diabetes Crossword Puzzles

EXAM 4: Children's Health 2023-06-14

EXAM 4: Children's Health crossword puzzle
  1. This type of cancer is associated with overproduction of white blood cells
  2. The intake of this needs to be adjusted prior to exercise in Type 11 Diabetes
  3. This activity can improve HmgA1C levels in Type 11 diabetics
  4. Children with this condition tend to be social extroverts
  5. Children with Downs Syndrome have this type of abnormality
  6. Children with this condition have restrictive and repetitive behaviors
  7. Nurses must make a report to this agency of suspected child abuse or neglect
  8. Downs Syndrome is characterized by this type of crease in their palms
  9. This type of therapy is used with medications and environmental manipulation to help children with ADHD
  10. These are changes in the environment to help ADHD children be successful when taking exams
  1. This cancer affects the kidneys.
  2. This acronym is a means of understanding autism and its treatment
  3. These cells located in the pancrease no longer make insulin in Type 1 Diabetes
  4. The clotting factor commonly associated with hemophilia is what
  5. Children with Downs Syndrome have these types of joints
  6. This acronym guides therapeutic management of sickle cell crisis
  7. This type of lymphoma has a single focal of origin

17 Clues: This cancer affects the kidneys.This type of lymphoma has a single focal of originChildren with Downs Syndrome have these types of jointsChildren with this condition tend to be social extrovertsChildren with Downs Syndrome have this type of abnormalityThis activity can improve HmgA1C levels in Type 11 diabetics...


  1. conseguem melhorar a saúde e a sensação de bem-estar
  2. a atividade física deve tornar-se
  3. a melhor forma de nos mantermos saudáveis e termos qualidade de vida é nos mantermos
  4. em casos onde o indivíduo possa apresentar problemas crônicos, como diabetes, cardiopatia e/ou obesidade é necessário acompanhamento
  5. doença gerada pela alta taxa de açúcar no sangue
  1. é definido como a falta, ausência ou diminuição de atividades físicas ou esportivas
  2. com o sedentarismo as pessoas ficam mais predispostas à
  3. a atividade física diminui a incidência de doenças porque melhora a
  4. podemos fazer atividades físicas em grupo ou de forma

9 Clues: a atividade física deve tornar-sedoença gerada pela alta taxa de açúcar no sangueconseguem melhorar a saúde e a sensação de bem-estarpodemos fazer atividades físicas em grupo ou de formacom o sedentarismo as pessoas ficam mais predispostas àa atividade física diminui a incidência de doenças porque melhora a...

jules verne 2024-09-18

jules verne crossword puzzle
  1. nickname
  2. month of birth
  3. name of his nefeiw
  4. what he died of
  5. the gun he got shot with
  1. age when he died
  2. fist book
  3. month of death
  4. middle name
  5. place of his birth

10 Clues: nicknamefist bookmiddle namemonth of deathmonth of birthwhat he died ofage when he diedname of his nefeiwplace of his birththe gun he got shot with

chronic diseases 2023-04-14

chronic diseases crossword puzzle
  1. mellitus A disease of indequate control of blood levels (glucose)
  2. 2 diabetes problem in the way the body regulates sugar as fuel
  3. A disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells apart of the body
  4. Causing pain or stiffness that can worsen with age
  5. destroys memory and other important mental functions
  1. imparied ability to remember or think or make decisions that interfere with doing everyday activites
  2. A disease that effects your lungs
  3. presistant of saddness lack of intrest and pleasure
  4. disease A disease or condition that usually lasts for 3 months or longer and may get worst over time

9 Clues: A disease that effects your lungsCausing pain or stiffness that can worsen with agepresistant of saddness lack of intrest and pleasuredestroys memory and other important mental functions2 diabetes problem in the way the body regulates sugar as fuelmellitus A disease of indequate control of blood levels (glucose)...

chronic diseases 2023-04-14

chronic diseases crossword puzzle
  1. mellitus A disease of indequate control of blood levels (glucose)
  2. 2 diabetes problem in the way the body regulates sugar as fuel
  3. A disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells apart of the body
  4. Causing pain or stiffness that can worsen with age
  5. destroys memory and other important mental functions
  1. imparied ability to remember or think or make decisions that interfere with doing everyday activites
  2. A disease that effects your lungs
  3. presistant of saddness lack of intrest and pleasure
  4. disease A disease or condition that usually lasts for 3 months or longer and may get worst over time

9 Clues: A disease that effects your lungsCausing pain or stiffness that can worsen with agepresistant of saddness lack of intrest and pleasuredestroys memory and other important mental functions2 diabetes problem in the way the body regulates sugar as fuelmellitus A disease of indequate control of blood levels (glucose)...

Kitty Cat Crossword 2021-04-21

Kitty Cat Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. safe outdoor space
  2. cat species
  3. favourite to climb
  4. prevent kittens
  5. type of wild cat
  1. dry food
  2. hybrid cat
  3. fastest land animal Diabetes common disease
  4. wild

9 Clues: wilddry foodhybrid catcat speciesprevent kittenstype of wild catsafe outdoor spacefavourite to climbfastest land animal Diabetes common disease

Dining 2024-06-20

Dining crossword puzzle
  1. 中等的
  2. 烘焙坊
  3. 香槟杯;长笛
  4. 稀有的
  1. 苦的
  2. 糖尿病
  3. 餐巾
  4. 餐具
  5. 礼仪

9 Clues: 苦的餐巾餐具礼仪糖尿病中等的烘焙坊稀有的香槟杯;长笛

Healthy Eating with Diabetes 2022-04-12

Healthy Eating with Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. a source of vegetarian protein that can be dried or canned
  2. apples and oranges are a type of what
  3. a fruit and a color
  4. almonds and cashews are type of what?
  5. a diet based on seafood, veggies, and whole grains
  6. when eating healthy you want to consume ___ meats
  7. equal to one cup
  1. you should only eat when you are ____
  2. a type of diet where you don't eat meat
  3. Non-starchy vegetables should take up ___ your plate
  4. starchy vegetables or carbs should take up ___ of your plate
  5. another word for salt that is on food labels
  6. a type of food that decreases your blood sugar
  7. you should consume 3 to ___ servings of vegetables a day
  8. a diet based on low sodium where you avoid fatty meats and full fat dairy

15 Clues: equal to one cupa fruit and a coloryou should only eat when you are ____apples and oranges are a type of whatalmonds and cashews are type of what?a type of diet where you don't eat meatanother word for salt that is on food labelsa type of food that decreases your blood sugarwhen eating healthy you want to consume ___ meats...

Diabetes and Control Questions 2023-02-09

Diabetes and Control Questions crossword puzzle
  1. The process by which cells can change into different cell types
  2. Cells within an endocrine organ that help to release glucagon
  3. The hormone that helps to reduce levels of glucose in the blood
  4. A hormone that helps to stimulate gluconeogenesis
  5. The tissue within an endocrine organ that contains cells that control blood glucose levels (three words)
  6. A type of totipotent cell (two words)
  7. The break down of glycogen into glucose from the liver
  8. The production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources
  9. The units of energy produced from oxidative phosphorylation
  1. One of the main ways that cells can control blood glucose levels by using them to produce ATP
  2. The endocrine organ that helps to control blood glucose levels
  3. The production of glycogen
  4. The full name for the condition in which individuals are unable to adequately control blood glucose levels
  5. A six carbon sugar
  6. The cells that produce insulin

15 Clues: A six carbon sugarThe production of glycogenThe cells that produce insulinA type of totipotent cell (two words)A hormone that helps to stimulate gluconeogenesisThe break down of glycogen into glucose from the liverThe production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sourcesThe units of energy produced from oxidative phosphorylation...

13 cosas secciones 1 y 2 2024-01-08

13 cosas secciones 1 y 2 crossword puzzle
  1. El número de los genes FTO que aumenta el riesgo de contraer diabetes 40 por ciento
  2. El porcentaje del poblacion que tiene una copia de los genes FTO
  3. El componente del riesgo perfil que tiene la mayoría influencia sobre producción de más lipocitos
  4. El gen que causa el propensión de diabetes tipo 2
  5. El métrico de SI que usa en Europa para medir pesos
  6. Los lipocitos guardar este cosa en sus celúlas
  1. porcentaje del poblacion que tiene dos copia de los genes FTO
  2. El periodo cuando la producción de lipocitos occure
  3. El número approximado de los genes que tiene mucha influencia sobre el riesgo de ser obeso
  4. El nombre original del gene FTO

10 Clues: El nombre original del gene FTOLos lipocitos guardar este cosa en sus celúlasEl gen que causa el propensión de diabetes tipo 2El periodo cuando la producción de lipocitos occureEl métrico de SI que usa en Europa para medir pesosporcentaje del poblacion que tiene dos copia de los genes FTO...

9Exercícios, Diabetes, Obesidade E Hipertensão: Tem Relação? 2020-06-03

9Exercícios, Diabetes, Obesidade E Hipertensão: Tem Relação? crossword puzzle
  1. Redução do peso corporal e da gordura visceral são
  2. Obesidade, diabetes, hipertensão e outras fazem parte da chamada...
  3. Efeito ____, reduzindo o estresse oxidativo e a resistência à insulina.
  4. As maiores ____ estão relacionadas à adesão e à aplicação prática em alguns pacientes com determinadas limitações físicas.
  5. o exercício físico deve ser prescrito de maneira ____, sob supervisão de uma equipe multidisciplinar.
  6. Normalização dos níveis da ___ também é um benefícios de exercícios.
  1. aumento da circunferência abdominal
  2. Exercícios para diabetes e outras doenças ____ são essenciais.
  3. Ajuda a desenvolver ____ e maior interação social.
  4. Melhora o perfil ____ com redução de triglicérides e LDL "colesteróis ruins" e melhora os níveis de HDL "colesterol bom".

10 Clues: aumento da circunferência abdominalRedução do peso corporal e da gordura visceral sãoAjuda a desenvolver ____ e maior interação social.Exercícios para diabetes e outras doenças ____ são essenciais.Obesidade, diabetes, hipertensão e outras fazem parte da chamada...Normalização dos níveis da ___ também é um benefícios de exercícios....

Adherencia a medicamentos 2023-02-21

Adherencia a medicamentos crossword puzzle
  1. Medicamento inyectado para tratar la diabetes
  2. Enfermedad autoinmune
  3. Es tomarse los medicamentos tal y como le fue indicado por su médico
  4. Jugo que no se puede tomar con cierto medicamento de alta presión
  1. Se desarrolla cuando hay una cantidad alta de “Colesterol malo” o cantidad baja de “Colesterol bueno” en la sangre
  2. Se desarrolla con grandes cantidades de azúcar en la sangre
  3. “Alta presión”

7 Clues: “Alta presión”Enfermedad autoinmuneMedicamento inyectado para tratar la diabetesSe desarrolla con grandes cantidades de azúcar en la sangreJugo que no se puede tomar con cierto medicamento de alta presiónEs tomarse los medicamentos tal y como le fue indicado por su médico...

6th Floor News present: Diabetes Mellitus! 2021-11-14

6th Floor News present: Diabetes Mellitus! crossword puzzle
  1. major concern associated with insulin treatment
  2. preferred initial pharmacological treatment for type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  3. DPP-4 inhibitor associated with increased heart failure risk
  1. novel GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonist
  2. condition associated with excessive ketone bodies production as a result of insulin insufficiency
  3. SGLT-2 inhibitor recently proven beneficial against HFpEF
  4. excessive thirst, usually one of the initial symptoms of diabetes

7 Clues: novel GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonistmajor concern associated with insulin treatmentSGLT-2 inhibitor recently proven beneficial against HFpEFDPP-4 inhibitor associated with increased heart failure riskexcessive thirst, usually one of the initial symptoms of diabetespreferred initial pharmacological treatment for type 2 Diabetes Mellitus...

MyNews - BODY IMAGE 2024-08-05

MyNews - BODY IMAGE crossword puzzle
  1. Eiweiss
  2. "perfekte" Influencer können deinem ... schaden
  3. sammelt sich gerne an "Problemstellen"
  4. starke, männliche Katze
  5. das "Glückshormon"
  6. Zuckerkrankheit
  1. body-...
  2. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel (engl.)
  3. Pasta besteht hauptsächlich aus? (pl.)
  4. Oberarmmuskel
  5. wo man gym-bros am häufigsten findet.
  6. wird gerne von Body-Buildern genommen, kann aber die Niere schädigen

12 Clues: Eiweissbody-...OberarmmuskelZuckerkrankheitdas "Glückshormon"starke, männliche KatzeNahrungsergänzungsmittel (engl.)wo man gym-bros am häufigsten findet.Pasta besteht hauptsächlich aus? (pl.)sammelt sich gerne an "Problemstellen""perfekte" Influencer können deinem ... schadenwird gerne von Body-Buildern genommen, kann aber die Niere schädigen

mental helth crossword 2022-04-26

mental helth crossword crossword puzzle
  1. does not know what he's doing
  2. lost all in life
  3. being to mad
  4. to fat
  5. being nervous all the time
  6. Anxiety people are scary
  1. going crazy
  2. helps with physical pain
  3. sexual desise
  4. head hearts to much
  5. going bald
  6. knows what he is doing when its wrong

12 Clues: to fatgoing baldgoing crazybeing to madsexual desiselost all in lifehead hearts to muchhelps with physical painAnxiety people are scarybeing nervous all the timedoes not know what he's doingknows what he is doing when its wrong

mental helth crossword 2022-04-26

mental helth crossword crossword puzzle
  1. does not know what he's doing
  2. lost all in life
  3. being to mad
  4. to fat
  5. being nervous all the time
  6. Anxiety people are scary
  1. going crazy
  2. helps with physical pain
  3. sexual desise
  4. head hearts to much
  5. going bald
  6. knows what he is doing when its wrong

12 Clues: to fatgoing baldgoing crazybeing to madsexual desiselost all in lifehead hearts to muchhelps with physical painAnxiety people are scarybeing nervous all the timedoes not know what he's doingknows what he is doing when its wrong

First Aid 2023-06-21

First Aid crossword puzzle
  1. rescue inhaler
  2. Abdominal thrusts
  3. epi pen
  4. Acronym used to treat sprains
  5. don't hang up on dispatcher
  6. handwashing to stop germs
  7. Gloves, facemask, etc...
  1. muscle cramps and dehydration
  2. Take out of the game, its a heady decision
  3. pressure
  4. body begins to shut down because of heat
  5. insulin

12 Clues: insulinepi penpressurerescue inhalerAbdominal thrustsGloves, facemask, etc...handwashing to stop germsdon't hang up on dispatchermuscle cramps and dehydrationAcronym used to treat sprainsbody begins to shut down because of heatTake out of the game, its a heady decision

Advisory crossword 2023-08-29

Advisory crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Knows how to play the violin
  2. Our Advisor
  3. Likes cheese
  4. likes reading and writting
  5. Favorite subject is science
  1. Runs Track
  2. Works at starbucks
  3. Bald at one point last year
  4. Knows all the state capitals
  5. has had ten stitches in her head
  6. Has diabetes
  7. Runs cross country

12 Clues: Runs TrackOur AdvisorLikes cheeseHas diabetesWorks at starbucksRuns cross countrylikes reading and writtingBald at one point last yearFavorite subject is scienceKnows how to play the violinKnows all the state capitalshas had ten stitches in her head

jules verne 2023-02-23

jules verne crossword puzzle
  1. nickname
  2. month of birth
  3. name of his nefeiw
  4. what he died of
  5. the gun he got shot with
  1. age when he died
  2. fist book
  3. month of death
  4. middle name
  5. place of his birth

10 Clues: nicknamefist bookmiddle namemonth of deathmonth of birthwhat he died ofage when he diedname of his nefeiwplace of his birththe gun he got shot with

kansantaudit 2022-11-17

kansantaudit crossword puzzle
  1. 500tuhannella suomalaisella on se
  2. aikuisiän diabetes
  1. nuoruusiän diabetes
  2. tauteja tietyn kansan keskellä
  3. ovat verenkiertoon liittyviä tauteja

5 Clues: aikuisiän diabetesnuoruusiän diabetestauteja tietyn kansan keskellä500tuhannella suomalaisella on seovat verenkiertoon liittyviä tauteja

hormonen 2015-01-23

hormonen crossword puzzle
  1. produceert groeihormonen
  2. suikerziekte
  3. hormoon klier in hals
  4. produceren geslachtshormonen
  1. regelt bloedsuikerspiegel
  2. schilklierhormoon
  3. brandstof voor het lichaam
  4. produceren adrenaline

8 Clues: suikerziekteschilklierhormoonhormoon klier in halsproduceren adrenalineproduceert groeihormonenregelt bloedsuikerspiegelbrandstof voor het lichaamproduceren geslachtshormonen

Causes of Paraesthesia 2013-11-19

Causes of Paraesthesia crossword puzzle
  1. Increased sugar levels in the blood
  2. Severe hypothyroidism
  3. A tumour causing hypertension
  4. Cause of macrocytic anaemia
  5. A disease caused by a tick
  6. Transmitted by a dog bite
  7. Clot in the leg
  8. autoimmune disease
  9. colour change in the hands
  1. Shooting pain down the leg
  2. Occurs in osteomalacia
  3. Compression of the median nerve
  4. demyelinating disease
  5. Treatment for hypertension

14 Clues: Clot in the legautoimmune diseaseSevere hypothyroidismdemyelinating diseaseOccurs in osteomalaciaTransmitted by a dog biteShooting pain down the legA disease caused by a tickTreatment for hypertensioncolour change in the handsCause of macrocytic anaemiaA tumour causing hypertensionCompression of the median nerveIncreased sugar levels in the blood

GK 2022-08-30

GK crossword puzzle
  1. Capital city of Korea
  2. Sugar disease is called _?
  3. Biggest continent
  4. Fastest man in the world
  5. Biggest bone
  6. Country with largest border
  7. Largest Country
  1. Longest river in the world
  2. Polygon with four sides
  3. Bangladesh was which Pakistan before 1971
  4. Number of players in cricket
  5. Slogan: "do or die"
  6. Shape of raindrop
  7. Abbreviation of Wireless Fidelity

14 Clues: Biggest boneLargest CountryBiggest continentShape of raindropSlogan: "do or die"Capital city of KoreaPolygon with four sidesFastest man in the worldLongest river in the worldSugar disease is called _?Country with largest borderNumber of players in cricketAbbreviation of Wireless FidelityBangladesh was which Pakistan before 1971

Endocrine System 2023-10-24

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. deficiency of sugar
  2. beginning of menstruation
  3. presence of urinary waste in the blood
  4. excessive eating
  5. breakdown of matter into energy
  6. abnormal enlargement of the extremities
  1. metabolic disease characterized by polyuria and hyperglycemia
  2. excessive thirst
  3. gland disease
  4. beginning of adrenal secretion at puberty
  5. low blood sugar
  6. good blood sugar
  7. removal of the thyroid gland
  8. swollen thyroid gland

14 Clues: gland diseaselow blood sugarexcessive thirstgood blood sugarexcessive eatingdeficiency of sugarswollen thyroid glandbeginning of menstruationremoval of the thyroid glandbreakdown of matter into energypresence of urinary waste in the bloodabnormal enlargement of the extremitiesbeginning of adrenal secretion at puberty...

Body systems crossword 2023-04-19

Body systems crossword crossword puzzle
  1. leads to organ damage
  2. biggest bone in your body
  3. sleep hormone
  4. Keeps your hand on
  5. wormholes in your head
  6. pea-sized hormone creater
  7. Production of eggs
  1. Metabolism controler
  2. waiting area for eggs
  3. oxegens highway to the lungs
  4. filters blood and returns
  5. Where the air goes

12 Clues: sleep hormoneKeeps your hand onWhere the air goesProduction of eggsMetabolism controlerleads to organ damagewaiting area for eggswormholes in your headbiggest bone in your bodyfilters blood and returnspea-sized hormone createroxegens highway to the lungs

Endocrine System Disorders 2024-02-28

Endocrine System Disorders crossword puzzle
  1. Too much thyroid hormone being released
  2. A disorder caused by oversecretion of growth hormone during adulthood
  3. A disorder that results from lack of thyroxine in childhood
  4. A type of diabetes that results from a lack of antidiuretic hormone secretion
  1. Not enough thyroid hormone being released
  2. A type of diabetes that results from a lack of insulin secretion or too few insulin receptors
  3. A disorder that results from oversecretion of growth hormone in childhood
  4. A disorder caused by undersecretion of growth hormone during childhood or lack of receptors

8 Clues: Too much thyroid hormone being releasedNot enough thyroid hormone being releasedA disorder that results from lack of thyroxine in childhoodA disorder caused by oversecretion of growth hormone during adulthoodA disorder that results from oversecretion of growth hormone in childhood...

mental helth crossword 2022-04-26

mental helth crossword crossword puzzle
  1. does not know what he's doing
  2. lost all in life
  3. being to mad
  4. to fat
  5. being nervous all the time
  6. Anxiety people are scary
  1. going crazy
  2. helps with physical pain
  3. sexual desise
  4. head hearts to much
  5. going bald
  6. knows what he is doing when its wrong

12 Clues: to fatgoing baldgoing crazybeing to madsexual desiselost all in lifehead hearts to muchhelps with physical painAnxiety people are scarybeing nervous all the timedoes not know what he's doingknows what he is doing when its wrong

Hormones and Diabetes 2015-12-10

Hormones and Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. insoluble carbohydrate stored in liver
  2. hormones are made in these
  3. scientific word for the regulation of a constant internal environment
  4. hormones are secreted into this and carried to their target organ
  5. organ where glucose is stored as glycogen
  1. hormone that causes a decrease in blood glucose levels
  2. gland that releases insulin and glucagon
  3. hormone that causes rise in blood glucose levels
  4. name of blood sugar
  5. chemical messenger

10 Clues: chemical messengername of blood sugarhormones are made in theseinsoluble carbohydrate stored in livergland that releases insulin and glucagonorgan where glucose is stored as glycogenhormone that causes rise in blood glucose levelshormone that causes a decrease in blood glucose levelshormones are secreted into this and carried to their target organ...

Diabetes Hyperglycemia & Hypoglycemia 2022-06-10

Diabetes Hyperglycemia & Hypoglycemia crossword puzzle
  1. Your doctor may want to test your blood or urine for _______.
  2. You may need to meet with this person to discuss your eating habits.
  3. What is low blood sugar called?
  4. Medications, such as sulfa drugs and _______ may cause fasting hypoglycemia.
  1. Ongoing high blood sugar may cause ______ vision.
  2. One early sign of hyperglycemia include ______ peeing.
  3. What is the build up of acids in the blood called?
  4. You can have the diagnosis of hypoglycemia and not be _______.
  5. Increased thirst is a symptom of ______ blood sugar.
  6. what is high blood sugar called?

10 Clues: What is low blood sugar called?what is high blood sugar called?Ongoing high blood sugar may cause ______ vision.What is the build up of acids in the blood called?Increased thirst is a symptom of ______ blood sugar.One early sign of hyperglycemia include ______ peeing.Your doctor may want to test your blood or urine for _______....

Complicações da diabetes 2022-06-24

Complicações da diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. principal causa de perda de visão a nível mundial
  2. Degeneração progressiva dos nervos
  3. Caracteriza-se pela dificuldade do coração em bombear corretamente o sangue
  4. É a 1ª causa de morte em Portugal
  5. usar meias de algodão e calçado confortável pode evitá-lo
  6. um dos sintomas mais característicos é o hálito com odor frutado
  1. Está também associada ao consumo excessivo de sal
  2. atualmente o seu rastreio é feito em todas as grávidas
  3. é mais frequente nos homens com diabetes mal controlada
  4. pode levar à completa inutilização do rim

10 Clues: É a 1ª causa de morte em PortugalDegeneração progressiva dos nervospode levar à completa inutilização do rimEstá também associada ao consumo excessivo de salprincipal causa de perda de visão a nível mundialatualmente o seu rastreio é feito em todas as grávidasé mais frequente nos homens com diabetes mal controlada...

Vegan Crossword 2022-09-27

Vegan Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Too much sitting
  2. Animal fat
  3. nature's purple candy
  4. a bowl of fiber
  5. Eat these for optimal health
  1. Sometimes called supplements
  2. sugar and this lead to diabetes
  3. The daily dozen
  4. Activity 3 times a week
  5. Eat 12 a day
  6. Asian berry

11 Clues: Animal fatAsian berryEat 12 a dayThe daily dozena bowl of fiberToo much sittingnature's purple candyActivity 3 times a weekSometimes called supplementsEat these for optimal healthsugar and this lead to diabetes

Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders 2020-05-07

Oral Potentially Malignant  Disorders crossword puzzle
  1. Lichen planus diabetes hypertension
  6. striae oral lichen planus


Dangers of sugar 2018-11-14

Dangers of sugar crossword puzzle
  1. Wie heißt Zuckerkrankheit noch
  2. womit wird noch gespritzt
  3. Überzucker
  4. Unterzucker
  5. Bakterien die die Zähne angreifen
  6. Womit misst man seinen Blutzucker
  7. Stoff den sich Diabetiker spritzen
  1. wo wird Insulin gebildet
  2. was steigt bei Übergewicht
  3. was gibt kontinuierlich Insulin ab
  4. Fettleibigkeit

11 Clues: ÜberzuckerUnterzuckerFettleibigkeitwo wird Insulin gebildetwomit wird noch gespritztwas steigt bei ÜbergewichtWie heißt Zuckerkrankheit nochBakterien die die Zähne angreifenWomit misst man seinen Blutzuckerwas gibt kontinuierlich Insulin abStoff den sich Diabetiker spritzen

Kim og Daniella Flink 2013-09-12

Kim og Daniella Flink crossword puzzle
  1. stofskifte energibehov
  2. celler
  3. Kilojoule
  4. splitte store molekyler til små fordøjelsesenzymer
  1. stivelse Spytamylase
  2. af stivelse, proteiner og fedtstoffer bugspytkirtlen
  3. i mave sækken Pepsin
  4. Sukkersyge
  5. under 20 undervægtig

9 Clues: cellerKilojouleSukkersygeunder 20 undervægtigstivelse Spytamylasestofskifte energibehovi mave sækken Pepsinaf stivelse, proteiner og fedtstoffer bugspytkirtlensplitte store molekyler til små fordøjelsesenzymer

Kecergasan 2021-10-23

Kecergasan crossword puzzle
  1. kategori tekanan darah
  2. tekanan darah sistolik bawah 120
  3. keupayaan mengubah haluan
  4. kencing manis
  5. sakit sendi
  6. berhubung kait dengan kadar melakukan sesuatu kerja
  1. struktur jantung
  2. BMI atas 30
  3. keupayaan melakukan sesuatu pergerakan dalam masa singkat
  4. struktur jantung
  5. risiko obesiti
  6. Di bawah 18.5

12 Clues: BMI atas 30sakit sendikencing manisDi bawah 18.5risiko obesitistruktur jantungstruktur jantungkategori tekanan darahkeupayaan mengubah haluantekanan darah sistolik bawah 120berhubung kait dengan kadar melakukan sesuatu kerjakeupayaan melakukan sesuatu pergerakan dalam masa singkat

ICD and CPT Crossword 2016-12-11

ICD and CPT Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Transposition, ovary(s)
  2. Laceration of kidney, less than 1 cm
  3. ear piercing
  4. Lipoid dermatoarthritis
  5. Lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave
  6. Postprocedural anterior urethral stricture
  7. Gastroduodenostomy
  8. sarcoid myocarditis
  9. Sclerosing keratitis, right eye
  10. Biopsy of lip
  11. Repair of encephalocele, skull vault, including cranioplasty
  1. neutropenia, due to infection
  2. cutaneous vesicostomy
  3. Type 2 diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
  4. Intersex surgery, female to male
  5. Proctoplasty; for stenosis
  6. slow transit constipation
  7. Laparoscopy, surgical,esophagogastric fundoplasty, when performed
  8. Late-onset cerebellar ataxia
  9. Protein deficiency anemia

20 Clues: ear piercingBiopsy of lipGastroduodenostomysarcoid myocarditiscutaneous vesicostomyTransposition, ovary(s)Lipoid dermatoarthritisslow transit constipationProtein deficiency anemiaProctoplasty; for stenosisLate-onset cerebellar ataxianeutropenia, due to infectionSclerosing keratitis, right eyeIntersex surgery, female to male...

Woordenschat havo 3 CP2 2016-12-02

Woordenschat havo 3 CP2 crossword puzzle
  1. situatie die niet goed is
  2. relatie of vriendschapsband tussen mensen
  3. gereedschap, machine
  4. verplaatsbaar
  5. tentoonstellen
  6. scheikundig
  7. opbrengst
  8. naar een hogere klasse of functie gaan
  9. te pakken krijgen
  10. weer goedmaken
  11. winstgevend maken
  12. verwijderen, weghalen
  13. iets als volmaakt voorstellen
  14. iemand die iets koopt of gebruikt
  15. indruk maken
  16. achtervolgen om te berechten
  1. suikerziekte
  2. kort geleden
  3. innen, binnenhalen
  4. belangrijk, wezenlijk
  5. vervoeren
  6. uitdagen, uitlokken
  7. uitgaan van je mening, niet van de feiten
  8. gevoelig
  9. vertellen wat je hebt gezien
  10. stomverbaasd

26 Clues: gevoeligvervoerenopbrengstscheikundigsuikerziektekort geledenstomverbaasdindruk makenverplaatsbaartentoonstellenweer goedmakente pakken krijgenwinstgevend makeninnen, binnenhalenuitdagen, uitlokkengereedschap, machinebelangrijk, wezenlijkverwijderen, weghalensituatie die niet goed isvertellen wat je hebt gezienachtervolgen om te berechten...

PMCWA 2019-10-23

PMCWA crossword puzzle
  1. discharge summaries
  2. laboratory
  3. next to PCH
  4. post graduate medical council
  5. Hotel Royale
  6. big boss
  7. fluctuating cognition
  8. overseas doctors
  9. IV access
  10. zzzzzzz
  11. you!
  12. your team mate
  13. the omnipotent gods of the telephone
  14. informed decision making for procedures
  15. caffeine supply
  16. doctor/patient relationship
  1. new and shiny
  2. on call
  3. bleeper
  4. procedure
  5. country health service
  6. sticky red stuff
  7. talking etc
  8. Nacl/CSL/dextrose
  9. the bar at RPH
  10. medication
  11. yours is important
  12. you!
  13. high blood sugar?
  14. imaging
  15. Handover format

31 Clues: you!you!on callbleeperzzzzzzzimagingbig bossprocedureIV accesslaboratorymedicationnext to PCHtalking etcHotel Royalenew and shinythe bar at RPHyour team matecaffeine supplyHandover formatsticky red stuffoverseas doctorsNacl/CSL/dextrosehigh blood sugar?yours is importantdischarge summariesfluctuating cognitioncountry health service...

CCMA Abbr. & Acronyms Pt 2 2022-01-14

CCMA Abbr. & Acronyms Pt 2 crossword puzzle
  1. clinical medical assistant
  2. beats per minute
  3. cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  4. transient ischemic attack
  5. body mass index
  6. diabetes mellitus
  7. white blood cell or count
  8. f/u
  9. ethyl alcohol (blood alcohol levels)
  10. complaint cc
  11. point of care testing
  12. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  13. acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  1. bowel movement
  2. cerebrovascular accident
  3. as soon as possible
  4. po
  5. urinary tract infection
  6. coronary artery disease
  7. blood pressure
  8. Current Procedural Terminology
  9. follicle-stimulating hormone
  10. electronic health record
  11. meals ac
  12. complete blood count
  13. point of service

26 Clues: pof/umeals accomplaint ccbowel movementblood pressurebody mass indexbeats per minutepoint of servicediabetes mellitusas soon as possiblecomplete blood countpoint of care testingurinary tract infectioncoronary artery diseasecerebrovascular accidentelectronic health recordtransient ischemic attackwhite blood cell or countclinical medical assistant...

Neutron Bioteknologi 2023-01-26

Neutron Bioteknologi crossword puzzle
  1. bahan susu dengan Lactobacillus bulgaricus
  2. biaya bioteknologi modern
  3. kelebihan bioteknologi konvensional
  4. rekombinan untuk menghambat replikasi virus
  5. nama lain antibodi monoklonal
  6. dibuat untuk penderita diabetes mellitus
  7. jamur, virus, dan bakteri disebut dengan
  8. fertilisasi in vitro
  9. hasil fermentasi Neurospora sitophyla
  10. domba dolly
  11. mikroorganisme Acetobacter xylinum membutuhkan substrat berupa
  12. jamur untuk pembuatan kecap
  1. memproduksi tanaman seragam, banyak, dalam waktu cepat
  2. jamur untuk antibiotik pennisilin
  3. bioteknologi memanfaatkan virus
  4. tempat untuk melakukan bioteknologi modern
  5. proses pemanfaatan mikroorganisme
  6. nama lain susu asam
  7. nama lain jamur
  8. Rhizopus oligosporus

20 Clues: domba dollynama lain jamurnama lain susu asamfertilisasi in vitroRhizopus oligosporusbiaya bioteknologi modernjamur untuk pembuatan kecapnama lain antibodi monoklonalbioteknologi memanfaatkan virusjamur untuk antibiotik pennisilinproses pemanfaatan mikroorganismekelebihan bioteknologi konvensionalhasil fermentasi Neurospora sitophyla...

matura rozszerzona natalia 2023-10-15

matura rozszerzona natalia crossword puzzle
  1. palce
  2. godziwy, przyzwoity
  3. kolejny, następujący po sobie (o wydarzeniu, czynności)
  4. poddawać się (badaniom, operacji), odbywać (np. kurację), przechodzić (np. szkolenie)
  5. głęboki, wnikliwy
  6. przypominać
  7. uderzający, imponujący
  8. wyprawa
  9. cukrzyca
  10. schronisko
  11. powaga, srogość
  12. szeroki
  13. ulga
  14. dalszy, dodatkowy
  15. zaskakujący, wstrząsający
  16. zauważalny, wyraźny
  1. opis
  2. według czegoś, zgodnie z czymś
  3. cechy charakterystyczne
  4. przypadek, sprawa
  5. redukować, ograniczać
  6. szczyt, maksimum
  7. chociaż
  8. otyłość
  9. kopać
  10. posiłek
  11. wydział
  12. utrata, brak
  13. poświęcać
  14. dług
  15. zapobiegać, uniemożliwiać
  16. cierpieć,doświadczać

32 Clues: opisdługulgapalcekopaćchociażotyłośćwyprawaposiłekwydziałszerokicukrzycapoświęcaćschroniskoprzypominaćutrata, brakpowaga, srogośćszczyt, maksimumprzypadek, sprawagłęboki, wnikliwydalszy, dodatkowygodziwy, przyzwoityzauważalny, wyraźnycierpieć,doświadczaćredukować, ograniczaćuderzający, imponującycechy charakterystycznezapobiegać, uniemożliwiać...

NST Term 2 Revision Part 1 2018-06-05

NST Term 2 Revision Part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Makes own food
  2. Plants make food in the...
  3. A food web consists of many...
  4. Keep the heat inside
  5. Eats other consumers
  6. Too little protein
  7. Too much salt
  8. No control over sugar levels
  1. Plants make energy as...
  2. A microorganism
  3. Bacteria make alcohol in food
  4. Puts nutrients back into the ground
  5. green substance in plants
  6. Eats producer
  7. Also needed in a balanced diet
  8. Strong Bones
  9. Habitat with living and non-living organisms.
  10. Our main source of energy
  11. Too much unhealthy food
  12. Preserve in saltwater

20 Clues: Strong BonesEats producerToo much saltMakes own foodA microorganismToo little proteinKeep the heat insideEats other consumersPreserve in saltwaterToo much unhealthy foodPlants make energy as...green substance in plantsOur main source of energyPlants make food in the...No control over sugar levelsBacteria make alcohol in food...

Study Game 2015-04-21

Study Game crossword puzzle
  1. as needed
  2. The purple pill for heartburn
  3. pertaining to the armpit
  4. performed through the skin
  5. subjective, objective, assessment, and plan
  6. Brand name medication for diabetes
  7. three times a day
  8. supplementary
  9. nothing by mouth
  10. history, physical, impression, plan
  1. having a surface that is rounded and somewhat elevated
  2. with or within a vein
  3. 4 times a day
  4. First antibiotic
  5. sufficient quantity
  6. by mouth
  7. history of present illness
  8. Generic diabetic medication
  9. daily
  10. within normal limits
  11. Twice a day
  12. bedtime

22 Clues: dailybedtimeby mouthas neededTwice a day4 times a daysupplementaryFirst antibioticnothing by mouththree times a daysufficient quantitywithin normal limitswith or within a veinpertaining to the armpitperformed through the skinhistory of present illnessGeneric diabetic medicationThe purple pill for heartburnBrand name medication for diabetes...

The baby sitters club 2022-08-08

The baby sitters club crossword puzzle
  1. what they are/ their job
  2. Claudias grandma
  3. protective dad
  4. Town they live in
  5. Claudias sister
  6. How many days a week they have meeetings
  7. new member with a bunch of siblings
  8. What kristy's essay was about in S1 E1
  9. state they live in
  10. Watsons daughter
  1. Disease stacey has
  2. kristys younger brother
  3. Baby sitters club shortend
  4. New member who loves ballet
  5. Kristys moms husband
  6. secretary
  7. treasure of the club
  8. founder
  9. art lover
  10. how many seasons?
  11. member that joins the club S1 E4

21 Clues: foundersecretaryart loverprotective dadClaudias sisterClaudias grandmaWatsons daughterTown they live inhow many seasons?Disease stacey hasstate they live inKristys moms husbandtreasure of the clubkristys younger brotherwhat they are/ their jobBaby sitters club shortendNew member who loves balletmember that joins the club S1 E4...

Lewydabest9 2023-01-28

Lewydabest9 crossword puzzle
  1. of little importance/value
  2. element with Sb as its symbol
  3. some islands in the Indian Ocean
  4. scandinavian deltas
  5. blood ______
  6. to be indecisive
  7. not strict
  8. office retail co.
  9. 2021 Ballon d'or winner
  10. treatment for type 2 diabetes
  1. abandoned video sharing platform
  2. murcielago in English
  3. tica
  4. space probe that went to Jupiter
  5. longest commercial flight in the world: NY to __________
  6. Memphis point guard Ja ________
  7. animal on the kazakh flag
  8. ______, I lied
  9. venetian cathedral
  10. marathon record holder Eliud __________
  11. to the third

21 Clues: ticanot strictblood ______to the third______, I liedto be indecisiveoffice retail co.venetian cathedralscandinavian deltasmurcielago in English2021 Ballon d'or winneranimal on the kazakh flagof little importance/valueelement with Sb as its symboltreatment for type 2 diabetesMemphis point guard Ja ________abandoned video sharing platform...

European Gastronomy 2020-08-17

European Gastronomy crossword puzzle
  1. I'm sweet and colourful
  2. pounded meat
  3. "Made by the sea"
  4. Inverlochy smoked
  5. Glasgow's liquid cocaine
  6. French breakfast - coffee and a ______?
  7. Deutsch spirit
  8. Swiss hot pot
  9. Apologised for diabetes
  10. efficient awakening
  11. Birthplace of the Za
  1. More layers than an onion
  2. Berlin's finest delicacy
  3. "There is no more unfairly reviled food on earth than _______." -Anthony Bourdain
  4. Nicole makes it best
  5. overlooked Scotch region
  6. Sunday
  7. minty
  8. organic fossil fuel
  9. What the French believe they do better than the Swiss
  10. London food haven

21 Clues: mintySundaypounded meatSwiss hot potDeutsch spirit"Made by the sea"Inverlochy smokedLondon food havenorganic fossil fuelefficient awakeningNicole makes it bestBirthplace of the ZaI'm sweet and colourfulApologised for diabetesBerlin's finest delicacyoverlooked Scotch regionGlasgow's liquid cocaineMore layers than an onion...


  1. fourtyfour
  2. thirtysix
  3. fourteen
  4. nineteen
  5. twelve
  6. nine
  7. thirtyseven
  8. two
  9. fourtyseven
  10. fourty
  11. seven
  12. thirtyeight
  13. one
  14. twentythree
  15. thirtyfive
  16. sixteen
  17. fifty one
  18. thirty
  19. twentyseven
  20. twentytwo
  21. twehtyfour
  22. thirtyfour
  23. twebtysix
  24. fourtyfive
  25. seventeen
  26. fourtynine
  1. twentyone
  2. fourtythree
  3. three
  4. thirtythree
  5. fourtytwo
  6. twentyeight
  7. four
  8. thirtynine
  9. twentynine
  10. fourtyone
  11. fifty
  12. eleven
  13. eight
  14. fourtyeight
  15. ten
  16. five
  17. eighteen
  18. twentyfive
  19. fourtysix
  20. twentythree
  21. thirteen
  22. thirtytwo
  23. fifteen
  24. six
  25. twenty
  26. thirtyone

52 Clues: twotenonesixfourninefivethreefiftyseveneighttwelvefourtyeleventhirtytwentysixteenfifteenfourteennineteeneighteenthirteentwentyonethirtysixfourtytwofourtyonefourtysixfifty onetwentytwothirtytwotwebtysixthirtyoneseventeenfourtyfourthirtyninetwentyninetwentyfivethirtyfivetwehtyfourthirtyfourfourtyfivefourtyninefourtythreethirtythreetwentyeight...

Ike Balmer's Birthday Bash 2024-04-19

Ike Balmer's Birthday Bash crossword puzzle
  1. Hated by Greg
  2. In the United States, approximately 38.4 million people have diabetes
  3. Master of real estate
  4. Gone but never forgotten
  5. Turtle antagonist
  6. Whatcom Blue compound butter, aioli, arugula
  7. Ike's response to foam dome
  8. Racist comedian
  9. Ike Roommate
  10. Ike as a prescription medication
  11. Ike's favorite place to drink
  1. Americanized snack food
  2. Ike Roommate
  3. Rat testing music
  4. Loved by Greg
  5. Forward backwards brother
  6. Hong Kong actor, director, and writer
  7. Invented in Bainbridge Island
  8. Jerry's greatest work
  9. Boss man
  10. Ike Roommate
  11. Fellow WWU rec major king

22 Clues: Boss manIke RoommateIke RoommateIke RoommateHated by GregLoved by GregRacist comedianRat testing musicTurtle antagonistMaster of real estateJerry's greatest workAmericanized snack foodGone but never forgottenForward backwards brotherFellow WWU rec major kingIke's response to foam domeInvented in Bainbridge IslandIke's favorite place to drink...

PLACES 2022-02-08

PLACES crossword puzzle
  1. where you go when you injure your shoulder snowboarding
  2. swim swim
  3. you can eat here
  4. refill your prescription
  5. deposit money
  6. has a lot of mail
  1. where people go to escape their unloved children
  2. its a store
  3. borrow books
  4. there is sand
  5. a place that has grass, trees, and benches
  6. mmm, diabetes
  8. choo-choo

14 Clues: SPORTSswim swimchoo-chooits a storeborrow booksthere is sandmmm, diabetesdeposit moneyyou can eat herehas a lot of mailrefill your prescriptiona place that has grass, trees, and bencheswhere people go to escape their unloved childrenwhere you go when you injure your shoulder snowboarding

Dekubitusprophylaxe 2021-01-10

Dekubitusprophylaxe crossword puzzle
  1. Gewichts- und Kräfteverlust
  2. Stunden, Jahre, Wochen bezeichnet man als:
  3. längeres Pressen auf eine Stelle
  4. unwillkürlicher Verlust von Urin
  5. stark eingeschränkte Beweglichkeit
  6. Absterben von Zellen als Fachbegriff
  7. Positionierung in eine bestimmte Körperhaltung
  8. Zuckerkrankheit auf Griechisch
  9. Förderung der Bewegungsfähigkeit
  1. griechische für Flüssigkeitsverlust
  2. Fachbegriff für schweres Übergewicht
  3. willentliche Fokussierung der Aufmerksamkeit auf eine bestimmte Tätigkeit
  4. Lähmung auf Griechisch
  5. Veranlagung.

14 Clues: Veranlagung.Lähmung auf GriechischGewichts- und KräfteverlustZuckerkrankheit auf Griechischlängeres Pressen auf eine Stelleunwillkürlicher Verlust von UrinFörderung der Bewegungsfähigkeitstark eingeschränkte Beweglichkeitgriechische für FlüssigkeitsverlustFachbegriff für schweres ÜbergewichtAbsterben von Zellen als Fachbegriff...

Colon Cancer - Supportive Care 2021-02-23

Colon Cancer - Supportive Care crossword puzzle
  1. Non-pharmacologic option for chemotherapy-induced diarrhea
  2. Modifiable risk factor for AR
  3. Derek Shepherd
  4. Central perk
  5. AR's chief complaint for follow-up visit
  6. DDI with capecitabine
  7. Oral adjuvant therapy
  8. Gold standard screening method
  9. AR's ECOG performance status
  1. Treatment for diarrhea
  2. Non-Modifiable risk factor for AR
  3. Eloxatin
  4. Most definitive treatment for colon cancer cure
  5. Topoisomerase 1 inhibitor

14 Clues: EloxatinCentral perkDerek ShepherdDDI with capecitabineOral adjuvant therapyTreatment for diarrheaTopoisomerase 1 inhibitorAR's ECOG performance statusModifiable risk factor for ARGold standard screening methodNon-Modifiable risk factor for ARAR's chief complaint for follow-up visitMost definitive treatment for colon cancer cure...


CARBOHYDRATES crossword puzzle
  1. mucosal cell
  2. single SUGAR MOLECULE
  3. hormone secreted by pancreas
  4. begins in the mouth
  5. enhance weight loss
  7. animals store glucose as
  1. CAUSE tooth decay
  2. hydrated CARBON
  4. sweetest NATURAL SUGAR
  5. inability to regulate blood glucose levels
  6. glucose levels are higher than normal
  7. stimulates the breakdown of glycogen to glucose

14 Clues: mucosal cellhydrated CARBONCAUSE tooth decaybegins in the mouthenhance weight losssingle SUGAR MOLECULEsweetest NATURAL SUGARtwo MOLUCULES ARE SHAREDanimals store glucose asMOST ABUNDANT CARBOHYDRATEhormone secreted by pancreasglucose levels are higher than normalinability to regulate blood glucose levels...

Hypertension 2020-04-09

Hypertension crossword puzzle
  1. hypertension grade for 14-159 systole and 90-99 diastole-GRADEONE
  2. the essential laboratory test for hypertension patients with diabetes-MICROALBIMINURIA
  3. 10 year very high risk categories for score includes-DIABETES MELLITUS
  1. this drug causes temperory increase in blood pressure as side effect-DECONGESTANTS
  2. assesment ov hypertension that includes more detailed evaluation-ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
  3. most important part of medical history taking of suspected hypertension patient-FAMILYHISTORY
  4. the disease that has been called the silent killer related to circulatory system-HYPERTENSION
  5. brain in hypertension has.... In dramatic stage-STROKE

8 Clues: brain in hypertension has.... In dramatic stage-STROKEhypertension grade for 14-159 systole and 90-99 diastole-GRADEONE10 year very high risk categories for score includes-DIABETES MELLITUSassesment ov hypertension that includes more detailed evaluation-ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY...

Diseases 2022-11-04

Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. Where healthy bacteria can be found
  2. Mosquito is an example
  3. measures that help you not get sick
  4. Treated with antibiotic
  5. heart/blood vessels
  6. Causes athlete's foot
  7. not cancerous
  8. disease that affects glucose use
  9. poison, chemicals in the air, water,etc
  1. Something that causes diseases
  2. brain bleed or clot
  3. similar to bacteria
  4. Vaccines prevent them
  5. A common viral infection
  6. passed on genes
  7. uncontrolled cell growth
  8. An invasion of bacteria
  9. bodies adverse reaction to a substance

18 Clues: not cancerouspassed on genesbrain bleed or clotsimilar to bacteriaheart/blood vesselsVaccines prevent themCauses athlete's footMosquito is an exampleTreated with antibioticAn invasion of bacteriaA common viral infectionuncontrolled cell growthSomething that causes diseasesdisease that affects glucose useWhere healthy bacteria can be found...

Rätsel-Rallye 2 2021-06-04

Rätsel-Rallye 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Gefühl, dass mir etwas fehlt
  2. ohne Arbeit
  3. Zuckerkrankheit
  4. Gesetz, das die täglichen Pausen festlegt
  5. dort werden alte Menschen gepflegt
  6. Vertretung der Bevölkerung im Parlament
  1. Fluss in Bern
  2. Gemeinschaft ohne verheiratet zu sein
  3. ein Bundesrat
  4. schützt vor Einkommens- oder Vermögensverlust
  5. Knochen im Unterarm
  6. Virus
  7. Kaufbestätigung
  8. wie viel etwas kostet
  9. muss bei einem Schaden selbst bezahlt werden
  10. sichert das Existenzminimum im Alter
  11. Übersicht über Einnahmen und Ausgaben
  12. muss gesund und abwechslungsreich sein

18 Clues: Virusohne ArbeitFluss in Bernein BundesratKaufbestätigungZuckerkrankheitKnochen im Unterarmwie viel etwas kostetGefühl, dass mir etwas fehltdort werden alte Menschen gepflegtsichert das Existenzminimum im AlterGemeinschaft ohne verheiratet zu seinÜbersicht über Einnahmen und Ausgabenmuss gesund und abwechslungsreich sein...

RBC 2023-03-14

RBC crossword puzzle
  1. indicator of diabetes mellitus
  2. haemoglobin bound to oxygen
  3. in haemoglobin breakdownthisis converted to bilirubin
  4. in fetal haemoglobin beta chains arereplced by
  5. causes dusky discolouration of skin
  6. abnormal globin chains present
  7. factor influencing erythropoisis
  8. bloodfilter
  9. redcell fragility
  10. geneticdisorder,polymerization ofHbS
  1. spherical shaped rbc
  2. increased affinity for haemoglobin
  3. membraneprotein of RBC
  4. breakdown of haemoglobin
  5. on exposure to white light bilirubin turns to
  6. linkerprotein
  7. treatment of jaundice in infants
  8. drug causing lysis of RBC

18 Clues: bloodfilterlinkerproteinredcell fragilityspherical shaped rbcmembraneprotein of RBCbreakdown of haemoglobindrug causing lysis of RBChaemoglobin bound to oxygenindicator of diabetes mellitusabnormal globin chains presentfactor influencing erythropoisistreatment of jaundice in infantsincreased affinity for haemoglobin...

Teka Teki Kimia Farmasi 2023-10-30

Teka Teki Kimia Farmasi crossword puzzle
  1. Contoh protein transportasi
  2. 5 Atom C
  3. Protein yg berfungsi mengatur aktivitas sel
  4. Contoh asam amino esensial
  5. Senyawa yang berikatan tunggal
  6. Molekul besar yang sulit dicerna
  7. Polimer yang terdapat pada plastik dan ember
  8. Sumber energi
  9. Polimer yang tidak tahan panas
  1. Polimer terbentuk lebih dari 2 macam monomer
  2. Merupakan derivate perhidrosiklopenantrena
  3. Reaksi pembentukan polimer
  4. Gabungan monomer
  5. Monomer dari polipropilena
  6. Senyawa organik di dalam organisme hidup
  7. Obat penderita diabetes
  8. Gabungan monomer glukosa
  9. Memiliki galaktosa, glukosa,dan fruktosa

18 Clues: 5 Atom CSumber energiGabungan monomerObat penderita diabetesGabungan monomer glukosaReaksi pembentukan polimerContoh asam amino esensialMonomer dari polipropilenaContoh protein transportasiSenyawa yang berikatan tunggalPolimer yang tidak tahan panasMolekul besar yang sulit dicernaSenyawa organik di dalam organisme hidup...

Desafíos Mundiales: Es esencial que seas saludable 2020-09-29

Desafíos Mundiales: Es esencial que seas saludable crossword puzzle
  1. enfermedad por exceso de glucosa o azúcar
  2. algo raro
  3. hacer un buen uso de algo
  4. mal del corazón
  5. comida básica
  6. exceso de peso
  7. cantidad de materia en el cuerpo
  8. poner condiciones de riesgo a alguien
  9. exceso de grasa en el cuerpo
  1. sustancia esencial para el desarrollo
  2. justo o esencial
  3. aumento en tamaño
  4. que causa vergüenza
  5. estado de satisfacción y tranquilidad
  6. eliminar por completo
  7. lactancia
  8. conveniente o recomendable
  9. evolución de algo

18 Clues: algo rarolactanciacomida básicaexceso de pesomal del corazónjusto o esencialaumento en tamañoevolución de algoque causa vergüenzaeliminar por completohacer un buen uso de algoconveniente o recomendableexceso de grasa en el cuerpocantidad de materia en el cuerposustancia esencial para el desarrolloestado de satisfacción y tranquilidad...

Hormonit 2023-10-31

Hormonit crossword puzzle


Periodntal disease puzzle 2024-06-13

Periodntal disease puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Bacterial film
  2. To find bone loss
  3. on brushing
  4. treat infection
  5. sign of disease
  6. of periodontal disease
  1. diabetes and smoking
  2. In between teeth
  3. what comes after assessments

9 Clues: on brushingBacterial filmtreat infectionsign of diseaseIn between teethTo find bone lossdiabetes and smokingof periodontal diseasewhat comes after assessments

TTS TIK 2022-04-08

TTS TIK crossword puzzle
  1. kepanjangan dari COD
  2. salah satu aplikasi uang online
  3. kepanjangan dari CT
  4. kepanjangan dari COD
  5. kepanjangan dari MRI
  1. arti virtual reality
  2. sistem pakar atau..
  3. robot untuk pengidap autis
  4. nama perpustakaan digital
  5. nama robot pendeteksi diabetes
  6. cloud menjadikan internet sebagai...
  7. point of sale atau...

12 Clues: sistem pakar atau..kepanjangan dari CTarti virtual realitykepanjangan dari CODkepanjangan dari CODkepanjangan dari MRIpoint of sale atau...nama perpustakaan digitalrobot untuk pengidap autisnama robot pendeteksi diabetessalah satu aplikasi uang onlinecloud menjadikan internet sebagai...

Vegan Crossword 2022-09-27

Vegan Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Asian berry
  2. sugar and this lead to diabetes
  3. The daily dozen
  4. Eat 12 a day
  5. Animal fat
  6. Eat these for optimal health
  1. a bowl of fiber
  2. nature's purple candy
  3. Too much sitting
  4. Sometimes called supplements
  5. Activity 3 times a week

11 Clues: Animal fatAsian berryEat 12 a daya bowl of fiberThe daily dozenToo much sittingnature's purple candyActivity 3 times a weekSometimes called supplementsEat these for optimal healthsugar and this lead to diabetes

NUR 1290 Endocrine 2022-04-16

NUR 1290 Endocrine crossword puzzle
  1. Polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia are symptoms of this abnormality associated with poorly managed diabetes.
  2. This lab value shows blood glucose control over the life-span of the RBC molecule, which is approximately 120 days (3-4 months), and target goal for persons with diabetes is 7% or below.
  3. This intermediate-acting insulin has an onset of 1 ½ hours, peak in 6-8 hours, and duration of 22 hours.
  4. This type of insulin order bases the amount of insulin a patient receives on the blood glucose level, is intended to “correct” the current blood glucose, and is not held if the patient is NPO.
  5. Upon assessment the nurse finds a patient confused, with tremors and cool clammy skin which may be indicators of _________________.
  6. This insulin also known as Humalog is a rapid acting SQ insulin which peaks an hour after administration (30-90 min), onset within 15 minutes of administration, and duration of 4-5 hours.
  7. This class of medication often given to suppress the inflammatory or immune response is known to elevate blood glucose levels, potentially requiring temporary insulin administration.
  8. A patient with hypoglycemia who is ___________ or unable to eat or drink safely would receive IV Dextrose 50% (D50W) or glucagon IV, IM or SQ.
  9. The normal range for this common electrolyte is 135 – 145 meq/L.
  10. This medication is used to manage hypothyroidism, and is best taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
  1. The redistribution of adipose tissue occurring when SQ insulin injection sites are not rotated.
  2. Common signs and symptoms of this endocrine abnormality include intolerance to cold, slowed bowel mobility, depression.
  3. Insulin will cause shift this electrolyte into the cells along with glucose; the normal range for this electrolyte is 3.5 – 5.0 meq/L.
  4. This long-acting insulin also known as Glargine, does not have a profound peak and has a duration of 24 hour. It is not to be mixed with any other insulin.
  5. This biguanide is commonly used as first-line therapy for persons with type-2 diabetes, but is temporarily stopped when patients are hospitalized due to decreased metabolism or the drug in the presence of IV contrast dye and potential for damage to the kidneys.
  6. Diabetic ______________ is a complication of diabetes requiring IV insulin (Regular), more often of type-1, where patients present with very high blood glucose levels, ketones present in the blood and urine, and often a fruity smell to the breath due to acidosis.
  7. This short-acting insulin also known as Humulin has a peak of 2-4 hours, has an onset of ½ - 1 hour, and duration of up to 8 hours.

17 Clues: The normal range for this common electrolyte is 135 – 145 meq/L.The redistribution of adipose tissue occurring when SQ insulin injection sites are not rotated.This intermediate-acting insulin has an onset of 1 ½ hours, peak in 6-8 hours, and duration of 22 hours....

Biologija - križanka 2020-04-23

Biologija - križanka crossword puzzle
  1. z njimi razmišljamo
  2. gib ki ga naredimo podzavestno
  3. nastanejo v posebnih celicah žleznih tkiv
  4. z njim rešujemo življenje
  5. nahaja se za prsnico nad srcem
  6. v vratu pred grlom
  7. huda krvna bolezen
  8. prostor kjer se zbira seč
  9. sladkorna bolezen
  10. v turškem sedlu pod možgani
  11. bistra slana in kisla tekočina
  1. zaščitena s kostjo
  2. ob vnetjih nam zatečejo
  3. vena
  4. osnovna enota živčevja
  5. prečiščevanje krvi
  6. najpomembnejši organ izločal
  7. skrbijo za izločanje odpadnih snovi iz krvi
  8. snov ki se veže na protitelesa
  9. vsebuje do pol litra seča

20 Clues: venasladkorna bolezenzaščitena s kostjoprečiščevanje krviv vratu pred grlomhuda krvna bolezenz njimi razmišljamoosnovna enota živčevjaob vnetjih nam zatečejoz njim rešujemo življenjeprostor kjer se zbira sečvsebuje do pol litra sečav turškem sedlu pod možganinajpomembnejši organ izločalgib ki ga naredimo podzavestnonahaja se za prsnico nad srcem...

Week 5 2017-03-28

Week 5 crossword puzzle
  1. diabetes mellitus
  2. capsule
  3. multiple sclerosis
  4. fasting blood sugar
  5. hemoglobin and hematocrit
  6. primary care physician
  7. no known allergies
  8. fever of unknown origin
  9. complete blood count
  10. obstetrics
  11. pelvic inflammatory disease
  12. Sp. G.
  13. newborn
  14. hematocrit (measures packed RBC volume)
  15. physical exam
  1. dx
  2. Specific gravity
  3. bx
  4. hemoglobin (measures iron in the blood)
  5. urinalysis
  6. pulmonary function test
  7. culture and sensitivity
  8. tx
  9. over the counter
  10. emergency room
  11. cerebral vascular accident
  12. Glucose tolerance test
  13. tablet
  14. history

29 Clues: dxbxtxSp. G.tabletcapsulenewbornhistoryurinalysisobstetricsphysical examemergency roomSpecific gravityover the counterdiabetes mellitusmultiple sclerosisno known allergiesfasting blood sugarcomplete blood countprimary care physicianGlucose tolerance testpulmonary function testfever of unknown originculture and sensitivityhemoglobin and hematocrit...

Medical words beginning D - F 2018-10-12

Medical words beginning D - F crossword puzzle
  1. Bệnh đái tháo đường
  2. Bác sĩ chuyên khoa dinh dưỡng
  3. Ngoại, ngoài
  4. Bệnh tật
  5. Suy nhược cơ thể
  6. Ca cấp cứu
  7. Điếc, không nghe được
  8. Bác sĩ dịch tễ học
  9. Sự bất tiện
  10. Trật khớp
  1. Bệnh ec-zê-ma
  2. Bệnh gãy xương
  3. Bác sĩ nội tiết
  4. Chứng mất trí
  5. Phép chẩn đoán
  6. Cúm
  7. Đau tai
  8. Bệnh tiêu chảy
  9. Cơn sốt
  10. Bác sĩ da liễu
  11. Bác sĩ
  12. Mất nước
  13. Làm chết, nguy hiểm đến tính mạng

23 Clues: CúmBác sĩĐau taiCơn sốtBệnh tậtMất nướcTrật khớpCa cấp cứuSự bất tiệnNgoại, ngoàiBệnh ec-zê-maChứng mất tríBệnh gãy xươngPhép chẩn đoánBệnh tiêu chảyBác sĩ da liễuBác sĩ nội tiếtSuy nhược cơ thểBác sĩ dịch tễ họcBệnh đái tháo đườngĐiếc, không nghe đượcBác sĩ chuyên khoa dinh dưỡngLàm chết, nguy hiểm đến tính mạng

ABCDE 2020-09-07

ABCDE crossword puzzle
  1. nenästä tulee nestettä eli se
  2. 1/4
  3. ilma kulkee sisään ja ulos
  4. miksi tullut päivystykseen
  5. ilma ei kulje nenän kautta eli nenä on
  6. esim. kohonnut verenpaine tai diabetes
  7. pneumonia
  8. sairaus, joka seuraa varsinaista sairautta
  9. potilaan olo kokonaisuudessaan
  10. vakava tai kaupunki Turkissa
  11. voi liikkua, peseytyä ja syödä itse
  1. samanlainen koko ajan
  2. potilaalla ei kipuja, ei ongelmia
  3. infektio
  4. airway
  5. ei nousu
  6. VTI (UTI)
  7. kun kävely ei onnistu, jalat eivät
  8. väsymys
  9. ei asiallinen
  10. selän ja vatsan välissä
  11. esim. 85/134

22 Clues: 1/4airwayväsymysinfektioei nousuVTI (UTI)pneumoniaesim. 85/134ei asiallinensamanlainen koko ajanselän ja vatsan välissäilma kulkee sisään ja ulosmiksi tullut päivystykseenvakava tai kaupunki Turkissanenästä tulee nestettä eli sepotilaan olo kokonaisuudessaanpotilaalla ei kipuja, ei ongelmiakun kävely ei onnistu, jalat eivät...

Vegetables 2020-09-30

Vegetables crossword puzzle
  1. supports brain health
  2. source of folic acid
  3. it´s purifying
  4. improves asthma
  5. provides energy
  6. helps kidney failure
  7. pain prevention
  8. contains folic acid
  9. helps anxiety
  10. helps skin and hair
  11. fight diabetes
  12. provides energy
  13. reduces acne
  14. helps brain development
  15. cure gastritis
  1. prevents osteoporosis
  2. it´s good for the heart
  3. help in healthy diet
  4. contains antioxidant
  5. save the bones
  6. prevents costipation
  7. benefits the nervous system
  8. contains vitamin c
  9. reduces then risk of cancer
  10. analgesic properties
  11. contains calcium
  12. has digestives properties

27 Clues: reduces acnehelps anxietysave the bonesit´s purifyingfight diabetescure gastritisimproves asthmaprovides energypain preventionprovides energycontains calciumcontains vitamin ccontains folic acidhelps skin and hairhelp in healthy dietcontains antioxidantprevents costipationsource of folic acidhelps kidney failureanalgesic properties...

Veterinary Tech Week 2021-10-06

Veterinary Tech Week crossword puzzle
  1. outer ear infection
  2. abnormal tissue growth
  3. Dr. Shepherd's favorite disease
  4. removing female reproductive organs
  5. Dr. Meyer's favorite mass
  6. pertaining to the mouth
  7. braided absorbable suture
  8. topical ointment for infections
  9. cushings treatment
  10. infection of hair follicle
  1. hyperglycemia and glucosuria
  2. anti acid
  3. elevated levels of cortisol
  4. dermis/epidermis
  5. Dr. Sell's favorite solution
  6. alpha 2 used in large animals
  7. alpha 2 reversal
  8. NSAID for felines
  9. 1
  10. induces vomiting in dogs
  11. pocket of infection
  12. Natasha's life
  13. excessive urination and drinking

23 Clues: 1anti acidNatasha's lifedermis/epidermisalpha 2 reversalNSAID for felinescushings treatmentouter ear infectionpocket of infectionabnormal tissue growthpertaining to the mouthinduces vomiting in dogsDr. Meyer's favorite massbraided absorbable sutureinfection of hair follicleelevated levels of cortisolhyperglycemia and glucosuria...

Generic medications reviewed 2022-07-24

Generic medications reviewed crossword puzzle
  1. Treats high cholesterol. Known as Lipitor
  2. ACE inhibitor, For hypertension and HF
  3. Lowers mucus viscosity
  4. For bronchospasm
  5. Adjunct analgesic, neuropathic pain
  6. ARB, May reduce the risk of stroke
  7. PPI, treats GERD
  8. Ca channel blocker, use in hypertension
  9. Suppresses inflammation. Corticosteroid
  1. Type 2 diabetes
  2. Another statin
  3. Fon Nausea
  4. Vit K inhibitor
  5. Electrolyte, essential in nerve impulses
  6. Stimulates glucose uptake
  7. Opioid agonist, 50-100x morphine potency
  8. Beta blocker. For hypertension
  9. Block pain perception. Used as anesthetic
  10. Factor Xa inhibitor, stops clotting
  11. Synthetic hormone

20 Clues: Fon NauseaAnother statinType 2 diabetesVit K inhibitorFor bronchospasmPPI, treats GERDSynthetic hormoneLowers mucus viscosityStimulates glucose uptakeBeta blocker. For hypertensionARB, May reduce the risk of strokeFactor Xa inhibitor, stops clottingAdjunct analgesic, neuropathic painACE inhibitor, For hypertension and HF...

Hamit CAN ile İngilizce Kampı - A1.18 (511-540) 2023-05-29

Hamit CAN ile İngilizce Kampı - A1.18 (511-540) crossword puzzle
  1. kask, baret
  2. süt, süt ürünleri
  3. yüksek kan basıncı, yüksek tansiyon
  4. uzay elbisesi, uzay giyisisi
  5. kızarıklık
  6. kuru yemiş, fındık
  7. bir şeye alerjisi var
  8. çok kötü ya, bu çok kötü
  9. saman
  10. otopark, araç park yeri
  11. çok kötü
  12. boğaz ağrısı
  13. kas ağrısı
  14. sırt ağrısı
  15. şeker hastalığı, diyabet
  1. ilaç
  2. üşüme, soğuk algınlığı
  3. büyükanne (günlük hayatta)
  4. migren
  5. eklem ağrısı
  6. bisiklet kurye
  7. ağrılı, acılı, ağrıyan
  8. buğday
  9. sırt ağrısı
  10. güneş yanığı, güneşten yanma
  11. fakat, ama, ancak
  12. turist
  13. yemek alerjisi
  14. bahar nezlesi
  15. baş ağrısı

30 Clues: ilaçsamanmigrenbuğdayturistçok kötükızarıklıkbaş ağrısıkas ağrısıkask, baretsırt ağrısısırt ağrısıeklem ağrısıboğaz ağrısıbahar nezlesibisiklet kuryeyemek alerjisisüt, süt ürünlerifakat, ama, ancakkuru yemiş, fındıkbir şeye alerjisi varüşüme, soğuk algınlığıağrılı, acılı, ağrıyanotopark, araç park yeriçok kötü ya, bu çok kötü...

Our First Anniversary 2024-08-26

Our First Anniversary crossword puzzle
  1. we are happily ____
  2. no time for gym
  3. meat raffle?
  4. thebest venue
  5. city where we met
  6. best neighborhood
  7. anniversary dinner
  8. wedding cocktail
  9. our bands
  10. why do we rot?
  11. what was once yours, now ours
  12. can't live without
  13. now BT1D
  1. "what we really need is a..."
  2. our apartment
  3. our preferred exterior
  4. dinnfer before engagement
  5. our first concert
  6. a whistle is a cue it's time for a
  7. cause for sugar intake
  8. first dance artist
  9. wedding video film
  10. street name

23 Clues: now BT1Dour bandsstreet namemeat raffle?our apartmentthebest venuewhy do we rot?no time for gymwedding cocktailour first concertcity where we metbest neighborhoodfirst dance artistwedding video filmanniversary dinnercan't live withoutwe are happily ____our preferred exteriorcause for sugar intakedinnfer before engagement...

Vegan Crossword 2022-09-27

Vegan Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Too much sitting
  2. Animal fat
  3. nature's purple candy
  4. a bowl of fiber
  5. Eat these for optimal health
  1. Sometimes called supplements
  2. sugar and this lead to diabetes
  3. The daily dozen
  4. Activity 3 times a week
  5. Eat 12 a day
  6. Asian berry

11 Clues: Animal fatAsian berryEat 12 a dayThe daily dozena bowl of fiberToo much sittingnature's purple candyActivity 3 times a weekSometimes called supplementsEat these for optimal healthsugar and this lead to diabetes

årede litgendn 2023-03-28

årede litgendn crossword puzzle
  1. Betennelse uten mikroorganismer
  2. Trege bevegelser
  3. I det lille kretsløpet går blodet fra hjertet til …
  4. Hindring/stopp/innsnøring
  5. Halvsidig, delvis lammelse
  6. Oppvekst av bakterier i blodet
  1. Lungeblære
  2. Når kroppen starter en blødning
  3. Lavt blodsukker
  4. Skjelvinger
  5. Kroppen produserer ikke nok insulin

11 Clues: LungeblæreSkjelvingerLavt blodsukkerTrege bevegelserHindring/stopp/innsnøringHalvsidig, delvis lammelseOppvekst av bakterier i blodetBetennelse uten mikroorganismerNår kroppen starter en blødningKroppen produserer ikke nok insulinI det lille kretsløpet går blodet fra hjertet til …

DIURETICS 2023-05-28

DIURETICS crossword puzzle
  1. Vasopressin antagonist
  2. Aldosterone antagonist
  3. Adenosine A1 receptor antagonist
  4. Diuretic drug that has been used in management of Chronic HF
  5. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
  1. Osmotic diuretic
  2. Potassium sparing diuretic
  3. Thiazide-like diuretic
  4. Drug contraindicated in Diabetes Mellitus
  5. Methylxanthines diuretic
  6. Loop diuretic

11 Clues: Loop diureticOsmotic diureticThiazide-like diureticVasopressin antagonistAldosterone antagonistMethylxanthines diureticPotassium sparing diureticCarbonic anhydrase inhibitorAdenosine A1 receptor antagonistDrug contraindicated in Diabetes MellitusDiuretic drug that has been used in management of Chronic HF

Repaso:OB/Neonatology 2020-09-28

Repaso:OB/Neonatology crossword puzzle
  1. el seno
  2. el feto
  3. trimester
  4. neonato
  5. colostrum
  6. Gonadotropina coriónica humana
  7. Espina bífida
  8. maternal exhaustion
  9. Neonatología
  10. induce
  11. breastfeed
  12. lactante
  13. sufrimiento fetal
  14. spinal anesthesia
  15. embrión
  16. to push/bear down
  17. D&C
  18. el trabajo del parto
  1. fetal demise
  2. distocia del trabajo del parto
  3. gestational diabetes
  4. El pezón
  5. Gestación
  6. Catéter de Foley
  7. shoulder dystocia
  8. Episiotomía
  9. la matriz
  10. Recién nacido
  11. meconium
  12. Doctor of pregnancies/women
  13. malparto
  14. El cordón umbilical
  15. muerte fetal
  16. cerclaje

34 Clues: D&Cinduceel senoel fetoneonatoembriónEl pezónmeconiummalpartolactantecerclajeGestacióntrimesterla matrizcolostrumbreastfeedEpisiotomíafetal demiseNeonatologíamuerte fetalEspina bífidaRecién nacidoCatéter de Foleyshoulder dystociasufrimiento fetalspinal anesthesiato push/bear downmaternal exhaustionEl cordón umbilicalgestational diabetes...

Medical Terminology 2023-03-15

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. At the beginning of a word provides meaning
  2. high blood pressure
  3. low
  4. difficulty
  5. Removal of
  6. blood in the urine
  7. Having a fever
  8. three times a day
  9. Visualisation of
  10. skin
  11. At the end of the word indicates procedure or condition
  1. surgical removal of the bladder
  2. low blood pressure
  3. high
  4. slow
  5. half
  6. treatment
  7. secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum
  8. Towards the front
  9. state of awareness
  10. rapid
  11. too much sugar in the blood
  12. two times a day

23 Clues: lowhighslowhalfskinrapidtreatmentdifficultyRemoval ofHaving a fevertwo times a dayVisualisation ofTowards the frontthree times a daylow blood pressurestate of awarenessblood in the urinehigh blood pressuretoo much sugar in the bloodsurgical removal of the bladderAt the beginning of a word provides meaningsecretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum...

health for matura (macmillan) 2024-02-28

health for matura (macmillan) crossword puzzle
  1. ograniczyć
  2. szczepionka
  3. uzależniające
  4. odporność
  5. ból gardła
  6. jąkanie, jąkać się
  7. granie
  8. radzić sobie z
  9. wydobrzeć, poczuć się lepiej
  10. krwawienie, krwawiący
  11. nieprzytomny
  12. podbite oko
  13. a wound opatrzeć ranę
  14. trądzik
  15. szwy
  16. kaszel
  17. choroba
  18. recepta
  19. unit SOR
  1. zatrucie pokarmowe
  2. swędzące
  3. otyłość
  4. kontuzja, okaleczenie, uraz
  5. mierzyć temperaturę
  6. cukrzyca
  7. ból pleców
  8. opiekun
  9. mieć zawroty głowy
  10. szytwność
  11. bolesny, obolały
  12. kichać
  13. doradztwo, terapia
  14. karetka
  15. odcisk, pęcherz
  16. ratownicy medyczni
  17. badać
  18. kiepsko, źle
  19. bezsenność

38 Clues: szwybadaćgraniekichaćkaszelotyłośćopiekunkaretkatrądzikchorobareceptaswędzącecukrzycaunit SORodpornośćszytwnośćograniczyćból plecówból gardłabezsennośćszczepionkapodbite okonieprzytomnykiepsko, źleuzależniająceradzić sobie zodcisk, pęcherzbolesny, obolałyzatrucie pokarmowemieć zawroty głowyjąkanie, jąkać siędoradztwo, terapiaratownicy medyczni...

chapter 1 2024-05-06

chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. environment
  2. contains information
  3. iner layer of cells in a embryo
  4. 0-2 weeks
  5. 10 to 40 weeks
  6. is DNA and genes
  7. egg is fertilized
  8. adapibility
  9. diet pills
  10. 30,000 to 50,000 dollar
  1. focus on the first 20 years of life and little to no change after
  2. your genic mettural
  3. nat able to consive after 12 years
  4. contains a clear fluid body floats in
  5. orgain formation
  6. disease diabetes
  7. since birth
  8. outer layer of the embryo
  9. age
  10. syndrome extra y chromosome

20 Clues: age0-2 weeksdiet pillsenvironmentsince birthadapibility10 to 40 weeksorgain formationis DNA and genesegg is fertilizedyour genic metturaldisease diabetescontains information30,000 to 50,000 dollarouter layer of the embryosyndrome extra y chromosomeiner layer of cells in a embryonat able to consive after 12 years...

Dietetyka Final Vocabulary Revision 2024-06-21

Dietetyka Final Vocabulary Revision crossword puzzle
  1. bimber
  2. zgaga
  3. jądra
  4. nadużycie
  5. siekać
  6. siemię lniane
  7. ekspert ds żywienia
  8. (podawać) doustnie
  9. cukrzyca ciążowa (skrót)
  10. czopek
  11. cukrzyca
  12. delikatny/kruchy
  13. wybredny
  14. niestrawność
  15. łyżka cedzakowa
  16. napoje
  17. drób
  18. suszone śliwki
  19. wzdęcia
  1. tłuczek do mięsa
  2. pośladki
  3. apteka wewnątrzszpitalna
  4. karambola
  5. jarmuż
  6. pachwina
  7. sztućce
  8. wymiotować
  9. gotowanie na parze
  10. sala operacyjna (skrót)
  11. ostryga
  12. laryngolog (skrót)
  13. jelita
  14. środki przeczyszczające
  15. beza
  16. zespół jelita drażliwego (skrót)
  17. zaburzenia jedzenia (skrót)
  18. skierowanie do lekarza
  19. zaparcie

38 Clues: bezadróbzgagajądrabimberjarmużsiekaćczopekjelitanapojesztućceostrygawzdęciapośladkipachwinacukrzycawybrednyzaparciekarambolanadużyciewymiotowaćniestrawnośćsiemię lnianesuszone śliwkiłyżka cedzakowatłuczek do mięsadelikatny/kruchygotowanie na parze(podawać) doustnielaryngolog (skrót)ekspert ds żywieniaskierowanie do lekarzasala operacyjna (skrót)...

Integumentary System 2024-09-17

Integumentary System crossword puzzle
  1. blood tumor
  2. red condition
  3. skin specialist
  4. diabetes pertaining to
  5. place pertaining to
  6. excessive sweat condition
  7. nail fungus condition
  8. abnormal itching condition
  9. skin study of
  10. death condition
  11. cancer pertaining to producing
  12. white condition
  13. nipple-like tumor
  14. profuse sweating condition
  1. fat cell
  2. fat tumor
  3. blue condition
  4. fungus condition
  5. dry and scaly condition
  6. study of cells
  7. hard or hardening pertaining to
  8. blood in the tissue condition
  9. bruisingsing condition
  10. fungal infection
  11. eyelid inflammation
  12. hard skin
  13. sweat inflammation
  14. skin inflammation
  15. dry and scaly condition
  16. sweat condition

30 Clues: fat cellfat tumorhard skinblood tumorred conditionskin study ofblue conditionstudy of cellsskin specialistdeath conditionsweat conditionwhite conditionfungus conditionfungal infectionskin inflammationnipple-like tumorsweat inflammationplace pertaining toeyelid inflammationnail fungus conditiondiabetes pertaining tobruisingsing condition...

NUR 1290 Endocrine 2022-04-16

NUR 1290 Endocrine crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin will cause shift this electrolyte into the cells along with glucose; the normal range for this electrolyte is 3.5 – 5.0 meq/L.
  2. This biguanide is commonly used as first-line therapy for persons with type-2 diabetes, but is temporarily stopped when patients are hospitalized due to decreased metabolism or the drug in the presence of IV contrast dye and potential for damage to the kidneys.
  3. This long-acting insulin also known as Glargine, does not have a profound peak and has a duration of 24 hour. It is not to be mixed with any other insulin.
  4. This medication is used to manage hypothyroidism, and is best taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
  5. This intermediate-acting insulin has an onset of 1 ½ hours, peak in 6-8 hours, and duration of 22 hours.
  6. This lab value shows blood glucose control over the life-span of the RBC molecule, which is approximately 120 days (3-4 months), and target goal for persons with diabetes is 7% or below.
  7. Polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia are symptoms of this abnormality associated with poorly managed diabetes.
  8. This short-acting insulin also known as Humulin has a peak of 2-4 hours, has an onset of ½ - 1 hour, and duration of up to 8 hours.
  9. Diabetic ______________ is a complication of diabetes requiring IV insulin (Regular), more often of type-1, where patients present with very high blood glucose levels, ketones present in the blood and urine, and often a fruity smell to the breath due to acidosis.
  10. Common signs and symptoms of this endocrine abnormality include intolerance to cold, slowed bowel mobility, depression.
  1. A patient with hypoglycemia who is ___________ or unable to eat or drink safely would receive IV Dextrose 50% (D50W) or glucagon IV, IM or SQ.
  2. This type of insulin order bases the amount of insulin a patient receives on the blood glucose level, is intended to “correct” the current blood glucose, and is not held if the patient is NPO.
  3. Upon assessment the nurse finds a patient confused, with tremors and cool clammy skin which may be indicators of _________________.
  4. This class of medication often given to suppress the inflammatory or immune response is known to elevate blood glucose levels, potentially requiring temporary insulin administration.
  5. This insulin also known as Humalog is a rapid acting SQ insulin which peaks an hour after administration (30-90 min), onset within 15 minutes of administration, and duration of 4-5 hours.
  6. The normal range for this common electrolyte is 135 – 145 meq/L.
  7. The redistribution of adipose tissue occurring when SQ insulin injection sites are not rotated.

17 Clues: The normal range for this common electrolyte is 135 – 145 meq/L.The redistribution of adipose tissue occurring when SQ insulin injection sites are not rotated.This intermediate-acting insulin has an onset of 1 ½ hours, peak in 6-8 hours, and duration of 22 hours....

Dietoterapia 2023-06-08

Dietoterapia crossword puzzle
  1. GUKIH
  2. enfermedad cronica que se puede contral pero no curar
  3. oijoi
  5. azucar alta
  6. hjfy
  7. YGOT
  8. iihuh
  9. aumenta las probabilidades de arterias obstruidas (aterosclerosis)
  10. jhu
  11. por destrucción de las células b del páncreas y que son propensas a la cetoacidosi
  12. jhgfyt
  1. jh
  2. molecula organica con un grupo aaminoy un grupo cabxiloen un extremoDietoterapia por destrucción de las células b del páncreas y que son propensas a la cetoacidosi
  3. KIJKI
  4. jhug
  5. njnj
  6. hegfy

18 Clues: jhjhujhugnjnjhjfyYGOTGUKIHKIJKIoijoiiihuhhegfyLJHFUIjhgfytazucar altaenfermedad cronica que se puede contral pero no curaraumenta las probabilidades de arterias obstruidas (aterosclerosis)por destrucción de las células b del páncreas y que son propensas a la cetoacidosi...

semana passada 2022-01-05

semana passada crossword puzzle
  1. vazias por dentro
  2. a divisão sem resto
  3. a semana que já foi
  4. secreção corporal
  5. quarto mês do ano
  6. o meio no qual vivem os peixes
  7. prazer da pessoa intelectual
  8. órgão onde se desenvolve o embrião
  9. veste como o escocês
  1. bolsa de viagem
  2. cavidade oral
  3. precipício profundeza
  4. a coordenada do eixo X
  5. separo dos demais
  6. doença de dom pedro II
  7. cervídeo do alasca
  8. divisão da partida de tênis

17 Clues: cavidade oralbolsa de viagemvazias por dentroseparo dos demaissecreção corporalquarto mês do anocervídeo do alascaa divisão sem restoa semana que já foiveste como o escocêsprecipício profundezaa coordenada do eixo Xdoença de dom pedro IIdivisão da partida de tênisprazer da pessoa intelectualo meio no qual vivem os peixes...

Part of vegetables 2021-04-29

Part of vegetables crossword puzzle
  1. menurunkan resiko diabetes.
  2. beans cure breast cancer.
  3. sprouts help to increase endurance.
  4. lowers cholesterol.
  5. can reduce heat.
  6. can maintain eye vision.
  7. get rid of heart toxins.
  8. reduces heart disease damage.
  9. can boost immunity.
  10. can increase hormones.
  1. fights cancer.
  2. lowers blood pressure.
  3. can maintain eye health.
  4. increases fertility and blood stability.
  5. green healthy bones and teeth.
  6. can strengthen the heart.
  7. facilitate breast milk.
  8. choy functions as an antioxidant to prevent cancer.
  9. prevent night blindness.
  10. greens can be an anti-oxidant.

20 Clues: fights cancer.can reduce heat.lowers cholesterol.can boost immunity.lowers blood pressure.can increase hormones.facilitate breast milk.can maintain eye health.prevent night blindness.can maintain eye vision.get rid of heart toxins.beans cure breast cancer.can strengthen the heart.menurunkan resiko diabetes.reduces heart disease damage....

Endocrine word puzzle 2023-05-15

Endocrine word puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. difficulty feeling pain
  2. inflammation of the brain
  3. relating to the brain and spinal cord
  4. parathyroid glands
  5. loss of feeling
  6. pertaining to the thalamus
  7. diabetes condition
  8. inflammation of the meninges
  9. pertaining to the pancreas
  1. pertaining to the meninges
  2. test of brain activity
  3. inflammation of many peripheral nerves
  4. suturing of many nerves
  5. removal of the nerves
  6. low levels of sodium
  7. radiates the nervous by inflammation
  8. central nervous system tumor
  9. reducing sugar in the urine

18 Clues: loss of feelingparathyroid glandsdiabetes conditionlow levels of sodiumremoval of the nervestest of brain activitydifficulty feeling painsuturing of many nervesinflammation of the brainpertaining to the meningespertaining to the thalamuspertaining to the pancreasreducing sugar in the urinecentral nervous system tumorinflammation of the meninges...

Kertaus 7.lk erityisruokavaliot ja säännöllinen syöminen 2024-01-18

Kertaus 7.lk erityisruokavaliot ja säännöllinen syöminen crossword puzzle
  1. suolistosairaus, jossa ei käytetä gluteenipitoisia viljoja
  2. liha-makaronilaatikko on sellainen
  3. usein epämiellyttävä perusmaku
  4. kun ruokavaliosta täytyy karsia jokin ruoka-aine pois
  5. tässä sairaudessa verensokerin tasapaino vaatii erityistä huomioimista
  6. henkilö, joka ei syö mitään eläinperäistä
  7. ateria, joka syödään esim. koulun jälkeen
  8. tila, jossa ei siedä
  9. maitosokeri
  10. gluteenia sisältävä vilja
  1. ruokavalio, joka sisältää kasviksia, maitoa ja kananmunia
  2. ateria koulupäivän aikana
  3. perusmaku
  4. kirpeä perusmaku
  5. miksi pitää syödä säännöllisesti?
  6. makaroni on sellainen
  7. koostuu ruokalajeista
  8. kuitu on sellainen

18 Clues: perusmakumaitosokerikirpeä perusmakukuitu on sellainentila, jossa ei siedämakaroni on sellainenkoostuu ruokalajeistaateria koulupäivän aikanagluteenia sisältävä viljausein epämiellyttävä perusmakumiksi pitää syödä säännöllisesti?liha-makaronilaatikko on sellainenhenkilö, joka ei syö mitään eläinperäistäateria, joka syödään esim. koulun jälkeen...

vocab 2022-10-03

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. coma
  2. syndrome
  3. heart disease
  4. induced coma
  1. mellitus
  2. induced asthma
  3. shock
  4. cell anemia

8 Clues: comashockmellitussyndromecell anemiainduced comaheart diseaseinduced asthma

Hormonen 2015-01-15

Hormonen crossword puzzle
  1. suiker ziekte
  2. schildklierhormoon
  3. hormoonklier in de hals
  4. produceren geslachtshormonen
  1. brandstof voor het lichaam
  2. regelt bloedsuikerspiegel
  3. produceren adrenaline
  4. produceert groeihormonen

8 Clues: suiker ziekteschildklierhormoonproduceren adrenalinehormoonklier in de halsproduceert groeihormonenregelt bloedsuikerspiegelbrandstof voor het lichaamproduceren geslachtshormonen

Carbohydrates Are Delicious 2021-03-23

Carbohydrates Are Delicious crossword puzzle
  1. A disaccharide containing 2 molecules of glucose
  2. The conversion of glucose into 3-carbon molecules
  3. Hormone that promotes glycogenolysis, lipolysis and gluconeogenesis
  4. Method principle for glucose that involves the conversion of H2O2 to H2O and an oxidized chromogen
  5. The ability to create glucose from non-carbohydrate sources
  6. A metabolic disorder marked by hyperglycemia, either due to lack of insulin or insulin resistance.
  7. The classification of diabetes with insidious onset
  8. Method principle for glucose where NAD+ is reduced to NADH and read at 340nm. Increase in absorbance
  1. The preferred sample type for glucose determination, reference range is 65-99 mg/dL
  2. The classification of diabetes associated with autoimmune destruction of beta cells
  3. Measurement of glucose over a 2 hour span after consuming a measured amount of glucose is also known as the _____ _____ Test
  4. The disaccharide composed of glucose and galactose molecules
  5. The type of hemoglobin that has glucose bound to it
  6. <=40 mg/dL and >= 500 mg/dL are considered ______values for glucose
  7. Hormone that promotes glycogenesis, glycolysis and lipogenesis

15 Clues: A disaccharide containing 2 molecules of glucoseThe conversion of glucose into 3-carbon moleculesThe type of hemoglobin that has glucose bound to itThe classification of diabetes with insidious onsetThe ability to create glucose from non-carbohydrate sourcesThe disaccharide composed of glucose and galactose molecules...

Diabetes Tipo 2 2021-09-09

Diabetes Tipo 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Composto extraído do mesmo cacto que a tequila e que deve ser evitado por conter um alto teor de frutose.
  2. Níveis altos no sangue.
  3. Nutriente que deve englobar 45%-60% do VET na DM2.
  4. Sintoma comum na diabete.
  5. Órgãos mais afetados.
  6. Nutriente que não deve ocupar mais que 5%-10% do VET na DM2.
  1. Hormônio cujo funcionamento esta prejudicado.
  2. Pratica que aliada a boa alimentação ameniza os sintomas da Diabetes.
  3. A ingestão desse nutriente em 80g/d reduz em 14% o risco de DM2.
  4. Estado corporal que agrava a doença.

10 Clues: Órgãos mais afetados.Níveis altos no sangue.Sintoma comum na diabete.Estado corporal que agrava a doença.Hormônio cujo funcionamento esta prejudicado.Nutriente que deve englobar 45%-60% do VET na DM2.Nutriente que não deve ocupar mais que 5%-10% do VET na DM2.A ingestão desse nutriente em 80g/d reduz em 14% o risco de DM2....

Complicações da diabetes 2022-06-24

Complicações da diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Está também associada ao consumo excessivo de sal
  2. principal causa de perda de visão a nível mundial
  3. é mais frequente nos homens com diabetes mal controlada
  4. usar meias de algodão e calçado confortável pode evitá-lo
  5. Degeneração progressiva dos nervos
  6. É a 1ª causa de morte em Portugal
  7. Caracteriza-se pela dificuldade do coração em bombear corretamente o sangue
  1. um dos sintomas mais característicos é o hálito com odor frutado
  2. pode levar à completa inutilização do rim
  3. atualmente o seu rastreio é feito em todas as grávidas

10 Clues: É a 1ª causa de morte em PortugalDegeneração progressiva dos nervospode levar à completa inutilização do rimEstá também associada ao consumo excessivo de salprincipal causa de perda de visão a nível mundialatualmente o seu rastreio é feito em todas as grávidasé mais frequente nos homens com diabetes mal controlada...

Sugar and diabetes 2024-06-25

Sugar and diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A disease that occurs when glucose is too high
  2. A loss of sensation in an area of the body
  3. A feeling of being angry or annoyed
  4. feeling dehydrated
  1. Hormone that lower the level of glucose in the blood
  2. Action that people does to keep a healthy body
  3. Uncomfortable feeling in the back of the throat or stomach
  4. It act on the Area of the brain to give a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction
  5. Something sweet
  6. You have to eat something to receive it

10 Clues: Something sweetfeeling dehydratedA feeling of being angry or annoyedYou have to eat something to receive itA loss of sensation in an area of the bodyAction that people does to keep a healthy bodyA disease that occurs when glucose is too highHormone that lower the level of glucose in the blood...

Diabetes Drug Classes 2024-02-29

Diabetes Drug Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Single oral drug in the class
  2. High rate of secondary failure
  3. Drug in 6 Across safer in CKD
  4. Contraindicated in heart failure
  1. Drug in 6 Down not labeled for Heart Failure
  2. UKPDS trial showed a reduction in ASCVD risk
  3. Oral drug in 4 Across with complicated dosing instructions
  4. Drug in 8 Across with dose-dependent risks (namely, edema)
  5. Derived from the bark of apple trees
  6. Not to be used in combination with GLP1s

10 Clues: Single oral drug in the classDrug in 6 Across safer in CKDHigh rate of secondary failureContraindicated in heart failureDerived from the bark of apple treesNot to be used in combination with GLP1sDrug in 6 Down not labeled for Heart FailureUKPDS trial showed a reduction in ASCVD riskOral drug in 4 Across with complicated dosing instructions...

Parts of body, Illnosses and Symtons 2024-06-12

Parts of body, Illnosses and Symtons crossword puzzle
  1. external part of the body.
  2. abundance of blood.
  3. temperature increase.
  4. pain intensity.
  5. Part of the body that covers the lips.
  6. temperature decrease.
  7. muscle inflammation.
  8. nervousness in ONE muscle.
  1. gastrointestinal disease.
  2. increase of glucose in the blood.
  3. Lower part of the body.
  4. alcohol-based disease.
  5. inner part of the legs.
  6. main organ of the human body.
  7. disease affecting the throat.
  8. cause of suffering in the body.
  9. inside of the leg.

17 Clues: pain intensity.inside of the leg.abundance of blood.muscle inflammation.temperature increase.temperature decrease.alcohol-based disease.Lower part of the body.inner part of the legs.gastrointestinal disease.external part of the body.nervousness in ONE muscle.main organ of the human body.disease affecting the throat.cause of suffering in the body....

Health Class crossword 2023-10-06

Health Class crossword crossword puzzle
  1. move with...
  2. someone whose BMI is over 30
  3. provides energy
  4. there are 2 types
  5. has 5 food groups
  6. needed in small amounts
  7. main source of energy
  8. this is needed after a workout
  9. you should eat these whole
  1. someone who is heavier
  2. papaya
  3. someone who is very light
  4. kids usually don't eat these
  5. we need this to survive
  6. turn food into energy
  7. what you are before lunch
  8. milk

17 Clues: milkpapayamove with...provides energythere are 2 typeshas 5 food groupsturn food into energymain source of energysomeone who is heavierwe need this to surviveneeded in small amountssomeone who is very lightwhat you are before lunchyou should eat these wholesomeone whose BMI is over 30kids usually don't eat thesethis is needed after a workout




Ologies in life science 2022-08-03

Ologies in life science crossword puzzle
  1. study of prehistoric life
  2. study of fish
  3. study of dogs
  4. study of bacteria
  5. study of diabetes mellitus
  6. study of cells
  7. study of microorganisms
  8. study of the heart
  1. study of animal behavior
  2. study of bees
  3. study of feces
  4. study of animals
  5. study of life
  6. study of spiders
  7. study of living organisms and their environment
  8. study of the functions of living organisms
  9. study of causes and treatment of allergies

17 Clues: study of beesstudy of fishstudy of dogsstudy of lifestudy of fecesstudy of cellsstudy of animalsstudy of spidersstudy of bacteriastudy of the heartstudy of microorganismsstudy of animal behaviorstudy of prehistoric lifestudy of diabetes mellitusstudy of the functions of living organismsstudy of causes and treatment of allergies...

Top 10 prescription drugs 2022-04-28

Top 10 prescription drugs crossword puzzle
  1. Type 2 diabetes
  2. Treats high cholesterol. Brand name Lipitor
  3. Synthetic hormone
  4. For hypertension and heart failure
  2. Treats hypertension and angina
  3. Another statin
  4. Beta blocker, treats hypertension
  5. ARB, treats kidney insufficiency
  6. For bronchospasm

10 Clues: GERD, PPIUAnother statinType 2 diabetesFor bronchospasmSynthetic hormoneTreats hypertension and anginaARB, treats kidney insufficiencyBeta blocker, treats hypertensionFor hypertension and heart failureTreats high cholesterol. Brand name Lipitor

Drug Names 2023-05-17

Drug Names crossword puzzle
  1. treatment for emphysema
  2. treatment for early breast cancer
  3. birth control
  4. obesty management
  5. Endometriosis
  1. type 2 diabetes
  2. complex partial seizures
  3. used for anxiety
  4. treatment of HIV
  5. pain that isnt relieved by non opioid pain meds

10 Clues: birth controlEndometriosistype 2 diabetesused for anxietytreatment of HIVobesty managementtreatment for emphysemacomplex partial seizurestreatment for early breast cancerpain that isnt relieved by non opioid pain meds