computer Crossword Puzzles

Cybersecurity Crossword 2023-09-15

Cybersecurity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Input device that imports digital images and video
  2. drive Located inside the tower or case and used to store programs and most data
  3. Used to get spoken input
  4. Input device used to import images and doucments into the computer
  5. Deletes text to the left of insertion point (the cursor)
  6. The case that the parts of the computer reside
  7. Drive Reads CD disks
  8. Bar Inserts space between words and sentences
  9. Lock Capitilizes all letters when locked down
  10. Computer A computer that has several parts attached to it, is heavy and not usually moved
  1. The screen on your computer or laptop
  2. Produces printed copies of the computer output
  3. The rows of letters and numbers that you press to type
  4. Used to produce audio output (sound)
  5. A pointing device used to make on screen selections
  6. Makes captial letters and symbols at the top of the keys
  7. A small and portable computer
  8. Central Processing Unit, the computer brain
  9. Moves to the next line or is used to execute a command (make it work)

19 Clues: Drive Reads CD disksUsed to get spoken inputA small and portable computerUsed to produce audio output (sound)The screen on your computer or laptopCentral Processing Unit, the computer brainBar Inserts space between words and sentencesLock Capitilizes all letters when locked downProduces printed copies of the computer output...

MIS Information System 2020-09-09

MIS Information System crossword puzzle
  1. enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system
  2. to work at home by the use of an electronic linkup with a central office
  3. the unit which performs most of the processing inside a computer.
  4. design, construction, and use of machines to perform tasks done traditionally by human beings.
  5. a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer
  6. A language is the main medium of communicating between the Computer systems and the most common are the programming languages.
  7. refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.
  8. a systematic approach to developing students' knowledge and/or skills that uses a computer as a central feature to support instruction via activities including, but not limited to, presenting materials, assessing progress, and guiding activities
  9. a computer program that uses artificial-intelligence methods to solve problems within a specialized domain that ordinarily requires human expertise.
  1. tools, machinery, and other durable equipment.
  2. the study of people, technology, organizations, and the relationships among them.
  3. a set of computers that are connected together so that they can share information.
  4. the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware.
  5. the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions.
  6. executable software that runs on a computer.
  7. the use of computers to aid in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design
  8. a set of integrated devices that input, output, process, and store data and information.
  9. The illegal copying and distribution of software.

18 Clues: executable software that runs on a, machinery, and other durable equipment.The illegal copying and distribution of software.the unit which performs most of the processing inside a work at home by the use of an electronic linkup with a central office...

Ingle TP N°03 2021-06-07

Ingle TP N°03 crossword puzzle
  1. a small picture or symbol on a computer screen that you use to give the computer an instruction
  2. the set of keys on a computer that you press in order to make it work.
  3. to provide the finance for a project, typically using the internet.
  4. a disruptive message posted on a computer network or sent as e-mail.
  5. the part of a computer in which information or programs are stored either permanently or temporarily.
  6. peripheric device that you move across a surface in order to move a cursor on your computer screen.
  7. the programs that can be used with a particular computer system.
  8. a central computer from which others, over a network to get information.
  1. to transfer a file onto a computer from another computer or the internet.
  2. a machine that is connected to a computer and prints onto paper using ink.
  3. symbol used to refer readers to a note at the bottom of a page of text, or to show that a letter is missing.
  4. a computer program that makes it possible for you to read information on the internet.
  5. symbol used on social media websites and applications to identify digital content on a specific.
  6. the information operated on by a computer program.
  7. computer user who illegally gains access to restricted computer systems.

15 Clues: the information operated on by a computer program.the programs that can be used with a particular computer provide the finance for a project, typically using the internet.a disruptive message posted on a computer network or sent as e-mail.the set of keys on a computer that you press in order to make it work....

Persephany Magdaleno 2014-08-21

Persephany Magdaleno crossword puzzle
  1. a set of type of one particular face and size
  2. text aligned at left margin
  3. a line at the head of a dispatch showing the date and place of writing
  4. read and mark any errors
  5. movable indicator on a computer
  6. a preset format for a document or file
  7. a painful inflammation of a tendon attached to the thumb
  8. computer software designed to operate and control the computer hardware
  9. the overall typing speed regardless of how many errors you make
  10. switch from one effect, feature, or state to another
  11. a gesture made as a greeting
  12. arranging data
  13. a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer
  14. memory
  15. act of typing on a keyboard
  1. machines wiring and other components of a computer
  2. collection of data or programs stored in a computer's memory
  3. a hand and arm condition that causes numbness
  4. a mode in which the printer orients content for reading across the shorter length
  5. practical method
  6. production, storage, and manipulation of text on a computer
  7. powerful mainframe computer
  8. computer depending on microprocessor
  9. a note or record for future use
  10. work place efficiency
  11. specific rules for correct conduct
  12. programs and other information used by a computer
  13. printed heading stating a person or organization's name and address
  14. system of computers peripherals terminals and databases connected by communication lines

29 Clues: memoryarranging datapractical methodwork place efficiencyread and mark any errorstext aligned at left marginpowerful mainframe computeract of typing on a keyboarda gesture made as a greetingmovable indicator on a computera note or record for future usespecific rules for correct conductcomputer depending on microprocessor...

Computer crossword 2022-10-17

Computer crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a computer and transfers them into paper.
  2. An electric typewriter
  3. brain of the computer
  4. Storing memory for a short time in a Computer.
  5. It keeps the engine cooled off
  6. a device that translates sound vibrations in the air into electronic signals and scribes them to a recording medium or over a loudspeaker.
  7. a specific unit of data that's equal to about 1 billion bytes of data.
  8. a part of the computer system which is employed to store the information and instructions to be processed.
  9. It offers electricity
  10. video-generating device
  11. an electrical storage device
  12. handheld pointing device
  1. is circuitry within a computer's processor that directs operations.
  2. 1,000 gigabytes
  3. a device that accepts text files and images
  4. An input device allows data such as text, images, video or sound to be entered into a computer system.
  5. An output device allows data to be transmitted by the computer in a human-friendly form
  6. Is a storage medium that uses non-volatile memory to hold and access data.
  7. Used to display information
  8. A display screen for your computer or any
  9. the main printed circuit in a computer
  10. Receives data and keeps it stored on a chip and you won't lose it even if you turn your computer off.
  11. a specialized processor originally designed to accelerate graphics rendering.

23 Clues: 1,000 gigabytesbrain of the computerIt offers electricityAn electric typewritervideo-generating devicehandheld pointing deviceUsed to display informationan electrical storage deviceIt keeps the engine cooled offthe main printed circuit in a computera computer and transfers them into paper.A display screen for your computer or any...

Computer & Internet Terms (Paola Velasquez) 2024-05-21

Computer & Internet Terms (Paola Velasquez) crossword puzzle
  1. a machine that manages and stores all kinds of information
  2. system: system software that manages computer hardware and software resources
  3. and internal devices and equipment that enable you to perform major functions such as input, output
  4. safety rules: keep a clean machine
  5. menu: allows user to access information about hot to use the application or system
  6. set of instructions or program to operate a computer
  7. where information is sorted and managed,changed or processed. The brain of the computer, small but powerful
  8. device: when the information is managed inside the computer and then we can see it of hear it
  9. box: allows the user to search
  1. what we see in the monitor is usually what is in ram memory, but it can’t save files
  2. used for observing
  3. high performance computer used for large-scale pompute-intensive purposes
  4. a computer display area that represents the kind of objects found on top of a physical desk
  5. page: the main web of a web site
  6. a strong thick rope
  7. are placed into the computer on trays
  8. software program used to locate and display information on the internet
  9. device: a device with a cable that gives you energy
  10. portable computer
  11. engine: helps people find the information they're looking for online using keyword or phrases
  12. a program
  13. network of linked devices
  14. memory: hard drive

23 Clues: a programportable computerused for observinga strong thick ropememory: hard drivenetwork of linked devicesbox: allows the user to searchpage: the main web of a web sitesafety rules: keep a clean machineare placed into the computer on traysdevice: a device with a cable that gives you energyset of instructions or program to operate a computer...

Codes 2016-11-14

Codes crossword puzzle
  1. In computer programming, a loop is a sequence of instructions that is continually repeated until a certain condition is reached.
  2. The content of a field or variable. It can refer to alphabetic as well as numeric data.
  3. An embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system
  4. A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations
  5. A computer simulation is a simulation, run on a single computer, or a network of computers
  6. Decomposition in computer science, also known as factoring, is breaking a complex problem or system into parts that are easier to conceive, understand
  7. One of the three basic logic structures in computer programming.
  8. In mathematics and sometimes in computer programming, an operator is a character that represents an action
  1. A system of signals used to represent letters or numbers in transmitting messages. The instructions in a computer program
  2. The sequence of operations performed by hardware or software.
  3. A software bug is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program
  4. In computer programming, a variable or scalar is a storage location paired with an associated symbolic name
  5. A computer requires programs to function, and typically executes the program's instructions in a central processing unit.
  6. Parallel computing is a type of computation in which many calculations or the execution of processes are carried out simultaneously
  7. To transfer or transmit from the computer to a peripheral device or communications line.
  8. A programming language is a formal computer language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer
  9. A manner of proceeding; a way of performing or effecting something: standard procedure.

17 Clues: The sequence of operations performed by hardware or software.One of the three basic logic structures in computer programming.A software bug is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer programThe content of a field or variable. It can refer to alphabetic as well as numeric data....

Digital Technologies: Computer Hardware 2017-06-27

Digital Technologies: Computer Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. The blinking line or shape on the screen that tells you where the next character will go
  2. A device used mainly to enter text and number information into the computer
  3. A pointing device that allows you to control the cursor of a computer
  4. An electronic machine that takes in data and instructions, works with the data, and puts out information
  5. A device used to create hard copies of information on a computer
  6. A connection point or interface between a computer and an external or internal device
  7. _________board: the main brain of the computer
  8. The actual information in a computer
  1. A TV-like output device
  2. Tiny devices that act like gates. They either let electricity through or they don't. This creates the ones and zeros of binary code.
  3. Any part of a computer that displays or creates copies of information for the user to see
  4. ___________ Access Memory: short term memory that helps your computer run faster
  5. ________ screen: a type of screen that allows you to enter information using your fingers or a stylus
  6. Central Processing Unit, the brain of the computer
  7. __________ device: any part of the computer that allows you to enter information into the computer
  8. ____ disk: the main storage of a computer

16 Clues: A TV-like output deviceThe actual information in a computer____ disk: the main storage of a computer_________board: the main brain of the computerCentral Processing Unit, the brain of the computerA device used to create hard copies of information on a computerA pointing device that allows you to control the cursor of a computer...

cross word 2023-09-19

cross word crossword puzzle
  1. plays sound only for you
  2. temporary memory
  3. language of a computer
  4. play sounds
  5. hold the computer parts
  6. allows you to see things
  7. hold movies
  8. brain of pc
  9. type of computer
  10. a light on a phone
  11. records sound
  12. mother
  13. world wide web
  1. pc
  2. mouse on laptop
  3. physical things
  4. allows you to listen to thing
  5. hand held computer
  6. apps
  7. type of port
  8. cats like to catch them

21 Clues: pcappsmotherplay soundshold moviesbrain of pctype of portrecords soundworld wide webmouse on laptopphysical thingstemporary memorytype of computerhand held computera light on a phonelanguage of a computerhold the computer partscats like to catch themplays sound only for youallows you to see thingsallows you to listen to thing

Explora Vision - Computer Science 2022-11-02

Explora Vision - Computer Science crossword puzzle
  1. Language to create Website
  2. Computer Abbreviation used for Database.
  3. One of the first Word Processors
  4. Computer Program that converts Assembly Language to Machine Language
  5. A visible screen of a computer
  6. First Page of a Website
  7. Number System used by computer to calculate and store data
  1. People who break into other people's computers
  2. Device required for internet connection
  3. Acronym for World Wide Web
  4. Main Circuit Board of a computer system
  5. First Super Computer designed in India
  6. Computer on a network that requests files from another computer
  7. System The computer cannot boot without this sotware
  8. The first graphical browser for the www

15 Clues: First Page of a WebsiteLanguage to create WebsiteAcronym for World Wide WebA visible screen of a computerOne of the first Word ProcessorsFirst Super Computer designed in IndiaDevice required for internet connectionMain Circuit Board of a computer systemThe first graphical browser for the wwwComputer Abbreviation used for Database....

Riker's crossword 2022-09-22

Riker's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a place to attach other parts to a computer
  2. technique to Acquire sensitive info
  3. memory that makes computer faster
  4. operations are controlled and executed.
  5. how you wright
  6. gives internet
  7. its yummy
  8. designed to stop bad things
  9. way to get any ware in the internet
  10. link
  11. skills to effectively use internet.
  12. someone who looks different online then irl
  13. devices connected in the same area
  1. devices to connect to the internet
  2. find what you're looking for
  3. where you store data
  4. device that connects to a computer
  5. is physical components of a system.
  6. thing that is programmed to complete tasks
  7. where you see things
  8. does computers basic functions
  9. where things are stored
  10. connects technology throughout the world
  11. things that makes up a computer
  12. event that a computer records

25 Clues: linkits yummyhow you wrightgives internetwhere you store datawhere you see thingswhere things are storeddesigned to stop bad thingsfind what you're looking forevent that a computer recordsdoes computers basic functionsthings that makes up a computermemory that makes computer fasterdevices to connect to the internetdevice that connects to a computer...

Computer System And its Hardware 2024-06-04

Computer System And its Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. Physical Parts of Computer
  2. Produces Result
  3. Computer whose CPU is a Microprocessor
  4. Computers that works with physical quantites
  5. Graphics output device to create drawings on paper
  6. Optical Storage device looks like CDs
  7. Data storage that can be accessed any time
  8. Turns scanned document into editable document
  9. Accepts Data
  1. Sends input sound to computer
  2. Present at every product in a shop that can be scanned
  3. Used to enter letters digits
  4. Instructions that command computer
  5. Stick Removable memory Card
  6. Points a position on computer screen
  7. Output Device that displays computer screen on a flat surface
  8. Data storage that stores hardwired instructions
  9. Another name for Thumb drives
  10. Unprocessed Raw facts and figures
  11. A unit of memory in binary numbers
  12. A Part of CPU that performs Arithmatic Operations

21 Clues: Accepts DataProduces ResultPhysical Parts of ComputerStick Removable memory CardUsed to enter letters digitsSends input sound to computerAnother name for Thumb drivesUnprocessed Raw facts and figuresInstructions that command computerA unit of memory in binary numbersPoints a position on computer screenOptical Storage device looks like CDs...

test 2022-04-27

test crossword puzzle
  1. is equal to 1,000 Terabytes.
  2. the smallest unit of data in a pc
  3. engineer a software program that helps people find the information they are looking for online using keywords or phrases.
  4. programs to calculate
  5. storage Hard disk
  6. 1111
  7. is the component of the computer that holds
  8. audio
  9. to redraw the image information from memory
  10. architecture the structure of an internal structure in a computer
  11. running multiple applications at once
  12. a unit of information equal to one million
  13. bits half a byte
  14. RAM and ROM
  15. four binary digits or half of an eight-bit byte
  1. one of a small set of data holding places that are part of the computer processor.
  2. the name of a website on the internet
  3. coding
  4. a software add-on that is installed on a program, enhancing its capabilities.
  5. 1000 bytes
  6. random access memory
  7. solid state storage device
  8. an individual who uses computer, networking or other skills to overcome a technical problem.
  9. needs instructions
  10. the action of looking through drives, shares, and folders on a computer for a file.
  11. a message warning the recipients of a non-existent computer virus threat.
  12. digital junk mail
  13. fuses electrical engineering and computer science to develop new technology
  14. error or failure in a program
  15. memory is the component that computer holds
  16. ram

31 Clues: ram1111audiocoding1000 bytesRAM and ROMdigital junk mailstorage Hard diskneeds instructionsrandom access memoryprograms to calculatebits half a bytesolid state storage deviceis equal to 1,000 Terabytes.error or failure in a programthe smallest unit of data in a pcthe name of a website on the internetrunning multiple applications at once...

Computer Crossword puzzle 2022-10-19

Computer Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the OS used on apple computers
  2. the shortcut for copy
  3. temporary storage that the CPU accesses for activities such as chrome tabs and open applications
  4. How you interact with the computer
  5. brains of the computer
  6. when someone gains unauthorized access to your computer, also a synonym for slashing.
  7. software that performs a specific task
  8. a harmful software disguised as a normal one, named after a roman tragedy.
  9. the successor to dial up internet and can be used with a tv cable line or a conventional phone line
  1. first ever computer company
  2. How you interact with the Internet
  3. part of the computer that supplies power to the components
  4. a computer programme that spreads and reproduces without the users knowledge
  5. the smallest computer storage measurement made up of 1 individual binary digit
  6. first ever calculation device that used beads and also lead to the invention of the computer
  7. the part of the computer that lets all the components talk to each other
  8. A type of network that connects using wires and satellites, an example is the internet
  9. The language that computers use for instructions and commands, written as 1’s and 0’s
  10. A method to connect to the internet using the phone lines
  11. a storage device that uses a physical moving disk inside.

20 Clues: the shortcut for copybrains of the computerfirst ever computer companythe OS used on apple computersHow you interact with the InternetHow you interact with the computersoftware that performs a specific taskA method to connect to the internet using the phone linesa storage device that uses a physical moving disk inside....

Network Requirements Crossword 2023-08-29

Network Requirements Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Holding place for instructions and data a computer needs to reach quickly.
  2. The performance driven by the need of the parties involved in data communication.
  3. Instructions that tell a computer what to do.
  4. Parameters that capture the characteristics of the network.
  5. Enables a computer to transfer data to and from devices with less CPU overhead.
  6. Rules that govern how data is transmitted, received and processed across computer networks.
  7. Actions and operations that take place within a networking device to handle communication.
  8. Amount of data that moves across a network during a given time.
  9. Transmission of digital data between two or more computer networks.
  10. Caused maily by networking congestion, transmission errors and network system failures.
  1. A hardware component that enables a computer to connect to a network and communicate.
  2. A worldwide system of computer networks.
  3. Physical components of a computer.
  4. Required for end-to-end service provisioning.
  5. Measurement of how many units of information a system can process in a given amount of time.
  6. Time delay over your network connection.
  7. Process of removing the header and trailer information from a packet, as it moves to its destination.
  8. Handles framing, addressing, flow control and error detection.
  9. What is connected to a workstation as a LAN topology?
  10. Seven layers that computer systems use to communicate over a network.

20 Clues: Physical components of a computer.A worldwide system of computer networks.Time delay over your network connection.Required for end-to-end service provisioning.Instructions that tell a computer what to do.What is connected to a workstation as a LAN topology?Parameters that capture the characteristics of the network....

Computer Systems Vocabulary 2017-09-04

Computer Systems Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Software programs that perform tasks to make the hardware operate.
  2. A device used to insert data into a computer or other device.
  3. Starting up a computer from a halted or powered down condition.
  4. A computer's physical machinery and equipment.
  5. Programs that perform tasks specifically for the user.
  6. Printed circuit board on which the CPU, RAM chips and other electronic circuit components are located.
  7. The part of computer where data is stored for later use.
  8. A temporary place to store material that works quickly. erased when computer turns off.
  9. An input or output device that connects to and works with the computer in some way.
  10. The brain of the computer that performs instructions defined by software.
  1. A set of step-by-step instructions to a computer. Some are burned directly into chips, while others are stored as program files.
  2. Memory storage devices such as hard disk drives, CDs, DVDs, flash drives and any type of memory card.
  3. Set of instructions called programs that tell the hardware and software what to do. Can be operating system or application software.
  4. Groupings of 1's and 0's that makes information that a computer can understand.
  5. User interaction through graphical icons and visual indicators.
  6. Bits, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte.
  7. A device that projects images, gives sound, and basically gives out the info from the computer so the user can obtain it.
  8. Permanent instructions that cannot be changed.
  9. A device that provides electrical power to a computer.
  10. A memory storage device that stores digitally encoded data.

20 Clues: A computer's physical machinery and equipment.Permanent instructions that cannot be changed.Bits, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte.Programs that perform tasks specifically for the user.A device that provides electrical power to a computer.The part of computer where data is stored for later use....

Digital Literacy and Responsibility 2014-10-21

Digital Literacy and Responsibility crossword puzzle
  1. Physical parts of a computer
  2. Website that acts as a journal
  3. Using technology to harm others through deliberate, repeated, and hostile attacks
  4. Use of letters and punctuation in a message that indicates an emotion
  5. Computer or network has been broken into without permission
  6. Software designed to harm a computer
  7. zone Area where there is no cell phone service
  8. Exclusive rights given to someone who creates original work
  9. Software created for particular task
  10. Computer system that stores enormous amounts of data
  11. One present but not taking part in a situation or event
  12. Computer software that displays advertisements
  13. Global network which links smaller computer networks together
  14. package What your service pervader charges you for using internet
  1. Addiction to dependence on the use of cell phone, computers, and internet
  2. Offering reason to be believed
  3. Something you can add to a software application to enhance its abilities
  4. Program used to display information (ex. slideshow)
  5. Carries out the functions in a computer
  6. Property created from an original thought or idea
  7. Receiving data from a server or computer system
  8. Area which a service provider offers it communication service
  9. Service that allows for sending media through a cell phone
  10. Act of sending inappropriate sexual material
  11. Address of numbers indicating the location of a computer service
  12. Providing the specific source of the material
  13. name Type of internet address for such as .gov, .edu, .com
  14. Device or program used for reading electronic books
  15. Personal jugement préjudice
  16. Electronic mail sent between computer networks

30 Clues: Personal jugement préjudicePhysical parts of a computerOffering reason to be believedWebsite that acts as a journalSoftware designed to harm a computerSoftware created for particular taskCarries out the functions in a computerAct of sending inappropriate sexual materialProviding the specific source of the material...

Digital Citizenship #3 2023-01-24

Digital Citizenship #3 crossword puzzle
  1. pictures or images on a screen
  2. not allowed by the law; not legal
  3. the type of circuit with an object that allows the flow of electricity
  4. the main drive of a computer where files and folders are stored
  5. a substance that sometimes conducts electricity
  6. type of card in a computer that controls the images shown on screen
  7. (Universal Serial Bus) a port or connection used to connect external devices
  8. a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer
  9. all of the digital information on the internet about you
  10. (Random Access Memory) a device that stores data for a very short time
  1. a device used to control electrical signals and power
  2. (User Interface)a way for a user to interact with the computer using a screen
  3. a slot to improve or upgrade parts of the computer
  4. personal and not to be shared
  5. a small plastic card that connects a computer to a network or Internet
  6. a drive that is a tray or slot where you put a CD or DVD
  7. the board that all of the internal parts of a computer are connected to
  8. (Graphical User Interface)things that can be clicked on to use the programs and files in a computer
  9. a service used to see people and objects on the move
  10. a tube that contains nothing that allows the free passage of electricity
  11. (central processing unit) the brain of the computer
  12. type of small plastic card that makes the sound from the computer sound better

22 Clues: personal and not to be sharedpictures or images on a screennot allowed by the law; not legala substance that sometimes conducts electricitya slot to improve or upgrade parts of the computer(central processing unit) the brain of the computera service used to see people and objects on the movea device used to control electrical signals and power...

Chapter 2b 2015-04-27

Chapter 2b crossword puzzle
  1. here
  2. clock
  3. wastepaper basket
  4. pencil sharpener
  5. of
  6. What is this?
  7. computer keyboard
  8. flag
  9. teacher desk
  10. door
  11. next to or beside
  12. chair
  13. de on top of
  14. the
  1. bookbag or backpack
  2. my
  3. in front of
  4. poster
  5. computer or projector screen
  6. computer
  7. there
  8. your
  9. behind
  10. window
  11. underneath
  12. in or on
  13. table
  14. some
  15. computer mouse
  16. there is or there are

30 Clues: myofthehereyourflagdoorsomeclocktheretablechairposterbehindwindowcomputerin or onunderneathin front ofteacher deskde on top ofWhat is this?computer mousepencil sharpenerwastepaper basketcomputer keyboardnext to or besidebookbag or backpackthere is or there arecomputer or projector screen

MORS 131A Computer Lab Glossary 2022-10-19

MORS 131A Computer Lab Glossary crossword puzzle
  1. a program for manipulating numbers in tabular form. A grid, somewhat like a ledger sheet, is displayed.
  2. a circuit board that contains most of the electronic components of the system unit, sometimes called the main board or system board.
  3. AKA Input/Output devices- physical devices that allows for data to be entered into a computer, data to be returned to the user, or functions to do both enter and return data.
  4. Computer programs designed for specific uses and relatively easy to use without technical knowledge or programming
  5. the use of computerized equipment to create, store, recall, correct, and produce written documents.
  6. the user tells the programmer what he/she wants to be able to do and the programmer writes a set of instructions (program) to perform the specific task for the particular user.
  7. the information that is entered into a computer from an outside source. data entered into a computer system for processing.
  8. the elemental language of computers. It is read by the computer's central processing unit and is a series of zeros and ones.
  9. Compact disk read-only memory; a compact disk from which stored data can be read by a laser beam
  10. AKA RAM the working memory of the computer. It is the usable memory which data or programs may be written to or read from.
  11. the process of entering data into a computer system.
  12. a duplicate of an original program or data made as a precaution against loss or damage of the original
  13. the memory that is built into the computer.
  14. handling or manipulating data. the rearrangement and refinement of raw data into a form suitable for further use.
  15. any procedure for receiving information and producing a specific result. the rearrangement and refinement of raw data into a form suitable for further use.
  16. the act of transferring data from a primary/internal storage device to a secondary/external storage device.
  17. an organized collection of related data.
  18. the physical equipment or device which makes up a computer system, including its input and output devices. everything except the programs in the computer system.
  19. a device that manipulates data according to a series of instructions stored in its memory. An electronic device that can accept data , perform instructions on the data, and deliver the results of the process data.
  20. the primary electronic chip on the motherboard which controls and performs the execution of instructions.
  21. AKA ROM memory which has been manufactured with predetermined information or programs. Usually used to store the control program of the computer.
  22. a program to do often needed tasks in managing the computer, but not an application for which the user bought the computer.
  23. to prepare a new disk for use by the computer or an old one for re-use. Formatting erases all previous information.
  24. instructions consisting of a series of numbers or a coded pattern of digits which convey information between people and machines.
  25. a central computer, usually applies to medium and/or large-scale computer systems.
  1. software designed and marketed (sold) to a particular industry or profession, i.e. funeral service.
  2. the space a character, letter or number takes up in the computer. It is made up of a group of eight (8) bits.
  3. a small computer designed to sit on a desk. Also a laptop, tablet, etc. AKA- Personal Computer.
  4. a program designed specifically for performing statistical calculations.
  5. a set of instructions arranged in proper sequence that can direct the computer to do something useful.
  6. the information that the computer manipulates.
  7. a computer's programs
  8. software that is designed to be used by anyone who might benefit.
  9. the smallest amount of information a computer can store.Computers must use this information in the form of bits because the electronic circuits they are made of can have only two states: on or off.
  10. a program that helps to overcome the problems involved in running a computer. It makes sure that the proper programs are in the right place in memory at the right time, handles I/O operations, and allows the computer to work for long periods without the direct intervention of the operator.
  11. a mechanical unit designed to bring data to be processed into a computer.
  12. a device into which data can be entered and from which it can be retrieved at a later time.
  13. Abbreviation for Input/Output.
  14. a device containing a sealed, rigid magnetic disk and read/write mechanism, usually built directly into the computer.
  15. data storage that is outside of the main memory of the computer.
  16. a group of two or more computers linked together electronically that can communicate with each other.
  17. a think disk of magnetic material capable of storing a large amount of information.
  18. a set of several different applications that have been programmed together, permitting data from one application program to be transferred directly to another.
  19. an organization of hardware and software designed to accomplish a data processing function.
  20. a device that converts the electrical impulses (digital) produced by the computer into sound impulses (wave-like) and vice versa that can be transmitted over telephone lines. An acronym for modulate/demodulate.
  21. aka control unit- Central ProcessingUnit the unit of computer systems that contains circuits which control the functions and perform the execution of instructions; composed of the following three parts: Memory (primary storage), arithmetic/logic unit, and control unit.
  22. (LAN)a way of linking a number of computers (such as in an office) through communication lines so that they can share I/O devices and data.
  23. the use of a computer to design and print typeset documents.
  24. to transmit the data from the computer to the memory device.
  25. an area of storage of data inside the computer. It contains the programs and data being used by the computer. The primary storage or most accessible storage of the computer.
  26. a device for interacting with a monitor.

51 Clues: a computer's programsAbbreviation for Input/ organized collection of related data.a device for interacting with a monitor.the memory that is built into the computer.the information that the computer manipulates.the process of entering data into a computer system.the use of a computer to design and print typeset documents....

CPU STUFF 2012-09-20

CPU STUFF crossword puzzle
  1. outputs information from a computer
  2. similiar to mouse but with a ball on top
  3. pointing device two buttons and a scroll wheel
  4. computer hardware used to provide data
  5. device that draws graphs
  6. pen like pointer used to select objects on a screen
  7. anything not directly part of the computer
  8. sprays ink onto paper
  9. visual display detects presence of touch
  10. scans documents
  11. small pad sensitive to touch
  1. the more pixels the better it is
  2. stores digital images
  3. allows one computer to connect to another
  4. used to display things from a computer
  5. focused light to output images onto paper
  6. mouses trackballs lightpens
  7. used to input words to a computer
  8. used to tell price of a product
  9. ______-jetprinter
  10. used to play videogames
  11. outputs audio
  12. a physical copy

23 Clues: outputs audioa physical copyscans documents______-jetprinterstores digital imagessprays ink onto paperused to play videogamesdevice that draws graphsmouses trackballs lightpenssmall pad sensitive to touchused to tell price of a productthe more pixels the better it isused to input words to a computeroutputs information from a computer...

2B Crucigrama 2024-07-15

2B Crucigrama crossword puzzle
  1. desk
  2. on top of
  3. table
  4. (computer) keyboard
  5. (computer)mouse
  6. door
  7. window
  8. underneath
  9. pencil sharpener
  10. chair
  11. backpack
  1. flag
  2. screen
  3. in front of
  4. poster
  5. computer
  6. clock
  7. behind
  8. where?
  9. wastepaper basket
  10. here
  11. next to
  12. there

23 Clues: flagdeskdoorhereclocktablechairtherescreenposterbehindwhere?windownext tocomputerbackpackon top ofunderneathin front of(computer)mousepencil sharpenerwastepaper basket(computer) keyboard

Computer Science 2019-05-20

Computer Science crossword puzzle
  1. : Dynamic random access memory
  2. : Wireless application protocol
  3. Memory : a memory management capability of an operating system (OS) that uses hardware and software to allow a computer to compensate for physical memory shortages by temporarily transferring data from random access memory (RAM) to disk storage.
  4. : Uniform Resource Locator
  5. : A network switch (also called switching hub, bridging hub, officially MAC bridge) is a computer networking device that connects devices on a computer network by using packet switching to receive, process, and forward data to the destination device.
  6. : Petabyte
  7. : A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. ... A packet is typically forwarded from one router to another router through the networks that constitute an internetwork (e.g. the Internet) until it reaches its destination node.
  8. : network interface card
  9. Memory : physical memory that is internal to the computer.
  10. hardware : The collection of physical parts of a computer system
  11. : metropolitan area network
  1. : There are four types of computer cable connections to a monitor: VGA, DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort.
  2. : Internet service provider
  3. : Wi-Fi is defined as an abbreviation for wireless fidelity, meaning you can access or connect to a network using radio waves, without needing to use wires.
  4. Memory : is computer storage that only maintains its data while the device is powered.
  5. : Terabyte
  6. : personal computer
  7. : static RAM
  8. : wide area network
  9. : local area network
  10. Address : Internet Protocol address
  11. : To store data locally in order to speed up subsequent retrievals
  12. : Stands for random access memory
  13. : Universal Serial Bus
  14. : Stands for read-only memory
  15. : Domain Name System

26 Clues: : Terabyte: Petabyte: static RAM: personal computer: wide area network: local area network: Domain Name System: Universal Serial Bus: network interface card: Uniform Resource Locator: Internet service provider: metropolitan area network: Stands for read-only memory: Dynamic random access memory: Wireless application protocol...

Computer Systems 2019-05-20

Computer Systems crossword puzzle
  1. : A network switch (also called switching hub, bridging hub, officially MAC bridge) is a computer networking device that connects devices on a computer network by using packet switching to receive, process, and forward data to the destination device.
  2. : metropolitan area network
  3. : Terabyte
  4. : To store data locally in order to speed up subsequent retrievals
  5. : Wi-Fi is defined as an abbreviation for wireless fidelity, meaning you can access or connect to a network using radio waves, without needing to use wires.
  6. Address : Internet Protocol address
  7. Memory : is computer storage that only maintains its data while the device is powered.
  8. : Domain Name System
  9. : personal computer
  10. : A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. ... A packet is typically forwarded from one router to another router through the networks that constitute an internetwork (e.g. the Internet) until it reaches its destination node.
  11. : static RAM
  12. : Stands for read-only memory
  13. : local area network
  1. : wide area network
  2. : Universal Serial Bus
  3. Memory : a memory management capability of an operating system (OS) that uses hardware and software to allow a computer to compensate for physical memory shortages by temporarily transferring data from random access memory (RAM) to disk storage.
  4. hardware : The collection of physical parts of a computer system
  5. : network interface card
  6. Memory : physical memory that is internal to the computer.
  7. : There are four types of computer cable connections to a monitor: VGA, DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort.
  8. : Wireless application protocol
  9. : Internet service provider
  10. : Dynamic random access memory
  11. : Stands for random access memory
  12. : Uniform Resource Locator
  13. : Petabyte

26 Clues: : Terabyte: Petabyte: static RAM: wide area network: personal computer: Domain Name System: local area network: Universal Serial Bus: network interface card: Uniform Resource Locator: metropolitan area network: Internet service provider: Stands for read-only memory: Dynamic random access memory: Wireless application protocol...

operating systems 2018-09-14

operating systems crossword puzzle
  1. card this is a printed circuit board that controls the output to a display screen.
  2. designed to detect and destroy computer viruses
  3. this is harmful to a computer user.
  4. what is the system called for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic etc..
  5. this displays HTML files
  6. this is a computer that is portable.
  7. structured set of data held in a computer.
  8. disk what is flexible removable magnetic disk called?
  9. physical component of a computer
  10. what is non-volatile memory used in computers?
  11. a storage device containing non-volatile flash memory, used in place of a hard disk because of its much greater speed.
  1. memory what would you use when you run out of RAM?
  2. board a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer
  3. an open source operating system used for smartphones and computers.
  4. a computer that isn’t portable but only used in a ordinary desk
  5. drive is an electromechanical data storage device that uses magnetic storage to store
  6. panel this componenet allows you the ability to view and change system settings.
  7. this is used to search information.
  8. general term for the various of programs used to operate computer and other devices.
  9. what is machine readable code in the form of numbers and patterns?
  10. this a string of characters that allows to access a electronic device.
  11. carries out the instructions of a computer program
  12. this is a form of computer data storage that stores data and machine code currently being used.

23 Clues: this displays HTML filesphysical component of a computerthis is harmful to a computer user.this is used to search information.this is a computer that is portable.structured set of data held in a computer.what is non-volatile memory used in computers?designed to detect and destroy computer virusesmemory what would you use when you run out of RAM?...

Katy Stanton - Crossword - 1st Period 2016-10-25

Katy Stanton - Crossword - 1st Period crossword puzzle
  1. maximum transfer rate of 300mbps
  2. also called floppy drive
  3. device A computer device that is not a part of the physical computer
  4. became incompatible when newer computers came out
  5. allows you to talk to people that use a phone while you are using a computer
  6. transports signals back and forth in a matter of seconds along a telephone line
  7. maximum transfer rate of 54mbps
  8. use to communicate with each other over the Internet by computer
  9. a series of instructions that tells the computer what to do
  10. allows the computer to wirelessly connect to other computer that is using bluetooth
  1. input, processing, storage, output
  2. also called hard disk drive
  3. cannot be changed or erased (permanent)
  4. maximum transfer rate of 11mbps
  5. fastest and has the strongest signal
  6. is built into laptops and allows people to communicate wirelessly while still having a lightweight laptop
  7. uses radio waves to create network connections using a wireless adapter that creates hotspots
  8. portion of a hard drive
  9. network A group of devices that are linked together through communication channels

19 Clues: portion of a hard drivealso called floppy drivealso called hard disk drivemaximum transfer rate of 11mbpsmaximum transfer rate of 54mbpsmaximum transfer rate of 300mbpsinput, processing, storage, outputfastest and has the strongest signalcannot be changed or erased (permanent)became incompatible when newer computers came out...

Computer Intro Crossword Activity All Grades 2022-01-03

Computer Intro Crossword Activity All Grades crossword puzzle
  1. You can use the quick keys ctrl + c, double click on the trackpad, or _____click to copy text/images.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- What's that icon? Read about copy icon)
  2. The quick keys ctrl + v allow you to ____.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Quick Keys, look for the keys mentioned)
  3. For proper typing, the right _____is used for the k key.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Typing Chart)
  4. A unique identifying string that defines a realm of authority or control on the web.(Computer Bitmoji-7th Grade Folder-Vocab)
  5. For proper typing, the left _____is used for the number 4 key.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Typing Chart)
  6. Every time you are on the internet you leave behind a digital ________. Meaning every picture, post, and what you participate in online becomes a part of your digital _______ for the world to review, for the rest of your life.(Computer Bitmoji-Home-Digital Citizenship video-25 sec)
  7. The video mentioned that 25% of teenagers reported that they have experienced repeated ______via their cell phone or on the internet. (Computer Bitmoji-Home-Digital Citizenship video-2:04)
  8. What rule number (written out) does the "Safety First Video" mention "Don't send pictures of yourself or your family to anyone online"(Computer Bitmoji-Home-Safety First video-2:23)
  9. In order to copy and paste a google doc/sheet/slide link in the google form, you need to click the yellow ______ button in the upper right and click copy link. (Computer Bitmoji-Home- Google Classroom Tips and tools, Watch Turn in Textile-0:11)
  1. When signing into make sure to click "Continue with _____"(Computer Bitmoji-Grade Folder- Open and follow the steps for "getting started/start here")
  2. an Internet domain which is part of a primary domain(Computer Bitmoji-7th Grade Folder-Vocab)
  3. Someone who acts safely, responsibly, and respectfully online.(Computer Bitmoji-7th Grade Folder-Vocab)
  4. After typing the correct term into the crossword, and clicking a new definition/question, you get a _____checkmark next to the definition/question(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Google Classroom Tips and tools, Crossword activity PDF-0:33)
  5. Normally in the shape of a star, and located right of the address bar (URL bar), which allows you to save the URL for quick access to sites you might use most. (Computer Bitmoji-Home- What's that icon? Read about the different icons)
  6. What three keys allow you to take a partial screenshot on a chromebook? Ctrl + Shift + Show all________ (Computer Bitmoji- Home-Quick Keys, look for the icon in the right key box)
  7. An easy-to-remember address for calling a web page (like Bitmoji-7th Grade Folder-Vocab)
  8. To create a PDF of a site, right click on the page (or ctrl + P) to ______, change the destination to "Save as PDF" and click the blue save button.(Computer Bitmoji-Home-Google Classroom Tips and tools, Crossword activity PDF-0:53)
  9. For proper typing, the _____is used for the space bar.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Typing Chart)
  10. Kids between the age of 14 and 16 are even being tried as adults for _____crimes related to hacking activity.(Computer Bitmoji-Home-Digital Citizenship video-3:22)
  11. An image of a floppy disk to represent the ___. Most programs ___ automatically, but if you ever see this icon, you should always ____ as you go!(Computer Bitmoji-Home- What's that icon?)
  12. In order to see "your work" for a Google Classroom assignment, you need to click ____assignment.(Computer Bitmoji-Home-Google Classroom Tips and tools, Watch Example Avatar Activity-04 seconds)

21 Clues: For proper typing, the _____is used for the space bar.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Typing Chart)an Internet domain which is part of a primary domain(Computer Bitmoji-7th Grade Folder-Vocab)For proper typing, the right _____is used for the k key.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Typing Chart)...

Harrison Vocab 2014-11-12

Harrison Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. internet service provider
  2. parts of computer that you can touch
  3. picture quality
  4. box box that appears on a screen and gives you information
  5. connection of computers
  6. program or piece of software designed to fulfill specific needs
  7. hyper text markup language
  8. bit processed by a computer as a unit
  9. world wide connection of networks
  1. computer on a network that stores and mangoes network resources
  2. uniform resource locator
  3. act of transferring a file to a computer
  4. parts of filename that normally indicates the program in which the file was created
  5. state of being connected to the internet
  6. internet etiquette
  7. introductory page on a website
  8. wireless fidelity
  9. high speed data transmission
  10. parts of a computer you cannot touch
  11. act of transferring a file from a computer to the internet

20 Clues: picture qualitywireless fidelityinternet etiquetteconnection of computersuniform resource locatorinternet service providerhyper text markup languagehigh speed data transmissionintroductory page on a websiteworld wide connection of networksparts of computer that you can touchparts of a computer you cannot touchbit processed by a computer as a unit...

stupid121212 2020-10-23

stupid121212 crossword puzzle
  1. printer a printer in which the characters are formed by minute jets of ink.
  2. a panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter.
  3. a small handheld device that is dragged across a flat surface to move the cursor on a computer
  4. a video camera that inputs to a computer connected to the Internet, so that its images can be viewed by Internet users.
  5. Drivers In computing, a device driver is a computer program that operates or controls a particular type of device that is attached to a compute
  6. television receiver used in a studio to select or verify the picture being broadcast from a particular camera.
  7. Peripherals A computer peripheral is any external device that provides input and output for the computer
  8. showing the time by means of displayed digits rather than hands or a pointer.
  9. A touchpad or trackpad is a pointing device featuring a tactile sensor, a specialized surface that can translate the motion and position of a user's fingers to a relative position on the operating system that is made output to the screen.
  10. a movable indicator on a computer screen identifying the point that will be affected by input from the user, for example showing where typed text will be inserted.
  11. Disc (CD) a small plastic disc on which music or other digital information is stored, and from which the information can be read using reflected laser light.
  12. transistor is a binary switch and the fundamental building block of computer circuitry.
  1. Serial Bus (USB) is the most common type of computer port used in today's computers.
  2. A computer peripheral is any external device that provides input and output for the computer
  3. Speakers are one of the most common output devices used with computer systems.
  4. circuit n integrated circuit or monolithic integrated circuit (also referred to as an IC, a chip, or a microchip) is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or "chip") of semiconductor material that is normally silicon.
  5. a machine for printing text or pictures onto paper, especially one linked to a computer.
  6. standard for connecting high-definition video devices.
  7. peripherals is an input device is a peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment) used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or other information appliance
  8. Science Vocabulary Terms
  9. tubes An electronic device that controls the flow of electrons in a vacuum.
  10. Printer machine allowing the creation of a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many thin layers of a material in succession
  11. 1.3 and 1.4
  12. printer printer linked to a computer producing good-quality printed material by using a laser to form a pattern

24 Clues: 1.3 and 1.4Science Vocabulary Termsa panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter.standard for connecting high-definition video devices.printer a printer in which the characters are formed by minute jets of ink.tubes An electronic device that controls the flow of electrons in a vacuum....

aiden forehand 7th 2016-10-25

aiden forehand 7th crossword puzzle
  1. a large computer more powerful than a normal computer
  2. a way to communicate across phones
  3. a defensive wall against computer viruses
  4. a lightweight inexpensive mobile computer
  5. a word or picture that defines a person or company
  6. bulk data processing
  7. a thin lightweight remote access computer
  1. a group font name
  2. part of a website
  3. a personal non mobile computer
  4. a browser
  5. 1 byte of data
  6. has less on hand data
  7. a software that is able to be used anywhere.
  8. a website
  9. a cluster of computer towers used to store more data
  10. data storage

17 Clues: a browsera websitedata storage1 byte of dataa group font namepart of a websitebulk data processinghas less on hand dataa personal non mobile computera way to communicate across phonesa defensive wall against computer virusesa lightweight inexpensive mobile computera thin lightweight remote access computera software that is able to be used anywhere....

Digital Literacy and Responsibility 2014-10-21

Digital Literacy and Responsibility crossword puzzle
  1. Using technology to harm others through deliberate, repeated, and hostile attacks
  2. Computer or network has been broken into without permission
  3. Service that allows for sending media through a cell phone
  4. Use of letters and punctuation in a message that indicates an emotion
  5. Website that acts as a journal
  6. Software created for particular task
  7. Providing the specific source of the material
  8. Address of numbers indicating the location of a computer service
  9. Software designed to harm a computer
  10. One present but not taking part in a situation or event
  11. Addiction to dependence on the use of cell phone, computers, and internet
  12. Area which a service provider offers it communication service
  13. Personal jugement préjudice
  14. Electronic mail sent between computer networks
  15. zone Area where there is no cell phone service
  1. package What your service pervader charges you for using internet
  2. Global network which links smaller computer networks together
  3. Program used to display information (ex. slideshow)
  4. Something you can add to a software application to enhance its abilities
  5. Property created from an original thought or idea
  6. Computer system that stores enormous amounts of data
  7. Act of sending inappropriate sexual material
  8. Carries out the functions in a computer
  9. Receiving data from a server or computer system
  10. Computer software that displays advertisements
  11. Physical parts of a computer
  12. Exclusive rights given to someone who creates original work
  13. Offering reason to be believed
  14. Device or program used for reading electronic books
  15. name Type of internet address for such as .gov, .edu, .com

30 Clues: Personal jugement préjudicePhysical parts of a computerWebsite that acts as a journalOffering reason to be believedSoftware created for particular taskSoftware designed to harm a computerCarries out the functions in a computerAct of sending inappropriate sexual materialProviding the specific source of the material...

Introduction to Computers and Info Technology Ch1 2023-09-11

Introduction to Computers and Info Technology  Ch1 crossword puzzle
  1. Changing analog signals into digital
  2. Internet services that provides a guide to internet content
  3. System using computer code to carry different kinds of data
  4. Program that tells the computer what to do
  5. Group of 8 bytes
  6. Internet service that provides access to the internet
  7. The measure of how much data can be sent through a network connection
  8. Strand of fiberglass that transmits data by pulses of light
  9. - Identification while on the internet
  10. Area where data and instructions are stored while the computer is working
  11. To transfer a file from a computer to a client
  12. Software that finds and lists information that matches criteria
  1. Changing digital signals to analog
  2. Vast network of connected computers
  3. - Measurement of the speed at which data can be sent in one second
  4. Using a telephone network to send information
  5. System using electrical signals that match the human voice and other sounds
  6. - Hardware separate but connected to the computer
  7. Computer that requests services from a server
  8. Highlighted text or graphic in a Website that directs browser to another URL
  9. Address of documents on the web
  10. Program that does maintenance or repair tasks
  11. Raw data entered into the computer.
  12. Basic unit of data a digital computer can understand
  13. Physical part of a computer
  14. The results of the computer’s processing
  15. Part of a computer that processes data
  16. High-speed digital connection of at least 1.5 Mbps
  17. High-frequency radio waves that carry different types of data

29 Clues: Group of 8 bytesPhysical part of a computerAddress of documents on the webChanging digital signals to analogVast network of connected computersRaw data entered into the computer.Changing analog signals into digitalPart of a computer that processes data- Identification while on the internetThe results of the computer’s processing...

The Internet 2013-08-15

The Internet crossword puzzle
  1. a person somewhere in the world who wants to get into your computer and control it
  2. to put information into a special code, especially in order to prevent people from looking at it without authority
  3. a device which sends data to the appropriate parts of a computer network
  4. that can be brought to the screen quickly while you are working on another document
  5. to use together
  6. another word for monitor
  7. it connects your computer with a telephone line
  8. a program that lets you look at or read documents on the Internet
  9. a person who is responsible for particular pages of information on the World Wide Web
  10. a person or an organization that supplies somebody with a network they need or want
  11. a word or picture on a web page that can take you to another page when you click on it
  12. a file that comes with an email
  13. small computer programme that can damage your system
  14. type of music that can be downloaded from the internet
  15. a system for sending data over computer networks using radio waves instead of wires
  16. information that is stored on a computer
  1. questions many people have asked before you
  2. computer program that controls or supplies information to several computers connected in a network
  3. a computer file with information in it that is sent to the central server each time a particular person uses a network or the Internet
  4. a row of symbols (= icons ) on a computer screen that show the different things that you can do with a particular program
  5. to make something more modern by adding new parts, etc
  6. a series of letters or numbers that you must type into a computer or computer system in order to be able to use it
  7. language that is used to write web pages
  8. a computer program that searches the Internet for information, especially by looking for documents containing a particular word or group of words
  9. file type that is used for photos
  10. a record of the address of a file, a page on the Internet, etc. that enables you to find it quickly
  11. a part of a computer system that prevents people from getting at information without permission, but still allows them to receive information that is sent to them
  12. if you are connected to the Internet you are ...
  13. a set of websites on the Internet which end with the same group of letters, for example ‘.com’, ‘.org’
  14. to write something using a computer
  15. another word for internet address
  16. the abbreviation for ‘Portable Document Format’ (a type of computer file that can contain words or pictures. It can be read using any system, can be sent from one computer to another, and will look the same on any computer.)
  17. the abbreviation for ‘local area network’ (a system for communicating by computer within a large building or group of buildings)

33 Clues: to use togetheranother word for monitora file that comes with an emailfile type that is used for photosanother word for internet addressto write something using a computerlanguage that is used to write web pagesinformation that is stored on a computerquestions many people have asked before youit connects your computer with a telephone line...

Unit 1 2021-10-20

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. information server processor
  2. research and brainstorm
  3. similarity and dissimilarity
  4. machine work with information
  5. thinking work turning into output
  6. provides user navigation
  7. recording visual images
  8. information computer gets
  9. how to solve any problem
  10. hypothesis followed by conclusion
  11. saving information
  1. detect change
  2. review what happened
  3. global computer network
  4. display device
  5. identify problem
  6. complementary between things
  7. put plan into action
  8. determine total number
  9. information computer gives

20 Clues: detect changedisplay deviceidentify problemsaving informationreview what happenedput plan into actiondetermine total numberresearch and brainstormglobal computer networkrecording visual imagesprovides user navigationhow to solve any probleminformation computer getsinformation computer givesinformation server processorsimilarity and dissimilarity...

pc crossword 2022-10-19

pc crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When the icon is clicked, something opens.
  2. This has to be loaded onto a computer to work, Starts with Operating-.
  3. This allows you to type and has to be connected to a computer for it to work.
  4. You can speak to someone when this is plugged in your computer.
  5. all the internal hardware together.
  6. This external hardware can show your face on apps if it has an option.
  7. This allows you to move the cursor on screen.
  8. displays color in multiple ways that could or could not be in your pc build.
  1. you can see all the graphics with his external device
  2. We need these in a computer to keep it cool.
  3. You need this to access the web.
  4. This takes the power from your home, powers your hardware and starts with Power-.
  5. this is a carry-on device that acts like a computer.
  6. drive This hardware will keep your computer storage maintained while turned off.
  7. This outputs images to a display device and is an adapter.
  8. People throwing phones and technology away.
  9. This is a type of computer memory that can be used but not changed.
  10. This computer part connects your whole computer together.
  11. Random- access-memory.

19 Clues: Random- access-memory.You need this to access the web.all the internal hardware together.When the icon is clicked, something opens.People throwing phones and technology away.We need these in a computer to keep it cool.This allows you to move the cursor on screen.this is a carry-on device that acts like a computer....

POB Ch 11 2021-04-07

POB Ch 11 crossword puzzle
  1. stealing or illegally copying software packages or information
  2. the instructions that run the computer system
  3. the use of technology to create product styles and designs
  4. conducting business transactions using the internet or other technology
  5. a coordinated system of processing and reporting information in an organization
  6. a computer program that translates commands and allows application programs to interact with the hardware
  1. the use of computers to help people learn or improve skills at their own pace
  2. the control center of the computer
  3. computer programs that help people solve technical problems
  4. the physical elements of a computer system
  5. all functioning components of a computer
  6. software that enables computers to reason, learn and make decisions
  7. a series of detailed, step-by-step instructions that tell the computer what functions to complete
  8. allows employees to work from home using personal computers and other technology
  9. computer programs that perform specific tasks such as word processing, database management or accounting
  10. mechanical devices programmed to do routine tasks
  11. a group of computers linked together in order to share hardware, software and data
  12. a program code hidden in a system that can later do damage to software or stored data
  13. a system of letters, numbers, words and symbols to communicate with the computer

19 Clues: the control center of the computerall functioning components of a computerthe physical elements of a computer systemthe instructions that run the computer systemmechanical devices programmed to do routine tasksthe use of technology to create product styles and designscomputer programs that help people solve technical problems...

Lexi Crossword puzzle 2014-02-10

Lexi Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the process of starting a computer and putting it into a state of readiness for operation
  2. a set of computer instructions in firmware that control input and output operations.
  3. stands for Universal Serial Bus. Allows the user to connect additional equipment to your computer ( printers, external storage devices, digital cameras, modems, keyboards, switches, and joysticks) without needing to restart your computer.
  4. the machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer
  5. is a device connected to a host computer
  6. Stands for random- access memory. The information a computer needs temporary like pictures of a bird.
  7. code- language of ones and zeros.
  8. a unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network.
  9. the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer
  10. the programs and other operating information used by a computer.
  11. source-denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.
  12. a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange
  13. a packet of data sent by an Internet server to a browser, which is returned by the browser each time it subsequently accesses the same server, used to identify the user or track their access to the server.
  1. a program with a graphical user interface for displaying HTML files, used to navigate the World Wide Web.
  2. a computer or computer program that manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network.
  3. a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors into which other circuit boards can be slotted
  4. 8 bits
  5. the home area of a computer screen regarded of a notional desktop and containing icons items such as files and a wastebasket.
  6. the software that supports a computer's basic functions, such as scheduling tasks, executing applications, and controlling peripherals.
  7. contains multiple hard disks that stores your storage
  8. a pre selected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer.
  9. stands for domain name system, hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities.
  10. The Central Processing Unit works like a human brain. It tell and controls the other parts of the computer.
  11. stands for universal resource locator, the address of a web page on the world wide web
  12. (in a network) a desktop computer or workstation that is capable of obtaining information and applications from a server.
  13. Stands for read-only memory. The information computers need permanently like your name.
  14. an arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines.
  15. an auxiliary memory from which high-speed retrieval is possible
  16. stands for internet service provider, telephone companies or other telecommunication providers, provides services such as Internet access, Internet transit, domain name registration and hosting, dial-up access, leased line access and colocation.

29 Clues: 8 bitscode- language of ones and a device connected to a host computercontains multiple hard disks that stores your storagean arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical auxiliary memory from which high-speed retrieval is possiblethe programs and other operating information used by a computer....

Computers 2016-02-12

Computers crossword puzzle
  1. can handle more data and more input and output than microcomputers.
  2. an input device, partially modeled after the typewriter keyboard, which uses an arrangement of buttons or keys, to act as mechanical levers or electronic switches.
  3. a register in a CPU in which intermediate arithmetic and logic results are stored.
  4. a collection of computers and devices connected by communications channels.
  5. a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface.
  6. represent data in the form of continuous electric signals having a specific magnitude.
  7. Personal computer you can carry from place to place.
  8. a computer which may be used to provide services to clients.
  9. the portion of a computer system that executes the instructions of a computer program.
  10. a type of memory chip that retains its data when its power supply is switched off.
  11. A webcam is a video camera that feeds its images in real time to a computer or computer network, often via USB, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi.
  12. programs and other kinds of information read and written by computers.
  13. an electronic visual display for computers.
  14. a non-volatile storage device that stores data on rapidly rotating rigid (i.e. hard) platters with magnetic surfaces.
  15. the cycle during which a machine language instruction is executed by the processor of the computer system.
  16. designed to be used y individuals.
  17. Example of computer usage.
  18. the CPU retrieves the instruction from the main memory of the computer system.
  19. benefited with the computer.
  1. a computer program that can replicate itself and spread from one computer to another.
  2. a peripheral which produces a text or graphics of documents stored in electronic form, usually on physical print media such as paper or transparencies.
  3. reason in using internet.
  4. a data storage medium that is composed of a disk of thin, flexible ("floppy") magnetic storage medium encased in a square or rectangular plastic shell.
  5. Computing device small enough to hold in your hand.
  6. Many form of computer data storage that allow stored data to be accessed in any order
  7. an electronic device operating under control of instructions stored in its own memory.
  8. A mobile computing device designed for single-player or multiplayer video games.
  9. a device for reading floppy disks.
  10. a type of non volatile computer storage chip that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed.
  11. is a part of the CPU that performs arithmetic operations on the data.
  12. devices that are used to store data or programs on a temporary or permanent basis for use in an electronic digital computer.
  13. the physical components of a computer.
  14. store a process data in digital form
  15. a combination of analog and digital computers.
  16. the fastest type of computer that can perform complex operations a very high speed.
  17. a fast memory that transparently improves the performance of a larger, but slower memory or storage device.
  18. any peripheral equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system.
  19. the central printed circuit board (PCB) in many modern computers which holds many of the crucial components of the system, while providing connectors for other peripherals.
  20. A hardware device or software to protect a computer from viruses, malware, trojans etc.
  21. flash drive a flash memory device integrated with a USB interface. USB flash drives are typically removable and rewritable.

40 Clues: reason in using internet.Example of computer usage.benefited with the computer.a device for reading floppy disks.designed to be used y a process data in digital formthe physical components of a electronic visual display for computers.a combination of analog and digital computers....

Technology 2015-06-09

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and transfers the information to paper
  2. a program that interacts with a particular device or special (frequently optional) kind of software
  3. a is a device that channels incoming data
  4. the primary text input device of a computer
  5. a private network that is contained within an enterprise
  6. a wireless, portable personal computer with a touch screen interface
  7. a cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features not originally associated with telephones
  8. a term used to describe telecommunications in which electromagnetic waves carry the signal
  9. a small device that a computer user pushes across a desk surface in order to point to a place on a display
  10. is a device that routes traffic between virtual local area networks
  1. the physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, and other devices
  2. a computer program that provides services to other computer programs
  3. a term for any small mobile hand-held device that provides computing and information
  4. a worldwide system of computer networks - a network of networks
  5. a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result
  6. a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices
  7. the requesting program or user in a client/server relationship
  8. a series of points or nodes interconnected by communication paths.
  9. a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine pages, and similar sources for computer editing and display
  10. the electronic holding place for instructions and data that your computer's microprocessor can reach quickly

20 Clues: a is a device that channels incoming datathe primary text input device of a computera private network that is contained within an enterprisethe requesting program or user in a client/server relationshipa worldwide system of computer networks - a network of networksa series of points or nodes interconnected by communication paths....

Tech Terms 2024-11-14

Tech Terms crossword puzzle
  1. random access memory
  2. backbone of every website
  3. a way of scrambling data so that only authorized parties can understand the information
  4. interlinked websites
  5. a naming database in which internet domain names are located and translated into Internet Protocol (IP) addresses
  6. restart
  7. Portable Document File/format
  8. Input device starting with M
  9. digital
  10. parts of a computer you cannot touch
  11. Part of a computer system that is designed to block unauthorized access
  12. a frequently updated web page used for personal commentary or business content
  13. stores information on your computer
  14. a computer-generated environment like real life
  15. A way to back up a device
  16. engines Yahoo
  17. Small text files that websites store on your computer to remember information
  18. Address Internet Protocol Address
  19. 1 million bytes
  20. connected devices
  1. Language zeros or ones
  2. Uniform Resource Locator
  3. thing a computer does Input, ______, storage and process
  4. malicious software
  5. open source software (LibreOffice)
  6. start
  7. the main circuit board in a computer system
  8. the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology
  9. eight bits
  10. what makes hardware and software interact
  11. Information from another computer to mine
  12. Physical parts of a computer
  13. read only memory
  14. A traditional way of getting on the internet
  15. Google Chrome
  16. Output device starting with M
  17. a server is a computer that runs a program that allows you to connect to other computers over the Internet
  18. Central Processing Unit
  19. Personal Identifiable information
  20. zeros or ones

40 Clues: startrestartdigitaleight bitsGoogle Chromeengines Yahoozeros or ones1 million bytesread only memoryconnected devicesmalicious softwarerandom access memoryinterlinked websitesCentral Processing UnitLanguage zeros or onesUniform Resource Locatorbackbone of every websiteA way to back up a deviceInput device starting with M...

IT Trivia 2022-07-22

IT Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. an instruction for the computer
  2. data that has been converted into a more useful or intelligible form
  3. a communication method that uses electronic devices to deliver messages across computer networks
  4. software programs designed to damage or do other unwanted actions on a computer
  5. a multinational information technology company that sells hardware, software and related business services
  6. anything that has the potential to cause serious harm to a computer system
  7. bits of data that a computer uses to collect information on your browsing history
  8. a method of preventing unauthorized access to or from a particular network
  1. the process of transferring one or more files from a remote computer to your local computer
  2. a loudspeaker responsive only to the lowest acoustic frequencies
  3. a hardware device that allows information to be stored and retrieved on a computer
  4. a unit of storage capacity for computer data and memory
  5. the data transfer capacity of a computer network in bits per second
  6. a hardware device that filters and forwards network packets
  7. a device that is used to connect two pieces of equipment that were not designed to be connected
  8. ... and wireless
  9. transducers that convert electromagnetic waves into sound waves
  10. a device that connects two or more packet-switched networks or subnetworks

18 Clues: ... and wirelessan instruction for the computera unit of storage capacity for computer data and memorya hardware device that filters and forwards network packetstransducers that convert electromagnetic waves into sound wavesa loudspeaker responsive only to the lowest acoustic frequencies...

Make a Crossword Puzzle 2021-12-08

Make a Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. is a form of computer memory that can be read and changed in any order, typically used to store working data and machine code.
  2. a small computer that contains a microprocessor as its central processor
  3. a piece of equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system
  4. the enclosure that contains most of the components of a personal computer.
  5. is the recording of information in a storage medium.
  6. a large high-speed computer, especially one supporting numerous workstations or peripherals
  7. is a person who utilizes a computer or network service.
  8. is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.
  9. (GUI): is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and audio indicator such as primary notation.
  10. is a system of rules that allows two or more entities of a communications system to transmit information via any kind of variation of a physical quantity.
  11. the collection and manipulation of items of data to produce meaningful information.
  12. extends a private network across a public network and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks.
  1. main processor or just processor, is the electronic circuitry that executes instructions comprising a computer program.
  2. a peripheral device.
  3. is an identifier specified as a suffix to the name of a computer file.
  4. an electro-mechanical data storage device that stores and retrieves digital data using magnetic storage.
  5. the arrangement of the elements of a communication network.
  6. an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
  7. the retention of retrievable data on a computer or other electronic system; memory.
  8. is a reference model for how applications communicate over a network.
  9. processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text.
  10. a collection of instructions that tell a computer how to work.
  11. is a passive heat exchanger that transfers the heat generated by an electronic or a mechanical device to a fluid medium.
  12. a particularly powerful mainframe computer.
  13. a circuit board that can be inserted in a computer to give extra facilities or memory.
  14. the physical parts of a computer
  15. is a piece of computer hardware or software that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called "clients"
  16. an electrical device that supplies electric power to an electrical load.
  17. a computer network that interconnects computers within a limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory, university campus or office building.
  18. a mobile device, typically with a mobile operating system and touchscreen display processing circuitry.
  19. is the main printed circuit board in general-purpose computers and other expandable systems.
  20. are individual facts, statistics, or items of information, often numeric.

32 Clues: a peripheral device.the physical parts of a computera particularly powerful mainframe the recording of information in a storage a person who utilizes a computer or network service.the arrangement of the elements of a communication network.a collection of instructions that tell a computer how to work....

Computer Intro Crossword Activity All Grades 2022-01-03

Computer Intro Crossword Activity All Grades crossword puzzle
  1. You can use the quick keys ctrl + c, double click on the trackpad, or _____click to copy text/images.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- What's that icon? Read about copy icon)
  2. The quick keys ctrl + v allow you to ____.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Quick Keys, look for the keys mentioned)
  3. For proper typing, the right _____is used for the k key.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Typing Chart)
  4. A unique identifying string that defines a realm of authority or control on the web.(Computer Bitmoji-7th Grade Folder-Vocab)
  5. For proper typing, the left _____is used for the number 4 key.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Typing Chart)
  6. Every time you are on the internet you leave behind a digital ________. Meaning every picture, post, and what you participate in online becomes a part of your digital _______ for the world to review, for the rest of your life.(Computer Bitmoji-Home-Digital Citizenship video-25 sec)
  7. The video mentioned that 25% of teenagers reported that they have experienced repeated ______via their cell phone or on the internet. (Computer Bitmoji-Home-Digital Citizenship video-2:04)
  8. What rule number (written out) does the "Safety First Video" mention "Don't send pictures of yourself or your family to anyone online"(Computer Bitmoji-Home-Safety First video-2:23)
  9. In order to copy and paste a google doc/sheet/slide link in the google form, you need to click the yellow ______ button in the upper right and click copy link. (Computer Bitmoji-Home- Google Classroom Tips and tools, Watch Turn in Textile-0:11)
  1. When signing into make sure to click "Continue with _____"(Computer Bitmoji-Grade Folder- Open and follow the steps for "getting started/start here")
  2. an Internet domain which is part of a primary domain(Computer Bitmoji-7th Grade Folder-Vocab)
  3. Someone who acts safely, responsibly, and respectfully online.(Computer Bitmoji-7th Grade Folder-Vocab)
  4. After typing the correct term into the crossword, and clicking a new definition/question, you get a _____checkmark next to the definition/question(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Google Classroom Tips and tools, Crossword activity PDF-0:33)
  5. Normally in the shape of a star, and located right of the address bar (URL bar), which allows you to save the URL for quick access to sites you might use most. (Computer Bitmoji-Home- What's that icon? Read about the different icons)
  6. What three keys allow you to take a partial screenshot on a chromebook? Ctrl + Shift + Show all________ (Computer Bitmoji- Home-Quick Keys, look for the icon in the right key box)
  7. An easy-to-remember address for calling a web page (like Bitmoji-7th Grade Folder-Vocab)
  8. To create a PDF of a site, right click on the page (or ctrl + P) to ______, change the destination to "Save as PDF" and click the blue save button.(Computer Bitmoji-Home-Google Classroom Tips and tools, Crossword activity PDF-0:53)
  9. For proper typing, the _____is used for the space bar.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Typing Chart)
  10. Kids between the age of 14 and 16 are even being tried as adults for _____crimes related to hacking activity.(Computer Bitmoji-Home-Digital Citizenship video-3:22)
  11. An image of a floppy disk to represent the ___. Most programs ___ automatically, but if you ever see this icon, you should always ____ as you go!(Computer Bitmoji-Home- What's that icon?)
  12. In order to see "your work" for a Google Classroom assignment, you need to click ____assignment.(Computer Bitmoji-Home-Google Classroom Tips and tools, Watch Example Avatar Activity-04 seconds)

21 Clues: For proper typing, the _____is used for the space bar.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Typing Chart)an Internet domain which is part of a primary domain(Computer Bitmoji-7th Grade Folder-Vocab)For proper typing, the right _____is used for the k key.(Computer Bitmoji-Home- Typing Chart)...

Computer Crossword Puzzle - Information and Communication Technology 2021-02-17

Computer Crossword Puzzle - Information and Communication Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Brain of the computer
  2. Everything attaches to this
  3. Displays webpages, and images on a screen
  4. Cools the cpu from overheating
  5. Input device that lets you type keywords in
  6. Read-only memory, starts with and "R" and rhymes with "Tom"
  7. The part of the computer where you plug in USB, audio devices and other external hardware.
  8. Can be plugged into the computer for addition functions
  1. Supplies power to the computer
  2. Creates images on the computer
  3. Input device that lets you navigate the computer
  4. Holds disks such as CD's and blueray
  5. Sits on the motherboard and looks like a thin rectangle
  6. Holds information and files, even when computer is turned off
  7. A rectangular box that holds all the computer components
  8. Communication system that transfers data between components inside a computer

16 Clues: Brain of the computerEverything attaches to thisSupplies power to the computerCreates images on the computerCools the cpu from overheatingHolds disks such as CD's and bluerayDisplays webpages, and images on a screenInput device that lets you type keywords inInput device that lets you navigate the computer...

Chloe crossword vocabulary 2014-02-10

Chloe crossword vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified
  2. a high-capacity, self-contained storage device containing a read-write mechanism plus one or more hard disks, inside a sealed unit
  3. a desktop computer or workstation that is capable of obtaining information and applications from a server
  4. a packet of data sent by an Internet server to a browser, which is returned by the browser each time it subsequently accesses the same server, used to identify the user or track their access to the server
  5. the software that supports a computer's basic functions, such as scheduling tasks, executing applications, and controlling peripherals
  6. a preselected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer
  7. an auxiliary memory from which high-speed retrieval is possible
  8. a computer or computer program that manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network
  9. a peripheral device
  10. a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors into which other circuit boards can be slotted.
  11. tools, machinery, and other durable equipment
  12. a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange
  13. a group of binary digits or bits operated on as a unit
  14. allows the user to connect additional equipment to your computer (e.g. printers, external storage devices, digital cameras, modems, keyboards, switches, and joysticks) without the need to restart or reconfigure the computer
  15. a program with a graphical user interface for displaying HTML files, used to navigate the World Wide Web
  1. start (a computer) and put it into a state of readiness for operation
  2. a coding system using the binary digits 0 and 1 to represent a letter, digit, or other character in a computer or other electronic device
  3. the part of a computer in which operations are controlled and executed
  4. the programs and other operating information used by a computer
  5. the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer
  6. the system by which Internet domain names and addresses are tracked and regulated
  7. a location or address identifying where documents can be found on the Internet
  8. memory read at high speed but not capable of being changed by program instructions
  9. a unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network
  10. the most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on; an integrated circuit memory chip allows information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are equally accessible
  11. the working area of a computer screen regarded as a representation of a notional desktop and containing icons representing items such as files and a wastebasket
  12. an arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines
  13. an Internet service provider is a business or organization that offers users access to the Internet and related services
  14. a set of computer instructions in firmware that control input and output operations

29 Clues: a peripheral devicetools, machinery, and other durable equipmenta group of binary digits or bits operated on as a unitan arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical linesthe programs and other operating information used by a computeran auxiliary memory from which high-speed retrieval is possible...

Computher 2022-02-09

Computher crossword puzzle
  1. digital junk mail
  2. Locate the file or folder that you want to zip.
  3. A computer virus is a type of computer program that, when executed
  4. messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network.
  5. an act of moving or copying a file, program
  6. a collection of linked web pages
  7. is a file or code, typically delivered over a network
  8. a file format that provides an electronic image
  9. monitor is an output device that displays information in pictorial or text form
  10. the physical components that a computer system requires to function
  1. the fraudulent practice of sending emails
  2. a wireless technology
  3. the use of a computer to present and combine text, graphics, audio,
  4. To insert into. To enclose
  5. small graphical representation of a program or file
  6. A computer worm is a standalone malware computer program that replicates itself in order to spread to other computer
  7. instructions that tell a computer what to do.

17 Clues: digital junk maila wireless technologyTo insert into. To enclosea collection of linked web pagesthe fraudulent practice of sending emailsan act of moving or copying a file, programinstructions that tell a computer what to do.Locate the file or folder that you want to zip.a file format that provides an electronic image...

Computer 2020-12-11

Computer crossword puzzle
  1. is your operating system
  2. transfers and stores data
  3. ports specifically for mice and keyboards
  4. holds other components
  5. gives image to your computer screen
  6. carries out the pcs instructions
  1. connects to peripherals
  2. chip provides sound output
  3. stores temporary data
  4. port meant for much older keyboards and mice
  5. supplies power to the computer
  6. lets peripherals transfer data quicker

12 Clues: stores temporary dataholds other componentsconnects to peripheralsis your operating systemtransfers and stores datachip provides sound outputsupplies power to the computercarries out the pcs instructionsgives image to your computer screenlets peripherals transfer data quickerports specifically for mice and keyboards...

COMPUTER 2020-11-17

COMPUTER crossword puzzle
  1. the connection between the computer and the mouse and keyboard
  2. Motherboards often have integrated ---------.
  3. houses your graphics card
  4. The motherboard manufacturer installs a basic OS in the ----
  5. If you have an older printer or scanner, you probably connect the device to the -----------.
  1. are much slower than new USB and FireWire ports.
  2. It funnels power through the multicolored cables
  3. Many peripherals require ---
  4. the brain of the computer
  5. Current ports transfer data as fast as 400Mbps (megabits per second).
  6. stores temporary information
  7. slots let peripherals communicate quickly with the processor. You can add devices, such as modems and sound cards, to the PCI slot. PCI device ports protrude from the back of the computer.

12 Clues: the brain of the computerMany peripherals require ---houses your graphics cardstores temporary informationMotherboards often have integrated ---------.It funnels power through the multicolored cablesthe connection between the computer and the mouse and keyboardare much slower than new USB and FireWire ports....

Computer 2023-03-08

Computer crossword puzzle
  1. The mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components making up a computer system; instrumentalities
  2. A collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn
  3. The computers brain
  4. A computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers as shared resources to a computer network;
  5. This part show you the informations
  1. A misconception resulting from incorrect information
  2. You can reach the target with it.
  3. You can write on the computer with it
  4. A portable computer small enough to use in your lap
  5. You can communicate with these
  6. A person who uses something or someone selfishly or unethically
  7. A small disk-shaped counter used to represent money when gambling

12 Clues: The computers brainYou can communicate with theseYou can reach the target with it.This part show you the informationsYou can write on the computer with itA portable computer small enough to use in your lapA misconception resulting from incorrect informationA collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn...

Computer 2023-06-22

Computer crossword puzzle
  1. A magical eye that captures moments and connects distant hearts, like a window to share smiles and laughter. It's a storyteller that bridges distances, making loved ones feel near.
  2. Invisible magic that brings functionality and creativity to life, like an enchantment that empowers devices to perform extraordinary tasks. It's a storyteller's toolbox, unleashing limitless possibilities.
  3. A modern-day scribe that brings digital creations into the physical realm, like an artist's brush that materializes imagination. It's a messenger that transforms bits and bytes into tangible wonders.
  4. A nimble navigator that glides across surfaces, like a tiny explorer in search of treasures. It's a guide that helps you click and explore the digital realm, opening doors to new discoveries.
  5. A window to the virtual world, like a magic portal that brings sights and sounds to life. It's a storyteller's canvas, displaying vibrant images and captivating stories with every frame.
  6. The sturdy foundation that supports digital wonders, like a strong fortress that houses the magical components of technology. It's the skeleton that gives form and structure to digital creations.
  1. A virtual gateway that opens up vast realms of information, like a map to explore the boundless ocean of knowledge. It's an adventurer's compass, guiding you through the wonders of the internet.
  2. Melodious messengers that fill the air with sound, like a symphony of musical notes dancing in harmony. They're storytellers that breathe life into songs, stories, and the voices of characters.
  3. A magical board of letters and symbols, like a treasure map for words. It's a storyteller's instrument, allowing you to write and create tales with the touch of your fingertips.
  4. A digital guide that points the way, like an invisible finger that leads you through the virtual world. It's an artist's brush, allowing you to create and interact with digital wonders.
  5. A digital messenger that delivers thoughts and messages at lightning speed, like a carrier pigeon that connects hearts across distances. It's a storyteller that binds friendships with words.
  6. A vast network that connects people and knowledge, like an invisible web woven by millions of threads. It's a realm of exploration, where ideas, stories, and discoveries intertwine and thrive.

12 Clues: A magical board of letters and symbols, like a treasure map for words. It's a storyteller's instrument, allowing you to write and create tales with the touch of your fingertips....

computer 2015-02-10

computer crossword puzzle
  1. power supply
  2. transfers data
  3. operating system
  4. connect devices
  5. graphics card
  6. Card sound quality
  1. brain
  2. Port cables
  3. r computer’s components and directs data
  4. Port cable piug
  5. cable plug
  6. mp3 conecter

12 Clues: braincable plugPort cablespower supplymp3 conectergraphics cardtransfers dataPort cable piugconnect devicesoperating systemCard sound qualityr computer’s components and directs data

Computer 2017-09-05

Computer crossword puzzle
  1. “Computer-aided design” this is a software used by architects, engineers, drafters, and artist, it's to create 2-D models for 3D models.
  2. Smallest unit of measurement greater than a byte.
  3. A virtual creation of something such as system, a server, a storage device or network resources
  4. Unit of information.
  5. “Domain Name System” This server uses its resources to resolve the name into the IP address for the right Web server.
  1. A method used for connecting computers in a company or home network.
  2. Printer A process of making a 3 dimensional figure by printer.
  3. Refers to the practice of modifying or to adjust the computer software and hardware.
  4. The arrow on your screen to guide you where you are going on the screen.
  5. Most effective way to accomplish data security.
  6. An address that identifies a particular file on the internet.
  7. “Bytes per second” a popular unit of measurement for interest rates and other finances.

12 Clues: Unit of information.Most effective way to accomplish data security.Smallest unit of measurement greater than a byte.An address that identifies a particular file on the internet.Printer A process of making a 3 dimensional figure by printer.A method used for connecting computers in a company or home network....

Sean and Jordyn 2022-03-28

Sean and Jordyn crossword puzzle
  1. behind
  2. keyboard
  3. there
  4. poster
  5. Backpack
  6. window
  7. diskette
  8. desk
  9. here
  10. flag
  11. door
  12. table
  13. wastepaper_basket
  14. on top of
  1. Where?
  2. below
  3. (computer)mouse
  4. clock
  5. computer
  6. (computer)screen
  7. chair
  8. in
  9. next to
  10. Pencil sharpener
  11. in front of

25 Clues: indeskhereflagdoorbelowclocktherechairtableWhere?behindposterwindownext tokeyboardcomputerBackpackdisketteon top ofin front of(computer)mouse(computer)screenPencil sharpenerwastepaper_basket

shivams computer terminology crossword 2022-10-18

shivams computer terminology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This external hardware can show your face on apps if it has an option.
  2. You need this to access the web.
  3. This is a type of computer memory that can be used but not changed.
  4. This allows you to type and has to be connected to a computer for it to work.
  5. Random- access-memory.
  6. When the icon is clicked, something opens.
  7. We need these in a computer to keep it cool.
  8. This outputs images to a display device and is an adapter.
  9. holds all the internal hardware together.
  10. This takes the power from your home, powers your hardware and starts with Power-.
  11. you can see all the graphics with his external device
  1. You can speak to someone when this is plugged in your computer.
  2. This computer part connects your whole computer together.
  3. This has to be loaded onto a computer to work, Starts with Operating-.
  4. displays color in multiple ways that could or could not be in your pc build.
  5. People throwing phones and technology away.
  6. drive This hardware will keep your computer storage maintained while turned off.
  7. This allows you to move the cursor on screen.
  8. this is a carry-on device that acts like a computer

19 Clues: Random- access-memory.You need this to access the web.holds all the internal hardware together.When the icon is clicked, something opens.People throwing phones and technology away.We need these in a computer to keep it cool.This allows you to move the cursor on screen.this is a carry-on device that acts like a computer...

Digital Logic Fundamentals Unit-1 2019-06-29

Digital Logic Fundamentals Unit-1 crossword puzzle
  1. computers that uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC
  2. processes data with high accuracy without any mistakes
  3. Translator for low level programming language were termed as
  4. Computer is free from tiresome and boardroom
  5. A computer program language which is widely used in computer science
  6. Computer cannot boot if it does not have
  7. Computer processed data in nano second which is beyond of human capacity
  8. The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into
  1. The computer is applied in scientific and industrial calculation where data is used for information
  2. ISP in internet term stands
  3. Language that is developed for business applications
  4. Correcting errors in a program is referred to as
  5. Generation of computer started with using vacuum tubes
  6. Brain of any computer system
  7. Usually the e-mail address
  8. level language HLL stands for

16 Clues: Usually the e-mail addressISP in internet term standsBrain of any computer systemlevel language HLL stands forComputer cannot boot if it does not haveComputer is free from tiresome and boardroomCorrecting errors in a program is referred to ascomputers that uses the 8-bit code called EBCDICLanguage that is developed for business applications...

Introduction to Computers 2020-08-18

Introduction to Computers crossword puzzle
  1. or MB) is equal to 1,048,576 bytes
  2. is a unit of storage capable of holding a single character
  3. programs software tells the computer to perform a specific task
  4. software which controls the way computers parts work together
  5. computer(PC) a computer that is small enough to fit on a desk
  6. an electronic device that can perform tasks and calculations based on the instructions it has been given
  7. program a detailed set of computer instruction installed in the computer, tells the computer what to do
  8. or KB is equal to 1,024 bytes
  1. also call a server, is smaller than a mainframe and larger than a microcomputer
  2. memory (ROM), is computer memory on which data
  3. computers are less powerful and less expensive than the supercomputer
  4. access memory (RAM) a form of computer memory that can be read and change in any order
  5. of instructions per second) fastest super computers can handle well over a billion instructions per seconds
  6. computer (also called notebook). which are portable
  7. is the fastest type of computer
  8. and GB) is equal to 1,073, 741,824 bytes

16 Clues: is the fastest type of computeror KB is equal to 1,024 bytesor MB) is equal to 1,048,576 bytesand GB) is equal to 1,073, 741,824 bytesmemory (ROM), is computer memory on which datacomputer (also called notebook). which are portableis a unit of storage capable of holding a single character...

Computer 2018-10-10

Computer crossword puzzle
  1. program instructions
  2. connect as or operate with a network.
  3. a unit of memory or data equal to 1,024 (210) bytes.
  4. A router is a device that forwards data packets along networks.
  5. the introductory page of a website, typically serving as a table of contents for the site.
  6. a movable indicator on a computer screen identifying the point that will be affected by input from the user, for example showing where typed text will be inserted.
  7. arrange or put into a format.
  1. a device that scans documents and converts them into digital data.
  2. Printing: the action or process of making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many thin layers of a material in succession.
  3. a program with a graphical user interface for displaying HTML files, used to navigate the World Wide Web.
  4. The word wireless is dictionary defined as "having no wires".
  5. a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.

12 Clues: program instructionsarrange or put into a format.connect as or operate with a network.a unit of memory or data equal to 1,024 (210) bytes.The word wireless is dictionary defined as "having no wires".A router is a device that forwards data packets along networks.a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data....

Computer 2012-10-21

Computer crossword puzzle
  1. A_________is someone who gets into people's computer system without permission.
  2. I can______the net 2 hours a day.
  3. The new cellphones have high technology to send__________.
  4. It's a different word for internet.
  5. You use a__________to type.
  6. You can listen to music on the computer using a ________.
  1. Be careful with the ________ that come with your e-mails.
  2. I always have to__________hundreds of files from the boss every day.
  3. When you don't need the file anymore you _____it.
  4. My boss sends me e-mails with a lot of_________every day.
  5. My sister and never talk on the phone. When it's necessary we send_______ to each other.
  6. My sister need to__________some photos before printing.

12 Clues: You use a__________to type.I can______the net 2 hours a day.It's a different word for internet.When you don't need the file anymore you _____it.My sister need to__________some photos before printing.Be careful with the ________ that come with your e-mails.My boss sends me e-mails with a lot of_________every day....

computer 2021-09-13

computer crossword puzzle
  1. sound
  2. data
  3. transfer
  4. scanners
  5. long
  6. sound
  7. power
  8. connect
  1. chips
  2. slower
  3. colour
  4. SHORT
  5. fast

13 Clues: datalongfastchipssoundSHORTsoundpowerslowercolourconnecttransferscanners

computer 2022-09-16

computer crossword puzzle
  1. old printers needed this
  2. graphics card
  3. old keyboards and mice needed this
  4. heatsinks covers
  5. Basic Input/Output System
  1. ports transfer
  2. components locations
  3. audio quality
  4. multicolored cables
  5. color coated ports
  6. device ports protrude from the back of the pc
  7. 1.1 ports

12 Clues: 1.1 portsaudio qualitygraphics cardports transferheatsinks coverscolor coated portsmulticolored cablescomponents locationsold printers needed thisBasic Input/Output Systemold keyboards and mice needed thisdevice ports protrude from the back of the pc

Computer 2023-03-08

Computer crossword puzzle
  1. cabel If u want to join to the internet is is an indispensable part
  2. This is one of the most expensive part of a computer
  3. u build ur whole pc on it
  4. computer it is a computing device that performs calculations using quantum mechanical phenomena
  5. headset It is an outlut audio device and u wear it on ur head and u can listening music with it
  6. U need this to avoid that explore the computer
  1. u can type with it and it is an input device
  2. This is the computer braine
  3. U can use it if u want print any picture, text or document
  4. This device is display ur computer picture
  5. u use it to control ur computer and it is an input device
  6. u usually install ur operation sysytem here if u have braine

12 Clues: u build ur whole pc on itThis is the computer braineThis device is display ur computer pictureu can type with it and it is an input deviceU need this to avoid that explore the computerThis is one of the most expensive part of a computeru use it to control ur computer and it is an input device...

Computer 2023-06-22

Computer crossword puzzle
  1. Invisible magic that brings functionality and creativity to life, like an enchantment that empowers devices to perform extraordinary tasks. It's a storyteller's toolbox, unleashing limitless possibilities.
  2. A digital guide that points the way, like an invisible finger that leads you through the virtual world. It's an artist's brush, allowing you to create and interact with digital wonders.
  3. A virtual gateway that opens up vast realms of information, like a map to explore the boundless ocean of knowledge. It's an adventurer's compass, guiding you through the wonders of the internet.
  4. A magical eye that captures moments and connects distant hearts, like a window to share smiles and laughter. It's a storyteller that bridges distances, making loved ones feel near.
  5. A vast network that connects people and knowledge, like an invisible web woven by millions of threads. It's a realm of exploration, where ideas, stories, and discoveries intertwine and thrive.
  1. A modern-day scribe that brings digital creations into the physical realm, like an artist's brush that materializes imagination. It's a messenger that transforms bits and bytes into tangible wonders.
  2. A nimble navigator that glides across surfaces, like a tiny explorer in search of treasures. It's a guide that helps you click and explore the digital realm, opening doors to new discoveries.
  3. The sturdy foundation that supports digital wonders, like a strong fortress that houses the magical components of technology. It's the skeleton that gives form and structure to digital creations.
  4. A magical board of letters and symbols, like a treasure map for words. It's a storyteller's instrument, allowing you to write and create tales with the touch of your fingertips.
  5. Melodious messengers that fill the air with sound, like a symphony of musical notes dancing in harmony. They're storytellers that breathe life into songs, stories, and the voices of characters.
  6. A window to the virtual world, like a magic portal that brings sights and sounds to life. It's a storyteller's canvas, displaying vibrant images and captivating stories with every frame.
  7. A digital messenger that delivers thoughts and messages at lightning speed, like a carrier pigeon that connects hearts across distances. It's a storyteller that binds friendships with words.

12 Clues: A magical board of letters and symbols, like a treasure map for words. It's a storyteller's instrument, allowing you to write and create tales with the touch of your fingertips....

Computer Basics 2019-09-16

Computer Basics crossword puzzle
  1. Occurs when a user presses a button on a mouse which in turn, generates a command to the computer
  2. The physical parts of a computer
  3. A small picture usually representing program or file
  4. A document that is usually named and saved in a folder
  5. Presentation Program
  6. Central processing unit; the brain of the computer; controls the other elements of the computer
  7. Device that converts output from a computer into a printed image
  8. Spreadsheet program
  9. Uniform resource locator; the address of a site on the World Wide Web
  10. A program used to view the Internet, such as Google Chrome or Internet Explorer
  1. A device used to display information visually
  2. Used to input data by pressing keys
  3. A network of computers connected through the World Wide Web
  4. Device used to select items and place insertion point on the screen
  5. A collection of computer files organized and saved together
  6. Transferring data from another computer to your computer
  7. Harmful computer program designed to destroy or corrupt networks

17 Clues: Spreadsheet programPresentation ProgramThe physical parts of a computerUsed to input data by pressing keysA device used to display information visuallyA small picture usually representing program or fileA document that is usually named and saved in a folderTransferring data from another computer to your computer...

Dylan green-crossword-1st period 2016-10-24

Dylan green-crossword-1st period crossword puzzle
  1. advantage kept stored into hiding for future use, disadvantage people can take those files if they know username and password.
  2. a high-end computer that has fast processing screens.
  3. a computer that a lot of companies use for different types of work.
  4. computer a computer that is purpose-built for remote access to a computer.
  5. a laptop that uses touch screen as its main input device.
  6. 2 different word segments that can make typing on a computer really nice.
  7. internet explorer,google chrome,Mozilla Firefox.
  8. the way we view files on a computer.
  9. used for mechanical work , engineering,hospital, etc.
  10. a computer that provides data to other computers.
  1. a code that is available to the public.
  2. used for enterprises, national businesses.
  3. a shortened for (pixel element)are little dots that generate an image.
  4. browsers allow you to view sites and photos, while search engine indexes those sites.
  5. yahoo,google,excite.
  6. a computer that has a tower and is meant to stay in one place.
  7. a protective barrier for internal networks.
  8. a collection of internet based communities that allows you to interact with other people online.
  9. a small light,lower power note book that has a lot less power than a full size laptop.

19 Clues: yahoo,google,excite.the way we view files on a computer.a code that is available to the public.used for enterprises, national businesses.a protective barrier for internal networks.internet explorer,google chrome,Mozilla Firefox.a computer that provides data to other computers.a high-end computer that has fast processing screens....

Funds of Tech: Review 1 2024-05-01

Funds of Tech: Review 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Physical part of the computer that connects it to a network
  2. RJ45 cable used to physically connect devices to networks
  3. Connects to a computer and is able to broadcast video over the Internet
  4. High-speed integrated circuits used to store computer, user, and program data for processing
  5. Integrated circuit that processes instructions from the OS, apps, and other software programs
  6. Used to enter data into a computer
  7. Universal Serial Bus standard that specifies cables, communication, protocols and power requirements for connections between computers and other devices
  8. Converts audible sound into audio files and data
  9. Creates audible sound from audio files and data
  10. Converts paper docs and images into electronic data that can be stored on a computer
  11. Programs, procedures, instructions, and data that controls how a computer operates
  1. Displays a computer's visual component
  2. Physical cable that "supplies" power to computing devices
  3. Communicates with a computer and converts data into physical images, graphics, and text
  4. Main software program that facilitates interaction between the user, the computer, and other applications
  5. Used to move the cursor to interact with various user interface elements
  6. Processes user input via touch, typically found on a mobile device
  7. Uses magnetic disks to store electronic data
  8. The physical components of a computer system

19 Clues: Used to enter data into a computerDisplays a computer's visual componentUses magnetic disks to store electronic dataThe physical components of a computer systemCreates audible sound from audio files and dataConverts audible sound into audio files and dataPhysical cable that "supplies" power to computing devices...

Unit 6 2024-04-12

Unit 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Stores BIOS
  2. Contains circuitry and holds other components
  3. Outputs sound from computer
  4. "Brain" of the computer
  5. How powerful computers manage the graphical aspects
  6. Manages execution of instructions
  7. Small memory for rapid access
  8. The external display of a computer
  9. Does the math
  1. Data is erased when computer turns off
  2. Provides energy for computer
  3. Devices connected to, but not directly part of a computer
  4. Piece of software designed to fulfill a task of the user
  5. Small data-holding component in processor
  6. Circuit connecting CPU to rest of computer
  7. Short-term impermanent memory

16 Clues: Stores BIOSDoes the math"Brain" of the computerOutputs sound from computerProvides energy for computerSmall memory for rapid accessShort-term impermanent memoryManages execution of instructionsThe external display of a computerData is erased when computer turns offSmall data-holding component in processorCircuit connecting CPU to rest of computer...

Digital Logic Fundamentals Unit-1 2019-06-27

Digital Logic Fundamentals Unit-1 crossword puzzle
  1. Language that is developed for business applications
  2. The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into
  3. ISP in internet term stands
  4. Generation of computer started with using vacuum tubes
  5. Translator for low level programming language were termed as
  6. The brain of any computer system
  7. processes data with high accuracy without any mistakes
  8. Correcting errors in a program is referred to as
  1. Computer cannot boot if it does not have
  2. Usually the e-mail address
  3. Computer processed data in nano second which is beyond of human capacity
  4. computers that uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC
  5. level language HLL stands for
  6. A computer program language which is widely used in computer science
  7. Computer is free from tiresome and boardroom
  8. The computer is applied in scientific and industrial calculation where data is used for information

16 Clues: Usually the e-mail addressISP in internet term standslevel language HLL stands forThe brain of any computer systemComputer cannot boot if it does not haveComputer is free from tiresome and boardroomcomputers that uses the 8-bit code called EBCDICCorrecting errors in a program is referred to asLanguage that is developed for business applications...

Computers Today 2018-11-25

Computers Today crossword puzzle
  1. The operating speed of a computer
  2. Any information that has been processed by and sent out from a computer
  3. A unit of a CPU that directs its operation
  4. A very high-performance computer made for high-volume, processor-intensive computing
  5. Any external devices that provide input and output for the computer
  6. A power source
  7. A handheld device used to move the cursor on a computer screen
  1. A piece of computer hardware that displays video and graphics information generated by a computer through a video card
  2. A connection found on the front or back of a computer
  3. A storage device in a shape of a round flat plate
  4. A mechanism that enables a computer to retain data
  5. A circuit on which thousands or millions of tiny resistors, capacitors, and transistors are fabricated
  6. Small sets of data holding places
  7. Main circuit card in a computer
  8. A small pen-shaped instrument that is used to input commands to a computer screen
  9. A group of binary digits operated on as a unit

16 Clues: A power sourceMain circuit card in a computerThe operating speed of a computerSmall sets of data holding placesA unit of a CPU that directs its operationA group of binary digits operated on as a unitA storage device in a shape of a round flat plateA mechanism that enables a computer to retain data...

Devices off a computer 2017-06-30

Devices off a computer crossword puzzle
  1. card Used to generate and capture sounds
  2. A output device you can get a paper copy of your work
  3. A output device you can see what you are working on
  4. device Any piece of computer hardware that is used to communicate the results of data that has been processed by a computer system
  5. The 'brains' of the computer
  6. The main printed circuit board in the computer with sockets to connect the other parts
  7. The physical parts of a computer system
  8. device A piece of computer equipment on which data can be stored
  9. Used by programs to perform necessary tasks whilst the computer is on
  1. device Any piece of computer hardware used to provide data to a computer system
  2. A input device so you can input voice or sound recordings
  3. A input device you can point, click and select things on your screen
  4. A input device you can type text, numbers and symbols into your work
  5. This projects a sound coming out off a computer or you can connect it to a microphone
  6. disk To store all of your applications and files
  7. Permanent storage that is used to stand up your computer
  8. To keep the CPU cool and stop it overheating

17 Clues: The 'brains' of the computerThe physical parts of a computer systemcard Used to generate and capture soundsTo keep the CPU cool and stop it overheatingdisk To store all of your applications and filesA output device you can see what you are working onA output device you can get a paper copy of your work...

Computer-10 2023-09-22

Computer-10 crossword puzzle
  1. The place where the computer's operating system resides
  2. Names you give to computer memory locations which are used to store values in a computer program
  3. A program that protects a computer from malicious software
  4. Computer programs
  5. A keyword used to declare a variable in JavaScript
  6. A graphical representation of a file or program
  7. A control structure used for repetitive tasks in programming
  1. The language of the web
  2. refers to the physical components of a computer system or electronic device
  3. Software that manages computer hardware and provides a user interface
  4. Malicious software program
  5. A software application for exploring the web
  6. The smallest unit of information
  7. A volatile type of computer memory
  8. A JavaScript statement used for conditional execution
  9. A loop that repeats the execution for a specified number of times
  10. A loop that continues as long as a specified condition is true
  11. The part of a computer that processes arithmetic and logic operations

18 Clues: Computer programsThe language of the webMalicious software programThe smallest unit of informationA volatile type of computer memoryA software application for exploring the webA graphical representation of a file or programA keyword used to declare a variable in JavaScriptA JavaScript statement used for conditional execution...

Computer Parts and Functions 2023-04-06

Computer Parts and Functions crossword puzzle
  1. The part of the computer that keeps other parts from overheating.
  2. Responsible for graphics memory and detail.
  3. The part of the computer that captures images.
  4. The system that makes all other systems work together.
  5. The part of the computer that stores primary memory.
  6. An output signal used to convey audio exiting a computer.
  7. An input signal used to type or command functions into the computer.
  1. A basic drive for storing and transporting information.
  2. The system that provides power for all computer parts.
  3. The brain of a computer that tells other parts of the computer what to do.
  4. An output signal that shows an image of what is on the computer.
  5. An input signal used to provide control to the user.
  6. Stores and processes memory first. It is responsible for the speed at which a computer opperates.
  7. A code sequence of flashing lights and numbers that communicates to the computer.
  8. The part of the computer where things are plugged into.

15 Clues: Responsible for graphics memory and detail.The part of the computer that captures images.An input signal used to provide control to the user.The part of the computer that stores primary memory.The system that provides power for all computer parts.The system that makes all other systems work together....

Computers 2023-08-16

Computers crossword puzzle
  1. Electronic mail sent and received over the internet.
  2. A pointing device used to move a cursor on a computer screen.
  3. An electronic device used for processing and storing information.
  4. The flat surface of a monitor where images are displayed.
  5. The process of copying data from the internet to a computer.
  6. A software application used to access and navigate the internet.
  7. A portable computer that can be used on a person's lap.
  8. A computer that sits on a desk and is not portable.
  1. A set of keys used to input letters, numbers, and commands into a computer.
  2. A screen that displays visual output from a computer.
  3. A global network that connects computers and allows them to communicate.
  4. A unit of data that is stored on a computer.
  5. Programs and applications that run on a computer's hardware.
  6. A collection of web pages accessible through the internet.
  7. The physical components of a computer system.
  8. The process of sending data from a computer to the internet.

16 Clues: A unit of data that is stored on a computer.The physical components of a computer system.A computer that sits on a desk and is not portable.Electronic mail sent and received over the internet.A screen that displays visual output from a computer.A portable computer that can be used on a person's lap....

Computers Today 2018-11-25

Computers Today crossword puzzle
  1. / Main circuit card in a computer
  2. / Any information that has been processed by and sent out from a computer
  3. / A power source
  4. / A piece of computer hardware that displays video and graphics information generated by a computer through a video card
  5. circuit / A semiconductor wafer on which thousands or millions of tiny resistors, capacitors, and transistors are fabricated
  6. / A storage device in a shape of a round flat plate
  7. / A very high-performance computer made for high-volume, processor-intensive computing
  8. / a handheld device used to move the cursor on a computer screen
  1. unit / A component of a CPU that directs its operation
  2. / Any external devices that provide input and output for the computer
  3. / A connection found on the front or back of a computer
  4. / A small pen-shaped instrument that is used to input commands to a computer screen
  5. / Small sets of data holding places
  6. / The operating speed of a computer
  7. / A group of binary digits operated on as a unit
  8. / A mechanism that enables a computer to retain data

16 Clues: / A power source/ Main circuit card in a computer/ Small sets of data holding places/ The operating speed of a computer/ A group of binary digits operated on as a unit/ A storage device in a shape of a round flat plate/ A mechanism that enables a computer to retain dataunit / A component of a CPU that directs its operation...

Computer P3 & P4 SBGG 2023-10-24

Computer P3 & P4 SBGG crossword puzzle
  1. a portable computer that you can carry anywhere.
  2. a system operation made by Microsoft.
  3. a part of computer where you use for typing.
  4. a button you need to press to remove text/image/file.
  5. an application made by google to watch & share videos.
  6. electronic mail
  7. a part of computer which use to select option on the computer.
  8. name of web browser made by google company.
  1. a part of computer which can print texts & images.
  2. a program or application for typing made by google.
  3. the button you need to press to turn on the computer.
  4. a part of computer that acts like a human's brain.
  5. a part of computer which needed for video conference.
  6. a part of computer that produces sound.
  7. a part of computer which display information.

15 Clues: electronic maila system operation made by Microsoft.a part of computer that produces of web browser made by google company.a part of computer where you use for typing.a part of computer which display information.a portable computer that you can carry anywhere.a part of computer which can print texts & images....

Technology Terms 2023-05-09

Technology Terms crossword puzzle
  1. group of two or more computer systems linked together
  2. Statistics collected together for reference or analysis
  3. display consisting of a device that takes signals from a computer and displays them on a screen
  4. programs and other operating information used by a computer
  5. The non-physical terrain created by computer systems
  6. easy-to-remember address for calling a web page
  7. algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine
  8. To copy data from one computer system to another or to a disk
  9. word or phrase used in a search
  1. link from a hypertext file or document to another location or file
  2. component of your computer that allows you to store and access data on a long-term basis
  3. device or system that is used to store information for immediate use
  4. Program that allows users to find and view pages on the Internet
  5. Electronic mail
  6. Personal computer designed to be in a stationary location
  7. process to gain access to a computer by giving it your username and password
  8. the physical parts of a computer
  9. local area network that uses high-frequency radio signals to transmit and receive data over short distances
  10. piece of code that is capable of copying itself and has a detrimental effect on any device

19 Clues: Electronic mailword or phrase used in a searchthe physical parts of a computereasy-to-remember address for calling a web pageThe non-physical terrain created by computer systemsgroup of two or more computer systems linked togetherStatistics collected together for reference or analysisPersonal computer designed to be in a stationary location...

Unit 1 and 2 Vocabulary 2023-08-24

Unit 1 and 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a set of instructions for the computer to follow
  2. construct rough drafts or sketches of your ideas
  3. how a computer takes in information from the world (keyboard, mouse, touchscreen)
  4. long term-memory even when the computer is turned off
  5. random access memory
  6. shows what your program will look running on a micro:bit
  7. learning about your target audience
  8. how the computer remembers things
  9. understand and identify your audience's problems or needs
  10. a self contained set of instructions for performing a specific task within a computer program
  1. test your prototype solutions
  2. how a computer displays or communicates information
  3. detailed outline or rough draft of a program. natural language and code
  4. a set of (often repeated) steps used to solve a problem
  5. a chip inside the computer and it's how the computer transforms information
  6. A handheld microcomputer with many inputs and outputs
  7. something that happens outside a program that the program can respond to (like a screen tap or mouse click)
  8. brainstorm several possible creative solutions

18 Clues: random access memorytest your prototype solutionshow the computer remembers thingslearning about your target audiencebrainstorm several possible creative solutionsa set of instructions for the computer to followconstruct rough drafts or sketches of your ideashow a computer displays or communicates information...

Spanish Vocabulary Crossword 2022-03-29

Spanish Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ontop of
  2. here
  3. behind
  4. Computer
  5. Mouse
  6. window
  7. Computer keyboard
  8. where
  9. Wastepaper basket
  10. Computer screen
  1. door
  2. Pencil sharpener
  3. Poster
  4. Backpack
  5. desk
  6. Disk
  7. underneath
  8. in or on
  9. Flag
  10. chair
  11. in front of
  12. table
  13. there
  14. next to

24 Clues: doorheredeskDiskFlagMousechairwheretabletherePosterbehindwindownext toontop ofBackpackComputerin or onunderneathin front ofComputer screenPencil sharpenerComputer keyboardWastepaper basket

Computer Language 2020-05-26

Computer Language crossword puzzle
  1. A person who has the ability to install programs
  2. A central computer
  3. End a session (2 words)
  4. Electronic filing system
  5. Physical computer equipment
  6. To remove a program
  7. To restart a computer
  8. When your computer, or program, unexpectedly stops working
  1. The part of your computer that stores files (2 words)
  2. What you use to identify yourself on a computer system
  3. A secret word or phrase used to access accounts
  4. Anything that can be saved on a computer
  5. A private computer network
  6. A group of connected computers
  7. Details needed to use a system, email or website

15 Clues: A central computerTo remove a programTo restart a computerEnd a session (2 words)Electronic filing systemA private computer networkPhysical computer equipmentA group of connected computersAnything that can be saved on a computerA secret word or phrase used to access accountsA person who has the ability to install programs...

parts of computer-James 2017-06-30

parts of computer-James crossword puzzle
  1. it is used to click on icons
  2. it is what you look at when on a computer
  3. a collection of instructions placed together in groups called programs
  4. the physical parts of a computer system
  5. the main circuit board of your computer that everything else plugs into
  6. it is what is connected to a computer
  7. permanent storage that is used to start up your computer
  1. a computer that controls access to a network
  2. a way of connecting devices to a computer that provides FAST access
  3. an electronic device for storing and processing information
  4. you use it to write letters on a computer
  5. a small electronic devise used for storing data also known as a memory stick or pen drive
  6. the part of the computer that executes commands
  7. a permanent devise used for strong large amounts of data
  8. used by programs to perform necessary tasks whilst the computer is on

15 Clues: it is used to click on iconsit is what is connected to a computerthe physical parts of a computer systemit is what you look at when on a computeryou use it to write letters on a computera computer that controls access to a networkthe part of the computer that executes commandsa permanent devise used for strong large amounts of data...

components of a computer 2022-10-12

components of a computer crossword puzzle
  1. A circuit board: connects all main hardware's of a computer
  2. Read Only Memory
  3. Physical components of a computer
  4. software helps a computer run smoother
  5. Power Supply Unit
  6. Central Processing unit
  7. mouse, keyboard, microphone, scanner, etc
  8. program that "boost up" a computer
  9. A piece of Hardware in a computer; contains the CPU
  1. Random Access Memory
  2. anything that plugs into a computer
  3. speakers, monitor, printer, projector
  4. Switches inside a microprocessor
  5. software help a user complete tasks
  6. tells the hardware what to do
  7. Where peripheral are inserted
  8. Universal Serial Bus

17 Clues: Read Only MemoryPower Supply UnitRandom Access MemoryUniversal Serial BusCentral Processing unittells the hardware what to doWhere peripheral are insertedSwitches inside a microprocessorPhysical components of a computerprogram that "boost up" a computeranything that plugs into a computersoftware help a user complete tasks...

Cloud Computing Systems 2014-04-29

Cloud Computing Systems crossword puzzle
  1. requesting program or user
  2. electronic holding place for instructions or data
  3. primary text input device
  4. a computer program
  5. representing data as numerical values
  6. worldwide system of computer networks
  7. operated frome a distance
  1. primary computer pointing device
  2. a computer providing services to other computer programs
  3. a programmable machine
  4. a simple device having input/output links
  5. a program that directs operations
  6. abbreviation for hard disk drive
  7. the legal right to use a patent owned by another
  8. capacity or space
  9. a system of points or nodes interconnected by telecommunication paths
  10. numerical information

17 Clues: capacity or spacea computer programnumerical informationa programmable machineprimary text input deviceoperated frome a distancerequesting program or userprimary computer pointing deviceabbreviation for hard disk drivea program that directs operationsrepresenting data as numerical valuesworldwide system of computer networks...

spanish vocab 2022-03-28

spanish vocab crossword puzzle
  1. ontop of
  2. here
  3. behind
  4. Computer
  5. Mouse
  6. window
  7. Computer keyboard
  8. where
  9. Wastepaper basket
  10. Computer screen
  1. door
  2. Pencil sharpener
  3. Poster
  4. Backpack
  5. desk
  6. Disk
  7. underneath
  8. in or on
  9. Flag
  10. chair
  11. in front of
  12. table
  13. there
  14. next to

24 Clues: doorheredeskDiskFlagMousechairwheretabletherePosterbehindwindownext toontop ofBackpackComputerin or onunderneathin front ofComputer screenPencil sharpenerComputer keyboardWastepaper basket

Classroom items 2022-10-24

Classroom items crossword puzzle
  1. computer mouse
  2. poster
  3. my
  4. computer
  5. computer keyboard
  6. here
  7. window
  8. wastepaper basket
  9. table
  10. its a
  11. your
  12. desk
  13. there is there are
  14. behind
  15. next to
  16. what is this
  17. computer screen
  18. underneath
  1. some
  2. on top of
  3. door
  4. where
  5. the
  6. of
  7. pencil sharpener
  8. in front of
  9. there
  10. chair
  11. backpack
  12. in
  13. flag
  14. clock

32 Clues: myofinthesomedoorhereyourdeskflagwheretherechairtableits aclockposterwindowbehindnext tocomputerbackpackon top ofunderneathin front ofwhat is thiscomputer mousecomputer screenpencil sharpenercomputer keyboardwastepaper basketthere is there are

Technology 2021-12-23

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Connect to gammepad some fun
  2. Nicola Tesla
  3. Just music for ears
  4. Let's take a photo
  5. People share and makes videos
  6. Old music player
  7. alexander graham bell was what invented ?
  8. writes for you
  9. People's future
  10. All social networks
  1. watch but smart a little
  2. Clean Clothes
  3. Let's clean the carpet
  4. Writes on computer
  5. Windows
  6. Need energy for phone
  7. Small Computer
  8. Cold for food
  9. Move on computer
  10. Watching film or netflix

20 Clues: WindowsNicola TeslaClean ClothesCold for foodSmall Computerwrites for youPeople's futureOld music playerMove on computerWrites on computerLet's take a photoJust music for earsAll social networksNeed energy for phoneLet's clean the carpetwatch but smart a littleWatching film or netflixConnect to gammepad some funPeople share and makes videos...

computer 2019-06-25

computer crossword puzzle
  1. Browser
  2. unit
  3. Network
  4. Site
  5. Rom Diskette
  6. Account Speaker
  7. Account Printer
  1. Mouse Desktop modem
  2. Keyword
  3. Computer Monitor
  4. Database
  5. Multimedia

12 Clues: unitSiteBrowserKeywordNetworkDatabaseMultimediaRom DisketteAccount SpeakerAccount PrinterComputer MonitorMouse Desktop modem

Computer 2017-09-05

Computer crossword puzzle
  1. A computerized identification used for converting alphabetic names into numeric IP addresses
  2. software used to make art
  3. a program with a graphic interface usually having a search bar.
  4. a unit of information usually in internet speeds
  5. to convert information into data or code on a computer.
  6. a space in a spreadsheet
  1. A method of making object with programming.
  2. a manually operated icon that interacts with the computer
  3. the way something is written
  4. a system for connecting computer mostly to form a local network
  5. the software in a computer to help stop an unauthorized person from entering the computer.
  6. A use of measurement usually using 1/100ths

12 Clues: a space in a spreadsheetsoftware used to make artthe way something is writtenA method of making object with programming.A use of measurement usually using 1/100thsa unit of information usually in internet speedsto convert information into data or code on a computer.a manually operated icon that interacts with the computer...

Computer 2017-09-05

Computer crossword puzzle
  1. A method used for connecting computers in a company or home network.
  2. An address that identifies a particular file on the internet.
  3. Smallest unit of measurement greater than a byte.
  4. Most effective way to accomplish data security.
  5. Printer A process of making a 3 dimensional figure by printer.
  1. The arrow on your screen to guide you where you are going on the screen.
  2. A virtual creation of something such as system, a server, a storage device or network resources
  3. Refers to the practice of modifying or to adjust the computer software and hardware.
  4. “Bytes per second” a popular unit of measurement for interest rates and other finances.
  5. Unit of information.
  6. “Domain Name System” This server uses its resources to resolve the name into the IP address for the right Web server.
  7. “Computer-aided design” this is a software used by architects, engineers, drafters, and artist, it's to create 2-D models for 3D models.

12 Clues: Unit of information.Most effective way to accomplish data security.Smallest unit of measurement greater than a byte.An address that identifies a particular file on the internet.Printer A process of making a 3 dimensional figure by printer.A method used for connecting computers in a company or home network....

computer 2022-09-16

computer crossword puzzle
  1. old printers needed this
  2. graphics card
  3. old keyboards and mice needed this
  4. heatsinks covers
  5. Basic Input/Output System
  1. ports transfer
  2. components locations
  3. audio quality
  4. multicolored cables
  5. color coated ports
  6. device ports protrude from the back of the pc
  7. 1.1 ports

12 Clues: 1.1 portsaudio qualitygraphics cardports transferheatsinks coverscolor coated portsmulticolored cablescomponents locationsold printers needed thisBasic Input/Output Systemold keyboards and mice needed thisdevice ports protrude from the back of the pc

Computer 2023-06-22

Computer crossword puzzle
  1. A nimble navigator that glides across surfaces, like a tiny explorer in search of treasures. It's a guide that helps you click and explore the digital realm, opening doors to new discoveries.
  2. A vast network that connects people and knowledge, like an invisible web woven by millions of threads. It's a realm of exploration, where ideas, stories, and discoveries intertwine and thrive.
  3. The sturdy foundation that supports digital wonders, like a strong fortress that houses the magical components of technology. It's the skeleton that gives form and structure to digital creations.
  4. A virtual gateway that opens up vast realms of information, like a map to explore the boundless ocean of knowledge. It's an adventurer's compass, guiding you through the wonders of the internet.
  5. A modern-day scribe that brings digital creations into the physical realm, like an artist's brush that materializes imagination. It's a messenger that transforms bits and bytes into tangible wonders.
  1. A digital guide that points the way, like an invisible finger that leads you through the virtual world. It's an artist's brush, allowing you to create and interact with digital wonders.
  2. Melodious messengers that fill the air with sound, like a symphony of musical notes dancing in harmony. They're storytellers that breathe life into songs, stories, and the voices of characters.
  3. A magical eye that captures moments and connects distant hearts, like a window to share smiles and laughter. It's a storyteller that bridges distances, making loved ones feel near.
  4. Invisible magic that brings functionality and creativity to life, like an enchantment that empowers devices to perform extraordinary tasks. It's a storyteller's toolbox, unleashing limitless possibilities.
  5. A window to the virtual world, like a magic portal that brings sights and sounds to life. It's a storyteller's canvas, displaying vibrant images and captivating stories with every frame.
  6. A magical board of letters and symbols, like a treasure map for words. It's a storyteller's instrument, allowing you to write and create tales with the touch of your fingertips.
  7. A digital messenger that delivers thoughts and messages at lightning speed, like a carrier pigeon that connects hearts across distances. It's a storyteller that binds friendships with words.

12 Clues: A magical board of letters and symbols, like a treasure map for words. It's a storyteller's instrument, allowing you to write and create tales with the touch of your fingertips....

Computer 2023-08-04

Computer crossword puzzle
  1. Interactive programs or apps for entertainment on the computer.
  2. The global network that connects computers and allows access to online resources.
  3. Programs and applications that run on the computer.
  4. Electronic mail used to send and receive messages over the internet.
  5. A digital container used to organize files and documents on the computer.
  6. A program that allows users to access and view websites on the internet.
  1. The storage device that stores long-term data and programs.
  2. To produce a paper copy of a digital document using a printer.
  3. A camera that captures video and images for video conferencing or recording.
  4. The screen that displays images and information from the computer.
  5. A pointing device used to navigate and interact with the computer.
  6. The input device with buttons used to type letters and numbers.

12 Clues: Programs and applications that run on the computer.The storage device that stores long-term data and programs.To produce a paper copy of a digital document using a printer.Interactive programs or apps for entertainment on the computer.The input device with buttons used to type letters and numbers....

computer 2024-02-19

computer crossword puzzle
  1. Device or printing documents (7 letters)
  2. Output device for producing sound (5 letters)
  3. Visual display unit (7 letters)
  4. Software for browsing the internet (7 letters)
  5. Central part of a computer network (3 letters)
  6. The main circuit board (10 letters)
  1. The brain of the computer (7 letters)
  2. Input device with keys for typing (8 letters)
  3. Software for creating slideshows (11 letters)
  4. Temporary storage for quick access (3 letters)
  5. Portable storage device (6 letters)
  6. Input device used for pointing (5 letters)

12 Clues: Visual display unit (7 letters)Portable storage device (6 letters)The main circuit board (10 letters)The brain of the computer (7 letters)Device or printing documents (7 letters)Input device used for pointing (5 letters)Input device with keys for typing (8 letters)Software for creating slideshows (11 letters)...

Repaso de capitulo 2022-03-28

Repaso de capitulo crossword puzzle
  1. behind
  2. keyboard
  3. there
  4. poster
  5. Backpack
  6. window
  7. diskette
  8. desk
  9. here
  10. flag
  11. door
  12. table
  13. wastepaper_basket
  14. on top of
  1. Where?
  2. below
  3. (computer)mouse
  4. clock
  5. computer
  6. (computer)screen
  7. chair
  8. in
  9. next to
  10. Pencil sharpener
  11. in front of

25 Clues: indeskhereflagdoorbelowclocktherechairtableWhere?behindposterwindownext tokeyboardcomputerBackpackdisketteon top ofin front of(computer)mouse(computer)screenPencil sharpenerwastepaper_basket

La tecnologia 2023-02-07

La tecnologia crossword puzzle
  1. laptop computer
  2. to download
  3. stereo
  4. remote control
  5. network;web
  6. cable television
  7. keyboard
  8. calculator
  1. channel
  2. printer
  3. VCR
  4. to save
  5. compact disc player
  6. telephone
  7. (computer) monitor
  8. computer mouse
  9. answering machine
  10. file
  11. CD-ROM
  12. website
  13. to burn a CD

21 Clues: VCRfilestereoCD-ROMchannelprinterto savewebsitekeyboardtelephonecalculatorto downloadnetwork;webto burn a CDcomputer mouseremote controllaptop computercable televisionanswering machine(computer) monitorcompact disc player

Computer Terms 2021-03-19

Computer Terms crossword puzzle
  1. software that allows you to perform tasks
  2. where everything is stored
  3. parts that make up the computer
  4. electronic device
  5. lets you use input devices
  6. series of commands
  7. computers main circuit board
  8. set of instructions for the computer
  1. brain of the computer
  2. manages memory
  3. short term memory
  4. hardware that sends data to a computer
  5. hardware that receives data to a computer
  6. permanent storage memory
  7. lets you access the internet
  8. two digits that represent information

16 Clues: manages memoryshort term memoryelectronic deviceseries of commandsbrain of the computerpermanent storage memorywhere everything is storedlets you use input deviceslets you access the internetcomputers main circuit boardparts that make up the computerset of instructions for the computertwo digits that represent information...

Fundamentals of Computer 2023-04-27

Fundamentals of Computer crossword puzzle
  1. Word Processing tool
  2. basic unit of information in computing (binarydigit)
  3. language of the computers
  4. Full Form of RAM
  5. Example of Input-output device
  6. full form of VDU
  1. device that helps take information out of the computer
  2. 1024 bytes
  3. all the physical parts of the computers
  4. Display Device of a Computer
  5. father of modern computer
  6. eight bits
  7. the brain of the computer
  8. fastest and biggest computer
  9. device that helps put information into the computer
  10. portable storage device

16 Clues: 1024 byteseight bitsFull Form of RAMfull form of VDUWord Processing toolportable storage devicefather of modern computerlanguage of the computersthe brain of the computerDisplay Device of a Computerfastest and biggest computerExample of Input-output deviceall the physical parts of the computersdevice that helps put information into the computer...

Computer Parts & Accessories 2024-11-11

Computer Parts & Accessories crossword puzzle
  1. Software for accessing and navigating the internet.
  2. Output device that produces physical copies of documents.
  3. Security system that controls network traffic.
  4. Main circuit board containing essential components.
  5. Camera used for video conferencing and streaming.
  6. Software that manages computer hardware and software resources.
  7. Fast and durable storage technology.
  8. The "brain" of the computer.
  9. Input device with keys for typing.
  10. Universal Serial Bus for connecting peripherals.
  1. Network technology for wired connections.
  2. Wireless technology for connecting devices.
  3. Hardware that renders images on a computer screen.
  4. Temporary memory for running programs.
  5. Programs and applications that run on a computer.
  6. Storage device for long-term data storage.
  7. Wireless local network connection.
  8. Software used to access the internet and view web pages.
  9. Display device used to view computer output.
  10. Pointing device for interacting with a computer interface.

20 Clues: The "brain" of the computer.Wireless local network connection.Input device with keys for typing.Fast and durable storage technology.Temporary memory for running programs.Network technology for wired connections.Storage device for long-term data storage.Wireless technology for connecting devices.Display device used to view computer output....

ICT BASES 2017-10-06

ICT BASES crossword puzzle
  1. de centrale chip die al het rekenwerk doet, het hart van de computer
  2. Geordende reeks instructies om een probleem op te lossen
  3. Alle apparatuur, die niet tot een computer behoort, maar daar wel mee is verbonden
  4. Het is een computerprogramma om webpagina’s mee te kunnen bekijken
  5. MS Word om te schrijven brieven
  6. Dit zijn mensen die zonder toestemming iemand zijn computer binnendringen en er gegevens inkijken stelen beschadigen of vernietigen
  7. Klein computerprogramma, dat zichzelf kopieert, zich in andere programma's nestelt en zich verspreidt via kopieën van programma's
  8. programmaatjes worden vervaardigd die onder meer in webpagina's kunnen worden opgenomen
  1. Bestanden van eigen computer naar een andere computer kopiëren
  2. programma's die op een computer kunnen worden uitgevoerd
  3. het grootste onderdeel van uw computer, en in de meeste gevallen is het moederbord gemonteerd langs de zijkant van uw kast van de computer
  4. versturen pakketjes tussen twee computers
  5. zelfgekozen naam, een punt,3 letters die erachter komen
  6. apparaat dat plaatjes tekstfragmenten en driedimensionale afbeeldingen optisch aftast en omzet in een digitaal beeld dat met de computer bewerkt kan worden
  7. voor ongevraagde reclame via e-mail
  8. Tekst die door een tekstverwerkingsprogramma onderaan iedere pagina wordt afgedrukt
  9. Een verwijzing naar bijvoorbeeld een ander deel op de pagina van een website of een ander document op het world wide web
  10. Veelgebruikte extensie voor een afbeelding in JPEG-formaat
  11. een programma dat uw computer beschermt tegen de gevaren van buitenaf

19 Clues: MS Word om te schrijven brievenvoor ongevraagde reclame via e-mailversturen pakketjes tussen twee computersprogramma's die op een computer kunnen worden uitgevoerdGeordende reeks instructies om een probleem op te lossenzelfgekozen naam, een punt,3 letters die erachter komenVeelgebruikte extensie voor een afbeelding in JPEG-formaat...

Computer Basics 2020-09-23

Computer Basics crossword puzzle
  1. Computer pointing device which takes advantage of a tactile sensor to detect a user’s finger movement
  2. type of computer memory, which temporarily stores computer information such as the operating system, application programs and data so they can be immediately accessed by the CPU
  3. Cable inside the computer transferring data between the mother board and storage devices
  4. set of computer programs designed to enable computers to accomplish certain tasks;major types of software include programming software, system software and application software
  5. Computer hardware converting alternating current or AC electric power to a low-voltage power for the internal components of the computer
  6. Computer designed for general use by a single person
  7. microprocessor which calculates all the data going through a personal computer
  1. Main storage device of a computer; commonly referred as an internal device and used to permanently store data
  2. Any piece of computer hardware used to provide data to the computer
  3. Output device which displays graphics and images from the computer
  4. Physical parts of a computer, such as the hard drive, video card, monitor and other substantial computer parts
  5. Computer program allowing the computer to communicate with a hardware device
  6. Main circuit board inside personal computers which holds the majority of computer components and provides connectors for peripherals
  7. Removable hard drive located outside of the main computer tower

14 Clues: Computer designed for general use by a single personRemovable hard drive located outside of the main computer towerOutput device which displays graphics and images from the computerAny piece of computer hardware used to provide data to the computerComputer program allowing the computer to communicate with a hardware device...

Chiara Quassoli 2023-01-20

Chiara Quassoli crossword puzzle
  1. digital camera connected to computer
  2. a type of computer that you can take with you
  3. app where you make videos where you dance
  4. to secure images, files, videos...
  5. massage to send to your friends
  6. message used many times
  7. computer screen
  8. what should you do if you want to play a game you don't have?
  9. computer disease
  1. texting friends
  2. collection of music
  3. it is a mobile phone
  4. programming error
  5. app where you can take photos, videos and live
  6. play on computer
  7. person who enters your computer and steals your information
  8. improve photos

17 Clues: improve photostexting friendscomputer screenplay on computercomputer diseaseprogramming errorcollection of musicit is a mobile phonemessage used many timesmassage to send to your friendsto secure images, files, camera connected to computerapp where you make videos where you dancea type of computer that you can take with you...

Computer Vocabulary 2022-08-23

Computer Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A personal computer that is small enough to be carried around
  2. A microchip is a very small piece of silicon inside a computer.
  3. A flat control surface used to move the cursor and perform like a computer mouse, typically on a laptop computer.
  4. Areas on Internet servers where data and applications can be stored and accessed
  5. A router receives and sends data on computer networks
  6. A computer that provides data to other computers
  7. Programs that tell a computer what to do and how to do it
  8. The most commonly used type of secondary storage device, which stores bits of data as aligned particles on the surface of a magnetic disk.
  1. The system that allows hardware devices to communicate with one another, run efficiently, and support software programs. Example: Microsoft Windows
  2. A standard wireless technology that uses radio waves to connect devices
  3. has electronic circuits on it and can hold large quantities of information or perform mathematical and logical operations
  4. It stores data and instructions while the computer is working
  5. The physical parts of a computer
  6. The display screen used to provide visual output from a computer
  7. A motherboard is the main circuit board inside a computer that connects the different parts of a computer together
  8. A program whose purpose is to damage or destroy computer data, cause a computer to behave in unexpected ways, or interfere with the operation of a network, all while concealing and replicating itself

16 Clues: The physical parts of a computerA computer that provides data to other computersA router receives and sends data on computer networksPrograms that tell a computer what to do and how to do itA personal computer that is small enough to be carried aroundIt stores data and instructions while the computer is working...