computer Crossword Puzzles

POB MIS Information System 2020-09-10

POB MIS Information System crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of software programmed using artificial intelligence techniques
  2. The physical parts of a computer, suchs as the case, central processing unit, monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer data storage, graphics card, sound card, speakers and motherboard
  3. a type of computer program that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code
  4. a formal language comprising a set of instructions that produce various kinds of output
  5. the part of a computer in which operations are controlled and executed
  6. an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place
  7. the use of computers to aid in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design
  8. an interdisciplinary research area at the interface of computer science and engineering
  9. management information system (MIS) is a coordinated system of processing and reporting information in an organization
  10. system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs
  1. the programs and other operating information used by a computer
  2. work from home, making use of the Internet, email, and the telephone
  3. wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence
  4. a program or group of programs designed for end users
  5. A machine that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming
  6. a collection of instructions that can be executed by a computer to perform a specific task
  7. illegally copying software that does not belong to you in a manner that violates the copyright
  8. commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet
  9. a group of computers that use a set of common communication protocols over digital interconnections for the purpose of sharing resources located on or provided by the network nodes

19 Clues: a program or group of programs designed for end usersthe programs and other operating information used by a computercommercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internetwork from home, making use of the Internet, email, and the telephonethe part of a computer in which operations are controlled and executed...

Computer parts 2024-03-12

Computer parts crossword puzzle
  1. The component of a computer system that controls the interpretation and execution of instructions
  2. computer expansion card that generates a feed of graphics output to a display device such as a monitor
  3. any fan inside, or attached to, a computer case used for active cooling
  4. small device that a computer user pushes across a desk surface in order to point to a place on a display screen
  5. a device that converts sound waves into an electrical signal
  6. an electronic device with a screen used for display (as of television pictures or computer information)
  7. non-volatile computer storage device containing magnetic disks or platters rotating at high speeds
  8. a device which can be slotted into a computer to allow the use of audio components for multimedia applications.
  9. a video camera that is connected to a computer or integrated in a device and allows its images to be seen online.
  10. a machine for printing text or pictures onto paper, especially one linked to a computer.
  11. a panel of keys that operate a computer
  12. a hardware component that enables a device, such as a computer or a smartphone, to connect to a wireless network
  1. a mechanism used to connect peripheral devices to computers
  2. a device for examining, reading, or monitoring something.
  3. a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors into which other circuit boards can be slotted.
  4. an electrical device that supplies electric power to an electrical load.
  5. network adapters designed to support wired Ethernet connections
  6. Random access memory (RAM) is the hardware in a computing device that provides temporary storage for the operating system
  7. (read-only memory) is a non-volatile memory type. This means it receives data and permanently writes it on a chip, and it lasts even after you turn off your computer

19 Clues: a panel of keys that operate a computera device for examining, reading, or monitoring something.a mechanism used to connect peripheral devices to computersa device that converts sound waves into an electrical signalnetwork adapters designed to support wired Ethernet connectionsany fan inside, or attached to, a computer case used for active cooling...

Peripheral Computer Hardware 2015-09-27

Peripheral Computer Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. A hand held stick which is used as a pointing device which can move an object on screen in any direction
  2. Device that displays text and graphics generated by a computer
  3. Any piece of hardware connected to a computer; any part of the computer outside the CPU and working memory
  4. Consists of a printed circuit board inside small case integrated with a USB interface
  5. Temporary storage area for frequently-accessed or recently-accessed data
  6. Computer-driven video camera accessible on the Internet with a web browser
  7. Pointing device used on some notebook computers which resembles a pencil eraser; operated with one finger to move the cursor on the screen
  8. Pointing device that might be used as an alternative to a mouse; Roll the ball to position the pointer on the screen.
  9. Used to move a cursor on the computer screen, and make various operations possible such as typing, drawing, opening and closing files, and giving other commands
  10. Circuit board or other hardware that provides the physical interface to a communications network
  11. Makes it possible to immediately use a new peripheral as soon as it is plugged in
  1. Set of keys for computer input, which resembles a typewriter keyboard, but with a few extra keys for computer commands and usually a numeric keypad added
  2. Allows your computer to reproduce music, sounds and voices
  3. Part of the computer that sends the images to the monitor; circuit board that enables a computer to display information on its screen
  4. Ability to replace or install a device without shutting down the attached computer
  5. A way to connect different pieces of equipment so they can easily and quickly share information
  6. Storage other than the computer's internal memory, such as disk or magnetic tape
  7. A set of conductors which connect the functional units in a computer
  8. Soft pad sensitized to finger movement or pressure and used especially on laptop computers as an alternative to a mouse
  9. A socket at the back of a computer used to plug in external devices such as a modem, mouse, scanner, or printer
  10. Universal Serial Bus

21 Clues: Universal Serial BusAllows your computer to reproduce music, sounds and voicesDevice that displays text and graphics generated by a computerA set of conductors which connect the functional units in a computerTemporary storage area for frequently-accessed or recently-accessed data...

Week 1 - Week 4 2017-04-26

Week 1 - Week 4 crossword puzzle
  1. An input device that contains keys users press to enter data and instructions into a computer
  2. is the "space" where we interact with the software using text, graphics, and visual images such as icons
  3. is turning on a computer that has been powered off completely
  4. Like a laptop this is a small portable computer but the biggest difference is that its user interface is all through touch.
  5. refers to programs that operate behind the scenes to ensure that your computer system functions properly
  6. is the only device, which works as both an input, and an output device.
  7. ______________Scanner device used for reading bar coded data (data in form of light and dark lines).
  8. refers to the program that you interact with to perform specific computer tasks
  9. an optical device that projects an image (or moving images) onto a surface, commonly a projection screen
  10. Allows user to perform maintenance-type tasks usually related to managing a computer, its devices or its programs
  11. one byte contains 8 _____
  12. MICR are used in banks because a large number of _____________ to be processed every day
  13. input device which converts analog information into digital form.
  14. is the process of starting or restarting a computer
  1. An input device that contains keys users press to enter data and instructions into a computer
  2. is by far the most common type of computer
  3. one byte are needed to store one ____________
  4. is using the operating system to restart a computer
  5. Pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand comfortably
  6. a series of instructions that tells the computer to do and how to do it
  7. displays an online advertisement in a banner or pop-up window
  8. is a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer hardware resources
  9. The process of using the personal computer and page layout software to combine text and graphics to create publication documents such as newsletters, brochures, books, etc.
  10. used to read a printed text. Scans text optically character by character, converts them into a machine-readable code and stores the text on the system memory.
  11. is a computer that combines the case, monitor, keyboard and mouse in one unit

25 Clues: one byte contains 8 _____is by far the most common type of computerone byte are needed to store one ____________is using the operating system to restart a computeris the process of starting or restarting a computerdisplays an online advertisement in a banner or pop-up windowis turning on a computer that has been powered off completely...

The Computer and Technology Crossword 2021-07-11

The Computer and Technology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Has a trunk
  2. the working area of a computer screen regarded as a representation of a notional desktop and containing icons representing items such as files and a wastebasket
  3. a computer or computer program which manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network
  4. early testing stage of a software or hardware product
  5. an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system
  6. a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user, used especially for finding particular sites on the World Wide Web
  7. a pictogram or ideogram displayed on a computer screen in order to help the user navigate a computer system
  8. a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action
  9. a group of two or more computer systems linked together
  10. Man's best friend
  11. a sequence of instructions that a computer can execute
  12. a group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated on as a unit.
  13. tools, machinery, and other durable equipment
  1. on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage (cloud storage) and computing power, without direct active management by the user
  2. someone who explores methods for breaching defenses and exploiting weaknesses in a computer system or network
  3. a program (such as a word processor or a spreadsheet) that performs a particular task or set of tasks
  4. any media content – live or recorded – delivered to computers and mobile devices via the internet and played back in real time
  5. a device that is used to store information for immediate use in a computer or related computer hardware device
  6. a software which acts as an interface between the end user and computer hardware
  7. Flying mammal
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. 1 and 0. expressed in a system of numerical notation that has 2 rather than 10 as a base
  10. the combination of typeface and other qualities, such as size, pitch, and spacing
  11. Large marsupial
  12. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data

25 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micetools, machinery, and other durable equipmenta part of RAM used for temporary storage of dataearly testing stage of a software or hardware producta sequence of instructions that a computer can executea group of two or more computer systems linked together...

About PCs 2017-11-22

About PCs crossword puzzle
  1. a term used to describe all data communications on a computer or computer network at a given point
  2. a computer case which arranges the internal components vertically
  3. a single button on the keyboard
  4. the most basic networking device that connects multiple computers or other network devices together
  5. a component that handles all instructions it receives from hardware and software running on the computer
  6. drive a non-volatile memory hardware device that permanently stores and retrieves data on a computer
  7. stripper a tool designed to remove the protective covering (jacket) off of a cable to expose the inner wires
  8. a software utility or hardware device that acts as a filter for data entering or leaving a network or computer
  9. a component that allocates power and allows communication to the CPU, RAM, and all other computer hardware components
  10. a collection of numbers represented as bytes
  11. any physical component of a computer system
  12. any hardware capable of holding information either temporarily or permanently
  13. an output device that displays video images and text
  14. a mobile computing device designed to be held in one or two hands
  15. a group of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer's operating system
  1. a segment of data sent from one computer or device to another over a network
  2. a software program to present and explore content on the World Wide Web.
  3. a tool used to insert and remove a screw from a hole
  4. the ability to operate a device without any wires
  5. the total maximum transfer rate of a network cable or device
  6. a hardware device that keeps the overall computer or a computer device cool
  7. a term used to describe a computer chassis
  8. a hole or connection found on the front or back of a computer
  9. to transmit it to many receivers
  10. a hardware device designed to receive, analyze and move incoming packets to another network
  11. the hole into which a card is placed
  12. a special type of file on your computer's file system

27 Clues: a single button on the keyboardto transmit it to many receiversthe hole into which a card is placeda term used to describe a computer chassisany physical component of a computer systema collection of numbers represented as bytesthe ability to operate a device without any wiresa tool used to insert and remove a screw from a hole...

Application Terms 2023-09-06

Application Terms crossword puzzle
  1. a computer display area that represents the kinds of objects found on top of a physical desk
  2. move displayed text or graphics on a screen in a particular direction in order to view different parts of them.
  3. the access point for programs displayed on the desktop, even if the program is minimized
  4. a separate viewing area on a computer display screen in a system that allows multiple viewing areas
  5. a computer file containing information input by a computer user and usually created with an application
  6. set of options presented to the user of a computer application to help them find information or execute a function.
  7. used to move an object from one position to another position on the computer screen
  8. These files are most commonly used on Windows® computers to install or run software applications.
  9. a small graphical representation of a program, feature, or file.
  1. a computer program that can capture, display and manipulate data arranged in rows and columns
  2. a movable indicator on a computer screen identifying the point that will be affected by input from the user, for example showing where typed text will be inserted.
  3. is an area on the computer containing other folders and files and helps keep the computer organized
  4. the act of selecting something on a computer screen by quickly pressing a button on a mouse or some other device two times
  5. a link to an item (such as a file, folder, drive, or program) on your computer.
  6. keep and store up for future use
  7. to load an operating system (OS) into the computer's main memory or RAM
  8. a modifier key which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, performs a special operation
  9. is a software package used to display information in the form of a slide show.
  10. a folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order for easy reference.
  11. the act of pressing a computer mouse button once without moving the mouse

20 Clues: keep and store up for future usea small graphical representation of a program, feature, or load an operating system (OS) into the computer's main memory or RAMthe act of pressing a computer mouse button once without moving the mouseis a software package used to display information in the form of a slide show....

Computer parts 2024-03-12

Computer parts crossword puzzle
  1. The component of a computer system that controls the interpretation and execution of instructions
  2. computer expansion card that generates a feed of graphics output to a display device such as a monitor
  3. any fan inside, or attached to, a computer case used for active cooling
  4. small device that a computer user pushes across a desk surface in order to point to a place on a display screen
  5. a device that converts sound waves into an electrical signal
  6. an electronic device with a screen used for display (as of television pictures or computer information)
  7. non-volatile computer storage device containing magnetic disks or platters rotating at high speeds
  8. a device which can be slotted into a computer to allow the use of audio components for multimedia applications.
  9. a video camera that is connected to a computer or integrated in a device and allows its images to be seen online.
  10. a machine for printing text or pictures onto paper, especially one linked to a computer.
  11. a panel of keys that operate a computer
  12. a hardware component that enables a device, such as a computer or a smartphone, to connect to a wireless network
  1. a mechanism used to connect peripheral devices to computers
  2. a device for examining, reading, or monitoring something.
  3. a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors into which other circuit boards can be slotted.
  4. an electrical device that supplies electric power to an electrical load.
  5. network adapters designed to support wired Ethernet connections
  6. Random access memory (RAM) is the hardware in a computing device that provides temporary storage for the operating system
  7. (read-only memory) is a non-volatile memory type. This means it receives data and permanently writes it on a chip, and it lasts even after you turn off your computer

19 Clues: a panel of keys that operate a computera device for examining, reading, or monitoring something.a mechanism used to connect peripheral devices to computersa device that converts sound waves into an electrical signalnetwork adapters designed to support wired Ethernet connectionsany fan inside, or attached to, a computer case used for active cooling...


INTRODUCTION TO IT crossword puzzle
  1. Mechanical that adds up number figures.
  2. Second generation of computer.
  3. To record US census.
  4. Fifth generation.
  5. First designed mechanical computer.
  6. Wooden framed device, which consists of rods and beads.
  7. Computers that we use for our daily routine.
  8. First generation computer.
  9. Code and dots used to communicate long distances.
  10. Raw facts.
  11. Fastest computers in the world. Computers of this type can process a million data per second.
  1. Recording medium to store what has been calculated using holes that are punched through the cards.
  2. Designed to calculate complex mathematical formula.
  3. Tangible parts of computer.
  4. Like laptop but smaller.
  5. Computer that place on top of desk.
  6. Invented the slide rule.
  7. Invented LCD.
  8. Example of storage device.
  9. Used primarily by corporate and governmental organization.
  10. Operated by holding with one or both hands.
  11. Third generation of computer.
  12. Father of computer.
  13. Is in a form of wooden strips or bones with numbers engraved to each strip or bones. This device used to multiply, divide, get the square roots and cube roots.
  14. Fourth generation.
  15. It's "general purpose" device because it can perform various tasks other just computing.
  16. Notebook.

27 Clues: Notebook.Raw facts.Invented LCD.Fifth generation.Fourth generation.Father of computer.To record US census.Like laptop but smaller.Invented the slide rule.Example of storage device.First generation computer.Tangible parts of computer.Third generation of computer.Second generation of computer.Computer that place on top of desk....

VI 2014-08-18

VI crossword puzzle
  1. A pointing device which has a lever and is used to play games
  2. An example of a storage device
  3. A person who communicates with a computer
  4. It is the main , permanent storage area of the computer
  5. Meaningful and organized data
  6. Feature of a computer which enables it to perform repetitive jobs efficiently
  7. The most expensive printer which gives the best quality output
  8. An example of a touch screen input device
  9. An output device that produces music and other sounds
  10. The printer which uses an ink ribbon to print
  11. Collection of unorganized facts
  12. A set of lines of different thickness that represent a number, usually displayed on products available in shops
  13. An input device that fits under the palm of your hand
  1. A component of CPU that controls all the functions
  2. Physical components of a computer which we can see and touch
  3. A voice input device used to give voice commands to the computer
  4. An input device used to capture and store photographs electronically in the computer
  5. Information printed on paper
  6. Logical components of the computer which can't be touched or seen
  7. An input device to send images and text directly into computer

20 Clues: Information printed on paperMeaningful and organized dataAn example of a storage deviceCollection of unorganized factsA person who communicates with a computerAn example of a touch screen input deviceThe printer which uses an ink ribbon to printA component of CPU that controls all the functionsAn output device that produces music and other sounds...

Digital Literacy Review 2015-10-02

Digital Literacy Review crossword puzzle
  1. A software that can infect your computer.
  2. A preproccessed CD that cannot by written or burned from.
  3. The 'brain' of the computer that computes all processes.
  4. Memory that is randomly accessed by your computer to process needed commands quickly and efficiently.
  5. A circuit board that has connectors to which other boards may be attached.
  6. A virus with a name of a war weapon.
  7. Considered the first 'computer'.
  8. Any physical elements on a computer.
  9. drive The main storage device on a computer.
  10. Lets you hear audio by the internal speaker.
  11. A software that is downloadable on your phone, tablet, or console.
  1. Processes images so it is seen on the computer's monitor.
  2. Reads CDs in order to write, burn, or gather information from.
  3. A software that can steal information from your computer.
  4. A network that encompasses a small area.
  5. A keyboard symbol used widely on social medias to facilitate searches.
  6. A software that displays and spams your computer with advertisements.
  7. To save copies of your file onto a different storage.
  8. A sans-serif typeface created by Max Miedinger.
  9. A network that encompasses an extremely large area.
  10. A disk that can store any type of information.

21 Clues: Considered the first 'computer'.A virus with a name of a war weapon.Any physical elements on a computer.A network that encompasses a small area.A software that can infect your The main storage device on a computer.Lets you hear audio by the internal speaker.A disk that can store any type of information....

Chapter 1 Crossword 2016-01-13

Chapter 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. message Short video clip sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  2. Lightweight mobile computer with a screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base
  3. message Photo or image sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  4. Anyone who interacts with a computer or mobile device
  5. Computer dedicated to providing one or more services to other computers
  6. Recorded media that users can download
  7. Programs designed to make users more productive, or assist them with tasks
  8. Worldwide collection of computer networks
  9. Electronic document on the web
  1. device Any hardware component that conveys information from a computer to a user
  2. Thin, light weight computer that has a touch screen
  3. A hard copy
  4. flash drive Portable flash memory storage device that you plug into a USB port
  5. Pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand
  6. Internet-capable phone that includes many apps
  7. Light-sensing device that converts printed text into a form a computer can process
  8. book Electronic version of a printed book
  9. Small speakers that rest inside each ear canal
  10. Collaborative website that allows users to create/modify content via browsers
  11. computing Involves reducing electricity and waste generated when using a computer

20 Clues: A hard copyElectronic document on the webRecorded media that users can downloadbook Electronic version of a printed bookWorldwide collection of computer networksInternet-capable phone that includes many appsSmall speakers that rest inside each ear canalThin, light weight computer that has a touch screen...

Yalovitska termini 2022-01-14

Yalovitska termini crossword puzzle
  1. è una memoria temporanea che si svuota allo spegnimento del computer
  2. è una memoria permanente
  3. dispositivo di stampa di grandi dimensioni adatto per il disegno tecnico professionale
  4. è un gruppo di 8 bit
  5. è la strategia risolutiva di un problema
  6. computer piccoli e leggeri
  7. corrisponde a due cifre binarie 1 e 0
  8. è la parte logica del computer microfono è un apparecchio in grado di trasformare vibrazioni sonore in pulsazioni elettriche
  9. è l’insieme dei componenti fisici
  10. unità di governo che coordina lo svolgimento dell’esecuzione delle operazioni
  11. misura di unità che corrisponde a 1024 MB
  12. posta elettronica ossia messaggi inviati tramite computer collegati a internet
  1. che trasferisce su carta i dati elaborati
  2. è un apparecchio in grado di trasformare vibrazioni sonore in pulsazioni elettriche
  3. portano informazione dentro il computer
  4. composta da tasti funzione
  5. unità centrale di elaborazione è il circuito integrato che elabora i dati
  6. è il dispositivo di puntamento del computer
  7. scheda madre dove sono collegati tutti i componenti hardware del computer
  8. portano informazioni in uscita dal computer
  9. compie le operazioni di calcolo
  10. singolo documento di lavoro individuato da un nome

22 Clues: è un gruppo di 8 bitè una memoria permanentecomposta da tasti funzionecomputer piccoli e leggericompie le operazioni di calcoloè l’insieme dei componenti fisicicorrisponde a due cifre binarie 1 e 0portano informazione dentro il computerè la strategia risolutiva di un problemache trasferisce su carta i dati elaborati...

Tech Terms 2022-11-28

Tech Terms crossword puzzle
  1. a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks
  2. #1 thing a computer does
  3. browser
  4. #4 thing a computer does
  5. copying data from one computer to another
  6. software designed to cause disruption computers,servers,and computer networks
  7. central processing unit
  8. #2 thing a computer does
  9. command for copy
  10. systems the software that supports a computer's basic operation
  11. browser
  12. search engine
  13. a unit of information equal to around one million bytes
  14. LAN connecting computers together in a wired network
  1. you wanna ____ when you're lagging or glitchy
  2. address internet protocol
  3. #3 thing a computer does
  4. hyper text markup language
  5. magnetic storage for computers
  6. portable document format
  7. 0101010101
  8. uniform resource locater
  9. a network security system that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic
  10. small blocks of data created by web servers
  11. the smallest unit of data
  12. search engine
  13. a hardware device that converts data from digital formats into analog transmission
  14. command for paste
  15. a group of binary digits

29 Clues: browserbrowser0101010101search enginesearch enginecommand for copycommand for pastecentral processing unit#3 thing a computer does#1 thing a computer does#4 thing a computer doesportable document formatuniform resource locater#2 thing a computer doesa group of binary digitsaddress internet protocolthe smallest unit of datahyper text markup language...

Tech Terms 2022-11-28

Tech Terms crossword puzzle
  1. command for paste
  2. the smallest unit of data
  3. a unit of information equal to around one million bytes
  4. a network security system that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic
  5. copying data from one computer to another
  6. uniform resource locater
  7. a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks
  8. systems the software that supports a computer's basic operation
  9. address internet protocol
  10. browser
  11. browser
  12. #1 thing a computer does
  13. command for copy
  14. a group of binary digits
  15. search engine
  1. 0101010101
  2. search engine
  3. #2 thing a computer does
  4. LAN connecting computers together in a wired network
  5. magnetic storage for computers
  6. small blocks of data created by web servers
  7. software designed to cause disruption computers,servers,and computer networks
  8. a hardware device that converts data from digital formats into analog transmission
  9. portable document format
  10. central processing unit
  11. #4 thing a computer does
  12. #3 thing a computer does
  13. hyper text markup language
  14. you wanna ____ when you're lagging or glitchy

29 Clues: browserbrowser0101010101search enginesearch enginecommand for copycommand for pastecentral processing unit#2 thing a computer doesuniform resource locaterportable document format#4 thing a computer does#1 thing a computer does#3 thing a computer doesa group of binary digitsthe smallest unit of dataaddress internet protocolhyper text markup language...

Computer Terminology 2021-07-20

Computer Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. information that is sent out of a computer
  2. services through the internet
  3. hand-held pointing device
  4. a person using a computer
  5. exchanging information from user to computer
  6. stores information
  7. input device that scans documents
  8. a group of either 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits
  9. electronic technology
  10. virtual location for data
  11. a printer that interprets commands
  12. visible hardware as an output
  13. visual presentation of a surface
  1. represented by 1 or 0
  2. user interface that includes graphics
  3. computer program being executed
  4. a collection of instructions
  5. coverts digital data signals
  6. generates audio output
  7. read information that is stored
  8. primary input of a computer
  9. basic data structure
  10. provide something to the computer
  11. an object that stores data
  12. a device that outputs information from the computer
  13. memory used while processing is in progress
  14. a collection of computers around the world
  15. devices used to enter information

28 Clues: stores informationbasic data structurerepresented by 1 or 0electronic technologygenerates audio outputhand-held pointing devicea person using a computervirtual location for dataan object that stores dataprimary input of a computera collection of instructionscoverts digital data signalsservices through the internetvisible hardware as an output...

THOMAS MUTTI 2019-05-29

THOMAS MUTTI crossword puzzle
  1. ti fa vedere i comandi dati
  2. documento precompilatoche si puoò modificare
  3. causa atrofia celebrale
  4. usato per suddividere documenti ed è costruito in una gerarchia ad albero
  5. programma che serve a comunicare con il computer
  6. serve per tradurre i dati in immagini
  7. parti interne del computer
  8. Procedimento con uno schema di calcolo
  9. intestazione in inglese
  10. programma che serve per navigare sulle pagine web
  11. ciò che dà un comando
  1. in exel "ciao"
  2. unità minima di una superfice di un immagine digitale
  3. è dove inseriamo dei comandi che permettono di comunicare con il computer (prompt)
  4. serve a trovare pagine web attraverso parole chiavi
  5. appropiazione indebitadi materiali svolti da altri
  6. documenti presenti nel computer
  7. serve per contenere tutti i componenti nel computer
  8. ha due significati: finestra principale e hardware
  9. Random Access Memory
  10. sintesi dei colori dei pixel (blu, rosso,verde)
  11. equivale a 8 bit
  12. programmi dei computer
  13. permette di vedere ciò che il computer fa
  14. Human Development Index (indice sviluppo umano)

25 Clues: in exel "ciao"equivale a 8 bitRandom Access Memoryciò che dà un comandoprogrammi dei computercausa atrofia celebraleintestazione in ingleseparti interne del computerti fa vedere i comandi datidocumenti presenti nel computerserve per tradurre i dati in immaginiProcedimento con uno schema di calcolopermette di vedere ciò che il computer fa...

Technology 2023-10-18

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. The "brain" of the computer
  2. A computer part that reads CDs
  3. A type of port
  4. The "body" of the computer
  5. Turned into X
  6. Computer part that cools down the CPU
  7. Open source OS made by Google
  8. A type of storage for computers
  9. Protocol used for secure communication on the internet
  10. A computer programming language that is also a snake
  11. A web browser developed by Google
  1. A device that plugs into the motherboard and produces graphics for the monitor
  2. A wireless communication technology used for short range data exchange between devices
  3. A system that transmits data via cable
  4. An OS made by Microsoft
  5. A storage device commonly used in phones and tablets
  6. A type of malware designed to block you from using your computer
  7. Computer's memory
  8. The power source of the computer
  9. A popular video streaming website commonly used by gamers
  10. A programming language that makes up most web pages

21 Clues: Turned into XA type of portComputer's memoryAn OS made by MicrosoftThe "body" of the computerThe "brain" of the computerOpen source OS made by GoogleA computer part that reads CDsA type of storage for computersThe power source of the computerA web browser developed by GoogleComputer part that cools down the CPUA system that transmits data via cable...

Web Ethics & Safety 2024-12-11

Web Ethics & Safety crossword puzzle
  1. refers to someone who is an expert at computer programming and
  2. through which hackers can gain access to a computer
  3. Virus
  4. in order to impersonate him or her for financial gain
  5. is able to solve computer problems, but also means someone who
  6. to approach and eventually hurt other people, usually for sexual or
  7. Scam
  8. gains access to others’ computer for their own profits
  9. of computers, cell phones or other electronic devices to deliberately and
  10. Internet user who uses social networking sites, chat rooms or other
  11. abusive purposes
  1. distribution or forwarding of a message which includes sexually
  2. tasks over the Internet
  3. Predator
  4. program which replicates and spreads itself from one computer to
  5. harm another person through the Internet
  6. Engineering Vector
  7. which involves stealing personal information for financial gain through
  8. of computers controlled by users other than their owners to perform
  9. materials through a computer, cell phone or other electronic device
  10. Theft
  11. which occurs when someone’s personal and financial information is

22 Clues: ScamVirusTheftPredatorabusive purposesEngineering Vectortasks over the Internetharm another person through the Internetthrough which hackers can gain access to a computerin order to impersonate him or her for financial gaingains access to others’ computer for their own profitsrefers to someone who is an expert at computer programming and...

Digital Logic Fundamentals Unit-1 2019-06-26

Digital Logic Fundamentals Unit-1 crossword puzzle
  1. Translator for low level programming language were termed as
  2. ...processes data with high accuracy without any mistakes
  3. The brain of any computer system is...
  4. Correcting errors in a program is referred to as...
  5. ISP in internet tern stands
  6. Usually the e-mail address is in...
  1. Which type of computers uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC...
  2. Computer cannot boot if it does not have
  3. Language that is developed for business applications is known as
  4. ...generation of computer started with using vacuum tubes as the basic components
  5. The computer processed data in nano second which is beyond of human capacity
  6. Computer is free from tiresome and boardroom.We call it...
  7. devices You can store data in secondary...such as floppies,which can be kept outside your computer
  8. The computer is applied in scientific and industrial calculation where long range data is used for information
  9. A computer program language which is widely used in computer science
  10. level language HLL stands for
  11. The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into...

17 Clues: ISP in internet tern standslevel language HLL stands forUsually the e-mail address is in...The brain of any computer system is...Computer cannot boot if it does not haveCorrecting errors in a program is referred to as......processes data with high accuracy without any mistakesComputer is free from tiresome and boardroom.We call it......

terms associated to artificial intelligence and machine learning 2024-03-11

terms associated to artificial intelligence and machine learning crossword puzzle
  1. Data with explicit detail
  2. thinking of a computer data collected information of a computer
  3. when the computer reviews and looks over the data
  4. a sequence of rules given to an ai machine to complete a function
  5. "Data about Data"
  6. A form of AI where you can write to the ai and get a answer response
  7. When a computer is thinking like a human would
  8. When a computer can think like a human would using bias
  1. pieces of information that are used to send from point a to point b
  2. the process of a computer choosing what information is important to include
  3. the process of taking data and making a visual out of it
  4. data that is common
  5. when a computer chooses certain information to include based on how people think
  6. the connection that a computer must have in order to carry out with most of its functions
  7. when a machine or computer learns common patterns and stores the information
  8. a version of a computer that is most commonly used
  9. data that is so large it is nearly impossible to process

17 Clues: "Data about Data"data that is commonData with explicit detailWhen a computer is thinking like a human wouldwhen the computer reviews and looks over the dataa version of a computer that is most commonly usedWhen a computer can think like a human would using biasthe process of taking data and making a visual out of it...

Parts of a computer 2024-09-18

Parts of a computer crossword puzzle
  1. A device that helps cool down the internal components of the computer.
  2. A pointing device used to interact with items on the screen.
  3. A stationary computer designed to be used at a desk.
  4. Port: A socket used to connect the computer to a wired network.
  5. Supply: Provides electrical power to the computer's internal components.
  6. The screen that displays the visual output from the computer.
  7. A portable computer that is small enough to be used on your lap.
  8. The input device used to type text into the computer.
  9. Card: A component that renders images and videos on the screen.
  1. Outputs sound generated by the computer.
  2. Drive: A device that stores all data permanently on the computer.
  3. The main circuit board that holds the CPU, memory, and other essential components.
  4. Card: Allows the computer to connect to a network, often wirelessly.
  5. Temporary memory that stores data for running applications.
  6. The brain of the computer, responsible for processing instructions.
  7. A handheld, touchscreen device used for various computing tasks.
  8. Port: A slot used to connect external devices like flash drives.

17 Clues: Outputs sound generated by the computer.A stationary computer designed to be used at a desk.The input device used to type text into the computer.Temporary memory that stores data for running applications.A pointing device used to interact with items on the screen.The screen that displays the visual output from the computer....

Digital LIteracy 2024-09-19

Digital LIteracy crossword puzzle
  1. A slot used to connect external devices like flash drives.
  2. Drive A device that stores all data permanently on the computer.
  3. A pointing device used to interact with items on the screen.
  4. The screen that displays the visual output from the computer.
  5. A component that renders images and videos on the screen.
  6. The main circuit board that holds the CPU, memory, and other essential components.
  7. A handheld, touchscreen device used for various computing tasks.
  8. Provides electrical power to the computer's internal components.
  9. Allows the computer to connect to a network, often wirelessly.
  1. A socket used to connect the computer to a wired network.
  2. The input device used to type text into the computer.
  3. A device that helps cool down the internal components of the computer.
  4. A stationary computer designed to be used at a desk.
  5. Outputs sound generated by the computer.
  6. Temporary memory that stores data for running applications.
  7. A portable computer that is small enough to be used on your lap.
  8. The brain of the computer, responsible for processing instructions.

17 Clues: Outputs sound generated by the computer.A stationary computer designed to be used at a desk.The input device used to type text into the computer.A socket used to connect the computer to a wired network.A component that renders images and videos on the screen.A slot used to connect external devices like flash drives....

Computers Bryce 2020-09-30

Computers Bryce crossword puzzle
  1. Speaker-- S or H
  2. where the processor and memory live
  3. the first calculating tool
  4. Permanent storage
  5. programs or applications
  6. Were the first computers
  7. Center of the network
  1. the temporary storage Ram
  2. A computer network that connects within a limited area
  3. how you tell your computer things
  4. Operating system is an example of
  5. how computers talk to other computers
  6. how your computer remembers things
  7. main processor of a computer
  8. code code that is represented by 0 and 1
  9. a computer network that extends over a large geographical area
  10. were the first programmers
  11. How the computer tell you things

18 Clues: Speaker-- S or HPermanent storageCenter of the networkprograms or applicationsWere the first computersthe temporary storage Ramthe first calculating toolwere the first programmersmain processor of a computerHow the computer tell you thingshow you tell your computer thingsOperating system is an example ofhow your computer remembers things...

Computer Systems 2020-09-09

Computer Systems crossword puzzle
  1. a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer.
  2. the study of people, technology, organizations, and the relationships among them.
  3. the unit which performs most of the processing inside a computer.
  4. a language is the main medium of communicating between the Computer systems and the most common are the programming languages.
  5. the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware.
  6. design, construction, and use of machines to perform tasks done traditionally by human beings.
  7. an important industry within the tech world. It involves utilizing computers to help with engineering and design for a wide range of projects.
  8. the programs and other operating information used by a computer.
  1. the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions.
  2. refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.
  3. a systematic approach to developing students' knowledge and/or skills that uses a computer as a central feature to support instruction via activities including, but not limited to, presenting materials, assessing progress, and guiding activities.
  4. commonly defined as any program or number of programs designed for end-users.
  5. a computer program that uses artificial-intelligence methods to solve problems within a specialized domain that ordinarily requires human expertise.
  6. a set of integrated devices that input, out, process, and store data and information.
  7. a set of computers that are connected together so that they can share information.
  8. to work at home by the use of an electronic linkup with a central office.
  9. The illegal copying and distribution of software.
  10. executable software that runs on a computer.
  11. tools, machinery, and other durable equipment.

19 Clues: executable software that runs on a, machinery, and other durable equipment.The illegal copying and distribution of software.the programs and other operating information used by a computer.the unit which performs most of the processing inside a work at home by the use of an electronic linkup with a central office....

Century 21 Jr. Chapter 1 Terms 2016-01-06

Century 21 Jr. Chapter 1 Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for digital communication tools
  2. (UI) Allows users to give commands to a computer
  3. On-screen work area where windows, icons, tools, gadgets, and images appear
  4. (PC) Small computer designed for an individual user
  5. The Windows 8/8.1 tool that can be displayed anytime to give access to searching, sharing, the Start screen, devices, and operating system settings
  6. Location on the Web where information or applications may be stored
  7. Software that allows a person to complete a specific task such as creating a report, browsing the Internet, editing a multimedia video, or calculating a math problem
  8. (GUI) Computer interface that displays pictures, icons, and other images; allows the user to give commands and navigate by clicking the mouse or tapping a digital pen rather than keying commands
  9. Computer data storage for the operating system, applications, and data when a computer is on
  10. Location in an application where all of the commands are displayed
  11. Applications that run over the Internet inside a web browser that permit completion of specific tasks such as sending email, creating reports, and viewing multimedia
  12. Programs that give instructions to a computer
  13. Microsoft's cloud storage feature
  14. Facts and figures such as words, pictures, and numbers
  15. (OS) Software that controls the basic operations of a computer
  16. Refers to the way a user puts data into a computer
  17. The tiled interface that displays when a user opens Windows 8 or 8.1
  18. Device that works with a computer, such as a printer, digital tablet, scanner, or headset
  19. Series of letters and/or numbers and symbols that a person keys to gain access to a computer
  20. Location where a user can key keywords to conduct a search
  21. Amount of a product or service producers (companies) are willing and able to offer for sale
  22. Refers to performing calculations with two digits?0 and 1
  23. Machine that follows a set of instructions to change and store data
  24. Physical parts of a computer that a person can touch with his or her hands
  25. Causes text to move to a new line automatically when the current line is full
  1. Device commonly used to store computer files
  2. Involves sending and sharing information with the people who want or need it
  3. memory Type of memory storage that is often used in portable devices such as USB flash drives, laptops, and PDAs; it is relatively inexpensive and characterized by quick read access time
  4. Button that sends an application window to the taskbar to hide it from the screen
  5. Putting words, pictures, facts, or numbers into a meaningful form that can be used and understood
  6. disc Device used to store computer files; built into most personal computers
  7. (LAN) Network that connects computers that are close to each other, usually in the same building
  8. Way in which the user obtains data from a computer, such as reading a text message, printing a report, or viewing photos on a monitor
  9. Refers to how data is changed or used
  10. Folder stored inside another folder
  11. Drive and series of folders and subfolders that describe the location of a computer file, such as Documents\Computers\Chapter 2\Moon Project 2
  12. Button that removes an application window from the taskbar so as to fill the entire screen
  13. Most common storage device inside a computer
  14. (RAM) Working memory of a computer that is erased or cleared when the computer is turned off
  15. Another name for a microprocessor
  16. (CPU) Another name for a microprocessor
  17. Used by Windows operating systems to organize computer files
  18. administrator Expert who manages a LAN
  19. Button used to restore an application window to its previous size
  20. Refers to saving data for later use
  21. (processor) Small circuit board that controls all of the work done by a computer; most important part of a computer
  22. Windows feature that displays icons for open applications and files
  23. Series of letters and/or numbers that identifies the user to the computer
  24. Framed screen in which an application opens
  25. box Area on a computer screen that lists the choices the user can make

50 Clues: Another name for a microprocessorMicrosoft's cloud storage featureFolder stored inside another folderRefers to saving data for later useRefers to how data is changed or usedadministrator Expert who manages a LAN(CPU) Another name for a microprocessorFramed screen in which an application opensDevice commonly used to store computer files...

Century 21 Jr. Chapter 1 Terms 2016-01-06

Century 21 Jr. Chapter 1 Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Software that allows a person to complete a specific task such as creating a report, browsing the Internet, editing a multimedia video, or calculating a math problem
  2. Another name for digital communication tools
  3. Amount of a product or service producers (companies) are willing and able to offer for sale
  4. Location where a user can key keywords to conduct a search
  5. The tiled interface that displays when a user opens Windows 8 or 8.1
  6. The Windows 8/8.1 tool that can be displayed anytime to give access to searching, sharing, the Start screen, devices, and operating system settings
  7. Microsoft's cloud storage feature
  8. Button that sends an application window to the taskbar to hide it from the screen
  9. Programs that give instructions to a computer
  10. Refers to the way a user puts data into a computer
  11. Device that works with a computer, such as a printer, digital tablet, scanner, or headset
  12. (GUI) Computer interface that displays pictures, icons, and other images; allows the user to give commands and navigate by clicking the mouse or tapping a digital pen rather than keying commands
  13. (UI) Allows users to give commands to a computer
  14. (OS) Software that controls the basic operations of a computer
  15. Windows feature that displays icons for open applications and files
  16. Way in which the user obtains data from a computer, such as reading a text message, printing a report, or viewing photos on a monitor
  17. Applications that run over the Internet inside a web browser that permit completion of specific tasks such as sending email, creating reports, and viewing multimedia
  18. Machine that follows a set of instructions to change and store data
  19. Another name for a microprocessor
  20. (CPU) Another name for a microprocessor
  21. Folder stored inside another folder
  22. Location in an application where all of the commands are displayed
  23. Device commonly used to store computer files
  24. Framed screen in which an application opens
  25. disc Device used to store computer files; built into most personal computers
  26. (LAN) Network that connects computers that are close to each other, usually in the same building
  27. Physical parts of a computer that a person can touch with his or her hands
  28. Series of letters and/or numbers and symbols that a person keys to gain access to a computer
  29. Drive and series of folders and subfolders that describe the location of a computer file, such as Documents\Computers\Chapter 2\Moon Project 2
  1. Refers to performing calculations with two digits?0 and 1
  2. On-screen work area where windows, icons, tools, gadgets, and images appear
  3. (processor) Small circuit board that controls all of the work done by a computer; most important part of a computer
  4. Computer data storage for the operating system, applications, and data when a computer is on
  5. administrator Expert who manages a LAN
  6. Most common storage device inside a computer
  7. Involves sending and sharing information with the people who want or need it
  8. (PC) Small computer designed for an individual user
  9. Button used to restore an application window to its previous size
  10. Refers to how data is changed or used
  11. Putting words, pictures, facts, or numbers into a meaningful form that can be used and understood
  12. Location on the Web where information or applications may be stored
  13. (RAM) Working memory of a computer that is erased or cleared when the computer is turned off
  14. Button that removes an application window from the taskbar so as to fill the entire screen
  15. Series of letters and/or numbers that identifies the user to the computer
  16. Refers to saving data for later use
  17. Area on a computer screen that lists the choices the user can make
  18. Used by Windows operating systems to organize computer files
  19. Causes text to move to a new line automatically when the current line is full
  20. Facts and figures such as words, pictures, and numbers
  21. memory Type of memory storage that is often used in portable devices such as USB flash drives, laptops, and PDAs; it is relatively inexpensive and characterized by quick read access time

50 Clues: Microsoft's cloud storage featureAnother name for a microprocessorFolder stored inside another folderRefers to saving data for later useRefers to how data is changed or usedadministrator Expert who manages a LAN(CPU) Another name for a microprocessorFramed screen in which an application opensAnother name for digital communication tools...

Cadette Crossword 2019-12-21

Cadette Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A path for electricity to travel along. Most are designed as loops with a switch that can turn on and off.
  2. Writing a computer program, which is known as code
  3. _______________ materials are substances that carry electricity easily, such as metals
  4. Way of controlling how a robot moves by changing its physical design
  5. A _____________________ in a computer program tells the computer to make a choice between two or more actions. Usually written as IF-THEN-ELSE
  6. One step in a computer program
  7. A way of presenting information using only two symbols. In math, it consists of the numbers 0 and 1
  8. Scientist that works on robots and related technology
  9. Writing out a computer program in everyday language.
  10. __________________ materials don't carry electricity easily. Used to cover conductive materials.
  11. Information that a computer can understand
  12. Point at which an artificial life form that looks almost real appears more threatening than friendly
  13. A machine that can perform three kinds of tasks: sense, think and act
  14. __________________ are like a mini-program within another program. It's a series of commands that is given a name.
  15. Electronic component that transmits information to the robot from the environment
  1. To get rid of a problem in the computer program
  2. _________________________ means keeping a record as you create your design, from idea to completion.
  3. The branch of technology that deals with designing, building and using robots
  4. A type of computer program that acts as if it can think like a human.
  5. A computer programming shortcut that tells the computer to go back and repeat a series of commands
  6. A set of step-by-step instructions to carry out a task.
  7. Part of a robot that can move around. Examples include robot arms or legs
  8. takes energy and uses it to power a robot's movement; Examples include an electric motor or hydraulic pump
  9. _________________ robots work some or all the time without human control. They can make decisions based on their programming and input from the environment
  10. program A set of instructions that tell the computer what to do
  11. Refers to a robots body
  12. A problem in a computer program

27 Clues: Refers to a robots bodyOne step in a computer programA problem in a computer programInformation that a computer can understandTo get rid of a problem in the computer programWriting a computer program, which is known as codeWriting out a computer program in everyday language.Scientist that works on robots and related technology...

About PCs 2017-11-22

About PCs crossword puzzle
  1. the most basic networking device that connects multiple computers or other network devices together
  2. a mobile computing device designed to be held in one or two hands
  3. a term used to describe all data communications on a computer or computer network at a given point
  4. a group of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer's operating system
  5. the hole into which a card is placed
  6. a single button on the keyboard
  7. a segment of data sent from one computer or device to another over a network
  8. any hardware capable of holding information either temporarily or permanently
  9. a component that handles all instructions it receives from hardware and software running on the computer
  10. the total maximum transfer rate of a network cable or device
  11. a tool used to insert and remove a screw from a hole
  12. a term used to describe a computer chassis
  13. to transmit it to many receivers
  14. a special type of file on your computer's file system
  15. a hardware device designed to receive, analyze and move incoming packets to another network
  1. a collection of numbers represented as bytes
  2. drive a non-volatile memory hardware device that permanently stores and retrieves data on a computer
  3. a tool designed to remove the protective covering (jacket) off of a cable to expose the inner wires
  4. a hardware device that keeps the overall computer or a computer device cool
  5. a software program to present and explore content on the World Wide Web.
  6. a computer case which arranges the internal components vertically
  7. the ability to operate a device without any wires
  8. any physical component of a computer system
  9. a component that allocates power and allows communication to the CPU, RAM, and all other computer hardware components
  10. a software utility or hardware device that acts as a filter for data entering or leaving a network or computer
  11. a hole or connection found on the front or back of a computer
  12. an output device that displays video images and text

27 Clues: a single button on the keyboardto transmit it to many receiversthe hole into which a card is placeda term used to describe a computer chassisany physical component of a computer systema collection of numbers represented as bytesthe ability to operate a device without any wiresa tool used to insert and remove a screw from a hole...

1 BA 2020-11-19

1 BA crossword puzzle
  1. dispositivi che consentono di interagire con il computer
  2. parte logica costituita da programmi
  3. periferica di input
  4. memoria ad adesso casuale
  5. velocità di lavoro della CPU
  6. dispositivi che consentono la comunicazione all' esterno
  7. unità di misura della velocità
  8. circuito integrato in cui avvengono i processi di elaborazione
  9. esempio di periferica
  10. insieme di dispositivi fisici
  1. insieme dei componenti fisici
  2. periferica di output
  3. dispositivi che comsentono l'inserimento di dati nel computer
  4. disco fisso interno
  5. unità di elaborazione di calcolo
  6. alloggia il microprocessore
  7. personal computer
  8. Computer portatile
  9. unità di governo che coordina le operazioni
  10. memoria di sola lettura

20 Clues: personal computerComputer portatileperiferica di inputdisco fisso internoperiferica di outputesempio di perifericamemoria di sola letturamemoria ad adesso casualealloggia il microprocessorevelocità di lavoro della CPUinsieme dei componenti fisiciinsieme di dispositivi fisiciunità di misura della velocitàunità di elaborazione di calcolo...

... 2023-03-26

... crossword puzzle
  1. : tool
  2. : predict
  3. : type of trash
  4. difficult
  5. : a test to discover sth new
  6. : event
  7. : self-acting
  8. : surprise actions
  9. : the mechanical parts of a computer
  10. : the important things for work,...
  11. : that not natural and make by human
  12. : to require
  13. : apps
  1. : number of computer
  2. : creat somethings
  3. : opposite with maximum
  4. : thing we need to see in the computer
  5. : find out about sth new
  6. : exactlly
  7. : a result or consequence
  8. : act for work
  9. : opposite with minimum
  10. : special
  11. :
  12. : going down
  13. : opertate
  14. : computer
  15. : find more information
  16. : smart phones, computer,...
  17. : place for scientist

30 Clues: :: tool: apps: event: predictdifficult: special: exactlly: opertate: computer: going down: to require: self-acting: act for work: type of trash: creat somethings: surprise actions: number of computer: place for scientist: opposite with maximum: opposite with minimum: find more information: find out about sth new: a result or consequence...

AUSOM JULY 17 2017-05-29

AUSOM JULY 17 crossword puzzle
  1. Shaded lower section of an iOS device's screen
  2. Company founded by Charles Geschke & John Warnock in 1982
  3. List of audio files
  4. Indexed computer information
  5. Voltage drop (5,3)
  6. Attaching location details to a photo
  7. Erase information on a disk drive
  8. User account with limited access
  9. Ethernet (1,1,1)
  1. search engine
  2. Preparing a blank disk drive for use
  3. Computer instructions
  4. One computer connecting to another
  5. Portable document (1,1,1)
  6. Mains power (1,1)
  7. Unexpected software or hardware problem
  8. Backup computer power source (1,1,1)
  9. Problem caused by programming error
  10. Rechargeable battery chemistry
  11. High-level computer language used in scientific computing

20 Clues: Ethernet (1,1,1)Mains power (1,1)Voltage drop (5,3)List of audio search engineComputer instructionsPortable document (1,1,1)Indexed computer informationRechargeable battery chemistryUser account with limited accessErase information on a disk driveOne computer connecting to anotherProblem caused by programming error...

Unit 10-15 2020-05-18

Unit 10-15 crossword puzzle
  1. A part of a recording device that senses data on a carrier medium such as a disk or tape.
  2. A part of a computer that reads information on a hard disk, or a separate device that can be connected to a computer in order to do this.
  3. Refers to storage media that can be re-recorded many times.
  4. A synonym to DVD burner.
  5. A system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.
  6. A term that used to describe memory content that is lost when the power is interrupted or switched off.
  7. A scooped-out place in which data is stored.
  8. A type of computer memory that can retrieve stored information even after having been power cycled.
  9. The time that is needed to get information that is stored in a computer.
  10. Transferred to another device.
  11. A small storage device that uses nonvolatile semiconductor.
  12. A rough path or road, typically one beaten by use rather than constructed.
  13. A long, narrow area at the top of a computer screen that contains lists of instructions to the computer.
  14. A rigid rotating disk on which data is stored in a disk drive; a hard disk (considered as a physical object).
  15. A piece of computer equipment that you use for copying data from a computer onto a DVD.
  16. A place on a computer where files or programs can be stored.
  17. A separate area on a computer screen that shows information and can be moved around.
  18. A piece of text, such as a page number or a title, that appears at the top of every page in a document.
  19. A feature of some software programs that allows you to see what a document on the computer screen will look like when it is printed out.
  20. A type of mass storage device similar to a hard disk drive, but it does not have any moving parts.
  21. A computer disc that is read by a laser (= a narrow beam of light). It can store sound, video, or computer data and programs.
  22. A piece of text, such as a page number or a title, that appears at the bottom of every page of a document or book.
  23. To put a number of things in an order or to separate them into groups.
  24. An area on a spreadsheet where data can be entered.
  25. Function that allows you to extract information according to criteria.
  26. A line of written or printed text after leaving extra space, compared with the place where other lines begin.
  27. A large system consisting of many similar parts that are connected together to allow movement or communication between or along the parts.
  28. A small plastic disk with a shiny surface on which information, especially high-quality sound, is recorded.
  29. To remove the good or bad effects of an action or several actions.
  30. The way in which information is arranged and stored on a computer.
  31. A computer system or hard drive consisting of a combination of analog and digital computer systems or some types of hard drive.
  32. The way in which information is made available to the user on the screen of a computer, mobile phone, etc.
  1. A small piece of equipment that you connect to a computer or other piece of electronic equipment to copy and store information.
  2. The rate at which circuits or other devices operate when handling digital information.
  3. A list of choices on a computer screen that is hidden until you choose to look at it.
  4. A copy of information held on a computer that is stored separately from the computer.
  5. A peripheral device that reads and writes a memory card made of flash memory chips.
  6. A large amount of information stored in a computer system in such a way that it can be easily looked at or changed.
  7. A connection that allows you to move easily between two computer documents or two pages on the internet.
  8. A small soft piece of plastic that is protected by a hard cover and is used to store computer information.
  9. The reproduction of an already recorded sound or image.
  10. A file system cataloging structure which contains references to other computer files, and possibly other directories.
  11. A program used for preparing documents and letters, or a computer for doing this.
  12. A long, thin strip at the side of a computer window, used for moving its contents up, down, or across.
  13. A row of icons on a computer screen.
  14. A drive technology that reports its own degradation, enabling the operating system to warn the user of potential failure.
  15. A computer program, used especially in business, that allows you to do financial calculations and plans.
  16. Strong in colour or shape, and very noticeable to the eye.
  17. An optical disc format designed to display high definition video and store large amounts of data.
  18. A collection of information stored on a computer in alphabetical order.
  19. A view on a computer screen that contains icons representing files, programs, and other features of the computer.
  20. An optical disc recorder that uses optical disc recording technologies to digitally record analog or digital signals onto blank writable DVD media.
  21. A type of databases that allows the user to find and organize data in many different ways.
  22. A powerful, narrow beam of light that can be used for sroring data on disks.
  23. A small picture or symbol on a computer screen that you point to and click on with a mouse to give the computer an instruction.
  24. A set of icons at the bottom of the screen that gives you access to the things you use most.
  25. A symbol, often a small, black circle, used in text to show separate things in a list.
  26. A division of a database that contains a particular type of information, such as names or numbers.
  27. A document or a part of document showing work that needs to be done or that has been done.
  28. A disc used for storing and playing music, films, or information.
  29. To keep information for the future, by writing it down or storing it on a computer.

61 Clues: A synonym to DVD burner.Transferred to another device.A row of icons on a computer screen.A scooped-out place in which data is stored.An area on a spreadsheet where data can be entered.The reproduction of an already recorded sound or image.Strong in colour or shape, and very noticeable to the eye....

Unit 1 Review and Cipher 2022-08-08

Unit 1 Review and Cipher crossword puzzle
  1. a device which allows the computer to store information or programs
  2. a device which allows the computer to display or communicate the result of a computation
  3. A standardized information encoding scheme generally used and represented by a table of data
  4. a number system using sixteen digits to represent information, often used to encode colors
  5. a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent human behaviors in computers
  6. stands for Central Processing Unit, the "brain" of the computer which complete calculations
  7. the process of simplifying complicated data into manageable chunks
  8. a machine that performs calculations by following and executing specific instructions to solve a problem.
  1. eight bits or a unit of binary data
  2. physical components of a computer
  3. also called programs or applications, contains instructions to tell the computer what to do
  4. the software responsible for managing memory allocation for all other applications
  5. a physical component of the computer that provides connections for all other physiclal components
  6. a number system using two digits to represent information, the system used to store information on computers
  7. a single digit of binary data
  8. invented in 2600 BC, widely considered the first computer
  9. a device which allows a user to give data or information to the computer
  10. a device which allows the computer to connect and communicate with other computers

18 Clues: a single digit of binary dataphysical components of a computereight bits or a unit of binary datainvented in 2600 BC, widely considered the first computerthe process of simplifying complicated data into manageable chunksa device which allows the computer to store information or programs...

CLASS 10 COMPUTER 2021-06-10

CLASS 10 COMPUTER crossword puzzle
  1. Machine that lets out documents or images you have created.
  2. usually consists of eight bits.
  3. usually comprises the display device, circuitry, casing, and power supply.
  4. A small picture on a computer screen that represents a program or function that can be opened.
  5. any computer-generated information displayed on screen, printed on paper or in machine readable form, such as disk and tape.
  6. a software system that links topics on the screen to related information and graphics, which are typically accessed by a point-and-click method.
  7. code made up of numbers separated by three dots that identifies a particular computer on the Internet
  8. client software program that runs against a Web server or other Internet server and enables a user to navigate the World Wide Web (WWW) to access and display data.
  9. the type of software that allows you to perform specific tasks
  1. Computer programs such as windows.
  2. a device that feeds data into a computer, such as a keyboard or mouse.
  3. Booting a computer system again usually due to a problem.
  4. A device for computer games
  5. An electronic device that can intensify speeches, music, etc., and made audible throughout a room, hall, or the like.
  6. the combination of typeface and other qualities, such as size, pitch, and spacing.
  7. the collection of physical parts of a computer system.
  8. sending an email, posting photos on a social media site and using your webcam.
  9. A long, narrow computer key
  10. a device can send a picture from piece of paper to a computer screen
  11. copy(data) from one computer system to another, typically over the Internet.
  12. a part of a computer system or network that is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting outward communication.
  13. An error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result or to behave in unintended ways.
  14. the exclusive right, as recognized separately in each country, to publish and sell literary, artistic, or musical materials.

23 Clues: A device for computer gamesA long, narrow computer keyusually consists of eight bits.Computer programs such as windows.the collection of physical parts of a computer system.Booting a computer system again usually due to a problem.Machine that lets out documents or images you have created....

Jr ICT CLub - Computer Terms #1 2024-07-19

Jr ICT CLub - Computer Terms #1 crossword puzzle
  1. A secret code to keep your computer and accounts safe.
  2. Storing data to the internet.
  3. It lets you turn paper documents into digital files on the computer.
  4. Talking to someone online in real-time.
  5. It helps you move the pointer on the screen.
  6. A small stick you can use to save and transfer files.
  7. A program that can harm your computer, like a digital germ.
  8. Place to keep all the digital data in the computer.
  9. A program you use to explore the internet.
  10. It shows you what's happening on the computer.
  11. Creating a face using characters in the keyboard :)
  12. The brain of the computer that processes information.
  13. A place on the internet where you can find information.
  14. A place where you can save your documents and pictures.
  15. It makes paper copies of what you see on the screen.
  16. A small picture or symbol that represents a program or file.
  17. You use it to type words and numbers.
  1. Moving the page on the screen up or down.
  2. Making a copy of your files to keep them safe.
  3. Moving something on the screen by holding and moving it with the mouse.
  4. It lets you explore websites and play games online.
  5. The main screen you see when you start the computer.
  6. The arrow or pointer that moves on the screen.
  7. The physical parts of a computer that you can touch.
  8. Fun programs you can play on the computer.
  9. Pressing a button on the mouse or touchpad.
  10. Wireless internet that connects your devices without wires.
  11. A portable computer you can carry around.
  12. Looking for something specific on the internet or your computer.
  13. Taking data from the internet.
  14. Small pictures used to express emotions in messages.
  15. Programs and apps that make the computer work.
  16. A list of options you can choose from on the screen.
  17. You use it to send messages to your friends and family.
  18. Where the computer stores information temporarily.

35 Clues: Storing data to the internet.Taking data from the internet.You use it to type words and numbers.Talking to someone online in real-time.Moving the page on the screen up or down.A portable computer you can carry around.Fun programs you can play on the computer.A program you use to explore the internet.Pressing a button on the mouse or touchpad....

About PCs 2017-11-22

About PCs crossword puzzle
  1. a hole or connection found on the front or back of a computer
  2. stripper a tool designed to remove the protective covering (jacket) off of a cable to expose the inner wires
  3. a collection of numbers represented as bytes
  4. a software program to present and explore content on the World Wide Web.
  5. to transmit it to many receivers
  6. a software utility or hardware device that acts as a filter for data entering or leaving a network or computer
  7. a term used to describe a computer chassis
  8. drive a non-volatile memory hardware device that permanently stores and retrieves data on a computer
  9. a tool used to insert and remove a screw from a hole
  10. a component that handles all instructions it receives from hardware and software running on the computer
  11. a term used to describe all data communications on a computer or computer network at a given point
  12. a single button on the keyboard
  13. an output device that displays video images and text
  14. a mobile computing device designed to be held in one or two hands
  1. a special type of file on your computer's file system
  2. any hardware capable of holding information either temporarily or permanently
  3. any physical component of a computer system
  4. a hardware device designed to receive, analyze and move incoming packets to another network
  5. the most basic networking device that connects multiple computers or other network devices together
  6. the ability to operate a device without any wires
  7. a computer case which arranges the internal components vertically
  8. a component that allocates power and allows communication to the CPU, RAM, and all other computer hardware components
  9. the total maximum transfer rate of a network cable or device
  10. a hardware device that keeps the overall computer or a computer device cool
  11. a group of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer's operating system
  12. a segment of data sent from one computer or device to another over a network
  13. the hole into which a card is placed

27 Clues: a single button on the keyboardto transmit it to many receiversthe hole into which a card is placeda term used to describe a computer chassisany physical component of a computer systema collection of numbers represented as bytesthe ability to operate a device without any wiresa tool used to insert and remove a screw from a hole...

Everfi Vocabulary 2014-10-21

Everfi Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. computer software that displays advertisements
  2. refers to careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
  3. something you can add to a software application to enhance its abilities
  4. a group of computer programs that give instructions to a computer so that it functions
  5. the use of letters and punctuation in a message that indicates the emotion of the text
  6. computer memory that is temporarily used to allow programs to operate, which would be quicker than if they accessed ROM
  7. also known as short message service; it is a text messaging service for cell phones
  8. any data or information in a computer; commonly refers to RAM; can also refer to the amount of disk space available on a computer
  9. a computer program used to display information, normally in the form of a slide show
  10. an object or pattern that is quickly replicated and shared
  11. a computer or series of computers that link other computers together and often store important information
  1. the act of sending inappropriate sexual material, usually text or images, between cell phones
  2. computer software designed to harm a computer
  3. networking technology that allows computer devices such as personal computers, laptops, and cell phones to communicate over a wireless signal
  4. the unauthorized reproduction or copying of music, video, or literature without proper compensation or permission
  5. exclusive rights given to someone who creates original work
  6. a video camera for computers typically used to provide real-time video footage
  7. the extension of service or coverage in a wireless telecommunications system
  8. multimedia messaging service; allows for sending video, audio, pictures, ringtones, and any other media through a cell phone
  9. abbreviations and slang commonly used to shorten a text or instant message, like using "?s" for "questions"
  10. a common audio format for playback and storage of music on digital audio players
  11. content and media that combines different content forms such as text, audio, animation, and still images
  12. offering reason to be believed
  13. a vast global computer network which links smaller computer networks together
  14. the address of a website

25 Clues: the address of a websiteoffering reason to be believedcomputer software designed to harm a computercomputer software that displays advertisementsan object or pattern that is quickly replicated and sharedexclusive rights given to someone who creates original workrefers to careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics...

Hardware and Software 2016-05-13

Hardware and Software crossword puzzle
  1. Temporary storage comprising the computer’s primary work space; contents are lost if power is disrupted
  2. A display of computer generated information
  3. To manipulate data in accordance with instructions from a computer program
  4. Approximately a billion bytes or characters
  5. A machine used to accept, process, store, and get information
  6. An individual point of light on a display screen
  7. Output that is printed on paper
  8. A device that is attached to the computer to aid in input and/or output
  9. A solid state device that controls electric current flow; replace the vacuum tube
  10. The computers immediate internal memory, RAM and ROM (two words)
  11. About a thousand bytes
  12. A piece of hardware that stores and retrieves information (two words)
  13. A connector on the motherboard used to add circuit boards to expand the functionality of the computer (two words)
  14. A small, solid-state (non-moving) memory storage disk that plugs into a USB port of a computer (two words)
  15. Circuitry etched on a small silicon chip that is designed to perform a complex task (two words)
  16. A measure of computer speed
  17. A standard method used for paring alphanumeric characters with binary representations
  18. Data that is entered into a computer
  1. Storage memory chips containing information that cannot be changed
  2. A place to store information
  3. A picture or illustration
  4. A computer output device similar to a television screen
  5. A binary digit: 0 or 1
  6. The physical parts of a computer
  7. A grouping of eight binary digits used by the computer as a single unit
  8. A single letter, digit, or special symbol
  9. A reusable magnetic storage made from thin circular Mylar material (two words)
  10. Computer output displayed on a monitor (two words)
  11. Used to maintain the digital information for later use (two words)
  12. The main processing unit of a computer
  13. A rigid disk encased in an airtight drive (two words)
  14. Step-by-step instructions for completing a task
  15. Programs or instructions
  16. About a million bytes
  17. Anything that has only two states such as on/off or yes/no
  18. An integrated circuit

36 Clues: About a million bytesAn integrated circuitA binary digit: 0 or 1About a thousand bytesPrograms or instructionsA picture or illustrationA measure of computer speedA place to store informationOutput that is printed on paperThe physical parts of a computerData that is entered into a computerThe main processing unit of a computer...

Cadette Crossword 2019-12-21

Cadette Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A path for electricity to travel along. Most are designed as loops with a switch that can turn on and off.
  2. Writing a computer program, which is known as code
  3. _______________ materials are substances that carry electricity easily, such as metals
  4. Way of controlling how a robot moves by changing its physical design
  5. A _____________________ in a computer program tells the computer to make a choice between two or more actions. Usually written as IF-THEN-ELSE
  6. One step in a computer program
  7. A way of presenting information using only two symbols. In math, it consists of the numbers 0 and 1
  8. Scientist that works on robots and related technology
  9. Writing out a computer program in everyday language.
  10. __________________ materials don't carry electricity easily. Used to cover conductive materials.
  11. Information that a computer can understand
  12. Point at which an artificial life form that looks almost real appears more threatening than friendly
  13. A machine that can perform three kinds of tasks: sense, think and act
  14. __________________ are like a mini-program within another program. It's a series of commands that is given a name.
  15. Electronic component that transmits information to the robot from the environment
  1. To get rid of a problem in the computer program
  2. _________________________ means keeping a record as you create your design, from idea to completion.
  3. The branch of technology that deals with designing, building and using robots
  4. A type of computer program that acts as if it can think like a human.
  5. A computer programming shortcut that tells the computer to go back and repeat a series of commands
  6. A set of step-by-step instructions to carry out a task.
  7. Part of a robot that can move around. Examples include robot arms or legs
  8. takes energy and uses it to power a robot's movement; Examples include an electric motor or hydraulic pump
  9. _________________ robots work some or all the time without human control. They can make decisions based on their programming and input from the environment
  10. program A set of instructions that tell the computer what to do
  11. Refers to a robots body
  12. A problem in a computer program

27 Clues: Refers to a robots bodyOne step in a computer programA problem in a computer programInformation that a computer can understandTo get rid of a problem in the computer programWriting a computer program, which is known as codeWriting out a computer program in everyday language.Scientist that works on robots and related technology...

Unit 4 Crossword puzzle 2024-01-23

Unit 4 Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. in To enter your username and password to use a computer.
  2. To study and learn about something.
  3. Having difficulty with certain tasks.
  4. Wireless internet connection.
  5. online To connect to the internet.
  6. Facts or details about something.
  7. on To start the power to a device.
  8. A portable computer you can carry.
  9. A device that stores energy for electronic devices.
  10. A set of clothes, usually formal.
  11. To create or make something better.
  12. the internet To look at different websites.
  13. A personal computer.
  14. Something that helps you learn.
  15. The ability to remember things.
  16. At no cost; you don't have to pay money.
  17. Something you like or enjoy.
  18. Written words on a phone or computer.
  19. To save information.
  20. A machine that can do tasks on its own.
  21. Keeping things safe and protected.
  22. cloud Online storage for files and information.
  23. A digital document or piece of information.
  24. A device to put energy into a battery.
  25. Programs and applications that run on a computer.
  26. Something that happens by mistake.
  27. The set of keys on a computer or typewriter.
  1. A place on the internet with information or services.
  2. game A game played on a screen.
  3. Where something or someone is.
  4. The ability to think of things that aren't real.
  5. program Instructions that make a computer do tasks.
  6. To make something better.
  7. To get something from the internet onto your computer.
  8. A small program on a smartphone or computer.
  9. Not smart or clever.
  10. off To stop the power to a device.
  11. To make something change.
  12. address Where you get electronic mail (email).
  13. To gather things together.
  14. Something expensive and enjoyable.
  15. To put energy into a device, like a phone.
  16. A picture or short film to tell people about a product.
  17. Something known only by a few people.
  18. A phone that can also do many other things like a computer.
  19. A device to move the cursor on a computer screen.
  20. To gather things together.
  21. Making or thinking of new things.
  22. A small tool to open locks or start machines.
  23. down Turn off a computer or device.

50 Clues: Not smart or clever.A personal computer.To save information.To make something better.To make something change.To gather things together.To gather things together.Something you like or enjoy.Wireless internet connection.Where something or someone is.Something that helps you learn.The ability to remember A game played on a screen....

Notable People in CS History 2023-08-27

Notable People in CS History crossword puzzle
  1. Inventor of the first mechanical computer, the "Analytical Engine."
  2. Inventor of the first integrated circuit (microchip).
  3. Co-founder of Microsoft and a philanthropist.
  4. Inventor of the punched card used for data processing in early computers.
  5. Pioneer in computer memory and system dynamics.
  6. Inventor of the programmable Jacquard loom.
  7. Co-inventor of the first general-purpose computer, ENIAC.
  8. Co-founder of Microsoft and a philanthropist.
  9. Co-inventor of the first general-purpose computer, ENIAC.
  10. Mathematician and philosopher who developed binary arithmetic.
  1. Developer of the concept of a universal machine, a key idea in computer science.
  2. Inventor of the Z3, one of the earliest programmable computers.
  3. Computer scientist known for creating the first compiler, the FORTRAN language.
  4. Computer scientist known for his work on the Harvard Mark I computer.
  5. Mathematician and logician who developed Boolean algebra.
  6. English mathematician and writer, often considered the first programmer.
  7. Inventor of the mechanical calculator known as the "Pascaline."
  8. Mathematician who developed the concept of the stored-program computer.
  9. Mathematician who introduced logarithms and the Napier's bones calculating device.
  10. Mathematician known for his work on computer science and artificial intelligence.

20 Clues: Inventor of the programmable Jacquard loom.Co-founder of Microsoft and a philanthropist.Co-founder of Microsoft and a philanthropist.Pioneer in computer memory and system dynamics.Inventor of the first integrated circuit (microchip).Mathematician and logician who developed Boolean algebra.Co-inventor of the first general-purpose computer, ENIAC....

freds crossword 2023-05-05

freds crossword crossword puzzle
  1. key makes some numbers symbols
  2. were you can do sums
  3. were homework can be set selfdriving car drives itself
  4. guids the computer
  5. makes computers
  6. hidden words
  7. provides things for a computer
  8. conects the computer to the electrical socket
  1. where you watch videos
  2. makes computers
  3. a computer
  4. gives you picture
  5. intelegence
  6. to protect a computer from being broken into
  7. artifitlelergence
  8. lets you type
  9. a seach engien
  10. lock turns letters into capitals
  11. prints paper

19 Clues: a computerintelegencehidden wordsprints paperlets you typea seach engienmakes computersmakes computersgives you pictureartifitlelergenceguids the computerwere you can do sumswhere you watch videoskey makes some numbers symbolsprovides things for a computerlock turns letters into capitalsto protect a computer from being broken into...

ICT VOCABULARy 2024-08-26

ICT VOCABULARy crossword puzzle
  1. allows you to place data into your computer's clipboard and then insert it elsewhere.
  2. The physical components of a computer system, such as the monitor, keyboard, and motherboard.
  3. The process of accessing a computer system or application by entering a username and password.
  4. A combination of keys that performs a specific action, like copying or saving a document.
  5. The process of transferring files from your computer to the internet or a server.
  6. The process of restarting a computer system to fix problems or apply updates
  1. The action of storing data or documents on a computer or other device.
  2. To add a file or document to an email or other digital message.
  3. The act of navigating through websites on the internet.
  4. A secret word or phrase used to gain access to a system or account
  5. A unique identifier used to gain access to a computer system, often paired with a password.
  6. The action of reloading a webpage to see the most current version.
  7. The process of signing out of a computer system or application to end your session.
  8. To produce a hard copy of a document or image from a printer.
  9. the programs and other operating information used by a computer
  10. duplicating text, data, files, or disks, producing two or more of the same file or segments of data.
  11. The process of turning off a computer or device safely.
  12. The process of starting up a computer and loading the operating system.
  13. The process of transferring data or files from the internet to your computer.

19 Clues: The act of navigating through websites on the internet.The process of turning off a computer or device safely.To produce a hard copy of a document or image from a printer.To add a file or document to an email or other digital message.the programs and other operating information used by a computer...

Problem Solving & Critical Thinking 2024-02-09

Problem Solving & Critical Thinking crossword puzzle
  1. To send data from your device to the internet.
  2. To save something from the internet to your device.
  3. A portable computer.
  4. The global network connecting millions of computers.
  5. Clickable text or image that takes you to another webpage.
  6. Used to organize files.
  7. Malicious software that can harm your computer.
  8. Software to surf the internet.
  9. Wireless internet connection.
  10. The physical parts of a computer.
  1. Programs that run on your computer.
  2. A port for connecting devices to your computer.
  3. A touchscreen device larger than a phone.
  4. A secret word or phrase that protects your accounts.
  5. A document stored on your computer.
  6. Produces a paper copy of your documents.
  7. Electronic way to send letters and messages.
  8. Displays the information from your computer.

18 Clues: A portable computer.Used to organize files.Wireless internet connection.Software to surf the internet.The physical parts of a computer.Programs that run on your computer.A document stored on your computer.Produces a paper copy of your documents.A touchscreen device larger than a phone.Electronic way to send letters and messages....

Problem Solving & Critical Thinking 2024-02-09

Problem Solving & Critical Thinking crossword puzzle
  1. A document stored on your computer.
  2. To send data from your device to the internet.
  3. A touchscreen device larger than a phone.
  4. Displays the information from your computer.
  5. A secret word or phrase that protects your accounts.
  6. Produces a paper copy of your documents.
  7. Electronic way to send letters and messages.
  8. Malicious software that can harm your computer.
  9. Clickable text or image that takes you to another webpage.
  1. Wireless internet connection.
  2. Used to organize files.
  3. Programs that run on your computer.
  4. A port for connecting devices to your computer.
  5. To save something from the internet to your device.
  6. The physical parts of a computer.
  7. Software to surf the internet.
  8. The global network connecting millions of computers.
  9. A portable computer.

18 Clues: A portable computer.Used to organize files.Wireless internet connection.Software to surf the internet.The physical parts of a computer.A document stored on your computer.Programs that run on your computer.Produces a paper copy of your documents.A touchscreen device larger than a phone.Displays the information from your computer....

Computer Science 2020-11-16

Computer Science crossword puzzle
  1. A basic unit of information in computing and digital communications
  2. It's an electronic device used to make holes
  3. It is intelligence demonstrated by machines
  4. A service that makes website accessible via the World Wide Web
  5. It's an organized collection of data
  6. A computer expert with advanced technical knowledge
  7. Physical parts of a computer
  8. A computer program that converses in natural language
  9. A hand-held pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface
  10. User who has all permissions on the system
  11. It's a system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs
  12. It's firmware used to perform hardware initialization during the booting process and to provide runtime services for operating systems and programs
  13. It's the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines
  14. A program that transforms source code into object code
  15. It is a family of computer networking technologies commonly used in local area networks (LAN), metropolitan area networks and wide area networks
  16. A method of exchanging messages between people using electronic devices
  17. A software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development
  18. It's the global system of interconnected computer networks
  1. A peripheral device which makes a persistent representation of graphics or text, usually on paper
  2. An object that has been intentionally placed into orbit
  3. A system used for reporting and data analysis, and is considered a core component of business intelligence
  4. A communication endpoint in computer networking
  5. An end-point in a communication across a network or the Internet
  6. A computer program used to prevent, detect, and remove malware
  7. It's a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft,It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language
  8. A small, portable personal computer
  9. A common means for unrelated objects to communicate with each other
  10. It's cause a malfunction in a computer program
  11. You can have light with it
  12. A piece of computer hardware or software that provides functionality for other programs or devices
  13. It is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system
  14. A set of instructions that describes how to perform a specific task to a computer

32 Clues: You can have light with itPhysical parts of a computerA small, portable personal computerIt's an organized collection of dataUser who has all permissions on the systemIt is intelligence demonstrated by machinesIt's an electronic device used to make holesIt's cause a malfunction in a computer programA communication endpoint in computer networking...

Basic Computer Vocabulary 2024-05-10

Basic Computer Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. bullying or harassment that takes place over digital devices and platforms, such as social media, messaging apps, or online forums.
  2. a website or software tool that helps users find information on the internet by searching for keywords or phrases, like Google or Bing.
  3. an input device used to move a cursor on a computer screen and interact with graphical user interfaces by clicking or dragging.
  4. software that manages computer hardware and provides a user interface for interacting with the computer, such as Windows, macOS, or Linux.
  5. a secret combination of characters used to access a computer system, email account, or online service, ensuring security and privacy.
  6. a machine that processes information according to instructions given to it.
  7. the process of transferring files or data from a remote computer or server to your own computer or device.
  8. a wireless networking technology that allows devices to connect to the internet and communicate with each other without using cables.
  1. a copy of files or data stored in a separate location from the original, used to restore data in case of loss, damage, or corruption.
  2. a collection of web pages stored on a server and accessible via the internet, often containing text, images, videos, and links.
  3. the physical components of a computer system that you can touch and see, like the monitor, keyboard, and CPU.
  4. malicious software that can infect a computer and cause harm, such as deleting files, stealing personal information, or damaging the system.
  5. a global network that connects millions of computers worldwide, allowing people to share information and communicate.
  6. programs and applications that tell the computer what to do.
  7. an input device used to type letters, numbers, and symbols into a computer or device.
  8. websites and applications that allow users to create and share content, connect with friends, and interact with others online, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  9. a software application used to access and view websites on the internet, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
  10. a collection of data or information stored on a computer, such as a document, photo, video, or music file.
  11. the process of transferring files or data from your own computer or device to a remote computer or server.
  12. electronic mail sent over the internet, allowing people to send messages, documents, and files to each other.

20 Clues: programs and applications that tell the computer what to do.a machine that processes information according to instructions given to input device used to type letters, numbers, and symbols into a computer or device.a collection of data or information stored on a computer, such as a document, photo, video, or music file....

Computer Words for ESL 2021-12-06

Computer Words for ESL crossword puzzle
  1. Frequently Asked Questions
  2. As Soon As Possible
  3. Click to answer an email to one person
  4. Keep what you have created as a file
  5. A small computer that you can use on your lap
  6. For Your Information
  7. Erase something typed; also use Backspace button
  8. Hugs and Kisses
  1. Save your files in another place
  2. The part of the computer you view; AKA monitor
  3. Small device to make the computer do what you want
  4. Mystery place where computer communicate
  5. Large computer that is not moved easily; PC
  6. Best friends forever
  7. Good Luck
  8. What you see on your screen when you open computer
  9. Press the key on the keyboard, click means press
  10. Thanks
  11. Rolling on the floor laughing

19 Clues: ThanksGood LuckHugs and KissesAs Soon As PossibleBest friends foreverFor Your InformationFrequently Asked QuestionsRolling on the floor laughingSave your files in another placeKeep what you have created as a fileClick to answer an email to one personMystery place where computer communicateLarge computer that is not moved easily; PC...

Explora Vision - Computer Science 2022-11-02

Explora Vision - Computer Science crossword puzzle
  1. Device required for internet connection
  2. First Super Computer designed in India
  3. One of the first Word Processors
  4. First Page of a Website
  5. Computer on a network that requests files from another computer
  6. Computer Abbreviation used for Database.
  7. The first graphical browser for the www
  1. People who break into other people's computers
  2. The computer cannot boot without this software
  3. Acronym for World Wide Web
  4. A visible screen of a computer
  5. Main Circuit Board of a computer system
  6. Number System used by computer to calculate and store data
  7. Computer Program that converts Assembly Language to Machine Language
  8. Language to create Website

15 Clues: First Page of a WebsiteAcronym for World Wide WebLanguage to create WebsiteA visible screen of a computerOne of the first Word ProcessorsFirst Super Computer designed in IndiaDevice required for internet connectionMain Circuit Board of a computer systemThe first graphical browser for the wwwComputer Abbreviation used for Database....


INTRODUCTION TO IT crossword puzzle
  1. Invented LCD.
  2. Computers that we use for our daily routine.
  3. Fifth generation.
  4. Is in a form of wooden strips or bones with numbers engraved to each strip or bones. This device used to multiply, divide, get the square roots and cube roots.
  5. To record US census.
  6. Code and dots used to communicate long distances.
  7. Wooden framed device, which consists of rods and beads.
  8. Notebook.
  9. Computer that place on top of desk.
  10. Fastest computers in the world. Computers of this type can process a million data per second.
  1. Fourth generation.
  2. Like laptop but smaller.
  3. First generation computer.
  4. First designed mechanical computer.
  5. Invented the slide rule.
  6. Father of computer.
  7. Designed to calculate complex mathematical formula.
  8. Example of storage device.
  9. Used primarily by corporate and governmental organization.
  10. Operated by holding with one or both hands.
  11. Recording medium to store what has been calculated using holes that are punched through the cards.
  12. Third generation of computer.
  13. Mechanical that adds up number figures.
  14. Raw facts.
  15. It's "general purpose" device because it can perform various tasks other just computing.
  16. Tangible parts of computer.
  17. Second generation of computer.

27 Clues: Notebook.Raw facts.Invented LCD.Fifth generation.Fourth generation.Father of computer.To record US census.Like laptop but smaller.Invented the slide rule.First generation computer.Example of storage device.Tangible parts of computer.Third generation of computer.Second generation of computer.First designed mechanical computer....

Chapter 1 Crossword 2016-01-13

Chapter 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Collaborative website that allows users to create/modify content via browsers
  2. A hard copy
  3. Small speakers that rest inside each ear canal
  4. device Any hardware component that conveys information from a computer to a user
  5. Anyone who interacts with a computer or mobile device
  6. Internet-capable phone that includes many apps
  7. Recorded media that users can download
  8. book Electronic version of a printed book
  9. Electronic document on the web
  10. Lightweight mobile computer with a screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base
  1. Light-sensing device that converts printed text into a form a computer can process
  2. Thin, light weight computer that has a touch screen
  3. Computer dedicated to providing one or more services to other computers
  4. Worldwide collection of computer networks
  5. message Short video clip sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  6. Pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand
  7. message Photo or image sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  8. flash drive Portable flash memory storage device that you plug into a USB port
  9. Programs designed to make users more productive, or assist them with tasks
  10. computing Involves reducing electricity and waste generated when using a computer

20 Clues: A hard copyElectronic document on the webRecorded media that users can downloadWorldwide collection of computer networksbook Electronic version of a printed bookSmall speakers that rest inside each ear canalInternet-capable phone that includes many appsThin, light weight computer that has a touch screen...

Quiz3 2018-02-15

Quiz3 crossword puzzle
  1. External networks or devices are connected to the computer using _________.
  2. Which electronic components are used in First Generation Computers
  3. An external hardware device responsible for taking computer data and generating a hard copy of that data
  4. What is part of a database that holds only one type of information?
  5. A hardware device that enables a computer to transmit and receive information over telephone lines
  6. Output device that play sounds saved as digital files
  7. A set of keys, as on a computer terminal, word processor, typewriter.
  8. Devices like printer, keyboard, mouse, external hard disk and thumbdrives are connected to the computer using ___________.
  9. A hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad
  1. Hard disks may be internal or __________.
  2. Second Generation Computer are made of
  3. COBOL is widely used in applications
  4. Universal Serial Bus
  5. It is used to read and store data.
  6. Disk operating system
  7. IC chips of a computer are usually made of
  8. What is not always necessary for accessing the Web?
  9. Unstructured SQL
  10. Powerful tool used to create and format databases.
  11. Android 1.5

20 Clues: Android 1.5Unstructured SQLUniversal Serial BusDisk operating systemIt is used to read and store data.COBOL is widely used in applicationsSecond Generation Computer are made ofHard disks may be internal or __________.IC chips of a computer are usually made ofPowerful tool used to create and format databases....

Computer vocabulary 2014-02-10

Computer vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a store away for a web site
  2. the working surface of a desk
  3. a unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network
  4. high capacity storage device
  5. a computer system performs after electrical power to the CPU is switched on or when the computer is reset
  6. are small files that websites put on your computer hard disk drive when you first visit.
  7. the software that supports a computer's basic functions, such as scheduling tasks, executing applications, and controlling peripherals
  8. Once data has been written onto a ROM chip, it cannot be removed and can only be read
  9. An Internet service provider (ISP), also called telephone companies or other telecommunication providers
  10. a group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated on as a unit.
  11. Tools and machinery.
  12. an arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines.
  13. a coding system using the binary digits 0 and 1 to represent a letter, digit, or other character in a computer or other electronic device
  14. a pre selected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer
  1. the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer
  2. a peripheral device
  3. port the cables, connectors and communications protocols used in a bus for connection
  4. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network
  5. a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange
  6. a program with a graphical user interface for displaying HTML files, used to navigate the World Wide Web.
  7. a computer or computer program that manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network.
  8. source denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified
  9. the programs and other operating information used by a computer
  10. A printing circuit board
  11. set of computer instructions in firmware that control input and output operations.
  12. is the fundamental network identification for any resource connected to the web
  13. The brain of the computer
  14. is an acronym for random access memory, a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly
  15. a desktop computer or workstation that is capable of obtaining information and applications from a server.

29 Clues: a peripheral deviceTools and machinery.A printing circuit boardThe brain of the computera store away for a web sitehigh capacity storage devicethe working surface of a deskan arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines.the programs and other operating information used by a computer...

Windows Concepts 2011-12-08

Windows Concepts crossword puzzle
  1. A thin computer primarily used to read electronic books, view videos and access the internet, it does not have an external keyboard or mouse
  2. A device that transfers the content on a piece of paper into the memory of a computer
  3. The main circuit board of the computer on which processing tasks occur
  4. A printer that sprays ink onto a paper and that produces out put that quality compares to the laser printer
  5. a small, light weight computer designed for portability
  6. A silicon chip located on the motherboard that is responsible for executing instructions for processing right now
  7. A computer designed for portability that includes the capability of recognizing ordinary handwriting on the screen
  8. A printer that produces high quality output quickly and efficiently by transferring a temporary laser image onto paper with a toner
  9. A personal Computer designed to fit compactly on a desk
  10. The largest and fastest type of computer, used by large corporations and government agencies for processing a tremendious volume of data
  11. A light weight monitor that takes up very little room on the desktop and uses LCD technology to create the image on the screen
  12. A magnetic storage device that contains several magnetic oxide-covered metal platters that are usually sealed in a case inside the computer
  13. The most frequently used input device; consists of three major parts: main keyboard, key pads, function keys
  1. A removable circuit board that is inverted into a slot on the motherboard that expands the capabilities of the motherboard
  2. a device that lets you interact with your computer by controlling the movement of the mouse pointer on your computer screen
  3. A computer used by larger businesses and government agencies that provides centralized storage processing management for large amounts of data
  4. The interface between a cable and a controller cable
  5. A removable storage device for folders and files that you plug into a USB port on your computer
  6. plastic enclosed wires that attach a device to a computer port
  7. A phone that you can go on the internet and access emails
  8. A handheld computer that is used primarily to play and store music but that also can be used to watch digital movies and TV shows, listen to FM radio, access email and internet

21 Clues: The interface between a cable and a controller cablea small, light weight computer designed for portabilityA personal Computer designed to fit compactly on a deskA phone that you can go on the internet and access emailsplastic enclosed wires that attach a device to a computer port...

computer vocabulary 2014-02-04

computer vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. computing- Internet-based computing in which large groups of remote servers are networked so as to allow sharing of data-prossessing tasks.
  2. the central prossessing unit, the key component of a computer system.
  3. a work station on a network that gain access to central data files.
  4. ajacent bits, usually eight, prosessed by a computer as a unit.
  5. a software program that allows the user to find and read encoded documents in a form suitable for display.
  6. domain name system
  7. the primary display screen of a graphical user interface.
  8. code- a system of representing letters, numbers, or other charactors, using binary notation.
  9. a vast computer network linking smaller computer networks world wide.
  10. a rigid, slotted board on which other boards that contain the circuitry of a computer.
  11. Uniform resorce locater; a protocal for specifiying adresses on the internet.
  12. address- a code that identifies a computer network or a particular computer or other devise of a network.
  13. computer firmware that directs many basic functions of the operating system, as booting and keyboard control.
  14. random access memory
  1. is a component that transparently stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster.
  2. a message, or segment of data, containing information about a user, sent by a web serverto a browser and sent back to the server each time the browser requests a Web page.
  3. port- universal serial bus; an external serial bus interface standard for connecting a peripheral devises for a computer.
  4. drive- a disk drive containing a hard disk.
  5. Electrical devises comprising a computer system, as the CPU, disk drives, keyboard or screen.
  6. a computer that makes services, as access to data files, programs, and peripheral devices.
  7. Internet Service Provider; a company that offers access to the Internet and to e-mail, usually for amonthly fee.
  8. source- pertaining to or denoting whose source code is availible free of charge to the public to use.
  9. a devise or unit that operates separately from the CPU but is not connected to it.
  10. the programs used to direct operation of a computer.
  11. system- a collection of software that directs a computer’s operations.
  12. failure to act; inaction or neglect.
  13. computer memory in which program instructions, operating procedures, or other data are permently stored.
  14. an act or instance of starting a computer.

28 Clues: domain name systemrandom access memoryfailure to act; inaction or act or instance of starting a a disk drive containing a hard disk.the programs used to direct operation of a computer.the primary display screen of a graphical user interface.ajacent bits, usually eight, prosessed by a computer as a unit....

ICT en veilig online - test 2017-01-15

ICT en veilig online - test crossword puzzle
  1. Een camera die aan met je computer is verbonden en die beelden via het internet kan versturen
  2. je toegangsticket of een soort abonnement voor een netwerk of voor het internet
  3. Apparaat dat een soort foto maakt van je document. Deze foto kan je dan in je computer opslaan en bewerken
  4. universele stekker waarmee je je computer kan verbinden met andere apparaten
  5. al de computerprogramma’s die zorgen dat je computer werkt en dat je met je computer taken kan uitvoeren
  6. de verzameling van je persoonlijke gegevens op je account
  7. Als jongeren met elkaar chatten gebruiken ze vaak letterwoorden of afkortingen. Je krijgt dan gekke woorden die bestaan uit de beginletters van andere woorden (bijvoorbeeld : LY , BFF , YOLO, …)
  8. informatie van het internet naar je eigen computer laten komen
  9. spelletjes
  10. computer in een soort kast of doos met een los beeldscherm
  11. het internetadres van een webpagina
  12. Je mag niet zomaar alles doen of zeggen op het internet. Je moet je gedragen en respect tonen voor anderen. Ook op het internet gelden er regeltjes voor goed fatsoen!
  13. verbonden met het internet
  1. niet verbonden met het internet
  2. een draagbare computer. het beeldscherm hangt vast aan de computer.
  3. world wide web of het wereldwijde web
  4. een soort elektronische brievenbus
  5. een plekje op het internet
  6. Alle delen van je computer en van de apparaten die aan je computer hangen, die je kan vastnemen. Bijvoorbeeld : het klavier, de printer, de muis, het beeldscherm,…
  7. Computers worden met elkaar verbonden. Dit heet een netwerk. Deze computernetwerken kunnen over gans de wereld ook met elkaar worden verbonden. Dit is dan ‘het netwerk van de netwerken’.
  8. het beeld dat je ziet als je je computer hebt opgestart
  9. Als jongeren met elkaar chatten gebruiken ze vaak gezichtjes of een groepje van tekens die een gezichtje vormen. Het is de bedoeling om een emotie weer te geven. Om de tekens goed te kunnen zien moet je je hoofd een beetje draaien. (bijvoorbeeld : een smiley )
  10. niet gevraagde of niet gewenste mail
  11. pesten via het internet
  12. een gesprekje voeren via de computer waarbij je tekstjes typt die door de andere bijna meteen gelezen kunnen worden.
  13. post via de computer

26 Clues: spelletjespost via de computerpesten via het interneteen plekje op het internetverbonden met het internetniet verbonden met het interneteen soort elektronische brievenbushet internetadres van een webpaginaniet gevraagde of niet gewenste mailworld wide web of het wereldwijde webhet beeld dat je ziet als je je computer hebt opgestart...

Computer Science 2020-11-16

Computer Science crossword puzzle
  1. A basic unit of information in computing and digital communications
  2. It's an electronic device used to make holes
  3. It is intelligence demonstrated by machines
  4. A service that makes website accessible via the World Wide Web
  5. It's an organized collection of data
  6. A computer expert with advanced technical knowledge
  7. Physical parts of a computer
  8. A computer program that converses in natural language
  9. A hand-held pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface
  10. User who has all permissions on the system
  11. It's a system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs
  12. It's firmware used to perform hardware initialization during the booting process and to provide runtime services for operating systems and programs
  13. It's the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines
  14. A program that transforms source code into object code
  15. It is a family of computer networking technologies commonly used in local area networks (LAN), metropolitan area networks and wide area networks
  16. A method of exchanging messages between people using electronic devices
  17. A software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development
  18. Tt's the global system of interconnected computer networks
  1. A peripheral device which makes a persistent representation of graphics or text, usually on paper
  2. An object that has been intentionally placed into orbit
  3. A system used for reporting and data analysis, and is considered a core component of business intelligence
  4. A communication endpoint in computer networking
  5. An end-point in a communication across a network or the Internet
  6. A computer program used to prevent, detect, and remove malware
  7. It's a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft,It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language
  8. A small, portable personal computer
  9. A common means for unrelated objects to communicate with each other
  10. It's cause a malfunction in a computer program
  11. You can have light with it
  12. A piece of computer hardware or software that provides functionality for other programs or devices
  13. It is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system
  14. A set of instructions that describes how to perform a specific task to a computer

32 Clues: You can have light with itPhysical parts of a computerA small, portable personal computerIt's an organized collection of dataUser who has all permissions on the systemIt is intelligence demonstrated by machinesIt's an electronic device used to make holesIt's cause a malfunction in a computer programA communication endpoint in computer networking...

Technology: Past, Present, & Future 2022-09-16

Technology: Past, Present, & Future crossword puzzle
  1. use of keyboard keys to portray emotions
  2. network of nontraditional computing devices connected to the internet which communicate with each other to collect and share data
  3. computer meant to be used by one person
  4. internal storage device
  5. paper cards containing computer instructions or data inserted into the computer
  6. network of computers which linked computers at universities and research centers together
  7. flying machine operated remotely with an installed camera, also called unmanned aerial vehicles or UVAs
  8. set of instructions or computer program which operate on the computer to carry out specific tasks
  9. ever-changing development of knowledge to solve practical problems
  10. technology worn on the body to monitor movement
  11. use of a global network of servers allowing access to stored data through the internet anywhere, anytime
  12. integrated circuit able to process or contain information
  13. bar code containing instant information
  14. computer default associated with calendars changing from the 1900s to the 2000s
  15. global network or connection of computers
  16. software that carries out specific tasks of the user and runs in the foreground
  17. web pages which are viewed on the internet also called the web
  1. set of codes or language used to display web pages on the world wide web
  2. chip which processes all instructions of the computer
  3. small graphic or icon used to express emotion
  4. small device used to control the flow of electronic currents
  5. set of instructions or computer software which operate on the computer to carry out specific tasks
  6. computer-generated environment
  7. complex machine which operates according to provided instructions to find solutions to scientific or technological issues
  8. set of instructions used to create computer programs or software
  9. technology used to match facial features used to verify identification
  10. data storage device known by many different names, such as memory stick,thumb drive, jump drive and pen drive using a USB connection
  11. internet service which provides access to the internet
  12. interactive web sites or applications used for sharing content and
  13. internet service which allows the computer user to search the internet
  14. records or blocks of digital transactions linked together to form a list or chain on the internet to verify the transaction
  15. ability of a computer to make human-like decisions and perform human tasks

32 Clues: internal storage devicecomputer-generated environmentcomputer meant to be used by one personbar code containing instant informationuse of keyboard keys to portray emotionsglobal network or connection of computerssmall graphic or icon used to express emotiontechnology worn on the body to monitor movement...

Computer Vocabulary 2012-10-04

Computer Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Code A system showing Letters, numbers, or other characters.
  2. System It is all of the software that leads a computer’s operations
  3. A business that offers access to the internet and email.
  4. Electronic and metal devices on a computer.
  5. Is the system or program that holds things such as information
  6. An electronic that tells the computer to transfer your data.
  7. ROM is read-only memory it gives computer memory chips holding permanent or semi-permanent information.
  8. A small space to fit computer programs.
  9. It is a computer
  10. Is a certain website like Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.
  11. it is a server that can give access to different things like Internet.
  12. A computer font that gives you choices to change what your words look like.
  1. The program that tells the computer to generate what you want it to do.
  2. A board that has all of the wires to connect to the computer.
  3. Uniform Resource Locator it is a system for finding addresses on the internet
  4. A peripheral object that except information.
  5. RAM is random access memory which gives space for a computer to read and write information.
  6. Giving or returning information to a Peripheral
  7. Internet Protocol address it is a number code that finds all computers that are hooked to the internet.
  8. It is the pattern of bits used to show a certain letter, number, or important character.

20 Clues: It is a computerA small space to fit computer programs.Electronic and metal devices on a computer.A peripheral object that except information.Giving or returning information to a PeripheralA business that offers access to the internet and email.Code A system showing Letters, numbers, or other characters....

Cyber safety 2016-05-24

Cyber safety crossword puzzle
  1. opossed to dellayed as with email
  2. a program, or a set of instructions , that (15
  3. for information on the computer
  4. any internet-realated illegal activity (8
  5. advertising on your computer
  6. Pages the site that is the starting point (19
  7. parents to manage online
  8. a location online that allows multiple users(4
  9. control specific features or software that (14
  10. to copy a file from one computer system (6
  11. email an electronic mail message sent from one (9
  12. time when something is happening at that moment(20
  13. tag the nickname a user has chosen to be (11
  14. competers and prevent online crime
  15. a computer
  16. to send information from your own computer to (17
  17. by Microsofts internet explorer browser
  18. a method of sending short messages (16
  1. or mobile device to another computer or mobile
  2. communicate electronically with each other in real
  3. harass another person online.
  4. a word or number that allows access (13
  5. methods individual to track,lure (1
  6. by when playing internet games
  7. computer
  8. the name for bookmarks (see above) (10
  9. device).
  10. form malicious code that displays (3
  11. security any technique,software,etc,yoused to (5
  12. hostile ,strongly worded message that may (2
  13. obscene language
  14. on a computer
  15. a description of you in photos or words (7
  16. another via the internet (usually your computer or a

34 Clues: computerdevice).a computeron a computerobscene languageparents to manage onlineadvertising on your computerharass another person when playing internet gamesfor information on the computeropossed to dellayed as with emailcompeters and prevent online crimemethods individual to track,lure (1form malicious code that displays (3...

Computing Systems A 2023-12-04

Computing Systems  A crossword puzzle
  1. Wi-Fi is mainly used by home and public networks to access the Internet.
  2. software that is embedded in hardware
  3. computer programs and games
  4. _____enable a peripheral and computer to "talk" to each other.
  5. Random access memory is the ____ storage for your computer.
  6. a machine that stores and processes data
  7. the fraudulent practice of sending emails or other messages purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information
  8. A computer ____is security software that protects your computer from hackers.
  9. any invention, including tools, machines, techniques, and sources of power
  10. The physical components of a computer are called _____.
  11. local access network
  1. incomplete email
  2. _____is using simple problem solving techniques to solve a problem.
  3. a file sent along with an email
  4. wide area network
  5. A file ____tells the computer what type of program to open.
  6. What does the B in Bcc mean?
  7. A device that transmits digital data over analog utility lines and links with an Internet Service Provider.
  8. provides a particular service and manages resources
  9. A group of computers that share resources is called a ____.
  10. helps a computer find other computers on the network
  11. includes input devices and output devices
  12. When looking on the Internet for a solution to a problem, you should look for ____ sources.
  13. image file
  14. group of computers that can share resources and information

25 Clues: image fileincomplete emailwide area networklocal access networkcomputer programs and gamesWhat does the B in Bcc mean?a file sent along with an emailsoftware that is embedded in hardwarea machine that stores and processes dataincludes input devices and output devicesprovides a particular service and manages resources...

"Computers" 2024-11-22

"Computers" crossword puzzle
  1. A unit of digital information that consists of 8 bits
  2. The process of converting data into a coded form to prevent unauthorized access
  3. The physical components of a computer, such as the CPU and motherboard
  4. A structured collection of data stored in a computer
  5. A system of servers used for storing and accessing data over the Internet
  6. The central unit in a computer that performs calculations and tasks
  7. A screen that displays the output of a computer
  8. A machine that performs calculations and processes data
  9. A computer or program that provides data and services to other computers
  1. A global network connecting millions of private and public networks
  2. A temporary storage area for frequently accessed data
  3. An input device with keys used to type characters and commands into a computer
  4. A secret word or phrase used for security to access devices or accounts
  5. Programs and operating systems used by a computer
  6. A device used to interact with a computer by clicking, dragging, and selecting items
  7. A set of rules or instructions for solving a problem or performing a task
  8. The process of converting information into a code for communication or storage
  9. A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to a network
  10. A group of computers and devices connected to share data and resources
  11. A device that directs data traffic between networks

20 Clues: A screen that displays the output of a computerPrograms and operating systems used by a computerA device that directs data traffic between networksA structured collection of data stored in a computerA unit of digital information that consists of 8 bitsA temporary storage area for frequently accessed data...

Computer Science 2020-11-16

Computer Science crossword puzzle
  1. A basic unit of information in computing and digital communications
  2. It's an electronic device used to make holes
  3. It is intelligence demonstrated by machines
  4. A service that makes website accessible via the World Wide Web
  5. It's an organized collection of data
  6. A computer expert with advanced technical knowledge
  7. Physical parts of a computer
  8. A computer program that converses in natural language
  9. A hand-held pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface
  10. User who has all permissions on the system
  11. It's a system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs
  12. It's firmware used to perform hardware initialization during the booting process and to provide runtime services for operating systems and programs
  13. It's the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines
  14. A program that transforms source code into object code
  15. It is a family of computer networking technologies commonly used in local area networks (LAN), metropolitan area networks and wide area networks
  16. A method of exchanging messages between people using electronic devices
  17. A software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development
  18. Tt's the global system of interconnected computer networks
  1. A peripheral device which makes a persistent representation of graphics or text, usually on paper
  2. An object that has been intentionally placed into orbit
  3. A system used for reporting and data analysis, and is considered a core component of business intelligence
  4. A communication endpoint in computer networking
  5. An end-point in a communication across a network or the Internet
  6. A computer program used to prevent, detect, and remove malware
  7. It's a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft,It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language
  8. A small, portable personal computer
  9. A common means for unrelated objects to communicate with each other
  10. It's cause a malfunction in a computer program
  11. You can have light with it
  12. A piece of computer hardware or software that provides functionality for other programs or devices
  13. It is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system
  14. A set of instructions that describes how to perform a specific task to a computer

32 Clues: You can have light with itPhysical parts of a computerA small, portable personal computerIt's an organized collection of dataUser who has all permissions on the systemIt is intelligence demonstrated by machinesIt's an electronic device used to make holesIt's cause a malfunction in a computer programA communication endpoint in computer networking...

icf 2014-10-06

icf crossword puzzle
  1. /this item allow you to open application
  2. /computer can store a vast amount
  3. /this is whre file permanently stored
  4. /it comes with a case
  5. /it is the greyed-out items
  6. /represent the created documents
  7. /contains a set of icon
  8. /is a list of option
  9. /to click it twice for a quick secession
  10. /output
  11. /this is the brain of your computer
  12. /computer can process data in relatively
  13. /to click the right mouse button
  14. /computer process using ptepared instraction
  15. /this device which operates like a tv set
  16. /it controls the interface of your system to your harddrive
  17. /represent the program
  18. /computer can take series institution
  19. /begginers user in using computer
  20. /this is were the core componets of your computer reside
  21. /to release the mouse button
  1. /advence begginers in using computer
  2. /the symbol following an item
  3. /a keyboard cpmboination
  4. /this is normally a read only drive
  5. /it represet the contents of your computer
  6. /it is a electric device
  7. /this is where the user enters text commands
  8. /to move the mouse pointer
  9. /the left edge button of the taskbar
  10. /computer can work in a repetitive manners without being exhuasted
  11. /a folder that provides you with convinient place to store documents
  12. /this icon displays other computers connected to your computer
  13. /to point the mouse pointer at the object you want to selsct
  14. /a point and click interface for entering commands
  15. /located at the right edge of the taskbar
  16. /it made up of electronic component and it is powered by electricty
  17. /these are small grapical symbol
  18. /extended experience in the application of computer operations
  19. /to press and hold down a button while moving
  20. /it contains the start button of the taskbar
  21. /its is a small disk storage
  22. /it need human intervention for the computer to work
  23. /this cascade menu serve as a program manager
  24. /input
  25. /its is a checkmark
  26. /it is place in which deleted objects
  27. /the ram of your system is found in motherboard
  28. /_ is the blank rectangular area of the screen

49 Clues: /input/output/its is a checkmark/is a list of option/it comes with a case/represent the program/contains a set of icon/a keyboard cpmboination/it is a electric device/to move the mouse pointer/it is the greyed-out items/its is a small disk storage/to release the mouse button/the symbol following an item/represent the created documents...

Intro Bus - 1.2 - What is Computer Hardware? 2022-08-31

Intro Bus - 1.2 - What is Computer Hardware? crossword puzzle
  1. a connector through which information transfers in or out of the computer system one bit at a time
  2. a transmission via radio waves
  3. online storage offered on various Web sites
  4. a standard that allows communication between devices, such as between a flash drive and a computer
  5. a set of parallel interface standards used for connecting and transferring data between a computer and peripheral devices
  6. wireless technology that uses radio signals over a distance up to 300 feet to connect devices to the interent
  7. a connection created by using physical media
  8. hardware used to store data and instructions while the computer is working
  9. a plug used for connecting a device to a computer port
  10. an insulated board on which microchips and other components are mounted or etched
  11. a standard for connecting video devices such as monitors, televisions, and projects to a video adapter card in a computer
  12. device that interprets computer program instructions and processes data; the brains of the computer
  1. a digital cable standard for audio and video transmission
  2. One of the earlier wireless technologies that allowed computers to exchange data. It uses infrared radiation to transmit data.
  3. a networking technology used for local area networks
  4. removable storage device used in mobile devices and digital cameras
  5. to send data from a client computer to a server computer through a network or internet connection
  6. a connector for a device that sends or receives several bits of data simultaneously by using more than one wire
  7. 1000 gigabytes
  8. storage that is wiped clean when power is cut off from a device
  9. a hardware component installed for use with a computer system
  10. a path between two or more points along which an electrical current can be carried
  11. wireless technology that uses radio signals to allow communication between devices over short distances (no more than 30 feet)
  12. a video display interface used to connect a video source to a display device
  13. the physical parts of a computer
  14. a hardware device that is separate from the computer case but can be connected to it
  15. a storage device that uses laser beams to read the information stored on the reflective surface of a disck
  16. a connection between a computer and a device

28 Clues: 1000 gigabytesa transmission via radio wavesthe physical parts of a computeronline storage offered on various Web sitesa connection created by using physical mediaa connection between a computer and a devicea networking technology used for local area networksa plug used for connecting a device to a computer port...

Technology: Past, Present, & Future 2022-09-19

Technology: Past, Present, & Future crossword puzzle
  1. small device used to control the flow of electronic currents
  2. paper cards containing computer instructions or data inserted into the computer
  3. chip which processes all instructions of the computer
  4. records or blocks of digital transactions linked together to form a list or chain on the internet to verify the transaction
  5. software that carries out specific tasks of the user and runs in the foreground
  6. data storage device known by many different names, such as memory stick,thumb drive, jump drive and pen drive using a USB connection
  7. internal storage device
  8. computer-generated environment
  9. technology worn on the body to monitor movement
  10. computer meant to be used by one person
  11. interactive web sites or applications used for sharing content and
  12. set of instructions used to create computer programs or software
  13. ever-changing development of knowledge to solve practical problems
  14. flying machine operated remotely with an installed camera, also called unmanned aerial vehicles or UVAs
  15. bar code containing instant information
  16. internet service which provides access to the internet
  17. computer default associated with calendars changing from the 1900s to the 2000s
  18. use of keyboard keys to portray emotions
  19. global network or connection of computers
  20. integrated circuit able to process or contain information
  1. internet service which allows the computer user to search the internet
  2. set of instructions or computer program which operate on the computer to carry out specific tasks
  3. technology used to match facial features used to verify identification
  4. network of nontraditional computing devices connected to the internet which communicate with each other to collect and share data
  5. set of codes or language used to display web pages on the world wide web
  6. network of computers which linked computers at universities and research centers together
  7. use of a global network of servers allowing access to stored data through the internet anywhere, anytime
  8. small graphic or icon used to express emotion
  9. ability of a computer to make human-like decisions and perform human tasks
  10. complex machine which operates according to provided instructions to find solutions to scientific or technological issues
  11. web pages which are viewed on the internet also called the web
  12. set of instructions or computer software which operate on the computer to carry out specific tasks

32 Clues: internal storage devicecomputer-generated environmentcomputer meant to be used by one personbar code containing instant informationuse of keyboard keys to portray emotionsglobal network or connection of computerssmall graphic or icon used to express emotiontechnology worn on the body to monitor movement...

Web Browser Terms 2016-12-12

Web Browser Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Google Web Browser
  2. Web Address
  3. Helps Organize and View Wikipedia
  4. connects computer to the Internet
  5. Apple Web Browser
  6. Captures Screenshots
  7. unique computer address
  8. Viewing web pages anonymously
  9. - download files from the Internet
  10. Wireless Internet Connection
  11. Saved websites to view later
  1. Microsoft Web Browser
  2. Internet Trail left for Marketing Purposes
  3. Find Key Words in a Web Page
  4. Send files to another computer across the Internet
  5. Helps Organize Passwords
  6. link to another web page
  7. Computer with only Chrome Web Browser installed
  8. software that is intended to damage or disable a computer
  9. Language of Web Pages

20 Clues: Web AddressApple Web BrowserGoogle Web BrowserCaptures ScreenshotsMicrosoft Web BrowserLanguage of Web Pagesunique computer addressHelps Organize Passwordslink to another web pageFind Key Words in a Web PageWireless Internet ConnectionSaved websites to view laterViewing web pages anonymouslyHelps Organize and View Wikipedia...

Computer Parts Crossword 2023-09-06

Computer Parts Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Moving a selected item across a screen
  2. pressing a computer mouse twice quickly
  3. encoded sequence of instructions
  4. easy links
  5. little arrow
  6. to load an operating system
  7. pressing a computer mouse
  8. a container in a computer system
  9. computer display area
  10. data arranged in rows and columns
  1. shows what windows are open
  2. when pressed with another key, performs a special operation
  3. a list
  4. used to display information in the form of a slideshow
  5. small graphic representation
  6. Bar can be scrolled using the mouse
  7. a storage space
  8. used to find something later
  9. allows multiple viewing areas
  10. a computer file

20 Clues: a listeasy linkslittle arrowa storage spacea computer filecomputer display areapressing a computer mouseshows what windows are opento load an operating systemsmall graphic representationused to find something laterallows multiple viewing areasencoded sequence of instructionsa container in a computer systemdata arranged in rows and columns...

Spelling Week 1 2024-07-13

Spelling Week 1 crossword puzzle
  1. – Something belongs to them
  2. – More than one person
  3. – near or close to
  4. – things we need to know
  5. – a different thing
  6. – papers or electronic papers
  7. – a person who teaches
  8. – something we use for learning
  9. – a person who learns
  1. – Something we drink or wash with
  2. – not the same
  3. – a small computer
  4. – we use to type/write on the computer
  5. – something you ask
  6. – something we use on the computer
  7. – a reason
  8. – To go in between
  9. – begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop
  10. – we use to click on the computer
  11. – a good thing to do

20 Clues: – a reason– not the same– a small computer– near or close to– To go in between– something you ask– a different thing– a good thing to do– a person who learns– More than one person– a person who teaches– things we need to know– Something belongs to them– papers or electronic papers– something we use for learning– Something we drink or wash with...

Chapter 1 Crossword 2016-01-13

Chapter 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. book Electronic version of a printed book
  2. Electronic document on the web
  3. Collaborative website that allows users to create/modify content via browsers
  4. message Photo or image sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  5. A hard copy
  6. Thin, light weight computer that has a touch screen
  7. Internet-capable phone that includes many apps
  8. device Any hardware component that conveys information from a computer to a user
  9. computing Involves reducing electricity and waste generated when using a computer
  10. Computer dedicated to providing one or more services to other computers
  1. Pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand
  2. Programs designed to make users more productive, or assist them with tasks
  3. Lightweight mobile computer with a screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base
  4. Worldwide collection of computer networks
  5. flash drive Portable flash memory storage device that you plug into a USB port
  6. message Short video clip sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  7. Light-sensing device that converts printed text into a form a computer can process
  8. Recorded media that users can download
  9. Small speakers that rest inside each ear canal
  10. Anyone who interacts with a computer or mobile device

20 Clues: A hard copyElectronic document on the webRecorded media that users can downloadbook Electronic version of a printed bookWorldwide collection of computer networksInternet-capable phone that includes many appsSmall speakers that rest inside each ear canalThin, light weight computer that has a touch screen...

Chapter 1 Crossword 2016-01-13

Chapter 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Collaborative website that allows users to create/modify content via browsers
  2. Small speakers that rest inside each ear canal
  3. message Short video clip sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  4. Internet-capable phone that includes many apps
  5. Recorded media that users can download
  6. computing Involves reducing electricity and waste generated when using a computer
  7. Worldwide collection of computer networks
  8. Pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand
  9. Thin, light weight computer that has a touch screen
  10. A hard copy
  11. Anyone who interacts with a computer or mobile device
  12. Lightweight mobile computer with a screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base
  1. Electronic document on the web
  2. Computer dedicated to providing one or more services to other computers
  3. Light-sensing device that converts printed text into a form a computer can process
  4. Programs designed to make users more productive, or assist them with tasks
  5. flash drive Portable flash memory storage device that you plug into a USB port
  6. book Electronic version of a printed book
  7. message Photo or image sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  8. device Any hardware component that conveys information from a computer to a user

20 Clues: A hard copyElectronic document on the webRecorded media that users can downloadWorldwide collection of computer networksbook Electronic version of a printed bookSmall speakers that rest inside each ear canalInternet-capable phone that includes many appsThin, light weight computer that has a touch screen...

Chapter 1 Crossword 2016-01-13

Chapter 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Collaborative website that allows users to create/modify content via browsers
  2. Computer dedicated to providing one or more services to other computers
  3. Light-sensing device that converts printed text into a form a computer can process
  4. device Any hardware component that conveys information from a computer to a user
  5. Internet-capable phone that includes many apps
  6. Worldwide collection of computer networks
  7. Lightweight mobile computer with a screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base
  8. book Electronic version of a printed book
  9. Recorded media that users can download
  10. Pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand
  11. Small speakers that rest inside each ear canal
  1. message Photo or image sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  2. A hard copy
  3. Anyone who interacts with a computer or mobile device
  4. Programs designed to make users more productive, or assist them with tasks
  5. message Short video clip sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  6. Thin, light weight computer that has a touch screen
  7. Electronic document on the web
  8. computing Involves reducing electricity and waste generated when using a computer
  9. flash drive Portable flash memory storage device that you plug into a USB port

20 Clues: A hard copyElectronic document on the webRecorded media that users can downloadWorldwide collection of computer networksbook Electronic version of a printed bookInternet-capable phone that includes many appsSmall speakers that rest inside each ear canalThin, light weight computer that has a touch screen...

Computer Vocabulary 2020-03-11

Computer Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Passive form of cooling
  2. Distributor of computer hardware
  3. a device that you connect to a home entertainment system
  4. a small device able to be connected to and used with a computer
  5. Provides input and output of audio signals to and from a computer under control of computer programs
  6. a unit of information equal to one million
  7. Provides additional features to a computer such as video, sound, advanced graphics, Ethernet or memory
  8. a hardware component that supplies power to an electrical device
  9. Central Processing unit
  1. The most essential parts of a computer system
  2. an abbreviation for Peripheral Component Interconnect
  3. Used to measure the transmission speed of electronic devices, including channels, buses and the computer's internal clock
  4. Self-contained storage device containing a read-write mechanism plus one or more hard disks, inside a sealed unit
  5. Random-access memory
  6. a unit of measurement for alternating current or electromagnetic
  7. One of the most common forms of network cable used on wired networks
  8. Generates a feed of output images to a display device
  9. Read-only memory
  10. Electronic device that connects a computer to a computer network
  11. a facility allowing computers, smartphones, or other devices to connect to the Internet

20 Clues: Read-only memoryRandom-access memoryPassive form of coolingCentral Processing unitDistributor of computer hardwarea unit of information equal to one millionThe most essential parts of a computer systeman abbreviation for Peripheral Component InterconnectGenerates a feed of output images to a display device...

Technology vocabulary 2023-12-15

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a secret word used to access a computer system
  2. engine a program that searches for information on the internet
  3. a portable computer with a touchscreen
  4. a mobile phone with more features
  5. a regularly updated website or webpage on a specific topic
  6. an input device with keys used to type
  7. wireless technology that allows devices to connect
  8. malicious software that replicates and spreads causing harm
  9. a global network connecting computers
  10. to make something current or bring up to date
  11. media online platforms to connect with others
  12. real-time communication between users over the internet
  1. a pointing device used to interact with a computer
  2. the physical components of a computer
  3. programs and application that run on a electronic device
  4. computer system that protect data, networks, etc.
  5. a software application used to access websites
  6. word short for the word 'application'
  7. to transfer data to your device
  8. to transfer data from the internet
  9. an electronic device that starts with a 'c'
  10. a collection of webpages available through internet
  11. to end a session on a website or computer
  12. electronic mail
  13. a unique name used to identify an individual on a computer

25 Clues: electronic mailto transfer data to your devicea mobile phone with more featuresto transfer data from the internetthe physical components of a computerword short for the word 'application'a global network connecting computersa portable computer with a touchscreenan input device with keys used to typeto end a session on a website or computer...

Computer Vocabulary 2020-03-11

Computer Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Passive form of cooling
  2. Distributor of computer hardware
  3. a device that you connect to a home entertainment system
  4. a small device able to be connected to and used with a computer
  5. Provides input and output of audio signals to and from a computer under control of computer programs
  6. a unit of information equal to one million
  7. Provides additional features to a computer such as video, sound, advanced graphics, Ethernet or memory
  8. a hardware component that supplies power to an electrical device
  9. Central Processing unit
  1. The most essential parts of a computer system
  2. an abbreviation for Peripheral Component Interconnect
  3. Used to measure the transmission speed of electronic devices, including channels, buses and the computer's internal clock
  4. Self-contained storage device containing a read-write mechanism plus one or more hard disks, inside a sealed unit
  5. Random-access memory
  6. a unit of measurement for alternating current or electromagnetic
  7. One of the most common forms of network cable used on wired networks
  8. Generates a feed of output images to a display device
  9. Read-only memory
  10. Electronic device that connects a computer to a computer network
  11. a facility allowing computers, smartphones, or other devices to connect to the Internet

20 Clues: Read-only memoryRandom-access memoryPassive form of coolingCentral Processing unitDistributor of computer hardwarea unit of information equal to one millionThe most essential parts of a computer systeman abbreviation for Peripheral Component InterconnectGenerates a feed of output images to a display device...

Computer Vocabulary 2020-03-11

Computer Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Random-access memory
  2. a facility allowing computers, smartphones, or other devices to connect to the Internet
  3. Provides additional features to a computer such as video, sound, advanced graphics, Ethernet or memory
  4. Passive form of cooling
  5. a unit of information equal to one million
  6. a unit of measurement for alternating current or electromagnetic
  7. Electronic device that connects a computer to a computer network
  8. Self-contained storage device containing a read-write mechanism plus one or more hard disks, inside a sealed unit
  9. a device that you connect to a home entertainment system
  1. a hardware component that supplies power to an electrical device
  2. an abbreviation for Peripheral Component Interconnect
  3. Generates a feed of output images to a display device
  4. a small device able to be connected to and used with a computer
  5. Provides input and output of audio signals to and from a computer under control of computer programs
  6. One of the most common forms of network cable used on wired networks
  7. Used to measure the transmission speed of electronic devices, including channels, buses and the computer's internal clock
  8. Distributor of computer hardware
  9. The most essential parts of a computer system
  10. Read-only memory
  11. Central Processing unit

20 Clues: Read-only memoryRandom-access memoryPassive form of coolingCentral Processing unitDistributor of computer hardwarea unit of information equal to one millionThe most essential parts of a computer systeman abbreviation for Peripheral Component InterconnectGenerates a feed of output images to a display device...

Chapter 1 Crossword 2016-01-13

Chapter 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Lightweight mobile computer with a screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base
  2. Light-sensing device that converts printed text into a form a computer can process
  3. Thin, light weight computer that has a touch screen
  4. Electronic document on the web
  5. Programs designed to make users more productive, or assist them with tasks
  6. A hard copy
  7. Small speakers that rest inside each ear canal
  8. message Short video clip sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  9. Pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand
  1. Recorded media that users can download
  2. device Any hardware component that conveys information from a computer to a user
  3. Anyone who interacts with a computer or mobile device
  4. flash drive Portable flash memory storage device that you plug into a USB port
  5. Worldwide collection of computer networks
  6. computing Involves reducing electricity and waste generated when using a computer
  7. Internet-capable phone that includes many apps
  8. message Photo or image sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  9. book Electronic version of a printed book
  10. Computer dedicated to providing one or more services to other computers
  11. Collaborative website that allows users to create/modify content via browsers

20 Clues: A hard copyElectronic document on the webRecorded media that users can downloadWorldwide collection of computer networksbook Electronic version of a printed bookInternet-capable phone that includes many appsSmall speakers that rest inside each ear canalThin, light weight computer that has a touch screen...

Information Technology 2024-07-01

Information Technology crossword puzzle
  1. A network standard that specifies no central computer
  2. The number of bytes a storage medium can hold
  3. A small program that tells the operating system how to communicate with specific device.
  4. A worldwide collection of network.
  5. A duplicate of a file placed on a separate storage medium.
  6. The fastest, most powerful computer
  7. Conveys meaning and is useful to people
  8. Process of setting up software to work with computer
  9. A programs consists of a series of related instructions
  10. An output device that produces text and graphic
  11. Someone who develops software.
  1. Case contains electronic components of computer
  2. A program placed on a computer without the user's knowledge
  3. Control access to the hardware, software and other resources on a network
  4. A process of converting readable data into unreadable character
  5. A private combination of characters associated
  6. An unsolicited e-mail message
  7. A scam in which a perpetrator sends an official looking e-mail message
  8. A large, expensive, powerful computer
  9. Collection of unprocessed items
  10. A utility that remove a program
  11. A potentially damaging computer program
  12. Collection of computer and devices connected together, often wisely
  13. Communication device that connect multiple computers

24 Clues: An unsolicited e-mail messageSomeone who develops software.Collection of unprocessed itemsA utility that remove a programA worldwide collection of network.The fastest, most powerful computerA large, expensive, powerful computerA potentially damaging computer programConveys meaning and is useful to peopleThe number of bytes a storage medium can hold...

Parts of a Computer 2023-01-05

Parts of a Computer crossword puzzle
  1. shortened name for the Central Processing Unit
  2. speakers are an example of this type of device
  3. the large thing in the computer everything plugs into
  4. the ends of wires that plug into everything are known as
  5. a type of slot on a motherboard that other cards plug into
  6. this displays the information from a computer visually
  7. a way to keep computers cool
  8. the programs/applications that tell the computer what to do
  9. a mechanical way to store information
  1. another way to keep parts in a computer cool
  2. power supply unit
  3. things that you plug into a computer, such as a printer
  4. this card handles how a computer communicates with other computers
  5. this card helps to display images and animations
  6. when a computer part is hardwired into the motherboard
  7. flash drives, hard drives and RAM are all examples of this
  8. the parts of a computer that you can touch and see
  9. a mouse is an example of this type of device
  10. this type of drive is out of date now, but can play dvds
  11. this is an abbreviation for a solid state drive
  12. temporary memory storage

21 Clues: power supply unittemporary memory storagea way to keep computers coola mechanical way to store informationanother way to keep parts in a computer coola mouse is an example of this type of deviceshortened name for the Central Processing Unitspeakers are an example of this type of devicethis is an abbreviation for a solid state drive...

Atticus' Crossword 2023-09-15

Atticus' Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an application for accessing websites
  2. a device that has many apps that people use in general
  3. Data storage
  4. a device that can be used for computer data
  5. small blocks of data created by a web server
  6. can convert information between analogue and digital formats
  7. to give credit for the original source of info
  8. a program that manages all the other application programs in a computer
  9. suitable for use at an ordinary desk.
  10. a security system that requires two separate, distinct forms of identification in order to access something
  11. a new way of storing files and other digital content
  1. an electronic device that manipulates information, or data
  2. output device that displays info in an image
  3. device to imput text into a computer
  4. wireless high-speed Internet access
  5. a common computing acronym
  6. A search engine is a web-based tool that enables users to locate information on the World Wide Web.
  7. deceptive activity
  8. a global computer network
  9. set of instructions to operate a specific task
  10. a convenient computer that is more useful
  11. control center of the computer
  12. structured data held in a computer

23 Clues: Data storagedeceptive activitya global computer networka common computing acronymcontrol center of the computerstructured data held in a computerwireless high-speed Internet accessdevice to imput text into a computeran application for accessing websitessuitable for use at an ordinary desk.a convenient computer that is more useful...

comp tech 2020-10-14

comp tech crossword puzzle
  1. Application software is a program or group of programs designed for end users. Examples of an application include a word processor, a spreadsheet, an accounting application, a web browser, an email client, a media player, a file viewer, simulators, a console game or a photo editor.
  2. a small, portable personal computer with a "clamshell" form factor, typically having a thin LCD or LED computer screen mounted on the inside of the upper lid of the clamshell and an alphanumeric keyboard on the inside of the lower lid.
  3. an electroacoustic transducer; a device which converts an electrical audio signal into a corresponding sound. The most widely used type of speaker is the dynamic speaker. The sound source must be amplified or strengthened with an audio power amplifier before the signal is sent to the speaker.
  4. A central processing unit, also called a central processor, main processor or just processor, is the electronic circuitry within a computer that executes instructions that make up a computer program.
  5. A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. Data sent through the internet, such as a web page or email, is in the form of data packets.
  6. a computer or computer program which manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network.
  7. a printer is a peripheral device which makes a persistent representation of graphics or text, usually on paper. While most output is human-readable, bar code printers are an example of an expanded use for printers.
  8. a rigid nonremovable magnetic disk with a large data storage capacity.
  9. System software is software designed to provide a platform for other software. Examples of system software include operating systems like macOS, GNU/Linux, Android and Microsoft Windows, computational science software, game engines, industrial automation, and software as a service applications
  10. any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into human-readable form.
  11. Flash memory is an electronic non-volatile computer memory storage medium that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. The two main types of flash memory, NOR flash and NAND flash, are named after the NAND and NOR logic gates.
  12. A computer mouse is a hand-held pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface. This motion is typically translated into the motion of a pointer on a display, which allows a smooth control of the graphical user interface of a computer.
  13. a combined device for modulation and demodulation, for example, between the digital data of a computer and the analog signal of a telephone line
  14. A computer keyboard is a typewriter-style device which uses an arrangement of buttons or keys to act as mechanical levers or electronic switches.
  1. :Computer hardware includes the physical parts of a computer, such as the case, central processing unit, monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer data storage, graphics card, sound card, speakers and motherboard. By contrast, software is the set of instructions that can be stored and run by hardware.
  2. Random-access memory is a form of computer memory that can be read and changed in any order, typically used to store working data and machine code. A random-access memory device allows data items to be read or written in almost the same amount of time irrespective of the physical location of data inside the memory.
  3. a machine that processes something.
  4. a piece of computer equipment on which information can be stored.
  5. a piece of equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or information appliance.
  6. A microphone is a device that captures audio by converting sound waves into an electrical signal. This signal can be amplified as an analog signal or may be converted to a digital signal, which can be processed by a computer or other digital audio device.
  7. a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors into which other circuit boards can be slotted.
  8. a portable computing device such as a smartphone or tablet computer.
  9. a personal computer designed for regular use at a single location on or near a desk or table due to its size and power requirements.
  10. Cloud storage is a model of computer data storage in which the digital data is stored in logical pools, said to be on "the cloud". The physical storage spans multiple servers, and the physical environment is typically owned and managed by a hosting company.
  11. A computer case, also known as a computer chassis, tower, system unit, or cabinet, is the enclosure that contains most of the components of a personal computer.
  12. A computer monitor is an output device that displays information in pictorial form. A monitor usually comprises the visual display, circuitry, casing, and power supply

26 Clues: a machine that processes something.a piece of computer equipment on which information can be stored.a portable computing device such as a smartphone or tablet computer.a rigid nonremovable magnetic disk with a large data storage capacity.any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into human-readable form....

Computer Awarness 2019-03-06

Computer Awarness crossword puzzle
  1. is the person who uses a computer or network service.
  2. (random access memory) this is a memory used while processing is in progress
  3. it's a group of 8 bits
  4. (graphical user interface) allows users to interact with the computer through graphical elements and visual indicators
  5. A boundary across which two independent systems meet and act on or communicate with each other.
  6. A handheld device that is used to move the cursor to different items on the screen by moving it among a flat surface
  7. it receives audio input from the computer's sound card and produce audio output in the form of sound waves.
  8. is the instance of a computer program that is being executed. It contains the program code.
  9. any device that is capable of recording a voice
  10. data generated by a computed
  11. data received by the computer
  12. indicates the use of pictures(icons) and colours
  13. is a digital telecommunications which allows nodes to share resources.
  14. is a storage space where many files can be placed into groups
  15. It is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over,
  16. It's the alphabet which is labeled on the keyboard
  1. is the physical surface on which visual information is presented.
  2. (read only memory) the device that can only read stored data
  3. electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states: positive and non-positive.
  4. an object on a computer that stores data, information, settings, or commands used with a computer program.
  5. an ancillary device used to put information into and get information out of the computer
  6. refers to the computer hardware part that store information for immediate use in a computer
  7. is the delivery method of computing services – servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, intelligence via a network (i.e. the Internet).
  8. an input device that allows a person to enter information
  9. is a computer hardware device much like a printer that is used for printing vector graphics.
  10. a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and transfers the information to paper.
  11. is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer.
  12. it is the most basic unit of data that can be recognized and processed by a computer.
  13. a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters and similar sources for computer editing and display.
  14. it’s basic and simple, to help beginners or children practice to observe art skills

30 Clues: it's a group of 8 bitsdata generated by a computeddata received by the computerany device that is capable of recording a voiceindicates the use of pictures(icons) and coloursIt's the alphabet which is labeled on the keyboardis the person who uses a computer or network input device that allows a person to enter information...

Career - Computer Terminologies 2021-12-29

Career - Computer Terminologies crossword puzzle
  1. the number of transistors in integrated circuits doubles about every two years.
  2. basic component of processors
  3. a hardware accessory placed beneath a laptop that reduces the laptops overall heat by dissipating the heat using fans.
  4. this book can be read on the computer, e reader, smartphone or tablet.
  5. an object, software, or hardware that's independent and does not need an external program or device to run.
  6. A semiconductor device that allows electrical current to flow in only one direction.
  7. allows a computer or other device to act as if it were something else.
  8. a calculating tool which has been used since ancient times.
  9. refers to how computer's components are arranged, and how its options are set.
  10. a term used in engineering or the design phase that describes a product that is still undergoing testing.
  11. mimics a physical hardware device by tricking the computer into thinking something exists when it really doesn’t.
  12. one of the most commonly found RAM modules in PC compatible personal computers and workstations.
  13. visualizing how the various aspects of a computer interact and affect each other.
  14. an observation or statement made by a professional about computers or computer-related topics.
  15. performs mathematical, logical, and decision operations.
  1. a term used to describe a computer or any other medium capable of receiving data.
  2. a mechanical analog computer.
  3. a hardware unit designed to connect to and function as part of a larger system.
  4. a word used to describe how well hardware or software devices can communicate with a range of other devices.
  5. a label used by software developers and computer hardware manufacturers to describe a product which reached the end of its life cycle.
  6. When a computer completely locks up and does not allow the processing of further commands.
  7. a test or check performed on a computer, hardware, or electrical equipment.
  8. a hardware device that keeps the overall computer or a computer device cool by circulating air to or from the computer or component.
  9. any computer software that does not have all features enabled or has limited capabilities until the user registers and unlocks the program.
  10. directs all the processors operations.
  11. a disc capable of storing a significant amount more data than a standard compact disc.
  12. an app or software that simulates a real wallet by storing customers' payment information.
  13. a programmable device that stores, retrieves, and processes data.

28 Clues: a mechanical analog computer.basic component of processorsdirects all the processors operations.performs mathematical, logical, and decision operations.a calculating tool which has been used since ancient times.a programmable device that stores, retrieves, and processes data.this book can be read on the computer, e reader, smartphone or tablet....

CROSSWORD LAB 2020-12-11

CROSSWORD LAB crossword puzzle
  1. is an electro-mechanical data storage device that stores and retrieves digital data using magnetic storage and one or more rigid rapidly rotating platters coated with magnetic material.
  2. is the main memory of the computer, where programs and data reside, on which read and write operations can be carried out.
  3. Storage area dedicated to high-speed retrieval of frequently used or requested data.
  4. is the set of orders that a computer has to carry out, therefore, it cannot do anything without adequate software.
  5. Contains the basic program that makes the computer start up.
  6. to interact with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.
  7. is Acronym for the English expression central processing unit, 'central processing unit', which is the part of a computer that contains the elements used to process data.
  8. a collection of integrated circuits that are designed to function together as a unit, especially to perform a particular task within a computer system.
  9. Digital disc the same size as a CD-ROM, but with fifteen times greater data, image or sound storage capacity.
  10. the running of two or more programs (sets of instructions) in one computer at the same time.
  11. software for building applications that combines common developer tools into a single graphical user interface (GUI)
  12. Keeps the system time and BIOS settings when the computer is off.
  13. a single container that contains one or more items that help make up the overall package
  1. is a set of physical elements or materials that make up a computer or a computer system.
  2. computer program that assists in the detection and correction of errors in other computer
  3. is a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors for other circuit boards to be slotted into.
  4. is an integrated circuit that contains all the functions of a central processing unit of a computer.
  5. a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole.
  6. is a bus interface for data transfer between storage drives to the motherboard.
  7. a bus specification that provides a direct connection between the graphics adapter and memory.
  8. is acronym for universal serial bus, a peripheral that allows you to connect different peripherals to a computer.
  9. routine, or program that links a peripheral device to the operating system.
  10. a computer program that takes one or more object files generated by a compiler and combines them into one, executable program.

23 Clues: Contains the basic program that makes the computer start up.Keeps the system time and BIOS settings when the computer is off.routine, or program that links a peripheral device to the operating a bus interface for data transfer between storage drives to the motherboard....

TechFest'16 2016-08-25

TechFest'16 crossword puzzle
  1. The place that is titled as the birth place of the Web.
  2. The most basic Building block to create anything in minecraft.
  3. Popluar online game created by Blizzard Entertainment.
  4. A general-purpose machine that processes data according to a set of instructions that are stored internally either temporarily or permanently.
  5. The monitor is connected to the computer using a ____________.
  6. The values that a function uses to perform operations or calculations.
  7. No wires.
  8. When you send a letter to someone.
  9. A program that allows users to communicate through email.
  10. Type of computer and peripherals all on top of a desk.
  1. Hardware that connects computer to a network.
  2. Input device used mainly for playing games
  3. Data stored in hard disk is ___________. It will still be available even if computer is switched off.
  4. Connects computer to the internet.
  5. The space all around your document.
  6. A sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart.
  7. External networks or devices are connected to the computer using _________.
  8. PlayStation VR is aslo known by the codename Project 'X'. What is X.
  9. One of the major browsers, that is used on the Internet.
  10. Giant computer that connects other computers to a network.

20 Clues: No wires.Connects computer to the internet.When you send a letter to someone.The space all around your document.Input device used mainly for playing gamesHardware that connects computer to a network.A sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart.Popluar online game created by Blizzard Entertainment....

Digital Literacy Review 2015-10-02

Digital Literacy Review crossword puzzle
  1. A network that encompasses an extremely large area.
  2. The 'brain' of the computer that computes all processes.
  3. A network that encompasses a small area.
  4. To save copies of your file onto a different storage.
  5. Any physical elements on a computer.
  6. A virus with a name of a war weapon.
  7. A sans-serif typeface created by Max Miedinger.
  8. A software that displays and spams your computer with advertisements.
  9. Processes images so it is seen on the computer's monitor.
  10. A software that can infect your computer.
  11. Lets you hear audio by the internal speaker.
  1. A software that is downloadable on your phone, tablet, or console.
  2. A software that can steal information from your computer.
  3. A disk that can store any type of information.
  4. Reads CDs in order to write, burn, or gather information from.
  5. A circuit board that has connectors to which other boards may be attached.
  6. Considered the first 'computer'.
  7. A keyboard symbol used widely on social medias to facilitate searches.
  8. The main storage device on a computer.
  9. A preproccessed CD that cannot by written or burned from.
  10. Memory that is randomly accessed by your computer to process needed commands quickly and efficiently.

21 Clues: Considered the first 'computer'.Any physical elements on a computer.A virus with a name of a war weapon.The main storage device on a computer.A network that encompasses a small area.A software that can infect your computer.Lets you hear audio by the internal speaker.A disk that can store any type of information....

Fuhrman Chapter 1 words 2016-01-13

Fuhrman Chapter 1 words crossword puzzle
  1. Built-in connection to other documents, webpages, or websites
  2. Process of setting up software to work with a computer
  3. Any hardware component that conveys information from a computer to a user
  4. Collection of unprocessed items
  5. Light-sensing device that converts printed text into a form a computer can process
  6. Reads and/or writes items to and from storage
  7. Software that deliberately alters a computer's normal operation
  8. Input device that allows a user to control a small symbol on a screen
  9. Involves having current knowledge and understanding of computers
  10. Computer that delivers requested webpages
  1. Programs designed to make users more productive, or assist them with tasks
  2. Internet service that provides storage to Computer users
  3. Electronic version of a printed book
  4. Personal computer designed to be in a stationary location
  5. Storage device containing inflexible circular platters and magnetic particles
  6. Software that finds images and information related to a specific topic
  7. Hardware component that allows you to enter data/instructions into a computer
  8. Involves reducing electricity and waste generated when using a computer
  9. Collaborative website that allows users to create/modify content via browsers
  10. Software that enables users to access and view webpages

20 Clues: Collection of unprocessed itemsElectronic version of a printed bookComputer that delivers requested webpagesReads and/or writes items to and from storageProcess of setting up software to work with a computerSoftware that enables users to access and view webpagesInternet service that provides storage to Computer users...

Computer Vocabulary 2020-03-11

Computer Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Random-access memory
  2. a facility allowing computers, smartphones, or other devices to connect to the Internet
  3. Provides additional features to a computer such as video, sound, advanced graphics, Ethernet or memory
  4. Passive form of cooling
  5. a unit of information equal to one million
  6. a unit of measurement for alternating current or electromagnetic
  7. Electronic device that connects a computer to a computer network
  8. Self-contained storage device containing a read-write mechanism plus one or more hard disks, inside a sealed unit
  9. a device that you connect to a home entertainment system
  1. a hardware component that supplies power to an electrical device
  2. an abbreviation for Peripheral Component Interconnect
  3. Generates a feed of output images to a display device
  4. a small device able to be connected to and used with a computer
  5. Provides input and output of audio signals to and from a computer under control of computer programs
  6. One of the most common forms of network cable used on wired networks
  7. Used to measure the transmission speed of electronic devices, including channels, buses and the computer's internal clock
  8. Distributor of computer hardware
  9. The most essential parts of a computer system
  10. Read-only memory
  11. Central Processing unit

20 Clues: Read-only memoryRandom-access memoryPassive form of coolingCentral Processing unitDistributor of computer hardwarea unit of information equal to one millionThe most essential parts of a computer systeman abbreviation for Peripheral Component InterconnectGenerates a feed of output images to a display device...

Computer Vocabulary 1 2023-03-13

Computer Vocabulary 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A small image or picture on a computer screen that is a symbol
  2. A defect or fault in a program
  3. An area that has an available wireless signal for Internet access
  4. A program like Firefox or Google
  5. The information you create or share on a computer
  6. A specific compurter record
  7. A sub-division of a computer's hard disk
  8. The original system used for PC's, where you typed in commands instead of pointing and clicking
  9. The equipment inside a computer that creates the image on the screen
  10. When you switch your computer on and wait while it prepares itself
  11. A tablet computer created by Apple
  1. A particular sort of lettering
  2. This is a PC's heart or "brains"
  3. A small program that tells a PC how a peripheral works
  4. The smallest piece of information that computers use
  5. The main disk inside a computer used for storing programs and information
  6. A way of communicating wirelessly over short distances
  7. A kind of memory used to make a computer work faster
  8. A self contained program or piece of software
  9. A copy of files from the computer´s hard disk

20 Clues: A specific compurter recordA particular sort of letteringA defect or fault in a programThis is a PC's heart or "brains"A program like Firefox or GoogleA tablet computer created by AppleA sub-division of a computer's hard diskA self contained program or piece of softwareA copy of files from the computer´s hard disk...

Computer Basic Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle 2021-08-21

Computer Basic Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the main program that runs the computer. A popular one is Windows.
  2. this opens when you click on an icon. It is a rectangular visual area showing the program being used on what is in a folder
  3. a piece of computer work
  4. the slot where you insert a disk into the computer
  5. programs that allow you to do things on a computer like play games, word processing, view files on the internet
  6. pictures or graphics that represent files, programs or folders
  7. a computer that stores files for other computers to access and download
  8. the starting screen of the computer
  9. disks inside your computer where all the data is stored
  1. the way the computer screen looks and interacts with the user
  2. when you get a file from another computer and put it on your computer
  3. a device used to save files on so they can be used on another computer
  4. give you options or choices of what to do
  5. where you put files that you want to delete
  6. a place to store your computer work or files
  7. the bar usually located at the bottom of Microsoft Windows operating systems, which displays the start button, system clock, programs that are currently running, as well as other open windows
  8. the blinking line that lets you know where to type

17 Clues: a piece of computer workthe starting screen of the computergive you options or choices of what to dowhere you put files that you want to deletea place to store your computer work or filesthe slot where you insert a disk into the computerthe blinking line that lets you know where to typedisks inside your computer where all the data is stored...

Unit 10. 2024-03-03

Unit 10. crossword puzzle
  1. you put paper in this to print things from a computer
  2. to use a computer keyboard to write where you will send an email or document
  3. to save the writing you are doing on your computer, so you can look at it later
  4. to type your name and password before you use a computer or a website
  5. the part of a computer that you use to write
  6. to look for information on the web pages of a computer
  7. pages of information on the Internet. They have an address so you can find them.
  1. to tell someone something in an email or a letter
  2. to press your mouse to make it do something on your computer screen
  3. take information, photos or songs and put them into a computer or a phone
  4. to put a photo with your email
  5. a thin wall used to show pictures. Computers and TVs have them made of glass which you look through
  6. the thing or topic that you are writing or talking about
  7. a small object that you can put work and photos on from your computer and carry them around
  8. part of a computer you hold with one hand and use to move around the computer screen
  9. special boxes for playing music through or for making your voice loud
  10. an action made by the computer to see if your spelling is correct

17 Clues: to put a photo with your emailthe part of a computer that you use to writeto tell someone something in an email or a letteryou put paper in this to print things from a computerto look for information on the web pages of a computerthe thing or topic that you are writing or talking about...

Computer Vocabulary 2012-11-13

Computer Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. press a button on the mouse in order to do something on the computer
  2. small symbol on the screen select by pressing a button with the mouse to open a program
  3. click on the left ----- button
  4. a type of connection to the Internet that allows you to receive or send a lot of information very quickly
  5. a piece of equipment that sends out the sound from a CD player, radio, etc.
  6. an extra copy of computer information
  7. to copy/move information to your computer from another computer system or the Internet
  8. remove something from a computer´s memory
  1. connected to the internet
  2. to connect your computer to a system of computers
  3. it has keys and is used for putting information into a computer
  4. make something new
  5. a connection between documents or parts of the internet
  6. the numbers or letters that you put into a computer to use the system
  7. a document, picture etc that is sent with an email
  8. a place on a computer where you put documents
  9. any piece of information stored on a computer

17 Clues: make something newconnected to the internetclick on the left ----- buttonan extra copy of computer informationremove something from a computer´s memorya place on a computer where you put documentsany piece of information stored on a computerto connect your computer to a system of computersa document, picture etc that is sent with an email...

Hardware Fun 2016-04-05

Hardware Fun crossword puzzle
  1. a video camera connected to a computer, allowing its images to be seen by Internet users.
  2. brains of the computer where most calculations take place. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the most important element of a computer system.
  3. a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly. RAM is the most common type of memory found in computers.
  4. a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over telephone or cable lines.
  5. is a peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment) used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system.
  6. external input device used to type data into some sort of computer system whether it be a mobile device, a personal computer, or another electronic machine.
  7. any piece of computer hardware item used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by an information processing system.
  8. a device which can be slotted into a computer to allow the use of audio components for multimedia applications.
  9. a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine pages, and similar sources for computer editing and display.
  1. a disk drive used to read from and write to a hard disk.
  2. the enclosure for all the main interior components of a computer. It is also called the computer case, or computer tower.
  3. an electronic visual display for computers
  4. a type of display adapter or video card installed within most computing devices to display graphical data with high clarity, color, definition and overall appearance.
  5. type of storage device that can be removed from a computer while the system is running. Examples of removable media include CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray disks, as well as diskettes and USB drives.
  6. a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors for other circuit boards to be slotted into.
  7. a hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad
  8. converts mains AC to low-voltage regulated DC power for the internal components of a compute.

17 Clues: an electronic visual display for computersa disk drive used to read from and write to a hard disk.a video camera connected to a computer, allowing its images to be seen by Internet users.a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over telephone or cable lines....

computer pioneers 2015-06-02

computer pioneers crossword puzzle
  1. Inventor of the BASIC
  2. founder of netscape
  3. the co-Inventor of the USB
  4. Inventor of HTML
  5. Inventor of interactuve computing
  6. Inventor of the video game counole
  7. Inventor of ENIAC
  8. creator of XO
  9. Inventor of the microprocessor
  1. developer of ISA bus
  2. Inventor of the digital computer
  3. the club of the guy who made apple
  4. Inventor of the printed circuit computer
  5. co-Inventor of basic
  6. Inventor of the transistor
  7. Inventor of the programable computer
  8. creator of atari
  9. Invented the personal computer
  10. the Inventor of modern computing
  11. Inventor of the electric computer
  12. Inventor of the handheld calculater

21 Clues: creator of XOInventor of HTMLcreator of atariInventor of ENIACfounder of netscapedeveloper of ISA busco-Inventor of basicInventor of the BASICthe co-Inventor of the USBInventor of the transistorInvented the personal computerInventor of the microprocessorInventor of the digital computerthe Inventor of modern computing...

Computer Parts 2019-10-12

Computer Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Soft copy of document
  2. Manipulation of data
  3. Extension of hand inside the monitor
  4. The brain and the heart of a computer
  5. DEVICE Displays processed data
  6. Physical Component of a computer
  7. Pathway between several computer components
  8. Uses lasers to read and write data
  9. Hard copy
  10. INPUT DEVICE Voice or speech recognition systems
  1. Non-volatile primary storage device
  2. Sprays ink on paper during printing
  3. Volatile primary storage device
  4. The main circuit board of a computer
  5. Permanent secondary storage
  6. General purpose, digital, electronic device
  7. Interface cards
  8. qwerty device
  9. Unorganized collection of raw facts or figures
  10. Set of instructions to process data

20 Clues: Hard copyqwerty deviceInterface cardsManipulation of dataSoft copy of documentPermanent secondary storageDEVICE Displays processed dataVolatile primary storage devicePhysical Component of a computerUses lasers to read and write dataNon-volatile primary storage deviceSprays ink on paper during printingSet of instructions to process data...

Dieng 2020-12-01

Dieng crossword puzzle
  1. memorizzano in modo permanente
  2. memorizza disco e identificata da un nome
  3. consentono l' inserimento di dati e istruzioni
  4. gruppo di 8 bit
  5. aree di memoria temporanee
  6. contratto con utente finala
  7. microprocessore
  8. comunica i dati all' esterno
  9. memoria permanente del computer
  10. la parte fisica del computer
  11. memoria temporanea di lettura e scrittura
  12. unità di governo coordina le esecuzioni
  1. è un gestisce hardware e software
  2. copia dei dati memorizzati in un computer
  3. cifre binarie 0 e 1
  4. facilità comunicazione con sistema
  5. informazioni memorizzate su disco
  6. unità di elaborazione
  7. la parte logica del computer
  8. elaboratore a disposizione di altri computer

20 Clues: gruppo di 8 bitmicroprocessorecifre binarie 0 e 1unità di elaborazionearee di memoria temporaneecontratto con utente finalacomunica i dati all' esternola parte logica del computerla parte fisica del computermemorizzano in modo permanentememoria permanente del computerè un gestisce hardware e softwareinformazioni memorizzate su disco...

Computer and Internet Terms 2024-05-21

Computer and Internet Terms crossword puzzle
  1. device Sends data to computers.
  2. Portable computing machine.
  3. safety rules Guidelines for online security.
  4. Large, central computer.
  5. Non-portable PC.
  6. Connection interface.
  7. Worldwide computer network.
  8. page Website's main page.
  9. Internet navigation tool.
  10. Physical components of a PC.
  11. Transmits data or power.
  12. drive Portable memory stick.
  13. Brain of the computer.
  14. Stores music or data.
  15. device Displays data from computers.
  16. Computer display screen.
  1. memory Keeps data long-term.
  2. system Manages computer's operations.
  3. Data processing device.
  4. box Where you type your search.
  5. Computer programs.
  6. engine Finds information online.
  7. Temporary data storage.
  8. menu: Assistance feature in software.
  9. Program for specific tasks.

25 Clues: Non-portable PC.Computer programs.Connection interface.Stores music or data.Brain of the computer.Data processing device.Temporary data storage.Large, central computer.Transmits data or power.Computer display screen.Internet navigation Website's main page.Portable computing machine.Worldwide computer network.Program for specific tasks....

Computer Vocab 2014-10-13

Computer Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. hand-held device that controls the cursor on the screen
  2. the blinking symbol on computer screen
  3. home screen
  4. another name for a laptop
  5. portable device for storing information
  6. data going into the computer
  7. do this often during your work
  8. an iPad is considered one of these
  1. the brain of the computer
  2. the TV screen connected to computer
  3. data coming out of the computer
  4. disk used to store information
  5. used to type information into computer
  6. device that makes images visible on paper
  7. places on the internet containing information
  8. type of keyboard we are using
  9. pictures on the desktop
  10. error

18 Clues: errorhome screenpictures on the desktopthe brain of the computeranother name for a laptopdata going into the computertype of keyboard we are usingdisk used to store informationdo this often during your workdata coming out of the computeran iPad is considered one of thesethe TV screen connected to computerthe blinking symbol on computer screen...

computers: hardware 2014-03-17

computers: hardware crossword puzzle
  1. zeer krachtige en stabiele computers
  2. gegevens aanleveren aan de pc
  3. tekst ingeven
  4. pijltje
  5. Solid State Drive
  6. externe hardware
  7. processor Brein van de PC en zorgt voor alle rekenwerk.
  8. pimpen van de computerkast
  9. centrale computer van een netwerk
  1. werkgeheugen
  2. Verbindt alle onderdelen met elkaar , zodat ze kunnen samenwerken.
  3. programma's van de computer
  4. de plaats om al je interne hardware te bevestigen
  5. meeteenheid van computer schermen
  6. randapparaat met meerdere functies
  7. voorziet de computer van stroom
  8. randapparaat wordt vanuit de pc gestuurd
  9. schijf Apparaat waar je gegevens permanent op bewaard.
  10. de tastbare onderdelen van de computer
  11. blu-ray disk

20 Clues: pijltjewerkgeheugenblu-ray disktekst ingevenexterne hardwareSolid State Drivepimpen van de computerkastprogramma's van de computergegevens aanleveren aan de pcvoorziet de computer van stroommeeteenheid van computer schermencentrale computer van een netwerkrandapparaat met meerdere functieszeer krachtige en stabiele computers...