diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Pre-Exam 3 Review 2024-07-17

Pre-Exam 3 Review crossword puzzle
  1. this is the only type of insulin that can be given IV
  2. This oral antidiabetic medication has an adverse effect of hypoglycemia and is a sulfonylurea
  3. insulin given prior to meals is this type of insulin
  4. This is an example of a long-acting insulin that mimics our body's endogenous insulin
  5. If a patient, who has Diabetes Mellitus, it put on corticosteroids, then they may need to (increase or decrease)____ insulin levels during steroid treatment
  6. Levothyroxine is given to treat this disorder
  7. This is the most common adverse effect of opiate use which requires patients to intake more fluid and fiber to prevent it
  8. This is an emollient laxative commonly given to women post-delivery to assist with the first bowel movement
  9. This is a type of bulk-forming laxative that is safe for long term use
  10. Patients with Diabetes and who are on corticosteroids may have to _________ their insulin dosage
  11. This element is often combined with aluminum or calcium based antacids to counteract the constipating effects.
  12. Normal TSH, T3 and T4 is
  1. Acetaminophen is contraindicated in patients with ______ disease
  2. Patients with renal failure can only take antacids containing which element?
  3. This is a common adverse effect for antihistamine antinausea medications that requires patients to not drive after taking the med
  4. These acid controlling medications inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid (plural abbreviation)
  5. A major adverse effect for patients on long term NSAIDs is the risk of GI ________
  6. _______and other medications must be separated by 1-2 hours
  7. Insulin is measured in ______
  8. When mixing NPH insulin and regular insulin, which do you draw up SECOND?
  9. Allopurinol is given for the treatment of _____ and has a potential adverse effect of Steven Johnson Syndrome
  10. Metaclopramide has a potential side effect of this potentially permanent movement disorder (abbreviation)
  11. This antidiarrheal helps with antibiotic induced diarrhea and has the other name of lactobacillus
  12. This is the federal agency that regulates controlled medications, such as opiates (abbreviation)
  13. Loperamide works to relieve diarrhea by ______ing peristalsis and intestinal secretions
  14. Corticosteroids can cause an increase in _____ which makes it so patients with Diabetes Mellitus may have to adjust their insulin dosage

26 Clues: Normal TSH, T3 and T4 isInsulin is measured in ______Levothyroxine is given to treat this disorderinsulin given prior to meals is this type of insulinthis is the only type of insulin that can be given IV_______and other medications must be separated by 1-2 hoursAcetaminophen is contraindicated in patients with ______ disease...

Penyakit 2024-06-18

Penyakit crossword puzzle
  2. GARAM
  2. GULA


Endocrine System Puzzle 2024-05-25

Endocrine System Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  2. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  3. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  4. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  5. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  6. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  7. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  8. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  9. -diabetes mellitus causes __(the answer)____ damage? (example it is a category the encapsulates things such as heart, lungs, pancreas etc)
  10. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  11. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  12. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  13. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin
  14. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins
  15. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  16. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  17. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  1. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  2. -hypothalamic ____(the answer)_____ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic
  3. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  4. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake
  5. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  6. - it is a 'site of defect', of which's lack of in hypothyroidism causes T3/T4 levels to decrease (as no thyroid hormone) and TSH levels to go up; a goiter is present
  7. -part of the pituitary that is the glandular portion and the hormones that are produced here are in response to hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting hormones
  8. -in hyperthyroidism, the presence of this affects the thyroid gland, with T3/T4 levels increasing and TSH levels decreasing; a goiter is not present this is a localized ___(the answer)____ nodule
  9. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  10. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  11. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood

28 Clues: -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

Homeostasis 2023-06-15

Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. I help the body maintain stability, keeping the environment within reach, what am I?
  2. A fluid that surrounds cells and acts like a nutrient and waste mailman
  3. The cell is like a balanced seesaw, with equal concentrations of both water and solutes
  4. This complex network of glands and organs, resembling a communication system, regulates and coordinates various bodily functions through the secretion of hormones
  5. A crucial unit in the body's regulation of fluids and electrolytes, consisting of the glomerulus, Bowman's capsule, and various tubules. What am I?
  6. Acts as a bridge between cells and blood vessels to facilitate the exchange of nutrients and waste products
  7. Without this vital organ, the body's waste disposal system would be compromised, leading to the accumulation of toxins, electrolyte imbalances, and fluid overload
  8. acts as a janitor cleaning up the mess to maintain a tidy environment
  9. I look like a hormone produced by the pancreas, but I'm actually produced by the alpha cells in the islets of Langerhans. What am I?
  10. When kidney function falters, this therapeutic process, resembling a blood-cleansing orchestra, steps in to remove toxins and restore homeostasis
  11. Like a heater or air conditioner in a car, I help to regulate body temperature by causing the body to either lose or conserve heat
  12. I'm the component of blood that helps transport nutrients. What am I?
  13. I am a tiny gland in your brain, responsible for regulating your body's internal clock and helping you maintain a consistent sleep-wake cycle. What am I?
  14. This organ acts like a dam preventing an excessive amount of water from flowing out
  15. Like a waste treatment plant, this organ system is responsible for filtering waste products from the blood
  1. When immersed in water, ________ leads to cell hydration, causing fruits and vegetables to swell and become firm
  2. I'm like your parents telling you what to do even if you don't want to do it
  3. If I was a hormone produced by the pineal gland, I would help regulate sleep and wake cycles
  4. I'm the most common type of feedback loop in the body. What am I?
  5. A measure of acidity or alkalinity in your body, like a scientific tightrope walker maintaining the delicate balance between acid and base
  6. With type 1 diabetes, your body does not produce this element, but with type 2 diabetes, your body does not produce enough of this element
  7. These bean-shaped organs are like the body's filtration plant, removing waste and excess water to maintain the body's chemical balance
  8. I am a hormone that triggers your body's fight-or-flight and can be found in an EpiPen
  9. I look like a moth in your neck and produces hormones that regulate the body's metabolic rate, growth and development
  10. This hormone, often associated with masculinity, is represented by nine letters and plays a crucial role in the development of secondary sexual characteristics in both males and females
  11. This cup-shaped structure surrounds the glomerulus in the nephron and is responsible for filtering blood plasma. What is it?
  12. Imagine a balloon being slowly deflated as air escapes. Similarly, a _____ solution, with its higher solute concentration, draws water out of the cell, causing it to shrink or deflate
  13. Like a filled tub waiting to be let out, this expandable organ stores urine until it's ready to be eliminated
  14. Like a guardian of hydration, this hormone, represented by three letters, ensures that your body holds onto water when needed, acting as a key player in maintaining water balance
  15. symptoms like fatigue and constant thirst and urination could be a result of _____

30 Clues: I'm the most common type of feedback loop in the body. What am I?acts as a janitor cleaning up the mess to maintain a tidy environmentI'm the component of blood that helps transport nutrients. What am I?A fluid that surrounds cells and acts like a nutrient and waste mailmanI'm like your parents telling you what to do even if you don't want to do it...

Endocrine System Puzzle 2024-05-25

Endocrine System Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  2. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake
  3. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  4. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  5. -diabetes mellitus causes __(the answer)____ damage? (example it is a category the encapsulates things such as heart, lungs, pancreas etc)
  6. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  7. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins
  8. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  9. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  10. -it is a 'site of defect', of which's lack of in hypothyroidism causes T3/T4 levels to decrease (as no thyroid hormone) and TSH levels to go up; a goiter is present
  11. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  12. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  1. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  2. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  3. -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  4. -hypothalamic ____(the answer)_____ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic
  5. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  6. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  7. -in hyperthyroidism, the presence of this affects the thyroid gland, with T3/T4 levels increasing and TSH levels decreasing; a goiter is not present this is a localized ___(the answer)____ nodule
  8. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  9. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  10. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  11. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  12. -part of the pituitary that is the glandular portion and the hormones that are produced here are in response to hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting hormones
  13. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  14. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  15. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  16. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin

28 Clues: -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

Endocrine System Puzzle 2024-05-25

Endocrine System Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  2. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  3. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake
  4. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  5. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  6. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin
  7. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  8. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins
  9. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  10. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  11. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  12. -part of the pituitary that is the glandular portion and the hormones that are produced here are in response to hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting hormones
  13. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  14. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  1. -diabetes mellitus causes __(the answer)____ damage? (example it is a category the encapsulates things such as heart, lungs, pancreas etc)
  2. -it is a 'site of defect', of which's lack of in hypothyroidism causes T3/T4 levels to decrease (as no thyroid hormone) and TSH levels to go up; a goiter is present
  3. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  4. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  5. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  6. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  7. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  8. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  9. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  10. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  11. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  12. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  13. -in hyperthyroidism, the presence of this affects the thyroid gland, with T3/T4 levels increasing and TSH levels decreasing; a goiter is not present this is a localized ___(the answer)____ nodule
  14. -hypothalamic ____(the answer)_____ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic

28 Clues: -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

Congestive Heart Failure Risk Factors 2022-02-28

Congestive Heart Failure Risk Factors crossword puzzle
  1. way to control eating
  2. need to quit
  3. monitor sugar intake to prevent
  1. what to increase to pump your blood
  2. control cholesterol by eating

5 Clues: need to quitway to control eatingcontrol cholesterol by eatingmonitor sugar intake to preventwhat to increase to pump your blood

My Profesion 2023-04-28

My Profesion crossword puzzle
  1. Mengatur dan memberikan penjelasan tentang obat
  2. Memberikan terapi dan menetapkan diagnosis
  3. Terapi nutrisi medis khusus
  1. Mengkoordinasikan tim manajemen diabetes
  2. mengidentifikasi hambatan selama pengobatan

5 Clues: Terapi nutrisi medis khususMengkoordinasikan tim manajemen diabetesMemberikan terapi dan menetapkan diagnosismengidentifikasi hambatan selama pengobatanMengatur dan memberikan penjelasan tentang obat

Case study activity on Mdm B 2022-09-11

Case study activity on Mdm B crossword puzzle
  1. Abnormal fats accumulation in the body
  2. Blood Pressure higher than normal
  3. An expert that gives advice about food and eating.
  1. A medical condition that changes the blood sugar levels
  2. A healthcare profession that treats disorders to your feet or lower leg
  3. Urine output exceeding 3L/day
  4. A drug that controls hypertension
  5. A drug that controls hyperlipidemia A condition that
  6. A condition that affects the memory and reasoning in the mental process

9 Clues: Urine output exceeding 3L/dayA drug that controls hypertensionBlood Pressure higher than normalAbnormal fats accumulation in the bodyAn expert that gives advice about food and eating.A drug that controls hyperlipidemia A condition thatA medical condition that changes the blood sugar levels...

Glaucoma Crossword! 2024-03-22

Glaucoma Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. risk factor for primary open angle glaucoma
  2. drug you would not give an asthmatic with POAG
  3. may be seen in patients with one sided glaucoma
  4. a special lens for the slit lamp that allows visualisation of the angle
  5. visual field affected in primary open angle glaucoma
  1. commonly causes AACG symptoms to worsen
  2. method of assessing for elevated IOP
  3. appearance of optic disc in glaucoma
  4. name of beta blocker given in glaucoma

9 Clues: method of assessing for elevated IOPappearance of optic disc in glaucomaname of beta blocker given in glaucomacommonly causes AACG symptoms to worsenrisk factor for primary open angle glaucomadrug you would not give an asthmatic with POAGmay be seen in patients with one sided glaucomavisual field affected in primary open angle glaucoma...

Diabetes Management BHC 2023-02-14

Diabetes Management BHC crossword puzzle
  1. what you would suspect if a diabetic patient is suddenly sweating, shaking, and confused
  2. the person you should notify if you suspect the patient is having a problem with their blood sugar
  3. 8 oz of this can be given (it's available on the unit) to a patient with a low blood sugar
  1. low blood sugar can cause your heart rate to go
  2. device that administers insulin that must be removed prior to admission to mental health
  3. the patient can have these types of changes when they are experiencing a low blood sugar

6 Clues: low blood sugar can cause your heart rate to gowhat you would suspect if a diabetic patient is suddenly sweating, shaking, and confuseddevice that administers insulin that must be removed prior to admission to mental healththe patient can have these types of changes when they are experiencing a low blood sugar...

Diabetes Management BHC 2023-02-24

Diabetes Management BHC crossword puzzle
  1. device that administers insulin that must be removed prior to admission to BH
  2. what you would suspect if a diabetic patient was suddenly sweating, shaking, and confused
  3. 8oz of this can be given (available on the unit) to a patient with a low blood sugar
  1. a patient can have these type of changes when they are experiencing a low blood sugar
  2. the person you should notify if you suspect a patient is having a problem with their blood sugar
  3. low blood sugar can cause your heart rate to go

6 Clues: low blood sugar can cause your heart rate to godevice that administers insulin that must be removed prior to admission to BH8oz of this can be given (available on the unit) to a patient with a low blood sugara patient can have these type of changes when they are experiencing a low blood sugar...


  1. Fungsi gula dalam badan adalah untuk menghasilkan
  2. Salah satu komplikasi kencing manis
  3. Nama ubat kencing manis jenis injeksi
  1. Salah satu tanda hipoglisemia
  2. Nama ubat kencing manis jenis tablet
  3. Salah satu tanda hiperglisemia: kerap_______

6 Clues: Salah satu tanda hipoglisemiaSalah satu komplikasi kencing manisNama ubat kencing manis jenis tabletNama ubat kencing manis jenis injeksiSalah satu tanda hiperglisemia: kerap_______Fungsi gula dalam badan adalah untuk menghasilkan

Excretory System Crossword 2022-11-09

Excretory System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. tubes that lead from each kidney to the bladder
  2. in the digestive system
  3. muscle that is elastic and holds urine
  4. a machine that does the jobs of an functioning kidneys for a person with diabetes
  1. system eliminates the waste from our body
  2. main organ of the integumentary system
  3. tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body
  4. part of the respiratory system
  5. main organ of excretory system

9 Clues: in the digestive systempart of the respiratory systemmain organ of excretory systemmain organ of the integumentary systemmuscle that is elastic and holds urinesystem eliminates the waste from our bodytubes that lead from each kidney to the bladdertube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body...

Endocrine System Puzzle 2024-05-25

Endocrine System Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -in hyperthyroidism, the presence of this affects the thyroid gland, with T3/T4 levels increasing and TSH levels decreasing; a goiter is not present this is a localized ___(the answer)____ nodule
  2. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  3. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  4. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  5. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  6. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  7. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  8. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  9. -part of the pituitary that is the glandular portion and the hormones that are produced here are in response to hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting hormones
  10. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  11. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  12. -diabetes mellitus causes __(the answer)____ damage? (example it is a category the encapsulates things such as heart, lungs, pancreas etc)
  13. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  1. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  2. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  3. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  4. - it is a 'site of defect', of which's lack of in hypothyroidism causes T3/T4 levels to decrease (as no thyroid hormone) and TSH levels to go up; a goiter is present
  5. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  6. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  7. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  8. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake
  9. -hypothalamic ____(the answer)_____ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic
  10. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  11. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins
  12. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  13. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  14. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  15. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin

28 Clues: -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

Endocrine System Puzzle 2024-05-25

Endocrine System Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  2. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  3. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake
  4. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  5. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  6. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin
  7. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  8. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins
  9. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  10. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  11. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  12. -part of the pituitary that is the glandular portion and the hormones that are produced here are in response to hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting hormones
  13. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  14. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  1. -diabetes mellitus causes __(the answer)____ damage? (example it is a category the encapsulates things such as heart, lungs, pancreas etc)
  2. - it is a 'site of defect', of which's lack of in hypothyroidism causes T3/T4 levels to decrease (as no thyroid hormone) and TSH levels to go up; a goiter is present
  3. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  4. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  5. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  6. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  7. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  8. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  9. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  10. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  11. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  12. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  13. -in hyperthyroidism, the presence of this affects the thyroid gland, with T3/T4 levels increasing and TSH levels decreasing; a goiter is not present this is a localized ___(the answer)____ nodule
  14. -hypothalamic ____(the answer)_____ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic

28 Clues: -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

Endocrine System Puzzle 2024-05-25

Endocrine System Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  2. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake
  3. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  4. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  5. -diabetes mellitus causes __(the answer)____ damage? (example it is a category the encapsulates things such as heart, lungs, pancreas etc)
  6. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  7. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins
  8. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  9. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  10. -it is a 'site of defect', of which's lack of in hypothyroidism causes T3/T4 levels to decrease (as no thyroid hormone) and TSH levels to go up; a goiter is present
  11. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  12. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  1. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  2. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  3. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  4. -hypothalamic ____(the answer)_____ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic
  5. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  6. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  7. -in hyperthyroidism, the presence of this affects the thyroid gland, with T3/T4 levels increasing and TSH levels decreasing; a goiter is not present this is a localized ___(the answer)____ nodule
  8. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  9. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  10. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  11. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  12. -part of the pituitary that is the glandular portion and the hormones that are produced here are in response to hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting hormones
  13. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  14. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  15. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  16. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin

28 Clues: -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

Endocrine Puzzle! 2024-05-25

Endocrine Puzzle! crossword puzzle
  1. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  2. -it is a 'site of defect', of which's lack of in hypothyroidism causes T3/T4 levels to decrease (as no thyroid hormone) and TSH levels to go up; a goiter is present
  3. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  4. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins
  5. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  6. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  7. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  8. -in hyperthyroidism, the presence of this affects the thyroid gland, with T3/T4 levels increasing and TSH levels decreasing; a goiter is not present this is a localized ___(the answer)____ nodule
  9. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  10. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  11. -the brain uses transport via GLUT2, and has no storage for glucose uptake--so is the brain insulin dependent or independent?
  12. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  13. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  14. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  1. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  2. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  3. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  4. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake
  5. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  6. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  7. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  8. -hypothalamic ________ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic
  9. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  10. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  11. -can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage?
  12. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  13. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin
  14. -part of the pituitary that is the glandular portion and the hormones that are produced here are in response to hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting hormones

28 Clues: -can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage?-The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

Science vocabulary 2017-01-17

Science vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Improving farming and cattle raising processes.
  2. Disease that is not contagious, like diabetes.
  3. Amount of something in a given area.
  4. Only organisms best suited live to pass down there genetic material.
  5. How long an organism can defend itself against a disease.
  6. Protecting health and preventing illness.
  7. Microorganism that can cause disease.
  1. The product of one or two organisms.
  2. Use of living organisms to perform industrial work.
  3. Large group who share specific culture.
  4. Offspring that is not the same as its parent.
  5. Disease that is contagious, like the flu.
  6. Large outbreak, usually across the country, or a continent.
  7. Outbreak of a disease that spread rapidly.
  8. Single-celled organism that can change into a multicellular organism.

15 Clues: The product of one or two organisms.Amount of something in a given area.Microorganism that can cause disease.Large group who share specific culture.Disease that is contagious, like the flu.Protecting health and preventing illness.Outbreak of a disease that spread rapidly.Offspring that is not the same as its parent....


  1. A general worsening loss of brainpower
  2. Type of development to do with relationships and the roles they fulfill
  3. The leading cause of death for males and females
  4. Another word for death
  5. A characteristic of physical development for females in the last stage of adulthood
  6. One of the NHPA's, many Australian's are at risk of this
  7. The last stage of adulthood
  1. The second stage of adulthood
  2. Relating to the muscles, joints and bones
  3. Two different types of this disease
  4. One of the major cancer concerns for females
  5. Disability Adjusted Life Year
  6. _________ Australians life expectancy is 17 years below those of other Australians
  7. One of the major cancer concerns for Males
  8. The first stage of adulthood

15 Clues: Another word for deathThe last stage of adulthoodThe first stage of adulthoodThe second stage of adulthoodDisability Adjusted Life YearTwo different types of this diseaseA general worsening loss of brainpowerRelating to the muscles, joints and bonesOne of the major cancer concerns for MalesOne of the major cancer concerns for females...

Ratwords by Carole Morrell 2019-06-09

Ratwords by Carole Morrell crossword puzzle
  1. Do this to cats and mice, NOT rats.
  2. Rats show you love with their eyes.
  3. Rats bred to be fat don't have receptors for this protein.
  4. A common disease commonly researched with rat subjects.
  5. This microbe really bugs us!
  6. Rat bullying can lead to this barbaric practice.
  7. The gland behind my eyes that secretes.
  8. A way to give me a shot.
  9. The chubby rat strain, bred for obesity studies.
  1. Tail condition caused by too much humidity.
  2. My people had less than 1% inbreeding for at least four generations.
  3. This unusual childrearing practice makes rats easy to raise in labs.
  4. My people reproduced with their siblings for 20+ generations.
  5. Where to take my bood.
  6. Red rodent tears (and nasal discharge).

15 Clues: Where to take my bood.A way to give me a shot.This microbe really bugs us!Do this to cats and mice, NOT rats.Rats show you love with their eyes.Red rodent tears (and nasal discharge).The gland behind my eyes that secretes.Tail condition caused by too much humidity.Rat bullying can lead to this barbaric practice....

Biology Unit 1 2023-09-20

Biology Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Clones have the same ____ as their parent
  2. Glucose --> Ethanol + Carbon dioxide is called..
  3. One problem with selective breeding is it can lead to genetic _________
  4. Selective breeding needs to be repeated over many ___________
  5. This type of microorganism is found in yoghurt
  6. DNA is found here in a cell
  1. Alleles are either _________ or recessive
  2. Genetic engineering has been used to help people with this condition
  3. Genetic ____________ involves transferring a gene from one organism to another
  4. ___________ breeding is used by scientists to get animals with desirable characteristics
  5. Different versions of a gene are called..
  6. _________ squares are used to predict genetic outcomes
  7. __________ fibrosis is an example of a genetic disorder
  8. Cloning happens by _________ reproduction
  9. This type of fungi is used to make bread

15 Clues: DNA is found here in a cellThis type of fungi is used to make breadClones have the same ____ as their parentAlleles are either _________ or recessiveDifferent versions of a gene are called..Cloning happens by _________ reproductionThis type of microorganism is found in yoghurtGlucose --> Ethanol + Carbon dioxide is called.....

vocab 2023-10-24

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a young person
  2. They will work with people to find solutions to their problems.
  3. to release the grip of something/someone
  4. Symptoms: Shivering, exhaustion or feeling very tired, confusion.
  5. transportation that is usually free for guests and strangers
  6. Symptoms: very thirsty, losing weight without trying, often very hungry.
  7. the protective care or guardianship of someone or something
  1. Accurate and definite.
  2. full or overflowing
  3. helps blood sugar enter the body's cells so it can be used for energy
  4. Often a simplified picture of a person/thing because of their characteristics
  5. shaking or trembling
  6. sometimes called a shoespooner, shoe spoon, shoe schlipp, or shoe tongue
  7. To imitate or copy someone/something
  8. A tough crust or outer layers

15 Clues: a young personfull or overflowingshaking or tremblingAccurate and definite.A tough crust or outer layersTo imitate or copy someone/somethingto release the grip of something/someonethe protective care or guardianship of someone or somethingtransportation that is usually free for guests and strangers...

Nutrition 2024-04-05

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. an ingredient in chocolate found to lower blood pressure
  2. a drink high in sugar that can lead to type 2 diabetes
  3. a breakfast fluid high in vitamin C
  4. what snacks can provide a boost of
  5. you need 8 cups of it every day
  6. an unhealthy protein might be high in saturated ___
  7. a snack high in this is more satisfying
  1. protein can give your immune system a _____
  2. nuts that are great options for a quick snack
  3. protein promotes the growth of this
  4. red fruit with a lot of water
  5. they need 55 grams of protein
  6. a snack with low nutrients will make you feel less ____
  7. remember to stay ______
  8. they need 45 grams of protein

15 Clues: remember to stay ______red fruit with a lot of waterthey need 55 grams of proteinthey need 45 grams of proteinyou need 8 cups of it every daywhat snacks can provide a boost ofprotein promotes the growth of thisa breakfast fluid high in vitamin Ca snack high in this is more satisfyingprotein can give your immune system a _____...

Let's Be Healthy 2024-07-01

Let's Be Healthy crossword puzzle
  1. A mix of veggies you can eat instead of fries.
  2. Carrots, spinach, and broccoli are examples.
  3. Moving your body to stay fit.
  4. Energy from food; too much can make you gain weight.
  5. Having too much weight for your health.
  6. Feeling good and strong in your body.
  1. A food that can have veggies or fatty sausage on top.
  2. Overweight; not healthy.
  3. A sickness that can happen from being overweight.
  4. A green vegetable that looks like little trees.
  5. Apples, oranges, and bananas are types of this.
  6. Small meals like apples or carrot sticks.
  7. Good stuff in food like vitamins and minerals.
  8. What healthy food gives you to play and work.
  9. The food you eat every day.

15 Clues: Overweight; not healthy.The food you eat every day.Moving your body to stay fit.Feeling good and strong in your body.Having too much weight for your health.Small meals like apples or carrot sticks.Carrots, spinach, and broccoli are examples.What healthy food gives you to play and work.A mix of veggies you can eat instead of fries....

Endocrine System Puzzle 2024-05-25

Endocrine System Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin
  2. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  3. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  4. - it is a 'site of defect', of which's lack of in hypothyroidism causes T3/T4 levels to decrease (as no thyroid hormone) and TSH levels to go up; a goiter is present
  5. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  6. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  7. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  8. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  9. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  10. -hypothalamic ____(the answer)_____ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic
  11. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  1. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  2. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  3. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  4. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  5. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  6. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake
  7. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins
  8. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  9. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  10. -diabetes mellitus causes __(the answer)____ damage? (example it is a category the encapsulates things such as heart, lungs, pancreas etc)
  11. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  12. -in hyperthyroidism, the presence of this affects the thyroid gland, with T3/T4 levels increasing and TSH levels decreasing; a goiter is not present this is a localized ___(the answer)____ nodule
  13. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  14. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  15. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  16. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  17. -part of the pituitary that is the glandular portion and the hormones that are produced here are in response to hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting hormones

28 Clues: -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen-type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility-Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake-type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism...

First Aid Crossword #3 2020-04-01

First Aid Crossword #3 crossword puzzle
  1. diving into shallow water causes this
  2. flailing/jerking of arms and legs
  3. medication that can reduce the effects of a heart attack
  4. sign of infection from a wound
  5. bones that "pop out" of alignment
  6. an injection containing epinephrine used in severe allergic reactions
  7. type of bleeding where the blood is bright red and squirts
  1. can appear on the face/body during an allergic reaction
  2. flat line heart rhythm
  3. helps us breathe
  4. the "W" for the treatment of shock
  5. medication used to treat angina
  6. type/location of pulse in an infant
  7. medical condition that affects regulation of sugar levels in the body
  8. can happen if you stand up too quickly or are overly active

15 Clues: helps us breatheflat line heart rhythmsign of infection from a woundmedication used to treat anginaflailing/jerking of arms and legsbones that "pop out" of alignmentthe "W" for the treatment of shocktype/location of pulse in an infantdiving into shallow water causes thiscan appear on the face/body during an allergic reaction...

Recuperação 2º Trimestre 2022-12-05

Recuperação 2º Trimestre crossword puzzle
  1. Contém material genético das duas células que se formaram através da união do óvulo com o espermatozóide.
  2. União do ovócito com espermatozóide.
  3. Canal pelo qual passa a urina da bexiga urinária até o exterior do corpo.
  4. Tubo que liga a faringe a traquéia.
  5. Processo de implantação do embrião na parede uterina.
  6. Doença causada pela produção insuficiente da insulina.
  7. Hormônio sexual feminino.
  8. Produz insulina e glucagon.
  9. Possui glândulas capazes de produzirem os hormônios sexuais femininos.
  1. Hormônio masculino.
  2. Ovócito se não fecundado degenera o revestimento da parede uterina e se desprende, sendo chamado de
  3. Incapacidade de engravidar.
  4. Glândulas endócrinas secretam em pequenas quantidades no sangue.
  5. Tubo que se ramifica em brônquios.
  6. Estrutura que comunica a mãe com o bebê.

15 Clues: Hormônio masculino.Hormônio sexual feminino.Incapacidade de engravidar.Produz insulina e glucagon.Tubo que se ramifica em brônquios.Tubo que liga a faringe a traquéia.União do ovócito com espermatozóide.Estrutura que comunica a mãe com o bebê.Processo de implantação do embrião na parede uterina.Doença causada pela produção insuficiente da insulina....


SISTEM KOORDINASI crossword puzzle
  1. Pengatur perasaan dan gerakan pada diensefalon
  2. Lapisan terdalam mata yang peka terhadap cahaya
  3. Hormon pada wanita untuk penebalan dan perbaikan uterus
  4. sistem membran yang melapisi sistem saraf pusat
  5. Bagian sel saraf yang berfungsi untuk mempercepat rangsangan
  6. Lobus pada otak besar berfungsi dalam pengaturan kulit dan otot.
  7. Saraf yang mengatur respons fight of flight
  1. Penyakit otak yang menyebabkan penurunan daya ingat, menurunnya kemampuan berpikir dan berbicara, serta perubahan perilaku
  2. Rumah siput
  3. Reseptor yang merespon rangsangan panas
  4. Salah satu sistem saraf pusat
  5. Penyakit saat tubuh tidak mampu mengendalikan kadar gula dalam darah karena kekurangan hormon insulin
  6. Zat kimia yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar endokrin
  7. Jumlah saraf leher pada saraf spinal
  8. Kelenjar yang terletak di tengah rongga dada

15 Clues: Rumah siputSalah satu sistem saraf pusatJumlah saraf leher pada saraf spinalReseptor yang merespon rangsangan panasSaraf yang mengatur respons fight of flightKelenjar yang terletak di tengah rongga dadaPengatur perasaan dan gerakan pada diensefalonLapisan terdalam mata yang peka terhadap cahayasistem membran yang melapisi sistem saraf pusat...

Revisão - 8º Ano - 4º Bi 2023-11-07

Revisão - 8º Ano - 4º Bi crossword puzzle
  1. Hormônio que promove a quebra do glicogênio no fígado.
  2. Condição em que a tiroxina é produzida em excesso.
  3. Doença causada pela falta ou má absorção da insulina.
  4. Glândula que produz a tiroxina.
  5. Sistema formado pela combinação entre os sistemas esquelético e muscular.
  6. Hormônio que estimula a entrada de glicose na células.
  1. Principal célula do sistema nervoso.
  2. Doença que prova a perda de memória.
  3. Estrutura que une os ossos.
  4. Estrutura do sistema nervoso que permite envio de informações do cérebro até os membros inferiores.
  5. Considerada a glândula mestra.
  6. Estrutura que une os músculos aos ossos.
  7. Sistema composto por diversas glândulas.
  8. Hormônio que estimula a geração de energia pelas células.
  9. Região do olho onde a imagem se forma.

15 Clues: Estrutura que une os ossos.Considerada a glândula mestra.Glândula que produz a tiroxina.Principal célula do sistema nervoso.Doença que prova a perda de memória.Região do olho onde a imagem se forma.Estrutura que une os músculos aos ossos.Sistema composto por diversas glândulas.Condição em que a tiroxina é produzida em excesso....

short movie words 1 2023-12-12

short movie words 1 crossword puzzle
  1. – phrase meaning you have been shot.
  2. – something that is very important
  3. – hatred of other people who are different
  4. – important events in history that help shape and define a person, group or country.
  5. – Nitroglycerine – a very explosive liquid.
  6. – responding to a text or speech.
  1. – something given after death.
  2. – fighting in a war.
  3. – The common features, beliefs and values shared by people of a country or region.
  4. – totally destroyed.
  5. – when everyone agrees.
  6. – a standard of excellence set for others to follow.
  7. Camp – shelter and safety for people during time of war or other disaster.
  8. – a medicine to treat Diabetes.
  9. – a big jump.

15 Clues: – a big jump.– fighting in a war.– totally destroyed.– when everyone agrees.– something given after death.– a medicine to treat Diabetes.– responding to a text or speech.– something that is very important– phrase meaning you have been shot.– hatred of other people who are different– Nitroglycerine – a very explosive liquid....

Infectious Disease Vocabulary 2022-02-03

Infectious Disease Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. type of pathogen that undergoes binary fission
  2. creates memory cells to fight future infections
  3. an organism that carries the disease
  4. diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are considered __________ diseases
  5. This disease mutates every 20-40 years
  6. type of pathogen requires a host cell for replication
  1. when the majority of a population receives a vaccine, it tends to create this
  2. worldwide outbreak of a disease
  3. bacteria could gain resistance to this type of medication
  4. outbreak that only affects a certain area
  5. any microscopic organism
  6. type of pathogen that includes molds, mildews, and mushrooms
  7. type of pathogen that requires a host for nutrition
  8. the diseases that can spread between people
  9. any disease-causing microbes

15 Clues: any microscopic organismany disease-causing microbesworldwide outbreak of a diseasean organism that carries the diseaseThis disease mutates every 20-40 yearsoutbreak that only affects a certain areathe diseases that can spread between peopletype of pathogen that undergoes binary fissioncreates memory cells to fight future infections...

spelling 2 102 2021-11-15

spelling 2 102 crossword puzzle
  1. Needed for red blood cells to carry oxygen
  2. A symbol that indicates how clothing may be dried
  3. The client cannot consume anything by mouth
  4. Achieving the best health possible in all five dimensions of life
  5. The process by which nutrients pass through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream
  6. An unconscious reaction that blocks threatening feelings
  7. Whites of the eyes
  1. Head of the bed elevated 45 – 60 degrees
  2. The right or act of choosing
  3. Inhalation of fluid or an object into the lungs
  4. A chronic condition resulting from lack of insulin
  5. A clash between opposing interests and ideas
  6. Artificial teeth
  7. Routine care given in a facility before lunch
  8. Product that reduces the amount of perspiration

15 Clues: Artificial teethWhites of the eyesThe right or act of choosingHead of the bed elevated 45 – 60 degreesNeeded for red blood cells to carry oxygenThe client cannot consume anything by mouthA clash between opposing interests and ideasRoutine care given in a facility before lunchInhalation of fluid or an object into the lungs...

Nutrition and Obesity 2013-10-15

Nutrition and Obesity crossword puzzle
  1. obese
  2. amount of months encouraged to breast feed
  3. fruits,vegetables,grains,dairy
  4. a social (blank) is given to people who are obese
  5. bodymassindex
  6. insulin is needed for this (type) of obese disease
  7. 30 states are at or above this precent for obesity
  8. name of little girl in scenario
  1. number of identified genes leading to obesity
  2. replace this with a glass of water or milk
  3. contact this person if any concerns on your childs health
  4. give this to your child to keep them active
  5. obesity among young childern has become
  6. busy life styles lead to this unhealthy dinning habit
  7. children should get this many hours of sleep to prevent becoming obese by 6th grade

15 Clues: obesebodymassindexfruits,vegetables,grains,dairyname of little girl in scenarioobesity among young childern has becomereplace this with a glass of water or milkamount of months encouraged to breast feedgive this to your child to keep them activenumber of identified genes leading to obesitya social (blank) is given to people who are obese...

Eye Disorders 2016-02-16

Eye Disorders crossword puzzle
  1. type of glaucoma that is a medical emergency
  2. glaucoma is the #1 cause of _____ in the US
  3. black dots and ____ are common symptoms of retinopathy
  4. eye disorder with clouding of lens
  5. causes 3 times more risk for macular degeneration
  6. disease that puts you at risk for retinopathy
  7. vision may be faded or this color with cataracts
  8. macular degeneration is the breakdown of ____ sensitive cells
  9. type of macular degeneration with leaky new vessels
  1. vision affected by glaucoma (hint: side view)
  2. age to start seeing eye doctor every year
  3. caused by increased fluid pressure in eye
  4. visual disturbance that is a symptom of closed angle glaucoma
  5. type of eye exam for diagnosis of cataracts
  6. only treatment available for cataracts

15 Clues: eye disorder with clouding of lensonly treatment available for cataractsage to start seeing eye doctor every yearcaused by increased fluid pressure in eyeglaucoma is the #1 cause of _____ in the UStype of eye exam for diagnosis of cataractstype of glaucoma that is a medical emergencyvision affected by glaucoma (hint: side view)...

Endocrine Gland 2016-11-17

Endocrine Gland crossword puzzle
  1. can be found all over your body
  2. Gland: Also known as the master gland
  3. also known as the "emergency hormone"
  4. the hormone produced by the pineal gland
  5. -gland secretes digestive juices
  1. A growth condition that causes growth factors not to be registered by the bones
  2. converts glucagon back to the pancreas from the liver
  3. The body's chemical messengers
  4. each hormones affects only certain cells, their ___ cells
  5. this is also known as Islets of langkerhans
  6. Controls calcium level within the bones and in the blood
  7. is a group of cells that produces and secretes or gives off chemicals
  8. Located on top of the kidneys
  9. a condition wherein the body does not have enough insulin
  10. a prefix meaning abnormal defficiency

15 Clues: Located on top of the kidneysThe body's chemical messengerscan be found all over your body-gland secretes digestive juicesGland: Also known as the master glandalso known as the "emergency hormone"a prefix meaning abnormal defficiencythe hormone produced by the pineal glandthis is also known as Islets of langkerhans...

PJOK 2023-04-12

PJOK crossword puzzle
  1. benda yang diminum untuk membuat badan sembuh dari penyakit
  2. gejala penyakit TBC yang bisa dirasakan terus menerus
  3. kelabihan berat badan yang berlebih
  4. sesuatu yang kita hirup saat bernafas
  5. penyakit kencing manis
  6. gejala penyakit yaitu kepala sakit dan berputar-putar
  7. penyakit yang membuat perut kita sakit melilit
  8. alat yang dipakai saat sakit flu agar tidak menular kepada yang lain
  9. penyakit sesak nafas karena alergi
  1. kegiatan yang menyehatkan yang bisa membuat badan sehat dan bugar
  2. penyakit menular yang mewabah di seluruh dunia dan mewajibkan kita memakai masker
  3. virus yang menyebabkan penyakit demam berdarah
  4. digunakan saat kita mandi atau cuci tangan
  5. penyakit yang disebabkan virus bisa juga disebut pilek
  6. gejala penyakit dengan yang ditandai badan panas

15 Clues: penyakit kencing manispenyakit sesak nafas karena alergikelabihan berat badan yang berlebihsesuatu yang kita hirup saat bernafasdigunakan saat kita mandi atau cuci tanganvirus yang menyebabkan penyakit demam berdarahpenyakit yang membuat perut kita sakit melilitgejala penyakit dengan yang ditandai badan panas...

Jö April 2017-04-04

Jö April crossword puzzle
  1. Wie heisst die englische Übersetzung für Klippenspringer?
  2. Was ist ein Wingsuit?
  3. Wie heisst der Barbesitzer in der Geschichte von Kommissar Kauz?
  4. Wo liegt der Bundesstaat Washington?
  5. Was ist das Gegenteil von fair?
  6. Wie nennt man die Fähigkeit einer Person: „Sehr gut informiert sein oder geheime Dinge ahnen“?
  7. Wo findet das „Harter Kerl Rennen“ statt?
  8. Wo kommt die Trichternetzspinne vor?
  1. Wie nennt man mutiges Handeln, wenn Menschen in bedrohliche Situationen geraten?
  2. Welche Bauern kämpfen gegen das Vordringen der Wüste Gobi?
  3. Wie heisst eine der giftigsten Spinnen der Welt?
  4. Wie viele Jahre ist die durchschnittliche Lebenserwartung von Hühnern?
  5. Wie nennen die Anhänger des islamischen Staates den „Heiligen Krieg“?
  6. Welche Krankheit hat Sofie?
  7. Wie viele Beine hat eine Spinne?

15 Clues: Was ist ein Wingsuit?Welche Krankheit hat Sofie?Was ist das Gegenteil von fair?Wie viele Beine hat eine Spinne?Wo liegt der Bundesstaat Washington?Wo kommt die Trichternetzspinne vor?Wo findet das „Harter Kerl Rennen“ statt?Wie heisst eine der giftigsten Spinnen der Welt?Wie heisst die englische Übersetzung für Klippenspringer?...

Deep Water By: Watt Key 2021-07-03

Deep Water By: Watt Key crossword puzzle
  1. what was the diseas that
  2. The place were they survived.
  3. The person who got the bends because he surface to fast.
  4. What color was the light that tolled them that they had reached a oil rig.
  5. The thing that blew of all of the water pots.
  6. were is the house that the mom is at.
  7. The other kid who got lost a sea.
  1. The person who asked Julie's Dad to drop tanks in the water to make a atofishal reef.
  2. were did they get there bottled water.
  3. The main charecter.
  4. the midical condition the Dad has.
  5. what did they brake the light with.
  6. Were they were floting.
  7. buoyancy compensator divice
  8. the thing that attact them out at see.

15 Clues: The main charecter.Were they were floting.what was the diseas thatbuoyancy compensator diviceThe place were they survived.The other kid who got lost a sea.the midical condition the Dad has.what did they brake the light with.were is the house that the mom is at.were did they get there bottled water.the thing that attact them out at see....

Sheldons Digestive Crossword 2024-09-09

Sheldons Digestive Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Area of the hypothalamus called the ___ center
  2. Before a meal
  3. Protrusion of an organ or part of organ out of the cavity
  4. After a meal
  5. This sensation also diminishes with age
  6. The muscular of the digestive tract loses tone causing this because of a slowing of peristalisis
  7. Paralysis of the stomach
  1. Difficult or disturbed digestion
  2. Our huge consumption of this is a factor is obesity and diabetes
  3. undernutrition and ____ are both forms of malnutrition
  4. Inflammation of the liver
  5. A weakened gag reflux increases the risk for?
  6. This organ shrinks as you age and in return receives a smaller supply of blood flow
  7. How many food groups are there
  8. This sensation diminishes with age

15 Clues: After a mealBefore a mealParalysis of the stomachInflammation of the liverHow many food groups are thereDifficult or disturbed digestionThis sensation diminishes with ageThis sensation also diminishes with ageA weakened gag reflux increases the risk for?Area of the hypothalamus called the ___ center...

BORROMEO TEST 2015-12-07

BORROMEO TEST crossword puzzle
  1. A measure of enery
  2. A Food loaded with omega-3 fatty acids
  3. Patron saint of diet and obesity (clue: St.Charles ...
  1. Associated with type 2 diabetes
  2. Another name for fat tissue
  3. Term applied to describe a goal setting system

6 Clues: A measure of eneryAnother name for fat tissueAssociated with type 2 diabetesA Food loaded with omega-3 fatty acidsTerm applied to describe a goal setting systemPatron saint of diet and obesity (clue: St.Charles ...

Kansantauti kappale 2024-02-21

Kansantauti kappale crossword puzzle
  1. (suomalaisten yleisimpiä kuolinsyitä)
  2. (verensokeritauti)
  1. (vie happea ja ravintoa sydänlihakselle)
  2. (vaaraton aine aiheuttaa reaktion iholla, hengitysteissä, suolistossa)
  3. tauti (hermoston sairaus, joka vaikuttaa esim. liikkeeseen)

5 Clues: (verensokeritauti)(suomalaisten yleisimpiä kuolinsyitä)(vie happea ja ravintoa sydänlihakselle)tauti (hermoston sairaus, joka vaikuttaa esim. liikkeeseen)(vaaraton aine aiheuttaa reaktion iholla, hengitysteissä, suolistossa)

JOM KENALI DIABETES 2022 2022-12-01

JOM KENALI DIABETES 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. , faktor
  2. , jenis
  3. kurang exercise
  4. faktor
  5. kerap
  1. faktor
  2. kerap
  3. merupakan hormon
  4. bagi mengawal paras glukosa dalam darah
  5. gula

10 Clues: gulakerapkerapfaktorfaktor, jenis, faktorkurang exercisemerupakan hormonbagi mengawal paras glukosa dalam darah

Ristikko 2021-09-19

Ristikko crossword puzzle
  1. Syö kasvikunnan tuotteiden lisäksi kalaa.
  2. Jos ei syö moneen tuntiin, elimistö menee tällaiseen tilaan.
  3. Syö kasvikunnan tuotteiden lisäksi maitotuotteita.
  4. Ei syö mitään eläinperäisiä tuotteita.
  1. Tämän sairauden lyhenne on BED ja siihen liittyy usein painonnousua.
  2. Tämä allergia voi olla niin paha, ettei henkilö voi edes haistaa allergisoivaa tuotetta samassa huoneessa. (muista väliviiva)
  3. Tästä sairaudesta käytetään myös nimitystä laihuushäiriö.
  4. Esimerkiksi Jehovan todistajat eivät syö tätä ruokaa.
  5. Tässä sairaudessa yhtenä hoitomuotona käytetään insuliinia.

9 Clues: Ei syö mitään eläinperäisiä tuotteita.Syö kasvikunnan tuotteiden lisäksi kalaa.Syö kasvikunnan tuotteiden lisäksi maitotuotteita.Esimerkiksi Jehovan todistajat eivät syö tätä ruokaa.Tästä sairaudesta käytetään myös nimitystä laihuushäiriö.Tässä sairaudessa yhtenä hoitomuotona käytetään insuliinia....

November 2023 Crossword 2023-10-25

November 2023 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The Fresh Catch of the Month is _____ Steak.
  2. November's Wellness presentation is "_____ for the Health of It".
  3. Alice was active in the _____ auxiliary.
  4. Our Wellness team advocates for at least 30 minutes of _____, five days a week.
  5. Damian Beckford is our new personal _____.
  1. You can pre-order _____ goods beginning Nov. 13th.
  2. November is National _____ Month.
  3. Alice volunteered through _____ programs for Friends Village for 40 years.
  4. Our current _____ was built in 1976.

9 Clues: November is National _____ Month.Our current _____ was built in 1976.Alice was active in the _____ auxiliary.Damian Beckford is our new personal _____.The Fresh Catch of the Month is _____ Steak.You can pre-order _____ goods beginning Nov. 13th.November's Wellness presentation is "_____ for the Health of It"....

diabetes knowledge updates 2019-01-15

diabetes knowledge updates crossword puzzle
  1. sky
  2. fruit
  3. dogs name
  1. training officer
  2. the moon
  3. training manager

6 Clues: skyfruitthe moondogs nametraining officertraining manager

suger and diabetes 2024-06-27

suger and diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. they exist because some places can't afford these
  2. Has a trunk
  3. Man's best friend
  1. Flying mammal
  2. Large marsupial
  3. Likes to chase mice

6 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micethey exist because some places can't afford these

Wellness Crossword 31st July 2023-06-15

Wellness Crossword 31st July crossword puzzle
  1. Minimum hours of sleep we should be getting
  2. Wellness theme for September
  3. ____ minutes of exercise daily at least 5 days weekly is ideal
  4. Diabetes is an ____
  1. One of the services offered by Wellness
  2. Kind of eclipse
  3. Energetic for one's age
  4. Maximum units of alcohol an adult male should drink per day
  5. Each employee and each person on their dependent list is eligible for how many free therapy sessions at the wellness Centre yearly?

9 Clues: Kind of eclipseDiabetes is an ____Energetic for one's ageWellness theme for SeptemberOne of the services offered by WellnessMinimum hours of sleep we should be gettingMaximum units of alcohol an adult male should drink per day____ minutes of exercise daily at least 5 days weekly is ideal...

Holuatt Crossword 2013-03-19

Holuatt Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A reliable organisation that was created for Education and Training Life and Health Underwriter in Trinidad and Tobago.
  2. An allowable business expense
  3. A Three letter abbreviation for a male only blood test
  4. Medical terminology for a Heart Attack
  5. A preferred diagnostic test for Hydronephrosis.
  6. What disease has Type 1 or 2?
  1. Genetic condition where the body retains excess Iron
  2. Medical term for middle back
  3. Service available if we need more information

9 Clues: Medical term for middle backAn allowable business expenseWhat disease has Type 1 or 2?Medical terminology for a Heart AttackService available if we need more informationA preferred diagnostic test for Hydronephrosis.Genetic condition where the body retains excess IronA Three letter abbreviation for a male only blood test...

Coordination and Control 2016-03-13

Coordination and Control crossword puzzle
  1. Over-production of growth hormone is known as
  2. Where is pituitary gland located
  3. Name of the system which produces hormone
  4. Under production of growth hormone is known as
  1. Disease caused by problems with insulin
  2. Hormone which has the opposite effect to insulin
  3. Another name for the hormone which makes bones and muscles grow
  4. Hormone which is produced after meals to decrease the blood glucose level
  5. Insulin and glucagon is produced by which hormone

9 Clues: Where is pituitary gland locatedDisease caused by problems with insulinName of the system which produces hormoneOver-production of growth hormone is known asUnder production of growth hormone is known asHormone which has the opposite effect to insulinInsulin and glucagon is produced by which hormone...

Men's Top Health Risks 2017-05-16

Men's Top Health Risks crossword puzzle
  1. A hat and sunscreen will reduce one type
  2. Discussing politics & religion may be a trigger
  3. Refusing to practice prevention can lead to serious health problems
  4. An annual flu shot is a good defense
  5. Can be linked to cigarette smoking & heavy drinking
  1. depression is a risk factor
  2. Leading threat to men's health
  3. Leading cause of death in young men; alcohol is a key contributor
  4. Can be reversed with exercise, proper diet, & weight loss

9 Clues: depression is a risk factorLeading threat to men's healthAn annual flu shot is a good defenseA hat and sunscreen will reduce one typeDiscussing politics & religion may be a triggerCan be linked to cigarette smoking & heavy drinkingCan be reversed with exercise, proper diet, & weight loss...

endocrime system 2013-11-20

endocrime system crossword puzzle
  1. One of the structures composing the skeleton of a vertebrate
  2. A tissue composed of cells or fibers
  3. Group of cells
  4. Chemical changes produced by electricity and the production of electricity by chemical changes
  5. Characterized by inadequate production or utilization of insulin
  6. A pair of bean-shaped organs in the back
  7. A hormone that is secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress and increases heart rate
  1. An expandable portion of the oviduct in which the fertilized ovum
  2. The blood flowing through a circulatory system
  3. Something happpens in an instant
  4. Formed in endocrine glands
  5. A gland that is very near the stomache
  6. A potent steroid hormone secreted mainly by the testes
  7. The tendency of a system
  8. The female reproductive organ

15 Clues: Group of cellsThe tendency of a systemFormed in endocrine glandsThe female reproductive organSomething happpens in an instantA tissue composed of cells or fibersA gland that is very near the stomacheA pair of bean-shaped organs in the backThe blood flowing through a circulatory systemA potent steroid hormone secreted mainly by the testes...

Deep Water By: Watt Key 2021-07-03

Deep Water By: Watt Key crossword puzzle
  1. the midical condition the Dad has.
  2. what was the diseas that
  3. what did they brake the light with.
  4. The thing that blew of all of the water pots.
  5. the thing that attact them out at see.
  6. The main charecter.
  1. The person who got the bends because he surface to fast.
  2. buoyancy compensator divice
  3. The person who asked Julie's Dad to drop tanks in the water to make a atofishal reef.
  4. were is the house that the mom is at.
  5. What color was the light that tolled them that they had reached a oil rig.
  6. were did they get there bottled water.
  7. Were they were floting.
  8. The other kid who got lost a sea.
  9. The place were they survived.

15 Clues: The main charecter.Were they were floting.what was the diseas thatbuoyancy compensator diviceThe place were they survived.The other kid who got lost a sea.the midical condition the Dad has.what did they brake the light with.were is the house that the mom is at.were did they get there bottled water.the thing that attact them out at see....

Modul 6 : koordinasi badan 2021-09-22

Modul 6 : koordinasi badan crossword puzzle
  1. ________ ialah kawasan otak yang mengawal kelenjar pituitari.
  2. ________ mengangkut hormon ke organ sasaran.
  3. kekurangan hormon ______ akan menyebabkan kemandulan.
  4. sistem endokrin manusia terdiri daripada kelenjar endokrin yang merembeskan bahan kimia yang dikenali sebagai __________.
  5. diabetes _____ berlaku disebabkan oleh kegagalan air untuk diserap semula di gingal.
  6. terdapat _______ kelenjar endokrin utama dalam Badan lelaki Dan perempuan.
  7. ______ berfungsi untuk mengawal metabolisme badan.
  8. insulin ialah untuk mengawal aras ______ dalam darah.
  1. ______ terletak di dalam sistem pembiakan lelaki.
  2. sekiranya berlebihan _______ akan menyebabkan tekanan darah tinggi.
  3. kelenjar_____ terletak di bawah peti suara pada bahagian leher.
  4. ______ menjadi tidak stabil, cepat marah Dan mata menonjol keluar adalah disebabkan kelebihan hormon tiroksina.
  5. fungsi ______ ialah mengawal tahap gula dalam darah.
  6. Fungsi ADH ialah mengawal penyerapan semula air dari _______.
  7. kelenjar endokrin manusia tidak mempunyai _________.

15 Clues: ________ mengangkut hormon ke organ sasaran.______ terletak di dalam sistem pembiakan lelaki.______ berfungsi untuk mengawal metabolisme badan.fungsi ______ ialah mengawal tahap gula dalam darah.kelenjar endokrin manusia tidak mempunyai _________.kekurangan hormon ______ akan menyebabkan kemandulan....

Plants 2021-09-21

Plants crossword puzzle
  1. Used to treat flu, colds, and diarrhea
  2. Used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and constipation
  3. Used to cure analgesic problems and epilepsy
  4. Used to get rid of somnia and stress
  5. Used to purify blood, liver , heart, and lungs
  6. Used to treat digestive issues and hemorrhoids
  7. Used for stress, nerves disorder, and aphrodisiac issues
  1. Used to ease pain, cuts, and bruises
  2. Used for Vitamin C, Cough, Diabetes, and hyperacidity
  3. Used for digestive issues and vomiting
  4. Used to treat common cold, fever, also treat heart and kidney problems
  5. Used to treat skin inflammation, breakouts, and burns
  6. Used to treat stomach and intestinal ulcers
  7. Used to make ajwan tea for stomach aches
  8. Used for dental analgesic and antiseptic issues

15 Clues: Used to ease pain, cuts, and bruisesUsed to get rid of somnia and stressUsed to treat flu, colds, and diarrheaUsed for digestive issues and vomitingUsed to make ajwan tea for stomach achesUsed to treat stomach and intestinal ulcersUsed to cure analgesic problems and epilepsyUsed to purify blood, liver , heart, and lungs...

Unit 1 - revision 2021-10-17

Unit 1 - revision crossword puzzle
  1. Administration of weakened pathogens to produce immunity against a disease
  2. Another way to describe fatty plaques
  3. Deadly and highly contagious disease transmitted by virus that can be found in sub-Saharian region in Africa
  4. Specific type of arteriosclerosis
  5. Group of proliferating diseases, which are often fatal
  6. One of body fluids that contains amylase
  7. Procedure during which one organ is replaced by another
  8. Opposite to chronic
  1. Opposite to resistant
  2. Inflammatory disease, that can lead to kidney failure
  3. One word to describe increased blood pressure
  4. Inflammatory disease of airways which causes sudden difficulties in breathing (...attacks)
  5. Metabolic disease that has three main types, associated with insulin
  6. Life-threatening condition that has two types - ischemic and haemorrhagic
  7. Opposite to benign

15 Clues: Opposite to benignOpposite to chronicOpposite to resistantSpecific type of arteriosclerosisAnother way to describe fatty plaquesOne of body fluids that contains amylaseOne word to describe increased blood pressureInflammatory disease, that can lead to kidney failureGroup of proliferating diseases, which are often fatal...

endocrine system 2022-09-14

endocrine system crossword puzzle
  1. enlarged thyroid is called this
  2. chemicals released into the blood
  3. glands found on top of your kidneys
  4. gland the size of a marble found at the base of the cerebrum
  5. when someone doesn't make enough insulin
  6. a hormone released by the thyroid
  7. the hormone that allows glucose to move from your blood into cells
  8. a system that uses chemicals to control body systems
  1. all the chemical reactions in the body
  2. gland found behind your stomach that makes insulin
  3. human growth hormone made by the pituitary gland
  4. four pea-sized glands located at the back of your thyroid
  5. element found in seafood; is also added to salt
  6. butterfly-shaped gland found in the throat
  7. called the "fight or flight" hormone

15 Clues: enlarged thyroid is called thischemicals released into the blooda hormone released by the thyroidglands found on top of your kidneyscalled the "fight or flight" hormoneall the chemical reactions in the bodywhen someone doesn't make enough insulinbutterfly-shaped gland found in the throatelement found in seafood; is also added to salt...

aldar 2023-02-22

aldar crossword puzzle
  1. a lack of something necessary for one's health
  2. objects that people with injured legs or feet use to help them walk
  3. experiencing pain
  4. a medical disorder that is harmful to a person's health
  5. when a bone is temporarily separated from its joint
  6. type of disease typically involving insulin deficiency
  7. a virus commonly contracted by children, characterized by itchy spots all over the body
  1. medical explanation of an illness or condition
  2. loss of mental capacity
  3. requiring immediate and constant medical attention
  4. in need of water
  5. unable to hear
  6. a medical problem that needs immediate attention
  7. a person who determines the cause of death after a person dies
  8. a sac in the body-tissue filled with fluid (sometimes diseased)

15 Clues: unable to hearin need of waterexperiencing painloss of mental capacitymedical explanation of an illness or conditiona lack of something necessary for one's healtha medical problem that needs immediate attentionrequiring immediate and constant medical attentionwhen a bone is temporarily separated from its joint...

eye disease 2022-09-30

eye disease crossword puzzle
  1. inflammation, and infection of a nasolacrimal duct and lacrimal sac.
  2. formed around an inflamed sebaceous gland.
  3. of upper lid margin from neuromuscular problems.
  4. superficial white nodule along lid margin due to infection of sebaceous
  5. intraocular pressure results in damage to the retina and optic nerve.
  6. hard, cystic mass on the eyelid.
  7. of the eyelid, causing the lashes to rub against the eye,
  1. deviation of the eye.
  2. damage to the macula of the retina.
  3. sagging and eversion of the eyelid.
  4. yellowish plaque on eyelid caused by lipid disorder
  5. of the eyelid causing redness, crusting and swelling along lid margins.
  6. of the lens, causing decrease vision
  7. of the retina caused by diabetes mellitus.
  8. layers of the retina separate from each other.

15 Clues: deviation of the eye.hard, cystic mass on the eyelid.damage to the macula of the retina.sagging and eversion of the eyelid.of the lens, causing decrease visionformed around an inflamed sebaceous gland.of the retina caused by diabetes mellitus.layers of the retina separate from each other.of upper lid margin from neuromuscular problems....

Vitamins 2023-05-05

Vitamins crossword puzzle
  1. important in energy metabolism
  2. not enough of a certain vitamin or mineral
  3. a substance taken to remedy a deficiency
  4. there are over _____ types of vitamins
  5. healthy compounds the body needs
  6. not taking supplements while pregnant can lead to injuries in the child as it can damage the ______ tubes
  7. you need about 75 ______ of vitamin k every day
  8. it is a necessary glucose production
  9. helps sleep
  10. found in greens organ meats, sprouts and sunflower seeds
  1. vitamin b3 is also known as
  2. vitamin A is a _________ that is naturally presented in many foods
  3. helps strengthen bones
  4. also known as vitamin b6
  5. not taking some supplements can lead to chronic diseases, heart diseases, diabetes, cancers, and ________

15 Clues: helps sleephelps strengthen bonesalso known as vitamin b6vitamin b3 is also known asimportant in energy metabolismhealthy compounds the body needsit is a necessary glucose productionthere are over _____ types of vitaminsa substance taken to remedy a deficiencynot enough of a certain vitamin or mineralyou need about 75 ______ of vitamin k every day...

introductory nutrition 2014-08-05

introductory nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. diabetes is the condition that women develop in the second trimester
  2. is the primary source of fuel for the body,especially for the brain
  3. fluid protects the baby from short barrier
  4. are sac like structure in the breast
  5. acid helps in DNA and RNA synthesis
  6. provide the body secondary or storage form of heat and energy
  7. is an antioxidant
  1. is also called the milk ejection reflex
  2. is a swollen red area around the breast
  3. helps in the synthesis of mother's milk
  4. acid is the other name for vitamin B5
  5. acid helps in preventing preterm birth
  6. is needed for placental membranes,hormones and lactation
  7. stimulates lobules in the breast to let down (release)milk from storage
  8. falls under fats and oils

15 Clues: is an antioxidantfalls under fats and oilsacid helps in DNA and RNA synthesisare sac like structure in the breastacid is the other name for vitamin B5acid helps in preventing preterm birthis also called the milk ejection reflexis a swollen red area around the breasthelps in the synthesis of mother's milkfluid protects the baby from short barrier...

RC2 2016-01-17

RC2 crossword puzzle
  1. this places iceberg sank the titanic
  2. has 42% access to safe water
  3. 13,491 of these in the united states
  4. spends $56.53 on fruites vegetables and nuts per week
  5. has a 1.3 fertility rate
  6. states 37% of the total population is obese in this area
  1. foods in the united states we spend $19.33 per week on
  2. in this place the population of ages 20 and older with diabetes is 3%
  3. meal at the beginning of the day
  4. meal you eat in the middle of the day
  5. has 32% of people living on $2 a day
  6. quick bite to eat
  7. meal you eat at the end of the day
  8. imports 98%of its food
  9. in this place the population density is 357

15 Clues: quick bite to eatimports 98%of its foodhas a 1.3 fertility ratehas 42% access to safe watermeal at the beginning of the daymeal you eat at the end of the daythis places iceberg sank the titanichas 32% of people living on $2 a day13,491 of these in the united statesmeal you eat in the middle of the dayin this place the population density is 357...

biomed 2018-01-22

biomed crossword puzzle
  1. deficiency of glucose in the bloodstream
  2. hormone in pancreas that regulates glucose in the blood
  3. no production of insulin or body doesn't accept insulin produced
  4. excess blood sugar
  5. substance consisting of elements in a fixed ratio
  6. amount of heat energy to increase the temp of 1g of water
  7. ability so dissolve other substances
  1. maintenance of stable internal physiological conditions
  2. chemical process that splits a molecule with the addition of water
  3. dissolved in the solvent
  4. counteraction of an effect
  5. sugar in form of monosaccharide
  6. hormone found in the pancreas that promotes breakdown of glycogen to glucose
  7. relating to a solution having the same osmotic pressure as another solution
  8. product of living cells that circulates in body fluids

15 Clues: excess blood sugardissolved in the solventcounteraction of an effectsugar in form of monosaccharideability so dissolve other substancesdeficiency of glucose in the bloodstreamsubstance consisting of elements in a fixed ratioproduct of living cells that circulates in body fluidsmaintenance of stable internal physiological conditions...

The Pharmaceutical Crossword! 2018-04-03

The Pharmaceutical Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. Last name of the man behind Daraprim fraud
  2. Also called ZDV/AZT
  3. An ineffective treatment using blood replacement
  4. The hypothesis that HIV does not cause AIDS
  5. A severe side effect causing diabetes-like symptoms
  6. An Indian company that currently has treatment in 115 countries
  7. A company that has reached 10 million people with treatment
  1. A common side effect of treatment causing a lack of sleep
  2. This is the common name for Nevirapine
  3. A place to illegally purchase treatments
  4. Number of treatments currently in development
  5. A type of drug that combats retroviruses
  6. A form of a cure!
  7. Number of years since the first Dance Marathon! (word)
  8. Last name of someone who benefited off selling illegal HIV drugs

15 Clues: A form of a cure!Also called ZDV/AZTThis is the common name for NevirapineA place to illegally purchase treatmentsA type of drug that combats retrovirusesLast name of the man behind Daraprim fraudThe hypothesis that HIV does not cause AIDSNumber of treatments currently in developmentAn ineffective treatment using blood replacement...

short movie words 1 2023-12-12

short movie words 1 crossword puzzle
  1. – phrase meaning you have been shot.
  2. – something that is very important
  3. – hatred of other people who are different
  4. – important events in history that help shape and define a person, group or country.
  5. – Nitroglycerine – a very explosive liquid.
  6. – responding to a text or speech.
  1. – something given after death.
  2. – fighting in a war.
  3. – The common features, beliefs and values shared by people of a country or region.
  4. – totally destroyed.
  5. – when everyone agrees.
  6. – a standard of excellence set for others to follow.
  7. Camp – shelter and safety for people during time of war or other disaster.
  8. – a medicine to treat Diabetes.
  9. – a big jump.

15 Clues: – a big jump.– fighting in a war.– totally destroyed.– when everyone agrees.– something given after death.– a medicine to treat Diabetes.– responding to a text or speech.– something that is very important– phrase meaning you have been shot.– hatred of other people who are different– Nitroglycerine – a very explosive liquid....


  1. ACE inhibitor, side effect is persistent non productive cough
  2. prevents fracture, another name for vit D
  3. dopamine agonist, parkinson restless leg syndrome
  4. diabetes mellitus fast acting
  5. sodium ____ laxative, for constipation, stimulation of defecation, dulcolax
  6. atypical antipsychotic, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, comes in wafer/tablet, can be given via IM injection
  7. dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor, T2DM, oral medication
  8. first generation cephalosphorin, bactericidal inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis
  1. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, major depression, OCD, PTSD, Social anxiety disorder, panic disorder
  2. for B12 deficiency, IM injection
  3. atypical antipsychotic, behavioural disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar
  4. surfactant stool softener, facilitates admixture of fat and water to soften stool
  5. benzodiazepine, anticonvulsant anxiolytic muscle relaxant
  6. Neuropathic pain Epilepsy Fibromyalgia Generalised Anxiety Disorder
  7. water soluble B complex vitamin, Alcohol withdrawal

15 Clues: diabetes mellitus fast actingfor B12 deficiency, IM injectionprevents fracture, another name for vit Ddopamine agonist, parkinson restless leg syndromewater soluble B complex vitamin, Alcohol withdrawaldipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor, T2DM, oral medicationbenzodiazepine, anticonvulsant anxiolytic muscle relaxant...

GENE THERAPHY 2024-05-28

GENE THERAPHY crossword puzzle
  1. occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces
  2. any of the body of the cells except the germ cells
  3. basic unit of inheritance
  4. a stage of prenatal development following the embryo stage
  5. early developmental stage of human
  6. smallest basic unit of life
  7. progressive disorder that affects the nervous system
  8. potential method to either treat or cure genetic human illness
  1. the reproductive cells
  2. have the ability to divide and renew themselves
  3. disorder of structure or function in human
  4. carries genetic information for the development and functioning of an organism
  5. genetic modification of germ cells
  6. the most common type of dementia
  7. infectious microbe consisting of segment of nucleic acid

15 Clues: the reproductive cellsbasic unit of inheritancesmallest basic unit of lifethe most common type of dementiagenetic modification of germ cellsearly developmental stage of humandisorder of structure or function in humanhave the ability to divide and renew themselvesany of the body of the cells except the germ cells...

Enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles 2021-05-28

Enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles crossword puzzle
  1. crónicas
  2. mellitus
  1. elevada hipertensión
  2. y prevención

4 Clues: crónicasmellitusy prevenciónelevada hipertensión

country singers 2020-04-17

country singers crossword puzzle
  1. this country singer is in a group called what
  2. were found in 1990
  3. she knows who halsey is
  4. had her own show from 2001 to 2007
  1. she sings die from a brooken heart
  2. this country singer died from diabetes

6 Clues: were found in 1990she knows who halsey isshe sings die from a brooken hearthad her own show from 2001 to 2007this country singer died from diabetesthis country singer is in a group called what


TTB (TEKA-TEKI BIOLOGI) crossword puzzle
  1. organ ekskresi yang detoks di sepertiga malam
  2. yang kita hirup saat bernafas
  3. Bagian epidermis pada ginjal
  1. penyakit yang disebabkan pangkreas tidak biasa memproduksi insulin
  2. Kantong Udara pada paru-paru
  3. penyakit organ paru-paru yang di sebabakan karena infeksi bakteri

6 Clues: Kantong Udara pada paru-paruBagian epidermis pada ginjalyang kita hirup saat bernafasorgan ekskresi yang detoks di sepertiga malampenyakit organ paru-paru yang di sebabakan karena infeksi bakteripenyakit yang disebabkan pangkreas tidak biasa memproduksi insulin

Diseases 2024-09-17

Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. causes influenza
  2. disease that does not spread from one person to another
  3. disease that spread from one person to another
  4. symptom of influenza
  1. example of a communicable disease
  2. example of a non communicable disease caused by insufficient insulin

6 Clues: causes influenzasymptom of influenzaexample of a communicable diseasedisease that spread from one person to anotherdisease that does not spread from one person to anotherexample of a non communicable disease caused by insufficient insulin

Gesudheit, Gewebe, Tumore 2016-09-01

Gesudheit, Gewebe, Tumore crossword puzzle
  1. Ursache für Krankheiten
  2. Tochtergeschwülste
  1. Gewebeart
  2. Zuckerkrankheit

4 Clues: GewebeartZuckerkrankheitTochtergeschwülsteUrsache für Krankheiten

Family [; <3 2012-06-20

Family [; <3 crossword puzzle
  1. janets hubby
  2. related to titidelia and is kinda crazy
  3. looks just like her dad and loves to sleep
  4. one of kaylas son looks just like her
  5. crys over anything and talks alot
  6. huggies play mate and agrues with chipo alot
  7. unusaul grandpa but really cool
  8. use to have long hair , very young and married
  9. looks like a monkey
  10. lives in providence and sonias sister
  11. has diabetes and eats alot
  1. everybody loves him looks just like joel
  2. just born and veronicas god son
  3. blond hair kaylas son
  4. has 3 kids , lives in a shelter and is ignorant sometimes
  5. lives with her mom in providence and likes to live her kids in her moms house
  6. dates platano and is always serious
  7. really skinney , works at mcdonalds and is maried to taz
  8. best grandma and mom

19 Clues: janets hubbylooks like a monkeybest grandma and momblond hair kaylas sonhas diabetes and eats alotjust born and veronicas god sonunusaul grandpa but really coolcrys over anything and talks alotdates platano and is always seriousone of kaylas son looks just like herlives in providence and sonias sisterrelated to titidelia and is kinda crazy...

Damani 2023-01-10

Damani crossword puzzle
  1. what is the kids name?
  2. somebody with a different color skin
  3. Opposite of walking?
  4. when your sugar is high and you have problems.
  5. The town that they are in?
  6. The name of the track team?
  7. WHen you and somebody get into a argument or fight
  8. when a teacher is talking and you are focused on a teacher
  1. Something that a teacher gives you?
  2. something that your on when you play basketball for your school?
  3. when your just standing around on public property.
  4. something you use to climb
  5. when you have a lot of energy and don't feel anything
  6. what's the sport called when you run?
  7. things people say that you have?
  8. Opposite of man?
  9. Another name for handshake (hood lingo)
  10. steak with the name of a city in md
  11. Somebody that teaches the kids on a team?

19 Clues: Opposite of man?Opposite of walking?what is the kids name?something you use to climbThe town that they are in?The name of the track team?things people say that you have?Something that a teacher gives you?steak with the name of a city in mdsomebody with a different color skinwhat's the sport called when you run?...

WKD RSKG RASYIDA 2023 2023-03-11

WKD RSKG RASYIDA 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. komponen elektrolit yang naik jika pasien banyak makan buah
  2. kata lain dari kurang darah
  3. obat diabetes yang disuntikkan bisa di perut, di lengan
  4. salah satu hobi dokter alwi adalah
  5. selalu menolong dan membantu pasien ketika pasien sedang cuci darah dan ketika dirawat
  6. jenis pemeriksaan fungsi ginjal yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui kadar racun di dalam darah
  7. obat mencegah keropos tulang
  8. penyakit penyebab paling banyak penyakit ginjal
  9. target capaian BB sesudah HB disebut berat
  1. bulan ulang tahun RSKG Rasyida
  2. yang terjadi ketika pasien banyak minum atau ketika terjadi penumpukan cairan di dalam paru
  3. berwarna kuning, panjang, tinggi kalium, tidak boleh dimakan pasien
  4. salah satu penyebab kekurangan darah akibat kurang zat
  5. terapi pengganti ginjal selain HD dan CAPD
  6. akses untuk hd yang ada di tangan
  7. salah satu jenis obat anti hipertensi dosis 1 kali sehari
  8. bulan peringatan hari ginjal sedunia
  9. bahasa inggris ginjal
  10. tindakan yang diperlukan ketika hb pasien rendah

19 Clues: bahasa inggris ginjalkata lain dari kurang darahobat mencegah keropos tulangbulan ulang tahun RSKG Rasyidaakses untuk hd yang ada di tangansalah satu hobi dokter alwi adalahbulan peringatan hari ginjal seduniaterapi pengganti ginjal selain HD dan CAPDtarget capaian BB sesudah HB disebut beratpenyakit penyebab paling banyak penyakit ginjal...

Middle School 1 2024-01-23

Middle School 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a group of cells that work together form a
  2. also known as epinephrine
  3. disease that decreases immune function (starts with a C)
  4. also known as anaphylactic shock
  5. these may be required if a cut is too deep
  6. a group of organ systems working together will form this
  7. first agencies on the scene of an emergency
  8. the last emergency action step
  9. the first emergency action step
  10. disease that decreases immune function (starts with a D)
  1. severe bleeding is also called
  2. individuals who answer 911 calls
  3. topical first aid ointment that soothes pain of cuts
  4. the second emergency action step
  5. common fever reducing medication
  6. delaying stitches increases the risk of
  7. a group of tissues that work together will form this
  8. initial care given for an illness or injury
  9. decreased alertness and rapid breathing and heart rate may indicate what condition

19 Clues: also known as epinephrinesevere bleeding is also calledthe last emergency action stepthe first emergency action stepindividuals who answer 911 callsthe second emergency action stepcommon fever reducing medicationalso known as anaphylactic shockdelaying stitches increases the risk ofa group of cells that work together form a...

Family [; <3 2012-06-20

Family [; <3 crossword puzzle
  1. janets hubby
  2. related to titidelia and is kinda crazy
  3. looks just like her dad and loves to sleep
  4. one of kaylas son looks just like her
  5. crys over anything and talks alot
  6. huggies play mate and agrues with chipo alot
  7. unusaul grandpa but really cool
  8. use to have long hair , very young and married
  9. looks like a monkey
  10. lives in providence and sonias sister
  11. has diabetes and eats alot
  1. everybody loves him looks just like joel
  2. just born and veronicas god son
  3. blond hair kaylas son
  4. has 3 kids , lives in a shelter and is ignorant sometimes
  5. lives with her mom in providence and likes to live her kids in her moms house
  6. dates platano and is always serious
  7. really skinney , works at mcdonalds and is maried to taz
  8. best grandma and mom

19 Clues: janets hubbylooks like a monkeybest grandma and momblond hair kaylas sonhas diabetes and eats alotjust born and veronicas god sonunusaul grandpa but really coolcrys over anything and talks alotdates platano and is always seriousone of kaylas son looks just like herlives in providence and sonias sisterrelated to titidelia and is kinda crazy...

5 risk factors of heart disease 2024-03-27

5 risk factors of heart disease crossword puzzle
  1. Sugar is the leading cause of this
  2. Also causes lung cancer
  1. The act of not being physically active
  2. Damages liver
  3. Lead cause of obesity

5 Clues: Damages liverLead cause of obesityAlso causes lung cancerSugar is the leading cause of thisThe act of not being physically active

Immunsystem - Aids und Co. (lese B.S. 101 -111 und löse das Rätsel) 2020-02-14

Immunsystem - Aids und  Co.  (lese B.S. 101 -111 und löse das Rätsel) crossword puzzle
  1. Organ in welchem die T-Lymphozyten (wie z.B. T-Helferzellen) heranreifen
  2. erstes Antibiotikum
  3. Zeitdauer von der Infektion bis zum Ausbruch der Krankheit
  4. infektiöse Eiweißteilchen, die zu schwammartigen Löchern im Gehirn führen
  5. Diabetes Typ ... ist eine Autoimmunerkrankung
  6. Als ... Schock bezeichnet man einen lebensbedrohenden Zustand während einer Allergiereaktion
  7. Medikamente, die man nach einer Organtransplantation lebenslang nehmen muss
  8. Diagnoseverfahren bei Allergien, bei der die Haut angeritzt wird.
  9. 1.Verteidigungslinie
  10. Medikament zur Behandlung von Allergie-Reaktionen
  1. Da sich die ... der Erreger bei Grippeviren schnell ändern, muss die Impfung jedes Jahr erneuert werden.
  2. Impfung, die deinen Körper veranlasst Antikörper gegen einen bestimmten Krankheitserreger zu bilden
  3. Erreger der bakteriellen Gehirnhautentzündung
  4. Stoff, der eine Allergie auslösen
  5. Häufige Todesursache bei AIDS
  6. Ursache, wieso Viren häufig ihre Oberflächenmerkmale ändern
  7. Viren, die Aids hervorrufen
  8. Körperflüssigkeit, über die HIV übertragen wird.
  9. Impfung gegen Wundstarrkrampf, muss alle 10 Jahre erneuert werden.

19 Clues: erstes Antibiotikum1.VerteidigungslinieViren, die Aids hervorrufenHäufige Todesursache bei AIDSStoff, der eine Allergie auslösenErreger der bakteriellen GehirnhautentzündungDiabetes Typ ... ist eine AutoimmunerkrankungKörperflüssigkeit, über die HIV übertragen wird.Medikament zur Behandlung von Allergie-Reaktionen...

Lab Week 2020 Crossword 2020-04-05

Lab Week 2020 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Additive in purple top blood vacutainers
  2. A ____ cross match consists of patient serum and donor erythrocytes.
  3. Test that measures iron stores in the body
  4. Enzyme most specific for acute pancreatitis
  5. What does PCR stand for?
  6. Most abundant circulating antibody class
  7. Anticoagulant that inhibits modification of vitamin K dependent coagulation factors
  8. Levels of bilirubin are ______ during a hemolytic crisis.
  1. Special stain for observing siderocytes and iron stores
  2. What stain is used for direct smear analysis in Microbiology?
  3. What cell has a life span of 120 days?
  4. IgM cannot cross the ______.
  5. Enzyme that converts fibrinogen to fibrin
  6. An increase in the total number of white blood cells from normal range
  7. Immunohematology tests utilize _____ agglutination.
  8. Most common transfusion reaction
  9. What ion is bound by EDTA to prevent clotting?
  10. Diabetes mellitus Type II is an insulin ______.
  11. Biochemical test that differentiates Staphylococcus from Streptococcus

19 Clues: What does PCR stand for?IgM cannot cross the ______.Most common transfusion reactionWhat cell has a life span of 120 days?Additive in purple top blood vacutainersMost abundant circulating antibody classEnzyme that converts fibrinogen to fibrinTest that measures iron stores in the bodyEnzyme most specific for acute pancreatitis...

Oral Hypoglycemics 2024-04-30

Oral Hypoglycemics crossword puzzle
  1. when taking metformin, how long do you need to wait after receiving IV contrast to resume medication
  2. what to admin if a pt is unconscious w/ hypoglycemia
  3. decrease glucose absorption in the intestines
  4. S&S include diaphoresis, confusion, headache & tachycardia
  5. adverse reaction of thiazolidinediones
  6. metformin can be toxic to which organs
  7. should carry a carb snack when taking
  8. adverse reactions of metformin
  9. what type of diabetes requires oral hypoglycemics instead of insulin
  10. should be avoided when taking sulfonylureas
  11. thiazolidinediones is contraindicated in pts with
  12. rare adverse effect of biguanides
  13. what to admin if a pt is conscious w/ hypoglycemia
  1. decreases insulin resistance
  2. stimulates release of insulin
  3. slows down absorption of carbs in the intestines
  4. used alone or in combination with other diabetic drugs
  5. can mask the signs of hypoglycemia
  6. S&S include polyuria, polydipsia,hot,dry skin & fruity smelling breath

19 Clues: decreases insulin resistancestimulates release of insulinadverse reactions of metforminrare adverse effect of biguanidescan mask the signs of hypoglycemiashould carry a carb snack when takingadverse reaction of thiazolidinedionesmetformin can be toxic to which organsshould be avoided when taking sulfonylureas...

Frozen Shoulder 2023-12-05

Frozen Shoulder crossword puzzle
  1. depends on what stage of frozen should the client is experiencing
  2. defined as stiffness, pain, and limited ROM with no universal cause
  3. stage where ROM is slowly regained
  4. type that has a known cause
  5. this goal involves addressing pain, stiffness, and recovery
  6. a tool used to manipulate the tissue within the GH joint
  7. there are ____ confirmed causes of frozen shoulder
  8. risk factor of frozen shoulder
  9. is required in extreme cases of frozen shoulder
  1. a potential, long-term problem
  2. side affects; shoulder pain, limited ROM, stiffness
  3. type that has an unknown cause
  4. joint involved with frozen shoulder
  5. stage that occurs at 4-12 months
  6. a goal of frozen shoulder treatment
  7. stage 1 of frozen shoulder
  8. intervention type has goals that fall within the categories of prevent, maintain, and restore
  9. considered to be an invasive therapeutic intervention
  10. a frozen shoulder prevention method

19 Clues: stage 1 of frozen shouldertype that has a known causea potential, long-term problemtype that has an unknown causerisk factor of frozen shoulderstage that occurs at 4-12 monthsstage where ROM is slowly regainedjoint involved with frozen shouldera goal of frozen shoulder treatmenta frozen shoulder prevention method...

Body Systems 2022-09-05

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. Most common disorder of endocrine system
  2. Aging causes hormone levels to;
  1. High blood sugar
  2. System divided between two categories
  3. When the bladder drops down

5 Clues: High blood sugarWhen the bladder drops downAging causes hormone levels to;System divided between two categoriesMost common disorder of endocrine system

Diabetes/puberty/unintended/symptoms/fatigue 2023-03-10

Diabetes/puberty/unintended/symptoms/fatigue crossword puzzle
  1. mental changes
  2. not planned as a purpose or goal
  1. less or more sugar in your body
  2. causes physical changes
  3. physical mental or a combination

5 Clues: mental changescauses physical changesless or more sugar in your bodyphysical mental or a combinationnot planned as a purpose or goal

5 risk factors of heart disease 2024-03-27

5 risk factors of heart disease crossword puzzle
  1. The act of not being physically active
  2. Also causes lung cancer
  3. Lead cause of obesity
  1. Sugar is the leading cause of this
  2. Damages liver

5 Clues: Damages liverLead cause of obesityAlso causes lung cancerSugar is the leading cause of thisThe act of not being physically active

Unit 13 Vocabulary 2022-01-02

Unit 13 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. 增加
  2. 療法
  3. 藥方
  4. 傳染病
  5. You should try to get more ___ in your meals by including a variety of vegetables.
  6. You can make an appointment with the doctor over the phone or by visiting the ___.
  7. Scientists around the world were working day and night to develop a ___ for the dangerous virus.
  8. 噁心的
  1. You should cover your mouth when you ___ so that other people don't get infected.
  2. It took the doctor nine hours to ___ on the man's heart.
  3. Paul ate so fast that he accidentally gave himself ___.
  4. ____ are effective for treating throat infections.
  5. 止痛劑
  6. You can improve your personal ___ by washing regularly.
  7. Take this paper to the ___ to collect your medicine.
  8. 糖尿病

16 Clues: 增加療法藥方止痛劑傳染病糖尿病噁心的____ are effective for treating throat infections.Take this paper to the ___ to collect your medicine.Paul ate so fast that he accidentally gave himself ___.You can improve your personal ___ by washing regularly.It took the doctor nine hours to ___ on the man's heart....


ALGEMENE SIEKTES crossword puzzle
  1. Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.
  2. Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.
  3. Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte herken kan word.
  4. ń Eetversteuring
  5. ń Infeksie west deur ń virus veroorsaak word en kan nie genees word nie.
  6. Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.
  7. Liggaam kan nie insulin verwerk nie.
  8. Klein lewende organisme wat infeksies en siektes veroorsaak.
  1. ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word.
  2. Hierdie siekte word veroorsaak deur BAKTERIËE en tasks gewoonlik die longe aan.
  3. As jy oorgewig is.
  4. Die kos wat jy eet.
  5. Die dra van ń masker kan die verspreiding van die pandemie verhoed.
  6. Antiretrovirale middels word gebruik om hierdie siekte te behandel.
  7. Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.
  8. Klein lewende organismes wat op plante, director, lug, grond en water lewe.

16 Clues: ń EetversteuringAs jy oorgewig is.Die kos wat jy eet.Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.Liggaam kan nie insulin verwerk nie.Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte herken kan word.Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word....


ALGEMENE SIEKTES crossword puzzle
  1. Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.
  2. Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.
  3. Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte herken kan word.
  4. ń Eetversteuring
  5. ń Infeksie wat deur ń virus veroorsaak word en kan nie genees word nie.
  6. Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.
  7. Liggaam kan nie insulien verwerk nie.
  8. Klein lewende organisme wat infeksies en siektes veroorsaak.
  1. ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word.
  2. Hierdie siekte word veroorsaak deur BAKTERIËE en tasks gewoonlik die longe aan.
  3. As jy oorgewig is.
  4. Die kos wat jy eet.
  5. Die dra van ń masker kan die verspreiding van die pandemie verhoed.
  6. Antiretrovirale middels word gebruik om hierdie siekte te behandel.
  7. Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.
  8. Klein lewende organismes wat op plante, director, lug, grond en water lewe.

16 Clues: ń EetversteuringAs jy oorgewig is.Die kos wat jy eet.Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.Liggaam kan nie insulien verwerk nie.Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte herken kan word.Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word....


ALGEMENE SIEKTES crossword puzzle
  1. Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.
  2. Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.
  3. Hierdie siekte word veroorsaak deur bakteriëe en tas die longe aan.
  4. Die dra van ń masker kan die verspreiding van die pandemie verhoed.
  5. As jy oorgewig is.
  6. Klein lewende organisme wat infeksies en siektes veroorsaak.
  7. Die kos wat ons eet.
  8. Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.
  9. Antiretrovirale middels word gebruik om hierdie siekte te behandel.
  10. ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word.
  1. Liggaam kan nie insulien verwerk nie.
  2. ń Eet versteuring.
  3. ń Infeksie wat deur ń virus veroorsaak word en kan nie genees word nie.
  4. Klein lewende organismes wat op plante, diere, lug,grond en water lewe.
  5. Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte herken kan word.
  6. Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.

16 Clues: ń Eet versteuring.As jy oorgewig is.Die kos wat ons eet.Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.Liggaam kan nie insulien verwerk nie.Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte herken kan word.Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word....

Non-Communicable Diseases - Breanna 2024-01-26

Non-Communicable Diseases - Breanna crossword puzzle
  1. non cancerous
  2. Caused by an autoimmune reaction where the body stops making insulin.
  3. not contagious diseases
  4. type of cardiovascular disease
  5. stroke occurs when a blood vessel that is feeding the brain is __ or bursts
  6. affects the blood vessels in the lungs
  7. heart attacks occur when ___ flow is blocked from the heart
  8. airways to become narrow and swell and may bring extra mucus
  1. Body doesn't use the insulin well and cannot keep blood sugar normal levels.
  2. does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces
  3. cancerous
  4. cancer of blood-forming organs
  5. group of diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing-related problems.
  6. uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells.
  7. quitting lowers risk of health problems
  8. affects the heart or blood vessels

16 Clues: cancerousnon cancerousnot contagious diseasescancer of blood-forming organstype of cardiovascular diseaseaffects the heart or blood vesselsaffects the blood vessels in the lungsquitting lowers risk of health problemsuncontrollable growth of abnormal cells.heart attacks occur when ___ flow is blocked from the heart...

Stroke 2017-11-15

Stroke crossword puzzle
  1. The F in FAST means ________.
  2. The S in FAST means_____.
  3. The brain has a left and right _______>
  4. ______indicates a risk for a future stroke.
  5. A stroke is a _________ injury to the brain.
  6. A brain attack is called a _______.
  7. an intracerebral hemorrhage is associated with age and____.
  8. Strokes are the leading cause of long term______.
  1. One of the risk factors for a stroke is _________.
  2. An immediate treatment for an ischemic stroke is an ________.
  3. Strokes can be _________.
  4. An_______ is a diagnostic test reveal a stroke.
  5. The side of the body that is effected by a stroke_____.
  6. A stroke causes a lack of nutrients and _____ to the brain.
  7. Blood from a ruptured blood vessel is called_______'
  8. a clot that travels to a small blood vessel is called______.

16 Clues: Strokes can be _________.The S in FAST means_____.The F in FAST means ________.A brain attack is called a _______.The brain has a left and right _______>______indicates a risk for a future stroke.A stroke is a _________ injury to the brain.An_______ is a diagnostic test reveal a stroke.Strokes are the leading cause of long term______....


ALGEMENE SIEKTES crossword puzzle
  1. Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.
  2. Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.
  3. Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte herken kan word.
  4. ń Eetversteuring
  5. ń Infeksie wat deur ń virus veroorsaak word en kan nie genees word nie.
  6. Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.
  7. Liggaam kan nie insulien verwerk nie.
  8. Klein lewende organisme wat infeksies en siektes veroorsaak.
  1. ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word.
  2. Hierdie siekte word veroorsaak deur bakteriëe en tas gewoonlik die longe aan.
  3. As jy oorgewig is.
  4. Die kos wat jy eet.
  5. Die dra van ń masker kan die verspreiding van die pandemie verhoed.
  6. Antiretrovirale middels word gebruik om hierdie siekte te behandel.
  7. Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.
  8. Klein lewende organismes wat op plante, director, lug, grond en water lewe.

16 Clues: ń EetversteuringAs jy oorgewig is.Die kos wat jy eet.Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.Liggaam kan nie insulien verwerk nie.Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte herken kan word.Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word....

Digestive system 2022-07-27

Digestive system crossword puzzle
  1. The long narrow tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.
  2. The simplest form of fats are fatty acids and __________.
  3. ____________ are broken down into amino acids.
  4. The organ where digestion begins.
  5. Physical digestion helps to increase _________ area of food.
  6. The enzyme secreted in the mouth.
  7. In the stomach, ___________ are digested.
  8. Chemical digestion involves __________
  1. Starch is digestive by amylase into ________.
  2. Carbohydrates are our main source of _________.
  3. The _______ acid in the stomach helps to kill bacteria.
  4. Fats are emulsified by ______ .
  5. The simplest form of carbohydrate is known as __________ .
  6. In patients with diabetes, there is excessive amounts of _____________ in their blood.
  7. The enzyme that digests fats is known as _________.
  8. Food moves through the digestive system through these muscular contractions.
  9. In the large intestines, most of _______ is being absorbed.
  10. Physical digestion in the stomach is known as __________.
  11. The hormone that diabetic patients lack.
  12. Food must be digested into small and ________ nutrients so that they can be absorbed.

20 Clues: Fats are emulsified by ______ .The organ where digestion begins.The enzyme secreted in the mouth.Chemical digestion involves __________The hormone that diabetic patients lack.In the stomach, ___________ are digested.Starch is digestive by amylase into ________.____________ are broken down into amino acids....

Mouth Body Connection Crossword 2 2022-01-20

Mouth Body Connection Crossword 2 crossword puzzle
  1. gum disease may be a type of disease in which the body attacks itself
  2. A person's mouth with uncontrolled diabetes may feel like this
  3. The first stage of gum disease
  4. Studies have found that people who have suffered a stroke were most likely to have an _____________ Infection.
  5. Food travels down this “tube”
  6. a lung disease caused by smoking
  7. a gastrointestinal disease that can erode teeth
  1. name for all your teeth in the upper arch.
  2. An oral infection in a pregnant woman can cause this
  3. hard outside part of a tooth
  4. This drink can erode your teeth
  5. The first enzyme in digestion
  6. Healthy gums have the texture of this fruit
  7. An acidic food
  8. Certain bacteria in the mouth can cause this serious illness
  9. a measurement of acid

16 Clues: An acidic fooda measurement of acidhard outside part of a toothThe first enzyme in digestionFood travels down this “tube”The first stage of gum diseaseThis drink can erode your teetha lung disease caused by smokingname for all your teeth in the upper arch.Healthy gums have the texture of this fruita gastrointestinal disease that can erode teeth...


ALGEMENE SIEKTES crossword puzzle
  1. Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.
  2. Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.
  3. Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte herken kan word.
  4. ń Eetversteuring
  5. ń Infeksie wat deur ń virus veroorsaak word en kan nie genees word nie.
  6. Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.
  7. Liggaam kan nie insulin verwerk nie.
  8. Klein lewende organisme wat infeksies en siektes veroorsaak.
  1. ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word.
  2. Hierdie siekte word veroorsaak deur BAKTERIËE en tasks gewoonlik die longe aan.
  3. As jy oorgewig is.
  4. Die kos wat jy eet.
  5. Die dra van ń masker kan die verspreiding van die pandemie verhoed.
  6. Antiretrovirale middels word gebruik om hierdie siekte te behandel.
  7. Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.
  8. Klein lewende organismes wat op plante, director, lug, grond en water lewe.

16 Clues: ń EetversteuringAs jy oorgewig is.Die kos wat jy eet.Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.Liggaam kan nie insulin verwerk nie.Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte herken kan word.Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word....

Stroke 2017-11-15

Stroke crossword puzzle
  1. ______indicates a risk for a future stroke.
  2. A brain attack is called a _______.
  3. Blood from a ruptured blood vessel is called_______'
  4. An immediate treatment for an ischemic stroke is an ________.
  5. A stroke causes a lack of nutrients and _____ to the brain.
  6. an intracerebral hemorrhage is associated with age and____.
  7. a clot that travels to a small blood vessel is called______.
  8. Strokes can be _________.
  9. The S in FAST means_____.
  1. The brain has a left and right _______>
  2. An_______ is a diagnostic test reveal a stroke.
  3. A stroke is a _________ injury to the brain.
  4. The F in FAST means ________.
  5. Strokes are the leading cause of long term______.
  6. The side of the body that is effected by a stroke_____.
  7. One of the risk factors for a stroke is _________.

16 Clues: Strokes can be _________.The S in FAST means_____.The F in FAST means ________.A brain attack is called a _______.The brain has a left and right _______>______indicates a risk for a future stroke.A stroke is a _________ injury to the brain.An_______ is a diagnostic test reveal a stroke.Strokes are the leading cause of long term______....

Stroke 2017-11-15

Stroke crossword puzzle
  1. ______indicates a risk for a future stroke.
  2. The side of the body that is effected by a stroke_____.
  3. Blood from a ruptured blood vessel is called_______'
  4. A brain attack is called a _______.
  5. Strokes can be _________.
  6. The S in FAST means_____.
  7. An immediate treatment for an ischemic stroke is an ________.
  8. A stroke causes a lack of nutrients and _____ to the brain.
  1. Strokes are the leading cause of long term______.
  2. One of the risk factors for a stroke is _________.
  3. A stroke is a _________ injury to the brain.
  4. an intracerebral hemorrhage is associated with age and____.
  5. The brain has a left and right _______>
  6. a clot that travels to a small blood vessel is called______.
  7. The F in FAST means ________.
  8. An_______ is a diagnostic test reveal a stroke.

16 Clues: Strokes can be _________.The S in FAST means_____.The F in FAST means ________.A brain attack is called a _______.The brain has a left and right _______>______indicates a risk for a future stroke.A stroke is a _________ injury to the brain.An_______ is a diagnostic test reveal a stroke.Strokes are the leading cause of long term______....

Lecture 17-19 Kidney Endo Diabetes Obesity 2022-12-05

Lecture 17-19 Kidney Endo Diabetes Obesity crossword puzzle
  1. testicular cells that produce androgens
  2. this calcium -dependent movement of insulin granules out of the cell
  3. this biomarker reflects average blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 months
  4. abbreviation, precursor protein which is cleaved to produce ACTH and MSH
  5. phosphorylation of these amino acid residues on IRS-1 leads to insulin resistance
  6. Used as an indicator of renal function, very low value indicates kidney failure
  7. insulin-producing cells are destroyed by this process in Type 1 diabetes
  8. the ob/ob transgenic mouse is deficient in _____________
  9. this syndrome is associated with insulin resistance, high triglycerides, central adiposity
  10. ovarian cells that produce estrogens
  11. leptin binds to these neurons to stimulate the release of this substance and create sense of satiety
  12. adipose tissue is comprised of these cells
  13. inflammation of renal glomeruli caused by antigen-antibody reaction within glomerular capillaries
  14. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease is associated with mutations in the gene for this protein
  15. diabetic ___________ is the leading cause of blindness
  16. having a large ________ size is associated with greater abdominal fat, and central adiposity
  17. _________ kidney, two kidneys fused together, congenital anomaly
  18. the leptin receptor is located in the pituitary, reproductive system and this central brain gland
  19. enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens
  20. abbreviation, transport protein that carries estrogens
  21. one of the two major thyroid hormones
  22. too much growth hormone, typically caused by pituitary tumor
  23. endocrine gland located in brain
  1. this is one of the causes of pre-renal, acute kidney failure
  2. this kinase is activated by physiological stressors associated with obesity, stress and inflammation
  3. disease characterized by high ACTH, President JFK diagnosed with this disease
  4. syndrome characterized by puffy face, caused by high doses of corticosteroids
  5. individuals with Laron’s dwarfism have very low rates of this disease
  6. this enzyme converts androgens to estrogens
  7. this hormone stimulates differentiation of fat cells from multipotent stem cells
  8. the insulin receptor phosphorylates targets on these amino acid residues
  9. scientific name for kidney stones; renal _____________
  10. this enzyme phosphorylates glucose in the glycolysis cycle to ultimately produce ATP
  11. diabetic ____________ is associated with degeneration of peripheral nerves
  12. enlargement of the thyroid gland
  13. muscle cells express this transporter in their cell membrane to mediate glucose uptake
  14. form of signaling that impacts neighbor cells
  15. ________ tumor is a primitive cell tumor that may be caused by mutations in WT1
  16. blood in urine
  17. these cells secrete insulin
  18. method for removing waste products such as potassium and urea, as well as free water from the blood

41 Clues: blood in urinethese cells secrete insulinenlargement of the thyroid glandendocrine gland located in brainovarian cells that produce estrogensone of the two major thyroid hormonestesticular cells that produce androgensadipose tissue is comprised of these cellsthis enzyme converts androgens to estrogensenzyme that converts androgens to estrogens...

Organische stoffen 2013-12-22

Organische stoffen crossword puzzle
  1. Een andere naam voor een vet.
  2. Dit is het element dat het meeste voorkomt bij de organische stoffen.
  3. Vetzuren die te groot zijn worden bij de vertering niet gebracht naar het bloedvatenstelsel maar naar het ...
  4. Een andere naam voor een suiker.
  5. Een vet bestaat uit 3 vetzuren en 1 ...
  6. 2 monomeren bij elkaar vormen een ...
  7. Plantaardig zetmeel.
  8. Een andere naam voor een eiwit.
  9. Dierlijk zetmeel.
  1. Bouwstof van celwanden.
  2. Een binding tussen monomeren gebeurt meestal door de afsplitsing van water; we spreken van een ...
  3. Is belangrijk voor ons lichaam als brandstof om energie te leveren.
  4. Een vet waarbij een vetzuurketen vervangen is door een fosfaatgroep.
  5. De goede werking cholesterol geeft met de afkorting ...
  6. Een andere naam voor suikerziekte.
  7. Is een disacharide die alleen in melk voorkomt.

16 Clues: Dierlijk zetmeel.Plantaardig zetmeel.Bouwstof van celwanden.Een andere naam voor een vet.Een andere naam voor een eiwit.Een andere naam voor een suiker.Een andere naam voor suikerziekte.2 monomeren bij elkaar vormen een ...Een vet bestaat uit 3 vetzuren en 1 ...Is een disacharide die alleen in melk voorkomt....


ALGEMENE SIEKTES crossword puzzle
  1. Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.
  2. Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.
  3. Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte gerken kan word.
  4. ń Eetversteuring
  5. ń Infeksie west deur ń virus veroorsaak word en kan nie genees word nie.
  6. Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.
  7. Liggaam kan nie insulin verwerk nie.
  8. Klein lewende organisme wat infeksies en siektes veroorsaak.
  1. ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word.
  2. Hierdie siekte word veroorsaak deur BAKTERIËE en tasks gewoonlik die longe aan.
  3. As jy oorgewig is.
  4. Die kos wat jy eet.
  5. Die dra van ń masker kan die verspreiding van die pandemie verhoed.
  6. Antiretrovirale middels word gebruik om hierdie siekte te behandel.
  7. Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.
  8. Klein lewende organismes wat op plante, director, lug, grond en water lewe.

16 Clues: ń EetversteuringAs jy oorgewig is.Die kos wat jy eet.Aanvalle of stuiptrekkings.Ander woord vir oordraagbaar.Liggaam kan nie insulin verwerk nie.Die hormoon wat glukosesuiker verwerk.Verskynsel waaraan ń siekte gerken kan word.Die liggaam se stelsel wat infeksies en siektes veg.ń Siekte of "seerplek" wat deur kieme veroorsaak word....