www.abozeb.com/video/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b7%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8-%d9%8a%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%83-%d9%85%d8%b9%d9%8 Crossword Puzzles

Numbers 2021-03-23

Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 84
  2. 12
  3. 91
  4. 57
  5. 69
  6. 100
  7. 11
  8. 3
  1. 33
  2. 72
  3. 48
  4. 13
  5. 7
  6. 20
  7. 8

15 Clues: 7838433721248915713692011100

numbers 2019-11-05

numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 12
  2. 13
  3. 42
  4. 95
  5. 84
  6. 63
  7. 299
  8. 8
  1. 19
  2. 15
  3. 36
  4. 57
  5. 71
  6. 28
  7. 17

15 Clues: 819151236134257712895841763299

Ilaria 2022-01-30

Ilaria crossword puzzle
  1. 1010-900
  2. 84+1225
  3. 16:8+50:2
  4. 24alla4
  1. 84:7+36:9
  2. 25:5+3×18
  3. 236-142
  4. uno 585+376
  5. 345-160
  6. 5/2di24

10 Clues: 84+1225236-142345-1605/2di2424alla41010-90084:7+36:925:5+3×1816:8+50:2uno 585+376

Natural Medicines 2024-04-17

Natural Medicines crossword puzzle
  1. Vitamin E
  2. Vitamin K
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin B5
  5. St John's Wort
  6. Vitamin D3
  7. Vitamin B7
  8. Fish Oil
  9. Vitamin B1
  10. Coenzyme Q10
  11. Vitamin B6
  12. Magnesium
  13. Vitamin D2
  1. Iron
  2. Vitamin B9
  3. Probiotics
  4. Potassium
  5. Vitamin B3
  6. Vitamin B12
  7. Vitamin B2
  8. Calcium
  9. Vitamin A

22 Clues: IronCalciumFish OilVitamin EVitamin KPotassiumVitamin CVitamin AMagnesiumVitamin B9ProbioticsVitamin B3Vitamin B5Vitamin B2Vitamin D3Vitamin B7Vitamin B1Vitamin B6Vitamin D2Vitamin B12Coenzyme Q10St John's Wort

Ilaria 2022-01-30

Ilaria crossword puzzle
  1. 1010-900
  2. 84+1225
  3. 16:8+50:2
  4. 24alla4
  1. 84:7+36:9
  2. 25:5+3×18
  3. 236-142
  4. uno 585+376
  5. 345-160
  6. 5/2di24

10 Clues: 84+1225236-142345-1605/2di2424alla41010-90084:7+36:925:5+3×1816:8+50:2uno 585+376

Convert to Binary 2017-04-10

Convert to Binary crossword puzzle
  1. 213(10)
  2. 9(10)
  3. C2(16)
  4. 99(10)
  5. 143(10)
  6. F1(16)
  1. A7(16)
  2. 31(16)
  3. 67(10)
  4. CC(16)
  5. 23(10)
  6. A4(16)

12 Clues: 9(10)A7(16)31(16)67(10)CC(16)23(10)C2(16)99(10)A4(16)F1(16)213(10)143(10)

Integer Crossword 2020-12-15

Integer Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 15*3
  2. -144/12
  3. 5+(-27)
  4. (-5)+80
  5. (-100)-(-200)
  6. (-6)-(-72)
  7. (-5)-50
  8. (-6)*(-6)
  1. 84/-2
  2. (-6)+(-6)
  3. 6-16
  4. 81/3
  5. (-8)*(-7)
  6. 8+7
  7. 8*(-8)

15 Clues: 8+715*36-1681/384/-28*(-8)-144/125+(-27)(-5)+80(-5)-50(-6)+(-6)(-8)*(-7)(-6)*(-6)(-6)-(-72)(-100)-(-200)

Keynote Advanced Units 7 and 8 2021-03-18

Keynote Advanced Units 7 and 8 crossword puzzle
  1. a way of developing an idea or products where things are continually changed and developed, and improved each time (SB 85)
  2. uninteresting (Unit 7 Video)
  3. to make something possible or easier (SB 85)
  4. to make the same journey regularly between work and home (SB 79)
  5. area beside the sea (Unit 7 Video)"
  6. enthusiasm for doing something (SB 90)
  7. filled with air and appearing to be larger (SB 75)
  8. to form a picture of someone or something in your mind (SB 80/81)
  9. an idea or belief that people have or a thing we imagine to be true without actually having seen any proof (SB 85)
  10. stakes chances of a big win or loss (Unit 8 Video)
  11. to form a close relationship (SB 90)
  1. the details or reasons that someone gives to make something clear or easy to understand (SB 83)
  2. lasting for a very short time. (SB 75)
  3. to spend time thinking pleasant thoughts about something you would prefer to be doing (SB 78)
  4. willing to help or do what people ask (SB 90)
  5. to give something in order to provide or achieve something together with other people (SB 89)
  6. totally absorbed (Unit 7 Video)
  7. the process of working together with other people (SB 85)

18 Clues: uninteresting (Unit 7 Video)totally absorbed (Unit 7 Video)area beside the sea (Unit 7 Video)"to form a close relationship (SB 90)lasting for a very short time. (SB 75)enthusiasm for doing something (SB 90)to make something possible or easier (SB 85)willing to help or do what people ask (SB 90)filled with air and appearing to be larger (SB 75)...

A7 Vocab 2021-12-06

A7 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. to pay out; to spend; to use up
  2. to crush, put down completely
  3. to make twisting or turning movements in a way that suggest pain or struggle
  4. not permitted, unlawful, improper
  5. to lie, tell an untruth
  6. to cut apart in preparation for scientific study; to analyze with great care
  7. to keep doing something in spite of difficulties
  8. to recall one's past thoughts, feelings, or experiences
  9. a statement that speaks to a person's character or to the benefits of a product; expressing the value or worth or someone or something
  10. a note to aid one's memory; an informal note or report
  1. causing excitement or anger; leading to unrest, violence, or disprder
  2. easily fooled, tricked, or cheated
  3. to approve or permit; to give power or authority
  4. to plunge or dip into a fluid; to involve deeply
  5. marked by strong emotion, epecially pity and sorrow; worthy of pity; woefully inadequate or lacking
  6. to waste time; to be idle
  7. enjoyment or satisfaction; somthing that adds a pleasing flavor
  8. a person who has committed a crime
  9. an event resulting in death
  10. to clean or polish by hard scrubbing; to examine with great care

20 Clues: to lie, tell an untruthto waste time; to be idlean event resulting in deathto crush, put down completelyto pay out; to spend; to use upnot permitted, unlawful, impropereasily fooled, tricked, or cheateda person who has committed a crimeto approve or permit; to give power or authorityto plunge or dip into a fluid; to involve deeply...

84 2023-12-12

84 crossword puzzle
  1. fasola
  2. wąż
  3. zegar
  4. budynek
  5. matka
  6. ścieg
  7. pszczoła
  1. zabawka
  2. kobiety
  3. magiel
  4. kościół
  5. kamizelka
  6. gość
  7. wazon
  8. piąty

15 Clues: wążgośćzegarmatkaściegwazonpiątyfasolamagielzabawkakobietybudynekkościółpszczołakamizelka

84 2023-09-20

84 crossword puzzle
  1. cierpienie
  2. węgiel
  3. kapitalizm
  4. hazard
  5. fabryka
  6. ocyfrować
  7. negliżować
  1. parafiański
  2. pan
  3. itr
  4. sprzedawca
  5. nienawiść
  6. równoległy
  7. gospodarz
  8. taśma

15 Clues: panitrtaśmawęgielhazardfabrykanienawiśćgospodarzocyfrowaćcierpieniesprzedawcakapitalizmrównoległynegliżowaćparafiański

84 2024-03-19

84 crossword puzzle
  1. Błysk
  2. Oświetlenie
  3. Diody
  4. Bagnet
  5. Latarnik
  6. Wodoszczelna
  7. Ekran
  1. Tryb
  2. Światło
  3. Bateria
  4. Awaryjna
  5. Moc
  6. Przenośna
  7. Ciemność
  8. Rękojeść

15 Clues: MocTrybBłyskDiodyEkranBagnetŚwiatłoBateriaAwaryjnaCiemnośćRękojeśćLatarnikPrzenośnaOświetlenieWodoszczelna

84 2023-09-01

84 crossword puzzle
  1. keep
  2. lamentable
  3. literate
  4. selective
  5. unused
  6. political
  7. hydrant
  1. bucket
  2. answer
  3. act
  4. crooked
  5. grey
  6. tiny
  7. vessel
  8. lizards

15 Clues: actkeepgreytinybucketanswervesselunusedcrookedlizardshydrantliterateselectivepoliticallamentable

84 2023-08-18

84 crossword puzzle
  1. przedświąteczny
  2. skontaktować
  3. demaskować
  4. terapeuta
  5. tysiączny
  6. kieszeń
  7. przeładować
  8. błagać
  1. przystosować
  2. dwuwartościowy
  3. rodzinny
  4. pojemnik
  5. prymitywizm
  6. kanion
  7. przekaźnik

15 Clues: kanionbłagaćkieszeńrodzinnypojemnikterapeutatysiącznydemaskowaćprzekaźnikprymitywizmprzeładowaćprzystosowaćskontaktowaćdwuwartościowyprzedświąteczny

Excel 2020-11-05

Excel crossword puzzle
  1. A single ___________ has hundreds of rows and columns
  2. ____________ are used to compare different values.
  3. =B7+B9 is a _____________
  4. _______________ are used when you want to show contribution of different items to the total
  5. _____________ is used to find the total
  6. A ___________ is identified with a letter
  1. ____________ is used to find the average
  2. ___________________ shows the active cell.
  3. Microsoft Excel is a ________________ program.
  4. ___________ are used to represent data clearly.
  5. A ___________ is identified with a number
  6. ________________ are used when you want to show how values have changed over a time period.
  7. A ___________ is created with the combination of rows and columns
  8. An excel document is usually referred to as a ___________
  9. =sum(B7:b9) is a _____________

15 Clues: =B7+B9 is a _____________=sum(B7:b9) is a __________________________ is used to find the total____________ is used to find the averageA ___________ is identified with a numberA ___________ is identified with a letter___________________ shows the active cell.Microsoft Excel is a ________________ program....

Teka Teki Silang Kasusastraan Bali 2023-01-31

Teka Teki Silang Kasusastraan Bali crossword puzzle
  1. Ajah-ajahan sane luih utawi becik
  2. Ni Dyah Tantri
  3. Apa anak cenil pantigang ngurek Gumi?
  4. 8a, 8i, 8a,8u, 8a, 8i, 8u
  5. Nemu karma
  1. Cerpen, novel, drama rumanjing prosa?
  2. Mahabratha, Sakuntala, Prabu, Mayadewala
  3. Ada andus ada api
  4. Goak maling taluh
  5. Karangan bebas tradisional

10 Clues: Nemu karmaNi Dyah TantriAda andus ada apiGoak maling taluh8a, 8i, 8a,8u, 8a, 8i, 8uKarangan bebas tradisionalAjah-ajahan sane luih utawi becikCerpen, novel, drama rumanjing prosa?Apa anak cenil pantigang ngurek Gumi?Mahabratha, Sakuntala, Prabu, Mayadewala

84 2024-01-05

84 crossword puzzle
  1. truck
  2. fog
  3. chess
  4. creator
  5. hobbies
  6. ant
  7. cause
  8. apples
  1. brother
  2. afternoon
  3. oven
  4. test
  5. coal
  6. meat
  7. pear

15 Clues: fogantoventestcoalmeatpeartruckchesscauseapplesbrothercreatorhobbiesafternoon

84 2023-09-18

84 crossword puzzle
  1. zreglamentować
  2. arcypiękny
  3. pojemnik
  4. niezmylny
  5. strażnica
  6. materac
  7. przegląd
  1. końcówka
  2. wysyłać
  3. ewolucjonizm
  4. przekazywać
  5. talerz
  6. jarmuż
  7. przeciwbólowy
  8. kefir

15 Clues: kefirtalerzjarmużwysyłaćmaterackońcówkapojemnikprzeglądniezmylnystrażnicaarcypięknyprzekazywaćewolucjonizmprzeciwbólowyzreglamentować

84 2024-08-12

84 crossword puzzle
  1. fallacious
  2. hate
  3. normal
  4. stage
  5. neck
  6. proceed
  7. terrify
  1. befall
  2. scarf
  3. smell
  4. absorbing
  5. pocket
  6. finger
  7. solicit
  8. coherent

15 Clues: hateneckscarfsmellstagebefallpocketfingernormalsolicitproceedterrifycoherentabsorbingfallacious

Ricky's 2024-10-16

Ricky's crossword puzzle
  1. is 99 x 99
  2. is 93 x 20
  3. is 78 x 76
  4. is 27 x 56
  5. is 97 x 24
  6. is 11 x 52
  7. is 88 x 81
  1. is 96 x 73
  2. is 48 x 84
  3. is 36 x 83
  4. is 15 x 68
  5. is 38 x 46
  6. is 56 x 62
  7. is 10 x 11

14 Clues: is 96 x 73is 99 x 99is 48 x 84is 36 x 83is 93 x 20is 15 x 68is 78 x 76is 27 x 56is 38 x 46is 97 x 24is 56 x 62is 11 x 52is 88 x 81is 10 x 11

Active Vitamers 2016-10-22

Active Vitamers crossword puzzle
  1. B3
  2. B2
  3. Vitamin E
  4. B9
  5. B7
  1. B6
  2. Vitamin D
  3. B1
  4. Vitamin K
  5. B12
  6. Vitamin A
  7. B5

12 Clues: B6B1B3B2B5B9B7B12Vitamin DVitamin KVitamin AVitamin E

Días / Meses y Números 2024-09-19

Días / Meses y Números crossword puzzle
  1. 86
  2. 63
  3. 74
  4. January
  5. 24
  6. November
  7. Friday
  8. 20
  9. 90
  10. 11
  11. 99
  12. December
  13. 97
  14. Saturday
  15. October
  16. September
  17. 55
  18. 17
  19. 15
  20. 14
  21. 84
  22. 13
  23. March
  24. 66
  25. 82
  26. 51
  1. 42
  2. February
  3. August
  4. 29
  5. 12
  6. 19
  7. Thursday
  8. 40
  9. 93
  10. 99
  11. Wednesday
  12. 30
  13. July
  14. 18
  15. June
  16. 50
  17. 77
  18. Monday
  19. 16 (no accent)
  20. 31
  21. Sunday
  22. 68
  23. April
  24. Tuesday
  25. May

51 Clues: 42866329741219244093992090301118995097775531171568148413668251MayJulyJuneAprilMarchAugustFridayMondaySundayJanuaryOctoberTuesdayFebruaryThursdayNovemberDecemberSaturdayWednesdaySeptember16 (no accent)

كلمات متقاطعة بالأرقام 2023-04-04

كلمات متقاطعة بالأرقام crossword puzzle
  1. 810-671
  2. 32×30
  3. 36×3
  4. 29×25
  5. 747119-507
  6. 110606+100100
  7. 5×5×5
  8. 7×7
  9. 29×9
  10. 8×8
  11. 12×7
  1. 38×3
  2. 1,829,664,878,688
  3. 23×4
  4. 111111+610847
  5. 25×39
  6. 23×2
  7. 12×6
  8. 13×4
  9. 120+155
  10. 37×3
  11. 3×9

22 Clues: 7×73×98×838×336×323×423×212×613×437×329×912×732×3025×3929×255×5×5810-671120+155747119-507111111+610847110606+1001001,829,664,878,688

maths operations 2024-06-02

maths operations crossword puzzle
  1. 4,686/3
  2. 48+36
  3. 6633/9
  4. 31*8
  5. 72+18
  6. 9972/6
  7. 102-76
  8. 92+8
  9. 2780/2
  10. 256-103
  11. 4050/2
  12. 1846/2
  1. 42-28
  2. 72*7
  3. 92-65
  4. 48*42
  5. 6062/7
  6. 4*13
  7. 8,052/4
  8. 69+33
  9. 19*7
  10. 28+64

22 Clues: 72*731*84*1392+819*742-2892-6548+3648*4272+1869+3328+646633/96062/79972/6102-762780/24050/21846/24,686/38,052/4256-103

Numerales 2022-04-06

Numerales crossword puzzle
  1. 16
  2. 19
  3. 79
  4. 60
  5. 32
  6. 25
  7. 2
  8. 40
  9. 28
  10. 4
  1. 20
  2. 6
  3. 84
  4. 7
  5. 10
  6. 90
  7. 1
  8. 57
  9. 101
  10. 9
  11. 100
  12. 8
  13. 13

23 Clues: 67129842016841979601090325725402813101100

Francesca 2022-01-29

Francesca crossword puzzle
  1. 3 elevato alla 15°
  2. 568:8
  3. 7/14 di 84
  4. 4 elevato alla 6°
  5. 46x3
  1. (7x8):(52-45)+(27-4)x2
  2. {47x[9+3]:6}
  3. 47x29
  4. 92+56
  5. 84:4

10 Clues: 84:446x347x29568:892+567/14 di 84{47x[9+3]:6}4 elevato alla 6°3 elevato alla 15°(7x8):(52-45)+(27-4)x2

84 2023-12-02

84 crossword puzzle
  1. sługa
  2. zamówienie
  3. pszczoła
  4. kraj
  5. koło
  6. skarpetka
  1. uczucie
  2. huśtawka
  3. stanowisko
  4. gniazdo
  5. magia
  6. lalka
  7. osiągający
  8. koniec
  9. ręce

15 Clues: krajkołoręcesługamagialalkakoniecuczuciegniazdohuśtawkapszczołaskarpetkastanowiskozamówienieosiągający

84 2024-07-30

84 crossword puzzle
  1. wylosować
  2. saletra
  3. nieziemski
  4. jeździć
  5. nadmorski
  6. radość
  7. oziębłość
  1. glazura
  2. pustelnik
  3. słabnąć
  4. rzeźnik
  5. wiskoza
  6. chłostać
  7. przyjęcie
  8. obiadowy

15 Clues: radośćglazurasaletrasłabnąćrzeźnikwiskozajeździćchłostaćobiadowywylosowaćpustelnikprzyjęcienadmorskioziębłośćnieziemski

84 2024-08-09

84 crossword puzzle
  1. korygować
  2. okulista
  3. kontaktowa
  4. nadziemski
  5. przegroda
  6. papierkowy
  7. środkowy
  8. rzecznik
  1. woskować
  2. małostkowość
  3. tarka
  4. zrezygnowany
  5. biskup
  6. opóźniać
  7. uczeń

15 Clues: tarkauczeńbiskupwoskowaćokulistaśrodkowyopóźniaćrzecznikkorygowaćprzegrodakontaktowanadziemskipapierkowymałostkowośćzrezygnowany

84 2023-12-19

84 crossword puzzle
  1. plot
  2. harbor
  3. education
  4. light
  5. flame
  6. clock
  7. scissors
  8. canvas
  1. pencil
  2. treatment
  3. dinosaurs
  4. middle
  5. eggnog
  6. fork
  7. sofa

15 Clues: plotforksofalightflameclockpencilharbormiddleeggnogcanvasscissorstreatmentdinosaurseducation

OUR FOCUS 2022-01-01

OUR FOCUS crossword puzzle
  1. Proverbs 4:25
  2. Matthew 6:33
  3. Psalm 1:1-6a
  4. Philippians 4:8d
  5. Romans 8:5b
  6. Philippians 4:8c
  1. Philippians 4:8b
  2. 2 Timothy 2:15a
  3. Colossians 3:2
  4. 2Timothy 2:15c
  5. 2 Timothy 2:15b
  6. Romans 8:5a
  7. Psalm 1:2-6b
  8. Philippians 4:8a

14 Clues: Romans 8:5aRomans 8:5bMatthew 6:33Psalm 1:1-6aPsalm 1:2-6bProverbs 4:25Colossians 3:22Timothy 2:15c2 Timothy 2:15a2 Timothy 2:15bPhilippians 4:8bPhilippians 4:8aPhilippians 4:8dPhilippians 4:8c

Srednja Europa - ponavljanje 2021-02-09

Srednja Europa - ponavljanje crossword puzzle
  1. Grad na rijeci Majni u kojem se nalazi financijsko sjedište Europske unije (fotografija na 76. str.)
  2. Vrsta turizma razvijena u alpskim državama (fotografija na vrhu 84. str.)
  3. Glavni i najveći grad Slovačke (fotografija na 92. str.)
  4. Jedna od četiri poznate njemačke marke automobila (fotografija na vrhu 78. str.)
  5. Planinski sustav mladih i ulančanih planina u Europi (fotografija na 82. str.)
  6. Nepregledne ravne stepe pretvorene u žitnice u Mađarskoj (fotografija na 89. str.)
  7. Ledenjačko jezero u Sloveniji (fotografija na dnu 86. str.)
  8. Poznata marka automobila iz Češke (fotografija na dnu 91. str.)
  9. Glavni grad Njemačke (fotografija dolje na 79. str.)
  1. Povijesna pokrajina na granici Češke i Slovačke (fotografija na vrhu 92. str.)
  2. Glavni i najveći grad Poljske (fotografija na vrhu 91. str.)
  3. Grad i najvažnija njemačka luka na rijeci Labi (fotografija gore na 77. str.)
  4. Najpoznatije jezero u Mađarskoj (fotografija na vrhu 89. str.)
  5. Bogata alpska kneževina (podnaslov na 85. str.)
  6. Glavni i najveći grad Češke (fotografija na 91. str.)
  7. Glavni i najveći grad Austrije (fotografija na vrhu 85. str.)

16 Clues: Bogata alpska kneževina (podnaslov na 85. str.)Glavni grad Njemačke (fotografija dolje na 79. str.)Glavni i najveći grad Češke (fotografija na 91. str.)Glavni i najveći grad Slovačke (fotografija na 92. str.)Ledenjačko jezero u Sloveniji (fotografija na dnu 86. str.)Glavni i najveći grad Poljske (fotografija na vrhu 91. str.)...

Francesca 2022-02-04

Francesca crossword puzzle
  1. {47x[9+3]:6}
  2. 84:4
  3. 3 elevato alla quindicesima
  4. 92+56
  1. 4 elevato alla sesta
  2. (7x8):(52-45)+(27-4)x2
  3. 46x3
  4. 47x29
  5. 568:8
  6. 7/14 di 84

10 Clues: 84:446x347x29568:892+567/14 di 84{47x[9+3]:6}4 elevato alla sesta(7x8):(52-45)+(27-4)x23 elevato alla quindicesima

10-Code 58-200 2023-02-07

10-Code 58-200 crossword puzzle
  1. 10-65
  2. 10-82
  3. 10-64
  4. 10-85
  5. 10-96
  6. 10-59
  7. 10-94
  8. 10-80
  9. 10-74
  10. 10-200
  11. 10-92
  12. 10-88
  13. 10-91
  14. 10-67
  15. 10-89
  1. 10-87
  2. 10-99
  3. 10-69
  4. 10-63
  5. 10-58
  6. 10-95
  7. 10-61
  8. 10-84
  9. 10-78
  10. 10-73
  11. 10-68
  12. 10-70
  13. 10-75
  14. 10-60
  15. 10-90

30 Clues: 10-8710-6510-9910-6910-6310-8210-5810-9510-6410-6110-8510-8410-9610-7810-5910-7310-9410-8010-7410-6810-7010-7510-6010-9210-8810-9110-6710-9010-8910-200

1 2024-03-21

1 crossword puzzle
  1. 26
  2. 30
  3. 88888
  4. 19
  5. 21
  6. 24
  7. 28
  8. 10
  9. 191919191
  10. 17
  11. 13
  12. 11
  13. 90
  14. 14
  15. 15
  16. 666
  17. 1234567890
  1. 18
  2. 2828
  3. 39
  4. 80
  5. 14141414
  6. 200
  7. 15151515
  8. 31
  9. 111
  10. 12
  11. 79
  12. 16
  13. 123
  14. 20
  15. 84

32 Clues: 1826303980192124283110121779131190141615208420011166612328288888814141414151515151919191911234567890

Entrecroise 2013-05-12

Entrecroise crossword puzzle
  1. Salir P.48
  2. Bizarre p.71
  3. Manque d'energie p.73
  4. Absurde p.84
  5. Manquer une oppurtuniter p.70
  6. Comfortablement p.99
  1. Fragille p.85
  2. Mouvement constant p.61
  3. Etat de panique p.65
  4. Des idiots p.32
  5. Se tromper p.55
  6. Vole p.93
  7. Une strategie P.27
  8. Difficile ou compliquer p.78
  9. Blessure p.52

15 Clues: Vole p.93Salir P.48Bizarre p.71Absurde p.84Fragille p.85Blessure p.52Des idiots p.32Se tromper p.55Une strategie P.27Etat de panique p.65Comfortablement p.99Manque d'energie p.73Mouvement constant p.61Difficile ou compliquer p.78Manquer une oppurtuniter p.70

Cardinal and ordinal numbers 2021-10-28

Cardinal and ordinal numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 3rd
  2. 8
  3. 77
  4. 25
  5. 36
  6. 59
  7. 51st
  8. 2nd
  9. 48
  10. 13
  1. 84
  2. 11th
  3. 73rd
  4. 64th
  5. 86th
  6. 91
  7. 62
  8. 1st

18 Clues: 88477253691596248133rd2nd1st11th73rd64th86th51st

Entrecroise 2013-05-12

Entrecroise crossword puzzle
  1. Bizarre p.71
  2. Une strategie P.27
  3. Difficile ou compliquer p.78
  4. Se tromper p.55
  5. Blessure p.52
  6. Mouvement constant p.61
  7. Vole p.93
  8. Fragille p.85
  9. Salir P.48
  1. Comfortablement p.99
  2. Manquer une oppurtuniter p.70
  3. Absurde p.84
  4. Etat de panique p.65
  5. Manque d'energie p.73
  6. Des idiots p.32

15 Clues: Vole p.93Salir P.48Bizarre p.71Absurde p.84Blessure p.52Fragille p.85Se tromper p.55Des idiots p.32Une strategie P.27Comfortablement p.99Etat de panique p.65Manque d'energie p.73Mouvement constant p.61Difficile ou compliquer p.78Manquer une oppurtuniter p.70

knack den Code 2021-08-09

knack den Code crossword puzzle
  1. b16
  2. b22
  3. B1
  4. b11
  5. b25
  6. b9
  7. b18
  8. b5
  9. b7
  10. b8
  11. b17
  12. b6
  13. b15
  14. b30
  15. b24
  16. b28
  17. b31
  1. b19
  2. b10
  3. b12
  4. b2
  5. b23
  6. b20
  7. b32
  8. b27
  9. b29
  10. b14
  11. b3
  12. b4
  13. b13
  14. b26
  15. b21

32 Clues: b2B1b9b5b3b4b7b8b6b19b10b16b12b22b23b20b32b27b11b29b25b18b14b17b13b26b15b21b30b24b28b31

Math 2021-07-21

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 100/20
  2. 72/6
  3. 120/6
  4. 85 - 69
  5. 8 x 5
  6. 25 x 2
  7. 7 + 8
  8. 32/4
  9. 86 - 73
  10. 60/6
  1. 46 -29
  2. 300/5
  3. 75 + 15
  4. 140/2
  5. 18 + 12
  6. 45 - 34
  7. 3 x 3
  8. 67 - 53
  9. 240/3
  10. 39 - 33

20 Clues: 72/632/460/6300/5140/2120/68 x 53 x 3240/37 + 846 -29100/2025 x 275 + 1585 - 6918 + 1245 - 3467 - 5339 - 3386 - 73

Weekly Work #24 2018-05-03

Weekly Work #24 crossword puzzle
  1. 15 18 53 16
  2. 79 6 19 57 60
  3. 20 88 6 33
  4. 35 53 16 56 10
  5. 85 57 7 73
  6. 42 11 27
  7. 5 68 3 7
  1. 52 1 88 7
  2. 15 13 99 22 10
  3. 20 77 8
  4. 20 7 5 68 88
  5. 88 5 85
  6. 11 77 8 83
  7. 42 16 6 8 74
  8. 56 19 92
  9. 3 16 5 8 7

16 Clues: 20 77 888 5 8556 19 9242 11 275 68 3 752 1 88 720 88 6 3385 57 7 7311 77 8 833 16 5 8 715 18 53 1620 7 5 68 8842 16 6 8 7479 6 19 57 6015 13 99 22 1035 53 16 56 10

Numerales 2022-04-06

Numerales crossword puzzle
  1. 20
  2. 25
  3. 100
  4. 19
  5. 2
  6. 79
  7. 84
  8. 60
  9. 8
  10. 1
  11. 101
  1. 90
  2. 32
  3. 9
  4. 40
  5. 57
  6. 28
  7. 10
  8. 16
  9. 6
  10. 4
  11. 13
  12. 7

23 Clues: 92647819032202540572819101679841360100101


  1. A8.Technique d'identification par reconnaissance olfactive
  2. A5.Scientifique qui à partir des ossements peut identifier la victime
  3. A10.Méthode précise pour dater une mort de plus de 72 heures grâce aux insectes
  4. A9.Points caractéristiques et comparables choisis sur deux visages
  1. A2.Os constituant l'extrémité de la main
  2. A6.Carte d'identité génétique d'un individu déterminé à partir de son ADN
  3. A3.Traceurs aquatiques
  4. A4.Cylindre en métal qui contient la charge explosive de l'arme à feu
  5. A1.Protection utilisée par la police scientifique pour éviter la perte de cheveux sur le lieu du crime
  6. A7."Petit sac" contenant des cellules à l'origine des poils et des cheveux

10 Clues: A3.Traceurs aquatiquesA2.Os constituant l'extrémité de la mainA8.Technique d'identification par reconnaissance olfactiveA9.Points caractéristiques et comparables choisis sur deux visagesA4.Cylindre en métal qui contient la charge explosive de l'arme à feuA5.Scientifique qui à partir des ossements peut identifier la victime...

Animal Farm crossword 2021-10-21

Animal Farm crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Napoleon and the man both play an ace of ______ at the same time (p. 89)
  2. Which animal suddenly reappears on the farm in Chapter 9 (p. 73)
  3. The man who visits Animal Farm and gives a speech on how well he thinks the pigs have done (p. 86)
  4. The sheep's chant has changed from "Four legs good, two legs bad" to "Four legs good, two legs ______" (p. 84)
  5. The animals are going to stop calling each other _______ (p. 88)
  1. Which animal is exiled from Animal Farm?
  2. The pigs begin carrying these to supervise the work in the farm (p. 85)
  3. What kind of animal is Boxer?
  4. Going forward, Animal Farm will be known as _____ Farm (p. 88)
  5. "All animals are _____ but some animals are more _____ than others" (p. 85)
  6. Which animal dies in chapter 9?
  7. The pigs' inequality starts to become clear when they take a bucket of ____ for their mash (p. 16)

12 Clues: What kind of animal is Boxer?Which animal dies in chapter 9?Which animal is exiled from Animal Farm?Going forward, Animal Farm will be known as _____ Farm (p. 88)Which animal suddenly reappears on the farm in Chapter 9 (p. 73)The animals are going to stop calling each other _______ (p. 88)...

1 2024-03-21

1 crossword puzzle
  1. 26
  2. 30
  3. 88888
  4. 19
  5. 21
  6. 24
  7. 28
  8. 10
  9. 191919191
  10. 17
  11. 13
  12. 11
  13. 90
  14. 14
  15. 15
  16. 666
  17. 1234567890
  1. 18
  2. 2828
  3. 39
  4. 80
  5. 14141414
  6. 200
  7. 15151515
  8. 31
  9. 111
  10. 12
  11. 79
  12. 16
  13. 123
  14. 20
  15. 84

32 Clues: 1826303980192124283110121779131190141615208420011166612328288888814141414151515151919191911234567890

The Circuit 2024-05-10

The Circuit crossword puzzle
  1. Last name of Francisco's 7th grade teacher(84)
  2. Type of stories Roberto liked to tell(65)
  3. Who gave Francisco the 1910 Lincoln Head penny?(99)
  4. Type of music Francisco likes(83)
  5. What Francisco called his notebook(103)
  6. What type of car was Papa's "carcachita"?(75)
  7. How many kids Gabriel has(89)
  8. Who Carlos would not let play kick the can(86)
  9. What Rorra used Francisco's two favorite pennies to buy(107)
  1. How much they made their first day working in the grape vineyards of Fresno(79)
  2. A Spanish word for labor contractor or boss(65)
  3. Mama cooked tortillas on this on the kerosene stove(64)
  4. What caused the house to burn down?(109)
  5. The month of the year Francisco started 6th grade(80)
  6. Francisco's favorite dish(80)
  7. Labor workers could not pick cotton in this type of weather(70)
  8. Last name of Francisco's 6th grade teacher(81)
  9. Francisco's close friend. A red, green, and yellow parrot that had been smuggled from Mexico by Don Pancho(57)
  10. Who gave Francisco the 1865 Indian Head penny?(99)

19 Clues: Francisco's favorite dish(80)How many kids Gabriel has(89)Type of music Francisco likes(83)What Francisco called his notebook(103)What caused the house to burn down?(109)Type of stories Roberto liked to tell(65)What type of car was Papa's "carcachita"?(75)Last name of Francisco's 7th grade teacher(84)Last name of Francisco's 6th grade teacher(81)...


BASA JAWA KELAS XI SEMESTER 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Milih paraga ing sandiwara
  2. Salah sawijine jinis karya sastra saliyane cerkak, geguritan lan novel
  3. Sing ngatur lakune paraga ing sandiwara
  4. Aksara kang digunakake nyerat aksara Kapital
  5. Dasanamane nala
  6. Sing nglakonake crita ing sandiwara
  7. Tetenger kanggo ngowahi utawa muwuhi swarane aksara utawa pasangan
  8. Rantaman lakon utawa crita sandiwara, film, apa dene sinetron
  9. Tembang Macapat kang duweni paugeran 8u, 8i, 8a, 8i, 8a, 8i
  10. Sandhangan wyanjana kang duweni swara "ya"
  11. Tembang Macapat kang duweni paugeran 10i, 6o, 10e, 10i, 6i, 6u
  12. Tembang Macapat kang duweni paugeran 12u, 6a, 81, 12a
  13. Tembang Macapat kang duweni paugeran 12u, 8i, 8u, 8i, 8o
  14. Dasanamane brama
  1. Cacahe aksara wyanjana
  2. Dasanamane suta
  3. Aran watak pitu ing tembung sengkalan
  4. Perangan naskah drama kang awujud pacelathon antara paraga siji lan sijine
  5. Piweling saka pangripta utawa panulis kanggo para pamaose utawa pamirsane
  6. Tembang Macapat kang duweni paugeran 12i, 6a, 8i, 8a
  7. Aran watak kothong utawa nol ing tembung sengkalan
  8. Jinising geguritan gagrag anyar
  9. Pasangan kang dibutuhake kanggo nyerat tembung "pantai"
  10. Dasanamane buwana
  11. Dasanamane biyung

25 Clues: Dasanamane sutaDasanamane nalaDasanamane bramaDasanamane buwanaDasanamane biyungCacahe aksara wyanjanaMilih paraga ing sandiwaraJinising geguritan gagrag anyarSing nglakonake crita ing sandiwaraAran watak pitu ing tembung sengkalanSing ngatur lakune paraga ing sandiwaraSandhangan wyanjana kang duweni swara "ya"...

Numerales 2022-04-06

Numerales crossword puzzle
  1. 20
  2. 25
  3. 100
  4. 19
  5. 2
  6. 79
  7. 84
  8. 60
  9. 8
  10. 1
  11. 101
  1. 90
  2. 32
  3. 9
  4. 40
  5. 57
  6. 28
  7. 10
  8. 16
  9. 6
  10. 4
  11. 13
  12. 7

23 Clues: 92647819032202540572819101679841360100101

Numerales 2022-04-06

Numerales crossword puzzle
  1. 20
  2. 25
  3. 100
  4. 19
  5. 2
  6. 79
  7. 84
  8. 60
  9. 8
  10. 1
  11. 101
  1. 90
  2. 32
  3. 9
  4. 40
  5. 57
  6. 28
  7. 10
  8. 16
  9. 6
  10. 4
  11. 13
  12. 7

23 Clues: 92647819032202540572819101679841360100101

Number Words 2015-10-05

Number Words crossword puzzle
  1. 28
  2. 2
  3. 74
  4. 67
  5. 11
  6. 36
  7. 10
  8. 25
  9. 8
  10. 61
  1. 19
  2. 44
  3. 56
  4. 14
  5. 33
  6. 71
  7. 95
  8. 13
  9. 12
  10. 84
  11. 80

21 Clues: 2819445614283374719567113610251312846180


BASA JAWA KELAS XI SEMESTER 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Sing ngatur lakune paraga ing sandiwara
  2. Tembang Macapat kang duweni paugeran 10i, 6o, 10e, 10i, 6i, 6u
  3. Pasangan kang dibutuhake kanggo nyerat tembung "pantai"
  4. Tetenger kanggo ngowahi utawa muwuhi swarane aksara utawa pasangan
  5. Dasanamane suta
  6. Aran watak pitu ing tembung sengkalan
  7. Cacahe aksara wyanjana
  8. Tembang Macapat kang duweni paugeran 12u, 8i, 8u, 8i, 8o
  9. Sandhangan wyanjana kang duweni swara "ya"
  10. Dasanamane biyung
  11. Rantaman lakon utawa crita sandiwara, film, apa dene sinetron
  12. Aksara kang digunakake nyerat aksara Kapital
  13. Aran watak kothong utawa nol ing tembung sengkalan
  14. Dasanamane brama
  1. Salah sawijine jinis karya sastra saliyane cerkak, geguritan lan novel
  2. Dasanamane buwana
  3. Tembang Macapat kang duweni paugeran 8u, 8i, 8a, 8i, 8a, 8i
  4. Tembang Macapat kang duweni paugeran 12i, 6a, 8i, 8a
  5. Sing nglakonake crita ing sandiwara
  6. Piweling saka pangripta utawa panulis kanggo para pamaose utawa pamirsane
  7. Dasanamane nala
  8. Milih paraga ing sandiwara
  9. Perangan naskah drama kang awujud pacelathon antara paraga siji lan sijine
  10. Jinising geguritan gagrag anyar
  11. Tembang Macapat kang duweni paugeran 12u, 6a, 81, 12a

25 Clues: Dasanamane sutaDasanamane nalaDasanamane bramaDasanamane buwanaDasanamane biyungCacahe aksara wyanjanaMilih paraga ing sandiwaraJinising geguritan gagrag anyarSing nglakonake crita ing sandiwaraAran watak pitu ing tembung sengkalanSing ngatur lakune paraga ing sandiwaraSandhangan wyanjana kang duweni swara "ya"...

Unit 8 p. 83-84 2020-07-18

Unit 8 p. 83-84 crossword puzzle
  1. difficult to believe or accept as true
  2. shocking or surprising
  3. change into a liquid
  4. causing disagreement
  5. officially give sth or decide that sth can be used for a particular purpose
  6. in an unpredictable way
  1. used for growing food
  2. release gas, light, heat etc.
  3. a feeling of fear or doubt about whether sth is a good idea
  4. cause a huge amount of destruction, chaos, damage, etc.
  5. praise sth so that other people will think it is good or important
  6. become less and less strong and slowly disappear
  7. the base of a building, which is below the ground and supports it
  8. in its original, perfect condition
  9. not changing in qualities, behavior, characteristics, etc.
  10. make explanation, understanding, etc, impossible by being very strange or complex

16 Clues: change into a liquidcausing disagreementused for growing foodshocking or surprisingin an unpredictable wayrelease gas, light, heat etc.in its original, perfect conditiondifficult to believe or accept as truebecome less and less strong and slowly disappearcause a huge amount of destruction, chaos, damage, etc....

Chocolate Information 2023-11-25

Chocolate Information crossword puzzle
  1. when the cacao pods are cut from the trees, sliced open, and the beans are removed from the pulp.
  2. a tree which produces oblong pods that can be processed into chocolate.
  3. separated fat or sugar that develops a chalky, white coating that occurs when chocolate is out of temper.
  4. a hybrid variety of cacao bean used for 12% of the world's cacao production.
  5. strategic cooling and agitation of melted chocolate to develop crystallization for a sturdy, stable chocolate
  6. a 2 to 7 day process that is crucial to developing the flavors and color of chocolate.
  7. prevents over-fermentation and requires the beans to be raked to ensure even exposure.
  8. the ideal working temperature for this chocolate is between 88-90°F.
  9. removing the outer shell of the cacao bean.
  1. takes several hours to several days. evenly distributes chocolate components, creates smooth texture, and develops flavor.
  2. Scientific quality of chocolate that causes seizing and prevents emulsification with water.
  3. develops flavor and reduces moisture to loosen the outer shell of the cacao bean.
  4. liquor also known as chocolate mass. Made of cacao solids and cocoa butter with no sweeteners.
  5. a candy coating that is not real chocolate due to the use of other fats in place of cocoa butter. Will harden without tempering.
  6. variety of cacao bean used for 85% of the world's cacao production.
  7. a high quality grade of chocolate with a higher proportion of cocoa butter that produces a greater sheen and snap when broken.
  8. a very high quality cacao bean used for 3% of the world's cacao production.
  9. the ideal working temperature for this chocolate is between 82-84°F.
  10. an emulsifier that affects the viscosity of chocolate
  11. the ideal working temperature for this chocolate is between 84-86°F.

20 Clues: removing the outer shell of the cacao bean.an emulsifier that affects the viscosity of chocolatevariety of cacao bean used for 85% of the world's cacao production.the ideal working temperature for this chocolate is between 82-84°F.the ideal working temperature for this chocolate is between 84-86°F....

Addition and Subtraction Cross-Number! 2021-09-29

Addition and Subtraction Cross-Number! crossword puzzle
  1. 4D
  2. 6D
  3. 3D
  4. 7A
  5. 10D
  6. 3A
  7. 6A
  8. 9D
  9. 10A
  10. 9A
  1. 7D
  2. 2A
  3. 5A
  4. 2D
  5. 8A
  6. 1A
  7. 5D
  8. 1D
  9. 4A
  10. 8D

20 Clues: 7D2A5A4D2D8A6D1A5D3D1D7A3A4A8D6A9D9A10D10A


CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. 9A
  2. 7A
  3. 4A
  4. 1A
  5. 5A
  6. 7D
  7. 8A
  8. 1D
  9. 3A
  1. 9D
  2. 4D
  3. 10D
  4. 8D
  5. 2D
  6. 2A
  7. 3D
  8. 6D
  9. 10A
  10. 5D
  11. 6A

20 Clues: 9D9A4D7A8D4A1A2D2A5A3D6D7D8A5D1D6A3A10D10A

Vitamins 2024-08-14

Vitamins crossword puzzle
  1. vitamin C
  2. Macrogol
  3. Polysorbate 80
  4. Acetylsalicylic acid
  5. Corn starch
  6. Alcohol
  7. vitamin B3
  8. vitamin
  9. plasdone PVP K-30
  10. Dicycloverine
  11. Glycerin
  12. vitamin A
  1. refine sugar
  2. Vitamin B12
  3. Niacinamide
  4. vitamine B6
  5. vitamin B5
  6. Phenylpropanolamine HCl
  7. vitamin B9
  8. Sorbitol
  9. Salbutamol
  10. Vitamin E
  11. Nicotinic acid
  12. vitamin B7
  13. vitamin b2
  14. Vitamin D3

26 Clues: AlcoholvitaminMacrogolSorbitolGlycerinvitamin CVitamin Evitamin Avitamin B5vitamin B9Salbutamolvitamin B3vitamin B7vitamin b2Vitamin D3Vitamin B12Niacinamidevitamine B6Corn starchrefine sugarDicycloverinePolysorbate 80Nicotinic acidAcetylsalicylic acidPhenylpropanolamine HClplasdone PVP K-30

84 2023-08-28

84 crossword puzzle
  1. fast
  2. wash
  3. fortunate
  4. nondescript
  5. weak
  6. worry
  7. guiltless
  1. infest
  2. inflate
  3. hospital
  4. wren
  5. flowery
  6. cook
  7. brake
  8. tent

15 Clues: fastwrenwashcookweaktentbrakeworryinfestinflatefloweryhospitalfortunateguiltlessnondescript

84 2024-04-08

84 crossword puzzle
  1. pokojówka
  2. rzecz
  3. granica
  4. węzeł
  5. sowa
  6. wentylator
  7. łatka
  8. szczur
  9. wakacje
  1. praca
  2. pomoc
  3. kreatura
  4. naleśnik
  5. dystrybucja
  6. wyspa

15 Clues: sowapracapomocrzeczwęzełłatkawyspaszczurgranicawakacjekreaturanaleśnikpokojówkawentylatordystrybucja

84 2024-08-04

84 crossword puzzle
  1. składnik
  2. dusząc
  3. wojowniczość
  4. części
  5. naręcze
  6. owalny
  7. aktualny
  8. tupany
  9. stopa
  1. nasionko
  2. powietrzny
  3. pewny
  4. barwienie
  5. stolarstwo
  6. pogawędka

15 Clues: pewnystopaduszącczęściowalnytupanynaręczeskładniknasionkoaktualnybarwieniepogawędkapowietrznystolarstwowojowniczość

84 2024-05-08

84 crossword puzzle
  1. kolej
  2. samochody
  3. ziarno
  4. mózg
  5. smak
  6. rękawica
  7. notatnik
  8. strona
  9. pająki
  1. ekspansja
  2. dług
  3. czajnik
  4. piętro
  5. para
  6. piłka

15 Clues: długmózgsmakparakolejpiłkaziarnopiętrostronapająkiczajnikrękawicanotatnikekspansjasamochody

Bible Bee locals Unit 1, L 1- review 2019-08-07

Bible Bee locals Unit 1, L 1- review crossword puzzle
  1. fourth book of Psalms is 90-___
  2. each book of psalms ends with its own ___
  3. Psalm 73: 24-26 says ____ God
  4. Chapter Studied from psalms
  5. Hebrew word for God in psalm 84:2
  6. number of books in the bible
  7. number of times Lord/God is found in Psalm 84
  8. Hebrew word for God in Psalm 84:3
  1. the first book within psalms is 1- ___
  2. Fifth book of Psalms is 107-___
  3. the second book of Psalms is 42-___
  4. 1 Cor. 10:13 says ____ God
  5. Hebrew Word for Lord in Psalm 84:1
  6. third book of Psalms is 73-___
  7. Unit 1 provides an ___ of the book of psalms
  8. number of books within the book of Psalms
  9. another name for the book of Psalms
  10. the book of Psalms is a collection of sacred ___

18 Clues: 1 Cor. 10:13 says ____ GodChapter Studied from psalmsnumber of books in the biblePsalm 73: 24-26 says ____ Godthird book of Psalms is 73-___Fifth book of Psalms is 107-___fourth book of Psalms is 90-___Hebrew word for God in psalm 84:2Hebrew word for God in Psalm 84:3Hebrew Word for Lord in Psalm 84:1the second book of Psalms is 42-___...

Spanish 7/8 Numbers 2021-10-29

Spanish 7/8 Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 2
  2. 79
  3. 900
  4. 47
  5. 340
  6. 25
  7. 101
  8. 98
  9. 84
  10. 3
  11. 33
  12. 1000
  13. 177
  14. 52
  15. 100
  16. 15
  1. 490
  2. 64
  3. 56
  4. 310
  5. 255
  6. 18
  7. 1
  8. 8
  9. 888
  10. 8
  11. 17
  12. 90
  13. 4

29 Clues: 218834645679184725988417335290154903102559003408881011771001000

Політологія 2012-11-29

Політологія crossword puzzle
  1. 52
  2. 57
  3. 27
  4. 23
  5. 3
  6. 81
  7. 91
  8. 19
  9. 4
  10. 59
  11. 5
  12. 44
  13. 9
  14. 35
  1. 87
  2. 10
  3. 24
  4. 64
  5. 8
  6. 84
  7. 39
  8. 79
  9. 53
  10. 34
  11. 26
  12. 46
  13. 92
  14. 72
  15. 21

29 Clues: 83459871024645257843927237953348191261946599272442135

Vitamins 2024-08-14

Vitamins crossword puzzle
  1. Corn starch
  2. PVP K-30
  3. Vitamin E
  4. refine sugar
  5. Dicycloverine
  6. Macrogol
  7. vitamin
  8. Vitamin B12
  9. vitamin A
  10. Niacinamide
  1. Glycerin
  2. vitamine B6
  3. Alcohol
  4. Nicotinic acid
  5. Phenylpropanolamine HCl
  6. Sorbitol
  7. vitamin B7
  8. vitamin b2
  9. Polysorbate 80
  10. vitamin B9
  11. vitamin C
  12. Salbutamol
  13. Acetylsalicylic acid
  14. vitamin B3
  15. vitamin B5
  16. Vitamin D3

26 Clues: AlcoholvitaminGlycerinPVP K-30SorbitolMacrogolVitamin Evitamin Cvitamin Avitamin B7vitamin b2vitamin B9Salbutamolvitamin B3vitamin B5Vitamin D3vitamine B6Corn starchVitamin B12Niacinamiderefine sugarDicycloverineNicotinic acidPolysorbate 80Acetylsalicylic acidPhenylpropanolamine HCl

Unit 5 Begins! 2021-02-09

Unit 5 Begins! crossword puzzle
  1. name of the unit
  2. page 89 animal
  3. page 84 animal
  4. page 81 animal
  1. page 80 animal
  2. page 87 animal
  3. page 91 animal
  4. page 78 animal
  5. page 88 animal
  6. page 85 animal

10 Clues: page 80 animalpage 87 animalpage 91 animalpage 78 animalpage 88 animalpage 85 animalpage 89 animalpage 84 animalpage 81 animalname of the unit

addition 2024-10-29

addition crossword puzzle
  1. 0+25
  2. 0+47
  3. 0+74
  4. 0+48
  5. 0+7
  6. 0+58
  7. 0+20
  8. 0+37
  9. 0+88
  10. 0+84
  11. 0+66
  12. 0+79
  13. 0+86
  14. 0+75
  15. 0+100
  16. 0+89
  17. 0+63
  18. 0+38
  19. 0+8
  20. 0+81
  21. 0+96
  22. 0+9
  23. 0+51
  24. 0+56
  25. 0+94
  26. 0+83
  27. 0+18
  28. 0+24
  29. 0+59
  30. 0+30
  31. 0+15
  32. 0+92
  33. 0+17
  34. 0+6
  35. 0+41
  36. 0+62
  37. 0+67
  38. 0+52
  39. 0+12
  40. 0+5
  41. 0+35
  42. 0+106
  43. 0+80
  44. 0+13
  45. 0+95
  46. 0+27
  47. 0+54
  48. 0+34
  49. 0+29
  50. 0+40
  51. 0+22
  52. 0+1
  53. 0+104
  54. 0+71
  55. 0+109
  56. 0+11
  1. 0+93
  2. 0+53
  3. 0+108
  4. 0+3
  5. 0+50
  6. 0+49
  7. 0+33
  8. 0+55
  9. 0+78
  10. 0+69
  11. 0+87
  12. 0+43
  13. 0+101
  14. 0+46
  15. 0+91
  16. 0+76
  17. 0+77
  18. 0+36
  19. 0+60
  20. 0+97
  21. 0+99
  22. 0+85
  23. 0+31
  24. 0+21
  25. 0+110
  26. 0+28
  27. 0+64
  28. 0+39
  29. 0+19
  30. 0+105
  31. 0+0
  32. 0+107
  33. 0+14
  34. 0+32
  35. 0+73
  36. 0+45
  37. 0+26
  38. 0+4
  39. 0+82
  40. 0+68
  41. 0+2
  42. 0+44
  43. 0+65
  44. 0+103
  45. 0+61
  46. 0+98
  47. 0+23
  48. 0+10
  49. 0+72
  50. 0+70
  51. 0+102
  52. 0+57
  53. 0+42
  54. 0+16
  55. 0+90

111 Clues: 0+30+70+80+90+00+40+20+60+50+10+250+930+470+530+740+500+480+490+330+580+550+780+200+690+370+870+880+430+840+660+460+910+760+770+790+360+860+600+750+970+990+890+850+630+310+210+380+280+810+640+390+960+190+510+560+940+830+140+180+240+320+730+590+450+300+260+150+820+680+920+170+410+440+650+620+670+520+610+120+980+350+230+100+720+700+800+130+950+270+54...

1 2024-03-21

1 crossword puzzle
  1. 26
  2. 30
  3. 88888
  4. 19
  5. 21
  6. 24
  7. 28
  8. 10
  9. 191919191
  10. 17
  11. 13
  12. 11
  13. 90
  14. 14
  15. 15
  16. 666
  17. 1234567890
  1. 18
  2. 2828
  3. 39
  4. 80
  5. 14141414
  6. 200
  7. 15151515
  8. 31
  9. 111
  10. 12
  11. 79
  12. 16
  13. 123
  14. 20
  15. 84

32 Clues: 1826303980192124283110121779131190141615208420011166612328288888814141414151515151919191911234567890

TTS Numerasi Kelas 4 2024-05-14

TTS Numerasi Kelas 4 crossword puzzle
  1. 78 x 87 : 13 =
  2. 70 : 7 x 80 =
  3. 63 x 74 : 14 =
  4. 77 x 88 : 11 =
  5. 85 : 17 x 57 =
  6. 64 : 8 x 58 =
  7. 94 x 90 : 20 =
  8. 84 : 6 x 61 =
  1. 65 x 72 : 9 =
  2. 60 x 95 : 10 =
  3. 97 x 81 : 9 =
  4. 100 : 25 x 91 =
  5. 96 : 12 x 58 =
  6. 66 : 22 x 79 =
  7. 53 x 55 : 5 =

15 Clues: 65 x 72 : 9 =70 : 7 x 80 =97 x 81 : 9 =53 x 55 : 5 =64 : 8 x 58 =84 : 6 x 61 =78 x 87 : 13 =60 x 95 : 10 =63 x 74 : 14 =96 : 12 x 58 =77 x 88 : 11 =85 : 17 x 57 =66 : 22 x 79 =94 x 90 : 20 =100 : 25 x 91 =

Christmas Music Quiz 2020-12-08

Christmas Music Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. 7b
  2. 8b
  3. 2b
  4. 10b
  5. 7a
  6. 1a
  7. 5b
  8. 2a
  9. 6a
  10. 6b
  11. 3a
  1. 10a
  2. 5a
  3. 4a
  4. 4b
  5. 3b
  6. 9a
  7. 1b
  8. 9b
  9. 8a

20 Clues: 7b5a8b4a2b4b7a3b9a1a1b9b5b8a2a6a6b3a10a10b

Ppkn 2022-10-11

Ppkn crossword puzzle
  1. 8a
  2. 10b
  3. 1a
  4. 3b
  5. 7a
  6. 5b
  7. 2b
  8. 1b
  9. 6b
  10. 4b
  11. 9b
  1. 3a
  2. 10a
  3. 2a
  4. 9a
  5. 7b
  6. 6a
  7. 4a
  8. 8b
  9. 5a

20 Clues: 3a2a8a9a1a7b3b7a5b6a4a2b1b8b6b5a4b9b10a10b

Ppkn 2022-10-11

Ppkn crossword puzzle
  1. 9b
  2. 6b
  3. 9a
  4. 6a
  5. 1a
  6. 1b
  7. 8a
  8. 8b
  9. 5a
  1. 10a
  2. 3a
  3. 10b
  4. 4a
  5. 5b
  6. 2b
  7. 3b
  8. 7b
  9. 2a
  10. 4b
  11. 7a

20 Clues: 3a4a9b5b6b2b9a6a3b7b2a1a4b1b8a8b7a5a10a10b

dsdas asd asd 2019-09-27

dsdas asd asd crossword puzzle
  1. 4A
  2. 18A
  3. 13A
  4. 14A
  5. 1A
  6. 8A
  7. 10A
  8. 19A
  9. 12A
  10. 15A
  1. 5A
  2. 17A
  3. 11A
  4. 6A
  5. 2A
  6. 7A
  7. 20A
  8. 9A
  9. 3A
  10. 16A

20 Clues: 5A4A6A2A7A9A1A8A3A17A18A11A20A13A14A10A19A12A16A15A

Wiwi 2023-05-10

Wiwi crossword puzzle
  1. 5a
  2. 1a
  3. 3a
  4. 2a
  5. 7b
  6. 10b
  7. 1b
  8. 9a
  9. 4b
  1. 3b
  2. 10a
  3. 8b
  4. 6a
  5. 5b
  6. 4a
  7. 6b
  8. 7a
  9. 9b
  10. 8a
  11. 2b

20 Clues: 3b8b6a5a1a3a5b4a6b2a7a7b9b8a1b2b9a4b10a10b

Obedience is Key to Happiness 2015-09-27

Obedience is Key to Happiness crossword puzzle
  1. D&C 82:10 keep the commandment Lord is bound
  2. 1 Timothy 4:12 show your belief by word, conversation, and actions
  3. D&C 93:20 to be glorified and receive
  4. Romans 1:16 do not be fearful of testimony
  5. D&C 88:22 a higher law a higher reward
  6. John 14:15
  7. 3 Nephi 11:29 Devil is the father
  8. D&C 100:5-8 Holy Ghost will help you share testimony
  9. 1 John 5:1 keeping commandments is not hard
  10. D&C 28:30 line upon line
  1. D&C 42:61 to know mysteries
  2. D&C 130:20-21 blessings depend on obedience
  3. D&C 50:24 Receive greater
  4. key to happiness
  5. 2 Timothy 1:7-8 join in troubles of the gospel
  6. D&C 11:21 gain the word of God
  7. D&C 84:83 keeping righteous thoughts
  8. Matthew 22:34-40 also the first

18 Clues: John 14:15key to happinessD&C 28:30 line upon lineD&C 50:24 Receive greaterD&C 42:61 to know mysteriesD&C 11:21 gain the word of GodMatthew 22:34-40 also the first3 Nephi 11:29 Devil is the fatherD&C 84:83 keeping righteous thoughtsD&C 93:20 to be glorified and receiveD&C 88:22 a higher law a higher rewardRomans 1:16 do not be fearful of testimony...

History Week 10 2023-11-06

History Week 10 crossword puzzle
  1. The date of Hus's execution, ____, is now celebrated as a holiday. (Great Men...P. 85)
  2. Jan Hus was punished in this way for his "heretical" opinions. (Great Men...P. 85)
  3. John ___ argued that the papacy was corrupt. (The Middle Ages, P. 142)
  4. England's civil wars were called wars of the ____ (The Middle Ages, P. 141)
  5. John Wycliffe died in this year. (Great Men...P. 82)
  6. This man was only 15 when he fled from Agincourt. (The Middle Ages, P. 141)
  7. This city was in the intellectual capitol of Europe during the Middle Ages (Great Men...P. 83)
  1. In ___, a northern European art style became popular (The Middle Ages, P. 141)
  2. The Hundred Years War didn't happen all at once, but rather in ___ (The Middle Ages, P. 141)
  3. This man was an early master of bronze sculpture. (The Middle Ages, P. 141)
  4. The English and the French met and fought at ___ in 1415 (The Middle Ages, P. 141)
  5. In 1382, the Archbishop of Canterbury had John Wycliffe expelled from this university because he thought his views were heretical. (Great Men...P. 81)
  6. In this year, Pope Boniface VIII became involved in a dispute with the French king (Great Men... P. 79)
  7. Hus was later called to preach at this church. (Great Men...P. 84)
  8. Jan Hus received his bachelors degree from ____ University (Great Men...P. 83)

15 Clues: John Wycliffe died in this year. (Great Men...P. 82)Hus was later called to preach at this church. (Great Men...P. 84)John ___ argued that the papacy was corrupt. (The Middle Ages, P. 142)This man was an early master of bronze sculpture. (The Middle Ages, P. 141)England's civil wars were called wars of the ____ (The Middle Ages, P. 141)...

IPAS 2024-10-17

IPAS crossword puzzle
  1. Derajat keasaman hal84
  2. Tempat tinggal mahkluk hidup untuk melangsungkan hidupnya secara normal hal 80
  3. Manusia dan hewan termasuk golongan 86
  4. Sekumpulan mahkluk hidup yang menempati daerah tertentu dan dapat saling interaksi hal 79
  5. Berperan sebagai tempat hidup berbagai mahkluk hidup hal 83
  6. Salah satu mahkluk hidup pengurai hal 86
  1. Tumbuhan hijau hal 85
  2. Organisme pemakan hewan hal 86
  3. ekosistem yang mempunyai suhu ekstrim hal 81
  4. Interaksi atau hubungan mahkluk hidup dengan lingkungan hal 78
  5. komponen tak hidup/lingkungan hal 80

11 Clues: Derajat keasaman hal84Tumbuhan hijau hal 85Organisme pemakan hewan hal 86komponen tak hidup/lingkungan hal 80Manusia dan hewan termasuk golongan 86Salah satu mahkluk hidup pengurai hal 86ekosistem yang mempunyai suhu ekstrim hal 81Berperan sebagai tempat hidup berbagai mahkluk hidup hal 83...

Korsord 2015-06-02 2015-06-01

Korsord 2015-06-02 crossword puzzle
  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 10b
  4. 8b
  5. 4
  6. 2
  7. 15b
  8. 8a
  9. 1
  10. 9
  1. 5
  2. 12a
  3. 12b
  4. 10a
  5. 15a
  6. 14
  7. 13
  8. 11
  9. 7a
  10. 7b

20 Clues: 53642198b148a13117a7b12a12b10a10b15a15b

NUMBERS 2024-04-01

NUMBERS crossword puzzle
  1. 43
  2. 42
  3. 70
  4. 20
  5. 56
  6. 13
  7. 67
  8. 90
  9. 16
  1. 39
  2. HUNDRED 100
  3. 84
  4. 99
  5. 8
  6. 11

15 Clues: 839434270842056991311679016HUNDRED 100

Teka-Teki Silang Basa Jawa 2023-02-26

Teka-Teki Silang Basa Jawa crossword puzzle
  1. laras kang ora nduweni angka 4 lan 7
  2. kanthi (-in-)
  3. tanggal panulisan geguritan
  4. Pakdhe (ngongkon) aku tumbas krupuk ing warung
  5. cacahe wanda utawa suku kata saben sagatra
  6. tembang kang nggambarake pisahing ruh lan badan
  7. pencipta;pengarang
  8. kesimpulan; inti carita/isi teks
  9. srengenge; matari
  10. basa kang endah;basa kang dipaes
  1. puisi basa Jawa
  2. adhiku maem, aku....
  3. 8a,11i,8u,7a,12u,8a,8i
  4. tangga nada;notasi
  5. krama;ngoko
  6. bapak pucung renteng-renteng kaya kalung, dawa kaya ula, pencokanmu wesi miring, sing disaba si pucung mung turut kutha
  7. teks utawa lirik tembang macapat
  8. tembang cilik; cacahe ana sewelas
  9. wujud isi geguritan bebas, bisa awujud pada utawa carita
  10. Basa Jawa

20 Clues: Basa Jawakrama;ngokokanthi (-in-)puisi basa Jawasrengenge; mataritangga nada;notasipencipta;pengarangadhiku maem, aku....8a,11i,8u,7a,12u,8a,8itanggal panulisan geguritanteks utawa lirik tembang macapatkesimpulan; inti carita/isi teksbasa kang endah;basa kang dipaestembang cilik; cacahe ana sewelaslaras kang ora nduweni angka 4 lan 7...

Bommersvik 2015-06-02 2015-06-01

Bommersvik 2015-06-02 crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 1
  3. 10b
  4. 12a
  5. 9
  6. 8a
  7. 2
  8. 12b
  9. 8b
  10. 10a
  11. 15a
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 14
  4. 15b
  5. 11
  6. 7b
  7. 5
  8. 7a
  9. 13

20 Clues: 346195214117b7a8a138b10b15b12a12b10a15a

Christmas Music Quiz 2020-12-08

Christmas Music Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. 3b
  2. 2b
  3. 9b
  4. 8b
  5. 5a
  6. 3a
  7. 10b
  8. 6a
  9. 7b
  1. 9a
  2. 4b
  3. 10a
  4. 1a
  5. 6b
  6. 2a
  7. 1b
  8. 7a
  9. 5b
  10. 4a
  11. 8a

20 Clues: 9a4b3b1a6b2a2b1b9b8b5a7a5b4a3a8a6a7b10a10b

proverb 2024-10-21

proverb crossword puzzle
  1. 6B
  2. 2B
  3. 3B
  4. 4B
  5. 2A
  6. 7B
  7. 6A
  8. 5A
  9. 9B
  10. 4A
  11. 10A
  12. 8B
  1. 8A
  2. 5B
  3. 1A
  4. 10B
  5. 3A
  6. 1B
  7. 9A
  8. 7A

20 Clues: 8A5B6B1A2B3B4B3A2A1B7B6A5A9A9B7A4A8B10B10A

legal legends 2021-08-10

legal legends crossword puzzle
  1. 116
  2. 3
  3. 136
  4. 135
  5. 80
  6. 79
  7. 48
  8. 16
  9. 92
  10. 29
  11. 96
  12. 73
  13. 53
  14. 10
  15. 151
  16. 147
  17. 12
  18. 118
  19. 37
  20. 150
  21. 47
  22. 141
  23. 24
  24. 54
  25. 38
  26. 59
  27. 142
  28. 23
  29. 89
  30. 103
  31. 98
  32. 145
  33. 2
  34. 25
  35. 36
  36. 88
  37. 139
  38. 62
  39. 34
  40. 72
  41. 32
  42. 46
  43. 35
  44. 66
  45. 83
  46. 130
  47. 148
  48. 71
  49. 68
  50. 90
  51. 52
  52. 119
  53. 60
  54. 123
  55. 13
  56. 75
  57. 113
  58. 69
  59. 124
  60. 41
  61. 27
  62. 156
  63. 144
  64. 133
  65. 49
  66. 33
  67. 115
  68. 61
  69. 21
  70. 58
  71. 56
  72. 102
  73. 81
  74. 55
  75. 57
  76. 134
  77. 143
  78. 100
  79. 132
  80. 152
  1. 106
  2. 129
  3. 105
  4. 128
  5. 104
  6. 110
  7. 44
  8. 5
  9. 78
  10. 154
  11. 126
  12. 18
  13. 121
  14. 65
  15. 42
  16. 76
  17. 19
  18. 131
  19. 120
  20. 70
  21. 40
  22. 125
  23. 7
  24. 109
  25. 140
  26. 39
  27. 155
  28. 97
  29. 127
  30. 77
  31. 85
  32. 86
  33. 122
  34. 94
  35. 74
  36. 107
  37. 101
  38. 14
  39. 8
  40. 28
  41. 22
  42. 15
  43. 87
  44. 138
  45. 45
  46. 51
  47. 9
  48. 20
  49. 63
  50. 114
  51. 4
  52. 30
  53. 64
  54. 149
  55. 111
  56. 31
  57. 95
  58. 11
  59. 67
  60. 153
  61. 43
  62. 1
  63. 99
  64. 146
  65. 84
  66. 137
  67. 117
  68. 17
  69. 112
  70. 6
  71. 93
  72. 50
  73. 26
  74. 82
  75. 108
  76. 91

156 Clues: 357289416804479784816922918966573425376101912704037472454383959972389779885869474253688621434722822321587464551352066837163689030526460137531951167436941279984493361211758935056268182559157116106129105128136135104110154126121151147131120118125150141109140155142127103145122107139101138130148114119149111123113153124156144146133137115117112102108134...

Single Digit by Multi Digit Multiplication 2023-11-20

Single Digit by Multi Digit Multiplication crossword puzzle
  1. 245 x 6
  2. 3 X 786
  3. 2 X 1088
  4. 84 x 7
  5. 5 X 120
  6. 8 X 322
  7. 10 X 240
  8. 8 X 1414
  9. 6 X 92
  10. 176 x 5
  1. 9 X 824
  2. 176 x 3
  3. 9 X 174
  4. 7 X 815
  5. 4 X 2121
  6. 6 X 204
  7. 8 X 93
  8. 5 X 300

18 Clues: 84 x 78 X 936 X 929 X 824245 x 63 X 786176 x 39 X 1747 X 8155 X 1206 X 2048 X 3225 X 300176 x 52 X 10884 X 212110 X 2408 X 1414

TTS FISIKA 2023-08-21

TTS FISIKA crossword puzzle
  1. 107
  2. 74
  3. 110
  4. 85
  5. 116
  6. 105
  7. 71
  8. 1
  9. 80
  10. 3
  11. 72
  12. 142
  13. 87
  14. 113
  15. (hukum)42
  16. Waktu 64
  17. 9
  18. 103
  19. 102
  20. 68
  21. 88
  22. 29
  23. 16
  24. 69
  25. 77
  26. 19
  27. 8(sinar)
  28. 90
  29. 118
  30. 15
  31. 32
  32. 141
  33. 17
  34. 58
  35. 119
  36. 131
  37. 27
  38. 89
  39. 14
  40. 23
  41. 114
  42. 98
  43. 121
  44. 44
  45. 83
  46. 92
  47. 40
  48. 6
  49. 63
  50. 70
  51. 123
  52. (Teori)60
  53. 50
  54. 86
  55. 39
  56. 93
  57. 96
  58. 115
  59. 62
  60. 10
  61. 129
  62. 81
  63. 112
  64. 49
  65. 5
  66. 38
  67. 28
  68. 134
  69. 117
  70. 84
  71. 122
  72. 145
  73. 31
  74. 124
  75. 3
  76. 147
  77. 25
  78. 4
  79. 65
  1. 130
  2. 34
  3. 108
  4. 125
  5. 51
  6. (kecepatan sudut)13
  7. 138
  8. 22
  9. (hukum)95
  10. 21
  11. 128
  12. 52
  13. 55
  14. 104
  15. 111
  16. 78
  17. 47
  18. 120
  19. 35
  20. 106
  21. 99
  22. 11
  23. 54
  24. 127
  25. 133
  26. 101
  27. 7(tokoh)
  28. 41
  29. 94
  30. 73
  31. 20
  32. (hukum)140
  33. 126
  34. 56
  35. (multi meter)26
  36. 46
  37. (hukum)82
  38. 66
  39. 33
  40. 148
  41. 36
  42. 57
  43. 150
  44. 45
  45. 24
  46. 30
  47. (deret)43
  48. 144
  49. 76
  50. 100
  51. 61
  52. 2
  53. 48
  54. 132
  55. 135
  56. 59
  57. 136
  58. 137
  59. (fisikawan)149
  60. 143
  61. 139
  62. 97
  63. 109
  64. 18
  65. 37
  66. 12
  67. 79
  68. 67
  69. 146
  70. 53
  71. (Transformasi)91
  72. 75

151 Clues: 13962534347451852271218052557278478735996811882954166977194194907315322017565846276689143336235798444583243092407663706148508659399396621081974918373828127967538475312565130107108125110138116105128104111142120113106103102127133101118141126119131148114121150144100123132135136137115129143139109112134146117122145124147Waktu 648(sinar)7(tokoh)(hukum)95...

Obedience is Key to Happiness 2015-09-27

Obedience is Key to Happiness crossword puzzle
  1. D&C 82:10 keep the commandment Lord is bound
  2. John 14:15
  3. D&C 50:24 Receive greater
  4. D&C 88:22 a higher law a higher reward
  5. D&C 130:20-21 blessings depend on obedience
  6. 1 Timothy 4:12 show your belief by word, conversation, and actions
  7. key to happiness
  8. 3 Nephi 11:29 Devil is the father
  9. D&C 93:20 to be glorified and receive
  1. D&C 28:30 line upon line
  2. D&C 11:21 gain the word of God
  3. 2 Timothy 1:7-8 join in troubles of the gospel
  4. Romans 1:16 do not be fearful of testimony
  5. D&C 42:61 to know mysteries
  6. Matthew 22:34-40 also the first
  7. D&C 84:83 keeping righteous thoughts
  8. 1 John 5:1 keeping commandments is not hard
  9. D&C 100:5-8 Holy Ghost will help you share testimony

18 Clues: John 14:15key to happinessD&C 28:30 line upon lineD&C 50:24 Receive greaterD&C 42:61 to know mysteriesD&C 11:21 gain the word of GodMatthew 22:34-40 also the first3 Nephi 11:29 Devil is the fatherD&C 84:83 keeping righteous thoughtsD&C 93:20 to be glorified and receiveD&C 88:22 a higher law a higher rewardRomans 1:16 do not be fearful of testimony...

Division Crossword Puzzle 2024-10-28

Division Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 672÷8
  2. 729÷9
  3. 315÷5
  4. 700÷7
  5. 462÷6
  6. 128÷4
  7. 819÷9
  8. 1,640÷8
  1. 288÷6
  2. 240÷5
  3. 1,440÷9
  4. 1,234÷2
  5. 504÷7
  6. 936÷3

14 Clues: 288÷6672÷8240÷5729÷9315÷5700÷7462÷6504÷7128÷4936÷3819÷91,440÷91,234÷21,640÷8

FHS A7 2019-06-03

FHS A7 crossword puzzle
  1. Ilmu yang mempelajari interaksi antara organisme dengan lingkungannya
  2. Planet yang memiliki cincin
  3. Pemenang All England tunggal putra 2017
  4. Penyanyi lagu 'Kisah Kasih di Sekolah'
  5. Nama lain Douwes Dekker
  6. Tokoh dalam cerita rakyat Jawa Barat
  7. Merupakan mata pelajaran Divisi Magic
  8. Dewi cinta dalam mitologi Yunani
  1. Perputaran planet mengelilingi matahari
  2. Nama ketua FanOs
  3. Nama panjang Miss Velia
  4. Hak DPR untuk melakukan penyelidikan terhadap kebijakan pemerintah
  5. Nama dari tokoh pewayangan berwajah merah
  6. Hubungan timbal balik antara makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya
  7. Tokoh antagonis dalam kisah Ramayana

15 Clues: Nama ketua FanOsNama panjang Miss VeliaNama lain Douwes DekkerPlanet yang memiliki cincinDewi cinta dalam mitologi YunaniTokoh dalam cerita rakyat Jawa BaratTokoh antagonis dalam kisah RamayanaMerupakan mata pelajaran Divisi MagicPenyanyi lagu 'Kisah Kasih di Sekolah'Perputaran planet mengelilingi matahariPemenang All England tunggal putra 2017...

Maths crossword 2023-11-20

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 20% of 150
  2. √144
  3. 10²-20
  4. 2³+4
  5. 4x5/2
  6. 100 - 4²
  7. 128x4
  8. 7x6/2
  9. 1x30x50
  1. 4x8
  2. 1250x8
  3. 7×8−5
  4. 13x5x2x1
  5. 3²x3²
  6. 8x3-3
  7. 5+3²+6

17 Clues: 4x8√1442³+47×8−54x5/23²x3²128x48x3-37x6/21250x810²-205+3²+61x30x5013x5x2x1100 - 4²20% of 150

Division Crossword Puzzle 2024-10-28

Division Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 936÷3
  2. 504÷7
  3. 240÷5
  4. 1,234÷2
  5. 288÷6
  6. 1,440÷9
  1. 819÷9
  2. 128÷4
  3. 1,640÷8
  4. 462÷6
  5. 672÷8
  6. 700÷7
  7. 729÷9
  8. 315÷5

14 Clues: 819÷9936÷3128÷4504÷7462÷6240÷5672÷8700÷7288÷6729÷9315÷51,640÷81,234÷21,440÷9

Les Chiffres en Français 2024-05-29

Les Chiffres en Français crossword puzzle
  1. 14
  2. 83
  3. 15
  4. 64
  5. 31
  6. 23
  7. 80
  8. 77
  9. 99
  10. 52
  11. 44
  1. 5
  2. 0
  3. 48
  4. 85
  5. 36
  6. 75
  7. 12
  8. 90
  9. 11
  10. 70
  11. 96
  12. 59
  13. 25
  14. 100
  15. 13
  16. 8

27 Clues: 5084885361475129011708396591564312380251377995244100

2n gunakireema 2024-07-12

2n gunakireema crossword puzzle
  1. 51 x 2
  2. 13x3
  3. 10 x 2
  4. 6 x 8
  5. 9x7
  6. 39 x 2
  7. 22 x 22
  1. 5 x 2
  2. 6 x 4
  3. 11x3
  4. 14 x 2
  5. 7 x 12
  6. 8 x 8
  7. 36 x 2

14 Clues: 9x713x311x35 x 26 x 46 x 88 x 851 x 210 x 214 x 27 x 1239 x 236 x 222 x 22

ian 2013-03-30

ian crossword puzzle
  1. 49
  2. 68
  3. 14
  4. 52
  5. 67
  6. 92
  7. What wage delegates do
  8. type of Worker being evaluated by the employer
  9. 66
  10. 61
  11. paid to employees when jobs lost
  12. yearly changes in pay
  13. Moves up the line of progression
  14. 2
  15. 57
  16. 59
  17. 56
  18. 10
  19. - Monthly payments to run the local union
  20. Has done before
  21. 94
  22. 72
  23. 64
  24. 29
  25. 13
  26. 97
  27. 51
  28. Union representative on the floor
  29. 90
  30. 63
  31. 39
  32. 95
  33. Generally after the first 8 hours of a shift
  34. 91
  35. Elected leader of the local union
  36. Has the skills
  37. Not full hours
  38. 45
  39. ________ Procedure - used to settle workplace issues
  40. Sections of a collective agreement
  41. Collective ___________
  42. 35
  43. 77
  44. 75
  45. 16
  46. 88
  47. 43
  48. 23
  49. 1
  1. 54
  2. 27
  3. 48
  4. Alternative to taking premium portion of overtime pay
  5. Union security for after working career
  6. 30
  7. 50
  8. Negotiated type of insurance
  9. 86
  10. 80
  11. 85
  12. A worker
  13. 53
  14. 76
  15. 83
  16. 62
  17. 84
  18. 42
  19. 93
  20. Premium for being asked to work outside regular hours
  21. A form of job action
  22. Let go
  23. 74
  24. Final step of most grievance procedures
  25. Word following day or night
  26. 21
  27. 40
  28. Period where you don't get your regular sheduled hours
  29. Amounts paid when working away from home
  30. 38
  31. 60
  32. Generally the first 8 hours of a shift
  33. Paid leave after orbefore a new child
  34. 47
  35. 11
  36. 9
  37. 69
  38. 65
  39. 41
  40. 55
  41. 6
  42. 25
  43. Period after working career
  44. Either parent can get this leave when adopting
  45. ______ rights - Why an employer can't lay you off then hire someone else
  46. 28
  47. 46
  48. 24
  49. 78
  50. 44
  51. 3
  52. ____ time - for Working on a statutory holiday

101 Clues: 2963154492748681430525086808567539276836662618442935759567410219440387260642913479751119069656339415595259128454624784435777516884323Let goA workerHas the skillsNot full hoursHas done beforeA form of job actionyearly changes in payWhat wage delegates doCollective ___________Word following day or nightPeriod after working career...

Febi 2024-10-21

Febi crossword puzzle
  1. 8b
  2. 5a
  3. 2a
  4. 2b
  5. 9b
  6. 10b
  7. 4b
  8. 4a
  1. 6a
  2. 3a
  3. 3b
  4. 1a
  5. 10a
  6. 9a
  7. 6b
  8. 7a
  9. 8a
  10. 5b
  11. 1b
  12. 7b

20 Clues: 6a3a3b1a8b5a9a2a6b2b9b7a8a5b1b7b4b4a10a10b

LilyMaria 2018-12-21

LilyMaria crossword puzzle
  1. 10a-8a^2
  2. 3x+3x
  3. 9(1+6p)+2(10-10p)
  4. 7v-4(v-2)
  5. 3x-3x
  6. 3r^7+3r^3
  7. -81x+45
  1. -14x^2+21x
  2. -25+15x^2
  3. 16X^3-4x^2
  4. 4(x+8)+9
  5. -3a+6
  6. -3(1+4x)-7x
  7. -4(k-1)-8(6k-7)
  8. 8v+8

15 Clues: 8v+83x+3x-3a+63x-3x-81x+4510a-8a^24(x+8)+9-25+15x^27v-4(v-2)3r^7+3r^3-14x^2+21x16X^3-4x^2-3(1+4x)-7x-4(k-1)-8(6k-7)9(1+6p)+2(10-10p)

Fermentation Crossword 2024-03-04

Fermentation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. B8)… stir (agitate) the mixture to evenly distribute nutrients throughout the container.(7)
  2. A2)Yeast is a … celled fungus (5)
  3. A7)Frothing liquid is added to mixture and kneaded with the flour. Mixing ensures the yeast is … spread throughout the dough.(6)
  4. C6)The acidity helps prevent growth of other microorganisms that may be…(7)
  5. C2)Production of… uses a bacteria called lactobacillus bulgaricus.(7)
  6. B3)The sterile air supply creates aseptic conditions and prevents…(12)
  7. A8)Sugars are released from the breakdown of… in the bread flour, allowing the yeast to continue to respire anaerobically.(6)
  8. A5)During bread making, when the yeast is first added to the water with sugar and kept at about 25 degrees celsius. The yeast begins to… the sugars in the water.(7)
  9. B6)Respiration gives off…(4)
  10. A3)Yeast can carry out aerobic and… respiration (9)
  11. A6)Gas bubbles form a froth on the surface, what gas is being released as a waste product of respiration.(13)
  12. B7)Because respiration gives off heat, cooling is needed to keep mixture at the… temperature for enzyme activity.(7)
  1. B2)A fermenter has a tube at the top where waste gases can…(6)
  2. A4)During anaerobic respiration what kind of alcohol does yeast produce…(7)
  3. C3)Lactobacillis bacteria can use lactose and convert this to…(10)
  4. A9)Proving allows for pockets of… to be realised by the respiring yeast cells to form.(13)
  5. B1)Inside a fermenter a … is used to move the paddles.(5)
  6. B5)A water jacket surrounds fermenter to help control the…(11)
  7. C5)Because of the… the milk now, the proteins coagulate (go solid) (7)
  8. C1)Making yoghurt is an example of…(12)
  9. A1)The term fermentation is used for processes carried out by…(14)
  10. C4)As lactic acid is produced the PH becomes more…(6)
  11. B4)…Is provided in the air if the fermentation is aerobic but not if anaerobic.(6)

23 Clues: B6)Respiration gives off…(4)A2)Yeast is a … celled fungus (5)C1)Making yoghurt is an example of…(12)A3)Yeast can carry out aerobic and… respiration (9)C4)As lactic acid is produced the PH becomes more…(6)B1)Inside a fermenter a … is used to move the paddles.(5)B2)A fermenter has a tube at the top where waste gases can…(6)...

Integer Operations Crossword Puzzle 2023-09-15

Integer Operations Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 7+(-4)
  2. (-5)+2
  3. 84÷6
  4. 2-4
  5. 7+(-8)
  6. (-2)-(-2)
  7. -108÷-12
  8. (-3)-(-8)
  1. -7•-9
  2. 9•-9
  3. 28÷7
  4. (-6)+(-4)
  5. 6-7
  6. 5•-9•-2

14 Clues: 2-46-79•-928÷784÷6-7•-97+(-4)(-5)+27+(-8)5•-9•-2-108÷-12(-6)+(-4)(-2)-(-2)(-3)-(-8)

Math Cross Word 2017-03-12

Math Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. 11 x 11
  2. 12 x 12
  3. 15% of 120
  4. 323 - 123
  5. 180 - (9 + 12)
  6. 7 x 5
  7. 125 x (9 x 8)
  8. 784 - 84
  1. 20% of 700
  2. 73 - 21
  3. 926 + 224
  4. 60 + 55
  5. 90 - 45
  6. 1000 ÷ 8
  7. 5600 ÷ 56
  8. 2 + 28
  9. 98 ÷ (7 x 2)

17 Clues: 7 x 52 + 2811 x 1173 - 2112 x 1260 + 5590 - 451000 ÷ 8784 - 84926 + 224323 - 1235600 ÷ 5620% of 70015% of 12098 ÷ (7 x 2)125 x (9 x 8)180 - (9 + 12)

chemical name of vitamins 2023-05-28

chemical name of vitamins crossword puzzle
  1. Vitamin D
  2. Vitamin B7
  3. Vitamin B2
  4. Vitamin C
  5. Vitamin B1
  6. Vitamin K
  7. Vitamin B3
  1. Vitamin A (plants)
  2. Vitamin B6
  3. Vitamin E
  4. Vitamin A (animal)
  5. Vitamin B5
  6. Vitamin B9
  7. Vitamin B12

14 Clues: Vitamin EVitamin DVitamin CVitamin KVitamin B6Vitamin B7Vitamin B5Vitamin B2Vitamin B1Vitamin B9Vitamin B3Vitamin B12Vitamin A (plants)Vitamin A (animal)

Division Crossword Puzzle 2014-06-02

Division Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 60 ÷ 12
  2. 84 ÷ 7
  3. 56 ÷ 8
  4. 27 ÷ 9
  5. 108 ÷ 12
  6. 16 ÷ 4
  1. 18 ÷ 3
  2. 48 ÷ 6
  3. 60 ÷ 6
  4. 88 ÷ 8
  5. 14 ÷ 7
  6. 2 ÷ 2

12 Clues: 2 ÷ 218 ÷ 348 ÷ 660 ÷ 684 ÷ 788 ÷ 856 ÷ 827 ÷ 914 ÷ 716 ÷ 460 ÷ 12108 ÷ 12