environmental economics Crossword Puzzles

EconomicS 2017-03-03

EconomicS crossword puzzle
  1. An amount of money that a certain worker is paid.
  2. How?
  3. Amount of money that company usually recieves.
  4. Measure of variable's sesitivity.
  5. Process used to transform raw materials into goods.
  6. Financial benefit of a certain company.
  7. King of the world.
  8. Nominal place of supply/demand operations.
  9. Something that is used to pay for goods or services.
  10. King of the oil.
  1. Consumers desire and willings to pay.
  2. Total amount of specific goods available to consumer.
  3. Shortness of supply.
  4. A unit of economic organization or activity.
  5. Company that owns almost all the market.
  6. The science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind.
  7. Balancing of factors all of which are not available on time.
  8. Value of measuring fixed amount of good or service.

18 Clues: How?King of the oil.King of the world.Shortness of supply.Measure of variable's sesitivity.Consumers desire and willings to pay.Financial benefit of a certain company.Company that owns almost all the market.Nominal place of supply/demand operations.A unit of economic organization or activity.Amount of money that company usually recieves....

Economics 2016-05-05

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. analysis an examination of the additional benefits of an activity compared to the additional costs of that activity.
  2. in short supply
  3. is an economic system where few restrictions are placed on business activities and ownership.
  4. an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.
  5. the lowest remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers. Equivalently, it is the price floor below which workers may not sell their labor.
  6. is a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers
  7. is a situation when the price charged is more than or less than the equilibrium pricedetermined by market forces of demand and supply.
  8. all means of production are owned in common, rather than by individuals. It was envisioned by Karl Marx.
  9. excess demand is when the demand for a product or service exceeds its supply in a market.
  10. is the amount of an asset or resource that exceeds the portion that is utilized.
  1. a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production, as well as the political ideologies, theories, and movements that aim at their establishment.
  2. a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering.
  3. the state of being useful, profitable, or beneficial.
  4. is a situation when the price charged is more than or less than the equilibrium price determined by market forces of demand and supply.
  5. level of employment rates where there is no cyclical or deficient-demand unemployment.
  6. is the use of monetary or fiscal policy changes to kick start a lagging or struggling economy. Governments can use tactics such as lowering interest rates, increasing government spending and quantitative easing, to name a few, to accomplish this.
  7. market structure characterized by a single seller, selling a unique product in the market.
  8. benefit given by the government to groups or individuals usually in the form of a cash payment or tax reduction.

18 Clues: in short supplythe state of being useful, profitable, or beneficial.is the amount of an asset or resource that exceeds the portion that is utilized.a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering.level of employment rates where there is no cyclical or deficient-demand unemployment....

Economics 2021-10-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The desire to own something and the ability to pay for it.
  2. when consumers react to an increase in a good's price by consuming less of that good and ore of a substitute good.
  3. the statistical characteristics of populations and population segments, especially when used to identify consumers markets.
  4. a graphic representation of a demand schedule
  5. describe demand that is very sensitive to a change in price.
  6. consumer will buy more of a good when its price is lower and less when its price is higher.
  7. goods that are used in place of one another.
  8. A table that lists the good a person will buy at various prices in a market.
  1. a measure of how consumers respond to price changes.
  2. a table that lists the quantity of a good all consumers in a market will buy at various prices
  3. the total amount of money a consumer receives by selling goods or services
  4. describes demand whose elasticity is exactly equal to 1.
  5. a latin phrase that means "all other things held constant"
  6. The change in consumption that result when a price increase causes real income to decline.
  7. a good that consumers demand less of when their income increase.
  8. a good that consumers demand me of when their incomes increase.
  9. two goods that are bought and used together.
  10. describes demand that is not very sensitive to price changes.

18 Clues: two goods that are bought and used together.goods that are used in place of one another.a graphic representation of a demand schedulea measure of how consumers respond to price changes.describes demand whose elasticity is exactly equal to 1.a latin phrase that means "all other things held constant"...

Economics 2022-01-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. this type of index number measures the general changes in prices between the current year and the base year
  2. The correlation coefficient will be -1 if the slope of the straight line in a scatter diagram is
  3. The square of the standard deviations
  4. Coefficient of Variation was introduced by
  5. This indicates lack of uniformity in the size of items
  6. When only two variables are studied, then such a correlation is called
  7. The aggregate index formula using base period quantities is known as
  8. This cannot be determined graphically
  9. When two variables move in the same direction, then such a correlation is called
  10. In order to save time in calculating mean from a data set containing a large number of observations, this is used
  11. It is a statistical device for measuring changes in the magnitude of a group of related variables
  12. The numerical value of a standard deviation can never be
  1. It concentrates on the centre of a distribution
  2. It divides the distribution into hundred equal parts
  3. Base year is also known as
  4. The relationship between two variables of a series so that changes in the values of o9ne variable are associated with changes in the values of the other variable
  5. It is also known as cost of living index numbers
  6. It is the most frequently observed data value
  7. It is the central value which represents the entire distribution

19 Clues: Base year is also known asThe square of the standard deviationsThis cannot be determined graphicallyCoefficient of Variation was introduced byIt is the most frequently observed data valueIt concentrates on the centre of a distributionIt is also known as cost of living index numbersIt divides the distribution into hundred equal parts...

Economics 2022-04-28

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. bokförare
  2. valuta
  3. ekonomi
  4. låna
  5. börsen
  6. vinst
  7. ränta
  8. underskott
  9. utbud
  1. besparingar
  2. investering
  3. konsument
  4. ekonomisk,sparsam
  5. skuld
  6. tillbakagång,"lama"
  7. kontanter
  8. konkurs
  9. inkomstskatt

18 Clues: lånaskuldvinsträntautbudvalutabörsenekonomikonkursbokförarekonsumentkontanterunderskottbesparingarinvesteringinkomstskattekonomisk,sparsamtillbakagång,"lama"

Economics 2022-05-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. consumers decide whether to consumer the “next” unit of a good
  2. increase government spending
  3. organize and distribute available resources,
  4. consumers can be “_______” to make 
choices voluntarily that are better 
for them and thus for society
  5. Increase money supply: lower reserve requirements for banks
  6. economists that assume that consumers are rational.
  7. the field of 
 economics that looks at the 
 economic behaviors of individuals, 
 households, and companies.
  8. takes a wider view and looks at the economies on a much larger scale—regional, national, continental, or even global.
  1. Economic decisions are made by individuals competing to earn profits based on supply and demand in this economy
  2. a means by which societies or
  3. and goods across a geographic region or country.
  4. the founding father of economics
  5. An economic system where tradition and custom govern economic decisions
  6. general rise in the price level of an economy over a period of time. When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services
  7. When private producers are left alone to decide what to produce and how to produce it, they are guided by the…
  8. Combines elements of pure market and command economies; Government and individuals share the economic decision making process in this economy
  9. The government or other central authority makes all economic decisions in this type of economy
  10. anything that gives value or benefit to its owner

18 Clues: increase government spendinga means by which societies orthe founding father of economicsorganize and distribute available resources,and goods across a geographic region or country.anything that gives value or benefit to its ownereconomists that assume that consumers are rational.Increase money supply: lower reserve requirements for banks...

Economics 2022-09-01

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. an economy in which people will take risks when they invest their money, start new businesses, etc.
  2. movable goods produced within the boundaries of one country
  3. work, especially physical work.
  4. describes the total amount of a specific good or service that is available to consumers
  5. a net total of the flow of payments received in a given time period.
  6. situation where there is a single seller in the market
  7. is anything that is generally accepted to have value as a medium of exchange so that it can be traded for goods and services
  8. of physical tools, plants, and equipment
  9. is the resource that encompasses the natural resources used in the production
  10. economic concept that relates to a consumer's desire to purchase goods and services
  1. principal method by which a government gains revenue into its budget
  2. goods produced outside the boundaries of one country, which are then purchased by that country
  3. is when someone is willing and able to work but does not have a paid job
  4. the item offered for sale
  5. includes people who are in a paid job for one hour or more in a week
  6. means by which the exchange of goods and services takes place as a result of buyers and sellers being in contact with one another
  7. markets dominated by a small number of suppliers
  8. marketplace where securities, commodities, derivatives and other financial instruments are traded

18 Clues: the item offered for salework, especially physical work.of physical tools, plants, and equipmentmarkets dominated by a small number of supplierssituation where there is a single seller in the marketmovable goods produced within the boundaries of one countryprincipal method by which a government gains revenue into its budget...

Unit 1 Our Changing Planet 2024-09-23

Unit 1 Our Changing Planet crossword puzzle
  1. a material or energy source provided by nature that people need to survive
  2. the study of how people decide to use potentially scarce resources to provide goods and services that are in demand
  3. a large section of lithosphere that moves across the Earth's surface
  4. a factor determined by the conditions set up in an experiment
  5. increased output from a system results in increased input, leading to further increased output, and so on leading the system further toward an extreme
  6. the process created to artificially fix nitrogen or to pull it out of the air into a form we can use for agriculture
  1. living within our planet’s means such that Earth and its resources can sustain us–and all life–for the future
  2. an organic compound that contains only hydrogen and carbon
  3. a factor scientists manipulate in an experiment
  4. soil removed by water, wind, ice, or gravity
  5. states that matter can be transformed but cannot be created or destroyed
  6. all living and nonliving things with which organisms interact
  7. a system where input and output essentially neutralize one another’s effects, stabilizing the system
  8. the set of moral principles or values held by a person or a society
  9. the environmental effects of an individual or group in terms of resources used and waste produced
  10. an economic and environmental theory that describes a situation where people overconsume a shared resource at the expense of others

16 Clues: soil removed by water, wind, ice, or gravitya factor scientists manipulate in an experimentan organic compound that contains only hydrogen and carbonall living and nonliving things with which organisms interacta factor determined by the conditions set up in an experimentthe set of moral principles or values held by a person or a society...

CDB 3022 Environmental Chemical Engineering 2016-06-07

CDB 3022 Environmental Chemical Engineering crossword puzzle
  1. To gain money.
  2. Built-up area.
  3. Hydrologic cycle involves 3 steps which are, Precipitation, Infiltration and?
  4. Cars and houses.
  5. The natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity.
  6. A study to identify, predict, evaluate and communicate information about the impacts on the environment of a proposed project.
  7. ________ constitutes only 3.6% of total greenhouse gases out of which 0.12% is attributed to human activities.
  8. Needed supply.
  9. EQ (Prescribed Premises)(Crude Palm Oil) Regulations 1977 controls _____based water pollution.
  10. A major threat to natural habitat.
  11. Environmental engineers work with them to address environmental problems.
  12. Adding people.
  13. An extent of land where water from rain or snow melt drains downhill into a body of water , such as river lake or reservoir.
  14. EQA 1974 bases regulatory framework on the issuance and renewal of _____ where penalties are imposed.
  15. Ground water and surface water are closely related in which both are part of a ________ cycle.
  16. Fluctuation of climate over seasons or years.
  17. Gases that trap heat.
  1. Environmental engineers inspect and evaluate industrial and ______ facilities to assess their compliance with environmental regulations.
  2. Gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth atmosphere.
  3. Environmental engineers emphasize on this type of development of the environment.
  4. There are 4 types of Catchment, mixed, agricultural, forested and ?
  5. EU Landfill Directive (1999/31/EEC) is an ___________ legislation.
  6. Move freely.
  7. A change in Earth’s energy balance between incoming solar radiation energy as well as outgoing thermal IR emission energy.
  8. Environmental engineers design solutions for this.
  9. Crops production.
  10. Climate change can pose serious health impacts such as heat ______
  11. Each greenhouse gas has unique _____ lifetime.
  12. To spend less money.
  13. One of the places environmental engineers work at.

30 Clues: Move freely.To gain money.Built-up area.Needed supply.Adding people.Cars and houses.Crops production.To spend less money.Gases that trap heat.A major threat to natural habitat.Fluctuation of climate over seasons or years.Each greenhouse gas has unique _____ lifetime.Environmental engineers design solutions for this....

Sustainability 2019-05-02

Sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. beings
  2. Science
  3. Made
  4. test
  5. protection
  6. Goal
  7. World
  8. Agreement
  9. Security
  1. Distructure
  2. environmental
  3. Chranabled
  4. Change
  5. Seeds
  6. Mammal
  7. Write

16 Clues: MadetestGoalSeedsWriteWorldbeingsChangeMammalScienceSecurityAgreementChranabledprotectionDistructureenvironmental

Env Ethics & History of US Env Movement 2024-02-13

Env Ethics & History of US Env Movement crossword puzzle
  1. a NASA scientist, played a crucial role in raising awareness about climate change, testifying before Congress in the late 1980’s about the dangers of global warming and advocating for urgent action.
  2. a branch of philosophy that explores and evaluates the moral relationship between humans and the environment, examining ethical principles and responsibilities concerning the treatment of nature and the conservation of ecosystems.
  3. she became a prominent environmental activist after discovering toxic waste in her neighborhood at Love Canal, leading to the relocation of residents and increased awareness of hazardous waste disposal issues.
  4. Ethical perspective that extends moral consideration beyond humans to all living organisms; holds that all living beings have intrinsic value and deserve ethical consideration, regardless of their utility to humans.
  5. Fires on this river, particularly the one in 1969, drew attention to industrial pollution and played a pivotal role in the passage of environmental regulations like the Clean Water Act.
  6. Ethical perspective that places humans at the center, considering human interests, well-being, and rights as the primary focus.
  7. through the Green Belt Movement in Kenya, she significantly contributed to environmental conservation by promoting tree planting, women's rights, and sustainable development in Kenya.
  8. this US President’s administration significantly contributed to the environmental movement by establishing key environmental policies, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the Clean Air Act (CAA).
  9. This iconic photograph taken during the Apollo 8 mission in 1968 visually encapsulated the environmental movement, fostering a sense of planetary interconnectedness and emphasizing the need for Earth's protection.
  10. his efforts and preservationist approach were instrumental in the establishment of the National Parks system in the United States, advocating for the preservation of natural landscapes and the appreciation of wilderness.
  1. an Amazon rubber tapper, became a symbol of sustainable resource use as he advocated for the rights of indigenous people and sustainable management of the Amazon rainforest.
  2. his conservationist approach played a key role in the conservation movement by establishing the United States Forest Service and promoting sustainable forestry practices.
  3. an environmentalist and entrepreneur known for his work on sustainability and green business, co-founding Project Drawdown to identify solutions for mitigating climate change.
  4. her popular book "Silent Spring" played a pivotal role in the environmental movement by exposing the dangers of pesticides, leading to increased awareness and eventually the ban of DDT and the birth of the modern environmental movement.
  5. a prominent environmentalist known for his advocacy on climate change issues, co-founding 350.org and mobilizing global movements for climate action.
  6. is a person's or a group's overall perspective and set of beliefs about the fundamental nature of reality, shaping how they interpret the world, understand existence, and make sense of their experiences.
  7. Type of value that refers to the worth or significance of something based on its usefulness or ability to help achieve a specific goal or desired outcome.
  8. he is a leader in the environmental justice movement, highlighting the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on marginalized communities and advocating for equitable environmental policies.
  9. protests in this North Carolina county highlighted environmental racism, as residents opposed the dumping of toxic waste in their predominantly African American community, sparking discussions about environmental justice
  10. Ethical perspective that emphasizes the interconnectedness and intrinsic value of ecosystems and the environment as a whole; goes beyond individual organisms and considers the health and integrity of entire ecosystems, recognizing the interdependence of all living and non-living elements within them.
  11. Value Type of value that pertains to the inherent worth or essential nature of something, independent of its utility or usefulness for any external purpose.

21 Clues: Ethical perspective that places humans at the center, considering human interests, well-being, and rights as the primary focus.a prominent environmentalist known for his advocacy on climate change issues, co-founding 350.org and mobilizing global movements for climate action....


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. Jail, problems with the justice.
  2. The study of rivers, mountains, countries.
  3. Learning about economics
  4. Reading and understandign books.
  5. Finacial studies
  6. related with numbers
  7. Learning about softwares
  8. The study of societies
  9. Elements, H20
  10. The study of living things
  11. Albert Einstein
  1. Spanish, English, German
  2. Freud, psicoanalysis
  3. Raymundo studied.....
  4. Painting.
  5. goverment

16 Clues: Painting.govermentElements, H20Albert EinsteinFinacial studiesFreud, psicoanalysisrelated with numbersRaymundo studied.....The study of societiesSpanish, English, GermanLearning about economicsLearning about softwaresThe study of living thingsJail, problems with the justice.Reading and understandign books.The study of rivers, mountains, countries.

Economics 2013-01-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Milk's favorite cookie
  2. Touch and be touched
  3. Take a break,take a ..
  4. The future is black
  5. Grab life by the horns
  6. What you care about, we care about
  7. Life without walls
  8. Impossible is nothing
  9. Don't be evil
  1. Taking you forward
  2. I am what I am
  3. Connecting people
  4. Broadcast Yourself
  5. Only Healthy skin is soft and smooth
  6. Drive at earth
  7. Spice smell like power
  8. Say it spray it
  9. Discover and be discovered

18 Clues: Don't be evilI am what I amDrive at earthSay it spray itConnecting peopleTaking you forwardBroadcast YourselfLife without wallsThe future is blackTouch and be touchedImpossible is nothingMilk's favorite cookieTake a break,take a ..Spice smell like powerGrab life by the hornsDiscover and be discoveredWhat you care about, we care about...

Economics 2013-11-22

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a reward on paper to show ownership in a corporation.
  2. two or more firms who compet in the same market.
  3. corporation thatissues between family members
  4. the general partner can only have one partner
  5. combination between businesses merging more than three.
  6. a contract to repay borrowed money.
  7. the most common partnership they use.
  8. An agreement towards the partnership.
  9. Establishment of rules for partnership adopted by uniform state law.
  10. sells stock on open market.
  11. profits paid out to stockholders.
  12. Sells goods and services from a large corporation.
  1. Involved in differnet stages of producing the same goods and services.
  2. This partnership recognized by many states.
  3. a license that is issued by state gov. to form a corporation.
  4. an individual stockholder owning legal entity.
  5. valubles
  6. An organization owned by two or more people that agree on specific profits

18 Clues: valublessells stock on open market.profits paid out to stockholders.a contract to repay borrowed money.the most common partnership they use.An agreement towards the partnership.This partnership recognized by many states.corporation thatissues between family membersthe general partner can only have one partner...

Economics 2022-05-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. make something needed or wanted
  2. business makes more money than loses
  3. a share which entitles the holder to a fixed dividend
  4. put money into something that can help in the future
  5. an official ban on trade with a particular country.
  6. general consumption tax on the consumption of goods and services
  7. the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
  8. sum of financial assets that are required to produce goods or services.
  9. rivalry where companies try to be better than the other
  1. money one has saved, especially through a bank
  2. regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other commodities.
  3. other word for money
  4. money matters or transactions of some size or importance
  5. guy in charge of the business
  6. a sum of money paid into a bank or building society account
  7. legal process through which people or other entities who cannot repay debts and
  8. the monetary value of expenditures for supplies or services
  9. a request

18 Clues: a requestother word for moneyguy in charge of the businessmake something needed or wantedbusiness makes more money than losesmoney one has saved, especially through a bankan official ban on trade with a particular country.put money into something that can help in the futurea share which entitles the holder to a fixed dividend...

Economics 2022-08-25

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. making or manufacturing raw materials into goods
  2. unable to repay outstanding debts
  3. wealth in the form of cash or other assets
  4. small scale
  5. material in the form of money, staff or other assets
  6. maximum productivity with minimum waste
  7. desire to buy goods or services
  8. acquire something by paying for it
  9. favorable condition or circumstance
  1. being paid for work
  2. merchandise or possessions
  3. a stock of resource available
  4. money in the form of coins or notes
  5. a group of people with similarities
  6. laws or social effort to provide basic needs
  7. someone who buys goods or services
  8. large scale
  9. area where purchase or sales occur

18 Clues: small scalelarge scalebeing paid for workmerchandise or possessionsa stock of resource availabledesire to buy goods or servicesunable to repay outstanding debtssomeone who buys goods or servicesarea where purchase or sales occuracquire something by paying for itmoney in the form of coins or notesa group of people with similarities...

Economics 2022-11-28

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. all the objects in nature that make production possible
  2. the four resources necessary to produce goods and services
  3. this occurs whenever we do not have enough resources
  4. is the cost of the next best use of your time or money when you choose to do one thing rather than another
  5. work that is preformed for someone else
  6. the physical and mental efforts that people contribute to the production of goods and services
  7. the total value of all the final goods and services produced in a country during a single year
  8. this occurs whenever we have more than enough resources
  9. the study of how we make decisions in a world where resources are limited, has to do with money
  10. a financial contribution that the citizens of a country or state give to the government in order to pay for government functions
  1. the individuals who start new businesses, introduce new products, and improve management techniques
  2. items that you can use that satisfy your wants or needs
  3. things we would like to have; that would make life more comfortable or enjoyable
  4. the quality of life based on the pessessions of necessities and things that make life easeier
  5. the tools, machinery, and buildings used to make other products
  6. a thing that is usable, and has a certain amount of supply, could be money, products, energy, or natural items
  7. a system where private citizens own most, if not all, of the means of production
  8. things that are required for survival

18 Clues: things that are required for survivalwork that is preformed for someone elsethis occurs whenever we do not have enough resourcesall the objects in nature that make production possibleitems that you can use that satisfy your wants or needsthis occurs whenever we have more than enough resources...

ECONOMICS 2019-09-09

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. Raw materials, labour, money
  2. An essential to live
  3. Poor management of resources leads to this
  4. Person who buys goods or rents services
  5. The amount of a good for sale at a particular price and time
  6. Money, equipment, buildings to turn raw materials into products
  7. Management of money, resources of a country
  8. A shortage results in _____ prices
  1. A surplus results in _______ prices
  2. Value of a good agreed upon by consumer and producer
  3. When more goods and services are available than the demand
  4. A luxury
  5. All things are limited, give up one thing to get another
  6. When not enough goods or services are available to meet demand
  7. Best quality at lowest price
  8. Manufacturer of goods to sell
  9. Ability and willingness of people to buy a good
  10. Money gained in excess of costs

18 Clues: A luxuryAn essential to liveRaw materials, labour, moneyBest quality at lowest priceManufacturer of goods to sellMoney gained in excess of costsA shortage results in _____ pricesA surplus results in _______ pricesPerson who buys goods or rents servicesPoor management of resources leads to thisManagement of money, resources of a country...

Economics 2023-03-28

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Материалдық игіліктерді өндіру, айырбастау, бөлу және тұтыну үрдісі кезінде адамдар арасында пайда болатын өндірістік қатынастар.
  2. Логистикалық операцияларды орындауға кеткен шығындар.
  3. Негізгі құралдардан тозуды алып тастағандағы қалатын бастапқы немесе қалпына келтіру құны … құн деп аталады?
  4. Бір межелі жерге жөнелтілетін бірнеше шағын жөнелтілімдерді көліктің өткізу қабілетіне сәйкес бір үлкейтілгенге топтастыруды қамтитын логистикалық операция.
  5. Нақты сомада немесе орындалмаған шарттық міндеттемелер сомасының пайызында айқындалатын тұрақсыздық айыбының түрі.
  6. Агенттік шарт негізінде әрекет ететін және көліктік-экспедиторлық қызметтерді ұйымдастыратын, бірақ тасымалдау процесіне тікелей қатыспайтын, тасымалдау агенті болып табылатын жеке немесе заңды тұлға.
  7. Заттың физикалық және моральдық қасиеттерін жоғалту процесі?
  8. 1990 жылдың 1 маусымынан бастап енгізіген халықаралық сауда палатасының қолдауымен жасалған коммерциялық терминдер сөздігі.
  9. Бұл жобаға салынған бастапқы инвестицияның толық өтелуіне кететін уақыт.
  1. Машиналарды, құрал-жабдықтарды, көлік құралдарын, өндірістік мақсаттағы ғимараттарды ұзақ мерзімге жалдаған жалға алушы мүліктерді пайдалану шамасы бойынша борыштарын бірте-бірте өтеуі
  2. Әрбір өндірістік цикл немесе бір айналыстан кейін, оның ішінде "тапсырма алу – сақтау - жеткізу - бөлу - сату" циклдері аяқталғаннан кейін, пайдаланылған қаражаттың кәсіпорынға тауарлық түсімнің ішінде операциялық шығындар арқылы қайтарылуын білдіретін ұғым қандай?
  3. Алынған ақшаға сатып алуға болатын тауарлар мен қызметтер кешені бұл?
  4. Қоғамдық өнімді өндіру процесінде тірі және материалдық еңбектің жиынтық шығындары қалай аталады?
  5. Кәсіпорында логистикалық процестерді басқа субъектілерге беру сценарийіне қарама-қарсы процестердің орындалуы бұл?
  6. Көлік желісінің соңғы немесе аралық пунктінде орналасқан және жүктерді,жолаушыларды,багаждарды және тб тасымалдау кезінде ортақ пайдаланылатын көліктің әртүрлі түрлерінің өзара іс-қимылын қамтамасыз ететін құрылғылар кешені.
  7. Зерттелетін экономикалық процесстер мен құбылыстардың ең нақты сандық және сапалық сипаттамаларын көрсететін ЭММ модельдер қалай аталады?
  8. Адам қызметінің нәтижелерінің, өндіріс пен еңбек шығындарының және өндіріске жұмсалған қаражаттың қатынасымен анықталатын шама.
  9. Өнім бірлігін немесе қызмет бірлігін өндіруге, сондай-ақ өндірістің жекелеген түрлеріне шығындарды құндық (ақшалай) нысанда анықтау дегеніміз?

18 Clues: Логистикалық операцияларды орындауға кеткен шығындар.Заттың физикалық және моральдық қасиеттерін жоғалту процесі?Алынған ақшаға сатып алуға болатын тауарлар мен қызметтер кешені бұл?Бұл жобаға салынған бастапқы инвестицияның толық өтелуіне кететін уақыт....

Economics 2023-11-20

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a change in this will cause a movement along the demand curve.
  2. an axis used to plot the demand curve
  3. a good which is scarce
  4. a point outside the PPC
  5. a non price factor affecting demand
  6. goods that go hand in hand/ consumed together
  7. tea and coffee are...........for each other
  8. the concept of specialisation was brought out him/ father of modern economics
  9. economic agents are able to consider the outcome of their choices and recognise the net benefits of each one
  1. value of the next best alternative foregone when making a choice
  2. a point inside the PPC
  3. economy which is controlled by the state
  4. a diagram that shows the maximum combination of goods that can be produced with the full employment of resources and technology within an economy
  5. unlimited want & limited resources leads to this
  6. these goods have no opportunity cost
  7. all other factors are being held constant
  8. a disadvantage of specialisation
  9. a consumer's desire to purchase goods and services and willingness to pay a specific price for them.

18 Clues: a point inside the PPCa good which is scarcea point outside the PPCa disadvantage of specialisationa non price factor affecting demandthese goods have no opportunity costan axis used to plot the demand curveeconomy which is controlled by the stateall other factors are being held constanttea and coffee are...........for each other...

Economics 2023-09-18

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Country with a strong economy and a high quality of life
  2. Study of how people meet their wants and needs
  3. Country with a less productive economy and a lower quality of life
  4. Something that keeps goods and services from entering a country
  5. Exchange of goods and services in a market
  6. Person or business that buys, or consumes, goods or services
  7. Desire for a particular good or service
  8. Coming from outside of a country
  1. Cost of what you have to give up when making a choice
  2. Amount of a good or service that is available for use
  3. Relating to or found within a country
  4. Person or business that makes and sells goods or services
  5. A society's ability to produce a product most efficiently given all the products it could produce
  6. Tax on imports or exports
  7. Total value of all goods and services produced in a country
  8. Amount of goods and services produced given the amount of resources used
  9. trade Removal of trade barriers
  10. Country's economic growth and quality of life

18 Clues: Tax on imports or exportsComing from outside of a countrytrade Removal of trade barriersRelating to or found within a countryDesire for a particular good or serviceExchange of goods and services in a marketCountry's economic growth and quality of lifeStudy of how people meet their wants and needs...

Economics 2024-05-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The monetary value of all finished goods and services made within a country during a specific period
  2. Happens when demand for goods and services outweighs supply, which remains stable or drops
  3. All of the output generated within the borders of a country
  4. The costs incurred by a firm when it changes its prices
  5. The result of workers searching for new employment or transitioning from their old jobs to new ones.
  6. When consumer and asset prices decrease over time, and purchasing power increases
  7. A situation when a person is unemployed not due to unavailability of jobs in the economy, but because of not being able to find employment of his/her own choice.
  8. Occurs when overall prices increase due to increases in the cost of wages and raw materials
  9. The costs that people incur to minimize their cash holdings during times of high inflation
  10. Long-lasting unemployment that comes about due to shifts in an economy
  1. Occurs when people are unemployed at particular times of the year when demand for labour is lower than usua
  2. A type of unemployment that is caused by fluctuations in the business cycle or economic cycl
  3. An increase in the amount of goods and services produced per head of the population over a period of time.
  4. The rate of increase in prices over a given period of time
  5. Commodities that are grown, produced, or manufactured in foreign countries and have not undergone changes in form or condition or enhancement in value by further manufacturing
  6. A situation where a person actively searches for employment but is unable to find work
  7. The amount of goods and services that an economy is capable of producing.
  8. The state or condition where people and communities cannot meet a minimum standard of living because they lack the proper resources

18 Clues: The costs incurred by a firm when it changes its pricesThe rate of increase in prices over a given period of timeAll of the output generated within the borders of a countryLong-lasting unemployment that comes about due to shifts in an economyThe amount of goods and services that an economy is capable of producing....

Unit 1-5 Review 2016-05-13

Unit 1-5 Review crossword puzzle
  1. finish
  2. around
  3. morning
  4. together
  5. time
  6. lazy
  7. midnight
  8. study
  9. deaf
  10. don't mind
  11. help me
  12. christmas
  13. your
  14. take care
  15. restaurant
  16. start
  17. blue
  18. warning
  19. bored
  20. mine
  21. wrong
  1. store
  2. annoy
  3. family
  4. hangout
  5. absent
  6. motivated
  7. church
  8. important
  9. listen
  10. paper
  11. depends
  12. New York
  13. relationship
  14. excited
  15. halloween
  16. friendly
  17. economics
  18. girl
  19. woman
  20. black
  21. hour

42 Clues: timelazydeafyourgirlbluehourminestoreannoypaperstudystartwomanboredblackwrongfinishfamilyaroundabsentchurchlistenhangoutmorningdependshelp meexcitedwarningtogethermidnightNew Yorkfriendlymotivatedimportantchristmashalloweentake careeconomicsdon't mindrestaurantrelationship

CDB 3022 Environmental Chemical Engineering 2016-06-07

CDB 3022 Environmental Chemical Engineering crossword puzzle
  1. Built-up area.
  2. Fluctuation of climate over seasons or years.
  3. Gases that trap heat.
  4. There are 4 types of Catchment, mixed, agricultural, forested and ?
  5. Environmental engineers inspect and evaluate industrial and ______ facilities to assess their compliance with environmental regulations.
  6. EQ (Prescribed Premises)(Crude Palm Oil) Regulations 1977 controls _____based water pollution.
  7. EU Landfill Directive (1999/31/EEC) is an ___________ legislation.
  8. The natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity.
  9. A major threat to natural habitat.
  10. Needed supply.
  11. An extent of land where water from rain or snow melt drains downhill into a body of water , such as river lake or reservoir.
  12. Gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth atmosphere.
  13. EQA 1974 bases regulatory framework on the issuance and renewal of _____ where penalties are imposed.
  14. Move freely.
  15. One of the places environmental engineers work at.
  16. To spend less money.
  1. Ground water and surface water are closely related in which both are part of a ________ cycle.
  2. Crops production.
  3. Adding people.
  4. Cars and houses.
  5. ________ constitutes only 3.6% of total greenhouse gases out of which 0.12% is attributed to human activities.
  6. A change in Earth’s energy balance between incoming solar radiation energy as well as outgoing thermal IR emission energy.
  7. Climate change can pose serious health impacts such as heat ______
  8. Environmental engineers emphasize on this type of development of the environment.
  9. Hydrologic cycle involves 3 steps which are, Precipitation, Infiltration and?
  10. Environmental engineers work with them to address environmental problems.
  11. Each greenhouse gas has unique _____ lifetime.
  12. Environmental engineers design solutions for this.
  13. To gain money.
  14. A study to identify, predict, evaluate and communicate information about the impacts on the environment of a proposed project.

30 Clues: Move freely.Built-up area.Adding people.Needed supply.To gain money.Cars and houses.Crops production.To spend less money.Gases that trap heat.A major threat to natural habitat.Fluctuation of climate over seasons or years.Each greenhouse gas has unique _____ lifetime.Environmental engineers design solutions for this....

CDB 3022 Environmental Chemical Engineering 2016-06-07

CDB 3022 Environmental Chemical Engineering crossword puzzle
  1. Fluctuation of climate over seasons or years.
  2. One of the places environmental engineers work at.
  3. The natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity.
  4. Hydrologic cycle involves 3 steps which are, Precipitation, Infiltration and?
  5. Cars and houses.
  6. Adding people.
  7. Gases that trap heat.
  8. Each greenhouse gas has unique _____ lifetime.
  9. Environmental engineers work with them to address environmental problems.
  10. An extent of land where water from rain or snow melt drains downhill into a body of water , such as river lake or reservoir.
  11. To spend less money.
  12. A change in Earth’s energy balance between incoming solar radiation energy as well as outgoing thermal IR emission energy.
  13. Environmental engineers inspect and evaluate industrial and ______ facilities to assess their compliance with environmental regulations.
  14. Crops production.
  15. Built-up area.
  16. Ground water and surface water are closely related in which both are part of a ________ cycle.
  17. Move freely.
  1. To gain money.
  2. Needed supply.
  3. EU Landfill Directive (1999/31/EEC) is an ___________ legislation.
  4. Environmental engineers emphasize on this type of development of the environment.
  5. EQ (Prescribed Premises)(Crude Palm Oil) Regulations 1977 controls _____based water pollution.
  6. A major threat to natural habitat.
  7. ________ constitutes only 3.6% of total greenhouse gases out of which 0.12% is attributed to human activities.
  8. Gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth atmosphere.
  9. Climate change can pose serious health impacts such as heat ______
  10. There are 4 types of Catchment, mixed, agricultural, forested and ?
  11. EQA 1974 bases regulatory framework on the issuance and renewal of _____ where penalties are imposed.
  12. A study to identify, predict, evaluate and communicate information about the impacts on the environment of a proposed project.
  13. Environmental engineers design solutions for this.

30 Clues: Move freely.To gain money.Needed supply.Adding people.Built-up area.Cars and houses.Crops production.To spend less money.Gases that trap heat.A major threat to natural habitat.Fluctuation of climate over seasons or years.Each greenhouse gas has unique _____ lifetime.One of the places environmental engineers work at....

Contemporary America 2022-05-18

Contemporary America crossword puzzle
  1. communication skills.
  2. at the age of 70?
  3. "Just Say..."
  4. Main competitor of Nato
  5. What the war in Afghanistan was over
  6. Reagan was called this do to his
  7. what happened in 1981-1982 (think economy wise)
  8. reduces taxes and the use of "trickle-down"
  9. Operation...happened on Jan-Feb 1991
  10. What type of attempt was made towards
  1. Last name of Vice president during Reagan's term
  2. Where Chinese student demonstrations happened
  3. Reagan's party while he was president
  4. George H.W Bush-"Read my lips:....."
  5. Reagan was a..before becoming president
  6. First name of Reagans wife
  7. 1st Superpower besides Communist Russia
  8. is included in what type of economics.
  9. secretary of the Communist Party
  10. Last name of the person who was the
  11. the nickname of the Strategic Defense Initiative
  12. George H.W Bush said reaganomics is "...economics"

22 Clues: "Just Say..."at the age of 70?communication skills.Main competitor of NatoFirst name of Reagans wifeReagan was called this do to hissecretary of the Communist PartyLast name of the person who was theGeorge H.W Bush-"Read my lips:....."What the war in Afghanistan was overOperation...happened on Jan-Feb 1991Reagan's party while he was president...

unit 2 buisness and finance 2022-05-19

unit 2 buisness and finance crossword puzzle
  1. environmental
  2. budget
  3. fact
  4. costs
  5. cornell
  6. eliminate
  7. software
  8. hardware
  9. outsourcing
  10. ecommerce
  11. liability
  12. competition
  13. regulations
  14. income
  15. audit
  1. taxes
  2. MIS
  3. telecommunicate
  4. secondary
  5. price
  6. primary
  7. inventory
  8. comptuter
  9. opinion
  10. smartphone
  11. laws
  12. customer
  13. voip

28 Clues: MISfactlawsvoiptaxespricecostsauditbudgetincomeprimarycornellopinionsoftwarehardwarecustomersecondaryinventoryeliminatecomptuterecommerceliabilitysmartphoneoutsourcingcompetitionregulationsenvironmentaltelecommunicate

Sustainability 2019-05-02

Sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. beings
  2. Science
  3. Made
  4. test
  5. protection
  6. Goal
  7. World
  8. Agreement
  9. Security
  1. Distructure
  2. environmental
  3. Chranabled
  4. Change
  5. Seeds
  6. Mammal
  7. Write

16 Clues: MadetestGoalSeedsWriteWorldbeingsChangeMammalScienceSecurityAgreementChranabledprotectionDistructureenvironmental

Sustainability 2019-05-02

Sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. beings
  2. Science
  3. Made
  4. test
  5. protection
  6. Goal
  7. World
  8. Agreement
  9. Security
  1. Distructure
  2. environmental
  3. Chranabled
  4. Change
  5. Seeds
  6. Mammal
  7. Write

16 Clues: MadetestGoalSeedsWriteWorldbeingsChangeMammalScienceSecurityAgreementChranabledprotectionDistructureenvironmental

Unit 1 Review 2023-03-07

Unit 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. This exists as a result of our unlimited wants but limited resources
  2. The study of how humans make choices under conditions of scarcity
  3. A factor of production made up of natural resources
  4. This goal of economics leads to increasing the amount (size, number, or output) of resources over time
  5. A factor of production defined as the work effort of humans
  1. This goal of economics strives t maximize the benefits of production at the lowest cost possible
  2. This goal of economics ensures steady growth of the economy by maintaining stable unemployment levels and stable price levels for goods and services
  3. A factor of production that focuses on the innovative qualities and skills of people to create more efficient and effective use of land, labor, and/or capital
  4. This goal of economics seeks fairness and impartiality in the distribution of and access to resources
  5. This goal of economics limits the obstacles and constraints that hinder the free ability to make choices in the face of scarcity
  6. A factor of production defined as the machinery, equipment, factories, roads, etc. that are used in production
  7. This goal of economics strives to protect against risk or danger based upon the economic uncertainties of a society

12 Clues: A factor of production made up of natural resourcesA factor of production defined as the work effort of humansThe study of how humans make choices under conditions of scarcityThis exists as a result of our unlimited wants but limited resourcesThis goal of economics strives t maximize the benefits of production at the lowest cost possible...

Neclassical 2024-09-30

Neclassical crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the book that Alfred M. wrote.
  2. The point where supply equals demand in a market.
  3. The financial gain made in a transaction or business operation.
  4. An economic system based on private ownership and free markets.
  5. Neoclassical Economics emerged in the late 19th century as a response to ............ Economics.
  6. Surname of the main economist.
  7. The action of putting money into something with the expectation of earning a profit.
  8. The economic principle determining prices based on availability and desire.
  1. Concept that explains how much the demand for a product will change if its price changes.
  2. The branch of economics that studies individual and business decisions.
  3. Revolution that was being experienced at the time that the Neoclassical Economics emerged.
  4. The economic theory that decisions are made based on additional costs and benefits.
  5. Satisfaction or benefit gained from consuming a product.

13 Clues: Surname of the main economist.Name of the book that Alfred M. wrote.The point where supply equals demand in a market.Satisfaction or benefit gained from consuming a product.The financial gain made in a transaction or business operation.An economic system based on private ownership and free markets....

Ch 1: What is Economics? 2024-01-17

Ch 1: What is Economics? crossword puzzle
  1. a type of economics that includes statements of opinions
  2. the "economist" in Luke 12:42
  3. worth determined by the nature of the product itself
  4. the school of economic thought that emphasizes the free market, private property, and the limited role of government
  5. a common-sense science of how to allocate limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants
  6. the Father of Austrian School of Economics
  7. economics is the study of what
  8. the study of choice between individual units
  9. an intangible product
  10. satisfaction one loses when he chooses one item over another
  11. worth determined by usefulness to the buyer
  1. usefulness
  2. Menger said that it could be worth more than diamonds
  3. changing a nuisance good into an economic good
  4. the satisfaction one receives from a choice
  5. the kind of good that has a negative economic impact
  6. its value was debated in contrast to that of water
  7. the idea that everything is in limited quantity
  8. goods that have a price tag higher than zero
  9. because every choice has some amount of regret, economic nicknamed what?
  10. an imaginary unit of satisfaction
  11. the study of large-scale choices
  12. a type of service or good that has a price tag of zero
  13. a tangible item that has a measurable lifespan

24 Clues: usefulnessan intangible productthe "economist" in Luke 12:42economics is the study of whatthe study of large-scale choicesan imaginary unit of satisfactionthe Father of Austrian School of Economicsthe satisfaction one receives from a choiceworth determined by usefulness to the buyergoods that have a price tag higher than zero...

Environmental Movements in the 1960s 2023-06-07

Environmental Movements in the 1960s crossword puzzle
  1. - Pesticide widely used in the 1960s, later banned due to its harmful effects on the environment.
  2. - __ awareness, understanding the interconnectedness of all living organisms and their environment.
  3. - Participation in __ actions to promote environmental causes and create change.
  4. - Protection of pristine and untouched natural areas.
  5. - Release of harmful substances into the environment, a key concern for environmentalists.
  6. - Access to safe and __ resources, a crucial aspect of environmental movements.
  7. - Annual event promoting environmental awareness and sustainability.
  8. - Efforts to protect and preserve natural resources and ecosystems.
  1. - Preservation and protection of __, including endangered species.
  2. - Clearing of forests, leading to loss of habitat and ecological imbalance.
  3. - Layer of __, depletion of which was a major environmental concern.
  4. - __ Spring, influential book by Rachel Carson highlighting the environmental impact of pesticides.
  5. - Air pollution that can cause respiratory problems and reduced visibility.
  6. - International environmental organization focused on conservation and activism.
  7. - Protected areas designated for conservation and recreation, such as __ __.

15 Clues: - Protection of pristine and untouched natural areas.- Preservation and protection of __, including endangered species.- Efforts to protect and preserve natural resources and ecosystems.- Layer of __, depletion of which was a major environmental concern.- Annual event promoting environmental awareness and sustainability....

Economics 2023-05-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. 2 of the 4 key main factors in getting you through economics
  2. Something that can help companies and businesses
  3. Problem wanting tons but not being able to because of the state you may be in is called.
  4. Is the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions meaning the ones you decide to make
  5. The economics noble prize is actually not a real noble prize win
  1. The two branches of economics. helps people know more about everything and everyone around them
  2. What was economy's official name
  3. The part of economics that deals with a large scale and general economic factor
  4. The study of how people allocate scarce resources for production, distribution, and consumption, both individually and collectively
  5. How many branches are in economics

10 Clues: What was economy's official nameHow many branches are in economicsSomething that can help companies and businesses2 of the 4 key main factors in getting you through economicsThe economics noble prize is actually not a real noble prize winThe part of economics that deals with a large scale and general economic factor...

Economics Lesson 1 2022-02-03

Economics Lesson 1 crossword puzzle
  1. We can't have everything we _______ so we have to make choices
  2. Understanding economics helps us understand the ________
  3. part of microeconomics, makes choices for their family
  4. the study of the choices we make to get what we want and need
  5. there is not enough of something for everyone who wants it, it is limited
  6. Economics is all about ________
  1. the choices governments, states, and countries make with their resources
  2. the choices you, households, and business make with their resources
  3. the things we use to get what we want and need
  4. part of macroeconomics, makes choices for a country
  5. Understanding economics helps us make better _____
  6. a type of resource
  7. the PS5 is _______

13 Clues: a type of resourcethe PS5 is _______Economics is all about ________the things we use to get what we want and needUnderstanding economics helps us make better _____part of macroeconomics, makes choices for a countrypart of microeconomics, makes choices for their familyUnderstanding economics helps us understand the ________...

Env Ethics & History of US Env Movement 2024-02-12

Env Ethics & History of US Env Movement crossword puzzle
  1. her popular book "Silent Spring" played a pivotal role in the environmental movement by exposing the dangers of pesticides, leading to increased awareness and eventually the ban of DDT and the birth of the modern environmental movement.
  2. Type of value that pertains to the inherent worth or essential nature of something, independent of its utility or usefulness for any external purpose.
  3. an environmentalist and entrepreneur known for his work on sustainability and green business, co-founding Project Drawdown to identify solutions for mitigating climate change.
  4. he is a leader in the environmental justice movement, highlighting the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on marginalized communities and advocating for equitable environmental policies.
  5. This iconic photograph taken during the Apollo 8 mission in 1968 visually encapsulated the environmental movement, fostering a sense of planetary interconnectedness and emphasizing the need for Earth's protection.
  6. she became a prominent environmental activist after discovering toxic waste in her neighborhood at Love Canal, leading to the relocation of residents and increased awareness of hazardous waste disposal issues.
  7. through the Green Belt Movement in Kenya, she significantly contributed to environmental conservation by promoting tree planting, women's rights, and sustainable development in Kenya.
  8. Ethical perspective that extends moral consideration beyond humans to all living organisms; holds that all living beings have intrinsic value and deserve ethical consideration, regardless of their utility to humans.
  9. his efforts and preservationist approach were instrumental in the establishment of the National Parks system in the United States, advocating for the preservation of natural landscapes and the appreciation of wilderness.
  10. an Amazon rubber tapper, became a symbol of sustainable resource use as he advocated for the rights of indigenous people and sustainable management of the Amazon rainforest.
  11. a prominent environmentalist known for his advocacy on climate change issues, co-founding 350.org and mobilizing global movements for climate action.
  1. Fires on this river, particularly the one in 1969, drew attention to industrial pollution and played a pivotal role in the passage of environmental regulations like the Clean Water Act.
  2. is a person's or a group's overall perspective and set of beliefs about the fundamental nature of reality, shaping how they interpret the world, understand existence, and make sense of their experiences.
  3. Ethical perspective that places humans at the center, considering human interests, well-being, and rights as the primary focus.
  4. Type of value that refers to the worth or significance of something based on its usefulness or ability to help achieve a specific goal or desired outcome.
  5. this US President’s administration significantly contributed to the environmental movement by establishing key environmental policies, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the Clean Air Act (CAA).
  6. Pinchot his conservationist approach played a key role in the conservation movement by establishing the United States Forest Service and promoting sustainable forestry practices.
  7. a branch of philosophy that explores and evaluates the moral relationship between humans and the environment, examining ethical principles and responsibilities concerning the treatment of nature and the conservation of ecosystems.
  8. protests in 1982 highlighted environmental racism, as residents opposed the dumping of toxic waste in their predominantly African American community, sparking discussions about environmental justice.
  9. a NASA scientist, played a crucial role in raising awareness about climate change, testifying before Congress in the late 1980’s about the dangers of global warming and advocating for urgent action.
  10. Ethical perspective that emphasizes the interconnectedness and intrinsic value of ecosystems and the environment as a whole; goes beyond individual organisms and considers the health and integrity of entire ecosystems, recognizing the interdependence of all living and non-living elements within them.

21 Clues: Ethical perspective that places humans at the center, considering human interests, well-being, and rights as the primary focus.a prominent environmentalist known for his advocacy on climate change issues, co-founding 350.org and mobilizing global movements for climate action....

Environmental Movements in the 1960s 2023-06-07

Environmental Movements in the 1960s crossword puzzle
  1. - __ awareness, understanding the interconnectedness of all living organisms and their environment.
  2. - Annual event promoting environmental awareness and sustainability.
  3. - Clearing of forests, leading to loss of habitat and ecological imbalance.
  4. - Preservation and protection of __, including endangered species.
  5. - Release of harmful substances into the environment, a key concern for environmentalists.
  6. - Layer of __, depletion of which was a major environmental concern.
  7. - __ Spring, influential book by Rachel Carson highlighting the environmental impact of pesticides.
  8. - Efforts to protect and preserve natural resources and ecosystems.
  1. - Access to safe and __ resources, a crucial aspect of environmental movements.
  2. - Protection of pristine and untouched natural areas.
  3. - International environmental organization focused on conservation and activism.
  4. - Air pollution that can cause respiratory problems and reduced visibility.
  5. - Participation in __ actions to promote environmental causes and create change.
  6. - Pesticide widely used in the 1960s, later banned due to its harmful effects on the environment.
  7. - Protected areas designated for conservation and recreation, such as __ __.

15 Clues: - Protection of pristine and untouched natural areas.- Preservation and protection of __, including endangered species.- Efforts to protect and preserve natural resources and ecosystems.- Annual event promoting environmental awareness and sustainability.- Layer of __, depletion of which was a major environmental concern....

Dimensions of Health 2021-12-08

Dimensions of Health crossword puzzle
  1. occupational
  2. interpersonal communication
  3. spiritual
  4. goal-setting
  5. decision-making
  6. emotional
  7. social
  8. sexual
  9. physical
  1. environmental
  2. advocacy
  3. accessing valid resources
  4. IntellectualMental
  5. analyzing influences
  6. self-management
  7. multicultural
  8. financial

17 Clues: socialsexualadvocacyphysicalspiritualemotionalfinancialoccupationalgoal-settingenvironmentalmulticulturalself-managementdecision-makingIntellectualMentalanalyzing influencesaccessing valid resourcesinterpersonal communication

NEPA 2015-04-21

NEPA crossword puzzle
  1. It is considered to be the modern-day "environmental magna ___"
  2. NEPA inspired the ___ air act
  3. NEPA's procedural requirements apply to all agencies in the ____ branch
  4. NEPA does not apply to the ____
  5. Who was president when NEPA was enacted?
  6. It established the ____
  7. when was the Santa Barbara Oil Spill (year is written out with a dash)
  8. How many sections does NEPA have
  9. There is complete ____ of government funding for this act
  1. Year NEPA was enacted (year is written out with a dash)
  2. NEPA does not apply to ____
  3. NEPA's purpose is to make sure environmental factors are weighted ____ (15)
  4. The CEQ advises the ____ on national policy promotion of environmental quality
  5. NEPA grew out of ____ for the environment
  6. What is the acronym for the national environmental policy act?
  7. The Santa Barbara oil spill was a ____ for the law's creation
  8. NEPA does not apply to ____ courts
  9. What was the environmental book by Rachel Carson called?
  10. Requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making process
  11. A detailed statement meant to meet the NEPA standards

20 Clues: It established the ____NEPA does not apply to ____NEPA inspired the ___ air actNEPA does not apply to the ____How many sections does NEPA haveNEPA does not apply to ____ courtsWho was president when NEPA was enacted?NEPA grew out of ____ for the environmentA detailed statement meant to meet the NEPA standards...

Engineering Technology Design: Key Terms #4 2014-03-20

Engineering Technology Design: Key Terms #4 crossword puzzle
  1. The programs and other operating information used by a computer.
  2. a model or replica of a machine or structure, used for instructional or experimental purposes.
  3. speaking: delivering an address to a public audience
  4. usually abbreviated as CFD, is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical methods and algorithms to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid flows
  5. Environmental impact refers to the direct effect of socio-economic activities and natural events on the components of the environment.
  6. presentation
  7. A mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols.
  1. A mathematical model is a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language.
  2. Is conceptually rooted in the principle that the occurrences of events being modeled are limited in distribution
  3. Giving ma report on the idea of your project what it is suppose to do its functions and etc.
  4. Engineering economics, previously known as engineering economy, is a subset of economics for application to engineering projects
  5. A computer simulation is a simulation, run on a single computer, or a network of computers, to reproduce behavior of a system. The simulation uses an abstract model to simulate the system.
  6. Predictive analytics is the practice of extracting information from existing data sets in order to determine patterns and predict future outcomes and trends.
  7. thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
  8. an activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing.
  9. The reproduction of another manufacturer's product following detailed examination of its construction or composition.

16 Clues: presentationspeaking: delivering an address to a public audienceA mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols.The programs and other operating information used by a computer.an activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing.thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof....

Crossword 57 - Sustainability 2023-10-09

Crossword 57 - Sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. Earthfriendly
  2. Earthconscious
  3. Climate impact
  4. Minimize consumption
  5. Share rides
  6. Color of sustainability
  7. Environmental stewardship
  8. Renewable energy source
  9. Source of power
  10. Energy conservation
  11. Fuelefficient vehicle
  12. Restore and revive
  13. Resource protection
  14. Financial benefit
  15. Sustainable energy
  16. Organic waste decay
  17. Botanical garden
  1. Watergenerated power
  2. Can be reused
  3. Energy from the sun
  4. Chemicalfree farming
  5. Animal kingdom
  6. Environmental harm
  7. Environmental advocate
  8. Fresh and pollutionfree
  9. Twowheeled transport
  10. Vast water bodies
  11. Repurpose creatively
  12. Extend product life
  13. Green practice for waste
  14. Variety of life
  15. Our precious planet

32 Clues: Share ridesCan be reusedEarthfriendlyAnimal kingdomEarthconsciousClimate impactSource of powerVariety of lifeBotanical gardenVast water bodiesFinancial benefitEnvironmental harmRestore and reviveSustainable energyEnergy from the sunExtend product lifeEnergy conservationOur precious planetResource protectionOrganic waste decayWatergenerated power...

inventions 33 2024-05-21

inventions 33 crossword puzzle
  1. Innovator in the study of shock waves
  2. Nobel Prize in Medicine, typhus research
  3. Pioneer in fluid dynamics
  4. Discoverer of blood groups
  5. Pioneer in geophysics
  6. Environmental scientist, air pollution
  7. Nobel Prize in Physics, phase contrast microscopy
  8. Pioneer in radioactivity research
  9. Pioneer in genetic engineering
  10. Computer scientist, user interface design
  11. Pioneer in biostatistics, public health
  1. Innovator in environmental engineering
  2. Chemist, vitamin B12
  3. Researcher in plant pathology
  4. Researcher in molecular biology
  5. Nobel Prize in Physics, particle discoveries
  6. Innovator in immunology
  7. Discoverer of pulsars
  8. Innovator in organic chemistry
  9. Environmental scientist, sustainable agriculture

20 Clues: Chemist, vitamin B12Pioneer in geophysicsDiscoverer of pulsarsInnovator in immunologyPioneer in fluid dynamicsDiscoverer of blood groupsResearcher in plant pathologyInnovator in organic chemistryPioneer in genetic engineeringResearcher in molecular biologyPioneer in radioactivity researchInnovator in the study of shock waves...

AP human geography unit 1 crossword 2022-09-26

AP human geography unit 1 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the map shows countries in various different colors/shades according to the data
  2. movement in a steady steam
  3. the name of the line of longitude that can be found at 0 degrees
  4. human culture modifies and responds to the environment to better fit human needs
  5. examples agriculture, commercial, residential, transportation, recreation.
  1. the process of increased interconnectedness among countries most notably in the areas of economics, politics, and culture.
  2. a line that divides the earth into the northern and southern hemisphere(latitude)
  3. relates to economic, social/cultural, political and environmental
  4. data of people's opinions (the south/the U.S midwest)
  5. the use of the earth's renewable and nonrenewable natural resources in ways that ensure resource availability in the future.

10 Clues: movement in a steady steamdata of people's opinions (the south/the U.S midwest)the name of the line of longitude that can be found at 0 degreesrelates to economic, social/cultural, political and environmentalexamples agriculture, commercial, residential, transportation, recreation....

Diego Oropeza Financial fundamental 2021-05-10

Diego Oropeza Financial fundamental crossword puzzle
  1. Not enough for everyone
  2. is what consumer want
  3. provide services only to wealthy
  4. The amount of money expected
  5. is what producers make or give
  6. place to exchange good or services
  7. To the consumers find and the producers do what they want
  8. is the study of choice
  9. iS HOW I can buy products or services
  10. economics that concern on large scale or general economics factors
  1. focuses on individuales and businesses
  2. institutions where people can safely access to their money
  3. focus on businesses and consumers
  4. offer loans and credit cards
  5. organizations owned by their consumers

15 Clues: is what consumer wantis the study of choiceNot enough for everyoneoffer loans and credit cardsThe amount of money expectedis what producers make or giveprovide services only to wealthyfocus on businesses and consumersplace to exchange good or servicesiS HOW I can buy products or servicesfocuses on individuales and businesses...

ECONOMICS 2013-12-09

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. anyone can run their own business
  2. theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
  3. the act of owning his or her business
  4. how much of something there is
  5. the amount wanted by the people
  6. to be able to supply a demand
  7. run totally by the government
  8. examples of this are clothes combs and backpacks
  1. to require (someone) to pay a tax
  2. the act of having competitors
  3. to save money
  4. the dollar and coin are an example of this
  5. having a limited or very little resource
  6. economy owned by individuals and partially gov.
  7. the act of being unemployed and are looking for a job
  8. how much something is worth
  9. business that is done usually inside a bank

17 Clues: to save moneyhow much something is worththe act of having competitorsto be able to supply a demandrun totally by the governmenthow much of something there isthe amount wanted by the peopleto require (someone) to pay a taxanyone can run their own businessthe act of owning his or her businesshaving a limited or very little resource...

Economics 2015-03-18

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. sector businesses that are controlled and funded by the government
  2. / limited resources or goods; in short supply
  3. a company that sells goods or services for a profit
  4. the way in which human resources and natural resources are used to produce goods and services
  5. a person who creates their own business
  6. / items you can buy and can touch
  7. buying products from other states and countries
  8. sector businesses that are controlled by individuals or groups of people
  9. selling products to other states and countries
  1. the amount of a good or service that is available to consumers
  2. the desire of consumers for a good or service
  3. up costs the amount of money needed to begin a business
  4. / a person who buys and uses goods and services
  5. the amount of money a business loses when the cost of producing something is greater than the cost of selling
  6. market a group of customers that a business has decided to aim its product at
  7. / the people or businesses that provide goods and services
  8. / work that is performed for others

17 Clues: / items you can buy and can touch/ work that is performed for othersa person who creates their own businessthe desire of consumers for a good or service/ limited resources or goods; in short supplyselling products to other states and countries/ a person who buys and uses goods and servicesbuying products from other states and countries...

Economics 2022-07-30

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. It focuses on the value of economic fairness
  2. The act of receiving payment for goods or services
  3. something invariable or unchanging
  4. It means having a little more or a little less of something.
  5. the level of prosperity and standard of living of either an individual or a group of persons.
  6. the sum of all the values divided by the total number of values in a given set.
  7. understood though not put clearly into words
  8. It is the gathering of data which subsequently takes not a numerical, but a verbal form
  9. Treating all parts or aspects without omission
  1. It is the process of making or manufacturing goods
  2. clear or unbiased
  3. It measures the rate of change in the dependent variable as the independent variable changes.
  4. the control over an enterprise,
  5. systematic arrangement in groups or categories
  6. a quantity which assumes a variety of values in a particular problem
  7. It displays the number of observations within a given interval
  8. individually separate , noncontinuous.

17 Clues: clear or unbiasedthe control over an enterprise,something invariable or unchangingindividually separate , noncontinuous.It focuses on the value of economic fairnessunderstood though not put clearly into wordssystematic arrangement in groups or categoriesTreating all parts or aspects without omissionIt is the process of making or manufacturing goods...

Economics 2018-02-26

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the willingness and ability to purchase a certain good or service at a given price point
  2. two good which are bought in conjunction with one another
  3. an obstruction to exports by a foreign government
  4. a cost due to inflation measured in time and effort
  5. McDonalds buys Apple
  6. an economy of scale wherby a large firm can hire specialist managers
  7. an economy of scale whereby large firms ca benefit from more interesting loans
  1. A ranch buys McDonald's
  2. 60 workers can be more of this than 10000000
  3. McDonalds buys a ranch
  4. a part of the economy's cycle where inflation is likely to be high and GDP growth is storng
  5. two goods which are easily swappable
  6. the more you output, the higher this is
  7. two goods which are identical to the consumer
  8. merger of two firms in the same market on the same stage of production
  9. the cost of having to change information regularly because of inflation
  10. rent and interest payments are examples of this

17 Clues: McDonalds buys AppleMcDonalds buys a ranchA ranch buys McDonald'stwo goods which are easily swappablethe more you output, the higher this is60 workers can be more of this than 10000000two goods which are identical to the consumerrent and interest payments are examples of thisan obstruction to exports by a foreign government...

Economics 2021-02-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. ____________ refers to destruction of ozone by CFC.
  2. ________ is one the major reason for soil erosion.
  3. ________ is the projected increase in the temperature of the earth.
  4. ____________ refer to the decline in the quality of the soil.
  5. with help of __________ cells solar energy can be converted to electricity.
  6. __________ of the Deccan plateau is suitable for cultivating cotton.
  7. _____ is one the 10 most industrialised nation of the world.
  8. India is well known for it ________ treatment with plants that have medicinal properties.
  9. _______ development is the development which will allows the future generation to have a potential average quality of life.
  1. __________ profess should be made to become input efficient.
  2. in _____ areas housed use wood, cows dung as fuels.
  3. In _______ regions perpetual streams can be found everywhere.
  4. _______ is defined as the variability among living organisms.
  5. _________ radiation is responsible for skin cancer.
  6. _______ elements include all living elements.
  7. _________ means environment.
  8. ________ elements include all non living elements.

17 Clues: _________ means environment._______ elements include all living elements.________ is one the major reason for soil erosion.________ elements include all non living elements.____________ refers to destruction of ozone by CFC.in _____ areas housed use wood, cows dung as fuels._________ radiation is responsible for skin cancer....

Economics 2021-10-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a model used to show the tradeoffs associated with allocating resources between the production of two goods
  2. the measurement of the benefit derived from a good or service to an individual or a company
  3. financial motivations for people to take certain actions
  4. tangible product
  5. something that you would like but you do not really need
  6. work that is done for other people
  7. the act of starting and running your own business
  8. property resources used to produce goods and services
  9. something that you must have to survive
  1. what you have to give up in order to get something else
  2. the natural, human, and capital resources used to make goods and services
  3. any natural resource used to produce goods and services
  4. the total satisfaction received from consuming a good or service
  5. the amount of physical, mental, and social effort used to produce goods and services
  6. a limited supply
  7. an accumulation of valuable economic resources that can be measured in terms of either real goods or money value
  8. a situation where making one choice means losing something else

17 Clues: tangible producta limited supplywork that is done for other peoplesomething that you must have to survivethe act of starting and running your own businessproperty resources used to produce goods and serviceswhat you have to give up in order to get something elseany natural resource used to produce goods and services...

Economics 2021-10-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. if it can't produce on is frontier and will fail to reach is full production potential.
  2. a cost or benefit that motivates a decision or action.
  3. the cost of he next best alternative among a person's choices.
  4. the accumulation of goods that are tangible, useful, and transferable to another person.
  5. risk-takers who combine land, labor, and capital into new products.
  6. what people need to survive.
  7. workers who apply their effort, abilities, and skills to production.
  8. the alternative choices people face in making an economic decision.
  1. work performed for someone that is intangible.
  2. means by which something is produced which includes: money, tools, equipment, machinery, and factories.
  3. items that are economically useful or satisfy an economic want.
  4. the four factors of production.
  5. a good's or service's ability to provide satisfaction.
  6. the condition where unlimited human wants face limited resources.
  7. what people want; isn't necessary for survival.
  8. worth expressed in dollars and cents.
  9. a limited resource including minerals, vegetation, animal life, and climate.

17 Clues: what people need to survive.the four factors of production.worth expressed in dollars and cents.work performed for someone that is intangible.what people want; isn't necessary for survival.a cost or benefit that motivates a decision or action.a good's or service's ability to provide satisfaction....

Economics 2022-02-15

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. /things that are not essential to live
  2. / the fundamental economic problem limited scarcity with unlimited wants
  3. /the tools, equipment and factories used in the production of goods and services, one of the factors of production
  4. / _ capital: the sun of peoples skills and abilities
  5. / basic requirement for survival
  6. / _ of production: land, capital, labor, and entrepreneurs
  7. / people with all their abilities and efforts, one of the four factors of production
  8. /_ market where goods and services are sold
  9. / _ of value, the comparison between the high value of nonessential and low value of essentials
  1. / ability or capacity of a good or service to be useful and give satisfaction to someone
  2. / a risk taker who searches doe profits, one of the four factors of production
  3. / _ the study of how people satisfy screamingly unlimited wants with the use of scarce resources
  4. / process of creating goods and services with the combined use of land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship
  5. / natural resources "Gifts of nature" not created by human effort
  6. / _ goods intended for final use by consumers rather then businesses
  7. /worth of a good or service as determined by the market
  8. /tangible economic product that is useful, reliability scarce, transferable, and used to satisfy wants and needs

17 Clues: / basic requirement for survival/things that are not essential to live/_ market where goods and services are sold/ _ capital: the sun of peoples skills and abilities/worth of a good or service as determined by the market/ _ of production: land, capital, labor, and entrepreneurs/ natural resources "Gifts of nature" not created by human effort...

Economics 2023-01-20

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The official type of money used in a country
  2. The amount of a good or service that people are willing to purchase
  3. When you gain money by leaving your money in the bank
  4. What is the way we can compare supply and demand
  5. When a country brings in goods from another country
  6. When a country sends goods out to another country
  7. When you borrow money from the bank and need to pay more money back
  8. The amount of a good or service that is available to be purchased
  9. When someone focuses on doing one job
  1. When two people need each other
  2. A person who creates (or produces) a good or service
  3. When there is too much of a good or service available
  4. The money someone makes from doing work
  5. When people exchange goods and/or services so both parties are happy with the outcome
  6. Something you buy to fulfill a want or need that you can physically touch or hold.
  7. A person who purchases a good or service
  8. When there is not enough of a good or service to satisfy the demand

17 Clues: When two people need each otherWhen someone focuses on doing one jobThe money someone makes from doing workA person who purchases a good or serviceThe official type of money used in a countryWhat is the way we can compare supply and demandWhen a country sends goods out to another countryWhen a country brings in goods from another country...

Economics 2023-01-20

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The official type of money used in a country
  2. The amount of a good or service that people are willing to purchase
  3. When you gain money by leaving your money in the bank
  4. What is the way we can compare supply and demand
  5. When a country brings in goods from another country
  6. When a country sends goods out to another country
  7. When you borrow money from the bank and need to pay more money back
  8. The amount of a good or service that is available to be purchased
  9. When someone focuses on doing one job
  1. When two people need each other
  2. A person who creates (or produces) a good or service
  3. When there is too much of a good or service available
  4. The money someone makes from doing work
  5. When people exchange goods and/or services so both parties are happy with the outcome
  6. Something you buy to fulfill a want or need that you can physically touch or hold.
  7. A person who purchases a good or service
  8. When there is not enough of a good or service to satisfy the demand

17 Clues: When two people need each otherWhen someone focuses on doing one jobThe money someone makes from doing workA person who purchases a good or serviceThe official type of money used in a countryWhat is the way we can compare supply and demandWhen a country sends goods out to another countryWhen a country brings in goods from another country...

Economics 2023-06-01

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Demand for a good or service is greater than the availability of the good or service
  2. becoming an expert in particular subject/skill
  3. motivation to do something
  4. act of buyers/sellers willingly engage in market transactions
  5. Inputs used to produce good or service in order to produce income
  6. Used to facilitate purchase/sale of goods and services between parties
  7. production, investment/prices/incomes determined centrally by a government
  8. desires and needs of consumers control output of producers
  9. 1.what to produce 2. how to produce 3. for whom
  10. cost added by producing 1 additional unit of a product or service
  1. The knowledge, skills, and health that people invest in and accumulate throughout their lives
  2. assignment of different parts of manufacturing process to different people to improve efficiency
  3. production/prices determined by unrestricted competition
  4. state of quality of being efficient
  5. Process of discovering new ways of combining resources
  6. ability of people in society to take economic action
  7. loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one is chosen

17 Clues: motivation to do somethingstate of quality of being efficientbecoming an expert in particular subject/skill1.what to produce 2. how to produce 3. for whomability of people in society to take economic actionProcess of discovering new ways of combining resourcesproduction/prices determined by unrestricted competition...

Economics 2023-03-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A temporary economic decline.
  2. Price of goods rise faster than wages.
  3. A loan for a home.
  4. Government ownership of industries & land.
  5. Goods or services brought into a country.
  6. Manages the financial accounts of the government
  7. Rate percentage of the amount loaned.
  8. Legal procedure when debts cannot be paid.
  1. The production, consumption& transfer of wealth.
  2. A percentage of a loan to be repaid.
  3. Private ownership of companies.
  4. Depression Worst economic down-turn in history.
  5. Reserve Central bank of the US.
  6. Borrowing money.
  7. Goods or services sold out of the country it's produced.
  8. The original amount borrowed.
  9. A limited supply of resources.
  10. The system of money for a country.

18 Clues: Borrowing money.A loan for a home.A temporary economic decline.The original amount borrowed.A limited supply of resources.Private ownership of companies.Reserve Central bank of the US.The system of money for a country.A percentage of a loan to be repaid.Rate percentage of the amount loaned.Price of goods rise faster than wages....

Economics 2023-12-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. an economic system based on the free exchange of goods and services
  2. a payment to the government
  3. an enticement to motivate an action
  4. a general rise in price level
  5. a tangible object
  6. not working, but looking for work
  7. a sale to another country
  8. the amount of money a company/government makes
  1. the ability and willingness to sell something
  2. there is not enough for everyone's wants
  3. choosing one thing for another
  4. a purchase from another country
  5. an organization that uses savings to lend to borrowers
  6. the amount paid in addition to what was borrowed
  7. an activity done for others' benefit
  8. the price paid for any choice
  9. the ability and willingness to buy something

17 Clues: a tangible objecta sale to another countrya payment to the governmenta general rise in price levelthe price paid for any choicechoosing one thing for anothera purchase from another countrynot working, but looking for workan enticement to motivate an actionan activity done for others' benefitthere is not enough for everyone's wants...

Economics 2024-05-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Physical objects you can buy
  2. Market structure with many buyers, one seller, complete control over price, and no opportunity to enter the market
  3. money left over after costs have been subtracted from revenues
  4. Actions or activities that are performed for a fee
  6. business that is owned and managed by a single person
  7. not enough resources to meet demand/satisfy our wants
  8. A publically traded company that is owned by stockholders
  3. study of how people use scarce resources to make choices to satisfy their wants/needs
  4. Next best alternative option
  6. Father of modern economics
  8. Any human-made resource that is used to create other goods and services.
  9. Type of economy where Individuals own the factors of production

17 Clues: Father of modern economicsPhysical objects you can buyNext best alternative optionCOSTS DON’T CHANGE AS YOUR LEVEL OF OUTPUT CHANGESActions or activities that are performed for a feeTHESE COSTS CHANGE AS YOUR LEVEL OF OUTPUT CHANGESbusiness that is owned and managed by a single personnot enough resources to meet demand/satisfy our wants...

John Mack Freeman - PADM 7500 - Mid-Term Crossword Puzzle 2021-10-09

John Mack Freeman - PADM 7500 - Mid-Term Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. President who signed the Clear Air Act into law.
  2. Program created to clean up the nation’s numerous abandoned hazardous waste sites. This program has regularly overrun projected costs and the needs continue to outstrip the resources devoted to it.
  3. An approach towards development that seeks to create systems that are able to meet the needs of the present while preserving resources for use in the future. Contains economic, social, and environmental elements.
  4. (acronym) A poorly defined term from the 1972 Clean Water Act that determines what bodies of water the regulations of Section 404 apply to as being regulated by the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers.
  5. Report that weighs the potential upsides of an environmental program to the expense in carrying it out. Typically considered a fundamental part of the analysis of proposed environmental policy. A frequent target of criticism by both industry and activists. Frequently ignored by policymakers if conclusions are not the same as those desired.
  6. An insight tested by Lanoie et al. (2011) that states that pollution is a manifestation of economic waste and as such properly designed environmental regulation will offset the cost of that regulation through innovation and compliance.
  7. An organized body devoted to a particular viewpoint whose primary aim is influencing the policy outcomes of a government. Examples include the Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility and the Atomic Industrial Forum.
  8. According to Heink and Kowarik (2010), a component or measure of environmentally relevant phenomena used to depict or evaluate environmental conditions or changes or to set environmental goals.
  9. The political theory that governance takes place at many level (local, state, national) and that lower-level governance is subordinate to higher-level governance. The style of government found in the United States, Spain, and Germany (among others).
  10. EPA document that gives insight into environmental measures and indicators around the United States. Published in an online only form since the 2010s.
  1. A concept originally defined by the EPA in 1994 as “the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race color, national origin, or income with respect ot the development, implementation, or enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.” Implemented by Executive Order 12898 for federal policymaking as a consideration.
  2. The first administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Served a second term under Reagan.
  3. An approach to policy making that seeks to make technical adjustments that are relatively small with a goal towards minimizing policy and political risk. An approach in opposition to innovative legislation. The approach of the United States Congress towards environmental policy over the last 30 years.
  4. According to Robertson and Hull (2003), an approach to environmental inquiry that combines science and policy as well as process and content in a post-modern, post-normal scientific method approach.
  5. A poorly defined term from the 1956 Federal Water Pollution Control Act that determines what the regulations of the law apply to. Disputes about the meanings of this term (the _____ _______ Protection Rule) were initiated by the Obama Administration, weakened by the Trump Administration, and revived by the Biden Administration.
  6. A theory put forward by Hardin (1968) that public goods will be misused in a pure capitalist environment due to the prioritization of individual gain over the collective good.
  7. Annual event whose first occurrence in 1970 is commonly considered the starting point of the American environmental movement.
  8. (acronym) Commission created by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 as a commission to advise the president on environmental matters. Typically considered to have little influence or power in the environmental policymaking process.
  9. A movement in environmentalism that sees human begins as a part of nature and that challenges the fundamental institutional structure sand social values on which contemporary society is constituted. A mid-point between mainstream environmentalism and radical environmentalism according to Rosenbaum (2020).
  10. (acronym) Commission created in1976 to regulate the nonmilitary uses of nuclear facilities and materials. Charged with regulating all aspects of nuclear design and regulation, managing nuclear waste, overseeing uranium mining, and decommissioning closing facilities.

20 Clues: President who signed the Clear Air Act into law.The first administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Served a second term under Reagan.Annual event whose first occurrence in 1970 is commonly considered the starting point of the American environmental movement....

ECAP & EAB 2022-10-13

ECAP & EAB crossword puzzle
  1. the act of being in accordance with rules
  2. an interlinked group
  3. outer Space doesn't have this
  4. they may be current or historical
  5. YouTube uploading
  6. word with "tag" or "booth"
  7. Department of Environmental Protection
  8. Kentucky's Excellence in Environmental Leadership Program
  9. without cost
  10. a license
  11. about 71% of the Earth surface is covered in this
  1. establishment, firm
  2. the natural world, as a whole
  3. online letter
  4. It may be hazardous
  5. one who belongs
  6. aid, or assist
  7. bluegrass state
  8. Environmental Compliance Assistance Program

19 Clues: a licensewithout costonline letteraid, or assistone who belongsbluegrass stateYouTube uploadingestablishment, firmIt may be hazardousan interlinked groupword with "tag" or "booth"the natural world, as a wholeouter Space doesn't have thisthey may be current or historicalDepartment of Environmental Protectionthe act of being in accordance with rules...

Unit 3 2023-04-26

Unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. what is best for society as a whole
  2. in economics, the part of the economy owned and controlled by government and paid for by taxes
  3. the wants and needs of consumers for products and services
  4. money made from a product or service above and beyond the cost of providing the product or service
  5. the number and variety of plant and animal species on Earth, including genetic variation within individual species
  6. those who create products and services
  7. misrepresenting what you earn to avoid paying taxes
  8. in economics, the part of the economy owned and controlled by businesses and individuals
  9. a cessation of work by workers. Strikes pressure employers to respond to issues that concern workers.
  10. a shift on the economic continuum towards more government involvement in the economy. A shift left is usually described as taking a more liberal position.
  11. in economics, rivalry among producers to sell products to consumers
  12. the products and services created by producers
  13. the study of the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services
  1. health care paid for by taxes
  2. those who use products and services
  3. the percentage of the workforce that does not have jobs
  4. a federal sales tax in Canada
  5. in economics, the idea that land (materials), labour and capital(money) limit the supply of what people want and need
  6. a decision by consumers to stop buying a product or service as a way to bring about change
  7. a shift on the economic continuum towards less government involvement in the economy. A shift right is usually described as taking a more conservative position.
  8. an organization of workers that acts to protect workers’ rights and interests

21 Clues: health care paid for by taxesa federal sales tax in Canadathose who use products and serviceswhat is best for society as a wholethose who create products and servicesthe products and services created by producersmisrepresenting what you earn to avoid paying taxesthe percentage of the workforce that does not have jobs...

Environmental Ch. 1 2014-09-08

Environmental Ch. 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A theory may eventually become a ______
  2. A basic law or truth that has been tested over time is a _____
  3. The ________ Revolution was the time when humans started using machines to produce goods
  4. Using more resources than the environment can support is known as ______
  5. Make hypothesis is the ____ step of the scientific method
  6. The _______ Revolution was the time period when humans began to farm and raise animals
  7. Ask a question/find a problem is the ______ step of the scientific method
  8. Preserving natural resources for future generations is part of a _____ society
  9. Chemicals polluting a lake or trash littering a nearby park are examples of what kind of environmental challenge
  10. Environmental science is a(n) _____ science because it uses knowledge to solve practical problems
  1. The _____ of the scientific method should be as detailed as possible
  2. All living and nonliving things in nature are part of the ____
  3. A ______ is the environment where an organism lives
  4. _______ science is the study of how living things, including humans, affect and interact with their environment
  5. Moral principles that guide people's actions are called _____
  6. Items humans have made, such as homes and roads, are examples of the ____ environment
  7. The variety of life on Earth is called _____
  8. Item that is not a major requirement for the survival of all living things
  9. Overpopulation, overconsumption, pollution, and loss of biodiversity are examples of environmental _____
  10. Environmental ______ is the fair treatment of all people concerning environmental problems

20 Clues: A theory may eventually become a ______The variety of life on Earth is called _____A ______ is the environment where an organism livesMake hypothesis is the ____ step of the scientific methodMoral principles that guide people's actions are called _____All living and nonliving things in nature are part of the ____...

Economics Review 2023-04-24

Economics Review crossword puzzle
  1. Any environmental item that is useful.
  2. Another work for money.
  3. Type of economic system where gov. makes decisions.
  4. The organized way a society uses to organize their economy.
  5. All the people, materials, etc. that are used to produce and item.
  6. To make something.
  7. The model that shows how money and goods flow in our economy
  8. Trade barrier that is a tax on imported goods.
  9. Type of economic system most countries have today.
  10. To use something.
  1. The exchange of goods or services between different countries.
  2. The people who are involved in creating or making a product.
  3. The study of how people choose to use resources to produce or consume goods and services to meet their wants and needs.
  4. Type of economic system that has the most individual freedom and competition.
  5. When trade is completely stopped between two countries.
  6. The materials and tools used to make an item.
  7. The increased interconnections and interdependence of many different economic systems.
  8. When there is a limit on the amount of a good that can be imported.

18 Clues: To use something.To make something.Another work for money.Any environmental item that is useful.The materials and tools used to make an item.Trade barrier that is a tax on imported goods.Type of economic system most countries have today.Type of economic system where gov. makes decisions.When trade is completely stopped between two countries....

Environmental Law and Policy - Mid Term Study Aid (2020L) 2016-02-15

Environmental Law and Policy - Mid Term Study Aid (2020L) crossword puzzle
  1. Government where the opposing parties collectively have the majority of seats in the legislature.
  2. Law passed by legislatures; also called written law.
  3. Policy formation approach that considers that “big picture” issue and then the details; also refers to government driving policy development.
  4. Stakeholder engagement where organization works with public ensuring policy options reflect their concerns.
  5. Independent officer who who is now responsible for monitoring government compliance with EBR
  6. Type of stakeholder engagement where organization allows public to decide on best policy approach.
  7. Principle where a cautious environmental management approach is taken to ensure resource protection.
  8. Impartial decision maker making enforceable decisions where an appeal is made on a specific law.
  9. Acronym for non-governmental organizations focused on environmental issues.
  10. Established broad roles/responsibilities of different levels of government.
  11. Tool to facilitate public/stakeholder review and comment on new environmental policy.
  12. Purpose of Environmental Law/Policy is to control certain activities.
  13. Purpose of Environmental Law/Policy is to provide certain powers/rights.
  14. Stakeholder engagement where information is provided and public feedback is used to influence decisions.
  15. posted on the EBR Registry providing information.
  16. Process of requesting a formal change to a decision.
  17. Impartial decision maker that reviews decision making process to ensure organization acted within the powers provided under legislation.
  18. Purpose of Environmental Law/Policy is to set out how we do things.
  19. Type of stakeholder engagement where information is provided (one-way communication).
  20. Acronym for statements created by Ministries to guide how decisions may affect the environment.
  1. Notice posted on the EBR Registry related to new legislation and invites comments.
  2. A person is affects or can be affected by environmental law and policy.
  3. Law based on prior court decisions; focused on property or tort law.
  4. A Tribunal that hears appeals related to various environmental and planning legislation.
  5. An example of a tribunal that hears appeals related to municipal powers or issues.
  6. Stakeholder engagement where organization look to public for advice on specific policy options.
  7. Policy tool that establishes specific processes to followed to implement legislation and regulations.
  8. Government where the governing party has the majority of seats in the legislature.
  9. Approach to environmental management that is often stakeholder led and is focused on providing incentives and education to encourage actions.
  10. An organization that works on behalf of its members providing a common voice on specific issues.
  11. Approach to environmental management that is government led and based on required actions.
  12. Policy tool that sets out broad mandates for what government wants to accomplish.
  13. A visual exercise and analysis tool to identify which stakeholders are the most useful to engage.
  14. Policy formation approach that considers details of an issue piecing them together to consider broader issues; also refers to stakeholders driving policy development.
  15. Policy tool that sets out the details for implementation of legislation.
  16. Notice posted on the EBR Registry related to decisions made on legislation/policies including how comments influenced final decisions.
  17. Purpose of Environmental Law/Policy is to set out specific planning requirements.
  18. Purpose of Environmental Law/Policy is to offer funding/incentives related to implementation.

38 Clues: posted on the EBR Registry providing information.Law passed by legislatures; also called written law.Process of requesting a formal change to a decision.Purpose of Environmental Law/Policy is to set out how we do things.Law based on prior court decisions; focused on property or tort law....

Economics Review 2023-04-24

Economics Review crossword puzzle
  1. Any environmental item that is useful.
  2. Another word for money.
  3. Type of economic system where gov. makes decisions.
  4. The organized way a society uses to organize their economy.
  5. All the people, materials, etc. that are used to produce and item.
  6. To make something.
  7. The model that shows how money and goods flow in our economy
  8. Trade barrier that is a tax on imported goods.
  9. Type of economic system most countries have today.
  10. To use something.
  1. The exchange of goods or services between different countries.
  2. The people who are involved in creating or making a product.
  3. The study of how people choose to use resources to produce or consume goods and services to meet their wants and needs.
  4. Type of economic system that has the most individual freedom and competition.
  5. When trade is completely stopped between two countries.
  6. The materials and tools used to make an item.
  7. The increased interconnections and interdependence of many different economic systems.
  8. When there is a limit on the amount of a good that can be imported.

18 Clues: To use something.To make something.Another word for money.Any environmental item that is useful.The materials and tools used to make an item.Trade barrier that is a tax on imported goods.Type of economic system most countries have today.Type of economic system where gov. makes decisions.When trade is completely stopped between two countries....

Donut Economics 2022-11-09

Donut Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Term the model uses to refer to the upper limit of the donut economics model.
  2. Currently the most common standard to measure an economy's success. It goes against donut economics.
  3. One of two words used to describe an ideal economy according to donut economics.
  4. According to the donut model, the center represents ________.
  5. According to the model, the world is currently overshooting planetary boundaries in evidence of climate change, phosphorus/nitrogen loading, land conversion, and a loss in ________.
  6. How many social boundaries are found in the donut model?
  1. Founder of the idea of donut economics.
  2. One of two words used to describe an ideal economy according to donut economics.
  3. The depletion of this will lead to an overshoot in one of the planet boundaries.
  4. Donut economics stresses the importance of improving a society's ecological and ____ needs.
  5. Settling disputes such as the war in Ukraine would diminish the impact of which social dimension.
  6. Donut economics states that a healthy economy should not be designed for growth, but rather to _____.

12 Clues: Founder of the idea of donut economics.How many social boundaries are found in the donut model?According to the donut model, the center represents ________.Term the model uses to refer to the upper limit of the donut economics model.One of two words used to describe an ideal economy according to donut economics....

Economics Review 2023-04-24

Economics Review crossword puzzle
  1. When there is a limit on the amount of a good that can be imported.
  2. The materials and tools used to make an item.
  3. The model that shows how money and goods flow in our economy
  4. The people who are involved in creating or making a product.
  5. To use something.
  6. Type of economic system that has the most individual freedom and competition.
  7. The study of how people choose to use resources to produce or consume goods and services to meet their wants and needs.
  8. Type of economic system most countries have today.
  9. The organized way a society uses to organize their economy.
  1. Any environmental item that is useful.
  2. The exchange of goods or services between different countries.
  3. All the people, materials, etc. that are used to produce and item.
  4. Type of economic system where gov. makes decisions.
  5. The increased interconnections and interdependence of many different economic systems.
  6. Another word for money.
  7. When trade is completely stopped between two countries.
  8. To make something.
  9. Trade barrier that is a tax on imported goods.

18 Clues: To use something.To make something.Another word for money.Any environmental item that is useful.The materials and tools used to make an item.Trade barrier that is a tax on imported goods.Type of economic system most countries have today.Type of economic system where gov. makes decisions.When trade is completely stopped between two countries....

Economics 2019-03-27

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. where are the Ashanti located?
  2. South Africa's top exports?
  3. what are the Arabs traditions?
  4. what the Swahili traditions.
  5. where are the Bantu located?
  6. Largest economy in Africa?
  7. What is one of the most developed economies?
  8. 2nd largest economy in Africa?
  9. where are the Swahili located?
  1. What do the Ashanti practice?
  2. Nigeria's major export?
  3. where are the Arabs located?
  4. what are the Bantu traditions?
  5. what are the Ashanti traditions?
  6. what do the swahili practice?
  7. What are Kenya's top exports?
  8. what do most Arabs practice?

17 Clues: Nigeria's major export?Largest economy in Africa?South Africa's top exports?where are the Arabs located?what the Swahili traditions.where are the Bantu located?what do most Arabs practice?What do the Ashanti practice?what do the swahili practice?What are Kenya's top exports?where are the Ashanti located?what are the Bantu traditions?...

ECONOMICS 2020-09-13

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. How much of a good or service is available to use.
  2. An economic system consisting of a mixture of markets.
  3. Work or workers
  4. When there is to much of something.12) MarketEconomy Economic system in which companies are not controlled by the government but decide what they want to produce or sell, based on what they believe they can make a profit from.
  5. Work that is done for other people. Example: Barber, Repairman, Policeman
  6. Economic system where most economic decisions are based on customs and history.
  7. A political and economic ideology based on communal ownership and the absence of class.
  8. when something is rare or there is a shortage of something.
  1. An economic system in which capital goods are owned by private individuals or business partners.
  2. People and their health, education, experience, training, skills and values.
  3. Anything that has economic utility or satisfies an economic need or desire. Example: Personal Property, Food
  4. Economic system in which government planning groups make the basic economic decisions.
  5. A service or other asset used to produce goods and services that meet human needs and wants. Can be Land, Labor or Human resources.
  6. The study of the production (making), distribution (getting) and consumption (using) of goods.
  7. A populist economic and political system in which the means of production operate under public political ownership.
  8. Anything from nature that is used in the production of goods,
  9. How much of a good or service is needed or demanded.

17 Clues: Work or workersHow much of a good or service is available to use.How much of a good or service is needed or demanded.An economic system consisting of a mixture of markets.when something is rare or there is a shortage of something.Anything from nature that is used in the production of goods,...

Economics 2021-10-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a curve illustrating the varying amounts of two products that can be produced when both depend on the same finite resources
  2. anything that motivates a person to do something
  3. the potential loss owed to a missed opportunity
  4. an accumulation of valuable economic resources that can be measured in terms of either real goods or money value
  5. the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit
  6. something needed to survive
  7. amount of physical, mental, and social effort used to produce goods and services in an economy
  8. any situation where making one choice means losing something else; similar to opportunity cost
  1. a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer
  2. assets used for the production of goods and services
  3. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  4. natural resources, human resources, capital resources
  5. the total satisfaction received from consuming a good or service
  6. state of being scarce
  7. something that is desired
  8. economic value is a measure of the benefit provided by a good or service to an economic agent
  9. resource encompassing the natural resources used in production

17 Clues: state of being scarcesomething that is desiredsomething needed to survivethe potential loss owed to a missed opportunityanything that motivates a person to do somethingitems that satisfy human wants and provide utilityassets used for the production of goods and servicesnatural resources, human resources, capital resources...

Economics 2021-10-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the act of starting and running your own business
  2. resources, the natural, human, and capital resources used to make goods and services
  3. the measurement of the benefit derived from a good or service to an individual or a company
  4. tangible product
  5. something that you would like but you do not really need
  6. property resources used to produce goods and services
  7. something that you must have to survive
  8. any natural resource used to produce goods and services
  9. the amount of physical, mental, and social effort used to produce goods and services
  1. an accumulation of valuable economic resources that can be measured in terms of either real goods or money value
  2. work that is done for other people
  3. possibilities frontier, a model used to show the tradeoffs associated with allocating resources between the production of two goods
  4. the total satisfaction received from consuming a good or service
  5. a limited supply
  6. a situation where making one choice means losing something else
  7. financial motivations for people to take certain actions
  8. cost, what you have to give up in order to get something else

17 Clues: tangible producta limited supplywork that is done for other peoplesomething that you must have to survivethe act of starting and running your own businessproperty resources used to produce goods and servicesany natural resource used to produce goods and servicessomething that you would like but you do not really need...

Economics 2021-08-31

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a government payment to keep employees in work
  2. regular payments towards a future pension
  3. two quarters of negative growth
  4. when households receive 50% less than average household incomes
  5. a gopvernment program offering young people free courses
  6. a type of income
  1. people who lack the most basic necessities of life
  2. represents the collective interests of workers
  3. an australian charity helping poor families
  4. measure of the distribution of income across a population
  5. any of 5 equal groups
  6. workers who are not fully employed
  7. australia's treasurer
  8. central bank of australia
  9. graphical representation of the distribution of income or wealth within a population
  10. lowest wage permitted by law
  11. a type of asset class

17 Clues: a type of incomeany of 5 equal groupsaustralia's treasurera type of asset classcentral bank of australialowest wage permitted by lawtwo quarters of negative growthworkers who are not fully employedregular payments towards a future pensionan australian charity helping poor familiesa government payment to keep employees in work...

Economics 2023-04-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. An explanation why nurses continue to have fixed wages amid nursing shortage. Based on a dominant buyer that controls the demand for nurses amid shortage. “All nurses who do the same work are paid the same wage.
  2. A market-based mechanism. An individual says when, what, and how healthcare is purchased and provided.
  3. Moral _____. Refers to changes in behaviors based on insurance coverage. Increased use of health services as a result of having insurance coverage.
  4. A cost-sharing practice to reduce the use of insurance coverage.
  5. Description of the nursing shortage when it is due to the nurse’s decision to enter or re-enter the workforce.
  6. _____ clinics. Staffed by nurse practitioners or physician assistants. Found in groceries, drug stores, and discount stores.
  7. Risk _____. Spreading the health risks across a group of people.
  8. An increase in the use of health care providers causes an increase of nursing services.
  1. The amount of nursing services available to patients.
  2. The patient willingness to buy nursing services
  3. A measure of supply. May refer to students who enroll in the nursing programs.
  4. _____ is “what is given up obtaining a good or service”.
  5. _____ failure. The inability of patients or consumers and health care providers to strike a balance in the supply and demand of health services.
  6. Occur when the nurse provides services that are similar or equivalent to the physicians.
  7. Cost-_____. An evaluation of the needed resource and the advantages.
  8. _____ utility. Refers to the satisfaction, welfare, or general well-being gained when purchasing health care services.
  9. Believed to be one of the labor market factors that affects the supply of nursing services.

17 Clues: The patient willingness to buy nursing servicesThe amount of nursing services available to patients._____ is “what is given up obtaining a good or service”.A cost-sharing practice to reduce the use of insurance coverage.Risk _____. Spreading the health risks across a group of people....

Economics 2015-02-17

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Consists of people who are at work and those of working age and willing to work.
  2. Income firms receive from the sale of their goods/services.
  3. A stock concept.
  4. Study of individual firms in the market.
  5. Lack of a particular good.
  6. A negative relationship.
  7. A company with subsidiaries or manufacturing bases in several countries.
  8. A tax on imports.
  1. Opening up the market to greater competition (to increase supply).
  2. Two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth.
  3. Responsiveness of one variable to a change in another variable.
  4. Study of the economy of a country.
  5. These goods have a positive XED between them.
  6. Combination or merging of two previously separate organisations.
  7. Sustained increase in the general price level in the economy.
  8. Want or willingness for a good/service.
  9. These goods have a negative YED.

17 Clues: A stock concept.A tax on imports.A negative relationship.Lack of a particular good.These goods have a negative YED.Study of the economy of a country.Want or willingness for a good/service.Study of individual firms in the market.These goods have a positive XED between them.Two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth....

Economics 2015-05-19

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. any physical property or financial claim that is owned
  2. a decline in total production lasting at least two consecutive quarters
  3. workers are overqualified for their jobs or work fewer hours than they would prefer
  4. the European common currency
  5. household purchases of final goods and services
  6. a written order instructing the bank to pay someone from money on deposit
  7. an amount owed
  1. firms in the same industry or in related industries that group together in a region
  2. compares total output to a specific measure of input; usually reflects an average, such as bushels of grain per acre of farmland
  3. an increase in the economy's price level
  4. the value of the capital stock that is used up or becomes obsolete in producing GDP during the year
  5. the phase of economic activity during which the economy's total output increases
  6. the narrow definition of the money supply; consists of currency (including coins) held by the nonbanking public, checkable deposits, ans traveler's checks
  7. the structure of economic activity in a locality, a region, a country, a group of countries, or the world
  8. a decline, or stagnation, of a nation's output accompanied by a rise, or inflation, in the price level
  9. a broader definition of the money supply consisting of M1 plus savings deposits, and money market mutual fund accounts owned by households
  10. government agencies charged with implementing legislation and financed through legislative bodies

17 Clues: an amount owedthe European common currencyan increase in the economy's price levelhousehold purchases of final goods and servicesany physical property or financial claim that is owneda decline in total production lasting at least two consecutive quartersa written order instructing the bank to pay someone from money on deposit...

Economics 2022-02-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the dollar value of all final goods and services
  2. the sum of skills and abilities of people
  3. occurs when a nations total output of goods and services increases
  4. condition that results from society not having enough resources to produce all the things people would like to have
  5. people with all their efforts and skills put into the workplace
  6. capacity to be useful
  7. when a factor of production performs tasks so they can be more efficient then others
  8. place to go to buy or sell goods
  9. an economically useful item
  10. an act done for someone else
  11. "gifts of nature"
  12. worth
  1. the study of how people try to satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources
  2. risk taker
  3. the things used in production of goods and services
  4. the process of creating good and services
  5. we rely on others and others rely on us to provide for eachother

17 Clues: worthrisk taker"gifts of nature"capacity to be usefulan economically useful iteman act done for someone elseplace to go to buy or sell goodsthe process of creating good and servicesthe sum of skills and abilities of peoplethe dollar value of all final goods and servicesthe things used in production of goods and services...

Economics 2023-11-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Being creative and thinking outside the box.
  2. The amount of goods and services available
  3. The people who create and sell goods and services
  4. Something you desire but do not require for survival
  5. Anything that can be used in the production process to produce a good or service. These are also called the factors of production
  6. The amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for a good or service
  7. cost
  8. The type of consumer who buys flashy goods and services and does not care about the price
  9. Something you must have in order to survive, like water
  10. The amount of goods and services consumers are wanting.
  1. A consumer who buys from the same store, regardless of price, day, weather or occasion.
  2. What we miss out on when making a choice; when more than two options are available. What we miss out on from the next best option.
  3. When there are limited resources for our unlimited wants and needs
  4. The study of dealing with unlimited wants and needs but limited resources.
  5. A person who takes the risk and starts their own business
  6. The type of consumer who wants to purchase goods when they are on sale.
  7. One of the factors of production which is about workers.
  8. The people who purchase goods and services

18 Clues: costThe amount of goods and services availableThe people who purchase goods and servicesBeing creative and thinking outside the box.The people who create and sell goods and servicesSomething you desire but do not require for survivalSomething you must have in order to survive, like waterThe amount of goods and services consumers are wanting....

Economics 2023-09-18

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Country's economic growth and quality of life
  2. Tax on imports or exports
  3. country Country with a strong economy and a high quality of life
  4. Study of how people meet their wants and needs
  5. relating to or found within a country
  6. advantage A society's ability to produce a product most efficiently given all the products it could produce
  7. barrier Something that keeps goods and services from entering a country
  8. domestic product Total value of all goods and services produced in a country
  9. Desire for a particular good or service
  10. Amount of a good or service that is available for use
  11. Coming from outside of a country
  12. Person or business that makes and sells goods or services
  1. Exchange of goods and services in a market
  2. Amount of goods and services produced given the amount of resources used
  3. Person or business that buys, or consumes, goods or services
  4. cost Cost of what you have to give up when making a choice
  5. countries Country with a less productive economy and a lower quality of life
  6. trade Removal of trade barriers

18 Clues: Tax on imports or exportsComing from outside of a countrytrade Removal of trade barriersrelating to or found within a countryDesire for a particular good or serviceExchange of goods and services in a marketCountry's economic growth and quality of lifeStudy of how people meet their wants and needs...


  1. According to him, Economics is the study of economy as a whole
  2. Book by Prof.Alfred Marshall
  3. The Book 'An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science is written by
  4. Obtained from the process of production
  1. It means destruction of destruction or lessening of goods to satisfy human wants
  2. MICRO ECONOMICS is also called as
  3. Father of modern economics
  4. MACRO ECONOMICS is also called as
  5. Factor Income for Entrepreneur
  6. It promotes welfare
  7. Factor Income for Capital

11 Clues: It promotes welfareFactor Income for CapitalFather of modern economicsBook by Prof.Alfred MarshallFactor Income for EntrepreneurMICRO ECONOMICS is also called asMACRO ECONOMICS is also called asObtained from the process of productionAccording to him, Economics is the study of economy as a whole...

Principles Of Economic 2024-07-31

Principles Of Economic crossword puzzle
  1. there are one of the definitions Economics?
  2. What is the Classifical Economist like?
  3. What is the nature of Economics can classified in one head?
  4. What is the Economics meaning?
  5. who is the welfere definition wad defind by?
  1. Limited avaliability Of resources?
  2. What is the Marshall Explains?
  3. What is the Economics?
  4. Who is known as the father of Economics?
  5. What is the One of the decision of Economics?

10 Clues: What is the Economics?What is the Marshall Explains?What is the Economics meaning?Limited avaliability Of resources?What is the Classifical Economist like?Who is known as the father of Economics?there are one of the definitions Economics?who is the welfere definition wad defind by?What is the One of the decision of Economics?...


MARKETING WORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. insistent and peremptory
  2. RATE:general level of prices for goods and services
  3. make something needed or wanted
  4. stock or supply of materials or money
  5. branch that studies how the aggregate economy behaves
  6. basic physical and organizational structure and facilities
  7. part of economics concerned with the single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  8. measurement of the use fullness that a consumer obtains from any good.
  9. a material that satisfies the humans wants
  10. the amount of money earned
  1. a number of related meaning finance and accounting
  2. process of workers combined
  3. individual who runs a small business
  4. state in short supply and or storage.
  5. a person or organization that uses economic services or commodities
  6. an economics activity where an immaterial exchange of value occurs
  7. a range of economics and social systems.
  8. wealth and resources of a country or region
  9. investment in and ownership (production,distribution,and exchange)

19 Clues: insistent and peremptorythe amount of money earnedprocess of workers combinedmake something needed or wantedindividual who runs a small businessstock or supply of materials or moneystate in short supply and or storage.a range of economics and social systems.a material that satisfies the humans wantswealth and resources of a country or region...

Economics 2012-10-30

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A place that keeps your money safe
  2. Type of item
  3. Opposite of saving
  4. Some money you receive
  5. When you have a car accident and you can claim for all damage on both cars
  6. A way of exchanging goods for other goods
  7. Type of tax
  1. Opposite of spending
  2. Median, mode, ....
  3. The money you make
  4. Something you claim
  5. New Zealand currency
  6. Something you use to pay for items
  7. Managing large amounts of money
  8. The higher the risk the higher the....
  9. Paper money
  10. The chance of things not turning out as expected.

17 Clues: Paper moneyType of taxType of itemMedian, mode, ....The money you makeOpposite of savingSomething you claimOpposite of spendingNew Zealand currencySome money you receiveManaging large amounts of moneyA place that keeps your money safeSomething you use to pay for itemsThe higher the risk the higher the....A way of exchanging goods for other goods...

Economics 2013-12-11

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a base component used to manufacture things
  2. Things unnecessary for survival but make it more comfortable
  3. Not requiring to buy goods and services and being able to provide them yourself
  4. What you forfeit for the production of something else
  5. We have unlimited wants but limited resources
  6. The direct exchange of goods and services in exchange for goods and services
  7. Something that you can purchase and see
  8. Focusing your skills on a single thing and being able to perform it better than the average person
  9. When a consumer purchases goods and services
  10. limited amounts of resources
  1. Industries that produce, manufacture and distribute goods and services
  2. Things necessary for your survival
  3. the unit used to purchase things
  4. Communities who wander from place to place in search of food, water and shelter to satisfy their wants
  5. A job you pay someone to perform for you
  6. Someone who purchases goods and services to satisfy needs and wants
  7. Activities that blend economic resources to create goods and services

17 Clues: limited amounts of resourcesthe unit used to purchase thingsThings necessary for your survivalSomething that you can purchase and seeA job you pay someone to perform for youa base component used to manufacture thingsWhen a consumer purchases goods and servicesWe have unlimited wants but limited resources...

Economics 2015-03-18

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the people or businesses that provide goods and services
  2. selling products to other states and countries
  3. buying products from other states and countries
  4. businesses that are controlled by individuals or groups of people
  5. a person who creates their own business
  6. a person who buys and uses goods and services
  7. limited resources or goods; in short supply
  8. work that is performed for others
  9. the amount of a good or service that is available to consumers
  10. items you can buy and can touch
  1. a group of customers that a business has decided to aim its product at
  2. businesses that are controlled and funded by the government
  3. the amount of money needed to begin a business
  4. the way in which human resources and natural resources are used to produce goods and services
  5. a company that sells goods or services for a profit
  6. the desire of consumers for a good or service
  7. the amount of money a business loses when the cost of producing something is greater than the cost of selling

17 Clues: items you can buy and can touchwork that is performed for othersa person who creates their own businesslimited resources or goods; in short supplythe desire of consumers for a good or servicea person who buys and uses goods and servicesselling products to other states and countriesthe amount of money needed to begin a business...

Economics 2015-10-31

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Adam Smith defined Economics as a science of ......
  2. The economic problem is the problem of economising .... resources
  3. The relationship between price and the quantity demanded is states as law of ......
  4. Indian economy is a ...... economy
  5. Such goods the demand for which falls when income increases are called .... goods
  6. The welfare definition of economics was given by........
  7. The indifference curve approach was introduced by Prof......
  1. Those goods for which the demand increases when income increases are called .... goods
  2. The quantity demanded of a commodity varies inversely with it's.......
  3. The downward slope of the demand curve reflects the .... effect
  4. ........ Curve is the production possibility curve
  5. In the case of inferior goods, an increase in income shifts the demand curve to the.... side
  6. An economy in which goods and services are bought and sold freely in the market is called ..... economy
  7. Production Possibility Curve is ...... slopping
  8. Costs of the factor inputs or services supplied by the owner of the firm is called .... costs
  9. Elasticity of demand will be less in the case of households having... income
  10. In micro economics, the details of operation of .....small are observed

17 Clues: Indian economy is a ...... economyProduction Possibility Curve is ...... slopping........ Curve is the production possibility curveAdam Smith defined Economics as a science of ......The welfare definition of economics was given by........The indifference curve approach was introduced by Prof.........

Economics 2019-07-06

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. is any structure that allows buyers and sellers to exchange any type of goods, services and information.
  2. materials that satisfy human wants and provide utility.
  3. the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions.
  4. the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services.
  5. a means by which governments finance their expenditure by imposing charges on citizens and corporate entities.
  6. example of market economy.
  7. consumers' willingness and ability to consume a given good.
  1. market is an economic system based on supply and demand with little or no government control.
  2. is an economic system in which traditions, customs, and beliefs help shape the goods and services the economy produces, as well as the rules and manner of their distributions (barter and trade.)
  3. a fundamental economic concept that describes the total amount of a specific good or service that is available to consumers.
  4. covers the systems for setting levels of taxation, government budgets, the money supply and interest rates.
  5. society's material wants are _________ while resources are limited or scarce.
  6. All persons living under one roof.
  7. korea a country practicing command economy.
  8. is a system where the government, rather than the free market, determines what goods should be produced, how much should be produced, and the price at which the goods are offered for sale.
  9. is a combination of different types of economic systems.
  10. example of traditional economy.

17 Clues: example of market economy.example of traditional economy.All persons living under one roof.korea a country practicing command economy.materials that satisfy human wants and provide utility.is a combination of different types of economic systems.consumers' willingness and ability to consume a given good....

Economics 2021-10-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. potential loss owed to a missed opportunity
  2. the total satisfaction received from consuming a good or service
  3. amount of physical, mental, and social effort used to produce goods and services in an economy
  4. something needed to survive
  5. the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit
  6. a curve illustrating the varying amounts of two products that can be produced when both depend on the same finite resources
  1. state of being scarce
  2. assets used for the production of goods and services
  3. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  4. natural resources, human resources, capital resources
  5. financial motivations for people to take certain actions
  6. a measure of the benefit provided by a good or service to an economic agent
  7. a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer
  8. any situation where making one choice means losing something else; similar to "opportunity cost"
  9. something that is desired
  10. an accumulation of valuable economic resources that can be measured in terms of either real goods or money value
  11. resource encompassing the natural resources used in production

17 Clues: state of being scarcesomething that is desiredsomething needed to survivepotential loss owed to a missed opportunityitems that satisfy human wants and provide utilityassets used for the production of goods and servicesnatural resources, human resources, capital resourcesfinancial motivations for people to take certain actions...

Economics 2021-10-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. means by which something is produced
  2. to have a desire to possess something
  3. good's or service's ability to provide satisfaction
  4. what is lost in choosing another option
  5. a tangible item
  6. a curve that shows possible production limit
  7. land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship
  1. work that can be done
  2. expressed in dollars and cents
  3. a reason given to do something
  4. accumulation of tangible goods
  5. being in short supply
  6. an action that is done
  7. the act of starting a business
  8. price that must be paid have an opportunity
  9. something necessary to survive
  10. limited resource including minerals and vegetation

17 Clues: a tangible itemwork that can be donebeing in short supplyan action that is doneexpressed in dollars and centsa reason given to do somethingaccumulation of tangible goodsthe act of starting a businesssomething necessary to survivemeans by which something is producedto have a desire to possess somethingland, labor, capital, entrepreneurship...

economics 2022-06-17

economics crossword puzzle
  1. Amount of money taken out from a bank
  2. Decrease in money
  3. Thankful for something
  4. Another word for goods
  5. Bottom of market
  6. Amount of money you have to spend
  7. Against someone with the aim to beat them
  8. market going down
  9. Spending value
  1. Amount of money paid upon purchase
  2. Another word for Worldwide
  3. Amount of money in circulation
  4. A small section of a business
  5. No more money :(
  6. Currency on paper
  7. Owing an amount back to
  8. People who buy products

17 Clues: Spending valueBottom of marketNo more money :(Decrease in moneyCurrency on papermarket going downThankful for somethingAnother word for goodsOwing an amount back toPeople who buy productsAnother word for WorldwideA small section of a businessAmount of money in circulationAmount of money you have to spendAmount of money paid upon purchase...

economics 2023-05-22

economics crossword puzzle
  1. What you expect prices to do in the future can influence your buying habits today.
  2. Trends and fashions that are highly desirable to the consumer
  3. when consumers react to an increase in a good's price by consuming less of that good and more of other goods
  4. Trends and fashions that are highly desirable to the consumer
  5. What you expect prices to do in the future can influence your buying habits today.
  6. money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
  7. a table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded
  8. an establishment formed to carry on commercial enterprise
  9. Economic decisions are made by individuals or the open market.
  10. A business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not personally responsible for its debtsStocks nshares of ownership in a company
  11. A business in which two or more persons combine their assets and skills
  1. A business owned by one person
  2. Price x Quantity
  3. A legal minimum on the price at which a good can be sold
  4. the change in consumption resulting from a change in real income
  5. A legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold
  6. curve a graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied
  7. graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied
  8. A market structure in which a few large firms dominate a market

19 Clues: Price x QuantityA business owned by one personA legal minimum on the price at which a good can be soldA legal maximum on the price at which a good can be soldan establishment formed to carry on commercial enterpriseTrends and fashions that are highly desirable to the consumerTrends and fashions that are highly desirable to the consumer...

Economics 2024-06-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A person or company that supplies goods or services for sale
  2. A person who purchases goods and services for personal use
  3. The money a business makes after expenses are paid
  4. A plan of how much money a person, business, or government is able to spend and how it will be spent
  5. The cost of borrowing and reward for saving
  6. Money that the government collects from consumers and firms
  7. When expenses exceed income
  8. A sustained increase in the general price level of the economy
  9. The differences between those with higher levels of wealth/income and those with lower
  10. The machinery and tools used in the creation of goods and services
  1. A place where consumers and producers meet to exchange goods and services
  2. Goods which are sold to foreign consumers
  3. Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
  4. Money received on a regular basis for work or investment
  5. Measuring output per unit of input to gauge the efficiency of production
  6. A stock of money these can include cash in a bank account or valuable assets such as a house
  7. The quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price and a given time period

17 Clues: When expenses exceed incomeGoods which are sold to foreign consumersThe cost of borrowing and reward for savingThe money a business makes after expenses are paidMoney received on a regular basis for work or investmentA person who purchases goods and services for personal useMoney that the government collects from consumers and firms...

economics 2023-11-20

economics crossword puzzle
  1. dispute resolution method with 3rd party that cannot give advice or recommendations
  2. artificial intellegence
  3. closest to court-level dispute resolution
  4. fixed payment that usually happens weekly or daily
  5. your earnings
  6. not having a job due to it being unavailable at the specific time of year you are currently in
  7. yearly payment
  8. gross domestic product
  9. highly strict working hours that take up a large portion of day-to-day life
  1. not an entitlement but rather something that is expected
  2. a type of work that has flexible hours but no paid leave
  3. occurs in a workplace and acts as a somewhat complaint
  4. a type of work that has stricter hours but paid leave
  5. the way people make and spend money
  6. Something that a person is entitled to and should have
  7. yearly
  8. a system of rules that have to be enforced within a country that have legal consequences if not followed

17 Clues: yearlyyour earningsyearly paymentgross domestic productartificial intellegencethe way people make and spend moneyclosest to court-level dispute resolutionfixed payment that usually happens weekly or dailya type of work that has stricter hours but paid leaveoccurs in a workplace and acts as a somewhat complaint...

Principles Of Economic 2024-07-31

Principles Of Economic crossword puzzle
  1. there are one of the definitions Economics?
  2. What is the Classifical Economist like?
  3. What is the nature of Economics can classified in one head?
  4. What is the Economics meaning?
  5. who is the welfere definition wad defind by?
  1. Limited avaliability Of resources?
  2. What is the Marshall Explains?
  3. What is the Economics?
  4. Who is known as the father of Economics?
  5. What is the One of the decision of Economics?

10 Clues: What is the Economics?What is the Marshall Explains?What is the Economics meaning?Limited avaliability Of resources?What is the Classifical Economist like?Who is known as the father of Economics?there are one of the definitions Economics?who is the welfere definition wad defind by?What is the One of the decision of Economics?...

Economics 2021-09-28

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. economic system based on habit and custom
  2. ___ market is where productive resources are bought and sold
  3. brings together buyers and sellers
  4. measure of the amount of output produced in a specific time period
  5. asking the "why" and "how" questions
  6. goods and services are purchased in the __ market
  7. an economic ___ is a simplified version of a complex concept or behavior
  8. ability or capacity of a good or service to be useful
  9. “gifts of nature”
  1. social science dealing with how people make choices
  2. effort a person devotes to a task for which that person is paid
  3. not physical
  4. command economies lack this
  5. basic requirement for survival
  6. fundamental economic problem
  7. ___ cost is the next best alternative given up
  8. work or labor performed for someone

17 Clues: not physical“gifts of nature”command economies lack thisfundamental economic problembasic requirement for survivalbrings together buyers and sellerswork or labor performed for someoneasking the "why" and "how" questionseconomic system based on habit and custom___ cost is the next best alternative given up...

Economics 2021-02-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. when groups or people exchange goods
  2. something that motivates you to make a particular choice
  3. work that goes into producing something
  4. the choices governments make about what to do or not do in managing the country
  5. the value of everything produced in a country
  6. when a business takes over the whole market
  7. trading all over the world
  8. using resources up
  9. the money a business receives when it sells its product
  10. the money governments collect from businesses and people
  1. a place where people exchange things
  2. when there isn't enough of something
  3. how much people want a resource
  4. rules set up the government to control businesses and keep people safe
  5. how much of a resource is available
  6. the money left over from revenue after all business costs are paid
  7. not having enough money to buy essentials

17 Clues: using resources uptrading all over the worldhow much people want a resourcehow much of a resource is availablea place where people exchange thingswhen there isn't enough of somethingwhen groups or people exchange goodswork that goes into producing somethingnot having enough money to buy essentialswhen a business takes over the whole market...

Economics 2021-10-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship
  2. a state of being short on certain resources
  3. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  4. an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards.
  5. wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose such as starting a company or investing.
  6. to the fact that budgeting inevitably involves sacrificing some of X to get more of Y
  7. the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
  8. is a curve illustrating the varying amounts of two products that can be produced when both depend on the same finite resources
  1. to exert one's powers of body or mind
  2. a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something.
  3. to the total satisfaction received from consuming a good or service.
  4. is the worth of a good or service determined by people's preferences and the trade-offs they choose given their scarce resources.
  5. something that is necessary for an organism to live a healthy life
  6. a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer.
  7. an accumulation of valuable economic resources that can be measured in terms
  8. A desire to have something that you don't need
  9. the part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water, as opposed to the sea or the air

17 Clues: to exert one's powers of body or mindland, labor, capital, and entrepreneurshipa state of being short on certain resourcesA desire to have something that you don't needitems that satisfy human wants and provide utilitya thing that motivates or encourages one to do something.something that is necessary for an organism to live a healthy life...

Economics 2022-05-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. goods, the group of goods and services where the demand for them increases as price rises, due to their 'snob value' or ability to demonstrate status.
  2. Basic goods and services that are necessary for our survival.
  3. efficiency, the situation where a nation's resources are producing the maximum amount possible, at the lowest cost
  4. living standards, Factors that influence our well-being beyond our ability to purchase goods and services.
  5. economics, economic statements or claims that are based on facts, are objective in nature, and that can be measured or tested for their truth or falsehood.
  6. Something we desire to have to improve our satisfaction or quality of life, but that is not necessary for our survival.
  7. efficiency, where resources need to be allocated or used in the economy in combinations that provide the maximum possible benefits for consumers and the nation
  8. available resources are not being fully utilised in production
  1. conduct, two or more businesses joining forces to maximise profits
  2. The spending of income on goods and services
  3. The process of making a good or service
  4. living standards, Living standards as measured by access to goods and services.
  5. economics, is statements or claims that are based on opinion or value judgements
  6. subtly coaxing people towards making more sensible decisions
  7. failure, when an unregulated market is unable to allocate resources efficiently or where resources are allocated in such a way that national living standards or welfare is not maximised.
  8. The mental and physical effort by humans in the production process
  9. scarcity, The basic economic problem where the resources available for production are limited, relative to society's unlimited wants.

17 Clues: The process of making a good or serviceThe spending of income on goods and servicessubtly coaxing people towards making more sensible decisionsBasic goods and services that are necessary for our survival.available resources are not being fully utilised in productionconduct, two or more businesses joining forces to maximise profits...

Economics 2022-12-06

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Expectancy: The average number of years a person can expect to live in a given population based on statistics
  2. Domestic Product (GDP): The total value of all the goods and services produced within a country in a year’s time
  3. Economy: A system based on private ownership, free trade, and competition
  4. Countries: Countries with weaker economies and a lower quality of life
  5. Indicator: A measure of a country’s wealth
  6. Capita GDP: GDP divided by the number of people within a country; indicates the average income level
  7. The persistent increase in the cost of goods and services or the persistent decline in the purchasing power of money
  8. and Demand: In a market economy, the principle that suggests prices are determined by the interaction of supply and demand; an increase in supply will lower prices if not matched by an increase in demand; an increase in demand will raise prices unless it is met with an increase in supply
  9. The total number of people living in a given area
  1. Countries: Countries with strong economies and a high quality of life
  2. Rate: Percentage of people within a population age fifteen and over who can read and write.
  3. Gross Domestic Product: The total value of all the goods and services produced by a population (city, state, or nation) in a year’s time
  4. The amount of goods and services that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given time
  5. The study of human populations
  6. An official count of population; Note: The US Census Bureau conducts an official census once every ten years. The last census took place in 2010.
  7. Income: The amount of money that households have available for spending and saving after income taxes have been taken out
  8. The amount of goods and services that are available at a given time

17 Clues: The study of human populationsIndicator: A measure of a country’s wealthThe total number of people living in a given areaThe amount of goods and services that are available at a given timeCountries: Countries with strong economies and a high quality of lifeCountries: Countries with weaker economies and a lower quality of life...

economics 2023-03-03

economics crossword puzzle
  1. the additional benefit arising from a unit increase in a particular activity.
  2. a form of business where two or more people share ownership, as well as the responsibility for managing the company and the income or losses the business generates.
  3. inputs needed for the creation of a good or service
  4. the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
  5. someone who owns an unincorporated business by himself or herself
  6. the time-bound restrictions governments impose on trade
  7. portrays the cost of society's choice between two different goods.
  1. when people who work in seasonal jobs become unemployed when demand for labor decreases.
  2. the cost added by producing one additional unit of a product or service.
  3. the amount of an asset or resource that exceeds the portion that is utilized.
  4. a tax imposed by a government on goods and services imported from other countries that serves to increase the price and make imports less desirable, or at least less competitive, versus domestic goods and services
  5. the unemployment which exists in any economy due to people being in the process of moving from one job to another.
  6. a business entity that is owned by its shareholder(s), who elect a board of directors to oversee the organization's activities
  7. the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.
  8. when the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied
  9. unemployment resulting from industrial reorganization, typically due to technological change, rather than fluctuations in supply or demand.
  10. a condition or state in which economic forces are balanced.

17 Clues: inputs needed for the creation of a good or servicethe state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.the time-bound restrictions governments impose on tradewhen the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplieda condition or state in which economic forces are balanced.someone who owns an unincorporated business by himself or herself...

Economics 2023-03-02

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. One person that owns an unincorporated business
  2. Something you need cannot be obtained in big amounts
  3. Lack in supply
  4. Unemployment because of demand for labor decreases
  5. What you give up for an option over the best option
  6. Tax on Imported goods
  7. The amount left over after the requirements are met
  8. Unemployment because of being in between jobs
  1. The inputs needed for the creation of a good
  2. A company legally authorized to act as one entity
  3. Unemployment because of industrial reorganization
  4. When the supply curve equals the demand curve
  5. The cost of society's choice between two different goods
  6. Additional benefit from a unit increase
  7. A limited quantity of a product than can be produced
  8. Cost added by producing additional
  9. A business owned and run by two or more people

17 Clues: Lack in supplyTax on Imported goodsCost added by producing additionalAdditional benefit from a unit increaseThe inputs needed for the creation of a goodWhen the supply curve equals the demand curveUnemployment because of being in between jobsA business owned and run by two or more peopleOne person that owns an unincorporated business...