diabetes Crossword Puzzles

CHO crossword 2022-11-17

CHO crossword crossword puzzle
  1. food A functional food is a food claimed to have an additional function by adding new ingredients or more of existing ingredients.
  2. a sweet crystalline substances obtained from various plants, especially sugar cane and sugar beet, consisting essentially of sucrose, and used as a sweetener in food and drink.
  3. substance deposited in bodily tissues as a store of carbohydrates. It is a polysaccharide that forms glucose on hydrolysis.
  4. is any of a class of sugars whose molecules contain two monosaccharide residues.
  5. something that completes or enhances something else when added to it.
  6. caries Causes include bacteria, snacking, sipping sugary drinks, and poor teeth cleaning.
  7. carbohydrates are broken down quickly by the body to be used as energy. Simple carbohydrates are found naturally in foods such as fruits, milk, and milk products. They are also found in processed and refined sugars such as candy, table sugar, syrups, and soft drinks.
  8. A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose).
  9. Glycemic index is a system that ranks foods on a scale from 1 to 100 based on their effect on blood sugar levels.
  10. carbohydrates are made up of sugar molecules that are strung together in long, complex chains.
  11. fiber consists of isolated or purified carbohydrates that are nondigestible, absorbed in the small intestine, and have beneficial physiological effects in humans.2.
  1. are any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose. They contain hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water (2:1) and typically can be broken down to release energy in the animal body.
  2. fiber or roughage is the portion of plant-derived food that cannot be completely broken down by human digestive enzymes.
  3. is a simple sugar that is an important energy source in living organisms and is a component of many carbohydrates.
  4. deficiency of glucose in the bloodstream.
  5. Monosaccharides, also called simple sugars, are the simplest forms of sugar and the most basic units from which all carbohydrates are built.
  6. a regulatory substances produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action.
  7. intolerance is the partial or total inability to digest lactose, which may result in abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea after consuming milk and other dairy products and is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme lactase.
  8. is a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans, which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. The lack of insulin causes a form of diabetes.
  9. is an odorless, tasteless white substance occurring widely in plant tissue and obtained chiefly from cereals and potatoes. It is a polysaccharide that functions as a carbohydrate store and is an important constituent of the human diet.
  10. fiber Dietary fiber or roughage is the portion of plant-derived food that cannot be completely broken down by human digestive enzymes.
  11. same thing as diabetes

22 Clues: same thing as diabetesdeficiency of glucose in the bloodstream.something that completes or enhances something else when added to it.is any of a class of sugars whose molecules contain two monosaccharide residues.A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose)....

Endocrine System Puzzle 2024-05-25

Endocrine System Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  2. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  3. -hypothalamic ____(the answer)_____ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic
  4. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  5. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  6. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  7. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin
  8. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  1. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  2. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  3. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  4. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  5. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  6. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  7. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  8. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  9. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  10. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  11. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  12. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  13. -can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage? (yes or no)
  14. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins
  15. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  16. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  17. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake

25 Clues: -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage? (yes or no)-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

Endocrine System Puzzle 2024-05-25

Endocrine System Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  2. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  3. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  4. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  5. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  6. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  7. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  8. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  9. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  10. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  11. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  12. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  13. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin
  1. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  2. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  3. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  4. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  5. -hypothalamic ____(the answer)_____ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic
  6. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  7. -can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage? (yes or no)
  8. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  9. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake
  10. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  11. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  12. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins

25 Clues: -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage? (yes or no)-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

Endocrine System Puzzle 2024-05-25

Endocrine System Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  2. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  3. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  4. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  5. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  6. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  7. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  8. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  9. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  10. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  11. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  12. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  13. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin
  1. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  2. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  3. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  4. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  5. -hypothalamic ________ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic
  6. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  7. -can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage?
  8. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  9. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake
  10. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  11. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  12. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins

25 Clues: -can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage?-The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

Uji Minda - Pendidikan Kesihatan 2021-07-06

Uji Minda - Pendidikan Kesihatan crossword puzzle
  1. Penyakit kencing manis juga dikenali sebagai.....
  2. Kita mestilah ...... gigi 2 kali sehari.
  3. Gunakan ubat gigi ber..... semasa memberus gigi.
  4. Bermain di dalam makmal boleh menyebabkan ....
  5. Kita mestilah menjauhi penyalahgunaan ...... kerana ia memberi kesan buruk kepada diri dan masyarakat.
  1. Makanan seimbang mengandungi protein, karbohidrat, lemak,garam mineral dan ......
  2. Kita perlu patuh kepada ...... jalan raya.
  3. Amalkan pemakanan yang ....
  4. Hidup sejahtera tanpa menghisap .....
  5. ..... tangan dengan sabun sebelum makan.

10 Clues: Amalkan pemakanan yang ....Hidup sejahtera tanpa menghisap .....Kita mestilah ...... gigi 2 kali sehari...... tangan dengan sabun sebelum makan.Kita perlu patuh kepada ...... jalan raya.Bermain di dalam makmal boleh menyebabkan ....Gunakan ubat gigi ber..... semasa memberus gigi.Penyakit kencing manis juga dikenali sebagai........

Pengolahan Bahan Pangan Serelia, Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi 2022-11-09

Pengolahan Bahan Pangan Serelia, Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi crossword puzzle
  1. Kandungan yang terdapat pada beras
  2. Nama latin padi
  3. Termasuk golongan serelia
  4. Jenis serelia yang digunakan untuk pakan ternak
  5. Memasak bahan makanan dengan uap air mendidih
  1. (Glycine Max L.) termasuk tanaman semusim
  2. Umbi yang memiliki rasa manis bebas lemak dan cocok untuk penderita diabetes
  3. Memasak bahan makanan menggunakan minyak yang banyak
  4. Teknik Pengolahan Panas Basah
  5. Pengolahan bahan makanan dalam cairan yang sudah mendidih

10 Clues: Nama latin padiTermasuk golongan sereliaTeknik Pengolahan Panas BasahKandungan yang terdapat pada beras(Glycine Max L.) termasuk tanaman semusimMemasak bahan makanan dengan uap air mendidihJenis serelia yang digunakan untuk pakan ternakMemasak bahan makanan menggunakan minyak yang banyakPengolahan bahan makanan dalam cairan yang sudah mendidih...

Hearing Loss 2023-01-05

Hearing Loss crossword puzzle
  1. a common form of acquired hearing loss
  2. type of hearing loss that develops in elderly
  3. portable device that provides energy to devices
  4. another word for slow onset
  1. an unpleasant and usually loud sound
  2. a language used by the profoundly deaf
  3. a person who translates between 2 more people
  4. a common chronic condition
  5. where people wear hearing aids
  6. a tympanic instrument and part of the ear

10 Clues: a common chronic conditionanother word for slow onsetwhere people wear hearing aidsan unpleasant and usually loud sounda language used by the profoundly deafa common form of acquired hearing lossa tympanic instrument and part of the eara person who translates between 2 more peopletype of hearing loss that develops in elderly...

Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cerebrovascular Disease 2017-02-13

Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cerebrovascular Disease crossword puzzle
  1. Control of this leads to stable blood glucose
  2. Heart condition affecting heart rate
  3. Lowers risk of obesity and high BP
  4. Example: warfarin
  5. Example of medication that achieves this: Atorvastatin
  1. Reduce this component of the diet
  2. Habitual, toxins can damage and narrow blood vessels
  3. Lifestyle factor, raises BP and often work associated
  4. Commonly prescribed daily at a low dose
  5. Can increase BP and cholesterol levels, C2H5OH

10 Clues: Example: warfarinReduce this component of the dietLowers risk of obesity and high BPHeart condition affecting heart rateCommonly prescribed daily at a low doseControl of this leads to stable blood glucoseCan increase BP and cholesterol levels, C2H5OHHabitual, toxins can damage and narrow blood vessels...

Endocrine 2023-05-17

Endocrine crossword puzzle
  1. Causes blood sugar to go up
  2. Has a specific shape that the hormone fits
  3. Maintain a constant internal environment
  4. Male hormone for male 2ndary traits
  5. Chemical messenger (protein and steroid) that travel through the blood to the target tissue
  6. Stored in us
  1. Can’t control blood sugar levels
  2. Female hormone for female 2ndary traits
  3. The pump you up hormone
  4. Causes blood sugar to go down

10 Clues: Stored in usThe pump you up hormoneCauses blood sugar to go upCauses blood sugar to go downCan’t control blood sugar levelsMale hormone for male 2ndary traitsFemale hormone for female 2ndary traitsMaintain a constant internal environmentHas a specific shape that the hormone fits...

Pemeriksaan Fungsi Ginjal 2023-06-10

Pemeriksaan Fungsi Ginjal crossword puzzle
  1. Alat pengukur kadar kreatinin
  2. Salah satu fungsi ginjal
  3. Salah satu penyebab penyakit gagal ginjal
  4. Biomarker Pemeriksaan fungsi ginjal
  5. Sampel yang digunakan dalam pemeriksaan fungsi ginjal
  1. Hasil metabolisme kreatin dan fosfokreatinin
  2. Faktor yang mempengaruhi konsentrasi ureum
  3. Kondisi gagal ginjal yang ditandai dengan kadar ureum plasma sangat tinggi
  4. Bagian ginjal yang berfungsi untuk memfiltrasi air, elektrolit, zat sisa metabolisme
  5. Salah satu hormon yang dihasilkan oleh ginjal

10 Clues: Salah satu fungsi ginjalAlat pengukur kadar kreatininBiomarker Pemeriksaan fungsi ginjalSalah satu penyebab penyakit gagal ginjalFaktor yang mempengaruhi konsentrasi ureumHasil metabolisme kreatin dan fosfokreatininSalah satu hormon yang dihasilkan oleh ginjalSampel yang digunakan dalam pemeriksaan fungsi ginjal...

Suiker 2014-05-24

Suiker crossword puzzle
  1. Dokter die instaat voor de verzorging van de tanden
  2. Suiker met vanillesmaak
  3. Broodbeleg gemaakt met fruit en suiker
  4. Wat maakt suiker in de tanden?
  5. Suiker gemaakt door bijen
  1. Fruit met gele schil die natuurlijke suikers bevat
  2. Als je suiker langzaam verhit krijg je...
  3. Ander woord voor suikerziekte
  4. Suiker op een stokje, uitgevonden door een tandarts
  5. Wat verkoopt Mevr. Jeanne in het tv-programma 'De kotmadam'?

10 Clues: Suiker met vanillesmaakSuiker gemaakt door bijenAnder woord voor suikerziekteWat maakt suiker in de tanden?Broodbeleg gemaakt met fruit en suikerAls je suiker langzaam verhit krijg je...Fruit met gele schil die natuurlijke suikers bevatDokter die instaat voor de verzorging van de tandenSuiker op een stokje, uitgevonden door een tandarts...

Malnutrition 2014-03-03

Malnutrition crossword puzzle
  1. nutrient that strengthens bones and teeth
  2. hardened narrow arteries due to fatty deposits
  3. psychological disease leading to rapid weight loss
  4. result of lack of iron
  1. inability to produce the human hormone insulin
  2. excess body fat due to overeating
  3. recommended daily intake
  4. imbalance of nutrients in the diet
  5. condition resulting in fragile bones, most common in older women
  6. disease with inability to tolerate wheat protein (gluten)

10 Clues: result of lack of ironrecommended daily intakeexcess body fat due to overeatingimbalance of nutrients in the dietnutrient that strengthens bones and teethinability to produce the human hormone insulinhardened narrow arteries due to fatty depositspsychological disease leading to rapid weight loss...

Miguel de Cervantes 2014-04-29

Miguel de Cervantes crossword puzzle
  1. Participo en esta batalla famosa en 1571.
  2. Un instituto nombrado en honor de el.
  3. La enfermedad que le causo la muerte.
  4. Nacio en esta ciudad.
  5. Quedo encarcelado aqui por cinco anos.
  1. Traslado a Roma para ser...
  2. Su novela famosa que publico en 1615.
  3. La parte del cuerpo que perdio en batalla.
  4. El mes en que nacio.
  5. Su primera poema era que tipo de poema?

10 Clues: El mes en que nacio.Nacio en esta ciudad.Traslado a Roma para ser...Su novela famosa que publico en 1615.Un instituto nombrado en honor de el.La enfermedad que le causo la muerte.Quedo encarcelado aqui por cinco anos.Su primera poema era que tipo de poema?Participo en esta batalla famosa en 1571.La parte del cuerpo que perdio en batalla.

Crossroads Crossword 2021-12-13

Crossroads Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What was Kalebs first AAA team?
  2. What sport did Kaleb play?
  3. Who was Kalebs favourite coach?
  4. What was Kalebs passion he wanted to pursue?
  5. What was Kalebs hockey goal?
  1. Who supported Kaleb from day one?
  2. What show did Kalebs team love to watch?
  3. Where did Kaleb play his last year of Junior Hockey?
  4. What was Kalebs best quality trait?
  5. What disease did Kaleb suffer from?
  6. Where was Kaleb named Captain?

11 Clues: What sport did Kaleb play?What was Kalebs hockey goal?Where was Kaleb named Captain?Who was Kalebs favourite coach?What was Kalebs first AAA team?Who supported Kaleb from day one?What was Kalebs best quality trait?What disease did Kaleb suffer from?What show did Kalebs team love to watch?What was Kalebs passion he wanted to pursue?...

The durian man and his daughters 2023-09-13

The durian man and his daughters crossword puzzle
  1. The nationality Mildred thought Siew Huay was
  2. What Siew Huay changed in their home
  3. Something that Siew Huay bought from Harrods
  4. What Ah Guan found in Siew Huay's bag
  5. The recurring topic of the story
  6. What Zoe could not find
  1. A health condition that Ah Guan developed recently
  2. What durian smells like
  3. Where Siew Huay's boyfriend is from
  4. An informal word for a foreigner

10 Clues: What durian smells likeWhat Zoe could not findAn informal word for a foreignerThe recurring topic of the storyWhere Siew Huay's boyfriend is fromWhat Siew Huay changed in their homeWhat Ah Guan found in Siew Huay's bagSomething that Siew Huay bought from HarrodsThe nationality Mildred thought Siew Huay was...

The durian man and his daughters 2023-09-13

The durian man and his daughters crossword puzzle
  1. The nationality Mildred thought Siew Huay was
  2. What Siew Huay changed in their home
  3. Something that Siew Huay bought from Harrods
  4. What Ah Guan found in Siew Huay's bag
  5. The recurring topic of the story
  6. What Zoe could not find
  1. A health condition that Ah Guan developed recently
  2. What durian smells like
  3. Where Siew Huay's boyfriend is from
  4. An informal word for a foreigner

10 Clues: What durian smells likeWhat Zoe could not findAn informal word for a foreignerThe recurring topic of the storyWhere Siew Huay's boyfriend is fromWhat Siew Huay changed in their homeWhat Ah Guan found in Siew Huay's bagSomething that Siew Huay bought from HarrodsThe nationality Mildred thought Siew Huay was...

The durian man and his daughters 2023-09-13

The durian man and his daughters crossword puzzle
  1. The nationality Mildred thought Siew Huay was
  2. What Siew Huay changed in their home
  3. Something that Siew Huay bought from Harrods
  4. What Ah Guan found in Siew Huay's bag
  5. The recurring topic of the story
  6. What Zoe could not find
  1. A health condition that Ah Guan developed recently
  2. What durian smells like
  3. Where Siew Huay's boyfriend is from
  4. An informal word for a foreigner

10 Clues: What durian smells likeWhat Zoe could not findAn informal word for a foreignerThe recurring topic of the storyWhere Siew Huay's boyfriend is fromWhat Siew Huay changed in their homeWhat Ah Guan found in Siew Huay's bagSomething that Siew Huay bought from HarrodsThe nationality Mildred thought Siew Huay was...

The durian man and his daughters 2023-09-13

The durian man and his daughters crossword puzzle
  1. The nationality Mildred thought Siew Huay was
  2. What Siew Huay changed in their home
  3. Something that Siew Huay bought from Harrods
  4. What Ah Guan found in Siew Huay's bag
  5. The recurring topic of the story
  6. What Zoe could not find
  1. A health condition that Ah Guan developed recently
  2. What durian smells like
  3. Where Siew Huay's boyfriend is from
  4. An informal word for a foreigner

10 Clues: What durian smells likeWhat Zoe could not findAn informal word for a foreignerThe recurring topic of the storyWhere Siew Huay's boyfriend is fromWhat Siew Huay changed in their homeWhat Ah Guan found in Siew Huay's bagSomething that Siew Huay bought from HarrodsThe nationality Mildred thought Siew Huay was...

The durian man and his daughters 2023-09-13

The durian man and his daughters crossword puzzle
  1. The nationality Mildred thought Siew Huay was
  2. What Siew Huay changed in their home
  3. Something that Siew Huay bought from Harrods
  4. What Ah Guan found in Siew Huay's bag
  5. The recurring topic of the story
  6. What Zoe could not find
  1. A health condition that Ah Guan developed recently
  2. What durian smells like
  3. Where Siew Huay's boyfriend is from
  4. An informal word for a foreigner

10 Clues: What durian smells likeWhat Zoe could not findAn informal word for a foreignerThe recurring topic of the storyWhere Siew Huay's boyfriend is fromWhat Siew Huay changed in their homeWhat Ah Guan found in Siew Huay's bagSomething that Siew Huay bought from HarrodsThe nationality Mildred thought Siew Huay was...

The durian man and his daughters 2023-09-13

The durian man and his daughters crossword puzzle
  1. The nationality Mildred thought Siew Huay was
  2. What Siew Huay changed in their home
  3. Something that Siew Huay bought from Harrods
  4. What Ah Guan found in Siew Huay's bag
  5. The recurring topic of the story
  6. What Zoe could not find
  1. A health condition that Ah Guan developed recently
  2. What durian smells like
  3. Where Siew Huay's boyfriend is from
  4. An informal word for a foreigner

10 Clues: What durian smells likeWhat Zoe could not findAn informal word for a foreignerThe recurring topic of the storyWhere Siew Huay's boyfriend is fromWhat Siew Huay changed in their homeWhat Ah Guan found in Siew Huay's bagSomething that Siew Huay bought from HarrodsThe nationality Mildred thought Siew Huay was...

Kruiswoordraadsle 2015-02-14

Kruiswoordraadsle crossword puzzle
  1. lichaamsvet
  2. aandoening waarbij de bloedsomloop wordt gehinderd
  3. wat te veel inspanning/moeite vraagt
  1. actie voor een bepaald doel
  2. uitstoot van broeikasgassen
  3. wanneer je te veel suiker in je bloed hebt
  4. wat betreft de hele wereld

7 Clues: lichaamsvetwat betreft de hele wereldactie voor een bepaald doeluitstoot van broeikasgassenwat te veel inspanning/moeite vraagtwanneer je te veel suiker in je bloed hebtaandoening waarbij de bloedsomloop wordt gehinderd

Cardio/DM 2021-07-21

Cardio/DM crossword puzzle
  1. approved for treatment of chronic angina but can increase the risk of QTc prolongation
  2. and increase in this inflammatory mediator can cause dry cough in those on ACE-I
  3. diabetes medication with a boxed warning to avoid in HF patients
  4. reversal agent for Dabigatran
  5. anti-arrhythmic known to inhibit warfarin metabolism
  6. this antihypertensive agent comes in a patch that should be applied every 7 days
  7. the number of days (spelt out) Effient should be held prior to elective surgery
  8. class of diabetes medication associated with euglycemic ketoacidosis
  9. anticoagulant administered SQ that can be used in patients with a history of HIT
  10. can be used in hypertensive emergencies and is associated with thiocyanate/cyanide toxicity
  11. anticoagulant that does not require renal adjustment
  12. this medication can lower glucose and LDL but is associated with constipation
  13. this beta blocker is typically taken twice daily with food
  14. Class 1C antiarrhythmic that can cause lupus
  15. interaction between Plavix and Prilosec is through this enzyme
  16. statin that should be taken with evening meal
  17. natural supplement used for memory that can increase the risk of bleeding with warfarin
  18. the amount of insulin regular (in units)in 40 units of Humulin 70/30
  19. equivalent oral dose of furosemide 40 mg IV
  20. dose of Lantus (in units)given QHS when converting from NPH 10 units bid
  21. starting weekly dose (mg) of Trulicity
  1. color of warfarin 2.5 mg tablet
  2. diabetes medication that may increase the risk of leg amputations and hyperkalemia
  3. PER FDA labeled use, this medication should be given within 3 hours of ischemic stroke symptom onset
  4. diuretic that improves survival in HF patients
  5. reversal agent for Xarelto
  6. HF medication that includes a neprilysin inhibitor
  7. this anti-platelet is not recommended in patients 75+ due to increased risk of fatal and intracranial bleeding
  8. this medication can be considered in patients with HFrEF on maximally tolerated dose of a beta blocker and HR 70+ to reduce risk of hospitalization
  9. medication that can cause gynecomastia
  10. Kcentra is contraindicated in patients with this PMH
  11. maximum dose of simvastatin (in mg) that should be initiated in a patient on amlodipine 10 mg
  12. loop diuretic that does no carry a warning regarding sulfa allergy cross-sensitivity
  13. once daily GLP1 agonist
  14. Used to calculate a risk score of stroke in patients with afib
  15. an injectable used for familial hypercholesterolemia or secondary prevention of CV events
  16. this medication improves HF Sx but does not improve survival
  17. patients on metformin may become deficient in this vitamin
  18. Lovenox dose (mg) given q12hours for the treatment of DVT in a 95 kg patient with CrCl 60
  19. target dose of losartan (in mg) in HFrEF

40 Clues: once daily GLP1 agonistreversal agent for Xareltoreversal agent for Dabigatrancolor of warfarin 2.5 mg tabletmedication that can cause gynecomastiastarting weekly dose (mg) of Trulicitytarget dose of losartan (in mg) in HFrEFequivalent oral dose of furosemide 40 mg IVClass 1C antiarrhythmic that can cause lupus...

Chapter 6 & 7 Vocab. 2024-03-12

Chapter 6 & 7 Vocab. crossword puzzle
  1. a complication of diabetes that can result from either too much insulin or too little food; also known as hypoglycemia.
  2. the loss of ability to move all or part of the body, which often includes loss of feeling in the affected area.
  3. an environment in which restraints are not kept or used for any reason.
  4. loss of consciousness; also called fainting.
  5. a complication of diabetes that can result from either too much insulin or too little food; also known as insulin reaction.
  6. a broken bone.
  7. a sudden drop in blood pressure that occurs when a person sits or stands up.
  8. something that moves an object by resting on a base of support.
  9. the way the parts of the body work together when a person moves.
  10. the process of burning.
  11. burns caused by hot liquids.
  12. an injury that rubs off the surface of the skin.
  13. confusion about person, place, or time.
  14. emergency care given immediately to an injured person by the first people to respond to an emergency.
  15. measures used in place of a restraint or that reduce the need for a restraint.
  16. a brain disorder that results from a disruption in normal electrical impulses in the brain, which causes repeated seizures.
  1. the administration of oxygen to increase the supply of oxygen to a person’s lungs.
  2. the stoppage of breathing from a lack of oxygen or an excess of carbon dioxide in the body that may result in unconsciousness or death.
  3. a nosebleed.
  4. the wasting away, decreasing in size, and weakening of muscles from lack of use.
  5. acronym for a condition that occurs when the heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen because blood flow to the heart is blocked; also called heart attack.
  6. a condition that occurs when organs and tissues in the body do not receive an adequate blood supply.
  7. the act of vomiting, or ejecting stomach contents through the mouth and/or nose.
  8. a method of attempting to remove an object from the airway of someone who is choking.
  9. the state of being mentally alert and having awareness of surroundings, sensations, and thoughts.
  10. the way a person holds and positions his body.
  11. acronym for medical procedures used when a person’s heart or lungs have stopped working.
  12. a physical or chemical way to restrict voluntary movement or behavior.
  13. acronym for a complication of diabetes that is caused by having too little insulin in the body.
  14. a condition in which something is blocking the tube through which air enters the lungs.
  15. acronym for a warning sign of a CVA/stroke resulting from a temporary lack of oxygen in the brain; symptoms may last up to 24 hours.
  16. easily ignited and capable of burning quickly.
  17. difficulty breathing.

33 Clues: a nosebleed.a broken bone.difficulty breathing.the process of burning.burns caused by hot liquids.confusion about person, place, or time.loss of consciousness; also called fainting.the way a person holds and positions his body.easily ignited and capable of burning quickly.an injury that rubs off the surface of the skin....

Blindness 2013-05-14

Blindness crossword puzzle
  1. Another risk factor
  2. Age-related ___ degeneration is another of blindness
  3. The best prevention of blindness is ___ eye exams
  4. The percentage of blindness that is preventable
  5. ___ history increases possibility of eye disease
  1. Common eye disease
  2. ___- colored eyes and skin increases the risk of blindness
  3. ___ health is a factor in the onset of blindness
  4. A common risk factor for blindness
  5. ___ retinopathy is a cause of blindness
  6. Someone loses their eyesight every ___ minutes
  7. Risk of blindness goes up after age ___

12 Clues: Common eye diseaseAnother risk factorA common risk factor for blindness___ retinopathy is a cause of blindnessRisk of blindness goes up after age ___Someone loses their eyesight every ___ minutesThe percentage of blindness that is preventable___ health is a factor in the onset of blindness___ history increases possibility of eye disease...

Super Foods 2013-02-16

Super Foods crossword puzzle
  1. These relax your blood vessels.
  2. These are not only good but they give you more energy.
  3. These delicious red fruit can potentially fight against cancer.
  4. these help control your blood pressure.
  5. These help your maintain vision and skin.
  6. These actually keep the doctor away by fighting infections.
  1. These help stop strokes.
  2. This fruit helps fight arthritis.
  3. This super food helps prevent diabetes.
  4. This yummy food helps promote weight loss.
  5. These help control your heart rate.
  6. These help calm your nervous system down.

12 Clues: These help stop strokes.These relax your blood vessels.This fruit helps fight arthritis.These help control your heart rate.This super food helps prevent diabetes.these help control your blood pressure.These help calm your nervous system down.These help your maintain vision and skin.This yummy food helps promote weight loss....

Integrated crosswords 2021-10-14

Integrated crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. A cause for sudden onset of hemiparesis
  2. Abnormal heart rhythm or rate
  3. Role of iodine in Gram staining
  4. A severe form of allergic reaction
  5. test, A biochemical test using hydrogen peroxide to differentiate staphylococci from streptococci
  6. Drug used for hypertension
  1. A metabolic disease with high glucose level
  2. Role of alcohol in Gram staining
  3. violet, The primary stain in Gram staining method
  4. The counter stain in Gram staining
  5. A liver disorder due to abnormal bilirubin metabolism
  6. A drug used to control fever

12 Clues: Drug used for hypertensionA drug used to control feverAbnormal heart rhythm or rateRole of iodine in Gram stainingRole of alcohol in Gram stainingThe counter stain in Gram stainingA severe form of allergic reactionA cause for sudden onset of hemiparesisA metabolic disease with high glucose levelviolet, The primary stain in Gram staining method...


SISTEM KOORDINASI crossword puzzle
  1. Sistem saraf tak sadar
  2. diabetes mellitus disebabkan oleh penurunan kemampuan tubuh menggunakan...
  3. ujung-ujung saraf pada alat indra yang berfungsi sebagai penerima rangsangan dari luar
  4. Ruang dalam otak yang mrnghasilkan cairan serebrospinal
  5. ribuan tonjolan kecil pada lidah
  6. nama lain hormon
  1. perubahan yang terjadi di lingkungan dinamakan...
  2. indra pembau pada manusia tersusun atas sel sel reseptor pembau yang disebut...
  3. kelenjar anak ginjal disebut juga kelenjar...
  4. hormon yang dihasilkan oleh folikel de Graaf di ovarium
  5. gerak yang terjadi tanpa dipengaruhi otak
  6. anak mata

12 Clues: anak matanama lain hormonSistem saraf tak sadarribuan tonjolan kecil pada lidahgerak yang terjadi tanpa dipengaruhi otakkelenjar anak ginjal disebut juga kelenjar...perubahan yang terjadi di lingkungan dinamakan...hormon yang dihasilkan oleh folikel de Graaf di ovariumRuang dalam otak yang mrnghasilkan cairan serebrospinal...

Prenatal Care 2023-10-02

Prenatal Care crossword puzzle
  1. ____ can be caused by hypertension.
  2. Avoid consumption of ____ when pregnant.
  3. ____ cessation should occur when pregnant.
  4. The average ____ heart rate is 110-160bpm.
  5. Maintaining a healthy weight decreases risk for ____ diabetes.
  6. To confirm ____ ultrasound an will be used.
  7. Maintaining a healthy ____ decreases risk for complications.
  1. ____ should be taken daily during pregnancy.
  2. ____ during pregnancy can lead to preeclampsia.
  3. Physician who manages prenatal care is an ____.
  4. A diagnostic exam to confirm pregnancy is ____.
  5. Anatomical scan will be down around 20 weeks to confirm proper fetal ____.

12 Clues: ____ can be caused by hypertension.Avoid consumption of ____ when pregnant.____ cessation should occur when pregnant.The average ____ heart rate is 110-160bpm.To confirm ____ ultrasound an will be used.____ should be taken daily during pregnancy.____ during pregnancy can lead to preeclampsia.Physician who manages prenatal care is an ____....

Lab Week 2024 2024-03-25

Lab Week 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Occult Blood is now ordered as
  2. Color of tube for CBC
  3. what can you drink while fasting
  4. Lab department where PT/INR is performed
  5. factor that is positive or negative on blood type
  6. taking blood from a vein for laboratory testing
  1. symptoms of this disease include excessive thirst and frequent urination
  2. used to spin down tubes
  3. do this 8-12 hours before certain tests
  4. Patient numbering system
  6. container for used needles

12 Clues: Color of tube for CBCused to spin down tubesPatient numbering systemLAB WEEK IS IN THIS MONTHcontainer for used needlesOccult Blood is now ordered aswhat can you drink while fastingdo this 8-12 hours before certain testsLab department where PT/INR is performedtaking blood from a vein for laboratory testing...

6. Soft Tissue and Perio Problems 2019-09-02

6. Soft Tissue and Perio Problems crossword puzzle
  1. Food and plaque can accumulate under the operculum of an erupting tooth, resulting in infection.
  2. Insulin dependant, type 1 diabetes, has a higher risk of ____________ than Non-insulin dependent, type 2 diabetes.
  3. Mucocele arises due to deverence or partial ______ obstruction of a salivary duct.
  4. Gingival enlargement associated with Orthodontic appliances affects 5-10% of orthodontic patients and has gingival overgrowth but no_________
  1. One of the best measures of a patient's chronic oral hygiene is the presence of____________ indicated by red, inflamed, gingiva and bulbous or rolled marginal contours.
  2. Facial Cellulitis requires immediate _________ for systemic antibiotic therapy.
  3. Localized aggressive Periodontitis usually has an onset between 11 and 13 years of age but may also occur in the _________ dentition in some patients

7 Clues: Facial Cellulitis requires immediate _________ for systemic antibiotic therapy.Mucocele arises due to deverence or partial ______ obstruction of a salivary duct.Food and plaque can accumulate under the operculum of an erupting tooth, resulting in infection....

Medikamente stellen/Krankheitsblider/ Medikation 2020-07-12

Medikamente stellen/Krankheitsblider/ Medikation crossword puzzle
  1. Was ist ein metabolisches Syndrom?
  2. Regel Welche Regel wird beim Stellen der Medikamente berücksichtigt?
  3. Herzkrankheit Wofür steht die Abkürzung KHK?
  4. Nenn mir den Blutverdünner, den der Bewohner erhält?
  5. Nenne ein Typisches Symptom beim LWS- Syndrom
  6. Welches Schmerzmittel erhält der Bewohner regelmäßig?
  1. Syndrom Nenn mir die Indikation von Novalminsulfon?
  2. Apotheke Mit welcher Apotheke arbeiten wir zusammen?
  3. Kleinert Nenne mir den Hausarzt der Bewohnerin
  4. Verabreichungsart Nenne eine Regel der 6 - Regel
  5. mellitus Nenn die Indikation des Insulin Lantus
  6. Wann erhält der Bewohner sein Langzeitinsulin?

12 Clues: Was ist ein metabolisches Syndrom?Herzkrankheit Wofür steht die Abkürzung KHK?Nenne ein Typisches Symptom beim LWS- SyndromKleinert Nenne mir den Hausarzt der BewohnerinWann erhält der Bewohner sein Langzeitinsulin?mellitus Nenn die Indikation des Insulin LantusVerabreichungsart Nenne eine Regel der 6 - Regel...

JA Renaissance Review 2021-11-11

JA Renaissance Review crossword puzzle
  1. having to do with machines
  2. a disease in which there is too much sugar in the blood
  3. a clean between teeth with a thin string
  4. to stop from happening
  5. a doctor who cares for and fixes teeth
  6. to offer an opinion or suggestion
  1. a person who is trained to care for sick and injured people
  2. constantly doing something/energetic/busy
  3. a condition that causes harm to a person's health
  4. to put boundaries
  5. to express strong approval
  6. in an identical manner

12 Clues: to put boundariesto stop from happeningin an identical mannerhaving to do with machinesto express strong approvalto offer an opinion or suggestiona doctor who cares for and fixes teetha clean between teeth with a thin stringconstantly doing something/energetic/busya condition that causes harm to a person's health...

GoaCON 2023-05-11

GoaCON crossword puzzle
  1. Drug of choice for anaphylactic shock
  2. An immuno modulator requiring TDM
  3. Drug of choice for central diabetes incipidus
  4. Area under the plasma concentration time graph gives
  5. Drug of choice for cervical priming
  6. Drug of choice for Atropine poisoning
  1. Drug of choice for A-V block
  2. Drug of choice for performance anxiety
  3. Drug of choice to maintain patency of ductus arteriosus
  4. Drug of choice for patent ductus arteriosus
  5. Drug of choice for acute mountain sickness
  6. Anti tubercular secreted in saliva

12 Clues: Drug of choice for A-V blockAn immuno modulator requiring TDMAnti tubercular secreted in salivaDrug of choice for cervical primingDrug of choice for anaphylactic shockDrug of choice for Atropine poisoningDrug of choice for performance anxietyDrug of choice for acute mountain sicknessDrug of choice for patent ductus arteriosus...

Health and Saftey 2022-04-03

Health and Saftey crossword puzzle
  1. helpful
  2. food that you usually eat
  3. has the possibility of developing in a particular way
  4. feeling very sad
  5. very important
  1. serious medical condition where your body does not produce enough insulin to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood
  2. violent storms with strong winds
  3. condition where someone is too fat
  4. dangers or risks which cause harm
  5. spending a lot of time sitting down
  6. stopping from taking place
  7. possibility that something dangerous or unpleasant might happen

12 Clues: helpfulvery importantfeeling very sadfood that you usually eatstopping from taking placeviolent storms with strong windsdangers or risks which cause harmcondition where someone is too fatspending a lot of time sitting downhas the possibility of developing in a particular waypossibility that something dangerous or unpleasant might happen...

nutritious meals and snacks 2023-08-24

nutritious meals and snacks crossword puzzle
  1. substance that provides nourishment for growth
  2. eating too much eating
  3. is an irrational fear of anything new or unfamiliar
  4. shock life threatening allergy
  5. shows your food group target and what and how much to eat.
  1. hormone that lowers the level of glucose
  2. reduces to the hormone insulin is impaired
  3. lack of proper nutrition
  4. diet eating a variety of foods in the right portions.
  5. substance that causes an allNeophobia ion.
  6. food and nourishment
  7. person who reacts toward substance in a harmful way

12 Clues: food and nourishmenteating too much eatinglack of proper nutritionshock life threatening allergyhormone that lowers the level of glucosereduces to the hormone insulin is impairedsubstance that causes an allNeophobia ion.substance that provides nourishment for growthperson who reacts toward substance in a harmful way...

November Crossword 2023-10-25

November Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. It takes one of these to build a strong community
  2. Our November Volunteer Spotlight
  3. The quality of being thankful
  4. Fruit of the oak tree
  5. Fleshy, large fruit with hard skin, often decorative
  6. Mt Shasta Cover Artist
  7. Choices to be made to prevent diabetes
  1. Only 2-5 mins of this may lower your blood sugar
  2. Together, we break ______. Also, topic of Knight's poem
  3. Octopus Garden musician, found in Uku News
  4. A dapper looking painted gentleman, Sir...
  5. Used to gather leaves

12 Clues: Fruit of the oak treeUsed to gather leavesMt Shasta Cover ArtistThe quality of being thankfulOur November Volunteer SpotlightChoices to be made to prevent diabetesOctopus Garden musician, found in Uku NewsA dapper looking painted gentleman, Sir...Only 2-5 mins of this may lower your blood sugarIt takes one of these to build a strong community...

Health Care Crisis-Paytyn B 2024-02-12

Health Care Crisis-Paytyn B crossword puzzle
  1. payment on the spot
  2. something given to patients to help them get better
  3. someone who performs surgery
  4. when the body doesn't make enough glucose
  5. a type of sickness, there are multiple types of it
  6. someone who takes your vitals
  1. A place where sick or hurt people stay for help
  2. an organ in the circulatory system
  3. something people get to help a sickness
  4. the amount of money owed from hospital visit
  5. the organs used for breathing
  6. taxable income, or income

12 Clues: payment on the spottaxable income, or incomesomeone who performs surgerythe organs used for breathingsomeone who takes your vitalsan organ in the circulatory systemsomething people get to help a sicknesswhen the body doesn't make enough glucosethe amount of money owed from hospital visitA place where sick or hurt people stay for help...

Excretory System 2024-04-16

Excretory System crossword puzzle
  1. A disease people get because of bad diets
  2. the process of filtering waste
  3. A system that excretes waste out of the skin
  4. Maintaining a balanced metabolism
  1. A disease that is cause by damaged nephrons
  2. where urine exits the body
  3. A reservoir where urine is stored
  4. Small filtering units in the kidneys
  5. where excretion of blood and waste occurs
  6. A system that deals with hormones
  7. The city where research on Excretory diseases are being researched with the help of AI
  8. passageway that transports urine

12 Clues: where urine exits the bodythe process of filtering wastepassageway that transports urineA reservoir where urine is storedA system that deals with hormonesMaintaining a balanced metabolismSmall filtering units in the kidneysA disease people get because of bad dietswhere excretion of blood and waste occursA disease that is cause by damaged nephrons...

diabetes y enfermedades cardiovasculares 2021-03-02

diabetes y enfermedades cardiovasculares crossword puzzle
  1. estrechamiento o bloqueo en las arterias que conduce a una falta de flujo sanguíneo al músculo del corazón
  2. indica el nivel promedio del azúcar en la sangre a lo largo de 3 meses. Deseamos que el número sea menos que 7
  3. aumenta las probabilidades de tener enfermedades crónicas tales como la diabetes y las enfermedades del corazón
  4. se la usa para pinchar la yema del dedo y obtener una gota de sangre
  5. medicamentos que disminuyen el nivel de colesterol malo en la sangre
  1. ocurre cuando el flujo sanguíneo se bloquea parcial o totalmente a una parte del cerebro. Este bloqueo puede resultar en la muerte de células cerebrales y causar un daño permanente
  2. entre 70 y 140 es ideal. Cuando sube hasta los 300 el paciente debe llamar a su doctora
  3. una medida de varias clases de grasa transportadas en la sangre, mientras más alto sea el número total, mayor será el riesgo del endurecimiento de las arterias
  4. un diabético debe comer una dieta baja en esto
  5. una hormona generada por el páncreas y ayuda a que las células puedan usar el azúcar como fuente de energía

10 Clues: un diabético debe comer una dieta baja en estomedicamentos que disminuyen el nivel de colesterol malo en la sangrese la usa para pinchar la yema del dedo y obtener una gota de sangreentre 70 y 140 es ideal. Cuando sube hasta los 300 el paciente debe llamar a su doctora...

Doenças Respiratórias e Diabetes 2023-04-03

Doenças Respiratórias e Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. : Medicamentos usados para dilatar os brônquios facilitando a entrada de ar nos pulmões
  2. Dificuldade de respirar
  3. Baixo nível de glicose no sangue
  4. é uma doença inflamatória crônica das vias aéreas com aumento da sensibilidade dos brônquios
  5. :São medicamentos que tratam a inflamação crônica presente nos pulmões do asmático
  1. É um sintoma de asma.
  2. Tremedeira, suores, visão embaçada, calafrios, tontura são alguns dos.... de hipoglicemia
  3. Doença que acomete fumantes.
  4. de Risco: Histórico Familiar, rinite, obesidade, poeira, barata, variações climáticas são exemplos de .... para asma
  5. Sintoma de Diabetes

10 Clues: Sintoma de DiabetesÉ um sintoma de asma.Dificuldade de respirarDoença que acomete fumantes.Baixo nível de glicose no sangue:São medicamentos que tratam a inflamação crônica presente nos pulmões do asmático: Medicamentos usados para dilatar os brônquios facilitando a entrada de ar nos pulmões...

Diabetes elevate workshop 2020-05-26

Diabetes elevate workshop crossword puzzle
  1. is a hormone secreted by pancreatic β-cells at the same time of insulin secretion
  2. detect elevated glucose levels,triggering release of insulin
  3. glycogen is converted back into glucose, occurs in Liver & Muscle.
  4. When glycogen stores are full, excess glucose is converted into fat
  1. Liver (mainly) and kidney (minor) can synthesize new glucose molecules from amino acids and the glycerol portion of fat molecules (triglycerides).
  2. secreted from delta cells of the pancreas
  3. Major anabolic hormone in diabetic disorder.

7 Clues: secreted from delta cells of the pancreasMajor anabolic hormone in diabetic disorder.detect elevated glucose levels,triggering release of insulinglycogen is converted back into glucose, occurs in Liver & Muscle.When glycogen stores are full, excess glucose is converted into fat...

Diabetes tipo 1 2020-08-19

Diabetes tipo 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Glicemia abaixo de 70 mg/dl.
  2. Insulina lenta.
  3. Ajuda a aumentar a sensibilidade a insulina.
  4. Precisa ser contado antes das refeições.
  1. Glicemia em 100 mg/dl.
  2. Insulina de ação rápida.
  3. Fenômeno que faz a glicemia subir na madrugada.

7 Clues: Insulina lenta.Glicemia em 100 mg/dl.Insulina de ação rápida.Glicemia abaixo de 70 mg/dl.Precisa ser contado antes das refeições.Ajuda a aumentar a sensibilidade a insulina.Fenômeno que faz a glicemia subir na madrugada.

Type Two Diabetes 2013-11-08

Type Two Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A type of sugar in your blood
  2. The amount of sugar in your blood
  1. Sometimes it's used to inject insulin into your body
  2. A disease that has to do with insulin deficienc
  3. A horomone that controls sugar level in your blood
  4. When you are overweight
  5. an organ that produces insulin

7 Clues: When you are overweightA type of sugar in your bloodan organ that produces insulinThe amount of sugar in your bloodA disease that has to do with insulin deficiencA horomone that controls sugar level in your bloodSometimes it's used to inject insulin into your body

CHO crossword 2022-11-17

CHO crossword crossword puzzle
  1. food A functional food is a food claimed to have an additional function by adding new ingredients or more of existing ingredients.
  2. a sweet crystalline substances obtained from various plants, especially sugar cane and sugar beet, consisting essentially of sucrose, and used as a sweetener in food and drink.
  3. substance deposited in bodily tissues as a store of carbohydrates. It is a polysaccharide that forms glucose on hydrolysis.
  4. is any of a class of sugars whose molecules contain two monosaccharide residues.
  5. something that completes or enhances something else when added to it.
  6. caries Causes include bacteria, snacking, sipping sugary drinks, and poor teeth cleaning.
  7. carbohydrates are broken down quickly by the body to be used as energy. Simple carbohydrates are found naturally in foods such as fruits, milk, and milk products. They are also found in processed and refined sugars such as candy, table sugar, syrups, and soft drinks.
  8. A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose).
  9. Glycemic index is a system that ranks foods on a scale from 1 to 100 based on their effect on blood sugar levels.
  10. carbohydrates are made up of sugar molecules that are strung together in long, complex chains.
  11. fiber consists of isolated or purified carbohydrates that are nondigestible, absorbed in the small intestine, and have beneficial physiological effects in humans.2.
  1. are any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose. They contain hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water (2:1) and typically can be broken down to release energy in the animal body.
  2. fiber or roughage is the portion of plant-derived food that cannot be completely broken down by human digestive enzymes.
  3. is a simple sugar that is an important energy source in living organisms and is a component of many carbohydrates.
  4. deficiency of glucose in the bloodstream.
  5. Monosaccharides, also called simple sugars, are the simplest forms of sugar and the most basic units from which all carbohydrates are built.
  6. a regulatory substances produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action.
  7. intolerance is the partial or total inability to digest lactose, which may result in abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea after consuming milk and other dairy products and is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme lactase.
  8. is a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans, which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. The lack of insulin causes a form of diabetes.
  9. is an odorless, tasteless white substance occurring widely in plant tissue and obtained chiefly from cereals and potatoes. It is a polysaccharide that functions as a carbohydrate store and is an important constituent of the human diet.
  10. fiber Dietary fiber or roughage is the portion of plant-derived food that cannot be completely broken down by human digestive enzymes.
  11. same thing as diabetes

22 Clues: same thing as diabetesdeficiency of glucose in the bloodstream.something that completes or enhances something else when added to it.is any of a class of sugars whose molecules contain two monosaccharide residues.A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose)....

SA Endocrine 2023-08-29

SA Endocrine crossword puzzle
  1. zona ___ secretes glucocorticoids; adrenal cortex
  2. treatment for central DI
  3. treatment for hypothyroidism
  4. regular insulin; potent and short acting insulin used to treat DKA
  5. alternate treatment to methimazole for hyperthyroidism in cats
  6. treatment for addisons disease
  7. tumor of adrenal medulla that secretes catecholamines; hypertension, tachyarrhytmias, seizures/collapse
  8. diabetes insipidus is a lack of production or response to
  9. species with DKA are hyperthyroid
  10. zona ____ secretes aldosterone; adrenal cortex
  11. type of DI that has adequate ADH, but ADH receptors of kidney do not function properly
  12. ratio will be elevated that have cushings; sensitive test
  13. glucose = 45, insulin = high; N to high insulin in face of low BG; tx is sx removal
  14. if there is no suppression on the previous test, this test is used differentiate PDH vs adrenal; 75% PDH suppress
  15. zona ___ secretes androgen; adrenal cortex
  16. initial treatment for hyperthyroidism in cats; can cause extreme facial pruritis
  17. older, large breed DOGS; CS- wt gain, hyperpigmentation, alopecia, pyoderma, seborrhea, lethargy; cause: immune-med lymphocytic thyroiditis, secondary from glucocorticoids; dx: free T4
  18. measurement used in cats instead of a glucose cure
  19. type of DI that lacks release of vasopressin from posterior pituitary
  1. CATS >8y; CS- thyroid slip, restlessness, polyphagia, wt loss, v, aggression, PU/PD, dull hair coat; cause adenomatous hyperplasia; dx: serum T4 +/- free T4 by equilibrium dialysis
  2. cause of primary hyperparathyroidism; growth of the parathyroid gland; hypercalcemia,hypophosphatemia; tx is surgical removal
  3. calcinosis cutis, panting, lethargy, distended abd, inc occurrence of infection, PU/PD/PP; dachshund is predisposed; most due to a primary dysfunction in pituitary causing increased secretion of ACTH
  4. gold standard test for addisons disease if result is low
  5. most common in middle aged female dogs; hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, azotemia, hypoglycemia, acidosis, low resting cortisol, absence of stress leukogram, low Na:K
  6. test to differentiate Pituitary dependent vs Adrenal dependent cushings; PDH will have suppression at 4hr vs no suppression in adrenal dependent
  7. diagnostic that helps to determine diabetes mellitus
  8. treatment for nephrogenic DI
  9. lifestyle changes to help with DM patients: high/low fiber diets, high/low calorie diets, regular/inc/dec exercise; choose the correct change
  10. species with DKA have cushings
  11. dogs almost always (70%) have this type of diabetes mellitus
  12. syndrome in cats caused by a tumor in the pituitary that secretes an excess of growth hormone; CS- wt gain, broadened face, enlarged feet, protrusion of mandible, inc interdental spacing, organomegaly, poor coat
  13. type of cushings treated with lysodren, mitotane
  14. sx tx for adrenal dependent cushings
  15. cell type that secrete catecholamines (epi and NE) in the adrenal medulla
  16. cats- polyphagia, wt loss, dull hair coat, PU/PD, PL weakness, plantigrade stance; dogs- bilateral cataracts PU/PD/PP wt loss
  17. condition w/ PU/PD, wt loss, N to inc food intake, lethargy, v; UA= ketones and glucose; metabolic acidosis, hypernatremia, hypochloremia, hypokalemia, pre renal azotemia

36 Clues: treatment for central DItreatment for hypothyroidismtreatment for nephrogenic DItreatment for addisons diseasespecies with DKA have cushingsspecies with DKA are hyperthyroidsx tx for adrenal dependent cushingszona ___ secretes androgen; adrenal cortexzona ____ secretes aldosterone; adrenal cortextype of cushings treated with lysodren, mitotane...

Endocrine System Puzzle 2024-05-25

Endocrine System Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  2. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  3. -hypothalamic ____(the answer)_____ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic
  4. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  5. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  6. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  7. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin
  8. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  1. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  2. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  3. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  4. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  5. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  6. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  7. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  8. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  9. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  10. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  11. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  12. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  13. -can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage? (yes or no)
  14. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins
  15. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  16. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  17. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake

25 Clues: -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage? (yes or no)-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

sugar and diabetes 2024-06-25

sugar and diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. some barriers to having good nutrition habits
  2. are lack of money and not enough
  3. resources in your community
  4. start of what happens to people
  1. to good nutrition
  2. if they don't follow the healthy rules
  3. They exist because some place can't afford

7 Clues: to good nutritionresources in your communitystart of what happens to peopleare lack of money and not enoughif they don't follow the healthy rulesThey exist because some place can't affordsome barriers to having good nutrition habits

History of Patho 2023-09-19

History of Patho crossword puzzle
  1. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek father of ____
  2. What did William Morton invent?
  3. What did Rene Laennec invent?
  1. ____ dolls used in ancient China
  2. Ancient Greece studied ____ of disease
  3. What did ancient India call diabetes?
  4. Greek physician know as the father of modern medicine
  5. medicinal herb for pain relief

8 Clues: What did Rene Laennec invent?medicinal herb for pain reliefWhat did William Morton invent?____ dolls used in ancient ChinaAnton Van Leeuwenhoek father of ____What did ancient India call diabetes?Ancient Greece studied ____ of diseaseGreek physician know as the father of modern medicine

James :) crossword puzzle about cells 2024-02-07

James :) crossword puzzle about cells crossword puzzle
  1. C helps body absorb iron
  2. important for bones teeth heart
  3. fiber lowers risk of diabetes and heart disease.
  4. A important for eyes skin
  1. needed for nerve function excess linked with heart
  2. builds cell membranes excess linked heart disease.
  3. kidney disease.
  4. important for heart brain kidney muscles.
  5. vital for red blood cells.

9 Clues: kidney disease.C helps body absorb ironA important for eyes skinvital for red blood cells.important for bones teeth heartimportant for heart brain kidney muscles.fiber lowers risk of diabetes and heart disease.needed for nerve function excess linked with heartbuilds cell membranes excess linked heart disease.

Nutrients Crossword 2020-05-26

Nutrients Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Made from amino acids
  2. These cells carry oxygen (no spaces)
  3. Can be associated with diabetes, stroke and cancer
  4. A micronutrient that begins with v
  1. Starts with c and provides our bodies with energy
  2. A micronutrient that begins with m
  3. Makes up 70% of our body
  4. Associated with brain dead babies
  5. Helps keep our bones strong

9 Clues: Made from amino acidsMakes up 70% of our bodyHelps keep our bones strongAssociated with brain dead babiesA micronutrient that begins with mA micronutrient that begins with vThese cells carry oxygen (no spaces)Starts with c and provides our bodies with energyCan be associated with diabetes, stroke and cancer

Child obesity 2022-12-09

Child obesity crossword puzzle
  1. Eating large amounts of food uncontrollably
  2. the kind and amount of food prescribed
  3. substance that provides nourishment
  4. units of energy that a food or drink provides
  5. your body doesn’t make enough insulin
  1. excessive weight loss
  2. most kids consume over 1oo pounds each year
  3. what do overweight children often become
  4. a compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain

9 Clues: excessive weight losssubstance that provides nourishmentyour body doesn’t make enough insulinthe kind and amount of food prescribedwhat do overweight children often becomeEating large amounts of food uncontrollablymost kids consume over 1oo pounds each yearunits of energy that a food or drink providesa compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain

crossword 2019-11-13

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Too much sugar in blood called as
  2. Disease caused by Mosquito bite
  3. Tiny airsacs in your lungs are called
  4. Smallest bone in your body (Found in your ear)
  1. You should drink 10 glass of ______ everyday
  2. Where on your body is your patella located
  3. Body needs fats, carbohydrates, vitamins & _______
  4. Outermost layer of skin
  5. Largest organ of your body

9 Clues: Outermost layer of skinLargest organ of your bodyDisease caused by Mosquito biteToo much sugar in blood called asTiny airsacs in your lungs are calledWhere on your body is your patella locatedYou should drink 10 glass of ______ everydaySmallest bone in your body (Found in your ear)Body needs fats, carbohydrates, vitamins & _______

REVIEWING(day5.6.7) 2023-12-11

REVIEWING(day5.6.7) crossword puzzle
  1. My phone still looks new, because i()()()()it.폰관리를잘해서아직도새것같아보인다.
  2. When i()()()my muscles, i try stretching.근육에통증이있을때스트레칭을한다.
  3. Cars are the ()()()air pollution.
  4. I am ()()()a()without my contacts.나는렌즈없이는하나도안보여요.
  5. I always keep some wet-naps ( ) arm's( ).항상가까운곳에뮬티슈를구비한다.
  6. I looked out the window to ( )( )( ).눈을쉬게하려고창밖을바라봤다.
  1. I think i have()().나 입냄새나는거같아.
  2. I()()()().나스케일링받았어.
  3. you should()()()(),especially if you have diabetes.

9 Clues: I()()()().나스케일링받았어.I think i have()().나 입냄새나는거같아.Cars are the ()()()air pollution.I am ()()()a()without my contacts.나는렌즈없이는하나도안보여요.you should()()()(),especially if you have diabetes.I looked out the window to ( )( )( ).눈을쉬게하려고창밖을바라봤다.I always keep some wet-naps ( ) arm's( ).항상가까운곳에뮬티슈를구비한다.When i()()()my muscles, i try stretching.근육에통증이있을때스트레칭을한다....

Stress Management 2013-11-27

Stress Management crossword puzzle
  1. the third stage of hardiness training
  2. a side effect of beta-blockers
  3. enchances the action of GABA
  4. a side effect of benzodiazepines
  5. identified the hardy personality and designed hardiness training
  1. the first stage of SIT
  2. study that found SIT reduced academic stress
  3. used hardiness training on olympic swimmers
  4. suppresses adrenaline/nor-adrenaline secretion

9 Clues: the first stage of SITenchances the action of GABAa side effect of beta-blockersa side effect of benzodiazepinesthe third stage of hardiness trainingused hardiness training on olympic swimmersstudy that found SIT reduced academic stresssuppresses adrenaline/nor-adrenaline secretionidentified the hardy personality and designed hardiness training

Food for Growth 2021-12-07

Food for Growth crossword puzzle
  1. basic units of life
  2. when two chemicals form into a new chemical
  3. a disease that affects glucose molecules from entering the cells
  4. formed after cellular respiration
  5. breaks down from starch
  6. what we breathe in from the air to produce energy
  1. amino acids, oxygen, and glucose found in
  2. a language used to describe a chemical
  3. oxygen found in

9 Clues: oxygen found inbasic units of lifebreaks down from starchformed after cellular respirationa language used to describe a chemicalamino acids, oxygen, and glucose found inwhen two chemicals form into a new chemicalwhat we breathe in from the air to produce energya disease that affects glucose molecules from entering the cells

Unidad 3: lección 7 y 8 2022-03-03

Unidad 3: lección 7 y 8 crossword puzzle
  1. enfermedad que afecta la manera en que tu cuerpo produce energía
  2. _______ vaginal
  3. aparato para tomar el peso
  4. médico especializado en la salud de las mujeres
  5. órgano que suena como "glass" en español
  1. nombre corto para dispositivo intrauterino
  2. aparato que se utiliza para escuchar los pulmones
  3. organos del aparato reproductor masculino
  4. cuando tienes un bebé en el útero

9 Clues: _______ vaginalaparato para tomar el pesocuando tienes un bebé en el úteroórgano que suena como "glass" en españolorganos del aparato reproductor masculinonombre corto para dispositivo intrauterinomédico especializado en la salud de las mujeresaparato que se utiliza para escuchar los pulmones...

THE BABY SITTERS CLUB By Ann M. Martin Keina Molina 2022-02-11

THE BABY SITTERS CLUB By Ann M. Martin      Keina Molina crossword puzzle
  1. What candy did laine's mom put in the freezer?
  2. who were the new baby sitters?
  3. what grade where they in?
  4. what was stacey's sickness?
  5. who was the main character?
  6. what was the new born baby girl or boy?
  1. Who was Stacey's friend in NY?
  2. where does the story take place?
  3. How did stacey not tell about her diabetes?
  4. What type of food can stacey not eat?

10 Clues: what grade where they in?what was stacey's sickness?who was the main character?Who was Stacey's friend in NY?who were the new baby sitters?where does the story take place?What type of food can stacey not eat?what was the new born baby girl or boy?How did stacey not tell about her diabetes?What candy did laine's mom put in the freezer?

Year 8 Health 2022-11-29

Year 8 Health crossword puzzle
  1. Lie starting rarely, eats roughage
  2. The Brittle Bone Disease
  3. Stops fracture with Sun
  4. Excess energy, Spooner by a deities.
  1. Almond initially ran into three imps, or not food
  2. A material of 26, periodically, but not ironically
  3. A word that describes this type of crossword
  4. Restrict food, expire time
  5. For fitness, regenerate the start of two hearts

9 Clues: Stops fracture with SunThe Brittle Bone DiseaseRestrict food, expire timeLie starting rarely, eats roughageExcess energy, Spooner by a deities.A word that describes this type of crosswordFor fitness, regenerate the start of two heartsAlmond initially ran into three imps, or not foodA material of 26, periodically, but not ironically

Endocrine System Puzzle 2024-05-25

Endocrine System Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage? (yes or no)
  2. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  3. -hypothalamic ____(the answer)_____ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic
  4. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  5. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  6. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  7. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  8. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  9. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  10. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  11. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  12. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin
  13. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  1. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  2. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  3. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  4. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  5. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins
  6. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  7. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake
  8. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  9. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  10. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  11. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  12. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)

25 Clues: -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage? (yes or no)-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

crossword 2022-10-24

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the good cholesterol
  2. a splint used to temporily aid healing inside a duct,canal or blood vessel
  3. low blood pressure
  4. a disorder in that the body has prolonged times with high sugar levels
  5. blood vessel
  1. high blood pressure
  2. pressure of circulating blood against the walls of blood vessels
  3. an abnormal condition of the heart
  4. a brain attack

9 Clues: blood vessela brain attacklow blood pressurehigh blood pressurethe good cholesterolan abnormal condition of the heartpressure of circulating blood against the walls of blood vesselsa disorder in that the body has prolonged times with high sugar levelsa splint used to temporily aid healing inside a duct,canal or blood vessel

Chartering Successful Vendors 2023-02-15

Chartering Successful Vendors crossword puzzle
  1. Abbreviation for Employee Assistance Program
  2. _______ Control; maternity management, diabetes coaching, reviewing biometric screenings
  3. Our biometrics partner
  4. Helps navigate Federal & State Benefits
  1. Offers second opinion and major illness treatment review
  2. Health ______ Trust; webpage on mcun.coop site to use for resources
  3. App with health insight, EAP program, and musculoskeletal review
  4. _______ Rehab Consultants
  5. Offers Rx Benefits and Savings with Member Engagement

9 Clues: Our biometrics partner_______ Rehab ConsultantsHelps navigate Federal & State BenefitsAbbreviation for Employee Assistance ProgramOffers Rx Benefits and Savings with Member EngagementOffers second opinion and major illness treatment reviewApp with health insight, EAP program, and musculoskeletal review...

The Merchy-Merch Times Mini Crossword! 2022-02-23

The Merchy-Merch Times Mini Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. the category including skin barriers, 1-piece, and 2-piece systems rebuilt in the global catalog
  2. the category of the new SKU we just added, as requested by Southern Diabetes
  1. we removed the show_next function from ___ care surveys
  2. foley, external, and intermittent urology items that have been rebuilt in the global catalog (plus drainage systems)
  3. we updated 50 of these catalog component's names based on Byram feedback (see 6 Down for a hint)
  4. we updated the SKU names of 50-100 SKUs for this DME supplier (see 4 Down for a hint)

6 Clues: we removed the show_next function from ___ care surveysthe category of the new SKU we just added, as requested by Southern Diabeteswe updated the SKU names of 50-100 SKUs for this DME supplier (see 4 Down for a hint)the category including skin barriers, 1-piece, and 2-piece systems rebuilt in the global catalog...

Gentechnik 2018-05-03

Gentechnik crossword puzzle
  1. Träger von Erbinformationen
  2. Verbindung, die den Stoffwechsel reguliert
  3. Vertrag zum Freihandel von der EU und der USA
  4. Zum Trennen des DNA-strangs an einer definierten Stelle
  5. Molekül, das die Erbinformationen von Lebewesen enthält
  6. Mit Zellwänden versehene Zellen, kleinste selbstständig lebensfähige Einheit
  7. Mit Gentechnik hergestelltes Medikament gegen Diabetes
  1. Manipulation am genetischen Material von Lebewesen in der Absicht, gezielte Veränderungen herbeizuführen
  2. Einzellige Mikroorganismen
  3. PFLANZEN Genetisch verändertes Grünzeug
  4. Ein Gerät, das dazu dient, DNA mit Hilfe von Partikeln in die Zelle zu schießen
  5. Vater der Gentechnik
  6. Gesamtheit der Erbanlagen

13 Clues: Vater der GentechnikGesamtheit der ErbanlagenEinzellige MikroorganismenTräger von ErbinformationenPFLANZEN Genetisch verändertes GrünzeugVerbindung, die den Stoffwechsel reguliertVertrag zum Freihandel von der EU und der USAMit Gentechnik hergestelltes Medikament gegen DiabetesZum Trennen des DNA-strangs an einer definierten Stelle...

Vocab 2022-07-13

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. someone who has a sensitivity to flashing lights
  2. Having an impaired ability to create insulin
  3. to clear someones airway by pumping their abdomen
  4. Blocks out the sun
  5. The trapping of heat in the lower atmosphere
  6. A spray that kills pests
  7. Rain made acidic because of pollution
  1. CPR without mouth to mouth using only hands
  2. A person who is skilled in a specific area
  3. To clear someones airways
  4. Garbage dump
  5. A needle cleaner
  6. A doctor who specializes in conditions involving the skin hair and nails

13 Clues: Garbage dumpA needle cleanerBlocks out the sunA spray that kills pestsTo clear someones airwaysRain made acidic because of pollutionA person who is skilled in a specific areaCPR without mouth to mouth using only handsHaving an impaired ability to create insulinThe trapping of heat in the lower atmosphere...

PCH Voacb 2019-01-07

PCH Voacb crossword puzzle
  1. There are 2 types of this.
  2. Also known as CPR.
  3. Causes seizures.
  4. A container that can handle high temperatures and high pressures.
  1. You use this to help people who are choking.
  2. Holding sun's heat.
  3. In the atmosphere, doesn't let ultraviolet radiation to hit us.
  4. Go to them when you have skin problems.
  5. A person whose very good at a thing.
  6. CPR with only hands.
  7. Where does your trash go?
  8. Often used in lawns and farms.
  9. When precipitation is lower than 7 on the pH scale.

13 Clues: Causes seizures.Also known as CPR.Holding sun's heat.CPR with only hands.Where does your trash go?There are 2 types of this.Often used in lawns and farms.A person whose very good at a thing.Go to them when you have skin problems.You use this to help people who are choking.When precipitation is lower than 7 on the pH scale....

Vocabulary 2019-01-08

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. shield that protects living things from uv rays
  2. an attempt to restore blood circulation and breathing
  3. treats upper airway obstructions
  4. a heated container used for chemical reactions
  5. without mouth to mouth breaths
  6. highly acidic
  1. lack of insulin producement and response
  2. used in crops to control pests
  3. someone qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorders
  4. caused by gases in the air and traps heat
  5. wastes are dumped and buried
  6. someone who primarily focuses on one subject
  7. recurrent episodes caused by abnormal electric activity in brain

13 Clues: highly acidicwastes are dumped and buriedused in crops to control pestswithout mouth to mouth breathstreats upper airway obstructionslack of insulin producement and responsecaused by gases in the air and traps heatsomeone who primarily focuses on one subjecta heated container used for chemical reactions...

Excretory System 2020-03-19

Excretory System crossword puzzle
  1. Inner region of the kidney
  2. Responsible for removing toxins from drinking alcohol
  3. Send urine to the bladder for storage
  4. Stores urine
  5. Basic functional unit of the kidney
  6. Has sweat glands to eliminate salt and water
  7. A process that helps the kidneys filter blood, waste, and salts
  1. Deposits of hard salts and deposits that are passed through urine
  2. Area of the kidney with nephrons
  3. 30.3 million Americans have this disease
  4. Exhale CO2 and water vapor
  5. Connected to the bladder, helps you urinate
  6. Area of the kidney that collects area from nephrons

13 Clues: Stores urineInner region of the kidneyExhale CO2 and water vaporArea of the kidney with nephronsBasic functional unit of the kidneySend urine to the bladder for storage30.3 million Americans have this diseaseConnected to the bladder, helps you urinateHas sweat glands to eliminate salt and waterArea of the kidney that collects area from nephrons...

Lady Baden Powell 2023-05-23

Lady Baden Powell crossword puzzle
  1. What instrument did Lady Baden Powell Play?
  2. Where did she start Girl Guides?
  3. Which city was she born in?
  4. Where is Camp Olave?
  5. What is Lady Baden Powell's first name?
  6. What was the first outfit they had to wear?
  7. What did she like to do in the outdoors?
  1. What was her husbands name?
  2. An association for girls of all ages
  3. What was she diagnosed with?
  4. An outdoor activity which uses a boat and paddle
  5. How many children did she have?
  6. What month was she born?

13 Clues: Where is Camp Olave?What month was she born?What was her husbands name?Which city was she born in?What was she diagnosed with?How many children did she have?Where did she start Girl Guides?An association for girls of all agesWhat is Lady Baden Powell's first name?What did she like to do in the outdoors?What instrument did Lady Baden Powell Play?...

pjok 4 2023-05-03

pjok 4 crossword puzzle
  1. penyakit yang dapat berpindah ke orang lain
  2. benda yang diminum untuk mengobati penyakit
  3. penyakit dengan gejala sering sesak nafas
  4. kelebihan berat badan
  5. penyakit kencing manis
  6. penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus yang biasa disebut flu atau pilek
  7. benda yng dipakai saat sakit flu agar tidak menular pada orang lain
  1. penyakit menular dengan gejala batuk disertai bercak darah
  2. penyakit yang mewabah dan menjadi pandemi pada tahun 2019
  3. organ tubuh yang memompa darah
  4. virus penyebab penyakit demam berdarah
  5. penyakit buang air besar terus menerus
  6. gejala penyakit yaitu badan panas karena suhu tubuh meningkat

13 Clues: kelebihan berat badanpenyakit kencing manisorgan tubuh yang memompa darahvirus penyebab penyakit demam berdarahpenyakit buang air besar terus meneruspenyakit dengan gejala sering sesak nafaspenyakit yang dapat berpindah ke orang lainbenda yang diminum untuk mengobati penyakitpenyakit yang mewabah dan menjadi pandemi pada tahun 2019...

Fortnite Crossword 2023-12-14

Fortnite Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. There are many ________ to getting a victory royale.
  2. The Fortnite map provides _________.
  3. Every house in salty has ________.
  4. The old map is better than the new map it's _________.
  5. When you farm a tree your materials are __________.
  6. ____________ is important when it comes to materials.
  7. Brutus most likely has __________.
  1. Brutus and Midas became friends so that is _________.
  2. Tilted Towers and Loot Lake are __________.
  3. It was not _________ to get rid of OG Fortnite.
  4. The new map makes the OG's __________.
  5. Kevin the cube caused __________.
  6. Boars, Chickens, and wolfs are different _________ in Fortnite.

13 Clues: Kevin the cube caused __________.Every house in salty has ________.Brutus most likely has __________.The Fortnite map provides _________.The new map makes the OG's __________.Tilted Towers and Loot Lake are __________.It was not _________ to get rid of OG Fortnite.When you farm a tree your materials are __________....

endangered species vocab crossword 2023-12-14

endangered species vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3
  2. variety of life on earth
  3. what MLK, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X were to the civil rights movement
  4. what some believe the E.S.A does to some of their activities
  5. for example, orangutans, pandas, and tigers
  6. separate political parties agreeing
  7. "They did not understand the ______ for the change."
  1. a biological classification
  2. for example, the 48 united states
  3. blood sugar disorder
  4. for example, the dodo bird, or the woolly mammoth :(
  5. what the E.S.A accomplishes for certain species
  6. "Everyone agreed, so the vote was _____."

13 Clues: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3blood sugar disordervariety of life on eartha biological classificationfor example, the 48 united statesseparate political parties agreeing"Everyone agreed, so the vote was _____."for example, orangutans, pandas, and tigerswhat the E.S.A accomplishes for certain speciesfor example, the dodo bird, or the woolly mammoth :(...

chapter 12 vocab 2023-10-24

chapter 12 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. bodys negative reaction to a substance
  2. condition where the body cannot properly control the level of sugar in the blood
  3. lack of proper nutrients in the body
  4. the substance that causes an allergic reaction
  5. intake of more food than needed
  6. chemical substances in food
  7. most severe allergic reaction
  1. not eating enough
  2. a protien found in wheat and other grains
  3. food guidance system
  4. science of food and how the body uses the foods taken in
  5. the hormone that regulates blood sugar level
  6. the fear of something new

13 Clues: not eating enoughfood guidance systemthe fear of something newchemical substances in foodmost severe allergic reactionintake of more food than neededlack of proper nutrients in the bodybodys negative reaction to a substancea protien found in wheat and other grainsthe hormone that regulates blood sugar level...

Learning Support 2024-07-18

Learning Support crossword puzzle
  1. A neurological condition that affects concentration and attention
  2. Affects coordination
  3. Causes partial or full hearing loss
  4. A mental health condition that causes excessive worry or fear
  5. Causes partial or full vision loss
  6. A medical condition that causes widespread pain
  7. Causes repeated seizures
  1. Affects reading and spelling
  2. Causes difficulty in working with numbers
  3. Causes problems with the digestive system
  4. A medical condition that affects blood sugar levels
  5. A mental health condition that causes prolonged and persistent sadness
  6. A neurological developmental condition that affects communication and behaviour

13 Clues: Affects coordinationCauses repeated seizuresAffects reading and spellingCauses partial or full vision lossCauses partial or full hearing lossCauses difficulty in working with numbersCauses problems with the digestive systemA medical condition that causes widespread painA medical condition that affects blood sugar levels...

Vocab words 2018-01-10

Vocab words crossword puzzle
  1. a strong heated container for chemical reactions
  2. cpr without mouth to mouth resescitation
  3. protection from ultraviolet rays
  4. an illness where the brain is damaged
  5. huge pits where waste is dumped and buried
  6. a product used to control pests
  7. quick upward pulls to force out an obstruction
  8. trapping of heat by CO2 and other gases
  9. rain that is far more acidic than normal
  10. a specially trained doctor
  1. rescue breathing and chest compressions
  2. a physician who specializes in skin
  3. a disease that prevents the bodily from making energy

13 Clues: a specially trained doctora product used to control pestsprotection from ultraviolet raysa physician who specializes in skinan illness where the brain is damagedrescue breathing and chest compressionstrapping of heat by CO2 and other gasescpr without mouth to mouth resescitationrain that is far more acidic than normal...

Personal Health Vocab 2019-01-08

Personal Health Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. only crp- no mouth-to-mouth
  2. pits where waste is dumped and buried
  3. medicine that deals with hair, skin, etc.
  4. helps control insects and crops
  5. rain that elevated levels of hydrogen ions
  6. layer shield protecting living things
  1. the trapping of suns warmth
  2. doctors trained for medical conditions
  3. pressure chamber to carry out industrial processes
  4. thrust upward pulls with force near the diaphragm
  5. used when someones breathing or heart stops
  6. nervous system disorder that can lead to seizures
  7. chronic disease that affects blood sugar levels

13 Clues: the trapping of suns warmthonly crp- no mouth-to-mouthhelps control insects and cropspits where waste is dumped and buriedlayer shield protecting living thingsdoctors trained for medical conditionsmedicine that deals with hair, skin, etc.rain that elevated levels of hydrogen ionsused when someones breathing or heart stops...

PCH Vocab 2019-01-07

PCH Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. which layer absorbs all ultraviolet rays going to earth?
  2. normally used to kill harmful organisms that harms plants
  3. where does all the trash go?
  4. too much or too little sugar in blood
  5. a maneuver to prevent chocking
  6. a person who is good at one thing
  1. warmth trapped on earth
  2. a strong container used for dealing with high tempratures and pressures
  3. skin doctor
  4. Resuscitation pressure on your chest
  5. brain is disturbed and causes seizures
  6. no mouth used in CPR
  7. precipitation is below 7 on the pH scale

13 Clues: skin doctorno mouth used in CPRwarmth trapped on earthwhere does all the trash go?a maneuver to prevent chockinga person who is good at one thingResuscitation pressure on your chesttoo much or too little sugar in bloodbrain is disturbed and causes seizuresprecipitation is below 7 on the pH scale...

Google Classroom Vocab 2019-01-07

Google Classroom Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Body’s ability to respond to the harmone insulin is impaired
  2. Thrusts Quick upward pulls into the diaphragm
  3. Neurological Disorder
  4. layer Shield protecting living things
  5. resuscitation First aid procedure involving rescue breathing and chest compressions
  6. Controls insects and pests
  1. Strong heated container
  2. Rain Rain that’s more acidic than normal
  3. Medical Practitioner qualified to treat skin disorders
  4. only CPR Pusing hard and fast in the chest center
  5. Person who concentrates on a particular subject
  6. Effect Trapping of heat by Carbon Dioxide and other gasses
  7. Wastes are dumped and buried here

13 Clues: Neurological DisorderStrong heated containerControls insects and pestsWastes are dumped and buried herelayer Shield protecting living thingsRain Rain that’s more acidic than normalThrusts Quick upward pulls into the diaphragmPerson who concentrates on a particular subjectonly CPR Pusing hard and fast in the chest center...

Chapter 12 2023-08-22

Chapter 12 crossword puzzle
  1. Lowers the level of glucose
  2. diet Includes five main food groups
  3. A person reacting to substances in the environment badly
  4. eating too much food
  5. A substance that causes an allergic reaction
  6. Tendency to dislike anything new or unfamiliar
  7. Help build and maintain the body
  8. Not eating enough food to maintain a healthful body weights
  1. Body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood
  2. How the body uses the foods taken in
  3. Lack of proper nutrients in the diet
  4. shock Most severe allergic reaction
  5. Food guidance system

13 Clues: Food guidance systemeating too much foodLowers the level of glucoseHelp build and maintain the bodyshock Most severe allergic reactionHow the body uses the foods taken inLack of proper nutrients in the dietdiet Includes five main food groupsA substance that causes an allergic reactionTendency to dislike anything new or unfamiliar...

Health 2019-01-10

Health crossword puzzle
  1. rain/other precipitation forms that are acidic
  2. Earth becomes warmer due to presence of thick gases in atmosphere
  3. equipment used for sterilization
  4. A doctor dealing with matters of skin, hair & nails
  5. disease that affects blood sugar levels
  6. CPR without mouth to mouth breaths
  7. doctor who handles certain patients/medical conditions
  1. Layer that protects organisms from UV rays
  2. seizures caused due to nervous system disorder
  3. Quick upward pull into diaphragm
  4. Controls insects and harmful crops
  5. used when a person stops breathing
  6. Huge waste dumping pits

13 Clues: Huge waste dumping pitsQuick upward pull into diaphragmequipment used for sterilizationControls insects and harmful cropsused when a person stops breathingCPR without mouth to mouth breathsdisease that affects blood sugar levelsLayer that protects organisms from UV raysseizures caused due to nervous system disorder...

Health- Crossword 2019-01-10

Health- Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A doctor dealing with matters of skin, hair & nails
  2. seizures caused due to nervous system disorder
  3. equipment used for sterilization
  4. rain/other precipitation forms that are acidic
  5. Earth becomes warmer due to presence of thick gases in atmosphere
  6. CPR without mouth to mouth breaths
  1. disease that affects blood sugar levels
  2. Quick upward pull into diaphragm
  3. Controls insects and harmful crops
  4. Layer that protects organisms from UV rays
  5. Huge waste dumping pits
  6. doctor who handles certain patients/medical conditions
  7. used when a person stops breathing

13 Clues: Huge waste dumping pitsQuick upward pull into diaphragmequipment used for sterilizationControls insects and harmful cropsused when a person stops breathingCPR without mouth to mouth breathsdisease that affects blood sugar levelsLayer that protects organisms from UV raysseizures caused due to nervous system disorder...

Vocabulary Words 2018-01-11

Vocabulary Words crossword puzzle
  1. CPR with no mouth to mouth
  2. Products used to keep animals off crops
  3. Protects living things from ultraviolet radiation
  4. Rescure procedure with rescue breathing and chest compressions
  5. A doctor who treats skin conditions
  1. Prevents the body from converting food to energy
  2. large pits where wastes are dumped
  3. Illness where your brain is damaged
  4. Trapping of heat my gases in the atmosphere
  5. Upwards pulls on the diaphragm to clear the airway
  6. Doctor trying to handle specific situations
  7. A strong heated container used for chemical reactions
  8. Very acidic rain

13 Clues: Very acidic rainCPR with no mouth to mouthlarge pits where wastes are dumpedIllness where your brain is damagedA doctor who treats skin conditionsProducts used to keep animals off cropsTrapping of heat my gases in the atmosphereDoctor trying to handle specific situationsPrevents the body from converting food to energy...

oitavo ano - nutrição Ibi 2022-04-11

oitavo ano - nutrição Ibi crossword puzzle
  1. processo de fornecimento de nutrientes aos organismos animais e vegetais.
  2. doença causada pela má alimentação.
  3. variável presente na equação de predição da taxa metabólica basal
  4. influencia o gasto energético pelo metabolismo.
  5. relação entre as calorias ingeridas e gastas.
  6. principal componente da demanda energética.
  7. consequência do balanço energético positivo.
  1. consequência do balanço energético positivo.
  2. guia que auxilia em uma alimentação saudável.
  3. consequência do excesso de calorias
  4. unidade de medida do gasto e ingestão de energia.
  5. alimento presente no topo da pirâmide.
  6. Taxa Metabólica Basal.
  7. alimento presente na base da pirâmide alimentar.

14 Clues: Taxa Metabólica Basal.consequência do excesso de caloriasdoença causada pela má alimentação.alimento presente no topo da pirâmide.principal componente da demanda energética.consequência do balanço energético positivo.consequência do balanço energético positivo.guia que auxilia em uma alimentação saudável....

Metabolism Review 2022-11-15

Metabolism Review crossword puzzle
  1. system that is the transportation system of the body
  2. the building block of protein
  3. is an ingredient with oxygen for cellular respiration
  4. athletes do this to gain an illegal advantage in sports
  5. one of the products that come from cellular respiration in addition to energy
  6. Ms. Reiff's favorite period
  7. molecule that travels through the respiratory system
  1. many glucose molecules put together
  2. molecules that are rebuilt in the cell
  3. where cellular respiration takes place
  4. Elisa's medical condition
  5. organ that breaks down starch and protein
  6. allows things to move or change

13 Clues: Elisa's medical conditionMs. Reiff's favorite periodthe building block of proteinallows things to move or changemany glucose molecules put togethermolecules that are rebuilt in the cellwhere cellular respiration takes placeorgan that breaks down starch and proteinsystem that is the transportation system of the body...

F.A.C.S crossword 2016-11-03

F.A.C.S crossword crossword puzzle
  1. of the alkali metal group.
  2. metabolic disease in which the body’s inability
  3. of food, coupled with the desire to eat.
  4. a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by
  5. of glucose in the blood.
  6. produce any or enough insulin causes elevated
  1. chemical element of atomic number 11, a soft silver
  2. natural oily or greasy substance occurring in
  3. bodies, especially when deposited as a layer
  4. - reaching for your best health
  5. the skin or around certain organs
  6. reactive
  7. calories-calories derived from food containing no nutrients.

13 Clues: reactiveof glucose in the blood.of the alkali metal group.- reaching for your best healththe skin or around certain organsof food, coupled with the desire to eat.bodies, especially when deposited as a layernatural oily or greasy substance occurring ina feeling of discomfort or weakness caused byproduce any or enough insulin causes elevated...

health vocab 2018-01-03

health vocab crossword puzzle
  1. if you have a skin condition this is who you go to
  2. clave used for chemical reactions
  3. causes seizures
  4. used to dump waste
  5. layer altitude of 6.2 miles
  6. they focus one particular subject
  1. thrusts what you do when someone is choking
  2. results in too much sugar in the blood
  3. they can be used to control pest
  4. effect the cause of climate change
  5. rain is harmful on plants and animals
  6. pulmonary an emergency procedure
  7. only cpr type of cpr with mouth to mouth breaths

13 Clues: causes seizuresused to dump wastelayer altitude of 6.2 milesthey can be used to control pestpulmonary an emergency procedureclave used for chemical reactionsthey focus one particular subjecteffect the cause of climate changerain is harmful on plants and animalsresults in too much sugar in the bloodthrusts what you do when someone is choking...

health vocab 2018-01-03

health vocab crossword puzzle
  1. if you have a skin condition this is who you go to
  2. clave used for chemical reactions
  3. causes seizures
  4. used to dump waste
  5. layer altitude of 6.2 miles
  6. they focus one particular subject
  1. thrusts what you do when someone is choking
  2. results in too much sugar in the blood
  3. they can be used to control pest
  4. effect the cause of climate change
  5. rain is harmful on plants and animals
  6. pulmonary an emergency procedure
  7. only cpr type of cpr with mouth to mouth breaths

13 Clues: causes seizuresused to dump wastelayer altitude of 6.2 milesthey can be used to control pestpulmonary an emergency procedureclave used for chemical reactionsthey focus one particular subjecteffect the cause of climate changerain is harmful on plants and animalsresults in too much sugar in the bloodthrusts what you do when someone is choking...

Gentechnik 2018-05-03

Gentechnik crossword puzzle
  1. Einzellige Mikroorganismen
  2. PFLANZEN Genetisch verändertes Grünzeug
  3. Mit Zellwänden versehene Zellen, kleinste selbstständig lebensfähige Einheit
  4. Vater der Gentechnik
  5. Verbindung, die den Stoffwechsel reguliert
  6. Zum Trennen des DNA-Strangs an einer definierten Stelle
  7. Manipulation am genetischen Material von Lebewesen in der Absicht, gezielte Veränderungen herbeizuführen
  1. Vertrag zum Freihandel von der EU und der USA
  2. Mit Gentechnik hergestelltes Medikament gegen Diabetes
  3. Träger von Erbinformationen
  4. Ein Gerät, das dazu dient, DNA mit Hilfe von Partikeln in die Zelle zu schießen
  5. Molekül, das die Erbinformationen von Lebewesen enthält
  6. Gesamtheit der Erbanlagen

13 Clues: Vater der GentechnikGesamtheit der ErbanlagenEinzellige MikroorganismenTräger von ErbinformationenPFLANZEN Genetisch verändertes GrünzeugVerbindung, die den Stoffwechsel reguliertVertrag zum Freihandel von der EU und der USAMit Gentechnik hergestelltes Medikament gegen DiabetesMolekül, das die Erbinformationen von Lebewesen enthält...

Endangered Animals 2023-12-15

Endangered Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Democrats and Republicans had to have a _______ decision
  2. Brazil is the country with the largest _______
  3. Tree huggers are a ______ of saving the environment
  4. Washington is ________ to Oregon and Idaho
  5. Over the years _____ changes will make a difference
  6. Although it is rare animals can develop ______.
  7. Some ________ species are loosing their habitats
  1. By using less paper we can focus on _______ of trees
  2. The decision was ________
  3. Thick mud ______ your movement forward
  4. We must come up with a _______ decision to save the environment
  5. Humans are considered a _______
  6. White Rhinos are two away from ______

13 Clues: The decision was ________Humans are considered a _______White Rhinos are two away from ______Thick mud ______ your movement forwardWashington is ________ to Oregon and IdahoBrazil is the country with the largest _______Although it is rare animals can develop ______.Some ________ species are loosing their habitats...

IEO Dinner Crossword Puzzle 2024-01-24

IEO Dinner Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. This IEO program began in a chicken coop
  2. Bishop Eliudi has how many children
  3. Swahili word for giraffe
  4. This is Bishop Eliudi’s favorite drink
  5. This animal is one of the “Big Five” in Tanzania.
  6. The largest migration in the world in of what animal?
  7. Eugali is made from what crop?
  8. In 2007 this IEO program began
  1. This food is a regular part of the Tanzanian diet
  2. “Hello” in Swahli.
  3. In what language are secondary classes taught?
  4. What happened in Tanzania in 1961?
  5. This disease is very prevalent in Tanzania

13 Clues: “Hello” in Swahli.Swahili word for giraffeEugali is made from what crop?In 2007 this IEO program beganWhat happened in Tanzania in 1961?Bishop Eliudi has how many childrenThis is Bishop Eliudi’s favorite drinkThis IEO program began in a chicken coopThis disease is very prevalent in TanzaniaIn what language are secondary classes taught?...

Veterinary Crossword 2022-10-30

Veterinary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Medication prescribed for itchy dogs
  2. medication injected to reverse sedation
  3. Procedure to collect a sterile urine sample
  4. Medication used for spicy cats
  5. The name of the best HD there is!
  6. Long acting antibiotic
  7. Surgical procedure to remove bladder stones
  8. Medication for pets with diabetes
  9. Close your mouth when expressing these
  1. An antibiotic good for tick borne diseases
  2. The best way to describe our staff at FAH
  3. Dog most likely to scream for treatment
  4. Long acting medication for ear infections
  5. Life threatening parasite spread by mosquitoes
  6. Only vaccine required by law for dogs and cats
  7. Machine used to sterilize instruments
  8. Beautiful, yet quite terrible cat breed

17 Clues: Long acting antibioticMedication used for spicy catsThe name of the best HD there is!Medication for pets with diabetesMedication prescribed for itchy dogsMachine used to sterilize instrumentsClose your mouth when expressing theseDog most likely to scream for treatmentmedication injected to reverse sedationBeautiful, yet quite terrible cat breed...

Healthy Review! 2014-07-06

Healthy Review! crossword puzzle
  1. a disease, the body has more fat than muscle
  2. important for everyday functions
  3. number of food groups on the food pyramid
  4. we get this when we eat meat
  5. fried foods, oils, and butter
  6. an example of a bad sugar
  7. improved by eating healthy
  8. the unit for energy in food
  9. a disease, your blood sugar level is high
  1. an example would be broccoli
  2. a reason to stay healthy
  3. an example would be mangos and rambutan
  4. the food group you should eat the least amount
  5. an example is bread and rice
  6. too much of this causes high blood pressure
  7. a type of protein
  8. an example of a good sugar

17 Clues: a type of proteina reason to stay healthyan example of a bad sugarimproved by eating healthyan example of a good sugarthe unit for energy in foodan example would be broccoliwe get this when we eat meatan example is bread and ricefried foods, oils, and butterimportant for everyday functionsan example would be mangos and rambutan...


  1. stof die voorkomt in melkproducten en die het scheuren van de nagels voorkomt
  2. synoniem voor nij(d)nagel
  3. gevoelig, branderig en hard plekje bovenop een teen
  4. verdikking van de hoornlaag
  5. naast het scheenbeen ligt het ...
  6. hulpmiddel om de nagelriem naar achteren te duwen
  7. door onze handen te wassen verwijderen we ...
  8. onderkant van de voet
  9. ontstaat door contact met het wrattenvirus
  1. groeiende deel van de nagel
  2. hulpmiddel om zwarte randen onder de nagel te vermijden
  3. hulpmiddel om droge handen te voorkomen
  4. ontstaan door aanhoudende druk of wrijving
  5. vervelende zaak wanneer je veel handjes moet schudden
  6. behandelaar gespecialiseerd in voeten
  7. hallux valgus of ...
  8. personen met ... hebben een grotere kans op voetschimmel

17 Clues: hallux valgus of ...onderkant van de voetsynoniem voor nij(d)nagelgroeiende deel van de nagelverdikking van de hoornlaagnaast het scheenbeen ligt het ...behandelaar gespecialiseerd in voetenhulpmiddel om droge handen te voorkomenontstaan door aanhoudende druk of wrijvingontstaat door contact met het wrattenvirus...

Eerste Hulp 2015-02-07

Eerste Hulp crossword puzzle
  1. Waar er wordt opgenomen als je 112 op je mobiel belt
  2. Een bechadiging van het lichaam
  3. Tegenovergestelde van dader
  4. Anne Naam van de reanimatiepop
  5. Eerste stap van het ademweg vrijmaken
  6. Wanneer er een gevaarlijke stof in je lichaam zit noem je het een ...
  7. Bart heeft het
  8. Wordt gedaan wanneer iemand bewusteloos is en niet meer ademt
  9. Tegenovergestelde van ongeluk
  10. Ligt tussen de onder- en opperhuid
  11. Wat Maarten heeft
  1. Lucht uit de atmosfeer halen
  2. Het beseffen en kennen van het bestaan van iets of
  3. Wordt 30 keer gedaan tijdens een reanimatie
  4. Een bot niet heel is is ...
  5. Hulp Betekenis van de eerste 2 letter van EHBO
  6. Ziekenhuisauto

17 Clues: Bart heeft hetZiekenhuisautoWat Maarten heeftTegenovergestelde van daderEen bot niet heel is is ...Lucht uit de atmosfeer halenTegenovergestelde van ongelukAnne Naam van de reanimatiepopEen bechadiging van het lichaamLigt tussen de onder- en opperhuidEerste stap van het ademweg vrijmakenWordt 30 keer gedaan tijdens een reanimatie...

Unit 4 - Integumentary System 2023-03-06

Unit 4 - Integumentary System crossword puzzle
  1. Condition that causes a rash after excess sweat, or diabetes
  2. The #1 function of the Integumentary System
  3. Blue skin - Heart failure, poor circulation
  4. 3rd layer fat storage & insulation
  5. Determines the color of our skin
  6. Sweating with exercise
  7. 1st layer acts as protection
  8. 2nd layer contains blood vessels & hair follicles
  9. Yellow skin - Indicates liver disorder
  10. Found in your palms, soles of your feet
  1. Sweating without exercise
  2. Works with the Integumentary to defend the body from pathogens
  3. Lubricates skin & hair, responsible for acne
  4. Essential for healthy bones & immunity
  5. Red skin - Indicates fever, inflammation, or allergy
  6. Abundant around puberty, responsible for body odor
  7. Condition that causes dry & itchy skin

17 Clues: Sweating with exerciseSweating without exercise1st layer acts as protectionDetermines the color of our skin3rd layer fat storage & insulationEssential for healthy bones & immunityCondition that causes dry & itchy skinYellow skin - Indicates liver disorderFound in your palms, soles of your feetThe #1 function of the Integumentary System...




Celiac Disease 2023-10-27

Celiac Disease crossword puzzle
  1. Stature, Being shorter that average
  2. Genetic autoimmune disease that prevents you from eating gluten
  3. One Diabetes, Pancreatic disorder that prevents Insulin Production
  4. Diet that Celiacs Have to Follow
  5. Intestine, Absorbs the nutrients from you foods.
  6. Throwing Up
  7. Make most bread and contains gluten
  8. Liquid Feces
  1. Made to make ___meal and raisin cookies
  2. Used in a variety of items makes malt
  3. Lack of proper nutrition
  4. Fast growing grain used to make a variety of Items
  5. Fingerlike projections from the surface of certain membranous structures
  6. Acid returning up your esophagus
  7. Rash, Red bump skin that itches
  8. Sweetener made from Barley
  9. Condition that comes from your parents

17 Clues: Throwing UpLiquid FecesLack of proper nutritionSweetener made from BarleyRash, Red bump skin that itchesAcid returning up your esophagusDiet that Celiacs Have to FollowStature, Being shorter that averageMake most bread and contains glutenUsed in a variety of items makes maltCondition that comes from your parents...

wave 1&2 (part 4) 2024-07-01

wave 1&2 (part 4) crossword puzzle
  1. an injection is a considered a??
  2. foot doctor
  3. dept that helps mbrs enroll
  4. mbrs general practitioner
  5. website where mbrs can view their plan info
  6. diabetes doctor
  7. when we log in to mbrs online account
  8. person who submits enrollment application for mbr
  9. what we must do to mbrs on each call
  10. day mbrs plan starts
  1. routine eye doctor
  2. what humana sends to mbrs to pay their premium
  3. when humana pays a mbr back
  4. doctor who works in a specific field
  5. place where we can view mbrs benefits
  6. when a mbr is no longer enrolled with humana
  7. document that gives more detailed info for mbrs plan

17 Clues: foot doctordiabetes doctorroutine eye doctorday mbrs plan startsmbrs general practitionerwhen humana pays a mbr backdept that helps mbrs enrollan injection is a considered a??doctor who works in a specific fieldwhat we must do to mbrs on each callplace where we can view mbrs benefitswhen we log in to mbrs online account...

The Human Liver 2021-09-24

The Human Liver crossword puzzle
  1. Produced in liver, stored in gallbladder
  2. Unique feature about the liver
  3. Vessel that moves blood from the spleen and gastrointestinal tract to the liver
  4. Risk factor of developing FLD
  5. Preventable type of FLD
  6. Symptom of fatty liver disease (FLD)
  1. Part of the body's _________ system
  2. Only way to diagnose Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
  3. Severe liver fibrosis

9 Clues: Severe liver fibrosisPreventable type of FLDRisk factor of developing FLDUnique feature about the liverPart of the body's _________ systemSymptom of fatty liver disease (FLD)Produced in liver, stored in gallbladderOnly way to diagnose Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)Vessel that moves blood from the spleen and gastrointestinal tract to the liver

Vet Science Chapter 10 2022-04-18

Vet Science Chapter 10 crossword puzzle
  1. Disease condition if deformed and weakened bones resulting from childhood deficiency of calcium
  2. disease Low levels of cortisol along with lethargy, weakness, weight loss, poor appetite, vomiting and diarrhea.
  3. insipidus Animals have uncontrolled thirst and urinate excessively
  4. Low blood sugar
  5. Disease condition resulting from a treatment
  1. drinking Polydisia
  2. Baldness
  3. mellitus Has elevated blood sugar
  4. Also called Addison's Disease
  5. The adrenal glands lie just ___ to each kidney

10 Clues: BaldnessLow blood sugardrinking PolydisiaAlso called Addison's Diseasemellitus Has elevated blood sugarDisease condition resulting from a treatmentThe adrenal glands lie just ___ to each kidneyinsipidus Animals have uncontrolled thirst and urinate excessively...

George Lucas 2022-04-28

George Lucas crossword puzzle
  1. Special effects company he made
  2. What did George Lucas crash into with his car
  3. film he directed about street racers
  1. 1st company that gave him a scholarship
  2. what did grow up on as a kid
  3. most famous film he directed
  4. What disease did he get
  5. where did he go to study cinematography
  6. What month was George Lucas born?

9 Clues: What disease did he getwhat did grow up on as a kidmost famous film he directedSpecial effects company he madeWhat month was George Lucas born?film he directed about street racers1st company that gave him a scholarshipwhere did he go to study cinematographyWhat did George Lucas crash into with his car