 24
  10. Pd 46
  11. Co 27
  12. Db 105
  13. Fm 100
  14. Rb 37
  15. Zn 30
  16. F 9
  17. No 102
  18. Am 95
  19. At 85
  20. Tc 43
  21. Ds 110
  22. Cu 29
  23. Pr 59
  24. Ga 31
  25. V 23
  26. Mt 109
  27. W 74
  28. Fe 26
  29. Mc 115
  30. K 19
  31. Ra 88
  32. Ti 22
  33. Si 14
  34. Te 52
  35. La 57
  36. Be 4
  37. Hg 80
  38. Er 68
  39. Rg 111
  40. Nh 113
  41. Pm 61
  42. Rf 104
  43. Rn 86
  44. Tb 65
  45. Bh 107
  46. N 7
  47. Zr 40
  48. Mn 25
  49. Eu 63
  50. Cs 55
  51. Ho 67
  52. Mg 12
  53. Bk 97
  54. Sb 51
  55. Ir 77
  56. Re 75
  57. Hs 108
  58. Au 79

118 Clues: H 1B 5F 9C 6O 8N 7I 53U 92V 23W 74K 19S 16Be 4He 2Li 3P 15Y 39Cl 17In 49Tm 69Pa 91Lu 71Dy 66Hf 72Sr 38Ru 44Na 11Yb 70Ta 73Cr 24Pd 46Co 27Ca 20Fr 87Rb 37Zn 30Cd 48Al 13Am 95Po 84At 85Kr 36Tc 43Cu 29Pr 59Ga 31Ag 47Sm 62As 33Ce 58Pt 78Fe 26Tl 81Pu 94Ne 10Ra 88Rh 45Ti 22Si 14Te 52La 57Xe 54Os 76Hg 80Pb 82Er 68Ar 18Ni 28Pm 61Bi 83Cm 96Rn 86Tb 65Ba 56...

Periodic Table Elements 2024-08-16

Periodic Table Elements crossword puzzle
  1. Tb 65
  2. Bi 83
  3. Fr 87
  4. Os 76
  5. Ds 110
  6. C 6
  7. Ti 22
  8. Cs 55
  9. Sn 50
  10. H 1
  11. Pu 94
  12. Si 14
  13. Ge 32
  14. V 23
  15. Br 35
  16. Pd 46
  17. Pa 91
  18. Pb 82
  19. Cm 96
  20. Ta 73
  21. Cd 48
  22. O 8
  23. Eu 63
  24. No 102
  25. Lr 103
  26. Hg 80
  27. Sm 62
  28. S 16
  29. Nb 41
  30. Rn 86
  31. Th 90
  32. Og 118
  33. Cl 17
  34. Bh 107
  35. Fl 114
  36. Se 34
  37. Db 105
  38. Es 99
  39. Mt 109
  40. U 92
  41. Re 75
  42. Zn 30
  43. Ce 58
  44. Te 52
  45. Tl 81
  46. Na 11
  47. P 15
  48. Fe 26
  49. Lu 71
  50. Tm 69
  51. Dy 66
  52. Ac 89
  53. Np 93
  54. Po 84
  55. F 9
  56. He 2
  1. Ra 88
  2. Sr 38
  3. Cr 24
  4. K 19
  5. Sc 21
  6. Mc 115
  7. Mn 25
  8. In 49
  9. Al 13
  10. Am 95
  11. Ga 31
  12. Xe 54
  13. Mo 42
  14. Mg 12
  15. B 5
  16. Ar 18
  17. Ba 56
  18. Bk 97
  19. Sb 51
  20. Ag 47
  21. Cu 29
  22. Pt 78
  23. Li 3
  24. Co 27
  25. N 7
  26. Ca 20
  27. Nh 113
  28. Rf 104
  29. Rg 111
  30. Tc 43
  31. Sg 106
  32. Pm 61
  33. At 85
  34. Cf 98
  35. Md 101
  36. As 33
  37. Ni 28
  38. Cn 112
  39. Yb 70
  40. Nd 60
  41. Rh 45
  42. Lv 116
  43. Ir 77
  44. Ne 10
  45. Be 4
  46. Er 68
  47. Gd 64
  48. Ts 117
  49. Ru 44
  50. Pr 59
  51. Hs 108
  52. Zr 40
  53. W 74
  54. Rb 37
  55. La 57
  56. Fm 100
  57. Y 39
  58. Ho 67
  59. Hf 72
  60. Kr 36
  61. I 53
  62. Au 79

118 Clues: C 6H 1B 5N 7O 8F 9K 19V 23Li 3S 16Be 4U 92W 74Y 39P 15I 53He 2Tb 65Ra 88Sr 38Bi 83Cr 24Fr 87Os 76Sc 21Mn 25In 49Ti 22Al 13Cs 55Sn 50Am 95Ga 31Xe 54Pu 94Mo 42Mg 12Si 14Ge 32Ar 18Ba 56Br 35Pd 46Bk 97Pa 91Sb 51Ag 47Pb 82Cm 96Cu 29Pt 78Ta 73Co 27Ca 20Cd 48Tc 43Eu 63Hg 80Pm 61Sm 62At 85Cf 98Nb 41As 33Ni 28Rn 86Th 90Yb 70Nd 60Rh 45Ir 77Cl 17Se 34Ne 10...