respiratory system Crossword Puzzles

Respiratory System 2014-09-09

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. A colorless, odorless, gaseous element constituting about one-fifth of the volume of the atmosphere and present in a combined state in nature
  2. Where the vocal cords are located.
  3. The drawing of air into the lungs
  4. Preventing the entrance of food and drink into the larynx
  5. membranous or ligamentous wall separating two cavities or limiting a cavity
  6. The act of breathing out.
  7. Minute hairlike organelles, that line the surfaces of certain cells
  8. A bronchus or any of its ramifications or branches
  1. Either of two external openings of the nasal cavity in vertebrates that admit air to the lungs and smells to the olfactory nerves
  2. An air cell of the lungs, formed by the terminal dilation of tiny air passageways.
  3. A colorless, odorless, incombustible gas, CO 2, present in the atmosphere and formed during respiration
  4. One of a series of curved bones that are articulated with the vertebrae and occur in pairs.
  5. Several groups of muscles that run between the ribs.
  6. The tube or cavity, with its surrounding membrane and muscles, that connects the mouth and nasal passages with the esophagus.
  7. Either of the two respiratory organs in the thorax.
  8. A muscular passage connecting the mouth or pharynx with the stomach.
  9. Either of the two main branches of the trachea
  10. A action of breathing
  11. The cavity of this part of the body containing the stomach.
  12. One of the air-conveying tubes of the respiratory system.

20 Clues: A action of breathingThe act of breathing out.The drawing of air into the lungsWhere the vocal cords are located.Either of the two main branches of the tracheaA bronchus or any of its ramifications or branchesEither of the two respiratory organs in the thorax.Several groups of muscles that run between the ribs....

Respiratory System 2013-09-24

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. inflammation of the pharynx
  2. excision of the lobe
  3. surgical repair of the nose
  4. incision into the chest cavity
  5. artificial opening into the trachea
  6. surgical removal of the adenoids
  7. bleeding from the nose
  8. visual examination of the bronchi
  9. excision of the larynx
  10. chronic disease characterized by periodic attacks of dyspnea, wheezing, and coughing
  11. degenerative disease characterized by destructive changes in the walls of the alveoli
  12. inflammation of the larynx
  13. surgical fixation of the pleura
  1. inflammation of the pleura
  2. abnormal condition of the lung
  3. air in the pleural cavity causes the lung to collapse
  4. surgical removal of the tonsil
  5. inflammation of the nose and throat
  6. excision of the lung
  7. inflammation of the adenoids
  8. chronic obstruction of the airway that results from emphysema, asthma, or chronic bronchitis
  9. instrument used to visually examine the bronchi
  10. inflammation of the bronchi
  11. x-ray of the bronchi and lung
  12. instrument used for visual examination of the larynx
  13. inflammation of the tonsils
  14. infection of nose, sinuses, pharynx, larynx, and bronchi

27 Clues: excision of the lobeexcision of the lungbleeding from the noseexcision of the larynxinflammation of the pleurainflammation of the larynxinflammation of the pharynxsurgical repair of the noseinflammation of the bronchiinflammation of the tonsilsinflammation of the adenoidsx-ray of the bronchi and lungabnormal condition of the lung...

Respiratory System 2015-03-22

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. spasm of the diaphragm
  2. hairlike projections lining the respiratory tract
  3. contains the tonsils and serves in both respiration and digestion
  4. more commonly referred to as the voice box
  5. the primary bronchus that is shorter and wider and straighter
  6. lung collapse
  7. phase of breathing when air is leaving lungs
  8. last portion of bronchioles before the respiratory zone
  9. four event process that supplies body with O2 and gets rid of CO2
  10. the normal pressure within the pleural space preventing lung collapse
  11. surgical opening to the trachea
  12. movement of air into and out of lungs
  13. inflamed sinuses often accompanied by a headache
  14. inadequate oxygen delivery to body tissues
  1. difficult or labored breathing
  2. a disease that includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema
  3. more common name for pharyngeal tonsils
  4. inflammation of the pleura caused by decreased secretion of pleural fluid
  5. structure in lung where gas exchange occurs
  6. the type of change that occurs which leads to a change in pressure
  7. same as crying in terms of air movements
  8. houses the heart and great blood vessels
  9. extends from the larynx to primary bronchi
  10. chemoreceptors in nose responsible for smell
  11. hoods the laryngeal opening preventing food from going into the trachea
  12. the narrow superior portion of the lungs
  13. increases air turbulence in nasal cavity
  14. lighten the skull and drain into the nasal cavity
  15. separates the nasal and oral cavities

29 Clues: lung collapsespasm of the diaphragmdifficult or labored breathingsurgical opening to the tracheamovement of air into and out of lungsseparates the nasal and oral cavitiesmore common name for pharyngeal tonsilssame as crying in terms of air movementshouses the heart and great blood vesselsthe narrow superior portion of the lungs...

Respiratory System 2018-02-07

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. a noninfectious, chronic respiratory condition that occurs when the walls of the alveoli deteriorate & loose their elasticity
  2. grape-like structures at which the bronchioles end
  3. tiny hair-like structures that filter inhaled air
  4. inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords
  5. respiration the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the bloodstream
  6. The trachea branches off into two ___________.
  7. the upper portion of the pharynx located behind the nasal cavities
  8. dioxide the waste product of your cells
  9. the middle section of the pharynx located behind the oral cavity
  10. when we breathe in
  11. The throat.
  12. Keeps food from entering the trachea.
  13. The voice box.
  14. a name for the openings of the nose
  15. cavities in the skull that surround the nasal cavity
  1. another name for the openings of the nose
  2. an inflammation or infection of the lungs characterized by a buildup of fluid in the alveoli
  3. respiration the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the tissue cells and the bloodstream
  4. inflammation of the bronchi and bronchial tubes
  5. the bottom section of the pharynx
  6. The windpipe
  7. When we breathe out.
  8. a respiratory disorder usually caused by a sensitivity to an allergen such as dust or pollen
  9. highly contagious viral infection of the upper respiratory system
  10. the divisions of the bronchi and the alveoli are found in organs called _______.
  11. a nosebleed
  12. an acronym used to describe any chronic lung disease that results in obstruction of the airways
  13. __________ membranes line the lungs and thoracic cavity.
  14. an inflammation of the nasal mucus membrane
  15. septum the wall of cartilage which dived the nose into two hollow spaces

30 Clues: a nosebleedThe throat.The windpipeThe voice box.when we breathe inWhen we breathe out.the bottom section of the pharynxa name for the openings of the noseKeeps food from entering the trachea.dioxide the waste product of your cellsanother name for the openings of the noseinflammation of the larynx and vocal cords...

Respiratory System 2018-02-03

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. small branch-like structure due to the bronchi repeatedly dividing
  2. inflammation of bronchi and bronchial tubes
  3. body part in the center of the face with two openings in which air enter through
  4. a tube that carries air between the pharynx and bronchi
  5. tiny, hair-like structures that filter inhaled air
  6. wall of cartilage in the nose that splits it into two hollow spaces
  7. the process of inhaling air
  8. chronic respiratory condition in which the walls of the alveoli deteriorate and lose their elasticity
  9. system responsible for taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide
  10. tiny spherical air sacs at the end of bronchioles
  11. the process of gas exchange from the lungs to the bloodstream
  12. internal organs that contain bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli; where blood gets oxygenated
  13. the process of breathing
  14. the process of exhaling air
  15. inflammation or infection of the lungs, involves fluid buildup in the alveoli
  1. the process of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and bloodstream, and bloodstream and cells; supplying the cells with oxygen to carry out functions
  2. when the capillaries in the nose become congested and bleed (also called a nosebleed)
  3. the process of gas exchange from the bloodstream to the cells
  4. a leaf-shaped cartilage that closes the opening of the larynx when swallowing
  5. two hollow spaces in the nose separated by the nasal septum
  6. air spaces in the bones that improves the voice and creates mucus
  7. condition in which an individual stop breathing while asleep
  8. inflammation of the pleura
  9. the membrane that encloses and surrounds the lungs
  10. also known as the voice box; as air passes through this vibrates and creates sounds
  11. the process of inspiration and expiration
  12. respiratory disorder that causes wheezing, coughing, and tightness in chest
  13. inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the sinuses
  14. two tubes that carry air from the trachea to the lungs
  15. a tube that carries are to the trachea and food to the esophagus

30 Clues: the process of breathinginflammation of the pleurathe process of inhaling airthe process of exhaling airthe process of inspiration and expirationinflammation of bronchi and bronchial tubestiny spherical air sacs at the end of bronchiolestiny, hair-like structures that filter inhaled airthe membrane that encloses and surrounds the lungs...

Respiratory System 2018-02-08

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. process in living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances.
  2. cartilage:provide connectivity for different ligaments, cartilages, and muscles, which facilitate the opening and shutting of the air passage and the production of sound.
  3. volume:the volume of air still remaining in the lungs after the most forcible expiration possible.
  4. pleura:the outer membrane which is attached to the inner surface of the thoracic cavity.
  5. warm and moisturize air as it flows through the nose.
  6. two thin layers of tissue that protect and cushion the lungs.
  7. pleura:the delicate serous membrane that covers the surface of each lung (the lung parenchyma) and dips into the fissures between the lobes.
  8. of the lining of bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs.
  9. upper part of the pharynx, connecting with the nasal cavity above the soft palate.
  10. in the lungs which branch off from the larger bronchi that enter each lung, from the large and singular trachea which connects to the mouth.
  11. air gases exit the lungs
  12. cartilage:forms the Adam's apple, is the largest and uppermost of nine cartilages within the larynx, or voice box.
  1. of small, branching tubes that carry oxygen to individual body cells
  2. flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, which is depressed during swallowing to cover the opening of the windpipe.
  3. part of the throat at the back of the mouth behind the oral cavity
  4. cords:small bands of muscle within the larynx. These muscles vibrate to produce the voice. The vocal cords form a "V" inside the larynx, a 2-inch-long, tube-shaped organ in the neck:
  5. A fluid secreted by Type II cells that contains phospholipids and lipoproteins.
  6. be found between the hyoid bone and the larynx and esophagus, which helps guide food and air where to go.
  7. sheet of muscle and tendon that serves as the main muscle of respiration and plays a vital role in the breathing process.
  8. flows into the lungs.
  9. called voice box, a hollow, tubular structure connected to the top of the windpipe (trachea)
  10. part of the larynx consisting of the vocal cords and the slitlike opening between them. It affects voice modulation through expansion or contraction.
  11. sacs within our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and bloodstream.
  12. throat, is the passageway leading from the mouth & nose to the esophagus & pharynx

24 Clues: flows into the lungs.air gases exit the lungswarm and moisturize air as it flows through the nose.two thin layers of tissue that protect and cushion the lungs.part of the throat at the back of the mouth behind the oral cavityof small, branching tubes that carry oxygen to individual body cells...

Respiratory System 2018-02-08

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. pleura:the delicate serous membrane that covers the surface of each lung (the lung parenchyma) and dips into the fissures between the lobes.
  2. warm and moisturize air as it flows through the nose.
  3. process in living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances.
  4. of the lining of bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs.
  5. cords:small bands of muscle within the larynx. These muscles vibrate to produce the voice. The vocal cords form a "V" inside the larynx, a 2-inch-long, tube-shaped organ in the neck:
  6. be found between the hyoid bone and the larynx and esophagus, which helps guide food and air where to go.
  7. volume:the volume of air still remaining in the lungs after the most forcible expiration possible.
  8. sacs within our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and bloodstream.
  9. upper part of the pharynx, connecting with the nasal cavity above the soft palate.
  10. cartilage:provide connectivity for different ligaments, cartilages, and muscles, which facilitate the opening and shutting of the air passage and the production of sound.
  11. flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, which is depressed during swallowing to cover the opening of the windpipe.
  1. flows into the lungs.
  2. sheet of muscle and tendon that serves as the main muscle of respiration and plays a vital role in the breathing process.
  3. A fluid secreted by Type II cells that contains phospholipids and lipoproteins.
  4. of small, branching tubes that carry oxygen to individual body cells
  5. air gases exit the lungs
  6. throat, is the passageway leading from the mouth & nose to the esophagus & pharynx
  7. part of the larynx consisting of the vocal cords and the slitlike opening between them. It affects voice modulation through expansion or contraction.
  8. pleura:the outer membrane which is attached to the inner surface of the thoracic cavity.
  9. in the lungs which branch off from the larger bronchi that enter each lung, from the large and singular trachea which connects to the mouth.
  10. two thin layers of tissue that protect and cushion the lungs.
  11. called voice box, a hollow, tubular structure connected to the top of the windpipe (trachea)
  12. cartilage:forms the Adam's apple, is the largest and uppermost of nine cartilages within the larynx, or voice box.
  13. part of the throat at the back of the mouth behind the oral cavity

24 Clues: flows into the lungs.air gases exit the lungswarm and moisturize air as it flows through the nose.two thin layers of tissue that protect and cushion the lungs.part of the throat at the back of the mouth behind the oral cavityof small, branching tubes that carry oxygen to individual body cells...

Respiratory System 2018-02-08

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. A fluid secreted by Type II cells that contains phospholipids and lipoproteins.
  2. cords:small bands of muscle within the larynx. These muscles vibrate to produce the voice. The vocal cords form a "V" inside the larynx, a 2-inch-long, tube-shaped organ in the neck:
  3. two thin layers of tissue that protect and cushion the lungs.
  4. called voice box, a hollow, tubular structure connected to the top of the windpipe (trachea)
  5. part of the throat at the back of the mouth behind the oral cavity
  6. of the lining of bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs.
  7. flows into the lungs.
  8. part of the larynx consisting of the vocal cords and the slitlike opening between them. It affects voice modulation through expansion or contraction.
  9. upper part of the pharynx, connecting with the nasal cavity above the soft palate.
  10. flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, which is depressed during swallowing to cover the opening of the windpipe.
  1. pleura:the delicate serous membrane that covers the surface of each lung (the lung parenchyma) and dips into the fissures between the lobes.
  2. throat, is the passageway leading from the mouth & nose to the esophagus & pharynx
  3. cartilage:provide connectivity for different ligaments, cartilages, and muscles, which facilitate the opening and shutting of the air passage and the production of sound.
  4. of small, branching tubes that carry oxygen to individual body cells
  5. be found between the hyoid bone and the larynx and esophagus, which helps guide food and air where to go.
  6. sheet of muscle and tendon that serves as the main muscle of respiration and plays a vital role in the breathing process.
  7. in the lungs which branch off from the larger bronchi that enter each lung, from the large and singular trachea which connects to the mouth.
  8. warm and moisturize air as it flows through the nose.
  9. process in living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances.
  10. sacs within our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and bloodstream.
  11. air gases exit the lungs
  12. pleura:the outer membrane which is attached to the inner surface of the thoracic cavity.
  13. cartilage:forms the Adam's apple, is the largest and uppermost of nine cartilages within the larynx, or voice box.
  14. volume:the volume of air still remaining in the lungs after the most forcible expiration possible.

24 Clues: flows into the lungs.air gases exit the lungswarm and moisturize air as it flows through the nose.two thin layers of tissue that protect and cushion the lungs.part of the throat at the back of the mouth behind the oral cavityof small, branching tubes that carry oxygen to individual body cells...

Respiratory System 2018-02-08

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Hairs in the nose that trap dust and other particles.
  2. Network of capillaries that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and lungs.
  3. Respiration Process of cells using oxygen and nutrients to produce energy.
  4. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and bloodstream.
  5. Cartilage that opens the Larynx when swallowing.
  6. Inflammation or infection of the lungs
  7. Bronchi divides in the lungs into smaller branches called bronchioles.
  8. Inflammation of membrane of the lungs.
  9. The voice box.
  10. System Structure that consists of the lungs and air passages.
  11. Inflammation of the larynx.
  12. Has two openings which air enters, the nostrils or nares.
  13. (exhalation) process of air coming out of the lungs.
  14. Process that includes both inspiration and expiration.
  15. Enters and lung and carries air form the trachea to the lung.
  16. Inflammation in the bronchi and bronchial tubes.
  17. Disorder of being sensitive to an allergen.
  1. Cavities in the skull that surround the nasal area.
  2. Cavities The hollow spaces in the nose.
  3. (cold) contagious infectious disease known as the flu.
  4. The throat.
  5. A nosebleed.
  6. condition where alveoli walls lose elasticity.
  7. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the tissue cells and blood stream.
  8. condition where a person stops breathing while asleep.
  9. (inhalation) process of breathing in air.
  10. Organs in the chest that allow the body to take in oxygen.
  11. Process of breathing.
  12. What the lungs are enclosed in.
  13. The windpipe.

30 Clues: The throat.A nosebleed.The windpipe.The voice box.Process of breathing.Inflammation of the larynx.What the lungs are enclosed in.Inflammation or infection of the lungsInflammation of membrane of the lungs.Cavities The hollow spaces in the nose.(inhalation) process of breathing in air.Disorder of being sensitive to an allergen....

Respiratory System 2020-04-15

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Defieciency of oxygen due to decreased oxygen in blood.
  2. Normal, easy respiration.
  3. Abnormally slow breathing.
  4. The amout of air in 1 inhalation/exhalation.
  5. Passageway for air only.
  6. A genetic disease that produces large amounts of sticky think secretion that clog the lungs and pancreas.
  7. Condition of bluish coloration of skin caused by decreased oxygen in the blood.
  8. Windpipe, lined with cilia and mucus; cleans and moistens air.
  9. Organ that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.
  10. Dilation of bronchial tubes.
  11. Air moving over the vocal cords vibrates to produce sound.
  12. Inflammation of sinuses.
  13. The expulsion of air from the lungs.
  14. Very shallow breathing.
  15. Inflammation of the voice box.
  16. Pus in the pleural cavity.
  17. A lipoprotein secreted by the alveolar cells.
  18. Difficult voice; hoarseness or any voice impairment.
  19. The exchange of gases between the systemic capillaries and body tissues.
  20. Fluid in the lungs.
  21. Contraction of the muscles of the larynx.
  22. The potential space between the two pleura of the lungs.
  23. Reason internal intercostal muscles are important.
  24. Removal of adenoids.
  25. Abnormal condition of dust in the lungs.
  26. Spitting up blood.
  27. exhalation.
  28. Air left in the lungs after a forceful exhalation.
  29. Cough up and spit out mucus from the respiratory tract.
  30. Reflex spasms of the diaphragm.
  31. Blood in the pleural cavity; seen in pneumonia, tuberculosis, or carcinoma.
  32. A nose bleed.
  1. ____ is when alveoli looses its elasticity and can't recoil.
  2. Hard surface seperating oral cavity from nasal cavity.
  3. Tiny air sacs in the lungs.
  4. Infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacteria that causes formation of tubercles, caseation necrosis of lung tissue.
  5. Base of the lungs, large muscle that relaxes and contracts to allow air to rush in and to be pushed out of the lungs.
  6. Voice box; has two vocal cords which vibrate to produce your voice.
  7. Rapid breathing.
  8. Nares.
  9. How are irritants on mucosa of the larynx are removed.
  10. Removal of tonsils.
  11. Hair-like structures in the nose and sweep mucus to your throat where you swallow it.
  12. Instrument used for measuring breathing.
  13. Keep food from entering the larynx.
  14. The amount of air remaining in the lungs after all that can be breathed out forcibly.
  15. The accumulation of carbon dioxide
  16. Hypersensitivity and irritation of conducting passageways.
  17. Also called pharyngeal tonsils or nasopharyngeal tonsils.
  18. Decrease in the amount of oxygen and increase in amount of carbon dioxide in the blood leading to absence of pulse.
  19. Discharge from the nose.
  20. The chemical process that allows oxygen and glucose to produce energy and water.
  21. The passages that direct air into the lungs; make smaller and smaller tubes that look like the branches of a tree.
  22. The primary entrance for air into the respiratory system.
  23. Air in pleural space.
  24. The visceral and parietal are each.
  25. The throat.

57 Clues: Nares.exhalation.The throat.A nose bleed.Rapid breathing.Spitting up blood.Removal of tonsils.Fluid in the lungs.Removal of adenoids.Air in pleural space.Very shallow breathing.Passageway for air only.Inflammation of sinuses.Discharge from the nose.Normal, easy respiration.Abnormally slow breathing.Pus in the pleural cavity....

Respiratory System 2020-04-28

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The passages that branch from the trachea and direct air into the lungs
  2. The exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen which takes place between the capillaries of the pulmonary arteries and the alveoli. (Inhalation and Exhalation)
  3. one of the tubules forming the respiratory system of most insects and many arachnids
  4. two folds of connective tissue that are stretched across the opening of the larynx.
  5. protective secretion of the mucous membranes
  6. Tube at the back of the mouth; serves as a passageway for both air and food; Throat
  7. tiny sacs of lung tissue specialized for the movement of gases between air and blood
  8. Collections of lymphatic tissue.
  9. two spongy organs, located in the thoracic cavity enclosed by the diaphragm and rib cage, responsible for respiration
  10. Exchange of air in the lung capillaries.
  11. progressively smaller tubular branches of the airways
  12. Vibrate to produce sounds as expelled air passes the vocal cords.
  13. System that brings about the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
  14. Pair of almond-shaped masses of lymphatic tissue in the oropharynx.
  1. A cell that lines certain tubes in the body and has cilia on its surface.
  2. Exchange of gases in the cells.
  3. voice box; passageway for air moving from pharynx to trachea; contains vocal cords
  4. the cavity behind the nose and above the roof of the mouth that filters air and moves mucous and inhaled contaminants outward and away form the lungs
  5. passing or able to pass air in and out of the lungs normally
  6. cells that secrete mucus
  7. One of the air cavities in the bones near the nose.
  8. the metabolic processes whereby certain organisms obtain energy from organic molecules
  9. Large, dome-shaped, sheet of muscle below the lungs which allows a change in the size of the chest cavity.
  10. Leads into the stomach and carries food to be digested.
  11. short structures projecting from a cell and containing bundles of micro tubules that move a cell through its surroundings or move fluid over the cell's surface

25 Clues: cells that secrete mucusExchange of gases in the cells.Collections of lymphatic tissue.Exchange of air in the lung capillaries.protective secretion of the mucous membranesOne of the air cavities in the bones near the nose.progressively smaller tubular branches of the airwaysLeads into the stomach and carries food to be digested....

Respiratory System 2020-05-04

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Connects Larynx to Bronchi
  2. Long term inflammatory disease
  3. Lung Infection
  4. Skeletal muscle that seperates the chest from the abdomen
  5. The Majority of gas exchanges happen in this sac like structure
  6. First Division of the trachea
  7. More common Passageway for food and air
  8. Inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes
  9. Larger passageway for air, aswell as food
  10. Cover for the Larynx
  11. A cancer that attacks the lungs
  1. Help Form and move the chest wall
  2. Lung Condition that causes shortness of breath
  3. Small Branches leading from the Bronchi
  4. Smallest Blood Vessel in the body
  5. Filters and moistens air
  6. Amount of air a person can expel from the lungs
  7. Made up of cartilage, and contains Vocal Cords
  8. Membrane lining the Thorax
  9. Amount of air that remains in the lungs after exhaling

20 Clues: Lung InfectionCover for the LarynxFilters and moistens airConnects Larynx to BronchiMembrane lining the ThoraxFirst Division of the tracheaLong term inflammatory diseaseA cancer that attacks the lungsHelp Form and move the chest wallSmallest Blood Vessel in the bodySmall Branches leading from the BronchiMore common Passageway for food and air...

Respiratory System 2020-05-05

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. covers the lungs and line the chest cavity
  2. inflammation of the lining of the bronchioles
  3. number of connections to the lung tissue
  4. dome shaped muscle
  5. a shield from food from going in the lungs
  6. greatest volume of air that can be inhaled
  7. uncontrollable tumor in the lung tissue
  8. Functional respiratory units where gases are exchanged
  9. two connections to the lungs from the trachea
  10. an allergic reaction from the constriction of bronchioles
  11. transport air to and from the lungs
  12. where the alveoil deteriorate
  1. small blood vessels that gives oxygenated blood
  2. where the alveoil become filled with fluid
  3. amount of air left after a exhale
  4. where the nasal and oral cavity meet
  5. warms and filters the air
  6. where the vocal cords are located
  7. passage for food and air
  8. moves ribs when breathing

20 Clues: dome shaped musclepassage for food and airwarms and filters the airmoves ribs when breathingwhere the alveoil deteriorateamount of air left after a exhalewhere the vocal cords are locatedtransport air to and from the lungswhere the nasal and oral cavity meetuncontrollable tumor in the lung tissuenumber of connections to the lung tissue...

Respiratory System 2020-05-05

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. where the alveoil deteriorate
  2. a shield from food from going in the lungs
  3. inflammation of the lining of the bronchioles
  4. passage for food and air
  5. where the alveoil become filled with fluid
  6. where the vocal cords are located
  7. dome shaped muscle
  8. greatest volume of air that can be inhaled
  1. warms and filters the air
  2. uncontrollable tumor in the lung tissue
  3. two connections to the lungs from the trachea
  4. amount of air left after a exhale
  5. an allergic reaction from the constriction of bronchioles
  6. covers the lungs and line the chest cavity
  7. number of connections to the lung tissue
  8. moves ribs when breathing
  9. where the nasal and oral cavity meet
  10. small blood vessels that gives oxygenated blood
  11. Functional respiratory units where gases are exchanged
  12. transport air to and from the lungs

20 Clues: dome shaped musclepassage for food and airwarms and filters the airmoves ribs when breathingwhere the alveoil deteriorateamount of air left after a exhalewhere the vocal cords are locatedtransport air to and from the lungswhere the nasal and oral cavity meetuncontrollable tumor in the lung tissuenumber of connections to the lung tissue...

Respiratory System 2020-12-01

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Large space in the anterior aspect of the skull that lies inferior to the nasal bones and superior to the oral cavity and forms the majority of the nose
  2. Tubes and tissues within the lungs where gas exchange occurs form the _____ zone.
  3. Surface of the long lying against the ribs.
  4. The nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, and associated structures make up the _____ respiratory system.
  5. Broad inferior portion of the lung, concave and fits over the convex area of the diaphragm.
  6. The voice box, that connects the laryngopharynx with the trachea
  7. Paired cone shaped organs in the thoracic cavity.
  8. Located on the posterior wall of the nasopharynx, this structure provides protection against infections and flushes away unwanted particles
  9. Entering the lungs, the primary bronchi divide to form smaller bronchi called
  10. Superior portion of the pharynx that lies posterior to the nasal cavity and extends to the plane of the soft palate
  11. Narrow superior portion of the lung
  12. the largest cartilage of the larynx, consists of two fused plates of hyaline cartilage that form the upper anterior and lateral walls of the larynx and give it a triangular shape
  13. Inferior pair of folds of the larynx that are the principal structures of voice production made up of bands of elastic ligaments stretched between the rigid cartilages of the larynx
  14. Primary entryway for inhaled air
  1. The secondary bronchi continue to branch forming still smaller bronchi that supply the specific bronchopulmonary segments within the lobes
  2. Smallest branches of bronchioles branch into even smaller tubes that represent the end of the conducting zone of the respiratory system.
  3. Inferior portion of the pharynx that functions as both a respiratory and digestive pathway
  4. The tertiary bronchi divide into ___ which branch repeatedly
  5. At the superior border of the fifth thoracic vertebra, the trachea divides into the ______ . One goes into the left lung and one goes into the right lung
  6. Superior pair of folds of the larynx that function in holding the breath against pressure in the thoracic cavity
  7. Arch-shaped muscular partition that forms the posterior portion of the roof of the mouth
  8. Funnel shaped tube about 5 in. long composed of skeletal muscles and lined with a mucous membrane, that functions as a passageway for air and food and aids in swallowing
  9. The larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs make up the _____ respiratory system.
  10. This portion of the long contains a region called the hilum, through which bronchi, pulmonary blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves enter and exit.
  11. This portion of the pharynx has both respiratory and digestive functions as it is a common passageway for air, food, and drink; it lies posterior to the oral cavity and extends from the soft palate inferiorly to the level of the hyoid bone
  12. Tubular passageway for air about 5 in. in length and 1 in. in diameter located anterior to the esophagus and extends from the larynx to the superior border of the fifth thoracic vertebra
  13. A series of interconnecting cavities and tubes both outside and within the lungs that filter, warm, and moisten air and conduct it into the lungs form the _____ zone.
  14. large, leaf‐shaped piece of elastic cartilage that is covered with epithelium that acts as a trap door to cover the larynx during swallowing
  15. Extension of bone and cartilage from the face covered by muscle and skin

29 Clues: Primary entryway for inhaled airNarrow superior portion of the lungSurface of the long lying against the ribs.Paired cone shaped organs in the thoracic cavity.The tertiary bronchi divide into ___ which branch repeatedlyThe voice box, that connects the laryngopharynx with the trachea...

Respiratory System 2017-02-22

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Temporary cessation of breathing, especially during sleep
  2. Inflammation of the lungs
  3. Surgical incision into the chest wall
  4. Inflammation of the pharynx
  5. Absence of oxygen reaching the tissues
  6. Medical procedure in which the tube is placed into the windpipe through the mouth or nose
  7. Mixture of saliva and mucus coughed up from the respiratory tract
  8. Edema Condition caused by excess fluid in the lungs that collects in numerous air sacs in the lungs
  9. Incision in the windpipe made to relieve an obstruction to breathing
  10. Physician with knowledge and skills specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary conditions and diseases.
  11. Deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues
  12. Normal breathing
  13. Technique of visualizing the inside of the airways for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes
  14. Shortness of breath when lying flat
  15. Draw fluid by suction from a vessel or cavity
  16. Difficulty speaking
  1. Abnormally rapid breathing
  2. Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes
  3. Cough or spit out from the throat or lungs
  4. CO2
  5. Excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream
  6. CXR
  7. Difficult or labored breathing
  8. Presence of air or gas in the cavity between the lungs and the chest wall
  9. SOB
  10. Surgical Removal of a lung or part of a lung
  11. Instrument used for examining the larynx, or for inserting a tube through it
  12. Effusion Excess fluid that accumulates in the pleural cavity
  13. O2
  14. Inflammation of the larynx

30 Clues: O2CO2CXRSOBNormal breathingDifficulty speakingInflammation of the lungsAbnormally rapid breathingInflammation of the larynxInflammation of the pharynxDifficult or labored breathingShortness of breath when lying flatSurgical incision into the chest wallAbsence of oxygen reaching the tissuesCough or spit out from the throat or lungs...


RESPIRATORY SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. constriction of bronchi caused by spasm of the peribronchial smooth muscle
  2. blood in the pleural cavity
  3. diaphragm
  4. pulmonary embolism/ occlusion in the pulmonary circulation most often caused by a blood cloth
  5. deficient amount of oxygen in tissue cells
  6. bluish coloration of the skin caused by a deficient amount of oxygen in the blood
  7. cartilaginous ridge at the point where the trachea divides into the two bronchi
  8. larynx
  9. excessive movement of air in and out of lungs. causes hypo capnia
  10. subdivisions of the lungs with two on the left and three on the right
  11. hoarseness
  12. abnormal dilation of the bronchi with accumulation of mucus
  13. roof of the mouth/ partition between the oral and nasal cavities
  14. a lid-like structure that covers the larynx during swallowing to prevent food from entering the airway
  15. encloses the heart, esophagus trachea and thymus gland
  1. throat
  2. chest
  3. thin-walled, microscopic air sacs that exchange gases
  4. coughing up and spitting out of material from lungs
  5. breathing
  6. voice box
  7. carbon dioxide
  8. air in the pleural cavity
  9. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/ combination of bronchitis and emphysema
  10. collapse of lung tissue
  11. two spongy organs in the thoracic cavity enclosed by the diaphragm and rib cage
  12. puncture for aspiration of the chest
  13. normal breathing
  14. popping lungs sounds heard when air enters diseased airways
  15. inflammation of pleura
  16. oval lymphatic tissues that filter air to protect the body from bacterial invasion
  17. windpipe

32 Clues: chestthroatlarynxwindpipediaphragmbreathingvoice boxhoarsenesscarbon dioxidenormal breathinginflammation of pleuracollapse of lung tissueair in the pleural cavityblood in the pleural cavitypuncture for aspiration of the chestdeficient amount of oxygen in tissue cellscoughing up and spitting out of material from lungs...

Respiratory System 2021-12-02

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. surgical removal of a lobe in the lung
  2. removal and examination of tissue from a living body
  3. narrowing or stricture of the larynx
  4. instrument used to visualize the nasal canal
  5. spasm of the muscle of the pharynx
  6. pain in the pleura
  7. inflammation of the larynx
  8. voicebox
  9. involuntary muscle contraction of the bronchi
  10. throat
  11. normal respiration/breathing
  12. infection of the lungs
  13. tumor growth of cartilage cells
  14. surgical puncture of lung to remove fluids from the lungs
  15. fungal disease of the lungs
  16. painful or difficult breathing
  1. visual examination of the bronchi
  2. inflammation of the bronchi
  3. cessation(stop)of breathing, especially during sleep
  4. discomfort with breathing when n lying position
  5. examination of the organs of a dead body to determine cause of death
  6. spasmodic closure of the larynx
  7. windpipe
  8. narrowing or stricture of the pharynx

24 Clues: throatwindpipevoiceboxpain in the pleurainfection of the lungsinflammation of the larynxinflammation of the bronchifungal disease of the lungsnormal respiration/breathingpainful or difficult breathingspasmodic closure of the larynxtumor growth of cartilage cellsvisual examination of the bronchispasm of the muscle of the pharynx...

Respiratory system 2022-04-11

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. monitor blood
  2. in pons; antagonizes apneustic center
  3. total pressure * fraction of gas in the mix
  4. the movement of air through the conducting passages between the atmosphere and the lungs
  5. when the iron in a heme group is no longer bound to oxygen
  6. air moving into the body
  7. when the iron in a heme group has oxidized and can no longer bind to oxygen
  8. monitor CSF and brain interstitial fluid
  9. sensitive to pH, PCO2, or PO2
  10. air moving into tissues for cellular respiratiom
  11. plotting % oxyhemoglobin saturation at different Po2s
  12. reabsorb sodium and water; secrete surfactant
  13. when a heme group is bound to carbon monoxide
  14. increase inspiration
  15. serous membranes of the lungs
  1. oxyhemoglobin -> deoxyhemoglobin + oxygen
  2. carbon dioxide attached to amino acid in hemoglobin
  3. H+ + HCO3-
  4. in pons; increases inspiration
  5. inhibid diaphragmatic motor neurons
  6. region where gas exchange occurs
  7. when the iron in a heme group is bound to oxygen
  8. passageways not involved in gas exchange which transport air
  9. intrapulmonary pressure < atmospheric pressure
  10. deoxyhemoglobin _ oxygen -> oxyhemoglobin
  11. basement membranes fused to capillaries make up the respiratory memrbane
  12. in medulla oblongata; etablishes rhythm of breathing
  13. the process by which oxygen and carbon dioxide move between the bloodstream and the lungs
  14. intrapulmonary pressure > atmospheric pressure
  15. the total pressure of a gas mixture = the sum of all pressures of all gasses in the mixture
  16. the pressure of a given quantity is inversely proportional to its volume

31 Clues: H+ + HCO3-monitor bloodincrease inspirationair moving into the bodysensitive to pH, PCO2, or PO2serous membranes of the lungsin pons; increases inspirationregion where gas exchange occursinhibid diaphragmatic motor neuronsin pons; antagonizes apneustic centermonitor CSF and brain interstitial fluidoxyhemoglobin -> deoxyhemoglobin + oxygen...

Respiratory System 2022-03-29

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. air enters here (contains teeth)
  2. exhale
  3. rich network of blood capillaries
  4. enclosed membrane
  5. cavities hollow spaces by the nose
  6. in/expiration
  7. filter air
  8. take blood to the heart
  9. Septum wall of cartiledge dividing nose
  10. voice box
  11. 2 openings called nostrils
  12. System this unit
  13. Respiration cells using oxygen to make things
  14. bronchospasms
  1. smallest branch of bronchi
  2. leads into lungs
  3. respiration exchange of gas in,lungs
  4. expands and relaxes, under lungs
  5. inhale
  6. leaf like piece of cartiledge
  7. throat
  8. windpipe
  9. and chroninc respiratory system disease
  10. inflammation of the bronchi
  11. respiration exchange of gas in cell tissue
  12. breathing
  13. take blood away from heart
  14. cavities
  15. 3 sections

29 Clues: inhaleexhalethroatwindpipecavitiesbreathingvoice boxfilter air3 sectionsin/expirationbronchospasmsleads into lungsSystem this unitenclosed membranetake blood to the heartsmallest branch of bronchitake blood away from heart2 openings called nostrilsinflammation of the bronchileaf like piece of cartiledgeair enters here (contains teeth)...

Respiratory system 2022-03-29

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. the natural opening through which food passes into the body of an animal
  2. Very thin tubes that lead to alveolar sacs
  3. Septum Composed of bone and cartilage, divides the nasal cavity into right and left parts
  4. Includes the larynx, trachea, bronchial tree, and lungs
  5. Inflammation of bronchi
  6. Includes the nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and pharynx
  7. A hollow space behind the nose
  8. inflammation of membranes of the lungs
  9. with oxygen
  10. Respiration The process of oxygen utilization and carbon dioxide production at the cellular level
  11. Supported internally by bone and cartilage, has two nostrils
  12. Walls of alveoli deteriorate and lose their elasticity
  13. moving of air
  14. Inflammation of mucous membrane
  15. Thinwalled outpouchings that lead to alveoli
  1. Microscopic air sacs clustered at the distal ends
  2. inferiorly and the root of the neck superiorly
  3. A collapses lung
  4. bronchospasms narrow the openings of the bronchioles
  5. Composed of muscle tissue and connective tissue with a covering of mucous membrane extending inward form the lateral walls
  6. Highly contagious viral infection
  7. a nosebleed
  8. without oxygen
  9. infectious lung disease caused by
  10. Usually stands upright and allows air to enter the larynx; during swallowing partially covers the larynx to help prevent foods and liquids from entering the air passage
  11. having to do with lungs
  12. An enlargement in the airway at the top of the trachea and below the oropharynx; conducts air in and out of the trachea and prevents foreign objects from entering the trachea; houses vocal cords
  13. The entire process of gas exchange between the atmosphere and cells (ventilation, external respiration, gas transport, internal respiration)
  14. Aka throat; behind the oral cavity, the nasal cavity, and the larynx; a passageway for food moving from the oral cavity to the esophagus and for air passing between the nasal cavity and the larynx
  15. inflammation of the voice box and vocal cords
  16. inflammation of nasal mucous membranes
  17. any chronic lung disease that results in obstruction of the airways

32 Clues: a nosebleedwith oxygenmoving of airwithout oxygenA collapses lungInflammation of bronchihaving to do with lungsA hollow space behind the noseInflammation of mucous membraneHighly contagious viral infectioninfectious lung disease caused byinflammation of membranes of the lungsinflammation of nasal mucous membranes...

Respiratory System 2022-04-08

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. infection caused by bacteria, or fungi
  2. passing of air in and out of the lungs
  3. smaller tubular branches of the airways
  4. gas that you breath in
  5. process of letting air out
  6. the act or process of breathing
  7. tiny sacs in the lungs
  8. gas that you breath out
  9. passageways that lead air into the lungs
  10. also called the throat or windpipe
  11. gas goes from high to low concentration
  12. parting of two nostrils
  13. airways narrow and swell
  14. the voice box
  1. cavity behind the nose and above the roof of the mouth
  2. hairlike structures
  3. process of air going into the lungs
  4. two spongy organs that are responsible for respiration
  5. invisible gas that surrounds the earth
  6. the mouth, lips, cheeks
  7. has nostrils and is above the mouth
  8. protective secretion of the mucus
  9. the flap that covers the trachea
  10. breathe in
  11. allows food to enter into the stomach
  12. breathe out
  13. between the neck and the abdomen
  14. opening in the lower part of the human face
  15. dome shaped muscle under the lungs
  16. tube leading air to the bronchi

30 Clues: breathe inbreathe outthe voice boxhairlike structuresgas that you breath intiny sacs in the lungsthe mouth, lips, cheeksgas that you breath outparting of two nostrilsairways narrow and swellprocess of letting air outthe act or process of breathingtube leading air to the bronchithe flap that covers the tracheabetween the neck and the abdomen...

Respiratory system 2022-03-03

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Primary muscle in ventilation
  2. Sacs used for gas exchange
  3. Cell structures that help move mucus
  4. The _________ artery feeds the conducting airways
  5. A phospholipid that prevents the alveoli from sticking together
  6. Bone structures in the nasal cavity lined with mucous membranes
  7. Volume of air always in the lungs
  8. Patches of immune tissue in the pharynx
  9. The pulmonary ______ carries deoxygenated blood from the heart
  10. The rings of the trachea are made of ________ cartilage
  1. Contains the VRG
  2. Opening to the trachea
  3. Small canals in the nasal cavity
  4. _______ cells produce mucus
  5. Resting breathing volume
  6. Decreases lung compliance
  7. Part of the airway that allows food and air to pass through
  8. ________ Law states that pressure and volume are inversely related
  9. The pulmonary ______ carries oxygenated blood to the heart
  10. Stretchability of the lung
  11. Rigid structure leading to the lungs
  12. Connective tissue that surrounds the lungs
  13. Contains the PRG
  14. Number of lobes in the right lung

24 Clues: Contains the VRGContains the PRGOpening to the tracheaResting breathing volumeDecreases lung complianceSacs used for gas exchangeStretchability of the lung_______ cells produce mucusPrimary muscle in ventilationSmall canals in the nasal cavityVolume of air always in the lungsNumber of lobes in the right lungCell structures that help move mucus...

Respiratory system 2022-05-13

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. is connected to the naval cavity by the pharynx
  2. amount of air that is inspired and expired during normal breathing
  3. allow an individual to speak
  4. gas that your body needs to function
  5. referred to as the throat
  6. the main bronchi that is larger in diameter
  7. structures of the lungs where gas exchange occurs
  8. the nasal cavity is divided by the midline nasal...
  9. a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged
  10. type of cartilage that forms the epiglottis
  1. System that includes the lungs, trachea, and nose
  2. common name for the anterior protusion of the thyroid cartilage
  3. air enters the nasal cavity through the...
  4. largest cartilage that builds larynx
  5. branches of tissue stemming from trachea
  6. thoracic muscle that lays beneath the lungs and helps with inhalation and exhalation
  7. clusters of lymphatic tissue
  8. reflex of removing irritants from your throat
  9. tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi
  10. mucous membrane-lined cavities

20 Clues: referred to as the throatclusters of lymphatic tissueallow an individual to speakmucous membrane-lined cavitieslargest cartilage that builds larynxgas that your body needs to functionbranches of tissue stemming from tracheatube connecting the larynx to the bronchiair enters the nasal cavity through the...the main bronchi that is larger in diameter...

Respiratory System 2022-02-03

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Toward the front
  2. the middle portion of the thorax
  3. Face Down
  4. The middle space of the thorax is filled with the _______ and is more on the left side of the body
  5. The lungs are housed in this
  6. Descends from behind the ear at the mastoid process
  7. Close to the center
  8. the thoracic portion of the vertebral column has how many vertebrae
  9. exchange of gas between organism & environment
  10. large muscles covering the upper back and neck
  11. Bone to bone connection of tissue aggregates
  1. the amount of opening in the diaphragm
  2. Left/Right, Lateral Portions
  3. A type of joint that has fluid as cushion
  4. The study of the structure of an organism
  5. toward the bottom
  6. toward the backbone/away from the front of the body
  7. Long collapsed tube posterior to the trachea
  8. ______ inspiration involves minimal muscular activity
  9. tissue that makes up the skin and mucous membrane

20 Clues: Face DownToward the fronttoward the bottomClose to the centerLeft/Right, Lateral PortionsThe lungs are housed in thisthe middle portion of the thoraxthe amount of opening in the diaphragmA type of joint that has fluid as cushionThe study of the structure of an organismLong collapsed tube posterior to the trachea...

Respiratory System 2022-08-29

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. suffix that means pain
  2. medical term for difficulty breathing
  3. this word means blood in the chest cavity
  4. grape like sacs at the end of bronchioles
  5. suffix that means to cut out, excise
  6. prefix that means within
  7. term that means pertaining to or towards the back
  8. medical term for windpipe
  9. suffix that means creation of an artificial opening
  10. suffix that means a specialist or physician who studies or treats
  11. a sudden, involuntary muscle contraction
  12. term that means pertaining to or towards the front
  1. creating an artificial opening into the trachea
  2. another word for sore throat, inflammation of the throat
  3. an instrument used to measure the level of oxygen in the blood
  4. prefix that means slow
  5. suffix that means instrument used to measure
  6. flat, dome shaped muscle located at the base of the lungs and thoracic cavity, aids in the breathing process
  7. a term that means inability to sleep
  8. instrument used to find out how well the lungs are working by measuring air volume
  9. medical term for throat, food and air travel through it

21 Clues: suffix that means painprefix that means slowprefix that means withinmedical term for windpipesuffix that means to cut out, excisea term that means inability to sleepmedical term for difficulty breathinga sudden, involuntary muscle contractionthis word means blood in the chest cavitygrape like sacs at the end of bronchioles...

Respiratory System 2022-11-24

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. the short form for the chemical created for energy
  2. the tree-like structures in the lungs
  3. taking air in
  4. the device that measures respiration
  5. this cycles through out body with every breath
  6. the trachea is made of...
  7. the grape-like structures at the end of the bronchioles
  8. the lung that has three lobes
  9. the short form for the additional volume of air that can be taken into the lungs
  10. the volume of air inhaled and exhaled in a normal breath
  11. breathing is...
  12. cellular respiration mainly takes place in the...
  13. this helps to filter the air you breathe
  14. oxygen is transferred through...
  1. lung cancer and COPD are caused by this
  2. your lungs have as much surface area as a..
  3. your airways are all lined with this
  4. the toxic gas our body gets rid of
  5. breathing is controlled by the...
  6. the valve covering the larynx
  7. laryngitis means the larynx has..
  8. the name for the muscles in between the ribs
  9. the biggest muscle that controls breathing
  10. your vocal cords ___ to produce sound

24 Clues: taking air inbreathing is...the trachea is made of...the valve covering the larynxthe lung that has three lobesoxygen is transferred through...breathing is controlled by the...laryngitis means the larynx has..the toxic gas our body gets rid ofyour airways are all lined with thisthe device that measures respiration...

Respiratory System 2022-02-09

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. inflammation of the voice box windpipe and bronchi [croup]
  2. excision of the voice box
  3. pertaining to the throat
  4. rapid breathing
  5. spasmodic contraction of the voice box
  6. pertaining to the alveolus
  7. inflammation of the voice box
  8. process of measuring breathing (or lung volumes)
  9. excessive breathing
  10. pus in the chest (pleural space) [empyema]
  11. record of sound
  12. process of recording the bronchus
  13. incision of the sinus
  14. pertaining to the nose and throat
  15. inflammation of the pleura [pleurisy]
  16. instrument used to measure oxygen (saturation in the blood)
  17. abnormal condition of fungus in the nose
  18. pertaining to the chest
  19. narrowing of the windpipe
  20. pertaining to the bronchi and alveoli
  21. excision of a lobe of the lung
  22. deficient in breathing
  23. absence of breathing
  24. pertaining to the septum
  25. hernia of the diaphragm
  26. blood in the chest
  27. inflammation of sinuses
  28. inflammation of the lung[pneumonia]
  29. record of x-rays
  30. absence of carbon dioxide
  31. pertaining to destruction of mucus
  32. diseased state of the bronchi and lungs
  33. pertaining to the windpipe
  34. pain in the chest
  35. inflammation of the throat
  36. surgical puncture of the chest cavity to aspirate fluid [thoracentesis or pleurocentesis]
  37. pertaining to mucus
  38. pertaining to within the pleura
  39. pertaining to a bronchus
  40. pertaining to the nose
  41. able to breathe only in a straight (upright)
  42. pain in the diaphragm
  43. study of x-rays
  44. process of recording in slices
  45. study of the lung (a branch of medicine dealing with the disease of the lung)
  1. instrument used for the visual exam of the voice box
  2. inflammation of the nose and throat
  3. inflammation of the windpipe
  4. surgical repair of a bronchus
  5. absence of oxygen
  6. inflammation of a lobe of the lung
  7. spasmodic contraction in the bronchi
  8. surgical repair of the (nasal) septum
  9. surgical repair of the nose
  10. diseased state of the lung
  11. pertaining to the bronchi and alveoli
  12. pertaining to the diaphragm
  13. pertaining to segment of the lung
  14. pertaining to visual exam of hollow organ or body cavity
  15. incision of the chest cavity
  16. inflammation of the (mucous membranes) of the nose
  17. pertaining to voice
  18. discharge from the nose
  19. a physician who studies and treats disease of the lung
  20. physician who specializes in the use of x-rays, ultrasound, and magnetic fields in the diagnosis and treatment of disease
  21. rapid flow of blood from the nose
  22. normal breathing
  23. pertaining to within the windpipe
  24. deficient oxygen to the tissues
  25. pertaining to the diaphragm
  26. deficient oxygen in the blood
  27. excision of a lung
  28. difficulty in speaking
  29. air in the chest (pleural space) which causes collapse of lung
  30. instrument used to measure carbon dioxide
  31. creation of an artificial opening into the windpipe
  32. pertaining to within the windpipe
  33. absence of voice
  34. pertaining to the absence of breathing
  35. pertaining to difficulty in breathing

80 Clues: rapid breathingrecord of soundstudy of x-raysnormal breathingrecord of x-raysabsence of voiceabsence of oxygenpain in the chestexcision of a lungblood in the chestexcessive breathingpertaining to voicepertaining to mucusabsence of breathingincision of the sinuspain in the diaphragmdeficient in breathingdifficulty in speakingpertaining to the nose...

Respiratory System 2022-01-07

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. a dome-shaped muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals. It plays a major role in breathing, as its contraction increases the volume of the thorax and so inflates the lungs.
  2. the opening in the lower part of the human face, surrounded by the lips, through which food is taken in and from which speech and other sounds are emitted.
  3. lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs fill with pus and may become solid. Inflammation may affect both lungs ( double pneumonia ), one lung ( single pneumonia ), or only certain lobes ( lobar pneumonia ).
  4. a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 0.03 percent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis.
  5. the exchange of gas between the alveoli and the external environment.
  6. relating to or affecting respiration or the organs of respiration.
  7. the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen
  8. slimy substance, typically not miscible with water, secreted by mucous membranes and glands for lubrication, protection, etc.
  9. a short microscopic hairlike vibrating structure found in large numbers on the surface of certain cells, either causing currents in the surrounding fluid, or, in some protozoans and other small organisms, providing propulsion.
  10. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
  1. breathe out
  2. The space inside the nose
  3. relating to or affecting respiration or the organs of respiration.
  4. The airway that leads from the larynx (voice box) to the bronchi (large airways that lead to the lungs).
  5. the part of the alimentary canal that connects the throat to the stomach; the gullet. In humans and other vertebrates it is a muscular tube lined with mucous membrane.
  6. a colorless, odorless reactive gas, the chemical element of atomic number 8 and the life-supporting component of the air.
  7. a partition separating two chambers, such as that between the nostrils or the chambers of the heart.
  8. a respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. It usually results from an allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity.
  9. The large air passages that lead from the trachea (windpipe) to the lungs.
  10. The hollow tube inside the neck that starts behind the nose and ends at the top of the
  11. take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process.
  12. the part of the body of a mammal between the neck and the abdomen, including the cavity enclosed by the ribs, breastbone, and dorsal vertebrae, and containing the chief organs of circulation and respiration; the chest.

22 Clues: breathe outThe space inside the noserelating to or affecting respiration or the organs of respiration.relating to or affecting respiration or the organs of respiration.the exchange of gas between the alveoli and the external environment.The large air passages that lead from the trachea (windpipe) to the lungs....

respiratory system 2022-02-14

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. part of throat where epiglottis is
  2. a spasm in the esophagus
  3. has to do with the mouth
  4. has to do with the heart
  5. where your vocal cords are
  6. metric quarts
  7. these are mucous and dirt in the nose
  8. big sections of the lungs
  9. a muscle that helps us breathe
  10. main organ that holds oxygen and carbon dioxide
  11. these carry oxygen in the blood
  1. has to do with the nose
  2. a piece of cartilage that keeps food out
  3. breathing in and out
  4. main part of cardiovascular system
  5. tiny blood vessels
  6. this lines the nose
  7. humans breathe this in
  8. what food goes down
  9. humans breathe this out
  10. tiny sacs in the lungs
  11. has to do with the lungs

22 Clues: metric quartstiny blood vesselsthis lines the nosewhat food goes downbreathing in and outhumans breathe this intiny sacs in the lungshas to do with the nosehumans breathe this outa spasm in the esophagushas to do with the mouthhas to do with the hearthas to do with the lungsbig sections of the lungswhere your vocal cords are...

Respiratory System 2022-04-25

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. muscle used for breathing
  2. air sacs
  3. illness caused by smoking
  4. divides left and right nostrils
  5. voice box
  6. tubes from trachea to lungs
  7. opening with vocal cords
  8. fluid build up in air sacs, caused by altitude sickness
  9. prevents food entering airway
  10. keeps alveoli from collapsing
  11. bones that divide the nasal cavity
  12. cavity where lungs sit
  1. lack of oxygen in tissues
  2. respiratory center of brain
  3. where cellular respiration takes place
  4. spaces within the skull bones
  5. inflammation of air passages
  6. collapsed lunch
  7. required for cellular respiration
  8. windpipe
  9. space at the back of the oral cavity
  10. test that measures air volume
  11. whooping couch
  12. spasm of the diaphragm
  13. pause in breathing during sleep

25 Clues: air sacswindpipevoice boxwhooping couchcollapsed lunchspasm of the diaphragmcavity where lungs sitopening with vocal cordslack of oxygen in tissuesmuscle used for breathingillness caused by smokingrespiratory center of braintubes from trachea to lungsinflammation of air passagesspaces within the skull bonesprevents food entering airway...

Respiratory System 2022-04-27

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Number of lobes of the left lung
  2. Body cavity which holds the lungs
  3. Nasal bones that divide the nose
  4. Measures the air volume moving in and out of lungs
  5. Process by which oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water move across a membrane
  6. Involuntary contractions of the diaphragm
  7. Muscle that moves up and down to push and pull air
  8. air sacs in the lungs that exchange gas with capillaries
  9. Process of gas exchange
  10. Known as the vocal cords
  11. Tube with cartilage rings running down the throat
  12. A deviated ________ is a crooked nasal bone
  1. Disease caused by inflammation and excessive mucus in bronchial tubes
  2. Another name for whooping cough
  3. Number of lobes of the right lung
  4. Where cellular respiration occurs
  5. Closes during swallowing to prevent choking
  6. Overall lack of oxygen in tissues and organs
  7. ________ cavity behind the nose
  8. Fluid that lubricated the lungs

20 Clues: Process of gas exchangeKnown as the vocal cordsAnother name for whooping cough________ cavity behind the noseFluid that lubricated the lungsNumber of lobes of the left lungNasal bones that divide the noseNumber of lobes of the right lungBody cavity which holds the lungsWhere cellular respiration occursInvoluntary contractions of the diaphragm...

Respiratory System 2022-04-27

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Closes during swallowing to prevent choking
  2. Number of lobes of the left lung
  3. Nasal bones that divide the nose
  4. Process by which oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water move across a membrane
  5. Body cavity which holds the lungs
  6. Fluid that lubricated the lungs
  7. Another name for whooping cough
  8. Muscle that moves up and down to push and pull air
  1. A deviated ________ is a crooked nasal bone
  2. Where cellular respiration occurs
  3. Disease caused by inflammation and excessive mucus in bronchial tubes
  4. air sacs in the lungs that exchange gas with capillaries
  5. Overall lack of oxygen in tissues and organs
  6. Involuntary contractions of the diaphragm
  7. Measures the air volume moving in and out of lungs
  8. Process of gas exchange
  9. Known as the vocal cords
  10. ________ cavity behind the nose
  11. Tube with cartilage rings running down the throat
  12. Number of lobes of the right lung

20 Clues: Process of gas exchangeKnown as the vocal cords________ cavity behind the noseFluid that lubricated the lungsAnother name for whooping coughNumber of lobes of the left lungNasal bones that divide the noseWhere cellular respiration occursBody cavity which holds the lungsNumber of lobes of the right lungInvoluntary contractions of the diaphragm...

Respiratory System 2022-04-27

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Fluid that lubricated the lungs
  2. Process by which oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water move across a membrane
  3. Tube with cartilage rings running down the throat
  4. Body cavity which holds the lungs
  5. Where cellular respiration occurs
  6. Another name for whooping cough
  7. Involuntary contractions of the diaphragm
  8. Known as the vocal cords
  9. Nasal bones that divide the nose
  10. Closes during swallowing to prevent choking
  11. air sacs in the lungs that exchange gas with capillaries
  1. Measures the air volume moving in and out of lungs
  2. Muscle that moves up and down to push and pull air
  3. Number of lobes of the left lung
  4. Number of lobes of the right lung
  5. Overall lack of oxygen in tissues and organs
  6. Process of gas exchange
  7. Disease caused by inflammation and excessive mucus in bronchial tubes
  8. ________ cavity behind the nose
  9. A deviated ________ is a crooked nasal bone

20 Clues: Process of gas exchangeKnown as the vocal cordsFluid that lubricated the lungsAnother name for whooping cough________ cavity behind the noseNumber of lobes of the left lungNasal bones that divide the noseBody cavity which holds the lungsWhere cellular respiration occursNumber of lobes of the right lungInvoluntary contractions of the diaphragm...

Respiratory System 2022-04-27

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Body cavity which holds the lungs
  2. Process of gas exchange
  3. Process by which oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water move across a membrane
  4. Measures the air volume moving in and out of lungs
  5. Overall lack of oxygen in tissues and organs
  6. Number of lobes of the left lung
  7. A deviated ________ is a crooked nasal bone
  8. Closes during swallowing to prevent choking
  9. Nasal bones that divide the nose
  10. Another name for whooping cough
  1. Where cellular respiration occurs
  2. air sacs in the lungs that exchange gas with capillaries
  3. Muscle that moves up and down to push and pull air
  4. Involuntary contractions of the diaphragm
  5. Number of lobes of the right lung
  6. Disease caused by inflammation and excessive mucus in bronchial tubes
  7. Tube with cartilage rings running down the throat
  8. Fluid that lubricated the lungs
  9. Known as the vocal cords
  10. ________ cavity behind the nose

20 Clues: Process of gas exchangeKnown as the vocal cordsFluid that lubricated the lungs________ cavity behind the noseAnother name for whooping coughNumber of lobes of the left lungNasal bones that divide the noseWhere cellular respiration occursBody cavity which holds the lungsNumber of lobes of the right lungInvoluntary contractions of the diaphragm...

Respiratory System 2022-04-27

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Number of lobes of the right lung
  2. Process by which oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water move across a membrane
  3. air sacs in the lungs that exchange gas with capillaries
  4. ________ cavity behind the nose
  5. A deviated ________ is a crooked nasal bone
  6. Another name for whooping cough
  7. Disease caused by inflammation and excessive mucus in bronchial tubes
  8. Process of gas exchange
  9. Where cellular respiration occurs
  10. Involuntary contractions of the diaphragm
  1. Closes during swallowing to prevent choking
  2. Nasal bones that divide the nose
  3. Fluid that lubricated the lungs
  4. Measures the air volume moving in and out of lungs
  5. Muscle that moves up and down to push and pull air
  6. Number of lobes of the left lung
  7. Overall lack of oxygen in tissues and organs
  8. Known as the vocal cords
  9. Tube with cartilage rings running down the throat
  10. Body cavity which holds the lungs

20 Clues: Process of gas exchangeKnown as the vocal cords________ cavity behind the noseFluid that lubricated the lungsAnother name for whooping coughNasal bones that divide the noseNumber of lobes of the left lungNumber of lobes of the right lungBody cavity which holds the lungsWhere cellular respiration occursInvoluntary contractions of the diaphragm...

Respiratory System 2022-05-11

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Reserve Volume, the amount of extra air, above normal volume, exhaled during a forceful breath out
  2. a lid to the larynx during act of swallowing controls the traffic of the air and food
  3. a slit opening on the floor of the Pharynx is a valve that controls airflow in and out of respiratory passages
  4. carries air, food and fluid down from the nose and mouth (throat)
  5. movement of air or dissolved gases in and out of the lungs during exhalation
  6. Folds, folds of tissue in the Larynx that protects the airway from choking on material in the throat, regulates flow of air in the lungs and produces sound for speech
  7. Palate, a barrier between mouth and nose, allows us to breathe and eat at the same time
  8. Capacity, the total volume of air that can be displaced from the lungs by maximal effort
  9. increases the cavity's surface area and creates air turbulence to filter warm or cool and humidify the air
  10. Volume, the volume of air delivered to the lungs with each breath by the mechanical ventilator Inspiratory Reserve Volume, extra volume of air that can be inspired with maximal effort after reaching the end of a normal quiet inspiration
  11. Ventilation, process of air flowing into the lungs during inhalation and out of the lungs during exhalation
  12. Palate, provides space for the tongue to move and provides a rigid floor to the nasal cavity so that pressures withing the mouth do not close off the nasal passages
  13. Septum, allows air that we breath in through our nose to go directly from the top of the nose into the back
  14. small sacs in lungs that produce gas exchange
  15. Respiration, formal term for gas exchange, describes both the bulk flow of air into and out of the lungs and the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide into the bloodstream
  1. breathing in more air than you normally do is your body's response to needing more air than you normally do.
  2. group of organs and tissues that work together to help you breath, main job is to move fresh air into body while removing waste gasses.
  3. carries air from and to the lungs, moisturizes air and screens out foreign particles
  4. prevent foreign objects from going into the lungs
  5. protects pathway for structures transversion from the next superiorly and into the abdomen inferiorly
  6. carries air into lungs and to alveoli's
  7. major muscle of respiration, large dome shaped muscle that contracts arithmetically, continually, and involuntary
  8. carry air in and out of your lungs, stiff flexible tube, provides pathway for oxygen to enter body
  9. Respiration, process of diffusing oxygen from the blood into the interstitial fluid and into the cells
  10. Volume, the amount of air that remains in a person's lungs after fully exhaling
  11. allows air to enter your body then filters debris then warms and moisturizes air
  12. hallow tube that lets air pass from the pharynx to your trachea on the way to your lungs

27 Clues: carries air into lungs and to alveoli'ssmall sacs in lungs that produce gas exchangeprevent foreign objects from going into the lungscarries air, food and fluid down from the nose and mouth (throat)movement of air or dissolved gases in and out of the lungs during exhalation...

Respiratory System 2023-01-11

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. an oscillated technique our vocal cords use to speak, shout or sing.
  2. epithelia that lines the nasal cavity to prevent dust and bacteria
  3. process of receiving oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
  4. outermost part of the respiratory system
  5. characteristic of the alveoli membrane to allow oxygen and CO2 through
  6. type of cells that make mucus
  7. respiration step in which CO2 is exchanged with an O2 molecule inside the body
  8. type of muscle that lines the trachea and constricts when any object blocks the airways
  9. part of the digestive system which includes the tongue; frontal part of the pharynx
  10. epithelia that provides simple diffusion for gas exchange
  11. another way to divide the respiratory system into different categories; upper and lower
  1. carries deoxygenated blood towards the heart
  2. process of chemical change that happens in our body to supply energy to itself
  3. tiny hair that moves mucus outwards
  4. another word for a sense of "smell"
  5. windpipe
  6. covers the larynx and prevents food entering the airway
  7. structures in the lower tract when respiratory system is divided anatomically
  8. carries oxygenated blood back to the heart
  9. a structure in the conducting zone when respiratory system is divided functionally.
  10. process of getting air into the lungs and back out
  11. movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the system; respiration step

22 Clues: windpipetype of cells that make mucustiny hair that moves mucus outwardsanother word for a sense of "smell"outermost part of the respiratory systemcarries oxygenated blood back to the heartcarries deoxygenated blood towards the heartprocess of getting air into the lungs and back outcovers the larynx and prevents food entering the airway...

Respiratory System 2023-02-24

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. incision into trachea
  2. upper respiratory infection of rabbits
  3. inflamed trachea and bronchi (kennel cough)
  4. nosebleed
  5. thick mucus secreted by respiratory tract
  6. listening to body sounds with a stethoscope
  7. decreased oxygen
  8. procedure to visually examine bronchi
  9. difficult breathing
  10. increased breathing
  11. incision into chest (thorax)
  12. pus in the chest
  13. decreases breathing
  14. abnormal, rapid breathing
  15. collapse of the lungs
  16. chronic allergic disorder
  17. abnormal condition of the lung
  18. without oxygen
  1. drugs that control coughing
  2. increased CO2 in the blood
  3. blood in chest
  4. nares narrowed nostrils
  5. inflammation of the nose and lungs
  6. removing a part (lobe) of a lung
  7. inflammation of the bronchi
  8. inflammation of the larynx
  9. inflammation of the nose
  10. inflammation of the pharynx (sore throat)
  11. inflammation of the trachea
  12. not breathing
  13. fluid discharge from an area

31 Clues: nosebleednot breathingblood in chestwithout oxygendecreased oxygenpus in the chestdifficult breathingincreased breathingdecreases breathingincision into tracheacollapse of the lungsnares narrowed nostrilsinflammation of the noseabnormal, rapid breathingchronic allergic disorderincreased CO2 in the bloodinflammation of the larynx...

Respiratory System 2023-02-20

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. g
  2. u
  3. t
  4. e
  5. a
  6. q
  7. y
  8. z
  9. b
  10. f
  11. p
  12. d1
  13. n
  14. r
  15. i
  1. c1
  2. w
  3. d
  4. s
  5. a1
  6. h
  7. x
  8. l
  9. j
  10. c
  11. v
  12. m
  13. b1
  14. o
  15. k

30 Clues: gwdustehxalqjcvymzbfpoknric1a1b1d1

Respiratory System 2023-02-20

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Di
  2. Lu
  3. TC
  4. R
  5. The virus
  6. L
  7. RV
  8. F
  9. S
  10. Ac
  11. TV
  12. H
  13. Ph
  14. La
  15. Tbc bacteria called
  1. Inflammation
  2. E
  3. As
  4. Pn
  5. Vital volume (ml)
  6. A
  7. T
  8. P
  9. B
  10. D
  11. Residual volume (ml)
  12. Po
  13. Flu
  14. N
  15. Br

30 Clues: EATPBRDLFSNHAsPnDiLuTCRVPoAcBrTVPhLaFluThe virusInflammationVital volume (ml)Tbc bacteria calledResidual volume (ml)

Respiratory System 2024-05-20

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. PO2 influence mostly important in situations like __ or at high altitude
  2. __ anhydrase is found at several locations, included the red blood cells (erythrocytes) and in the respiratory centers of the brain
  3. The percent saturation is __ where the partial pressure of oxygen is high
  4. Increased pulmonary ventilation in excess of metabolic requirements, resulting in decreased Pco2 and respiratory alkalosis
  5. The __ effect reduced O2 in the tissues facilitates the loading of Hb with CO2 and H+ while increased O2 in the lungs promotes the dissociation of CO2 from Hb.
  6. Encompasses two separate but related processes
  7. __'s law states that at any constant temperature, the pressure exerted by a gas varies inversely with the volume of a gas
  8. Underventilation in relation to metabolic requirements, resulting in increased Pco2 and respiratory acidosis
  9. __ bodies are located in the carotid sinus
  10. __ complex is a region rostral from the VRG where respiratory rhythm is generated
  1. __ Breuer reflex stretches receptors in the smooth muscle of the bronchioles inhibiting the medullary center to prevent over-inflation of the lungs
  2. pressure Main factor determining the percent of hemoglobin saturation
  3. __neurons; active in normal quiet breathing
  4. the inward __ shift of Cl- in exchange to the efflux of HCO3- from red blood cells
  5. Interior of plural sac:Pleural __
  6. __ Chemoreceptors located in the medulla near the respiratory control center Provide excitatory input to inspiratory neurons
  7. Inspiratory and __ neurons; activated upon demand
  8. Thin-walled inflatable sacs
  9. Most oxygen in the blood is transported bound to __ in erythrocytes
  10. ventilation tidal volume x respiratory rate
  11. __ Monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is the leading cause of death by poison worldwide
  12. __bodies are located in the aortic arch
  13. The __ effect increased CO2 and H+ at the tissues right-shifts the dissociation curve of O2
  14. __ sac is a double-walled, closed sac that separates each lung from the thoracic wall
  15. __ and carbon dioxide exchange across pulmonary and systemic capillaries caused by partial pressure gradients

25 Clues: Thin-walled inflatable sacsInterior of plural sac:Pleural ____bodies are located in the aortic arch__ bodies are located in the carotid sinus__neurons; active in normal quiet breathingventilation tidal volume x respiratory rateEncompasses two separate but related processesInspiratory and __ neurons; activated upon demand...


RESPIRATORY SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. Breathing, which includes the bronchioles, alveolar tubes, alveolar sacs, and alveoli, is the only place.
  2. Air must go in and out of the lungs so that the gas in the air sacs is continuously refreshed, this is called.
  3. Enzymes that are in mucus destroy bacteria chemically called.
  4. Alveolar macrophages are very efficient, sometimes called.
  5. Eight rigid hyaline cartilages and spoon-shaped elastic cartilage folds are called.
  6. The inside of the nose consists of the nasal cavity, which is separated by.
  7. The ones that house the heart of large blood vessels, bronchi, rumbling, and other organs are called.
  8. The respiratory system that is visible externally is.
  9. The narrow superior part of each lung, the apex, lies deep inside.
  1. Carbon dioxide removal is included in the function.
  2. Keeps the body supplied with oxygen is the job of.
  3. The smallest conducting channel is.
  4. The tubes that allow air to reach the lungs are called.
  5. Gap-like pathways between the vocal cords are.
  6. Lingual tonsils located at the base.
  7. The normal respiratory rate is called.
  8. The main function of the respiratory system is to supply oxygen to the body and remove carbon dioxide. To do this, at least 4 different events must occur, collectively called.
  9. Epithelial cells maked up most of the alveolar wall are thick cuboidal cells, which produce lipid (fat) molecules called.
  10. Pharyngeal tonsils are often called.
  11. The largest hyaline cartilage is shield-shaped thyroid cartilage, which protrudes anteriorly and is usually called.

20 Clues: The smallest conducting channel is.Lingual tonsils located at the base.Pharyngeal tonsils are often called.The normal respiratory rate is called.Gap-like pathways between the vocal cords are.Keeps the body supplied with oxygen is the job of.Carbon dioxide removal is included in the function.The respiratory system that is visible externally is....

Respiratory System 2023-11-16

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Designation applied to conditions that result in pulmonary obstruction, most commonly chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema.
  2. The presence of air or gas in the subcutaneous tissues of the body.
  3. A respiratory disorder of infants born at less than a 37-week gestation due to incomplete maturation of the surfactant-producing system.
  4. Congenital disorder affecting exocrine gland function, with respiratory effects including excessive secretions, obstruction of the bronchial system, and infection.
  5. The most frequent type of lung infection, resulting in an inflammation of the lung with compromised pulmonary function.
  6. tube inserted through the chest wall between the ribs to allow for drainage of air and/or fluid from the thoracic cavity.
  7. Inflammation of one or more bronchi.
  8. A radiographic artifact produced by a wrinkle in the skin that mimics a pneumothorax.
  9. Chronic dilatation of the bronchi, with inflammation and destruction of bronchial walls and cilia.
  10. Pleural effusion containing blood.
  1. Inflammation of the pleura with exudation into the pleural cavity and on its surface.
  2. Lung condition characterized by an increase in the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles and with destruction of alveolar walls.
  3. An abnormal sound heard on auscultation of the chest.
  4. The most common bacterial pneumonia, generally affecting an entire lobe of a lung.
  5. Systemic, fungal infection caused by a fungus that thrives in soil, especially that fueled by bird or bat excreta; especially endemic to the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys.
  6. Carcinoma of the lung that arises from the epithelium of the bronchial tree.
  7. Pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of silica dust, as is common among miners, grinders, and sand blasters.
  8. A group of occupational diseases characterized by permanent deposits of particulate matter in the lungs and by resultant pulmonary fibrosis.
  9. An accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity.
  10. Effusion A collection of excess fluid in the pleural cavity.

20 Clues: Pleural effusion containing blood.Inflammation of one or more bronchi.An accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity.An abnormal sound heard on auscultation of the chest.Effusion A collection of excess fluid in the pleural cavity.The presence of air or gas in the subcutaneous tissues of the body....

Respiratory System 2024-02-20

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The blood helps to ________________ oxygen, heat, carbon dioxide, minerals and
  2. Action of your when lungs expand.
  3. also known as the voice box, can become inflamed after a concert!
  4. can cause lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease.
  5. Action of when your lungs flatten.
  6. is made up of red, white blood cells, and transport oxygen.
  7. your body.
  8. protect the lungs, heart and internal organs
  9. are the major organs of mammals that allow us to get oxygen into our body
  10. are the tubes that carry air into the lungs, can be inflamed to get bronchitis.
  11. Vapor is what you exhale that makes a mirror fog up
  1. All living things must get oxygen into their body in order to ___________
  2. transported by blood around our bodies to keep us warm/
  3. is where air is exhaled from the body
  4. are the air sacs that unload oxygen into your bloodstream and pick up C02
  5. muscle which pulls air into your body and pushes it out.
  6. C02 out.
  7. is one spot air enters the body- air is warmed, moistened and filtered here.
  8. is the windpipe that connects your mouth to your lungs
  9. is the action to bring oxygenated air into our body.

20 Clues: C02 out.your body.Action of your when lungs expand.Action of when your lungs where air is exhaled from the bodyprotect the lungs, heart and internal organscan cause lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease.Vapor is what you exhale that makes a mirror fog upis the action to bring oxygenated air into our body....

Respiratory System 2023-10-12

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. fungi used in wine industries.
  2. type of respiration done in absence of oxygen
  3. 6 carbon molecule structure
  4. main organ for respiration
  5. bronchi divide into___
  6. also called voice box.
  7. protect lungs.
  8. doctor of respiratory problems
  9. 3 carbon molecule made by breaking glucose.
  1. break down of pyruvate takes place in
  2. respiratory pigment
  3. vital gas for respiration
  4. accumulation of lactic acid can cause.
  5. energy currency of cell
  6. respiratory organ in aquatic animals
  7. most multicellular organism does __ respiration
  8. exchange of gasses in alveoli takes place by__
  9. sack like structure in lungs
  10. hemoglobin is present in
  11. holes in leaves for exchange of gasses

20 Clues: protect lungs.respiratory pigmentbronchi divide into___also called voice currency of cellhemoglobin is present invital gas for respirationmain organ for respiration6 carbon molecule structuresack like structure in lungsfungi used in wine of respiratory problemsrespiratory organ in aquatic animals...

Respiratory system 2023-10-08

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. An infectious disease affecting the respiratory system.
  2. APNEA A condition characterized by periodic cessation of breathing during sleep.
  3. A test to measure lung function.
  4. An instrument used to measure lung capacity.
  5. A disease often caused by smoking, leading to lung damage.
  6. The medical term for the voice box.
  7. The main organ of the respiratory system.
  8. The muscle that controls the volume of air in the lungs.
  9. A flap-like structure that covers the windpipe during swallowing.
  1. The process of oxygen entering the bloodstream.
  2. Inflammation of the airways causing breathing difficulty.
  3. Tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs.
  4. The process of inhaling and exhaling.
  5. The substance that reduces surface tension in the alveoli.
  6. EDMA A condition where the lungs fill with fluid.
  7. A chronic lung disease that restricts airflow.
  8. The tube connecting the throat to the bronchi.
  9. The process of carbon dioxide leaving the bloodstream.
  10. Tubes that carry air to the lungs.
  11. A membrane covering the lungs and lining the chest cavity.

20 Clues: A test to measure lung function.Tubes that carry air to the lungs.The medical term for the voice box.The process of inhaling and exhaling.Tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs.The main organ of the respiratory system.An instrument used to measure lung capacity.A chronic lung disease that restricts airflow....

Respiratory system 2024-01-29

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. fine hairs
  2. combining form for bronchial tubes
  3. clearing secretions of the throat or lungs by coughing
  4. another name for a nose bleed
  5. acute viral infection of infants and children
  6. alveol/o
  7. combining for meaning adenoids
  8. pector/o
  9. each lung is covered by a double layered membrane called this
  10. slit like opening to the larynx
  11. cyan/o
  12. another name for a runny nose
  13. leads to a separate lung and divides into smaller tubes like branches of a tree
  14. measures breathing
  15. whooping cough
  16. the space in the center of the chest
  17. first division of the larynx
  18. diaphragm
  19. Inflammation of the sinuses
  1. lack of pulse
  2. capn/o
  3. second division of the larynx
  4. removal of region of a lung
  5. larynx
  6. collection of air in the chest cavity
  7. combining form for straight or upright
  8. prevents choking
  9. third division of the larynx
  10. edema, fluid in the air sacs and bronchioles
  11. coni/o

30 Clues: capn/olarynxcyan/oconi/oalveol/opector/odiaphragmfine hairslack of pulsewhooping coughprevents chokingmeasures breathingremoval of region of a lungInflammation of the sinusesthird division of the larynxfirst division of the larynxsecond division of the larynxanother name for a nose bleedanother name for a runny nosecombining for meaning adenoids...

Respiratory System 2024-01-18

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. there is one connecting to each lung
  2. Electronic version of Cigarette
  3. air-filled space in the skull that also makes mucus
  4. Trap and remove foreign pathogens from entering the body
  5. Process in which air enters the lungs
  6. muscle part between the bone and nasal cavity
  7. is One of the worst things you can do, It makes your lungs black and kills you with tar and contains carcinogens which make it difficult to breathe
  8. bone part between the nasal and mouth cavity
  9. Tiny hairs in the nose that keep mucous and dirt out of the lungs
  10. Primary use is for breathing
  11. large flat muscle that controls breathing by contractions and expansions
  12. oral part of the pharynx
  13. Pick up oxygen from capillaries and go through the entire body delivering oxygen
  14. Something used to open up the bronchioles
  15. happens when your lungs exhale
  16. Produce Sound when they vibrate
  17. prevents food from the entering nasal cavity
  18. is good for the lungs & requires a lot of physical movement
  19. flap of elastic cartilage that protects the superior opening of the larynx.
  20. Happens when your lungs take in Air
  21. opening of larynx and esophagus. Contains epiglottis.
  1. tiny tubes within the lungs
  2. What comes out of the cells at the site of gas exchange
  3. nasal part of the pharynx
  4. Bones that protect the lungs heart and diaphragm
  5. A common condition where the bronchiole constricts making it difficult to breathe
  6. Tube where air goes into the body
  7. not directly attached to the breastbone
  8. Process in which Carbon dioxide leaves the body
  9. Fluid that covers the lungs
  10. What goes into the cells at the site of gas exchange
  11. Also is used for breathing
  12. Surround Alveoliloi and this is where the cells take in oxygen and take out carbon dioxide
  13. A disease where mucous fills up the lungs
  14. Tiny Air sacs within the luThe ng
  15. Another word for breathing
  16. Most Important Respiratory Organ
  17. Also known as the Voicebox

38 Clues: oral part of the pharynxnasal part of the pharynxAlso is used for breathingAnother word for breathingAlso known as the Voiceboxtiny tubes within the lungsFluid that covers the lungsPrimary use is for breathinghappens when your lungs exhaleElectronic version of CigaretteProduce Sound when they vibrateMost Important Respiratory Organ...

Respiratory system 2024-03-18

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. exits your lungs when you exhale
  2. the airway from the larynx to the bronchi
  3. voicebox
  4. 2 external openings in the nasal cavity
  5. muscles that run between the ribs and let the lungs contract and expand
  6. the process of letting air out of the lungs
  7. Throat
  8. eyelash
  9. 2 large tubes that carry air from your windpipe to your lungs
  1. dome shaped muscular partition separating the thorax and the abdomen
  2. connects the pharynx to the stomach
  3. primary branch of a bronchus
  4. the process of letting air into the lungs
  5. contains digestive organs
  6. protects lungs
  7. the most important organ in the respiratory system
  8. The action of breathing.
  9. protects larynx
  10. tiny air sockets in the lungs
  11. goes into your lungs when you inhale

20 Clues: Throateyelashvoiceboxprotects lungsprotects larynxThe action of breathing.contains digestive organsprimary branch of a bronchustiny air sockets in the lungsexits your lungs when you exhaleconnects the pharynx to the stomachgoes into your lungs when you inhale2 external openings in the nasal cavitythe airway from the larynx to the bronchi...

Respiratory System 2024-10-18

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Viral infection in cattle that causes epithelial damage in the nose and trachea resulting in ulceration and fibrin deposit.
  2. Extremely destructive encapsulated yeast fungus most commonly seen in cats.
  3. Type of rhinitis in pigs that destructs the nasal turbinate and cavity (can be from Pasteurella multocida).
  4. Edema fluid in the thoracic cavity.
  5. Bacterial infection in horses causing bilateral suppurative lymphadenitis.
  6. Pneumonia caused by retrovirus with neurological effects.
  7. Guttural pouch _____ is a fungal infection that results in roaring in horses.
  8. Accumulation of duct/carbon in macrophages within the alveoli.
  9. Fungal infection in nasal cavity primarily in dogs.
  10. Common name for lung disease caused by 3-Methylindole toxicity.
  11. Part of the inflammatory response where there is an excess of blood in the vessels supplying an organ.
  12. Differential diagnosis for Feline Herpes virus 1.
  13. Common name for process that leads to bronchopneumonia in cattle.
  14. Formation of blood clot in a blood vessel obstructing the normal flow.
  1. Lung disease often caused by a virus that results in diffuse pulmonary edema and failure of lung to collapse.
  2. Inflammation affecting multiple serosal surfaces.
  3. Accumulation of chyle from damage to thoracic duct.
  4. Disease caused by Mycobacterium bovis presenting with granuloma formation in the lymph nodes and lungs.
  5. Grossly the lung is red in the cranio-ventral part and covered in fibrin.
  6. Left sided heart failure can result in this causing the lungs to be heavier than normal.
  7. Arterivirus affecting the lungs and reproductive system.
  8. A change in this is one of the most unreliable indications.
  9. Yeast infection commonly seen in young hunting dogs that presents with soft white nodules diffusely on the lungs.
  10. Foreign object traveling in the blood vessel causing an obstruction.
  11. Gross accumulation of gas within the lungs.
  12. Classic swine strain that causes rapidly spreading, severe cough through the herd.
  13. Reversible collapse of the alveoli.
  14. Pulmonary _______ is a relatively common clinically insignificant age related change.
  15. General cause of widened interlobular septa and foam within the trachea.
  16. Type of pneumonia with a characteristic black and green colour.

30 Clues: Edema fluid in the thoracic cavity.Reversible collapse of the alveoli.Gross accumulation of gas within the lungs.Inflammation affecting multiple serosal surfaces.Differential diagnosis for Feline Herpes virus 1.Accumulation of chyle from damage to thoracic duct.Fungal infection in nasal cavity primarily in dogs....

Respiratory system 2024-11-14

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the "throat"
  2. The main muscle of respiration
  3. When the alveoli fills with fluid
  4. The trachea divides into these
  5. The smallest respiratory pathways
  6. The initials of the machine used for sleep apnea
  7. Where gas exchange takes place
  8. An overreaction to an irritating substance
  9. Opens and closes to allow food and air to pass
  10. Below the epiglottis
  11. The Conchea are covered with _________
  1. Divides the nasal cavity
  2. Occurs when the soft palate, uvula and tongue block the airway
  3. Inflammation of the bronchial tubes
  4. Commonly called the "windpipe"
  5. Small hairs that move mucus along
  6. Increases the chances of trapping inhaled particles
  7. This lung is larger
  8. Separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity
  9. Acts like a resonance chamber for speech
  10. The interior of the nose is called the nasal __________
  11. A repetitive contraction of the diaphragm

22 Clues: This lung is largerName of the "throat"Below the epiglottisDivides the nasal cavityThe main muscle of respirationThe trachea divides into theseCommonly called the "windpipe"Where gas exchange takes placeWhen the alveoli fills with fluidSmall hairs that move mucus alongThe smallest respiratory pathwaysInflammation of the bronchial tubes...

Respiratory system 2024-11-29

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. The right lung lobe is the medial portion.
  2. Nerves responsible for smell.
  3. It is an organ in the thoracic cavity, located on the left side of the heart.
  4. The lower lobe of each lung is the lowest part.
  5. Introduction of oxygen gas into the body
  6. Is a paired superficial muscle in the anterior portion of the neck.
  7. The air space in the skull that surrounds the nasal cavities.
  8. The anterior nasal cavity is covered with skin, while the rest of the nasal cavity is covered with respiratory mucosa.
  9. It is part of the respiratory tract and is classified as the lower respiratory tract. Its function is to carry air to the lungs.
  10. It is a large vein that carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.
  11. Removing carbon dioxide from the body
  12. The superior lobes of each lung are the uppermost pieces
  13. It is an organ in the thoracic cavity, located on the right side of the heart.
  14. It is an organ used for breathing.
  15. It is a muscle that acts like a parachute separating the chest and abdomen.
  16. The space between the pleura.
  17. It is a ridge of cartilage at the base of the trachea that separates the openings of the left and right main bronchi.
  18. Very small, short, hair-like structures protruding from the cytoplasm of cells.
  19. A type of bone in the body, located in the chest or upper abdomen.
  20. Branches of the bronchus
  21. The bronchi are conducting passages for air into the lungs.
  22. Taking air into the body for gas exchange.
  23. It is the part of the trachea that branches into left and right branches that enter the lungs.
  24. It functions to control both inhalation and exhalation.
  25. Muscles that increase the volume of the thoracic cavity.
  1. The tissue that covers the inside of the chest wall.
  2. It is the terminal part of the respiratory system, where respiration occurs by the lungs. It is an area where oxygen and carbon dioxide gases are exchanged between the air and blood.
  3. It is a single thin bone in the lower center that divides the nasal cavity into two sides, left and right.
  4. Small tubes that branch off from the trachea and branch out throughout the lungs. Their function is to transport air.
  5. It is the innermost muscle that maintains pressure within the abdominal cavity.
  6. It is a cell that functions to remove small foreign objects that enter the alveoli by eating dead cells.
  7. It is a very suitable structure for rapid gas exchange.
  8. It is a name for cavities that function as taste receptors, aid in digestion, and aid in breathing.
  9. It is a cavity through which air or gas can pass.
  10. It is an organ located below the throat.
  11. Contraction causes the ribs to lift, causing the chest to expand, and the lungs in the chest to expand.
  12. The trachea is a C-shaped cartilage projection.
  13. It is a chest muscle that helps in the expansion of the ribs when breathing in.
  14. It is a membrane covering the outside of the chest wall.
  15. It is a single circuit in which arteries carry less oxygen than veins.
  16. This muscle helps in the breathing process when moving.
  17. It is an artery that carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs.
  18. It is the part of the respiratory tract that extends from the trachea, which branches into a right-sided branch.
  19. The smallest branch of the pulmonary peduncle, with alveoli at the apex and spaces formed by the joining of several alveoli.
  20. Holes are the passageways for air to enter and exit.
  21. It is part of the airway that extends from the trachea, branching into a branch on the left side.
  22. any of usually three deeply situated muscles on each side of the neck of which each extends from the transverse processes of two or more cervical vertebrae to the first or second rib
  23. The inner lateral core muscles assist the diaphragm in exhalation.
  24. A thin layer of tissue that surrounds all lung tissue and protects the lungs.
  25. The internal organs of the throat are the joints of the digestive and respiratory systems, starting from behind the nasal cavity, behind the mouth, down to behind the larynx.

50 Clues: Branches of the bronchusNerves responsible for smell.The space between the pleura.It is an organ used for breathing.Removing carbon dioxide from the bodyIntroduction of oxygen gas into the bodyIt is an organ located below the throat.The right lung lobe is the medial portion.Taking air into the body for gas exchange....

Respiratory System 2024-12-01

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. - Device that delivers medication as a mist.
  2. - Inflammatory condition where alveoli fill with fluid.
  3. - Also called the voice box, located between the pharynx and trachea.
  4. - Tiny hair-like structures that filter out particles in the nasal cavity.
  5. - Commonly known as the throat, connects the mouth and nose to the esophagus and trachea.
  6. - Coughing up blood from the respiratory tract.
  7. - The main passageways that direct air into the lungs.
  8. - A test measuring lung capacity.
  9. - Progressive lung disease including emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
  10. - Small branches of the bronchi that lead to alveoli.
  11. - Double-layered membrane surrounding the lungs.
  1. - Also known as the windpipe, it connects the larynx to the bronchi.
  2. - Condition arising from a lack of oxygen leading to unconsciousness.
  3. CAVITY - Where air enters and is filtered by cilia and mucus.
  4. DIOXIDE - Waste gas expelled from the body during exhalation.
  5. - Muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen and helps in breathing.
  6. - Flap that covers the trachea during swallowing to prevent food entry.
  7. and Clues for Crossword Puzzle
  8. - Gas that is essential for cellular respiration.
  9. - Combining form meaning breathing.
  10. - Air sacs where gas exchange occurs.

21 Clues: and Clues for Crossword Puzzle- A test measuring lung capacity.- Combining form meaning breathing.- Air sacs where gas exchange occurs.- Device that delivers medication as a mist.- Coughing up blood from the respiratory tract.- Double-layered membrane surrounding the lungs.- Gas that is essential for cellular respiration....

Respiratory system 2024-12-17

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the cavity in the nose where air enters.
  2. Tiny blood vessels surrounding the alveoli.
  3. Tiny hair-like structures in the airways that help trap and move particles out of the respiratory system.
  4. A sticky substance that traps dust and germs in the airways.
  5. A muscle that helps in breathing, located below the lungs.
  6. The main organs of respiration.
  7. The act of expelling air from the lungs.
  8. The chest cavity that contians the lungs etc.
  9. Gas we breathe in to sustain life.
  10. A respiratory condition causing difficulty in breathing due to narrowed aiways and inflammaton.
  11. A protein in red blood cells that binds to oxygen and transports it through the body.
  12. The windpipe that connects the throat to the bronchi.
  13. A state in which oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide.
  1. A flap of cartilage that prevents food from entering the windpipe.
  2. Two branches that lead from the trachea to the lungs.
  3. A thin membrane surrounding the lungs.
  4. Small airways that lead to the alveoli.
  5. The hollow space behind the nose.
  6. The act of drawing air into the lungs.
  7. The process of moving air in and out of the lungs.
  8. Tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs.
  9. The voice box, located in the throat.
  10. A passage through which air moves in and out.
  11. The process of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  12. The throat; a passage for both food and air.

25 Clues: The main organs of respiration.The hollow space behind the nose.Gas we breathe in to sustain life.The voice box, located in the throat.A thin membrane surrounding the lungs.The act of drawing air into the lungs.Small airways that lead to the alveoli.Tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs.The act of expelling air from the lungs....

Respiratory system 2025-02-16

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. The main muscle of respiration, located below the lungs, assisting in breathing.
  2. The amount of air involved in a single breath.
  3. The specialized tissue lining the respiratory tract, containing mucus and cilia.
  4. The process of moving air in and out of the lungs.
  5. A condition where oxygen levels in the tissues are too low.
  6. A temporary cessation of breathing.
  7. A substance in the alveoli that reduces surface tension and prevents collapse.
  8. The process of oxygen binding to hemoglobin for transport in the blood.
  9. A test measuring lung function, including airflow and volume.
  10. A double-layered membrane surrounding the lungs, reducing friction during respiration.
  1. Small airways branching from the bronchi, leading to the alveoli.
  2. A tube that connects the larynx to the bronchi, allowing air passage to the lungs.
  3. Tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs between air and blood.
  4. The total volume of air the lungs can hold.
  5. The brainstem region that controls breathing.
  6. The process of drawing air into the lungs.
  7. The process of expelling air from the lungs.
  8. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli.
  9. Large airways branching from the trachea and leading to the lungs.
  10. An excessive level of carbon dioxide in the blood.

20 Clues: A temporary cessation of breathing.The process of drawing air into the lungs.The total volume of air the lungs can hold.The process of expelling air from the lungs.The brainstem region that controls breathing.The amount of air involved in a single breath.The process of moving air in and out of the lungs....

Respiratory System 2025-02-18

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Intrapleural pressure must remain __________ to atmospheric pressure or lung collapse can occur.
  2. __________ cartilage contains the Adam's apple
  3. What is the large muscle separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity and helps with breathing?
  4. the volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after a normal exhalation
  5. this gas is highest in atmospheric air
  6. HB-CO2 is known as
  7. What are the tiny hairs that keep mucus and dirt out of your lungs?
  8. a major nerve controlling respiration
  9. the volume of air that can be forcibly inhaled after a normal inhalation
  10. number of lobes for left lung
  11. air in the pleural cavity is known as __________
  12. __________ respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and blood
  13. __________ respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between body tissues and blood
  1. __________ is partial or total lung collapse
  2. the __________ bone is at the top of the larynx and also attached to the tongue
  3. when you inhale the volume of your lungs __________
  4. when you inhale the pressure in your lungs __________
  5. the pO2 would be highest in __________ veins
  6. __________ involves movement of air in and out of the lungs
  7. What is the flap the covers the glottis during swallowing of food?
  8. law that states that each gas in a mixture exerts its own pressure
  9. the trachea bifurcates at the __________
  10. number of lobes for right lung
  11. __________ is a temporary stop in breathing
  12. __________ pressure is always 760mmHg at sea level
  13. the ion "shifted" during internal and external respiration
  14. __________ involves blood flow to the lungs
  15. __________ is normal breathing
  16. __________ cells secrete surfactant
  17. What is the windpipe known as?

30 Clues: HB-CO2 is known asnumber of lobes for left lungnumber of lobes for right lungWhat is the windpipe known as?__________ is normal breathing__________ cells secrete surfactanta major nerve controlling respirationthis gas is highest in atmospheric airthe trachea bifurcates at the ____________________ is a temporary stop in breathing...

Body Systems 2021-05-13

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. carries oxygen away from the heart
  2. left side of heart
  3. where gas exchange happens
  4. 98.6 degrees F
  5. Sensations
  6. bones
  7. carry blood to the heart
  8. helps regulate body functions
  9. break down food
  10. control center
  11. get rid of waste
  12. right side of heart
  13. apart of respiratory system
  1. also known as immune system
  2. behavior, emotion,memory
  3. Speech vision
  4. allow movement
  5. contains lungs and trachea
  6. body movement and balance
  7. also called body systems
  8. makes motor impulses
  9. speech hearing smell

22 Clues: bonesSensationsSpeech visionallow movement98.6 degrees Fcontrol centerbreak down foodget rid of wasteleft side of heartright side of heartmakes motor impulsesspeech hearing smellbehavior, emotion,memoryalso called body systemscarry blood to the heartbody movement and balancecontains lungs and tracheawhere gas exchange happens...

Human Body Unit: Respiratory System and Circulatory System 2022-01-27

Human Body Unit: Respiratory System and Circulatory System crossword puzzle
  1. When you _____ the diaphragm contracts and the rib cage rises up.
  2. windpipe for the respiratory system
  3. voice box
  4. When you ________ the rib cage lowers and the diaphragm relaxes.
  5. the respiratory system removes and disposes of this gas from blood
  6. the first main organ of the respiratory system
  7. the respiratory system takes this gas up from air and supplies it to blood
  8. Fine tubes that allow passage of air.
  9. bring blood to the heart
  1. air sacs at the end of bronchioles where gas exchange takes place.
  2. this is the main function of the circulatory system.
  3. we have 3 _______ for blood type
  4. (throat) is a sensor for the respiratory and digestive systems
  5. move blood way from Heart
  6. two pipes that break from the trachea and connect to the lungs
  7. transports material to every cell of the body, including oxygen

16 Clues: voice boxbring blood to the heartmove blood way from Heartwe have 3 _______ for blood typewindpipe for the respiratory systemFine tubes that allow passage of air.the first main organ of the respiratory systemthis is the main function of the circulatory system.(throat) is a sensor for the respiratory and digestive systems...

Respiratory System 2021-04-26

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. membranousreinforced byringsofcartilage
  2. extension at the back of the soft palate
  3. a thin basal lamella
  4. tissue in the back of the roof of the mouth
  5. cells make mucus to the nose from drying
  6. two external openings of the nasal cavity
  7. a pair of soft tissue masses located at the rear of the throat
  8. canal that connects the throat to the stomach
  1. is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the trachea
  2. its in front of the larynx
  3. win infoldings of mucous membrane
  4. a large space above and behind the nose
  5. part of the pharynx that lies between the soft palate and the hyoid bone
  6. a horseshoe-shaped bone
  7. bony plate that makes a subsection palate
  8. a muscular organ in the mouth
  9. functions as an airway in the respiratory system
  10. collection of lymphatic tissue located in the lamina propria
  11. a flap cartilage at the root of the tongue

19 Clues: a thin basal lamellaa horseshoe-shaped boneits in front of the larynxa muscular organ in the mouthwin infoldings of mucous membranea large space above and behind the nosemembranousreinforced byringsofcartilageextension at the back of the soft palatebony plate that makes a subsection palatecells make mucus to the nose from drying...

Respiratory System 2022-06-06

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. exhaling out of the lungs
  2. smallest divisions of the bronchial tree
  3. a passage way for food and liquid into the digestive system
  4. the windpipe
  5. notch in the lung where bronchi and vessels enter
  6. branching of the bronchus after entering the respective lung
  7. voice box
  8. pockets in the facial bones
  9. a ridge at the lower of the the trachea, separating the openings of the two bronchi
  1. clusters of air sacs at the end of the bronchial tree
  2. main branches leading from the trachea to the lungs
  3. leaf structure that opens and closes over the glottis during swallowing
  4. separates the mouths from the nasal cavity
  5. breathing air into the lungs
  6. the lining encasing the lungs
  7. division of lungs
  8. where blood and air meet
  9. interval between the two vocal cords
  10. chief muscle of respiration

19 Clues: voice boxthe windpipedivision of lungswhere blood and air meetexhaling out of the lungschief muscle of respirationpockets in the facial bonesbreathing air into the lungsthe lining encasing the lungsinterval between the two vocal cordssmallest divisions of the bronchial treeseparates the mouths from the nasal cavity...

Respiratory System 2019-10-08

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Abnormal, fine, crackling sounds heard on auscultation when there is fluid in the alveoli
  2. Part of the thoracic cavity between the lungs
  3. Innermost membrane of the pleura
  4. Acute inflammation and infection of the alveoli
  5. Difficulty breathing
  6. Tapping on the surface to determine the underlying structure
  7. Thin piece of cartilage that covers the entrance to the voice box and windpipe when a person is swallowing
  8. Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest
  9. Infectious disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis
  10. Inhalation
  11. Difficulty breathing
  1. Removal of a lung
  2. An instrument to measure breathing
  3. Abnormal condition of bluish coloration of the skin
  4. Clot or material from a distant vein that blocks a blood vessel in the lung
  5. Loud, rumbling sounds heard on auscultation of bronchi that are obstructed by sputum
  6. Involuntary contraction of the muscles surrounding the voice box
  7. Pleura Outer layer of the pleura lying closest to the chest wall
  8. Visual examination of the bronchial tubes
  9. Increase in breathing rate

20 Clues: InhalationRemoval of a lungDifficulty breathingDifficulty breathingIncrease in breathing rateInnermost membrane of the pleuraAn instrument to measure breathingVisual examination of the bronchial tubesPart of the thoracic cavity between the lungsAcute inflammation and infection of the alveoliSurgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest...

Respiratory system 2020-05-10

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. when u exhale, the __________ relaxes and air is pushed out of the lungs.
  2. made up of many cartilages and connects the pharynx to trachea.
  3. the small terminal branches of the airways in the lungs.
  4. bacteria, viruses and fungi causes it.
  5. uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both lungs.
  6. during this disease, person feels hard to breathe.
  7. the main function is the filtration of air and is the external opening of the respiratory tract.
  8. prevents the lungs from collapsing.
  9. is also called oral cavity.
  1. Maximum gas pressure that can be expelled by a deeper intake from the lungs.
  2. inhaled air after passing through nasal and oral cavity passes through this muscular structure.
  3. are airways that contain cartilaginous walls.
  4. the cup-shaped structures found at the end of the terminal bronchioles.
  5. consists of two-layered membrane that covers each lung.
  6. associated with smoking cigarettes.
  7. have swelling and inflammation in their bronchial tubes
  8. tube-like structure that connects larynx to bronchi.
  9. blood vessels that connect arteries and veins.
  10. the cartilaginous structure that prevents the entry of food

19 Clues: is also called oral cavity.associated with smoking cigarettes.prevents the lungs from collapsing.bacteria, viruses and fungi causes it.are airways that contain cartilaginous walls.blood vessels that connect arteries and veins.during this disease, person feels hard to structure that connects larynx to bronchi....

Respiratory System 2021-02-11

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. nostrils
  2. process of forcing air out of the body during respiration
  3. difficult or painful breathing
  4. things that contaminate the air
  5. process of breathing in air during respiration
  6. process of forcing air out of the body during respiration
  7. getting rid of
  8. to cause to be or become
  9. rapid breathing
  10. hairlike projections that move rhythmically on the inside lining of the bronchial tubes
  11. small bag or sac
  12. lack of oxygen
  1. dilation of the bronchi
  2. process of breathing in air during respiration
  3. abbreviation for "upper respiratory infection"
  4. inflammation of the larynx
  5. nosebleed
  6. between the ribs
  7. cessation of breathing
  8. inflammation of the bronchial tubes
  9. abbreviation for "eye, ear, nose, throat"

21 Clues: nostrilsnosebleedgetting rid oflack of oxygenrapid breathingbetween the ribssmall bag or saccessation of breathingdilation of the bronchito cause to be or becomeinflammation of the larynxdifficult or painful breathingthings that contaminate the airinflammation of the bronchial tubesabbreviation for "eye, ear, nose, throat"...

Respiratory System 2023-04-19

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. you need this to sing lyrics
  2. this is part of both the endocrine and digestive systems
  3. stores bile
  4. branch directly off of the trachea
  5. is a different lenght in males and females
  6. tubs that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
  7. gas exhange happens here
  8. a flap that covers your trachea when you are eating
  1. a tube that takes air from your mouth to your lungs
  2. the abbreviation for central nervous system
  3. a muscle that pumps blood to the body
  4. the right side has three lobes
  5. stores urine
  6. another name for the throat
  7. carry blood away from the heart
  8. filters toxins
  9. the bronchi branch into many of these
  10. carry blood to the heart
  11. filters blood

19 Clues: stores bilestores urinefilters bloodfilters toxinsgas exhange happens herecarry blood to the heartanother name for the throatyou need this to sing lyricsthe right side has three lobescarry blood away from the heartbranch directly off of the tracheaa muscle that pumps blood to the bodythe bronchi branch into many of these...

Respiratory System 2013-11-20

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. membrane surrounding each lung
  2. organs containing bronchial tree
  3. opening to throat
  4. one leads to left lung and one to the right lung
  5. contains bronchi and bronchioles
  6. stimulates diaphragm
  7. first part of pharynx
  8. cavity where air enters body
  9. protect body from invaders
  1. contains nasal cavity
  2. where gas exchange occurs
  3. third part of pharynx
  4. second part of pharynx
  5. brings air to chest
  6. muscle that expands thoracic cavity
  7. covers windpipe during swallowing
  8. warms and filters air
  9. voice box
  10. hairs in nose that filter debris

19 Clues: voice boxopening to throatbrings air to cheststimulates diaphragmcontains nasal cavitythird part of pharynxwarms and filters airfirst part of pharynxsecond part of pharynxwhere gas exchange occursprotect body from invaderscavity where air enters bodymembrane surrounding each lungorgans containing bronchial treecontains bronchi and bronchioles...

Respiratory System 2022-05-11

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. muscular tube posterior to nasal and oral cavities (swallowing refelexes)
  2. flap on top of larynx that folds down to prevent food and liquid entry
  3. covers the inside surface of the rib cage and spreads over the lungs as well
  4. constriction of bronchioles , usually caused by allergens
  5. membrane that surrounds heart
  6. cage skeletal structure that protects the heart and lungs
  7. speaking and air passages
  8. lubricates the pleural surface and makes it easy for them to slide over each other during lung inflation and deflation
  9. structural features that supports the trachea to keep it open for air passage
  10. muscle that helps with respiration by contraction when inhaling
  11. air that remains in the lungs after the most forceful exhale
  1. opening of the larynx
  2. frequent in newborns who have not produced the surfactant that reduces the surface tension of the fluid in the lungs
  3. inflammation of the lining of bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs
  4. amount of air in one breath
  5. the sum of two or more volumes (lung capacity)
  6. a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness
  7. cords thin folds of tissue that are pulled over the glottis and vibrate during speech
  8. total air lungs can hold

19 Clues: opening of the larynxtotal air lungs can holdspeaking and air passagesamount of air in one breathmembrane that surrounds heartthe sum of two or more volumes (lung capacity)constriction of bronchioles , usually caused by allergenscage skeletal structure that protects the heart and lungsair that remains in the lungs after the most forceful exhale...

Respiratory system 2023-10-04

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Which type of lung cancer is the least aggressive and typically has the best prognosis?
  2. bronchitis Which condition is characterized by periods of airflow obstruction, coughing, and chest tightness, often related to
  3. What condition is characterized by the permanent dilation of the bronchi and destruction of the bronchial walls?
  4. Which test measures the amount of air a person can forcefully exhale in one second and is commonly used to diagnose obstructive lung diseases?
  5. Which condition is characterized by the collapse of one or more lobes of the lung and is often caused by blockage of the bronchi?
  6. exposure What is the primary cause of mesothelioma, a cancer of the pleura?
  7. What is the most common cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?
  8. effusion Which term refers to the accumulation of excess fluid in the pleural cavity, causing difficulty in breathing?
  9. virus What is the most common infectious cause of acute bronchitis?
  10. What is the term for the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes, often caused by viral infections?
  11. cell carcinoma What is the most common type of lung cancer associated with smoking?
  12. pneumonia Which type of pneumonia is often referred to as "walking pneumonia" and is caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae?
  1. What is the term for the surgical removal of part or all of a lung?
  2. Which condition is characterized by the inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to wheezing and shortness of breath?
  3. What is the term for the chronic scarring of lung tissue, often caused by exposure to occupational or environmental hazards?
  4. attack What is the term for the sudden, severe constriction of the bronchial tubes, often caused by an allergic reaction?
  5. Which autoimmune disease primarily affects the connective tissues in the lungs and other organs, causing inflammation and scarring?
  6. Which fungal infection can cause cavities and nodules in the lungs, often mimicking tuberculosis?
  7. apnea Which respiratory disorder is characterized by the repeated interruption of breathing during sleep and is often associated with snoring?
  8. clot from elsewhere in the body What is the primary cause of pulmonary embolism?

20 Clues: What is the term for the surgical removal of part or all of a lung?virus What is the most common infectious cause of acute bronchitis?exposure What is the primary cause of mesothelioma, a cancer of the pleura?What is the most common cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?...

Breath of fresh air 2024-03-11

Breath of fresh air crossword puzzle
  1. maintain this value between 7.35-7.45
  2. section of lung
  3. used to assess respiratory function
  4. breathing out
  5. where gas exchange occurs in the lung
  6. chronic bronchitis
  7. breathing in
  8. related to respiratory system
  9. blood supply to the alveo-capillary network
  10. large conducting airway
  11. reversible respiratory disease
  12. produced in chronic bronchitis
  1. element necessary for life
  2. one test of respiratory function
  3. technical term for breathing
  4. upper respiratory tract infection
  5. emphysema
  6. location of respiratory centre
  7. amount of air inspired expired in one breath
  8. major inspiratory muscle
  9. chronic obstructive airway disease

21 Clues: emphysemabreathing inbreathing outsection of lungchronic bronchitislarge conducting airwaymajor inspiratory muscleelement necessary for lifetechnical term for breathingrelated to respiratory systemlocation of respiratory centrereversible respiratory diseaseproduced in chronic bronchitisone test of respiratory function...

Science Crossword 2014-03-31

Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Used in digestive system
  2. What is one of the main structures for the respiratory system?
  3. What can help the excretory system function efficiently?
  4. Helps circulatory system
  5. The purifying system
  6. dioxide Leaves the blood with help of respiratory system
  7. What is pumped with nutrients with help of the circulatory system?
  1. What is a main structure in the circulatory system?
  2. What removes waste energy from blood?
  3. Removes waste from blood
  4. What system changes food into nutrients?
  5. system What does sleeping well help?
  6. The blood system
  7. Needed in the nervous system

14 Clues: The blood systemThe purifying systemUsed in digestive systemRemoves waste from bloodHelps circulatory systemNeeded in the nervous systemsystem What does sleeping well help?What removes waste energy from blood?What system changes food into nutrients?What is a main structure in the circulatory system?...

The Respiratory System 2024-10-17

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The oxygen enters through the … passage.
  2. In the pharynx the respiratory system meets with the … system.
  3. The action of taking in air.
  4. Plants take this gas in.
  5. To expel oxygen.
  1. The pharynx is a muscular…
  2. The end of the respiratory system.
  3. The biggest part of the respiratory system.
  4. The respiratory system is involuntary and…
  5. When we breathe our … changes in size.
  6. These are located in the larynx.
  7. This is the gas humans need.
  8. Oxygen is used to generate…
  9. Breathing is a … exchange.

14 Clues: To expel oxygen.Plants take this gas in.The pharynx is a muscular…Breathing is a … exchange.Oxygen is used to generate…The action of taking in air.This is the gas humans need.These are located in the larynx.The end of the respiratory system.When we breathe our … changes in size.The oxygen enters through the … passage....

Breath of fresh air 2017-03-21

Breath of fresh air crossword puzzle
  1. maintain this value between 7.35-7.45
  2. section of lung
  3. used to assess respiratory function
  4. breathing out
  5. where gas exchange occurs in the lung
  6. chronic bronchitis
  7. breathing in
  8. related to respiratory system
  9. blood supply to the alveo-capillary network
  10. large conducting airway
  11. reversible respiratory disease
  12. produced in chronic bronchitis
  1. element necessary for life
  2. one test of respiratory function
  3. technical term for breathing
  4. upper respiratory tract infection
  5. emphysema
  6. location of respiratory centre
  7. amount of air inspired expired in one breath
  8. major inspiratory muscle
  9. chronic obstructive airway disease

21 Clues: emphysemabreathing inbreathing outsection of lungchronic bronchitislarge conducting airwaymajor inspiratory muscleelement necessary for lifetechnical term for breathingrelated to respiratory systemlocation of respiratory centrereversible respiratory diseaseproduced in chronic bronchitisone test of respiratory function...

Body Systems Extra Credit 2024-04-10

Body Systems Extra Credit crossword puzzle
  1. These are the levels from cell to organism.
  2. What is the function of the muscular system?
  3. What attaches bone to muscle?
  4. This is a function of the skeletal system.
  5. This type of muscle is found only in the heart.
  6. What is the name for internal stability in the body?
  7. These vessels carry blood away from the heart.
  8. Where does air enter your respiratory system?
  9. There are 650 of these in the body.
  1. What is the main organ of the skeletal system?
  2. What is the main function of the circulatory system?
  3. This type of muscle is automatic.
  4. What organelle performs cellular respiration?
  5. What is the smallest unit of life?
  6. There are three types of these in the circulatory system.
  7. These attach bone to bone.
  8. What organ is the pump for the circulatory system?
  9. The lungs, heart, bones, and blood vessels are all examples of this.
  10. This is brought into the body by the respiratory system.
  11. What are the main organs of the respiratory system?

20 Clues: These attach bone to bone.What attaches bone to muscle?This type of muscle is automatic.What is the smallest unit of life?There are 650 of these in the body.This is a function of the skeletal system.These are the levels from cell to organism.What is the function of the muscular system?What organelle performs cellular respiration?...

Science Crossword 2014-03-31

Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What removes waste energy from blood?
  2. Helps circulatory system
  3. Needed in the nervous system
  4. Removes waste from blood
  5. What is pumped with nutrients with help of the circulatory system?
  6. The purifying system
  7. What is a main structure in the circulatory system?
  8. What can help the excretory system function efficiently?
  9. dioxide Leaves the blood with help of respiratory system
  1. What system changes food into nutrients?
  2. Used in digestive system
  3. system What does sleeping well help?
  4. The blood system
  5. What is one of the main structures for the respiratory system?

14 Clues: The blood systemThe purifying systemUsed in digestive systemHelps circulatory systemRemoves waste from bloodNeeded in the nervous systemsystem What does sleeping well help?What removes waste energy from blood?What system changes food into nutrients?What is a main structure in the circulatory system?...

THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM- Desirae Berry ♥ 2017-02-08

THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM- Desirae Berry ♥ crossword puzzle
  1. Respiratory System Exchanges Gases
  2. the mouth of the windpipe
  3. Capacity the greatest amount of air that one can breathe out in one exhale
  4. paired organs in the chest that remove carbon dioxide from
  5. Cavity protects and holds the lungs, heart, trachea, esophagus, endocrine glands, thoracic aorta and the pulmonary artery
  6. the two bones located in the nose are the inferior and superior nasal
  7. curving flat bones that protect the organs in the chest.
  8. in breathing.
  9. thread-like blood vessels where oxygen is exchanged for
  10. a large domed sheet of muscle underneath the lungs that is involved in breathing.
  11. two large airways leading into the lungs.
  12. Action an action that the body does without conscious
  13. the sense of smell
  14. tiny hairs that are aligned with bronchial tubes
  15. dioxide.
  16. a passageway for air and food
  17. to breathe out.
  1. the front section of the neck.
  2. the intake and the outlet for air for the respiratory system.
  3. a gas found in the air that is necessary for life.
  4. air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of gasses takes
  5. Respiration the exchange of gasses within the cells of the body organs, cells, and tissues
  6. the process of taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon
  7. Box the part of the respiratory system that contains
  8. System the body system that contains the organs
  9. Respiratory System filters, warms and moistens air
  10. Septum the wall of cartilage that divides the nose into two equal sections
  11. covers voice box during swallowing
  12. Tubes are increasingly smaller airways branching off into the lungs.
  13. an air passage in the respiratory system.
  14. to draw into the lungs.
  15. vocal cords.

32 Clues: dioxide.vocal breathe out.the sense of smellto draw into the lungs.the mouth of the windpipea passageway for air and foodthe front section of the neck.Respiratory System Exchanges Gasescovers voice box during swallowingan air passage in the respiratory system.two large airways leading into the lungs....

Acid-Base Imbalances 2025-02-04

Acid-Base Imbalances crossword puzzle
  1. 7.35-7.45
  2. Dioxide Excrete by the lungs
  3. Population at risk due to decreased renal reserves
  4. Causes metabolic acidosis
  5. State from too much acid
  6. Respiratory Opposite Metabolic Equal
  7. Excess amounts can cause metabolic alkalosis
  8. Excretes excess bicarbonate
  9. System with slow compensation
  1. Causes respiratory alkalosis
  2. System with rapid compensation
  3. Causes respiratory acidosis
  4. State from too much base
  5. What will you be in 1.5 years?
  6. Loss of bicarbonate
  7. What compensation are all abnormal?

16 Clues: 7.35-7.45Loss of bicarbonateState from too much baseState from too much acidCauses metabolic acidosisCauses respiratory acidosisExcretes excess bicarbonateCauses respiratory alkalosisDioxide Excrete by the lungsSystem with slow compensationSystem with rapid compensationWhat will you be in 1.5 years?What compensation are all abnormal?...

Respiratory System 2013-10-02

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. vocal cords
  2. the food tube
  3. back of the throat
  4. breathing in
  5. chemical that triggers breathing
  6. muscle that pulls lungs down
  7. pulls air into lungs
  8. when bronchus gets small
  9. percentage of oxygen in the air
  1. what the muscles do to force air out
  2. percentage of oxygen in exhaled air
  3. breathing out
  4. controls breathing
  5. the windpipe
  6. protects the throat
  7. muscles that raise chest
  8. the flap
  9. where gas exchange takes place
  10. left and right main

19 Clues: the flapvocal cordsbreathing inthe windpipethe food tubebreathing outback of the throatcontrols breathingprotects the throatleft and right mainpulls air into lungsmuscles that raise chestwhen bronchus gets smallmuscle that pulls lungs downwhere gas exchange takes placepercentage of oxygen in the airchemical that triggers breathing...

Respiratory System 2014-03-10

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. windpipe
  2. passagewayforairandfood
  3. bloodVessel
  4. sleepy
  5. smalltubes
  6. bloodandbodytissues2ndphase
  7. tubesthatbranchoutfrtrachea
  8. airsacs
  1. filter
  2. vocalcords
  3. sheetofmusclebelowchestcavity
  4. breathingout
  5. trap
  6. mechanicalprocess
  7. exchange
  8. incompleterings
  9. absorbbacterialarynx
  10. 1stphase
  11. entrance

19 Clues: trapfiltersleepyairsacswindpipeexchange1stphaseentrancevocalcordssmalltubesbloodVesselbreathingoutincompleteringsmechanicalprocessabsorbbacterialarynxpassagewayforairandfoodbloodandbodytissues2ndphasetubesthatbranchoutfrtracheasheetofmusclebelowchestcavity

Respiratory system 2022-03-23

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. in the right lung
  2. the throat
  3. small passages
  4. windpipe
  5. oxegyn
  6. tiny air sacs
  7. below the ribs
  8. behind the nasal cavity
  9. breathing in
  1. A network of tubes
  2. two holes in your nose
  3. cavity another word for nose
  4. A pair of soft coned shape organs
  5. small opening in the larynx
  6. breathing out
  7. two sets of heavy folds in the tissue
  8. carbon dioxide
  9. voice box
  10. Above the mouth

19 Clues: oxegynwindpipevoice boxthe throatbreathing inbreathing outtiny air sacssmall passagescarbon dioxidebelow the ribsAbove the mouthin the right lungA network of tubestwo holes in your nosebehind the nasal cavitysmall opening in the larynxcavity another word for noseA pair of soft coned shape organstwo sets of heavy folds in the tissue

Respiratory System 2022-12-07

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Lung It has 3 lobes: superior, middle, and inferior and it is the larger of the two lungs.
  2. Hair like structures that filter out particles entering into your nasal cavity
  3. Breathing begins with a dome-shaped muscle located at the bottom of the lungs.
  4. It is the tiny sac like structure present in the lungs which the gaseous exchange takes place
  5. An inflammation of lung tissue with the alveoli in the affected areas fills w/fluid
  6. It involved the air intake, it bring air into the nose.
  7. bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi persisting over a long time
  8. To breathe in, diaphragm flattens
  9. lung It has 2 lobes: superior and inferior and it is the smallest of the two lungs.
  10. Tube that connects the mouth to the larynx and esophagus.
  11. It is also known as windpipe, it filters the air we inhale and branches into the bronchi
  1. system This system has a primary organ which is lungs, the function is to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide as we breathe.
  2. Respiration The creation of ATP with water, oxygen, and sugar.
  3. It is a leaf-shaped flap of cartilage located behind the tongue, at the top of the larynx, or voice box.
  4. inhalation and exhalation
  5. Tube that connects the trachea to the lungs.
  6. To breathe out, diaphragm relaxes
  7. The main organ of the respiratory system.
  8. commonly called the voice box, and a connection between the pharynx and trachea

19 Clues: inhalation and exhalationTo breathe in, diaphragm flattensTo breathe out, diaphragm relaxesThe main organ of the respiratory system.Tube that connects the trachea to the lungs.It involved the air intake, it bring air into the nose.Tube that connects the mouth to the larynx and esophagus.Respiration The creation of ATP with water, oxygen, and sugar....

Respiratory system 2021-01-12

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. The transporter of gases in the bloodstream
  2. Gaseous exchange between the capillaries and muscle tissue
  3. This thin muscle contracts and passively relaxes
  4. Poisonous gas inhaled when smoking
  5. Extra muscles of inspiration
  6. Training area above 1500m
  7. Brought about by the scalenes and pectoralis major
  8. Condition causing narrowing of the bronchioles
  9. Gas used aerobically to generate energy
  10. Cluster of tiny air sacs
  1. Blood vessels that are one cell thick
  2. The movement of gases across a membrane
  3. Effect/shift caused by increased acidity
  4. Group of additional expiratory muscles
  5. Cavity in which air is inspired, warmed and moistened
  6. The partial pressure of oxygen in muscle tissues
  7. This describes the diffusion path between the alveoli and capillaries
  8. Respiration at the lung site
  9. Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in atmospheric air
  10. The partial pressure of oxygen in the atmospheric air

20 Clues: Cluster of tiny air sacsTraining area above 1500mExtra muscles of inspirationRespiration at the lung sitePoisonous gas inhaled when smokingBlood vessels that are one cell thickGroup of additional expiratory musclesThe movement of gases across a membraneGas used aerobically to generate energyEffect/shift caused by increased acidity...

Respiratory System 2021-04-06

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. tube that leads to the stomach
  2. muscle beneath your lungs, it contracts and relaxes to help move air
  3. breathing in
  4. microscopic hairs
  5. symptom: coughing especially at night/during exercise
  6. symptom: cyanosis of lips/fingernail beds
  7. two sac-like respiratory organs that help remove CO2 and provide O2 to blood
  8. breathing out
  9. gas exchange between the lungs and the blood
  1. air that move in and out of the lungs during normal breathing
  2. oxygen
  3. the exchange of O2 and CO2 between living cells and the environment
  4. 2 short tubes that carry air to the lungs
  5. patient has difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  6. windpipe
  7. gas exchange happens here
  8. point of entry for air coming into the body
  9. patient has normal respiratory rate
  10. throat

19 Clues: oxygenthroatwindpipebreathing inbreathing outmicroscopic hairsgas exchange happens heretube that leads to the stomachpatient has normal respiratory rate2 short tubes that carry air to the lungssymptom: cyanosis of lips/fingernail bedspoint of entry for air coming into the bodygas exchange between the lungs and the blood...

Respiratory System 2022-03-25

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. any of the major air passages of the lungs which diverge from the windpipe.
  2. breathing out
  3. any of the minute branches into which a bronchus divides.
  4. the membrane-lined cavity behind the nose and mouth connecting them to the esophagus
  5. technically the scientific name for the mouth
  6. a large, air-filled space above and behind the nose in the middle of the face
  7. thin skeletal muscle that sits at the base of the chest and separates the abdomen from the chest
  8. any of the many tiny air sacs of the lungs which allow for rapid gaseous exchange
  9. A small bean-shaped structure that is part of the body's immune system
  1. relating to or affecting respiration or the organs of respiration
  2. hollow spaces within the bones between your eyes, behind your cheekbones, and in your forehead
  3. provides a passageway for air to move into and out of each lung
  4. the long tube that connects your larynx (voice box) to your bronchi
  5. the hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs and holding the vocal cords in humans and other mammals
  6. a muscular tube connecting the throat (pharynx) with the stomach
  7. in the chest between the lungs
  8. the region between the abdomen inferiorly and the root of the neck superiorly
  9. each of a pair of serous membranes lining the thorax
  10. breathing in

19 Clues: breathing inbreathing outin the chest between the lungstechnically the scientific name for the moutheach of a pair of serous membranes lining the thoraxany of the minute branches into which a bronchus divides.provides a passageway for air to move into and out of each lunga muscular tube connecting the throat (pharynx) with the stomach...

Respiratory System 2022-06-06

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. main branches leading from the trachea to the lungs
  2. where blood and air meet
  3. leaf structure that opens and closes over the glottis during swallowing
  4. separates the mouths from the nasal cavity
  5. the windpipe
  6. the lining encasing the lungs
  7. pockets in the facial bones
  8. clusters of air sacs at the end of the bronchial tree
  9. interval between the two vocal cords
  10. breathing air into the lungs
  1. smallest divisions of the bronchial tree
  2. branching of the bronchus after entering the respective lung
  3. division of lungs
  4. a ridge at the lower of the the trachea, separating the openings of the two bronchi
  5. chief muscle of respiration
  6. exhaling out of the lungs
  7. a passage way for food and liquid into the digestive system
  8. voice box
  9. notch in the lung where bronchi and vessels enter

19 Clues: voice boxthe windpipedivision of lungswhere blood and air meetexhaling out of the lungschief muscle of respirationpockets in the facial bonesbreathing air into the lungsthe lining encasing the lungsinterval between the two vocal cordssmallest divisions of the bronchial treeseparates the mouths from the nasal cavity...

Respiratory System 2024-02-20

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The lungs are broken into _________ parts
  2. A substance that warms and moistens the air as well as trapping foreign objects Pharynx Located at the back of the nose and mouth and carries both food and air
  3. Internal respiration is when gasses are exchanged between __________________ and blood.
  4. Bone structure which protects the heart and lungs
  5. The process of which a substance moves from a high concentration to a low concentration
  6. External respiration is when gasses are exchanged between the _________________ and blood.
  7. Letting air out of the lungs
  8. When your diaphragm does this, you breathe in.
  9. Main organ of the respiratory system
  10. Tube which leads from trachea to each lung
  1. When your diaphragm does this, you breathe out.
  2. Structure that branches off of the two bronchi into smaller parts.
  3. Filters air we inhale and branches into the bronchi
  4. Tiny sacs within the lungs where gaseous exchange occurs
  5. Tiny hairs which move in a wavelike motion to remove dust and dirt
  6. Muscle located under the lungs
  7. Taking air into the lungs
  8. _____________ involves the movement of air.
  9. Otherwise known as the voice box
  10. The __________ allows the lungs to move easily during ventilation

20 Clues: Taking air into the lungsLetting air out of the lungsMuscle located under the lungsOtherwise known as the voice boxMain organ of the respiratory systemThe lungs are broken into _________ partsTube which leads from trachea to each lung_____________ involves the movement of air.When your diaphragm does this, you breathe in....

Respiratory System 2022-12-22

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Makes blood cells red and carries oxygen in the cell
  2. Carries carbon dioxide out the lungs
  3. Holds the vocal cords
  4. Process of blood flowing to lungs
  5. A molecule made when ten percent of carbon dioxide binds to a hemogoblin
  6. Alternative way of breathing
  7. Folds to food and liquid from entering the larynx
  8. Beginning of the respiratory system. Filters and makes air warm
  9. Process of oxygen and carbon dioxide flowing into our lungs
  10. Part of the brain that controls the rate of breathing
  11. Small sacs where lungs and blood exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen
  1. Part of the brain that sends signals to muscles to help you breathe
  2. Contracts to create an air vacuum and forces air into the lungs
  3. Allows air to travel to epiglottis
  4. Small blood vessels that cover the alveoli
  5. Made in the bicarbonate buffer system where carbon dioxide bonds with water found in blood
  6. Enzyme for carbonic acid
  7. Carries air into lungs and alveoli
  8. Inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide

19 Clues: Holds the vocal cordsEnzyme for carbonic acidAlternative way of breathingProcess of blood flowing to lungsAllows air to travel to epiglottisCarries air into lungs and alveoliCarries carbon dioxide out the lungsInhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxideSmall blood vessels that cover the alveoliFolds to food and liquid from entering the larynx...

Respiratory System 2022-02-23

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. cavities in skull which surround the nasal area
  2. Process of inspiration and expiration
  3. carry air to small sacs in your lungs called alveoli.
  4. Aka Exhale; air forced out of lungs and air passages
  5. AKA windpipe carries air between pharynx and the bronchi
  6. Cavities- hollow spaces lined with mucous membrane and have rich blood supply
  7. a membrane that encloses the lung
  8. Aka inhale; process of breathing in air
  9. System- System in the body which consists of lungs and air passages.
  10. Aka throat which is right behind the nasal cavities.
  1. leaflike cartilage, closes opening into the larynx when swallowing. Epiglottis prevents food and liquids from going into the respiratory tract.
  2. consists of elastice sacs to make oxygen pass into the blood and CO2 removed
  3. tiny, hairlike structure, filters inhaled air which traps dust and other particles.
  4. Capillaries allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to be exchanged between the blood and lungs
  5. Respiration- process by which organisms combine oxygen with foodstuff molecules
  6. Aka voice box, it’s between the pharynx and trachea. Has nine layers of cartilage
  7. ​​any of the major air passages of the lungs which diverge from the windpipe.
  8. Respiration- exchange of oxygen and CO2 btween lungs and bloodstream
  9. Septum (think of septum piercings)- wall of cartilage that divides the nose into two hollow spaces
  10. Respiration- exchange of CO2 and oxygen btween the tissue cells and the bloodstream

20 Clues: a membrane that encloses the lungProcess of inspiration and expirationAka inhale; process of breathing in aircavities in skull which surround the nasal areaAka Exhale; air forced out of lungs and air passagesAka throat which is right behind the nasal cavities.carry air to small sacs in your lungs called alveoli....

respiratory system 2022-02-16

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. passageway leading from the trachea to a lung
  2. breathing out
  3. structure in the throat that containing the vocal cords
  4. artery: carries blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs
  5. disease in in which the tissues of the lungs loses elasticity making breathing very difficult
  6. stimulant drug in tobacco that that increases heart rate
  7. : breathing in
  8. vein: carries blood from the left side of the heart to the lungs
  9. air passages in the lungs
  10. a small moveable lid that stops fluid from entering the airways
  1. muscular tube at the end of the gastrovascular
  2. tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchiole
  3. larger flat muscle at the bottom of the chest cavity
  4. a way in which tobacco enters the respiratory system
  5. small opening used to breath
  6. diseases: diseases in the respiratory system
  7. : windpipe ,tube through which air moves
  8. cancer:
  9. large opening in with air in thers the body
  10. main organs used to breath

20 Clues: cancer:breathing out: breathing inair passages in the lungsmain organs used to breathsmall opening used to breath: windpipe ,tube through which air movestiny air sacs at the end of the bronchiolelarge opening in with air in thers the bodydiseases: diseases in the respiratory systempassageway leading from the trachea to a lung...

Respiratory System 2023-04-30

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. the passive movement of particles along a concentration gradient from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration
  2. when an animal stops breathing
  3. a procedure used to examine the upper respiratory tract for any obstructions
  4. the amount of air in an animal’s lungs during a normal breath;
  5. the process of taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from an animal’s body
  6. a large, smooth muscle found in mammals that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity and controls breathing
  7. small grape-like clusters at the end of the bronchioles within the lungs; the site of gas exchange in mammalian lungs
  8. rapid breathing
  9. a lack of oxygen
  10. the amount of air that remains in an animal’s lungs after a deep exhalation
  11. the amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled after inhaling as much air as possible
  1. the process in which a cell engulfs a foreign particle to destroy it
  2. the amount of air in an animal’s lungs after a deep inhalation.
  3. muscles found between the ribs, that assist with respiration
  4. edema fluid buildup in the lungs
  5. difficulty breathing
  6. inflammation of the tissue of the sinuses
  7. inflammation of the mucus membranes
  8. small flap that covers the larynx during swallowing; a flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, which is depressed during swallowing to cover the opening of the windpipe

19 Clues: rapid breathinga lack of oxygendifficulty breathingwhen an animal stops breathingedema fluid buildup in the lungsinflammation of the mucus membranesinflammation of the tissue of the sinusesmuscles found between the ribs, that assist with respirationthe amount of air in an animal’s lungs during a normal breath;...

Respiratory System 2021-07-21

Respiratory System crossword puzzle


Respiratory system 2022-10-10

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. in which phase the affected lobe is red,firm and consolidated. The cut surface of the involved lobe is airless,red pink, dry,dry granular and has liver like consistency?
  2. hiccups are due to an involuntary contraction of which of the following muscle?bronchoscopy which of the following technique involves the insertion of an instrument into the airways to examine the abnormalities?
  3. a blockage of an artery in the lungs by a substance that has travel from elsewhere in the body through the bloodstream?
  4. which of the following in which alveolar spaces in the affected area are small with thick interalveolar septa?
  5. which of the following is an protective reflex that clears the breathing passages of fluid and foreign particles?
  6. a chest cold is an acute form of?pulmonaryedema failure of the left ventricle of the heart to remove blood adequately from the pulmonary circulation results in the conditions called?
  7. in which phase the affected lobe is heavy,firm The cut surface is dry, granular and grey in appearance with liver like consistency?
  8. croup is a type of respiratory infection common in children, which causes swelling?
  9. in which of the phase the fibrin stands are dense and more numerous and cellular exudate is often separated from the septal walls by thin clear space?
  10. which of the following is acute bronchitis and less involved alveolar contain oedema fluid?
  11. an inflammation of the voice box, causing symptoms that might include a horse voice, cough, pain and trouble swallowing is called?
  1. in which of the following pneumonia has intra alveolar exudate, initially of neutrophils but later composed mainly of macrophages?
  2. in which phase the alveolar capillaries are engorged?
  3. what percentage of cases of lung cancer are due to long term tobacco smoking?
  4. emphysema is an older term of?
  5. recurrent episodes of wheezing shortness of breath, chest tightness,unproductive coughing characterise which of the following condition?
  6. which of the following is an inflammatory condition resulting in a cough, difficulty Breathing, rapid breathing and fever?
  7. in which phase the dilation and congestion of the capillaries in the alveolar walls?
  8. an inflammation of the membrane that surround the lung and line the chest cavity is called?
  9. which two structures does the trachea leads to in the lungs?

20 Clues: emphysema is an older term of?in which phase the alveolar capillaries are engorged?which two structures does the trachea leads to in the lungs?what percentage of cases of lung cancer are due to long term tobacco smoking?croup is a type of respiratory infection common in children, which causes swelling?...

Respiratory System 2024-02-07

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Contains vocal cords, also known as the voice box.
  2. 9 layers build this structure, aids in breathing.
  3. Refers to the space in the mouth.
  4. There are over 480 million of these in your lungs.
  5. A hollow space in the frontal bone, assists with warmth and moisture.
  6. A small flap that controls where air/food go (trachea or esophagus).
  7. A collection of alveoli, covered in capillaries.
  8. Refers to the space in the nose.
  9. Main organ responsible for respiration, primarily inhalation
  10. A hollow space that helps lighten the weight of the skull.
  1. Leads from the larynx to your bronchi, also called your windpipe.
  2. Connects the trachea to your lungs.
  3. First to provide filtration, warmth and moisture to air inhaled through the nose.
  4. AKA "branches of the tree", connects bronchi to alveolar ducts.
  5. Has 3 sections connecting the nose and mouth to the esophagus.
  6. A long tube used in digestion, usually behind the trachea.
  7. AKA "Broccoli stems", connects bronchioles to alveolar sacs.
  8. The muscle between your ribs, primarily responsible for exhalation .
  9. Where the trachea divides into the left and right bronchi.

19 Clues: Refers to the space in the nose.Refers to the space in the mouth.Connects the trachea to your lungs.A collection of alveoli, covered in capillaries.9 layers build this structure, aids in breathing.Contains vocal cords, also known as the voice box.There are over 480 million of these in your lungs....

Respiratory system 2024-02-22

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Difficult / laboured breathing
  2. A thin layer of tissue that covers the lungs and lines the interior wall of the chest cavity
  3. This structure receives air from nasal cavity
  4. Ability of the lungs to expand
  5. The volume of air that can be blown out (forcefully) in one second
  6. Olfactory epithelium are involved in this special sense
  7. Elastic lung tissue naturally wants to...
  8. Bronchoconstriction causes airway resistance to...
  9. The approximate FEV1/FVC ratio in health
  10. Oxygen binds to this protein allowing efficient transport through the blood
  11. Right lung has this many lobes
  1. Main muscle group involved in inhalation
  2. Simple set of tests to measure lung function
  3. The sympathetic nervous system stimulates bronchi to do this
  4. Substance that reduces lung surface tension
  5. These cells produce mucus in the airways
  6. Long-term medication used in the control of asthma symptoms
  7. A major stimuli for asthma
  8. Air filled spaces within bones of the skull that surround the nasal cavity

19 Clues: A major stimuli for asthmaDifficult / laboured breathingAbility of the lungs to expandRight lung has this many lobesMain muscle group involved in inhalationThese cells produce mucus in the airwaysThe approximate FEV1/FVC ratio in healthElastic lung tissue naturally wants to...Substance that reduces lung surface tension...

Respiratory System 2013-11-19

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Passageway divides into left and right lungs.
  2. Squamous Type 1 Cells.
  3. Type 2 Cells.
  4. Flexible elastic cartilage that forms a lid over larynx when you swallow.
  5. Branches into Bronchioles.
  6. Lies posterior to upright epiglottis and extends to larynx.
  7. Voice box.
  8. Lies posterior to oral cavity.
  9. C-shaped cartilage.
  10. The throat.
  11. Muscle Enables bronchioles to provide resistance to air flow.
  1. Air enters this cavity.
  2. Tree Continuous branching of respiratory passageways.
  3. Each lung has 5 of these bronchi.
  4. Tiny balloon like expansions.
  5. Air flows through these three pairs of lobe-like structures.
  6. Lies posterior to nasal cavity.
  7. This cartilage prominence is called the Adam's apple.
  8. Windpipe.

19 Clues: Windpipe.Voice box.The throat.Type 2 Cells.C-shaped cartilage.Squamous Type 1 Cells.Air enters this cavity.Branches into Bronchioles.Tiny balloon like expansions.Lies posterior to oral cavity.Lies posterior to nasal cavity.Each lung has 5 of these bronchi.Passageway divides into left and right lungs....

Respiratory System 2015-03-18

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. scientific name for the windpipe
  2. the act of taking air into the lungs and expelling waste gases from the lungs
  3. tiny air sacs in the lungs where oxygen and carbonxdioxide are exchanged
  4. the back of the throat; connects the mouth with the windpipe
  5. gas given off as a waste product by green plants; essential for our survival
  6. the breathing apparatus for fish and tadpoles
  7. a sticky substance that lines the respiratory tract
  8. the most abundant gas in the air we breathe
  9. plant structure through which a plant "breathes"
  1. microscopic hair-like structures in the respiratory tract
  2. the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach
  3. main branch of the respiratory tract leading into the lungs
  4. the life process by which energy is released by cells
  5. vibrations of these result in sound or speech
  6. vibrations of theses result in sound or speech
  7. gas that is exhaled by mammals as part of respiration
  8. tiny holes on the abdomen of insects through which they breathe
  9. the muscle that contracts and relaxes thereby causing one to inhale and exhale
  10. a flap if tissue that covers the windpipe to keep food and water from entering it
  11. the main organ of the respiratory system
  12. that part of the throat that contains the voice box

21 Clues: scientific name for the windpipethe main organ of the respiratory systemthe most abundant gas in the air we breathevibrations of these result in sound or speechthe breathing apparatus for fish and tadpolesvibrations of theses result in sound or speechplant structure through which a plant "breathes"that part of the throat that contains the voice box...

Respiratory System 2021-03-03

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. This prevents food from going down your lungs
  2. You do this when something irritates your trachea or bronchi
  3. Large muscle that controls the lungs
  4. Breathe out
  5. The place where oxygen enters the blood
  6. You do this when something irritates your nose
  7. Scientific name for the windpipe
  8. One of two places where air enters your body
  9. Common name for the trachea
  10. All animals need this gas to make energy from food
  1. You do this when you don't get enough oxygen to your blood
  2. One of two places where air enters your body
  3. Breathe in
  4. What we breath
  5. When we exhale we breath this plus carbon dioxide
  6. What fish have instead of lungs
  7. You do this when something irritates your daiphragm
  8. Two tubes that connect the trachea to the lungs
  9. A gas that you breath out. It is a waste gas
  10. Inhale and exhale

20 Clues: Breathe inBreathe outWhat we breathInhale and exhaleCommon name for the tracheaWhat fish have instead of lungsScientific name for the windpipeLarge muscle that controls the lungsThe place where oxygen enters the bloodOne of two places where air enters your bodyA gas that you breath out. It is a waste gasOne of two places where air enters your body...

Respiratory System 2022-02-23

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. cavities in skull which surround the nasal area
  2. Process of inspiration and expiration
  3. carry air to small sacs in your lungs called alveoli.
  4. Aka Exhale; air forced out of lungs and air passages
  5. AKA windpipe carries air between pharynx and the bronchi
  6. Cavities- hollow spaces lined with mucous membrane and have rich blood supply
  7. a membrane that encloses the lung
  8. Aka inhale; process of breathing in air
  9. System- System in the body which consists of lungs and air passages.
  10. Aka throat which is right behind the nasal cavities.
  1. leaflike cartilage, closes opening into the larynx when swallowing. Epiglottis prevents food and liquids from going into the respiratory tract.
  2. consists of elastice sacs to make oxygen pass into the blood and CO2 removed
  3. tiny, hairlike structure, filters inhaled air which traps dust and other particles.
  4. Capillaries allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to be exchanged between the blood and lungs
  5. Respiration- process by which organisms combine oxygen with foodstuff molecules
  6. Aka voice box, it’s between the pharynx and trachea. Has nine layers of cartilage
  7. ​​any of the major air passages of the lungs which diverge from the windpipe.
  8. Respiration- exchange of oxygen and CO2 btween lungs and bloodstream
  9. Septum (think of septum piercings)- wall of cartilage that divides the nose into two hollow spaces
  10. Respiration- exchange of CO2 and oxygen btween the tissue cells and the bloodstream

20 Clues: a membrane that encloses the lungProcess of inspiration and expirationAka inhale; process of breathing in aircavities in skull which surround the nasal areaAka Exhale; air forced out of lungs and air passagesAka throat which is right behind the nasal cavities.carry air to small sacs in your lungs called alveoli....

Respiratory System 2022-02-23

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. cavities in skull which surround the nasal area
  2. Process of inspiration and expiration
  3. carry air to small sacs in your lungs called alveoli.
  4. Aka Exhale; air forced out of lungs and air passages
  5. AKA windpipe carries air between pharynx and the bronchi
  6. Cavities- hollow spaces lined with mucous membrane and have rich blood supply
  7. a membrane that encloses the lung
  8. Aka inhale; process of breathing in air
  9. System- System in the body which consists of lungs and air passages.
  10. Aka throat which is right behind the nasal cavities.
  1. leaflike cartilage, closes opening into the larynx when swallowing. prevents food and liquids from going into the respiratory tract.
  2. consists of elastice sacs to make oxygen pass into the blood and CO2 removed
  3. tiny, hairlike structure, filters inhaled air which traps dust and other particles.
  4. contain a network of Capillaries allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to be exchanged between the blood and lungs
  5. Respiration- process by which organisms combine oxygen with foodstuff molecules
  6. Aka voice box, it’s between the pharynx and trachea. Has nine layers of cartilage
  7. ​​any of the major air passages of the lungs which diverge from the windpipe.
  8. Respiration- exchange of oxygen and CO2 btween lungs and bloodstream
  9. Septum (think of septum piercings)- wall of cartilage that divides the nose into two hollow spaces
  10. Respiration- exchange of CO2 and oxygen btween the tissue cells and the bloodstream

20 Clues: a membrane that encloses the lungProcess of inspiration and expirationAka inhale; process of breathing in aircavities in skull which surround the nasal areaAka Exhale; air forced out of lungs and air passagesAka throat which is right behind the nasal cavities.carry air to small sacs in your lungs called alveoli....

Respiratory System 2022-06-06

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. main branches leading from the trachea to the lungs
  2. where blood and air meet
  3. leaf structure that opens and closes over the glottis during swallowing
  4. separates the mouths from the nasal cavity
  5. the windpipe
  6. the lining encasing the lungs
  7. pockets in the facial bones
  8. clusters of air sacs at the end of the bronchial tree
  9. interval between the two vocal cords
  10. breathing air into the lungs
  1. smallest divisions of the bronchial tree
  2. branching of the bronchus after entering the respective lung
  3. division of lungs
  4. a ridge at the lower of the the trachea, separating the openings of the two bronchi
  5. chief muscle of respiration
  6. exhaling out of the lungs
  7. a passage way for food and liquid into the digestive system
  8. voice box
  9. notch in the lung where bronchi and vessels enter

19 Clues: voice boxthe windpipedivision of lungswhere blood and air meetexhaling out of the lungschief muscle of respirationpockets in the facial bonesbreathing air into the lungsthe lining encasing the lungsinterval between the two vocal cordssmallest divisions of the bronchial treeseparates the mouths from the nasal cavity...

Respiratory System 2022-02-14

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Tiny sacs in the lungs that are only one cell thick and help to facilitate Gas exchange
  2. The lung that has two lobes because it has a notch to make room for the heart.
  3. coats the inside of the alveoli and lungs to lubricate them and reduce friction.
  4. also known as the voice box and contains the vocal cords to help us produce sound.
  5. Two tubes that split off from the trachea as it enters the lungs
  6. Blood that is carrying ALOT of Oxygen and very little Carbon Dioxide
  7. Type of blood cells that carry Oxygen to the organs in the body and carry Carbon Dioxide back to the lungs.
  8. blood that is carrying very little oxygen and ALOT of Carbon Dioxide
  9. bands of mucus membranes that are stretched across the larynx and vibrate to create sound
  1. Muscles that are located between the ribs and help to expand and compress the lungs
  2. flap that closes over the top of the trachea to prevent food and liquids from entering the lungs.
  3. Tiny blood vessels that surround the alveoli and help to facilitate gas exchange
  4. Tube that connects the throat to the lungs and is supported by rings of cartilage
  5. Smaller branches of the bronchi that carry air towards and away from the alveoli
  6. Passageway in the back of the throat that is shared by food and air.
  7. The lung that has 3 lobes and is shorter and heavier
  8. has a rich supply of blood vessels that help to warm the air and mucus to trap foreign particles.
  9. Large band of muscle the separates the thoracic cavity from the Abdominal Cavity and helps the lungs to expand and contract.
  10. The type of Muscle that helps to provide structure and support in the Respiratory tract

19 Clues: The lung that has 3 lobes and is shorter and heavierTwo tubes that split off from the trachea as it enters the lungsPassageway in the back of the throat that is shared by food and air.Blood that is carrying ALOT of Oxygen and very little Carbon Dioxideblood that is carrying very little oxygen and ALOT of Carbon Dioxide...