diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Endocrinology 2022-05-03

Endocrinology crossword puzzle
  1. Hirsutism, acne, infertility, and diabetes are potential side effects (abbrv)
  2. Common type of thyroid cancer
  3. Chronic, disabling disorder resulting from overproduction of HGH
  4. Primary reproductive organ
  5. All causes of hypercortisolism are grouped under what term (2 wrds)
  6. Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism
  7. Grave’s Disease and Hyperthyroidism
  8. Abnormal under-production of pituitary hormones, which may be primary or secondary
  9. Gland commonly mistaken to be part of the brain
  10. Glands which lie behind the thyroid
  1. Undescended testes
  2. Branch of medicine dealing with the endocrine system, its diseases, and its specific secretions known as hormones
  3. Gland that controls the amount of calcium in the body
  4. Where on Lifeguide would you go for a disclosure of Prolactinoma
  5. Small, triangular-shaped glands located on top of both kidneys (2 wrds)

15 Clues: Undescended testesPrimary reproductive organCommon type of thyroid cancerHashimoto’s and HypothyroidismGrave’s Disease and HyperthyroidismGlands which lie behind the thyroidGland commonly mistaken to be part of the brainGland that controls the amount of calcium in the bodyChronic, disabling disorder resulting from overproduction of HGH...

Nutrition and Exercising 2023-11-02

Nutrition and Exercising crossword puzzle
  1. reduces this feeling that can make people very sad
  2. gives you a brighter day and a happier smile
  3. boosts something that keeps your body disease-free
  4. help you breathe better by strengthening these organs
  5. increase marrow cells that help this in your body
  6. you can gain or lose this
  7. benefit something due to stronger muscles
  8. reduces a disease that happens to your colon
  1. can help you do better gymnastics or move around more
  2. give this organ in your body stronger muscles to pump blood
  3. the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin when you have this
  4. what you do at night that recharges your brain
  5. reduces the risk of a type of disease
  6. helps you know what you did in the past

14 Clues: you can gain or lose thisreduces the risk of a type of diseasehelps you know what you did in the pastbenefit something due to stronger musclesgives you a brighter day and a happier smilereduces a disease that happens to your colonwhat you do at night that recharges your brainincrease marrow cells that help this in your body...


BIOTEKNOLOGI crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu produk bioteknologi yang mengandung probiotik bakteri
  2. penerapan teknologi rekayasa genetika pada manusia pertama kali adalah pada penderita
  3. serat yang dikandung mikropotein kebanyakan berasal dari
  4. bioteknologi yang memanfaatkan organisme secara langsung untuk menghasilkan produk barang dan jasa melalui fermentasi
  5. berapa jenis bioteknologi?
  6. proses produksi energi dalam sel dengan keadaan anaerobikyang menghasilkan perubahan biokimia organik melalui aksi enzim
  7. bagian dari mikroorganisme yang telah dilemahkan untuk memicu terbentuknya sistem ketebalan
  1. bapak bioteknologi
  2. organisme yang mengandung gen dari spesies lain
  3. produk makanan dari pediococcus cerevisiae
  4. bioteknologi yang melibatkan rekayasa genetika sehingga menghasilkan DNA rekombinan dan organisme transgenik
  5. ganggang hijau sebagai protein sel tunggal yang aman dikonsumsi
  6. bahan baku yoghurt
  7. zat yang mampu menghambat bahkan mematikan mikroorganisme jamur

14 Clues: bapak bioteknologibahan baku yoghurtberapa jenis bioteknologi?produk makanan dari pediococcus cerevisiaeorganisme yang mengandung gen dari spesies lainserat yang dikandung mikropotein kebanyakan berasal dariganggang hijau sebagai protein sel tunggal yang aman dikonsumsizat yang mampu menghambat bahkan mematikan mikroorganisme jamur...

Diseases of the Periodontium 2020-10-30

Diseases of the Periodontium crossword puzzle
  1. Type of gingivitis that is associated with the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy
  2. An abnormal growth of cells known as a tumor
  3. Vitamin that helps to maintain a healthy sulcular epithelium
  4. Short duration
  5. A periodontium with no loss of tissue
  6. Type of gingival disease commonly seen in poorly controlled diabetes
  7. A state free from inflammatory periodontal disease that allows an individual to function normally
  8. Type of disease characterized by white lacey patches seen in the mouth
  9. Gingivitis that involves the gingival margin, papilla and attached tissues
  10. Pregnancy tumor
  1. Type of herpes simplex virus
  2. A periodontium that has pre-existing loss of periodontal tissue
  3. Drug type that causes gingival overgrowth
  4. Gingivitis that involves both the papilla and margin
  5. Disease that causes blisters or sores on the mucous membranes
  6. Long lasting duration
  7. Gingivitis that involves the papilla
  8. A type of periodontal disease that clinically appears with severe inflammation

18 Clues: Short durationPregnancy tumorLong lasting durationType of herpes simplex virusGingivitis that involves the papillaA periodontium with no loss of tissueDrug type that causes gingival overgrowthAn abnormal growth of cells known as a tumorGingivitis that involves both the papilla and marginVitamin that helps to maintain a healthy sulcular epithelium...

The Endocrine System 2021-09-03

The Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. A function of hormones starting with "G"
  2. the gland involved in vitamin D regulation
  3. the gland located in the brain that controls the other glands
  4. A function of hormones that is also the name of another system
  5. the organ that produces testosterone
  6. the organ that is also involved in digestion
  7. a problem that can affect the endocrine system
  8. an important organ in the female reproductive system
  9. A function of hormones starting with "R"
  10. The gland that responds to stress.
  11. the gland that initiates the metabolism process
  12. the organ that produces erythropoietin
  1. What the glands produce
  2. The organ involved with metabolism and digestion.
  3. the problem that affects the endocrine system due to too much sugar in the blood
  4. the things that secrete hormones into the blood stream
  5. the name of the system
  6. the type of fat tissue that releases leptin

18 Clues: the name of the systemWhat the glands produceThe gland that responds to stress.the organ that produces testosteronethe organ that produces erythropoietinA function of hormones starting with "G"A function of hormones starting with "R"the gland involved in vitamin D regulationthe type of fat tissue that releases leptin...

Citologia- doenças 2021-08-08

Citologia- doenças crossword puzzle
  1. Ligada ao cromossomo X; alteração no metabolismo do peroxissomo.
  2. Falha na proteólise da pró-insulina nas células B da ilhotas de Largehans.
  3. Subdesenvolvimento do REL nos hepatócito.
  4. Gera acúmulo de CAG (carboidratos complexos).
  5. Deficiência da enzima glicuroniltransferase; acúmulo de bilirrubina insolúvel.
  6. Mutação genética no cromossomo 15; Hiper extensabilidade das articulações.
  7. Acúmulo de glicoesfingolipídeos; intolerância ao calor.
  8. Doença autossômica recessiva; alteração nas proteínas que compõem a estrutura do movimento ciliar do epitélio respirtório.
  1. Deficiência da enzima L-alanina no peroxissomo.
  2. Induz a proliferação do REL e de suas enzimas no fígado.
  3. Autossômica recessiva; má formação ou ausência dos peroxissomos.
  4. Deficiência da alfa-glicocerebrosidase; acúmulo de glicocerebrosídeo nas células.
  5. Defeito na síntese de colágeno; Contorcionismo.
  6. Doenças de sobrecarga lisossomais.
  7. Neurodegenerativa; acúmulo de gangliosídeos nos tecidos cerebrais.
  8. Acúmulo de glicogênio intralisossomal.
  9. Acúmulo de ác. fitânico no SNC.
  10. Anemia; valina ao invés de ác. glutâmico.

18 Clues: Acúmulo de ác. fitânico no SNC.Doenças de sobrecarga lisossomais.Acúmulo de glicogênio intralisossomal.Subdesenvolvimento do REL nos hepatócito.Anemia; valina ao invés de ác. glutâmico.Gera acúmulo de CAG (carboidratos complexos).Deficiência da enzima L-alanina no peroxissomo.Defeito na síntese de colágeno; Contorcionismo....

Food for Special Needs- yr 9 food tech 2013-09-12

Food for Special Needs- yr 9 food tech crossword puzzle
  1. beliefs/ people have these in certain types of cultures and relate to the consumption of certain foods
  2. / a type of probiotic
  3. modified/ abbreviation is GM
  4. carte/ type of menu
  5. / abnormal or excessive fat in the body
  6. an allergy to peanuts
  7. needs/ relating to people who have specific requirements
  8. heart foundation approval logo
  9. intolerance/ intolerance to dairy products
  10. last stage in the life cycle
  1. a person who does not eat meat
  2. disease/ the name for a gluten intolerance
  3. a protein that is found in rice, wheat and flour
  4. an item used as a decoration for food.
  5. a chronic condition where sugars in the blood are too high
  6. when consumed puts healthy bacteria into the gut
  7. milk/ milk that is suitable for people wanting to lose weight and is fat free
  8. / hypersensitive disorder of the immune system

18 Clues: carte/ type of menu/ a type of probiotican allergy to peanutsmodified/ abbreviation is GMlast stage in the life cyclea person who does not eat meatheart foundation approval logoan item used as a decoration for food./ abnormal or excessive fat in the bodydisease/ the name for a gluten intoleranceintolerance/ intolerance to dairy products...

AGD Crossword Puzzle 2016-01-15

AGD Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. “First” founder, she was the first to pledge herself to forming the new Fraternity
  2. Live with ________.
  3. The ceremony in which a novitiate becomes a member
  4. Alpha Gamma Delta Mascot
  5. The tool used to introduce new business during a meeting
  6. Role models and provide guidance and support to their sister-daughters
  7. Inspire the Woman. Impact the World.
  1. A potential member who has a mother, step-mother, grandmother or sister who is a member of a sorority
  2. Alpha Gamma Delta Jewel
  3. A term coined and used widely to describe Greek groups for women
  4. Where Alpha Gamma Delta was founded
  5. Document written by each chapter to provide local policies
  6. An organization composed of women’s Greek-letter fraternities
  7. Name of our mascot
  8. Our philanthropy focus
  9. The official magazine of the Fraternity
  10. “The ties that binds”
  11. International president of Alpha Gamma Delta

18 Clues: Name of our mascotLive with ________.“The ties that binds”Our philanthropy focusAlpha Gamma Delta JewelAlpha Gamma Delta MascotWhere Alpha Gamma Delta was foundedInspire the Woman. Impact the World.The official magazine of the FraternityInternational president of Alpha Gamma DeltaThe ceremony in which a novitiate becomes a member...

Nutrition/Cale 2016-11-03

Nutrition/Cale crossword puzzle
  1. is a unit that measures the energy used by the body
  2. is the desire to eat
  3. are foods that are high in caloories but low in nutrients
  4. a waxy substance
  5. is a nutrient that repairs cells and tissues
  6. a substance in food that maintains the body
  7. elements needed to have a healthy body
  8. a condition in which the body can't control sugar.
  9. are an important source of energy
  1. is a substance that is needed in small amounts
  2. foods that contain the entire edible grain
  3. are building blocks that make up protein
  4. a condition in which bones loose their mineral content
  5. are the starches and sugars that give your body energy
  6. helps regulate the fluids in your body
  7. the physical need to eat
  8. reaching your best level of health
  9. a plant material that your body can't digest

18 Clues: a waxy substanceis the desire to eatthe physical need to eatare an important source of energyreaching your best level of healthhelps regulate the fluids in your bodyelements needed to have a healthy bodyare building blocks that make up proteinfoods that contain the entire edible graina substance in food that maintains the body...

L'Avenida 14/04 2015-12-17

L'Avenida 14/04 crossword puzzle
  1. Hoe heet de straat/laan waar we ons nu bevinden?
  2. %ldl daling na dosisverdubbeling statine?
  3. Wat is de generische naam van Ezetrol?
  4. Wat is de beste oplossing voor uw niet gecontroleerde metforminepatiënt?
  5. Hoeveel is de Ldl-streefwaarde van een T2 diabetespatiënt?
  6. Een vat vol enthousiaste,innovatieve en sympathieke jonge artsen.
  1. Hoe heet het Portugees restaurant waar onze meeting vorige keer plaatsvond?
  2. Wat is de generische naam van onze Dpp4-inhibitor?
  3. %ldl daling na toevoeging ezetrol?
  4. Wat is de oplossing voor elke niet-gecontroleerde Atorvapatiënt?
  5. Hoe heet de combinatie van simvastatine met ezetrol?
  6. Wat is de naam van de krachtigste en veiligste Dpp4-inhibitor?
  7. Hoe heet de harde eindpuntstudie van Ezetrol?
  8. Welke firma is bij voorsprong nr 1 in Diabetes- en Cholesterolmedicatie?

14 Clues: %ldl daling na toevoeging ezetrol?Wat is de generische naam van Ezetrol?%ldl daling na dosisverdubbeling statine?Hoe heet de harde eindpuntstudie van Ezetrol?Hoe heet de straat/laan waar we ons nu bevinden?Wat is de generische naam van onze Dpp4-inhibitor?Hoe heet de combinatie van simvastatine met ezetrol?...

Hyperglycemic Crisis 2021-05-31

Hyperglycemic Crisis crossword puzzle
  1. Diaphoresis, hunger, tachycardia, hunger, fatigue are all signs and symptoms of this
  2. Hyperlipidemia from uncontrolled diabetes can cause this due to displacement of water and sodium
  3. Drug class that causes euglycemic DKA
  4. Preferred route of insulin
  5. This can be caused by overzealous treatment with insulin
  6. Most common precipitating factor
  7. Deep, rapid breathing as effort to remove carbon dioxide
  1. complication resulting from overzealous treatment with insulin
  2. Onset of less than 24 hours
  3. Type of insulin used to treat DKA/HHS
  4. Chronic condition where the pancreas produces little to no insulin
  5. Treatment that is only recommended when pH is less than 6.9
  6. Byproduct of lipolysis that causes acidotic state
  7. gap, Measures the difference between cations and anions
  8. Typical overlap duration when transitioning from subq to IV

15 Clues: Preferred route of insulinOnset of less than 24 hoursMost common precipitating factorType of insulin used to treat DKA/HHSDrug class that causes euglycemic DKAByproduct of lipolysis that causes acidotic stategap, Measures the difference between cations and anionsThis can be caused by overzealous treatment with insulin...

Hyperglycemic Crisis 2021-05-31

Hyperglycemic Crisis crossword puzzle
  1. Diaphoresis, tachycardia, hunger, fatigue are all signs and symptoms of this
  2. Hyperlipidemia from uncontrolled diabetes can cause this due to displacement of water and sodium
  3. Drug class that causes euglycemic DKA
  4. Preferred route of insulin
  5. This can be caused by overzealous treatment with insulin
  6. Most common precipitating factor
  7. Deep, rapid breathing as effort to remove carbon dioxide
  1. complication resulting from overzealous treatment with insulin
  2. Onset of less than 24 hours
  3. Type of insulin used to treat DKA/HHS
  4. Chronic condition where the pancreas produces little to no insulin
  5. Treatment that is only recommended when pH is less than 6.9
  6. Byproduct of lipolysis that causes acidotic state
  7. gap, Measures the difference between cations and anions
  8. Typical overlap duration when transitioning from subq to IV

15 Clues: Preferred route of insulinOnset of less than 24 hoursMost common precipitating factorType of insulin used to treat DKA/HHSDrug class that causes euglycemic DKAByproduct of lipolysis that causes acidotic stategap, Measures the difference between cations and anionsThis can be caused by overzealous treatment with insulin...

Heat Transfer Modalities 2022-08-15

Heat Transfer Modalities crossword puzzle
  1. Some patients with Multiple Sclerosis with become __________ with increased body temperature
  2. Increased blood flow with exacerbate this issue
  3. massage, This cryotherapy modality is appropriate for acute bursitis
  4. Peripheral vascular disease
  5. Characteristic of cold urticaria
  6. Not recommended when healing is delayed
  7. Number of hours it takes for strength to return to "normal" after being treated with thermotherapy
  1. Use of a hot pack creates extensibility in the hip joint capsule
  2. Open wounds contraindication
  3. Patient's with this diagnosis may demonstrate decreased sensation
  4. for thermotherapy and cryotherapy modalities
  5. Important component of Systems Review when considering use of thermo- or cryotherapy modalities
  6. ulcers, Sign of impaired circulation
  7. The first 48 - 72 hours refers to this type of trauma

14 Clues: Peripheral vascular diseaseOpen wounds contraindicationCharacteristic of cold urticariaulcers, Sign of impaired circulationNot recommended when healing is delayedfor thermotherapy and cryotherapy modalitiesIncreased blood flow with exacerbate this issueThe first 48 - 72 hours refers to this type of trauma...


  6. - É CIÊNCIA...


Non-Communicle Diseases 2024-01-26

Non-Communicle Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. Lung Disease long-term exposure to hazardous agent
  2. Affect the airways and other structure of the lungs
  3. A disease that is not transmitted by another person, a vector, or the environment
  4. A condition that causes your airways to become narrow and swell and may bring extra mucus
  5. Cancerous
  6. Removal of a small piece of tissue to exam
  7. A disease that is transmitted by another person, a vector, or the enviorment
  8. Chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces
  9. Stoping this is a treatment for COPDs
  1. cancer of the immune system
  2. cancer of the glands and body linings in the digestive tract & lungs
  3. A period of time when symptoms disappear
  4. Type of cardiovascular disease
  5. 8th leading cause of death in the US
  6. Non Cancerous

15 Clues: CancerousNon Cancerouscancer of the immune systemType of cardiovascular disease8th leading cause of death in the USStoping this is a treatment for COPDsA period of time when symptoms disappearRemoval of a small piece of tissue to examLung Disease long-term exposure to hazardous agentAffect the airways and other structure of the lungs...

Nutrition 2024-03-05

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. high blood pressure
  2. a state of good health with optimal body function
  3. process in which nutrients are used by cells for tissue building
  4. process by which the body breaks down food into smaller parts
  5. arteries are narrowed by accumulation of fatty substances on their inner surfaces
  6. metabolic disease caused by an insufficent secretion or use of insulin
  7. nutrients that provide the most concentrated form of energy
  1. major source of readily usable human energy
  2. all body processes relating to food
  3. condition in which bones become porous and break easily
  4. indigestive form of plant carbohydrate
  5. process by which blood or lymph capillaries pick up digested nutrients
  6. rhythmic, wavelike motion of muscles
  7. organic compounds commonly called fats and oils

14 Clues: high blood pressureall body processes relating to foodrhythmic, wavelike motion of musclesindigestive form of plant carbohydratemajor source of readily usable human energyorganic compounds commonly called fats and oilsa state of good health with optimal body functioncondition in which bones become porous and break easily...

Sports 2018-07-29

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. quick and nimble
  2. love of country
  3. to teach someone to think, behave, or feel in a particular way over a period of time
  4. a shape like a circle, but wider in one direction than the other
  5. a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status
  6. act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil
  1. metabolic disorders marked by excessive urination and persistent thirst
  2. a unit
  3. someone who pursues a study or sport as a pastime
  4. the beginning or early stages

10 Clues: a unitlove of countryquick and nimblethe beginning or early stagesact of correcting an error or a fault or an evilsomeone who pursues a study or sport as a pastimea shape like a circle, but wider in one direction than the othermetabolic disorders marked by excessive urination and persistent thirst...

Multiple Sclerosis & Type 1 Diabetes 2018-11-18

Multiple Sclerosis & Type 1 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A condition where a person’s immune system attacks the body
  2. Type of MS where condition worsens with each periodic remission
  3. A hormone that helps cells in the body absorb glucose
  4. Sheaths The part of the body that is attacked in people with MS
  5. Scientific name for sugar
  1. An autoimmune disease of the central nervous system
  2. An organ that is responsible for producing insulin
  3. A metabolic disease where the body does not produce enough insulin
  4. Type of MS where patient experiences periodic symptoms
  5. Type of MS where the condition worsens overtime

10 Clues: Scientific name for sugarType of MS where the condition worsens overtimeAn organ that is responsible for producing insulinAn autoimmune disease of the central nervous systemA hormone that helps cells in the body absorb glucoseType of MS where patient experiences periodic symptomsA condition where a person’s immune system attacks the body...

Multiple Sclerosis & Type 1 Diabetes 2018-11-18

Multiple Sclerosis & Type 1 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A condition where a person’s immune system attacks the body
  2. Type of MS where condition worsens with each periodic remission
  3. A metabolic disease where the body does not produce enough insulin
  4. An autoimmune disease of the central nervous system
  5. The part of the body that is attacked in people with MS
  1. Type of MS where the condition worsens overtime
  2. An organ that is responsible for producing insulin
  3. Scientific name for sugar
  4. Type of MS where patient experiences periodic symptoms
  5. A hormone that helps cells in the body absorb glucose

10 Clues: Scientific name for sugarType of MS where the condition worsens overtimeAn organ that is responsible for producing insulinAn autoimmune disease of the central nervous systemA hormone that helps cells in the body absorb glucoseType of MS where patient experiences periodic symptomsThe part of the body that is attacked in people with MS...

penyakit tidak menular 2021-10-03

penyakit tidak menular crossword puzzle
  1. ,singkatan dari penyakit tidak menular .
  2. ,kelebihan berat badan
  3. , peningkatan tekanan darah yang dapat merusak organ lain .
  4. mental ,penyakit yang mengganggu kejiwaan
  1. ,penyakit yang di sebabkan oleh ketidakteraturan perjalanan hormon yang membuat tubuh tidak normal atau biasa di sebut tumor ganas .
  2. ,kondisi pasokan darah ke otak terputus akibat penyumbatan atau pecahnya pembuluh darah
  3. ,penyakit gangguan metabotik menahun tidak memroduksi insulin .
  4. gigi , nyeri atau peradangan di sekitar gigi .
  5. ,penyakit yang tidak di tularkan dari orang ke orang yang perkembangan berjalan perlahan dalam jangka waktu yang panjang .
  6. ,kelainan peradangan kronik saluran

10 Clues: ,kelebihan berat badan,kelainan peradangan kronik saluran,singkatan dari penyakit tidak menular .mental ,penyakit yang mengganggu kejiwaangigi , nyeri atau peradangan di sekitar gigi ., peningkatan tekanan darah yang dapat merusak organ lain .,penyakit gangguan metabotik menahun tidak memroduksi insulin ....

gene study game 2021-11-17

gene study game crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin receptors on tissues/cells are blocked by fat deposits
  2. are created by photographing the chromosomes.
  3. determine who we are
  4. Soil pH (Environment) determines what gene is expressed
  5. Gene combination involving 2 dominant or 2 recessive genes, also known as pure (ex. RR or rr)
  1. Graphic representation of genetic inheritance
  2. Proteins determine our____
  3. are caused by mutations in a gene or set of genes
  4. this fox’s Fur color changes with temperature
  5. Gene combination of one dominant and one recessive gene, also known as hybrid (ex. Rr)

10 Clues: determine who we areProteins determine our____Graphic representation of genetic inheritancethis fox’s Fur color changes with temperatureare created by photographing the chromosomes.are caused by mutations in a gene or set of genesSoil pH (Environment) determines what gene is expressedInsulin receptors on tissues/cells are blocked by fat deposits...

Mekanisme Pembentukan Urine dan Faktor yang Memengaruhinya 2022-03-25

Mekanisme Pembentukan Urine dan Faktor yang Memengaruhinya crossword puzzle
  1. Zat buangan nitrogen yang disebut hasil deaminasi disebut....
  2. Saraf apa yang tidak memiliki pengaruh apapun pada ginjal....
  3. Tahap pertama pembentukan urine pada manusia adalah....
  4. Sekresi tubulus terjadi melalui transpor....
  5. Laju filtrasi glomerulus dikontrol oleh saraf....
  1. Hilangnya air secara berlebihan karena pengeluaran keringat atau diare menyebabkan peningkatan....
  2. Sekresi ion kalium pada augemntasi dikontrol oleh hormon....
  3. Pada urine penderita diabetes menimbulkan bau manis karena adanya....
  4. Faktor yang memengaruhi proses pembentukan urine yang dihasilkan oleh sel β pada pankreas disebut hormon....
  5. Urine yang dihasilkan setelah proses reabsorpsi tubulus disebut urine....

10 Clues: Sekresi tubulus terjadi melalui transpor....Laju filtrasi glomerulus dikontrol oleh saraf....Tahap pertama pembentukan urine pada manusia adalah....Sekresi ion kalium pada augemntasi dikontrol oleh hormon....Zat buangan nitrogen yang disebut hasil deaminasi disebut....Saraf apa yang tidak memiliki pengaruh apapun pada ginjal.......

Digestive Disorders Activity - Pancreatitis 2021-12-16

Digestive Disorders Activity - Pancreatitis crossword puzzle
  1. A ____ blood sugar could mean that you have pancreatitis.
  2. This illness can be caused by chronic pancreatitis.
  3. Avoiding which energy-yielding nutrient helps to lower the risk of pancreatitis?
  4. Treatment could require you to eat _____ foods.
  5. Doing this daily will help you avoid getting pancreatitis.
  6. Which energy-yielding nutrient should you eat to avoid getting pancreatitis?
  1. _______ pancreatitis is where the pancreas does not heal or improve.
  2. For serious cases, your ___________ may need to be removed.
  3. Consuming this can lead to pancreatitis.
  4. Having _____ pancreatitis can lead to having chronic pancreatitis.

10 Clues: Consuming this can lead to pancreatitis.Treatment could require you to eat _____ foods.This illness can be caused by chronic pancreatitis.A ____ blood sugar could mean that you have pancreatitis.Doing this daily will help you avoid getting pancreatitis.For serious cases, your ___________ may need to be removed....

My Hobbies 2022-11-15

My Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. I'm going to join Freefire ..... next Sunday, unfortunately, I don't have time to prepare myself.
  2. An activity that is done on the sea.
  3. People with ... should not consume much sugar.
  4. I really enjoy ... with my family to new places
  5. The person who judges a competition
  1. Instagram account of Mr. Marjan.
  2. I don't like ... sports like football, baseball or golf. I prefer indoor sports.
  3. To be a professional sportsman,... is not enough, you also need to work hard.
  4. Things I like to do
  5. ... you like a cup of tea?

10 Clues: Things I like to do... you like a cup of tea?Instagram account of Mr. Marjan.The person who judges a competitionAn activity that is done on the sea.People with ... should not consume much sugar.I really enjoy ... with my family to new placesTo be a professional sportsman,... is not enough, you also need to work hard....

Health 2022-10-20

Health crossword puzzle
  1. an injury (less serious than a break) to a joint (ankle, wrist, knee etc)
  2. treatment aimed at improving a person's mental or physical condition
  3. a virus commonly contracted by children, characterized by itchy spots all over the body
  4. the same as pain
  5. in need of water
  1. objects that people with injured legs or feet use to help them walk
  2. the process of becoming well again after an illness or injury
  3. type of disease typically involving insulin deficiency
  4. plain uniform (usually green, white, or blue) worn by medical professionals
  5. higher than normal body temperature

10 Clues: the same as painin need of waterhigher than normal body temperaturetype of disease typically involving insulin deficiencythe process of becoming well again after an illness or injuryobjects that people with injured legs or feet use to help them walktreatment aimed at improving a person's mental or physical condition...

Endocrine System 2016-06-05

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. A group of cells that produces and secretes chemicals
  2. Parathyroid hormone increases the level of .... in the blood
  3. A disorder which occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone
  4. The foundations of the endocrine system are the glands and...?
  5. endocrine glands release more than ... major hormones directly into bloodstream
  6. Which gland is located in the diencephalon?
  1. Which gland maintains blood sugar?
  2. If you have an endocrine disease or disorder, you may consult a ....
  3. Proteins act as....
  4. The most common endocrine disease in the United States is?

10 Clues: Proteins act as....Which gland maintains blood sugar?Which gland is located in the diencephalon?A group of cells that produces and secretes chemicalsThe most common endocrine disease in the United States is?Parathyroid hormone increases the level of .... in the bloodThe foundations of the endocrine system are the glands and...?...

PE 2023-04-13

PE crossword puzzle
  1. Being overly fat and overweight
  2. Is a good fat for your brain
  3. Maintaining a healthy weight helps you protect your
  4. A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood
  1. A unit of energy
  2. a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases
  3. Weighing a small amount
  4. A blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle
  5. Not being able to give birth
  6. Something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts

10 Clues: A unit of energyWeighing a small amountNot being able to give birthIs a good fat for your brainBeing overly fat and overweightA blockage of blood flow to the heart muscleMaintaining a healthy weight helps you protect yourA group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood...

Weekly Summary #2 2023-02-02

Weekly Summary #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Sodium intake is one factor involved in ________
  2. Sugar turns into ____ and stored as fat cells throughout the body
  3. The test that measures cholesterol levels is called a ____ profile
  4. Foods rich in calcium, ______ and potassium help protect against hypertension
  5. This diet prevents and lowers high blood pressure
  1. The _____ diet can help with diabetes prevention and control
  2. Atoms that share electrons equally are known as ____ covalent bonds
  3. A substance that dissolves in water is known as _____
  4. set of chemicals that keep pH stable is called _____
  5. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids are all ____

10 Clues: Sodium intake is one factor involved in ________This diet prevents and lowers high blood pressureset of chemicals that keep pH stable is called _____A substance that dissolves in water is known as _____The _____ diet can help with diabetes prevention and controlCarbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids are all ____...

Diseases 2023-06-12

Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. A progressive brain disorder that affects memory and thinking skills.
  2. Inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
  3. A group of diseases characterized by abnormal cell growth.
  4. A mosquito-borne disease characterized by fever and chills.
  5. A severe and often fatal viral illness.
  1. A degenerative disorder of the nervous system that affects movement.
  2. Inflammation of the liver, often caused by a viral infection.
  3. A chronic condition that affects how your body metabolizes sugar.
  4. An infectious bacterial disease that primarily affects the lungs.
  5. An infection that causes inflammation in the lungs.

10 Clues: A severe and often fatal viral illness.An infection that causes inflammation in the lungs.A group of diseases characterized by abnormal cell growth.A mosquito-borne disease characterized by fever and chills.Inflammation of the liver, often caused by a viral infection.A chronic condition that affects how your body metabolizes sugar....


  1. Esta glándula produce la hormona tiroxina.
  2. Glándulas que se encuentran en la parte alta de los riñones.
  3. Sistema encargado de distribuir hormonas al cuerpo.
  4. Se le conoce como "La hormona del sueño".
  5. Hormona que tiene acción en los ovarios y testículos.
  6. Glándula sexual masculina que se encarga de producir espermatozoides.
  1. Principal órgano del sistema endocrino.
  2. Se le conoce como "La hormona del crecimiento".
  3. Enfermedad causada por falta de insulina en el cuerpo.
  4. Hormona que se encarga de mantener alerta al cupo en situaciones como: emociones, miedo, huir de algo.

10 Clues: Principal órgano del sistema endocrino.Se le conoce como "La hormona del sueño".Esta glándula produce la hormona tiroxina.Se le conoce como "La hormona del crecimiento".Sistema encargado de distribuir hormonas al cuerpo.Hormona que tiene acción en los ovarios y testículos.Enfermedad causada por falta de insulina en el cuerpo....

Childhood Obesity 2022-12-09

Childhood Obesity crossword puzzle
  1. not getting enough of this will cause a child to be lazy
  2. not getting enough of this may slow your metabolism
  3. what you have to pay attention to if obesity turns into type 2 diabetes
  4. the numbers on your food packets
  5. the places/people around you
  1. obesity caused by blood-line/family
  2. you can get this from school, peer pressure, family members, difficult tasks, etc
  3. capsules/liquid that may be for one purpose, but causes weight gain as a side effect
  4. eating unwisely
  5. obesity affects a child's:

10 Clues: eating unwiselyobesity affects a child's:the places/people around youthe numbers on your food packetsobesity caused by blood-line/familynot getting enough of this may slow your metabolismnot getting enough of this will cause a child to be lazywhat you have to pay attention to if obesity turns into type 2 diabetes...

Nutrition for Life 2023-12-12

Nutrition for Life crossword puzzle
  1. changes resulting from an action
  2. a type of fat found in your blood
  3. accountable for something within one's power
  4. an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many individuals at the same time
  5. A plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim
  1. society related economic factors
  2. affecting the mental or emotional state of a person
  3. the study of food and how it affects the health and growth of the body
  4. the state of being happy and healthy
  5. a disease that occurs when your blood glucose is too high.

10 Clues: society related economic factorschanges resulting from an actiona type of fat found in your bloodthe state of being happy and healthyaccountable for something within one's poweraffecting the mental or emotional state of a personA plan of action designed to achieve an overall aima disease that occurs when your blood glucose is too high....

Lack of sleeping 2024-04-14

Lack of sleeping crossword puzzle
  1. A quality of something
  2. Feeling very unhappy and without hope for the future
  3. Feeling of fear and worry
  4. Get up, not sleeping
  1. The quality of being very important and needing attention immediately
  2. something that interrupts someone or makes someone feel worried
  3. Difficulty sleeping
  4. a disease of the brain that mainly affects old people loss of memory
  5. Treatment to help a person get better from the effects of a disease or injury
  6. A disease in which the body cannot control the amount of sugar in the blood

10 Clues: Difficulty sleepingGet up, not sleepingA quality of somethingFeeling of fear and worryFeeling very unhappy and without hope for the futuresomething that interrupts someone or makes someone feel worrieda disease of the brain that mainly affects old people loss of memoryThe quality of being very important and needing attention immediately...

Health problems 2024-04-15

Health problems crossword puzzle
  1. A condition marked by low red blood cell count
  2. High blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease
  3. A mental health disorder causing persistent sadness and loss of interest
  4. A reaction of the immune system to a foreign substance
  5. A severe headache often accompanied by nausea
  1. Excessive body weight leading to health issues
  2. Abnormal cell growth that can spread to other parts of the body
  3. Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  4. A chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels
  5. A respiratory condition causing difficulty in breathing

10 Clues: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleepA severe headache often accompanied by nauseaExcessive body weight leading to health issuesA condition marked by low red blood cell countHigh blood pressure, a risk factor for heart diseaseA reaction of the immune system to a foreign substanceA respiratory condition causing difficulty in breathing...

NUTRIFLIX 2024-07-22

NUTRIFLIX crossword puzzle


Coordination and Control 2016-03-14

Coordination and Control crossword puzzle
  1. Hormone which has the opposite effect to insulin
  2. Gland that produces an release hormone and have no duct.
  3. This gland hangs down from the underside of the brain
  4. Under production of growth hormone in children
  5. Hormone which is produced after meals to decrease the blood glucose level
  1. Another name for growth hormone
  2. Which hormone is used as a drug to promote growth?
  3. Which gland control the level of insulin and glucogen in the blood?
  4. Disease caused by problems with insulin
  5. Over production of growth hormone in adults

10 Clues: Another name for growth hormoneDisease caused by problems with insulinOver production of growth hormone in adultsUnder production of growth hormone in childrenHormone which has the opposite effect to insulinWhich hormone is used as a drug to promote growth?This gland hangs down from the underside of the brain...

Safer For All crossword 2017-06-07

Safer For All crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The respiratory disease mentioned in the story (Page 13)
  2. The abbreviation for Personal Protective Equipment (Page 15)
  3. How many points of contact you should maintain when climbing a ladder or stepladder (Page 6)
  4. One of the underlying health problems eye tests can discover (Page 14)
  5. Provider of Hills' healthcare scheme (Page 12)
  1. What you should not take when on site (Page 8)
  2. Beginning with P, the type of warning system (Page 4)
  3. Fire ___________ System (Page 5)
  4. First word on the page (Page 3)
  5. The speed limit mentioned in the story (Page 5)

10 Clues: First word on the page (Page 3)Fire ___________ System (Page 5)What you should not take when on site (Page 8)Provider of Hills' healthcare scheme (Page 12)The speed limit mentioned in the story (Page 5)Beginning with P, the type of warning system (Page 4)The respiratory disease mentioned in the story (Page 13)...

Multiple Sclerosis & Type 1 Diabetes 2018-11-18

Multiple Sclerosis & Type 1 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. An autoimmune disease of the central nervous system
  2. Type of MS where patient experiences periodic symptoms
  3. Type of MS where the condition worsens overtime
  4. A hormone that helps cells in the body absorb glucose
  1. The part of the body that is attacked in people with MS
  2. Type of MS where condition worsens with each periodic remission
  3. An organ that is responsible for producing insulin
  4. Scientific name for sugar
  5. A metabolic disease where the body does not produce enough insulin
  6. A condition where a person’s immune system attacks the body

10 Clues: Scientific name for sugarType of MS where the condition worsens overtimeAn organ that is responsible for producing insulinAn autoimmune disease of the central nervous systemA hormone that helps cells in the body absorb glucoseType of MS where patient experiences periodic symptomsThe part of the body that is attacked in people with MS...

Why do we fall ill? 2020-08-20

Why do we fall ill? crossword puzzle
  1. something that specifically points to a particular disease
  2. a disease causing organism is called a pathogen
  3. an example of an intrinsic disease where the pancreas doesn't produce sufficient insulin
  4. WHO defines health as a physical, mental and _____ well being
  5. diseases that resolve within a short period of time
  6. this is where water should be stored
  7. something felt by the patient, tells something is wrong
  1. are examples of extrinsic diseases
  2. diseases that last for a long duration of time and can cause long lasting damage
  3. lack of ease

10 Clues: lack of easeare examples of extrinsic diseasesthis is where water should be storeda disease causing organism is called a pathogendiseases that resolve within a short period of timesomething felt by the patient, tells something is wrongsomething that specifically points to a particular disease...

the biological person 2021-10-08

the biological person crossword puzzle
  1. basic working unit of all the nervous subsystems
  2. the boss of the nervous system
  3. a conduction fiber that conducts impulses away from the body of a nerve cell
  4. Cheryl provides an example of this disorder so does Louise.
  5. this system plays a crucial role in growth
  1. this lobe's function is vision
  2. the ability of the brain to change its structure and patterns of activity
  3. this lobe's function is social functioning
  4. in type 1 diabetes insulin production is deficient or absent
  5. Cheryl would benefit from this type of retraining to improve her own awareness

10 Clues: this lobe's function is visionthe boss of the nervous systemthis lobe's function is social functioningthis system plays a crucial role in growthbasic working unit of all the nervous subsystemsCheryl provides an example of this disorder so does Louise.in type 1 diabetes insulin production is deficient or absent...


EDUCAÇÃO FÍSICA crossword puzzle
  1. Aumento da pressão arterial
  2. Efeito que produz a diminuição da gordura corporal
  3. desenvolve as qualidades físicas do indivíduo
  4. Efeito que ocasiona aumento do volume sistólico
  1. contrações musculares involuntárias dolorosas, que pode ocorrer por baixo suprimento de oxigênio no músculo, ocasionando o acúmulo de ácido lático no tecido
  2. Alto índice de gordura corporal
  3. inflamação das bainhas dos tendões que rodeiam uma articulação
  4. inflamação das bolsas sinoviais que circundam a articulação
  5. Efeito que provoca melhora de autoconceito, autoestima e de imagem corporal
  6. Alta taxa de açúcar no sangue

10 Clues: Aumento da pressão arterialAlta taxa de açúcar no sangueAlto índice de gordura corporaldesenvolve as qualidades físicas do indivíduoEfeito que ocasiona aumento do volume sistólicoEfeito que produz a diminuição da gordura corporalinflamação das bolsas sinoviais que circundam a articulaçãoinflamação das bainhas dos tendões que rodeiam uma articulação...

Care plan crossword 2023-06-07

Care plan crossword crossword puzzle
  1. goals must be this so that we can determine when they are met
  2. term goal to be completed quickly
  3. a PRN ________ must be given for as needed orders
  4. this gaseous medication must be on the care plan
  5. this problem involves foot care and as needed FSBS
  1. care plans should be ______ when a new problem or change in condition occurs
  2. every goal needs one
  3. this needs to be included if the PHQ 9 score is high
  4. term goal to be completed later in the episode
  5. care plans must be _______ specific

10 Clues: every goal needs oneterm goal to be completed quicklycare plans must be _______ specificterm goal to be completed later in the episodethis gaseous medication must be on the care plana PRN ________ must be given for as needed ordersthis problem involves foot care and as needed FSBSthis needs to be included if the PHQ 9 score is high...

Eskasoni 2023-06-13

Eskasoni crossword puzzle
  1. Your way of life is incorporated into your ______.
  2. When you work from a grassroots level you get more input from the _________ the
  3. First Nations data contributed to _______ change in one community
  4. Eskasoni is the ______ Mi'kmaq community in the world
  5. The community of Eskasoni is situated in the heart of this region
  1. in mi'kmaq language this word means where the fir trees are plentiful
  2. the power of______
  3. parents are expected to _______ at the educational program.
  4. FNIGC First Nations Information _________ Centre.
  5. This illness has been one of the communities biggest struggles

10 Clues: the power of______FNIGC First Nations Information _________ Centre.Your way of life is incorporated into your ______.Eskasoni is the ______ Mi'kmaq community in the worldparents are expected to _______ at the educational program.This illness has been one of the communities biggest struggles...

Connect & Review Crossword! 2023-06-26

Connect & Review Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. The date of the biggest holiday this month
  2. The blinded name that the DTC team uses for the brand name in our campaign concepts
  3. Rome's first emperor and who this month is named after
  4. Lilly's other injectable tirzepatide injection medicine for t2 diabetes
  5. FDA Approved Anti-Obesity Medication that is Lilly’s biggest competitor for obesity treatment
  1. An antidiabetic medication developed by Novo Nordisk
  2. People usually eat ______ on Independence Day
  3. A popular way to celebrate Independence Day
  4. The 7th month of the year
  5. One of the horoscope signs for this month

10 Clues: The 7th month of the yearOne of the horoscope signs for this monthThe date of the biggest holiday this monthA popular way to celebrate Independence DayPeople usually eat ______ on Independence DayAn antidiabetic medication developed by Novo NordiskRome's first emperor and who this month is named after...

Heart disease 2022-10-24

Heart disease crossword puzzle
  1. high-density lipoprotein is the meaning
  2. the pressure of the blood in the circulatory system
  3. Blood pressure that is higher than normal
  1. A fat like substance that is found in all the cells of your body
  2. when a part of the heart muscle doesn't get enough blood
  3. when someone is hyperly active
  4. when someone not hyper at all
  5. A blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to organs the body
  6. Health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy
  7. When something block blood supply to part of the brain

10 Clues: when someone not hyper at allwhen someone is hyperly activehigh-density lipoprotein is the meaningBlood pressure that is higher than normalthe pressure of the blood in the circulatory systemWhen something block blood supply to part of the brainwhen a part of the heart muscle doesn't get enough blood...

Yohar crossword 2022-10-24

Yohar crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Blood pressure that is higher than normal
  2. A blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to organs the body
  3. when someone not hyper at all
  4. redirects blood around a section in your heart
  5. A fat like substance that is found in all the cells of your body
  6. Health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy
  1. the pressure of the blood in the circulatory system
  2. high-density lipoprotein is the meaning
  3. when someone is hyperly active
  4. When something block blood supply to part of the brain

10 Clues: when someone not hyper at allwhen someone is hyperly activehigh-density lipoprotein is the meaningBlood pressure that is higher than normalredirects blood around a section in your heartthe pressure of the blood in the circulatory systemWhen something block blood supply to part of the brain...

Anaesthetics Patient Journery 2023-02-28

Anaesthetics Patient Journery crossword puzzle
  1. Anaesthesiologist's response to patient nerves regarding intubation
  2. Pre operative assessment to determine ease of endotracheal intubation
  3. Medical condition that meant patient was first on the operation list
  4. Most important thing to manage post operatively
  5. The procedure, to view the uterus and take a biopsy
  1. Post operatively when the endotracheal tube was removed
  2. Describing the patients level of alertness post operatively
  3. Triad of anaesthetics in preparation for surgery
  4. Important question to ask pre operatively to avoid anaphylaxis to anaesthetic drugs
  5. Pre operative scoring system taking into account co-morbidities

10 Clues: Most important thing to manage post operativelyTriad of anaesthetics in preparation for surgeryThe procedure, to view the uterus and take a biopsyPost operatively when the endotracheal tube was removedDescribing the patients level of alertness post operativelyPre operative scoring system taking into account co-morbidities...

Top 100 Drugs Week 1 2024-01-22

Top 100 Drugs Week 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Used for treatment of hypertension; aka Norvasc
  2. Used for treatment of hypertension; aka Cozaar
  3. Used for treatment of Asthma and COPD; aka Ventolin/proair
  4. Used for treatment of hypercholesterolemia; aka Lipitor
  1. Used for treatment of neuropathic pain and seizures; aka Neurontin/Gralise
  2. Used for treatment of hypothyroidism; aka Synthoid
  3. Used for treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome; aka Fortamet/Glucophage
  4. Used for treatment of hypertension and heart rate control; aka Torpor XL
  5. Used for treatment of heartburn; aka Prilosec
  6. Used for treatment of hypertension and heart failure; aka Prinivil/Zestril

10 Clues: Used for treatment of heartburn; aka PrilosecUsed for treatment of hypertension; aka CozaarUsed for treatment of hypertension; aka NorvascUsed for treatment of hypothyroidism; aka SynthoidUsed for treatment of hypercholesterolemia; aka LipitorUsed for treatment of Asthma and COPD; aka Ventolin/proair...

Graham v. Connor 2024-03-27

Graham v. Connor crossword puzzle
  1. The last name of the Plantiff
  2. The reasoning behind why something was done
  3. Happens when a persons blood sugar drops extremely low
  4. The state where this case occurred
  5. A feeling you get when someone is acting very strangely
  1. The diagnosis of when your body can't produce enough insulin on it's own
  2. Your personal rights guaranteed by the U.S Constitution
  3. The temporary state your body is in after ingesting a certain amount of alcohol
  4. When someone gets mad they can sometimes tend to get _________
  5. The last name of the defendant

10 Clues: The last name of the PlantiffThe last name of the defendantThe state where this case occurredThe reasoning behind why something was doneHappens when a persons blood sugar drops extremely lowYour personal rights guaranteed by the U.S ConstitutionA feeling you get when someone is acting very strangely...

HEALTHY FOOD 2020-07-05

HEALTHY FOOD crossword puzzle


Acute and Chronic Renal Failure 2021-11-10

Acute and Chronic Renal Failure crossword puzzle
  1. The biochemical substance that increase in AKI
  2. Decrease in GFR is seen in which type of AKI?
  3. Hematopoietic complication of Chronic Renal Failure
  4. The diagnostic method when intrinsic renal AKI is suspected and cause is unclear
  5. Intrinsic renal cause of AKI include an AI disorder which is
  6. The 2 main causes of CKI is High BP along with
  1. Medication that Directly damage tubular cells& results in intrinsic AKI
  2. In USG of CKI , the cortical thickness will be
  3. Psychological symptom(s)of CKI is
  4. The level of K+ in AKI will get

10 Clues: The level of K+ in AKI will getPsychological symptom(s)of CKI isDecrease in GFR is seen in which type of AKI?In USG of CKI , the cortical thickness will beThe biochemical substance that increase in AKIThe 2 main causes of CKI is High BP along withHematopoietic complication of Chronic Renal Failure...

Metabolism could work 2021-12-08

Metabolism could work crossword puzzle
  1. the combination of two items that makes a reaction
  2. the body’s way of making energy
  3. the body’s way of breaking down food into molecules
  4. the body’s way of transporting molecules
  5. to much glucose in the body need a shot of insulin
  1. the gate way to the cells
  2. molecules get transported to here to keep them alive and running.
  3. the use of oxygen and glucose to make energy, carbon dioxide, and water
  4. proteins building blocks
  5. the body’s way of taking in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide.

10 Clues: proteins building blocksthe gate way to the cellsthe body’s way of making energythe body’s way of transporting moleculesthe combination of two items that makes a reactionto much glucose in the body need a shot of insulinthe body’s way of breaking down food into moleculesmolecules get transported to here to keep them alive and running....

PHT 110 Drug List 5 2015-05-25

PHT 110 Drug List 5 crossword puzzle
  1. I'm a generic drug classified as an antibiotic
  2. Diskus I'm a bronchodilator used to treat COPD
  3. I'm a antihyperlipidemic used to treat high cholesterol
  4. I'm a generic used to reduce stroke
  5. I'm a brand name used to treat GERD
  6. I treat type II diabetes and classified as a antidiabetic agent
  1. I'm a tricyclic antidepressant used to treat depression
  2. I'm a brand name drug that treats GERD
  3. I'm a generic drug classified as a corticosteroid
  4. chloride I'm used as a potassium replacement and is a generic drug

10 Clues: I'm a generic used to reduce strokeI'm a brand name used to treat GERDI'm a brand name drug that treats GERDI'm a generic drug classified as an antibioticI'm a generic drug classified as a corticosteroidDiskus I'm a bronchodilator used to treat COPDI'm a tricyclic antidepressant used to treat depression...

PCH vocab 2022-09-13

PCH vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A medical procedure that involves repeated chest compressions on a person’s chest
  2. A layer in the earth’s atmosphere that contains high levels of ozone
  3. A disease in which the body's ability to produce insulin is impaired
  4. Rainfall made by atmospheric pollution
  5. A neurological disorder
  6. A first aid procedure to treat upper airway obstruction
  1. Trapped sun warmth in a planets lower atmosphere
  2. A place to dispose of waste
  3. A substance used to destroy insects or other organisms that could harm plants and animals
  4. Someone who concentrates primarily on one activity

10 Clues: A neurological disorderA place to dispose of wasteRainfall made by atmospheric pollutionTrapped sun warmth in a planets lower atmosphereSomeone who concentrates primarily on one activityA first aid procedure to treat upper airway obstructionA layer in the earth’s atmosphere that contains high levels of ozone...

Think About It 2023-04-25

Think About It crossword puzzle
  1. Necessary equipment worn by people to protect against hazards
  2. A process of evaluating potential dangers in a given situation
  3. A chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels
  1. The act of keeping the workplace clean and organized
  2. Actions taken to maintain cleanliness and prevent disease
  3. A common cause of workplace injuries, often due to slippery floors or uneven surfaces
  4. A potential source of harm or danger
  5. Basic medical treatment provided in an emergency
  6. A sudden and unexpected event, often resulting in injury
  7. A state of mental or emotional strain caused by demanding circumstances

10 Clues: A potential source of harm or dangerBasic medical treatment provided in an emergencyThe act of keeping the workplace clean and organizedA sudden and unexpected event, often resulting in injuryActions taken to maintain cleanliness and prevent diseaseA chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels...

Weekly Summary #2 2023-02-02

Weekly Summary #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Sodium intake is one factor involved in ________
  2. Sugar turns into ____ and stored as fat cells throughout the body
  3. The test that measures cholesterol levels is called a ____ profile
  4. Foods rich in calcium, ______ and potassium help protect against hypertension
  5. This diet prevents and lowers high blood pressure
  1. The _____ diet can help with diabetes prevention and control
  2. Atoms that share electrons equally are known as ____ covalent bonds
  3. A substance that dissolves in water is known as _____
  4. set of chemicals that keep pH stable is called _____
  5. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids are all ____

10 Clues: Sodium intake is one factor involved in ________This diet prevents and lowers high blood pressureset of chemicals that keep pH stable is called _____A substance that dissolves in water is known as _____The _____ diet can help with diabetes prevention and controlCarbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids are all ____...

CW 1 2020-10-30

CW 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Makanan yang membina TAPAK piramid makanan.(mula dengan k)
  2. contohnya susu, ikan, dan daging. (mula dengan p)
  3. suntikan yang diambil selepas kena jangkitan.(mula dengan a)
  4. Penyakit yang dibawa oleh nyamuk aedes.(mula dengan d)
  1. Penyakit yang disebarkan oleh Lipas.(mula dengan k)
  2. Jenis campuran contohnya air sungai berlumpur. (mula dengan a)
  3. Penyakit akibat daripada pengambilan makanan gula yang berlebihan.(mula dengan d)
  4. contohnya buah dan sayur.(mula dengan s)
  5. Jenis campuran contohnya susu.(mula dengan k)
  6. suntikan yang diambil sejak bayi,sebagai pencegahan penyakit.(mula dengan v)

10 Clues: contohnya buah dan sayur.(mula dengan s)Jenis campuran contohnya susu.(mula dengan k)contohnya susu, ikan, dan daging. (mula dengan p)Penyakit yang disebarkan oleh Lipas.(mula dengan k)Penyakit yang dibawa oleh nyamuk aedes.(mula dengan d)Makanan yang membina TAPAK piramid makanan.(mula dengan k)...

Síndrome Nefrótica 2020-11-28

Síndrome Nefrótica crossword puzzle
  1. O que reduz a velocidade da ação da doença bloqueando a angiotensina (ECA)?
  2. O ganho de peso se dá ao excesso da retenção do?
  3. A unidade funcional do rim é
  4. A síndrome nefrótica pode ser diagnosticada por?
  5. Qual doença aumenta as chances de ocorrer a síndrome nefrotica?
  1. As causas primárias da Síndrome Nefrótica são originariamente correlatas a doenças e?
  2. Nesse distúrbio o organismo acaba excretado um excesso de _ na urina
  3. Qual o órgão que sofre distúrbio com síndrome nefrotica?
  4. O sangue penetra nos rins pela artéria
  5. Qual é a principal função do rim?

10 Clues: A unidade funcional do rim éQual é a principal função do rim?O sangue penetra nos rins pela artériaO ganho de peso se dá ao excesso da retenção do?A síndrome nefrótica pode ser diagnosticada por?Qual o órgão que sofre distúrbio com síndrome nefrotica?Qual doença aumenta as chances de ocorrer a síndrome nefrotica?...

Issues on the Cost of Insulin 2022-10-12

Issues on the Cost of Insulin crossword puzzle
  1. a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans, which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.
  2. who sets the prices of the Insulins?
  3. The average person needs about ______ Vials of Insulin per month
  4. program to help those who can’t afford insulin and are uninsured
  5. how much was insulin sold for when it was just invented
  1. who invented insulin
  2. the lack of insulin causes a form of
  3. there is no ______to the price of insulin
  4. where was insulin first sold at
  5. should prices on insulin go down?

10 Clues: who invented insulinwhere was insulin first sold atshould prices on insulin go down?the lack of insulin causes a form ofwho sets the prices of the Insulins?there is no ______to the price of insulinhow much was insulin sold for when it was just inventedThe average person needs about ______ Vials of Insulin per month...

9 tie breaker-4 2023-08-09

9 tie breaker-4 crossword puzzle
  1. Arrangement of weathers in a bird
  2. The property where to substances are not capable of combining to form a homogeneous
  3. A drug that stimulates (increases the activity of) your brain and nervous system.(Found in coffe)
  4. Respiration without oxygen
  5. Relationship between two or more types of oraganisms
  1. Essential in keeping the bones healthy
  2. The inability to regulate blood sugar in body
  3. -----belongs to a group of carnivorus mammals
  4. A unicellular that is used in beer and breading making
  5. What is the force that opposes the motion of an object through a fluid called?

10 Clues: Respiration without oxygenArrangement of weathers in a birdEssential in keeping the bones healthyThe inability to regulate blood sugar in body-----belongs to a group of carnivorus mammalsRelationship between two or more types of oraganismsA unicellular that is used in beer and breading making...

Food Insecurity 2023-11-28

Food Insecurity crossword puzzle
  1. Is caused by consuming ecsessive junk food
  2. House hold that has no problems with food problems
  3. Food quality has reduced family can still remain eating daily intake
  4. The lack of healthy foods
  5. Household had food problems at times but the food quality didnt reduce
  1. Household had to not eat for a day and has to skip meals frequently
  2. result of severe malnutrition
  3. is leaf solving Kwashiorkor
  4. Is a disease that happens when your body cant make enough insulin
  5. a place where food is for food insecure people

10 Clues: The lack of healthy foodsis leaf solving Kwashiorkorresult of severe malnutritionIs caused by consuming ecsessive junk fooda place where food is for food insecure peopleHouse hold that has no problems with food problemsIs a disease that happens when your body cant make enough insulin...

Healthy bodies revision 2024-04-22

Healthy bodies revision crossword puzzle
  1. it pumps blood but cannot live without it
  2. hormone responsible for controlling blood glucose levels
  3. consists of shoulder girdle and upper limb,pelvic girdle and lower limb
  4. provides motor power for all movements of the body
  1. a group of diseases results in high or low blood glucose levels
  2. transport the blood to all parts of the body
  3. forms the axis of the human body
  4. is the system of bones,cartliages and joints of human body
  5. the master of the human body
  6. a modified long bone also know as the collar bone

10 Clues: the master of the human bodyforms the axis of the human bodyit pumps blood but cannot live without ittransport the blood to all parts of the bodya modified long bone also know as the collar boneprovides motor power for all movements of the bodyhormone responsible for controlling blood glucose levels...

Diabetes Vocab 2022-03-18

Diabetes Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. do not eat
  2. blood sugars
  1. hormone created by pancreas
  2. disease caused by lack of insulin being created

4 Clues: do not eatblood sugarshormone created by pancreasdisease caused by lack of insulin being created

OTC Open House 2014-05-07

OTC Open House crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the highest vertebra in your spine.
  2. Which muscle evolved the most to allow humans to stand upright?
  3. A chemical released during exercise that makes you feel good.
  4. The “P” in PSA
  5. Name of the shoulder blade
  6. The acid produced by the muscles during exercise.
  1. Doing this increases your risk of cardiovascular disease by 2-4 times.
  2. Bananas are known to have lots of this.
  3. what "medicine" treats back pain, Alzheimer's, diabetes & obesity?
  4. Tool that emits sound waves but doesn’t make music.
  5. A sideways spine curve
  6. This type of good fatty acid is found in fish and helps heart function.
  7. Cannot be created in the body, unlike carbohydrates and fat.
  8. What happens to muscles when not used.

14 Clues: The “P” in PSAA sideways spine curveName of the shoulder bladeWhat happens to muscles when not used.Bananas are known to have lots of this.Name of the highest vertebra in your spine.The acid produced by the muscles during exercise.Tool that emits sound waves but doesn’t make music.Cannot be created in the body, unlike carbohydrates and fat....

Tatjana 2014-05-15

Tatjana crossword puzzle
  1. How long does it take for bleeding to slow down?
  2. What would you run for 20 minutes after a burn?
  3. In what country are the most venomous spiders found in?
  4. Which organ is affected by blood pressure?
  5. How many Australians have diabetes?
  6. What percentage of people have active epilepsy?
  7. What is the most venomous spider in Australia
  8. What are some of the symptoms of low blood sugar levels?
  9. How many puffs do you need to take with a blue inhaler?
  1. What type of food causes the most severe allergic reaction?
  2. In what country are the most venomous snakes found in?
  3. What can cause a nose bleed?
  4. What is a symptom of asthma?
  5. What is the most common bone fracture?
  6. Where should you lock medicines, chemicals and household products?

15 Clues: What can cause a nose bleed?What is a symptom of asthma?How many Australians have diabetes?What is the most common bone fracture?Which organ is affected by blood pressure?What is the most venomous spider in AustraliaWhat would you run for 20 minutes after a burn?What percentage of people have active epilepsy?...

FIRST AID 2014-05-14

FIRST AID crossword puzzle
  1. make sure there is no _______ around you or the victim
  2. Prevent blood loss by taking fast ____
  3. what does the letter 'a' stand for in DRSABCD
  4. used to control heart fibrillation
  5. A person who cant breath at all is in resportory ___
  6. The flow of blood can be restricted if a bandage is
  7. can jelly beans be given for high blood pressure?
  1. During an asthma atack a child may ____ while exhailing
  2. When having an asthma atack your airway becomes ______.
  3. you sould never ____ a snake
  4. in first aid we use the ______ position
  5. Epipen can be used to control ____ .
  6. when someone eats something that there alergic to they get an 'alergic _____ "
  7. When having a seizure most people ___ down.

14 Clues: you sould never ____ a snakeused to control heart fibrillationEpipen can be used to control ____ .Prevent blood loss by taking fast ____in first aid we use the ______ positionWhen having a seizure most people ___ down.what does the letter 'a' stand for in DRSABCDcan jelly beans be given for high blood pressure?...

life word search 2020-12-14

life word search crossword puzzle
  1. the fear of gaining weight. a very low weight due to starving
  2. - the lack of this can cause diabetes
  3. people that dont eat anything made from a animal
  4. the time between childhood and adult hood
  5. people who dont eat meat
  6. 1-3 year old
  1. allergies - the immune system reacts different to different foods causing allergic reactions.
  2. a child in early stages of life
  3. - nutrients found in pill,powder,or liquid form.
  4. protein -protein that is missing amino acids
  5. eating - eating large portions of food at once
  6. spurt- a lot of growth at once
  7. - any fish that is shelled like a crab, shellfish ect.
  8. allergies - a nut and tree allergy that can cause a fatal reaction or severe reaction

14 Clues: 1-3 year oldpeople who dont eat meatspurt- a lot of growth at oncea child in early stages of life- the lack of this can cause diabetesthe time between childhood and adult hoodprotein -protein that is missing amino acidseating - eating large portions of food at once- nutrients found in pill,powder,or liquid form....

Diseases 2017-04-11

Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. malaria is caused by this pathogen
  2. diseases that can be spread
  3. a hormone produced by the pancreas
  4. resistance to infection
  5. a chronic disease in which the airways become irritated and swollen
  6. a condition affecting the proper functioning of the mind or body
  7. tiny, nonliving particles that invade and take over healthy cells
  1. a mass of abnormal cells
  2. microscopic organism that causes communicable diseases
  3. strep throat is caused by this pathogen
  4. a disease that prevents the body from using the sugars ans starches in food for energy
  5. a dead or weakened pathogen introduced to your body to trigger your body to fight it.
  6. a disease caused by abnormal cells that grow out of control
  7. athlete's foot is caused by this pathogen

14 Clues: resistance to infectiona mass of abnormal cellsdiseases that can be spreadmalaria is caused by this pathogena hormone produced by the pancreasstrep throat is caused by this pathogenathlete's foot is caused by this pathogenmicroscopic organism that causes communicable diseasesa disease caused by abnormal cells that grow out of control...

non-communicable diseases 2021-07-15

non-communicable diseases crossword puzzle
  1. a substance in cigarates that is highly addictive
  2. a mental illness that effect your well being
  3. causes heart attacks
  4. a movement disorder that causes stiffness and slowing of movement
  5. there is a type 1 and a type 2 of this illness
  6. a very common condition, can be caused by alcohol
  7. a long term effect to drinking alcohol
  8. A genetic disorder associated with physical growth delays. It is caused by the presence of full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21.
  1. causes brittle bones
  2. caused by abnormal electric activity in the brain
  3. this is when your are above the average weight in your area.
  4. loss of memory, thinking and behaviour
  5. occupational lung disease
  6. popular drink among adults

14 Clues: causes brittle bonescauses heart attacksoccupational lung diseasepopular drink among adultsloss of memory, thinking and behavioura long term effect to drinking alcohola mental illness that effect your well beingthere is a type 1 and a type 2 of this illnesscaused by abnormal electric activity in the brain...

Cardiology 2022-11-02

Cardiology crossword puzzle
  1. 1st Line medical management for hypertension in patient with Type 2 Diabetes
  2. 1st line medical management in chronic heart failure: ACEi and ____
  3. medical management for Ventricular Tachycardia with a pulse and no adverse features
  4. Scoring system for anticoagulation in AF
  5. Cardiomyopathy leading to sudden death in young athletes
  6. Acute stemi treatment within 2 hours of presentation
  7. Janeway lesions, osler nodes and splinter haemorrhages are indicative of?
  8. central crushing chest pain, raised troponins and non-specific ECG changes
  9. Medication providing immediate symptomatic relief in angina
  1. Sudden onset tearing chest pain
  2. cholesterol lowering medications
  3. ST elevation in leads II, III and aVF
  4. ECG: Absent P waves, Narrow QRS, Irregularly Irregular
  5. Medication for symptomatic treatment in Chronic Heart failure

14 Clues: Sudden onset tearing chest paincholesterol lowering medicationsST elevation in leads II, III and aVFScoring system for anticoagulation in AFAcute stemi treatment within 2 hours of presentationECG: Absent P waves, Narrow QRS, Irregularly IrregularCardiomyopathy leading to sudden death in young athletes...


DOENÇAS HUMANAS crossword puzzle
  1. Doença causada pelo excesso de hormônio tireoidiano.
  2. B Infecta as células do fígado.
  3. JUVENIL É um tipo de diabetes que deve-se à destruição das células produtoras de insulina.
  4. É uma doença sexualmente transmissível causada por um fungo.
  5. É uma IST que causa ardência na micção do home e da mulher.
  6. É um resultado de processo inflamatório que atinge parte do néfron.
  7. Também é conhecido pelo nome de chato.
  8. Seu nome científico é Treponema pallidum.
  1. Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga.
  2. Doença provocada pela produção e/ou insuficiência de insulina.
  3. Doença causada pelo HIV.
  4. II Também é de origem genética.
  5. MOLE Doença bacteriana causada pelo Haemophilus ducreyi.
  6. É uma IST que se desenvolve em três fases se não for tratada.
  7. IST que aparece como pequenas verrugas na pele da região genital.
  8. renal Apresenta dificuldade em urinar devido a presença de cristais formando pedras.

16 Clues: Doença causada pelo HIV.B Infecta as células do fígado.II Também é de origem genética.Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga.Também é conhecido pelo nome de chato.Seu nome científico é Treponema pallidum.Doença causada pelo excesso de hormônio tireoidiano.MOLE Doença bacteriana causada pelo Haemophilus ducreyi....

Hyperglycemic Crisis 2021-05-31

Hyperglycemic Crisis crossword puzzle
  1. Hyperlipidemia from uncontrolled diabetes can cause this due to displacement of water and sodium
  2. This can be caused by overzealous treatment with insulin
  3. Most common precipitating factor
  4. Diaphoresis, tachycardia, hunger, fatigue are all signs and symptoms of this
  5. complication resulting from overzealous treatment with insulin
  6. Typical overlap duration when transitioning from subq to IV
  7. Deep, rapid breathing as effort to remove carbon dioxide
  8. Drug class that causes euglycemic DKA
  1. Measures the difference between cations and anions
  2. Preferred route of insulin
  3. Type of insulin used to treat DKA/HHS
  4. Chronic condition where the pancreas produces little to no insulin
  5. Onset of less than 24 hours
  6. Byproduct of lipolysis that causes acidotic state
  7. Treatment that is only recommended when pH is less than 6.9

15 Clues: Preferred route of insulinOnset of less than 24 hoursMost common precipitating factorType of insulin used to treat DKA/HHSDrug class that causes euglycemic DKAByproduct of lipolysis that causes acidotic stateMeasures the difference between cations and anionsThis can be caused by overzealous treatment with insulin...

Organ System Crossword - Respiratory and Digestive 2022-10-05

Organ System Crossword - Respiratory and Digestive crossword puzzle
  1. a wall that separates two cavities
  2. secretes bile
  3. connects the mouth with the stomach
  4. separated into two parts, large and small, and helps absorb nutrients and
  5. this organ digests food after it is eaten
  6. an organ that produces insulin (a malfunctioning one of these can lead to diabetes)
  7. bile is stored and concentrated here
  1. inhalation and exhalation of air; breathing
  2. the two main branches of the trachea
  3. you use this to eat and talk
  4. a condition that makes breathing hard, especially when being physically exhausted
  5. the organ you use to smell and breathe
  6. essentially the windpipe of the respiratory system
  7. organs that transport oxygen into the blood and carbon dioxide is removed and exhaled

14 Clues: secretes bileyou use this to eat and talka wall that separates two cavitiesconnects the mouth with the stomachthe two main branches of the tracheabile is stored and concentrated herethe organ you use to smell and breathethis organ digests food after it is eateninhalation and exhalation of air; breathing...


  1. Antibiotic yang dihasilkan oleh Streptomyces fradiae
  2. Antibiotic yang ditemukan oleh Alexander Fleming
  3. Pemanfaatan tumbuhan seperti eceng gondok untuk mengatasi pencemaran lingkungan
  4. Antibody yang spesifik untuk satu jenis antigen
  5. Senyawa yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme lain terutama bakteri
  6. Sel hasil fusi dari sel limfosit dan sel tumor
  1. Proses peningkatan system kekebalan tubuh dengan cara memasukkan vaksin ke dalam tubuh seseorang
  2. Insulin sintetis
  3. Pemanfaatan bakteri untuk menguraikan polutan yang mencemari lingkungan
  4. Salah satu jenis jamur Penicillium yang digunakan untuk membuat antibiotic penisilin
  5. Bakteri yang dimanfaatkan untuk membersihkan tumpahan minyak
  6. Salah satu jenis penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan vaksin
  7. Antigen (benda asing) yang berfungsi untuk melindungi tubuh dari pathogen yang menyebabkan penyakit
  8. Hormone yang kurang pada penderita kencing manis atau diabetes melitus

14 Clues: Insulin sintetisSel hasil fusi dari sel limfosit dan sel tumorAntibody yang spesifik untuk satu jenis antigenAntibiotic yang ditemukan oleh Alexander FlemingAntibiotic yang dihasilkan oleh Streptomyces fradiaeSalah satu jenis penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan vaksinBakteri yang dimanfaatkan untuk membersihkan tumpahan minyak...

Healthy Eating 1 2021-11-24

Healthy Eating 1 crossword puzzle
  1. ___________ helps soften food to eat it.
  2. If you have a sore __________, your voice will sound different.
  3. Below your throat is your _____________.
  4. Medicine goes directly into your _____________.
  5. If your ___________ doesn't produce insulin, you might have diabetes.
  6. The human body has a short and long ______________.
  7. There is a __________ for everything in the body.
  1. I make a GULP sound when I ___________ a delicious drink after being thirsty for a while.
  2. I eat ____________ enzyme pills with my meals for extra gut health.
  3. The essential body parts are our ___________s.
  4. I'm still hungry, there's plenty of room left in my ___________ for more food.
  5. I ____________ if we will have flying cars in the future.
  6. ______________ the dots to create the picture!
  7. alcohol is very bad for your _____________.

14 Clues: ___________ helps soften food to eat it.Below your throat is your _____________.alcohol is very bad for your _____________.The essential body parts are our ___________s.______________ the dots to create the picture!Medicine goes directly into your _____________.There is a __________ for everything in the body....

Be Well 2022-02-09

Be Well crossword puzzle
  1. This day encourages us to check in on our mates
  2. ALEC stands for: ask, ........., encourage, check in
  3. The superpower we never knew we had
  4. Mindful activities help ..... the mind
  5. Every time you do something kind for someone else, your brain releases this feel good hormone
  6. Empathy & Kindness =
  7. The 'e' in EAP stands for
  8. This campaign encourages you to grow facial hair
  1. The G in G.E.M. stands for & it's one of the keys to resilience
  2. Our wellness program is called
  3. Lack of ....... is only bad if you have to drive, or think, or talk, or move
  4. The very 1st Be Well topic
  5. In Australia, 1 person every 5 minutes develops this
  6. 7 seconds of this can boost your mood

14 Clues: Empathy & Kindness =The 'e' in EAP stands forThe very 1st Be Well topicOur wellness program is calledThe superpower we never knew we had7 seconds of this can boost your moodMindful activities help ..... the mindThis day encourages us to check in on our matesThis campaign encourages you to grow facial hair...

Tapio Kansantaudit puzzle 2021-09-08

Tapio Kansantaudit puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. paljon sokeria verenkierrossa
  2. yskit paljon
  1. unohdat asioita
  2. johtuu perintöaineksen vaurioitumisesta

4 Clues: yskit paljonunohdat asioitapaljon sokeria verenkierrossajohtuu perintöaineksen vaurioitumisesta

Chocolat 2013-05-26

Chocolat crossword puzzle
  1. the last name that Josephine wants to be called(pg.266)
  2. Vianne is helping Armande to organize a _____.
  3. the tee that Armande drinks since it is supposed to eliminate toxins(pg.273)
  4. the name of the doctor(pg.273)
  5. Armande is slowly loosing her ________.
  6. the place where Josephine and Vianne stack the boxes for the easter festival
  1. the flower shop owner's name
  2. the illness that Armande has
  3. Reynaud calls Roux like that when he was living with Armande
  4. Reynaud feels ________ when he is digging in the flower beds (pg.268)

10 Clues: the flower shop owner's namethe illness that Armande hasthe name of the doctor(pg.273)Armande is slowly loosing her ________.Vianne is helping Armande to organize a _____.the last name that Josephine wants to be called(pg.266)Reynaud calls Roux like that when he was living with Armande...

Genetic engineering 2014-06-10

Genetic engineering crossword puzzle
  1. Disorder of glucose metabolism.
  2. Enzymes used to cut DNA
  3. engineering Changing an organism’s genes by inserting a gene from another organism.
  4. Recombinant DNA DNA in which other genes have been inserted.
  5. Hormone that regulates glucose in the body.
  1. Large molecule found in the nucleus that contains genes.
  2. Containing genes transferred from another species.
  3. Single-cell organism whose DNA is not in the nucleus.
  4. Light energy released from a natural chemical reaction in cells of organisms.
  5. A length of DNA that controls one inherited characteristic of an organism.

10 Clues: Enzymes used to cut DNADisorder of glucose metabolism.Hormone that regulates glucose in the body.Containing genes transferred from another species.Single-cell organism whose DNA is not in the nucleus.Large molecule found in the nucleus that contains genes.Recombinant DNA DNA in which other genes have been inserted....

Urinalysis 2014-08-04

Urinalysis crossword puzzle
  1. Urine collection method most optimal for bacterial culture.
  2. Findings in a urine sample that are associated with renal tubular damage or disease.
  3. Dark amber colored sample of urine has what specific gravity value.
  4. collection method primarily of use for urine volume only.
  5. Type of organism typically detected with an acid-fast stain.
  6. An adequate sample of fresh urine is considered to be (amount)
  1. Frequent urination.
  2. Found in urinary sediment when cats ingests ethylene glycol.
  3. Cells that release histamine
  4. Test performed to confirm diabetes in a stressed cat with hyperglycemia.

10 Clues: Frequent urination.Cells that release histaminecollection method primarily of use for urine volume only.Urine collection method most optimal for bacterial culture.Found in urinary sediment when cats ingests ethylene glycol.Type of organism typically detected with an acid-fast stain.An adequate sample of fresh urine is considered to be (amount)...

Urinalysis 2014-08-04

Urinalysis crossword puzzle
  1. Found in urinary sediment when cats ingests ethylene glycol.
  2. An adequate sample of fresh urine is considered to be (amount)
  3. Type of organism typically detected with an acid-fast stain.
  4. Dark amber colored sample of urine has what specific gravity value.
  5. Frequent urination.
  1. Cells that release histamine
  2. Findings in a urine sample that are associated with renal tubular damage or disease.
  3. Urine collection method most optimal for bacterial culture.
  4. collection method primarily of use for urine volume only.
  5. Test performed to confirm diabetes in a stressed cat with hyperglycemia.

10 Clues: Frequent urination.Cells that release histaminecollection method primarily of use for urine volume only.Urine collection method most optimal for bacterial culture.Found in urinary sediment when cats ingests ethylene glycol.Type of organism typically detected with an acid-fast stain.An adequate sample of fresh urine is considered to be (amount)...

Warrior Cats 2020-06-24

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. A kit that has died from hypothermia
  2. "Traitor!" *This is this leader's first death*
  3. The mate of Rowanclaw/star
  4. When she was a small, she was also known as the Clan's chatterbox
  5. A kit that is sometimes called Nightmarekit or Little-Mc-Murderface
  1. She died one of her death's because of rat bites
  2. The first RiverClan deputy that is mentioned in the first series
  3. The leader who lead LionClan for the first time
  4. This cat died from diabetes
  5. She died because of an infected scratch from a fence

10 Clues: The mate of Rowanclaw/starThis cat died from diabetesA kit that has died from hypothermia"Traitor!" *This is this leader's first death*The leader who lead LionClan for the first timeShe died one of her death's because of rat bitesShe died because of an infected scratch from a fenceThe first RiverClan deputy that is mentioned in the first series...

Frutas 2021-03-17

Frutas crossword puzzle
  1. Auxilia no combate a doenças respiratórias.
  2. é um termo popular usado geralmente para identificar um fruto comestível e de sabor adocicado.
  3. Rica em água, possui poder antioxidante e anti-inflamatória.
  4. Matéria-prima do chocolate.
  5. Fruta que auxilia no cansaço mental, estresse, insônia e inflamação na garganta.
  1. Ajuda no controle do diabetes.
  2. Existe uma grande variedade no mundo, no brasil as mais conhecidas são nanica, ouro, maçã, prata e da terra.
  3. Fruta conhecida pelo poder calmante.
  4. É consumida como tempero de pratos, no preparo de sucos e sobremesas.
  5. Fruta utilizada na fabricação de vinhos.

10 Clues: Matéria-prima do chocolate.Ajuda no controle do diabetes.Fruta conhecida pelo poder calmante.Fruta utilizada na fabricação de vinhos.Auxilia no combate a doenças respiratórias.Rica em água, possui poder antioxidante e anti-inflamatória.É consumida como tempero de pratos, no preparo de sucos e sobremesas....

Focus op de nieren 2017-04-05

Focus op de nieren crossword puzzle
  1. verlaat de nieren weer via de nieraders
  2. Door deze slagaders komt het bloed naar je nieren
  3. Wat voor vorm hebben de nieren
  4. Van wat maken de nieren urine
  1. Geef één naam waar je nieren door beschermd worden
  2. Wat moet je doen als je blaas vol is
  3. liggen vlak onder het middenrif, aan de achterzijde van je lichaam
  4. Geef één naam waar schadelijke of overtollige stoffen uit het bloed gehaald worden
  5. als deze stoffen in je urine zitten heb je diabetes
  6. verlaat via de urinebuis het lichaam

10 Clues: Van wat maken de nieren urineWat voor vorm hebben de nierenWat moet je doen als je blaas vol isverlaat via de urinebuis het lichaamverlaat de nieren weer via de nieradersDoor deze slagaders komt het bloed naar je nierenGeef één naam waar je nieren door beschermd wordenals deze stoffen in je urine zitten heb je diabetes...

Unit Three Project 2021-10-03

Unit Three Project crossword puzzle
  1. a vitamin you can get from the sunlight
  2. reducing saturated fat, _________, and salt in a diet
  3. hard-boiling this is a very healthy snack
  4. a disease you can get from lack of calcium
  5. a type of heart disease tied to saturated fat
  6. you should drink this daily
  1. a good source of calcium (not a dairy product)
  2. the large amounts of sugar in packaged foods causes many cardiac disease events, cardiovascular deaths, and cases of _______
  3. number of essential nutrients
  4. we can stop many health problems by reducing this
  5. a disease that can cause death due to a poor diet

11 Clues: you should drink this dailynumber of essential nutrientsa vitamin you can get from the sunlighthard-boiling this is a very healthy snacka disease you can get from lack of calciuma type of heart disease tied to saturated fata good source of calcium (not a dairy product)we can stop many health problems by reducing this...


  1. Large molecules of amino acid joined together with peptide linkage
  2. Precursor of flavine adenine dinucleotide
  3. Protective food
  4. Acts as preservatives by inhibiting the effects of oxygen on food.
  5. Fats associated with increased risk of heart disease in diabetes
  1. Nutrients are required in small amounts
  2. Modified triglycerides where in one fatty chain has been replaced with phosphate group
  3. Necessary for healthy functioning of all the body’s system from bone growth to brain function
  4. Branched polymers for short tern storage in liver
  5. Nutrients which insulate to keep the body temperature warm

10 Clues: Protective foodNutrients are required in small amountsPrecursor of flavine adenine dinucleotideBranched polymers for short tern storage in liverNutrients which insulate to keep the body temperature warmFats associated with increased risk of heart disease in diabetesLarge molecules of amino acid joined together with peptide linkage...


BIOTEKNOLOGI crossword puzzle
  1. bioteknologi yang menggunakan teknologi sederhana dan biaya produksi murah
  2. tanaman yang mengalami perubahan susunan informasi genetika dalam tubuhnya
  3. hasil fermentasi susu menjadi kental dan rasanya masam
  4. produk bioteknologi modern pada bidang kesehatan yang bermanfaat bagi penderita diabetes melitus
  5. bioteknologi yang menggunakan peralatan canggih dan biaya produksi relatif mahal
  1. penerapan prinsip biologi dan mikroorganisme untuk menghasilkan produk bagi manusia
  2. dibuat dari kedelai hitam dan memanfaatkan jamur Aspergillus soyae
  3. produk bioteknologi berupa bahan bakar berupa gas
  4. contoh tanaman transgenik
  5. produk bioteknologi berupa suspensi antigen yang toksinnya telah dimatikan atau dilemahkan

10 Clues: contoh tanaman transgenikproduk bioteknologi berupa bahan bakar berupa gashasil fermentasi susu menjadi kental dan rasanya masamdibuat dari kedelai hitam dan memanfaatkan jamur Aspergillus soyaebioteknologi yang menggunakan teknologi sederhana dan biaya produksi murahtanaman yang mengalami perubahan susunan informasi genetika dalam tubuhnya...


  1. inflammation and fibrous thickening of tissue
  2. a disease in which the body's ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin
  3. when healthy cells in one or both kidneys grow out of control and form a lump called tumor
  4. being fat or over weight
  5. a respiratory condition occurs in the lungs
  6. runs from your eardrum to the outside of your hand
  1. disease that affects the arteries leading to and within the brain
  2. raised blood pressure
  3. cells in breast grow out of control
  4. this begins in the large intestine

10 Clues: raised blood pressurebeing fat or over weightthis begins in the large intestinecells in breast grow out of controla respiratory condition occurs in the lungsinflammation and fibrous thickening of tissueruns from your eardrum to the outside of your handdisease that affects the arteries leading to and within the brain...

JDRF Crossword 2022-12-20

JDRF Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The largest T1D event in the world is the JDRF One ____
  2. We are all fighting for a ____ to end T1D
  3. JDRF raises money to accelerate _______ to help scientists find a cure for T1D
  4. T1D stands for ____ 1 diabetes
  5. The hormone that controls blood-sugar levels
  6. Youth living with T1D advocate in Washington D.C. at Children's ________
  1. Blood _______ is also known as blood sugar
  2. It's important to learn the _______ signs of T1D
  3. We call those who help advocate for T1D and raise awareness in the community a T1D ________
  4. JDRF event where you bicycle

10 Clues: JDRF event where you bicycleT1D stands for ____ 1 diabetesWe are all fighting for a ____ to end T1DBlood _______ is also known as blood sugarThe hormone that controls blood-sugar levelsIt's important to learn the _______ signs of T1DThe largest T1D event in the world is the JDRF One ____...

Anti-diabetic Medications 2023-01-07

Anti-diabetic Medications crossword puzzle
  1. increased risk of this in patients taking sulfonylureas
  2. This class of drugs stimulate the pancreas to release insulin
  3. the most common sulfonylurea
  4. Metformin is an example of this class
  5. Metformin should be stopped when there is acute impairment of this organ
  6. First line type II diabetes medication
  1. Exenatide is an example of this class of drugs
  2. Found in the urine of patients taking medications such as empagliflozin
  3. class of drugs that block a transporter that reabsorbs glucose from the proximal tubule
  4. This enzyme is inhibited to reduce GLP-1 breakdown

10 Clues: the most common sulfonylureaMetformin is an example of this classFirst line type II diabetes medicationExenatide is an example of this class of drugsThis enzyme is inhibited to reduce GLP-1 breakdownincreased risk of this in patients taking sulfonylureasThis class of drugs stimulate the pancreas to release insulin...


HORMONE SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. What hormones does the pancreas make?
  2. It produces hormones that support your growth and energy levels.
  3. It controls how other hormones function.
  4. It is the largest endocrine gland.
  5. It helps your body know when it's time to sleep.
  1. It secretes hormones that are made by the hypothalamus.
  2. Overproduction of growth hormones in the body results in this rare condition.
  3. This gland becomes smaller as we age.
  4. An abnormal loss of bone mass and changes in bone tissue.
  5. It is the common problem in the endocrine system.

10 Clues: It is the largest endocrine gland.What hormones does the pancreas make?This gland becomes smaller as we age.It controls how other hormones function.It helps your body know when it's time to sleep.It is the common problem in the endocrine system.It secretes hormones that are made by the hypothalamus....

Obesity 2022-12-09

Obesity crossword puzzle
  1. a disease that more and more young children are getting
  2. value derived from the mass and height of a person, abbr
  3. a type of eating disorder
  4. a person with high ______ is at risk of having limited blood flow
  5. someone dealing with a lot of anxiety might ______ eat
  1. a easy to access source of food, ____ food
  2. the process by which the body changes food and drink into energy
  3. a common excuse for being overweight, "It's in my family _____"
  4. name for someone who is overweight
  5. a person may become obese from drinking _______ drinks

10 Clues: a type of eating disordername for someone who is overweighta easy to access source of food, ____ foodsomeone dealing with a lot of anxiety might ______ eata person may become obese from drinking _______ drinksa disease that more and more young children are gettingvalue derived from the mass and height of a person, abbr...

Teka Silang Kata PBSM 2022-09-24

Teka Silang Kata PBSM crossword puzzle
  1. Lagu BSMM Giat berjasa untuk …..
  2. Sejenis penyakit
  3. Makanan berkhasiat penting untuk pertumbuhan badan, perkembangan minda, melakukan aktiviti dan …. Mental dan fizikal
  4. Rumah hendaklah mendapat …. matahari yang cukup untuk mengelakkan kelembapan, membunuh kuman dan serangga
  5. Antara jenis kemalangan yang sering berlaku seperti terjatuh, terbakar , lemas, ……. elektrik, luka, keracunan dan gigitan serangga
  6. ialah suatu kecelakaaan yang boleh mendatangkan kecederaan, kecacatan hingga boleh membawa maut kepada mangsa
  1. Sumber tenaga untuk otak dan paling baik untuk otot
  2. Kesan pengambilan dadah seperti menganggu sistem ….., saraf, jantung, metabolisme dan otot-otot
  3. Prinsip Palang Merah
  4. Antara sebab pengambilan dadah

10 Clues: Sejenis penyakitPrinsip Palang MerahAntara sebab pengambilan dadahLagu BSMM Giat berjasa untuk …..Sumber tenaga untuk otak dan paling baik untuk ototKesan pengambilan dadah seperti menganggu sistem ….., saraf, jantung, metabolisme dan otot-ototRumah hendaklah mendapat …. matahari yang cukup untuk mengelakkan kelembapan, membunuh kuman dan serangga...

Health 2023-04-14

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Excessive fat.
  2. is a disease characterized by elevated levels of blood sugar.
  3. Is the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations, and daily activities.
  4. The name of this fruit is also a color.
  5. A damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food,etc.
  1. When you add a bunch of different fruits and veggies you get this.
  2. This vegetable can be mashed and fried.
  3. The acknowledgment of how we feel and think.
  4. Grows in bunches on vines.
  5. You should drink 8 ounces of this every day.

10 Clues: Excessive fat.Grows in bunches on vines.This vegetable can be mashed and fried.The name of this fruit is also a color.The acknowledgment of how we feel and think.You should drink 8 ounces of this every day.is a disease characterized by elevated levels of blood sugar.When you add a bunch of different fruits and veggies you get this....

Glucoregulation Crossword 2023-09-22

Glucoregulation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Large flat gland that is behind the stomach
  2. What is the smallest unit with life
  3. Chronic condition that has a high level of sugar in the blood stream
  4. A stored form of glucose which is made by lots of connected glucose molecules
  5. The amount of glucose in the blood
  1. What causes the ability in the body to maintain a stable internal environmentReflex-arc  What is the pathway that controls your reflex
  2. Largest solid organ in your body
  3. A living things
  4. What hormone lowers the level of glucose
  5. Main type of sugar in blood

10 Clues: A living thingsMain type of sugar in bloodLargest solid organ in your bodyThe amount of glucose in the bloodWhat is the smallest unit with lifeWhat hormone lowers the level of glucoseLarge flat gland that is behind the stomachChronic condition that has a high level of sugar in the blood stream...

9 tie breaker-4 2023-08-09

9 tie breaker-4 crossword puzzle
  1. Arrangement of weathers in a bird
  2. The property where to substances are not capable of combining to form a homogeneous
  3. A drug that stimulates (increases the activity of) your brain and nervous system.(Found in coffe)
  4. Respiration without oxygen
  5. Relationship between two or more types of oraganisms
  1. Essential in keeping the bones healthy
  2. The inability to regulate blood sugar in body
  3. -----belongs to a group of carnivorus mammals
  4. A unicellular that is used in beer and breading making
  5. What is the force that opposes the motion of an object through a fluid called?

10 Clues: Respiration without oxygenArrangement of weathers in a birdEssential in keeping the bones healthyThe inability to regulate blood sugar in body-----belongs to a group of carnivorus mammalsRelationship between two or more types of oraganismsA unicellular that is used in beer and breading making...

Antidiabetic drugs 2023-10-26

Antidiabetic drugs crossword puzzle
  1. Class of antidiabetic drugs associated with weight gain
  2. Deficiency that can result from metformin use
  3. Most common side effect of SGLT2 inhibitors
  4. Antidiabetic drug that follows zero order kinetics
  5. Synthetic analogue of amylin used in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1. DPP - 4 inhibitor which is safe in patients with renal failure
  2. Class of antidiabetic drugs which requires LFT monitoring
  3. Antidiabetic drug that acts by inhibiting the intestinal absorption of carbohydrates
  4. Insulin preparation available at acidic pH which is not mixed with other insulins
  5. insulin Insulin of choice in diabetic ketoacidosis

10 Clues: Most common side effect of SGLT2 inhibitorsDeficiency that can result from metformin useinsulin Insulin of choice in diabetic ketoacidosisAntidiabetic drug that follows zero order kineticsClass of antidiabetic drugs associated with weight gainClass of antidiabetic drugs which requires LFT monitoring...

Sistem Pencernaan 2024-01-29

Sistem Pencernaan crossword puzzle
  1. nutrisi yang diolah menjadi zat gula untuk energi tubuh
  2. Organ pencernaan yang berfungsi membunuh kuman dan bakteri di dalam makanan
  3. zat yang terdapat pada sayuran atau buah. jika kekurangan akan mengakibatkan susah bab
  4. Organ tubuh yang bertugas untuk menyerap sari-sari makanan
  1. gangguan pencernaan yang menyebabkan tinja menjadi encer
  2. penyakit akibat terlalu sering minum minuman manis
  3. penyakit akibat telat makan yang menyebakan asam lambung meningkat
  4. gerakan meremas-remas makanan yang mendorong makanan dari kerongkongan ke lambung
  5. senyawa yang membantu terjadinya suatu reaksi biokimia (didalam tubuh)
  6. makanan pokok warga Indonesia

10 Clues: makanan pokok warga Indonesiapenyakit akibat terlalu sering minum minuman manisnutrisi yang diolah menjadi zat gula untuk energi tubuhgangguan pencernaan yang menyebabkan tinja menjadi encerOrgan tubuh yang bertugas untuk menyerap sari-sari makananpenyakit akibat telat makan yang menyebakan asam lambung meningkat...

Bioteknologi 2024-01-30

Bioteknologi crossword puzzle
  1. Benang-benang yang dihasilkan jamur selama proses fermentasi
  2. Teknik menggunakan tanaman untuk menanggulangi pencemaran llingkungan
  3. Tanaman yang susunan gennya telah dimanipulasi
  4. Senyawa yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme lain
  5. Pemanfaatan bakteri untuk menguraikan polutan yang mencemari lingkungan
  1. Pemanfaatan organisme untuk membuat produk atau jasa yang dapat mensejahterakan manusia
  2. Proses perubahan bahan kompleks pada pangan menjadi lebih sederhana, biasanya dengan tujuan untuk pengawetan
  3. Salah satu bakteri yang digunakan dalam proses pengasaman susu
  4. Minuman hasil fermentasi ekstrak buah anggur
  5. Hormon untuk penderita diabetes yang dapat dibuat dengan teknik rekombinasi gen

10 Clues: Minuman hasil fermentasi ekstrak buah anggurTanaman yang susunan gennya telah dimanipulasiBenang-benang yang dihasilkan jamur selama proses fermentasiSenyawa yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme lainSalah satu bakteri yang digunakan dalam proses pengasaman susuTeknik menggunakan tanaman untuk menanggulangi pencemaran llingkungan...


HORMONE SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. It produces hormones that support your growth and energy levels.
  2. It is the common problem in the endocrine system.
  3. It is the largest endocrine gland.
  4. It controls how other hormones function.
  5. cerebri It helps your body know when it's time to sleep.
  1. lobe It secretes hormones that are made by the hypothalamus.
  2. This gland becomes smaller as we age.
  3. An abnormal loss of bone mass and changes in bone tissue.
  4. Overproduction of growth hormones in the body results in this rare condition.
  5. What hormones does the pancreas make?

10 Clues: It is the largest endocrine gland.This gland becomes smaller as we age.What hormones does the pancreas make?It controls how other hormones function.It is the common problem in the endocrine system.An abnormal loss of bone mass and changes in bone tissue.lobe It secretes hormones that are made by the hypothalamus....