debate vocabulary Crossword Puzzles

Sol3_U3F 2023-03-08

Sol3_U3F crossword puzzle
  1. bioloogiline
  2. järeldama, tulemusi kokkuvõttes
  3. täiskasvanu
  4. ümberlükkamatu
  5. vastu olema
  6. sekkuma, kaasama
  7. segi paiskama, häirima, segadus
  8. laiskus
  9. põhjus
  10. veenma
  11. teooria
  12. arutelu
  13. keemiline
  14. valem, retsept
  15. kahanemine
  16. saavutus
  17. kindel
  1. nimekiri
  2. raske
  3. edasi lükkama, viivitama
  4. kaitsma, pooldama, toetama
  5. sellest järelduvalt, vältimatult
  6. väitma, ütlema
  7. puudumine (põhjuseta)
  8. teadlane
  9. paranema
  10. kahtleja, kõhkleja
  11. meelde jätma
  12. seega, seetõttu
  13. näitama
  14. loomulikult, tavaliselt
  15. kas
  16. depressioon, masendus

33 Clues: kasraskepõhjusveenmakindellaiskusnäitamateooriaarutelunimekiriteadlaneparanemasaavutuskeemilinekahaneminetäiskasvanuvastu olemabioloogilinemeelde jätmaväitma, ütlemaümberlükkamatuvalem, retseptseega, seetõttusekkuma, kaasamakahtleja, kõhklejapuudumine (põhjuseta)depressioon, masendusloomulikult, tavaliseltedasi lükkama, viivitama...

VOCA Mini Day 4 2023-07-26

VOCA Mini Day 4 crossword puzzle
  1. 떠나다, 출발하다
  2. 토론, 논쟁
  3. 교환, 주고받기; 환전
  4. 뚜렷한, 명백한, 노골적인, 숨김없는
  5. 노출시키다, 드러내다, 폭로하다
  6. 경멸하다, 얕보다
  7. 내려가다, 전해지다, ~의 자손이다
  8. 발견하다, 찾아내다
  9. 넘다, 초과하다
  10. 낙담시키다, 불경기로 만들다
  11. 겪다, 경험하다
  12. 선언하다, 신고하다
  1. (떠)맡다, ~의 책임을 지다
  2. 분리하다, 떼어내다
  3. 전과자
  4. 과장하다
  5. 멸종한, 사멸한, 활동을 멈춘
  6. 지치게 하다; 다 써 버리다
  7. ~의 기저를 이루다, 기본이 되다
  8. 대학생(의), 학부생(의)
  9. 커지다, 팽창하다[시키다]
  10. (숨을) 내쉬다, 내뿜다

22 Clues: 전과자과장하다토론, 논쟁넘다, 초과하다겪다, 경험하다떠나다, 출발하다경멸하다, 얕보다분리하다, 떼어내다발견하다, 찾아내다선언하다, 신고하다교환, 주고받기; 환전(숨을) 내쉬다, 내뿜다대학생(의), 학부생(의)커지다, 팽창하다[시키다]지치게 하다; 다 써 버리다낙담시키다, 불경기로 만들다(떠)맡다, ~의 책임을 지다멸종한, 사멸한, 활동을 멈춘노출시키다, 드러내다, 폭로하다~의 기저를 이루다, 기본이 되다내려가다, 전해지다, ~의 자손이다뚜렷한, 명백한, 노골적인, 숨김없는

unit8 2024-07-23

unit8 crossword puzzle
  1. 주장하다 유지하다
  2. 돈을 걸다 틀림없다
  3. 계산하다
  4. 둘러싸다 에워싸다
  5. 감독하다 관찰하다(m-)
  6. 닮다 유사하다
  7. 보장하다 품질보증하다 보장 보증서
  8. 후회하다 유감으로 생각하다 후회 유감
  9. 저항하다 참다 견디다 잘견디다
  10. 귀찮게하다 신경쓰다
  11. 감소하다 거절하다 감소
  12. 다루다 처리하다
  1. 실망시키다
  2. 추정하다 추산하다 추정
  3. 토론하다 토론
  4. -을 받을만하다
  5. 구성되다 -에 있다
  6. 탓하다
  7. 매우좋아하다 사랑하다
  8. 평가하다
  9. 확인하다 사실임을 보여주다
  10. 회복하다
  11. 교대근무 바꾸다 바뀌다
  12. 무섭게하다 겁먹게하다
  13. 존경하다 감탄하다

25 Clues: 탓하다계산하다평가하다회복하다실망시키다토론하다 토론닮다 유사하다-을 받을만하다다루다 처리하다주장하다 유지하다둘러싸다 에워싸다존경하다 감탄하다돈을 걸다 틀림없다구성되다 -에 있다귀찮게하다 신경쓰다매우좋아하다 사랑하다무섭게하다 겁먹게하다추정하다 추산하다 추정교대근무 바꾸다 바뀌다감소하다 거절하다 감소감독하다 관찰하다(m-)확인하다 사실임을 보여주다저항하다 참다 견디다 잘견디다보장하다 품질보증하다 보장 보증서후회하다 유감으로 생각하다 후회 유감

Kate Kudlawiec (5-3 and 5-4) 2021-01-25

Kate Kudlawiec (5-3 and 5-4) crossword puzzle
  1. person who presides in the absence of the president of the senate
  2. seats are redistributed among the states based on the result of the census
  3. article 1 section 3 and clause 4 of the constitution assigns the jobs to this person
  4. carry out specific tasks not already covered by exiting committees
  5. address broad issues that affect both chambers
  6. meeting of all the house members from a particular political party
  7. senate and the house is that the senate places few limits on debate
  8. drawing districts boundaries for political advantage
  9. an end to debate
  1. help manage the actions and strategy of the party in the house
  2. most powerful member and the presiding officer of the house
  3. proposed laws to particular committees
  4. encourage fellow party members to vote as the party leadership wants
  5. most powerful position given here
  6. the house has 20 of these
  7. chair of a committee has gone to the most senior majority senator

16 Clues: an end to debatethe house has 20 of thesemost powerful position given hereproposed laws to particular committeesaddress broad issues that affect both chambersdrawing districts boundaries for political advantagemost powerful member and the presiding officer of the househelp manage the actions and strategy of the party in the house...

Everything 2015-04-19

Everything crossword puzzle
  1. Raise the flag
  2. What you might feel after watching Conjuring
  3. Museum worker
  4. Give up
  5. Gods own country
  6. Dig for fossils
  7. Fast run
  8. Word for word
  9. Animal's slow walk
  10. Long edge of a mountain
  1. Activity causing earthquake
  2. Suddenly turn
  3. Series of computers or TV station
  4. Shine some jewellery
  5. Quick heat food
  6. Follow the rules
  7. Moderated discussion or argument
  8. Heavenly cake maybe
  9. Barn cry

19 Clues: Give upFast runBarn crySuddenly turnMuseum workerWord for wordRaise the flagQuick heat foodDig for fossilsGods own countryFollow the rulesAnimal's slow walkHeavenly cake maybeShine some jewelleryLong edge of a mountainActivity causing earthquakeModerated discussion or argumentSeries of computers or TV station...

Unit 5 Words 2021-10-15

Unit 5 Words crossword puzzle
  1. not let someone go
  2. a group of people living in the same place
  3. a piece of clothing
  4. say someone did something
  5. an instrument
  6. giving,supplying
  7. offended
  8. ending
  9. an argument and debate
  1. to smear something
  2. won't listen
  3. don't know what's happening
  4. electronic device
  5. pain
  6. an act of uniting or joining two or more things
  7. grilling
  8. to be in pain
  9. won't move
  10. pay for mistakes

19 Clues: painendingoffendedgrillingwon't movewon't listenan instrumentto be in paingiving,supplyingpay for mistakeselectronic deviceto smear somethingnot let someone goa piece of clothingan argument and debatesay someone did somethingdon't know what's happeninga group of people living in the same placean act of uniting or joining two or more things

Tipos de Evento 2024-05-13

Tipos de Evento crossword puzzle
  1. Exposição pequena e circulante para divulgação de conteúdo.
  2. Discussão e debate sobre assuntos de interesse coletivo, com participação da plateia e conclusão representando a opinião da maioria. Pode durar um ou mais dias.
  3. de um produto Evento para lançamento de um produto, podendo ser realizado internamente ou em locais externos, com decoração e cardápio adequados.
  4. Reunião regional de profissionais para tratamento prático de um assunto específico, utilizando técnicas como dramatização e simulação de casos, com duração de mais de dois dias.
  5. Reunião de especialistas com posições divergentes sobre um tema, coordenada por um moderador, com tempo limitado para exposição e debate, permitindo perguntas da plateia.
  6. Evento focado na transmissão, atualização e debate de conhecimentos e técnicas em um tema central, com exposição por parte de um coordenador e participação da plateia em grupos. Divide-se em exposição, discussão e conclusão.
  7. de conveniência Reunião informal para integração ou negócios, com serviço de buffet de acordo com o tipo de encontro, como coquetéis, almoços, jantares, banquetes e brunches.
  8. Evento de menor porte para promoção, divulgação e informação sobre produtos, técnicas e serviços.
  9. Iniciativa de empresas para divulgar e promover produtos, técnicas e serviços, com foco na comercialização, aberta ao público em geral e com duração de dois a 15 dias.
  1. Exposição de um tema amplo por um conferencista reconhecidamente competente, seguida de possíveis questionamentos da plateia. Evento de curta duração focado no aprofundamento de um tema.
  2. Similar ao workshop, mais utilizado na área educacional, podendo fazer parte de eventos maiores.
  3. Exposição educativa para uma plateia relativamente pequena, onde o tema é geralmente conhecido pelos ouvintes, seguido de questionamentos.
  4. Evento para promover produtos visando criar uma imagem positiva da instituição promotora, sem finalidades comerciais imediatas.
  5. Encontro com parte expositiva seguida de demonstrações do objeto que gerou o evento, podendo fazer parte de um evento maior.
  6. Reunião de especialistas em determinado ramo do conhecimento para expor diferentes perspectivas sobre um tema específico, com participação do auditório através de perguntas aos expositores. Evento prático, de curta duração, para público especializado.
  7. Discussão entre duas ou mais pessoas com pontos de vista diferentes sobre um tema, com possibilidade de participação da plateia por meio de aplausos e protestos moderados.

16 Clues: Exposição pequena e circulante para divulgação de conteúdo.Similar ao workshop, mais utilizado na área educacional, podendo fazer parte de eventos maiores.Evento de menor porte para promoção, divulgação e informação sobre produtos, técnicas e serviços....

Unidad 1: Así se dice 4 2021-08-23

Unidad 1: Así se dice 4 crossword puzzle
  1. to do presentations
  2. to record videos
  3. to play an instrument
  4. to act
  5. to memorize
  6. to write essays
  7. to research
  1. to train
  2. to participate in contests
  3. to do experiments
  4. to debate

11 Clues: to actto trainto debateto memorizeto researchto write essaysto record videosto do experimentsto do presentationsto play an instrumentto participate in contests

Unit 3 / Weeks 1-2 / SAT Words 2020-11-30

Unit 3 / Weeks 1-2 / SAT Words crossword puzzle
  1. flat bread
  2. to decorate
  3. a narrow walkway
  4. synonym for wild
  5. example hurricane
  6. synonym for debate
  7. synonym for fly
  8. sensitivity to another's feelings
  9. a group of the same type of tree
  1. antonym for pay attention
  2. pointy
  3. symbolic language
  4. to cut
  5. outdoor area attached to a house
  6. put liquid in a glass
  7. synonym for the beach
  8. excitement

17 Clues: pointyto cutflat breadexcitementto decoratesynonym for flya narrow walkwaysynonym for wildsymbolic languageexample hurricanesynonym for debateput liquid in a glasssynonym for the beachantonym for pay attentionoutdoor area attached to a housea group of the same type of treesensitivity to another's feelings

Powerful Verbs 2023-08-02

Powerful Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. To meet somewhere
  2. To walk around
  3. To keep trying
  4. To make known
  5. To stay somewhere
  6. To go higher
  7. To begin something
  1. To sense something
  2. To talk to someone
  3. To travel somewhere
  4. To find something
  5. To argue
  6. To write something
  7. TO shine the light on something
  8. To recall a memory
  9. To play with
  10. To go somewhere unknown

17 Clues: To argueTo play withTo go higherTo make knownTo walk aroundTo keep tryingTo find somethingTo meet somewhereTo stay somewhereTo sense somethingTo talk to someoneTo write somethingTo recall a memoryTo begin somethingTo travel somewhereTo go somewhere unknownTO shine the light on something

19 clues 2021-07-21

19 clues crossword puzzle
  1. a wizard also of clay
  2. the art of the gab
  3. ducks under door frames
  4. my ego (sp)
  5. are free
  6. blocks upon blocks
  7. not a child's war
  8. needs ink to prove its might
  1. 360
  2. its elementary
  3. subject to debate
  4. first time gamer
  5. Caesar by 19
  6. greatest person ever
  7. see five in response
  8. greatest hobbit
  9. shares 16
  10. sun god as a noodle

18 Clues: 360are freeshares 16my ego (sp)Caesar by 19its elementarygreatest hobbitfirst time gamersubject to debatenot a child's warthe art of the gabblocks upon blockssun god as a noodlegreatest person eversee five in responsea wizard also of clayducks under door framesneeds ink to prove its might

Presenting and Practising Language Crossword Puzzle 2019-06-23

Presenting and Practising Language Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. An example of structure and the grammatical rule is guven first and then the language is practised.
  2. It is often the least successful way of conveying the meaning of a vocabulary item.
  3. The missing letters are replaced by apostrophes.
  4. Some sounds are often not pronounced, example or in comfortable.
  5. Many coursebooks aim to have this kind of syllabus.
  6. It is a pattern of rise and fall in the level (the pitch) of the voice, which often adds meaning to what is being said.
  1. This skill is more important than grammar for communication purposes.
  2. It is only possible with monolingual groups but it can cut down on lenghty, laborious explanations.
  3. When words are linked one sound is changed into another sound.
  4. It is to help the students make their own speech more comprehensible and meaningful to others.
  5. A context is established first from which the target structure is drawn.
  6. In addition to illustrating meaning, they can be used to check understanding.
  7. They are often used as an alternative to introducing language through visual means.
  8. Sometimes a sound that is not present in the spelling is inserted in a word to make linking words easier.
  9. It is particular useful to illustrate actions and it is efficient and memorable.
  10. They can provide a natural context for language exploration.

16 Clues: The missing letters are replaced by apostrophes.Many coursebooks aim to have this kind of syllabus.They can provide a natural context for language exploration.When words are linked one sound is changed into another sound.Some sounds are often not pronounced, example or in comfortable....

Hahahhahaha 2023-06-25

Hahahhahaha crossword puzzle
  1. nhjqwfkLEWL
  1. SKNDKVJhv.l
  2. Ljqwfoiwld
  3. klqjFDW

6 Clues: klqjFDWLjqwfoiwldQL;WLKFM;ESKNDKVJhv.lnhjqwfkLEWL/.ASKHFJODL/

trinity students 2024-03-25

trinity students crossword puzzle
  1. dyed hair blonde
  2. questionable perm
  3. mrs fisher's obsession
  4. 2 of them
  5. unfriendly
  6. npc
  7. bossy, going to prom this year
  8. wants to swim in college
  9. loves sharks
  10. greasy ahh hair
  11. debate
  1. definitely bi
  2. fake (so i've heard)
  3. long eyelashes
  4. heavy makeup
  5. irrelevant
  6. cringe relationship
  7. never speaks
  8. cheater
  9. pick me
  10. natural tan
  11. lee
  12. bad taste in boyfriends
  13. wants to be 6'2"
  14. clone of caleb

25 Clues: npcleedebatecheaterpick me2 of themirrelevantunfriendlynatural tanheavy makeupnever speaksloves sharksdefinitely bilong eyelashesclone of calebgreasy ahh hairdyed hair blondewants to be 6'2"questionable permcringe relationshipfake (so i've heard)mrs fisher's obsessionbad taste in boyfriendswants to swim in collegebossy, going to prom this year

Crossword 2015-02-14

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Mathamatical opposite of multiply
  2. Boigraphy of yourself written by you
  3. Tragic dramas are done ...
  4. Soldiers use it to help hide from the opponent
  5. Enjoying disstress of others
  1. Words of a language
  2. Formation of political unity and a central government
  3. Of or forming the center
  4. Splendid,supurb
  5. Misleading argument/ belif
  6. Done with ease
  7. A large amount of people

12 Clues: Done with easeSplendid,supurbWords of a languageOf or forming the centerA large amount of peopleMisleading argument/ belifTragic dramas are done ...Enjoying disstress of othersMathamatical opposite of multiplyBoigraphy of yourself written by youSoldiers use it to help hide from the opponentFormation of political unity and a central government

cross 2023-06-29

cross crossword puzzle
  1. realistic game coming out in 2026, 2 words
  2. titanic's worst enemy
  3. oddest one out
  4. suicide, or divorce maybe
  5. the most odd religion some say
  6. very small child
  7. wordle players need these
  1. HETL, for short
  2. famous cameras, some say
  3. weird sounding planet some say
  4. your jaw can be this, 2 words
  5. mixed up for a car, sharp blade
  6. horror game for short
  7. most vocabulary changes, 2 words

14 Clues: oddest one outHETL, for shortvery small childtitanic's worst enemyhorror game for shortfamous cameras, some saysuicide, or divorce maybewordle players need theseyour jaw can be this, 2 wordsweird sounding planet some saythe most odd religion some saymixed up for a car, sharp blademost vocabulary changes, 2 words...

Parliamentary Procedure Fun 2022-08-08

Parliamentary Procedure Fun crossword puzzle
  1. The beginning of making things happen
  2. Henry M
  3. Pass
  4. Time for a cuppa
  5. Put forth for a position
  6. Consider in order, separately
  7. It's all over motion
  8. Run the place
  9. A way of voting
  1. Usually enough
  2. A change
  3. Agreement to talk about it
  4. Indication of preference
  5. Some proposals require
  6. Meeting Plan
  7. Put off until later
  8. Process of deciding

17 Clues: PassHenry MA changeMeeting PlanRun the placeUsually enoughA way of votingTime for a cuppaPut off until laterProcess of decidingIt's all over motionSome proposals requireIndication of preferencePut forth for a positionAgreement to talk about itConsider in order, separatelyThe beginning of making things happen


  1. Not p.m.
  2. Customs or beliefs
  3. Immoral behaviour
  4. A pair
  5. Number of maids a milking
  6. Causing public outrage
  7. Awake...(raise)
  1. Noble Rank
  2. These need answers
  3. Narrow Road
  4. Calendar Month
  5. A place where all buyers and sellers are in one area
  6. A score (as a number)
  7. Public Address (oral)
  8. Choose
  9. Pointed top of mountain
  10. Argue a subject

17 Clues: A pairChooseNot p.m.Noble RankNarrow RoadCalendar MonthArgue a subjectAwake...(raise)Immoral behaviourThese need answersCustoms or beliefsA score (as a number)Public Address (oral)Causing public outragePointed top of mountainNumber of maids a milkingA place where all buyers and sellers are in one area

B2U1 Fun Quiz 2020-07-01

B2U1 Fun Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. 稀有的,珍贵的
  2. 贵重的,有价值的
  3. 挑选
  4. 装饰
  5. 幸存 生还
  6. 争论,辩论
  7. 以前的
  8. 设计
  1. 奇特的;想象
  2. 移动 搬开
  3. 证据
  4. 重建
  5. 怀疑
  6. 风格;类型
  7. 使吃惊
  8. 绘画
  9. 属于

17 Clues: 证据重建怀疑挑选装饰绘画属于设计使吃惊以前的移动 搬开风格;类型幸存 生还争论,辩论奇特的;想象稀有的,珍贵的贵重的,有价值的

Thursday, May 9th 2024-05-09

Thursday, May 9th crossword puzzle
  1. Scientific experimentation space.
  2. Bias or unfair judgment.
  3. Primitive or fierce.
  4. Unwanted or unwelcome.
  5. Well-being or social support.
  6. Legislative assembly.
  7. Resulting in death.
  8. Move downward.
  9. Action to stop something before it happens.
  1. Freedom's synonym.
  2. Unfair preference.
  3. Clearly different or separate.
  4. Not based on reason.
  5. Conclusive or determining.
  6. Verbal contest of opinions.
  7. Pronunciation emphasis.
  8. Effort or try.

17 Clues: Move downward.Effort or try.Freedom's synonym.Unfair preference.Resulting in death.Primitive or fierce.Not based on reason.Legislative assembly.Unwanted or unwelcome.Pronunciation emphasis.Bias or unfair judgment.Conclusive or determining.Verbal contest of opinions.Well-being or social support.Clearly different or separate....

nikkita prajapati 2013-02-27

nikkita prajapati crossword puzzle
  1. uneasy,fearfully
  2. sharp,sensitve
  3. commanding,allowing no debate or delay
  4. cautious
  5. harsh,disagreeable
  6. gave in,consented
  7. in a secret or sneaky way
  8. continually,constantly
  9. puzzled
  10. forgiving,not harsh in punishing
  1. drowsy
  2. scold,correct harshly
  3. equiptment
  4. like a forest
  5. grusome,horrible
  6. seirousness
  7. repeated
  8. contempt,ridicule
  9. ending
  10. ia a bossy and interfering way
  11. required
  12. boldness
  13. condemnation
  14. disturbed,annoyed
  15. shade of meaning

25 Clues: drowsyendingpuzzledrepeatedcautiousrequiredboldnessequiptmentseirousnesscondemnationlike a forestsharp,sensitveuneasy,fearfullygrusome,horribleshade of meaningcontempt,ridiculegave in,consenteddisturbed,annoyedharsh,disagreeablescold,correct harshlycontinually,constantlyin a secret or sneaky wayia a bossy and interfering way...

Gun Control 2013-05-23

Gun Control crossword puzzle
  1. Item that can harm someone
  2. the law
  3. powerful gun
  4. "I will kill you if you don't give me your money!"
  5. protecting your self
  6. Neighborhoods
  7. One country
  8. Physical_______
  9. Groups
  10. Type of gun starting with D
  1. Unsafe
  2. world wide
  3. Safe and secure
  4. Branch of government passing laws
  5. another name for owning
  6. Facts with numbers
  7. breaks the law
  8. Harming someone or being rough
  9. Category of guns
  10. Different opinion discussion

20 Clues: UnsafeGroupsthe lawworld wideOne countrypowerful gunNeighborhoodsbreaks the lawSafe and securePhysical_______Category of gunsFacts with numbersprotecting your selfanother name for owningItem that can harm someoneType of gun starting with DDifferent opinion discussionHarming someone or being roughBranch of government passing laws...

De vuelta a clases - U1V2 2021-02-18

De vuelta a clases - U1V2 crossword puzzle
  1. to pay attention
  2. entertaining (m)
  3. to take an exam
  4. physics
  5. to arrive on time
  6. to interrupt
  7. welcoming
  8. to earn a good grade
  9. lockers
  10. swim team
  11. chess club
  1. to write essays
  2. dance
  3. to debate
  4. to do track
  5. welcomes of all types of students (f)
  6. respectful (f)
  7. demanding
  8. to memorize
  9. to obey
  10. coach, trainer
  11. school counselor (f)
  12. to be successful
  13. nice
  14. to offend/insult

25 Clues: nicedancephysicsto obeylockersto debatedemandingwelcomingswim teamchess clubto do trackto memorizeto interruptrespectful (f)coach, trainerto write essaysto take an examto pay attentionentertaining (m)to be successfulto offend/insultto arrive on timeto earn a good gradeschool counselor (f)welcomes of all types of students (f)


LOSING THE FIELD crossword puzzle
  1. Hermit, solitary
  2. Embarrassed
  3. Mishap; car crash
  4. Appearing shadowy, large, and threatening
  5. Payback
  6. Faded or disappeared
  7. Weak/disabled from illness/injury
  8. Act or instance of whipping
  9. Subtle, manipulating
  1. Type of car; SUV
  2. Base where something is mounted
  3. Blockade
  4. Lacking confidence
  5. Show/prove to be right
  6. Put off doing something
  7. Friend of a friend
  8. Used to support someone in a debate
  9. Grit, ambition
  10. Completely empty
  11. Squeeze and twist

20 Clues: PaybackBlockadeEmbarrassedGrit, ambitionHermit, solitaryType of car; SUVCompletely emptyMishap; car crashSqueeze and twistLacking confidenceFriend of a friendFaded or disappearedSubtle, manipulatingShow/prove to be rightPut off doing somethingAct or instance of whippingBase where something is mountedWeak/disabled from illness/injury...


LOSING THE FIELD crossword puzzle
  1. Payback
  2. Hermit, solitary
  3. Used to support someone in a debate
  4. Faded or disappeared
  5. Mishap; car crash
  6. Act or instance of whipping
  7. Friend of a friend
  8. Lacking confidence
  9. Grit, ambition
  10. Subtle, manipulating
  1. Base where something is mounted
  2. Show/prove to be right
  3. Weak/disabled from illness/injury
  4. Put off doing something
  5. Blockade
  6. Type of car; SUV
  7. Appearing shadowy, large, and threatening
  8. Embarrassed
  9. Squeeze and twist
  10. Completely empty

20 Clues: PaybackBlockadeEmbarrassedGrit, ambitionHermit, solitaryType of car; SUVCompletely emptyMishap; car crashSqueeze and twistFriend of a friendLacking confidenceFaded or disappearedSubtle, manipulatingShow/prove to be rightPut off doing somethingAct or instance of whippingBase where something is mountedWeak/disabled from illness/injury...

Sand Paintings 2021-09-02

Sand Paintings crossword puzzle
  1. admired
  2. bring back; return to normal
  3. large, widespread
  4. bad, malevolent
  5. correctly
  6. forefathers
  7. native American tribe
  8. helpers
  9. harsh, difficult
  10. necessary, demand
  11. conform, adjust to
  1. argument, debate
  2. formal act, usually religious or civil
  3. a hand-operated structure for weaving
  4. curing
  5. function as; be of use
  6. mainly
  7. Navajo house
  8. hard, severe
  9. relationship between two numbers
  10. past participle of weave
  11. primarily
  12. essential, urgent
  13. scenery, countryside

24 Clues: curingmainlyadmiredhelperscorrectlyprimarilyforefathersNavajo househard, severebad, malevolentargument, debateharsh, difficultlarge, widespreadessential, urgentnecessary, demandconform, adjust toscenery, countrysidenative American tribefunction as; be of usepast participle of weavebring back; return to normalrelationship between two numbers...

School Work 2022-05-10

School Work crossword puzzle
  1. true meaning
  2. sound of something moving
  3. Incorrect
  4. sound
  5. saying text
  6. Theme
  7. outer shape
  8. showing
  9. people working together
  10. Good decision
  11. screaming at each other
  12. sure of yourself
  13. face emotion
  14. statement
  1. checking
  2. text
  3. YLP
  4. creative
  5. sentence that shows agreement
  6. summary
  7. speaking
  8. remade
  9. definitely not
  10. cooperating with each other
  11. searching for something
  12. different
  13. movement
  14. past or future
  15. clock

29 Clues: YLPtextsoundThemeclockremadesummaryshowingcheckingcreativespeakingmovementIncorrectdifferentstatementsaying textouter shapetrue meaningface emotionGood decisiondefinitely notpast or futuresure of yourselfsearching for somethingpeople working togetherscreaming at each othersound of something movingcooperating with each other...

48 2024-07-20

48 crossword puzzle
  1. Legislation's end product
  2. Ballot action
  3. Ceremony speech
  4. Proposed legislation
  5. Weaker government form
  6. Governor General
  7. Conservative color
  8. Standards in government
  9. Official investigation
  10. Provincial party
  11. Short for a party
  12. Parliamentary discussion
  13. Known Conservative MP
  14. Head of state
  1. Party color
  2. Control type in House
  3. Legal forgiveness
  4. Symbol of approval
  5. Charter subject
  6. Senator in scandal
  7. Advisory body
  8. Worn by judges
  9. House officer
  10. Liberal color
  11. Federal auditor

25 Clues: Party colorBallot actionAdvisory bodyHouse officerLiberal colorHead of stateWorn by judgesCeremony speechCharter subjectFederal auditorGovernor GeneralProvincial partyLegal forgivenessShort for a partySymbol of approvalSenator in scandalConservative colorProposed legislationControl type in HouseKnown Conservative MPWeaker government form...

words 2022-05-16

words crossword puzzle
  1. set value of
  2. demand as a right
  3. debate, oral disagreement
  4. enough
  5. result, total
  6. connected to matter at hand
  1. confirmation of truth or accuracy
  2. logical, correct
  3. written or printed
  4. trace the outline
  5. estimate value
  6. prove error

12 Clues: enoughprove errorset value ofresult, totalestimate valuelogical, correctdemand as a righttrace the outlinewritten or printeddebate, oral disagreementconnected to matter at handconfirmation of truth or accuracy

SRP T3W7 2021-07-06

SRP T3W7 crossword puzzle
  1. put on
  2. graft a body part
  3. a growth of long hair
  4. increasing trend
  5. significantly
  6. trade
  1. awarded the title
  2. topic of contest
  3. passionately
  4. associated

10 Clues: tradeput onassociatedpassionatelysignificantlytopic of contestincreasing trendawarded the titlegraft a body parta growth of long hair

Jt's public forum debate crossword 2022-11-02

Jt's public forum debate crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a major argument for the resolution.
  2. supporting a side
  3. frames why your team has won the debate
  4. the first of 3 that lasts 4 minutes
  5. advocating for solving a problem
  6. advocating the resolution's worth
  7. critical to impact the arguments for a judge
  8. team event advocates a resolution
  9. This speech constructs support
  10. Questioning periods of interactivity
  11. The round starts with this
  1. so judges can follow the arguments
  2. the last of 3 that lasts 2 minutes
  3. This speech constructs disadvantages
  4. the second of 3 that lasts 2 minute
  5. proving that the claim is valid.
  6. connect the claim and its support
  7. a team should do this for arguments
  8. Each team has two minutes of ___
  9. arguing against a side

20 Clues: supporting a sidearguing against a sideThe round starts with thisThis speech constructs supportadvocating for solving a problemproving that the claim is valid.Each team has two minutes of ___advocating the resolution's worthconnect the claim and its supportteam event advocates a resolutionso judges can follow the arguments...

faiz´s crossword 2021-02-17

faiz´s crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an organized course to achieve
  2. use of words
  3. a blue shade of colour
  4. train or work to
  5. a category or division
  6. A coldplay song
  7. a mathematical way to find out an answer to a question
  8. mom or dads dad
  1. to build or make
  2. another word foea mistaken belief
  3. to a moderate degree as compared to something else
  4. work with money
  5. extremely impressive
  6. to give up something
  7. the way in which you do something

15 Clues: use of wordswork with moneyA coldplay songmom or dads dadto build or maketrain or work toextremely impressiveto give up somethinga blue shade of coloura category or divisionan organized course to achieveanother word foea mistaken beliefthe way in which you do somethingto a moderate degree as compared to something else...

James Jr Spelling crossword 2023-02-14

James Jr Spelling crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a fire ______________
  2. Netflix and Hulu are examples of this service you pay for monthly.
  3. you don’t want to get into this
  4. something to do with a horse. Rhymes with ganter.
  5. cargo or a train
  6. to know about something
  7. to throw away
  8. a paper from the doctor for medicine.
  1. cool clothes
  2. the beginning paragraph.
  3. a low point at the bottom of a mountain
  4. how something is described
  5. this month
  6. a list of words
  7. something that happens

15 Clues: this monthcool clothesto throw awaya list of wordscargo or a traina fire ______________something that happensto know about somethingthe beginning something is describedyou don’t want to get into thisa paper from the doctor for medicine.a low point at the bottom of a mountainsomething to do with a horse. Rhymes with ganter....

Nicola Faustini 2022-01-19

Nicola Faustini crossword puzzle
  1. where do you wash your body
  2. you can drink this
  3. it is Guglielmo
  4. you can sharpen pencil
  5. men's best friend
  6. wash clothes
  7. where do you put your clothes
  1. where a person lives
  2. is a veicol which you can drive
  3. where do you look for words you don't know
  4. you can use word on ppt on this
  5. where you can find some news
  6. you can find it on the beach
  7. it's hot
  8. where you can look outside

15 Clues: it's hotwash clothesit is Guglielmomen's best friendyou can drink thiswhere a person livesyou can sharpen pencilwhere you can look outsidewhere do you wash your bodywhere you can find some newsyou can find it on the beachwhere do you put your clothesis a veicol which you can driveyou can use word on ppt on this...

Ling 1 Final Review 2023-12-04

Ling 1 Final Review crossword puzzle
  1. Voicing value of [b]
  2. Combined sound of two vowels
  3. Your own personal vocabulary
  4. Language center responsible for comprehension
  5. Symbols that represent language sounds
  6. A group of words that act as a single unit
  7. Smallest unit of sound with meaning
  8. Occurs when a language center is damaged
  1. Manner of articulation of [t͡ʃ]
  2. Place of articulation of [h]
  3. Grammatical bound morpheme type
  4. Language center responsible for production
  5. Model best representing language acquisition process
  6. What type of morpheme is 'cat'
  7. English word order

15 Clues: English word orderVoicing value of [b]Place of articulation of [h]Combined sound of two vowelsYour own personal vocabularyWhat type of morpheme is 'cat'Manner of articulation of [t͡ʃ]Grammatical bound morpheme typeSmallest unit of sound with meaningSymbols that represent language soundsOccurs when a language center is damaged...

Chapter 15 2024-01-10

Chapter 15 crossword puzzle
  1. have children __ around the house
  2. __ quotient
  3. intelligence tests correspond to what is __ of children at various ages
  4. ability to speak multiple languages
  5. ask a child for __
  6. learning is __ based
  7. do __ criticize or correct
  8. take __ and try new activities
  1. repetition of certain sounds
  2. the smallest individual sound in words
  3. explain and __
  4. __ form basis for children's learning
  5. songs or chants with accompanying hand motions
  6. art helps children express __
  7. positive comments teach __ and encourage feelings of self worth

15 Clues: __ quotientexplain and __ask a child for __learning is __ baseddo __ criticize or correctrepetition of certain soundsart helps children express __take __ and try new activitieshave children __ around the houseability to speak multiple languages__ form basis for children's learningthe smallest individual sound in words...

AudioPro 2014-10-19

AudioPro crossword puzzle
  1. english for Maultaschen
  2. handle with care
  3. The name of this company
  4. another word for unhappy
  5. Verb beginning with EX (to prolong)
  6. celebration on October 31st
  7. name of your english teacher
  1. another word for confirm
  2. stay with me until I find it
  3. to claim your money back
  4. used to find alternative words, vocabulary building
  5. another word for speed, fast track
  6. invite someone to dinner
  7. another word for pieces
  8. to take apart bit by bit
  9. preposition for table
  10. another word for procedure

17 Clues: handle with carepreposition for tableenglish for Maultaschenanother word for piecesanother word for confirmto claim your money backThe name of this companyanother word for unhappyinvite someone to dinnerto take apart bit by bitanother word for procedurecelebration on October 31ststay with me until I find itname of your english teacher...

Toys Vocabulary 2 2021-01-26

Toys Vocabulary 2 crossword puzzle
  1. thinly dispersed, scattered
  2. unwilling, hesitant
  3. high pointed piece of rock
  4. Vocabulary List- 2
  5. a fixed regular payment from employer to employee
  6. look like, seem like
  7. a display of excessive excitement
  8. a beginning company
  9. make something by combining various ingredients
  10. curious, interested
  1. a person taking a financial risk to start a business
  2. a machine or device that seems strange, complicated or unsafe
  3. old, torn, in poor condition
  4. weak, delicate
  5. put things into correct or relative position
  6. unlimited time
  7. absolutely necessary, essential

17 Clues: weak, delicateunlimited timeVocabulary List- 2unwilling, hesitanta beginning companycurious, interestedlook like, seem likehigh pointed piece of rockthinly dispersed, scatteredold, torn, in poor conditionabsolutely necessary, essentiala display of excessive excitementput things into correct or relative position...

Who is the vocabulary champion? :P 2020-11-25

Who is the vocabulary champion? :P crossword puzzle
  1. There is enough ___________ for all your pictures on the wall.
  2. Infinitive of 'put'
  3. Children like to _____________ things.
  4. Anne's husband always says: 'I have the most beautiful _____________'.
  5. Which _____________ built the museum?
  6. Daddy is mum's _____________.
  1. Infinitive of 'kept'
  2. Simple Past of 'say'
  3. My friend is ___________ today, because she lost her vocabulary book.
  4. Simple Past of 'send'
  5. Oh, what a beautiful ____________ of London.
  6. plural of 'wife'
  7. Simple Past of 'pay'
  8. Infinitive of 'felt'
  9. Simple Past of 'have'
  10. Simple Past von 'schlagen'
  11. Infinitive of 'bought'

17 Clues: plural of 'wife'Infinitive of 'put'Infinitive of 'kept'Simple Past of 'say'Simple Past of 'pay'Infinitive of 'felt'Simple Past of 'send'Simple Past of 'have'Infinitive of 'bought'Simple Past von 'schlagen'Daddy is mum's _____________.Which _____________ built the museum?Children like to _____________ things....

Frindle 2023-10-31

Frindle crossword puzzle
  1. a word that describes
  2. the teacher who loves words
  3. Nick has lots of these good...
  4. setting of story
  5. Nick is very...
  6. a word that is a thing, or a place
  7. if you don't know what the word is
  8. Mrs Granger's favorite book
  1. author
  2. a word that means motion or action
  3. a variety of words is called
  4. title of book
  5. Nick is now in what grade?
  6. illustrator
  7. a word that is the same, but different
  8. the name of the main character
  9. what Nick renames

17 Clues: authorillustratortitle of bookNick is very...setting of storywhat Nick renamesa word that describesNick is now in what grade?the teacher who loves wordsMrs Granger's favorite booka variety of words is calledNick has lots of these good...the name of the main charactera word that means motion or actiona word that is a thing, or a place...

2020-2021 School Year 2021-05-27

2020-2021 School Year crossword puzzle
  1. login at 8:05
  2. Will we ever use stuff this again?
  3. Most overused word
  4. the most important subject
  5. This is the leader of Ohio
  1. this can last up to two weeks
  2. The virus we will never forget
  3. Pull this up, over your nose!
  4. Due Monday
  5. We are thankful for you!
  7. avoid too much of this
  8. taught best in Coach Bugner's class

13 Clues: Due Mondaylogin at 8:05ELECTRONIC CLASSMost overused wordavoid too much of thisWe are thankful for you!the most important subjectThis is the leader of Ohiothis can last up to two weeksPull this up, over your nose!The virus we will never forgetWill we ever use stuff this again?taught best in Coach Bugner's class

Latin Roots: mit/mitt/miss and voc/voke 2022-03-13

Latin Roots:  mit/mitt/miss and voc/voke crossword puzzle
  1. to send away
  2. something which can be sent through the air
  3. a duty one is sent to perform
  4. to speak, plead, or argue in favor of
  5. to put an end to an operation
  6. a regular occupation
  7. to enter with permission
  8. to call forth anger
  1. act of surrender
  2. to sing; to give utterance
  3. a break between parts in a play, concert, etc...
  4. collection of words
  5. to plead

13 Clues: to pleadto send awayact of surrendercollection of wordsto call forth angera regular occupationto enter with permissionto sing; to give utterancea duty one is sent to performto put an end to an operationto speak, plead, or argue in favor ofsomething which can be sent through the aira break between parts in a play, concert, etc...

self awareness unit 2022-12-05

self awareness unit crossword puzzle
  1. one fudmantal beliefs
  2. recognize your emotions
  3. present or the moment
  4. character postitive traits
  5. a skill or ability that you can improve on
  6. self talk the pratice of using you inner voice
  1. vocabulary a word to describe feelings
  2. believes I yourself
  3. strenhtgh or challenges
  4. a dream
  5. beneficial skill ability that one already possesses
  6. mindset the belief you can improve your weaknesses
  7. advocacy speaking up for yourself

13 Clues: a dreambelieves I yourselfone fudmantal beliefspresent or the momentstrenhtgh or challengesrecognize your emotionscharacter postitive traitsvocabulary a word to describe feelingsadvocacy speaking up for yourselfa skill or ability that you can improve onself talk the pratice of using you inner voice...

MUN Vocabulary 2020-11-04

MUN Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Time for the delegates to give short speeches for a faster debate.
  2. The card that has the delegate’s name or country.
  3. This allows delegates to move freely around the room and talk to any of the delegates.
  4. Delegates are allowed to move freely around the room and talk to any of the delegates.
  5. This is used to open a debate controlled by a moderator.
  1. Changes what the committee is doing.
  2. The people that are going to be debating.
  3. To stop a meeting for some time and then re-meet.
  4. This is used at the end to close the committee.
  5. To set an order of the topics to be discussed.
  6. First motion it opens the formal conference.
  7. The wooden hammer used by the Dais.

12 Clues: The wooden hammer used by the Dais.Changes what the committee is doing.The people that are going to be debating.First motion it opens the formal conference.To set an order of the topics to be discussed.This is used at the end to close the committee.To stop a meeting for some time and then re-meet.The card that has the delegate’s name or country....

Granddaddy's Favorite Things 2021-06-23

Granddaddy's Favorite Things crossword puzzle
  1. Loving Cook
  2. Favorite Friday Flavor
  3. Grandson
  4. Granddaddy's Nickname (2 wd)
  5. Thanksgiving recipe from Granddaddy
  6. 2022 Beach Vaca
  7. Special Princess
  8. Sausage southerners mispronounce
  9. Plus four game
  10. Nickname Jason's vehicle
  11. Daredevil
  12. Southern Fried Food Tried
  13. Annalea's board game
  1. 2021 Beach Vaca (2 wds)
  2. Favorite breakfast food
  3. What granddaddy will wear St Patty's day (2wd)
  4. Other friday night favorite game
  5. What girls say to granddaddy (2 wd)
  6. Fourth of July getaway
  7. Granddaddy's Favorite Fruit Casserole
  8. Loving Knowledge giver
  9. What knowledge granddaddy imparts
  10. Vegas Card Training
  11. Drive the BBB
  12. Favorite Group Card Game

25 Clues: GrandsonDaredevilLoving CookDrive the BBBPlus four game2022 Beach VacaSpecial PrincessVegas Card TrainingAnnalea's board gameFavorite Friday FlavorFourth of July getawayLoving Knowledge giver2021 Beach Vaca (2 wds)Favorite breakfast foodNickname Jason's vehicleFavorite Group Card GameSouthern Fried Food TriedGranddaddy's Nickname (2 wd)...

CRASH 2022-02-28

CRASH crossword puzzle
  1. New kid in town
  2. flickertail's most prized possession
  3. Main character's partner in crime
  4. main character's grandfather
  5. age of main character
  6. Main character's sport of choice
  7. Crash let's Penn win this
  8. What Penn is named for
  9. one of flickertail's toys
  10. flickertails don't own one
  11. grandpa has one
  1. where flickertail buys clothes
  2. Name for North Dakotans
  3. Grandpa loses some after his stroke
  4. Main character of the novel
  5. Penn gives this to grandpa
  6. what the main character is in town
  7. Crash and Penn at the end of the book
  8. mom is cutting back at work
  9. main character's sister

20 Clues: New kid in towngrandpa has oneage of main characterWhat Penn is named forName for North Dakotansmain character's sisterCrash let's Penn win thisone of flickertail's toysPenn gives this to grandpaflickertails don't own oneMain character of the novelmom is cutting back at workmain character's grandfatherwhere flickertail buys clothes...

CW4 CIE3 2022-02-07

CW4 CIE3 crossword puzzle
  1. other word for opposite
  2. Another word for buddy
  3. parrot is kept in this
  4. we smell through this organ
  5. strong feeling of wanting to have something
  6. baby’s bed or cot
  7. fine, dry powder or waste matter on surfaces
  8. to start
  9. put in a neat, attractive order
  1. the sky is full of this in the nights
  2. messenger of god
  3. a cupboard we keep our clothes
  4. to deceive someone
  5. organ through which we see
  6. We eat when hungry
  7. my sibling
  8. book to improve our vocabulary
  9. American currency
  10. one of the colours of our national flag
  11. a thread used to fasten papers

20 Clues: to startmy siblingmessenger of godbaby’s bed or cotAmerican currencyto deceive someoneWe eat when hungryAnother word for buddyparrot is kept in thisother word for oppositeorgan through which we seewe smell through this organa cupboard we keep our clothesbook to improve our vocabularya thread used to fasten papersput in a neat, attractive order...

English A 2022-01-29

English A crossword puzzle
  1. Dog's baby
  2. children begin their learning here
  3. we wear to protect us from infection
  4. American currency
  5. a public carrier to transport passengers
  6. we see this on the sky
  7. room for cooking
  8. organs we use to see
  9. book used to improve our vocabulary
  10. we all have 32 of them
  11. we eat when hungry
  1. fourth month of the year
  2. a furniture we use to sit
  3. colour which does not reflect light
  4. a citrus fruit
  5. source of all energy
  6. organ we use to smell
  7. God's house
  8. opposite of north
  9. Another word for buddy
  10. Cat sound
  11. to start

22 Clues: to startCat soundDog's babyGod's housea citrus fruitroom for cookingAmerican currencyopposite of northwe eat when hungrysource of all energyorgans we use to seeorgan we use to smellwe see this on the skyAnother word for buddywe all have 32 of themfourth month of the yeara furniture we use to sitchildren begin their learning here...

GoW Study Guide Part #2 2024-04-17

GoW Study Guide Part #2 crossword puzzle
  1. a person with exceptionally high quality taste
  2. bad luck
  3. pitiful
  4. when ones attention is fixated on a person or object
  5. a monologue, especially in Shakespeare
  6. to know before something happens
  7. a place where dead bodies are stored
  8. without end
  9. not caring
  10. without any mistakes
  11. a slang phrase local to a particular area
  1. not causing reactions, like itching or sneezing
  2. a germ
  3. aware
  4. causing petty trouble
  5. fluent in speaking or writing, with a large vocabulary
  6. living forever
  7. to embarrass
  8. underneath the skin
  9. never stopping
  10. to lead astray
  11. in disguise
  12. dislike
  13. talks alot

24 Clues: awarea germpitifuldislikebad lucktalks alotnot caringin disguisewithout endto embarrassliving forevernever stoppingto lead astrayunderneath the skinwithout any mistakescausing petty troubleto know before something happensa place where dead bodies are storeda monologue, especially in Shakespearea slang phrase local to a particular area...

spelling lesson crossword 2024-05-14

spelling lesson crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to put something into something els
  2. a grope of peopel lisining to a priformanc
  3. to Troy out for a role
  4. the acperciang or filling of dissaprovement.
  5. words used in a language.
  6. a butiy treatment
  7. remove or take out
  8. to continue
  1. to build or create
  2. the leader or the government
  3. a book or daccum ent or pice of musicv
  4. to reveal something
  5. recomended by some one
  6. made by hand
  7. make a deal with some one
  8. to manig a bisniss
  9. to kick of of something
  10. a sound maker
  11. to combine
  12. a plane or sugestion

20 Clues: to combineto continuemade by handa sound makera butiy treatmentto build or createto manig a bisnissremove or take outto reveal somethinga plane or sugestionrecomended by some oneto Troy out for a roleto kick of of somethingmake a deal with some onewords used in a language.the leader or the governmentto put something into something els...

spelling lesson crossword 2024-05-14

spelling lesson crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to put something into something els
  2. a grope of peopel lisining to a priformanc
  3. to Troy out for a role
  4. the acperciang or filling of dissaprovement.
  5. words used in a language.
  6. a butiy treatment
  7. remove or take out
  8. to continue
  1. to build or create
  2. the leader or the government
  3. a book or daccum ent or pice of musicv
  4. to reveal something
  5. recomended by some one
  6. made by hand
  7. make a deal with some one
  8. to manig a bisniss
  9. to kick of of something
  10. a sound maker
  11. to combine
  12. a plane or sugestion

20 Clues: to combineto continuemade by handa sound makera butiy treatmentto build or createto manig a bisnissremove or take outto reveal somethinga plane or sugestionrecomended by some oneto Troy out for a roleto kick of of somethingmake a deal with some onewords used in a language.the leader or the governmentto put something into something els...

example 2018-09-02

example crossword puzzle
  1. Resources used for practice
  2. Activity closure information.
  3. Set of words of a language
  4. Activity delivery
  5. What you want to achieve in each unit
  1. Activity information
  2. Group learning environment
  3. organize words

8 Clues: organize wordsActivity deliveryActivity informationGroup learning environmentSet of words of a languageResources used for practiceActivity closure information.What you want to achieve in each unit

School Subjects 2024-02-28

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Geometry and calculations
  2. Experiments and formulas
  3. Maps, Countries and mountains
  1. Kings and Queens, wars and battles
  2. Guitars and drums
  3. Picasso, Dalí and Van Gogh
  4. Novels, stories, poems
  5. Grammar and vocabulary

8 Clues: Guitars and drumsNovels, stories, poemsGrammar and vocabularyExperiments and formulasGeometry and calculationsPicasso, Dalí and Van GoghMaps, Countries and mountainsKings and Queens, wars and battles

Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation Crossword 2019-06-24

Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. It is used when an example of a structure and the grammatical rule is given first and then the language is practiced.
  2. This is only possible with monolingual groups but it can cut down on lengthy, laborious explanations (particularly at lower levels)
  3. It refers the way how some grammatical structures are formed depends on knowing which words go with others and which do not. For example, someone may know the expression to be interested but say I’m interested of that rather than I’m interested in that.
  4. This technique makes stress in words more easily perceive and there is little danger of distortion, unlike when a particular sound is stress.
  5. It is particularly useful to illustrate actions such as brushing teeth, riding a horse, painting a wall, etc. It may seem frivolous at times but it is efficient and memorable.
  6. It is more important than grammar for communication purposes, particularly in the early stages when students are motivated to learn the basic words they need to get by in the language.
  1. It refers when pictures, mime and realia can be used to illustrate the meaning and establish a context in which the target structure is set.
  2. vocabulary Students may recognize the new items but often delay putting it into active use. So, it is useful to plan active activities that allow to reuse and reactivate the new vocabulary in subsequent lessons.
  3. It can provide a natural context for language exploration and a pool from which particular language items and structures can be drawn, analyzed and practiced.
  4. It is used when a context is stablished first from which the target structure is drawn.
  5. It is determined by the ideas associated with or suggested by a word. So, it is a difficult aspect that learners have to get to grips with. For example, to be a patriot may be considered good by some and bad by others, depending on their political viewpoint.
  6. It helps the students understand the spoken English they hear and make their own speech more comprehensible and meaningful to others.
  7. When students put it into practice, the pattern is more easily recognized and more memorable for them. For example, a falling tone in some wh- questions.
  8. It is a pattern of rise and fall in the level (the pitch) of the voice, which often adds meaning to what is being said.
  9. It is a way the teacher can foster students’ independence by encouraging the use of vocabulary records through putting the words and expressions on one topic to which new words can be added.
  10. Many people can learn a language more easily if they can perceive regularities or patterns. Then, many of the patterns that students learn are particular grammatical items such as verb forms, modal verbs, and so on.

16 Clues: It is used when a context is stablished first from which the target structure is drawn.It is used when an example of a structure and the grammatical rule is given first and then the language is practiced.It is a pattern of rise and fall in the level (the pitch) of the voice, which often adds meaning to what is being said....

Unit 1: Online Class Vocabulary 2022-08-29

Unit 1: Online Class Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. something you want to do
  2. a short test or assessment
  3. to make quiet
  4. a small group in a Zoom meeting
  5. online classroom
  6. words
  1. a person who is part of a group
  2. when you complete your goal
  3. virtual class
  4. one-on-one or small group learning

10 Clues: wordsvirtual classto make quietonline classroomsomething you want to doa short test or assessmentwhen you complete your goala person who is part of a groupa small group in a Zoom meetingone-on-one or small group learning

Abbie puzle 2023-05-25

Abbie puzle crossword puzzle
  1. synonym)an opponent
  2. close to the end
  3. to get as ones own
  4. synonym)to present
  5. to keep safe from injury
  6. health, germs
  7. the cruel killing
  1. dull
  2. successfully
  3. synonym) lounge
  4. antonym) limited
  5. to discuss reasons

12 Clues: dullsuccessfullyhealth, germssynonym) loungeclose to the endantonym) limitedthe cruel killingto get as ones ownsynonym)to presentto discuss reasonssynonym)an opponentto keep safe from injury

List 1 2013-08-29

List 1 crossword puzzle
  1. powerful
  2. formidable
  3. penetrating
  4. stimulating or exciting interest or curiosity
  5. ordinary
  6. abominable
  1. green in color
  2. anything irrationally reverenced
  3. mournful
  4. thinking deeply or seriously
  5. one who organizes and manages a business
  6. the use of trickery is debate

12 Clues: powerfulmournfulordinaryformidableabominablepenetratinggreen in colorthinking deeply or seriouslythe use of trickery is debateanything irrationally reverencedone who organizes and manages a businessstimulating or exciting interest or curiosity

TikTok Vocab 2023-10-05

TikTok Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Apps that let you share content
  2. Learning something unexpected
  3. Satisfied
  4. need a drug or activity
  5. Support
  6. Show the Truth
  7. Can't be used
  1. Against
  2. Forbidden by law
  3. Real/valid
  4. Not Proper
  5. Formal argument over one topic

12 Clues: AgainstSupportSatisfiedReal/validNot ProperCan't be usedShow the TruthForbidden by lawneed a drug or activityLearning something unexpectedFormal argument over one topicApps that let you share content

Lying 2014-03-09

Lying crossword puzzle
  1. To drop/To ignore
  2. Exhausting
  3. To collect
  4. To send away
  5. Argue/Debate
  1. To avoid
  2. Harmless
  3. Unable to become pregnant
  4. Blurred
  5. To hold in

10 Clues: BlurredTo avoidHarmlessExhaustingTo collectTo hold inTo send awayArgue/DebateTo drop/To ignoreUnable to become pregnant

Unit 4: Listening 1 Vocabulary 2023-08-21

Unit 4: Listening 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. feelings
  2. the looks on your face
  3. incorrect
  4. exchange views on
  1. be in contact
  2. qualified for a job
  3. be aware of
  4. visualize
  5. give details
  6. peaceful

10 Clues: feelingspeacefulvisualizeincorrectbe aware ofgive detailsbe in contactexchange views onqualified for a jobthe looks on your face


  1. These need answers
  2. Immoral behaviour
  3. A score (as a number)
  4. Narrow Road
  5. Noble Rank
  6. Number of maids a milking
  7. A pair
  8. Customs or beliefs
  1. A place where all buyers and sellers are in one area
  2. Causing public outrage
  3. Public Address (oral)
  4. Pointed top of mountain
  5. Not p.m.
  6. Calendar Month
  7. Up, Collect
  8. Argue a subject

16 Clues: A pairNot p.m.Noble RankNarrow RoadUp, CollectCalendar MonthArgue a subjectImmoral behaviourThese need answersCustoms or beliefsPublic Address (oral)A score (as a number)Causing public outragePointed top of mountainNumber of maids a milkingA place where all buyers and sellers are in one area

Vocab Review unit 15 2024-06-18

Vocab Review unit 15 crossword puzzle
  1. Exaggerate for effect
  2. Disconnected or unaware
  3. Spreading widely
  4. Lacking depth, shallow
  5. informed Knowledgeable and updated
  6. Found everywhere
  1. Suppression of speech or writing
  2. Causing public disagreement
  3. twisted out of shape
  4. Deserving attention
  5. Prejudice or favoritism
  6. Based on truth or reality
  7. Measures for protection
  8. Deep and meaningful
  9. discourse Open debate or discussion
  10. To consider or judge

16 Clues: Spreading widelyFound everywhereDeserving attentionDeep and meaningfultwisted out of shapeTo consider or judgeExaggerate for effectLacking depth, shallowDisconnected or unawarePrejudice or favoritismMeasures for protectionBased on truth or realityCausing public disagreementSuppression of speech or writinginformed Knowledgeable and updated...

Chapter 12 Crossword 2022-12-09

Chapter 12 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Who assigns bills to committees
  2. Who makes committee assignments
  3. What keeps a house debate short
  4. When the number of votes are greater than simple majority
  5. When legislators trade votes
  6. What is a prolonged debate called
  1. Hearing, mark-up, and report are all phases of what committee
  2. Can move bills ahead of another one or delays the bills arrival to the House
  3. What is a bill called that has so many riders it seems like it is offering something for everyone
  4. House rules are adopted during this
  5. When votes are recorded
  6. What is an amendment attached to a bill that has no relation to the bill
  7. What is it called when a high school junior works as a messenger in the House or Senate
  8. The years of unbroken service on a committee determines the position a member gets on a committee

14 Clues: When votes are recordedWhen legislators trade votesWho assigns bills to committeesWho makes committee assignmentsWhat keeps a house debate shortWhat is a prolonged debate calledHouse rules are adopted during thisWhen the number of votes are greater than simple majorityHearing, mark-up, and report are all phases of what committee...

School supplies 2021-09-02

School supplies crossword puzzle
  1. A popular food from Italy.
  2. a place to watch content.
  3. Something to access the internet with.
  4. A fun sport with bases.
  5. Something to use to do taxes, jobs, counting, etc.
  6. a good food from Mexico.
  7. To measure with.
  1. Something to help with math and equations.
  2. Something to hold important stuff.
  3. Something to write with.
  4. A place to learn in butler.
  5. Something to write on.
  6. Expands vocabulary.
  7. Something to show your creativity.
  8. something to entertain you and your family with.

15 Clues: To measure with.Expands vocabulary.Something to write on.A fun sport with bases.Something to write with.a good food from Mexico.a place to watch content.A popular food from Italy.A place to learn in butler.Something to hold important stuff.Something to show your creativity.Something to access the internet with....

Fable Vocabulary Crossword 2017-11-05

Fable Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Antonym: unfriendly
  2. After a long day of work, everyone was _________.
  3. Antonym: approval
  4. backstabbing
  5. needed
  6. Antonym: ungrateful
  7. to be made fun of
  8. to voluntary leave a job
  9. obtained
  10. cunning
  11. exhausted
  1. Skin tone
  2. pointless
  3. Antonym: To refuse
  4. The________ worked.
  5. Antonym: hiding
  6. passing away
  7. The act of exerting
  8. There is only one _________ to the problem.
  9. To refer
  10. free time
  11. debate
  12. Antonym: order
  13. starving
  14. Antonym: foolishness

25 Clues: neededdebatecunningTo referobtainedstarvingSkin tonepointlessfree timeexhaustedpassing awaybackstabbingAntonym: orderAntonym: hidingAntonym: approvalto be made fun ofAntonym: To refuseAntonym: unfriendlyThe________ worked.Antonym: ungratefulThe act of exertingAntonym: foolishnessto voluntary leave a jobThere is only one _________ to the problem....

Youthify Yifei 2023-02-05

Youthify Yifei crossword puzzle
  1. showing good mental judgement
  2. without shame
  3. insulting abusive language
  4. tiredness or inactive
  5. causing public shame
  6. foolish or silly
  7. unhealthy pale appearance
  8. spread information widely
  9. shows determination
  10. annoying
  11. choses to be lazy
  1. angry debate
  2. a harmful gradual effect
  3. pays attention to details
  4. a state of near-unconsciousness
  5. generations of the past
  6. someone on your side
  7. close friends
  8. never miss an opportunity
  9. a lack of respect

20 Clues: annoyingangry debatewithout shameclose friendsfoolish or sillya lack of respectchoses to be lazyshows determinationsomeone on your sidecausing public shametiredness or inactivegenerations of the pasta harmful gradual effectpays attention to detailsnever miss an opportunityunhealthy pale appearancespread information widelyinsulting abusive language...

Unit 30 challenge 2020-05-02

Unit 30 challenge crossword puzzle
  1. to gain something
  2. to sweat
  3. to water
  4. something genuine
  5. envious
  6. to agree
  7. a proper stance
  8. to start an argument
  9. healthy food
  10. to finish
  11. the synonym of intermission
  12. the opposite of attach
  1. this a a part of speech
  2. to have a discussion
  3. hungry
  4. if you break the law you face this
  5. you is one of these
  6. to reach your goal
  7. to forbid
  8. the opposite of withdraw

20 Clues: hungryenviousto sweatto waterto agreeto forbidto finishhealthy fooda proper stanceto gain somethingsomething genuineto reach your goalyou is one of theseto have a discussionto start an argumentthe opposite of attachthis a a part of speechthe opposite of withdrawthe synonym of intermissionif you break the law you face this

Speak Out 2021-01-07

Speak Out crossword puzzle
  1. money paid to the state
  2. neither female nor male
  3. weigh pros and cons
  4. argument
  5. opposite of hard-working
  6. hold
  7. hairs above your eyes
  8. regarding one's face
  9. hostile to foreigners
  10. often,manytimes
  11. newspapers, etc.
  1. openly say what one thinks
  2. enough of be fed up with
  3. without making a noise
  4. it's measured in degrees
  5. dictatorial
  6. not high
  7. ban on publication
  8. examine thoroughly
  9. go off
  10. deeply worry, trouble

21 Clues: holdgo offnot highargumentdictatorialoften,manytimesnewspapers, etc.ban on publicationexamine thoroughlyweigh pros and consregarding one's facehairs above your eyesdeeply worry, troublehostile to foreignerswithout making a noisemoney paid to the stateneither female nor maleenough of be fed up withit's measured in degreesopposite of hard-working...

Jordan 2023-12-19

Jordan crossword puzzle
  1. labeled
  2. desire to be hurtful
  3. portion of land
  4. is a strong feeling of interest
  5. strongly bitter
  6. constantly annoy
  7. different results
  8. more or less
  9. great change
  10. discussion or argument
  11. figured out for certain
  12. cheerful
  1. hot to do
  2. following or after
  3. mocking smile, remark, or tone
  4. passionately
  5. round collard silk
  6. to free
  7. machine used for driving
  8. management
  9. confused
  10. evil
  11. tiredly
  12. culture
  13. extreme change

25 Clues: evillabeledto freetiredlycultureconfusedcheerfulhot to domanagementpassionatelymore or lessgreat changeextreme changeportion of landstrongly bitterconstantly annoydifferent resultsfollowing or afterround collard silkdesire to be hurtfuldiscussion or argumentfigured out for certainmachine used for drivingmocking smile, remark, or tone...

Choices, choices, choices 2024-06-20

Choices, choices, choices crossword puzzle
  1. halve
  2. doesn’t get better than this
  3. suit with suits?
  4. oral quarrel
  5. Mediocre
  6. budget smart tv maker
  7. render immobile
  8. programmer’s unordered list
  1. metal projectile
  2. checkout candidates?
  3. not quite apathetic
  4. really good with numbers?
  5. Net preceder?
  6. steak topper, for some
  7. action for teeth or guitars
  8. video killed the _____ star
  9. universal, at times
  10. Sierra follower, to a pilot
  11. pairs with a main, usually
  12. pinnacle
  13. truth’s opposite
  14. ___ Lipa

22 Clues: halvepinnacle___ LipaMediocreoral quarrelNet preceder?render immobilemetal projectilesuit with suits?truth’s oppositenot quite apatheticuniversal, at timescheckout candidates?budget smart tv makersteak topper, for somereally good with numbers?pairs with a main, usuallyaction for teeth or guitarsvideo killed the _____ starSierra follower, to a pilot...

Second Language Learning 2020-09-28

Second Language Learning crossword puzzle
  1. one of the most commonly learning approaches, it includes vocabulary lists, sets of gramatical rules and other type of tecquines that focus on memorizing. It also aims to apply the knowledge in written tasks rather than spoken
  2. the gradual development of language by the usage of it during daily interactions and spoken situations with others that know the language
  3. the development of consciously accumulated knowledge such as vocabulary, usually institutional
  4. motivation to be accepted into society
  5. the entry of new data/language
  1. “the functions of the language should be emphasizes rather than the forms of language
  2. motivation to achieve other goals
  3. the creation of data/language

8 Clues: the creation of data/languagethe entry of new data/languagemotivation to achieve other goalsmotivation to be accepted into society“the functions of the language should be emphasizes rather than the forms of languagethe development of consciously accumulated knowledge such as vocabulary, usually institutional...

lecture 1 2021-09-20

lecture 1 crossword puzzle
  1. studies many problems treated in lexicology.
  2. is the study of the grammatical structure of the language.
  3. The term "---" is used to denote the totality of words in a given language.
  4. The word "---" comes from two greek words: word+learn
  5. The term "---" denotes the basic unit of language, representing a group of sounds, possessing a meaning and capable of a particular grammatical employment.
  1. The evalution of any vocabulary and of its single elements
  2. The other branch "---" studies the meaning of the word, its different types, the changes of meaning, the causes of change, the nature and the results of changes.
  3. studies the outer sound-form of a word

8 Clues: studies the outer sound-form of a wordstudies many problems treated in lexicology.The word "---" comes from two greek words: word+learnThe evalution of any vocabulary and of its single elementsis the study of the grammatical structure of the language.The term "---" is used to denote the totality of words in a given language....

lecture 1 2021-09-20

lecture 1 crossword puzzle
  1. "---"studies many problems treated in lexicology.
  2. "---"is the study of the grammatical structure of the language.
  3. The term "---" is used to denote the totality of words in a given language.
  4. The word "---" comes from two greek words: word+learn
  5. The term "---" denotes the basic unit of language, representing a group of sounds, possessing a meaning and capable of a particular grammatical employment.
  1. The evalution of any vocabulary and of its single elements
  2. The other branch "---" studies the meaning of the word, its different types, the changes of meaning, the causes of change, the nature and the results of changes.
  3. "---"studies the outer sound-form of a word

8 Clues: "---"studies the outer sound-form of a word"---"studies many problems treated in lexicology.The word "---" comes from two greek words: word+learnThe evalution of any vocabulary and of its single elements"---"is the study of the grammatical structure of the language.The term "---" is used to denote the totality of words in a given language....

my life as a book 2013-02-25

my life as a book crossword puzzle
  1. Derek's Learning Camp instructor
  2. Derek's old babysitter
  3. what Derek writes on the edges of the book
  1. Derek's Camp
  2. Derek's bestfriend
  3. Derek's new friend
  4. the main character
  5. Derek's dog

8 Clues: Derek's dogDerek's CampDerek's bestfriendDerek's new friendthe main characterDerek's old babysitterDerek's Learning Camp instructorwhat Derek writes on the edges of the book

recognizing the course 2018-02-17

recognizing the course crossword puzzle
  1. explains the activity
  2. measure knowledge
  3. description of activity
  4. personal presenta
  1. useful tool to check the vocabulary
  2. indicates how to perform the activity
  3. to learn more
  4. to share information

8 Clues: to learn moremeasure knowledgepersonal presentato share informationexplains the activitydescription of activityuseful tool to check the vocabularyindicates how to perform the activity

recognition of the course 2018-02-09

recognition of the course crossword puzzle
  1. group work
  2. information on methodology and evaluation
  3. Delivery dates
  4. bibliographic content
  1. we found help tools
  2. delivery of activities
  3. vocabulary
  4. we find services of the UNAD, student network, etc.

8 Clues: vocabularygroup workDelivery dateswe found help toolsbibliographic contentdelivery of activitiesinformation on methodology and evaluationwe find services of the UNAD, student network, etc.

YL BDs 2023-02-15

YL BDs crossword puzzle
  1. Has limited control of
  2. can join with linkers
  3. Asks for
  4. word ,phrase ,long utterance
  1. Not pre A1
  2. Responds appropriately
  3. Responds promptly
  4. Vocabulary to deal with most test tasks

8 Clues: Asks forNot pre A1Responds promptlycan join with linkersHas limited control ofResponds appropriatelyword ,phrase ,long utteranceVocabulary to deal with most test tasks

Spelling Crossword Week 3 2021-02-06

Spelling Crossword Week 3 crossword puzzle
  1. breathe in
  2. be reluctant to do something
  3. to take an educated guess
  4. ten years
  5. to shake vividly
  6. decode another language
  1. blow up a balloon
  2. to find
  3. sneak out
  4. to keep something cold
  5. to sing to
  6. across state borders
  7. formal argument

13 Clues: to findsneak outten yearsbreathe into sing toformal argumentto shake vividlyblow up a balloonacross state bordersto keep something colddecode another languageto take an educated guessbe reluctant to do something

Debation Situation 2022-09-12

Debation Situation crossword puzzle
  1. the state of disagreeing with or disapproving of.
  2. category for speakers at worlds.
  3. for the debate.
  4. category for speakers at worlds, euros and some IVs or opens.
  1. the subject that people are debating about.
  2. the logical reasoning behind an argument. closed motion a motion which involves a clear policy or
  3. something often offered for consideration or acceptance.
  4. argue about a subject especially in a formal manner.

8 Clues: for the debate.category for speakers at worlds.the subject that people are debating about.the state of disagreeing with or disapproving of.argue about a subject especially in a formal manner.something often offered for consideration or acceptance.category for speakers at worlds, euros and some IVs or opens....

Legislative crossword puzzle 2023-01-05

Legislative crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Constitution by allowing voters to cast direct votes for U.S. senators.
  2. Having two branches or chambers
  3. Limits the debate by allowing each senator only one hour for speaking.
  4. assign or distribute again or in a different way
  5. Extending the debate on an issue to prevent a bill from coming up in a vote
  6. Manipulating the boundaries to favor one party or class
  1. The number of terms that the holder of a particular office may serve.
  2. Smaller upper assembly in Congress
  3. A national body of the Senate and the house of representatives.
  4. Having the power to make laws.

10 Clues: Having the power to make laws.Having two branches or chambersSmaller upper assembly in Congressassign or distribute again or in a different wayManipulating the boundaries to favor one party or classA national body of the Senate and the house of representatives.The number of terms that the holder of a particular office may serve....

Argument Terms 2023-03-02

Argument Terms crossword puzzle
  1. statement made by the speaker
  2. evidence that can be proven as true
  3. a literal and exact meaning of a word
  4. a word that is taken too far to make something seem greater or bigger then it really is
  5. when someone copies another work or ideas and passes it off as their own work or idea
  1. judgement made from personal opinion or influence
  2. feeling, ideas, and emotions that are associated with words
  3. a claim opposing the other person in the debate
  4. facts laid out to strengthen that persons argument
  5. an argument where two sides apoze each other

10 Clues: statement made by the speakerevidence that can be proven as truea literal and exact meaning of a wordan argument where two sides apoze each othera claim opposing the other person in the debatejudgement made from personal opinion or influencefacts laid out to strengthen that persons argumentfeeling, ideas, and emotions that are associated with words...

Nanberry 2024-05-23

Nanberry crossword puzzle
  1. The unchanging pattern of the initiation ___ as each elder performs his part.
  2. Nanberry has transitioned to this, as stated in the single sentence paragraph.
  3. Aboriginal peoples have a deep connection to this, alongside history and tradition.
  4. The literary device used in "He had lost his world when the Surgeon had rescued him."
  1. The author's use of text structures creates a positive or negative ___ of Aboriginal peoples' connection to their culture and identity.
  2. Nanberry lost his world when the Surgeon had ___ him
  3. French vividly conveys the physical ___ that accompanies the ritual through evocative vocabulary.
  4. Vocabulary that graphically describes the force used by the old man as he removes Nanberry's tooth is described as this.
  5. The crisis faced by Nanberry due to his struggle to understand his language and belonging.
  6. Despite the pain, Nanberry is portrayed as this.

10 Clues: Despite the pain, Nanberry is portrayed as this.Nanberry lost his world when the Surgeon had ___ himThe unchanging pattern of the initiation ___ as each elder performs his part.Nanberry has transitioned to this, as stated in the single sentence paragraph.Aboriginal peoples have a deep connection to this, alongside history and tradition....

Frequent collocations 2021-01-08

Frequent collocations crossword puzzle
  1. exclusive [pact] --> d...
  2. meet [prerequisites] --> c...
  3. [start] a lawsuit --> f...
  4. [extend] negotiations --> c...
  5. presidential [poll] --> e...
  6. [financial] growth --> e...
  7. [enough] evidence --> s...
  8. [annul] results --> o...
  1. final [due date] --> d...
  2. [approve] an agreement --> r...
  3. [defer/hold off] talks --> s...
  4. [finite] budget --> l...
  5. integral [part] --> c...
  6. written [explanation] --> s...
  7. intense [debate] --> d...
  8. file a [criticism] --> c...
  9. [impartial] competition --> f...

17 Clues: [finite] budget --> l...integral [part] --> c...[annul] results --> [due date] --> d...exclusive [pact] --> d...intense [debate] --> d...[start] a lawsuit --> f...[enough] evidence --> s...file a [criticism] --> c...[financial] growth --> e...presidential [poll] --> [prerequisites] --> c...written [explanation] --> s......

crosswordlabs Alejandra 2018-09-05

crosswordlabs Alejandra crossword puzzle
  1. customers
  2. Los Primos - Fine Venezuelan Cuisinen
  3. Butcher
  1. last weekend
  2. new words
  3. we will learn in this course
  4. Going on a trip

7 Clues: Butchernew wordscustomerslast weekendGoing on a tripwe will learn in this courseLos Primos - Fine Venezuelan Cuisinen

chapter 16 2018-04-02

chapter 16 crossword puzzle
  1. loudness or softness of the voice
  2. resembles that of a informal conversation
  3. powerful language
  4. same grammar structure
  5. language used by special groups
  6. key words are placed at the end of a sentence
  7. speed of the voice
  8. phrases that lost their novelty
  9. strong verbs
  10. use personal pronouns
  1. how clear a speech is
  2. trite sayings that are worn out
  3. speech pattern may vary but always in the same sequence
  4. vocabulary for specialized field
  5. phrases that weaken your sentence
  6. interruption in the speech flow
  7. evaluating a speech
  8. suitable for the audience
  9. produce different sounds
  10. stress pattern

20 Clues: strong verbsstress patternpowerful languagespeed of the voiceevaluating a speechhow clear a speech isuse personal pronounssame grammar structureproduce different soundssuitable for the audiencetrite sayings that are worn outinterruption in the speech flowlanguage used by special groupsphrases that lost their noveltyvocabulary for specialized field...

Week Two Review 2021-08-19

Week Two Review crossword puzzle
  1. this grows as we learn new words
  2. he was a word collector
  3. means to be untidy
  4. to tell on someone
  5. synonym for accurate
  6. to run quickly
  7. house of givers
  8. reading homework each night
  1. synonym for gathered
  2. having a strong desire to succeed
  3. a, e, i, o, u
  4. strategy for answering a question
  5. another word for rat or mouse
  6. look at with pleasure
  7. drink at lunch
  8. Daily Grammar Practice
  9. house of friendship
  10. house of dreamers
  11. first word in a sentence needs this
  12. prove where you found your answer
  13. next month
  14. house of courage

22 Clues: next montha, e, i, o, udrink at lunchto run quicklyhouse of givershouse of couragehouse of dreamersmeans to be untidyto tell on someonehouse of friendshipsynonym for gatheredsynonym for accuratelook at with pleasureDaily Grammar Practicehe was a word collectorreading homework each nightanother word for rat or mousethis grows as we learn new words...

八上M1 2022-02-07

八上M1 crossword puzzle
  1. 大声地
  2. 使相配
  3. 语法
  4. 同意
  5. 理解
  6. 交谈
  7. 一对
  8. 应该
  9. 练习
  10. 放置
  11. 字典
  12. 使完全
  13. 基础的
  14. 词汇
  1. 可能的
  2. 字母
  3. 正确的
  4. 提高
  5. 发音
  6. 拼写
  7. 错误
  8. 建议
  9. 笔记本
  10. 意思
  11. 优秀的
  12. 合乎常情的
  13. 发……的音
  14. 句子
  15. 害羞的
  16. 电台
  17. 忘记
  18. 关键性的
  19. 主要的
  20. 建议
  21. 建议

36 Clues: 字母提高发音拼写错误建议语法意思同意理解交谈一对应该句子练习放置电台忘记字典建议建议词汇可能的正确的大声地使相配笔记本优秀的害羞的使完全主要的基础的关键性的合乎常情的发……的音

Word of the Day Week 1-5 2020-10-17

Word of the Day Week 1-5 crossword puzzle
  1. to think about for a long time
  2. to make something seem larger
  3. skillful at dealing with people
  4. a complete failure (!!)
  5. farthest reaches of settlement or exploration
  6. a sudden idea to do something
  7. a finger or toe
  8. a likelihood of behaving a certain way
  9. a risky or uncertain undertaking
  1. to tease or make fun of
  2. not too much or too little
  3. to set free
  4. not important
  5. special vocabulary (computer, science)
  6. feeling like sand
  7. to display noticeably
  8. not giving up / lasting a long time
  9. no longer in use
  10. someone who always jokes or acts playfully
  11. puzzled

20 Clues: puzzledto set freenot importanta finger or toeno longer in usefeeling like sandto display noticeablyto tease or make fun ofa complete failure (!!)not too much or too littleto make something seem largera sudden idea to do somethingto think about for a long timeskillful at dealing with peoplea risky or uncertain undertaking...

-ary, -ery and -ory suffixes 2023-02-19

-ary, -ery and -ory suffixes crossword puzzle
  1. A medical process that treats injuries or diseases
  2. The antonym of optional
  3. Helping to make suggestions
  4. A place where young children are placed specially
  5. Being alone
  6. A synonym of courage
  7. The method on how to do something
  8. Investigating
  1. A set of words that someone knows
  2. Marking the date of an important event
  3. An antonym of real
  4. A synonym of subordinate
  5. Machines collectively
  6. An antonym of abnormal
  7. A synonym of acceptable
  8. Something including things like names or telephone numbers
  9. Relocating somewhere else
  10. A good view, usually picturesque
  11. A federal offense
  12. Until a more permanent one is decided

20 Clues: Being aloneInvestigatingA federal offenseAn antonym of realA synonym of courageMachines collectivelyAn antonym of abnormalThe antonym of optionalA synonym of acceptableA synonym of subordinateRelocating somewhere elseHelping to make suggestionsA good view, usually picturesqueA set of words that someone knowsThe method on how to do something...

Word Study 2023-02-23

Word Study crossword puzzle
  1. To move from one place to another
  2. Giving someone desire form your own purpose
  3. A tool or apparatus
  4. A celebration that happens yearly
  5. An interim or hear for a short time
  6. Words you know
  7. A place for young children
  8. Having courage
  9. To explore a topic
  10. Someone who is up to standards
  11. To direct a performance or project
  1. Someone who gives someone recommendation
  2. Detailed instructions of explanation
  3. Something unreal or non- existent
  4. Someone normal or typical
  5. Something you have to do
  6. A medical practise to cure someone
  7. The background or view
  8. To be alone or isolated
  9. Before someone else

20 Clues: Words you knowHaving courageTo explore a topicA tool or apparatusBefore someone elseThe background or viewTo be alone or isolatedSomething you have to doSomeone normal or typicalA place for young childrenSomeone who is up to standardsTo move from one place to anotherSomething unreal or non- existentA celebration that happens yearly...

Word Study 2023-02-23

Word Study crossword puzzle
  1. To move from one place to another
  2. Giving someone desire form your own purpose
  3. A tool or apparatus
  4. A celebration that happens yearly
  5. An interim or hear for a short time
  6. Words you know
  7. A place for young children
  8. Having courage
  9. To explore a topic
  10. Someone who is up to standards
  11. To direct a performance or project
  1. Someone who gives someone recommendation
  2. Detailed instructions of explanation
  3. Something unreal or non- existent
  4. Someone normal or typical
  5. Something you have to do
  6. A medical practise to cure someone
  7. The background or view
  8. To be alone or isolated
  9. Before someone else

20 Clues: Words you knowHaving courageTo explore a topicA tool or apparatusBefore someone elseThe background or viewTo be alone or isolatedSomething you have to doSomeone normal or typicalA place for young childrenSomeone who is up to standardsTo move from one place to anotherSomething unreal or non- existentA celebration that happens yearly...

Mr. Doni's team 2023-11-17

Mr. Doni's team crossword puzzle
  1. not attempting to impress others
  2. certain to happen
  3. circular indentation
  4. people for military service
  5. persuade someone not to do something
  6. feeling of surprise
  7. a substance that has no therapeutic effect
  8. sentence that is spoken suddenly
  9. related to schools
  1. a friend
  2. a half of the earth
  3. a food preparation technique that involves boiling water
  4. example of crimes
  5. relating to medicinal drugs
  6. past verb that describes to experience or be subjected to
  7. a troubled state
  8. relating to the words or vocabulary of a language
  9. more urine
  10. narrow valley between hills
  11. room where belongings go

20 Clues: a friendmore urinea troubled stateexample of crimescertain to happenrelated to schoolsa half of the earthfeeling of surprisecircular indentationroom where belongings gorelating to medicinal drugspeople for military servicenarrow valley between hillsnot attempting to impress otherssentence that is spoken suddenlypersuade someone not to do something...

Vocab 2 2023-11-28

Vocab 2 crossword puzzle
  1. don't like, repulsed, or disgusted
  2. bad-tempered
  3. a clever exchange between people
  4. unnecessary repetition
  5. relate to someone's feelings
  6. the implied meaning of a word
  7. to prevent something from happening
  8. the blending of an idea
  9. a person's vocabulary
  1. not worth the effort
  2. a strong belief
  3. action
  4. validating or backing up something
  5. to hint at something
  6. an abundance of something
  7. a change that results when something happens
  8. to look at quickly or closely
  9. a question
  10. to fix something
  11. empty
  12. the absence or lack of something
  13. to decrease
  14. to be taken away or denied
  15. face

24 Clues: faceemptyactiona questionto decreasebad-tempereda strong beliefto fix somethingnot worth the effortto hint at somethinga person's vocabularyunnecessary repetitionthe blending of an ideaan abundance of somethingto be taken away or deniedrelate to someone's feelingsto look at quickly or closelythe implied meaning of a word...

info text 2024-02-06

info text crossword puzzle
  1. draw as a logical conclusion
  2. a medical healthcare provider who examines bodies and body tissues
  3. feelings of pity and sorrow for someone
  4. succeed in persuading someone
  5. numbers
  6. the body of words used in a particular language.
  7. When you do shift 8 on your keyboard
  8. showing or feeling no interest
  9. relating to visual art
  10. sets of stuff
  11. the truth
  1. make someone known
  2. share the feelings of another
  3. the force or energy with which a body moves
  4. bad things that happen after
  5. could get you a consequence
  6. to look into
  7. someone that goes to space
  8. floating rock in space
  9. still water

20 Clues: numbersthe truthstill waterto look intosets of stuffmake someone knownfloating rock in spacerelating to visual artsomeone that goes to spacecould get you a consequencedraw as a logical conclusionbad things that happen aftershare the feelings of anothersucceed in persuading someoneshowing or feeling no interestWhen you do shift 8 on your keyboard...

spelling lesson crossword 2024-05-14

spelling lesson crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to put something into something els
  2. a grope of peopel lisining to a priformanc
  3. to Troy out for a role
  4. the acperciang or filling of dissaprovement.
  5. words used in a language.
  6. a butiy treatment
  7. remove or take out
  8. to continue
  1. to build or create
  2. the leader or the government
  3. a book or daccum ent or pice of musicv
  4. to reveal something
  5. recomended by some one
  6. made by hand
  7. make a deal with some one
  8. to manig a bisniss
  9. to kick of of something
  10. a sound maker
  11. to combine
  12. a plane or sugestion

20 Clues: to combineto continuemade by handa sound makera butiy treatmentto build or createto manig a bisnissremove or take outto reveal somethinga plane or sugestionrecomended by some oneto Troy out for a roleto kick of of somethingmake a deal with some onewords used in a language.the leader or the governmentto put something into something els...

Prepare 7 - Starter Unit - Part 3 - Qaraqalpoq to English 2024-06-17

Prepare 7 - Starter Unit - Part 3 - Qaraqalpoq to English crossword puzzle
  1. ishinde, ...da-de, ta-te
  2. sentyabr
  3. fevral
  4. soraw
  5. noyabr
  6. qashan
  7. aprel
  8. juwap beriw
  9. esitiw
  10. shembi
  11. tańlaw
  12. dúyshembi
  13. may
  14. bolımsız feyil, bolımsızlıq
  15. salıstırıw
  16. tıńlaw
  17. tákirarlaw, qaytalaw
  18. yanvar
  19. soraw
  20. tuwılǵan kún
  21. avgust
  22. ekshembi
  23. tártip
  24. sózlik
  1. san, sanlıqta aytıladı
  2. sáne
  3. durıs
  4. dekabr
  5. ...nıń, niń
  6. ay
  7. sárshembi
  8. piyshembi
  9. búgin
  10. mart
  11. jazıw
  12. student
  13. oktyabr
  14. ana, mama
  15. juplıqlar, juplıq
  16. iyun
  17. aytıw, aytıp beriw
  18. biz
  19. barlıq, hámmesi
  20. iyul
  21. juma
  22. áke
  23. topar, gruppa
  24. siyshembi
  25. kishi

49 Clues: aymaybizákesánemartiyuniyuljumadurıssorawbúginjazıwaprelsorawkishidekabrfevralnoyabrqashanesitiwshembitańlawtıńlawyanvaravgusttártipsózlikstudentoktyabrsentyabrekshembisárshembipiyshembidúyshembiana, mamasiyshembisalıstırıw...nıń, nińjuwap beriwtuwılǵan kúntopar, gruppabarlıq, hámmesijuplıqlar, juplıqaytıw, aytıp beriwtákirarlaw, qaytalaw...

Spelling Words List #3 2015-10-25

Spelling Words List #3 crossword puzzle
  1. A flightless bird that can be found in the southern hemisphere
  2. Upset
  3. Smother or suffocate
  4. A decorative hanging light
  5. A fast-running flightless bird that lives in Africa
  6. Different or split
  1. A pamphlet
  2. Synonym of Wording & Vocabulary
  3. Exposition or display
  4. Exaltation or extremely happy
  5. Having the power to make plans, actions, or laws
  6. Tired and/or weak

12 Clues: UpsetA pamphletTired and/or weakDifferent or splitSmother or suffocateExposition or displayA decorative hanging lightExaltation or extremely happySynonym of Wording & VocabularyHaving the power to make plans, actions, or lawsA fast-running flightless bird that lives in AfricaA flightless bird that can be found in the southern hemisphere

Falling For Fall 2024-09-24

Falling For Fall crossword puzzle
  1. Cornbread and...
  2. Light up a room, with a scent
  3. A ghosts vocabulary
  4. Warm meal in a bowl
  5. Falfavoriteaorite about a wizard
  6. The best time to wear this, is all the time
  1. The best kind of cookie
  2. "I am an Autumn"
  3. Morning essential
  4. Decor or a pie
  5. Friday night lights
  6. What falls to the ground from a tree

12 Clues: Decor or a pie"I am an Autumn"Cornbread and...Morning essentialA ghosts vocabularyWarm meal in a bowlFriday night lightsThe best kind of cookieLight up a room, with a scentFalfavoriteaorite about a wizardWhat falls to the ground from a treeThe best time to wear this, is all the time

Last Day GC2019 2019-02-26

Last Day GC2019 crossword puzzle
  1. It's a split
  2. Run BNC
  3. They Hired You
  4. They Came Before Us
  5. Everybody loves him
  6. I Recognize That
  7. Doesn't Come from the East
  8. Used to catch d'fish
  9. Lunch Today
  10. Don't Do It!
  11. Depends for Old Pastors
  1. I Don't See it Anywhere
  2. Let's Do It Tonight!
  3. Mini Conference Newspaper
  4. Otis Redding Sat By It
  5. It seemed easy
  6. Not Tonight
  7. Talk to Me
  8. 10-4

19 Clues: 10-4Run BNCTalk to MeNot TonightLunch TodayIt's a splitDon't Do It!They Hired YouIt seemed easyI Recognize ThatThey Came Before UsEverybody loves himLet's Do It Tonight!Used to catch d'fishOtis Redding Sat By ItI Don't See it AnywhereDepends for Old PastorsMini Conference NewspaperDoesn't Come from the East

March 8 spelling words 2024-03-05

March 8 spelling words crossword puzzle
  1. far away
  2. a total of twelve
  3. needs a solution
  4. someone from this country
  5. close enough
  6. happy to go it alone
  7. a business with people working there
  8. important alert
  9. to hide something away safely
  10. a measure of flat space
  1. a string of words
  2. put money in the bank
  3. skill
  4. over and over
  5. similar to stolen
  6. most likely
  7. not a friend
  8. very fine
  9. discuss differences

19 Clues: skillfar awayvery finemost likelyclose enoughnot a friendover and overimportant alertneeds a solutiona string of wordsa total of twelvesimilar to stolendiscuss differenceshappy to go it aloneput money in the banka measure of flat spacesomeone from this countryto hide something away safelya business with people working there