planets Crossword Puzzles

SOL 6.2 Space 2023-09-21

SOL 6.2 Space crossword puzzle
  1. Fusion The combining of two atomic nuclei onto a single larger nucleus, as when two holver atoms join together to form gas realeasing energy
  2. A meteoroid that hit Earth's surface
  3. A description of the solar system in which all of the planets revolve around earth
  4. belt The region of the solar system between the orbits of mars and jupitar where many asteroids are found
  5. The attractive force between two objects its magnitude depends on their masses and the distance between them
  6. A system of millions or billions or stars held together by gravitional attraction
  7. A chunk of rock or dust in space
  8. Rotation The spinning motion of a planet from east to west opposite to the direction of rotation of most planets and moons
  1. A description of the solar system in which all of the planets revolve around the sun
  2. Any object that revolves around another object in space
  3. Planets The name given to the four inner planets mercury venus earth and mars
  4. A streak of meteor in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in Earth's atmosphere
  5. A ball of ice and dust whose orbit is usually a long, narrow
  6. The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space
  7. Giants The name given to the first four outer planets Jupitar, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  8. The study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space
  9. A scientist who studies the universe beyond earth

17 Clues: A chunk of rock or dust in spaceA meteoroid that hit Earth's surfaceA scientist who studies the universe beyond earthAny object that revolves around another object in spaceThe study of the moon, stars, and other objects in spaceA ball of ice and dust whose orbit is usually a long, narrow...

inner planets 2023-08-23

inner planets crossword puzzle
  1. orbits around planets
  2. what planets do
  3. hottest planet
  4. 2nd hottest planet
  5. gasses that surround plantes
  6. zone,perfect place for life in solar system
  1. our planet
  2. red planet
  3. planets, first 4 planets
  4. like earth

10 Clues: like earthour planethottest planetred planetwhat planets do2nd hottest planetorbits around planetsplanets, first 4 planetsgasses that surround planteszone,perfect place for life in solar system

The Planets 2014-10-05

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Which country is NASA located?
  2. How many planets are in the solar system?
  3. What is the name of the first space shuttle to land on the moon?
  4. What number planet away from the sun is earth?
  5. Largest planet
  6. What used to be a planet but is now a dwarf planet?
  7. What is the name of a large rock in space?
  8. Planet with the visible rings around it
  9. How many moons does Earth have?
  1. The first name of the first person to walk on the moon?
  2. Which planet is known as the "red planet"?
  3. Planet Furthest Away from the sun
  4. Which planet do we live on?
  5. Smallest planet
  6. What is the second planet away from the sun?
  7. Planet closest to the sun
  8. What do you call someone who travels into space?
  9. Biggest Star in our Solar System
  10. What is the name of our galaxy?
  11. The only planet to rotate on its side

20 Clues: Largest planetSmallest planetPlanet closest to the sunWhich planet do we live on?Which country is NASA located?What is the name of our galaxy?How many moons does Earth have?Biggest Star in our Solar SystemPlanet Furthest Away from the sunThe only planet to rotate on its sidePlanet with the visible rings around it...

The Solar System 2024-04-24

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. objects made of ice, dust, and rock that have long orbits around the sun
  2. the planet in our solar system that rotates at about 90 degrees from vertical
  3. the planet closest in size to earth in our solar system
  4. a ball of hot gas, mostly hydrogen and helium
  5. consists of the sun, the planets, their moons, and a variety of smaller objects
  6. a round object in space that orbits a sun, but does not have a clear orbit
  7. the furthest planet in our solar system
  8. the unit used to measure distances in the solar system
  9. the smallest planet in our solar system
  10. the planet who's orbit takes about twice the amount of time as earth's
  11. very small chunks of rock and dust that form when asteroids or comets break apart
  12. an object that orbits a planet
  1. the first four planets in the solar system, also called the inner planets
  2. a round object in space that orbits a sun and has a clear orbit
  3. the planet with the most visible rings in our solar system
  4. the last four planets in the solar system, also called the outer planets
  5. a region of the solar system between Mars and Jupiter that contains many small, rocky objects
  6. small, irregularly shaped, rocky objects that orbit the sun
  7. the largest planet in our solar system

19 Clues: an object that orbits a planetthe largest planet in our solar systemthe furthest planet in our solar systemthe smallest planet in our solar systema ball of hot gas, mostly hydrogen and heliumthe unit used to measure distances in the solar systemthe planet closest in size to earth in our solar system...

Solar System Crossword 2024-02-26

Solar System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. All planets travel around the Sun in this direction (page 200).
  2. This is an object in our solar system that orbits the Sun, is massive enough that its gravity compresses it into an approximately spherical shape, but has not swept its orbital region clear of other objects.
  3. These icy bodies orbit the Sun from very far away and grow huge tails of gas and dust when they get closer to the Sun.
  4. This, also known as the IAU, was responsible for classifying Pluto and other celestial bodies, as dwarf planets in 2006.
  5. These are large rocky or metallic bodies, which the largest being the dwarf body Ceres.
  6. The planets of Mercury to Mars are also classified as _____________ due to their resemblance to the Earth.
  7. The planets of Jupiter to Neptune are also classified as __________ due to their resemblance to Jupiter.
  8. Most comets orbit far beyond Neptune in a region of the Solar System known as this.
  9. These objects are small, planet-like bodies that collide to form our planets!
  10. This planet's rotational axis is so large that it spins backward, technically known as retrograde rotation. (Page 200)
  11. This is the classification of the planets that are small rocky bodies with relatively thin or no atmospheres.
  12. It takes millions of years for an interstellar cloud to collapse and become a rotating disk, known as a ____________________ ____________.
  13. This process occurs when tiny particles that condensed from the nebula begin to stick together, similar to making a snow ball!
  1. This celestial body is not classified as a planet due to its small size, composition of ice and rock, and its odd orbit.
  2. The Sun's second most abundant element is this at 27% (found on page 197).
  3. This theory of how the Solar System was born states that it originated from a rotation cloud, known as a nebula.
  4. The Sun is mostly this element at 71% (found on page 197).
  5. Most asteroids orbit the Sun in this large gap between Mars and Jupiter.
  6. This is a method of finding an exoplanet, in which an exoplanet's orbit is in front of a star, and thus transits it.
  7. The modern form of the solar nebula theory proposes that the Solar System was born 4.6 billion years ago from an ___________ ________.
  8. This is the process of detecting the bending of light from a distant star as the star's light traveled past our Sun. This is a common technique for detecting exoplanets.
  9. This type of force is the reason why the planets are held in orbit around the Sun and have consistent orbital patterns (page 197).
  10. This is the classification of the planets that are gaseous and liquid.
  11. Beyond Neptune is the _________ ________, where objects held here are mostly icy bodies.
  12. These are known as planets orbiting stars other than our Sun.

25 Clues: The Sun is mostly this element at 71% (found on page 197).These are known as planets orbiting stars other than our Sun.All planets travel around the Sun in this direction (page 200).This is the classification of the planets that are gaseous and liquid.Most asteroids orbit the Sun in this large gap between Mars and Jupiter....

INNER PLANETS 2023-10-13

INNER PLANETS crossword puzzle
  1. axis is sideways, and rotates north, and south.
  2. hottest planet.
  3. the only known planet to support life.
  4. the largest planet.
  5. earths sister planet.
  1. ‘the red planet.’
  2. has many rings made of dust and ice.
  3. planets the four planets planets closer to the sun.
  4. farthest planet from the sun.
  5. planets The four planets farther away from the sun.

10 Clues: hottest planet.‘the red planet.’the largest planet.earths sister planet.farthest planet from the sun.has many rings made of dust and ice.the only known planet to support life.axis is sideways, and rotates north, and south.planets the four planets planets closer to the sun.planets The four planets farther away from the sun.

Space Exploration Vocabs 2014-04-09

Space Exploration Vocabs crossword puzzle
  1. the lens through where you view a magnified object using a telescope
  2. determines the fineness of detail a telescope can produce of an object in view
  3. a model of the universe that places earth in the center with the sun, moon, and plants revolving around it
  4. group of stars that makes pattern that appear like objects
  5. all objects seen in the sky
  6. a telescope that has a mirror for its objective
  7. locates a celestial body relative to a fixed earth
  8. celestial bodies in our solar system
  9. a telescope that has a lens for the objective
  10. a model of the universe that places earth at the center with the sun, moon, and planets revolving around it
  11. the angle measured above the horizon in degrees
  12. a figure that looks like a squashed circle
  1. set of any axes used to describe the position or the motions of things
  2. Newton's law state that all objects attract all other objects; and provides an explanation for the planets elliptical orbits
  3. the angle measured clock-wise from north
  4. the lens through where you view a magnified object using a telescope
  5. a model of the universe that places the sun at the center with earth, moon, and planets revolving around it
  6. the large lens at the front of a telescope
  7. a model of the universe that places the sun at the center with earth, moon, and planets revolving aroung it
  8. device used to measure the altitude of an object
  9. device used to measure an objects azimuth

21 Clues: all objects seen in the skycelestial bodies in our solar systemthe angle measured clock-wise from northdevice used to measure an objects azimuththe large lens at the front of a telescopea figure that looks like a squashed circlea telescope that has a lens for the objectivea telescope that has a mirror for its objective...

Space Exploration Vocabs 2014-04-09

Space Exploration Vocabs crossword puzzle
  1. a model of the universe that places the sun at the center with earth, moon, and planets revolving aroung it
  2. the lens through where you view a magnified object using a telescope
  3. group of stars that makes pattern that appear like objects
  4. the lens through where you view a magnified object using a telescope
  5. Newton's law state that all objects attract all other objects; and provides an explanation for the planets elliptical orbits
  6. the angle measured clock-wise from north
  7. the large lens at the front of a telescope
  8. all objects seen in the sky
  9. set of any axes used to describe the position or the motions of things
  10. device used to measure the altitude of an object
  11. a model of the universe that places earth in the center with the sun, moon, and plants revolving around it
  12. a telescope that has a mirror for its objective
  13. a figure that looks like a squashed circle
  1. a model of the universe that places the sun at the center with earth, moon, and planets revolving around it
  2. locates a celestial body relative to a fixed earth
  3. device used to measure an objects azimuth
  4. determines the fineness of detail a telescope can produce of an object in view
  5. the angle measured above the horizon in degrees
  6. celestial bodies in our solar system
  7. a model of the universe that places earth at the center with the sun, moon, and planets revolving around it
  8. a telescope that has a lens for the objective

21 Clues: all objects seen in the skycelestial bodies in our solar systemthe angle measured clock-wise from northdevice used to measure an objects azimuththe large lens at the front of a telescopea figure that looks like a squashed circlea telescope that has a lens for the objectivethe angle measured above the horizon in degrees...

Space Crossword 2017-05-12

Space Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The galaxy our solar system is located
  2. A small body composed of rock and metal
  3. Often referred to as a 'Shooting Star'
  4. The hottest planet in the solar system
  5. Has the most beautiful rings
  6. The measurement for distance between planets
  7. The galaxy that is one of the closet to Earth
  8. Space contains millions and billions of these
  1. Nothing escapes this, not even light
  2. Mercury Venus Earth and Mars are what sort of planets?
  3. Uranus and Neptune are given this name because they are the coldest planets
  4. A natural satelite for the Earth
  5. Takes approximately 365 days to orbit the sun
  6. Planets orbit around this star
  7. Jupiter and Saturn are a type of planet

15 Clues: Has the most beautiful ringsPlanets orbit around this starA natural satelite for the EarthNothing escapes this, not even lightThe galaxy our solar system is locatedOften referred to as a 'Shooting Star'The hottest planet in the solar systemA small body composed of rock and metalJupiter and Saturn are a type of planet...

The Planets 2014-10-21

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. beleived to live in space
  2. the closest planet to the sun
  3. the only other planet people have walked on
  4. used to go to space
  5. sometimes sent to space to take photos
  6. rises when the sun goes down
  7. furthest from the sun
  8. the largest planet
  1. the second last planet
  2. the planet before earth
  3. used to see the planets
  4. famous for its rings
  5. people who go to space
  6. provides heat and light
  7. no longer a planet
  8. rocks that crash on earth
  9. the planet we live on
  10. can seem them in the sky at night

18 Clues: no longer a planetthe largest planetused to go to spacefamous for its ringsfurthest from the sunthe planet we live onthe second last planetpeople who go to spacethe planet before earthused to see the planetsprovides heat and lightbeleived to live in spacerocks that crash on earthrises when the sun goes downthe closest planet to the sun...

Origins of Galaxy and Solar System 2017-08-06

Origins of Galaxy and Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Explains how we know that galaxies are moving farther and farther away from us
  2. point in Earth's orbit when it's farthest from the Sun
  3. explains how the solar system formed 4.6 billion years ago
  4. the Milky Way's nearest neighboring galaxy
  5. model that says that the planets orbit the Sun
  6. all existing matter and space
  7. how elliptical a planet's orbit is
  8. type of planets made of gas
  1. point in Earth's orbit when it's closest to the Sun
  2. shape of Earth's orbit
  3. idea that the universe started out as a single point in space that expanded
  4. galaxy we live in
  5. planet in our solar system closest to the Sun
  6. type of planets made of rock
  7. model that says that the moon, sun and planets orbit Earth
  8. planet in our solar system furthest from the Sun

16 Clues: galaxy we live inshape of Earth's orbittype of planets made of gastype of planets made of rockall existing matter and spacehow elliptical a planet's orbit isthe Milky Way's nearest neighboring galaxyplanet in our solar system closest to the Sunmodel that says that the planets orbit the Sunplanet in our solar system furthest from the Sun...

Solar system trivia 2024-03-09

Solar system trivia crossword puzzle
  1. the planet with the funniest name
  2. the name of our sun
  3. the 8th planet
  4. the furthest dwarf planet from the sun
  5. the red planet
  6. Saturn's biggest moon
  7. the 1st-4th planets are this
  8. The name of Earth's moon
  1. the 5th and 6th planets are this
  2. Largest moon in the solar system
  3. The biggest planet
  4. the hottest planet in the solar system
  5. the 7th and 8th planets are this
  6. Neptune's biggest moon
  7. the dwarf planet that was once the 9th planet

15 Clues: the 8th planetthe red planetThe biggest planetthe name of our sunSaturn's biggest moonNeptune's biggest moonThe name of Earth's moonthe 1st-4th planets are thisthe 5th and 6th planets are thisLargest moon in the solar systemthe 7th and 8th planets are thisthe planet with the funniest namethe hottest planet in the solar system...

celestial bodies 2024-04-23

celestial bodies crossword puzzle
  1. a planet made of gas and ice
  2. a celestial body that orbits a star
  3. large lump of ice and dust that orbit the sun
  4. _________objects generate their own light
  5. this orbits a planet or another celestial body that is not a star
  6. the sun and all the celestial bodies that orbit it
  7. __________ bodies are any natural objects found outside earths atmosphere
  8. non-contact force that pulls two objects towards eachother
  1. ___________ planets -the 4 inner planets made of rock and metals
  2. does not emit light
  3. planet closest to the sun
  4. furthest planet from the sun
  5. amoung of matter in an object (unit= kg)
  6. a luminous oject made of gas e.g the sun
  7. the brightest oject in the earths sky and primary source of energy on earth
  8. downward force due to gravity (unit =N)
  9. system of billions of stars, planets, gas and dust held by gravity
  10. large lump of rock and metal smaller than planets that orbit the sun

18 Clues: does not emit lightplanet closest to the suna planet made of gas and icefurthest planet from the suna celestial body that orbits a stardownward force due to gravity (unit =N)amoung of matter in an object (unit= kg)a luminous oject made of gas e.g the sun_________objects generate their own lightlarge lump of ice and dust that orbit the sun...

Celestial Profiles 1 2022-07-11

Celestial Profiles 1 crossword puzzle
  1. The titan of the Earth
  2. These planets are large gas-filled planets further from the Sun
  3. A meteor that has not hit the planet after entering the atmosphere
  4. An object in the sky that takes months to sweep through the solar system
  5. Descartes' proposal for the ___ hypothesis calls on common, gradual processes to produce the Sun and the planets
  6. Commonly called "shooting stars", are small bits of rock and metal falling into Earth's atmosphere
  7. A collection of roughly a thousand small, dark, icy bodies orbiting the outer fringes of the solar system beyond Neptune
  8. Small rocky worlds which orbit the Sun in a belt between Mars and Jupiter
  9. Buffon's proposed hypothesis that calls on unlikely, sudden events to produce the solar system
  10. The titan of love
  11. Destroys the universe to allow it to be started anew in the Hindu religion
  1. The titan of the underworld
  2. Preserves the world and human beings in the Hindu religion
  3. These planets are small, rocky planets close to the Sun
  4. This hypothesis was proposed by Laplace by combining Descartes' vortex theory and Newton's gravity
  5. A meteor that has hit the Earth's surface
  6. Rene ___, a French philosopher and mathematician who proposed the first physical theory for Earth's origin
  7. The creator of the universe in the Hindu religion
  8. This mass is equivalent to the mass of the sun, useful for shorthand
  9. In the beginning there was only ____ according to Greek Mythology

20 Clues: The titan of loveThe titan of the EarthThe titan of the underworldA meteor that has hit the Earth's surfaceThe creator of the universe in the Hindu religionThese planets are small, rocky planets close to the SunPreserves the world and human beings in the Hindu religionThese planets are large gas-filled planets further from the Sun...

Astronomy 101 Chapter 7 Crossword 2019-01-12

Astronomy 101 Chapter 7 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Our sister planet
  2. Four outer gas planets
  3. This planet is tipped on its side
  4. The Sun is composed mainly of this element
  5. Icy leftovers from the formation of the solar system
  6. Home
  7. In this type of mission, something is brought back
  8. Mercury looks a lot like our ___________
  9. First planet from the Sun
  10. Pluto is now a ____________
  11. This object has five moons
  12. This planet has the most spectacular rings
  13. This planet is home to the Galilean Moons
  1. Home planet to the moon Triton, a moon that orbits backwards
  2. Venus has a very thick ____________________
  3. The red planet
  4. Rocky leftovers from the formation of the solar system
  5. Four inner rocky planets
  6. Type of planetology that compares planets
  7. Most massive object in our solar system

20 Clues: HomeThe red planetOur sister planetFour outer gas planetsFour inner rocky planetsFirst planet from the SunThis object has five moonsPluto is now a ____________This planet is tipped on its sideMost massive object in our solar systemMercury looks a lot like our ___________Type of planetology that compares planets...

Science Vocabulary Topic 1 and 2 Hannah P. 9-13 2014-04-10

Science Vocabulary Topic 1 and 2 Hannah P. 9-13 crossword puzzle
  1. Angle measured above horizon
  2. Star groupings that forms patterns
  3. Figure that looks like a squashed circle, planets move in an elliptical orbit
  4. Lens where you view a magnified object
  5. Model of universe that places earth in the center with the other planets revolving around it
  6. Telescope that has a lens for objective
  7. Lens Large lens a front of telescope
  8. Bodies Objects seen in the sky
  9. Device to measure the azimuth of an object
  10. of Reference Set of axes that are used to describe positions of things.
  11. Celestial bodies that orbit our sun
  1. Angle measured clock-wise from north
  2. Model of universe that places sun in the center with the other planets revolving around it
  3. Co-ordinates Locate celestial bodies
  4. Telescope that has a mirror for objective
  5. Model of universe that places earth in the center with the other planets revolving around it
  6. Model of universe that places sun in the center with the other planets revolving around it
  7. Power Determines fineness of detail a telescope can produce
  8. Lens Lens where you view a magnified object
  9. Device used to measure the altitude of an object

20 Clues: Angle measured above horizonBodies Objects seen in the skyStar groupings that forms patternsCelestial bodies that orbit our sunAngle measured clock-wise from northCo-ordinates Locate celestial bodiesLens Large lens a front of telescopeLens where you view a magnified objectTelescope that has a lens for objective...




Nebular Theory Crossword 2023-12-11

Nebular Theory Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Where dust particles collide and get bigger
  2. The idea that all planets orbit on _____ _____?
  3. The classification of the planets Furthest from the sun
  4. All the planets orbit in the same ______ as a result of Nebular Theory
  5. The term regarding how the Solar System came to be
  6. How old is our Solar System?
  1. The classification of the planets closer to the sun
  2. The outcome of Accretion is _____?
  3. The large orbiting formation of rocks separating the Jovian and Terrestrial Planets
  4. A cloud of dust within space;collapses to make a disk
  5. The collapse of a Nebula, causing a spinning and hot and pressurized space, creating what?

11 Clues: How old is our Solar System?The outcome of Accretion is _____?Where dust particles collide and get biggerThe idea that all planets orbit on _____ _____?The term regarding how the Solar System came to beThe classification of the planets closer to the sunA cloud of dust within space;collapses to make a disk...

Scientific Revolution 2022-08-22

Scientific Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. research on the world and how it works
  2. Italian Religious Ruler
  3. A member of the Roman catholic church
  4. invented microscopes and telescopes
  5. religion that believes in God
  6. Founder of heliocentrism
  7. mathematically proved heliocentrism
  8. Tool that is used to look at stars and planets
  9. A method to prove science facts over the Bible
  10. the book christianity is based on
  1. places where religious people practice religion
  2. where stars, planets, galaxies, etc. Are
  3. scientists went against religion
  4. developer of the scientific method
  5. What we live on
  6. the study of stars and space
  7. Theory that planets revolve around sun
  8. He said that space isn’t what the Bible made it to be
  9. Groups of people that believe in different gods or God
  10. Who Christians believe in

20 Clues: What we live onItalian Religious RulerFounder of heliocentrismWho Christians believe inthe study of stars and spacereligion that believes in Godscientists went against religionthe book christianity is based ondeveloper of the scientific methodinvented microscopes and telescopesmathematically proved heliocentrismA member of the Roman catholic church...

The Plantes 2020-05-08

The Plantes crossword puzzle
  1. - What our galaxy is called.
  2. - What dwarf planet was in our solar system?
  3. - U. S. Space Flight Agency
  4. - The last planet is.
  5. - The brightest planet is.
  6. - Natural ground satellite
  7. - How many ice-gas planets.
  8. - Third planet from the sun.
  9. - A blue body circulating a central star.
  10. - What is the mass of the earth.
  1. - Which planet has the ring?
  2. - Known as the RED Planet
  3. - Orbits the sun.
  4. - Which planet is the coldest.
  5. - The biggest star in the solar system is?
  6. - How many rocky planets.
  7. - Takes approximately 365 days to rotate around the sun.
  8. - How many planets there are in our solar system.
  9. - How many categories do we divide the planets into?
  10. thousand seven hundred twenty seven - How many extra-solar planetary systems are there
  11. - Smallest plnanet.

21 Clues: - Orbits the sun.- Smallest plnanet.- The last planet is.- Known as the RED Planet- How many rocky planets.- The brightest planet is.- Natural ground satellite- U. S. Space Flight Agency- How many ice-gas planets.- Which planet has the ring?- What our galaxy is called.- Third planet from the sun.- Which planet is the coldest....

The Plantes 2020-05-08

The Plantes crossword puzzle
  1. - Takes approximately 365 days to rotate around the sun.
  2. - The last planet is.
  3. - Large gravitationally bound system of stars, dust, gas and dark matter
  4. - What our galaxy is called.
  5. - Orbits the sun.
  6. - A blue body circulating a central star.
  7. - The biggest star in the solar system is?
  8. - Third planet from the sun.
  9. - The brightest planet is.
  10. - How many ice-gas planets.
  1. - How many planets there are in our solar system.
  2. - Which planet has the ring?
  3. - Smallest plnanet.
  4. - U. S. Space Flight Agency
  5. - Natural ground satellite
  6. - What dwarf planet was in our solar system?
  7. - Known as the RED Planet
  8. - What is the mass of the earth.
  9. - Which planet is the coldest.
  10. - How many rocky planets.
  11. - How many categories do we divide the planets into?

21 Clues: - Orbits the sun.- Smallest plnanet.- The last planet is.- Known as the RED Planet- How many rocky planets.- Natural ground satellite- The brightest planet is.- U. S. Space Flight Agency- How many ice-gas planets.- Which planet has the ring?- What our galaxy is called.- Third planet from the sun.- Which planet is the coldest....

Solar System Review 2024-04-25

Solar System Review crossword puzzle
  1. Which planet is the largest?
  2. During a lunar eclipse, what is in the middle and casts a shadow on the moon?
  3. What causes planets to orbit the sun?
  4. How many planets are in our solar system?
  5. What is the shape of the orbit for planets?
  6. What do the planets orbit around?
  7. Which is actually called a dwarf planet now?
  8. Which planet is 7th farthest away from the sun?
  9. What is the name of our galaxy? (2 wds)
  10. What type of eclipse happens when the moon is between the Earth and Sun.
  11. During a solar eclipse, what is in the middle and casts a shadow?
  12. Name for the theory of how the solar system formed(2 wds)
  13. Which planet has the most rings?
  14. As the distance between 2 objects increases, the gravitation force ________.
  15. Who wrote 3 laws that describe how planets orbit the sun?
  16. Who said gravity is a result of curved space?
  1. Which phase of the moon has the smallest amount of the moon showing to us? (2 wds)
  2. Which planet has the most extreme range of temperatures (high and low)?
  3. Which planet has a giant storm on its surface?
  4. Many very small particles orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter
  5. What is the name for the unit used for distances in the universe? (2 wds)
  6. During a lunar eclipse, what phase is the moon in?(2 wds)
  7. Which planet is 1 AU from the sun?
  8. During a solar eclipse, what phase is the moon in?(2 wds)
  9. Which planet takes the longest time to rotate once on its axis ("day")?
  10. A space cloud made of gas and dust.
  11. Cosmic snowballs of frozen gasses, rock, and dust that orbit the Sun
  12. When planets move closer to the sun while orbiting, this happens to their speed.
  13. Who describes gravity as a force that attracts?

29 Clues: Which planet is the largest?Which planet has the most rings?What do the planets orbit around?Which planet is 1 AU from the sun?A space cloud made of gas and dust.What causes planets to orbit the sun?What is the name of our galaxy? (2 wds)How many planets are in our solar system?What is the shape of the orbit for planets?...

Space 2013-11-11

Space crossword puzzle
  1. a group of stard,dust,gas and dark matters
  2. has 64 Moons
  3. orbits the Earth
  4. are things that float in space
  5. is the smallest moon on Mars
  6. are sent into space
  7. is one of our largest stars
  8. are believed to live on other planets
  9. get sent to planets and back
  10. known as the red planet
  11. is the hottest planet
  1. is a planet full of methane
  2. is the closet to the Sun
  3. is White/Grey colour
  4. are made of ice,co2 or methane mixed with dust
  5. has living things on it
  6. all our planets and stars are in it
  7. has rings made of ice
  8. is the largest moon on Mars
  9. rains diamonds
  10. is prat on a Rocketship

21 Clues: has 64 Moonsrains diamondsorbits the Earthare sent into spaceis White/Grey colourhas rings made of iceis the hottest planethas living things on itis prat on a Rocketshipknown as the red planetis the closet to the Sunis a planet full of methaneis the largest moon on Marsis one of our largest starsis the smallest moon on Mars...

Solar System 2012-02-04

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. imaginary line Earth turns on
  2. Planet closest to the Sun
  3. Uranus and Saturn have these
  4. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  5. huge ball of gas that gives off light, heat, and other energy
  6. System of stars, galaxies, planets, moons
  7. The Earth is between the Sun and Moon
  8. large body of rock or gas
  9. When the moon is between Sun and Earth
  10. Mercury,Venus, Earth, Mars
  11. the force that keeps planets in orbit
  1. Sun,9 planets, and other bodies that orbit the sun
  2. orbits around Earth
  3. A group of stars
  4. The path Earth follows are the Sun
  5. largest planet
  6. Earth's twin planet
  7. Earth's star
  8. huge group of stars held together by gravity
  9. dwarf planet
  10. One turn of Earth's axis
  11. Our planet

22 Clues: Our planetEarth's stardwarf planetlargest planetA group of starsorbits around EarthEarth's twin planetOne turn of Earth's axisPlanet closest to the Sunlarge body of rock or gasMercury,Venus, Earth, MarsUranus and Saturn have theseimaginary line Earth turns onJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, NeptuneThe path Earth follows are the Sun...

Science 6: Solar System 2021-01-19

Science 6: Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. thought Earth is center of planets and stars
  2. patterns of stars
  3. Greeks called the planets this
  4. Greek word for Earth
  5. system where planets revolve around sun
  6. Greek for sun
  1. orbit of each planet is an ellipse
  2. observed planets by telescope in 1500
  3. placed sun at center of planets
  4. oval shape which may be elongated

10 Clues: Greek for sunpatterns of starsGreek word for EarthGreeks called the planets thisplaced sun at center of planetsoval shape which may be elongatedorbit of each planet is an ellipseobserved planets by telescope in 1500system where planets revolve around sunthought Earth is center of planets and stars


CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. There are nine ...... in our solar system
  2. It is very similar in size to Earth.
  3. a vehicle used for space travel.
  4. it is the third planet and it's our home.
  5. it has ice and rings
  6. all planets.... around Sun
  7. ... has rings
  8. Moon is a .....
  9. ..... is the Galaxy in which we live.
  1. The sun is the hotter than all planets
  2. Which planet is the red planet
  3. Which planet is the largest planet*
  4. the closest planet to the sun?
  5. is a streak of light in the sky.
  6. it is a dwarf planet
  7. Sun is a huge
  8. Which planet is the blue planet

17 Clues: Sun is a huge... has ringsMoon is a is a dwarf planetit has ice and ringsall planets.... around SunWhich planet is the red planetthe closest planet to the sun?Which planet is the blue planetis a streak of light in the sky.a vehicle used for space travel.Which planet is the largest planet*It is very similar in size to Earth....

The Planets 2014-10-28

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. only planet starting with v
  2. technically now the last planet away from the sun
  3. you wear them on your fingers
  4. the biggest planet
  5. a word for where all the planets lie
  6. the seventh planet away from the sun
  1. we live on here
  2. astronauts travel here
  3. no longer known as a planet
  4. some say its made of 'cheese'
  5. closest planet to the sun
  6. topic we are learning about now The...
  7. famous for its rings
  8. what you go in to fly into space
  9. what all the planets orbit around
  10. known as the red planet
  11. you see these in the sky at night

17 Clues: we live on herethe biggest planetfamous for its ringsastronauts travel hereknown as the red planetclosest planet to the sunonly planet starting with vno longer known as a planetsome say its made of 'cheese'you wear them on your fingerswhat you go in to fly into spacewhat all the planets orbit aroundyou see these in the sky at night...

Ethan's Planets Crossword 2022-05-03

Ethan's Planets Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. closest to the sun
  2. what all planets are in
  3. A measure of the gravitational pull on an object
  4. side ways planet
  5. made of fire and other planets rotate around
  6. orbits around the earth
  7. "red planet"
  1. galaxy our universe is in
  2. biggest planet in our solar system
  3. holds everything together
  4. dwarf planet that's not considered a planet
  5. "only planet with a ring"
  6. planets that supply life for all humans and also is a inner planet
  7. a bound system of stars
  8. Scientist who thought why objects fall
  9. luminous points in the sky
  10. measure by how many matter the object is made of

17 Clues: "red planet"side ways planetclosest to the sunwhat all planets are ina bound system of starsorbits around the earthgalaxy our universe is inholds everything together"only planet with a ring"luminous points in the skybiggest planet in our solar systemScientist who thought why objects falldwarf planet that's not considered a planet...

Space 2022-12-17

Space crossword puzzle
  1. The four planets closest to the sun.
  2. The four planets furthest from the sun.
  3. A group of stars that make a pattern.
  4. Earth has a natural one of these orbiting around it.
  5. These are called "Dirty snowballs".
  6. Agroup of planets, stars, gas and dust.
  7. Jupiter has four of these.
  1. Pluto is one of these.
  2. Everything that exists is in this.
  3. It has 8 planets and the sun.
  4. Rocky objects that orbit the sun.
  5. The sun is the brightest one in our sky.
  6. The Earth and the moon are the only one of these that humans have walked on.
  7. A group of gases that surround the Earth.

14 Clues: Pluto is one of these.Jupiter has four of these.It has 8 planets and the sun.Rocky objects that orbit the sun.Everything that exists is in this.These are called "Dirty snowballs".The four planets closest to the sun.A group of stars that make a pattern.The four planets furthest from the sun.Agroup of planets, stars, gas and dust....

Ch. 28/29 2017-05-22

Ch. 28/29 crossword puzzle
  1. the theory that the sun and planets formed from a cloud of gas
  2. masses of water, methane, and ice
  3. the inner planets
  4. this planet has water neither solid or gas but liquid
  5. small rocky bodies that orbit the sun
  6. the fourth planet from the sun
  7. this planet has a very dense atmosphere mostly made of carbon dioxide
  1. these are formed away from the disk
  2. a meteoroid that survives the trip to earth
  3. this planet has a methane atmosphere
  4. this consists of sun, astroids,comets and a system of planets
  5. these are the outer planets
  6. the center of the disk
  7. this planet is closest to the sun

14 Clues: the inner planetsthe center of the diskthese are the outer planetsthe fourth planet from the sunmasses of water, methane, and icethis planet is closest to the sunthese are formed away from the diskthis planet has a methane atmospheresmall rocky bodies that orbit the suna meteoroid that survives the trip to earth...

Could there be life on another planet? 2016-02-12

Could there be life on another planet? crossword puzzle
  1. a vehicle used to travel in space
  2. adjective that means 'related to our sun'
  3. a planet that orbits a star that isn't our sun
  4. someone who studies planets, moons and stars
  5. the path a planet takes around a star noun)
  6. an set of lenses used to see stars and planets
  7. general weather conditions
  1. a large mass of rock or metal that travels around a star
  2. adjective that means 'related to atmosphere'
  3. the scientific study of stars, moons and planets
  4. the gases that surround a planet
  5. the distance between two waves of energy
  6. adjective which means 'related to planets'

13 Clues: general weather conditionsthe gases that surround a planeta vehicle used to travel in spacethe distance between two waves of energyadjective that means 'related to our sun'adjective which means 'related to planets'the path a planet takes around a star noun)adjective that means 'related to atmosphere'someone who studies planets, moons and stars...


CLIL  CROSSWORD           MARCO VILLA crossword puzzle


That crossword 2014-10-01

That crossword crossword puzzle
  1. H2O
  2. reproduction creates...
  3. uno, dos, tres...
  4. to feel is to...
  5. planets
  6. sun gives off what?
  7. that glove is brand ____
  8. marines deal with water sometimes
  9. lighter
  10. shut or lock
  11. horrible for your health
  1. I love watching ____ eclipses
  2. people ___ a lot of bad words these days
  3. hard
  4. planets and...
  5. shatter, destroy
  6. male, boy...
  7. that was my prime example
  8. over or...
  9. sprint, jog...

20 Clues: H2Ohardplanetslighterover or...male, boy...shut or lockplanets and...sprint, jog...shatter, destroyto feel is, dos, tres...sun gives off what?reproduction creates...that glove is brand ____horrible for your healththat was my prime exampleI love watching ____ eclipsesmarines deal with water sometimespeople ___ a lot of bad words these days

Chapter 4 Vocab 2013-10-10

Chapter 4 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. - greek word for color
  2. - rocky objects, most of which are too small or too numerous to be considered a planet or dwarf planet.
  3. - the motion one object around another.
  4. - when a meteoroid enters Earth's atmosphere, friction with the air creates heat and produces this streak of light.
  5. cloud - beyond the Kuiper belt.
  6. - large rounds pits, caused by meteoroids, can be hundreds of kilometers across.
  7. - planets begin to form as gravity pulled rock, ice, and gas together, the rock and ice formed small bodies called this.
  8. - when an object spins around a central axis.
  9. - a fuzzy outer layer formed by clouds of gas and dust.
  10. - a thin disk of small particles of ice and rock.
  11. - an Earth centered model.
  12. - the force that attracts all objects towards each other.
  1. - loose collections of ice, dust, and small rocky particles who's orbit can be very long, narrow ellipses.
  2. - greek word for sphere
  3. system - consist of the sun, the planets, their moons, and a variety of smaller objects.
  4. belt - between Mars and Neptune.
  5. - chunks of rocks or dust from space.
  6. - greek word for sun
  7. unit - average distance between Earth and the sun, about 150,000,000 kilometers.
  8. - the solid inner core of a comet.
  9. - round, orbit the sun, cleared out the region of the solar system along it orbit.
  10. - hardened rock formed from huge lava flows, 3-4 billion years ago.
  11. planets - what the inner planets are often called.
  12. belt - beyond Neptune's orbit.
  13. - a system in which Earth and the other planets revolve around the sun.
  14. - meteoroids that pass through the atmosphere and are found on Earth's surface.
  15. planet - an object that orbits the sun and has enough gravity to be spherical, but has not cleared the area of it's orbit.
  16. - an oval shape.
  17. house effect - trapping of heat by the atmosphere.
  18. giants - what the four outer planets are called.

30 Clues: - an oval shape.- greek word for sun- greek word for color- greek word for sphere- an Earth centered model.belt - beyond Neptune's - beyond the Kuiper belt.belt - between Mars and Neptune.- the solid inner core of a comet.- chunks of rocks or dust from space.- the motion one object around another....

The Solar System 2023-05-10

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. __________ has a mass that is 2 1/2 times greater than the mass of all the other planets and moons combined.
  2. The fuzzy, gaseous component of a comet’s head
  3. One year here lasts 88 Earth days and has no satellites
  4. The huge gas giants—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
  5. The largest satellite of Saturn
  6. The Jovian planets have very thick __________ of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia.
  7. Planets that are small and rocky—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
  8. One year here lasts 682 Earth days and has two satellites
  9. A small, rocky body whose diameter can range from a few hundred kilometers to less than a kilometer
  10. The ____________ ____________ _____________, is twice as wide as Earth with winds peaking at about 400 mph
  11. One day here lasts 243 Earth days because the planet spins backwards
  12. One year here last 248 Earth years
  1. Unlikely Saturn’s icy rings full of large icy and rock chunks, they are composed of small ____________ ____________.
  2. ___________ is the most obvious difference between the terrestrial and Jovian planets.
  3. Small, irregularly shaped bodies formed by colliding matter
  4. The substances that make up the planets are divided into three groups: gases, rocks, and __________.
  5. The luminous phenomenon observed when a meteoroid enters Earth’s atmosphere and burns up, popularly called a shooting star
  6. A small, solid particle that travels through space
  7. The planet that rotates on its sides
  8. According to the nebular________, the sun and planets formed from a rotating disk of dust and gases.
  9. One year here is 165 Earth years, and it has 14 satellites
  10. One day here lasts 10 hours and 33 minutes on Earth, and one year here is 25 Earth years
  11. Mercury has the greatest _____________ extremes of any planet.
  12. Small bodies made of rocky and metallic pieces held together by frozen gases
  13. Any portion of a meteoroid that reaches Earth’s surface
  14. A cloud of gas and/or dust in space

26 Clues: The largest satellite of SaturnOne year here last 248 Earth yearsA cloud of gas and/or dust in spaceThe planet that rotates on its sidesThe fuzzy, gaseous component of a comet’s headA small, solid particle that travels through spaceOne year here lasts 88 Earth days and has no satellitesAny portion of a meteoroid that reaches Earth’s surface...

Science Vocabulary 2014-04-13

Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A device used to measure the altitude of an object.
  2. Universal gravitation is related to Newton’s law which says that all things attract other things. This provides the explanation for the elliptical orbits which the planets have.
  3. Also known as Geocentric, it is a model of the universe that puts Earth at the middle with the Sun and moon and all the planets orbiting it.
  4. A bunch of stars grouped together that make patterns which look like like objects and are, therefore, given names.
  5. An optical telescope which uses mirrors for it’s objective.
  6. The angle measured above the horizon in degrees when measuring altitude-azimuth coordinates.
  7. An optical telescope that uses lens for the objective.
  8. The angle measured clockwise from North when measuring altitude-azimuth coordinates.
  1. Find a heavenly body located relative to Earth.
  2. Shows the quality and detail a telescope can produce of an object in view.
  3. Also known as the eyepiece, it is the lens which you view magnified objects through using a telescope.
  4. Heavenly bodies in the solar system. This includes Earth, which orbits the sun.
  5. of Reference A measurement of the positions or motions of things.
  6. A device used to measure an object’s azimuth
  7. Also known as Heliocentric, it is a model of the universe That puts the Sun at the middle with Earth and all the planets orbiting it.
  8. An object which looks like a squashed circle. Planets in our solar system orbit the Sun in an ellipse shape.
  9. The big lens at the very front of the telescope.
  10. bodies All objects in the sky or in space. Things like the moon, sun and and planets in general.

18 Clues: A device used to measure an object’s azimuthFind a heavenly body located relative to Earth.The big lens at the very front of the telescope.A device used to measure the altitude of an object.An optical telescope that uses lens for the objective.An optical telescope which uses mirrors for it’s objective....

Solar System 2021-09-30

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. A meteoroid that has entered Earth's atmosphere
  2. A meteoroid that has hit Earth's surface
  3. A scientist who studies the universe beyond Earth
  4. The attractive force between two objects
  5. The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space
  6. Planets Four inner planets
  7. The study of the moon,stars,and other objects in space
  8. A ball of rock,ice,and cosmic dust
  1. A chunk of rock or dust in space
  2. Earth Centered Model
  3. Any object that revolves around another object in space
  4. Belt The region of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
  5. Objects that revolve around the sun that are too small to be considered planets
  6. Giants Name given to the four outer planets
  7. Sun Centered Model

15 Clues: Sun Centered ModelEarth Centered ModelPlanets Four inner planetsA chunk of rock or dust in spaceA ball of rock,ice,and cosmic dustA meteoroid that has hit Earth's surfaceThe attractive force between two objectsGiants Name given to the four outer planetsA meteoroid that has entered Earth's atmosphereA scientist who studies the universe beyond Earth...

Science (P) Chapter 11 Lesson 3 2014-10-14

Science (P) Chapter 11 Lesson 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Stars look what because they are far away?
  2. Planets move what the Sun?
  3. A telescope makes things look bigger or what?
  4. What makes things that are far away look closer?
  5. What, Mars, and Venus are planets?
  6. You might use a telescope to see that in the sky?
  7. What is a planet?
  8. Stars seem to move what the night sky?
  1. _________________ you can see these planets in the night sky.
  2. You may see what in the night sky?
  3. What do not give off light?
  4. Stars give off what?
  5. The Sun is the what star to Earth?

13 Clues: What is a planet?Stars give off what?Planets move what the Sun?What do not give off light?You may see what in the night sky?The Sun is the what star to Earth?What, Mars, and Venus are planets?Stars seem to move what the night sky?Stars look what because they are far away?A telescope makes things look bigger or what?...

Could there be life on another planet? 2016-02-12

Could there be life on another planet? crossword puzzle
  1. adjective which means 'related to planets'
  2. general weather conditions
  3. adjective that means 'related to our sun'
  4. a planet that orbits a star that isn't our sun
  5. adjective that means 'related to atmosphere'
  6. the distance between two waves of energy
  7. the scientific study of stars, moons and planets
  8. a large mass of rock or metal that travels around a star
  1. the gases that surround a planet
  2. a vehicle used to travel in space
  3. someone who studies planets, moons and stars
  4. an set of lenses used to see stars and planets
  5. the path a planet takes around a star (noun)

13 Clues: general weather conditionsthe gases that surround a planeta vehicle used to travel in spacethe distance between two waves of energyadjective that means 'related to our sun'adjective which means 'related to planets'someone who studies planets, moons and starsadjective that means 'related to atmosphere'the path a planet takes around a star (noun)...

Our solar system 2023-01-30

Our solar system crossword puzzle
  1. planet with 14 moons
  2. The outer planets are thought to be made of mostly_
  3. _____ planets - four planets found inside the asteroid belt
  4. One year on this planet lasts 88 days
  5. Now called as a dwarf planet
  6. a group of stars, gas and dust that is held together by gravity
  1. Largest planet
  2. Hottest planet
  3. has 167 large volcanoes and is the hottest of all planets
  4. beautiful lights seen over the polar regions
  5. Smallest planet
  6. Saturns rings are made of dust, rock, and _____
  7. causes tides on Earth
  8. Ceres Pluto Haumea and Eris are these small type of planets

14 Clues: Largest planetHottest planetSmallest planetplanet with 14 moonscauses tides on EarthNow called as a dwarf planetOne year on this planet lasts 88 daysbeautiful lights seen over the polar regionsSaturns rings are made of dust, rock, and _____The outer planets are thought to be made of mostly_has 167 large volcanoes and is the hottest of all planets...

Planets Vocab 2023-01-23

Planets Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Sometimes referred to shooting starts
  2. Matter that enters earths atmosphere
  3. Planets too small to be a planet
  4. Planets Planets outside the asteroid belt
  5. Frozen gases in space that orbit the sun
  1. Planets Planets inside the asteroid belt
  2. rock that falls on to earth from space
  3. In relation to earth
  4. Gases surrounding a planet
  5. What something is made of

10 Clues: In relation to earthWhat something is made ofGases surrounding a planetPlanets too small to be a planetMatter that enters earths atmosphereSometimes referred to shooting startsrock that falls on to earth from spacePlanets Planets inside the asteroid beltFrozen gases in space that orbit the sunPlanets Planets outside the asteroid belt

Movement in Space 2022-01-25

Movement in Space crossword puzzle
  1. A giant ball of superheated gas, or plasma, composed of hydrogen and helium.
  2. The Greek philosopher who was one of the first supporters of the geocentric model
  3. Another name for Earth's orbit around the Sun
  4. Earth's only natural satellite
  5. This comet first appeared in 1758 and continues to appear approximately every 75 years.
  6. A pattern or group of stars that people imagine represents a figure, animal or object.
  7. Stars are made up of hydrogen and _________.
  8. During this season will you see the constellation Orion in the western sky
  9. The word planet means ______________.
  10. Earth-centered
  11. Ursa major means ____________.
  12. Pieces of space rock that hit the Earth's surface
  13. This astronomer discovered moons around Jupiter, which showed that not everything in the sky travels around Earth.
  14. Earth's revolution around the Sun causes __________.
  15. Pieces of rock and/ice that have broken off of asteroids, comets, moons, and planets
  16. A body that orbits a a planet.
  1. There are ____ constellations.
  2. What Aryabhata used to come up with his ideas about how objects moved in space.
  3. The astronomer who said the moon and planets shine because they reflect light from the Sun.
  4. Proposed that Earth's rotation and revolution around the sun explained the observed movements of the stars and planets
  5. Galileo discovered that this planet goes through phases like the moon does, meaning it must orbit the sun, not the Earth.
  6. Sun-centered
  7. Another name for a meteor.
  8. The narrow band in the sky that contains the orbits of all the planets
  9. In Ptolemy's geocentric model, the planets made small circles called _______ as they moved along their orbits.
  10. Determined that the orbit of each planet is an ellipse rather than a perfect circle
  11. An object that orbits the sun, is large enough to have become rounded by its own gravity, and has cleared the area of its orbit of any debris.
  12. These two planets never appear far from the sun in the sky
  13. Large, dirty space snowballs that develop a long tail of light as they approach the sun
  14. An oval shaped orbit of the planets around the sun
  15. Pieces of space rock that burn up as then move through the Earth's atmosphere.

31 Clues: Sun-centeredEarth-centeredAnother name for a meteor.There are ____ constellations.Earth's only natural satelliteUrsa major means ____________.A body that orbits a a planet.The word planet means ______________.Stars are made up of hydrogen and _________.Another name for Earth's orbit around the SunPieces of space rock that hit the Earth's surface...

Planets Crossword 2023-04-06

Planets Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A dwarf planet in the Asteroid Belt
  2. Term for moon phase that's "growing"
  3. The study of space and celestial objects in space
  4. When a star violently explodes it results in this
  5. No longer considered a planet
  6. Rocky object orbiting the Sun
  7. The least dense planet; known for its prominent rings
  8. A dwarf planet alongside Pluto in the Kuiper Belt
  9. Rocky planet with the longest day; atmosphere thick with toxic gas
  1. Ice giant planet that rotates sideways
  2. A force of attraction between objects with mass
  3. Term for moon phase that's "shrinking"
  4. The third planet from the Sun
  5. The Milky Way is one of these
  6. Humans have sent many rovers to the surface of this planet
  7. The largest planet
  8. Planet with the shortest year
  9. The planet with the longest year

18 Clues: The largest planetThe third planet from the SunThe Milky Way is one of theseNo longer considered a planetPlanet with the shortest yearRocky object orbiting the SunThe planet with the longest yearA dwarf planet in the Asteroid BeltTerm for moon phase that's "growing"Ice giant planet that rotates sidewaysTerm for moon phase that's "shrinking"...

The Planets 2014-10-21

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. beleived to live in space
  2. the closest planet to the sun
  3. the only other planet people have walked on
  4. used to go to space
  5. sometimes sent to space to take photos
  6. rises when the sun goes down
  7. furthest from the sun
  8. the largest planet
  1. the second last planet
  2. the planet before earth
  3. used to see the planets
  4. famous for its rings
  5. people who go to space
  6. provides heat and light
  7. no longer a planet
  8. rocks that crash on earth
  9. the planet we live on
  10. can seem them in the sky at night

18 Clues: no longer a planetthe largest planetused to go to spacefamous for its ringsfurthest from the sunthe planet we live onthe second last planetpeople who go to spacethe planet before earthused to see the planetsprovides heat and lightbeleived to live in spacerocks that crash on earthrises when the sun goes downthe closest planet to the sun...

THE PLANETS 2014-10-30

THE PLANETS crossword puzzle
  1. Where we live
  2. Very windy planet
  3. Famous for its rings
  4. The Big Bang
  5. A dirty snowball
  6. Spins on its side
  7. The Milky Way
  1. No longer a planet
  2. Unknown entity
  3. Visited by man in 1969
  4. Explorer of space
  5. The largest planet
  6. All the planets revolve around it
  7. Forces the pulls you toward the centre of the Earth
  8. Planet closest to the Sun
  9. Bright and fiery
  10. The hottest planet
  11. Home of "Martians"

18 Clues: The Big BangWhere we liveThe Milky WayUnknown entityBright and fieryA dirty snowballExplorer of spaceVery windy planetSpins on its sideNo longer a planetThe largest planetThe hottest planetHome of "Martians"Famous for its ringsVisited by man in 1969Planet closest to the SunAll the planets revolve around it...

Space 2016-03-03

Space crossword puzzle
  1. A person who goes into space.
  2. Aliens.
  3. A place with many stars and planets (The Milky Way).
  4. The closest planet to the sun.
  5. The biggest planet.
  6. A star that gives us power (light?)
  7. Goes around.
  8. This used to be a planet, but isn't anymore.
  1. The force that hold all of the planets together. (also pulls things towards earth)
  2. A group of planets near a sun.
  3. Everything.
  4. Like a trip.
  5. The red planet.
  6. To look for something.
  7. Something that can take people to space.
  8. There are 8 of these around our sun.
  9. A rock in space. Sometimes they hit the earth.

17 Clues: Aliens.Everything.Like a trip.Goes around.The red planet.The biggest planet.To look for something.A person who goes into space.A group of planets near a sun.The closest planet to the sun.A star that gives us power (light?)There are 8 of these around our sun.Something that can take people to space.This used to be a planet, but isn't anymore....

Planets and the Solar System 2014-10-05

Planets and the Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The first name of the first man on the moon
  2. This planet is famous for the "rings" found around the outside of it
  3. Large, random objects that aren't planets, but rotate around the sun
  4. The American government agency in charge of their space program
  5. This big planet doesn't stand upright, but actually lies on its side
  6. The galaxy in which our solar system is found
  7. Largest planet in the solar system
  8. The planet closest to the sun
  1. A planet that rotates the opposite way to every other planet
  2. The name given to someone who travels to outer space
  3. The vehicles we use to visit outer space
  4. Objects that scientists send into space to gather information
  5. The planet we live on!
  6. The star in the centre of the solar system
  7. The length of time Earth takes to rotate on its axis
  8. Used to be a planet, but is now classified as a dwarf planet
  9. The "path" that planets take around the sun
  10. Often called the "red planet"
  11. Most of our planets are named after _____ gods
  12. Found around all of the "Gas Giant" planets

20 Clues: The planet we live on!The planet closest to the sunOften called the "red planet"Largest planet in the solar systemThe vehicles we use to visit outer spaceThe star in the centre of the solar systemThe first name of the first man on the moonThe "path" that planets take around the sunFound around all of the "Gas Giant" planets...

Solar System 2024-02-13

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. the invisible line the Earth spins on
  2. the planet with a thin atmosphere, canyons & riverbeds
  3. the outer planets
  4. if the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun, what season is the southern hemisphere experiencing
  5. the spinning motion the Earth does that causes day & night
  6. the amount of time it takes the Earth to rotate
  7. how long does a moon phase take to complete
  8. when the entire moon is illuminated
  9. to light up
  10. the planet that looks like our moon and is the smallest
  11. the mnemonic device to remember the size order of planets
  1. when the right side of the moon is illuminated
  2. the inner planets that are made from rock
  3. when none of the moon is illuminated
  4. the mnemonic device to remember the order of the planets
  5. the planet that has a cloud blanket that traps thermal energy
  6. the circular motion the Earth does that causes seasons
  7. the amount of time it takes for the Earth to revolve
  8. if the southern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun, what season is the northern hemisphere experiencing
  9. Quarter when the left side of the moon is illuminated

20 Clues: to light upthe outer planetswhen the entire moon is illuminatedthe invisible line the Earth spins onwhen none of the moon is illuminatedthe inner planets that are made from rockhow long does a moon phase take to completewhen the right side of the moon is illuminatedthe amount of time it takes the Earth to rotate...

Ethen Hutchinson 10/24/23 per 7 2023-10-24

Ethen Hutchinson  10/24/23 per 7 crossword puzzle
  1. one of numerous small solid heavenly bodies which may have existed at an early stage of the development of the solar system and from which the planets may have been formed.
  2. a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.
  3. Space rocks and chunks of space metal that land on Earth
  4. the four innermost planets in the solar system.
  5. Small chunks of rock that travel through space
  6. an interaction between a planet, such as Earth, and streams of debris from a comet.
  7. a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.
  8. a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets
  9. Hydrogen becomes a liquid at very low temperature and high pressure.
  1. a large planet mostly composed of helium and/or hydrogen
  2. Celestial bodies that are too tiny to be classified as planets but too huge to be classified as stars.
  3. the orbit of each planet in the Solar System is approximately an ellipse with the Sun at one focus point
  4. a small chunk of dust and ice that orbits, or travels around, the sun.
  5. a line of cliffs formed by the faulting or fracturing of the earth's crust
  6. the area around a star where it is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of surrounding planets
  7. at the planet's opposition which is when it is exactly opposite the Sun.
  8. the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
  9. Small chunks of rock that travel through space

18 Clues: the distance between the Earth and the Sun.Small chunks of rock that travel through spaceSmall chunks of rock that travel through spacethe four innermost planets in the solar system.a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets...

Earth and the solar system 2022-06-22

Earth and the solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Number of continents
  2. Who created the world
  3. Smallest continent
  4. Hottest planet
  5. Planet closest to the sun
  6. July 1st 1867
  7. Coldest planet
  8. Number of planets
  9. Coldest continent
  10. 365 Days
  1. Independence day
  2. planet farther from the sun
  3. Covers 71% of the earth
  4. torus-shaped region
  5. Largest planet
  6. Before continents broke apart
  7. A dwarf planet
  8. Largest continent
  9. Planets orbit around it

19 Clues: 365 DaysJuly 1st 1867Hottest planetLargest planetA dwarf planetColdest planetIndependence dayLargest continentNumber of planetsColdest continentSmallest continenttorus-shaped regionNumber of continentsWho created the worldCovers 71% of the earthPlanets orbit around itPlanet closest to the sunplanet farther from the sunBefore continents broke apart

Space Pt. 2 2022-05-10

Space Pt. 2 crossword puzzle
  1. orbits the Earth 15.5 times a day
  2. one of the only planets to NOT have a moon
  3. an orbit that is oval shaped
  4. This separates the inner and outer planets
  5. something that orbits something else
  6. invented the telescope and discovered 4 moons
  7. a reusable spacecraft
  8. This means "Earth-centered"
  1. This means "sun-centered"
  2. The largest planet
  3. unmanned object that lands on another planet
  4. galaxy that we live in
  5. this powers the ISS
  6. holds everything in the solar system together
  7. 4 planets that are spheres of rock
  8. One of the Galilean moons
  9. 1st person on the moon

17 Clues: The largest planetthis powers the ISSa reusable spacecraftgalaxy that we live in1st person on the moonThis means "sun-centered"One of the Galilean moonsThis means "Earth-centered"an orbit that is oval shapedorbits the Earth 15.5 times a day4 planets that are spheres of rocksomething that orbits something else...

space by beth 2012-06-18

space by beth crossword puzzle
  1. the four planets closest to the sun are in a group.what is that group called
  2. a person that goes in space
  3. the four last planets from the sun are in a group.what is that group called
  4. the smallest planet in our solar system
  5. earth is the _____ cosest to the sun
  6. neptune is the _____ closest to the sun
  7. mercury is the_____ closest planet to the sun
  8. the name of the path planets travel on
  1. mars is the_____ closest to the sun
  2. the astroid planet is located before what planet
  3. what you are called if you study the planets and stars
  4. uranus is the_____ closest to the sun
  5. venus is the_____ closest to the sun
  6. jupiter is the_____ closest to the sun
  7. saturn is the______ closest to the sun

15 Clues: a person that goes in spacemars is the_____ closest to the sunvenus is the_____ closest to the sunearth is the _____ cosest to the sunuranus is the_____ closest to the sunjupiter is the_____ closest to the sunsaturn is the______ closest to the sunthe name of the path planets travel onthe smallest planet in our solar system...

Outer Planet crossword 2022-03-09

Outer Planet crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the cold planet
  2. core the so said core of the planets
  3. the edge of the solar system
  4. not a planet
  5. big rings
  6. giants what the outer planets are
  1. separates inner and outer planets
  2. biggest planet
  3. satellites
  4. on it side

10 Clues: big ringssatelliteson it sidenot a planetbiggest planetthe cold planetthe edge of the solar systemseparates inner and outer planetsgiants what the outer planets arecore the so said core of the planets

Terrestial Planets 2018-03-26

Terrestial Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Venus is the ____ planet.
  2. Mars has______ ice caps.
  3. Venus has ____ rain.
  4. What covers Mercury?
  5. Which planet is closest to the sun?
  6. Earth moves over time and is divided into ______.
  7. Earth takes 365.3 days in______.
  8. Mars is similar to Earth in ____ and mass?
  9. Does Mercury shrink?
  1. Which planet has 2 moons?
  2. Mars has ____ minerals.
  3. Venus has craters and ______.
  4. Mars is a red, ____ planet?
  5. Mercury has barely any _______.
  6. Mercury has a long iron _____.
  7. Which of the 4 planets has water and a moon?
  8. Which planet has highlands and plains?
  9. Earth is made up of _____,CO2, and nitrogen.

18 Clues: Venus has ____ rain.What covers Mercury?Does Mercury shrink?Mars has ____ minerals.Mars has______ ice caps.Which planet has 2 moons?Venus is the ____ planet.Mars is a red, ____ planet?Venus has craters and ______.Mercury has a long iron _____.Mercury has barely any _______.Earth takes 365.3 days in______.Which planet is closest to the sun?...

The Planets 2014-10-27

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. It takes approximately 365 days to rotate around the sun.
  2. What is the coldest planet in the solar system?
  3. The closest planet to the Earth.
  4. A planet famous for having a big red spot on it?
  5. Which galaxy is Earth located in?
  6. The seventh planet from the sun.
  7. Is the sun a star or planet?
  8. Rises at night.
  9. What is the smallest planet in the Solar System?
  10. They make-up our Solar System
  11. What is the hottest planet in the Solar System?
  12. All the planets orbit around it.
  1. A planet O----- around the sun.
  2. Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
  3. Is Neptune bigger then Earth?
  4. What is the furthest planet from the sun?
  5. What is the second smallest planet in the Solar System?
  6. Known as the 'Red Planet"
  7. Can Human's breathe normally in space like they can on Earth?
  8. What is the second largest planet in the Solar System?

20 Clues: Rises at night.Known as the 'Red Planet"Is the sun a star or planet?Is Neptune bigger then Earth?They make-up our Solar SystemA planet O----- around the sun.The closest planet to the Earth.The seventh planet from the sun.All the planets orbit around it.Which galaxy is Earth located in?What is the furthest planet from the sun?...

Animals & Planets 2021-06-20

Animals & Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The NASA is discovering if we can live in it
  2. it lives in the ice & it's a bear
  3. it's in the movie of Flora & Ulises & it climbs trees
  4. it's very big it has big ears & a trunk
  5. we live in it & it has meny more contrys
  6. it lives with people and says woof
  7. it lives the ice & it's a bird that can't fly
  8. it's blue and it's next tu Saturn
  9. it's the king of the amazonas and it has spots
  1. it's the bigest planet in the solar system
  2. it's next to the Sun
  3. it has a long neck
  4. it lives with people and says meow
  5. it has a ring and it's very famous
  6. it's the last planet & it's very cold
  7. it has a mane & it's the king of the savannah
  8. it has white, black & orange stripes & it's the king of the jungle
  9. it's the hottest planet in the solar system

18 Clues: it has a long neckit's next to the Sunit lives in the ice & it's a bearit's blue and it's next tu Saturnit lives with people and says meowit has a ring and it's very famousit lives with people and says woofit's the last planet & it's very coldit's very big it has big ears & a trunkwe live in it & it has meny more contrys...

General Science Review Crossword Puzzle 2023-01-09

General Science Review Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. it's when the ocean rise and falls
  2. extremely high tides
  3. regular tides
  4. orbits the earth
  5. solar energy can provide this
  6. force that pulls objects to the center
  1. tools scientists use to study space
  2. sun and planets
  3. terrestrial planets
  4. star
  5. cold planets
  6. orbits the sun

12 Clues: starcold planetsregular tidesorbits the sunsun and planetsorbits the earthterrestrial planetsextremely high tidessolar energy can provide thisit's when the ocean rise and fallstools scientists use to study spaceforce that pulls objects to the center

Earth and the solar system 2022-06-22

Earth and the solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Number of continents
  2. Who created the world
  3. Smallest continent
  4. Hottest planet
  5. Planet closest to the sun
  6. July 1st 1867
  7. Coldest planet
  8. Number of planets
  9. Coldest continent
  10. where we live on
  1. Independence day
  2. planet farther from the sun
  3. Covers 71% of the earth
  4. torus-shaped region
  5. Largest planet
  6. Before continents broke apart
  7. A dwarf planet
  8. Largest continent
  9. Planets orbit around it

19 Clues: July 1st 1867Hottest planetLargest planetA dwarf planetColdest planetIndependence daywhere we live onLargest continentNumber of planetsColdest continentSmallest continenttorus-shaped regionNumber of continentsWho created the worldCovers 71% of the earthPlanets orbit around itPlanet closest to the sunplanet farther from the sun...

Chapter 8 Crossword 2019-01-25

Chapter 8 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. one of the inner planets
  2. the type of star the sun will turn into
  3. the reason other planets arent habitable
  4. name of our galaxy
  5. Iron sunk to the middle of the planet and lighter minerals
  6. the lines that go horizontal on the globe
  7. what controls the tide on earth
  8. how the moon was made
  9. the scientist that helped find the origins of life
  10. the name of small planets
  11. how to find the age of the earth
  12. in how long the sun will turn into red giant
  13. when the universe first started
  14. what the earths core is made of
  1. planet with rings around it
  2. the name of what the earth was when it was first made
  3. the lines that go vertical on the globe
  4. one of the reasons how the ocean got formed
  5. how long ago was the first surface of the earth made
  6. name of the dwarf planets
  7. age of the oldest fossils
  8. lasted 50-70 million years
  9. what makes a magnetic field around the earth
  10. Ocean where life first arose
  11. Early steps of organisms forming from organic building blocks
  12. what is the sun

26 Clues: what is the sunname of our galaxyhow the moon was madeone of the inner planetsname of the dwarf planetsage of the oldest fossilsthe name of small planetslasted 50-70 million yearsplanet with rings around itOcean where life first arosewhat controls the tide on earthwhen the universe first startedwhat the earths core is made of...

Scientific and technology 2023-06-10

Scientific and technology crossword puzzle
  1. study of living things: Planets ____ around the sun.
  2. Red planet
  3. Something bigger than iPad that you watch media on
  4. a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems, all held together by gravity.
  5. the area directly outside of Earth's atmosphere. And a place astronauts travel to
  6. / Scientific investigation conducted to gain knowledge or proof of the prediction
  7. / celestial body that orbits a star
  8. / The planet on which humans live.
  9. The study of the universe
  10. Is a push or pull
  1. is the scientific study of physical phenomena like the motion of matter and energy and force.
  2. theory of an experiment
  3. solaire/system of planets orbiting a star
  4. where everything from planets to galaxies live
  5. periodigue /Is a table that organizes elements
  6. up everything
  7. study of matter
  8. fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large
  9. glass container for laboratory use.
  10. Was the 9th planet but is now an exoplanet
  11. /small rocky object that orbits the sun. They are smaller than planets.
  12. person that travels to space
  13. vehicle that transports astronauts into space.
  14. Lactée/ The name of our galaxy

24 Clues: Red planetup everythingstudy of matterIs a push or pullThe study of the universetheory of an experimentperson that travels to spaceLactée/ The name of our galaxy/ The planet on which humans container for laboratory use./ celestial body that orbits a starsolaire/system of planets orbiting a star...

Shyenne Oshiro 10/24/23 1 period 2023-10-24

Shyenne Oshiro 10/24/23 1 period crossword puzzle
  1. one of numerous small solid heavenly bodies which may have existed at an early stage of the development of the solar system and from which the planets may have been formed.
  2. a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.
  3. space rocks and chunks of space metal that land on Earth
  4. the four innermost planets in the solar system.
  5. Small chunks of rock that travel through space
  6. an interaction between a planet, such as Earth, and streams of debris from a comet.
  7. a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.
  8. a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets
  9. Hydrogen becomes a liquid at very low temperature and high pressure.
  1. a large planet mostly composed of helium and/or hydrogen
  2. the celestial bodies that are too tiny to be classified as planets but too huge to be classified as stars.
  3. the orbit of each planet in the Solar System is approximately an ellipse with the Sun at one focus point
  4. a small chunk of dust and ice that orbits, or travels around, the sun.
  5. a line of cliffs formed by the faulting or fracturing of the earth's crust
  6. the area around a star where it is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of surrounding planets
  7. at the planet's opposition which is when it is exactly opposite the Sun.
  8. the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
  9. Small chunks of rock that travel through space

18 Clues: the distance between the Earth and the Sun.Small chunks of rock that travel through spaceSmall chunks of rock that travel through spacethe four innermost planets in the solar system.a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets...

John Ruiz 10/24/23 2023-10-24

John Ruiz 10/24/23 crossword puzzle
  1. space rocks and chunks of space metal that land on Earth
  2. an interaction between a planet, such as Earth, and streams of debris from a comet.
  3. the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
  4. a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets
  5. a large planet mostly composed of helium and/or hydrogen
  6. Small chunks of rock that travel through space
  7. one of numerous small solid heavenly bodies which may have existed at an early stage of the development of the solar system and from which the planets may have been formed.
  8. Hydrogen becomes a liquid at very low temperature and high pressure.
  9. the celestial bodies that are too tiny to be classified as planets but too huge to be classified as stars.
  10. a line of cliffs formed by the faulting or fracturing of the earth's crust
  11. a small chunk of dust and ice that orbits, or travels around, the sun.
  12. the area around a star where it is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of surrounding planets
  1. at the planet's opposition which is when it is exactly opposite the Sun.
  2. the four innermost planets in the solar system.
  3. the orbit of each planet in the Solar System is approximately an ellipse with the Sun at one focus point
  4. a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.
  5. Small chunks of rock that travel through space
  6. a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.

18 Clues: the distance between the Earth and the Sun.Small chunks of rock that travel through spaceSmall chunks of rock that travel through spacethe four innermost planets in the solar system.a place between the rocky planets and the gas planetsa ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is....

Matthew Lopez 2023-10-24

Matthew Lopez crossword puzzle
  1. one of small solid heavenly bodies which may have existed at an early stage of the development of the solar system and from which the planets may have been formed.
  2. a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.
  3. Space rocks and chunks of space metal that land on Earth
  4. the four innermost planets in the solar system.
  5. Small chunks of rock that travel through space
  6. an interaction between a planet, such as Earth, and streams of debris from a comet.
  7. a measure of how its not a circle the orbit of a body is.
  8. a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets
  9. Hydrogen becomes a liquid at very low temperature and high pressure.
  1. a large planet mostly composed of helium and/or hydrogen
  2. bodies that are too tiny to be classified as planets but too huge to be classified as stars.
  3. the orbit of each planet in the Solar System is approximately an ellipse with the Sun at one focus point
  4. a small chunk of dust and ice that orbits, or travels around, the sun.
  5. a line of cliffs formed by the faulting or fracturing of the earth's crust
  6. the area around a star where it is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of surrounding planets
  7. at the planet's opposition which is when it is exactly opposite the Sun.
  8. the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
  9. Small chunks of rock that travel through space

18 Clues: the distance between the Earth and the Sun.Small chunks of rock that travel through spaceSmall chunks of rock that travel through spacethe four innermost planets in the solar system.a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.a place between the rocky planets and the gas planetsa large planet mostly composed of helium and/or hydrogen...

Solar System 2022-01-08

Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. How many planets have rings in our solar system?
  2. What was the name of the rover that landed on Mars in February 2021?
  3. What was the little pieces of rubber called that caused the Challenger disaster?
  4. What is the name of the inner most ring surrounding Neptune?
  5. What was the first space shuttle launched into space?
  6. What was the name of the space shuttle orbiter that exploded?
  7. Name one of the four inner or terrestrial planets.
  1. First person to enter the Earth's orbit?
  2. Largest planet in our solar system?
  3. What was the first satellite launched into space?
  4. "that's one small step for the man,_________ for mankind."
  5. What color is the planet Mars?
  6. Our Sun and all the planets are part of a galaxy called the?
  7. How many planets are in our solar system?
  8. What is the most famous planet with rings?
  9. What is the only star in our solar system

16 Clues: What color is the planet Mars?Largest planet in our solar system?First person to enter the Earth's orbit?How many planets are in our solar system?What is the only star in our solar systemWhat is the most famous planet with rings?How many planets have rings in our solar system?What was the first satellite launched into space?...

The Outer Planets 2019-05-10

The Outer Planets crossword puzzle
  1. has the most moons
  2. another word for the outer planets
  3. this planet is known for its rings
  4. similar in color to Uranus
  5. Jupiter has ____ satellites
  1. The outer planets get the _____ sunlight.
  2. this is one of the things the outer planets is
  3. Neptune has this many moons
  4. the 7th planet from the sun
  5. The outer planets are those planets in the Solar System _______ the asteroid belt

10 Clues: has the most moonssimilar in color to UranusNeptune has this many moonsthe 7th planet from the sunJupiter has ____ satellitesanother word for the outer planetsthis planet is known for its ringsThe outer planets get the _____ sunlight.this is one of the things the outer planets is...

space class tingz 2020-10-26

space class tingz crossword puzzle
  1. the temp where all molecules stop moving
  2. what started the universe
  3. the angular distance of a particular point measured eastward along the celestial equator
  4. the great circle of the imaginary celestial sphere on the same plane as the equator of Earth
  5. the group of galaxies that our galaxy is located in.
  6. the galaxy we live in
  7. a nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei of low atomic number fuse to form a heavier nucleus with the release of energy.
  8. planets closest to the sun
  9. the universe will expand at a constant rate forever
  10. a unit that represents the mean distance between the Earth and our sun. approximately 93 million miles (150 million km).
  11. a small rocky body orbiting the sun
  12. cosmic balls of frozen gas, their tail always faces away from the sun.
  13. a very large star, believed to be in its later stage of evolution
  14. the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun from the perspective of an observer on Earth.
  15. medium sized rocky bodies that come together to form planets
  16. a torus-shaped region in the Solar System, located roughly between the orbits of the planets Jupiter and Mars, that is occupied by a great many solid, irregularly shaped bodies
  1. galaxy closest to the milky way
  2. rocky planets
  3. gas planets
  4. a unit of distance used in astronomy, equal to about 3.26 light years (3.086 × 1013 kilometres).
  5. small rocky bodies that come together to form protoplanetary bodies and planets.
  6. a temp scale that does not use negative numbers
  7. 9.4 trillion kilometres
  8. distance from the sun to the earth
  9. a circumstellar disc in the outer Solar System, extending from the orbit of Neptune. It is similar to the asteroid belt, but is far larger
  10. a cluster of gas and dust that creates stars
  11. the change in frequency of a wave, resulting in a skewed perception of light and sound
  12. two imaginary points in the sky where the Earth's axis of rotation, indefinitely extended, intersects the celestial sphere.
  13. when dark energy rips matter apart
  14. the universe will stop expanding and collapse
  15. planets farthest from the sun
  16. an imaginary sphere of which the observer is the centre and on which all celestial objects are considered to lie.
  17. a force that causes an increase in the rate of our universes expansion
  18. the angular distance of a point north or south of the celestial equator.

34 Clues: gas planetsrocky planetsthe galaxy we live in9.4 trillion kilometreswhat started the universeplanets closest to the sunplanets farthest from the sungalaxy closest to the milky waydistance from the sun to the earthwhen dark energy rips matter aparta small rocky body orbiting the sunthe temp where all molecules stop moving...

Science Vocabulary 2014-04-12

Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A device used to measure the altitude of an object.
  2. A bunch of stars grouped together that make patterns which look like like objects and are, therefore, given names.
  3. An optical telescope which uses mirrors for it’s objective.
  4. Also known as the eyepiece, it is the lens which you view magnified objects through using a telescope.
  5. An optical telescope that uses lens for the objective.
  6. Universal Gravitation is related to Newton’ s law which says that all things attract other things. This provides the explanation for the elliptical orbits which the planets have.
  7. The angle measured clockwise from North when measuring altitude-azimuth coordinates.
  8. Shows the quality and detail a telescope can produce of an object in view.
  9. An object which looks like a squashed circle. Planets in our solar system orbit the Sun in an ellipse shape.
  10. All objects in the sky or in space. Things like the moon, sun and and planets in general.
  1. Find a heavenly body located relative to Earth.
  2. A device used to measure an object’s azimuth
  3. Also known as Geocentric, it is a model of the universe that puts Earth at the middle with the Sun and moon and all the planets orbiting it.
  4. Also known as Heliocentric, it is a model of the universe That puts the Sun at the middle with Earth and all the planets orbiting it.
  5. Heavenly bodies in the solar system. This includes Earth, which orbits the sun.
  6. A measurement of the positions or motions of things.
  7. The big lens at the very front of the telescope.

17 Clues: A device used to measure an object’s azimuthFind a heavenly body located relative to Earth.The big lens at the very front of the telescope.A device used to measure the altitude of an object.A measurement of the positions or motions of things.An optical telescope that uses lens for the objective....

Alexandra Porter P.7 2023-12-04

Alexandra Porter P.7 crossword puzzle
  1. one of numerous small solid heavenly bodies which may have existed at an early stage of the development of the solar system and from which the planets may have been formed.
  2. a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.
  3. Space rocks and chunks of space metal that land on Earth
  4. the four innermost planets in the solar system.
  5. Small chunks of rock that travel through space
  6. an interaction between a planet, such as Earth, and streams of debris from a comet.
  7. a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.
  8. a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets
  9. Hydrogen becomes a liquid at very low temperature and high pressure.
  1. a large planet mostly composed of helium and/or hydrogen
  2. Celestial bodies that are too tiny to be classified as planets but too huge to be classified as stars.
  3. the orbit of each planet in the Solar System is approximately an ellipse with the Sun at one focus point
  4. a small chunk of dust and ice that orbits, or travels around, the sun.
  5. a line of cliffs formed by the faulting or fracturing of the earth's crust
  6. the area around a star where it is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of surrounding planets
  7. at the planet's opposition which is when it is exactly opposite the Sun.
  8. the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
  9. Small chunks of rock that travel through space

18 Clues: the distance between the Earth and the Sun.Small chunks of rock that travel through spaceSmall chunks of rock that travel through spacethe four innermost planets in the solar system.a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets...

crossword puzzle 2023-12-04

crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. one of numerous small solid heavenly bodies which may have existed at an early stage of the development of the solar system and from which the planets may have been formed.
  2. at the planet's opposition which is when it is exactly opposite the Sun.
  3. a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.
  4. Small chunks of rock that travel through space
  5. a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.
  6. a small chunk of dust and ice that orbits, or travels around, the sun.
  7. an interaction between a planet, such as Earth, and streams of debris from a comet.
  8. the orbit of each planet in the Solar System is approximately an ellipse with the Sun at one focus point
  9. a large planet mostly composed of helium and/or hydrogen
  10. a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets
  1. Hydrogen becomes a liquid at very low temperature and high pressure.
  2. space rocks and chunks of space metal that land on Earth
  3. the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
  4. the celestial bodies that are too tiny to be classified as planets but too huge to be classified as stars.
  5. the area around a star where it is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of surrounding planets
  6. the four innermost planets in the solar system.
  7. a line of cliffs formed by the faulting or fracturing of the earth's crust
  8. Small chunks of rock that travel through space

18 Clues: the distance between the Earth and the Sun.Small chunks of rock that travel through spaceSmall chunks of rock that travel through spacethe four innermost planets in the solar system.a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets...

The Solar System 2023-06-12

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. Venus's Husband
  2. the largest moon that orbits Mars
  3. Roman god of the Seas
  4. ruler of the Gods after defeating Saturn
  5. Mercury's mother
  6. The last four planets
  7. Roman goddess of love
  1. the thing that seperates the Inner and Outer Planets
  2. one of the two objects orbiting around Earth
  3. The first four planets
  4. Greek goddess of the Earth
  5. a moon that orbits Uranus
  6. the Man that Mercury tricked
  7. the Roman god of commerce and travel

14 Clues: Venus's HusbandMercury's motherRoman god of the SeasThe last four planetsRoman goddess of loveThe first four planetsa moon that orbits UranusGreek goddess of the Earththe Man that Mercury trickedthe largest moon that orbits Marsthe Roman god of commerce and travelruler of the Gods after defeating Saturnone of the two objects orbiting around Earth...

Invincible 2B 2021-05-19

Invincible 2B crossword puzzle
  1. Mark's father comes from another ______________.
  2. The people on his father's world had succeeded in making a _____________________ without problems.
  3. They would go to those planets, teach them new things and ________________ their development.
  4. His father's duty is to _______________ our planet.
  5. They would find other planets with ______________ life.
  6. They decided to help other planetary races learn to __________________.
  7. His father __________________ed Earth for his planet.
  8. Mark will also develop superpowers after when he goes through ______________.
  1. They would ________________ other planets with life forms that could communicate.
  2. His father's ________ is to defend our planet.
  3. The people on his father's world had succeeded in making a ______________ civilization.
  4. He ____________________ed to come to Earth to live.
  5. They would go to those planets, teach them new things and watch over their ________________.
  6. Mark's father is an ______________.
  7. The people on his father's world had ____________d in making a civilization without problems.
  8. He thought that Earthlings, the people of Earth, were _______________________.

16 Clues: Mark's father is an ______________.His father's ________ is to defend our planet.Mark's father comes from another ______________.He ____________________ed to come to Earth to live.His father's duty is to _______________ our planet.His father __________________ed Earth for his planet.They would find other planets with ______________ life....

The Planets 2014-10-28

The Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Planets orbit.
  2. Not a planet but can be seen clearly at night.
  3. Our planet.
  4. Planet famous for its rings.
  5. Considered a dwarf-planet.
  6. Planet named after the sea god.
  7. The name of our galaxy
  8. Planet closest to the sun.
  9. A hole in the ground caused by a meteor hitting a planet.
  10. Something that both Saturn and Uranus have.
  11. Planet known as the evening star.
  1. Our sun is this.
  2. This planet is known as the red planet.
  3. The coldest Planet.
  4. A rock that crashes into Earth's atmosphere.
  5. The force that holds planets in their orbits.
  6. The largest planet in the solar system.
  7. Planet between Saturn and Neptune.
  8. The hottest planet in the Solar System.
  9. The path that a planet takes around the sun.

20 Clues: Our planet.Planets orbit.Our sun is this.The coldest Planet.The name of our galaxyConsidered a dwarf-planet.Planet closest to the sun.Planet famous for its rings.Planet named after the sea god.Planet known as the evening star.Planet between Saturn and Neptune.This planet is known as the red planet.The largest planet in the solar system....

Ethan's Solar system 2023-01-31

Ethan's Solar system crossword puzzle
  1. We have 8 things that orbits the sun
  2. Giant Ice balls and orbits the sun
  3. the only planet to support life
  4. the gravity holds our planets
  5. Closest planet to the sun
  1. The biggest planet in our solar system
  2. planets, Not considered planets
  3. it orbits the earth planets,
  4. unit the measure between our earth and the sun
  5. way, a galaxy in our solar system

10 Clues: Closest planet to the sunit orbits the earth planets,the gravity holds our planetsplanets, Not considered planetsthe only planet to support lifeway, a galaxy in our solar systemGiant Ice balls and orbits the sunWe have 8 things that orbits the sunThe biggest planet in our solar systemunit the measure between our earth and the sun

Timeline of the world 2023-03-28

Timeline of the world crossword puzzle
  1. The force that keeps you on the ground
  2. Created 65 million years after the dinosaurs
  3. Made after the Big Bang
  4. Orb shaped Rock Giants
  5. Rocks that enter the planets' at rapid speeds
  6. The biggest star in the solar system
  1. The Holder of Planets and Stars
  2. A storm caused by the Sun
  3. Wiped off the face of the planet by a giant asteroid
  4. The Holder of Galaxies
  5. A group of planets circling a single star
  6. Living things that existed since the Big Bang

12 Clues: Orb shaped Rock GiantsThe Holder of GalaxiesMade after the Big BangA storm caused by the SunThe Holder of Planets and StarsThe biggest star in the solar systemThe force that keeps you on the groundA group of planets circling a single starCreated 65 million years after the dinosaursLiving things that existed since the Big Bang...

The Solar System 2023-08-14

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The path a planet takes around the Sun.
  2. Red Spot A massive storm on Jupiter.
  3. This planet rotates on its side.
  4. The spinning of a planet on its axis.
  5. Mons The largest volcano in the Solar System.
  6. Tilt The angle at which a planet's axis is tilted.
  7. Giants A category of large planets composed mainly of gases.
  8. Saturn's largest moon with hydrocarbon lakes.
  9. A measure of thermal energy.
  10. System The collection of planets, moons, and the Sun.
  11. The farthest planet from the Sun.
  12. A gas responsible for the blue color of Neptune.
  13. Our home planet with diverse ecosystems.
  14. Which planet is closest to the Sun?
  15. Known for its stunning ring system.
  1. The orbital motion of a planet around the Sun.
  2. Used to describe the shape of planetary orbits.
  3. Cooler areas on the Sun's surface.
  4. Planets A category of planets with solid surfaces.
  5. The largest planet with a Great Red Spot.
  6. Moons Four largest moons of Jupiter.
  7. A thin layer of gases surrounding a planet.
  8. The central star of the Solar System.
  9. This planet's thick clouds create a greenhouse effect.
  10. Often called the "Red Planet".

25 Clues: A measure of thermal energy.Often called the "Red Planet".This planet rotates on its side.The farthest planet from the Sun.Cooler areas on the Sun's surface.Which planet is closest to the Sun?Known for its stunning ring system.Red Spot A massive storm on Jupiter.The spinning of a planet on its axis.Moons Four largest moons of Jupiter....

Space 2023-08-03

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Hypothetical beings from other planets or galaxies.
  2. A icy body that orbits the sun, with a glowing tail.
  3. The star at the center of our solar system.
  4. A small rock or particle that burns up in Earth's atmosphere.
  5. An object that orbits around a planet or other celestial body.
  6. System The system of planets and other objects that orbit the sun.
  7. A force that pulls objects towards each other.
  8. The path that an object takes as it revolves around another.
  9. A vehicle that uses engines to propel itself into space.
  10. A large celestial body that orbits around a star.
  11. An instrument used to observe distant objects in space.
  1. All of space, including galaxies, stars, and planets.
  2. A person trained to travel and work in space.
  3. A luminous ball of gas that shines in space.
  4. A vehicle designed for travel in outer space.
  5. A vehicle designed for travel in space.
  6. A natural satellite that orbits around a planet.
  7. Way Our galaxy, a spiral of stars, gas, and dust.
  8. A huge system of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.
  9. A person who studies stars, planets, and other celestial objects.

20 Clues: A vehicle designed for travel in space.The star at the center of our solar system.A luminous ball of gas that shines in space.A person trained to travel and work in space.A vehicle designed for travel in outer space.A force that pulls objects towards each other.A natural satellite that orbits around a planet....

Astronomy Crossword 2023-08-12

Astronomy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an object that orbits a more massive object
  2. space and all the matter and energy in it
  3. the term to describe the inner planets
  4. millions or billions of stars held together in a group by their own gravity
  5. a satellite in which people can live and work for long periods of time
  6. the largest planet in our solar system
  7. the fourth planet in our solar system
  8. the model of our solar system with the Sun as its center
  9. the path of an object in space as it moves around another object due to gravity
  1. the term to describe the outer planets
  2. the ONLY star in our solar system
  3. the only planet that can sustain life
  4. the force that objects exert on each other because of their mass (amount of matter)
  5. the Sun, the planets, and various other objects
  6. large objects which orbit the Sun
  7. a dwarf planet
  8. the model of our solar system with the Earth as its center
  9. the closest planet to the Sun
  10. a natural satellite that orbits the Earth
  11. the last planet in our solar system
  12. the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state of motion

21 Clues: a dwarf planetthe closest planet to the Sunthe ONLY star in our solar systemlarge objects which orbit the Sunthe last planet in our solar systemthe only planet that can sustain lifethe fourth planet in our solar systemthe term to describe the outer planetsthe term to describe the inner planetsthe largest planet in our solar system...

Outer Planets. 2022-11-14

Outer Planets. crossword puzzle
  1. Belt separates inner and outer planets
  2. Tilted on its side
  3. planets farther from sun
  4. Red spot on it
  1. planets Closer to the sun
  2. layers altitudes do to atmosphere
  3. Beautiful rings
  4. Windiest planet
  5. core Composed of liquid metals
  6. planets Gas giants

10 Clues: Red spot on itBeautiful ringsWindiest planetTilted on its sideplanets Gas giantsplanets farther from sunplanets Closer to the suncore Composed of liquid metalslayers altitudes do to atmosphereBelt separates inner and outer planets

Alexandra Porter P.7 2023-12-04

Alexandra Porter P.7 crossword puzzle
  1. one of numerous small solid heavenly bodies which may have existed at an early stage of the development of the solar system and from which the planets may have been formed.
  2. a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.
  3. Space rocks and chunks of space metal that land on Earth
  4. the four innermost planets in the solar system.
  5. Small chunks of rock that travel through space
  6. an interaction between a planet, such as Earth, and streams of debris from a comet.
  7. a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.
  8. a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets
  9. Hydrogen becomes a liquid at very low temperature and high pressure.
  1. a large planet mostly composed of helium and/or hydrogen
  2. Celestial bodies that are too tiny to be classified as planets but too huge to be classified as stars.
  3. the orbit of each planet in the Solar System is approximately an ellipse with the Sun at one focus point
  4. a small chunk of dust and ice that orbits, or travels around, the sun.
  5. a line of cliffs formed by the faulting or fracturing of the earth's crust
  6. the area around a star where it is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of surrounding planets
  7. at the planet's opposition which is when it is exactly opposite the Sun.
  8. the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
  9. Small chunks of rock that travel through space

18 Clues: the distance between the Earth and the Sun.Small chunks of rock that travel through spaceSmall chunks of rock that travel through spacethe four innermost planets in the solar system.a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets...

SOLAR SYSTEM 2022-02-09

SOLAR SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. Outer planets are also called _____ giants
  2. Pluto is now this type of planet
  3. The sun is a ______
  4. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are the ___planets
  5. force that keeps planets orbiting the Sun
  6. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,are the _____ planets
  7. spins on its side
  8. Saturn's rings are made of ___ and dust
  9. The planet with the Great Red Spot
  10. Our galaxy is called the ______Way
  1. sixth planet from the Sun
  2. the closest planet to the Sun
  3. This covers 75 percent of Earth's surface
  4. planet with the strongest wind
  5. hottest planet
  6. this means rocky

16 Clues: hottest planetthis means rockyspins on its sideThe sun is a ______sixth planet from the Sunthe closest planet to the Sunplanet with the strongest windPluto is now this type of planetThe planet with the Great Red SpotOur galaxy is called the ______WaySaturn's rings are made of ___ and dustThis covers 75 percent of Earth's surface...

The Inner Planets 2014-05-19

The Inner Planets crossword puzzle
  1. The surface of Mercury looks most similar to the surface of the________.
  2. The inner planets are characterised as solid and __________.
  3. The inner planets lie between the sun and the _________ belt.
  4. The four planets closest to the sun are known as the _________ planets.
  1. There are many ___________ on Venus.
  2. The planet known as the Red Planet.
  3. Venus and ___________ are the only two planets that do not have moons.
  4. One of Mars' two moons.
  5. The planet known as the Evening Star.
  6. The inner planets each have a core, a mantle and a _________.

10 Clues: One of Mars' two moons.The planet known as the Red Planet.There are many ___________ on Venus.The planet known as the Evening Star.The inner planets are characterised as solid and __________.The inner planets lie between the sun and the _________ belt.The inner planets each have a core, a mantle and a _________....

SPACE 2016-10-19

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. Which planet is surrounded by rings excluding uranus
  2. The planets nearest to the sun are called blank planets
  3. Which is the last of the planets in the solar system
  4. The planets furthest from the sun are known as the blank planets
  1. Pluto is classed as what type of planet
  2. The hottest planet in the solar system
  3. The largest planet in the solar system
  4. Earth sits between mars and which other planet
  5. What is the smallest planet excluding pluto
  6. There are 8 planets in our blank system

10 Clues: The hottest planet in the solar systemThe largest planet in the solar systemPluto is classed as what type of planetThere are 8 planets in our blank systemWhat is the smallest planet excluding plutoEarth sits between mars and which other planetWhich planet is surrounded by rings excluding uranusWhich is the last of the planets in the solar system...

Astronomy 2015-03-29

Astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. A smaller object that orbits a planet.
  2. __________ surround Saturn and are made of ice and dust.
  3. The Earth blocks out the Moon, and some of the blue light from the Sun passes through Earth's atmosphere and shines on the Moon as red.
  4. Pluto is a _____________.
  5. The Moon blocks out the Sun.
  6. The Moon is caught in Earth's gravity.
  7. The light from the Sun is shining less and less on the Moon.
  8. Moon, in practically every romance language.
  9. The planets in our solar system located outside the asteroid belt,further from the Sun.
  10. A storm, ragging on the surface of Neptune, similar to the Great Red Spot of Jupiter.
  11. The Moon goes though ________.
  12. The Earths __________ is on a 23.5° axis.
  1. The planets in our solar system located inside the asteroid belt, closer to the Sun.
  2. Another name for Mars.
  3. Clusters of planets located within a galaxy.
  4. Planets that have rocky surfaces.
  5. A year is based on the Earths __________ around the Sun.
  6. A planet that consists mostly of gas.
  7. The Moon is Earth's natural __________.
  8. The light from the Sun is shining more and more on the Moon.

20 Clues: Another name for Mars.Pluto is a _____________.The Moon blocks out the Sun.The Moon goes though ________.Planets that have rocky surfaces.A planet that consists mostly of gas.The Moon is caught in Earth's gravity.A smaller object that orbits a planet.The Moon is Earth's natural __________.The Earths __________ is on a 23.5° axis....

space 2019-06-02

space crossword puzzle
  1. the burning up of a chunk of rock and metal pulled into the atmosphere
  2. number of planets as of 2006
  3. group of stars forming a picture
  4. planet with water and one moon
  5. everything that exists including energy, matter and space
  6. another name for the inner planets
  7. at the center of our solar system
  8. chunk of rock and metal pulled down through the atmosphere
  9. chunk of frozen material travelling in large orbits around the Sun
  10. astronomical event when the earth blocks out the moon
  11. time it takes for a planet to do one full revolution around the sun
  12. number of stars in our solar system
  1. when the chunk of rock and metal hits the earth
  2. any object that exists in space
  3. paths that planets travel in
  4. another name for a moon
  5. when the moon is not out
  6. time it takes for a planet to rotate once on its axis
  7. astonomical event when the moon blocks out the sun
  8. planet with no atmosphere but that has craters
  9. the study of everything beyond the Earth
  10. another name for the outer planets

22 Clues: another name for a moonwhen the moon is not outnumber of planets as of 2006paths that planets travel inplanet with water and one moonany object that exists in spacegroup of stars forming a pictureat the center of our solar systemanother name for the inner planetsanother name for the outer planetsnumber of stars in our solar system...

Cosmic Catastrophes 2023-09-20

Cosmic Catastrophes crossword puzzle
  1. The star that is the center of our solar system.
  2. Made up of millions of solar systems and makes up the universe.
  3. The revolution of something around another larger object.
  4. Large balls of burning gas in space.
  5. Round objects too small to be considered real planets.
  6. Relating to the universe or cosmos.
  7. Gasses surrounding planets
  8. Happens when a meteorite enters atmosphere and burns up.
  9. Small icy object that orbits the Sun and is known for it’s “tail.”
  10. A place in space where the gravity is so strong not even light can escape it.
  11. The only planet in our solar system suitable for life.
  1. something that is mostly made up of planets, stars, and asteroids.
  2. Round objects that revolve around stars.
  3. The large round object that orbits Earth.
  4. A giant cloud of gas and dust in space.
  5. Something used to make distant things, like planets seem much closer than they really are.
  6. Small rocky object that orbits the Sun and is found between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars.
  7. When Earth encounters many meteors at once.
  8. A dying star
  9. Millions of galaxies.

20 Clues: A dying starMillions of galaxies.Gasses surrounding planetsRelating to the universe or cosmos.Large balls of burning gas in space.A giant cloud of gas and dust in space.Round objects that revolve around stars.The large round object that orbits Earth.When Earth encounters many meteors at once.The star that is the center of our solar system....

Shyenne Oshiro 10/24/23 1 period 2023-10-24

Shyenne Oshiro 10/24/23 1 period crossword puzzle
  1. one of numerous small solid heavenly bodies which may have existed at an early stage of the development of the solar system and from which the planets may have been formed.
  2. a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.
  3. space rocks and chunks of space metal that land on Earth
  4. the four innermost planets in the solar system.
  5. Small chunks of rock that travel through space
  6. an interaction between a planet, such as Earth, and streams of debris from a comet.
  7. a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.
  8. a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets
  9. Hydrogen becomes a liquid at very low temperature and high pressure.
  1. a large planet mostly composed of helium and/or hydrogen
  2. the celestial bodies that are too tiny to be classified as planets but too huge to be classified as stars.
  3. the orbit of each planet in the Solar System is approximately an ellipse with the Sun at one focus point
  4. a small chunk of dust and ice that orbits, or travels around, the sun.
  5. a line of cliffs formed by the faulting or fracturing of the earth's crust
  6. the area around a star where it is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of surrounding planets
  7. at the planet's opposition which is when it is exactly opposite the Sun.
  8. the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
  9. Small chunks of rock that travel through space

18 Clues: the distance between the Earth and the Sun.Small chunks of rock that travel through spaceSmall chunks of rock that travel through spacethe four innermost planets in the solar system.a ring of icy bodies just outside of Neptune's orbit.a measure of how non-circular the orbit of a body is.a place between the rocky planets and the gas planets...

Solar System Crossword 2023-09-27

Solar System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A ball of ice and dust whose orbit is usually a long narrow eclipse
  2. The region of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where asteroids are found.
  3. A scientist who studies the universe beyond Earth
  4. The name given to the first outer planets.
  5. A description of the solar system in which all of the planets revolve the sun.
  6. A chunk of rock or dust in space
  1. A description of the solar system in which all of the planets revolve around Earth.
  2. The spinning motion of a planet from east to west
  3. The attractive force between two objects; its magnitude depends on their masses and the distance between them.
  4. Any object that revolves around another object space (Moon)
  5. A streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of meteoroid in
  6. Objects that revolve around the sun that are too small and too numerous to be considered planets.
  7. Fusion The combining of two atomic nuclei onto a single larger nucleus
  8. The study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space
  9. The name given to the four inner planets.
  10. The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space
  11. A systems of millions or billions of stars held together by gravitational attraction

17 Clues: A chunk of rock or dust in spaceThe name given to the four inner planets.The name given to the first outer planets.The spinning motion of a planet from east to westA scientist who studies the universe beyond EarthThe study of the moon, stars, and other objects in spaceAny object that revolves around another object space (Moon)...

Bryce Space crossword 2023-04-21

Bryce Space crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Billions of them
  2. blue super giant star
  3. what makes objects pull together
  4. milky way
  5. contains millions of icy objects
  6. the big dipper
  7. takes pictures in space
  8. red star
  9. the milk way is about 100,000 ______ long
  10. The measure of resistance to change direction
  11. stars are made up of it
  12. big ball of fire
  13. astronauts live in it for a small time
  14. the amount of matter in a object
  15. how long it takes for space staton to go around
  1. nasa
  2. no light goes through
  3. the 3rd brightest star in the night sky
  4. earth
  5. moving 35,000 mph
  6. cloud of gas and dust
  7. we live in it
  8. _____ Nebula
  9. made of iron,nickel, and sulfur
  10. its the north star
  11. smaller planets ______ around bigger planets
  12. we live on it

27 Clues: nasaearthred starmilky way_____ Nebulawe live in itwe live on itthe big dipperBillions of thembig ball of firemoving 35,000 mphits the north starblue super giant starno light goes throughcloud of gas and dusttakes pictures in spacestars are made up of itmade of iron,nickel, and sulfurwhat makes objects pull togethercontains millions of icy objects...

SOL review 2024-04-29

SOL review crossword puzzle
  1. due to this we have our seasons; lasts a year
  2. factors such as rocks, dirt, air temperature
  3. planets that are gaseous composition
  4. separates inner from out planets
  5. due to this we have night and day; last 24 hours
  6. evaporation of water from plants
  7. where salt water meets freshwater
  8. layer of atmosphere where Earth's weather takes place
  9. was a planet now a dwarf planet
  1. factors such as trees, bees, flowers
  2. this happens because of cohesion
  3. part of water cycle; how clouds form
  4. protects Earth from harmful UV rays
  5. water molecules sticking to other molecules
  6. composed of the land that drains into a body of water
  7. keeps planets orbiting the sun
  8. earth does this causing our seasons
  9. energy sources that can replenish
  10. water molecules sticking to other water molecules
  11. known as universal solvent

20 Clues: known as universal solventkeeps planets orbiting the sunwas a planet now a dwarf planetthis happens because of cohesionseparates inner from out planetsevaporation of water from plantsenergy sources that can replenishwhere salt water meets freshwaterprotects Earth from harmful UV raysearth does this causing our seasons...

Earth and the solar system 2022-06-22

Earth and the solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Number of continents
  2. Covers 71% of the earth
  3. Who created the world
  4. Largest continent
  5. Largest planet
  6. Independence day
  7. Number of planets
  8. July 1st 1867
  9. Coldest planet
  1. torus-shaped region
  2. Smallest continent
  3. Before continents broke apart
  4. Coldest continent
  5. planet farther from the sun
  6. A dwarf planet
  7. Hottest planet
  8. Planet closest to the sun
  9. Planets orbit around it

18 Clues: July 1st 1867Largest planetA dwarf planetHottest planetColdest planetIndependence dayColdest continentLargest continentNumber of planetsSmallest continenttorus-shaped regionNumber of continentsWho created the worldCovers 71% of the earthPlanets orbit around itPlanet closest to the sunplanet farther from the sunBefore continents broke apart

Space and our solar system 2014-11-24

Space and our solar system crossword puzzle
  1. the collective name for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
  2. the larger of the ringed planets
  3. one complete orbit of the sun
  4. our natural satellite that orbits every 28 days
  5. the furthest planet from the sun in our solar system
  6. the path a planet or object takes around a larger body
  7. third rock from the sun
  8. relating to energy from the sun
  9. a complete spin on its axis e.g. jupiters is about 10 hours
  1. the combination of all stars, planets and matter that exists
  2. this is a band of rocks that orbit the sun somewhere between mars and Jupiter
  3. a collection of solar systems that are close together e.g. the milky way
  4. pluto is often described as what type of planet?
  5. the largest of the planets
  6. the warmest of all planets
  7. our sun is an example of one of these

16 Clues: third rock from the sunthe largest of the planetsthe warmest of all planetsone complete orbit of the sunrelating to energy from the sunthe larger of the ringed planetsour sun is an example of one of theseour natural satellite that orbits every 28 dayspluto is often described as what type of planet?...

Our Solar System 2015-04-16

Our Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. planets closest to the sun
  2. large body of rock or gas that revolves around a star
  3. planets farthest from the sun
  4. the sun and the objects that move around it
  5. inner planets are made of ______
  1. number of planets in our solar system
  2. the planet with the longest orbit
  3. the path a revolving object follows
  4. how planets move in space
  5. the planet with the shortest orbit

10 Clues: how planets move in spaceplanets closest to the sunplanets farthest from the suninner planets are made of ______the planet with the longest orbitthe planet with the shortest orbitthe path a revolving object followsnumber of planets in our solar systemthe sun and the objects that move around itlarge body of rock or gas that revolves around a star

Earth and Space 2021-06-02

Earth and Space crossword puzzle
  1. when planets around the sun
  2. The great Red spot on Jupiter
  3. big hot hydrogen ball
  4. Galaxy we live in...
  5. closest planet to the Sun
  6. Planet after Earth?
  7. 4 closest planets to sun
  8. coldest planet
  1. another word for shooting star
  2. 4 furthest planets from the sun
  3. The amount of time that takes the Earth to do a full orbit of the sun
  4. ring surrounded planet
  5. earths centre
  6. dwarf planet in our solar system

14 Clues: earths centrecoldest planetPlanet after Earth?Galaxy we live in...big hot hydrogen ballring surrounded planet4 closest planets to sunclosest planet to the Sunwhen planets around the sunThe great Red spot on Jupiteranother word for shooting star4 furthest planets from the sundwarf planet in our solar system...

Earth and the solar system 2022-06-22

Earth and the solar system crossword puzzle
  1. Planets orbit around it
  2. Coldest continent
  3. Smallest continent
  4. producer of maple syrup
  5. Independence day
  6. planet farther from the sun
  7. Number of continents
  8. Largest continent
  9. Planet closest to the sun
  10. Who created the world
  1. Hottest planet
  2. Before continents broke apart
  3. Number of planets
  4. where we live on
  5. Coldest planet
  6. Whats on the canada flag
  7. Largest planet
  8. Covers seventy percent of the earth
  9. torus-shaped region
  10. A dwarf planet

20 Clues: Hottest planetColdest planetLargest planetA dwarf planetwhere we live onIndependence dayNumber of planetsColdest continentLargest continentSmallest continenttorus-shaped regionNumber of continentsWho created the worldPlanets orbit around itproducer of maple syrupWhats on the canada flagPlanet closest to the sunplanet farther from the sun...

The Universe 2022-05-23

The Universe crossword puzzle
  1. a small ball compacted of infinite density and heat
  2. the point farthest away from the sun
  3. an oval shape in which planets orbit in
  4. the process or result of joining two or more things together to for, a single entity
  5. planets that have larger masses, larger sizes, and closer to the sun
  6. planets that have extra large masses, sizes, and are farther away from the sun
  7. a cloud of dust and gas; the beginning of a stars life cycle
  8. the action of dividing or splitting something into 2 or more parts
  1. the leading theory of how the universe began
  2. the brightness of a star is known as its _______
  3. the force of _______ is determined by distance and mass
  4. the winds that pushed all of the gases to the outer planets causing two kinds of planets to form
  5. a star that increases greatly in brightness, making an explosion in which causes an ejection of mass from the star
  6. the point closest to the sun
  7. a law created by observing the redshift of light emitted by stars and galaxies; proving our galaxy is expanding

15 Clues: the point closest to the sunthe point farthest away from the sunan oval shape in which planets orbit inthe leading theory of how the universe beganthe brightness of a star is known as its _______a small ball compacted of infinite density and heatthe force of _______ is determined by distance and mass...

Our Solar System 2013-04-03

Our Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The planets _______ the sun.
  2. The sun is a ________ sized star.
  3. It pulls everything towards the centre of the planet.
  4. Most of the planets were named after _________.
  5. The centre of our solar system.
  6. The second planet from the sun.
  7. Our galaxy is called the _________.
  8. It takes 1 day for the Earth to _________ on it's axis.
  9. The dwarf planet.
  10. The only planet where life has been found.
  11. Saturn is famous for it's ________ that surround it.
  1. Mars is often called the _____ planet.
  2. The smallest planet.
  3. There is _____ gravity on the moon than on Earth.
  4. It orbits the Earth.
  5. The planet with the largest mass.
  6. It has 27 moons.
  7. The sixth planet from the sun.
  8. The sun is not a planet it is a _______.
  9. There are __________ planets in our solar system.

20 Clues: It has 27 moons.The dwarf planet.The smallest planet.It orbits the Earth.The planets _______ the sun.The sixth planet from the sun.The centre of our solar system.The second planet from the sun.The sun is a ________ sized star.The planet with the largest mass.Our galaxy is called the _________.Mars is often called the _____ planet....

astronomy 2013-06-02

astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. oval shape, shape of earth's orbit
  2. a type of galaxy that has arms
  3. planet that can float in water
  4. planets______ around the sun
  5. planet with longest period of revolution
  6. name for the first four planets
  7. sun centered model of the solar system
  8. name of our galaxy
  1. earth centered model of the solar system
  2. experiment that explains earth's rotation
  3. another name for the gas giant planets
  4. planet with the most eccentric orbit
  5. Theory of how the universe began
  6. red Doppler shift gives evidence that the universe is _____
  7. planet with the largest diameter
  8. what stage is the sun in, in its life
  9. Earth___ on its axis
  10. the condition of brightness
  11. a planets path around the sun its called_____
  12. creator of the three laws of planetary motion

20 Clues: name of our galaxyEarth___ on its axisthe condition of brightnessplanets______ around the suna type of galaxy that has armsplanet that can float in watername for the first four planetsTheory of how the universe beganplanet with the largest diameteroval shape, shape of earth's orbitplanet with the most eccentric orbit...


  1. lights up the sky at night
  2. hole made from a large impact
  3. large area full of planets
  4. a glowing object in the sky
  5. a gas humans and animals breath out
  6. transportation device to get to other planets
  7. are galaxy's name
  8. talking about something with out a person not knowing
  9. a force that holds you to the ground
  1. mechanical human
  2. a suit that keeps you alive in space
  3. the USA way of measuring distance
  4. a person who fly's a plane or ship
  5. something a person that cant walk uses to move around
  6. the planet we live on
  7. forth planet from the sun
  8. controls the body
  9. lights up all the planets
  10. the leader of the USA
  11. the gas animals and humans breath in
  12. book you write in

21 Clues: mechanical humancontrols the bodyare galaxy's namebook you write inthe planet we live onthe leader of the USAforth planet from the sunlights up all the planetslights up the sky at nightlarge area full of planetsa glowing object in the skyhole made from a large impactthe USA way of measuring distancea person who fly's a plane or ship...

Bryce Space crossword 2023-04-21

Bryce Space crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Billions of them
  2. blue super giant star
  3. what makes objects pull together
  4. milky way
  5. contains millions of icy objects
  6. the big dipper
  7. takes pictures in space
  8. red star
  9. the milk way is about 100,000 ______ long
  10. The measure of resistance to change direction
  11. stars are made up of it
  12. big ball of fire
  13. astronauts live in it for a small time
  14. the amount of matter in a object
  15. how long it takes for space staton to go around
  1. nasa
  2. no light goes through
  3. the 3rd brightest star in the night sky
  4. earth
  5. moving 35,000 mph
  6. cloud of gas and dust
  7. we live in it
  8. _____ Nebula
  9. made of iron,nickel, and sulfur
  10. its the north star
  11. smaller planets ______ around bigger planets
  12. we live on it

27 Clues: nasaearthred starmilky way_____ Nebulawe live in itwe live on itthe big dipperBillions of thembig ball of firemoving 35,000 mphits the north starblue super giant starno light goes throughcloud of gas and dusttakes pictures in spacestars are made up of itmade of iron,nickel, and sulfurwhat makes objects pull togethercontains millions of icy objects...

Potato chips 2024-01-26

Potato chips crossword puzzle
  1. planet object that orbits the sun
  2. massive planets
  3. giants larger planets, jupiter, saturn, gaseous
  4. steep cliffs
  5. satellites- twist and knots when interacting with ring particles
  6. meteorities that have no chondrules
  7. white observation on jupiter
  8. a force acts repeatedly on a body
  9. belt- a region between the orbits of mars and jupiter. 2 AU- 4 AU from the sun
  10. solid body in space before it reaches the atomosphere
  11. cloud-large aggregate of gas and dust
  12. glowing trail of hot gas
  13. small round chunks of rocky material.
  1. meteorites structure
  2. red spot- famous spot found on jupiter
  3. to pass
  4. small planetlike bodies
  5. limit- a breakup if moon comes closer than 2.44 planetary radii
  6. giants- smaller planets, neptune uranus
  7. icy
  8. gas cools, molecules stick together
  9. grains- tiny dust particles
  10. observation on jupiter
  11. rocky
  12. small fragments of meteoroids.

25 Clues: icyrockyto passsteep cliffsmassive planetsmeteorites structureobservation on jupitersmall planetlike bodiesglowing trail of hot gasgrains- tiny dust particleswhite observation on jupitersmall fragments of meteoroids.a force acts repeatedly on a bodyplanet object that orbits the sunmeteorities that have no chondrules...