cybersecurity Crossword Puzzles

Cyber security awareness 2024-03-26

Cyber security awareness crossword puzzle
  1. Digital forensic tool
  2. Cybersecurity best practice
  3. Cyber incident investigation
  4. Secure network protocol
  5. Cyberattack type
  6. Secure data storage
  7. Digital evidence examination
  8. Data encryption algorithm
  9. Cybersecurity breach response
  10. Cybersecurity awareness program
  1. Protection against malware
  2. Protection against data breaches
  3. Encryption method
  4. Malicious software
  5. Unauthorized access prevention
  6. Cybersecurity law enforcement
  7. Authentication method
  8. Secure access authentication
  9. Cybersecurity training platform
  10. Cybersecurity Framework acronym
  11. Cybersecurity compliance standard

21 Clues: Cyberattack typeEncryption methodMalicious softwareSecure data storageDigital forensic toolAuthentication methodSecure network protocolData encryption algorithmProtection against malwareCybersecurity best practiceCyber incident investigationSecure access authenticationDigital evidence examinationCybersecurity law enforcement...

Kryptics 2023-04-07

Kryptics crossword puzzle
  1. Capillarity
  2. Boron
  3. Cybersecurity
  4. Caliper
  5. Backupbalance
  6. Network
  7. Octane
  8. Server
  9. Framework
  10. Javascript
  11. Industry
  12. Syntax
  13. Density
  14. Honeycomb
  1. Arccutting
  2. Radioactive
  3. Crosswall
  4. Functiongenerator
  5. Dieelectricconstant
  6. Neutron
  7. Solenoid
  8. Cartograph
  9. Crowdmap
  10. Electrolysis
  11. Ductility
  12. Gatingsystem
  13. Spreadsheet
  14. Benchmark
  15. Dimension

29 Clues: BoronOctaneServerSyntaxNeutronCaliperNetworkDensitySolenoidCrowdmapIndustryCrosswallDuctilityBenchmarkFrameworkDimensionHoneycombArccuttingCartographJavascriptRadioactiveCapillaritySpreadsheetElectrolysisGatingsystemCybersecurityBackupbalanceFunctiongeneratorDieelectricconstant

30 Technological Terms 2024-04-11

30 Technological Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Virtualization
  2. Database
  3. Lan
  4. BCP
  5. Binary
  6. Troubleshooting
  7. CPU
  8. IP
  9. API
  10. Firewall
  11. ML
  12. BI
  13. Encryption
  14. CRM
  15. Decryption
  1. Malware
  2. Gateway
  3. Endpoint
  4. Cybersecurity
  5. Domain
  6. Debug
  7. Programming
  8. IoT
  9. GUI
  10. AI
  11. WAN
  12. Cache
  13. Network
  14. VPN

29 Clues: IPAIMLBILanBCPIoTGUICPUAPIWANCRMVPNDebugCacheDomainBinaryMalwareGatewayNetworkEndpointDatabaseFirewallEncryptionDecryptionProgrammingCybersecurityVirtualizationTroubleshooting

Kryptics 2023-04-07

Kryptics crossword puzzle
  1. Backupbalance
  2. Solenoid
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Honeycomb
  5. Functiongenerator
  6. Octane
  7. Radioactive
  8. Capillarity
  9. Neutron
  10. Framework
  11. Electrolysis
  12. Gatingsystem
  1. Photodiode
  2. Javascript
  3. Syntax
  4. Boron
  5. Dieelectricconstant
  6. Industry
  7. Crosswall
  8. Ductility
  9. Caliper
  10. Benchmark
  11. Cartograph
  12. Arccutting
  13. Density
  14. Cybersecurity
  15. Network
  16. Dimension
  17. Crowdmap
  18. Server

30 Clues: BoronSyntaxOctaneServerCaliperDensityNetworkNeutronIndustrySolenoidCrowdmapCrosswallDuctilityHoneycombBenchmarkDimensionFrameworkPhotodiodeJavascriptCartographArccuttingSpreadsheetRadioactiveCapillarityElectrolysisGatingsystemBackupbalanceCybersecurityFunctiongeneratorDieelectricconstant

Current Events in USA 2024-02-29

Current Events in USA crossword puzzle
  1. Media platforms
  2. Highest court
  3. Online protection
  4. Social media fallout
  5. Rising prices
  6. Cybersecurity threats
  7. Wellness focus
  8. Commerce negotiations
  9. Economic bounce-back
  1. Law enforcement
  2. Global health crisis
  3. Legal fairness
  4. Emergency situation
  5. Roads, bridges, and utilities
  6. Environmental concern
  7. Civic duty
  8. Sustainable energy
  9. Financial burden
  10. Border policy
  11. Exploration frontier

20 Clues: Civic dutyHighest courtRising pricesBorder policyLegal fairnessWellness focusLaw enforcementMedia platformsFinancial burdenOnline protectionSustainable energyEmergency situationGlobal health crisisSocial media falloutExploration frontierEconomic bounce-backEnvironmental concernCybersecurity threatsCommerce negotiationsRoads, bridges, and utilities

cybersecurity 2022-12-05

cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. is unwanted software designed to throw advertisements up on your screen, most often within a web browser
  2. is a collection of updates and fixes, called patches, for an operating system or a software program.
  3. is a type of malware that downloads onto a computer disguised as a legitimate program.
  4. is a type of malware whose primary function is to self-replicate and infect other computers while remaining active on infected systems.
  5. is a short text file you create for use as a standard appendage at the end of your e-mail notes or Usenet messages.
  6. often referred to as keylogging or keyboard capturing, is the action of recording the keys struck on a keyboard
  7. is a piece of code intentionally inserted into a software system that will set off a malicious function when specified conditions are met.
  8. is the practice of copying data from a primary to a secondary location, to protect it in case of a disaster, accident or malicious action
  9. is a type of computer program that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code.
  10. is a type of security vulnerability that allows attackers to run arbitrary code on a remote machine, connecting to it over public or private networks.
  1. is software with malicious behaviour that aims to gather information about a person or organization and send it to another entity in a way that harms the user
  2. designed to detect and destroy computer viruses
  3. is caused by software or hardware errors.
  4. is a set of changes to a computer program or its supporting data designed to update, fix, or improve
  5. malicious software bundle designed to give unauthorized access to a computer or other software
  6. is a type of program designed to prevent and detect unwanted spyware program installations and to remove those programs if installed
  7. is a type of malware from cryptovirology that threatens to publish the victim's personal data unless the ransom is paid
  8. is any program that prohibits a pop-up at some point in time.
  9. is a computer connected to a network that has been compromised by a hacker, a virus or a Trojan.
  10. a network security device that monitors traffic to or from your network. It allows or blocks traffic based on a defined set of security rules.

20 Clues: is caused by software or hardware errors.designed to detect and destroy computer virusesis any program that prohibits a pop-up at some point in a type of malware that downloads onto a computer disguised as a legitimate program.malicious software bundle designed to give unauthorized access to a computer or other software...

Cybersecurity 2023-03-17

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. cable preventing theft of mobile devices
  2. network virus
  3. unwanted email messages
  4. storing files from hard drive remotely
  5. malicious code stored in files
  6. tricking victim into giving information
  7. bring your own device
  8. verifying a user's identity
  9. sending fake emails to scam
  1. UI redress attack
  2. malicious software
  3. attack that changes devices' address
  4. malware requiring payment to fix
  5. false warning from fake senders
  6. masks user's location
  7. network of hacker computers
  8. website generated file storing info on your computer
  9. scrambling information necessitating a passkey
  10. instructions commanding browser actions
  11. malware hidden within another program

20 Clues: network virusUI redress attackmalicious softwaremasks user's locationbring your own deviceunwanted email messagesnetwork of hacker computersverifying a user's identitysending fake emails to scammalicious code stored in filesfalse warning from fake sendersmalware requiring payment to fixattack that changes devices' address...

Cybersecurity 2023-06-08

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Tricks you by posing as real company
  2. Altered Audio/Video to trick users
  3. Periodic security updates
  4. Virus that appears to be useful
  5. Coding to hide info from hackers.
  6. Software demanding money to unlock Personal information
  7. Technology used to keep intruders out
  8. Uses Hand, Voice, and face recognition
  1. Unauthorized access to an information system
  2. Series of numbers assigned
  3. Fake Website/URL Address
  4. Storage for infected files
  5. Unexpected failure of a system component
  6. Online storage
  7. Weaknesses in a system
  8. Masks IP address and location
  9. Denied access/Privileges
  10. Applications with instructions for computer tasks
  11. Malware that self reproduces
  12. used to auto-perform repetitive tasks

20 Clues: Online storageWeaknesses in a systemFake Website/URL AddressDenied access/PrivilegesPeriodic security updatesSeries of numbers assignedStorage for infected filesMalware that self reproducesMasks IP address and locationVirus that appears to be usefulCoding to hide info from hackers.Altered Audio/Video to trick users...

Cybersecurity 2023-08-21

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. The process of verifying the identity or other attributes of an entity (user, process, or device).
  2. A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a computer network.
  3. A string of characters (letters, numbers, and other symbols) used to authenticate an identity or to verify access authorization.
  4. Additional or alternative systems, sub-systems, assets, or processes that maintain a degree of overall functionality in case of loss or failure of another system, sub-system, asset, or process.
  5. A computer program that can replicate itself, infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user, and then spread or propagate to another computer.
  6. A type of cyber attack that locks users out of their computer systems until they pay a ransom, typically in the form of cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin.
  7. The abuse of electronic messaging systems to indiscriminately send unsolicited bulk messages.
  8. A type of malware that can collect and transmit private user information without the user’s knowledge or consent.
  9. A method of scrambling data so that only authorized users or systems can access it.
  10. A network of compromised computers used to carry out cyberattacks on other systems. Hackers will often infect computers using malware, then control those devices remotely to destroy data.
  11. A self-replicating, self-propagating, self-contained program that uses networking mechanisms to spread itself.
  12. The potential for an unwanted or adverse outcome resulting from an incident, event, or occurrence, as determined by the likelihood that a particular threat will exploit a particular vulnerability, with the associated consequences.
  1. A characteristic or specific weakness that renders an organization or asset (such as information or an information system) open to exploitation by a given threat or susceptible to a given hazard.
  2. The activities after an incident or event to restore essential services and operations in the short and medium term and fully restore all capabilities in the longer term.
  3. A person, structure, facility, information, and records, information technology systems and resources, material, process, relationships, or reputation that has value.
  4. The activity or process, ability or capability, or state whereby information and communications systems and the information contained therein are protected from and/or defended against damage, unauthorized use or modification, or exploitation.
  5. A property that information is not disclosed to users, processes, or devices unless they have been authorized to access the information.
  6. A type of cyber attack that attempts to fool users into providing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card details, via fake emails and websites.
  7. A secure online service that allows users to connect remotely to another network, such as their workplace network or home Wi-Fi.
  8. An unauthorized user who attempts to or gains access to an information system.
  9. An attempt to gain unauthorized access to system services, resources, or information, or an attempt to compromise system integrity.
  10. Short for malicious software, is any type of harmful software designed to damage or disrupt a computer system

22 Clues: An unauthorized user who attempts to or gains access to an information system.A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a computer network.A method of scrambling data so that only authorized users or systems can access it.The abuse of electronic messaging systems to indiscriminately send unsolicited bulk messages....

Cybersecurity 2023-08-23

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Little card in your phone
  2. Unwanted email messages
  3. Being free from public attention
  4. Stores information on your computer
  5. Virus that spreads through network
  6. Attack a nation’s computer networks
  7. Intrudes on a device remotely
  8. Wireless data network
  1. Malicious software
  2. Prevents device from functioning correctly
  3. Finger prints
  4. Secret combination
  5. Bypass security to gain access
  6. From an outside/unknown source
  7. Discarded digital devices
  8. Malicious software
  9. Scrambling information
  10. Tracks all pressed keys
  11. Copying files from a computer
  12. Hides inside another program
  13. Confirming the person is authentic

21 Clues: Finger printsMalicious softwareSecret combinationMalicious softwareWireless data networkScrambling informationUnwanted email messagesTracks all pressed keysLittle card in your phoneDiscarded digital devicesHides inside another programCopying files from a computerIntrudes on a device remotelyBypass security to gain access...

Cybersecurity 2020-09-13

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Using someone else's work and passing it off as your own
  2. Sexting is _______ for all individuals who send or receive sexually suggestive images under the age of 18 years old
  3. people that stand up for others
  4. Never list your ________ number or home address under contact information onlin.
  5. Your digital _______ is a collection of all information that you leave behind on the internet and can not be removed by deleting or setting as private
  6. The ability to act in a safe and responsible way on the internet and other connected environments
  7. A detailed report, usually about a person
  8. Rules for interacting politely and responsibly online
  9. Formal ways of giving credit to others for their work
  10. Someone who intentionally targets people for harm using online chat rooms or social media
  11. passwords that contain easy-to-guess information
  12. programs or code that damage or destroy data by attaching to a program or file in a victim computer
  13. Phishing is malware that asks for personal _______.
  14. The state of being free from unwanted or undue intrusion or disturbance in one's private life or affairs
  15. ______ settings help control things like your Profile, Contact, and other Information relating to your account
  16. Many features in online ________ can expose players to predators
  1. public _______ applies to works that are not copyrighted or have lost their copyright status due to age
  2. Secretly watches computer activity
  3. Any program, website, or file that is designed to damage or gain unauthorized access to a device
  4. Software that protects computers from virus related harm
  5. When entering _______ information, be careful not to reveal personal details like you birthday or home address
  6. The exclusive right to make copies, license, or otherwise use a creative work
  7. Information about you and what you do online
  8. The format most commonly used for citing sources in language, literature, and in K-12
  9. A _______ password is one that contains at least 10 characters and several unique characters.
  10. ____ use allows limited use of copyrighted material for educational purposes
  11. Illegal ____ of copyrighted material is often referred to as piracy
  12. Programs that appear to be useful but damage computers
  13. Bullying that takes place online
  14. are used in conjunction with a screen name to help identify an online user without giving away personal details
  15. Your _______ device often contains more personal information that any other source
  16. You do not need to _________ for a copyright, it is automatic
  17. special viruses that move from computer to computer without human action
  18. when online, using a _____ name helps protect your true identity
  19. Social _____ is a site or online community where people with like experiences or interests communicated with each other.
  20. URLS that lead the user to download a virus or visit a harmful website
  21. The format that is most commonly used in education and social sciences

37 Clues: people that stand up for othersBullying that takes place onlineSecretly watches computer activityA detailed report, usually about a personInformation about you and what you do onlinepasswords that contain easy-to-guess informationPhishing is malware that asks for personal _______.Rules for interacting politely and responsibly online...

Cybersecurity 2020-09-13

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Special viruses that move from computer to computer without human action
  2. Rules for interacting politely and responsibly online
  3. programs or code that damage or destroy data by attaching to a program or file in a victim computer
  4. Sexting is _______ for all individuals who send or receive sexually suggestive images under the age of 18 years old
  5. Programs that appear to be useful but damage computers
  6. Software that protects computers from virus related harm
  7. The state of being free from unwanted or undue intrusion or disturbance in one's private life or affairs
  8. The format that is most commonly used in education and social sciences
  9. ______ settings help control things like your Profile, Contact, and other Information relating to your account
  10. Public _______ applies to works that are not copyrighted or have lost their copyright status due to age
  11. A detailed report, usually about a person
  12. When online, using a _____ name helps protect your true identity
  13. Secretly watches computer activity
  14. Your _______ device often contains more personal information that any other source
  15. The exclusive right to make copies, license, or otherwise use a creative work
  16. Information about you and what you do online
  17. Any program, website, or file that is designed to damage or gain unauthorized access to a device
  18. Many features in online ________ can expose players to predators
  1. When entering _______ information, be careful not to reveal personal details like you birthday or home address
  2. Someone who intentionally targets people for harm using online chat rooms or social media
  3. Social _____ is a site or online community where people with like experiences or interests communicated with each other.
  4. The ability to act in a safe and responsible way on the internet and other connected environments
  5. You do not need to _________ for a copyright, it is automatic
  6. Phishing is malware that asks for personal _______.
  7. Illegal ____ of copyrighted material is often referred to as piracy
  8. The format most commonly used for citing sources in language, literature, and in K-12
  9. ____ use allows limited use of copyrighted material for educational purposes
  10. Formal ways of giving credit to others for their work
  11. people that stand up for others
  12. Using someone else's work and passing it off as your own
  13. Passwords that contain easy-to-guess information
  14. Never list your ________ number or home address under contact information onlin.
  15. Are used in conjunction with a screen name to help identify an online user without giving away personal details
  16. A _______ password is one that contains at least 10 characters and several unique characters.
  17. Bullying that takes place online
  18. Your digital _______ is a collection of all information that you leave behind on the internet and can not be removed by deleting or setting as private
  19. URLS that lead the user to download a virus or visit a harmful website

37 Clues: people that stand up for othersBullying that takes place onlineSecretly watches computer activityA detailed report, usually about a personInformation about you and what you do onlinePasswords that contain easy-to-guess informationPhishing is malware that asks for personal _______.Rules for interacting politely and responsibly online...

Cybersecurity 2023-01-25

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. changing ip addresses
  2. malware that collects personal data
  3. applications that direct computers
  4. program that allows remote access
  5. "UI redress attack"
  6. network of computers for attacks
  7. short for malicious software
  8. an attack that wants ransom
  9. means to attack a system
  10. connected items that represent one
  1. protects data by scrambling it
  2. protects your location
  3. using media manipulation to scam
  4. cyber attack that is disguised
  5. filters network traffic
  6. used to detect viruses
  7. being bullied using the internet
  8. where users store data
  9. using your own device
  10. malware that reproduces itself

20 Clues: "UI redress attack"changing ip addressesusing your own deviceprotects your locationused to detect viruseswhere users store datafilters network trafficmeans to attack a systeman attack that wants ransomshort for malicious softwareprotects data by scrambling itcyber attack that is disguisedmalware that reproduces itself...

Cybersecurity 2023-04-21

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. information (typically held electronically) about a particular person, especially sensitive information regarding their finances, medical history, etc.
  2. A computer worm is a subset of the Trojan horse malware that can propagate or self-replicate from one computer to another without human activation after breaching a system
  3. A technique for attempting to acquire sensitive data, such as bank account numbers, through a fraudulent solicitation in email or on a web site, in which the perpetrator masquerades as a legitimate business or reputable person.
  4. A botnet (short for “robot network”) is a network of computers infected by malware that are under the control of a single attacking party, known as the “bot-herder.”
  5. is a type of software program created to protect information technology (IT) systems and individual computers from malicious software, or malware
  6. A hacker is an individual who uses computer, networking or other skills to overcome a technical problem. The term also may refer to anyone who uses their abilities to gain unauthorized access to systems or networks in order to commit crimes.
  7. is a network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on an organization's previously established security policies
  8. facts provided or learned about something or someone.
  9. Ransomware is a type of malware which prevents you from accessing your device and the data stored on it, usually by encrypting your files.
  10. is a type of social engineering technique used to obtain information such as personal identification numbers (PINs), passwords and other confidential data by looking over the victim's shoulder.
  11. A computer virus is a type of malware that attaches itself to other programs, self-replicates, and spreads from one computer to another.
  12. something has been done which was: not intended by the actor; not desired by a set of rules or an external observer; or that led the task or system outside its acceptable limits.
  13. Ethical hacking involves an authorized attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer system, application, or data. Carrying out an ethical hack involves duplicating strategies and actions of malicious attackers.
  14. Hacking or Black Hat hacking is performed by cybercriminals with the false intention of stealing sensitive data, money, and access the restricted networks and systems.
  1. A blagging attack is a version of a phishing attack, again with its background in social engineering.
  2. the use of deception to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal information that may be used for fraudulent purposes.
  3. Automatic software updates are the process in which your software applies critical updates without seeking confirmation from a user
  4. As software designed to interfere with a computer's normal functioning, malware is a blanket term for viruses, trojans, and other destructive computer programs threat actors use to infect systems and networks in order to gain access to sensitive information.
  5. Verifying the identity of a user, process, or device, often as a prerequisite to allowing access to resources in an information system.
  6. A name generator attack is an attack in which the victim is asked in an app or social media post to combine a few pieces of information or complete a short quiz to produce a name.
  7. In a Distributed Denial of Service attack, the attacker enlists the help of (many) thousands of Internet users to each generate a small number of requests which, added together, overload the target.
  8. Statistics that can be used to analise or observe.
  9. The authorization given to users that enables them to access specific resources on the network, such as data files, applications, printers and scanners.
  10. A brute force attack uses trial-and-error to guess login info, encryption keys, or find a hidden web page. Hackers work through all possible combinations hoping to guess correctly.

24 Clues: Statistics that can be used to analise or observe.facts provided or learned about something or someone.A blagging attack is a version of a phishing attack, again with its background in social engineering.Automatic software updates are the process in which your software applies critical updates without seeking confirmation from a user...

Cybersecurity 2020-11-18

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. A piece of property that cannot be viewed by the public.
  2. A thing that comes before another of the same kind.
  3. A person who tries to penetrate a computer system to find weaknesses.
  4. A type of encryption where only one key (a secret key) is used to both encrypt and decrypt electronic information.
  5. When a hacker uses a compromised email account to impersonate the account owner.
  6. The name of the bot.
  7. Makes sure that users do not send important or valuable data to outside sources.
  8. A malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server.
  9. Luring someone into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona.
  10. Someone who breaks into a computer’s system.
  11. The process of undermining a company's cyber defences by going after its vulnerable partner network.
  12. The path a hacker takes to deliver the malicious software.
  13. An extra copy of data from a computer.
  14. Software tools that enable an unauthorized user to gain control of a system without being noticed.
  15. Criminals who break into computer networks with malicious intent.
  16. A software that demands payment in order to access the system again.
  17. An accessory that can be added to a computer. (??)
  18. Confidential or personal information that may be used for fraudulent purposes.
  19. Allows access of specific data to certain members of a group.
  20. A software that displayed advertisements.
  21. A threat agent is any person or thing that acts to cause, carry, transmit, or support a threat.
  22. used to confirm the identity of a user or computer.
  23. A set of instructions used to help staff members respond to a security incident.
  24. To change into a coded form.
  25. A type of attack that doesn’t allow the owner to access their data.
  26. A number that is associated with a specific computer.
  27. The process of protecting important data from corruption.
  28. When data is copied or transferred from one place to another without authorization.
  29. A process used to determine which components of the system need to be protected and the types of security risks they should be protected from.
  1. A place where data is stored on the internet and not on the computer’s hard drive.
  2. A security method where information is encoded so it can only be accessed with a key.
  3. A software tool made to take advantage of a weakness in a computer.
  4. A piece of code put in to correct an error.
  5. A value with a unique length to identify data.
  6. The study of codes and the art of writing or solving them.
  7. A stealthy attacker that remains undetected for a long time.
  8. When a hacker submitts many passwords in hopes of eventually guessing the real one.
  9. A software application that scans and records passwords that are used or broadcasted on a computer or network interface.
  10. The fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.
  11. Used to block unauthorized access while permitting outward communication.
  12. A piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data.
  13. A number of internet connected computers that are all running one or more bots.
  14. Process that checks the identity of the user is what it is supposed to be.
  15. The controller of the bot that provides direction for the bot.
  16. Analyzing large databases to get information.
  17. A term used to describe the overall process or method where you: Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm.
  18. The unauthorized movement of classified information to unauthorized users.
  19. An encrypted connection over the internet from a device to a network.
  20. A decoy computer system designed to attract cyber attacks.
  21. A kind of monitoring software to keep track of keystrokes made by the user.
  22. A group that helps organizations to improve themselves by providing opposition to the point of view of the organization that they are helping.
  23. A program used to distinguish between a person and an automated access website.
  24. The act of disguising a communication from an unknown source as being from a known, trusted source.
  25. A self multiplying system that spreads itself across a network.
  26. A resource that is released under a copyright licence and allows anyone to use it.
  27. An online threat that hides itself in computers and mobile devices.
  28. A collective name for a variety of malicious software variants.
  29. List of things that are untrustworthy and should be avoided.
  30. The practice of determining the credibility and seriousness of a potential threat, as well as the probability that the threat will become a reality.
  31. The identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities.
  32. Malware that is disguised as actual software.
  33. Software that enables a user to obtain covert information about another's computer activities by transmitting data covertly from their hard drive.
  34. A watering hole attack is a targeted attack designed to compromise users within a specific industry or group of users by infecting websites they typically visit and luring them to a malicious site.
  35. An autonomous program on the internet that can interact with systems or users.

64 Clues: The name of the bot.To change into a coded form.An extra copy of data from a computer.A software that displayed advertisements.A piece of code put in to correct an error.Someone who breaks into a computer’s system.Analyzing large databases to get information.Malware that is disguised as actual software.A value with a unique length to identify data....

Cybersecurity 2022-10-15

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. When online, using a ______ name helps protect your true identity
  2. Secretly watches computer activity
  3. Software that protects computers from virus-related harm
  4. Phishing is malware that asks for personal ___________
  5. Someone who intentionally targets people for harm using online chat rooms or social media
  6. Type of bullying that takes place online
  7. Many features in online _____ can expose players to predators
  8. Rules for interacting politely and responsibly online
  9. Any program, website, or file that is designed to damage or gain unauthorized access to a device
  10. Programs that appear to be useful but damage computers
  11. A form of malware that deliberately prevents you from accessing files on your computer until they are decrypted, usually at a cost
  12. The state of being free from unwanted or undue intrusion or disturbance in one's private life or affairs
  13. ____ passwords contain easy-to-guess information
  1. Cyber ______ is the ability to act in a safe and responsible manner on the Internet and other connected environments
  2. Programs or code that damage or destroy data by attaching to a program or file in a victim computer
  3. URLs that mislead the user into downloading a virus or visiting a harmful website
  4. Never list your _________ number or home address under contact information online
  5. Illegal ___ of copyrighted material is often referred to as piracy
  6. Your digital _________ is a collection of all information that you leave behind on the internet and cannot be removed by deleting or setting as private
  7. Type of profile image used as an alternative to a photograph of a user's face, to help protect their privacy
  8. Your ______ device often contains more personal information than any other device
  9. A password containing at least 10 characters and several unique characters could be described as ______
  10. _______ settings help control things like your profile, contact, and other information relating to your account
  11. A piece of malware that can replicate itself in order to spread the infection to other connected computers without human interaaction
  12. Social __________ describes sites or online communities where like-minded people can communicate with each other

25 Clues: Secretly watches computer activityType of bullying that takes place online____ passwords contain easy-to-guess informationRules for interacting politely and responsibly onlinePhishing is malware that asks for personal ___________Programs that appear to be useful but damage computersSoftware that protects computers from virus-related harm...

Cybersecurity 2022-09-07

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. A piece of software designed to remedy security vulnerabilities, or improve the usability or performance of software and computer equipment.
  2. The assurance that systems and data are accessible and useable
  3. A sequence of words used for authentication.
  4. A method used to discover errors or potential security vulnerabilities in software.
  5. A collection of private computers that are infected with malicious software that are being controlled without the owner’s knowledge.
  6. Our hashtag
  7. Measurable physical characteristics used to identify or verify an individual.
  8. Data that is being communicated across a communication medium is said to be "in ____"
  9. A sequence of characters used for authentication.
  10. A computer that provides services to users or other systems.
  11. A generic term for hardware which is used to store data.
  12. A previously unknown, bug, flaw, or backdoor in software is known as a "____ day".
  13. A user who can alter or circumvent a system’s controls is said to be "____"
  14. The categorisation of systems and data according to the expected impact if it was to be compromised.
  15. Malware used to gain access to a user’s systems and monitor their data, files, and behavior.
  16. The use of different character sets, such as lower-case characters , upper-case characters , numeric characters and special characters increases as password's "____".
  17. a form of malware that disguises itself as legitimate software but performs malicious activity when executed
  18. Any circumstance or event with the potential to harm systems or data.
  19. Descriptive data about the content and context used to identify data.
  20. Measures used to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of systems and data.
  21. A weakness in a system’s security requirements, design, implementation or operation that could be accidentally triggered or intentionally exploited and result in a violation of the system’s security policy.
  22. The principle of restricting an individual’s access to only the data they require to fulfil the duties of their role.
  1. Code that attempts to subvert the confidentiality, integrity or availability of a system is "____"
  2. Verifying the identity of a user
  3. email that falsely claims to be from a legitimate source, usually with a threat or request for information
  4. A security process that uses an additional factor for verification is called "____ factor authentication"
  5. An evident change to the normal behaviour of a network, system or user is called "an ____".
  6. The assurance that data is disclosed only to authorised entities.
  7. a type of malware that encrypts a victim’s information and demands payment in return for the decryption key
  8. A senior executive who is responsible for cybersecurity
  9. A network device that filters incoming and outgoing network data based on a series of rules.
  10. Anything of value, such as computer equipment, software or data.
  11. The act of exploiting human weaknesses to gain access to personal information and protected systems is called "____ engineering"
  12. Software embedded in computer equipment.
  13. The level of security risk to which a system is exposed.
  14. These securely manage data flows between connected networks.
  15. A tube, duct or pipe used to protect cables.
  16. The assurance that data has been created, amended or deleted only by authorised individuals.
  17. Data that resides on media or a system is said to be "at ____"
  18. An individual that is authorised to access a system.

40 Clues: Our hashtagVerifying the identity of a userSoftware embedded in computer equipment.A sequence of words used for authentication.A tube, duct or pipe used to protect cables.A sequence of characters used for authentication.An individual that is authorised to access a system.A senior executive who is responsible for cybersecurity...

cybersecurity 2023-11-21

cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Attacco in cui molti sistemi compromessi vengono utilizzati per colpire un singolo sistema, causando un'interruzione del servizio
  2. Messaggi indesiderati, spesso di natura pubblicitaria, inviati in massa via email
  3. Persona che utilizza le proprie competenze informatiche per superare le barriere di sicurezza, spesso con scopi illegali
  4. Metodo di attacco che consiste nel provare tutte le possibili combinazioni di password per accedere a un sistema
  5. Tipo di malware che si replica automaticamente per diffondersi ad altri computer
  6. Injection Tecnica di attacco informatico che manipola le query SQL per accedere o manipolare database
  7. Tecnica di frode online che reindirizza gli utenti da un sito web legittimo a uno fraudolento
  8. Pratica di intercettazione e analisi di pacchetti di dati che passano attraverso una rete
  9. Sistema di sicurezza che monitora e controlla il traffico di rete in entrata e in uscita basandosi su regole predefinite
  10. Rete di computer infetti controllati da un attaccante, spesso utilizzati per lanciare attacchi su larga scala
  11. Manipolazione psicologica delle persone per indurle a rivelare informazioni confidenziali
  12. Debolezza in un sistema che può essere sfruttata da un attaccante
  13. Insieme di computer e altri dispositivi interconnessi che condividono risorse e scambiano dati
  14. Sequenza segreta di caratteri utilizzata per autenticare l'identità di un utente
  15. Protocollo di sicurezza che stabilisce un collegamento crittografato tra un server web e un browser
  16. Strumento utilizzato in attacchi di forza bruta per decifrare password, sfruttando una grande raccolta di hash precalcolati
  17. Day Vulnerabilità di sicurezza non ancora scoperta dal produttore del software o da esperti di sicurezza
  18. Pratica di proteggere sistemi, reti e programmi dagli attacchi digitali
  19. Tipo di malware che cripta i file della vittima e richiede un riscatto per la loro decrittazione
  20. Arte di scrivere o risolvere codici per proteggere informazioni, rendendole leggibili solo da chi possiede la chiave di decrittazione
  1. Accesso segreto a un sistema o a dati che bypassa le normali procedure di autenticazione
  2. Tecnica di protezione delle comunicazioni attraverso l'uso di codici
  3. Funzione che converte un input (o 'messaggio') in una stringa di lunghezza fissa, tipicamente utilizzata per scopi di sicurezza.
  4. Tecnica di frode online per ingannare gli utenti al fine di ottenere dati personali o finanziari sensibili
  5. Tipo di malware che utilizza il modem di un computer per chiamare numeri telefonici a pagamento senza il consenso dell'utente
  6. Tipo di malware che si maschera da software legittimo per ingannare gli utenti affinché lo installino, consentendo l'accesso non autorizzato al sistema
  7. Software dannoso progettato per danneggiare, disturbare o ottenere l'accesso non autorizzato a sistemi informatici
  8. Tipo di spyware che registra le battiture sulla tastiera per rubare informazioni come password e dettagli bancari
  9. Software progettato per prevenire, rilevare e rimuovere malware
  10. Processo di verifica dell'identità di un utente o di un dispositivo
  11. Codice, dati o comandi che sfruttano una vulnerabilità in software o hardware
  12. Tipo di malware che raccoglie informazioni da un computer senza il consenso dell'utente
  13. Rete privata virtuale che estende una rete privata attraverso una rete pubblica, consentendo agli utenti di inviare e ricevere dati attraverso reti condivise o pubbliche come se i loro dispositivi di calcolo fossero direttamente connessi alla rete privata
  14. Atto ingannevole volto a ottenere un vantaggio personale o finanziario
  15. Componente aggiuntivo del browser che può fornire funzionalità aggiuntive ma può anche essere usato come spyware o malware
  16. Insieme di software che consente a un utente non autorizzato di ottenere il controllo di un sistema informatico senza essere rilevato
  17. Software che mostra automaticamente o scarica pubblicità sul dispositivo dell'utente
  18. Aggiornamento software rilasciato dai produttori per correggere bug o vulnerabilità

38 Clues: Software progettato per prevenire, rilevare e rimuovere malwareDebolezza in un sistema che può essere sfruttata da un attaccanteProcesso di verifica dell'identità di un utente o di un dispositivoTecnica di protezione delle comunicazioni attraverso l'uso di codiciAtto ingannevole volto a ottenere un vantaggio personale o finanziario...

Cybersecurity 2023-09-07

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. a computer infection
  2. protects organizations on internet attacks
  3. locks databases
  4. gives a scammer access to your personal computer
  5. security for computers
  6. information
  7. faking
  8. to save something
  1. deceive people into giving up their personal info
  2. ransomeware
  3. authentication method (2)
  4. to ensure protection
  5. worker
  6. when something isnt safe
  7. protecting information
  8. desktop
  9. authentication method
  10. scammers that impersonate a business
  11. when a virus spreads
  12. damages

20 Clues: workerfakingdesktopdamagesransomewareinformationlocks databasesto save somethinga computer infectionto ensure protectionwhen a virus spreadsauthentication methodprotecting informationsecurity for computerswhen something isnt safeauthentication method (2)scammers that impersonate a businessprotects organizations on internet attacks...

Cybersecurity 2024-05-09

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Malicious software designed to harm or exploit any programmable device, service, or network.
  2. A standalone malware computer program that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers.
  3. A security incident in which information is accessed without authorization.
  4. A weakness in a system or its design that can be exploited by a threat actor to perform unauthorized actions within a computer system.
  5. The exploitation of a valid computer session to gain unauthorized access to information or services in a computer system.
  6. A cybersecurity strategy under which a user can only take actions on their computer or network that an administrator has explicitly allowed.
  7. A small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing.
  8. A software update comprised code inserted (or patched) into the code of an existing software program to fix security vulnerabilities, improve functionality, or to update the software.
  9. The act or practice of obtaining secrets without the permission of the holder of the information (personal, sensitive, proprietary or classified), for personal, economic, political, or military advantage using illicit means.
  10. A mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message, software, or digital document.
  11. A method for gaining assurance in the security of an IT system by attempting to breach some or all of that system's security, using the same tools and techniques as an attacker might.
  12. Evidence-based knowledge, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications and actionable advice, about an existing or emerging menace or hazard to assets.
  13. A control mechanism that allows through all elements (email, users, passwords, URLs, etc.), except for those explicitly mentioned.
  14. A network of private computers infected with malicious software and controlled as a group without the owners' knowledge.
  15. Engineering The use of deception to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal information that may be used for fraudulent purposes.
  16. Attack An attack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communication between two parties who believe they are directly communicating with each other.
  17. An attack that aims to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service, or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of internet traffic.
  18. A network security/threat prevention technology that examines network traffic flows to detect and prevent vulnerability exploits.
  19. A systematic evaluation of the security of a company's information system by measuring how well it conforms to a set of established criteria.
  20. A device or software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations.
  1. A set of software tools that enable an unauthorized user to gain control of a computer system without being detected.
  2. Software that enables a user to obtain covert information about another's computer activities by transmitting data covertly from their hard drive.
  3. The application of scientific knowledge to investigate crimes on digital devices, such as computers, smartphones, or networks.
  4. The act of disguising a communication from an unknown source as being from a known, trusted source.
  5. A type of surveillance technology used to record keystrokes made by a user, often without their knowledge.
  6. Software that automatically displays or downloads advertising material when a user is online.
  7. Software designed to detect, prevent, and remove malicious software like viruses, worms, and trojans.
  8. The process of identifying, analyzing, and evaluating risk.
  9. A service that encrypts your internet traffic and protects your online identity by hiding your IP address.
  10. The process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access.
  11. An organized approach to addressing and managing the aftermath of a security breach or cyberattack.
  12. Someone who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.
  13. Horse A type of malware that is often disguised as legitimate software.
  14. A network security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.
  15. A type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.
  16. Attack An attack that exploits a previously unknown vulnerability in a computer application or operating system.
  17. The practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks.
  18. A cyber attack that uses disguised email as a weapon. The goal is to trick the email recipient into believing that the message is something they want or need.
  19. Authentication A security process in which users provide two different authentication factors to verify themselves.
  20. A piece of software, a chunk of data, or a sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug or vulnerability to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur on computer software or hardware.

40 Clues: The process of identifying, analyzing, and evaluating risk.Someone who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.Horse A type of malware that is often disguised as legitimate software.A security incident in which information is accessed without authorization.The practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks....

Cybersecurity 2022-08-15

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Full name of a DoS attack (three words).
  2. A program or script that performs an automated task; there are good ones like web crawlers or virtual customer service agents, but there are also several malicious ones.
  3. The ... Code Act 1995 (Cth) is the federal law used to prosecute cybercrime in Australia.
  4. A collection of malware infested computers that form a network to attack (e.g. a DDoS attack).
  5. (See xx) A set of cybersecurity threats that rely on a victim falling for a trap set for them (two words).
  6. An important process that verifies a user is really who they are; many different ways this can be done.
  7. An email that contains a message with a suspicious link designed to steal personal information.
  8. An annoying malware that spams you with ads.
  9. A name ... attack is a type of silly survey or quiz that actually harvests personal information from unaware users.
  10. Ethical hacking in order to find any cybersecurity weaknesses is known as ... testing.
  11. A technique used typically to guess a password by trying every single combination in order without much extra thought or effort; usually only breaks weak passwords (two words).
  12. I am not a robot.
  13. Settings on folders or files that control who is allowed to access them.
  14. A hacking attack where multiple systems flood a target computer system with multiple requests, making it impossible for the target to handle all requests and function correctly (first word only).
  15. In Australia, the ... principles are 13 rules that must be adhered to if an organisation collects personal information from its customers.
  16. A type of malware that records every single press of the keyboard that you make.
  1. When raw data is put into context and has meaning, the data transforms into ...
  2. Hacking to try and champion a cause, e.g. climate change, rather than to steal information.
  3. Term used for one of several computers that are infected by a 'master' computer, lying in wait for attack instructions.
  4. See clue xx.
  5. An example would be an email from a Nigerian prince asking you to send your name, address, contact number and bank details to him reportedly so you can receive many millions of dollars.
  6. Stealing information from someone simply by looking from behind them.
  7. A ... is created about a user based on data - for example, personal data, shopping habits, etc. - in order to better target that user.
  8. Malicious code intended to monitor your activity without your permission.
  9. Any identification method that uses parts of our body, e.g. iris, face, fingerprint etc.
  10. Gaining unauthorised access to or control of a computer system.
  11. Malicious code that does not need to be attached to a file and runs independently, replicating itself across systems and consuming system and network resources.
  12. ... authentication requires an additional method of checking that it is really you trying to interface with another system (two words).
  13. A malicious code typically disguised as a legitimate program.
  14. A bit of malicious code that attaches itself to files and attempts to replicate itself; can be removed if its definition is known.
  15. Protection for a network by monitoring and controlling traffic that passes through it.
  16. The general term for programs that gains access to your system for unethical reasons, e.g. to steal data, cause system damage, send you spam, etc.

32 Clues: See clue xx.I am not a robot.Full name of a DoS attack (three words).An annoying malware that spams you with ads.A malicious code typically disguised as a legitimate program.Gaining unauthorised access to or control of a computer system.Stealing information from someone simply by looking from behind them....

Cybersecurity 2023-04-18

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. fake email that fools users
  2. online harassment
  3. small files stored on PC
  4. tricking victims into buying online
  5. bring your own device
  6. junk mail
  7. replicating computer program malware
  8. virtual private network
  9. prevents unauthorized access
  10. fraudulent business practices
  11. following employee into restricted are
  12. malware that collects and transmits
  1. wireless technology
  2. unauthorized intrusion
  3. codes that protect data
  4. bypassing security (hidden method)
  5. name used identify someone online
  6. harmful software
  7. malicious "horse" software
  8. telephone scam

20 Clues: junk mailtelephone scamharmful softwareonline harassmentwireless technologybring your own deviceunauthorized intrusioncodes that protect datavirtual private networksmall files stored on PCmalicious "horse" softwarefake email that fools usersprevents unauthorized accessfraudulent business practicesname used identify someone online...

CyberSecurity 2023-09-02

CyberSecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Process of identifying a user
  2. Changing your IP address to read a false location
  3. A group of applications used to complete a task
  4. Virtual Private Network
  5. A series of computers connected as one entity
  6. Collection of programs that allow remote access to hackers
  7. Malware that tracks your activities
  8. Virus detection technology
  9. Malicious software
  10. Hackers using scams to attain sensitive info
  11. Malware that reproduces itself
  1. Two or more connected computers sharing resources
  2. Tricking a user into clicking onto something they didn't want to
  3. Coding used to protect sensitive data
  4. Network of infected computers
  5. Malware that holds your system hostage
  6. Distributed Denial of Service
  7. Internet protocol
  8. Malware that manipulates data and spreads to other systems
  9. tech used to keep out unwanted users

20 Clues: Internet protocolMalicious softwareVirtual Private NetworkVirus detection technologyProcess of identifying a userNetwork of infected computersDistributed Denial of ServiceMalware that reproduces itselfMalware that tracks your activitiestech used to keep out unwanted usersCoding used to protect sensitive dataMalware that holds your system hostage...

Cybersecurity 2023-12-01

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. preventing denial of action
  2. ensuring accessability
  3. barrier to protect network
  4. targeting high profile individuals
  5. overwhelming resources
  6. guiding behavior
  7. keeping data secret
  8. self-replicating program
  9. weakness in system
  10. coding to protect data
  1. interfering with communication
  2. harmful software
  3. suspicious activity
  4. unwanted email
  5. verifying who you are
  6. deceptive email
  7. date-holding software
  8. granting access to data
  9. ensuring accuracy
  10. protection of computer system from cyberthreats

20 Clues: unwanted emaildeceptive emailharmful softwareguiding behaviorensuring accuracyweakness in systemsuspicious activitykeeping data secretverifying who you aredate-holding softwareensuring accessabilityoverwhelming resourcescoding to protect datagranting access to dataself-replicating programbarrier to protect networkpreventing denial of action...

Cybersecurity 2023-09-13

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. cable preventing theft of mobile devices
  2. network virus
  3. unwanted email messages
  4. storing files from hard drive remotely
  5. malicious code stored in files
  6. tricking victim into giving information
  7. bring your own device
  8. verifying a user's identity
  9. sending fake emails to scam
  1. UI redress attack
  2. malicious software
  3. attack that changes devices' address
  4. malware requiring payment to fix
  5. false warning from fake senders
  6. masks user's location
  7. network of hacker computers
  8. website generated file storing info on your computer
  9. scrambling information necessitating a passkey
  10. instructions commanding browser actions
  11. malware hidden within another program

20 Clues: network virusUI redress attackmalicious softwaremasks user's locationbring your own deviceunwanted email messagesnetwork of hacker computersverifying a user's identitysending fake emails to scammalicious code stored in filesfalse warning from fake sendersmalware requiring payment to fixattack that changes devices' address...

Cybersecurity 2023-10-27

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Outdated symmetric key method of data encryption
  2. Plastic card that contains a memory chip and microprocessor or just a memory chip
  3. Symmetric key cipher where plaintext digits are combined with a pseudorandom cipher digit stream
  4. Traditionally need large integers composed of two or more large prime factors
  5. A process used to encrypt and decrypt large plaintext inputs by creating a cryptographic chain wherein each ciphertext block is dependent on the last.
  6. Set of communication rules or protocols for setting up secure connections over a network
  7. Variable length, symmetric, 64-bit block cipher
  8. Virtual Private Network; Protects users when browsing the web
  9. Encryption with authentication
  10. constructing and analyzing protocols that prevent third parties or the public from reading private messages.
  1. Prevents modification of data
  2. Block cipher mode/acts like a stream cipher
  3. An encryption-based Internet security protocol. It was first developed by Netscape in 1995 for the purpose of ensuring privacy, authentication, and data integrity in Internet communications
  4. Extends use of DES cipher
  5. US Federal Government Standard
  6. The process of modifying sensitive data in such a way that it is of no or little value to unauthorized intruders while still being usable by software or authorized personnel
  7. A cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network
  8. Hash Based Message Authentication Code; A cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network
  9. Used for encryption, digital signatures, pseudo-random generators, and more
  10. The practice of concealing information within another message or physical object to avoid detection.
  11. Simplest encryption mode/Too simple for most cases
  12. Family of message digest algorithms
  13. Encryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication
  14. Public key cryptosystem and Federal Information Processing Standard for digital signatures, based on the mathematical concept of modular exponentiation and the discrete logarithm problem.

24 Clues: Extends use of DES cipherPrevents modification of dataUS Federal Government StandardEncryption with authenticationFamily of message digest algorithmsBlock cipher mode/acts like a stream cipherVariable length, symmetric, 64-bit block cipherOutdated symmetric key method of data encryptionSimplest encryption mode/Too simple for most cases...

Cybersecurity 2024-04-12

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Any information connected to a specific individual that can be used to uncover that individual's identity (3)
  2. Word referring to who can use a specific system or view specific data
  3. A security measure that requires two or more proofs of identity to grant you access to a system (3)
  4. A set of instructions to help IT staff detect, respond to, and recover from network security incidents (3)
  5. The process of translating plain text data (plaintext) into something that appears to be random and meaningless
  6. A cyber attack in which credentials obtained from a data breach on one service are used to attempt to log in to another unrelated service (2)
  7. A type of backup in which an exact replica of data is created and stored in a separate location
  8. A broad term that describes recently discovered security vulnerabilities that hackers can use to attack systems (2)
  9. IoT (3)
  10. Law which upholds the right of the public to access information that the government holds about them (4)
  11. The assurance that sensitive information is accessed only by authorised individuals or entities
  12. A network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules
  13. The protection of information that says who we are, what we do and what we believe
  14. is a type of malware that permanently blocks access to the victim's personal data unless a ransom is paid
  15. Type of backup that contains only those files which have been altered since the last backup
  16. attack is carried out by flooding the target system with a huge number of requests to cause a crash meaning the website, online shop or digital services are unavailable for legitimate requests
  17. Type of cyber attack that uses third-party tools or services to infiltrate a target’s system or network (2)
  18. Divides a computer network into smaller parts. The purpose is to improve network performance and security.
  19. Type of encryption that works with a pair of keys. It involves the creation of a pair of keys, one of which is a public key, and the other which is a private key. The public key is accessible by anyone, while the private key must be kept a secret from everyone but the creator of the key
  20. Security process that relies on the unique biological characteristics of individuals to verify they are who they say they are
  1. Physical, network, and operational separation of data to keep it safe from both external cyberattacks and internal threats
  2. Type of backup that involves backing up data that was created or changed since the last full backup
  3. A network of private computers infected with malicious software and controlled as a group without the owners' knowledge
  4. Refers to accounts that use the name, image, or other identifying elements of a person, company, or organisation for fraudulent purposes (2)
  5. The process of converting ciphertext (random and meaningless) back to plaintext
  6. The act of compromising digital devices and networks through unauthorised access to an account or computer system
  7. A perceived threat to an organisation that comes from people within the organisation (2)
  8. Weaknesses within an enterprise system that allow cyber criminals to gain unauthorised access
  9. Word related to data being held on system devices such as hard drives and servers
  10. An individual or organisation that conducts malicious activity, such as cyber espionage, cyber attacks or cyber-enabled crime. Otherwise known as a cyber criminal (2)
  11. The fraudulent practice of sending emails or other messages purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers
  12. Cyber attack that consists of an attacker submitting many passwords or passphrases with the hope of eventually guessing correctly. The attacker systematically checks all possible passwords and passphrases until the correct one is found (3)
  13. Backup Strategy for sending a copy of data to a secondary, off-site, online location
  14. Cyber attack that occurs when a hacker tries to trick users into connecting to a fake Wi-Fi access point that mimics a real network (2)
  15. The accuracy, completeness, and quality of data as it’s maintained over time and across formats (2)
  16. Secret data, typically a string of characters, usually used to confirm a user's identity online. Used when logging into a system
  17. The greatest vulnerability in a system when thinking about cybersecurity
  18. Type of backup that backs up everything since the last back up
  19. A tool used in risk management to assess and prioritise risks based on their likelihood and potential impact (2)
  20. Type of encryption that involves the use of one key for both encryption and decryption

40 Clues: IoT (3)Type of backup that backs up everything since the last back upWord referring to who can use a specific system or view specific dataThe greatest vulnerability in a system when thinking about cybersecurityThe process of converting ciphertext (random and meaningless) back to plaintext...

Cybersecurity 2024-03-22

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. a virus which can travel from computer to computer with no human action
  2. something you lose if you post your name or address online
  3. files stored on your device that give browsers information
  4. programs which can damage your computer or steal your information
  5. posting URLs which lead to a virus
  6. someone who is mean online
  7. a way to cite sources. Usually used in social sciences
  8. maybe the greatest online privacy risk
  9. programs which look useful but can damage your computer
  10. using someone else's work as your own
  11. using someone's work in a criticism, news report, or research
  12. the exclusive rights to make copies
  13. use this to protect your mobile device
  14. an online activity with anonymous chats
  1. a way to cite sources. Usually used in the humanities (and k-12 schools)
  2. someone who targets people for harm
  3. when a copyright expires, the work enters the public _____
  4. rules for appropriate online behavior
  5. what your profile picture should be
  6. one example is identity theft
  7. all the info about you online
  8. emails that look like they are from somewhere you trust

22 Clues: someone who is mean onlineone example is identity theftall the info about you onlineposting URLs which lead to a virussomeone who targets people for harmwhat your profile picture should bethe exclusive rights to make copiesrules for appropriate online behaviorusing someone else's work as your ownmaybe the greatest online privacy risk...

Cybersecurity 2024-03-14

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Being free from the Public
  2. Stealing personal information from users
  3. String of characters accessing information
  4. Someones who harms other users
  5. False display gaining private information
  6. Verify identity on physical characters
  7. Help protect and secure passwords
  8. File website stores information on computer
  9. Unwanted messages from unknown users
  10. Move files to remote locations
  11. A false warning
  1. Ensuring request information not imposter
  2. Security treats inside the company
  3. Behavioral hazard when user obsess
  4. Sciences designed to arrange items
  5. Active file that are harmful
  6. Malware hidden inside another program
  7. Technology used to stalk others
  8. Toxic waste from discarded devices
  9. Collection of harmful computer codes

20 Clues: A false warningBeing free from the PublicActive file that are harmfulSomeones who harms other usersMove files to remote locationsTechnology used to stalk othersHelp protect and secure passwordsSecurity treats inside the companyBehavioral hazard when user obsessSciences designed to arrange itemsToxic waste from discarded devices...

Cybersecurity 2024-07-10

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Multiple compromised computers
  2. Trial and error password guessing
  3. Layered security system
  4. Malware locked by bribe
  5. Copy of computer data
  6. Junk emails or posts
  7. Character sequence used for access
  8. Electronic inventory of someones network
  1. Identity verification
  2. Private and secure network
  3. Software created to disrupt
  4. Recording keystrokes in real time
  5. Tracking user on a server
  6. Identifying entities on the internet
  7. File link to another location
  8. Protection through scrambled data
  9. Locate/display information on servers
  10. Malware that monitors and reports
  11. Pretending to gain trust
  12. Searching or screening data

20 Clues: Junk emails or postsIdentity verificationCopy of computer dataLayered security systemMalware locked by bribePretending to gain trustTracking user on a serverPrivate and secure networkSoftware created to disruptSearching or screening dataFile link to another locationMultiple compromised computersRecording keystrokes in real time...

Cybersecurity 2018-08-02

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. CLI command to search for a pattern of letters
  2. Program used to collect cryptocurrency
  3. The telephone equivalent of phishing
  4. Protocol that WannaCry took advantage of
  5. First step in the cyber kill chain
  6. A compromised computer in a botnet
  7. Command to identify Ethernet devices
  8. Process security analysts use to search for advanced threats
  9. Resolve hostnames to IP addresses
  10. The second in the CIA triad
  1. ... is the process of directing the company approach to security
  2. ... systems use physical characteristics to determine access
  3. The process of adding allowed programs to a list is called ...
  4. Testing technique using invalid or random data as input
  5. A weakness that can be exploited
  6. Specifies who gets access to what
  7. The process of reversing encoded data is ...
  8. The approach of using multiple layers of security
  9. Piece of forensic data identifying potential malicious activity
  10. Uses rules to allow or block traffic

20 Clues: The second in the CIA triadA weakness that can be exploitedSpecifies who gets access to whatResolve hostnames to IP addressesFirst step in the cyber kill chainA compromised computer in a botnetThe telephone equivalent of phishingCommand to identify Ethernet devicesUses rules to allow or block trafficProgram used to collect cryptocurrency...

Cybersecurity 2022-04-03

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. A form of malware that demands money from the user in return for something.
  2. This process is similar to encryption in that plaintext is transformed into ciphertext, which cannot be understood. However, in this instance the ciphertext cannot be decrypted (converted back.)
  3. The act of fraudulently impersonating others in order to gain trust and cause victims to share unauthorised information.
  4. A cybersecurity attack in which multiple devices are used to prevent genuine users from being able to access a particular system.
  5. The form of encryption that requires a single key.
  6. An attack that involves intercepting communications without the knowledge of the victim or the service.
  7. A cybersecurity attack in which an individual attempts to stop genuine users from being able to use a particular system, using only one device.
  8. The technique of finding vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited to gain access and information.
  9. A form of malware that is disguised as a legitimate program. Malicious code is hidden within the software to gain access to the user's system.
  10. A form of malware that is more self-sufficient, as it has the ability to exist and spread with no reliance on host files or human interaction.
  11. A social engineering technique that uses social media to impersonate others for some form of personal gain, potentially including unauthorised information and money.
  12. A service that can be used to protect your internet connection and privacy when operating online. This is done via the creation of an encrypted tunnel.
  13. A social engineering technique that uses emails to impersonate others and gain access to unauthorised information.
  14. Software that was created with malicious intent.
  15. A device which monitors all data coming into and out of a system/network, stopping anything that it believes could be harmful and/or unwanted.
  16. A form of malware that attaches itself to other files and requires human interaction in order to be able to spread and attach to more files.
  17. The coloured hat of hackers that are cybersecurity experts who have received authorisation to hack others in order to identify vulnerabilities.
  18. A form of malware that shows unwanted ads on the user's device
  19. The result of spreading bots, whereby the army of slave devices under one master can be controlled and used in DDoS attacks to harness the power and networking capabilities of all of them.
  20. A social engineering technique that uses voice calls to impersonate others and gain access to unauthorised information.
  1. The act of a hacker gathering information about your device and its connection to a website/service to then configure their device to match yours and take over in communication as if they are you.
  2. A form of malware that gathers data about you and your device usage and forwards this to a third-party without your knowledge or consent.
  3. A social engineering technique that directs a website's traffic elsewhere in order to gain access to unauthorised information.
  4. The process of eavesdropping on what is being sent in a network using a piece of software.
  5. A technique in which an unknown source is disguised as a genuine business/person/platform in order to gain access to unauthorised information.
  6. A more concentrated form of social engineering in which the engineer uses small pieces of easily-accessible information to appear more believable e.g. using the individual's name.
  7. The coloured hat of hackers that are cybercriminals who uses hacking for malicious intent and personal gain.
  8. The coloured hat of cybercriminals who gain access to systems without permission for the purposes of what they believe is ethically right.
  9. A type of network that is heavily susceptible to attacks due to not having a password, thus allowing anyone to join.
  10. A piece of software that can be used to store and manage online credentials. It uses encryption to store the passwords in a safe way, so that they can be accessed later.
  11. A form of malware that makes it so that a device can be controlled. This relationship between the controlled device and the one doing the controlling is known as slave and master.
  12. The form of encryption that requires two keys.
  13. The process of converting normal data/information (plaintext) into another form (ciphertext.)
  14. A social engineering technique that uses text messages to impersonate others and gain access to unauthorised information.
  15. Someone who attempts to breach the defenses of a computer system or network to identify weaknesses.
  16. A piece of software that detects, prevents and removes viruses and other malware from a system.
  17. A network security measure in which a secure computer (or computer network) is isolated with no access to the internet.
  18. A targeted, focused form of social engineering in which the engineer uses information to appear more believable in targeting a high-profile individual e.g. a celebrity or business person in a significant role.
  19. The coloured hat of hackers who do not have authorisation to hack a given system, but do so without malicious intent.
  20. A human threat in which people gain access to unauthorised areas by following others into secure areas.

40 Clues: The form of encryption that requires two keys.Software that was created with malicious intent.The form of encryption that requires a single key.A form of malware that shows unwanted ads on the user's deviceA form of malware that demands money from the user in return for something....

Cybersecurity 2023-04-28

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Special viruses that move from computer to computer without human action
  2. Rules for interacting politely and responsibly online
  3. programs or code that damage or destroy data by attaching to a program or file in a victim computer
  4. Sexting is _______ for all individuals who send or receive sexually suggestive images under the age of 18 years old
  5. Programs that appear to be useful but damage computers
  6. Software that protects computers from virus related harm
  7. The state of being free from unwanted or undue intrusion or disturbance in one's private life or affairs
  8. The format that is most commonly used in education and social sciences
  9. ______ settings help control things like your Profile, Contact, and other Information relating to your account
  10. Public _______ applies to works that are not copyrighted or have lost their copyright status due to age
  11. A detailed report, usually about a person
  12. When online, using a _____ name helps protect your true identity
  13. Secretly watches computer activity
  14. Your _______ device often contains more personal information that any other source
  15. The exclusive right to make copies, license, or otherwise use a creative work
  16. Information about you and what you do online
  17. Any program, website, or file that is designed to damage or gain unauthorized access to a device
  18. Many features in online ________ can expose players to predators
  1. When entering _______ information, be careful not to reveal personal details like you birthday or home address
  2. Someone who intentionally targets people for harm using online chat rooms or social media
  3. Social _____ is a site or online community where people with like experiences or interests communicated with each other.
  4. The ability to act in a safe and responsible way on the internet and other connected environments
  5. You do not need to _________ for a copyright, it is automatic
  6. Phishing is malware that asks for personal _______.
  7. Illegal ____ of copyrighted material is often referred to as piracy
  8. The format most commonly used for citing sources in language, literature, and in K-12
  9. ____ use allows limited use of copyrighted material for educational purposes
  10. Formal ways of giving credit to others for their work
  11. people that stand up for others
  12. Using someone else's work and passing it off as your own
  13. Passwords that contain easy-to-guess information
  14. Never list your ________ number or home address under contact information onlin.
  15. Are used in conjunction with a screen name to help identify an online user without giving away personal details
  16. A _______ password is one that contains at least 10 characters and several unique characters.
  17. Bullying that takes place online
  18. Your digital _______ is a collection of all information that you leave behind on the internet and can not be removed by deleting or setting as private
  19. URLS that lead the user to download a virus or visit a harmful website

37 Clues: people that stand up for othersBullying that takes place onlineSecretly watches computer activityA detailed report, usually about a personInformation about you and what you do onlinePasswords that contain easy-to-guess informationPhishing is malware that asks for personal _______.Rules for interacting politely and responsibly online...

Cybersecurity 2022-11-22

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. A set of software tools used by an attacker to hide the actions or presence of other types of malicious software.
  2. A copy of files from a computer's hard drive saved on other digital media that is stored in a secure location.
  3. A malicious program designed to enter a computer via a network to take advantage of a vulnerability in an application or an operating system.
  4. An executable program that is advertised as performing one activity but which actually performs a malicious activity.
  5. An attacker who controls a botnet.
  6. Software that enters a computer system without the user's knowledge or consent and then performs an unwanted and usually harmful action.
  7. Software that examines a computer for any infections as well as monitors computer activity and scans new documents that might contain a virus.
  8. Software that helps prevent computers from becoming infected by different types of spyware.
  9. Software or a hardware device that captures and stores each keystroke that a user types on the computer's keyboard.
  10. A logical computer network of zombies under the control of an attacker.
  11. An infected computer that is under the remote control of an attacker.
  12. A publicly released software security update intended to repair a vulnerability.
  1. Software code that gives access to a program or a service that circumvents normal security protections.
  2. Malware that prevents a user's device from properly operating until a fee is paid.
  3. A software program that delivers advertising content in a manner that is unexpected and unwanted by the user.
  4. Enhancements to the software to provide new or expanded functionality, but do not address security vulnerability.
  5. Hardware or software designed to limit the spread of malware.
  6. Computer code that lies dormant until it is triggered by a specific logical event.
  7. A general term used to describe software that spies on users by gathering information without consent.
  8. Software that is a cumulative package of all patches and feature updates.

20 Clues: An attacker who controls a botnet.Hardware or software designed to limit the spread of malware.An infected computer that is under the remote control of an attacker.A logical computer network of zombies under the control of an attacker.Software that is a cumulative package of all patches and feature updates....

Cybersecurity 2023-02-28

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Never list your ________ number or home address under contact information onlin.
  2. special viruses that move from computer to computer without human action
  3. You do not need to _________ for a copyright, it is automatic
  4. Formal ways of giving credit to others for their work
  5. ______ settings help control things like your Profile, Contact, and other Information relating to your account
  6. Rules for interacting politely and responsibly online
  7. The exclusive right to make copies, license, or otherwise use a creative work
  8. A _______ password is one that contains at least 10 characters and several unique characters.
  9. URLS that lead the user to download a virus or visit a harmful website
  10. when online, using a _____ name helps protect your true identity
  11. Your _______ device often contains more personal information that any other source
  12. Bullying that takes place online
  13. passwords that contain easy-to-guess information
  14. When entering _______ information, be careful not to reveal personal details like you birthday or home address
  15. Phishing is malware that asks for personal _______.
  16. are used in conjunction with a screen name to help identify an online user without giving away personal details
  17. The format most commonly used for citing sources in language, literature, and in K-12
  18. Programs that appear to be useful but damage computers
  1. Any program, website, or file that is designed to damage or gain unauthorized access to a device
  2. Social _____ is a site or online community where people with like experiences or interests communicated with each other.
  3. Using someone else's work and passing it off as your own
  4. Your digital _______ is a collection of all information that you leave behind on the internet and can not be removed by deleting or setting as private
  5. Information about you and what you do online
  6. public _______ applies to works that are not copyrighted or have lost their copyright status due to age
  7. programs or code that damage or destroy data by attaching to a program or file in a victim computer
  8. people that stand up for others
  9. The state of being free from unwanted or undue intrusion or disturbance in one's private life or affairs
  10. The ability to act in a safe and responsible way on the internet and other connected environments
  11. Someone who intentionally targets people for harm using online chat rooms or social media
  12. Software that protects computers from virus related harm
  13. Secretly watches computer activity
  14. Many features in online ________ can expose players to predators
  15. ____ use allows limited use of copyrighted material for educational purposes
  16. A detailed report, usually about a person
  17. Sexting is _______ for all individuals who send or receive sexually suggestive images under the age of 18 years old
  18. The format that is most commonly used in education and social sciences
  19. Illegal ____ of copyrighted material is often referred to as piracy

37 Clues: people that stand up for othersBullying that takes place onlineSecretly watches computer activityA detailed report, usually about a personInformation about you and what you do onlinepasswords that contain easy-to-guess informationPhishing is malware that asks for personal _______.Formal ways of giving credit to others for their work...

CyBeRsEcUrItY 2024-07-11

CyBeRsEcUrItY crossword puzzle
  1. Breaks into computer systems
  2. Verifies user identity
  3. AI-generated fake video
  4. Secret access to system
  5. Demands payment for data
  6. Malicious software
  7. Proves human, not bot
  8. Network of infected computers
  9. Encrypts internet connections
  10. Bring your own device
  11. Disguised malicious software
  1. Protects against computer viruses
  2. Fraudulent data collection attempt
  3. Unwanted advertising software
  4. Blocks unauthorized entities
  5. Decoy system for attackers
  6. Blocks unauthorized network access
  7. Takes advantage of vulnerability
  8. Internet-based data storage
  9. Secretly collects user data

20 Clues: Malicious softwareProves human, not botBring your own deviceVerifies user identityAI-generated fake videoSecret access to systemDemands payment for dataDecoy system for attackersInternet-based data storageSecretly collects user dataBreaks into computer systemsBlocks unauthorized entitiesDisguised malicious softwareUnwanted advertising software...

ETHICS IN NURSING - Ayanda , Mutsa and Emmaculate 2024-05-29

ETHICS IN NURSING - Ayanda , Mutsa and Emmaculate crossword puzzle
  1. data - 3rd way cybersecurity can help in the nursing medical field?
  2. -3rd code of ethics in the medical profession found through cybersecurity
  3. - 1st way cybersecurity can help in the nursing medical field?
  4. care-2nd way cybersecurity can help in the nursing medical field?
  5. Ethical principles of doing good or acting in the best interest of patient
  6. what are ethical guidelines in cybersecurity in Poland?
  1. Right of competent adults to take informed decisions about their own medical care
  2. - A set of moral values and norms guiding individuals,communities and organisations behaviours
  3. Security Accuracy-3 cyber ethics
  4. -1st code of ethics in the medical profession found through cybersecurity
  5. -2nd code of ethics in the medical profession found through cybersecurity

11 Clues: Security Accuracy-3 cyber ethicswhat are ethical guidelines in cybersecurity in Poland?- 1st way cybersecurity can help in the nursing medical field?care-2nd way cybersecurity can help in the nursing medical field?data - 3rd way cybersecurity can help in the nursing medical field?...

Cybersecurity 2024-03-12

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Network security barrier.
  2. Weakness in security.
  3. Data protection method.
  4. Malicious program disguised as useful.
  5. Faking identity or data.
  6. Secure website protocol.
  7. Self-replicating malware.
  8. Unauthorized access attempt.
  9. Software update for security.
  10. Harmful software.
  1. Authentication method.
  2. Stealth force: Password cracking method.
  3. Secure network connection.
  4. Unique physical traits.
  5. Data encryption for ransom.
  6. Email scam tactic.
  7. Computer protection software.
  8. Denial-of-Service attack.
  9. engineering Manipulating people for data.

19 Clues: Harmful software.Email scam tactic.Weakness in security.Authentication method.Unique physical traits.Data protection method.Faking identity or data.Secure website protocol.Network security barrier.Denial-of-Service attack.Self-replicating malware.Secure network connection.Data encryption for ransom.Unauthorized access attempt....

cybersecurity 2022-05-24

cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. A threat to a computer system/network can result in a risk, for example, if a hacker gains access to a person's computer, there is a risk that data will be stolen
  2. A method that is used to attempt to ensure data security by use of encrypted (secret) code. In order to read the contents of an encrypted message or file, someone must have access to a secret key or password that will enable them to decrypt the message or file.
  3. An individual who attempts to gain, for example, money from another person by fraudulent means enabled by the use of computers and the Internet.
  4. The activity of defrauding an online account holder of financial information by posing as a legitimate company
  5. Designed to detect and destroy computer virus
  6. An individual who gains unauthorized access to a computer system/network for social or political purposes.
  7. An individual who attempts to gain, for example, money from another person by fraudulent means enabled by the use of computers and the Internet.
  8. internet Is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite
  9. A network point that acts as an entrance to another network
  10. A feature or defect of a computer system that allows surreptitious unauthorized access to data
  11. A method that is used to attempt to ensure data security by use of encrypted (secret) code. In order to read the contents of an encrypted message or file, someone must have access to a secret key or password that will enable them to decrypt the message or file.
  12. A network of computers infected with malicious software and controlled without the owners' knowledge, for example, to send spam or hoax emails
  13. Software designed to prevent, detect and eradicate malicious software, such as a virus or a worm
  1. Gaining access into a computer system/network illegally.
  2. an automated program that runs over the Internet
  3. Self-replicating virus that does not alter files but resides in active memory and duplicates itself
  4. Data confidentiality is a measure of the ability of a system to protect its data
  5. A person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data
  6. It acts as a barrier between a trusted system or network and outside connections, such as the Internet.
  7. Software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems
  8. Software is designed to prevent, detect and eradicate malicious software, such as a virus or a worm
  9. A network of computers infected with malicious software and controlled without the owners' knowledge, for example, to send spam or hoax emails
  10. A program that claims to rid your computer of viruses but instead introduces viruses onto your computer
  11. management Managing the access to a computer system/network. It includes procedures such as account administration, account maintenance, account monitoring, and the revocation of an account
  12. Usually an email message warning recipients of a non-existent threat, usually forging quotes supposedly from authorities such as Microsoft and IBM.
  13. Something that is of value to a person, an organisation or a state, e.g. data, finance and secrets that should be secured against cyber security incidents.

26 Clues: Designed to detect and destroy computer virusan automated program that runs over the InternetGaining access into a computer system/network illegally.A network point that acts as an entrance to another networkA person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to dataSoftware that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems...

Cybersecurity 2023-06-04

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. process of maintaining data confidentiality by converting plain data into secret code with the help of an algorithm
  2. when a programmer gains access to a computer or network by bypassing security steps through a trapdoor programs
  3. a malicious computer program that is often sent as an email attachment or a download with the intent of infecting that device
  4. provides additional- revised or updated code for an operating system or application
  5. software that is secretly installed on a user’s device to gather sensitive data
  6. someone who intentionally challenges the security of a computer system- network- or web application to discover vulnerabilities that an attacker or hacker could exploit
  7. information should be consistently and readily accessible for authorized parties
  8. attack when one or more compromised systems launch a flooding attack on a remote target(s)- in an attempt to overload network resources and disrupt service.
  9. a type of internet fraud that seeks to acquire a user’s credentials by deception- usually taking the form of fake notifications from banks- providers- e-pay systems- and other organizations.
  10. taking advantage of a vulnerability or flaw in a network system to penetrate or attack it.
  11. the operational lead for federal cybersecurity and the national coordinator for critical infrastructure security and resilience.
  12. the name given to malicious programs designed to extort money from victims by blocking access to the computer or encrypting stored data
  13. an attack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two parties who believe they are directly communicating with each other
  14. maintaining the consistency- accuracy and trustworthiness of data over its entire lifecycle. Data must not be changed in transit- and steps must be taken to ensure data cannot be altered by unauthorized people
  1. assurance that information is not disclosed to unauthorized persons- processes- or devices.
  2. an attack method for guessing a password (or the key used to encrypt a message) that involves systematically trying a high volume of possible combinations of characters until the correct one is found.
  3. criminals who break into computer networks with malicious intent.
  4. an increasingly popular method of gaining access to unauthorized resources by exploiting human psychology and manipulating users – rather than by breaking in or using technical hacking techniques
  5. a facility where enterprise information systems (websites- applications- databases- data centers and servers- networks- desktops- and other endpoints) are monitored- assessed- and defended by SOC analysts.
  6. look for vulnerabilities in a system without the owner's permission or knowledge. If issues are found- they report them to the owner- sometimes requesting a small fee to fix the problem
  7. sometimes also called “ethical hackers” or “good hackers” – exploit computer systems or networks to identify their security flaws so they can make recommendations for improvement.
  8. the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of adversarial behavior.
  9. the process of verifying the identity of a user or piece of information and the veracity of the information provided. In computing- it is the process of identifying a person or system with a username- password- etc.
  10. encrypted parts of the internet that are not indexed by search engines- most notoriously used by all types of criminals including; pedophiles- illicit human and contraband traffickers- and cyber criminals- to communicate and share information without being detected or identified by law enforcement.
  11. a kind of spyware software that records every keystroke made on a computer’s keyboard
  12. when a hacker successfully exploits a network or device vulnerability and gains access to its files and data.
  13. a security system that forms a virtual perimeter around a network of workstations preventing viruses- worms- and hackers from penetrating.
  14. a general term for any type of intrusive computer software with malicious intent against the user.
  15. a term commonly used to describe a person who tries to gain unauthorized access to a network or computer system
  16. a common model that forms the basis for the development of security systems. They are used for finding vulnerabilities and methods for creating solutions.

30 Clues: criminals who break into computer networks with malicious that is secretly installed on a user’s device to gather sensitive datainformation should be consistently and readily accessible for authorized partiesprovides additional- revised or updated code for an operating system or application...

Cybersecurity 2023-07-15

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. cybersecurity professionals who identify and fix security vulnerabilities
  2. collect and transmit private user information
  3. creates and stores strong passwords
  4. exploits a new vulnerability in software
  5. prevents unauthorized changes to a system’s settings and files
  6. software that combats malware infections
  7. codes that protect data during encryption
  8. floods a website or server with traffic
  9. a network of compromised computers
  1. ubiquitous access points using wireless hotspots
  2. tricks users into clicking on hidden elements
  3. looks safe, but isn't
  4. a secure service that connects remotely to another network
  5. training to protect sensitive information from cyber-attacks.
  6. they illegally exploit network vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access
  7. blocks unauthorized access to or from a computer network
  8. steals sensitive information or gains access
  9. fake email that fools users into providing information
  10. scrambles data to prevent unauthorized access
  11. locks users out of their computer for a ransom

20 Clues: looks safe, but isn'ta network of compromised computerscreates and stores strong passwordsfloods a website or server with trafficexploits a new vulnerability in softwaresoftware that combats malware infectionscodes that protect data during encryptionsteals sensitive information or gains accesstricks users into clicking on hidden elements...

Cybersecurity 2023-11-21

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Tipo di spyware che registra le battiture sulla tastiera per rubare informazioni come password e dettagli bancari
  2. Accesso segreto a un sistema o a dati che bypassa le normali procedure di autenticazione
  3. Insieme di computer e altri dispositivi interconnessi che condividono risorse e scambiano dati
  4. Arte di scrivere o risolvere codici per proteggere informazioni, rendendole leggibili solo da chi possiede la chiave di decrittazione
  5. Rete privata virtuale che estende una rete privata attraverso una rete pubblica, consentendo agli utenti di inviare e ricevere dati attraverso reti condivise o pubbliche come se i loro dispositivi di calcolo fossero direttamente connessi alla rete privata
  6. Attacco in cui molti sistemi compromessi vengono utilizzati per colpire un singolo sistema, causando un'interruzione del servizio
  7. Persona che utilizza le proprie competenze informatiche per superare le barriere di sicurezza, spesso con scopi illegali
  8. Debolezza in un sistema che può essere sfruttata da un attaccante
  9. Sistema di sicurezza che monitora e controlla il traffico di rete in entrata e in uscita basandosi su regole predefinite
  10. Tecnica di protezione delle comunicazioni attraverso l'uso di codici
  11. Tipo di malware che raccoglie informazioni da un computer senza il consenso dell'utente
  12. Pratica di proteggere sistemi, reti e programmi dagli attacchi digitali
  13. Processo di verifica dell'identità di un utente o di un dispositivo
  14. Software progettato per prevenire, rilevare e rimuovere malware
  15. Atto ingannevole volto a ottenere un vantaggio personale o finanziario
  1. Rete di computer infetti controllati da un attaccante, spesso utilizzati per lanciare attacchi su larga scala
  2. (Secure Sockets Layer) Protocollo di sicurezza che stabilisce un collegamento crittografato tra un server web e un browser
  3. Metodo di attacco che consiste nel provare tutte le possibili combinazioni di password per accedere a un sistema
  4. Aggiornamento software rilasciato dai produttori per correggere bug o vulnerabilità
  5. Tipo di malware che si maschera da software legittimo per ingannare gli utenti affinché lo installino, consentendo l'accesso non autorizzato al sistema
  6. Messaggi indesiderati, spesso di natura pubblicitaria, inviati in massa via email
  7. Pratica di intercettazione e analisi di pacchetti di dati che passano attraverso una rete
  8. Tecnica di frode online per ingannare gli utenti al fine di ottenere dati personali o finanziari sensibili
  9. Engineering Manipolazione psicologica delle persone per indurle a rivelare informazioni confidenziali
  10. Tipo di malware che cripta i file della vittima e richiede un riscatto per la loro decrittazione
  11. Software dannoso progettato per danneggiare, disturbare o ottenere l'accesso non autorizzato a sistemi informatici
  12. Insieme di software che consente a un utente non autorizzato di ottenere il controllo di un sistema informatico senza essere rilevato
  13. Codice, dati o comandi che sfruttano una vulnerabilità in software o hardware
  14. Tipo di malware che si replica automaticamente per diffondersi ad altri computer
  15. Sequenza segreta di caratteri utilizzata per autenticare l'identità di un utente

30 Clues: Software progettato per prevenire, rilevare e rimuovere malwareDebolezza in un sistema che può essere sfruttata da un attaccanteProcesso di verifica dell'identità di un utente o di un dispositivoTecnica di protezione delle comunicazioni attraverso l'uso di codiciAtto ingannevole volto a ottenere un vantaggio personale o finanziario...

Cybersecurity 2024-03-22

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. a virus which can travel from computer to computer with no human action
  2. something you lose if you post your name or address online
  3. files stored on your device that give browsers information
  4. programs which can damage your computer or steal your information
  5. posting URLs which lead to a virus
  6. someone who is mean online
  7. a way to cite sources. Usually used in social sciences
  8. maybe the greatest online privacy risk
  9. programs which look useful but can damage your computer
  10. using someone else's work as your own
  11. using someone's work in a criticism, news report, or research
  12. the exclusive rights to make copies
  13. use this to protect your mobile device
  14. an online activity with anonymous chats
  1. a way to cite sources. Usually used in the humanities (and k-12 schools)
  2. someone who targets people for harm
  3. when a copyright expires, the work enters the public _____
  4. rules for appropriate online behavior
  5. what your profile picture should be
  6. one example is identity theft
  7. all the info about you online
  8. emails that look like they are from somewhere you trust

22 Clues: someone who is mean onlineone example is identity theftall the info about you onlineposting URLs which lead to a virussomeone who targets people for harmwhat your profile picture should bethe exclusive rights to make copiesrules for appropriate online behaviorusing someone else's work as your ownmaybe the greatest online privacy risk...

Cybersecurity 2024-03-18

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. stalking through web technology
  2. Process of confirming someone's identity
  3. Protection against potential harm
  4. Malware that can collect/transmit user data without the user's knowledge
  5. Malware designed to restrict access
  6. Illegal activity done on the internet
  7. Unlocking encrypted information
  8. free from public attention
  9. False claims to get private information
  1. Network security monitors/controls incoming and outgoing traffic
  2. Security threat from within company
  3. hacker who is highly motivated by principles
  4. Information converted into secret form
  5. Someone who tries to gain access without authorization
  6. Software that delivers ads on your system
  7. Unwanted emails from unknown senders
  8. Bullying on the internet
  9. Gaining access an undocumented way
  10. Malicious software designed to infect
  11. File from website that stores your info
  12. collection of malware that spreads through computer

21 Clues: Bullying on the internetfree from public attentionstalking through web technologyUnlocking encrypted informationProtection against potential harmGaining access an undocumented waySecurity threat from within companyMalware designed to restrict accessUnwanted emails from unknown sendersIllegal activity done on the internet...

Cybersecurity 2024-03-13

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Implanted malware with a fee.
  2. Linked computers with a virus.
  3. Copy of computer's hard drive.
  4. Program that stores passwords.
  5. Emails sent by unknown sender.
  6. Take someone's identity for fraud.
  7. Upper/lowercase letters, numbers, symbols
  8. Hardware tracking keystrokes.
  9. Multiple computers that are connected.
  10. Protective barrier.
  11. Identity verification of physical appearance.
  12. Private network.
  1. Scrambled data unlocked with key.
  2. Software used to infect computers.
  3. Code sent to phone.
  4. Software attacks unshielded computer components.
  5. Malware hackers operate.
  6. Not easily accessible without URL.
  7. Website stored preferences.
  8. Computer address changed.
  9. Hacker posing as someone else.(Email)
  10. Malware disguised as another program.

22 Clues: Private network.Code sent to phone.Protective barrier.Malware hackers operate.Computer address changed.Website stored preferences.Implanted malware with a fee.Hardware tracking keystrokes.Linked computers with a virus.Copy of computer's hard drive.Program that stores passwords.Emails sent by unknown sender.Scrambled data unlocked with key....

Cybersecurity 2024-03-13

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. bullying another digitallly
  2. hides in other programs
  3. copying files to store
  4. file that tracks your preferences
  5. a strongly motivated attacker
  6. spreads without user interaction
  7. sequence of secure characters
  8. falsely claiming legitimacy to hack
  9. malicious software
  10. unwanted email message
  11. wireless data network
  1. scrambling security method
  2. unlocking encrypted information
  3. proving you are real
  4. a threat from within
  5. code that reproduces itself
  6. discard from digital devices
  7. a false warning
  8. holds information until money is paid
  9. sifting through data

20 Clues: a false warningmalicious softwareproving you are reala threat from withinsifting through datawireless data networkcopying files to storeunwanted email messagehides in other programsscrambling security methodbullying another digitalllycode that reproduces itselfdiscard from digital devicesa strongly motivated attackersequence of secure characters...

Cybersecurity 2024-04-12

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Refers to accounts that use the name, image, or other identifying elements of a person, company, or organisation for fraudulent purposes (2)
  2. Weaknesses within an enterprise system that allow cyber criminals to gain unauthorised access
  3. Word related to data being held on system devices such as hard drives and servers
  4. The fraudulent practice of sending emails or other messages purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers
  5. Security process that relies on the unique biological characteristics of individuals to verify they are who they say they are
  6. A network of private computers infected with malicious software and controlled as a group without the owners' knowledge
  7. Backup Strategy for sending a copy of data to a secondary, off-site, online location
  8. The process of translating plain text data (plaintext) into something that appears to be random and meaningless
  9. Type of encryption that involves the use of one key for both encryption and decryption
  10. Type of backup that backs up everything since the last back up
  11. Type of backup that involves backing up data that was created or changed since the last full backup
  12. Law which upholds the right of the public to access information that the government holds about them (4)
  13. Cyber attack that occurs when a hacker tries to trick users into connecting to a fake Wi-Fi access point that mimics a real network (2)
  14. Type of backup that contains only those files which have been altered since the last backup
  15. Secret data, typically a string of characters, usually used to confirm a user's identity online. Used when logging into a system
  16. Type of malware that permanently blocks access to the victim's personal data unless a ransom is paid
  17. The act of compromising digital devices and networks through unauthorised access to an account or computer system
  1. An individual or organisation that conducts malicious activity, such as cyber espionage, cyber attacks or cyber-enabled crime. Otherwise known as a cyber criminal (2)
  2. The protection of information that says who we are, what we do and what we believe
  3. Any information connected to a specific individual that can be used to uncover that individual's identity (3)
  4. A network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules
  5. The assurance that sensitive information is accessed only by authorised individuals or entities
  6. A perceived threat to an organisation that comes from people within the organisation (2)
  7. A set of instructions to help IT staff detect, respond to, and recover from network security incidents (3)
  8. Cyber attack that consists of an attacker submitting many passwords or passphrases with the hope of eventually guessing correctly. The attacker systematically checks all possible passwords and passphrases until the correct one is found (3)
  9. The greatest vulnerability in a system when thinking about cybersecurity
  10. Attack carried out by flooding the target system with a huge number of requests to cause a crash meaning the website, online shop or digital services are unavailable for legitimate requests
  11. Divides a computer network into smaller parts. The purpose is to improve network performance and security.
  12. The process of converting ciphertext (random and meaningless) back to plaintext
  13. The accuracy, completeness, and quality of data as it’s maintained over time and across formats (2)
  14. A cyber attack in which credentials obtained from a data breach on one service are used to attempt to log in to another unrelated service (2)
  15. IoT (3)
  16. A type of backup in which an exact replica of data is created and stored in a separate location
  17. Type of encryption that works with a pair of keys. It involves the creation of a pair of keys, one of which is a public key, and the other which is a private key. The public key is accessible by anyone, while the private key must be kept a secret from everyone but the creator of the key

34 Clues: IoT (3)Type of backup that backs up everything since the last back upThe greatest vulnerability in a system when thinking about cybersecurityThe process of converting ciphertext (random and meaningless) back to plaintextWord related to data being held on system devices such as hard drives and servers...

CyBeRsEcUrItY 2024-07-11

CyBeRsEcUrItY crossword puzzle
  1. Bring your own device
  2. Proves human, not bot
  3. Internet-based data storage
  4. Network of infected computers
  5. Decoy system for attackers
  6. Breaks into computer systems
  7. Takes advantage of vulnerability
  8. Secretly collects user data
  9. Protects against computer viruses
  10. Malicious software
  11. Verifies user identity
  12. Encrypts internet connections
  1. Secret access to system
  2. AI-generated fake video
  3. Blocks unauthorized entities
  4. Disguised malicious software
  5. Demands payment for data
  6. Blocks unauthorized network access
  7. Fraudulent data collection attempt
  8. Unwanted advertising software

20 Clues: Malicious softwareBring your own deviceProves human, not botVerifies user identitySecret access to systemAI-generated fake videoDemands payment for dataDecoy system for attackersInternet-based data storageSecretly collects user dataBlocks unauthorized entitiesDisguised malicious softwareBreaks into computer systemsNetwork of infected computers...

CyberSecurity 2021-03-22

CyberSecurity crossword puzzle
  1. a group of computers on the same network
  2. an unwanted ad that pops up on your computer
  3. malicious software that spreads computer to computer
  4. a software that completes a task
  5. an entertainment service based online
  6. voice control for technology
  7. a connection between computers
  8. full transfer of files through lan
  9. a replicating malicious software
  1. an open portal for admins
  2. a board for discussions
  3. internet communication
  4. weaknesses in computers
  5. software designed to look legit
  6. the transfer of image files
  7. electronic messages sent through the internet
  8. a list of people to mail a single email
  9. malicious software designed to try to get personal data
  10. a text or email

19 Clues: a text or emailinternet communicationa board for discussionsweaknesses in computersan open portal for adminsthe transfer of image filesvoice control for technologya connection between computerssoftware designed to look legita software that completes a taska replicating malicious softwarefull transfer of files through lan...

CyberSecurity 2021-03-22

CyberSecurity crossword puzzle
  1. a group of computers on the same network
  2. an unwanted ad that pops up on your computer
  3. malicious software that spreads computer to computer
  4. a software that completes a task
  5. an entertainment service based online
  6. voice control for technology
  7. a connection between computers
  8. full transfer of files through lan
  9. a replicating malicious software
  1. an open portal for admins
  2. a board for discussions
  3. internet communication
  4. weaknesses in computers
  5. software designed to look legit
  6. the transfer of image files
  7. electronic messages sent through the internet
  8. a list of people to mail a single email
  9. malicious software designed to try to get personal data
  10. a text or email

19 Clues: a text or emailinternet communicationa board for discussionsweaknesses in computersan open portal for adminsthe transfer of image filesvoice control for technologya connection between computerssoftware designed to look legita software that completes a taska replicating malicious softwarefull transfer of files through lan...


  1. Unauthorized use of personal information.
  2. Practices for maintaining cybersecurity.
  3. Potential harm from cyber threats.
  4. Protecting networks from unauthorized access.
  5. Understanding cybersecurity risks.
  6. Potential dangers to digital systems.
  7. Rules governing cybersecurity practices.
  8. Safeguarding data from unauthorized access.
  9. Measures to protect against cyber threats.
  10. Malicious software designed to harm systems.
  11. response Reacting to and mitigating cyber incidents.
  12. Individuals working in cybersecurity roles.
  13. Fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information.
  14. Ability to use digital tools effectively.
  15. Bullying using electronic means.
  16. Ensuring a healthy digital lifestyle.
  17. Measures to protect digital assets.
  18. Security event affecting digital systems.
  19. Learning about cybersecurity practices.
  20. Criminal activities conducted online.
  21. Manipulating individuals to divulge information.
  22. Self-replicating malicious code.
  23. Practice of protecting digital systems.
  24. Practices for staying safe online.
  25. Dual verification for user identity.
  26. Secret code for accessing systems.
  27. Legal regulations governing cyberspace.
  28. Converting data into a code to secure it.
  29. Deceptive attempt to acquire sensitive information.
  30. Traces of online activity.
  31. Virtual Private Network for secure connections.
  32. a type of malicious software that self-replicates and spreads to other computer systems
  33. Unsolicited and often irrelevant messages.
  1. Unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  2. Responsible behavior online.
  3. Covertly obtaining information from digital systems.
  4. Gathering and analyzing data to prevent cyber threats.
  5. the state of being protected from harm, danger, or risk,
  6. Verifying user identity.
  7. Intentional assault on computer systems.
  8. Protecting network endpoints from threats.
  9. Malware that encrypts data for ransom.
  10. Moral principles guiding online behavior.
  11. Encrypted and protected communication channels.
  12. Global network connecting computers worldwide.
  13. Safely navigating the internet.
  14. Storing and accessing data over the internet.
  15. Maintaining a healthy digital lifestyle.
  16. Ability to withstand and recover from cyber attacks.
  17. are individuals or groups with advanced technical skills who use their expertise to gain unauthorized access to computer systems,
  18. Control over personal data usage.

51 Clues: Verifying user identity.Traces of online activity.Responsible behavior online.Safely navigating the internet.Bullying using electronic means.Self-replicating malicious code.Control over personal data usage.Potential harm from cyber threats.Understanding cybersecurity risks.Practices for staying safe online.Secret code for accessing systems....

Do I know my Cyber Security Posture 2023-07-05

Do I know my Cyber Security Posture crossword puzzle
  1. - The potential negative impact or consequence of a cybersecurity incident.
  2. - Ensuring adherence to relevant cybersecurity regulations and standards.
  3. - The effects on an organization's operations, revenue, and reputation due to a security breach.
  1. - The management and oversight of cybersecurity within the organization.
  2. - Assessing and managing cybersecurity risks associated with vendors, suppliers, and partners.
  3. - Coverage to mitigate potential financial losses resulting from a cyber incident.
  4. - Promoting a culture of cybersecurity consciousness among employees.
  5. - Education programs to inform employees about cybersecurity threats and best practices.
  6. - An unforeseen event or occurrence related to cybersecurity.
  7. - Protecting assets, systems, and data from unauthorized access or harm.

10 Clues: - An unforeseen event or occurrence related to cybersecurity.- Promoting a culture of cybersecurity consciousness among employees.- The management and oversight of cybersecurity within the organization.- Protecting assets, systems, and data from unauthorized access or harm.- Ensuring adherence to relevant cybersecurity regulations and standards....

Cybersecurity 2023-01-26

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. steals information though a link
  2. keeps intruders out
  3. changes IP to look legitimate
  4. helps provent cyber attacks
  5. takes data for money
  6. looks safe but isn’t
  7. Malware that can reproduce itself
  8. checks vulnerabilities in a system
  9. manipulates human error
  10. someone successfully got in
  1. identifying a user’s identity.
  2. malicious software or infected data
  3. a network of infected computers
  4. malware used to spy
  5. manipulating someone's mouse
  6. A series 15 numbers
  7. private encrypted network
  8. protects information from hackers
  9. locks up a website with requests

19 Clues: keeps intruders outmalware used to spyA series 15 numberstakes data for moneylooks safe but isn’tmanipulates human errorprivate encrypted networkhelps provent cyber attackssomeone successfully got inmanipulating someone's mousechanges IP to look legitimateidentifying a user’s identity.a network of infected computerssteals information though a link...

Cybersecurity 2024-03-12

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Secure network connection.
  2. Email scam tactic.
  3. Self-replicating malware.
  4. engineering Manipulating people for data.
  5. Unauthorized access attempt.
  6. Stealth force: Password cracking method.
  7. Data encryption for ransom.
  8. Network security barrier.
  9. Faking identity or data.
  10. Malicious program disguised as useful.
  1. Weakness in security.
  2. Data protection method.
  3. Harmful software.
  4. Denial-of-Service attack.
  5. Unique physical traits.
  6. Authentication method.
  7. Secure website protocol.
  8. Computer protection software.
  9. Software update for security.

19 Clues: Harmful software.Email scam tactic.Weakness in security.Authentication method.Data protection method.Unique physical traits.Secure website protocol.Faking identity or data.Self-replicating malware.Denial-of-Service attack.Network security barrier.Secure network connection.Data encryption for ransom.Unauthorized access attempt....

Cybersecurity 2024-03-14

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Data Hostage
  2. Data Recovery
  3. Logs, Activity Tracking
  4. Unique Authentication
  5. Fake Identity
  6. Secure Data
  7. Virus Threats
  8. Isolated Testing
  9. Layered Authentication
  10. Fake Emails
  11. Engineering, Manipulative Tactics
  1. Unpatched Vulnerability
  2. Security, Device Protection
  3. Fake emails
  4. Network Protection
  5. Extra Verification
  6. Insurance, Risk Coverage
  7. Secure Connection
  8. Network Overload
  9. Software Updates

20 Clues: Fake emailsSecure DataFake EmailsData HostageData RecoveryFake IdentityVirus ThreatsIsolated TestingNetwork OverloadSoftware UpdatesSecure ConnectionNetwork ProtectionExtra VerificationUnique AuthenticationLayered AuthenticationUnpatched VulnerabilityLogs, Activity TrackingInsurance, Risk CoverageSecurity, Device Protection...

Cybersecurity 2023-05-18

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. is used to describe everyday objects that are connected to the internet and are able to collect and transfer data automatically,
  2. is a type of internet fraud that seeks to acquire a user’s credentials by deception. It includes the theft of passwords, credit card numbers, bank account details, and other confidential information.
  3. bombards users with endless ads and pop-up windows and causes a nuisance to the user experience
  4. attack that is a method for guessing a password (or the key used to encrypt a message) that involves systematically trying a high volume of possible combinations of characters until the correct one is found
  5. is a general term for any type of intrusive computer software with malicious intent against the user.
  6. is a process of maintaining data confidentiality by converting plain data into secret code with the help of an encryption algorithm
  7. are computer security programs that simulate network resources that hackers are likely to look for to lure them in and trap them.
  8. is the delivery of hosted services, including software, hardware, and storage, over the Internet.
  9. every aspect of protecting an organization and its employees and assets against cyber threats.
  10. is the use of electronic means, primarily messaging and social media platforms, to bully and harass a victim.
  11. integrate the latest generation of virus detection technology to protect users from viruses, spyware, trojans, and worms
  1. is a collection of compromised computers running malicious programs that are controlled remotely by a C&C (command & control) server operated by a cyber-criminal
  2. is the practice of intentionally challenging the security of a computer system, network, or web application to discover vulnerabilities that an attacker or hacker could exploit.
  3. is a security system that forms a virtual perimeter around a network of workstations preventing viruses, worms, and hackers from penetrating.
  4. is the process of decoding cipher text to plain text so that it is readable by humans
  5. is a term commonly used to describe a person who tries to gain unauthorized access to a network or computer system.
  6. is a kind of spyware software that records every keystroke made on a computer’s keyboard.
  7. refers to the technologies, policies, controls, and services that protect cloud data, applications, and infrastructure from threats.

18 Clues: is the process of decoding cipher text to plain text so that it is readable by humansis a kind of spyware software that records every keystroke made on a computer’s keyboard.every aspect of protecting an organization and its employees and assets against cyber threats....

Cyber Security 2023-04-05

Cyber Security crossword puzzle
  1. A malware synonymous with EternalBlue
  2. Best cybersecurity tool
  3. Unauthorised access of someone's gadgets
  4. Lock icon in the browser address bar for a URL
  5. Man made universe which we can't live without
  6. Hackers demand ransom in this currency
  7. Most dangerous computer virus in history
  8. Type of malware that threatens to expose information
  9. Malicious code infecting your system
  10. Best practices to keep your system secure
  1. Key to open your account
  2. Ensures business continuity in CIA triad
  3. Target contacted by email or telephone or message
  4. People and management problem
  5. Browser for the dark web
  6. Social media platform is a hackers’ favourite
  7. Unnecessary mail chocking the network
  8. Malicious software which is installed in your system when you click a link
  9. Operating system for cybersecurity
  10. Computer virus that destroyed photos, audio files and documents

20 Clues: Best cybersecurity toolKey to open your accountBrowser for the dark webPeople and management problemOperating system for cybersecurityMalicious code infecting your systemA malware synonymous with EternalBlueUnnecessary mail chocking the networkHackers demand ransom in this currencyEnsures business continuity in CIA triad...

cybersecurity 2024-06-27

cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. The information property of being accessible only to a restricted group of persons
  2. Cryptographic algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt data
  3. Technique used to secure sensitive data by encoding it in such a way that only authorized parties can access the information
  4. The potential for harm or loss resulting from threats exploiting vulnerabilities in an organization's information systems, networks, or data assets
  5. Any potential danger or risk that can exploit vulnerabilities in an organization's systems, networks, or data
  6. The way of covering communication based on keeping the very fact of communication secret
  7. The act of granting rights matching with the identifier
  8. The process of discovering the true identity of a person or item from the entire collection of similar persons or items
  9. The existence of a weakness, design, or implementation error that can lead to an unexpected, undesirable event compromising the security of the computer system, network, application, or protocol involved
  10. Type of threat sources when the actor is a human-being
  1. The best subject :)
  2. The information property of being accessible and usable by a legal user with possible conditions set by information owner
  3. Type of access control where determined rights can be represented as an authorization matrix
  4. Type of threat sources occured because of the devices misfunction
  5. Data that is stored, processed, transmitted, or accessed within an organization's systems, networks, or applications
  6. Verifying the identity of a user, process, or device, often as a prerequisite to allowing access to resources in an information system
  7. The information property of having no illegal or unauthorized modifications

17 Clues: The best subject :)Type of threat sources when the actor is a human-beingThe act of granting rights matching with the identifierCryptographic algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt dataType of threat sources occured because of the devices misfunctionThe information property of having no illegal or unauthorized modifications...

June 12 - InfoSec 2024-06-12

June 12 - InfoSec crossword puzzle
  1. Protecting systems and data from threats
  2. Computer equipment which protects your network from hackers gaining remote access
  3. Keeping personal information secure
  4. What needs to be kept private and secure
  5. Files that may contain sensitive information
  6. Person who gains unauthorized access to a computer system
  7. Program that deletes files and/or programs
  8. Group of connected computers
  9. Ensuring data remains unaltered and trustworthy
  10. Permissions granted to view or use data/systems
  11. Rules and policies governing cybersecurity practices
  12. Digital information that needs safeguarding
  13. Being alert to potential cybersecurity risks
  1. The protection of computers, networks and data from malware and hackers
  2. Where a person lies to another to trick them into giving over money or information
  3. Sending fake emails telling victims to log onto a fake website which steals their password and login details
  4. Malware which gives a hacker admin powers to control your computer
  5. Malware which completes small repetitive tasks (used in DDoS attacks)
  6. Someone who might visit offices to teach workers about cybersecurity
  7. Obligation to follow security best practices
  8. Program which appears useful, but hides malicious software inside
  9. Causing a website to crash by directing millions of computers to simultaneously request data from it (4 letter acronym)
  10. Preventing unauthorized disclosure of information
  11. A flaw in a program or network which makes it vulnerable to hacking
  12. Potential danger that could breach security
  13. Measures to limit access and maintain security
  14. Plan to maintain cybersecurity defenses
  15. Another name for a software engineer
  16. String of letters, numbers and characters entered along with a user ID to log in
  17. Umbrella term for various programs that cause problems, including viruses, ransomware and trojans

30 Clues: Group of connected computersKeeping personal information secureAnother name for a software engineerPlan to maintain cybersecurity defensesProtecting systems and data from threatsWhat needs to be kept private and secureProgram that deletes files and/or programsPotential danger that could breach securityDigital information that needs safeguarding...

Cybersecurity 2021-09-13

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. attempt to exploit vulnerabilities
  2. spread by phishing
  3. malicious violator
  4. malicious software
  5. unauthorized act
  6. secure string of characters
  7. software that monitors online activity
  8. hardware/software to prevent unauthorized access
  9. scam without a rod and reel
  10. recognizable pattern
  1. software to fix vulnerabilities
  2. being unprotected
  3. secure entry
  4. vulnerability
  5. the use of fake addresses
  6. process of verifying identity
  7. enticed by an incentive
  8. a virus or device that captures data

18 Clues: secure entryvulnerabilityunauthorized actbeing unprotectedspread by phishingmalicious violatormalicious softwarerecognizable patternenticed by an incentivethe use of fake addressessecure string of charactersscam without a rod and reelprocess of verifying identitysoftware to fix vulnerabilitiesattempt to exploit vulnerabilities...


CYBERSECURITY crossword puzzle
  1. The moment a hacker successfully exploits a vulnerability in a computer or device, and gains access to its files and network.
  2. a defense technology designed to keep the malicious attacks out.
  3. A type of software application or script that performs tasks on command, allowing an attacker to take complete control remotely of an affected computer.
  4. A piece of malware that often allows a hacker to gain remote access to a computer through a “back door”.
  5. An acronym that stands for distributed denial of service – a form of cyber attack. This attack aims to make a service such as a website unusable by “flooding” it with malicious traffic
  6. A type of malware that functions by spying on user activity without their knowledge. The capabilities include activity monitoring, collecting keystrokes, data harvesting (account information, logins, financial data), and more.
  7. all forms of malicious software designed to wreak havoc on a computer. Common forms include: viruses, trojans, worms and ransomware.
  8. Short for “penetration testing,” this practice is a means of evaluating security using hacker tools and techniques with the aim of discovering vulnerabilities and evaluating security flaws.
  1. The process of encoding data to prevent theft by ensuring the data can only be accessed with a key.
  2. A technology that allows us to access our files and/or services through the internet from anywhere in the world.
  3. A form of malware that deliberately prevents you from accessing files on your computer – holding your data hostage. It will typically encrypt files and request that a ransom be paid in order to have them decrypted or recovered.
  4. internet version of a home address for your computer.
  5. A technique used by hackers to obtain sensitive information. For example, using hand-crafted email messages designed to trick people into divulging personal or confidential data such as passwords and bank account information.
  6. A group of computers, printers and devices that are interconnected and governed as a whole.
  7. A type of malware aimed to corrupt, erase or modify information on a computer before spreading to others.
  8. a tool that allows the user to remain anonymous while using the internet by masking the location and encrypting traffic.
  9. A piece of malware that can replicate itself in order to spread the infection to other connected computers.

17 Clues: internet version of a home address for your computer.a defense technology designed to keep the malicious attacks out.A group of computers, printers and devices that are interconnected and governed as a whole.The process of encoding data to prevent theft by ensuring the data can only be accessed with a key....


CYBERSECURITY crossword puzzle
  1. The moment a hacker successfully exploits a vulnerability in a computer or device, and gains access to its files and network.
  2. a defense technology designed to keep the malicious attacks out.
  3. A type of software application or script that performs tasks on command, allowing an attacker to take complete control remotely of an affected computer.
  4. A piece of malware that often allows a hacker to gain remote access to a computer through a “back door”.
  5. An acronym that stands for distributed denial of service – a form of cyber attack. This attack aims to make a service such as a website unusable by “flooding” it with malicious traffic
  6. A type of malware that functions by spying on user activity without their knowledge. The capabilities include activity monitoring, collecting keystrokes, data harvesting (account information, logins, financial data), and more.
  7. all forms of malicious software designed to wreak havoc on a computer. Common forms include: viruses, trojans, worms and ransomware.
  8. Short for “penetration testing,” this practice is a means of evaluating security using hacker tools and techniques with the aim of discovering vulnerabilities and evaluating security flaws.
  1. The process of encoding data to prevent theft by ensuring the data can only be accessed with a key.
  2. A technology that allows us to access our files and/or services through the internet from anywhere in the world.
  3. A form of malware that deliberately prevents you from accessing files on your computer – holding your data hostage. It will typically encrypt files and request that a ransom be paid in order to have them decrypted or recovered.
  4. internet version of a home address for your computer.
  5. A technique used by hackers to obtain sensitive information. For example, using hand-crafted email messages designed to trick people into divulging personal or confidential data such as passwords and bank account information.
  6. A group of computers, printers and devices that are interconnected and governed as a whole.
  7. A type of malware aimed to corrupt, erase or modify information on a computer before spreading to others.
  8. a tool that allows the user to remain anonymous while using the internet by masking the location and encrypting traffic.
  9. A piece of malware that can replicate itself in order to spread the infection to other connected computers.

17 Clues: internet version of a home address for your computer.a defense technology designed to keep the malicious attacks out.A group of computers, printers and devices that are interconnected and governed as a whole.The process of encoding data to prevent theft by ensuring the data can only be accessed with a key....

Cybersecurity 2023-09-13

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. attempt to exploit vulnerabilities
  2. spread by phishing
  3. malicious violator
  4. malicious software
  5. unauthorized act
  6. secure string of characters
  7. software that monitors online activity
  8. hardware/software to prevent unauthorized access
  9. scam without a rod and reel
  10. recognizable pattern
  1. software to fix vulnerabilities
  2. being unprotected
  3. secure entry
  4. vulnerability
  5. the use of fake addresses
  6. process of verifying identity
  7. enticed by an incentive
  8. a virus or device that captures data

18 Clues: secure entryvulnerabilityunauthorized actbeing unprotectedspread by phishingmalicious violatormalicious softwarerecognizable patternenticed by an incentivethe use of fake addressessecure string of charactersscam without a rod and reelprocess of verifying identitysoftware to fix vulnerabilitiesattempt to exploit vulnerabilities...

Cybersecurity 2021-09-20

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. 2(wds) altered videos
  2. rearranged letters
  3. masquerade as a trusted source
  4. random data added
  5. disguised
  6. hiding a message
  7. can copy itself and infect
  8. running in the background
  9. 2(Wds) trust is a vulnerability
  1. event that might compromise security
  2. Fingerprint, Retina Scan
  3. making free long distance calls
  4. Illicit and hidden
  5. a fictitious online identity
  6. unlock operating system
  7. dominate in such a fashion as to gain ownership
  8. safe place

17 Clues: disguisedsafe placehiding a messagerandom data addedIllicit and hiddenrearranged letters2(wds) altered videosunlock operating systemFingerprint, Retina Scanrunning in the backgroundcan copy itself and infecta fictitious online identitymasquerade as a trusted sourcemaking free long distance calls2(Wds) trust is a vulnerability...

Bitdefender Cybersecurity Awareness Crossword Puzzle 2022-10-18

Bitdefender Cybersecurity Awareness Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Electronic data protection
  2. Potential adverse impact
  3. Common security issues
  4. Server data storage
  5. Managed Detection and Response acronym
  6. Processing information
  7. National Cybersecurity Alliance acronym
  8. Future threats
  1. Bitdefender 24/7 offering
  2. Attempt to gain unauthorized access
  3. Connection of computer systems
  4. Internet offender
  5. One of the four key behaviors
  6. Readily available on the internet
  7. Internet not indexed by search engines
  8. Services outsourced to a provider
  9. Provides visibility across infrastructure

17 Clues: Future threatsInternet offenderServer data storageCommon security issuesProcessing informationPotential adverse impactBitdefender 24/7 offeringElectronic data protectionOne of the four key behaviorsConnection of computer systemsReadily available on the internetServices outsourced to a providerAttempt to gain unauthorized access...

Cybersecurity 2023-12-06

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. A security measure that involves verifying the identity of a user or system.
  2. Secret code that must be entered to access a computer or network.
  3. The study of secure communication and storage of information.
  4. Barrier that prevents unauthorized access to or from a private network.
  5. The practice of stealing personal information to commit fraud.
  6. Person who gains unauthorized access to computer systems for malicious purposes.
  7. An attack that involves flooding a network with traffic to make it unavailable.
  1. Unauthorized access, disclosure, or acquisition of sensitive information.
  2. Type of malicious software that can replicate and spread to other computers.
  3. Software designed to harm or exploit computers or networks.
  4. Process of converting information or data into a code to prevent unauthorized access.
  5. A program or set of programs that runs on a computer to carry out tasks.
  6. Software designed to detect and remove computer viruses.
  7. A set of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data.
  8. Fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information by disguising as a trustworthy entity.
  9. Type of malicious software disguised as legitimate software.

16 Clues: Software designed to detect and remove computer viruses.Software designed to harm or exploit computers or networks.Type of malicious software disguised as legitimate software.The study of secure communication and storage of information.A set of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data....

Cybersecurity 2021-10-11

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. a system that relies upon encryption techniques rather than banks to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds
  2. program that hides in a computer and allows someone from a remote location to take full control of the computer
  3. a process of encoding messages to keep them secret, so only "authorized" parties can read it.
  4. malicious software
  5. The act of securing and protecting individuals, businesses, organizations, and governments that are connected to the Internet and the Web.
  6. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats
  7. usually keeps big lists of known viruses and scans your computer looking for the virus programs in order to get rid of them.
  8. a technology that allows us to access our files/services through the internet instead of through the storage (hard drive) of our device.
  1. the programs and other operating information used by a computer.
  2. hackers use their social skills to trick people into revealing access credentials or other valuable information
  3. fraudulently ask users to provide sensitive account information by posing as legitimate companies.
  4. software that collects data about the user and transmits it over the Internet without the user's knowledge or permission
  5. A piece of code that is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data
  6. a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.
  7. Part of a computer system that is designed to block unauthorized access
  8. a group of two or more computer systems linked together.

16 Clues: malicious softwarea group of two or more computer systems linked together.the programs and other operating information used by a computer.Part of a computer system that is designed to block unauthorized accessthe practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats...

Cybersecurity 2023-09-12

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Shield users against viruses.
  2. A series of numbers located on routers.
  3. Protecting sensitive business information.
  4. The opposite of a solution.
  5. Should be kept hidden.
  6. Two or more computers connected together.
  7. Hacker successfully breaking into a system.
  8. Laptop, Phone, etc.
  1. Attack on the Wifi system.
  2. Used to keep intruders out.
  3. Coding used to protect your information from hackers.
  4. Apps.
  5. Attackers scamming victims.
  6. Malware which changes, corrupts, or destroys information.
  7. Connected to on devices.
  8. A group of applications.

16 Clues: Apps.Laptop, Phone, etc.Should be kept hidden.Connected to on devices.A group of applications.Attack on the Wifi system.Used to keep intruders out.Attackers scamming victims.The opposite of a solution.Shield users against viruses.A series of numbers located on routers.Two or more computers connected together....

FISMA Training 2022-01-18

FISMA Training crossword puzzle
  1. Policies and procedures are fully institutionalized, repeatable, automated where appropriate, consistently implemented, and regularly updated
  2. Assessor selects the sample items without intentional bias to include or exclude certain items in the population
  3. the process of the assessor re-preforming the control’s procedures for accuracy
  4. a period of time, normally two weeks, in which specific work has to be completed and made ready for review
  5. supports the ability to limit or contain the impact of a potential cybersecurity event
  6. supports the ability to contain the impact of a potential cybersecurity incident
  7. Based on assessor's sound and seasoned judgement
  1. the process of looking at the entity’s management perform a process outlined in the procedures
  2. relating to or measured by the quality or characteristics
  3. The ____ provides educational guidance materials; develops and grades the Uniform CPA Examination; and monitors and enforces compliance within the profession.
  4. (acronym) provides a detailed step-by-step account of the work the assessor completed
  5. enables timely discovery of cybersecurity events
  6. assists in developing an organizational understanding to managing cybersecurity risk to systems, people, assets, data, and capabilities.
  7. relating to, or involving the measurement of quantity or amount
  8. stands for "Prepared by Client" or "Provided by Client." For assurance engagements, the assessor will issue PBC items to the client. Each item is a request to either hold a meeting or obtain documentation.
  9. Control is designed to put into place when specific requirements for compliance can't be met with existing controls
  10. a framework for developing complex software products in an iterative and incremental fashion and is the most widely recognized Agile framework
  11. identifies appropriate activities to maintain plans for resilience and to restore any capabilities or services that were impaired due to a cybersecurity incident

18 Clues: enables timely discovery of cybersecurity eventsBased on assessor's sound and seasoned judgementrelating to or measured by the quality or characteristicsrelating to, or involving the measurement of quantity or amountthe process of the assessor re-preforming the control’s procedures for accuracy...

Cybersecurity Fundamentals Chapter 1 2024-06-02

Cybersecurity Fundamentals Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Identifies and explains various cybersecurity threats that affect individuals, businesses, and organizations. It covers the nature of these threats and their potential impact .
  2. Involves the collaboration between businesses, government agencies, and countries to share information about serious cyberattacks.
  3. Professionals dedicated to protecting information systems and networks from cyber threats.
  4. refers to the broad scope of cybersecurity, which includes understanding the history and evolution of hacking, the role of cyber criminals, and the ongoing need for cybersecurity professionals to protect data and systems .
  5. The various areas within cybersecurity, such as big data, data analytics, and the responsibilities of businesses to protect data.
  1. Industry-recognized credentials that validate the knowledge and skills of cybersecurity professionals.
  2. Individuals or groups who use computers, networks, and the internet to commit illegal activities.
  3. The frameworks and guidelines, such as the ISO 27000 series, that help organizations implement effective cybersecurity measures.

8 Clues: Professionals dedicated to protecting information systems and networks from cyber threats.Individuals or groups who use computers, networks, and the internet to commit illegal activities.Industry-recognized credentials that validate the knowledge and skills of cybersecurity professionals....

Cybersecurity 2021-10-23

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Avoid using these public ones
  2. Being harassed or threatened online
  3. Cybersecurity Awareness Month
  4. Frequent software --- fix cybersecurity “loopholes” attackers can exploit
  5. Something you shouldn't share online
  6. This security software company was purchased by Intel in February 2011
  7. Software that is created specifically to help detect, prevent and remove software viruses
  8. Division of the Ministry of Science, Energy, and Technology that addresses cyber threat matters
  9. Made possible by using algorithms to create complex codes out of simple data, effectively making it more difficult for cyber thieves to gain access to the information
  1. The practice of tricking Internet users into revealing personal or confidential information which can then be used illicitly
  2. Cybersecurity Awareness Month Theme 2021
  3. Type of security threat
  4. An attempt by hackers to damage or destroy a computer network or system
  5. Being pursued by someone through the anonymity of social media
  6. Establishes secure and encrypted connections to provide greater privacy

15 Clues: Type of security threatAvoid using these public onesCybersecurity Awareness MonthBeing harassed or threatened onlineSomething you shouldn't share onlineCybersecurity Awareness Month Theme 2021Being pursued by someone through the anonymity of social mediaAn attempt by hackers to damage or destroy a computer network or system...

Cybersecurity 2020-12-22

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. things that are done to protect a person, organization, or country and their computer information against crime or attacks carried out using the internet
  2. a group of computers, printers and devices that are interconnected and governed as a whole
  3. a technology that allows us to access our files and/or services through the internet from anywhere in the world
  4. software designed by criminals to prevent computer users from getting access to their own computer system or files unless they pay money
  5. kind of malware that allows cybercriminals to remotely control your computer
  6. the process or action of verifying the identity of a user or process
  7. a harmful computer program that can copy itself and spread across a number of connected computers
  8. a defensive technology designed to keep the bad guys out. Firewalls can be hardware or software-based
  9. computer software that is designed to damage the way a computer works
  1. an attack that enables an attacker to run malware that allows for the generation of cryptocurrency on the infected computer
  2. a computer program that gets access to a computer or system by appearing to be harmless, but is designed to do something damaging
  3. the process of encoding data to prevent theft by ensuring the data can only be accessed with a key
  4. an attempt to trick someone into giving information over the internet or by email that would allow someone else to take money from them, for example by taking money out of their bank account
  5. someone who makes money using illegal methods, especially by tricking people
  6. to allow secret information to become generally known

15 Clues: to allow secret information to become generally knownthe process or action of verifying the identity of a user or processcomputer software that is designed to damage the way a computer workssomeone who makes money using illegal methods, especially by tricking peoplekind of malware that allows cybercriminals to remotely control your computer...

Cybersecurity 2024-01-19

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Malware that attaches itself to other software.
  2. A way to protect a network from incoming and outgoing attacks.
  3. Keeping secret things secret.
  4. An attack that takes place through digital means.
  5. Government agency responsible for Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
  6. The national organization which sets standards for technology
  7. Malware that can self-replicate and spread on its own.
  8. A way to secure an account; Something you know.
  1. The right to access systems or networks.
  2. Maintaining access to key technologies.
  3. Verifying someone is who they say they are.
  4. A malicious software
  5. Monitoring who accesses what.
  6. Keeping systems secure and complete.
  7. A cybersecurity competition

15 Clues: A malicious softwareA cybersecurity competitionMonitoring who accesses what.Keeping secret things secret.Keeping systems secure and complete.Maintaining access to key technologies.The right to access systems or networks.Verifying someone is who they say they are.Malware that attaches itself to other software....

Cybersecurity 2023-09-13

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Avoid using these public ones
  2. Being harassed or threatened online
  3. Cybersecurity Awareness Month
  4. Frequent software --- fix cybersecurity “loopholes” attackers can exploit
  5. Something you shouldn't share online
  6. This security software company was purchased by Intel in February 2011
  7. Software that is created specifically to help detect, prevent and remove software viruses
  8. Division of the Ministry of Science, Energy, and Technology that addresses cyber threat matters
  9. Made possible by using algorithms to create complex codes out of simple data, effectively making it more difficult for cyber thieves to gain access to the information
  1. The practice of tricking Internet users into revealing personal or confidential information which can then be used illicitly
  2. Cybersecurity Awareness Month Theme 2021
  3. Type of security threat
  4. An attempt by hackers to damage or destroy a computer network or system
  5. Being pursued by someone through the anonymity of social media
  6. Establishes secure and encrypted connections to provide greater privacy

15 Clues: Type of security threatAvoid using these public onesCybersecurity Awareness MonthBeing harassed or threatened onlineSomething you shouldn't share onlineCybersecurity Awareness Month Theme 2021Being pursued by someone through the anonymity of social mediaAn attempt by hackers to damage or destroy a computer network or system...

Cybersecurity 2022-04-27

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. coding files to hide their contents
  2. using fraudulent emails to access information
  3. device on a network with no use other use besides tricking bad actors
  4. determining the importance of each item
  5. US law that prohibits avoiding copyright controls
  6. online document that verifies authenticity
  1. to find additional ways to remain within an attack surface for a time
  2. crimes that target and or use computers / computer systems
  3. stores public and private keys
  4. cipher that replaces each letter uniquely through rotation
  5. controls on real world access
  6. weakness in a system, policy, etc.
  7. situation that poses potential dangers
  8. keeping information secret
  9. intentionally bad programs added to devices

15 Clues: keeping information secretcontrols on real world accessstores public and private keysweakness in a system, policy, etc.coding files to hide their contentssituation that poses potential dangersdetermining the importance of each itemonline document that verifies authenticityintentionally bad programs added to devices...

Hackers, Scams, and Online Safety 2023-04-22

Hackers, Scams, and Online Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Online Harassment
  2. Security Protects against unauthorized access
  3. Media manipulation to change image
  4. Designs, Builds, and tests cybersecurity
  5. Cyber "kidnapping" for payment
  6. Tricks for getting private information
  7. Protects info from cyber attacks
  8. Harmful Software
  9. Collects private info without consent
  10. work that uses personal devices
  1. Seemlessly harmful Malware until downloaded
  2. Detects, prevents, and removes malware
  3. Monitors networks for possible threats
  4. Software for securing cloud data
  5. Identifies device by internet connection
  6. Compromised computers used for cyberattacks
  7. Designer of data networks
  8. Paid testers of cybersecurity
  9. Scrambling date to restrict access

19 Clues: Harmful SoftwareOnline HarassmentDesigner of data networksPaid testers of cybersecurityCyber "kidnapping" for paymentwork that uses personal devicesSoftware for securing cloud dataProtects info from cyber attacksMedia manipulation to change imageScrambling date to restrict accessCollects private info without consent...

cybersecurity 2023-01-25

cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. an interruption in authorized users access to a computer network, typically one caused with malicious intent
  2. an exchange of keys where the parties involved are not authenticated, meaning fraud can happen.
  3. A form of denial of service attack desgined to overwhelm an inbox or inhibit a server by sending a massive number of emails to a specific person or system
  4. software that generates revenue by throwing ads up on your screen
  5. a software or hardware tool that allows the user to monitor your internet traffic
  6. a situation in which a person or program successfully identifies itself as another by falsifying data
  7. a computer that is connected to the internet and taken over by a computer worm, virus, or other malware
  8. malicious software designed to steal data and harm or destroy computers.
  9. occurs when multiple machines are operating together to attack one target
  1. a malfunction of a hardware or a software component
  2. A computer virus written in the same type of macro language as things like excel or word
  3. ethical hacking
  4. a type of malware that infects your computer and harms its master boot partition
  5. any kind of unwanted, unsolicited digital communication that gets sent out in bulk.
  6. average time between repairable failures of a technology product

15 Clues: ethical hackinga malfunction of a hardware or a software componentaverage time between repairable failures of a technology productsoftware that generates revenue by throwing ads up on your screenmalicious software designed to steal data and harm or destroy computers.occurs when multiple machines are operating together to attack one target...

Cybersecurity 2023-09-13

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. royal Canadian mounted police
  2. fraudulent practice of sending emails
  3. software designed to block computer access until money is paid
  4. belief in reliability and truth
  5. defense
  6. weakness or flaw
  1. converting data into code
  2. secret word or phrase
  3. being kept secret or private
  4. make full use and benefit
  5. malicious software
  6. verifying identity
  7. electronic device for storing/processing data
  8. being free from danger or threat
  9. system designed to block unauthorized access

15 Clues: defenseweakness or flawmalicious softwareverifying identitysecret word or phraseconverting data into codemake full use and benefitbeing kept secret or privateroyal Canadian mounted policebelief in reliability and truthbeing free from danger or threatfraudulent practice of sending emailssystem designed to block unauthorized access...

boundless 2022-01-13

boundless crossword puzzle
  1. Pay or else
  2. best cybersecurity vendor
  3. Bad software
  4. your goal in 2022
  5. Patented real-time AI security
  6. how SonicWall goes to market
  1. who you are
  2. what you sell
  3. theme of this event
  4. Who you protect
  5. Wall of protection
  6. Pen & Teller's tricks

12 Clues: who you arePay or elseBad softwarewhat you sellWho you protectyour goal in 2022Wall of protectiontheme of this eventPen & Teller's tricksbest cybersecurity vendorhow SonicWall goes to marketPatented real-time AI security

AP (B) Unidad 4 2024-01-23

AP (B) Unidad 4 crossword puzzle
  1. weapon
  2. piracy
  3. cybersecurity
  4. upload
  5. drone
  6. cyberbullying
  7. advancement
  8. blackhole
  9. research
  1. immerse
  2. isolation
  3. screen
  4. development
  5. fuel
  6. device
  7. download
  8. gadget
  9. challenge
  10. browser
  11. scientist

20 Clues: fueldronescreenweaponpiracydevicegadgetuploadimmersebrowserdownloadresearchisolationchallengescientistblackholedevelopmentadvancementcybersecuritycyberbullying

CAB-CBG Madness 2015-02-24

CAB-CBG Madness crossword puzzle
  1. 15
  2. 11
  3. 18
  4. 16
  5. 4
  6. 12
  7. 10
  8. 6
  9. 14
  10. 9
  1. 19
  2. 8
  3. 1
  4. 17
  5. 13
  6. 7
  7. 2
  8. 5
  9. 3

19 Clues: 81742563919151713111816121014

CAB-CBG Madness 2015-03-03

CAB-CBG Madness crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. 7
  3. 12
  4. 16
  5. 1
  6. 10
  7. 6
  8. 18
  9. 14
  10. 15
  11. 3
  1. 5
  2. 2
  3. 11
  4. 4
  5. 17
  6. 13
  7. 8
  8. 19

19 Clues: 52947168311171312161019181415

CYBERSAFETY 2024-05-02

CYBERSAFETY crossword puzzle
  1. What is Cybersecurity?
  2. What is your best weapon?
  3. Who can do untold damage to you because of the internet
  4. What is the second part of CIA
  5. You must only share confidential data when
  6. What is the first part of CIA
  1. What does Malware try to make you download
  2. What is now as important as real security
  3. What type of scam involves around playing with emotions to push people into a sense of urgency and fear leaving them more susceptible to being tricked
  4. what is the third part of CIA
  5. What security option fights off viruses from your computer
  6. You must only share confidential data with
  7. What is good to have as it notifies you of any sign-ins
  8. What security option makes a barrier between you and danger
  9. What security option hides your data
  10. What are the 3 principles of cybersecurity

16 Clues: What is Cybersecurity?What is your best weapon?what is the third part of CIAWhat is the first part of CIAWhat is the second part of CIAWhat security option hides your dataWhat is now as important as real securityWhat does Malware try to make you downloadYou must only share confidential data withYou must only share confidential data when...

CAB Madness 2015-02-23

CAB Madness crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. 16
  3. 18
  4. 13
  5. 3
  6. 4
  7. 6
  8. 10
  9. 1
  10. 2
  11. 15
  1. 14
  2. 17
  3. 7
  4. 19
  5. 11
  6. 8
  7. 5
  8. 12

19 Clues: 79835461214171916181113121015

Cybersecurity 2023-09-14

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. ________ settings let you decide who can see what you post.
  2. A secret word or phrase that may include numbers, letters, or symbols
  3. _______ card. You can use this instead of money to buy things at a store or online.
  4. When you don't pay for something and just take it
  5. when you're on the internet, clicking on a _______ will take you to a new page or location
  6. Sending a letter through the computer.
  7. _______ security - the title of this crossword
  1. Ring, ring. You probably carry this with you in your pocket or purse every day!
  2. Websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok are examples of ______ media
  3. It may look like a real email, but if it's asking you to share your passsword, it's probably ____
  4. Putting a new software program or app on your phone
  5. Another word for coins, dollars, loonies, and toonies
  6. When you post pictures of your cat or tell someone your good news
  7. Information that you need to keep hidden or private

14 Clues: Sending a letter through the computer._______ security - the title of this crosswordWhen you don't pay for something and just take itPutting a new software program or app on your phoneInformation that you need to keep hidden or privateAnother word for coins, dollars, loonies, and toonies________ settings let you decide who can see what you post....

Security Squares - Simple 2023-08-08

Security Squares - Simple crossword puzzle
  1. Deceptive Text Messages
  2. Trained professional who specializes in IT infrastructure security
  3. Role-Based Access Control
  4. A digital form of payment
  5. A device that provides two-factor for users to prove their identity
  6. The art of protecting networks, devices and data from unauthorized access
  7. The use of a fabricated story to gain someone's trust
  8. National Institute of Standards and Technology
  9. The process of giving a user permission to access resources
  10. A Cybersecurity ----- is an attempt to gain unauthorized access to information
  11. A Cybersecurity -------- is a violation of computer security policies
  1. Also know as MFA
  2. Security that manages digital identities and user access to data and systems
  3. Something you know, something you have, something you are
  4. Sets of documents describing guidelines, standards and best practices
  5. Something that helps an organization to do as much as possible to remain proactively prepared to move quickly to remediate any issues
  6. Illegal activity carried out on a digital network
  7. ----- coding, the process of designing code that adheres to best practices and safeguards
  8. The application of policies, technologies and procedures to reduce the overall impact and risk
  9. Voice Phishing

20 Clues: Voice PhishingAlso know as MFADeceptive Text MessagesRole-Based Access ControlA digital form of paymentNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyIllegal activity carried out on a digital networkThe use of a fabricated story to gain someone's trustSomething you know, something you have, something you are...

OT Cybersecurity Awareness 2024-07-25

OT Cybersecurity Awareness crossword puzzle
  1. Certified Industrial Cybersecurity Professional
  2. Infamous malware that was used to attack a Uranium enrichment facility
  3. Malware that encrypts data and demands payment to unlock it
  4. This gasoline pipeline company in US was the victim of a cyberattack in the year 2021
  1. Acronym for a management system that is used to manage Cybersecurity in an organization
  2. For better cybersecurity, OT networks are partitioned into
  3. A malicious email sent to only the top management personnel of an organization
  4. A set of standards and technical reports for OT cybersecurity
  5. This brand of Safety PLC (Logic Solver) was attacked in the TRITON incident
  6. Device that allows communication only in one direction via hardware

10 Clues: Certified Industrial Cybersecurity ProfessionalFor better cybersecurity, OT networks are partitioned intoMalware that encrypts data and demands payment to unlock itA set of standards and technical reports for OT cybersecurityDevice that allows communication only in one direction via hardware...

Cyber Security Awareness Month 2021-10-08

Cyber Security Awareness Month crossword puzzle
  1. Results in the loss of contact details if it were stolen
  2. What does cybersecurity have in common with Halloween?
  3. _____ is best known for Halloween and happens to be National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
  4. What you will cause IT to have if you get a virus on your computer
  5. Here’s a spooky cybersecurity fact, Google blocks 18 million ____ related phishing emails a day!
  6. Hackers ____ their identity.
  7. This type of harmful computer program can be easily installed on your computer while you’re downloading unknown programs or files off the Internet.
  8. A hardware/software device or a software program that limits network traffic according to a set of rules of what access is and is not allowed or authorized.
  9. What to use if you need to connect to wifi while picking up your pumpkin spice latte.
  1. This software is installed on a network of computers without the owner's knowledge. It can monitor activities and pick up information like credit card numbers, usernames, and passwords.
  2. You don't want to be the business with the most _____ network on the block.
  3. These programs protect your computer from Internet viruses or codes that can quickly disable your computer.
  4. How your computer might act once infected by a virus.
  5. Happens on Halloween night
  6. If you click on a phishing email you might want to ____ your job
  7. For hackers, it’s all about the _____ and it’s their treat they succeed
  8. These Internet scam programs often contact unsuspecting people via e-mail, urging them to visit fake websites designed to look like those run by well-known banks or other financial institutions.
  9. A bridge between two computer networks.
  10. In cybersecurity, the evil entity is black hats, people associate Halloween with black ____
  11. The process of translating plaintext into ciphertext.

20 Clues: Happens on Halloween nightHackers ____ their identity.A bridge between two computer networks.How your computer might act once infected by a virus.The process of translating plaintext into ciphertext.What does cybersecurity have in common with Halloween?Results in the loss of contact details if it were stolen...


CTM CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. BO
  2. PH
  3. CY
  4. HK
  5. AD
  6. MC
  7. BK
  8. IN
  9. VR
  10. WO
  1. IN
  2. CO
  3. EN
  4. SP
  5. BA
  6. AT
  7. FI
  8. AV


Cybersecurity 2024-02-28

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. (Addiction)
  2. (Violation)
  3. (Firewall)
  4. (Cyberbullying)
  1. (Phishing)
  2. (Password)
  3. (Malware)
  4. (Cybersecurity)

8 Clues: (Malware)(Phishing)(Password)(Firewall)(Addiction)(Violation)(Cybersecurity)(Cyberbullying)

Cybersecurity 2024-03-20

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the internet.
  2. Designed to disrupt, damage, or gain access to a computer.
  3. Data storage device that includes flash memory. (Contains 2 words for example: Deep fake becomes Deepfake).
  4. Is a vulnerability in a system or device that has been disclosed but is not yet patched.
  5. Sending emails to induce individuals to reveal personal information.
  6. Process of encoding a message or information that only authorized parties can access. (Contains 2 words for example: USB Drive becomes USBDrive).
  7. Allows users and websites operator to remain anonymous.
  1. Software designed to block access to a computer system until money is paid.
  2. Access to a centralized resource or service.
  3. Computer program that records every keystroke.
  4. A standard cable connection interface for personal computers.
  5. Web World wide web that is not discoverable. (Contains 2 words for example: USB Drive becomes USBDrive.
  6. A video or sound recording that replaces someone's face or voice with someone else's, in a way that looks real.(Contains 2 words for example: USB Drive becomes USBDrive).

13 Clues: Access to a centralized resource or service.Computer program that records every keystroke.Allows users and websites operator to remain anonymous.Irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the internet.Designed to disrupt, damage, or gain access to a computer.A standard cable connection interface for personal computers....

Cybersecurity 2022-02-14

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. method go through all the files or network elements with an intention to detect something unusual
  2. activities endanger the sovereignty and integrity of nation
  3. unsoliciated commercial email
  4. Compromising confidential Information
  5. collective terms of malicious software, such as viruses, worms and trojans.
  6. attempt to harm, damage or cause threat to a system or network
  1. harassing aperson or following a person
  2. Periodic assessment of security vulnerability in computer systems is called _______audit.
  3. monitor user activity on someone else and transfer information to someone else
  4. existence of weakness in a system or network
  5. Viruses are
  6. Script files sent mostly through email attachment to attack host computer
  7. Doesnot belong to privacy threat
  8. The person using vulnerability in operating system or application software or IT infrastructure to intrude in to the computer of a victim

14 Clues: Viruses areunsoliciated commercial emailDoesnot belong to privacy threatCompromising confidential Informationharassing aperson or following a personexistence of weakness in a system or networkactivities endanger the sovereignty and integrity of nationattempt to harm, damage or cause threat to a system or network...

EW Howell Crossword May 2024 2024-05-09

EW Howell Crossword May 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. ____ Point Brewery
  2. Amusement park project
  3. Examples include Manhattanville, Brooklyn, Touro
  4. Far Rockaway Library LEED Level
  5. Town of Jones Beach Theater
  6. List of incomplete items during final project inspection
  7. Sector for mall, hospitality, big box projects
  8. ________ Living
  9. Month of Jones Beach Topping Off Ceremony
  10. Worn During PS I Love You Day
  11. ______ 2030
  12. Verification Battery Park Project received
  13. __________ Shopping Center
  1. Organization focused on green/sustainable building
  2. MFA tool
  3. Cybersecurity tool
  4. Architectural design tool
  5. _______ User and Support Center
  6. Examples include Walt Whitman, Smith Haven
  7. __________ Maximum Price
  8. Cybersecurity scam
  9. _______ Care Pavilion
  10. Organization promoting women leaders in construction
  11. _____ Animal Care Center
  12. Training to recognize and prevent workplace hazards

25 Clues: MFA tool______ 2030________ Living____ Point BreweryCybersecurity toolCybersecurity scam_______ Care PavilionAmusement park project__________ Maximum Price_____ Animal Care CenterArchitectural design tool__________ Shopping CenterTown of Jones Beach TheaterWorn During PS I Love You Day_______ User and Support CenterFar Rockaway Library LEED Level...

Cybersecurity 2022-05-10

Cybersecurity crossword puzzle
  1. the process of taking plaintext and converting it into a format that is not human-readable
  2. any potential change or disruption of a computer network.
  3. Any crime committed over a connected device, such as a cellphone,
  4. prevent undesirable traffic from entering into a network.
  5. protected strings of characters in unique combinations that no one can easily guess.
  6. Phishing is a technique used to gain personal or sensitive information from a user
  7. theft the process of stealing your personal information such as your social security number or driver's license to open a bank account or apply for a credit card.
  1. a user's physical characteristics.
  2. protect networked systems and all of the data from unauthorized use or harm
  3. software designed to harm or exploit any programmable device, service, or network.
  4. insulting, harassing, or threatening anyone using the Internet via email, instant messaging, and so on.
  5. the code of responsible behavior on the computer as well as on the Internet.
  6. an activity that intrudes into your system or gains unauthorized access to your accounts.

13 Clues: a user's physical characteristics.any potential change or disruption of a computer network.prevent undesirable traffic from entering into a network.Any crime committed over a connected device, such as a cellphone,protect networked systems and all of the data from unauthorized use or harm...

Media 2023-03-30

Media crossword puzzle
  1. lola
  2. jaunieshi
  3. publicet
  4. lol
  5. aniki
  6. oklo
  7. zurnals
  8. probgramma
  9. kompis
  10. roboti
  11. kola
  12. pteikt
  13. hzkas
  1. joks
  2. paper
  3. mehaniki
  4. dati
  5. softijs
  6. radiji
  7. koooo
  8. kola
  9. nepareizi
  10. klips
  11. kole

24 Clues: loljoksloladatioklokolakolakolepaperanikikooooklipshzkasradijikompisrobotipteiktsoftijszurnalspublicetmehanikijaunieshinepareiziprobgramma

Working in a company 2021-02-16

Working in a company crossword puzzle
  1. Personal(abteilung)
  2. Kaufmännischer Leiter
  3. Geschäftsreise
  4. Qualitätssicherung
  5. Vertriebsleiter
  6. Kleiderordnung
  7. Bestandsliste
  8. Vertrag
  9. Kalkulation
  10. Großraumbüro
  11. Fertigung
  12. Verwaltung
  1. Controlling
  2. Forschung
  3. Internetsicherheit
  4. Schichtarbeit
  5. Berater
  6. Vertriebsleiter
  7. Zusatzleistungen
  8. Arbeitnehmer
  9. Techniker
  10. Lager
  11. Einkauf

23 Clues: LagerBeraterVertragEinkaufForschungTechnikerFertigungVerwaltungControllingKalkulationArbeitnehmerGroßraumbüroSchichtarbeitBestandslisteGeschäftsreiseKleiderordnungVertriebsleiterVertriebsleiterZusatzleistungenInternetsicherheitQualitätssicherungPersonal(abteilung)Kaufmännischer Leiter

TEST1 2020-09-14

TEST1 crossword puzzle
  1. 26
  2. 16
  3. 7
  4. 6
  5. 2
  6. 11
  7. 9
  8. 18
  9. 19
  10. 22
  11. 10
  12. 23
  1. 14
  2. 24
  3. 21
  4. 17
  5. 13
  6. 27
  7. 8
  8. 20
  9. 15
  10. 25
  11. 12
  12. 5

24 Clues: 768295142624162117132720111518251219221023

puzzle making 2015-03-02

puzzle making crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 12
  5. 14
  6. 4
  7. 11
  1. 15
  2. 13
  3. 7
  4. 8
  5. 1
  6. 9
  7. 5
  8. 10

15 Clues: 637821954151312141011

Happy National Crossword Day from Frontline! 2020-12-08

Happy National Crossword Day from Frontline! crossword puzzle
  1. Holds your data hostage.
  2. Place people sell your sensitive info.
  3. Is greater than your struggle.
  4. ____ data you store to reduce risk of exposure.
  5. First step in Centurion360 package.
  6. Protects your data on public Wi-Fi.
  7. Who we are.
  1. Next-Gen versions use artificial intelligence.
  2. Practices to protect what's connected to the internet.
  3. When an account double checks your identity.
  4. A password _____ will help store and generate secure ones.
  5. Cause of over 2/3 of cybersecurity incidents.
  6. How most ransomware gets to small businesses.
  7. We Keep IT ____.
  8. Already know your weak points.
  9. Who cyberattacks target.

16 Clues: Who we are.We Keep IT ____.Holds your data hostage.Who cyberattacks target.Is greater than your struggle.Already know your weak points.First step in Centurion360 package.Protects your data on public Wi-Fi.Place people sell your sensitive info.When an account double checks your identity.Cause of over 2/3 of cybersecurity incidents....

General Regulatory Compliance Cryptic Crossword 2024-01-26

General Regulatory Compliance Cryptic Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. DoD standard for implementing cybersecurity
  2. security device to control traffic
  3. deceptive practices to fraudulently steal data
  4. measures to protect against network attack
  5. group of interconnected computers and devices
  6. series of actions leading to a result
  7. simulated cyber attack
  8. potential loss of assets
  9. process of verifying identity of a user
  1. protection of information technology on ships and port facilities
  2. Experts in safeguarding business from evil
  3. security measure of pre-approved IP addresses
  4. process of establishing encrypted links
  5. converting data to coded format
  6. malicious software
  7. digital information created by computer systems
  8. centralized unit and team continuously monitoring security posture
  9. measures and practices to protect digital systems

18 Clues: malicious softwaresimulated cyber attackpotential loss of assetsconverting data to coded formatsecurity device to control trafficseries of actions leading to a resultprocess of establishing encrypted linksprocess of verifying identity of a userExperts in safeguarding business from evilmeasures to protect against network attack...