planets Crossword Puzzles

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

Planets 2022-04-05

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. giant icy rings
  2. no longer a planet
  3. closest planet to the sun
  4. home planet
  5. giant star everything depends on
  6. hottest planet
  1. the red planet
  2. has the great red spot
  3. most distant major planet orbiting the sun
  4. seventh planet from the sun

10 Clues: home planetthe red planethottest planetgiant icy ringsno longer a planethas the great red spotclosest planet to the sunseventh planet from the sungiant star everything depends onmost distant major planet orbiting the sun

planets 2022-04-01

planets crossword puzzle
  1. has many rings
  2. "earths twin"
  3. is not a planet
  4. my favorite thing
  5. planet we are on
  1. planet elon musk wants to colonize
  2. go here to get more stupider
  3. king of the sea
  4. people used to drink me
  5. is a star

10 Clues: is a star"earths twin"has many ringsking of the seais not a planetplanet we are onmy favorite thingpeople used to drink mego here to get more stupiderplanet elon musk wants to colonize

planets 2022-01-28

planets crossword puzzle
  1. is the smallest planet in the Solar System and the closest to the Sun.
  2. located roughly between the orbits of the planets Jupiter and Mars
  3. is the second planet from the Sun
  4. is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System
  5. is the seventh planet from the Sun
  1. is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. It is a gas giant with a mass more than two and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined
  2. the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, being larger than only Mercury
  3. is the eighth and farthest-known Solar planet from the Sun
  4. is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life.
  5. is the star at the centre of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect ball of hot plasma, heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reactions in its core

10 Clues: is the second planet from the Sunis the seventh planet from the Sunis the eighth and farthest-known Solar planet from the Sunlocated roughly between the orbits of the planets Jupiter and Marsis the smallest planet in the Solar System and the closest to the the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System...

Planets 2022-05-14

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Clouds on Jupiter and Saturn
  2. Gas giants
  3. The coldest and windiest plant.
  4. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are ____ planets.
  1. What is at the center of outer planets?
  2. Has a moon named Titan.
  3. Each Jovian planet has distinct ____.
  4. Separates the inner and outer planets
  5. The largest planet.
  6. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are ____ planets.

10 Clues: Gas giantsThe largest planet.Has a moon named Titan.Clouds on Jupiter and SaturnThe coldest and windiest plant.Each Jovian planet has distinct ____.Separates the inner and outer planetsWhat is at the center of outer planets?Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are ____ planets.Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are ____ planets.

Planets 2023-08-02

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. An "ice giant" planet that rotates on its side, with a blue-green color.
  2. The largest planet in our solar system, with colorful bands and many moons.
  3. The farthest known planet from the Sun, with a blue color and strong winds.
  4. The closest planet to the Sun with a rocky surface and extreme temperatures.
  1. A planet with a distinct ring system made of ice and dust particles.
  2. A dwarf planet once considered the ninth planet, located in the Kuiper Belt.
  3. The largest object in the asteroid belt, classified as a dwarf planet.
  4. A bright planet with a thick, toxic atmosphere and a hot surface.
  5. The third planet from the Sun, known for its abundant life and blue oceans.
  6. The "Red Planet" with iron oxide giving it a reddish appearance.

10 Clues: The "Red Planet" with iron oxide giving it a reddish appearance.A bright planet with a thick, toxic atmosphere and a hot surface.A planet with a distinct ring system made of ice and dust particles.The largest object in the asteroid belt, classified as a dwarf planet.An "ice giant" planet that rotates on its side, with a blue-green color....

Planets 2023-11-06

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Not An "Official" Planet
  2. The Red Planet
  3. Our Moon As A Planet
  4. Beige Earth
  5. Mother Nature
  6. A Fireball
  1. A Gassy Giant
  2. A Married Planet
  3. Big Blue Planet
  4. The Sideways Planet

10 Clues: A FireballBeige EarthA Gassy GiantMother NatureThe Red PlanetBig Blue PlanetA Married PlanetThe Sideways PlanetOur Moon As A PlanetNot An "Official" Planet

Planets 2024-03-20

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. I orbit planets.
  2. I am the first Ice Planet
  3. My planet has rings.
  4. It takes 165 years for me to orbit the sun.
  5. I am close to earth and its believe people could inhabit me one day.
  1. My name sounds the same as a famous Tennis player.
  2. I am the hottest planet in the solar system.
  3. I am the biggest planet in the solar system.
  4. Without me life would cease to exist, but get to close to me and your will burn.
  5. This planet is the only one with known lifeforms.

10 Clues: I orbit planets.My planet has rings.I am the first Ice PlanetIt takes 165 years for me to orbit the sun.I am the hottest planet in the solar system.I am the biggest planet in the solar system.This planet is the only one with known lifeforms.My name sounds the same as a famous Tennis player....

PLANETS 2023-11-01

PLANETS crossword puzzle
  1. smallest planet
  2. the Red Planet
  3. dwarf planet
  4. Uranus and Neptune are known as gas ____
  1. hottest planet
  2. Mars is named after the God of ____
  3. _________ Mons
  4. planet not named after Greek or Roman God
  5. Venus is the Roman Goddess of _____
  6. Venus is known as Earth's _____

10 Clues: dwarf planethottest planet_________ Monsthe Red Planetsmallest planetVenus is known as Earth's _____Mars is named after the God of ____Venus is the Roman Goddess of _____Uranus and Neptune are known as gas ____planet not named after Greek or Roman God

Planets 2024-06-06

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Center Of Some Planets And Made Out Of Metal Liquids
  2. Layer Of Rocks
  3. Planets Made Out Of Gas
  4. Layer Of Clouds Made From Ammonia
  5. A Body Of Matter
  1. On Land
  2. A Planet Made Up Of Mostly Gasses
  3. Move Around Something
  4. Layers Of Clouds
  5. How Heavy Something Was

10 Clues: On LandLayer Of RocksLayers Of CloudsA Body Of MatterMove Around SomethingPlanets Made Out Of GasHow Heavy Something WasA Planet Made Up Of Mostly GassesLayer Of Clouds Made From AmmoniaCenter Of Some Planets And Made Out Of Metal Liquids

planets 2024-05-20

planets crossword puzzle
  1. has robots
  2. the 7th planet
  3. 2nd biggest planet
  4. has a storm
  5. closest to the sun
  1. is slowly being killed by humans
  2. is a star
  3. hottest planet
  4. has a funny name
  5. our solar system

10 Clues: is a starhas robotshas a stormhottest planetthe 7th planethas a funny nameour solar system2nd biggest planetclosest to the sunis slowly being killed by humans

Planets 2024-06-26

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. giant planet - Uranus
  2. planet - Pluto
  3. planet - Mars
  4. planet in the solar system - Jupiter
  5. planet to the sun - Mercury
  6. planet from the sun - Uranus
  1. planet in the sky - Venus
  2. planet - Saturn
  3. planet from the sun - Neptune
  4. planet - Earth

10 Clues: planet - Marsplanet - Plutoplanet - Earthplanet - Saturngiant planet - Uranusplanet in the sky - Venusplanet to the sun - Mercuryplanet from the sun - Uranusplanet from the sun - Neptuneplanet in the solar system - Jupiter

Space and the planets 2017-05-14

Space and the planets crossword puzzle
  1. now known as a dwarf planet
  2. this planets year is 88 days
  3. a lack of what makes you float in space
  4. the sun is the biggest what in our solar system
  5. which planet has 14 suns
  6. this planet has the largest mountain known as olympus mons
  1. fifth planet from sun
  2. named the icy planet
  3. our solar system is named
  4. second biggest planet
  5. how many planets in our universe
  6. only planet with organic life
  7. what do the planets revolve around
  8. hottest planet

14 Clues: hottest planetnamed the icy planetfifth planet from sunsecond biggest planetwhich planet has 14 sunsour solar system is namednow known as a dwarf planetthis planets year is 88 daysonly planet with organic lifehow many planets in our universewhat do the planets revolve arounda lack of what makes you float in space...

Planets 2017-11-30

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. 195 degrees
  2. 864 degrees
  3. -353 degrees
  4. 800 degrees
  1. 100 degrees
  2. 5778 degrees
  3. -288 degrees
  4. -234 degrees
  5. -357 degrees
  6. 61 degrees

10 Clues: 61 degrees195 degrees100 degrees864 degrees800 degrees5778 degrees-288 degrees-234 degrees-353 degrees-357 degrees

Planets 2017-05-15

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The furthest planet from the sun
  2. The largest planet in our solar system
  3. The closest planet to the sun
  4. The word used to describe the planets travelling around the sun
  5. The number of planets in our solar system
  1. An object that helps humans see the moon, stars and planets.
  2. The largest object in the whole solar system
  3. The only planet that humans have walked on
  4. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all have .... around them
  5. A planet that's sometimes referred to as the 'red planet'

10 Clues: The closest planet to the sunThe furthest planet from the sunThe largest planet in our solar systemThe number of planets in our solar systemThe only planet that humans have walked onThe largest object in the whole solar systemA planet that's sometimes referred to as the 'red planet'An object that helps humans see the moon, stars and planets....

Planets 2013-03-08

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. This planet has many rings and moons.
  2. Also known as the red planet.
  3. This planet is named after the Roman God of water.
  4. This planet sounds a bit rude.
  5. The biggest planet in the solar system.
  1. This is the force that keeps all the planets in place.
  2. The planet closest to the sun.
  3. The planet between Mercury and Earth.
  4. This is no longer classed as a planet.
  5. The only planet with life.

10 Clues: The only planet with life.Also known as the red planet.The planet closest to the sun.This planet sounds a bit rude.This planet has many rings and moons.The planet between Mercury and Earth.This is no longer classed as a planet.The biggest planet in the solar system.This planet is named after the Roman God of water....

Planets 2012-09-13

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. A container for holding flowers
  2. Strictly accurate or correct
  3. A unit of money
  4. To create or design something new
  5. Types of these are: pie, bar, column and line
  1. To stretch or make longer
  2. A long yellow fruit
  3. Very good
  4. What you do when something is funny
  5. The organ that pumps blood through your body

10 Clues: Very goodA unit of moneyA long yellow fruitTo stretch or make longerStrictly accurate or correctA container for holding flowersTo create or design something newWhat you do when something is funnyThe organ that pumps blood through your bodyTypes of these are: pie, bar, column and line

Planets 2014-09-15

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet we live on.
  2. what bright thing can you see during the day time in the sky.
  3. which planet is the biggest planet.
  4. which planet has the most rings.
  5. what is the name of the second planet from the sun.
  1. which is the smallest planet from the sun.
  2. n_p_u_e.
  3. u_ a_u_.
  4. which planet is known as the red planet.
  5. twinkle twinkle little _ _ _ _.

10 Clues: n_p_u_e.u_ a_u_.the planet we live on.twinkle twinkle little _ _ _ _.which planet has the most rings.which planet is the biggest planet.which planet is known as the red planet.which is the smallest planet from the sun.what is the name of the second planet from the sun.what bright thing can you see during the day time in the sky.

Planets 2015-04-29

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas and dust, and dark matter
  2. gravitationally curved path of an object around a point in space
  3. Third largest planetary radius
  4. Officially not considered a planet anymore
  5. Most Dense planet
  6. Biggest planet in the solar system
  1. Fourth Planet from the sun
  2. Layer of gases
  3. luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity
  4. star at the center of the Solar System

10 Clues: Layer of gasesMost Dense planetFourth Planet from the sunThird largest planetary radiusBiggest planet in the solar systemstar at the center of the Solar SystemOfficially not considered a planet anymoreluminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravitygravitationally curved path of an object around a point in space...

Planets 2015-05-26

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Red Sport A Larger storm visible on Jupiter is known as?
  2. A Large object orbiting a planet is know as its?
  3. What planet is known for having large rings of ice rock and dust around it?
  4. A Planets Cycle around the sun is know as an?
  5. What is the biggest planet in our solar system?
  1. When a meteor collides with a planet or moon it leaves a?
  2. Giants The four Largest Planets in our solar system are known as?
  3. What Planet is most similar in size to Earth?
  4. What is otherwise known as the red planet?
  5. belt What would you find between Mars and Jupiter?

10 Clues: What is otherwise known as the red planet?What Planet is most similar in size to Earth?A Planets Cycle around the sun is know as an?What is the biggest planet in our solar system?A Large object orbiting a planet is know as its?belt What would you find between Mars and Jupiter?Red Sport A Larger storm visible on Jupiter is known as?...

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets! 2022-07-13

planets! crossword puzzle
  1. Protects the country
  2. Treats people who are sick
  3. Explores the Outer Space
  4. Takes care of gardens
  1. Researches and experiments on science
  2. Grows and cultivates crops
  3. Rescues people from fires
  4. Creates beautiful art
  5. Protects the citizens
  6. Makes delicious food in restaurants

10 Clues: Protects the countryCreates beautiful artProtects the citizensTakes care of gardensExplores the Outer SpaceRescues people from firesGrows and cultivates cropsTreats people who are sickMakes delicious food in restaurantsResearches and experiments on science

planets 2022-05-15

planets crossword puzzle
  1. After the first four
  2. Bright
  3. Like the earth
  4. Is hot
  1. First four planets
  2. Has no atmosphere
  3. Moves around something
  4. Ranges in thickness
  5. You live here
  6. Celestial object

10 Clues: BrightIs hotYou live hereLike the earthCelestial objectHas no atmosphereFirst four planetsRanges in thicknessAfter the first fourMoves around something

Planets 2022-08-15

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. the most beautiful planet with rings
  2. the largest planet
  3. the closest planet to the sun
  4. the brightest planet
  1. our planet
  2. I'm a planet made up of gas
  3. I'm a star. All the planets orbit around me.
  4. a vehicle that flys into space.
  5. the planet with 27 moons
  6. I'm the red planet

10 Clues: our planetthe largest planetI'm the red planetthe brightest planetthe planet with 27 moonsI'm a planet made up of gasthe closest planet to the suna vehicle that flys into space.the most beautiful planet with ringsI'm a star. All the planets orbit around me.

planets 2022-02-11

planets crossword puzzle
  1. 4th planet
  2. is a object that orbits earth
  3. keeps air in
  4. keeps us alive
  5. is what the planets are
  1. circles around
  2. 2nd planet
  3. empty blackness
  4. 1st planet
  5. 3rd planet

10 Clues: 4th planet2nd planet1st planet3rd planetkeeps air incircles aroundkeeps us aliveempty blacknessis what the planets areis a object that orbits earth

Planets 2021-04-12

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. system; the collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit around the sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets. The planets of the solar system are (in order of distance from the sun) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
  2. galaxy; a galaxy that has a generally elliptical shape and that has no apparent internal structure or spiral arms
  3. galaxy a galaxy that does not have a distinct regular shape, unlike a spiral or an elliptical galaxy.
  4. a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun.
  1. celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.
  2. a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.
  3. Galaxy a galaxy in which the stars and gas clouds are concentrated mainly in one or more spiral arms.
  4. Way; Our own galaxy
  5. the planet on which we live; the world.
  6. the star around which the earth orbits.

10 Clues: Way; Our own galaxythe planet on which we live; the world.the star around which the earth orbits.celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun....

Planets 2020-08-05

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The second planet in our Solar system
  2. The planet on which we live
  3. second last planet
  4. the Last planet in our Solar system
  1. the biggest planet of our solar system
  2. The nearest planet to Sun
  3. The planet after our planet
  4. know for its rings
  5. The only satellite of our planet
  6. The dwarf planet

10 Clues: The dwarf planetknow for its ringssecond last planetThe nearest planet to SunThe planet after our planetThe planet on which we liveThe only satellite of our planetthe Last planet in our Solar systemThe second planet in our Solar systemthe biggest planet of our solar system

Planets 2020-06-30

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. меркурий
  2. венера
  3. нептун
  4. сатурн
  1. луна
  2. марс
  3. земля
  4. уран
  5. юпитер
  6. солнце

10 Clues: лунамарсуранземлявенераюпитерсолнценептунсатурнмеркурий

Planets 2023-07-01

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. It is a red planet.
  2. It supports life.
  3. The largest planet in the solar system.
  4. Smallest planet in the solar system.
  5. Third largest planet in the solar system.
  1. Huge collection of stars along with gases and dust.
  2. It has rings.
  3. It is the farthest planet rom the sun.
  4. Brightest planet in the solar system.
  5. It is a huge ball of hot glowing gases.

10 Clues: It has rings.It supports life.It is a red planet.Smallest planet in the solar system.Brightest planet in the solar system.It is the farthest planet rom the sun.It is a huge ball of hot glowing gases.The largest planet in the solar system.Third largest planet in the solar system.Huge collection of stars along with gases and dust.

Planets 2023-04-21

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. = Where we live
  2. = Cold in the night and warm in the day
  3. = Hot
  4. = Rings
  5. = Only Dwarf planet in the solar system
  6. = Volcano’s
  1. = Known as the red planet
  2. = largest gas planet
  3. = Famous for bring tilted
  4. = Known as the blue planet

10 Clues: = Hot= Rings= Volcano’s= Where we live= largest gas planet= Known as the red planet= Famous for bring tilted= Known as the blue planet= Cold in the night and warm in the day= Only Dwarf planet in the solar system

Planets 2023-12-11

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. e il secondo pianeta del nostro sistema solare
  2. non e piu un pianeta
  3. e anche un nome di poseidone
  4. il pianeta rosso
  5. dove tutti vivono
  6. e il terzo piante piu grande del sistema solare
  1. il pianeta con gli anelli
  2. il piante piu grande del sistema solare
  3. la stella piu grande del nostro sistema solare
  4. il pianeta piu vicino al sole

10 Clues: il pianeta rossodove tutti vivononon e piu un pianetail pianeta con gli anellie anche un nome di poseidoneil pianeta piu vicino al soleil piante piu grande del sistema solaree il secondo pianeta del nostro sistema solarela stella piu grande del nostro sistema solaree il terzo piante piu grande del sistema solare

Planets 2024-01-17

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Used to be a planet but does not classify as a planet anymore
  2. Known as the blue planet
  3. Known as the red planet
  4. The "Tilted Giant"
  5. The bright red ball in the sky
  1. The only planet with life
  2. The biggest planet
  3. The smallest planet
  4. The planet closes in size to earth
  5. The planet with rings

10 Clues: The biggest planetThe "Tilted Giant"The smallest planetThe planet with ringsKnown as the red planetKnown as the blue planetThe only planet with lifeThe bright red ball in the skyThe planet closes in size to earthUsed to be a planet but does not classify as a planet anymore

Planets 2023-08-23

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. largest planet in the solar system
  2. the hottest planet in the solar system
  3. the force that holds everything together
  4. the last 4 planets made of gas or ice
  1. an ice giant with rings
  2. the first 4 terrestrial planetsnin our solar system
  3. a phenomenon where planets go around a star
  4. the red planet
  5. the only planet that supports life
  6. the center of our solar system

10 Clues: the red planetan ice giant with ringsthe center of our solar systemlargest planet in the solar systemthe only planet that supports lifethe last 4 planets made of gas or icethe hottest planet in the solar systemthe force that holds everything togethera phenomenon where planets go around a starthe first 4 terrestrial planetsnin our solar system

Planets 2023-11-12

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. It is the only planet people can live on. It has a satellite named "moon".
  2. The closest planet to the Sun. It has ice in its craters and on its surface.
  3. The central star in our solar system.
  4. This planet has a ring around it.
  5. A dwarf planet
  6. The hottest planet in our solar system. There are many volcanoes on it.
  1. This planet is also called "the red planet". It has two moons named "Phobos and Deimos".
  2. The largest planet in our solar system.
  3. A blue planet in our solar system.
  4. The farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system.

10 Clues: A dwarf planetThis planet has a ring around it.A blue planet in our solar system.The central star in our solar system.The largest planet in our solar system.The farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system.The hottest planet in our solar system. There are many volcanoes on it....

Planets 2023-10-24

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Known for its stunning rings that look like hula hoops.
  2. The closest planet to the Sun, super hot during the day.
  3. A planet that rolls on its side while orbiting the Sun.
  1. The farthest planet from the Sun, covered in clouds.
  2. Often called the "Evening Star," it's very hot and bright.
  3. The largest planet in our solar system with big, colorful stripes.
  4. A dwarf planet, once considered the ninth planet.
  5. The "Red Planet" named after the Roman god of war.
  6. The giant, hot ball of fire in the sky that gives us light and warmth
  7. Our home planet with land, water, and air for living.

10 Clues: A dwarf planet, once considered the ninth planet.The "Red Planet" named after the Roman god of war.The farthest planet from the Sun, covered in clouds.Our home planet with land, water, and air for living.Known for its stunning rings that look like hula hoops.A planet that rolls on its side while orbiting the Sun....

Planets 2024-04-22

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The closest planet to the sun
  2. A gas giant with a unique sideways rotation
  3. The fourth planet from the sun, often called the "Red Planet"
  4. Formerly considered the ninth planet, now classified as a dwarf planet
  5. The eighth planet from the sun, with a vivid blue color
  6. The largest planet in our solar system
  1. The largest object in the asteroid belt, now classified as a dwarf planet
  2. Known for its distinctive rings, the sixth planet from the sun
  3. The second planet from the sun, known for its thick atmosphere
  4. The third planet from the sun, our home planet

10 Clues: The closest planet to the sunThe largest planet in our solar systemA gas giant with a unique sideways rotationThe third planet from the sun, our home planetThe eighth planet from the sun, with a vivid blue colorThe fourth planet from the sun, often called the "Red Planet"Known for its distinctive rings, the sixth planet from the sun...

solar system 2015-04-30

solar system crossword puzzle
  1. :What is the biggest planet in the solar system?
  2. plants:What are the planets called that are close to the sun?
  3. planet has a ring besides Saturn?
  4. planet was the smallest when there was nine planets?
  5. what shape does the planets move around the sun?
  6. belt :what is between Mars and Jupiter?
  7. planets:What are the last planets?
  1. planet are we on?
  2. :Which planet has a green house effect?
  3. is a star in the solar system?
  4. are rare objects that are in the night sky
  5. way: What galaxy is the solar system in?

12 Clues: planet are we on?is a star in the solar system?planet has a ring besides Saturn?planets:What are the last planets?:Which planet has a green house effect?belt :what is between Mars and Jupiter?way: What galaxy is the solar system in?are rare objects that are in the night sky:What is the biggest planet in the solar system?...

Inner Planets Crossword Puzzle 2024-02-07

Inner Planets Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Our home planet and 3rd closest to the sun.
  2. The number of inner planets.
  3. Venus is often called _____'_ ____.
  4. Often called the red planet and last inner planet.
  5. The hottest planet and 2nd closest to the sun.
  1. Evidence that _____ was once on Mars.
  2. The inner planets are often called ___________ planets.
  3. The inner planets have few to none _____.
  4. The planet closest to the sun.
  5. The inner planets __________ ranges from none to very thick.

10 Clues: The number of inner planets.The planet closest to the sun.Venus is often called _____'_ ____.Evidence that _____ was once on Mars.The inner planets have few to none _____.Our home planet and 3rd closest to the sun.The hottest planet and 2nd closest to the sun.Often called the red planet and last inner planet....

Inner Planets Crossword Puzzle 2024-02-07

Inner Planets Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Our home planet and 3rd closest to the sun.
  2. The planet closest to the sun.
  3. The number of inner planets.
  4. The inner planets __________ ranges from none to very thick.
  5. The hottest planet and 2nd closest to the sun.
  1. Evidence that _____ was once on Mars.
  2. Venus is often called _____'_ ____.
  3. Often called the red planet and last inner planet.
  4. The inner planets have few to none _____.
  5. The inner planets are often called ___________ planets.

10 Clues: The number of inner planets.The planet closest to the sun.Venus is often called _____'_ ____.Evidence that _____ was once on Mars.The inner planets have few to none _____.Our home planet and 3rd closest to the sun.The hottest planet and 2nd closest to the sun.Often called the red planet and last inner planet....

Inner Planets Crossword Puzzle 2024-02-07

Inner Planets Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Our home planet and 3rd closest to the sun.
  2. The number of inner planets.
  3. Venus is often called _____'_ ____.
  4. Often called the red planet and last inner planet.
  5. The hottest planet and 2nd closest to the sun.
  1. Evidence that _____ was once on Mars.
  2. The inner planets are often called ___________ planets.
  3. The inner planets have few to none _____.
  4. The planet closest to the sun.
  5. The inner planets __________ ranges from none to very thick.

10 Clues: The number of inner planets.The planet closest to the sun.Venus is often called _____'_ ____.Evidence that _____ was once on Mars.The inner planets have few to none _____.Our home planet and 3rd closest to the sun.The hottest planet and 2nd closest to the sun.Often called the red planet and last inner planet....

Space Review 2022-06-14

Space Review crossword puzzle
  1. home of the great red spot
  2. highly accepted theory on how the solar system formed
  3. not a planet any longer
  4. this type of pollution makes it hard to see stars
  5. inner planets made mostly of this
  6. the path a planet takes around the Sun
  7. the solar system's star
  8. mariner 10 visited this planet
  9. cluster of asteroids that orbit the sun
  1. planet travels around the Sun
  2. number of planets
  3. second largest gas giant
  4. made of ice and gas and sometimes has a tail
  5. this planet might have frozen ice caps on the poles
  6. planet spins around its axis
  7. outer planets made mostly of this

16 Clues: number of planetsnot a planet any longerthe solar system's starsecond largest gas gianthome of the great red spotplanet spins around its axisplanet travels around the Sunmariner 10 visited this planetinner planets made mostly of thisouter planets made mostly of thisthe path a planet takes around the Suncluster of asteroids that orbit the sun...

inner planets 2022-02-11

inner planets crossword puzzle
  1. a layer of air that protects planets
  2. a circular path around the sun
  3. planets planets that have a surface
  4. star
  5. closest planet to the sun
  1. hottest planet in solar system
  2. the red planet
  3. a big rock that orbits a planet
  4. only planet with life and water
  5. planets mercury venus earth mars

10 Clues: starthe red planetclosest planet to the sunhottest planet in solar systema circular path around the suna big rock that orbits a planetonly planet with life and waterplanets mercury venus earth marsplanets planets that have a surfacea layer of air that protects planets

solar system 2021-11-30

solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Number of planets in our solar system (spell the number).
  2. Object made of frozen gases that orbits the Sun with very wide orbits.
  3. The asteroid belt is between Mars and _____.
  4. Another name for the gas giant planets.
  5. The gas giants are all in the (inner or outer?) part of our Solar System.
  6. The terrestrial planets are all in the (inner or outer?) part of our Solar System.
  7. Largest object in our solar system.
  1. Another name for the rocky planets.
  2. True or false: The Sun and all of the planets are approximately the same age.
  3. These burn up in our atmosphere to create "shooting stars".
  4. Our solar system formed approximately 4.6 ____ years ago.
  5. Hole created as a result of a meteor hitting the surface of a planet or moon.
  6. When comets come close to the Sun, sometimes a ____ (streak of light behind the comet) can be seen.

13 Clues: Another name for the rocky planets.Largest object in our solar system.Another name for the gas giant planets.The asteroid belt is between Mars and _____.Number of planets in our solar system (spell the number).Our solar system formed approximately 4.6 ____ years ago.These burn up in our atmosphere to create "shooting stars"....

All Planets 2022-11-19

All Planets crossword puzzle
  1. A purple gray dwarf planet
  2. red dwarf plant with a lot of craters
  3. 2 Dwarf Planet
  4. Red dwarf planet
  5. 1 Dwarf Planet
  6. 7 planet from the sun
  7. 8 planet from the sun
  8. 6 Planet from the sun
  1. A purple-ish red dwarf planet
  2. A white dwarf planet
  3. 3 Dwarf Planet
  4. 5 planet from the sun
  5. 1 planet from the sun.
  6. 2 planet from the sun
  7. 4 planet from the sun
  8. Oval-like dwarf planet
  9. 3 planet from the sun

17 Clues: 3 Dwarf Planet2 Dwarf Planet1 Dwarf PlanetRed dwarf planetA white dwarf planet5 planet from the sun2 planet from the sun4 planet from the sun7 planet from the sun8 planet from the sun3 planet from the sun6 Planet from the sun1 planet from the sun.Oval-like dwarf planetA purple gray dwarf planetA purple-ish red dwarf planet...

Our Solar System 2023-05-10

Our Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. coldest planet
  2. the only planet that has life
  3. _another word for sun
  4. this planet has beautiful rings
  5. the smallest planet in our solar system
  6. larger planets that are made up mostly of gas
  7. this planet is tilted on its side
  8. all planets _ around the sun
  9. the curved path of an object around a point in space
  10. Earth's twin sister
  1. largest planet in the solar system
  2. this planet is red due to the iron oxide
  3. _are scientist who study the solar system
  4. these planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
  5. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  6. space between Mars and Jupiter that is full of asteroids

16 Clues: coldest planetEarth's twin sister_another word for sunall planets _ around the sunthe only planet that has lifethis planet has beautiful ringsJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptunethis planet is tilted on its sidelargest planet in the solar systemthe smallest planet in our solar systemthis planet is red due to the iron oxide...

Solar System 2019-11-12

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. / This planet is tilted sideways and spins sideways too
  2. / Planets like Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune
  3. / The sun is this
  4. / You use this to see into space
  5. / This is the air that surrounds a planet
  6. / Hottest and biggest star in our solar system
  7. / Our planet
  8. / This is caused by stars in the sky connecting to form pictures
  9. / The force that holds the planets in orbit and keeps us from floating into space
  1. / Comes out at night
  2. / Hottest planet in the solar system
  3. / This machine sends you into space
  4. / The path a planet takes around the sun
  5. / The biggest planet in our solar system
  6. / This planet is famous for its beautiful ring
  7. / Known as the red planet
  8. / Planets like Mercury,Venus,Earth and Mars
  9. / First planet from the sun
  10. / These are almost holes that asteroids make when they hit the moon
  11. / Farthest planet from the sun

20 Clues: / Our planet/ The sun is this/ Comes out at night/ Known as the red planet/ First planet from the sun/ Farthest planet from the sun/ You use this to see into space/ This machine sends you into space/ Hottest planet in the solar system/ The path a planet takes around the sun/ The biggest planet in our solar system...

Uranus & Neptune 2023-02-14

Uranus & Neptune crossword puzzle
  1. Uranus has___ rings
  2. Circular with craters and bright spots
  3. what structure of neptune is more visible
  4. is in a retrograde orbit
  5. dominates the atmosphere and gives the characteristic blue color
  6. Neptune is 4 times wider than ___
  7. asteroids are rich in ___ and water
  8. Uranus is bigger in ___ than Neptune
  9. the smallest out of the gas planets
  10. boulders, The outermost ring of uranus are made up of ___
  11. Cosmic snowballs
  12. Neptune has the strongest ___ out of all the planets
  1. has 27 moons
  2. Uranus is made of ___
  3. 2, the only spacecraft to have visited Uranus
  4. over 700,000 have been identified
  5. The outer ring of uranus is
  6. discovered in 1846
  7. Uranus and Neptune are often called ___ planets
  8. Neptune has a total of ___ rings
  9. probe, Gaspra & Ida were visited by
  10. Neptune is made up of a ___ material
  11. discovered by them in 1781
  12. Probe, Gaspra & Ida were visited by the ___
  13. Some asteroids become the ___ of planets

25 Clues: has 27 moonsCosmic snowballsdiscovered in 1846Uranus has___ ringsUranus is made of ___is in a retrograde orbitdiscovered by them in 1781The outer ring of uranus isNeptune has a total of ___ ringsover 700,000 have been identifiedNeptune is 4 times wider than ___probe, Gaspra & Ida were visited byasteroids are rich in ___ and water...

Space Exploration 2012-05-05

Space Exploration crossword puzzle
  1. rocket with a bomb as a payload
  2. four planets closest to the sun
  3. Russian term for astronaut
  4. angle measured clockwise from north
  5. measures altitude
  6. completes one Earth orbit in 1.5h
  7. measure azimuth
  8. speed at which exhaust leaves a rocket
  9. enables spacecraft to change speed by using gravity
  10. used to magnify objects at greater distances
  11. device a rocket carries
  12. earth -centered
  13. Global Positioning System
  14. rocket with more than one stage
  15. charge coupled device
  16. trajectory in which space craft is boosted out of and back into Earth
  1. contains combustible material in one end and payload in the other
  2. looks like a squashed circle
  3. sun centered
  4. satellite made by humans
  5. orbit of satellites orbiting Earth once everyone 24 hours
  6. four planets furthest from the sun
  7. angle measured above the horizon
  8. measures planets from space
  9. high energy subatomic particles that stream off the sun

25 Clues: sun centeredmeasure azimuthearth -centeredmeasures altitudecharge coupled devicedevice a rocket carriessatellite made by humansGlobal Positioning SystemRussian term for astronautmeasures planets from spacelooks like a squashed circlerocket with a bomb as a payloadfour planets closest to the sunrocket with more than one stage...

Planets 2015-06-15

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Neptune
  2. Venus
  3. Mercury
  4. Sun
  1. Uranus
  2. Saturn
  3. Jupiter
  4. Moon
  5. Earth
  6. mars

10 Clues: SunMoonmarsEarthVenusUranusSaturnJupiterNeptuneMercury

Planets 2016-02-17

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The name of a small object made of ice, frozen gas, and dust that orbits the sun is?
  2. The chemical element uranium was named after what planet?
  3. The sixth planet from the Sun features an extensive ring system, what is the name of this planet?
  4. What planet is famous for its big red spot on it?
  5. Earth is located in which galaxy?
  6. What is the third planet from the Sun?
  1. What is the brightest planet in the night sky?
  2. Which planet has the strongest winds?
  3. What is the name of the force holding us to the Earth?
  4. Which planet has a surface and atmosphere most like the Earth?

10 Clues: Earth is located in which galaxy?Which planet has the strongest winds?What is the third planet from the Sun?What is the brightest planet in the night sky?What planet is famous for its big red spot on it?What is the name of the force holding us to the Earth?The chemical element uranium was named after what planet?...

Planets 2021-01-29

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. This planet has the largest known volcano
  2. Number of planets in the solar system.
  3. Only planet known to support life.
  4. Hottest planet in the solar system
  5. This planet is tilted on it’s side.
  6. Number of dwarf planets
  1. This planet has more moons than any other planet.
  2. Smallest planet in the solar system
  3. largest planet in the solar system and known as the “gas giant”
  4. Named after the Roman god of the sea.

10 Clues: Number of dwarf planetsOnly planet known to support life.Hottest planet in the solar systemSmallest planet in the solar systemThis planet is tilted on it’s side.Named after the Roman god of the sea.Number of planets in the solar system.This planet has the largest known volcanoThis planet has more moons than any other planet....

Planets 2021-01-29

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. This planet has the largest known volcano
  2. Number of planets in the solar system.
  3. Only planet known to support life.
  4. Hottest planet in the solar system
  5. This planet is tilted on it’s side.
  6. Number of dwarf planets
  1. This planet has more moons than any other planet.
  2. Smallest planet in the solar system
  3. largest planet in the solar system and known as the “gas giant”
  4. Named after the Roman god of the sea.

10 Clues: Number of dwarf planetsOnly planet known to support life.Hottest planet in the solar systemSmallest planet in the solar systemThis planet is tilted on it’s side.Named after the Roman god of the sea.Number of planets in the solar system.This planet has the largest known volcanoThis planet has more moons than any other planet....

Planets 2021-05-12

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. comes from trees
  2. with a ring on it
  3. moved around
  4. also called the red planet
  5. the planet you live on
  1. another word for lunar
  2. closer to the Sun
  3. planets Farther from the planet
  4. air
  5. measurement

10 Clues: airmeasurementmoved aroundcomes from treescloser to the Sunwith a ring on itanother word for lunarthe planet you live onalso called the red planetplanets Farther from the planet

planets 2021-11-03

planets crossword puzzle
  1. green and blue planet
  2. the largest planet
  3. known for its ring
  4. farthest from the sun
  5. luna in spanish
  1. the red planet
  2. second closest to the sun
  3. the coldest planet
  4. no longer a planet
  5. closest planet to the sun

10 Clues: the red planetluna in spanishthe coldest planetthe largest planetno longer a planetknown for its ringgreen and blue planetfarthest from the sunsecond closest to the sunclosest planet to the sun

planets 2021-10-21

planets crossword puzzle
  1. orbits
  2. streak of light
  3. when earth goes around the sun
  4. a rock in space
  5. small planet
  1. the sun in the center
  2. flaming balls that destroy stuff
  3. the shadow cast by the earth or moon over an area experiencing a partial eclipse
  4. little bit of ice and dust
  5. one of those things that spins in circles

10 Clues: orbitssmall planetstreak of lighta rock in spacethe sun in the centerlittle bit of ice and dustwhen earth goes around the sunflaming balls that destroy stuffone of those things that spins in circlesthe shadow cast by the earth or moon over an area experiencing a partial eclipse

Planets 2021-11-20

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Smallest planet in the Solar System and closest to the sun
  2. Third planet from the sun and the only astronomical object is known to have life.
  3. The largest in the Solar System
  4. They have compact and rocky surfaces
  5. Has bright and beautiful rings that circle its equator.
  1. The coldest planet in the Solar System
  2. The second-smallest planet in the Solar System
  3. The only planet in our solar system not visible to the naked eye and the first predicted by mathematics before its discovery.
  4. Planets that are made out of hydrogen and helium meaning they do not have solid surfaces
  5. The hottest planet in our solar system.

10 Clues: The largest in the Solar SystemThey have compact and rocky surfacesThe coldest planet in the Solar SystemThe hottest planet in our solar system.The second-smallest planet in the Solar SystemHas bright and beautiful rings that circle its equator.Smallest planet in the Solar System and closest to the sun...

planets 2022-02-07

planets crossword puzzle
  1. fifth planet
  2. volume is greater than 760 earhs
  3. 75% water
  4. less gravity then the earth
  5. -353 F
  1. 3 brightest object
  2. sun spots
  3. colection of rings
  4. smallest planet
  5. fourth planet

10 Clues: -353 Fsun spots75% waterfifth planetfourth planetsmallest planet3 brightest objectcolection of ringsless gravity then the earthvolume is greater than 760 earhs

planets 2022-02-10

planets crossword puzzle
  1. The hottest planet
  2. The smallest planet
  3. The planet which is now a dwarf planet
  4. The windy planet
  5. The red planet
  6. The ringed planet
  1. The largest planet
  2. In which the 8 planets revolve
  3. The 7th or 2nd last planet
  4. The beautiful planet

10 Clues: The red planetThe windy planetThe ringed planetThe largest planetThe hottest planetThe smallest planetThe beautiful planetThe 7th or 2nd last planetIn which the 8 planets revolveThe planet which is now a dwarf planet

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

Planets 2023-06-29

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The Largest planet in the solar system.
  2. Brightest planet in the solar system.
  3. Third largest planet n the solar system.
  4. It supports life.
  5. It is a huge ball of hot glowing gases.
  6. Huge collection of stars along with gases and dust.
  1. It is the farthest planet from the sun.
  2. It has rings.
  3. It is a red planet.
  4. Smallest planet in the solar system.

10 Clues: It has rings.It supports life.It is a red planet.Smallest planet in the solar system.Brightest planet in the solar system.It is the farthest planet from the sun.The Largest planet in the solar system.It is a huge ball of hot glowing gases.Third largest planet n the solar system.Huge collection of stars along with gases and dust.

Planets 2023-02-06

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Earths twin
  2. An outer planet that's 5th from Sun.
  3. clouds fform at atmospheric temperature
  4. 4th planet from sun
  5. 6th planet from Sun.
  1. 8th planet from Sun
  2. Earth Like
  3. 7th planet from Sun.
  4. Third inner planet
  5. closest planet to Sun

10 Clues: Earth LikeEarths twinThird inner planet8th planet from Sun4th planet from sun7th planet from Sun.6th planet from Sun.closest planet to SunAn outer planet that's 5th from Sun.clouds fform at atmospheric temperature

Planets 2023-01-30

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Which planet have Great Red spots
  2. Which planet have bright rings
  3. How many stars are in our solar system
  4. Name all of the planets people have walked on
  5. What is the hottest planet
  1. Which is not considered a planet any more
  2. How may minutes does it take light to travel from the sun to Earth
  3. Which planed is one of Gas Giants
  4. What is the coldest planet in our solar system
  5. How many astronauts have walked on the moon

10 Clues: What is the hottest planetWhich planet have bright ringsWhich planet have Great Red spotsWhich planed is one of Gas GiantsHow many stars are in our solar systemWhich is not considered a planet any moreHow many astronauts have walked on the moonName all of the planets people have walked onWhat is the coldest planet in our solar system...

planets 2022-09-30

planets crossword puzzle
  1. closest planet from the sun
  2. seperates the outer planets from the inner planets
  3. only planet known to hold life
  4. second largest planet in the solar system
  5. Earth's twin sister
  1. duarf planet
  2. largest planet in the solar system
  3. last planet in the solar system
  4. seventh planet from the Sun
  5. 4th planet from the sun

10 Clues: duarf planetEarth's twin sister4th planet from the sunclosest planet from the sunseventh planet from the Sunonly planet known to hold lifelast planet in the solar systemlargest planet in the solar systemsecond largest planet in the solar systemseperates the outer planets from the inner planets

Planets 2023-08-10

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Large system of stars, planets, and other celestial objects.
  2. Third planet from the sun, known for its diverse ecosystems.
  3. Largest planet in our solar system, with distinct bands of clouds.
  4. Sixth planet from the sun, recognized by its prominent rings.
  5. Second planet from the sun, known for its bright appearance.
  1. Former ninth planet, now considered a dwarf planet.
  2. Smallest planet and closest to the sun in our solar system.
  3. Fourth planet from the sun, often called the "Red Planet."
  4. Eighth planet from the sun, characterized by its deep blue color.
  5. Seventh planet from the sun, known for its unique rotation.

10 Clues: Former ninth planet, now considered a dwarf planet.Fourth planet from the sun, often called the "Red Planet."Smallest planet and closest to the sun in our solar system.Seventh planet from the sun, known for its unique rotation.Large system of stars, planets, and other celestial objects.Third planet from the sun, known for its diverse ecosystems....

Planets 2022-10-20

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. no longer a planet in our solar system
  2. has a deep blue colour
  3. surface has many craters and volcanos
  4. orbits on its side
  5. smallest planet in the solar system
  1. largest planet in the solar system
  2. name of our solar system
  3. has rings visible to the human eye
  4. also known as evening or morning star
  5. 5th planet, made of 70% water

10 Clues: orbits on its sidehas a deep blue colourname of our solar system5th planet, made of 70% waterlargest planet in the solar systemhas rings visible to the human eyesmallest planet in the solar systemsurface has many craters and volcanosalso known as evening or morning starno longer a planet in our solar system

Planets 2022-05-09

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. a celestial body that orbits the planets
  2. earth-like
  3. the four planets on the inside
  4. the closest planet to the sun
  1. the hottest planet
  2. The largest planet in the solar system
  3. The farther away planets
  4. revolving around repeatedly
  5. a celestial body that orbits the sun
  6. the third planet from the sun

10 Clues: earth-likethe hottest planetThe farther away planetsrevolving around repeatedlythe third planet from the sunthe closest planet to the sunthe four planets on the insidea celestial body that orbits the sunThe largest planet in the solar systema celestial body that orbits the planets

Planets 2023-03-08

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The BIG star
  2. The red planet
  3. The dwarf planet
  4. The BIG planet
  5. The hottest planet
  1. The Suns BFF
  2. The planet with rings
  3. The blue planet
  4. The human planet
  5. The weird named planet

10 Clues: The Suns BFFThe BIG starThe red planetThe BIG planetThe blue planetThe human planetThe dwarf planetThe hottest planetThe planet with ringsThe weird named planet

Planets 2023-12-07

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. What planet is Black Bolt from
  2. what planet is Magneto from
  3. What planet is The Watch from
  4. what planet is the stranger from
  5. what planet is silver surfer from
  6. What planet is Thanos from
  1. What planet is Zeus from
  2. what planet is Thor from
  3. What planet is Galactus from
  4. What planet is Spider-Man from

10 Clues: What planet is Zeus fromwhat planet is Thor fromWhat planet is Thanos fromwhat planet is Magneto fromWhat planet is Galactus fromWhat planet is The Watch fromWhat planet is Black Bolt fromWhat planet is Spider-Man fromwhat planet is the stranger fromwhat planet is silver surfer from

Planets 2024-03-03

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Known as the "Evening Star" or "Morning Star"
  2. Former ninth planet, now considered a dwarf planet
  3. Earth's natural satellite, not a planet.
  4. Known for its stunning ring system
  5. Our home planet
  6. Often referred to as the "Red Planet"
  1. Tilted on its side, rotates differently
  2. Ice giant, farthest from the Sun
  3. Largest planet in our solar system
  4. Closest planet to the Sun

10 Clues: Our home planetClosest planet to the SunIce giant, farthest from the SunLargest planet in our solar systemKnown for its stunning ring systemOften referred to as the "Red Planet"Tilted on its side, rotates differentlyEarth's natural satellite, not a planet.Known as the "Evening Star" or "Morning Star"...

Planets! 2024-03-01

Planets! crossword puzzle
  1. Interstellar science who's planet is dilated to 1 hour represents 7 years
  2. Belt of ice and asteroids at the end of the solar system
  3. Planet named after "the winged messenger"
  4. The composer that wrote the symphony called "The Planets"
  5. Greek goddess who's breast milk made the Milky Way
  1. Mickey Mouse's dog
  2. The goddess of love
  3. Pluto is the god of _________.
  4. "The warrior planet"
  5. Star which Dr. Arroway visited in the 1997 movie Contact

10 Clues: Mickey Mouse's dogThe goddess of love"The warrior planet"Pluto is the god of _________.Planet named after "the winged messenger"Greek goddess who's breast milk made the Milky WayBelt of ice and asteroids at the end of the solar systemStar which Dr. Arroway visited in the 1997 movie ContactThe composer that wrote the symphony called "The Planets"...

Planets 2024-04-17

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Mercury's exosphere is mostly made of _______
  2. the closest planet to the Sun
  3. the nearest moon of Jupiter which may have water
  4. the second planet from the Sun
  5. the 5th planet from the Sun
  1. the direction of rotation of Venus
  2. the number of moons of Venus
  3. the fourth planet from the Sun
  4. Venus' atmosphere is mostly ________________
  5. the third planet from the Sun

10 Clues: the 5th planet from the Sunthe number of moons of Venusthe closest planet to the Sunthe third planet from the Sunthe fourth planet from the Sunthe second planet from the Sunthe direction of rotation of VenusVenus' atmosphere is mostly ________________Mercury's exosphere is mostly made of _______the nearest moon of Jupiter which may have water

Planets 2024-06-02

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. got knocked over by an object
  2. farthest from our sun
  3. closest planet to the sun
  4. is known for rings
  1. we kicked him out
  2. big brother
  3. closest planet to earth
  4. hottest planet
  5. we live here
  6. what we orbit

10 Clues: big brotherwe live herewhat we orbithottest planetwe kicked him outis known for ringsfarthest from our sunclosest planet to earthclosest planet to the sungot knocked over by an object

Are We Alone? 2023-02-08

Are We Alone? crossword puzzle
  1. All living and existing things.
  2. Any life outside of earth.
  3. A celestial body moving around the earth.
  4. A mysterious object seen in the sky by people.
  5. A place outside earth that has lots of galaxies, planets, and stars.
  6. A creature who is known to look like E.T.
  7. A group of people who try to research new things.
  8. To look for new things.
  9. The action of communicating something.
  10. To find or see first.
  11. A radio wave received and transmitted.
  1. A huge piece of rock that flew from the atmosphere.
  2. A instrument for viewing distant objects.
  3. A scientist who studies planets and stars.
  4. All existing matter in space.
  5. To see something up high.
  6. A layer of gas above the earth.
  7. An astronomical-like object made of plasma.
  8. Systems of billions of stars with gas, rocks, and gravity.
  9. Something that moves.

20 Clues: Something that moves.To find or see first.To look for new things.To see something up high.Any life outside of earth.All existing matter in space.All living and existing things.A layer of gas above the earth.The action of communicating something.A radio wave received and transmitted.A instrument for viewing distant objects....

space 2021-03-29

space crossword puzzle
  1. planet closest to the sun
  2. planet that is tilted on it's side
  3. one trip around the sun is called a ____
  4. used to measure distance in space
  5. humans that go into space
  6. government agency that studies space
  7. name of the star in our galaxy
  8. the "Great Red Spot" is a ____ on Jupiter
  9. a group of stars that create a shape
  10. a star with orbiting planets
  11. invisible force that keeps humans on earth
  12. humans live here
  13. ball of rock that orbits a planet
  1. also called the "red planet"
  2. travel through space and send information back to Earth
  3. astronauts use these to go to space
  4. name of our galaxy
  5. a supernova is the ____ of a star
  6. life forms from other planets
  7. biggest planet in the solar system
  8. dwarf planet in our solar system
  9. hottest planet in the solar system
  10. has rings around it
  11. balls of frozen gas/rock that orbit the Sun
  12. planets ___ the sun
  13. light shows in the sky by south/north poles
  14. big balls of gas that create light and heat
  15. number of planets in our solar system
  16. study of the universe
  17. planet farthest from the sun

30 Clues: humans live herename of our galaxyhas rings around itplanets ___ the sunstudy of the universeplanet closest to the sunhumans that go into spacealso called the "red planet"a star with orbiting planetsplanet farthest from the sunlife forms from other planetsname of the star in our galaxydwarf planet in our solar system...

When Is a Planet Not a Planet? 2023-05-19

When Is a Planet Not a Planet? crossword puzzle
  1. Not on the plane, not flat
  2. Elon Musk wants us to go there
  3. Shape of most planets' orbits
  4. The telescope that took pictures on p411
  5. Pluto's moon
  6. The only planet with known biology
  7. The disc around our sun before planets were formed
  8. Hottest planet in our solar system
  9. Discovered Pluto's moon
  10. The coldest planet
  11. Nebula 1500 ly away
  12. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus* & Neptune*
  13. First planet from the Sun
  14. Scientists studying the stars & planets
  15. Was once considered a planet
  16. The solid outer layer of a rocky planet
  1. Imaginary flat disc that shows where the planets and other objects travel around the sun
  2. Space cloud of dust, ice, gas and rocks
  3. The line from one side to the other through the center of a circle
  4. Nebula pictured on title page
  5. The 8th planet
  6. The "A" in IAU
  7. The center or middle of an object or planet
  8. Has the widest rings in our solar system
  9. Made of rocks and dirt
  10. Energy visible from our star
  11. Force that keeps objects orbiting
  12. An important star
  13. What Pluto's core is probably made of
  14. Shape of Pluto's orbit
  15. The largest planet in our solar system

31 Clues: Pluto's moonThe 8th planetThe "A" in IAUAn important starThe coldest planetNebula 1500 ly awayMade of rocks and dirtShape of Pluto's orbitDiscovered Pluto's moonFirst planet from the SunNot on the plane, not flatEnergy visible from our starWas once considered a planetNebula pictured on title pageShape of most planets' orbits...

Science Vocabulary 2015-06-03

Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. What color can we see because it reflects all of the visible light spectrum
  2. The rapid back and forth motion of an object called?
  3. What is the first step to the scientific method?
  4. What is the very bottom part of a wavelength called?
  5. The abbreviation for the order of the color in the visible spectrum?
  6. What is the force of water pressing on an object called?
  7. What is the storage center of a cell called?
  8. What animal eats only meat?
  9. What is the boundary between air masses of different temperatures and humidity?
  10. planets Planets that are closer to the sun?
  11. What tool would you use to measure wind speed?
  12. What is the smallest planet?
  1. What percentage of the earth is covered in oceans and seas?
  2. What color can we see because it absorbs all of the colors of the visible light spectrum?
  3. planets Planets that are further from the sun?
  4. What “tools” do you use to observe in an experiment?
  5. What is the biggest planet?
  6. What type of animal only eats plants?
  7. What is it called when sound waves spread matter apart?
  8. What is the amplification of sound by the force of vibration?
  9. What is the control center of a cell called?
  10. What animal eats plants and meat?

22 Clues: What is the biggest planet?What animal eats only meat?What is the smallest planet?What animal eats plants and meat?What type of animal only eats plants?planets Planets that are closer to the sun?What is the storage center of a cell called?What is the control center of a cell called?planets Planets that are further from the sun?...

Crossword Puzzle 2017-09-08

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Happen in Fall.
  2. North is 0 and East are 90, what am I.
  3. The use of triangle to find objects in space.
  4. Filled with planets and stars.
  5. An ancient device that is used to tell the direction while on seas.
  6. Happen during Summer.
  7. Formed during in earth's atmosphere.
  8. An object that moves around another object.
  9. The fastest rock of it all.
  10. Units ˜150 million kilometers away = _______________.
  11. The studies of space and physical star.
  12. Happen in Spring.
  13. It is round and comes in many sizes in space (not the sun).
  14. Fall slower than the comet.
  15. Smaller than planets.
  16. An invisible circular path in space for planets.
  1. The sun is at the core of the universe.
  2. A hot red ball.
  3. The height of an object is either above or below sea level.
  4. It happens during Winter.
  5. Very small rocks from the comet.
  6. A circular movement.
  7. Groups of stars that create images in the sky.
  8. Motion A space illusion.
  9. Year 9.5 million km = _______________.
  10. Contain a sun, and planets.
  11. Formed when near the earth's atmosphere.
  12. Earth's central line.
  13. We are the core of the universe.
  14. The point where the earth spin around it.

30 Clues: A hot red ball.Happen in Fall.Happen in Spring.A circular movement.Happen during Summer.Earth's central line.Smaller than planets.Motion A space illusion.It happens during Winter.Contain a sun, and planets.The fastest rock of it all.Fall slower than the comet.Filled with planets and stars.Very small rocks from the comet....

Astronomy 2023-08-23

Astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. Bright points of light in the sky at night.
  2. The study of stars, planets, and space.
  3. Everything that exists, including stars, planets, and galaxies.
  4. The path that a planet or object follows as it goes around another.
  5. A person who travels in space.
  6. A piece of rock or metal that burns up in Earth's atmosphere.
  1. Everything that exists, including stars, planets, and galaxies.
  2. A huge group of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.
  3. The empty area beyond Earth's atmosphere.
  4. Large objects that orbit around stars.
  5. System A group of planets that orbit around a star.
  6. An instrument that helps you see faraway objects in space.
  7. Finding something new and interesting.
  8. A natural satellite that orbits around a planet.
  9. A bright object with a tail that moves in space.

15 Clues: A person who travels in space.Large objects that orbit around stars.Finding something new and interesting.The study of stars, planets, and space.The empty area beyond Earth's atmosphere.Bright points of light in the sky at night.A natural satellite that orbits around a planet.A bright object with a tail that moves in space....

The Planets 2015-04-23

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. the brightest star in the sky
  2. this covers 70% of the Earth's surface
  3. one of the larges features on mercury
  4. this is the largest volcanic mountain in the solar system
  5. our home planet
  6. this planet is blue-green due to Methane gas
  7. one of mars' moons
  8. one of jupiter's mons
  1. the other of mars' moons
  2. the second smallest planet in the solar system
  3. the eighth planet from the sun
  4. the planet has the largest volcanic mountain in the solar system
  5. neptune is this color
  6. venus' atmosphere consists mainly of this gas
  7. saturn has 52 of these
  8. the giant red spot is on this planet
  9. this planet has the most extensive ring system in the solar system

17 Clues: our home planetone of mars' moonsneptune is this colorone of jupiter's monssaturn has 52 of thesethe other of mars' moonsthe brightest star in the skythe eighth planet from the sunthe giant red spot is on this planetone of the larges features on mercurythis covers 70% of the Earth's surfacethis planet is blue-green due to Methane gas...

Solar System Crossword! 2015-04-15

Solar System Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. Planet with the most iron in solar system.
  2. The smallest planet.
  3. The planet with rings.
  4. The center of out Solar System.
  5. The name of our galaxy.
  6. Some planets are called ___ Giants.
  1. Planets with solid rocky surfaces.
  2. Planets do this around the sun.
  3. There is an inner and _____ Solar System.
  4. Planet that revolves in the opposite direction earth does.
  5. Orbits the Earth.
  6. The Planet we live on.
  7. The red Planet.

13 Clues: The red Planet.Orbits the Earth.The smallest planet.The planet with rings.The Planet we live on.The name of our galaxy.Planets do this around the sun.The center of out Solar System.Planets with solid rocky surfaces.Some planets are called ___ Giants.There is an inner and _____ Solar System.Planet with the most iron in solar system....

planets 2021-11-03

planets crossword puzzle
  1. green and blue planet
  2. the largest planet
  3. known for its ring
  4. farthest from the sun
  5. luna in spanish
  1. the red planet
  2. second closest to the sun
  3. the coldest planet
  4. no longer a planet
  5. closest planet to the sun

10 Clues: the red planetluna in spanishthe coldest planetthe largest planetno longer a planetknown for its ringgreen and blue planetfarthest from the sunsecond closest to the sunclosest planet to the sun

PLANETS 2022-03-23

PLANETS crossword puzzle
  2. Είναι ο πιο καυτός πλανήτης


planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

Planets 2013-05-23

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. This planet provides light
  2. This planet is the seventh planet from the sun and has the third largest planetary radius and fourth largest planetary mass in the Solar System
  3. It is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System
  4. This planet is the smallest and closest to the Sun of the eight planets in the Solar System with an orbital period of about 88 Earth days
  5. This planet is the second most massive known dwarf planet in the Solar System
  1. This planet is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System.
  2. This planet has been explored before and is well known
  3. It is the sixth planet from the sun and is the second lagest planet in the solar system
  4. It is the the fifth planet from the sun and is the largest planet in the solar system
  5. living planet

10 Clues: living planetThis planet provides lightThis planet has been explored before and is well knownIt is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar SystemThis planet is the second most massive known dwarf planet in the Solar SystemIt is the the fifth planet from the sun and is the largest planet in the solar system...

Planets 2015-04-28

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Known as a dwarf planet and know longer known as part of the 8 planets.
  2. Furthest from the sun and fourth largest in the solar system.
  3. Seventh planet from the sun and the third largest in the solar system.
  1. It has a ring around it and it is the second largest planet.
  2. Largest planet in the solar system
  3. Comes out at night and it is white.
  4. It is the smallest planet and closest to the sun.
  5. Is the brightest of the planets and is second furthest from the sun.
  6. The planet everyone lives on.
  7. Referred to as the red planet.

10 Clues: The planet everyone lives on.Referred to as the red planet.Largest planet in the solar systemComes out at night and it is white.It is the smallest planet and closest to the sun.It has a ring around it and it is the second largest planet.Furthest from the sun and fourth largest in the solar system....

Planets 2023-04-20

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. the seventh planet to the sun
  2. the second planet to the sun
  3. the first planet to the sun
  4. the third planet to the sun
  5. is easier to be seen at night that is shaped like a planet
  6. The planet that has the strongest gravity
  1. the fifth planet to the sun
  2. you can use your imagination to see constellations
  3. the coldest planet
  4. the fourth planet to the sun

10 Clues: the coldest planetthe fifth planet to the sunthe first planet to the sunthe third planet to the sunthe second planet to the sunthe fourth planet to the sunthe seventh planet to the sunThe planet that has the strongest gravityyou can use your imagination to see constellationsis easier to be seen at night that is shaped like a planet

Planets 2023-02-27

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Eighth planet from the sun
  2. System, The collection of planets, moons, and other objects that orbit around our sun
  3. Former planet that is now considered a dwarf planet
  4. Known for its rings
  5. Also known as the Morning Star or Evening Star
  1. Closest planet to the sun
  2. Largest planet in our solar system
  3. Seventh planet from the sun
  4. The only planet known to support life
  5. The Red Planet

10 Clues: The Red PlanetKnown for its ringsClosest planet to the sunEighth planet from the sunSeventh planet from the sunLargest planet in our solar systemThe only planet known to support lifeAlso known as the Morning Star or Evening StarFormer planet that is now considered a dwarf planet...

Planets 2023-04-26

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. where we live
  2. where we are trying to go
  3. the blue planet
  4. has all the rings
  5. planet closest to the sun
  1. our sister planet
  2. what we are studying
  3. largest planet
  4. between Saturn and Neptune
  5. used to be a planet

10 Clues: where we livelargest planetthe blue planetour sister planethas all the ringsused to be a planetwhat we are studyingwhere we are trying to goplanet closest to the sunbetween Saturn and Neptune

Planets 2023-04-29

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Which planet is known as the "Morning Star" or the "Evening Star"?
  2. which planet is the largest in our solar system
  3. what is located at the center of our solar system
  4. Which planet is at the 8th position from the sun
  1. which planet is known for its ring system
  2. The planet where humanity lives
  3. which planet is known as the red planet
  4. which planet is known as the ice giant
  5. which planet is closest to the sun
  6. How many planets are there

10 Clues: How many planets are thereThe planet where humanity liveswhich planet is closest to the sunwhich planet is known as the ice giantwhich planet is known as the red planetwhich planet is known for its ring systemwhich planet is the largest in our solar systemWhich planet is at the 8th position from the sun...