www.abozeb.com/video/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b7%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8-%d9%8a%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%83-%d9%85%d8%b9%d9%8 Crossword Puzzles

Deutsch Hallo Dialog 2023-10-24

Deutsch Hallo Dialog crossword puzzle
  1. pilkas
  2. vėliau
  3. dedu, guldau
  4. juodas
  5. esu
  6. 21
  7. atsiprašau
  8. Vokietija
  9. laisvas
  10. gerai
  11. Kaip sveikintumeis su draugu?
  12. 84
  13. metai
  1. žalia
  2. 37
  3. klausti
  4. naktis
  5. šalis
  6. žinoma
  7. Širdingai
  8. atvykau
  9. ačiū
  10. linksmumas, džiaugmas
  11. nuostabu
  12. pažįstu

25 Clues: 372184esuačiūžaliašalisgeraimetaipilkasvėliaujuodasnaktisžinomaklaustiatvykaulaisvaspažįstunuostabuVokietijaŠirdingaiatsiprašaudedu, guldaulinksmumas, džiaugmasKaip sveikintumeis su draugu?

Numbers 20-99 2022-03-01

Numbers 20-99 crossword puzzle
  1. 50
  2. 78
  3. 84
  4. 70
  5. 30
  6. 65
  7. 80
  1. 40
  2. 56
  3. 90
  4. 47
  5. 99
  6. 20
  7. 33
  8. 22
  9. 60

16 Clues: 40565090477899842070333022606580

KIMIA UNSUR 2024-10-30

KIMIA UNSUR crossword puzzle
  1. Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur
  2. Unsur dari golongan 7A, digunakan sebagai desinfektan di kolam renang
  3. Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (
  4. Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup
  5. Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca
  6. Unsur golongan 6A yang berbentuk gas dan sangat penting untuk kehidupan
  7. Unsur logam ringan dari golongan 1A, digunakan pada baterai elektronik
  8. Unsur golongan 3A yang sangat ringan dan digunakan dalam konstruksi pesawat
  1. Unsur 5A, berwarna putih kebiruan dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat korek api
  2. Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan
  3. Unsur non-logam dari golongan 5A, unsur utama dalam udara yang kita hirup
  4. Unsur gas mulia dari golongan 8A yang digunakan pada lampu neon
  5. Unsur dari golongan 2A yang penting bagi kesehatan tulang
  6. Unsur 7A, zat berwarna kuning dan dapat mencair pada suhu ruangan
  7. Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng
  8. Unsur golongan 2A yang sering digunakan dalam kembang api

16 Clues: Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kalengUnsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringanUnsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidupUnsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kacaUnsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapurUnsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (...

KIMIA UNSUR 2024-10-30

KIMIA UNSUR crossword puzzle
  1. Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur
  2. Unsur dari golongan 7A, digunakan sebagai desinfektan di kolam renang
  3. Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (
  4. Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup
  5. Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca
  6. Unsur golongan 6A yang berbentuk gas dan sangat penting untuk kehidupan
  7. Unsur logam ringan dari golongan 1A, digunakan pada baterai elektronik
  8. Unsur golongan 3A yang sangat ringan dan digunakan dalam konstruksi pesawat
  1. Unsur 5A, berwarna putih kebiruan dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat korek api
  2. Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan
  3. Unsur non-logam dari golongan 5A, unsur utama dalam udara yang kita hirup
  4. Unsur gas mulia dari golongan 8A yang digunakan pada lampu neon
  5. Unsur dari golongan 2A yang penting bagi kesehatan tulang
  6. Unsur 7A, zat berwarna kuning dan dapat mencair pada suhu ruangan
  7. Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng
  8. Unsur golongan 2A yang sering digunakan dalam kembang api

16 Clues: Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kalengUnsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringanUnsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidupUnsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kacaUnsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapurUnsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (...

Les nombres 2020-08-26

Les nombres crossword puzzle
  1. 50
  2. 48
  3. 67
  4. 4
  5. 18
  6. 7
  7. 1
  8. 2
  9. 80
  10. 8
  11. 15
  12. 0
  13. 9
  14. 70
  15. 12
  16. 40
  17. 77
  18. 13
  19. 24
  20. 16
  21. 11
  22. 96
  1. 99
  2. 30
  3. 84
  4. 72
  5. 10
  6. 56
  7. 17
  8. 20
  9. 3
  10. 90
  11. 21
  12. 100
  13. 19
  14. 14
  15. 6
  16. 60
  17. 5
  18. 33

40 Clues: 47123809655099304867847218105617208090157021191412407760132433161196100

Մաթեմատիկա_2 2017-05-27

Մաթեմատիկա_2 crossword puzzle
  1. / 896 x 84
  2. / 4900 - 703
  3. / 843281 - 44189
  4. / 8455:5
  5. / 43000 - 9322
  6. / 7458 x 6
  7. / 5236:2
  8. / 822450 - 80124
  9. / 8400 - 5422
  10. / 78 x 95
  11. / 3670:5
  12. / 3695:5
  13. / 94 x 37
  14. / 36 x 55
  15. / 6840:9
  16. / 731 x 39
  1. / 1204:7
  2. / 70215 - 32458
  3. / 7266:7
  4. / 10236 + 785236
  5. / 993563 - 796376
  6. / 7848:8
  7. / 66000 - 8909
  8. / 366 x 92
  9. / 80 x 71
  10. / 74765 - 26591
  11. / 2835:5
  12. / 71224 - 24433
  13. / 388 x 81
  14. / 7227:9
  15. / 71 x 26
  16. / 937 x 97

32 Clues: / 1204:7/ 7266:7/ 7848:8/ 8455:5/ 2835:5/ 5236:2/ 7227:9/ 3670:5/ 3695:5/ 6840:9/ 78 x 95/ 71 x 26/ 94 x 37/ 36 x 55/ 896 x 84/ 366 x 92/ 80 x 71/ 7458 x 6/ 388 x 81/ 937 x 97/ 731 x 39/ 4900 - 703/ 8400 - 5422/ 66000 - 8909/ 43000 - 9322/ 70215 - 32458/ 74765 - 26591/ 71224 - 24433/ 10236 + 785236/ 843281 - 44189/ 822450 - 80124/ 993563 - 796376

TTS Bahasa Bali Kasusastraan 2023-02-01

TTS Bahasa Bali Kasusastraan crossword puzzle
  1. Togok kretain
  2. nada panjang
  3. kaiket uger-uger
  4. Bali anyar
  5. Sastra
  1. tan kaiket uger-uger
  2. 8a,8i
  3. Sekar Madya
  4. sekar agung
  5. prosa Bali anyar

10 Clues: 8a,8iSastraBali anyarSekar Madyasekar agungnada panjangTogok kretainkaiket uger-ugerprosa Bali anyartan kaiket uger-uger

The Fault In Our Stars - Book Club Meeting Two - Chapters 5 - 10 2024-01-16

The Fault In Our Stars - Book Club Meeting Two - Chapters 5 - 10 crossword puzzle
  1. so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing (145)
  2. without showing ones feelings or complaining about pain or hardship (88)
  3. somewhat inactive, tending to spend to much time seated (pg.65)
  4. complete, absolute (pg 83)
  5. someones nickname (pg. 64)
  1. within the skull (105)
  2. wrong or inaccurate name or designation (pg 84)
  3. excessively sweet, rich, or sentimental to a disgusting level (pg 75)
  4. a state in which you feel excited or very alert as a result of anger, stress, or fear (93)
  5. a person who lives a solitary life (pg. 67)

10 Clues: within the skull (105)complete, absolute (pg 83)someones nickname (pg. 64)a person who lives a solitary life (pg. 67)wrong or inaccurate name or designation (pg 84)so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing (145)somewhat inactive, tending to spend to much time seated (pg.65)...

The Fault In Our Stars - Book Club Meeting Two - Chapters 5 - 10 2024-01-16

The Fault In Our Stars - Book Club Meeting Two - Chapters 5 - 10 crossword puzzle
  1. so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing (145)
  2. without showing ones feelings or complaining about pain or hardship (88)
  3. somewhat inactive, tending to spend to much time seated (pg.65)
  4. complete, absolute (pg 83)
  5. someones nickname (pg. 64)
  1. within the skull (105)
  2. wrong or inaccurate name or designation (pg 84)
  3. excessively sweet, rich, or sentimental to a disgusting level (pg 75)
  4. a state in which you feel excited or very alert as a result of anger, stress, or fear (93)
  5. a person who lives a solitary life (pg. 67)

10 Clues: within the skull (105)complete, absolute (pg 83)someones nickname (pg. 64)a person who lives a solitary life (pg. 67)wrong or inaccurate name or designation (pg 84)so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing (145)somewhat inactive, tending to spend to much time seated (pg.65)...

Christmas Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-13

Christmas Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Gingerbread structure
  2. Plant to kiss under
  3. Sleigh pullers
  4. Another word for 'gifts'
  5. 7d's helpers
  6. Decorations for a tree
  7. Red-Nosed 8a
  8. Sock hung up
  9. Alt. spelling of 1d
  1. Celebration of Jesus' birth
  2. Month that 1d is celebrated
  3. Day that 1d is celebrated
  4. Greeting used with 1d
  5. Jolly old man
  6. Where 7d lives
  7. Day before an event
  8. "____ Frost"
  9. Figure built with snow

18 Clues: 7d's helpers"____ Frost"Red-Nosed 8aSock hung upJolly old manSleigh pullersWhere 7d livesPlant to kiss underDay before an eventAlt. spelling of 1dGingerbread structureGreeting used with 1dDecorations for a treeFigure built with snowAnother word for 'gifts'Day that 1d is celebratedCelebration of Jesus' birthMonth that 1d is celebrated

teka-teki silang b.jawa bab 1 dan bab 2 2024-10-04

teka-teki silang b.jawa bab 1 dan bab 2 crossword puzzle
  1. drama yaiku...
  2. bedane drama tradisional lan modern...
  3. Gatra saben sapada diarani...
  4. Jawa sing ora wenang nganggo sandhangan Pepet...
  5. iku mujudake...
  6. Laporan kudune tumata,saengga gampang diwaca lan dipahami dening pamaos Iki ngebaki prinsip...
  7. asil observasi iku ditulis adhedhasar...
  1. Dudu mujudake ciri-ciri laporan asik observasi iku...
  2. iku disusun kanggo...
  3. paragane ludruk iku lumrahe...
  4. dumadi 6 Gatra=8u,8i,8a,8i,Iki mujudake paugerane tembang...
  5. mas iku mujudake..pak karta lan Bu Karta...
  6. isi timun sama ibune,sing disebarake timun emas kasebut,banjur dadi...
  7. lagu yaiku...
  8. macam-macam drama sing perlu diweruhi lan dimengerteni,yaiku...

15 Clues: lagu yaiku...drama yaiku...iku mujudake...iku disusun kanggo...Gatra saben sapada diarani...paragane ludruk iku lumrahe...bedane drama tradisional lan modern...asil observasi iku ditulis adhedhasar...mas iku mujudake..pak karta lan Bu Karta...Jawa sing ora wenang nganggo sandhangan Pepet...Dudu mujudake ciri-ciri laporan asik observasi iku......

Periodic Table Elements 2020-03-19

Periodic Table Elements crossword puzzle
  1. discovered by marie curie and is a alkaline earth metal
  2. atomic number is 2
  3. is a metalliod and the atomic number is 85
  4. atomic number is 24
  5. atomic weight is 162.50
  6. the symbol is Au
  7. the symbol is Cu
  8. is a noble gas with an atomic weight of 20.180
  9. the symbol is Ru
  10. is a actinoid metal and the symbol is Bk
  1. is a other nonmetal and atomic number is 35
  2. the atomic number is 16 and the atomic weight is 32.06
  3. atomic weight is 204.38 and is an post-transition metal
  4. is an alkaline earth metal and atomic weight is 24.305
  5. also discovered by marie curie and atomic number is 84
  6. atomic weight is 207.2
  7. the atomic weight is 95.95
  8. is a lanthanoid and the atomic weight is 144.24
  9. is a transition metal and the atomic weight is 186.21
  10. the symbol is Rh

20 Clues: the symbol is Authe symbol is Cuthe symbol is Ruthe symbol is Rhatomic number is 2atomic number is 24atomic weight is 207.2atomic weight is 162.50the atomic weight is 95.95is a actinoid metal and the symbol is Bkis a metalliod and the atomic number is 85is a other nonmetal and atomic number is 35is a noble gas with an atomic weight of 20.180...

84 2022-02-08

84 crossword puzzle
  1. Place where the bus boycott happened in America
  2. The state that said they would not accept the outcome of Brown vs Board
  3. When you do not allow people to mix based on their skin colour
  4. When name of the set of laws that affected black people more
  5. Name of a prominent person who went on to have an important speech
  1. Person who the media used for the bus boycott
  2. The name of the boy who was killed in Mississippi
  3. What did Linda brown want the right to have

8 Clues: What did Linda brown want the right to havePerson who the media used for the bus boycottPlace where the bus boycott happened in AmericaThe name of the boy who was killed in MississippiWhen name of the set of laws that affected black people moreWhen you do not allow people to mix based on their skin colour...

Bernard: On Loving God 2025-01-09

Bernard: On Loving God crossword puzzle
  1. "I will love you Lord, my strength, my fortress, my refuge, my _________ (Hint: pg. 66)
  2. Where were the pomegranates picked from: the _____ __ ____ (Hint: pg. 56)
  3. First degree of love: When man loves ___ for his own sake. (Hint: pg.73)
  1. The fourth degree of love focuses on loving himself for ___'s sake." (Hint: pg. 78)
  2. "it is clear that the _____ is a good and faithful companion to the good spirit" (Hint: pg. 83)
  3. God is not loved without ______ (Hint: pg. 67)
  4. This is the first and great commandment: ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy ___.'
  5. "when God is loved alone and above all, for now we do not love ourselves except for his sake; he is himself the reward of those who love him, the eternal reward of those who love him for ________" (Hint: pg. 84-85)
  6. The third degree of love: when man ______ God for God's sake (Hint: pg. 76)
  7. The ______ degree of love: when man loves God for his own good (Hint: pg. 76)

10 Clues: God is not loved without ______ (Hint: pg. 67)First degree of love: When man loves ___ for his own sake. (Hint: pg.73)Where were the pomegranates picked from: the _____ __ ____ (Hint: pg. 56)The third degree of love: when man ______ God for God's sake (Hint: pg. 76)The ______ degree of love: when man loves God for his own good (Hint: pg. 76)...

8A 2022-12-08

8A crossword puzzle
  1. bias
  2. dates Kristian
  3. isis controlled country
  4. who/what/where/when/why
  5. mascot
  6. math teacher
  7. principal
  8. english Teacher
  1. master of the 3pt shot
  2. "Shades"
  3. shi'anna's twin
  4. supporting evidence

12 Clues: biasmascot"Shades"principalshi'anna's twinmath teacherenglish Teacherdates Kristiansupporting evidencemaster of the 3pt shotisis controlled countrywho/what/where/when/why

Les nombres français (70 à 1,000,000) 2021-09-28

Les nombres français (70 à 1,000,000) crossword puzzle
  1. 70
  2. 99
  3. 83
  4. 1000
  5. 77
  6. 86
  1. 87
  2. 91
  3. 73
  4. 95
  5. 1,000,000
  6. 100

12 Clues: 87917370959983778610010001,000,000

US 2024-07-18

US crossword puzzle
  1. Actriz venezolana reconocida por sus telenovelas. Sugy
  2. Cantante argentina famosa por su música pop. Laura
  3. Cantante y actor colombiano, exintegrante de "Piso 21". Tommy
  4. Actriz y cantante argentina, conocida por sus roles en telenovelas. Priscilla
  5. Cantante infantil mexicana conocida como "La Reina de los Niños". Tatiana
  6. Actriz y cantante colombiana, famosa por su papel en "Betty, la fea". Tatiana
  7. Presentadora y modelo colombiana. Alejandra
  1. Actriz mexicana conocida por su papel en "La Usurpadora". Alejandra
  2. Actor chileno protagonista de la serie "Los 80". Kevin
  3. Escritora chilena autora de "La casa de los espíritus". Priscilla
  4. Actriz y cantante puertorriqueña, protagonista de "La Isla Bonita". Sugy
  5. Cantante y actor argentino conocido por su papel en "Casi Ángeles". Kevin
  6. Personaje de la serie mexicana "El Chavo del 8". Tommy
  7. Actriz y cantante mexicana, exintegrante de "RBD". Laura

14 Clues: Presentadora y modelo colombiana. AlejandraCantante argentina famosa por su música pop. LauraActriz venezolana reconocida por sus telenovelas. SugyActor chileno protagonista de la serie "Los 80". KevinPersonaje de la serie mexicana "El Chavo del 8". TommyActriz y cantante mexicana, exintegrante de "RBD". Laura...

Les Nombres 2023-02-16

Les Nombres crossword puzzle
  1. 72
  2. 692
  3. 83
  4. 132
  5. 455
  6. 66
  7. 78
  8. 59
  9. 97
  1. 274
  2. 62
  3. 53
  4. 837
  5. 85
  6. 92

15 Clues: 72625385839266785997274837692132455

music theory chords crossword 2024-05-16

music theory chords crossword crossword puzzle
  1. B, D, F#, C#
  2. Ab, C, Eb, G
  3. E, G#, B, A
  4. C, E, G, Bb, Db, F#
  5. A#, D, F, G##
  6. G, Bb, D, E
  7. C, E, G, D
  8. A, C#, E, G, C
  9. Bb, D, F, Ab, Db, E
  10. Db, E, Gb, Ab
  11. Eb, G, Bb, F
  1. G, Bb, D, F
  2. E, G, B, D
  3. C, F, Ab (triad inversion)
  4. C#, D, F#, A (maj7 inversion)
  5. D, F, A, B
  6. B, G, D (triad inversion)
  7. Ab, Cb, Eb, Bb
  8. Gb, Bb, D
  9. F, A, C, Bb
  10. Bb, D, F, C
  11. Db, F, Ab
  12. C, Eb, Gb, Bbb

23 Clues: Gb, Bb, DDb, F, AbE, G, B, DD, F, A, BC, E, G, DG, Bb, D, FE, G#, B, AF, A, C, BbG, Bb, D, EBb, D, F, CB, D, F#, C#Ab, C, Eb, GEb, G, Bb, FA#, D, F, G##Db, E, Gb, AbAb, Cb, Eb, BbA, C#, E, G, CC, Eb, Gb, BbbC, E, G, Bb, Db, F#Bb, D, F, Ab, Db, EB, G, D (triad inversion)C, F, Ab (triad inversion)C#, D, F#, A (maj7 inversion)

Multi-year Competencies 2024-04-29

Multi-year Competencies crossword puzzle
  1. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
  2. Practice effective human relations
  3. Construct a resume
  4. Complete a job interview
  5. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  6. Complete employment tests
  7. Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
  8. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
  9. Identify problems of new employees
  10. Complete application forms
  1. Select an immediate job goal
  2. Follow directions
  3. Develop a letter of application
  4. Demonstrate time management
  5. Appropriately quit a job
  6. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  7. Develop a career path for a selected occupation
  8. Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities
  9. Understand what employers expect of employees
  10. Conduct a job search

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewAppropriately quit a jobComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationPractice effective human relationsDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employees...

A7 - SISTEMAS DO CORPO 2021-09-28

A7 - SISTEMAS DO CORPO crossword puzzle
  13. localizada entre o átrio direito e o ventrículo direito
  1. paredes muito finas compostas de uma única
  12. celular


Lord of the Flies Vocab Ch. 1-9 2021-09-22

Lord of the Flies Vocab Ch. 1-9 crossword puzzle
  1. (adj.): feeling and showing offense and annoyance (145)
  2. (n.): a very large or powerful thing; a sea monster (biblical)(118)
  3. (n.): confidence or a show of confidence intended to impress (138)
  4. (n.): the condition of being annoyingly slow to understand; not sharp or pointed, blunt (125)
  5. (adj.): curious (177)
  6. (adj.): intangible; unable to be felt by touch (65)
  7. (adj.): proper; well-behaved (11)
  8. (n.): hatred (10)
  9. (adj.): ridiculous (85)
  10. (adj.): mysterious; incomprehensible (51)
  11. (adj.): abhorrent; hateful (175)
  12. (n.): a large number (65)
  1. (adj.): not allowing fluid to pass through; unaffected by (137)
  2. (adj.):penitent; sorry (52)
  3. (adv.): regrettably; sadly (84)
  4. (adv.): shyly; timidly (116)
  5. (adj.): mad; insane (174)
  6. (adj.): secretive; stealthy (19)
  7. (adj.): expressing contempt or ridicule (94)
  8. (v.): to offer (3)
  9. (n.): opposition; resistance (54)
  10. (adv.): in a rebellious manner (122)
  11. (adj.): implicit; unspoken, but understood (58)

23 Clues: (n.): hatred (10)(v.): to offer (3)(adj.): curious (177)(adj.): ridiculous (85)(adj.): mad; insane (174)(n.): a large number (65)(adj.):penitent; sorry (52)(adv.): shyly; timidly (116)(adv.): regrettably; sadly (84)(adj.): secretive; stealthy (19)(adj.): proper; well-behaved (11)(adj.): abhorrent; hateful (175)...


NUMERI ITALIANI crossword puzzle
  1. 18
  2. 29
  3. 16
  4. 84
  5. 95
  1. 31
  2. 15
  3. 62
  4. 47
  5. 51
  6. 78
  7. 23

12 Clues: 311518622947165178849523

8A Kreuzworträtsel 2014-01-23

8A Kreuzworträtsel crossword puzzle
  1. klein (small)
  2. Mantel (coat)
  3. Hose (pants)
  4. Rock (skirt)
  5. Hemd (shirt)
  6. lässig (casual)
  7. Sandalen (sandals)
  8. Strumpfhose (stockings)
  9. Stiefel (boot)
  10. Turnschuh (sneakers)
  11. Schuh (shoe)
  12. Armbanduhr (wristwatch)
  13. Halskette (necklace)
  14. Kleid (dress)
  1. Bluse (blouse)
  2. Blazer (blazer)
  3. groß (big)
  4. Kleidung (clothing)
  5. Schal (scarf)
  6. Krawatte (tie)
  7. Pullover (sweater)
  8. Jacke (jacket)
  9. Gürtel (belt)
  10. scheußlich (hideous)
  11. Handschuh (glove)
  12. sportlich (sporty)
  13. Stirnband (headband)
  14. Ohrring (earring)
  15. Baumwolle (cotton)
  16. Badehose (swim trunks)
  17. Klamotten (clothing)
  18. schick (stylish)

32 Clues: groß (big)Hose (pants)Rock (skirt)Hemd (shirt)Schuh (shoe)klein (small)Mantel (coat)Schal (scarf)Gürtel (belt)Kleid (dress)Bluse (blouse)Krawatte (tie)Jacke (jacket)Stiefel (boot)Blazer (blazer)lässig (casual)schick (stylish)Handschuh (glove)Ohrring (earring)Pullover (sweater)Sandalen (sandals)sportlich (sporty)Baumwolle (cotton)Kleidung (clothing)...

8A Crossword 2014-05-08

8A Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. I used to live in Sabie, South Africa
  2. I like going to the beach and pools
  3. Love chocolate
  4. I like Sour Patch Kids
  5. My last name is a type of orange
  6. I love Miley Cyrus and the colour blue
  7. I love Pakour
  8. I am a dancer and I love it
  1. I really really really really (etc) like, love, want to marry guitars, piano, violin and drums
  2. I like rats
  3. I have 3 siblings
  4. I hate staplers
  5. Obsessed with socks
  6. I am thin and light as
  7. My family is from Scotland
  8. I love castles and awesome architecture
  9. I was born in England
  10. I like birthday cake with the words happy birthday Kiara on it. Oh and I like chocolate
  11. I like to be active
  12. I have blonde hair
  13. I like South Park
  14. I like singing, when Im alone

22 Clues: I like ratsI love PakourLove chocolateI hate staplersI have 3 siblingsI like South ParkI have blonde hairObsessed with socksI like to be activeI was born in EnglandI am thin and light asI like Sour Patch KidsMy family is from ScotlandI am a dancer and I love itI like singing, when Im aloneMy last name is a type of orange...

8A-9A 2022-05-02

8A-9A crossword puzzle
  1. eye
  2. read
  3. side
  4. roll
  5. care for
  6. pull
  7. fit
  8. wonder
  9. rock
  10. touch
  11. not
  12. write
  13. faith
  14. law
  15. backward
  16. know
  17. half
  18. carry
  19. mind
  1. bad
  2. different
  3. holy
  4. voice
  5. twist
  6. feeling
  7. beyond
  8. hand
  9. laugh
  10. rock
  11. make
  12. together
  13. appearance
  14. name
  15. right
  16. feel
  17. change

36 Clues: eyebadfitnotlawholyreadsiderollpullhandrockrockmakenameknowfeelhalfmindvoicetwisttouchwritelaughfaithrightcarrybeyondwonderchangefeelingcare fortogetherbackwarddifferentappearance

Kanada 8a 2022-11-22

Kanada 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Šalis, kurioje gimė Kanados himno kompozitorius
  2. Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
  3. Kanados krepšinio komandos pavadinimas „Toronto ...“
  4. Kanados roko atlikėjo grupės pavadinimas „Arcade ...“
  5. Kanadiečio išradėjo, kuris būdamas 15 metų išrado sniegomobilį, pavardė
  6. Populiaraus Kanados pop muzikos atlikėjo slapyvardis
  7. Žymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filme „Beverli Hilsas 90210“ vaidino vieną pagrindinių vaidmenų, pavardė
  8. Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis
  9. Kanadoje populiarus patiekalas, kuriam reikia bulvyčių
  10. Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimas „Finger ...“
  11. Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
  1. Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
  2. Aukščiausio kalno Kanadoje pavadinimas ir filmo „Ernis” pagrindinio veikėjo vardas
  3. Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis
  4. Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka
  5. Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
  6. Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja
  7. Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas
  8. Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė
  9. Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
  10. Kanados sostinė
  11. Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
  12. ritulys Kanadoje populiarios žiemos sporto šakos pavadinimas
  13. Kanados žymaus komedijos žanro aktoriaus, kuris vaidino filme ”Kaukė”, pavardė
  14. Ledų pavadinimas, primenantis žymios Kanadietės dainininkės, kurios dainos garso takelis skambėjo filme „Titanikas“, pavardę

25 Clues: Kanados sostinėPirmieji Kanados gyventojaiStambus Kanados miškų gyvūnasSu Kanados vėliava susijęs medisGyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolisKanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šakaStambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintojaVienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestųKanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardėValstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje...

Kanada 8a 2022-11-22

Kanada 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
  2. Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
  3. Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
  4. Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja
  5. Žymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filme „Beverli Hilsas 90210“ vaidino vieną pagrindinių vaidmenų, pavardė
  6. Kanados roko atlikėjo grupės pavadinimas „Arcade ...“
  7. Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas
  8. Šalis, kurioje gimė Kanados himno kompozitorius
  9. Kanados krepšinio komandos pavadinimas „Toronto ...“
  10. Kanados sostinė
  11. Aukščiausio kalno Kanadoje pavadinimas ir filmo „Ernis” pagrindinio veikėjo vardas
  12. ritulys Kanadoje populiarios žiemos sporto šakos pavadinimas
  13. Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
  1. Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis
  2. Kanadoje populiarus patiekalas, kuriam reikia bulvyčių
  3. Ledų pavadinimas, primenantis žymios Kanadietės dainininkės, kurios dainos garso takelis skambėjo filme „Titanikas“, pavardę
  4. Kanadiečio išradėjo, kuris būdamas 15 metų išrado sniegomobilį, pavardė
  5. Populiaraus Kanados pop muzikos atlikėjo slapyvardis
  6. Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
  7. Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė
  8. Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimas „Finger ...“
  9. Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis
  10. Kanados žymaus komedijos žanro aktoriaus, kuris vaidino filme ”Kaukė”, pavardė
  11. Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
  12. Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka

25 Clues: Kanados sostinėPirmieji Kanados gyventojaiStambus Kanados miškų gyvūnasSu Kanados vėliava susijęs medisGyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolisKanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šakaStambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintojaKanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardėVienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestųValstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje...

8A Students 2023-05-01

8A Students crossword puzzle
  1. this student's last name is Ryan
  2. this student's last name is Koranda
  3. this student's last name is Barnes
  4. this student's last name is McCormick
  5. this student's last name is Gerber
  6. this student's last name is Taber
  7. this student's last name is Winn
  8. this student's last name is Summers
  9. this student's last name is Jarvis
  10. this student's last name is Green
  11. this student's last name is Thompson
  12. this student's last name is Tillotson
  13. this student's last name is Schmidt
  14. this student's last name is Koranda
  1. this student's last name is Jury
  2. this student's last name is Finney
  3. this student's last name is Klaassen
  4. this student's last name is Hoch
  5. this student's last name is Thomas
  6. this student's last name is Giffin
  7. this student's last name is Knowles
  8. this student's last name is Bowlin
  9. this student's last name is McCullough
  10. this student's last name is Taylor
  11. this student's last name is Wright

25 Clues: this student's last name is Jurythis student's last name is Ryanthis student's last name is Hochthis student's last name is Winnthis student's last name is Taberthis student's last name is Greenthis student's last name is Finneythis student's last name is Barnesthis student's last name is Thomasthis student's last name is Giffin...

Unit 8A 2024-04-20

Unit 8A crossword puzzle
  1. უიღბლობა
  2. თითქმის
  3. აღწერა
  4. შეკვეთა
  5. ხელნაწერი
  6. მონა
  7. შესაძლებლობა
  8. განძი
  9. ბორანი
  10. განუჭვრეტელი
  11. ისარი
  12. შორეული ადგილი
  13. ინტერესი, ცნობისმოყვარეობა
  14. საკუთრება
  15. მოედანი
  16. შეტევა
  17. საუკუნე
  18. მოსამართლე
  19. სანაპირო
  20. განზრახვა
  1. მომგებიანი
  2. შეთავაზება
  3. მიმოფანტვა
  4. ჯარისკაცი
  5. სიბრძნე
  6. თუმცა
  7. საბედნიეროდ
  8. კუთხე
  9. თავგადასავალი
  10. to ამის გამო
  11. უამრავი
  12. წარმოუდგენელი,არაჩვეულებრივი
  13. ჩათვლა,მიჩნევა
  14. შენახვა
  15. დასაქმება
  16. ძებნა
  17. განზრახვა
  18. მიტოვება

38 Clues: მონათუმცაკუთხეგანძიისარიძებნააღწერაბორანიშეტევათითქმისსიბრძნეშეკვეთაუამრავიშენახვამოედანისაუკუნეუიღბლობამიტოვებასანაპიროჯარისკაციხელნაწერიდასაქმებაგანზრახვასაკუთრებაგანზრახვამომგებიანიშეთავაზებამიმოფანტვამოსამართლესაბედნიეროდშესაძლებლობაგანუჭვრეტელითავგადასავალიto ამის გამოჩათვლა,მიჩნევაშორეული ადგილიინტერესი, ცნობისმოყვარეობა...

8A Crucigrama 2024-07-15

8A Crucigrama crossword puzzle
  1. monument
  2. ticket
  3. by train
  4. by bus
  5. to visit
  6. national park
  7. attraction
  8. to ride a horse
  9. impressive
  10. sea
  11. to go on vacation
  12. country
  13. to scuba dive/snorkel
  14. monkey
  15. amusement park
  16. zoo
  17. to return
  1. by boat
  2. tell me
  3. play
  4. to rest
  5. theater
  6. to travel
  7. to leave, to go out
  8. bear
  9. animal
  10. it was a disaster
  11. late
  12. early
  13. to go boating
  14. by plane
  15. bird
  16. to sunbathe
  17. city
  18. lake
  19. stadium
  20. to learn
  21. tree
  22. souvenirs
  23. museum

40 Clues: seazooplaybearlatebirdcitylaketreeearlyticketby busanimalmonkeymuseumby boattell meto resttheatercountrystadiummonumentby trainto visitby planeto learnto travelsouvenirsto returnattractionimpressiveto sunbathenational parkto go boatingamusement parkto ride a horseit was a disasterto go on vacationto leave, to go outto scuba dive/snorkel

8a Vocab 2025-02-18

8a Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. / The past tense of “I leave.”
  2. / A large vehicle that floats on water.
  3. / A large place where many people live and work, full of buildings and streets.
  4. / The past tense of “I learn.”
  5. / To pay money for something.
  6. / A tall plant with a trunk, branches, and leaves.
  7. / The past tense of “They/You all leave.”
  8. / The past tense of “You (informal) learn.”
  9. / The act of going to another place.
  10. / The past tense of “You all (Spain) leave.”
  11. / The past tense of “You (informal) go” or “You were.”
  12. / A place where you can see many different animals.
  13. / A word for something amazing or breathtaking.
  14. / A large, furry animal that hibernates in winter.
  15. / The past tense of “You all (Spain) learn.”
  16. / A place where travelers sleep.
  17. / The past tense of “You all (Spain) go” or “You all were.”
  18. / To gain new knowledge or skills.
  19. / A piece of paper or digital pass that lets you enter a place or vehicle.
  20. / A green space in a city where people relax or play.
  21. / The past tense of “We leave.”
  22. / The past tense of “They/You all go” or “were.”
  23. / The past tense of “They/You all learn.”
  1. / A popular place or activity for tourists.
  2. / The opposite of early.
  3. / A time when people take a break from school or work.
  4. / A general word for any location.
  5. / A living creature that is not a plant.
  6. / A large vehicle that carries many passengers on roads.
  7. / A nation with its own government and borders.
  8. / The past tense of “He/She/You (formal) learn.”
  9. / The past tense of “We learn.”
  10. / To walk around for fun.
  11. / A place where plays and performances happen.
  12. / A large body of saltwater, smaller than an ocean.
  13. / The past tense of “We go” or “We were.”
  14. / A structure built to honor a person or event.
  15. / The past tense of “He/She/You (formal) go” or “was.”
  16. / To go see a person or place.
  17. / The past tense of “I go” or “I was.”
  18. / A playful animal that swings in trees.
  19. / To take or consume something, like a drink or transportation.
  20. / A flying vehicle that travels in the sky.
  21. / A large body of water surrounded by land.
  22. / The past tense of “You (informal) leave.”
  23. / A small animal with feathers and wings.
  24. / A word that means “while” or “for a period of time.”
  25. / To take a break and relax.
  26. / The opposite of late.
  27. / A big place where people watch sports and concerts.
  28. / To swim underwater with special equipment.
  29. / The past tense of “He/She/You (formal) leave.”
  30. / To get on and ride something, like a horse or a bike.
  31. / A place where you can see art, history, or science exhibits.
  32. / A small word that means “in” or “on.”
  33. / A long vehicle that moves on tracks.

56 Clues: / The opposite of late./ The opposite of early./ To walk around for fun./ To take a break and relax./ To pay money for something./ The past tense of “I leave.”/ The past tense of “I learn.”/ To go see a person or place./ The past tense of “We learn.”/ The past tense of “We leave.”/ A place where travelers sleep./ A general word for any location....

8A tanárok 2025-03-03

8A tanárok crossword puzzle
  1. Remélem tudod mi a metronóm, mert ő pont arra emlékeztett
  2. Szerintem valami idegbaja van
  3. Őt nem ismerik a reformátusok
  4. Aligazgatónő
  5. Szerintem a szótárban ő áll a monotón szó jelentésénél
  6. két hónapig tanított minket, mikor VALAKI előszőr hiányzott hosszú időre
  7. Menyjél vissza Gizike, ő kell nekünk!
  8. A B-sek oszija
  9. Kérjük vissza a régit >:(
  11. Őt nem ismerik a Katólikusok
  12. Értem hogy van egy doktorija, de attól még nem érdekel, hogy mi történt vele mikor rendeltél az ebay-en
  1. Őszintén nemtudom mit mondjak róla... szexi?
  2. Mamusz
  3. óráján semmi és senki sincs a helyén
  4. Előszőr azthittem egy diák, olyan picike
  5. Hiányzott már a tanárnő
  6. a folyosón balra
  7. Fura
  8. Komolyan azt hittem, hogy Márk rokona 5.-ben
  9. mint a szilva és a szőlő
  10. Spicy
  11. Félix "jóbarátja"
  12. Carpe Diem

24 Clues: FuraSpicyMamuszCarpe DiemAligazgatónőA B-sek oszijaa folyosón balraFélix "jóbarátja"PIX ROȘU 1 LEUUUUHiányzott már a tanárnőmint a szilva és a szőlőKérjük vissza a régit >:(Őt nem ismerik a KatólikusokSzerintem valami idegbaja vanŐt nem ismerik a reformátusokóráján semmi és senki sincs a helyénMenyjél vissza Gizike, ő kell nekünk!...

14 numbers 1-100 2018-10-27

14 numbers 1-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 100
  2. 5
  3. 11
  4. 9
  5. 7
  6. 84
  7. 15
  8. 20
  1. 3
  2. 78
  3. 90
  4. 1
  5. 96
  6. 42

14 Clues: 351977890119684421520100

Egész számok_ráhangolódó 2024-09-23

Egész számok_ráhangolódó crossword puzzle
  1. (-240)-(-91)=
  2. Se nem negatív, se nem pozitív szám.
  3. érték Minden szám esetében nem negatív.
  4. (-14)+(84)=
  5. A legnagyobb negatív szám.
  1. Ezek a számok biztosan oszthatók kettővel.
  2. Ennyi kétjegyű szám van.
  3. A legkisebb pozitív egész szám.
  4. (+17)-(+8)+(+23)-(+17)=
  5. (+73)+(+11)=
  6. A pozitív számoké negatív, a negatívaké pozitív.

11 Clues: (-14)+(84)=(+73)+(+11)=(-240)-(-91)=(+17)-(+8)+(+23)-(+17)=Ennyi kétjegyű szám van.A legnagyobb negatív szám.A legkisebb pozitív egész szám.Se nem negatív, se nem pozitív szám.érték Minden szám esetében nem negatív.Ezek a számok biztosan oszthatók kettővel.A pozitív számoké negatív, a negatívaké pozitív.

Test A7 2014-10-08

Test A7 crossword puzzle
  1. 4+20+32+12
  2. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1
  3. 90+9
  4. 2,5 * 2
  5. 70-45
  6. 24/2
  1. 58-26
  2. 12+14
  3. 601-1
  4. 50+8-1

10 Clues: 90+924/258-2612+14601-170-4550+8-12,5 * 24+20+32+121+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1

Church History #8 2021-01-27

Church History #8 crossword puzzle
  1. walk in the ____ of my Spirit (D&C 19:23)
  2. I come ____. I am your Lord (D&C 34:12)
  3. I will ____ my name (D&C 132:64)
  4. Spirit giveth light to ____ man (D&C 84:46)
  5. Look unto me in every _____ (D&C 6:36)
  6. you have treated ____ the things you have received (D&C 84:54)
  1. Holy Ghost, which ____ all things (D&C 18:18)
  2. visit the house of each ____ (D&C 20:47)
  3. I am the ____ which shineth in darkness (D&C 6:21)
  4. no one can assist in this work except he shall be ____ and full of love (D&C 12:8)

10 Clues: I will ____ my name (D&C 132:64)I come ____. I am your Lord (D&C 34:12)Look unto me in every _____ (D&C 6:36)visit the house of each ____ (D&C 20:47)walk in the ____ of my Spirit (D&C 19:23)Spirit giveth light to ____ man (D&C 84:46)Holy Ghost, which ____ all things (D&C 18:18)I am the ____ which shineth in darkness (D&C 6:21)...

Our Class 2015-12-13

Our Class crossword puzzle
  1. Kata never ________ she needs to talk.
  2. Anna always help at home. She is really ________.
  3. Dorottya is ________ shoes on her feets today.
  4. Miss Eiben is ________ us now.
  5. Krisztián is ________ this example now.
  6. You are reading this line at the moment.
  7. Kardos always ________ during lessons.
  8. Hentes usually ________ with Szalmás before the trainings.
  1. Lili is sitting ________ the door.
  2. Franciska often does the ________ at the weekends.
  3. Liza never takes the dog for a ________ beacuse she has a cat.
  4. Petra sits ________ Krisztián and Kata in class 8a.
  5. Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now.
  6. Máté rarely washes the ________ beacuse he alwasy runs to play video games.
  7. Peti hardly ever ________ dinner beacuse he can't cook.
  8. Rozi usually listens to rock music when she ________ her homework.

16 Clues: Miss Eiben is ________ us now.Lili is sitting ________ the door.Kata never ________ she needs to talk.Kardos always ________ during lessons.Krisztián is ________ this example now.You are reading this line at the moment.Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now.Dorottya is ________ shoes on her feets today....

Multi-Year Competencies 2024-04-29

Multi-Year Competencies crossword puzzle
  1. Develop a career path for a selected occupation
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Conduct a job search
  4. Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities
  5. Complete a job interview
  6. Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
  7. Understand what employers expect of employees
  8. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Develop a letter of application
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
  3. Follow directions
  4. Complete application forms
  5. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
  6. Complete employment tests
  7. Select an immediate job goal
  8. Appropriately quit a job
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Practice effective human relations

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewAppropriately quit a jobComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employeesPractice effective human relations...

PROGRAM KEMPEN BULAN JOM MEMBACA 2021 - Math Crossword 2021-07-31

PROGRAM KEMPEN BULAN JOM MEMBACA 2021 - Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  2. 6+77
  3. 637-149
  4. 380+257
  7. 1236-1209
  8. 48+15
  9. XXXI+XX
  11. 590+230
  1. 569-195
  5. 2795-972
  6. 66-5
  7. 5220+197
  8. 551+91

20 Clues: 6+7766-548+15LXXIII551+91LXXXVI569-195637-149380+257DCCLXXVXXXI+XX590+2302795-9725220+1971236-1209CXVLL-LXIVMDLXIV+MCDLIJAM DALAM 4980 MINITBULAN DALAM 103 TAHUNBILANGAN HARI DALAM TAHUN 2021

Ordinal numbers 2024-07-08

Ordinal numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 78
  2. 12
  3. 49
  4. 95
  5. 21
  6. 13
  7. 62
  8. 23
  9. 22
  10. 36
  11. 50
  12. 40
  13. 51
  14. 38
  15. 24
  16. 56
  1. 30
  2. 90
  3. 20
  4. 70
  5. 89
  6. 91
  7. 67
  8. 73
  9. 84
  10. 11
  11. 37
  12. 60
  13. 35

29 Clues: 3078902070891249916795217313846223113722603635504051382456

Progressão Aritmética (P.A.) 2021-03-23

Progressão Aritmética (P.A.) crossword puzzle
  1. Na P.A. (2, 4, 6, 8, 10), o termo a4 equivale a:
  2. Sequência de números onde a diferença entre dois termos consecutivos é sempre a mesma
  3. Na P.A. (5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25), a razão r corresponde a:
  4. Na P.A. (2, 5, 8, 11, X. ..., o valor de X é igual a:
  5. Quando a razão for maior que zero (r = 2), a P.A. é chamada de:
  6. Na P.A. (2, 5, 8, 11, X. ...),o termo a7 equivale a:
  7. a sequência (70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10) é uma P.A:
  1. Quando a razão for igual a zero (r = 0), a P.A. é chamada de:
  2. A diferença constante de uma progressão aritmética que costuma ser representada pela letra r é chamada de:
  3. Quando a razão for menor que zero (r = -5), a P.A. é chamada de:
  4. a sequência (4, 7, 10, 13, 16, ...) é uma P.A:

11 Clues: a sequência (4, 7, 10, 13, 16, ...) é uma P.A:Na P.A. (2, 4, 6, 8, 10), o termo a4 equivale a:a sequência (70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10) é uma P.A:Na P.A. (2, 5, 8, 11, X. ...),o termo a7 equivale a:Na P.A. (2, 5, 8, 11, X. ..., o valor de X é igual a:Na P.A. (5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25), a razão r corresponde a:...

Procedural Maths Quiz 2022-05-22

Procedural Maths Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. 1195 rounded to the nearest 10
  2. 1000 ÷ 10 =
  3. The smallest number that can be made with the digits 2, 0, 1 and 3
  4. 96 × 5 =
  5. 8000 + 4 tens + 2 =
  6. 7 groups of 8 =
  7. The largest number that can be made with the digits 5, 0, 4 and 6.
  8. 6352 + 398 =
  1. 900 + 600 =
  2. 40 hundreds =
  3. 4 × 25 =
  4. The value of the digit 2 in 6230
  5. Half of 84 =
  6. Double 38 =
  7. The next number in the sequence 100, 125, 150 ...
  8. 1000 - 200 =
  9. 6000 - 328 =
  10. 2 × 30 =
  11. 196 ÷ 4 =

19 Clues: 4 × 25 =96 × 5 =2 × 30 =196 ÷ 4 =900 + 600 =1000 ÷ 10 =Double 38 =Half of 84 =1000 - 200 =6000 - 328 =6352 + 398 =40 hundreds =7 groups of 8 =8000 + 4 tens + 2 =1195 rounded to the nearest 10The value of the digit 2 in 6230The next number in the sequence 100, 125, 150 ...The smallest number that can be made with the digits 2, 0, 1 and 3...

Periodic table crossword 2023-10-10

Periodic table crossword crossword puzzle
  1. highly reactive, group 7A
  2. ______ mass, protons+neutrons
  3. _____ gas, not reactive
  4. how reactive an element is
  5. where metalloids are located
  6. __________ metals,elements in groups 3-12
  7. negative charge, not in nucleus
  8. located on the right side of the periodic table
  9. two letters representing an element
  10. have properties of both nonmetals and metals
  11. positively charged, in nucleus
  1. atoms with a different number of neutrons
  2. electron ___________, how electrons are organized in orbitals
  3. most of group 18/ 8A has 8 ______ electrons
  4. most likely location of electrons
  5. _____ of the stair step, where metals are located
  6. neutral/ no charge, in nucleus
  7. ____ of the stair step,where nonmetals are located
  8. located on the left side of the periodic table
  9. a charged group of atoms

20 Clues: _____ gas, not reactivea charged group of atomshighly reactive, group 7Ahow reactive an element iswhere metalloids are located______ mass, protons+neutronsneutral/ no charge, in nucleuspositively charged, in nucleusnegative charge, not in nucleusmost likely location of electronstwo letters representing an element...

Simple Solutions Lessons 85-92 Review 2024-04-12

Simple Solutions Lessons 85-92 Review crossword puzzle
  1. Three things that made life easier for prehistoric man include tools, fire, and _______ (Lesson 86)
  2. The Maya did NOT develop in a ______ valley (Lesson 85)
  3. Islam, Christianity, and _______ originated in the Middle East (Lesson 87)
  4. The Maya did not distinguish between science and ________ (Lesson 90)
  5. In the Mayan civilization, a human might be sacrificed during a time of ________, drought, or war (Lesson 90)
  6. Prophet of Islam (Lesson 92)
  7. Two important stone resources in the Mayan civilization were jade and ______ (Lesson 85)
  8. Achieved enlightenment at Bodh Gaya (Lesson 92)
  9. It's the ancient civilization where Hatshepsut became a powerful female ruler, Akhenaten promoted a monotheistic religion, and Ramses participated in the first known peace treaty (Lesson 87)
  10. ______ and Hinduism originated on the subcontinent of India (Lesson 86)
  11. The killing of a plant, animal, or human as an offering to a god (Lesson 90)
  12. When only one company owns a necessary product (Lesson 91)
  13. The Amazon River, Andes Mountains, and ________ Desert are located in South America (Lesson 86)
  14. Cacao beans, from the cacao tree, were used for making ________ (Lesson 85)
  15. Central figure in Christianity (Lesson 92)
  16. The Maya lived in this region (Lesson 85)
  17. He was credited with involvement in first peace treaty (Lesson 92)
  18. The important figure in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Lesson 92)
  19. True writing originated with the Maya and ________ (Lesson 91)
  20. Though the concept of zero is often ______ to the Maya, it's possible that the Olmec developed it first (Lesson 86)
  1. Cyclical time meant that time doesn't have a true ________ or end (Lesson 90)
  2. When supply and demand are the same, the price is ________ (Lesson 91, 87)
  3. A weaver is considered a _________ resource (Lesson 87)
  4. Mayan kings of city-states were believed to be ________ to the gods (Lesson 89)
  5. This group of people influenced the Mayan civilization (Lesson 86)
  6. The Mayans worshipped many gods, which is known as _______ (Lesson 92)
  7. Within the Mayan social hierarchy, the _______ is the highest (Lesson 89)
  8. China is home to the ________ River (Lesson 89)
  9. Mayan religion also had a great deal to with the growing and harvesting cycle of _______ (Lesson 90)
  10. Legalism, Confucianism, and Taoism were developed in _____ (Lesson 87)
  11. The Mayans were located between North and South ______ (Lessons 85, 86, 88)
  12. The term that describes a government in which the political leaders are also the religious leaders (Lesson 92)
  13. Maya's political setup is they're culturally connected but independent city-states ruled over by ______ (Lesson 89)
  14. One aspect of Mayan religion is _______ time (Lesson 90)
  15. These people were known as the "rubber people" because they made great use of the rubber trees in their area (Lesson 86)
  16. The Olmec developed a ________ system which was later elaborated upon by the Maya (Lesson 86)
  17. The Maya learned how to clear ______ and farm from the Olmec (Lesson 86)
  18. A government in which a country's citizens elect government leaders (Lesson 92)
  19. He wrote an early code of law (Lesson 92)
  20. The ability to move from one social class to another is social _______ (Lesson 89)
  21. A peace treaty is a written agreement to end _____ (Lesson 90)

41 Clues: Prophet of Islam (Lesson 92)The Maya lived in this region (Lesson 85)He wrote an early code of law (Lesson 92)Central figure in Christianity (Lesson 92)China is home to the ________ River (Lesson 89)Achieved enlightenment at Bodh Gaya (Lesson 92)The Maya did NOT develop in a ______ valley (Lesson 85)...

JAG 2024-04-30

JAG crossword puzzle
  1. Develop a career path for a selected occupation.
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Conduct a job search
  4. Identify occupational interests, aptitudes and abilities.
  5. Complete a job interview
  6. Relate interests, aptitudes,and abilities to appropriate occupations.
  7. Understand what employers expect of employees
  8. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Develop a letter of application
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal.
  3. Follow directions
  4. Complete application forms
  5. identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations.
  6. Complete employment tests
  7. Select an immediate job goal.
  8. Appropriately quit a job
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Practice effective human relations

20 Clues: Construct a resumeFollow directionsAppropriately quit a jobConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewDemonstrate time managementComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate appropriate appearanceSelect an immediate job goal.Develop a letter of application...

Jag competencies crossword 2024-04-29

Jag competencies crossword crossword puzzle
  1. develop a career path for a selected occupation
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Conduct a job search
  4. Identify occupational interest, aptitudes, and abilities
  5. Complete a job interview
  6. Relate interest, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
  7. Understand what employers expect of employees
  8. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Develop a letter of application
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
  3. Follow directions
  4. Complete application forms
  5. identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupation
  6. Complete employment test
  7. Select an immediate job goal
  8. Appropriately quit a job
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Practice effective human relations

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewComplete employment testAppropriately quit a jobComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employeesPractice effective human relations...

Competencies A1 - C20 2024-04-29

Competencies A1 - C20 crossword puzzle
  1. Develop a career path for a selected occupation
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Conduct a job search
  4. Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities
  5. Complete a job interview
  6. Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
  7. Understand what employers expect of employees
  8. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Develop a letter of application
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Describe the condition and specification of the job goal
  3. Follow directions
  4. Complete application forms
  5. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
  6. Complete employment tests
  7. Select an immediate job goal
  8. Appropriately quit a job
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Practice effective human relations

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewAppropriately quit a jobComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employeesPractice effective human relations...

Competencies A.1 - C.20 2024-04-29

Competencies A.1 - C.20 crossword puzzle
  1. develop a career path for a selected occupation
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Develop a letter of application
  4. Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities
  5. Complete employment tests
  6. Appropriately quit a job
  7. Conduct a job search
  8. Demonstrate time management
  9. Select an immediate job goal
  10. Complete a job interview
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
  3. Practice effective human relations
  4. Complete application forms
  5. Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupation
  6. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  7. Follow directions
  8. Construct a resume
  9. Understand what employers expect of employees
  10. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchAppropriately quit a jobComplete a job interviewComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employeesPractice effective human relations...

Kanada 8a 2022-11-22

Kanada 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Šalis, kurioje gimė Kanados himno kompozitorius
  2. Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
  3. Kanados krepšinio komandos pavadinimas – Toronto ...
  4. Kanados roko atlikėjo grupės pavadinimas „Arcade ...“
  5. Kanadiečio išradėjo, kuris būdamas 15 metų išrado sniegomobilį, pavardė
  6. Populiaraus Kanados pop muzikos atlikėjo slapyvardis
  7. Žymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filme „Beverli Hilsas 90210“ vaidino vieną pagrindinių vaidmenų, pavardė
  8. Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis
  9. Kanadoje populiarus patiekalas, kuriam reikia bulvyčių
  10. Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimas „Finger ...“
  11. Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
  1. Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
  2. Aukščiausio kalno Kanadoje pavadinimas ir filmo „Ernis” pagrindinio veikėjo vardas
  3. Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis
  4. Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka
  5. Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
  6. Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja
  7. Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas
  8. Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė
  9. Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
  10. Kanados sostinė
  11. Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
  12. ritulys Kanadoje populiarios žiemos sporto šakos pavadinimas
  13. Kanados žymaus komedijos žanro aktoriaus, kuris vaidino filme ”Kaukė”, pavardė
  14. Ledų pavadinimas, primenantis žymios Kanadietės dainininkės, kurios dainos garso takelis skambėjo filme „Titanikas“, pavardę

25 Clues: Kanados sostinėPirmieji Kanados gyventojaiStambus Kanados miškų gyvūnasSu Kanados vėliava susijęs medisGyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolisKanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šakaStambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintojaVienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestųKanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardėValstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje...

Kanada 8a 2022-11-22

Kanada 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Kanados sostinė
  2. Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
  3. Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis
  4. Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
  5. Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimas „Finger ...“
  6. Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė
  7. Kanados žymaus komedijos žanro aktoriaus, kuris vaidino filme ”Kaukė”, pavardė
  8. Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja
  9. Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
  10. Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
  11. Kanadoje populiarus patiekalas, kuriam reikia bulvyčių
  12. Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
  13. Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka
  1. Kanadiečio išradėjo, kuris būdamas 15 metų išrado sniegomobilį, pavardė
  2. Kanados roko atlikėjo grupės pavadinimas „Arcade ...“
  3. Kanados krepšinio komandos pavadinimas – Toronto ...
  4. Žymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filme „Beverli Hilsas 90210“ vaidino vieną pagrindinių vaidmenų, pavardė
  5. Šalis, kurioje gimė Kanados himno kompozitorius
  6. Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
  7. Populiaraus Kanados pop muzikos atlikėjo slapyvardis
  8. ritulys Kanadoje populiarios žiemos sporto šakos pavadinimas
  9. Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis
  10. Ledų pavadinimas, primenantis žymios Kanadietės dainininkės, kurios dainos garso takelis skambėjo filme „Titanikas“, pavardę
  11. Aukščiausio kalno Kanadoje pavadinimas ir filmo „Ernis” pagrindinio veikėjo vardas
  12. Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas

25 Clues: Kanados sostinėPirmieji Kanados gyventojaiStambus Kanados miškų gyvūnasSu Kanados vėliava susijęs medisGyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolisKanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šakaVienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestųKanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardėStambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintojaValstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje...

Kanada 8a 2022-11-22

Kanada 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis
  2. Kanados roko atlikėjo grupės pavadinimas „Arcade ...“
  3. Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka
  4. Kanadoje populiarus patiekalas, kuriam reikia bulvyčių
  5. Šalis, kurioje gimė Kanados himno kompozitorius
  6. Kanados sostinė
  7. Kanados krepšinio komandos pavadinimas „Toronto ...“
  8. Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė
  9. ritulys Kanadoje populiarios žiemos sporto šakos pavadinimas
  10. Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
  11. Kanadiečio išradėjo, kuris būdamas 15 metų išrado sniegomobilį, pavardė
  12. Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
  1. Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas
  2. Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
  3. Ledų pavadinimas, primenantis žymios Kanadietės dainininkės, kurios dainos garso takelis skambėjo filme „Titanikas“, pavardę
  4. Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
  5. Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimas „Finger ...“
  6. Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
  7. Žymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filme „Beverli Hilsas 90210“ vaidino vieną pagrindinių vaidmenų, pavardė
  8. Kanados žymaus komedijos žanro aktoriaus, kuris vaidino filme ”Kaukė”, pavardė
  9. Aukščiausio kalno Kanadoje pavadinimas ir filmo „Ernis” pagrindinio veikėjo vardas
  10. Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja
  11. Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
  12. Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis
  13. Populiaraus Kanados pop muzikos atlikėjo slapyvardis

25 Clues: Kanados sostinėPirmieji Kanados gyventojaiStambus Kanados miškų gyvūnasSu Kanados vėliava susijęs medisGyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolisKanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šakaVienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestųStambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintojaKanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardėValstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje...

Kanada 8a 2022-11-22

Kanada 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Žymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filme „Beverli Hilsas 90210“ vaidino vieną pagrindinių vaidmenų, pavardė
  2. Kanadoje populiarus patiekalas, kuriam reikia bulvyčių
  3. ritulys Kanadoje populiarios žiemos sporto šakos pavadinimas
  4. Ledų pavadinimas, primenantis žymios Kanadietės dainininkės, kurios dainos garso takelis skambėjo filme „Titanikas“, pavardę
  5. Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka
  6. Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
  7. Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas
  8. Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė
  9. Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
  10. Kanados sostinė
  11. Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimas „Finger ...“
  12. Kanados roko atlikėjo grupės pavadinimas „Arcade ...“
  13. Kanados krepšinio komandos pavadinimas „Toronto ...“
  14. Kanados žymaus komedijos žanro aktoriaus, kuris vaidino filme ”Kaukė”, pavardė
  1. Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
  2. Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
  3. Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis
  4. Kanadiečio išradėjo, kuris būdamas 15 metų išrado sniegomobilį, pavardė
  5. Šalis, kurioje gimė Kanados himno kompozitorius
  6. Populiaraus Kanados pop muzikos atlikėjo slapyvardis
  7. Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
  8. Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
  9. Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja
  10. Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis
  11. Aukščiausio kalno Kanadoje pavadinimas ir filmo „Ernis” pagrindinio veikėjo vardas

25 Clues: Kanados sostinėPirmieji Kanados gyventojaiStambus Kanados miškų gyvūnasSu Kanados vėliava susijęs medisGyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolisKanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šakaVienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestųStambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintojaKanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardėValstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje...

Kanada 8a 2022-11-22

Kanada 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
  2. Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
  3. Kanados sostinė
  4. Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis
  5. Hilsas 90210“ vaidino vieną pagrindinių vaidmenų, pavardė
  6. Kanadoje populiarus patiekalas, kuriam reikia bulvyčių
  7. Populiaraus Kanados pop muzikos atlikėjo slapyvardis
  8. Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas
  9. Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
  10. Kanados roko atlikėjo grupės pavadinimas „Arcade ...“
  11. Aukščiausio kalno Kanadoje pavadinimas ir filmo „Ernis” pagrindinio veikėjo vardas
  12. Žymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filme
  13. Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
  14. Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė
  15. Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimas „Finger ...“
  1. Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka
  2. Kanadiečio išradėjo, kuris būdamas 15 metų išrado sniegomobilį, pavardė
  3. Kanados krepšinio komandos pavadinimas „Toronto ...“
  4. Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja
  5. Šalis, kurioje gimė Kanados himno kompozitorius
  6. Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis
  7. Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
  8. Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
  9. Ledų pavadinimas, primenantis žymios Kanadietės dainininkės, kurios dainos garso takelis skambėjo filme „Titanikas“, pavardę
  10. Kanados žymaus komedijos žanro aktoriaus, kuris vaidino filme ”Kaukė”, pavardė
  11. ritulys Kanadoje populiarios žiemos sporto šakos pavadinimas

26 Clues: Kanados sostinėPirmieji Kanados gyventojaiStambus Kanados miškų gyvūnasSu Kanados vėliava susijęs medisGyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolisŽymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filmeKanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šakaVienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestųStambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintojaKanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė...

Kanada 8a 2022-11-22

Kanada 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Kanados žymaus komedijos žanro aktoriaus, kuris vaidino filme ”Kaukė”, pavardė
  2. Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas
  3. Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
  4. Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja
  5. Kanadiečio išradėjo, kuris būdamas 15 metų išrado sniegomobilį, pavardė
  6. Žymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filme „Beverli Hilsas 90210“ vaidino vieną pagrindinių vaidmenų, pavardė
  7. Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
  8. Kanadoje populiarus patiekalas, kuriam reikia bulvyčių
  9. Fire Kanados roko atlikėjo grupės pavadinimas
  10. Aukščiausio kalno Kanadoje pavadinimas ir filmo „Ernis” pagrindinio veikėjo vardas
  11. Populiaraus Kanados pop muzikos atlikėjo slapyvardis
  1. Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka
  2. Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
  3. Kanados sostinė
  4. Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
  5. Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
  6. ritulys Kanadoje populiarios žiemos sporto šakos pavadinimas
  7. Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis
  8. Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė
  9. Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
  10. Šalis, kurioje gimė Kanados himno kompozitorius
  11. Ledų pavadinimas, primenantis žymios Kanadietės dainininkės, kurios dainos garso takelis skambėjo filme „Titanikas“, pavardę
  12. Kanados krepšinio komandos pavadinimas – Toronto ...
  13. Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis
  14. Eleven Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimas

25 Clues: Kanados sostinėPirmieji Kanados gyventojaiStambus Kanados miškų gyvūnasSu Kanados vėliava susijęs medisGyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolisKanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šakaEleven Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimasVienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestųStambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintojaKanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė...

Kanada 8a 2022-11-21

Kanada 8a crossword puzzle
  1. RCAF aviatoriaus Dougo Samo gimtasis miestas Britų Kolumbijoje.
  2. Specialiojo Kanados armijos padalinio, sukurto 1947 m., pavadinimas.
  3. Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka
  4. Bosnijos miestas, kuriame Kanados taikdariai padėjo vėl atidaryti oro uostą 1992 m.
  5. Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
  6. Su Kanados vėliavą susijęs medis
  7. Populiarus Kanados simbolis
  8. valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
  9. Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
  10. Eilinio Colino Wilmoto mėgstamiausia profesionalų ledo ritulio komanda.
  11. Pirmojo pasaulinio karo mūšis, prasidėjęs 1917 m. balandžio 9 d.
  1. menininko, sukūrusio paveikslą apie kanadiečių, kovojančių 355 kalne, pavardė.
  2. Belgijos miestas, kuriame yra Menino vartai.
  3. Kvebeko vidurinės mokyklos mokytojo, vadovaujančio „La Petite Calypso“, pavardė.
  4. Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
  5. Europos regionas, kur Kanados taikdariai išvyko dešimtojo dešimtmečio pradžioje.
  6. Karinės pagalbos operacijos, pradėtos per 1997 m. Raudonosios upės potvynius, pavadinimas.
  7. Prancūzijos miestelis, kuriame 1942 m. rugpjūčio 19 d. į krantą išlipo Kanados kariai.
  8. Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
  9. Slaugančios sesers, kuri bandė išgelbėti savo draugo gyvybę 1942 m., pavardė.
  10. Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
  11. Spalva, kuri Kanados pasididžiavimo citatoje simbolizuoja „gyjimą“. 5. Kvebeko vidurinės mokyklos mokytojo, vadovaujančio „La Petite Calypso“, pavardė.
  12. Vykdomos Kanados taikos palaikymo misijos Kipre pavadinimas.
  13. Kanados sostinė
  14. Mūšio, kuriame žuvo 15-metis eilinis Robertas Batey, pavadinimas.

25 Clues: Kanados sostinėPirmieji Kanados gyventojaiPopuliarus Kanados simbolisSu Kanados vėliavą susijęs medisKanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šakaVienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestųvalstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyjeBelgijos miestas, kuriame yra Menino vartai.Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą...

8a Vocabulary 2020-03-29

8a Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. el mar
  2. pasear en bote
  3. el parque de diversiones
  4. descansar
  5. el país
  6. (comprar) recuerdos
  7. el árbol
  8. la atracción
  9. el oso
  10. aprender
  11. el monumento
  12. tomar el sol
  13. el animal
  14. el museo
  1. el parque nacional
  2. el lugar
  3. la obra de teatro
  4. el lago
  5. el mono
  6. el zoológico
  7. en
  8. montar a caballo
  9. el autobús
  10. la ciudad
  11. bucear
  12. visitar
  13. el estadio
  14. el pájaro

28 Clues: enel marel osobucearel lagoel monoel paísvisitarel lugarel árbolaprenderel museodescansarla ciudadel pájaroel animalel autobúsel estadioel zoológicola atracciónel monumentotomar el solpasear en botemontar a caballola obra de teatroel parque nacional(comprar) recuerdosel parque de diversiones

Unit 8a 2021-04-23

Unit 8a crossword puzzle
  1. - išlikimas
  2. - režisuoti
  3. - ekranas
  4. - gelbėjimosi valtis
  5. - draugas, kompanionas
  6. - neaprastas, nuostabus, žymus
  7. - sukurtas
  8. image - 3D vaizdas
  9. - skęsti
  10. - išlikti
  1. out - suvokti
  2. - piktas
  3. seas - didžiosios jūros
  4. effects - specialūs efectai
  5. role - pagrindinis vaidmuo
  6. - pažengęs
  7. - atlikti pagrindinį vaidmenį
  8. alive - išlikti gyvam
  9. - vieta, filmo scena
  10. - laivo sudūžimas
  11. - tikroviškas

21 Clues: - piktas- skęsti- ekranas- išlikti- pažengęs- sukurtas- išlikimas- režisuotiout - suvokti- tikroviškas- laivo sudūžimasimage - 3D vaizdas- gelbėjimosi valtis- vieta, filmo scenaalive - išlikti gyvam- draugas, kompanionasseas - didžiosios jūrosrole - pagrindinis vaidmuoeffects - specialūs efectai- atlikti pagrindinį vaidmenį...

Auténtico 8A 2023-04-14

Auténtico 8A crossword puzzle
  1. we returned
  2. they sunbathed
  3. y'all (inf) wrote
  4. you (inf) received
  5. y'all (inf) flew
  6. I traveled
  7. I rested
  8. you (inf) hiked
  9. he fished
  10. they bought souvenirs
  11. I understood
  12. we went shopping
  13. you (inf) opened
  14. we ran
  15. they left
  1. we hid
  2. y'all (inf) ate
  3. y'all (inf) rode a horse
  4. I got on
  5. I read
  6. y'all (inf) saw
  7. we owed
  8. they drank
  9. y'all (for) lived
  10. the child broke
  11. the woman sold
  12. she arrived
  13. you(for)went boating
  14. she shared
  15. we learned
  16. I believed
  17. you (inf) went scuba diving

32 Clues: we hidI readwe ranwe owedI got onI restedhe fishedthey leftthey drankI traveledshe sharedwe learnedI believedwe returnedshe arrivedI understoodthey sunbathedthe woman soldy'all (inf) atey'all (inf) sawthe child brokeyou (inf) hikedy'all (inf) flewwe went shoppingyou (inf) openedy'all (inf) wrotey'all (for) livedyou (inf) received...

8A Travel 2023-05-01

8A Travel crossword puzzle
  1. to board
  2. flight attendant
  3. to take off
  4. to land
  5. luggage
  6. security checkpoint (like our TSA)
  7. arriving from
  8. tourist
  9. airport
  10. round-trip
  11. to fly
  12. to check(luggage)
  13. customs
  14. going to
  15. to stop over(layover)
  1. to take a trip
  2. passenger
  3. to travel
  4. departure gate
  5. carry-on bag
  6. boarding pass
  7. pilot
  8. to pack a suitcase
  9. to last
  10. to go on vacation
  11. direct
  12. to plan

27 Clues: pilotdirectto flyto landluggageto lasttouristairportto plancustomsto boardgoing topassengerto travelround-tripto take offcarry-on bagboarding passarriving fromto take a tripdeparture gateflight attendantto go on vacationto check(luggage)to pack a suitcaseto stop over(layover)security checkpoint (like our TSA)

8A module1 2016-09-10

8A module1 crossword puzzle
  1. 语法
  2. 对话
  3. 一对
  4. 建议
  5. 提议;建议
  6. 写下
  7. 改善
  8. 发音
  9. 极好的
  10. 词汇
  11. 害羞的
  12. 同意某人
  13. 意思
  14. 次数
  15. 笔记本
  16. 可能的
  17. 合理的
  18. 字母;信
  19. 关键的
  20. 忘记
  21. 单词
  1. 应该
  2. 改正;正确的
  3. 电台
  4. 犯错误
  5. 字典
  6. 句子
  7. 练习
  8. 理解(understood)
  9. 发。。的音
  10. 快地
  11. 拼写
  12. 使相配
  13. 使完成
  14. 基础的
  15. 向。。提出建议
  16. 大声地
  17. 错误
  18. 主要的
  19. 放置
  20. 请求
  21. 查阅;向上看

42 Clues: 应该电台语法字典对话句子一对练习建议快地写下拼写改善发音词汇意思错误次数放置请求忘记单词犯错误使相配使完成极好的害羞的基础的大声地主要的笔记本可能的合理的关键的同意某人字母;信发。。的音提议;建议改正;正确的查阅;向上看向。。提出建议理解(understood)

8a klasė 2023-08-30

8a klasė crossword puzzle
  1. praeitais metai buvo susilaužiusi ranką
  2. klasės draugas, kuris dažnai nenešioja uniformos
  3. laido puikius juokelius pamokų ir pertraukų metu
  4. Gyvena Kretingoje
  5. dalyvauja daugelyje olimpiadų
  6. dalyvavo atrankoje į futbolo rinktinę
  7. tyliausia klasės draugė
  8. klasės draugas, kurio mama dirba sveikatos priežiūros centre.
  9. Puikiai piešia
  10. užsiima lauko akrobatika
  11. lanko futbolo treniruotes, pertraukas mėgsta leisti lauke
  12. Gyvena arčiausiai mokyklos
  13. Šviesiaplaukė klasės draugė
  14. Gyvūnų mylėtoja
  15. dažnai sergantis klasės draugas
  1. visada sėdi klasės priekyje
  2. lanko šokius ir puikiai mokosi
  3. turi brolį, kuris yra mažesnis
  4. buvo trumpam išvykusi iš mūsų klasės
  5. anksčiau mėgo praleidinėti pamokas
  6. klasės draugas, kuris gėrė arbatą per pamoką
  7. švenčia gimtadienį rugpjūčio mėnesį.
  8. didžėjus
  9. Klasės plepys
  10. Klasės draugė, kuri labai gerai mokosi
  11. Šokėja
  12. Puikiai vaidina
  13. dažniausiai per pertraukas būna pas auklėtoją kabinete
  14. domisi kompiuteriais ir vaizdo žaidimais

29 Clues: ŠokėjadidžėjusKlasės plepysPuikiai piešiaPuikiai vaidinaGyvūnų mylėtojaGyvena Kretingojetyliausia klasės draugėužsiima lauko akrobatikaGyvena arčiausiai mokyklosvisada sėdi klasės priekyjeŠviesiaplaukė klasės draugėdalyvauja daugelyje olimpiadųlanko šokius ir puikiai mokosituri brolį, kuris yra mažesnisdažnai sergantis klasės draugas...

8A vocab 2024-05-09

8A vocab crossword puzzle
  1. round-trip
  2. reservation
  3. bienvenido
  4. to board
  5. tourist
  6. luggage
  7. suitcase
  8. Customs officer
  9. The announcement/advertisement
  10. Going to
  11. Travel agency
  12. Take a trip
  13. airport
  1. Travel agent
  2. to pack your bags
  3. Direct to
  4. Abroad (travel abroad)
  5. the flight attendant
  6. abierto
  7. listo
  8. Boarding pass
  9. to plan
  10. passport
  11. Customs
  12. cerrado
  13. to last

26 Clues: listoabiertotouristluggageto planCustomscerradoto lastairportto boardsuitcaseGoing topassportDirect toround-tripbienvenidoreservationTake a tripTravel agentBoarding passTravel agencyCustoms officerto pack your bagsthe flight attendantAbroad (travel abroad)The announcement/advertisement

8a Vocab 2025-02-18

8a Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. / The past tense of “I leave.”
  2. / A large vehicle that floats on water.
  3. / A large place where many people live and work, full of buildings and streets.
  4. / The past tense of “I learn.”
  5. / To pay money for something.
  6. / A tall plant with a trunk, branches, and leaves.
  7. / The past tense of “They/You all leave.”
  8. / The past tense of “You (informal) learn.”
  9. / The act of going to another place.
  10. / The past tense of “You all (Spain) leave.”
  11. / The past tense of “You (informal) go” or “You were.”
  12. / A place where you can see many different animals.
  13. / A word for something amazing or breathtaking.
  14. / A large, furry animal that hibernates in winter.
  15. / The past tense of “You all (Spain) learn.”
  16. / A place where travelers sleep.
  17. / The past tense of “You all (Spain) go” or “You all were.”
  18. / To gain new knowledge or skills.
  19. / A piece of paper or digital pass that lets you enter a place or vehicle.
  20. / A green space in a city where people relax or play.
  21. / The past tense of “We leave.”
  22. / The past tense of “They/You all go” or “were.”
  23. / The past tense of “They/You all learn.”
  1. / A popular place or activity for tourists.
  2. / The opposite of early.
  3. / A time when people take a break from school or work.
  4. / A general word for any location.
  5. / A living creature that is not a plant.
  6. / A large vehicle that carries many passengers on roads.
  7. / A nation with its own government and borders.
  8. / The past tense of “He/She/You (formal) learn.”
  9. / The past tense of “We learn.”
  10. / To walk around for fun.
  11. / A place where plays and performances happen.
  12. / A large body of saltwater, smaller than an ocean.
  13. / The past tense of “We go” or “We were.”
  14. / A structure built to honor a person or event.
  15. / The past tense of “He/She/You (formal) go” or “was.”
  16. / To go see a person or place.
  17. / The past tense of “I go” or “I was.”
  18. / A playful animal that swings in trees.
  19. / To take or consume something, like a drink or transportation.
  20. / A flying vehicle that travels in the sky.
  21. / A large body of water surrounded by land.
  22. / The past tense of “You (informal) leave.”
  23. / A small animal with feathers and wings.
  24. / A word that means “while” or “for a period of time.”
  25. / To take a break and relax.
  26. / The opposite of late.
  27. / A big place where people watch sports and concerts.
  28. / To swim underwater with special equipment.
  29. / The past tense of “He/She/You (formal) leave.”
  30. / To get on and ride something, like a horse or a bike.
  31. / A place where you can see art, history, or science exhibits.
  32. / A small word that means “in” or “on.”
  33. / A long vehicle that moves on tracks.

56 Clues: / The opposite of late./ The opposite of early./ To walk around for fun./ To take a break and relax./ To pay money for something./ The past tense of “I leave.”/ The past tense of “I learn.”/ To go see a person or place./ The past tense of “We learn.”/ The past tense of “We leave.”/ A place where travelers sleep./ A general word for any location....

Matematika 2023-10-03

Matematika crossword puzzle
  1. faktor persekutuuan dari 20 dan 24
  2. 315:9
  3. KPK dari 30 dan 45
  4. kelipatan persekutuan dari 6 dan 8
  5. fpb dari 84 56 140
  6. KPK dari 18 dan 36
  7. fpb dari 36 dan 54
  1. fpb dari 20 dan 30
  2. kpk dari 12 dan 18
  3. fpb dari 20 dan 40
  4. KPK dari 4 dan 6
  5. temukan fpb dari 4 8 dan 12
  6. singkatan dari kelipatan persekutuan terkecil
  7. fpb dari 10 dan 12
  8. singkatan dari faktor persekutuan terbesar

15 Clues: 315:9KPK dari 4 dan 6fpb dari 20 dan 30kpk dari 12 dan 18fpb dari 20 dan 40KPK dari 30 dan 45fpb dari 84 56 140fpb dari 10 dan 12KPK dari 18 dan 36fpb dari 36 dan 54temukan fpb dari 4 8 dan 12faktor persekutuuan dari 20 dan 24kelipatan persekutuan dari 6 dan 8singkatan dari faktor persekutuan terbesarsingkatan dari kelipatan persekutuan terkecil

JAG Competencies 2024-04-29

JAG Competencies crossword puzzle
  1. Develop a career path for a selected occupation
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Conduct a job search
  4. Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities
  5. Complete a job interview
  6. Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
  7. Understand what employers expect of employees
  8. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Develop a letter of application
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
  3. Follow directions
  4. Complete application forms
  5. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
  6. Complete employment tests
  7. Select an immediate job goal
  8. Appropriately quit a job
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Practice effective human relations

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewAppropriately quit a jobComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employeesPractice effective human relations...

Jobs for Alabama Graduates- Compentacies 2024-04-29

Jobs for Alabama Graduates- Compentacies crossword puzzle
  1. Identity occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities.
  2. Complete application forms.
  3. Use the telephone to arrange an interview.
  4. Construct a resume.
  5. Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations.
  6. Identify problems of new employees.
  7. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal.
  8. Follow Directions.
  9. Demonstrate time management.
  10. Appropriately quit a job.
  1. Practice effective human relations.
  2. identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations.
  3. Complete employment tests.
  4. Develop a letter of application.
  5. Conduct a job search.
  6. Develop a career path for a selected occupation.
  7. Demonstrate appropriate appearance.
  8. Select an immediate job goal.
  9. Complete a job interview.
  10. Understand what employers expect from employees.

20 Clues: Follow Directions.Construct a resume.Conduct a job search.Complete a job interview.Appropriately quit a job.Complete employment tests.Complete application forms.Demonstrate time management.Select an immediate job goal.Develop a letter of application.Practice effective human relations.Demonstrate appropriate appearance....

Competencies A-C 2024-04-29

Competencies A-C crossword puzzle
  1. Develop a career path for a selected occupations
  2. Complete employment tests
  3. Practice effective human relations
  4. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
  5. Understand what employers expect of employees
  6. Conduct a job search
  7. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
  8. Complete application forms
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Relate interest ,aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
  3. Develop a letter of application
  4. Identify problems of new employees
  5. Select an immediate job goal
  6. Follow directions
  7. Complete a job interview
  8. Identify occupational interest ,aptitudes and abilities
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Appropriately quit a job .

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewComplete employment testsComplete application formsAppropriately quit a job .Demonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearancePractice effective human relationsIdentify problems of new employees...

Makayla- JAG Competencies A1-C20 2024-04-30

Makayla- JAG Competencies A1-C20 crossword puzzle
  1. Develop a career path for a selected occupation.
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Conduct a job search
  4. Identify occupational interests, aptitudes and abilities.
  5. Complete a job interview
  6. Relate interests, aptitudes,and abilities to appropriate occupations.
  7. Understand what employers expect of employees
  8. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Develop a letter of application
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal.
  3. Follow directions
  4. Complete application forms
  5. identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations.
  6. Complete employment tests
  7. Select an immediate job goal.
  8. Appropriately quit a job
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Practice effective human relations

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewAppropriately quit a jobComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goal.Develop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employeesPractice effective human relations...

Formelsamling A 2020-06-02

Formelsamling A crossword puzzle
  1. 259
  2. 203
  3. 85
  4. 32
  5. 272
  6. 49summa
  7. 58
  1. 173
  2. 9
  3. 234
  4. 70
  5. 264
  6. 86
  7. 12

14 Clues: 970853286125817325923420326427249summa

p.82-90 2018-11-12

p.82-90 crossword puzzle
  1. p.85 Via went to stay with Grans in Montauk for 4 weeks while August was having his big ( ) surgery. Tell Via’s memories with her Grans in Montauk.
  2. p.89 Via thought ( ) would be the least of August’s problem but Auggie thinks ( ) would get noticed too much.
  3. p.87 Mom always put on a “brave” face through all of August’s surgeries, Mom literally ( )ing to the floor, heaving sobs, holding her stomach on the day Grans died.
  4. p.84 As Via looked at August for the first time, she said that it doesn’t look like ( ).
  5. p.86 As August was kissing Via with all his heart, all she could see was the ( ) coming down his chin.
  1. p.82 Who is the only ‘celestial body’ that doesn’t orbit August, the Sun?
  2. p.86 After coming home after 4 weeks, it had opened a door for Via, a little ( ). On the other side of the ( ), there were 2 Augusts: the one she saw “blindly”, and the one other people saw.
  3. p.89 August used to be easier to read before the surgeries. When his eyes ‘squinted’, he was happy. When his mouth went straight, he was being ( ). ( ) means playful, teasing, wicked etc. ex) ( ) smile
  4. p.88 ‘on the ( ) of’ means at the point when something is about to happen. The top eyelids are always halfway closed, like he’s on the ( ) of sleeping.
  5. p.86 Just 2 months after Via stayed with her Grans, she died so completely out of the ( ).

10 Clues: p.82 Who is the only ‘celestial body’ that doesn’t orbit August, the Sun?p.86 Just 2 months after Via stayed with her Grans, she died so completely out of the ( ).p.84 As Via looked at August for the first time, she said that it doesn’t look like ( )....


TEMBANG MACAPAT crossword puzzle
  1. Tebaning swara ing pungkasaning gatra
  2. Tembang Durma iku kadadeyan saka pirang gatra
  3. Tembang sing duweni guru wilangan 12i-6a-8i-8a
  4. Tembang tradhisional ing tanah jawa sing carane maca papat-papat
  5. Tembang sing gatrane ana enem (6) lan gatra wiwitane duweni wilangan 8u
  1. Cacahing wanda ing saben gatra
  2. Supaya bisa nembang macapat, kudu bisa maca angka-angka sing ana ing sadhuwure teks tembang. Angka-angka mau diarani apa
  3. Tembang macapat sing nggambarake manungsa wiwit lair nganti mati
  4. Tembang sing duweni guru wilangan 7u-10u-12i-8u-8o
  5. Tembang sing gatrane ana pitu (7) lan gatra akhirane duweni wilangan 8a

10 Clues: Cacahing wanda ing saben gatraTebaning swara ing pungkasaning gatraTembang Durma iku kadadeyan saka pirang gatraTembang sing duweni guru wilangan 12i-6a-8i-8aTembang sing duweni guru wilangan 7u-10u-12i-8u-8oTembang macapat sing nggambarake manungsa wiwit lair nganti matiTembang tradhisional ing tanah jawa sing carane maca papat-papat...

PTS Seni Budaya Kelas 8 Semester 1 2022-10-02

PTS Seni Budaya Kelas 8 Semester 1 crossword puzzle
  1. salah satu bentuk gambar Ilustrasi
  2. Pusat perhatian benda atau objek model gambar terletak di tengah-tengah bidang gambar merupakan komposisi....
  3. Kumpulan gambar ilustrasi yang tersusun berurutan dan terpadu menjadi jalinan cerita bersambung
  4. rangkaian kata yang membentuk lagu biasanya terdiri dari beberapa bait dan bagian refrain atau chorus
  5. Gambar yang menjelaskan ide cerita atau narasi dinamakan gambar . . .
  6. Kegiatan yang diawali dengan menentukan objek model yang akan digambar merupakan pengertian dari menggambar ...
  7. Lagu yang lahir dari budaya daerah setempat dan bersifat turun temurun adalah lagu ...
  8. Musik daerah yang memiliki fungsi sebagai pengiring tarian
  1. Gambar bidang datar segi enam merupakan komposisi
  2. Salahsatu pupuh yang memiliki 7 padalisan dengan guru wilangan 8i, 8a, 8o/e,8i/a,7i/a, 8u/8a
  3. Gambar yang sarat sindiran atau kritikan
  4. Lagu daerah yang memiliki Pesan / arti tentang ajaran islam secara simbolis
  5. kata lain dari irama
  6. Lagu Yamko Rambe Yamko berasal dari daerah...
  7. Untuk membuat sebuah gambar ilustrasi, ada beberapa langkah yang harus dilalui dalam membuatnya, langkah pertama adalah menentukan ...

15 Clues: kata lain dari iramasalah satu bentuk gambar IlustrasiGambar yang sarat sindiran atau kritikanLagu Yamko Rambe Yamko berasal dari daerah...Gambar bidang datar segi enam merupakan komposisiMusik daerah yang memiliki fungsi sebagai pengiring tarianGambar yang menjelaskan ide cerita atau narasi dinamakan gambar . . ....


  1. Tüm canlıların oluşumu ve yanma olayları için gereken element hangisidir?
  2. Kükürtdioksit, sülfürük asit üretiminde kullanılan element hangisidir?
  3. Be olan element hangisidir?
  4. Mikrop öldürmede ve yapay kauçuk üretiminde kullanılan element hangisidir?
  5. Alkali metaller grubunda 3. periyottaki element hangisidir?
  6. Soğutucu yapımında, spot ışıklarında ve mutfak gereçlerinde kullanılan element hangisidir?
  7. Suyun yapısında 2 tane bulunan element hangisidr?
  8. Atom numarası 56 olan element hangisidir?
  1. 8a grubunun adı nedir?
  2. Kemiklerimizin yapısında bulunan element hangisidir?
  3. Nötr halde 6 elektronu bulunan element hangisidir?
  4. Periyodik tablodaki her bir yatay sıraya ne ad verilir?
  5. Son katmanında 8 elektron bulunmayan soygaz hangisidir?
  6. Düşey sıralara ne denir?

14 Clues: 8a grubunun adı nedir?Düşey sıralara ne denir?Be olan element hangisidir?Atom numarası 56 olan element hangisidir?Suyun yapısında 2 tane bulunan element hangisidr?Nötr halde 6 elektronu bulunan element hangisidir?Kemiklerimizin yapısında bulunan element hangisidir?Periyodik tablodaki her bir yatay sıraya ne ad verilir?...

NUMBERS 10-100 2014-03-11

NUMBERS 10-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 14
  2. 78
  3. 33
  4. 20
  5. 76
  6. 15
  7. 53
  8. 18
  9. 80
  1. 100
  2. 50
  3. 92
  4. 60
  5. 30
  6. 74
  7. 35
  8. 90
  9. 21
  10. 13
  11. 67
  12. 17
  13. 45
  14. 84

23 Clues: 50149260307874359033211367207617155345841880100

English Numbers 2022-11-03

English Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 63
  2. 97
  3. 75
  4. 100
  5. 52
  6. 3
  7. 30
  8. 73
  9. 10
  10. 29
  11. 0
  1. 18
  2. 45
  3. 89
  4. 84
  5. 42
  6. 90
  7. 59
  8. 14
  9. 26
  10. 11
  11. 61

22 Clues: 3063184597758984429059521426307311106129100

Les numeros 1-100 2022-11-11

Les numeros 1-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 55
  2. 43
  3. 37
  4. 42
  5. 4
  6. 16
  7. 50
  8. 30
  9. 84
  10. 80
  11. 79
  12. 54
  13. 38
  14. 10
  15. 15
  16. 71
  17. 40
  18. 27
  1. 90
  2. 82
  3. 31
  4. 98
  5. 53
  6. 66
  7. 100
  8. 19
  9. 3
  10. 1
  11. 50

29 Clues: 43190554382373142981650533084668079195438101550714027100


COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD crossword puzzle
  1. 19
  2. 28
  3. 124
  4. 93
  5. 136
  6. 197
  7. 18
  8. 145
  9. 163
  10. 99
  11. 165
  12. 186
  13. 138
  14. 63
  15. 34
  16. 20
  17. 31
  18. 164
  19. 174
  20. 135
  21. 158
  22. 195
  23. 101
  24. 179
  25. 150
  26. 134
  27. 35
  28. 11
  29. 86
  30. 104
  31. 51
  32. 97
  33. 108
  34. 4
  35. 26
  36. 80
  37. 162
  38. 120
  39. 49
  40. 128
  41. 32
  42. 46
  43. 139
  44. 68
  45. 81
  46. 175
  47. 152
  48. 127
  49. 154
  50. 171
  51. 187
  52. 143
  53. 91
  54. 10
  55. 78
  56. 180
  57. 7
  58. 39
  59. 16
  60. 117
  61. 83
  62. 60
  63. 132
  64. 115
  65. 92
  66. 27
  67. 193
  68. 3
  69. 73
  70. 189
  71. 85
  72. 118
  73. 177
  74. 38
  75. 110
  76. 9
  77. 57
  78. 36
  79. 58
  80. 160
  81. 6
  82. 133
  83. 161
  1. 13
  2. 95
  3. 137
  4. 87
  5. 44
  6. 102
  7. 126
  8. 116
  9. 8
  10. 188
  11. 90
  12. 172
  13. 78
  14. 59
  15. 151
  16. 2
  17. 53
  18. 130
  19. 190
  20. 15
  21. 17
  22. 114
  23. 159
  24. 12
  25. 72
  26. 56
  27. 65
  28. 55
  29. 77
  30. 29
  31. 146
  32. 106
  33. 176
  34. 45
  35. 69
  36. 125
  37. 113
  38. 47
  39. 182
  40. 70
  41. 24
  42. 100
  43. 140
  44. 96
  45. 196
  46. 112
  47. 71
  48. 184
  49. 141
  50. 84
  51. 52
  52. 144
  53. 181
  54. 191
  55. 67
  56. 5
  57. 153
  58. 94
  59. 61
  60. 119
  61. 43
  62. 14
  63. 178
  64. 173
  65. 169
  66. 103
  67. 170
  68. 168
  69. 194
  70. 107
  71. 74
  72. 149
  73. 79
  74. 76
  75. 40
  76. 89
  77. 54
  78. 98
  79. 129
  80. 30
  81. 37
  82. 156
  83. 122
  84. 111

167 Clues: 8245739619139528874493901878995963342053153117127235115665557786294551694797702426809649324671845268678194614314911078391674836079769227408954987385303738573658137124102126136116197188172145163165151186138130190164174135158195114101159179150134146106176104125113182108100162140120128196112139184141144181191153175152127154119171187143178173169103180...

Les Nombres Testweek2 classe 3 (TW2) 2019-02-14

Les Nombres Testweek2  classe 3 (TW2) crossword puzzle
  1. 18
  2. 1
  3. 14
  4. 84
  5. 69
  6. 36
  7. 77
  8. 44
  9. 2
  1. 98
  2. 9
  3. 57
  4. 4
  5. 23
  6. 13
  7. 5
  8. 16
  9. 3

18 Clues: 941532985718231484136936771644

Eastern Hutt School 2013-06-06

Eastern Hutt School crossword puzzle
  1. The surname of our principal
  2. The name of our current issue
  3. What Mrs Campbell teaches us
  4. The library dragon
  5. The seniors choir
  1. The name of the cafe that we order our lunch from
  2. The name of our learning place where everyone goes
  3. An exciting event that will be happening next term
  4. The new teacher in A7
  5. The new laptops that we have at our school
  6. The giraffe that visits our school
  7. The seniors break out room

12 Clues: The seniors choirThe library dragonThe new teacher in A7The seniors break out roomThe surname of our principalWhat Mrs Campbell teaches usThe name of our current issueThe giraffe that visits our schoolThe new laptops that we have at our schoolThe name of the cafe that we order our lunch fromThe name of our learning place where everyone goes...

Numbers to 100 2022-06-01

Numbers to 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 100
  2. 62
  3. 73
  4. 10
  5. 29
  6. 13
  1. 15
  2. 95
  3. 56
  4. 38
  5. 1
  6. 84
  7. 11
  8. 7
  9. 12

15 Clues: 17159556386273841110291312100

ENT Crossword puzzle 2020-09-12

ENT Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Patient calls to scheduled a __
  2. Thyroid issue patients who want to be seen in person, require VV _ in appt notes.
  3. Dr Weinstock nurse schedules __ his appointments
  4. Sees patient for Ear Related Visits only schedule between: AM 8a-11a and PM 2p-330p.
  5. The PA for ENT is ___
  6. Is the only ENT Provider that speaks Spanish.
  7. Pearland, Cypress, and __ have no ENT specialist in that office.
  1. Patients cannot see an ENT specialist for __.
  2. Failed __ test follow ups for Dr Patton are approved for appts between: AM 815am-1115am
  3. Dr Borski and Dr Prasad are the only ENT specialist for __.
  4. __ will be considered an Ear-Related issue.
  5. Sees patients for Ear Related Visits only schedule between: AM 8a-11a and PM 2p-320p and speaks Chinese.

12 Clues: The PA for ENT is ___Patient calls to scheduled a ____ will be considered an Ear-Related issue.Patients cannot see an ENT specialist for __.Is the only ENT Provider that speaks Spanish.Dr Weinstock nurse schedules __ his appointmentsDr Borski and Dr Prasad are the only ENT specialist for __....


NUMERI ITALIANI crossword puzzle
  1. 95
  2. 29
  3. 51
  4. 47
  5. 16
  1. 62
  2. 18
  3. 84
  4. 78
  5. 23
  6. 31
  7. 15

12 Clues: 621884789523295131471516

Trampolin 1-2 lukusanat 21-1000 2024-05-08

Trampolin 1-2 lukusanat 21-1000 crossword puzzle
  1. 257
  2. 898
  3. 35
  4. 21
  5. 49
  6. 1342
  1. 67
  2. 163
  3. 73
  4. 96
  5. 52
  6. 84

12 Clues: 67739652358421491632578981342

NUMBERS 2024-07-22

NUMBERS crossword puzzle
  1. 84
  2. 20
  3. 35
  4. 58
  5. 80
  1. 29
  2. 70
  3. 30
  4. 40
  5. 90
  6. 60
  7. 50

12 Clues: 297084203035409060505880

The Secret Garden Final Project 2023-03-16

The Secret Garden Final Project crossword puzzle
  1. did you guess the answer?
  2. How did the book describe “Pitcher"?(pg 21)
  3. What did Mary do when Colin yelled at Dickon?:(Pg.227)
  4. What is the name chapter 17? :(pg. 224)
  5. Who did Mary get sent to?(pg17)
  1. What is wrong with mr. cravens back?:(pg 20)
  2. Where did Mary find the Key? :(pgs. 84-85
  3. How did Mary’s Parents Die?(pg 17)
  4. Where did the Robin Lead Mary to?(pgs 96-97)

9 Clues: did you guess the answer?Who did Mary get sent to?(pg17)How did Mary’s Parents Die?(pg 17)What is the name chapter 17? :(pg. 224)Where did Mary find the Key? :(pgs. 84-85How did the book describe “Pitcher"?(pg 21)What is wrong with mr. cravens back?:(pg 20)Where did the Robin Lead Mary to?(pgs 96-97)...

multi- step equations 2022-10-05

multi- step equations crossword puzzle
  1. 8n-(2n+7)=41
  2. 3x+4x+42=84
  3. 5(x-5)=4(x+5)
  4. 5+9q=6+8q
  5. 2x+4x-7=11
  1. 9y-8=18-4y
  2. 2x+5+3x+10=115
  3. 17=8x+3-6x
  4. 3x+2x+25=50
  5. 18=7x+6-4x

10 Clues: 5+9q=6+8q9y-8=18-4y17=8x+3-6x18=7x+6-4x2x+4x-7=113x+4x+42=843x+2x+25=508n-(2n+7)=415(x-5)=4(x+5)2x+5+3x+10=115

siffror 2021-12-31

siffror crossword puzzle
  1. 26 81
  2. 23 59
  3. 61 68
  4. 63 22
  5. 77 95
  6. 55 40
  7. 80 47
  8. 52 73
  9. 84 48
  1. 75 15
  2. 87 33
  3. 82 42
  4. 78 62
  5. 44 99
  6. 57 77
  7. 50 75
  8. 76 70
  9. 54 51
  10. 40 88

19 Clues: 26 8175 1587 3323 5982 4278 6244 9961 6857 7750 7563 2277 9576 7055 4054 5180 4752 7340 8884 48

Addition 2024-07-11

Addition crossword puzzle
  1. 295+30
  2. 878+14
  3. 100+21
  4. 178+7
  5. 700+43
  6. 89+6
  7. 329+112
  8. 612+84
  9. 500+58
  1. 9+3
  2. 412+68
  3. 300+26
  4. 500+13
  5. 90+25
  6. 248+6
  7. 70+1
  8. 800+199
  9. 300+15
  10. 700+188

19 Clues: 9+370+189+690+25248+6178+7412+68295+30300+26500+13878+14100+21700+43300+15612+84500+58800+199329+112700+188

Chemistry module 4 2021-10-07

Chemistry module 4 crossword puzzle
  1. measure of how strongly an atom attracts electrons
  2. substances that do not usually take part in chemical reactions
  3. gases in column 8A
  4. negatively charge ion
  5. atom that has gained or lost electrons
  1. electrons that orbit farthest from the nucleus
  2. rule that says most atoms want 8 valence electrons
  3. positively charge ion
  4. process by which an atom turns into an ion
  5. last name of man who developed Lewis structure notation

10 Clues: gases in column 8Apositively charge ionnegatively charge ionatom that has gained or lost electronsprocess by which an atom turns into an ionelectrons that orbit farthest from the nucleusrule that says most atoms want 8 valence electronsmeasure of how strongly an atom attracts electronslast name of man who developed Lewis structure notation...

Distance Learning Day Worksheet 2022-09-29

Distance Learning Day Worksheet crossword puzzle
  1. language family that includes French, Italian, and Spanish.
  2. language family that consists of German and English
  3. founded by Abraham in 2,000 BCE.
  4. Islam's holiest city.
  5. The holiest city in the world for Jews and Christians.
  6. Language family that includes Russian.
  7. A belief system that sees Jesus as the savior of humanity.
  8. The place Muslim's worship.
  9. A month of fasting, prayer, and community for Muslims.
  10. Means "surrender" to the to the Will of Allah.
  1. The two parts of the Bible.
  2. Belief in one God.
  3. Obligations all Muslims must fulfill in their lifetime.
  4. States how Christians should live their lives.
  5. Teaches in classroom A7
  6. The main holy book for Christians.
  7. Teaches in classroom A6
  8. Holy Book of Islam.

18 Clues: Belief in one God.Holy Book of Islam.Islam's holiest city.Teaches in classroom A7Teaches in classroom A6The two parts of the Bible.The place Muslim's worship.founded by Abraham in 2,000 BCE.The main holy book for Christians.Language family that includes Russian.States how Christians should live their lives....


NUMERI ITALIANI crossword puzzle
  1. 15
  2. 16
  3. 51
  4. 95
  5. 84
  6. 62
  7. 23
  1. 47
  2. 18
  3. 31
  4. 78
  5. 29

12 Clues: 471518311651957884296223

Word List - The Crucible (Act III) 2024-10-30

Word List - The Crucible (Act III) crossword puzzle
  1. Cruel and having or showing no regret for something wrong or bad you have done (P. 85, line 2)
  2. Done, said, etc. in a very serious and sincere way (P. 83, line 5)
  3. The crime of telling a lie in court after you have sworn to tell the truth (P. 102, line 3)
  4. A statement made by somebody or for somebody who is accused of a crime (P. 86, line 26 )
  5. A public official who charges somebody officially with a crime and prosecutes them in court (P. 83, line 12-13)
  6. A written statement that you swear is true, and that can be used as evidence in court (P. 86, line 15-16)
  7. (verb) To say or write something that you know is not true (-ing)(P. 117, line 3)
  8. The wish or tendency to behave or play in a way that causes trouble (P. 88, line 7)
  9. An official meeting at which the facts about a crime, complaint, etc. are presented to the group of people who will have to decide what action to take (P. 97, line 9)
  1. (verb) To think or say that somebody/something is responsible for something bad (P. 86, line 9)
  2. (verb) To make somebody believe something that is not true (P. 87, line 17)
  3. One of the four books in the Bible about the life and teaching of Jesus (P. 91, line 20)
  4. A legal document that is signed by a judge and gives the police authority to do something (P. 99, line 25)
  5. The act of behaving in a particular way, in order to make other people believe something that is not true (P. 89, line 4)
  6. The fact of showing an unpleasant sexual interest in somebody (P. 113, line 18)

15 Clues: Done, said, etc. in a very serious and sincere way (P. 83, line 5)(verb) To make somebody believe something that is not true (P. 87, line 17)The fact of showing an unpleasant sexual interest in somebody (P. 113, line 18)(verb) To say or write something that you know is not true (-ing)(P. 117, line 3)...

Numbers 0-100 2024-08-07

Numbers 0-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 19
  2. 94
  3. 85
  4. 50
  5. 91
  6. 86
  7. 80
  8. 74
  9. 72
  10. 60
  11. 73
  12. 90
  1. 24
  2. 14
  3. 81
  4. 12
  5. 93
  6. 71
  7. 45
  8. 28
  9. 39
  10. 22
  11. 64
  12. 40
  13. 36
  14. 32

26 Clues: 2419149481128593507145912839228664804074367260733290

US 2024-07-18

US crossword puzzle
  1. Actriz venezolana reconocida por sus telenovelas. Sugy
  2. Cantante argentina famosa por su música pop. Laura
  3. Cantante y actor colombiano, exintegrante de "Piso 21". Tommy
  4. Actriz y cantante argentina, conocida por sus roles en telenovelas. Priscilla
  5. Cantante infantil mexicana conocida como "La Reina de los Niños". Tatiana
  6. Actriz y cantante colombiana, famosa por su papel en "Betty, la fea". Tatiana
  7. Presentadora y modelo colombiana. Alejandra
  1. Actriz mexicana conocida por su papel en "La Usurpadora". Alejandra
  2. Actor chileno protagonista de la serie "Los 80". Kevin
  3. Escritora chilena autora de "La casa de los espíritus". Priscilla
  4. Actriz y cantante puertorriqueña, protagonista de "La Isla Bonita". Sugy
  5. Cantante y actor argentino conocido por su papel en "Casi Ángeles". Kevin
  6. Personaje de la serie mexicana "El Chavo del 8". Tommy
  7. Actriz y cantante mexicana, exintegrante de "RBD". Laura

14 Clues: Presentadora y modelo colombiana. AlejandraCantante argentina famosa por su música pop. LauraActriz venezolana reconocida por sus telenovelas. SugyActor chileno protagonista de la serie "Los 80". KevinPersonaje de la serie mexicana "El Chavo del 8". TommyActriz y cantante mexicana, exintegrante de "RBD". Laura...

NUMBERS 2014-11-06

NUMBERS crossword puzzle
  1. 80
  2. 90
  3. 40
  4. 14
  5. 22
  6. 15
  7. 78
  8. 69
  9. 35
  10. 91
  11. 11
  12. 17
  13. 20
  1. 50
  2. 16
  3. 13
  4. 55
  5. 27
  6. 70
  7. 60
  8. 30
  9. 84
  10. 100
  11. 46
  12. 18
  13. 19
  14. 12

27 Clues: 5016809040131455277060223015788469354691181912111720100

Los numeros 0-100.000 2021-10-13

Los numeros 0-100.000 crossword puzzle
  1. 314
  2. 427
  3. 6
  4. 653
  5. 300
  6. 70
  7. 15.000
  8. 2500
  9. 15
  10. 40.700
  11. 39
  12. 0
  13. 1500
  14. 808
  15. 999
  1. 50.000
  2. 17
  3. 1980
  4. 65
  5. 501
  6. 84
  7. 2
  8. 100
  9. 232
  10. 765
  11. 28.000
  12. 7
  13. 141
  14. 1000
  15. 106
  16. 1

31 Clues: 62701176584701539501314427653100232765300141106808999198025001000150050.00015.00028.00040.700

Operasi Hitung Kelas 4 2023-09-18

Operasi Hitung Kelas 4 crossword puzzle
  1. 96:3
  2. 45x5
  3. 36+111-54
  4. 70:5
  5. 345+491
  6. 48:4
  7. 674+142+213
  8. 881-458
  9. 21x4
  10. 523-145
  11. 72:3
  12. 3x30:5
  1. 612-389
  2. 222+519
  3. 32x3
  4. 134 +764
  5. 4235-2135+385
  6. 22x6
  7. (129+76):5
  8. 712-324

20 Clues: 96:345x532x370:548:422x621x472:33x30:5612-389222+519345+491881-458523-145712-324134 +76436+111-54(129+76):5674+142+2134235-2135+385

Senin, Kerjakan untuk mendapatkan petunjuk ! 2025-01-30

Senin, Kerjakan untuk mendapatkan petunjuk ! crossword puzzle
  1. 350÷2
  2. 15×15
  3. 270÷2
  4. 97+97
  5. 480÷2
  6. 250+250
  7. 550÷2
  8. 180+180
  9. 84×2
  10. 1200÷2
  1. 56+56
  2. 126+126
  3. 270×2
  4. 200-50
  5. 75+30
  6. 900÷2
  7. 200+200
  8. 256-128
  9. 640÷2
  10. 12×12

20 Clues: 84×2350÷256+5615×15270×2270÷297+9775+30900÷2480÷2550÷2640÷212×12200-501200÷2126+126200+200256-128250+250180+180

Minggu, kerjakan untuk mendapatkan petunjuk ! 2025-01-30

Minggu, kerjakan untuk mendapatkan petunjuk ! crossword puzzle
  1. 96×2
  2. 108+108
  3. 66+66
  4. 54×2
  5. 126+126
  6. 550÷2
  7. 200+200
  8. 90+90
  9. 162×2
  10. 700÷2
  1. 84×2
  2. 400÷2
  3. 144+144
  4. 15×15
  5. 240÷2
  6. 75×2
  7. 480÷2
  8. 12×12
  9. 750÷2
  10. 150×2

20 Clues: 96×284×254×275×2400÷266+6615×15240÷2480÷2550÷290+9012×12162×2750÷2700÷2150×2108+108144+144126+126200+200