lord of the rings Crossword Puzzles

Which country am I? 2022-07-31

Which country am I? crossword puzzle
  1. The country that the Eiffel Tower is located in.
  2. The Swiss people come from this country.
  3. It is the country where the tango dance originated in.
  4. It is a Scandinavian country, and its capital city is Oslo.
  5. It is the country where Panda Bears live.
  6. It is the country where cows are sacred.
  7. The country which is famous for its Maple Syrup.
  1. It is the country where they celebrate the 4th of July (Independence Day).
  2. The country where Dubrovnik is located.
  3. It is the country where the famous pyramids are found.
  4. It is the country where the Beatles were born.
  5. It is the largest country in the world.
  6. The country where Lord of the Rings was filmed.

13 Clues: The country where Dubrovnik is located.It is the largest country in the world.The Swiss people come from this country.It is the country where cows are sacred.It is the country where Panda Bears live.It is the country where the Beatles were born.The country where Lord of the Rings was filmed.The country that the Eiffel Tower is located in....

Crossword #3: Do you know your books?? 2023-09-08

Crossword #3: Do you know your books?? crossword puzzle
  1. author of the Harry Potter series
  2. reading may relieve this and stress by up to 68%
  3. author of The Lord of the Rings and companion books
  4. contains the longest printed sentence with 823 words
  5. scientists can use this as a way to determine the age of a book
  6. wrote horror poems and short stories, such as "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Ravens"
  1. this country read 25% more during the pandemic lockdown in 2020
  2. this author sold 14.3 million print copies of her books in 2022
  3. first recorded work of fiction; "The Epic of _____"
  4. it takes on average 475 hours to write one of these
  5. people from this nation read the most
  6. known as the modern father of horror literature

12 Clues: author of the Harry Potter seriespeople from this nation read the mostknown as the modern father of horror literaturereading may relieve this and stress by up to 68%first recorded work of fiction; "The Epic of _____"author of The Lord of the Rings and companion booksit takes on average 475 hours to write one of these...

Joshua: God Works Through His People Fulfilling His Covenant 2020-09-30

Joshua: God Works Through His People Fulfilling His Covenant crossword puzzle
  1. Then Joshua assembled all the tribes of Israel at _______ (Joshua 24:1)
  2. _____ your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel (Joshua 24:23)
  3. We will serve the Lord our God and ____ him (Joshua 24:24)
  4. Now fear the Lord and serve him with all ___________ (Joshua 24:14)
  5. He will bring _________ on you if you serve foreign gods (Joshua 24:20)
  6. He ________ the elders, leaders, judges and officials of Israel (Joshua 24:1)
  7. _____ the Lord (Joshua 24:14)
  8. The people said to _____ “No! We will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:21)
  9. He is a ______ God (Joshua 24:19)
  1. and they _________ themselves before God (Joshua 24:1)
  2. You are _________ against yourselves that you have chosen to serve the Lord (Joshua 24:22)
  3. But if serving the Lord seems ____________ to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve (Joshua 24:15)
  4. He will not forgive your _________ (Joshua 24:19)
  5. Far be it from us to _______ the Lord (Joshua 24:16)
  6. But as for me and my household, we will serve the ____ (Joshua 24:15)

15 Clues: _____ the Lord (Joshua 24:14)He is a ______ God (Joshua 24:19)He will not forgive your _________ (Joshua 24:19)Far be it from us to _______ the Lord (Joshua 24:16)and they _________ themselves before God (Joshua 24:1)We will serve the Lord our God and ____ him (Joshua 24:24)_____ your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel (Joshua 24:23)...

Around the World 2020-04-23

Around the World crossword puzzle
  1. The smallest country in the world is ...
  2. Name the dog breed that appears as a character in 'Men in Black' movies.
  3. Amazon started its online store with …
  4. It goes up but never down.
  5. Name the author of the famous 'Lord of the Rings' books.
  6. The only food that never expires.
  7. The highest selling video game console of all time.
  8. Name the rock band that recorded the song 'We are the champions'.
  9. Term referring to all kinds of harmful software including viruses, trojan horses and spyware.
  1. The country where Pac-Man video game was first released.
  2. Where does the quote 'draw me like one of your French girls' comes from?
  3. This fruit floats because 25% of its volume is air.
  4. Bill Gates is the founder of …
  5. Allows users to hold video chats and meetings online via the Internet.
  6. … The Grey is the name of the wizard in 'The Hobbit' movies.
  7. The shortest English word is …
  8. The name of the browser released by Google.
  9. The best-selling pop album of all time is …

18 Clues: It goes up but never down.Bill Gates is the founder of …The shortest English word is …The only food that never expires.Amazon started its online store with …The smallest country in the world is ...The name of the browser released by Google.The best-selling pop album of all time is …This fruit floats because 25% of its volume is air....

Genres of fiction 2023-10-10

Genres of fiction crossword puzzle
  1. Dracula is my favorite book
  2. Stories with abilities that do not exist
  3. Stories with a moral
  1. Jane Eyre is about a lot of love
  2. The lord of the rings is a example
  3. Stories with true parts

6 Clues: Stories with a moralStories with true partsDracula is my favorite bookJane Eyre is about a lot of loveThe lord of the rings is a exampleStories with abilities that do not exist

Lord of Flies 2017-05-21

Lord of Flies crossword puzzle
  1. / Piggy's glasses.
  2. Rock / Jack's savages shelter.
  3. pool / Where the boys bathed and swam.
  4. / The spot where the boys had assemblies.
  5. / Character with savage tribe (obsessed with hunting.
  6. Ocean / Where the Island was located (what ocean).
  7. / Huts on the beach.
  8. / Character with illness.
  9. of The Flies / Pig's head hanging on a stick.
  10. / Character that lives with his Auntie.
  1. / Created with Piggy's specs and makes smoke for the boys rescue.
  2. / Pink shell.
  3. / The chief with the conch.
  4. / The twins.
  5. / Mistaken as beaties on top of mountain.
  6. / The heard of pigs in a stampede.
  7. / Meetings the boys had.
  8. / Vines and leaves hanging from trees.
  9. / Littlun that recites name, number, and address.
  10. / What Jack used to sharpen sticks and kill the pigs.

20 Clues: / The twins./ Pink shell./ Piggy's glasses./ Huts on the beach./ Meetings the boys had./ Character with illness./ The chief with the conch.Rock / Jack's savages shelter./ The heard of pigs in a stampede./ Vines and leaves hanging from trees.pool / Where the boys bathed and swam./ Character that lives with his Auntie....

TRUE WORSHIP--Meditate on verses as you worship God in spirit and in truth 2017-01-12

TRUE WORSHIP--Meditate on verses as you worship God in spirit and in truth crossword puzzle
  1. ROMANS 11:36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be __________ for ever. Amen.
  2. PSALM 108:5 Be thou __________, O God, above the heavens: and thy glory above all the earth.
  3. 2 SAMUEL 7:22 Wherefore thou art __________, O Lord God: for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.
  4. 1 CHRONICLES 29:11 Thine, O Lord is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the __________: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all.
  5. PSALM 99:5 Exalt ye the LORD our God, and worship at his __________; for he is holy.
  6. PSALM 73:25 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I __________ beside thee.
  7. ISAIAH 25:1 O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are __________ and truth.
  8. 1 CHRONICLES 16:34 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy __________ for ever.
  9. JOHN 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true __________ shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
  10. PSALM 29:2 Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of __________.
  11. ROMANS 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living __________, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
  12. PSALM 145:1 I will __________ thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever.
  13. PSALM 34:1 I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my __________.
  14. PSALM 100:4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be __________ unto him, and bless his name.
  15. COLOSSIANS 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, __________ with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
  1. PSALM 9:1 I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole __________; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.
  2. PHILIPPIANS 2:10-11 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should __________ that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
  3. PSALM 71:8 Let my mouth be filled with thy __________ and with thy honour all the day.
  4. REVELATION 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his __________ is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
  5. PSALM 63:3-4 Because thy __________ is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.
  6. PSALM 103:1 Bless the Lord, O my __________: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
  7. PSALM 150:6 Let every thing that hath __________ praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.
  8. EXODUS 23:25 And ye shall __________ the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.
  9. HEBREWS 12:28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with __________ and godly fear:
  10. 1 CHRONICLES 16:23-24 Sing unto the LORD, all the earth; shew forth from day to day his salvation. Declare his glory among the heathen; his __________ works among all nations.
  11. PSALM 71:23 My lips shall greatly __________ when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed.
  12. PSALM 86:9-10 All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name. For thou art great, and doest __________ things: thou art God alone.
  13. NEHEMIAH 9:5 ...Stand up and bless the LORD your God for ever and ever: and blessed be thy glorious name, which is exalted above all __________ and praise.
  14. John 4:24 God is a __________: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
  15. SAMUEL 2:2 There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any __________ like our God.

30 Clues: PSALM 99:5 Exalt ye the LORD our God, and worship at his __________; for he is holy.PSALM 150:6 Let every thing that hath __________ praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.PSALM 71:8 Let my mouth be filled with thy __________ and with thy honour all the day....

Mark 9:2-10 2021-02-08

Mark 9:2-10 crossword puzzle
  1. The class taught by professor McGonagall in Harry Potter; a change in physical appearance
  2. Instead of speaking we should _____
  3. What Peter, James, and John didn’t not understand and left the mountain discussing
  4. On Valentine’s Day we celebrate our ______
  1. Table seating in a diner
  2. Sinai, Kilimanjaro, Rainier, and Baldy are all examples of this
  3. Man who declared “Let my people go!”
  4. The main character in a classic children’s story about a family of rabbits living in Mr. McGreggor’s garden
  5. Actor who played Frodo in Lord of the Rings, ____ Wood; or in scripture, Elisha’s teacher
  6. Afraid
  7. What Colgate promises to make your teeth
  8. Cumulus, Stratus, and Cirrus are examples of this

12 Clues: AfraidTable seating in a dinerInstead of speaking we should _____Man who declared “Let my people go!”What Colgate promises to make your teethOn Valentine’s Day we celebrate our ______Cumulus, Stratus, and Cirrus are examples of thisSinai, Kilimanjaro, Rainier, and Baldy are all examples of this...

Proverbs 2020-03-02

Proverbs crossword puzzle
  1. _____ lips are detestable to the LORD... (12:22)
  2. For wisdom is better than _____... (8:11)
  3. Go to the ant, you _____! Observe its ways and become wise. (6:6)
  4. For the LORD gives _____; from His mouth come... (2:6)
  5. _____ in the LORD with all your heart... (3:5)
  6. Don't let your mouth speak _____... (4:24)
  7. The _____ of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom... (9:10)
  8. A person's pride will _____ him... (29:23)
  1. ...whoever _____ about it separates friends. (17:9)
  2. Apply yourself to _____ and listen to words of knowledge. (23:12)
  3. The eyes of the LORD are _____... (15:3)
  4. _____ is deceptive and beauty is fleeting... (31:30)
  5. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of _____... (1:7)
  6. My son, obey my words and _____ my commands. (7:1)
  7. The name of _____ is a strong tower. (18:10)

15 Clues: The eyes of the LORD are _____... (15:3)For wisdom is better than _____... (8:11)Don't let your mouth speak _____... (4:24)A person's pride will _____ him... (29:23)The name of _____ is a strong tower. (18:10)_____ in the LORD with all your heart... (3:5)_____ lips are detestable to the LORD... (12:22)...

The book of JOEL 2021-09-19

The book of JOEL crossword puzzle
  1. The destruction of the........shall come
  2. .....your heart and not your garments
  3. The day of the Lord is at......
  4. be glad and ............
  5. Young men shall see.............
  6. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of.........
  7. The gret and ........day of the Lord
  8. The sun shell be turned into..........
  1. The ....... will do great things
  2. The....of the field is perished
  3. The mood shall be turned into........
  4. ...........shall call upon the name of the Lord
  5. Old men shall......... dreams
  6. A group of people we should tell about God
  7. I will........unto you the years the locust hath eaten
  8. The.......has burned all the trees
  9. My people shall never be...........

17 Clues: be glad and ............Old men shall......... dreamsThe....of the field is perishedThe day of the Lord is at......The ....... will do great thingsYoung men shall see.............The.......has burned all the treesMy people shall never be...........The gret and ........day of the LordThe mood shall be turned into...........

Bible Crossword 2013-11-07

Bible Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. One day the Lord spoke to Jonah son of Amittai.
  2. In the first year of King Cyrus of Persia, the Lord fulfilled the prophecy he had given through Jeremiah. He stirred the heart of Cyrus to put this proclamation in writing and to send it throughout his kingdom
  3. first book of the bible
  4. songs in the bible
  5. first of the gospels
  6. This is the message that the Lord gave to Zephaniah during the time that Josiah son of Amon was king of Judah. (Zephaniah was descended from King Hezekiah through Amariah, Gedaliah, and Cushi.)
  7. This book was written by Baruch son of Neraiah, grandson of Mahseiah, and a descendant of Zedekiah, Hasadiah, and Hilkiah. It was written in Babylon
  8. The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
  9. first of the wisdom books
  10. The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel
  11. During the time that Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah, the Lord gave this message to Micah, who was from the town of Moresheth. The Lord revealed to Micah all these things about Samaria and Jerusalem.
  12. This is a message about Nineveh, the account of a vision seen by Nahum, who was from Elkosh.
  13. last of the prophetic books
  14. This is the message that the Lord revealed to the prophet Habakkuk.
  15. This book contains the messages about Judah and Jerusalem which God revealed to Isaiah son of Amoz during the time when Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah.
  16. These are the words of Amos, a shepherd from the town of Tekoa. Two years before the earthquake, when Uzziah was king of Judah and Jeroboam son of Jehoash was king of Israel, God revealed to Amos all these things about Israel.
  17. During the second year that Darius was emperor of Persia, on the first day of the sixth month, the Lord spoke through the prophet Haggai. The message was for the governor of Judah, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and for the High Priest, Joshua son of Jehozadak.
  18. Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass, that the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying,
  19. Love justice, you rulers of the world. Set your minds sincerely on the Lord, and look for him with all honesty.
  1. the lat book in the Pentateuch
  2. first of the testament letters
  3. Moses
  4. from my iPad
  5. first of the catholic letters
  6. THE WORDS or story of Nehemiah son of Hacaliah: Now in the month of Chislev in the twentieth year [of the Persian king], as I was in the castle of Shushan,
  7. While King Nebuchadnezzar was ruling over the Assyrians from his capital city of Nineveh, King Arphaxad ruled over the Medes from his capital city of Ecbatana.
  8. the first line is and The Lord called unto mosses, and spake unto him out of the tabernacle of the congregation, saying,
  9. last of the gospels
  10. I am Tobit and this is the story of my life. My father was Tobiel, my grandfather was Ananiel, and my great-grandfather was Aduel. Aduel's father was Gabael; his grandfather was Raphael; and his great-grandfather was Raguel, who belonged to the clan of Asiel, a part of the tribe of Naphtali.
  11. These be the words which Moses spake unto all Israel on this side Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain over against the Red sea, between Paran, and Tophel, and Laban, and Hazeroth, and Dizahab.
  12. This is the message which the Lord gave Hosea son of Beeri during the time that Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah, and Jeroboam son of Jehoash was king of Israel.
  13. apocalyptic
  14. How lonely lies Jerusalem, once so full of people! Once honoured by the world, she is now like a widow; The noblest of cities has fallen into slavery.
  15. This book is the account of what was said by Jeremiah son of Hilkiah, one of the priests of the town of Anathoth in the territory of Benjamin.
  16. This is the prophecy of Obadiah — what the Sovereign Lord said about the nation of Edom. The Lord has sent his messenger to the nations, and we have heard his message: “Get ready! Let us go to war against Edom!”
  17. And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, on the first day of the second month, in the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying,
  18. On the fifth day of the fourth month of the thirtieth year, I, Ezekiel the priest, son of Buzi, was living with the Jewish exiles by the River Chebar in Babylonia. The sky opened, and I saw a vision of God.
  19. last of the wisdom books
  20. Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass, that the children of Israel asked the Lord, saying, Who shall go up for us against the Canaanites first, to fight against them?
  21. This is the Lord 's message to Joel son of Pethuel.

40 Clues: Mosesapocalypticfrom my iPadsongs in the biblelast of the gospelsfirst of the gospelsfirst book of the biblelast of the wisdom booksfirst of the wisdom bookslast of the prophetic booksfirst of the catholic lettersthe lat book in the Pentateuchfirst of the testament lettersOne day the Lord spoke to Jonah son of Amittai....

Romeo & Juliet Crossword 2023-05-09

Romeo & Juliet Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the line of individuals descended from one ancestor
  2. ruler of the montagues
  3. ruler of the capulets
  4. lord montague's wife
  5. lord capulet and lady capulet's daughter
  6. crime stoppers and law enforcers of verona
  7. prince of verona
  1. juliet's servant
  2. capulet servant
  3. son of lord montague and lady montague
  4. juliet's first cousin
  5. coal sellers
  6. to make something greater by adding to it
  7. romeo's cousin
  8. lord capulet's wife

15 Clues: coal sellersromeo's cousincapulet servantjuliet's servantprince of veronalord capulet's wifelord montague's wifejuliet's first cousinruler of the capuletsruler of the montaguesson of lord montague and lady montaguelord capulet and lady capulet's daughterto make something greater by adding to itcrime stoppers and law enforcers of verona...

Crosword Module 1-5 Iñigo and Alixson 2024-05-13

Crosword Module 1-5 Iñigo and Alixson crossword puzzle
  1. What was usual to go in the 1970s?
  2. How many time recomend the experts to walk?
  3. What the protagonists have to destroy in the lord of the rings?
  4. We use ______ to describe general truths.
  5. What was an usual dress in 1990s?
  6. We use ______ to talk about unreal situations in the past that can never happen.
  1. What disase have Jamie Brewer?
  2. What type of food sells the Yemek Yemek?
  3. What food will be tipical according to experts?
  4. We use ______ to give and ask for advise.

10 Clues: What disase have Jamie Brewer?What was an usual dress in 1990s?What was usual to go in the 1970s?What type of food sells the Yemek Yemek?We use ______ to describe general truths.We use ______ to give and ask for advise.How many time recomend the experts to walk?What food will be tipical according to experts?...

Croosword Iñigo and Alixson 2024-05-08

Croosword Iñigo and Alixson crossword puzzle
  1. Plants grown for food.
  2. What do you say when you win in chess?
  3. The thick main part of a tree.
  1. What the protagonists have to destroy in the lord of the rings?
  2. What was typical in the 1970s.
  3. Everything you need is a ... walk from your home.
  4. What the Yemek Yemek buy?

7 Clues: Plants grown for food.What the Yemek Yemek buy?What was typical in the 1970s.The thick main part of a tree.What do you say when you win in chess?Everything you need is a ... walk from your home.What the protagonists have to destroy in the lord of the rings?

2 Nephi 20 to 25 2024-03-08

2 Nephi 20 to 25 crossword puzzle
  1. the Lord will judge the poor with this
  2. unto the Lord
  3. the earth shall be full of this of the Lord
  4. the Lord will do this to the world for iniquity
  5. will come forth from the serpent's root
  6. is my strength
  7. shall dwell with the lamb
  1. will be joined with them (the house of Israel)
  2. Nephi delights in this
  3. if you have this, Isaiah's writings are more clear
  4. woe unto them that decree these type of decrees
  5. the Lord will set up this for the nations
  6. the Lord will stir these people up
  7. is not this as Carchemish?

14 Clues: unto the Lordis my strengthNephi delights in thisshall dwell with the lambis not this as Carchemish?the Lord will stir these people upthe Lord will judge the poor with thiswill come forth from the serpent's rootthe Lord will set up this for the nationsthe earth shall be full of this of the Lordwill be joined with them (the house of Israel)...

Mark 9:2-10 2021-02-08

Mark 9:2-10 crossword puzzle
  1. What Peter, James, and John didn’t not understand and left the mountain discussing
  2. The class taught by professor McGonagall in Harry Potter; a change in physical appearance
  3. What Colgate promises to make your teeth
  4. On Valentine’s Day we celebrate our ______
  1. Sinai, Kilimanjaro, Rainier, and Baldy are all examples of this
  2. instead of speaking we should _____
  3. The main character in a classic children’s story about a family of rabbits living in Mr. McGreggor’s garden
  4. Afraid
  5. Tents at a fair
  6. Actor who played Frodo in Lord of the Rings, ____ Wood; or in scripture, Elisha’s teacher
  7. Man who declared “Let my people go!”
  8. Cumulus, Stratus, and Cirrus are examples of this

12 Clues: AfraidTents at a fairinstead of speaking we should _____Man who declared “Let my people go!”What Colgate promises to make your teethOn Valentine’s Day we celebrate our ______Cumulus, Stratus, and Cirrus are examples of thisSinai, Kilimanjaro, Rainier, and Baldy are all examples of this...

Be still and know that I am God 2024-04-12

Be still and know that I am God crossword puzzle
  1. God is our_______ in the midst of the storm
  2. The Lord almighty
  3. The Lord our banner
  4. The Lord is peace
  5. Mountains move with faith as small as?
  6. God with us
  7. While Job was being tested, he decided to ____ God
  8. ______ is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
  1. The Lord our provider
  2. With man it is impossible but with God, all things are?
  3. What will the Lord do for you if you be still, according to Exodus 14:14
  4. God is our refuge and...
  5. The Lord our healer
  6. The opposite of (being) active/busy

14 Clues: God with usThe Lord almightyThe Lord is peaceThe Lord our bannerThe Lord our healerThe Lord our providerGod is our refuge and...The opposite of (being) active/busyMountains move with faith as small as?God is our_______ in the midst of the stormWhile Job was being tested, he decided to ____ GodWith man it is impossible but with God, all things are?...

Genesis 22 2021-04-11

Genesis 22 crossword puzzle
  1. The LORD told Abraham to offer Isaac on one of the ______...
  2. Abraham carried this in his hand up the mountain.
  3. Rebecca's mother
  4. Isaac asked, where is the ____ for the burnt offering?
  5. the name Abraham gave the place
  6. Abraham took ___ young men with him.
  7. The LORD called Isaac Abraham's ____ son.
  8. Abraham was commanded to offer up his son as a ____ sacrifice.
  9. Abraham said, God will provide ______ a lamb.
  1. The Lord told Abraham to take his son and get into the land of ____.
  2. number of times the angel called to Abraham out of heaven.
  3. The LORD said, I have sworn by _____ that I will bless thee.
  4. Abraham rose up _____ in the morning to obey the LORD.
  5. Abraham saw the place God had told him of on the ____ day.
  6. Bethuel's father
  7. Rebecca's father
  8. Isaac carried this up the mountain.
  9. the ram was caught in the thicket by his ____.

18 Clues: Rebecca's motherBethuel's fatherRebecca's fatherthe name Abraham gave the placeIsaac carried this up the mountain.Abraham took ___ young men with him.The LORD called Isaac Abraham's ____ son.Abraham said, God will provide ______ a lamb.the ram was caught in the thicket by his ____.Abraham carried this in his hand up the mountain....

Mark 9:2-10 2021-02-08

Mark 9:2-10 crossword puzzle
  1. What Peter, James, and John didn’t not understand and left the mountain discussing
  2. The class taught by professor McGonagall in Harry Potter; a change physical appearance
  3. What Colgate promises to make your teeth
  4. On Valentine’s Day we celebrate our ______
  1. Sinai, Kilimanjaro, Rainier, and Baldy are all examples of this
  2. What we should spend more time doing instead of speaking
  3. The main character in a classic children’s story about a family of rabbits living in Mr. McGreggor’s garden
  4. Afraid
  5. Tents at a fair
  6. Actor who played Frodo in Lord of the Rings, ____ Wood; or in scripture, Elisha’s teacher
  7. Man who declared “Let my people go!”
  8. Cumulus, Stratus, and Cirrus are examples of this

12 Clues: AfraidTents at a fairMan who declared “Let my people go!”What Colgate promises to make your teethOn Valentine’s Day we celebrate our ______Cumulus, Stratus, and Cirrus are examples of thisWhat we should spend more time doing instead of speakingSinai, Kilimanjaro, Rainier, and Baldy are all examples of this...

Heaven Officials Blessing (. for space) 2022-05-17

Heaven Officials Blessing (. for space) crossword puzzle
  1. Crimson Rain Sought Flower
  2. Heavenly Martial Emperor
  3. Little General Pei
  4. Guide and local of the Banyue region, Alter-Ego of Pei Xiu
  5. Former Martial God of the West
  6. Lord Water Master
  7. Last Royal Descendant of Xianle
  8. Lord Earth Master
  9. The Crown Prince of Xianle
  10. Martial God of the Southwest
  11. Imperial Perceptor of Banyue
  12. Foremost Civil Goddess of the Heavenly Court
  13. Former State Preceptor of Xianle
  14. Hua Cheng's Nickname
  15. Lord Rain Master
  1. Mu Qing in Disguise
  2. White Clothed Calamity
  3. Lord Wind Master
  4. Night Touring Green Lantern
  5. Martial God of the East
  6. Martial God of the West
  7. Black Water Submerging Boats
  8. Descended from the Kingdom of Yong'an, suffers from the Human Face Disease
  9. Ghost Bride, Former lover of Pei Ming
  10. Alter-Ego of Feng Xin
  11. Former Civil God of the Heavenly Court
  12. Martial God of the Southeast
  13. Martial God of the North

28 Clues: Lord Wind MasterLord Rain MasterLord Water MasterLord Earth MasterLittle General PeiMu Qing in DisguiseHua Cheng's NicknameAlter-Ego of Feng XinWhite Clothed CalamityMartial God of the EastMartial God of the WestHeavenly Martial EmperorMartial God of the NorthCrimson Rain Sought FlowerThe Crown Prince of XianleNight Touring Green Lantern...

Proverbs 2022-01-22

Proverbs crossword puzzle
  1. A gentle answer turns away _____ (15:1)
  2. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths ______ (3:7)
  3. My son, do not reject the ______ of the Lord, ... for the Lord disciplines those He loves, as a father... (3:11-12)
  4. ...from His mouth come knowledge and _____ (2:6)
  5. When you lie down, your sleep will be _____ (3:24)
  6. Listen to your father's ________ (1:8)
  7. Go to the ____...consider its ways and be wise! ...it stores its provisions in summer... (6:6-8)
  8. Blessed are those who find ____ (3:13)
  9. Death and life are in the power of the _____ (18:21)
  10. Long _____ is in [wisdom's] right hand (3:16)
  11. He is a _____ to those whose walk is blameless (who walk in integrity) (2:7)
  12. Better is a dish of _____ where love is, than a fattened ox and hatred with it (15:17)
  13. ...all [wisdom's] paths are ______ (3:17)
  1. When you lie down, you will not be _____ (3:24)
  2. For the Lord gives _______ (2:6)
  3. Do not forsake your mother's _______ (1:8)
  4. ...for [wisdom] is more profitable than _____ (3:14)
  5. Trust in the Lord with all your ______ (3:5)
  6. ...lean not on your own ______ (3:5)
  7. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your _____ (3:3)
  8. The name of the Lord is a strong _____; The righteous runs into it and is safe. (18:10)
  9. Honor the Lord with your ______ (3:9)
  10. [Wisdom] is more precious than _____ (3:15)
  11. A friend _____ at all times, and a brother is born for adversity (17:17)
  12. ...[wisdom] yields better returns than _____ (3:14)
  13. Do not be wise in your own _____ (3:7)
  14. The ____ of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (1:7)
  15. A ____ of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. (31:10)

28 Clues: For the Lord gives _______ (2:6)...lean not on your own ______ (3:5)Honor the Lord with your ______ (3:9)Listen to your father's ________ (1:8)Blessed are those who find ____ (3:13)Do not be wise in your own _____ (3:7)A gentle answer turns away _____ (15:1)...all [wisdom's] paths are ______ (3:17)Do not forsake your mother's _______ (1:8)...

Isaiah 55-56 Come and Drink 2022-09-20

Isaiah 55-56 Come and Drink crossword puzzle
  1. 55v4 What is the leader and commander supposed to be for the Lord?
  2. 56v4 What must be taken hold of?
  3. 55v1 What do you not need to buy salvation?
  4. 56v1 What should Israel keep?
  5. 55v7 Who is called to forsake his thoughts? (2 words)
  6. 55v12 What unlikely action are the trees to do? (3 words)
  7. 56v5 Where will they be given a place and name?
  8. 56v7 Another term for 'temple'. (2 words)
  9. 55v13 What is supposed to grow instead of briers?
  1. 56v8 Who does the Lord gather of Israel?
  2. 55v2 What should your soul delight in?
  3. 56v10 What are the watchmen?
  4. 56v11 Who cannot understand?
  5. 56v3 Who should not claim to be a dry tree?
  6. 55v10 What molecule is named in two states?
  7. 55v9 What adjective does the Lord use to illustrate his understanding?
  8. 56v6 Sons of who?
  9. 55v11 What goes forth from the Lord?
  10. 55v5 Who will join Israel because they recognize the Lord?

19 Clues: 56v6 Sons of who?56v10 What are the watchmen?56v11 Who cannot understand?56v1 What should Israel keep?56v4 What must be taken hold of?55v11 What goes forth from the Lord?55v2 What should your soul delight in?56v8 Who does the Lord gather of Israel?56v7 Another term for 'temple'. (2 words)55v1 What do you not need to buy salvation?...

He is Worthy to Be Praised 2023-08-14

He is Worthy to Be Praised crossword puzzle
  1. He has shown His people the what of His works? (Psalm 111:6)
  2. The song of the Lamb states, "... for your righteous acts have been what? (Revelation 15:4)
  3. The LORD is what? (Psalm 111:4) (3 words)
  4. He sent what to His people? (Psalm 111:9)
  5. James 5:11, states that the Lord is what and merciful?
  6. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of what? (Psalm 111:10)
  7. I will give thanks with my whole what? (Psalm 111:1)
  8. He has caused His wondrous works to be what? (Psalm 111:4)
  9. Those who delight in the works of the Lord have _______ them. (Psalm 111:2)
  10. The LORD provides food for those who what Him? (Psalm 111:5)
  11. The works of His what are faithful and just? (Psalm 111:7)
  12. The song of the Lamb states, "For you alone are what? (Revelation 15:4)
  1. 1 Peter 2:9 states that we should proclaim the __________ of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.
  2. Great are the what of the Lord? (Psalm 111:2)
  3. His what endures forever? (Psalm 111:10)
  4. The song of the Lamb states, "great and amazing are your what?" (Revelation 15:3)
  5. What of the LORD's endures forever? (Psalm 111:3)
  6. The song of the Lamb states, "Just and true are your what?" (Revelation 15:3)
  7. What is holy and awesome? (Psalm 111:9) (2 words)
  8. The LORD's work is full of what? (Psalm 111:3)
  9. His precepts are what? (Psalm 111:7)

21 Clues: His precepts are what? (Psalm 111:7)His what endures forever? (Psalm 111:10)He sent what to His people? (Psalm 111:9)The LORD is what? (Psalm 111:4) (3 words)Great are the what of the Lord? (Psalm 111:2)The LORD's work is full of what? (Psalm 111:3)What of the LORD's endures forever? (Psalm 111:3)What is holy and awesome? (Psalm 111:9) (2 words)...

Pop Culture 2024-02-08

Pop Culture crossword puzzle
  1. A secret agent by the number 007
  2. A playboy billionare superhero who fights the Joker
  3. The main Hobbit in Lord of the Rings
  4. A famous Italian plumber in Nintendo games
  5. A female singer with hits such as "Shake It Off" and "Lover"
  1. A park in which dinosaurs are brought back
  2. The wizard school in Harry Potter
  3. A grunge band with Kurt Cobain
  4. A board game in which properties are bought and sold

9 Clues: A grunge band with Kurt CobainA secret agent by the number 007The wizard school in Harry PotterThe main Hobbit in Lord of the RingsA park in which dinosaurs are brought backA famous Italian plumber in Nintendo gamesA playboy billionare superhero who fights the JokerA board game in which properties are bought and sold...

10REA Summer Crossword 2023-05-10

10REA Summer Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What instruments would you find in D12?
  2. What did 10REA set up for the Christmas fair?
  3. What else does Mr Earle teach other than English?
  4. What book is Mr Earle reading? (Hint - Lord Of The Rings)
  1. What sports tournament did 9REA win last year in 9REA vs 9LB?
  2. Are there more boys or girls in 10REA?
  3. Which room is on the LEFT of D12?
  4. Who is the soft toy that sits on the smartboard?
  5. Which rapper has a band called D12?
  6. How many learners are there in 10REA?

10 Clues: Which room is on the LEFT of D12?Which rapper has a band called D12?How many learners are there in 10REA?Are there more boys or girls in 10REA?What instruments would you find in D12?What did 10REA set up for the Christmas fair?Who is the soft toy that sits on the smartboard?What else does Mr Earle teach other than English?...

Elijah in the Cave 2022-08-23

Elijah in the Cave crossword puzzle
  1. How many days did Eljah go on the strength of the food the angel provided? (1 Kings 19:8)
  2. What did Elijah say the people had done to the Lord's prophets? (1 Kings 19:14)
  3. Where did Elijah go lodge? (1 Kings 19:9)
  4. What occurred after the earthquake that the Lord was not in? (1 Kings 19:12)
  5. Who did the Lord say Elijah would anoint as king over Israel? (1 Kings 19:16)
  6. How many prophets of the Lord did Elijah say were left? (1 Kings 19:10)
  7. Elijah said the people had thrown down the Lord's what? (1 Kings 19:14)
  8. How many did the Lord say He would leave in Israel who had not bowed their knees to Baal? (1 Kings 19:18)
  9. What mountain did Elijah go to? (1 Kings 19:8)
  10. What did Elijah hear after the fire? (1 Kings 19:12) (2 words)
  1. How many times did an angel tell Elijah to sit up and eat? (I Kings 19:7)
  2. What did Elijah tell God the people wanted to do with Elijah's life? (1 Kings 19:14) (3 words)
  3. What did Elijah tell the Lord the people had forsaken? (1 Kings 19:14)
  4. Right after the wind what occurred that the Lord was not in? (1 Kings 19:11)
  5. Jezebel told Elijah that as he had killed the prophets with the sword that she hoped the gods take her life is she did not make his life as the ______ of one of the prophets he had killed. (1 Kings 19: 2)
  6. When Elijah sat down under the broom tree what did he asked that he might do? (1 Kings 19:4)
  7. Elijah said he was what than his fathers? (1 Kings 19:5) (2 words)
  8. Being afraid, what did Elijah do? (I Kings 19:3)
  9. A/an what caused Elijah to sit up and eat the first time? (1 Kings 19:5)
  10. Who did the Lord say would take Elijah's place? (1 Kings 19:16)
  11. Who did the Lord say Elijah would anoint as king over Syria? (1 Kings 19:15)
  12. When the Lord had Elijah stand on the mount before the Lord, a great what tore the mountain but God was not in? (I Kings 19:11)

22 Clues: Where did Elijah go lodge? (1 Kings 19:9)What mountain did Elijah go to? (1 Kings 19:8)Being afraid, what did Elijah do? (I Kings 19:3)What did Elijah hear after the fire? (1 Kings 19:12) (2 words)Who did the Lord say would take Elijah's place? (1 Kings 19:16)Elijah said he was what than his fathers? (1 Kings 19:5) (2 words)...

Crossworld puzzle 2023-11-24

Crossworld puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. ... that it rains tomorrow we should bring an umbrella
  2. ... introduces a possibility against which a precaution is made
  3. Arthur Conan Doyle was famous because of his
  4. 19th century literature is also known as... literature
  5. one part beginning with if to describe a possible situation,and the second part which describes the ...
  1. What genre of books did grimm brothers write
  2. his most famous works are "War and peace" and "Anna Karenina"
  3. Who wrote "Sense and sensibility"
  4. Who wrote Lord of the rings series
  5. What conditional we use for scientific facts

10 Clues: Who wrote "Sense and sensibility"Who wrote Lord of the rings seriesWhat genre of books did grimm brothers writeArthur Conan Doyle was famous because of hisWhat conditional we use for scientific facts... that it rains tomorrow we should bring an umbrella19th century literature is also known as... literature...

Famous literary quotes 2023-04-18

Famous literary quotes crossword puzzle
  1. Everything was ________ and nothing hurt. (Vonnegut)
  2. Not all those who wander are ______. (Lord of the Rings))
  3. And may the ____ be ever in your favour! (The Hunger Games)
  4. To be or not to be, that is the _______. (Hamlet)
  5. When you play the game of _____ you win or you die. (G.R.R.Martin)
  6. You have brains in your head, you have _____ in your shoes. (Dr. Seuss)
  7. My mission in life is not merely to _____, but to thrive. (Maya Angelou)
  1. Fair is foul and _____ is fair. (Macbeth)
  2. Things fall _____ the center cannot hold. (Yeats)
  3. Life on a ______ isn't much of a life. (Pi Patel)
  4. Okay? ______. (The Fault In Our Stars)
  5. We're all _____ here. (Alice)
  6. It is the east and Juliet is the ______. (Romeo)
  7. We accept the love we think we ______. (The Perks of Being a Wallflower)
  8. Brave doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you go on even though you're _____. (The Hate U Give)

15 Clues: We're all _____ here. (Alice)Okay? ______. (The Fault In Our Stars)Fair is foul and _____ is fair. (Macbeth)It is the east and Juliet is the ______. (Romeo)Things fall _____ the center cannot hold. (Yeats)Life on a ______ isn't much of a life. (Pi Patel)To be or not to be, that is the _______. (Hamlet)...

Middle ages crossword 2020-05-12

Middle ages crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The place where people lived during the Middle Ages
  2. Workers and craftsmen grouped in these in cities in order to get protection
  3. The nickname of the English king who lost Normandy in 1214
  4. Hugh _____ was the first capetian king in France
  5. A tax asked by the church
  6. The tapestry of _______ tells how William of Normandy became king of England
  7. William the ______ was the first Norman king in England
  8. The _______ style appeared after the Romanesque style
  9. The last name of the man who started the reformation
  10. Land, title, money... given from a lord to another lord
  1. A lord that gives protection to another one
  2. A disease that spread through Europe in the 14th century
  3. Something you pay in order to have remission of sins
  4. He was the most important person in the church's hierarchy
  5. One of the civilisations that invaded Europe in the 9th century
  6. The name of the battle won by William of Normandy
  7. A lord who gives an oath of fidelity to another one n exchange for land, a title, money...
  8. A type of market that was organised only once or twice a year in important cities.
  9. A tax asked by the lord
  10. An unfree peasant during the Middle Ages

20 Clues: A tax asked by the lordA tax asked by the churchAn unfree peasant during the Middle AgesA lord that gives protection to another oneHugh _____ was the first capetian king in FranceThe name of the battle won by William of NormandyThe place where people lived during the Middle AgesSomething you pay in order to have remission of sins...

Crossworld puzzle 2023-11-24

Crossworld puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. ... that it rains tomorrow we should bring an umbrella
  2. ... introduces a possibility against which a precaution is made
  3. Arthur Conan Doyle was famous because of his
  4. 19th century literature is also known as... literature
  5. one part beginning with if to describe a possible situation,and the second part which describes the ...
  1. What genre of books did grimm brothers write
  2. his most famous works are "War and peace" and "Anna Karenina"
  3. Who wrote "Sense and sensibility"
  4. Who wrote Lord of the rings series
  5. What conditional we use for scientific facts

10 Clues: Who wrote "Sense and sensibility"Who wrote Lord of the rings seriesWhat genre of books did grimm brothers writeArthur Conan Doyle was famous because of hisWhat conditional we use for scientific facts... that it rains tomorrow we should bring an umbrella19th century literature is also known as... literature...

Middle Ages 2021-09-01

Middle Ages crossword puzzle
  1. class of rich people, nobles or lords
  2. building where monks lived
  3. clowns before a lord to make them laugh
  4. act of removing a persons membership from church
  5. very poor people who worked for lords
  6. qualities of a good knight, bravery, respect for women
  7. well to noble who owns an estate
  8. head of the roman catholic church
  9. poor people who worked on manors
  10. a period of several hundred years during the dark middle ages
  11. deep,wide, water-filled ditch surrounding a castle
  12. contest or joust between two knights or two groups of knights
  13. man of honor in the military
  1. court to punish heretics
  2. where the lord and his knights lived
  3. an official of the church such as priest, bishop
  4. fall of the roman empire in 476 and ended with modern period 1400
  5. large piece of land owned by a lord
  6. holding beliefs that the church felt were wrong
  7. clergyman of the christian church
  8. contest between knights on horseback
  9. arrangement between lord, vassal,, and serf for ownership of land
  10. a high official of the catholic church appointed by pope
  11. land given for military service
  12. expeditions sent by the pope to capture the holy land
  13. church official who oversaw the work of priest
  14. noble who was given land by the lord in return for military service
  15. covering of iron worn by knights
  16. person who rules a country during middle ages
  17. people of the middle ages believed it represented god's rules and teachings
  18. man who gives up property to serve god

31 Clues: court to punish hereticsbuilding where monks livedman of honor in the militaryland given for military servicewell to noble who owns an estatepoor people who worked on manorscovering of iron worn by knightsclergyman of the christian churchhead of the roman catholic churchlarge piece of land owned by a lordwhere the lord and his knights lived...

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 2018-03-18

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone crossword puzzle
  1. Hogwart's caretaker
  2. Second of Harry's parents to be murdered by the Dark Lord
  3. Slytherin house ghost
  4. Voldemort You-Know-Who, the Dark Lord; He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
  5. Gryffindor prefect; Ron's older brother
  6. Twin brothers of Ron
  7. Harry's mean aunt
  8. Gryffindor house ghost
  9. Hufflepuff house ghost
  10. Hogwarts poltergeist
  11. Headmaster of Hogwarts
  12. Best friend of Harry; Can do almost any spell; Gryffindor
  13. Son of Narcissa and Lucius; Slytherin; Harry's enemy
  14. Hat that sings the songs and sorts the students
  15. Goblin at Gringott's
  1. Best friend of Harry; 7 siblings; Gryffindor
  2. Ron's little sister
  3. Quidditch commentator; Gryffindor; Friend of Fred and George
  4. Ron Weasley's mother
  5. Main character; Gryffindor; Parents murdered by the Dark Lord
  6. Harry's pet owl
  7. Charms professor
  8. Animagus; Transfiguration professor
  9. Fellow Gryffindor; Loses his toad Trevor
  10. Potions professor; Hates Harry; Head of Slytherin
  11. Harry's fat cousin
  12. Defense against the Dark Arts professor
  13. Draco's sidekicks
  14. First Hogwarts student to be sorted
  15. Gives flying lessons
  16. Hogwart's Keeper of Keys and Ground
  17. Lends Hagrid flying motorbike
  18. Harry's mean uncle
  19. First of Harry's parents to be murdered by the Dark Lord

34 Clues: Harry's pet owlCharms professorDraco's sidekicksHarry's mean auntHarry's fat cousinHarry's mean uncleHogwart's caretakerRon's little sisterRon Weasley's motherTwin brothers of RonHogwarts poltergeistGives flying lessonsGoblin at Gringott'sSlytherin house ghostGryffindor house ghostHufflepuff house ghostHeadmaster of Hogwarts...

Pi-Quiz 2013-02-26

Pi-Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Een behandeling in water
  2. Verdoving gebruikt tijdens de bevalling
  3. Film met acteur Toby Mcguire
  4. Een slag, toets- en snaarinstrument
  5. Migraine is een erge vorm van …
  6. Vogelsoort die in vrijwel heel Europa voorkomt en regelmatig te zien is
  7. Stof die vaak gebruik werd als pijnstiller in de 18de eeuw
  8. 1 van de 4 hobbits van lord of the rings
  1. 50ste dag na Pasen
  2. Pijnstiller
  3. Ruggengraat in het Latijns
  4. Competitief touwspringen
  5. Amerikaanse komedie waar het studentenleven verfilmd wordt
  6. De Kerstman heeft 9 rendieren: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Donder, Blitzen, Rudolph en …?
  7. Zo dood als een… of een golfbreker
  8. De nauwste nog levende verwant van de giraffe
  9. Lance Armstrong verloor hierdoor zijn titels
  10. Een chinees voorgerecht of snack dat ook in de Indonesische keuken maar ook in de Thaise keuken wordt geserveerd
  11. Onderdeel van de Griekse literatuur: lyriek, dramatiek en .. ?

19 Clues: Pijnstiller50ste dag na PasenEen behandeling in waterCompetitief touwspringenRuggengraat in het LatijnsFilm met acteur Toby McguireMigraine is een erge vorm van …Zo dood als een… of een golfbrekerEen slag, toets- en snaarinstrumentVerdoving gebruikt tijdens de bevalling1 van de 4 hobbits van lord of the rings...

Ruth & Samuel 2022-06-08

Ruth & Samuel crossword puzzle
  1. Samuel's mother
  2. thy ______ shall be mine
  3. Boaz and Ruth's son (Ruth 4)
  4. Ruth's husband ______ died (Ruth 1:3)
  5. [Ruth] is a _____ woman (Ruth 3:11)
  6. Hannah's son
  7. ____ the priest, sat at the temple (1 Samuel 1:9)
  8. "[Hannah] was in the ______ of soul" (1 Samuel 1:10)
  9. the Lord gave Hannah her ______ (1 Samuel 1:27)
  1. Samuel was established as a _____ (1 Samuel 3:20)
  2. Salmon, Boaz, Obed, Jesse, _____ (Ruth 4)
  3. Ruth was _______ minded (Ruth 1:18)
  4. number of chapters in the book of Ruth
  5. [Hannah] ______ out her soul to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:9-15)
  6. the Lord had shut Hannah's _____ (1 Samuel 1:5)
  7. "My heart ______ in the Lord" (1Samuel 2:1)
  8. Ruth's mother-in-law
  9. Ruth gleaned in Boaz's ______ (Ruth 2)
  10. [Samuel] answered _____ (1 Samuel 3:4)
  11. ______ for thy servant heareth (1 Samuel 3)
  12. change in stature (1 Samuel 2:26)
  13. kindred of Elimelech who married Ruth (Ruth 2)
  14. Hannah _____ her son to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:28)

23 Clues: Hannah's sonSamuel's motherRuth's mother-in-lawthy ______ shall be mineBoaz and Ruth's son (Ruth 4)change in stature (1 Samuel 2:26)Ruth was _______ minded (Ruth 1:18)[Ruth] is a _____ woman (Ruth 3:11)Ruth's husband ______ died (Ruth 1:3)number of chapters in the book of RuthRuth gleaned in Boaz's ______ (Ruth 2)...

Philofaxy Christmas Crossword 2013 2013-12-23

Philofaxy Christmas Crossword 2013 crossword puzzle
  1. An organiser with three sets of rings
  2. Charity supported by Philofaxy
  3. Lizard that can change colour
  4. Secure closure
  5. Rifle
  6. Stop on the underground on the way to Heathrow
  7. Old 3 ring mini size model
  8. Filofax note book
  9. London N3
  10. What you should use to open your rings
  11. For the love of Filofax
  12. Place to store your pen
  13. The Italian Job
  1. Holds the paper in your organiser
  2. Filofax/Letts home
  3. Royal house in Scotland
  4. Philofaxy contributor
  5. English county model
  6. Royal residence in London
  7. Holborn colour
  8. Young upwardly mobile
  9. Cigar
  10. Tuesdays and Saturdays on Philofaxy
  11. Once a month Skype chat
  12. Diary insert
  13. Malden Leather

26 Clues: CigarRifleLondon N3Diary insertHolborn colourSecure closureMalden LeatherThe Italian JobFilofax note bookFilofax/Letts homeEnglish county modelPhilofaxy contributorYoung upwardly mobileRoyal house in ScotlandOnce a month Skype chatFor the love of FilofaxPlace to store your penRoyal residence in LondonOld 3 ring mini size model...

Riverside Reader Vocabulary 2013-09-15

Riverside Reader Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. fantastic gesture
  2. open-minded
  3. sir, master
  4. bold, sassy, impolite
  5. a plain-woven cotton, rayon, or linen fabric
  6. to form by heating
  7. to produce cause, or give rise to
  8. someone who is in charge of something important, usually other people or a group of people.. the lord of the rings..
  9. an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion
  10. a little world
  11. a young woman making a debut into society
  12. to cast on the ground in humility
  13. poem, song, narrative
  1. mischievous, naughty, playful
  2. to grow together into one body, to unite to form one mass
  3. cork covered with cloth, worn in tropics
  4. to rule by an emperor or empress
  5. a member of a group of people with an enduring cultural tradition whose French Catholic ancestors established communities
  6. a word or expression that is explained
  7. the power or right of governing and controlling
  8. the misleading appearance or behavior assumed with intention
  9. suing much energy and vigor
  10. refer back, to look back upon
  11. to persuade by flattery or promise
  12. to make dear, esteemed or beloved

25 Clues: open-mindedsir, mastera little worldfantastic gestureto form by heatingbold, sassy, impolitepoem, song, narrativesuing much energy and vigormischievous, naughty, playfulrefer back, to look back uponto rule by an emperor or empressto produce cause, or give rise toto cast on the ground in humilityto make dear, esteemed or beloved...

Art Through the Ages 2023-01-23

Art Through the Ages crossword puzzle
  1. "in the year of our Lord"
  2. artistic medium made from animals tusks
  3. images, symbols, or signs created to express information or an idea
  4. art period that covers Europe, the Mediterranean, and western Asia from the Old Stone Age to around 2500 BCE
  5. any object made by a human being typically an item of cultural or historical interest
  6. term for the curved shaped area containing most of the fertile land in the Middle East
  7. art made of several colors
  8. site of the world's oldest and largest temple made of petroglyphs
  9. any image created on a rock surface by chiseling, engraving.
  10. a person who studies human history and pre-history through excavation of sites and analysis of artifacts
  1. art made of only one color
  2. the study of the creation of human artifacts such as sculptures, paintings, and buildings
  3. before the common era
  4. massive step pyramids invented by the Sumerians
  5. site of a circular rings of prehistoric megaliths
  6. writing system invented by the Sumerians
  7. site of important prehistoric cave paintings
  8. art created with large stones
  9. Greek word for "land between two rivers"
  10. mobile pieces of art that were cut and shaped from stone, wood, or rocks

20 Clues: before the common era"in the year of our Lord"art made of only one colorart made of several colorsart created with large stonesartistic medium made from animals tuskswriting system invented by the SumeriansGreek word for "land between two rivers"site of important prehistoric cave paintingsmassive step pyramids invented by the Sumerians...

Jeremiah 7 Israel's Idol Worship 2022-10-04

Jeremiah 7 Israel's Idol Worship crossword puzzle
  1. v24 What aspect of Israel's evil heart does the Lord condemn?
  2. v25 The Lord's servants.
  3. v9 Betray your spouse with another person.
  4. v9 A perfumed substance burned as a sign of worship.
  5. v34 What will happen to the land?
  6. v15 Throw, send, reject.
  7. v3 Change, alter, correct.
  8. v10 How does the Lord characterize these actions?
  9. v11 A den of what?
  10. v13 The lord called, they ___ not.
  11. v4 What kind of words was Israel trusting?
  12. v20 Intense anger, wrath, outrage, rage.
  13. v31 Where was Israel practising Human Sacrifice?
  14. v22 What had the Lord not specified to Israel when they came out of Egypt?
  15. v9 To move at a slow and steady pace on foot.
  1. v18 What are the whole family described as doing for other gods?
  2. v6 What is Israel not to do to strangers, orphans or widows?
  3. v26 Stiffened, solidified, made unbending.
  4. v29 Israel should do what in high places?
  5. v32 What did the Lord change the name of the place to? (3 words)
  6. v26 Israel was judged what, in relation to their fathers?
  7. v9 Take a life with malice.
  8. v9 Take what is not yours without permission.
  9. v9 One of the major idolatrous gods prevalent at the time of Jeremiah.
  10. v31 What was Israel doing with their sons and daughters?
  11. v5 How is Israel to execute judgment?
  12. v23 What had the Lord commanded Israel to obey?

27 Clues: v11 A den of what?v25 The Lord's servants.v15 Throw, send, reject.v3 Change, alter, correct.v9 Take a life with malice.v34 What will happen to the land?v13 The lord called, they ___ not.v5 How is Israel to execute judgment?v20 Intense anger, wrath, outrage, rage.v29 Israel should do what in high places?v26 Stiffened, solidified, made unbending....

Krsna Book 2022-08-05

Krsna Book crossword puzzle
  1. Brother of Rukmini
  2. Father of Rukmini
  3. Greenish colour horse of Lord Krsna
  4. Sishupala was prince of
  5. Cloud clour horse of Lord Krsna
  6. Friend of Shishupala
  7. Ashen Colour horse of Lord Krsna
  1. Rukmini's messenger
  2. Father of Sisupala
  3. Brother of Krsna
  4. Grayish like ice colour horse of Lord Krsna
  5. Flag on the Krsna's chariot
  6. Rukmini's offered her prayer to goddess
  7. another name of Lord Shiva
  8. Krsna's charioteer name

15 Clues: Brother of KrsnaFather of RukminiBrother of RukminiFather of SisupalaRukmini's messengerFriend of ShishupalaSishupala was prince ofKrsna's charioteer nameanother name of Lord ShivaFlag on the Krsna's chariotCloud clour horse of Lord KrsnaAshen Colour horse of Lord KrsnaGreenish colour horse of Lord KrsnaRukmini's offered her prayer to goddess...

Scott & Adriana 2024-04-19

Scott & Adriana crossword puzzle
  1. What Christmas-based Rom-Com is Scott's favorite?
  2. What major league sports team is Adriana's favorite?
  3. How many years is the age gap between the bride and group?
  4. Which film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy is the couple's favorite?
  5. What town did Adriana grow up in?
  6. What does Scott have tattooed on his left arm?
  7. What is the only sport Scott loves?
  8. What is the couple's favorite activity to do together?
  9. what state did Adriana graduate college from?
  10. What school district does the couple both work in?
  11. What animated superhero did Scott & Adriana watch during their first date at the movies?
  1. What elusive mystic creature does Adriana believe in?
  2. What is Adriana's favorite animal?
  3. What dating app did Scott & Adriana meet on?
  4. What is Scott's favorite hobby?
  5. What month was Scott & Adriana's first date?
  6. Where was the last vacation Scott & Adriana took together?
  7. The location of the proposal
  8. What Super Mario villain was the name of Scott's "soul" dog?
  9. What name do Scott & Adriana call their dog?

20 Clues: The location of the proposalWhat is Scott's favorite hobby?What town did Adriana grow up in?What is Adriana's favorite animal?What is the only sport Scott loves?What dating app did Scott & Adriana meet on?What month was Scott & Adriana's first date?What name do Scott & Adriana call their dog?what state did Adriana graduate college from?...

Krishna's Name 2021-09-27

Krishna's Name crossword puzzle
  1. Son of the Yadu dynasty
  2. Cowherd; protector of cows
  3. The White Lord of Pandharpur
  4. One Who Bestows Boons On One and All
  5. Killer of demon Madhu
  6. Son of Vasudeva
  7. One who plays
  8. Lord of Braja
  9. The unmanifested
  10. Purifier of the fallen
  1. Lord of Dwaraka
  2. the highest Brahman
  3. One who is eternally new.
  4. The one from the yadava race
  5. Since Krishna and the yadav clan fled to Dwarka from war ground/ battlefield.
  6. The black deity
  7. Infallible
  8. killer of the asura named Mura
  9. One who takes away the sins, or who wards off samsara, the cycle of birth and death
  10. He who gives liberation
  11. God
  12. The prankster

22 Clues: GodInfallibleOne who playsLord of BrajaThe pranksterLord of DwarakaThe black deitySon of VasudevaThe unmanifestedthe highest BrahmanKiller of demon MadhuPurifier of the fallenSon of the Yadu dynastyHe who gives liberationOne who is eternally new.Cowherd; protector of cowsThe one from the yadava raceThe White Lord of Pandharpur...

Plays, books and films 2022-08-10

Plays, books and films crossword puzzle
  1. A very famous Shakespeare Play
  2. Film where a ship sinks, quite sad.
  3. Second name of the Author of Harry Potter
  1. The first part of a play
  2. Who wrote Lord of the Rings
  3. First name of the main character in a book - he wears glasses and does magic.
  4. - some who checks and sometimes changes the writing of a book.

7 Clues: The first part of a playWho wrote Lord of the RingsA very famous Shakespeare PlayFilm where a ship sinks, quite sad.Second name of the Author of Harry Potter- some who checks and sometimes changes the writing of a book.First name of the main character in a book - he wears glasses and does magic.

Marc's Valentine's Day Crossword 2024 2024-02-13

Marc's Valentine's Day Crossword 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Country where the Valentine’s Day tradition is to send a poem to their crush
  2. Month we first said “I love you”
  3. to Launch Movie we watched on our first date
  4. Favorite thing about you
  5. Which city did we travel to for our first road trip
  6. Location of the first wedding we went to together
  7. Point Where was our first hike
  8. Hotel Place we stayed on our first night away together (alone)
  9. City we visited from a show we both love
  10. The best eggs benny we’ve ever had is in
  11. Nickname for you
  1. Shakespear mentions Valentine’s Day in which play
  2. Where did we get engaged
  3. According to Roman mythology, Cupid’s dad is
  4. Major invention that was patented on Valentines Day
  5. Kingdom Your favorite place
  6. Harry Met Sally One of the best rom-coms of all time that we saw on Valentine’s Day
  7. First meal we made together
  8. of the Rings Your first true love
  9. Greatest Showman Troy Bolton, no way! This is Zac Efron’s best musical (and one of your favs)

20 Clues: Nickname for youWhere did we get engagedFavorite thing about youKingdom Your favorite placeFirst meal we made togetherPoint Where was our first hikeMonth we first said “I love you”of the Rings Your first true loveCity we visited from a show we both loveThe best eggs benny we’ve ever had is inAccording to Roman mythology, Cupid’s dad is...


THINK LITERATE crossword puzzle
  1. The witch's name in the classic tale 'The Sleeping Beauty'
  2. The name of Thalia's shield in 'Percy Jackson'
  3. The collection of Rabindranath Tagore's poems
  4. The name of the little girl in 'Big Friendly Giant'
  5. Katniss Everdeen's sister's name from Hunger Games
  6. A harry potter spell that creates fire when cast
  7. The nickname Anne Frank gives to her father in her diary
  8. The job that Jane Eyre advertises to hold
  1. Rapunzel's pet chameleon's name
  2. The last one to stab Julius Caesar
  3. Mr.Darcy's sister in the novel 'Pride and Prejudice'
  4. The queen in 'Alice in Wonderland' was the queen of this symbol of cards
  5. The city in which Peter Van Houten from 'The fault in out stars' lives
  6. Jo's full first name in the book 'Little Women'
  7. Name of the man who got the duty to keep the ring safe in 'Lord of the Rings'
  8. Author of the book 'The Wimpy Kid' is Jeff _______

16 Clues: Rapunzel's pet chameleon's nameThe last one to stab Julius CaesarThe job that Jane Eyre advertises to holdThe collection of Rabindranath Tagore's poemsThe name of Thalia's shield in 'Percy Jackson'Jo's full first name in the book 'Little Women'A harry potter spell that creates fire when castKatniss Everdeen's sister's name from Hunger Games...

LWF & Betrayal quotes 2021-05-21

LWF & Betrayal quotes crossword puzzle
  1. '______ before morals!' - Mrs Erlynne
  2. 'Crying is the _____ of plain women but the ruin of pretty ones' - Duchess of Berwick
  3. 'What a fascinating ______ you are' - Lord Darlington
  4. 'We are all in the _____ but some of us are looking at the stars' - Lord Darlington
  5. 'We make ____ of men and they leave us' - Lady Windermere
  6. 'He's _____ me for years' - Emma
  7. 'What a bore it is to have to be civil to these old _____' - Mrs Erlynne
  8. 'How hard good ______ are!' - Lord Windermere
  9. 'My marriage is finished. I've just got to make proper _______' - Robert
  10. 'Dreadful ______ days' - Duchess of Berwick
  11. 'You have the modern affectation of ______' - Lady Windermere
  1. 'I should have _____ you, in your white wedding dress' - Jerry
  2. 'We could be, and in fact are vastly more likely to be, total _____' - Robert
  3. 'I can resist everything except ______' - Lord Darlington
  4. 'I _____ you' - Jerry
  5. 'I don't think we don't _____ each other'- Jerry
  6. 'It was in your _____' - Emma
  7. 'Wicked women _____ one' - Cecil Graham
  8. 'A mother's love means _____, unselfishness, sacrifice' - Lord Windermere
  9. 'I couldn't be _____ of Casey' - Jerry
  10. 'I'll be a cripple, I'll descend, I'll _____ into total paralysis' - Jerry
  11. 'It is he who has broken the bond of ______ - not I' - Lady Windermere
  12. 'Between men and women there is no ______' - Lord Darlington
  13. 'Scandal is gossip made _____ by morality' - Cecil Graham

24 Clues: 'I _____ you' - Jerry'It was in your _____' - Emma'He's _____ me for years' - Emma'______ before morals!' - Mrs Erlynne'I couldn't be _____ of Casey' - Jerry'Wicked women _____ one' - Cecil Graham'Dreadful ______ days' - Duchess of Berwick'How hard good ______ are!' - Lord Windermere'I don't think we don't _____ each other'- Jerry...

C&T 2020-02-23

C&T crossword puzzle
  1. Mission Impossible, The Lord of the Rings and Hannibal Lecter are famous ...; in other words, they all consist of three movies.
  2. osajako, roolittaa
  3. The Shape of Water received the most Oscar ... with 13, including Best Picture, Actress in a Leading Role and Original Screenplay, in 2018
  4. koe-esiintyminen
  5. arvostelu
  6. They used to have prompters in theatres who would whisper the ... if the actors forgot them.
  7. ... are illusions or visual tricks used in films to stimulate the imagined events in a story or virtual world.
  8. osoittaa suosiota
  9. When learning a foreign language, it is useful to watch a film by listening to the actors and also reading the ... in the original language.
  1. If the theatre audience really love the show, they get up and give the actors...
  2. This scene was actually filmed on ..., not in a studio.
  3. kuvata, filmata
  4. Des is a real cinema enthusiast. He always watches the ... at the end of the film.
  5. harjoitella
  6. You can enjoy some refreshments in the lobby during the .... between the acts.
  7. dokkari
  8. ohjaaja
  9. avustaja
  10. esirippu

19 Clues: dokkariohjaajaavustajaesirippuarvosteluharjoitellakuvata, filmatakoe-esiintyminenosoittaa suosiotaosajako, roolittaaThis scene was actually filmed on ..., not in a studio.You can enjoy some refreshments in the lobby during the .... between the acts.If the theatre audience really love the show, they get up and give the actors......

3T Classmate Crossword 2023-06-01

3T Classmate Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. I have a dog named Gumbo.
  2. I have blue eyes and blonde hair.
  3. I hate soccer.
  4. I like to play video games.
  5. I just got a dog!
  6. I have 1 brother, 1 sister and love baseball.
  7. I am 5'2" tall.
  8. My favorite movie is "Lord of the Rings".
  9. I like to play tennis and play with my friends.
  1. I love to play lacrosse and hockey.
  2. I have 1 dog and 2 brothers.
  3. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister.
  4. I like baseball and have a twin in 3rd grade.
  5. I have a mini golden doodle.
  6. I have a pet turtle.
  7. I have 1 sister, I have blue eyes and brown hair.
  8. I have brown hair and play soccer.
  9. I have 2 sisters.

18 Clues: I hate soccer.I am 5'2" tall.I just got a dog!I have 2 sisters.I have a pet turtle.I have a dog named Gumbo.I like to play video games.I have 1 dog and 2 brothers.I have a mini golden doodle.I have 2 brothers and 1 sister.I have blue eyes and blonde hair.I have brown hair and play soccer.I love to play lacrosse and hockey....

What's the book? 2024-02-22

What's the book? crossword puzzle
  1. These are the words Moses spoke to all Israel in the wilderness east of the Jordan
  2. The Lord spoke to Moses in the tent of meeting in the Desert of Sinai
  3. In the days when the judges ruled,[a] there was a famine in the land.
  4. After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun
  5. In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the Lord
  6. The Lord called to Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting
  7. The word of the Lord that came to Joel son of Pethuel.
  1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
  2. In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job
  3. These are the names of the sons of Israel who went to Egypt with Jacob
  4. The words of Nehemiah son of Hakaliah
  5. The word of the Lord that came to Hosea son of Beeri during the reigns of Uzziah
  6. After the death of Joshua, the Israelites asked the Lord,
  7. This is what happened during the time of Xerxes

14 Clues: The words of Nehemiah son of HakaliahThis is what happened during the time of XerxesIn the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was JobThe word of the Lord that came to Joel son of Pethuel.In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.After the death of Joshua, the Israelites asked the Lord,...

Deuteronomy 1-6 2022-09-07

Deuteronomy 1-6 crossword puzzle
  1. person forbidden to cross the Jordan
  2. not to be shown in judging
  3. part of hill country explored, valley of _______
  4. the Lord made Sihon's spirit this
  5. road taken from Horeb to Kadesh Barnea
  6. given Seir by the Lord
  7. now known as Havvoth Jair
  1. the Lord increased the numbers so they were as numerous as the _____ in the sky
  2. number of cities taken from Og
  3. followed the Lord wholeheartedly
  4. chased them like a swarm of bees
  5. love the Lord with all your ______,soul, and strength
  6. given Ar, descendants of ______
  7. number of days it took to travel from Horeb to Kadesh Barnea
  8. person to lead the people across the Jordan

15 Clues: given Seir by the Lordnow known as Havvoth Jairnot to be shown in judgingnumber of cities taken from Oggiven Ar, descendants of ______followed the Lord wholeheartedlychased them like a swarm of beesthe Lord made Sihon's spirit thisperson forbidden to cross the Jordanroad taken from Horeb to Kadesh Barneaperson to lead the people across the Jordan...

Unit 7 Vocabulary Quiz 2023-03-07

Unit 7 Vocabulary Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. The __________ between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams began after Adams won the presidential election.
  2. The teacher's ____ expression showed she was not amused.
  3. Instead of the victory anticipated, the team's surprising loss was their _____.
  4. The scent of cinnamon and cloves can ______ my favorite memories of Christmas.
  5. In the 1980's teenagers flocked to shopping malls as if they were their ______.
  1. After watching The Lord of the Rings movie _______, I needed to take a walk outside.
  2. Increasing the product's ________ will improve sales.
  3. His _______ nature enabled him to do well in math.
  4. Pearl blissfully ______ through the forest.
  5. Many introverts are _____ in public.

10 Clues: Many introverts are _____ in public.Pearl blissfully ______ through the forest.His _______ nature enabled him to do well in math.Increasing the product's ________ will improve sales.The teacher's ____ expression showed she was not amused.The scent of cinnamon and cloves can ______ my favorite memories of Christmas....

TG_10_Christ's Resurrection 2021-06-05

TG_10_Christ's Resurrection crossword puzzle
  1. the Lord's resurrection is a testimony to His _____________ over Satan and the world
  2. In resurrection the Lord released His divine
  3. the church is the duplication and ___________ of Christ.
  4. as the life-giving Spirit the Lord ________ His life into us
  5. In resurrection Christ was ______________ the Son of God in His humanity (Rom. 1:3-4).
  6. the church was _________ in Christ's resurrection
  7. God's nature
  8. Opposite of lifeless...
  9. ...could not hold the Lord Jesus (Acts 2:24).
  1. when the Lord died, God within Him was released, manifested, and __________ in resurrection
  2. unless the _____ of wheat falls into the ground... (John 12:24)
  3. the major step in this lesson
  4. The Lord was _____________ for three days
  5. ...the Lord resurrected with a physical body, but He also resurrected spiritually. In resurrection, He was ___________ into the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45).
  6. ...the keys of death and of _________ (Revelation 1:18).

15 Clues: God's natureOpposite of lifeless...the major step in this lessonThe Lord was _____________ for three daysIn resurrection the Lord released His divine...could not hold the Lord Jesus (Acts 2:24).the church was _________ in Christ's resurrectionthe church is the duplication and ___________ of Christ....

Perfectly Perfect Puzzle Palooza 2019-05-06

Perfectly Perfect Puzzle Palooza crossword puzzle
  1. Like an accomplice to the fool
  2. Main theme is wisdom
  3. In all your ways __ Him
  4. Your __ discipline you because they love you
  5. Being a spoiled brat is one of the consequences of not being __
  6. And He will make __ your paths
  7. There is __ fear; the good kind
  8. Main theme of Proverbs
  9. of the units we studied in class; Honor your __ and your __
  10. Lady Wisdom and Lady __
  11. Trust in the LORD with all your __
  1. For the LORD __ him who He loves
  2. King Lemuel and his __ wrote a chapter in Proverbs about the woman who fears the Lord.
  3. Everyone took notes on the 10 characteristics of being a good __
  4. Lean not on your own __
  5. There is __ fear; the bad kind
  6. My son, do not __ the LORD’s discipline or be weary of His reproof
  7. Believed to have written most of the Proverbs
  8. Honor the LORD with your __ and the firstfruits of all your produce
  9. They know they’re doing something wrong, but they do it anyway

20 Clues: Main theme is wisdomMain theme of ProverbsLean not on your own __In all your ways __ HimLady Wisdom and Lady __Like an accomplice to the foolAnd He will make __ your pathsThere is __ fear; the bad kindThere is __ fear; the good kindFor the LORD __ him who He lovesTrust in the LORD with all your __Your __ discipline you because they love you...

Contemporary Composers 2012-04-18

Contemporary Composers crossword puzzle
  1. Composed the score to the Shrek series
  2. Composed The Simpsons Theme
  3. Composed the score to Avatar
  1. Composed the score to the Star Wars saga
  2. Composed the score to the Lion King
  3. Composed the score to Lord Of The Rings

6 Clues: Composed The Simpsons ThemeComposed the score to AvatarComposed the score to the Lion KingComposed the score to the Shrek seriesComposed the score to Lord Of The RingsComposed the score to the Star Wars saga

Dasavatar Part 1 2016-04-08

Dasavatar Part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Varaha carried Mother _______ on his tusks
  2. The first Avatar of Lord Vishnu
  3. Matsya
  4. The third Avatar of Lord Vishnu
  5. The King who was defeated by Vamana
  6. The boy who loved Lord Vishnu against his father's wishes
  1. The second Avatar of Lord Vishnu
  2. The fourth Avatar of Lord Vishnu
  3. Lord Vishnu also appeared as this beuatiful woman to confuse the Asuras
  4. The fifth Avatar of Lord Vishnu
  5. Vishnu appeared as this animal to help the devas and asuras churn the ocean
  6. Varaha

12 Clues: MatsyaVarahaThe first Avatar of Lord VishnuThe fifth Avatar of Lord VishnuThe third Avatar of Lord VishnuThe second Avatar of Lord VishnuThe fourth Avatar of Lord VishnuThe King who was defeated by VamanaVaraha carried Mother _______ on his tusksThe boy who loved Lord Vishnu against his father's wishes...

BIBLE 2022-11-10

BIBLE crossword puzzle
  1. hear, O Israel: The lord our God the lord is _
  2. _ had as many children as stars in the sky
  3. through you and your family all the nations are going to find Gods _
  4. left-handed judge
  5. Jesus came to take the consequences of our_ into himself
  6. Saul was handsome but he was _
  7. The lord will show them is _ love
  1. Original church
  2. the 37 book of the bible
  3. _ was the son a son of Zilpah
  4. They were unsatisfied with being images of God and made a grab at _ God
  5. The lord comforts
  6. the sixth plague
  7. King from the line of _ extend the kingdom
  8. shalom The lord is peace

15 Clues: Original churchthe sixth plagueThe lord comfortsleft-handed judgethe 37 book of the bibleshalom The lord is peace_ was the son a son of ZilpahSaul was handsome but he was _The lord will show them is _ love_ had as many children as stars in the skyKing from the line of _ extend the kingdomhear, O Israel: The lord our God the lord is _...

Perfectly Perfect Puzzle Palooza 2019-05-06

Perfectly Perfect Puzzle Palooza crossword puzzle
  1. In all your ways __ Him
  2. For the LORD __ him who He loves
  3. And He will make __ your paths
  4. Everyone took notes on the 10 characteristics of being a good __
  5. Being a spoiled brat is one of the consequences of not being __
  6. There is __ fear; the good kind
  7. They know they’re doing something wrong, but they do it anyway
  8. Main theme of Proverbs
  9. There is __ fear; the bad kind
  1. Trust in the LORD with all your __
  2. Lean not on your own __
  3. Main theme is wisdom
  4. King Lemuel and his __ wrote a chapter in Proverbs about the woman who fears the Lord
  5. My son, do not __ the LORD’s discipline or be weary of His reproof
  6. Your __ discipline you because they love you
  7. of the units we studied in class; Honor your __ and your __
  8. Lady Wisdom and Lady __
  9. Believed to have written most of the Proverbs
  10. Like an accomplice to the fool
  11. Honor the LORD with your __ and the firstfruits of all your produce

20 Clues: Main theme is wisdomMain theme of ProverbsLean not on your own __In all your ways __ HimLady Wisdom and Lady __And He will make __ your pathsLike an accomplice to the foolThere is __ fear; the bad kindThere is __ fear; the good kindFor the LORD __ him who He lovesTrust in the LORD with all your __Your __ discipline you because they love you...

The Lord of the Flies 2021-11-12

The Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. What was the falling down from the sky?
  2. Who believes in the beastie?
  3. The boy with asthma?
  4. Where do the boys make the fire?
  5. What the boys as a canister?
  6. What do the boys make to signal ships?
  7. What color was the boys mark?
  8. what do the boy use as shelters?
  1. What does one of the boys claim they see?
  2. What was one of the thing they use on their face?
  3. Sam and whos is the twins?
  4. what signal that there is a ship nearby?
  5. Makes the boys listen?
  6. Who broke Piggy's glasses?
  7. The leader of the group?

15 Clues: The boy with asthma?Makes the boys listen?The leader of the group?Sam and whos is the twins?Who broke Piggy's glasses?Who believes in the beastie?What the boys as a canister?What color was the boys mark?Where do the boys make the fire?what do the boy use as shelters?What do the boys make to signal ships?What was the falling down from the sky?...

The Epiphany of the Lord 2023-11-21

The Epiphany of the Lord crossword puzzle
  1. how St. Joseph was warned not to return to Herod
  2. what you sit on it the church
  3. what the three shepherds/wise men followed
  4. you should always genuflect before this because Jesus is in there
  5. book you can find sacred scripture with stories about Jesus, Moses, Ruth, etc.
  6. the head of the Church
  7. Mary's relation to Jesus and us
  1. number of shepherds
  2. town where Jesus is born
  3. color of the priest's vestment's on the Epiphany
  4. a man ordained by a bishop that we call "father"
  5. Herod's title as ruler
  6. a sacrament (also called reconciliation) where the priest is "in persona Chirsti" and you confess your sins
  7. "We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him ____"
  8. "Lord, every ____ on earth will adore you." (Psalm 72)

15 Clues: number of shepherdsHerod's title as rulerthe head of the Churchtown where Jesus is bornwhat you sit on it the churchMary's relation to Jesus and uswhat the three shepherds/wise men followedhow St. Joseph was warned not to return to Herodcolor of the priest's vestment's on the Epiphanya man ordained by a bishop that we call "father"...

Greek Myths 2023-11-13

Greek Myths crossword puzzle
  1. Daughter of Zeus
  2. Brother and best friend of Epimetheus
  3. Lord of the Underworld
  4. Husband of Pandora
  5. Name of the fields considered the most beautiful in the Underworld
  6. Lord of the Sea
  7. Three headed dog belonging to Hades
  8. Lover of Hades
  9. Father of Hades,Poseidon and Zeus
  10. Lord of the Heavens
  1. Mount where the gods had their council meetings
  2. Wife of Dionysus
  3. Handyman of Zeus, creator of Pandora
  4. King of Corinth who was the cleverest of all
  5. Mother of Persephone
  6. God of wine, comedy and tragedy
  7. Wife of Zeus
  8. River Nymph, lover of Zeus

18 Clues: Wife of ZeusLover of HadesLord of the SeaDaughter of ZeusWife of DionysusHusband of PandoraLord of the HeavensMother of PersephoneLord of the UnderworldRiver Nymph, lover of ZeusGod of wine, comedy and tragedyFather of Hades,Poseidon and ZeusThree headed dog belonging to HadesHandyman of Zeus, creator of PandoraBrother and best friend of Epimetheus...

Greek Myths 2023-11-13

Greek Myths crossword puzzle
  1. Three headed dog belonging to Hades
  2. Lord of the Sea
  3. Husband of Pandora
  4. Daughter of Zeus
  5. Lover of Hades
  6. Name of the fields considered the most beautiful in the Underworld
  7. God of wine, comedy and tragedy
  8. Father of Hades,Poseidon and Zeus
  1. Wife of Dionysus
  2. River Nymph, lover of Zeus
  3. Lord of the Underworld
  4. Mother of Persephone
  5. Handyman of Zeus, creator of Pandora
  6. Wife of Zeus
  7. King of Corinth who was the cleverest of all
  8. Mount where the gods had their council meetings
  9. Lord of the Heavens
  10. Brother and best friend of Epimetheus

18 Clues: Wife of ZeusLover of HadesLord of the SeaWife of DionysusDaughter of ZeusHusband of PandoraLord of the HeavensMother of PersephoneLord of the UnderworldRiver Nymph, lover of ZeusGod of wine, comedy and tragedyFather of Hades,Poseidon and ZeusThree headed dog belonging to HadesHandyman of Zeus, creator of PandoraBrother and best friend of Epimetheus...

Greek Myths 2023-11-13

Greek Myths crossword puzzle
  1. Three headed dog belonging to Hades
  2. Daughter of Zeus
  3. Wife of Zeus
  4. Husband of Pandora
  5. Handyman of Zeus, creator of Pandora
  6. River Nymph, lover of Zeus
  7. Lord of the Underworld
  8. Lord of the Heavens
  9. God of wine, comedy and tragedy
  1. Brother and best friend of Epimetheus
  2. Father of Hades,Poseidon and Zeus
  3. Lord of the Sea
  4. Lover of Hades
  5. Mount where the gods had their council meetings
  6. Wife of Dionysus
  7. Mother of Persephone
  8. King of Corinth who was the cleverest of all
  9. Name of the fields considered the most beautiful in the Underworld

18 Clues: Wife of ZeusLover of HadesLord of the SeaDaughter of ZeusWife of DionysusHusband of PandoraLord of the HeavensMother of PersephoneLord of the UnderworldRiver Nymph, lover of ZeusGod of wine, comedy and tragedyFather of Hades,Poseidon and ZeusThree headed dog belonging to HadesHandyman of Zeus, creator of PandoraBrother and best friend of Epimetheus...

BalaBhagawatamII 2013-01-05

BalaBhagawatamII crossword puzzle
  1. Mother of Sri Krishna
  2. Whose suns were cursed to become trees
  3. What Ma Yashoda saw in baby Krishna's mouth
  4. The song of bhakti and love that the Gopis sang for Lord Krishna
  5. Who was insulted by the sons of __________
  6. Devaki's cousin and king of Mathura
  7. The hill prayed to by all the people of Vrindavan at Lord Krishna's suggestion
  8. Where Lord Krishna asked the many-headed snake he defeated to go and stay
  9. Who was angry and sent thunderstorms towards Vrindavan when the people prayed to the local hill instead of him
  10. Vasudevas wife who lived in Gokul and Balarama's mother
  11. Vasudeva's dear friend in Gokul
  12. Father of Lord Krishna
  13. Asura who came in the form of a huge snake to attack Sri Krishna
  14. Nanda's wife
  1. The asura who came in the form of a donkey and was killed by Balarama
  2. The Deva who wanted to test Sri Krishna and hid all teh gopas and cows and calves
  3. What Lord Krishna did when all the cows, calves and gopas were hidden
  4. The demon who could create a cyclone and was vanquished by Sri Krishna
  5. Where the people of Gokul moved to avoid the rakshasa attacks
  6. Old and kindly king of Mathura
  7. Asuri who tried to kill the baby Krishna
  8. The dance of bhakti and love performed by Sri Krishna and the GOpis in the moonlight on the banks of the river Yamuna
  9. The many headed snake who poisoned Kalinda lake
  10. Lord Krishna was the ____ son of Devaki and Vasudeva
  11. Name of the rishi who named Sri Krishna and Balarama
  12. Asura is the form of a crane who attacked the Gopas

26 Clues: Nanda's wifeMother of Sri KrishnaFather of Lord KrishnaOld and kindly king of MathuraVasudeva's dear friend in GokulDevaki's cousin and king of MathuraWhose suns were cursed to become treesAsuri who tried to kill the baby KrishnaWho was insulted by the sons of __________What Ma Yashoda saw in baby Krishna's mouth...

Neptunes Crossword 2016-11-01

Neptunes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 25% of Neptune composition
  2. Date Neptune was discovered
  3. Neptune has five of these
  4. 60-70% of Neptune's composition
  5. Other scientist to discover Neptune
  6. One of the scientist to discover Neptune
  7. Planet that invade Neptune's orbit
  8. Consist of water, ammonia, and methane ices
  9. Neptune originally formed next to the _____ but then moved
  1. How long The planet stays in Neptune's orbit
  2. This was discovered by mathematical predictions
  3. What are the rings made up of
  4. 5-15% of Neptune's composition
  5. Not_____ to naked eye without telescope
  6. Substance the rings are possible coated in
  7. How long it takes to return into Neptune's orbit.
  8. Consist of iron and magnesium

17 Clues: Neptune has five of these25% of Neptune compositionDate Neptune was discoveredWhat are the rings made up ofConsist of iron and magnesium5-15% of Neptune's composition60-70% of Neptune's compositionPlanet that invade Neptune's orbitOther scientist to discover NeptuneNot_____ to naked eye without telescopeOne of the scientist to discover Neptune...

The Lord of the Rings Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-19

The Lord of the Rings Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Riddle of Moria
  2. I'm going on an adventure!
  1. I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the City fall, nor our people fail
  2. they're taking the hobbits to Isengard
  3. I would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my king
  4. I cannot jump the distance. You'll have to toss me... don't tell the elf!
  5. Fly you fools!

7 Clues: Fly you fools!Riddle of MoriaI'm going on an adventure!they're taking the hobbits to IsengardI would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my kingI cannot jump the distance. You'll have to toss me... don't tell the elf!I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the City fall, nor our people fail

The Lord of the Rings crossword puzzle 2024-10-07

The Lord of the Rings crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Type of movies/books (one word).
  2. The movies 17 of these awards.
  3. Audience for who The Hobbit was meant for.
  4. The last name of the writer of the books.
  1. A character that is not in the movies (last name only).
  2. The last name of the director of the movies.
  3. The main villain of the story.

7 Clues: The movies 17 of these awards.The main villain of the story.Type of movies/books (one word).The last name of the writer of the books.Audience for who The Hobbit was meant for.The last name of the director of the movies.A character that is not in the movies (last name only).

How well do you know your OSL 2021-07-23

How well do you know your OSL crossword puzzle
  1. Victorious
  2. Happiness
  1. Fearless
  2. Lord of rings
  3. Knowledge & empower

5 Clues: FearlessHappinessVictoriousLord of ringsKnowledge & empower

Feudalism in Western Europe 2024-09-23

Feudalism in Western Europe crossword puzzle
  1. Code of honor followed by knights, focusing on bravery and respect
  2. Wealthy and powerful class of people, including lords and ladies
  3. Germanic tribe that built a powerful kingdom in Western Europe
  4. System where land was given in exchange for loyalty and service
  5. Period in European history from about 500 to 1500 AD
  6. Young boy in training to become a knight
  7. Common people who worked the land, often for lords
  8. King of the Franks who united his people and converted to Christianity
  9. Peasant who was bound to the land and worked for the lord
  10. Noble who owned land and gave it to vassals in exchange for loyalty
  11. Large estate owned by a lord, including villages and farmland
  12. Noblewoman with high social status, often married to a lord
  1. Scandinavian warriors who raided and settled in parts of Europe
  2. Piece of land given to a vassal by a lord
  3. Frankish king who expanded his empire and was crowned emperor in 800 AD
  4. Warrior on horseback who served a lord in exchange for land
  5. Duke of Normandy who invaded England in 1066 and became its king
  6. Oath of loyalty that vassals gave to their lords
  7. King or queen who ruled a kingdom
  8. Teenager who assisted a knight and continued training to become one
  9. Person who received land from a lord in exchange for loyalty and service
  10. System of ranking people or groups in society, like in feudalism

22 Clues: King or queen who ruled a kingdomYoung boy in training to become a knightPiece of land given to a vassal by a lordOath of loyalty that vassals gave to their lordsCommon people who worked the land, often for lordsPeriod in European history from about 500 to 1500 ADPeasant who was bound to the land and worked for the lord...

Vocabulary Crossword 2015-06-03

Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to talk
  2. food which is bad for you
  3. an attractive man is ................
  4. hurt
  5. the opposite to shy
  6. tablets you take for pain
  7. you get this when you graduate
  8. going to see interesting things on holiday
  9. the lord of the rings is a .........movie
  10. money you earn in a year
  11. lying in the sun
  12. when you get a degree, you ...............
  13. on the internet
  14. the person in charge
  15. a musical instrument you hit with sticks
  1. a ................is scary
  2. something you buy to remember a holiday
  3. someone who works hard is...............
  4. a nicer word for fat.................
  5. a place you go to see old things
  6. device
  7. the people in your class
  8. the people who work in a place
  9. to eat in a restaurant
  10. drinks with sugar and gas
  11. something you read
  12. very very very surprised
  13. some who likes to give is..............
  14. something you want to do in the future

29 Clues: hurtdeviceto talkon the internetlying in the sunsomething you readthe opposite to shythe person in chargeto eat in a restaurantthe people in your classmoney you earn in a yearvery very very surprisedfood which is bad for youtablets you take for paindrinks with sugar and gasa ................is scarythe people who work in a place...

The Anointed 2021-03-26

The Anointed crossword puzzle
  1. T. Lord said to (J), “You shall ____ My people Israel, and be ruler over Israel.”
  2. A. The first person who talks about Messiah in the books of Samuel
  3. H. (F) __ed the burnt offering before Samuel came
  4. F. (B) took a flask of oil and poured it on ___ head, and kissed him
  5. M. (J) was ___ years old when he became king, and he reigned for forty years
  6. N. (J) reigned over all Israel and administered justice and ___ for all his people.
  7. Q. “he shall be My son and I will be his Father”
  8. S. (J) conquered this city by way of the water shaft
  9. O. “Do not fear, for I will surely show you ___ for your father’s sake”
  10. J. (B) took the horn of oil and anointed ___ in the midst of his brothers
  1. E. Job description: go up to altar, burn incense, carry an ephod before God
  2. D. All Israel knew that (B) was confirmed as a ___ of the Lord
  3. G. (cont. from F) (B) said “Has not the Lord anointed you a ruler over His ___”
  4. P. (J) is the sweet ___ of Israel
  5. B. Israel’s last judge
  6. L. (F) has slain his ___, And (J) his ten ___
  7. R. I said, “Behold, I have ___; It is written of me in the scroll of the book.
  8. C. The Lord was with (B) and let none of his ___ fail
  9. I. far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to ___ for you
  10. K. (cont. From J) The ___ of the LORD came upon (J) from that day forward

20 Clues: B. Israel’s last judgeP. (J) is the sweet ___ of IsraelL. (F) has slain his ___, And (J) his ten ___Q. “he shall be My son and I will be his Father”H. (F) __ed the burnt offering before Samuel cameS. (J) conquered this city by way of the water shaftC. The Lord was with (B) and let none of his ___ fail...

D&C 11 2021-02-01

D&C 11 crossword puzzle
  1. What principle do we learn from 17-20? Keeping the commandments prepares us spiritually to do the ______ of the lord.
  2. In 11:17-20 what do you think it means to cleave unto the Lord with all your heart? _______ means to adhere to something firmly or unwaveringly, so we need to stick with God unwaveringly.
  3. What did the lord promise Hyrum and others who follow the pattern taught in 11:21-22? Those who study the Lord’s word will receive His Spirit and the power to _______ others of the truth of the gospel.
  4. In 11:10-14, What counsel did the Lord give Hyrum that would help him accomplish much good? Desire in faith and with a ______ heart
  5. In 11:15-16 why was Hyrum told to “wait a little longer” before he would be called to preach the gospel? The church had not yet been _________ and the Book of Mormon had not yet been published.
  6. According to 11:12-13 how can you recognize the influence of the spirit? The spirit of the Lord leads us to do good, to be humble, and to ________ righteously.
  7. In 11:10-14, What counsel did the Lord give Hyrum that would help him accomplish much good? Walk _______
  8. According to 11:12-13 how can you recognize the influence of the spirit? The spirit ________ our minds and fills our souls with joy.
  9. In 11:10-14, What counsel did the Lord give Hyrum that would help him accomplish much good? Believe in the _____ of Christ
  10. In 11:10-14, What counsel did the Lord give Hyrum that would help him accomplish much good? Put your ______ in that spirit which leadeth to do good.
  1. What phrase is repeated in 11:18, and 20? Keep my ___________.
  2. In 11:10-14, What counsel did the Lord give Hyrum that would help him accomplish much good? Believe that you shall _______
  3. In 11:10-14, What counsel did the Lord give Hyrum that would help him accomplish much good? Judge _____________
  4. What common word do you find in 11:3, 8, 10, 14, 17, 21, 27?
  5. Read 11:8 what truths can we learn about desiring to do the lords work? We can receive blessings from God according to our righteous ________.
  6. Read 11:27, Who else is invited to assist in His work? _____ who have good desires and have thrust in their sickle.
  7. In 11:21-22 what did the Lord tell Hyrum he would need to do to be able to declare His word to the people? ______ my word-study my word- study the scriptures.
  8. In 11:10-14, What counsel did the Lord give Hyrum that would help him accomplish much good? Do _____
  9. Read 11:8 what truths can we learn about desiring to do the lords work? If we desire to do Gods work, we will be the means of doing much ______.
  10. To whom was section 11 given as a revelation? (Section heading) ________ Smith

20 Clues: What common word do you find in 11:3, 8, 10, 14, 17, 21, 27?What phrase is repeated in 11:18, and 20? Keep my ___________.To whom was section 11 given as a revelation? (Section heading) ________ SmithIn 11:10-14, What counsel did the Lord give Hyrum that would help him accomplish much good? Do _____...

Library Crossword 2020-04-21

Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. main character from lord of the rings
  2. Charles Dickens called the sickly character in A Christmas Carol “Small Sam” and “Puny Pete” before settling on
  3. who wrote the last frontier
  4. Where the _________ sing
  5. Michelle Obama's book title published in 2018
  6. Best selling book series
  1. What title did Jane Austen originally give to the book that was eventually published as Pride and Prejudice?
  2. The Don Tillman series is written by _______ Simpson
  3. popular magical last name
  4. what book is named after the temperature at which book paper catches fire, and burns”.
  5. What type of animal was dab dab in doctor do little
  6. The storey tree house series was written by andy Griffiths and terry ________
  7. Which British prime minister was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature?
  8. Danielle steel new release 2020
  9. Stephan Kings first published novel

15 Clues: Where the _________ singBest selling book seriespopular magical last namewho wrote the last frontierDanielle steel new release 2020Stephan Kings first published novelmain character from lord of the ringsMichelle Obama's book title published in 2018What type of animal was dab dab in doctor do little...

How well do you know your OSL 2021-07-23

How well do you know your OSL crossword puzzle
  1. -Victorious
  2. -Happiness
  1. - fearless
  2. -Lord of rings
  3. -Knowledge & empower

5 Clues: - fearless-Happiness-Victorious-Lord of rings-Knowledge & empower

Jeremiah 7 Israel's Idol Worship 2022-10-04

Jeremiah 7 Israel's Idol Worship crossword puzzle
  1. v5 How is Israel to execute judgment?
  2. v10 How does the Lord characterize these actions?
  3. v26 Israel was judged what, in relation to their fathers?
  4. v23 What had the Lord commanded Israel to obey?
  5. v3 Change, alter, correct.
  6. v34 What will happen to the land?
  7. v31 Where was Israel practising Human Sacrifice?
  8. v9 To move at a slow and steady pace on foot.
  9. v9 One of the major idolatrous gods prevalent at the time of Jeremiah.
  10. v24 What aspect of Israel's evil heart does the Lord condemn?
  11. v15 Throw, send, reject.
  12. v25 The Lord's servants.
  13. v9 Take a life with malice.
  14. v4 What kind of words was Israel trusting?
  15. v9 Betray your spouse with another person.
  16. v11 A den of what?
  1. v31 What was Israel doing with their sons and daughters?
  2. v29 Israel should do what in high places?
  3. v18 What are the whole family described as doing for other gods?
  4. v26 Stiffened, solidified, made unbending.
  5. v32 What did the Lord change the name of the place to? (3 words)
  6. v9 Take what is not yours without permission.
  7. v6 What is Israel not to do to strangers, orphans or widows?
  8. v22 What had the Lord not specified to Israel when they came out of Egypt?
  9. v9 A perfumed substance burned as a sign of worship.
  10. v20 Intense anger, wrath, outrage, rage.
  11. v13 The lord called, they ___ not.

27 Clues: v11 A den of what?v15 Throw, send, reject.v25 The Lord's servants.v3 Change, alter, correct.v9 Take a life with malice.v34 What will happen to the land?v13 The lord called, they ___ not.v5 How is Israel to execute judgment?v20 Intense anger, wrath, outrage, rage.v29 Israel should do what in high places?v26 Stiffened, solidified, made unbending....

Recap - Ramayana 2021-03-07

Recap - Ramayana crossword puzzle
  1. Hawk in King Shibi's pastime
  2. Bharat's mother
  3. The eage devotee who tried to save Sita from Ravana
  4. Name of the Charioteer that accompanied Ram, Lakshmana and SIta our of Ayodhya
  5. King Harischandra is known for this quality
  6. Tribal king that arranged boat for Lord Ram to cross river Ganga
  7. Son of King Utanapada - Pole star and fixed
  1. Dove in King Shibi's pastime
  2. The greatest devotee of Lord Rama
  3. Huge monster that attacked Sita in Dandakaranya forest
  4. The elehant devotee who called out to Lord after trired of fighting with crocodile
  5. Quality of Krouncha birds
  6. Krishna accepted this demon as his mother
  7. Sage's name that cursed the forest to be infested with demons
  8. # of brothers Lord Ram had
  9. The poor brahman friend of Lord Krishna

16 Clues: Bharat's motherQuality of Krouncha birds# of brothers Lord Ram hadDove in King Shibi's pastimeHawk in King Shibi's pastimeThe greatest devotee of Lord RamaThe poor brahman friend of Lord KrishnaKrishna accepted this demon as his motherKing Harischandra is known for this qualitySon of King Utanapada - Pole star and fixed...

The Ordinary and The Extra Ordinary 2021-05-24

The Ordinary and The Extra Ordinary crossword puzzle
  1. Those who believe in God shall have ______ life
  2. To become a member of God's family one must be (2 words)
  3. In Isiah 6 v 3 what word means separate from all that is sinful
  4. What word appears 18 times in this Psalm
  5. "New Birth" is from God through the
  6. In verse 16 children means
  7. The Lord gives ____ to his people
  8. What time of day did Nicodemus visited Jesus
  9. The Lord reveals himself in
  1. worship the Lord in
  2. Psalm 29 describes ____to God
  3. The act of God that places the believer in His (God)as our adult son
  4. What is the significance of the burning coal
  5. What does this phrase mean: separate from the deeds of the body
  6. The voice of the Lord is
  7. In verse 8, the word "US" is used to represent the

16 Clues: worship the Lord inThe voice of the Lord isIn verse 16 children meansThe Lord reveals himself inPsalm 29 describes ____to GodThe Lord gives ____ to his people"New Birth" is from God through theWhat word appears 18 times in this PsalmWhat is the significance of the burning coalWhat time of day did Nicodemus visited Jesus...

The Ordinary and The Extra Ordinary 2021-05-24

The Ordinary and The Extra Ordinary crossword puzzle
  1. Those who believe in God shall have ______ life
  2. To become a member of God's family one must be (2 words)
  3. In Isiah 6 v 3 what word means separate from all that is sinful
  4. What word appears 18 times in this Psalm
  5. "New Birth" is from God through the
  6. In verse 16 children means
  7. The Lord gives ____ to his people
  8. What time of day did Nicodemus visited Jesus
  9. The Lord reveals himself in
  1. Worship the Lord in
  2. Psalm 29 describes ____to God
  3. The act of God that places the believer in His (God) as our adult son
  4. What is the significance of the burning coal
  5. What does this phrase mean: separate from the deeds of the body
  6. The voice of the Lord is
  7. In verse 8, the word "US" is used to represent the

16 Clues: Worship the Lord inThe voice of the Lord isIn verse 16 children meansThe Lord reveals himself inPsalm 29 describes ____to GodThe Lord gives ____ to his people"New Birth" is from God through theWhat word appears 18 times in this PsalmWhat is the significance of the burning coalWhat time of day did Nicodemus visited Jesus...

Tribal Society in the Medieval Period Reaching God through Devotion 2016-01-27

Tribal Society in the Medieval Period  Reaching God through Devotion crossword puzzle
  1. tribal group from Eastern India that controlled large parts of Brahmaputra valley.
  2. who worshipped Lord Vishnu
  3. tribal queen of Gond kingdom.
  4. of devotional songs.
  5. of the sufi saints.
  6. rearing nomadic groups of people who move from one place to another with their cattle.
  7. tribal group that transported food supplies from the villages to the cities.
  8. society was divided.
  9. tribes that lived in Western Himalayas.
  10. whop worshipped Lord Shiva
  11. devotee of Lord Shiva preached Advaita Philosophy
  1. kitchens open to the people of all castes or varnas
  2. most famous work of Tulsidas
  3. Lord Vishnu.
  4. Bhakti saint who started Bhakti movement in Karnataka
  5. aboriginal tribe in the Amazonian Basin of Brazil.
  6. religious preachers who preached about love and devotion to God.
  7. of learning of worship.
  8. belonging to western Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh.
  9. tribal group belonging to the Punjab region.

20 Clues: Lord Vishnu.of the sufi saints.of devotional songs.society was divided.of learning of worship.who worshipped Lord Vishnuwhop worshipped Lord Shivamost famous work of Tulsidastribal queen of Gond kingdom.tribes that lived in Western Himalayas.tribal group belonging to the Punjab region.devotee of Lord Shiva preached Advaita Philosophy...

Name 2020-01-11

Name crossword puzzle
  1. the one who adorns the moon on his forehead
  2. the three eyed one
  3. always auspicious
  4. the lord of stage
  5. lord of lords
  6. the one who has control over his animal instincts
  7. the one who holds ganga in his locks
  1. one who has gained victory over death
  2. the innocent god
  3. one who stays in kailasha
  4. lord of the world
  5. the one who holds the trishul
  6. the blue necked one
  7. the greatest lord
  8. the life spark

15 Clues: lord of lordsthe life sparkthe innocent godlord of the worldthe greatest lordalways auspiciousthe lord of stagethe three eyed onethe blue necked oneone who stays in kailashathe one who holds the trishulthe one who holds ganga in his locksone who has gained victory over deaththe one who adorns the moon on his forehead...

The Lord of the Rings Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-19

The Lord of the Rings Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Riddle of Moria
  2. I'm going on an adventure!
  1. I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the City fall, nor our people fail
  2. they're taking the hobbits to Isengard
  3. I would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my king
  4. I cannot jump the distance. You'll have to toss me... don't tell the elf!
  5. Fly you fools!

7 Clues: Fly you fools!Riddle of MoriaI'm going on an adventure!they're taking the hobbits to IsengardI would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my kingI cannot jump the distance. You'll have to toss me... don't tell the elf!I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the City fall, nor our people fail

Psalm 96 - Call to Joy 2020-09-20

Psalm 96 - Call to Joy crossword puzzle
  1. _____ the Lord in the splendor of His holiness
  2. Proclaim to all that the Lord _____
  3. Let all creation _____
  4. Sing to the Lord a _____ song
  5. Declare God's glory and marvelous deeds to all _____
  6. Let the fields be _____
  7. Let the earth be _____
  8. The Lord _____ the heavens
  1. He will judge the world in _____
  2. Let the trees _____ for joy
  3. Ascribe to the Lord glory and ______
  4. Sing to the Lord, _____ His name
  5. _____ His salvation to all
  6. He will judge people with _____

14 Clues: Let all creation _____Let the earth be _____Let the fields be __________ His salvation to allThe Lord _____ the heavensLet the trees _____ for joySing to the Lord a _____ songHe will judge people with _____He will judge the world in _____Sing to the Lord, _____ His nameProclaim to all that the Lord _____Ascribe to the Lord glory and ______...

The Ordinary and The Extra Ordinary 2021-05-24

The Ordinary and The Extra Ordinary crossword puzzle
  1. The act of God that places the believer in His (God)as our adult son
  2. The Lord reveals himself in
  3. "New Birth" is from God through the
  4. The Lord gives ____ to his people
  5. What is the significance of the burning coal
  6. Those who believe in God shall have ______ life
  1. worship the Lord in
  2. In Isiah 6 v 3 what word means separate from all that is sinful
  3. In verse 8, the word "US" is used to represent the
  4. Psalm 29 describes ____to God
  5. What does this phrase mean: separate from the deeds of the body
  6. In verse 16 children means
  7. The voice of the Lord is
  8. What time of day did Nicodemus visited Jesus
  9. To become a member of God's family one must be (2 words)
  10. What word appears 18 times in this Psalm

16 Clues: worship the Lord inThe voice of the Lord isIn verse 16 children meansThe Lord reveals himself inPsalm 29 describes ____to GodThe Lord gives ____ to his people"New Birth" is from God through theWhat word appears 18 times in this PsalmWhat time of day did Nicodemus visited JesusWhat is the significance of the burning coal...

Famous Homeschoolers 2023-04-25

Famous Homeschoolers crossword puzzle
  1. Famous author who wrote "Little Women
  2. Wife of the second President of the United States
  1. Famous author who wrote "The Lord of the Rings
  2. Famous Physicist Known for his theory of relativity
  3. Famous author who wrote "The Chronicles of Narnia
  4. First female supreme court justice

6 Clues: First female supreme court justiceFamous author who wrote "Little WomenFamous author who wrote "The Lord of the RingsFamous author who wrote "The Chronicles of NarniaWife of the second President of the United StatesFamous Physicist Known for his theory of relativity

Palavras cruzadas de Michal 2021-02-18

Palavras cruzadas de Michal crossword puzzle
  1. parte de corpo para escutar la musica
  2. quando nao sabes se tua comida e fresca tens de ...
  3. parte de corpo onde se veste uma bracelete
  4. a coisa mais importante no filme "The Lord of The Rings"
  5. quando estas numa tienda recebes uma seguranca que coisa comprada sera boa, recebes uma ...
  1. joias que se veste (quaso) sempre dois e mesomos
  2. uma coisa de mau qualidade - de ...
  3. fazer alguem estupido
  4. outra maneira de dizer insultar
  5. quando queres dizer que coisa e muito nova - novinha em ...

10 Clues: fazer alguem estupidooutra maneira de dizer insultaruma coisa de mau qualidade - de ...parte de corpo para escutar la musicaparte de corpo onde se veste uma braceletejoias que se veste (quaso) sempre dois e mesomosquando nao sabes se tua comida e fresca tens de ...a coisa mais importante no filme "The Lord of The Rings"...

SF Newsletter 2023-04-27

SF Newsletter crossword puzzle
  1. This Product Manager's favorite food is Sushi
  2. This Credit Analyst has 14 siblings
  3. This Credit Analyst, who is a Chicago native, met Walter Payton
  4. This Portfolio Sales Manager's favorite food is Mexican
  5. This ASM's favorite hobby is interior design
  6. This Credit Supervisor used to play video games semi professionally
  1. This ASM's favorite hobby is golfing
  2. This Credit Analyst's favorite book/movie is Lord of the Rings
  3. This Credit Analyst plays the flute
  4. This ASM has a Cane Corso and English Bulldog

10 Clues: This Credit Analyst has 14 siblingsThis Credit Analyst plays the fluteThis ASM's favorite hobby is golfingThis ASM's favorite hobby is interior designThis Product Manager's favorite food is SushiThis ASM has a Cane Corso and English BulldogThis Portfolio Sales Manager's favorite food is Mexican...

EASST 2023-05-25

EASST crossword puzzle
  1. One of 5 Aarti
  2. 5 years age when went to forest
  3. Mother to 100 sons
  4. One of 5 Vartmaan
  5. Best friend of Lord Krishna
  6. The author of Ramayan
  7. A small kid for whom Bhagwan took avtar
  8. Known as the voice of Bhagwan
  1. Guru of Lord Krishna
  2. Father of Lord Krishna
  3. Big bhakt of Lord Shiva killed by God
  4. Son of King Pandu
  5. One of 9 Bhakti types
  6. Swaminarayan childhood name
  7. One of the friends of Ghanshyam

15 Clues: One of 5 AartiSon of King PanduOne of 5 VartmaanMother to 100 sonsGuru of Lord KrishnaOne of 9 Bhakti typesThe author of RamayanFather of Lord KrishnaSwaminarayan childhood nameBest friend of Lord KrishnaKnown as the voice of Bhagwan5 years age when went to forestOne of the friends of GhanshyamBig bhakt of Lord Shiva killed by God...

Rich Turns 30 2024-05-27

Rich Turns 30 crossword puzzle
  1. Interlaken activity
  2. Birthday activity (surprise!)
  3. The best fried chicken in NYC
  4. An internship born at the Genius Bar
  5. They gave you an acceptance letter in 2012
  6. An important street in Newtown, but which one?
  7. Camperdown Cellars, Little Lord
  8. 4 people, 1 dog
  9. Rufus live
  10. We owe our marriage to this fruit
  11. Three letters and you mean business
  12. Best gelato in Rome
  13. A cool date for a wedding
  14. Yum! It’s not non-sense, it’s…
  15. Not Rings of Power, not the Hobbit
  16. Sunday mornings
  17. Most famous person at the Gold Diggers Arms
  1. Home to Pinetrees
  2. You may be a dog person, but you sure love the…
  3. Warm camping destination
  4. You’re a star, it’s a sign
  5. Luna’s favourite place
  6. MovieWorld slogan?
  7. Played the Oxford Art Factory and the Landsdown in 2018
  8. Maya's laptop password
  9. Build a settlement, buy some sheep
  10. King of the dog beach
  11. Pudding
  12. Don't drive your car through a river without it
  13. Day of the week you were born

30 Clues: PuddingRufus live4 people, 1 dogSunday morningsHome to PinetreesMovieWorld slogan?Interlaken activityBest gelato in RomeKing of the dog beachLuna’s favourite placeMaya's laptop passwordWarm camping destinationA cool date for a weddingYou’re a star, it’s a signBirthday activity (surprise!)The best fried chicken in NYCDay of the week you were born...

Tribal Society in the Medieval Period Reaching God through Devotion 2016-01-27

Tribal Society in the Medieval Period  Reaching God through Devotion crossword puzzle
  1. /a tribal queen of Gond kingdom.
  2. /cattle rearing nomadic groups of people who move from one place to another with their cattle.
  3. /tribals belonging to western Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh.
  4. /the aboriginal tribe in the Amazonian Basin of Brazil.
  5. /hindu society was divided.
  6. /centres of learning of worship.
  7. /a Bhakti saint who started Bhakti movement in Karnataka
  8. /saints who worshipped Lord Shiva
  9. /a devotee of Lord Shiva preached Advaita Philosophy
  10. /composition of devotional songs.
  11. /saints who worshipped Lord Vishnu
  12. /a tribal group belonging to the Punjab region.
  1. /shepherd tribes that lived in Western Himalayas.
  2. /the most famous work of Tulsidas
  3. /a tribal group from Eastern India that controlled large parts of Brahmaputra valley.
  4. /worshipping Lord Vishnu.
  5. /free kitchens open to the people of all castes or varnas
  6. /a tribal group that transported food supplies from the villages to the cities.
  7. /muslim religious preachers who preached about love and devotion to God.
  8. /abode of the sufi saints.

20 Clues: /worshipping Lord Vishnu./abode of the sufi saints./hindu society was divided./a tribal queen of Gond kingdom./centres of learning of worship./the most famous work of Tulsidas/saints who worshipped Lord Shiva/composition of devotional songs./saints who worshipped Lord Vishnu/a tribal group belonging to the Punjab region....

Lord of the flies 2022-09-13

Lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. Dignified property of manner or conduct
  2. A person known to one but not usually a friend
  3. A body so suspended from a fixed point as to swing freely to and fro by the alternate action of gravity
  4. The act of turning or whirling, as around a fixed center
  5. The state or quality of reflecting an iridescent light
  6. Causing intense anger; maddening
  1. Extreme brilliancy; a flood of light
  2. A shallow body of water connected to a larger body of water
  3. A cluster of group of fixed stars, or division of the heavens
  4. Wishing evil or harm to another or others
  5. The quality or condition of not being applicable or pertinent
  6. Absurd; Contrary to nature or reason
  7. Noisily insistent
  8. The chanting or uttering of words purporting to have magical power

14 Clues: Noisily insistentCausing intense anger; maddeningExtreme brilliancy; a flood of lightAbsurd; Contrary to nature or reasonDignified property of manner or conductWishing evil or harm to another or othersA person known to one but not usually a friendThe state or quality of reflecting an iridescent light...

Lord Of The Flies 2022-10-13

Lord Of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. N. stronghold or fortification
  2. nothingness; a deep area
  3. V.changed
  4. eagerly; greedily
  5. worn away or tattered along the edges
  6. make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice
  7. deep impulse
  1. sharing a secret with some others
  2. used hands to point things out
  3. (v.)to cause to become; to perform; to deliver officially; to process, extract
  4. stopping someone or something
  5. Adj. out of line
  6. not steady; irregular
  7. a decorative chain of flowers, leaves, or ribbons hung in a curve

14 Clues: V.changeddeep impulseAdj. out of lineeagerly; greedilynot steady; irregularnothingness; a deep areastopping someone or somethingused hands to point things outN. stronghold or fortificationsharing a secret with some othersworn away or tattered along the edgesmake rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice...

Lord of the pings 2024-10-01

Lord of the pings crossword puzzle
  1. careless
  2. to give someone too much of something that they cannot deal with it
  3. to go somewhere without being invited
  4. to consider or judge something in a particular way
  5. a pair of metal rings connected by a chain
  6. to do something in a hurried way
  7. to put in danger
  1. very strong feelings of dislike for yourself
  2. a piece of paper or message proving that something has been received
  3. get fired
  4. short, high-pitched ringing sound
  5. responsability
  6. the practice of whipping yourself
  7. kindness that makes you forgive someone

14 Clues: carelessget firedresponsabilityto put in dangerto do something in a hurried wayshort, high-pitched ringing soundthe practice of whipping yourselfto go somewhere without being invitedkindness that makes you forgive someonea pair of metal rings connected by a chainvery strong feelings of dislike for yourself...

Easy Read Version Crossword 2014-03-24

Easy Read Version Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What did the Philistines prepare for? (28)
  2. Who anoints Saul? (10)
  3. Who goes to see the priest? (21)
  4. Who did Samuel initially think was chosen by the Lord? (16)
  5. How many years had passed while the holy box was in Kiviath? (7)
  6. Who did people say their witness was? (12)
  7. What ethnicity was Goliath? (17)
  8. Saul destroys who's family? (22)
  9. Who does the Lord command David to save? (23)
  10. David went to the desert of _____. (26)
  11. The Israelites were called to join Saul where? (13)
  12. Where did Elkanah's family worship? (1)
  1. Who killed less- Saul or David? (29)
  2. How many people were invited to eat at the sacrifice? (9)
  3. The Philistines defeated the _____. (4)
  4. Who was the God of the people of Ashdod? (5)
  5. What did the Philistines do when Saul died? (31)
  6. _____prevents trouble. (25)
  7. Who attacks the Phillistines? (14)
  8. What people attacked Ziklag? (30)
  9. The Lord causes people to _____. (2)
  10. Who was the king of Gaith? (27)
  11. What did the Israelites ask for? (8)
  12. Bad things come from what kind of people? (24)
  13. The Lord called Samuel in the middle of the ____. (3)
  14. What did the people of Beth Shemesh sacrifice? (6)

26 Clues: Who anoints Saul? (10)_____prevents trouble. (25)Who was the king of Gaith? (27)Who goes to see the priest? (21)What ethnicity was Goliath? (17)Saul destroys who's family? (22)What people attacked Ziklag? (30)Who attacks the Phillistines? (14)Who killed less- Saul or David? (29)The Lord causes people to _____. (2)...

The lord of the flies 2017-02-14

The lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. when they say" at least I thaink it's an.
  2. who is chef.
  3. who died first.
  4. who let the fire go out.
  5. what did they have to hold up when they are talking.
  6. who wrote the book.
  7. who is in charge of the choir.
  8. what do they thank they see.
  1. who are the twins.
  2. what type of story is this.
  3. what do they kill.
  4. how did they start the fire.
  5. who wore the glasses.
  6. where did they have to fire.
  7. what did they have to move one the beach

15 Clues: who is chef.who died first.who are the twins.what do they kill.who wrote the book.who wore the glasses.who let the fire go out.what type of story is this.how did they start the fire.where did they have to fire.what do they thank they see.who is in charge of the choir.what did they have to move one the beachwhen they say" at least I thaink it's an....

BIBLE 2022-11-10

BIBLE crossword puzzle
  1. hear, O Israel: The lord our God the lord is _
  2. _ had as many children as stars in the sky
  3. through you and your family all the nations are going to find Gods _
  4. left-handed judge
  5. Jesus came to take the consequences of our_ into himself
  6. Saul was handsome but he was _
  7. The lord will show them is _ love
  1. Original church
  2. the 37 book of the bible
  3. _ was the son a son of Zilpah
  4. They were unsatisfied with being images of God and made a grab at _ God
  5. The lord comforts
  6. the sixth plague
  7. King from the line of _ extend the kingdom
  8. shalom The lord is peace

15 Clues: Original churchthe sixth plagueThe lord comfortsleft-handed judgethe 37 book of the bibleshalom The lord is peace_ was the son a son of ZilpahSaul was handsome but he was _The lord will show them is _ love_ had as many children as stars in the skyKing from the line of _ extend the kingdomhear, O Israel: The lord our God the lord is _...

The Ordinary and The Extra Ordinary 2021-05-24

The Ordinary and The Extra Ordinary crossword puzzle
  1. Those who believe in God shall have ______ life
  2. To become a member of God's family one must be (2 words)
  3. In Isiah 6 v 3 what word means separate from all that is sinful
  4. What word appears 18 times in this Psalm
  5. "New Birth" is from God through the
  6. In verse 16 children means
  7. The Lord gives ____ to his people
  8. What time of day did Nicodemus visited Jesus
  9. The Lord reveals himself in
  1. worship the Lord in
  2. Psalm 29 describes ____to God
  3. The act of God that places the believer in His (God) as our adult son
  4. What is the significance of the burning coal
  5. What does this phrase mean: separate from the deeds of the body
  6. The voice of the Lord is
  7. In verse 8, the word "US" is used to represent the

16 Clues: worship the Lord inThe voice of the Lord isIn verse 16 children meansThe Lord reveals himself inPsalm 29 describes ____to GodThe Lord gives ____ to his people"New Birth" is from God through theWhat word appears 18 times in this PsalmWhat is the significance of the burning coalWhat time of day did Nicodemus visited Jesus...

Judges 4 2024-07-28

Judges 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Who did Deborah send to fight Jabin's army?
  2. another prophetess
  3. Who did the Lord sell the children of Israel to?
  4. Sisera ____ on his feet
  5. Who was Deborah?
  6. Sisera went to whose tent?
  7. Since they did evil, the Lord _____ them
  8. What did she give Sisera to drink?
  9. How many years where the children of Israel oppressed in this chapter?
  10. Who was the captain of Jabin's army?
  1. What river is mentioned?
  2. Deborah and Barak sang _____ ye the Lord
  3. What mount did Barak go up?
  4. What did Sisera ask Jael to do?
  5. another word for defeated or overthrew
  6. What kind of tree did Deborah dwell under?
  7. the children of Israel again did ___ in the sight of the Lord
  8. Deborah _______ Israel at that time.

18 Clues: Who was Deborah?another prophetessSisera ____ on his feetWhat river is mentioned?Sisera went to whose tent?What mount did Barak go up?What did Sisera ask Jael to do?What did she give Sisera to drink?Deborah _______ Israel at that time.Who was the captain of Jabin's army?another word for defeated or overthrewDeborah and Barak sang _____ ye the Lord...

Judges 4 2024-07-28

Judges 4 crossword puzzle
  1. What river is mentioned?
  2. Deborah _______ Israel at that time.
  3. Who was the captain of Jabin's army?
  4. Deborah and Barak sang _____ ye the Lord
  5. Who was Deborah?
  6. another prophetess
  7. What did she give Sisera to drink?
  8. Who did the Lord sell the children of Israel to?
  9. Sisera ____ on his feet
  1. Who did Deborah send to fight Jabin's army?
  2. How many years where the children of Israel oppressed in this chapter?
  3. Since they did evil, the Lord _____ them
  4. What did Sisera ask Jael to do?
  5. another prophetess
  6. another prophetess
  7. What mount did Barak go up?
  8. another word for defeated or overthrew
  9. What kind of tree did Deborah dwell under?
  10. the children of Israel again did ___ in the sight of the Lord
  11. Sisera went to whose tent?

20 Clues: Who was Deborah?another prophetessanother prophetessanother prophetessSisera ____ on his feetWhat river is mentioned?Sisera went to whose tent?What mount did Barak go up?What did Sisera ask Jael to do?What did she give Sisera to drink?Deborah _______ Israel at that time.Who was the captain of Jabin's army?another word for defeated or overthrew...

Sip and Solve 2024-08-13

Sip and Solve crossword puzzle
  1. What is the bride's birth month?
  2. What is the groom's favourite video game?
  3. Where did the bride live in France?
  4. What is the groom's dream car?
  5. Where did Paul propose?
  6. Who is older?
  7. How many cousin's does the groom have?
  8. What company does the groom work for?
  9. What is the bride's mother's name?
  10. What football team does the groom support?
  11. What is the couple's favourite movie franchise?
  12. How many years have the bride and groom dated?
  1. What instrument does the groom play?
  2. How many nieces and nephews does the bride have?
  3. What is the groom's first name?
  4. Where did the couple share their first kiss?
  5. What is the groom's favourite beer?
  6. Where was the couple's first holiday?
  7. What instrument does the bride play?
  8. What is the name of the high school they both went to?
  9. What did Emma study at university?
  10. What is the bride's favourite cocktail?
  11. What month was their daughter born?
  12. Where have both the bride and groom worked?
  13. What is the bride's middle name?

25 Clues: Who is older?Where did Paul propose?What is the groom's dream car?What is the groom's first name?What is the bride's birth month?What is the bride's middle name?What did Emma study at university?What is the bride's mother's name?What is the groom's favourite beer?Where did the bride live in France?What month was their daughter born?...

Sip and Solve 2024-08-13

Sip and Solve crossword puzzle
  1. What company does the groom work for?
  2. What did Emma study at university?
  3. What is the couple's favourite movie franchise?
  4. Where did the bride live in France?
  5. Where did the couple share their first kiss?
  6. What month was their daughter born?
  7. What is the groom's first name?
  8. What is the groom's dream car?
  9. What is the groom's favourite beer?
  10. How many cousin's does the groom have?
  11. What is the bride's birth month?
  12. Who is older?
  13. What is the name of the high school they both went to?
  14. What is the groom's favourite video game?
  1. What instrument does the bride play?
  2. How many nieces and nephews does the bride have?
  3. What football team does the groom support?
  4. How many years have the bride and groom dated?
  5. What is the bride's favourite cocktail?
  6. Where did Paul propose?
  7. What is the bride's mother's name?
  8. What instrument does the groom play?
  9. What is the bride's middle name?
  10. Where was the couple's first holiday?
  11. Where have both the bride and groom worked?

25 Clues: Who is older?Where did Paul propose?What is the groom's dream car?What is the groom's first name?What is the bride's middle name?What is the bride's birth month?What did Emma study at university?What is the bride's mother's name?Where did the bride live in France?What month was their daughter born?What is the groom's favourite beer?...

Christ's Resurrection 2021-05-07

Christ's Resurrection crossword puzzle
  1. ...the keys of death and of _________ (Revelation 1:18).
  2. the Lord's resurrection is a testimony to His _____________ over Satan and the world
  3. Opposite of lifeless...
  4. The Lord was _____________ for three days
  5. the major step in this lesson
  6. ...the Lord resurrected with a physical body, but He also resurrected spiritually. In resurrection, He was ___________ into the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45).
  7. the church is the duplication and ___________ of Christ.
  8. ...could not hold the Lord Jesus (Acts 2:24).
  1. the church was _________ in Christ's resurrection
  2. In resurrection Christ was ______________ the Son of God in His humanity (Rom. 1:3-4).
  3. when the Lord died, God within Him was released, manifested, and __________ in resurrection
  4. In resurrection the Lord released His divine __________
  5. as the life-giving Spirit the Lord ________ His life into us
  6. unless the _____ of wheat falls into the ground... (John 12:24)
  7. God's nature

15 Clues: God's natureOpposite of lifeless...the major step in this lessonThe Lord was _____________ for three days...could not hold the Lord Jesus (Acts 2:24).the church was _________ in Christ's resurrectionIn resurrection the Lord released His divine __________...the keys of death and of _________ (Revelation 1:18)....

Greek Myths 2023-11-13

Greek Myths crossword puzzle
  1. Lord of the Underworld
  2. Lord of the Heavens
  3. Lord of the Sea
  4. Three headed dog belonging to Hades
  5. Wife of Zeus
  6. Name of the fields considered the most beautiful in the Underworld
  7. Mother of Persephone
  8. Daughter of Zeus
  9. God of wine, comedy and tragedy
  10. Mount where the gods had their council meetings
  11. King of Corinth who was the cleverest of all
  1. Brother and best friend of Epimetheus
  2. Husband of Pandora
  3. River Nymph, lover of Zeus
  4. Handyman of Zeus, creator of Pandora
  5. Wife of Dionysus
  6. Lover of Hades
  7. Father of Hades,Poseidon and Zeus

18 Clues: Wife of ZeusLover of HadesLord of the SeaWife of DionysusDaughter of ZeusHusband of PandoraLord of the HeavensMother of PersephoneLord of the UnderworldRiver Nymph, lover of ZeusGod of wine, comedy and tragedyFather of Hades,Poseidon and ZeusThree headed dog belonging to HadesHandyman of Zeus, creator of PandoraBrother and best friend of Epimetheus...