diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Contraindication 2014-11-09

Contraindication crossword puzzle
  1. Has two types.
  2. Friday night.
  3. Major organ.
  4. Pain in the hips.
  5. Certain touch or certain lighting can trigger.
  1. Specific Qualification.
  2. Are we at the doctors yet?
  3. Eating habbits.
  4. Yet to find a cure.
  5. Car crash.

10 Clues: Car crash.Major organ.Friday night.Has two types.Eating habbits.Pain in the hips.Yet to find a cure.Specific Qualification.Are we at the doctors yet?Certain touch or certain lighting can trigger.

TTS OBAT KOMPRE #3 2021-03-09

TTS OBAT KOMPRE #3 crossword puzzle
  1. Obat Stroke Iskemik #1
  2. Anti Hipertensi dan Hipertiroid
  3. Anti Migrain
  4. Anti Hipertiroid
  5. Obat Diuretik Intrakranial (menit)
  6. Anti Rabies (Dalam ml)
  1. Obat Kontrol Kolestrol (Malam)
  2. Obat stroke rumatan
  3. Obat Anti Diabetes
  4. Obat Stroke Iskemik #1
  5. Anti Tetanus (Dalam ml)

11 Clues: Anti MigrainAnti HipertiroidObat Anti DiabetesObat stroke rumatanObat Stroke Iskemik #1Obat Stroke Iskemik #1Anti Rabies (Dalam ml)Anti Tetanus (Dalam ml)Obat Kontrol Kolestrol (Malam)Anti Hipertensi dan HipertiroidObat Diuretik Intrakranial (menit)

Top 10 prescription drugs 2022-04-28

Top 10 prescription drugs crossword puzzle
  1. Type 2 diabetes
  2. Treats high cholesterol. Brand name Lipitor
  3. Synthetic hormone
  4. For hypertension and heart failure
  2. Treats hypertension and angina
  3. Another statin
  4. Beta blocker, treats hypertension
  5. ARB, treats kidney insufficiency
  6. For bronchospasm

10 Clues: GERD, PPIUAnother statinType 2 diabetesFor bronchospasmSynthetic hormoneTreats hypertension and anginaARB, treats kidney insufficiencyBeta blocker, treats hypertensionFor hypertension and heart failureTreats high cholesterol. Brand name Lipitor

Stroke Forum Crossword_2024 2024-07-10

Stroke Forum Crossword_2024 crossword puzzle
  1. D4B specializes in ___ care
  2. Fasting blood sugar test called
  3. High cholesterol known as
  4. Ischemic stroke caused by
  5. How to monitor for atrial fibrillation
  6. A stroke may cause a swallowing disorder
  7. A stroke occurs in what part of the body?
  1. Temp: >37.5 you administer
  2. Slurred
  3. Arm
  4. Common Anticoagulant
  5. Clot busting medication known as
  6. Hemorrhagic stroke caused by
  7. High blood pressure known as
  8. Common risk factor
  9. Facial

16 Clues: ArmFacialSlurredCommon risk factorCommon AnticoagulantHigh cholesterol known asIschemic stroke caused byTemp: >37.5 you administerD4B specializes in ___ careHemorrhagic stroke caused byHigh blood pressure known asFasting blood sugar test calledClot busting medication known asHow to monitor for atrial fibrillation...

Nerve- og hormonsystem 2021-10-04

Nerve- og hormonsystem crossword puzzle
  1. Her blir adrenalin laget.
  2. Leder signal inn til nervecellen.
  3. Bunt av nerveceller.
  4. Testosteron blir produsert her.
  5. Mannlig kjønnshormon.
  6. Overføring av signalstoff.
  7. Østrogen produseres her.
  8. Isolerer aksonet så nervesignalet går fort.
  1. Lang utløper.
  2. Her produseres veksthormonet.
  3. Fins på netthinnen.
  4. Sukkersyke - mangel på insulin/Insulinet virker dårlig.
  5. Hjernedelen som regulerer kroppstemperaturen.
  6. Hjernedelen som kontrollerer balansen.
  7. Navn på ulike kroppsorganer hvor det produseres hormoner.
  8. Hormon som senker blodsukkernivået.

16 Clues: Lang utløper.Fins på netthinnen.Bunt av nerveceller.Mannlig kjønnshormon.Østrogen produseres her.Her blir adrenalin laget.Overføring av signalstoff.Her produseres veksthormonet.Testosteron blir produsert her.Leder signal inn til nervecellen.Hormon som senker blodsukkernivået.Hjernedelen som kontrollerer balansen....

medications 2022-03-16

medications crossword puzzle
  1. the Pill, contraceptive
  2. treatment of insomnia
  3. emetics
  4. suppository
  5. nasal drop
  6. used to make patients cough out the mucus from the respiratory pathways
  7. heparin, Syncumar, Warfarin, Aspyrin
  8. used to treat type 1 diabetes
  9. sedatives/ tranquilizers
  1. used to treat hypertension
  2. treatment of high fever
  3. used to treat asthma
  4. used to treat hypertension/ischaemic heart disease/arrhythmias
  5. treatment of constipation
  6. bronchodilatators
  7. used to treat spasm of the smooth muscle

16 Clues: emeticsnasal dropsuppositorybronchodilatatorsused to treat asthmatreatment of insomniatreatment of high feverthe Pill, contraceptivesedatives/ tranquilizerstreatment of constipationused to treat hypertensionused to treat type 1 diabetesheparin, Syncumar, Warfarin, Aspyrinused to treat spasm of the smooth muscle...

Sistem Ekresi Pada Manusia 2023-02-28

Sistem Ekresi Pada Manusia crossword puzzle
  1. pengumpulan kembali
  2. pengeluaran zat sisa metabolisme yang sudah tidak dibutuhkan
  3. penyakit kulit yang disebabkan oleh jamur
  4. letak kelenjar keringat
  5. penghasil zat warna empedu
  6. sisa ekresi yang dikeluarkan melalui ginjal
  1. sistem saraf pusat pengatur suhu badan
  2. alat ekresi utama
  3. penyaringan
  4. protein yang diubah menjadi asam amino
  5. Penyerapan kembali
  6. penyakit kelebihan gula/glukosa
  7. alat pengeluaran keringat

13 Clues: penyaringanalat ekresi utamaPenyerapan kembalipengumpulan kembaliletak kelenjar keringatalat pengeluaran keringatpenghasil zat warna empedupenyakit kelebihan gula/glukosasistem saraf pusat pengatur suhu badanprotein yang diubah menjadi asam aminopenyakit kulit yang disebabkan oleh jamursisa ekresi yang dikeluarkan melalui ginjal...

Food chemistry 2021-09-02

Food chemistry crossword puzzle
  1. Prevents food from lumping.
  2. glutamate Enhances food flavour.
  3. manganese and potassiumare
  4. neurotransmitter which can damage neural cell.
  5. prevents food from drying out.
  6. carb food that is preferably used by type II diabetes
  7. vitamin ADEK.
  1. large macromolecules
  2. triglycerides of glycerol.
  3. essential component which provides energy
  4. vitamin BC
  5. natural antibiotics.
  6. vitamin c deficiency

13 Clues: vitamin BCvitamin ADEK.large macromoleculesnatural antibiotics.vitamin c deficiencytriglycerides of glycerol.manganese and potassiumarePrevents food from lumping.prevents food from drying out.glutamate Enhances food flavour.essential component which provides energyneurotransmitter which can damage neural cell....

PJOK 2023-03-27

PJOK crossword puzzle
  1. gula dalam darah meningkat
  2. penyebab penyakit flu
  3. hidung mengeluarkan ingus
  4. menjaga kesehatan tubuh
  5. penyakit kulit
  6. larutan gula dan garam untuk penderita diare
  1. tekanan darah tinggi
  2. sering berak-berak encer
  3. singkatan penyakit tidak menular
  4. kelainan pada selaput lendir mulut
  5. gangguan pada fungsi atau struktur organ atau sistem tubuh
  6. osteoporosis adalah penyakit...
  7. penyebab sakit demam berdarah

13 Clues: penyakit kulittekanan darah tinggipenyebab penyakit flumenjaga kesehatan tubuhsering berak-berak encerhidung mengeluarkan ingusgula dalam darah meningkatpenyebab sakit demam berdarahosteoporosis adalah penyakit...singkatan penyakit tidak menularkelainan pada selaput lendir mulutlarutan gula dan garam untuk penderita diare...

Diabetes Awareness Month 2021-10-05

Diabetes Awareness Month crossword puzzle
  1. High blood sugar. It occurs when the body does not have enough insulin or cannot use the insulin it does have to turn sugar into energy. Signs of this include excessive thirst, dry mouth and need to urinate often.
  2. Promotes weight loss and improves insulin resistance.
  3. Foods that have ___ have a big impact on blood sugar. The three main types are starches, sugar and fiber.
  1. Can slow the absorption of sugar and help improve blood sugar levels and normalize bowel movements.
  2. Nerve damage can cause you to lose feeling in your ___. Take off your socks and shoes and examine them daily!
  3. Low blood sugar. This occurs when a person with diabetes has injected too much insulin, eaten too little food, or has exercised without extra food. Symptoms may include feeling nervous, shaky, weak, or sweaty, and have a headache, blurred vision and hunger.
  4. A simple sugar.
  5. An organ of the body that produces insulin
  6. Being sick, injured or under ___ can increase blood sugar levels.
  7. High blood sugar slows ___ healing which may lead to infection and even amputation.

10 Clues: A simple sugar.An organ of the body that produces insulinPromotes weight loss and improves insulin resistance.Being sick, injured or under ___ can increase blood sugar levels.High blood sugar slows ___ healing which may lead to infection and even amputation....


  1. widening blood vessels
  2. cooling the skin
  3. maintenance of a constant internal environment
  4. part of the brain
  1. lack of insulin
  2. chemical messengers
  3. temperature control by the body
  4. opposite of exotherms
  5. milk hormone
  6. lack of iodine

10 Clues: milk hormonelack of iodinelack of insulincooling the skinpart of the brainchemical messengersopposite of exothermswidening blood vesselstemperature control by the bodymaintenance of a constant internal environment

Skinny Genes Crossword 2019-02-22

Skinny Genes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. genes / a newspaper
  2. / designed by a Creator
  3. darwin / finches
  4. design / designed by an authority
  5. - Willi / excessive appetite
  1. / little
  2. / no insulin produced
  3. / the inability to distinguish different colors
  4. / "happy puppet" syndrome
  5. America / where darwin went

10 Clues: / littledarwin / finchesgenes / a newspaper/ no insulin produced/ designed by a Creator/ "happy puppet" syndromeAmerica / where darwin went- Willi / excessive appetitedesign / designed by an authority/ the inability to distinguish different colors

MINERALS 2020-04-14

MINERALS crossword puzzle
  1. glucose tolerance factor
  2. second messenger
  3. possess ferroxidase activity
  4. blood buffer
  5. taste sensation
  1. mineral of coenzyme A
  2. exists in bones along with calcium and phosphorus
  3. diabetes with cirrhosis and hemochromatosis
  4. reduces calcium level
  5. present in tyrosinase

10 Clues: blood buffertaste sensationsecond messengermineral of coenzyme Areduces calcium levelpresent in tyrosinaseglucose tolerance factorpossess ferroxidase activitydiabetes with cirrhosis and hemochromatosisexists in bones along with calcium and phosphorus

weight managment 2023-04-14

weight managment crossword puzzle
  1. skin fold test,hydrostic underwater test
  2. infertility&stroke
  3. the speed of how your body breaks down food
  4. decreased immune function
  5. submerdged under water
  1. bmi
  2. effects adults
  3. unit of energy
  4. increased chance when over weight
  5. cdc

10 Clues: bmicdceffects adultsunit of energyinfertility&strokesubmerdged under waterdecreased immune functionincreased chance when over weightskin fold test,hydrostic underwater testthe speed of how your body breaks down food

BSC 2024-01-15

BSC crossword puzzle
  1. bossy
  2. bad at math
  3. shy
  1. late to meetings
  2. diabetes
  3. California
  4. annoying

7 Clues: shybossydiabetesannoyingCaliforniabad at mathlate to meetings

Know your health facts 2013-09-11

Know your health facts crossword puzzle
  1. When a human egg is fertilised outside of the body
  2. An important component of weightloss
  3. Joyfulness
  4. Volatile organic compound
  5. Fatigue from travelling
  6. Toxic preservatives found in certain lotions
  7. Caused by prolonged overuse of alcohol
  1. Age-related illness
  2. An insulin problem
  3. Essential fatty acids
  4. Hormone Replacement Therapy
  5. Someone who suffers from sleeplessness
  6. A type of treatment for cancer
  7. Reflux
  8. Uncommon blood type
  9. Research done on medicines

16 Clues: RefluxJoyfulnessAn insulin problemAge-related illnessUncommon blood typeEssential fatty acidsFatigue from travellingVolatile organic compoundResearch done on medicinesHormone Replacement TherapyA type of treatment for cancerAn important component of weightlossSomeone who suffers from sleeplessnessCaused by prolonged overuse of alcohol...

Valera Crossword Puzzle 2021-11-27

Valera Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Valera can be safely prescribed in renal patients until the _____ in 15 ml/min.
  2. is the brand of Linagliptin by Boheringer Ingelheim
  3. As per a recently published data on 29000 Type 2 Diabetes patients, there was _______ fold increased risk of CVD with high Glycaemic Variability.
  4. Galvas contains_______
  5. Glycaemic Variability is one of the major concern for Diabetes related ______
  6. In Valera M we have used ____ technology
  1. As per _______ India study, Evogliptin 5 mg was effective, safe and non-inferior to Sitagliptin as an add on therapy to Metformin 1000mg in Indian patients with T2DM.
  2. GLP1 & GIP are exampple of _____ hormone
  3. Evogliotin shows >80% DPP4 ______ at the end of 24 hours also
  4. Evogliptin is found safe in _____ patients because it is excreted majorly by hepatic
  5. Evogliptin reaches ______ state concentration within 3 days of therapy
  6. With the help of _______ test we can measure Glycaemic variability

12 Clues: Galvas contains_______GLP1 & GIP are exampple of _____ hormoneIn Valera M we have used ____ technologyis the brand of Linagliptin by Boheringer IngelheimEvogliotin shows >80% DPP4 ______ at the end of 24 hours alsoWith the help of _______ test we can measure Glycaemic variabilityEvogliptin reaches ______ state concentration within 3 days of therapy...

Valera Crossword Puzzle 2021-11-27

Valera Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. GLP1 & GIP are exampple of _____ hormone
  2. Evogliptin reaches ______ state concentration within 3 days of therapy
  3. In Valera M we have used ____ technology
  4. As per a recently published data on 29000 Type 2 Diabetes patients, there was _______ fold increased risk of CVD with high Glycaemic Variability.
  5. With the help of _______ test we can measure Glycaemic variability
  6. Galvas contains_______
  1. Evogliotin shows >80% DPP4 ______ at the end of 24 hours also
  2. Valera can be safely prescribed in renal patients until the _____ in 15 ml/min.
  3. Glycaemic Variability is one of the major concern for Diabetes related ______
  4. As per _______ India study, Evogliptin 5 mg was effective, safe and non-inferior to Sitagliptin as an add on therapy to Metformin 1000mg in Indian patients with T2DM.
  5. is the brand of Linagliptin by Boheringer Ingelheim
  6. Evogliptin is found safe in _____ patients because it is excreted majorly by hepatic

12 Clues: Galvas contains_______GLP1 & GIP are exampple of _____ hormoneIn Valera M we have used ____ technologyis the brand of Linagliptin by Boheringer IngelheimEvogliotin shows >80% DPP4 ______ at the end of 24 hours alsoWith the help of _______ test we can measure Glycaemic variabilityEvogliptin reaches ______ state concentration within 3 days of therapy...

Why are Fried Foods bad for you? 2021-01-24

Why are Fried Foods bad for you? crossword puzzle
  1. Forms when unsaturated fats undergo hydrogenation
  2. This machine works by circulating scorching air around the food.
  3. This method involves baking the food at a very high temperature
  4. Is when a liquid unsaturated fat is turned into a solid fat by adding hydrogen.
  5. the more you eat fried food, the more your risk of getting *_____* increases.
  6. Is a toxic substance that forms during a high-temperature cooking, especially during frying, roasting or baking.
  7. The trans fat in fried foods plays a significant role in weight gain.
  1. Decreases your risk of heart disease and may also help decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  2. the more you eat fried food, the more your risk of getting *____________* increases.
  3. has an extremely high heat tolerance making this the better alternative for deep frying.
  4. Fried foods contribute to high blood pressure, low “good” HDL cholesterol and obesity,
  5. A standard cooking method used around the world by many households and businesses.

12 Clues: Forms when unsaturated fats undergo hydrogenationThis method involves baking the food at a very high temperatureThis machine works by circulating scorching air around the food.The trans fat in fried foods plays a significant role in weight gain.the more you eat fried food, the more your risk of getting *_____* increases....

Valera Crossword Puzzle 2021-11-27

Valera Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Valera can be safely prescribed in renal patients until the _____ in 15 ml/min.
  2. Glycaemic Variability is one of the major concern for Diabetes related ______
  3. Galvas contains_______
  4. In Valera M we have used ____ technology
  5. is the brand of Linagliptin by Boheringer Ingelheim
  1. As per _______ India study, Evogliptin 5 mg was effective, safe and non-inferior to Sitagliptin as an add on therapy to Metformin 1000mg in Indian patients with T2DM.
  2. With the help of _______ test we can measure Glycaemic variability
  3. As per a recently published data on 29000 Type 2 Diabetes patients, there was _______ fold increased risk of CVD with high Glycaemic Variability.
  4. Evogliptin is found safe in _____ patients because it is excreted majorly by hepatic
  5. GLP1 & GIP are exampple of _____ hormone
  6. Evogliotin shows >80% DPP4 ______ at the end of 24 hours also
  7. Evogliptin reaches ______ state concentration within 3 days of therapy

12 Clues: Galvas contains_______GLP1 & GIP are exampple of _____ hormoneIn Valera M we have used ____ technologyis the brand of Linagliptin by Boheringer IngelheimEvogliotin shows >80% DPP4 ______ at the end of 24 hours alsoWith the help of _______ test we can measure Glycaemic variabilityEvogliptin reaches ______ state concentration within 3 days of therapy...

Disease and Illness Prevention 2022-12-08

Disease and Illness Prevention crossword puzzle
  1. This is the most common STD with 40 different types.
  2. Learning and understanding what someone is going through can make you more...
  3. When a normal function is impaired
  4. Type 1 diabetes can run in the family. What is this disease classified as?
  5. A disease that causes a person's airway to narrow and swell, making it hard to breath
  6. 1 in 5 or 68 million people in the U.S. are currently infected with this.
  1. Heart disease, cancers, diabetes, and genetic disorders fall in this category
  2. This is a viral infection of the respiratory system. It causes fever, chills, headache, coughing, nausea and weakness.
  3. An x-ray of the breast tissue to find tumors
  4. Bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses are considered what?
  5. A doctor who specializes in cancer
  6. caused by the direct or indirect spread of pathogens from one person to another

12 Clues: A doctor who specializes in cancerWhen a normal function is impairedAn x-ray of the breast tissue to find tumorsThis is the most common STD with 40 different types.Bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses are considered what?1 in 5 or 68 million people in the U.S. are currently infected with this....

Pig Anatomy 2023-02-16

Pig Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. turns your food into waste
  2. it contracts and relaxes when you breathe
  3. holds urine
  4. how you breathe
  5. eating
  6. empties urine from the bladder
  7. controls the level of blood cells
  1. filters the blood
  2. holds bile
  3. carries your food from your mouth to your stomach
  4. if it fails that's called diabetes
  5. absorbs nutrients from food
  6. love

13 Clues: loveeatingholds bileholds urinehow you breathefilters the bloodturns your food into wasteabsorbs nutrients from foodempties urine from the bladdercontrols the level of blood cellsif it fails that's called diabetesit contracts and relaxes when you breathecarries your food from your mouth to your stomach

Mum's New Crossword 2022-10-19

Mum's New Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. man's best friend (3)
  2. hot drink (6)
  3. very slow animal (5)
  4. makes bread hot (6)
  5. horoscope sign for cancer (4)
  6. winnie the pooh donkey (6)
  7. favourite football team (9)
  1. red admiral or painted lady (9)
  2. type 1 or type 2 (8)
  3. capital of France (5)
  4. web-footed mammal (5)
  5. not backward (7)
  6. Stephen's job
  7. london river (6)
  8. planet nearest the sun (7)
  9. large black bird (4)

16 Clues: hot drink (6)Stephen's jobnot backward (7)london river (6)makes bread hot (6)type 1 or type 2 (8)very slow animal (5)large black bird (4)man's best friend (3)capital of France (5)web-footed mammal (5)planet nearest the sun (7)winnie the pooh donkey (6)favourite football team (9)horoscope sign for cancer (4)red admiral or painted lady (9)

Wound Assessment & Management Quiz 2014-03-03

Wound Assessment & Management Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. wounds should be cleaned with ....... normal saline
  2. type of dressing
  3. factor delaying wound healing
  4. another type of wound
  5. quality of surrounding skin
  6. wound depth
  7. type of exudate
  8. type of dressing
  9. wound measurement
  1. another factor delaying wound healing
  2. type of wound dressing intervention
  3. another clinical sign of infection
  4. type of wound
  5. clinical sign of infection

14 Clues: wound depthtype of woundtype of exudatetype of dressingtype of dressingwound measurementanother type of woundclinical sign of infectionquality of surrounding skinfactor delaying wound healinganother clinical sign of infectiontype of wound dressing interventionanother factor delaying wound healingwounds should be cleaned with ....... normal saline

Abbey Ringler 2014-11-13

Abbey Ringler crossword puzzle
  1. new kid
  2. her last name is voel
  3. has diabetes
  4. loves the Royals
  5. most awesome person in the world
  6. like to braid hair
  1. is sick today
  2. likes wolfs
  3. she is strong and tall
  4. likes to run and is related to theo
  5. likes to laugh and is short
  6. he has big feet
  7. really smart

13 Clues: new kidlikes wolfshas diabetesreally smartis sick todayhe has big feetloves the Royalslike to braid hairher last name is voelshe is strong and talllikes to laugh and is shortmost awesome person in the worldlikes to run and is related to theo

CGM 2021-11-08

CGM crossword puzzle
  1. more common type of Diabetes
  2. How often CGM System provides real-time glucose readings for patients
  3. Continuous Glucose Monitor
  4. which part of the DeXCOM send the real time information to the Receiver
  1. cgm work through a small sensor wire that the users insert under skin with...
  2. diabetes body does not make insulin
  3. which Dexcom approved for adults and pediatric patients two years of age and older.

7 Clues: Continuous Glucose Monitormore common type of Diabetesdiabetes body does not make insulinHow often CGM System provides real-time glucose readings for patientswhich part of the DeXCOM send the real time information to the Receivercgm work through a small sensor wire that the users insert under skin with......


LARTAN PENYANGGA crossword puzzle
  1. h2co3 merupakan penyangga
  2. penyebab asidosis yaitu diabetes
  3. reaksi kimia dalam tubuh manusia merupakan
  4. Indeks buffer mempertahankan Ph konstan,asam/basa
  5. larutan penyangga dalam tubuh termasuk
  6. Pendaki gunung tanpa oksigen tambahan dapat menderita
  7. Penderita diabetes memiliki kelebihan asam
  8. buffer obat-obatan tetes
  9. kondisi alkalosis dapat mengakibatkan
  10. menjaga pH olahan kaleng tidak teroksidasi asam & natrium
  11. n dari 0,05x200 (dalam huruf)
  12. Pelari maraton mengalami asidosis, meningkatkan produksi ion
  13. kata lain penyangga
  14. basa bereaksi asam (NH4+), membentuk (NH3) dan
  15. mempertahankan pH pada mulut sekitar 6,8
  16. kapasitas buffer biasa disebut
  17. aspirin menyebabkan perubahan pH pada
  18. kb= tetapan ionisasi....lemah
  19. a=jumlah...asam lemah
  20. oksigen sedikit di gunung membuat pendaki bernafas lebih
  21. ditambah basa akan menaikkan
  1. pada aspirin ditambahan
  2. penerapan buffer dalam tubuh
  3. ph dibawah normal
  4. buffer menahan perubahan [H+] sebanyak 100x
  5. asam lemah dan basa
  6. mula2 dikurang reaksi disebut
  7. digunakan dalam buffer mengendalikan pH
  8. komponen utama dari tablet aspirin adalah asam
  9. ditambahkan basa, kesetimbangan geser ke
  10. kapasitas penyangga bergantung jumlah perbandingan
  11. (H2PO4– -HPO42-)cairan yanng
  12. larutan dapat mempertahankan Ph
  13. Ka/Kb adalah
  14. buffer utama (H2CO3 – HCO3–) pada cairan
  15. bergeser kekiri,konsentrasi OH–
  16. mempertahankan ph darah memiliki buffer alami
  17. basa lemah & asam kuat, basa lemahnya
  18. pH suatu larutan...apabila ditambah asam
  19. ka=tetapan ionisasi asam
  20. larutan mempertahankan (pH<7)
  21. ditambah basa, OH– bereaksi H+ membentuk

42 Clues: Ka/Kb adalahph dibawah normalasam lemah dan basakata lain penyanggaa=jumlah...asam lemahpada aspirin ditambahanbuffer obat-obatan teteska=tetapan ionisasi asamh2co3 merupakan penyanggapenerapan buffer dalam tubuh(H2PO4– -HPO42-)cairan yanngditambah basa akan menaikkanmula2 dikurang reaksi disebutn dari 0,05x200 (dalam huruf)...

Nilam Ayu Maharani 24/XII MIPA 1 2024-02-18

Nilam Ayu Maharani 24/XII MIPA 1 crossword puzzle
  1. bakteri melindungi dirinya dari virus dengan cara memecah DNA virus
  2. pemuliaan tanaman untuk mendapatkan bibit ungul dengan cara memindahkan gen tertentu dari spesies lain dengan perantara mikroorganisme dikenal sebagai
  3. pada tahap persiapan kultur jaringan, digunakan alat yang berfungsi untuk sterilisasi alat dan bahan yang disebut
  4. serat yang dikandung mikroprotein kebanyakan berasal dari
  5. Acetobacter xylinum akan membentuk serabut hemiselulosa berwarna putih pada medium cair, hal ini yang menyebabkan bakteri Acetobacter xylinum berperan dalam proses pembuatan
  6. hibridoma sering digunakan untuk memperoleh antibodi. Sel hibridoma merupakan peleburan dari
  7. produk bioteknologi modern
  8. tahapan penanaman eksplan yang sudah steril ke dalam atau di atas medium buatan pada botol kultur adalah
  9. ilmu dan teknologi terapan yang memanfaatkan makhluk hidup untuk memproduksi barang atau jasa yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh manusia
  1. teknik yang bisa digunakan untuk membantu penderita diabetes mellitus adalah
  2. selain dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan kecap Aspergillus wentii dapat pula digunakan dalam pembuatan produk
  3. mikroorganisme yang dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan asam sitrat adalah
  4. organisme yang mengandung gen dari spesies lain disebut
  5. mikroorganisme yang efektif untuk pembuatan sel tunggal adalah
  6. gen yang diberikan pada sapi segar agar produksi susu sapi meningkat adalah
  7. penerapan teknologi rekayasa genetika pada manusia pertama kali adalah pada penderita
  8. pikel merupakan produk fermentasi
  9. alat untuk memproduksi berbagai bahan biologi
  10. di dalam meningkatkan produksi pertanian, tanaman disisipi dengan gen bakteri Bacillus thuringiensis yang dapat mematikan
  11. Saccharomyces Cerevisceae dan Acetobacter sp. Digunakan dalam proses pembuatan

20 Clues: produk bioteknologi modernpikel merupakan produk fermentasialat untuk memproduksi berbagai bahan biologiorganisme yang mengandung gen dari spesies lain disebutserat yang dikandung mikroprotein kebanyakan berasal darimikroorganisme yang efektif untuk pembuatan sel tunggal adalahbakteri melindungi dirinya dari virus dengan cara memecah DNA virus...

R180 Exam Unit 2024-05-15

R180 Exam Unit crossword puzzle
  1. low blood sugar levels
  2. another word for a bruise
  3. something that happens straight away
  4. excessive outward curve that causes the upper back to be rounded
  5. pulse lowering and stretching
  6. medical condition with a symptom of going to the toilet a lot
  7. type of coaching, supervision, environment, equipment and safety hazards
  8. pulse raiser, mobility, dynamic stretches, stretching and skill rehearsal
  9. the use of water as a treatment for conditions like arthritis
  10. individual variables, psychological factors, reasons for aggression and mental strategies
  11. sideways curve in C or S shape
  12. another name for a cut
  13. common medical condition that would use a defibrillator
  14. static maintenance and PNF
  1. the P in PRICE
  2. lateral epicondylitis
  3. temperature, heart rate and increased blood flow are what to do with warm ups?
  4. age, gender, technique, sleep, nutrition, hydration and more
  5. motivation, arousal, anxiety, confidence and aggression
  6. when the body loses heat faster than it can produce heat
  7. excessive curvature in the lower back
  8. the last S in SALTAPS
  9. tightness in the chest
  10. high blood sugar levels
  11. something that happens over time
  12. one waist height is higher or lower than the other
  13. psychological effect of dealing with injuries
  14. another name for a graze
  15. danger, response, airways, breathing and circulation
  16. medical condition that involves seizures
  17. diabetes that doesn't produce insulin

31 Clues: the P in PRICElateral epicondylitisthe last S in SALTAPSlow blood sugar levelstightness in the chestanother name for a cuthigh blood sugar levelsanother name for a grazeanother word for a bruisestatic maintenance and PNFpulse lowering and stretchingsideways curve in C or S shapesomething that happens over timesomething that happens straight away...

Pre-Registration Exam 2013-02-16

Pre-Registration Exam crossword puzzle
  1. Performance Standard A4.8
  2. Ideal class of drug used in Type2 diabetes for hypertension
  3. The four conditions/therapy areas that were selected to be included in the initial rollout of the NMS are asthma/COPD, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and ---------- therapy
  4. Laxative that works as both a stimulant and as a softening agent
  5. Blood component that should be monitored while on enoxaparin
  6. Drug used in short-term use in anxiety and adjunct in acute alcohol withdrawal
  7. Common side effect of an ACEI
  8. Month of the Pre-reg exam
  9. The plasma-theophylline concentration is --------- by smoking
  10. The month that MHRA Safety Unpdate for Simvastatin was released in 2012.
  11. Most common side effect of verapamil
  1. Drug found on its own or in combination with levodopa to prevent the peripheral breakdown of levodopa
  2. What is this regimen treating: omeprazole 20mg BD, amoxicillin 1g BD, clarithromycin 500mg BD
  3. Oral treatment for non-severe C.diff treatment
  4. New promising trial data released for CF treatment what is the name of this drug?
  5. Drug used in Osteoporosis that is CI if a patients eGFR<35
  6. Class II drugs for arrhythmia's
  7. Patient who require VTE prophylaxis but has a low eGFR what is the best drug to use?
  8. A patient has begun a course of doxycycline, as the pharmacist advising you ensure warn them to avoid ----------------
  9. Chapter 5 subject

20 Clues: Chapter 5 subjectPerformance Standard A4.8Month of the Pre-reg examCommon side effect of an ACEIClass II drugs for arrhythmia'sMost common side effect of verapamilOral treatment for non-severe C.diff treatmentDrug used in Osteoporosis that is CI if a patients eGFR<35Ideal class of drug used in Type2 diabetes for hypertension...

Clinical Week Activity 2013-02-16

Clinical Week Activity crossword puzzle
  1. Patient who require VTE prophylaxis but has a low eGFR what is the best drug to use?
  2. What is this regimen treating: omeprazole 20mg BD, amoxicillin 1g BD, clarithromycin 500mg BD
  3. New promising trial data released for CF treatment what is the name of this drug?
  4. The four conditions/therapy areas that were selected to be included in the initial rollout of the NMS are asthma/COPD, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and ---------- therapy
  5. The plasma-theophylline concentration is --------- by smoking
  6. Drug used in Osteoporosis that is CI if a patients eGFR<35
  7. Most common side effect of verapamil
  8. Chapter 5 subject
  9. Class II drugs for arrhythmia's
  10. The month that MHRA Safety Unpdate for Simvastatin was released in 2012.
  1. Oral treatment for non-severe C.diff treatment
  2. Performance Standard A4.8
  3. Blood component that should be monitored while on enoxaparin
  4. A patient has begun a course of doxycycline, it's June and as the pharmacist advising, you ensure to warn them to particularly avoid ----------------
  5. Drug used in short-term use in anxiety and adjunct in acute alcohol withdrawal
  6. Ideal class of drug used in Type2 diabetes for hypertension
  7. Drug found on its own or in combination with levodopa to prevent the peripheral breakdown of levodopa
  8. Month of the Pre-reg exam
  9. Laxative that works as both a stimulant and as a softening agent
  10. Common side effect of an ACEI

20 Clues: Chapter 5 subjectPerformance Standard A4.8Month of the Pre-reg examCommon side effect of an ACEIClass II drugs for arrhythmia'sMost common side effect of verapamilOral treatment for non-severe C.diff treatmentDrug used in Osteoporosis that is CI if a patients eGFR<35Ideal class of drug used in Type2 diabetes for hypertension...

My Plate Vocab 2016-10-26

My Plate Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. On the back of all drinks, and boxed foods.
  2. The 5 groups foods can fall under.
  3. excessive or extra weight.
  4. The amounts of servings per box.
  5. It is a plant-based nutrient.
  6. a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.
  7. The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  8. I have Two types and has to take insulin to fix.
  9. is a vegetarian diet that includes dairy products.
  10. is an abnormal immune response to food.
  11. I am used to fix diabetes.
  12. What is 2–5% in men, and 10–13% in women.
  13. a person who does not eat or use animal products.
  1. obstruction of an artery, typically by a clot of blood or an air bubble.
  2. Comes from fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans.
  3. one of the most common forms of sugar in food.
  4. the condition of being grossly fat or overweight.
  5. is a vegetarian who does not eat any meat.
  6. is unable to eat sufficient food to meet basic nutritional needs.
  7. something that completes or enhances something else when added to it.
  8. Comes From Meats.
  9. a rare and potentially fatal illness caused by a toxin.
  10. the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.
  11. below a weight considered normal or desirable.
  12. Come from Breads and Grains.

25 Clues: Comes From Meats.excessive or extra weight.I am used to fix diabetes.Come from Breads and Grains.It is a plant-based nutrient.The amounts of servings per box.The 5 groups foods can fall under.is an abnormal immune response to food.What is 2–5% in men, and 10–13% in women.is a vegetarian who does not eat any meat....

Gangguan Metabolisme Gizi Makro 2023-01-27

Gangguan Metabolisme Gizi Makro crossword puzzle
  1. Gejala umum penderita diabetes
  2. Dislipidemia adalah kelainan pada metabolisme lipoprotein meliputi peningkatan maupun penurunan metabolisme lipoprotein yang ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan kolesterol total, peningkatan LDL, dan peningkatan
  3. Hormon yang diproduksi sel beta di pankreas yang berfungsi mengatur metabolisme glukosa menjadi energi
  4. Pria cenderung menderita asam urat lebih tinggi karena tidak memiliki hormon
  5. Pola makan sehat yang sudah banyak diteliti dan dianjurkan oleh American College of Cardiology (ACC)/AHA untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol darah dikenal dengan istilah diet
  6. Jaringan disekitar sendi, telinga, ginjal pada penderita asam urat biasanya ditemukan tonjolan-tonjolan yang disebut
  7. Keadaan yang timbul pada penderita dislipidemia yaitu penurunan kadar
  8. Fungsi utama dari metabolisme karbohidrat adalah menghasilkan
  9. Salah satu virus yang menyebabkan penyakit DM
  10. Gout atau asam urat merupakan kondisi yang menyerang pada
  1. Penyakit gangguan metabolisme lemak
  2. Klasifikasi patologi yang disebabkan oleh penyakit atau keadaan yang mendasari disebut dislipidemia
  3. Penyakit gangguan metabolisme karbohidrat
  4. Asam urat merupakan hasil akhir dari pada metabolisme
  5. Kadar asam urat melebihi batas normal disebut
  6. Salah satu faktor penyebab diabetes melitus
  7. Penyakit gangguan metabolisme protein
  8. Dislipidemia dapat meningkatkan resiko gangguan jantung dan pembuluh darah. Ini terjadi karena kolesterol dapat menyebabkan penimbunan lemak dalam pembuluh darah dan membentuk plak yang disebut
  9. Faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi asam urat
  10. Klasifikasi patologi berkaitan dengan gen yang mengatur enzim dan apoprotein yang terlibat dalam metabolisme lipoprotein maupun reseptornya disebut dislipidemia

20 Clues: Gejala umum penderita diabetesPenyakit gangguan metabolisme lemakPenyakit gangguan metabolisme proteinPenyakit gangguan metabolisme karbohidratFaktor risiko yang mempengaruhi asam uratSalah satu faktor penyebab diabetes melitusKadar asam urat melebihi batas normal disebutSalah satu virus yang menyebabkan penyakit DM...

Teka teki Kimia klinik 2022-10-25

Teka teki Kimia klinik crossword puzzle
  1. kapiler Tempat untuk mengambil Sampel pemeriksaan POCT
  2. peningkatan ekskresi urine hingga melebihi batas normal, disebut
  3. selain darah/hemoglobin, penyebab warna merah pada urine antara lain
  4. pada pemeriksaan asam urat metode uricase, hasil akhir reaksi antara reagen dengan sampel akan menimbulkan warna
  5. metode penetapan kadar suatu zat yang dilakukan berdasarkan terbentuknya warna tertentu disebut
  6. Ampas(sampah) metabolik terbanyak dari tubuh dapat ditemukan dalam
  7. jalur pengangkutan lemak secara endogen diperankan oleh
  8. tes fungsi hati yang berhubungan dengan fraksi protein adalah
  9. Penderita diabetes melitus terkadang memiliki urine dengan bau yang menyerupai aroma buah. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya.... Dalam urine
  10. satu dari penyebab uremia pascarenal adalah
  1. asam kekeruhan pada urine alkali dapat dihilangkan dengan cara
  2. ekskresi urine 24jam yang hanya mencapai 400-500 mL dinamakan
  3. satu dari unsur sedimen yang terbentuk dari hasil presipitasi protein dan penggerombolan material dalm rongga tubulus adalah
  4. peningkatan jumlah benda keton dalam tubuh dinamakan
  5. unsur organik ini tidak memiliki arti klinis, kecuali pada kasus tertentu(biasanya untuk keperluan forensik)
  6. warna kuning pada urine normal disebabkan oleh
  7. insipidus Poliura dapat dijumpai pada
  8. Salah Satu pemeriksaan yang bisa digunakan di POCT
  9. Ureum/urea berasal dari katabolisme senyawa
  10. Malbin zat warna untuk pemeriksaan sedimen urine
  11. uji reduksi digunakan untuk menyelidiki adanya.....dalam urine
  12. pada penderita hepatitis, terkadang ditemukan urine yang berwarna coklat seperti teh. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya

22 Clues: insipidus Poliura dapat dijumpai padaUreum/urea berasal dari katabolisme senyawasatu dari penyebab uremia pascarenal adalahwarna kuning pada urine normal disebabkan olehMalbin zat warna untuk pemeriksaan sedimen urineSalah Satu pemeriksaan yang bisa digunakan di POCTpeningkatan jumlah benda keton dalam tubuh dinamakan...


BIOTEKNOLOGI crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu Mikroorganisme yang terlibat dalam fermentasi terasi
  2. Pertama kali di temukan oleh Sir AlexanderFleming pada tahun 1928
  3. Salah satu negara yang menggunaan etanol dari limbah batang daun tebu untuk kendaraan bermontor
  4. Mikroorganisme yang efektif untuk pembuatan sel tunggal
  5. Minuman anggur atau wine terbuat dari sari buah anggur yang juga di fermentasukan oleh
  6. Phimurium Suatu bakteri yang biasannya menyebabkan. kerajunan pangan, dapat digunakan untuk melawan tumor dan kanker
  7. Teknik yang bisa di gunakan untuk membantu penderita diabetes mellitus adalah
  8. Mikroorganisme dapat pula di jadikan sebagai pembersih bahan pencemar lingkungan dikenal dengan istilah
  9. Mikroorganisme yang di manfaatkan dalam pembuatan asam sitrat
  10. Hasil fertilisasi secara in virto, ovum dan sperma dalam sebuah wadah terjadi pembuahan
  1. Alkohol dapat dibuat dengan bahan baku murah yang berupa limbah pabrik gula disebut
  2. Gen pada bakteri Bt yang mengode pembentukan racun yang mampu membunuh serangga
  3. Transfer inti sel autosom diploid ke dalam ovum haploid yang telah diambil inti telurnya
  4. Tempe dibuat dengan memanfaatkan jamur genus
  5. Penerapan teknologi rekayasa genetika pada manusia pertama kali adalah pada penderita
  6. Roti juga termasuk makanan produk bioteknologi yang bergizi tinggi yang di buat dengan cara fermentasi
  7. Suatu alat untuk memproduksi berbagai bahan biologi
  8. Nata de coco merupakan produk fermentasi air kelapa oleh bakteri
  9. Bakteri yang menggunakan sumber karbon dari bahan anorganik dan sumber energi dari reaksi kimia
  10. Lactobacillus bulgaricus.L..casei, L..brevis dll termasuk bakteri

20 Clues: Tempe dibuat dengan memanfaatkan jamur genusSuatu alat untuk memproduksi berbagai bahan biologiMikroorganisme yang efektif untuk pembuatan sel tunggalMikroorganisme yang di manfaatkan dalam pembuatan asam sitratSalah satu Mikroorganisme yang terlibat dalam fermentasi terasiNata de coco merupakan produk fermentasi air kelapa oleh bakteri...

Synthetic Insulin 2021-12-01

Synthetic Insulin crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin is made in both ______ and yeast
  2. insulin is produced in the ______
  3. ______ is the disease that raises your blood sugar
  4. In 1978 Synthetic Insulin was produced in ______
  1. Insulin regulates your blood ______/sugar levels
  2. ______ acting insulin is a type of insulin that works quickly and is used to control blood sugar levels during meals
  3. ______ is the thing that lowers your blood sugar levels and controls diabetes

7 Clues: insulin is produced in the ______Insulin is made in both ______ and yeastInsulin regulates your blood ______/sugar levelsIn 1978 Synthetic Insulin was produced in ____________ is the disease that raises your blood sugar______ is the thing that lowers your blood sugar levels and controls diabetes...

Teka teki Kimia klinik 2022-10-25

Teka teki Kimia klinik crossword puzzle
  1. asam kekeruhan pada urine alkali dapat dihilangkan dengan cara
  2. tes fungsi hati yang berhubungan dengan fraksi protein adalah
  3. metode penetapan kadar suatu zat yang dilakukan berdasarkan terbentuknya warna tertentu disebut
  4. warna kuning pada urine normal disebabkan oleh
  5. satu dari unsur sedimen yang terbentuk dari hasil presipitasi protein dan penggerombolan material dalm rongga tubulus adalah
  6. Penderita diabetes melitus terkadang memiliki urine dengan bau yang menyerupai aroma buah. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya.... Dalam urine
  7. peningkatan ekskresi urine hingga melebihi batas normal, disebut
  8. pada pemeriksaan asam urat metode uricase, hasil akhir reaksi antara reagen dengan sampel akan menimbulkan warna
  9. Malbin zat warna untuk pemeriksaan sedimen urine
  10. insipidus Poliura dapat dijumpai pada
  11. ekskresi urine 24jam yang hanya mencapai 400-500 mL dinamakan
  1. pada penderita hepatitis, terkadang ditemukan urine yang berwarna coklat seperti teh. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya
  2. Ampas(sampah) metabolik terbanyak dari tubuh dapat ditemukan dalam
  3. Salah Satu pemeriksaan yang bisa digunakan di POCT
  4. selain darah/hemoglobin, penyebab warna merah pada urine antara lain
  5. Ureum/urea berasal dari katabolisme senyawa
  6. satu dari penyebab uremia pascarenal adalah
  7. uji reduksi digunakan untuk menyelidiki adanya.....dalam urine
  8. unsur organik ini tidak memiliki arti klinis, kecuali pada kasus tertentu(biasanya untuk keperluan forensik)
  9. jalur pengangkutan lemak secara endogen diperankan oleh
  10. kapiler Tempat untuk mengambil Sampel pemeriksaan POCT

21 Clues: insipidus Poliura dapat dijumpai padaUreum/urea berasal dari katabolisme senyawasatu dari penyebab uremia pascarenal adalahwarna kuning pada urine normal disebabkan olehMalbin zat warna untuk pemeriksaan sedimen urineSalah Satu pemeriksaan yang bisa digunakan di POCTjalur pengangkutan lemak secara endogen diperankan oleh...

Valera Crossword Puzzle 2021-11-27

Valera Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. GLP1 & GIP are exampple of _____ hormone
  2. Evogliptin reaches ______ state concentration within 3 days of therapy
  3. In Valera M we have used ____ technology
  4. As per a recently published data on 29000 Type 2 Diabetes patients, there was _______ fold increased risk of CVD with high Glycaemic Variability.
  5. With the help of _______ test we can measure Glycaemic variability
  6. Galvas contains_______
  1. Evogliotin shows >80% DPP4 ______ at the end of 24 hours also
  2. Valera can be safely prescribed in renal patients until the _____ in 15 ml/min.
  3. Glycaemic Variability is one of the major concern for Diabetes related ______
  4. As per _______ India study, Evogliptin 5 mg was effective, safe and non-inferior to Sitagliptin as an add on therapy to Metformin 1000mg in Indian patients with T2DM.
  5. is the brand of Linagliptin by Boheringer Ingelheim
  6. Evogliptin is found safe in _____ patients because it is excreted majorly by hepatic

12 Clues: Galvas contains_______GLP1 & GIP are exampple of _____ hormoneIn Valera M we have used ____ technologyis the brand of Linagliptin by Boheringer IngelheimEvogliotin shows >80% DPP4 ______ at the end of 24 hours alsoWith the help of _______ test we can measure Glycaemic variabilityEvogliptin reaches ______ state concentration within 3 days of therapy...

Hormonsystem 2016-11-04

Hormonsystem crossword puzzle
  1. steuert Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus
  2. Drüse unter dem Kehlkopf
  3. sie steuert die Funktion der Hormondrüsen
  4. Aufgabe der Bauchspeicheldrüse
  5. Wort für Zuckerkrankheit
  6. Hormon der Nebennieren
  1. Hormon der Bauchspeicheldrüse
  2. Das Hormon ist für den Rezeptor wie der
  3. chemische Botenstoffe
  4. Energiestoff für Zellen
  5. niedriger Blutzuckerspiegel

11 Clues: chemische BotenstoffeHormon der NebennierenEnergiestoff für ZellenDrüse unter dem KehlkopfWort für Zuckerkrankheitniedriger Blutzuckerspiegelsteuert Schlaf-Wach-RhythmusHormon der BauchspeicheldrüseAufgabe der BauchspeicheldrüseDas Hormon ist für den Rezeptor wie dersie steuert die Funktion der Hormondrüsen

Metformin Fun :) 2022-07-03

Metformin Fun :) crossword puzzle
  1. administer with ___
  2. decreases ___ absorption
  3. helps patients with this disease
  4. decreases production of glucose in the ___
  5. serious side effect
  6. common side effects affect ___
  1. therapeutic class
  2. why we do not administer in hospitals
  3. increases ___ to insulin
  4. route of administration
  5. treat with ___ prn while holding

11 Clues: therapeutic classadminister with ___serious side effectroute of administrationincreases ___ to insulindecreases ___ absorptioncommon side effects affect ___helps patients with this diseasetreat with ___ prn while holdingwhy we do not administer in hospitalsdecreases production of glucose in the ___

Gestational Diabetes and Hypertension 2023-03-30

Gestational Diabetes and Hypertension crossword puzzle
  1. yellow skin
  2. high blood sugar
  3. above 30
  4. screening test for gestational diabetes
  5. low blood sugar
  6. blood pressure of 160/110mmHg or higher
  1. too much amniotic fluid
  2. weight loss surgery
  3. loss of pregnancy
  4. blood pressure between 140/90 and 149/99mmHg
  5. above 40

11 Clues: above 30above 40yellow skinlow blood sugarhigh blood sugarloss of pregnancyweight loss surgerytoo much amniotic fluidscreening test for gestational diabetesblood pressure of 160/110mmHg or higherblood pressure between 140/90 and 149/99mmHg

Jajanan Tradisional 2024-03-16

Jajanan Tradisional crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu makanan tradisional yang disebut memiliki kandungan karbohidrat kompleks adalah
  2. Salah satu langkah untuk mempertahankan eksistensi makanan tradisional adalah dengan melakukan penjualan secara online
  3. Growol memiliki kandungan yang bisa menurunkan risiko terkena diare.
  4. Konsumsi jajanan tradisional sebaiknya dibatasi dengan minimal satu hari memakan jajanan sebanyak
  5. yang membuat jajanan kekinian menarik bagi anak-anak dan remaja
  1. alah satu penyebab meningkatnya prevalensi diabetes melitus adalah konsumsi makanan dengan kadar yang tinggi
  2. Makanan tradisional yang tinggi karbohidrat seperti tiwul harus dilengkapi dengan asupan yang mengandung protein
  3. Pelaku usaha makanan tradisional harus mengikuti perkembangan zaman dengan memperhatikan cara
  4. Jajanan tradisional lebih aman dibandingkan jajanan kekinian karena cenderung menggunakan bahan tambahan pangan yang
  5. Makanan tradisional yang tidak menggunakan pengawet memiliki kandungan gizi yang lebih
  6. Pembatasan konsumsi makanan dengan bahan tambahan pangan sintetis bertujuan untuk menghindarkan penyakit yang tidak
  7. Salah satu penyebab meningkatnya jumlah penderita diabetes melitus adalah pola makan masyarakat yang

12 Clues: yang membuat jajanan kekinian menarik bagi anak-anak dan remajaGrowol memiliki kandungan yang bisa menurunkan risiko terkena diare.Makanan tradisional yang tidak menggunakan pengawet memiliki kandungan gizi yang lebihSalah satu makanan tradisional yang disebut memiliki kandungan karbohidrat kompleks adalah...

chapter 7 2020-12-07

chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. the loss of the ability to move (and sometimes to feel anything) in part or most of the body.
  2. injury or disability caused when the normal position of a joint or other part of the body is disturbed.
  3. a hormonal disorder that develops when your pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone during adulthood.
  4. a red blood cell
  5. Mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, result from lack of insulin being produced in the islands of Langerhans.
  6. the swelling and tenderness of one or more of your joints.
  7. occurs when bowel movements become less frequent and stools become difficult to pass.
  8. is an inflammation of the appendix
  9. gastritis, an inflammatory condition of the lineing of the stomach.
  1. the medical term for pain with your period (menstruation) or menstrual cramps.
  2. inflammation of one or both testicles.
  3. white blood cells.
  4. A complete or partial break in a bone.
  5. union of the females ovum with the males sperm.
  6. is a condition in which the nephrons, the functional units of the kidneys, become inflamed.
  7. Calculi, kidney stones.
  8. Accident, the medical term for a stroke.
  9. a short band of tough, flexible fibrous connective tissue which connects two bones or cartilages or holds together a joint.

18 Clues: a red blood cellwhite blood cells.Calculi, kidney stones.is an inflammation of the appendixinflammation of one or both testicles.A complete or partial break in a bone.Accident, the medical term for a stroke.union of the females ovum with the males sperm.the swelling and tenderness of one or more of your joints....

Vzdrževanje telesne temperature starostnika 2023-01-02

Vzdrževanje telesne temperature starostnika crossword puzzle
  1. potenje ali...
  2. uravnavanje telesne temperature
  3. hitro naraščanje telesne temperature
  4. ko pacient nima vročine rečemo da je...
  5. podkožje
  6. širjenje krvnih žil
  1. naprava za merjenje telesne temperature
  2. način merjenja temperature v ušesu
  3. vživanje tekočine
  4. zdravila za zniževanje vročine
  5. postopek proizvajanja telesne temperature
  6. center za uravnavanje telesne temperature
  7. podhladitev
  8. vročina
  9. motnja presnove ogljikovih hidratov, ki vodi v izgubo občutka za temperaturo in bolečino (nevropatijo) v nogah

15 Clues: vročinapodkožjepodhladitevpotenje ali...vživanje tekočineširjenje krvnih žilzdravila za zniževanje vročineuravnavanje telesne temperaturenačin merjenja temperature v ušesuhitro naraščanje telesne temperaturenaprava za merjenje telesne temperatureko pacient nima vročine rečemo da je...postopek proizvajanja telesne temperature...

Year 6 T1 Wk6 Spelling 2022-02-27

Year 6 T1 Wk6 Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. prejudice or favour toward one side
  2. synonym for particularly
  3. very nearly; not quite
  4. a cell that can cause disease
  5. extremely good; impressive
  6. disease relating to insulin production
  7. after fourteenth
  1. a wealthy or influential businessman or woman
  2. very bright; outstanding
  3. same opinion or feelings
  4. female child
  5. occurs twice a year
  6. to make larger
  7. relating to the skull or cranium
  8. make a choice from alternatives

15 Clues: female childto make largerafter fourteenthoccurs twice a yearvery nearly; not quitevery bright; outstandingsame opinion or feelingssynonym for particularlyextremely good; impressivea cell that can cause diseasemake a choice from alternativesrelating to the skull or craniumprejudice or favour toward one sidedisease relating to insulin production...

CRS 111 2020-11-04

CRS 111 crossword puzzle
  1. suitable self care option
  2. when you need assistance
  3. always here to help
  4. stick to them like glue
  5. what you provide to caller
  6. without it you'll be pretty useless
  7. red flag symptom
  8. the most important skill you will use
  1. the service you work for
  2. chronic medical condition
  3. key client focus
  4. to speaks to CFW
  5. a key symptom
  6. is always key
  7. and beyond!

15 Clues: and beyond!a key symptomis always keykey client focusto speaks to CFWred flag symptomalways here to helpstick to them like gluethe service you work forwhen you need assistancechronic medical conditionsuitable self care optionwhat you provide to callerwithout it you'll be pretty uselessthe most important skill you will use

Sistem Ekskresi 2023-02-27

Sistem Ekskresi crossword puzzle
  1. Kulit ginjal
  2. proses yang terjadi pada tubulus kontortus proksimal
  3. hasil ekskresi paru-paru
  4. Saluran dari ginjal ke kantung kemih
  5. zat pewarna urin
  6. urin hasil filtrasi
  7. Hasil ekskresi ginjal
  1. diabetes karena kekurangan hormon insulin
  2. pengeluaran sisa metabolisme yang tidak diperlukan
  3. rongga ginjal
  4. tempat dihasilkannya cairan empedu
  5. Penyusun ginjal
  6. yang tidak lolos pada proses filtrasi
  7. endapan kalsium pada ginjal
  8. Organ yang menghasilkan keringat

15 Clues: Kulit ginjalrongga ginjalPenyusun ginjalzat pewarna urinurin hasil filtrasiHasil ekskresi ginjalhasil ekskresi paru-paruendapan kalsium pada ginjalOrgan yang menghasilkan keringattempat dihasilkannya cairan empeduSaluran dari ginjal ke kantung kemihyang tidak lolos pada proses filtrasidiabetes karena kekurangan hormon insulin...

Medications 2024-01-07

Medications crossword puzzle
  1. Second generation antihistamine
  2. Anti-fungal cream
  3. Proton pump inhibitor
  1. Broad spectrum penicillin
  2. Anti-hypertensive in diabetes
  3. Mild analgesic
  4. Used in benzodiazepine withdrawal
  5. Used for cholesterol
  6. Blood thinner medication

9 Clues: Mild analgesicAnti-fungal creamUsed for cholesterolProton pump inhibitorBlood thinner medicationBroad spectrum penicillinAnti-hypertensive in diabetesSecond generation antihistamineUsed in benzodiazepine withdrawal

Health Science Crossword Puzzle 2017-06-05

Health Science Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being is called _____.
  2. Dehydration occurs when the body lacks _____.
  3. Nuts, seeds, beans, and meat are all good sources of _____.
  4. Being ______ is a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes.
  5. High _______ has been linked to heart disease and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).
  6. How many calories does water have?
  7. I am a fruit that is high in good fats. People sometimes think I am a vegetable. I am green on the inside. What am I?
  8. A condition in which the body is unable to respond or produce insulin which leads to an elevated level of glucose (blood sugar).
  9. The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes per week of moderate ________.
  10. Milk and cheese are a part of which food group?
  1. Good _____ is a well balanced diet in combination with regular physical activity.
  2. Term used to describe abnormally high blood pressure.
  3. A term to describe extreme tiredness.
  4. It is important to have a well balanced _____ .
  5. Healthy eating involves what we eat and the ___ we eat.
  6. The five food groups include fruits, ________, grains, protein, and dairy.
  7. A sudden loss of consciousness or attack that is caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain.
  8. A heart _____ occurs when the blood flow to the heart is blocked.
  9. Poor nutrition can lead to many _______.
  10. Many foods or beverages contain added _____.

20 Clues: How many calories does water have?A term to describe extreme tiredness.Poor nutrition can lead to many _______.Many foods or beverages contain added _____.Dehydration occurs when the body lacks _____.It is important to have a well balanced _____ .Milk and cheese are a part of which food group?Being ______ is a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes....

Looney Crossword Puzzle 2018-07-17

Looney Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Technique of breathing
  2. Period between fertilization and birth
  3. Abnormal development of tissue
  4. Return of uterus to normal shape and size after birth
  5. Gradual destruction
  6. Many cast
  7. Complication of pregnancy by enema, hypertension and proteinuria
  8. Woman pregnant for the first time
  9. Modulator of biochemical activity in tissue
  10. Are blisters or other elevation on skin
  11. Outside of
  12. Oxygen defiance
  13. Openness
  14. Excessive urination during the night
  15. Painful menses
  16. Within the epithelium
  17. Expulsion of products of conception before visibility
  18. Without or lack of monthly menstrual flow
  19. Voluntary prevention of pregnancy
  20. Period of time after intercourse
  21. Testes produce little or no testosterone
  22. Three months, one third of the gestational period of pregnancy
  1. , An aqueous solution of 37% Formalde Hyde
  2. Hypotension, Condition that may occur when woman lays in supine position
  3. Painful intercourse
  4. First feces of the newborn
  5. Carry pregnancy to viability regardless of outcome
  6. Rule, Method/ Calculation of ECB
  7. Tightening of foreskin does not allow retraction
  8. Artificial rupture of the amniotic sac
  9. Newborn
  10. Women been pregnant more than once
  11. Diabetes, Diabetes manifest during pregnancy
  12. Sexual drive
  13. Expansion of an orifice or organ
  14. Inherited blood disorder that may shorten life span
  15. Destroyed by electric current
  16. Process of giving birth
  17. Dysfunction, Impotence
  18. Uterine bleeding at irregular intervals

40 Clues: NewbornOpennessMany castOutside ofSexual drivePainful mensesOxygen defiancePainful intercourseGradual destructionWithin the epitheliumTechnique of breathingDysfunction, ImpotenceProcess of giving birthFirst feces of the newbornDestroyed by electric currentAbnormal development of tissueRule, Method/ Calculation of ECBExpansion of an orifice or organ...


RETINA Y NERVIO OPTICO crossword puzzle


Preparing for Birth 2022-03-15

Preparing for Birth crossword puzzle
  1. blood blood left behind in the umbilical cord
  2. characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the mothers urine
  3. high protein early breast milk
  4. a person who's only job is to comfort the mother
  5. a condition resulting in not having enough red blood cells
  6. acts as a protection against constant exposure
  7. the surgical procedure by which one or more babies are delivered through an incision in the mother's abdomen
  8. A doctor who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth
  9. center a medical facility specializing in childbirth that is more homelike
  10. soft spots on the babys head where the bones are not joined
  11. an enzyme that helps in the digestion of lactose
  1. scale a system of rating the physical condition of a newborn baby
  2. a doctor that specializes in treating children
  3. a substance produced by the breakdown of red blood cells
  4. a trained person to assist women in childbirth
  5. causes the babys skin and eyes to look yellow
  6. the process of giving birth
  7. a baby that is born earlier then estimated
  8. intolerance partial inability to eat dairy products
  9. forming emotional ties between child and parent
  10. the narrow passage forming the lower end of the uterus
  11. diabetes a form of diabetes that only occurs during pregnancy
  12. fine hair that grows on the foreheads back and shoulders of newborns

23 Clues: the process of giving birthhigh protein early breast milka baby that is born earlier then estimatedblood blood left behind in the umbilical cordcauses the babys skin and eyes to look yellowa doctor that specializes in treating childrena trained person to assist women in childbirthacts as a protection against constant exposure...

ABCs of Permanent Deferrals-D 2016-07-07

ABCs of Permanent Deferrals-D crossword puzzle
  1. is a disorder of abnormal ________.
  2. tissue condition involving inflammation of the skin and muscles.
  3. of memory and cognition usually in older people.
  1. condition known as "skin writing." Scratching the skin causes a raised mark.
  2. neuropathy or nephropathy; advanced disease causes problems with nerves and kidneys.
  3. for blood clot in the deep veins.
  4. ________; not mellitus; the other less common type of diabetes.

7 Clues: for blood clot in the deep veins.is a disorder of abnormal ________.of memory and cognition usually in older people.________; not mellitus; the other less common type of diabetes.tissue condition involving inflammation of the skin and muscles.condition known as "skin writing." Scratching the skin causes a raised mark....

ABCs of Permanent Deferrals-D 2016-07-07

ABCs of Permanent Deferrals-D crossword puzzle
  1. loss of memory and cognition usually in older people.
  2. _________ neuropathy or nephropathy; advanced disease causes problems with nerves and kidneys.
  3. connective tissue condition involving inflammation of the skin and muscles.
  4. Diabetes ________; not mellitus; the other less common type of diabetes.
  1. a condition known as "skin writing." Scratching the skin causes a raised mark.
  2. dystonia is a disorder of abnormal ________.
  3. acronym for blood clot in the deep veins.

7 Clues: acronym for blood clot in the deep veins.dystonia is a disorder of abnormal ________.loss of memory and cognition usually in older people.Diabetes ________; not mellitus; the other less common type of diabetes.connective tissue condition involving inflammation of the skin and muscles....

Medical Terminology- Endocrine System 2014-03-26

Medical Terminology- Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. excessive eating
  2. excessive eating
  3. surgical removal of thymus gland
  4. ketone that is found in the blood, urine and breath when diabetes mellitus is out of control
  5. severe muscle twitches or spasms
  6. excessive production of ketones, making the blood acidic
  7. Medical specialty concerned with the production and effects of hormones
  8. pancreatic hormone that supports blood glucose levels
  9. An agent that decreases urine production
  10. A collection of cells functioning as a secretory or excretory organ
  11. excessive thirst
  12. endocrine gland located in the mediastinum
  13. hormone secreted by the islet cells of the pancreas
  14. this type of diabetes is caused by insulin deficiency or ineffectiveness
  1. that which heals or cures
  2. abnormal sensation such as tingling, burning or pricking
  3. A neurotransmitter in the central and peripheral nervous system. The root means serum.
  4. benign tumor of the thymus
  5. Hormone present in many tissues, but first isolated from the prostate gland.
  6. agent or process that aids the action of another
  7. hormone that stimulates the uterus to contract
  8. antibody produced in response to an antigen from the host's own tissue
  9. low level of glucose in the blood
  10. an opposing structure, agent, disease, or process
  11. Chemical formed in one tissue or organ and carried by the blood to stimulate or inhibit a function of another tissue or organ
  12. Hormone secreted by adipose tissue

26 Clues: excessive eatingexcessive eatingexcessive thirstthat which heals or curesbenign tumor of the thymussurgical removal of thymus glandsevere muscle twitches or spasmslow level of glucose in the bloodHormone secreted by adipose tissueAn agent that decreases urine productionendocrine gland located in the mediastinum...

My Plate Vocab 2016-10-26

My Plate Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. I have Two types and has to take insulin to fix.
  2. is an abnormal immune response to food.
  3. a rare and potentially fatal illness caused by a toxin.
  4. The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  5. a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.
  6. the condition of being grossly fat or overweight.
  7. excessive or extra weight.
  8. Comes from fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans.
  9. below a weight considered normal or desirable.
  10. The 5 groups foods can fall under.
  11. The amounts of servings per box.
  12. Come from Breads and Grains.
  13. a person who does not eat or use animal products.
  14. It is a plant-based nutrient.
  1. obstruction of an artery, typically by a clot of blood or an air bubble.
  2. is a vegetarian who does not eat any meat.
  3. the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.
  4. one of the most common forms of sugar in food.
  5. What is 2–5% in men, and 10–13% in women.
  6. On the back of all drinks, and boxed foods.
  7. is a vegetarian diet that includes dairy products.
  8. Comes From Meats.
  9. something that completes or enhances something else when added to it.
  10. I am used to fix diabetes.
  11. is unable to eat sufficient food to meet basic nutritional needs.

25 Clues: Comes From Meats.excessive or extra weight.I am used to fix diabetes.Come from Breads and Grains.It is a plant-based nutrient.The amounts of servings per box.The 5 groups foods can fall under.is an abnormal immune response to food.What is 2–5% in men, and 10–13% in women.is a vegetarian who does not eat any meat....

Health Science Crossword Puzzle 2017-06-05

Health Science Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A term to describe extreme tiredness.
  2. Healthy eating involves what we eat and the ___ we eat.
  3. A condition in which the body is unable to respond or produce insulin which leads to an elevated level of glucose (blood sugar).
  4. A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being is called _____.
  5. How many calories does water have?
  6. Being ______ is a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes.
  7. I am a fruit that is high in good fats. People sometimes think I am a vegetable. I am green on the inside. What am I?
  8. High _______ has been linked to heart disease and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).
  9. It is important to have a well balanced _____ .
  10. The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes per week of moderate ________.
  1. A sudden loss of consciousness or attack that is caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain.
  2. Good _____ is a well balanced diet in combination with regular physical activity.
  3. Dehydration occurs when the body lacks _____.
  4. Many foods or beverages contain added _____.
  5. The five food groups include fruits, ________, grains, protein, and dairy.
  6. Poor nutrition can lead to many _______.
  7. Nuts, seeds, beans, and meat are all good sources of _____.
  8. Term used to describe abnormally high blood pressure.
  9. A heart _____ occurs when the blood flow to the heart is blocked.
  10. Milk and cheese are a part of which food group?

20 Clues: How many calories does water have?A term to describe extreme tiredness.Poor nutrition can lead to many _______.Many foods or beverages contain added _____.Dehydration occurs when the body lacks _____.It is important to have a well balanced _____ .Milk and cheese are a part of which food group?Being ______ is a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes....


KEGEMUKAN dan OBESITAS crossword puzzle
  1. Orang yang mengalami susah bernapas atau napas pendek disebabkan karena lemak menumpuk di area dada dan ...
  2. Obesitas yang banyak dialami oleh kaum pria merupakan obesitas tipe ...
  3. Sering mengonsumsi makanan yang kurang sehat akan lebih mudah untuk mengalami ...
  4. Penyakit seperti jantung, asma, diabetes tipe 2, dan kanker tertentu merupakan resiko dari orang yang mengalami ...
  5. Orang yang mengalami obesitas sudah ... gemuk
  6. Lemak yang menumpuk di punggung apabila segera ditangani atau diubah akan menyebabkan ...
  7. Ketika penderita obesitas merasakan sensasi terbakar serta nyeri sakit di area dada dan leher merupakan ciri-ciri dari ...
  8. Obesitas dapat mengalami ... dikarenakan kurang mengonsumsi air putih yang cukup setiap hari.
  9. Orang obesitas berisiko terkena penyakit dalam ...
  1. Asma disebabkan karena jantung tertumpuk oleh ...
  2. Nama lain dari jarang melakukan aktivasi fisik adalah ...
  3. Asupan kalori yang lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan yang terbakar dapat menyebabkan ... lemak
  4. Tipe obesitas yang umum diderita oleh wanita adalah obesitas tipe ...
  5. Apa yang terjadi ketika penderita obesitas melakukan diet ekstrim ... lambung
  6. Orang yang mengalami obesitas akan lebih mudah merasa ...
  7. Apa cara paling ampuh untuk terhindar dari obesitas ...
  8. Apa faktor penyebab utama orang yang menderita obesitas ...
  9. Operasi ... merupakan rekomendasi dari dokter untuk penderita obesitas agar tidak memperparah keadaan penderita.
  10. Orang yang merasa dirinya gemuk akan cenderung lebih mudah ... karena faktor lingkungan
  11. Apa penyakit yang paling sering diderita oleh orang penyandang obesitas ...

20 Clues: Orang yang mengalami obesitas sudah ... gemukAsma disebabkan karena jantung tertumpuk oleh ...Orang obesitas berisiko terkena penyakit dalam ...Apa cara paling ampuh untuk terhindar dari obesitas ...Nama lain dari jarang melakukan aktivasi fisik adalah ...Orang yang mengalami obesitas akan lebih mudah merasa ......

TTS Hereditas & Pautan 2024-02-11

TTS Hereditas & Pautan crossword puzzle
  1. albino, diabetes mellitus, dan talasemia disebabkan oleh gen pada...
  2. Penderita tidak dapat membedakan warna hijau karena bagian mata yang sensitive terhadap warna hijau tersebut rusak disebut buta warna...
  3. penentuan jenis kelamin yaitu ditentukan oleh komposisi kromosom disebut faktor...
  4. penyakit keturunan dimana penderita tidak dapat melihat (membedakan) warna
  5. salah satu hewan yang memiliki jenis kelamin tipe X0
  6. untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pautan, maka dilakukan...
  7. penyakit keturunan yang ditandai dengan darah sukar membeku jika terluka
  8. Gen yang dalam keadaan homozigot menyebabkan kematian individu
  9. 2 gen yang terletak pada kromosom yang sama, tidak ber segregasi secara bebas dan cenderung diturunkan bersama disebut...
  10. pankreas penderita diabetes mellitus tidak mampu atau tidak cukup dalam menghasilkan...
  11. antigen Rh terdapat dalam ...
  1. kromosom kelamin
  2. Kromosom kelamin haploid-diploid ditemukan pada serangga dengan ordo...
  3. penemu sistem golongan darah ABO
  4. penyakit kelainan genetik yang diwariskan dari orang tua ke anaknya disebut penyakit...
  5. kelainan dimana tumbuhnya rambut secara berlebihan pada bagian tubuh seseorang, misalnya pada bagian telinga
  6. penderita albino tidak mampu membentuk pigmen...
  7. Penyakit yang ditandai dengan kepala membesar akibat penimbunan cairan serebrospinal di dalam otak
  8. sifat letal pada penyakit Ichthyosis congenita disebabkan oleh gen homozigot...
  9. Rhesus diambil dari nama sejenis ... di India yang dulu banyak dipakai untuk penyelidikan darah manusia
  10. Penderita tidak dapat membedakan warna merah karena bagian mata yang sensitif terhadap warna merah rusak disebut buta warna...

21 Clues: kromosom kelaminantigen Rh terdapat dalam ...penemu sistem golongan darah ABOpenderita albino tidak mampu membentuk pigmen...salah satu hewan yang memiliki jenis kelamin tipe X0untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pautan, maka dilakukan...Gen yang dalam keadaan homozigot menyebabkan kematian individu...

Lab Week 2021-03-17

Lab Week crossword puzzle
  4. measures diabetes
  2. affects potassium levels and cell counts
  4. PPE
  6. CBCs are run on these


Pharma crossword 2023-01-13

Pharma crossword crossword puzzle
  1. functioning test, SGPT
  2. was originated at, Germany
  3. name of Ardusi, Vasaka
  4. of chinese system of medicine, YinYang
  5. of Dettol, chlorxyelnol
  6. of disaccharide, Sucrose
  1. is red due to, Lycopene
  2. is cultivated at, Mehsana
  3. of CuSO4, sky blue
  4. for Non aqueous titration, Perchloric acid
  5. is due to deficiency of, VitaminC
  6. head office is at, KOLKATA
  7. used in diabetes, Karela
  8. used in fever, paracetamol
  9. protein, Casein

15 Clues: protein, Caseinof CuSO4, sky bluefunctioning test, SGPTname of Ardusi, Vasakais red due to, Lycopeneof Dettol, chlorxyelnolused in diabetes, Karelaof disaccharide, Sucroseis cultivated at, Mehsanawas originated at, Germanyhead office is at, KOLKATAused in fever, paracetamolis due to deficiency of, VitaminCof chinese system of medicine, YinYang...

tarttumattomat taudit 2024-03-01

tarttumattomat taudit crossword puzzle
  1. potilaan lähinomainen joka huolehtii kotona potilaasta
  2. ympärille kertyy ylimääräistä rasvaa
  3. tauti lihasjäykkyyttä ja vapinaa
  4. muisti heikkenee
  5. tauti muistisairaus
  1. valtionkovettumatauti
  2. sokeriaineenvaihdunnan häiriö
  3. sokeriaineenvaihduntaa säätelevä hormoni
  4. vatsaonteloon kerääntynyt häiritsevä rasva

9 Clues: muisti heikkeneetauti muistisairausvaltionkovettumatautisokeriaineenvaihdunnan häiriötauti lihasjäykkyyttä ja vapinaaympärille kertyy ylimääräistä rasvaasokeriaineenvaihduntaa säätelevä hormonivatsaonteloon kerääntynyt häiritsevä rasvapotilaan lähinomainen joka huolehtii kotona potilaasta

Endocrine System 2023-04-26

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. found in the middle of the brain & is important for sleep-wake cycles
  2. produces multiple hormones that control pituitary gland
  3. healthy lifestyle is _______
  4. most common thyroid disorder in U.S.; affecting 14 million people. Immune cells attack healthy tissue instead of protecting it.
  5. the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormone cortisol.
  6. located on top of each kidney to produce hormones regulating blood pressure, heart rate & stress response
  7. thyroid ________ most common among women, after age 30 and are very curable. Most common symptom is lump in neck.
  8. located in front of neck and is important for metabolism
  9. characterized as “holey bones” because the bone has become more open due to loss of bone cells.
  10. the endocrine system is responsible for regulating a range of bodily functions through the release of
  1. diabetes is diabetes diagnosed for the first time during pregnancy
  2. The ___________ system is a series of glands that produce and secrete hormones that the body uses for a wide range of functions.
  3. produces hormones that affect growth and reproduction
  4. active until puberty and produces hormones for the development of a white blood cell called T cell
  5. maintains control of calcium levels in bones and blood
  6. located in the abdomen, controls blood sugar levels
  7. endo=
  8. =to secrete

18 Clues: endo==to secretehealthy lifestyle is _______located in the abdomen, controls blood sugar levelsproduces hormones that affect growth and reproductionmaintains control of calcium levels in bones and bloodproduces multiple hormones that control pituitary glandlocated in front of neck and is important for metabolism...

Toedienen van orale en rectale medicatie 2014-02-11

Toedienen van orale en rectale medicatie crossword puzzle
  1. kan met vloeistof
  2. oplossen in vloeistof
  3. suikerziekte
  4. onder de tong
  5. koorts en pijnwerende werking via rectale weg
  6. altijd de medicatie 'daarin' laten
  7. darmkrampen
  8. pil
  9. kant en klaar vb: Fleet
  1. regel van 5
  2. niet verdragen van medicatie
  3. dosis moet steeds verhoogd worden
  4. lavementen steeds op...
  5. verhogen het volume van de faeces in de darmen
  6. contra-indicatie bij toedienen klant en klare laxativa

15 Clues: pilregel van 5darmkrampensuikerziekteonder de tongkan met vloeistofoplossen in vloeistoflavementen steeds op...kant en klaar vb: Fleetniet verdragen van medicatiedosis moet steeds verhoogd wordenaltijd de medicatie 'daarin' latenkoorts en pijnwerende werking via rectale wegverhogen het volume van de faeces in de darmen...

Medical Terms 5678 2024-03-29

Medical Terms 5678 crossword puzzle
  1. a life-threatening allergic reaction occurs. After being exposed to something you're allergic to, it can happen seconds or minutes later.
  2. caused by the thyroid gland producing too much thyroid hormone. Overactive thyroid is another name for this condition.
  3. urine contains crystals. As a result of excessive supersaturation, it can cause nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis, and even end-stage renal failure.
  4. of a drug occurs when a person develops hearing or balance problems. If someone is taking a high dose of a drug that treats cancer, infections, or other illnesses, this can happen.
  5. when your blood levels of potassium are lower than normal.
  6. occurs when any part of the urinary tract becomes infected. A urinary system consists of kidneys, ureters, bladders, and urethras. Infections of the bladder and urethra typically affect the lower urinary tract.
  7. the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol.
  8. when bacteria enter your body. As soon as they enter your body, they multiply. Your body reacts to this by producing an immune response. A cut on your skin is one way bacteria can enter your body.
  9. Mellitus, or high blood sugar, is a metabolic disease. Type 1, type 2, maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), gestational diabetes, neonatal diabetes, and secondary causes due to endocrinopathies, steroids, etc.
  10. is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium t. and usually attack the lungs, but they can also attack the kidneys, spine, and brain.
  1. occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormones to meet your body's requirements.
  2. fluids in the body are out of balance due to an uncommon problem. As a result, the body produces a lot of urine. Even after drinking something, you feel very thirsty. This condition is also known as arginine vasopressin resistance and arginine vasopressin deficiency.
  3. it is a bacterium that infects the large intestine's colon, the longest part. A variety of symptoms can occur, from diarrhea to colon damage that is life-threatening.
  4. caused by a mycosis usually affects your skin, hair, nails, or mucous membranes, but can also affect your lungs.
  5. occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently.
  6. your immune system attacks your nerves. The first symptoms are usually tingling and weakness in your hands and feet.
  7. covers a wide range of injuries that affect the scalp, skull, brain, and the underlying tissues and blood vessels of the head.
  8. or adrenal insufficiency, the body fails to produce enough hormones. Too little cortisol is made by the adrenal glands, as is too little aldosterone, another hormone.
  9. occurs when the body has too much cortisol for a long period of time. The body can produce too much cortisol, or take medicines called glucocorticoids, which function similarly to cortisol.
  10. a bacterial infection that causes you to feel sore and scratchy in your throat. Most sore throats are not caused by strep throat.
  11. an inflammation (swelling) of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. Infections of the fluid surrounding the brain or spinal cord usually cause swelling.

21 Clues: the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol.occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently.when your blood levels of potassium are lower than normal.occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormones to meet your body's requirements....

Hypoglycemia 2023-02-08

Hypoglycemia crossword puzzle
  1. An example of insulin therapy
  2. is a common symptom and is can be hard to identify as a symptom
  3. blood glucose levels above the normal range
  4. Hypoglycemia can damage this organ
  5. Hypoglycemia can cause this cardiovascular symptom of an irregular heart beat.
  6. a key component in regulating glycemic control
  7. Strict glycemic control can help reduce diabetic __ Disease
  8. in elderly patients hypoglycemia is often attributed to ___ events
  9. a negative experience with a hypoglycemic episode can impact __ to control blood sugar management
  10. cells in the body that are programmed to release insulin
  11. A possible side effect that is characterized by an increase in heart rate
  12. blood sugar levels can be hard to keep in check because amount of insulin needed can
  13. diabetes is also considered a __ disease
  14. hypoglycemia cardiovascular consequence can influence the __ pulse
  15. sever hypoglycemia is seen in patients with
  16. the unseen lasting impact on patients suffering from hypoglycemia
  17. Hypoglycemia can cause impaired formation of
  18. severe hypoglycemia can cause a increase risk in mortality from __% upto 600%
  19. Type __ diabetes is characterized by the bodies incapability to produce insulin
  20. Many patients develop a __ about episodes and can develop anxiety.
  21. what age group is more susceptible to persistent hypoglycemia after a hypoglycemic event
  22. A type of Hypoglycemia that is defined by an episode needing the assistance of some one else
  23. Glucagon is secreted from __ cells
  1. sometimes are symptoms are___ and go unnoticed
  2. the measurement of blood glucose where treatment is needed (mmol/L)
  3. Can have a impact on the bodies response to hypoglycemia
  4. Acute consequence of hypoglycemia can be Symptomatic ____
  5. Hypolycemia can lead to __ behavior
  6. it is important to __ blood glucose levels to prevent episodes of hypoglycemia
  7. patients with multiple incidents of severe hypoglycemia will have an in crease in __ levels
  8. Hypoglycemia can lead to a loss in
  9. the bodies normal physiological hormone response to hypoglycemia
  10. Hypoglycemia has a large non-Physiological impact on patients
  11. Counting __ can help diabetics plan a flexible diet and prevent hypoglycemic episodes
  12. Hypoglycemia be caused by a side effect of this diabetes medication
  13. a possible side effect that is characterized by an decrease in heart rate
  14. Loss of __ can be seen with hypoglycemia
  15. Blood glucose concentration below the normal range
  16. multiple events of hypoglycemia can lead to intelectual capacity __
  17. is a serious potiential consequence
  18. Glycemic __ is key to preventing episodes of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
  19. __ in nine different genes can cause problems regulating insulin secretion
  20. the most severe potential consequence of hypoglycemia
  21. the main cause for hypoglycemia are therapies that lower
  22. a __ diagnosis is key to preventing brain damage
  23. Hypoglycemia unawareness is very commonly found in children under the age of
  24. Impaired __ and glucagon response is seen in those suffering from hypoglycemia because of a decrease in the glycemic threshold for actions.
  25. Hypoglycemia unawareness is defined by the on set of
  26. Over 50 % of sever hypoglycemic episodes occur at
  27. Type __ diabetes Has more common severe hypoglycemia

50 Clues: An example of insulin therapyHypoglycemia can lead to a loss inHypoglycemia can damage this organGlucagon is secreted from __ cellsHypolycemia can lead to __ behavioris a serious potiential consequenceLoss of __ can be seen with hypoglycemiadiabetes is also considered a __ diseaseblood glucose levels above the normal range...

Risk factors of Shingles 2021-10-11

Risk factors of Shingles crossword puzzle
  1. Famous 100m competition
  2. Affect your mood
  3. Metabolical disease
  4. Wrinkles come with
  5. Low WBCs
  1. Medication used for high LDL
  2. Gender
  3. feeling down

8 Clues: GenderLow WBCsfeeling downAffect your moodWrinkles come withMetabolical diseaseFamous 100m competitionMedication used for high LDL

Medical Terms 5678 2024-03-29

Medical Terms 5678 crossword puzzle
  1. a life-threatening allergic reaction occurs. After being exposed to something you're allergic to, it can happen seconds or minutes later.
  2. caused by the thyroid gland producing too much thyroid hormone. Overactive thyroid is another name for this condition.
  3. urine contains crystals. As a result of excessive supersaturation, it can cause nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis, and even end-stage renal failure.
  4. of a drug occurs when a person develops hearing or balance problems. If someone is taking a high dose of a drug that treats cancer, infections, or other illnesses, this can happen.
  5. when your blood levels of potassium are lower than normal.
  6. occurs when any part of the urinary tract becomes infected. A urinary system consists of kidneys, ureters, bladders, and urethras. Infections of the bladder and urethra typically affect the lower urinary tract.
  7. the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol.
  8. when bacteria enter your body. As soon as they enter your body, they multiply. Your body reacts to this by producing an immune response. A cut on your skin is one way bacteria can enter your body.
  9. Mellitus, or high blood sugar, is a metabolic disease. Type 1, type 2, maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), gestational diabetes, neonatal diabetes, and secondary causes due to endocrinopathies, steroids, etc.
  10. is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium t. and usually attack the lungs, but they can also attack the kidneys, spine, and brain.
  1. occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormones to meet your body's requirements.
  2. fluids in the body are out of balance due to an uncommon problem. As a result, the body produces a lot of urine. Even after drinking something, you feel very thirsty. This condition is also known as arginine vasopressin resistance and arginine vasopressin deficiency.
  3. it is a bacterium that infects the large intestine's colon, the longest part. A variety of symptoms can occur, from diarrhea to colon damage that is life-threatening.
  4. caused by a mycosis usually affects your skin, hair, nails, or mucous membranes, but can also affect your lungs.
  5. occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently.
  6. your immune system attacks your nerves. The first symptoms are usually tingling and weakness in your hands and feet.
  7. covers a wide range of injuries that affect the scalp, skull, brain, and the underlying tissues and blood vessels of the head.
  8. or adrenal insufficiency, the body fails to produce enough hormones. Too little cortisol is made by the adrenal glands, as is too little aldosterone, another hormone.
  9. occurs when the body has too much cortisol for a long period of time. The body can produce too much cortisol, or take medicines called glucocorticoids, which function similarly to cortisol.
  10. a bacterial infection that causes you to feel sore and scratchy in your throat. Most sore throats are not caused by strep throat.
  11. an inflammation (swelling) of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. Infections of the fluid surrounding the brain or spinal cord usually cause swelling.

21 Clues: the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol.occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently.when your blood levels of potassium are lower than normal.occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormones to meet your body's requirements....

Hypertension 2020-04-13

Hypertension crossword puzzle
  1. suggesting secondary hypertension.skin stigmata
  2. toma
  3. factor of hypertension.
  4. diagnostics.essential test in diabetes.
  5. causes damage to the body
  6. no symptoms is called?
  1. cardiac output in hypertension.
  2. killer
  3. neurofibromatosis?

9 Clues: tomakillerneurofibromatosis?no symptoms is called?factor of hypertension.causes damage to the bodycardiac output in hypertension.diagnostics.essential test in diabetes.suggesting secondary hypertension.skin stigmata

AT October Crossword 2021-09-18

AT October Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Metabolic syndrome affects the usage of this hormone (7)
  2. This diet provides essential macronutrients, micronutrients and adequate food energy (8,4)
  3. Diabetes capital of the world (5)
  4. Glucose is converted into which molecule by the liver cells (7)
  5. This disorder is marked by abnormal growth of the thyroid gland (6)
  6. Hand hygiene means keeping hands clean by washing them either with soap and water or? (9)
  7. Major function of insulin hormone is transporting this molecule (7)
  8. This parameter is calculated by dividing the weight of a person in kilograms by the square of height in meters. (4,4,5)
  9. This virus can be transmitted when people don’t wash their hands after using the restroom (9)
  10. This diet is also known as Standard American Diet (7,4)
  1. Atherosclerosis is a disease marked by hardening of (8)
  2. This Iodine deficiency disorder is also called Congenital Hypothyroidism (9)
  3. This trace element is essential for production of thyroid hormones (6)
  4. metabolic syndrome is 3 times more common than this disease (8)
  5. The stone formed due to bile build-up and hardening in the gall bladder (9)
  6. Children with percentile range equal to or greater than 95th are considered as? (5)

16 Clues: Diabetes capital of the world (5)Atherosclerosis is a disease marked by hardening of (8)This diet is also known as Standard American Diet (7,4)Metabolic syndrome affects the usage of this hormone (7)metabolic syndrome is 3 times more common than this disease (8)Glucose is converted into which molecule by the liver cells (7)...

hypo- 2015-04-22

hypo- crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of practice what you preach
  2. blood pressure being low
  3. diabetes
  4. a disorder cause by a thyroid
  5. an idea that is under investigation
  6. under the skin
  1. under the tongue
  2. dogs
  3. getting to cold
  4. the silent army

10 Clues: dogsdiabetesunder the skingetting to coldthe silent armyunder the tongueblood pressure being lowa disorder cause by a thyroidan idea that is under investigationopposite of practice what you preach

Massi & Michael's Wedding 2021-07-17

Massi & Michael's Wedding crossword puzzle
  1. Michael's favorite Irish sport
  2. Anna's work specialty
  3. what Anna would fill home with
  4. Michael's mom
  5. Anna's favorite pasttime
  6. Anna's dad
  1. best TV series, says Michael
  2. Michael's only niece
  3. best TV series, says Anna
  4. cousin Joe's oldest child

10 Clues: Anna's dadMichael's momMichael's only nieceAnna's work specialtyAnna's favorite pasttimebest TV series, says Annacousin Joe's oldest childbest TV series, says MichaelMichael's favorite Irish sportwhat Anna would fill home with

Kohlenhydrate 2019-05-28

Kohlenhydrate crossword puzzle
  1. Unverdauliche Nahrungsbestandteile
  2. Lässt den Blutzuckerspiegel sinken
  3. Liefert schnell Energie
  4. Kommt vor allem in Kartoffeln vor
  1. Gehört zu den Einfachzuckern
  2. Machen lange satt
  3. Ist ein Ballaststoff
  4. Kohlenhydratreiches Lebensmittel
  5. Besteht aus zwei Zuckermolekülen
  6. Eine Folge von übermäßigem Zuckerverzehr

10 Clues: Machen lange sattIst ein BallaststoffLiefert schnell EnergieGehört zu den EinfachzuckernKohlenhydratreiches LebensmittelBesteht aus zwei ZuckermolekülenKommt vor allem in Kartoffeln vorUnverdauliche NahrungsbestandteileLässt den Blutzuckerspiegel sinkenEine Folge von übermäßigem Zuckerverzehr

Molecular Biology and Nutrition 2024-02-27

Molecular Biology and Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. complex carbohydrates
  2. plant energy
  3. body is cant make enough
  4. substance that provides nourishment
  5. green pigment found in the chloroplasts
  1. power house
  2. unit used to measure energy in food
  3. simple sugar
  4. storage for glucose
  5. type of protein

10 Clues: power housesimple sugarplant energytype of proteinstorage for glucosecomplex carbohydratesbody is cant make enoughunit used to measure energy in foodsubstance that provides nourishmentgreen pigment found in the chloroplasts


  1. Salah satu contoh gula
  2. Satuan energi
  3. Penyakit gula dalam darah.
  4. Zat yang terdapat pada buah-buahan
  1. Zat yang terkandung dalam makanan
  2. Menjaga sistem pencernaan
  3. Sumber energi yang tahan lama
  4. Dapat menyebabkan kanker
  5. Contoh Karbohidrat
  6. Berfungsi membangun tubuh

10 Clues: Satuan energiContoh KarbohidratSalah satu contoh gulaDapat menyebabkan kankerMenjaga sistem pencernaanBerfungsi membangun tubuhPenyakit gula dalam darah.Sumber energi yang tahan lamaZat yang terkandung dalam makananZat yang terdapat pada buah-buahan

Hypertension 2020-04-13

Hypertension crossword puzzle
  1. suggesting secondary hypertension.skin stigmata
  2. toma
  3. factor of hypertension.
  4. diagnostics.essential test in diabetes.
  5. causes damage to the body
  6. no symptoms is called?
  1. cardiac output in hypertension.
  2. killer
  3. neurofibromatosis?

9 Clues: tomakillerneurofibromatosis?no symptoms is called?factor of hypertension.causes damage to the bodycardiac output in hypertension.diagnostics.essential test in diabetes.suggesting secondary hypertension.skin stigmata

Amongus crossword 3 2023-06-10

Amongus crossword 3 crossword puzzle
  1. expensive diabetes and caffeine
  2. sleepy clarkie
  3. tons of which animal on campus?
  4. clark discord server pfp animal
  1. asian glasses dude
  2. John + Nathan
  3. ___ press, push exercise
  4. ___ cure
  5. works at gym

9 Clues: ___ cureworks at gymJohn + Nathansleepy clarkieasian glasses dude___ press, push exerciseexpensive diabetes and caffeinetons of which animal on campus?clark discord server pfp animal

Pathologie 2 2014-01-24

Pathologie 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Neurotransmitter Parasympathikus
  2. Waseransammlung im Gewebe
  3. Hauptmediator der Mastzellen
  4. Nervenschädigung bei Diabetes
  5. häufigster bösartiger Hauttumor
  1. typischr bösartiger Tumor alter Männer
  2. saures antipyretisch-antiphlogistische Analgetika
  3. Eigenschaft von Substanzen,sowohl hydrophil als auch lipophil
  4. pathologische Gefässwandausweitung
  5. physiologisch wichtigstes Glucocorticoid

10 Clues: Waseransammlung im GewebeHauptmediator der MastzellenNervenschädigung bei Diabeteshäufigster bösartiger HauttumorNeurotransmitter Parasympathikuspathologische Gefässwandausweitungtypischr bösartiger Tumor alter Männerphysiologisch wichtigstes Glucocorticoidsaures antipyretisch-antiphlogistische Analgetika...

Animal Disease Review 2023-04-10

Animal Disease Review crossword puzzle
  1. A disorder of structure or function that produces signs and symptoms
  2. Caused by parasites (internal or external)
  3. Diabetes
  4. Shiny Coat
  1. Rabies
  2. Any organism that lives on/in another organism
  3. Caused by inadequate nutrition
  4. Morphological
  5. Vomiting
  6. Hip Dysplasia

10 Clues: RabiesVomitingDiabetesShiny CoatMorphologicalHip DysplasiaCaused by inadequate nutritionCaused by parasites (internal or external)Any organism that lives on/in another organismA disorder of structure or function that produces signs and symptoms

Diabetes Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-20

Diabetes Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a medication for diabetes that helps your pancreas release more insulin
  2. a medication often prescribed for type 2 diabetes, this medication helps your body use its own insulin and stops your liver from leaking too much sugar
  3. the drink of choice!
  1. doing this everyday helps to manage and prevent diabetes, it also helps to lower a high blood sugar
  2. a hormone made in the pancreas, it works like a key, it opens the cells to allow sugar to be used
  3. you should wait 1-2 hours after eating before checking your blood sugar, true or false.

6 Clues: the drink of choice!a medication for diabetes that helps your pancreas release more insulinyou should wait 1-2 hours after eating before checking your blood sugar, true or false.a hormone made in the pancreas, it works like a key, it opens the cells to allow sugar to be used...

Puzzle #2 2021-12-16

Puzzle #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Diuretic med
  2. Taking levothyroxine for this
  3. Med causes drop in BP
  4. Bathroom shower
  5. Steps going to garage
  6. Totally replaced 3 years ago (two words)
  7. Treating with diet changes for this
  1. BP med
  2. House has this many levels
  3. Shower assisted device (two words)
  4. Diagnosis that causes fragile bones
  5. Steps going to basement

12 Clues: BP medDiuretic medBathroom showerMed causes drop in BPSteps going to garageSteps going to basementHouse has this many levelsTaking levothyroxine for thisShower assisted device (two words)Diagnosis that causes fragile bonesTreating with diet changes for thisTotally replaced 3 years ago (two words)

Nika mīkla 2023-02-23

Nika mīkla crossword puzzle
  1. toxic
  2. when you don’t win
  3. something you do with your lungs to stay alive
  4. when stuff gets stolen
  5. old bones
  6. an illness from too much sugar
  7. you shoot at it
  1. a small laugh
  2. when you’re afraid
  3. a place where you purchase things
  4. room bellow the house
  5. talking very loud (maybe angry)

12 Clues: toxicold bonesa small laughyou shoot at itwhen you don’t winwhen you’re afraidroom bellow the housewhen stuff gets stolenan illness from too much sugartalking very loud (maybe angry)a place where you purchase thingssomething you do with your lungs to stay alive

Metformin 2021-12-05

Metformin crossword puzzle
  1. Route of administration
  2. Severely decreased glucose
  3. Drug Class
  4. Metformin helps manage this disease
  5. Common brand name
  6. Classification of drug glucose reduce production of this in liver
  7. Metformin to be given with
  8. One way to manage Type II Diabetes
  1. Body system mainly affected
  2. Common contraindication
  3. An adverse effect
  4. Increases sensitivity to

12 Clues: Drug ClassAn adverse effectCommon brand nameRoute of administrationCommon contraindicationIncreases sensitivity toSeverely decreased glucoseMetformin to be given withBody system mainly affectedOne way to manage Type II DiabetesMetformin helps manage this diseaseClassification of drug glucose reduce production of this in liver

crucigrama de salud 2024-09-19

crucigrama de salud crossword puzzle
  1. afecta la memoria
  2. requiere manejo a largo plazo
  3. afecta la función pulmonar
  4. afecta las articulaciones
  5. afecta los tejidos
  6. endurecimiento de las arterias
  7. afecta la producción de insulina
  1. enfermedad del corazón
  2. aumenta el riesgo de accidente cerebrovascular
  3. afecta la función renal
  4. afecta la función cardiaca
  5. afecta el ánimo
  6. aumenta el riesgo de infecciones sexuales

13 Clues: afecta el ánimoafecta la memoriaafecta los tejidosenfermedad del corazónafecta la función renalafecta las articulacionesafecta la función cardiacaafecta la función pulmonarrequiere manejo a largo plazoendurecimiento de las arteriasafecta la producción de insulinaaumenta el riesgo de infecciones sexualesaumenta el riesgo de accidente cerebrovascular

Exam 3 Medication 2021-03-24

Exam 3 Medication crossword puzzle
  1. precose-alpha-glucosidase inhibitor
  2. loperamide/diphenoxylate/atropine
  3. antiandrogen-treats BPH/hair loss
  4. LH-RH-treat- treat endometriosis
  5. antiandrogen-treat prostate cancer
  1. vasostrict-treat diabetes insipidus
  2. immunosuppressive-treat Crohn's/UC
  3. antiviral-treat lung infections
  4. alfa blocker-urinary retention-Flomax
  5. saliva producer stimulator-cholinergic
  6. Renagel-lower phosphorous
  7. antibiotic-Flagyl-treat vaginosis

12 Clues: Renagel-lower phosphorousantiviral-treat lung infectionsLH-RH-treat- treat endometriosisloperamide/diphenoxylate/atropineantibiotic-Flagyl-treat vaginosisantiandrogen-treats BPH/hair lossimmunosuppressive-treat Crohn's/UCantiandrogen-treat prostate cancervasostrict-treat diabetes insipidusprecose-alpha-glucosidase inhibitor...

Pharmacology Crossword 2017-02-11

Pharmacology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Illegal drug causing cardiac vasospasm
  2. acid Supplement given during pregnancy
  3. Vitamin K inhibitor
  4. Lowers cholesterol
  5. Diuretic, used to be called Lasix.
  6. Opiate pain relief
  7. Most commonly prescribed antibiotic
  8. Hormone in diabetes
  9. Nitrate based spray which goes under the tongue
  10. Tradename for an asthma drug
  1. In overdose causes pinpoint pupils and slow breathing
  2. Treats heart failure and atrial fibrillation
  3. Treats early Alzheimer's
  4. Mainstay of Parkinson's therapy
  5. Anti-inflammatory
  6. Beta blocker used to treat anxiety
  7. Blood thinner
  8. Mood stabiliser
  9. Trade-name of fluoxetine

19 Clues: Blood thinnerMood stabiliserAnti-inflammatoryLowers cholesterolOpiate pain reliefVitamin K inhibitorHormone in diabetesTreats early Alzheimer'sTrade-name of fluoxetineTradename for an asthma drugMainstay of Parkinson's therapyBeta blocker used to treat anxietyDiuretic, used to be called Lasix.Most commonly prescribed antibiotic...

5B 2023-11-13

5B crossword puzzle
  1. Vanadium tidak disarankan untuk dipakai ibu-ibu
  2. Ta adalah simbol dari senyawa
  3. simbol tantalum
  4. banyak ditemukan di negara
  5. Manfaat lain vanadium adalah
  6. Dubnium berbahaya karena bersifat
  7. biloks tantalum
  8. salah satu bahaya tantalum
  9. Vanadium juga bermanfaat untuk mengobati penyakit
  1. Nb adalah simbol dari senyawa
  2. nomor atom tantalum
  3. Niobium berbahaya karena
  4. Db adalah simbol dari senyawa
  5. salah satu bahaya niobium
  6. V adalah simbol dari senyawa

15 Clues: simbol tantalumbiloks tantalumnomor atom tantalumNiobium berbahaya karenasalah satu bahaya niobiumbanyak ditemukan di negarasalah satu bahaya tantalumV adalah simbol dari senyawaManfaat lain vanadium adalahNb adalah simbol dari senyawaTa adalah simbol dari senyawaDb adalah simbol dari senyawaDubnium berbahaya karena bersifat...

Pump Basics 2020-07-18

Pump Basics crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin dosage meant to correct a high BG or provide enough insulin to process carbohydrates in a meal.
  2. Condition which causes blood glucose to rise higher than normal levels.
  3. Rapid acting injectable aspart insulin.
  4. Doctor who specializes in glands and hormones in the body, helps patients manage conditions such as diabetes.
  5. Small plastic tube inserted into the skin to deliver fluids.
  6. Sugars, fibers and starches found in various foods, which are the body's main source of energy.
  1. Insulin delivered slowly throughout the day to maintain stable BG numbers outside of meals.
  2. Insulin travels from reservoir to cannula via this piece.
  3. Condition which causes the body to decrease production of insulin or use of insulin in the body, causing high blood glucose levels.
  4. Rapid acting injectable lispro insulin
  5. Hormone produced by the pancreas which regulates glucose levels in the blood.
  6. Condition which causes blood glucose to drop below normal levels
  7. Holds insulin for the pump to use.

13 Clues: Holds insulin for the pump to use.Rapid acting injectable lispro insulinRapid acting injectable aspart insulin.Insulin travels from reservoir to cannula via this piece.Small plastic tube inserted into the skin to deliver fluids.Condition which causes blood glucose to drop below normal levels...

Obstetrics/Gynecology Drugs 2018-02-06

Obstetrics/Gynecology Drugs crossword puzzle
  1. helps the cervix gradually relax and dilate (open)
  2. can also be used to help control gestational diabetes and regulate blood sugar
  3. is synthetic oxytocin which works by stimulating contractions in the uterus
  4. can be used in infertility to promote the production of multiple ova, and control their release
  5. is used in infertility to produce ovulation
  6. is an oral antidiabetic used to treat gestational diabetes
  7. is obtained from pregnant mares urine, and can be used as a hormone replacement in women
  8. works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily.
  9. is an oral antidiabetic used to treat gestational diabetes
  1. works by starting uterine contractions, and can be used for induction of labour, or for abortion purposes
  2. is a medication sometimes prescribed to help treat morning sickness
  3. can be used in preganacy termination and spontaneuous abortion to release the contents of the uterus
  4. is the most common beta blocker used to treat gestational hypertension
  5. is used to help stop contractions when a woman goes into labour prematurely

14 Clues: is used in infertility to produce ovulationhelps the cervix gradually relax and dilate (open)is an oral antidiabetic used to treat gestational diabetesis an oral antidiabetic used to treat gestational diabetesworks by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily.is a medication sometimes prescribed to help treat morning sickness...


  1. Gula berlebihan menyebabkan ________, kerosakan gigi dan peningkatan risiko awal diabetes melitus.
  2. Obesiti boleh meningkatkan risiko menghidap penyakit diabetes melitus, _________ dan tekanan darah tinggi.
  3. Kekurangan atau berlebihan mana-mana kelas makanan menyebabkan ________.
  4. Unsur ________ diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang sedikit dalam mensintesis klorofil dan dinding sel.
  5. Penduduk di kawasan beriklim _______ memerlukan tenaga yang lebih banyak untuk mengekalkan suhu badan.
  6. Nutrien yang diperlukan oleh tumbuhan dalam kuantiti yang banyak disebut sebagai _______.
  7. Terdapat 5 faktor yang mempengaruhi keperluan kalori bagi individu iaitu umur, saiz badan, _______, aktiviti fizikal dan suhu.
  1. Kelas makanan terdiri daripada protein, karbohidrat, ________, garam mineral, pelawas, air dan lemak.
  2. Konsep Pinggan Sihat Malaysia terdiri daripada suku _________, suku karbohidrat dan separuh buah dan sayur.
  3. Tumbuhan yang kekurangan ________ mempunyai daun di bahagian atas lebih kecil dan berwarna ungu.
  4. Unsur _________ diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang banyak untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran buah dan biji benih.
  5. Pertumbuhan terbantut dan mati sebelum matang menandakan tumbuhan tersebut kekurangan ________.
  6. Nilai kalori bagi suatu makanan merupakan jumlah _______ yang dibebaskan apabila satu gram makanan dioksidakan dengan lengkap.

13 Clues: Kekurangan atau berlebihan mana-mana kelas makanan menyebabkan ________.Nutrien yang diperlukan oleh tumbuhan dalam kuantiti yang banyak disebut sebagai _______.Pertumbuhan terbantut dan mati sebelum matang menandakan tumbuhan tersebut kekurangan ________....

HSI Endocrine System 2023-11-30

HSI Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. thyroxine high,no weight gain,jittery
  2. Uterine Contractions
  3. Converts to ADH
  4. Testes & Ovaries
  5. Occurs if parathyroid is removed, seizures
  6. disease with Tan skin,weight loss, fatigue
  7. controls metabolism
  8. disease with moon face and buffalo hump
  9. Enlargement of face,hands & feet
  1. two types, needing insulin
  2. thyroxine low, weight gain, fatigue
  3. Pituitary is split into how many lobes?
  4. too much growth hormone,increased height
  5. Epinephrine/fight or flight
  6. Known as the master gland
  7. Breast tissue and milk
  8. stimulates estrogen production
  9. What secretes hormones?
  10. stimulates ovulation

19 Clues: Converts to ADHTestes & Ovariescontrols metabolismUterine Contractionsstimulates ovulationBreast tissue and milkWhat secretes hormones?Known as the master glandtwo types, needing insulinEpinephrine/fight or flightstimulates estrogen productionEnlargement of face,hands & feetthyroxine low, weight gain, fatiguethyroxine high,no weight gain,jittery...

KDH Nursing Week 2022-04-07

KDH Nursing Week crossword puzzle
  1. our address
  2. our Diabetes Nurse Educator
  3. our acting Team Lead for Surgical Program
  4. our Occupational Health Nurse
  5. our Team Lead for M&S, iLTCC, Emergency
  6. OR RPN
  1. our IPAC nurse
  2. our IUOE rep
  3. PACU RN
  4. our current RAI coordinator
  5. reliable agency nurse on M&S
  6. our ONA union rep
  7. hospital
  8. we have two of these musically named nurses

14 Clues: OR RPNPACU RNhospitalour addressour IUOE repour IPAC nurseour ONA union repour current RAI coordinatorour Diabetes Nurse Educatorreliable agency nurse on M&Sour Occupational Health Nurseour Team Lead for M&S, iLTCC, Emergencyour acting Team Lead for Surgical Programwe have two of these musically named nurses

sistem imunitas 2024-05-16

sistem imunitas crossword puzzle
  1. molekul pemberi sinyal
  2. virus penyebab aids
  3. protein yang membentuk pori
  4. tipe I salah satu penyakit sistem imunitas
  5. antibodi juga dikenal
  6. kayu bahan penyebab alergi
  7. sistem pertahanan fisik
  8. Kekebalan tubuh terdiri dari apa saja
  1. salah satu pengatur tubuh
  2. program kematian sel
  3. peradagan disebut juga
  4. apa saja yang berperan dalam imunitas
  5. apa saja yang ada protein
  6. apa saja jenis penyakit infeksi
  7. tetanus apa saja imunisasi buatan

15 Clues: virus penyebab aidsprogram kematian selantibodi juga dikenalmolekul pemberi sinyalperadagan disebut jugasistem pertahanan fisiksalah satu pengatur tubuhapa saja yang ada proteinkayu bahan penyebab alergiprotein yang membentuk poriapa saja jenis penyakit infeksitetanus apa saja imunisasi buatanapa saja yang berperan dalam imunitas...

General pathology revision 2015-03-23

General pathology revision crossword puzzle
  1. may be the sign of retinal damage
  2. too many tears
  3. associated with diabetes
  4. does this have a point?
  5. a type of conjunctivitis
  6. may be nuclear or cortical
  7. associated with vitreous ageing
  1. certain type of corneal ulcer
  2. sensitivity to light
  3. conjunctivitis with pus
  4. gap in the iris
  5. inflammation of the cornea
  6. A K A hyperaemia
  7. age related degeneration within the eye

14 Clues: too many tearsgap in the irisA K A hyperaemiasensitivity to lightconjunctivitis with pusdoes this have a point?associated with diabetesa type of conjunctivitisinflammation of the corneamay be nuclear or corticalcertain type of corneal ulcerassociated with vitreous ageingmay be the sign of retinal damageage related degeneration within the eye

General pathology revision 2015-03-23

General pathology revision crossword puzzle
  1. may be nuclear or cortical
  2. inflammation of the cornea
  3. age related degeneration within the eye
  4. associated with vitreous ageing
  5. sensitivity to light
  6. may be the sign of retinal damage
  1. a type of conjunctivitis
  2. conjunctivitis with pus
  3. certain type of corneal ulcer
  4. associated with diabetes
  5. gap in the iris
  6. too many tears
  7. does this have a point?
  8. A K A hyperaemia

14 Clues: too many tearsgap in the irisA K A hyperaemiasensitivity to lightconjunctivitis with pusdoes this have a point?a type of conjunctivitisassociated with diabetesmay be nuclear or corticalinflammation of the corneacertain type of corneal ulcerassociated with vitreous ageingmay be the sign of retinal damageage related degeneration within the eye

AT October Crossword 2021-09-18

AT October Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Mass Index This parameter is calculated by dividing the weight of a person in kilograms by the square of height in meters. (4,4,5)
  2. The stone formed due to bile build-up and hardening in the gall bladder (9)
  3. Major function of insulin hormone is transporting this molecule (7)
  4. Diet This diet is also known as Standard American Diet (7,4)
  5. Metabolic syndrome affects the usage of this hormone (7)
  6. Diabetes capital of the world (5)
  7. This Iodine deficiency disorder is also called Congenital Hypothyroidism (9)
  8. Children with percentile range equal to or greater than 95th are considered as? (5)
  1. metabolic syndrome is 3 times more common than this disease (8)
  2. This virus can be transmitted when people don’t wash their hands after using the restroom (9)
  3. Atherosclerosis is a disease marked by hardening of (8)
  4. Glucose is converted into which molecule by the liver cells (7)
  5. Hand hygiene means keeping hands clean by washing them either with soap and water or? (9)
  6. diet This diet provides essential macronutrients, micronutrients and adequate food energy (8,4)
  7. This trace element is essential for production of thyroid hormones (6)
  8. This disorder is marked by abnormal growth of the thyroid gland (6)

16 Clues: Diabetes capital of the world (5)Atherosclerosis is a disease marked by hardening of (8)Metabolic syndrome affects the usage of this hormone (7)Diet This diet is also known as Standard American Diet (7,4)metabolic syndrome is 3 times more common than this disease (8)Glucose is converted into which molecule by the liver cells (7)...

AT October Crossword 2021-09-18

AT October Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Mass Index This parameter is calculated by dividing the weight of a person in kilograms by the square of height in meters. (4,4,5)
  2. The stone formed due to bile build-up and hardening in the gall bladder (9)
  3. Major function of insulin hormone is transporting this molecule (7)
  4. Diet This diet is also known as Standard American Diet (7,4)
  5. Metabolic syndrome affects the usage of this hormone (7)
  6. Diabetes capital of the world (5)
  7. This Iodine deficiency disorder is also called Congenital Hypothyroidism (9)
  8. Children with percentile range equal to or greater than 95th are considered as? (5)
  1. metabolic syndrome is 3 times more common than this disease (8)
  2. This virus can be transmitted when people don’t wash their hands after using the restroom (9)
  3. Atherosclerosis is a disease marked by hardening of (8)
  4. Glucose is converted into which molecule by the liver cells (7)
  5. Hand hygiene means keeping hands clean by washing them either with soap and water or? (9)
  6. diet This diet provides essential macronutrients, micronutrients and adequate food energy (8,4)
  7. This trace element is essential for production of thyroid hormones (6)
  8. This disorder is marked by abnormal growth of the thyroid gland (6)

16 Clues: Diabetes capital of the world (5)Atherosclerosis is a disease marked by hardening of (8)Metabolic syndrome affects the usage of this hormone (7)Diet This diet is also known as Standard American Diet (7,4)metabolic syndrome is 3 times more common than this disease (8)Glucose is converted into which molecule by the liver cells (7)...

Standards of Care Diabetes Management 2022-01-10

Standards of Care Diabetes Management crossword puzzle
  1. Any unlicensed person who preforms tasks delegated by a nurse.
  2. Diabetes Medical Management Plan
  3. Provides state-of the-art care to children and adults with type 1 diabetes and teaches our patients how to prevent or delay complications
  4. Hybrid Closed Loop (regarding insulin pumps integrated with CGMs)
  5. A hormone that works with other hormones and bodily functions to control glucose levels in the blood
  6. A hormone created by your pancreas that controls the amount of glucose in your bloodstream
  7. Child Care Health Consultant
  8. Blood Glucose
  9. Protects all personally identifiable information of students enrolled in institutions that receive federal funding and requires parent written authorization to share student record info
  1. A condition in which your blood sugar (glucose) level is lower than normal.
  2. Technical term for high blood glucose, when the body has too little insulin or when the body can't use insulin properly
  3. Multiple Daily Injection
  4. Provides for clarification of and coordination of care between the prescribing provider and the health professional carrying out the orders without additional authorizations by patient.
  5. The type of sugar you get from foods you eat, your body uses it for energy.
  6. Continuous Glucose Monitor
  7. Individualized Health Plan

16 Clues: Blood GlucoseMultiple Daily InjectionContinuous Glucose MonitorIndividualized Health PlanChild Care Health ConsultantDiabetes Medical Management PlanAny unlicensed person who preforms tasks delegated by a nurse.Hybrid Closed Loop (regarding insulin pumps integrated with CGMs)...

Type 1 diabetes chase chiasson 2015-01-16

Type 1 diabetes chase chiasson crossword puzzle
  1. a symptom of this disease
  2. Can this as a treatment of the disease
  3. the main organ affected by this disease
  4. you are at risk if you have this
  5. the name of this disease
  6. taking care of these is recommened
  7. keeping care of this is recommened for self care
  8. feeling _______ is a symptom of this disease
  1. you must take ______ of aspirin as therapy for this disease
  2. doing this can make the disease worse
  3. ______ are at high risk of getting this disease
  4. drinking this can make the disease worse
  5. _______ in 100000 people in the US have it
  6. one organ affected by this disease
  7. _________ __________ without trying is a sympton of this disease
  8. this is performed to see if you have this disease
  9. these are run to see if you have the disease
  10. exposure to certain _______ is way to get the disease
  11. ______ drugs can be used to treat high cholesterol
  12. this type of vision is a symptom of this disease

20 Clues: the name of this diseasea symptom of this diseaseyou are at risk if you have thisone organ affected by this diseasetaking care of these is recommeneddoing this can make the disease worseCan this as a treatment of the diseasethe main organ affected by this diseasedrinking this can make the disease worse_______ in 100000 people in the US have it...

Terveysalan sanaristikko - mikä tämä on? 2013-04-24

Terveysalan sanaristikko - mikä tämä on? crossword puzzle
  1. Takahammas eli _________________.
  2. Se supistuu, kun ihminen tekee työtä.
  3. Lääkärin kirjoittama lääkemääräys.
  4. Korvan sisällä, kirkas ja liikkuu, jos on terve.
  5. Elimistön ja elämän perusyksikkö.
  1. Pupilli eli ___________________.
  2. Sokeritauti on toiselta nimeltä____________.
  3. Jos ihminen sairastaa skitsofreniaa, hänellä on __________________-häiriö.
  4. Hän parantaa sairaat ihmiset.
  5. Liikkuu suussa.
  6. Tämän avulla ihminen näkee.
  7. Psoriasis on tällainen tauti.

12 Clues: Liikkuu suussa.Tämän avulla ihminen näkee.Hän parantaa sairaat ihmiset.Psoriasis on tällainen tauti.Pupilli eli ___________________.Takahammas eli _________________.Elimistön ja elämän perusyksikkö.Lääkärin kirjoittama lääkemääräys.Se supistuu, kun ihminen tekee työtä.Sokeritauti on toiselta nimeltä____________....