www.abozeb.com/video/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b7%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8-%d9%8a%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%83-%d9%85%d8%b9%d9%8 Crossword Puzzles

TTS BAHASA BALI 2023-02-08

TTS BAHASA BALI crossword puzzle
  1. kanda
  2. 12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8i
  3. Sekar alit
  4. awak baduda makeneh madain Garuda
  5. suara sane cutet
  1. kidung
  2. pan balang tamak
  3. i pucung
  4. buta tumben kedat
  5. Gatotkaca sraya

10 Clues: kandakidungi pucungSekar alitGatotkaca srayapan balang tamaksuara sane cutetbuta tumben kedat12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8iawak baduda makeneh madain Garuda

Towers Falling Week #2 pp. 75 - 156 2022-04-30

Towers Falling Week #2 pp. 75 - 156 crossword puzzle
  1. Sabeen can speak English, Arabic, and _______. p. 111
  2. Sabeen’s mom wears this for modesty. p. 83
  3. Sabeen means “Cool breeze of the ________.” p. 116
  4. What fair way does Ben list everyone’s name on their homework? p. 84
  5. What city does Deja live in? p. 88
  6. What is the word Ma uses to describe how Pop feels? p. 77
  7. What grade was Miss Garcia in on September 11, 2021? p. 137
  8. How old is Deja? p. 101
  9. Who massages Pop’s head to help him feel better? p. 76
  10. What does Ray get all over Ben’s room and in his hair? p. 93
  11. What is Sabeen’s dad’s job? p. 112
  1. What religion does Sabeen practice? p. 148
  2. Which World Trade Center Tower was completed December 1970? p. 131
  3. How many terrorist were involved in the 9/11 attacks? p. 151
  4. Deja thinks Avalon looks like a ______. p. 102
  5. In science class they must build a tower strong enough to support a ____ ball. p. 132
  6. What food does Avalon cook right? p. 144
  7. Which tower collapsed first? p. 155
  8. Ben’s parents are living separately and getting a _________. p. 79
  9. What do the kids use to see video of 9/11? p. 150
  10. What does Ben’s house have that Leda really likes? p. 79
  11. On p. 82 there is a picture of Ben’s drawing of a ___________.

22 Clues: How old is Deja? p. 101What city does Deja live in? p. 88What is Sabeen’s dad’s job? p. 112Which tower collapsed first? p. 155What food does Avalon cook right? p. 144What religion does Sabeen practice? p. 148Sabeen’s mom wears this for modesty. p. 83Deja thinks Avalon looks like a ______. p. 102What do the kids use to see video of 9/11? p. 150...

lektioooooon 1b boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2016-09-12

lektioooooon 1b boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii crossword puzzle
  1. Ich bin ___ mein Freund
  2. Vihdintie
  3. sehr gut
  4. Coca ____<-
  5. 8A
  6. ->______ zu neu Haus
  1. Rölli visits there often
  2. shrek roast
  3. Ich habe ____ der Kakao getrunken
  4. Ich kann ein Lied ______<-

10 Clues: 8Asehr gutVihdintieshrek roastCoca ____<-->______ zu neu HausIch bin ___ mein FreundRölli visits there oftenIch kann ein Lied ______<-Ich habe ____ der Kakao getrunken

Math project 2021-04-10

Math project crossword puzzle
  1. multiple these polynomials (8c+2) (2c+1)
  2. add these polynomials (4x+1) + (6x+8)
  3. What does GCF stand for?
  4. Subtract these polynomials (3z+2) - ( -4z-2)
  5. polynomial with two terms
  6. What is the highest exponent in an expression?
  7. How many terms are in a Trinomial?
  8. Multiple these polynomials (3n+2) (3n-2)
  9. label the polynomial of -7x^2+2x
  10. the coefficient of the first term is called what?
  1. True or false (4a+2) (6a^2-a+2) simplified = 24a^3 + 8a^2 +6a + 4
  2. find the degree of 3b^2-5b+1
  3. add these polynomials (4x+1)+(6x-8)
  4. How do you solve multiplying binomials?
  5. is this written in 3x^4+2x^2-6x
  6. find the polynomial that represents the number of squares in the area of a circle with a radius of 4x^3 units
  7. What are squares of sums and difference?
  8. if a polynomial is written in order from least to greatest is it in standard form
  9. polynomial with one term
  10. find the degree of 7x

20 Clues: find the degree of 7xWhat does GCF stand for?polynomial with one termpolynomial with two termsfind the degree of 3b^2-5b+1is this written in 3x^4+2x^2-6xlabel the polynomial of -7x^2+2xHow many terms are in a Trinomial?add these polynomials (4x+1)+(6x-8)add these polynomials (4x+1) + (6x+8)How do you solve multiplying binomials?...

Capitulo 8A 2022-04-26

Capitulo 8A crossword puzzle
  1. Ciudad
  2. Estadio
  3. Museo
  4. Zoológico
  5. Recuerdos
  6. Lago
  7. País
  8. Boleto
  9. leave Salir
  1. Atracciones
  2. Barco
  3. Árbol
  4. Avión
  5. Monumento
  6. Oso
  7. Mono
  8. dive Bucear
  9. Lugar
  10. Viaje
  11. relax Descansar

20 Clues: OsoMonoLagoPaísBarcoÁrbolAviónMuseoLugarViajeCiudadBoletoEstadioMonumentoZoológicoRecuerdosAtraccionesdive Bucearleave Salirrelax Descansar

Ordinances of the gospel 2014-06-08

Ordinances of the gospel crossword puzzle
  1. 1 Cor. 15:29
  2. D&C 20:77
  3. Acts 8:17
  4. D&C 20:70
  5. James 5:14
  1. D&C 84:18
  2. Matt 3:16
  3. D&C 138:48

8 Clues: D&C 84:18Matt 3:16D&C 20:77Acts 8:17D&C 20:70D&C 138:48James 5:141 Cor. 15:29

number 2021-02-26

number crossword puzzle
  1. 48
  2. 17
  3. 75
  4. 22
  5. 93
  1. 57
  2. 84
  3. 60
  4. 18
  5. 13
  6. 12
  7. 100

12 Clues: 5748178475601813221293100

Persona Q2 Compendium Strength Arcana 2024-02-24

Persona Q2 Compendium Strength Arcana crossword puzzle
  1. 3
  2. Koromaru
  3. 70
  4. 53
  5. 45
  6. 84
  1. 9
  2. 31
  3. 61
  4. 37
  5. 24
  6. 17

12 Clues: 93316170372453174584Koromaru

German basics 2023-07-17

German basics crossword puzzle
  1. ugly
  2. apartment
  3. 40
  4. where?
  5. what?
  6. 84 million (4)
  7. how?
  8. 11
  1. Where do you live in Berlin? (5)
  2. lovely, beautiful, nice
  3. 50
  4. I'd like a coffee (4)
  5. 13
  6. 12
  7. there is/are
  8. very
  9. 10
  10. people
  11. 30

19 Clues: 50401312103011uglyveryhow?what?where?peopleapartmentthere is/are84 million (4)I'd like a coffee (4)lovely, beautiful, niceWhere do you live in Berlin? (5)

BAVINCK 2022-09-28

BAVINCK crossword puzzle
  1. woensdag groep 4/5
  2. dinsdag groep 1/2b
  3. vrijdag groep 1/2c
  4. vrijdag groep 1/2a
  5. naam school
  6. woensdag concierge
  7. maandag IB
  8. donderdag groep 8b
  9. donderdag groep 1/2b
  10. dinsdag groep 4/5
  11. dinsdag groep 1/2a
  12. dinsdag groep 5
  13. vrijdag groep 6
  1. dinsdag Newton
  2. maandag directie
  3. maandag groep 3/4
  4. donderdag groep 1/2c
  5. maandag groep 7
  6. donderdag groep 8a
  7. woensdag groep 3
  8. vrijdag groep 7
  9. maandag groep 3
  10. woensdag IB
  11. donderdag administratie
  12. vrijdag groep 5

25 Clues: maandag IBnaam schoolwoensdag IBdinsdag Newtonmaandag groep 7vrijdag groep 7maandag groep 3vrijdag groep 5dinsdag groep 5vrijdag groep 6maandag directiewoensdag groep 3maandag groep 3/4dinsdag groep 4/5woensdag groep 4/5dinsdag groep 1/2bvrijdag groep 1/2cdonderdag groep 8avrijdag groep 1/2awoensdag conciergedonderdag groep 8bdinsdag groep 1/2a...

Puzzle Matematika Tema 5 2021-02-08

Puzzle Matematika Tema 5 crossword puzzle
  1. 5 + 5
  2. Angka 3 pada bilangan 23 menempati tempat
  3. 6 + 3
  4. Delapan ditambah ..... hasilnya 13
  5. Angka 8 pada bilangan 80 menempati tempat
  6. Nilai angka 7 pada bilangan 57
  7. Jumlah huruf pada kata satuan
  1. Pada bilangan 84 yang menempati tempat satuan angka
  2. Nilai angka 1 pada bilangan 18
  3. Hasil dari penjumlahan ..... ditambah tujuh adalah lima belas
  4. Hasil dari 70 + .....= 71
  5. 50 + ... = 50

12 Clues: 5 + 56 + 350 + ... = 50Hasil dari 70 + .....= 71Jumlah huruf pada kata satuanNilai angka 1 pada bilangan 18Nilai angka 7 pada bilangan 57Delapan ditambah ..... hasilnya 13Angka 3 pada bilangan 23 menempati tempatAngka 8 pada bilangan 80 menempati tempatPada bilangan 84 yang menempati tempat satuan angka...

Measurement Conversion 2022-10-14

Measurement Conversion crossword puzzle
  1. 1,536 oz___lbs
  2. 186 pt___c
  3. 26 yd___ft
  4. 84 pt___qt
  5. 55 m___cm
  6. 2,560 c___gal
  7. 96 cm___mm
  8. 540 ft___yd
  9. 3,000 cm___m
  10. 144qt___gal
  1. 42 lb__oz
  2. 59 mi___ft
  3. 4,000 mm___cm
  4. 6 kg___g
  5. 0.94 kg___g
  6. 90qt___pt
  7. 158 pt___c

17 Clues: 6 kg___g42 lb__oz55 m___cm90qt___pt186 pt___c59 mi___ft26 yd___ft84 pt___qt96 cm___mm158 pt___c0.94 kg___g540 ft___yd144qt___gal3,000 cm___m4,000 mm___cm2,560 c___gal1,536 oz___lbs

U3S1- Los números 2019-01-16

U3S1- Los números crossword puzzle
  1. 56
  2. the shirt costs 33 dollars
  3. 67
  4. 14
  5. 39
  6. 84
  7. 12
  8. 44
  1. the scarf costs 13 dollars
  2. 100
  3. 17
  4. 163
  5. 76
  6. How much does it cost?
  7. 92
  8. 11

16 Clues: 5617766714398492124411100163How much does it cost?the scarf costs 13 dollarsthe shirt costs 33 dollars

TTS bahasa Inggris 2022-09-15

TTS bahasa Inggris crossword puzzle
  1. the name of headmaster Mts Maarif Garung
  2. pasta gigi
  3. jenis kata yang bisa dihitung
  4. jenis kata yang tidak dapat dihitung
  5. menghargai sesuatu yang berharga dan penting
  6. percaya
  7. pendapat
  8. do you......?
  9. sabtu
  1. anak pitik arane....
  2. lucky
  3. berpartisipasi
  4. keharusan yang digunakan ketika ada peraturan
  5. a state of bening ready to do something
  6. the name of member 8A number 32
  7. perhatian
  8. we use .......to talk about necessary
  9. ungu muda

18 Clues: luckysabtupercayapendapatperhatianungu mudapasta gigido you......?berpartisipasianak pitik arane....jenis kata yang bisa dihitungthe name of member 8A number 32jenis kata yang tidak dapat dihitungwe use .......to talk about necessarya state of bening ready to do somethingthe name of headmaster Mts Maarif Garung...

2n gunakireema 2024-07-12

2n gunakireema crossword puzzle
  1. 7x3
  2. 51x2
  3. 10x7
  4. 24x2
  5. 14x 2
  6. 10x9
  1. 36x 2
  2. 80x2
  3. 5x 2
  4. 12x2
  5. 39x 2
  6. 21x4
  7. 10x 2

13 Clues: 7x380x251x25x 212x210x724x221x410x936x 239x 214x 210x 2

TTS BAHASA BALI 2023-02-08

TTS BAHASA BALI crossword puzzle
  1. kanda
  2. 12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8i
  3. Sekar alit
  4. awak baduda makeneh madain Garuda
  5. suara sane cutet
  1. kidung
  2. pan balang tamak
  3. i pucung
  4. buta tumben kedat
  5. Gatotkaca sraya

10 Clues: kandakidungi pucungSekar alitGatotkaca srayapan balang tamaksuara sane cutetbuta tumben kedat12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8iawak baduda makeneh madain Garuda

TTS BAHASA BALI 2023-02-08

TTS BAHASA BALI crossword puzzle
  1. gatotkaca sraya
  2. kanda
  3. 12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8i
  4. sekar alit
  5. Buta tumben kedat
  1. I Pucung
  2. Pan Balang Tamak
  3. suara sane cutet
  4. Kidung
  5. awak baduda makeneh madain garuda

10 Clues: kandaKidungI Pucungsekar alitgatotkaca srayaPan Balang Tamaksuara sane cutetButa tumben kedat12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8iawak baduda makeneh madain garuda

Progressão Aritmética (P.A.) 2021-03-23

Progressão Aritmética (P.A.) crossword puzzle
  1. Na P.A. (2, 4, 6, 8, 10), o termo a4 equivale a:
  2. Sequência de números onde a diferença entre dois termos consecutivos é sempre a mesma
  3. Na P.A. (5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25), a razão r corresponde a:
  4. Na P.A. (2, 5, 8, 11, X. ..., o valor de X é igual a:
  5. Quando a razão for maior que zero (r = 2), a P.A. é chamada de:
  6. Na P.A. (2, 5, 8, 11, X. ...),o termo a7 equivale a:
  7. a sequência (70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10) é uma P.A:
  1. Quando a razão for igual a zero (r = 0), a P.A. é chamada de:
  2. A diferença constante de uma progressão aritmética que costuma ser representada pela letra r é chamada de:
  3. Quando a razão for menor que zero (r = -5), a P.A. é chamada de:
  4. a sequência (4, 7, 10, 13, 16, ...) é uma P.A:

11 Clues: a sequência (4, 7, 10, 13, 16, ...) é uma P.A:Na P.A. (2, 4, 6, 8, 10), o termo a4 equivale a:a sequência (70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10) é uma P.A:Na P.A. (2, 5, 8, 11, X. ...),o termo a7 equivale a:Na P.A. (2, 5, 8, 11, X. ..., o valor de X é igual a:Na P.A. (5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25), a razão r corresponde a:...

PEMDAS Crossword Challenge 2023-04-06

PEMDAS Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. 7² + (12 ÷ 4) – (8 x 5)
  2. 325 - (27 ÷ 9) x 50 ÷ 5 - 15²
  3. (8 ÷ 2) + (3 x 6) + 3² x 4 – 8
  4. (36 ÷ 6) x (54 ÷ 9) x 2 – (8 x 3²) + 25
  5. 240 ÷ 8 + 5² - (7 x 5) + 160
  1. 11 x 7 + 4² + (84 ÷ 7) – 30
  2. 319 + 291 - 10² x 10 ÷ (8 ÷ 2) – (12 x 30)
  3. 8 x 9 + 4² - (96 ÷ 6) x 2 – 14
  4. (132 ÷ 11) + (12 – 9) x 4 - 3²
  5. 10² ÷ 2 – (8 x 5)

10 Clues: 10² ÷ 2 – (8 x 5)7² + (12 ÷ 4) – (8 x 5)11 x 7 + 4² + (84 ÷ 7) – 30240 ÷ 8 + 5² - (7 x 5) + 160325 - (27 ÷ 9) x 50 ÷ 5 - 15²8 x 9 + 4² - (96 ÷ 6) x 2 – 14(132 ÷ 11) + (12 – 9) x 4 - 3²(8 ÷ 2) + (3 x 6) + 3² x 4 – 8(36 ÷ 6) x (54 ÷ 9) x 2 – (8 x 3²) + 25319 + 291 - 10² x 10 ÷ (8 ÷ 2) – (12 x 30)

LOS NUMEROS 2020-11-11

LOS NUMEROS crossword puzzle
  1. 12
  2. 36
  3. 62
  4. 66
  5. 23
  6. 31
  7. 15
  8. 19
  9. 79
  10. 84
  11. 72
  12. 76
  13. 58
  14. 48
  15. 16
  16. 95
  17. 27
  1. 55
  2. 43
  3. 89
  4. 57
  5. 69
  6. 45
  7. 33
  8. 60
  9. 70
  10. 93
  11. 21
  12. 81
  13. 99

30 Clues: 554312895736696266234533311560701979938472218176589948169527

Sumin’s game woooow 2022-11-16

Sumin’s game woooow crossword puzzle
  1. she became ... when her parents died (106)
  2. he’s as hard as ... (107)
  3. antonym of conservative (106)
  4. synonym of complain (90)
  5. synonym of “totally” (82)
  1. a series of severe measures to restrict undesirable or illegal ppl or behaviour (84)
  2. antonym of minor (111)
  3. synonym of encourage (100)
  4. the state of being not or no longer useful (84)
  5. an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of ppl(109)
  6. by nature innate (82)
  7. we don’t live in the ... of ... but we’re comfortable (103) (only the second word)

12 Clues: by nature innate (82)antonym of minor (111)synonym of complain (90)he’s as hard as ... (107)synonym of “totally” (82)synonym of encourage (100)antonym of conservative (106)she became ... when her parents died (106)the state of being not or no longer useful (84)an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of ppl(109)...

Los numeros 0-100.000 2021-10-13

Los numeros 0-100.000 crossword puzzle
  1. 100
  2. 17
  3. 314
  4. 40.700
  5. 2500
  6. 84
  7. 1
  8. 28.000
  9. 765
  10. 70
  11. 65
  12. 106
  13. 653
  14. 39
  15. 1500
  16. 2
  1. 141
  2. 15.000
  3. 501
  4. 50.000
  5. 426
  6. 999
  7. 1000
  8. 15
  9. 808
  10. 1980
  11. 7
  12. 0
  13. 6
  14. 232
  15. 300

31 Clues: 71062171584706539141100501314426999808765232106300653100025001980150015.00050.00040.70028.000

Los numeros 0-100.000 2021-10-13

Los numeros 0-100.000 crossword puzzle
  1. 314
  2. 427
  3. 6
  4. 653
  5. 300
  6. 70
  7. 15.000
  8. 2500
  9. 15
  10. 40.700
  11. 39
  12. 0
  13. 1500
  14. 808
  15. 999
  1. 50.000
  2. 17
  3. 1980
  4. 65
  5. 501
  6. 84
  7. 2
  8. 100
  9. 232
  10. 775
  11. 28.000
  12. 7
  13. 141
  14. 1000
  15. 106
  16. 1

31 Clues: 62701176584701539501314427653100232775300141106808999198025001000150050.00015.00028.00040.700

Los numeros 0-100.000 2021-10-13

Los numeros 0-100.000 crossword puzzle
  1. 314
  2. 427
  3. 6
  4. 653
  5. 300
  6. 70
  7. 15.000
  8. 2500
  9. 15
  10. 40.700
  11. 39
  12. 0
  13. 1500
  14. 808
  15. 999
  1. 50.000
  2. 17
  3. 1980
  4. 65
  5. 501
  6. 84
  7. 2
  8. 100
  9. 232
  10. 775
  11. 28.000
  12. 7
  13. 141
  14. 1000
  15. 106
  16. 1

31 Clues: 62701176584701539501314427653100232775300141106808999198025001000150050.00015.00028.00040.700

Los numeros 0-100.000 2021-10-13

Los numeros 0-100.000 crossword puzzle
  1. 314
  2. 427
  3. 6
  4. 653
  5. 300
  6. 70
  7. 15.000
  8. 2500
  9. 15
  10. 40.700
  11. 39
  12. 0
  13. 1500
  14. 808
  15. 999
  1. 50.000
  2. 17
  3. 1980
  4. 65
  5. 501
  6. 84
  7. 2
  8. 100
  9. 232
  10. 775
  11. 28.000
  12. 7
  13. 141
  14. 1000
  15. 106
  16. 1

31 Clues: 62701176584701539501314427653100232775300141106808999198025001000150050.00015.00028.00040.700

84 Vocabulary Terms 2014-10-21

84 Vocabulary Terms crossword puzzle
  1. a packet of data
  2. a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgement
  3. ware no cell phone as service
  4. electronic mail
  5. one present but not taking part in a event
  6. name
  7. charges you for internet use
  8. area service provider
  9. a computer network
  10. stores enmous amounts of data
  11. addiction digital technologies
  12. granted by copyright
  13. work that you didnt do
  1. specfic sources
  2. a reason
  3. security certificate
  4. computer programming
  5. a website that is regularly updated and operates
  6. also called a app
  7. the central process
  8. use of letters
  9. computer software
  10. using technology
  11. receiving data
  12. tower a site containing antennas and others electronic communications

25 Clues: namea reasonuse of lettersreceiving dataspecfic sourceselectronic maila packet of datausing technologyalso called a appcomputer softwarea computer networkthe central processsecurity certificatecomputer programminggranted by copyrightarea service providerwork that you didnt docharges you for internet useware no cell phone as service...

Lesson 80 -84 2016-03-18

Lesson 80 -84 crossword puzzle
  1. Outlying part of a city.
  2. Course of action adopted in the management of the city.
  3. Public thing.
  4. Brotherly.
  5. Having city manners.
  6. The senate and people of Rome.
  7. People of a village.
  8. Associate together on friendly or brotherly terms.
  9. Polite; having city manners.
  10. Pertaining to the people.
  11. Brother.
  12. People power.
  13. Friend of the people.
  14. Mother city.
  15. Those who keep order in the city.
  16. One who lives in a suburb.
  1. City.
  2. Pertaining to the city.
  3. Make known to people in general.
  4. Those who live in a city.
  5. A collection of persons.
  6. Civility; Courtesy, Politeness.
  7. Whole number of people in an area.
  8. Brotherly Association of men.
  9. Draw charts of information about the people.
  10. A member of a men’s religious order.
  11. Between cities.
  12. A plague on the people Disease spread among citizens.
  13. French word for brother.
  14. The people.
  15. One who fears the people.
  16. Concerning management of a city.
  17. People.
  18. General body of people in a community.

34 Clues: City.People.Brother.Brotherly.The people.Mother city.Public thing.People power.Between cities.Having city manners.People of a village.Friend of the people.Pertaining to the city.Outlying part of a city.A collection of persons.French word for brother.Those who live in a city.Pertaining to the people.One who fears the people....

MATEMATIKA 2023-12-07

MATEMATIKA crossword puzzle
  1. BULAT
  2. HASIL BAGI 511:55=...
  5. -112+27+79=....
  1. KPK DARI 4,7, DAN 8
  3. 61-(-90)-138=...
  5. FPB DARI 72, 84, DAN 96


P4 reading 2022-04-27

P4 reading crossword puzzle
  1. It was great because the cost of books was ____
  2. gold and ______ made the pictures beautiful.
  3. with new ebooks you don't need to go ___ because you can buy ebooks online.
  4. instead of paper, the first books were written on ______
  5. J. __________ invented a printing machine.
  1. the first books were made by _______.
  2. the first audio books were on ___ and then on CDs
  3. with the invention of audio ____, people didn't need to read books.
  4. not only reading but also ____ books is quicker now.
  5. the text on pages 84 and 85 is an informational _____
  6. this tool is used to write and made from a feather.

11 Clues: the first books were made by _______.J. __________ invented a printing machine.gold and ______ made the pictures beautiful.It was great because the cost of books was ____the first audio books were on ___ and then on CDsthis tool is used to write and made from a feather.not only reading but also ____ books is quicker now....

8A 2024-04-17

8A crossword puzzle
  1. Ένα μέσο μαζικής μεταφοράς
  2. Ζώο που βγάζει γάλα
  3. Ψευδόνυμο του Σωτηρία
  4. Ένα ανοιξιάτικο χρώμα
  5. Γλυκό των Χριστουγέννων
  1. Ένα άγριο ζώο
  2. Η γυναίκα του Όθωνα
  3. Ένα νησί της Ελλάδας
  4. Με αυτόν σκεφτόμαστε
  5. Έκει υπάρχουν οι πλανήτες
  6. Τραγούδι της Eurovision

11 Clues: Ένα άγριο ζώοΗ γυναίκα του ΌθωναΖώο που βγάζει γάλαΈνα νησί της ΕλλάδαςΜε αυτόν σκεφτόμαστεΨευδόνυμο του ΣωτηρίαΈνα ανοιξιάτικο χρώμαΤραγούδι της EurovisionΓλυκό των ΧριστουγέννωνΈκει υπάρχουν οι πλανήτεςΈνα μέσο μαζικής μεταφοράς

Jenny' crossword 2015-11-15

Jenny' crossword crossword puzzle
  1. contains the firmware or startup instructions for the computer system
  2. one chip that forms an interface between the CPU,the main memory
  3. I/O controller
  4. Rate is the speed at which instructions at executive
  5. the brain of the computer
  6. on many types of motherboard
  1. 84 bit
  2. does calculations
  3. for the system's main memory,peripherals and video-graphics card.
  4. Hz
  5. turns memory into signals to work the computer
  6. connectors provide the physical interface between input and output devices and the motherboard
  7. speedy memory
  8. range how a CPU represents numbers

14 Clues: Hz84 bitspeedy memoryI/O controllerdoes calculationsthe brain of the computeron many types of motherboardrange how a CPU represents numbersturns memory into signals to work the computerRate is the speed at which instructions at executiveone chip that forms an interface between the CPU,the main memory...

Cross1 2015-11-26

Cross1 crossword puzzle
  1. 21/30 + 6/5
  2. 1/2 flowers John has 2 1/4 flowers. Mary has 1 2/8 flowers. How many do they have altogether?
  3. 29 x 29
  4. Hayes needs to find 3/5 x 6/7.Solve the problem.
  5. 8/5 x 2/8
  6. 1.2 X 2
  7. 24.2 X 12
  8. 28 X 2.2
  9. 6 X 5
  10. 2 X 2
  1. Carmen had 3/5 candy. He ate 1/4 of it. How much candy does Carmen have now?
  2. 84 divided by 1.2
  3. (1/5+2/20)-1/5
  4. 5/3 - 6/10
  5. 9 to the power of 5
  6. 12 X 2
  7. square miles wide The x-15 rocket launcher has a blast range equal to the area of a city 30 miles wide and 80 miles long. Find the area.
  8. 3.2 X 7
  9. 8/18 divided by 1/4
  10. 1/2 x 3/4

20 Clues: 6 X 52 X 212 X 229 x 291.2 X 23.2 X 728 X 2.28/5 x 2/824.2 X 121/2 x 3/45/3 - 6/1021/30 + 6/5(1/5+2/20)-1/584 divided by 1.29 to the power of 58/18 divided by 1/4Hayes needs to find 3/5 x 6/7.Solve the problem.Carmen had 3/5 candy. He ate 1/4 of it. How much candy does Carmen have now?...

LAMS 8A 2024-02-28

LAMS 8A crossword puzzle
  1. The Spiderman outside our classroom door
  2. The biggest trouble maker in 8A
  3. Ms. N's favorite tree (in Japanese)
  4. Student who can't appreciate a top 5 rapper of all time
  5. Mr. Z's #1 artist in 2023
  6. Mr. Healy's first name
  7. Ms. N's favorite NFL team
  8. Ajahanai's alias
  1. What subject did Mr.Healy originally teach
  2. Mr. Z's celebrity lookalike (apparently)
  3. A synonym for goat
  4. Mr. Z's most hated movie character
  5. Student who ate her pet chicken
  6. Student who spoiled the worst scene in one of Mr. Z's favorite manga
  7. The drink Mr. Z confiscates the most
  8. Sport Mr. Healy played
  9. Always does everything on the morning of a test except the morning work
  10. Mr. Z's birthday twin
  11. The guy on the rocket outside our classroom

19 Clues: Ajahanai's aliasA synonym for goatMr. Z's birthday twinSport Mr. Healy playedMr. Healy's first nameMr. Z's #1 artist in 2023Ms. N's favorite NFL teamThe biggest trouble maker in 8AStudent who ate her pet chickenMr. Z's most hated movie characterMs. N's favorite tree (in Japanese)The drink Mr. Z confiscates the most...

Chapter 4 (6th Edition) 2013-11-03

Chapter 4 (6th Edition) crossword puzzle
  1. fought between Rome and Carthage to establish dominance in the western Mediterranean; won by Rome after three separate conflicts(page 87)
  2. Roman emperor from 284 to 305 C.E.;restored later empire by improved administration and tax collection(page 87)
  3. one of the cities founded by and named for Alexander the Great; site of ancient Mediterranean's greatest library; center of literary studies(page 86)
  4. Athenian political leader during 5th century B.C.E.; guided development of Athenian Empire; died during early stages of Peloponnesian War(page 86)
  5. City-state form of government; typical of Greek political organization from 800 to 400 C.E.(page 88)
  6. Along with Doric and Ionian, distinct style of Hellenistic architecture, the most ornate of the three styles(page 94)
  7. Animist religion that saw material existence as battle between forces of good and evil; stressed the importance of moral choice; righteous lived on after death in "House of Song"; chief religion of Persian Empire(page 84)
  8. that culture associated with the spread of Greek influence as a result of Macedonian conquests; often seen as the combination of Greek culture with the eastern political forms(page 86)
  9. originally a Phoenician colony in northern Africa; became a major port and commercial power in the western Mediterranean; fought the Punic Wars with Rome for dominance of the western Mediterranean(page 87)
  10. name given to Octavian following his defeat of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra; first emperor of Rome(page 87)
  1. Roman emperor from 312 to 337 C.E.; established second capital at Constantinople; attempted to use religions force of Christianity to unify empire spiritually(page 87)
  2. Roman general responsible for conquest of Gaul; brought army back to Rome and overthrew republic; assassinated in 44 B.C.E. by conservative senators(page 87)
  3. Ruled Macedonia from 359 to 336 B.C.E.; founder of centralized kingdom; later conquered rest of Greece, which was subjected to Macedonian authority(page 86)
  4. Wars from 431 to 404 B.C.E. between Athens and Sparta for dominance in southern Greece; resulted in Spartan victory but failure to achieve political unification of Greece(page 86)
  5. one of the pan-Hellenic rituals observed by all Greek city-states; involved athletic competitions and ritual celebrations(page 85)
  6. Great Carthaginian general during Second Punic War; successfully invaded Italy but failed to conquer Rome; finally defeated at Battle of Zama(page 87)
  7. the balanced constitution of Rome from c. 510 to 47 B.C.E.; featured an aristocratic Senate, a panel of magistrates, and several popular assemblies(page 87)
  8. Where people participate directly in assemblies that make laws and select leaders, rather than electing represntatives(page 88)
  9. established massive Persian Empire by 550 B.C.E.; successor state to Mesopotamian Empires(page 82)
  10. Greek philosopher; teacher of Alexander the Great; knowledge based on observation of phenomena in material world(page 92)

20 Clues: established massive Persian Empire by 550 B.C.E.; successor state to Mesopotamian Empires(page 82)City-state form of government; typical of Greek political organization from 800 to 400 C.E.(page 88)name given to Octavian following his defeat of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra; first emperor of Rome(page 87)...

Chapter 4 (6th Edition) 2013-11-03

Chapter 4 (6th Edition) crossword puzzle
  1. Roman emperor from 284 to 305 C.E.;restored later empire by improved administration and tax collection(page 87)
  2. Along with Doric and Ionian, distinct style of Hellenistic architecture, the most ornate of the three styles(page 94)
  3. name given to Octavian following his defeat of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra; first emperor of Rome(page 87)
  4. one of the cities founded by and named for Alexander the Great; site of ancient Mediterranean's greatest library; center of literary studies(page 86)
  5. Wars from 431 to 404 B.C.E. between Athens and Sparta for dominance in southern Greece; resulted in Spartan victory but failure to achieve political unification of Greece(page 86)
  6. Roman general responsible for conquest of Gaul; brought army back to Rome and overthrew republic; assassinated in 44 B.C.E. by conservative senators(page 87)
  7. the balanced constitution of Rome from c. 510 to 47 B.C.E.; featured an aristocratic Senate, a panel of magistrates, and several popular assemblies(page 87)
  8. Where people participate directly in assemblies that make laws and select leaders, rather than electing represntatives(page 88)
  9. Greek philosopher; teacher of Alexander the Great; knowledge based on observation of phenomena in material world(page 92)
  10. originally a Phoenician colony in northern Africa; became a major port and commercial power in the western Mediterranean; fought the Punic Wars with Rome for dominance of the western Mediterranean(page 87)
  11. Great Carthaginian general during Second Punic War; successfully invaded Italy but failed to conquer Rome; finally defeated at Battle of Zama(page 87)
  12. one of the pan-Hellenic rituals observed by all Greek city-states; involved athletic competitions and ritual celebrations(page 85)
  1. that culture associated with the spread of Greek influence as a result of Macedonian conquests; often seen as the combination of Greek culture with the eastern political forms(page 86)
  2. Animist religion that saw material existence as battle between forces of good and evil; stressed the importance of moral choice; righteous lived on after death in "House of Song"; chief religion of Persian Empire(page 84)
  3. fought between Rome and Carthage to establish dominance in the western Mediterranean; won by Rome after three separate conflicts(page 87)
  4. Athenian political leader during 5th century B.C.E.; guided development of Athenian Empire; died during early stages of Peloponnesian War(page 86)
  5. established massive Persian Empire by 550 B.C.E.; successor state to Mesopotamian Empires(page 82)
  6. Roman emperor from 312 to 337 C.E.; established second capital at Constantinople; attempted to use religions force of Christianity to unify empire spiritually(page 87)
  7. Ruled Macedonia from 359 to 336 B.C.E.; founder of centralized kingdom; later conquered rest of Greece, which was subjected to Macedonian authority(page 86)
  8. City-state form of government; typical of Greek political organization from 800 to 400 C.E.(page 88)

20 Clues: established massive Persian Empire by 550 B.C.E.; successor state to Mesopotamian Empires(page 82)City-state form of government; typical of Greek political organization from 800 to 400 C.E.(page 88)name given to Octavian following his defeat of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra; first emperor of Rome(page 87)...

UNIT 8A 2018-12-30

UNIT 8A crossword puzzle
  1. ...the earth (be very expensive)
  2. ...on sb's toes
  3. ... exclusive approaches
  4. charming/pleasant ... (atmosphere)
  5. take a ... (to risk)
  6. ... market (a small area of trade within the economy, often involving specialized products)
  7. be ... with sth (recieve so much of sth that you can't deal ith it)
  8. ... glance/action (done secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing)
  9. be in your ... (to be in a situation that you enjoy, because you are good at it)
  10. ...sth through (mull over)
  11. in ... with sb's values
  1. suffer a ... (a problem)
  2. be any stretch of the ... (not at all)
  3. off ... staff (dismiss staff)
  4. take the ... (make a decision)
  5. an ... struggle/taks (very difficult to do)
  6. break... (neither make a profit nor lose money)
  7. visually/hearing ... (unable to see or hear)
  8. ... career/job (very important or responsible)
  9. ...sense of humour (unusual in an interesting way)
  10. ...activity/market (very competitive)
  11. sb's path (stumble across sb)
  12. ... price/ rent (astronomical)
  13. go from ... to ...(become more successful)
  14. be a ... for disaster

25 Clues: ...on sb's toestake a ... (to risk)be a ... for disasterin ... with sb's valuessuffer a ... (a problem)... exclusive approaches...sth through (mull over)off ... staff (dismiss staff)sb's path (stumble across sb)take the ... (make a decision)... price/ rent (astronomical)...the earth (be very expensive)charming/pleasant ... (atmosphere)...

VOCABULARY 8A 2022-02-08

VOCABULARY 8A crossword puzzle
  1. (n) a state of perplexity or doubt
  2. (v) to ridicule, laugh at with contempt
  3. (adj) fearful or anxious, especially about the future
  4. (n) strong dislike; bitter hostility
  5. (adj) eating every kind of food; eagerly taking in everything, having a wide variety of tastes
  6. (n) and expression of sympathy
  7. (adj) stubbornly disobedient, resisting authority
  8. (n) an injury done in return for an injury
  9. (v) to take great pleasure in. (n) a wild celebration
  10. (adj) smoothly agreeable or or polite; pleasing to the senses
  1. (v) to make sacred, hallow; to set apart for a special purpose
  2. (adj) having great variety; numerous and diverse
  3. (adj) stingy, miserly; meager, poor, small
  4. (v) to make ineffective or useless, cripple; to have a dulling effect on
  5. (v) to praise, express approval; to present as worthy of attention; to commit to the care of
  6. (adj) able to get along or work well together; capable of use with some other model or system
  7. (adj) out-of-date, no longer in use
  8. (adj)innocent, simple; frank, sincere
  9. (n) a lack of feeling, emotion, or interest
  10. (adj) old and feeble; worn-out, ruined

20 Clues: (n) and expression of sympathy(n) a state of perplexity or doubt(adj) out-of-date, no longer in use(n) strong dislike; bitter hostility(adj)innocent, simple; frank, sincere(adj) old and feeble; worn-out, ruined(v) to ridicule, laugh at with contempt(adj) stingy, miserly; meager, poor, small(n) an injury done in return for an injury...

Groep 8a 2014-08-21

Groep 8a crossword puzzle
  1. zes
  2. eenentwintig
  3. elf
  4. zestien
  5. dertien
  6. veertien
  7. vier
  8. zeventien
  9. twee
  10. negen
  1. negentien
  2. drie
  3. twaalf
  4. twintig
  5. een
  6. zeven
  7. vijftien
  8. achttien
  9. tien
  10. vijf
  11. acht

21 Clues: zeselfeendrieviertienvijfachttweezevennegentwaalftwintigzestiendertienvijftienachttienveertiennegentienzeventieneenentwintig

Keyboarding 8a 2015-11-04

Keyboarding 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Adjective: ridiculously unreasonable
  2. Noun: tedious sameness
  3. Noun: something, such as money, received in payment
  4. Adjective: smothered
  5. Adjective: able to be seen, touched, or understood
  6. Machine that prints what the computer directs it to
  7. Key on the keyboard that spaces the cursor forward one space at a time and produces a blank space when pressed
  8. Key on the keyboard that is used to capitalize letters when pressed with that letter key
  9. Making letter slanty
  10. This is considered to be the starting point for hands when beginning to keyboard.
  11. Piece of equipment that helps us move around the screen. An input device.
  12. A group of two or more lines that form a unit in a poem
  1. Noun: wild uproar or noise
  2. A play on words; a humorous way to use a word
  3. Making letters darker
  4. Verb: to begin
  5. What the typing looks like---the style of the letters
  6. Computer screen; An output device.
  7. the ability to enter text by using the correct fingers without looking at the keys
  8. Verb: to weaken or damage
  9. Place to type on. An Input device.
  10. Words in a document; What you type.
  11. Linton school's mascot
  12. A blinking line that shows your location in a document
  13. Noun: sorrow or regret

25 Clues: Verb: to beginAdjective: smotheredMaking letter slantyMaking letters darkerNoun: tedious samenessLinton school's mascotNoun: sorrow or regretVerb: to weaken or damageNoun: wild uproar or noiseComputer screen; An output device.Place to type on. An Input device.Words in a document; What you type.Adjective: ridiculously unreasonable...

Groep 8a 2015-07-03

Groep 8a crossword puzzle
  1. twaalf
  2. zes
  3. tien
  4. zeventien
  5. twee
  6. een
  7. elf
  8. acht
  9. zestien
  1. twintig
  2. dertien
  3. vijf
  4. drie
  5. negen
  6. negentien
  7. vier
  8. zeven
  9. veertien
  10. vijftien
  11. achttien

20 Clues: zeseenelfvijfdrietienviertweeachtnegenzeventwaalftwintigdertienzestienveertienvijftienachttiennegentienzeventien

8A Vocabulary 2022-04-18

8A Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. museum
  2. trees
  3. newspaper stand
  4. to go for a walk
  5. mountain
  6. to visit
  7. glacier
  8. city
  9. sea
  10. ocean
  11. statue
  12. downtown
  1. fountain
  2. coast
  3. lake
  4. volcano
  5. church
  6. zoo
  7. river
  8. country
  9. bench
  10. country(side)
  11. plaza
  12. ship
  13. theater

25 Clues: zoosealakecityshipcoasttreesriverbenchplazaoceanmuseumchurchstatuevolcanocountryglaciertheaterfountainmountainto visitdowntowncountry(side)newspaper standto go for a walk

8A Vocabulary 2022-04-18

8A Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. museum
  2. trees
  3. newspaper stand
  4. to go for a walk
  5. mountain
  6. to visit
  7. glacier
  8. city
  9. sea
  10. ocean
  11. statue
  12. downtown
  1. fountain
  2. coast
  3. lake
  4. volcano
  5. church
  6. zoo
  7. river
  8. country
  9. bench
  10. country(side)
  11. plaza
  12. ship
  13. theater

25 Clues: zoosealakecityshipcoasttreesriverbenchplazaoceanmuseumchurchstatuevolcanocountryglaciertheaterfountainmountainto visitdowntowncountry(side)newspaper standto go for a walk

Vocabulario 8A 2022-04-18

Vocabulario 8A crossword puzzle
  1. The way you try to get to places
  2. A place that has many artifacts
  3. One of the fastest ways to get to farther places
  4. the action of seeing a place
  5. Accommodation during your vacation
  6. A place with many sports games held in it
  7. A type of water flow in nature
  8. Somewhere relaxing while it's hot
  9. A theatrical performance
  10. Getting food from the sea
  11. Important places acknowledging a specific history
  12. A big mammal in the woods
  13. A big area of water around the Earth
  14. An animal that can be ridden on
  1. A vehicle for ground use besides a car
  2. A place with many buildings and people, always busy
  3. Required in order to get to travel
  4. A place with rides and many attractions
  5. A silly and noisy animal
  6. A round reptile in the sea
  7. A place of the environment
  8. Where animals are located in exhibits
  9. The action of getting home
  10. A geological feature
  11. The area where lava is located

25 Clues: A geological featureA silly and noisy animalA theatrical performanceGetting food from the seaA big mammal in the woodsA round reptile in the seaA place of the environmentThe action of getting homethe action of seeing a placeA type of water flow in natureThe area where lava is locatedA place that has many artifactsAn animal that can be ridden on...

8A Vocabulary 2020-04-17

8A Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. snorkel
  2. visit
  3. relax
  4. animal
  5. sunbathe
  6. learn
  7. buy
  8. impressive
  9. lake
  10. monkey
  1. national park
  2. city
  3. hotel
  4. bear
  5. boating
  6. tell me
  7. bus
  8. train
  9. boat
  10. ticket
  11. by
  12. airplane
  13. like

23 Clues: bybusbuycitybearboatlakelikehotelvisitrelaxtrainlearnanimalticketmonkeysnorkelboatingtell mesunbatheairplaneimpressivenational park

8A/8B 2023-09-20

8A/8B crossword puzzle
  1. a king's region
  2. extreme
  3. the University is one of these
  4. "I double dog dare ya!" to do this
  5. this behavior/these remarks can get you in ISS
  6. having a lot and then a little
  7. leaves on trees in the winter
  8. to expand like the pupils in your eyes
  9. to comfort
  10. a debt
  11. may make a good boxer
  1. paying someone back
  2. this is why people get the flu shot
  3. you have to take this out
  4. a face lift will do this
  5. ridiculous
  6. a pledge
  7. a place for children, elderly etc.
  8. excellent, genuine
  9. old wood boards left in the weather do this

20 Clues: a debtextremea pledgeridiculousto comforta king's regionexcellent, genuinepaying someone backmay make a good boxera face lift will do thisyou have to take this outleaves on trees in the winterthe University is one of thesehaving a lot and then a little"I double dog dare ya!" to do thisa place for children, elderly etc....

8A Vocab 2024-05-09

8A Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. round-trip
  2. reservation
  3. bienvenido
  4. to board
  5. tourist
  6. luggage
  7. suitcase
  8. Customs officer
  9. The announcement/advertisement
  10. Going to
  11. Travel agency
  12. Take a trip
  13. airport
  1. Travel agent
  2. to pack your bags
  3. Direct to
  4. Abroad (travel abroad)
  5. the flight attendant
  6. abierto
  7. listo
  8. Boarding pass
  9. to plan
  10. passport
  11. Customs
  12. cerrado
  13. to last

26 Clues: listoabiertotouristluggageto planCustomscerradoto lastairportto boardsuitcaseGoing topassportDirect toround-tripbienvenidoreservationTake a tripTravel agentBoarding passTravel agencyCustoms officerto pack your bagsthe flight attendantAbroad (travel abroad)The announcement/advertisement

unit 8a 2024-05-30

unit 8a crossword puzzle
  1. - kratyti, purtyti
  2. - klubas
  3. a circle - padaryti ratą
  4. - mušimas, smūgis
  5. - barškėjimas
  6. - oda
  7. - pritvirtinti
  8. - metalinė styga
  9. - plunksnuotas
  10. - mušti,suduoti
  11. - grakščiai, gracingai
  12. - pagrindinis
  13. - rankena
  14. - traškantis, barškantis
  15. - apvalus
  16. -atspindėti
  1. - religinė reikšmė
  2. - susirinkimai, susibūrimai
  3. - tradicinis
  4. - uždengtas medinis plaktukas
  5. - supti, siūbuoti
  6. - liaudies muzika
  7. - tempti(s)
  8. - įtakoti, paveikti
  9. - bizonas, buivolas
  10. - kokosas
  11. - havajiečių ūokis
  12. - elnias
  13. - sėkla

29 Clues: - oda- sėkla- klubas- elnias- kokosas- rankena- apvalus- tempti(s)-atspindėti- tradicinis- barškėjimas- pagrindinis- pritvirtinti- plunksnuotas- mušti,suduoti- metalinė styga- supti, siūbuoti- liaudies muzika- mušimas, smūgis- religinė reikšmė- kratyti, purtyti- havajiečių ūokis- įtakoti, paveikti- bizonas, buivolas- grakščiai, gracingai...

8A Science 2024-12-20

8A Science crossword puzzle
  1. Hockey guy
  2. Goes by last name
  3. Constantly looking at "ok" hand symbol
  4. Starts reading book as soon as she's done with her work
  5. Pink
  6. Charlotte's sister, funny
  7. Most violations but chill guy
  8. Flag bearer
  9. Talks during notes
  10. Soft spoken reader
  11. Mr. Claus
  1. Your favorite teacher
  2. Loves tar tot
  3. Common name, but spells it different
  4. Definitely has never copied off Murphy
  5. Braces off
  6. Academic Bowl Champ
  7. Most likely to moss someone
  8. Madame President
  9. The cool twin
  10. Bryan
  11. Answers a lot of questions (even when she's not called on)

22 Clues: PinkBryanMr. ClausHockey guyBraces offFlag bearerLoves tar totThe cool twinMadame PresidentGoes by last nameTalks during notesSoft spoken readerAcademic Bowl ChampYour favorite teacherCharlotte's sister, funnyMost likely to moss someoneMost violations but chill guyCommon name, but spells it differentDefinitely has never copied off Murphy...

Chapp 4 2022-09-13

Chapp 4 crossword puzzle
  1. the average number of people living on a square mile (85)
  2. form of govtin which all key powers are given to the central govt (88)
  3. a system based on free enterprise (95)
  4. govt in which leaders rule with consent of the citizens (89)
  5. number of deaths per year for every 1000 people (83)
  6. govt in which a small group holds power (88)
  7. physical geographic features (mountains/rivers) that act as a boundary between 2 areas (90)
  8. form of govt in which powers are divided between national and state govt (88)
  9. number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)
  10. form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)
  1. region that includes a central city & its surround suburbs (103)
  2. the number of years it takes for a population to double in size (83)
  3. way of life of a group of people (79)
  4. a system in which production & distribution of goods/services are made by a central authority (95)
  5. a system in which tradition & custom control economic activity (95)
  6. govt in which 1-person rules with unlimited power (88)
  7. group of people who share a common ancestry (79)
  8. a system in which govt supports & regulates enterprise (95)
  9. a system in which people have the right to own property or business with limited govt interference (95)
  10. the growth rate of a population (83)
  11. the variations in the population that occur across an area (85)
  12. the movement of people from place to place (83)

22 Clues: the growth rate of a population (83)way of life of a group of people (79)a system based on free enterprise (95)form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)govt in which a small group holds power (88)the movement of people from place to place (83)group of people who share a common ancestry (79)number of deaths per year for every 1000 people (83)...

2.1.1 2013-02-19

2.1.1 crossword puzzle
  1. move
  2. drunk
  3. 63
  4. neighbour in class
  5. parent meeting
  6. 57
  7. back seat
  8. to keep each other company on the way
  9. 79
  10. 84
  11. alien
  1. little sister
  2. state
  3. eight years old
  4. born
  5. 76
  6. the steering wheel
  7. 91
  8. girl
  9. 49
  10. each other
  11. boy

22 Clues: 63765791497984boymoveborngirldrunkstatealienback seateach otherlittle sisterparent meetingeight years oldneighbour in classthe steering wheelto keep each other company on the way

Los numeros 0-100.000 2021-10-13

Los numeros 0-100.000 crossword puzzle
  1. 2
  2. 15.000
  3. 501
  4. 50.000
  5. 808
  6. 70
  7. 106
  8. 15
  9. 141
  10. 426
  11. 0
  12. 1980
  13. 653
  14. 765
  15. 40.700
  16. 28.000
  1. 999
  2. 17
  3. 232
  4. 1500
  5. 2500
  6. 6
  7. 100
  8. 314
  9. 84
  10. 65
  11. 1
  12. 7
  13. 39
  14. 1000
  15. 300

31 Clues: 26170177015846539999501232808106100141314426653300765150025001000198015.00050.00040.70028.000

Escreva me por extenso. 2020-11-02

Escreva me por extenso. crossword puzzle
  1. 7 dezenas+3 unidades
  2. 30-15
  3. 1 unidade de milhar
  4. O total de 3 semanas
  5. 1 dezenas +6 unidades
  6. 1000-100
  7. Valor posicional do algarismo 7 do número 765
  8. 1 dezena+9 unidades
  9. Valor posicional do algarismo 8 do número 1843
  10. 25+25
  1. 20-6
  2. O resultado da divisão 84:2
  3. Soma de 4 centenas e meia+meia centena
  4. 6 centenas+9 dezenas
  5. 3 dezenas+1 dezenas
  6. 6 centenas+9 unidades
  7. 1 centena-4 dezenas
  8. 500-400

18 Clues: 20-630-1525+25500-4001000-1001 unidade de milhar3 dezenas+1 dezenas1 centena-4 dezenas1 dezena+9 unidades7 dezenas+3 unidades6 centenas+9 dezenasO total de 3 semanas1 dezenas +6 unidades6 centenas+9 unidadesO resultado da divisão 84:2Soma de 4 centenas e meia+meia centenaValor posicional do algarismo 7 do número 765...

Eastern Hutt School 2013-06-06

Eastern Hutt School crossword puzzle
  1. What Mrs Campbell teaches us
  2. The library dragon
  3. The new laptops that we have at our school
  4. The name of the cafe that we order our lunch from
  5. An exciting event that will be happening next term
  6. The name of our learning place where everyone goes
  1. The new teacher in A7
  2. The name of our current issue
  3. The seniors choir
  4. The giraffe that visits our school
  5. The seniors break out room
  6. The surname of our principal

12 Clues: The seniors choirThe library dragonThe new teacher in A7The seniors break out roomWhat Mrs Campbell teaches usThe surname of our principalThe name of our current issueThe giraffe that visits our schoolThe new laptops that we have at our schoolThe name of the cafe that we order our lunch fromAn exciting event that will be happening next term...

Αριθμοί 2021-10-17

Αριθμοί crossword puzzle
  1. 38
  2. 77
  3. 75
  4. 66
  5. 26
  6. HUNDRED 100
  7. 88
  8. 49
  9. 55
  1. 27
  2. 99
  3. 92
  4. 33
  5. 84
  6. 51
  7. 44

16 Clues: 382777999275662633848849514455HUNDRED 100

Kimia 2022-11-01

Kimia crossword puzzle
  1. unsur unsur akan memiliki kemiripan sifat yang berulang setiap 8 unsur. Dari penjelasan tersebut sistem periodik apa yg di maksud?
  2. apa nama sistem perkembangan tabel periodik yang dibuat oleh Dobereiner
  3. apa nama golongan 3A?
  4. apa nama golongan 1A?
  5. siapa yang buat sistem periodik pendek?
  6. gaya tarik paling kuat adalh unsur?
  7. golong a disebut golongan utama, maka golongan b disebut dengan golongan?
  1. Sistem periodik unsur yang dipakai sekarang disusub oleh?
  2. hukum triade merupakan salah satu cara pengelompokkan unsur yang dikemukakan pertama?
  3. salah satu unsur logam?
  4. kelemahan triade hanya bisa mengelompokkan … unsur
  5. apa nama golongan 7A?
  6. nomor massa mandeleyev menyusun sistem periodik berdasarkan?
  7. apa nama golongan 8A?

14 Clues: apa nama golongan 7A?apa nama golongan 8A?apa nama golongan 3A?apa nama golongan 1A?salah satu unsur logam?gaya tarik paling kuat adalh unsur?siapa yang buat sistem periodik pendek?kelemahan triade hanya bisa mengelompokkan … unsurSistem periodik unsur yang dipakai sekarang disusub oleh?nomor massa mandeleyev menyusun sistem periodik berdasarkan?...

TTS BAHASA BALI 2023-02-08

TTS BAHASA BALI crossword puzzle
  1. kanda
  2. 12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8i
  3. Sekar alit
  4. awak baduda makeneh madain Garuda
  5. suara sane cutet
  1. kidung
  2. pan balang tamak
  3. i pucung
  4. buta tumben kedat
  5. Gatotkaca sraya

10 Clues: kandakidungi pucungSekar alitGatotkaca srayapan balang tamaksuara sane cutetbuta tumben kedat12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8iawak baduda makeneh madain Garuda

TTS BAHASA BALI 2023-02-08

TTS BAHASA BALI crossword puzzle
  1. kanda
  2. 12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8i
  3. Sekar alit
  4. awak baduda makeneh madain Garuda
  5. suara sane cutet
  1. kidung
  2. pan balang tamak
  3. i pucung
  4. buta tumben kedat
  5. Gatotkaca sraya

10 Clues: kandakidungi pucungSekar alitGatotkaca srayapan balang tamaksuara sane cutetbuta tumben kedat12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8iawak baduda makeneh madain Garuda


  1. Diberikan data berikut: 4, 8, 6, 5, 3. Hitunglah mean (rata-rata) dari data tersebut.
  2. Carilah median dari data berikut ini 72,75,78,80,85,88,89,90,92,95
  3. Data berikut menunjukkan nilai ulangan matematika 25 siswa 70,85,92,88,77,68,95,81,75,84,66,71 90,87,80,84,93,72,80,97,81,82,85,70,78 Carilah jangkauan dari data di atas
  4. Data berikut menunjukkan nilai ulangan matematika 25 siswa 70,85,92,88,77,68,95,81,75,84,66,71 90,87,80,84,93,72,80,97,81,82,85,70,78 Carilah kelas dari data di atas
  5. Hitung simpangan baku dari data berikut: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
  6. Dalam sebuah tes, 30 siswa memperoleh nilai rata-rata 70. Jika 5 siswa dengan nilai terendah dihapus dari data, nilai rata-rata baru menjadi 72. Berapakah jumlah total nilai dari 5 siswa yang dihapus tersebut?
  7. Diberikan data sebagai berikut: 15, 18, 16, 14, 16, 20, 18, 16. Hitung simpangan rata-rata dari data tersebut.
  1. Sebuah kelas terdiri dari 20 siswa. Nilai rata-rata matematika mereka adalah 75. Jika seorang siswa baru bergabung dengan nilai 85, berapakah nilai rata-rata kelas yang baru?
  2. Nilai ulangan matematika dari 5 siswa adalah 85, 90, 80, 70, dan 95 hitunglah kuartil ketiga (Q3) dari data tersebut
  3. Data berikut menunjukkan nilai ulangan matematika 25 siswa 70,85,92,88,77,68,95,81,75,84,66,71 90,87,80,84,93,72,80,97,81,82,85,70,78 Carilah panjang interval dari data di atas
  4. Nilai rata-rata mata pelajaran fisika dari 10 murid laki-laki adalah 7.50, sedangkan nilai rata-rata dari 5 murid perempuan adalah 7.00. Jika nilai murid laki-laki dan perempuan digabungkan, maka nilai rata-ratanya menjadi .
  5. Hitunglah nilai rata-rata 80,75,90,85,72,92,88,78,87,92 Hitunglah median dari dara tersebut
  6. Seorang guru matematika mencatat nilai ujian dari 10 siswa sebagai berikut: 78, 85, 92, 88, 79, 84, 91, 73, 87, 90 Hitunglah nilai rata-rata dari data tersebut.
  7. Hitung range dari data berikut: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30

14 Clues: Hitung range dari data berikut: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30Hitung simpangan baku dari data berikut: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.Carilah median dari data berikut ini 72,75,78,80,85,88,89,90,92,95Diberikan data berikut: 4, 8, 6, 5, 3. Hitunglah mean (rata-rata) dari data tersebut.Hitunglah nilai rata-rata 80,75,90,85,72,92,88,78,87,92 Hitunglah median dari dara tersebut...

UJIAN AKHIR TAHUN 2022/2023 2023-06-03

UJIAN AKHIR TAHUN 2022/2023 crossword puzzle


List 84 2020-05-15

List 84 crossword puzzle
  1. a place with many stores inside
  2. kick a black and white ball in this sport
  3. the opposite of "right"
  4. where you go to watch a sports game
  5. this animal looks a little like an alligator
  6. a road
  1. a place with many kinds of animals
  2. something humans made that flies in space
  3. the opposite of "left"
  4. go left or right
  5. an animal that can climb trees
  6. the group you are trying to win with

12 Clues: a roadgo left or rightthe opposite of "left"the opposite of "right"an animal that can climb treesa place with many stores insidea place with many kinds of animalswhere you go to watch a sports gamethe group you are trying to win withsomething humans made that flies in spacekick a black and white ball in this sport...

10/23/2023 - Lillian Merwin 2023-10-23

10/23/2023 - Lillian Merwin crossword puzzle
  1. A violent clash of religion and cultures between European nobility and papacy and the Turks. (79)
  2. A poor knight who lead one of the first crusades of the nobility and was nicknamed “The penniless”. (80-81)
  3. The Crusaders main city that they were trying to liberate from the Turks. (79)
  4. a nomadic tribe that converted to Islam and made conquests in the east. (78)
  5. When all the voice sang the same part in unison without instrumental accompaniment. (85)
  6. A female romance writer who lived in England. (85)
  7. The place where the first pograms occurred. (81)
  8. A poet who wrote with tenderness about his love of war. (85)
  1. The monastery, Abbott Sugar, was from. (83)
  2. professional or noble musicians. (85)
  3. The name of the tombs where Jesus was buried. (80)
  4. A pope who was second of his name and held a council of French clergy and nobility at Cleremont in 1095 which was the council that started the first crusade. (79)
  5. – The books the daughter of Alexisus wrote. (83)
  6. The Dutchess of Aquitaine and wife of Louis VII for a time. (83)
  7. The daughter of Emperor Alexius. She wrote an account of the relation and going on between her country and others. (81)

15 Clues: professional or noble musicians. (85)The monastery, Abbott Sugar, was from. (83)– The books the daughter of Alexisus wrote. (83)The place where the first pograms occurred. (81)The name of the tombs where Jesus was buried. (80)A female romance writer who lived in England. (85)A poet who wrote with tenderness about his love of war. (85)...

Almanca 2022-09-22

Almanca crossword puzzle
  1. 84
  2. 71
  3. 55
  4. 61
  5. 2
  1. 64
  2. 99
  3. 10
  4. 1
  5. 70
  6. 12

11 Clues: 12648499711055617012

psalm 84 2014-01-21

psalm 84 crossword puzzle
  1. de Heer is een............(12)en een schild
  2. gelukkig de mens die op u...............(13)
  3. rijke zegen daalt als....(7)op uw volgelingen neer
  4. trekken uw volgelingen door een dal van dorheid, het verandert voor hen in een...........(7)
  5. van............(3)smacht mijn ziel naar de voorhoven van de Heer
  6. God, ons.............(10), zie naar ons om
  7. Heer, hoor mijn...........(9), luister naar mij
  1. gelukkig wie.............(5)in uw huis, altijd mogen zij u loven
  2. gelukkig wie bij u hun............(6)zoeken
  3. zelfs de mus vindt een.............(4)en de zwaluw een nest bij uw altaren
  4. hoe lieflijk is uw.............(2)Heer van de hemelse machten
  5. beter één..............(11)in uw voorhoven dan duizend dagen daarbuiten

12 Clues: God, ons.............(10), zie naar ons omde Heer is een............(12)en een schildgelukkig wie bij u hun............(6)zoekengelukkig de mens die op u...............(13)Heer, hoor mijn...........(9), luister naar mijrijke zegen daalt als....(7)op uw volgelingen neerhoe lieflijk is uw.............(2)Heer van de hemelse machten...

Matematika 2021-02-08

Matematika crossword puzzle
  1. Jumlah huruf pada kata satuan
  2. 5 + 5
  3. Angka 3 pada bilangan 23 menempati tempat
  4. Hasil dari penjumlahan ..... ditambah tujuh adalah lima belas
  5. Angka 8 pada bilangan 80 menempati tempat
  6. Nilai angka 7 pada bilangan 57
  1. Hasil dari 70 + .....= 71
  2. 6 + 3
  3. Pada bilangan 84 yang menempati tempat satuan angka
  4. Delapan ditambah ..... hasilnya 13
  5. Nilai angka 1 pada bilangan 18
  6. 50 + ... = 50

12 Clues: 6 + 35 + 550 + ... = 50Hasil dari 70 + .....= 71Jumlah huruf pada kata satuanNilai angka 1 pada bilangan 18Nilai angka 7 pada bilangan 57Delapan ditambah ..... hasilnya 13Angka 3 pada bilangan 23 menempati tempatAngka 8 pada bilangan 80 menempati tempatPada bilangan 84 yang menempati tempat satuan angka...

Blizzard Ch 16 - 18 Probasco 2023-03-06

Blizzard Ch 16 - 18  Probasco crossword puzzle
  1. The ________ gust was so furious, it knocked all four boys down at once. P. 88
  2. The sled rocked back and forth like a tiny boat on a _________ ocean. P. 85
  3. The men were so caked with snow and ice, they looked like walking ___________! P. 80
  4. John realized Peter was reciting one of the long, boring poems that Miss Ruell had made them _________. P. 92
  5. The boys lunged forward, crawling ________ through the snowdrifts toward the house. P. 89
  6. The haystack became a little _______. It was just big enough for the boys all to fit. P. 91
  7. John didn’t want be far away from _________ but he knew Miss Ruell would keep her safe. P. 82
  8. Even the blanket didn’t provide protection. The glassy ice raked at his ________ like tiny claws. P. 83
  9. Even though John might not be a real ______ like Rex, he knew they had to get out of this wind and snow. P. 90
  10. John felt the last of his body’s warmth ______ out of him, like blood leaking from a deep cut. P. 88
  11. Sometimes, John would fall and one of his friends would grab his arms and ________ him back up. P. 88
  12. Just as Mr. Lowry snapped the reins, the wind howled viciously and a hunk of the _________ roof came off! P. 83
  13. Myra’s Father, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Lowry brought three ________ to transport the children to the hotel to wait out the blizzard. P. 81
  1. To keep from falling asleep, the boys counted to one thousand and then did it again ________. P. 92
  2. After John jumped off the sled and rolled aside, he felt _______ when he saw that Sven, Rex and Peter had made it safely off the sled as well. P. 86
  3. This word means “injured by repeated blows or punishment.” The boys were _______ by the maniac wind. P. 88
  4. “Close” was a word that meant nothing in a blizzard. John felt the Ricker house might as well be on the ______. P. 87
  5. John remembered that the fox had _______ in the haystack overnight. P. 90
  6. The hands and feet of John, Sven, Rex and Peter were completely ________ from the cold. P. 86
  7. The children had to hurry, when they were being rescued, because (Myra’s father said), the horses were _________. P. 81
  8. After Mr. Lowry tumbled to the ground, the horse took off in _______ - dragging the sled, with John and the guys, with it! P. 84
  9. This word means “a dead body, especially of a human being rather than an animal.” P. 87
  10. Was this ________ storm finally dying …. Or was John? P. 93
  11. Going outside in the brutal cold, the snow poured down. The children felt like they were standing under a ________ made of snow and ice. P. 82
  12. The wind’s nonstop scream _______ through John’s skull, deep into his brain. P. 87
  13. The boys took turns telling stories; John told them the name of every player on the Chicago baseball team, and they said _________ (to keep from falling asleep). P. 92
  14. This word means “likely to have an unfortunate and inescapable outcome; defeat, disaster, death. P. 87

27 Clues: Was this ________ storm finally dying …. Or was John? P. 93John remembered that the fox had _______ in the haystack overnight. P. 90The sled rocked back and forth like a tiny boat on a _________ ocean. P. 85The ________ gust was so furious, it knocked all four boys down at once. P. 88...

numbers 2024-04-28

numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 41
  2. 57
  3. 84
  4. 3
  5. 20
  1. 68
  2. 72
  3. 100
  4. 12
  5. 35
  6. 96

11 Clues: 3684172571235849620100

La locandiera p.70 - p.88 2023-02-25

La locandiera p.70 - p.88 crossword puzzle
  1. le désir / la frénésie (p.76)
  2. ingrate (p.85)
  3. le piège (p.79)
  4. compatir (p.79)
  5. la confession (p.72)
  6. se moquer (p.75)
  7. le divertissement (p.70)
  1. dureté (p.77)
  2. le mépris (p.74)
  3. le changement (p.75)
  4. ruiner/détruire (p.86)
  5. incrédule
  6. se venger (p.86)
  7. fourbe
  8. le petit chien / toutou (familier) (p.78)

15 Clues: fourbeincréduledureté (p.77)ingrate (p.85)le piège (p.79)compatir (p.79)le mépris (p.74)se venger (p.86)se moquer (p.75)le changement (p.75)la confession (p.72)ruiner/détruire (p.86)le divertissement (p.70)le désir / la frénésie (p.76)le petit chien / toutou (familier) (p.78)

Pg. 84 Crossword 2021-02-01

Pg. 84 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A person in the 16th and 17th centuries who wished to leave the Church of England.
  2. A person under contract work, usually without pay, in exchange for free passage to the colonies.
  3. A company whose shareholders own stock in the company.
  4. A person who strongly disagrees with official policy.
  5. To send away as punishment, usually without hope of return.
  6. A person responsible for a colony.
  7. Substances used to make products.
  8. Actions that involve the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.
  9. An agreement to not take sides in future wars.
  10. A comply with a governor and council appointed by the king.
  1. A principle set of beliefs accepted by a group.
  2. The control of one’s own affairs; the control of community affairs and laws by those who live there rather than by an outside ruler or monarch.
  3. A written grant estabalishing an institution and detailing members and their rights.
  4. A founding document of the Connecticut colony listed 11 laws and stood as a framework for the colony.
  5. A small river that flows into a bigger body of water.
  6. A person who betrays his or hers own people, nation or cause.
  7. The 11 southern states that seceded from the Union to form their own nation, the Confederate States of America.
  8. A violent conflict between Native Amaricans and English colonists from New England, who were aided by Native Amarican Allies.
  9. An agreement between nations to fight each other’s enemies or otherwise collaborate; a partnership.

19 Clues: Substances used to make products.A person responsible for a colony.An agreement to not take sides in future wars.A principle set of beliefs accepted by a group.A small river that flows into a bigger body of water.A person who strongly disagrees with official policy.A company whose shareholders own stock in the company....

Tash's Birthday Crossword 2022-07-20

Tash's Birthday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. tat of the year (6, 4)
  2. "bucket of ice for the ____, please" (24.12.2021)
  3. property with the highest revenue in Monopoly
  4. hefty buddha marking the completion of a sweaty winter hike (4, 3)
  5. where the atom was first split
  6. gangster born on 1st August '63
  7. Japanese game show from '86, later with a Scouse twist (8, 6)
  8. predominantly innocuous (6, 8)
  9. gods of lit & war (3, 2)
  10. video hint
  11. "Good morning, that's a nice ____" (S4,E2)
  12. video hint
  13. shout this out when picking up the winning Mahjong tile (3, 2)
  14. a fitting birthday no.1 from '86 (3,4,2,3)
  1. Dead& staple
  2. relative kebab (6, 5)
  3. confection, not to be confused with an 80s band
  4. pop culture reference of '86, back in a big way (3, 3)
  5. born in '86, seventh studio album in 2022
  6. Russian origin, born on Christmas Day
  7. coin pit cove (10, 3)
  8. flaming striped beast (4, 5)
  9. video hint
  10. beat & mix
  11. forever, 90s group
  12. luxury item created in Manchester, most likely to be seen in HK (5, 5)
  13. no.38 on this year's Asia's 50 best bars (3, 6)
  14. 1720-69, Native American chief of the Ottawa tribe
  15. "get the ____ ready because there's custard"
  16. long serving/suffering feline resident of no.10

30 Clues: video hintbeat & mixvideo hintvideo hintDead& stapleforever, 90s grouprelative kebab (6, 5)coin pit cove (10, 3)tat of the year (6, 4)gods of lit & war (3, 2)flaming striped beast (4, 5)where the atom was first splitpredominantly innocuous (6, 8)gangster born on 1st August '63Russian origin, born on Christmas Day...

niko 8a 2020-03-02

niko 8a crossword puzzle
  1. kala
  2. reppu
  3. metsä
  4. nuotio
  5. puolukka
  6. sieni
  7. makuupussi
  8. teltta
  1. lakka
  2. lintu
  3. ranta
  4. ihminen
  5. järvi
  6. onkivapa
  7. roska
  8. paikka
  9. puu

18 Clues: puukalalakkalinturantareppumetsäjärvisieniroskanuotiopaikkatelttaihminenonkivapapuolukkamakuupussi

8A Vocabulary 2023-09-19

8A Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. rude
  2. come together
  3. noise
  4. forcefully
  5. pull out
  6. at the same time
  7. a facial expression that indicated disapproval
  8. rarely
  9. causing strong feelings of excitement and happiness
  10. constantly
  11. taking apart
  1. without paying attention
  2. confidence, hope and discipline
  3. seriously and sincerely
  4. awful
  5. past tense of forbid
  6. huge
  7. standardized conception

18 Clues: rudehugenoiseawfulrarelypull outforcefullyconstantlytaking apartcome togetherat the same timepast tense of forbidseriously and sincerelystandardized conceptionwithout paying attentionconfidence, hope and disciplinea facial expression that indicated disapprovalcausing strong feelings of excitement and happiness

TTS BAHASA BALI 2023-02-08

TTS BAHASA BALI crossword puzzle
  1. suara sane cutet
  2. 12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8i
  3. Buta tumben kedat
  4. Kidung
  5. gatotkaca sraya
  1. sekar alit
  2. kanda
  3. Pan Balang Tamak
  4. I Pucung
  5. awak baduda makeneh madain garuda

10 Clues: kandaKidungI Pucungsekar alitgatotkaca srayasuara sane cutetPan Balang TamakButa tumben kedat12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8iawak baduda makeneh madain garuda

TTS BAHASA BALI 2023-02-08

TTS BAHASA BALI crossword puzzle
  1. Pan Balang Tamak
  2. 12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8i
  3. Kidung
  4. I Pucung
  5. awak baduda makeneh madain garuda
  1. Buta tumben kedat
  2. kanda
  3. suara sane cutet
  4. gatotkaca sraya
  5. sekar alit

10 Clues: kandaKidungI Pucungsekar alitgatotkaca srayasuara sane cutetPan Balang TamakButa tumben kedat12a-8i-6a-8a-8i-5a-8iawak baduda makeneh madain garuda

Lental Region PhotoDex 1-100 2024-01-17

Lental Region PhotoDex 1-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 56 Water/Ground III
  2. 17 Normal IV
  3. 48 Normal/Flying VII
  4. 90 Ground/Electric V
  5. 92 Water/Rock II
  6. 85 Poison III
  7. 35 Normal I
  8. 37 Normal I
  9. 86 Grass II
  10. 2 Electric II
  11. 62 Psychic VI
  12. 43 Bug I
  13. 1 Bug/Flying VI
  14. 9 Bug III
  15. 99 Water I
  16. 66 Normal/Grass V
  17. 76 Water/Grass III
  18. 87 Dark/Psychic VI
  19. 31 Bug/Fairy VII
  20. 83 Ghost/Flying IV
  21. 25 Bug/Flying IV
  22. 41 Normal II
  23. 3 Grass VIII
  24. 65 Normal/Grass V
  25. 51 Normal III
  26. 74 Psychic/Fairy III
  27. 33 Normal V
  28. 11 Bug I
  29. 44 Bug/Flying III
  30. 58 Water VIII
  31. 24 Bug/Flying IV
  32. 57 Bug/Flying II
  33. 52 Grass/Poison I
  34. 75 Fire I
  35. 22 Fairy VII
  36. 20 Water I
  37. 96 Electric/Psychic I A
  38. 94 Water III
  39. 45 Poison I
  40. 72 Grass/Dragon VIII
  41. 91 Water II
  42. 80 Water/Flying III
  43. 7 Grass IV
  44. 89 Fighting I
  45. 42 Grass VII
  46. 23 Fairy VI
  47. 98 Water/Dark III
  48. 12 Bug/Fighting II
  49. 27 Grass IV
  50. 54 Water/Ground II
  1. 39 Rock II
  2. 100 Water I
  3. 16 Water/Flying V
  4. 14 Normal/Flying I
  5. 4 Fire VIII
  6. 60 Psychic I
  7. 34 Normal/Flying IV
  8. 18 Normal/Flying III
  9. 19 Grass/Ground IV
  10. 95 Water/Fairy VII
  11. 64 Normal III
  12. 88 Water VII
  13. 47 Normal/Flying VII
  14. 97 Ghost/Ground VII
  15. 78 Psychic/Grass II
  16. 77 Psychic II
  17. 5 Normal V
  18. 84 Normal III
  19. 49 Bug/Poison II
  20. 29 Normal I
  21. 81 Grass/Psychic I
  22. 46 Bug/Flying IV
  23. 6 Normal/Flying I
  24. 55 Water/Ground II
  25. 50 Grass/Fairy VII
  26. 36 Normal V
  27. 32 Normal VI
  28. 53 Dark V
  29. 8 Electric/Flying V
  30. 13 Bug I
  31. 28 Grass II
  32. 79 Water III
  33. 26 Fairy VI
  34. 40 Electric/Fairy VI
  35. 63 Grass/Dark III
  36. 68 Normal/Dragon VII
  37. 61 Ghost/Grass VI
  38. 73 Normal/Fighting VII
  39. 69 Fighting VI
  40. 82 Fighting VII
  41. 93 Water IV
  42. 67 Normal/Flying V
  43. 15 Water/Flying V
  44. 10 Dark/Flying II
  45. 59 Grass IV
  46. 70 Grass/Poison I
  47. 21 Normal/Flying II
  48. 38 Poison V
  49. 71 Grass V
  50. 30 Electric I

100 Clues: 43 Bug I13 Bug I11 Bug I9 Bug III53 Dark V75 Fire I39 Rock II99 Water I5 Normal V20 Water I7 Grass IV71 Grass V100 Water I4 Fire VIII35 Normal I37 Normal I86 Grass II29 Normal I36 Normal V28 Grass II26 Fairy VI33 Normal V93 Water IV59 Grass IV45 Poison I91 Water II38 Poison V23 Fairy VI27 Grass IV17 Normal IV60 Psychic I88 Water VII32 Normal VI...

Alola/Melemele Pokédex (USUM) 1-100 2024-01-21

Alola/Melemele Pokédex (USUM) 1-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 3 Grass/Ghost VII
  2. 57 Poison/Dark I A
  3. 38 Rock II
  4. 16 Dark/Normal I A
  5. 42 Normal IV
  6. 6 Fire/Dark VII
  7. 95 Ice/Flying II
  8. 24 Normal IV
  9. 61 Poison I
  10. 56 Electric/Steel IV
  11. 18 Bug I
  12. 97 Electric/Flying VII
  13. 8 Water VII
  14. 22 Bug/Poison II
  15. 37 Rock IV
  16. 77 Ghost/Flying IV
  17. 72 Fighting/Ice VII
  18. 52 Dark I A
  19. 53 Dark I A
  20. 36 Bug/Electric VII
  21. 87 Normal/Flying I
  22. 39 Normal IV
  23. 75 Ghost/Poison I
  24. 29 Dark V
  25. 49 Psychic I
  26. 21 Bug/Flying II
  27. 90 Normal/Flying V
  28. 79 Dark/Flying IV
  29. 85 Ground/Steel I A
  30. 88 Normal/Flying I
  31. 69 Fighting III
  32. 67 Psychic I
  33. 73 Ghost/Poison I
  34. 98 Bug/Fairy VII
  35. 27 Dark/Psychic VI
  36. 25 Normal IV
  37. 5 Fire VII
  38. 12 Normal/Flying VII
  39. 26 Dark/Psychic VI
  40. 100 Fairy VI
  41. 41 Normal II
  42. 70 Normal II
  43. 92 Dark/Flying V
  44. 80 Poison/Flying I
  45. 2 Grass/Flying VII
  46. 89 Normal/Flying V
  47. 35 Bug/Electric VII
  48. 60 Psychic/Fairy I
  49. 96 Fighting/Flying VI
  50. 99 Bug/Fairy VII
  1. 63 Normal II
  2. 30 Normal VI
  3. 7 Water VII
  4. 68 Fighting III
  5. 34 Bug VII
  6. 4 Fire VII
  7. 44 Water/Psychic I
  8. 81 Poison/Flying I
  9. 84 Flying/Dragon VI
  10. 43 Normal I
  11. 55 Electric/Steel I
  12. 9 Water/Fairy VII
  13. 64 Fire I
  14. 66 Psychic I
  15. 40 Normal I
  16. 86 Ground/Steel I A
  17. 58 Poison/Dark I A
  18. 14 Normal VII
  19. 78 Dark/Flying II
  20. 17 Bug I
  21. 10 Normal/Flying VII
  22. 54 Electric/Steel I
  23. 46 Water/Psychic II
  24. 65 Fire I
  25. 48 Water/Flying III
  26. 19 Bug/Flying I
  27. 82 Poison/Flying II
  28. 91 Dark/Flying V
  29. 23 Bug/Poison II
  30. 74 Ghost/Poison I
  31. 93 Fighting I
  32. 83 Flying/Dragon VI
  33. 28 Dark V
  34. 47 Water/Flying III
  35. 50 Psychic I
  36. 1 Grass/Flying VII
  37. 76 Ghost/Flying IV
  38. 59 Psychic/Fairy IV
  39. 13 Normal VII
  40. 15 Dark/Normal I A
  41. 11 Normal/Flying VII
  42. 45 Water/Psychic I
  43. 20 Bug/Flying II
  44. 94 Fighting I
  45. 31 Electric II
  46. 32 Electric I
  47. 71 Fighting VII
  48. 51 Psychic I
  49. 33 Electric/Psychic I A
  50. 62 Poison I

100 Clues: 17 Bug I18 Bug I64 Fire I65 Fire I29 Dark V28 Dark V34 Bug VII4 Fire VII38 Rock II37 Rock IV5 Fire VII7 Water VII43 Normal I40 Normal I61 Poison I8 Water VII52 Dark I A53 Dark I A62 Poison I63 Normal II30 Normal VI42 Normal IV66 Psychic I24 Normal IV39 Normal IV49 Psychic I50 Psychic I67 Psychic I25 Normal IV100 Fairy VI41 Normal II70 Normal II...

Poni Pokédex (USUM) 1-100 2024-01-21

Poni Pokédex (USUM) 1-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 66 Rock VII
  2. 82 Normal III
  3. 37 Dark/Flying V
  4. 86 Fairy II
  5. 29 Flying/Dragon VI
  6. 44 Fairy VI
  7. 81 Dragon VI
  8. 33 Normal/Flying I
  9. 78 Bug I
  10. 3 Normal/Flying VII
  11. 85 Steel/Flying II
  12. 54 Water/Flying I
  13. 56 Water/Ground III
  14. 25 Fighting/Ice VII
  15. 62 Rock V
  16. 80 Dragon VI
  17. 77 Normal/Fighting VII
  18. 74 Normal II
  19. 100 Water/Ice I
  20. 30 Flying/Dragon VI
  21. 73 Normal I
  22. 75 Water V
  23. 11 Dark/Psychic VI
  24. 95 Poison/Dragon VI
  25. 19 Water/Flying III
  26. 83 Bug/Water VII
  27. 88 Water IV
  28. 8 Normal IV
  29. 21 Psychic I
  30. 20 Psychic I
  31. 47 Grass V
  32. 35 Normal/Flying V
  33. 96 Water VI
  34. 40 Fighting I
  35. 65 Rock VII
  36. 91 Ghost/Grass VII
  37. 16 Normal I
  38. 89 Water/Ground IV
  39. 12 Dark V
  40. 90 Water/Rock III
  41. 61 Rock V
  42. 57 Fighting I
  43. 71 Ground VII
  44. 94 Poison/Water VI
  45. 64 Dark/Ghost III
  46. 53 Water I
  47. 43 Bug/Fairy VII
  48. 93 Water/Dark III
  49. 50 Grass/Fairy V
  50. 58 Fighting I
  51. 97 Water VI
  1. 15 Normal IV
  2. 27 Poison/Flying I
  3. 48 Grass V
  4. 92 Water/Dark III
  5. 5 Normal VII
  6. 2 Normal/Flying VII
  7. 60 Rock V
  8. 4 Normal VII
  9. 10 Dark/Psychic VI
  10. 68 Water/Poison I
  11. 22 Fighting III
  12. 18 Water/Flying III
  13. 24 Fighting VII
  14. 63 Rock/Fairy VI
  15. 76 Normal/Fighting VII
  16. 26 Poison/Flying I
  17. 36 Normal/Flying V
  18. 52 Water I
  19. 84 Bug/Water VII
  20. 98 Water III
  21. 13 Dark V
  22. 34 Normal/Flying I
  23. 59 Fighting I
  24. 87 Fairy II
  25. 51 Water I
  26. 38 Dark/Flying V
  27. 99 Water III
  28. 17 Normal II
  29. 1 Normal/Flying VII
  30. 6 Dark/Normal I
  31. 31 Ground/Steel I A
  32. 41 Ghost/Flying VII
  33. 9 Normal IV
  34. 46 Fairy VI
  35. 45 Fairy VI
  36. 70 Water IV
  37. 23 Fighting III
  38. 42 Bug/Fairy VII
  39. 72 Ground VII
  40. 67 Water/Poison I
  41. 14 Normal VI
  42. 39 Fighting I
  43. 49 Grass/Fairy V
  44. 28 Poison/Flying II
  45. 79 Dragon VI
  46. 32 Ground/Steel I A
  47. 69 Water IV
  48. 55 Water/Ground III
  49. 7 Dark/Normal I

100 Clues: 78 Bug I60 Rock V62 Rock V13 Dark V12 Dark V61 Rock V48 Grass V52 Water I51 Water I75 Water V47 Grass V53 Water I66 Rock VII86 Fairy II44 Fairy VI87 Fairy II73 Normal I88 Water IV8 Normal IV9 Normal IV46 Fairy VI45 Fairy VI70 Water IV96 Water VI65 Rock VII16 Normal I69 Water IV97 Water VI15 Normal IV5 Normal VII4 Normal VII81 Dragon VI80 Dragon VI...

Hoenn Pokédex (Gen III) 1-100 2024-01-19

Hoenn Pokédex (Gen III) 1-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 37 Normal III
  2. 34 Grass III
  3. 51 Water I
  4. 69 Steel III
  5. 94 Grass/Poison III
  6. 93 Normal/Flying I
  7. 15 Bug III
  8. 27 Water/Flying III
  9. 67 Water/Poison I
  10. 21 Water/Grass III
  11. 14 Bug III
  12. 90 Grass/Poison I
  13. 42 Bug/Ground III
  14. 39 Psychic I
  15. 31 Psychic III
  16. 44 Bug/Ghost III
  17. 8 Water/Ground III
  18. 30 Psychic III
  19. 62 Normal III
  20. 12 Normal III
  21. 64 Poison/Flying I
  22. 83 Electric/Steel I
  23. 20 Water/Grass III
  24. 60 Rock III
  25. 55 Water II
  26. 96 Poison III
  27. 77 Fighting/Psychic III
  28. 6 Fire/Fighting III
  29. 29 Psychic III
  30. 7 Water III
  31. 35 Grass/Fighting III
  32. 23 Grass/Dark III
  33. 13 Normal III
  34. 33 Bug/Flying III
  35. 1 Grass III
  36. 5 Fire/Fighting III
  37. 73 Fighting I
  38. 38 Normal III
  39. 49 Fighting III
  40. 79 Electric III
  41. 53 Water/Flying I
  42. 97 Water/Dark III
  43. 24 Grass/Dark III
  44. 58 Rock/Ground I
  45. 81 Electric III
  46. 28 Water/Flying III
  47. 61 Normal III
  48. 85 Electric I
  49. 18 Bug/Poison III
  1. 78 Electric III
  2. 2 Grass III
  3. 59 Rock/Ground I
  4. 86 Bug III
  5. 36 Normal III
  6. 84 Electric I
  7. 68 Dark/Ghost III
  8. 56 Water II
  9. 71 Steel/Rock III
  10. 66 Water/Poison I
  11. 22 Grass III
  12. 80 Electric III
  13. 19 Water/Grass III
  14. 45 Normal III
  15. 16 Bug/Flying III
  16. 50 Water I
  17. 40 Psychic I
  18. 4 Fire III
  19. 17 Bug III
  20. 46 Normal III
  21. 99 Water III
  22. 95 Poison III
  23. 10 Dark III
  24. 82 Electric/Steel I
  25. 11 Dark III
  26. 88 Grass/Poison I
  27. 25 Normal/Flying III
  28. 70 Steel/Rock III
  29. 57 Rock/Ground I
  30. 87 Bug III
  31. 91 Grass II
  32. 9 Water/Ground III
  33. 100 Water III
  34. 3 Grass III
  35. 32 Bug/Water III
  36. 92 Normal/Flying I
  37. 47 Normal III
  38. 48 Fighting III
  39. 43 Bug/Flying III
  40. 63 Poison/Flying I
  41. 52 Water I
  42. 75 Fighting I
  43. 54 Normal III
  44. 41 Psychic I
  45. 72 Steel/Rock III
  46. 74 Fighting I
  47. 76 Fighting/Psychic III
  48. 89 Grass/Poison I
  49. 65 Poison/Flying II
  50. 26 Normal/Flying III
  51. 98 Water/Dark III

100 Clues: 86 Bug III51 Water I15 Bug III50 Water I14 Bug III4 Fire III17 Bug III87 Bug III52 Water I2 Grass III56 Water II10 Dark III11 Dark III91 Grass II60 Rock III55 Water II3 Grass III7 Water III1 Grass III34 Grass III69 Steel III22 Grass III40 Psychic I39 Psychic I99 Water III41 Psychic I37 Normal III36 Normal III84 Electric I45 Normal III46 Normal III...

Ncy periyodik tablo 2017-10-25

Ncy periyodik tablo crossword puzzle
  1. Periyodik sistemde yatay sıralara denir.
  2. Periyodik sistemdeki grup sayısıdır.
  3. Günümüzdeki periyodik tablonun kurucusu olarak anılmaktadır.
  4. Glenn Seaborg periyodik tablonun en altına ....... ve aktinitler adında iki sora ekleyerek periyodik tablonun son halini oluşturmuştur.
  5. Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner benzer özellik gösteren elementleri ..... ayırmıştır.
  6. Elektriği ve ısıyı iyi ileten, parlak görünüme sahip olan, tel ve levha haline getirilebilen elementlere denir.
  7. 1A Grubu elementlerinin ismi.
  8. 8A Grubu elementlerine denir.
  9. Negatif yüklü iyonlara denir.
  10. Periyodik sistemde sağdan sola gidildikçe ve yukarıdan alağıya inildikçe artar.
  1. Periyodik sistemdeki dikey sıralara denir.
  2. Periyodik sistemdeki periyot sayısı.
  3. 7A Grubu elementlerinin ismi.
  4. Bir atomun son katmanındaki elektron sayısını 8’e tamamlamasına denen kural.
  5. B gruplarına denir.
  6. Periyodik sistemin sağ tarafında kalan elektiriği ve ısıyı iyi iletmeyen mat görünümlü, şekil verilemeyen elementlere denir.
  7. Bir atomun son katmanındaki elektron sayısını 2’ye tamamlamasına denen kural.
  8. Değerlik katmanında 8 elektron veya bazen 2 elektronun bulunduran atomlara denir.
  9. Birinci periyotta bulunan element sayısı.
  10. Pozitif yüklü iyonlara denir.

20 Clues: B gruplarına denir.7A Grubu elementlerinin ismi.Pozitif yüklü iyonlara denir.1A Grubu elementlerinin ismi.8A Grubu elementlerine denir.Negatif yüklü iyonlara denir.Periyodik sistemdeki periyot sayısı.Periyodik sistemdeki grup sayısıdır.Periyodik sistemde yatay sıralara denir.Birinci periyotta bulunan element sayısı....


MATH CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. 28 X 2.2
  2. 5/3 - 6/10
  3. 9 to the power of 5
  4. 1.2 X 2
  5. square miles wide The x-15 rocket launcher has a blast range equal to the area of a city 30 miles wide and 80 miles long. Find the area.
  6. 8/18 divided by 1/4
  7. 3.2 X 7
  8. 1/2 x 3/4
  9. 84 divided by 1.2
  10. (1/5+2/20)-1/5
  1. Hayes needs to find 3/5 x 6/7.Solve the problem.
  2. 21/30 + 6/5
  3. 1/2 flowers John has 2 1/4 flowers. Mary has 1 2/8 flowers. How many do they have altogether?
  4. 8/5 x 2/8
  5. Carmen had 3/5 candy. He ate 1/4 of it. How much candy does Carmen have now?
  6. 12 X 2
  7. 2 X 2
  8. 24.2 X 12
  9. 29 x 29
  10. 6 X 5

20 Clues: 2 X 26 X 512 X 21.2 X 23.2 X 729 x 2928 X 2.28/5 x 2/824.2 X 121/2 x 3/45/3 - 6/1021/30 + 6/5(1/5+2/20)-1/584 divided by 1.29 to the power of 58/18 divided by 1/4Hayes needs to find 3/5 x 6/7.Solve the problem.Carmen had 3/5 candy. He ate 1/4 of it. How much candy does Carmen have now?...

Aeneid XI, lines 72-84 2019-11-20

Aeneid XI, lines 72-84 crossword puzzle
  1. These are draped with enemy weapons (nominative) (83)
  2. An adjective to describe the gold (nominative) (75)
  3. The '_______ honor' (nominative)(76)
  4. An adjective agreeing with sanguis (nominative) (82)
  5. Dido spun this into the robes for Aeneas (nominative) (72)
  6. Dido's state of mind when making the robes (73)
  1. Aeneas wants the ______ of the enemy to be fixed to their weapons (84)
  2. The feminine accusative plural future passive participle of ardeo. (77)
  3. The subject of iubet (79)
  4. Equi et ____ were in the procession (nominative) (80)
  5. Other things that are piled up on the bier, from the pugna (78)
  6. A word that shows that the robes were made at a previous time (74)
  7. Where Aeneas sent men as a funeral offering (nominative plural) (81)

13 Clues: The subject of iubet (79)The '_______ honor' (nominative)(76)Dido's state of mind when making the robes (73)An adjective to describe the gold (nominative) (75)An adjective agreeing with sanguis (nominative) (82)These are draped with enemy weapons (nominative) (83)Equi et ____ were in the procession (nominative) (80)...

numbers in spanish 2019-05-07

numbers in spanish crossword puzzle
  1. 78
  2. 43
  3. 29
  4. 39
  5. 54
  6. 88
  1. 62
  2. 100
  3. 99
  4. 84
  5. 55

11 Clues: 62997884435529395488100

Explicit Formulas 2022-10-01

Explicit Formulas crossword puzzle
  1. -30, 70, 170, 270,... Find a₂₀
  2. 28, -72, -172,... Find a₂₇
  3. 4, 2, 1, 0.5,... Find g₁₀
  4. -21, -13, -5, 3,... Find a₂₉
  5. 64, -32, 16, -8,... Find g₉
  6. -34, 166, 366,... Find a₂₉
  7. 3, 9, 27, 81,... Find g₉
  8. -28, -228, -428,... Find a₃₄
  9. 24, 54, 84, 114,... Find a₂₅
  10. 34, 43, 52, 61,... Find a₂₂
  11. 38, 34, 30, 26,... Find a₃₅
  1. -1, -0.5, -0.25,... Find g₉
  2. -18, -22, -26, -30,... Find a₂₅
  3. 4, 12, 36, 108,... Find g₁₂
  4. 24, 12, 6, 3,... Find g₁₂
  5. 33, 27, 21, 15,... Find a₂₂
  6. 4, 12, 36, 108,... Find g₁₁
  7. 3, 6, 12, 24,... Find g₁₂
  8. 1.25, 5, 20, 80... Find g₉
  9. 2, 4, 8, 16,... Find g₁₂

20 Clues: 3, 9, 27, 81,... Find g₉2, 4, 8, 16,... Find g₁₂24, 12, 6, 3,... Find g₁₂4, 2, 1, 0.5,... Find g₁₀3, 6, 12, 24,... Find g₁₂28, -72, -172,... Find a₂₇-34, 166, 366,... Find a₂₉1.25, 5, 20, 80... Find g₉-1, -0.5, -0.25,... Find g₉4, 12, 36, 108,... Find g₁₂33, 27, 21, 15,... Find a₂₂4, 12, 36, 108,... Find g₁₁64, -32, 16, -8,... Find g₉...

10 CODES 2021-08-07

10 CODES crossword puzzle
  1. 94
  2. DETAIL 84
  3. 82
  4. 92
  1. 95
  2. 81
  3. 91
  4. 80
  5. 87
  6. 88
  7. 89

11 Clues: 95819491808788898292DETAIL 84

Chap 4 2022-09-13

Chap 4 crossword puzzle
  1. the movement of people from place to place (83)
  2. a system based on free enterprise (95)
  3. the variations in the populatin that occur across an area (85)
  4. a system in which production & distribution of goods/services are made by a central authority (95)
  5. number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)
  6. a system in which tradition & custom control economic activity (95)
  7. number of deaths per year for every 1000 people (83)
  8. the growth rate of a population (83)
  1. a system in which people have the right to own property or business with limited govt interference (95)
  2. way of life of a group of people (79)
  3. form of govt in which all key powers are given to the central govt (88)
  4. group of people who share a common ancestry (79)
  5. form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)
  6. govt in which leaders rule with consent of the citizens (89)
  7. form of govt in which powers are divided between national and state govt (88)
  8. physical geographic features (mountains/rivers) that act as a boundary between 2 areas (90)
  9. the number of years it takes for a population to double in size (83)
  10. the average number of people living on a square mile (85)
  11. region that includes a central city & its surround suburbs (103)
  12. govt in which 1-person rules with unlimited power (88)
  13. govt in which a small group holds power (88)
  14. a system in which govt supports & regulates enterprise (95)

22 Clues: the growth rate of a population (83)way of life of a group of people (79)a system based on free enterprise (95)form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)govt in which a small group holds power (88)the movement of people from place to place (83)group of people who share a common ancestry (79)number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)...

Chapp 4 2022-09-13

Chapp 4 crossword puzzle
  1. govt in which leaders rule with consent of the citizens (89)
  2. the variations in the population that occur across an area (85)
  3. form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)
  4. govt in which 1-person rules with unlimited power (88)
  5. govt in which a small group holds power (88)
  6. number of deaths per year for every 1000 people (83)
  7. the movement of people from place to place (83)
  8. the growth rate of a population (83)
  9. a system in which govt supports & regulates enterprise (95)
  1. the average number of people living on a square mile (85)
  2. way of life of a group of people (79)
  3. group of people who share a common ancestry (79)
  4. a system in which people have the right to own property or business with limited govt interference (95)
  5. the number of years it takes for a population to double in size (83)
  6. region that includes a central city & its surround suburbs (103)
  7. a system in which production & distribution of goods/services are made by a central authority (95)
  8. number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)
  9. a system in which tradition & custom control economic activity (95)
  10. a system based on free enterprise (95)
  11. form of govt in which all key powers are given to the central govt (88)
  12. form of govt in which powers are divided between national and state govt (88)
  13. physical geographic features (mountains/rivers) that act as a boundary between 2 areas (90)

22 Clues: the growth rate of a population (83)way of life of a group of people (79)a system based on free enterprise (95)form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)govt in which a small group holds power (88)the movement of people from place to place (83)group of people who share a common ancestry (79)number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)...

Chapp 4 2022-09-13

Chapp 4 crossword puzzle
  1. the movement of people from place to place (83)
  2. a system based on free enterprise (95)
  3. the variations in the population that occur across an area (85)
  4. a system in which production & distribution of goods/services are made by a central authority (95)
  5. number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)
  6. a system in which tradition & custom control economic activity (95)
  7. number of deaths per year for every 1000 people (83)
  8. the growth rate of a population (83)
  1. a system in which people have the right to own property or business with limited govt interference (95)
  2. way of life of a group of people (79)
  3. form of govt in which all key powers are given to the central govt (88)
  4. group of people who share a common ancestry (79)
  5. form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)
  6. govt in which leaders rule with consent of the citizens (89)
  7. form of govt in which powers are divided between national and state govt (88)
  8. physical geographic features (mountains/rivers) that act as a boundary between 2 areas (90)
  9. the number of years it takes for a population to double in size (83)
  10. the average number of people living on a square mile (85)
  11. region that includes a central city & its surround suburbs (103)
  12. govt in which 1-person rules with unlimited power (88)
  13. govt in which a small group holds power (88)
  14. a system in which govt supports & regulates enterprise (95)

22 Clues: the growth rate of a population (83)way of life of a group of people (79)a system based on free enterprise (95)form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)govt in which a small group holds power (88)the movement of people from place to place (83)group of people who share a common ancestry (79)number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)...

Chappp 4 2022-09-13

Chappp 4 crossword puzzle
  1. number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)
  2. govt in which leaders rule with consent of the citizens (89)
  3. the movement of people from place to place (83)
  4. form of govt in which powers are divided between national and state govt (88)
  5. govt in which a small group holds power (88)
  6. physical geographic features (mountains/rivers) that act as a boundary between 2 areas (90)
  7. a system in which people have the right to own property or business with limited govt interference (95)
  8. govt in which 1-person rules with unlimited power (88)
  9. the variations in the population that occur across an area (85)
  10. a system in which govt supports & regulates enterprise (95)
  11. form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)
  1. a system based on free enterprise (95)
  2. a system in which tradition & custom control economic activity (95)
  3. the average number of people living on a square mile (85)
  4. group of people who share a common ancestry (79)
  5. region that includes a central city & its surround suburbs (103)
  6. a system in which production & distribution of goods/services are made by a central authority (95)
  7. number of deaths per year for every 1000 people (83)
  8. way of life of a group of people (79)
  9. form of govt in which all key powers are given to the central govt (88)
  10. the growth rate of a population (83)
  11. the number of years it takes for a population to double in size (83)

22 Clues: the growth rate of a population (83)way of life of a group of people (79)a system based on free enterprise (95)form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)govt in which a small group holds power (88)the movement of people from place to place (83)group of people who share a common ancestry (79)number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)...

D&C Doctrinal Mastery Scriptures 2021-10-27

D&C Doctrinal Mastery Scriptures crossword puzzle
  1. D&C 21:4-6
  2. D&C 58:42-43
  3. D&C 107:8
  4. D&C 29:10-11
  5. D&C 1:37-38
  6. D&C 8:2-3
  7. Joseph Smith History 1:15-20
  8. D&C 76:22-24
  9. D&C 82:10
  10. D&C 19:16-19
  11. D&C 6:36
  12. D&C 130:22-23
  1. D&C 64:9-11
  2. D&C 89:18-21
  3. D&C 135:3
  4. D&C 13:1
  5. D&C 49:15-17
  6. D&C 88:118
  7. D&C 1:30
  8. D&C 121:36, 41-42
  9. D&C 131:1-4
  10. D&C 84:20-22
  11. D&C 18:10-11
  12. D&C 18:15-16

24 Clues: D&C 13:1D&C 1:30D&C 6:36D&C 135:3D&C 107:8D&C 8:2-3D&C 82:10D&C 21:4-6D&C 88:118D&C 64:9-11D&C 1:37-38D&C 131:1-4D&C 89:18-21D&C 58:42-43D&C 49:15-17D&C 29:10-11D&C 84:20-22D&C 76:22-24D&C 18:10-11D&C 18:15-16D&C 19:16-19D&C 130:22-23D&C 121:36, 41-42Joseph Smith History 1:15-20

D&C Doctrinal Mastery 2021-09-30

D&C Doctrinal Mastery crossword puzzle
  1. D&C 1:30
  2. D&C 130:22-23
  3. D&C 8:2-3
  4. D&C 1:37-38
  5. JSH 1:15-20
  6. D&C 29:10-11
  7. D&C 18:10-11
  8. D&C 49:15-17
  9. D&C 6:36
  10. D&C 135:3
  11. D&C 21:4-6
  12. D&C 82:10
  1. D&C 58:42-43
  2. D&C 13:1
  3. D&C 19:16-19
  4. D&C 107:8
  5. D&C 121:36, 41-42
  6. D&C 76:22-24
  7. D&C 84:20-22
  8. D&C 131:1-4
  9. D&C 88:118
  10. D&C 64:9-11
  11. D&C 18:15-16
  12. D&C 42:11
  13. D&C 89:18-21

25 Clues: D&C 1:30D&C 13:1D&C 6:36D&C 107:8D&C 8:2-3D&C 42:11D&C 135:3D&C 82:10D&C 88:118D&C 21:4-6D&C 1:37-38D&C 131:1-4JSH 1:15-20D&C 64:9-11D&C 58:42-43D&C 19:16-19D&C 76:22-24D&C 84:20-22D&C 29:10-11D&C 18:10-11D&C 18:15-16D&C 49:15-17D&C 89:18-21D&C 130:22-23D&C 121:36, 41-42

53(0|\\||) |>|_|7_7_13 2024-08-07

53(0|\\||) |>|_|7_7_13 crossword puzzle
  1. 84|) |#0|2 80+|-|, |-||_||\\/|4|\\| 4|\\||) (0|\\/||>|_|+3|2
  2. 4 |\\|3+\\|/0|2|( 53(|_||2!+`/ 5`/5+3|\\/|
  3. 4|\\| !|\\||>|_|+ |)3\\/!(3, 4150 4 |\\/||_|5!(41 !|\\|5+|2|_||\\/|3|\\|+
  4. 4|>|>1!(4+!0|\\|, 5|-|0|2+
  5. 4|>|>1!(4+!0|\\| |>|206|24|\\/||\\/|!|\\|6 !|\\|+3|2|#4(3
  6. (3|\\|+|241 |>|20(355!|\\|6 |_||\\|!+
  7. 4 |#4|\\/|0|_|5 +00+|-|
  8. 5|\\|4|(3 14|\\|6|_|463
  9. 8!5(|_|!+
  10. 845!( !|\\||>|_|+/0|_|+|>|_|+ 5`/5+3|\\/|
  11. |24|\\||)0|\\/| 4((355 |\\/|3|\\/|0|2`/
  1. 4 5|\\/|411 |24+
  2. \\|/!|231355 |#!|)31!+`/
  3. |\\|0+ 4 50|#+\\|/4|23
  4. 5`/|\\/|801 +|-|4+ 3|\\||)5 4 1!|\\|3 !|\\| (++
  5. 8!|\\|4|2`/ |)!6!+
  6. |-|!|)|)3|\\| |\\/|3|\\/|0|2`/
  7. (|-||20|\\/|3, |#!|23|#0%, 0|>3|24, 3+(
  8. 0|>3|\\| 50|_||2(3 05
  9. 3|2|20|2

20 Clues: 3|2|20|28!5(|_|!+4 5|\\/|411 |24+8!|\\|4|2`/ |)!6!+0|>3|\\| 50|_||2(3 05|\\|0+ 4 50|#+\\|/4|234 |#4|\\/|0|_|5 +00+|-|5|\\|4|(3 14|\\|6|_|463\\|/!|231355 |#!|)31!+`/4|>|>1!(4+!0|\\|, 5|-|0|2+|-|!|)|)3|\\| |\\/|3|\\/|0|2`/(3|\\|+|241 |>|20(355!|\\|6 |_||\\|!+(|-||20|\\/|3, |#!|23|#0%, 0|>3|24, 3+(|24|\\||)0|\\/| 4((355 |\\/|3|\\/|0|2`/...

les grands nombres 2021-11-01

les grands nombres crossword puzzle
  1. 982
  2. 76
  3. 56
  4. 65
  5. 80
  6. 79
  7. 58
  8. 47
  9. 90
  10. 83
  11. 34
  12. 95
  13. 320
  1. 85
  2. 93
  3. s1
  4. 88
  5. 72
  6. 70
  7. 50
  8. 99
  9. 97
  10. 100
  11. 40
  12. 75
  13. 39
  14. 63
  15. 60

28 Clues: 8593s176885672706550998097795840477590396383346095982100320

Numbers 1-100. 2024-10-12

Numbers 1-100. crossword puzzle
  1. 15
  2. 96
  3. 20
  4. 12
  5. 43
  1. 0
  2. 22
  3. 67
  4. 1
  5. 84
  6. 70
  7. 100

12 Clues: 01152267849620701243100

බෙදීම (5) 2023-11-27

බෙදීම (5) crossword puzzle
  1. 2000÷10
  2. 71000÷1000
  3. 2300÷100
  4. 7900÷100
  5. 4500÷100
  6. 9900÷100
  7. 513÷10
  8. 840÷10
  1. 10700÷100
  2. 120÷10
  3. 3750÷10
  4. 4900÷100
  5. 9210÷10
  6. 38000÷1000
  7. 47000÷1000

15 Clues: 120÷10513÷10840÷102000÷103750÷109210÷102300÷1007900÷1004500÷1004900÷1009900÷10010700÷10071000÷100038000÷100047000÷1000

7 Down 2023-05-05

7 Down crossword puzzle
  1. Hemingway's "In ___ Time"
  2. Red light
  3. Fauna
  4. Mummify
  5. Fill in ___ blank
  6. Roadside rubbish
  7. Smog and debris
  8. ___ quote me on this, but...
  9. Shuffle: intern venom
  1. Netflix show: "How to get away with ___"
  2. ___ as pdf
  3. Change of "heart"
  4. Read every word in numerical order([3A][12D][12A][11D][10A][14A][1D][4A][6A][8A][15A][13D][9D][3D][2A][5D]
  5. Verb
  6. Common connector
  7. Petroleum-based non-biodegradable product
  8. Scene-filming attempt

17 Clues: VerbFaunaMummifyRed light___ as pdfSmog and debrisRoadside rubbishCommon connectorChange of "heart"Fill in ___ blankScene-filming attemptShuffle: intern venomHemingway's "In ___ Time"___ quote me on this, but...Netflix show: "How to get away with ___"Petroleum-based non-biodegradable product...

Αριθμοί 2021-10-17

Αριθμοί crossword puzzle
  1. 55
  2. 88
  3. 26
  4. 75
  5. 99
  6. 92
  7. 84
  1. 51
  2. 66
  3. 33
  4. 44
  5. 27
  6. 38
  7. 49
  8. 77

15 Clues: 516633445588262775384977999284

Ecrire les nombres en lettres 2020-10-11

Ecrire les nombres en lettres crossword puzzle
  1. 91
  2. 80
  3. 16
  4. 49
  5. 48
  6. 84
  7. 70
  8. 44
  9. 72
  1. 64
  2. 73
  3. 56
  4. 37
  5. 20
  6. 53

15 Clues: 647356918037201649485384704472

Algebraic Equations Crossword Puzzle 2015-01-08

Algebraic Equations Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. x/6=12
  2. x-276=598
  3. 7x+14=714
  4. 3x+18=786
  5. 6x=732
  6. 8x+5=973
  7. x/4+35=75
  8. 5x=60
  9. x/4+23=142
  10. x+17=48
  11. 7x=105
  12. x/2+16=40
  13. x/12-89=4183
  1. 15x+80=560
  2. x/4+22=203
  3. x/5+68=239
  4. x/2=86
  5. x/4-29=187
  6. x-17=87
  7. x/12=17
  8. 2x+6=318
  9. 7x-85=776
  10. x/8+68=166
  11. 6+x=17
  12. x-28=568
  13. x/2-5=36
  14. x+365=378

27 Clues: 5x=60x/6=12x/2=866x=7326+x=177x=105x-17=87x/12=17x+17=488x+5=9732x+6=318x-28=568x/2-5=36x-276=5987x+14=7143x+18=786x/4+35=757x-85=776x/2+16=40x+365=37815x+80=560x/4+22=203x/5+68=239x/4-29=187x/4+23=142x/8+68=166x/12-89=4183

Daily Crossword #84 2023-09-24

Daily Crossword #84 crossword puzzle
  1. a rodent with a long tail and pointed snout
  2. a big plot of land
  3. to kill someone
  4. lennies companion
  5. moving rapidly
  6. georges companion
  7. a swamp
  8. loyalty
  1. crossroads
  2. a cherished aspiration
  3. quality of being brothers
  4. self satisfied
  5. a sauce made of tomatoes
  6. a burrowing animal
  7. having the power to do physically demanding things
  8. a large farm
  9. the firing of a gun
  10. dried grass
  11. a person who moves from place to place in search of work

19 Clues: a swamployaltycrossroadsdried grassa large farmself satisfiedmoving rapidlyto kill someonelennies companiongeorges companiona big plot of landa burrowing animalthe firing of a guna cherished aspirationa sauce made of tomatoesquality of being brothersa rodent with a long tail and pointed snouthaving the power to do physically demanding things...

114 2017-12-15

114 crossword puzzle
  1. 30
  2. 90
  3. 84
  4. 12
  1. 20
  2. 그것은
  3. 22
  4. 100
  5. 돕다
  6. 매우

11 Clues: 20302290돕다84매우12그것은100

Almanca 2022-09-22

Almanca crossword puzzle
  1. 55
  2. 64
  3. 10
  4. 71
  5. 2
  6. 84
  1. 12
  2. 61
  3. 70
  4. 99
  5. 1

11 Clues: 12126155709964107184