medical terminology Crossword Puzzles
Medical Terminology Review 2024-11-19
- medical meaning for brach
- medical meaning for sphygm
- medical terminology for remove
- medical meaning for oste
- medical meaning for derm
- medical terminology for gland
- medical terminology for hardening
- medical meaning for eryth
- medical terminology for below
- medical meaning for cost
- medical meaning for gastro
- medical terminology for tooth
- medical meaning for pneumon
- medical terminology for above
- medical meaning for trans
- medical terminology for inside
- medical terminology for inflammation
- medical terminology for swelling
- medical meaning for spir
- medical terminology for nose
- medical meaning for steth
- medical meaning for cardi
- medical terminology for outside
- medical terminology for cell
- medical terminology for dark blue
- medical terminology for blood cloth
- medical meaning for glyc
- medical meaning for neur
28 Clues: medical meaning for oste • medical meaning for spir • medical meaning for derm • medical meaning for cost • medical meaning for glyc • medical meaning for neur • medical meaning for trans • medical meaning for brach • medical meaning for steth • medical meaning for cardi • medical meaning for eryth • medical meaning for sphygm • medical meaning for gastro • medical meaning for pneumon • ...
Medical Terminology Review 2023-04-11
- medical meaning for brach
- medical meaning for sphygm
- medical terminology for remove
- medical meaning for oste
- medical meaning for derm
- medical terminology for gland
- medical terminology for hardening
- medical meaning for eryth
- medical terminology for below
- medical meaning for cost
- medical meaning for gastro
- medical terminology for tooth
- medical meaning for pneumon
- medical terminology for above
- medical meaning for trans
- medical terminology for inside
- medical terminology for inflammation
- medical terminology for swelling
- medical meaning for spir
- medical terminology for nose
- medical meaning for steth
- medical meaning for cardi
- medical terminology for outside
- medical terminology for cell
- medical terminology for dark blue
- medical terminology for blood cloth
- medical meaning for glyc
- medical meaning for neur
28 Clues: medical meaning for oste • medical meaning for spir • medical meaning for derm • medical meaning for cost • medical meaning for glyc • medical meaning for neur • medical meaning for trans • medical meaning for brach • medical meaning for steth • medical meaning for cardi • medical meaning for eryth • medical meaning for sphygm • medical meaning for gastro • medical meaning for pneumon • ...
Medical Terminology Review 2024-01-23
- medical meaning for brach
- medical meaning for sphygm
- medical terminology for remove
- medical meaning for oste
- medical meaning for derm
- medical terminology for gland
- medical terminology for hardening
- medical meaning for eryth
- medical terminology for below
- medical meaning for cost
- medical meaning for gastro
- medical terminology for tooth
- medical meaning for pneumon
- medical terminology for above
- medical meaning for trans
- medical terminology for inside
- medical terminology for inflammation
- medical terminology for swelling
- medical meaning for spir
- medical terminology for nose
- medical meaning for steth
- medical meaning for cardi
- medical terminology for outside
- medical terminology for cell
- medical terminology for dark blue
- medical terminology for blood cloth
- medical meaning for glyc
- medical meaning for neur
28 Clues: medical meaning for oste • medical meaning for spir • medical meaning for derm • medical meaning for cost • medical meaning for glyc • medical meaning for neur • medical meaning for trans • medical meaning for brach • medical meaning for steth • medical meaning for cardi • medical meaning for eryth • medical meaning for sphygm • medical meaning for gastro • medical meaning for pneumon • ...
Medical Terminology Review 2024-04-02
- medical meaning for brach
- medical meaning for sphygm
- medical terminology for remove
- medical meaning for oste
- medical meaning for derm
- medical terminology for gland
- medical terminology for hardening
- medical meaning for eryth
- medical terminology for below
- medical meaning for cost
- medical meaning for gastro
- medical terminology for tooth
- medical meaning for pneumon
- medical terminology for above
- medical meaning for trans
- medical terminology for inside
- medical terminology for inflammation
- medical terminology for swelling
- medical meaning for spir
- medical terminology for nose
- medical meaning for steth
- medical meaning for cardi
- medical terminology for outside
- medical terminology for cell
- medical terminology for dark blue
- medical terminology for blood cloth
- medical meaning for glyc
- medical meaning for neur
28 Clues: medical meaning for oste • medical meaning for spir • medical meaning for derm • medical meaning for cost • medical meaning for glyc • medical meaning for neur • medical meaning for trans • medical meaning for brach • medical meaning for steth • medical meaning for cardi • medical meaning for eryth • medical meaning for sphygm • medical meaning for gastro • medical meaning for pneumon • ...
Medical Terminology Review 2024-10-17
- medical terminology for tooth
- bloody sputum
- medical terminology for cell
- medical meaning for trans
- medical terminology for swelling
- medical meaning for spir
- medical terminology for below
- medical terminology for blood clot
- medical meaning for brach
- medical terminology for nose
- medical terminology for outside
- medical meaning for derm
- medical meaning for neuro
- medical terminology for inside
- medical terminology for inflammation
- medical meaning for cardio
- medical meaning for glyc
- medical meaning for gastro
- medical terminology for hardening
- medical terminology for dark blue
- medical meaning for cost
- medical meaning for erythro
- medical terminology for remove
- medical terminology for above
- medical meaning for oste
- medical meaning for sphygm
- medical terminology for gland
- medical meaning for pneumon
28 Clues: bloody sputum • medical meaning for glyc • medical meaning for cost • medical meaning for spir • medical meaning for oste • medical meaning for derm • medical meaning for trans • medical meaning for brach • medical meaning for neuro • medical meaning for cardio • medical meaning for gastro • medical meaning for sphygm • medical meaning for erythro • medical meaning for pneumon • ...
Medical Terminology Review 2024-03-26
- medical terminology for tooth
- bloody sputum
- medical terminology for cell
- medical meaning for trans
- medical terminology for swelling
- medical meaning for spir
- medical terminology for below
- medical terminology for blood clot
- medical meaning for brach
- medical terminology for nose
- medical terminology for outside
- medical meaning for derm
- medical meaning for neuro
- medical terminology for inside
- medical terminology for inflammation
- medical meaning for cardio
- medical meaning for glyc
- medical meaning for gastro
- medical terminology for hardening
- medical terminology for dark blue
- medical meaning for cost
- medical meaning for erythro
- medical terminology for remove
- medical terminology for above
- medical meaning for oste
- medical meaning for sphygm
- medical terminology for gland
- medical meaning for pneumon
28 Clues: bloody sputum • medical meaning for glyc • medical meaning for cost • medical meaning for spir • medical meaning for oste • medical meaning for derm • medical meaning for trans • medical meaning for brach • medical meaning for neuro • medical meaning for cardio • medical meaning for gastro • medical meaning for sphygm • medical meaning for erythro • medical meaning for pneumon • ...
Medical Terminology Review 2024-04-08
- medical meaning for brach
- medical meaning for sphygm
- medical terminology for remove
- medical meaning for oste
- medical meaning for derm
- medical terminology for gland
- medical terminology for hardening
- medical meaning for eryth
- medical terminology for below
- medical meaning for cost
- medical meaning for gastro
- medical terminology for tooth
- medical meaning for pneumon
- medical terminology for above
- medical meaning for trans
- medical terminology for inside
- medical terminology for inflammation
- medical terminology for swelling
- medical meaning for spir
- medical terminology for nose
- medical meaning for steth
- medical meaning for cardi
- medical terminology for outside
- medical terminology for cell
- medical terminology for dark blue
- medical terminology for blood cloth
- medical meaning for glyc
- medical meaning for neur
28 Clues: medical meaning for oste • medical meaning for spir • medical meaning for derm • medical meaning for cost • medical meaning for glyc • medical meaning for neur • medical meaning for trans • medical meaning for brach • medical meaning for steth • medical meaning for cardi • medical meaning for eryth • medical meaning for sphygm • medical meaning for gastro • medical meaning for pneumon • ...
How well is your Medical terminology ? 2023-06-06
- Protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
- Medical terminology for fast breathing
- Disease caused by lack of Vitamin C:
- Gland in your neck that regulate your metabolism
- Person with recurrent seizures has _________
- Medical condition that causes high blood sugar
- Disease caused by Mosquitoes bites in Africa
- Medical terminology for excessive urination
- Medical terminology for high blood pressure
- Hormone that helps you fall asleep
- Medical terminology for low potassium
- Specialist doctor for the heart
- Specialist doctor for the skin
- Medical terminology for white blood cells
- Medical terminology for inability to sleep
- ,Medical terminology for fast heart rate
- Medical terminology for low blood sugar .
- Medical terminology for the kidney
- Infection you may get after bat bite
- Condition that causes the salivary gland to swell up
- Virus that causes German measles
- Infection you may get after Tick bite
- Medical terminology for low body water
- terminology for loss of appetite for food
24 Clues: Specialist doctor for the skin • Specialist doctor for the heart • Virus that causes German measles • Medical terminology for the kidney • Hormone that helps you fall asleep • Disease caused by lack of Vitamin C: • Infection you may get after bat bite • Infection you may get after Tick bite • Medical terminology for low potassium • Medical terminology for fast breathing • ...
Psychology and medical terminology 2023-09-16
- Medical terminology for Cardi
- Medical meaning for pneumon
- The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
- medical meaning of spir
- A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
- Medical meaning for sphygm
- An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
- study of human behavior
- Eating disorder known as Binge eating
- Medical meaning for gastro
- A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
- medical meaning of oste
- Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
- Medical terminology for below
- Medical terminology for hardening
- Medical meaning for derm
- Medical terminology for steth
- The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
- Medical terminology for remove
- Medical meaning of brach
- Medical meaning for cost
- having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time
- protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
- Medical terminology for tooth
- Medical terminology for swelling
25 Clues: medical meaning of spir • study of human behavior • medical meaning of oste • Medical meaning for derm • Medical meaning of brach • Medical meaning for cost • Medical meaning for sphygm • Medical meaning for gastro • Medical meaning for pneumon • Medical terminology for Cardi • Medical terminology for steth • Medical terminology for tooth • Medical terminology for below • ...
Psychology and Medical Terminology 2023-09-16
- An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
- A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
- protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
- medical meaning of spir
- Medical meaning for sphygm
- Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
- Medical meaning for gastro
- medical meaning of oste
- Medical terminology for remove
- having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time
- study of human behavior
- Medical meaning of brach
- Medical meaning for cost
- The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
- Medical meaning for derm
- Medical terminology for hardening
- Medical terminology for Cardi
- Medical terminology for steth
- Medical terminology for below
- Eating disorder known as Binge eating
- Medical meaning for pneumon
- The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
- A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
- Medical terminology for tooth
- Medical terminology for swelling
25 Clues: medical meaning of spir • medical meaning of oste • study of human behavior • Medical meaning of brach • Medical meaning for cost • Medical meaning for derm • Medical meaning for sphygm • Medical meaning for gastro • Medical meaning for pneumon • Medical terminology for Cardi • Medical terminology for steth • Medical terminology for below • Medical terminology for tooth • ...
Psychology and Medical Terminology 2023-09-16
- Medical terminology for Cardi
- Medical meaning for pneumon
- The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
- medical meaning of spir
- A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
- Medical meaning for sphygm
- An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
- study of human behavior
- Eating disorder known as Binge eating
- Medical meaning for gastro
- A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
- medical meaning of oste
- Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
- Medical terminology for below
- Medical terminology for hardening
- Medical meaning for derm
- Medical terminology for steth
- The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
- Medical terminology for remove
- Medical meaning of brach
- Medical meaning for cost
- having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time
- protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
- Medical terminology for tooth
- Medical terminology for swelling
25 Clues: medical meaning of spir • study of human behavior • medical meaning of oste • Medical meaning for derm • Medical meaning of brach • Medical meaning for cost • Medical meaning for sphygm • Medical meaning for gastro • Medical meaning for pneumon • Medical terminology for Cardi • Medical terminology for steth • Medical terminology for tooth • Medical terminology for below • ...
Psychology and medical Terminology 2023-09-16
- A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
- The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
- The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
- medical meaning of spir
- having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time
- An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
- A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
- protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
- Medical terminology for below
- Eating disorder known as Binge eating
- Medical terminology for remove
- Medical terminology for swelling
- Medical meaning for derm
- Medical terminology for hardening
- Medical meaning for sphygm
- Medical meaning for pneumon
- Medical meaning for gastro
- Medical terminology for steth
- Medical terminology for tooth
- Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
- study of human behavior
- Medical meaning for cost
- medical meaning of oste
- Medical meaning of brach
- Medical terminology for Cardi
25 Clues: medical meaning of spir • study of human behavior • medical meaning of oste • Medical meaning for derm • Medical meaning for cost • Medical meaning of brach • Medical meaning for sphygm • Medical meaning for gastro • Medical meaning for pneumon • Medical terminology for steth • Medical terminology for tooth • Medical terminology for below • Medical terminology for Cardi • ...
psychology and Medical Terminology 2023-09-16
- Medical terminology for Cardi
- Medical meaning for pneumon
- The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
- medical meaning of spir
- A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
- Medical meaning for sphygm
- An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
- study of human behavior
- Eating disorder known as Binge eating
- Medical meaning for gastro
- A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
- medical meaning of oste
- Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
- Medical terminology for below
- Medical terminology for hardening
- Medical meaning for derm
- Medical terminology for steth
- The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
- Medical terminology for remove
- Medical meaning of brach
- Medical meaning for cost
- having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time
- protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
- Medical terminology for tooth
- Medical terminology for swelling
25 Clues: medical meaning of spir • study of human behavior • medical meaning of oste • Medical meaning for derm • Medical meaning of brach • Medical meaning for cost • Medical meaning for sphygm • Medical meaning for gastro • Medical meaning for pneumon • Medical terminology for Cardi • Medical terminology for steth • Medical terminology for tooth • Medical terminology for below • ...
Psychology and Medical Terminology 2023-09-15
- Medical terminology for tooth
- Medical meaning for pneumon
- The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
- Medical terminology for swelling
- Medical terminology for below
- A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
- Medical meaning for sphygm
- Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
- A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
- Medical meaning for gastro
- medical meaning of oste
- Medical terminology for hardening
- Medical meaning for derm
- study of human behavior
- Medical meaning of brach
- An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
- Medical terminology for remove
- protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
- The part of the mind that represents internalized societal rules and values, according to Freud's psychoanalytic theory.
- The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
- Eating disorder known as Binge eating
- Medical terminology for Cardi
- Medical meaning for cost
- Medical terminology for steth
- medical meaning of spir
- having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time
26 Clues: study of human behavior • medical meaning of spir • medical meaning of oste • Medical meaning for derm • Medical meaning of brach • Medical meaning for cost • Medical meaning for sphygm • Medical meaning for gastro • Medical meaning for pneumon • Medical terminology for tooth • Medical terminology for below • Medical terminology for Cardi • Medical terminology for steth • ...
Outpatient Rehab Crossword Puzzle 2023-06-21
- Medical terminology for low back
- Swimming pool therapy
- Tissue that connects a muscle to bone
- Medical terminology for lower leg
- Abbreviation for Physical Therapy
- The way you walk
- Medical terminology for neck
- Medical terminology for knee
- Tissue that connects a bone to another bone
- Medical terminology for head
- Medical terminology for upper back
- National Physical Therapy Month
- Medical terminology for upper leg
- When the spine curves in a sideways direction
14 Clues: The way you walk • Swimming pool therapy • Medical terminology for knee • Medical terminology for head • Medical terminology for neck • National Physical Therapy Month • Medical terminology for low back • Medical terminology for lower leg • Medical terminology for upper leg • Abbreviation for Physical Therapy • Medical terminology for upper back • ...
Outpatient Rehab Crossword PUzzle 2023-06-19
- Abreviation for Physical Therapy
- Tissue that connects a muscle to bone
- Medical terminology for neck
- Tissue that connects a bone to another bone
- Medical terminology for low back
- Medical terminology for upper leg
- Medical terminology for knee
- Medical terminology for upper back
- When the spine curves in a sideways direction
- The way you walk
- National Physical Therapy Month
- Medical terminology for lower leg
- Medical terminology for head
- Swimming pool therapy
14 Clues: The way you walk • Swimming pool therapy • Medical terminology for knee • Medical terminology for neck • Medical terminology for head • National Physical Therapy Month • Abreviation for Physical Therapy • Medical terminology for low back • Medical terminology for lower leg • Medical terminology for upper leg • Medical terminology for upper back • ...
Outpatient Rehab Crossword Puzzle 2023-06-21
- Medical terminology for low back
- Swimming pool therapy
- Tissue that connects a muscle to bone
- Medical terminology for lower leg
- Abbreviation for Physical Therapy
- The way you walk
- Medical terminology for neck
- Medical terminology for knee
- Tissue that connects a bone to another bone
- Medical terminology for head
- Medical terminology for upper back
- National Physical Therapy Month
- Medical terminology for upper leg
- When the spine curves in a sideways direction
14 Clues: The way you walk • Swimming pool therapy • Medical terminology for knee • Medical terminology for head • Medical terminology for neck • National Physical Therapy Month • Medical terminology for low back • Medical terminology for lower leg • Medical terminology for upper leg • Abbreviation for Physical Therapy • Medical terminology for upper back • ...
MED TERM REVIEW 2023-10-05
- What does the suffix "-itis" indicate in medical terminology?
- What is the medical term for the voice box?
- What does the suffix "-ology" mean in medical terminology? THREE WORDS
- What does the suffix "-ectomy" indicate in medical terminology?
- What is the medical term for a condition in which the heart muscle does not pump blood effectively? TWO WORDS
- What is the medical term for an abnormal enlargement of the liver?
- What does the prefix "hypo-" mean in medical terminology?
- What is the medical term for difficulty breathing?
- What is the medical term for inflammation of the appendix?
- What is the medical term for the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder?
- Which part of the brain is responsible for controlling basic life functions such as breathing and heart rate?
- Which body system is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing waste products?
- What is the medical term for a specialist who studies and treats diseases of the skin?
- What does the prefix "hyper-" mean in medical terminology?
- What does the prefix "poly-" mean in medical terminology?
- What is the medical term for the thigh bone?
- Which gland in the neck is responsible for regulating metabolism?
- Which organ produces insulin in the human body?
- Which blood type is considered the universal recipient?
- What is the medical term for a high white blood cell count?
20 Clues: What is the medical term for the voice box? • What is the medical term for the thigh bone? • Which organ produces insulin in the human body? • What is the medical term for difficulty breathing? • Which blood type is considered the universal recipient? • What does the prefix "poly-" mean in medical terminology? • ...
Endocrine System 2021-10-25
- The meaning of the root glycogen/o.
- The meaning of the root calc/o.
- The meaning of the root gonad/o (a.k.a. ovaries & testes).
- The medical terminology for excessive potassium in the blood.
- The meaning of the root somat/o.
- The meaning of the root andr/o.
- The meaning of the root parathyroid/o.
- The meaning of the root natr/o.
- The medical terminology for excessive sugar in the blood.
- The meaning of the root home/o.
- The medical terminology for excessive calcium in the blood.
- The meaning of the root crin/o.
- The meaning of the root gluc/o or glyc/o.
- The medical terminology for excessive urination.
- The meaning of the root kal/o.
- The meaning of the root acr/o.
- The medical terminology for excessive thirst.
- The meaning of the root estr/o.
18 Clues: The meaning of the root kal/o. • The meaning of the root acr/o. • The meaning of the root crin/o. • The meaning of the root calc/o. • The meaning of the root andr/o. • The meaning of the root natr/o. • The meaning of the root estr/o. • The meaning of the root home/o. • The meaning of the root somat/o. • The meaning of the root glycogen/o. • ...
Revenue Cycle and Coding 2024-10-21
- Guiding patients through insurance processes
- Evaluates and ensures coding accuracy
- Rules for accurate code selection
- Various places where coding is done
- Ensuring adherence to healthcare regulations and payer requirements in claims submission and reimbursement processes
- Guiding patients through the check-in process, including verifying their identification and collecting necessary paperwork
- Precision in code assignment and documentation
- Specialized knowledge in support services
- Gathering and recording accurate patient information, including personal details and insurance information, to facilitate seamless healthcare services
- Negotiating payment terms with payers
- Adherence to coding guidelines and regulations.
- Creating accurate and comprehensive records of patient encounters, diagnoses, treatments, and other relevant medical information
- The process of coordinating and arranging appointments for patients based on their medical needs and provider availability
- Effective communication with insurance companies
- Compiling accurate and detailed claims with coded services, patient information, and billing details for submission to insurance companies or payers
- Knowledge of medical terminology and terminology related to specific medical specialties for accurate coding and documentation
- Current Procedural Terminology coding
- Offering choices for settling financial obligations
- Maintaining high levels of precision and attention to detail in assigning codes to medical services and procedures
- Analyzing reimbursement data and trends to identify opportunities for improving revenue collection and process efficiency
20 Clues: Rules for accurate code selection • Various places where coding is done • Current Procedural Terminology coding • Evaluates and ensures coding accuracy • Negotiating payment terms with payers • Specialized knowledge in support services • Guiding patients through insurance processes • Precision in code assignment and documentation • ...
Revenue Cycle and Coding 2024-02-15
- Guiding patients through insurance processes
- Evaluates and ensures coding accuracy
- Rules for accurate code selection
- Various places where coding is done
- Ensuring adherence to healthcare regulations and payer requirements in claims submission and reimbursement processes
- Guiding patients through the check-in process, including verifying their identification and collecting necessary paperwork
- Precision in code assignment and documentation
- Specialized knowledge in support services
- Gathering and recording accurate patient information, including personal details and insurance information, to facilitate seamless healthcare services
- Negotiating payment terms with payers
- Adherence to coding guidelines and regulations.
- Creating accurate and comprehensive records of patient encounters, diagnoses, treatments, and other relevant medical information
- The process of coordinating and arranging appointments for patients based on their medical needs and provider availability
- Effective communication with insurance companies
- Compiling accurate and detailed claims with coded services, patient information, and billing details for submission to insurance companies or payers
- Knowledge of medical terminology and terminology related to specific medical specialties for accurate coding and documentation
- Current Procedural Terminology coding
- Offering choices for settling financial obligations
- Maintaining high levels of precision and attention to detail in assigning codes to medical services and procedures
- Analyzing reimbursement data and trends to identify opportunities for improving revenue collection and process efficiency
20 Clues: Rules for accurate code selection • Various places where coding is done • Current Procedural Terminology coding • Evaluates and ensures coding accuracy • Negotiating payment terms with payers • Specialized knowledge in support services • Guiding patients through insurance processes • Precision in code assignment and documentation • ...
Ears, Nose, Mouth, & Throat 2023-09-19
- Layer of material that lies immediately under the tooth
- Tool used to inspect the inside of the nares or ears
- Medical terminology for "malodorous breath"
- Medical terminology for a "runny nose"
- Fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate which hangs above the throat
- Sensorineural hearing loss related to normal age-appropriate changes
- Anatomy of the ear that is an air-filled cavity
- Structures that lie along the lateral wall of the lower nasal cavity near the facial cheek
- Bony structures inside the nose that regulate airflow
- Lateralization test used to detect unilateral conductive vs. sensorineural hearing loss
- Midline mucosal fold that connects each lip with the gingiva
- Has a pearly gray appearance on a normal assessment
- Pale sac-like growths of inflamed tissue obstructing the sinuses
- Medical terminology for "gums"
- This part of the ear is shorter and curved upward in infants
15 Clues: Medical terminology for "gums" • Medical terminology for a "runny nose" • Medical terminology for "malodorous breath" • Anatomy of the ear that is an air-filled cavity • Has a pearly gray appearance on a normal assessment • Tool used to inspect the inside of the nares or ears • Bony structures inside the nose that regulate airflow • ...
Physical Illness and Disabilities 2024-04-18
- Medical abbreviation for nothing by mouth
- Medical term for blueish color on skin or lips due to lack of oxygen
- Medical terminology for abnormally high glucose levels in the blood
- Medical terminology for shortness of breath
- This type of sign and symptom (clinical manifestation)is something you cannot visually see. Ex:headache
- language disorder affecting how a person speaks and/or writes and/or ability to read
- Medical condition due to low number of red blood cells
- Medical term for excessive thirst
- Name of body system responsible for hormones in the body
- Medical term for excessive/increased hunger
- Paralysis on 1 side of the body
- medical term for difficulty swallowing
12 Clues: Paralysis on 1 side of the body • Medical term for excessive thirst • medical term for difficulty swallowing • Medical abbreviation for nothing by mouth • Medical term for excessive/increased hunger • Medical terminology for shortness of breath • Medical condition due to low number of red blood cells • Name of body system responsible for hormones in the body • ...
Cardiovascular System 2024-03-26
- record of the electrical activity of the heart
- relaxation phase of the heartbeat
- This bluish discoloration of the skin, indicates diminished oxygen content of the blood
- trained in opening veins for phlebotomy
- upper chamber of the heart
- contraction phase of the heartbeat
- medical terminology for myx/o
- small artery
- deficient or decreased
- body system that includes the heart and the blood vessels
- blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
- meaning of medical terminology thromb/o
- lipid substance
- tiniest blood vessel
- abnormal swishing sound caused by improper closure of the heart valves
- blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart
16 Clues: small artery • lipid substance • tiniest blood vessel • deficient or decreased • upper chamber of the heart • medical terminology for myx/o • relaxation phase of the heartbeat • contraction phase of the heartbeat • meaning of medical terminology thromb/o • trained in opening veins for phlebotomy • record of the electrical activity of the heart • ...
Cardiovascular System 2022-11-17
- record of the electrical activity of the heart
- relaxation phase of the heartbeat
- This bluish discoloration of the skin, indicates diminished oxygen content of the blood
- trained in opening veins for phlebotomy
- upper chamber of the heart
- contraction phase of the heartbeat
- medical terminology for myx/o
- small artery
- deficient or decreased
- body system that includes the heart and the blood vessels
- blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
- meaning of medical terminology thromb/o
- lipid substance
- tiniest blood vessel
- abnormal swishing sound caused by improper closure of the heart valves
- blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart
16 Clues: small artery • lipid substance • tiniest blood vessel • deficient or decreased • upper chamber of the heart • medical terminology for myx/o • relaxation phase of the heartbeat • contraction phase of the heartbeat • meaning of medical terminology thromb/o • trained in opening veins for phlebotomy • record of the electrical activity of the heart • ...
A New Year In Coding 2018-09-24
- Coordination of ________
- Annual amount due before health plan pays
- Z13.41 screening
- Not collected due to contractual rate
- National Correct Coding Initiative
- modifier 59 service
- symbol for a new procedure code
- Physician's decision-making
- Examination of vital signs
- Not provided a face-to-face service in past 3 years
- "Coding for _______________"
- Third element of medical decision-making
- neonate or infant
- Components of history, exam, and medical decision-making
- Current Procedural Terminology
- Days Sales Outstanding
- Time between service and billing
17 Clues: Z13.41 screening • neonate or infant • modifier 59 service • Days Sales Outstanding • Coordination of ________ • Examination of vital signs • Physician's decision-making • "Coding for _______________" • Current Procedural Terminology • symbol for a new procedure code • Time between service and billing • National Correct Coding Initiative • Not collected due to contractual rate • ...
A New Year In Coding 2024-10-21
- Coordination of ________
- Annual amount due before health plan pays
- Z13.41 screening
- Not collected due to contractual rate
- National Correct Coding Initiative
- modifier 59 service
- symbol for a new procedure code
- Physician's decision-making
- Examination of vital signs
- Not provided a face-to-face service in past 3 years
- "Coding for _______________"
- Third element of medical decision-making
- neonate or infant
- Components of history, exam, and medical decision-making
- Current Procedural Terminology
- Days Sales Outstanding
- Time between service and billing
17 Clues: Z13.41 screening • neonate or infant • modifier 59 service • Days Sales Outstanding • Coordination of ________ • Examination of vital signs • Physician's decision-making • "Coding for _______________" • Current Procedural Terminology • symbol for a new procedure code • Time between service and billing • National Correct Coding Initiative • Not collected due to contractual rate • ...
- Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
- Current Procedural Terminology
- Civilian Health, and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
- Electronic Remittance Advice
- Electronic Funds Transfer
- Advanced Beneficiary Notice
- Explanation of benefits
- Diagnosis-related Groups
- Centers for Medicare, and Medicaid Services
- Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veteran Affairs
- Electronic Healthcare Record
- Durable Medical Equipment
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Electronic Data Interchange
- Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
15 Clues: Explanation of benefits • Diagnosis-related Groups • Durable Medical Equipment • Electronic Funds Transfer • Electronic Data Interchange • Advanced Beneficiary Notice • Electronic Healthcare Record • Electronic Remittance Advice • Current Procedural Terminology • Americans with Disabilities Act • Centers for Medicare, and Medicaid Services • ...
2023 HIP Week Crossword 2023-04-11
- Manages Inpatient Coding
- Acronymn for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- Manages Physician Support
- U of U Health emr system
- Written notations in a patient's medical record
- Helps us keep on 'rollin
- Acronym for Registered Health Information Administrator certificatation
- __Directives are how patients note their healthcare wishes before a medical crisis
- Document Imaging to allow for digital storage
- Manages Release of Information
- Manages HMHI HIM
- __ terminology refers to words and languages used specifically in the medical and health fields
- Manages Outpatient Coding
- Captain of the Ship
- Manages Document Capture
- Transforming descriptions of medical diagnoses and procedures into universal medical code numbers
- Health __ Management
- HIM Professionals help healthcare professionals provide better ___.
- Acronym for Protected Health Information
- An unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of PHI
- 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
21 Clues: Manages HMHI HIM • Captain of the Ship • Health __ Management • Manages Inpatient Coding • Manages Document Capture • U of U Health emr system • Helps us keep on 'rollin • Manages Outpatient Coding • Manages Physician Support • Manages Release of Information • Acronym for Protected Health Information • Document Imaging to allow for digital storage • ...
2023 HIP Week Crossword 2023-05-13
- Manages Inpatient Coding
- Acronymn for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- Manages Physician Support
- U of U Health emr system
- Written notations in a patient's medical record
- Helps us keep on 'rollin
- Acronym for Registered Health Information Administrator certificatation
- __Directives are how patients note their healthcare wishes before a medical crisis
- Document Imaging to allow for digital storage
- Manages Release of Information
- Manages HMHI HIM
- __ terminology refers to words and languages used specifically in the medical and health fields
- Manages Outpatient Coding
- Captain of the Ship
- Manages Document Capture
- Transforming descriptions of medical diagnoses and procedures into universal medical code numbers
- Health __ Management
- HIM Professionals help healthcare professionals provide better ___.
- Acronym for Protected Health Information
- An unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of PHI
- 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
21 Clues: Manages HMHI HIM • Captain of the Ship • Health __ Management • Manages Inpatient Coding • Manages Document Capture • U of U Health emr system • Helps us keep on 'rollin • Manages Outpatient Coding • Manages Physician Support • Manages Release of Information • Acronym for Protected Health Information • Document Imaging to allow for digital storage • ...
Oncology: H&N 2018-04-16
- a harsh vibrating noise when breathing, caused by obstruction of the windpipe or larynx.
- Which salivary gland do malignancies occur in most frequently?
- What is the histology of H&N cancers? (acronym)
- cavity The H&N anatomy the pertains to the thong, lips, buccal mucosa, retromolar trigone, floor of the mouth and hard palate (two words)
- What occupation can be associated with squamous cell carcinoma of the maxillary sinus? (two words)
- Which salivary gland do tumors occur in most frequently?
- For patient’s experiencing dry mouth and oral discomfort, the physician my prescribe this (two words)
- The H&N anatomy pertaining to the pyriform sinuses, postcricoid and lower posterior pharygeal walls below base of tongue
- medical terminology for difficulty swallowing
- A common symptom of glottal tumors is
- One of the major causes of head and neck cancers
- What is a major concern of treating the parotid?
- common site for lymphatic drainage for H&N cancers
- fiery red patch that cannot be characterized either clinically or pathologically as any other definable lesion
- The H&N anatomy that pertains to the posterosuperior pharyngeal wall and lateral pharyngeal wall, eustachian tube orifice and the denoids
- The H&N anatomy pertaining to the glottis, supraglottis, and subglottis
- Treating what structure can cause painful dry eye? (two words)
- caries What larger issue can xerostomia lead to if not properly addressed? (two words)
- The H&N anatomy the pertains to the base of tongue, tonsils, soft palate, and oropharyngeal walls
- medical terminology for painful swallowing
- a mucous membrane disorder characterized by white patches, especially on the cheek, tongue
- medical terminology for earache
- Patients with this virus tend to have a better prognosis (acronym)
23 Clues: medical terminology for earache • A common symptom of glottal tumors is • medical terminology for painful swallowing • medical terminology for difficulty swallowing • What is the histology of H&N cancers? (acronym) • What is a major concern of treating the parotid? • One of the major causes of head and neck cancers • common site for lymphatic drainage for H&N cancers • ...
MOP110 Crossword Puzzle 2022-04-06
- Federal Employment Compensation Act
- Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System
- Electronic Remittance Advice
- Integrated Provider Organization
- Inpatient Prospective Payment System
- Civilian Health, and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
- Independent Practice Association
- Diagnosis-related Groups
- Electronic Funds Transfer
- Electronic Healthcare Record
- Centers for Medicare, and Medicaid Services
- Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
- Current Procedural Terminology
- Healthcare Maintenance Organization
- International Classification of Diseases
- Electronic Data Interchange
- Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veteran Affairs
- Explanation of benefits
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Advanced Beneficiary Notice
- Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
- Durable Medical Equipment
23 Clues: Explanation of benefits • Diagnosis-related Groups • Durable Medical Equipment • Electronic Funds Transfer • Electronic Data Interchange • Advanced Beneficiary Notice • Electronic Remittance Advice • Electronic Healthcare Record • Current Procedural Terminology • Americans with Disabilities Act • Integrated Provider Organization • Independent Practice Association • ...
CPR/first aid, and medical terminology 2023-10-16
- how many questions is one the medical terminology test
- what else is included in the HOSA CPR event
- how many people is needed to compete in the CPR event
- is CPR considered urgent or emergency care
- what is the attire for most HOSA events
- true or false- i will have to use context clues to figure out some of the medical terms
- how many tie-breaking questions are in the medical terminology event
- how many hours are given to complete the 200 questions of medical terms
- what does CPR stand for
- uniform what must be worn for both of these events
- you can be an inactive member of HOSA to compete in both of these events
11 Clues: what does CPR stand for • what is the attire for most HOSA events • is CPR considered urgent or emergency care • what else is included in the HOSA CPR event • uniform what must be worn for both of these events • how many people is needed to compete in the CPR event • how many questions is one the medical terminology test • ...
Integumentary System 2018-01-25
- Inflammation of the skin.
- Surgical repair of skin.
- Removal of nail.
- Softening of nails.
- Blue
- Abnormal condition of blue skin.
- Breakdown of fats.
- Skin
- Hair
- Nail
- Within the skin.
- Fungus
- Abnormal condition of cry/scaly skin.
- Fugus Specialist.
- Cancer
- Skin
- Dry/scaly
- Fat
- Sweat
- Who is your favorite Medical Terminology Teacher?
20 Clues: Fat • Skin • Blue • Skin • Hair • Nail • Sweat • Fungus • Cancer • Dry/scaly • Within the skin. • Removal of nail. • Fugus Specialist. • Breakdown of fats. • Softening of nails. • Surgical repair of skin. • Inflammation of the skin. • Abnormal condition of blue skin. • Abnormal condition of cry/scaly skin. • Who is your favorite Medical Terminology Teacher?
medical terminology 2019-01-22
- one of four babies born together
- to move away from the midline
- partially permeable
- backward flow
- two atoms
- consisting of ,many vcells
- to cut out
- radiation therapy delivered at a distance from the body
- having one eyepiece of affecting one eye
- displacement of the stomach to the right
- made up of two parts
- having variable body tempature (therm/o)
- enlargement of the colon
- cut through or across
- primary
- frequent discharge of fluid fecal matter
- left handed
- round bacteria (cocci) that grow in groups of two
- newborn infant
- one half of a rounded structure
- form into one part
- middle portion of the brain, midbrain
- having three points or cusps
- having many forms
24 Clues: primary • two atoms • to cut out • left handed • backward flow • newborn infant • having many forms • form into one part • partially permeable • made up of two parts • cut through or across • enlargement of the colon • consisting of ,many vcells • having three points or cusps • to move away from the midline • one half of a rounded structure • one of four babies born together • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-01-19
- attached to the beginning of a word root to modify its meaning; example, sub-
- the complete set of information in the DNA of a specific organism
- from first letter of words, example, MRSA
- largest structure within the cell, usually spherical and centrally located
- group of similar cells that performs a specific function
- comprises each gene; is a genetic material that regulates the activities of the cell.
- dividing medical terms into word parts, then labeling each word part and combining form
- basic unit of all living things
- space inside the skull containing the brain
- attached to the end of a word root to modify its meaning; example, -ic
- an experimental procedure to treat or prevent disease
- space inside the spinal column containing the spinal cord
- name of a person or place
- forms the boundary of the cell
- located in the nucleus of the cell. There are 46 in all normal human cells
- root core of a word; example, hepat
- Composed of skin, nails, and glands. Forms a protective covering for the body, regulates body temperature, and helps manufacture vitamin D.
- regions within the chromosome. Determine hereditary characteristics.
- two or more types of tissues that together perform special body functions
- terms derived from the English language, example, complete blood count with differential
- applying the meaning of each word part contained in the medical term to derive its meaning
- gel-like fluid inside the cell
22 Clues: name of a person or place • gel-like fluid inside the cell • forms the boundary of the cell • basic unit of all living things • root core of a word; example, hepat • from first letter of words, example, MRSA • space inside the skull containing the brain • an experimental procedure to treat or prevent disease • group of similar cells that performs a specific function • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-01-06
26 Clues: arm • one • new • bone • skin • many • fast • heart • large • nerve • spine • brain • after • small • tissue • muscle • to cut • within • disease • between • to cut out • over, above • condition of • under, below • inflammation • female, woman
Medical Terminology 2020-09-20
- The responsibilities of gastroenterologists include stomach and _________ disorders
- A ______ treats those with mental disorders
- The study of radiant energy for the diagnosis and treatment of disease
- The specialty of neurologists is those related to ____ disorders
- study of the stomach and intestines
- Bronchiectasis is expanding; dilating; dilation of the _______
- records-the image obtained
- across the stomach
- A instrument for examining the stomach
- retrogastric pertains to ______ the stomach
- Leukemia is a blood condition of too many _____ blood cells, the cells are cancerous
- process of visually examining the stomach
- incision of the stomach
- radiation oncologists are responsible for treating _________with high energy radiation
- Hyperthyroidism is the ________ production of hormone of the thyroid gland
- The study of disease
- pain in the stomach
- Nephrologists and Urologists treat____ diseases
- excision of the stomach
- Subgastric refers to ______ the stomach
- _____ is the process of visually examining the bronchial tree
- inflammation of the stomach
- process of recording- the examination
- Hypothyroidism is the ___________production of hormone from the thyroid gland
- Ophthalmologists deal with _________disorders
- Radiologists _________ radiographs
- Fractures are responsibilities of an ____
- A specialist physician who deals with female diseases
- excision of the breast
- hematologists treat those with ______ disorders
30 Clues: across the stomach • pain in the stomach • The study of disease • excision of the breast • excision of the stomach • incision of the stomach • records-the image obtained • inflammation of the stomach • Radiologists _________ radiographs • study of the stomach and intestines • process of recording- the examination • A instrument for examining the stomach • ...
Medical Terminology 2020-09-04
20 Clues: cell • gland • nerve • disease • swelling • red cell • study of • black tumor • end of word • tumor of fat • without fever • fibrous tumor • cell substance • body substance • study of tumors • study of disease • disease in joints • pertaining to cancer • first letters of phrase • basic unit of living things
medical terminology 2022-02-22
- with fever
- malignant tumor composed of striated muscle
- tumor composed of smooth muscle
- cancerous tumor
- tumor of connective tissue
- eating or swallowing
- cancerous tumor of glandular tissue
- pertaining to the internal organs
- increased the number of red blood cells
- tumor composed of fiber
- tumor comprised of fatty tissue
- benign or malignant tumor with dark pigment
- tumor of green color
- flesh combing form
- tumor comprised of muscle tissue
- excessive development
- cell growth that grows uncontrollably and spreads locally and/or distant sites
- tumor likely to cause death
- resembling a nerve
- tumor made of nervous tissue
20 Clues: with fever • cancerous tumor • flesh combing form • resembling a nerve • tumor of green color • eating or swallowing • excessive development • tumor composed of fiber • tumor of connective tissue • tumor likely to cause death • tumor made of nervous tissue • tumor comprised of fatty tissue • tumor composed of smooth muscle • tumor comprised of muscle tissue • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-03-01
- sac around the heart
- joint pain
- absent breathing
- on or affecting the same side
- root word for liver
- inflammation of the pancreas
- the study of the heart
- root word for stomach
- surgical removal of appendix
- root word for bone
- root word for lungs
- root word for heart
- below normal blood flow to organs
- difficulty speaking
- root word for joint
- fast heart rate
- inflammation of the gallbladder
- black, tarry stool
- inflammation of the bladder
- area behind the peritoneum
- enlargement of the liver
- enlargement of the heart
- difficulty eating
- paralysis of all four extremities
- spitting up blood
- the study of disease of the stomach and small intestines
- fast breathing
- disease of the kidney
- root word for kidney
- root word for bile
- slow breathing
31 Clues: joint pain • fast breathing • slow breathing • fast heart rate • absent breathing • difficulty eating • spitting up blood • black, tarry stool • root word for bone • root word for bile • root word for liver • root word for lungs • root word for heart • difficulty speaking • root word for joint • sac around the heart • root word for kidney • root word for stomach • disease of the kidney • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-02-01
- study of tissue
- producing cells
- condition of cell death
- excessive development (number of cells)
- disease characterized by unregulated growth of cells
- group of similar cells that performs a function
- genetic material that regulates cell activity
- humans have 46, located inside cell nucleus
- white blood cell
- pertaining to internal organs
- pertaining to a body system
- basic unit of all living things
- suffix, meaning abnormal condition
- suffix, meaning view of or viewing
- gel-like liquid inside the cells
- pertaining to the body
- suffix, meaning tumor, swelling
- suffix, meaning disease
- study of cells
- incomplete development of tissue/organs
20 Clues: study of cells • study of tissue • producing cells • white blood cell • pertaining to the body • condition of cell death • suffix, meaning disease • pertaining to a body system • pertaining to internal organs • basic unit of all living things • suffix, meaning tumor, swelling • gel-like liquid inside the cells • suffix, meaning abnormal condition • suffix, meaning view of or viewing • ...
Medical Terminology 2021-10-28
- joint pain
- difficulty speaking
- abnormal hardening of an artery
- high blood sugar
- skull
- Increased fluid in the brain
- process of blood clotting
- low blood flow to tissue
- vomiting blood
- difficulty swallowing
- inflammation of the liver
- inflammation of the stomach
- white blood cells
- removal of the appendix
- study of the lungs
- incision in the wall of the chest
- excessive carbon dioxide in the body
- low oxygen in the blood
- pain in the stomach
- bluish color due to decreased oxygen
- bone
- inflammation of a clotting vein
- paralysis of one side of the body
- inflammation of the gallbladder
- study of the nervous system
- irregular heartbeat
- binding
- lack of oxygen
- pain
29 Clues: bone • pain • skull • binding • joint pain • vomiting blood • high blood sugar • white blood cells • study of the lungs • pain in the stomach • irregular heartbeat • difficulty swallowing • removal of the appendix • low oxygen in the blood • low blood flow to tissue • difficulty speaking • process of blood clotting • inflammation of the liver • lack of oxygen • ...
Medical Terminology 2021-11-14
- is an infection of one or both of the lungs caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
- is a surgical procedure in which a cut is made between the ribs to see and reach the lungs or other organs in the chest or thorax.
- is the upper central region of the abdomen.
- inflammation of the liver
- The presence of anti-HBs is generally interpreted as indicating recovery and immunity from hepatitis B virus infection.
- Pathways in the wall of cerebral and cervical blood vessels.
- Pertaining to the chest.
- the branch of medicine that deals with diseases and abnormalities of the heart.
- is an application which measures your heart rate.
- situated above or anterior to the thorax specifically : lying above or anterior to those vertebrae bearing thoracic ribs pre thoracic vertebrae.
- is a life-threatening inflammation of the inner lining of your heart's chambers and valves (endocardium).
- is an excessive growth of bone. It may lead to exostosis. It occurs in many musculoskeletal disorders.
- the curve or tracing made by a cardiograph.
- is inflammation of the pericardium, the thin sac (membrane) that surrounds the heart.
- is an inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from your lungs.
- is an area of medicine that focuses on diseases of the liver as well as related conditions.
- Having to do with the liver.
- Before reaching the stomach
- is the fluid contained in the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear.
- is a condition in which an abnormal communication is present between the perilymphatic space of the inner ear and the middle ear or mastoid.
20 Clues: Pertaining to the chest. • inflammation of the liver • Before reaching the stomach • Having to do with the liver. • is the upper central region of the abdomen. • the curve or tracing made by a cardiograph. • is an application which measures your heart rate. • Pathways in the wall of cerebral and cervical blood vessels. • ...
Medical Terminology 2021-11-02
- decrease in bone density
- malignant tumor of a gland
- Surgical removal of the liver
- moves away from the midline
- red blood cells
- combination of four
- The surgical procedure of removal of the spleen
- return after stoppage
- instrument to look into the retina
- Enlarged tongue
- Inflammation of the appendix
- high blood pressure
- moves towards the midline
- painful urination
- eye doctor specialist
- drooping of the eyelid
- slow heartbeat
- double vision
- Blood loss
- accumulation of fluid
- Profuse soft stool discharge
- Paralysis of the eye muscles
- too little urine
- Inflammation of the liver
- device used to examine a body cavity
- after surgery
- agent that kills bacteria
- The study of human mental disorders
- scanty urine output
- objects appear to be larger than normal
30 Clues: Blood loss • double vision • after surgery • slow heartbeat • red blood cells • Enlarged tongue • too little urine • painful urination • combination of four • scanty urine output • high blood pressure • eye doctor specialist • accumulation of fluid • return after stoppage • drooping of the eyelid • decrease in bone density • Inflammation of the liver • agent that kills bacteria • ...
Medical Terminology 2013-07-22
- digests proteins
- carry O2 in blood
- studies care of newborns
- rheumatoid arthritis is this
- empyema of the chest
- divides abdominal and thoracic cavities
- unusual hypersensitivity
- round erythrocyte
- pertaining to heart muscle
- immature bone marrow cell
- blocks artery
- inflammation of the glomeruli
- tissue is "cut back"
- first two weeks
- opposite of chronic
- muscle layer of the uterus
- malignant tumor of astrocytes
- indicated by an elevated BUN test
- flow of bile interrupted
- return after recovery
20 Clues: blocks artery • first two weeks • digests proteins • carry O2 in blood • round erythrocyte • opposite of chronic • tissue is "cut back" • empyema of the chest • return after recovery • studies care of newborns • unusual hypersensitivity • flow of bile interrupted • immature bone marrow cell • muscle layer of the uterus • pertaining to heart muscle • rheumatoid arthritis is this • ...
Medical Terminology 2013-12-02
- general term for when RBC’s don’t carry enough oxygen
- combining form for eating, devouring
- inflammation of nose
- hardening of the arteries
- combining form for heart
- medications used to prevent blood clotting
- inflammation of pancreas
- combining form for gland
- female gonad
- removal of a lung lobe
- underactive thyroid gland
- combining form for blood
- abnormal increase in blood platelets
- image of blood vessels
- second contraction in blood pressure, relaxation
- enlargement of the adrenal glands
- blood in urine
- combining form for red
- can maintain renal function
- incision into the chest wall
- frictional sound indicating pericardial murmur
- removal of the thyroid
- excision of the parathyroid gland
- glandular cancer
- removal of thymus
- inflammation of vein
- protective sac that covers the pericardial cavity
- glandular or lymph node disease
- white blood cells
- rapid but regular heartbeat
30 Clues: female gonad • blood in urine • glandular cancer • removal of thymus • white blood cells • inflammation of nose • inflammation of vein • removal of the thyroid • removal of a lung lobe • image of blood vessels • combining form for red • combining form for heart • inflammation of pancreas • combining form for gland • combining form for blood • hardening of the arteries • underactive thyroid gland • ...
Medical Terminology 2013-12-07
- before
- large
- condition, state, process
- one who practices
- a recording
- less than, under, inferior
- four
- well, good, normal
- pertaining to
- above normal
- pain
- below normal
- cutting operation
- single
- many
- half
- after, following
- measuring device
- instrument for observing
- around
- recording instrument
- toward
- above, over
- twice, double
- abnormal, difficult
- disease
- small
- deficiency
- middle, median
- study, practice
30 Clues: half • four • pain • many • large • small • before • around • toward • single • disease • deficiency • a recording • above, over • above normal • below normal • twice, double • pertaining to • middle, median • study, practice • after, following • measuring device • one who practices • cutting operation • well, good, normal • abnormal, difficult • recording instrument • instrument for observing • condition, state, process • ...
Medical Terminology 2014-02-07
- Bent inward; denoting a deformity in which the angulation of the part is toward the midline of the body.
- The upper or posterior surface, or the back, of any part.
- meaning "flow or discharge"
- lying face downward, or on the ventral surface.
- Farther from the median.
- Denoting a position above the part indicated by the word to which it is joined.
- Amount of motion at a given joint when the joint is moved by an external force or therapist.
- An accumulation of an excessive amount of fluid in cells, tissues, or serous cavities.
- the act of feeling with the hand; the application of the fingers with light pressure to the surface of the body for the purpose of determining the condition of the parts beneath in physical diagnosis.
- Nearest of the point of origin.
- meaning "similar, beside, beyond, supplementary to, disordered"
- Bruised or discoloration.
- Bending of a joint or extremity.
- Denoting the front surface of the body; often used to indicate the position of one structure relative to another i.e., situated nearer the front part of the body.
- Amount of motion at a given joint when the subject moves the part voluntarily.
- pertaining to the area behind the knee.
- Relating to the sole of the foot or the caudal aspect of the tarsus on the hind limb of an animal.
- Any mechanical injury (usually caused by a blow) resulting in hemorrhage beneath unbroken skin.
- To bring or draw out (something latent).
- The measured beginning and terminal angles, as well as the total degrees of motion, traversed by a joint moved by active muscle contraction or by passive movement.
- Bent out, twisted; denoting a deformity in which the angulation is away from the midline of the body.
- referring to the treatment for sprains and strains.
- Relating to the elbow or the ulna.
- meaning of Around; about; enclosing.
- the escape of blood from the vessels; bleeding.
- a joint or place of junction between two different parts or objects.
- Denoting a position below the part denoted by the word to which it is joined.
- a localized collection of extravasated blood, usually clotted, in an organ, space, or tissue.
- Straightening of a joint or extremity.
- a break or rupture in a bone.
- The practical application of the overload principle to improve muscular strength and size. Resistance is gradually and continually increased to keep pace with strength gains as training progresses.
- Inflammation or disease of.
- Movement of a body part away from the median plane (of the body, in the case of limbs; of the hand or foot, in the case of digits).
- As the occasion arises; as necessary.
- meaning "the same, or self "
- lying with the face upward, or on the dorsal surface.
- A turning outward, as of the eyelid or foot.
- Looseness or freedom of movement in a joint, normal or excessive.
- Point any point on the skin over a muscle at which electrical stimulation (via electrode) causes contraction of the muscle.
- Away of the point of origin.
- Deviation Movement of the wrist toward the little finger side of the forearm.
- a common musculoskeletal symptom that may be either acute or chronic. It may be caused by a variety of diseases and disorders that affect the lumbar spine.
- Deviation Movement of the wrist toward the thumb side of the forearm.
- Everyday routines generally involving functional mobility and personal care, such as bathing, dressing, toileting, and meal preparation. An inability to perform these renders one dependent on others, resulting in a self-care deficit. A major goal of occupational therapy is to enable the client to perform activities of daily living.
- Old The age of the patient.
- Referring to the vola; denoting either the palm of the hand or sole of the foot.
- Pertaining to the palm of the hand or the caudel aspect of the carpus on the forelimb of animal.
- Relating to the middle or center.
- An injury to a ligament when the joint is carried through a range of motion greater than normal, but without dislocation or fracture.
- A sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.
- Indirect, subsidiary, or accessory to the main thing; side by side.
- meaning "excessive flow"
- Patient uses the muscles surrounding the joint to perform the exercise but requires some help from the therapist or equipment.
- Pertaining to the back or any dorsum.
- One who is suffering from disease, injury, an abnormal state, or a mental disorder, and is engaged in related treatment.
- the rotation of the forearm so that the palm of the hand faces downward or backward.
- Amount of motion at a given joint when the joint is applied of resistance.
- Pertaining to the belly or to any venter.
- A crackling or crunching sound heard when the ends of a fractured piece of bone rub against each other.
- lateral rotation of the radioulnar joint to face the palm upwards.
- Extremity The hip, thigh, leg, ankle, and foot.
- a normal bend or curve in a body part, such as the colic flexure of the colon or the dorsal flexure of the spine.
- Normal Limit A term for a CT, MRI or other image or specimen, which the examiner regards as having no significant changes.
- Complaint The primary symptom that a patient states as the reason for seeking medical care.
- Sound having a frequency greater than 30,000 Hz.
- Relating to, affecting or having, two sides.
- meaning "twice, two"
- meaning "against"
- meaning "one or single"
- In health care, record of a patient’s symptoms, illness, and treatment thereof, as well as other life details related to health.
- Denoting the back surface of the body. Often used to indicate the position of one structure relative to another i.e., nearer the back of the body.
- Position Position of the body when the subject facing forward with arms and legs fully extended.
- A turning inward,upside down, or in any direction contrary to the existing one.
- The escape of fluid from the blood vessels or lymphatic into the tissues or a cavity.
- Point a spot on the body at which pressure or other stimulus gives rise to specific sensations or symptoms.
- Situated above or direct upward.
- Movement of a body part towards the median plane (of the body, in the case of limbs; of the hand or foot, in the case of digits).
- Situated below or directed downward.
- An injury to a tendon or muscle resulting from overuse or trauma.
- a test done during the physical examination to determine whether a patient with low back pain.
- Extremity The shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, and hand.
- "bad, painful, disordered"
82 Clues: meaning "against" • meaning "twice, two" • meaning "one or single" • meaning "excessive flow" • Farther from the median. • Bruised or discoloration. • "bad, painful, disordered" • meaning "flow or discharge" • Inflammation or disease of. • Old The age of the patient. • meaning "the same, or self " • Away of the point of origin. • a break or rupture in a bone. • ...
Medical Terminology 2013-02-09
- Fungal infection of the skin.
- X-ray recording of a joint.
- The process of pulling a body part into correct alignment.
- An uncontrollable, often periodic craving for and indulgence in alcoholic beverages.
- Suture of a muscle.
- Malignant tumor of bone.
- Pertaining to a substance or procedure capable of destroying cancer cells.
- Stores calcium and phosphorus for the body to use as needed.
- Pertaining to the groin.
- A specialty that deals with disorders of connective tissue, including bone and cartilage.
- A fatty substance.
- Groove, opening or hollow space.
- A cavity or channel lined with a membrane.
- The disease or condition that is named after a healthcare professional evaluates a patients signs, symptoms, and history.
- Abnormal condition of bony growth.
- Over stretching of a muscle or tendon.
- A small pigmented area to a spot that appears seperate or different in color from the surrounding tissue.
- Essential for ion transport across cell membranes.
- A subjective finding of a disease state.
- Tough fibrous covering of the muscle.
- Permanent dilation of groups of superficial capillaries and venules.
- Also known as a scab.
- Removal of a limb when there is no feasible options to save it.
- Inflammation of the liver.
- Itching.
- Also known as a scar.
- Developing slowly and lasting a long time.
- The normal dynamic process of balance needed to maintain a healthy body.
- Helps to maintain normal muscle and nerve function.
- Incision of the stomach.
- Effects changes through chemical messengers.
- Inflammation of the mucosal lining of the small intestine, resulting from a variety of causes- bacterial, viral, functional, and inflammatory.
- Necessary for synthesis of essential metabolites.
- Superficial vesiculopustular skin infection.
- May reduce dental carries and help minimize bone loss.
- Involved in fat metabolism, cooperates with Vitamin E, and acts as an antioxident.
- Pertaining to the front.
- Pertaining toward the head.
- Benign bone tumor.
- Superficial inflammation of the skin, characterized by vesicles, weeping and pruritus.
40 Clues: Itching. • A fatty substance. • Benign bone tumor. • Suture of a muscle. • Also known as a scab. • Also known as a scar. • Malignant tumor of bone. • Pertaining to the groin. • Incision of the stomach. • Pertaining to the front. • Inflammation of the liver. • X-ray recording of a joint. • Pertaining toward the head. • Fungal infection of the skin. • Groove, opening or hollow space. • ...
Medical Terminology 2013-01-31
- Suffix meaning resembling
- Small raised spot or bump on the skin
- Toward or near the front
- Toward the back
- Condition of whiteness
- Suffix meaning narrowing
- Abbreviation of Lower left Quadrant
- Suffix meaning Stone
- Flat discolored spot on the skin
- Prefix meaning poison
- Prefix meaning rapid
- Suffix meaning Tumor
- Beginning of a medical term
- Suffix meaning fear
- Cut or tear in the skin
- Prefix meaning one
- Small pus filled blister
- Ending of a medical term
- Suffix meaning not in motion
- Suffix meaning disease
20 Clues: Toward the back • Prefix meaning one • Suffix meaning fear • Suffix meaning Tumor • Suffix meaning Stone • Prefix meaning rapid • Prefix meaning poison • Condition of whiteness • Suffix meaning disease • Cut or tear in the skin • Toward or near the front • Small pus filled blister • Ending of a medical term • Suffix meaning narrowing • Suffix meaning resembling • Beginning of a medical term • ...
Medical Terminology 2013-02-19
- deformity resulting in an abnormal twisting of the foot. Also called clubfoot
- process of a bone turning on its axis (like a wheel)
- bone pain
- infammation of the liver
- incision of the stomach
- process of backward pulling; the backward movement of a muscle
- condition of the joining of the fingers or toes, giving them a webbed apearance
- instrument used to view the eye
- process of viewing dead tissue that has been removed for the purpose of diagnosis and/or treatment
- process of turning out
- crackling sound heard in joints
- site of protein formation; contains RNA
- process of bending back
- holds the organelles of the cell
- process of carrying around; the circular movement of the distal end of a limb around its point of attachment
- inflammation of a tendon
- process of carrying away from the midline
- process of pulling forward; the forward movement of a muscle
- turning the palm upward
- control center of cell; contains DNA, which carries genetic information
- condition of more than five fingers or toes on each hand or foot
- to cut apart; the study of the structure of the body
- study of the ear
- the study of tissues
- flexion lowering the foot; pointing the toes away from the shin
- process of decreasing the angle of a joint
- process of turning in
- prolonged congenital or acquired condition that manifests itself as a contraction of the muscles of the neck
- the study of growth; the study of the structure of the body
- softening of bone caused by loss of minerals from the bony matrix as a result of vitamin D deficiency.
- the study of cells
- process of stretching out; increasing the angle of a joint
- process of viewing living tissue
- converts nutrients to energy in the presence of oxygen
- inflammation of the bone and bone marrow
- organelle that serves a digestive fuction for the cell
- process of carrying toward the midline
- the study of disease
- process of viewing by self; term commonly used to describe the examination of a dead body to determine cause(s) of death
- surgical repair of the nose
- turning the palm downward
- pain of a joint
42 Clues: bone pain • pain of a joint • study of the ear • the study of cells • the study of tissues • the study of disease • process of turning in • process of turning out • incision of the stomach • process of bending back • turning the palm upward • infammation of the liver • inflammation of a tendon • turning the palm downward • surgical repair of the nose • instrument used to view the eye • ...
Medical Terminology 2014-11-08
20 Clues: all • pus • scaly • month • divided • movement • air, gas • paralysis • away from • back,loins • being alive • swift,rapid • cells nucleus • masculine, male • cutting instrument • grape like clusters • beyond, over, between • means up,against, back • flat of foot, edge of eyelid • having a love or affiliation for
Medical Terminology 2014-11-08
20 Clues: pus • all • scaly • month • divided • movement • air, gas • paralysis • away from • back,loins • swift,rapid • being alive • cells nucleus • masculine, male • cutting instrument • grape like clusters • beyond, over, between • means up,against, back • flat of foot, edge of eyelid • having a love or affiliation for
Medical Terminology 2014-11-09
- gristle-like padding that lies on or between bones
- encloses ends of bone in diathrodial joint
- Displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint
- membrane that covers and supports muscle
- injuries that involve damage to the brain and/or spinal cord. can be life threatening or cause permanent damage.
- incomplete or Partial Displacement of a joint
- The majority of today’s definitions use “time lost” criteria as the major determinant.
- stretching or tearing of muscles and tendons– MTJ
- tissue that contracts and relaxes to make movement
- strong tissue that connects bone to bone
- characterized by a slow, insidious onset, implying a gradual development of structural damage.
- complete displacement of a joint
- strong tissue that connects muscle to bone
- magnitude of a single force for which the anatomical structure of interest is damaged
- stretching or tearing of ligaments or joint capsules
- growth region of a bone
- requires medical attention by a team AT or physician. Results in restriction of athlete’s participation for one or more days after the injury
- "bruise"
- small fluid filled sacs
- characterized by rapid onset, resulting from a traumatic event
20 Clues: "bruise" • growth region of a bone • small fluid filled sacs • complete displacement of a joint • strong tissue that connects bone to bone • membrane that covers and supports muscle • encloses ends of bone in diathrodial joint • strong tissue that connects muscle to bone • incomplete or Partial Displacement of a joint • stretching or tearing of muscles and tendons– MTJ • ...
medical terminology 2016-02-22
- a narrow band of nonelastic, dense, fibrous connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone
- the surgical suturing of a muscle wound
- abnormal softening of muscle tissue
- person with a mental disease
- the abnormal narrowing of a blood vessel
- slight paralysis or weakness affecting one side of the body
- the rupture or tearing of a muscle
- the degeneration of muscle tissue
- the fluid tissue in the body
- plasma fluid after the blood cells and the clotting proteins have been removed
- lower than normal number of erythrocytes in the blood
- rapid breathing
- low number of white blood cell
- a weakness or slight muscular paralysis
- atrium receives oxygen-poor blood from all tissues, except the lungs, through the superior and inferior venae cavae
- rupture of the uterus
- an inflammation of the tendons caused by excessive or unusual use of the joint
- spur a calcium deposit in the plantar fascia nears its attachment to the calcaneus bone that can be one of the causes of plantar fasciitis
- a surgical incision into a muscle
- injury a strain or tear on any of the three hamstring muscles
20 Clues: rapid breathing • rupture of the uterus • person with a mental disease • the fluid tissue in the body • low number of white blood cell • a surgical incision into a muscle • the degeneration of muscle tissue • the rupture or tearing of a muscle • abnormal softening of muscle tissue • the surgical suturing of a muscle wound • a weakness or slight muscular paralysis • ...
Medical Terminology 2023-03-20
- People like to have smooth what
- Running around the neighborhood for a while makes you what
- when your musty
- To pick something heavy up you have to have
- My patient came into the hospital not feeling next minute they say there stomach hurt
- My grandma got diagnosed with a
- specified body part having surgery
- Before surgery surgeon washes their hands
- all the cells in the body contain the same genetic information
- pathogenesis, pathology, and pathogen are examples of what
- Every time I run up the court my what beats fast
- People feel light headed because they have high what
- organs that allow you to see
- Hours went pass a lot when you work in a hospital
- final 5
- lumpectomy is the surgical removal of a lump
- A girl step on my knee it ended up what
- When a group of people have alcoholic problems and go to meetings to fix their problem
- when I put a egg in vinegar it does what
- I have back problems I think have scoliosis
- This Patient has a small tumor in there head
- All this pollen got me sneezing
- located in between something
- There a lot of patient in the hospital today for treatment
- I have long
- My cousin had a asthma attack we couldn’t make it to the hospital so we went to the ER
- when a doctor puts you asleep to view your body
- When I got bit by a dog I had to get a shot
- two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist.
- I have double patients
- the largest solid organ in the body
- You have to treat each patient the same
- When working in a hospital you have to watch your what
- you use it everyday
- Battling something that harming your person
- I went to the dentist to get a cavity filled.
37 Clues: ROOT • final 5 • I have long • when your musty • you use it everyday • I have double patients • located in between something • organs that allow you to see • People like to have smooth what • All this pollen got me sneezing • My grandma got diagnosed with a • specified body part having surgery • the largest solid organ in the body • You have to treat each patient the same • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-09-22
- much or many
- intestine, no digestion takes place here
- pain
- different
- bad; painful; difficult
- nasal hemorrhage
- around
- visual examination of the bronchi
- red
- chest
- produces spasms in the bronchial passages
- cavity, contains the spinal & cranial cavity
- outer layer of the skin
- tissue sample removed from a body site
- kidney
- symbol that indicates acidity or alkalinity
- process of recording
- abbreviation for gastrointestinal
- meal
- lower middle region of the abdomen
- skin
- bone
- black
- double
- disease
- lack or loss of appetite
- surgical puncture
- pertaining to the palm
- partial or complete loss of hair
- vomiting
- digestion
31 Clues: red • meal • skin • pain • bone • black • chest • double • around • kidney • disease • vomiting • different • digestion • much or many • nasal hemorrhage • surgical puncture • process of recording • pertaining to the palm • bad; painful; difficult • outer layer of the skin • lack or loss of appetite • partial or complete loss of hair • visual examination of the bronchi • abbreviation for gastrointestinal • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-09-23
- as soon as possible
- lateral leg raises occur in this plane of motion
- Toward the back of the body
- amount
- Closest to the center of the body
- Movement toward the midline of the body
- Towards the top or head
- Complete separation of two ends of a joint
- Swelling in the joint
- central nervous system
- Body’s response to injury
- Recent or new injury, sudden onset
- a pushup occurs in this plane of motion
- Below or toward the feet
- Extreme or excessive straightening of a part
- activities of daily living
- Partial or incomplete separation of a joint
- Toward the front of the body
- Swelling in the tissue
- Movement away from the midline of the body
- Injury with a long onset and long duration
- twice a day
- Increasing the angle of the joint
- Farthest from the center of the body
- Farthest from the midline of the body
- Closest to the midline of the body
- ambulate, ambulatory
- when climbing stairs this plane of motion is used
- Decreasing the angle formed by the bones of the joint
29 Clues: amount • twice a day • as soon as possible • ambulate, ambulatory • Swelling in the joint • Swelling in the tissue • central nervous system • Towards the top or head • Below or toward the feet • Body’s response to injury • activities of daily living • Toward the back of the body • Toward the front of the body • Closest to the center of the body • Increasing the angle of the joint • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-08-31
- horizontal plane
- lower part of the body
- absence of normal opening
- complete set of genetic information
- maintains constantness
- protects organs
- farthest from the midline
- resembles glandular tissue
- study of the structures of the body
- nearest the midline
- toward the side of the body
- vertical plane
- contract and relax
- function of tissues
- in the back
- abnormal growth
- specializes caring for old people
- outbreak of disease worldwide
- toward the midline
- functions of the body structure
20 Clues: in the back • vertical plane • abnormal growth • protects organs • horizontal plane • contract and relax • toward the midline • function of tissues • nearest the midline • lower part of the body • maintains constantness • absence of normal opening • farthest from the midline • resembles glandular tissue • toward the side of the body • outbreak of disease worldwide • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-09-26
- pertaining to the mouth
- transplantation to self
- tumor of the kidney
- double vision
- minute, pinpoint hemorrhage under the skin
- disease of muscle
- liver cell
- inflammation of the mouth
- pertaining to two sides
- absence of the sense of smell
- slow heart rate
- without a breast
- specialist in the study of tissue
- enlargement of the stomach
- redness of the skin caused by swelling of capillaries
- pertaining to (area) near the nose
- suture of a muscle
- black tumor
- crushing a stone
- abnormal condition of fat
- excessive acidity of body fluids
- lack or loss of appetite
- intense itching
- toward middle
- nasal hemorrhage
- white blood
- fat cell
- pertaining to the chest
- pertaining to internal organs
- mass of masticated food ready for swallowing
30 Clues: fat cell • liver cell • black tumor • white blood • double vision • toward middle • intense itching • slow heart rate • crushing a stone • nasal hemorrhage • without a breast • disease of muscle • suture of a muscle • tumor of the kidney • pertaining to the mouth • transplantation to self • pertaining to the chest • pertaining to two sides • lack or loss of appetite • abnormal condition of fat • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-10-03
- latin adjective for cattle
- towards the head
- on the surface of the palm
- latin adjective for swine/pigs
- the back side, spine side
- latin adjective for dogs
- towards the tail(bone)
- the front side, belly side
- latin adjective for cats
- latin adjective for birds
- on the surface of the foot
- latin adjective for sheep
- further from the body or start of the limb
- latin adjective for rabbits
- closer to the body or start of the limb
- latin adjective for fish
- latin adjective for tortious/turtles
- latin adjective for guinea pigs
- latin adjective for horses
- latin adjective for goats
- latin adjective for mouse/rats
21 Clues: towards the head • towards the tail(bone) • latin adjective for fish • latin adjective for dogs • latin adjective for cats • latin adjective for sheep • the back side, spine side • latin adjective for goats • latin adjective for birds • on the surface of the foot • latin adjective for cattle • on the surface of the palm • latin adjective for horses • the front side, belly side • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-10-04
- pain or suffering
- flow or discharge
- seizure
- surgical removal or excision
- to grow
- formation or growth
- surgically opening or surgical creating
- deficiency or reduction in number
- large or enlargement
- vomiting
- study of
- cutting or incision
- dilation or enlargement
- death of tissue
- controlling or stopping
- weakness
- abnormal condition
- rupture
- surgical repair
- condition
- malignant tumor
- blood or blood condition
- surgical fixation
- new opening
- inflammation
- cutting into
- birth or labor
- urine or urination
- abnormal dryness or hardness
- breakdown or destruction
- disease
31 Clues: seizure • rupture • to grow • disease • weakness • vomiting • study of • condition • new opening • inflammation • cutting into • birth or labor • surgical repair • malignant tumor • death of tissue • pain or suffering • flow or discharge • surgical fixation • abnormal condition • urine or urination • formation or growth • cutting or incision • large or enlargement • dilation or enlargement • controlling or stopping • ...
Medical Terminology 2023-01-06
- / measures pulse pressure
- / automated external defibrillator
- / atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
- / sends signals to keep heartbeats regulated
- / written record of vessels
- / inner part of the heart
- / caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi; is inflammation of the heart sac
- / top of the heart
- / looking at the heart and vessels
- / looking at the blood flowing through blood vessels
- / weakened walls cause swelling like a balloon
- / EKG
- / dyspnea on exertion
- / bottom of the heart
- / coronary artery bypass graft
- / middle part of the heart
- / outer part of the heart
- veins / swollen veins are often found in legs and are painful
- infarction / most commonly known as a heart attack
- / main cause of heart disease
- / cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- arrest / is commonly mistaken for a heart attack but completely stops the heart
- / also known as high blood pressure
- / catheterization
- test / commonly known as a stress test
- / atrial fibrillation
26 Clues: / EKG • / catheterization • / top of the heart • / dyspnea on exertion • / bottom of the heart • / atrial fibrillation • / measures pulse pressure • / outer part of the heart • / inner part of the heart • / middle part of the heart • / written record of vessels • / main cause of heart disease • / coronary artery bypass graft • / cardiopulmonary resuscitation • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-12-16
- an irregular heart beat
- a tool used for determining someones tempeature
- a device used in clinical practice to depress the tounge and open the mouth and throat for inspection
- located around your body are blood vessels that collect oxygen-poor blood and return it to your heart
- coronary artery disease
- the prefix for heart
- the suffix for chest
- an organ that pumps blood throughout the body
- when the heart stops
- myocardial infarction
- when the brain doesn't receive enough blood
- a structure shaped like a tube and is responsible for the transportation of fluid
- the root word for artery
- a particular kind of muscle tissue that makes up the heart
- an electronic medical device that monitors the patients vital signs, display the resulting data, and communicate that information through the monitoring network
- an examination of the hearts function that produces a visual display utilizing ultrasonic waves
- a heart effect that occurs at birth
- when the heart doesn't receive enough oxygen
- delicate blood vessels that exist throughout your body.
- a device used in medicine to hear someones heartbeat or breathing
- coronary heart disease
- chronic heart disease
- the prefix for fast
- the root word for aorta
- electrocardiogram
25 Clues: electrocardiogram • the prefix for fast • the prefix for heart • the suffix for chest • when the heart stops • chronic heart disease • myocardial infarction • coronary heart disease • an irregular heart beat • coronary artery disease • the root word for aorta • the root word for artery • a heart effect that occurs at birth • when the brain doesn't receive enough blood • ...
Medical Terminology 2023-01-10
- Abbreviation for "Past Medical History"
- Abbreviation for "abdominal"
- Excessive sugar in the blood
- Difficulty swallowing
- Within the abdomen
- White blood cell
- Pertaining to the skin
- Abbreviation for "atrial fibrillation"
- Prefix for "to the side"
- Suffix for "inflammation"
- Abbreviation for "allergies"
- Prefix for "organ"
- Prefix for "sleep"
- Formation of clot within the vascular system
- Prefix for "above" or "excessive"
- Inflammation of the skin
- Producing fever
- Prefix for "dry"
- Within the muscle
- Suffix for "tumor"
- Excessive fat in the blood
- Inflammation of bone and joint
- Increased urination
- The study of the heart
- Pertaining to the kidney
- Prefix for "difficult" or "painful"
- Abbreviation for "echocardiogram"
- Abbreviation for "symptoms"
28 Clues: Producing fever • Prefix for "dry" • White blood cell • Within the muscle • Suffix for "tumor" • Within the abdomen • Prefix for "organ" • Prefix for "sleep" • Increased urination • Difficulty swallowing • The study of the heart • Pertaining to the skin • Inflammation of the skin • Pertaining to the kidney • Prefix for "to the side" • Suffix for "inflammation" • Excessive fat in the blood • ...
Medical Terminology 2023-02-23
- Tear
- Labor, bring forth
- Ties, connection
- to secrete
- Mind
- To Sleep
- Weakness
- Eye
- Hard
- Hollow space
- Body
- Bad
- Star Shaped
- Hard
- Abdominal Wall
- Neck or neckline structure
- Sun
- Wall, fence
- Ankle
- Foot
- A band or sheet of fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports, and separates muscle
- Hard
- Cavity or chamber
- Place
- Equal, same
25 Clues: Sun • Eye • Bad • Tear • Mind • Foot • Hard • Hard • Body • Hard • Ankle • Place • To Sleep • Weakness • to secrete • Wall, fence • Star Shaped • Equal, same • Hollow space • Abdominal Wall • Ties, connection • Cavity or chamber • Labor, bring forth • Neck or neckline structure • A band or sheet of fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports, and separates muscle
medical terminology 2020-03-27
- is a rapidly progressing allergic reaction
- group of compounds that are important to reproductive cycle
- depressed mood
- abnormal attraction to love
- liquid or particle dispersed in air
- surgery that removes adrenal gland
- a sensory perception and an illusion
- mental disorder characterized by the fear of illness
- abnormal condition of the mind
- a condition when potassium in low in blood levels
- pertaining to the heel
- an instrument used to burn through tissue
- abnormal development of bone
- enlargement of spleen
- an agent that counteracts the action of histamine
- mucus like substance that lies underneath the skin
- a fungal infection of the nail
- lack of calcium
- generally ill health and malnutrition associated with chronic disease
- radiation delivered in close range to tumor
- a reduction in white blood cells
- pain in the metatarsal region
- pertaining to fat cells
- removal of skin for treatment purpose
- an increase in blood cells
- irregularity in the shape of red blood cells
- when interstitial fluid collects in spaces between cells
- the erythrocyte has a round shape, making the cell fragile and easy to be destroyed
- a drug that relieves anxiety
- inflammation of the eyelid
- a tumor derived from fibrous connective tissue
- nipple like structure
- muscle pain
- abnormal feeling
- loss of skeletal mass normally seen in elderly
- inflammation of the iris
- fear of the marketplace
- fear of strangers
- pertaining to the ribs
- a form of imaging of the renal pelvis or ureter
- anterior curvature of the spine
- a result of dwarfism
- the stopping of bleeding or blood flow
- weakness or paralysis of muscle in eye
- absence of eye lid
- contains a single nucleus
- a good feeling
- ultrasound test of the uterus
- tumor of the thymus
- also known as dry eye
- redness of skin
- stabilization of a fractured vertebral body
- the stiffening of a joint
- commonly called pinkeye
- not in or through the digestive system
- a specialist who work with the treatment of the mind
- abnormal effect of a drug on an individual
- the formation of bone marrow
- suture of a tendon
- also known as lazy eye
60 Clues: muscle pain • depressed mood • a good feeling • redness of skin • lack of calcium • abnormal feeling • fear of strangers • absence of eye lid • suture of a tendon • tumor of the thymus • a result of dwarfism • enlargement of spleen • also known as dry eye • nipple like structure • pertaining to the ribs • pertaining to the heel • also known as lazy eye • fear of the marketplace • ...
Medical Terminology 2020-03-27
- the process of producing a picture or record.
- an inflammation of the stomach and small intestine.
- a localized response to an injury or to the destruction of tissues.
- a set of signs and symptoms that occur as part of a specific disease process.
- a picture or record.
- the time and events before birth.
- pertaining to the heart.
- the abnormal hardening of the walls of an artery or arteries.
- the loss of a large amount of blood in a short time.
- a combining form meaning ... left side.
- objective evidence of disease such as a fever.
- the surgical creation of an artificial opening to the body surface.
- the medical screening of patients to determine their relative priority of need and the proper place of treatment.
- the resulting film that is produced by
- Most often used to describe sudden, severe bleeding.
- the study of disorders of the newborn.
- "abnormal condition, disease" ... that begins with "o".
- a combining form meaning ... stomach.
- the portion of the skull that encloses the brain.
- pain. Not used as commonly as algia.
- surrounding.
- purposes, or to remove excess fluid.
- joint.
- an inflammation of the tonsils.
- blood vessel.
- above or outside the ribs.
- enlargement.
- tissue death.
- bad, difficult, or painful.
- swelling caused by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in cells, tissues, or cavities of the body.
- white.
- a word root meaning ... birth.
- between, but not within, the parts of a tissue.
- means wound or injury.
- the surgical creation of an artificial excretory opening between the colon and the body surface.
- the identification of a disease
- the abnormal softening of the walls of an artery or arteries.
- a combining form meaning ... right side.
- cutting, surgical incision.
- abnormal softening.
- discomfort due to the regurgitation of stomach acid upward into the esophagus, also known as heartburn.
- a combining form meaning ... scanty, few.
- the rupture of a muscle.
- nerve.
- a feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness that is often the first indication of an infection or other disease.
- the blue discoloration of the skin caused by a lack of adequate oxygen in the blood.
- the tissue death of an artery or
- a condition that has a rapid onset, a severe course, and a relatively short duration.
- a combining form meaning ... liver.
- any acute, inflammatory, pusforming bacterial skin infection such as impetigo.
- the surgical puncture of the abdominal cavity to remove fluid.
- the surgical removal of the appendix.
- visual examination.
- the abnormal narrowing of an artery or arteries.
- an organ or body part that is not working properly.
- a pounding or racing heart.
- inflammation.
- any pathologic change or disease of muscle tissue.
- drawn toward or a strong dependence on a drug or substance.
- the surgical suturing of a muscle wound.
- the study of all aspects of diseases.
- the invasion of the body by a pathogenic organism.
- the study of the ear, nose, and throat.
- subjective evidence of a disease, such as pain or a headache.
- the bones of the fingers and toes.
- higher than normal blood pressure.
- a word root meaning ... heart.
- an examination technique in which the examiner's hands are used to feel the texture, size, consistency, and location of certain body parts.
- a groove or cracklike sore of the skin.
- a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the skin.
- the frequent flow of loose or watery stools.
- suturing together the ends of a severed nerve.
- a torn or jagged wound or an accidental cut
- small.
- the time and events after birth.
- small intestine.
- lower than normal blood pressure.
- not normal or away from normal.
- a combining form meaning ... artery.
- an inflammation of the stomach.
- pain in a joint or joints.
- the formation or discharge of pus.
- any condition of unusual deposits of black pigment in body tissues or organs.
- a white blood cell.
- a combining form meaning ... abdomen.
- a disease, structure, operation, or procedure named for the person who discovered or described it
- the surgical repair of muscle.
- bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge. Most often used to describe sudden, severe bleeding.
- an abnormal passage, usually between two internal organs or leading from an organ to the surface of the body.
- deficient or decreased.
- abnormal narrowing.
- any pathologic change or disease in the spinal cord.
- the time and events surrounding birth.
- the act of rotating the arm so that the palm of the hand is forward or upward.
- surgical removal, cutting out.
- a mature red blood cell.
- pertaining to a virus.
- any disease of the stomach.
- the surgical repair of a nerve.
- the temporary, partial, or complete disappearance of the symptoms of a disease without having achieved a cure.
- abnormal hardening. The opposite of malacia.
- a viral infection of the gray matter of the spinal cord.
- a pathologic change of the tissues due to disease or injury.
- a prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disorder
- within the muscle.
- the surgical removal of the tonsils.
- pain in the stomach
- excessive or increased.
- pertaining to the interior or lining of an artery.
- the process of producing a radiographic (xray) study of blood vessels after the injection of a contrast medium to make these blood vessels visible.
- a word root meaning ... skull.
- pertaining to birth.
- a surgical puncture to remove fluid for
- the visual examination of the internal structure of a joint.
- abnormal enlargement of the liver.
- a word root meaning ... disease.
- surgical repair.
- any abnormal condition or disease caused by a fungus.
- blue.
- black.
- gray.
121 Clues: blue. • gray. • small. • joint. • white. • nerve. • black. • surrounding. • enlargement. • blood vessel. • tissue death. • inflammation. • small intestine. • surgical repair. • within the muscle. • a white blood cell. • abnormal narrowing. • abnormal softening. • pain in the stomach • visual examination. • a picture or record. • pertaining to birth. • pertaining to a virus. • means wound or injury. • ...
Medical Terminology 2021-01-05
- CC
- The outer layer of the heart
- the suffix meaning chest
- The body's blood pump
- Prefix meaning fast
- Failure CHF
- The middle layer of the heart
- The muscle tissue found in the heart wall
- Suffix meaning surgical puncture to remove fluid
- excessive or above
- Echo
- the suffix meaning narrowing
- under or insufficient
- AF
- combining form meaning fatty substance
- The surrounding sac that keeps the heart safe
- The inner most layer of the heart
- suffix meaning involuntary contraction of a muscle
- Prefix meaning slow
- the suffix meaning enlarged
26 Clues: CC • AF • EKG • PVC • CAD • DVT • AED • Echo • ASCVD • Failure CHF • excessive or above • Prefix meaning fast • Prefix meaning slow • under or insufficient • The body's blood pump • the suffix meaning chest • the suffix meaning enlarged • the suffix meaning narrowing • The outer layer of the heart • The middle layer of the heart • The inner most layer of the heart • combining form meaning fatty substance • ...
Medical Terminology 2021-01-07
25 Clues: rib • eye • soft • head • gate • pain • pain • organ • tumor • hernia • narrow • section • falling • eye-lid • cut into • puncture • enlarged • nail, claw • suspension • blind passage • any condition • surgical removal • marrow, spinal cord • original, production • involuntary movement
Medical Terminology 2021-01-14
21 Clues: ear • red • nose • None • lung • Slow • Heart • liver • within • tongue • cancer • artery • eyelid • stomach • swelling • Enlargement • inflammation • brain, cerebrum • internal organs • surgical removal of • flat shape, interverebral
Medical terminology 2021-02-07
- a progressive condition with symptoms of confusion and memory loss
- caregivers should consider when overwhelmed
- the act of sweating
- a heartrate that is below 60 beats per minute
- excessive fluid in the body
- not following a plan
- something people take for health that is not FDA approved
- ringing in the ears
- low volume
- a group with similar ideas and beliefs are believed to share this
- excessive buffers in the blood seen as a pH level higher than 7.45
- the stopping of blood flow
- a blockage of flow
- contraction and relaxation of the intestines
- a glucose level that produces symptoms similar to a stroke
- swelling of an area of the body
- an enlarged heart
- increased pressure in the eye with gradual loss of sight
- a pH level less than 7.35
- difficulty with swallowing
- Blood pressure higher than normal range
- when a smoker needs to quit smoking them can be sent to smoking ______classes
- a condition of weakened bones
- red blood cells that transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
- a stable equilibrium or balance
25 Clues: low volume • an enlarged heart • a blockage of flow • the act of sweating • ringing in the ears • not following a plan • a pH level less than 7.35 • difficulty with swallowing • the stopping of blood flow • excessive fluid in the body • a condition of weakened bones • swelling of an area of the body • a stable equilibrium or balance • Blood pressure higher than normal range • ...
Medical Terminology 2021-02-10
- enlargement of an organ
- gel-like fluid inside the cell
- malignant tumor of smooth muscle
- inflammation
- within
- tumor composed of fat (benign tumor)
- above, excessive
- disease
- resembling
- alike cells performing specific function
- through, complete
- growth, substance, formation
- abnormal condition
- study of
- new
- joint
- producing cell
- enlargement
- malignant tumor
- pertaining to
20 Clues: new • joint • within • disease • study of • resembling • enlargement • inflammation • pertaining to • producing cell • malignant tumor • above, excessive • through, complete • abnormal condition • enlargement of an organ • growth, substance, formation • gel-like fluid inside the cell • malignant tumor of smooth muscle • tumor composed of fat (benign tumor) • alike cells performing specific function
Medical Terminology 2021-04-04
- Bent inward; denoting a deformity in which the angulation of the part is toward the midline of the body.
- The upper or posterior surface, or the back, of any part.
- meaning "flow or discharge"
- lying face downward, or on the ventral surface.
- Farther from the median.
- Denoting a position above the part indicated by the word to which it is joined.
- Amount of motion at a given joint when the joint is moved by an external force or therapist.
- An accumulation of an excessive amount of fluid in cells, tissues, or serous cavities.
- the act of feeling with the hand; the application of the fingers with light pressure to the surface of the body for the purpose of determining the condition of the parts beneath in physical diagnosis.
- Nearest of the point of origin.
- meaning "similar, beside, beyond, supplementary to, disordered"
- Bruised or discoloration.
- Bending of a joint or extremity.
- Denoting the front surface of the body; often used to indicate the position of one structure relative to another i.e., situated nearer the front part of the body.
- Amount of motion at a given joint when the subject moves the part voluntarily.
- pertaining to the area behind the knee.
- Relating to the sole of the foot or the caudal aspect of the tarsus on the hind limb of an animal.
- Any mechanical injury (usually caused by a blow) resulting in hemorrhage beneath unbroken skin.
- To bring or draw out (something latent).
- The measured beginning and terminal angles, as well as the total degrees of motion, traversed by a joint moved by active muscle contraction or by passive movement.
- Bent out, twisted; denoting a deformity in which the angulation is away from the midline of the body.
- referring to the treatment for sprains and strains.
- Relating to the elbow or the ulna.
- meaning of Around; about; enclosing.
- the escape of blood from the vessels; bleeding.
- a joint or place of junction between two different parts or objects.
- Denoting a position below the part denoted by the word to which it is joined.
- a localized collection of extravasated blood, usually clotted, in an organ, space, or tissue.
- Straightening of a joint or extremity.
- a break or rupture in a bone.
- The practical application of the overload principle to improve muscular strength and size. Resistance is gradually and continually increased to keep pace with strength gains as training progresses.
- Inflammation or disease of.
- Movement of a body part away from the median plane (of the body, in the case of limbs; of the hand or foot, in the case of digits).
- As the occasion arises; as necessary.
- meaning "the same, or self "
- lying with the face upward, or on the dorsal surface.
- A turning outward, as of the eyelid or foot.
- Looseness or freedom of movement in a joint, normal or excessive.
- Point any point on the skin over a muscle at which electrical stimulation (via electrode) causes contraction of the muscle.
- Away of the point of origin.
- Deviation Movement of the wrist toward the little finger side of the forearm.
- a common musculoskeletal symptom that may be either acute or chronic. It may be caused by a variety of diseases and disorders that affect the lumbar spine.
- Deviation Movement of the wrist toward the thumb side of the forearm.
- Everyday routines generally involving functional mobility and personal care, such as bathing, dressing, toileting, and meal preparation. An inability to perform these renders one dependent on others, resulting in a self-care deficit. A major goal of occupational therapy is to enable the client to perform activities of daily living.
- Old The age of the patient.
- Referring to the vola; denoting either the palm of the hand or sole of the foot.
- Pertaining to the palm of the hand or the caudel aspect of the carpus on the forelimb of animal.
- Relating to the middle or center.
- An injury to a ligament when the joint is carried through a range of motion greater than normal, but without dislocation or fracture.
- A sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.
- Indirect, subsidiary, or accessory to the main thing; side by side.
- meaning "excessive flow"
- Patient uses the muscles surrounding the joint to perform the exercise but requires some help from the therapist or equipment.
- Pertaining to the back or any dorsum.
- One who is suffering from disease, injury, an abnormal state, or a mental disorder, and is engaged in related treatment.
- the rotation of the forearm so that the palm of the hand faces downward or backward.
- Amount of motion at a given joint when the joint is applied of resistance.
- Pertaining to the belly or to any venter.
- A crackling or crunching sound heard when the ends of a fractured piece of bone rub against each other.
- lateral rotation of the radioulnar joint to face the palm upwards.
- Extremity The hip, thigh, leg, ankle, and foot.
- a normal bend or curve in a body part, such as the colic flexure of the colon or the dorsal flexure of the spine.
- Normal Limit A term for a CT, MRI or other image or specimen, which the examiner regards as having no significant changes.
- Complaint The primary symptom that a patient states as the reason for seeking medical care.
- Sound having a frequency greater than 30,000 Hz.
- Relating to, affecting or having, two sides.
- meaning "twice, two"
- meaning "against"
- meaning "one or single"
- In health care, record of a patient’s symptoms, illness, and treatment thereof, as well as other life details related to health.
- Denoting the back surface of the body. Often used to indicate the position of one structure relative to another i.e., nearer the back of the body.
- Position Position of the body when the subject facing forward with arms and legs fully extended.
- A turning inward,upside down, or in any direction contrary to the existing one.
- The escape of fluid from the blood vessels or lymphatic into the tissues or a cavity.
- Point a spot on the body at which pressure or other stimulus gives rise to specific sensations or symptoms.
- Situated above or direct upward.
- Movement of a body part towards the median plane (of the body, in the case of limbs; of the hand or foot, in the case of digits).
- Situated below or directed downward.
- An injury to a tendon or muscle resulting from overuse or trauma.
- a test done during the physical examination to determine whether a patient with low back pain.
- Extremity The shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, and hand.
- "bad, painful, disordered"
82 Clues: meaning "against" • meaning "twice, two" • meaning "one or single" • meaning "excessive flow" • Farther from the median. • Bruised or discoloration. • "bad, painful, disordered" • meaning "flow or discharge" • Inflammation or disease of. • Old The age of the patient. • meaning "the same, or self " • Away of the point of origin. • a break or rupture in a bone. • ...
medical terminology 2021-03-06
- deficient
- surgical division of a fibrous band or ring connecting corresponding parts of a body structure
- removal of plaque
- grey bluish green
- under
- nitrogen
- darkness
- condition of hardening
- to run
- liver
- inability to perform mathematical calculations
- abnormal
- air
- pertaining to
- instrument to crush
- inflammation of the brain
- hemorrhage or extravasation of blood into subcutaneous tissue
- to shut
- percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
- nerve root
- computed tomography
- turning outward of the eyelid exposing the conjunctiva
- split
- body
- softening
- lens
26 Clues: air • body • lens • under • split • liver • to run • to shut • nitrogen • darkness • abnormal • deficient • softening • nerve root • pertaining to • removal of plaque • grey bluish green • instrument to crush • computed tomography • condition of hardening • inflammation of the brain • percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy • inability to perform mathematical calculations • ...
- study of skin
- a closed sac under the skin
- is incision of the kidney
- a chronic skin disease with itchy red patches
- infection of the main airway of lungs
- unborn offspring of a mammal
- inflammation of kidney
- is an eating disorder
- death of tissue resulting from lost blood supply
- blood trapped under the skin bruise
- fear of edge
- spleen large
- loss of hair
- bone
- hardened scar tissue
- study around the heart
- a cluster of boils in subtaneous tissue
- skin disorder because of keratinization
- one who studies the heart
- study of urinary tract
- a stem which mean artery
- excessive heat condition
- excessive growth of hair
- small hemorrhagic spot on the skin
- the study of new born
- bacterial skin infection with boils
- a hemorrhage underneath unbroken skin
- blackhead
- inflammation of the nose
- heart record
- blood loss in short mount of time
- inflammation of liver
- abdomen search
- the study of heart
- surgery to reshape the nose
35 Clues: bone • blackhead • fear of edge • heart record • spleen large • loss of hair • study of skin • abdomen search • the study of heart • hardened scar tissue • the study of new born • is an eating disorder • inflammation of liver • study of urinary tract • inflammation of kidney • study around the heart • a stem which mean artery • excessive heat condition • excessive growth of hair • ...
Medical Terminology 2021-09-16
- Dividing medical terms into word parts
- resembling a nerve
- Producing cells
- pertaining to cancer
- Tumor composed of fiber
- From the first letter of words
- inflammation of the bone and joint
- causing tumors
- Tumor composed of fat
- without fever
- Study of tissue
- Cancerous tumor of glandular tissue
- improvement of absence of signs of disease
- Name of a person or place
- state of being diseased
- having a fever
- attached at the beginning
- Study of cells
- Cell with a nucleus
- Resembling fat
20 Clues: without fever • having a fever • Study of cells • causing tumors • Resembling fat • Study of tissue • Producing cells • resembling a nerve • Cell with a nucleus • pertaining to cancer • Tumor composed of fat • state of being diseased • Tumor composed of fiber • Name of a person or place • attached at the beginning • From the first letter of words • inflammation of the bone and joint • ...
Medical Terminology 2021-09-17
- is an abnormal, detrimental cell death caused by external conditions such as trauma, infection, or toxins.
- is a normal, beneficial cell death occurring within the body to eliminate damaged or unneeded cells. In an average adult 50-70 billion cells die
- white blood cell
- tumor composed of glandular tissue (benign)
- study of tumors (a branch of medicine concerned with the study of malignant tumors)
- pertaining to yellow color
- tumor of connective tissue (such as bone or cartilage; highly malignant)
- having a fever
- tumor composed of fat (benign tumor)
- tumor of green color (malignant, arising from myeloid tissue)
- cancerous black tumor (malignant)
- malignant tumor composed of fiber (fibrous tissue)
- tending to become progressively worse and to cause death as in cancer
- complete set of genes
- term derived from a name or place
- term formed from the first letters of a phrase
- inflammation of the liver
- cancerous tumor (malignant)
- red blood cell
- study of causes (of diseases)
20 Clues: having a fever • red blood cell • white blood cell • complete set of genes • inflammation of the liver • pertaining to yellow color • cancerous tumor (malignant) • study of causes (of diseases) • cancerous black tumor (malignant) • term derived from a name or place • tumor composed of fat (benign tumor) • tumor composed of glandular tissue (benign) • ...
Medical Terminology 2021-09-07
- a branch of medicine for pain relief before during and after surgery
- a branch of medicine concerning diseases and conditions of the digestive system
- broken bones of various types
- an after death examination to find out the cause of death
- When the bone has loss it's density and strength
- A dome shaped muscle that contracts rhythmically
- the passageway for food on its way to the stomach and for the air route to the lungs
- a prefix meaning within or inside
- hollow organ that holds food while it's breaking down food into a usable form with enzymes
- a prefix meaning through or across
- suffix meaning incision
- a branch of medicine that pertains anything in the nervous system
- the passageway of air to the lungs
- a branch of medicine that treats and diagnoses patients with skin disorders and diseases
- the part of the digestive system made to digest the food
- term when a bone has a disease
- a suffix meaning pain
- the dense tough outer shell of the bone
- a fluid made in your liver to digest fats
- a suffix meaning visual examination
20 Clues: a suffix meaning pain • suffix meaning incision • broken bones of various types • term when a bone has a disease • a prefix meaning within or inside • the passageway of air to the lungs • a prefix meaning through or across • a suffix meaning visual examination • the dense tough outer shell of the bone • a fluid made in your liver to digest fats • ...
Medical Terminology 2021-10-03
- Second word in the acronym 'TIA'
- Suffix meaning 'stopping or controllin'
- Root word meaning 'bile'
- Root word meaning 'clump together'
- Surgical repair of a blood vessel
- A condition in which the body absorbs too much iron
- Prefix meaning 'same'
- Suffix meaning 'condition'
- Condition 'caused by medical treatment'
- First word in the acronym 'ESR'
- Prefix meaning 'red'
- Condition 'lack of blood'
- Device used to measure blood pressure
- Combining form for cell
- Last word in the acronym 'HDL'
- A common electrolyte 'K+'
- Third word in the acronym 'SPS'
- Prefix meaning 'white'
- Root word for artery
- 'Nothing by mouth'
- Combining form for blood
- Suffix meaning 'to cut'
- Acronym for the anticoagulant found in a Lavender top tube
- Root word for elbow
24 Clues: 'Nothing by mouth' • Root word for elbow • Prefix meaning 'red' • Root word for artery • Prefix meaning 'same' • Prefix meaning 'white' • Combining form for cell • Suffix meaning 'to cut' • Root word meaning 'bile' • Combining form for blood • Condition 'lack of blood' • A common electrolyte 'K+' • Suffix meaning 'condition' • Last word in the acronym 'HDL' • ...
Medical terminology 2022-05-10
26 Clues: fat • new • old • ear • ear • vein • slow • skin • upon • four • small • below • ovary • labor • record • kidney • breath • cavity • feeling • bladder • together • weakness • loosened • wedge shaped • twitch, pull, pluck • abdominal wall, loin flank
Medical Terminology 2022-11-03
Medical Terminology 2022-10-08
- recording an image using xrays
- Red Blood Cell
- Abnormally slow heartrate
- Malignant blood disease
- The process of restricting and confining and xray beam to a given area
- Pertaining to water
- tool used to evaluate the ear
- Sterile urine collection
- blood in urine
- newborn
- inflammation of the gingiva
- tool used to evaluate the eyes
- producing a lot of urine
- Lack of blood
- Abnormally fast heartrate
- White blood cell
- Inflammation of the skin
- inflammation of the joints
- inflammation of the ear
- Eating Feces
- Pertaining to the head
- pertaining to the ear
22 Clues: newborn • Eating Feces • Lack of blood • Red Blood Cell • blood in urine • White blood cell • Pertaining to water • pertaining to the ear • Pertaining to the head • Malignant blood disease • inflammation of the ear • producing a lot of urine • Inflammation of the skin • Sterile urine collection • Abnormally slow heartrate • Abnormally fast heartrate • inflammation of the joints • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-10-20
- inflammation
- difficulty breathing
- deficiency of WBC
- blood clot under the skin
- upper arm bone
- myo
- ribs
- one who studies or specializes
- requiring the presence of air
- the best AAMA chapter in north ga
- any of the small bones that make up the back bone
- one of two lower arm bones
- urination occurring at night
- heart; root word
- entire back bone
- root for lung
- ovary root
- the smaller of two lower leg bones
- involuntary contraction
- large
- red blood cell
- suffix meaning dilation/stretching
- knee cap
- under the skin
- upper jaw bone
- chest bone
- looking at blood vessels with dye
- shoulder blade
- slow heart
- excessive; too much
- cyan
- low RBC count
- abbrev. for stroke
34 Clues: ECG • myo • ribs • cyan • large • knee cap • ovary root • chest bone • slow heart • inflammation • root for lung • low RBC count • red blood cell • under the skin • upper jaw bone • upper arm bone • shoulder blade • entire back bone • heart; root word • deficiency of WBC • abbrev. for stroke • excessive; too much • difficulty breathing • involuntary contraction • blood clot under the skin • one of two lower arm bones • ...
Medical Terminology 2022-10-24
- Both sides of the midline
- Movement of a joint by decreasing the angle of the joint
- Top, or nearer the head
- Front of a human
- Meaning Kidneys
- Meaning high or excessive
- Movment of a join by increasing the angle of the joint
- Meaning below normal, or under
- Rear of a human
- Invisible line running down the center of the body
- Meaning heart
- shallow, closer to the surface
- Away from the body
- Near the body
- Meaning Liver
- Meaning chest
- Fast, or rapid
- Meaning Mind
- Farther insider the body
- bottom, or away from the head
- Meaning nerves
- Slow
22 Clues: Slow • Meaning Mind • Near the body • Meaning Liver • Meaning chest • Meaning heart • Fast, or rapid • Meaning nerves • Meaning Kidneys • Rear of a human • Front of a human • Away from the body • Top, or nearer the head • Farther insider the body • Both sides of the midline • Meaning high or excessive • bottom, or away from the head • Meaning below normal, or under • shallow, closer to the surface • ...
medical terminology 2022-11-16
25 Clues: ear • egg • mild • spot • gate • coil • bile • chest • scale • wedge • cheek • organ • under • tumor • mouth • fungus • nature • against • bladder • puncture • membrane • suspension • nail, claw • blind passage • marrow, spinal cord
Medical Terminology 2017-12-12
- what region is the bellybutton located?
- term for white
- what cavity is the heart located?
- term for heart
- forms the extremities
- how many functions does the muscular system have?
- medical term for hernia
- the top skin layer
- surgical repair
- opening in the body
- a wart caused by a viral infection of the skin
- how many regions are there?
- how many types of muscles are there?
- term for partial paralysis
- cavity houses the bladder.
- forms the main trunk of the body
- cavity houses the stomach.
- main part of the word
- term for inflammation
- plural form of the ends of the bones
- term for study of
- a membrane that lines the medullary canal and keeps the yellow marrow intact.
- the medical term for skin
- term for surgical suture
- term for condition/procedure
- the medical term for muscle
- the medical term for tissue
- only type of muscle that is voluntary
- cavity houses the brain?
- term for location/time
30 Clues: term for white • term for heart • surgical repair • term for study of • the top skin layer • opening in the body • main part of the word • term for inflammation • forms the extremities • term for location/time • medical term for hernia • term for surgical suture • cavity houses the brain? • the medical term for skin • cavity houses the bladder. • cavity houses the stomach. • ...
Medical Terminology 2017-12-13
- bones of spinal cord
- hardening
- genetic material in a chromosome
- relationship between a nerve and muscle
- move toward midline of body
- move away from body
- suffix surgical repair
- eyelid
- area where bones join or fuse together
- disease across the world
- passage or opening in a bone
- spiny, throny
- gray matter
- thigh bone
- connects bone to muscle
- disease throughout a community
- soft spot in skull
- fibrous membrane that covers bones except at joints
- suffix a rupture
- covers muscles
- membrane that protects abdominal organs
- unnatural bluish tint to skin
- controls cell's activities
- cartilage
- sweat
- connects bone to bone
- fat
- joint
- cancerous
- pain
30 Clues: fat • pain • sweat • joint • eyelid • hardening • cartilage • cancerous • thigh bone • gray matter • spiny, throny • covers muscles • suffix a rupture • soft spot in skull • move away from body • bones of spinal cord • connects bone to bone • suffix surgical repair • connects bone to muscle • disease across the world • controls cell's activities • move toward midline of body • passage or opening in a bone • ...
Medical Terminology 2018-07-12
- Like or resembling mucus
- Four children
- Prediction if disease outcome
- Inflammation of the lungs
- Same/Constant state
- Specializes in kids
- Pertaining to the heart
- Blockage in vessel
- First
- Pertaining to anatomy
- Towards the body
- Determination of disease or defect
- pertaining to the voice
- Bone of the spine
- Thin fluid
- Psecialist in a field of study
- Repair of the nose
- Blood clot in a vessel
- Specializes in bones
- Away from
- Resembling a sac
- Inability to sleep
- Study of function in living things
- Female reproduction cell
- Knee cap
25 Clues: First • Knee cap • Away from • Thin fluid • Four children • Resembling a sac • Towards the body • Bone of the spine • Repair of the nose • Inability to sleep • Blockage in vessel • Same/Constant state • Specializes in kids • Specializes in bones • Pertaining to anatomy • Blood clot in a vessel • Pertaining to the heart • pertaining to the voice • Like or resembling mucus • Female reproduction cell • ...
Medical terminology 2018-07-12
- prefix for three
- prefix for one
- fear
- the act of vomiting
- movement away from the bodies midline
- the pigment that affects the skin and hair color
- the bluish discoloration of the skin
- movement towards the bodies midline
- a medical practitioner specializing in children and their diseases
- the study and treatment of the skin
- an antigenic poison or venom
- the study of
- responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood
- knee
- prefix for quad
- half
- concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the foot and ankle.
- used to kill bacteria or infection
- the study of the aging process
- prefix for two
20 Clues: fear • knee • half • the study of • prefix for one • prefix for two • prefix for quad • prefix for three • the act of vomiting • an antigenic poison or venom • the study of the aging process • used to kill bacteria or infection • movement towards the bodies midline • the study and treatment of the skin • the bluish discoloration of the skin • movement away from the bodies midline • ...
Medical Terminology 2019-04-17
- dropping, downward displacement
- before birth
- occurring before the proper time
- high body temperature
- composed of similar cells
- determination of a disease
- study and treatment of children
- study and treatment of skeleton and joints
- pertaining to the heart
- plastic repair of the nose
- a newborn infant
- inner layer of a developing embryo
- enlargement of the colon
- mass of nervous tissue
- bones of fingers
- practitioner of medicine
- easy or painless death
- large enough to be seen without a microscope
- having variable body temperature
- pertaining to the jaw
- bone of spine
- pertaining to the skin
- difficult or abnormal
- inflammation of the lung
- remove calcium
25 Clues: before birth • bone of spine • remove calcium • a newborn infant • bones of fingers • high body temperature • pertaining to the jaw • difficult or abnormal • easy or painless death • pertaining to the skin • mass of nervous tissue • pertaining to the heart • practitioner of medicine • inflammation of the lung • enlargement of the colon • composed of similar cells • determination of a disease • ...
Medical Terminology 2019-09-15
- of injury You ask your patient "what happened?" in order to determine the MOI. What does MOI stand for?
- Surgical removal of the uterus
- Descriptive term that means away from the trunk
- medical term that describes inflammation of a tendon
- this abbreviation is used when the patient has normal exam results or is within normal limits
- The branch of medicine that deals with disorders of the stomach and intestines
- A patch that administers medicine across the skin (i.e. nicotine patch) can be described as
- Furthest from the midline
- this abbreviation is used to describe the primary problem or complaint of the patient
- You are writing a note and want to indicate that the patient has full range of motion. What abbreviation do you use?
- A patient with an eye injury or disease would be referred to this specialist
- a fast pulse or heart rate would be called
- the prefix term that means "arm"
- The stopping of a flow of blood
- joint movement in which the joint angle gets smaller
- pain in the term for the disease fibromyalgia the part of the term "myalgia" refers to
- the flu shot is an example of an injection that goes into a muscle. this type of injection is:
- to describe the tissue surrounding a wound you would use the perfix:
- Within the stomach
- a concussion does not always result in a loss of consciousness, which is abbreviated as:
20 Clues: Within the stomach • Furthest from the midline • Surgical removal of the uterus • The stopping of a flow of blood • the prefix term that means "arm" • a fast pulse or heart rate would be called • Descriptive term that means away from the trunk • joint movement in which the joint angle gets smaller • medical term that describes inflammation of a tendon • ...
Medical Terminology 2019-10-08
- dropping, downward
- first
- plastic repair to the nose
- red blood cell
- made up of two parts
- pertaining to the heart
- cut
- pertaining to nucleus
- lack of muscle tone
- bluish discoloration of the skin due to lack of oxygen
- pertaining to the elements and their interactions
- illusion or imaginary
- pertaining to jaw
- having many forms
- pertaining to circulation
- form into one part
- cancer of white blood cells
- difficult or abnormal function
- one-half of a rounded structure
- false name
- lacking water
- discrimination based of race
- yellow growth
- pertaining to the voice
- Dark pigment that colors the hair and skin
25 Clues: cut • first • false name • lacking water • yellow growth • red blood cell • having many forms • pertaining to jaw • dropping, downward • form into one part • lack of muscle tone • made up of two parts • pertaining to nucleus • illusion or imaginary • pertaining to the heart • pertaining to the voice • pertaining to circulation • plastic repair to the nose • cancer of white blood cells • ...
Medical Terminology 2023-05-12
- Diabetes Mellitus (abbreviation)
- have thinner walls and carry blood toward the heart
- similar to lungs
- a heart attack
- surgical puncture to remove fluid
- narrowing in the arteries surrounding the heart
- uses ultrasound to look at the heart and its vessels
- the heart is not efficiently pumping from the left ventricle causing reduced blood flow
- blood pressure cuff
- the pericardial sac around the heart is inflamed
- Impression (abbreviation)
- T (unabbreviated)
- listens to heart and lungs
- have very thin walls so the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as well as the exchange of nutrients can occur
- surgical removal
- have thick walls that carry blood away from the heart
- to look at vessels
- looks at blood going through blood vessels
- Potassium Chloride (abbreviation)
- process of cutting
- pumps blood to the body
- rupture
- chest
- Hypertension (abbreviation)
- an artery has a weakened wall
25 Clues: chest • rupture • a heart attack • similar to lungs • surgical removal • T (unabbreviated) • to look at vessels • process of cutting • blood pressure cuff • pumps blood to the body • Impression (abbreviation) • listens to heart and lungs • Hypertension (abbreviation) • an artery has a weakened wall • Diabetes Mellitus (abbreviation) • surgical puncture to remove fluid • ...
Medical terminology 2023-05-09
- physical or psychological wound
- defense against infectious disease
- sudden severe
- drooping downward displacement of organs
- organism to small to be seen
- invasive growing tumor
- tumor abnormal growth
- disease breakout proportion of the whole world
- uncontrolled growth of tissue
- presence of harmful toxins
- poison
- abnormal filled sac or pouch
- ingestion of organisms
- lessening of disease symptoms
- long duration slow progression
- heat pain redness swelling
- malignant neoplasm
- protrusion of an organ
- not recurrent
- cause of disease
- organism growing within another organism
- spreading from one part of the body to the other
- fluid from inflammation
- accumulation of fluid
- malignant neoplasm
- death of tissue
- breakout of a large proportion
- organism capable of causing disease
- worsening of disease symptoms
- distinct area of damaged skin
30 Clues: poison • not recurrent • sudden severe • death of tissue • cause of disease • malignant neoplasm • malignant neoplasm • accumulation of fluid • tumor abnormal growth • ingestion of organisms • protrusion of an organ • invasive growing tumor • fluid from inflammation • heat pain redness swelling • presence of harmful toxins • organism to small to be seen • abnormal filled sac or pouch • ...
Medical Terminology 2023-05-05
- Comes at the end and modifies the central meaning as to what or who is interacting with it or what is happening to it
- micro
- less, down, under
- macro
- Osteo/o
- -megaly
- Tachy-
- excessive, high, above
- -pnea
- abnormal condition
- sub
- Card-
- to cut out (remove)
- slow
- -itis
- -therm
- Comes at the beginning and usually identifies some subdivision or part of the central meaning
- Usually the middle of the word and its central meaning
- around
- Brady-
- Myo-
- Lip/o
- within, inside of
23 Clues: sub • slow • Myo- • -itis • micro • macro • -pnea • Lip/o • Card- • -therm • around • Tachy- • Brady- • Osteo/o • -megaly • less, down, under • within, inside of • abnormal condition • to cut out (remove) • excessive, high, above • Usually the middle of the word and its central meaning • Comes at the beginning and usually identifies some subdivision or part of the central meaning • ...
Medical Terminology 2023-06-28
- a measure of body fat based on height and weight.
- Related to the heart
- plane that separates the body into unequal right and left halves
- System that transports oxygen, nutrients and hormones throughout the body and eliminates cellular metabolic waste
- Disease or disease process.
- Related to bone
- body system that contains female ovaries, male testes, and pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands
- Blood pressure
- to the side of, or away from, the middle of the body.
- Signifies a condition that begins abruptly and is sometimes severe, but the duration is short.
- The outer layer of the skin.
- A medical device that uses electric shocks to restore normal heartbeat.
- Surgical removal of something.
- body system that consisted of heart and blood vessels
- made up of the thoracic cavity, and the abdominopelvic cavity.
- toward the middle or center
- Related to the stomach
- superficial reddening of the skin.
- Signifies inflammation.
- High blood pressure
- region that is the upper middle area of the abdomen.
- In front of, front.
- green
- False or deceptive, usually in regard to appearance
- Large in size.
25 Clues: green • Blood pressure • Large in size. • Related to bone • High blood pressure • In front of, front. • Related to the heart • Related to the stomach • Signifies inflammation. • toward the middle or center • Disease or disease process. • The outer layer of the skin. • Surgical removal of something. • superficial reddening of the skin. • a measure of body fat based on height and weight. • ...
Medical Terminology 2023-06-18
- instrument to view stomach
- condition of blood in urine
- pertaining to after menopause
- condition of urea in blood
- incision into a bone
- absence of breathing
- pertaining to nerve pain
- condition of less than normal calcium in the blood
- pain in joint
- condition of difficulty swallowing
- process of viewing the urinary bladder
- pertaining to the top layer of the skin
- enlargement of the liver
- condition of excessive sugar in blood
- condition of decreased bone density
- condition of abnormal hardening of the arteries
- inflammation of mouth
- inflammation of bone and bone marrow
- incision into the skull
- pertaining to through the urethra
- the formation or production of bone
- surgical removal of the tonsils
- surgical excision of half of the stomach
- surgical repair of nose
- inflammation of the kidney
- tissue surrounding the heart
- inflammation of gallbladder
- person who specialises in the study of blood
- inflammation of the brain
29 Clues: pain in joint • incision into a bone • absence of breathing • inflammation of mouth • incision into the skull • surgical repair of nose • pertaining to nerve pain • enlargement of the liver • inflammation of the brain • instrument to view stomach • condition of urea in blood • inflammation of the kidney • condition of blood in urine • inflammation of gallbladder • ...
Medical Terminology 2023-08-16
- three times a day
- by mouth
- acute care team, rapid response for immediate intervention
- twice a day
- remote monitoring of a patient's heart rhythm
- device that delivers oxygen to a patient through the nose
- to walk
- do not resuscitate
- by self, freely
- four times a day
- immediately
- something that has persisted for a long time
- surgical site infection
- personal protective equipment
- ____ care, or comfort care, focuses on quality of life and comfort for patients with severe chronic illness
- sequential compression devices used to prevent blood clots
- a camera that can be placed in patient rooms for safety concerns
- protection for staff from patients with infectious diseases
- ambulates with staff supervision, not hands on
- urinalysis
- a container placed in the toilet to measure urine output or collect a speciem
- new onset of something
- catheter associated urinary tract infection
- before meals and at bedtime
- deep vein thrombosis (blood clot)
- hospital acquired pressure injury
- anything that restricts a patient from moving freely
- patient's heart has stopped beating or patient has stopped breathing
- range of motion
- nothing by mouth
- central line associated bloodstream infection
- a urinary catheter that drains the bladder
- activities of daily living
33 Clues: to walk • by mouth • urinalysis • twice a day • immediately • by self, freely • range of motion • four times a day • nothing by mouth • three times a day • do not resuscitate • new onset of something • surgical site infection • activities of daily living • before meals and at bedtime • personal protective equipment • deep vein thrombosis (blood clot) • hospital acquired pressure injury • ...
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