All Crossword Puzzles

WW4 - Unit 16 Kahoot Ticket 2024-09-20

WW4 - Unit 16 Kahoot Ticket crossword puzzle
  1. (adj) causing or deserving strong dislike
  2. (n) the time at the end of the day just before dark
  3. (v) to gain or get by making an effort
  4. (n) 1. a repeated action or usual way of doing something 2. the work of a profession
  5. (n) a flower
  6. (n) a state of being satisfied and at peace
  7. (v) 1. to say or do over and over in order to get better at something 2. to do; carry on, perform 3. to work at as a profession
  1. (v) 1. to come into bloom 2. to develop
  2. (adj) happy with what one has
  3. (v) to dislike strongly, to hate
  4. (adj) 1. often seen or experienced; known 2. having a good knowledge of
  5. (v) to put out, as a fire or light
  6. (v) 1. to go from place to place with no plan or purpose in mind 2. to slip easily off the subject; to fail to work in a normal way
  7. (n) a place where fruit trees grow

14 Clues: (n) a flower(adj) happy with what one has(v) to dislike strongly, to hate(v) to put out, as a fire or light(n) a place where fruit trees grow(v) to gain or get by making an effort(v) 1. to come into bloom 2. to develop(adj) causing or deserving strong dislike(n) a state of being satisfied and at peace...

Social Media Privacy – Why Is It So Hard? 2024-09-20

Social Media Privacy – Why Is It So Hard? crossword puzzle
  1. Change it if your account gets hacked.
  2. Something hackers love to create fake versions of.
  3. Automated account often active on social media.
  4. A malicious message trying to steal your info.
  5. What you fall for when you’re not careful.
  1. A nasty program you don't want on your computer.
  2. Where social engineers craft a realistic but fake story to trick you into disclosing information.
  3. Authentication method that makes hacking tougher.
  4. Don’t click it if it looks suspicious!
  5. What you’re sacrificing by oversharing.

10 Clues: Change it if your account gets hacked.Don’t click it if it looks suspicious!What you’re sacrificing by oversharing.What you fall for when you’re not careful.A malicious message trying to steal your info.Automated account often active on social media.A nasty program you don't want on your computer.Authentication method that makes hacking tougher....

Mellan - Sverige, Militär, Gammaldags 2024-09-20

Mellan - Sverige, Militär, Gammaldags crossword puzzle
  1. Svenskt stridsflygplan
  2. Flygplan för luftstrid
  3. Sveriges huvudstad
  4. Sveriges andra största stad
  5. Används för att upptäcka flygplan
  6. Sveriges tredje största stad
  7. Byggnad för att förvara flygplan
  8. Vertikalt startande flygplan
  1. Grupp av fartyg
  2. Svensk flygplanstillverkare
  3. Utbildningsplats för piloter
  4. Sveriges militära styrkor
  5. Klassiskt svenskt stridsflygplan
  6. Äldre svenskt stridsflygplan
  7. Svenskt stridsflygplan

15 Clues: Grupp av fartygSveriges huvudstadSvenskt stridsflygplanFlygplan för luftstridSvenskt stridsflygplanSveriges militära styrkorSvensk flygplanstillverkareSveriges andra största stadUtbildningsplats för piloterSveriges tredje största stadÄldre svenskt stridsflygplanVertikalt startande flygplanKlassiskt svenskt stridsflygplan...

Attività e Sport Crossword 2024-09-20

Attività e Sport Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. chorus in italian
  2. swimming in italian
  3. activity in italian
  4. bowling in italian
  5. robotics in italian
  6. soccer in italian
  7. leggera track and field in italian
  8. dance in italian
  9. volleyball in italian
  10. theater in italian
  11. musicale band in italian
  1. art in italian
  2. yearbook in italian
  3. sport in italian
  4. ski club in italian
  5. snowboard club in italian
  6. gymnastics in italian
  7. basketball in italian
  8. baseball in italian

19 Clues: art in italiansport in italiandance in italianchorus in italiansoccer in italianbowling in italiantheater in italianyearbook in italianswimming in italianactivity in italianski club in italianrobotics in italianbaseball in italiangymnastics in italianbasketball in italianvolleyball in italianmusicale band in italiansnowboard club in italian...

Anir og Aqib 2024-09-20

Anir og Aqib crossword puzzle
  1. Et tal med to divisorer
  2. Dele tal i ligestore dele
  3. Tal med et komma i
  4. Tal over nul
  5. Indholder tæller nævner og divisionstreg
  1. Opløftet tal og et tal
  2. Tal der under nul
  3. Formlen af at gange med et tal med hinanden

8 Clues: Tal over nulTal der under nulTal med et komma iOpløftet tal og et talEt tal med to divisorerDele tal i ligestore deleIndholder tæller nævner og divisionstregFormlen af at gange med et tal med hinanden

K1 Vocabulary 2024-09-20

K1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. idea or suggestion to help you decide what to do
  2. move
  3. steadied, not likely to fall, equal on both sides
  4. behavior that causes trouble
  1. surprised
  2. clothes or other things worn so people will not recognize you
  3. pleased or happy
  4. wanting more than you need or deserve
  5. use something up carelessly or foolishly
  6. a group of things that are close together

10 Clues: movesurprisedpleased or happybehavior that causes troublewanting more than you need or deserveuse something up carelessly or foolishlya group of things that are close togetheridea or suggestion to help you decide what to dosteadied, not likely to fall, equal on both sidesclothes or other things worn so people will not recognize you

Scary vocabulary 2024-09-20

Scary vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. lägereldar
  2. skrock
  3. atmosfär
  4. konstiga
  5. ryktades
  6. ljud
  7. övergiven
  8. kuslig
  9. utforska
  10. demoner
  11. viskning
  1. fängsla
  2. möbler
  3. offer
  4. skräck
  5. spöke
  6. mystisk
  7. lakan
  8. berättelser
  9. hemsökt
  10. knarrig
  11. stad
  12. hjälte
  13. häxor
  14. forntida
  15. legender
  16. myter
  17. skugga

28 Clues: stadljudofferspökelakanhäxormytermöblerskräckskrockhjältekusligskuggafängslamystiskhemsöktknarrigdemoneratmosfärkonstigaryktadesforntidalegenderutforskaviskningövergivenlägereldarberättelser

Spring 2024-09-20

Spring crossword puzzle
  1. It is black and yellow.
  2. It is slow.
  3. They are mean.
  4. It can fly.
  1. You can hide.
  2. It is black and red.
  3. It has got petals.
  4. It is green.
  5. It can fly.
  6. It is tall.

10 Clues: It is slow.It can fly.It can fly.It is tall.It is green.You can hide.They are mean.It has got petals.It is black and red.It is black and yellow.

Tal i store mængder 2024-09-20

Tal i store mængder crossword puzzle
  1. Tal til en bestemt protens opløftet
  2. Et tal der ganget med sig selv, giver det oprindelige tal
  3. Et positivt tal støre end 1
  1. En positiv heltal
  2. Tal der indholder en komma.
  3. Hvad hedder de tal der mindre end nul.
  4. Det består af en tæller og en nævner.
  5. Man deler et tal op i lige store mængder

8 Clues: En positiv heltalTal der indholder en komma.Et positivt tal støre end 1Tal til en bestemt protens opløftetDet består af en tæller og en nævner.Hvad hedder de tal der mindre end nul.Man deler et tal op i lige store mængderEt tal der ganget med sig selv, giver det oprindelige tal

Mikkel, Nicolai og Samet Tal i store mængder kryds & tværs 2024-09-20

Mikkel, Nicolai og Samet Tal i store mængder kryds & tværs crossword puzzle
  1. Det samme tal ganget med sig selv et bestemt antal gange.
  2. Minder om en kvadratrod men med et lille 3-tal opløftet foran kvadratroden.
  3. Et tal der ikke kan skrives som brøk som fx. Pi eller kvadratroden af 2.
  4. Tal der kun har to divisorer(tallet selv og 1).
  1. Du skal bruge dette regnetegn til at finde ud af hvilket tal ganget med sig selv giver en bestemt værdi.
  2. Tal som ikke har en positiv værdi.
  3. Enten et postivt heltal eller et ikke negativt heltal.
  4. Et tal hvor der indgår et komma.
  5. Et tal hvor der indgår en brøkstreg.
  6. Alle heltal både positive og negative.

10 Clues: Et tal hvor der indgår et komma.Tal som ikke har en positiv værdi.Et tal hvor der indgår en brøkstreg.Alle heltal både positive og negative.Tal der kun har to divisorer(tallet selv og 1).Enten et postivt heltal eller et ikke negativt heltal.Det samme tal ganget med sig selv et bestemt antal gange....

Std 1 2024-09-20

Std 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Use for clicking
  2. Use for typing
  3. Looks like Television
  1. Brain of the computer
  2. Use to listen

5 Clues: Use to listenUse for typingUse for clickingBrain of the computerLooks like Television

WW6 - Unit 16 Kahoot Ticket 2024-09-20

WW6 - Unit 16 Kahoot Ticket crossword puzzle
  1. (n) something that causes great loss and suffering; a terrible disaster
  2. (adj) intended to or likely to deceive or mislead
  3. (n) a death resulting from an accident or a disaster
  4. (v) 1. to appear in a sudden and frightening way 2. to get close
  5. (v) to fill with awe
  6. (v) to come together with great force
  7. (n) the rear part of a boar
  8. (n) 1. a result or outcome 2. importance
  1. (n) an act of deceiving
  2. (n) a machine or device for weaving cloth
  3. (n) a feeling of fear or nervous wonder and respect
  4. (adj) causing feeling of awe
  5. (adj) 1. not to be trusted 2. actually dangerous while seeming to be safe
  6. (n) the act of colliding
  7. (adj) unpleasantly severe
  8. (n) the state or condition of being before another in importance or time
  9. (v) to cause to believe something that is not true

17 Clues: (v) to fill with awe(n) an act of deceiving(n) the act of colliding(adj) unpleasantly severe(n) the rear part of a boar(adj) causing feeling of awe(v) to come together with great force(n) 1. a result or outcome 2. importance(n) a machine or device for weaving cloth(adj) intended to or likely to deceive or mislead...

Music 2024-09-20

Music crossword puzzle
  1. Latin American dance music with Afro-Cuban origins (5)
  2. Composer known for blending classical and jazz (8)
  3. The perceived frequency of a note (5)
  4. Played loudly in musical dynamics (5)
  5. Gradual increase in loudness (9)
  6. Collection of songs released together (6)
  7. Russian composer of ‘Swan Lake’ (11)
  8. The process of changing from one key to another (10)
  9. Genre blending rap, DJing, and breakdancing (6)
  10. Genre rooted in rural American traditions (7)
  11. Music genre expressing sorrow and hardship (5)
  12. Played softly in musical dynamics (5)
  13. Interval spanning eight notes (6)
  14. Traditional music often passed down orally (4)
  15. Variations in loudness or intensity of music (8)
  16. Renowned German composer (9)
  17. A note that is not part of the indicated key signature (10)
  18. The character or quality of a musical sound (6)
  19. Jamaican music with offbeat rhythms (6)
  20. Polish composer known for his piano works (6)
  21. Notes played in a short, detached manner (8)
  22. Speed or pace of a musical piece (5)
  23. Instrument with a keyboard and bellows (9)
  1. Smooth and connected style of playing or singing (6)
  2. Music composed for a film or show (10)
  3. Combination of notes played or sung together (7)
  4. A disturbance of the regular flow of rhythm (11)
  5. Ancient stringed instrument resembling a small harp (4)
  6. Brass instrument with a flared bell (7)
  7. Electronic instrument that generates sounds (11)
  8. Repeated section of a song, often with multiple voices (6)
  9. Technique of combining two or more melodic lines (12)
  10. Notes of a chord played in succession (8)
  11. Baroque composer known for ‘The Four Seasons’ (7)
  12. Dramatic work combining singing and orchestral music (5)
  13. Large string instrument played sitting down (5)
  14. Large woodwind instrument with a low pitch (7)
  15. Three or more notes played together (5)
  16. Harmonic progression signalling the end of a phrase (7)
  17. A fast, lively pace in music (7)

40 Clues: Renowned German composer (9)Gradual increase in loudness (9)A fast, lively pace in music (7)Interval spanning eight notes (6)Russian composer of ‘Swan Lake’ (11)Speed or pace of a musical piece (5)The perceived frequency of a note (5)Played loudly in musical dynamics (5)Played softly in musical dynamics (5)Music composed for a film or show (10)...

latso 2024-09-20

latso crossword puzzle
  1. contoh salah satu zat cair
  2. salah satu contoh benda padat
  3. persamaan dari isi
  4. perubahan wujud dari lilin menjadi cair adalah
  5. salah satu benda cir
  6. perubahan wujud dari padat menjadi gas adalah
  7. air menguap karena
  8. zat yang bentuknya tetap adalah
  1. contoh dari benda menyublim
  2. air laut menjadi garam
  3. bentuknya mengikuti tempatnya
  4. proses gas menjadi cair
  5. perubahan gas menjadi padat adalah
  6. apa isi dari balon
  7. contoh benda penghantar panas
  8. proses padat menjadi cair

16 Clues: persamaan dari isiapa isi dari balonair menguap karenasalah satu benda cirair laut menjadi garamproses gas menjadi cairproses padat menjadi caircontoh salah satu zat caircontoh dari benda menyublimbentuknya mengikuti tempatnyasalah satu contoh benda padatcontoh benda penghantar panaszat yang bentuknya tetap adalahperubahan gas menjadi padat adalah...

Colouring 2024-09-20

Colouring crossword puzzle
  1. the initials for the colour chart
  2. what colour neutralises yellow
  3. What you wear when mixing colour
  4. the chains in the hair which can be temporarily or permanently broken
  5. Lifting product used in colour
  6. Undercoat of a base 8
  7. What should be used when mixing colouring
  8. Contouring for the hair
  1. client and you talking at beginning
  2. the massage technique which has is spreading the product
  3. Instructions on colour/products
  4. A colour what until washed

12 Clues: Undercoat of a base 8Contouring for the hairA colour what until washedwhat colour neutralises yellowLifting product used in colourInstructions on colour/productsWhat you wear when mixing colourthe initials for the colour chartclient and you talking at beginningWhat should be used when mixing colouring...

animals by sophie p 2024-09-20

animals by sophie p crossword puzzle
  1. Man's best friend
  2. live in sea and horse in its name
  3. live in the sea and has a shell
  4. has strips
  5. Likes to chase mice
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Flying mammal
  3. has a mane and hoofs
  4. Has a trunk
  5. milk

10 Clues: milkhas stripsHas a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micehas a mane and hoofslive in the sea and has a shelllive in sea and horse in its name

animals by sophie p 2024-09-20

animals by sophie p crossword puzzle
  1. Man's best friend
  2. live in sea and horse in its name
  3. live in the sea and has a shell
  4. has strips
  5. Likes to chase mice
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Flying mammal
  3. has a mane and hoofs
  4. Has a trunk
  5. milk

10 Clues: milkhas stripsHas a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micehas a mane and hoofslive in the sea and has a shelllive in sea and horse in its name

How well do we know the couple? 2024-09-20

How well do we know the couple? crossword puzzle
  1. Day he asked her out (day-month(3)-year)
  2. Anja's favourite food
  3. Honeymoon location
  4. Location of their first date
  5. Anja's school sport
  6. Their wedding venue
  7. Piet's instrument
  8. Anja's dogs name
  9. Piet's shoe size
  10. Mother of the groom
  11. How many kids were the Grobler's growing up
  12. Day that they met (day-month(3)-year)
  13. Piet's first car
  1. Where the bride grew up
  2. Mother of the bride
  3. Location where they travelled to the first time they met
  4. How many siblings are the Bouwers
  5. Piet's childhood dog (border collie)
  6. Day they're getting married
  7. First date (day-month(3)-year)
  8. Friend who introduced the couple
  9. Bride & groom's mutual high school
  10. Anja's first car
  11. Anja's shoe size
  12. Where the groom grew up
  13. Current Residence

26 Clues: Anja's dogs namePiet's shoe sizeAnja's first carAnja's shoe sizePiet's first carPiet's instrumentCurrent ResidenceHoneymoon locationMother of the brideAnja's school sportTheir wedding venueMother of the groomAnja's favourite foodWhere the bride grew upWhere the groom grew upDay they're getting marriedLocation of their first date...

Anja & Piet 2024-09-20

Anja & Piet crossword puzzle
  1. Location of their first date
  2. Day they're getting married
  3. Mother of the bride
  4. Their wedding venue
  5. Where the groom grew up
  6. How many kids were the Grobler's growing up
  7. Piet's instrument
  8. Day he asked her out (day-month(3)-year)
  9. Piet's first car
  10. Mother of the groom
  11. First date (day-month(3)-year)
  1. Where the bride grew up
  2. Location where they travelled to the first time they met
  3. Anja's favourite food
  4. Anja's first car
  5. Friend who introduced the couple
  6. Anja's dogs name
  7. Anja's shoe size
  8. Day that they met (day-month(3)-year)
  9. How many siblings are the Bouwers
  10. Anja's school sport
  11. Piet's shoe size
  12. Bride & groom's mutual high school
  13. Piet's childhood dog

24 Clues: Anja's first carAnja's dogs nameAnja's shoe sizePiet's shoe sizePiet's first carPiet's instrumentMother of the brideTheir wedding venueAnja's school sportMother of the groomPiet's childhood dogAnja's favourite foodWhere the bride grew upWhere the groom grew upDay they're getting marriedLocation of their first dateFirst date (day-month(3)-year)...


  1. Penggunaan kalimat deskripsi dapat membuat pembaca seolah-olah benar-benar melihat atau merasakan sifat atau ciri benda yang ….
  2. Bagian yang berisi penjelasan detail tentang objek yang diamati ialah
  1. Kalimat (…..) adalah kalimat yang terdiri atas satu struktur atau dengan satu verba utama.
  2. ……. adalah kata penghubung atau sambung dalam suatu kalimat, baik secara lisan maupun tulisan.
  3. Teks laporan hasil observasi harus ditulis sesuai dengan …. yang didapat ketika observasi/pengamatan dilakukan.
  4. .... merupakan ciri teks laporan hasil observasi yang menjelaskan objek pengamatan sesuai dengan hasil pengamatan.
  5. Kata “mempresentasikan” berasal dari kata “presentasi” yang telah mendapatkan ….

7 Clues: Bagian yang berisi penjelasan detail tentang objek yang diamati ialahKata “mempresentasikan” berasal dari kata “presentasi” yang telah mendapatkan ….Kalimat (…..) adalah kalimat yang terdiri atas satu struktur atau dengan satu verba utama.……. adalah kata penghubung atau sambung dalam suatu kalimat, baik secara lisan maupun tulisan....


TAL I STORE MÆNGDER crossword puzzle
  1. Rod af et tal, der er kvadreret.
  2. Gruppe af tal med bestemte egenskaber.
  3. Starter med 0, ingen decimaler, uendelig opad, en delmængde.
  1. tal der har komma i.
  2. man deler et tal i lige store dele.
  3. et positivt heltal større end 1.
  4. talene der er mindre end 0.
  5. Matematisk udtryk med beregninger og symboler.
  6. Tal til en bestemt potens opløftet.

9 Clues: tal der har komma i.talene der er mindre end 0.Rod af et tal, der er positivt heltal større end deler et tal i lige store dele.Tal til en bestemt potens opløftet.Gruppe af tal med bestemte egenskaber.Matematisk udtryk med beregninger og symboler.Starter med 0, ingen decimaler, uendelig opad, en delmængde.


TAL I STORE MÆNGDER crossword puzzle
  1. Rod af et tal, der er kvadreret.
  2. Gruppe af tal med bestemte egenskaber.
  3. Starter med 0, ingen decimaler, uendelig opad, en delmængde.
  1. tal der har komma i.
  2. man deler et tal i lige store dele.
  3. et positivt heltal større end 1.
  4. talene der er mindre end 0.
  5. Matematisk udtryk med beregninger og symboler.
  6. Tal til en bestemt potens opløftet.

9 Clues: tal der har komma i.talene der er mindre end 0.Rod af et tal, der er positivt heltal større end deler et tal i lige store dele.Tal til en bestemt potens opløftet.Gruppe af tal med bestemte egenskaber.Matematisk udtryk med beregninger og symboler.Starter med 0, ingen decimaler, uendelig opad, en delmængde.

Tal i store mængder 2024-09-20

Tal i store mængder crossword puzzle
  1. Et positivt tal støre end 1
  2. Tal til en bestemt protens opløftet
  3. Tal der indholder en komma.
  1. Hvad hedder de tal der mindre end nul.
  2. En positiv heltal
  3. Et tal der ganget med sig selv, giver det oprindelige tal
  4. Man deler et tal op i lige store mængder
  5. Det består af en tæller og en nævner.

8 Clues: En positiv heltalEt positivt tal støre end 1Tal der indholder en komma.Tal til en bestemt protens opløftetDet består af en tæller og en nævner.Hvad hedder de tal der mindre end nul.Man deler et tal op i lige store mængderEt tal der ganget med sig selv, giver det oprindelige tal

Enkel - Glass 2024-09-20

Enkel - Glass crossword puzzle
  1. Populär glasspinne
  2. Frisk smak
  3. Klassisk smak
  4. Somrig smak
  5. Glass med päronsmak
  6. Grön isglass
  7. Glass med våffla
  1. Glass mellan två kex
  2. Isglass i tub
  3. Populär smak
  4. Glass i form av en båt
  5. Glass med knäck
  6. Fruktig glass
  7. Glass med nougat
  8. Spiralformad glass

15 Clues: Frisk smakSomrig smakPopulär smakGrön isglassIsglass i tubKlassisk smakFruktig glassGlass med knäckGlass med nougatGlass med våfflaPopulär glasspinneSpiralformad glassGlass med päronsmakGlass mellan två kexGlass i form av en båt


TAL I STORE MÆNGDER crossword puzzle
  1. Rod af et tal, der er kvadreret.
  2. Gruppe af tal med bestemte egenskaber.
  3. Starter med 0, ingen decimaler, uendelig opad, en delmængde.
  1. tal der har komma i.
  2. man deler et tal i lige store dele.
  3. et positivt heltal større end 1.
  4. talene der er mindre end 0.
  5. Matematisk udtryk med beregninger og symboler.
  6. Tal til en bestemt potens opløftet.

9 Clues: tal der har komma i.talene der er mindre end 0.Rod af et tal, der er positivt heltal større end deler et tal i lige store dele.Tal til en bestemt potens opløftet.Gruppe af tal med bestemte egenskaber.Matematisk udtryk med beregninger og symboler.Starter med 0, ingen decimaler, uendelig opad, en delmængde.

Tal i store mængder(Aymen og Jason) 2024-09-20

Tal i store mængder(Aymen og Jason) crossword puzzle
  1. En del af noget?
  2. Hvad er det modsatte af gange?
  3. Hvad er et andet ord for gange?
  4. Det modsatte af positive tal
  5. Nummeret bag komma?
  1. Stegen mellem tælleren og nævneren.
  2. Hvad er et andet ord for "Plus"?
  3. Når du ganger tallet med sig selv flere gange?
  4. Hvad er et andet ord for "Minus"?
  5. Når du ganger tallet med sig selv, bliver det til resultatet.

10 Clues: En del af noget?Nummeret bag komma?Det modsatte af positive talHvad er det modsatte af gange?Hvad er et andet ord for gange?Hvad er et andet ord for "Plus"?Hvad er et andet ord for "Minus"?Stegen mellem tælleren og nævneren.Når du ganger tallet med sig selv flere gange?Når du ganger tallet med sig selv, bliver det til resultatet.

Tal i store mængder 2024-09-20

Tal i store mængder crossword puzzle
  1. matematisk betegnelse for ´minus`
  2. Tal divideret med sig selv
  3. disse numere ´1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29`
  4. Et tal hvori et komma indgår
  1. en del af en tal
  2. Det færdige tal, når man har lagt alt sammen
  3. Matematisk betegnelse for ´Gange`
  4. matematiske betegnelse for ´at pludse`
  5. En linje med tal
  6. Det lille tal på de store tal
  7. tal ganget med sig selv tre gange
  8. Når noget er afsluttet er det blevet en______

12 Clues: en del af en talEn linje med talTal divideret med sig selvEt tal hvori et komma indgårDet lille tal på de store talmatematisk betegnelse for ´minus`Matematisk betegnelse for ´Gange`tal ganget med sig selv tre gangematematiske betegnelse for ´at pludse`disse numere ´1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29`Det færdige tal, når man har lagt alt sammen...

Food 2024-09-20

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Small, hard seeds, often from cereal plants, used for food, like rice, wheat, or oats.
  2. Plants or parts of plants used as food, such as carrots, potatoes, or spinach.
  3. A liquid or semi-liquid substance served with food to add flavor, like tomato sauce or gravy.
  4. The sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seeds, like apples or bananas.
  5. Products made from milk, such as cheese, butter, and yogurt.
  1. Dried parts of plants, such as seeds or roots, used to add flavor to food (e.g., pepper, cinnamon).
  2. Food from the sea, including fish, shrimp, and shellfish.
  3. Aromatic plants used to season or flavor food, such as basil, parsley, or thyme.
  4. A sweet course usually eaten at the end of a meal, like cake, ice cream, or fruit salad.
  5. The flesh of animals, such as beef, chicken, or pork, used as food.

10 Clues: Food from the sea, including fish, shrimp, and shellfish.Products made from milk, such as cheese, butter, and yogurt.The flesh of animals, such as beef, chicken, or pork, used as food.Plants or parts of plants used as food, such as carrots, potatoes, or spinach.Aromatic plants used to season or flavor food, such as basil, parsley, or thyme....

Etikk, moral og filosofi 2024-09-20

Etikk, moral og filosofi crossword puzzle
  1. En situasjon der du må velge mellom to eller flere ubehagelige valg.
  2. "Hva er meningen med livet" er et eksempel på et ..... spørsmål.
  3. Kjent filosof som grunnla et av de første universitetene. Han var kjent for "hulelignelsen" og var opptatt av rettferdighet.
  4. En etisk teori der du gjør det som er riktig, uansett hva resultatet blir.
  5. Et annet ord for å tenke, gruble eller undre seg.
  6. Nedskrevne regler av staten.
  7. Våre personlige oppfatninger om hva som er riktig og galt.
  8. Læren om rett og galt.
  9. Kjærlighet til visdom
  1. Kjent filosof, opptatt av dyder (mot, rettferdighet, ærlighet og vennlighet).
  2. ..... kan hjelpe mennesker å finne svar på eksistensielle spørsmål
  3. En etisk teori der du vurderer hvilken handling som fører til best resultat.
  4. Eksistensielle spørsmål viser at mennesker leter etter en .... med livet.
  5. Uskrevne regler, forventning om hvordan vi skal oppføre oss.
  6. En kjent filosof kjent for å stille spørsmål og søke svar gjennom filosofiske samtaler og diskusjoner.

15 Clues: Kjærlighet til visdomLæren om rett og galt.Nedskrevne regler av staten.Et annet ord for å tenke, gruble eller undre seg.Våre personlige oppfatninger om hva som er riktig og galt.Uskrevne regler, forventning om hvordan vi skal oppføre oss."Hva er meningen med livet" er et eksempel på et ..... spørsmål....

Countries 2024-09-20

Countries crossword puzzle
  1. The... dream
  2. Bounjour!
  3. kangaroos
  4. penguins live here
  1. The movie where there is animals that escape a zoo in Africa
  2. Where Ikea is made
  3. In what country is the movie Rio based in
  4. Mozzarella was made there

8 Clues: Bounjour!kangaroosThe... dreamWhere Ikea is madepenguins live hereMozzarella was made thereIn what country is the movie Rio based inThe movie where there is animals that escape a zoo in Africa

Weekdays 2024-09-20

Weekdays crossword puzzle
  1. The first day of the week
  2. The last day of the week
  3. The fourth day of the week
  4. The third week of the week
  5. The fifth day of the week
  1. The first day of the weekend
  2. The second day of the week

7 Clues: The last day of the weekThe first day of the weekThe fifth day of the weekThe second day of the weekThe fourth day of the weekThe third week of the weekThe first day of the weekend

Cytoskelett Transportvägar 2024-09-20

Cytoskelett Transportvägar crossword puzzle
  1. transport
  2. sopstation
  3. Fabriker
  4. biblioteksinformation
  1. instruktionsbok
  2. bibliotek
  3. mur
  4. kraftverk

8 Clues: murFabrikerbibliotektransportkraftverksopstationinstruktionsbokbiblioteksinformation

Wedding 2024-09-20

Wedding crossword puzzle
  1. Beth's middle name
  2. Kei's birth month
  3. Beth's eye colour
  4. The couples go to takeaway
  5. The couples house number
  6. Their favourite dog breed
  7. The proposal location
  8. The town they live in
  9. The name of the mountain we are on
  1. Where the couple met
  2. Kei's middle name
  3. Beth's nickname
  4. The couples honeymoon location
  5. The name of the surgery Beth works at
  6. Where Beth went to school
  7. Couples favourite type of documentary
  8. Their cats name
  9. Beth's birth month
  10. Kei's favourite sport to watch
  11. Kei's favourite band
  12. The month Kei proposed
  13. The couples favoutite holiday destination

22 Clues: Beth's nicknameTheir cats nameKei's middle nameKei's birth monthBeth's eye colourBeth's middle nameBeth's birth monthWhere the couple metKei's favourite bandThe proposal locationThe town they live inThe month Kei proposedThe couples house numberWhere Beth went to schoolTheir favourite dog breedThe couples go to takeaway...

Celebrating JoMel 2024-09-20

Celebrating JoMel crossword puzzle
  1. Joel's niece name
  2. Joel's brother's name
  3. Mel's Papa birthday Month
  4. What Joel always ask Mel's Mama to buy
  5. Mel's Job
  6. Where Joel goes every week
  1. Caleb's favourite Colour
  2. Auntie Amy's favourite drink
  3. Joel's Mama least favourite fruit
  4. Matt's Little Monsters
  5. The house Cherry and Queenie stays in
  6. Joel's Sister Company

12 Clues: Mel's JobJoel's niece nameJoel's brother's nameJoel's Sister CompanyMatt's Little MonstersCaleb's favourite ColourMel's Papa birthday MonthWhere Joel goes every weekAuntie Amy's favourite drinkJoel's Mama least favourite fruitThe house Cherry and Queenie stays inWhat Joel always ask Mel's Mama to buy

Celebrating JoMel 2024-09-20

Celebrating JoMel crossword puzzle
  1. Joel's niece name
  2. Joel's brother's name
  3. Mel's Papa birthday Month
  4. What Joel always ask Mel's Mama to buy
  5. Mel's Job
  6. Where Joel goes every week
  1. Caleb's favourite Colour
  2. Auntie Amy's favourite drink
  3. Joel's Mama least favourite fruit
  4. Matt's Little Monsters
  5. The house Cherry and Queenie stays in
  6. Joel's Sister Company

12 Clues: Mel's JobJoel's niece nameJoel's brother's nameJoel's Sister CompanyMatt's Little MonstersCaleb's favourite ColourMel's Papa birthday MonthWhere Joel goes every weekAuntie Amy's favourite drinkJoel's Mama least favourite fruitThe house Cherry and Queenie stays inWhat Joel always ask Mel's Mama to buy

All about the Birthday Princess.... 2024-09-20

All about the Birthday Princess.... crossword puzzle
  1. When she sees chocolate she is
  2. Her favourite thing to watch
  1. Age of Birthday princess
  2. Who loves her the most in the world
  3. Whenever she sees sad animal videos
  4. Favourite cookie

6 Clues: Favourite cookieAge of Birthday princessHer favourite thing to watchWhen she sees chocolate she isWho loves her the most in the worldWhenever she sees sad animal videos

Tal i store mængder 2024-09-20

Tal i store mængder crossword puzzle
  1. Bruges til at repræsenterer en del af en helhed
  2. når man plusser tal
  3. En linje med tal
  4. Antallet af tal i et tal
  5. Et tal der er under 0
  1. Hvis du trækker et tal for et tal
  2. Når du deler tal ud
  3. når man ganger tal med hindanden
  4. Et tal med komma

9 Clues: En linje med talEt tal med kommaNår du deler tal udnår man plusser talEt tal der er under 0Antallet af tal i et talnår man ganger tal med hindandenHvis du trækker et tal for et talBruges til at repræsenterer en del af en helhed


ATRIBUT PRAMUKA crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu TKK Siaga bergambar tenda
  2. Tanda Kecakapan Khusus siaga di tingkatan pertama
  3. Tanda pandu dunia berwarna dasar ungu, berbentuk lingkaran untuk putri dan berbentuk persegi untuk putra
  4. Kwartir daerah dimana anggota pramuka tersebut tinggal bertuliskan "Jawa Barat"
  5. Atribut berupa nomor pangkalan sekolah dimana anggota pramuka tersebut bergabung
  1. Bertuliskan nama lengkap anggota pramuka tersebut
  2. Warna anggota kelompok berbentuk segitiga yang dipasang dilengan baju sebelah kiri paling atas
  3. Berbentuk segitiga kebalik, atribut kecakapan khusus anggota pramuka
  4. Tanda lokasi memuat nama kwartir cabang kabupaten/kota anggota pramuka tinggal.
  5. Tanda atribut yang menjelaskan tiga tingkatan siaga

10 Clues: Salah satu TKK Siaga bergambar tendaBertuliskan nama lengkap anggota pramuka tersebutTanda Kecakapan Khusus siaga di tingkatan pertamaTanda atribut yang menjelaskan tiga tingkatan siagaBerbentuk segitiga kebalik, atribut kecakapan khusus anggota pramukaTanda lokasi memuat nama kwartir cabang kabupaten/kota anggota pramuka tinggal....

Celler och dens delar 2024-09-20

Celler och dens delar crossword puzzle
  1. Håller på generna
  2. Bryter ned olika ämnen
  3. Barriär mot omvärlden
  4. Gör proteinet
  1. Omvandlar det vi äter till energi
  2. Förflyttar saker i cellen

6 Clues: Gör proteinetHåller på genernaBarriär mot omvärldenBryter ned olika ämnenFörflyttar saker i cellenOmvandlar det vi äter till energi

Berkeley Group Horlicks Regeneration Crossword 2024-09-20

Berkeley Group Horlicks Regeneration Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The town that holds the largest trading estate in Europe.
  2. Strategies implemented to improve an area.
  3. Highest populated city in the UK.
  4. Undeveloped land in an area.
  5. The city where the Horlicks brothers moved their business in 1873.
  6. A type of land surrounding a city where building is not usually allowed.
  7. A popular tourist attraction near by which often attracts families with younger children.
  8. A Slough factory which has undergone regeneration.
  9. A town near Slough which holds a castle.
  10. The measure of the variety of living organisms within a particular habitat.
  1. An affluent town nearby which holds a popular racecourse.
  2. the rise in the proportion of people living in towns and cities.
  3. Chocolate factory located in Slough.
  4. The growth of towns and cities spreading and taking over areas of the countryside.
  5. The name of the square the grade II war memorial is situated on.
  6. The transformation of a neighbourhood from low value to high value.
  7. Land an area in a town or city that has been used in the past for factories or offices, and that could now be used for new building development.
  8. The best developers.
  9. A substantial event London held in 2012.
  10. The grade II listed war memorial situated in Horlicks.

20 Clues: The best developers.Undeveloped land in an area.Highest populated city in the UK.Chocolate factory located in Slough.A substantial event London held in 2012.A town near Slough which holds a castle.Strategies implemented to improve an area.A Slough factory which has undergone regeneration.The grade II listed war memorial situated in Horlicks....

Cellen 2024-09-20

Cellen crossword puzzle
  1. Flytta saker ut ur cellen
  2. sköter transporten av ämnen in och ut ur cellen
  3. cellens kraftpaket
  1. producerar proteiner
  2. styr cellens funktion/innehåller gener
  3. Bryter ner typer of polymer

6 Clues: cellens kraftpaketproducerar proteinerFlytta saker ut ur cellenBryter ner typer of polymerstyr cellens funktion/innehåller genersköter transporten av ämnen in och ut ur cellen

NO 2024-09-20

NO crossword puzzle
  1. fungerar som barriär
  2. flyttar runt saken i cellen
  1. det vi äter omvandlas till energi

3 Clues: fungerar som barriärflyttar runt saken i cellendet vi äter omvandlas till energi

3900 - 4200 2024-09-20

3900 - 4200 crossword puzzle
  1. 3920
  2. 3950
  3. 3910
  4. 4200
  5. 3960
  1. 3900
  2. 3940
  3. 3930

8 Clues: 39003940393039203950391042003960

keluarga kita 2024-09-20

keluarga kita crossword puzzle
  1. wajib dilakukan sebelum sholat
  2. anak pak momod
  3. anak pak joko nomer 1
  4. anak pak joko nomer 3
  5. mbah kung
  1. istri mbah kung
  2. sholat wajib 2 rekaat
  3. tempat rumah ihsan faiz
  4. anak pak Joko nomer 2

9 Clues: mbah kunganak pak momodistri mbah kungsholat wajib 2 rekaatanak pak Joko nomer 2anak pak joko nomer 1anak pak joko nomer 3tempat rumah ihsan faizwajib dilakukan sebelum sholat

Levente rejtvénye / mg-k hosszúsága 2024-09-20

Levente rejtvénye / mg-k hosszúsága crossword puzzle
  1. naplemente
  2. tested szárítására szolgál
  3. régi idők vagonhúzója
  4. gépeltek vele
  5. csuklón hordott időmérő
  1. forgó játék
  2. hallószerven viselt ékszer
  3. mesebeli szárnyas hölgy
  4. lemerül
  5. kézmelegítő
  6. elektromos seprű
  7. vadászkutya

12 Clues: lemerülnaplementeforgó játékkézmelegítővadászkutyagépeltek veleelektromos seprűrégi idők vagonhúzójamesebeli szárnyas hölgycsuklón hordott időmérőhallószerven viselt ékszertested szárítására szolgál

Cytoskelett Transportvägar 2024-09-20

Cytoskelett Transportvägar crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

tal i store mængder pam og michella 2024-09-20

tal i store mængder pam og michella crossword puzzle
  1. tal de tal, der er modsat de positive tal
  2. to tal under hinanden adskilt af en vandret streg
  3. tal enten et positivt heltal eller et ikke-negativt heltal
  4. Tallet over brøkstregen
  1. det under den kaldes nævneren og tallet over den kaldes tælleren.
  2. en rækkefølge af tal som der følger en bestemt regel
  3. tal med komma
  4. at dele et tal i lige store mængder
  5. Tallet under brøkstregen
  6. en linje med masser tal på

10 Clues: tal med kommaTallet over brøkstregenTallet under brøkstregenen linje med masser tal påat dele et tal i lige store mængdertal de tal, der er modsat de positive talto tal under hinanden adskilt af en vandret stregen rækkefølge af tal som der følger en bestemt regeltal enten et positivt heltal eller et ikke-negativt heltal...


  1. Teks laporan hasil observasi harus ditulis sesuai dengan fakta yang didapat ketika …. dilakukan.
  2. Kata “disapu” berasal dari kata “sapu” yang telah mendapatkan imbuhan
  3. Dalam penyusunan teks tidak diperkenankan menulis hal-hal yang ….. atau negatif.
  4. Kalimat (…..) adalah kalimat yang terdiri atas satu struktur atau dengan satu verba utama.
  5. Pada bagian deskripsi bagian, penulis menjabarkan secara .... mengenai objek yang telah diamati dan bagian-bagiannya.
  1. Bagian yang berisi penjelasan fungsi objek yang diamati ialah
  2. Penggunaan kalimat ….. dapat membuat pembaca seolah-olah benar-benar melihat atau merasakan sifat atau ciri benda yang dijelaskan.

7 Clues: Bagian yang berisi penjelasan fungsi objek yang diamati ialahKata “disapu” berasal dari kata “sapu” yang telah mendapatkan imbuhanDalam penyusunan teks tidak diperkenankan menulis hal-hal yang ….. atau negatif.Kalimat (…..) adalah kalimat yang terdiri atas satu struktur atau dengan satu verba utama....


  1. Teks laporan hasil observasi harus ditulis sesuai dengan fakta yang didapat ketika …. dilakukan.
  2. Kata “disapu” berasal dari kata “sapu” yang telah mendapatkan imbuhan
  3. Dalam penyusunan teks tidak diperkenankan menulis hal-hal yang ….. atau negatif.
  4. Kalimat (…..) adalah kalimat yang terdiri atas satu struktur atau dengan satu verba utama.
  5. Pada bagian deskripsi bagian, penulis menjabarkan secara .... mengenai objek yang telah diamati dan bagian-bagiannya.
  1. Bagian yang berisi penjelasan fungsi objek yang diamati ialah
  2. Penggunaan kalimat ….. dapat membuat pembaca seolah-olah benar-benar melihat atau merasakan sifat atau ciri benda yang dijelaskan.

7 Clues: Bagian yang berisi penjelasan fungsi objek yang diamati ialahKata “disapu” berasal dari kata “sapu” yang telah mendapatkan imbuhanDalam penyusunan teks tidak diperkenankan menulis hal-hal yang ….. atau negatif.Kalimat (…..) adalah kalimat yang terdiri atas satu struktur atau dengan satu verba utama....

ΒΟΡΕΙΟ ΑΙΓΑΙΟ 2024-09-20

ΒΟΡΕΙΟ ΑΙΓΑΙΟ crossword puzzle
  1. περιοχή της Λέσβου φημισμένη για το ούζο της
  2. γνωστή για τις βάθρες της
  3. εκεί καλλιεργείται το υπέροχο γλυκό κρασί Vin Doux
  4. γενέτειρα της ποιήτριας Σαπφούς
  5. γνωστή για τη μακροβιότητα των κατοίκων της
  1. γνωστή και ως "Σμαραγδένιο νησί"
  2. εκεί καλλιεργούνται τα μαστιχόδεντρα
  3. νησί με μεγάλη ναυτική παράδοση όπου λειτουργεί Ακαδημία του Εμπορικού Ναυτικού
  4. βρίσκονται ανάμεσα στην Ικαρία και τη Σάμο
  5. το νησί του Ηφαίστου
  6. καταστράφηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης το 1824, από τους Οθωμανούς

11 Clues: το νησί του Ηφαίστουγνωστή για τις βάθρες τηςγενέτειρα της ποιήτριας Σαπφούςγνωστή και ως "Σμαραγδένιο νησί"εκεί καλλιεργούνται τα μαστιχόδεντραβρίσκονται ανάμεσα στην Ικαρία και τη Σάμογνωστή για τη μακροβιότητα των κατοίκων τηςπεριοχή της Λέσβου φημισμένη για το ούζο τηςεκεί καλλιεργείται το υπέροχο γλυκό κρασί Vin Doux...

Emilija ir Radvilė 2024-09-20

Emilija ir Radvilė crossword puzzle
  1. ¿te gusta la guerra?
  2. ¿La guerra es buena o mala?
  1. ¿Quien esta peleando ahora?
  2. ¿Los soldados trabajan mucho?

4 Clues: ¿te gusta la guerra?¿Quien esta peleando ahora?¿La guerra es buena o mala?¿Los soldados trabajan mucho?

Gabrielius laurynas motiejus 2024-09-20

Gabrielius laurynas motiejus crossword puzzle
  1. ¿la guerra es buena o mala?
  2. ¿y verde de que color es el uniforme del solado?
  1. ¿Son amigables los solados?
  2. ¿Quiénes luchan en la guerra?

4 Clues: ¿Son amigables los solados?¿la guerra es buena o mala?¿Quiénes luchan en la guerra?¿y verde de que color es el uniforme del solado?

Objets techniques : comprendre les interactions pour mieux concevoir - Montesoro 2024-09-20

Objets techniques : comprendre les interactions pour mieux concevoir - Montesoro crossword puzzle
  1. Effet produit par un interactiveur.
  2. Adoption d'un objet par les utilisateurs.
  3. Règle ou standard social.
  4. Relatif aux coutumes et traditions.
  5. Capable de s'ajuster aux besoins.
  6. Facile à comprendre et à utiliser.
  7. Emploi d'un objet technique.
  8. Changer en réponse à une action.
  1. Relatif aux propriétés matérielles.
  2. Rôle ou utilisation d'un objet technique.
  3. Élément constitutif d'un objet technique.
  4. Relatif aux relations humaines.
  5. Création d'un objet technique.
  6. Capacité à réagir rapidement.
  7. Façon dont un objet est vu ou compris.

15 Clues: Règle ou standard social.Emploi d'un objet technique.Capacité à réagir rapidement.Création d'un objet technique.Relatif aux relations humaines.Changer en réponse à une action.Capable de s'ajuster aux besoins.Facile à comprendre et à utiliser.Relatif aux propriétés matérielles.Effet produit par un interactiveur.Relatif aux coutumes et traditions....

Cell 2024-09-20

Cell crossword puzzle
  1. det är vätskan inom cellen där allting flyter runt
  2. det är väggen runt cellen, det är skydd för kärnan mot plasman
  3. information skickas från kärnan till dem för att veta vilken typ av cell den ska vara
  4. det vi äter ändras till energi
  1. tar emot, lagrar och skickar sedan iväg protein
  2. tillverkar och förflyttar olika ämnen som fetter
  3. all information om vem vi är ligger i den, den sköter allting
  4. det skyddar cellen mot allt Som är utanför
  5. den bryter ner och återvinner molekyler

9 Clues: det vi äter ändras till energiden bryter ner och återvinner molekylerdet skyddar cellen mot allt Som är utanförtar emot, lagrar och skickar sedan iväg proteintillverkar och förflyttar olika ämnen som fetterdet är vätskan inom cellen där allting flyter runtall information om vem vi är ligger i den, den sköter allting...

Gabrielius laurynas motiejus 2024-09-20

Gabrielius laurynas motiejus crossword puzzle
  1. ¿la guerra es buena o mala?
  2. ¿y verde de que color es el uniforme del solado?
  1. ¿Son amigables los solados?
  2. ¿Quiénes luchan en la guerra?

4 Clues: ¿Son amigables los solados?¿la guerra es buena o mala?¿Quiénes luchan en la guerra?¿y verde de que color es el uniforme del solado?

Grammarian Guesser 2024-09-20

Grammarian Guesser crossword puzzle
  1. I am always hungry, I must be fed, the finger I touch will soon turn red.
  2. Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?
  3. The more you take, the more you leave behind.
  4. What is the longest river in the world?
  5. Hardest natural substance on Earth.
  1. Country which hosted the first modern Olympics Games in 1896.
  2. What has keys but can’t open locks?
  3. Which planet is known as The Red Planet?
  4. The more of this there is, the less you see.
  5. I speak without mouth and hear without ears. I have no body but my existence is clear.

10 Clues: What has keys but can’t open locks?Hardest natural substance on Earth.What is the longest river in the world?Which planet is known as The Red Planet?The more of this there is, the less you see.The more you take, the more you leave behind.Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?...

Grammarian Guesser 2024-09-20

Grammarian Guesser crossword puzzle
  1. I am always hungry, I must be fed, the finger I touch will soon turn red.
  2. Which planet is known as The Red Planet?
  3. The more of this there is, the less you see.
  4. What is the longest river in the world?
  5. What has keys but can’t open locks?
  1. The more you take, the more you leave behind.
  2. Country which hosted the first modern Olympics Games in 1896.
  3. Hardest natural substance on Earth.
  4. Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?
  5. I speak without mouth and hear without ears. I have no body but my existence is clear.

10 Clues: Hardest natural substance on Earth.What has keys but can’t open locks?What is the longest river in the world?Which planet is known as The Red Planet?The more of this there is, the less you see.The more you take, the more you leave behind.Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?...

三年级上册第一单元单词 2024-09-20

三年级上册第一单元单词 crossword puzzle
  1. 胳膊
  2. 可以
  3. 分享
  4. 眼睛
  1. 令人愉快的;友好的
  2. 耳朵
  3. 说;讲

9 Clues: 胳膊耳朵可以分享眼睛说;讲令人愉快的;友好的

FF1 Unit 1 2024-09-20

FF1 Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. кабинет
  2. пенал
  3. шкафчик
  4. картина
  5. постер
  1. стол
  2. ящики
  3. крючок
  4. компьютер
  5. доска

10 Clues: столящикипеналдоскакрючокпостеркабинетшкафчиккартинакомпьютер

la guerra 2024-09-20

la guerra crossword puzzle
  1. ¿Es buena la guerra?
  2. ¿Los soldados tienen un líder?¿Se permiten los pilotos bombas?
  1. ¿Es bueno matar gente?
  2. ¿Se permiten los pilotos bombas?

4 Clues: ¿Es buena la guerra?¿Es bueno matar gente?¿Se permiten los pilotos bombas?¿Los soldados tienen un líder?¿Se permiten los pilotos bombas?

2 months reload 2024-09-20

2 months reload crossword puzzle
  1. Your fav colour
  2. What you have me saved as
  3. Best child
  4. What you will be (no backing out)
  5. Your fav eeveelution
  6. 400 languages of this on call
  7. our confession
  8. With the taste of your lips
  1. our fav artist
  2. What we call each other on call
  3. My fav pokemon
  4. your discord username
  5. Our future daughter’s name
  7. My fav nickname for you
  8. What your dad calls yo
  9. Fav boy <3
  10. Radiohead reference
  11. She looks just like a
  12. Your fav flower

20 Clues: Best childFav boy <3YOUUUUUUUUUour fav artistMy fav pokemonour confessionYour fav colourYour fav flowerRadiohead referenceYour fav eeveelutionyour discord usernameShe looks just like aWhat your dad calls yoMy fav nickname for youWhat you have me saved asOur future daughter’s nameWith the taste of your lips400 languages of this on call...

3500 - 3840 2024-09-20

3500 - 3840 crossword puzzle
  1. 3510
  2. 3610
  3. 3620
  4. 3830
  5. 3520
  6. 3600
  1. 3800
  2. 3530
  3. 3500
  4. 3840
  5. 3810
  6. 3820

12 Clues: 380035103530361035003840362038103830382035203600

Mind benders 2024-09-20

Mind benders crossword puzzle
  1. 1st spacecraft on space
  2. Device that store binary data
  3. Lux is a unit of
  4. Author of pride and prejudice
  5. A semiconductor device made of a material with very high temperature coefficient of resistance
  1. Planet with largest ocean
  2. Electronic protocol used in computer networking
  3. First neutral network computer
  4. Made up of smoke and fog
  5. Interstellar medium component

10 Clues: Lux is a unit of1st spacecraft on spaceMade up of smoke and fogPlanet with largest oceanDevice that store binary dataAuthor of pride and prejudiceInterstellar medium componentFirst neutral network computerElectronic protocol used in computer networkingA semiconductor device made of a material with very high temperature coefficient of resistance

Cellen 2024-09-20

Cellen crossword puzzle
  1. Lagrar dna
  2. Ansvararför protein syntese
  3. membran skyddar cellkärnan
  4. producerar protein
  5. binder amino syror med proteinet
  6. Finns där det inte är organeller
  1. Tar emot lagrar och skickar proteiner
  2. Fungerar som en återvinningscentral
  3. membran Skyddar cell kärnan
  4. Vätskemedium som omsluter cellens organeller

10 Clues: Lagrar dnaproducerar proteinAnsvararför protein syntesemembran skyddar cellkärnanmembran Skyddar cell kärnanbinder amino syror med proteinetFinns där det inte är organellerFungerar som en återvinningscentralTar emot lagrar och skickar proteinerVätskemedium som omsluter cellens organeller

Woodstock 2024-09-20

Woodstock crossword puzzle
  1. Woodstock's emcee and activist, ____ Gravy
  2. Woodstock symbol alongside 'Love' and 'Music'
  3. The number of days the festival was supposed to last
  4. Farm owner where Woodstock took place, ____ Yasgur
  5. Folk singer who performed at Woodstock, ____ Baez
  6. Weather event that turned the festival into mud
  7. Latin rock guitarist who performed at Woodstock
  8. ____ Joe and the Fish, band that performed at Woodstock
  1. Where performers captivated the crowd
  2. Town in New York where Woodstock was held
  3. Guitarist who played 'The Star-Spangled Banner'
  4. Jefferson ____ performed 'White Rabbit'
  5. Singer of 'Piece of My Heart,' Janis ____
  6. Singer who opened Woodstock, ____ Havens
  7. Band member of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

15 Clues: Where performers captivated the crowdJefferson ____ performed 'White Rabbit'Singer who opened Woodstock, ____ HavensTown in New York where Woodstock was heldSinger of 'Piece of My Heart,' Janis ____Woodstock's emcee and activist, ____ GravyBand member of Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungWoodstock symbol alongside 'Love' and 'Music'...

Cell Crossword 2024-09-20

Cell Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Det funkar som en barriär för att avgränsa cellkärnan från cytoplasma
  2. Det vi äter omvandlas till energi
  3. Fungerar som kroppens återvinningscentral
  4. Producerar hormoner
  1. Kärnan har information om hur cellen fungerar
  2. Dem lagrar skickar iväg och tar emot proteiner
  3. Cytosol innehåller olika grejer och reaktioner som håller saker till liv
  4. Information skickas från cellkärnan för vilka proteiner som ska tillverkas i ribosomerna
  5. Fungerar som en barriär för att isolera cellen från omgivningen

9 Clues: Producerar hormonerDet vi äter omvandlas till energiFungerar som kroppens återvinningscentralKärnan har information om hur cellen fungerarDem lagrar skickar iväg och tar emot proteinerFungerar som en barriär för att isolera cellen från omgivningenDet funkar som en barriär för att avgränsa cellkärnan från cytoplasma...

三年级上册第一单元单词 2024-09-20

三年级上册第一单元单词 crossword puzzle
  1. 帮助
  2. 微笑;笑
  3. 再见
  1. 朋友
  2. 玩具
  3. 好的

8 Clues: 朋友帮助玩具再见好的微笑;笑

"The Tale of Jenny and the Coffee Juggler" 2024-09-20

"The Tale of Jenny and the Coffee Juggler" crossword puzzle
  1. What Carl really wants.
  2. What Jenny summons to overcome social pressure.
  3. What Carl forgot to show.
  4. No need to feel this when following (and enforcing) the rules.
  1. What Carl is juggling.
  2. A classic security no-no.
  3. What you're trying to prevent.
  4. What Jenny's sticking to like glue.

8 Clues: What Carl is juggling.What Carl really wants.A classic security no-no.What Carl forgot to show.What you're trying to prevent.What Jenny's sticking to like glue.What Jenny summons to overcome social pressure.No need to feel this when following (and enforcing) the rules.

2024ATD_VQuiz#1 2024-09-20

2024ATD_VQuiz#1 crossword puzzle
  1. когда
  2. почему, зачем
  3. тренировка (2)
  4. творческий
  5. фруктовый салат (2)
  6. черника
  7. наушники-вкладыши
  8. наушники
  9. добрый
  10. серьёзный
  11. энергичный
  12. сколько воды (3)
  13. полчаса (3)
  1. где
  2. сколько мандаринов (3)
  3. полный энтузиазма, энергии
  4. что, какой
  5. кто
  6. суровый
  7. клубника
  8. малина
  9. комод (3)
  10. страдающий аллергией
  11. как

24 Clues: гдектокаккогдамалинадобрыйсуровыйчерникаклубниканаушникикомод (3)серьёзныйчто, какойтворческийэнергичныйполчаса (3)почему, зачемтренировка (2)сколько воды (3)наушники-вкладышифруктовый салат (2)страдающий аллергиейсколько мандаринов (3)полный энтузиазма, энергии

Ρωμαίοι και Έλληνες 2024-09-20

Ρωμαίοι και Έλληνες crossword puzzle
  1. Τα γκρέμισαν στις περισσότερες πόλεις
  2. Ο πολιτισμός που δημιουργήθηκε από την επαφή των Ελλήνων και των Ρωμαίων
  3. Διαίρει και ... , το δόγμα των Ρωμαίων
  4. Τα θαύμαζαν οι Ρωμαίοι
  5. Τους εντυπωσίασε ο ελληνικός
  1. Η Παρέλαση στην Ρώμη
  2. Πως συμπεριφέρθηκαν οι Ρωμαίοι στους Έλληνες?
  3. Έμεινε μόνιμα σε πόλεις που αντιστάθηκαν
  4. Τους θαύμαζαν για την σοφία τους

9 Clues: Η Παρέλαση στην ΡώμηΤα θαύμαζαν οι ΡωμαίοιΤους εντυπωσίασε ο ελληνικόςΤους θαύμαζαν για την σοφία τουςΤα γκρέμισαν στις περισσότερες πόλειςΔιαίρει και ... , το δόγμα των ΡωμαίωνΈμεινε μόνιμα σε πόλεις που αντιστάθηκανΠως συμπεριφέρθηκαν οι Ρωμαίοι στους Έλληνες?Ο πολιτισμός που δημιουργήθηκε από την επαφή των Ελλήνων και των Ρωμαίων

Elzė ir Saulė 2024-09-20

Elzė ir Saulė crossword puzzle
  1. ¿Dónde vive la gente?
  2. ¿Qué siente la gente cuando se enamora?
  1. ¿Qué pasa cuando la gente se enoja?
  2. ¿Qué pasa después de la guerra?

4 Clues: ¿Dónde vive la gente?¿Qué pasa después de la guerra?¿Qué pasa cuando la gente se enoja?¿Qué siente la gente cuando se enamora?

Organeller 2024-09-20

Organeller crossword puzzle
  1. Vätska av enzymer
  2. Sorterar nytillverkade proteiner
  3. Innehåller DNA
  4. Skapar energi i cellen
  1. Tillverkar och transporterar t.ex fetter
  2. Omger cellkärnan
  3. En barriär som skyddar cellen
  4. Bryter ner ämnen som sedan transporteras ut ur cellen
  5. Organellen där protein bildas

9 Clues: Innehåller DNAOmger cellkärnanVätska av enzymerSkapar energi i cellenEn barriär som skyddar cellenOrganellen där protein bildasSorterar nytillverkade proteinerTillverkar och transporterar t.ex fetterBryter ner ämnen som sedan transporteras ut ur cellen

E - Filing 2024-09-20

E - Filing crossword puzzle
  1. example of Direct Tax
  2. Income that you receive in terms of the service
  3. Eliminate paper based submission
  4. directly transmitted online from the e-filer's servers to the tax agency's servers.
  1. second head of Income

5 Clues: second head of Incomeexample of Direct TaxEliminate paper based submissionIncome that you receive in terms of the servicedirectly transmitted online from the e-filer's servers to the tax agency's servers.

Unit 1 2024-09-20

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. when you Look up you See it
  2. when you ein a Game
  3. a big Stone
  4. you can sleep in it at campsites
  5. a other Word for Country
  6. the next day
  7. Chips in Amarikan
  8. you van See sth. in the night
  9. when you aren‘t happy
  1. You are … when you becaome a present
  2. when you‘re sad
  3. a popular Sport in the USA
  4. a Person who lives next to you
  5. a forest where is Baby raining
  6. is a very bog hill

15 Clues: a big Stonethe next daywhen you‘re sadChips in Amarikanis a very bog hillwhen you ein a Gamewhen you aren‘t happya other Word for Countrya popular Sport in the USAwhen you Look up you See ityou van See sth. in the nighta Person who lives next to youa forest where is Baby rainingyou can sleep in it at campsitesYou are … when you becaome a present

Cell delar 2024-09-20

Cell delar crossword puzzle
  1. sopstation
  2. fabriker
  3. mur
  1. transportvägar
  2. kraftverk
  3. bibliotek

6 Clues: murfabrikerkraftverkbiblioteksopstationtransportvägar

Youth Caravan CC 0.3 2024-09-20

Youth Caravan CC 0.3 crossword puzzle
  1. The largest planet in our solar system?
  2. Another word for rotate
  3. A device used for cooling and storing food items
  4. What is the name of the Palestinian political party that governs the Gaza Strip?
  5. A document summarizing one's qualifications and experiences
  6. Which uncle of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn’t accept Islam?
  7. The largest country in the world
  8. The holy book revealed to muhammed(S.A.W.)
  9. An organization which has conducted a crashcourse recently
  10. Turn wastes into new products
  11. Which is the smallest planet in our solar system?
  12. A negatively charged particle
  13. A video-sharing platform
  1. Without weight
  2. The H in HTML stands for?
  3. A clock tells u this
  4. Has a tail and flies in the sky
  5. A platform where u can watch high dopamine content
  6. The capital of France
  7. A popular career path for those interested in law and justice.
  8. What is the longest surah in the Quran?
  9. Study of living organisms and their interactions
  10. Which Angel will blow the horn to signal the Day of Judgement?
  11. Something u own but others use it more
  12. The process of acquiring new knowledge and skills
  13. The act of giving to the needy, a core principle in Islam.
  14. What is the pre-dawn meal before fasting?
  15. Islamic concept of God's oneness

28 Clues: Without weightA clock tells u thisThe capital of FranceAnother word for rotateA video-sharing platformThe H in HTML stands for?Turn wastes into new productsA negatively charged particleHas a tail and flies in the skyThe largest country in the worldIslamic concept of God's onenessSomething u own but others use it more...

E - Filing 2024-09-20

E - Filing crossword puzzle
  1. example of Direct Tax
  2. Eliminate paper based submission
  3. Income that you receive in terms of the service
  1. second head of Income
  2. directly transmitted online from the e-filer's servers to the tax agency's servers.

5 Clues: second head of Incomeexample of Direct TaxEliminate paper based submissionIncome that you receive in terms of the servicedirectly transmitted online from the e-filer's servers to the tax agency's servers.

3400 - 3470 2024-09-20

3400 - 3470 crossword puzzle
  1. 3440
  2. 3450
  3. 3430
  4. 3410
  1. 3420
  2. 3460
  3. 3470
  4. 3400

8 Clues: 34203460347034403450340034303410

Read the clue then write down the adjective. 2024-09-20

Read the clue then write down the adjective. crossword puzzle
  1. is liked by most people
  2. makes a lot of loud or unpleasant noise
  3. calm, and free from disturbance.
  4. there is very little noise there
  1. you are not free to do anything else.
  2. it is full of people.
  3. is large in size or area
  4. s full of tourists or full of things for tourists to buy and do.

8 Clues: it is full of liked by most peopleis large in size or areacalm, and free from disturbance.there is very little noise thereyou are not free to do anything else.makes a lot of loud or unpleasant noises full of tourists or full of things for tourists to buy and do.

Celldelar 2024-09-20

Celldelar crossword puzzle
  1. (Cellens magsäck) Återvinner och bryter ner molekyler
  2. tillverkar och förflyttar olika ämnen som fetter
  3. Den skyddar cellen mot omvärlden
  4. Omvandlar det vi äter till energi
  5. Tar emot information från cellkärnan för att veta vilket protein som ska skickas
  1. tar emot, lagrar och skickar sedan iväg protein
  2. Den väskan inom cellen där allt flyter runt
  3. All information om vem vi är finns i cellkärnan, lagrar DNA
  4. membran de är som en vägg runt om cellkärnan, hjälper att separera den från cytosol

9 Clues: Den skyddar cellen mot omvärldenOmvandlar det vi äter till energiDen väskan inom cellen där allt flyter runttar emot, lagrar och skickar sedan iväg proteintillverkar och förflyttar olika ämnen som fetter(Cellens magsäck) Återvinner och bryter ner molekylerAll information om vem vi är finns i cellkärnan, lagrar DNA...

FF1 Unit 1 2024-09-20

FF1 Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. крючок
  2. стол
  3. компьютер
  4. картина
  5. кабинет
  6. ящики
  1. case пенал
  2. постер
  3. шкафчик
  4. доска

10 Clues: столдоскаящикикрючокпостершкафчиккартинакабинеткомпьютерcase пенал

Kegiatan Ekonomi_Restu11F 2024-09-20

Kegiatan Ekonomi_Restu11F crossword puzzle
  1. tujuan pencapaian ilmu ekonomi adalah
  2. antara permintaan dan penawaran menentukan harga pasar disebut
  3. jumlah barang atau jasa yang diinginkan oleh konsumen pada harga disebut
  4. perilaku individu dan perusahaan dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait alokasi sumber daya, harga, dan interaksi di pasar adalah
  1. Ilmu ini tidak hanya fokus pada tersebut
  2. diharapkan akan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat secara keseluruhan disebut
  3. hal yang harus dipenuhi untuk bertahan hidup adalah
  4. dan Biaya Kesempatan apa arti (Opportunity Cost) disebut
  5. Konsep dasar dalam ekonomi yang mengacu pada terbatasnya sumber daya alam atau manusia yang tersedia disebut
  6. Mempelajari perekonomian secara keseluruhan, termasuk isu-isu seperti inflasi, pengangguran, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan kebijakan pemerintah adalah

10 Clues: tujuan pencapaian ilmu ekonomi adalahIlmu ini tidak hanya fokus pada tersebuthal yang harus dipenuhi untuk bertahan hidup adalahdan Biaya Kesempatan apa arti (Opportunity Cost) disebutantara permintaan dan penawaran menentukan harga pasar disebutjumlah barang atau jasa yang diinginkan oleh konsumen pada harga disebut...

Kaspar y Dylan 2024-09-20

Kaspar y Dylan crossword puzzle
  1. Mundo quiere…
  2. Quiénes moran en la guerra
  3. Conflicto es…
  1. Personas quieres…
  2. Simbolo de paz e
  3. Conflicto es…

6 Clues: Mundo quiere…Conflicto es…Conflicto es…Simbolo de paz ePersonas quieres…Quiénes moran en la guerra

Frontrunner Unit 1 Vocabulary Review 2024-09-20

Frontrunner Unit 1 Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. People from Indonesia.
  2. People from Australia.
  3. The language spoken in China.
  4. Someone who is in the same class as you at school.
  5. People from Japan.
  6. Short form for the United States.
  1. Language spoken in Brazil.
  2. People from the UK.
  3. Language spoken in South Africa besides English.
  4. A friend you meet in your free time is your _________ friend.
  5. People from Germany.

11 Clues: People from Japan.People from the UK.People from Germany.People from Indonesia.People from Australia.Language spoken in Brazil.The language spoken in China.Short form for the United States.Language spoken in South Africa besides English.Someone who is in the same class as you at school.A friend you meet in your free time is your _________ friend.

Destination C1-C2 Modules 1-2 2024-09-20

Destination C1-C2 Modules 1-2 crossword puzzle
  1. to think or talk seriously and carefully about something
  2. seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed
  3. an idea that is based on feeling and for which there is no proof
  4. putting a lot of effort into your work
  5. to guess possible answers to a question when you do not have enough information to be certain
  6. to cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain something
  1. thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted
  2. showing an unreasonable dislike for something or someone
  3. to use another person’s idea or a part of that person's work and pretend that it is your own
  4. to spend time considering a possible future action, or to consider one particular thing for a long time in a serious and quiet way

10 Clues: putting a lot of effort into your workseeming likely to be true, or able to be believedto think or talk seriously and carefully about somethingshowing an unreasonable dislike for something or someonethought not to be completely true or not able to be trustedan idea that is based on feeling and for which there is no proof...

Cell Division & Mitosis 2024-09-20

Cell Division & Mitosis crossword puzzle
  1. the biological word for cell division
  2. the structure where the DNA is stored
  3. controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell
  4. where chemical reactions take place
  5. a syndrome with an extra chromosome
  6. what cell division does for all developing organisms
  7. parent and daughter cells are said to be genetically
  1. where protein synthesis takes place
  2. the site of aerobic respiration
  3. what cell division does for damaged cells and tissue
  4. the genetic information
  5. DNA organises itself into these structures during cell division

12 Clues: the genetic informationthe site of aerobic respirationwhere protein synthesis takes placewhere chemical reactions take placea syndrome with an extra chromosomethe biological word for cell divisionthe structure where the DNA is storedwhat cell division does for damaged cells and tissuewhat cell division does for all developing organisms...

Les volcans leçon 1 2024-09-20

Les volcans leçon 1 crossword puzzle
  1. réservoir de magma
  2. rejet de matériaux volcaniques à la surface de la terre
  3. canal par lequel le magma et les projections volcaniques montent
  1. liquide qui se forme à l’intérieur de la terre provenant de roches fondues
  2. sommet d’un volcan
  3. montagne en forme de cône qui est formée par l’accumulation de couches de laves et des projections
  4. magma à la surface de la terre qui se solidifie et se transforme en roche

7 Clues: réservoir de magmasommet d’un volcanrejet de matériaux volcaniques à la surface de la terrecanal par lequel le magma et les projections volcaniques montentmagma à la surface de la terre qui se solidifie et se transforme en rocheliquide qui se forme à l’intérieur de la terre provenant de roches fondues...

Unit 1 2024-09-20

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. if it’s cloudy there are much… in the sky
  2. a hot liquid
  3. if the sun is shining it's
  4. the person who lives near your house
  5. German:vor…
  6. there are much trees in it
  7. when multiple people are trying to be faster then the others
  8. if you are a dad and you have a boy he is your…
  1. Germany,Spain and the Netherlands are…
  2. …is when water is coming from the sky
  3. it can blow your umbrella away
  4. you can sleep in it and a car can pull it
  5. a match is for making…
  6. if you punch someone you… him
  7. you live on it
  8. if you don’t need to pay it’s…

16 Clues: German:vor…a hot liquidyou live on ita match is for making…if the sun is shining it'sthere are much trees in itif you punch someone you… himit can blow your umbrella awayif you don’t need to pay it’s…the person who lives near your house…is when water is coming from the skyGermany,Spain and the Netherlands are…...

Unit 1 2024-09-20

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. time dieses Mal
  2. asleep schlafen
  3. etwas kostet nichts
  4. jemand ist verrückt
  5. Bildschirm
  6. Himmel
  7. Wasser von Wolken
  8. Erinnerung
  1. Träne
  2. beliebt von Kartoffeln
  3. Dein Kind (junge)
  4. Auf Handy jemand schreiben
  5. a car were you can sleep
  6. was ist Deutschland
  7. Feuer

15 Clues: TräneFeuerHimmelBildschirmErinnerungtime dieses Malasleep schlafenDein Kind (junge)Wasser von Wolkenetwas kostet nichtsjemand ist verrücktwas ist Deutschlandbeliebt von Kartoffelna car were you can sleepAuf Handy jemand schreiben

Unit 1 2024-09-20

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. you can open this
  2. you can sent a word
  3. you are not happy
  4. it was yummy
  5. big plant
  6. you can all buy
  7. you hear music
  8. du tust jemanden weh
  1. you can there live
  2. you can sleep in it and rode
  3. stopping
  4. there were many big forest
  5. there you can read
  6. gif light
  7. park you had fun there

15 Clues: stoppingbig plantgif lightit was yummyyou hear musicyou can all buyyou can open thisyou are not happyyou can there livethere you can readyou can sent a worddu tust jemanden wehpark you had fun therethere were many big forestyou can sleep in it and rode

Β2 Τριγωνομετρία - Β3 Μέτρηση κύκλου 2024-09-20

Β2 Τριγωνομετρία - Β3 Μέτρηση κύκλου crossword puzzle
  1. Μια γωνία xAy που η κορυφή της Α ανήκει στον κύκλο (Ο, ρ) και οι πλευρές της Ax, Ay τέμνουν τον κύκλο, λέγεται...γωνία στον κύκλο (Ο, ρ).
  2. Κάθε εγγεγραμμένη γωνία ισούται με το...της επίκεντρης που έχει ίσο αντίστοιχο τόξο.
  3. Το...του κύκλου ακτίνας ρ, υπολογίζεται από τη σχέση L=2πρ.
  4. Η γωνία φ ενός κανονικού ν-γώνου είναι...της κεντρικής γωνίας του ν-γώνου.
  1. Ο λόγος που σχηματίζεται, αν διαιρέσουμε την απέναντι κάθετη πλευρά με την προσκείμενη κάθετη πλευρά μιας οξείας γωνίας ω ενός ορθογωνίου τριγώνου
  2. Ο λόγος που σχηματίζεται, αν διαιρέσουμε την...κάθετη πλευρά μίας οξείας γωνίας ω ενός ορθογωνίου τριγώνου με την υποτείνουσα, είναι πάντοτε σταθερός και λέγεται συνημίτονο της γωνίας ω.
  3. Κάθε εγγεγραμμένη γωνία που βαίνει σε ημικύκλιο είναι...
  4. Ο λόγος που σχηματίζεται, αν διαιρέσουμε την απέναντι κάθετη πλευρά μίας οξείας γωνίας ω ενός ορθογωνίου τριγώνου με την υποτείνουσα, είναι πάντοτε σταθερός και λέγεται...της γωνίας ω.

8 Clues: Κάθε εγγεγραμμένη γωνία που βαίνει σε ημικύκλιο είναι...Το...του κύκλου ακτίνας ρ, υπολογίζεται από τη σχέση L=2πρ.Η γωνία φ ενός κανονικού ν-γώνου είναι...της κεντρικής γωνίας του ν-γώνου.Κάθε εγγεγραμμένη γωνία ισούται με το...της επίκεντρης που έχει ίσο αντίστοιχο τόξο....

Unit 1 2024-09-20

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. the person who lives near your house
  2. there are much trees in it
  3. a hot liquid
  4. it can blow your umbrella away
  5. German:vor…
  6. when multiple people are trying to be faster then the others
  7. you can sleep in it and a car can pull it
  8. if the sun is shining it's
  1. a match is for making…
  2. if you don’t need to pay it’s…
  3. if you punch someone you… him
  4. if you are a dad and you have a boy he is your…
  5. you live on it
  6. Germany,Spain and the Netherlands are…
  7. …is when water is coming from the sky
  8. if it’s cloudy there are much… in the sky

16 Clues: German:vor…a hot liquidyou live on ita match is for making…there are much trees in itif the sun is shining it'sif you punch someone you… himif you don’t need to pay it’s…it can blow your umbrella awaythe person who lives near your house…is when water is coming from the skyGermany,Spain and the Netherlands are…...

The cells anatomy 2024-09-20

The cells anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. The insulation of the cell
  2. Membrane
  3. The digestive system
  4. Protein transport and handout
  5. Plant cells have it not animal cells
  6. The DNA protecter
  1. Nucleus's wall
  2. The Powerhouse
  3. Protein synthesis
  4. Involved in the locomotion of a cell

10 Clues: MembraneNucleus's wallThe PowerhouseProtein synthesisThe DNA protecterThe digestive systemThe insulation of the cellProtein transport and handoutInvolved in the locomotion of a cellPlant cells have it not animal cells

Term 3 Crossword 2024-09-20

Term 3 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A distressing or sad event
  2. A group formed for a specific purpose
  3. A tall, pointed church tower
  4. Lasting for a limited period
  5. Strange and frightening
  6. To become aware of something
  7. A situation with two difficult choices
  8. A feeling of distress or concern
  9. Feeling hopeless or urgent
  10. Known for a bad reason
  1. To capture the attention of
  2. A state of nothingness
  3. A formal promise
  4. Not needed
  5. Something causing inconvenience
  6. Dark and unclear
  7. Judgement or evaluation
  8. A group of singers
  9. Free time for enjoyment
  10. To act in a way that is inappropriate
  11. Who or what someone is
  12. No longer existing

22 Clues: Not neededA formal promiseDark and unclearA group of singersNo longer existingA state of nothingnessWho or what someone isKnown for a bad reasonJudgement or evaluationFree time for enjoymentStrange and frighteningA distressing or sad eventFeeling hopeless or urgentTo capture the attention ofA tall, pointed church towerLasting for a limited period...

vocabulary in Unit 4 2024-09-20

vocabulary in Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. n./v. the power to affect the way someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks without using direct force or orders
  2. v./n. a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out whether they are suitable for a job, course of study etc
  3. adj.involving the whole of a situation, group, or thing, rather than specific parts of it
  4. n.someone's family, education, previous work etc
  1. n. a formal test
  2. adj. for use by one person or group, not for everyone
  3. adj. amusing, especially in a clever or witty way
  4. n. a feeling that you are proud of something
  5. adj. not saying anything
  6. v. to need something

10 Clues: n. a formal testv. to need somethingadj. not saying anythingn. a feeling that you are proud of somethingn.someone's family, education, previous work etcadj. amusing, especially in a clever or witty wayadj. for use by one person or group, not for everyoneadj.involving the whole of a situation, group, or thing, rather than specific parts of it...

Unit 1 2024-09-20

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. when you win then the you have a …
  2. school it is a school
  3. the tent stayed on it
  4. you life on it
  5. the Mont blanc is a …
  6. the cloud hang on the …
  7. italy,Great Britain and Germany are …
  1. you can eat it
  2. he make light
  3. it is hot
  4. the Big Ben is a …
  5. you life in it
  6. I was in the … in Italy
  7. he lift next to you
  8. the trees are there

15 Clues: it is hothe make lightyou can eat ityou life in ityou life on itthe Big Ben is a …he lift next to youthe trees are thereschool it is a schoolthe tent stayed on itthe Mont blanc is a …I was in the … in Italythe cloud hang on the …when you win then the you have a …italy,Great Britain and Germany are …

BENV - English legal 2024-09-20

BENV - English legal crossword puzzle
  1. The area of law dealing with rights and remedies sought by individuals (5,3)
  2. The party against whom a lawsuit is brought in a civil case (9)
  3. an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances (9)
  4. The UK's highest court of appeal (7,5)
  5. A remedy in equity, requiring the performance of a contract (8,11)
  6. Legal reasoning that is not binding but may be persuasive in future cases (6,5)
  7. A written law passed by a legislative body (7)
  8. A single important rule, a set of rules, a theory, or a principle that is widely followed in a field of law (8)
  1. A law or a set of laws that have been passed by Parliament (11)
  2. A court order requiring someone to do or refrain from doing something (10)
  3. An amount of money awarded by a court in order to compensate a claimant who has suffered loss or damage as a result of a wrong for which the defendant is responsible (7)
  4. The person who represents and advises clients in legal matters, often appearing in court (9)
  5. The body responsible for prosecuting criminal cases in England and Wales (5,11)
  6. The party that brings a lawsuit in civil cases (8)
  7. A civil wrong that causes someone else to suffer loss or harm (4)
  8. The person accused of a crime in a court case (9)
  9. The principle that no one is above the law (4,2,3)

17 Clues: The UK's highest court of appeal (7,5)A written law passed by a legislative body (7)The person accused of a crime in a court case (9)The party that brings a lawsuit in civil cases (8)The principle that no one is above the law (4,2,3)A law or a set of laws that have been passed by Parliament (11)...

Unit 1 2024-09-20

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a tiger is a … animal
  2. Wein Wasser
  3. likes and …
  4. außen
  5. by big … make the surfing fun
  6. a house is a …
  7. You can sleep there on a campsite
  1. Tomorrow is bake a cake
  2. it is not sunny it is …
  3. Game memory
  4. in a restaurant I … my dinner
  5. by a Wettbewerb win you a …
  6. a house with rolls
  7. You see it when you look up, it is blue
  8. a boy is the brother from the daughter
  9. you … make your homework’s
  10. A other word of Country

17 Clues: außenGame memoryWein Wasserlikes and …a house is a …a house with rollsa tiger is a … animalTomorrow is bake a cakeit is not sunny it is …A other word of Countryyou … make your homework’sby a Wettbewerb win you a …in a restaurant I … my dinnerby big … make the surfing funYou can sleep there on a campsitea boy is the brother from the daughter...

Unit 1 2024-09-20

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. do you can Write a…
  2. we was in the Holiday in…
  3. it is Rainy and many animals
  4. you can give it water
  5. is a pretty man
  6. is to Suprise
  1. is for dran
  2. You…homework to do
  3. it is a big hill
  4. can you win
  5. is a pretty Woman
  6. is Opposite to Yesterday
  7. The…is sunny and hot
  8. verstappen every time
  9. Is a big Stone

15 Clues: is for drancan you winis to SupriseIs a big Stoneis a pretty manit is a big hillis a pretty WomanYou…homework to dodo you can Write a…The…is sunny and hotverstappen every timeyou can give it wateris Opposite to Yesterdaywe was in the Holiday in…it is Rainy and many animals

三年级上册第一单元单词 2024-09-20

三年级上册第一单元单词 crossword puzzle
  1. 胳膊
  2. 可以
  3. 分享
  4. 眼睛
  1. 令人愉快的;友好的
  2. 耳朵

9 Clues: 胳膊耳朵可以分享眼睛令人愉快的;友好的