plate tectonics Crossword Puzzles

Tectonic plates crossword 2022-10-27

Tectonic plates crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a feature formed on the surface of the earth due to a geologic process
  2. an island formed by magma being pushed up to the surface from a divergent plate
  3. one of the large sections of rock that make up the earths crust
  4. a diagram or model that shows what something looks like from the middle
  5. the layer of soft solid rock underneath earths outer layer
  6. a plate boundary where two plates rub against eachother
  7. magma,gas,and ash pushed out of a landform formed near plate boundaries
  8. a sudden shaking of the earth caused by plate movement
  1. a large continuous area of land on earths surface
  2. a long,deep indentation in the ocean floor formed at a convergent plate boundary
  3. an under-water mountain range formed at divergent plate boundaries
  4. two plates moving away from each other
  5. past forms of life that is kept in place within rock
  6. two plates moving towards each other
  7. hot liquid rock underneath the surface of the earth
  8. how often or fast something happens such as the pace of plate movement
  9. hot liquid rock once it reaches the surface
  10. the earths outer most and thinnest layer

18 Clues: two plates moving towards each othertwo plates moving away from each otherthe earths outer most and thinnest layerhot liquid rock once it reaches the surfacea large continuous area of land on earths surfacehot liquid rock underneath the surface of the earthpast forms of life that is kept in place within rock...

Chapter 9 Nail Structure & Growth Crossword 2021-07-16

Chapter 9 Nail Structure & Growth Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Hardened keratin plate that sits on and covers the natural nail bed. It is the most visible and functional part of the natural nail unit.
  2. Area where the nail plate cells are formed; this area is composed of matrix cells that produce the nail plate.
  3. Living skin at the base of the natural nail plate that covers the matrix area.
  4. Dead, colorless tissue attached to the natural nail plate.
  5. Also known as lateral nail fold; the fold of skin overlapping the side of the nail.
  6. Thin layer of tissue that attaches the nail plate and the nail bed.
  1. When the nail is abnormal in shape or form.
  2. The tissue bordering the root and sides of a fingernail or toenail.
  3. Also known as onyx; the hard protective plate is composed mainly of keratin, the same fibrous protein found in skin and hair. The keratin in natural nails is harder than the keratin in skin or hair.
  4. Tough band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or holds an organ in place.
  5. Composed of several major parts of the fingernail including the nail plate, nail bed, matrix, cuticle, eponychium, hyponychium, specialized ligaments, and nail fold.
  6. Slightly thickened layer of skin under the nail that lies between the fingertip and free edge of the natural nail plate.
  7. Furrow on each side of the nail.
  8. Folds of normal skin that surround the natural nail plate.
  9. Portion of the living skin that supports the nail plate as it grows toward the free edge.
  10. Part of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe.
  11. Visible part of the matrix that extends from underneath the living skin; it is the whitish, half-moon shape at the base of the nail.

17 Clues: Furrow on each side of the nail.When the nail is abnormal in shape or form.Folds of normal skin that surround the natural nail plate.Dead, colorless tissue attached to the natural nail plate.The tissue bordering the root and sides of a fingernail or toenail.Thin layer of tissue that attaches the nail plate and the nail bed....

earth science terminolgy 2013-10-25

earth science terminolgy crossword puzzle
  1. solid dense center of our planet that extends from the bottom of the outer core to the center.
  2. the layer of the earth between the crust and the core.
  3. zone the process by which collision of the earth's crustal plates results in one plate's being drawn down or overridden by another, localized along the juncture of two plates.
  4. (of a rock formation) be broken by a fault or faults.
  5. part of the earths lithosphere that surfaces in the ocean basins, it is primarily composed of mafic rock, sima, rich in iron and magnesium.
  6. a fault in which rock strata are displaced mainly in a horizontal direction, parallel to the line of the fault.
  7. magma that flows onto the earths surface.
  8. the two sub-layers of the earth's crust that move, float, and sometimes fracture and whose interaction causes continental drift, earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, and oceanic trenches.
  9. made of iron,stretches from the mantle to the core.
  10. a broad, domed volcano with gently sloping sides, characteristic of the eruption of fluid, basaltic lava.
  11. cone volcano a steep conical hill of tephra that accumulates around and downwind from a volcanic vent.
  12. the outer layer of the Earth.
  1. under the asthenosphere, is the strong layer layer part of the mantle from the asthenosphere to the core.
  2. an inclined fault in which the hanging wall appears to have slipped downward relative to the footwall.
  3. funnel shaped pit around the central vent at a volcano.
  4. a large volcanic crater, typically one formed by a major eruption leading to the collapse of the mouth of the volcano.
  5. a stress which stretches rocks into two opposite directions.
  6. the hot liquid that forms when rock partially or completely melts may include mineral crystals.
  7. a geological fault in which the upper side appears to have been pushed upward by compression.
  8. To form bends in (a stratum of rock).
  9. a conical volcano built up by many layers of hardened lava, tephra, pumice, and volcanic ash.
  10. spreading a process in which new ocean floor is created as molten material from the earth's mantle rises in margins between plates or ridges and spreads out.
  11. crack,split, or break in the earths core.
  12. outermost rigid layer of the earth
  13. soft layer of the mantle on which pieces of the lithosphere move.
  14. plates earth major plates, known as plate tectonics also known as continental drift.
  15. current stream of fluid propelled by thermal convection.
  16. a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth's crust.
  17. boundary a major geologic discontinuity or suture marking the juncture of lithospheric plates that have been joined by plate tectonics.
  18. core is divided into the outer and inner core, the outer core is liquid and surrounds the inner core.

30 Clues: the outer layer of the Earth.outermost rigid layer of the earthTo form bends in (a stratum of rock).crack,split, or break in the earths core.magma that flows onto the earths surface.made of iron,stretches from the mantle to the core.(of a rock formation) be broken by a fault or faults.the layer of the earth between the crust and the core....

APES - Chapter 1 & 2 Test 2022-09-12

APES - Chapter 1 & 2 Test crossword puzzle
  1. Research in which scientists gather basic information about organisms, materials, systems, or processes that are not yet well known
  2. The study of human interactions and institutions
  3. Organic compounds that combine to form long chains of repeated molecules
  4. An experiment in which the researcher actively chooses and manipulates the independent variable
  5. Information expressed with numbers
  6. One of the many scientific fields of study within the broad scope of environmental science
  7. Happen in conjunction with landslides - the downslope movement of soil and rock due to gravity
  8. Combinations of elements held together with bonds
  9. Organisms that use the radiation from the sun to directly produce their own food
  10. Any naturally occurring solid element of inorganic compound with a crystal structure, a specific chemical composition, and distinct physical properties
  11. Consists of all the living and nonliving things around us
  12. Consist solely of bonded atoms of carbon and hydrogen
  13. negatively charged particles
  14. A basic understanding of Earth’s physical and living systems and how we interact with them
  15. The amount of time it takes for one-half the atoms to give off radiation and decay
  16. Uncharged particles that contribute to an atom’s mass number
  17. Elements with the same atomic number but different atomic masses
  18. A movement focused on advocating for the health and well-being of the environment for its own sake
  19. Scientists who specialize in the subject area are asked to provide comments and criticism and judge whether the work merits publication
  20. An experiment wherein a scientist controls for the effects of all variables except the tested one
  21. Widely accepted, well-tested explanation of one or more cause-and-effect relationships
  1. Substances and energy sources we take from our environment and that we rely on to survive
  2. Essential to life and include: proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates
  3. Drive the process of plate tectonics by unequally distributing heat in the mantle
  4. Began in the mid-1700s and signaled a shift from rural life to urban society
  5. The variable that is manipulated
  6. Atoms or molecules with a charge
  7. Includes the crust of the Earth - slides over the _________ in plate tectonics
  8. Researchers test their hypothesis by searching for correlation, or statistical association among variables
  9. Includes the upper mantle and contains especially soft rock
  10. Expectation of experimental outcome
  11. The excess use of renewable resources
  12. Organisms that gain their energy by feeding on other organisms
  13. The scientific study of how the natural world works, how our environment affects us, and how we affect our environment
  14. The energy of position or composition
  15. Statement that attempts to explain a phenomenon or answer a scientific question
  16. The energy of motion
  17. A solid aggregation of minerals
  18. The smallest components of elements that still maintain the chemical properties of the elements

39 Clues: The energy of motionnegatively charged particlesA solid aggregation of mineralsThe variable that is manipulatedAtoms or molecules with a chargeInformation expressed with numbersExpectation of experimental outcomeThe excess use of renewable resourcesThe energy of position or compositionThe study of human interactions and institutions...

How Earth Was Formed 2017-06-02

How Earth Was Formed crossword puzzle
  1. is an icy body that releases gas or dust
  2. theory explaining the structure of the earth's crust and many associated phenomena as resulting from the interaction of rigid lithospheric plates that move slowly over the underlying mantle.
  3. closely compacted in substance.
  1. the force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth, or toward any other physical body having mass.
  2. hit with force when moving.
  3. lies between Earth's dense,superheated core and its thin outer layer, the crust.

6 Clues: hit with force when moving.closely compacted in an icy body that releases gas or dustlies between Earth's dense,superheated core and its thin outer layer, the crust.the force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth, or toward any other physical body having mass....

Science Vocab 2021-06-04

Science Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Water that collects in cracks and pores in underground soil and rock layers
  2. Any natural process that happens to Earths surface, such as weathering, erosion, or plate tectonics
  3. The sum of all living matter on Earth
  1. The layer of gas surrounding a planet that is held in place with gravity
  2. a source or supply of energy that can be used to generate electric power to meet peoples needs
  3. replaceable in natural means in a short period of time

6 Clues: The sum of all living matter on Earthreplaceable in natural means in a short period of timeThe layer of gas surrounding a planet that is held in place with gravityWater that collects in cracks and pores in underground soil and rock layersa source or supply of energy that can be used to generate electric power to meet peoples needs...

Plate Tectonic Boundaries & Features 2023-11-01

Plate Tectonic Boundaries & Features crossword puzzle
  1. the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  2. one of the large pieces of the surface of the earth that move separately
  3. occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other. Along these boundaries, earthquakes are common and magma (molten rock) rises from the Earth's mantle to the surface, solidifying to create n
  4. When two plates come together, The impact of the colliding plates can cause the edges of one or both plates to buckle up into a mountain ranges or one of the plates may bend down into a deep seafloor
  5. geologic process in which tectonic plates—large slabs of Earth's lithosphere—split apart from each other.
  6. a scientific theory that explains how major landforms are created as a result of Earth's subterranean movements
  1. Places where plates slide sideways past each other.
  2. the result of seawater percolating down through fissures in the ocean crust in the vicinity of spreading centers or subduction
  3. plates that are located beneath the ocean
  4. the action or process in plate tectonics of the edge of one crustal plate descending below the edge of another
  5. a giant rift valley that runs along the Atlantic Ocean floor from north to south.
  6. the movement of continents resulting from the motion of tectonic plates
  7. the continent we now know as North America was contiguous with Africa, South America, and Europe
  8. The originator tor of continental drift hypothesis by suggesting in 1912 that the continents are slowly drifting around the Earth
  9. steep depressions in the deepest parts of the ocean

15 Clues: plates that are located beneath the oceanPlaces where plates slide sideways past each other.steep depressions in the deepest parts of the oceanthe movement of continents resulting from the motion of tectonic platesone of the large pieces of the surface of the earth that move separately...

Geologic Activity Crossword 2021-11-30

Geologic Activity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When plate boundaries collide
  2. Tiny pieces of dirt and gravel
  3. Rock formed by extreme heat and pressure
  4. Circular motion of magma in the mantle
  5. When sediment deposits on land
  6. Slow upward movement of earths surface
  7. When soil is broken down and moved away
  8. A process that creates geological land features
  9. When a plate goes under another plate
  1. A process that displaces rock layers
  2. When sediment deposits in water
  3. Where sediment is deposited when a stream overflows
  4. When plate boundaries pull away
  5. When plate boundaries slide
  6. A process that breaks down geological land features
  7. The process of creating mountains
  8. The slope of a river or stream
  9. Rock formed by tiny pieces of dirt pushed together
  10. Rock formed by heating and cooling
  11. Super continent

20 Clues: Super continentWhen plate boundaries slideWhen plate boundaries collideTiny pieces of dirt and gravelThe slope of a river or streamWhen sediment deposits on landWhen sediment deposits in waterWhen plate boundaries pull awayThe process of creating mountainsRock formed by heating and coolingA process that displaces rock layers...

Geologic Activity Crossword 2021-11-30

Geologic Activity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When plate boundaries collide
  2. Tiny pieces of dirt and gravel
  3. Rock formed by extreme heat and pressure
  4. Circular motion of magma in the mantle
  5. When sediment deposits on land
  6. Slow upward movement of earths surface
  7. When soil is broken down and moved away
  8. A process that creates geological land features
  9. When a plate goes under another plate
  1. A process that displaces rock layers
  2. When sediment deposits in water
  3. Where sediment is deposited when a stream overflows
  4. When plate boundaries pull away
  5. When plate boundaries slide
  6. A process that breaks down geological land features
  7. The process of creating mountains
  8. The slope of a river or stream
  9. Rock formed by tiny pieces of dirt pushed together
  10. Rock formed by heating and cooling
  11. Super continent

20 Clues: Super continentWhen plate boundaries slideWhen plate boundaries collideTiny pieces of dirt and gravelThe slope of a river or streamWhen sediment deposits on landWhen sediment deposits in waterWhen plate boundaries pull awayThe process of creating mountainsRock formed by heating and coolingA process that displaces rock layers...

Module 2 Vocabulary 2022-12-07

Module 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The process by which cooler material sinks while warmer materials rise due to differences in density, thought to be a driving force behind plate tectonic, which causes a circular motion of materials
  2. the influence of closely associated species on each other in their evolution.
  3. relating to, involving, or requiring an absence of free oxygen.
  4. a large stable block of the earth's crust forming the nucleus of a continent.
  5. not derived from living organisms.
  6. dating finding the absolute age of a sample by determining the relative percentages of a radioactive parent isotope and a stable daughter isotope
  7. Tectonics Theory that the lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move around on the atmosphere
  8. Boundary The boundary or edge of two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other (Diverging). (Often forms rift zones or mid- ocean ridges)
  9. a meteor that survives its passage through the earth's atmosphere such that part of it strikes the ground. More than 90 percent of meteorites are of rock, while the remainder consist wholly or partly of iron and nickel.
  1. each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei, and hence differ in relative atomic mass but not in chemical properties; in particular, a radioactive form of an element.
  2. relating to, involving, or requiring free oxygen.
  3. Boundary The boundary or edge of two tectonic plates that are colliding, or converging on each other. This will either form mountain ranges if there is uplift of both plates, or if one plate goes under the other (subduction), then volcanoes usually form.
  4. relating to or resulting from living things
  5. decay the breakdown of a radioactive isotope into a stable isotope of the same element or of another element
  6. the time needed for half of a sample of a radioactive substance to undergo radioactive decay decay to form daughter isotopes
  7. Plates a massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock, generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere.
  8. the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area.
  9. dating Determining whether an object or event is older or younger than other objects or events.
  10. Boundary The boundary or edge of two tectonic plates that are sliding past each other (often causes earthquakes)

19 Clues: not derived from living organisms.relating to or resulting from living thingsrelating to, involving, or requiring free oxygen.relating to, involving, or requiring an absence of free oxygen.the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area.the influence of closely associated species on each other in their evolution....

Chapter 4: Geology, The Earth Speaks 2017-11-15

Chapter 4: Geology, The Earth Speaks crossword puzzle
  1. father of geology
  2. science information that helps farmers
  3. 8:22 The LORD smelled the soothing aroma; and the LORD said to Himself, "I will never again curse the ground on account of man, for the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth; and I will never again destroy every living thing, as I have done.
  4. create maps of different types of rocks and rock formations
  1. the belief Earth forming process incline at the same rate
  2. tectonics theory the Earth was once a big land mass that soon broke up into continents
  3. try to insert millions and billions of years into the 7-day creation
  4. the study of Earth
  5. time view strong idea of an ancient Earth

9 Clues: father of geologythe study of Earthscience information that helps farmerstime view strong idea of an ancient Earththe belief Earth forming process incline at the same ratecreate maps of different types of rocks and rock formationstry to insert millions and billions of years into the 7-day creation...

Geologic Activity Crossword 2021-11-30

Geologic Activity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When plate boundaries collide
  2. Tiny pieces of dirt and gravel
  3. Rock formed by extreme heat and pressure
  4. Circular motion of magma in the mantle
  5. When sediment deposits on land
  6. Slow upward movement of earths surface
  7. When soil is broken down and moved away
  8. A process that creates geological land features
  9. When a plate goes under another plate
  1. A process that displaces rock layers
  2. When sediment deposits in water
  3. Where sediment is deposited when a stream overflows
  4. When plate boundaries pull away
  5. When plate boundaries slide
  6. A process that breaks down geological land features
  7. The process of creating mountains
  8. The slope of a river or stream
  9. Rock formed by tiny pieces of dirt pushed together
  10. Rock formed by heating and cooling
  11. Super continent

20 Clues: Super continentWhen plate boundaries slideWhen plate boundaries collideTiny pieces of dirt and gravelThe slope of a river or streamWhen sediment deposits on landWhen sediment deposits in waterWhen plate boundaries pull awayThe process of creating mountainsRock formed by heating and coolingA process that displaces rock layers...

Geologic Activity Crossword 2021-11-30

Geologic Activity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When plate boundaries collide
  2. Tiny pieces of dirt and gravel
  3. Rock formed by extreme heat and pressure
  4. Circular motion of magma in the mantle
  5. When sediment deposits on land
  6. Slow upward movement of earths surface
  7. When soil is broken down and moved away
  8. A process that creates geological land features
  9. When a plate goes under another plate
  1. A process that displaces rock layers
  2. When sediment deposits in water
  3. Where sediment is deposited when a stream overflows
  4. When plate boundaries pull away
  5. When plate boundaries slide
  6. A process that breaks down geological land features
  7. The process of creating mountains
  8. The slope of a river or stream
  9. Rock formed by tiny pieces of dirt pushed together
  10. Rock formed by heating and cooling
  11. Super continent

20 Clues: Super continentWhen plate boundaries slideWhen plate boundaries collideTiny pieces of dirt and gravelThe slope of a river or streamWhen sediment deposits on landWhen sediment deposits in waterWhen plate boundaries pull awayThe process of creating mountainsRock formed by heating and coolingA process that displaces rock layers...

Geologic Activity Crossword 2021-11-30

Geologic Activity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When plate boundaries collide
  2. Tiny pieces of dirt and gravel
  3. Rock formed by extreme heat and pressure
  4. Circular motion of magma in the mantle
  5. When sediment deposits on land
  6. Slow upward movement of earths surface
  7. When soil is broken down and moved away
  8. A process that creates geological land features
  9. When a plate goes under another plate
  1. A process that displaces rock layers
  2. When sediment deposits in water
  3. Where sediment is deposited when a stream overflows
  4. When plate boundaries pull away
  5. When plate boundaries slide
  6. A process that breaks down geological land features
  7. The process of creating mountains
  8. The slope of a river or stream
  9. Rock formed by tiny pieces of dirt pushed together
  10. Rock formed by heating and cooling
  11. Super continent

20 Clues: Super continentWhen plate boundaries slideWhen plate boundaries collideTiny pieces of dirt and gravelThe slope of a river or streamWhen sediment deposits on landWhen sediment deposits in waterWhen plate boundaries pull awayThe process of creating mountainsRock formed by heating and coolingA process that displaces rock layers...

The Earth 2023-02-16

The Earth crossword puzzle
  1. mineral with sharp edges
  2. tectonics The modern theory that the Earth’s surface is split into separate plates that are moved around
  3. Rock grains and fragments dropped on the bottom of a river, lake or sea
  4. The idea that rocks were formed over many millions of years by the same processes that we see happening today.
  5. Molten rock beneath the surface of the Earth.
  6. Minerals from water that flows through the sediment ‘glue’ the grains of rock together
  1. When rocks are broken up by physical, chemical or biological processes
  2. signs of past life, such as the remains of a dead animal or plant, preserved in rock
  3. igneous rock with very tiny crystals
  4. The theory that all the rocks were formed by sudden events such as volcanic eruptions.
  5. The idea that the world was created by a divine being.
  6. layers of sediment or rock are squashed by the weight of sediment above them
  7. molten rock that runs out of volcanoes.
  8. Rock made from interlocking crystals that are not in layers.
  9. An igneous rock with large crystals.
  10. The part of the Earth below the crust.
  11. Rock made from interlocking crystals that are usually lined up or in layers.

17 Clues: mineral with sharp edgesigneous rock with very tiny crystalsAn igneous rock with large crystals.The part of the Earth below the crust.molten rock that runs out of volcanoes.Molten rock beneath the surface of the Earth.The idea that the world was created by a divine being.Rock made from interlocking crystals that are not in layers....

Plate Tectonics Classroom 2021-06-17

Plate Tectonics Classroom crossword puzzle
  1. theory that states that the earth's outer layer, or lithosphere, is broken into several large slabs called plates.
  2. the only liquid layer of the earth
  3. Greek word for all the earth
  1. An extremely hot, solid sphere of mostly iron and nickel at the center of the earth.
  2. this dense layer made of hot, semisolid rock
  3. Hard and rigid, it's the earth's outermost and thinnest layer

6 Clues: Greek word for all the earththe only liquid layer of the earththis dense layer made of hot, semisolid rockHard and rigid, it's the earth's outermost and thinnest layerAn extremely hot, solid sphere of mostly iron and nickel at the center of the earth....

Physical Science 2013-05-15

Physical Science crossword puzzle
  1. /The vibration of the earth produced by the rapid release of energy.
  2. /The process of converting a liquid into a gas.
  3. /The transfer of heat through matter by molecular activity. Energy is transferred through collisions from one molecule to another.
  4. /A small vary intense cyclonic storm with exceedingly high winds.
  5. /a storm produced by a cumulonimbus cloud and always accompanied by lightning and thunder.
  6. Point /The temperature to which air has to be cooled in order to reach saturation.
  7. /The transfer of energy through space by eletctromagnetic waves.
  8. /A climate with high temperatures and high annual precipitation.
  9. /The heating of Earth's surface and atmosphere from solar radiation being absorbed and emitted by the atmosphere.
  10. /A surface feature in the seafloor produced by the descending plate during subduction.
  11. /A measure of the average kinetic energy of individual atoms or molecules in a substance.
  12. /The solid innermost layer of Earth.
  13. /A large body of air this is characterized by similar temperatures and amonts of moisture in any given altitude.
  14. /Thermal energy transferred from one object to another.
  15. /A front along which a warm air mass overrides a retreating mass of cooler air.
  1. /A molecule of oxygen containing thre oxygen atoms.
  2. /The thin rocky outer layer of earth.
  3. /A small earthquake that follows a main earthquake.
  4. /A seismic wave that travels along the surface of Earth.
  5. /The process by which plate tectonics produces new oceanic lithosphere at ocean ridges.
  6. /The force exerted by the weight of a column of air above a given point.
  7. /The sun rays strike Earth at a smaller angle in than at the equator.
  8. /A layer beneath the the mantle of the Earth.
  9. /The sun rays are most intense and the temperatures are always warm.
  10. /A low-pressure center characterized by a counterclockwise flow of air.

25 Clues: /The solid innermost layer of Earth./The thin rocky outer layer of earth./A layer beneath the the mantle of the Earth./The process of converting a liquid into a gas./A molecule of oxygen containing thre oxygen atoms./A small earthquake that follows a main earthquake./Thermal energy transferred from one object to another....

Earth Science 2014-09-12

Earth Science crossword puzzle
  1. the bending of rock layers due to stress
  2. spreading/ the process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises toward the surface and solidifies
  3. boundary/ the boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  4. The strong, lower part of the mantle between the
  5. fault/ a fault in which the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall
  6. and the outer core
  7. the thin and solid outermost layer of the Earth above the mantle
  8. fault/ opposing forces cause rock to break and move horizontally
  9. Stress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object
  1. the central part of the Earth below the mantle
  2. the layer of rock between the earth's crust and core
  3. layer
  4. mountains/ Mountains that form when magma erupts onto Earth's surface.
  5. boundary/ the boundary formed by the collision of two lithospheric plates
  6. plate/ a block of lithosphere that consists of the crust and the rigid, outermost part of the mantle
  7. drift/ the hypothesis that states that the continents once formed a single landmass, broke up, and drifted to their present locations
  8. the solid, outer layer of the earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  9. a break in a body of rock along which one block slides relative to another
  10. mountains/ Form when tension causes large blocks of rock to drop down in relation to other rocks. Tilting of rock layers can occur as tension pulls the rock layers apart.
  11. stress that occurs when forces act to squeeze an object
  12. fault/ A fault in which the hanging wall moves up relative to the foot wall
  13. boundary/ the boundary between tectonic plates that are sliding past each other horizontally
  14. tectonics/ the theory that explains how large pieces of the Earth's
  15. mountains/ When rock layers are squeezed together and pushed upward.

24 Clues: layerand the outer corethe bending of rock layers due to stressthe central part of the Earth below the mantleThe strong, lower part of the mantle between thethe layer of rock between the earth's crust and corestress that occurs when forces act to squeeze an objectStress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object...

Marine Science Mega Crossword Extra Credit (Don't forget your name!) 2017-03-06

Marine Science Mega Crossword Extra Credit (Don't forget your name!) crossword puzzle
  1. A mass flow of water in the ocean
  2. Living factor
  3. Plate boundaries moving towards each other are ________.
  4. Important abiotic factor of the deep ocean.
  5. The smallest category of sediment based on size
  6. Effect caused by Earth's rotation
  7. Color of light wave that is absorbed fastest in the ocean
  8. They formed the Hawaiian Islands (2 words)
  9. Zone that is almost never underwater.
  10. Antisocial coral
  11. Water sticking to itself
  12. Low point on a wave
  13. Emission of light from a living organism. Think deep.
  14. Lionfish in the waters of Northeast Florida (where they don't belong) are a classic example of an ________ species.
  15. Resource that replenishes quickly
  16. Father of plate tectonics theory
  17. Relationship where both species benefit
  1. The four outer planets don't have a dense inner ________.
  2. Ocean that is home to the largest mountain range on earth. Mid _______ Ridge.
  3. Movement of sediment parallel to the coast. Longshore _______
  4. They're influenced mostly by the moon
  5. Water is a ________ molecule. Or, an important marine ecosystem.
  6. Non-living factor
  7. Your marine science teacher
  8. Important forests in the ocean
  9. Members of the same species living in a given location
  10. Variable that changes or is measured
  11. The 7th month of the year
  12. Most oil pollution in the ocean is a result of __________ from land.
  13. All of the living and non-living things interacting in a given location
  14. Coral's important photosynthetic buddy.
  15. Production of energy from chemicals. Found in the deep ocean.
  16. H2O's negative charge
  17. Earth's tilt on this causes the seasons
  18. Water sticking to other things
  19. Members of different species living in a given location
  20. Color of light wave that penetrates furthest into ocean
  21. Especially high tides when the moon and sun are aligned. Also a season.
  22. Are better than chains when showing feeding relationships.
  23. A famous submersible. Or chipmunk.
  24. A disturbance that moves over the surface of a fluid.

41 Clues: Living factorAntisocial coralNon-living factorLow point on a waveH2O's negative chargeWater sticking to itselfThe 7th month of the yearYour marine science teacherImportant forests in the oceanWater sticking to other thingsFather of plate tectonics theoryA mass flow of water in the oceanEffect caused by Earth's rotation...

Bingo Crossword Puzzle 2016-11-15

Bingo Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A layer of hot rock under the crust
  2. An underwater mountain system formed by plate tectonics
  3. The place where two plates move apart, or diverge
  4. The theory that states the pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in slow, constant motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle
  5. The layer of rock that forms Earth's outer skin
  6. A dark rock with a fine texture
  7. A wave in the earth produced by an earthquake
  8. The flow that transfers heat within a fluid
  9. A process that continually adds new material to the ocean floor
  10. Core A dense ball of solid metal
  11. The transfer of energy through space
  12. Breaks in Earth's crust where rocks have slipped past each other
  13. Core A layer of molten metal that surrounds the inner core
  14. A device that bounces sound waves off underwater objects and then records the echoes of these sound waves
  15. A soft layer under the lithosphere
  16. A measure of how much mass there is in a volume of a substance
  1. Heat transfer within a material or between materials that are touching
  2. The result of a force pressing on an area
  3. The supercontinent that all the continents drifted Stop correcting together to become
  4. The idea that the continents slowly moved over Earth's surface
  5. The place where two plates come together, or converge
  6. Any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in a rock
  7. Heat transfer by the movement of currents within a fluid
  8. A deep valley that forms along the divergent boundary
  9. A well tested concept that explains a wide range of observations
  10. The process by which ocean floor sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle
  11. Deep, underwater canyons
  12. A rock that is usually a light color and has a coarse texture
  13. The uppermost part of the mantle and crust together
  14. Separated sections the lithosphere is broken into

30 Clues: Deep, underwater canyonsA dark rock with a fine textureCore A dense ball of solid metalA soft layer under the lithosphereA layer of hot rock under the crustThe transfer of energy through spaceThe result of a force pressing on an areaThe flow that transfers heat within a fluidA wave in the earth produced by an earthquake...

unit 3 vocab 2023-09-21

unit 3 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the gradual movement and formation of continents (as described by plate tectonics)
  2. a cluster of parallel faults
  3. the study of the Earth's magnetic field preserved in rocks
  4. typically a curving chain of volcanic islands occurring around the margin of ocean basins
  5. is used as a convenient way to help identify minerals.
  6. the deformation of a material from stress
  7. a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other
  8. a naturally occurring inorganic element or compound having an orderly internal structure and characteristic chemical composition, crystal form, and physical properties.
  9. the solid part of the Earth consisting of the crust and outer mantle
  10. the most extensive chain of mountains on Earth
  11. a web of processes that outlines how each of the three major rock types
  12. a fissure in the earth's crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt
  13. places where plates slide sideways past each other
  14. occurs at divergent plate boundaries
  1. formed from deposits of pre-existing rocks or pieces of once-living organism that accumulate on the Earth's surface
  2. form when hot, molten rock crystallizes and solidifies
  3. a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock
  4. the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust
  5. When two plates come together
  6. the lower layer of the crust
  7. the force acting on the unit area of a material
  8. alteration in the shape or dimensions of an object as a result of the application of stress to it
  9. started out as some other type of rock, but have been substantially changed from their original igneous, sedimentary, or earlier metamorphic form
  10. occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other.
  11. a general equilibrium of the forces tending to elevate or depress the earth's crust

25 Clues: a cluster of parallel faultsthe lower layer of the crustWhen two plates come togetheroccurs at divergent plate boundariesthe deformation of a material from stressthe most extensive chain of mountains on Earththe force acting on the unit area of a materialplaces where plates slide sideways past each other...

Zoe 2022-10-05

Zoe crossword puzzle
  1. Boundary A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
  2. tectonics A theory explaining the structure of earths
  3. Convergent boundaries where at least one of the tectonic plates is an oceanic crust
  4. Energy Energy waves that result from earthquakes, explosions, or volcanoes.
  5. A line of mountains connected by high ground
  1. Boundary An area where two crystal plates are separating
  2. One large piece of the surface of the earth that move separately
  3. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, such as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  4. Boundaries A three dimensional surface or zone
  5. Boundary A fault zone where two plates slide past each other horizontally
  6. Are cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement
  7. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from earth's crust

12 Clues: A line of mountains connected by high groundBoundaries A three dimensional surface or zonetectonics A theory explaining the structure of earthsBoundary An area where two crystal plates are separatingOne large piece of the surface of the earth that move separatelyAre cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement...

Zoe 2022-10-05

Zoe crossword puzzle
  1. Boundary A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
  2. tectonics A theory explaining the structure of earths
  3. Convergent boundaries where at least one of the tectonic plates is an oceanic crust
  4. Energy Energy waves that result from earthquakes, explosions, or volcanoes.
  5. A line of mountains connected by high ground
  1. Boundary An area where two crystal plates are separating
  2. One large piece of the surface of the earth that move separately
  3. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, such as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  4. Boundaries A three dimensional surface or zone
  5. Boundary A fault zone where two plates slide past each other horizontally
  6. Are cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement
  7. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from earth's crust

12 Clues: A line of mountains connected by high groundBoundaries A three dimensional surface or zonetectonics A theory explaining the structure of earthsBoundary An area where two crystal plates are separatingOne large piece of the surface of the earth that move separatelyAre cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement...

Bilingual Glossary 2017-01-26

Bilingual Glossary crossword puzzle
  1. Video Toll Charge
  2. Misread Plate
  3. Enforcement Fee
  4. Charges on Bill
  5. Duplicate Billing
  6. Notice of Failure to Pay
  7. Transponder Fasteners
  8. Bankruptcy
  9. Bill
  10. Notice of Plate Denial
  11. Business
  12. Free Kilometres
  1. Transponder did not beep
  2. Account Fee
  3. ETR Rewards
  4. Heavy Flat Toll Charge
  5. Transponder Lease Fee
  6. Toll
  7. License Plate
  8. Missing Payment
  9. Paperless Billing

21 Clues: TollBillBusinessBankruptcyAccount FeeETR RewardsMisread PlateLicense PlateEnforcement FeeCharges on BillMissing PaymentFree KilometresVideo Toll ChargeDuplicate BillingPaperless BillingTransponder Lease FeeTransponder FastenersHeavy Flat Toll ChargeNotice of Plate DenialTransponder did not beepNotice of Failure to Pay

Dynamic Earth Review 2022-11-09

Dynamic Earth Review crossword puzzle
  1. The location of the earthquake within the under the surface of the Earth
  2. Thicker and less dense crust
  3. This layer has a temperature from 5000°C-6200°C
  4. Machine used to measure earthquakes
  5. Thinner and more dense crust
  6. The location of the earthquake on the surface of the Earth
  7. Plate boundary type between the Scotia plate and South American plate
  8. This arrives second after an earthquake
  1. This layer has a density of 3.4-5.6
  2. This subtype of boundary has denser crust going under less dense crust
  3. Convection occurs in this layer
  4. The outer most layer of the earth
  5. Plate boundary type between the Nazca Plate and South American Plate
  6. This arrives first after an earthquake
  7. This layer has a pressure of 3.1-3.6 million atmospheres
  8. Heat transfer due to differences in density
  9. Plate boundary where plates are moving away from each other

17 Clues: Thicker and less dense crustThinner and more dense crustConvection occurs in this layerThe outer most layer of the earthThis layer has a density of 3.4-5.6Machine used to measure earthquakesThis arrives first after an earthquakeThis arrives second after an earthquakeHeat transfer due to differences in density...

Plate Tectonic 2014-05-01

Plate Tectonic crossword puzzle
  1. surface along which rocks break and move.
  2. Point of Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus.
  3. Waves that travel outward from an Earthquake's focus and cause particles in rocks to move back and forth in the same direction the wave is moving.
  4. A broad volcano with gently sloping sides.
  5. powerful seismic sea wave that can travel thousands of kilometers in all directions and that begins over an earthquake focus.
  6. Largest layer inside Earth, lying directly above the outer core.
  7. waves of energy that reach Earth's surface during an earthquake, travel outward from the epicenter, and move rock particles up and down, and side to side.
  8. The point beneath Earth's surface where energy release occurs, in a earthquake.
  9. Liquid core that surrounds Earth's solid inner core.
  10. Earths innermost part.
  11. Large opening formed when the top of a volcano collapse.
  12. Waves that travel outward from an earthquake's focus and move through Earth by causing particles in rocks to vibrate at right angles to the direction of the wave.
  13. Device used by seismologists to record primary, secondary, surface waves from earthquake.
  14. Earth's outermost layer.
  15. A volcano formed by alternating layers of tephra and lava and that is found mostly where Earth's plates come together.
  1. Rigid, outermost layer of Earth that is about 100km thick, and is composed of the crust and part of the upper mantle.
  2. Theory that Earth's crust and upper mantle are broken into sections that move around on a plastic-like layer of the mantle.
  3. scientist who studies earthquakes and seismic wave.
  4. Steep-sided volcano made of loosely packed tephra.
  5. Energy waves that are produced at and travel outward from the earthquake's focus.
  6. Single large landmass made up of all the continents connected together that broke apart 200 million years ago.

21 Clues: Earths innermost part.Earth's outermost layer.surface along which rocks break and move.A broad volcano with gently sloping sides.Steep-sided volcano made of loosely packed tephra.scientist who studies earthquakes and seismic wave.Liquid core that surrounds Earth's solid inner core.Large opening formed when the top of a volcano collapse....

Zoe 2022-10-05

Zoe crossword puzzle
  1. Boundary A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
  2. tectonics A theory explaining the structure of earths
  3. Convergent boundaries where at least one of the tectonic plates is an oceanic crust
  4. Energy Energy waves that result from earthquakes, explosions, or volcanoes.
  5. A line of mountains connected by high ground
  1. Boundary An area where two crystal plates are separating
  2. One large piece of the surface of the earth that move separately
  3. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, such as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  4. Boundaries A three dimensional surface or zone
  5. Boundary A fault zone where two plates slide past each other horizontally
  6. Are cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement
  7. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from earth's crust

12 Clues: A line of mountains connected by high groundBoundaries A three dimensional surface or zonetectonics A theory explaining the structure of earthsBoundary An area where two crystal plates are separatingOne large piece of the surface of the earth that move separatelyAre cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement...

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary 2020-03-23

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. /a layer of molten iron and nickel (liquid) that surrounds the inner core of Earth
  2. /Occur at all plate boundaries, where plates slide past eachother.
  3. /the innermost part of the earth, a dense sphere of solid iron and nickel at the center of Earth
  4. /A convergent boundary where volcanic mountains and a deep-sea trench are formed.
  1. /The theory that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle.
  2. /A convergent boundary where volcanic islands and a deep-sea trench are formed.

6 Clues: /Occur at all plate boundaries, where plates slide past eachother./A convergent boundary where volcanic islands and a deep-sea trench are formed./A convergent boundary where volcanic mountains and a deep-sea trench are formed./a layer of molten iron and nickel (liquid) that surrounds the inner core of Earth...

Zoe 2022-10-05

Zoe crossword puzzle
  1. Boundary A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
  2. tectonics A theory explaining the structure of earths
  3. Convergent boundaries where at least one of the tectonic plates is an oceanic crust
  4. Energy Energy waves that result from earthquakes, explosions, or volcanoes.
  5. A line of mountains connected by high ground
  1. Boundary An area where two crystal plates are separating
  2. One large piece of the surface of the earth that move separately
  3. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, such as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  4. Boundaries A three dimensional surface or zone
  5. Boundary A fault zone where two plates slide past each other horizontally
  6. Are cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement
  7. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from earth's crust

12 Clues: A line of mountains connected by high groundBoundaries A three dimensional surface or zonetectonics A theory explaining the structure of earthsBoundary An area where two crystal plates are separatingOne large piece of the surface of the earth that move separatelyAre cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement...

Zoe 2022-10-05

Zoe crossword puzzle
  1. Boundary A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
  2. tectonics A theory explaining the structure of earths
  3. Convergent boundaries where at least one of the tectonic plates is an oceanic crust
  4. Energy Energy waves that result from earthquakes, explosions, or volcanoes.
  5. A line of mountains connected by high ground
  1. Boundary An area where two crystal plates are separating
  2. One large piece of the surface of the earth that move separately
  3. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, such as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  4. Boundaries A three dimensional surface or zone
  5. Boundary A fault zone where two plates slide past each other horizontally
  6. Are cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement
  7. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from earth's crust

12 Clues: A line of mountains connected by high groundBoundaries A three dimensional surface or zonetectonics A theory explaining the structure of earthsBoundary An area where two crystal plates are separatingOne large piece of the surface of the earth that move separatelyAre cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement...

Zoe 2022-10-05

Zoe crossword puzzle
  1. Boundary A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
  2. tectonics A theory explaining the structure of earths
  3. Convergent boundaries where at least one of the tectonic plates is an oceanic crust
  4. Energy Energy waves that result from earthquakes, explosions, or volcanoes.
  5. A line of mountains connected by high ground
  1. Boundary An area where two crystal plates are separating
  2. One large piece of the surface of the earth that move separately
  3. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, such as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  4. Boundaries A three dimensional surface or zone
  5. Boundary A fault zone where two plates slide past each other horizontally
  6. Are cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement
  7. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from earth's crust

12 Clues: A line of mountains connected by high groundBoundaries A three dimensional surface or zonetectonics A theory explaining the structure of earthsBoundary An area where two crystal plates are separatingOne large piece of the surface of the earth that move separatelyAre cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement...

Zoe 2022-10-05

Zoe crossword puzzle
  1. Boundary A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
  2. tectonics A theory explaining the structure of earths
  3. Convergent boundaries where at least one of the tectonic plates is an oceanic crust
  4. Energy Energy waves that result from earthquakes, explosions, or volcanoes.
  5. A line of mountains connected by high ground
  1. Boundary An area where two crystal plates are separating
  2. One large piece of the surface of the earth that move separately
  3. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, such as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  4. Boundaries A three dimensional surface or zone
  5. Boundary A fault zone where two plates slide past each other horizontally
  6. Are cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement
  7. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from earth's crust

12 Clues: A line of mountains connected by high groundBoundaries A three dimensional surface or zonetectonics A theory explaining the structure of earthsBoundary An area where two crystal plates are separatingOne large piece of the surface of the earth that move separatelyAre cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement...

Zoe 2022-10-05

Zoe crossword puzzle
  1. Boundary A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
  2. tectonics A theory explaining the structure of earths
  3. Convergent boundaries where at least one of the tectonic plates is an oceanic crust
  4. Energy Energy waves that result from earthquakes, explosions, or volcanoes.
  5. A line of mountains connected by high ground
  1. Boundary An area where two crystal plates are separating
  2. One large piece of the surface of the earth that move separately
  3. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, such as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  4. Boundaries A three dimensional surface or zone
  5. Boundary A fault zone where two plates slide past each other horizontally
  6. Are cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement
  7. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from earth's crust

12 Clues: A line of mountains connected by high groundBoundaries A three dimensional surface or zonetectonics A theory explaining the structure of earthsBoundary An area where two crystal plates are separatingOne large piece of the surface of the earth that move separatelyAre cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement...

Science Vocabulary 2024-03-05

Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Naturally occurring water that is not salty, and is suitable for consumption if clean or processed.
  2. The branch of science concerned with the properties of the earth's water, and especially its movement in relation to land.
  3. (of rock) That has formed from sediment deposited by water or air.
  4. The action or process in plate tectonics of the edge of one crustal plate descending below the edge of another.
  5. The collision of two tectonic plates composed of continental lithosphere.
  6. Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground.
  7. (of rock) Having solidified from lava or magma.
  8. A layer of silicate rock between the crust and the outer core.
  9. The total amount of water on a planet
  10. Rocks that form when rocks are subjected to high heat, high pressure or hot mineral-rich fluids.
  11. The mass of a substance per unit volume.
  12. A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
  13. An intrinsic property of a body.
  1. The science that deals with the earth's physical structure and substance, its history, and the processes that act on it.
  2. A channel made to divert the flow of water from one course to another.
  3. The water found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock.
  4. An opening in the earth's crust through which lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape.
  5. The quality of being cloudy, opaque, or thick with suspended matter.
  6. Safe to drink; drinkable.
  7. The third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life.
  8. A huge body of saltwater that covers about 71 percent of Earth's surface.
  9. Motion in a gas or liquid in which the warmer portions rise and the colder portions sink.
  10. The amount of space an object takes up.
  11. An underground layer of water-bearing material, consisting of permeable or fractured rock, or of unconsolidated materials.
  12. The outermost shell of a terrestrial planet.

25 Clues: Safe to drink; drinkable.An intrinsic property of a body.The total amount of water on a planetThe amount of space an object takes up.The mass of a substance per unit volume.The outermost shell of a terrestrial planet.(of rock) Having solidified from lava or magma.Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground....

Earth Systems, Structures and Processes 2018-02-01

Earth Systems, Structures and Processes crossword puzzle
  1. beginning point of an earthquake
  2. records of the movements of the earth
  3. waves fastest moving; travel in a straight path by a push and pull motion; these waves move back and forth
  4. the point on the surface of the earth directly above the focus
  5. fault rocks push together until a section of rock moves upward
  6. Boundary Two plates move apart, or diverge; usually occur at the mid-ocean ridge
  7. softer part of mantle below the lithosphere which is hotter and under increased pressure
  8. giant ocean waves triggered by earthquakes, volcanoes, or landslides
  9. fault rocks moving apart
  10. Boundary place where two plates slip past each other, moving in opposite directions (frequent Earthquakes)
  11. waves vibrations that flow out from the beginning point of an earthquake
  12. of Plate Tectonics explains the formation, movement and subduction of Earth’s plates.
  1. Boundaries The edges of the plates meet at lines called
  2. scientists who study the movement of the earth
  3. waves seismic waves that occur beneath the surface of the earth
  4. uppermost part of mantle and the crust for a ridge layer about 100 kilometers thick
  5. fault rocks moving horizontally past each other
  6. Boundary Place where two plates come together, or converge, causing a collision
  7. a large landmass that some scientists think may have existed at one time
  8. Wegener hypothesized that at one time all the continents were once joined together in a single landmass
  9. scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake’s seismic waves and assigns it a number
  10. strength of the seismic waves of an earthquake, this is how much energy is released.
  11. a machine that detects, times, and measures the movement of the earth
  12. waves move more slowly; move in an up and down zigzag pattern
  13. Waves the slowest moving and most destructive waves
  14. Layer of solid rock that forms earth’s outer “skin”

26 Clues: fault rocks moving apartbeginning point of an earthquakerecords of the movements of the earthscientists who study the movement of the earthfault rocks moving horizontally past each otherWaves the slowest moving and most destructive wavesLayer of solid rock that forms earth’s outer “skin”Boundaries The edges of the plates meet at lines called...

Earth Science Cross Word Puzzle 2014-09-12

Earth Science Cross Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. boundary/ the boundary between tectonic plates that are sliding past each other horizontally
  2. the solid, outer layer of the earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  3. stress that occurs when forces act to squeeze an object
  4. the bending of rock layers due to stress
  5. fault/ opposing forces cause rock to break and move horizontally
  6. tectonics/ the theory that explains how large pieces of the Earth's
  7. layer
  8. mountains/ When rock layers are squeezed together and pushed upward.
  9. boundary/ the boundary formed by the collision of two lithospheric plates
  10. mountains/ Mountains that form when magma erupts onto Earth's surface.
  11. the thin and solid outermost layer of the Earth above the mantle
  12. a break in a body of rock along which one block slides relative to another
  13. the layer of rock between the earth's crust and core
  1. spreading/ the process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises toward the surface and solidifies
  2. and the outer core
  3. drift/ the hypothesis that states that the continents once formed a single landmass, broke up, and drifted to their present locations
  4. The strong, lower part of the mantle between the
  5. mountains/ Form when tension causes large blocks of rock to drop down in relation to other rocks. Tilting of rock layers can occur as tension pulls the rock layers apart.
  6. fault/ A fault in which the hanging wall moves up relative to the foot wall
  7. plate/ a block of lithosphere that consists of the crust and the rigid, outermost part of the mantle
  8. Stress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object
  9. boundary/ the boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  10. the central part of the Earth below the mantle
  11. fault/ a fault in which the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall

24 Clues: layerand the outer corethe bending of rock layers due to stressthe central part of the Earth below the mantleThe strong, lower part of the mantle between thethe layer of rock between the earth's crust and corestress that occurs when forces act to squeeze an objectStress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object...

fun 2023-01-04

fun crossword puzzle
  1. Boundary A tectonic where two plates are moving toward each other
  2. Dating method of dating rocks and minerals using radioactive isotopes.
  3. Tectonics a scientific theory that explains how major landforms are created as a result of Earth's subterranean movements.
  4. The semi-solid layer that takes up the most space in the earth
  5. Waves an elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake or other means.
  6. Current a natural process of heat transfer involving the movement of energy and heat from one place to another
  7. Isotope More stable version of parent isotope
  8. Boundary a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  9. The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle
  10. a neutrino or antineutrino emitted in decay of radionuclide naturally occurring in the Earth.
  11. Core The most solid layer of the earth that is in the middle
  1. Core Above the Earth's solid inner core and below its mantle
  2. layer of the atmosphere in which the gasses are all mixed up rather than being layered by their mass.
  3. Isotope the isotope that decays, forming the daughter isotope after releasing a decay particle
  4. The upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere, in which there is relatively low resistance to plastic flow and convection is thought to occur.
  5. Decay The emission of energy in the form of ionizing radiation.
  6. pieces from a meteor that survived it’s passage through the Earth’s atmosphere
  7. Crust The geological layer that makes up the continents and their surrounding shallow seabed or continental shelves.
  8. Boundary the changing of energy from one type to another,
  9. Crust The outermost layer of Earth's lithosphere that is found under the oceans and formed at spreading centers on oceanic ridges, which occur at divergent plate boundaries.

20 Clues: Isotope More stable version of parent isotopeBoundary the changing of energy from one type to another,Core Above the Earth's solid inner core and below its mantleCore The most solid layer of the earth that is in the middleThe semi-solid layer that takes up the most space in the earthDecay The emission of energy in the form of ionizing radiation....

Unit 8 Vocabulary 2024-03-21

Unit 8 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. political, economic, and cultural domination imposed on a society by another society
  2. An Indian religion based on the teachings of the Buddha. They believe in Karma and reincarnation
  3. large ocean wave that is caused by an earthquake along the floor of the ocean
  4. large landmass that is geographically set off from the larger continent
  5. A language that was spoken by the Aryan people who migrated to the Indus River Valley
  1. a monotheistic religion founded by Guru Nanak that promotes honesty and equality
  2. India’s main religion featuring belief in many gods and reincarnation
  3. seasonal winds that affect climate in the southern areas of Asia, resulting in wet spring and summer months and dry winter months
  4. tectonics theory that explains the process that formed the continents and explains why the earth’s crust shifts
  5. a severe tropical storm characterized by high winds that originates in the Indian Ocean or western Pacific Ocean
  6. process of adjusting to the surrounding conditions

11 Clues: process of adjusting to the surrounding conditionsIndia’s main religion featuring belief in many gods and reincarnationlarge landmass that is geographically set off from the larger continentlarge ocean wave that is caused by an earthquake along the floor of the oceana monotheistic religion founded by Guru Nanak that promotes honesty and equality...

Holt CH. 10 crossword, Plate Tectonics 2022-09-26

Holt CH. 10 crossword, Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  2. the theory that explains how large pieces of the lithosphere, called plates, move and change shape.
  3. the hypothesis that a single large landmass broke up into smaller landmasses to form the continents, which then drifted to their present locations; the movement of continents
  4. the solid, plastic layer of the mantle beneath the lithosphere; made of mantle rock that flows very slowly, which allows tectonic plates to move on top of it
  5. the supercontinent that formed 300 million years ago and that began to break up 200 million years ago
  6. a piece of lithosphere that has a unique geologic history and that may be part of a larger piece of lithosphere, such as a continent
  7. the boundary between tectonic plates that are sliding past each other horizontally
  8. the boundary between tectonic plates that are colliding
  9. the solid, outer layer of Earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  1. the process by which new oceanic lithosphere (sea floor) forms when magma rises to Earth’s surface at mid-ocean ridges and solidifies, as older, existing sea floor moves away from the ridge
  2. the study of the alignment of magnetic minerals in rock, specifically as it relates to the reversal of Earth's magnetic poles; also the magnetic properties that rock acquires during formation
  3. a long, undersea mountain chain that has a steep, narrow valley at its center, that forms as magma rises from the asthenosphere, and that creates new oceanic lithosphere (sea floor) as tectonic plates move apart
  4. the process by which Earth's crust breaks apart; can occur within continental crust or oceanic crust
  5. the process by which supercontinents form and break apart over millions of years
  6. the single, large ocean that covered Earth's surface during the time the supercontinent Pangaea existed

15 Clues: the boundary between tectonic plates that are collidingthe boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each otherthe process by which supercontinents form and break apart over millions of yearsthe boundary between tectonic plates that are sliding past each other horizontally...

Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics, and Faults 2024-04-24

Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics, and Faults crossword puzzle
  1. How many cm the plates average in moving per year
  2. bottom part of the crust
  3. a boundary where plates come together with another
  4. a famous fault in the North American plate in this state
  5. the large land area that means all earth
  6. nickname for the area around the Pacific plate
  7. number of large plates on the earth
  8. a boundary where plates pull apart from another
  1. the German scientist responsible for continental drift
  2. top part of the crust
  3. a freshwater dinosaur/fossil
  4. South America looks like it fits under this continent
  5. a boundary that slips past
  6. The occupation of the man who proposed the cont. drift theory
  7. largest plate on the planet

15 Clues: top part of the crustbottom part of the crusta boundary that slips pastlargest plate on the planeta freshwater dinosaur/fossilnumber of large plates on the earththe large land area that means all earthnickname for the area around the Pacific platea boundary where plates pull apart from anotherHow many cm the plates average in moving per year...

Famous Meteorologists 2022-08-24

Famous Meteorologists crossword puzzle
  1. Best known for his theory of erosion was a meteorologist known for studying atmospheric conditions in Argentina.
  2. Known for his comical on screen meteorology on the Today show in the 80s.
  3. Used kites and balloons to study the atmosphere and movement. He used this to develop his Theory of Plate Tectonics.
  4. Known for his study of heat circulation at mid latitudes.
  5. Most famous for his invention of a themometer measuring freezing temperature of water at 0 degrees.
  1. Koppen studied ________ using geological data to infer past climates.
  2. Best known for his studies in evaporation and water vapor as well as his studies of aurora.
  3. Invented a climate classification system.
  4. Best known for his weather forecasts on the Today show (still currently doing this).
  5. Currently a weatherman for ABC. Chases tornadoes during storm season.
  6. Created a tempereature scale that used in the US.

11 Clues: Invented a climate classification system.Created a tempereature scale that used in the US.Known for his study of heat circulation at mid latitudes.Koppen studied ________ using geological data to infer past climates.Currently a weatherman for ABC. Chases tornadoes during storm season....

Zoe 2022-10-05

Zoe crossword puzzle
  1. Boundary A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
  2. tectonics A theory explaining the structure of earths
  3. Convergent boundaries where at least one of the tectonic plates is an oceanic crust
  4. Energy Energy waves that result from earthquakes, explosions, or volcanoes.
  5. A line of mountains connected by high ground
  1. Boundary An area where two crystal plates are separating
  2. One large piece of the surface of the earth that move separately
  3. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, such as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  4. Boundaries A three dimensional surface or zone
  5. Boundary A fault zone where two plates slide past each other horizontally
  6. Are cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement
  7. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from earth's crust

12 Clues: A line of mountains connected by high groundBoundaries A three dimensional surface or zonetectonics A theory explaining the structure of earthsBoundary An area where two crystal plates are separatingOne large piece of the surface of the earth that move separatelyAre cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement...

Zoe 2022-10-05

Zoe crossword puzzle
  1. Boundary A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
  2. tectonics A theory explaining the structure of earths
  3. Convergent boundaries where at least one of the tectonic plates is an oceanic crust
  4. Energy Energy waves that result from earthquakes, explosions, or volcanoes.
  5. A line of mountains connected by high ground
  1. Boundary An area where two crystal plates are separating
  2. One large piece of the surface of the earth that move separately
  3. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, such as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  4. Boundaries A three dimensional surface or zone
  5. Boundary A fault zone where two plates slide past each other horizontally
  6. Are cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement
  7. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from earth's crust

12 Clues: A line of mountains connected by high groundBoundaries A three dimensional surface or zonetectonics A theory explaining the structure of earthsBoundary An area where two crystal plates are separatingOne large piece of the surface of the earth that move separatelyAre cracks in the earths crust along which there is more movement...

The Earth Year 8 2023-02-17

The Earth Year 8 crossword puzzle
  1. The theory that all the rocks were formed by sudden events such as volcanic eruptions.
  2. Sedimentary rock made from fossilised shells of ancient sea creatures.
  3. mineral with sharp edges
  4. An igneous rock with large crystals.
  5. Rock made from grains and fragments dropped on the bottom of a river, lake or sea
  6. The idea that the world was created by a divine being.
  7. igneous rock with very tiny crystals
  8. molten rock that runs out of volcanoes.
  9. layers of sediment or rock are squashed by the weight of sediment above them
  10. Rock made from interlocking crystals that are not in layers.
  1. Plate _________. The modern theory that the Earth’s surface is split into separate plates.
  2. signs of past life, such as the remains of a dead animal or plant, preserved in rock
  3. The idea that rocks were formed over many millions of years by the same processes that we see happening today.
  4. Minerals from water that flows through the sediment ‘glue’ the grains of rock together
  5. When rocks are broken up by physical, chemical or biological processes
  6. Rock made from interlocking crystals that are usually lined up or in layers.
  7. A Metamorphic rock made from limestone
  8. The part of the Earth below the crust.
  9. Molten rock beneath the surface of the Earth.

19 Clues: mineral with sharp edgesAn igneous rock with large crystals.igneous rock with very tiny crystalsA Metamorphic rock made from limestoneThe part of the Earth below the crust.molten rock that runs out of volcanoes.Molten rock beneath the surface of the Earth.The idea that the world was created by a divine being....

earth and a little plate tectonics 2017-10-10

earth and a little plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The Crust The Mantle Convection Currents Outer Core Inner Core
  2. the gradual movement of the continents across the earth's surface through geological time
  3. a current in a fluid that results from convection.
  4. first waves from an earthquake to arrive at a seismograph
  5. a layer inside a terrestrial planet and some other rocky planetary bodies
  6. the central part of the earth
  7. secondary waves, or shear waves
  1. the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  2. It lies below the lithosphere, at depths between approximately 80 and 200 km below the surface
  3. is the theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle, the rocky inner layer above the core
  4. is a process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity and then gradually moves away from the ridge
  5. a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras
  6. the region surrounding the earth or another astronomical body in which its magnetic field is the predominant effective magnetic field
  7. the waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking of rock within the earth or an explosion
  8. the out most layer of the earth

15 Clues: the central part of the earththe out most layer of the earthsecondary waves, or shear wavesa current in a fluid that results from convection.first waves from an earthquake to arrive at a seismographThe Crust The Mantle Convection Currents Outer Core Inner Corea layer inside a terrestrial planet and some other rocky planetary bodies...

Form 1 Midterm 2- Plate Tectonics 2021-11-22

Form 1 Midterm 2- Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Volcanoes are least likely to form at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ plate boundaries.
  2. When the molten material from the mantle rises to the surface of the Earth, it is called _ _ _ _.
  3. The outermost layer of the Earth is called the _ _ _ _ _.
  4. A feature that may be found on the surface of the crust where part of one plate is submerged below another is called an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ trench.
  5. The supercontinent which existed before the continents split up 250 million years ago was called _ _ _ _ _ _.
  6. The hottest layer of the Earth is the _ _ _ _ _ core.
  7. The upper layer of the mantle, below the lithosphere is called the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  8. The main materials that make up the Earth’s crust are called Sima and _ _ _ _.
  1. The combination of the Earth’s Crust and upper part of the mantle are called the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  2. The part of the crust which enters the mantle at the convergent plate boundary tends to melt and results in the formation of a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the crust above it.
  3. The oceanic crust sinks below the continental crust at a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zone.
  4. The molten liquid within the mantle is called _ _ _ _ _.
  5. The 2 types of crust are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ crust and oceanic crust.
  6. When the crust is folded upwards at convergent plate boundaries, it results in the formation of fold _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  7. The plate which Saint Lucia is found on is called the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ plate.

15 Clues: The hottest layer of the Earth is the _ _ _ _ _ core.The molten liquid within the mantle is called _ _ _ _ _.The outermost layer of the Earth is called the _ _ _ _ _.Volcanoes are least likely to form at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ plate boundaries.The 2 types of crust are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ crust and oceanic crust....

4.1 - 4.2: Plate tectonics + Soil formation 2022-11-16

4.1 - 4.2: Plate tectonics + Soil formation crossword puzzle
  1. thin, brittle layer of rock floating on top of the mantle
  2. lighter layer of topsoil mostly made of minerals
  3. Center of the Earth
  4. breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces
  5. plates that move towards each other
  6. soft, flexible outer layer of the mantle
  7. hot fluid or semi fluid below or within the earth
  1. a mix of geologic and organic components
  2. soft solid of magma surrounding the core
  3. being carried to a new location and deposited
  4. transportation of weathered rock fragments by wind or rain
  5. very outer layer of the lithosphere, earth’s surface
  6. When plates move away from each other
  7. a layer of humus
  8. plates that slide past each other in opposite directions

15 Clues: a layer of humusCenter of the Earthplates that move towards each otherWhen plates move away from each othera mix of geologic and organic componentssoft solid of magma surrounding the coresoft, flexible outer layer of the mantlebreaking down of rocks into smaller piecesbeing carried to a new location and deposited...

Nails: Terminology and Anatomy 2013-10-09

Nails: Terminology and Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. hard fibrous protein composed in nails
  2. part of the nail bed that extends below the nail root and helps produce the nail.
  3. cuticle or skin that overlaps the sides of the nail plate
  4. skin folds beside the nail grooves
  5. tracks on each side of the nail plate along which the nail moves as it is growing
  6. part of the nail plate not attached to the skin
  7. brittle nails
  8. Scientific term for nail
  9. Nail that is slightly pink, translucent and is free from disease.
  1. is a type of plant parasite causing a contagious disease called tinea or ringworm
  2. thin layer of skin cells between the nail bed and nail plate
  3. pocket like fold of skin that holds the root and the matrix
  4. portion of the nail plate hidden under a fold of skin at the base of the nail plate
  5. Athlete's foot or fungal infection between the toes
  6. ingrown nail; when the nail grows into nail groove
  7. excess cuticle that overlaps the base of the nail
  8. small portion of epidermis or skin extending over and resting upon the base of the nail plate
  9. half-moon and part of the matrix
  10. habitual nail biting
  11. also called the nail body
  12. layer of skin cells growing on top of the fingertips and remains attached to the under side of the free edge
  13. portion of the skin to which the nail plate is attached and rests upon

22 Clues: brittle nailshabitual nail bitingScientific term for nailalso called the nail bodyhalf-moon and part of the matrixskin folds beside the nail grooveshard fibrous protein composed in nailspart of the nail plate not attached to the skinexcess cuticle that overlaps the base of the nailingrown nail; when the nail grows into nail groove...

My Healthy Plate 2014-10-19

My Healthy Plate crossword puzzle
  1. Apart from eating healthily, My Healthy Plate advice us to be _________.
  2. A teenager needs only __________ teaspoon of salt per day.
  3. Based on My Healthy Plate, we are to consume healthier oil such as _________ oil.
  4. My Healthy Plate replaces Healthy Diet _____________.
  5. Too much salt may cause _____________ which is a Silent Killer.
  6. There are _________ food groups on My Healthy Plate.
  7. My Healthy Plate helps us prevent _______ cancer which is on the rise.
  8. Recommended sugar limits per day for teenagers is _____________ teaspoon.
  9. Brown Rice and Wholemeal Bread is rich in this nutrient.
  10. 1 serving of meat is __________ gram of 1 palm-sized.
  11. In the long run, lack of insulin will lead to ________________.
  12. Meat and __________ group is rich in protein.
  1. Unhealthy oil leads to build up of plaque and causes __________ heart disease.
  2. My Healthy Plate is an example of a _____________ tool.
  3. My Healthy Plate shows __________ and how to eat to healthily.
  4. how much do we eat per day depends on the ______________ number of servings per day chart.
  5. We need to choose water over soft drinks. ________ glasses of water is needed per day.
  6. Wholegrains such as brown rice are rich in _______ fibre.
  7. ___________ grapes is equivalent to 1 serving of fruit.
  8. We need to a wide variety of fruits. Fruits rich in vitamin c are _______ fruits like oranges.
  9. Too much sugary food may cause ___________ decay.
  10. We are to fill _______ of our plate with Fruits and Vegetables.

22 Clues: Meat and __________ group is rich in protein.Too much sugary food may cause ___________ decay.There are _________ food groups on My Healthy Plate.My Healthy Plate replaces Healthy Diet _____________.1 serving of meat is __________ gram of 1 palm-sized.My Healthy Plate is an example of a _____________ tool....

Continental drift and Plate Tectonics 2023-02-15

Continental drift and Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. When convection pushes plates away from each other
  2. A dense oceanic plate hits continental plate
  3. Found that the continents have moved
  4. When two continental plates slip
  5. A 3d dimensional swirling vortex of doom
  1. Thought up by a guy with the initials of A.W.
  2. What happens when two plates collide
  3. A green thing of food
  4. An animal
  5. food stacked on top of each other
  6. How heavy something is

11 Clues: An animalA green thing of foodHow heavy something isWhen two continental plates slipfood stacked on top of each otherWhat happens when two plates collideFound that the continents have movedA 3d dimensional swirling vortex of doomA dense oceanic plate hits continental plateThought up by a guy with the initials of A.W....

Layers Of The Earth/Plate Tectonics Vocabulary 2023-01-25

Layers Of The Earth/Plate Tectonics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the edges are pushed into deep-ocean trenches
  2. he noticed that different continents had matching landforms
  3. the part of the Earth's crust that makes up the seafloor and is composed mostly of basalt
  4. the process by which new seafloor forms
  5. the innermost part of the earth
  6. hot fluid material below or within the Earth's crust
  7. a current in a fluid that results from convection
  8. the outermost layer of rock
  9. the layer of ingenious metamorphic and sedimentary rock that forms continents
  10. rigid, solid layer made of rock
  1. boundaries where tectonic plates meet
  2. the portion of the Earth's mantle where convection occurs
  3. the moving pieces in the lithosphere
  4. broke up into pieces that eventually "drifted" to the continent's present location
  5. two tectonic plates move past one another in opposite directions
  6. when two tectonic plates move away from one another or diverge
  7. the part of earth's crust
  8. when tectonic plates move toward each other and collide
  9. hot molten rock erupted from a volcano
  10. the hypothesis that today's continents were once a part of a single landmass
  11. a liquid layer of the earth located between the mantle and inner core
  12. the mostly-solid bulk of Earth's interior

22 Clues: the part of earth's crustthe outermost layer of rockthe innermost part of the earthrigid, solid layer made of rockthe moving pieces in the lithosphereboundaries where tectonic plates meethot molten rock erupted from a volcanothe process by which new seafloor formsthe mostly-solid bulk of Earth's interiorthe edges are pushed into deep-ocean trenches...

milady chapter 10 vocab 2023-03-22

milady chapter 10 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. psoriasis, A noninfectious condition that affects the surface of the natural nail plate causing tiny pits or severe roughness on the surface of the nail plate.
  2. Darkening of the fingernails or toenails; may be seen as a black band within the nail plate, extending from the base to the free edge.
  3. Inflammation of the nail matrix, followed by shedding of the natural nail.
  4. Also known as bitten nails; result of a habit of chewing the nail or chewing the hardened skin surrounding the nail plate.
  5. Bacterial inflammation of the tissues surrounding the nail causing pus, swelling, and redness, usually in the skin fold adjacent to the nail plate.
  6. nail, Also known as folded nail; a type of highly curved nail usually caused by injury to the matrix, but may be inherited.
  7. nail, Also known as trumpet nail; increased crosswise curvature throughout the nail plate caused by an increased curvature of the matrix. The edges of the nail plate may curl around to form the shape of a trumpet or sharp cone at the free edge.
  8. Fungal infection of the natural nail plate
  9. lines, Visible depressions running across the width of the natural nail plate; usually a result of major illness or injury that has traumatized the body.
  10. aeruginosa, One of several common bacteria that can cause nail infection
  11. pterygium, Abnormal condition that occurs when the skin is stretched by the nail plate; usually caused by serious injury, such as burns, or an adverse skin reaction to chemical nail enhancement products.
  12. nails, Nails turn a variety of colors; may indicate surface staining, a systemic disorder, or poor blood circulation
  13. nails, Noticeably thin, white nail plates that are more flexible than normal and can curve over the free edge.
  1. Split or brittle nails that have a series off lengthwise ridges giving a rough appearance to the surface of the nail plate.
  2. Vertical lines running through the length of the natural nail plate that are caused by uneven growth of the nails, usually the result of normal aging.
  3. spots, Also known as white spots; whitish discolorations of the nails, usually caused by injury to the matrix area; not related to the body's health or vitamin deficiencies
  4. Also known as ingrown nails; nail grows into the sides of the tissue around the nail.
  5. Lifting of the nail plate from the nail bed without shedding, usually beginning at the free edge and continuing toward the lunula area.
  6. Any deformity or disease of the natural nails.
  7. The separation and falling off of a nail plate from the nail bed; affects fingernails and toenails.
  8. disorder, Condition caused by an injury or disease of the nail unit.
  9. known as agnail; a condition in which the living tissue surrounding the nail plate splits or tears.
  10. nails, Conditions in which a blood clot forms under the nail plate, cause a dark purplish spot. These discolorations are usually due to small injuries to the nail bed.
  11. granuloma, Severe inflammation of the nail in which a lump of red tissue grows up from the nail bed to the nail plate.
  12. 10 Vocabulary
  13. pedis, Medical term for fungal infections of the feet; red, itchy rash of the skin on the bottom of the feet and/or in between the toes, usually found between the fourth and fifth toe.
  14. hemorrhages, Hemorrhages caused by trauma or injury to the nail bed that damage the capillaries and allow small amounts of blood flow.

27 Clues: 10 VocabularyFungal infection of the natural nail plateAny deformity or disease of the natural nails.disorder, Condition caused by an injury or disease of the nail unit.aeruginosa, One of several common bacteria that can cause nail infectionInflammation of the nail matrix, followed by shedding of the natural nail....

Erosion, Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, and Geologic Time 2013-10-23

Erosion, Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, and Geologic Time crossword puzzle
  1. When two plates of oceanic lithosphere collide, the older, denser plate subducts under the other plate.
  2. The succession of eras,periods, and epochs as considered in historical geography
  3. When two plates move past each other horizontally this forms.
  4. Are ground movements that occur when blocks of rock in earth move suddenly and release energy.
  5. The process in which the surface of the earth is worn away.
  6. Some pars of the Mantle become hotter than other parts. The hot parts rise as the cooler, denser materials sink and push the hotter materials upward. What is this process?
  7. Stress that stretches rock and makes rock thinner.
  8. The force of the cooler, denser rocks moving down and away from the ridge.What is this process?
  9. A single large landmass formed about 245 million years ago.
  10. When two plates collide this forms.
  11. In this process, molten rocks from inside of earth rise through the cracks in the ridges, cools, and forms new oceanic crust.
  12. When a plate of oceanic lithosphere collides with a continental lithosphere, the oceanic lithosphere subducts because it is denser
  13. Stress that distorts a body by pushing different tectonic plates in opposite directions.
  1. When two plates move away from each other this forms.
  2. Describes the large-scale movements of earth's lithosphere.
  3. When two plates of continental lithosphere collide, they buckle and thicken(creates mountains)
  4. Where two or more Tectonic Plates meet.
  5. Stress that shortens or squeezes an object.
  6. A break in Earth's crust along which blocks of rock move.
  7. At subduction zones, a denser plate sinks beneath another, less dense plate. As it sinks, the leading edge of the plate pulls the rest of the plate with it. What is this process?

20 Clues: When two plates collide this forms.Where two or more Tectonic Plates meet.Stress that shortens or squeezes an object.Stress that stretches rock and makes rock thinner.When two plates move away from each other this forms.A break in Earth's crust along which blocks of rock move.Describes the large-scale movements of earth's lithosphere....

Water Cycle, Plate Tectonics and Data Vocabulary! 2016-01-20

Water Cycle, Plate Tectonics and Data Vocabulary! crossword puzzle
  1. graph used to represent data using data points
  2. location where plates are dividing/splitting apart from one another
  3. all the water on Earth's surface
  4. the largest number subtract the smallest number in a set
  5. water droplets fall from the sky in the form of rain, sleet, hail or snow
  6. the outermost layer of the Earth
  7. Earth's crust is made up of many moving parts called tectonic plates
  8. liquid layer found underneath the mantle
  9. the number that happens most in a set of numbers
  10. the name Alfred Wegener gave to the supercontinent that existed before the plates drifted apart
  11. layer of air; made up of gases; that surround the Earth
  12. layer of the Earth underneath the crust; semi-liquid, made of magma
  13. to find the mean you add up all the numbers and divide by the number of numbers
  1. process by which water is recycled through the Earth's hydrosphere and atmosphere
  2. water changes from a liquid to a gas by an increase in heat energy
  3. layer of Earth the includes the crust and upper layer of mantle
  4. solid layer found underneath the outer core
  5. where one edge of a tectonic plate meets another edge of a tectonic plate
  6. graph used to represent data using separated bars
  7. movement of water from plants to the atmosphere
  8. water changes from a gas to a liquid through loss of heat energy
  9. location where plates are colliding/crashing into one another
  10. location where plates are sliding apart from one another
  11. to find the median you order the numbers from least to greatest then find the middle number

24 Clues: all the water on Earth's surfacethe outermost layer of the Earthliquid layer found underneath the mantlesolid layer found underneath the outer coregraph used to represent data using data pointsmovement of water from plants to the atmospherethe number that happens most in a set of numbersgraph used to represent data using separated bars...

Earth surface plate tectonics 2020-04-27

Earth surface plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. continents move around on Earth’s surface
  2. a lithospheric plate that forms floor of the ocean
  3. lithospheric plates move over this
  4. valley formed on the ocean floor due to collision plates
  1. the process of lithospheric plate sinking into mantle
  2. long chains of undersea mountains
  3. how the pieces of Earth’s surface move
  4. an ancient supercontinent

8 Clues: an ancient supercontinentlong chains of undersea mountainslithospheric plates move over thishow the pieces of Earth’s surface movecontinents move around on Earth’s surfacea lithospheric plate that forms floor of the oceanthe process of lithospheric plate sinking into mantlevalley formed on the ocean floor due to collision plates

Unit 3 Plate Tectonics 2022-10-06

Unit 3 Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. A break in the Earth's crust along which blocks of the crust slide relative to one another due to tectonic forces.
  2. The layer of the Earth between the crust and the core.
  3. The type of stress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object.
  4. The central, spherical part of the Earth below the mantle.
  5. The bending of rock layers due to stress in the Earth's crust.
  1. The thin, outermost layer of the Earth, or the uppermost part of the lithosphere.
  2. The amount of force per unit area that is put on a given material.
  3. The type of stress that occurs when an object is squeezed.

8 Clues: The layer of the Earth between the crust and the core.The type of stress that occurs when an object is squeezed.The central, spherical part of the Earth below the mantle.The bending of rock layers due to stress in the Earth's crust.The amount of force per unit area that is put on a given material....

Geosphere Terminology - Plate Tectonics 2022-01-10

Geosphere Terminology - Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. zone
  2. Boundary
  3. boundary
  4. island arc
  5. boundary
  6. Tectonic Theory
  7. valley
  1. spreading
  2. boundary
  3. Plate
  4. drift hypothesis

11 Clues: zonePlatevalleyboundaryBoundaryboundaryboundaryspreadingisland arcTectonic Theorydrift hypothesis

Topic 4.1 / 4.2 Plate Tectonics 2023-01-24

Topic 4.1 / 4.2 Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. -A theory that states that the lithosphere the crust and upper mantle
  2. -The process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary.
  3. -A valley that forms at a divergent boundary on land.
  4. -The process that creates new sea floor as plates move away from each other at the mid-ocean ridges
  5. -Last name of a German scientist who proposed the theory of continental drift
  1. - A supercontinent containing all of Earth's land that existed about 225 million years ago.
  2. -A plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions.
  3. -An undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced; a divergent plate boundary under the ocean.
  4. - The preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past.
  5. -A tectonic plate boundary where two plates collide, come together, or crash into each other.
  6. drift -The hypothesis that states that the continents once formed a single landmass, broke up, and drifted to their present locations

11 Clues: -A valley that forms at a divergent boundary on land.-A theory that states that the lithosphere the crust and upper mantle- The preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past.-Last name of a German scientist who proposed the theory of continental drift-A plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions....

Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics 2023-03-07

Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Mountain ranges in the middle of the oceans
  2. This was suggested by Alfred Wegener stating that continents were in constant motion on the surface of Earth
  3. _____ boundary is where 2 plates slide past each other
  4. Fossils of _____ have been found where they could not grow today
  5. Process by which new oceanic crust forms along a mid-ocean ridge and older oceanic crust moves away from the ridge
  6. Earth's surface is made of rigid slabs of rock, or plates, that move
  7. _____ boundary is where 2 plates are spreading apart
  8. Name of the supercontinent that began to break apart over 200 million years ago
  1. _____ boundary is where 2 plates are colliding
  2. The process of one plate moving below another plate
  3. Circulation of magma caused by differences in temperature and density

11 Clues: Mountain ranges in the middle of the oceans_____ boundary is where 2 plates are collidingThe process of one plate moving below another plate_____ boundary is where 2 plates are spreading apart_____ boundary is where 2 plates slide past each otherFossils of _____ have been found where they could not grow today...

Plate Tectonics Earth Systems Vocabulary 2024-03-26

Plate Tectonics Earth Systems Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The Broken up pieces of the lithosphere
  2. Boundary between 2 plates moving away from each other (separate, divide)
  3. Places where tectonic plates meet.
  4. Theory explaining how tectonic plates move and change shape.
  5. Ring of volcanoes around the pacific plate
  6. Process of new oceanic crust forming as magma rises toward the surface and solidifies
  1. Occurs when 2 tectonic plates collide, and one plate moves under the other and sinks into the mantle
  2. Boundary formed by collision of 2 plates (collide, crash, collision)
  3. Boundary between 2 plates that are scraping past each other (slide,scrape)
  4. The landmass that existed when all continents were joined together
  5. Hypothesis that the continents once formed a single land mass, broke up, and drifted to their present location.

11 Clues: Places where tectonic plates meet.The Broken up pieces of the lithosphereRing of volcanoes around the pacific plateTheory explaining how tectonic plates move and change shape.The landmass that existed when all continents were joined togetherBoundary formed by collision of 2 plates (collide, crash, collision)...

Earthquakes and volcanoes 2014-03-28

Earthquakes and volcanoes crossword puzzle
  1. Scale used to describe the effects of earthquakes
  2. Layer of molten rock underneath the crust
  3. River banks break causing
  4. The outer layer of the earth
  5. Molten rock inside the earth
  6. Two plates spreading apart
  7. The point on th earth's surface above where an earthquake starts
  8. Two plates moving towards each other
  9. Graph which shows the information of a earthquake
  10. Gas pipes break causing
  11. boundary Line where different plates meet
  1. Two plates passing each other
  2. plate Plate with an ocean on the surface
  3. The shaking of an earthquake causes buildings to
  4. plate Plate with land on surface
  5. Molten rock outside the earth
  6. Most commonly used scal to measure earthquakes
  7. The inside of the rock
  8. Greek for 'shake
  9. A natural spring that ejects water and steam into the air

20 Clues: Greek for 'shakeThe inside of the rockGas pipes break causingRiver banks break causingTwo plates spreading apartThe outer layer of the earthMolten rock inside the earthTwo plates passing each otherMolten rock outside the earthplate Plate with land on surfaceTwo plates moving towards each otherplate Plate with an ocean on the surface...

Ch 10 Nail Disorders 2024-03-04

Ch 10 Nail Disorders crossword puzzle
  1. bacterial inflammation of tissue surrounding the nail
  2. nails white nail plates more flexible than normal
  3. deformity or disease of natural nail
  4. inflammation of the nail matrix
  5. living tissue surrounding the nail plate that splits
  6. lengthwise ridges from split or bitten nasals
  7. fingernails a lack of circulating oxygen
  8. verticle lines
  9. trumpet nai; curvature of matrix
  10. fungal infection of natural nail plate
  11. known as ram’s horn, enlargement of the fingernails
  12. pedis athletes foot, fungal infection of the feet
  13. lines visit Le depressions running across the width of the natural nail plate
  14. separation and falling off of a nail plate from nail bed
  1. Diaorder caused by injury or disease
  2. darkening of the fingernails and toe nails, black band in nail plate
  3. lifting of the nail plate from nail bed
  4. granuloma severe inflammation of nail with a lump of red tissue
  5. bitten nails, hardened skin around nail from chewing
  6. spots whitish discoloration of the nail
  7. pterygiom occurs when skin is stretched by the nail plate, injury, burn or chemical reaction
  8. psoriasis noninfectious condition that affects the surface of the nail plate
  9. nails a systemic disorder, poor blood circulation
  10. nail beds blood clot forms under nail plate
  11. aeruginosis common bacteria that leads to bacterial infection, green, yellow or black
  12. hemorrhage caused by trauma or injury to nail
  13. thickening nails
  14. concave shaped nail

28 Clues: verticle linesthickening nailsconcave shaped nailinflammation of the nail matrixtrumpet nai; curvature of matrixDiaorder caused by injury or diseasedeformity or disease of natural nailfungal infection of natural nail platelifting of the nail plate from nail bedspots whitish discoloration of the nailfingernails a lack of circulating oxygen...

Puzzle#5 2023-03-04

Puzzle#5 crossword puzzle
  1. The layer of the Earth's atmosphere that protects us from harmful ultraviolet radiation
  2. The process by which living organisms change their environment to better suit their needs
  3. tectonics The movement of tectonic plates that can cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
  4. The layer of the Earth's atmosphere closest to the ground
  5. The imaginary line that runs through the center of the earth from North pole to South pole
  1. The study of the Earth's physical and natural features, including its landforms, climate, and resources
  2. The point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
  3. The outermost solid layer of the Earth, composed of rock and soil
  4. The process by which the Earth's surface is gradually worn down by natural forces
  5. The third planet from the sun and the only known planet with the ability to support life

10 Clues: The layer of the Earth's atmosphere closest to the groundThe outermost solid layer of the Earth, composed of rock and soilThe point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquakeThe process by which the Earth's surface is gradually worn down by natural forces...

The Techtonic Plates 2023-12-05

The Techtonic Plates crossword puzzle
  1. Wegner- the person who created the pangea theory
  2. crust- the crust that makes up the land
  3. the theory that all continents drifted apart
  4. Andreas fault- lots of earthquakes happen here
  5. drift- when all the continents separated
  6. convergent boundaries slide together causing a __________
  7. of fire- a ring of volcanos
  8. boundary- where 2 plate boundaries separate and a fault is formed
  9. boundary- when two plate boundaries slide against each other and cause an earthquake
  10. ridge an underwater mountain chain
  1. zone- when one plate boundary slides under another
  2. the solid\liquid stuff that the outer core is made of
  3. the remains of an animal that was alive millions of years ago
  4. current- where heat rises and cold air descends
  5. the upper mantle and crust
  6. boundary- the boundary between two tectonic plates
  7. crust- the crust below the ocean
  8. boundary- when two plate boundaries slide together and form mountains
  9. spreading- when the plate boundary splits apart, causing new seafloor

19 Clues: the upper mantle and crustof fire- a ring of volcanoscrust- the crust below the oceanridge an underwater mountain chaincrust- the crust that makes up the landdrift- when all the continents separatedthe theory that all continents drifted apartAndreas fault- lots of earthquakes happen herecurrent- where heat rises and cold air descends...

Plate Tectonics and Pangaea 2021-09-12

Plate Tectonics and Pangaea crossword puzzle
  1. sudden shaking of earth
  2. supercontinent long time ago
  3. large section of hard solid rock
  4. soft solid rock under outer layer
  1. two plates move away from each other
  2. another word for outer layer
  3. two plates slide past each other
  4. plates move towards each other one subducts

8 Clues: sudden shaking of earthanother word for outer layersupercontinent long time agotwo plates slide past each otherlarge section of hard solid rocksoft solid rock under outer layertwo plates move away from each otherplates move towards each other one subducts

Science Terms - Plate Tectonics 2023-08-30

Science Terms - Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Section of the earths crust that move due to convection currents
  2. A dark, dense, igneous rock with a fine texture, found in oceanic crust
  3. A usually light-colored igneous rock found in the continental crust
  4. The process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary
  5. The preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past
  1. A super continent containing all earths land that existed about 225 years ago
  2. A German scientist who proposed the theory of a continental drift
  3. The area of a magnetic force around a magnet

8 Clues: The area of a magnetic force around a magnetSection of the earths crust that move due to convection currentsA German scientist who proposed the theory of a continental driftA usually light-colored igneous rock found in the continental crustThe preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past...

Earth & Space 10 2017-07-05

Earth & Space 10 crossword puzzle
  1. waves, waves that can't pass through liquid
  2. plate that lies beneath the Pacific Ocean
  3. plate boundaries that grind
  4. place or area where there are no s or p waves
  5. plate boundaries that collide
  6. layer that lies below the lithosphere
  7. consists of the crust and the upper mantle
  8. instrument used to detect and record seismic waves
  9. waves, waves that travel faster than sound
  1. process that takes place with some convergent boundaries
  2. product of the subduction process
  3. crust that is thicker
  4. plate boundaries that pull apart
  5. waves, waves that travel through the Earth
  6. , Earth's highest mountain
  7. , movement of plates
  8. record or result
  9. crust that is denser
  10. geological event that's always present in plate boundaries
  11. waves, a seismic wave that moves through the interior of the Earth

20 Clues: record or result, movement of platescrust that is densercrust that is thicker, Earth's highest mountainplate boundaries that grindplate boundaries that collideplate boundaries that pull apartproduct of the subduction processlayer that lies below the lithosphereplate that lies beneath the Pacific Oceanwaves, waves that travel through the Earth...

Simmons 4th pd - Elijah Sandlin Plates 2021-05-03

Simmons 4th pd - Elijah Sandlin Plates crossword puzzle
  1. formed by convergent subduction
  2. the name for the crust plate
  3. located below the crust (not the mantle)
  4. the core outside the inner core
  5. the core in the very middle of the earth
  6. hot liquid that comes out of a volcano
  7. the name for the water plate
  8. has a divergent plate boundry
  9. the outermost layer of the earth
  10. formed by convergent collision
  11. when two continental plates move away from each other
  12. forms a convergent plate boundry
  13. formed by divergent
  1. the rough outer layer of the earth (not the crust)
  2. when two continental plates slide past each other
  3. when two continental plates collide
  4. what the form of the mantle is called (not solid nor liquid)
  5. when an oceanic and a continental plate collide
  6. formed by Transform
  7. what all the plates move on

20 Clues: formed by Transformformed by divergentwhat all the plates move onthe name for the crust platethe name for the water platehas a divergent plate boundryformed by convergent collisionformed by convergent subductionthe core outside the inner corethe outermost layer of the earthforms a convergent plate boundrywhen two continental plates collide...

Science - Extended Vocab - Plate Tectonics & Earth Processes 2022-10-24

Science - Extended Vocab - Plate Tectonics & Earth Processes crossword puzzle
  1. pure substance that consists entirely of one type of atom
  2. a scientist who studies fossils
  3. a trace of an ancient organism preserved in rock
  4. rock layer formed when magma hardens beneath the surface
  5. an imprint of the outside of the body in rock
  6. units of measure equal to 1/100th of a metre
  7. an extremely dry area with little water and plants
  8. a period of time
  9. information obtained with sensors
  10. the resistance of a soil to breaking apart
  1. change in an organism over time
  2. a copy of the shape of an organism
  3. a biome where grasses are the main plant life
  4. a mixture of mineral particles and organic materials that covers the land, in which plants grow
  5. a crack in the earth's crust
  6. a large area of land covered with trees
  7. length of time required for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to decay
  8. no longer in existence
  9. grassland grasses and scattered trees adapted to a tropical wet climate
  10. when rock layers or eroded or when sediment is not deposited for a long time
  11. the look and feel of a rocks surface
  12. rock layer formed when lava flows onto the surface and hardens
  13. facts showing if a hypothesis or belief is true or valid
  14. a particular period in history

24 Clues: a period of timeno longer in existencea crack in the earth's crusta particular period in historychange in an organism over timea scientist who studies fossilsinformation obtained with sensorsa copy of the shape of an organismthe look and feel of a rocks surfacea large area of land covered with treesthe resistance of a soil to breaking apart...

Lesson 2 vocab 2021-09-01

Lesson 2 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Tectonics is a process involving huge blocks of Earth's crust and upper mantel that are called tectonic plates
  2. is a point at which, everywhere on Earth, days and nights are nearly equal length
  3. is a point in which days are longest in one hemisphere and shorter in another
  4. a process in which water, ice, or wind remove small pieces of rock and move them somewhere else
  1. is a process that breaks rocks down into tiny pieces
  2. is the process of depositing, or dropping, eroded material

6 Clues: is a process that breaks rocks down into tiny piecesis the process of depositing, or dropping, eroded materialis a point in which days are longest in one hemisphere and shorter in anotheris a point at which, everywhere on Earth, days and nights are nearly equal length...

Nail Structure Key Words 2024-02-10

Nail Structure Key Words crossword puzzle
  1. Technical term for the natural nail itself
  2. Thin layer of tissue between the nail plate and the nail bed
  3. Portion of living skin that supports the nail plate as it grows toward the free edge
  4. Area where the nail plate cells are formed; this area is composed of matrix cells that become the nail plate
  5. Hardened keratin plate that sits on top of the underlying nail bed and slowly slides across the nail bed while it grows
  6. Fold of normal skin that surrounds the nail plate
  7. Tough band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or holds an organ in place
  8. Furrow on each side of the nail
  1. Slightly thickened layer of skin that lies between the fingertip and free edge of the nail plate and forms a protective barrier that prevents microorganisms from invading and infecting the nail bed
  2. Dead,colorless tissue attached to the nail plate
  3. Also called the lateral nail fold, the fold of skin overlapping the side of the nail
  4. Whitish, half-moon shape underneath the base of the nail plate
  5. The natural nail divided into several major parts, including the nail bed, matrix, nail plate, cuticle etc.,
  6. Living skin at the base of the nail plate covering the matrix area
  7. Part of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe

15 Clues: Furrow on each side of the nailTechnical term for the natural nail itselfDead,colorless tissue attached to the nail plateFold of normal skin that surrounds the nail plateThin layer of tissue between the nail plate and the nail bedWhitish, half-moon shape underneath the base of the nail plate...

plate tectonic crossword 2017-11-25

plate tectonic crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a deep depression of the sea floor caused by the subduction of one plate under another
  2. zones, where plates slide under another plate
  3. beneath lithosphere, "plastic mantle; higher temperature and pressures
  4. plates that separate
  5. boundary, the point where two plates meet
  6. spreading, when divergent plates beneath the ocean waters move apart to make new seafloor
  7. the name of all the continents together as one
  8. plates that slide past one another
  9. the ridges made by the plates; on land
  10. Wegner, who came up with the theory that the continents were once together
  11. layer of Earth that is the only liquid layer
  12. zones, an area in the middle of a continental plate where the plate is beginning to separate
  1. a crack in the Earth's crust where rocks slide past one another
  2. made from crust and upper mantle; rigid plates and low temperatures
  3. the name for a land plate
  4. colliding plates
  5. drift, the difference densities of the mantle (warm and cool) that rise and sink causing a circular motion
  6. a plate that is under a large body of water
  7. ridges, underwater mountain ranges where the crust is spreading apart creating new ocean floor

19 Clues: colliding platesplates that separatethe name for a land plateplates that slide past one anotherthe ridges made by the plates; on landboundary, the point where two plates meeta plate that is under a large body of waterlayer of Earth that is the only liquid layerzones, where plates slide under another plate...

Ocean Currents 2021-03-12

Ocean Currents crossword puzzle
  1. a force that pulls downward.
  2. plain, a large area of extremely flat or gently sloping ocean floor just offshore from a continent, at depths of 13,000-20,000 feet.
  3. slope, the slope between the outer edge of the continental shelf and the deep ocean floor.
  4. vent, a fissure in a planet's surface from which geothermally heated water is released.
  5. the movement of fluid.
  6. island, formed by a build up of cooled lava, breaks the surface of the ocean.
  7. shelf, the area of seabed around a large landmass where the sea is relatively shallow compared with the open ocean.
  1. the temperature and salt content of water.
  2. the regular rise and fall of ocean levels.
  3. things that can flow like gases.
  4. ridge, an underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonics. this uplifting of the ocean floor occurs when convection currents rise in the mantle beneath the oceanic crust and create magma where two tectonic plates meet at a divergent boundary.
  5. trench, a long, narrow, deep depression in the ocean floor, typically one running parallel to a plate boundary and marking a subduction zone.

12 Clues: the movement of fluid.a force that pulls downward.things that can flow like gases.the temperature and salt content of water.the regular rise and fall of ocean levels.island, formed by a build up of cooled lava, breaks the surface of the ocean.vent, a fissure in a planet's surface from which geothermally heated water is released....

Nail Disorders and Diseases 2014-09-08

Nail Disorders and Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. caused by trauma to nail bed that damages capillaries and allows small amounts of blood to flow
  2. ridges running vertically down the natural nail plate are caused by this
  3. fungal infection of the nail plate
  4. this is a noticeable trait of eggshell nails
  5. severe inflammation of the nail in which a lump of red tissue grows up from the nail bed to the nail plate
  6. simply known as bitten nail
  7. parasites that under some conditions can cause infections to the feet and hands
  8. separation and falling off of a nail plate from the nail bed
  9. tiny pits or roughness on surface of natural nail plate; noninfectious
  10. redness, pain, and swelling are signs of this
  11. tinea pedis is the medical tern used to describe this
  12. when this or other living tissue surrounding the nail plate becomes split of torn causing a hangnail
  1. bacteria that can cause nail infections
  2. a dark band within the nail plate that extends from the base to the free edge due to increased pigmentation
  3. highly curved nail caused by injury to the matrix or inherited
  4. split or brittle nails with lengthwise ridges on nail plate
  5. onychia is the result of this happening to the nail matrix and nail shedding
  6. caused be injury to the matrix; white discolorations of the nail

18 Clues: simply known as bitten nailfungal infection of the nail platebacteria that can cause nail infectionsthis is a noticeable trait of eggshell nailsredness, pain, and swelling are signs of thistinea pedis is the medical tern used to describe thissplit or brittle nails with lengthwise ridges on nail plate...

Dance 2021-05-18

Dance crossword puzzle
  1. roll on 2 feet, toe, toe, heel, heel.
  2. to escape from a closed position to an open position
  3. brush to a degage, leg 2 meets it in the air, land on leg 2.
  4. toe plate and heel plate hit the floor at the same time, put the weight down.
  5. scissor jump
  6. saute with a beat
  7. to grow into a straight leg.
  8. brush spank.
  1. to assemble in the air; brush to a degage, squeez legs in 3rd, land in 3rd.
  2. brush step.
  3. Up A dance film that features Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan.
  4. on 1 foot, heel, spank, toe, heel.
  5. swing the foot forward and only hitting the toe plate.
  6. to change; jump with one foot in front and land with a different foot in front.
  7. rainbow jump
  8. a position where the working leg is bent at the knee.
  9. land on toe plate on one foot only.
  10. swing the foot backward and only hitting the toe plate.
  11. land on toe plate with two feet.
  12. toe and heel palate at the same time; lift the foot up.
  13. to melt

21 Clues: to meltbrush step.rainbow jumpscissor jumpbrush spank.saute with a beatto grow into a straight on toe plate with two feet.on 1 foot, heel, spank, toe, on toe plate on one foot only.roll on 2 feet, toe, toe, heel, escape from a closed position to an open positiona position where the working leg is bent at the knee....

Geosphere Terminology - Plate Tectonics 2022-01-10

Geosphere Terminology - Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. zone
  2. Boundary
  3. boundary
  4. island arc
  5. boundary
  6. Tectonic Theory
  7. valley
  1. spreading
  2. boundary
  3. Plate
  4. drift hypothesis

11 Clues: zonePlatevalleyboundaryBoundaryboundaryboundaryspreadingisland arcTectonic Theorydrift hypothesis

The Techtonic Plates 2023-12-05

The Techtonic Plates crossword puzzle
  1. Wegner- the person who created the pangea theory
  2. crust- the crust that makes up the land
  3. the theory that all continents drifted apart
  4. Andreas fault- lots of earthquakes happen here
  5. drift- when all the continents separated
  6. convergent boundaries slide together causing a __________
  7. of fire- a ring of volcanos
  8. boundary- where 2 plate boundaries separate and a fault is formed
  9. boundary- when two plate boundaries slide against each other and cause an earthquake
  10. ridge an underwater mountain chain
  1. zone - when one plate boundary slides under another
  2. the solid\liquid stuff that the outer core is made of
  3. the remains of an animal that was alive millions of years ago
  4. current- where heat rises and cold air descends
  5. the upper mantle and crust
  6. boundary- the boundary between two tectonic plates
  7. crust- the crust below the ocean
  8. boundary- when two plate boundaries slide together and form mountains
  9. spreading- when the plate boundary splits apart, causing new seafloor

19 Clues: the upper mantle and crustof fire- a ring of volcanoscrust- the crust below the oceanridge an underwater mountain chaindrift- when all the continents separatedcrust- the crust that makes up the landthe theory that all continents drifted apartAndreas fault- lots of earthquakes happen herecurrent- where heat rises and cold air descends...

The Earths Layers 2022-08-30

The Earths Layers crossword puzzle
  1. Thin outermost layer of earth. Made up mainly of granite and basalt.
  2. A dense sphere of solid iron and nickel at the center of the earth and has the highest temperature and most pressure.
  3. Current in Earth's mantle that transforms heat in Earth's interior and is the driving force for plate tectonics
  4. a process which more dense materials of a planet sink to the center, while less dense materials stay on the surface
  1. the makeup of something
  2. a layer of molten nickle and iron the surrounds the inner core
  3. How tightly packed the matter in a substance is
  4. the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  5. Earth's thickest layer made of hot rock and is less dense than the core, less hot, and has less pressure on it.
  6. The amount of matter in an object

10 Clues: the makeup of somethingThe amount of matter in an objectHow tightly packed the matter in a substance isa layer of molten nickle and iron the surrounds the inner coreThin outermost layer of earth. Made up mainly of granite and basalt.the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle....

Plate Tectonic Landforms 2024-01-30

Plate Tectonic Landforms crossword puzzle
  1. A curved chain of volcanic land
  2. A series of mountains in the ocean formed by plate tectonics. There is one located in the mid-Atlantic.
  3. A large wave caused by an earthquake in the ocean
  4. Areas where a volcano is splitting apart and magma flows beneath
  5. A sudden violent shaking of the ground from two tectonic plates catching on each other
  1. A place on Earth where there is a long break in the rock, where earthquakes are more likely to happen. An example is the New Madrid.
  2. An opening in Earth's crust where lava, gas, and ash can escape. Mt. St. Helen's is an example
  3. A long and obvious dip on the ocean floor
  4. A dip in the Earth's surface shaped like a bowl
  5. A landform that rises above the surrounding land, typically having steep slopes. Everest is an example

10 Clues: A curved chain of volcanic landA long and obvious dip on the ocean floorA dip in the Earth's surface shaped like a bowlA large wave caused by an earthquake in the oceanAreas where a volcano is splitting apart and magma flows beneathA sudden violent shaking of the ground from two tectonic plates catching on each other...

Plate Tectonics Vocab Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-10

Plate Tectonics Vocab Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the word for lava when it's still in the mantle
  2. two plates moving away from each other
  3. one plate sliding under another
  4. the top layer of Earth; two types: oceanic and continental
  5. two (or more) plates coming together
  6. what denser oceanic crust is made of
  1. two plates sliding sideways
  2. "all land" or "whole land"
  3. divergent boundaries will result in these
  4. what less-dense continental crust is made of
  5. these are formed when subduction occurs, and oceanic crust melts as it enters the mantle (think Mt. St. Helens)

11 Clues: "all land" or "whole land"two plates sliding sidewaysone plate sliding under anothertwo (or more) plates coming togetherwhat denser oceanic crust is made oftwo plates moving away from each otherdivergent boundaries will result in thesewhat less-dense continental crust is made ofthe word for lava when it's still in the mantle...

Plate Tectonics Earth Systems Vocabulary 2024-03-26

Plate Tectonics Earth Systems Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The Broken up pieces of the lithosphere
  2. Boundary between 2 plates moving away from each other (separate, divide)
  3. Places where tectonic plates meet.
  4. Theory explaining how tectonic plates move and change shape.
  5. Ring of volcanoes around the pacific plate
  6. Process of new oceanic crust forming as magma rises toward the surface and solidifies
  1. Occurs when 2 tectonic plates collide, and one plate moves under the other and sinks into the mantle
  2. Boundary formed by collision of 2 plates (collide, crash, collision)
  3. Boundary between 2 plates that are scraping past each other (slide,scrape)
  4. The landmass that existed when all continents were joined together
  5. Hypothesis that the continents once formed a single land mass, broke up, and drifted to their present location.

11 Clues: Places where tectonic plates meet.The Broken up pieces of the lithosphereRing of volcanoes around the pacific plateTheory explaining how tectonic plates move and change shape.The landmass that existed when all continents were joined togetherBoundary formed by collision of 2 plates (collide, crash, collision)...

Nail Structure and Growth Vocabulary 2024-08-08

Nail Structure and Growth Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. technical term for nails of the fingers or toes
  2. slit or furrow on the sides of the nail
  3. nonliving colorless tissue attached to the nail plate
  4. collectively; the nail bed (or sterile matrix), nail fold, eponychium, paronychium, and hyponychium
  5. visible part of the matrix that extends from underneath the living skin; whitish half-moon shape at the base of the nail
  6. part of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe
  7. folds of skin that surround the nail plate
  8. hard keratin plate on top of and slowly sliding across the nail bed as it grows; the most visible and functional part of the nail unit
  9. slightly thickened layer of skin that lies between the fingertip and free edge of the nail plate, forming a protective barrier that prevents microorganisms from invading and infecting the nail bed
  10. abbreviated PNF; entire flap of skin covering the matrix, extending from the edge of the visible nail plate to the first joint of the finger or toe
  1. portion of living skin that supports the nail plate as it grows toward the free edge
  2. also known as the sidewall; folds of skin that line the sides of the nail plate
  3. living skin underneath the PNF found at the nail plate’s base covering the matrix area
  4. all parts of the finger from the tip to the first knuckle; technically referred to as the onyx and is composed mainly of keratin
  5. tough band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or holds an organ in place
  6. area where the nail plate cells are formed; composed of matrix cells that produce the nail plate
  7. thin layer of tissue between the nail plate and the nail bed

17 Clues: slit or furrow on the sides of the nailfolds of skin that surround the nail platetechnical term for nails of the fingers or toesnonliving colorless tissue attached to the nail platethin layer of tissue between the nail plate and the nail bedpart of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe...

Nail Disorders and Diseases 2014-09-08

Nail Disorders and Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. this is a noticeable trait of eggshell nails
  2. simply known as bitten nail
  3. a dark band within the nail plate that extends from the base to the free edge due to increased pigmentation
  4. parasites that under some conditions can cause infections to the feet and hands
  5. bacteria that can cause nail infections
  6. highly curved nail caused by injury to the matrix or inherited
  7. when this or other living tissue surrounding the nail plate becomes split of torn causing a hangnail
  1. redness, pain, and swelling are signs of this
  2. fungal infection of the nail plate
  3. split or brittle nails with lengthwise ridges on nail plate
  4. severe inflammation of the nail in which a lump of red tissue grows up from the nail bed to the nail plate
  5. onychia is the result of this happening to the nail matrix and nail shedding
  6. caused by trauma to nail bed that damages capillaries and allows small amounts of blood to flow
  7. tiny pits or roughness on surface of natural nail plate; noninfectious
  8. tinea pedis is the medical tern used to describe this
  9. ridges running vertically down the natural nail plate are caused by this
  10. separation and falling off of a nail plate from the nail bed
  11. caused be injury to the matrix; white discolorations of the nail

18 Clues: simply known as bitten nailfungal infection of the nail platebacteria that can cause nail infectionsthis is a noticeable trait of eggshell nailsredness, pain, and swelling are signs of thistinea pedis is the medical tern used to describe thissplit or brittle nails with lengthwise ridges on nail plate...

Dance 2021-05-18

Dance crossword puzzle
  1. to grow into a straight leg.
  2. swing the foot forward and only hitting the toe plate.
  3. to escape from a closed position to an open position
  4. roll on 2 feet, toe, toe, heel, heel.
  5. Up A dance film that features Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan.
  6. scissor jump
  7. saute with a beat
  8. brush step.
  9. on 1 foot, heel, spank, toe, heel.
  1. brush spank.
  2. to melt
  3. land on toe plate with two feet.
  4. to assemble in the air; brush to a degage, squeez legs in 3rd, land in 3rd.
  5. brush to a degage, leg 2 meets it in the air, land on leg 2.
  6. toe plate and heel plate hit the floor at the same time, put the weight down.
  7. to change; jump with one foot in front and land with a different foot in front.
  8. rainbow jump
  9. a position where the working leg is bent at the knee.
  10. toe and heel palate at the same time; lift the foot up.
  11. land on toe plate on one foot only.
  12. swing the foot backward and only hitting the toe plate.

21 Clues: to meltbrush step.brush spank.rainbow jumpscissor jumpsaute with a beatto grow into a straight on toe plate with two feet.on 1 foot, heel, spank, toe, on toe plate on one foot only.roll on 2 feet, toe, toe, heel, escape from a closed position to an open positiona position where the working leg is bent at the knee....

Crossword Puzzle of the Earths Studies 2024-01-13

Crossword Puzzle of the Earths Studies crossword puzzle
  1. When a tectonic plate slides under another tectonic plate that is called..
  2. Sphere contained with all water on Earth
  3. Rock that includes the process of cementation and compaction
  4. Something that erupts with lava
  5. First layer of air in the atmosphere
  6. Outermost layer of the Earth
  7. Type of plate boundary that comes towards each other
  8. When something is squeezed together into one
  9. Sphere contained out of all rocks
  10. Type of plate boundary that moves away from each other
  11. Innermost layer of the Earth
  12. Convergent, divergent, and transform are all...
  13. Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis are all...
  1. Contained of the crust and upper mantle
  2. Made from the transform plate boundary
  3. Contained of liquid nickel and iron
  4. Rock made from intense heat and pressure
  5. The current that moves the tectonic plates
  6. Located in the upper mantle and con stained of hot plastic rock
  7. Type of plate boundary that slides or moves past each other
  8. Sphere contained of all living things
  9. Study of rocks
  10. Rock made from melting and cooling

23 Clues: Study of rocksOutermost layer of the EarthInnermost layer of the EarthSomething that erupts with lavaSphere contained out of all rocksRock made from melting and coolingContained of liquid nickel and ironFirst layer of air in the atmosphereSphere contained of all living thingsMade from the transform plate boundary...

Stratigraphy Pa More! 2015-03-24

Stratigraphy Pa More! crossword puzzle
  1. are rocks that have been abraded, pitted, etched, grooved, or polished by wind-driven sand
  2. is a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean
  3. is a rock unit that is distinctive enough in appearance that a geologic mapper can tell it apart from the surrounding rock layers.
  4. failed arm of a triple junction of a plate tectonics rift system
  5. stratigraphic classification based on lithology
  1. type section
  2. fan of braided streams and sediment formed when a river discharges into a larger body of water
  3. the localized accumulation of the remains of dead organisms. The cause, time, and place of death of the individual are not important.
  4. is a deep zone of an inland body of freestanding water
  5. shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by barrier islands or reefs.

10 Clues: type sectionstratigraphic classification based on lithologyis a deep zone of an inland body of freestanding waterfailed arm of a triple junction of a plate tectonics rift systemis a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an oceanshallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by barrier islands or reefs....

Ch10 HUM8 2020-11-26

Ch10 HUM8 crossword puzzle
  1. The build-up of salts at the soil surface, either naturally due to evaporation or by land clearing
  2. Landscapes where there is little available water
  3. Collective term for wastewater, sediment and nutrients that can flow into waterways and coastal areas and damage marine life
  4. A landform formed by a single massive rock or stone
  5. Name for the giant marsupials that roamed Australia about 60 000 years ago
  6. Type of forest which grows in cooler latitudes and has less rainfall than tropical forests
  7. Landscape in which underground water dissolves limestone to create distinctive landforms like cliffs and caves
  1. The process of people moving from rural areas to towns and cities
  2. The number and types of plants and animals in a specific area
  3. Name given to the two human remains, the oldest discovered in Australia, named after the lake near which they are found
  4. North ____ Island has been described as the world's most isolated tribe
  5. Lines on a map which identify places of equal height above sea level
  6. Frozen layer beneath the earth's surface
  7. Plate ____ is the driving process behind many natural landforms

14 Clues: Frozen layer beneath the earth's surfaceLandscapes where there is little available waterA landform formed by a single massive rock or stoneThe number and types of plants and animals in a specific areaPlate ____ is the driving process behind many natural landformsThe process of people moving from rural areas to towns and cities...

Nail Structure and Growth 2023-01-11

Nail Structure and Growth crossword puzzle
  1. technical term for nails of the fingers or toes
  2. tough band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or holds an organ in place
  3. hard keratin plate on the top of and slowly sliding across the nail bed as it grows; the most visible and functional part of the nail unit
  4. part of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe
  5. also known as the sidewall; folds of the skin that line the sides of the nail plate
  6. slightly thickened layer of skin that lies between the fingertip and the free edge of the nail plate, forming a protective barrier that prevents microorganisms from invading and infecting the nail bed
  7. collectively; the nail bed (or sterile matrix), nail fold, eponychium, paronychium, and hyponychium
  8. folds of skin that surround the nail plate
  9. nonliving colorless tissue attached to the nail plate
  1. all parts of the finger from the tip to the first knuckle; technically referred to as the onyx and is composed mainly of keratin
  2. thin layer of tissue between the nail plate and the nail bed
  3. slit or furrow on the sides of the nail
  4. abbreviated PNF; entire flap of skin covering the matrix, extending from the edge of the visible nail plate to the first joint of the finger or toe
  5. area where the nail plate cells are formed; composed of matrix cells that produce the nail plate
  6. portion of the living skin that supports the nail plate as it grows toward the free edge
  7. living skin underneath the PNF found at the nail plate's base covering the matrix
  8. visible parts of the matrix that extends from underneath the living skin; whitish half-moon shape at the base of the nail

17 Clues: slit or furrow on the sides of the nailfolds of skin that surround the nail platetechnical term for nails of the fingers or toesnonliving colorless tissue attached to the nail platethin layer of tissue between the nail plate and the nail bedpart of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe...

Nail Disorders and Diseases 2014-09-08

Nail Disorders and Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. simply known as bitten nail
  2. severe inflammation of the nail in which a lump of red tissue grows up from the nail bed to the nail plate
  3. fungal infection of the nail plate
  4. caused by trauma to nail bed that damages capillaries and allows small amounts of blood to flow
  5. highly curved nail caused by injury to the matrix or inherited
  6. onychia is the result of this happening to the nail matrix and nail shedding
  7. split or brittle nails with lengthwise ridges on nail plate
  8. a dark band within the nail plate that extends from the base to the free edge due to increased pigmentation
  9. ridges running vertically down the natural nail plate are caused by this
  10. tiny pits or roughness on surface of natural nail plate; noninfectious
  11. this is a noticeable trait of eggshell nails
  1. parasites that under some conditions can cause infections to the feet and hands
  2. separation and falling off of a nail plate from the nail bed
  3. bacteria that can cause nail infections
  4. when this or other living tissue surrounding the nail plate becomes split of torn causing a hangnail
  5. caused be injury to the matrix; white discolorations of the nail
  6. tinea pedis is the medical tern used to describe this
  7. redness, pain, and swelling are signs of this

18 Clues: simply known as bitten nailfungal infection of the nail platebacteria that can cause nail infectionsthis is a noticeable trait of eggshell nailsredness, pain, and swelling are signs of thistinea pedis is the medical tern used to describe thissplit or brittle nails with lengthwise ridges on nail plate...

plate tectonics crossword-leyla birriel 5th period 2021-11-15

plate tectonics crossword-leyla birriel 5th period crossword puzzle
  1. two plates moving away from each other
  2. the theory that the earths surface is divided and the continents move
  3. earthquakes are caused from this type of boundary
  4. two plates coming together
  5. thinnest layer of the earth
  6. the layer where the plates move
  7. the layer that has the crust and the top, most rigid part of the mantle
  8. the hottest layer and is solid
  9. crust on land
  10. the region where an oceanic plate sinks down into the asthenosphere
  11. the liquid layer before the inner core
  12. piece of the lithosphere that moves on the asthenosphere
  13. the super continent
  1. plate surrounded by convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries.
  2. crust on water
  3. the theory that continents can drift apart from one another and have in the past
  4. the layer between the crust and the outer core
  5. famous transform boundary
  6. this is what two continental plates colliding makes
  7. made by transform boundaries

20 Clues: crust on landcrust on waterthe super continentfamous transform boundarytwo plates coming togetherthinnest layer of the earthmade by transform boundariesthe hottest layer and is solidthe layer where the plates movetwo plates moving away from each otherthe liquid layer before the inner corethe layer between the crust and the outer core...

Earth's Layers and Plate tectonics - CROSSWORD LADS 2016-12-08

Earth's Layers and Plate tectonics - CROSSWORD LADS crossword puzzle
  1. Layer of the mantle that comes with the liquid outtercore
  2. Is the upper part of the mantle
  3. The thickest part of the tectonics plates
  4. Dense layer composed of mostly sold iron
  5. Is the largest layer of the earth
  6. Plates that move towards each other
  7. It makes a new oceanic lithosphere and it forms a magma
  8. Release the Earth's crust causing the earth to shake
  1. Outer most layer
  2. Is an energy that through the earth
  3. Layer of Earth that lies above the inner core
  4. Is an oceanic fault between two plates
  5. Its like plastic below the lithosphere
  6. Its an instrument that make vibration happen
  7. Plates that Slide past each other
  8. Its an underground water where the sea spreading takes place
  9. The mass that compare the size and the volume of it
  10. Plates that move away from each other
  11. The thinnest layer of the earth
  12. the crust is different from the mantle and it moves like crust

20 Clues: Outer most layerIs the upper part of the mantleThe thinnest layer of the earthPlates that Slide past each otherIs the largest layer of the earthIs an energy that through the earthPlates that move towards each otherPlates that move away from each otherIs an oceanic fault between two platesIts like plastic below the lithosphere...

Plate Tectonics and Parts of the Earth 2024-03-27

Plate Tectonics and Parts of the Earth crossword puzzle
  1. found out the movement of the continents
  2. Similar glacial deposits and striations exist in South America and Africa.
  3. Two plates grind past each other in opposite directions.
  4. Discovered the missing link for Wegners Theory.
  5. The innermost part of the Earth.
  6. a line that marks the limits of an area/a dividing line.
  7. The mountain ranges on the east coast of North America and northern Europe are made of the same type of rock which formed at the same time.
  8. A region where two tectonic plates converge into each other.
  9. Magma from the Earth's mantle rises to the crust and causes 2 plates to diverge from each other.
  10. The coastline of the continents seem to fit together
  1. Is subdivided into tectonic plates.
  2. derived from the Latin expression “entire earth.”
  3. THe molten rock found in the mantle.
  4. Greek word for rock or stone.
  5. There are boundaries between them, as they shift, they interact with each other in these boundary areas.
  6. Sits in the center of the Earth (the core) and spins in a liquid
  7. Middle Region of the Earth.
  8. Scientists use the size and development of bone to determine the period and lifespan of animals.
  9. The motion or movement of the continents over the years.
  10. Outermost Region of the Earth.

20 Clues: Middle Region of the Earth.Greek word for rock or stone.Outermost Region of the Earth.The innermost part of the Earth.Is subdivided into tectonic plates.THe molten rock found in the mantle.found out the movement of the continentsDiscovered the missing link for Wegners Theory.derived from the Latin expression “entire earth.”...

10.2 Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Mountains by Tr Joel 2022-08-01

10.2 Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Mountains by Tr Joel crossword puzzle
  1. Hot molten rock that breaks through the earth's crust and flows on to the surface is called?
  2. Cracks caused by the movement of the earth's crust is called?
  3. Scientists use supercomputers to __________ where earthquakes may happen.
  4. A very large ocean wave caused by the earthquake in the crust under the ocean.
  5. This is a feature of an idea or theory that is clearly supported by evidence
  1. The event where the sudden movement of tectonic plates causes the crust to move and shake violently
  2. Hot rock that fills the gap in between the crust is called?
  3. The location where two plate tectonics meet - usually a line
  4. I am a person who specialises in investigating and learning more about volcanoes.
  5. This is a feature of an idea or theory that is not clearly supported by evidence

10 Clues: Hot rock that fills the gap in between the crust is called?The location where two plate tectonics meet - usually a lineCracks caused by the movement of the earth's crust is called?Scientists use supercomputers to __________ where earthquakes may happen.This is a feature of an idea or theory that is clearly supported by evidence...

Liz Heitkamp D1-3 2023-02-08

Liz Heitkamp D1-3 crossword puzzle
  1. floor spreading The idea that new crust is forming at ridges in the sea floor, spreading apart the crust on either side of the ridges.
  2. The layer beneath Earth's crust.
  3. The point where an earthquake starts as rock begin to slide past each other.
  4. Earth's solid, rocky surface containing the continents and ocean floor.
  5. A huge crack in Earth's crust at or below the surface, the slides of which may show evidence of motions.
  1. Hot, molten rock below Earth's surface.
  2. The sliding of a denser ocean plates under another plate when they collide.
  3. tectonics The idea that Earth's surface is broken into plates that slide slowly across the mantle.
  4. horizontality The idea that many kind of rock form flat, horizontal layer.
  5. drift The idea that a supercontinent split apart into pieces the continents, which drift in time to their present location.

10 Clues: The layer beneath Earth's crust.Hot, molten rock below Earth's surface.Earth's solid, rocky surface containing the continents and ocean floor.horizontality The idea that many kind of rock form flat, horizontal layer.The sliding of a denser ocean plates under another plate when they collide....

Tectonics 2024-04-22

Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. large slabs of rock that divide Earth's crust
  2. is a planar fracture or discontinuity in a volume of rock across
  3. layer of granitic, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks
  4. upper layer of the earth's mantle
  5. hundreds to thousands of miles long, that forms above a subduction zone
  6. rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  1. largest layer of Earth's interior
  2. coming closer together
  3. part of the Earth's crust that makes up the seafloor
  4. make a thorough or dramatic change in the form
  5. a line that marks the limits of an area
  6. steep depressions
  7. moving or extending in different directions from a common point

13 Clues: steep depressionscoming closer togetherlargest layer of Earth's interiorupper layer of the earth's mantlea line that marks the limits of an arealarge slabs of rock that divide Earth's crustmake a thorough or dramatic change in the formpart of the Earth's crust that makes up the seafloorlayer of granitic, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks...

What evidence do we have of how the Earth has changed throughout its history? 2017-06-02

What evidence do we have of how the Earth has changed throughout its history? crossword puzzle
  1. The movement of the continents
  2. these form in cold places and were found in India and South America.
  3. a hypothetical supercontinent that included all current land masses, believed to have been in existence before the continents broke apart during the Triassic and Jurassic Periods.
  1. the same kind of these were found on separate continents, they could not move across the continents and still exist today
  2. an underwater mountain range that is formed by plate tectonics
  3. these form in hot swampy places and were first formed in Antarctica.

6 Clues: The movement of the continentsan underwater mountain range that is formed by plate tectonicsthese form in hot swampy places and were first formed in Antarctica.these form in cold places and were found in India and South America.the same kind of these were found on separate continents, they could not move across the continents and still exist today...

Vocab 2023-01-06

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the boundry between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.
  2. The man who investigated continental drift after finding fossils on opposite sides of oceans.
  1. The boundary where the tectonic plates are sliding past each other.
  2. The hypothesis that states that the continents once formed a single landmass, broke up, and drifted to their present locations.
  3. of plate tectonics The theory that pieces of Earth's outer crust are in constant motion.
  4. A supercontinent containing all of Earth's land that existed about 225 million years ago.

6 Clues: The boundary where the tectonic plates are sliding past each other.the boundry between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.of plate tectonics The theory that pieces of Earth's outer crust are in constant motion.A supercontinent containing all of Earth's land that existed about 225 million years ago....

Plate Tectonics on Terrestrial Planets 2023-05-01

Plate Tectonics on Terrestrial Planets crossword puzzle
  1. Of, on, or relating to the earth.
  2. Second planet from the sun.
  3. A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.
  4. Situated within or inside; relating to the inside; inner.
  5. Liquefied by heat.
  1. Fourth planet from the sun.
  2. The planet on which we live; the world.
  3. All existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos. It's believed to be at least 10 billion light years in diameter and contains a vast number of galaxies; it has been expanding since its creation in the Big Bang about 13 billion years ago.
  4. The faulting or folding or other deformation of the outer layer of a planet.
  5. The branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.
  6. Having a high degree of heat or a high temperature.

11 Clues: Liquefied by heat.Fourth planet from the sun.Second planet from the sun.Of, on, or relating to the earth.The planet on which we live; the world.Having a high degree of heat or a high temperature.Situated within or inside; relating to the inside; inner.A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star....

Earth surface plate tectonics 2020-04-27

Earth surface plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. long chains of undersea mountains
  2. drift continents move around on Earth’s surface
  3. an ancient supercontinent
  4. how the pieces of Earth’s surface move
  1. the process of lithospheric plate sinking into mantle
  2. lithospheric plates move over this
  3. a lithospheric plate that forms floor of the ocean
  4. valley formed on the ocean floor due to collision plates

8 Clues: an ancient supercontinentlong chains of undersea mountainslithospheric plates move over thishow the pieces of Earth’s surface movedrift continents move around on Earth’s surfacea lithospheric plate that forms floor of the oceanthe process of lithospheric plate sinking into mantlevalley formed on the ocean floor due to collision plates

Earth surface plate tectonics 2020-04-27

Earth surface plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. long chains of undersea mountains
  2. an ancient supercontinent
  3. valley formed on the ocean floor due to collision plates
  4. continents move around on Earth’s surface
  1. lithospheric plates move over this
  2. how the pieces of Earth’s surface move
  3. the process of lithospheric plate sinking into mantle
  4. a lithospheric plate that forms floor of the ocean

8 Clues: an ancient supercontinentlong chains of undersea mountainslithospheric plates move over thishow the pieces of Earth’s surface movecontinents move around on Earth’s surfacea lithospheric plate that forms floor of the oceanthe process of lithospheric plate sinking into mantlevalley formed on the ocean floor due to collision plates