diabetes Crossword Puzzles

bio 2023-06-09

bio crossword puzzle
  1. masuk ke pembuluh kapiler darah di
  2. dari jaringan lemak adalah
  3. yang mempengaruhi produksi urine adalah
  4. sesungguhnya adalah hasil dari
  5. sel endotelium digunakan untuk
  6. urine orang yang terlalu banyak minum adalah
  7. adanya eritrosit pada urine adalah
  8. oksigen diikat oleh hemoglobin, hemoglobin menjadi
  9. urine dari kandung kemih diatur oleh otot
  10. ginjal yang mengalirkan urine keluar dari tubuh adalah
  1. terbentuk karena hemoglobin mengikat
  2. melitus adalah penyakit kelebihan kadar
  3. adalah tempat pembentukan
  4. basale berperan untuk memproduksi
  5. penyaringan di kapsula bowman berupa filtrat
  6. hematuria dilakukan dengan
  7. yang menimbulkan bau di urine adalah
  8. yang berada di bagian paling luar kulit adalah lapisan
  9. rusaknya nefron adalah
  10. yang membuat warna kuning di urine adalah
  11. dioksida

21 Clues: dioksidarusaknya nefron adalahadalah tempat pembentukandari jaringan lemak adalahhematuria dilakukan dengansesungguhnya adalah hasil darisel endotelium digunakan untukbasale berperan untuk memproduksimasuk ke pembuluh kapiler darah diadanya eritrosit pada urine adalahterbentuk karena hemoglobin mengikatyang menimbulkan bau di urine adalah...


  1. Autoimmune Disease associated with Anti-dsDNA
  2. Concentrated Coagulation Factors
  3. Cardiac Marker
  4. Diabetes
  5. Gram Positive Cocci in chains- can causes sore throats
  6. "Universal" Donor
  7. Vibrio's shape
  8. Chemistry's Analyzer
  1. Red Cell Morpholoy
  2. A Common Platelet/Coag Factor Disorder
  3. Factor responsible for cross linking of Fibrin
  4. Antibody that Disappears or "Hides"
  5. Coagulation Pathway that uses Factor 7
  6. ______ Fairfax Hospital
  7. Anemia with Macrocytes, Howell-Jolly bodies, Low B12
  8. Interferes with Urine Chemistry Stick
  9. On Blood Agar- Under a colony it is dark and greenish
  10. Stain needed to detect the presence of Iron
  11. To transfer liquids use a _______

19 Clues: DiabetesCardiac MarkerVibrio's shape"Universal" DonorRed Cell MorpholoyChemistry's Analyzer______ Fairfax HospitalConcentrated Coagulation FactorsTo transfer liquids use a _______Antibody that Disappears or "Hides"Interferes with Urine Chemistry StickA Common Platelet/Coag Factor DisorderCoagulation Pathway that uses Factor 7...

Week 8 Pathology 2022-03-24

Week 8 Pathology crossword puzzle
  1. More common CHF
  2. Sound of semilunar valves closing
  3. Tendons involved in tennis elbow
  4. Lowers blood glucose
  5. Arthritis that has systemic inflammation
  6. Special test for ACL
  7. Degenerative changes in joint in spine
  8. Treatment for CHF waiting for transplant
  9. Stretching or tearing of a tendon or ms
  1. Cells that secrete insulin
  2. Valve between R atria and R ventricle
  3. Failure of this in diabetes insipidus
  4. Stretching or tearing of a ligament
  5. Excess cortisol
  6. Incontinence cause by exertion
  7. Gland that releases T3 and T4
  8. Contraction component of the cardiac cycle
  9. Pathology- atherosclerosis of coronary arteries
  10. Sxs include wt gain, forgetfulness

19 Clues: More common CHFExcess cortisolLowers blood glucoseSpecial test for ACLCells that secrete insulinGland that releases T3 and T4Incontinence cause by exertionTendons involved in tennis elbowSound of semilunar valves closingSxs include wt gain, forgetfulnessStretching or tearing of a ligamentValve between R atria and R ventricle...

Factors for recurrent falls 2023-08-15

Factors for recurrent falls crossword puzzle
  1. Cranial nerve 2
  2. Simultaneous use of multiple medication
  3. Common endocrine disease
  4. Obstacles at home that could trip a person up
  5. Demineralisation of osteoid matrix
  6. Controlled by cerebellum
  7. Uncertainty about what is happening
  8. The ability to do this is contained in hardest part of skull
  9. Seated BP 130/70, standing BP 90/70 is an example of
  1. The ability of movement
  2. Fainting
  3. Feeling of dizziness/ unsteadiness
  4. Lack of strength
  5. Person's manner of walking
  6. Colourless volatile liquid
  7. Atherosclerosis in the brain's vasculature
  8. Substantia nigra
  9. Type of incontinence
  10. LOSS and LESS are mneumonics for these diseases

19 Clues: FaintingCranial nerve 2Lack of strengthSubstantia nigraType of incontinenceThe ability of movementCommon endocrine diseaseControlled by cerebellumPerson's manner of walkingColourless volatile liquidFeeling of dizziness/ unsteadinessDemineralisation of osteoid matrixUncertainty about what is happeningSimultaneous use of multiple medication...


  1. sebuk putih yang rasanya tawar dan tidak jelas titik leburnya
  2. kristal putih larut dalam air dan rasanya manis
  3. fosfolipid bersifat
  4. lipid bersifat
  5. pengemulsi susu instan menjadi mudah larut
  6. jenis lemak yang mengalir di dalam darah
  7. disakarida yang terdiri atas dua molekul glukosa
  8. nama lain karbohidrat
  9. sakkar artinya
  10. nasi, jagung, dan sagu termasuk
  1. nama lain non polar
  2. karbohidrat paling banyak diproduksi
  3. asam lemak jenuh yang hanya memiliki ikatan tunggal
  4. mentega adalah
  5. gliseril lauropalmitostearat termasuk gliserida
  6. kelebihan glukosa dalam darah menyebabkan diabetes
  7. sukrosa, maltosa, dan laktosa merupakan senyawa
  8. larutannya pemutar kiri sehingga D-fruktosa
  9. lemak membentuk padatan pada suhu ruang
  10. nama lain lemak

20 Clues: mentega adalahlipid bersifatsakkar artinyanama lain lemaknama lain non polarfosfolipid bersifatnama lain karbohidratnasi, jagung, dan sagu termasukkarbohidrat paling banyak diproduksilemak membentuk padatan pada suhu ruangjenis lemak yang mengalir di dalam darahpengemulsi susu instan menjadi mudah larutlarutannya pemutar kiri sehingga D-fruktosa...

Emran 2013-09-12

Emran crossword puzzle
  1. beskytter mavesækken
  2. fedtstof
  3. din vægt og højde
  4. sukkersyge
  1. spalter dekstrinerne til glukose
  2. spalter polypeptiderne til amimosyrer
  3. kød,fisk, mælk,ost bønner, linser og nødder

7 Clues: fedtstofsukkersygedin vægt og højdebeskytter mavesækkenspalter dekstrinerne til glukosespalter polypeptiderne til amimosyrerkød,fisk, mælk,ost bønner, linser og nødder

Taudt 2022-11-17

Taudt crossword puzzle
  1. on märkää kakkaa
  2. kulkee suvussa
  3. on veressä
  4. aiheuttaa lämpöä
  5. satuttaa reikää
  1. satuttaa päätä
  2. on veressä

7 Clues: on veressäon veressäsatuttaa päätäkulkee suvussasatuttaa reikääon märkää kakkaaaiheuttaa lämpöä

Diabecticopedia 2021-11-09

Diabecticopedia crossword puzzle
  1. peptide hormone released in response to hyperglycemia
  2. mixed gland present in the epigastric region of the abdomen whose malfunction leads to diabetes
  3. antidiabetic drug which was withdrawn from the markets due to high risk of lactic acidosis
  4. long-acting drug used along with insulin injected under the skin, which is used for the management of both type 1 and type 2 DM
  5. Sutherland and Dove established that glucagon is released from these cells present in the pancreas
  6. autoimmune destruction of these cells lead to type 1 DM
  1. Serine is an amino acid which is synthesized from this carbohydrate
  2. fast-acting insulin drug sold under the brand name Humalog
  3. hormone responsible for glycogenolysis in liver
  4. A patient was diagnosed with Type-2 DM. He was prescribed an oral sulfonylurea drug and was asked to take it twice a day. After a few days, he noticed a few eruptions/rashes over the exposed areas of his skin such as face, throat, etc. What is the name of the drug?
  5. a drug used for treating type 2 DM as well as PCOS
  6. metabolic disease that causes high glucose blood level

12 Clues: hormone responsible for glycogenolysis in livera drug used for treating type 2 DM as well as PCOSpeptide hormone released in response to hyperglycemiametabolic disease that causes high glucose blood levelautoimmune destruction of these cells lead to type 1 DMfast-acting insulin drug sold under the brand name Humalog...

2.01 Key Terms 2023-11-07

2.01 Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Abnormal function of the heart or blood vessels.
  2. 2)
  3. The heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time.
  4. Convictions individuals hold, without proof or evidence.
  5. Disease that causes inflammation of the airways in the lungs.
  1. How hard the heart needs to pump to move blood around the body. Affected by activity, rest, temperature, diet, emotions, posture, and medicines.
  2. Anything that interferes with effective communication. Ex: noise, tone, accent, language, distractions.
  3. Diseases that slowly progress and are long-term medical conditions. Some chronic diseases are linked to lifestyle choices. Examples include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma, arthritis, and kidney disease.
  4. A defining characteristic.
  5. Type of fat found in found in animal products like meat, eggs, butter, cheese, and milk. The body needs some cholesterol for organ growth and function, but too much can build up and clog arteries that carry blood around the body. This can cause a heart attack or stroke.
  6. Listening with purpose and asking feedback questions for clarification.
  7. The amount of energy required to maintain ones’ automatic body functions such as hair growth.

12 Clues: 2)A defining characteristic.Abnormal function of the heart or blood vessels.Convictions individuals hold, without proof or evidence.The heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time.Disease that causes inflammation of the airways in the lungs.Listening with purpose and asking feedback questions for clarification....

Suchtgefahr 2024-01-08

Suchtgefahr crossword puzzle
  1. Was ein süchtiger Glücksspieler nicht hat
  2. Wonach ein Raucher süchtig ist
  3. Was beim Konsum harter Drogen passieren kann
  4. Womit ein Alkoholiker Probleme hat
  5. Was verursacht Esssucht
  1. Was Alkoholkonsum verursacht
  2. Eine harte Droge
  3. Ist Sucht gut?

8 Clues: Ist Sucht gut?Eine harte DrogeWas verursacht EsssuchtWas Alkoholkonsum verursachtWonach ein Raucher süchtig istWomit ein Alkoholiker Probleme hatWas ein süchtiger Glücksspieler nicht hatWas beim Konsum harter Drogen passieren kann


  1. Fruto rico em vitamina C
  2. Doença do século XXI
  3. Doença causada por excesso de açúcar no sangue
  1. Alimento líquido completo
  2. Deve-se beber em abundância
  3. Gordura vegetal saudável
  4. Alimento energético
  5. Alimento proteico de origem aquática

8 Clues: Alimento energéticoDoença do século XXIFruto rico em vitamina CGordura vegetal saudávelAlimento líquido completoDeve-se beber em abundânciaAlimento proteico de origem aquáticaDoença causada por excesso de açúcar no sangue

VMag - CrossWord-001 2018-04-04

VMag - CrossWord-001 crossword puzzle
  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. He Opened Doors on PC
  3. One wife one arrow
  4. Was developed by Linus Torvalds
  5. A Ten pin bowling has "this" as many pins as Five pin bowling
  1. Four pillars
  2. More carbohydrates can be harmful to this person
  3. May 1st is called
  4. and Rose Red
  5. Keep it Simple and Straight

10 Clues: Four pillarsand Rose RedMay 1st is calledOne wife one arrowHe Opened Doors on PCArtificial IntelligenceKeep it Simple and StraightWas developed by Linus TorvaldsMore carbohydrates can be harmful to this personA Ten pin bowling has "this" as many pins as Five pin bowling

Pagbasa 2013-10-07

Pagbasa crossword puzzle
  1. mainam sa pamamaga ng tonsil
  2. lugar na pinagbibilhan ng gamot
  3. namatay sa pangangalaga ng kagubatan
  4. kasulatan o legal na papeles
  5. ginagamit sa paghugas ng sugat
  1. ginagawang tabletas
  2. ginagamit sa buhok para kumapal
  3. tinawag na bayani ng kagubatan
  4. gamot laban sa kanser, kagat ng hayop o kulisap
  5. tumutulong sa pagkontrol ng dugo at diabetes

10 Clues: ginagawang tabletasmainam sa pamamaga ng tonsilkasulatan o legal na papelestinawag na bayani ng kagubatanginagamit sa paghugas ng sugatginagamit sa buhok para kumapallugar na pinagbibilhan ng gamotnamatay sa pangangalaga ng kagubatantumutulong sa pagkontrol ng dugo at diabetesgamot laban sa kanser, kagat ng hayop o kulisap

Veggiedag 2014-02-12

Veggiedag crossword puzzle
  1. Synoniem: ondoelmatig, ongeschikt.
  2. Werelds
  3. Synoniem: aanzetten tot
  4. koeien, varkens, kippen... Een tak in de landbouw.
  5. Veggiedag is een...
  6. Vervoersmiddelen
  7. Suikerziekte
  1. Opwarming van de aarde.
  2. Een te hoge ... is niet goed voor ons lichaam. ... is een vetachtige stof die ons lichaam nodig heeft om goed te werken.
  3. Dat gene wat wij allemaal verbruiken.

10 Clues: WereldsSuikerziekteVervoersmiddelenVeggiedag is een...Opwarming van de aarde.Synoniem: aanzetten totSynoniem: ondoelmatig, ongeschikt.Dat gene wat wij allemaal verbruiken.koeien, varkens, kippen... Een tak in de landbouw.Een te hoge ... is niet goed voor ons lichaam. ... is een vetachtige stof die ons lichaam nodig heeft om goed te werken.


PIGMENT DISORDERS crossword puzzle


Mad 8. årgang 2022-12-14

Mad 8. årgang crossword puzzle
  1. Det næringsstof, vi skal have mest af.
  2. Det næringsstof, som indeholder mest energi.
  3. Sukkersyge
  4. Stivelse er et
  5. Næringsstoffer, som kroppen kun skal bruge små mængder af.
  6. Proteiner er lange kæder af
  1. Fedt kan både være mættet og
  2. Indeholder en stor mængde vitamin A.
  3. Som energikilde kan hjernen kun bruge
  4. Kosttilskud
  5. Kulhydrat, som består af to monosakkarider.

11 Clues: SukkersygeKosttilskudStivelse er etProteiner er lange kæder afFedt kan både være mættet ogIndeholder en stor mængde vitamin A.Som energikilde kan hjernen kun brugeDet næringsstof, vi skal have mest af.Kulhydrat, som består af to monosakkarider.Det næringsstof, som indeholder mest energi.Næringsstoffer, som kroppen kun skal bruge små mængder af.


  1. mencegah lebih baik dari pada
  2. penyakit yang disebarkan oleh nyamuk
  3. penyakit yang disebabkan oleh kadar gula berlebih
  4. cara mencegah penyakit
  1. kelainan pada selaput lendir mulut
  2. cara melindungi diri dari penyakit
  3. penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus
  4. penyakit yang disebabkan oleh parasit
  5. kondisi tubuh yang tidak berfungsi semestinya
  6. penyakit yang menyerang pada sendi, otot, tulang

10 Clues: cara mencegah penyakitmencegah lebih baik dari padakelainan pada selaput lendir mulutcara melindungi diri dari penyakitpenyakit yang disebabkan oleh viruspenyakit yang disebarkan oleh nyamukpenyakit yang disebabkan oleh parasitkondisi tubuh yang tidak berfungsi semestinyapenyakit yang menyerang pada sendi, otot, tulang...

Energy drinks 2023-05-08

Energy drinks crossword puzzle
  1. Most popular brand of energy drinks
  2. Where energy drinks were invented
  3. Increases activity in brain
  4. Boost energy level
  1. Not drinking enough water
  2. long term affect of drinking energy drinks
  3. what happens after not drinking energy drinks
  4. Country with the highest consumption
  5. Unable to sleep
  6. Most common ingredient in energy drinks

10 Clues: Unable to sleepBoost energy levelNot drinking enough waterIncreases activity in brainWhere energy drinks were inventedMost popular brand of energy drinksCountry with the highest consumptionMost common ingredient in energy drinkslong term affect of drinking energy drinkswhat happens after not drinking energy drinks

Nutrition - Sugar and Diabetes 2024-06-25

Nutrition - Sugar and Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. can be affected by diabetes
  2. every cell in our body uses this
  3. where sugar comes from
  4. organ that produces insulin
  5. insulins type of hormone
  6. sugar gives us this
  1. the body part that digests our food
  2. what macro nutrient is sugar?
  3. this system produces
  4. device that checks how much insulin you have

10 Clues: sugar gives us thisthis system produceswhere sugar comes frominsulins type of hormonecan be affected by diabetesorgan that produces insulinwhat macro nutrient is sugar?every cell in our body uses thisthe body part that digests our fooddevice that checks how much insulin you have

Hypoglycemia 2014-03-26

Hypoglycemia crossword puzzle
  1. a pain from low sugar
  2. minutes after meds given before retesting
  3. iv solution of choice
  4. a cranky sign of low sugar
  5. loss can you recall this sign of hypo
  6. ingeston can cause hypo
  1. route of admin for gel
  2. excess of this activity can cause hypo
  3. often accidentaly overdosed
  4. main disease causing hypo

10 Clues: a pain from low sugariv solution of choiceroute of admin for gelingeston can cause hypomain disease causing hypoa cranky sign of low sugaroften accidentaly overdosedloss can you recall this sign of hypoexcess of this activity can cause hypominutes after meds given before retesting

Hypoglycaemia 2014-03-26

Hypoglycaemia crossword puzzle
  1. / main disease causing hypo
  2. / route of admin for gel
  3. / excess of this activity can cause hypo
  4. loss / can you recall this sign of hypo
  5. / often accidentaly overdosed
  1. / minutes after meds given before retesting
  2. / a pain from low sugar
  3. / ingeston can cause hypo
  4. / a cranky sign of low sugar
  5. / iv solution of choice

10 Clues: / a pain from low sugar/ iv solution of choice/ route of admin for gel/ ingeston can cause hypo/ main disease causing hypo/ a cranky sign of low sugar/ often accidentaly overdosedloss / can you recall this sign of hypo/ excess of this activity can cause hypo/ minutes after meds given before retesting

PHT 115 Drug List 5 Crossword Puzzle 2015-04-18

PHT 115 Drug List 5 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. I treat conditions like ADD/ADHD
  2. I'm a anticonvulsant agent
  3. I'm classified as a CNS stimulant
  4. I'm an estrogen hormone replacement
  1. I treat Type II diabetes
  2. I'm classified as a muscle relaxant
  3. I treat patients who experience schizophrenia
  4. I'm an antiviral that treat shingles
  5. I'm classified as a bronchodilator
  6. I'm a oral contraceptive

10 Clues: I treat Type II diabetesI'm a oral contraceptiveI'm a anticonvulsant agentI treat conditions like ADD/ADHDI'm classified as a CNS stimulantI'm classified as a bronchodilatorI'm classified as a muscle relaxantI'm an estrogen hormone replacementI'm an antiviral that treat shinglesI treat patients who experience schizophrenia

KESEHATAN 2021-10-04

KESEHATAN crossword puzzle
  1. pertumbuhan abnormal yang tidak terkendali dalam tubuh
  2. ganguan suasana hati dengan perasaan sedih
  3. suka marah marah kepada orang lain
  4. rasa tidak nyaman dibagian dada
  1. kekurangan kalsium
  2. pecahnya pembuluh darah mengakibatkan
  3. dicirikan dengan kaki sakit
  4. kondisi yang ditandai dengan mual,muntah dan diare
  5. bibir pecah pecah karena panas dalam
  6. gula darah tinggi

10 Clues: gula darah tinggikekurangan kalsiumdicirikan dengan kaki sakitrasa tidak nyaman dibagian dadasuka marah marah kepada orang lainbibir pecah pecah karena panas dalampecahnya pembuluh darah mengakibatkanganguan suasana hati dengan perasaan sedihkondisi yang ditandai dengan mual,muntah dan diarepertumbuhan abnormal yang tidak terkendali dalam tubuh

Renal System 2023-01-10

Renal System crossword puzzle
  1. gland superior to kidney
  2. Tissue of capsule
  3. electrolyte regulated in the kidneys
  4. where filtration begins in the nephron
  5. mechanism controlling blood pressure
  1. medical condition placing patients at high risk for UTI
  2. medical object causing UTI
  3. cardinal sign of UTI
  4. male organ which can obstruct urine flow
  5. urine leaves kidneys via these tubes

10 Clues: Tissue of capsulecardinal sign of UTIgland superior to kidneymedical object causing UTIelectrolyte regulated in the kidneysurine leaves kidneys via these tubesmechanism controlling blood pressurewhere filtration begins in the nephronmale organ which can obstruct urine flowmedical condition placing patients at high risk for UTI

Underwriting Terms 2023-02-24

Underwriting Terms crossword puzzle
  1. insurance for insurance companies
  2. mood disorder
  3. (3 words) presence of plaque in coronary arteries
  1. (4 words) another term for March Madness
  2. where we store department information
  3. high blood sugar
  4. system we use to summarize APSs
  5. workflow system
  6. multi-year project to replace current worflow
  7. what is used to apply for coverage

10 Clues: mood disorderworkflow systemhigh blood sugarsystem we use to summarize APSsinsurance for insurance companieswhat is used to apply for coveragewhere we store department information(4 words) another term for March Madnessmulti-year project to replace current worflow(3 words) presence of plaque in coronary arteries


OBESITY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. eating disorder where a person binge eats
  2. weight divided by height
  3. desire or taste for certain food
  4. excessive fat
  5. state of worry
  1. abnormal loss of appetite for food
  2. disease occurring when blood sugar is too high
  3. food or drink regularly consumed
  4. fat like substance in the liver
  5. abnormal fat accumulation

10 Clues: excessive fatstate of worryweight divided by heightabnormal fat accumulationfat like substance in the liverfood or drink regularly consumeddesire or taste for certain foodabnormal loss of appetite for foodeating disorder where a person binge eatsdisease occurring when blood sugar is too high

Toastmasters Crossword 2023-07-24

Toastmasters Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. NCHIP, for example
  2. diabetes management software, for example
  3. smokers may get one of these
  4. 65+ qualify
  1. they take us out to lunch
  2. only needed in a self funded plan
  3. younger men may go for this option
  4. we're more than just a ________
  5. the reason our claimants don't have names
  6. Gallagher's chief marketing officer

10 Clues: 65+ qualifyNCHIP, for examplethey take us out to lunchsmokers may get one of thesewe're more than just a ________only needed in a self funded planyounger men may go for this optionGallagher's chief marketing officerdiabetes management software, for examplethe reason our claimants don't have names

Charles Cullen 2023-12-06

Charles Cullen crossword puzzle
  1. Used to transfer medicine
  2. A person who kills three or more people over an extended period of time
  3. He tried to donate this
  4. Name for a killer nurse
  5. Heart medication
  1. He was convicted of __ murders
  2. Where you go when your sick
  3. Used to treat Diabetes
  4. His lasted 7 hours
  5. Pumps blood

10 Clues: Pumps bloodHeart medicationHis lasted 7 hoursUsed to treat DiabetesHe tried to donate thisName for a killer nurseUsed to transfer medicineWhere you go when your sickHe was convicted of __ murdersA person who kills three or more people over an extended period of time

Pharma Fun 2023-10-23

Pharma Fun crossword puzzle
  1. - a Thiazide diuretic
  2. acid - prototype for aspirin
  3. - is when you obtain a complete medication history
  4. - general use for diuretics
  1. - do not take if you're allergic to __________
  2. - one contraindication for aspirin
  3. one contraindication
  4. - an enzyme that helps create prostaglandins
  5. - Increases the effects of anticoagulants
  6. - do not take _____ if you're allergic to this

10 Clues: one contraindication- a Thiazide diuretic- general use for diureticsacid - prototype for aspirin- one contraindication for aspirin- Increases the effects of anticoagulants- an enzyme that helps create prostaglandins- do not take if you're allergic to __________- do not take _____ if you're allergic to this...


  1. Leads to deficiency of thyroxine in tadpoles.
  2. Deficiency of insulin
  3. Present just above the trachea
  4. Similar chromosomes in male and female.
  5. Release their secretion with the help of duct.
  1. Master gland.
  2. Age 13 to 19 are called_________
  3. 45-50 YEARS.
  4. Disease due to low pituitary gland
  5. Secretion of endocrine glands.

10 Clues: 45-50 YEARS.Master gland.Deficiency of insulinPresent just above the tracheaSecretion of endocrine glands.Age 13 to 19 are called_________Disease due to low pituitary glandSimilar chromosomes in male and female.Leads to deficiency of thyroxine in tadpoles.Release their secretion with the help of duct.

Poor Poochies 2019-10-08

Poor Poochies crossword puzzle
  1. Causes of Arthritis
  2. Name a treatment of Chronic renal failure
  3. Treatment of Colitis
  4. Name the body part affected by Pymoetra
  5. A treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
  1. Name a symptom of Congestive Heart Failure
  2. Name a symptom of Arthritis
  3. Pancreatitis is ______ of the Pancreas
  4. Worse case scenario of Pyometra
  5. Name a symptom of Colitis

10 Clues: Causes of ArthritisTreatment of ColitisName a symptom of ColitisName a symptom of ArthritisWorse case scenario of PyometraA treatment of Diabetes MellitusPancreatitis is ______ of the PancreasName the body part affected by PymoetraName a treatment of Chronic renal failureName a symptom of Congestive Heart Failure

Sugar Education 2021-09-16

Sugar Education crossword puzzle
  1. New Zealanders on average consume about 37...of sugar per day
  2. sugar can cause...
  3. a sweetener
  4. what has 12g of sugar per 100ml?
  1. sugar damages your...
  2. the most sugary sauce is...
  3. sugar is a...
  4. the most sugary drink is...
  5. where does sugar come from?
  6. there's 10.6g of sugar per 100ml of...

10 Clues: a sweetenersugar is a...sugar can cause...sugar damages your...the most sugary sauce is...the most sugary drink is...where does sugar come from?what has 12g of sugar per 100ml?there's 10.6g of sugar per 100ml of...New Zealanders on average consume about 37...of sugar per day

Toastmaster Crossword 2023-07-24

Toastmaster Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. NCHIP, for example
  2. diabetes management software, for example
  3. smokers may get one of these
  4. 65+ qualify
  1. they take us out to lunch
  2. only needed in a self funded plan
  3. younger men may go for this option
  4. we're more than just a ________
  5. the reason our claimants don't have names
  6. Gallagher's chief marketing officer

10 Clues: 65+ qualifyNCHIP, for examplethey take us out to lunchsmokers may get one of thesewe're more than just a ________only needed in a self funded planyounger men may go for this optionGallagher's chief marketing officerdiabetes management software, for examplethe reason our claimants don't have names

pch vocab assignment 2022-07-14

pch vocab assignment crossword puzzle
  1. kils pests
  2. thrusts used to help someone choking
  3. protects us from UVA rays
  4. place to dispose of trash
  5. someone who good at one specific thing
  1. too much sugar in blood
  2. used to kill bacteria with steam
  3. effect traps the suns warmth
  4. disorder which causes seizures.
  5. rain made acidic by atmospheric pollution

10 Clues: kils peststoo much sugar in bloodprotects us from UVA raysplace to dispose of trasheffect traps the suns warmthdisorder which causes seizures.used to kill bacteria with steamthrusts used to help someone chokingsomeone who good at one specific thingrain made acidic by atmospheric pollution

Endocrine system 2023-11-14

Endocrine system crossword puzzle
  1. what is the biggest gland
  2. a body function controlled by the endocrine system
  3. a condition of the endocrine system
  4. where are hormones found
  5. what do glands secrete
  6. what secrets hormones
  1. what are hormones
  2. what gland is found in your neck
  3. how many types of gland are there
  4. what are glands

10 Clues: what are glandswhat are hormoneswhat secrets hormoneswhat do glands secretewhere are hormones foundwhat is the biggest glandwhat gland is found in your neckhow many types of gland are therea condition of the endocrine systema body function controlled by the endocrine system

Prednisolone 2024-02-16

Prednisolone crossword puzzle
  1. (NURSINGINTERV)Must do this frequently with vitalsigns
  2. Calms down this system
  3. This is one contradiction
  4. It helps by reducing what?
  5. Peak ( #_#_) HINT 2 numbers 2 words
  6. Category
  1. Very common with a high dose/long term therapy
  2. Use cautiously with patient who has this
  3. Used in Inflammatory,allergic,and autoimmune disorders
  4. One side effect

10 Clues: CategoryOne side effectCalms down this systemThis is one contradictionIt helps by reducing what?Peak ( #_#_) HINT 2 numbers 2 wordsUse cautiously with patient who has thisVery common with a high dose/long term therapy(NURSINGINTERV)Must do this frequently with vitalsignsUsed in Inflammatory,allergic,and autoimmune disorders

Date 2024-06-26

Date crossword puzzle
  1. Actor Connery
  2. Place to dine out
  3. Saint is associated with wisdom
  4. Exchange of words
  5. Fruit from a palm
  6. Downhill activity
  1. Popular streaming platform
  2. Condition affecting glucose levels
  3. Setting of "Sherlock Holmes"
  4. A relatively long, straight, rigid piece of solid material used as a fastener, support, barrier, or structural or mechanical member.

10 Clues: Actor ConneryPlace to dine outExchange of wordsFruit from a palmDownhill activityPopular streaming platformSetting of "Sherlock Holmes"Saint is associated with wisdomCondition affecting glucose levelsA relatively long, straight, rigid piece of solid material used as a fastener, support, barrier, or structural or mechanical member.

Medical Spanish: Disease States 2015-01-23

Medical Spanish: Disease States crossword puzzle
  1. el paciente tiene fiebre, esto puede indicar
  2. Que puedo tomar para inflamacion?
  3. Significado de hemoglobina menos del diez
  4. El resultado de la presion 160/110 indica
  5. Tos productiva, fiebre, flema, pleuresia, taquicardia, crepitaciones
  6. Dos o mas convulsions es diagnostico de
  7. Antibiotico para el sifilis
  8. Problema de leucocitos
  9. Causado por una infeccion viral
  10. Robitussin es para la
  1. Alka-Seltzer es para
  2. El sidnificado de H1Ac >9%
  3. Riesgo trabajando el las minas
  4. Dolor en las manos
  5. Carafate es para las
  6. En Abril pueden inducer una allergia
  7. Mucho acetaminofeno puede causar

17 Clues: Dolor en las manosAlka-Seltzer es paraCarafate es para lasRobitussin es para laProblema de leucocitosEl sidnificado de H1Ac >9%Antibiotico para el sifilisRiesgo trabajando el las minasCausado por una infeccion viralMucho acetaminofeno puede causarQue puedo tomar para inflamacion?En Abril pueden inducer una allergia...

MED170 chapter 13 2020-02-23

MED170 chapter 13 crossword puzzle
  1. affordable care act
  2. study of changes in gene activity
  3. at least 20% over ideal body weight
  4. vested interest in healthcare industry
  5. proteins that genes express
  6. National Healthcare Quality Report
  7. expected to live 80.93 years
  8. degree of excellence of healthcare
  1. availability & means to purchase healthcare
  2. amount income spent on healthcare in US
  3. how genes cause expression of certain traits
  4. presently on US list #7th cause of death
  5. gross domestic product
  6. # of years expected to live
  7. # of years actually live
  8. Agency for healthcare Research & Quality
  9. Economic Cooperation & Development

17 Clues: affordable care actgross domestic product# of years actually live# of years expected to liveproteins that genes expressexpected to live 80.93 yearsstudy of changes in gene activityEconomic Cooperation & DevelopmentNational Healthcare Quality Reportdegree of excellence of healthcareat least 20% over ideal body weight...

ravinto 2018-02-11

ravinto crossword puzzle
  1. Yksi ylipainon haitta, joka yleistyy myös nuorten keskuudessa.
  2. Puolet lautasesta tulisi sisältää tätä.
  3. Tiettyihin tilanteisiin liittyvä syöminen.
  4. Kuvaa, miten yksi ateria tulisi rakentaa.
  5. Kasviksia tulisi nauttia näin monta kourallista.
  6. Elintoimintojen aiheuttama energiankulutus.
  7. Liian pitkä tauko aterioiden välissä voi aiheuttaa tämän.
  8. Verensokerin laskun seuraus.
  1. Yksi ruokatottumuksiin vaikuttava tekijä
  2. Vääränlainen ruokailutottumus, kun ateriarytmi puuttuu.
  3. Estää ylipainon kehittymistä, kun matkat kuljetaan pyöräillen tai kävellen.
  4. Ravintoa tulisi saada tasaisin väliajoin.
  5. Yksi energiankulutukseen vaikuttava tekijä.
  6. Ruokien pakkauksissa energiasisältöä kuvaava mittayksikkö.
  7. Päivän tärkein ateria.
  8. Ruoan määrän lisäksi myös tällä on vaikutusta energiansaantiin.
  9. Yksi epäterveellisen ruoan haittavaikutus terveydelle.

17 Clues: Päivän tärkein ateria.Verensokerin laskun seuraus.Puolet lautasesta tulisi sisältää tätä.Yksi ruokatottumuksiin vaikuttava tekijäRavintoa tulisi saada tasaisin väliajoin.Kuvaa, miten yksi ateria tulisi rakentaa.Tiettyihin tilanteisiin liittyvä syöminen.Yksi energiankulutukseen vaikuttava tekijä.Elintoimintojen aiheuttama energiankulutus....

TTS IPA 2020-01-15

TTS IPA crossword puzzle
  1. tempat penyaringan darah
  2. Organ tubuh Yang Berfungsi Menyaring Darah
  3. letak Glomelus Dan Kapsul Bowman
  4. zat pada warna empedu
  5. penyerapan zat-zat yang masih digunakan
  6. Penyakit Yang Ditandai Adanya Gula Dalam Urine
  7. orang yang tidak memiliki pigmen
  8. kulit, ginjal dan hati merupakan ORGAN EKSKRESI
  9. Jaringan Kulit Yang Sering Mengelupas
  1. pengeluaran air dan garam terjadi
  2. organ penampung urine diluar ginjal
  3. zat urea karbondioksida dan air merupakan sisa
  4. Adalah Kerusakan Pada Glomelurus Akibat Infeksi Bakteri
  5. Proses Penyaringan Dalam Ginjal
  6. kulit tempat Keluarnya Keringat
  7. karbondioksida dikeluarkan melalui
  8. Cairan Empedu Yang Memberikan Warna Pada Urin
  9. kelainan urine tanpa protein

18 Clues: zat pada warna empedutempat penyaringan darahkelainan urine tanpa proteinProses Penyaringan Dalam Ginjalkulit tempat Keluarnya Keringatletak Glomelus Dan Kapsul Bowmanorang yang tidak memiliki pigmenpengeluaran air dan garam terjadikarbondioksida dikeluarkan melaluiorgan penampung urine diluar ginjalJaringan Kulit Yang Sering Mengelupas...

Urinary System 2023-02-27

Urinary System crossword puzzle
  1. what kidneys make
  2. muscle involuntary smooth 3rd layer of bladder
  3. study of kidney function
  4. contains ascending and descending limbs
  5. cord receives nerve impulses for urge to urinate
  6. C-shaped structure in Kidney
  7. artery supplies blood to kidney
  8. triangular area of ureters and urethra exit
  9. average output of urine a day 1.5/___
  10. waste used to monitor kidney function
  1. AKA urination
  2. function unit of kidney
  3. reddish brown bean like structure
  4. diabetes type of ADH deficiency and pale urine
  5. conducts urine from kidneys to bladder
  6. hormone secreted by adrenal cortex
  7. bladder wall formation

17 Clues: AKA urinationwhat kidneys makebladder wall formationfunction unit of kidneystudy of kidney functionC-shaped structure in Kidneyartery supplies blood to kidneyreddish brown bean like structurehormone secreted by adrenal cortexaverage output of urine a day 1.5/___waste used to monitor kidney functionconducts urine from kidneys to bladder...

Hormoner och kommunikation 2023-10-09

Hormoner och kommunikation crossword puzzle
  1. protein som kroppens immunförsvar producerar som svar på virusattacker
  2. Onormalt hög ämnesomsättning
  3. Hormon som orsakar ägglossning
  4. Hormon från gulkropp
  5. De celler som tar emot och reagerar på hormonsignal
  1. Körtel som bildar stresshormoner
  2. Hormon som får äggblåsa att växa
  3. Hormonproducerande körtel som bildar ämnesomsättningshormon
  4. Körteln som styr andra körtlars hormonproduktion
  5. Sjukdom där insulinproduktionen är bristfällig
  6. Hormon som produceras av follikel

11 Clues: Hormon från gulkroppOnormalt hög ämnesomsättningHormon som orsakar ägglossningKörtel som bildar stresshormonerHormon som får äggblåsa att växaHormon som produceras av follikelSjukdom där insulinproduktionen är bristfälligKörteln som styr andra körtlars hormonproduktionDe celler som tar emot och reagerar på hormonsignal...

Chapter 3 | Biophychology 2022-10-06

Chapter 3 | Biophychology crossword puzzle
  1. left or right half of the brain
  2. consisting of two identical alleles
  3. genetic makeup of an individual
  4. long strand of genetic information
  5. major extention of the soma
  1. insufficient insulin production disease
  2. consisting of two different alleles
  3. chemical messenger released by endocrine glands
  4. bump or ridge in the cerebral cortex
  5. brain and spinal cord
  6. specific version of a gene

11 Clues: brain and spinal cordspecific version of a genemajor extention of the somaleft or right half of the braingenetic makeup of an individuallong strand of genetic informationconsisting of two different allelesconsisting of two identical allelesbump or ridge in the cerebral cortexinsufficient insulin production disease...

Patina 2024-03-03

Patina crossword puzzle
  1. what race is Patina
  2. who is patina's best friend
  3. what hairstyle does Patina have
  4. what genre is Patina
  5. what is Patina's school
  1. what disease does the main character's mom have
  2. the main character of the book
  3. what is Patina's last name
  4. what type of story is Patina
  5. what sport does the main character play
  6. how many taylors are there

11 Clues: what race is Patinawhat genre is Patinawhat is Patina's schoolwhat is Patina's last namehow many taylors are therewho is patina's best friendwhat type of story is Patinathe main character of the bookwhat hairstyle does Patina havewhat sport does the main character playwhat disease does the main character's mom have

Taalschat Blok 3 opdracht 21 2014-12-04

Taalschat Blok 3 opdracht 21 crossword puzzle
  1. indruk
  2. zelfverzekerd zijn, in staat zijn om voor jezelf op te komen
  3. maar af en toe
  4. het in evenwicht brengen, het weer goed maken
  5. iemand die het stelen niet kan laten
  6. een aanwijzing geven
  1. akkoord gaan met een tussenoplossing
  2. iemand die zijn mening aanpast als hem dat voordeel oplevert
  3. iemand die diabetes (suikerziekte) heeft
  4. opgewonden en zenuwachtig reageren
  5. vervelend bijverschijnsel

11 Clues: indrukmaar af en toeeen aanwijzing gevenvervelend bijverschijnselopgewonden en zenuwachtig reagerenakkoord gaan met een tussenoplossingiemand die het stelen niet kan lateniemand die diabetes (suikerziekte) heefthet in evenwicht brengen, het weer goed makeniemand die zijn mening aanpast als hem dat voordeel oplevert...

synergy 2023-04-27

synergy crossword puzzle
  1. insulin is secreted from this gland
  2. secreted by beta cells.
  3. has j shaped molecular structure.
  4. glucose output is decreased by metformin
  5. a disorder of carbohydrate
  6. drug that excrete out salts and water from urine
  7. an example of biguanide.
  1. an example of CCB
  2. an example of ARB
  3. binds to 65 kda site on SUR.
  4. a hormone that transports glucose into cells
  5. enzyme that is inhibited by gliptins

12 Clues: an example of CCBan example of ARBsecreted by beta cells.an example of biguanide.a disorder of carbohydratebinds to 65 kda site on SUR.has j shaped molecular structure.insulin is secreted from this glandenzyme that is inhibited by gliptinsglucose output is decreased by metformina hormone that transports glucose into cells...

Endocrine system 2024-03-05

Endocrine system crossword puzzle
  1. Hormone that encourages sleep
  2. Hormone produced in males
  3. Gland that produces growth and reproductive hormones
  4. Hormone reaction to "fight or flight"
  5. Gland located atop of the kidneys
  6. Gland that produces serotonin and melatonin
  1. Hormone produced by the thyroid
  2. Produced by endocrine cells
  3. Hormone that aides in childbirth
  4. Hormone produced in female
  5. Disease of constant high blood glucose levels

11 Clues: Hormone produced in malesHormone produced in femaleProduced by endocrine cellsHormone that encourages sleepHormone produced by the thyroidHormone that aides in childbirthGland located atop of the kidneysHormone reaction to "fight or flight"Gland that produces serotonin and melatoninDisease of constant high blood glucose levels...

Pharma 2024-06-06

Pharma crossword puzzle
  1. To try something new out
  2. Used instead of something else
  3. Used for injectionInsulin Injection fluid for diabetes
  4. Pharmaceutical Ingredient Ingredient used in medicine
  5. A place where test are performed
  6. Widespread disease, which multiplies
  1. A way to cure sick people
  2. coat What doctors wear
  3. killer A pill used for pain reducer
  4. A container made of glass
  5. On the outside of pills

11 Clues: coat What doctors wearOn the outside of pillsTo try something new outA way to cure sick peopleA container made of glassUsed instead of something elseA place where test are performedkiller A pill used for pain reducerWidespread disease, which multipliesPharmaceutical Ingredient Ingredient used in medicine...

Junkyard Wonders 2021-09-20

Junkyard Wonders crossword puzzle
  1. Character that likes to dance
  2. The teacher of the Junkyard
  3. Dad helps with the plane, finds the plane
  4. The girl who won't eat lunch with Trisha
  5. What the group decides to make from the junk
  6. A tall boy who protects his friends
  1. The main character in Junkyard Wonders
  2. A disease that causes tics
  3. Where Gibbie works
  4. The scent of Trisha's group
  5. Where Trisha's dad lives
  6. The school janitor
  7. A disease that revolves around blood sugar
  8. The mean school bully

14 Clues: Where Gibbie worksThe school janitorThe mean school bullyWhere Trisha's dad livesA disease that causes ticsThe scent of Trisha's groupThe teacher of the JunkyardCharacter that likes to danceA tall boy who protects his friendsThe main character in Junkyard WondersThe girl who won't eat lunch with TrishaDad helps with the plane, finds the plane...

Homeostasis 2013-11-19

Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. system which makes babies
  2. kid___
  3. enlargement of the thyroid
  4. makes gametes
  5. produces ovums
  6. holds a baby for 9 months
  1. sugar content in blood
  2. reaction to a dangerous situation
  3. biochemical which produces triggers changes or growth in our bodys.
  4. portion of the brain which links the nervous system to the endocrine system
  5. a condition where someones body doesn't produce sufficient amounts of insulin
  6. type of skin defect
  7. bodybuilders exercise their:
  8. what our skeletons are made of

14 Clues: kid___makes gametesproduces ovumstype of skin defectsugar content in bloodsystem which makes babiesholds a baby for 9 monthsenlargement of the thyroidbodybuilders exercise their:what our skeletons are made ofreaction to a dangerous situationbiochemical which produces triggers changes or growth in our bodys....

Activities of Daily Living 2023-01-09

Activities of Daily Living crossword puzzle
  1. Inability to control bowel or bladder
  2. Continuous airway pressure for sleep apnea
  3. To prevent injury use proper body
  4. Individual plan of protection
  5. Activities of daily living
  6. Remove and brush them nightly
  1. Hearing aids are fragile and
  2. proper care is important to a person's image
  3. Razors that are ideal for shaving
  4. Stockings put on before dressing
  5. When assisting with eating make sure not to
  6. Changes in a person's status are reported to
  7. Cuts nails of people with Diabetes
  8. Inhaling food or fluids

14 Clues: Inhaling food or fluidsActivities of daily livingHearing aids are fragile andIndividual plan of protectionRemove and brush them nightlyStockings put on before dressingRazors that are ideal for shavingTo prevent injury use proper bodyCuts nails of people with DiabetesInability to control bowel or bladderContinuous airway pressure for sleep apnea...

Nutrients 2022-08-11

Nutrients crossword puzzle
  1. germinated seeds rich in the nutrients
  2. protective nutrients
  3. these foods are rich in sugar and salt
  4. energy giving nutrients
  5. calcium, iodine and sodium are examples of these
  6. These foods prepared from microbes
  7. excess sugar in the blood
  1. body building nutrients
  2. high blood pressure
  3. Lack of red blood cells in the blood
  4. a diet that contains all the necessary nutrients in the proper nutrients
  5. excess of these make us obese
  6. undigested food
  7. we feel thirsty

14 Clues: undigested foodwe feel thirstyhigh blood pressureprotective nutrientsbody building nutrientsenergy giving nutrientsexcess sugar in the bloodexcess of these make us obeseThese foods prepared from microbesLack of red blood cells in the bloodgerminated seeds rich in the nutrientsthese foods are rich in sugar and salt...

Osmoregulation 2022-09-05

Osmoregulation crossword puzzle
  1. Membrane protein for water passage
  2. Found in the filtrate but not in the urine
  3. Control centre for osmoregulation
  4. Gland secreting ADH
  5. Cell found in Bowman's capsule
  6. Arteriole bringing blood to glomerulus
  1. Increases surface area in PCT
  2. Another name for ADH
  3. When dehydrated we secrete ... ADH
  4. The main organ for osmoregulation
  5. Found in both in blood an in urine
  6. When we .... more we produce less urine.
  7. Connects the two convoluted tubules
  8. Diabetes insipidus patients dont have enough of it.

14 Clues: Gland secreting ADHAnother name for ADHIncreases surface area in PCTCell found in Bowman's capsuleThe main organ for osmoregulationControl centre for osmoregulationWhen dehydrated we secrete ... ADHMembrane protein for water passageFound in both in blood an in urineConnects the two convoluted tubulesArteriole bringing blood to glomerulus...

Endocrinology 2022-11-16

Endocrinology crossword puzzle
  1. moon face
  2. Commonly used twice a day
  3. Cerebrospinal fluid leakage is a major complication
  1. thyroid eye disease
  2. No Peak
  3. diabetes insipidus
  4. Inject at least 20-30 min before meals
  5. Inject 15 min before meals

8 Clues: No Peakmoon facediabetes insipidusthyroid eye diseaseCommonly used twice a dayInject 15 min before mealsInject at least 20-30 min before mealsCerebrospinal fluid leakage is a major complication

Pharmacology Urinary Meds 2022-01-30

Pharmacology Urinary Meds crossword puzzle
  1. example of potassium-sparing diuretic
  2. strongest class of diuretics
  3. example of loop diuretic
  4. libido of patients taking BPH meds
  5. can result from taking spironolactone
  6. example of urinary antispasmodic
  7. example of loop diuretic
  8. example of thiazide diuretic
  9. BPH med not for patients with sulfa allergy
  1. example of DHT inhibitors
  2. ending of selective alpha blockers for BPH
  3. bladder pain med that turns pee orange
  4. caused by changes in potassium
  5. example of urinary antispasmodic
  6. example of potassium-sparing diuretic
  7. effect of diuretics in diabetes
  8. diuretic class that is potassium-wasting

17 Clues: example of loop diureticexample of loop diureticexample of DHT inhibitorsstrongest class of diureticsexample of thiazide diureticcaused by changes in potassiumeffect of diuretics in diabetesexample of urinary antispasmodicexample of urinary antispasmodiclibido of patients taking BPH medsexample of potassium-sparing diuretic...

delaney mehochko 2022-02-28

delaney mehochko crossword puzzle
  1. cuando tu pegas tu cabeza
  2. cuando tu haces todos los dias
  3. tu glucose de sangre es menor
  4. tu estas nervioso o preocupo
  5. cuando tu es muy feliz y saludable
  6. un ejemplo es para el covid19
  1. cuando tu no moverse
  2. los factoros en tu familia antepasada
  3. en la comida y no es saludable
  4. es similar a el sindrome
  5. cuando tu moverse mucho
  6. un sinomio de saludable
  7. como tu vives tu vida
  8. hacer ejercicio y tiene fuerte

14 Clues: cuando tu no moversecomo tu vives tu vidacuando tu moverse muchoun sinomio de saludablees similar a el sindromecuando tu pegas tu cabezatu estas nervioso o preocupotu glucose de sangre es menorun ejemplo es para el covid19en la comida y no es saludablehacer ejercicio y tiene fuertecuando tu haces todos los diascuando tu es muy feliz y saludable...

ASHY 2023-07-28

ASHY crossword puzzle
  1. where joe belongs
  2. our excuse if we are in the same stall
  3. what dating men gave me
  4. kayla is the __ of my life
  5. asha is a __ sister
  6. ultimately the worst genre ever
  7. only the best educator to walk this planet
  8. elite place to sleep
  1. colour associated with kayla
  2. elite comfort flavour
  3. what asha needs to be content after a fight
  4. what joe did to you after changing up his story
  5. asha is what type of princess?
  6. ms farrows way of teaching

14 Clues: where joe belongsasha is a __ sisterelite place to sleepelite comfort flavourwhat dating men gave mekayla is the __ of my lifems farrows way of teachingcolour associated with kaylaasha is what type of princess?ultimately the worst genre everour excuse if we are in the same stallonly the best educator to walk this planet...

NoPSA Julekalender 2022-11-30

NoPSA Julekalender crossword puzzle
  1. Generika til Cipralex
  2. Hva blir som oftest gitt til LAR pasienter?
  3. Galenisk lab må være ....?
  4. RX
  5. Generika til Norvasc
  6. NFF også kjent som?
  7. Hva har farmasøyter rekvireringsrett på?
  1. Etter 10 dager vil resept på .... gå ut
  2. En tjeneste man tilbyr på apoteket ved oppstart av ny legemiddel
  3. En kjent kolesterolsenkende
  4. Hvilket universitet tilbyr både bachelor og master i farmasi
  5. Førstevalg for diabetes type 2
  6. Apotek 1 sin slagord: vår kunnskap, din ...?
  7. Produsenten av merkevaren Cosmica

14 Clues: RXNFF også kjent som?Generika til NorvascGenerika til CipralexGalenisk lab må være ....?En kjent kolesterolsenkendeFørstevalg for diabetes type 2Produsenten av merkevaren CosmicaEtter 10 dager vil resept på .... gå utHva har farmasøyter rekvireringsrett på?Hva blir som oftest gitt til LAR pasienter?Apotek 1 sin slagord: vår kunnskap, din ...?...

don't eat sugar 2024-06-30

don't eat sugar crossword puzzle
  1. across why you not need to put sugar at tea
  2. across what is the shape sugar have
  1. down what is the color of sugar
  2. down what is yellow water but if you ad sugar you well have diabetes
  3. down vice versa of sugar

5 Clues: down vice versa of sugardown what is the color of sugaracross what is the shape sugar haveacross why you not need to put sugar at teadown what is yellow water but if you ad sugar you well have diabetes

Cell Function 2012-11-01

Cell Function crossword puzzle
  1. diabetes mellitus which means “sweet urine”
  2. O2 can get into the cell
  3. Translation
  4. cytoskeleton is presented
  5. peptidyl transferis catalyzed
  6. reticulum Storage of Ca2+ occurs
  1. not a product of glycolysis
  2. GLUT 1 and GLUT 4
  3. cell that is at perfect equilibrium with the environment
  4. monoxide highest rate of passive diffusion through phospholipid bilayer

10 Clues: TranslationGLUT 1 and GLUT 4O2 can get into the cellcytoskeleton is presentednot a product of glycolysispeptidyl transferis catalyzedreticulum Storage of Ca2+ occursdiabetes mellitus which means “sweet urine”cell that is at perfect equilibrium with the environmentmonoxide highest rate of passive diffusion through phospholipid bilayer

Obesidad 2014-04-23

Obesidad crossword puzzle
  1. Enfermedad crónica
  2. Cx que reduce el tamaño del estómago
  3. Su ingesta en exceso nos hace daño
  4. Representa los 5 grupos de alimentos que debemos ingerir
  1. Necesarias en nuestra alimentación
  2. Todos debemos llevarla a cabo
  3. Se debe hacer diariamente
  4. Una de las complicaciones de la obesidad
  5. Todos debemos estar...
  6. Limpia nuestro organismo

10 Clues: Enfermedad crónicaTodos debemos estar...Limpia nuestro organismoSe debe hacer diariamenteTodos debemos llevarla a caboNecesarias en nuestra alimentaciónSu ingesta en exceso nos hace dañoCx que reduce el tamaño del estómagoUna de las complicaciones de la obesidadRepresenta los 5 grupos de alimentos que debemos ingerir

Sistem Ekskresi 2022-04-18

Sistem Ekskresi crossword puzzle
  1. tempat terjadinya proses filtrasi
  2. zat yang terdapat pada urin penderita albuminaria
  3. urin yang dihasilkan pada proses reabsorbsi
  4. hasil ekeskresi pada kulit
  5. proses penghasil urine sesungguhnya
  1. gas sisa eksresi pada paru-paru
  2. zat yang ditemukan pada penderita diabetes
  3. unit fungsional pada ginjal
  4. pengerasan hati akibat terlalu banyak konsumsi alkohol
  5. tempat dibentuknya urea dan bilirubin

10 Clues: hasil ekeskresi pada kulitunit fungsional pada ginjalgas sisa eksresi pada paru-parutempat terjadinya proses filtrasiproses penghasil urine sesungguhnyatempat dibentuknya urea dan bilirubinzat yang ditemukan pada penderita diabetesurin yang dihasilkan pada proses reabsorbsizat yang terdapat pada urin penderita albuminaria...

Nathan Bedford Forrest 2022-05-20

Nathan Bedford Forrest crossword puzzle
  1. how many battles was he in?
  2. what was his position in the KKK
  3. what was another nickname for him?
  4. where was he born?
  5. where did he surrender?
  1. what made him rich?
  2. what rank was he?
  3. where did he die?
  4. how did he die?
  5. how many years did he serve in the army?

10 Clues: how did he die?what rank was he?where did he die?where was he born?what made him rich?where did he surrender?how many battles was he in?what was his position in the KKKwhat was another nickname for him?how many years did he serve in the army?

KIDNEYS 2024-02-16

KIDNEYS crossword puzzle


HeartWise Puzzler 2015-04-06

HeartWise Puzzler crossword puzzle
  1. Prevents blood flowing the wrong way.
  2. Attaches to red blood cells.
  3. Animal fat.
  4. The Good, the Bad & the Ugly.
  5. One of the common cardiac arteries.
  6. Non weight bearing exercise for aerobic fitness.
  7. Artery used for bypass surgery.
  8. Acronym for pacemaker.
  9. Hormone connected with diabetes.
  1. Resting period during the heart cycle.
  2. Healthy source of energy (2 serves per day).
  3. The movement that reduces the angle of a joint.
  4. Large muscle below the knee.
  5. Muscle attached to atrioventricular valves.
  6. Wing Home of HeartWise.
  7. Another word for cardiac ultrasound.
  8. Anemia can be from an XXXX deficiency.

17 Clues: Animal fat.Acronym for pacemaker.Wing Home of HeartWise.Large muscle below the knee.Attaches to red blood cells.The Good, the Bad & the Ugly.Artery used for bypass surgery.Hormone connected with diabetes.One of the common cardiac arteries.Another word for cardiac ultrasound.Prevents blood flowing the wrong way.Resting period during the heart cycle....

Hemoglobin 2016-02-24

Hemoglobin crossword puzzle
  1. is the protein molecule in red blood cells.
  2. 2 diabetes Known as adult-onset diabetes
  1. Pancreas doesn't make enough insulin.
  2. Hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets that regulate the amount of glucose in the blood.

4 Clues: Pancreas doesn't make enough insulin.2 diabetes Known as adult-onset diabetesis the protein molecule in red blood cells.Hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets that regulate the amount of glucose in the blood.

Pharmacology Phun 2019-06-24

Pharmacology Phun crossword puzzle
  1. /Then you draw up your *what* solution
  2. /DO not shake your insulin, but *what* it
  3. /The only cloudy insulin
  4. /Long acting insulin
  5. /Rapid acting insulin
  6. /First line drug for hyperthyroidism
  1. /Drug of choice for hypothyroidism
  2. /First line treatment for type2 diabetes
  3. /NON insulin injectable
  4. /First you draw up your *what* solution

10 Clues: /Long acting insulin/Rapid acting insulin/NON insulin injectable/The only cloudy insulin/Drug of choice for hypothyroidism/First line drug for hyperthyroidism/Then you draw up your *what* solution/First you draw up your *what* solution/First line treatment for type2 diabetes/DO not shake your insulin, but *what* it

Health Care Agencies 2020-09-16

Health Care Agencies crossword puzzle
  1. Tracks world health issues.
  2. Does research and education for diabetes.
  3. Provides immunizations for locals(2 words).
  4. Approves all meds in US.
  5. Improves the US healthcare system.
  1. Keeps US workers safe.
  2. Conducting and supporting medical research.
  3. Supports heart health.
  4. Prevent disease and bio-terrorism in the US.
  5. Looks out for Texas citizens.

10 Clues: Keeps US workers safe.Supports heart health.Approves all meds in US.Tracks world health issues.Looks out for Texas citizens.Improves the US healthcare system.Does research and education for diabetes.Conducting and supporting medical research.Provides immunizations for locals(2 words).Prevent disease and bio-terrorism in the US.


NUTRIEN MAKANAN crossword puzzle
  1. Makanan asas manusia dalam aras karbohidrat.
  2. Makanan yang mengandungi protein.
  3. Kesan tidak mengamalkan makanan seimbang.
  4. Menu makan malam.
  5. Makanan dalam aras lemak.
  1. Menu sarapan pagi.
  2. Penyakit yang disebabkan kerana terlalu banyak makan makanan manis.
  3. Mineral yang perlu diambil sekurang-kurangnya 8 gelas sehari.
  4. Buah dalam aras vitamin.
  5. Menu minum petang.

10 Clues: Menu makan malam.Menu sarapan pagi.Menu minum petang.Buah dalam aras vitamin.Makanan dalam aras lemak.Makanan yang mengandungi protein.Kesan tidak mengamalkan makanan seimbang.Makanan asas manusia dalam aras karbohidrat.Mineral yang perlu diambil sekurang-kurangnya 8 gelas sehari.Penyakit yang disebabkan kerana terlalu banyak makan makanan manis.

Pituitary Disorders 2023-01-26

Pituitary Disorders crossword puzzle
  1. decreases blood flow
  2. when you grow alot
  3. controls the entire body
  4. what happens to your hair when you get older
  5. when your head hurts
  6. affects how your body turns food into energy
  1. sad and low engery
  2. increase in mass
  3. when you cant see as good
  4. when you are more tired and less enthusiastic

10 Clues: increase in masssad and low engerywhen you grow alotdecreases blood flowwhen your head hurtscontrols the entire bodywhen you cant see as goodwhat happens to your hair when you get olderaffects how your body turns food into energywhen you are more tired and less enthusiastic

TTS bioteknologi 2023-02-22

TTS bioteknologi crossword puzzle
  1. => sering buang air kecil mudah haus dan mudah lapar
  2. => khamir saccharomyces carevisiae
  3. fermentasi susu dengan bakteri
  4. => langkah yang sangat efektif untuk mencegah penyakit
  1. => terbuat dari ekstrak buah anggur
  2. => bacillus licineformis
  3. dengan jamur aspergillus oryzae
  4. transgenetik => hormon bovinesomata triopin atau BST
  5. rate => beras yang mengandung vitamin a
  6. =>pengentalan protein pasien susu

10 Clues: => bacillus licineformisfermentasi susu dengan bakteridengan jamur aspergillus oryzae=>pengentalan protein pasien susu=> khamir saccharomyces carevisiae=> terbuat dari ekstrak buah anggurrate => beras yang mengandung vitamin a=> sering buang air kecil mudah haus dan mudah lapartransgenetik => hormon bovinesomata triopin atau BST...

Korsord Hanna 2017-11-29

Korsord Hanna crossword puzzle
  1. Djur som var tecken för makt
  2. En vanlig sjukdom bland indianerna
  3. Ägdes ofta gemensamt av släkten
  4. Maya, Azteker och Inka.
  1. Ett område som har subtropiskt och tropiskt klimat.
  2. Erövrade indianfolket
  3. Stod högst i samhället
  4. Skönhet för mayaindianerna
  5. Var en vanlig gröda som indianerna odlade
  6. En bollsport som uppfanns av mayafolket

10 Clues: Erövrade indianfolketStod högst i samhälletMaya, Azteker och Inka.Skönhet för mayaindianernaDjur som var tecken för maktÄgdes ofta gemensamt av släktenEn vanlig sjukdom bland indianernaEn bollsport som uppfanns av mayafolketVar en vanlig gröda som indianerna odladeEtt område som har subtropiskt och tropiskt klimat.

health 2022-01-03

health crossword puzzle
  1. Stomach pain, discomfort when eating
  2. mind spinning,staggered walking
  3. talk less, don't show emotions
  4. Nausea and bloating in the stomach
  5. can't sleep at night, get angry easily
  1. scowling, unable to go to the toilet easily
  2. vomiting blood
  3. The patient feels hot and cold at times
  4. fever, muscle aches and sneezing
  5. overweight people

10 Clues: vomiting bloodoverweight peopletalk less, don't show emotionsmind spinning,staggered walkingfever, muscle aches and sneezingNausea and bloating in the stomachStomach pain, discomfort when eatingcan't sleep at night, get angry easilyThe patient feels hot and cold at timesscowling, unable to go to the toilet easily

Medicamentos 2024-08-22

Medicamentos crossword puzzle
  1. ativo : composição de um medicamento
  2. : comorbidade associada a glicemia
  3. : desenvolvimento, composto, fórmula,
  4. ao Cliente: empatia, comunicação, ética, escuta, orientação.
  5. : antibiótico, anti-inflamatório, genérico, tarja, posologia.
  1. : ocorre com utilização de vários medicamentos.
  2. : o que geralmente a população faz
  3. : dispensação, dosagem, armazenamento, receita, bula.
  4. : alteração da pressão arterial
  5. : local para tratamento de paciente grave

10 Clues: : alteração da pressão arterial: comorbidade associada a glicemia: o que geralmente a população fazativo : composição de um medicamento: desenvolvimento, composto, fórmula,: local para tratamento de paciente grave: ocorre com utilização de vários medicamentos.: dispensação, dosagem, armazenamento, receita, bula....

Christmas Crossword 2020-11-29

Christmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. talent
  2. he sees you when you're _____ (the most disturbing line in a family-friendly song)
  3. adam's partner/time of the day
  4. diabetes stick
  5. scented lipid
  6. santa's beanie
  7. 3 hour long fundraiser
  8. not Mr. John's favorite color
  9. naked man with a top hat
  10. boiling water + bean powder
  1. type of treat/inappropriate school behavior
  2. best week of school in December!!
  3. she doesn't want a lot for christmas
  4. sharp-eared (hint: literally)
  5. the 2 weeks we've all longed for
  6. the OG Santa Claus
  7. kid singlehandedly takes down grown men with bad intentions

17 Clues: talentscented lipiddiabetes sticksanta's beaniethe OG Santa Claus3 hour long fundraisernaked man with a top hatboiling water + bean powdersharp-eared (hint: literally)not Mr. John's favorite coloradam's partner/time of the daythe 2 weeks we've all longed forbest week of school in December!!she doesn't want a lot for christmas...

Exercise 2014-05-14

Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. if you cant run than____.
  2. increasing this will flex your pump
  3. fun activity in the water
  4. disease effecting blood sugar
  5. movement to music
  6. twenty mininutes of exercise_______is recomended
  7. you may choose to exercise here instead
  1. a known fact that exercise improves___________.
  2. a two or three wheeled vehicle
  3. a place to go to and exercise
  4. how we exercise our lungs
  5. action of doing something
  6. always do this before and after exercising.
  7. a way of life
  8. if you make exercise___then it doesn't seem like work.
  9. formal way to exercise
  10. increasing exercise may improve this

17 Clues: a way of lifemovement to musicformal way to exerciseif you cant run than____.how we exercise our lungsaction of doing somethingfun activity in the watera place to go to and exercisedisease effecting blood sugara two or three wheeled vehicleincreasing this will flex your pumpincreasing exercise may improve thisyou may choose to exercise here instead...


BIOLOGY REVISION crossword puzzle


Education 2024-07-31

Education crossword puzzle
  1. Low Bone Density
  2. Cloudy lens in your eyes
  3. If I fall, I can use a falls _
  4. Degenerative joint condition
  1. An adverse reaction from medication
  2. Too much sugar in the blood
  3. Specific exercise to prevent falls
  4. Exercises with _therapy
  5. Unintentionally landing on the group

9 Clues: Low Bone DensityExercises with _therapyCloudy lens in your eyesToo much sugar in the bloodDegenerative joint conditionIf I fall, I can use a falls _Specific exercise to prevent fallsAn adverse reaction from medicationUnintentionally landing on the group

Medical concerns for seniors 2023-01-19

Medical concerns for seniors crossword puzzle
  1. an important senior health risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer
  2. can contribute to becoming less mobile and potentially disabled should you fall.
  3. The CDC estimates that it affects 49.7 percent of all adults over 65 and can lead to pain and lower quality of life for some seniors.
  4. third most common cause of death among people 65 and older.
  1. 25 percent of people ages 65 and older are living with this condition.
  2. can lower immunity and can compromise a person’s ability to fight infections.
  3. abuse, a concern for senior health because of possible interactions with prescription medication
  4. because diagnosis is challenging, it’s difficult to know exactly how many people are living with this chronic condition (estimated 11%).

8 Clues: third most common cause of death among people 65 and older.25 percent of people ages 65 and older are living with this condition.can lower immunity and can compromise a person’s ability to fight infections.an important senior health risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer...

afib 2017-08-24

afib crossword puzzle
  1. common afib trigger
  2. Most common form of stroke
  3. When this pools, a clot can form
  4. The greatest risk of AFib is a
  5. afib symptom
  1. another risk factor for afib
  2. risk factor for afib
  3. A clot can travel from the heart to the
  4. atrial fibrillation

9 Clues: afib symptomcommon afib triggeratrial fibrillationrisk factor for afibMost common form of strokeanother risk factor for afibThe greatest risk of AFib is aWhen this pools, a clot can formA clot can travel from the heart to the

My Identity: Isabella 2023-04-04

My Identity: Isabella crossword puzzle
  1. A colour made from red and blue
  2. Playful and caring people
  3. A sport where you do flips
  4. Move your arms and legs in water
  5. creating stories
  1. Helps kids learn
  2. Caring people in your everyday life
  3. Someone that doesn't get insulin properly
  4. A school value

9 Clues: A school valueHelps kids learncreating storiesPlayful and caring peopleA sport where you do flipsA colour made from red and blueMove your arms and legs in waterCaring people in your everyday lifeSomeone that doesn't get insulin properly

Food and Health 2016-07-20

Food and Health crossword puzzle
  1. Rich in Vitamin C
  2. One kind of carbohydrates
  3. Too much sugar in the blood
  4. Prevent tooth decay
  5. Needed to make a substance that carries oxygen around the body
  6. To give us energy
  7. Chocolates, soft drinks
  1. The other name of fibre
  2. Fruit that contain a lot of water
  3. The disease when a child doesn't have enough protein
  4. Fish, meat, egg white
  5. Comes from plants
  6. The solution to test for strach in a food
  7. Gives us energy more than carbohydrates

14 Clues: Rich in Vitamin CComes from plantsTo give us energyPrevent tooth decayFish, meat, egg whiteThe other name of fibreChocolates, soft drinksOne kind of carbohydratesToo much sugar in the bloodFruit that contain a lot of waterGives us energy more than carbohydratesThe solution to test for strach in a food...

Personal Health Vocabulary 2019-01-10

Personal Health Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Harmful rain
  2. The wellness of your body
  3. Skin doctors
  4. A doctor that makes a priority to specific tasks
  5. Prevents UV rays from harming organisms
  6. When your body can't use glucose
  1. Tattoo needle cleaner
  2. Thrusts Using your abdomen to to force out objects that prevent air flow
  3. Associated with global warming
  4. CPR with just your hands
  5. Controls insects
  6. Disorder that is linked to seizures
  7. To resuscitate the heart when it has stop beating
  8. Large areas of waste

14 Clues: Harmful rainSkin doctorsControls insectsLarge areas of wasteTattoo needle cleanerCPR with just your handsThe wellness of your bodyAssociated with global warmingWhen your body can't use glucoseDisorder that is linked to seizuresPrevents UV rays from harming organismsA doctor that makes a priority to specific tasks...

NoPSA Julekalender 2022-11-30

NoPSA Julekalender crossword puzzle
  1. Generika til Cipralex
  2. Hva blir som oftest gitt til LAR pasienter?
  3. Galenisk lab må være ....?
  4. RX
  5. Generika til Norvasc
  6. NFF også kjent som?
  7. Hva har farmasøyter rekvireringsrett på?
  1. Etter 10 dager vil resept på .... gå ut
  2. En tjeneste man tilbyr på apoteket ved oppstart av ny legemiddel
  3. En kjent kolesterolsenkende
  4. Hvilket universitet tilbyr både bachelor og master i farmasi
  5. Førstevalg for diabetes type 2
  6. Apotek 1 sin slagord: vår kunnskap, din ...?
  7. Produsenten av merkevaren Cosmica

14 Clues: RXNFF også kjent som?Generika til NorvascGenerika til CipralexGalenisk lab må være ....?En kjent kolesterolsenkendeFørstevalg for diabetes type 2Produsenten av merkevaren CosmicaEtter 10 dager vil resept på .... gå utHva har farmasøyter rekvireringsrett på?Hva blir som oftest gitt til LAR pasienter?Apotek 1 sin slagord: vår kunnskap, din ...?...

Elements of Health 2024-01-31

Elements of Health crossword puzzle
  1. Amount of energy to raise the temperature
  2. When the body is unable to use sugar
  3. Sitting or resting
  4. Without reason or sound judgement
  5. Natural chemical elements of the earth
  6. Produce by the brain to sleep
  1. A calcium deficiency
  2. A drug found naturally in coffee
  3. Chemical process to produce energy
  4. Having to little of something
  5. How two or more measurement relate

11 Clues: Sitting or restingA calcium deficiencyHaving to little of somethingProduce by the brain to sleepA drug found naturally in coffeeWithout reason or sound judgementChemical process to produce energyHow two or more measurement relateWhen the body is unable to use sugarNatural chemical elements of the earthAmount of energy to raise the temperature

Diabetes, Infektionskrankheiten, Hormone 2020-12-21

Diabetes, Infektionskrankheiten, Hormone crossword puzzle
  1. Ein typisches Symptom bei einer Überzuckerung?
  2. Was sind Typ 2 Diabetiker häufig?
  3. Welcher Typ von Zuckerkrankheit kommt am häufigsten vor?
  4. welches Hormon fehlt bei der Blutzuckerkrankheit?
  5. Was für ein Insulinmangel weisst ein Typ 2 Diabetiker auf?
  1. Wo wird das Insulin gebildet?
  2. Was für ein Insulinmangel weisst ein Typ 1 Diabetiker auf?
  3. Was ist die Folge,wenn eine Unterzuckerung nicht erkannt wird?

8 Clues: Wo wird das Insulin gebildet?Was sind Typ 2 Diabetiker häufig?Ein typisches Symptom bei einer Überzuckerung?welches Hormon fehlt bei der Blutzuckerkrankheit?Welcher Typ von Zuckerkrankheit kommt am häufigsten vor?Was für ein Insulinmangel weisst ein Typ 1 Diabetiker auf?Was für ein Insulinmangel weisst ein Typ 2 Diabetiker auf?...

Healthy Living 2022-10-03

Healthy Living crossword puzzle
  1. A healthy way of eating
  2. It helps to make you stronger
  3. Important nutrients from plants or animals
  4. A disease caused by too much sugar
  5. Important nutrients from soil and water
  6. A disease caused by not enough protein
  7. Keeping clean
  1. It gives you long lasting energy
  2. How quickly your heart beats every minute
  3. Not getting enough nutrients
  4. It helps you poo
  5. The opposite of awake
  6. It helps you absorb vitamins & minerals
  7. Moving your body to get fit

14 Clues: Keeping cleanIt helps you pooThe opposite of awakeA healthy way of eatingMoving your body to get fitNot getting enough nutrientsIt helps to make you strongerIt gives you long lasting energyA disease caused by too much sugarA disease caused by not enough proteinIt helps you absorb vitamins & mineralsImportant nutrients from soil and water...

Words 2020-12-03

Words crossword puzzle
  1. A genus of plants
  2. A demon-monster-evil spirit
  3. A kind of clay used as a building material typhoon A tropical cyclone
  4. An international body of criminals
  5. A racket support
  6. Used for laundry and sometimes slime
  7. A smooth, most times silk fabric
  1. The angle between a reference plane and a point
  2. A fretted, string, musical instrument
  3. Carbonated water
  4. A converter of normal language
  5. You can get diabetes from it
  6. Genus of vines
  7. A desert, close to an icy

14 Clues: Genus of vinesCarbonated waterA racket supportA genus of plantsA desert, close to an icyA demon-monster-evil spiritYou can get diabetes from itA converter of normal languageA smooth, most times silk fabricAn international body of criminalsUsed for laundry and sometimes slimeA fretted, string, musical instrument...

Heart Failure - Risk factors 2021-10-21

Heart Failure - Risk factors crossword puzzle
  1. Lack of exercise would be called a … lifestyle
  2. Irregular heart beats
  3. Non-HDL build up - high ...
  4. Food intake
  5. The main cause of heart failure (Initials)
  6. condition associated with insulin impairement
  7. What hormone provides a protective effect for women
  1. Inflammation of the heart muscles
  2. The recommended amount is <14 units / week
  3. High blood pressure
  4. A previous myocardial ... increases the risk for Heart failure
  5. BMI>30
  6. People of ... Asian descent are more susceptible to Heart Failure
  7. Tobacco use and inhalation

14 Clues: BMI>30Food intakeHigh blood pressureIrregular heart beatsTobacco use and inhalationNon-HDL build up - high ...Inflammation of the heart musclesThe recommended amount is <14 units / weekThe main cause of heart failure (Initials)condition associated with insulin impairementLack of exercise would be called a … lifestyle...

Odontologia 2023-06-24

Odontologia crossword puzzle
  1. Enfermedad metabolica cronica por glucosa
  2. medio Tercio que se mide de cejas a subnasal
  3. Acabar microorganismo presentes sobre objetos
  4. Imcremento anormal de hemoglobina
  5. Estudio de los signos y sintomas de enfermedades
  6. Punto craneometrico
  1. Acumulacion de pus en tejido organico
  2. instrumento para tomar la presion arterial
  3. Articulacion diartrocica bicondilia
  4. clinica. Documento medico legal
  5. Material de obturacion
  6. Material de obturacion de conducto
  7. Pequeño bulto elevado en la piel con borde definido
  8. Entrada y desarrollo de un agente infeccioso

14 Clues: Punto craneometricoMaterial de obturacionclinica. Documento medico legalImcremento anormal de hemoglobinaMaterial de obturacion de conductoArticulacion diartrocica bicondiliaAcumulacion de pus en tejido organicoEnfermedad metabolica cronica por glucosainstrumento para tomar la presion arterialEntrada y desarrollo de un agente infeccioso...

Unbalanced Diets 2024-04-23

Unbalanced Diets crossword puzzle
  1. Condition, Purging after consuming food
  2. being constantly tired
  3. to ... from a condition
  4. to ... support or advice
  5. to... someone, giving hope and motivation
  6. typical age something occurs
  7. ... body image, common for anorexia
  8. ... disorder, affecting your mental health
  1. possible consequence of obesity relating to blood sugar
  2. a way to measure your weight to height ratio
  3. to be ... by a condition
  4. what you receive to get better when your affected
  5. Condition with a BMI over 30
  6. Condition, Restricting food while already underweight

14 Clues: being constantly tiredto ... from a conditionto be ... by a conditionto ... support or adviceCondition with a BMI over 30typical age something occurs... body image, common for anorexiaCondition, Purging after consuming foodto... someone, giving hope and motivation... disorder, affecting your mental healtha way to measure your weight to height ratio...

Type 1 Diabetes 2016-08-16

Type 1 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Determinant involving eating habits and physical activity.
  2. Determinant involving Genetic predisposition and age.
  3. Single Sugar Molecule.
  4. Generally diagnosed by the age of __.
  1. The amount of glucose in your blood.
  2. Releases insulin.
  3. Of or relating to an immune response by the body against one of its own cells or tissues.
  4. The hormone responsible for transporting glucose into cells.

8 Clues: Releases insulin.Single Sugar Molecule.The amount of glucose in your blood.Generally diagnosed by the age of __.Determinant involving Genetic predisposition and age.Determinant involving eating habits and physical activity.The hormone responsible for transporting glucose into cells....

Type 1 Diabetes 2022-03-01

Type 1 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Sugar in the body is called _____
  2. When your blood sugar gets too low
  3. A disease you have when your body does not produce as much glucose as it should
  4. Used to put someone into your body without drinking or eating it
  1. When your blood sugar is too high
  2. An organ in your body that helps break down food into energy
  3. When your immune system doesn't work on it's own
  4. Used to lower glucose in the body

8 Clues: When your blood sugar is too highSugar in the body is called _____Used to lower glucose in the bodyWhen your blood sugar gets too lowWhen your immune system doesn't work on it's ownAn organ in your body that helps break down food into energyUsed to put someone into your body without drinking or eating it...

Sugar and diabetes 2022-06-23

Sugar and diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. - What is another name for sugar?
  2. -It serves as a form of energy in animals, fungi, and bacteria.
  3. -It is a chronic disease.
  4. -When released it sends a message to add more sugar from the cells.
  1. -It is a generic name for sweet tasting.
  2. -It is where you store the left over sugar.
  3. - It gives energy.
  4. -When released it sends a message to lower the sugar level.

8 Clues: - It gives energy.-It is a chronic disease.- What is another name for sugar?-It is a generic name for sweet tasting.-It is where you store the left over sugar.-When released it sends a message to lower the sugar level.-It serves as a form of energy in animals, fungi, and bacteria.-When released it sends a message to add more sugar from the cells.

Diabetes and sugars 2022-06-23

Diabetes and sugars crossword puzzle
  1. are present in all living organisms and include many essential biological compounds
  2. a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood
  3. a sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants
  4. the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.
  1. a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans, which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.
  2. is a cell produced through hematopoiesis and found mainly in the blood
  3. any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues
  4. is a term used to describe a class of macro nutrients used in metabolism called triglycerides

8 Clues: a sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plantsis a cell produced through hematopoiesis and found mainly in the bloodthe strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues...

Words of diabetes 2016-07-03

Words of diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. physical activity that helps improve your health
  2. having too low of blood sugar
  3. the key that allows sugar to enter the cells
  1. device that pierces the skin to test blood
  2. having too high of blood sugar
  3. getting all the nutrients that you need to live
  4. another word for sugar in your body
  5. the organ fails to produce insulin when you have type 1 diabetes

8 Clues: having too low of blood sugarhaving too high of blood sugaranother word for sugar in your bodydevice that pierces the skin to test bloodthe key that allows sugar to enter the cellsgetting all the nutrients that you need to livephysical activity that helps improve your healththe organ fails to produce insulin when you have type 1 diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes 2023-01-12

Type 1 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. high ketone levels in urine may be a sign that your body is too acidic and this can lead to a.
  2. a large gland behind the stomach which secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum is called the
  3. have to keep track of your blood sugar either by bloodsugar pricking your finger or toe to draw blood so a machine can read your
  4. what is a hormone that the body uses to allow sugar to enter cells to produce energy.
  1. Glucagon injection is an emergency medicine used to treat severe
  2. is a chronic, metabolic disease characterised by elevated levels of blood glucose (or blood sugar)
  3. When you have high blood sugar it can cause diabetic
  4. Researchers are looking for a

8 Clues: Researchers are looking for aWhen you have high blood sugar it can cause diabeticGlucagon injection is an emergency medicine used to treat severewhat is a hormone that the body uses to allow sugar to enter cells to produce energy.high ketone levels in urine may be a sign that your body is too acidic and this can lead to a....

Super Healthy Food 2023-10-10

Super Healthy Food crossword puzzle
  1. One of root vegetables and high Beta-Caratene which may help prevent diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer, and other health conditions due to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties.
  2. Good for your health due to the presence of allicin (an organosulfur compound) which aids in the reduction of blood pressure and prevention of atherosclerosis.
  3. High rich in potassium, which is essential for maintaining normal blood pressure and can provide the body with sustained energy.
  4. A high-quality protein source, in addition to being high in vitamins and minerals such as zinc, iron, and copper.
  1. Contains high amounts of cocoa, which is an antioxidant-rich food that can help boost mood, improve cognitive function, and reduce the risk of diabetes.
  2. Contain lycopene, which is difficult to get in other foods and can help protect the skin from UV radiation, reduce cholesterol, and even prevent certain types of cancer.
  3. A wonderful source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and reduce the risk of type II diabetes and some cancers.

7 Clues: A high-quality protein source, in addition to being high in vitamins and minerals such as zinc, iron, and copper.High rich in potassium, which is essential for maintaining normal blood pressure and can provide the body with sustained energy....

don't eat sugar 2024-06-30

don't eat sugar crossword puzzle
  1. across why you not need to put sugar at tea
  2. across what is the shape sugar have
  1. down what is the color of sugar
  2. down what is yellow water but if you ad sugar you well have diabetes
  3. down vice versa of sugar

5 Clues: down vice versa of sugardown what is the color of sugaracross what is the shape sugar haveacross why you not need to put sugar at teadown what is yellow water but if you ad sugar you well have diabetes