adjectives Crossword Puzzles

Extreme Adjectives 2022-02-15

Extreme Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. extreme Adjectives of astounding
  2. Extreme adjectives of ugly
  3. extreme Adjectives of exhausted
  4. Extreme adjectives of pretty
  5. Extreme Adjectives of Furious
  6. extreme Adjectives of awful, terrible, horrible
  7. Extreme adjectives of scary
  8. extreme Adjectives of hilarious
  1. extreme Adjectives of starving
  2. Extreme adjectives of Fascinating
  3. extreme adjectives of excited
  4. extreme Adjectives of huge, gigantic, giant
  5. extreme adjectives of ancient
  6. extreme adjectives of cry
  7. Extreme adjectives of active

15 Clues: extreme adjectives of cryExtreme adjectives of uglyExtreme adjectives of scaryExtreme adjectives of prettyExtreme adjectives of activeextreme adjectives of excitedextreme adjectives of ancientExtreme Adjectives of FuriousExtreme adjectives of Fascinatingextreme Adjectives of starvingextreme Adjectives of exhausted...

hobbies and adjectives 2024-08-10

hobbies and adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. up
  2. adjectives "e..."
  3. adjectives "c..."
  4. adjectives "e..."
  5. cycling
  6. comics
  7. pictures
  8. a journal
  9. models
  1. In a band
  2. adjectives "b..."
  3. movies
  4. in a choir
  5. an instrument
  6. adjectives "t..."
  7. adjectives "h..."
  8. photography
  9. movies

18 Clues: upmoviescomicsmodelsmoviescyclingpicturesIn a banda journalin a choirphotographyan instrumentadjectives "b..."adjectives "e..."adjectives "c..."adjectives "e..."adjectives "t..."adjectives "h..."

Spanish Crossword 8/31 2022-08-31

Spanish Crossword 8/31 crossword puzzle
  1. A common pastry used at birthday parties
  2. is used to take photos
  3. Contains helium and comes in many colors
  4. is traditionally used at birthday parties, and gives candy
  5. Adjectives for this word are whom & that one
  6. Adjectives for this word are purchase & acquire
  7. Adjectives for this word are destroy & smash
  8. Adjectives for this word are get ready & arrange
  1. Adjectives for this word are ornament & embellish
  2. Adjectives for this word are at most & at best
  3. It can fly and it can chirp
  4. The opposite of younger
  5. it has 4 legs and says “meow”
  6. Adjectives for this word are unlocked & unlatched
  7. It swims in the ocean, or a tank if you have one

15 Clues: is used to take photosThe opposite of youngerIt can fly and it can chirpit has 4 legs and says “meow”A common pastry used at birthday partiesContains helium and comes in many colorsAdjectives for this word are whom & that oneAdjectives for this word are destroy & smashAdjectives for this word are at most & at best...

parts Of Speech #2 2017-05-25

parts Of Speech #2 crossword puzzle
  1. / a native of Asia (proper adjectives)
  2. / previous to (subordinating conjunctions)
  3. / used as the object of a preposition (demonstrative adjectives)
  4. / a citizen of the United States (proper adjectives)
  5. / used to indicate a person, thing, idea, state, event, time, remark, etc. (demonstrative adjectives)
  6. / continued until after the usual time (adverbs)
  7. / for, and, nor, but, ___ (coordinating conjunctions)
  8. / for, and, ___, but, yet (coordinating conjunctions)
  9. / if you reach upward  you reach ________. (adverbs)
  1. / a female person or animal (personal pronouns)
  2. / one more (indefinite pronouns)
  3. / a male person or animal (personal pronouns)
  4. /  like a friend, kind, helpful (common adjectives)
  5. / following behind (subordinating conjunctions)
  6. / one and the other (indefinite pronouns)
  7. / having little length (common adjectives)

16 Clues: / one more (indefinite pronouns)/ a native of Asia (proper adjectives)/ one and the other (indefinite pronouns)/ previous to (subordinating conjunctions)/ having little length (common adjectives)/ a male person or animal (personal pronouns)/ a female person or animal (personal pronouns)/ following behind (subordinating conjunctions)...

Adjectives and Adverbs 2024-08-02

Adjectives and Adverbs crossword puzzle
  1. Not cheap
  2. Some say this to describe a koala bear.
  3. Comparative for “far”.
  4. So so
  5. The adverb for the adjective “ hard”.
  6. The kind of adjective that comes first.
  7. The highest degree.
  8. Add to adjectives to make them superlative.
  9. Superlative for “less”
  1. They tell how verbs act.
  2. Synonym for “ fastest “.
  3. Add to adjectives with just one syllable.
  4. Less expensive
  5. Comparative for fast
  6. The kind of adjective that comes last.
  7. They tell us more about nouns.
  8. Use with some adjectives.
  9. Showing bad manners.
  10. Use with words of more than one syllable.

19 Clues: So soNot cheapLess expensiveThe highest degree.Comparative for fastShowing bad manners.Comparative for “far”.Superlative for “less”They tell how verbs act.Synonym for “ fastest “.Use with some adjectives.They tell us more about nouns.The adverb for the adjective “ hard”.The kind of adjective that comes last.Some say this to describe a koala bear....


  1. adjectives that describe attributes to the highest degree
  2. adjectives that describe attributes to a certain degree
  3. serio
  4. words that describe nouns.
  5. superlative of read
  6. superlative of easy
  7. falda
  8. comparative of tall
  9. gentil
  10. zapatos
  1. comparative of good
  2. comparative of happy
  3. superlative of far
  4. superlative of bad
  5. superlative of important
  6. superlative of large
  7. comparative of solid
  8. abrigo
  9. chamarra
  10. aretes

20 Clues: seriofaldaabrigoaretesgentilzapatoschamarrasuperlative of farsuperlative of badcomparative of goodsuperlative of readsuperlative of easycomparative of tallcomparative of happysuperlative of largecomparative of solidsuperlative of importantwords that describe nouns.adjectives that describe attributes to a certain degree...


  1. zapatos
  2. chamarra
  3. words that describe nouns.
  4. superlative of far
  5. adjectives that describe attributes to a certain degree
  6. superlative of large
  7. superlative of important
  8. gentil
  9. comparative of happy
  10. comparative of little
  1. aretes
  2. superlative of read
  3. superlative of easy
  4. comparative of tall
  5. adjectives that describe attributes to the highest degree
  6. serio
  7. superlative of bad
  8. abrigo
  9. comparative of solid
  10. atractivo
  11. falda
  12. comparative of good

22 Clues: seriofaldaaretesabrigogentilzapatoschamarraatractivosuperlative of farsuperlative of badsuperlative of readsuperlative of easycomparative of tallcomparative of goodcomparative of solidsuperlative of largecomparative of happycomparative of littlesuperlative of importantwords that describe nouns.adjectives that describe attributes to a certain degree...

Adjectives (7th Grade) 2025-02-24

Adjectives (7th Grade) crossword puzzle
  1. When two and more adjectives modify the same noun, they are called ____________ adjectives.
  2. Adjectives that show ownership
  3. How should you write proper adjectives
  4. The comparative form of "weak"
  5. The article "the"
  6. _______________ possessives act in place of a noun or a noun and its adjective
  1. Form of adjectives that compare two people or things
  2. The most common type of adjectives
  3. Form of adjectives that compare two or more people or things
  4. Another name for the original form of the adjective
  5. The superlative form of "fast"
  6. Words that modify nouns
  7. The articles "a" and "an"
  8. When an adjective comes after a linking verb, it is a __________ adjective.

14 Clues: The article "the"Words that modify nounsThe articles "a" and "an"The superlative form of "fast"Adjectives that show ownershipThe comparative form of "weak"The most common type of adjectivesHow should you write proper adjectivesAnother name for the original form of the adjectiveForm of adjectives that compare two people or things...

Parts Of Speech Crossword #2 2017-05-25

Parts Of Speech Crossword #2 crossword puzzle
  1. / a native of Asia (proper adjectives)
  2. / continued until after the usual time (adverbs)
  3. /  like a friend, kind, helpful (common adjectives)
  4. / used as the object of a preposition (demonstrative adjectives)
  5. / having little length (common adjectives)
  6. / a male person or animal (personal pronouns)
  7. / if you reach upward  you reach ________. (adverbs)
  1. / a citizen of the United States (proper adjectives)
  2. / for, and, ___, but, yet (coordinating conjunctions)
  3. / one more (indefinite pronouns)
  4. / for, and, nor, but, ___ (coordinating conjunctions)
  5. / one and the other (indefinite pronouns)
  6. / a female person or animal (personal pronouns)
  7. / used to indicate a person, thing, idea, state, event, time, remark, etc. (demonstrative adjectives)

14 Clues: / one more (indefinite pronouns)/ a native of Asia (proper adjectives)/ one and the other (indefinite pronouns)/ having little length (common adjectives)/ a male person or animal (personal pronouns)/ a female person or animal (personal pronouns)/ continued until after the usual time (adverbs)/  like a friend, kind, helpful (common adjectives)...

Adjectives 2024-01-24

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. describes another word
  2. article, a determiner which describes a specific item
  3. adjectives, modify the same noun separately Ex: The clear, crisp morning…
  4. the base form of an adjective
  5. Adjective, a determiner which can also be used as a pronoun and tells “which one”
  6. an adjective which signifies that a noun is coming and comes before descriptive adjectives
  7. 4 questions adjectives answer (all together no spaces or punctuation)
  8. adjectives, adjectives made from proper nouns
  9. indefinite demonstrative, three types of determiners
  10. Possessive, a possessive which acts in place of a noun and its modifiers
  1. modifies/describes nouns and pronouns
  2. adjectives, do not follow the “er, est” or “more, most” pattern for forming comparative and superlative
  3. Adjective, a determiner which has no clear antecedent
  4. adjective comparing 3 or more items
  5. article, a determiner which describes a non specific item
  6. adjective comparing two things

16 Clues: describes another wordthe base form of an adjectiveadjective comparing two thingsadjective comparing 3 or more itemsmodifies/describes nouns and pronounsadjectives, adjectives made from proper nounsindefinite demonstrative, three types of determinersarticle, a determiner which describes a specific item...

Language Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-05

Language Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. words that connect related ideas
  2. group of words that can expresses a thought
  3. action words
  4. a piece of writing meant to inform
  5. adjectives like American, Filipino, Korean, Xavierian, etc.
  6. personal beliefs or stand regarding certain topics
  7. a technique used in share opinions orally/verbally
  8. words that take the place of nouns
  9. connects dependent and independent clauses
  1. words that describe
  2. adjectives like cute, fluffy, graceful, beautiful, etc.
  3. adjectives like a, the, some, first, one, my, etc.
  4. connects dependent clauses
  5. names of places, things, animals, people, events, etc.
  6. an informal verbal means of communication

15 Clues: action wordswords that describeconnects dependent clauseswords that connect related ideasa piece of writing meant to informwords that take the place of nounsan informal verbal means of communicationconnects dependent and independent clausesgroup of words that can expresses a thoughtadjectives like a, the, some, first, one, my, etc....

Grammar Review Part 1 2022-04-21

Grammar Review Part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. for_and_nor_but_or_yet_so
  2. root form of a verb
  3. everyday words for things
  4. the
  5. takes the place of a noun
  6. words that combine indep & dep
  7. owns something
  8. describes nouns
  9. what or who the sentence is about
  10. things experienced through our five senses
  11. verbals acting as adjectives
  12. describes verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
  13. verbs being adj, nouns, or adverbs in sentence
  1. a, an, and some
  2. after the verb
  3. action or state of being
  4. verbals acting as nouns
  5. action that has a direct object
  6. an action that doesn't take a DO
  7. specific name of a place or person
  8. ideas or things that can't be seen...
  9. person, place or thing

22 Clues: theafter the verbowns somethinga, an, and somedescribes nounsroot form of a verbperson, place or thingverbals acting as nounsaction or state of beingfor_and_nor_but_or_yet_soeveryday words for thingstakes the place of a nounverbals acting as adjectiveswords that combine indep & depaction that has a direct objectan action that doesn't take a DO...

Comparative Adjectives 2022-11-09

Comparative Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. Comparative adjectives are adjectives that
  2. Beautiful
  3. These adjectives are ________(good and bad)
  4. Little
  5. Good
  1. Crazy
  2. old
  3. Fat
  4. Bad
  5. Words that describe a noun

10 Clues: oldFatBadGoodCrazyLittleBeautifulWords that describe a nounComparative adjectives are adjectives thatThese adjectives are ________(good and bad)

Lesson 45 Chapter Review 2022-03-31

Lesson 45 Chapter Review crossword puzzle
  1. a career in science studying chemistry
  2. added to a noun or verb to change into an adjective
  3. a, an, and the
  4. progression of jobs based on interests and abilities
  5. what separates adjectives when they appear after the noun
  6. antonyms are
  7. type of adjective when er suffix is added
  8. type of text that is written about someone's life
  1. a career being an animal doctor
  2. good and bad
  3. describes a noun
  4. best, fastest (adverbs)
  5. child educator
  6. goes with a problem
  7. He speaks very quietly, what is quietly
  8. nosascom is the ___ of adjectives
  9. happy, adj.; elated, jubilant
  10. separates adjectives when from the same category
  11. words that have similar meanings
  12. a career where you design homes or buildings

20 Clues: good and badantonyms area, an, and thechild educatordescribes a noungoes with a problembest, fastest (adverbs)happy, adj.; elated, jubilanta career being an animal doctorwords that have similar meaningsnosascom is the ___ of adjectivesa career in science studying chemistryHe speaks very quietly, what is quietly...


George's MARVELLOUS MEDICINE CHAPTER 8 crossword puzzle
  1. trash, garbage, OR nonsense in our story
  2. superlative form for short adjectives
  3. comparative form for long adjectives
  4. result or consequence
  5. quickly and without warning
  6. crackling or hissing with intense heat, because it's very hot
  7. scream or yell
  8. feeling great surprise and interest
  9. entertainer who performs gymnastic feats
  10. tall pipe used to carry smoke out of a building
  1. comparative form for short adjectives
  2. verb in the past = swing or wave back and forth with a slapping sound
  3. into one side and out of the other side
  4. superlative form for long adjectives
  5. containing, producing, arising from, or actuated by electricity. OR in the context of the book, it means that the effect was huge
  6. in a way that shows you do not trust someone or something
  7. acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return
  8. moving with quick, short movements from side to side, not in a controlled way
  9. fantastic, great

19 Clues: scream or yellfantastic, greatresult or consequencequickly and without warningfeeling great surprise and interestsuperlative form for long adjectivescomparative form for long adjectivescomparative form for short adjectivessuperlative form for short adjectivesinto one side and out of the other sidetrash, garbage, OR nonsense in our story...

PCSD 290 Extra Credit 2022-10-27

PCSD 290 Extra Credit crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for limiting adjectives (determiners)
  2. The study of the form of words (morphology)
  3. Percent of words used that are adjectives in school aged children's language through adulthood (twenty)
  4. The study of the function of words (syntax)
  5. The three moods of a verb: Indicative, Imperative & ______ (subjunctive)
  6. Words that describe a person, place, thing or abstraction (noun)
  7. Percent of early childhood words that are nouns (sixty)
  8. Pronoun use begins in Brown's Stage ______ (one)
  9. A word that functions to link words, phrases and clauses together and keep speech fluid (conjunction)
  10. The first common conjunction used by two year olds (and)
  11. True adjectives that can be graded are called this (descriptive)
  12. ______ rules for counting number of words (templins)
  13. An action that describes what a subject is doing (verb)
  14. Adjectives are used in the first ______ words. (fifty)
  1. Verbals with the form "to + verb" (infinitives)
  2. ______ reversals are a common error in early childhood (pronoun)
  3. Descriptive modifiers that refer to nouns & pronouns & can be simple or compound (adjective)
  4. The earliest common subordinating conjunction (because)
  5. The type of morpheme that specifies a relationship between other morphemes, such as prepositions, articles and conjunctions (grammatical)
  6. Percent of adjectives used in early childhood (fifteen)
  7. Type of adverb that takes the longest to develop (conjunctive)
  8. Type of adjective that follows a copular verb (predicate)
  9. Modifiers are this percent of first 50 words (ten)
  10. A word that describes a verb (adverb)
  11. Earliest nouns used are common and ______ (concrete)

25 Clues: A word that describes a verb (adverb)The study of the form of words (morphology)The study of the function of words (syntax)Verbals with the form "to + verb" (infinitives)Pronoun use begins in Brown's Stage ______ (one)Another name for limiting adjectives (determiners)Modifiers are this percent of first 50 words (ten)...

Chapter 15 Crucigramma 2017-04-26

Chapter 15 Crucigramma crossword puzzle
  1. Ablative Singular of "quick game"
  2. to teach
  3. Largest Group of Third Declension Adjectives
  4. Nominative Singular of "huge table"
  5. Plural Imperative of "disco,discere"
  6. Genitive Plural of "short old man"
  7. Third Declension Adjectives with a different nominative singular form for each gender
  8. Accusative Singular of "every year"
  1. Draw!(singular)
  2. Vocative Singular of "brave commander"
  3. Dative Plural of "public education"
  4. Third Declension Adjectives with one nominative singular form for all genders
  5. Nominative Plural of "quick animal"
  6. Accusative Plural of "important message"

14 Clues: to teachDraw!(singular)Ablative Singular of "quick game"Genitive Plural of "short old man"Dative Plural of "public education"Nominative Singular of "huge table"Nominative Plural of "quick animal"Accusative Singular of "every year"Plural Imperative of "disco,discere"Vocative Singular of "brave commander"Accusative Plural of "important message"...

Adjectives in Old English 2023-12-09

Adjectives in Old English crossword puzzle
  1. The form of an adjective used when referring to a single entity.
  2. Old English word for "strong"
  3. Prefix used to form the comparative degree of some adjectives
  4. Adjectives with only one syllable are referred to as ...
  5. Gender of nouns and adjectives in Old English
  6. Case ending indicating the direct object of a sentence
  1. Category of adjectives that indicates singular or plural
  2. In Old English, the adjectives had the categories of number, gender, and ...
  3. The category that Old English adjectives distinguished between, such as positive, comparative, and superlative.
  4. Case ending indicating the subject of a sentence

10 Clues: Old English word for "strong"Gender of nouns and adjectives in Old EnglishCase ending indicating the subject of a sentenceCase ending indicating the direct object of a sentenceCategory of adjectives that indicates singular or pluralAdjectives with only one syllable are referred to as ...Prefix used to form the comparative degree of some adjectives...

Grammar Test 1 Vocab Crossword 2024-02-26

Grammar Test 1 Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the noun question that is answered by adjectives that describes a noun's specific identification or selection out of a group
  2. a type of noun that specifically shows ownership or possession of something
  3. a type of noun that is described as being not specific
  4. the noun question that is answered by adjectives that describes a noun's general type, quality, or characteristic
  5. a type of noun that is described as being physical
  6. a type of noun that is described as being only one
  7. the noun question that is answered by adjectives that describes a noun as a uncountable but can still be quantified as a grouping
  1. a type of adjective that specifically shows ownership or possession of something; within the sentence, this word is found before the noun that it possesses and still looks like a pronoun
  2. a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun
  3. a type of noun that is described as being specific
  4. the noun question that is answered by adjectives that describes a noun as countable
  5. a type of noun that is described as being more than one
  6. a type of noun that is described as being not physical
  7. a type of pronoun that specifically shows ownership or possession of something; within the sentence, this word is found after the noun that it possesses
  8. a word that can replace a noun when the noun is already known through context of the writing or situation
  9. the noun question that is answered by adjectives that possess a noun

16 Clues: a type of noun that is described as being specifica type of noun that is described as being physicala type of noun that is described as being only onea word that modifies or describes a noun or pronouna type of noun that is described as being not physicala type of noun that is described as being not specific...

Parts of body 2024-08-31

Parts of body crossword puzzle
  1. my brother and i...playing ball with our leg
  2. Dayu...a beautiful bracelet on her hand
  3. gorillas and orangutans...Similar body sizes
  4. we use this adjectives refers to more than to but not many
  5. nose is part of our?
  6. we use 'has' for
  7. my head is covered by?
  8. what part of our body that we use to walk
  9. we use this adjectives refers to a single item
  10. we used this verb to along with a main verb to express tense
  11. what part of our body that we use to take something from the table
  1. ...Sarah go to the gym three times a week
  2. where we can use do or does?
  3. ear is part of our?
  4. what is an ear for?
  5. the function of nose?
  6. adjectives that describe quantity or amount
  7. you should brush your...every day
  8. you can't see without your..
  9. every one hand have...fingers

20 Clues: we use 'has' forear is part of our?what is an ear for?nose is part of our?the function of nose?my head is covered by?where we can use do or does?you can't see without your..every one hand have...fingersyou should brush your...every dayDayu...a beautiful bracelet on her hand...Sarah go to the gym three times a week...

Text 2024-10-13

Text crossword puzzle
  1. Synonym for "describe" (explain).
  2. Text that conveys factual information (informative).
  3. A sequence of events in a recount (event).
  4. A type of text narrating personal experiences (recount).
  5. The opening part of a recount text
  6. The structure of recount texts: orientation, events, and (reorientation).
  7. Descriptive words that give details about an object (adjectives).
  8. The tense usually used in recount texts (past).
  9. Type of text that provides detailed information (descriptive).
  10. Words that link ideas together (connectors).
  1. Text that describes the characteristics of something
  2. What happens in a story (action).
  3. The act of telling a story (narrative).
  4. Where an event takes place (setting).
  5. Important element in describing characters (appearance).
  6. A common word used to connect events in recounts (then).
  7. Words that describe qualities
  8. Indicates when something happens (time).
  9. Summary at the end of a recount (reorientation).
  10. The experience shared in a recount (story).

20 Clues: Words that describe qualitiesSynonym for "describe" (explain).What happens in a story (action).The opening part of a recount textWhere an event takes place (setting).The act of telling a story (narrative).Indicates when something happens (time).A sequence of events in a recount (event).The experience shared in a recount (story)....

KR Extra Credit 2022-04-05

KR Extra Credit crossword puzzle
  1. the category of the determiner in the following sentence: Those shoes look bad.
  2. type of conjunction that connects one clause with another clause that has less weight and importance
  3. manner of the following adverb: Since I was sick, I went to bed early.
  4. type of verbs that require an object
  5. verbs that provide additional information about person, tense, mood, and so forth
  6. sets of words that go into pairs
  7. verbs that stand by themselves without needing an object
  8. a word that takes the place of a noun. (e.g., he, she, his, her)
  9. a type of personal pronoun used to signify possession
  10. adverbs that connect 2 or more independent clauses
  11. adjectives that follows a copula
  12. category of determiners that use words such as, "every, nine, another, more, all, any" etc.
  13. adjectives that describe the quality of the noun or pronoun they modify and come in 2 types of their own
  14. refer to specific entities
  1. superlative form of bad
  2. adjectives that can be modified to compare two or more entities along a continuum
  3. small set of words that join words with words, phrases with phrases, and clauses with clauses
  4. type of prepositions where it is "adverb + preposition"
  5. comprise a relatively small, and therefore finite, class of words that serve to connect nouns and pronouns to other nouns, pronouns, and verbs
  6. type of verb for which the past participle is formed in a unique manner that does not follow the general formation rule of adding -ed
  7. comparative form of good
  8. finite group of words that can take the place of nouns
  9. types of adjectives that use words such as "whose, which, and what".
  10. both sides of the sentence have equal weight and importance
  11. adjectives that come before nouns

25 Clues: superlative form of badcomparative form of goodrefer to specific entitiessets of words that go into pairsadjectives that follows a copulaadjectives that come before nounstype of verbs that require an objectadverbs that connect 2 or more independent clausesa type of personal pronoun used to signify possession...

Descriptive Adjectives in French 2016-09-05

Descriptive Adjectives in French crossword puzzle
  1. The only time you will not add an -e to the end of an adjective to make it feminine is when the adjective already has an _________ -e at its end.
  2. The feminine singular form of 'sale' is ________.
  3. The feminine singular form of 'bon' is ______.
  4. If the noun being described is __________, and the adjective describing it is regular, make agreement by adding an -e to the end of the adjective.
  5. What adjectives do.
  6. If an adjective is _________, like 'bon' or 'blanc', then it will follow different rules for making its gender and number agree with the noun being described.
  1. The masculine plural form of 'vert' is ________.
  2. Adjectives must agree with the ______________ of the noun they describe.
  3. The form of an adjective that you will find in a dictionary.
  4. The feminine singular form of 'heureux' is _______.
  5. The feminine plural form of 'actif' is ________.
  6. Where adjectives typically go, in regards to the noun they describe.
  7. The acronym used to remember which adjectives go before the noun they describe.
  8. If an adjective already has an -s or -x at its end, you ______ need to add another -s to its end to make it plural.
  9. All French adjectives have _______ forms.

15 Clues: What adjectives do.All French adjectives have _______ forms.The feminine singular form of 'bon' is ______.The masculine plural form of 'vert' is ________.The feminine plural form of 'actif' is ________.The feminine singular form of 'sale' is ________.The feminine singular form of 'heureux' is _______....

MID TERM Chapters 1-10 2017-04-16

MID TERM Chapters 1-10 crossword puzzle
  1. words that describe or limit
  2. words used in place of nouns
  3. describe or limit verbs, adjectives and other adverbs
  4. special group of adjectives
  5. shortened forms of subjects and verbs
  6. describe nouns and pronouns
  7. words that connect other words or groups
  8. gives an order or makes a direct request
  9. expresses an action or state of being
  10. group of related words including a subject and a verb
  1. introduced by words such as them or has
  2. group of related words without a subject and verb
  3. groups of words that express complete thoughts
  4. makes an assertion and ends with period
  5. word that expresses strong feelings but are usually unconnected grammatically to the sentence
  6. word combinations that are unique to that language
  7. refers to person place or thing
  8. noun pronoun or adjective that renames or describes the subject
  9. indicates a pause

19 Clues: indicates a pausespecial group of adjectivesdescribe nouns and pronounswords that describe or limitwords used in place of nounsrefers to person place or thingshortened forms of subjects and verbsexpresses an action or state of beingintroduced by words such as them or hasmakes an assertion and ends with periodwords that connect other words or groups...

Morphology and Syntax 2021-04-14

Morphology and Syntax crossword puzzle
  1. Form describes the grammatical class a word/phrase belongs to, while [blank] refers to the way it is used in a sentence.
  2. A subject compliment follows an intransitive (usually copular) verb, while a [blank] predicate follows a transitive verb.
  3. Words that belong to the grammatical classes of either pronouns, adverbs, or adjectives, but also provide additional information regarding quantity.
  4. Present participles of a verb that take the place of a noun or pronoun in a sentence.
  5. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, and prepositions can either be simple, [blank], or phrasal.
  6. Nouns and pronouns have a [blank] which indicates whether they are being used as the subject, the object, or as a possessive.
  7. Declarative, imperative, [blank], and interrogative are the four types of sentences which function to provide information, give an order, express an emotion, or ask a question.
  8. These words join clauses of equal weight, and can be remembered with the mnemonic FANBOYS.
  9. This aspect of a verb indicates whether the subject is doing or receiving the action.
  10. Nouns, pronouns, or adjectives that are found in the predicate and provide additional information about the subject following intransitive verbs.
  11. Positive, [blank], and superlative are the three forms of gradable adjectives and adverbs.
  12. A finite group of words which serve to join clauses of unequal weight, where one clause has less importance than the other.
  13. Words that can function as pronouns or adjectives, and identify or highlight a particular antecedent.
  1. This group of words joins two clauses of equal weight, but also gives information on manner, place, reason, etc.
  2. Some verbs facilitate the action passing on to a direct object, while [blank] verbs do not.
  3. Auxiliary verbs that provide information about certainty, intention, command, or emphasis.
  4. A pair of words which are usually spread apart in a sentence that join clauses together.
  5. These verbals are recognizable by the form “to+verb” and are used for efficiency.
  6. When a form of the verb “to be” serves as the main verb, it is called this.
  7. An optional element of the clausal structure that provides additional information about time, location, and manner.
  8. Words that may look like prepositions, but are meaningfully connected to verbs.
  9. Verbs in the progressive or perfect tenses that do not function as verbs, but rather as modifiers.
  10. Nouns have many different classes. One of them tells whether a noun can be counted or whether it is a [blank] noun.
  11. Indicative, imperative, and subjunctive are the three [blanks] of a verb which depict the speaker’s state of mind.
  12. There are two categories of adjectives. Ones which describe the quality of a noun or pronoun, and [blank] adjectives which tell how much, how many, or whose.

25 Clues: When a form of the verb “to be” serves as the main verb, it is called this.Words that may look like prepositions, but are meaningfully connected to verbs.These verbals are recognizable by the form “to+verb” and are used for efficiency.Present participles of a verb that take the place of a noun or pronoun in a sentence....

Les adjectifs 2020-11-24

Les adjectifs crossword puzzle
  1. Un mot qui décrit un un nom.
  2. What is "attentif" in feminine?
  3. féminin/pluriel de "intelligent"
  4. Je suis la capitale de l'Ontario
  5. le masculin/singulier de "Sérieuse"
  1. je décris plus que une personne ou un objet (contraire de singulier)
  2. Masculin/pluriel de "méchant"
  3. je suis l'opposé du "Régulier"
  4. small/short in french (féminin/pluriel)
  5. what is the opposite gender of "masculine"
  6. What 4 letters make the adjectives ending with "eux" in feminine?
  7. Strong in French
  8. We leave the adjectives that end with an e ______
  9. Adjectives change according to me because

14 Clues: Strong in FrenchUn mot qui décrit un un nom.Masculin/pluriel de "méchant"je suis l'opposé du "Régulier"What is "attentif" in feminine?féminin/pluriel de "intelligent"Je suis la capitale de l'Ontariole masculin/singulier de "Sérieuse"small/short in french (féminin/pluriel)Adjectives change according to me because...

3rd Form Latin - Lesson 10 2023-07-25

3rd Form Latin - Lesson 10 crossword puzzle
  1. other, another
  2. alone, only, sole
  3. Nine 1st/2nd Declension Adjectives have irregular forms in the __________ ___ ______________ ________________.
  4. neither (of tow
  5. no, not any
  6. one
  7. Another self
  1. which (of two)
  2. The genitive singular ending for these irregular 1st/2nd Declension Adjectives is ________.
  3. The dative singular ending for these irregular 1st/2nd Declension Adjectives is is ________.
  4. The mnemonic device for the nine irregular forms is ________ ___________.
  5. the other (of two), the second (of two)
  6. any (at all)
  7. whole, entire

14 Clues: oneno, not anyany (at all)Another selfwhole, entirewhich (of two)other, anotherneither (of towalone, only, solethe other (of two), the second (of two)The mnemonic device for the nine irregular forms is ________ ___________.The genitive singular ending for these irregular 1st/2nd Declension Adjectives is ________....

FF - L18 2019-01-12

FF - L18 crossword puzzle
  1. great, large
  2. The mother of Italy, Rome.
  3. bad
  4. these types of adjectives usually come before their nouns
  5. wide, broad
  6. good
  7. new
  1. holy, sacred
  2. these types of adjectives usually come after their nouns
  3. small
  4. much, many
  5. eternal, everlasting
  6. high, deep

13 Clues: badnewgoodsmallmuch, manyhigh, deepwide, broadgreat, largeholy, sacredeternal, everlastingThe mother of Italy, Rome.these types of adjectives usually come after their nounsthese types of adjectives usually come before their nouns

. 2021-12-06

. crossword puzzle
  1. they include this,that,these,those
  2. Comparing one thing to another
  3. We add -est or most to the adjective or adverb
  4. we add -er or -est to ....adjectives and adverbs
  1. we add more or most to ...adjectives and adverbs
  2. They modify adverbs , adjectives, and verbs
  3. They include verb to be
  4. Comparing one thing to many
  5. They modify nouns or pronouns
  6. we add -er or more to the adjective or adverb

10 Clues: They include verb to beComparing one thing to manyThey modify nouns or pronounsComparing one thing to anotherthey include this,that,these,thoseThey modify adverbs , adjectives, and verbswe add -er or more to the adjective or adverbWe add -est or most to the adjective or adverbwe add more or most to ...adjectives and adverbs...

Poetry Elements 2021-02-24

Poetry Elements crossword puzzle
  1. when two words end with the same sound.
  2. A word or phrase that does not have its normal or literal meaning.
  3. A way of writing. It expresses feelings and ideas.
  4. A group of lines in a poem that go together. They are like paragraphs you see in a book.
  5. A group of words that are arranged in a row.
  6. When a writer describes something that is not human as having human characteristics.
  1. adjectives Adjectives used to compare only two things.
  2. Another word for figurative language.
  3. When a writer puts several sounds that begin with the same sound close together or next to each other.
  4. adjectives Adjectives used to compare 3 or more objects, people, or places.
  5. a word that describes a noun.
  6. compares two things , but does not use like or as.
  7. scheme A way to describe how a poem rhymes or the rhyme pattern of a poem.
  8. When a writer uses the same lines, or phrases more than once in a poem.
  9. compares two things using like or as.

15 Clues: a word that describes a noun.Another word for figurative language.compares two things using like or as.when two words end with the same sound.A group of words that are arranged in a row.compares two things , but does not use like or as.A way of writing. It expresses feelings and ideas.adjectives Adjectives used to compare only two things....

1st Quarter Terminology 2022-10-28

1st Quarter Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. show the position of a noun/pronoun
  2. shows visible/mental action, sometimes linking
  3. the character/authority of the speaker/writer
  4. emotional/associated connection
  5. exclamatory word expressing feeling/emotion
  6. dictionary meaning of a word
  7. topic sentence making a point
  8. logical
  1. modify verbs/adjectives/adverbs
  2. describes nouns/pronouns
  3. substitutes for nouns
  4. disprove the opposite side
  5. joins words/phrases/clauses
  6. person/place/thing/idea
  7. emotional connection

15 Clues: logicalemotional connectionsubstitutes for nounsperson/place/thing/ideadescribes nouns/pronounsdisprove the opposite sidejoins words/phrases/clausesdictionary meaning of a wordtopic sentence making a pointmodify verbs/adjectives/adverbsemotional/associated connectionshow the position of a noun/pronounexclamatory word expressing feeling/emotion...

Unit 2 2019-05-22

Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. _______________imagined = it seemed natural to me that …
  2. someone/something who helps others
  3. to put ___ with
  4. its pronunciation is /kɔːʃən/
  5. to follow in someone’s ________
  6. very hot
  7. very silly
  8. adjectives: hard, friendly, ____________
  9. (someone who always expects bad things to happen)
  10. to get on well with __________
  11. two statements, beliefs, etc., that cannot both be true or correct
  12. is the opposite of helpful
  13. very funny
  14. She ___________knows mean that she doesn't know very well
  1. Point out that quite may mean _____________ but not very
  2. adverbs: hardly, ___________, wrong
  3. What is the age difference between you and any _____________ you have?
  4. means unable to help or look after oneself
  5. A bit surprised? I’m absolutely ______________.
  6. ___________and hard can be both adjectives and adjectives
  7. someone who does things that are dangerous
  8. He ___________ not telling you about the problem earlier
  9. ____________ chance (a small possibility)
  10. it __________ me ages
  11. if something ____________to happen, it happens often and is likely to happen again
  12. the opposite of meaningful
  13. the adjective form of care
  14. it’s a _________decision

28 Clues: very hotvery sillyvery funnyto put ___ withit __________ me agesit’s a _________decisionthe opposite of meaningfulis the opposite of helpfulthe adjective form of careits pronunciation is /kɔːʃən/to get on well with __________to follow in someone’s ________someone/something who helps othersadverbs: hardly, ___________, wrong...

Unit 2 2024-08-18

Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. it __________ me ages
  2. ___________and hard can be both adjectives and adjectives
  3. to follow in someone’s ________
  4. _______________imagined = it seemed natural to me that …
  5. to put ___ with
  6. is the opposite of helpful
  7. very funny
  8. very hot
  9. the adjective form of care
  10. someone who does things that are dangerous
  11. very silly
  12. ____________ chance (a small possibility)
  13. if something ____________to happen, it happens often and is likely to happen again
  14. adverbs: hardly, ___________, wrong
  1. adjectives: hard, friendly, ____________
  2. two statements, beliefs, etc., that cannot both be true or correct
  3. to get on well with __________
  4. the opposite of meaningful
  5. What is the age difference between you and any _____________ you have?
  6. its pronunciation is /kɔːʃən/
  7. (someone who always expects bad things to happen)
  8. means unable to help or look after oneself
  9. A bit surprised? I’m absolutely ______________.
  10. someone/something who helps others
  11. He ___________ not telling you about the problem earlier
  12. Point out that quite may mean _____________ but not very
  13. She ___________knows mean that she doesn't know very well
  14. it’s a _________decision

28 Clues: very hotvery funnyvery sillyto put ___ withit __________ me agesit’s a _________decisionthe opposite of meaningfulis the opposite of helpfulthe adjective form of careits pronunciation is /kɔːʃən/to get on well with __________to follow in someone’s ________someone/something who helps othersadverbs: hardly, ___________, wrong...

General aspects 2023-10-19

General aspects crossword puzzle
  1. He, she, it, I, you, they, we are?
  2. Part of speech that includes thing,animal,etc
  3. The main person in a sentence is called?
  4. The, An, and A are?
  5. Part of speech that describes nouns
  6. Superlative form of the adjective cheap
  7. Superlative form of the adjective good
  1. Adjectives where we add -er
  2. Adjectives where we add -est
  3. Comparative form of the adjective bad
  4. Part of speech that describes an action

11 Clues: The, An, and A are?Adjectives where we add -erAdjectives where we add -estHe, she, it, I, you, they, we are?Part of speech that describes nounsComparative form of the adjective badSuperlative form of the adjective goodPart of speech that describes an actionSuperlative form of the adjective cheapThe main person in a sentence is called?...

Unit 2 2019-05-22

Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. it __________ me ages
  2. ___________and hard can be both adjectives and adjectives
  3. to follow in someone’s ________
  4. _______________imagined = it seemed natural to me that …
  5. to put ___ with
  6. is the opposite of helpful
  7. very funny
  8. very hot
  9. the adjective form of care
  10. someone who does things that are dangerous
  11. very silly
  12. ____________ chance (a small possibility)
  13. if something ____________to happen, it happens often and is likely to happen again
  14. adverbs: hardly, ___________, wrong
  1. adjectives: hard, friendly, ____________
  2. two statements, beliefs, etc., that cannot both be true or correct
  3. to get on well with __________
  4. the opposite of meaningful
  5. What is the age difference between you and any _____________ you have?
  6. its pronunciation is /kɔːʃən/
  7. (someone who always expects bad things to happen)
  8. means unable to help or look after oneself
  9. A bit surprised? I’m absolutely ______________.
  10. someone/something who helps others
  11. He ___________ not telling you about the problem earlier
  12. Point out that quite may mean _____________ but not very
  13. She ___________knows mean that she doesn't know very well
  14. it’s a _________decision

28 Clues: very hotvery funnyvery sillyto put ___ withit __________ me agesit’s a _________decisionthe opposite of meaningfulis the opposite of helpfulthe adjective form of careits pronunciation is /kɔːʃən/to get on well with __________to follow in someone’s ________someone/something who helps othersadverbs: hardly, ___________, wrong...

Unit 2 2024-08-21

Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. it __________ me ages
  2. ___________and hard can be both adjectives and adjectives
  3. to follow in someone’s ________
  4. _______________imagined = it seemed natural to me that …
  5. to put ___ with
  6. is the opposite of helpful
  7. very funny
  8. very hot
  9. the adjective form of care
  10. someone who does things that are dangerous
  11. very silly
  12. ____________ chance (a small possibility)
  13. if something ____________to happen, it happens often and is likely to happen again
  14. adverbs: hardly, ___________, wrong
  1. adjectives: hard, friendly, ____________
  2. two statements, beliefs, etc., that cannot both be true or correct
  3. to get on well with __________
  4. the opposite of meaningful
  5. What is the age difference between you and any _____________ you have?
  6. its pronunciation is /kɔːʃən/
  7. (someone who always expects bad things to happen)
  8. means unable to help or look after oneself
  9. A bit surprised? I’m absolutely ______________.
  10. someone/something who helps others
  11. He ___________ not telling you about the problem earlier
  12. Point out that quite may mean _____________ but not very
  13. She ___________knows mean that she doesn't know very well
  14. it’s a _________decision

28 Clues: very hotvery funnyvery sillyto put ___ withit __________ me agesit’s a _________decisionthe opposite of meaningfulis the opposite of helpfulthe adjective form of careits pronunciation is /kɔːʃən/to get on well with __________to follow in someone’s ________someone/something who helps othersadverbs: hardly, ___________, wrong...

Parts of speech II 2022-03-23

Parts of speech II crossword puzzle
  1. Type of conjunction whose acronym is TTUUABE.
  2. Adjectives that indicate a noun or pronoun in a sentence.
  3. Words that link other words.
  4. Join two parts that are equal.
  5. Used for more than one thing that’s nearby.
  6. Article that goes before a noun with a vowel.
  7. Used for more than one thing that’s farther away.
  1. Words that show an action.
  2. Used for a person or thing that is further away.
  3. Words that describe or modify other words.
  4. Used for a person or thing that is nearby or current.
  5. The official order of adjectives.
  6. It is used for a specific noun.
  7. Animal, place, thing, object or/and idea.

14 Clues: Words that show an action.Words that link other words.Join two parts that are equal.It is used for a specific noun.The official order of adjectives.Animal, place, thing, object or/and idea.Words that describe or modify other words.Used for more than one thing that’s nearby.Type of conjunction whose acronym is TTUUABE....

Nomina et adiectiva, Capitulum VIII, Lingua Latina 2019-03-16

Nomina et adiectiva, Capitulum VIII, Lingua Latina crossword puzzle
  1. a bejeweled finger
  2. price, acc. plur.
  3. gem, gen. sing.
  4. a wealthy shopkeeper
  5. the fourth thread
  6. threads, nom. plur.
  1. another jewel/ornament [Latin adjectives are placed after their nouns (except for adjectives of size—large, small....)]
  2. without a price
  3. fingers, nom. plur.
  4. shops, gen. plur.
  5. shopkeepers, gen. plur.
  6. the middle price
  7. pearl or jewel
  8. neck, acc. plur.
  9. jewels,abl. plur.
  10. ring, abl. sing.

16 Clues: pearl or jewelwithout a pricegem, gen. sing.the middle priceneck, acc. plur.ring, abl. sing.price, acc. plur.shops, gen. plur.jewels,abl. plur.the fourth threada bejeweled fingerfingers, nom. plur.threads, nom. plur.a wealthy shopkeepershopkeepers, gen. plur....

Roots Unit 2 2024-11-13

Roots Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. like
  2. see
  3. Land or Earth
  4. be aware
  5. relating to (Forms adjectives)
  6. one who, characterized by
  7. relating to (Forms Adjectives and Nouns)
  1. act or process
  2. Light
  3. having characteristics of
  4. state or quality of
  5. Earth

12 Clues: seelikeLightEarthbe awareLand or Earthact or processstate or quality ofhaving characteristics ofone who, characterized byrelating to (Forms adjectives)relating to (Forms Adjectives and Nouns)

Nomina et adiectiva, Capitulum VIII, Lingua Latina 2019-03-16

Nomina et adiectiva, Capitulum VIII, Lingua Latina crossword puzzle
  1. fingers, nom. plur.
  2. jewels,abl. plur.
  3. a wealthy shopkeeper
  4. neck, acc. plur.
  5. ring, abl. sing.
  6. the middle price
  7. the fourth thread
  8. shopkeepers, gen. plur.
  9. threads, nom. plur.
  1. shops, gen. plur.
  2. another jewel/ornament [Latin adjectives are placed after their nouns (except for adjectives of size—large, small....)]
  3. without a price
  4. a bejeweled finger
  5. pearl or jewel
  6. price, acc. plur.
  7. gem, gen. sing.

16 Clues: pearl or jewelwithout a pricegem, gen. sing.neck, acc. plur.ring, abl. sing.the middle priceshops, gen. plur.jewels,abl. plur.price, acc. plur.the fourth threada bejeweled fingerfingers, nom. plur.threads, nom. plur.a wealthy shopkeepershopkeepers, gen. plur....

Grammar Review 2023-12-21

Grammar Review crossword puzzle
  1. A word used in place of a noun.
  2. Adverbs that compare two actions.
  3. Adverbs that compare two or more actions.
  4. voice The subject receives the action of the verb.
  5. A place, a thing, or a person.
  6. Verbs that are used as nouns.
  7. Words that connect individual words or groups of words in sentences.
  8. After, although, as long as, because, since, unless, whether, and while.
  9. A noun or phrase that renames another noun in a sentence.
  10. Words that modify or describe verbs.
  1. Words that show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and another word in the sentence.
  2. A word that describes a noun or pronoun.
  3. Both/and, either/or, and neither/nor.
  4. And, but, or, nor, for, and yet.
  5. Words that add emphasis to adjectives or adverbs.
  6. Verbs that are used as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.
  7. voice The subject performs the action of the verb.
  8. Verbs that are used as adjectives.

18 Clues: Verbs that are used as nouns.A place, a thing, or a person.A word used in place of a noun.And, but, or, nor, for, and yet.Adverbs that compare two actions.Verbs that are used as adjectives.Words that modify or describe verbs.Both/and, either/or, and neither/nor.A word that describes a noun or pronoun.Adverbs that compare two or more actions....

Adjectives Review 2020-05-12

Adjectives Review crossword puzzle
  1. this type of adjective begins with a capital letter
  2. these adjectives are "a, an, the"
  3. an adjective that usually follows a linking verb
  4. numbers used as adjectives to show _____ how many
  5. these adjectives are "this, that, these, those"
  1. this type of adjective describes a noun
  2. adjectives more and most for words with 3 or more__
  3. these adjectives are "fewer, fewest, less, least"

8 Clues: these adjectives are "a, an, the"this type of adjective describes a nounthese adjectives are "this, that, these, those"an adjective that usually follows a linking verbthese adjectives are "fewer, fewest, less, least"numbers used as adjectives to show _____ how manythis type of adjective begins with a capital letter...

8th Grade Crossword Challenge 2022-05-12

8th Grade Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. past participle of be
  2. a way of transportation in the air
  3. past of draw
  4. Gabriel is very good at it
  5. Victoria is _______ than Mary
  6. we need to drink this to survive
  7. Luiza is a ______
  8. Mary is good at this sport
  9. one of Lara's adjectives
  1. Pulia's favorite sport
  2. Gabriel thinks he is very __
  3. Pulia likes to _____
  4. Gabs is very good at it
  5. one of Mary's adjectives
  6. we ____ at school

15 Clues: past of drawLuiza is a ______we ____ at schoolPulia likes to _____past participle of bePulia's favorite sportGabs is very good at itone of Mary's adjectivesone of Lara's adjectivesGabriel is very good at itMary is good at this sportGabriel thinks he is very __Victoria is _______ than Marywe need to drink this to survive...

engelish 2014-10-27

engelish crossword puzzle
  1. opzegbaar
  2. wazig
  3. wuivende
  4. misselijk
  5. beslissend
  6. gerepareerd
  7. druppelt
  8. vrezen
  1. beven
  2. breed
  3. knap
  4. bijvoegelijke naamwoorden
  5. drong
  6. hardvochtig
  7. levendig
  8. doorboren
  9. bepaald
  10. timmerhout
  11. beslechten
  12. ijzer

20 Clues: knapbevenbreeddrongwazigijzervrezenbepaaldwuivendelevendigdruppeltopzegbaarmisselijkdoorborenbeslissendtimmerhoutbeslechtenhardvochtiggerepareerdbijvoegelijke naamwoorden

Review 2022-11-14

Review crossword puzzle
  1. wash
  2. know
  3. zi
  4. walk
  5. butongde
  6. climb
  7. remember
  8. forget
  9. zugoude
  1. is
  2. look
  3. have
  4. read
  5. work
  6. run
  7. take
  8. play
  9. go
  10. xingrongci
  11. hai

20 Clues: iszigorunhailookwashhavereadknowworkwalktakeplayclimbforgetzugoudebutongderememberxingrongci

Spelling words 2022-02-07

Spelling words crossword puzzle
  1. not here
  2. underground
  3. Food
  4. air
  5. All
  6. shorten
  7. adjectives
  8. Digging
  9. paramedics
  10. shake
  1. listen
  2. Bike
  3. trash
  4. Books
  5. Shelf
  6. amazing
  7. shaking
  8. explained
  9. Listing
  10. redo

20 Clues: airAllBikeFoodredotrashBooksShelfshakelistenamazingshakingListingshortenDiggingnot hereexplainedadjectivesparamedicsunderground

Grammar 2025-02-04

Grammar crossword puzzle
  1. Outside: Inside sentences are made up of two what?
  2. Would, Who, Why, and _____. Which W word is messing?
  3. 3 bad - (dash) question. 3 ______ adjectives followed by a dash then a question which relates to the 3 adjectives.
  4. When something non-human is given human characteristics.
  5. A person, place, or thing.
  6. 1-3 word sentences are what?
  7. __ed words MUST be followed by what?
  8. Double ly _____.
  9. Word to describe an action/what the subject of a sentence is doing.
  1. Used at the end of a question.
  2. An emotion word for very very scared.
  3. Ad, same ad is an adjective used how many times?
  4. P.C is short for what?
  5. The more, the more sentence type is useful when developing what trait in a stroy?
  6. A LIST ______ must have 3 or 4 adjectives before the noun.
  7. Verb,_____. (English structure name)
  8. A De:De sentence is a compound sentence in which two independent clauses are separated by a ____.
  9. When someone's language deliberately overstates how good or bad something is.
  10. Compares things using like or as.

19 Clues: Double ly _____.P.C is short for what?A person, place, or thing.1-3 word sentences are what?Used at the end of a question.Compares things using like or as.Verb,_____. (English structure name)__ed words MUST be followed by what?An emotion word for very very scared.Ad, same ad is an adjective used how many times?...

Grammar 2023-05-30

Grammar crossword puzzle
  1. nouns that more than one person, place, or thing
  2. the name of a person, place, or thing
  3. adjectives that compare two people, places, or things, usually end in -er.
  4. tells what the subject does or is
  5. words that mean the opposite of each other
  6. tell how, when, or where an action happens
  7. tells who or what the sentence is about
  8. different words that have the same meaning
  9. describe nouns
  1. adjectives that compare more than two people, places, or things, usually end in -est.
  2. nouns that show who or what owns or has something
  3. but, and, or

12 Clues: but, and, ordescribe nounstells what the subject does or isthe name of a person, place, or thingtells who or what the sentence is aboutwords that mean the opposite of each othertell how, when, or where an action happensdifferent words that have the same meaningnouns that more than one person, place, or thing...

Common Adjective Suffixes 2023-05-11

Common Adjective Suffixes crossword puzzle
  1. able to receive the action of the stated
  2. connected with or belonging to the stated place, group, or type
  3. having the stated quality to a high degree, or causing it
  4. of a place, or the language spoken in a place
  5. added to nouns to form adjectives that refer to a quality or condition
  6. to some degree; fairly: like
  1. "connected with" to adjectives, or "the action of" to nouns
  2. performing or causing the stated action
  3. expressing capability, susceptibility, liability, aptitude
  4. used to form adjectives meaning "without"
  5. suitable or deserving to receive a particular thing
  6. Pertaining to, relating to

12 Clues: Pertaining to, relating toto some degree; fairly: likeperforming or causing the stated actionable to receive the action of the statedused to form adjectives meaning "without"of a place, or the language spoken in a placesuitable or deserving to receive a particular thinghaving the stated quality to a high degree, or causing it...

EST Revision 2021-11-16

EST Revision crossword puzzle
  1. A describing word like "incredible" or "breathtaking".
  2. If the camera is looking directly at the subject, it is using an ___-_____ angle.
  3. Long shots and extreme long shots can make the viewer feel a sense of ___.
  4. Adjectives that make something seem great are called ________ adjectives.
  5. Adjectives that make something seem bad are called ________ adjectives.
  1. You can tell how someone feels by looking at their ______ expression.
  2. If all the elements of the image are in focus, the image has been taken with a ____ depth of field.
  3. Body language includes a person's facial expression, gaze, posture and _______.
  4. A comparison between two unlike things is called a _______. (E.g. This road is ruined carpet)
  5. A shot that captures the full subject (head to toe) is called a ____ shot.
  6. One type of camera angle is the bird's eye ____.
  7. Language that welcomes the reader is called ________ language.

12 Clues: One type of camera angle is the bird's eye ____.A describing word like "incredible" or "breathtaking".Language that welcomes the reader is called ________ language.You can tell how someone feels by looking at their ______ expression.Adjectives that make something seem bad are called ________ adjectives....

Unit 2 Vocabulary 2023-06-09

Unit 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. pozadí
  2. skupina
  3. příležitost
  4. hlasovat
  5. takže
  6. rychle
  7. příslovce
  8. přestože
  9. hned
  10. zvýrazněný
  11. dekáda
  1. spz
  2. pár
  3. sova
  4. kapsa
  5. najednou
  6. popisovat
  7. šíleně
  8. klub
  9. rozhodnout-se
  10. plachý

21 Clues: spzpársovaklubhnedkapsatakžepozadírychlešíleněplachýdekádaskupinahlasovatnajednoupřestožepopisovatpříslovcezvýrazněnýpříležitostrozhodnout-se

ELA Exam Review 2022-05-26

ELA Exam Review crossword puzzle
  1. takes the place of a noun
  2. word that follows a noun and helps identify it
  3. renames the subject
  4. verb mood used to emphasize a verb
  5. a pronoun that refers to any or all of a group
  6. an object that tells to whom or for whom
  7. verb mood used to state a fact
  8. not necessary to the meaning of a sentence
  9. an object that tells whom or what after the verb
  10. voice in which the subject is the doer of action
  11. pronoun used as a direct or indirect object
  12. verb mood that expresses a wish or condition
  1. acts as an adverb by describing a verb
  2. adjectives used to ask a question
  3. group of words that has a subject and a predicate
  4. shows relationship between a noun and a word
  5. a word to which a pronoun refers
  6. adjectives that define a noun
  7. voice in which the subject receives the action
  8. pronoun used to emphasize a preceding noun
  9. verb mood used to give commands
  10. adjectives that refer to any or all of a group
  11. word that describes a verb or adjective
  12. necessary to the meaning of a sentence
  13. a person, place, thing, or idea

25 Clues: renames the subjecttakes the place of a nounadjectives that define a nounverb mood used to state a factverb mood used to give commandsa person, place, thing, or ideaa word to which a pronoun refersadjectives used to ask a questionverb mood used to emphasize a verbacts as an adverb by describing a verbnecessary to the meaning of a sentence...

La familia 2024-04-09

La familia crossword puzzle
  1. La _______ o el hijo
  2. The brother-in-law. Cuñada for sister-in-law in Spanish.
  3. Someone who is responsible
  4. In English, the uncle, known as "tía" for
  5. To be only, unique
  6. To be big
  7. The cousins (mixed feminine and masculine) in Spanish.
  8. To be funny
  9. How do you say family in Spanish?
  10. Mi(s), tu(s), su(s) and nuestro/a(s) are examples of ________ adjectives.
  11. Someone/something who is kind
  12. In English, grandfather, also known as abuelito in Spanish
  13. El __________ hermano (half brother)
  14. Adjectives used to describe something or someone come _________ the noun.
  15. To be small
  1. The step brother.
  2. Someone/something who is fun or amusing
  3. Word that is used to describe a noun
  4. In English, mom, also known as mamá in Spanish
  5. Someone/something who is caring or affectionate
  6. To be loud
  7. Someone/something who is popular
  8. Possessive adjectives go __________ the noun that they're defining who it/they belong to.
  9. Someone who is intelligent
  10. The granddaughter, known as "nieto" for grandson
  11. In English, dad, also known as papá in Spanish
  12. The mother-in-law.
  13. _____ padres; "the parents"

28 Clues: To be bigTo be loudTo be funnyTo be smallThe step brother.To be only, uniqueThe mother-in-law.La _______ o el hijoSomeone who is responsibleSomeone who is intelligent_____ padres; "the parents"Someone/something who is kindSomeone/something who is popularHow do you say family in Spanish?Word that is used to describe a noun...

EST Revision 2021-11-16

EST Revision crossword puzzle
  1. A comparison between two unlike things is called a _______. (E.g. This road is ruined carpet)
  2. If the camera is looking directly at the subject, it is using an ___-_____ angle.
  3. Language that welcomes the reader is called ________ language.
  4. Long shots and extreme long shots can make the viewer feel a sense of ___.
  5. One type of camera angle is the bird's eye ____.
  6. You can tell how someone feels by looking at their ______ expression.
  7. If all the elements of the image are in focus, the image has been taken with a ____ depth of field.
  1. Adjectives that make something seem great are called ________ adjectives.
  2. Body language includes a person's facial expression, gaze, posture and _______.
  3. A shot that captures the full subject (head to toe) is called a ____ shot.
  4. Adjectives that make something seem bad are called ________ adjectives.
  5. A describing word like "incredible" or "breathtaking".

12 Clues: One type of camera angle is the bird's eye ____.A describing word like "incredible" or "breathtaking".Language that welcomes the reader is called ________ language.You can tell how someone feels by looking at their ______ expression.Adjectives that make something seem bad are called ________ adjectives....

Business English 2017-07-06

Business English crossword puzzle
  1. A pause in the flow of a sentence
  2. Expresses an action
  3. Adjectives and adverbs act as
  4. Surprise, disbelief, or strong feeling
  5. The letter "I" is always
  6. Person, place, or thing
  7. A subject and a verb of group related words
  8. A noun, pronoun, or adjective that renames
  9. Used in place of nouns
  1. Stronger punctuation than the comma
  2. Figures (1, 2, 3, etc.)
  3. Short versions of words
  4. Figures (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
  5. describe nouns and pronouns
  6. An assertion and ends with a period
  7. a, e, I, o, and u
  8. All letters other than vowels

17 Clues: a, e, I, o, and uExpresses an actionUsed in place of nounsFigures (1, 2, 3, etc.)Short versions of wordsPerson, place, or thingThe letter "I" is alwaysdescribe nouns and pronounsAdjectives and adverbs act asFigures (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)All letters other than vowelsA pause in the flow of a sentenceStronger punctuation than the comma...

Review 2021-10-29

Review crossword puzzle
  1. intensifiers in front of superlatives adjectives
  2. The food was ... bad (it was bad, but not very bad)
  3. very hungry
  4. The film was ... awful
  5. This is a rather bigger one than that. (Mitigators used with comparative adjectives in front of a noun)
  6. very small
  1. This is a ... more expensive model than that. (Mitigators used with comparative adjectives in front of a noun)
  2. above good
  3. very big
  4. very clever

10 Clues: very bigabove goodvery smallvery cleververy hungryThe film was ... awfulintensifiers in front of superlatives adjectivesThe food was ... bad (it was bad, but not very bad)This is a rather bigger one than that. (Mitigators used with comparative adjectives in front of a noun)...

English Terms 2023-01-19

English Terms crossword puzzle
  1. people places or things
  2. can stand alone as a complete sentence
  3. type of fragment that is missing a subject or predicate
  4. have a subject and verb but do not express a complete thought
  5. these pronouns show ownership
  6. describe nouns and pronouns
  7. replace nouns
  8. these pronouns link phrases and clauses
  1. short remarks
  2. words that show time space or location
  3. describe adjectives
  4. names that are/were replaced
  5. these pronouns point to or identify something
  6. join words or phrases
  7. these pronouns include suffix -self or -selves
  8. words that show action

16 Clues: short remarksreplace nounsdescribe adjectivesjoin words or phraseswords that show actionpeople places or thingsdescribe nouns and pronounsnames that are/were replacedthese pronouns show ownershipcan stand alone as a complete sentencewords that show time space or locationthese pronouns link phrases and clauses...

Grammar Final 2024-08-08

Grammar Final crossword puzzle
  1. Regular ____ tense verbs end with 'ed'.
  2. ______ adjectives compare TWO things.
  3. linking verb with nose
  4. NOT makes a positive sentence into a ______ sentence.
  5. Routine is in ____ tense.
  6. linking verb with ears
  7. An _____ describes a verb.
  8. "Grammar" is a ______ noun.
  1. one of + superlative + _____ noun
  2. linking verb with mouth
  3. ______ adjectives compare THREE or more things.
  4. linking verb with eyes
  5. An ______ describes a noun.
  6. linking verb with touch
  7. "Will" and "be + going to" are _____ tense verbs.
  8. Present _____ + future time is future tense.
  9. A sense verb is also called a _____ verb in grammar.

17 Clues: linking verb with eyeslinking verb with noselinking verb with earslinking verb with mouthlinking verb with touchRoutine is in ____ tense.An _____ describes a verb.An ______ describes a noun."Grammar" is a ______ of + superlative + _____ noun______ adjectives compare TWO things.Regular ____ tense verbs end with 'ed'....

My crossword 2024-06-26

My crossword crossword puzzle
  1. T
  2. Y
  3. L
  4. P
  5. U
  6. o
  7. j
  8. a
  1. D
  2. B
  3. E
  4. R
  5. M
  6. N
  7. I
  8. K


Afrikaans woorde! 2024-09-17

Afrikaans woorde! crossword puzzle
  1. adverbs
  2. adjectives
  3. where
  4. what
  5. degrees of comparison
  6. intensive froms
  7. nouns
  8. verbs
  9. interjections
  1. pronouns
  2. preposistion
  3. conjunctions
  4. afrikaans
  5. why
  6. diminutives
  7. plural
  8. articles
  9. when

18 Clues: whywhatwhenwherenounsverbspluraladverbspronounsarticlesafrikaansadjectivesdiminutivespreposistionconjunctionsinterjectionsintensive fromsdegrees of comparison

classroom 2022-11-18

classroom crossword puzzle
  1. bano
  2. aula
  3. traducir
  4. leer
  5. comparar
  6. oraciones
  7. profesor
  8. libros
  9. trabajar
  1. adjetivos
  2. gobierno
  3. comprender
  4. escuela
  5. ciudad
  6. vocabulario
  7. escuchar
  8. emparejar
  9. pronunciar
  10. bandera
  11. completar
  12. escribe
  13. por favor
  14. ayuda

23 Clues: banoaulaleerayudaciudadlibrosescuelabanderaescribegobiernoescuchartraducircompararprofesortrabajaradjetivosemparejarcompletaroracionespor favorcomprenderpronunciarvocabulario

Parts of Speech 2024-01-24

Parts of Speech crossword puzzle
  1. of speech in the English language: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
  2. replace nouns in a sentence.
  3. express strong emotion.
  4. express action or being.
  1. connect words or groups of words.
  2. modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
  3. represent people, places, things, or ideas.
  4. link nouns or pronouns to other words in a sentence.
  5. describe nouns.

9 Clues: describe strong action or being.replace nouns in a sentence.connect words or groups of words.modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.represent people, places, things, or nouns or pronouns to other words in a sentence....

Parts of Speech 2015-12-02

Parts of Speech crossword puzzle
  1. a person, place, thing, or idea
  2. verbs like run
  3. describe nouns
  4. shows action or state of being
  5. over, in, above, and below are
  6. nouns like dreams, hope, love
  7. he, she, and it are
  1. Oh! Wow! and Totally! are
  2. noun you can touch
  3. describe verbs, adjectives and other ___________
  4. an example of an article
  5. join words and phrases
  6. a, an, and the; words that only come before nouns

13 Clues: verbs like rundescribe nounsnoun you can touchhe, she, and it arejoin words and phrasesan example of an articleOh! Wow! and Totally! arenouns like dreams, hope, loveshows action or state of beingover, in, above, and below area person, place, thing, or ideadescribe verbs, adjectives and other ___________...

Grade Nine English 2020-10-17

Grade Nine English crossword puzzle
  1. we be twins
  2. sign that you used the wrong verb
  3. can go anywhere here
  4. source of knowledge
  5. than adjectives
  6. logic of speech
  7. it B or Bee
  8. mind set free
  1. us to interpret and express
  2. know what I mean
  3. traffic signals of language
  4. and prying for a reason
  5. most powerful way to put ideas into the world
  6. best way to talk without being interrupted

14 Clues: we be twinsit B or Beemind set freethan adjectiveslogic of speechknow what I meansource of knowledgecan go anywhere hereand prying for a reasonus to interpret and expresstraffic signals of languagesign that you used the wrong verbbest way to talk without being interruptedmost powerful way to put ideas into the world

Colores y Formas 2024-01-23

Colores y Formas crossword puzzle
  1. negro
  2. pink
  3. circle
  4. Adjectives of color (BLANK) the nouns they describe.
  5. diamond
  6. red
  7. purple
  8. rectangle
  9. blue
  10. grey
  11. brown
  1. square
  2. yellow
  3. orange
  4. green
  5. star
  6. colors
  7. shapes
  8. heart

19 Clues: redstarpinkbluegreygreennegroheartbrownsquareyelloworangecolorsshapescirclepurplediamondrectangleAdjectives of color (BLANK) the nouns they describe.

Desciptive Adjectives in French 2016-09-05

Desciptive Adjectives in French crossword puzzle
  1. Where adjectives typically go, in regards to the noun they describe.
  2. Adjectives must agree with the ______________ of the noun they describe.
  3. What adjectives do.
  4. If the noun being described is __________, and the adjective describing it is regular, make agreement by adding an -e to the end of the adjective.
  5. If an adjective is _________, like 'bon' or 'blanc', then it will follow different rules for making its gender and number agree with the noun being described.
  1. The form of an adjective that you will find in a dictionary.
  2. The only time you will not add an -e to the end of an adjective to make it feminine is when the adjective already has an _________ -e at its end.
  3. All French adjectives have _______ forms.
  4. If an adjective already has an -s or -x at its end, you ______ need to add another -s to its end to make it plural.
  5. The acronym used to remember which adjectives go before the noun they describe.

10 Clues: What adjectives do.All French adjectives have _______ forms.The form of an adjective that you will find in a dictionary.Where adjectives typically go, in regards to the noun they describe.Adjectives must agree with the ______________ of the noun they describe.The acronym used to remember which adjectives go before the noun they describe....

Descriptive Adjectives in French 2016-09-03

Descriptive Adjectives in French crossword puzzle
  1. If an adjective already has an -s or -x at its end, you ______ need to add another -s to its end to make it plural.
  2. The acronym used to remember which adjectives go before the noun they describe.
  3. What adjectives do.
  4. The form of an adjective that you will find in a dictionary.
  5. The only time you will not add an -e to the end of an adjective to make it feminine is when the adjective already has an _________ -e at its end.
  1. If the noun being described is __________, and the adjective describing it is regular, make agreement by adding an -e to the end of the adjective.
  2. Where adjectives typically go, in regards to the noun they describe.
  3. Adjectives must agree with the ______________ of the noun they describe.
  4. All French adjectives have _______.
  5. If an adjective is _________, like 'bon' or 'blanc', then it will follow different rules for making its gender and number agree with the noun being described.

10 Clues: What adjectives do.All French adjectives have _______.The form of an adjective that you will find in a dictionary.Where adjectives typically go, in regards to the noun they describe.Adjectives must agree with the ______________ of the noun they describe.The acronym used to remember which adjectives go before the noun they describe....

Nouns and Adjectives 2021-05-27

Nouns and Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. how many types of nouns?
  2. what are the 'absolute', 'comparative' and 'superlative' called?
  3. kuala lumpur
  1. prettier = ____ adjectives
  2. smartest = ____ adjectives
  3. a part of speech that describes nouns
  4. a part of speech that names something like name, place or idea
  5. river

8 Clues: riverkuala lumpurhow many types of nouns?prettier = ____ adjectivessmartest = ____ adjectivesa part of speech that describes nounsa part of speech that names something like name, place or ideawhat are the 'absolute', 'comparative' and 'superlative' called?

Parts of Speech 2020-08-21

Parts of Speech crossword puzzle
  1. a word that shows action or state of being
  2. an action verb
  3. What kind of word describes verbs, adjectives, and adverbs?
  4. a word or phrase that expresses strong emotion
  5. a word used to connect 2 words, phrases, or clauses
  6. an adverb
  7. a preposition
  8. a connecting word that shows location, time, or movement
  1. an interjection
  2. one of the 3 articles
  3. The 3 adjectives that refer to one specific thing is an ______.
  4. a word that describes a noun or pronoun
  5. antonym of ugly
  6. a plural pronoun
  7. a past tense state of being verb
  8. a person, place, thing, or idea
  9. a conjunction
  10. What kind of word takes the place of a noun?
  11. an adjective describing a chihuahua

19 Clues: an adverba conjunctiona prepositionan action verban interjectionantonym of uglya plural pronounone of the 3 articlesa person, place, thing, or ideaa past tense state of being verban adjective describing a chihuahuaa word that describes a noun or pronouna word that shows action or state of beingWhat kind of word takes the place of a noun?...

English crossword puzzle 2020-10-16

English crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. rather than adjectives
  2. you know what I mean
  3. could we be twins
  4. the logic of speech
  5. a sign that you use the wrong verb
  6. the traffic signals of life
  7. the best way to talk without being interpreted
  8. poking and prying with a purpose
  9. a mindset free
  1. the most powerful way to put ideas into the world
  2. when a word is incorrect
  3. a source of knowledge
  4. you can go anywhere here
  5. enables us to interpret and to express
  6. is the banana peel of the parts of speech

15 Clues: a mindset freecould we be twinsthe logic of speechyou know what I meana source of knowledgerather than adjectiveswhen a word is incorrectyou can go anywhere herethe traffic signals of lifepoking and prying with a purposea sign that you use the wrong verbenables us to interpret and to expressis the banana peel of the parts of speech...

Adjectives 2015-12-06

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. Sociāls/Sabiedrisks
  2. Netīrīgs/Nesakopts
  3. Izpalīdzīgs
  4. Inteliģents
  5. Slinks
  6. Sabiedrisks
  7. Enerģisks
  8. Talantīgs
  9. Īpašības vārdi
  1. Pacietīgs
  2. Uzticams
  3. Runīgs/Domīgs
  4. Neatkarīgs/Patstāvīgs
  5. Introverts
  6. Laipns
  7. Kluss
  8. Tīrīgs/Sakopts
  9. Gudrs

18 Clues: KlussGudrsLaipnsSlinksUzticamsPacietīgsEnerģisksTalantīgsIntrovertsIzpalīdzīgsInteliģentsSabiedrisksRunīgs/DomīgsTīrīgs/SakoptsĪpašības vārdiNetīrīgs/NesakoptsSociāls/SabiedrisksNeatkarīgs/Patstāvīgs

ENGLISH 10 2018-10-14

ENGLISH 10 crossword puzzle
  1. a clause that cannot stand on its own
  2. replaces nouns
  3. personification of Humanity
  4. unity or a uniform structure
  5. form of the pronoun if he/she/it is the doer of the action
  6. a cluster of words with no whole idea
  7. earthly Possessions
  8. a cluster of words with a whole idea
  1. modifies verbs, adjectives
  2. judgement
  3. a clause that can stand on its own
  4. church
  5. modifies nouns
  6. a type of play that personifies abstract qualities
  7. form of the pronoun used if he/she/it is the receiver of the action

15 Clues: churchjudgementreplaces nounsmodifies nounsearthly Possessionsmodifies verbs, adjectivespersonification of Humanityunity or a uniform structurea clause that can stand on its owna cluster of words with a whole ideaa clause that cannot stand on its owna cluster of words with no whole ideaa type of play that personifies abstract qualities...

Midterm Prep 2: Suffixes and Prefixes ('-' included in the answers) 2021-10-11

Midterm Prep 2: Suffixes and Prefixes ('-' included in the answers) crossword puzzle
  1. around, surrounding
  2. up, back, against
  3. forms abstract nouns: state, condition
  4. a Latin-derived adjectival suffix: pertaining to, characterized by, full of
  5. a Latin noun-forming ending: condition, person (sometimes a malformed fetus)
  6. good, normal, healthy
  7. forms adjectives: pertaining to; pertaining to inflammation;
  1. half, partial; (often) one side of the body
  2. forms abstract nouns: abnormal or diseased condition
  3. a Latin-derived adjectival suffix: pertaining to, located in
  4. in place of
  5. (rarely -eum): forms nouns: membrane, connective tissue.
  6. away from
  7. difficult, painful, defective, abnormal
  8. forms adjectives, often from nouns ending in -esis: pertaining to
  9. out of, away from
  10. form names of substances

17 Clues: away fromin place ofup, back, againstout of, away fromaround, surroundinggood, normal, healthyform names of substancesforms abstract nouns: state, conditiondifficult, painful, defective, abnormalhalf, partial; (often) one side of the bodyforms abstract nouns: abnormal or diseased condition(rarely -eum): forms nouns: membrane, connective tissue....

Rhetorical Devices 2023-11-01

Rhetorical Devices crossword puzzle
  1. I, We, You, Our, Their
  2. Multiple words that begin with the same letter
  3. Strong words with an underlying meaning
  4. Facts, statistics, and logic
  5. Criticizing an opposing view
  6. Reoccurrence of words or phrases
  1. The quality of being trusted or believed
  2. Idea or feeling that a word invokes
  3. Repetition at the beginning of sentences or clauses
  4. Three adjectives or phrases listed together
  5. Two opposites introduced together for contrasting effect
  6. Descriptive language
  7. Figure of Speech
  8. A short personal story

14 Clues: Figure of SpeechDescriptive languageI, We, You, Our, TheirA short personal storyFacts, statistics, and logicCriticizing an opposing viewReoccurrence of words or phrasesIdea or feeling that a word invokesStrong words with an underlying meaningThe quality of being trusted or believedThree adjectives or phrases listed together...

Persuasive 2023-04-05

Persuasive crossword puzzle
  1. Using terminology to sound smart
  2. Using a play on words to say something the audience will remember
  3. words like us or we
  4. Question that wasn’t meant to be answered
  5. Drilling it into the audience’s heads
  6. comparison of two things
  7. Speaking formally to sound smart
  8. story of ones experiences
  1. Adjectives that end in -er
  2. Getting the opinion of an expert to reinforce
  3. Language that used by groups of people
  4. adjectives that end in -est
  5. Using stats to prove something
  6. Over exaggeration

14 Clues: Over exaggerationwords like us or wecomparison of two thingsstory of ones experiencesAdjectives that end in -eradjectives that end in -estUsing stats to prove somethingUsing terminology to sound smartSpeaking formally to sound smartDrilling it into the audience’s headsLanguage that used by groups of peopleQuestion that wasn’t meant to be answered...

wordbuilding 2023-10-15

wordbuilding crossword puzzle
  1. prefix mono- means...
  2. add the right word to form compound adjective -WATERING DESERT
  3. an adjective from CONTINUE
  4. the opposite of HELPFUL
  5. the opposite of PERFECT(use prefix)
  6. -able makes adjectives from...
  7. which prefix means not enough
  1. a noun from INVITE
  2. the opposite of RESPECT(use prefix)
  3. -ise makes verbs from
  4. prefix semi- means...
  5. add the right word to form compound adjective -TIME JOB
  6. a verb from VALID

13 Clues: a verb from VALIDa noun from INVITEprefix mono- means...-ise makes verbs fromprefix semi- means...the opposite of HELPFULan adjective from CONTINUEwhich prefix means not enough-able makes adjectives from...the opposite of RESPECT(use prefix)the opposite of PERFECT(use prefix)add the right word to form compound adjective -TIME JOB...


  1. An adjective describing a chihuahua.
  2. The 3 adjectives that refer to one specific thing is an
  3. A preposition.
  4. An action verb.
  5. A connecting word that shows location, time, or movement.
  6. A noun. Antonym of ugly.
  7. An interjection.
  8. A word or phrase that expresses strong emotion.
  1. An adverb.
  2. A word that describes a noun or pronoun.
  3. A conjunction.
  4. What kind of word describes verbs, adjectives and adverbs?
  5. A past tense state of being verb.
  6. What kind of word takes the place of a noun?
  7. A word used to connect 2 words, phrases or clauses.
  8. A word that shows action or state of being.
  9. A plural pronoun.
  10. A person, place, thing, or idea.
  11. One of the 3 articles

19 Clues: An adverb.A conjunction.A preposition.An action verb.An interjection.A plural pronoun.One of the 3 articlesA noun. Antonym of ugly.A person, place, thing, or idea.A past tense state of being verb.An adjective describing a chihuahua.A word that describes a noun or pronoun.A word that shows action or state of being....

Comparative and Superlative 2025-01-21

Comparative and Superlative crossword puzzle
  1. (Used to form comparative of long adjectives)
  2. (Superlative of "fast")
  3. (Comparative of "bad")
  4. (Comparative of "small")
  5. (Used to form superlative of long adjectives)
  6. (Superlative of "big")
  1. (Superlative of "happy")
  2. (Comparative of "good")
  3. (Comparative of "easy")
  4. (Opposite of "most")

10 Clues: (Opposite of "most")(Comparative of "bad")(Superlative of "big")(Comparative of "good")(Comparative of "easy")(Superlative of "fast")(Superlative of "happy")(Comparative of "small")(Used to form comparative of long adjectives)(Used to form superlative of long adjectives)

Syntax Chart 2021-12-13

Syntax Chart crossword puzzle
  1. an incomplete idea
  2. "to" + a verb that acts like a noun, adjective, or adverb
  3. takes place of the noun
  4. Receives the Direct Object
  5. joins words, phrases, and clauses
  6. who or what does the action or is linked
  7. acts like a noun
  8. verb ending in "ing" that acts like a noun
  9. acts like a adjective
  10. action or linking
  11. modifies nouns and pronouns
  1. prep + a noun
  2. follows a linking verb and renames the subject
  3. a complete idea
  4. acts like a adjective
  5. shows a relationship between a noun or pronoun and the rest of the sentence
  6. Follows a linking verb and describes the Subject
  7. names
  8. verb that acts like a noun, adjectives or adverb
  9. modifies verbs, adjectives, and other verbs
  10. receives the action
  11. acts like a adverb

22 Clues: namesprep + a nouna complete ideaacts like a nounaction or linkingan incomplete ideaacts like a adverbreceives the actionacts like a adjectiveacts like a adjectivetakes place of the nounReceives the Direct Objectmodifies nouns and pronounsjoins words, phrases, and clauseswho or what does the action or is linked...

adjectives, adjectives, adjectives 2018-02-28

adjectives, adjectives, adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. makes you feel joyful and jumpy
  2. a fancy word for gloomy
  3. to have the quality of having beneits
  4. peace___
  5. someone who's really pretty
  6. to have the quality of always destroying something
  7. i went on holiday and couldn't FORGET ABOUT IT.
  8. synonym for efficient
  9. surprisingly impressive or notable
  10. almost or pure silence
  11. to be elegant
  12. food which tastes delightful
  1. you feel this when your very happy about something
  2. to have the quality to be relied on
  3. synonym for sufficient
  4. synonym for competently
  5. so awe-inspiring to take someone's breath away
  6. to look gorgeous or feel gorgeous
  7. alliteration: a __________ disaster
  8. someone who is royal is ________

20 Clues: peace___to be elegantsynonym for efficientsynonym for sufficientalmost or pure silencea fancy word for gloomysynonym for competentlysomeone who's really prettyfood which tastes delightfulmakes you feel joyful and jumpysomeone who is royal is ________to look gorgeous or feel gorgeoussurprisingly impressive or notable...

parts of speech and more 2021-12-19

parts of speech and more crossword puzzle
  1. a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.
  2. an abrupt remark, made especially as an aside or interruption.
  3. a word used to identify any of a class of people places or things verb a word used to describe action state or occurrence and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence such as hear become happen pronoun a word that can function by itself as a noun phrase and that refers either to the participants in the discourse or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse
  4. a,an,and,the
  5. noun a noun denoting a class of objects or a concept as opposed to a particular individual.
  6. adjectives A Superlative Adjective is a word that describes a noun by comparing it to two or more nouns to the highest or lowest degree. Superlative adjectives typically end in 'est' and are preceded by the word 'the'. Comparative and Superlative Adjectives are words we often see and use in our writing.
  7. Pronouns A reflexive pronoun is a specific type of pronoun that is used for the object of a verb when it refers to the same noun as the subject of that verb. In English these are the pronouns that end with “self” or “selves”
  1. adjectives-Demonstrative adjectives are special adjectives or determiners used to identify or express the relative position of a noun in time or space. A demonstrative adjective comes before all other adjectives in the noun phrase. Some common demonstrative adjectives are this, that, these, and those.
  2. a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective verb or other adverb or a word group expressing a relation of place time circumstance manner cause degree
  3. a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.
  4. noun a noun denoting a class of objects or a concept as opposed to a particular individual.
  5. Pronouns each of the pronouns in English t comprising a set that shows contrasts of person, gender, number, and case.
  6. a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.

13 Clues: a,an,and,thean abrupt remark, made especially as an aside or interruption.noun a noun denoting a class of objects or a concept as opposed to a particular individual.noun a noun denoting a class of objects or a concept as opposed to a particular individual....

adjectives, adjectives, adjectives 2018-02-28

adjectives, adjectives, adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. a fancy word for gloomy
  2. synonym for efficient
  3. to have the quality of always destroying something
  4. to have the quality of having beneits
  5. you feel this when your very happy about something
  6. alliteration: a __________ disaster
  7. i went on holiday and couldn't FORGET ABOUT IT.
  8. synonym for sufficient
  9. to be elegant
  10. makes you feel joyful and jumpy
  11. someone who's really pretty
  1. someone who is royal is ________
  2. so awe-inspiring to take someone's breath away
  3. surprisingly impressive or notable
  4. to have the quality to be relied on
  5. synonym for competently
  6. food which tastes delightful
  7. peace___
  8. almost or pure silence
  9. to look gorgeous or feel gorgeous

20 Clues: peace___to be elegantsynonym for efficientalmost or pure silencesynonym for sufficienta fancy word for gloomysynonym for competentlysomeone who's really prettyfood which tastes delightfulmakes you feel joyful and jumpysomeone who is royal is ________to look gorgeous or feel gorgeoussurprisingly impressive or notable...


  7. VERB
  1. PURSE
  2. NOUN
  3. GUESS
  6. MEND


Morphology and Syntax 2021-11-03

Morphology and Syntax crossword puzzle
  1. The job of conjunctions is to __ ideas, phrases, clauses
  2. Declarative sentences make a
  3. At what age do children reach and maintain adjective use?
  4. Adverbs which conjoin
  5. Adjectives are a(n) __ class of words
  6. True descriptive adjectives describe the of a noun
  7. Compound sentences have two __ clauses
  8. Smallest unit of language that has meaning
  9. "muscle" of the utterance
  10. Prefixes and suffixes
  11. Adjectives function as
  12. Verb form used to talk to another person
  13. Words with just one free morpheme
  14. Helping verbs
  15. Provide more info about verbs
  16. The role of auxiliary verbs is to __ the main verb
  17. Study and description of word formation
  18. Place holders
  19. How many nouns/pronouns do superlatives compare?
  20. Morphemes that cannot normally stand alone
  21. "relationship" bw the subject and the verb
  22. Verbs signify
  23. A person, place, thing or abstraction
  24. Give emotion to verb phrases
  25. Nouns that precede proper nouns
  26. Morphemes that can stand by themselves
  27. Verb+ing, act as a noun
  1. Process of moving a verb through tenses
  2. Verbs that act on a noun or pronoun
  3. Pronouns used for self and others
  4. Can be inflected to create comparative
  5. Can change the meaning of a word
  6. Morphology and Syntax are foundational for
  7. The system of communication used by a
  8. Conjunctions are part of a __ set of words
  9. Most frequent prefixes acct for
  10. Function words that replace nouns
  11. Morphology + Syntax
  12. Manner adverbs answer
  13. Phonology, morphology, syntax, orthography
  14. Body of rules you use to construct sent
  15. Denial is indicated by
  16. Words that consists of two free morphemes
  17. Any word that is in existence prior to
  18. All the rules
  19. Conjunctions which conjoin words
  20. Any unit to which affixes can be attached to
  21. Expresses wishes, demands, or ideas
  22. How many word units in simple adjectives?
  23. where do prefixes appear on a base morpheme
  24. Affected by function and meaning

51 Clues: Helping verbsAll the rulesPlace holdersVerbs signifyMorphology + SyntaxAdverbs which conjoinManner adverbs answerPrefixes and suffixesAdjectives function asDenial is indicated byVerb+ing, act as a noun"muscle" of the utteranceDeclarative sentences make aGive emotion to verb phrasesProvide more info about verbsMost frequent prefixes acct for...

parts of speech and more 2021-12-19

parts of speech and more crossword puzzle
  1. a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.
  2. a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.
  3. Pronouns A reflexive pronoun is a specific type of pronoun that is used for the object of a verb when it refers to the same noun as the subject of that verb. In English these are the pronouns that end with “self” or “selves”
  4. a,an,and,the
  5. adjectives A Superlative Adjective is a word that describes a noun by comparing it to two or more nouns to the highest or lowest degree. Superlative adjectives typically end in 'est' and are preceded by the word 'the'. Comparative and Superlative Adjectives are words we often see and use in our writing.
  6. a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective verb or other adverb or a word group expressing a relation of place time circumstance manner cause degree
  7. a word used to identify any of a class of people places or things verb a word used to describe action state or occurrence and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence such as hear become happen pronoun a word that can function by itself as a noun phrase and that refers either to the participants in the discourse or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse
  8. noun a noun denoting a class of objects or a concept as opposed to a particular individual.
  9. a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.
  1. an abrupt remark, made especially as an aside or interruption.
  2. noun a noun denoting a class of objects or a concept as opposed to a particular individual.
  3. Pronouns each of the pronouns in English t comprising a set that shows contrasts of person, gender, number, and case.
  4. adjectives-Demonstrative adjectives are special adjectives or determiners used to identify or express the relative position of a noun in time or space. A demonstrative adjective comes before all other adjectives in the noun phrase. Some common demonstrative adjectives are this, that, these, and those.

13 Clues: a,an,and,thean abrupt remark, made especially as an aside or interruption.noun a noun denoting a class of objects or a concept as opposed to a particular individual.noun a noun denoting a class of objects or a concept as opposed to a particular individual....

Adjectives #1 2021-04-28

Adjectives #1 crossword puzzle
  1. Bonito
  2. Feliz
  3. Guapo
  4. Chaparro o corto
  5. Hermoso
  6. Triste
  7. Alto
  8. Grande
  1. Pequeño
  2. Pesado
  3. Joven
  4. Palabras que describen son...
  5. Grande
  6. Pequeño
  7. Viejo
  8. Gordo
  9. Feo
  10. Delgado

18 Clues: FeoAltoJovenFelizGuapoViejoGordoPesadoBonitoGrandeTristeGrandePequeñoPequeñoHermosoDelgadoChaparro o cortoPalabras que describen son...

black death 2024-10-09

black death crossword puzzle
  1. The first way people found to embrace life and death was to turn to
  2. What are the three adjectives used to describe Halloween? (1)
  3. Because of the plague, death was(3)...
  4. What are the three adjectives used to describe Halloween? (2)
  5. Halloween is not only the occasion to celebrate death, but also...
  6. Because of the plague, death was(2)...
  1. What are the three adjectives used to describe Halloween? (3)
  2. Death appeared in the art represented by(2)...
  3. Death appeared in the art represented by(1)...
  4. Because of the plague, death was(1)...
  5. Black Death's survivors were lucky because they had better ... standards

11 Clues: Because of the plague, death was(1)...Because of the plague, death was(3)...Because of the plague, death was(2)...Death appeared in the art represented by(2)...Death appeared in the art represented by(1)...What are the three adjectives used to describe Halloween? (3)What are the three adjectives used to describe Halloween? (1)...

milos crossword 2022-04-20

milos crossword crossword puzzle
  1. separate
  2. intermediate
  3. dressing
  4. O.G.ness
  5. adjectives
  6. unfair
  7. old-clothes
  8. size
  9. crazy-wicked
  10. normality-2
  11. patriotic
  12. psycho
  13. OG
  14. separation
  1. normal
  2. mine
  3. death
  4. normality
  5. neutrality
  6. pride
  7. crazy
  8. lack-of-life
  9. normal
  10. mental-health

24 Clues: OGminesizedeathpridecrazynormalunfairnormalpsychoseparatedressingO.G.nessnormalitypatrioticadjectivesneutralityseparationold-clothesnormality-2intermediatecrazy-wickedlack-of-lifemental-health

french irregular adjectives 2023-10-16

french irregular adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. masculine plural of fresh
  2. type of accent adjectives ending et (go to ete)
  3. masculine vowel clash of new
  4. feminine singular of complete (with accent)
  5. masculine plural of new
  1. feminine singular of soft
  2. feminine plural of hard working
  3. position of adjectives describing goodness
  4. feminine plural of public
  5. masculine vowel clash of old
  6. masculine plural of bon

11 Clues: masculine plural of bonmasculine plural of newfeminine singular of softmasculine plural of freshfeminine plural of publicmasculine vowel clash of oldmasculine vowel clash of newfeminine plural of hard workingposition of adjectives describing goodnessfeminine singular of complete (with accent)type of accent adjectives ending et (go to ete)

Persuasive Word Bank Crossword 2020-04-16

Persuasive Word Bank Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
  2. A belief or judgment about something given by an expert on the subject.
  3. Comparative adjectives are used to compare differences between the two objects.
  4. The action of repeating something that has already been said or written.
  5. A rhetorical question is a question someone asks without expecting an answer.
  6. Colloquialism or colloquial language is the linguistic style used for casual communication.
  7. Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.
  8. The contention is the overall argument or opinion that they are expressing in an article or debate.
  9. A short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.
  1. A target audience is the intended audience or readership of a publication, advertisement, or other message.
  2. Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
  3. Formal language is characterized by the use of standard English, more complex sentence structures, infrequent use of personal pronouns, and lack of colloquial or slang terms.
  4. Adjectives with three or more syllables form the superlative by putting the word "most" or "least" in front of the adjective.
  5. Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.
  6. A form of word play that exploits multiple meanings of a term.
  7. Inclusive language is language that is free from words, phrases or tones that reflect prejudiced, stereotyped or discriminatory views of particular people or groups.
  8. The intention of an article is what outcome does the writer want this piece to have on the reader.

17 Clues: A form of word play that exploits multiple meanings of a term.Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.A short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.A belief or judgment about something given by an expert on the subject.The action of repeating something that has already been said or written....

Grammer Crossword 2013-01-14

Grammer Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ai express a strong feeling.
  2. I am not a complete sentence.
  3. An incomplete sentence is called a?
  4. I describe a person,place,or thing.
  5. FANBOY'S.
  6. I'm two words put together.
  7. I join nouns and pronouns to other words in a sentence.
  8. I am a ________ sentence.
  9. I am a complete and incomplete sentence put together.
  1. I am a complete sentence.
  2. I went to the store and the mall and the for a walk. what sentence am i?
  3. I describe an action.
  4. Idescribe nouns.
  5. A sentence split by a comma is called a?
  6. Modify verbs,adjectives or other adverbs.
  7. I substitute a noun.

16 Clues: FANBOY'S.Idescribe nouns.I substitute a noun.I describe an action.I am a complete sentence.I am a ________ sentence.I'm two words put express a strong feeling.I am not a complete sentence.An incomplete sentence is called a?I describe a person,place,or thing.A sentence split by a comma is called a?...

3.1 vocabulary crossword 2023-01-17

3.1 vocabulary crossword crossword puzzle
  1. replace nouns
  2. describe nouns and pronouns
  3. show actions
  4. let you know that a noun will follow
  5. people, places, and things
  1. joining words
  2. show relationships between words
  3. expressive words
  4. describe verbs, adjectives,, or other adverbs

9 Clues: show actionsjoining wordsreplace nounsexpressive wordspeople, places, and thingsdescribe nouns and pronounsshow relationships between wordslet you know that a noun will followdescribe verbs, adjectives,, or other adverbs

Adjectives 2022-04-26

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. Placed immediately before the noun/pronoun its describing
  2. Immediately follow a noun/pronoun
  3. Assigns a quality or attribute
  4. Shows ownership
  5. Two or more adjectives separated by a comma
  6. Point out/draw attention to a noun/pronoun in a crowd
  7. Appear after a linking verb
  8. Normal form of an adjective
  9. Add specificity to nouns/pronouns
  1. Describes how much/may nouns/pronouns
  2. Multiple adjectives that build on one another to create meaning
  3. Used to compare two of something
  4. Assign numbers to a noun/pronoun implying order
  5. Used to compare three or more things
  6. Asks questions
  7. Contain more than one word, linked by a hyphen
  8. Derived from proper nouns

17 Clues: Asks questionsShows ownershipDerived from proper nounsAppear after a linking verbNormal form of an adjectiveAssigns a quality or attributeUsed to compare two of somethingImmediately follow a noun/pronounAdd specificity to nouns/pronounsUsed to compare three or more thingsDescribes how much/may nouns/pronouns...

8 parts of speech 2024-10-10

8 parts of speech crossword puzzle
  1. words that show relationship between a noun and another word
  2. words that connect words, phrases, or clauses
  3. words that describe or modify nouns and pronouns
  4. something fast
  5. the sound you do when you get hurt
  6. words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs
  1. words that name people, places, things, or ideas
  2. words that takes the place of a noun
  3. a type of physical activity
  4. something beneath
  5. many people
  6. opposite of a cat
  7. words or phrases that express strong emotion or sudden feeling
  8. words that describe actions
  9. opposite of mad

15 Clues: many peoplesomething fastopposite of madsomething beneathopposite of a cata type of physical activitywords that describe actionsthe sound you do when you get hurtwords that takes the place of a nounwords that connect words, phrases, or clauseswords that name people, places, things, or ideaswords that describe or modify nouns and pronouns...

English Crossword 2020-04-16

English Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Comparing words
  2. questions your mum normally makes these
  3. completely exaggerated
  4. opinion someone approves of your opinion but he is certified
  5. and Formal Language Language you use for people who have a higher authority than you or to a stranger
  1. adjectives similar adjectives
  2. language it's gender neutral
  3. something objective rather than subjective
  4. "Nerd" words
  5. Funny/Evident story
  6. Keep on repeating that sentence
  7. a punishment

12 Clues: "Nerd" wordsa punishmentComparing wordsFunny/Evident storycompletely exaggeratedlanguage it's gender neutraladjectives similar adjectivesKeep on repeating that sentencequestions your mum normally makes thesesomething objective rather than subjectiveopinion someone approves of your opinion but he is certified...

Rhetorical Devices 2025-02-18

Rhetorical Devices crossword puzzle
  1. Descriptive Language
  2. A short personal story
  3. Multiple words with the same beginning letter
  4. I, We, You, Our, Them
  5. Two opposites introduced together for a contrasting effect
  6. Figure of speech similar to a simile
  1. Words that have STRONG emotional meaning
  2. Reoccurrence of words or phrases
  3. The quality of being trusted or believed
  4. Three adjectives or phrases listed together
  5. Repetition at the beginning of sentences
  6. Criticizing an opposing view

12 Clues: Descriptive LanguageI, We, You, Our, ThemA short personal storyCriticizing an opposing viewReoccurrence of words or phrasesFigure of speech similar to a simileWords that have STRONG emotional meaningThe quality of being trusted or believedRepetition at the beginning of sentencesThree adjectives or phrases listed together...

Language 2019-05-30

Language crossword puzzle
  1. Words that describe nouns or pronouns.
  2. An adjective after a linking verb.
  3. Pronouns that don't refer to anything in particular.
  4. Pronouns that show ownership.
  5. Words that show direction or position.
  6. Words that replace nouns.
  7. Group of words that looks like a sentences but isn't.
  8. This verbs only show existence.
  1. Compound sentence missing a conjunction.
  2. Words cut short and joined by an apostrophe.
  3. A noun after a linking verb.
  4. Verb form that needs a helping verb.
  5. Pronouns that replace objects.
  6. Words that describe verbs, adjectives or adverbs.
  7. A group of sentences about an idea or topic.

15 Clues: Words that replace nouns.A noun after a linking verb.Pronouns that show ownership.Pronouns that replace objects.This verbs only show existence.An adjective after a linking verb.Verb form that needs a helping verb.Words that describe nouns or pronouns.Words that show direction or position.Compound sentence missing a conjunction....

Grammarton 2016-12-22

Grammarton crossword puzzle
  1. Christmas adjective
  2. Auntie Fancys words
  3. adverbs change these words
  4. adjectives change these words
  5. Hanukkah adjective
  1. type of noun used for a first name
  2. Alberts words
  3. type of noun used for things
  4. Which is the adverb--"The wise owl watched carefully."
  5. adverb meaning nice or gentle

10 Clues: Alberts wordsHanukkah adjectiveChristmas adjectiveAuntie Fancys wordsadverbs change these wordstype of noun used for thingsadverb meaning nice or gentleadjectives change these wordstype of noun used for a first nameWhich is the adverb--"The wise owl watched carefully."

Final Exam Review 2014-09-28

Final Exam Review crossword puzzle
  1. Opinion adjectives come _________ fact adjectives.
  2. She was sitting on a ______chair (Italian, small, wood, beautiful)
  3. They have a lot of books, but we _________
  1. The order of adjectives is: size, shape, age, ___, origin, make
  2. Negative + but + ___________.
  3. I don't cheat, _____ Jamie does.
  4. Beautiful, interesting, and nice are ________ adjectives.

7 Clues: Negative + but + ___________.I don't cheat, _____ Jamie does.They have a lot of books, but we _________Opinion adjectives come _________ fact adjectives.Beautiful, interesting, and nice are ________ adjectives.The order of adjectives is: size, shape, age, ___, origin, makeShe was sitting on a ______chair (Italian, small, wood, beautiful)

Afrikaans 2021-07-02

Afrikaans crossword puzzle
  1. bevelsin
  2. byvoeglike naamwoorde
  3. hoekom
  4. bywoord van wyse = adverb of ________
  5. toekomende tyd
  6. wat
  7. vraagsin
  8. voegwoorde
  9. verlede tyd
  10. bywoorde
  1. bywoord van plek = adverb of ______
  2. wie
  3. ontkenning
  4. uitroepsin
  5. voornaamwoorde
  6. waar
  7. meervoude
  8. bywoord van tyd = adverb of _______
  9. wanneer
  10. stelsin

20 Clues: wiewatwaarhoekomwanneerstelsinbevelsinvraagsinbywoordemeervoudeontkenninguitroepsinvoegwoordeverlede tydvoornaamwoordetoekomende tydbyvoeglike naamwoordebywoord van plek = adverb of ______bywoord van tyd = adverb of _______bywoord van wyse = adverb of ________