diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Unlock 4.3 2016-12-13

Unlock 4.3 crossword puzzle
  1. take something away from someone.
  2. enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose.
  3. can be given by one person to another.
  4. substances that you put on your face or body that are intended to improve your appearance.
  5. able to be prevented.
  6. something that stops a problem.
  7. made from artificial substances, often copying a natural product.
  1. having a negative or harmful effect on something.
  2. the official legal right to make or sell an invention for a particular number of years.
  3. a serious medical condition in which your body cannot control the amount of sugar in your blood.
  4. exact and accurate
  5. traditional and ordinary.
  6. involving little exercise or physical activity.

13 Clues: exact and accurateable to be prevented.traditional and ordinary.something that stops a problem.take something away from someone.can be given by one person to another.involving little exercise or physical activity.enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose.having a negative or harmful effect on something....


MEDICAL EMERGENCIES crossword puzzle
  1. a condition in which there are decreased levels of oxygen in the blood
  2. a disorder in the brains electrical activity
  3. the third phase of a generalized seizure
  4. a blockage in an artery or a vein
  5. the first stage of a generalized seizure
  6. a surgically created passage between two natural body channels
  7. a disease in which there are high levels of blood glucose
  1. a life threatening illness
  2. a condition in which there is an abnormal decrease of fluid in the blood
  3. a brain disorder characterized by recurrent seizures
  4. an acronym to help remember the symptoms of a stroke
  5. a hormone produced by the pancreas
  6. temporary loss of consciousness

13 Clues: a life threatening illnesstemporary loss of consciousnessa blockage in an artery or a veina hormone produced by the pancreasthe third phase of a generalized seizurethe first stage of a generalized seizurea disorder in the brains electrical activitya brain disorder characterized by recurrent seizures...

Cystic Fibrosis 2022-02-03

Cystic Fibrosis crossword puzzle
  1. The majority of patients with CF are?
  2. The first symptom of CF is a frequent?
  3. CF alters the function of what type of gland?
  4. A diagnostic test for CF is the ____ chloride test.
  5. A major objective of therapy for CF is to promote ____ of secretions.
  6. CF is a chronic fatal ____ disease.
  1. Since the 1990s, the prognosis of this disease has ____ dramatically.
  2. Pancreatic insufficiency is caused primarily by ____ plugging the pancreatic duct.
  3. CF-related ____ affects approximately 15% of patients with CF.
  4. CF affects males and females _____.
  5. CF primarily involves the ____, the pancreas, & the sweat glands.
  6. Sweat glands excrete increased amounts of sodium and?
  7. The most common genetic mutation in CF occurs in which gene? (acronym)

13 Clues: CF affects males and females _____.CF is a chronic fatal ____ disease.The majority of patients with CF are?The first symptom of CF is a frequent?CF alters the function of what type of gland?A diagnostic test for CF is the ____ chloride test.Sweat glands excrete increased amounts of sodium and?...

Health Vocabulary Assignment 2019-01-10

Health Vocabulary Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. Rain: A side affect of the waste by burning coal and fossil fuels
  2. the place where your trash usually goes
  3. Chemicals used to destroy unwanted plants or insects
  4. the layer of the earth's atmosphere that blocks UV rays
  5. someone who is good in a specific field
  6. CPR that doesn't use mouth to mouth
  7. Resuscitation a medical procedure of applying pressure to someone who had a cardiac arrest
  8. The bodies lack of ability to make insulin
  1. A tool that uses extreme heat to sterilize items
  2. also known as the Heimlich maneuver
  3. Effect the of keeping heat inside of the earth's atmosphere
  4. a doctor that specializes in skin disease
  5. part of the cause for seizure's

13 Clues: part of the cause for seizure'salso known as the Heimlich maneuverCPR that doesn't use mouth to mouththe place where your trash usually goessomeone who is good in a specific fielda doctor that specializes in skin diseaseThe bodies lack of ability to make insulinA tool that uses extreme heat to sterilize items...

Physical & Psychological Well-being During COVID-19 2020-09-17

Physical & Psychological Well-being During COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. What was the first well-being factor we discussed
  2. Which part of the body releases most hormones
  3. gets shorter and makes you age faster due to stress
  4. How many differences were there in the spot the difference activity
  5. Hormone that gets excited with stress
  6. Which organ system of the body does COVID affect?
  1. About 3 times more likely to develop this illness due to lack of sleep
  2. Causes symptoms such as dry mouth & headache
  3. Commonly used word for hyperglycaemia
  4. Minimum how many days in a week should you exercise
  5. One of the many COVID-19 symptoms
  6. Recommended screen time hours for infants
  7. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it

13 Clues: One of the many COVID-19 symptomsCommonly used word for hyperglycaemiaHormone that gets excited with stressRecommended screen time hours for infantsCauses symptoms such as dry mouth & headacheWhich part of the body releases most hormonesWhat was the first well-being factor we discussedWhat is so fragile that saying its name breaks it...

Vocab CrossWord 2023-12-14

Vocab CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. Global warming is ruining the earth's _____.
  2. Doing stuff they don't like ____ them back from being successful.
  3. 48 of the United States are ______.
  4. She was diagnosed with _____ so she can't eat sweets.
  5. The government are making _____ changes to the U.S to make it better slowly.
  6. Many animals are _____ because of global warming.
  1. The jury's decision was _____.
  2. _____ is very important for earth to stay healthy.
  3. We need to save animals to avoid their _____.
  4. They are considered _____ because they all support it.
  5. The government had _____ approval to pass a bill.
  6. We had to explain our _____ to start the project with the right rules.
  7. There are many different _____ on the planet.

13 Clues: The jury's decision was _____.48 of the United States are ______.Global warming is ruining the earth's _____.We need to save animals to avoid their _____.There are many different _____ on the planet.The government had _____ approval to pass a bill.Many animals are _____ because of global warming._____ is very important for earth to stay healthy....

¿Conozco las complicaciones? 2021-04-16

¿Conozco las complicaciones? crossword puzzle
  1. Ulceración, Infección asociada a neuropatía diabética
  2. Complicación mas relevante de la Hipertensión arterial
  3. Complicación asociada a las Dislipidemias
  4. Patología caracterizada por niveles elevados de presión arterial
  1. Patología que es la causa mas frecuente de perdida de visión
  2. Enfermedad caracterizada por dolor torácico

6 Clues: Complicación asociada a las DislipidemiasEnfermedad caracterizada por dolor torácicoUlceración, Infección asociada a neuropatía diabéticaComplicación mas relevante de la Hipertensión arterialPatología que es la causa mas frecuente de perdida de visiónPatología caracterizada por niveles elevados de presión arterial

fasting 2021-09-26

fasting crossword puzzle
  1. insulin secretion inhibited by
  2. one of the effects of diabetes mellitus
  1. hyperglycaemic hormones controlling intermediary metabolism
  2. How long does it take you to starve to death
  3. Where in the body has GLUT receptors that are not insulin dependent
  4. hypoglycaemic hormone controlling intermediary metabolism

6 Clues: insulin secretion inhibited byone of the effects of diabetes mellitusHow long does it take you to starve to deathhypoglycaemic hormone controlling intermediary metabolismhyperglycaemic hormones controlling intermediary metabolismWhere in the body has GLUT receptors that are not insulin dependent

Diabetes Mellitus 2024-03-12

Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes Mellitus
  2. Ursachen,Diabetes1,2
  3. Ursachen,Diabetes2
  1. Ursachen,Diabetes1

4 Clues: Diabetes MellitusUrsachen,Diabetes1Ursachen,Diabetes2Ursachen,Diabetes1,2

Medications Project 2021-03-22

Medications Project crossword puzzle
  1. vitamin used to treat osteoporosis and rickets
  2. treatment of endometriosis
  3. medication used for type 2 diabetes to lower glucose levels in the blood
  4. expectorant used to thin mucus and loosen chest congestion
  5. H2 blocker used to reduce stomach acid
  1. corticosteroid that treats autoimmune conditions such as arthritis
  2. anticonvulsant used for treatment of absence seizures
  3. SSRI used to treat depression, OCD, PTSD
  4. blood thinner used to prevent heart attacks or strokes
  5. opioid used to treat breakthrough pain caused by cancer
  6. adrenaline used to relax muscles and constrict blood vessels to slow down immune response during allergic reactions

11 Clues: treatment of endometriosisH2 blocker used to reduce stomach acidSSRI used to treat depression, OCD, PTSDvitamin used to treat osteoporosis and ricketsanticonvulsant used for treatment of absence seizuresblood thinner used to prevent heart attacks or strokesopioid used to treat breakthrough pain caused by cancer...

Atividade Fisica 2021-11-02

Atividade Fisica crossword puzzle
  1. perda de peso relacionada à atividade física e/ou dieta alimentar.
  2. doença causada pela obesidade.
  3. quantidade de atividade física realizada por semana.
  4. acúmulo de gordura no corpo causado quase sempre pela ingestão excessiva de alimentos.
  5. É calculado dividindo-se o peso (kg)pela a altura ao quadrado (m)
  6. outro exemplo de doença causada pela existência da obesidade.
  1. estilo de vida caractrizado pela falta de atividade física
  2. refere-se à forma de fazer o exercício rápido ou devagar.
  3. o mesmo que atividade física.
  4. atividade física realizada na presença de 02.
  5. principal órgão do corpo humano.

11 Clues: o mesmo que atividade física.doença causada pela obesidade.principal órgão do corpo humano.atividade física realizada na presença de 02.quantidade de atividade física realizada por semana.refere-se à forma de fazer o exercício rápido ou devagar.estilo de vida caractrizado pela falta de atividade física...

Steves Crossy 2024-01-29

Steves Crossy crossword puzzle
  1. turns out this diet doesn’t make you morally superior after all
  2. the item that arguably started this whole sorry affair
  3. location of dans new flat
  4. you need a shoulder to cry on when this turns up
  5. the act of sleeping with another man’s wife
  6. something powerful I’d expect if I walked in to the house right now
  1. Stews strategy on Paul
  2. a party that will never be the same
  3. surely a fair diagnosis for most of the involved parties
  4. a daily activity that will always leave you feeling good
  5. a team that won’t win the premier league this year

11 Clues: Stews strategy on Paullocation of dans new flata party that will never be the samethe act of sleeping with another man’s wifeyou need a shoulder to cry on when this turns upa team that won’t win the premier league this yearthe item that arguably started this whole sorry affairsurely a fair diagnosis for most of the involved parties...

Docthub Mind Marathon 2024-09-24

Docthub Mind Marathon crossword puzzle
  1. The body's main defense system against infections.
  2. This condition is characterized by high blood sugar.
  3. A common term for a physical exam.
  4. This organ is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
  5. A common imaging technique used to view internal organs.
  6. An area of study focusing on the body's structure.
  1. A professional who provides patient care and education.
  2. A device used to measure blood pressure.
  3. The process of examining the body for signs of disease
  4. The study of how drugs affect the body
  5. The fluid that carries nutrients and oxygen in the body.

11 Clues: A common term for a physical exam.The study of how drugs affect the bodyA device used to measure blood pressure.The body's main defense system against infections.An area of study focusing on the body's structure.This condition is characterized by high blood sugar.The process of examining the body for signs of disease...

Os Carvalhos 2023-01-02

Os Carvalhos crossword puzzle
  1. local onde se originou a familia Carvalho
  2. quantidade de filhos que Francisca e Sebastião tiveram
  1. matriarca da família
  2. apelido pelo qual era conhecido Sebastião de Faria Carvalho
  3. nome do primeiro filho falecido de Francisca e Sebastião
  4. problema de saúde da vó chica

6 Clues: matriarca da famíliaproblema de saúde da vó chicalocal onde se originou a familia Carvalhoquantidade de filhos que Francisca e Sebastião tiveramnome do primeiro filho falecido de Francisca e Sebastiãoapelido pelo qual era conhecido Sebastião de Faria Carvalho


  1. What illness is caused by too much iron?
  2. What does iron help people do?
  3. What is a snack that has high iron?
  4. What illness is caused by too little iron?
  1. What is iron's classification?
  2. What part of the body does iron assist?

6 Clues: What is iron's classification?What does iron help people do?What is a snack that has high iron?What part of the body does iron assist?What illness is caused by too much iron?What illness is caused by too little iron?

Examen juni 2013-06-05

Examen juni crossword puzzle
  1. Dwangstand van spieren of gewrichten, vaak een complicatie bij CVA, maar je ziet het ook bij reuma.
  2. Ander woord voor een te hoog bloedsuikergehalte?
  3. Wanneer je bepaalde handelingen niet juist meer weet uit te voeren.
  4. Zo noemen we de stoffen die kanker kunnen veroorzaken.
  5. Ander woord voor schrikreflex.
  6. Een ingezakte fontanel waarschuwt voor...?
  1. Anti-inflammatoire geneesmiddelen of ............geneesmiddelen?
  2. Ander woord voor vochtafdrijvende geneesmiddelen.
  3. Het laagje, fijn donsachtig haar dat op het lichaam van de baby kan voorkomen?
  4. Bij diabetes is de geur van de urine heel kenmerkend, we spreken van een ...geur?
  5. Geef een ander woord voor uitzaaiingen.
  6. Ander woord voor geheugenverlies.
  7. Welke stof hebben parkinson patiënten tekort in de hersenen?

13 Clues: Ander woord voor schrikreflex.Ander woord voor geheugenverlies.Geef een ander woord voor uitzaaiingen.Een ingezakte fontanel waarschuwt voor...?Ander woord voor een te hoog bloedsuikergehalte?Ander woord voor vochtafdrijvende geneesmiddelen.Zo noemen we de stoffen die kanker kunnen veroorzaken....

Set-4 2016-10-16

Set-4 crossword puzzle
  1. One of the bones of the lower leg closer to ankle
  2. A joint where the bones slide past each other
  3. The place where two or more bones meet
  4. A disease caused due to contamination of food or water
  5. Disease caused due to iron deficiency
  6. A lifestyle disease
  7. The longest bone of our body
  1. The upper arm joins the lower arm at this part
  2. A joint where a rod-like bone fits into the ring formed by another one
  3. Disease spread by rats
  4. A disease caused due to contamination of food or water
  5. A disease caused due to contamination of food or water
  6. Deficiency that causes Rickets disease
  7. One of the bones of the lower leg closer to knee
  8. Disease caused due to Vitamin C deficiency

15 Clues: A lifestyle diseaseDisease spread by ratsThe longest bone of our bodyDisease caused due to iron deficiencyDeficiency that causes Rickets diseaseThe place where two or more bones meetDisease caused due to Vitamin C deficiencyA joint where the bones slide past each otherThe upper arm joins the lower arm at this part...

Vocab Health 2018-01-11

Vocab Health crossword puzzle
  1. Without mouth to mouth breaths
  2. destroys insect
  3. a person who concentrates primarily on a particular subjecg
  4. the trapping of the sun’s warmth in planets lower atmosphere
  5. a forst aid procedure
  6. A layer in the earths stratosphere
  1. A neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent
  2. Rainfall made sufficiently acidic by atmospheric pollution that it causes environmental harm
  3. A medical procedure involving repeated compression of a patient
  4. place to disease of refuse and other waste
  5. A disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin
  6. a medical practitone, qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorders
  7. A strong, heated container used for chemical reactions and other processes

13 Clues: destroys insecta forst aid procedureWithout mouth to mouth breathsA layer in the earths stratosphereplace to disease of refuse and other wasteA neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrenta person who concentrates primarily on a particular subjecgthe trapping of the sun’s warmth in planets lower atmosphere...

Healthy Fun Fact Puzzle 2017-10-17

Healthy Fun Fact Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what vegetable has the highest sugar content?
  2. what nation grows the most fruit?
  3. what kind of fruit is a Pearmain?
  4. what is the name of the vegetable that's also a flower
  5. what kind of fruit is a kumquat?
  6. what fruit is wrapped full of potassium & fiber to promote long lasting energy?
  7. a can of ? increases your chances of type 2 diabetes by 22%.
  1. which fruit is the symbol of hospitality?
  2. what fruit has been known to increase your immune system?
  3. in what country did red onions originally come from?
  4. what is the latin name for grapefruit?
  5. what fruit can hold more than 1,000 seeds?
  6. drinking ? can prevent depression

13 Clues: what kind of fruit is a kumquat?what nation grows the most fruit?what kind of fruit is a Pearmain?drinking ? can prevent depressionwhat is the latin name for grapefruit?which fruit is the symbol of hospitality?what fruit can hold more than 1,000 seeds?what vegetable has the highest sugar content?in what country did red onions originally come from?...

Fysiologi 2016-08-11

Fysiologi crossword puzzle
  1. En mikroskopisk lille luftfyldt blære omgivet af en ultratynd hinde.
  2. et udtryk for evnen til at optage ilt i forhold til kropsvægten.
  3. Energiproduktion uden ilt.
  4. består af 4 dele: Lungerne, blodet, hjertet og blodkarnettet.
  5. forbyggelse mod fedme, diabetes, livsstilsygdomme.
  6. Tyndeste blodkar i kroppen.
  7. består af blodets tur som starter i venstre side af hjertet, gennem hele kroppen og tilbage til hjertet i højre side. (tre ord)
  8. Energiproduktion med ilt.
  1. Transport af ilt gennem lungerne rundt til hele kroppen.
  2. Et organel, hvori respirationen foregår.
  3. Turen op gennem lungerne og tilbage til hjertet
  4. tilfældige bevægelser (to ord)
  5. Transport fra et sted med høj koncentration til et sted med lav koncentration

13 Clues: Energiproduktion med ilt.Energiproduktion uden ilt.Tyndeste blodkar i kroppen.tilfældige bevægelser (to ord)Et organel, hvori respirationen foregår.Turen op gennem lungerne og tilbage til hjertetforbyggelse mod fedme, diabetes, livsstilsygdomme.Transport af ilt gennem lungerne rundt til hele kroppen....

DKA 2021-02-05

DKA crossword puzzle
  1. Access preferably two
  2. CBC/CMP/pH/
  3. this can be caused by drops in the blood glucose more then 50 per hour
  4. your educators name
  5. needs to be corrected over 24-36 hours
  6. 0.1 Unit/Kg/hr
  7. where the patient will most likely be admitted
  8. this electrolyte needs to be checked often due to its interaction with insulin and ability to cause cardiac issues
  9. once this hits 250 you need to decided whether to decrease the insulin or add in dextrose
  1. A serious diabetes complication where the body produces excess blood acids
  2. NS or LR 20cc/kg over 20-30 min
  3. how often blood glucose should be checked
  4. patient should remain this until stabilized

13 Clues: CBC/CMP/pH/0.1 Unit/Kg/hryour educators nameAccess preferably twoNS or LR 20cc/kg over 20-30 minneeds to be corrected over 24-36 hourshow often blood glucose should be checkedpatient should remain this until stabilizedwhere the patient will most likely be admittedthis can be caused by drops in the blood glucose more then 50 per hour...

Hormonsystemet norsk 2021-05-04

Hormonsystemet norsk crossword puzzle
  1. Et hormon som gjør kroppen klar til å handle.
  2. Konsentrasjonen av druesukker (glukose) i blodet.
  3. Organer som har spesialisert seg på å produsere og skille ut hormoner i blodet
  4. Testiklene hos menn og eggstokkene hos kvinner.
  5. Kjemisk forbindelse som transportes med blodet
  6. Kvinnlig kjønnshormon.
  7. Regulerer produksjonen av hormoner i andre kjertler i kroppen.
  1. Det som skjer som følge av noe annet.
  2. Sykdom som skyldes mangelfull regulering av blodsukkeret, ofte på grunn av insulinmangel.
  3. Et bindingssted for signalmolekyler/hormoner i cellemembranen eller inne i cellen.
  4. Mannlig kjønnshormon.
  5. Celle som tar imot bestemte signaler som da gir en bestemt respons.
  6. Et hormon som er med på å regulere blodsukkeret i kroppen.

13 Clues: Mannlig kjønnshormon.Kvinnlig kjønnshormon.Det som skjer som følge av noe annet.Et hormon som gjør kroppen klar til å handle.Kjemisk forbindelse som transportes med blodetTestiklene hos menn og eggstokkene hos kvinner.Konsentrasjonen av druesukker (glukose) i blodet.Et hormon som er med på å regulere blodsukkeret i kroppen....

Physical & Psychological Well-being During COVID-19 2020-09-17

Physical & Psychological Well-being During COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. gets shorter and makes you age faster due to stress
  2. Causes symptoms such as dry mouth & headache
  3. One of the many COVID-19 symptoms
  4. Hormone that gets excited with stress
  5. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it
  1. About 3 times more likely to develop this illness due to lack of sleep
  2. Which organ system of the body does COVID affect?
  3. How many differences were there in the spot the difference activity
  4. Minimum how many days in a week should you exercise
  5. What was the first well-being factor we discussed
  6. Commonly used word for hyperglycaemia
  7. Which part of the body releases most hormones
  8. Recommended screen time hours for infants

13 Clues: One of the many COVID-19 symptomsCommonly used word for hyperglycaemiaHormone that gets excited with stressRecommended screen time hours for infantsCauses symptoms such as dry mouth & headacheWhich part of the body releases most hormonesWhich organ system of the body does COVID affect?What was the first well-being factor we discussed...

HESI STUDY FUN 2022-12-20

HESI STUDY FUN crossword puzzle
  1. Can grow back and change after chemo (Curly,texture and color)
  2. Previously called rales, aveoli filling
  3. Effective emetic given before Chemotherapy
  4. route used when medication is placed under the tongue
  5. 30 units of NPH + 20 UNITS OF Aspart
  6. Cant be instructed to notify client when PN will be available
  7. Protrusion of organs through a wound can lead to shock
  1. Area to check infants glucose when mom had gest diabetes
  2. Communication is open ended and acknowledges feelings
  3. This helps the PN organize care
  4. Hormone used to treat anemia in CKD when kidneys dont make
  5. Very low levels can indicate water intoxication-eval ice eaten
  6. Serum level indicates myocardial cell damage

13 Clues: This helps the PN organize care30 units of NPH + 20 UNITS OF AspartPreviously called rales, aveoli fillingEffective emetic given before ChemotherapySerum level indicates myocardial cell damageCommunication is open ended and acknowledges feelingsroute used when medication is placed under the tongue...

Cardiovascular fitness & all-cause mortality 2021-02-19

Cardiovascular fitness & all-cause mortality crossword puzzle
  1. Singapore declared war on this condition
  2. low fitness in this is a risk factor for CVD mortality
  1. too much fat in the body
  2. 50% of adult Singaporean population has this condition
  3. strong Singapore laws against this habit
  4. strong familial link in this condition

6 Clues: too much fat in the bodystrong familial link in this conditionSingapore declared war on this conditionstrong Singapore laws against this habit50% of adult Singaporean population has this conditionlow fitness in this is a risk factor for CVD mortality

“Sweet Love” Vocabulary Crossword 2024-02-08

“Sweet Love” Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. To reduce or use less of something
  2. Cannot stop doing something that is bad for health
  3. Disease where blood sugar levels are too high
  4. Places designed for a specific use
  1. The cause of a problem or crime
  2. Doing something well with no waste

6 Clues: The cause of a problem or crimeTo reduce or use less of somethingDoing something well with no wastePlaces designed for a specific useDisease where blood sugar levels are too highCannot stop doing something that is bad for health

Effects of Nicotine 2024-03-27

Effects of Nicotine crossword puzzle
  1. cancer that can result from smoking tobacco cigarettes
  2. long term effect of using nicotine
  3. this may happen when smoking tobacco products
  1. this will increase when using nicotine
  2. an effect of taking a large amount of nicotine
  3. this loss will occur when using nicotine

6 Clues: long term effect of using nicotinethis will increase when using nicotinethis loss will occur when using nicotinethis may happen when smoking tobacco productsan effect of taking a large amount of nicotinecancer that can result from smoking tobacco cigarettes

Fried Foods and Oils 2018-01-09

Fried Foods and Oils crossword puzzle
  1. risk associated with eating fried foods(increase in the calories intake)
  2. risk associated with eating fried foods(low "good" HDL)
  3. contains more calories than a baked potato
  4. toxic substance that can form in foods during high temperature cooking
  5. healthy alternative to frying
  6. Consuming acrylamide increases the risk of...
  1. risk associated with eating fried foods(you develop insulin resistance)
  2. reaction between sugar and amino acid
  3. an unsaturated fatty acid of a type occurring in margarine and manufacture cooking oils as result of the hydrogenation
  4. Healthy oil made from monounsaturated fats
  5. The most unhealthy oil

11 Clues: The most unhealthy oilhealthy alternative to fryingreaction between sugar and amino acidHealthy oil made from monounsaturated fatscontains more calories than a baked potatoConsuming acrylamide increases the risk of...risk associated with eating fried foods(low "good" HDL)toxic substance that can form in foods during high temperature cooking...

Carboidratos -Disciplina ANPC - Prof. Jânder (ENF/UNINASSAU) - 2021.1 2021-03-09

Carboidratos -Disciplina ANPC - Prof. Jânder (ENF/UNINASSAU) - 2021.1 crossword puzzle
  1. Responsável pelo transporte do bolo alimentar no processo digestivo.
  2. Conhecido como bom carboidrato.
  3. Os carboidratos são formados por moléculas de hidrogênio, oxigênio e...:
  4. Doença relacionada ao consumo excessivo de carboidratos.
  5. Sua principal fonte são os carboidratos
  6. Existem dois tipos de origem dos carboidratos, vegetal e...:
  7. Fornecem energia ao corpo, mas precisam ser em grandes quantidades.
  1. Combinação de moléculas de glicose, fornece energia imediata para os músculos e funciona como reserva de glicose.
  2. Primeiro local do corpo que faz a absorção dos carboidratos.
  3. Resultado do desequilíbrio entre a ingestão excessiva de carboidratos e inatividade física.
  4. Conhecido como carboidrato ruim.

11 Clues: Conhecido como bom carboidrato.Conhecido como carboidrato ruim.Sua principal fonte são os carboidratosDoença relacionada ao consumo excessivo de carboidratos.Primeiro local do corpo que faz a absorção dos carboidratos.Existem dois tipos de origem dos carboidratos, vegetal e...:Fornecem energia ao corpo, mas precisam ser em grandes quantidades....

B7 Non Communicable Diseases 2021-03-07

B7 Non Communicable Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. A toxic compound found in tobacco smoke.
  2. The body organ that alcohol affects the most.
  3. Biggest risk factor of type 2 diabetes.
  4. A disease which cannot be passed from person to person.
  5. The type of radiation which damages cells and chromosomes.
  6. Harmless drug found in tobacco smoke.
  1. A Cancer causing agent.
  2. The treatment when cancer cells are destroyed by targeted doses of radiation.
  3. tumors which can grow abnormal cells in one place, usually within a membrane.
  4. Something found in the trachea and bronchi to move mucus, bacteria and dirt away from the lungs.
  5. Hormone which regulates blood sugar levels.

11 Clues: A Cancer causing agent.Harmless drug found in tobacco smoke.Biggest risk factor of type 2 diabetes.A toxic compound found in tobacco smoke.Hormone which regulates blood sugar levels.The body organ that alcohol affects the most.A disease which cannot be passed from person to person.The type of radiation which damages cells and chromosomes....

Issue 2 3D 2020-11-16

Issue 2 3D crossword puzzle
  1. We all have good and bad _________.
  2. Studying hard will have a good ______ on your grades.
  3. People who suffer from ________ are more likely to get diabetes.
  4. The school dress code includes a _____ on colorful shirts.
  5. A unit of energy from food is called a _________.
  6. I dislike the ________ of tiktok.
  7. When you go to MyOn you __________ a book to read.
  1. When we eat the right foods we need to grow strong and healthy we have good ____________.
  2. Something that you like is_______ to you.
  3. There are Chromebooks ___________ for all students at HMS.
  4. Some parents ________ the amount of time their kids spend playing games.

11 Clues: I dislike the ________ of tiktok.We all have good and bad _________.Something that you like is_______ to you.A unit of energy from food is called a _________.When you go to MyOn you __________ a book to read.Studying hard will have a good ______ on your grades.The school dress code includes a _____ on colorful shirts....

Spina Bifida 2022-02-04

Spina Bifida crossword puzzle
  1. causes thought to be genetic and ___
  2. how it is typically diagnosed
  3. taking 400 mcg of this can help prevent (two words no space)
  4. most severe type of spina bifida
  5. performed before the 26th week of pregnancy (2 words no space)
  1. clinical trials with _____ (two words no space)
  2. population most commonly affected by spina bifida
  3. excess fluid in the brain
  4. a symptom of spina bifida is problems with _______ function
  5. women who have this have a higher risk of having a child with spina bifida
  6. in spina bifida occulta, there is a small ___ in the spine

11 Clues: excess fluid in the brainhow it is typically diagnosedmost severe type of spina bifidacauses thought to be genetic and ___clinical trials with _____ (two words no space)population most commonly affected by spina bifidain spina bifida occulta, there is a small ___ in the spinea symptom of spina bifida is problems with _______ function...

**Solve** Code is the FIRST letter of each DOWN word. 2020-04-22

**Solve** Code is the FIRST letter of each DOWN word. crossword puzzle
  1. a graph of the electrical activity of the heart
  2. a test to diagnose anemia
  3. a disease characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood
  4. a molecule that has the instructions for building proteins
  5. a disease characterized by misshapen red blood cells
  6. the pressure on the arteries when the heart relaxes
  7. the pressure on the arteries when the heart contracts
  1. the application of biology and physiology to the study of clinical health
  2. a dead woman
  3. measures the number of times a heart beats in a given amount of time
  4. a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar

11 Clues: a dead womana test to diagnose anemiaa hormone that helps regulate blood sugara graph of the electrical activity of the heartthe pressure on the arteries when the heart relaxesa disease characterized by misshapen red blood cellsthe pressure on the arteries when the heart contractsa molecule that has the instructions for building proteins...

Issue 2 3D 2020-11-16

Issue 2 3D crossword puzzle
  1. We all have good and bad _________.
  2. Studying hard will have a good ______ on your grades.
  3. People who suffer from ________ are more likely to get diabetes.
  4. The school dress code includes a _____ on colorful shirts.
  5. A unit of energy from food is called a _________.
  6. I dislike the ________ of tiktok.
  7. When you go to MyOn you __________ a book to read.
  1. When we eat the right foods we need to grow strong and healthy we have good ____________.
  2. Something that you like is_______ to you.
  3. There are Chromebooks ___________ for all students at HMS.
  4. Some parents ________ the amount of time their kids spend playing games.

11 Clues: I dislike the ________ of tiktok.We all have good and bad _________.Something that you like is_______ to you.A unit of energy from food is called a _________.When you go to MyOn you __________ a book to read.Studying hard will have a good ______ on your grades.The school dress code includes a _____ on colorful shirts....

Ways to Prevent and Treat Diabetes 2021-05-16

Ways to Prevent and Treat Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. needed in our body for immunity
  2. vegetable that is like a flower
  3. inside our bloodstream so the blood can flow
  4. a fruit we use for ice cream and our favorite snack
  5. when you exercise or diet
  6. main type of sugar in the blood
  1. green vegetable, can be mixed with beef and oyster sauce
  2. a large gland behind the stomach which secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum. Also which secrete into the blood the hormones insulin and glucagon.
  3. an effect when you have diabetes
  4. sour-sweet small fruit
  5. sweet-like fruit that we have for fiber and Vitamin C

11 Clues: sour-sweet small fruitwhen you exercise or dietneeded in our body for immunityvegetable that is like a flowermain type of sugar in the bloodan effect when you have diabetesinside our bloodstream so the blood can flowa fruit we use for ice cream and our favorite snacksweet-like fruit that we have for fiber and Vitamin C...

Personal Health Vocabulary 2019-01-10

Personal Health Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. acidic rain fall that causes environmental damage
  2. a device used to sterilize equipment
  3. the trapping of greenhouse gasses that warm the earth
  4. a chronic Disease that effects blood sugar
  5. Large pits where waste is dumped and buried
  6. A doctor trained to handle specific kinds of medical conditions
  1. Quick upward pulls into the diaphragm to force out obstructions blocking the airway
  2. used when someone's heart has stopped beating or they have stopped breathing
  3. CPR CPR that is done with the hands
  4. Used to control Insects and other pests
  5. nervous system disorder that can lead to seizures
  6. A shield used to protect life from U.V. radiation
  7. a doctor that specializes in skin treatment

13 Clues: CPR CPR that is done with the handsa device used to sterilize equipmentUsed to control Insects and other pestsa chronic Disease that effects blood sugara doctor that specializes in skin treatmentLarge pits where waste is dumped and buriedacidic rain fall that causes environmental damagenervous system disorder that can lead to seizures...

Health Vocabulary Assignment 2019-01-10

Health Vocabulary Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. the layer of the earth's atmosphere that blocks UV rays
  2. also known as the Heimlich maneuver
  3. the place where your trash usually goes
  4. Effect the of keeping heat inside of the earth's atmosphere
  5. someone who is good in a specific field
  6. part of the cause for seizure's
  1. Resuscitation a medical procedure of applying pressure to someone who had a cardiac arrest
  2. A tool that uses extreme heat to sterilize items
  3. a doctor that specializes in skin disease
  4. CPR that doesn't use mouth to mouth
  5. Chemicals used to destroy unwanted plants or insects
  6. The bodies lack of ability to make insulin
  7. Rain: A side affect of the waste by burning coal and fossil fuels

13 Clues: part of the cause for seizure'sCPR that doesn't use mouth to mouthalso known as the Heimlich maneuverthe place where your trash usually goessomeone who is good in a specific fielda doctor that specializes in skin diseaseThe bodies lack of ability to make insulinA tool that uses extreme heat to sterilize items...

Health vocab 2019-01-08

Health vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a place to dispose of refuse and other waste material
  2. the trapping of the suns warmth
  3. cpr without mouth to mouth
  4. a person who concentrates on one specific subject or activity
  5. a medical procedure involving repeated compression of a patients chest
  6. a disease in which the body's ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired
  7. layer a layer in the stratosphere containing high concentration of ozone
  1. a strong,heated container used for chemical reactions
  2. first aid procedure used to treat upper away obstructions
  3. a skin doctor
  4. substance used for destroying insects.
  5. a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance
  6. rainfall made sufficently acidic by atmosphere pollution

13 Clues: a skin doctorcpr without mouth to mouththe trapping of the suns warmthsubstance used for destroying insects.a strong,heated container used for chemical reactionsa place to dispose of refuse and other waste materialrainfall made sufficently acidic by atmosphere pollutionfirst aid procedure used to treat upper away obstructions...

PCH Vocab Crossword 2022-07-14

PCH Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Only CPR- When you push hard and fast on someone's chest
  2. A procedure that pumps someone's blood.
  3. Sunlight that hits the earth and reflects back into space
  4. Something that cleans needles for tattoos
  1. Layer Protects us from the sun
  2. A substance that gets rid of most insects
  3. An expert that specializes in one subject
  4. Thrusts When you push near the abdomine to push out a stuck foreign object
  5. a chronic health condition that occurs when too much sugar is in the blood
  6. Any form of precipitiation that contains acidic components
  7. A garbage dump where most trash goes
  8. When a nerve cell gets disturbed, and has a seizure
  9. A doctor that treats skin disorders

13 Clues: Layer Protects us from the sunA doctor that treats skin disordersA garbage dump where most trash goesA procedure that pumps someone's blood.A substance that gets rid of most insectsAn expert that specializes in one subjectSomething that cleans needles for tattoosWhen a nerve cell gets disturbed, and has a seizure...

PEARLS 2023-05-26

PEARLS crossword puzzle
  1. ___ mL/kg is the rate for first 15 minutes of blood transfusion
  2. Frozen fluid of 30mL
  3. A possible serious adverse reaction of IVIG
  4. Used for up to 4L O2 (depending on size)(2 words; no space used here)
  5. Frequency of weights on patients with diabetes and cystic fibrosis
  6. Fresh Breastmilk _______ at four hours
  1. Type of disease that IVIG treats
  2. All patients at minimum should be weighed this often
  3. Unit used for size of Nasogastric tubes
  4. How many CHG clothes are used for patients 10-30kg
  5. Flushes lines such as PICC, Port, and Hickman
  6. Must be NPO for 8 hours of _______ leading to sedation/procedures
  7. Hemoglobin equal to or less than _____ indicates blood administration

13 Clues: Frozen fluid of 30mLType of disease that IVIG treatsFresh Breastmilk _______ at four hoursUnit used for size of Nasogastric tubesA possible serious adverse reaction of IVIGFlushes lines such as PICC, Port, and HickmanHow many CHG clothes are used for patients 10-30kgAll patients at minimum should be weighed this often...

No dejaré que la diabetes afecte mi salud oral 2023-11-10

No dejaré que la diabetes afecte mi salud oral crossword puzzle
  1. Signo indicativo de enfermedad periodontal
  2. Tipo de higiene que debe ser realizada a diario mínimo 2 veces al día
  3. Componen del cigarrillo factor de riesgo para enfermedad periodontal
  4. Signo de inflamación que ocurre al cepillado
  5. Enfermedad factor de riesgo para desarrollo de periodontitis
  6. Perdida de equilibrio bucal IRREVERSIBLE
  7. Factor primordial realizado por el paciente para mantener la salud oral
  1. Necesario para el buen funcionamiento de todos los componentes de nuestras bocas
  2. Tejido blando que mantiene unidos diente a hueso
  3. Perdida de equilibrio bucal REVERSIBLE
  4. Signo de enfermedad periodontal que se conoce comúnmente como mal aliento
  5. Tejido duro que se pierde en enfermedad periodontal
  6. Tejido blando que rodea al diente

13 Clues: Tejido blando que rodea al dientePerdida de equilibrio bucal REVERSIBLEPerdida de equilibrio bucal IRREVERSIBLESigno indicativo de enfermedad periodontalSigno de inflamación que ocurre al cepilladoTejido blando que mantiene unidos diente a huesoTejido duro que se pierde en enfermedad periodontal...

Endangered Animal Vocab 2023-12-15

Endangered Animal Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Using solar panels is good for energy _________.
  2. Over 1 billion years ago, Dodo Birds faced_________.
  3. Sea Turtles are at risk of_______.
  4. Pitbull is a breed of the dog__.
  5. Miss Tucker asked us if we eat chocolate, the answer was__.
  6. Mrs. Jacobson is a strong__ of dress code.
  7. Your doctor diagnosed you with__.
  1. When a teacher tells you something it__ your mood.
  2. In the ocean there is a lot of __.
  3. Out of 50 states, only 48 are________.
  4. The school uses a__ for dress code.
  5. Washington and Idaho had to make a__ decision to save racoons.
  6. To make your gauges bigger you have to increase the size at an__ rate.

13 Clues: Pitbull is a breed of the dog__.Your doctor diagnosed you with__.In the ocean there is a lot of __.Sea Turtles are at risk of_______.The school uses a__ for dress code.Out of 50 states, only 48 are________.Mrs. Jacobson is a strong__ of dress code.Using solar panels is good for energy _________.When a teacher tells you something it__ your mood....

Johann Hari about Ozempic 2024-06-17

Johann Hari about Ozempic crossword puzzle
  1. a synonim for disadvantage
  2. the feeling of fullness and satisfaction after eating a meal
  3. having mixed feelings or being torn between two opposing choices or emotions
  4. sth that is ..... burns easily
  5. unable to be endured or tolerated due to extreme discomfort or pain.
  6. to fully enjoy the taste or smell of something
  1. people who suffer from diabetes
  2. shocked or surprised
  3. to have an intense desire for something, usually related to food or drink.
  4. a person who has a particular interest in food, cooking, and culinary experiences.
  5. unintended and often undesirable consequences of a medication or treatment
  6. the mental strength and determination needed to resist temptation or achieve a goal.
  7. starvation

13 Clues: starvationshocked or surpriseda synonim for disadvantagesth that is ..... burns easilypeople who suffer from diabetesto fully enjoy the taste or smell of somethingthe feeling of fullness and satisfaction after eating a mealunable to be endured or tolerated due to extreme discomfort or pain....

Teka teki silang 2024-08-03

Teka teki silang crossword puzzle
  1. fenomena alam yang menghasilkan pancaran cahaya yang menyala dan menari - nari di langit malam?
  2. hewan yang sekilas terlihat seperti tumbuhan?
  3. disebut apa unsur kimia terkecil yang dapat berdiri sendiri dan bersenyawa dengan yang lain?
  4. hormon pertumbuhan pada tauge
  5. disebut apa partikel subatomik dengan muatan listrik positif
  6. bentuk perubahan wujud suatu benda padat menjadi benda gas tanpa melalui proses cair disebut?
  7. kecenderungan suatu zat untuk menguap
  8. kondisi dimana kadar gula dalam darah tinggi
  9. disebut apa partikel subatomik dengan muatan listrik positif
  1. jenis gula apakah yang banyak ditemukan pada buah?
  2. organ tempat makanan dicerna
  3. seibut apakah makhluk yang hidup di darat dan di air?
  4. disebut apa partikel subatomik dengan muatan listrik positif
  5. kota yang tidak pernah tidur?
  6. kondisi dimana tekanan darah terhadap dinding arteri terlalu tinggi

15 Clues: organ tempat makanan dicernahormon pertumbuhan pada taugekota yang tidak pernah tidur?kecenderungan suatu zat untuk menguapkondisi dimana kadar gula dalam darah tinggihewan yang sekilas terlihat seperti tumbuhan?jenis gula apakah yang banyak ditemukan pada buah?seibut apakah makhluk yang hidup di darat dan di air?...

CROSSWORD 2024-08-12

CROSSWORD crossword puzzle


Ensiapukurssi 2020-02-21

Ensiapukurssi crossword puzzle
  1. Kylkiluun puhkeaminen saattaa aiheuttaa tämän hengenvaarallisen tilan
  2. Sinällään vaaraton tila johon liittyy huimaus ja käsien pistely
  3. Selvittäkää mitä sairautta sairastavalla potilaalla sydäninfarkti saattaa oireilla kivuttomana?
  4. Hyödyllinen elvytyksessä
  5. Maallikon tulisi kehoittaa hengitysvaikeuspotilaan valttää näitä kahta asiaa.
  1. Kun verenkierto on aivoihin riittämätöntä, tämä lyhytkestoinen ja yleensä vaaraton ilmiö on mahdollinen.
  2. Happomyrkytyksen oire
  3. Mistä kahdesta silmällä havaittavista merkistä voi tunnistaa mahdollisen lonkkamurtuman?
  4. Tämä oire voi olla merkki useasta vakavasta tilasta, kuten sydänifarktista, tai sisäisestä verenvuodosta ja vaatii välitöntä arviota.
  5. Kun kohtaat autettavan, tärkeintä on taata ensimmäiseksi?
  6. Mistä kahdesta silmällä havaittavista merkistä voi tunnistaa mahdollisen lonkkamurtuman?
  7. Tämä haava saattaa näyttää viattomalta, mutta ei todellisuudessa sitä ole.
  8. Happomyrkytyksen oire
  9. Maallikon tulisi kehoittaa hengitysvaikeuspotilaan valttää näitä kahta asiaa.
  10. Jatka lausetta: Irronnut peukalo tulee kuljettaa sairaalaan.

15 Clues: Happomyrkytyksen oireHappomyrkytyksen oireHyödyllinen elvytyksessäKun kohtaat autettavan, tärkeintä on taata ensimmäiseksi?Jatka lausetta: Irronnut peukalo tulee kuljettaa sairaalaan.Sinällään vaaraton tila johon liittyy huimaus ja käsien pistelyKylkiluun puhkeaminen saattaa aiheuttaa tämän hengenvaarallisen tilan...

Das kleine Kreuzworträtsel der Podologie 2021-03-04

Das kleine Kreuzworträtsel der Podologie crossword puzzle
  1. Gegenteil von nass
  2. Welche Stellen an den Händen und Füßen müssen sorgfältig abgetrocknet werden?
  3. Wie bezeichnet man den Fuß auf lateinisch?
  4. Womit werden Unebenheiten am Nagel entfernt?
  5. Wie nennt sich das medizinische/chirurgische Entfernen des Fußes?
  6. Durch welche Stoffwechselerkrankung kann es zu Durchblutungsstörungen in den Füßen kommen?
  1. Was bildet sich durch starke Belastung an den Füßen?
  2. Welches „Leiden“ entsteht durch Druckstellen bei nicht passenden Schuhen und wird durch feucht-warmes Klima zusätzlich gefördert?
  3. Mit welcher Art von „Stein“ kann man seine Füße von überschüssiger Hornhaut befreien?
  4. Was bedeutet „Podologie“ übersetzt?
  5. Wie viele Zehen hat der Mensch?
  6. Ist die Haut trocken und rissig muss eine … verwendet werden

12 Clues: Gegenteil von nassWie viele Zehen hat der Mensch?Was bedeutet „Podologie“ übersetzt?Wie bezeichnet man den Fuß auf lateinisch?Womit werden Unebenheiten am Nagel entfernt?Was bildet sich durch starke Belastung an den Füßen?Ist die Haut trocken und rissig muss eine … verwendet werdenWie nennt sich das medizinische/chirurgische Entfernen des Fußes?...

Nutrition & Disease 2022-03-04

Nutrition & Disease crossword puzzle
  1. Common form of arthritis; the wear and tear of joints
  2. Abbreviation for heart attack
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Abbreviation for cerebrovscular accident
  5. A disease in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue.
  6. A life-threatening eating disorder that is characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss.
  7. This group of disorders occurs when your body can't take up sugar (glucose) into its cells to use as fuel
  1. An eating disorder characterized by "binging and purging"
  2. Hole in the tooth
  3. A build up of cholesterol plaque in the walls of arteries causing obstruction of blood flow.
  4. Another word for CVA
  5. Intermittent episodes of pauses in breathing;

12 Clues: Hole in the toothHigh blood pressureAnother word for CVAAbbreviation for heart attackAbbreviation for cerebrovscular accidentIntermittent episodes of pauses in breathing;Common form of arthritis; the wear and tear of jointsAn eating disorder characterized by "binging and purging"...

Rosalus initial quiz 2022-06-20

Rosalus initial quiz crossword puzzle
  1. The lipoprotein of the highest TG content
  2. Assess patient risk of heart disease or stroke
  3. A progressive disease characterized by the build‐up of plaque on the inside walls of arteries .
  4. A medication disrupt the enterohepatic absorption of bile acids
  5. A statin that offers low intensity dose at 20 to 40 mg
  1. A medication inhibits intestinal cholesterol absorption
  2. May identify individuals at risk for the insulin resistance syndrome
  3. Represent added risk factor wit dyslipidemia for CVD
  4. Could be measured from serum triglycerides
  5. the most lipophilic statin
  6. The first discovered Statin
  7. caused by transient formation and dissolution of a blood clot within a coronary artery

12 Clues: the most lipophilic statinThe first discovered StatinThe lipoprotein of the highest TG contentCould be measured from serum triglyceridesAssess patient risk of heart disease or strokeRepresent added risk factor wit dyslipidemia for CVDA statin that offers low intensity dose at 20 to 40 mgA medication inhibits intestinal cholesterol absorption...

Drugs affecting antidiabetic agents 2013-05-26

Drugs affecting antidiabetic agents crossword puzzle
  1. what kind of DM that is non insulin dependent
  2. drug of choice for ninsulfonylureas
  3. urine other name for DM
  4. provide a 3 months average of glucose levels
  5. increased thirst
  6. hormone produced by the beta cells of islets of Langerhans
  7. increased hunger
  8. presence of sugar in the urine
  1. fasting blood sugar level greater than 126 mg/dl
  2. also called honey urine
  3. metabolism shifts to the use of fat and the ketone wastes cannot be remove effectively this is called?
  4. leading energy source for the human body
  5. drug of choice for first generation sulfonylureas
  6. blood sugar concentration lower than 40 mg/dl
  7. fat breakdown occurs as the body breaks down stored fat for energy because the glucose is not usuable
  8. what kind of DM that is insulin dependent
  9. can affect carbohydrates, protein and fat metabolism
  10. drug of choice for second generation sulfonylureas

18 Clues: increased thirstincreased hungeralso called honey urineurine other name for DMpresence of sugar in the urinedrug of choice for ninsulfonylureasleading energy source for the human bodywhat kind of DM that is insulin dependentprovide a 3 months average of glucose levelswhat kind of DM that is non insulin dependent...

Lesson 5: The Atomic Theory 2022-05-11

Lesson 5: The Atomic Theory crossword puzzle
  1. they are negatively charged
  2. contributed to the development of the atomic theory
  3. that is where most of the mass of an atom is
  4. the basic unit of an element
  5. electrons move around the nucleus on
  6. tells us how many protons and electrons are present in the element
  7. elements can be combined to make these
  8. the periodic table of elements shows the names and abbreviations for each....
  9. bonding between non-metal
  1. he did an experiment where he shot beams of radiation through gold foil
  2. they are positively charged
  3. believed in ideas without experimentation
  4. the center of the atom
  5. the production of insulin molecules to treat diabetes was made possible by the work of....
  6. believed all matter was made of atoms
  7. anything that has mass and takes up space
  8. these scientists are able to replicate naturally occurring molecules to help people with deficiencies
  9. they carry no charge

18 Clues: they carry no chargethe center of the atombonding between non-metalthey are positively chargedthey are negatively chargedthe basic unit of an elementelectrons move around the nucleus onbelieved all matter was made of atomselements can be combined to make thesebelieved in ideas without experimentationanything that has mass and takes up space...

Sick Person Guide Chronic Crossword #1 2024-09-01

Sick Person Guide Chronic Crossword #1 crossword puzzle
  1. My algae spread chaotically, causing widespread pain (12 letters)
  2. Diaphragm's unexpected comedy routine? (7 letters)
  3. Sweet trouble that's hard to beat (8 letters)
  4. Blood's liquid asset (6 letters)
  5. Shocking neurological disorder? (8 letters)
  6. Food's fiery fate in the body (10 letters)
  7. Cellular power plant that might leave you drained (11 letters)
  8. Breathtaking condition? (6 letters)
  1. A scaly situation that's more than meets the eye (8 letters)
  2. Gut-wrenching disease named after a doctor? (6 letters)
  3. Joint venture gone wrong for this type of arthritis (10 letters)
  4. Body parts' job description study (10 letters)
  5. Bone appetit! Essential mineral for a strong structure (7 letters)
  6. Neck's butterfly effect hormone (7 letters)
  7. You're in it, and it's in you - largest organ (4 letters)
  8. Sweet organ of digestion? (8 letters)
  9. Body's personal bouncer _______ System (6 letters)
  10. Body's blueprint study (7 letters)

18 Clues: Blood's liquid asset (6 letters)Body's blueprint study (7 letters)Breathtaking condition? (6 letters)Sweet organ of digestion? (8 letters)Food's fiery fate in the body (10 letters)Neck's butterfly effect hormone (7 letters)Shocking neurological disorder? (8 letters)Sweet trouble that's hard to beat (8 letters)...

American History 1920s 2023-02-02

American History 1920s crossword puzzle


joutsenmerkkijäbä 2023-02-17

joutsenmerkkijäbä crossword puzzle
  1. yksilöön ja hänen elinympäristöönsä kohdistuvaa terveydenhoitoa
  2. Maailman terveysjärjestö
  3. on bakteerin aiheuttama suolistotauti, joka aiheuttaa massiivisen ripulin ja nestehukan.
  4. tarkoitettiin ilmassa olevaa myrkyllistä ominaisuutta, jonka uskottiin levittävän kulkutauteja.
  5. tärkeimpiä kuolinsyitä Suomessa esim. sydän- ja verisuonisairaudet, syövät, diabetes
  6. on D-vitamiinin puutostauti, joka aiheuttaa luuston pehmenemistä ja alaraajojen käyristymistä.
  7. veren hemoglobiiniarvo on normaalia alhaisempi oireita mm huimaus ja hengen ahdistus
  1. 1930 säädetty laki, joka auttoi vävaraisia synnyttäjiä
  2. on bakteerin aiheuttama seksitauti.
  3. on bakteerin aiheuttama ja pisarateitse tarttuva yleisvaarallinen tauti, joka esiintyy useimmiten keuhkoissa.
  4. koostuu esimerkiksi palveluista ja takaa ihmiselle riittävän toimeentulon
  5. on hyttysten välityksellä leviävä alkueläimen aiheuttama vakava ja jopa hengenvaarallinen kuumetauti.

12 Clues: Maailman terveysjärjestöon bakteerin aiheuttama seksitauti.1930 säädetty laki, joka auttoi vävaraisia synnyttäjiäyksilöön ja hänen elinympäristöönsä kohdistuvaa terveydenhoitoakoostuu esimerkiksi palveluista ja takaa ihmiselle riittävän toimeentulontärkeimpiä kuolinsyitä Suomessa esim. sydän- ja verisuonisairaudet, syövät, diabetes...

THE HEART 2023-05-28

THE HEART crossword puzzle
  1. blood vessels, that collect blood with low oxygen content and send it back to your heart
  2. Heart beat more than 100
  3. One of the most important organs in our bodies
  4. blood vessels are widened by this drug.
  5. chest pain
  1. common area of pain when having any heart disease
  2. carries oxygen and nutrients
  3. Adults who have this are between two and four times as likely than healthy adults to have this heart disease
  4. Open heart surgery
  5. Heart beat less than 60
  6. Blood clotting is reduced by aspirin
  7. tube-like structures known that are in charge of carrying fluid to and from each organ in the body.

12 Clues: chest painOpen heart surgeryHeart beat less than 60Heart beat more than 100carries oxygen and nutrientsBlood clotting is reduced by aspirinblood vessels are widened by this drug.One of the most important organs in our bodiescommon area of pain when having any heart disease...

Urinary system 2021-12-16

Urinary system crossword puzzle
  1. occurs in some condition like diabetes
  2. is protein which helps to prevent water from leaking out blood
  3. a tube that carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder
  4. blood in the urine
  5. is a urinary condition that is characterized by an elevated number of white blood cells
  1. pain or burning sensation when peeing
  2. inflammation of the bladder
  3. a test that looks at a small sample or urine
  4. located below the ribs in the middle of the back
  5. the tube that allows urine to pass outside the body
  6. happens when you have high levels of ketones
  7. waste product that is produced

12 Clues: blood in the urineinflammation of the bladderwaste product that is producedpain or burning sensation when peeingoccurs in some condition like diabetesa test that looks at a small sample or urinehappens when you have high levels of ketoneslocated below the ribs in the middle of the backthe tube that allows urine to pass outside the body...


DRINKING COFFEE crossword puzzle
  1. part of the body affected by caffeine
  2. popular drink brewed from ground beans using a filter
  3. type 2 of this disease may be less of a risk for coffee drinkers
  4. chemical in the brain that makes you feel tired
  5. class of drugs like caffeine that affect your brain
  6. the opposite of when you feel tired
  7. another word for drinks like coffee or high energy drinks
  1. always a good idea
  2. people who practice scientific thinking
  3. the most popular psychoactive drug in the world
  4. cancer of this organ may be less in coffee drinkers
  5. means break down the chemicals into other things

12 Clues: always a good ideathe opposite of when you feel tiredpart of the body affected by caffeinepeople who practice scientific thinkingthe most popular psychoactive drug in the worldchemical in the brain that makes you feel tiredmeans break down the chemicals into other thingscancer of this organ may be less in coffee drinkers...

Minitest Feedback 2023-10-03

Minitest Feedback crossword puzzle
  1. This hormone is made in the adrenaline glands
  2. These detect a change in the environment such as a hot object
  3. This hormone makes the uterus lining thicken
  4. A condition in which people struggle to control their blood glucose
  5. This hormone is involved in male puberty
  6. This hormone keeps the uterus lining thick
  1. Oestrogen and progesterone are made here
  2. This hormone causes blood glucose to decrease
  3. On which day of the menstrual cycle is an egg released
  4. This organ detects changes in blood glucose
  5. Electrical impulses travel from receptors to the spinal cord along _________ neurones
  6. A change in the environment is called a

12 Clues: A change in the environment is called aOestrogen and progesterone are made hereThis hormone is involved in male pubertyThis hormone keeps the uterus lining thickThis organ detects changes in blood glucoseThis hormone makes the uterus lining thickenThis hormone is made in the adrenaline glandsThis hormone causes blood glucose to decrease...

Food for Special Needs - Yr 9 Food Tech 2013-09-12

Food for Special Needs - Yr 9 Food Tech crossword puzzle
  1. carte/ type of menu
  2. heart foundation approval logo
  3. modified/ abbreviation is GM
  4. an allergy to peanuts
  5. when consumed puts healthy bacteria into the gut
  6. a chronic condition where sugars in the blood are too high
  7. / a type of probiotic
  8. an item used as a decoration for food.
  1. intolerance/ intolerance to dairy products
  2. / abnormal or excessive fat in the body
  3. disease/ the name for a gluten intolerance
  4. a person who does not eat meat
  5. needs/ relating to people who have specific requirements
  6. beliefs/ people have these in certain types of cultures and relate to the consumption of certain foods
  7. a protein that is found in rice, wheat and flour
  8. last stage in the life cycle
  9. / hypersensitive disorder of the immune system
  10. milk/ milk that is suitable for people wanting to lose weight and is fat free

18 Clues: carte/ type of menuan allergy to peanuts/ a type of probioticmodified/ abbreviation is GMlast stage in the life cyclea person who does not eat meatheart foundation approval logoan item used as a decoration for food./ abnormal or excessive fat in the bodyintolerance/ intolerance to dairy productsdisease/ the name for a gluten intolerance...

wave 1 2020-09-20

wave 1 crossword puzzle
  1. is the main source of progesterone at late stages of pregnancy.
  2. is irregular generation of stimuli.
  3. Metformin ....Fatty acid oxidation.
  4. considered as the 1st choice for ttt of angina.
  5. The most powerful endogenous vaso-constrictor known is (two words).
  6. “P” in the UKPDS stands for ...
  7. reduces heart rate by inhibition of IF channels.
  8. is a study that lasted 30 years.
  1. Enlarged thyroid gland is called...
  2. binds to circulating VEGFs and acts like a "VEGF trap".
  3. Estrogen secreted from...cells in the ovary.
  4. include GLP-1 agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors.
  5. icsi stands for intra ...sperm injection.
  6. Diabetic foot is from the...complications of diabetes.
  7. is the main cause of cardiac insufficiency.
  8. Both hashimoto thyroiditis & graves disease are considered....disorders.
  9. immunity has Immediate responses to a wide variety of pathogens.
  10. Follitropin alpha is more...than follitropin beta (PH)

18 Clues: “P” in the UKPDS stands for ...is a study that lasted 30 years.Enlarged thyroid gland is called...is irregular generation of stimuli.Metformin ....Fatty acid oxidation.icsi stands for intra ...sperm injection.is the main cause of cardiac insufficiency.Estrogen secreted from...cells in the ovary.include GLP-1 agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors....

carbohidratos 2023-10-05

carbohidratos crossword puzzle
  1. Donde se almacena el glucógeno en el cuerpo
  2. Ejemplo de monosacarido
  3. El almidón está formado por más de diez mil moléculas de..
  4. Son la principal fuente de energía en el cuerpo
  5. Carbohidrato utilizado por el reino animal como forma de energía
  6. Que causa tener un exceso de carbohidratos en nuestro cuerpo
  7. Carbohidrato utilizado por los vegetales o plantas como reserva de energía
  8. Cual es la hormona que produce el páncreas al aumentar el nivel de azúcar
  9. Principal monosacárido
  10. Con que otro nombre se le conoce a los carbohidratos
  1. Son los carbohidratos más sencillos
  2. Se encuentran en el pan galletas y pastas
  3. Son los carbohidratos más abundantes
  4. Carbohidrato que funciona como fuente de energía
  5. El cuerpo descompone los carbohidratos y los transforma en
  6. Ejemplo de pentosa
  7. Es un compuesto químico que contiene carbono
  8. Ejemplo de disacáridos
  9. Cual es la enfermedad provocada por falta de insulina en el páncreas
  10. Se encuentran en los alimentos como en la leche proteinas frutas y dulces

20 Clues: Ejemplo de pentosaEjemplo de disacáridosPrincipal monosacáridoEjemplo de monosacaridoSon los carbohidratos más sencillosSon los carbohidratos más abundantesSe encuentran en el pan galletas y pastasDonde se almacena el glucógeno en el cuerpoEs un compuesto químico que contiene carbonoSon la principal fuente de energía en el cuerpo...

Pharmacy Crossword 2024-02-09

Pharmacy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a synthetic penicillin
  2. this mineral is found in dark leafy greens
  3. the most dispensed medication in Canada in 2022
  4. an anti-viral that can be used to treat herpes
  5. a beta blocker that helps control blood pressure
  6. a broad-spectrum antibiotic in the tetracycline family
  7. used to treat depression & is the classification of SNRI's
  8. a common treatment in type-2 diabetes
  9. this 'minty' medication helps with hypertension and fluid build up
  10. if you have acid-reflux you may be prescribed these
  1. this antihistamine can help with anxiety
  2. a common first-generation anti-depressant
  3. this ARB is used to treat high blood pressure
  4. this medication can be used as a treatment for smoking cessation
  5. a common treatment for gout
  6. this NSAID is sold under the brand name Aleve
  7. a pain reliever known as paracetamol outside of North America
  8. this tongue twister of a medication is used to treat epilepsy

18 Clues: a synthetic penicillina common treatment for gouta common treatment in type-2 diabetesthis antihistamine can help with anxietya common first-generation anti-depressantthis mineral is found in dark leafy greensthis ARB is used to treat high blood pressurethis NSAID is sold under the brand name Alevean anti-viral that can be used to treat herpes...

Camp Surefire Crossword 2020-05-26

Camp Surefire Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Where we make s’mores
  2. You are a Type 1 or Type 2 this
  3. Dexcoms are also known as this
  4. You test this before a meal
  5. Our happy place (Where we wish we were now)
  6. Robyn teaches us this to stay healthy
  7. A Diabetes Doctor (Dr. Fox is this)
  8. What we sleep in at camp
  9. If you don’t take shots you use this
  10. Mr. L teaches us
  1. An exercise that has us follow a dance
  2. A classic camp snack, but don’t get the ingredients outside
  3. You count these when you eat
  4. The snack we have after we compete to make them
  5. What we drink when we are low
  6. Your pancreas does not produce
  7. Something you get if you blood sugars are high for too long
  8. The person who calls for a buddy check at the waterfront

18 Clues: Mr. L teaches usWhere we make s’moresWhat we sleep in at campYou test this before a mealYou count these when you eatWhat we drink when we are lowDexcoms are also known as thisYour pancreas does not produceYou are a Type 1 or Type 2 thisA Diabetes Doctor (Dr. Fox is this)If you don’t take shots you use thisRobyn teaches us this to stay healthy...

Importance of Fibre 2016-09-05

Importance of Fibre crossword puzzle
  1. Fibre keeps you ... for longer
  2. What fibre fights off
  3. What organ does fibre pass through
  4. When combined with a low-fat diet, fibre can lower blood...?
  5. Consequence of insufficient fibre in the diet
  6. Fibre-rich foods tend to be high in...
  7. What fibre helps you lose
  8. Fibre helps promote regular...movement
  9. Name for hard, outer layers of cereal grain
  10. Which gender over 50, requires 30 grams of fibre daily?
  11. Fibre that helps regulate blood sugar levels
  1. What disease is soluble fibre deneficial to?
  2. Type of cancer that can be prevented by a regular intake of fibre in the diet
  3. Recommended daily fibre intake for women below the age of 50
  4. fibre is...
  5. Type of fibre that doesn't dissolve in water
  6. Rice Fibrous substitute for white rice
  7. How much fibre is required to be considered a fibre-rich food?

18 Clues: fibre is...What fibre fights offWhat fibre helps you loseFibre keeps you ... for longerWhat organ does fibre pass throughFibre-rich foods tend to be high in...Fibre helps promote regular...movementRice Fibrous substitute for white riceName for hard, outer layers of cereal grainWhat disease is soluble fibre deneficial to?...

Nutrition 2016-11-03

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. substance that is needed to help regulate body functions
  2. material that your body cannot digest
  3. discomfort when hungry
  4. starches & sugars give the body most of its energy
  5. when you have a desire to eat
  6. saturated animal fats & contain a waxy substance
  7. having the best level of health
  1. elements for strong bones & teeth,healthy blood,& regular wastes
  2. important nutrient that provides energy
  3. acid building blocks of protein
  4. in food and is important for body's growth and maintenance
  5. calories derived from food containing no nutrients
  6. grain foods that contain entire edible grain
  7. a mineral that helps regulate the amount of fluid in our bodies
  8. nutrient that is needed to build,repair,& maintain body cells & tissue
  9. bones lose their mineral content
  10. condition when the body cannot control blood sugar
  11. a unit that measures energy used to supply energy for the body

18 Clues: discomfort when hungrywhen you have a desire to eatacid building blocks of proteinhaving the best level of healthbones lose their mineral contentmaterial that your body cannot digestimportant nutrient that provides energygrain foods that contain entire edible grainsaturated animal fats & contain a waxy substance...

talasemia 2024-09-01

talasemia crossword puzzle
  1. Sakit kepala yang teruk dan sering disertai oleh loya.
  2. Istilah lain untuk tekanan darah tinggi.
  3. Penyakit di mana sel-sel tubuh tumbuh secara tidak terkawal.
  4. Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus HIV.
  5. Penyakit yang disebarkan oleh nyamuk dan menyebabkan demam panas.
  6. Keadaan di mana tubuh kekurangan sel darah merah atau hemoglobin.
  7. Jangkitan paru-paru yang menyebabkan kesukaran bernafas.
  8. Penyakit bakteria yang biasanya menyerang paru-paru.
  9. Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh pengumpulan asid urik pada sendi.
  10. Keadaan di mana seseorang mempunyai berat badan yang berlebihan.
  11. Penyakit virus yang menyebabkan demam, batuk, dan hidung berair.
  1. Penyakit yang menyebabkan keradangan pada sendi.
  2. Penyakit kronik yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan atau ketidakmampuan tubuh menggunakan insulin dengan baik.
  3. Penyakit saluran pernafasan yang menyebabkan kesukaran bernafas.
  4. Keadaan di mana suhu tubuh naik melebihi normal.
  5. Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh gigitan haiwan yang dijangkiti virus.
  6. Penyakit yang menyebabkan keradangan hati.
  7. Penyakit virus yang sangat berbahaya dan menyebabkan demam berdarah.

18 Clues: Istilah lain untuk tekanan darah tinggi.Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus HIV.Penyakit yang menyebabkan keradangan hati.Penyakit yang menyebabkan keradangan pada sendi.Keadaan di mana suhu tubuh naik melebihi normal.Penyakit bakteria yang biasanya menyerang paru-paru.Sakit kepala yang teruk dan sering disertai oleh loya....

Depressants 2017-05-24

Depressants crossword puzzle
  1. These effects include chronic fatigue, diabetes & depression
  2. Drugs that reduce neural activity and slow body functions
  3. Depressants ____ body function
  1. These effects include fatigue, confusion, and fever
  2. Withdrawl from depressants can be _____
  3. An example of a legal depressant at age 21 in the USA

6 Clues: Depressants ____ body functionWithdrawl from depressants can be _____These effects include fatigue, confusion, and feverAn example of a legal depressant at age 21 in the USADrugs that reduce neural activity and slow body functionsThese effects include chronic fatigue, diabetes & depression

Type 2 Diabetes Crossword 2022-11-13

Type 2 Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. good for managing blood sugar
  2. group of food to avoid includes cookies
  3. tells cells to take up sugar in the blood
  4. body does not respond to insulin
  1. 2 food groups in a healthy diet
  2. checking levels is important in type 2 diabetes

6 Clues: good for managing blood sugar2 food groups in a healthy dietbody does not respond to insulingroup of food to avoid includes cookiestells cells to take up sugar in the bloodchecking levels is important in type 2 diabetes

Personal Health 2018-01-10

Personal Health crossword puzzle
  1. a strong heated container used for chemical reactions and other processes
  2. process where heat from the sun gets trapped by gases
  3. precipitation unusually acidic
  4. disorder where nerve cell activity in the brain is disturbed causing seizures
  5. region of the atmosphere that absorbs sun's UV rays
  6. first aid procedure used to remove objects from the airway
  7. substances or chemicals to control pests
  8. metabolic disorder where your body cannot produce enough insulin or use the insulin
  9. a place for disposing waste by dumping them there
  1. doctor who specializes in skin
  2. procedure that combines chest compressions with mouth to mouth to start the heart
  3. person who specializes in a particular skill
  4. CPR without mouth to mouth breaths

13 Clues: doctor who specializes in skinprecipitation unusually acidicCPR without mouth to mouth breathssubstances or chemicals to control pestsperson who specializes in a particular skilla place for disposing waste by dumping them thereregion of the atmosphere that absorbs sun's UV raysprocess where heat from the sun gets trapped by gases...

Physical & Psychological Well-being During COVID-19 2020-09-17

Physical & Psychological Well-being During COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Recommended screen time hours for infants
  2. Causes symptoms such as dry mouth & headache
  3. gets shorter and makes you age faster due to stress
  4. Minimum how many days in a week should you exercise
  5. Commonly used word for hyperglycaemia
  6. How many differences were there in the spot the difference activity
  7. Which part of the body releases most hormones
  1. Hormone that gets excited with stress
  2. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it
  3. One of the many COVID-19 symptoms
  4. About 3 times more likely to develop this illness due to lack of sleep
  5. Which organ system of the body does COVID affect?
  6. What was the first well-being factor we discussed

13 Clues: One of the many COVID-19 symptomsHormone that gets excited with stressCommonly used word for hyperglycaemiaRecommended screen time hours for infantsCauses symptoms such as dry mouth & headacheWhich part of the body releases most hormonesWhat is so fragile that saying its name breaks itWhich organ system of the body does COVID affect?...

Health vocab 2019-01-07

Health vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the condition were you ither don’t produce or use insulin effectively
  2. medical practitioner used to treat and diagnose skin cancer
  3. traping of the heat from the sun to maintain the heat or temperature of the earth
  4. were our trash goes
  5. someone that is a professional in there field
  1. the first aid procedure use to treat upper airway blockage
  2. stron heated container used for chemical reactions
  3. bug killer
  4. resuscitation the medical process that repeats the compressions of a patients cest
  5. the layer in the stratosphere that contains ozone
  6. the neurological condition were u can get a episode of disturbance
  7. pathogens released by industrial factories that effects rain
  8. only cpr cpr without mouth to mouth

13 Clues: bug killerwere our trash goesonly cpr cpr without mouth to mouthsomeone that is a professional in there fieldthe layer in the stratosphere that contains ozonestron heated container used for chemical reactionsthe first aid procedure use to treat upper airway blockagemedical practitioner used to treat and diagnose skin cancer...

Who Was Thomas Alva Edison? 2023-10-15

Who Was Thomas Alva Edison? crossword puzzle
  1. Thomas Edison invented this type of light bulb
  2. Edison died in 1931 due to complications from this
  3. This was Thomas Edison's first major invention
  4. Edison's first job was working on this
  5. Edison was born on the 11th of this month in 1847
  1. The Ohio city where Thomas Edison was born
  2. This is the name of Thomas Edison's motion picture invention
  3. This "Park" is where Edison and his team worked
  4. Edison quit this at age 12
  5. Edison once said, "I have not _____. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
  6. Thomas Edison had 1,093 of these
  7. The first steam-powered electricity generating station was on this New York street
  8. Edison's family called him this

13 Clues: Edison quit this at age 12Edison's family called him thisThomas Edison had 1,093 of theseEdison's first job was working on thisThe Ohio city where Thomas Edison was bornThomas Edison invented this type of light bulbThis was Thomas Edison's first major inventionThis "Park" is where Edison and his team worked...

Urine Testing/ABG/Med blood levels 2015-01-11

Urine Testing/ABG/Med blood levels crossword puzzle
  1. Common symptoms may be absent in older adults; symptoms such as confusion, new onset of incontinence, lethargy, nocturia, and anorexia may be the first indication
  2. therapeutic levels 10-20 mcg/mL, toxic at greater than 20mcg/mL
  3. should be above 97%
  4. therapeutic levels 0.9-2.0 ng/mL
  5. in urine may be due to high-protein diet, starvation or fasting, ingestion of isopropyl alcohol , excessive aspirin ingestion, dehydration
  1. in urine indicator of diabetes
  2. 35-45mmHg
  3. therapeutic levels 10-20 mcg/mL, toxic at 30mcg/mL
  4. presence in urine rule out UTI or kidney disease
  5. 1.005-1.030
  6. pH 7.35-7.45

11 Clues: 35-45mmHg1.005-1.030pH 7.35-7.45should be above 97%in urine indicator of diabetestherapeutic levels 0.9-2.0 ng/mLpresence in urine rule out UTI or kidney diseasetherapeutic levels 10-20 mcg/mL, toxic at 30mcg/mLtherapeutic levels 10-20 mcg/mL, toxic at greater than 20mcg/mL...

Obesity Crossword 2020-06-15

Obesity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. factors might play a role in a person becoming obese
  2. when dealing with obesity someone's ________ needs to change
  3. obesity can have many types of signs to show you you're obese
  4. added to processed foods such as tomato sauce, dried fruit, and granola bars
  5. people who ______ can manage their obesity and become healthier
  6. a condition characterized by excess body fat
  1. BMI stands for body ____ index
  2. a chronic condition related to blood sugar
  3. an organisation that helps recognise the issues with obesity
  4. there are different categories of obesity
  5. it is what you feel when you are worried or uncomfortable about something

11 Clues: BMI stands for body ____ indexthere are different categories of obesitya chronic condition related to blood sugara condition characterized by excess body fatfactors might play a role in a person becoming obesean organisation that helps recognise the issues with obesitywhen dealing with obesity someone's ________ needs to change...

Fried Foods and Oils 2018-01-09

Fried Foods and Oils crossword puzzle
  1. risk associated with eating fried foods(you develop insulin resistance)
  2. Consuming acrylamide increases the risk of...
  3. healthy alternative to frying
  4. an unsaturated fatty acid of a type occurring in margarine and manufacture cooking oils as result of the hydrogenation
  5. reaction between sugar and amino acid
  1. Healthy oil made from monounsaturated fats
  2. risk associated with eating fried foods(increase in the calories intake)
  3. risk associated with eating fried foods(low "good" HDL)
  4. The most unhealthy oil
  5. contains more calories than a baked potato
  6. toxic substance that can form in foods during high temperature cooking

11 Clues: The most unhealthy oilhealthy alternative to fryingreaction between sugar and amino acidHealthy oil made from monounsaturated fatscontains more calories than a baked potatoConsuming acrylamide increases the risk of...risk associated with eating fried foods(low "good" HDL)toxic substance that can form in foods during high temperature cooking...

health problems 2021-07-15

health problems crossword puzzle
  1. cells in a specific type of the body grow uncontrollably
  2. highly addictive chemical
  3. when your thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones
  4. contagious respiritory illness caused by the influenza virus
  5. weakens bones in the body
  6. when the lense in your eye develops cloudy patches
  1. when you eat an excessive amount of food and gain a large amount of weight
  2. smoking, genes and infections can cause this disease
  3. increases risks of getting extreme liver problems in the long term.
  4. can cause lung disease by blocking you airways
  5. your body attacks and destroys the insulin producing cells

11 Clues: highly addictive chemicalweakens bones in the bodycan cause lung disease by blocking you airwayswhen the lense in your eye develops cloudy patchessmoking, genes and infections can cause this diseasecells in a specific type of the body grow uncontrollablywhen your thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones...

Peripheral Artery Disease _PAD 2021-04-21

Peripheral Artery Disease _PAD crossword puzzle
  1. happens when plaque builds up in your blood vessels
  2. to remove or bypass a blocked artery
  3. narrows the arteries and limits or blocks blood flow to the body
  4. pumps blood to the body through blood vessels called arteries
  5. dappled ultrasound and angiography
  6. can damage the lining of the arteries and raise your risk
  7. happens in the peripheral arteries
  1. a disease where a fatty buildup called plaque sticks to the walls of the arteries
  2. blood vessels
  3. eating healthy exercising no smoking are considered
  4. most people don't have any with PAD
  5. diabetes high blood pressure high cholesterol obesity older age and plaque buildup in other blood vessels

12 Clues: blood vesselsdappled ultrasound and angiographyhappens in the peripheral arteriesmost people don't have any with PADto remove or bypass a blocked arteryhappens when plaque builds up in your blood vesselseating healthy exercising no smoking are consideredcan damage the lining of the arteries and raise your risk...

Food and Health 2023-04-19

Food and Health crossword puzzle
  1. Diet that contains the right proportion of nutrients along with water and roughage
  2. Unwanted substances that make food unfit for human consumption
  3. Essential components that are present in food that nourishes our body
  4. Enhances growth and repair of worn out cells
  5. Diseases that are related to the way we lead our lives
  1. Fibrous matter present in vegetable and fruits
  2. Disease caused due to lack of iron in our diet
  3. Excessive weight gain is called
  4. It is caused when the level of sugar becomes too high in our blood
  5. Food component that provides energy
  6. Adulterated using yellow dye

11 Clues: Adulterated using yellow dyeExcessive weight gain is calledFood component that provides energyEnhances growth and repair of worn out cellsFibrous matter present in vegetable and fruitsDisease caused due to lack of iron in our dietDiseases that are related to the way we lead our livesUnwanted substances that make food unfit for human consumption...

Fighting Disease Crossword Puzzle 2024-05-06

Fighting Disease Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Poison
  2. Molecules that the immune system recognizes either as part of the body or as from outside the body
  3. One cellular microorganism
  4. A disorder in which the respiratory passages narrow significantly.
  5. Disease Diseases caused by pathogens
  6. A disorder in the immune system that is overly sensitive to foreign substances.
  1. Tiny particles that can only be produced inside a
  2. Organisms that cause disease
  3. The body cells fail to properly use insulin or produce insulin.
  4. A white blood cell that engulfs pathogens
  5. A disease in which cells multiply uncontrollably over and over destroying healthy tissue in the process.

11 Clues: PoisonOne cellular microorganismOrganisms that cause diseaseDisease Diseases caused by pathogensA white blood cell that engulfs pathogensTiny particles that can only be produced inside aThe body cells fail to properly use insulin or produce insulin.A disorder in which the respiratory passages narrow significantly....

¿Conozco las complicaciones? 2021-04-16

¿Conozco las complicaciones? crossword puzzle
  1. Complicación asociada a las Dislipidemias
  2. Complicación mas relevante de la Hipertensión arterial
  3. Patología caracterizada por niveles elevados de presión arterial
  1. Ulceración, Infección asociada a neuropatía diabética
  2. Patología que es la causa mas frecuente de perdida de visión
  3. Enfermedad caracterizada por dolor torácico

6 Clues: Complicación asociada a las DislipidemiasEnfermedad caracterizada por dolor torácicoUlceración, Infección asociada a neuropatía diabéticaComplicación mas relevante de la Hipertensión arterialPatología que es la causa mas frecuente de perdida de visiónPatología caracterizada por niveles elevados de presión arterial

Health Vocabulary 2020-10-13

Health Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Syndrome is a cluster of symptoms that increase the risk of hear disease, stroke, and diabetes.
  2. Saturated fats are ____ at room temperature.
  3. AKA high blood pressure, >140/>90.
  4. The prefix "pulmo" refers to what organ?
  5. Atherosclerosis is the medical term for ____ of the arteries.
  1. _____ acids, aka the building blocks of protein.
  2. Also known as the satiety hormone.
  3. The "I" in the FITT principle stands for what?
  4. Andre the Giant had acromegaly, caused by a tumor on this gland.
  5. Moving of a limb that decreases the angle of the bones that make up the joint.
  6. The hormone that regulates blood sugar.

11 Clues: Also known as the satiety hormone.AKA high blood pressure, >140/>90.The hormone that regulates blood sugar.The prefix "pulmo" refers to what organ?Saturated fats are ____ at room temperature.The "I" in the FITT principle stands for what?_____ acids, aka the building blocks of protein.Atherosclerosis is the medical term for ____ of the arteries....

Eskasoni Crossword - Brianna Farrell 2023-06-20

Eskasoni Crossword - Brianna Farrell crossword puzzle
  1. What Indigenous group lives in Eskasoni?
  2. Director of Eskasoni’s Aboriginal Head Start Early Education Program.
  3. Parents are encouraged to ____ in the Head Start Program.
  4. The Aboriginal Head Start Program was established in nineteen-ninety-____.
  5. Eskasoni children get both academic education and knowledge about their ____.
  1. 60% of Eskasoni’s Home and Community Care Program's clients have this disease.
  2. Eskasoni has a population of over three ____.
  3. Region of Nova Scotia where Eskasoni is located.
  4. This acronym stands for the only First-Nations-governed, national health survey in Canada.
  5. How many subdivisions does Eskasoni have?
  6. Eskasoni means “where the fir trees are ____”.

11 Clues: What Indigenous group lives in Eskasoni?How many subdivisions does Eskasoni have?Eskasoni has a population of over three ____.Eskasoni means “where the fir trees are ____”.Region of Nova Scotia where Eskasoni is located.Parents are encouraged to ____ in the Head Start Program.Director of Eskasoni’s Aboriginal Head Start Early Education Program....

Health Vocabulary Assignment 2019-01-10

Health Vocabulary Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. A tool that uses extreme heat to sterilize items
  2. Chemicals used to destroy unwanted plants or insects
  3. Resuscitation a medical procedure of applying pressure to someone who had a cardiac arrest
  4. someone who is good in a specific field
  5. the layer of the earth's atmosphere that blocks UV rays
  6. the place where your trash usually goes
  7. part of the cause for seizure's
  1. The bodies lack of ability to make insulin
  2. a doctor that specializes in skin disease
  3. Effect the of keeping heat inside of the earth's atmosphere
  4. A side affect of the waste by burning coal and fossil fuels
  5. CPR that doesn't use mouth to mouth
  6. thrusts also known as the Heimlich maneuver

13 Clues: part of the cause for seizure'sCPR that doesn't use mouth to mouthsomeone who is good in a specific fieldthe place where your trash usually goesa doctor that specializes in skin diseaseThe bodies lack of ability to make insulinthrusts also known as the Heimlich maneuverA tool that uses extreme heat to sterilize items...

Check Your Physical Activity Knowledge 2023-05-23

Check Your Physical Activity Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Activity appropriate at the mall or on a sidewalk.
  2. ___ pain can be reduced with low-impact exercise.
  3. Calories are what your body uses to create:
  4. Common childhood "toy" and instrument jumped for a vigorous workout.
  5. One of several chronic conditions likely to develop as a a sedentary lifestyle.
  6. Improved with exercise.
  1. "Lapped up" exercise?
  2. Raking or bagging them is considered light yard work.
  3. Playing with them will keep you young - and active.
  4. Experts say you only need 150 ___ of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week to maintain your weight.
  5. Staying active ___ your blood pressure.
  6. A helmet is recommended attire when astride it.
  7. Physical activity improves ___ quality.
  8. Anxiety's partner, it can often be reduced with physical activity.

14 Clues: "Lapped up" exercise?Improved with exercise.Staying active ___ your blood pressure.Physical activity improves ___ quality.Calories are what your body uses to create:A helmet is recommended attire when astride it.___ pain can be reduced with low-impact exercise.Activity appropriate at the mall or on a sidewalk....

Practice 2-5 2023-07-03 2023-07-03

Practice 2-5                                               2023-07-03 crossword puzzle
  1. A --- is a kind of hot spring that shoots hot water and steam into the air.
  2. You can fish for trout in this ---.
  3. We are determined to --- racism from our sport.
  4. Ash began to erupt from the ---.
  5. Since the --- of the Internet, the world has become much closer.
  1. Light and heat --- from the sun.
  2. This is the Harry Potter Slime ---.
  3. Get out of my ---!
  4. Diabetes patients have to --- themselves with insulin every day.
  5. The --- system is our main defense against disease.
  6. The dog is known to --- evil spirits.
  7. This cup has a --- in it.
  8. When we get sick, our bodies' immune systems make a specific --- to fight off that particular virus

13 Clues: Get out of my ---!This cup has a --- in it.Light and heat --- from the sun.Ash began to erupt from the ---.This is the Harry Potter Slime ---.You can fish for trout in this ---.The dog is known to --- evil spirits.We are determined to --- racism from our sport.The --- system is our main defense against disease....

Heart, Lungs, obesity and the senses 2013-01-17

Heart, Lungs, obesity and the senses crossword puzzle
  1. this is one thing that can happen if you are obese
  2. the main muscle that helps us breathe
  3. this drug can make your reactions slower
  4. the organ in your body that contains alveoli
  5. when someone is considered overweight
  6. this is the word that tells us the 7 life processes such as nutrition
  1. the addictive drug in cigarettes
  2. these take blood away from the heart
  3. the numerical value that we use to see if we are under or overweight
  4. what your nose does
  5. this occurs in your joints and stops you moving as easily
  6. the organ in your body that sits between your lungs
  7. this might well happen when you touch a hot plate

13 Clues: what your nose doesthe addictive drug in cigarettesthese take blood away from the heartthe main muscle that helps us breathewhen someone is considered overweightthis drug can make your reactions slowerthe organ in your body that contains alveolithis might well happen when you touch a hot platethis is one thing that can happen if you are obese...

Vitamin C, D and E 2016-09-19

Vitamin C, D and E crossword puzzle
  1. Naturally occuring Vitamin E exists in _____ chemical forms.
  2. Vitamin C helps with growth and _____ of tissues in your body.
  3. Vitamin E promotes blood ___________.
  4. Lack of Vitamin E causes a person ro have a higher risk of high ________.
  5. Vitamin E can be found in _______, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds.
  6. _____ exposure triggers the production of Vitamin D.
  7. Taking too much Vitamin C can cause heart ______ in people with diabetes.
  1. Hypervitaminosis D leads to ____.
  2. ____ a disease associated with weak and soft bones in humans is also known as osteomalacia.
  3. Vitamin D helps with absorption of _______.
  4. Vitamin C is also known as _______ acid.
  5. Vitamin C helps the body make _____ (collagen).
  6. Vitamin D promotes ____ growth.

13 Clues: Vitamin D promotes ____ growth.Hypervitaminosis D leads to ____.Vitamin E promotes blood ___________.Vitamin C is also known as _______ acid.Vitamin D helps with absorption of _______.Vitamin C helps the body make _____ (collagen)._____ exposure triggers the production of Vitamin D.Naturally occuring Vitamin E exists in _____ chemical forms....

Personal health 2018-01-03

Personal health crossword puzzle
  1. first aid procedure that doesn't involve mouth to mouth resuscitation
  2. layer of the atmosphere that absorbs ultraviolet radiation
  3. used to store lots of trash
  4. a first aid procedure that uses chest compressions and artifial ventilation
  5. someone who focus their intentions on specific subject/ field
  1. process by which the sun's radiation heats the planets surface
  2. a first aid procedure used clear upper airway obstructions
  3. used to kill weeds and bugs
  4. doctor who deals with diseases like melanoma and eczema
  5. a disease that results in too much bloodsugar
  6. a disorder of the brains nerve cells
  7. a certain form of precipitation caused by greenhouse gasses and pollution
  8. A heated container that involves chemicals

13 Clues: used to kill weeds and bugsused to store lots of trasha disorder of the brains nerve cellsA heated container that involves chemicalsa disease that results in too much bloodsugardoctor who deals with diseases like melanoma and eczemaa first aid procedure used clear upper airway obstructionslayer of the atmosphere that absorbs ultraviolet radiation...

Personal health 2018-01-11

Personal health crossword puzzle
  1. sheild that protects living things from ultraviolet radiation
  2. is a disorder that prevents the body from getting energy from food
  3. huge pits where waste is buried
  4. A phisican who treats skin disorders
  5. A chamber for stailling with steam inner pressure
  1. thrust involves quick upward pulls into the diaphragm
  2. A disorder in witch nerve call activity in the brain is disturbed
  3. a doctor trained to handle types of patients
  4. house effect. The trapping of heat by carbon dioxide and other gasses
  5. R a first aid producterthst combines rescue breathing with chest compressions
  6. only cpr. With out mouth to mouth breath
  7. controls insects and other pests
  8. rain. Rain that’s way more acid then normal

13 Clues: huge pits where waste is buriedcontrols insects and other pestsA phisican who treats skin disordersonly cpr. With out mouth to mouth breathrain. Rain that’s way more acid then normala doctor trained to handle types of patientsA chamber for stailling with steam inner pressurethrust involves quick upward pulls into the diaphragm...

Health-related Crossword 2024-03-27

Health-related Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Children who are not fed a healthy and balanced diet are at risk for
  2. To get my medication, I must take my prescription to the
  3. Doing this daily keeps the body healthy
  4. The doctor who works with teeth
  5. To fix his broken arm, he will need an
  6. In order for my wound to heal well, I go for daily
  1. The nurse used a needle to give me an
  2. Low or high blood sugar
  3. I was referred to the hospital by the doctor at the
  4. Medication for pain and fever
  5. Someone with gastroenteritis will have diarrhoea and
  6. Drink this to prevent dehydration
  7. Where you go when you are sick

13 Clues: Low or high blood sugarMedication for pain and feverWhere you go when you are sickThe doctor who works with teethDrink this to prevent dehydrationThe nurse used a needle to give me anTo fix his broken arm, he will need anDoing this daily keeps the body healthyIn order for my wound to heal well, I go for daily...

Organelle and Metabolism Crossword Puzzle 2024-02-12

Organelle and Metabolism Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Where cellular respiration takes place
  2. Needed to make new protein molecules
  3. The molecules that make up proteins
  4. The body's use of molecules for energy and growth
  5. A condition that is caused by a lower than normal number of red blood cells in the circulatory system
  6. The fluid in cells that protects the organelles
  1. Caused by not enough glucose getting into cells
  2. A reactant in cellular respiration
  3. A molecule needed in order to make energy
  4. A group of atoms joined together
  5. Needs to be broken down into smaller molecules before it can enter the circulatory system
  6. The "brain" of the cell
  7. A condition that causes the passageways in the respiratory system to narrow

13 Clues: The "brain" of the cellA group of atoms joined togetherA reactant in cellular respirationThe molecules that make up proteinsNeeded to make new protein moleculesWhere cellular respiration takes placeA molecule needed in order to make energyCaused by not enough glucose getting into cellsThe fluid in cells that protects the organelles...

Ch. 1 Review 2023-02-07

Ch. 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. center for disease control and prevention
  2. state-administered healthcare assistance program for low-income families
  3. Alexander Flemming created this to help treat bacterial infections
  4. discovered the conscious and unconscious mind
  5. discovered the first antiseptic
  6. is known as the father of medicine
  7. developed the first stethoscope
  8. Romans believed in the balance of the 4 ______ to stay healthy
  1. during this period the study and practice of medicine were prohibited
  2. holes were drilled into the skull to relieve evil spirits in the primitive times
  3. federal health care assistance for those over 65 years of age
  4. this 20th century discovery helps to treat diabetes
  5. statement of obligations and proper conduct for doctors
  6. provided medications;acted like the pharmacy of today
  7. first to believe illness had natural causes
  8. controls the food and drugs sold to the public
  9. founded the american red cross
  10. is known as the father of microbiology

18 Clues: founded the american red crossdiscovered the first antisepticdeveloped the first stethoscopeis known as the father of medicineis known as the father of microbiologycenter for disease control and preventionfirst to believe illness had natural causesdiscovered the conscious and unconscious mindcontrols the food and drugs sold to the public...

Biochemistry Misc 1 2021-08-14

Biochemistry Misc 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Can cause mental retardation and eye damage
  2. Poison of respiratory chain complex 1
  3. destroyed by alpha1-antitrypsin leading to pulmonary diseases
  4. A sequence that allows two reactions to be sequentially catalyzed by one glycolytic enzyme
  5. Mobilizes glycogen during fasting or starvation
  1. A common feature of glycogen and amylopectin
  2. Its glycated form can be used to diagnose diabetes
  3. An irreversible full acetal that does not have reducing properties
  4. Results from hydration of fumarate in TCA cycle
  5. Carbon dioxide is bound to hemoglobin in this form
  6. A triple helix glycoprotein
  7. Anabolic pathway that consumes 6 NTP molecules
  8. Produced by substrate level phosphorylation as an alternative to oxidative phosphorylation
  9. Produced when malate is oxidized to oxaloacetate in Krebs cycle

14 Clues: A triple helix glycoproteinPoison of respiratory chain complex 1Can cause mental retardation and eye damageA common feature of glycogen and amylopectinAnabolic pathway that consumes 6 NTP moleculesResults from hydration of fumarate in TCA cycleMobilizes glycogen during fasting or starvationIts glycated form can be used to diagnose diabetes...

Homeostasis Crossword 2022-05-20

Homeostasis Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. when the body cant produce enough insulin
  2. Responds to commands from control centre
  3. Temperature of body falls below 37 degrees and cells start to die
  4. an example of water gain in bodies
  5. central nervous system abbreviated
  6. a type of sugar found in the blood
  7. an automatic response to a stimulus to prevent harm
  1. Responsible for monitoring and responding to changes in environmental stimuli
  2. the term used to describe cold bodied animals
  3. example of a control centre
  4. the response to changing conditions that keeps the body in a stable state.
  5. the hormone released by the brain which regulates how much water is reabsorbed by the kidneys.
  6. glucose is stored in the liver in this form
  7. carry blood to the heart

14 Clues: carry blood to the heartexample of a control centrean example of water gain in bodiescentral nervous system abbreviateda type of sugar found in the bloodResponds to commands from control centrewhen the body cant produce enough insulinglucose is stored in the liver in this formthe term used to describe cold bodied animals...

test 2023-05-21

test crossword puzzle
  1. Der plötzliche Verschluss einer Herzkranzarterie, der zu einer Schädigung des Herzmuskels führt.
  2. Die Wissenschaft von der Struktur des menschlichen Körpers.
  3. Eine Substanz, die zur Behandlung, Vorbeugung oder Linderung von Krankheiten eingesetzt wird.
  4. Die Behandlung einer Krankheit oder eines Gesundheitszustands.
  5. Die Wissenschaft von den normalen Funktionen des Körpers.
  1. Das körpereigene Abwehrsystem gegen Krankheitserreger.
  2. Der Druck des Blutes in den Blutgefäßen.
  3. Der medizinische Fachbereich, der sich mit operativen Eingriffen befasst.
  4. Ein Medikament zur Behandlung von bakteriellen Infektionen.
  5. Die Identifizierung einer Krankheit oder eines Gesundheitszustands.
  6. Eine Stoffwechselerkrankung, bei der der Körper den Blutzucker nicht richtig verarbeiten kann.
  7. Ein mikroskopisch kleiner Organismus, der Krankheiten verursachen kann.
  8. Eine überempfindliche Reaktion des Immunsystems auf bestimmte Substanzen.
  9. Die Wissenschaft von den Krankheiten und ihren Ursachen.

14 Clues: Der Druck des Blutes in den Blutgefäßen.Das körpereigene Abwehrsystem gegen Krankheitserreger.Die Wissenschaft von den Krankheiten und ihren Ursachen.Die Wissenschaft von den normalen Funktionen des Körpers.Ein Medikament zur Behandlung von bakteriellen Infektionen.Die Wissenschaft von der Struktur des menschlichen Körpers....

Preventive Screening Crossword 2015-02-27

Preventive Screening Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Women should get this done every 3-5 years depending on age
  2. Recommended for men and women starting at age 50
  3. Help prevent disease such as pneumonia or influenza
  4. Method of screening for breast cancer
  5. Tests that look for disease before you have symptoms
  6. Men can do this type of self-exam monthly
  7. A scan to check for osteoporosis
  1. You should focus on ____ health as well as physical health
  2. Determinant of overweight and obesity
  3. Women should do this type of self-exam monthly
  4. Major determinant of when to get many screenings
  5. Method of screening for prostate cancer
  6. ____ transmitted infections should be considered in those under 24 years of age
  7. Diabetes screening checks for high blood ____

14 Clues: A scan to check for osteoporosisDeterminant of overweight and obesityMethod of screening for breast cancerMethod of screening for prostate cancerMen can do this type of self-exam monthlyDiabetes screening checks for high blood ____Women should do this type of self-exam monthlyRecommended for men and women starting at age 50...

Unit 3: Keeping Healthy 2021-02-19

Unit 3: Keeping Healthy crossword puzzle
  1. To lower the amount of something
  2. Lettuce, carrots and spinach are examples of this food group
  3. Creating _________ will teach people to eat less sugar
  4. A, B, C, D, E and K are examples of this nutrient
  5. Rice, cereal and bread belong to this food group
  6. The number of food groups you should eat in a balanced diet
  7. apples, kiwis and bananas belong to this food group
  1. Is an essential nutrient that we should drink every day
  2. Is a good source of protein
  3. To work in a team
  4. It is nutrient that gives you energy
  5. To use or eat something
  6. Is a plant that gives us sugar
  7. Too much of this food will give you belly fat, tooth decay and diabetes

14 Clues: To work in a teamTo use or eat somethingIs a good source of proteinIs a plant that gives us sugarTo lower the amount of somethingIt is nutrient that gives you energyRice, cereal and bread belong to this food groupA, B, C, D, E and K are examples of this nutrientapples, kiwis and bananas belong to this food group...

Metabolism Crossword Puzzle 2021-11-10

Metabolism Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the removal and freezing of blood to use later on typically by an athlete
  2. cells in the bloodstream that attack viruses
  3. data used to back up a claim
  4. a chemical reaction the body uses to create and use energy
  5. energy that is created by the mitochondria
  6. an enzyme created to breakdown glucose
  1. the body system that delivers nutrients through the bloodstream
  2. a disorder that causes constriction of the throat and or lungs
  3. a change in form when chemicals mix
  4. a molecule that is broken down from starches
  5. a molecule that the body gets through breathing
  6. The disease that Elisa was diagnosed with
  7. type of molecule that cells use to repair and grow
  8. Ms.A's favorite color

14 Clues: Ms.A's favorite colordata used to back up a claima change in form when chemicals mixan enzyme created to breakdown glucoseThe disease that Elisa was diagnosed withenergy that is created by the mitochondriaa molecule that is broken down from starchescells in the bloodstream that attack virusesa molecule that the body gets through breathing...


DOENÇAS HUMANAS crossword puzzle
  1. RENAL Apresenta dificuldade em urinar devido a presença de cristais formando pedras.
  2. Doença provocada pela produção e/ou insuficiência de insulina.
  3. JUVENIL É um tipo de diabetes que deve-se à destruição das células produtoras de insulina.
  4. É uma doença sexualmente transmissível causada por um fungo.
  5. É uma IST que causa ardência na micção do home e da mulher.
  6. Doença causada pelo HIV.
  7. B Infecta as células do fígado.
  8. É uma IST que se desenvolve em três fases se não for tratada.
  1. II Também é de origem genética.
  2. Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga.
  3. Também é conhecido pelo nome de chato.
  4. MOLE Doença bacteriana causada pelo Haemophilus ducreyi.
  5. Doença causada pelo excesso de hormônio tireoidiano.
  6. Seu nome científico é Treponema pallidum.
  7. IST que aparece como pequenas verrugas na pele da região genital.
  8. É um resultado de processo inflamatório que atinge parte do néfron.

16 Clues: Doença causada pelo HIV.II Também é de origem genética.B Infecta as células do fígado.Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga.Também é conhecido pelo nome de chato.Seu nome científico é Treponema pallidum.Doença causada pelo excesso de hormônio tireoidiano.MOLE Doença bacteriana causada pelo Haemophilus ducreyi....


DOENÇAS HUMANAS crossword puzzle
  1. Doença causada pelo excesso de hormônio tireoidiano.
  2. B Infecta as células do fígado.
  3. JUVENIL É um tipo de diabetes que deve-se à destruição das células produtoras de insulina.
  4. É uma doença sexualmente transmissível causada por um fungo.
  5. É uma IST que causa ardência na micção do home e da mulher.
  6. É um resultado de processo inflamatório que atinge parte do néfron.
  7. Também é conhecido pelo nome de chato.
  8. Seu nome científico é Treponema pallidum.
  1. Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga.
  2. Doença provocada pela produção e/ou insuficiência de insulina.
  3. Doença causada pelo HIV.
  4. II Também é de origem genética.
  5. MOLE Doença bacteriana causada pelo Haemophilus ducreyi.
  6. É uma IST que se desenvolve em três fases se não for tratada.
  7. IST que aparece como pequenas verrugas na pele da região genital.
  8. renal Apresenta dificuldade em urinar devido a presença de cristais formando pedras.

16 Clues: Doença causada pelo HIV.B Infecta as células do fígado.II Também é de origem genética.Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga.Também é conhecido pelo nome de chato.Seu nome científico é Treponema pallidum.Doença causada pelo excesso de hormônio tireoidiano.MOLE Doença bacteriana causada pelo Haemophilus ducreyi....