planets Crossword Puzzles

Potato chips 2024-01-26

Potato chips crossword puzzle
  1. planet object that orbits the sun
  2. massive planets
  3. giants larger planets, jupiter, saturn, gaseous
  4. steep cliffs
  5. satellites- twist and knots when interacting with ring particles
  6. meteorities that have no chondrules
  7. white observation on jupiter
  8. a force acts repeatedly on a body
  9. belt- a region between the orbits of mars and jupiter. 2 AU- 4 AU from the sun
  10. solid body in space before it reaches the atomosphere
  11. cloud-large aggregate of gas and dust
  12. glowing trail of hot gas
  13. small round chunks of rocky material.
  1. meteorites structure
  2. red spot- famous spot found on jupiter
  3. to pass
  4. small planetlike bodies
  5. limit- a breakup if moon comes closer than 2.44 planetary radii
  6. giants- smaller planets, neptune uranus
  7. icy
  8. gas cools, molecules stick together
  9. grains- tiny dust particles
  10. observation on jupiter
  11. rocky
  12. small fragments of meteoroids.

25 Clues: icyrockyto passsteep cliffsmassive planetsmeteorites structureobservation on jupitersmall planetlike bodiesglowing trail of hot gasgrains- tiny dust particleswhite observation on jupitersmall fragments of meteoroids.a force acts repeatedly on a bodyplanet object that orbits the sunmeteorities that have no chondrules...

SOLAR SYSTEM 2020-03-28

SOLAR SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. gas giant planets
  2. meteor that makes it to earth without burning up
  3. huge chunks of irregularly shaped rocks
  4. small pieces of rock and dust
  5. once considered the ninth planet
  6. has methane in its atmosphere
  1. has most extreme temperature ranges
  2. dirty snowballs
  3. four planets closest to the sun
  4. farthest planet from the sun
  5. meteoroids that enter earth's atmosphere and burn
  6. second largest planet
  7. looks red because of iron oxide
  8. smallest of the planets

14 Clues: dirty snowballsgas giant planetssecond largest planetsmallest of the planetsfarthest planet from the sunsmall pieces of rock and dusthas methane in its atmospherefour planets closest to the sunlooks red because of iron oxideonce considered the ninth planethas most extreme temperature rangeshuge chunks of irregularly shaped rocks...

Inner and Outer Planets Stations 2021-04-21

Inner and Outer Planets Stations crossword puzzle
  1. Gas giant
  2. a wall for planets
  3. farther from the sun
  4. planets like earth
  5. are closer to the sun
  1. what is the sun
  2. earth´s sister
  3. Known as the Red planet
  4. what does the moon do
  5. nearest to the sun

10 Clues: Gas giantearth´s sisterwhat is the suna wall for planetsnearest to the sunplanets like earthfarther from the sunwhat does the moon doare closer to the sunKnown as the Red planet

Planets 2012-12-05

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. A object circling another object
  2. different objects building up one main object
  3. The perimeter around a circle
  4. two objects that hit each other
  1. one part of something that makes a whole
  2. the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over
  3. a piece of rock from space that has landed on earth
  4. floating chunks of rock,that are thought to be parts of old planets
  5. a floating pile of dust and ice that has a tail
  6. Not even or balanced

10 Clues: Not even or balancedThe perimeter around a circletwo objects that hit each otherA object circling another objectone part of something that makes a wholedifferent objects building up one main objecta floating pile of dust and ice that has a taila piece of rock from space that has landed on earth...

Planets 2015-05-23

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The planet after earth, fourth from the sun
  2. The closet planet to the sun
  3. Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune have ___ around them
  4. ___ Hole
  5. The moon orbits the...
  6. The number of planets in our solar system
  1. ___ Way
  2. An instrument that scientists use to observe planets
  3. The largest planet in our solar system
  4. The planet most famous for its rings

10 Clues: ___ Way___ HoleThe moon orbits the...The closet planet to the sunThe planet most famous for its ringsThe largest planet in our solar systemThe number of planets in our solar systemThe planet after earth, fourth from the sunAn instrument that scientists use to observe planetsSaturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune have ___ around them

Planets 2016-10-15

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. It has the spectacular ring system
  2. The planet that has large volcanoes, a huge canyon, a pinkish sky and two small moons
  3. It is also called The Great Red Spot
  4. The planet has the strongest winds
  5. The planet we live in
  1. The hottest planet, also called 'evening' or 'morning' star
  2. At the center of solar system and it is yellow in color
  3. It rolls around the Sun tipped on its side
  4. The planet that moves fastest
  5. The dwarf planet in the Solar System

10 Clues: The planet we live inThe planet that moves fastestIt has the spectacular ring systemThe planet has the strongest windsIt is also called The Great Red SpotThe dwarf planet in the Solar SystemIt rolls around the Sun tipped on its sideAt the center of solar system and it is yellow in colorThe hottest planet, also called 'evening' or 'morning' star...

PLANETS 2020-03-24

PLANETS crossword puzzle
  1. The evening star
  2. Galaxy where the planets were formed
  3. Known as the red planet
  4. The biggest planet
  5. Only living planet
  1. The coldest planet
  2. The smallest planet in the solar system
  3. Planets which are not in the solar system
  4. System where the planets are there
  5. A planet that has rings

10 Clues: The evening starThe coldest planetThe biggest planetOnly living planetA planet that has ringsKnown as the red planetSystem where the planets are thereGalaxy where the planets were formedThe smallest planet in the solar systemPlanets which are not in the solar system

Planets 2021-02-19

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The planet closest to the sun
  2. The sixth planet from the sun, has rings
  3. The third planet from the sun, the planet we live on
  4. the four planets furthest from the sun and made of gas are called the _______________
  1. The seventh planet from the sun, an ice giant and gas giant
  2. The fourth planet from the sun
  3. the four planets closest to the sun and made of rock are called the _______
  4. The eighth planet from the sun, an ice giant
  5. The fifth planet from the sun, the biggest planet
  6. The second planet from the sun, the hottest planet

10 Clues: The planet closest to the sunThe fourth planet from the sunThe sixth planet from the sun, has ringsThe eighth planet from the sun, an ice giantThe fifth planet from the sun, the biggest planetThe second planet from the sun, the hottest planetThe third planet from the sun, the planet we live on...

Planets 2020-06-12

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. names after the the Roman god of war; red in color
  2. the largest of the planets
  3. an all-blue planet named after the Roman god of the sea
  4. the star around which the earth orbits
  5. the planet on which we live
  6. got reclassified from a planet to a dwarf planet
  1. known for its ring
  2. planet second in order from the sun
  3. smallest and innermost planet in the Solar System
  4. the seventh planet from the Sun

10 Clues: known for its ringthe largest of the planetsthe planet on which we livethe seventh planet from the Sunplanet second in order from the sunthe star around which the earth orbitsgot reclassified from a planet to a dwarf planetsmallest and innermost planet in the Solar Systemnames after the the Roman god of war; red in color...

Planets 2019-02-08

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. its big and is a chocolate
  2. comedy name
  3. related to water
  4. the married planet
  5. Mickey Mouse has a dog
  1. the red planet and is a chocolate
  2. what keeps the planets in orbit
  3. the biggest star
  4. another comedy name that rhymes
  5. planet with life

10 Clues: comedy namethe biggest starrelated to waterplanet with lifethe married planetMickey Mouse has a dogits big and is a chocolatewhat keeps the planets in orbitanother comedy name that rhymesthe red planet and is a chocolate

Planets 2021-10-29

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. No longer a officially considered a planet
  2. Closest planet to Earth
  3. Known as the "Red Planet"
  4. The farthest planet from the sun
  5. big orange ball
  1. Coldest planet in the solar system
  2. The largest planet
  3. Takes approximately 365 days to rotate around the sun
  4. Famous for its ring
  5. Closest planet to the sun

10 Clues: big orange ballThe largest planetFamous for its ringClosest planet to EarthKnown as the "Red Planet"Closest planet to the sunThe farthest planet from the sunColdest planet in the solar systemNo longer a officially considered a planetTakes approximately 365 days to rotate around the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

Planets 2022-01-21

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. เป็นดาวเคราะห์ลำดับที่สี่จากดวงอาทิตย์ เป็นดาวเคราะห์เล็กที่สุดอันดับที่สองในระบบสุริยะรองจากดาวพุธได้รับขนานนามว่า"ดาวแดง"
  2. เป็นดาวเคราะห์ที่อยู่ห่างจากดวงอาทิตย์เป็นลำดับที่ 7 ในระบบสุริยะ
  3. เป็นดาวเคราะห์ในระบบสุริยะลำดับสุดท้าย
  4. ระบบดาวซึ่งประกอบด้วยดวงอาทิตย์และวัตถุอื่น ๆ ที่โคจรรอบดวงอาทิตย์
  5. ดาวเคราะห์ที่อยู่ใกล้ดวงอาทิตย์มากกว่า โลก และมีวงโคจรสั่นกว่าโลก ได้แก่ ดาวพุธ ดาวศุกร์
  6. วัตถุขนาดใหญ่ในอากาศและมีแสงกับพลังงานในตัวเอง
  1. เป็นดาวเคราะห์ที่มีขนาดใหญ่เป็นอันดับ 2 ของระบบสุริยะรองจากดาวพฤหัสบดีและมีวงแหวนล้อมรอบ
  2. เป็นดาวเคราะห์แคระในแถบไคเปอร์วงแหวนของวัตถุพ้นดาวเนปจูน
  3. ดาวเคราะห์ที่อยู่ห่างจากดวงอาทิตย์มากกว่า โลก และมีวงโคจรยาวกว่าโลก ได้แก่ ดาวอังคาร ดาวพฤหัสบดี ดาวเสาร์ ดาวยูเรนัส ดาวเนปจูน
  4. เป็นดาวเคราะห์ที่อยู่ใกล้ดวงอาทิตย์มากที่สุด

10 Clues: เป็นดาวเคราะห์ในระบบสุริยะลำดับสุดท้ายเป็นดาวเคราะห์ที่อยู่ใกล้ดวงอาทิตย์มากที่สุดวัตถุขนาดใหญ่ในอากาศและมีแสงกับพลังงานในตัวเองเป็นดาวเคราะห์แคระในแถบไคเปอร์วงแหวนของวัตถุพ้นดาวเนปจูนเป็นดาวเคราะห์ที่อยู่ห่างจากดวงอาทิตย์เป็นลำดับที่ 7 ในระบบสุริยะระบบดาวซึ่งประกอบด้วยดวงอาทิตย์และวัตถุอื่น ๆ ที่โคจรรอบดวงอาทิตย์...

Planets 2022-09-29

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Planets made up of gas and are called the gas giants or Jovian planets
  2. Know as the red plaanet
  3. 2nd biggest planet also has rings
  1. each jovian planet have with altitudes atmosphere levels
  2. The inner and outer planets are separated by asteroid belt
  3. These clouds form at a certain temp
  4. Smallest planet
  5. coldest planet
  6. The center of the outer planet
  7. biggest planet and has rings

10 Clues: coldest planetSmallest planetKnow as the red plaanetbiggest planet and has ringsThe center of the outer planet2nd biggest planet also has ringsThese clouds form at a certain tempeach jovian planet have with altitudes atmosphere levelsThe inner and outer planets are separated by asteroid belt...

planets 2022-09-27

planets crossword puzzle
  1. a natural force that pulls two things together
  2. known for its rings
  3. the deviation of a planet's orbit from circularity — the higher the eccentricity, the greater the elliptical orbit. An ellipse has two foci, which are the points inside the ellipse where the sum of the distances from both foci to a point on the ellipse is constant.
  4. tilted on its side
  5. a unit of measurement equal to 149.6 million kilometers, the mean distance from the center of the earth to the center of the sun
  6. a plane curve surrounding two focal points
  1. only planet where life can survive
  2. a minute planet; a body that could or did come together with many others under gravitation to form a planet.
  3. actual or apparent motion of a body in a direction opposite to that of the (direct) motions of most members of the solar system or of other astronomical systems with a preferred direction of motion.
  4. largest planet

10 Clues: largest planettilted on its sideknown for its ringsonly planet where life can survivea plane curve surrounding two focal pointsa natural force that pulls two things togethera minute planet; a body that could or did come together with many others under gravitation to form a planet....

planets 2023-03-18

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the funny one
  2. the cold one
  3. the red one
  4. the fast one
  5. the 9th plannet from the sun
  1. a rock
  2. the ring one
  3. the 2nd from the sun
  4. the big one
  5. the living one

10 Clues: a rockthe big onethe red onethe ring onethe cold onethe fast onethe funny onethe living onethe 2nd from the sunthe 9th plannet from the sun

Planets 2023-05-23

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. is hot, but not too hot for ice
  2. No one knows how oldhis rings are
  3. doesn't have any moons, and we aren't sure why
  4. has supersonic winds
  5. is a great comet catcher
  6. had a thicker atmosphere in the past
  1. is more stormy than we though
  2. use repelent
  3. the fastest land animal in the world
  4. the humans live there

10 Clues: use repelenthas supersonic windsthe humans live thereis a great comet catcheris more stormy than we thoughis hot, but not too hot for iceNo one knows how oldhis rings arethe fastest land animal in the worldhad a thicker atmosphere in the pastdoesn't have any moons, and we aren't sure why

Planets 2023-11-28

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. an object in space that orbits or circles around a bigger object
  2. a yellow dwarf star, a hot ball of glowing gases at the heart of our solar system
  3. a minor planet—an object that is neither a true planet nor a comet—that orbits within the inner Solar System.
  4. an icy, small Solar System body that warms and begins to release gases when passing close to the Sun, a process called outgassing.
  5. an astronomical object comprising a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by self-gravity
  1. a system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter bound together by gravity
  2. a large, rounded astronomical body that is neither a star nor its remnant.
  3. the expanse that exists beyond Earth and its atmosphere and between celestial bodies.
  4. all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy.
  5. the curved trajectory of an object such as the trajectory of a planet around a star

10 Clues: an object in space that orbits or circles around a bigger objecta large, rounded astronomical body that is neither a star nor its remnant.a yellow dwarf star, a hot ball of glowing gases at the heart of our solar systemthe curved trajectory of an object such as the trajectory of a planet around a star...

Planets 2023-09-09

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. It went bye bye out of the solar system
  2. Closest to the sun
  3. Spins in the opposite direction of earth
  4. Coldest
  1. Bigest planet
  2. Gives us light
  3. Spins on its side
  4. Sixth planet from the sun
  5. Named after the roman god of waer
  6. It has oxygen

10 Clues: ColdestBigest planetIt has oxygenGives us lightSpins on its sideClosest to the sunSixth planet from the sunNamed after the roman god of waerIt went bye bye out of the solar systemSpins in the opposite direction of earth

planets 2024-05-18

planets crossword puzzle
  1. red
  2. shining at night
  3. similar in size to Earth
  4. beautiful ring
  5. closest to the Sun
  6. home
  1. ice
  2. farthest
  3. shining
  4. largest

10 Clues: iceredhomeshininglargestfarthestbeautiful ringshining at nightclosest to the Sunsimilar in size to Earth

Plurals 2020-06-10

Plurals crossword puzzle
  1. plural of child
  2. plural of laptop
  3. plural of tree
  4. plural of plural
  5. plual of I-pad
  6. plual of piggie bank
  7. the plural of book
  8. plual of waterfall
  1. plural of cat
  2. plural of room
  3. the plural of hair
  4. the plural of shelf
  5. plural of ball
  6. plural of lion
  7. plural of class
  8. plural of pompom
  9. plural of mouse
  10. plural of rope
  11. plural of avocado
  12. plural of planets

20 Clues: plural of catplural of roomplural of ballplural of treeplural of lionplual of I-padplural of ropeplural of childplural of classplural of mouseplural of laptopplural of pluralplural of pompomplural of avocadoplural of planetsthe plural of hairthe plural of bookplual of waterfallthe plural of shelfplual of piggie bank

Earth and the solar system 2022-06-22

Earth and the solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Planets orbit around it
  2. Coldest continent
  3. Smallest continent
  4. producer of maple syrup
  5. Independence day
  6. planet farther from the sun
  7. Number of continents
  8. Largest continent
  9. Planet closest to the sun
  10. Who created the world
  1. Hottest planet
  2. Before continents broke apart
  3. Number of planets
  4. where we live on
  5. Coldest planet
  6. Whats on the canada flag
  7. Largest planet
  8. Covers seventy percent of the earth
  9. torus-shaped region
  10. A dwarf planet

20 Clues: Hottest planetColdest planetLargest planetA dwarf planetwhere we live onIndependence dayNumber of planetsColdest continentLargest continentSmallest continenttorus-shaped regionNumber of continentsWho created the worldPlanets orbit around itproducer of maple syrupWhats on the canada flagPlanet closest to the sunplanet farther from the sun...

The Inner Planets 2014-05-18

The Inner Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The four planets closed to the sun are known as the _________ planets.
  2. There are many __________ on Venus.
  3. One of Mars' two moons.
  4. The inner planets are characterised as solid and________.
  1. The surface of Mercury looks most similar to the surface of the_______.
  2. The innter planets lie betweeb the sun and the ________ belt.
  3. Venus and __________ are the only two planets that do not have moons.
  4. Planet known as the Evening Star.
  5. Known as the Red Planet.
  6. The inner planets each have a core, a mantle and a _______.

10 Clues: One of Mars' two moons.Known as the Red Planet.Planet known as the Evening Star.There are many __________ on Venus.The inner planets are characterised as solid and________.The inner planets each have a core, a mantle and a _______.The innter planets lie betweeb the sun and the ________ belt....

Mr. B's Learning Lab EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE Vocabulary 2022-10-28

Mr. B's Learning Lab EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the third planet from the sun in our solar system and the only planet known so far to support life
  2. a group of stars identified according to patterns that people have seen in the stars
  3. small, rocky bodies that orbit the sun from materials left over when planets formed, but are also created when other bodies in space collide and break apart
  4. the curved path in which a planet, satellite, or spacecraft moves in a circle around another body
  5. collection of stories about a specific person, culture, religion, or any group with shared beliefs
  6. one of the oldest sciences & involves all objects outside our atmosphere: Sun, Moon, planets, stars, galaxies, and all other matter in the universe
  7. completing one full orbit around an object and is equivalent to a year for a planet when completing it's journey around the sun, however long that takes
  8. a piece of rock floating in space. smaller than asteroids
  9. our Sun, its eight planets & their moons, and all other bodies that orbit the Sun, or any system that includes a star and all of the matter which orbits that star, including planets and moons
  10. a piece of rock in space that has landed on a planet
  11. a small chunk of dust and ice that orbits, or travels around, the sun
  1. the star in the middle of our solar system. The earth and other planets revolve around it and receive heat and light from it
  2. a bowl-shaped hole caused by being hit by a meteorite or an explosion
  3. all objects in space such as the sun, moon, planets, and stars
  4. the action of turning on or around an axis and is equivalent to one "day" for a planet, however long that takes
  5. large body in outer space that circles around the sun or another star
  6. the force of two objects crashing into each other
  7. similar to planets but are smaller. Like planets, they are large, roundish objects that orbit the Sun but that are not moons
  8. what you can see on a person or object
  9. the force that pulls things to the center of larger objects
  10. all matter and energy; all existing things, including the earth and celestial bodies
  11. layer of gas that surrounds Earth. It is often called air
  12. a piece of rock in space that has entered an atmosphere and has started to burn up. some call it a "shooting star"
  13. any of a vast number of heavenly bodies that give out great heat and light and can be visible from earth as points of light in the night sky

24 Clues: what you can see on a person or objectthe force of two objects crashing into each othera piece of rock in space that has landed on a planetlayer of gas that surrounds Earth. It is often called aira piece of rock floating in space. smaller than asteroidsthe force that pulls things to the center of larger objects...

Th Solar System 2013-03-01

Th Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Orbits planets, Mercury and Venus don't have one, smaller than planets
  2. The hottest thing in the solar system, shoots out solar flares, planets orbit around it
  3. Used to be a planet, a dwarf planet, orbits the Sun
  4. Largest planet in the solar system, home to the "Giant Red Spot", starts the outer planets
  5. In the asteroid belt, a very large rock, many hit the earth the earth
  6. The hottest planet, it's atmosphere is made out of carbon dioxide, named Earths "Twin"
  7. 2nd largest planet, lightest planet, in the outer planets family
  8. Has the most violent weather, an icy planet, last planet
  1. Called "Shooting Stars", very bright, in our solar system
  2. System
  3. We live in one, many others, billions and billions of miles long
  4. Has no atmosphere, the smallest planet, closest to the Sun
  5. Home to many volcanoes, 4th planet, looks like a big fire ball
  6. It's rings orbit from top to bottom, ice planet, twins with Neptune
  7. The only planet with life on it, blue with green on it, 3rd planet

15 Clues: SystemUsed to be a planet, a dwarf planet, orbits the SunHas the most violent weather, an icy planet, last planetCalled "Shooting Stars", very bright, in our solar systemHas no atmosphere, the smallest planet, closest to the SunHome to many volcanoes, 4th planet, looks like a big fire ball...

The Solar System 2015-05-20

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The red planet
  2. Life of the solar system
  3. There are 8 in our solar system
  4. Largest of the planets
  5. smallest of the four "gas giants"
  6. Once considered a planet
  7. Closest to the sun
  1. System Made up of 8 planets, sun, moon, galaxies, comets, asteroids
  2. Furthest planet from the sun
  3. Brightest planet in solar system
  4. Largest star
  5. Our home galaxy in the universe
  6. Known for its rings
  7. Earths only natural satellite

14 Clues: Largest starThe red planetClosest to the sunKnown for its ringsLargest of the planetsLife of the solar systemOnce considered a planetFurthest planet from the sunEarths only natural satelliteThere are 8 in our solar systemOur home galaxy in the universeBrightest planet in solar systemsmallest of the four "gas giants"...

solah sistem 2021-12-10

solah sistem crossword puzzle
  1. the force of gravity
  2. something on the top of something you touch
  3. a planet made of ice
  4. to keep doing something
  5. what the solar systems are in
  6. things that make up another thing
  7. what the sun & our planets are in
  1. something that pushes on planets
  2. the planets outside of the asteroid belt
  3. a planet made of gas
  4. the asteroids seperating inner and outer planets

11 Clues: the force of gravitya planet made of gasa planet made of iceto keep doing somethingwhat the solar systems are insomething that pushes on planetsthings that make up another thingwhat the sun & our planets are inthe planets outside of the asteroid beltsomething on the top of something you touchthe asteroids seperating inner and outer planets

Semester 2 Science 2023-05-15

Semester 2 Science crossword puzzle
  1. The explosion of a massive star
  2. The shapes of continental coastlines were one of the main pieces of evidence that supported this hypothesis
  3. The color of a mineral's powder
  4. The planet with the most moons
  5. The plate boundary where 2 plates slide past each other
  6. Pluto's current classification
  7. Slabs of continental crust are __________ plates
  8. Mineral breakage along smooth, flat surfaces
  9. The planet with only 1 moon
  10. A rock with round grains that appear to be glued together
  11. The kind of rock made from cooled magma or lava
  12. The average distance from earth to the sun
  13. An object with gravity so great that no light can escape
  14. The distance light travels in a year
  1. What astronomers use to divide the night sky into regions
  2. __________ planets have rocky surfaces
  3. Mineral breakage along uneven edges
  4. a supercontinent made of the present-day continents
  5. The number of planets in our solar system
  6. __________ planets have gaseous surfaces
  7. The plate boundary where 2 plates move away from each other
  8. The gas the outer planets are mostly composed of
  9. The plate boundary where 2 plates move toward each other
  10. Chunks of rock and ice that form a belt between Mars and Jupiter
  11. A meteorite crashing into the moon would most likely make a ________
  12. The orderly arrangement of atoms gives a mineral its __________ structure
  13. The galaxy that our solar system is in
  14. The shape of the planets' orbits
  15. The shape of our galaxy

29 Clues: The shape of our galaxyThe planet with only 1 moonThe planet with the most moonsPluto's current classificationThe explosion of a massive starThe color of a mineral's powderThe shape of the planets' orbitsMineral breakage along uneven edgesThe distance light travels in a year__________ planets have rocky surfaces...

Solar System 2018-05-02

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Seventh planet from the sun
  2. First four planets from the sun
  3. Last four planets from the sun
  1. Largest planet
  2. Farthest planet from the sun
  3. Planets that were later proven not to be planets
  4. First planet from the sun
  5. Second planet from the sun
  6. "The Red Planet"
  7. Third planet from the sun, and also the only planet with life
  8. Planet known for it's rings

11 Clues: Largest planet"The Red Planet"First planet from the sunSecond planet from the sunSeventh planet from the sunPlanet known for it's ringsFarthest planet from the sunLast four planets from the sunFirst four planets from the sunPlanets that were later proven not to be planetsThird planet from the sun, and also the only planet with life

Inner planets 2022-05-05

Inner planets crossword puzzle
  1. Planets close to the sun
  2. Separates Inner and outer planets
  3. Scientific term for air
  4. clockwise spin (the opposite direction of Earth)
  5. Distance between earth and the sun
  6. A celestial object that has a atmosphere and a moon
  1. What made Venus have a thin atmosphere
  2. Earths sister planet
  3. Some have little some have none
  4. Hottest planet
  5. How long it takes for one cycle around the sun
  6. Type of planet the inner planets are
  7. Term for going around something
  8. Our planet
  9. Called the red planet

15 Clues: Our planetHottest planetEarths sister planetCalled the red planetScientific term for airPlanets close to the sunSome have little some have noneTerm for going around somethingSeparates Inner and outer planetsDistance between earth and the sunType of planet the inner planets areWhat made Venus have a thin atmosphere...

SPACE 2016-10-19

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. Pluto is classed as what type of planet
  2. The largest planet in the solar system
  3. There are 8 planets in our blank system
  4. The hottest planet in the solar system
  5. Earth sits between mars and which other planet
  6. What is the smallest planet excluding pluto
  1. Which planet is surrounded by rings excluding uranus
  2. Which is the last of the planets in the solar system
  3. The planets nearest to the sun are called blank planets
  4. The planets furthest from the sun are known as the blank planets

10 Clues: The largest planet in the solar systemThe hottest planet in the solar systemPluto is classed as what type of planetThere are 8 planets in our blank systemWhat is the smallest planet excluding plutoEarth sits between mars and which other planetWhich planet is surrounded by rings excluding uranusWhich is the last of the planets in the solar system...

Science Crossword. Kira Keller 2022-05-20

Science Crossword.      Kira Keller crossword puzzle
  1. There is no definite surface on _______, as occurs on the inner rocky planets.
  2. The outer planets are __________, low density worlds.
  3. The first stage of a star is _____ phase.
  4. As a nebula shrinks under the influence of gravity it spins ______.
  5. Earth i 8.2 ____ minutes away from the sun.
  1. ______ is the closest palnet to the sun.
  2. Jupiter and Saturn are outer planets.
  3. The ____ system consists of the un, system of planets, planets, asteroids, and comets.
  4. Panets divided into two classes ____ planets and outer plaets.
  5. The sun us th nearest star to _____.

10 Clues: The sun us th nearest star to _____.Jupiter and Saturn are outer planets.______ is the closest palnet to the sun.The first stage of a star is _____ phase.Earth i 8.2 ____ minutes away from the sun.The outer planets are __________, low density worlds.Panets divided into two classes ____ planets and outer plaets....

Th Solar System 2013-03-01

Th Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Orbits planets, Mercury and Venus don't have one, smaller than planets
  2. The hottest thing in the solar system, shoots out solar flares, planets orbit around it
  3. In the asteroid belt, a very large rock, many hit the earth the earth
  4. Has no atmosphere, the smallest planet, closest to the Sun
  5. The hottest planet, it's atmosphere is made out of carbon dioxide, named Earths "Twin"
  6. Has the most violent weather, an icy planet, last planet
  1. Home to many volcanoes, 4th planet, looks like a big fire ball
  2. Called "Shooting Stars", very bright, in our solar system
  3. Largest planet in the solar system, home to the "Giant Red Spot", starts the outer planets
  4. 2nd largest planet, lightest planet, in the outer planets family
  5. It's rings orbit from top to bottom, ice planet, twins with Neptune
  6. We live in one, many others, billions and billions of miles long
  7. System
  8. Used to be a planet, a dwarf planet, orbits the Sun
  9. The only planet with life on it, blue with green on it, 3rd planet

15 Clues: SystemUsed to be a planet, a dwarf planet, orbits the SunHas the most violent weather, an icy planet, last planetCalled "Shooting Stars", very bright, in our solar systemHas no atmosphere, the smallest planet, closest to the SunHome to many volcanoes, 4th planet, looks like a big fire ball...

The Universe 2022-05-12

The Universe crossword puzzle
  1. When planetesimals collide they form
  2. How many years does this take
  3. What do stars make
  4. What is the smallest planet
  5. What are Nebulae make of
  6. What is between the Mars and Jupiter
  7. What do H and He form
  1. What was the first element
  2. When the dust clump collide they form
  3. Where did the universe come from
  4. Who named the planets
  5. What is our star
  6. What was the second element
  7. How many planets are there
  8. What does A collapsing cloud form first

15 Clues: What is our starWhat do stars makeWho named the planetsWhat do H and He formWhat are Nebulae make ofWhat was the first elementHow many planets are thereWhat is the smallest planetWhat was the second elementHow many years does this takeWhere did the universe come fromWhen planetesimals collide they formWhat is between the Mars and Jupiter...

Inner planets 2022-05-05

Inner planets crossword puzzle
  1. Planets close to the sun
  2. Separates Inner and outer planets
  3. Scientific term for air
  4. clockwise spin (the opposite direction of Earth)
  5. Distance between earth and the sun
  6. A celestial object that has a atmosphere and a moon
  1. What made Venus have a thin atmosphere
  2. Earths sister planet
  3. Some have little some have none
  4. Hottest planet
  5. How long it takes for one cycle around the sun
  6. Type of planet the inner planets are
  7. Term for going around something
  8. Our planet
  9. Called the red planet

15 Clues: Our planetHottest planetEarths sister planetCalled the red planetScientific term for airPlanets close to the sunSome have little some have noneTerm for going around somethingSeparates Inner and outer planetsDistance between earth and the sunType of planet the inner planets areWhat made Venus have a thin atmosphere...

Mars and Earth Crossword puzzle 2022-04-28

Mars and Earth Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the path that planets follow
  2. closest moon to mars
  3. making planets more earth like
  4. a massive canyon in mars
  5. hottest place on earth
  6. the main gas that is on earth
  7. the smallest moon mars has
  8. a person that predict the future
  1. at the poles of mars
  2. fourth planet from the sun
  3. the biggest canyon on earth
  4. makes Mars red
  5. a remote car that drives on planets and moons
  6. the only planet that surports life
  7. would send people to mars in 2024

15 Clues: makes Mars redat the poles of marsclosest moon to marshottest place on eartha massive canyon in marsfourth planet from the sunthe smallest moon mars hasthe biggest canyon on earththe path that planets followthe main gas that is on earthmaking planets more earth likea person that predict the futurewould send people to mars in 2024...

Solar System Hemphill at MALC 2023-11-29

Solar System Hemphill at MALC crossword puzzle
  1. Great dark spot
  2. small body of matter from outer space that enter Earth's atmosphere
  3. the "Red Planet"
  4. shape of a comet's orbit
  5. planets mostly made up up gas
  6. center of the solar system and causes planets to orbit
  7. the envelope of gases surrounding the Earth or another planet
  8. hottest planet
  9. natural body outside Earth's atmosphere
  10. celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star
  11. the spinning of a planet on its axis
  12. region beyond the planet system containing comets, asteroids, and other small bodies of
  13. the largest planet
  14. four largest mostly visible moons of Jupiter; Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto
  15. action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another
  16. the elliptical path of the planets
  1. period of time it takes a planet to go around the sun
  2. meteor that survives Earth's atmosphere and lands on the ground
  3. resistance an object encounters when moving over another
  4. a large, bowl shaped cavity in the ground or surface caused by a meteorite
  5. sperical shell of cometary bodies surrounding the sun the Sun beyond the outermost planets
  6. of or from outside the Earth
  7. also called terrestrial planets
  8. natural force of attraction exerted by one object on an another object
  9. small, rapidly moving meteor burning up in Earth's atmosphere
  10. another word for a moon orbiting a planet
  11. 2/3 surface covered by water
  12. gas planet with visible rings
  13. made up of a nucleus of ice and dust
  14. Axis tilted on its side
  15. closest planet to the sun

31 Clues: hottest planetGreat dark spotthe "Red Planet"the largest planetAxis tilted on its sideshape of a comet's orbitclosest planet to the sunof or from outside the Earth2/3 surface covered by waterplanets mostly made up up gasgas planet with visible ringsalso called terrestrial planetsthe elliptical path of the planetsmade up of a nucleus of ice and dust...

The Solar System 2014-11-10

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Neptune is four times the size of which planet?
  2. Which is the largest moon orbiting Saturn?
  3. How many phases of the moon are there?
  4. ............ Planets are rocky planets
  5. The last planet in the solar system
  6. The gravity on Jupiter is too ............ for humans to live there safely
  7. The biggest planet in the Solar System
  8. All the planets in the Solar System orbit the ............
  9. how many moons does Mars have?
  10. As solar eclipse is caused when light from the Sun is blocked by the...........
  1. What would the ice on Mars have to do to enable the planet habitable by humans?
  2. Which planet is named after the Roman God of the sea?
  3. Where most dwarf planets are, and where all comets with an orbit of less than 200 years exist
  4. The shape of an orbit is an .............
  5. The planet closest to the Sun
  6. How many gas giants are there in the Solar System?
  7. Which planet was classified a dwarf planet in 2006?

17 Clues: The planet closest to the Sunhow many moons does Mars have?The last planet in the solar systemHow many phases of the moon are there?............ Planets are rocky planetsThe biggest planet in the Solar SystemThe shape of an orbit is an .............Which is the largest moon orbiting Saturn?Neptune is four times the size of which planet?...

Things in space 2023-05-22

Things in space crossword puzzle
  1. Known as "The Red Planet"
  2. The "crown" of the Sun
  3. A ___ is the 2nd full moon in a month
  4. When 3 planets make a straight line during a full/new moon
  5. This planet is an ice giant furthest from the sun
  6. When the Moon is directly in between the Sun and Earth
  7. A cycle the Sun's magnetic field goes through every 11 years
  8. When you see a crescent moon in the morning, you know that it's ___
  9. How many layers does the sun have?
  1. Sphere collection of icy debris on the edge of the solar system
  2. A name for the group of the first 4 planets
  3. 8 planets, ___ dwarf planets, and 200+ moons
  4. ___ repeat every 29.53 days
  5. How often lunar eclipses occur in a year
  6. The moon phase that occurs at 135 degrees from the new moon in its trip around the Earth
  7. Moonlight is the sun's light ___ off the Moon's surface
  8. There are ___ different phases

17 Clues: The "crown" of the SunKnown as "The Red Planet"___ repeat every 29.53 daysThere are ___ different phasesHow many layers does the sun have?A ___ is the 2nd full moon in a monthHow often lunar eclipses occur in a yearA name for the group of the first 4 planets8 planets, ___ dwarf planets, and 200+ moons...

Inner Planets 2023-02-06

Inner Planets crossword puzzle
  1. what the solar system is made of
  2. belt border between the inner and outer planets
  3. red planet
  4. hottest planet
  5. planets are the four planets closest to the sun
  6. most dense inner planet
  1. closets to the sun
  2. outer layer of the planet
  3. Earth-like
  4. biggest planet

10 Clues: red planetEarth-likebiggest planethottest planetclosets to the sunmost dense inner planetouter layer of the planetwhat the solar system is made ofbelt border between the inner and outer planetsplanets are the four planets closest to the sun

Solar System 2023-08-24

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. rotating around something
  2. orbits planets
  3. a planet you can stand on
  4. Planets father from the sun
  5. is another name for the outer planets
  1. the planets closer to the sun
  2. A floating rock
  3. Our main star
  4. A glowing celestial body in space
  5. that orbits the sun

10 Clues: Our main starorbits planetsA floating rockthat orbits the sunrotating around somethinga planet you can stand onPlanets father from the sunthe planets closer to the sunA glowing celestial body in spaceis another name for the outer planets

Science Vocabulary Week 16 2023-12-04

Science Vocabulary Week 16 crossword puzzle
  1. system the sun (which is our closest star) and the eight planets with their moons, as well as the asteroid belt
  2. the four planets furthest away from the sun; the "last" four planets
  3. the eight celestial bodies which orbit our sun
  4. one complete orbit around another celestial body
  1. the four planets closest to the sun; the "first" four planets
  2. belt the "belt" of rocks which orbit the sun and lies between Mars and Jupiter
  3. (yearly) the period of 12 months or 365 days
  4. natural satellites of planets
  5. of the axis the tilt of the earth which causes the seasons
  6. winter, spring, summer, fall; a period of three consecutive months with similar climate

10 Clues: natural satellites of planets(yearly) the period of 12 months or 365 daysthe eight celestial bodies which orbit our sunone complete orbit around another celestial bodyof the axis the tilt of the earth which causes the seasonsthe four planets closest to the sun; the "first" four planets...

Chapter 7 & 8 2019-01-29

Chapter 7 & 8 crossword puzzle
  1. Every chemical element is made up of this.
  2. Single continuous land mass that includes Asia and Europe.
  3. An imaginary line about which the earth rotates.
  4. This is why stars shine.
  5. Continent of the south pole.
  6. Bordered by the Indian Ocean to the East, and Atlantic to the west.
  7. Iron sunk to the middle of the planet and the lighter formed crust.
  8. The expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its landmasses.
  9. When will the sin engulf the inner planets (as a red giant)?
  10. Cover about 1/10 of the Earth.
  11. The smallest ocean.
  12. Measured the speed of their ship by using a device called a "common log."
  13. includes all the countries south of the panama border.
  14. 5.5% is covered by ice.
  15. Smallest continent in size.
  16. Cloud of dust and gas within a galaxy.
  1. The release of volatile substances and water vapor.
  2. Said how the stars and planets formed.
  3. This was not on Earth when it was formed.
  4. The second largest ocean and is between Africa and North/South America.
  5. includes U.S., Mexico, and Canada.
  6. Huge rotating aggregations of stars, planets, and gas held together by gravity.
  7. The theory that the universe is still expanding.
  8. Forms in a nebula.
  9. When a star starts to swell up and consume planets.
  10. Occurred 15 billion years ago.
  11. 4.5% is covered by ice.
  12. The warmest ocean and a trade route between Asia and India.
  13. When a star explodes.
  14. How planets were formed.

30 Clues: Forms in a nebula.The smallest ocean.When a star explodes.4.5% is covered by ice.5.5% is covered by ice.This is why stars shine.How planets were formed.Smallest continent in size.Continent of the south pole.Occurred 15 billion years ago.Cover about 1/10 of the Earth.includes U.S., Mexico, and Canada.Said how the stars and planets formed....

the solar system 2024-05-10

the solar system crossword puzzle
  1. what the planets go around
  2. the 4 planets closest to the sun
  3. a line in between the terrestrial planets and giant planets
  4. the center of our solar system
  5. the galaxy our solar system is located in
  1. what keeps the planets in the suns orbit
  2. celestial bodies distinguished from a fixed starby having an aprent motion of its own
  3. the 4 planets furthest from the sun
  4. a ring of icy and rocky objects

9 Clues: what the planets go aroundthe center of our solar systema ring of icy and rocky objectsthe 4 planets closest to the sunthe 4 planets furthest from the sunwhat keeps the planets in the suns orbitthe galaxy our solar system is located ina line in between the terrestrial planets and giant planets...

The Outer Solar System 2021-05-27

The Outer Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. gives Neptune and Uranus it's blue color
  2. Neptune was discovered because of ______ instead of observation
  3. one of Jupiter's moons that shows evidence of a large liquid ocean beneath its surface
  4. all the outer planets have moons and ______
  5. this planet rotates sideways
  6. the pressure inside Jupiter is so high that hydrogen becomes a _________
  7. the edge of the _________ is also the edge of our solar sytem
  1. the outer planets are mostly made of helium and __________
  2. was discovered as a planet but became a dwarf planet is 2006
  3. only other planetary body with liquid on its surface
  4. a "dirty snowball" that comes from the outer solar system
  5. this planet is less dense than water!
  6. Saturn's rings come from its ______
  7. a large rotating storm on Jupiter
  8. the outer planets are also called the ________ planets

15 Clues: this planet rotates sidewaysa large rotating storm on JupiterSaturn's rings come from its ______this planet is less dense than water!gives Neptune and Uranus it's blue colorall the outer planets have moons and ______only other planetary body with liquid on its surfacethe outer planets are also called the ________ planets...

Science Study Guide 2022-11-30

Science Study Guide crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with the Great Red Spot
  2. a heavenly body that orbits a star
  3. planets that are considered farthest from the sun
  4. a huge star system
  5. has 88 days in it's year and is closest to the sun
  6. A group of stars that form a picture
  7. a planet orbits these
  8. number of planets we have
  1. to orbit a central point
  2. the galaxy that our solar system belongs to
  3. the planet that is bright blue
  4. the planet with an unusual rotation
  5. to spin
  6. the red planet
  7. has majestic rings around it
  8. planets that are considered closest to the sun and have solid surfaces
  9. the planet we live on

17 Clues: to spinthe red planeta huge star systemthe planet we live ona planet orbits theseto orbit a central pointnumber of planets we havehas majestic rings around itthe planet that is bright bluethe planet with the Great Red Spota heavenly body that orbits a starthe planet with an unusual rotationA group of stars that form a picture...

Science Study Guide 2022-11-30

Science Study Guide crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with the Great Red Spot
  2. a heavenly body that orbits a star
  3. planets that are considered farthest from the sun
  4. a huge star system
  5. has 88 days in it's year and is closest to the sun
  6. A group of stars that form a picture
  7. a planet orbits these
  8. number of planets we have
  1. to orbit a central point
  2. the galaxy that our solar system belongs to
  3. the planet that is bright blue
  4. the planet with an unusual rotation
  5. to spin
  6. the red planet
  7. has majestic rings around it
  8. planets that are considered closest to the sun and have solid surfaces
  9. the planet we live on

17 Clues: to spinthe red planeta huge star systemthe planet we live ona planet orbits theseto orbit a central pointnumber of planets we havehas majestic rings around itthe planet that is bright bluethe planet with the Great Red Spota heavenly body that orbits a starthe planet with an unusual rotationA group of stars that form a picture...

Space 2014-11-01

Space crossword puzzle
  1. What separates the solar system?
  2. Which planet is on its side?
  3. Which planet in our solar system has human life living on it?
  4. What is the red planet?
  5. What is the coldest planet?
  6. What is saturn known as?
  7. What is our nearest star?
  1. Whats the closest planet to the sun?
  2. What does earth have that the moon does not?
  3. What does saturn have that other planets don't?
  4. What is the last giant?
  5. What galaxy is our solar system in?
  6. What is earth known as?
  7. What is the veiled planet?
  8. Which planet/satellite has no weather?
  9. What do the planets revolve around?
  10. What is the giant planet?
  11. Which planet is no longer considered a planet?
  12. How many planets are there in our solar system?

19 Clues: What is the last giant?What is earth known as?What is the red planet?What is saturn known as?What is the giant planet?What is our nearest star?What is the veiled planet?What is the coldest planet?Which planet is on its side?What separates the solar system?What galaxy is our solar system in?What do the planets revolve around?...

Fossils 2024-05-01

Fossils crossword puzzle
  1. planets set of planets that have alot of moons
  2. a sattelite for a planet
  3. causes seasons
  4. planets set of planets closest to the sun
  5. How long it takes for a planet to revolve around the sun
  6. A gas that surrounds a planet
  1. one day in a planet
  2. Inner planets (has to do with earth)
  3. known as the red planet
  4. planets a set a planets that are smaller than outer planets

10 Clues: causes seasonsone day in a planetknown as the red planeta sattelite for a planetA gas that surrounds a planetInner planets (has to do with earth)planets set of planets closest to the sunplanets set of planets that have alot of moonsHow long it takes for a planet to revolve around the sunplanets a set a planets that are smaller than outer planets

planets quiz study guide 2023-05-05

planets quiz study guide crossword puzzle
  1. Jupiter's great red spot is a huge ______
  2. the outer planets are called
  3. the red planet is also mainly called
  4. the inner planets are called
  5. the planet people have walked on
  6. all the outer planets have____
  7. _____ used to be a planet
  1. our moon is also know as our ________________
  2. what dwarf planet is smaller than the moon
  3. hottest planet
  4. the coldest planet
  5. Mars may have had _____
  6. the closest planet to the sun
  7. Neptune is the _______
  8. Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are called

15 Clues: hottest planetthe coldest planetNeptune is the _______Mars may have had __________ used to be a planetthe outer planets are calledthe inner planets are calledthe closest planet to the sunall the outer planets have____the planet people have walked onthe red planet is also mainly calledJupiter's great red spot is a huge ______...

science 2023-10-23

science crossword puzzle
  1. The colder part that has a much darker color
  2. They have made all the requirements except for the debris
  3. Main constituent on the outer 4 planets
  4. The inner 4 planets
  5. This is a small space object that can go out one of two ways
  6. The outer 4 planets
  7. This is when an object creates a streak of light before going out
  8. This is where all the A dwarf planet are located
  1. The distance something is from the Sun
  2. The curve of an orbit
  3. when a multiple meteors break on the same spot causes a bunch of lights to happen at the same spot
  4. A body that comes together to form a planet
  5. The universes frozen scraps that goes onto to orbit the sun
  6. The distance from two fixed points
  7. This is when a meteoroid crashes into the planet
  8. Iron and other materials
  9. When you see something move in the opposite way
  10. The warmer part that has a lighter color

18 Clues: The inner 4 planetsThe outer 4 planetsThe curve of an orbitIron and other materialsThe distance from two fixed pointsThe distance something is from the SunMain constituent on the outer 4 planetsThe warmer part that has a lighter colorA body that comes together to form a planetThe colder part that has a much darker color...

mars crossword 2021-01-15

mars crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a person who goes into space
  2. The ending of a story.
  3. Flowing water.
  4. In science fiction, to change a planet to resemble Earth.
  5. A natural satellite of a planet.
  6. What is it called when someone talks when you are talking?
  7. the result of an asteroid hitting a planet or moon.
  1. top and bottom of a planet.
  2. Taking control of a place using military force.
  3. gasses around planets
  4. A person who investigates space,planets, and asteroids.
  5. system planets orbiting a sun
  6. soil that is frozen all the time
  7. Small pieces of rock that come into Earth's atmosphere.
  8. curved path
  9. The shape of a ball.
  10. Unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.
  11. Something that needs immediate action is what?

18 Clues: curved pathFlowing water.The shape of a ball.gasses around planetsThe ending of a and bottom of a planet.a person who goes into spacesystem planets orbiting a sunsoil that is frozen all the timeA natural satellite of a planet.Unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.Something that needs immediate action is what?...

Gravitational Force 2021-11-09

Gravitational Force crossword puzzle
  1. Gravity depends on the ____ of an object and the distance between interacting objects.
  2. There are outer planets and ____ planets.
  3. The result of gravity.
  4. What is mass measured in?
  5. An outer planet with a Gravitational Acceleration of 14.07.
  6. The planet with the greatest mass.
  7. Gravity "___" planets together.
  1. A planet that has a Gravitational Acceleration of 9.81.
  2. A force of attraction between objects.
  3. Who was one of the first people to discover gravity?
  4. A planet with a mass of 95.16 relative to Earth.
  5. There are ___ planets in our solar sytem.
  6. The measure of how much matter is in an object.

13 Clues: The result of gravity.What is mass measured in?Gravity "___" planets together.The planet with the greatest mass.A force of attraction between objects.There are outer planets and ____ planets.There are ___ planets in our solar sytem.The measure of how much matter is in an object.A planet with a mass of 95.16 relative to Earth....

Earth and the solar system 2022-06-22

Earth and the solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Number of continents
  2. Who created the world
  3. Smallest continent
  4. Hottest planet
  5. Planet closest to the sun
  6. producer of maple syrup
  7. Coldest planet
  8. Number of planets
  9. Coldest continent
  10. where we live on
  1. Independence day
  2. planet farther from the sun
  3. Covers seventy percent of the earth
  4. torus-shaped region
  5. Largest planet
  6. Before continents broke apart
  7. A dwarf planet
  8. Largest continent
  9. Planets orbit around it

19 Clues: Hottest planetLargest planetA dwarf planetColdest planetIndependence daywhere we live onLargest continentNumber of planetsColdest continentSmallest continenttorus-shaped regionNumber of continentsWho created the worldproducer of maple syrupPlanets orbit around itPlanet closest to the sunplanet farther from the sunBefore continents broke apart...

Earth and the solar system 2022-06-22

Earth and the solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Number of planets
  2. torus-shaped region
  3. Largest planet
  4. Hottest planet
  5. Independence day
  6. Who created the world
  7. Coldest planet
  8. where we live on
  9. Planet closest to the sun
  1. producer of maple syrup
  2. planet farther from the sun
  3. Before continents broke apart
  4. A dwarf planet
  5. Covers seventy percent of the earth
  6. Number of continents
  7. Planets orbit around it
  8. Coldest continent
  9. Largest continent
  10. Smallest continent

19 Clues: Largest planetHottest planetA dwarf planetColdest planetIndependence daywhere we live onNumber of planetsColdest continentLargest continentSmallest continenttorus-shaped regionNumber of continentsWho created the worldproducer of maple syrupPlanets orbit around itPlanet closest to the sunplanet farther from the sunBefore continents broke apart...

Solar System 2021-09-30

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Giants Name given to the four outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
  2. A chunk of rock or dust in space
  3. Any object that revolves around another object in space
  4. Earth centered model
  5. Streak of light produced from the sky
  6. objects that revolve around the sun that are too small to be considered planets
  7. A meteoroid that has hit the Earth's surface
  8. Belt The region of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
  1. Sun centered model
  2. The attractive force between two objects
  3. The study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space
  4. The path of an object as it revolves around another object
  5. A scientist who studies the universe beyond Earth
  6. Planets Four inner planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars
  7. A ball of rock, ice, and cosmic dust

15 Clues: Sun centered modelEarth centered modelA chunk of rock or dust in spaceA ball of rock, ice, and cosmic dustStreak of light produced from the skyThe attractive force between two objectsA meteoroid that has hit the Earth's surfaceA scientist who studies the universe beyond EarthPlanets Four inner planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars...

inner planet 2022-10-05

inner planet crossword puzzle
  1. the invisable force of the universe
  2. like earth in some way
  3. the planets closer to the sun
  4. this planet's nickname is the red planet and it also has a valcano named olympus mous
  5. gasses around a planet
  6. this is what separates the inner planets from the outer planets
  1. the way a planets spins
  2. a scientific way of saying a oval shape
  3. a celestial object that orbits a planet
  4. this planet has a thick planet and is considered earth's sister planet
  5. the gavational force of which something rotates around
  6. the third planet from and the only planet to support life
  7. a celestial body orbiting around a star
  8. this planet has the fastest orbit and a very thin atmosphere

14 Clues: like earth in some waygasses around a planetthe way a planets spinsthe planets closer to the sunthe invisable force of the universea scientific way of saying a oval shapea celestial object that orbits a planeta celestial body orbiting around a starthe gavational force of which something rotates around...

Inner And Outer Planets Plus The Sun 2016-11-21

Inner And Outer Planets Plus The Sun crossword puzzle
  1. What is one of Pluto's moons?
  2. Which is the second?
  3. What are the Inner Planets Called?
  4. Which Planet is the first bluish one?
  5. What is another one? *Hint* Name of River In The Percy Jackson Books
  6. When a object spins on its axis?
  7. What are the Outer Planets Called?
  8. When a object spins around another object?
  1. Object That Orbits The Sun
  2. What is Pluto Classified As?
  3. Object That Orbits Earth
  4. What was the name of the sun in Roman Times.
  5. What is the first planet?
  6. What makes Mars Red?
  7. What is Jupiter's Storm Called?
  8. How many Planets Are There?
  9. What was the sun called in roman times?

17 Clues: Which is the second?What makes Mars Red?Object That Orbits EarthWhat is the first planet?Object That Orbits The SunHow many Planets Are There?What is Pluto Classified As?What is one of Pluto's moons?What is Jupiter's Storm Called?When a object spins on its axis?What are the Inner Planets Called?What are the Outer Planets Called?...

Ethan's outer space 2023-02-08

Ethan's outer space crossword puzzle
  1. The four planets closest to the sun
  2. Dirty snowballs mostly mad out of ice and rock
  3. Not really considered planets
  4. A piece of dust or rock
  5. An object in space that emits energy and form light
  1. When it strikes earth
  2. Very large planets and don't have a solid surface
  3. planets that are farther from the sun
  4. Its gravity hold all of the planets
  5. it is burning as it enters into the earth's atmosphere

10 Clues: When it strikes earthA piece of dust or rockNot really considered planetsIts gravity hold all of the planetsThe four planets closest to the sunplanets that are farther from the sunDirty snowballs mostly mad out of ice and rockVery large planets and don't have a solid surfaceAn object in space that emits energy and form light...

mars crossword 2021-01-15

mars crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a person who goes into space
  2. The ending of a story.
  3. Flowing water.
  4. In science fiction, to change a planet to resemble Earth.
  5. A natural satellite of a planet.
  6. What is it called when someone talks when you are talking?
  7. the result of an asteroid hitting a planet or moon.
  1. top and bottom of a planet.
  2. Taking control of a place using military force.
  3. gasses around planets
  4. A person who investigates space,planets, and asteroids.
  5. system planets orbiting a sun
  6. soil that is frozen all the time
  7. Small pieces of rock that come into Earth's atmosphere.
  8. curved path
  9. The shape of a ball.
  10. Unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.
  11. Something that needs immediate action is what?

18 Clues: curved pathFlowing water.The shape of a ball.gasses around planetsThe ending of a and bottom of a planet.a person who goes into spacesystem planets orbiting a sunsoil that is frozen all the timeA natural satellite of a planet.Unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.Something that needs immediate action is what?...

space 2024-05-15

space crossword puzzle
  1. rings
  2. orbits Mercury
  3. second planet
  4. third planet
  5. found in stratosphere
  6. holds our planets and sun
  1. fourth planet
  2. fifth planet
  3. coldest planet
  4. loops around earth
  5. weird name
  6. surrounds our planets
  7. first planet
  8. only star in our solar system
  9. half a guass

15 Clues: ringsweird namefifth planetthird planetfirst planethalf a guassfourth planetsecond planetcoldest planetorbits Mercuryloops around earthsurrounds our planetsfound in stratosphereholds our planets and sunonly star in our solar system

Solar system 2024-04-28

Solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun, and the second largest in the solar system. It's surrounded by beautiful rings.
  2. it gives heat on most of our planets
  3. planets outside the AsteroidBelt
  4. Mercury is the first planet from the Sun and the smallest in the Solar System. In English, it is named after the Roman god Mercurius (Mercury), god of commerce and communication, and the messenger of the gods.
  5. the Earth's natural satellite
  6. Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is a terrestrial planet and is the closest in mass and size to its orbital neighbour Earth.
  7. planets in side the AsteroidBelt
  1. Mars the fourth planet from the Sun is a dusty, cold, desert world with a very thin atmosphere
  2. pulls things and keeps planets togerther
  3. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is, by far, the largest planet in the solar system more than twice as massive as all the other planets combined.
  4. planets and moons that orbit the sun and are held together by gravity
  5. something that spins around somethink
  6. protects the earth and has layers
  7. Structure. Neptune is one of two ice giants in the outer solar system (the other is Uranus). Most (80% or more) of the planet's mass is made up of a hot dense fluid of "icy" materials – water, methane, and ammonia – above a small, rocky core. Of the giant planets, Neptune is the densest.
  8. Uranus is one of two ice giants in the outer solar system (the other is Neptune). Most (80% or more) of the planet's mass is made up of a hot dense fluid of "icy" materials – water, methane, and ammonia – above a small rocky core. Near the core, it heats up to 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit (4,982 degrees Celsius).

15 Clues: the Earth's natural satelliteplanets outside the AsteroidBeltplanets in side the AsteroidBeltprotects the earth and has layersit gives heat on most of our planetssomething that spins around somethinkpulls things and keeps planets togertherplanets and moons that orbit the sun and are held together by gravity...

Solar system 2024-04-28

Solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun, and the second largest in the solar system. It's surrounded by beautiful rings.
  2. it gives heat on most of our planets
  3. planets outside the AsteroidBelt
  4. Mercury is the first planet from the Sun and the smallest in the Solar System. In English, it is named after the Roman god Mercurius (Mercury), god of commerce and communication, and the messenger of the gods.
  5. the Earth's natural satellite
  6. Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is a terrestrial planet and is the closest in mass and size to its orbital neighbour Earth.
  7. planets in side the AsteroidBelt
  1. Mars the fourth planet from the Sun is a dusty, cold, desert world with a very thin atmosphere
  2. pulls things and keeps planets togerther
  3. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is, by far, the largest planet in the solar system more than twice as massive as all the other planets combined.
  4. planets and moons that orbit the sun and are held together by gravity
  5. something that spins around somethink
  6. protects the earth and has layers
  7. Structure. Neptune is one of two ice giants in the outer solar system (the other is Uranus). Most (80% or more) of the planet's mass is made up of a hot dense fluid of "icy" materials – water, methane, and ammonia – above a small, rocky core. Of the giant planets, Neptune is the densest.
  8. Uranus is one of two ice giants in the outer solar system (the other is Neptune). Most (80% or more) of the planet's mass is made up of a hot dense fluid of "icy" materials – water, methane, and ammonia – above a small rocky core. Near the core, it heats up to 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit (4,982 degrees Celsius).

15 Clues: the Earth's natural satelliteplanets outside the AsteroidBeltplanets in side the AsteroidBeltprotects the earth and has layersit gives heat on most of our planetssomething that spins around somethinkpulls things and keeps planets togertherplanets and moons that orbit the sun and are held together by gravity...

The Solar System 2022-07-04

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Moves around the sun in an oval-shape orbit.
  2. Belt located between Mars and Jupiter.
  3. Object that orbits the Earth.
  4. Object that orbits the Sun and has a nearly spherical shape.
  5. Proposed that Earth and the other planets revolve around the Sun.
  1. Movement of an object around in its own axis.
  2. Discovered that planet's orbits are ellipses, not
  3. Movement of an object around the Sun.
  4. The word ''planet'' comes from the Greek word...
  5. Force that pulls the planets and keep them moving around the Sun.
  6. Amount of objects classified as planets in the solar system.
  7. The invention of this object led to the discovery of additional planets.
  8. Largest object in our solar system.
  9. Example of a dwarf planet.

14 Clues: Example of a dwarf planet.Object that orbits the Earth.Largest object in our solar system.Movement of an object around the Sun.Belt located between Mars and Jupiter.Moves around the sun in an oval-shape orbit.Movement of an object around in its own axis.The word ''planet'' comes from the Greek word......

Inner/Outer Planet Study Guide 2021-04-29

Inner/Outer Planet Study Guide crossword puzzle
  1. Smallest INNER PLANET in the solar system. Starts with “M”
  2. Second inner planet named after the roman god of love. Starts with “v”
  3. Outer planets also known as the gas giants
  4. The Outer planet with seven rings. Starts with “S”
  5. A full rotation of the planets
  6. Inner planets also known as the rocky planets
  7. A full revolution of the planets
  1. When there is none of this like on the moon you feel light and almost have a jump boost
  2. The inner planet currently liveable for humans. Starts with “E”
  3. Outer planet with what is known as the “Great Red Spot”. Starts with “J”
  4. Inner Planet known as the red planet. Starts with “M”
  5. The Outer planet with the name of the greek god of the sky and is blue like the sky. Starts with “U”
  6. The Outer planet named after the Roman god of the sea and is full of water. Starts with “N”

13 Clues: A full rotation of the planetsA full revolution of the planetsOuter planets also known as the gas giantsInner planets also known as the rocky planetsThe Outer planet with seven rings. Starts with “S”Inner Planet known as the red planet. Starts with “M”Smallest INNER PLANET in the solar system. Starts with “M”...

Science Study Guide 2022-11-30

Science Study Guide crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with the Great Red Spot
  2. a heavenly body that orbits a star
  3. planets that are considered farthest from the sun
  4. a huge star system
  5. has 88 days in it's year and is closest to the sun
  6. A group of stars that form a picture
  7. a planet orbits these
  8. number of planets we have
  1. to orbit a central point
  2. the galaxy that our solar system belongs to
  3. the planet that is bright blue
  4. the planet with an unusual rotation
  5. to spin
  6. the red planet
  7. has majestic rings around it
  8. planets that are considered closest to the sun and have solid surfaces
  9. the planet we live on

17 Clues: to spinthe red planeta huge star systemthe planet we live ona planet orbits theseto orbit a central pointnumber of planets we havehas majestic rings around itthe planet that is bright bluethe planet with the Great Red Spota heavenly body that orbits a starthe planet with an unusual rotationA group of stars that form a picture...

Earth and the solar system 2022-06-22

Earth and the solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Number of continents
  2. Who created the world
  3. Smallest continent
  4. Hottest planet
  5. Planet closest to the sun
  6. producer of maple syrup
  7. Coldest planet
  8. Number of planets
  9. Coldest continent
  10. where we live on
  1. Independence day
  2. planet farther from the sun
  3. Covers 71% of the earth
  4. torus-shaped region
  5. Largest planet
  6. Before continents broke apart
  7. A dwarf planet
  8. Largest continent
  9. Planets orbit around it

19 Clues: Hottest planetLargest planetA dwarf planetColdest planetIndependence daywhere we live onLargest continentNumber of planetsColdest continentSmallest continenttorus-shaped regionNumber of continentsWho created the worldCovers 71% of the earthproducer of maple syrupPlanets orbit around itPlanet closest to the sunplanet farther from the sun...

planets quiz study guide 2023-05-05

planets quiz study guide crossword puzzle
  1. Jupiter's great red spot is a huge ______
  2. the outer planets are called
  3. the red planet is also mainly called
  4. the inner planets are called
  5. the planet people have walked on
  6. all the outer planets have____
  7. _____ used to be a planet
  1. our moon is also know as our ________________
  2. what dwarf planet is smaller than the moon
  3. hottest planet
  4. the coldest planet
  5. Mars may have had _____
  6. the closest planet to the sun
  7. Neptune is the _______
  8. Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are called

15 Clues: hottest planetthe coldest planetNeptune is the _______Mars may have had __________ used to be a planetthe outer planets are calledthe inner planets are calledthe closest planet to the sunall the outer planets have____the planet people have walked onthe red planet is also mainly calledJupiter's great red spot is a huge ______...

Chapter 21 Lesson 1-2 Croosword Puzzle 2017-04-20

Chapter 21 Lesson 1-2 Croosword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A outer planet that has 60 moons.
  2. The smallest inner planet.
  3. Venus is hotter than Mercury because of
  4. The largest planet in the solar system.
  5. How does the size from the outer planets different from inner planets?
  1. The four largest moon of Jupiter.
  2. One of the four outer planets.
  3. The four planets named Mercury,Venus,Earth,& Mars.
  4. One of the terrestrial planets.
  5. They come from the outer parts of the solar system.

10 Clues: The smallest inner planet.One of the four outer planets.One of the terrestrial planets.The four largest moon of Jupiter.A outer planet that has 60 moons.Venus is hotter than Mercury because ofThe largest planet in the solar system.The four planets named Mercury,Venus,Earth,& Mars.They come from the outer parts of the solar system....

Christian Franklin P:3 2023-10-24

Christian Franklin P:3 crossword puzzle
  1. Backward motion of a planet
  2. When many objects fly through the sky, all burning up before reaching Earth
  3. Forms under the extreme pressures on Jupiter
  4. A unit of measure that is equal to the distance between the Sun and the Earth
  5. Planets that are formed from dust,rocks and other materials
  6. A measure of how circular a planets orbit is
  7. 20-200 times larger than the asteroid belt
  8. Planets similar to Earth but made up of rocks and metals, creating a hard surface
  9. The path that each planet creates while orbiting the sun
  10. Lumps of rock and iron that orbit the sun
  1. Larger planets that are made up of mostly hydrogen and helium
  2. Layers of Earth materials such as rock and metals
  3. Too small to be considered a planet
  4. Objects of matter that burn up before reaching Earth
  5. Bodies of mass that hit the Earth
  6. icy object that orbits the sun
  7. A steep surface that is formed by ruptures
  8. where asteroids orbit

18 Clues: where asteroids orbitBackward motion of a planeticy object that orbits the sunBodies of mass that hit the EarthToo small to be considered a planetLumps of rock and iron that orbit the sunA steep surface that is formed by ruptures20-200 times larger than the asteroid beltForms under the extreme pressures on Jupiter...

The Solar System 2022-06-20

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Used to be a planet but is now a dwarf planet
  2. Found in the centre of the solar system
  3. The 4th Terrestrial planet
  4. The only planet that has life
  5. The planet that rotates on its side
  6. The Planet with the most obvious rings
  7. The hottest planet
  8. The name of our galaxy
  9. The coldest planet in the solar system
  10. The planet closest to the Sun
  1. the name for the rocky planets
  2. The largest planet in the solar system
  3. found at the centre of the galaxy
  4. the name for the large gas planets
  5. Found between the terrestrial and gas planets
  6. Orbits around the Earth

16 Clues: The hottest planetThe name of our galaxyOrbits around the EarthThe 4th Terrestrial planetThe only planet that has lifeThe planet closest to the Sunthe name for the rocky planetsfound at the centre of the galaxythe name for the large gas planetsThe planet that rotates on its sideThe largest planet in the solar system...

Inner & Outer Planets 2023-02-08

Inner & Outer Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Planet that rotates (spins) on its side.
  2. Planets that have a lot of mass are called ________.
  3. Largest planet in the solar system.
  4. Planets closest to the Sun are called __________.
  5. Planets that have a core of iron and rock.
  1. Inner planet that has a dry, arid surface.
  2. Furthest planet from the sun; has the strongest winds.
  3. Known as the red planet.
  4. Planets that are made mostly of gases.
  5. Terrestrial planet that revolves (moves around the Sun) the fastest
  6. Planet known for its beautiful rings.
  7. The main star of our planetary system.

12 Clues: Known as the red planet.Largest planet in the solar system.Planet known for its beautiful rings.Planets that are made mostly of gases.The main star of our planetary system.Planet that rotates (spins) on its side.Inner planet that has a dry, arid surface.Planets that have a core of iron and rock.Planets closest to the Sun are called __________....

Earth and the solar system 2022-06-22

Earth and the solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Planets orbit around it
  2. Coldest continent
  3. Smallest continent
  4. producer of maple syrup
  5. Independence day
  6. planet farther from the sun
  7. Number of continents
  8. Largest continent
  9. Planet closest to the sun
  10. Who created the world
  1. Hottest planet
  2. Before continents broke apart
  3. Number of planets
  4. where we live on
  5. Coldest planet
  6. Whats on the canada flag
  7. Largest planet
  8. Covers seventy-one percent of the earth
  9. torus-shaped region
  10. A dwarf planet

20 Clues: Hottest planetColdest planetLargest planetA dwarf planetwhere we live onIndependence dayNumber of planetsColdest continentLargest continentSmallest continenttorus-shaped regionNumber of continentsWho created the worldPlanets orbit around itproducer of maple syrupWhats on the canada flagPlanet closest to the sunplanet farther from the sun...

Fossils 2024-05-01

Fossils crossword puzzle
  1. planets set of planets that have alot of moons
  2. a sattelite for a planet
  3. causes seasons
  4. planets set of planets closest to the sun
  5. How long it takes for a planet to revolve around the sun
  6. A gas that surrounds a planet
  1. one day in a planet
  2. Inner planets (has to do with earth)
  3. known as the red planet
  4. planets a set a planets that are smaller than outer planets

10 Clues: causes seasonsone day in a planetknown as the red planeta sattelite for a planetA gas that surrounds a planetInner planets (has to do with earth)planets set of planets closest to the sunplanets set of planets that have alot of moonsHow long it takes for a planet to revolve around the sunplanets a set a planets that are smaller than outer planets

Fossils 2024-05-01

Fossils crossword puzzle
  1. planets set of planets that have alot of moons
  2. a sattelite for a planet
  3. causes seasons
  4. planets set of planets closest to the sun
  5. How long it takes for a planet to revolve around the sun
  6. A gas that surrounds a planet
  1. one day in a planet
  2. Inner planets (has to do with earth)
  3. known as the red planet
  4. planets a set a planets that are smaller than outer planets

10 Clues: causes seasonsone day in a planetknown as the red planeta sattelite for a planetA gas that surrounds a planetInner planets (has to do with earth)planets set of planets closest to the sunplanets set of planets that have alot of moonsHow long it takes for a planet to revolve around the sunplanets a set a planets that are smaller than outer planets

Planets 2024-05-01

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. planets set of planets that have alot of moons
  2. a sattelite for a planet
  3. causes seasons
  4. planets set of planets closest to the sun
  5. How long it takes for a planet to revolve around the sun
  6. A gas that surrounds a planet
  1. one day in a planet
  2. Inner planets (has to do with earth)
  3. known as the red planet
  4. planets a set a planets that are smaller than outer planets

10 Clues: causes seasonsone day in a planetknown as the red planeta sattelite for a planetA gas that surrounds a planetInner planets (has to do with earth)planets set of planets closest to the sunplanets set of planets that have alot of moonsHow long it takes for a planet to revolve around the sunplanets a set a planets that are smaller than outer planets

Planets 2021-06-12

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. has rings
  2. not a planet any more
  3. closest planet to the sun
  4. has existing life
  5. center
  6. hottest planet
  1. red planet
  2. biggest planet
  3. farthest away from the sun
  4. coldest planet

10 Clues: centerhas ringsred planetbiggest planetcoldest planethottest planethas existing lifenot a planet any moreclosest planet to the sunfarthest away from the sun

Planets 2022-10-24

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. what planet is the closest to the sun
  2. What is made up of gas and surrounds a planet
  3. what is it called when you repeatedly move around a plant
  4. what is the farthest planet from the sun
  5. what is the only planet that is not named after roman mythology
  6. what planet has 79 moons
  1. what are the planets closest to the sun called
  2. What is it called when a planet is like earth in some way
  3. What are the planets that are farthest from the sun called
  4. what is a celestial object that orbits around a planet

10 Clues: what planet has 79 moonswhat planet is the closest to the sunwhat is the farthest planet from the sunWhat is made up of gas and surrounds a planetwhat are the planets closest to the sun calledwhat is a celestial object that orbits around a planetWhat is it called when a planet is like earth in some way...

Planets 2022-12-13

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The second smallest planet
  2. The largest planet
  3. planets Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars are these
  4. The hottest planet
  1. The Earth's imaginary line
  2. The Earth_______ on it's axis
  3. one complete spin
  4. The coldest planet
  5. A large,round object revolves around a star
  6. to move around something,to orbit

10 Clues: one complete spinThe largest planetThe coldest planetThe hottest planetThe second smallest planetThe Earth's imaginary lineThe Earth_______ on it's axisto move around something,to orbitplanets Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars are theseA large,round object revolves around a star

Planets 2022-12-21

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. red planet
  2. our planet
  3. 미의 여신의 이름을 가지고 있다
  4. 꼴찌에서 두 번째
  5. so big
  6. king of the ocean
  1. 태양에 가까운 행성
  2. 우주 공간
  3. big rings
  4. 태양

10 Clues: 태양우주 공간so bigbig rings꼴찌에서 두 번째red planet태양에 가까운 행성our planet미의 여신의 이름을 가지고 있다king of the ocean

Planets 2021-11-03

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. the red planet
  2. next to the Sun
  3. the smallest planet
  4. second planet from the Sun
  5. biggest planet
  6. next to the
  1. bigger than the Earth
  2. has strong winds
  3. beautiful ring
  4. between Venus and Mars

10 Clues: next to thethe red planetbeautiful ringbiggest planetnext to the Sunhas strong windsthe smallest planetbigger than the Earthbetween Venus and Marssecond planet from the Sun

planets 2021-11-03

planets crossword puzzle
  1. green and blue planet
  2. the largest planet
  3. known for its ring
  4. farthest from the sun
  5. luna in spanish
  1. the red planet
  2. second closest to the sun
  3. the coldest planet
  4. no longer a planet
  5. closest planet to the sun

10 Clues: the red planetluna in spanishthe coldest planetthe largest planetno longer a planetknown for its ringgreen and blue planetfarthest from the sunsecond closest to the sunclosest planet to the sun

Planets 2023-02-06

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. this planet has rings
  2. closet to the sun
  3. the only planet that has life
  4. planets that are further from the sun
  5. this planet is flipped on its side
  1. the red planet
  2. planets that are closer to the sun
  3. the coldest planet
  4. the largest planet
  5. the hottest planet in the solar system

10 Clues: the red planetcloset to the sunthe coldest planetthe largest planetthis planet has ringsthe only planet that has lifeplanets that are closer to the sunthis planet is flipped on its sideplanets that are further from the sunthe hottest planet in the solar system

Planets 2023-04-28

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Planet with the most moons
  2. Also known as the Red Planet
  3. Used to be a planet
  4. The hottest planet in the Solar System
  5. The 2nd coldest planet
  1. Shaped like an egg
  2. Known for its rings
  3. The planet we live on
  4. The coldest planet
  5. The closest planet to the sun

10 Clues: Shaped like an eggThe coldest planetKnown for its ringsUsed to be a planetThe planet we live onThe 2nd coldest planetPlanet with the most moonsAlso known as the Red PlanetThe closest planet to the sunThe hottest planet in the Solar System

Planets 2023-05-11

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. closest to sun
  2. hottest planet
  3. protects us
  4. goes around an object
  5. dark blue
  1. biggest gas
  2. kids laugh at this word
  3. we live on it
  4. red planet
  5. rings

10 Clues: ringsdark bluered planetbiggest gasprotects uswe live on itclosest to sunhottest planetgoes around an objectkids laugh at this word

planets 2013-06-04

planets crossword puzzle
  1. The largest planet is ________
  2. There are _______ planets
  3. The name of our galaxy is ________
  4. The main source of heat and energy is __________
  5. The farthest planet from the sun
  1. No longer a officially considered a planet
  2. Season occurs due to ___________
  3. Known as the "Red Planet"
  4. Closest planet to the sun
  5. Planet famous for its rings

10 Clues: There are _______ planetsKnown as the "Red Planet"Closest planet to the sunPlanet famous for its ringsThe largest planet is ________Season occurs due to ___________The farthest planet from the sunThe name of our galaxy is ________No longer a officially considered a planetThe main source of heat and energy is __________

planets 2013-10-11

planets crossword puzzle
  1. a planet that is a mystery in a different orbit to the other planets
  2. was a planet but now is not
  3. the closest to the sun
  4. the second largest planet
  5. the one that burns
  6. in between mercury and earth
  1. the biggest planet
  2. where we live
  3. makes it's own gas
  4. it is called a 'ice giant'

10 Clues: where we livethe biggest planetmakes it's own gasthe one that burnsthe closest to the sunthe second largest planetit is called a 'ice giant'was a planet but now is notin between mercury and eartha planet that is a mystery in a different orbit to the other planets

Planets 2014-05-15

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Forth planet from the sun.
  2. Second closest planet from the sun.
  3. Closet planet from the sun.
  4. Seventh planet from the sun.
  5. Eighth planet from the sun.
  1. Orbits the sun.
  2. Sixth planet from the sun.
  3. Fifth planet from the sun.
  4. Third planet closest from the sun.
  5. Not a planet anymore.

10 Clues: Orbits the sun.Not a planet anymore.Forth planet from the sun.Sixth planet from the sun.Fifth planet from the sun.Closet planet from the sun.Eighth planet from the sun.Seventh planet from the sun.Third planet closest from the sun.Second closest planet from the sun.

Planets 2016-10-14

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Saturn has 62 of these
  2. This planet is made mostly of hydrogen
  3. The fourth planet from the sun
  4. The biggest planet
  5. One year equals 84 earth days on this planet
  6. Mars is often referred to as this colour
  1. This planet is now classified as a dwarf planet
  2. The hottest planet
  3. Known as the sister ice giant to Uranus
  4. The smallest planet

10 Clues: The hottest planetThe biggest planetThe smallest planetSaturn has 62 of theseThe fourth planet from the sunThis planet is made mostly of hydrogenKnown as the sister ice giant to UranusMars is often referred to as this colourOne year equals 84 earth days on this planetThis planet is now classified as a dwarf planet

Planets 2017-04-29

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. I am the only planet to have liquid water over its surface
  2. I am the solar system earth resides in
  3. I have 6 very thin rings
  4. I spin on my side
  5. I am the closest planet to earth
  1. I am not a planet but a dwarf planet
  2. I have no moons
  3. I am a gas giant
  4. I have 6 moons
  5. I have red rocks and soil

10 Clues: I have 6 moonsI have no moonsI am a gas giantI spin on my sideI have 6 very thin ringsI have red rocks and soilI am the closest planet to earthI am not a planet but a dwarf planetI am the solar system earth resides inI am the only planet to have liquid water over its surface

Planets 2017-12-14

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. the star that shines in the day
  2. the 7th planet from the sun
  3. also known as the red planet
  4. the planet that we live on
  5. the biggest planet
  1. the hottest planet in the solar system
  2. a dwarf planet
  3. the furthest planet from the sun
  4. the planet with the colourful rings
  5. the closest planet to the sun

10 Clues: a dwarf planetthe biggest planetthe planet that we live onthe 7th planet from the sunalso known as the red planetthe closest planet to the sunthe star that shines in the daythe furthest planet from the sunthe planet with the colourful ringsthe hottest planet in the solar system

Planets 2018-05-07

Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The outside part or uppermost layer of something (often used when describing its texture, form, or extent).
  2. The envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.
  3. System The gravitationally bound system comprising the Sun and the objects that orbit it, either directly or indirectly.
  4. Gaint Piant planet composed mainly of hydrogen and helium
  5. Planet Characteristics of an icy surface.
  6. Force A force that attracts any objects with mass.
  1. All of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy.
  2. The nature of something's ingredients or constituents.
  3. The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
  4. Belt The circumstellar disc in the Solar System located roughly between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter.

10 Clues: Planet Characteristics of an icy surface.Force A force that attracts any objects with mass.The nature of something's ingredients or constituents.The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.Gaint Piant planet composed mainly of hydrogen and heliumThe envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet....

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun

planets 2022-04-05

planets crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with a big red spot
  2. the close's planet to the sun
  3. the second the smallest planet
  4. one of Saturn moons
  5. the seventh planet from the sun
  1. the most hot planet
  2. the only planet with life and water
  3. rotates a planet
  4. The planet with the big rings
  5. the most distant planet from the sun

10 Clues: rotates a planetthe most hot planetone of Saturn moonsthe close's planet to the sunThe planet with the big ringsthe planet with a big red spotthe second the smallest planetthe seventh planet from the sunthe only planet with life and waterthe most distant planet from the sun