food Crossword Puzzles

Food 2018-02-26

Food crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 4
  3. 11
  4. 2
  5. 15
  6. 6
  7. 8
  8. 16
  1. 5
  2. 9
  3. 3
  4. 1
  5. 13
  6. 7
  7. 12
  8. 14

16 Clues: 59431726810131112151416

food 2018-02-18

food crossword puzzle
  1. It can be white, yellow or black
  2. Although they seem a vegetable, they are a fruit
  3. The most famous dish from Italy
  4. It comes from the sea and it can be on paellas
  5. They are usually fried and they go along with hamburgers
  6. Chikens' babies before they born
  7. It's a cold drink with gas
  8. It's a drink made of an orange fruit
  9. It's a japanese dish
  1. The main ingredient of a salad
  2. It is on the most of fast food locals
  3. It comes from Germany and it's made of meat
  4. You eat this when it's hot
  5. It's also a brand of phones
  6. It's a fruit that monkeys like
  7. You usually eat them with milk in a bowl

16 Clues: It's a japanese dishYou eat this when it's hotIt's a cold drink with gasIt's also a brand of phonesThe main ingredient of a saladIt's a fruit that monkeys likeThe most famous dish from ItalyIt can be white, yellow or blackChikens' babies before they bornIt's a drink made of an orange fruitIt is on the most of fast food locals...

Food 2018-03-11

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Food from the East, especially Asia.
  2. A taste associated with unripe fruit.
  3. Food containing lots of dairy.
  4. Not sweet, but has a sharp taste, another name for British beer.
  5. A taste that makes your mouth burn.
  6. Food that stimulate hunger.
  7. Food that is nice to eat.
  8. Food, such as cabbage, left in vinegar.
  1. A taste that is associated with desserts.
  2. Real nice food.
  3. Food that has gone off.
  4. Food that has a pleasant smell.
  5. Addition of spices, such as salt and pepper.
  6. Food containing a lot of oil.
  7. Food that is overcooked.
  8. Organs used as food.

16 Clues: Real nice food.Organs used as food.Food that has gone off.Food that is overcooked.Food that is nice to eat.Food that stimulate hunger.Food containing a lot of oil.Food containing lots of dairy.Food that has a pleasant smell.A taste that makes your mouth burn.Food from the East, especially Asia.A taste associated with unripe fruit....

food 2020-03-19

food crossword puzzle
  1. a plant with green leaves which is eaten in salads
  2. a small round red or black fruit with a large seed inside
  3. a long curved fruit with a yellow skin
  4. a soft sweet round fruit with red and yellow skin
  5. a small red fruit with a green leaf at the top and small brown seeds on its surface
  6. a soft round red fruit eaten in salad or as a vegetable
  7. an oval shaped, pale green or yellow fruit
  8. being a colour that is a mixture of red and yellow
  1. a large fruit with thick skin and sharp leaves sticking out of the top which is sweet and yellow inside
  2. an oval yellow fruit that has sour juice
  3. a small round green purple or red fruit that grows in large
  4. an orange coloured vegetable that is long and thin and grows in the ground
  5. a small soft orange fruit
  6. a round vegetable with a brown, yellow, or red skin that grows
  7. a hard round fruit with a green or red skin
  8. a basic food made by mixing and baking flour water and sometimes yeast

16 Clues: a small soft orange fruita long curved fruit with a yellow skinan oval yellow fruit that has sour juicean oval shaped, pale green or yellow fruita hard round fruit with a green or red skina soft sweet round fruit with red and yellow skina plant with green leaves which is eaten in saladsbeing a colour that is a mixture of red and yellow...

Food 2020-04-08

Food crossword puzzle
  1. part of a full English breakfast
  2. typical for a French breakfast
  3. eaten by Popeye to get strong
  4. a leafy green, red or white annually grown plant
  5. called "French Fries" in America
  6. actually not flower but a vegetable
  7. a fish that lives in ponds.
  8. a red fruit that tastes delicious.
  9. grows in the forest; used for different dishes
  10. part of a full English breakfast
  1. it is essential in order to stay healthy
  2. everyone loves to eaet it when it is hot
  3. You find many of them in foods like potatoes, pasta, ...
  4. used to make popcorn
  5. You normally eat them with milk for breakfast.
  6. vegetalbe
  7. ingredient of sweets; you shouldn't eat too much of it

17 Clues: vegetalbeused to make popcorna fish that lives in ponds.eaten by Popeye to get strongtypical for a French breakfastpart of a full English breakfastcalled "French Fries" in Americapart of a full English breakfasta red fruit that tastes delicious.actually not flower but a vegetableit is essential in order to stay healthy...

food 2021-02-16

food crossword puzzle
  1. cereza
  2. espinaca
  3. patatas
  4. limon
  5. judías
  6. nueces
  7. pollo
  8. zanahorias
  1. guisantes
  2. salad ensalada fruta
  3. chocolate
  4. soup tomate
  5. salad ensalada verde
  6. calabaza
  7. arroz
  8. pescado

16 Clues: arrozlimonpollocerezajudíasnuecespatataspescadoespinacacalabazaguisanteschocolatezanahoriassoup tomatesalad ensalada frutasalad ensalada verde

Food 2021-02-28

Food crossword puzzle
  1. widelec
  2. łyżka
  3. obierać
  4. a...- kilka
  5. gotować/ wrzeć
  6. pomidory
  7. ryba
  8. cukier
  1. błąd
  2. nóż
  3. sól
  4. ziemniak
  5. talerz
  6. makaron
  7. zupa
  8. smażyć

16 Clues: nóżsólbłądzuparybałyżkatalerzsmażyćcukierwidelecobieraćmakaronziemniakpomidorya...- kilkagotować/ wrzeć

FOOD 2021-03-02

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. A cold cube
  2. Can be water or soda
  3. Not a vegetable but ...
  4. Sweet, brown, usually bought as a bar
  5. Makes you cry
  6. A small, red fruit
  7. Sweet, yellow ice-cream
  1. An animal that makes eggs
  2. A fruit or a colour
  3. Opposite of sparkling
  4. Opposite of cold
  5. It's red and often put on pizza
  6. Yellow can be eaten or bread or pizza
  7. An ... a day, keeps the doctor away
  8. Your celebration, your special day
  9. Can be eaten on bread, in a sandwich

16 Clues: A cold cubeMakes you cryOpposite of coldA small, red fruitA fruit or a colourCan be water or sodaOpposite of sparklingNot a vegetable but ...Sweet, yellow ice-creamAn animal that makes eggsIt's red and often put on pizzaYour celebration, your special dayAn ... a day, keeps the doctor awayCan be eaten on bread, in a sandwich...

food 2021-03-02

food crossword puzzle
  1. patatas
  2. fruta
  3. guisantes
  4. calabaza
  5. pollo
  6. arroz
  7. zanahoria
  8. espinaca
  1. choco
  2. nueces
  3. tomate
  4. cereza
  5. pescado
  6. ensalada
  7. limon
  8. judías

16 Clues: chocofrutalimonpolloarroznuecestomatecerezajudíaspatataspescadoensaladacalabazaespinacaguisanteszanahoria

food 2018-10-09

food crossword puzzle
  1. a part of the digestive system
  2. juice- its a healthy drink
  3. green tree
  4. its a red meat
  5. It gives you a lot of calcium
  6. a wiggly carb
  7. its a good snack but is unhealthy
  8. white carrot thing
  9. a block of dairy
  1. it is one of the most popular carbs
  2. its bad for your teeth
  3. it is unhealthy brown stuff
  4. a dairy
  5. a runny starter
  6. it is a white meat
  7. its a light grain

16 Clues: a dairygreen treea wiggly carbits a red meata runny startera block of dairyits a light grainit is a white meatwhite carrot thingits bad for your teethjuice- its a healthy drinkit is unhealthy brown stuffIt gives you a lot of calciuma part of the digestive systemits a good snack but is unhealthyit is one of the most popular carbs

FOOD 2018-05-29

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. grzyb
  2. groszek
  3. sałata
  4. kalafior
  5. rzodkiewka
  6. ziemniak
  7. kapusta
  8. pomidor
  9. pietruszka
  10. fasola
  1. dynia
  2. brokuł
  3. burak
  4. ogórek
  5. marchew
  6. cebula

16 Clues: dyniaburakgrzybbrokułogóreksałatacebulafasolagroszekmarchewkapustapomidorkalafiorziemniakrzodkiewkapietruszka

Food 2020-11-17

Food crossword puzzle
  1. ____Newtons
  2. Green hairy fruit
  3. ____Joe
  4. the color between red and yellow
  5. Apple cousin
  6. Red
  7. Fermenting bread mixture
  8. Balsamic, cider, or white
  1. Awkward situation
  2. Kool-Aid flavor
  3. Coffee source
  4. Citrus flavor
  5. Strawberry or blueberry spread
  6. Dairy food
  7. Anything trifling
  8. Dark purple

16 Clues: Red____JoeDairy food____NewtonsDark purpleApple cousinCoffee sourceCitrus flavorKool-Aid flavorAwkward situationGreen hairy fruitAnything triflingFermenting bread mixtureBalsamic, cider, or whiteStrawberry or blueberry spreadthe color between red and yellow

food 2021-06-08

food crossword puzzle
  1. mashed
  2. buns
  3. triangle
  4. juice
  5. pig
  6. taste like
  7. cheese
  8. cows
  1. campfire
  2. black and white
  3. bread
  4. the snack that smiles back
  5. split
  6. on the cob
  7. shells
  8. wrapped fish

16 Clues: pigbunscowsbreadsplitjuicemashedshellscheesecampfiretriangleon the cobtaste likewrapped fishblack and whitethe snack that smiles back

Food 2021-06-24

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Eaten between meals.
  2. Do you want ___ with that?
  3. Green citrus.
  4. Winner, winner, ___ dinner!
  5. Meat-free.
  6. Leafy green.
  7. On pizza, bread, and pies.
  1. Sweetens your coffee.
  2. Late breakfast/early lunch.
  3. Ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise.
  4. "Lady and the Tramp" style kiss.
  5. Birthday dessert.
  6. Cup of Joe.
  7. Pair it with Saturday cartoons.
  8. Boiled, poached, scrambled, fried.
  9. Instructions.

16 Clues: Meat-free.Cup of Joe.Leafy green.Green citrus.Instructions.Birthday dessert.Eaten between meals.Sweetens your coffee.Do you want ___ with that?On pizza, bread, and pies.Late breakfast/early lunch.Winner, winner, ___ dinner!Ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise.Pair it with Saturday cartoons."Lady and the Tramp" style kiss.Boiled, poached, scrambled, fried.

Food 2021-03-23

Food crossword puzzle
  1. кокос
  2. хлеб
  3. ананас
  4. апельсин
  5. фасоль
  6. помидор
  7. горох
  8. лук
  1. арбуз
  2. лайм
  3. морковь
  4. рис
  5. яблоко
  6. лимон
  7. картофель
  8. виноград

16 Clues: рислуклаймхлебарбузкокослимонгорохяблокоананасфасольморковьпомидорапельсинвиноградкартофель

food 2021-04-01

food crossword puzzle
  1. хлеб
  2. завтрак
  3. рис
  4. мороженое
  5. сэндвич
  6. сок
  7. сахар
  1. чай
  2. сосиска
  3. ужин
  4. капкейки
  5. молоко
  6. мясо
  7. бургер
  8. хот-дог
  9. обед

16 Clues: чайриссокхлебужинмясообедсахармолокобургерсосисказавтраксэндвичхот-догкапкейкимороженое

FOOD 2021-11-15

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. a sweet, soft food made by cooking fruit with sugar to preserve it. It is eaten on bread.
  2. to cook food in an oven or over a fire.
  3. delicious.
  4. a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook food.
  5. containing strong flavours.
  6. food that has been damaged by fire.
  7. a large box-shaped device that is used to cook and heat food
  1. with salt.
  2. not cooked.
  3. having a sharp taste, like lemon.
  4. a meal cooked and bought at a shop or restaurant but eaten somewhere else.
  5. not hard or firm.
  6. food that is firm and makes a loud noise when it is eaten. Crunchy.
  7. to cook food for longer than necessary.
  8. a thick, flat piece of meat or fish, especially meat from a cow.
  9. not juicy.

16 Clues: with salt.delicious.not juicy.not cooked.not hard or firm.containing strong flavours.having a sharp taste, like that has been damaged by cook food in an oven or over a cook food for longer than necessary.a large box-shaped device that is used to cook and heat food...

Food 2022-05-22

Food crossword puzzle
  1. -kávé
  2. -paprika
  3. -sonka
  4. -eper
  5. -retek
  6. -paradicsom
  7. -citrom
  1. -sajttorta
  2. -hal
  3. -vaj
  4. -burgonya
  5. -gomba
  6. -pite
  7. -csirke
  8. -bab
  9. -kacsa

16 Clues: -hal-vaj-bab-kávé-pite-eper-sonka-gomba-retek-kacsa-csirke-citrom-paprika-burgonya-sajttorta-paradicsom

food 2021-08-29

food crossword puzzle
  1. cup
  2. glass
  3. mushroom
  4. knife
  5. cabbage
  6. strawberry
  7. nuts
  8. oil
  1. olives
  2. cucumber
  3. carrot
  4. plate
  5. mug
  6. fork
  7. cheese
  8. spoon

16 Clues: cupmugoilforknutsplateglassknifespoonolivescarrotcheesecabbagecucumbermushroomstrawberry

Food 2021-06-02

Food crossword puzzle
  1. cold, dairy, great dessert(don't put any spaces in between the words)
  2. dairy, common to be melted with nachos
  3. watery fruit. red and green.
  4. randomly common for teachers. fruit.
  5. bunnies love to eat. veggie.
  6. most popular birthday dessert
  7. popular at movie theaters
  1. common on top of ice cream. fruit.
  2. common for the outer part of sandwiches
  3. summertime treat. kept in freezers.
  4. crunchy food. many flavors. potato.
  5. common in some sandwiches.made from animals
  6. common with milk. santa eats them
  7. common in gooey s'mores
  8. common to be grilled. I don't understand how it has anything to do with dogs.
  9. common at halloween. suggary. kids love it.

16 Clues: common in gooey s'morespopular at movie theaterswatery fruit. red and green.bunnies love to eat. veggie.most popular birthday dessertcommon with milk. santa eats themcommon on top of ice cream. fruit.summertime treat. kept in freezers.crunchy food. many flavors. potato.randomly common for teachers. fruit.dairy, common to be melted with nachos...

FOOD 2022-03-22

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. EAU
  3. CAFé
  5. LAIT
  7. PATES
  9. OEUFS
  4. RIZ
  5. THé
  7. PAIN


food 2022-03-07

food crossword puzzle
  1. pancake
  2. dinner
  3. onions
  4. chicken
  5. tuna
  6. spinach
  7. noodles
  8. fish
  1. burger
  2. drink
  3. snack
  4. prawns
  5. lunch
  6. breakfast
  7. eat
  8. mushrooms

16 Clues: eattunafishdrinksnacklunchburgerprawnsdinneronionspancakechickenspinachnoodlesbreakfastmushrooms

food 2022-03-14

food crossword puzzle
  1. derived from fermented grapes
  2. typical japanese food
  3. red fruit
  4. your drink it in the morning
  5. eaten with chips
  6. you eat chocolate in the Easter period
  7. yellow fruit
  8. it is green,red,yellow
  9. it is usually drunks after
  1. it is obtained from milk
  2. it in classic to drink it in England
  3. second typical in Florence
  4. it is yellow and bitter
  5. typical italian food
  6. it is round and orange
  7. they are put in the milk

16 Clues: red fruityellow fruiteaten with chipstypical italian foodtypical japanese foodit is round and orangeit is green,red,yellowit is yellow and bitterit is obtained from milkthey are put in the milksecond typical in Florenceit is usually drunks afteryour drink it in the morningderived from fermented grapesit in classic to drink it in England...

Food 2022-03-17

Food crossword puzzle
  1. ham
  2. cake
  3. yogurt
  4. jam
  5. bread
  6. chicken
  7. cheese
  8. fish
  9. tea
  1. honey
  2. pasta
  3. butter
  4. milk
  5. rice
  6. coffee
  7. egg

16 Clues: hamjameggteacakemilkricefishhoneypastabreadbutteryogurtcoffeecheesechicken

Food 2022-04-22

Food crossword puzzle
  1. pepino
  2. uvas
  3. dulces
  4. espinaca
  5. arroz
  6. lechuga
  7. papas fritas
  1. zanahoria
  2. huevos
  3. durazno
  4. pastel
  5. pollo
  6. leche
  7. manzana
  8. sandía
  9. pan

16 Clues: panuvaspollolechearrozpepinohuevosdulcespastelsandíaduraznomanzanalechugaespinacazanahoriapapas fritas

Food 2022-12-29

Food crossword puzzle
  1. This cheese can only be made in the provinces of Parma and Reggio Emilia.
  2. small pink crustaceans.
  3. The real name for chickpeas: _______ beans.
  4. The most prized cut of beef.
  5. Concentrated form of coffee that is served in “shots.”
  6. Swiss chocolate bar made up of triangles.
  7. Break me off a piece of "that" bar.
  1. A nutty milk alternative.
  2. _______ whiskey is primarily made with corn.
  3. Long-grain fragrant rice.
  4. Spice often found in Autumn themed foods.
  5. Italian pastry filled with ricotta cheese.
  6. Washington chopped down this tree.
  7. This company makes Mountain Dew and Aquafina.
  8. Sweet and sour fruit that's green on the inside.
  9. Any open pastry containing a filling.

16 Clues: small pink crustaceans.A nutty milk alternative.Long-grain fragrant rice.The most prized cut of beef.Washington chopped down this tree.Break me off a piece of "that" bar.Any open pastry containing a filling.Spice often found in Autumn themed foods.Swiss chocolate bar made up of triangles.Italian pastry filled with ricotta cheese....

Food 2022-07-20

Food crossword puzzle
  1. 음식
  2. 삼겹살
  3. 샤부
  4. 김치찌계
  5. 소고기
  6. 과일
  7. 라면
  8. 달다
  1. 감자튀김
  2. 피자
  3. 좋아하다
  4. 파스타
  5. 맵다
  6. 버거
  7. 마라탕
  8. 밋있다

16 Clues: 음식피자샤부맵다버거과일라면달다삼겹살파스타소고기마라탕밋있다감자튀김좋아하다김치찌계

Food 2022-06-27

Food crossword puzzle
  1. A yellow curved fruit whith white flesh inside
  2. A small red fruit that has small points on its surface
  3. It's a fruit which has a name of a collor.
  4. It's an white liquid. Babies (and some adults) love it.
  5. We eat it in salad. It has large and green leaves
  6. An oval or round object laid by a female bird
  7. A round root. We can fry, boil or bake it to eat it.
  8. It makes you cry when you cut it
  1. A sweet crystalline substance that we use as a sweetener in food and drink.
  2. It is an orange root. We can eat it raw or cooked
  3. A large and tropical fruit with yellow or brown skin and pointed leaves on top
  4. It's a large and round fruit. It has red and sweet flesh and a lot of black seeds inside it.
  5. It's an alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice.
  6. Meat from a pig that we cook and eat
  7. It is an white seed. We like to eat it whit beans
  8. A drink made with dried and cut leaves and flowers

16 Clues: It makes you cry when you cut itMeat from a pig that we cook and eatIt's a fruit which has a name of a collor.An oval or round object laid by a female birdA yellow curved fruit whith white flesh insideIt is an orange root. We can eat it raw or cookedIt is an white seed. We like to eat it whit beansWe eat it in salad. It has large and green leaves...

Food 2023-02-06

Food crossword puzzle
  1. a red fruit with a bitter taste.
  2. a common fish with white meat.
  3. a long-shaped, yellow vegetable that is often referred to as chicken food.
  4. A fruit with a sweet taste and purple skin.
  5. Vampire kryptonite. Has a strong smell.
  6. a piece of bread that looks a lot like a doughnut.
  7. Cheese often used in a salad together with bacon.
  8. A flat fish.
  9. a curved-shaped piece of bread that originates from France.
  10. A type of cabbage. Often eaten in Belgium together with sausage and potatoes.
  1. Used for hamburgers and pasta bolognese.
  2. A vegetable that has a green and white version.
  3. a vegetable that is available in a green, yellow and red colour.
  4. Important part of hummus.
  5. Looks like a big radish.
  6. A green sort of cabbage.

16 Clues: A flat fish.Looks like a big radish.A green sort of cabbage.Important part of hummus.a common fish with white meat.a red fruit with a bitter taste.Vampire kryptonite. Has a strong smell.Used for hamburgers and pasta bolognese.A fruit with a sweet taste and purple skin.A vegetable that has a green and white version....

Food 2023-02-07

Food crossword puzzle
  1. 11
  2. 16
  3. 1
  4. 3
  5. 13
  6. 8
  7. 2
  8. 7
  1. 14
  2. 4
  3. 10
  4. 6
  5. 15
  6. 12
  7. 9
  8. 5

16 Clues: 46139852714111016151213

Food 2023-06-20

Food crossword puzzle
  1. This is a small, sweet baked treat. It comes in different shapes, flavors, and textures. It can be crunchy or soft and is often enjoyed as a special treat or dessert.
  2. This is a round fruit that comes in different colors like red, green, or yellow. It's juicy and crunchy, and you can bite into it to enjoy its sweet taste.
  3. This is a round and red fruit, although we often think of it as a vegetable. It's juicy and can be eaten raw in salads or used in sauces and soups.
  4. This is a mixture of raw vegetables, fruits, and sometimes meats or cheese. It's usually served cold and can be a healthy and refreshing meal or side dish.
  5. This is a long and orange vegetable. It's crunchy and can be eaten raw or cooked. It's good for your eyes and makes a great addition to salads or stir-fries.
  6. Cream This is a frozen dessert made from dairy products. It comes in various flavors and is enjoyed on its own or as a topping for other desserts like cakes or waffles.
  7. This is a type of meat that comes from birds. It's often cooked by grilling, baking, or frying. It's a good source of protein and can be enjoyed in many different dishes.
  1. This is a dairy product made from milk. It comes in different flavors and textures. It can be sliced or grated and added to sandwiches or melted on top of other foods.
  2. This is a drink made by extracting liquids from fruits or vegetables. It can be sweet and refreshing. Some popular juices include orange juice, apple juice, and grape juice.
  3. This is a creamy and thick dairy product. It's made from milk and has a slightly sour taste. It comes in different flavors and can be enjoyed as a snack or added to smoothies.
  4. This is a popular dish made with a round dough base topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various ingredients. It's baked until the cheese melts and is a favorite food for many.
  5. This is a flat and round breakfast treat made from batter. It's cooked on a hot pan and can be sweet or savory. You can top it with syrup, fruits, or even cheese.
  6. This is a long and curved fruit with a yellow peel. It's soft and easy to eat. You can peel it and take small bites. It's a great snack!
  7. This is a soft and fluffy food made from grains. It comes in different shapes and sizes like slices or buns. It's used to make sandwiches or can be eaten with butter or jam.
  8. This is a grain that is cooked and eaten as a staple food in many countries. It's small, white, and fluffy. It can be served as a side dish or used in various recipes.
  9. This is a white liquid that comes from cows or other animals. It's rich in calcium and is good for building strong bones. It's commonly consumed on its own or used in cooking and baking.

16 Clues: This is a long and curved fruit with a yellow peel. It's soft and easy to eat. You can peel it and take small bites. It's a great snack!This is a round and red fruit, although we often think of it as a vegetable. It's juicy and can be eaten raw in salads or used in sauces and soups....

Food 2023-07-17

Food crossword puzzle
  1. A type of poultry meat commonly eaten, often cooked in various ways.
  2. A flat, round cake made from batter, often cooked on a griddle and served with syrup.
  3. A mixture of raw or cooked vegetables, often served with a dressing.
  4. A popular Italian dish made of a round, flat dough topped with sauce and cheese.
  5. A liquid dish made by cooking ingredients like vegetables, meat, or noodles in water or broth.
  6. A grain food that is a staple in many cultures, often served as a side dish.
  7. Sweet and juicy food that grows on trees or plants, like apples and oranges.
  8. Healthy food that comes from plants, like carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes.
  1. A sweet treat made from cocoa beans, often used in candies, cakes, and desserts.
  2. A food item made by placing ingredients like meat, cheese, and vegetables between two slices of bread.
  3. A type of food made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, like spaghetti.
  4. A sandwich made with a cooked ground meat patty, usually served in a bun.
  5. A creamy and tangy food made from fermented milk, often eaten as a snack or dessert.
  6. A staple food made from dough that is baked and often used for sandwiches.
  7. A dairy product made from milk, often used as a topping or ingredient in dishes.
  8. cream A frozen dessert made from milk, cream, and sugar, often with flavors added.

16 Clues: A type of poultry meat commonly eaten, often cooked in various ways.A mixture of raw or cooked vegetables, often served with a dressing.A sandwich made with a cooked ground meat patty, usually served in a bun.A type of food made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, like spaghetti....

Food 2023-03-26

Food crossword puzzle
  1. maso
  2. kokosové ořechy
  3. houby
  4. ananas
  5. mrkev
  6. sýr
  1. telecí maso
  2. buráky
  3. jídlo
  4. brokolice
  5. džem, marmeláda
  6. eggs vařená vejce
  7. vepřové maso
  8. oříšky
  9. dort
  10. jíst

16 Clues: sýrmasodortjístjídlohoubymrkevburákyananasoříškybrokolicetelecí masovepřové masokokosové ořechydžem, marmeládaeggs vařená vejce

Food 2023-05-07

Food crossword puzzle
  1. a burger with cheese
  2. a red vegetable
  3. you can drink it in summer time
  4. kids love to eat them in the morning
  5. perfect meal if you are in Mexico
  6. British people like them with fish
  7. not all of them are edible
  1. a drink made of fruits
  2. a drink many adults like for breakfast
  3. you can put it in your tea
  4. you have them with milk
  5. a yellow fruit
  6. not everybody likes octopus on the plate
  7. you can put it on your sandwich
  8. usually we eat it with chips
  9. many people eat it on cinema

16 Clues: a yellow fruita red vegetablea burger with cheesea drink made of fruitsyou have them with milkyou can put it in your teanot all of them are edibleusually we eat it with chipsmany people eat it on cinemayou can drink it in summer timeyou can put it on your sandwichperfect meal if you are in MexicoBritish people like them with fish...

Food 2023-03-27

Food crossword puzzle
  1. баранина
  2. приготовленный на пару
  3. приготовленный на гриле
  4. мандарин
  5. гранат
  6. поздний завтрак
  7. малина
  8. креветка
  1. баклажан
  2. цветная капуста
  3. индейка
  4. гнилой
  5. запеченый
  6. говядина
  7. тунец
  8. груша

16 Clues: тунецгрушагнилойгранатмалинаиндейкабаранинабаклажанговядинамандаринкреветказапеченыйцветная капустапоздний завтракприготовленный на паруприготовленный на гриле

Food 2023-06-11

Food crossword puzzle
  1. A juicy fruit that is often red, green, or yellow and has a crisp texture.
  2. A Japanese dish made of bite-sized portions of raw or cooked fish, rice, and seaweed.
  3. A meal made by placing ingredients like meat, cheese, and vegetables between bread slices.
  4. A sweet and creamy fruit with a yellow peel that is easy to peel and eat.
  5. dog A grilled or steamed sausage served in a sliced bun with condiments and toppings.
  6. A sweet treat made from cocoa beans, often used in desserts and candies.
  7. A delicious sandwich made with a beef patty, lettuce, tomato, and other toppings.
  8. cream A frozen dessert made from dairy products and often flavored with fruits or chocolate.
  1. A mixture of vegetables, often served cold and dressed with a vinaigrette or dressing.
  2. fries Thin strips of potatoes that are deep-fried until crispy and golden.
  3. A popular dish made with a round crust, tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings.
  4. A long and thin pasta that is often served with tomato sauce and meatballs.
  5. A flat and round breakfast food made from a batter and cooked on a hot surface.
  6. A snack made from heated corn kernels that puff up and become light and crunchy.
  7. A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and sweet, pink or red flesh.
  8. A sweet baked treat made from dough, often containing chocolate chips or nuts.

16 Clues: A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and sweet, pink or red flesh.A sweet treat made from cocoa beans, often used in desserts and candies.A sweet and creamy fruit with a yellow peel that is easy to peel and eat.fries Thin strips of potatoes that are deep-fried until crispy and golden....

Food 2023-08-19

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Foods made from milk, like cheese, yogurt, and butter.
  2. Word Description
  3. The feeling of hunger and desire for food.
  4. Sweet treats like cakes, cookies, and ice cream enjoyed after a meal.
  5. Foods like rice, bread, and pasta made from plants like wheat and rice.
  6. The first meal of the day, often including foods like cereal and eggs.
  7. A drink, like water, juice, or milk, that helps us stay hydrated.
  8. A midday meal, often eaten at school or work.
  1. The taste of food, like sweet, salty, sour, or spicy.
  2. A nutrient found in foods like meat, beans, and eggs that helps us grow.
  3. The main meal of the day, often enjoyed with family or friends.
  4. Nutritious plants that are often cooked or eaten raw for their vitamins.
  5. A substance in food that our bodies need to grow and stay healthy.
  6. Delicious and healthy, fruits come in many colors, shapes, and flavors.
  7. A small and tasty food often eaten between meals.
  8. Instructions for cooking a specific dish with ingredients and steps.

16 Clues: Word DescriptionThe feeling of hunger and desire for food.A midday meal, often eaten at school or work.A small and tasty food often eaten between meals.The taste of food, like sweet, salty, sour, or spicy.Foods made from milk, like cheese, yogurt, and butter.The main meal of the day, often enjoyed with family or friends....

food 2024-06-11

food crossword puzzle
  1. Turkish dish with meat in tortilla
  2. popular dessert from Belgium
  3. typical czech side dish
  4. mexican dip made of avocados
  5. typical english dish
  6. round fruit Eva ate
  1. white fluffy candy (smores)
  2. popular ingredient in mexican cuisine (lentils)
  3. sausage in a bun
  4. fish eaten on Christmas in Czech Republic
  5. The most popular czech sauce
  6. orange fish
  7. italian dish with layers
  8. hungarian stew with meat, potatoes and paprika
  9. american bun filled with beef patty and vegetable
  10. World wide known black coloured soda

16 Clues: orange fishsausage in a bunround fruit Eva atetypical english dishtypical czech side dishitalian dish with layerswhite fluffy candy (smores)The most popular czech saucepopular dessert from Belgiummexican dip made of avocadosTurkish dish with meat in tortillaWorld wide known black coloured sodafish eaten on Christmas in Czech Republic...

Food 2024-01-02

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Long, thin pasta noodles often served with tomato sauce and meatballs, a classic Italian dish.
  2. Bite-sized portions of rice topped with raw or cooked fish, vegetables, and seaweed, a Japanese delicacy.
  3. A Filipino noodle dish often stir-fried with vegetables, meat, and soy sauce, a staple in Filipino cuisine.
  4. A round, flatbread topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings, baked to perfection.
  5. A blended beverage made with fruits, yogurt, and ice, creating a refreshing and nutritious drink.
  6. A mixture of raw vegetables, greens, and often other ingredients like cheese or nuts, served with dressing.
  7. A dish with meat, vegetables, or both, cooked in a sauce with a mixture of spices, often served with rice.
  8. Cream A frozen dessert made from sweetened and flavored cream, often served in cones or bowls.
  9. Beaten eggs cooked with various ingredients like cheese, vegetables, and meats, folded into a delicious dish.
  1. A flat, round cake made from a batter of eggs, flour, and milk, often served with syrup or toppings.
  2. Small dough pockets filled with meat, vegetables, or sweets, often steamed, boiled, or fried.
  3. Folded or rolled tortillas filled with various ingredients like seasoned meat, beans, and veggies.
  4. Popped kernels of corn, often flavored with salt or other seasonings, a popular snack for movies.
  5. A dish consisting of two or more slices of bread with fillings like meat, cheese, and vegetables.
  6. A seasoned ground meat patty, typically beef, grilled or fried and served in a bun with toppings.
  7. A sweet, typically brown confection made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, loved by many.

16 Clues: A sweet, typically brown confection made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, loved by many.Small dough pockets filled with meat, vegetables, or sweets, often steamed, boiled, or fried.Long, thin pasta noodles often served with tomato sauce and meatballs, a classic Italian dish....

Food 2024-01-05

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Popcorn is a light and crunchy snack made from dried corn kernels that pop when heated.
  2. Salad Fruit salad is a healthy and colorful mixture of assorted fresh fruits, perfect for a light and tasty snack.
  3. A cupcake is a small, sweet baked treat, often topped with frosting and decorations.
  4. Sushi is a Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice combined with seafood, vegetables, and seaweed.
  5. Chocolate is a sweet treat made from cocoa beans and sugar, available in various forms like bars or candies.
  6. Pancakes are fluffy and round breakfast items made from batter, often served with syrup or toppings.
  7. Chicken is a popular protein source cooked in various ways, such as grilled, fried, or roasted.
  8. A sandwich is a convenient and customizable meal made by placing various fillings between slices of bread.
  9. An omelette is a dish made by beating eggs and cooking them with various ingredients like cheese, vegetables, or meat.
  1. A burger is a tasty sandwich made with a ground meat patty, usually beef, served in a bun with condiments.
  2. Pizza is a delicious dish with a thin crust topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings.
  3. A burrito is a flavorful Mexican dish consisting of a rolled tortilla filled with beans, rice, meat, and other ingredients.
  4. Pasta is a versatile dish made from wheat dough and typically served with various sauces.
  5. A smoothie is a blended beverage made with fruits, yogurt, and ice, creating a refreshing and nutritious drink.
  6. Cream Ice cream is a sweet frozen dessert with various flavors, enjoyed in cones or bowls.
  7. Salad is a refreshing dish made with a mixture of vegetables, fruits, and often dressed with a flavorful dressing.

16 Clues: A cupcake is a small, sweet baked treat, often topped with frosting and decorations.Popcorn is a light and crunchy snack made from dried corn kernels that pop when heated.Pasta is a versatile dish made from wheat dough and typically served with various sauces.Cream Ice cream is a sweet frozen dessert with various flavors, enjoyed in cones or bowls....

Food 2024-01-26

Food crossword puzzle
  1. keitto
  2. hillo
  3. pasta
  4. mustikka
  5. persikka
  6. sipuli
  7. lohi
  8. nuudelit
  9. kakku
  1. vuokaleivos
  2. vesimeloni
  3. suola
  4. leipä
  5. appelsiini
  6. smoothie
  7. sitruuna

16 Clues: lohihillopastasuolaleipäkakkukeittosipulimustikkapersikkasmoothienuudelitsitruunavesimeloniappelsiinivuokaleivos

food 2024-03-28

food crossword puzzle
  1. wheat
  2. round
  3. harvested in june or july
  4. harvessted october november
  5. potassium
  6. yellow
  7. sour
  1. sauce
  2. falls of trees in november
  3. vinigar
  4. made with fruit
  5. harvested through augist through october
  6. makes you cry
  7. mushy breakfasst
  8. purple
  9. breakfast

16 Clues: soursaucewheatroundpurpleyellowvinigarpotassiumbreakfastmakes you crymade with fruitmushy breakfasstharvested in june or julyfalls of trees in novemberharvessted october novemberharvested through augist through october

FOOD 2024-03-19

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. - hús
  2. - kenyér
  3. - tojás
  4. - bab
  5. - sárgarépa
  6. - fagyi
  7. - vaj
  8. - lemonade
  9. - sültkrumpli
  1. - kávé
  2. - sonka
  3. - káposzta
  4. - gyümölcs
  5. - desszert
  6. - tejszín
  7. - saláta

16 Clues: - hús- bab- vaj- kávé- sonka- tojás- fagyi- kenyér- saláta- tejszín- káposzta- gyümölcs- desszert- lemonade- sárgarépa- sültkrumpli

Food 2024-04-08

Food crossword puzzle
  1. winogrono
  2. makaron
  3. chleb
  4. naleśniki
  5. oliwki
  6. ciasto
  7. ser
  8. ogórek
  9. pomidor
  1. kanapka
  2. parówki, kiełbaski
  3. kukurydza
  4. sok jabłkowy
  5. arbuz
  6. czipsy
  7. mleko

16 Clues: serchlebarbuzmlekooliwkiciastoczipsyogórekkanapkamakaronpomidorwinogronokukurydzanaleśnikisok jabłkowyparówki, kiełbaski

FOOD 2024-03-26

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. Typical MacDonald's food
  2. An orange vegetable. The rabbits like it.
  3. Hot liquid food
  4. You can eat it with yoghurt
  5. The Chinese like it. It is white and small
  6. Fried potatoes
  7. Spaghettis or Ravioli
  8. An orange fruit
  1. In Monte Hermoso, the typical is "Corvina"
  2. A red vegetable in a salad
  3. A red, green or yellow vegetable
  4. A mixed of vegetable, for example lettuce and tomatoes
  5. White small legumes
  6. Brown sweet delicious candy
  7. Food you eat on Friday at school
  8. A yellow fruit. The monkeys like it.

16 Clues: Fried potatoesHot liquid foodAn orange fruitWhite small legumesSpaghettis or RavioliTypical MacDonald's foodA red vegetable in a saladYou can eat it with yoghurtBrown sweet delicious candyA red, green or yellow vegetableFood you eat on Friday at schoolA yellow fruit. The monkeys like it.An orange vegetable. The rabbits like it....

FOOD FOOD FOOD 2022-07-22

FOOD FOOD FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. and chips
  2. Maori word for food
  3. you have it with crackers
  4. pot of melted cheese
  5. purple or orange veggie
  6. Maori word for drink
  7. rabbits love this veggie
  1. you have it with cornflakes
  2. cold dessert
  3. name of this restaurant
  4. yellow fruit

11 Clues: and chipscold dessertyellow fruitMaori word for foodpot of melted cheeseMaori word for drinkname of this restaurantpurple or orange veggierabbits love this veggieyou have it with crackersyou have it with cornflakes

FOOD 2014-11-10

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. gaļa Cuk meat
  2. Apple
  3. cucumbr
  4. cake
  5. Tomatoes
  6. sausages
  7. kartupeļi French fries
  8. Onion
  9. Papper
  1. Cabbage
  2. gaļa chicken met
  3. Turnip
  4. bread
  5. salmon
  6. oranges
  7. Lasagna

16 Clues: cakeApplebreadOnionTurnipsalmonPapperCabbagecucumbrorangesLasagnaTomatoessausagesgaļa Cuk meatgaļa chicken metkartupeļi French fries

Food 2014-09-22

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Suppe
  2. Sandwich
  3. Schokolade
  4. Käse
  5. Eis
  6. Butter
  7. Zuckerl
  8. Pommes Frites
  9. Eier
  1. Pizza
  2. Brot
  3. Huhn
  4. Spaghetti
  5. Hamburger
  6. Reis
  7. Würstel

16 Clues: EisBrotHuhnKäseReisEierSuppePizzaButterZuckerlWürstelSandwichSpaghettiHamburgerSchokoladePommes Frites

FOOD 2014-04-08

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. hranolky
  2. ryba
  3. banán
  4. salát
  5. kuře
  6. zelenina
  7. brambory
  8. cereálie
  1. jogurt
  2. pizza
  3. pomeranč
  4. párky
  5. čokoláda
  6. zmrzlina
  7. jablko
  8. vejce

16 Clues: rybakuřepizzapárkybanánsalátvejcejogurtjablkohranolkypomeranččokoládazmrzlinazeleninabramborycereálie

FOOD 2018-03-04

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. йогурт
  2. ягнятина
  3. цвітна капуста
  4. лосось
  5. форель
  6. криветки
  7. ананас
  1. масло
  2. телятина
  3. восьминіг
  4. горох
  5. кавун
  6. фасоля
  7. устриці
  8. рис
  9. свинина

16 Clues: рисмаслогорохкавунйогуртфасолялососьфорельананасустрицісвининателятинаягнятинакриветкивосьминігцвітна капуста

FOOD 2018-05-29

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. - ziemniak
  2. - kapusta
  3. - ogórek
  4. - kalafior
  5. - grzyb
  6. - cebula
  1. - sałata
  2. – fasola
  3. - groszek
  4. - burak
  5. - dynia
  6. - brokuł
  7. pietruszka
  8. - pomidor
  9. - marchew
  10. - rzodkiewka

16 Clues: - burak- dynia- grzyb- sałata– fasola- ogórek- brokuł- cebula- groszek- kapusta- pomidor- marchew- ziemniakpietruszka- kalafior- rzodkiewka

FOOD 2018-05-29

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. fasola
  2. sałata
  3. kapusta
  4. kalafior
  5. ziemniak
  6. grzyb
  7. cebula
  8. rzodkiewka
  1. marchew
  2. burak
  3. groszek
  4. ogórek
  5. brokuł
  6. pietruszka
  7. pomidor
  8. dynia

16 Clues: burakdyniagrzybfasolasałataogórekbrokułcebulamarchewgroszekkapustapomidorkalafiorziemniakpietruszkarzodkiewka

Food 2018-09-11

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Food made with raw fish.
  2. A long, green vegetable
  3. It is round and comes from the ground. You can peel them and boil them.
  4. It is green and sour.
  5. A drink made from fruit.
  6. It is round, flat and tastes well with Nutella, sugar or syrup.
  7. A yellow and long fruit.
  8. Yellow and white. It comes from a hen.
  1. Something you put on a Hawaiian pizza.
  2. What you eat on your birthday.
  3. Made by bees.
  4. The cow makes it
  5. Something round on top of spaghetti.
  6. cream A cold dessert.
  7. Made from milk.
  8. The bread from a burger.

16 Clues: Made by bees.Made from milk.The cow makes itIt is green and sour.cream A cold dessert.A long, green vegetableFood made with raw fish.A drink made from fruit.A yellow and long fruit.The bread from a burger.What you eat on your birthday.Something round on top of spaghetti.Something you put on a Hawaiian pizza.Yellow and white. It comes from a hen....

food 2021-03-08

food crossword puzzle
  1. salty
  2. good for your health
  3. popular soda
  4. looks like pasta
  5. from a cow
  6. from Mexico
  7. from Italia
  8. from milk
  1. eat your....
  2. no meat
  3. live in the ocean
  4. King
  5. stay hydrated
  6. animal eater
  7. from Japan
  8. don´t have a specific size

16 Clues: Kingsaltyno meatfrom milkfrom a cowfrom Japanfrom Mexicofrom Italiaeat your....popular sodaanimal eaterstay hydratedlooks like pastalive in the oceangood for your healthdon´t have a specific size

Food 2020-11-30

Food crossword puzzle
  1. you would say ugh when you see or smell it
  2. everything that has sugar and is what you eat the most
  3. desserts and create a lot of bad fat for the body
  4. breaded shrimp, crackers, squid rings, and all lead to breadth
  5. fish, chicken, oats, lentils it's very important for create musculature.
  6. It has a lot of salt like pizza, potatoes and peanuts.
  7. coffee, chocolate, liquor for these you make weird faces.
  8. Watermelon, meat, chicken with juice drops a lot of liquid
  9. ypur mouth is on fire
  1. Cakes, donuts, processed juices it has a lot of sugar
  2. vanilla ice cream, gelatin, granita and it can freeze your brain.
  3. they are small snacks so you don't feel empty
  4. in parts it is not well cooked
  5. Vegetables, fruits, varied food the one that keeps the body healthy
  6. Sausage, hamburger, fried shrimp.
  7. they are foods like carbohydrates and very soft

16 Clues: ypur mouth is on firein parts it is not well cookedSausage, hamburger, fried would say ugh when you see or smell itthey are small snacks so you don't feel emptythey are foods like carbohydrates and very softdesserts and create a lot of bad fat for the bodyCakes, donuts, processed juices it has a lot of sugar...

Food 2021-01-18

Food crossword puzzle
  1. ananas
  2. szpinak
  3. chleb
  4. ser
  5. kiełbasa
  6. cukier
  7. masło
  8. herbata
  9. winogrono
  1. cebula
  2. sałata
  3. marchewka
  4. makaron
  5. ogórek
  6. borówka/jagoda
  7. szynka

16 Clues: serchlebmasłocebulasałataananasogórekszynkacukierszpinakmakaronherbatakiełbasamarchewkawinogronoborówka/jagoda

Food 2020-05-24

Food crossword puzzle
  1. palačinke
  2. sir
  3. čaj
  4. špageti
  5. jabuke
  6. sok
  7. jaja
  8. juha
  1. keksi
  2. šunka
  3. krumpirići
  4. jagode
  5. mlijeko
  6. hamburgeri
  7. jogurt
  8. riba

16 Clues: sirčajsokribajajajuhakeksišunkajagodejabukejogurtmlijekošpagetipalačinkekrumpirićihamburgeri

food 2020-04-17

food crossword puzzle
  1. it is fried vegetables
  2. they can be made into porridge or flapjacks
  3. you can have it with chips
  4. what you do when making bread
  5. can be put into a roast dinner or a stirfry
  6. you cook things in it
  7. they can be eaten on a full English breakfast
  8. they would be served with a roast dinner
  9. it involves orange
  1. it includes bread and rice
  2. food acts as it
  3. you boil water in it
  4. you do them after cooking something
  5. they are used to make things
  6. people go on one to lose weight
  7. it includes fish

16 Clues: food acts as itit includes fishit involves orangeyou boil water in ityou cook things in itit is fried vegetablesit includes bread and riceyou can have it with chipsthey are used to make thingswhat you do when making breadpeople go on one to lose weightyou do them after cooking somethingthey would be served with a roast dinner...

food 2020-09-30

food crossword puzzle
  1. is made out off rice
  2. has a round shape
  3. It is round
  4. is usually eaten with milk
  5. is usually eaten with peanut sauce
  6. is made out off chicken
  7. is usually filled with shrimp
  8. is made like long strips
  1. fish it is categorized as seafood
  2. is usually filled with many ingredients
  3. is healthy
  4. is usually eaten with cheese
  5. tastes sweet
  6. is made out off meat
  7. is made out off corn
  8. is usually eaten with seaweed

16 Clues: is healthyIt is roundtastes sweethas a round shapeis made out off riceis made out off meatis made out off cornis made out off chickenis made like long stripsis usually eaten with milkis usually eaten with cheeseis usually filled with shrimpis usually eaten with seaweedfish it is categorized as seafoodis usually eaten with peanut sauce...

Food 2021-03-25

Food crossword puzzle
  1. used in salad.
  2. It's sausage served in a bread.
  3. It's yellow and monkeys love them!
  4. A good breakfast before doing sports.
  5. It's part of the hot dog.
  6. It's part of the sandwich.
  7. Mice like.
  8. It's eaten in summer and its 90% is made of water.
  1. Italian food.
  2. Widely used to complement a bean dish.
  3. It's a delicious food.
  4. It's a traditional dish known in many countries.
  5. comes from the cow.
  6. It's eaten roasted.
  7. It's on the computers.
  8. rabbit like.

16 Clues: Mice like.rabbit like.Italian food.used in salad.comes from the cow.It's eaten roasted.It's a delicious food.It's on the computers.It's part of the hot dog.It's part of the sandwich.It's sausage served in a bread.It's yellow and monkeys love them!A good breakfast before doing sports.Widely used to complement a bean dish....

FOOD 2021-10-14

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. use this vegetable in salads, it is Green and delicious.
  2. juice, we drink this beverage in the mornings at breakfast.
  3. Japan and some countries in the world we eat this, it is small, White and delicious.
  4. We eat this at breakfast with coffee or hot cocoa.
  5. This fruit is red and White and it is small.
  6. It is a Kind of meat, and you see them in the ocean.
  7. In Brazil and Colombia like this drink, it is black, and hot.
  8. Children drink this, when they are babies and it is White and cows produces it.
  1. It is a fruit and it is Green and inside it has black seeds.
  2. people eat this in the mornings with milk.
  3. It has bread, ham, lettuce, tomato.
  4. lunch, we eat this, it is hot or cold.
  5. It is a drink, you can prepare this drink with lemons.
  6. We eat this at birthdays and special celebrations.
  7. is a vegetable, we eat in hamburgers and it is round and small.
  8. is small and people fry them, you eat them with hamburgers.

16 Clues: It has bread, ham, lettuce, tomato.lunch, we eat this, it is hot or cold.people eat this in the mornings with milk.This fruit is red and White and it is small.We eat this at breakfast with coffee or hot cocoa.We eat this at birthdays and special celebrations.It is a Kind of meat, and you see them in the ocean....

Food 2022-03-17

Food crossword puzzle
  1. bread
  2. jam
  3. coffee
  4. egg
  5. tea
  6. fish
  7. rice
  8. cake
  9. honey
  1. butter
  2. pasta
  3. cheese
  4. yogurt
  5. chicken
  6. milk
  7. ham

16 Clues: jameggteahamfishmilkricecakebreadpastahoneybuttercheeseyogurtcoffeechicken

food 2022-03-26

food crossword puzzle
  1. pasta
  2. broccoli
  3. sweets
  4. donut
  5. apple
  6. fish
  7. bread
  8. egg
  9. carrot
  1. pineapple
  2. mustard
  3. chocolate
  4. pepper
  5. cucumber
  6. cake
  7. chicken

16 Clues: eggcakefishpastadonutapplebreadsweetspeppercarrotmustardchickenbroccolicucumberpineapplechocolate

Food 2022-03-19

Food crossword puzzle
  1. A vegetavle which is used to make chips
  2. An orange vegetable which grows in the ground
  3. A strongly flavored root of a tropical plant
  4. You add it to make something sweet
  5. A yellow sour fruit
  6. It is made of coco beans
  7. An alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes
  8. Red fruit,it grows on a low plant with white flowers
  1. Sticky and sweet substance made by bees
  2. Milk that has been soured by the addition of bacteria
  3. People eat it while watching films
  4. Many people eat it in Italian restaurants
  5. A drink made of fruits
  6. Thin strips of smoked meat from the sides of a pig
  7. The liquid which cows give
  8. A drink many adults like for breakfast

16 Clues: A yellow sour fruitA drink made of fruitsIt is made of coco beansThe liquid which cows givePeople eat it while watching filmsYou add it to make something sweetA drink many adults like for breakfastSticky and sweet substance made by beesA vegetavle which is used to make chipsMany people eat it in Italian restaurants...

Food 2022-02-26

Food crossword puzzle
  1. maize
  2. ābols
  3. burkāni
  4. karstā šokolāde
  5. sula
  6. tēja
  7. gaļa
  1. vīnogas
  2. ūdens
  3. banāns
  4. zivs
  5. jogurts
  6. rīsi
  7. tomāts
  8. piens
  9. olas

16 Clues: zivsrīsisulatējaolasgaļaūdensmaizeābolspiensbanānstomātsvīnogasjogurtsburkānikarstā šokolāde

Food 2022-03-10

Food crossword puzzle
  1. вишня
  2. овсянка
  3. ананас
  4. помидор
  5. сыр
  6. оливковое масло
  7. сливочное масло
  8. мороженое
  9. мясо
  1. сахар
  2. шоколад
  3. клубника
  4. чеснок
  5. лук
  6. курица
  7. капуста

16 Clues: луксырмясосахарвишнячеснокананаскурицашоколадовсянкапомидоркапустаклубникамороженоеоливковое маслосливочное масло

FOOD 2022-04-09

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. sads
  2. ADAWD
  3. adsasd
  4. sda
  5. asdsad
  6. dsf
  1. sdaad
  2. afsd
  3. dsa
  4. ADADW
  5. dsad
  6. hadsad
  7. dasd
  8. asd
  9. ad
  10. sd

16 Clues: adsddsaasdsdadsfsadsafsddsaddasdsdaadADAWDADADWadsasdhadsadasdsad

food 2021-08-29

food crossword puzzle
  1. carrot
  2. mug
  3. strawberry
  4. knife
  5. cucumber
  6. glass
  7. oil
  8. nuts
  1. fork
  2. cheese
  3. mushroom
  4. olives
  5. cup
  6. cabbage
  7. spoon
  8. plate

16 Clues: mugcupoilforknutsknifeglassspoonplatecarrotcheeseolivescabbagemushroomcucumberstrawberry

Food 2022-04-24

Food crossword puzzle
  1. перец
  2. рис
  3. сахар
  4. вода
  5. лук
  6. cоль
  7. масло
  8. мясо
  1. мед
  2. мороженное
  3. печенье
  4. банан
  5. сыр
  6. кофе
  7. хлеб
  8. чай

16 Clues: медриссырлукчайводакофеcольхлебмясоперецбанансахармаслопеченьемороженное

Food 2023-06-19

Food crossword puzzle
  1. каша
  2. курица
  3. завтрак
  4. овощи
  5. еда
  6. обед
  1. сок
  2. суп
  3. напиток
  4. ужин
  5. чай
  6. кофе
  7. сэндвич
  8. мясо
  9. рыба
  10. молоко

16 Clues: соксупчайедакашаужинкофемясорыбаобедовощикурицамолоконапитокзавтраксэндвич

Food 2023-06-17

Food crossword puzzle
  1. cream A frozen dessert made from dairy products, sugar, and flavors. It comes in various flavors and is enjoyed on hot days.
  2. A popular Italian dish made of a round, flat bread topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings like vegetables or meat.
  3. A long, thin pasta that is often served with a tomato-based sauce and sometimes with meatballs.
  4. A snack made from heated corn kernels that burst and puff up. It is often enjoyed while watching movies.
  5. A sweet treat made from cocoa beans. It can be in the form of bars, candies, or used as an ingredient in desserts.
  6. A meal made by placing ingredients, such as meat, cheese, and vegetables, between two slices of bread.
  7. A long, curved fruit with a yellow peel. It is soft and has a sweet flavor.
  8. fries Thin, crispy strips of deep-fried potatoes. They are a popular side dish or snack.
  9. A creamy, dairy product made by fermenting milk with bacteria. It is often flavored and can be enjoyed as a snack or dessert.
  1. A small, sweet bread-like baked good that often contains fruits, nuts, or chocolate chips.
  2. nuggets Bite-sized pieces of chicken that are breaded and fried until crispy. They are a favorite among kids.
  3. A flat, round cake made from batter and cooked on a griddle or frying pan. It is often served with syrup or fruit toppings.
  4. A mixture of raw or cooked vegetables, fruits, and sometimes meat or cheese, served with a dressing.
  5. A round fruit with different colors like red, green, or yellow. It has a crispy texture and a sweet taste.
  6. A Japanese dish made of vinegared rice combined with various ingredients like raw or cooked seafood, vegetables, or tofu.
  7. A type of sandwich made with a patty of ground meat, usually beef, placed between two slices of bread.

16 Clues: A long, curved fruit with a yellow peel. It is soft and has a sweet flavor.fries Thin, crispy strips of deep-fried potatoes. They are a popular side dish or snack.A small, sweet bread-like baked good that often contains fruits, nuts, or chocolate chips.A long, thin pasta that is often served with a tomato-based sauce and sometimes with meatballs....

Food 2023-06-19

Food crossword puzzle
  1. This is a healthy dish made from a mixture of fresh vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Salads can also include toppings like cheese, croutons, or dressing. They are refreshing and crunchy, and you can create your own salad with your favorite ingredients.
  2. This is a type of meat that comes from a bird called a chicken. Chicken is lean and can be cooked in many ways like grilling, roasting, or frying. It is a good source of protein and can be enjoyed in dishes like chicken nuggets or chicken soup.
  3. This is a long and orange vegetable that grows underground. Carrots are crunchy and slightly sweet. They are great for snacking on or adding to salads and soups. Carrots are good for your eyes and help you see better, just like Bugs Bunny loves to eat them!
  4. This is a sweet treat that is made from cocoa beans. Chocolate comes in different forms like bars, candies, or chocolate chips. It has a rich and smooth taste that many people love. You can eat chocolate on its own or use it to make delicious desserts like cookies or cakes.
  5. This is a delicious fruit that is round and usually red, green, or yellow. Apples have a crunchy texture and a sweet or slightly sour taste. You can bite into an apple or slice it to enjoy. Apples are great for a healthy snack or to make apple juice.
  6. This is a fluffy and round breakfast food made from a batter of flour, milk, and eggs. Pancakes are cooked on a griddle and often served with syrup or toppings like fruits or chocolate chips. They are a delicious way to start your day with a smile on your face!
  7. This is a citrus fruit that is round and usually orange in color. Oranges have a juicy and tangy flavor. They are rich in vitamin C, which is good for your immune system. You can eat an orange by peeling it and separating the segments, or you can enjoy orange juice.
  1. This is a refreshing fruit that is juicy and sweet. Watermelon is large and usually green on the outside with a red or pink flesh inside. It is perfect to eat on a hot day to quench your thirst. You can enjoy watermelon in slices or as a chilled fruit salad.
  2. This is a popular food that consists of a grilled or fried patty made from ground beef. It is placed inside a sliced bun and can be topped with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and sauces. Hamburger is a tasty and satisfying meal enjoyed by both kids and adults.
  3. This is a juicy and red fruit that is used as a vegetable in cooking. Tomatoes have a slightly tangy taste and are often used in salads, sauces, or sandwiches. They are also a key ingredient in dishes like pizza or pasta. Tomatoes add color and flavor to your meals!
  4. This is a popular dish that consists of a round, flat crust topped with sauce, cheese, and various toppings. Pizza can be customized with your favorite ingredients like vegetables, meat, or even pineapple. It is a tasty and satisfying meal loved by many.
  5. This is a delicious dairy product that comes in different types like cheddar, mozzarella, or Swiss. Cheese is made from milk and has a creamy or slightly salty taste. You can eat cheese on its own, melt it on pizza, or use it in sandwiches. Cheese makes food yummy!
  6. This is a staple food made from flour, water, and yeast. Bread comes in different shapes and sizes like slices or buns. It is soft and can be toasted or used to make sandwiches. Bread is a great source of energy and can be eaten with spreads like butter or jam.
  7. cream This is a frozen dessert that is made from milk, sugar, and flavors like vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry. Ice cream is smooth, creamy, and often enjoyed in a cone or a bowl. It comes in many flavors and can be topped with sprinkles or syrups for extra yumminess.
  8. This is a creamy and delicious dairy product that is made from fermented milk. Yogurt comes in different flavors like strawberry, blueberry, or vanilla. It is a healthy snack and a good source of calcium for strong bones. You can enjoy yogurt on its own or with fruits.
  9. This is a long and curved fruit that is yellow when ripe. Bananas have a soft and creamy texture with a sweet flavor. You can peel a banana and eat it as it is or use it to make smoothies or banana bread. Bananas are packed with energy and are good for you.

16 Clues: This is a type of meat that comes from a bird called a chicken. Chicken is lean and can be cooked in many ways like grilling, roasting, or frying. It is a good source of protein and can be enjoyed in dishes like chicken nuggets or chicken soup....

Food 2023-06-21

Food crossword puzzle
  1. A Japanese dish consisting of bite-sized portions of raw or cooked fish on rice.
  2. Chicken that has been coated in batter or breadcrumbs and deep-fried.
  3. A mixture of vegetables, often with dressing, served as a healthy option.
  4. A cooked sausage served in a sliced bun and typically topped with condiments.
  5. A frozen dessert made from sweetened and flavored dairy products.
  6. A dish made by stir-frying rice with vegetables, meat, and soy sauce.
  1. A dish made by beating eggs and cooking them in a frying pan with various fillings.
  2. A Filipino noodle dish that is stir-fried and usually mixed with vegetables and meat.
  3. A delicious dish with a round crust topped with cheese and various toppings.
  4. A flat and round breakfast food made from batter and usually served with syrup.
  5. A popular food made by placing ingredients between two slices of bread.
  6. A long, thin pasta dish served with sauce and sometimes meatballs.
  7. Thin strips of deep-fried potatoes, often served as a side dish.
  8. A Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla filled with various ingredients, such as meat and salsa.
  9. A tasty sandwich made with a meat patty, vegetables, and a bun.
  10. A dish with a spicy sauce and meat or vegetables, often served with rice.

16 Clues: A tasty sandwich made with a meat patty, vegetables, and a bun.Thin strips of deep-fried potatoes, often served as a side dish.A frozen dessert made from sweetened and flavored dairy products.A long, thin pasta dish served with sauce and sometimes meatballs.Chicken that has been coated in batter or breadcrumbs and deep-fried....

Food 2023-06-22

Food crossword puzzle
  1. A liquid dish typically made by boiling meat, vegetables, or other ingredients in water or stock.
  2. A dish made from unleavened dough, typically made with wheat flour and water.
  3. A staple food made from flour, water, and yeast, often baked in an oven.
  4. A dairy product made by fermenting milk with bacteria, often flavored or sweetened.
  5. A flat, round cake made from batter and cooked on a hot surface or griddle.
  6. The meat of a domestic fowl, often prepared by roasting, grilling, or frying.
  7. A grain that is a staple food in many parts of the world, often served as a side dish.
  8. A sweet food made from roasted and ground cacao beans, often used as a flavoring ingredient.
  1. The edible part of a plant that is sweet or sometimes sour, typically consumed raw.
  2. A sandwich consisting of a cooked beef patty in a bun, often with additional toppings.
  3. A dish made from a mixture of vegetables, often with added dressings or toppings.
  4. A plant or part of a plant used as food, such as a root, stem, leaf, or flower.
  5. A meal consisting of two or more slices of bread with filling in between.
  6. A dairy product made from milk, usually prepared by curdling and pressing.
  7. Cream A frozen dessert made from sweetened and flavored milk or cream.
  8. A round, flat bread topped with sauce, cheese, and various toppings.

16 Clues: A round, flat bread topped with sauce, cheese, and various toppings.Cream A frozen dessert made from sweetened and flavored milk or cream.A staple food made from flour, water, and yeast, often baked in an oven.A meal consisting of two or more slices of bread with filling in between....

Food 2023-06-24

Food crossword puzzle
  1. A classic American sandwich consisting of a meat patty and bun.
  2. A convenient and customizable meal made with bread and various fillings.
  3. Small, individual cakes often topped with frosting and decorations.
  4. dog A grilled sausage served in a long, soft bun with toppings.
  5. Long, thin pasta noodles served with a variety of sauces.
  6. fries Thin and crispy potato sticks, a popular side dish.
  7. A healthy dish made with a variety of fresh vegetables and dressing.
  8. A blended beverage made with fruits, yogurt, and ice.
  1. Light and fluffy breakfast cakes, often served with syrup.
  2. A delicious flatbread topped with cheese and various toppings.
  3. A sweet treat made from cocoa beans, available in various forms.
  4. Noodles made from wheat, served with sauce and other ingredients.
  5. cream A frozen dessert made from dairy or non-dairy ingredients, with various flavors.
  6. Mexican tortillas filled with meat, cheese, and vegetables.
  7. Bite-sized rolls of rice and fresh seafood, a popular Japanese dish.
  8. chicken Crispy and flavorful chicken that is deep-fried to perfection.

16 Clues: A blended beverage made with fruits, yogurt, and ice.Long, thin pasta noodles served with a variety of sauces.fries Thin and crispy potato sticks, a popular side dish.Light and fluffy breakfast cakes, often served with syrup.Mexican tortillas filled with meat, cheese, and vegetables.A delicious flatbread topped with cheese and various toppings....

FOOD 2023-04-11

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. it´s like Jelly and its sweet
  2. it´s a drink
  3. brown and can be fried
  4. It´s white and comes from cows
  5. they come from a chicken
  6. It can be of different colors and made of fruit
  7. it can be yellow or white
  8. A drink with a lot of sugar
  9. It's sweet and comes to fruit
  1. Its made from bread and different ingridients
  2. we use it to cook and its yellow and white
  3. it´s a sea food
  4. it´s common in birthdays
  5. It´s a green vegetable
  6. It´s read and made out of meat
  7. It´s red and its eaten with fries

16 Clues: it´s a drinkit´s a sea foodbrown and can be friedIt´s a green vegetableit´s common in birthdaysthey come from a chickenit can be yellow or whiteA drink with a lot of sugarit´s like Jelly and its sweetIt's sweet and comes to fruitIt´s read and made out of meatIt´s white and comes from cowsIt´s red and its eaten with fries...

FOOD 2023-07-21

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. 土豆
  2. 西瓜
  3. 胡萝卜
  4. 可乐
  5. 水果
  6. 肉类
  7. 饮料
  1. 蔬菜
  2. 葡萄
  3. 西红柿
  4. 橙子
  5. 鸡肉
  6. 果汁
  7. 牛奶

16 Clues: 蔬菜土豆葡萄西瓜橙子鸡肉果汁可乐水果肉类牛奶饮料西红柿胡萝卜

Food 2023-08-07

Food crossword puzzle
  1. A dense, chocolatey baked dessert often containing nuts or other ingredients.
  2. Deep-fried potato strips, typically served as a side dish.
  3. A small, individual-sized baked bread product, often sweet and flavored.
  4. A thick slice of meat, usually beef, cooked to the desired level of doneness.
  5. A sweet, cold beverage made from milk, ice cream, and flavorings, often blended together.
  6. A small, ring-shaped fried cake, typically sweet and topped with glaze or other decorations.
  7. A cooked sausage served in a sliced bun, typically garnished with various toppings.
  8. A sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground meat served in a bun.
  9. A batter-based cake cooked in a waffle iron, resulting in a grid-like pattern.
  1. A small, sweet baked treat usually made from dough and often containing chocolate chips.
  2. A round, flat bread topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings.
  3. A food item consisting of two or more slices of bread with fillings in between.
  4. Italian noodles made from a dough of wheat flour and water, typically served with sauce.
  5. A dish made by beating eggs and cooking them in a pan, often with various fillings.
  6. A flat, round cake made from a batter and cooked on a hot griddle or pan.
  7. A mixture of vegetables, often accompanied by other ingredients and a dressing.

16 Clues: Deep-fried potato strips, typically served as a side dish.A sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground meat served in a bun.A small, individual-sized baked bread product, often sweet and flavored.A flat, round cake made from a batter and cooked on a hot griddle or pan.A round, flat bread topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings....

Food 2022-12-09

Food crossword puzzle
  1. kukurūza
  2. burgers
  3. zivis un kartupeļi
  4. nūdeles
  5. pankūka
  6. olīvas
  7. tuncis
  1. sēnes
  2. jogurts
  3. spināti
  4. zaļā paprika
  5. vistas gaļa
  6. ananass
  7. garneles
  8. karijs
  9. sīpoli

16 Clues: sēneskarijsolīvassīpolituncisjogurtsspinātiburgersananassnūdelespankūkakukurūzagarnelesvistas gaļazaļā paprikazivis un kartupeļi

Food 2022-12-25

Food crossword puzzle
  1. soft white cheese
  2. sourdough, brioche, baguette
  3. sweet, kids love it
  4. poultry animal
  5. healthy, eaten while dieting
  6. flat sheet pasta
  7. mexican food, tortilla topped with fillings
  8. desert with eggs, cream, sugar
  1. italian dish with cheese and tomato sauce
  2. somewhat of an ancient fried Pop Tart, empanadas
  3. water ice
  4. john montagu invented it
  5. steelcut, rolled, quick
  6. dessert, lick to eat it
  7. breafast item, flat thin and round cake
  8. gao and bao

16 Clues: water icegao and baopoultry animalflat sheet pastasoft white cheesesweet, kids love itsteelcut, rolled, quickdessert, lick to eat itjohn montagu invented itsourdough, brioche, baguettehealthy, eaten while dietingdesert with eggs, cream, sugarbreafast item, flat thin and round cakeitalian dish with cheese and tomato sauce...

Food 2023-01-24

Food crossword puzzle
  1. cibule
  2. polévka
  3. chleba
  4. cereálie
  5. hlávkový salát
  6. vejce
  7. rajčata
  8. houby
  1. brambůrky
  2. máslo
  3. jahoda
  4. hrozny
  5. jogurt
  6. fazole
  7. šlehačka
  8. večeře

16 Clues: máslovejcehoubycibulejahodahroznyjogurtchlebafazolevečeřepolévkarajčatašlehačkacereáliebrambůrkyhlávkový salát

food 2023-09-14

food crossword puzzle
  1. rice
  2. avocados
  3. eggs
  4. pasta
  5. strawberries
  6. soup
  7. milk
  8. chips
  1. cereal
  2. chocolate
  3. sausages
  4. cupcakes
  5. grapes
  6. cherries
  7. bread
  8. soda

16 Clues: riceeggssodasoupmilkpastabreadchipscerealgrapessausagescupcakesavocadoscherrieschocolatestrawberries

Food 2023-09-03

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Sweet endings to a delicious meal.
  2. Sugary treats like candy, cakes, and cookies.
  3. Foods Morning meals like cereal and pancakes.
  4. Delicious dishes from the ocean or rivers.
  5. Colorful and nutritious plants we eat.
  6. and Stews Warm and comforting dishes, often with broth.
  7. Baked and sliced goodness, great for sandwiches.
  8. and Cereals Foods made from grains like oats and barley.
  1. Noodles made from wheat or other grains.
  2. Protein-rich foods from animals.
  3. Drinks like water, juice, and soda.
  4. Sweet and healthy snacks from nature.
  5. Products Foods made from milk, like cheese and yogurt.
  6. Food Quick and convenient meals from restaurants.
  7. Small, tasty bites to satisfy your hunger.
  8. A staple food made from small grains.

16 Clues: Protein-rich foods from animals.Sweet endings to a delicious meal.Drinks like water, juice, and soda.Sweet and healthy snacks from nature.A staple food made from small grains.Colorful and nutritious plants we eat.Noodles made from wheat or other grains.Delicious dishes from the ocean or rivers.Small, tasty bites to satisfy your hunger....

food 2022-05-11

food crossword puzzle
  1. еда
  2. чай
  3. напитки
  4. морковь
  5. виноград
  6. вода
  7. баклажан
  8. овощи
  9. перец
  10. помидор
  1. гранат
  2. фрукты
  3. огурец
  4. ананас
  5. арбуз
  6. груша

16 Clues: едачайводаарбузгрушаовощиперецгранатфруктыогурецананаснапиткиморковьпомидорвиноградбаклажан

Food 2022-10-17

Food crossword puzzle
  1. find it in the freezer
  2. a Scottish soup
  3. boil or poach them
  4. put it in a scone
  5. baked in a pie
  6. It grows within a bunch
  7. a salad veg
  8. a colourful fruit
  1. it makes food tasty
  2. a Scottish breakfast
  3. It lays a breakfast item
  4. meat from a pig
  5. a starter
  6. a ‘granny smith’
  7. small round green veg
  8. a fish

16 Clues: a fisha startera salad vegbaked in a piea Scottish soupmeat from a piga ‘granny smith’put it in a sconea colourful fruitboil or poach themit makes food tastya Scottish breakfastsmall round green vegfind it in the freezerIt grows within a bunchIt lays a breakfast item

Food 2023-02-20

Food crossword puzzle
  1. เนื้อสัตว์
  2. เบอร์เกอร์
  3. กาแฟ
  4. แอปเปิ้ล
  5. แซนวิซ
  6. กล้วย
  7. ชีส
  1. น้ำ
  2. น้ำผลไม้
  3. ขนมปัง
  4. ข้าว
  5. ไข่
  6. ปลา
  7. แพนเค้ก
  8. นม
  9. คุ๊กกี้

16 Clues: นมน้ำไข่ปลาชีสข้าวกาแฟกล้วยขนมปังแซนวิซแพนเค้กคุ๊กกี้น้ำผลไม้แอปเปิ้ลเนื้อสัตว์เบอร์เกอร์

(food) 2023-02-14

(food) crossword puzzle
  1. grows on stalks and farms usually grow this
  2. eaten at birthday parties
  3. orange and grows in ground and is a vegetible
  4. fruit that mostly grows on vines and makes raisins
  5. can be red or green and grow on trees, common gift for teachers
  6. so many food is made with this bacteria grown food, some common are Swiss and cheddar
  7. made from cows
  8. always next to salt
  9. grows in ground,vegetables, and common on thanksgiving
  10. yellow, grows on trees and you peel it
  1. red and is used in ketchup
  2. orange and grows in trees and is a fruit
  3. you cant go without this drink for very long, it has no taste and is common on earth
  4. this meat is from an animal that's grown in coops on farms
  5. you make a sandwich from this
  6. many people don't like this with broccoli, occasionally eaten with pepperoni

16 Clues: made from cowsalways next to salteaten at birthday partiesred and is used in ketchupyou make a sandwich from thisyellow, grows on trees and you peel itorange and grows in trees and is a fruitgrows on stalks and farms usually grow thisorange and grows in ground and is a vegetiblefruit that mostly grows on vines and makes raisins...

Food 2023-10-25

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Raw fish and rice rolled in seaweed.
  2. Long, thin pasta often served with sauce.
  3. Small, juicy fruits often eaten in clusters.
  4. A flat, round, fluffy breakfast treat.
  5. A pungent bulb vegetable used in various recipes.
  6. Cake: Moist and rich cake made with chocolate.
  7. A long, curved fruit with a soft, sweet interior.
  8. A citrus fruit with a bright, tangy flavor.
  1. Ground meat patty in a bun.
  2. A round or oval fruit with crisp flesh and sweet or tart flavor.
  3. A thick cut of grilled or fried meat.
  4. A red, juicy fruit often used as a vegetable in culinary dishes.
  5. Cream Frozen, creamy dessert with various flavors.
  6. Baked flatbread with various toppings.
  7. A crisp, green vegetable commonly used in salads.
  8. A crunchy, orange root vegetable.

16 Clues: Ground meat patty in a bun.A crunchy, orange root vegetable.Raw fish and rice rolled in seaweed.A thick cut of grilled or fried meat.Baked flatbread with various toppings.A flat, round, fluffy breakfast treat.Long, thin pasta often served with sauce.A citrus fruit with a bright, tangy flavor.Small, juicy fruits often eaten in clusters....

FOOD 2023-11-13

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. It's a meal you eat in the morning.
  2. It's made of bread dough, tomato sauce and cheese. You can put many toppings on it, like peppers and olives.
  3. Made of potatoes, and you can buy them in a bag.
  4. It's something sweet and you eat it for your birthday.
  5. It's a meal you eat in the middle of the day.
  6. It's yellow and curved.
  7. It's a meal you eat at night.
  8. It can be pork, fish, chicken or beef.
  9. It can be in buns, and you can buy them in bakeries.
  1. You need it to live. They say drink 2L a day.
  2. They can be brown or white. They come from chickens.
  3. It's a liquid, it can be made from oranges or apples.
  4. It's made from pork.
  5. You use bread, cheese and ham. You can eat it with your hands.
  6. You can have it for breakfast, in a bowl with milk.
  7. You put it in two buns, you can add lettuce, cheese and eat it with your hands.

16 Clues: It's made from pork.It's yellow and curved.It's a meal you eat at night.It's a meal you eat in the morning.It can be pork, fish, chicken or beef.You need it to live. They say drink 2L a day.It's a meal you eat in the middle of the day.Made of potatoes, and you can buy them in a bag.You can have it for breakfast, in a bowl with milk....

food 2023-11-07

food crossword puzzle
  1. - la frutta
  2. - il caffè
  3. - la patata
  4. - le bevande
  5. - la banana
  6. - l'acqua
  7. - l'arancia
  8. - la verdura
  1. - il succo
  2. - il cibo
  3. - la pera
  4. - il the
  5. - la carota
  6. - l'insalata
  7. - il pomodoro
  8. - la mela

16 Clues: - il the- il cibo- la pera- l'acqua- la mela- il succo- il caffè- la frutta- la patata- la carota- la banana- l'arancia- le bevande- l'insalata- la verdura- il pomodoro

Food 2024-02-19

Food crossword puzzle
  1. қыша, горчица (mustard )
  2. шоколад (chocolate)
  3. тіскебасар, закуска (snack)
  4. капуста, қырыққабат (cabbage)
  5. жержаңғақ, арахис (peanut)
  6. бұрыш, перец (pepper)
  7. шұбат (shubat)
  8. тәтті, сладкое (sweet)
  1. майонез (mayonnaise)
  2. қияр, огурец (cucumber)
  3. колбаса, шұжық (sausage)
  4. тұз, соль (salt)
  5. қуырылған картоп, картошка фри (chips)
  6. салат (lettuce)
  7. пицца (pizza)
  8. қытырлақ картоп, чипсы (crisps)

16 Clues: пицца (pizza)шұбат (shubat)салат (lettuce)тұз, соль (salt)шоколад (chocolate)майонез (mayonnaise)бұрыш, перец (pepper)тәтті, сладкое (sweet)қияр, огурец (cucumber)қыша, горчица (mustard )колбаса, шұжық (sausage)жержаңғақ, арахис (peanut)тіскебасар, закуска (snack)капуста, қырыққабат (cabbage)қытырлақ картоп, чипсы (crisps)...

food 2024-04-03

food crossword puzzle
  1. This is a kind of meat.
  2. I am brown and tasty at Easter!
  3. A delicious, red fruit.
  4. Two pieces of bread with meat in the middle.
  5. You can only have this after dinner.
  6. Another kind of meat.
  7. If you cut this, you might cry.
  8. A kind of grain.
  1. This is made of bread, cheese, and tomato.
  2. I am yellow, curved, and good for you!
  3. I am very important in the Netherlands.
  4. You can come here to eat.
  5. Fish is a kind of...
  6. You might eat me for breakfast.
  7. This vegetable is like a little green tree.
  8. This is a little spicy

16 Clues: A kind of grain.Fish is a kind of...Another kind of meat.This is a little spicyThis is a kind of meat.A delicious, red fruit.You can come here to eat.I am brown and tasty at Easter!You might eat me for breakfast.If you cut this, you might cry.You can only have this after dinner.I am yellow, curved, and good for you!...

Food 2024-05-22

Food crossword puzzle
  1. <orange vegetable>
  2. lechuga
  3. manzana
  4. queso
  5. cebolla
  6. <in a bag normally, example: doritos, lays>
  7. mantequilla
  8. judia
  1. sopa
  2. helado
  3. <a fruit which is also a colour>
  4. patata
  5. < main ingredient in paella, rissoto, etc>
  6. <chickens make them, like are like balls>
  7. pastel
  8. <used a lot in Spain to make oil>

16 Clues: sopaquesojudiaheladopatatapastellechugamanzanacebollamantequilla<orange vegetable><a fruit which is also a colour><used a lot in Spain to make oil><chickens make them, like are like balls>< main ingredient in paella, rissoto, etc><in a bag normally, example: doritos, lays>

Food 2015-10-18

Food crossword puzzle
  1. once in a blue ....
  2. to cook in the oven without fat
  3. forks, knives and spoons
  4. plates and glasses
  5. to not eat for a long time
  6. to cook in the oven with fat
  7. a type of fish
  8. a type of fish popular in Poland
  9. meat from a calf
  1. ... book - a collection of recipes
  2. ....-ups - a type of physical activity
  3. not proteins
  4. a very expensive kind of seafood
  5. cut into small pieces
  6. to take the skin off
  7. - away - food you can take with you

16 Clues: not proteinsa type of fishmeat from a calfplates and glassesonce in a blue take the skin offcut into small piecesforks, knives and spoonsto not eat for a long timeto cook in the oven with fatto cook in the oven without fata very expensive kind of seafooda type of fish popular in Poland... book - a collection of recipes...

food 2017-12-14

food crossword puzzle
  1. poisson
  2. jus
  3. lait
  4. pomme de terre
  5. oeuf
  6. pain
  7. tasse
  8. eau
  9. assiette
  10. des haricots
  1. fruit
  2. legumes
  3. viande
  4. riz
  5. verre
  6. pomme

16 Clues: jusrizeaulaitoeufpainfruitverrepommetasseviandepoissonlegumesassiettedes haricotspomme de terre

FOOD 2018-04-09

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. makaron
  2. lody
  3. chleb
  4. ciasto/ciastko
  5. truskawki
  6. ser
  7. ziemniak
  8. koktajl mleczny
  1. sok
  2. woda gazowana
  3. masło
  4. jajko
  5. mleko
  6. pomidor
  7. miód
  8. ryba

16 Clues: sokserlodymiódrybachlebmasłojajkomlekomakaronpomidorziemniaktruskawkiwoda gazowanaciasto/ciastkokoktajl mleczny

Food 2018-09-18

Food crossword puzzle
  1. ägg
  2. smörgås
  3. gröt
  4. läsk
  5. skinka
  6. gurka
  7. potatis
  8. glass
  9. salladsblad
  1. chips
  2. myslistång
  3. ost
  4. munk
  5. bröd
  6. kaffe
  7. muffins med glasyr

16 Clues: äggostgrötläskmunkbrödchipskaffegurkaglassskinkasmörgåspotatismyslistångsalladsbladmuffins med glasyr

Food 2013-06-08

Food crossword puzzle
  1. The liquid that comes from fruit and vegetables
  2. A sea animal with a hard shell, five legs on each side, and two large claws
  3. A soft sweet food made by baking a mixture of flour, butter, sugar, and eggs:
  4. A small round red or black fruit with a long thin stem and a stone in the middle
  5. The meat from a cow
  6. Yellow fruit
  7. thick liquid food that tastes slightly sour and is made from milk, or an amount of this food
  8. A green vegetable
  9. A small thin dry cake that is usually sweet and made for one person to eat
  1. A powder that is used to add a hot taste to food
  2. A food that consists of small white or brown grains that you boil in water until they become soft enough to eat
  3. A brown powder made from cocoa beans, used to make chocolate and to give a chocolate taste to foods
  4. A flat round piece of finely cut beef, which is cooked and eaten in a bread
  5. A pale brown nut in a thin shell which grows under the ground
  6. A thick cold red sauce made from tomatoes, that you put on food
  7. An alcoholic drink

16 Clues: Yellow fruitA green vegetableAn alcoholic drinkThe meat from a cowThe liquid that comes from fruit and vegetablesA powder that is used to add a hot taste to foodA pale brown nut in a thin shell which grows under the groundA thick cold red sauce made from tomatoes, that you put on food...

Food 2013-08-16

Food crossword puzzle
  1. for vegetarians only
  2. italian speciality
  3. a computer/mobile company
  4. you lick at it, and it slowly vanish
  5. mice like it
  6. you have some in your body
  7. you eat it often at birthdays and for fun!
  1. contains rice and is eaten raw
  2. pink an floffy
  3. a movie called american ...
  4. you eat it at the morning with milk
  5. and then with pineapple
  6. no one knows the recipe
  7. it's a warm animal
  8. it's french, but you can't speak with it
  9. keeps you awake

16 Clues: mice like itpink an floffykeeps you awakeitalian specialityit's a warm animalfor vegetarians onlyand then with pineappleno one knows the recipea computer/mobile companyyou have some in your bodya movie called american ...contains rice and is eaten rawyou eat it at the morning with milkyou lick at it, and it slowly vanish...

food 2015-02-24

food crossword puzzle
  1. kola
  2. zivs
  3. plūme
  4. banāns
  5. siers
  6. ābols
  7. piens
  1. tēja
  2. kafija
  3. zupa
  4. kartupeļi
  5. sula
  6. maize
  7. čipsi
  8. kūka
  9. ola

16 Clues: olatējakolazivszupasulakūkaplūmemaizesiersčipsiābolspienskafijabanānskartupeļi