natural disasters Crossword Puzzles

Natural Hazards 2024-01-09

Natural Hazards crossword puzzle
  1. - giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea
  2. - reducing the risk of loss from the occurrence of any undesirable event
  3. Fire - uncontrolled fires that burn through natural areas
  4. – A prolonged shortage of rainfall resulting in a deficiency in the water supply
  5. – A severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and wind
  6. – A severe snowstorm characterized by strong sustained winds
  1. – A shaking and vibration at the earth's surface
  2. – A localized and violently destructive windstorm
  3. Hazard – A natural hazard is a threat of a naturally occurring event that will have a negative effect
  4. – A rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land.

10 Clues: – A shaking and vibration at the earth's surface– A localized and violently destructive windstormFire - uncontrolled fires that burn through natural areas– A severe snowstorm characterized by strong sustained winds– A severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and wind- giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea...

Natural Hazards 2024-01-09

Natural Hazards crossword puzzle
  1. a rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry-land
  2. a severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds moving 74+ mph
  3. Fire, uncontrolled fires that burn through natural areas, consuming everything in their paths
  4. giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea
  5. Hazard, a threat of a naturally occurring event that will have a negative effect on people and environment
  6. a severe snowstorm characterized by strong sustained winds for a prolonged period with reduced visibility
  1. A localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land, characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground, usually attached to a thunderstorm
  2. a prolonged shortage of rainfall resulting in a deficiency in the water supply whether surface or underground water
  3. reducing the risk of loss from the occurrence of an undesirable event
  4. a shaking and vibration at the earths surface resulting in underground movement along a fault plane or as the result of volcanic activit

10 Clues: reducing the risk of loss from the occurrence of an undesirable eventgiant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the seaa rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry-landa severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds moving 74+ mph...

Natural Hazards 2024-01-09

Natural Hazards crossword puzzle
  1. Big snowstorm
  2. Funnel cloud
  3. Event with negative impacts
  4. Ground shaking
  5. Lack of rain
  1. Uncontrollable fire in nature
  2. Big tropical storm
  3. Reduced risk of a natural disaster
  4. Big wave
  5. Too much water

10 Clues: Big waveFunnel cloudLack of rainBig snowstormToo much waterGround shakingBig tropical stormEvent with negative impactsUncontrollable fire in natureReduced risk of a natural disaster

Natural Hazards 2024-01-09

Natural Hazards crossword puzzle
  1. – A shaking and vibration at the earth's surface
  2. – A natural hazard is a threat of a naturally occurring event
  3. - giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea
  4. – A rising of a body of water
  1. - uncontrolled fires that burn through natural areas,
  2. – A localized and violently destructive windstorm
  3. – A severe snowstorm characterized by strong sustained winds
  4. - reducing the risk of loss from the occurrence of any undesirable event
  5. – A severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds moving from 74+ mph
  6. – A prolonged shortage of rainfall resulting in a deficiency in the water supply

10 Clues: – A rising of a body of water– A shaking and vibration at the earth's surface– A localized and violently destructive windstorm- uncontrolled fires that burn through natural areas,– A severe snowstorm characterized by strong sustained winds– A natural hazard is a threat of a naturally occurring event...

Natural Hazards 2024-01-17

Natural Hazards crossword puzzle
  1. – A severe snowstorm characterized by strong sustained winds for a prolonged period
  2. – A shaking and vibration at the earth's surface resulting in underground movement
  3. Fire - uncontrolled fires that burn through natural areas
  4. – A rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land
  5. – A localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land
  6. - reducing the risk of loss from the occurrence of any undesirable event
  7. Hazard – A threat of a naturally occurring event
  1. – A severe tropical cyclone
  2. - giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea
  3. – A prolonged shortage of rainfall resulting in a deficiency in the water supply

10 Clues: – A severe tropical cycloneHazard – A threat of a naturally occurring eventFire - uncontrolled fires that burn through natural areas– A localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land- giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea– A rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land...

Natural disaster 2024-02-13

Natural disaster crossword puzzle
  1. Point above the focus
  2. The instrument used for detecting earthquakes
  3. Cyclic rise and drop in the sea waves
  4. The liquid that comes out of a volcano is called
  1. scale Earthquakes are measured on this scale
  2. The starting point of the earthquake
  3. Shortage of water in the land
  4. Rise of water due to earthquake in the water body
  5. Shaking or tremors felt is called ____.
  6. When rocks become so hot, they can become a substance called

10 Clues: Point above the focusShortage of water in the landThe starting point of the earthquakeCyclic rise and drop in the sea wavesShaking or tremors felt is called ____.The instrument used for detecting earthquakesscale Earthquakes are measured on this scaleThe liquid that comes out of a volcano is called...

natural phenomena 2024-02-28

natural phenomena crossword puzzle
  1. a mountain or hill with a vent through which molten rock, ash, and gases erupt.
  2. an extended period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to water scarcity and adverse effects on ecosystems.
  3. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, often caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
  4. a series of ocean waves triggered by an underwater earthquake, volcanic eruption, or landslide.
  5. a rapidly rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground, characterized by its destructive winds.
  1. a severe snowstorm characterized by strong winds, low visibility, and intense cold.
  2. a localized weather disturbance with lightning, thunder, heavy rain, and sometimes hail.
  3. a sudden discharge of electricity between clouds or between a cloud and the ground, often accompanied by thunder.
  4. a powerful tropical cyclone with strong winds and heavy rainfall, typically forming over warm ocean waters.
  5. it occurs when water covers land that is usually dry, often due to heavy rainfall, melting snow, or dam failure.

10 Clues: a mountain or hill with a vent through which molten rock, ash, and gases erupt.a severe snowstorm characterized by strong winds, low visibility, and intense cold.a localized weather disturbance with lightning, thunder, heavy rain, and sometimes hail.a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, often caused by the movement of tectonic plates....

Natural Selection 2024-02-22

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. naturalist and scientist known for his theory of natural selection
  2. an animal greatly reducing its activity during the winter
  3. characteristic that allows an organism to blend in with its environment
  4. a long journey that occurs on a seasonal basis
  5. characteristic that allows an organisms to survive in its environment
  1. adaptation that allows an organism to perform a specific function in the body
  2. the disappearance of all members of a species
  3. adaptation where the physical features of an organism help it survive
  4. when an organism tries to look like another organism
  5. a behavior that is taught after birth

10 Clues: a behavior that is taught after birththe disappearance of all members of a speciesa long journey that occurs on a seasonal basiswhen an organism tries to look like another organisman animal greatly reducing its activity during the winternaturalist and scientist known for his theory of natural selection...

Natural Phenomena 2024-04-22

Natural Phenomena crossword puzzle
  1. Hot springs that intermittently spout water and steam
  2. Violently rotating column of air
  3. Piece of rock or metal from outer space that enters the Earth's atmosphere
  4. Series of ocean waves caused by an earthquake
  5. Obscuring of one celestial body by another
  1. Natural light display in the sky
  2. Sudden shaking of the ground
  3. Celestial object with a glowing head and tail
  4. Mass of snow, ice, and rocks sliding down a mountain
  5. Arc of colors in the sky

10 Clues: Arc of colors in the skySudden shaking of the groundNatural light display in the skyViolently rotating column of airObscuring of one celestial body by anotherCelestial object with a glowing head and tailSeries of ocean waves caused by an earthquakeMass of snow, ice, and rocks sliding down a mountain...

Natural Selection 2024-02-23

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring
  2. a self-replicating material that is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information
  3. a permanent change in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene
  4. failing to serve an adjustive purpose
  1. a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause
  2. was an English naturalist, geologist and biologist, widely known for his contributions to evolutionary biology
  3. a characteristic or feature of an organism that enhances its survival or reproductive success in a particular environment
  4. a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition
  5. a unit of heredity which is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring
  6. a distinctive attribute or aspect of something

10 Clues: failing to serve an adjustive purposea distinctive attribute or aspect of somethinga permanent change in the DNA sequence that makes up a genea change which is a result or consequence of an action or other causea person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition...

Natural Resources 2024-03-15

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. What type of fuels are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals over millions of years?
  2. What are naturally occurring concentrations of minerals or metals in the Earth's crust?
  3. What term describes the practice of using resources in a way that ensures their availability for future generations?
  4. What type of energy comes from sources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water?
  5. What is the process of managing and regulating the use, distribution, and conservation of water resources?
  1. What type of energy is generated from heat stored beneath the Earth's surface?
  2. What term refers to the organisms that inhabit oceans, seas, and other saltwater environments?
  3. What term refers to the various products and benefits derived from forests, such as timber, oxygen, and biodiversity?
  4. What term refers to the cleanliness and purity of the air we breathe in the atmosphere?
  5. What is the protection and preservation of natural areas and ecosystems on land?

10 Clues: What type of energy is generated from heat stored beneath the Earth's surface?What is the protection and preservation of natural areas and ecosystems on land?What are naturally occurring concentrations of minerals or metals in the Earth's crust?What term refers to the cleanliness and purity of the air we breathe in the atmosphere?...

Seleção Natural 2024-05-06

Seleção Natural crossword puzzle
  1. é um importante mecanismo de evolução proposto por Darwin
  2. Tem origem embrionária diferente mas funções iguais
  3. Órgãos que tendem a desaparecer
  4. Os mais adaptados a uma região reproduzem-se com maior frequência
  5. As características vantajosas são passadas para os descendentes
  1. Os organismos de uma mesma espécie precisam ter variações
  2. Estruturas com mesma origem embrionária mas pode ter função diferente
  3. Principal evidência da evolução
  4. Foi quem propos a teoria da seleção natural
  5. A seleção natural é um dos principais mecanismos dela

10 Clues: Principal evidência da evoluçãoÓrgãos que tendem a desaparecerFoi quem propos a teoria da seleção naturalTem origem embrionária diferente mas funções iguaisA seleção natural é um dos principais mecanismos delaOs organismos de uma mesma espécie precisam ter variaçõesé um importante mecanismo de evolução proposto por Darwin...

It's natural 2024-05-05

It's natural crossword puzzle
  1. (n) the land next to the sea
  2. (n) a scientist who study animals or other things about biology
  3. (adj) can be seen
  4. (n) the system of bones in your body
  1. (n) this can be oil or gas
  2. (adj) on the seaside
  3. (n) bone or body part of animal that became stone
  4. (adj) belong to the sea or ocean
  5. (n) a thick black liquid that can be used as energy
  6. (n) a sport you do in the sea

10 Clues: (adj) can be seen(adj) on the seaside(n) this can be oil or gas(n) the land next to the sea(n) a sport you do in the sea(adj) belong to the sea or ocean(n) the system of bones in your body(n) bone or body part of animal that became stone(n) a thick black liquid that can be used as energy...

Natural Selection 2024-05-08

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. A famous biologist and naturalist who is known for his contributions to the study of evolution.
  2. A change in genetic material (DNA).
  3. Coli A bacteria that is found in the digestive track of humans and other animals that can reproduce quickly (about every 20 minutes). Some strains can cause severe food poisoning.
  4. Selection A process in which humans choose specific traits they want and breed organisms together for those specific traits.
  5. A characteristic belonging to a population or organism.
  6. A scientist who studies biology.
  1. Selection The process of organisms changing over time. Organisms with traits better suited to their environment tend to survive and reproduce.
  2. Part of a chromosome that is inherited from the parent(s) and determines some of an organism’s characteristics.
  3. Microscopic, single-celled organism that can be found in diverse environments.
  4. The different occurrences of the same trait among individuals of the same species (hair color, eye color, height, etc.).

10 Clues: A scientist who studies biology.A change in genetic material (DNA).A characteristic belonging to a population or organism.Microscopic, single-celled organism that can be found in diverse environments.A famous biologist and naturalist who is known for his contributions to the study of evolution....

Natural resources 2024-07-09

Natural resources crossword puzzle
  1. 日光
  2. 减少
  3. 垃圾
  4. 再使用
  5. 回收
  1. 地 / 土地
  2. 资源
  3. 烟雾
  4. 填埋场

10 Clues: 日光资源减少垃圾烟雾回收再使用填埋场地 / 土地

Job 2015-04-21

Job crossword puzzle
  1. What killed Job's sheep.
  2. Job's friends told him he was being ________ for his sins.
  3. A holy and wealthy man from the land of Uz.
  4. Satan claimed Job only loved God because he was a ________ man.
  5. God ________ job by doubling his wealth and giving him seven more sons and three more daughters.
  1. Satan tried to destroy Job's ________.
  2. The lord set his sights on Job and great _________ came upon him.
  3. God was pleased with Job's _________ in suffering.
  4. Job did not _____ God for all the hardships.
  5. "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall ______."

10 Clues: What killed Job's sheep.Satan tried to destroy Job's ________.A holy and wealthy man from the land of Uz.Job did not _____ God for all the hardships.God was pleased with Job's _________ in suffering.Job's friends told him he was being ________ for his sins.Satan claimed Job only loved God because he was a ________ man....

Reconstruction Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-05

Reconstruction Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. an agency established by Congress at the end of the Civil War to help and protect newly freed black Americans
  2. justified in terms of profitability.
  3. group in Congress who believed that the South would not be completely rebuilt until freedman were granted the full rights of citizenship
  4. a constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a law-making body.
  5. individuals who have been displaced from their homes due to various reasons – such as war, persecution, or natural disasters – but who remain loyal to their home country or region
  6. the payment made to an employee for a specific period, mostly hourly or daily.
  7. the period of time after the Civil War in which Southern States were rebuilt and brought back into the Union a change to the Constitution, ratified in 1865, abolishing slavery in the United States
  1. a change to the Constitution, ratified in 1868, granting citizenship to anyone born in the United States and guaranteeing all citizens equal protection of the law
  2. laws passed in 1865 and 1866 in the former Confederate states to limit the rights and freedoms of African Americans
  3. laws enforcing segregation of blacks and whites in the South after the Civil War
  4. the rights guaranteed by the Constitution to all people as citizens, especially equal treatment under all law
  5. a change to the Constitution, ratified in 1870, declaring that states cannot deny anyone the right to vote because of race or color,or because the person was once a slave
  6. release from captivity, confinement, or slavery.
  7. how laborers and employers work together
  8. the action or state of setting someone or something apart from others.
  9. situations in which laborers offer their skills, services, and time for a minimal amount of money or no payments
  10. to solve or end a problem

17 Clues: to solve or end a problemjustified in terms of laborers and employers work togetherrelease from captivity, confinement, or slavery.the action or state of setting someone or something apart from others.the payment made to an employee for a specific period, mostly hourly or daily....

U4 2022-10-15

U4 crossword puzzle
  1. On New Year’s Eve, there were lots of fireworks at Sydney Harbour Bridge, and around a million people turned up for the o n.
  2. Although the brothers do r e each other in terms of looks, their personalities couldn’t be more different.
  3. Stacy didn’t like waiting for the train all by herself, so her older brother promised to stay and keep her c y.
  4. Minutes after the president’s arrival in North Korea for the first time, he was treated to a very warm and friendly r n.
  5. It is i e that more natural disasters will occur in the future if we don’t do something now to slow down climate change.
  6. Sunglasses, a towel, a hat, and some sunscreen are e l for a fun day at the beach.
  7. It takes around two weeks for the insect to undergo an amazing t n from a caterpillar into a butterfly.
  8. Since the island nation’s independence is still in question, it has yet to gain formal r n as a member of the UN.
  1. Roosters are known to crow at d n.
  2. These days, many people p r watching videos on YouTube to watching movies or TV.
  3. Everyone bought lots of snacks and fresh vegetables at the supermarket in a n of the approaching typhoon.
  4. For Thanksgiving dinner, the reunited relatives f ted on roast turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie.
  5. According to Confucius, every child should m n the loss of a parent for at least three years.
  6. The school held a charity garage sale and invited all the students and their parents to actively p e in the event.
  7. The news report said that the man had found a way to e e from the burning ship.
  8. Uncle Rupert doesn’t usually drink, but he’ll have an o l glass of red wine at Christmas or birthday parties.
  9. The police officer immediately r ed the criminal from his hairstyle and the way he walked.

17 Clues: Roosters are known to crow at d n.The news report said that the man had found a way to e e from the burning ship.These days, many people p r watching videos on YouTube to watching movies or TV.Sunglasses, a towel, a hat, and some sunscreen are e l for a fun day at the beach....

"Disasters Pa More" 2017-01-12

"Disasters Pa More" crossword puzzle
  1. deficiency/water
  2. Fire/wild/land
  3. tropical/cyclones
  4. snow
  5. overflow/water
  1. volcano
  2. waves
  3. land/erosion
  4. shaking
  5. rotating/air

10 Clues: snowwavesvolcanoshakingland/erosionrotating/airFire/wild/landoverflow/waterdeficiency/watertropical/cyclones

Man-Made Disasters 2023-04-04

Man-Made Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. The immediate actions taken to respond to a disaster or emergency situation
  2. An accidental release of oil into the environment
  3. Waste material that is dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment
  4. An accidental release of hazardous chemicals into the environment
  5. The presence or introduction into the environment of substances or materials that have harmful or poisonous effects
  6. A disaster caused by human actions or inaction
  1. A disaster caused by a nuclear power plant or other nuclear facility.
  2. The measures taken to reduce the impact of a disaster
  3. An accident that occurs in an industrial setting
  4. The measures taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a man-made disaster occurring.

10 Clues: A disaster caused by human actions or inactionAn accident that occurs in an industrial settingAn accidental release of oil into the environmentThe measures taken to reduce the impact of a disasterAn accidental release of hazardous chemicals into the environmentA disaster caused by a nuclear power plant or other nuclear facility....

Natural Disasters 2018-12-20

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. the sounds to music
  1. the way we like to

2 Clues: the way we like tothe sounds to music

Natural Disasters 2020-06-22

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. Cause buildings to fall
  1. Giant wall of water created by earth

2 Clues: Cause buildings to fallGiant wall of water created by earth

Natural disasters 2013-06-02

Natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. category to describe quakes, tsunami, floods, etc
  1. ________disaster

2 Clues: ________disastercategory to describe quakes, tsunami, floods, etc

natural disasters 2016-05-09

natural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. sudden shaking of the ground
  1. molten rocks

2 Clues: molten rockssudden shaking of the ground

Natural disasters! 2023-05-25

Natural disasters! crossword puzzle
  1. eruption
  1. cyclone

2 Clues: cycloneeruption

Solve the following crossword puzzle 2024-07-23

Solve the following crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. use were persecuted by Hitler in _____
  2. on the banks of ______ river the first English factory was established
  3. Rice is also known as____.
  1. ______ are major and widely spread disasters in mountain areas
  2. ___ have economic value

5 Clues: ___ have economic valueRice is also known as____.use were persecuted by Hitler in ___________ are major and widely spread disasters in mountain areason the banks of ______ river the first English factory was established


ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES crossword puzzle
  1. strong
  2. harmless
  3. acceptable
  4. mysterious
  5. predictable
  6. creative
  7. significant
  8. impressive
  9. scientific
  10. environmental
  11. unrealistic
  12. natural
  1. useless
  2. reliable
  3. hopeful
  4. spicy
  5. productive
  6. considerable
  7. accessible
  8. sensitive
  9. challenging
  10. economical
  11. dependent
  12. enjoyable

24 Clues: spicystronguselesshopefulnaturalreliableharmlesscreativesensitivedependentenjoyableacceptableproductivemysteriousaccessibleeconomicalimpressivescientificpredictablesignificantchallengingunrealisticconsiderableenvironmental


ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES crossword puzzle
  1. economical
  2. acceptable
  3. dependent
  4. hopeful
  5. environmental
  6. strong
  7. significant
  8. impressive
  9. natural
  10. accessible
  11. reliable
  12. mysterious
  13. useless
  1. predictable
  2. challenging
  3. sensitive
  4. unrealistic
  5. productive
  6. considerable
  7. scientific
  8. spicy
  9. enjoyable
  10. harmless
  11. creative

24 Clues: spicystronghopefulnaturaluselessharmlesscreativereliablesensitivedependentenjoyableeconomicalacceptableproductivescientificimpressiveaccessiblemysteriouspredictablechallengingunrealisticsignificantconsiderableenvironmental

Promote Sustainable development 2021-11-10

Promote Sustainable development crossword puzzle
  1. What UN bodies work to promote development?
  2. UN branch that Promoting Sustainable Development belongs to.
  3. The type of Goals world leaders committed their nations to achieve.
  1. Sustainability is not only important but essential to eradicate this problem.
  2. Building resilience against disasters are an important part of sustainable development.
  3. 2030 agenda otherwise known as...

6 Clues: 2030 agenda otherwise known as...What UN bodies work to promote development?UN branch that Promoting Sustainable Development belongs to.The type of Goals world leaders committed their nations to achieve.Sustainability is not only important but essential to eradicate this problem....

Safari 2023-06-07

Safari crossword puzzle
  1. African equine mammal with black and white stripes
  2. Agile and elusive big cat with distinctive spots and a powerful build
  3. Person responsible for protecting and managing natural resources and wildlife
  4. Thick-skinned mammal with one or two horns on its snout
  5. Large, gentle land mammal with a long trunk and tusks
  6. Animals and plants living in their natural environment
  7. Activity of observing and identifying birds in their natural habitats
  8. Hiking or walking through natural areas, especially in bush or wilderness
  9. Open grassy plain with scattered trees, often found in Africa
  10. Protected area dedicated to conserving wildlife and ecosystems
  1. Person who leads and provides information during a safari or wildlife excursion
  2. Outdoor fire used for cooking, warmth, or socializing at a campsite
  3. Tallest land animal with a long neck and distinctive coat pattern
  4. Large reptile with a long snout, found in aquatic habitats
  5. Optical instrument used for magnified viewing of distant objects
  6. Fastest land animal known for its speed and distinctive spots
  7. Accommodation facility in a natural or remote area, often near a safari or reserve
  8. Large carnivorous feline known for its majestic appearance and roar
  9. Adventure or expedition to observe wildlife in their natural habitat
  10. Large, semi-aquatic mammal known for its massive size and powerful jaws

20 Clues: African equine mammal with black and white stripesLarge, gentle land mammal with a long trunk and tusksAnimals and plants living in their natural environmentThick-skinned mammal with one or two horns on its snoutLarge reptile with a long snout, found in aquatic habitatsFastest land animal known for its speed and distinctive spots...

Natural Resources 2020-12-10

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. supplies water
  2. black liquid fossil fuel
  3. farming
  4. cannot be replaced
  5. produces heat or power
  6. black rocklike fossil
  7. to use carefully
  1. things existing in nature that we can use
  2. invisible fuel found under ground
  3. can be replaced

10 Clues: farmingsupplies watercan be replacedto use carefullycannot be replacedblack rocklike fossilproduces heat or powerblack liquid fossil fuelinvisible fuel found under groundthings existing in nature that we can use

Natural Resources 2020-12-08

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. materials we us from nature
  2. energy produced by heat by earth crust
  1. oil coal and natural gas
  2. made from sugar cane or corn
  3. material made by plants and animals
  4. an energy resource that can be replaced
  5. careful use of resources
  6. energy from sun
  7. an energy resource that cannot be replaced
  8. electricity produces by water

10 Clues: energy from sunoil coal and natural gascareful use of resourcesmaterials we us from naturemade from sugar cane or cornelectricity produces by watermaterial made by plants and animalsenergy produced by heat by earth crustan energy resource that can be replacedan energy resource that cannot be replaced

Natural disaster 2021-05-22

Natural disaster crossword puzzle
  1. A sudden shaking of the earth’s.
  2. eruption A sudden explosion when burning rocks , ash , lava are thrown out from a volcano.
  3. A long period of time when there is little or no rain and crops die.
  4. A fire that starts in an area of country side and spreads very quickly.
  1. An extremely large wave caused by a voilant movement of the earth under the sea.
  2. A very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel .
  3. A large mass of rocks and earth that suddenly and quickly moves down the side of a mountain or hill.
  4. A large amount of snow and ice that suddenly fall’s down a mountain.
  5. A voilant storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rain .
  6. A large amount of water cowering an area of land that is usually dry .

10 Clues: A sudden shaking of the earth’s.A voilant storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rain .A very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel .A large amount of snow and ice that suddenly fall’s down a mountain.A long period of time when there is little or no rain and crops die....

Natural Resources 2021-06-21

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. What constitutes 21% of the Earth's atmosphere?
  2. What is visible indication of air pollution?
  3. Which gas inhalation is dangerous.
  4. The air that covers the whole of the Earth like a blanket.
  5. What occupies very large part of Earth's surface?
  6. The combustion of which fuels increases the amount of suspended particles in air.
  1. In large parts of India, rains are mostly brought by the southwest or north-east ................
  2. An increase in the content of harmful substances in air.
  3. What is formed due to the heating of water bodies and the activities of living organisms.
  4. What is the name for outer layer of Earth?

10 Clues: Which gas inhalation is dangerous.What is the name for outer layer of Earth?What is visible indication of air pollution?What constitutes 21% of the Earth's atmosphere?What occupies very large part of Earth's surface?The air that covers the whole of the Earth like a blanket.An increase in the content of harmful substances in air....


NATURAL PLACES crossword puzzle
  1. It's difficult to climb this.
  2. It's very hot, lots of sand, no water.
  3. A lot water falls from here.
  4. You can swim along this place.
  1. A portion of land surrounded by water.
  2. Lot's of trees, squirrels, wolves and bears.
  3. Lot's of trees and mosquitoes.
  4. It's very dark here.
  5. Be careful¡ There is lava here.
  6. It's a small portion of water.

10 Clues: It's very dark here.A lot water falls from here.It's difficult to climb this.Lot's of trees and mosquitoes.It's a small portion of water.You can swim along this place.Be careful¡ There is lava here.A portion of land surrounded by water.It's very hot, lots of sand, no water.Lot's of trees, squirrels, wolves and bears.

Natural Disaster 2022-09-22

Natural Disaster crossword puzzle
  1. Get away from any windows or glass!
  2. rocks & dirt sliding off a hill
  3. get on high grounds
  4. A big wave
  5. It can pick up trees
  1. feels like a pile of rocks falling from the sky
  2. A HOT liquid comes out of the top
  3. A giant flame
  4. a mass of snow
  5. a dry land

10 Clues: A big wavea dry landA giant flamea mass of snowget on high groundsIt can pick up treesrocks & dirt sliding off a hillA HOT liquid comes out of the topGet away from any windows or glass!feels like a pile of rocks falling from the sky

Natural Resources 2023-01-11

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Blows air around
  2. Can't be around forever
  3. It protects us from the heat of the sun
  4. It powers building and street lamps
  5. The suns energy
  1. Waters energy
  2. Turns energy into power to run things
  3. Produce gases and things that aren't good for our environment
  4. Can be used over and over
  5. Used to power cars and trucks

10 Clues: Waters energyThe suns energyBlows air aroundCan't be around foreverCan be used over and overUsed to power cars and trucksIt powers building and street lampsTurns energy into power to run thingsIt protects us from the heat of the sunProduce gases and things that aren't good for our environment

Natural Selection 2020-05-18

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. Occurs because individuals that are better suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.
  2. If a species can produce more offspring, it can help them survive.
  3. Differences between individuals of the same species
  4. Most of the peppered moths were light colored, but very few were ______.
  5. Using two or more colors to create a matching pattern of habitat
  6. resources like food, space, and mates are limited and can cause this.
  1. Can cause species the adapt when their habitat changes
  2. Thought of the idea of evolution
  3. Occurs when organisms with helpful traits survive to be the parents of the next generation
  4. A species of moth that had to adapt to changing habitats.

10 Clues: Thought of the idea of evolutionDifferences between individuals of the same speciesCan cause species the adapt when their habitat changesA species of moth that had to adapt to changing habitats.Using two or more colors to create a matching pattern of habitatIf a species can produce more offspring, it can help them survive....

Natural Selection 2020-05-18

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. Occurs because individuals that are better suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.
  2. If a species can produce more offspring, it can help them survive.
  3. Differences between individuals of the same species
  4. Most of the peppered moths were light colored, but very few were ______.
  5. Using two or more colors to create a matching pattern of habitat
  6. resources like food, space, and mates are limited and can cause this.
  1. Can cause species the adapt when their habitat changes
  2. Thought of the idea of evolution
  3. Occurs when organisms with helpful traits survive to be the parents of the next generation
  4. A species of moth that had to adapt to changing habitats.

10 Clues: Thought of the idea of evolutionDifferences between individuals of the same speciesCan cause species the adapt when their habitat changesA species of moth that had to adapt to changing habitats.Using two or more colors to create a matching pattern of habitatIf a species can produce more offspring, it can help them survive....

Natural Resources 2020-05-22

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. we can have some like pets and others gave food.
  2. Is a type of natural resource that is not so easy to renovate.
  3. a natural resource that help humans to live
  4. is so important for humans to live and we breath it.
  5. a so healthy type of food
  6. a type of food that have apples,etc
  1. a type of natural resource that can be renovated
  2. are all things that help people to survive.
  3. you see it in all park
  4. is a place where you can see a lot of natural resources

10 Clues: you see it in all parka so healthy type of fooda type of food that have apples,etcare all things that help people to survive.a natural resource that help humans to livea type of natural resource that can be renovatedwe can have some like pets and others gave so important for humans to live and we breath it....

Natural Resources 2020-05-22

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Some times poisonous some times not
  2. green and brown
  3. we eat some to survive
  4. Some hate them
  1. That light that annoys you in summer
  2. we make tables and chairs from this
  3. They are sweet and healthy
  4. you are breathing this
  5. makes you wet
  6. burns you

10 Clues: burns youmakes you wetSome hate themgreen and brownyou are breathing thiswe eat some to surviveThey are sweet and healthywe make tables and chairs from thisSome times poisonous some times notThat light that annoys you in summer

Natural Selection 2017-02-10

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. ariation in the relative frequency of different genotypes in a small population, owing to the chance disappearance of particular genes as individuals die or do not reproduce.
  2. the most fit person will be the one to survive
  3. is the differential survival and reproduction of individuals due to differences in phenotype.
  4. the state or process of a species, family, or larger group being or becoming extinct.
  1. we have to do this to survive
  2. what is another word for artificial selection
  3. the action or process of mutating
  4. a remain of an animal
  5. the theory of the evolution of species by natural selection advanced by Charles Darwin.
  6. the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

10 Clues: a remain of an animalwe have to do this to survivethe action or process of mutatingwhat is another word for artificial selectionthe most fit person will be the one to survivethe state or process of a species, family, or larger group being or becoming extinct.the theory of the evolution of species by natural selection advanced by Charles Darwin....

Natural Events 2019-04-07

Natural Events crossword puzzle
  1. ___ drops it
  2. a tropical cyclone with violent winds
  3. ___ takes it
  4. ___ breaks it
  1. overflowing of a lot of water
  2. destructive vortex of violent winds
  3. Formed by diverging land boundaries
  4. Formed by oceanic and land plates converging and subducting
  5. Formed by transform boundaries
  6. Formed by converging land plates

10 Clues: ___ drops it___ takes it___ breaks itoverflowing of a lot of waterFormed by transform boundariesFormed by converging land platesdestructive vortex of violent windsFormed by diverging land boundariesa tropical cyclone with violent windsFormed by oceanic and land plates converging and subducting

Natural resources 2019-04-03

Natural resources crossword puzzle
  1. These resources are obtained from the biosphere
  2. The water current can be used to turn turbines for .... generation
  3. ....... waves can be used to generate wave power,a renewable energy
  4. The most common resource included in non-renewable category
  1. The depletion of natural resources is considered a .... development issue
  2. Resources that come from non-living(non-organic)material
  3. ........ can be used to generate electricity
  4. ............ resources can be replenished naturally
  5. Coal and petroleum are..........fuels
  6. ........resources are resources that exist without actions of humankind

10 Clues: Coal and petroleum are..........fuels........ can be used to generate electricityThese resources are obtained from the biosphere............ resources can be replenished naturallyResources that come from non-living(non-organic)materialThe most common resource included in non-renewable category...

natural eded 2019-10-24

natural eded crossword puzzle
  1. baçlanöıcı var sonu yoxdur
  2. iki şüanın əmələ gətirdiyi fiqur
  3. y=kx çəklindədir
  4. məchulu olan bərabərliyə deyilir
  5. 0 mənfi və müsbət ədədlərdir
  1. kənarhədlərin hasili orta hedlere bərabərdir
  2. oturacaqları cəminin yarisina bərabərdir
  3. ədədlər ikidən çox böləni olan ədədlər
  4. vahidə və özünə bölünən
  5. sayarkən istifadə etdiyimiz ədəfər

10 Clues: y=kx çəklindədirvahidə və özünə bölünənbaçlanöıcı var sonu yoxdur0 mənfi və müsbət ədədlərdiriki şüanın əmələ gətirdiyi fiqurməchulu olan bərabərliyə deyilirsayarkən istifadə etdiyimiz ədəfərədədlər ikidən çox böləni olan ədədləroturacaqları cəminin yarisina bərabərdirkənarhədlərin hasili orta hedlere bərabərdir

Natural Hazards 2019-07-25

Natural Hazards crossword puzzle
  1. A lot of rain can cause this
  2. Has very high winds
  3. Happens in the bush in hot,dry weather.
  4. Causes farm animals to die
  5. The time of year when bushfires usually happen
  6. A cyclone has this
  1. They sometimes loses their houses in a bushfire
  2. Natural hazards can be this
  3. They can lose their crops and animals when this happens
  4. A lot of this can cause a flood

10 Clues: A cyclone has thisHas very high windsCauses farm animals to dieNatural hazards can be thisA lot of rain can cause thisA lot of this can cause a floodHappens in the bush in hot,dry weather.The time of year when bushfires usually happenThey sometimes loses their houses in a bushfireThey can lose their crops and animals when this happens


NATURAL PHENOMENA crossword puzzle
  1. (of rock) having solidified from lava or magma
  2. have become changed by intense heat or pressure while forming
  3. coming closer together
  4. is underlain by the mantle
  5. the earth's crust which underlies the ocean basins
  6. places where plates slide sideways past each other
  1. when sediment is deposited and becomes tightly compacted
  2. develop in different directions
  3. the earth's crust which forms the large land masses
  4. a dividing line

10 Clues: a dividing linecoming closer togetheris underlain by the mantledevelop in different directions(of rock) having solidified from lava or magmathe earth's crust which underlies the ocean basinsplaces where plates slide sideways past each otherthe earth's crust which forms the large land masseswhen sediment is deposited and becomes tightly compacted...

Natural crossword 2019-11-06

Natural crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a huge wave
  2. they have black fur
  3. big body of water
  4. big rock
  5. in a camp fire
  6. cold water
  1. has antlers
  2. surrounded by water
  3. gray mammal
  4. a red shellfish

10 Clues: big rockcold watera huge wavehas antlersgray mammalin a camp firea red shellfishbig body of watersurrounded by waterthey have black fur

Natural hazards 2019-06-27

Natural hazards crossword puzzle
  1. oh no! what happened?
  2. a very bad type of line
  3. a good movie
  4. the is an absolute_____!
  5. the mountain sneezed
  1. nui te ngaru
  3. the ground is having a party
  4. the ground sneezed
  5. sleepy time

10 Clues: sleepy timenui te ngarua good moviethe ground sneezedthe mountain sneezedoh no! what happened?a very bad type of linethe is an absolute_____!the ground is having a partyYOU SPIN ME RIGHT ROUND BABY RIGHT ROUND

Natural Science 2020-08-20

Natural Science crossword puzzle
  1. Have bitter taste
  2. A mixture
  3. Element number 20
  4. How something feels
  5. Occupies space
  1. First element
  2. Ability to bend
  3. Have sour taste
  4. Not shinny
  5. Pure substance

10 Clues: A mixtureNot shinnyFirst elementPure substanceOccupies spaceAbility to bendHave sour tasteHave bitter tasteElement number 20How something feels

Natural Selection 2020-02-20

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. how we classify organisms with similar traits
  2. process where organisms better adapted to their environment tend to live and have more offspring
  3. the hunter
  1. He believed in evolution
  2. changes to an organism's DNA
  3. an organism's child
  4. changes that help an organism live better in their environment
  5. the idea that is the best explanation of many observations
  6. changes in characteristics over time
  7. being hunted

10 Clues: the hunterbeing huntedan organism's childHe believed in evolutionchanges to an organism's DNAchanges in characteristics over timehow we classify organisms with similar traitsthe idea that is the best explanation of many observationschanges that help an organism live better in their environment...

Natural Satellites 2020-02-13

Natural Satellites crossword puzzle
  1. The largest natural satellite of the planet Neptune.
  2. Also designated as Uranus IV, it is the outermost major moon of the planet Uranus.
  3. The smallest of the four Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter.
  4. It is also known as Pluto I.
  1. Also known as Jupiter XXXI, it is a retrograde irregular satellite of Jupiter.
  2. The smaller and outermost of the two natural satellites of the planet Mars.
  3. This satellite of Jupiter, is the largest and most massive of the Solar System's moons. This moon is named after a Trojan prince in Greek mythology.
  4. The natural satellite of the Earth.
  5. This is Saturn's largest moon and the only moon known to have a dense atmosphere.
  6. The innermost and larger of the two natural satellites of Mars.

10 Clues: It is also known as Pluto I.The natural satellite of the Earth.The largest natural satellite of the planet Neptune.The smallest of the four Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter.The innermost and larger of the two natural satellites of Mars.The smaller and outermost of the two natural satellites of the planet Mars....

Natural Resources 2020-01-15

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. electricity that is generated using flowing water
  2. caused by uneven heating of the earth's surface
  3. resources that can be reproduced or replenished
  4. potable water is ________________ to drink
  5. organic material made from plants and animals
  6. heat energy in the form of steam and hot water
  1. resources that can't be renewed, replenished, or replaced
  2. machine in which a wheel is spun to make electricity
  3. most important resource on the planet
  4. most energy on Earth comes from the _______.

10 Clues: most important resource on the planetpotable water is ________________ to drinkmost energy on Earth comes from the material made from plants and animalsheat energy in the form of steam and hot watercaused by uneven heating of the earth's surfaceresources that can be reproduced or replenished...

Natural resorces 2020-08-30

Natural resorces crossword puzzle
  1. replace
  2. reuse materials
  3. biology
  4. good for planting
  1. allnature
  2. madebynatu
  3. limited supply
  4. preserveresourc
  5. resourcefoundinrocks
  6. resourceforheat

10 Clues: replacebiologyallnaturemadebynatulimited supplypreserveresourcreuse materialsresourceforheatgood for plantingresourcefoundinrocks

Natural Resources 2020-09-24

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Energy obtained from the kinetic energy of water due to gravity
  2. Resources that can be replenished in the same amount or less time as its used
  3. Heat energy stored in the Earth from its interior
  4. Fuel from organic materials such as dead plant and animal material
  1. The energy the Earth receives from the Sun
  2. The energy that holds the nucleus of an atom which is released through fission
  3. oil, or natural gas formed in Earth from dead plants and used for energy
  4. Resources that can’t be replaced by nature faster than its being consumed
  5. A flammable black hard rock used as a solid fossil fuel
  6. Flammable gas occurring naturally underground and used as fuel

10 Clues: The energy the Earth receives from the SunHeat energy stored in the Earth from its interiorA flammable black hard rock used as a solid fossil fuelFlammable gas occurring naturally underground and used as fuelEnergy obtained from the kinetic energy of water due to gravityFuel from organic materials such as dead plant and animal material...

Natural resources 2021-01-22

Natural resources crossword puzzle
  1. The management and use of a resource or an environment in a responsible and efficient way.
  2. People's use of resources due to the decisions they make.
  3. Environmental _____ is a way of measuring the land area that is required to make a product for people's use and to absorb the waste generated in its production.
  4. The reduction in the availability of a natural resource.
  1. _______ this turns used materials into new and useful ones. Common materials include glass and paper.
  2. The use of natural materials in a way that ensures its supply continues in the future.
  3. Describes natural resources that replenish more or less within the same time period it is used.
  4. The removal of a natural resource from its original location, usually for people's use.
  5. Unwanted or unusable materials
  6. If we use resources at a faster rate than it can be naturally replenished, its availability changes from unlimited to _____.

10 Clues: Unwanted or unusable materialsThe reduction in the availability of a natural resource.People's use of resources due to the decisions they make.The use of natural materials in a way that ensures its supply continues in the future.The removal of a natural resource from its original location, usually for people's use....

Natural Resources 2021-09-21

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. the upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles.
  2. a viscous liquid derived from petroleum, especially for use as a fuel or lubricant
  3. timber sawn into rough planks or otherwise partly prepared.
  4. a living organism of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses, typically growing in a permanent site, absorbing water and inorganic substances through its roots, and synthesizing nutrients in its leaves by photosynthesis using the green pigment chlorophyll.
  5. light from the sun.
  6. a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.
  1. the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock.
  2. wild animals collectively; the native fauna (and sometimes flora) of a region.
  3. a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.
  4. the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.

10 Clues: light from the sun.a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.timber sawn into rough planks or otherwise partly prepared.the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.wild animals collectively; the native fauna (and sometimes flora) of a region.a viscous liquid derived from petroleum, especially for use as a fuel or lubricant...

Natural Law 2021-10-04

Natural Law crossword puzzle
  1. the good of providing for and nurturing one's offspring
  2. the teaching of authority of the church
  3. allowing freedom of religion is an example of this good
  1. a state-controlled media is an example of a violation of this good
  2. a violation of this good is being individualistic to the point where it harms others
  3. the fundamental good of natural law which all others seek to promote
  4. a violation of this good is being hateful towards others
  5. the law written on every human heart that allows humans to know the good and avoid evil
  6. the doctor of the church who developed natural law as a basis for moral teaching
  7. the good of procreation

10 Clues: the good of procreationthe teaching of authority of the churchthe good of providing for and nurturing one's offspringallowing freedom of religion is an example of this gooda violation of this good is being hateful towards othersa state-controlled media is an example of a violation of this good...

Natural Disasters_Inter 2021-04-15

Natural Disasters_Inter crossword puzzle
  1. A large amount of water spread from a body of water
  2. A very bad event, causing harm or death
  3. To explode and throw out lava, gas, smoke, fire
  4. Tidal wave
  5. A very strong wind in West Atlantic
  1. A very strong wind that blows in a circle
  2. Hot liquid rock
  3. A long period without rain
  4. A sudden violent movement of the ground
  5. Move somebody from a dangerous place

10 Clues: Tidal waveHot liquid rockA long period without rainA very strong wind in West AtlanticMove somebody from a dangerous placeA sudden violent movement of the groundA very bad event, causing harm or deathA very strong wind that blows in a circleTo explode and throw out lava, gas, smoke, fireA large amount of water spread from a body of water

natural selection 2023-02-10

natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  2. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  3. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  4. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  5. a long piece of DNA that contains many gene
  1. everything that surrounds an organism
  2. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  3. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  4. a result or change that happens because of an event or process
  5. a related organism from a previous generation

10 Clues: everything that surrounds an organisma long piece of DNA that contains many genea related organism from a previous generationa characteristic that all members of a species havean event or process that leads to a result or changea way of hiding by looking the same as the backgrounda type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of...

Natural Hazards 2023-02-01

Natural Hazards crossword puzzle
  1. An elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake or other means.
  2. actions or events that occur at the Earth's surface due to application of natural forces resulting from gravity, temperature changes, freezing and thawing, chemical reactions, seismic shaking, and the agencies of wind and moving water, ice and snow.
  3. The atmospheric conditions comprise the state of the atmosphere in the terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation.
  4. When lava and gas are released from a volcano-sometimes explosivley.
  1. An extreme natural event in the crust of the earth that pose a threat to life and property.
  2. Predict or estimate.
  3. Amomentoustragic events ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin.
  4. An overflowing of a large ammount of water beyond its normal confires, espeically over whats is normally dry land.
  5. Enviormental phenoma that have the potential to impact social and human.
  6. A sudden violent shaking of the ground.

10 Clues: Predict or estimate.A sudden violent shaking of the ground.When lava and gas are released from a volcano-sometimes explosivley.An elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake or other means.Enviormental phenoma that have the potential to impact social and human....

Natural Selection 2023-02-07

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. To stay alive
  2. A group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  3. Everything that surrounds an organism
  4. An animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  5. Living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  1. A random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  2. To receive genes from a parent
  3. A result of or change that happens because of an event or process
  4. An organism produced as a result of reproduction
  5. An animal that hunts and kills other animals for food

10 Clues: To stay aliveTo receive genes from a parentEverything that surrounds an organismAn organism produced as a result of reproductionLiving things, such as plants, animals, and bacteriaAn animal that hunts and kills other animals for foodA group of individuals born and living at about the same time...

Natural Selection 2023-02-07

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  2. histogram: a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  3. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  4. version: a specific form of a gene that provides instructions for making a particular protein
  5. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  6. trait: a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  1. trait: a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific
  2. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  3. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  4. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism

10 Clues: a characteristic that all members of a species havea type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made ofthe number of individuals with each trait in a populationeverything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organisma group of individuals born and living at about the same timea random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait...

natural selection 2023-02-07

natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. to recive genes from a parent
  2. a way to stay hidden from pray or predetors
  3. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  4. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  5. a characteristic that all members of species have
  6. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  1. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  2. trait a trait that makes it more likley that an idividual survives
  3. a related organism from a previouse generation
  4. everything living around the organism

10 Clues: to recive genes from a parenteverything living around the organisma way to stay hidden from pray or predetorsan instruction for making a protein moleculea related organism from a previouse generationa characteristic that all members of species havean event or process that leads to a result or change...

natural selection 2023-02-07

natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. to recive genes from a parent
  2. a way to stay hidden from pray or predetors
  3. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  4. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  5. a characteristic that all members of species have
  6. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  1. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  2. trait a trait that makes it more likley that an idividual survives
  3. a related organism from a previouse generation
  4. everything living around the organism

10 Clues: to recive genes from a parenteverything living around the organisma way to stay hidden from pray or predetorsan instruction for making a protein moleculea related organism from a previouse generationa characteristic that all members of species havean event or process that leads to a result or change...

natural selection 2023-02-07

natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. to recive genes from a parent
  2. a way to stay hidden from pray or predetors
  3. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  4. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  5. a characteristic that all members of species have
  6. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  1. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  2. trait a trait that makes it more likley that an idividual survives
  3. a related organism from a previouse generation
  4. everything living around the organism

10 Clues: to recive genes from a parenteverything living around the organisma way to stay hidden from pray or predetorsan instruction for making a protein moleculea related organism from a previouse generationa characteristic that all members of species havean event or process that leads to a result or change...

natural selection 2023-02-07

natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. to recive genes from a parent
  2. a way to stay hidden from pray or predetors
  3. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  4. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  5. a characteristic that all members of species have
  6. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  1. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  2. trait a trait that makes it more likley that an idividual survives
  3. a related organism from a previouse generation
  4. everything living around the organism

10 Clues: to recive genes from a parenteverything living around the organisma way to stay hidden from pray or predetorsan instruction for making a protein moleculea related organism from a previouse generationa characteristic that all members of species havean event or process that leads to a result or change...

natural selection 2023-02-07

natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. to recive genes from a parent
  2. a way to stay hidden from pray or predetors
  3. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  4. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  5. a characteristic that all members of species have
  6. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  1. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  2. trait a trait that makes it more likley that an idividual survives
  3. a related organism from a previouse generation
  4. everything living around the organism

10 Clues: to recive genes from a parenteverything living around the organisma way to stay hidden from pray or predetorsan instruction for making a protein moleculea related organism from a previouse generationa characteristic that all members of species havean event or process that leads to a result or change...

Natural Selection 2023-02-09

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. a type of molecule that genes and chromosones are made of
  2. selection the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  3. trait a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  4. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  5. molecule a type of large molecue that performs important functions inside organisms
  1. everything(living and non-living) that surrounds an organism
  2. a random change to a gene that sometimes results a new trait
  3. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  4. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  5. any difference in traits between individual organism

10 Clues: an instruction for making a protein moleculea specific characteristic of an individual organismany difference in traits between individual organisma type of molecule that genes and chromosones are made ofthe number of individuals with each trait in a populationeverything(living and non-living) that surrounds an organism...

Natural Selection 2023-03-08

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. passed on from parents
  2. father of evolution
  3. what is called when oxygen falls to low
  4. who Wrote an essay
  5. natural process of something taking place
  6. more offspring
  7. process of of adaptation environment
  1. Darwin wrote what
  2. what next generation will inherit
  3. struggle to live

10 Clues: more offspringstruggle to liveDarwin wrote whatwho Wrote an essayfather of evolutionpassed on from parentswhat next generation will inheritprocess of of adaptation environmentwhat is called when oxygen falls to lownatural process of something taking place

Natural Selection 2023-03-08

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. struggle to get necessities
  2. wrote an essay that helped darwin understand evolution
  3. father of evolution
  4. diversity of animals that darwin studied
  5. bred on purpose for desired traits
  1. darwin's theory
  2. birds darwin bred/studied
  3. what kind of characteristic helps animals survive
  4. natural process by which something takes place
  5. also read Malthus' work

10 Clues: darwin's theoryfather of evolutionalso read Malthus' workbirds darwin bred/studiedstruggle to get necessitiesbred on purpose for desired traitsdiversity of animals that darwin studiednatural process by which something takes placewhat kind of characteristic helps animals survivewrote an essay that helped darwin understand evolution

Natural Selection 2023-03-08

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. animals Darwin studied these animals produced by artificial selection.
  2. Makes some individuals better adapted to their environment.
  3. Any change to the genetic material.
  4. The struggle among living things.
  5. Determines how a cell acts.
  1. 1 of 2 factors that affect the process of natural selection.
  2. The natural process which takes time.
  3. Study of small changes to the DNA that turn genes on or off.
  4. Living in a small body of water can be dangerous.
  5. selection Process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment.

10 Clues: Determines how a cell acts.The struggle among living things.Any change to the genetic material.The natural process which takes time.Living in a small body of water can be dangerous.Makes some individuals better adapted to their environment.1 of 2 factors that affect the process of natural selection....

Natural selection 2023-02-17

Natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. Having natural characteristics that help an organism survive long enough to reproduce
  2. 1st person to propose theory of natural selection
  3. Descendent you share
  4. individuals best suited to an environment tend to survive long enough
  5. Separation due to time
  1. seperation due to landforms
  2. Seperation due to organisms
  3. Change over time
  4. Explanation with evidence, but it is not factual
  5. Characteristics that helps to survive and reproduce

10 Clues: Change over timeDescendent you shareSeparation due to timeseperation due to landformsSeperation due to organismsExplanation with evidence, but it is not factual1st person to propose theory of natural selectionCharacteristics that helps to survive and reproduceindividuals best suited to an environment tend to survive long enough...

Natural Selection 2023-03-06

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. An instruction for making a protein molecule
  2. A type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  3. A long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  4. To stay alive
  5. A related organism from a previous generation
  1. An animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  2. An organism produced as a result of reproduction
  3. A way of hiding looking the same as the background
  4. To receive genes from a parent
  5. A characteristic that all members of a species have

10 Clues: To stay aliveTo receive genes from a parentAn instruction for making a protein moleculeA long piece of DNA that contains many genesA related organism from a previous generationAn organism produced as a result of reproductionA way of hiding looking the same as the backgroundA characteristic that all members of a species have...

Natural selection 2023-02-22

Natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. a related organism from a previous generation
  2. living things
  3. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  4. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  5. a specific characteristic of and individual organism
  6. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  1. to receive genes from a parent
  2. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  3. to stay alive
  4. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background

10 Clues: to stay aliveliving thingsto receive genes from a parentan instruction for making a protein moleculea related organism from a previous generationa characteristic that all members of a species havea specific characteristic of and individual organisma way of hiding by looking the same as the background...

Natural Selection 2023-02-25

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  2. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  3. an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know
  4. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  5. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  1. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  2. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  3. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  4. to stay alive
  5. any difference in traits between individual organisms

10 Clues: to stay alivean organism produced as a result of reproductiona specific characteristic of an individual organismliving things, such as plants, animals, and bacteriaan animal that hunts and kills other animals for foodany difference in traits between individual organismsa way of hiding by looking the same as the background...

natural selection 2023-02-14

natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. the act or process of selecting : the state of being selected. : one that is selected : choice. also : a collection of selected things.
  2. a change or difference in condition, amount, or level, typically with certain limits
  3. the passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another
  4. the activity or condition of competing
  5. Charles Robert Darwin FRS FRGS FLS FZS JP was an English naturalist, geologist, and biologist, widely known for his contributions to evolutionary biology.
  6. a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person
  7. the action or process of mutating
  1. Biological fitness, also called Darwinian fitness, means the ability to survive to reproductive age, find a mate, and produce offspring.
  2. the stopping or inhibition of something, such as a secretion, excretion, normal discharge, or other function.
  3. a branching diagram showing the cladistic relationship between a number of species

10 Clues: the action or process of mutatingthe activity or condition of competinga distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a persona branching diagram showing the cladistic relationship between a number of speciesa change or difference in condition, amount, or level, typically with certain limits...

Natural Selection 2023-02-21

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. result or change happens because event or process
  2. related organism from a previous generation
  3. number individuals with each trait in population
  4. instruction for making a protein molecule
  5. characteristic that all members of a species have
  1. event or process leads result or change
  2. long piece DNA contains many genes
  3. way of hiding by looking same as background
  4. everything (living and nonliving) surrounds organisms
  5. type molecule genes and chromosomes made of

10 Clues: long piece DNA contains many genesevent or process leads result or changeinstruction for making a protein moleculeway of hiding by looking same as backgroundrelated organism from a previous generationtype molecule genes and chromosomes made ofnumber individuals with each trait in populationresult or change happens because event or process...

NATURAL WORLD 2023-05-21

NATURAL WORLD crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 7
  3. 3
  4. 8
  5. 1
  1. 10
  2. 2
  3. 9
  4. 4
  5. 6

10 Clues: 25973468110

Natural environments 2023-06-12

Natural environments crossword puzzle
  1. A cascade of water flowing down from a height. Waterfalls are beautiful and create a soothing sound as the water hits the rocks below.
  2. A natural underground hollow or passage. Caves can have interesting rock formations and serve as shelters for animals.
  3. A large area covered with many trees. Forests are home to a variety of plants and animals, and they provide us with oxygen and natural resources.
  4. An underwater ecosystem made up of colorful corals and a variety of marine life. Coral reefs are important for biodiversity and offer great snorkeling and diving experiences.
  5. A dry and sandy or rocky area with little rainfall. Deserts have extreme temperatures and limited plant and animal life.
  6. Tall and rocky landforms with steep slopes. Mountains offer beautiful views, fresh air, and opportunities for hiking and climbing.
  1. A flowing body of water that usually starts from mountains and flows into a lake, sea, or ocean. Rivers provide water for plants, animals, and people.
  2. A low-lying area where the land is often covered by water. Wetlands are important habitats for birds, fish, and other wildlife.
  3. An open area covered with grasses and few trees. Grasslands are home to grazing animals and support a diverse range of plant species.
  4. A sandy or pebbly area by the sea or a lake. Beaches are great for playing in the sand, swimming, and enjoying the sound of waves.

10 Clues: A natural underground hollow or passage. Caves can have interesting rock formations and serve as shelters for animals.A dry and sandy or rocky area with little rainfall. Deserts have extreme temperatures and limited plant and animal life....

natural selection 2015-10-12

natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. Change over time
  2. Different shaped beaks depending on what island they came from
  3. A species ability to blend with their surrondings
  4. The scientisits that created the theory of natural selection
  1. What may make species more visable to predators then others.
  2. When an animal disappears from earth forever
  3. Weather conditions in different areas
  4. The evolution of different speices is called natural ?
  5. Presevered remains of anicent animals
  6. The differences between animals within the same speices

10 Clues: Change over timeWeather conditions in different areasPresevered remains of anicent animalsWhen an animal disappears from earth foreverA species ability to blend with their surrondingsThe differences between animals within the same speicesThe evolution of different speices is called natural ?...

Natural Spaces 2015-12-07

Natural Spaces crossword puzzle
  1. plants
  2. To keep something from being damaged or destroyed.
  3. A system, or a group of interconnected elements, formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment.
  4. tourism to places having unspoiled natural resources
  5. animals
  6. The diversity of species found in a natural environment.
  7. The surrounding in which humans live.
  1. A geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long term conservation of nature.
  2. a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.
  3. divide into or assign to zones.

10 Clues: plantsanimalsdivide into or assign to zones.The surrounding in which humans live.To keep something from being damaged or destroyed.tourism to places having unspoiled natural resourcesa rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.The diversity of species found in a natural environment....

Natural Selection 2015-09-22

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for change to suit its environment
  2. Hunts for prey
  3. Natural Selection is also known as "survival of the ..."
  4. The study of genes
  1. Organisms need to adapt to their .....
  2. The first name of the man who came up with the theory of natural selection
  3. There are a ..... of organisms
  4. Last name of the man who came up with the theory of natural selection
  5. You can inherit these
  6. The act to exist after an accident

10 Clues: Hunts for preyThe study of genesYou can inherit theseThere are a ..... of organismsThe act to exist after an accidentOrganisms need to adapt to their .....Another word for change to suit its environmentNatural Selection is also known as "survival of the ..."Last name of the man who came up with the theory of natural selection...

Natural Selection 2016-05-14

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. The process where an organisms traits change over time to suit its environment
  2. To adjust to a new environment
  3. The DNA sequences that are passed on from parents to their offspring and influence some traits in the offspring
  4. Charles Darwin's theory of Natural Selection was published in a book called "On the origin of..."
  5. Animals must do this to produce offspring
  6. What happens to an animal if it does not evolve to suit it's environment
  7. Last name of the person who came up with the theory of Natural Selection
  1. Charles Darwin observed these when he was creating his theory of Natural Selection
  2. The process in which animals who are suited to their environment survive better and produce offspring
  3. The animal which Charles Darwin mainly observed while creating his idea of Natural Selection

10 Clues: To adjust to a new environmentAnimals must do this to produce offspringWhat happens to an animal if it does not evolve to suit it's environmentLast name of the person who came up with the theory of Natural SelectionThe process where an organisms traits change over time to suit its environment...

Natural Selection 2016-05-16

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. The development of facts
  2. SELECTION Darwin's theory
  3. You are a descendent from an
  4. The process of overcoming favourable traits
  1. A group of organisms of similar traits
  2. The island Darwin studied
  3. The study of living organisms
  4. To support an argument you need...
  5. Along Journey involving travel
  6. Developed the idea of natural selection

10 Clues: The development of factsThe island Darwin studiedSELECTION Darwin's theoryYou are a descendent from anThe study of living organismsAlong Journey involving travelTo support an argument you need...A group of organisms of similar traitsDeveloped the idea of natural selectionThe process of overcoming favourable traits

Natural Selection 2016-05-17

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. the surname of the man who discovered the theory of evolution
  2. a group of living organisms
  3. the occurrence of two or more forms differently produced in the life cycle
  4. the process of adapting or changing
  1. occurs when an extra nucleotide is added to the DNA strand during replication
  2. the process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in physical or behavioral traits
  3. a distinguished quality or characteristic
  4. a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment
  5. when an organism no longer exists
  6. the first name of the man who discovered the theory of evolution

10 Clues: a group of living organismswhen an organism no longer existsthe process of adapting or changinga distinguished quality or characteristicthe surname of the man who discovered the theory of evolutionthe first name of the man who discovered the theory of evolutionthe occurrence of two or more forms differently produced in the life cycle...

Natural Selection 2016-05-17

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. ________ of the fittest
  2. The environment
  3. How species have changed over time
  4. The existence of a human being or animal
  5. A flying animal
  1. When a species dies out
  2. Invented the theory of Natural Selection
  3. group of islands which contain a large variety of animals
  4. mammals, marsupials, etc
  5. An idea that is used to explain an event

10 Clues: The environmentA flying animalWhen a species dies out________ of the fittestmammals, marsupials, etcHow species have changed over timeInvented the theory of Natural SelectionAn idea that is used to explain an eventThe existence of a human being or animalgroup of islands which contain a large variety of animals

Natural Selection 2016-05-09

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. Crocodiles and Lizards are both?
  2. To hide of disguise yourself
  3. Flightless bird who has been extinct due to natural selection?
  4. The surname of the man who contributed to the idea of Evolution?
  5. When an organism no longer exists?
  1. The largest living species of Tortoise
  2. ......... of the fittest?
  3. The First name of the man who contributed to the idea of Evolution
  4. Elephants are said to have evolved from?
  5. To develop gradually to adapt to it's surroundings

10 Clues: ......... of the fittest?To hide of disguise yourselfCrocodiles and Lizards are both?When an organism no longer exists?The largest living species of TortoiseElephants are said to have evolved from?To develop gradually to adapt to it's surroundingsFlightless bird who has been extinct due to natural selection?...

Natural Selection 2016-05-12

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. had different shaped beaks depending on what island they were from
  2. ... of the fittest
  3. darwin traveled on the HMAS ...
  4. when organisms disappear from the earth
  5. the process by which evolution occurs; natural ...
  1. preserved the remains of ancient organisms
  2. variations are due to inheritance or ...
  3. change over time
  4. ... moths
  5. the first name of the man who contributed to the theory of evolution

10 Clues: ... mothschange over time... of the fittestdarwin traveled on the HMAS ...when organisms disappear from the earthvariations are due to inheritance or ...preserved the remains of ancient organismsthe process by which evolution occurs; natural ...had different shaped beaks depending on what island they were from...

Natural Resource 2017-05-05

Natural Resource crossword puzzle
  1. The use of energy as a source of heat or power or as a raw material input to a manufacturing process
  2. A natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which it can be consumed
  3. The protection, preservation, management, or restoration of natural resources
  4. Resources that can never be used up
  5. Natural resources used to make objects, food, or drink
  1. Any natural material that is used by humans
  2. A resource that forms much more slowly than it is consumed
  3. A nonrenewable resource formed from the buried remains of plannts and animals that lived long ago
  4. Natural resources used to generate energy
  5. The careful and responsible management of resources

10 Clues: Resources that can never be used upNatural resources used to generate energyAny natural material that is used by humansThe careful and responsible management of resourcesNatural resources used to make objects, food, or drinkA resource that forms much more slowly than it is consumed...

Natural Resource 2017-05-05

Natural Resource crossword puzzle
  1. A nonrenewable resource formed from the buried remains of plannts and animals that lived long ago
  2. The protection, preservation, management, or restoration of natural resources
  3. A resource that forms much more slowly than it is consumed
  4. The careful and responsible management of resources
  5. A natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which it can be consumed
  1. Natural resources used to make objects, food, or drink
  2. Resources that can never be used up
  3. The use of energy as a source of heat or power or as a raw material input to a manufacturing process
  4. Any natural material that is used by humans
  5. Natural resources used to generate energy

10 Clues: Resources that can never be used upNatural resources used to generate energyAny natural material that is used by humansThe careful and responsible management of resourcesNatural resources used to make objects, food, or drinkA resource that forms much more slowly than it is consumed...

Natural Selection 2022-03-18

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. sequences of biological entities connected by ancestry-descent relationships
  2. a figurative term for a technique that uses the mutation rate of biomolecules to deduce the time in prehistory when two or more life forms diverged
  3. a diagram used to represent a hypothetical relationship between groups of animals, called a phylogeny
  4. the hypothesis that evolutionary development is marked by isolated episodes of rapid speciation between long periods of little or no change.
  5. the dying out or extermination of a species
  1. the loss of a predator species
  2. a diagram that represents evolutionary relationships among organisms.
  3. the diversification of a group of organisms into forms filling different ecological niches
  4. the hypothesis that evolution proceeds chiefly by the accumulation of gradual changes
  5. the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution

10 Clues: the loss of a predator speciesthe dying out or extermination of a speciesthe formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolutiona diagram that represents evolutionary relationships among organisms.sequences of biological entities connected by ancestry-descent relationships...

Natural disaster 2022-03-29

Natural disaster crossword puzzle
  1. hot and cold air mixing together
  2. an extreme snow storm
  3. a tornado under water
  4. low rainfall and shortage of water
  5. when a volcano explodes of lava
  6. violent shaking of the ground
  1. a natural overflow of water
  2. storm with strong persistance of thunder
  3. a tropical cyclone
  4. very severe fires that spread extremely throughout land

10 Clues: a tropical cyclonean extreme snow storma tornado under watera natural overflow of waterviolent shaking of the groundwhen a volcano explodes of lavahot and cold air mixing togetherlow rainfall and shortage of waterstorm with strong persistance of thundervery severe fires that spread extremely throughout land


FENÔMENO NATURAL crossword puzzle
  1. - É necessária em quantidade suficiente para a fotossíntese acontecer.
  2. - Parte da planta que capta a energia do sol para realizar a fotossíntese.
  3. - Parte da planta que extrai água e nutrientes do solo, necessários ao processo da fotossíntese.
  4. - é um elemento essencial absorvido com os nutrientes pela planta.
  5. - Transformação de energia solar em energia química, com a produção de alimento para a planta.
  6. - Açucar produzido no processo da fotossíntese.
  1. - Responsável pela absorção de luz durante a realização da fotossíntese.
  2. - Gás utilizado pelas plantas para fazer fotossíntese.
  3. - Gás liberado no ambiente pela fotossíntese, utilizado pelos seres vivos.
  4. - Responsável pela emissão de luz e calor.

10 Clues: - Responsável pela emissão de luz e calor.- Açucar produzido no processo da fotossíntese.- Gás utilizado pelas plantas para fazer fotossíntese.- é um elemento essencial absorvido com os nutrientes pela planta.- É necessária em quantidade suficiente para a fotossíntese acontecer....

Wonderful Natural 2021-12-12

Wonderful Natural crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 10
  3. 6
  4. 3
  1. 5
  2. 2
  3. 7
  4. 1
  5. 9
  6. 8

10 Clues: 45271968310

Natural Selection 2021-12-03

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. the process through which individuals in a population with certain inherited traits are more likely to survive and reproduce than individuals with less favorable traits in a specific environment
  2. the fraction of the whole
  3. the evolution of two species in response to each other, resulting in reciprocal or “matching” adaptations
  4. the chance that a specific outcome will occur out of a total number of outcomes
  5. an inherited trait evolved through natural selection that makes a population well suited to living and reproducing in its environment
  6. to evolve a trait, through natural selection, that makes a population well suited to surviving and reproducing in its environment
  1. the inherited changes that occur in a population over time
  2. differences in the inherited traits of different individuals
  3. a characteristic of an organism
  4. group of individuals of the same species that live and reproduce in the same place

10 Clues: the fraction of the wholea characteristic of an organismthe inherited changes that occur in a population over timedifferences in the inherited traits of different individualsthe chance that a specific outcome will occur out of a total number of outcomesgroup of individuals of the same species that live and reproduce in the same place...

Natural Selection 2021-12-03

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. the process through which individuals in a population with certain inherited traits are more likely to survive and reproduce than individuals with less favorable traits in a specific environment
  2. the fraction of the whole
  3. the evolution of two species in response to each other, resulting in reciprocal or “matching” adaptations
  4. the chance that a specific outcome will occur out of a total number of outcomes
  5. an inherited trait evolved through natural selection that makes a population well suited to living and reproducing in its environment
  6. to evolve a trait, through natural selection, that makes a population well suited to surviving and reproducing in its environment
  1. the inherited changes that occur in a population over time
  2. differences in the inherited traits of different individuals
  3. a characteristic of an organism
  4. group of individuals of the same species that live and reproduce in the same place

10 Clues: the fraction of the wholea characteristic of an organismthe inherited changes that occur in a population over timedifferences in the inherited traits of different individualsthe chance that a specific outcome will occur out of a total number of outcomesgroup of individuals of the same species that live and reproduce in the same place...

Natural disaster 2022-03-02

Natural disaster crossword puzzle
  1. “Hop in my boat quickly its a
  2. “woah woah its shaking its an
  3. “no no my sausage dog is going to be a real sausage its a”
  4. its hot as is that lava coming down the mountain
  5. brrr its cold mum told there might be a
  1. I’m gonna toboggan down this mountain but I hope there’s not an
  2. rain uh oh um its raining but why is the rain silver
  3. woah its getting windy wait what is that curly Gus of wind in the distance
  4. man do i want to surf that but i should probably run because its a
  5. ahhh a tornados happening I’m really

10 Clues: “Hop in my boat quickly its a“woah woah its shaking its anahhh a tornados happening I’m reallybrrr its cold mum told there might be aits hot as is that lava coming down the mountainrain uh oh um its raining but why is the rain silver“no no my sausage dog is going to be a real sausage its a”...

Natural Resources 2022-02-18

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. - fruits and vegetables
  2. - it covers over 70% of the world
  3. It is pumped all over the world
  4. - black gold
  5. - It gives us solar energy
  6. - go to the beach
  1. - from paper to houses
  2. - we need these living things
  3. gas - used to make heat
  4. - can dig up these in nuggets

10 Clues: - black gold- go to the beach- from paper to houses- fruits and vegetablesgas - used to make heat- It gives us solar energy- we need these living things- can dig up these in nuggetsIt is pumped all over the world- it covers over 70% of the world

Natural resources 2022-02-26

Natural resources crossword puzzle
  1. the weather
  2. a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain
  3. the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen.
  4. all the waters on the earth's surface, such as lakes and seas, and sometimes including water over the earth's surface, such as clouds
  5. the regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth (or analogous parts of other planets) occupied by living organisms.
  1. the process of taming an animal and keeping it as a pet or on a farm.
  2. the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet
  3. the perceptible natural movement of the air
  4. a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence
  5. a mixture of organic matter, minerals, gases, liquids, and organisms

10 Clues: the weatherthe perceptible natural movement of the aira solid inorganic substance of natural occurrencethe envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planeta mixture of organic matter, minerals, gases, liquids, and organismsthe process of taming an animal and keeping it as a pet or on a farm....