medical Crossword Puzzles
Medical Terminology Crossword Puzzle 2021-02-12
- words derived from a person, name or place.
- tumor composed of epithelium
- an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word
- prefix that mean within
- the study of tumors.
- pertaining to the body
- a word part that is attached to the beginning of a word to modify its meaning
- a word part that it is attached to the end of a word to modify its meaning
- having a fever
- abnormal development
- tumor composed of fat
- causing tumors
- root word that means bone
- one of the languages medical terminology is based off of
- abnormal condition of yellow (discoloration)
- basic unit of living things
- abbreviation for metastases
- treatment of cancer with drugs
- large internal organs contained in the body cavities, especially in the abdominal cavity
- suffix than means control, stop or standing.
20 Clues: causing tumors • having a fever • the study of tumors. • abnormal development • tumor composed of fat • pertaining to the body • prefix that mean within • root word that means bone • basic unit of living things • abbreviation for metastases • tumor composed of epithelium • treatment of cancer with drugs • words derived from a person, name or place. • ...
Medical Terminology Unit 4 2021-02-13
- tissues growing together that normally do not
- physician (DO)
- surgical puncture to remove fluid from chest
- specialist in straightening teeth
- post-polio syndrome (abbr.)
- tissue around the teeth
- defective development of bone marrow
- excision of cartilage
- synonym for tenoplasty
- suffix for development
- pertaining to ribs and cartilage
- process of examining a joint with a scope
- condition of porous bones
- pertaining to the abdomen
- dentist (abbr.)
- enlarged head due to fluid (congenital)
- used to measure chest circumference
- rheumatoid arthritis (abbr.)
- person who develops artificial limbs
- area above the lower back or waist
- bone cancer
- inflamed tendon
- raising arm to side away from the middle
23 Clues: bone cancer • physician (DO) • dentist (abbr.) • inflamed tendon • excision of cartilage • synonym for tenoplasty • suffix for development • tissue around the teeth • condition of porous bones • pertaining to the abdomen • post-polio syndrome (abbr.) • rheumatoid arthritis (abbr.) • pertaining to ribs and cartilage • specialist in straightening teeth • area above the lower back or waist • ...
Medical Terminology Crossword Puzzle 2021-02-12
- largest structure within the cell that is the control center containing chromosomes and the source of energy production for the cell
- basic unit of all living things
- genetic material that regulates the activities of the cell and comprises each gene
- composed of glands that secrete hormones
- producing cells
- study of tissue
- cell with a nucleus
- terms built from the first letter of words in a phrase that can be spoken as a whole word that usually contains a vowel
- large internal organs contained in the body cavities, especially in the abdominal cavity
- prefix meaning within
- suffix meaning disease
- gel-like fluid inside the cell
- red blood cells
- abnormal development
- white blood cell
- regions within the chromosome that determine hereditary characteristics
- space inside the spinal column containing the spinal cord
- word root meaning bone
- study of medicine
- suffix meaning inflammation
- space inside the skull containing brain
- word root meaning joint
- study of causes of diseases
- pertaining to the internal organs
- terms derived from the name of a person or place
25 Clues: producing cells • study of tissue • red blood cells • white blood cell • study of medicine • cell with a nucleus • abnormal development • prefix meaning within • word root meaning bone • suffix meaning disease • word root meaning joint • suffix meaning inflammation • study of causes of diseases • gel-like fluid inside the cell • basic unit of all living things • ...
Medical Terminology Unit 2 2021-01-31
- red skin
- embryonic pigment cells
- low platelet count
- image made using ultrasound
- suffix; condition in the blood
- enlarged stomach
- increase number of red blood cells
- complete blood count (abbr.)
- instrument: makes an image (tracing) of heart activity (electrical)
- physician specialist in imaging (x-ray)
- combining form for yellow
- physician specialist in study of disease
- suffix; incision into
- study of the skin
- suffix; new surgical opening
- suffix; image or picutre
- diagnostic medical sonography (abbr.)
- combining form for tissue
- technologist who studies cells
- _____cardiography
- cardiac care unit (abbr.)
21 Clues: red skin • enlarged stomach • study of the skin • _____cardiography • low platelet count • suffix; incision into • embryonic pigment cells • suffix; image or picutre • combining form for yellow • combining form for tissue • cardiac care unit (abbr.) • image made using ultrasound • suffix; new surgical opening • complete blood count (abbr.) • suffix; condition in the blood • ...
Medical Detectives 2021 Crossword 2021-02-16
- A child’s doctor
- What a patient has
- What causes a disease
- How fast your heart is beating
- A positive test to compare with a patients test
- A negative test to compare with a patients test
- How warm or cold your body is
- The pressure of the blood in your circulatory system
- The thing that stays the same during an experiment
- Small section of DNA or RNA that is surrounded by a protein coat
- What you think will happen in an experiment
- Something that occurs when you are sick
- The information that you gather from an experiment
- How fast you are breathing
- The blood pressure when the heart is resting
- The blood pressure when the heart is contracting
- Unicellular microorganism that can cause disease
- A jelly like substance that is made from various kinds of seaweed
- What gets taken when you first enter a doctors office
- Reasonable
20 Clues: Reasonable • A child’s doctor • What a patient has • What causes a disease • How fast you are breathing • How warm or cold your body is • How fast your heart is beating • Something that occurs when you are sick • What you think will happen in an experiment • The blood pressure when the heart is resting • A positive test to compare with a patients test • ...
Medical Terminology: Chapter 9 2021-03-10
- to expand; the period during the cardiac cycle when blood enters the relaxed ventricles from the atria
- a localized area of necrosis (dead tissue cells) caused by ischemia resulting from occlusion of a blood vessel
- a device used to treat slow heart rates (bradycardia) by electrically stimulating the heart to contract
- capillaries are tiny vessels that join arterioles and _________
- ___________ circulation is the circulation of blood throughout the body via arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins to deliver oxygen and nutrients
- surgical repair of a heart valve
- the root word steth/o and pector/o means _______
- ___cuspid valve is the valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle
- ______ is the root word for pulse
- the heart valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle AKA bicuspid valve
- fusiform ____________ a spindle-shaped bulge of an artery
- ___________ pericardium is the layer of the pericardium closest to the heart
- this is a condition of low blood pressure
- what membrane lines the cavities of the heart
- a procedure that joins two blood vessels to allow flow from one to the other
- small vessels that receive blood from the arteries
- limping; pain in a limb (especially the calf) while walking that subsides after rest
- fluid-filled protective sac enclosing the heart composed of two layers
- the interatrial _______ is the partition between the right and left atria
- the resting state of a myocardial cell ixin______________
- the P in BP stands for blood ____________
- root word coron/o means _______or crown
- this term means the heart muscle in short
- to contract; the period during the cardiac cycle when the heart is in contraction and blood is ejected through the aorta and the pulmonary artery
- the root word atri means
- the root word angi/o andvascul/o means
- what is the acronym for regular heart rhythm of the heart cycle stimulated by the SA node (average rate of 60-100 beats/minute)
27 Clues: the root word atri means • surgical repair of a heart valve • ______ is the root word for pulse • the root word angi/o andvascul/o means • root word coron/o means _______or crown • the P in BP stands for blood ____________ • this term means the heart muscle in short • this is a condition of low blood pressure • what membrane lines the cavities of the heart • ...
Medical Terminology: Chapter 9 2021-03-10
- a device used to treat slow heart rates (bradycardia) by electrically stimulating the heart to contract
- fluid-filled protective sac enclosing the heart composed of two layers
- ___________ pericardium is the layer of the pericardium closest to the heart
- ___________ circulation is the circulation of blood throughout the body via arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins to deliver oxygen and nutrients
- what is the acronym for regular heart rhythm of the heart cycle stimulated by the SA node (average rate of 60-100 beats/minute)
- surgical repair of a heart valve
- a localized area of necrosis (dead tissue cells) caused by ischemia resulting from occlusion of a blood vessel
- Beta-_____________ blocking agents inhibit responses to sympathetic adrenergic nerve activity, causing a slowing of electrical conduction and heart rate and a lowering of the pressure within the walls
- A in ACE stands for _____________- converting enzyme
- ___cuspid valve is the valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle
- the root word atri means
- the interatrial _______ is the partition between the right and left atria
- to contract; the period during the cardiac cycle when the heart is in contraction and blood is ejected through the aorta and the pulmonary artery
- this term means the heart muscle in short
- limping; pain in a limb (especially the calf) while walking that subsides after rest
- what membrane lines the cavities of the heart
- small vessels that receive blood from the arteries
- the heart valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle AKA bicuspid valve
- the root word steth/o and pector/o means _______
- root word coron/o means _______or crown
- this is a condition of low blood pressure
- the P in BP stands for blood ____________
- a procedure that joins two blood vessels to allow flow from one to the other
- the root word angi/o andvascul/o means
- capillaries are tiny vessels that join arterioles and _________
- to expand; the period during the cardiac cycle when blood enters the relaxed ventricles from the atria
- the resting state of a myocardial cell ixin______________
- a drug that increases the force of myocardial contractions in the heart commonly used to treat congestive heart failure
- fusiform ____________ a spindle-shaped bulge of an artery
- ______ is the root word for pulse
30 Clues: the root word atri means • surgical repair of a heart valve • ______ is the root word for pulse • the root word angi/o andvascul/o means • root word coron/o means _______or crown • this is a condition of low blood pressure • the P in BP stands for blood ____________ • this term means the heart muscle in short • what membrane lines the cavities of the heart • ...
Medical Terminology Chapter 2 2021-01-07
- direction toward/nearer the side of the body
- spaces in the body that protect internal organs
- situated near the midline or beginning of a body structure
- situated in the back
- vertical plane,divides body into front/back
- horizontal plane dividing the upper and lower portions of the body
- refers to the back of the organ or body
- uppermost, toward head
- vertical plane dividing the body into unequal right and left portions
- known as the midline/divides the body into equal left and right halves
- located within the skull, protects the brain
- study of the structure of the body
- direction toward/nearer the midline
- toward the head
- the body standing in standard position
- situated in the front
- situated farthest from the midline
- toward the lower part of the body
- imaginary lines used to divide the body
- up and down plane at a right angle to the horizon
- along the back and contains organs of the nervous system
- front, or belly side of the organ or body
- located within the spine/protects the spinal cord
- lowermost,toward the feet
- study of functions of the structure of body
25 Clues: toward the head • situated in the back • situated in the front • uppermost, toward head • lowermost,toward the feet • toward the lower part of the body • situated farthest from the midline • study of the structure of the body • direction toward/nearer the midline • the body standing in standard position • imaginary lines used to divide the body • ...
Medical Term. Crossword Puzzle 2021-01-07
- A blood vessel that carries de-oxygenated blood from the tissues back to the heart.
- Inflammation of the liver.
- A lack of water in the body. 46
- Body, A part of a nerve cell that contains the nucleus
- System in the nervous system that consists of the brain & spinal cord. HINT: It´s the abbreviation.
- Inflammation of the pancreas.
- Acid, The building blocks of proteins
- When the food material is broken down (Mechanically and Chemically).
- Visual examination of abdominal cavity
- A blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the rest of the body.
- A protrusion of an organ or the muscular wall of an organ.
- Piece of cartilage that prevents food from entering the windpipe and lungs.
- One of two tubes leading from kidneys to the urinary bladder (urine passes through it).33
- Membrane, Organelle in the cell that protects the cell and acts as a selectively permeable barrier.
- The major nitrogenous waste excreted in urine
- A pancreatic enzyme that allows the body to digest fats.
- An individual nerve cell HINT: There are billions of them
- Part of the respiratory system that contains the vocal cords, and is also referred to as the ¨voice box¨
- Medical term for red blood cells that carry O2 from lungs to the rest of the body.
- Forming a mouth-like opening in the trachea with the purpose of inserting a tube to allow passage of air or remove mucus.
- When the digested food is passed into the blood stream and nutrients travel to all cells of body.
- Organelle that provides the main source of energy (ATP).
- Double-layered membrane that surrounds each lung
- Part of the brain that is responsible for coordinating voluntary movements and allows to maintain balance.
- Also known as a nose bleed.
- A term that means ´chewing.´
- Space between neurons, in which an impulse travels through.
- A collection of fibers that carry electrical impulses throughout the body to the brain.
- A condition characterized by a slow heartbeat. 41
- Means NOT cancerous
- Substance given to patients to stop infections caused specifically by bacteria.
- Inflammation of the gums.
- Difficulty swallowing or eating.
- A flow/discharge of bowel movements.
- Smallest living unit of life.
- Another way of saying ¨simple sugar¨
- A discharge (of mucus) in the nose, also known as a runny nose.
- Top part of a lung
- dark feces with digested blood.
- Lower portion of lung
- The tail on a male sperm cell that makes it mobile
- Medical term for a newborn child.
- Hormone produced by pancreas that regulates glucose levels in the blood.
- Also known as white blood cells.
- Glucose when stores in liver cells
- First part of the large intestine
- Process of breaking down complex foods to produce and release energy.
- When food material is taken into the mouth.
- Hormone produced that stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow.
- Visual examination of the colon
50 Clues: Top part of a lung • Means NOT cancerous • Lower portion of lung • Inflammation of the gums. • Inflammation of the liver. • Also known as a nose bleed. • A term that means ´chewing.´ • Inflammation of the pancreas. • Smallest living unit of life. • A lack of water in the body. 46 • dark feces with digested blood. • Visual examination of the colon • Difficulty swallowing or eating. • ...
Medical Abbreviations 50-75 2020-11-11
- complains of
- Chief Executive Officer
- strept
- congestive heart failure
- coronary heart disease
- coronary intensive care unit
- complete blood count
- CA
- chol
- acro
- coronary care unit
- cap
- central nervous system
- cath
- Ca
- sac
- cm
- computerized axial tomography
- upon
- water
- Certified Medical Assistant
- self
- C
- chief complaint
- cubic centimeter
- rib
- Certified Nurse Practitioner
- ck
- breast
- liquid cl liq
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- calorie
- complete bedrest
- carbon monoxide
34 Clues: C • cm • CA • ck • Ca • rib • cap • sac • upon • self • chol • acro • cath • water • strept • breast • calorie • complains of • liquid cl liq • chief complaint • carbon monoxide • cubic centimeter • complete bedrest • coronary care unit • complete blood count • coronary heart disease • central nervous system • Chief Executive Officer • congestive heart failure • Certified Medical Assistant • coronary intensive care unit • ...
Chapter 2 Medical Terms 2020-01-26
- pertaining to the meter or measurement
- vein
- mass of nervous tissue
- voice box
- pertaining to the muscle
- disorder of the mind
- blood clot
- pertaining to respiration
- pertaining to prediction of disease outcome
- type of microorganism
- is a opening of a organ or vessel
- alcohol dependence
- pertaining to fever
- inability to sleep
- heart
- illusion or imaginary
- pertaining to the surface
- lack of blood or hemoglobin
- gums
- acid body condition
- center or core
- posture is a standard in the study of anatomy
- male reproductive organ
- study of skin
- pertaining to surgery
- knee
- pertaining to the urine
- pertaining to the diet
- blockage in a vessel
29 Clues: gums • vein • knee • heart • voice box • blood clot • study of skin • center or core • alcohol dependence • inability to sleep • acid body condition • pertaining to fever • disorder of the mind • blockage in a vessel • pertaining to surgery • type of microorganism • illusion or imaginary • mass of nervous tissue • pertaining to the diet • male reproductive organ • pertaining to the urine • ...
AQA Medical Physics Crossword 2020-05-02
- Adjusted scale of sound loudness, factoring in ear sensitivity at different frequencies (3, acronym)
- Part of the eye which has cells that convert incident light to an electrical signal (6)
- Unit of sound 'loudness'
- The view offered by a CT scan (5,7)
- Part of the eye with a fixed lensing power of 43D (6)
- Part of the eye - aperture controlling amount of light entering the eye (5)
- Clear colourless liquid which fills the eye ((8,5)
- Electromagnetic wave that can ionise (4)
- A special crystal structure which translates forces into a potential difference across it (13)
- The property of the MRI magnetic field allowing different crosssections to have different frequency emissions of RF (8)
- Coiled up resonance tube lined with cells which convert vibrations to electrical signals (7)
- Property of a real image formed on the retina (8)
- Property of the images by concave lenses (8)
- A fibreoptic enabled device used to view internal organs of the body (9)
- Sound waves of frequency over 20 kHz (10)
- Ear drum (8,8)
- Technology using RF waves emitted from dexciting spin states of propons (3)
- Arrangement of fibreoptic fibres in a cable to transmit an image accurately (8)
- Part of the eye which gives it a characteristic colour (4)
- Set of the 3 small bones in the ear translating sound wave pressure (8)
- the outermost part of the ear made of skin and cartilage (5)
21 Clues: Ear drum (8,8) • Unit of sound 'loudness' • The view offered by a CT scan (5,7) • Electromagnetic wave that can ionise (4) • Sound waves of frequency over 20 kHz (10) • Property of the images by concave lenses (8) • Property of a real image formed on the retina (8) • Clear colourless liquid which fills the eye ((8,5) • Part of the eye with a fixed lensing power of 43D (6) • ...
Health Professions- Medical Terminology 2021-05-03
31 Clues: IV • pc • hs • bid • HTN • w/c • ICU • cyt- • ost- • -emia • DX,dx • -itis • ante- • hist- • necr- • cryo- • path- • narc- • anti- • -blast • intra- • ad lib • infra- • -scopy • inter- • -emesis • -phagia • d/c, dc • ECG,EKG • -paresis • -kinetic
L3 Medical Part 2 2021-05-10
- the department of a hospital that provides immediate treatment for acute illnesses and trauma.
- a room or building with special equipment for doing scientific experiments and tests.
- a medical practitioner specializing in children and their diseases
- a supporting bandage or suspensory device; especially a loop suspended from the neck and supporting the flexed forearm.
- an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature
- a drug or medicine tending to stimulate or facilitate evacuation of the bowels.
- any of the muscular‐ walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body.
- refers to a difficulty making sounds when trying to speak. Vocal sounds may be weak, breathy, scratchy, or husky, and the pitch or quality of the voice may change.
- a tube inserted (as through the nose or mouth) into the trachea to maintain an unobstructed passageway specially to deliver oxygen or anesthesia to the lungs.
- a sudden attack with physical manifestations (as convulsions, sensory disturbances, or loss of consciousness) resulting from abnormal electrical discharges in the brain (as in epilepsy)
- light in color or having little color.
- the passage by which air reaches a person's lungs.
- a nurse who is qualified to treat certain medical conditions without the direct supervision of a doctor.
- refers to an individual characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit.
- a patient who stays in a hospital while under treatment.
- is an apparatus used for moving patients who require medical care.
- refers to a person that breathes with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest, as a result of obstruction in the air passages.
- an STI caused by caused by the trachomatis.
- inflammation of the tonsils.
- care that focuses on the palliation of a chronically ill, terminally ill or seriously ill patient's pain and symptoms, and attending to their emotional and spiritual needs.
- a stretching or tearing of muscle or tendon. A tendon is a fibrous cord of tissue that connects muscles to bones.
- is an infection caused by a type of bacteria called streptococcus, which can lead to serious complications if not adequately treated.
- a sensation of coldness, often accompanied by shivering and pallor of the skin
23 Clues: inflammation of the tonsils. • light in color or having little color. • an STI caused by caused by the trachomatis. • the passage by which air reaches a person's lungs. • an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature • a patient who stays in a hospital while under treatment. • is an apparatus used for moving patients who require medical care. • ...
Medical Terminology Abbreviations #1 2021-05-11
Marchello Medical Terminology Crossword 2020-08-27
- heart muscle disease
- pain the extremities
- a person who specializes in eyes
- abdominal pain
- inflammation of the muscles felt on the skin.
- surgical removal of the breast
- a harmless lump of fat under the skin
- surgical removal of a part of the skull
- a tumor in the stomach
- incision on the brain
- brain disease
- kidney stones
- surgical repair of the nose
- involuntary contractions of the eyelids
- surgical repair of the cartilage
- surgical removal of half the liver
- the condition of turning blue
- decrease in blood cells
- cutting open the intestine
- joint pain
20 Clues: joint pain • brain disease • kidney stones • abdominal pain • heart muscle disease • pain the extremities • incision on the brain • a tumor in the stomach • decrease in blood cells • cutting open the intestine • surgical repair of the nose • the condition of turning blue • surgical removal of the breast • surgical repair of the cartilage • a person who specializes in eyes • ...
Ariyan Medical Terminology CrossWord 2020-08-27
- Surgical Removal of Uterus
- The study of stomach and Intestines
- Like a Heart
- The Condition of the Skin
- Involuntary Contraction of the Eyelid
- Involuntary contraction in Intestines
- Study of the Heart
- Destruction of Vessels;Blood Cells
- Specialist of the Skin
- Pain in the Muscle
- Pain in Joints
- Cut into Skull
- Study of the Stomach
- Condition of Blueness
- Enlargement of the Liver
- Observe Inside Body
- Inflammation of the Liver
- Softening of the Heart
- Lack of Development
- Brain Tumor
- Inflammation of the Gums
- Surgical Removal of the Glands
22 Clues: Brain Tumor • Like a Heart • Pain in Joints • Cut into Skull • Study of the Heart • Pain in the Muscle • Observe Inside Body • Lack of Development • Study of the Stomach • Condition of Blueness • Softening of the Heart • Specialist of the Skin • Enlargement of the Liver • Inflammation of the Gums • The Condition of the Skin • Inflammation of the Liver • Surgical Removal of Uterus • ...
Chapter 3 medical terms 2020-09-01
- shrinking of muscle size
- joint
- bone tumor
- thin, flattened bones of the ribs, shoulder blades (scapulae), pelvis and skull
- repair or reconstruction of a joint
- osteoarthritis
- joint
- cartilage (gristle)
- history of present illness
- grating sound sometimes made by the movement of a joint or broken bones (also called crepitation)
- digit (finger or toe)
- smooth
- abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe caused by inflammation of the bursa
- anterior-posterior
- above knee amputation
- bones of the skull, vertebral column, chest and hyoid bone
- membrane lining the medullary cavity of a bone
- a fibrous sac between certain tendons and bones that is lined with a synovial membrane that secretes synovial fluid
- toward the side
- no known drug allergy
- humpback
- fascia (a band)
- binding or fusing of joint surfaces
- neck
- inflammation of the joints characterized by pain, swelling, redness, warmth, and limitation of motion; there are more than 100 different types of arthritis
- softening of cartilage
- situated below or directed downward (away from the head)
- the point where two bones come together; also called joint
- a projection arising from a bone that develops from cartilage
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
30 Clues: neck • joint • joint • smooth • humpback • bone tumor • osteoarthritis • toward the side • fascia (a band) • anterior-posterior • cartilage (gristle) • above knee amputation • no known drug allergy • digit (finger or toe) • softening of cartilage • shrinking of muscle size • history of present illness • binding or fusing of joint surfaces • repair or reconstruction of a joint • ...
Medical Terminology Prefix Crossword 2020-08-31
- surrounding
- below; deficient; less than normal; to little
- one
- above
- along the side of; beside; near
- within; in; inner
- slow
- complete; through
- fast
- part of a whole
- across; through
- behind
- out; outside
- new
- excessive; more than normal; to much; above
- beyond; change
- against
- many; much
- after; behind
- both
- abnormal; bad; difficult; painful
- with; together
- good (normal)
- self
- below; under
25 Clues: new • one • both • slow • fast • self • above • behind • against • many; much • surrounding • out; outside • below; under • after; behind • good (normal) • beyond; change • with; together • part of a whole • across; through • within; in; inner • complete; through • along the side of; beside; near • abnormal; bad; difficult; painful • excessive; more than normal; to much; above • ...
Medical Terminology I Final 2020-06-08
- Record of electricity of the brain.
- Pertaining to producing disease.
- State of complete knowledge.
- Pertaining to disease.
- Inflammation of the joint.
- Pertaining ot the trachea.
- Water treatment.
- Double-layered membrane surrounding the heart.
- Disease of glands.
- Incision of a bone.
- Major nitrogenous waste excreted in urine.
- Difficulty in swallowing.
- Study of disease.
- Pertaining to the heart.
- Study of the heart.
- Largest artery in the body.
- White blood cell.
- Study of females and female diseases.
- Pertaining to the study of nerves.
- One who specializes in the study of endocrine glands.
- Softening of the bone.
- Inflammation of the nose.
- Fear of heights.
- Tumor of the muscle.
- Study of the mind.
- Removal of the stomach.
- Process of viewing life.
- Study of cells.
- Discharge from the nose.
- Pertaining to the treatment of children.
- Inflammation of the pancreas.
- inflammation of the tonsils.
- Red blood cell.
- Pertaining to above the stomach.
- Removal of the breast.
- Pertaining to the middle of the body.
- Study of x-rays.
- Collection or mass of blood.
- Process of cutting into.
- Inflammation of bone and joints.
- Study of blood.
- Small artery.
- Lack of appetite.
- Study of nerves.
- Study of the eye.
- Nerve pain.
- Study of tumors.
- Muscle pain.
- X-Ray imaging of the breast.
- Pertaining to below the liver.
50 Clues: Nerve pain. • Muscle pain. • Small artery. • Study of cells. • Red blood cell. • Study of blood. • Study of x-rays. • Water treatment. • Study of nerves. • Study of tumors. • Fear of heights. • Study of disease. • Lack of appetite. • Study of the eye. • White blood cell. • Disease of glands. • Study of the mind. • Incision of a bone. • Study of the heart. • Tumor of the muscle. • Pertaining to disease. • ...
Medical Terminology Chapter 9 2020-10-16
- increased urine output
- surgical repair of the renal pelvis
- excessive urination at night
- nocturnal _ is also known as bed wetting
- absence of urine formation by the kidneys
- abnormally high protein in the urine
- suffix meaning surgical fixation
- dilation of one or both kidneys
- suffix meaning hernia tumor or cyst
- suffix meaning separation
- scanty urination
- combining form meaning bladder
- inability to control the excretion of urine
- excessive urination
- procedure to replace kidney function
- also known as uremic poisoning
- presence of stones in the kidney
- suffix meaning urine
- suffix meaning to crush
- combining form meaning stone
- word part meaning renal pelvis
- prefix meaning complete or through
22 Clues: scanty urination • excessive urination • suffix meaning urine • increased urine output • suffix meaning to crush • suffix meaning separation • excessive urination at night • combining form meaning stone • combining form meaning bladder • also known as uremic poisoning • word part meaning renal pelvis • dilation of one or both kidneys • presence of stones in the kidney • ...
Module 6 Medical Asepsis 2020-11-05
- an environment that a microbe lives and grows in; host
- Precautions: measures designed to prevent the transmission of organisms and used for all patients in healthcare facilities regardless of diagnosis or infection status
- precautions Isolation precautions that are used to prevent the spreading of contagious diseases. An example would be contact, droplet, or airborne.
- a harmful microbe that causes an infection
- Skin that is broken by abrasions, cuts, or rashes
- technique another name for "medical asepsis"
- isolation a type of isolation that is used for patients that are very susceptible to infections because of their poor immune system.
- a drug that kills certain microbes that causes bacterial infections
- waste items contaminated with blood, body fluids, secretions, or excretions
- forms that provide detailed information about hazardous substances.
- process for destroying pathogens Droplet precautions measures taken to prevent the spread of diseases transmitted from an infected person by pathogens propelled through the air only short distances to a susceptible person's eyes, nose, or mouth
- agent pathogen responsible for a specific infectious disease
- a bacteria protected by a hard shell. Killed by methods of sterilization
- incident contact with nonintact (broken) skin, blood, body fluid, or other potentially infectious materials that are the result of the performance of an employee's duties.
- Protective Equipment Items are worn such as gloves, gowns, masks, goggles & eye shields that are used to decrease the transmission of diseases among health care workers, patients, and families
- a bacteria usually found in the intestines and feces which can be transmitted by contaminated hands, toilet seats, care equipment, and items that hands touch.
- infection an infection that develops in a person cared for in any setting where health care is given; the infection is related to receiving care. Also can be called a Nosocomial infection
- preparation containing dead or weakened microbes
- Dangerous infection of the blood
- small (micro) living thing (organism) seen only with a microscope; a microbe
- Substances that leave the body
- control practices and procedures that prevent the spread of infection
- giving of a vaccine to produce immunity against an infectious disease
- a microbe that usually does not cause an infection
- contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite
- an infectious highly contagious airborne disease caused by very small mycobacterium and is deadly in many cases if left untreated.
- asepsis practices used to remove or destroy pathogens and to prevent their spread from one person or place to another person or place; clean technique
- Animal or plant on which or in which another organism lives
- Bacteria normally found in the nose and skin. It is resistant to antibiotics that are used to treat "staph" infections. Can cause serious blood and wound infections as well as pneumonia.
- An agency that works to help ensure the public's health through the study, prevention, and treatment of diseases and illnesses to improve the health of Americans and find cures.
- disease caused by pathogens that spread easily; another name for contagious disease
- the process of destroying ALL microbes
- a disease state resulting from the invasion and growth of microbes in the body
- precautions measures taken to prevent the spread of diseases transmitted from an infected person by pathogens that remain infective over time and distance and are propelled through the air to a susceptible person's eyes, nose, or mouth
- being free of disease-producing microbes
- human or animal that is the reservoir for microbes but does not develop the infection
- The absence of ALL microbes
- precautions a transmission-based precaution that prevents the spread of harmful germs by direct contact, using Standard Precautions, plus gown and gloves
- the process of becoming unclean
- a tiny disease-causing particle that consists of genetic material and a protein coat
- type of infection developed after hospital admission; also referred to as a healthcare-associated infection
- Protection against a certain disease
42 Clues: The absence of ALL microbes • Substances that leave the body • the process of becoming unclean • Dangerous infection of the blood • Protection against a certain disease • the process of destroying ALL microbes • being free of disease-producing microbes • a harmful microbe that causes an infection • technique another name for "medical asepsis" • ...
Medical Terminology - Lesson 1 2021-05-23
- abdomen/abdominal
- stomach
- black
- oxygen
- colon
- through, or complete
- gallbladder
- 4
- a lot, or many
- blue
- above average
- carbon dioxide
- few, or very little
- venous/veins
- body
- across
- cells/cellular
- esophagus
- adreno gland (on top of kidneys)
- nearby
- slow
- cell
- arteries
- 2
- muscle
- Large
- thyroid
- Skin
- 3
- outside
- 1
- breast
- trachea
- pelvic
- green
- away
- between
- spleen
- heart
- vascular system
- enzyme
- red
- study of life
- love of
- head
- nerve
- lungs
- white
- bone
- blood
- below average
- intestines
- kidney
- liver
- thymo
- fear of (opposite of philia)
- toward
- next to, or beside
- skeleton, or bone
- yellow
- color
- around
- pancreas
- chest
- separate
- middle
- muscle
- small
- fast
- air
- inside
- pressure
- neck
73 Clues: 4 • 2 • 3 • 1 • red • air • away • head • blue • bone • body • slow • cell • fast • Skin • neck • heart • black • colon • nerve • lungs • white • blood • liver • thymo • color • chest • Large • small • green • spleen • oxygen • enzyme • across • kidney • toward • yellow • around • nearby • muscle • middle • muscle • inside • breast • pelvic • between • stomach • love of • thyroid • outside • trachea • pancreas • arteries • separate • pressure • esophagus • intestines • gallbladder • venous/veins • study of life • ...
Medical Ethical Legal Fun 2021-09-22
- held by force
- you can't treat me or transport me
- patient competency
- you explained risks and benefits
- its between you me and the doctor only
- worn for allergies and more
- verbally gives permission
- the sings of death are obvious
- my right to decide
- police say I gotta go
- these instructions are given in advance
- coroner
- patient care report
- 1996 privacy law
- standard
- under 18 but treated like an adult
- unauthorized disclosure of health information
- your responsibility to respond and care for
- unilateral termination of car
- person under 18
- consent for unconscious patient
- written defamation
- school authority
- I give permission
- withhold CPR
- refused against medical advice
- unlawful touching
- willing to give up an organ
- outlines the care you can provide
- philosphy of right or wrong
30 Clues: coroner • standard • withhold CPR • held by force • person under 18 • school authority • 1996 privacy law • I give permission • unlawful touching • patient competency • written defamation • my right to decide • patient care report • police say I gotta go • verbally gives permission • worn for allergies and more • willing to give up an organ • philosphy of right or wrong • unilateral termination of car • ...
Medical Terminology Chapter 11 2021-10-18
- combining form for the ureter
- suffix for urine
- combining form for kidney
- suffix for an abnormal condition that is produced by something specified
- the suffix for forming, producing, and origin
- combining form for an opening or meatus
- combining form for urine or the urinary tract
- combining form for night
- the combining form for the kidney
- combining form for the renal pelvis
- combining form for stone or calculus
- the combining form for the urethra
- combining form for scanty
- prefix for through or across
- the prefix meaning backward or behind
- combining form for albumin or protein
- combining form for nitrogenous compounds
- combining form for ketone bodies, acids or acetones
- the combining form for the bladder
- combining form for pus
20 Clues: suffix for urine • combining form for pus • combining form for night • combining form for scanty • combining form for kidney • prefix for through or across • combining form for the ureter • the combining form for the kidney • the combining form for the urethra • the combining form for the bladder • combining form for the renal pelvis • combining form for stone or calculus • ...
Basic Medical Terms Crossword 2021-10-05
- is the likely course of a disease or ailment
- constantly recurring
- is an examination of tissue to discover the extent of a disease
- is the thin outer layer of the skin
- a substance to stimulate the production of antibodies and provides immunity against one or several diseases
- suffer deterioration after a period of improvement
- very virulent or infectious
- sterile surgical threads that are used to repair cuts (lacerations)
- swelling is caused by excess fluid trapped in your body's tissues
- a condition, tumor, or growth that is not cancerous
- is not hospitalized overnight
- type of open wound that's caused by the skin rubbing against a rough surface
- a blocked artery caused by a foreign body
- stays in the hospital while under treatment
- germs that spread between animals and people
- painful collection of pus
- high blood pressure
- the cracking or breaking of a hard object (i.e. bones)
- an operation in which an organ or tissue is transplanted
- is an organ that produces and releases substances for s specific function in the body
- is a region of injured tissue; a bruise
- lasts a short duration and is typically severe
- existing or taking place within a vein(s)
- is a device that restores a normal heartbeat
24 Clues: high blood pressure • constantly recurring • painful collection of pus • very virulent or infectious • is not hospitalized overnight • is the thin outer layer of the skin • is a region of injured tissue; a bruise • existing or taking place within a vein(s) • a blocked artery caused by a foreign body • stays in the hospital while under treatment • ...
1st Lecture Medical Terms 2021-10-15
- Partially permeable
- consisting of many cells
- backward flow
- having two atoms
- One half of a rounded structure
- pandemic disease affecting an entire population
- frequent discharge of fluid fecal matter
- bluish discoloration of the skin
- a newborn infant
- lacking water
- remove calcium
- underproduction of a substance
- bacteria that grow in groups of two
- false paralysis
- cancer of white blood cells
- having three cusps
- red blood cells
- very small cell
- the dark pigment that colors hair & skin
- large enough to be seen without a microscope
- high body temperature
- against recommendation
- antiseptic agent used to prevent infection
- having many forms
24 Clues: backward flow • lacking water • remove calcium • false paralysis • red blood cells • very small cell • having two atoms • a newborn infant • having many forms • having three cusps • Partially permeable • high body temperature • against recommendation • consisting of many cells • cancer of white blood cells • underproduction of a substance • One half of a rounded structure • ...
Medical Terminology - Lesson 7 2021-10-15
25 Clues: sun • eye • bad • foot • mind • hard • hard • tear • body • neck • hard • place • ankle • equal • sleep • cavity • weakness • to secrete • sheet, band • star shaped • wall, fence • hollow space • abdominal wall • ties, connection • labor, bring forth
Chapter 4 Medical Terminology 2021-10-24
- combining form for back of body, behind, or posterior
- suffix for process of recording
- combining form for belly or bellyside
- combining form for white
- combining form for head
- combining form for back of the body
- combining form for color
- combining form for middle
- prefix for below or under
- combining form for tissue
- suffix for pertaining to
- combining form for anterior or front
- combining form for cell
- prefix for around
- combining form form for side or to one side
- word for pertaining to a different color
- prefix for excess or beyond
- combining form for far or farthest
- combining form for near or nearest
- combining form for lower or below
20 Clues: prefix for around • combining form for cell • combining form for head • combining form for white • combining form for color • suffix for pertaining to • combining form for middle • prefix for below or under • combining form for tissue • prefix for excess or beyond • suffix for process of recording • combining form for lower or below • combining form for far or farthest • ...
Medical Terminology Lesson One 2021-08-30
25 Clues: gum • nose • skin • tumor • gland • brain • heart • liver • joint • eyelid • kidney • vessel • stomach • disease • study of • enlarged • cut into • softening • specialist • intestines • inflammation • surgical repair • any condition of • surgical removal • involuntary contraction
Medical Terminology Lesson 3 2021-09-20
25 Clues: sac • rib • head • pain • upon • self • teeth • above • twist • water • record • tongue • cancer • suture • breast • binding • rupture • madness • falling • original • friction • decrease • backwards • development • extremities
Medical Terminology Ch. 12 2022-03-29
- term for suppurative (forming pus) inflammation of the kidney)
- urination at night after waking up from sleep
- chemical test used to detect bile pigment in the urine; increased amounts are seen in gallbladder and liver disease
- method of removing impurities by pumping the patient's blood through a dialyzer, the specialized filter of the artificial kidney machine
- inflammation of the urethra
- presence of white cells in the urine, usually indicating infection
- inflammation of the renal pelvis
- pooling of urine in dilated areas of the renal pelvis and calices of one or both kidneys caused by an obstructed outflow of urine
- presence of stones in the kidney
- involuntary discharge of urine or feces
- excessive thirst
- urologic endoscope inserted through the urethra to resect (cut and remove) lesions of the bladder, urethra, or prostrate
- inflammation of the bladder
- the condition of having a stone form in the ureter
- suture of an injured kidney
- condition of excessive urination
- presence of ketone bodies in the urine
- physical, chemical, and microscopic examination of urine
- drug that increases the secretion of urine
- decreased urine production
- excess of urea and other nitrogenous waste in the blood as a result of kidney failure
- inflammation of the urethra and bladder
- form of nephritis involving the glomerulus
- drug that relieves pain
- excision of a kidney
- indented opening in the kidney where vessels enter and leave
- degenerative disease of the renal tubules
- sugar in the urine
- artificial bladder, placed at the cite of the excised bladder, constructed from portions of intestine connected to the urethra, allowing "natural" voiding; also called orthotopic bladder
- surgical reconstruction of the renal pelvis
30 Clues: excessive thirst • sugar in the urine • excision of a kidney • drug that relieves pain • decreased urine production • inflammation of the urethra • inflammation of the bladder • suture of an injured kidney • inflammation of the renal pelvis • presence of stones in the kidney • condition of excessive urination • presence of ketone bodies in the urine • ...
Ch 9 Medical Terminology 2022-03-31
- Contact point between neurons
- Subjective sensation occurring before a migraine
- Headache producing intense throbbing and pain
- Passageway for electrical impulses
- Tumor of the neuroglial tissue
- X-ray of the spinal cord with contrast dye
- Three layers of connective tissue
- Secondary traffic director of the brain
- Second largest portion of the brain
- Caused by the varicella-zoster virus
- Surgical removal of part of the skull
- Bundle of fibers
- Temporary or permanent loss of motor function
- Condition of progressive mental deterioration
- Also called nerve cells
- Convolutions
- Rest and digest response
- Connects the cerebellum to the rest of the brain
- Involuntary reaction to a stimulus
- Directly below the cerebrum
- Fight or flight response
- Chemical messengers
- cortex Outer layer of cerebrum
- Depressions
- Disruption of electrical activity in the brain
- State of extended unconsciousness
- Located in the superior and anterior parts of brain
- Involuntary, repetitive body trembling
- Control center of the autonomic nervous system
- Exaggerated fear, causing anxiety and panic
30 Clues: Depressions • Convolutions • Bundle of fibers • Chemical messengers • Also called nerve cells • Rest and digest response • Fight or flight response • Directly below the cerebrum • Contact point between neurons • Tumor of the neuroglial tissue • cortex Outer layer of cerebrum • Three layers of connective tissue • State of extended unconsciousness • Involuntary reaction to a stimulus • ...
Medical Term Module 4 2021-11-16
- tunnel syndrome a common painful disorder of the wrist
- excision of a cartilage
- fissure of the skull
- record of a joint
- able to walk,
- pain in the joint
- pertaining to the collarbone
- inflammation of a bursa
- x-ray filming of a joint
- therapy that consists of manipulation of the vertebral column
- movement in which limb is placed in a straight position
- surgical puncture of a joint to aspirate fluid
- fluid build up
- incision into the skull
- softening of the skull
- movement of drawing away from the middle
- crackling sound heard when two bones rub against each other
- pain in the fibrous tissues and muscles
- process of recording the electrical activity of a muscle
- temporary displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint
- excision of a rib
- inflammation of an intervertebral disk
- incision into fascia
- surgical breaking of a joint
- disease of a bursa
- surgical repair of the skull
- difficult movement
- pertaining to the wrist
- pertaining to the upper leg bone
- inflammation of fascia
- pertaining to both sides being unequal
- turning outward (ankle movement)
- record of the electric activity in a muscle
- pertaining to a rib
- excision of an intervertebral disk
- surgical repair of a joint
- excision of a bursa
- slow movement
- distortion of any part or disfigurement of the body
- pertaining to the ribs and cartilage
- surgical repair of a cartilage
- specialist in therapy consisting of manipulation of vertebral column
- rib pain
- suturing of fascia
- both sides unequal
- pertaining to the skull
- removal of a limb or portion of a limb
- abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe,
- excision of a wrist bone
- placing of portions of a fractured bone into correct anatomical position
50 Clues: rib pain • able to walk, • slow movement • fluid build up • record of a joint • pain in the joint • excision of a rib • disease of a bursa • difficult movement • suturing of fascia • both sides unequal • pertaining to a rib • excision of a bursa • incision into fascia • fissure of the skull • inflammation of fascia • softening of the skull • excision of a cartilage • pertaining to the wrist • ...
Medical Terminology Ch. 5 2022-02-09
- baggy eyelid; overabundance and loss of skin elasticity on the upper eyelid causing a fold of skin to hang down over the edge of the eyelid when eyes are open
- right or left eye deviates inward, toward nose
- secretion of tears
- ____ glands; oil glands opening into the follicles of the eyelashes
- blind spot in vision
- involuntary, rapid, oscillating movement of the eyeball
- inflammation of the tear sac
- chronic nodular inflammation of a meibomian gland, usually the result of a blocked duct; commonly presents as swelling on the upper or lower eyelid
- abnormal overflow of tears caused by blockage of the lacrimal duct
- excision of a portion of iris tissue
- agent that paralyzes the ciliary muscle and the powers of accommodation; commonly used in pediatric eye examination
- drooping of the eyelid; usually caused by paralysis
- surgical repair of an eyelid
- misdirected eyelashes that rub on the conjunctiva or cornea
- use of ultrasound to shatter and break up a cataract, with aspiration and removal
- use of intense cold to seal a hole or tear in the retina; used to treat retinal detachment
- extreme sensitivity to, and discomfort from, light
- a condition of eye misalignment cased by intraocular muscle imbalance
- excision of an eyeball
- interior surface of the eyeball, including the retina, optic disc, macula, and posterior pole
- agent that causes dilation of the pupil; used for certain eye examinations
- vascular layer beneath the sclera that provides nourishment to the outer portion of the retina
- excision of a lacrimal sac
- drooping of the eyelid; usually caused by paralysis
- double vision
- fibrous, wing-shaped growth of conjunctival tissue that extends onto the cornea, developing most commonly from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light.
- eyestrain
- _______ glands; oil glands located along the rim of the eyelids
- abnormal protrusion of one or both eyeballs
- sty; an acute infection of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid
30 Clues: eyestrain • double vision • secretion of tears • blind spot in vision • excision of an eyeball • excision of a lacrimal sac • surgical repair of an eyelid • inflammation of the tear sac • excision of a portion of iris tissue • abnormal protrusion of one or both eyeballs • right or left eye deviates inward, toward nose • extreme sensitivity to, and discomfort from, light • ...
Medical Terminology Part 2 2022-01-26
- Act of controlling blood or bleeding
- The study of parasites
- Below the skin (SQ)
- A cut into tissue
- Recumbency To perform a x-ray on Fluffy's stomach, we put him in what recumbency?
- We put surgical instruments in this to sterilize them
- Within the muscle (IM)
- Removal of tissue and foreign material to aid in healing
- Both ears
- The study of blood
- The dog wasn't breathing. What is this called?
- Inflammation of the liver
- We did this procedure to collect sterile urine from Boots
- Rex released a breath. What is he doing?
- Jasmine had increased blood pressure. What is this called?
- Left ear
- Max's heart was beating slower than normal. What is this called?
- Collar Willow needed this to prevent her from licking and irritating her wound
- Surgical incision into the stomach
- Right ear
20 Clues: Left ear • Right ear • Both ears • A cut into tissue • The study of blood • Below the skin (SQ) • The study of parasites • Within the muscle (IM) • Inflammation of the liver • Surgical incision into the stomach • Act of controlling blood or bleeding • Rex released a breath. What is he doing? • The dog wasn't breathing. What is this called? • ...
medical terminology chapter 1 2022-01-20
- enlargement
- below or under
- suture
- large or long
- fast
- woman
- expansion or dilation
- head
- ethyl alcohol
- exaggerated fear or sensitivity
- excessive discharge
- subjective, objective, assessment, plan
- process of examination
- within
- small
- abnormal reduction
- vessel
- head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
- backward or behind
- no known drug allergies
- around
- rupture
- referring to something that should be done immediately
- bone
- kidney
- hard
- origin or production
- slow
- between
- below or under
- cancer
- creation of an opening
- stone
33 Clues: fast • bone • hard • head • slow • woman • small • stone • around • suture • kidney • cancer • within • vessel • rupture • between • enlargement • large or long • ethyl alcohol • below or under • below or under • backward or behind • abnormal reduction • excessive discharge • origin or production • expansion or dilation • process of examination • creation of an opening • no known drug allergies • head, eyes, ears, nose, throat • ...
Medical Terminology Ch 1 2022-01-20
- small
- formation
- instrument of examination
- above or excessive
- around
- half
- below or deficient
- beyond or excessive
- enlargement
- record
- together or with
- assessment
- fat
- blue
- origin or production
- process
- breaking down or dissolution
- inflammation
- surgical repair or reconstruction
- one who specializes in the study or treatment of
- excision (removal)
- before
- red
- instrument for recording
- alongside of, abnormal
- process of measuring
- study
- vessel
- enlargement
- large or long
- incision
- process of examination
- process of recording
- few or deficient
- involuntary contraction
- origin or production
- stop or stand
37 Clues: red • fat • half • blue • small • study • before • around • vessel • record • process • incision • formation • assessment • enlargement • enlargement • inflammation • large or long • stop or stand • together or with • few or deficient • excision (removal) • above or excessive • below or deficient • beyond or excessive • process of measuring • process of recording • origin or production • origin or production • alongside of, abnormal • ...
Digestive System - Medical Terminology 2022-02-22
- improper bite
- conversion of food into substances that can be absorbed by the body
- pertaining to the liver
- largest salivary gland
- the study of the stomach and intestines
- acute inflammation of the appendix
- hormone produced by the pancreas that LOWERS blood sugar
- yellow discoloration of the skin
- hormone released by the pancreas to RAISE blood sugar between meals
- excision of all or part of the colon
- suture of the stomach
- chronic, a progressive liver disease characterized by degeneration of liver cells
- folds and fingerlike projections that increase the surface area of the small intestines
- inability to swallow
- endoscopic exam of the pyloric
- wavelike smooth muscle contractions that propel food in the digestive tract
- inflammation of the gums
- Reabsorption of water occurs in this organ
- paralysis of the tongue
- abbreviation for gastroesophageal reflux disease
- last portion of the small intestines
- abbreviation for temporomandibular joint
- abbreviation for diabetes mellitus
23 Clues: improper bite • inability to swallow • suture of the stomach • largest salivary gland • pertaining to the liver • paralysis of the tongue • inflammation of the gums • endoscopic exam of the pyloric • yellow discoloration of the skin • acute inflammation of the appendix • abbreviation for diabetes mellitus • excision of all or part of the colon • last portion of the small intestines • ...
medical terminology chapter 9 2022-03-07
- plugging; and obstruction of a closing off
- swollen, twisted vein
- resting, resting state of a myocardial cell
- angiotensin-converting enzyme
- membrane forming the outer layer of the heart
- muscle
- vessel
- a stationary blood clot
- small vessels that receive blood from the arteries
- joining of two blood vessels to allow flow from one to the other
- implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
- low blood pressure
- a drug that lowers blood pressure
- condition of narrowing of a part
- coronary care unit
- a drug that reduces serum fat and cholesterol
- membrane lining the cavities of the heart
- atrial septal defect
- a drug that counteracts cardiac arrhythmia
- heart muscle
- circle or crown
- high blood pressure
- pulse
- normal blood pressure
- tiny vessels that join arterioles and venules
- acute coronary syndrome
- lower right or left chamber of the heart
- vein
- electrophysiological study
- compression of a part that causes narrowing
- fatty paste
- profuse sweating
- surgical repair of the heart valve
- /critical care unit
- deep vein thrombosis
- vessels that carry blood to the heart from the venules
- coronary artery bypass graft
37 Clues: vein • pulse • muscle • vessel • fatty paste • heart muscle • circle or crown • profuse sweating • low blood pressure • coronary care unit • high blood pressure • /critical care unit • deep vein thrombosis • atrial septal defect • swollen, twisted vein • normal blood pressure • acute coronary syndrome • a stationary blood clot • electrophysiological study • coronary artery bypass graft • ...
medical terminology chapter 8 2022-02-28
- breakdown of the red blood cell membrane
- an abnormally reduced number of lymphocytes
- a drug that stops the flow of blood within the vessels
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- enlargement of the spleen
- increased number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood
- presence of large red blood cells
- basic metabolic panel
- transport oxygen and carbon dioxide; also called red blood cell
- enlarged lymph nodes
- color
- form
- a drug that prevents clotting of the blood
- removal of the thymus
- mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- process of disease protection induced by exposure to an antigen
- presence of small red blood cells
- incision into a lymph node
- liquid portion of the blood that remains after clotting
- blood urea nitrogen
- complete blood count
- an x-ray image of a lymph node or lymph vessel obtained after injection of a contrast dye
- removal of a lymph node
- germ
- a group of leukocytes without granules in their nuclei
- removal of the spleen
- protein substance in the blood that is essential to the clotting process
- an abnormally reduced number of red blood cells
- fluid that is circulated through the lymph vessels
- clot
- a decreased number of neutrophils
- pale in color
- comprehensive metabolic panel
33 Clues: germ • clot • form • color • pale in color • blood urea nitrogen • complete blood count • enlarged lymph nodes • removal of the spleen • basic metabolic panel • removal of the thymus • removal of a lymph node • enlargement of the spleen • incision into a lymph node • comprehensive metabolic panel • presence of large red blood cells • a decreased number of neutrophils • ...
Medical Terminology Ch. 3 2022-02-16
- lower back pain
- curved, bent
- visual examination of a joint
- bursa
- joint
- crooked, stiff
- abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
- spinal cord, bone marrow
- rib
- synovial membrane
- surgical removal of the synovial membrane
- tumor of the bone marrow
- vertebrae, backbone
- softening of cartilage
- to bind, tie together
- specialist in the care of feet
- loss of bone density
- skull
- inflammation of joint
- loosening, setting free
- bone
- foot bones
- cartilage
- hand bones
- inflammation of bone
25 Clues: rib • bone • skull • bursa • joint • cartilage • foot bones • hand bones • curved, bent • crooked, stiff • lower back pain • synovial membrane • vertebrae, backbone • loss of bone density • inflammation of bone • inflammation of joint • to bind, tie together • softening of cartilage • loosening, setting free • spinal cord, bone marrow • tumor of the bone marrow • visual examination of a joint • ...
Medical Terminology Respiratory System 2021-07-19
- process of recording x-rays
- py/o
- excessive bleeding from the nose
- pain in the chest
- instrument used to measure oxygen (levels)
- atel/o
- poly-
- process of measuring breathing (or air flow)
- absence of breathing
- -cele
- surgical fixation of the pleura
- incision into the windpipe
- aspiration of fluid from the chest cavity
- painful or difficult breathing
- blood in the chest cavity
- rapid breathing
- removal of the tonsils
- condition of the absence of voice
- instrument used to visually examine within (the body)
- abnormal condition (diseased state) of the lung
- phren/o
- abnormally low oxygen in the blood
- somn/o
- dilation of the bronchi
- abnormal condition of fungus in the nose
- instrument used to measure carbon dioxide (levels)
- inflammation of the voicebox
- surgical repair of the nose
- -algia
29 Clues: py/o • poly- • -cele • somn/o • atel/o • -algia • phren/o • rapid breathing • pain in the chest • absence of breathing • removal of the tonsils • dilation of the bronchi • blood in the chest cavity • incision into the windpipe • process of recording x-rays • surgical repair of the nose • inflammation of the voicebox • painful or difficult breathing • surgical fixation of the pleura • ...
Chapter 2 Medical Terminology 2021-09-30
20 Clues: -oma • -gen • -cele • -tomy • -itis • -pathy • -toxic • -penia • -algia • -ptosis • -megaly • -plegia • -phobia • -tripsy • -emesis • -ectomy • -rrhexis • -rrhaphy • -ectasis • -malacia
medical terminology chapter 1 2021-09-18
- resembling
- substance or agent that produces or causes
- one who studies and treats
- above, excessive
- state of
- disease
- abnormal condition
- beyond, change
- through, complete
- pertaining to
- cell
- study of
- condition or formation
- producing, originating, causing
- new
- painful, abnormal, difficult
- control,stop,standing
- before
- below, incomplete, deficient, under
- growth substance formation
20 Clues: new • cell • before • disease • study of • state of • resembling • pertaining to • beyond, change • above, excessive • through, complete • abnormal condition • control,stop,standing • condition or formation • one who studies and treats • growth substance formation • painful, abnormal, difficult • producing, originating, causing • below, incomplete, deficient, under • ...
Medical Terminology Lesson 1 2017-12-08
24 Clues: gum • skin • soft • nose • gland • joint • liver • brain • tumor • heart • vessel • kidney • eyelid • stomach • disease • enlarged • condition • intestines • specialist • to cut into • the study of • inflammation • surgical repair • surgical removal
Medical Terminology Week 3 2018-04-16
- type of microorganism
- bone in the finger or toe
- lack of blood
- study of function in a living organism
- practitioner of medicine
- having many forms
- inability to sleep
- loss of intellectual function
- blockage in a vessel
- first
- care and treatment of children
- temperature
- cancer of white blood cells
- made up of two parts
- kneecap
- pertaining to the skin
- vein
- loss of sensation
- resembling of mucus
- having a blood clot in a vessel
- unfounded fear
- pertaining to the heart
- study of the nervous system
- thin fluid
- central opening
25 Clues: vein • first • kneecap • thin fluid • temperature • lack of blood • unfounded fear • central opening • loss of sensation • having many forms • inability to sleep • resembling of mucus • made up of two parts • blockage in a vessel • type of microorganism • pertaining to the skin • pertaining to the heart • practitioner of medicine • bone in the finger or toe • study of the nervous system • ...
Medical Terminology Final b 2017-12-19
- a prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disorder
- surrounding
- tissue death
- a word part that usually indicates a condition, procedure, or disease
- the type of skin cancer that tends to bleed easily
- inflammation of the joints
- capable of being transmitted
- imaginary lines used to divide the body into sections for description
- swelling caused by excessive fluid in the cells or tissues
- situated nearest the midline or beginning of a body structure
- excessive flow or discharge, especially blood
- abnormal condition
- characterized by flare-ups of red papules covered with silvery scales
- another name for sweat glands
- enlargement of the liver
- a type of muscle you can control(voluntary)
- the only movable bone of the skull
- basic structural and functional unit of the body
- unspecialized cells
- surgical repair of a muscle
- abnormal hardening
- the study of the functions of the structures of the body
- letters that stand for a group of words, such as CPR
- pain or suffering
- cavity that contains the organs of reproduction
25 Clues: surrounding • tissue death • pain or suffering • abnormal condition • abnormal hardening • unspecialized cells • enlargement of the liver • inflammation of the joints • surgical repair of a muscle • capable of being transmitted • another name for sweat glands • the only movable bone of the skull • a type of muscle you can control(voluntary) • ...
Medical U3-4 crossword 2018-03-15
- the layer of skin between the outer epidermis and the inner hypodermis.
- a tubular structure in the skin that produces sweat as a cooling mechanism.
- __________ fat, also called hypodermis, is a layer of the skin beneath the epidermis that contains primarily lobules of fat.
- a human skin disease where oil becomes trapped in pores causing raised red bumps and other imperfections of the skin.
- the layer of skin beneath the dermis used for fat storage.
- a cordlike structure that enables the transmission of electric impulses through the nervous system.
- a type of acne in the skin where excess oil has become trapped in a pore, creating a raised red spot.
- a hormone that controls the day and night cycles of the body.
- the bodily system that transmits signals and coordinates actions of the body.
- the large organ that controls bodily functions through release of hormones or activating muscles.
- a cell that transmits information by electrical and chemical signaling.
- - the small bones that together make up the backbone and surround the nerves of the spinal cord.
- this type of neuron helps to create the ability to move.
- something that has to do with the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.
- a wound resulting from minor damage to the epidermal layer of the skin (also called scrapes).
- a long bundle of nerve cells that extends downward from the brain.
- a group of connected neurons that process information.
- the outermost layer of human skin.
- a temporarily discolored area of skin that has been damaged by trauma, allowing blood to seep from the local capillaries into the surrounding tissue (also called bruise).
- a soft outer layer of human bodies and the bodies of other animals.
- an involuntary and immediate movement in response to a stimulus.
21 Clues: the outermost layer of human skin. • a group of connected neurons that process information. • this type of neuron helps to create the ability to move. • the layer of skin beneath the dermis used for fat storage. • a hormone that controls the day and night cycles of the body. • an involuntary and immediate movement in response to a stimulus. • ...
Medical Terminology Crossword Puzzle 2017-06-14
- – cul-de-sac
- – internal organs
- – brain
- – tissue
- – stomach inflammation
- – pus
- – nucleus
- – drooping eyelid
- – tumor
- – cancer
- – treatment, physician
- – cheek
- – uterus, womb
- – back portion of the body
- – chest
- – artery
- – intestine, usually small intestine
- – urine
- – kidney
- – urinary bladder
- – thirst
- – ilium (of the pelvic bone)
- – to cast (throw)
- – tooth
- – ovary
- – gland
- – inflammation of joint
- – belly side of the body
- – head
- – to hold back; back
- – fallopian tubes
- – fat
- – skin
- – muscle
- – coccyx (tailbone)
- – egg
- – trachea, windpipe
- – cerebrum, largest part of the brain
- – liver
- – muscle tumor
- – skull
- – death
- – child
- – spine, backbone
44 Clues: – fat • – pus • – egg • – head • – skin • – tooth • – ovary • – gland • – brain • – tumor • – cheek • – liver • – chest • – skull • – urine • – death • – child • – tissue • – muscle • – cancer • – artery • – kidney • – thirst • – nucleus • – cul-de-sac • – uterus, womb • – muscle tumor • – to cast (throw) • – internal organs • – fallopian tubes • – drooping eyelid • – urinary bladder • – spine, backbone • – coccyx (tailbone) • – trachea, windpipe • ...
Medical Terminology Crossword Puzzle 2017-06-14
- – spine, backbone
- – intestine, usually small intestine
- – egg
- – cul-de-sac
- – trachea, windpipe
- – child
- – tissue
- – head
- – urine
- – tumor
- – tooth
- – liver
- – drooping eyelid
- – pus
- – fat
- – nucleus
- – skin
- – internal organs
- – to hold back; back
- – coccyx (tailbone)
- – thirst
- – urinary bladder
- – kidney
- – belly side of the body
- – cerebrum, largest part of the brain
- – muscle
- – cheek
- – ovary
- – muscle tumor
- – brain
- – gland
- – skull
- – inflammation of joint
- – chest
- – stomach inflammation
- – uterus, womb
- – death
- – fallopian tubes
- – treatment, physician
- – to cast (throw)
- – ilium (of the pelvic bone)
- – artery
- – cancer
- – back portion of the body
44 Clues: – egg • – pus • – fat • – head • – skin • – cheek • – ovary • – child • – brain • – gland • – skull • – urine • – tumor • – chest • – tooth • – liver • – death • – muscle • – tissue • – artery • – cancer • – thirst • – kidney • – nucleus • – cul-de-sac • – muscle tumor • – uterus, womb • – spine, backbone • – fallopian tubes • – drooping eyelid • – to cast (throw) • – internal organs • – urinary bladder • – trachea, windpipe • – coccyx (tailbone) • ...
Medical Abbreviations E-F 2018-11-05
- fracture
- extracellular water
- fetal alcohol syndrome
- estimated gestational age
- electroencephalogram
- expiratory positive airway pressure
- endotracheal tube
- echocardiogram
- extrapyramidal symptoms
- expired
- estimated blood loss
- extended care facility
- edentulous
- fever of undetermined origin
- gallbladder disease
- enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
- foot of bed
- failure to thrive
- enteral nutrition
- endstage renal disease
- epinephrine
- ethyl alcohol
- fasting blood sugar
- enteric coated
- electrocardiogram
- fasting blood glucose
- essential fatty acids
- estimated date of confinement
- explanation of medical benefits
- end expiratory pressure
- endstage liver disease
- eye, ear, nose, throat
- ejection fraction
- estimated time of death
- erythropoietin
- Escherichia coli
- gallbladder
- followup
- gutassociated lymphoid tissue
- fullterm nursery
- gallbladder series
- failure to progress
- emergency department
- extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
- etiology
- extracellular volume
46 Clues: expired • fracture • followup • etiology • edentulous • gallbladder • foot of bed • epinephrine • ethyl alcohol • enteric coated • echocardiogram • erythropoietin • Escherichia coli • fullterm nursery • electrocardiogram • endotracheal tube • ejection fraction • failure to thrive • enteral nutrition • gallbladder series • fasting blood sugar • extracellular water • gallbladder disease • failure to progress • ...
We are Medical Professionals! 2016-04-13
- diagnoses pharyngitis ( 2 words)
- tested October through May
- our daily wardrobe
- a formal exam of our lab
- daily gathering in main lab
- an important part of teamwork
- UTI testing
- name of one of our long time techs
- who we really work for
- checks our skills vs others
- a place to recover
- getting you up on your skills
- " do it now!"
- always comes first
- procedure resource
- our attitude or small line of result
- a quick way to get results ( 2 words)
- used on our slides (3 words)
- blood locations
- sends out alarms if fussy
- lab safety accessory
- our fearless leader
- determines the correct ranges
- constriction device
- the field we are all working in
- anxiously waited for every 2 wks
- insect OR used for small children
- the act of conforming
- do not take the lid off this specimen!
- chemistry analyzer
- coagulation instrument
- the mother ship(business name)
- continuing education platform
33 Clues: UTI testing • " do it now!" • blood locations • our daily wardrobe • chemistry analyzer • a place to recover • always comes first • procedure resource • our fearless leader • constriction device • lab safety accessory • the act of conforming • who we really work for • coagulation instrument • a formal exam of our lab • sends out alarms if fussy • tested October through May • ...
Chapter 5 Medical Terms 2016-12-03
- study of stones
- study of bursa (cavities)
- study of bones
- bone disease
- abnormal cartilage condition
- bone softening
- joint weakness
- abnormal twisted condition
- cranium growth
- inflammation of cartilage
- bone surgical fix/fusion
- bone thinning
- abnormal hump condition
- inflammation of phalanges
- cranium softening
- one who studies the vertebral column
- rib surgical fix/fusion
- inflammation of joints
- abnormal bent forward condition
- joint pain
20 Clues: joint pain • bone disease • bone thinning • study of bones • bone softening • joint weakness • cranium growth • study of stones • cranium softening • inflammation of joints • abnormal hump condition • rib surgical fix/fusion • bone surgical fix/fusion • inflammation of cartilage • study of bursa (cavities) • inflammation of phalanges • abnormal twisted condition • abnormal cartilage condition • ...
Name that medical term 2019-01-22
- constricting
- Increase
- In advance
- away from
- 105 body Temp
- Normal state
- Skin Rash
- Only men have
- Next
- You need to see for arrhythmia
- Study of something
- Part of the heart
- Body Structure
- upper and lower cut
- Blockage
- Proximal to you feet
- Breathing
- A blood cell
- You will see before a surgical procedure
- kidney
- located in the dorsal body cavity
- equal to
- All about yourself
- Probable outcome
- Doctor
25 Clues: Next • kidney • Doctor • Blockage • Increase • equal to • away from • Breathing • Skin Rash • In advance • constricting • A blood cell • Normal state • 105 body Temp • Only men have • Body Structure • Probable outcome • Part of the heart • All about yourself • Study of something • upper and lower cut • Proximal to you feet • You need to see for arrhythmia • located in the dorsal body cavity • ...
Medical Term Peggy Kaczmarek 2019-07-08
- feeling of well being
- the root word for nose
- ear specialist
- excessive dryness in skin
- specialized cells that produce melanin
- abnormal sensation, ex tingling
- A cartilage cell
- bone forming cells
- metabolic production of ketones
- involving several glands
- surgical severing of the vagus nerve
- laying on the spine facing up
- inflammation of skin
- meaning same measurement
- Pain in the eyeball
- the area above the stomach
- pain in the head
- the system that includes heart and blood vessels
- Instrument for determining eye refraction
- enlarged liver
- enlargement of the adrenal gland
21 Clues: ear specialist • enlarged liver • pain in the head • A cartilage cell • bone forming cells • Pain in the eyeball • inflammation of skin • feeling of well being • the root word for nose • meaning same measurement • involving several glands • excessive dryness in skin • the area above the stomach • laying on the spine facing up • abnormal sensation, ex tingling • metabolic production of ketones • ...
Chapter 20: Medical Emergencies 2019-09-23
- Temporary suspension of consciousness as a result of generalized cerebral ischemia
- Artificial substitution of heart and lung action as indicated for cardiac arrest
- by development of wheals; also called hives
- sensation vaguely referred to epigastrium
- Separation of layers of surgical wound
- Illusion movement sensation as if external world were revolving around patient
- Disorganized cardiac rhythm
- Condition with sudden onset caused by acute vascular lesion of the brain
- Abnormally increased concentration of glucose in the blood cause by dilatation and increased permeability of capillaries
- hemorrhage from the nose
- of profound hemodynamic and metabolic
- stoppage of cardiac output and effective circulation
- Devices used for application of external electrical shock to restore normal cardiac rhythm and rate
- injures caused by physical mean with disruption
- absence of skin coloration
- of blood from the vessel; bleeding
- drowsiness or stupor; a condition of indifference
- sensation or motor phenomenon that precedes
- Forcible expulsion of contents of stomach through mouthy
- Unexpected or sudden occasion and urgent or pressing need
20 Clues: hemorrhage from the nose • absence of skin coloration • Disorganized cardiac rhythm • of blood from the vessel; bleeding • of profound hemodynamic and metabolic • Separation of layers of surgical wound • sensation vaguely referred to epigastrium • by development of wheals; also called hives • sensation or motor phenomenon that precedes • ...
Medical Terminology-Lesson 5 2019-09-18
24 Clues: egg • ear • milk • coil • nail • tear • gate • bile • chest • scale • tumor • wedge • organ • spots • under • fungus • against • bladder • puncture • membrane • great-toe • suspension • blind-passage • narrow,spinal-cord
Medical Terminology Lesson #7 2019-09-19
25 Clues: sun • eye • bad • body • hard • ties • tear • hard • hard • neck • mind • foot • wall • sleep • equal • ankle • sheet • place • cavity • weakness • to secrete • star shape • bring forth • hollow space • abdominal wall
Medical Terminology-Lesson 10 2019-10-14
25 Clues: new • all • many • half • odor • hair • lens • heat • power • nerve • after • wound • change • branch • excite • uterus • machine • together • draw tight • without,not • twitch,pull • covering,skin • upper jawbone • shaped like a top • in front of,before
Medical Terminology Lesson #12 2019-10-14
26 Clues: two • base • vein • ilium • ileum • colon • three • ovary • larynx • sacrum • artery • ureter • uterus • spleen • pelvis • therapy • pharynx • thyroid • urethra • ligament • appendix • duodenum • bronchus • esophagus • pertaining to • adrenal gland
Medical Terminology: Lesson 12 2019-10-14
25 Clues: two • vein • base • ilium • ovary • ileum • three • colon • artery • uterus • sacrum • pelvis • spleen • ureter • larynx • urethra • therapy • thyroid • pharynx • duodenum • appendix • bronchus • ligament • esophagus • adrenal gland
Medical Microbiology Revision Crossword 2019-10-09
- A type of agar a wound sample could be out up on
- Sample submitted to lab when investigating food poisoning
- Serotyping Enterobacteriaceae is based on both the O and the ? antigens
- Are Enterotoxigenic E. coli invasive
- A symptom of a wound infection
- What does M in MRSA stand for
- An enzyme that causes S. pneumoniae to autolysis in the stationary phase
- What can be added to MacConkey agar to select for E. coli 0157
- The X factor stands for this in relation to Haemophilus growth
- Genus of Ent that caused the bubonic plague
- An enzyme that helps to facilitate spread in tissues
- An important basic test to differentiate Staph from Strep
- A zone of clearing around a disc on an agar means the bacteria is?
- Pseudomonas are positive for this basic characterisation test
- S. pyogens will give a zone of clearance to this agent on a plate
- Major virulence factor of S. pneumoniae
- A beta haemolytic species of Streptococcus
- This prevents antobodies binding the correct way to S. aureus
- What type of antigen does 0157 stand for in E. coli 0157
- Haemolysis profile seen with S.pneumoniae
- An important respiratory tract pathogen Genus
- One of the vaccinations against S. pneumoniae
- An example of a wound site
- What agar will Haemophilus influenzae grow on
- Important in helping prevent spread of MRSA
- This S.aureus toxin caused scalded skin syndrome
- An enzyme produced by S. aureus also called clumping factor
- Process that frees an object from some or all of its pathogenic microorganism
- A Symptom associated with Salmonella food poisoning
- This level of chemical decontamination will kill endospores & vegetative cells
- A protein important in adherence of Strep
- What does Pseudomonas produce that make it look fluorescent on basal media
- A GNB that should never be found as part of the normal flora
- A selective agar for Salmonella gives red colonies with black centres
- Medically important species of Pseudomonas
- An infection caused by Staphlococcus aureus
- A type of clinical sample received from a would site
- Enterobacteriaceae are all oxidase
- How many species of Salmonella are there
39 Clues: An example of a wound site • What does M in MRSA stand for • A symptom of a wound infection • Enterobacteriaceae are all oxidase • Are Enterotoxigenic E. coli invasive • Major virulence factor of S. pneumoniae • How many species of Salmonella are there • Haemolysis profile seen with S.pneumoniae • A protein important in adherence of Strep • ...
- Escala para clasificar la forma de las heces
- Tratamiento de emergencia de la eclampsia
- Espondiloartropatia causada por Tropheryma whipplei
- Articulacion mas predisponente a luxacion
- Escala para tromboembolismo pulmonar
- Tipo de anemia microcitica
- Aumento de la amplitud respiratoria
- Cefalea bilateral, leve a moderada, opresiva. Predomina en mujeres
- Ph: disminuido, HCO3: disminuido, pCO2: disminuido
- Tipo de estudio observacional
- Ejemplo de una tiazolidinedionas
- Antidoto de las benzodiazepinas
- Padre de la medicina
- Foco de auscultacion cardiaca
- Signo correspondiente a depresión de la piel y TCS al presionar con un dedo contra un relieve óseo
- Metastasis ovarica de tumor gastrointestinal o mamario
- Cancer tiroideo mas comun
- Especie de Clamidia
- Lesion elemental de la piel que consiste en un cambio de coloracion por alteracion de la pigmentacion
- Criterios para clasificar la severidad de IRA
20 Clues: Especie de Clamidia • Padre de la medicina • Cancer tiroideo mas comun • Tipo de anemia microcitica • Tipo de estudio observacional • Foco de auscultacion cardiaca • Antidoto de las benzodiazepinas • Ejemplo de una tiazolidinedionas • Aumento de la amplitud respiratoria • Escala para tromboembolismo pulmonar • Tratamiento de emergencia de la eclampsia • ...
Medical Terminology Crossword Puzzle 2020-01-21
- prefix, against
- yellow skin
- infant
- early occurrence
- prefix, small
- inflammation of lungs
- care of children
- hip girdle
- prefix for false
- colorless blood cell
- prefix for behind or after
- backward flow
- prefix, left
- prefix, normal
- spine
- frequent fluid fecal matter
- intellectual function
- heart
- prefix, under or low
- dark pigment cell
- prefix, straight
- exaggerated feeling
- knee
- prefix for away from
- prefix for cut through or across
25 Clues: knee • spine • heart • infant • hip girdle • yellow skin • prefix, left • prefix, small • backward flow • prefix, normal • prefix, against • prefix, straight • early occurrence • care of children • prefix for false • dark pigment cell • exaggerated feeling • prefix, under or low • colorless blood cell • prefix for away from • intellectual function • inflammation of lungs • prefix for behind or after • ...
Medical Terminology Chapt. 3.1 2012-11-01
- science dealing with structure of organ/body
- space between abdomen and chest cavity
- measuring device used for chest cavity
- suffix for medical condition or disease
- pertaining to the grey matter of the brain
- incision into the skull
- inflammation of the bladder
- meaning of prefix inter-
- puncture of heart chamber
- bladder specialist
- sticking or joining together
- stone
- softening of joints
- movement toward midline
- pertaining to producing cancer
- pertaining to the abdomen and chest cavity
- abnormal fear of heads
- movement away from midline
- cluster (bacteria)
- chain (bacteria)
20 Clues: stone • chain (bacteria) • bladder specialist • cluster (bacteria) • softening of joints • abnormal fear of heads • movement toward midline • incision into the skull • meaning of prefix inter- • puncture of heart chamber • movement away from midline • inflammation of the bladder • sticking or joining together • pertaining to producing cancer • space between abdomen and chest cavity • ...
Medical Terminology Crossword Puzzle 2013-01-31
- A nosebleed
- Embolism Blocking of the pulmonary artery by foreign matter or by a blood clot
- Accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity.
- Partial or complete collapse of the lung
- Inflammation of the larynx and trachea and bronchial passageways
- Rarely used term for diaphragmatic hernia
- Loss of ability to speak through disease of or damage to the larynx or mouth
- Removal of fluid from the chest by centesis for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
- Constriction of the airways and difficulty or discomfort in breathing
- Purified protein derivative of tuberculin
- Inflammation of the pleura
- A profuse nosebleed
- Speech disorder attributable to a disorder of phonation
- Instrument used to examine the bronchial tubes
- Chest Pain. (Also called thoracodynia)
- Serious disease of the lungs and other tissues cause by fungus
- Infection Infections that are a result of treatment in a hospital of healthcare
- Absence of oxygen
- A respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing.
- Inflammation of the Epiglottis
- Acid-fast bacillus
- A closure of the larynx that blocks the passage of air to the lungs
- A measuring instrument that measures the oxygen in the arterial blood
- Exhalation of breath
24 Clues: A nosebleed • Absence of oxygen • Acid-fast bacillus • A profuse nosebleed • Exhalation of breath • Inflammation of the pleura • Inflammation of the Epiglottis • Chest Pain. (Also called thoracodynia) • Partial or complete collapse of the lung • Rarely used term for diaphragmatic hernia • Purified protein derivative of tuberculin • Accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity. • ...
Medical Terminology Crossword Puzzle 2013-01-31
- Instrument used to examine the bronchial tubes
- Partial or complete collapse of the lung
- Inflammation of the Epiglottis
- Infections that are a result of treatment in a hospital of hea
- Exhalation of breath
- A measuring instrument that measures the oxygen in the arterial blood
- Acid-fast bacillus
- A closure of the larynx that blocks the passage of air to the lungs
- A respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing.
- Serious disease of the lungs and other tissues cause by fungus
- Purified protein derivative of tuberculin
- Accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity.
- Absence of oxygen
- Inflammation of the pleura
- Chest Pain. (Also called thoracodynia)
- A profuse nosebleed
- Constriction of the airways and difficulty or discomfort in breathing
- Blocking of the pulmonary artery by foreign matter or by a blood clot
- Removal of fluid from the chest by centesis for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
- Loss of ability to speak through disease of or damage to the larynx or mouth
- Fluid accumulation in the lungs
- Inflammation of the larynx and trachea and bronchial passageways
- Speech disorder attributable to a disorder of phonation
- Rarely used term for diaphragmatic hernia
- A nosebleed
25 Clues: A nosebleed • Absence of oxygen • Acid-fast bacillus • A profuse nosebleed • Exhalation of breath • Inflammation of the pleura • Inflammation of the Epiglottis • Fluid accumulation in the lungs • Chest Pain. (Also called thoracodynia) • Partial or complete collapse of the lung • Rarely used term for diaphragmatic hernia • Purified protein derivative of tuberculin • ...
Medical Terminology Chapter 2 2012-10-25
- breathe out
- removal of part of the colon
- meaning of hist\o
- softened brain tissue
- meaning of the prefix ex-
- resembling a tooth
- inflammation within the heart
- meaning of chondr\o
- pertaining to between the ribs
- meaning of emisis
- meaning of prefix en-
- originating completely outside of
- meaning of morph\o
- brain tumor
- one who studies tissue structure under a microscope
- abnormal bone condition
- surgical repair of
- softening of teeth
- inflammation of the brain
- enlarged stomach
- head pain
- incision into a joint
- inflammation of the bone
- root for joint
- inflammation of the larynx
- combining form of hernia
26 Clues: head pain • breathe out • brain tumor • root for joint • enlarged stomach • meaning of hist\o • meaning of emisis • surgical repair of • softening of teeth • resembling a tooth • meaning of morph\o • meaning of chondr\o • softened brain tissue • incision into a joint • meaning of prefix en- • abnormal bone condition • inflammation of the bone • combining form of hernia • inflammation of the brain • ...
Medical Terminology Assignment 2 2013-04-13
- tough fibrous, white outer coat of the eye, extending from the cornea to the optic nerve
- inflammation of the cornea
- low blood sugar
- inability to use or comprehend words as a result of stroke, head trauma, or disease
- drug that inhibits the growth of bacterial diseases
- process of measuring hearing
- surgical repair of the eardrum
- excessive thirst
- inflammation of the middle ear
- hearing impairment in old age
- gland at the base of the brain that regulates the function of other glands
- absence of the lens in the eye - often after cataract removal
- purulent drainage from the ear
- temporary or permanent loss of motor control
- surgical repair of the external ear
- excessive growth of hair in unusual places
- loss of neurologic function, or "not knowing"
- hormone that regulates immune response - is secreted by the thymus gland
- double vision
- hormone replacement therapy
- inflammation of the brain
- glucose in the urine
- gland that secretes tears
- sleep disorder with sudden uncontrollable need to sleep
- inflammation of the meninges
- condition of eye misalignment - caused by intraocular muscle imbalance
- fainting
- jelly-like mass filling the inner chamber between the lens and the retina of the eye
- inflammation of the spinal cord
- central nervous system
30 Clues: fainting • double vision • low blood sugar • excessive thirst • glucose in the urine • central nervous system • inflammation of the brain • gland that secretes tears • inflammation of the cornea • hormone replacement therapy • process of measuring hearing • inflammation of the meninges • hearing impairment in old age • surgical repair of the eardrum • inflammation of the middle ear • ...
The Electronic Medical Records 2013-10-02
- to relieve or lessen
- the patient can access medical records and preform other functions
- personal digital assistant
- capability of a system to work with
- the health insurance portability and accountability act
- track and schedule appointments
- centers for disease control and prevention
- terminology and treatment with the physicians specialty
- information about a patient that conforms nationally
- set of physical properties
- national health information network
- protected health information
- allowing the physician to share patients information with another physician
- connects to the main computer
- electronic record of health related information
- EMR billing systems
- primary care provider
- EMR system that can produce electronic prescriptions
- can store lists of billing codes
- widely accepted or practiced
- health related information about an individual
21 Clues: EMR billing systems • to relieve or lessen • primary care provider • personal digital assistant • set of physical properties • widely accepted or practiced • protected health information • connects to the main computer • track and schedule appointments • can store lists of billing codes • capability of a system to work with • national health information network • ...
Health & Medical Review Crossword 2015-04-13
- Cough
- Throat
- We faint.
- The doctor examines.
- They take aspirin.
- My head hurts.
- You prescribe us to sleep.
- I don't believe you.
- He/she prescribes me to stay in bed.
- They are sick.
- Broken bone
- We believe them.
- Pill
- She vomits.
- I have foot pain.
- It gives you pain.
- Your eyes hurt.
- You have the flu.
- We have nose pain.
- Nervous
- You give them chills.
- She is pregnant.
- I feel bad.
- He is dizzy.
- Tired
25 Clues: Pill • Cough • Tired • Throat • Nervous • We faint. • I feel bad. • Broken bone • She vomits. • He is dizzy. • My head hurts. • They are sick. • Your eyes hurt. • She is pregnant. • We believe them. • I have foot pain. • You have the flu. • It gives you pain. • We have nose pain. • They take aspirin. • The doctor examines. • I don't believe you. • You give them chills. • You prescribe us to sleep. • ...
Unit 8 Medical Terms 2014-11-09
56 Clues: 癌 • 結核 • かぜ • 水痘 • 肺炎 • 腫瘍 • 脱臼 • 風疹 • 膣炎 • 淋病 • 水虫 • 貧血 • 湿疹 • 胆石 • 疱疹 • 痛風 • 肝炎 • 骨折 • 梅毒 • 喘息 • 心臓病 • 白内障 • 肝臓病 • 高血圧 • 虫垂炎 • 緑内障 • 百日咳 • かぶれ • 腎臓病 • 感染症 • 膀胱炎 • 胸膜炎 • 糖尿病 • ねんざ • エイズ • 胃潰瘍 • はしか • 心の病気 • 肺の病気 • 脳の病気 • 扁桃腺炎 • 腸の病気 • 子宮筋腫 • 気管支炎 • 胃の病気 • 靱帯損傷 • 性感染症 • じんましん • アレルギー • 関節リウマチ • 十二指腸潰瘍 • おたふくかぜ • 椎間板ヘルニア • アトピー性皮膚炎 • 小児の突発性バラ疹 • ヒト免疫不全ウイルス
Medical Terminology Lesson 7 2014-05-08
25 Clues: eye • mind • tear • neck • ties • body • hard • hard • foot • hard • sleep • equal • place • hollow • cavity • weakness • sun, light • to secrete • sheet band • wall fence • star,shaped • bad, harmful • ankle region • abdominal wall • labor, bring forth
Medical Terminolog: Respiratory System 2016-02-15
- Dyspnea that is worsened by lying flat
- Normal breathing and respiratory rate
- Abnormal sound made during inspiration indicating fluids present
- Medication that relaxes muscle spasms in bronchial tubes
- Taking deep breaths
- Inflammation of the nasal cavity and pharynx
- Lack of oxygen that can lead to unconsciousness and death
- Breathing fast
- Difficult or labored breathing
- Condition of having an insufficient amount of oxygen in the bloodstream
- Visual examination of the inside of the bronchi
- Harsh, high-pitched, noisy breathing sound made when there is an obstruction of the bronchus
- To cough up blood
- Insertion of tube into the chest cavity for the purpose of draining off fluid or air
- Pulmonary infection caused by Histoplasma capsulatum found in bird droppings
- Surgical puncture of the chest wall for the removal of fluids
- Commonly called whooping cough
- Not breathing
- Surgical repair of the larynx
- Collection of air or gas in the pleural cavity
- Procedure to measure the oxygen level in the blood using a device
- Disease caused by various conditions, like allergies, and resulting in constriction of the bronchial airways.
- Taking shallow breaths
- Breathing too slowly
- Condition in which the alveoli in a portion of the lung collapse
25 Clues: Not breathing • Breathing fast • To cough up blood • Taking deep breaths • Breathing too slowly • Taking shallow breaths • Surgical repair of the larynx • Commonly called whooping cough • Difficult or labored breathing • Normal breathing and respiratory rate • Dyspnea that is worsened by lying flat • Inflammation of the nasal cavity and pharynx • ...
Medical Terminology Lesson 12 2016-04-19
25 Clues: base • vein • ileum • ovary • colon • three • spleen • artery • uterus • ureter • sacrum • pelvis • larynx • thyroid • urethra • therapy • pharynx • bronchus • duodenum • appendix • ligament • esophagus • illuminated • adrenal(gland) • two,double,both
Our Favorite Medical Words 2016-10-17
- Coughing up blood
- An upper GI endoscopy or EGD
- Any disease caused by a fungus
- Brand name of quetiapine
- Surgical removal of one or both ovaries
- The area surrounding an ischemic event such as thrombotic or embolic stroke
- Brand name of hydrocortisone
- Bones that make up the fingers of the hand and the toes of the foot
- For example pioglitazone and rosiglitazone
- Generic name of Retrovir
- Brand name of fluconazole
- A hormone-secreting tumor that can occur in the adrenal glands
- An inflammatory arthritis affecting the spine and large joints (two words)
- Unpleasant symptoms that occur after excessive alcohol intake
- A class of compounds that include a nitroso (R-NO) group and a urea
- Involuntary erection or bristling of hairs
- Characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the physical symptoms of a disease
- Relieve of the symptoms of a disease
- Of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood (not medical)
- So small or unimportant as to be not worth considering
20 Clues: Coughing up blood • Brand name of quetiapine • Generic name of Retrovir • Brand name of fluconazole • An upper GI endoscopy or EGD • Brand name of hydrocortisone • Any disease caused by a fungus • Relieve of the symptoms of a disease • Surgical removal of one or both ovaries • Involuntary erection or bristling of hairs • For example pioglitazone and rosiglitazone • ...
FHS Medical Math Intro 2023-10-19
23 Clues: G • L • C • pt • gm • yd • mg • ft • kg • mL • qt • lb • oz • inch • Tsp or t • Tbsp or T • ounce fl oz • Tenth or 1/10 • Ten or 10 times • hundredths or 1/100 • Thousandths or 1/1000 • One hundred or 100 times • Thousands or 1,000 times
Medical Terminology Module 4 2023-10-25
- pertaining to the lower lateral leg bone
- inflammation of the meniscus
- incision into the vertebral column
- type of bone cell involved in absorption and removal of bone minerals
- placing of portions of a fractured bone into correct anatomical position
- pertaining to within the skull
- abnormal condition of bending forward (forward curve of lumbar spine)
- tendon pain
- abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe
- physician who specializes in osteopathy
- excision of an intervertebral disk
- record of a joint
- abnormal development
- fluid build up
- pertaining to the pelvis
- pertaining to the pelvis and the sacrum
- movement in which limb is placed in straight position
- distortion of any part or disfigurement of the body
- congenital fissure of the vertebral (spina bifida)
- excision of one or more ankle (tarsal) bones
- excision of the meniscus
- death of bone tissues
- both sides unequal
- pain in the joint
- abnormal loss of bone density occurring frequently in post menopause females
- pertaining to below the rib
- abnormal lateral/rotational curve of the spine
- pertaining to the collarbone
- excision of a wrist bone
- fasciitis inflammation of plantar fascia, connection tissue of the sole of the foot,due to repetitive injury; common cause of heel pain
- developing bone cell (embryonic)
- pertaining to the skull
- broken bone or bent bone
- crackling sound heard when two bones rub against each other
- connective tissue tumor of the bone
- pertaining to the anterior pelvic bone
- tumor of the bone marrow
- excision of a rib
- one who is skilled in prothesis
- stretching of partial tear of a muscle
- pertaining to below the upper jaw bone
- incomplete dislocation where some joint surfaces are still in contact
- pertaining to the lower lateral forearm bone
- pertaining to the medial lower arm bone
- excision of a finger or toe bone
- surgical repair of a joint
- movement of drawing away from the middle
- abnormal reduction of bone mass (caused by inadequate replacement of bone lost to normal bone destruction and can lead to osteoporosis)
- pain in the fibrous tissues and muscles (a common condition characterized by widespread pain and stiffness muscles, fatigue, and disturbed sleep)
- physician who specialized in study of bones and muscles (orthopod)
- pertaining to the upper pelvic bone
- pertaining to the low back
- restoring a fractured bone to its normal position
- pertaining to both lower arm bones (medial and lateral)
- inflammation of a bursa
- pertaining to below the shoulder blade
- tumor of the bone and fibrous tissue
- able to walk, not confined to bed
- pertaining to both sides being unequal
- movement in which a limb is bent
- surgical repair of the muscle
- pertaining to the medial lower leg bone
- both sides being equal
- tumor of the bone
- movement that turns the palm up
- bone pain
- making of a part or limb immovable
- an artificial substitute for a missing body part such as a leg or eye
- pertaining to the inferior pelvic bone and lower lateral leg bone
- surgical repair of a cartilage
- movement that turn the palm down
- pertaining to the inferior and anterior pelvic bones
- pertaining to the low back and sacrum
- surgical repair of the tendon and muscle
- difficult movement
- incision into a muscle
- physician who specialized in study of bones and muscles (orthopedist)
- without development
- decrease in movement
- pertaining to the upper jaw bone
- pertaining to under the collarbone
- suturing of fascia
- pertaining to the lower jaw bone
- turning around its own axis
- disease of a bursa
- incision into the sternum
- pertaining to the shoulder blade
- pertaining to below the breast bonecarpal pertaining to the wrist
- record of the electric activity in a muslce
- excision of the synovial membrane
- softening of bones
- pulling force exerted on a limb in an effort to return the bone or joint to normal position
- arthritis chronic systemic disease characterized by autoimmune inflammatory changes in the connective tissue throughout the body
- pain in muscle
- dystrophy group of hereditary disease characterized by degeneration of muscle and weakness
- pertaining to a rib
- pertaining to the breast bone
- bone cell
- inflammation of muscle
- turning outward (ankle movement)
- inflammation of an intervertebral disk
- surgical breaking of a joint
- pertaining to above the shoulder blade
- excessive amount of uric acid in blood causes NA⁺ uric crystal to be deposited
- pertaining to a bone of the ankle
- incision into the skull
- excision of a bursa
- rib pain
- pertaining to the low back and ribs
- surgical repair of the skull
- orthopedics appliances used to support, align, prevent, or correct deformities
- turning inward (ankle movement)
- inflammation of the maxilla
- pertaining to the upper arm bone
- suture of a muscle
- stenosis narrowing of the spinal canal with compression of nerve roots
- pertaining to the upper leg bone
- tunnel syndrome a common painful disorder of the wrist
118 Clues: rib pain • bone pain • bone cell • tendon pain • fluid build up • pain in muscle • tumor of the bone • record of a joint • pain in the joint • excision of a rib • difficult movement • suturing of fascia • both sides unequal • disease of a bursa • softening of bones • suture of a muscle • without development • pertaining to a rib • excision of a bursa • abnormal development • decrease in movement • ...
chapter 18 medical terminology 2023-11-16
- presence of two or more diseases at the same time
- pathologic fear of being trapped in a public space
- drug able to alter mood, behavior, and congestion
- the capacity to become accustomed to a stimulus or drug
- unable or unwilling to speak
- pathologic fear of Hights
- exaggerated feeling of well-being
- dependence when the body requires specific does a particular drug
- inability to sleep
- mental disorder in which an individual personality is separated from the rest, leading to multiple personalities
- morbid impulse to set fires
- type of depression when there is less sunlight
- persistent, recurrent, uncontrollable thoughts or impulses
- killing of one human by another
- treatment of mental disorders through communication
- distress caused by fear.
- agent that intensifies sensory perception
- non-medical term for person able to be responsible for actions
- fixed or false beliefs of judgements
- total or partial inability to remember past experiences
- substance that diminishes activity, sensation, or tone
- pathologic fear or dread
- scientific study of the human mind and behavior
- diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
- natural substance in the brain that has the same effect
- a drug that stimulates your brain and nervous system
- mood disorder with hyperactivity, irritability, and rapid speech
- distress caused by fear.
29 Clues: inability to sleep • distress caused by fear. • pathologic fear or dread • distress caused by fear. • pathologic fear of Hights • morbid impulse to set fires • unable or unwilling to speak • killing of one human by another • exaggerated feeling of well-being • fixed or false beliefs of judgements • agent that intensifies sensory perception • ...
Medical Terminology Chapter 18 2023-11-20
- a crystalline compound that is a stimulant of the central nervous system
- morbid impulse to set fires
- scientific study of the human mind and behavior
- mental health condition that involves the loss of connection between identity,feelings,thoughts,memories
- the capacity to become accustomed to a stimulus or drug
- fear of being trapped in a public place
- killing of one human by another
- fixed,false belief or judgment held despite strong evidence to the contrary
- unable or unwilling to speak
- fear of heights
- diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
- state of chronic dependence on a drug or medication
- total or partial inability to remember past experiences
- inability to sleep
- presence of two or more diseases at the same time
- person unable to be responsible for actions
- type of depression
- exaggerated feeling of well-being
- syndrome characterized by physical immobility and mental stupor
- relating to drugs that produce hallucinations and apparent expansion of consciousness
- mood disorder with hyperactivity,irritability,rapid speech
- treatment of mental disorders through communication
- persistent,recurrent,uncontrollable thoughts or impulses
- fear of being trapped in a confined space
- natural substance in the brain that has same effect as opium
- substance that diminishes activity,sensation,or tone
- fear or dread
- distress caused by fear
28 Clues: fear or dread • fear of heights • type of depression • inability to sleep • distress caused by fear • morbid impulse to set fires • unable or unwilling to speak • killing of one human by another • exaggerated feeling of well-being • fear of being trapped in a public place • fear of being trapped in a confined space • person unable to be responsible for actions • ...
Medical Terminology CH 18 2023-11-21
- drugs drug thats able to alter mood behavior and or cognition
- persistent, recurrent, uncontrollable thoughts or impulses
- pathologic fear of being trapped in a confined space
- the capacity to become accustomed to a stimulus or drug
- pathologic fear of heights
- pathologic fear of being trapped in a public space.
- affective disorder depression that occurs at the same time
- agent that intensifies sensory perception
- drug that stimulates (increases activity of) your brain and nervous system
- treatment of mental disorders
- morbid impulse to set fires
- syndrome characterized by physical immobility & mental support
- distress caused by fear
- scientific study of human and behavior
- inability or unwillingness to speak.
- natural substance in the brain that has the same affect as opium
- substance that diminishes activity, sensation of tone
- mood disorder with hyperactivity, irritability and rapid speech
- pathologic fear or dread
- exaggerated feeling of well being
- presence of two hormone diseases at the same time
- dependence when body of user adapts to functioning with substance drug
- inability to sleep
- diagnoses and treatment of mental disorders
- identity disorder mental disorder in which of an individual's personality is separated from.
- fixed, unyielding, false belief or judgement held despite strong evidence to the contrary
- total or partial inability to remember past experiences
- nonmedical term for a person unable to be responsible for his or her actions
- death caused by another person.
29 Clues: inability to sleep • distress caused by fear • pathologic fear or dread • pathologic fear of heights • morbid impulse to set fires • treatment of mental disorders • death caused by another person. • exaggerated feeling of well being • inability or unwillingness to speak. • scientific study of human and behavior • agent that intensifies sensory perception • ...
Medical Terminology Lab 5 2023-12-07
- Disease that causes narrowing in the arteries surrounding the heart, caused by fat building up on the walls of the arteries
- Measures sounds in heart, lungs and intestines
- Root word meaning pulse
- Septum Wall between left and right ventricles
- Prefix meaning 4
- Suffix meaning narrowing
- Double layer sac covering heart
- Name for dilated veins
- Prefix meaning outside of
- Ultrasound to look at heart/ vessels
- Otherwise known as high blood pressure
- Condition where heart doesn't efficiently pump blood from left ventricle
- Abbreviation for care unit dedicated to Heart
- In the veins, abbreviation
- Inner layer of each chamber for the heart
- Portable EKG machine
- Medical term for heart attack
- Name for 2 chambers of the heart
- Name for a half moon shaped valve
- Procedure with X-ray dye injected into blood vessels to diagnose aneurysms and narrowing
- Instrument to measure pressure
- Basic metabolic panel abbreviation
- Ventricular tachycardia abbreviation, also state next to NH!
- Root word meaning fatty substance
- Atrial fibrillation abbreviation
25 Clues: Prefix meaning 4 • Portable EKG machine • Name for dilated veins • Root word meaning pulse • Suffix meaning narrowing • Prefix meaning outside of • In the veins, abbreviation • Medical term for heart attack • Instrument to measure pressure • Double layer sac covering heart • Name for 2 chambers of the heart • Atrial fibrillation abbreviation • Name for a half moon shaped valve • ...
Medical Terminology Lesson #13 2023-11-29
25 Clues: old • tube • head • down • turn • burn • good • both • same • flat • false • break • smell • other • short • split • split • thick • fence • front • under • female • straight • back part • around, on both sides
Integumentary System Medical Terminology 2024-02-08
- pertaining to dry skin
- abnormal itching condition
- inflammation of the eyelid
- black cell
- tumor or mass of blood
- the study of disease
- abnormal condition of blood in the tissues
- pertaining to death
- blood cell
- fat cell
- pertaining to the skin
- specialist in study of the skin
- cancerous tumor
- nipple-like tumor
- inflammation of the skin
- inflammation of the skin
- removal of the tonsils
- top layer of skin
- pertaining to profuse sweating
- black tumor
- cancerous tumor
- abnormal condition of being bluish in color
- above normal body temperature condition
- below normal body temperature condition
- disease of the hair
- below the skin
- above normal development
- study of the skin
- surgical removal of fat
- abnormal hardening of body tissue
30 Clues: fat cell • black cell • blood cell • black tumor • below the skin • cancerous tumor • cancerous tumor • top layer of skin • study of the skin • nipple-like tumor • disease of the hair • pertaining to death • the study of disease • removal of the tonsils • pertaining to dry skin • tumor or mass of blood • pertaining to the skin • surgical removal of fat • inflammation of the skin • ...
Medical Terminology Set 3 2024-02-14
23 Clues: fx • itis • head • heart • cheek • within • cancer • airway • Outside • state of • gynecology • well,normal • upper,above • Tuberculosis • genitourinary • origin,source • lumbar puncture • gastrointestinal • disease condition • painful,difficult • cerebrovascular accient • congestive heart failure • tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
Joints Medical Terminology Review 2022-06-06
- type of rotation; joint rotates away from the center of the body
- downward movement of a body part
- type of fluid that is found within the synovial cavity
- joint type that is immovable;such as between the bones of the skull
- excessive straightening of a body part
- moving a body part forward
- downward movement of the foot
- moving a body part backward
- type of cartilage;hyaline cartilage that covers the surface of bones at joint
- upward movement of the foot
- movement toward the midline of the body
- type of rotation; joint rotates toward from the center of the body
- type of joint that is freely movable
- circular movement of a body region or limb
- increasing the angle between two bones; straightening out a limb
- connective tissue that binds muscle to bone
- connective tissue that binds bones to other bones
- upward movement of a body part
- turning the palm downward
- turning the sole of the foot outward
- movement away from the midline of the body
- type of membrane that lines the joint cavity and produces synovial fluid
- sac of fluid near a joint;promotes smooth sliding of one tissue against another
- crescent-shaped fibrocartilaginous structure within the knee
- decreasing the angle between two bones; bending a limb
- type of cavity;space between bones at a synovial joint that contains synovial fluid
- turning the palm upward
- circular movement around a central point
- joint
- turning the sole of the foot inward
30 Clues: joint • turning the palm upward • turning the palm downward • moving a body part forward • moving a body part backward • upward movement of the foot • downward movement of the foot • upward movement of a body part • downward movement of a body part • turning the sole of the foot inward • turning the sole of the foot outward • type of joint that is freely movable • ...
Medical Terminology Lesson #9 2022-10-25
25 Clues: in • bad • lip • twin • move • fear • skin • glue • back • hand • side • light • small • digest • breast • swelling • heel,stone • finger,toe • about,around • spinal column • grain,particle • pleura,rib,side • walk,take steps • in front of, before • framework of the eyelid
Medical Terminology/Directional Terms 2022-10-05
- Black and blue discoloration of the skin
- structure that connects muscle to bone
- discharge of blood
- Further away from the midline of the body
- Injury to a ligaments and/or joint capsules.
- Ossificans Myositis marked by ossification
- Fibrous membrane that covers and supports muscles
- a break or crack in a bone
- structure that connects bone to bone
- Separates the body into top and bottom halves
- Bruise or injury to the soft tissue
- Below
- Closer to the midline of the body
- Away from the midline of the body
- Injury involving muscles and tendons
- Towards the midline of the body
- Cartilaginous growth region of bone
- Forcible tearing away or separation
- Separates the body into front and back halves Sagittal Separates the body into left and right halves
- Above
- Nearer to the surface of the skin
- Capsule Sac-like structure that encloses the bone
- in front of or before
- Further away from the surface of the skin
- in back of or behind
- Act that damages or hurts
26 Clues: Above • Below • discharge of blood • in back of or behind • in front of or before • Act that damages or hurts • a break or crack in a bone • Towards the midline of the body • Away from the midline of the body • Nearer to the surface of the skin • Closer to the midline of the body • Cartilaginous growth region of bone • Forcible tearing away or separation • ...
Medical Equipment and Abbreviation 2023-03-21
- Used to test tendon reflexes
- Used to store oxygen and other gases.
- A device used to listen to internal sounds of the body.
- A procedure to remove sample cells or tissues in order to be used in the laboratory.
- A machine that is used to filter toxins in blood.
- A tool used to measure and dispense liquid.
- To cease from doing.
- Used to stimulate a large bowel movement.
- declared deceased immediately upon arrival at the hospital
- A surgical instrument used to cut and dissect.
- A substance or drugs used to treat an illness or disease.
- Used to remove earwax and foreign bodies from ear or cavities.
- depressor A tool used to examine the mouth and throat.
- Produces an image or film that shows conditions affecting the chest.
- Used to measure length, height or distance.
- an implantable device that helps pace irregular heartbeat
- A device used to measure temperature.
- A device used to inject fluids or withdraw them from the body.
- A quantity that represents a part of a whole.
- Used for secretion of obstructions from the body.
- Identification of a disease or other problems from its signs and symptomps.
- A machine that is used to deliver breath or breathes for you.
- A container that is used to collect urine or feces.
- A system that provides intensive and specialized care.
- A facility equipped with scientific equipment for research and experiments.
- Used to inspect the retina or other parts of the eye.
- A device used to turn liquid into mist that can easily be inhaled.
- A device used to measure weight or mass.
- A device used to look into the ears.
- The number of heartbeats per minute.
30 Clues: To cease from doing. • Used to test tendon reflexes • A device used to look into the ears. • The number of heartbeats per minute. • A device used to measure temperature. • Used to store oxygen and other gases. • A device used to measure weight or mass. • Used to stimulate a large bowel movement. • A tool used to measure and dispense liquid. • ...
Medical Equipment & Abbreviations Crossword 2023-03-05
- used for dissecting or cutting
- :to drain and collect urine directly from the bladder
- : to test motor reflexes of the body
- : to look at the retina
- : coronary heart disease
- : to produce aerosols of drugs to be administered by respiratory route
- : emergency room
- for use in oral examination
- : bed rest
- to transfuse blood and blood products
- : for injections and aspiration of blood or fluid from the body
- : hemoglobin
- to measure weight
- : laboratory
- : as a tray for instruments, gauze, tissue, etc.
- to hear sounds from movements within the body
- to measure the patient's blood pressure
- to look inside the gastrointestinal tract, used mainly in surgery or by surgical consultants
- : to remove toxic materials from the blood
- to remove foreign bodies from ear or nasal cavities
- : bowel movement
- : do not resuscitate
- for recording rates like heart rate, respiratory rate, etc.
- : to measure out doses of liquid, specially in children
- to suck up blood or secretions
- : family history
- to test for deafness and to categorize it
- to look into the external ear cavity
- : deoxyribonucleic acid
- : above the knee
30 Clues: : bed rest • : laboratory • : hemoglobin • : bowel movement • : emergency room • : family history • : above the knee • to measure weight • : do not resuscitate • : to look at the retina • : deoxyribonucleic acid • : coronary heart disease • for use in oral examination • used for dissecting or cutting • to suck up blood or secretions • : to test motor reflexes of the body • ...
Medical Terminology: The Ears 2023-02-14
- a visual examination of the ear using a handheld device called an otoscope
- overly sensitive hearing
- surgical repair of the tympanic membrane
- any disease of the ear
- incision into the mastoid process
- a ringing or buzzing sensation in the ears
- total hearing loss
- inflammation of the external auditory canal
- abnormal drainage from the ear
- medical field of ear disorders and treatment
- a chronic disease of the inner ear that includes symptoms of dizziness and ringing in the ears
- a procedure that measures hearing using an audiometer
- inflammation of the middle ear
- incision into the tympanic membrane, usually releases pus and relieves pressure in the middle ear
- bleeding, or hemorrhage form the ear
- excision of the labyrinth from the temporal bone
- inflammation of the eardrum; also called tympanitis
- a sensation of dizziness
- inflammation of the mastoid process and associated tissues
- pain in the ear; earache
- excision of the mastoid process
- hearing impairment that is associated with old age
- abnormal formation of bone between the stapes and the oval window; causes a progressive loss of hearing
- one who specializes in hearing disorders and treatment
- excision of the stapes
- excessive buildup of earwax in the external auditory canal
- partial loss or impaired hearing
- study of hearing disorders
- surgical repair of the tympanic membrane
- inflammation of the labyrinth (inner ear)
- a benign tumor that arises from the auditory nerve; may cause hearing impairment
- a procedure that measures hearing using an instrument
32 Clues: total hearing loss • any disease of the ear • excision of the stapes • overly sensitive hearing • a sensation of dizziness • pain in the ear; earache • study of hearing disorders • abnormal drainage from the ear • inflammation of the middle ear • excision of the mastoid process • partial loss or impaired hearing • incision into the mastoid process • ...
- immediately
- high blood pressure
- bx
- chief complaint
- do not resuscitate
- inflammation
- surgical removal
- cancer
- last menstrual period
- abdomen
- shortness of breath
- Fx
- electrocradiogram
- four times a day
- urinalysis
- below or under
- licensed practical nurse
- water
- around
- birth control pills
- ultrasound
- Tx
- alcohol on breath
- high density lipoprotein
- alert, awake, and oriented
- half
- blood pressure
- red blood cell
- gunshot wound
29 Clues: bx • Tx • Fx • half • water • around • cancer • abdomen • urinalysis • ultrasound • immediately • inflammation • gunshot wound • below or under • blood pressure • red blood cell • chief complaint • surgical removal • four times a day • alcohol on breath • electrocradiogram • do not resuscitate • high blood pressure • birth control pills • shortness of breath • last menstrual period • licensed practical nurse • ...
Integumentary system medical terminology 2024-04-21
- Disease muscle
- Genetic disorder
- skin disease
- Physical Science
- Ice packs
- structure of organisms
- Composed of fat
- itching
- Study of physiology of the blood
- cancer cells
- disease that treats the body
- Study of Skin
- uses cold temperatures for abnormal tissues
- producing pus
- tumor of skin
- fatty acids
- Study of hair and scalp
- partial dislocated of a joint
- formation of something
- condition of nerves
- capable of cancer
- White blood cell
- eyelid
- red blood cells
- Study of nervous-system
- produce own food
- Study of human-society
- Study of Life
- Study of cells
- Study of genes
30 Clues: eyelid • itching • Ice packs • fatty acids • skin disease • cancer cells • tumor of skin • Study of Life • Study of Skin • producing pus • Disease muscle • Study of cells • Study of genes • red blood cells • Composed of fat • Genetic disorder • Physical Science • White blood cell • produce own food • capable of cancer • condition of nerves • formation of something • structure of organisms • Study of human-society • ...
Integumentary System Medical Terminology 2024-04-23
- disease of hardening cornea
- scaly skin condition
- abnormal condition of tissue blood cells
- abnormal itching condition
- red blood cell
- resembling white color
- surgical removal of the nail
- pertaining to the nipple
- inflammation of the blood cells
- surgical removal of fat
- specialist in diseases
- sebum cells
- producing sensation to itch
- situated below the skin
- study of the covering skin and body
- incision on the eyelid
- hair cell
- abnormal blue tint
- abnormality of the hair
- study of skin
- abnormal death of cells
- having/pertaining black pigment
- study of the dry and scaly
- using cold to cut
- thick mass on the nail
- mass of cancer
- pertaining to perfuse sweating
- cancerous mass/tumor
- abnormal hardening condition
- pus cells on the skin
30 Clues: hair cell • sebum cells • study of skin • red blood cell • mass of cancer • using cold to cut • abnormal blue tint • scaly skin condition • cancerous mass/tumor • pus cells on the skin • thick mass on the nail • resembling white color • specialist in diseases • incision on the eyelid • abnormality of the hair • abnormal death of cells • surgical removal of fat • situated below the skin • ...
Unit 5: Medical terms 2024-04-30
- blood pressure / force of the blood pushing on the artery walls is too much
- / Excitable heart cell
- Test / Lab analysis of things that may be found in your blood
- / Blood
- / Heart
- / brain attack, blood supply cut off from brain
- / electrocardiogram
- / Very small blood vessels
- / Irregular heartbeat
- / coronary artery bypass graft
- heart disease / disease that causes narrowing arteries
- / plug or blockage
- / Pumps blood to all parts of your body
- / Carry blood throughout your body
- / Vital signs stable
- / Aorta
- / Chest Pain
- / Artery
- / Test to record the electrical signals in the heart
- / use sound waves to create pictures of the heart
- / Transport oxygen-rich blood away from the heart
- angiogram / Dynamic x-ray to take pictures of the heart to check for blockages
- / Beats per Minute
- Attack / Heart is not receiving oxygen and stops/almost stops
- / Detailed images of internal structures
25 Clues: / Aorta • / Blood • / Heart • / Artery • / Chest Pain • / plug or blockage • / Beats per Minute • / electrocardiogram • / Vital signs stable • / Irregular heartbeat • / Excitable heart cell • / Very small blood vessels • / coronary artery bypass graft • / Carry blood throughout your body • / Pumps blood to all parts of your body • / Detailed images of internal structures • ...
Medical Terminology - Lesson 12 2024-05-02
- pertaining to the sacrum
- inflammation of the duodenum and common bile duct
- a person skilled in the treatment of disease
- the condition of occurring in pairs
- abnormal distention of the esophagus
- the operation of cutting the pelvis at any point to facilitate delivery
- fixation and incision of the colon
- narrowing of the urethra
- pain in the pharynx
- pertaining to the ilium and the ribs
- a thread or wire for surgical tying
- dilation of an artery
- pneumonia complicated by bronchitis and pleurisy
- hardening of the spleen
- any disease of the adrenal glands
- pertaining to an appendix
- the study of the nose and larynx
- distention of the ureter
- having three loves
- the crushing of the fetal head to facilitate delivery
- surgical creation of an opening between two parts of the ileum
- veins that receive blood from the liver
- inflammation of the uterus
- an ovarian hormone
- tumor of the thyroid
25 Clues: having three loves • an ovarian hormone • pain in the pharynx • tumor of the thyroid • dilation of an artery • hardening of the spleen • pertaining to the sacrum • distention of the ureter • narrowing of the urethra • pertaining to an appendix • inflammation of the uterus • the study of the nose and larynx • any disease of the adrenal glands • fixation and incision of the colon • ...
Set 8 Medical terms 2024-04-05
- Infection acquired during a hospital stay
- when you go to a therapist for
- Adenoids
- Deficiency in blood flow
- Do this too much you might get adip
- Change form or shape
- Doesn't kill/hurt you fast
- dad didn't leave for milk when your mom was giving birth to you :)
- Doctors take blood from
- Semisolid thick blood( sometimes happens on your period)
- New and abnormal growth
- Doctors take blood from
- Antigen and antibody response
- Uno
- white blood cells
- what you do to a pimple
- Change
- Cause I'm a very freaky girl, get it from my mama -Latto
- Disease/Condition with unknown cause
- Biggie Smalls
- Doesn't kill/hurt you slow
- micropenise
- Gym people drink this
- Group
25 Clues: Uno • Group • Change • Adenoids • SPLENDID • micropenise • Biggie Smalls • white blood cells • Change form or shape • Gym people drink this • what you do to a pimple • Doctors take blood from • New and abnormal growth • Doctors take blood from • Deficiency in blood flow • Doesn't kill/hurt you slow • Doesn't kill/hurt you fast • Antigen and antibody response • when you go to a therapist for • ...
Health and Medical issues 2024-03-27
- / problems or concerns related to health, often requiring attention from medical professionals.
- / pain or discomfort in the throat, typically caused by inflammation or infection
- / a respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing
- / to shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited.
- / to dispose of something in a careless or hurried manner
- / a drug or medicine used to relieve pain
- / pain in the ear, often caused by infection or inflammation
- / the passage in the neck through which food and air pass on their way from the mouth to the lungs and stomach; the front part of the neck.
- / bleeding from the blood vessels in the nose, often caused by irritation or injury
- / feeling upset, anxious, or troubled.
- part of a situation that is not immediately obvious but still influences or shapes the context
- / Stretched tight; strained; (v.) To make or become tense.
- comfort or restore confidence to someone who is anxious or worried
- / to have difficulty breathing because of something blocking the throat or airway
- fact of needing to be treated very carefully because it may offend or upset people
- / the top surface of the thighs when a person is sitting down; the space between the waist and the knees of a seated person
- / to lose blood from one's body, often as a result of injury or illness
- of and able to understand what is happening around oneself; not unconscious.
- / the front part of the body between the neck and the stomach, containing the heart and lungs
- / having or showing the symptoms of a fever, such as high body temperature, shivering, and sweating
- that diverts attention away from something else; an interruption or disturbance
- firmly fixed; likely to move or change; not stable.
- / emergency medical technicians trained to provide pre-hospital emergency medical care.
- for influenza, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It typically manifests with symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, fatigue, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea
- / a bag provided on airplanes or other forms of transportation for passengers to vomit into if they feel nauseous or sick
- tablet a tablet containing medication or ingredients intended to relieve symptoms of the common cold
- / having a skin color that is lighter than usual, often due to illness, shock, or fear.
- / pain or discomfort in the stomach or upper abdomen, often associated with difficulty in digesting food
- / to evaluate or determine the nature, quality, or significance of something
- / the organ in the body where food is digested; the part of the body where digestion takes place
- / a violent and sudden release of energy caused by a chemical reaction, typically with the production of noise, heat, and pressure.
- blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart
- / to lose consciousness briefly because of a temporary decrease in blood flow to the brain; to pass out
- / firmly or closely fixed in place; not loose.
- / fluids administered directly into a vein, typically to provide hydration, nutrients, or medication to the body.
- / to make or become stable, steady, or unchanging.
- charge someone with an offense or crime; to blame or allege that someone has done something wrong.
- / a sudden attack or recurrence of a disease, such as epilepsy, characterized by convulsions or unconsciousness
- / a support for the arm, typically found on chairs or sofas, providing comfort and relaxation for the arms
39 Clues: / feeling upset, anxious, or troubled. • / a drug or medicine used to relieve pain • / firmly or closely fixed in place; not loose. • blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart • / to make or become stable, steady, or unchanging. • firmly fixed; likely to move or change; not stable. • / to dispose of something in a careless or hurried manner • ...