diabetes Crossword Puzzles


ALGEMENE SIEKTES crossword puzzle
  1. Die liggaam se swelsel wat infeksies en SIEKTES veg.
  2. Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.
  3. Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte gerken kan word.
  4. ń Eetversteuring
  5. ń Infeksie west deur ń virus veroorsaak word en kan nie genees word nie.
  6. Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.
  7. Liggaam kan nie insulin verwerk nie.
  8. Klein lewende organisme wat infeksies en SIEKTES veroorsaak.
  1. ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word.
  2. Hierdie siekte word veroorsaak deur BAKTERIËE en tasks gewoonlik die longe aan.
  3. As jy oorgewig is.
  4. Die kos wat jy eet.
  5. Die dra van ń masker kan die verspreiding van die pandemie verhoed.
  6. Antiretrovirale middels word gebruik om hierdie siekte te behandel.
  7. Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.
  8. Klein lewende organismes wat op plante, director, lug, grond en water lewe.

16 Clues: ń EetversteuringAs jy oorgewig is.Die kos wat jy eet.Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.Liggaam kan nie insulin verwerk nie.Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte gerken kan word.Die liggaam se swelsel wat infeksies en SIEKTES veg.ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word....


ALGEMENE SIEKTES crossword puzzle
  1. Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.
  2. Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.
  3. Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte herken kan word.
  4. ń Eetversteuring
  5. ń Infeksie wat deur ń virus veroorsaak word en kan nie genees word nie.
  6. Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.
  7. Liggaam kan nie insulien verwerk nie.
  8. Klein lewende organisme wat infeksies en siektes veroorsaak.
  1. ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word.
  2. Hierdie siekte word veroorsaak deur bakteriëe en tas gewoonlik die longe aan.
  3. As jy oorgewig is.
  4. Die kos wat jy eet.
  5. Die dra van ń masker kan die verspreiding van die pandemie verhoed.
  6. Antiretrovirale middels word gebruik om hierdie siekte te behandel.
  7. Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.
  8. Klein lewende organismes wat op plante, diere, lug, grond en water lewe.

16 Clues: ń EetversteuringAs jy oorgewig is.Die kos wat jy eet.Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.Liggaam kan nie insulien verwerk nie.Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte herken kan word.Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word....

Science & Technology by Jan-Lukas Meyer 2020-01-17

Science & Technology by Jan-Lukas Meyer crossword puzzle
  1. The study of science applied to practical purposes
  2. Able to continue without harming the environment
  3. The name of a famous astronomer in the 17th century
  4. The weather conditions of a region over a long time
  5. The study of the stars and their movements
  6. The first genetically modified vegetables in 1995
  7. A human protein, often used in the treatment of the disease diabetes
  1. Nuclear disaster of 2011 in Japan
  2. gain power derived from biomass
  3. An argument between opposing points of view
  4. A tablet of medicine to increase your brain power
  5. the power of doing work, e.g. of electricity
  6. A person who studies one or more branches of science
  7. A new widely-debated approach is gene ...
  8. Earliest stage of life
  9. Short form for deoxyribonucleicacid

16 Clues: Earliest stage of lifegain power derived from biomassNuclear disaster of 2011 in JapanShort form for deoxyribonucleicacidA new widely-debated approach is gene ...The study of the stars and their movementsAn argument between opposing points of viewthe power of doing work, e.g. of electricityAble to continue without harming the environment...

Coronary Artery Disease 2023-10-10

Coronary Artery Disease crossword puzzle
  1. site of radiating pain from the sudden severe, crushing chest pain of an MI
  2. ischemia causing no angina but fatigue and dyspnea
  3. nontraditional risk factor of CAD, looking for markers of _____
  4. most specific lab which elevates in 2-4 hours from the onset of an MI
  5. type of myocardial infarction
  6. most common cause of coronary artery disease
  7. prolonged ___ causes irreversible damage to the heart muscle
  8. complication of acute coronary syndromes
  1. pain occurs during ____ acid accumulation
  2. modifiable risk factor of coronary artery disease
  3. responsible for reverse cholesterol transport
  4. risk factor of CAD, causes endothelial damage and thickening of the vessel wall
  5. diet high in fat
  6. angina resulting from vasospasm
  7. oxygen deficit to myocardium for greater than 20 minutes leads to
  8. this may obstruct coronary blood flow

16 Clues: diet high in fattype of myocardial infarctionangina resulting from vasospasmthis may obstruct coronary blood flowcomplication of acute coronary syndromespain occurs during ____ acid accumulationmost common cause of coronary artery diseaseresponsible for reverse cholesterol transportmodifiable risk factor of coronary artery disease...

Dental Nutrition and Diabetes 2014-06-08

Dental Nutrition and Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Only way to prevent gingivitis
  2. How many teeth do cats have?
  3. Permanent disease seen in dogs and cats
  4. Inflammation of the gingiva
  1. Commonly seen in cats
  2. Prevents calcium from binding and making tartar
  3. How many teeth do dogs have?
  4. Calcified plaque

8 Clues: Calcified plaqueCommonly seen in catsInflammation of the gingivaHow many teeth do cats have?How many teeth do dogs have?Only way to prevent gingivitisPermanent disease seen in dogs and catsPrevents calcium from binding and making tartar

OBESITI 2024-04-15

OBESITI crossword puzzle
  1. kalori berlebihan boleh menyebabkan?
  2. Makanan ______ boleh menyebabkan kegemukan.
  1. Apakah langkah untuk mencegah obesiti?
  2. BMI dikira dengan menggunakan berat dan?
  3. Apakah penyakit yang berkaitan dengan obesiti

5 Clues: kalori berlebihan boleh menyebabkan?Apakah langkah untuk mencegah obesiti?BMI dikira dengan menggunakan berat dan?Makanan ______ boleh menyebabkan kegemukan.Apakah penyakit yang berkaitan dengan obesiti

neuropati perifer 2022-11-01

neuropati perifer crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu faktor resiko neuropati perifer
  2. vitamin neuropati perifer
  3. neurotransmitter utama ke sistem saraf pusat
  1. gejala neuropati perifer
  2. bagian neuron yang memberi makan sel saraf

5 Clues: gejala neuropati perifervitamin neuropati periferbagian neuron yang memberi makan sel sarafSalah satu faktor resiko neuropati periferneurotransmitter utama ke sistem saraf pusat

neuropati perifer 2022-11-01

neuropati perifer crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu faktor resiko neuropati perifer
  2. vitamin neuropati perifer
  3. neurotransmitter utama ke sistem saraf pusat
  1. gejala neuropati perifer
  2. bagian neuron yang memberi makan sel saraf

5 Clues: gejala neuropati perifervitamin neuropati periferbagian neuron yang memberi makan sel sarafSalah satu faktor resiko neuropati periferneurotransmitter utama ke sistem saraf pusat

Type 1 Diabetes Awareness 2022-05-05

Type 1 Diabetes Awareness crossword puzzle
  1. any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose
  2. to identify the nature of an illness
  3. a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired
  1. proteins found in the blood that are meant to protect the body from bacteria or viruses
  2. a simple sugar which is an important energy source in living organisms and is a component of many carbohydrates.
  3. the method of delivery for insulin
  4. a hormone which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood
  5. a physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition

8 Clues: the method of delivery for insulinto identify the nature of an illnessa hormone which regulates the amount of glucose in the blooda physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a conditionproteins found in the blood that are meant to protect the body from bacteria or viruses...


REFRESH OTAK YUK MAIN TTS crossword puzzle
  1. hindari DM tipe 2 dapat dilakukan dengan tips
  2. salah satu penyakit tidak menular
  1. kadar glukosa darah puasa lebih dari 126 mg/dL masuk kategori
  2. bisa atau tidak usia produktif terkena DM tipe 2
  3. gejala penyakit DM
  4. dm termasuk penyakit yang tidak

6 Clues: gejala penyakit DMdm termasuk penyakit yang tidaksalah satu penyakit tidak menularhindari DM tipe 2 dapat dilakukan dengan tipsbisa atau tidak usia produktif terkena DM tipe 2kadar glukosa darah puasa lebih dari 126 mg/dL masuk kategori

Pregnancy 2018-08-23

Pregnancy crossword puzzle
  1. __ is an environmental factor.
  2. a disorder caused by the body's inability to use sugar properly
  3. Risky and raises chances for a woman to lose her baby
  1. Pregnancy is normal and not an __
  2. Mothers are now eating for _
  3. Monitor unborn baby

6 Clues: Monitor unborn babyMothers are now eating for ___ is an environmental factor.Pregnancy is normal and not an __Risky and raises chances for a woman to lose her babya disorder caused by the body's inability to use sugar properly

cinnamon 2022-10-08

cinnamon crossword puzzle
  1. Cinnamon is primary used for what in food industry
  2. what is cinnamon?
  3. what is cinnamon in Hindi
  4. what is the part of tree does cinnamon comes from
  1. Cinnamon is used for controlling which disease
  2. which Indian state cultivates this spices

6 Clues: what is cinnamon?what is cinnamon in Hindiwhich Indian state cultivates this spicesCinnamon is used for controlling which diseasewhat is the part of tree does cinnamon comes fromCinnamon is primary used for what in food industry

cinnamon 2022-10-08

cinnamon crossword puzzle
  1. Cinnamon is primary used for what in food industry
  2. Cinnamon is used for controlling which disease
  3. which Indian state cultivates this spices
  1. what is cinnamon in Hindi
  2. what is cinnamon?
  3. what is the part of tree does cinnamon comes from

6 Clues: what is cinnamon?what is cinnamon in Hindiwhich Indian state cultivates this spicesCinnamon is used for controlling which diseasewhat is the part of tree does cinnamon comes fromCinnamon is primary used for what in food industry

careers :>5 2023-09-27

careers :>5 crossword puzzle
  1. water filters
  2. novel drug to treat 2 types of diabetes
  1. treatment of waste
  2. safty apps on phone, tablets, ect.
  3. X-rays that help detect any broken bone in a animal
  4. engineer a way to get gas or oil from earth

6 Clues: water filterstreatment of wastesafty apps on phone, tablets, ect.novel drug to treat 2 types of diabetesengineer a way to get gas or oil from earthX-rays that help detect any broken bone in a animal

Medicine 2022-08-16

Medicine crossword puzzle
  1. Numbs sensation and mainly used to prevent pain.
  2. Making medicine from plants.
  1. What keeps us in the state of cleanliness.
  2. an unhealthy condition of the body or mind (synonym for sickness).
  3. Most fatal pandemic in human history.
  4. Commonly used for diabetes.

6 Clues: Commonly used for diabetes.Making medicine from plants.Most fatal pandemic in human history.What keeps us in the state of cleanliness.Numbs sensation and mainly used to prevent pain.an unhealthy condition of the body or mind (synonym for sickness).

Healthy Crossword 2016-11-23

Healthy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The "bad" cholesterol.
  2. A healthy fat used to make guacamole.
  3. The professional you should speak to about nutrition
  4. If you have high blood pressure, you might want to lower the amount of ___ in your diet.
  1. The "good" cholesterol.
  2. Someone who checks their blood sugar daily probably has ___
  3. The number of minutes of exercise to do each day.
  4. The number of fruits and vegetables to eat each day.

8 Clues: The "bad" cholesterol.The "good" cholesterol.A healthy fat used to make guacamole.The number of minutes of exercise to do each day.The number of fruits and vegetables to eat each day.The professional you should speak to about nutritionSomeone who checks their blood sugar daily probably has ___...

Blood Glucose Control 2021-05-20

Blood Glucose Control crossword puzzle
  1. A hormone which reduces blood glucose levels
  2. A condition where a person can't regulate their blood glucose
  3. An insoluble molecule used to store glucose in liver and muscle cells
  1. Organelle where aerobic respiration takes place
  2. A sugar required for respiration
  3. A chemical messenger which travels in the blood
  4. A gland which releases hormones involved in controlling blood glucose
  5. A hormone which increases blood glucose levels

8 Clues: A sugar required for respirationA hormone which reduces blood glucose levelsA hormone which increases blood glucose levelsOrganelle where aerobic respiration takes placeA chemical messenger which travels in the bloodA condition where a person can't regulate their blood glucoseA gland which releases hormones involved in controlling blood glucose...

Makanan dan sistem pencernaan 2022-01-12

Makanan dan sistem pencernaan crossword puzzle
  1. lemak yang berasal dari minyak zaitun, minyak kelapa, maupun minyak jagung
  2. ketidaktahanan tubuh terhadap laktosa
  3. gejala pertumbuhan terhambat, otot melemah, wajah berbentuk bulat, dan mengalami edema
  1. merupakan bahan pemanis yang cocok bagi diabetes
  2. sumber karbohidrat yang tersimpan di dalam hati dan otot
  3. sifat gula yang paling tinggi
  4. Salah satu asam amino yang hanya diperoleh dari protein hewani/nabati
  5. vitamin A,D,E,dan K larut

8 Clues: vitamin A,D,E,dan K larutsifat gula yang paling tinggiketidaktahanan tubuh terhadap laktosamerupakan bahan pemanis yang cocok bagi diabetessumber karbohidrat yang tersimpan di dalam hati dan ototSalah satu asam amino yang hanya diperoleh dari protein hewani/nabatilemak yang berasal dari minyak zaitun, minyak kelapa, maupun minyak jagung...

Research Week 2016 2016-05-12

Research Week 2016 crossword puzzle
  1. Statistical Analysis _____ (SAS)(POSTER 8)
  2. Mucus was prepared by dissolving LBG _____ (POSTER 5)
  3. 69% cure rate using only _____ (POSTER 3)
  4. Phase 3, 56-week, Double-Blind _____-controlled study (POSTER 7)
  1. 29.5% of total weight loss is _____ mass (POSTER 2)
  2. Table 1 significant interactive influence among _____ (POSTER 4)
  3. 200 random _____ subjects over age 60 (POSTER 6)
  4. Type 2 diabetes is a _____ of glucose metabolism (POSTER 1)

8 Clues: 69% cure rate using only _____ (POSTER 3)Statistical Analysis _____ (SAS)(POSTER 8)200 random _____ subjects over age 60 (POSTER 6)29.5% of total weight loss is _____ mass (POSTER 2)Mucus was prepared by dissolving LBG _____ (POSTER 5)Type 2 diabetes is a _____ of glucose metabolism (POSTER 1)...

Roots of medical terms final 2019-01-07

Roots of medical terms final crossword puzzle
  1. a doctor that specializes in children's diseases
  2. study and surgery of bone and joints disorders
  3. a doctor that specializes in cancer and related chemotherapy
  1. a doctor that specializes in mental and emotional disorders
  2. a doctor that specializes in hormonal and metabolic disorders, including diabetes
  3. study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period
  4. study of the diseases of elderly people
  5. study of newborn babies

8 Clues: study of newborn babiesstudy of the diseases of elderly peoplestudy and surgery of bone and joints disordersa doctor that specializes in children's diseasesa doctor that specializes in mental and emotional disordersa doctor that specializes in cancer and related chemotherapystudy concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period...


  1. hypertension seen after delivery
  2. this type of hypertension is common in diabetes mellitus
  3. which hormone increases bp on taking oral contraceptive pills
  4. one of the changes seen in malignant hypertension
  1. paroxysomal hypertension is seen in
  2. facial expression seen in pateint with secondary hypertension
  3. bp is normal in house but increases in office
  4. after surgical correction patient with aortic coarcation has this type of hypertension

8 Clues: hypertension seen after deliveryparoxysomal hypertension is seen inbp is normal in house but increases in officeone of the changes seen in malignant hypertensionthis type of hypertension is common in diabetes mellitusfacial expression seen in pateint with secondary hypertensionwhich hormone increases bp on taking oral contraceptive pills...

Things you might filter 2023-08-17

Things you might filter crossword puzzle
  1. Air filters are used in these to ensure the air entering the motor is clean
  2. A machine that cools your home
  1. If you don’t filter it, it’ll taste weird
  2. A caffeinated beverage made from leaves
  3. A place to visit to see underwater life
  4. A caffeinated beverage made from beans
  5. A medical filtering technique used for people with kidney problems, such as diabetes
  6. A backyard pond for swimming

8 Clues: A backyard pond for swimmingA machine that cools your homeA caffeinated beverage made from beansA caffeinated beverage made from leavesA place to visit to see underwater lifeIf you don’t filter it, it’ll taste weirdAir filters are used in these to ensure the air entering the motor is clean...

Spanish Convo Group 3/22/2022 2022-03-22

Spanish Convo Group 3/22/2022 crossword puzzle
  1. un trastorno con temperatura alta
  2. un tipo de medicamentos para prevenir un embarazo
  3. vacas tienen cuatro de estos, pero los humanos tienen solo uno
  1. describe a una mujer con un bebé, antes del parto
  2. la parte del cuerpo que piensa
  3. la parte de una mujer que produce huevos
  4. un trastorno con niveles altos de azúcar en la sangre
  5. las partes de madres que producen leche

8 Clues: la parte del cuerpo que piensaun trastorno con temperatura altalas partes de madres que producen lechela parte de una mujer que produce huevosdescribe a una mujer con un bebé, antes del partoun tipo de medicamentos para prevenir un embarazoun trastorno con niveles altos de azúcar en la sangre...

Below 20 & Beyond 20 2013-06-14

Below 20 & Beyond 20 crossword puzzle
  1. added the word mellitus to refer to the sweet taste of urine
  2. the need of the hour
  3. Substitute for the finger-sticking method
  4. the organization which controls drug price
  1. Dominican Republic issued a series of stamps
  2. formal writing system
  3. the only section of the Ebers Papyrus to have been cited explicitly, if tentatively, as pertaining to diabetes mellitus
  4. scroll containing 700 magical formulas and remedies

8 Clues: the need of the hourformal writing systemSubstitute for the finger-sticking methodthe organization which controls drug priceDominican Republic issued a series of stampsscroll containing 700 magical formulas and remediesadded the word mellitus to refer to the sweet taste of urine...

The Baby-Sitters Club, The Truth about Stacey 2022-04-14

The Baby-Sitters Club, The Truth about Stacey crossword puzzle
  1. movement to the rhythm of music
  2. a sweet, sour, or tart treat
  3. a person that takes care of a kid for a short time
  4. a large room with a projector to watch films
  1. a disease that can cause you to pass out due to blood sugar levels
  2. a group of people with the same interest
  3. the largest city located in New York
  4. type of graphic novel

8 Clues: type of graphic novela sweet, sour, or tart treatmovement to the rhythm of musicthe largest city located in New Yorka group of people with the same interesta large room with a projector to watch filmsa person that takes care of a kid for a short timea disease that can cause you to pass out due to blood sugar levels

Enfermedades 2024-03-07

Enfermedades crossword puzzle
  1. :se te infecta la orina
  2. : dolor de oído y fiebre
  3. : es un virus
  4. : una enfermedad que afecta a la nariz y la garganta
  1. : una enfermedad crónica y que hace que tu páncreas no produzca insulina
  2. : una enfermedad que hace que se inflamen los brónqueos
  3. :es una enfermedad que destruye nuestro cuerpo
  4. :es una enfermedad que afecta al aparato respiratorio y empieza por G y termina por E

8 Clues: : es un virus:se te infecta la orina: dolor de oído y fiebre:es una enfermedad que destruye nuestro cuerpo: una enfermedad que afecta a la nariz y la garganta: una enfermedad que hace que se inflamen los brónqueos: una enfermedad crónica y que hace que tu páncreas no produzca insulina...

Voeding 2013-01-29

Voeding crossword puzzle
  1. welke groep vind je in de 3e laag van de voedingsdriekhoek
  2. hoofdingrediënt van moëlleux.
  1. Een synoniem voor smoothies
  2. Wat zit er helemaal bovenaan in de voedingsdriehoek?
  3. Wat eet je best in plaats van te grijpen naar een zak snoep?
  4. Engels woord voor een klein gebakje
  5. Waarvan zijn anorexia en diabetes een voorbeeld?
  6. Smoothies zijn gemaakt van gemalen fruit of groenten, gemengd met ijs en ...

8 Clues: Een synoniem voor smoothieshoofdingrediënt van moëlleux.Engels woord voor een klein gebakjeWaarvan zijn anorexia en diabetes een voorbeeld?Wat zit er helemaal bovenaan in de voedingsdriehoek?welke groep vind je in de 3e laag van de voedingsdriekhoekWat eet je best in plaats van te grijpen naar een zak snoep?...

Obesity 2023-10-16

Obesity crossword puzzle
  1. when someone lives an inactive lifestyle
  2. improving one's ___ can help lower the risk of developing obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease
  3. a major risk factor for obesity
  1. regular ___ can improve heart health
  2. having a BMI at or above 30
  3. a meal is ___ when half of the plate is fruits and veggies
  4. eating smaller ___ can help someone lose weight
  5. also play a significant role in developing obesity

8 Clues: having a BMI at or above 30a major risk factor for obesityregular ___ can improve heart healthwhen someone lives an inactive lifestyleeating smaller ___ can help someone lose weightalso play a significant role in developing obesitya meal is ___ when half of the plate is fruits and veggies...

Chapter 1 and 2 "The Truth About Stacey" 2024-02-15

Chapter 1 and 2 "The Truth About Stacey" crossword puzzle
  1. Stacey can't eat sweets because she has ______.
  2. Where did Stacey used to live?
  3. Who is the vice president of the Babysitters Club?
  4. What is the state where Stacey lives now?
  1. The other group of babysitters is called the Babysitter ______
  2. Who is the secretary of the Babysitters Club?
  3. Who pretends to have a date with Winston Churchill?
  4. How many girls are in the Babysitters Club?

8 Clues: Where did Stacey used to live?What is the state where Stacey lives now?How many girls are in the Babysitters Club?Who is the secretary of the Babysitters Club?Stacey can't eat sweets because she has ______.Who is the vice president of the Babysitters Club?Who pretends to have a date with Winston Churchill?...

Gastrointestinal and Diabetes Medications (brand & generic) 2021-05-27

Gastrointestinal and Diabetes Medications (brand & generic) crossword puzzle
  1. MiraLax or GoLYTELY
  2. Maalox Advanced
  3. Humulin R or Novolin R
  4. Imodium or Imodium AD
  5. Phenergan
  6. Dulcolax
  7. Colace
  1. Tums
  2. Lantus
  3. Pepcid or Pepcid AC
  4. Humalog
  5. Amaryl
  6. Zofran or Zofran ODT
  7. Januvia
  8. Glucophage

15 Clues: TumsLantusAmarylColaceHumalogJanuviaDulcolaxPhenerganGlucophageMaalox AdvancedMiraLax or GoLYTELYPepcid or Pepcid ACZofran or Zofran ODTImodium or Imodium ADHumulin R or Novolin R

External Systems Puzzle 2023-03-10

External Systems Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. not planed / meant
  2. when you have more or less suger
  1. a dangerous chemical
  2. most of the time
  3. when you grow and have a deeper voice

5 Clues: most of the timenot planed / meanta dangerous chemicalwhen you have more or less sugerwhen you grow and have a deeper voice

External Systems Puzzle 2023-03-10

External Systems Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. not planed / meant
  2. when you have more or less suger
  1. a dangerous chemical
  2. most of the time
  3. when you grow and have a deeper voice

5 Clues: most of the timenot planed / meanta dangerous chemicalwhen you have more or less sugerwhen you grow and have a deeper voice

neuropati perifer 2022-11-01

neuropati perifer crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu faktor resiko neuropati perifer
  2. vitamin neuropati perifer
  3. neurotransmitter utama ke sistem saraf pusat
  1. gejala neuropati perifer
  2. bagian neuron yang memberi makan sel saraf

5 Clues: gejala neuropati perifervitamin neuropati periferbagian neuron yang memberi makan sel sarafSalah satu faktor resiko neuropati periferneurotransmitter utama ke sistem saraf pusat

Diseases 2022-09-28

Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. to much sugar in your blood vessels
  2. medicine that helps fight diseases
  3. inflation in the joints of your body
  1. Certain foods you cannot eat
  2. cells in the body that grow uncontrollably
  3. have a hard time breathing and your lungs don’t open all the way
  4. you have a higher chance to get seizures than the average person

7 Clues: Certain foods you cannot eatmedicine that helps fight diseasesto much sugar in your blood vesselsinflation in the joints of your bodycells in the body that grow uncontrollablyhave a hard time breathing and your lungs don’t open all the wayyou have a higher chance to get seizures than the average person

chronic kidney disease (ckd) 2020-04-14

chronic kidney disease (ckd) crossword puzzle
  1. there are ... stages of clinical ckd
  2. ckd is diagnosed by ... test
  3. 60% of end stage renal disease cases in Malaysia are caused by
  4. people who ... are at risk of getting ckd
  1. blood test for ... is used to estimate glomerular filtration
  2. one of the treatment option to filter blood is through
  3. nausea and ... are symptoms of ckd

7 Clues: ckd is diagnosed by ... testnausea and ... are symptoms of ckdthere are ... stages of clinical ckdpeople who ... are at risk of getting ckdone of the treatment option to filter blood is throughblood test for ... is used to estimate glomerular filtration60% of end stage renal disease cases in Malaysia are caused by

Packing List 2024-07-03

Packing List crossword puzzle
  1. Vansh is missing? May want to take a look here
  2. What Tracy’s husband suffers from… poor man
  3. You and Ansh if you are open for business
  1. stranger danger! Best to avoid
  2. Emoji reaction for idiots
  3. what you are, goodlookin’ ;)
  4. there are plenty of them in the sea… oh wait, no, theres just this one!

7 Clues: Emoji reaction for idiotswhat you are, goodlookin’ ;)stranger danger! Best to avoidYou and Ansh if you are open for businessWhat Tracy’s husband suffers from… poor manVansh is missing? May want to take a look herethere are plenty of them in the sea… oh wait, no, theres just this one!

Hypertension 2023-09-20

Hypertension crossword puzzle
  1. Risk factor that involves being overweight
  2. A cause that relates to how old someone is
  3. A spice in food that worsens high blood pressure
  4. A risk factor that involves family history
  1. Risk factor that involves a diagnosis of high blood sugar
  2. Risk factor that people drink on the weekends
  3. anything below this number is normal

7 Clues: anything below this number is normalRisk factor that involves being overweightA cause that relates to how old someone isA risk factor that involves family historyRisk factor that people drink on the weekendsA spice in food that worsens high blood pressureRisk factor that involves a diagnosis of high blood sugar

HALE AND HEARTY 2017-12-19

HALE AND HEARTY crossword puzzle
  1. if consumed too much then leads to high blood pressure
  2. ______loss is one of the symptoms of diabetes
  3. drink plenty of it to keep your body hydrated
  4. is good for eyes
  1. diseases cause maximum deaths in an year(it is an organ)
  2. digestion of food takes place here
  3. Too much drinking of alcohol directly affects your _____.

7 Clues: is good for eyesdigestion of food takes place here______loss is one of the symptoms of diabetesdrink plenty of it to keep your body hydratedif consumed too much then leads to high blood pressurediseases cause maximum deaths in an year(it is an organ)Too much drinking of alcohol directly affects your _____.

Differential diagnosis 2024-09-08

Differential diagnosis crossword puzzle
  1. slightly elevated glucose level
  2. the filters in your body is not working for a long time
  3. the pressure in your blood vessels is too high
  4. characterized by episodes of a complete airway collapse or a partial collapse
  5. low activity of the thyroid gland
  1. something wrong with your pump
  2. High Cholesterol levels

7 Clues: High Cholesterol levelssomething wrong with your pumpslightly elevated glucose levellow activity of the thyroid glandthe pressure in your blood vessels is too highthe filters in your body is not working for a long timecharacterized by episodes of a complete airway collapse or a partial collapse

Medicine 2022-08-16

Medicine crossword puzzle
  1. Commonly used for diabetes.
  2. Making medicine from plants.
  3. Numbs sensation and mainly used to prevent pain.
  1. What keeps us in the state of cleanliness.
  2. an unhealthy condition of the body or mind (synonym for sickness).
  3. Most fatal pandemic in human history.

6 Clues: Commonly used for diabetes.Making medicine from plants.Most fatal pandemic in human history.What keeps us in the state of cleanliness.Numbs sensation and mainly used to prevent pain.an unhealthy condition of the body or mind (synonym for sickness).


REFRESH OTAK YUK MAIN TTS crossword puzzle
  1. hindari DM tipe 2 dapat dilakukan dengan tips
  2. dm termasuk penyakit yang tidak
  3. salah satu penyakit tidak menular
  1. gejala penyakit DM
  2. kadar glukosa darah puasa lebih dari 126 mg/dL masuk kategori
  3. bisa atau tidak usia produktif terkena DM tipe 2

6 Clues: gejala penyakit DMdm termasuk penyakit yang tidaksalah satu penyakit tidak menularhindari DM tipe 2 dapat dilakukan dengan tipsbisa atau tidak usia produktif terkena DM tipe 2kadar glukosa darah puasa lebih dari 126 mg/dL masuk kategori

WHO and sugar 2024-05-20

WHO and sugar crossword puzzle
  1. the number of fatty muscles in the body
  2. the antonym of weight gain
  3. extremely fat
  4. example of one of non-sugar sweeteners
  1. abbreviation of the World Health Organization
  2. a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin

6 Clues: extremely fatthe antonym of weight gainexample of one of non-sugar sweetenersthe number of fatty muscles in the bodyabbreviation of the World Health Organizationa chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin


KENALI MULUT ANDA crossword puzzle
  1. tidak dapat dibersihkan dengan berus gigi dan perlu berjumpa dengan doktor gigi
  2. penyakit radang gusi juga dikenali sebagai ____
  3. radang gusi yang teruk boleh membawa kepada ___
  4. ____ berlaku disebabkan radang tulang mulut yang dibiarkan terlalu lama tanpa rawatan
  1. boleh berlaku akibat cara pemberusan gigi yang kurang tepat
  2. sering berada di permukaan gigi
  3. _____ adalah tabiat yang menyumbang kepada penyakit gusi
  4. ______ juga boleh memberi kesan kepada perubahan gusi

8 Clues: sering berada di permukaan gigipenyakit radang gusi juga dikenali sebagai ____radang gusi yang teruk boleh membawa kepada _________ juga boleh memberi kesan kepada perubahan gusi_____ adalah tabiat yang menyumbang kepada penyakit gusiboleh berlaku akibat cara pemberusan gigi yang kurang tepat...

PCOS Crossword Puzzle 2022-12-28

PCOS Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a symptom of PCOS
  2. Can help lower the risk of developing diabetes or metabolic syndrome
  3. Can lower androgens and control the menstrual cycle
  4. Release of egg from an ovary
  5. Higher than typical levels of androgens (male hormones). This can manifest as acne or excessive hair growth, especially around the face
  1. Medication that induces ovulation
  2. Male hormones
  3. caused by high levels of androgens and lack of ovulation

8 Clues: Male hormonesa symptom of PCOSRelease of egg from an ovaryMedication that induces ovulationCan lower androgens and control the menstrual cyclecaused by high levels of androgens and lack of ovulationCan help lower the risk of developing diabetes or metabolic syndrome...

Sonia Sotomayor Vocab. Lessons 31-35 2024-04-15

Sonia Sotomayor Vocab. Lessons 31-35 crossword puzzle
  1. a feeling of great distress or discomfort
  2. a verb that means prevented or stopped by a law
  3. something handed down from the past as a tradition
  4. a noun that can mean a judge of a Supreme Court
  1. eight most respected universities in the U.S.
  2. a noun that refers to someone trained in the law
  3. condition where food doesn't process properly
  4. a noun that means things you own

8 Clues: a noun that means things you owna feeling of great distress or discomforteight most respected universities in the U.S.condition where food doesn't process properlya verb that means prevented or stopped by a lawa noun that can mean a judge of a Supreme Courta noun that refers to someone trained in the law...


ALGEMENE SIEKTES crossword puzzle
  1. Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.
  2. Die dra van ń masker kan die verspreiding van die pandemie verhoed.
  3. Hierdie siekte word veroorsaak deur BAKTERIËE en tasks gewoonlik die longe aan.
  4. Liggaam kan nie insulin verwerk nie.
  1. As jy oorgewig is.
  2. ń Infeksie west deur ń virus veroorsaak word en kan nie genees word nie.
  3. Klein lewende organismes wat op plante, director, lug, grond en water lewe.
  4. ń Eetversteuring

8 Clues: ń EetversteuringAs jy oorgewig is.Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.Liggaam kan nie insulin verwerk nie.Die dra van ń masker kan die verspreiding van die pandemie verhoed.ń Infeksie west deur ń virus veroorsaak word en kan nie genees word nie.Klein lewende organismes wat op plante, director, lug, grond en water lewe....

Sleep Deprivation in Adolescents 2021-03-12

Sleep Deprivation in Adolescents crossword puzzle
  1. students can come here to take a nap during school
  2. activated during verbal communication
  3. this swings more often than normal in sleep deprived students
  1. not sleeping can reduce the production of this hormone
  2. In what stage of life do we need around 9 hours of sleep?
  3. your internal clock
  4. What sleep disorder do sleep deprived students resemble?
  5. one health problem that lack of sleep can lead to

8 Clues: your internal clockactivated during verbal communicationone health problem that lack of sleep can lead tostudents can come here to take a nap during schoolnot sleeping can reduce the production of this hormoneWhat sleep disorder do sleep deprived students resemble?In what stage of life do we need around 9 hours of sleep?...

Indiabulls_Dermanex Speciality 2020-06-04

Indiabulls_Dermanex Speciality crossword puzzle
  1. once daily for 4-6 weeks, dosage of Griseofulvin
  2. can reduce tewl by 20-30%
  3. the mic of amorolfine for __________________ is 0.0625
  1. 2.5mg/kg/day twice a day in divided doses
  2. bilastine has a better safety profile as it doesn't cross _________________
  3. Improves glucose metabolism and safe in type -2 diabetes
  4. Ibitra is certified by ___________

7 Clues: can reduce tewl by 20-30%Ibitra is certified by ___________2.5mg/kg/day twice a day in divided dosesonce daily for 4-6 weeks, dosage of Griseofulvinthe mic of amorolfine for __________________ is 0.0625Improves glucose metabolism and safe in type -2 diabetesbilastine has a better safety profile as it doesn't cross _________________

Blood Pressure 2022-10-24

Blood Pressure crossword puzzle
  1. the pressure of blood pushing against the walls
  2. too much sugar in the blood
  3. discomfort in the chest
  1. when you have low blood pressure
  2. when you have high blood pressure
  3. damage to the brain from interruption if its blood supply
  4. you can get high blood pressure from this, excessive amount of body fat

7 Clues: discomfort in the chesttoo much sugar in the bloodwhen you have low blood pressurewhen you have high blood pressurethe pressure of blood pushing against the wallsdamage to the brain from interruption if its blood supplyyou can get high blood pressure from this, excessive amount of body fat

Homeostasis 2022-12-06

Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. stable internal environment
  2. organism that generates heat internally
  3. cellular respiration converts glucose to this molecule
  1. organisms that generate heat externally
  2. a type of feedback where the body counteracts a variable
  3. a type of feedback where the body intensifies in response to a variable
  4. incorrect functioning of this organ can cause type 1 diabetes

7 Clues: stable internal environmentorganisms that generate heat externallyorganism that generates heat internallycellular respiration converts glucose to this moleculea type of feedback where the body counteracts a variableincorrect functioning of this organ can cause type 1 diabetesa type of feedback where the body intensifies in response to a variable

Communicable and non-communicable diseases 2023-02-16

Communicable and non-communicable diseases crossword puzzle
  1. this is a deficiency disease of carbohydrates,proteins and fats
  2. this is an effective way of preventing communicable diseases
  3. this disease is spread through Aedes mosquitoes
  1. Malaria is spread through this germ
  2. this is an example of a non communicable disease
  3. this is spread through direct contact
  4. this disease is spread through direct contact

7 Clues: Malaria is spread through this germthis is spread through direct contactthis disease is spread through direct contactthis disease is spread through Aedes mosquitoesthis is an example of a non communicable diseasethis is an effective way of preventing communicable diseasesthis is a deficiency disease of carbohydrates,proteins and fats

Medicinal Plants 2023-11-23

Medicinal Plants crossword puzzle
  1. Anti-inflammatory; Helps to ease pain
  2. Used in traditional medicine to lower blood sugar levels.
  3. Used for treating headaches; Good in soup
  4. This cactus helps with soothing sunburns and diabetes.
  1. Its leaves have a gel that soothes burns and cuts.
  2. Promotes good digestion; Also a syrup
  3. A fragrant herb known for soothing upset stomachs.

7 Clues: Promotes good digestion; Also a syrupAnti-inflammatory; Helps to ease painUsed for treating headaches; Good in soupIts leaves have a gel that soothes burns and cuts.A fragrant herb known for soothing upset stomachs.This cactus helps with soothing sunburns and diabetes.Used in traditional medicine to lower blood sugar levels.

Responda a atividade: 2021-05-22

Responda a atividade: crossword puzzle
  1. Qualquer movimento corporal.
  2. diminui o peso corporal e auxilia na prevenção de doenças
  3. Ausência ou diminuição de exercício físico
  4. Parâmetro utilizado para verificar se existe um acúmulo excessivo de gordura no organismo.
  1. Movimentos programados,executadas de maneira planejada.
  2. Doença causada pela consequência do sedentarismo
  3. Condição adquirida após consumo excessivo de calorias e baixo gasto energético

7 Clues: Qualquer movimento corporal.Ausência ou diminuição de exercício físicoDoença causada pela consequência do sedentarismoMovimentos programados,executadas de maneira planejada.diminui o peso corporal e auxilia na prevenção de doençasCondição adquirida após consumo excessivo de calorias e baixo gasto energético...

HALE AND HEARTY 2017-12-19

HALE AND HEARTY crossword puzzle
  1. sweet potato protects from this
  2. condition in which body doesn't get fair share of nutrients
  3. digestion of food takes place here
  4. diseases cause maximum deaths in an year(it is an organ)
  1. loss is one of the symptoms of diabetes
  2. it is of two types, bad and good
  3. deficiency of this leads to rickets

7 Clues: sweet potato protects from thisit is of two types, bad and gooddigestion of food takes place heredeficiency of this leads to ricketsloss is one of the symptoms of diabetesdiseases cause maximum deaths in an year(it is an organ)condition in which body doesn't get fair share of nutrients

Lukey-Pookey Crossword Fun! 2023-12-11

Lukey-Pookey Crossword Fun! crossword puzzle
  1. Acronym for the "professional" level of marching band
  2. What season is it?
  3. Nickname for a trombone without a trigger
  4. Highest band class at Brookwood
  1. Mr.Jean's nickname for a mischievious trombone player
  2. What piece does Symphonic Winds play for their winter concert every year?
  3. Uh-oh! Your blood glucose level is too low! What makes that happen?

7 Clues: What season is it?Highest band class at BrookwoodNickname for a trombone without a triggerMr.Jean's nickname for a mischievious trombone playerAcronym for the "professional" level of marching bandUh-oh! Your blood glucose level is too low! What makes that happen?What piece does Symphonic Winds play for their winter concert every year?

Affordable Medication Access 2023-04-13

Affordable Medication Access crossword puzzle
  1. "___" pricing is when the manufacturer of a drug raises the prices far higher and quicker than the rate of inflation.
  2. What is the country with the most expensive healthcare in the world?
  3. Adults aged 19-64 were almost "___" as likely as adults aged 65 and over to have not taken their prescription medication doses properly to save money.
  4. Approximately 8 "___" Americans rely on insulin to manage diabetes.
  5. What device costs roughly $300 (w/o insurance) and without which, some persons can't breathe?
  6. Many citizens in the USA do this regarding their prescription medication doses in an effort to save money.
  7. What chronic disease that can cost anywhere between $50,000-130,000 over the course of a lifetime, and requires insulin to treat?
  8. What is the proper abbreviation for what is commonly known as "Obamacare", which makes healthcare more affordable to those below the poverty line?
  1. This insurance policy refers to a specific amount of money that an individual has to pay out of pocket before an insurance company will pay for that individual's claim.
  2. What is a lifelong medication for those that cannot make this hormone on their own?
  3. This drug is used in a lot of major surgeries, and can cost anywhere from $200-3,500 without insurance.
  4. Those adults from ages 18-64 who were "___" were more likely to have asked their physician for lower-cost prescription medication.
  5. The price for a single vial of insulin is usually more than $250. How many vials do patients use per month?
  6. What is the Government National Health Insurance Program, but still requires most people to own private health insurance?
  7. Which president signed the Government National Health Insurance Program into effect?
  8. Approximately one-fifth of the $263 "___" spent on retail-level prescriptions in the USA were paid out of pocket in 2012.

16 Clues: Approximately 8 "___" Americans rely on insulin to manage diabetes.What is the country with the most expensive healthcare in the world?What is a lifelong medication for those that cannot make this hormone on their own?Which president signed the Government National Health Insurance Program into effect?...

Body Wrap 2018-03-13

Body Wrap crossword puzzle
  1. After care
  2. Contra-indication
  1. contra-action
  2. before wrapping

4 Clues: After carecontra-actionbefore wrappingContra-indication

Body Wrap 2018-03-13

Body Wrap crossword puzzle
  1. before wrapping
  2. contra-action
  1. after-care
  2. Contra-indication

4 Clues: after-carecontra-actionbefore wrappingContra-indication

2.1 What is Diabetes? 2013-11-05

2.1 What is Diabetes? crossword puzzle
  1. The maintenance of relatively stable internal physiological conditions (as body temperature or the pH of blood) in higher animals under fluctuating environmental conditions.
  2. Feedback A primary mechanism of homeostasis, whereby a change in a physiological variable that is being monitored triggers a response that counteracts the initial fluctuation.
  1. Tolerance Test A test of the body’s ability to metabolize glucose that involves the administration of a measured dose of glucose to the fasting stomach and the determination of blood glucose levels in the blood or urine at intervals thereafter and that is used especially to detect diabetes.
  2. A product of living cells that circulates in blood and produces a specific, often stimulatory, effect on the activity of cells that are often far from the source of the hormone.
  3. A protein hormone secreted by pancreatic endocrine cells that raises blood glucose levels; an antagonistic hormone to insulin.
  4. Feedback Feedback that tends to magnify a process or increase its output.
  5. 2 Diabetes develops especially in adults and most often obese individuals and that is characterized by high blood glucose resulting from impaired insulin utilization coupled with the body’s inability to compensate with increased insulin production.
  6. A protein hormone secreted by the pancreas that is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and the regulation of glucose levels in the blood.

8 Clues: Feedback Feedback that tends to magnify a process or increase its output.A protein hormone secreted by pancreatic endocrine cells that raises blood glucose levels; an antagonistic hormone to insulin.A protein hormone secreted by the pancreas that is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and the regulation of glucose levels in the blood....

Diabetes Nutrition Crossword Puzzle 2023-07-26

Diabetes Nutrition Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. This milk is the best source of calcium.
  2. This green vegetable is yummy on toast and helps the brain.
  3. Lean meat, poultry and fish, low-fat dairy products, and eggs are all great sources of _______.
  4. This is the best possible drink for any diet.
  1. How much you eat is just as important as what you eat! Controlling _______ size is crucial.
  2. A yummy movie theater snack.
  3. This orange vegetable is said to improve the eyes.
  4. These provide many vitamins and minerals and are also rich in fiber.

8 Clues: A yummy movie theater snack.This milk is the best source of calcium.This is the best possible drink for any diet.This orange vegetable is said to improve the eyes.This green vegetable is yummy on toast and helps the brain.These provide many vitamins and minerals and are also rich in fiber....

Management of Patients with Endocrine Disorders & Diabetes 2023-09-27

Management of Patients with Endocrine Disorders & Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Disorder that results from excess growth hormone
  2. An ________ in stress can increase glucose levels
  3. Symptoms include sweating, tremors, clammy, tachycardia, palpitations, nervousness, hunger
  4. Medical term for bulging eyes
  5. Best insulin for DKA along with hydration, and electrolyte replacement
  6. People with ______ in their urine should not exercise, could cause hyperglycemia
  7. Symptoms include heat intolerance, tachycardia, diarrhea, weight loss, bulging eyes
  8. _______ blood glucose of 126 or more is a diagnostic finding of diabetes
  9. Diabetic _______ absence of insulin resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbs, protein, and fat
  10. _______ acting insulin should be administered 15 minutes before a meal
  11. _____ works with norepinephrine for the fight or flight response
  12. Sometimes caused by thyroidectomy because of the disruption of the parathyroid gland during the surgery
  13. TSH determines _____ function
  1. _______ occurs when the immune system attacks the thyroid gland
  2. Symptoms include Bronze skin pigmentation, weakness, weight loss, hypoglycemia, changes in distribution of body hair
  3. _______ and calcium work opposite of each other is one is high the other is low
  4. Diabetics need to be mindful of _______ as well as sugar intake
  5. Symptoms include moon face, gynecomastia in males, edema, hyperglycemia, thin skin, amenorrhea and hirsutism in females
  6. Symptoms include lethargy, weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, constipation, facial/eyelid edema
  7. A type 2 diabetic has impaired insulin _______ and has insulin resistance
  8. What is a therapeutic effect of Desmopression, _______ within therapeutic range

21 Clues: Medical term for bulging eyesTSH determines _____ functionDisorder that results from excess growth hormoneAn ________ in stress can increase glucose levels_______ occurs when the immune system attacks the thyroid glandDiabetics need to be mindful of _______ as well as sugar intake_____ works with norepinephrine for the fight or flight response...

External Systems 2023-03-10

External Systems crossword puzzle
  1. not planed or meant
  2. when you grow and have a deeper voice
  1. a dangerous chemical
  2. when you have more or less suger
  3. most of the time

5 Clues: most of the timenot planed or meanta dangerous chemicalwhen you have more or less sugerwhen you grow and have a deeper voice

medications 2013-05-23

medications crossword puzzle
  1. (F)used to treat BPH and also to pass kidney stones
  2. (B) the tradename for A
  3. (M) other name for L
  4. (D) the alternate name for C
  5. (L) an antiemetic
  6. (E)used for a hypoactive thyroid
  7. (H) other name for dilantin used in the treatment of seizures
  8. (J) used to decrease the amount of water in the body accumulated from CHF
  9. (G)alternate name for (F)
  1. (Q) used to prevent activity of osteoclasts (alendronate Sodium)
  2. (C)an ace inhibitor for elevated blood pressure or CHF
  3. (K) another name for J
  4. (P) another antiemitic also called ondansetron
  5. (O) alternate name for N
  6. (N) selective B blocker used for HTN, angina, MI and tachycardia
  7. (A)used to decrease uric acid in the body and thus gout
  8. (I) alternate name for Insulin Aspart (for diabetes)

17 Clues: (L) an antiemetic(M) other name for L(K) another name for J(B) the tradename for A(O) alternate name for N(G)alternate name for (F)(D) the alternate name for C(E)used for a hypoactive thyroid(P) another antiemitic also called ondansetron(F)used to treat BPH and also to pass kidney stones(I) alternate name for Insulin Aspart (for diabetes)...

Healthy Eating 2021-02-10

Healthy Eating crossword puzzle
  1. too much of this can make you very sick.
  2. what is the smallest section of the eat well guide
  3. what is a healthier option than whole milk
  4. this is found in bread and pasta.
  5. what health problems can you get from eating too much sugar
  6. what organ can be affected in the body by having alcohol
  1. carrots
  2. 2000 calories a day are needed for a
  3. having calcium helps prevent you from getting
  4. Lurpak is very is quite unhealthy what could I use instead
  5. sugar is found in
  6. strawberries
  7. this is found in milk.
  8. What could be a better alternative to Coke
  9. 2500 calories a day are needed for a
  10. what happens when you eat too much sugar
  11. you’re only meant to have 25g of this per day.

17 Clues: carrotsstrawberriessugar is found inthis is found in milk.this is found in bread and pasta.2000 calories a day are needed for a2500 calories a day are needed for atoo much of this can make you very sick.what happens when you eat too much sugarwhat is a healthier option than whole milkWhat could be a better alternative to Coke...

Mouth Body Connection Crossword #3 2022-02-23

Mouth Body Connection Crossword #3 crossword puzzle
  1. This drink can erode your teeth.
  2. Food travels down this "tube."
  3. An acidic fruit
  4. Studies have found that people who have suffered a stroke were most likely to have an ________ infection.
  5. Name for all you teeth in the lower arch
  6. A gastrointestinal disease that can erode teeth.
  7. Name for all your teeth in the upper arch
  8. An oral infection in a pregnant woman can cause this.
  1. A lung disease caused by smoking
  2. Gum disease may be a type of disease in which the body attacks itself.
  3. A measurement of acid
  4. Hard outside part of a tooth
  5. Certain bacteria in the mouth can cause this serious illness.
  6. Healthy gums have the texture of this fruit
  7. First stage of gum disease
  8. A person's mouth with uncontrolled diabetes may feel like this
  9. The first enzyme in digestion

17 Clues: An acidic fruitA measurement of acidFirst stage of gum diseaseHard outside part of a toothThe first enzyme in digestionFood travels down this "tube."A lung disease caused by smokingThis drink can erode your teeth.Name for all you teeth in the lower archName for all your teeth in the upper archHealthy gums have the texture of this fruit...

Patina 2024-04-23

Patina crossword puzzle
  1. The other word for diabetes
  2. big place where track people run in
  3. The famous nickname for patina
  1. The main character
  2. Sister of a big track girl

5 Clues: The main characterSister of a big track girlThe other word for diabetesThe famous nickname for patinabig place where track people run in




Maus 2: Chapter 5 2012-10-23

Maus 2: Chapter 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Who does Anja go to for help?
  2. Where do Artie and his wife fly to see Vladek?
  3. Hospital Mala tells Artie Vladek is staying at.
  4. Important theme of this chapter.
  5. What does Vladek suffer from?
  1. What happened to the Jew who had his property taken over by the Poles?
  2. What city is Anja in?
  3. What does Vladek accidently call Artie at the end of the chapter?
  4. When will Anja get a sign that Vladek is alive?

9 Clues: What city is Anja in?Who does Anja go to for help?What does Vladek suffer from?Important theme of this chapter.Where do Artie and his wife fly to see Vladek?Hospital Mala tells Artie Vladek is staying at.When will Anja get a sign that Vladek is alive?What does Vladek accidently call Artie at the end of the chapter?...

Metabolic Acidosis 2023-10-24

Metabolic Acidosis crossword puzzle
  1. Accumulation of what causes metabolic acidosis?
  2. What organ failure causes metabolic acidosis?
  3. What GI issue could lead to a loss of a base, causing metabolic acidosis?
  4. What med can we give IV to neutralize acidity?
  5. What unique respirations may be present in metabolic acidosis?
  1. What complication of diabetes causes metabolic acidosis?
  2. What cardiac symptom comes from metabolic acidosis?
  3. What labs diagnose metabolic acidosis?
  4. What precautions would be needed for patient safety based on potential s/s?

9 Clues: What labs diagnose metabolic acidosis?What organ failure causes metabolic acidosis?What med can we give IV to neutralize acidity?Accumulation of what causes metabolic acidosis?What cardiac symptom comes from metabolic acidosis?What complication of diabetes causes metabolic acidosis?What unique respirations may be present in metabolic acidosis?...

MT 2023-10-25

MT crossword puzzle
  1. A condition that human loose their volume of blood circulating in the body
  2. A disease that the patient with high glucose level
  3. Medical speciality focusing on study and treatment of kidney diseases
  4. condition characterised by loss of the bone density
  1. Inflammation of the bronchial tub
  2. Surgical removal of appendix
  3. Inflation of the skin
  4. Abnormally high blood pressure
  5. A procedure in which a flexible tube with a camera is used to visually examine inside of the stomach

9 Clues: Inflation of the skinSurgical removal of appendixAbnormally high blood pressureInflammation of the bronchial tubA disease that the patient with high glucose levelcondition characterised by loss of the bone densityMedical speciality focusing on study and treatment of kidney diseases...

Reading 1 Page 106 - 107 2024-04-01

Reading 1 Page 106 - 107 crossword puzzle
  1. not too much or not too little
  2. being confident and believing in yourself
  3. to understand; to accept that something is true
  4. to limit; to use less of something
  1. the measurement of the amount of energy found in food
  2. a disease in which the body is not able to use sugar efficiently
  3. a medical condition in which blood cannot reach the brain and the brain becomes damaged
  4. doing things which involve moving and using energy
  5. bad or dangerous

9 Clues: bad or dangerousnot too much or not too littleto limit; to use less of somethingbeing confident and believing in yourselfto understand; to accept that something is truedoing things which involve moving and using energythe measurement of the amount of energy found in fooda disease in which the body is not able to use sugar efficiently...

Constipação 2024-09-21

Constipação crossword puzzle
  1. Classe de laxantes que devem ser evitados em pacientes cardíacos
  2. Classe de alimentos que contribuem para facilitação a evacuação
  3. Exemplo de enfermidade que pode causar constipação
  4. Sinal de alerta em caso de constipação
  5. Exemplo de fitoterápico com propriedades laxativas
  6. Um dos tratamentos não farmacológicos em caso de constipação intestinal
  1. Grupo que requer cuidados específicos em caso de constipação
  2. Classe de medicamentos que pode causar constipação
  3. Classe de laxantes que não se recomenda usar de forma prolongada

9 Clues: Sinal de alerta em caso de constipaçãoClasse de medicamentos que pode causar constipaçãoExemplo de enfermidade que pode causar constipaçãoExemplo de fitoterápico com propriedades laxativasGrupo que requer cuidados específicos em caso de constipaçãoClasse de alimentos que contribuem para facilitação a evacuação...

pipi 2014-10-29

pipi crossword puzzle
  1. worden afgevoerd
  2. zwart, rood, wit,... of kleur van ons afvalwater?
  3. "pamperbroekje"
  1. "organisatie" die zowel zweet,urine als C02 produceert
  2. ziektebeeld,teveel van een bepaalde stof aanwezig

5 Clues: "pamperbroekje"worden afgevoerdziektebeeld,teveel van een bepaalde stof aanwezigzwart, rood, wit,... of kleur van ons afvalwater?"organisatie" die zowel zweet,urine als C02 produceert

Sistema endócrino e nervoso 2024-08-29

Sistema endócrino e nervoso crossword puzzle
  1. Hormônio da luta ou fuga
  2. Hormônio masculino
  3. Responsável pelos pensamentos e emoções
  1. Doença causada pelo excesso de açúcar no sangue
  2. Célula da informação do sistema nervoso

5 Clues: Hormônio masculinoHormônio da luta ou fugaCélula da informação do sistema nervosoResponsável pelos pensamentos e emoçõesDoença causada pelo excesso de açúcar no sangue

Crossword-3 2019-09-23

Crossword-3 crossword puzzle
  1. Lack of insulin causes
  2. Largest gland in Human Body
  1. One who is specialist in treating heart diseases
  2. 'M' in AIIMS
  3. Body Temperature above the Normal temperature

5 Clues: 'M' in AIIMSLack of insulin causesLargest gland in Human BodyBody Temperature above the Normal temperatureOne who is specialist in treating heart diseases

Tajuttomuuden syitä 2022-11-29

Tajuttomuuden syitä crossword puzzle
  1. korkea kuume, päänsärky, niskajäykkyys, sekavuus ja tajunnan häiriöt
  2. hypoglykemia, hikoilu, kalpeus, vapina
  1. kovakalvonalainen verenvuoto
  2. pahoinvointi, oksentelu, kouristelu, hengenahdistus, huimaus, päänsärky
  3. elinten ja kudosten täydellinen hapen puute

5 Clues: kovakalvonalainen verenvuotohypoglykemia, hikoilu, kalpeus, vapinaelinten ja kudosten täydellinen hapen puutekorkea kuume, päänsärky, niskajäykkyys, sekavuus ja tajunnan häiriötpahoinvointi, oksentelu, kouristelu, hengenahdistus, huimaus, päänsärky

patina 2024-04-23

patina crossword puzzle
  1. The other word for diabetes
  2. big place where track people run in
  3. The famous nickname for patina
  1. The main character
  2. Sister of a big track girl

5 Clues: The main characterSister of a big track girlThe other word for diabetesThe famous nickname for patinabig place where track people run in

20. Jahrhundert 1920-1930 2019-04-07

20. Jahrhundert 1920-1930 crossword puzzle
  1. Für welches Themengebiet erhielt Albert Einstein den Nobelpreis?
  2. Chanel Wer strich endgültig das Korsett und Fischbein?
  3. Die Kopenhagener Deutung ist eine Interpretation von der…
  4. Wie heißt der körpereigene Stoff den diabetes-erkrankte Menschen brauchen?
  1. Die maßgebliche Musikrichtung der 20er wird auch …-Jazz genannt.
  2. Auf wie viele Jahre konnte man das Patent verlängern lassen? (ausgeschrieben)
  3. Die Kunst gab die Facetten der…wieder
  4. Wer entdeckte das Penicillin?
  5. Wer war einer der Gäste bei der Jubiläumsfeier des Patentamtes? (Nachname)

9 Clues: Wer entdeckte das Penicillin?Die Kunst gab die Facetten der…wiederChanel Wer strich endgültig das Korsett und Fischbein?Die Kopenhagener Deutung ist eine Interpretation von der…Die maßgebliche Musikrichtung der 20er wird auch …-Jazz genannt.Für welches Themengebiet erhielt Albert Einstein den Nobelpreis?...

Desarrollo físico y cognoscitivo en la adultez media 2022-03-18

Desarrollo físico y cognoscitivo en la adultez media crossword puzzle
  1. enfermedad en la que el cuerpo no produce insulina.
  2. presión arterial crónicamente elevada.
  3. es un requisito fundamental para integrarse al ámbito laboral.
  4. periodo de varios años en los que una mujer pasa cambios fisiológicos.
  1. permite a los adultos desarrollar su potencial cognoscitivo
  2. se desarrolla en un contexto social y no necesariamente en entornos propicios.
  3. perdida progresiva del oído relacionada con la edad.
  4. respuesta a exigencias físicas o psicológicas
  5. fin de la menstruación y la capacidad de tener hijos.

9 Clues: presión arterial crónicamente elevada.respuesta a exigencias físicas o psicológicasenfermedad en la que el cuerpo no produce insulina.perdida progresiva del oído relacionada con la edad.fin de la menstruación y la capacidad de tener hijos.permite a los adultos desarrollar su potencial cognoscitivo...

deannes french crossword: food 2024-07-25

deannes french crossword: food crossword puzzle
  1. would you count a tomato as one?
  2. part of a top fav pancake topping
  3. i have an addiction to this and it’s causing you diabetes by proxy
  4. there isn’t one you don’t like
  5. sometimes people cause you this when they speak too much
  1. i feel strongly about the brands available in coatbridge asda
  2. you watched one video about a cow and you can’t eat it now
  3. something that can swim and flop
  4. a morning necessity

9 Clues: a morning necessitythere isn’t one you don’t likewould you count a tomato as one?something that can swim and floppart of a top fav pancake toppingsometimes people cause you this when they speak too muchyou watched one video about a cow and you can’t eat it nowi feel strongly about the brands available in coatbridge asda...

Excretory System 2024-04-04

Excretory System crossword puzzle
  1. intestine-large bowel
  2. a watery, yellowish fluid stored in the bladder.
  3. -a tube through which urine leaves the body.
  4. where major part of digestion take place
  5. small, pear-shaped organ located under your liver that stores and releases bile
  1. -A diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood
  2. a pair of organs responsible for excreting urine
  3. -urine passes from the kidney to the bladder.
  4. A chemical that comes from the breakdown of proteins.

9 Clues: intestine-large bowelwhere major part of digestion take place-a tube through which urine leaves the body.-urine passes from the kidney to the bladder.a pair of organs responsible for excreting urinea watery, yellowish fluid stored in the bladder.A chemical that comes from the breakdown of proteins....

TTS GGL 2020-01-29

TTS GGL crossword puzzle
  1. Garam disebut juga dengan nama lain
  2. Kandungan gula yang harus dihindari penderita diabetes
  3. Kadar Minyak/Lemak yang berlebih didapat pada masakan yang dimasak dengan cara
  4. Gula merah, gula batu lebih sehat dari gula putih. Mitos atau fakta?
  5. Sebutkan 1 contoh gula rendah kalori
  1. Implikasi kolestrol berpengaruh pada orag tubuh berupa
  2. Kandungan Lemak Jenuh mempengaruhi kandungan dalam tubuh berupa
  3. Enzim yang berfungsi memecah gula di dalam tubuh
  4. Contoh penyakit yang dapat dipicu akibat mengkonsumsi lemak berlebih
  5. Gula batu memiliki kalori lebih rendah daripada gula pasir, mitos atau fakta?

10 Clues: Garam disebut juga dengan nama lainSebutkan 1 contoh gula rendah kaloriEnzim yang berfungsi memecah gula di dalam tubuhImplikasi kolestrol berpengaruh pada orag tubuh berupaKandungan gula yang harus dihindari penderita diabetesKandungan Lemak Jenuh mempengaruhi kandungan dalam tubuh berupa...

ttsggl 2020-01-29

ttsggl crossword puzzle
  1. Garam disebut juga dengan nama lain
  2. Kandungan gula yang harus dihindari penderita diabetes
  3. Kadar Minyak/Lemak yang berlebih didapat pada masakan yang dimasak dengan cara
  4. Gula merah, gula batu lebih sehat dari gula putih. Mitos atau fakta?
  5. Sebutkan 1 contoh gula rendah kalori
  1. Implikasi kolestrol berpengaruh pada organ tubuh berupa
  2. Kandungan Lemak Jenuh mempengaruhi kandungan dalam tubuh berupa
  3. Enzim yang berfungsi memecah gula di dalam tubuh
  4. Contoh penyakit yang dapat dipicu akibat mengkonsumsi lemak berlebih
  5. Gula batu memiliki kalori lebih rendah daripada gula pasir, mitos atau fakta?

10 Clues: Garam disebut juga dengan nama lainSebutkan 1 contoh gula rendah kaloriEnzim yang berfungsi memecah gula di dalam tubuhKandungan gula yang harus dihindari penderita diabetesImplikasi kolestrol berpengaruh pada organ tubuh berupaKandungan Lemak Jenuh mempengaruhi kandungan dalam tubuh berupa...

Hereditary predisposition and prevention 2023-05-21

Hereditary predisposition and prevention crossword puzzle
  1. Diseases that are caused by a combination of factors
  2. result from a combination of genetic predisposition and heightened stress
  3. Due to poor glycemic control
  4. Insulin dependence
  5. Non-sugar diabetes
  1. increased chance or likelihood of developing a particular disease based on the presence of one or more genetic variants
  2. BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes greatly increase a person's risk of developing
  3. It identifies predisposition to various genetic health risks
  4. few of these can be prevented with lifestyle modifications

9 Clues: Insulin dependenceNon-sugar diabetesDue to poor glycemic controlDiseases that are caused by a combination of factorsfew of these can be prevented with lifestyle modificationsIt identifies predisposition to various genetic health risksBRCA1 or BRCA2 genes greatly increase a person's risk of developing...

Reading 1 Page 106 - 107 2024-04-01

Reading 1 Page 106 - 107 crossword puzzle
  1. not too much or not too little
  2. being confident and believing in yourself
  3. to understand; to accept that something is true
  4. to limit; to use less of something
  1. the measurement of the amount of energy found in food
  2. a disease in which the body is not able to use sugar efficiently
  3. a medical condition in which blood cannot reach the brain and the brain becomes damaged
  4. doing things which involve moving and using energy
  5. bad or dangerous

9 Clues: bad or dangerousnot too much or not too littleto limit; to use less of somethingbeing confident and believing in yourselfto understand; to accept that something is truedoing things which involve moving and using energythe measurement of the amount of energy found in fooda disease in which the body is not able to use sugar efficiently...

Concepts linked to health or links between lifestyles and problems with health 2013-10-15

Concepts linked to health or links between lifestyles and problems with health crossword puzzle
  1. Diets/What makes you have a healthy lifestyle?
  2. can cause high blood pressure?
  3. can cause Strokes?
  4. much grams of sugar should a women have?
  5. can cause Heart Disease?
  1. What are one of the causes of high sugar intake?
  2. is the lifestyle that means you have no physical activity?
  3. food is salt in that we eat in the morning?
  4. vitamins makes sure you have strong bones?
  5. happens if you don't eat the right foods?
  6. many units of alcohol should a man have a day?
  7. How many hours of sleep should a 12 to 18 year old have?

12 Clues: can cause Strokes?can cause Heart Disease?can cause high blood pressure?much grams of sugar should a women have?happens if you don't eat the right foods?vitamins makes sure you have strong bones?food is salt in that we eat in the morning?Diets/What makes you have a healthy lifestyle?many units of alcohol should a man have a day?...

Halitosis 2015-05-07

Halitosis crossword puzzle
  1. this happens when you have a blockage in your bowels and continues vomiting
  2. one of the reason you get breath odor
  3. occurs when your liver starts to fail and has a smell like urine
  4. what percent of general population that have struggled with this problem
  5. when mucus runs down the back of the nose to the throat
  6. leaves a stench smell after eating
  1. involved with ketoacidosis and can be treated
  2. A serious diabetes complication where the body produces excess blood acids
  3. Breath odor
  4. this could help with the breath odor
  5. Reflux From heartburn
  6. a bad habit and lingers on your breath

12 Clues: Breath odorReflux From heartburnleaves a stench smell after eatingthis could help with the breath odorone of the reason you get breath odora bad habit and lingers on your breathinvolved with ketoacidosis and can be treatedwhen mucus runs down the back of the nose to the throatoccurs when your liver starts to fail and has a smell like urine...

What would happen if you didn't sleep 2020-04-27

What would happen if you didn't sleep crossword puzzle
  1. She has to have insulin injections for her _________.
  2. I've been ____________ to understand this article all afternoon.
  3. We've _______________ so much rubbish over the years.
  4. Because of his _________ he had to take sleeping pills each night.
  5. We need to _________ our cookie supply.
  6. You look exhausted! Try to get some _________ on the train.
  1. Facebook servers are ________ and it doesn’t work really well.
  2. Aspirin reduces pain and _________________.
  3. She had a ______ that left her unable to speak.
  4. Sugar and fat can more easily lead to __________ than some other foods.
  5. Everyday after lunch I go for a short _______
  6. My sister ________ a lot of pain in her leg.

12 Clues: We need to _________ our cookie supply.Aspirin reduces pain and _________________.My sister ________ a lot of pain in her leg.Everyday after lunch I go for a short _______She had a ______ that left her unable to speak.She has to have insulin injections for her _________.We've _______________ so much rubbish over the years....

SDG3: Good Health and Wellbeing 2023-03-02

SDG3: Good Health and Wellbeing crossword puzzle
  1. a factor for non-communicable diseases
  2. one cardiovascular disease
  3. an organization aiming to aid those who suffer from issues related to mental health in the UAE.
  4. nicotine falls under this category of drugs
  5. fill in the blank: prevention can be attained by setting up free______campaigns
  1. fill in the blank: end all preventable deaths under the age of_____.
  2. a communicable disease that causes most deaths
  3. one main type of disease
  4. the most common mental health disorder
  5. an initiative by the UAE government to helps in early detection of genetic diseases
  6. a solution to the floods in pakistan
  7. the most common type of diabetes

12 Clues: one main type of diseaseone cardiovascular diseasethe most common type of diabetesa solution to the floods in pakistanthe most common mental health disordera factor for non-communicable diseasesnicotine falls under this category of drugsa communicable disease that causes most deaths...

Famous Gainesville People Crossword 2023-02-02

Famous Gainesville People Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what did sophronia Dunbar open in Gainesville
  2. what did joseph Dunbar specialize in
  3. what was the name of the camp that Howard Bishop purchased
  4. what river ranch did Ben Hill Griffin Jr. own
  5. joseph Dunbar was a citizen of what country
  6. what was Myra Terwilliger's job at JJ Finley
  1. how long was Ben Hill Griffin Jr. Superintendent
  2. what did joseph Dunbar get his Ph.D. in?
  3. how long was Howard Bishop the superintendent
  4. how many terms did Josiah walls spend in the house of representatives
  5. what county did Marjorie Rawlings grow up in
  6. what state was sidney lanier's music mainly focused on

12 Clues: what did joseph Dunbar specialize inwhat did joseph Dunbar get his Ph.D. in?joseph Dunbar was a citizen of what countrywhat county did Marjorie Rawlings grow up inwhat was Myra Terwilliger's job at JJ Finleywhat did sophronia Dunbar open in Gainesvillehow long was Howard Bishop the superintendentwhat river ranch did Ben Hill Griffin Jr. own...

Ouma 2024-03-21

Ouma crossword puzzle
  1. when the score is 40 all - In tennis what term do use
  2. Ride the waves.
  3. Is used in many products!
  4. someone in a person's family who lived long ago.
  5. Backhand or a forehand are Known as
  1. Wooden path above the water
  2. What is a raw or processed food produced from the seed of the tropical
  3. ________ Says
  4. What is a Long and slender veggie that causes urine to smell,ahem,interesting.
  5. Whatis the teardrop-shaped vegetable known as aubergine in Britain and France.
  6. is a light and fluffy pasta-like staple of North African cuisine.
  7. A Key sign of diabetes is thirst

12 Clues: ________ SaysRide the waves.Is used in many products!Wooden path above the waterA Key sign of diabetes is thirstBackhand or a forehand are Known assomeone in a person's family who lived long ago.when the score is 40 all - In tennis what term do useis a light and fluffy pasta-like staple of North African cuisine....

Fysiologi 2016-08-11

Fysiologi crossword puzzle
  1. Et transportbånd, hvis opgave er at forsyne kroppens celler med ilt og næring.
  2. Dannelse af energi via spaltning af glukose, det foregår i cellens mitokondrier, samt gør cellerne i stand til at producere kemisk energi
  3. Uden ilt.
  4. Hvor mange liter blod strømmer gennem blodkredsløbet i løbet af et døgn?
  5. Transport af et stof fra høj til lav koncentration.
  1. En livstilssygdom.
  2. En mikroskopisk luftfyldt blære.
  3. Et kemisk ord for tilfældige bevægelser. (To ord)
  4. Et udtryk for, hvor god kroppen er til optage og udnytte ilt i muskelcellerne.
  5. Små blodkar, der omgiver alveolerne.
  6. Et stof, der transporterer ilt fra lungerne rundt i kroppen.
  7. Med ilt.

12 Clues: Med ilt.Uden ilt.En livstilssygdom.En mikroskopisk luftfyldt blære.Små blodkar, der omgiver alveolerne.Et kemisk ord for tilfældige bevægelser. (To ord)Transport af et stof fra høj til lav koncentration.Et stof, der transporterer ilt fra lungerne rundt i kroppen.Hvor mange liter blod strømmer gennem blodkredsløbet i løbet af et døgn?...

Adlyn Crossword 2021-10-23

Adlyn Crossword crossword puzzle


Body system 2023-04-19

Body system crossword puzzle
  1. A disease where your body cannot process insulin correctly
  2. The bone from the upper thigh
  3. A hormone that helps you with your internal clock and sleep
  4. The bone from your arm on the opposite side of your thumb
  5. A cavity near your nose
  6. A gland in your brain that excretes a hormone called melatonin
  7. A female reproductive organ
  1. A gland in the neck that secretes growth horomones
  2. A duct where the urine goes from the kidney to the bladder
  3. A windpipe that leads from the larynx to the bronchi
  4. A pair of organs used for urine.
  5. A pair of organs that supplies the body with oxygen

12 Clues: A cavity near your noseA female reproductive organThe bone from the upper thighA pair of organs used for urine.A gland in the neck that secretes growth horomonesA pair of organs that supplies the body with oxygenA windpipe that leads from the larynx to the bronchiThe bone from your arm on the opposite side of your thumb...

400 450 Health Vocab Review 2022-08-08

400 450 Health Vocab Review crossword puzzle
  1. This body part attaches the foot to the leg.
  2. An intense desire to eat a particular type of food.
  3. You use this body part to chew food.
  4. If a woman is pregnant, she goes to see this type of doctor
  5. A condition of not having enough water or hydration.
  6. A condition of high blood sugar.
  7. This type of doctor performs surgery.
  1. This type of doctor helps treat skin conditions.
  2. The condition of being overweight.
  3. These are the feelings you will describe to your doctor when you are sick.
  4. This is a special vehicle that takes people to the hospital in an emergency.
  5. An abbreviation for "general practitioner"

12 Clues: A condition of high blood sugar.The condition of being overweight.You use this body part to chew food.This type of doctor performs surgery.An abbreviation for "general practitioner"This body part attaches the foot to the leg.This type of doctor helps treat skin conditions.An intense desire to eat a particular type of food....

the 2024-02-06

the crossword puzzle
  1. my favorite class
  3. i have so much of this, nobody can comprehend it (hint: ends with z)
  4. another name for period (made up by me, but often said by Gordon Ramsey in a different context)
  5. favorite pasta mmmm
  6. nostalgia
  1. club that my mom forced me to join but now i like it and now my mom wants to make me quit?? wtf???????????
  2. name of my birthday cake
  3. thing that keeps me up at night
  4. game that i have been playing since age 4 (I MISS GUESTS)
  5. mr krone got super mad when i called him this
  6. thing that makes me dead inside

12 Clues: nostalgiamy favorite classfavorite pasta mmmmUSA USA USA CACAW CACAWname of my birthday cakething that keeps me up at nightthing that makes me dead insidemr krone got super mad when i called him thisgame that i have been playing since age 4 (I MISS GUESTS)i have so much of this, nobody can comprehend it (hint: ends with z)...

health care crisis harper s 2024-02-12

health care crisis harper s crossword puzzle
  1. you go to this person when you don't feel good
  2. you go to this place when you feel sick
  3. you eat i when you are sick
  4. medicine given to prevent sickness
  5. when your body doesn't make enough insulin
  6. you go to this person when you need to get surgery done
  7. tool used to inject things into your body
  1. when you get a cut what comes out of it
  2. when you get a big cut the doctors need to _____
  3. this body part pumps your blood to all the places in your body
  4. if you don't feel good you feel ____
  5. room when you get urgently hurt you go here

12 Clues: you eat i when you are sickmedicine given to prevent sicknessif you don't feel good you feel ____when you get a cut what comes out of ityou go to this place when you feel sicktool used to inject things into your bodywhen your body doesn't make enough insulinroom when you get urgently hurt you go hereyou go to this person when you don't feel good...

September 2013 Wellness Crossword Contest 2013-09-03

September 2013 Wellness Crossword Contest crossword puzzle
  1. A drink that keeps you hydrated
  2. Keeps your body and mind healthy
  3. ________ is a great way to get exercise
  4. Rests your body and mind
  5. Eating well helps keep your ______ system strong
  1. Causes mental strain and is linked to heart disease
  2. Eating food high in this help to lower your cholesterol and control blood sugar
  3. You take these to keep your body healthy
  4. For help with any issues that come up in your life, contact our new service
  5. Canada's Food Guide tells us how to _______
  6. Maintaining a healthy _____ reduces your risk for diseases like diabetes
  7. The ideal number of hours of sleep your body needs

12 Clues: Rests your body and mindA drink that keeps you hydratedKeeps your body and mind healthy________ is a great way to get exerciseYou take these to keep your body healthyCanada's Food Guide tells us how to _______Eating well helps keep your ______ system strongThe ideal number of hours of sleep your body needs...

Nutrition 2017-06-13

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. can lead to the clogging of arteries resulting in CHD
  2. lack of vitamin c may result in this disease
  3. the major cause of death in Australia
  4. Another name for high blood pressure
  5. a dietary related disease which is common among children due to a lack of dietary fibre
  6. an eating disorder resulting in malnutrition
  1. sweet sticky foods may cause this.
  2. weight bearing exercise and calcium assist in the prevention of this disease
  3. caused by a lack of water
  4. a disease which can be caused by being overweight
  5. occurs when large amounts of adipose tissue are present in the body
  6. results from a lack of iron

12 Clues: caused by a lack of waterresults from a lack of ironsweet sticky foods may cause this.Another name for high blood pressurethe major cause of death in Australialack of vitamin c may result in this diseasean eating disorder resulting in malnutritiona disease which can be caused by being overweightcan lead to the clogging of arteries resulting in CHD...

Cystic Fibrosis 2024-07-11

Cystic Fibrosis crossword puzzle
  1. Foul smelling, bulky oily stools
  2. Abbreviation of the mutated gene
  3. What type of autosomal genetic disorder is cystic fibrosis?
  4. insufficiency Most common gastrointestinal complication in CF affecting pancreas
  5. Treatment of pancreatic insufficiency
  6. CFRD stands for Cystic Fibrosis Related ___
  1. Medical assistance given to clear purulent and mucous secretions
  2. Which type of organs or tissues are affected?
  3. CF affects the bronchi causing its dialation called as ?
  4. Spirogram shows reduced forced vital capacity due to airway obstruction known as "______ pattern"
  5. Low fat soluble vitamins leads to _____ complication causing kyphosis or hunchback
  6. chloride What is the "typical" or "classic" presentation of cystic fibrosis, clinically?

12 Clues: Foul smelling, bulky oily stoolsAbbreviation of the mutated geneTreatment of pancreatic insufficiencyCFRD stands for Cystic Fibrosis Related ___Which type of organs or tissues are affected?CF affects the bronchi causing its dialation called as ?What type of autosomal genetic disorder is cystic fibrosis?...