respiratory system Crossword Puzzles

Levels of Structural Organization of the Human Body 2023-12-27

Levels of Structural Organization of the Human Body crossword puzzle
  1. this system returns fluid to blood and defends against pathogens
  2. this level of organization is where a variety of molecules combine to form the fluid and organelles of the body cell
  3. this system is made of hair, skin, and nails
  4. this level of organization is where two or more organs work closely together to perform the functions of a body system
  5. this system is made of cartilage, bones, and joints
  6. this system secretes hormones and regulates bodily processes
  7. this level of organization is where two or more different tissues combine to form an organ
  8. this system is made of skeletal muscles and tendons
  9. this system includes the stomach, liver, gall bladder, large intestine, and small intestine
  10. this reproductive system includes the epididymis and testes
  11. this reproductive system includes the mammary glands, ovaries, and uterus
  1. this system delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues and equalizes temperature in the body
  2. this system includes the nasal passage, trachea, and lungs
  3. this level of organization is where many organ systems work together to perform the functions of an independent organism
  4. this level of organization is where atoms bond to form molecules
  5. two or more atoms combine to form one of these, water is an example
  6. all matter in the universe is composed of one or more unique pure substances called these, like hydrogen and oxygen
  7. this system is made of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves
  8. atoms are made up of subatomic particles including electrons, neutrons, and these
  9. this system controls water balance in the body and removes waste from blood and excretes them
  10. this level of organization is where a community of similar cells form a body tissue

21 Clues: this system is made of hair, skin, and nailsthis system is made of cartilage, bones, and jointsthis system is made of skeletal muscles and tendonsthis system includes the nasal passage, trachea, and lungsthis reproductive system includes the epididymis and testesthis system secretes hormones and regulates bodily processes...

Shark Anatomy (respiratory system) 2020-11-06

Shark Anatomy (respiratory system) crossword puzzle
  1. incomplete rings of heavy cartilage
  2. also known as #9
  3. small, platelike sheets of epithelial folds
  4. the ______ #10 are located on the other end of #9
  5. #8 is made up of rows of these tiny plates
  6. fan out laterally from #3
  1. also known as #8
  2. short, spikelike projections from #3
  3. also known as #5
  4. two #7 form the gill unit or ___
  5. #8 are arranged in half gills or ___
  6. the area between #10 and #11
  7. located at the anterior of the trunk

13 Clues: also known as #8also known as #5also known as #9fan out laterally from #3the area between #10 and #11two #7 form the gill unit or ___incomplete rings of heavy cartilageshort, spikelike projections from #3#8 are arranged in half gills or ___located at the anterior of the trunk#8 is made up of rows of these tiny plates...

The Human Respiratory System 2013-05-10

The Human Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The alternate inhalation and exhalation of air.
  2. Cords/ One of a pair of bands of elastic tissue in the larynx. Air rushing past the tensed vocal cords make them vibrate, producing sounds.
  3. Capacity/ The maximum volume of air that a mammal can inhale and exhale with each breath.
  4. Control Center/ The part of the medulla in the brain that directs the activity of organs involved in breathing.
  5. A substance secreted by alveoli that decreases surface tension in the fluid that coats the alveoli.
  6. The sheet of muscle separating the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.
  7. The windpipe; the portion of the respiratory tube that passes from the larynx to the two bronchi.
  1. Pressure Breathing/ A breathing system in which air is pulled into the lungs.
  2. A fine branch of the bronchi that transport air to alveoli.
  3. The dead-end air sacs within the lung where gas exchange occurs.
  4. Pair of breathing tubes that branch from the trachea into the lungs.
  5. The upper portion of the respiratory tract containing the vocal chords; also called the voice box.
  6. The throat region where the air and food passages cross.

13 Clues: The alternate inhalation and exhalation of air.The throat region where the air and food passages cross.A fine branch of the bronchi that transport air to alveoli.The dead-end air sacs within the lung where gas exchange occurs.Pair of breathing tubes that branch from the trachea into the lungs....

Cardiovascular and Respiratory System 2016-11-16

Cardiovascular and Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. an inflammatory condition in which the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles become narrowed, causing difficulty in breathing
  2. blood vessels that return blood to the heart
  3. disease that progressively destroys the walls of the alveoli
  4. small vessels that carry blood between arterioles and vessels called venules
  5. blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  6. an inflammation of the lungs commonly caused by a bacteria or viral infection
  1. an inflammation of the bronchi caused by infection or exposure to irritants such as tobacco smoke and air pollution
  2. a form of cancer in which any one of the different types of white blood cells is produced excessively and abnormally
  3. a condition in which the ability of the blood to carry oxygen is reduced
  4. cells that prevent the body's loss of blood
  5. voice box
  6. the exchange of gases between the body and the environment
  7. the muscle that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity

13 Clues: voice boxcells that prevent the body's loss of bloodblood vessels that return blood to the heartblood vessels that carry blood away from the heartthe exchange of gases between the body and the environmentdisease that progressively destroys the walls of the alveolithe muscle that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity...

Cells and Systems Science Crossword 2018-01-16

Cells and Systems Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a protein produced by the by the immune system tag, destroy invasive microbes
  2. digestive plant for fats, carbs and proteins for the cell
  3. one of two major tubes in the neck, leading from the pharynx to the lungs
  4. contains vocal cords, where sound is produced
  5. tubes that carry urine from the pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder
  6. thought of as the powerhouse of the cell
  7. type of teeth for cutting food
  8. produced from the breakdown of rna/dna
  9. movement of particles from a low to high concentration
  10. object that contains epinephrine, fights anaphylactic reactions
  11. a nitrogen waste produced in the liver from a breakdown of protein
  12. membrane bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal
  13. system of the heart
  14. where the digestive process begins
  15. protein packaging plant for the cell
  16. system of the kidneys
  17. waste product for muscle action
  18. outer layer of a cell (surrounding)
  19. multiple tubes that subdivide from bronchi
  20. the enzyme in the alive that chemically digests food
  21. the taking in of food
  22. muscular contractions in the esophagus to force the bolus to the stomach
  23. the system that converts food into energy
  24. hormone that decreases blood sugar py promoting the uptake of glucose by cells
  25. the bolus after being broken down by hydrochloric acid
  26. a protein our body produces to differ between “self and not self”
  1. disease that can be transmitted from animal to human and back
  2. provides protection for chest cavity
  3. system that pushes molecules into the blood system
  4. what an object is dissolved into
  5. where majority of absorption takes place, contains villi
  6. scientific term for being just right
  7. system responsible for breathing
  8. hormone that regulates metabolism
  9. what temporarily stores urine until released
  10. carries blood away from;
  11. filters blood in order to remove cellular waste products from the body
  12. carries blood to;
  13. organelle that contains chlorophyll
  14. hormone that tells the body to produce sperm
  15. tube that carries urine out of the body
  16. we have 46 of them, they contain instructions for traits and characteristics
  17. the object that is dissolved
  18. flap of tissue that guards entrance to trachea
  19. the taking in of nutrients by cells
  20. what lines the stomach and the respiratory tract
  21. what system eliminates non solid waste
  22. the breaking down of food into nutrients
  23. dome shaped muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity
  24. holds a large concentration of O2

50 Clues: carries blood to;system of the heartsystem of the kidneysthe taking in of foodcarries blood away from;the object that is dissolvedtype of teeth for cutting foodwaste product for muscle actionwhat an object is dissolved intosystem responsible for breathinghormone that regulates metabolismholds a large concentration of O2...

Cells and Systems Science Crossword 2018-01-16

Cells and Systems Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. produced from the breakdown of rna/dna
  2. system of the heart
  3. system of the kidneys
  4. one of two major tubes in the neck, leading from the pharynx to the lungs
  5. muscular contractions in the esophagus to force the bolus to the stomach
  6. a protein produced by the by the immune system tag, destroy invasive microbes
  7. multiple tubes that subdivide from bronchi
  8. the system that converts food into energy
  9. what an object is dissolved into
  10. hormone that tells the body to produce sperm
  11. membrane bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal
  12. tube that carries urine out of the body
  13. what temporarily stores urine until released
  14. what lines the stomach and the respiratory tract
  15. a nitrogen waste produced in the liver from a breakdown of protein
  16. a protein our body produces to differ between “self and not self”
  17. what system eliminates non solid waste
  18. filters blood in order to remove cellular waste products from the body
  19. protein packaging plant for the cell
  20. hormone that regulates metabolism
  21. thought of as the powerhouse of the cell
  22. hormone that decreases blood sugar py promoting the uptake of glucose by cells
  23. where the digestive process begins
  24. scientific term for being just right
  25. the taking in of food
  26. where majority of absorption takes place, contains villi
  27. the breaking down of food into nutrients
  1. type of teeth for cutting food
  2. tubes that carry urine from the pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder
  3. organelle that contains chlorophyll
  4. system that pushes molecules into the blood system
  5. holds a large concentration of O2
  6. the taking in of nutrients by cells
  7. system responsible for breathing
  8. provides protection for chest cavity
  9. contains vocal cords, where sound is produced
  10. movement of particles from a low to high concentration
  11. digestive plant for fats, carbs and proteins for the cell
  12. outer layer of a cell (surrounding)
  13. carries blood to;
  14. the bolus after being broken down by hydrochloric acid
  15. the enzyme in the alive that chemically digests food
  16. dome shaped muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity
  17. carries blood away from;
  18. waste product for muscle action
  19. disease that can be transmitted from animal to human and back
  20. object that contains epinephrine, fights anaphylactic reactions
  21. we have 46 of them, they contain instructions for traits and characteristics
  22. flap of tissue that guards entrance to trachea
  23. the object that is dissolved

50 Clues: carries blood to;system of the heartsystem of the kidneysthe taking in of foodcarries blood away from;the object that is dissolvedtype of teeth for cutting foodwaste product for muscle actionsystem responsible for breathingwhat an object is dissolved intoholds a large concentration of O2hormone that regulates metabolism...

Cells and Systems Science Crossword 2018-01-16

Cells and Systems Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. protein packaging plant for the cell
  2. a nitrogen waste produced in the liver from a breakdown of protein
  3. type of teeth for cutting food
  4. hormone that regulates metabolism
  5. hormone that tells the body to produce sperm
  6. what temporarily stores urine until released
  7. what an object is dissolved into
  8. holds a large concentration of O2
  9. where the digestive process begins
  10. what system eliminates non solid waste
  11. the system that converts food into energy
  12. produced from the breakdown of rna/dna
  13. disease that can be transmitted from animal to human and back
  14. system responsible for breathing
  15. waste product for muscle action
  16. multiple tubes that subdivide from bronchi
  17. filters blood in order to remove cellular waste products from the body
  18. system that pushes molecules into the blood system
  19. a protein our body produces to differ between “self and not self”
  20. the object that is dissolved
  21. system of the heart
  22. muscular contractions in the esophagus to force the bolus to the stomach
  23. the taking in of nutrients by cells
  24. carries blood to;
  25. flap of tissue that guards entrance to trachea
  26. hormone that decreases blood sugar py promoting the uptake of glucose by cells
  1. contains vocal cords, where sound is produced
  2. thought of as the powerhouse of the cell
  3. movement of particles from a low to high concentration
  4. the enzyme in the alive that chemically digests food
  5. carries blood away from;
  6. what lines the stomach and the respiratory tract
  7. object that contains epinephrine, fights anaphylactic reactions
  8. outer layer of a cell (surrounding)
  9. a protein produced by the by the immune system tag, destroy invasive microbes
  10. membrane bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal
  11. tubes that carry urine from the pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder
  12. the taking in of food
  13. we have 46 of them, they contain instructions for traits and characteristics
  14. the breaking down of food into nutrients
  15. organelle that contains chlorophyll
  16. digestive plant for fats, carbs and proteins for the cell
  17. tube that carries urine out of the body
  18. the bolus after being broken down by hydrochloric acid
  19. where majority of absorption takes place, contains villi
  20. system of the kidneys
  21. scientific term for being just right
  22. one of two major tubes in the neck, leading from the pharynx to the lungs
  23. dome shaped muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity
  24. provides protection for chest cavity

50 Clues: carries blood to;system of the heartthe taking in of foodsystem of the kidneyscarries blood away from;the object that is dissolvedtype of teeth for cutting foodwaste product for muscle actionwhat an object is dissolved intosystem responsible for breathinghormone that regulates metabolismholds a large concentration of O2...

Cells and Systems Science Crossword 2018-01-16

Cells and Systems Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the object that is dissolved
  2. one of two major tubes in the neck, leading from the pharynx to the lungs
  3. system responsible for breathing
  4. system that pushes molecules into the blood system
  5. thought of as the powerhouse of the cell
  6. a nitrogen waste produced in the liver from a breakdown of protein
  7. scientific term for being just right
  8. protein packaging plant for the cell
  9. organelle that contains chlorophyll
  10. type of teeth for cutting food
  11. what temporarily stores urine until released
  12. the system that converts food into energy
  13. the enzyme in the alive that chemically digests food
  14. digestive plant for fats, carbs and proteins for the cell
  15. the bolus after being broken down by hydrochloric acid
  16. flap of tissue that guards entrance to trachea
  17. the taking in of food
  18. we have 46 of them, they contain instructions for traits and characteristics
  19. tube that carries urine out of the body
  20. multiple tubes that subdivide from bronchi
  21. dome shaped muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity
  22. a protein our body produces to differ between “self and not self”
  23. hormone that decreases blood sugar py promoting the uptake of glucose by cells
  24. a protein produced by the by the immune system tag, destroy invasive microbes
  25. membrane bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal
  26. provides protection for chest cavity
  1. produced from the breakdown of rna/dna
  2. disease that can be transmitted from animal to human and back
  3. where the digestive process begins
  4. carries blood to;
  5. the taking in of nutrients by cells
  6. where majority of absorption takes place, contains villi
  7. hormone that tells the body to produce sperm
  8. contains vocal cords, where sound is produced
  9. tubes that carry urine from the pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder
  10. filters blood in order to remove cellular waste products from the body
  11. hormone that regulates metabolism
  12. muscular contractions in the esophagus to force the bolus to the stomach
  13. outer layer of a cell (surrounding)
  14. what an object is dissolved into
  15. movement of particles from a low to high concentration
  16. what system eliminates non solid waste
  17. holds a large concentration of O2
  18. the breaking down of food into nutrients
  19. system of the heart
  20. what lines the stomach and the respiratory tract
  21. object that contains epinephrine, fights anaphylactic reactions
  22. waste product for muscle action
  23. system of the kidneys
  24. carries blood away from;

50 Clues: carries blood to;system of the heartthe taking in of foodsystem of the kidneyscarries blood away from;the object that is dissolvedtype of teeth for cutting foodwaste product for muscle actionsystem responsible for breathingwhat an object is dissolved intohormone that regulates metabolismholds a large concentration of O2...

Body Systems 2023-09-12

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. The skin and its accessory organs
  2. A combination of body defenses made up of the cells tissues and organs that fight pathogens in the body
  3. System of protection and support composed primarily of bone and cartilage
  4. Fast-acting control system that employs nerve impulses to trigger muscle contraction or gland secretion
  5. Body system that includes internal organs that secrete hormones
  6. Organ system that carries out gas exchange; includes the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs
  1. Organ system that functions to produce offspring
  2. Organ system that distributes blood to all parts of the body
  3. Organ system consisting of skeletal muscles and their connective tissue attachments
  4. A system of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and other lymphoid organs and tissues
  5. System primarily responsible for water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance and the removal of nitrogenous wastes from the blood
  6. System that processes food into absorbable units and eliminates indigestible wastes

12 Clues: The skin and its accessory organsOrgan system that functions to produce offspringOrgan system that distributes blood to all parts of the bodyBody system that includes internal organs that secrete hormonesSystem of protection and support composed primarily of bone and cartilage...

Respiratory Care Week 2023-09-27

Respiratory Care Week crossword puzzle
  1. Reflects the pressure of the alveoli and small airways
  2. This reading is 600L/min or 10L/sec in healthy adults
  3. Measurement of the expansion of the lungs during a pause in air flow
  4. _______ bronchioles are the last level of the conducting airway system
  5. Stimulation of this receptor causes relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles
  1. Typical mixtures of this inhaled gas are 70%/30% and 80%/20%
  2. Genetic tendency for developing asthma
  3. Respiratory _____ occurs when a patient stops or is not adequately breathing
  4. Measurement of lung expansion
  5. October 22-28 is _____ Care Week!

10 Clues: Measurement of lung expansionOctober 22-28 is _____ Care Week!Genetic tendency for developing asthmaThis reading is 600L/min or 10L/sec in healthy adultsReflects the pressure of the alveoli and small airwaysTypical mixtures of this inhaled gas are 70%/30% and 80%/20%Measurement of the expansion of the lungs during a pause in air flow...

Body Systems 2023-11-27

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. Growth plate
  2. Considered to be the thickest part of a muscle
  3. Where two or more bones meet
  4. Attaches muscle to bone
  5. Largest internal organ
  6. Type of muscle found in your internal organs
  7. Type of muscle found in the heart
  8. Type of muscle responsible for movement
  9. Body of a long bone
  10. A break or crack in a bone
  11. Strong, flexible connective tissue (not bone)
  12. When a bone breaks through the skin
  13. Kidneys are a part of this system
  14. A pulled muscle
  1. Bones & muscles work together to cause this
  2. Skin, hair, and nails make up this system
  3. Endocrine system made up of glands and ______
  4. Bone that is embedded in a tendon
  5. Type of muscle fiber good for endurance activities
  6. This system helps heal and prevent sickness
  7. Protective covering on a muscle
  8. Protective covering on a bone
  9. Smallest part of a muscle
  10. Asthma would be considered a disorder of this system
  11. When a bone breaks and stays inside the skin
  12. Largest overall organ of the body
  13. Skeleton that includes skull, spine, and ribs
  14. Type of vessel that takes blood away from the heart
  15. System that includes nerves and sensory organs

29 Clues: Growth plateA pulled muscleBody of a long boneLargest internal organAttaches muscle to boneSmallest part of a muscleA break or crack in a boneWhere two or more bones meetProtective covering on a boneProtective covering on a muscleBone that is embedded in a tendonType of muscle found in the heartLargest overall organ of the body...

Diagnostic Sampling of Blood 2015-05-01

Diagnostic Sampling of Blood crossword puzzle
  1. Makes up 60% of blood
  2. Lack of blood
  3. Extracts and collects waste
  4. The iron containing pigment in red blood cells; also carries oxygen
  5. White blood cells
  6. Main function is hemostasis or clotting
  7. The fibrous sac that encloses the heart
  8. Packed cell volume
  9. Artery Supplies blood to the kidney
  10. Carries energy and food throughout the body; one of the circulatory system functions
  11. The study of the structure of blood and the tissues that form blood
  12. The largest lymph organ
  1. Clotting and transporting white blood cells to infections; one of the circulatory system functions
  2. Artery Carries oxygenated blood to the lungs
  3. Red blood cells
  4. Transfers hormones to organs; one of the circulatory system functions
  5. Removal of waste from the body cells; one of the circulatory system functions
  6. A thin layer that lines the surface of the heart
  7. Vein The typical vein used when taking blood from a horse
  8. Occurs in the bone marrow; production of blood
  9. Main function of the circulatory system; oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange
  10. Helps to maintain pH and temperature; one of the circulatory system functions
  11. The muscular layer of the heart wall
  12. Vein Vein used when taking blood from rodents, reptiles, and bovine breeds
  13. Reacts to allergic reactions

25 Clues: Lack of bloodRed blood cellsWhite blood cellsPacked cell volumeMakes up 60% of bloodThe largest lymph organExtracts and collects wasteReacts to allergic reactionsArtery Supplies blood to the kidneyThe muscular layer of the heart wallMain function is hemostasis or clottingThe fibrous sac that encloses the heart...

cough and dyspnea 2024-03-10

cough and dyspnea crossword puzzle
  1. elevated body temperature
  2. inflammation of the bronchus
  3. immune system reacting to something unharmful
  4. chronic respiratory condition
  5. comes up when coughing
  6. when you have a cold you may
  7. non producing cough
  1. paper to blow the nose
  2. sesonal viral infection
  3. inflammation of the sinus
  4. place where you get medications
  5. sticky fluid running from nose
  6. medication to relieve the cough

13 Clues: non producing coughpaper to blow the nosecomes up when coughingsesonal viral infectioninflammation of the sinuselevated body temperatureinflammation of the bronchuswhen you have a cold you maychronic respiratory conditionsticky fluid running from noseplace where you get medicationsmedication to relieve the cough...

General Anatomy & Physiology 2014-09-16

General Anatomy & Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. The primary nasal muscle of concern to cosmetologists.
  2. The muscles at the base of the fingers that draw the fingers together.
  3. This system serves as a protective coating and helps regulate the body's temperature.
  4. The organ that controls the body.
  5. The organ that removes waste created by digestion.
  6. The broad muscle that covers the top of the head.
  7. Digestive __________ are chemicals that can change certain types of food into a soluble form that can be used by the body.
  8. The connection between two or more bones
  9. The oval, bony case that protects the brain.
  10. The constructive phase of metabolism
  11. The organs that control the body's vision.
  12. Sensory nerve endings that are located close to the surface of the skin.
  13. The largest artery in the human body.
  14. The ___________ cranial nerve is the chief motor nerve of the face.
  15. The study of the human body structures that can be seen with the naked eye and how the body parts are organized.
  16. The basic unit of all living things
  1. This system protects the body from disease by developing immunities and destroying disease-causing toxins and bacteria.
  2. The heart is the organ that circulates the body's __________
  3. The _____________ is the protoplasm of a cell, except for the protoplasm of the nucleus.
  4. The chemical process through which cells are nourished and carry out their activities
  5. The part of the muscle that does not move.
  6. This type of tissue lines the heart and the digestive and respiratory organs.
  7. This system enables breathing, supplying the body with oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide as a waste product.
  8. White blood cells are also known as: _______________
  9. This system purifies the body by elimination of waste matter.
  10. Glands that secrete about 30 steroid hormones and control metabolic processes of the body, including the fight-or-flight response.
  11. This system forms the physical foundation of the body.
  12. The two bones that form the sides and crown of the cranium.
  13. Covers the body and is the external protective coating.
  14. This type of tissue contracts and moves various parts of the body.

30 Clues: The organ that controls the body.The basic unit of all living thingsThe constructive phase of metabolismThe largest artery in the human body.The connection between two or more bonesThe part of the muscle that does not move.The organs that control the body's vision.The oval, bony case that protects the brain....

Fundamentals of The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue 2024-07-15

Fundamentals of The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue crossword puzzle
  1. Branched cells that are responsible for forming myelin sheaths in nerve fibres in the CNS
  2. barrier rovides a barrier between the blood in the capillary and the brain.
  3. The activation of an effector organ, either a muscle or a gland to produce a response.
  4. These are essentially the immune cells of the nervous system.
  5. This is responsible for carrying nutrients and aiding in protecting brain cells from injury and helps to cushion them.
  6. These cells decide what chemicals enter the brain and Nervous System through capillaries.
  7. These are small helper cells that is found around delicate neurons, wrapping them to provide a suitable environment for the neurons to function.
  8. These are fatty insulators covering the axons of our neurons to insulate them and propagate action potentials faster
  1. These surrounds all peripheral nerve fibres and functions just like oligodendrocytes which is to form myelin sheaths in nerve fibres.
  2. These surround cell bodies and have the same function as astrocytes, which is to maintain the chemical environment and ensure the neuron has all the ions and chemicals it needs
  3. This is found in the CNS and is what holds all the organelles of the neurons
  4. The interpretation and processing of the sensory output
  5. neurones of nueron processes in the PNS
  6. These cells line the central cavities of the brain and spinal column. They also form a permeable membrane between the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the cavities and tissue fluid bathing CNS cells.
  7. A cluster on neuron cell bodies in the PNS
  8. The fight or flight response of the Autonomic nervous system, it increases the heart and respiratory rates
  9. Bundles of neuron processes in the CNS
  10. These are excitable cells that transmit electrical impulses or signals. They do most of the work in the Nervous System
  11. Rest and digestion function of the autonomic nervous system (slows down heart and respiratory rates, and digestive organ increases their functioning )
  12. A cluster of neuron cell bodies in the CNS
  13. When your sensory receptors collect or acknowledges either external or internal changes

21 Clues: Bundles of neuron processes in the CNSneurones of nueron processes in the PNSA cluster on neuron cell bodies in the PNSA cluster of neuron cell bodies in the CNSThe interpretation and processing of the sensory outputThese are essentially the immune cells of the nervous system....

The Virus 2020-08-17

The Virus crossword puzzle
  1. The system where Covid-19 affects the most
  2. Organism that gets nutrients from a host
  3. The country in which the parasite originated
  4. A way we can find out who has the virus
  1. The month when Covid-19 was first recorded
  2. Article of clothing that prevents the spread of the virus
  3. when a disease is prevalent across the entire world
  4. Severe acute respiratory syndrome

8 Clues: Severe acute respiratory syndromeA way we can find out who has the virusOrganism that gets nutrients from a hostThe month when Covid-19 was first recordedThe system where Covid-19 affects the mostThe country in which the parasite originatedwhen a disease is prevalent across the entire worldArticle of clothing that prevents the spread of the virus

Body System By:The_GOAT 2020-11-10

Body System By:The_GOAT crossword puzzle
  1. the muscles that are under conscious control and can be controlled at will or we can choose when to use them.
  2. the biological system made up of all the anatomical organs involved in sexual reproduction.Includes organs such as:ovaries and testes
  3. complex network of cells and proteins that defends the body against infection,and includes these organs: Bone Marrow,Thymus,Lymph nodes,and Spleen
  4. system consisting of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. It permits movement of the body, maintains posture and circulates blood throughout the body.
  5. an organ located in the abdomen. It plays an essential role in converting the food we eat into fuel for the body's cells.
  6. called the cardiovascular system or the vascular system, is an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide,and has these organs Heart,lungs,and Arteries
  7. biological system consisting of specific organs and structures used for gas exchange in animals and plants and contains of these organs:Nose,Mouth,Throat,and lungs
  8. organ about the size of a football. It sits just under your rib cage on the right side of your abdomen
  1. the network of nerve cells and fibers which transmits nerve impulses between parts of the body.includes these organs:the network of nerve cells and fibers which transmits nerve impulses between parts of the body.
  2. chemical messenger system comprising feedback loops of the hormones released by internal glands of an organism directly into the circulatory system, regulating distant target organs.Includes these organs: hypothalamus,thyroid,and ovaries
  3. are the female gonads — the primary female reproductive organs.
  4. muscles that cannot be controlled by will or conscious and are often associated with organs that exhibit slow and regular contractions and relaxation. Involuntary muscles that are also termed as smooth muscles or non-striated muscles as there are no striations when viewed under the microscope
  5. comprises the skin and its appendages acting to protect the body from various kinds of damage, such as loss of water or damages from outside.And contains these organs:skin,hair,and nails
  6. the secondary external opening for the respiratory tract
  7. This system absorbs nutrients and contains these organs:The liver,pancreas,and gallbladder
  8. the system of an organism's body that performs the function of excretion, the bodily process of discharging wastes and contains these organs ureters, bladder, and urethra.
  9. functions as a storage vessel for urine to delay the frequency of urination.
  10. network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials.Includes these organs:Lymph nodes,spleen,and tonsils
  11. are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest (thorax)
  12. includes all of the bones and joints in the body.Also includes these organs:cartilage, tendons, and ligaments

20 Clues: the secondary external opening for the respiratory tractare the female gonads — the primary female reproductive organs.functions as a storage vessel for urine to delay the frequency of urination.are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest (thorax)...

Body Systems Crossword Puzzle 2021-04-22

Body Systems Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. this body system transports blood throughout the body
  2. food comes here after passing through esophagus
  3. air sacs in lungs
  4. connects mouth to stomach
  5. the liquid part of the blood is called _________
  6. helps soften the food in side the mouth
  7. from _________ intestine nutrients are absorbed into the blood
  1. trachea branches into two ____________
  2. windpipe
  3. blood vessels that take blood away from heart
  4. a muscle that contracts when we inhale
  5. body system that brings in oxygen and takes out carbon dioxide
  6. help to clot blood after a cut

13 Clues: windpipeair sacs in lungsconnects mouth to stomachhelp to clot blood after a cuttrachea branches into two ____________a muscle that contracts when we inhalehelps soften the food in side the mouthblood vessels that take blood away from heartfood comes here after passing through esophagusthe liquid part of the blood is called _________...

Body System 2017-01-11

Body System crossword puzzle
  1. Organ system that distributes lymph throughout the body
  2. Organ system that allows the human body to move and perform body functions
  3. Organ system that helps protect against from infection, injury, and UV rays; regulates body temp.
  4. A body part made of tissue, that performs a function or group of functions
  5. Organ system made up of glands that produce hormones which regulate many different body functions
  6. Organ system that breaks down food and extracts nutrients from the food for use by the entire body
  7. Events or conditions that cause a living thing to react
  8. Organ system that processes and transmits many types of information throughout the body
  1. Organ system comprised mainly of bones and cartilage which gives support and structure to the human body
  2. A group of similar cells that work together to perform a specific function
  3. Organ system that carries out the process of breathing, which involves taking in oxygen to the body and getting rid of carbon dioxide
  4. Organ system that carries blood throughout the body
  5. The process of maintaining balance within the human body
  6. Organ system that allows humans to produce offspring
  7. Organ system that excretes waste products that are formed from the functions of the body
  8. The smallest, or building block, of an organism

16 Clues: The smallest, or building block, of an organismOrgan system that carries blood throughout the bodyOrgan system that allows humans to produce offspringOrgan system that distributes lymph throughout the bodyEvents or conditions that cause a living thing to reactThe process of maintaining balance within the human body...

Organ Systems Crossword 2021-01-13

Organ Systems Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the system responsible for removing waste from the body
  2. The larger chambers of the heart which pump blood to other parts of the body
  3. The organ responsible for filtering toxins out of our blood.
  4. Name of the System responsible for oxygen and co2 regulation
  5. The intestine where the MOST absorption of nutrients takes place.
  6. Name of the system responsible for breaking down and making food usable
  7. The organ that air travels through as it passes from the mouth to the lungs.
  8. The muscle responsible for controlling movement of the lungs
  9. The organ responsible for holding urine before removal
  1. Produced by the pancreas/liver to digest food
  2. Name of the system responsible for controlling movement and stimuli responses
  3. One of the two members of the CENTRAL nervous system
  4. The organ that food travels through as it passes from the mouth to the stomach.
  5. Name of the system responsible for moving blood around the body
  6. carries blood TOWARDS the heart
  7. The section of the lungs where CO2 and Oxygen exchange
  8. The smaller chambers of the heart that RECEIVE blood.
  9. Carries blood AWAY from the heart.

18 Clues: carries blood TOWARDS the heartCarries blood AWAY from the heart.Produced by the pancreas/liver to digest foodOne of the two members of the CENTRAL nervous systemThe smaller chambers of the heart that RECEIVE blood.The section of the lungs where CO2 and Oxygen exchangeThe organ responsible for holding urine before removal...

P5P6 Crosswords Puzzle 2024-05-20

P5P6 Crosswords Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. this part of the heart do the pumping movement
  2. a device used in an electrical circuit to protect it from short circuit
  3. one of the plant that are using root as its food storage
  4. one of the product of photosynthesis
  5. the place in human lungs where exchange of gases between respiratory and circulatory system happens
  6. the movement inside esophagus
  7. type of rocks created by the cooling of lava
  8. the product of incomplete combustion is carbon.......
  9. type of magnet which magnetic field produced by electric current
  1. the type of living cells that has no nucleus
  2. a lever consists of three parts : load, effort, and ....
  3. the small openings on plant leaf that allow air to get in and out
  4. the process of evaporation of water through the leaves
  5. one of the liquid metal in the outer core layer of the earth
  6. the vascular system which responsible to transport sugar, proteins, and molecules in plants
  7. 2 major system in the plant system are root system and .... system
  8. in an eclipse, there are dark and lighter part of the shadow. the lighter part is called....
  9. this part of a cell mostly exist in plant cell

18 Clues: the movement inside esophagusone of the product of photosynthesisthe type of living cells that has no nucleustype of rocks created by the cooling of lavathis part of the heart do the pumping movementthis part of a cell mostly exist in plant cellthe product of incomplete combustion is carbon..........

Body Systems Crossword 2023-02-04

Body Systems Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Muscles that you have to think about using
  2. The part of your skeleton that protects your brain
  3. System that provides fresh oxygen to the body
  4. What you feel when your heart beats and sends blood through your body
  5. Muscles that work automatically and are not under your control
  6. The part of your skeleton that protects your heart and lungs
  7. Your heart is made up of this
  1. The purpose of the muscular system working with your skeletal and nervous systems is to produce this
  2. The transportation system of our body
  3. The muscles in this area protect your digestive organs
  4. This System provides shape and support to your body
  5. When you inhale your _______ expand
  6. Tubes that carry blood throughout your body
  7. Organ made up of 4 chambers

14 Clues: Organ made up of 4 chambersYour heart is made up of thisWhen you inhale your _______ expandThe transportation system of our bodyMuscles that you have to think about usingTubes that carry blood throughout your bodySystem that provides fresh oxygen to the bodyThe part of your skeleton that protects your brain...

Body Systems 2023-09-07

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. organs to produce hormones & offspring
  2. allows movement & function
  3. removes waste from the body
  4. System breaks down nutrients
  5. protective layer & body's first defense
  6. provide structure & support
  7. Body's message center
  1. delivers oxygen rich blood & nutrient to body
  2. produces & regulates hormones
  3. processes oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
  4. fights infection

11 Clues: fights infectionBody's message centerallows movement & functionremoves waste from the bodyprovide structure & supportSystem breaks down nutrientsproduces & regulates hormonesorgans to produce hormones & offspringprotective layer & body's first defenseprocesses oxygen and removes carbon dioxidedelivers oxygen rich blood & nutrient to body

8th Grade - Organelles, Organs, & Organ Systems 2024-02-06

8th Grade - Organelles, Organs, & Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. this system is responsible for the create and dissemination of hormones
  2. damage to this organelle would lead to a lack of ATP production
  3. this organ is responsible for detoxification and bile production
  4. white blood cells have a lot of this organelle
  5. receives, modifies, and sends off proteins
  6. this organ is the driving force behind the circulatory system
  1. the system is responsible for intake of O2 and removal of CO2
  2. this system is primarily responsibe for movement of the body
  3. this type of reproduction requires two parents and lead to genetically unique offspring
  4. this organelle has a function comparable to a solar panel
  5. this organelle functions similarly to the cell membrane and is found only in plants
  6. this type of reproduction requires one parent and results in genetically identical offspring
  7. without this system, we wouldn't be able to break down food and absorb nutrients
  8. houses most of the cell's ribosomes
  9. this is the largest organ of the human body and is the main component of the integumentary system

15 Clues: houses most of the cell's ribosomesreceives, modifies, and sends off proteinswhite blood cells have a lot of this organellethis organelle has a function comparable to a solar panelthis system is primarily responsibe for movement of the bodythe system is responsible for intake of O2 and removal of CO2...

Aliyah & Brooklyn's crossword puzzle 2023-11-15

Aliyah & Brooklyn's crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to make things move or change
  2. respiration: the chemical reaction between oxygen and glucose that releases energy into cells
  3. information about the natural world that is used to support or go against[ refute] a claim
  4. reaction: a process in which atoms rearrange to form new substances
  5. argument: a claim supported by evidence
  6. System: the body system that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
  7. a molecule that organisms get from the air or water around them to use
  1. a category of large molecules
  2. system: the body system that takes in food and breaks it down
  3. a group of atoms join together in a particular way
  4. acids: molecules that are the building blocks of proteins
  5. the body’s use of molecules for energy and growth
  6. the process of making clear how your evidence supports your claim
  7. a proposed answer to a question about the natural world
  8. a system of interacting parts forming a complex whole

15 Clues: a category of large moleculesargument: a claim supported by evidencethe ability to make things move or changethe body’s use of molecules for energy and growtha group of atoms join together in a particular waya system of interacting parts forming a complex wholea proposed answer to a question about the natural world...

Cells and Systems Science Crossword 2018-01-16

Cells and Systems Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. one of two major tubes in the neck, leading from the pharynx to the lungs
  2. provides protection for chest cavity
  3. where majority of absorption takes place, contains villi
  4. membrane bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal
  5. we have 46 of them, they contain instructions for traits and characteristics
  6. system that pushes molecules into the blood system
  7. movement of particles from a low to high concentration
  8. the breaking down of food into nutrients
  9. where the digestive process begins
  10. outer layer of a cell (surrounding)
  11. what system eliminates non solid waste
  12. waste product for muscle action
  13. a nitrogen waste produced in the liver from a breakdown of protein
  14. a protein produced by the by the immune system tag, destroy invasive microbes
  15. hormone that tells the body to produce sperm
  16. scientific term for being just right
  17. digestive plant for fats, carbs and proteins for the cell
  18. protein packaging plant for the cell
  19. produced from the breakdown of rna/dna
  20. object that contains epinephrine, fights anaphylactic reactions
  21. muscular contractions in the esophagus to force the bolus to the stomach
  22. filters blood in order to remove cellular waste products from the body
  23. tube that carries urine out of the body
  1. contains vocal cords, where sound is produced
  2. a protein our body produces to differ between “self and not self”
  3. hormone that regulates metabolism
  4. the taking in of food
  5. organelle that contains chlorophyll
  6. type of teeth for cutting food
  7. holds a large concentration of O2
  8. dome shaped muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity
  9. what temporarily stores urine until released
  10. the system that converts food into energy
  11. the bolus after being broken down by hydrochloric acid
  12. the enzyme in the alive that chemically digests food
  13. thought of as the powerhouse of the cell
  14. system of the heart
  15. hormone that decreases blood sugar py promoting the uptake of glucose by cells
  16. the taking in of nutrients by cells
  17. what lines the stomach and the respiratory tract
  18. flap of tissue that guards entrance to trachea
  19. tubes that carry urine from the pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder
  20. carries blood away from;
  21. multiple tubes that subdivide from bronchi
  22. system responsible for breathing
  23. disease that can be transmitted from animal to human and back
  24. what an object is dissolved into
  25. carries blood to;
  26. system of the kidneys
  27. the object that is dissolved

50 Clues: carries blood to;system of the heartthe taking in of foodsystem of the kidneyscarries blood away from;the object that is dissolvedtype of teeth for cutting foodwaste product for muscle actionsystem responsible for breathingwhat an object is dissolved intohormone that regulates metabolismholds a large concentration of O2...

Cells and Systems Science Crossword 2018-01-16

Cells and Systems Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a nitrogen waste produced in the liver from a breakdown of protein
  2. a protein our body produces to differ between “self and not self”
  3. one of two major tubes in the neck, leading from the pharynx to the lungs
  4. disease that can be transmitted from animal to human and back
  5. system of the heart
  6. protein packaging plant for the cell
  7. the bolus after being broken down by hydrochloric acid
  8. dome shaped muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity
  9. waste product for muscle action
  10. digestive plant for fats, carbs and proteins for the cell
  11. carries blood to;
  12. outer layer of a cell (surrounding)
  13. flap of tissue that guards entrance to trachea
  14. what temporarily stores urine until released
  15. where the digestive process begins
  16. scientific term for being just right
  17. produced from the breakdown of rna/dna
  18. hormone that tells the body to produce sperm
  19. membrane bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal
  20. tube that carries urine out of the body
  21. provides protection for chest cavity
  22. system of the kidneys
  23. multiple tubes that subdivide from bronchi
  24. object that contains epinephrine, fights anaphylactic reactions
  25. hormone that regulates metabolism
  26. contains vocal cords, where sound is produced
  27. the taking in of nutrients by cells
  28. what an object is dissolved into
  29. what system eliminates non solid waste
  1. a protein produced by the by the immune system tag, destroy invasive microbes
  2. the enzyme in the alive that chemically digests food
  3. filters blood in order to remove cellular waste products from the body
  4. hormone that decreases blood sugar py promoting the uptake of glucose by cells
  5. organelle that contains chlorophyll
  6. movement of particles from a low to high concentration
  7. thought of as the powerhouse of the cell
  8. where majority of absorption takes place, contains villi
  9. the breaking down of food into nutrients
  10. the taking in of food
  11. holds a large concentration of O2
  12. system that pushes molecules into the blood system
  13. muscular contractions in the esophagus to force the bolus to the stomach
  14. the system that converts food into energy
  15. what lines the stomach and the respiratory tract
  16. system responsible for breathing
  17. type of teeth for cutting food
  18. tubes that carry urine from the pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder
  19. the object that is dissolved
  20. carries blood away from;
  21. we have 46 of them, they contain instructions for traits and characteristics

50 Clues: carries blood to;system of the heartthe taking in of foodsystem of the kidneyscarries blood away from;the object that is dissolvedtype of teeth for cutting foodwaste product for muscle actionsystem responsible for breathingwhat an object is dissolved intoholds a large concentration of O2hormone that regulates metabolism...

06.05 Human Body Systems-Sumaiyah Wade-FLVS-Science 2016-12-07

06.05 Human Body Systems-Sumaiyah Wade-FLVS-Science crossword puzzle
  1. The system fights off diseases and colds
  2. The system that transports blood and nutrients around your body
  3. The system that protects you from physical injuries
  4. The system that contains your bones and connective tissues, which protects and supports the body tissues and internal organs.
  5. The system of nerve cells that transmits nerve impulses into parts of the body.
  1. The system that helps you bring oxygen in, and carbon dioxide out.
  2. The system that lets out fluids from the body.
  3. The system that helps food break down and uses the nutrients to help the body
  4. The system that it used to reproduce or have a baby.
  5. The system that helps your body circulate blood and maintain your posture

10 Clues: The system fights off diseases and coldsThe system that lets out fluids from the body.The system that protects you from physical injuriesThe system that it used to reproduce or have a baby.The system that transports blood and nutrients around your bodyThe system that helps you bring oxygen in, and carbon dioxide out....

Medical Abbreviations 2018-11-05

Medical Abbreviations crossword puzzle
  1. nurse practitioner
  2. myocardial infarction
  3. of daily living
  4. lib
  5. tubular necrosis
  6. enzyme
  7. medical advice; American Medical Association
  8. hysterectomy
  9. hormone
  10. the knee
  11. tubular necrosis
  1. heart disease
  2. agnosia, apraxia, agraphia, alexia
  3. immune deficiency syndrome
  4. diagnosis
  5. and well
  6. (ante)
  7. related complex
  8. respiratory distress syndrome; acute respiratory distress syndrome.
  9. glucose
  10. desired

21 Clues: libenzyme(ante)hormoneglucosedesiredand wellthe kneediagnosishysterectomyheart diseaseof daily livingrelated complextubular necrosistubular necrosisnurse practitionermyocardial infarctionimmune deficiency syndromeagnosia, apraxia, agraphia, alexiamedical advice; American Medical Association...

body system 2022-11-28

body system crossword puzzle
  1. a system that releases hormones that control and coordinate our body metabolism, growth and energy level.
  2. a system that transfer cells to heart, veins and arteries etc..
  3. a system that provides shape and support for our body and protect our organs.
  4. a system that fight off infection and diseases that enters our body.
  5. a system that filters blood and remove waste from cellular metabolism.
  6. a system that takes in the food we eat and turn it into nutrients and energy for our body.
  7. a system that takes in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide
  1. a system that work with the skeletal system to make movement.
  2. a system that produce egg and sperm cells that allow organisms to reproduce to prevent their species from extinction.
  3. a system that collect excess fluid and return it to the blood circulatory system that reach places other cells can’t.
  4. a system that produce vitamins and protects against sun’s UV ray.
  5. a system that responds to information, helps maintain homeostasis and controls all the other system.

12 Clues: a system that takes in oxygen and remove carbon dioxidea system that work with the skeletal system to make movement.a system that transfer cells to heart, veins and arteries etc..a system that produce vitamins and protects against sun’s UV ray.a system that fight off infection and diseases that enters our body....

Excretory System 2022-11-07

Excretory System crossword puzzle
  1. A bean shaped organ (There are 2 of them)
  2. Part of respiratory system, take in oxygen, release carbon dioxide
  3. The excretory system removes...
  4. In digestive system, larger than small intestine (dash between 2 words)
  1. Where urine exits
  2. Pouch that holds urine
  3. 2 tubes that extend from the kidneys to the bladder
  4. Part of integumentary system, filters out salt

8 Clues: Where urine exitsPouch that holds urineThe excretory system removes...A bean shaped organ (There are 2 of them)Part of integumentary system, filters out salt2 tubes that extend from the kidneys to the bladderPart of respiratory system, take in oxygen, release carbon dioxideIn digestive system, larger than small intestine (dash between 2 words)

Case Study: Infection of the Brain 2016-07-07

Case Study: Infection of the Brain crossword puzzle
  1. Abbreviation of counting of the red blood cells
  2. Abbreviation for Rule out
  3. Means Swelling
  4. Abbreviation for beats per minute
  5. Decreased blood pressure
  6. Bacteria in nasopharynx that can cause meningitis
  7. Abbreviation for as needed
  8. Increased rate of respiration
  9. Another term for X-Ray
  10. Abbreviation for over the counter
  11. Relating to the system of your lungs
  12. Used to prevent or eliminate a fever
  13. Examination of the urine
  14. Means caused by a virus
  1. sugar converts to energy for the brain
  2. Relating to the end of limbs
  3. Abbreviation for white blood cells
  4. Used to treat bacterial infections
  5. Test used to examine Fluid from meninges of the spine
  6. Immune response where your body temperature rises (Synonym: fever)
  7. Swelling of the brain
  8. Species from Neisseria meningitidis that causes meningitis
  9. Cerebral Spinal Fluid
  10. Abbreviation for blood pressure
  11. Relating to cancerous
  12. Swelling of the meninges, caused by virus, bacteria, or fungi
  13. Abbreviation for orally
  14. Abbreviation for respiratory rate
  15. Blue colored
  16. A scan used to examine the brain
  17. Abbreviation for Heart Rate
  18. Abbreviation for intravenous

32 Clues: Blue coloredMeans SwellingSwelling of the brainCerebral Spinal FluidRelating to cancerousAnother term for X-RayAbbreviation for orallyMeans caused by a virusDecreased blood pressureExamination of the urineAbbreviation for Rule outAbbreviation for as neededAbbreviation for Heart RateRelating to the end of limbsAbbreviation for intravenous...

CHAPTER 2 2024-05-05

CHAPTER 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A dark red-coloured compound.
  2. The concentration of oxygen in the air is lower at a _____ altitude.
  3. At night or on a hot day, the guard cells become _____ and straight.
  4. A person who does not smoke but inhales cigarette smoke is known as ____ smoker.
  5. A substance in cigarette smoke that can cause addiction.
  6. Cancer causing chemical substances.
  7. It can cause soil to be less fertile.
  8. The structure that opens or closes the trachea.
  9. The respiratory system of insects.
  10. A condition of damaged alveoli.
  11. Pathway of air into the nasal cavity.
  1. A colourless gas with a pungent smell.
  2. Guard cells contain _______ to carry out photosynthesis.
  3. Process of movement of particles from a high concentration region to a low concentration region.
  4. The skin of frogs is thin and very ____ to gas.
  5. In the breathing mechanism model, the rubber sheet represents the ____.
  6. A part of respiratory tract.
  7. This happens to the intercostal muscles during inhalation.
  8. The exchange of gaseous occurs here.
  9. One of the harmful substances in the air.

20 Clues: A part of respiratory tract.A dark red-coloured compound.A condition of damaged alveoli.The respiratory system of insects.Cancer causing chemical substances.The exchange of gaseous occurs here.It can cause soil to be less fertile.Pathway of air into the nasal cavity.A colourless gas with a pungent smell.One of the harmful substances in the air....

Intra_Aortic Balloon Pumps & ventricular assist Devices 2024-01-25

Intra_Aortic Balloon Pumps & ventricular assist Devices crossword puzzle
  1. just before systole decreases after workload
  2. total ____ heart is considered a heart assist device but is actually a heart replacement device
  3. device that pulls blood from RV to pump
  4. ecmo that only provides respiratory support
  5. where the catheter balloon tip should be placed
  6. primary goal of IABP therapy is to increase _____ oxygen supply and decrease ____oxygen demand
  7. device that pulls blood from LV to pump to the aorta
  8. the part of the heartbeat that the balloon is inflated
  9. gas used in IABP
  10. start of diastole displace blood to the systemic and coronary circulation
  11. bedside heart-lung intervention
  12. a type of shock a heart transplant assists with
  1. used to assist the ventricles and decrease the workload of the heart
  2. provides respiratory and hemodynamic support
  3. type of blood ecmo removes from the system
  4. brown flecks of blood in the catheter and poor augmentation
  5. a non-pharm way to reduce preload
  6. ventricular assist device in which a pump returns blood to the femoral artery from the LA
  7. intra-aortic balloon will _____ myocardial O2
  8. a common complication of IVBP

20 Clues: gas used in IABPa common complication of IVBPbedside heart-lung interventiona non-pharm way to reduce preloaddevice that pulls blood from RV to pumptype of blood ecmo removes from the systemecmo that only provides respiratory supportprovides respiratory and hemodynamic supportjust before systole decreases after workload...

Animal systems 2023-05-16

Animal systems crossword puzzle
  1. are visible as round openings along the body segments.
  2. carries oxygen, water, and nutrients to all the cells of the body
  3. system takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
  1. system breaks down food that the body uses for energy.
  2. system is a body system that provides internal and external movement for a animal.
  3. system collects and processes information.
  4. system removes waste from the body.
  5. platyhelminthes have well-developed muscular system.

8 Clues: system removes waste from the body.system collects and processes information.system takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxideplatyhelminthes have well-developed muscular system.system breaks down food that the body uses for energy.are visible as round openings along the body segments....

Parts of the Body 2021-12-02

Parts of the Body crossword puzzle
  1. This part of your body has acid!
  2. This part of the Respiratory System houses your vocal chords.
  3. This is the black hole in your eye.
  4. This brings air down your throat.
  5. This is the colored part of your eye.
  6. This is the first part of the digestive system.
  7. This part of the digestive system pulls water out of your food.
  1. This part of the digestive system pulls nutrients out of your food.
  2. These inflate with air to allow you to breath.
  3. This muscle pulls downward and lets your lungs inflate.
  4. This brings food from your mouth to your stomach.

11 Clues: This part of your body has acid!This brings air down your throat.This is the black hole in your eye.This is the colored part of your eye.These inflate with air to allow you to breath.This is the first part of the digestive system.This brings food from your mouth to your stomach.This muscle pulls downward and lets your lungs inflate....

5 Science p. 367 2024-04-16

5 Science p. 367 crossword puzzle
  1. the organ system that supports your body
  2. hard body parts that support your body
  3. organs that expand to fill with air
  4. the organ system that moves blood around your body
  5. type of feet used by sea stars to move
  1. hard covering on the outside of some animal's bodies
  2. the organ system that helps your body move
  3. the organ system that move air into, around, and out of our body
  4. two tubes that connect to the trachea and to bronchioles
  5. body parts that work in pairs to help your body move
  6. pumps blood throughout the body

11 Clues: pumps blood throughout the bodyorgans that expand to fill with airhard body parts that support your bodytype of feet used by sea stars to movethe organ system that supports your bodythe organ system that helps your body movethe organ system that moves blood around your bodyhard covering on the outside of some animal's bodies...

Medical terminology Nutrition 2021-02-08

Medical terminology Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. COPD and chronic hear failure are these types of risk affecting nutrition in older adults
  2. Disorder of nutrition resulting from unbalanced, insufficient or excessive diet
  3. Type of acidosis with pH 7.30 CO2 50 and HCO3 of 25
  4. Needed for tissue repair and healing
  5. low iron levels
  6. People with this should limit salt intake and read food labels carefully
  7. Type of protein that comes from plant foods
  8. pH 7.32
  9. Popular food in the Italian culture
  1. Organ that excretes metabolic acids from the body
  2. A type of extracellular fluid in the vessels
  3. Type of protein that comes from red meats, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products
  4. A culture that utilizes avocado, mango and plantains
  5. fluid found within the cells
  6. Mineral normally retained in the bone
  7. pH 7.50 CO2 40 HCO3 30 would be Metabolic ____
  8. Essential for blood clotting
  9. Lipoprotein obtained from lean meats and is beneficial to the cardiovascular system
  10. Depleted from the body by many diuretics
  11. The inhalation of solids or liquids into the upper respiratory tract

20 Clues: pH 7.32low iron levelsfluid found within the cellsEssential for blood clottingPopular food in the Italian cultureNeeded for tissue repair and healingMineral normally retained in the boneDepleted from the body by many diureticsType of protein that comes from plant foodsA type of extracellular fluid in the vessels...

Excretory System Umbrella 2023-10-06

Excretory System Umbrella crossword puzzle
  1. waste of the urinary system
  2. this system is an umbrella system
  3. which state of matter is the waste from the respiratory system in
  4. job is to filter urea in your blood
  1. rids body of solid waste
  2. name of waste excreted by the digestive system
  3. system that rids body of excess salt

7 Clues: rids body of solid wastewaste of the urinary systemthis system is an umbrella systemjob is to filter urea in your bloodsystem that rids body of excess saltname of waste excreted by the digestive systemwhich state of matter is the waste from the respiratory system in

Cells and Systems Science Crossword 2018-01-16

Cells and Systems Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the bolus after being broken down by hydrochloric acid
  2. protein packaging plant for the cell
  3. membrane bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal
  4. hormone that regulates metabolism
  5. system of the heart
  6. the breaking down of food into nutrients
  7. multiple tubes that subdivide from bronchi
  8. system of the kidneys
  9. one of two major tubes in the neck, leading from the pharynx to the lungs
  10. carries blood away from;
  11. the object that is dissolved
  12. hormone that tells the body to produce sperm
  13. dome shaped muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity
  14. disease that can be transmitted from animal to human and back
  15. what temporarily stores urine until released
  16. type of teeth for cutting food
  17. flap of tissue that guards entrance to trachea
  18. holds a large concentration of O2
  19. provides protection for chest cavity
  20. muscular contractions in the esophagus to force the bolus to the stomach
  21. what an object is dissolved into
  22. a protein our body produces to differ between “self and not self”
  23. where majority of absorption takes place, contains villi
  24. tube that carries urine out of the body
  1. object that contains epinephrine, fights anaphylactic reactions
  2. where the digestive process begins
  3. produced from the breakdown of rna/dna
  4. system that pushes molecules into the blood system
  5. contains vocal cords, where sound is produced
  6. tubes that carry urine from the pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder
  7. the taking in of nutrients by cells
  8. scientific term for being just right
  9. filters blood in order to remove cellular waste products from the body
  10. movement of particles from a low to high concentration
  11. we have 46 of them, they contain instructions for traits and characteristics
  12. hormone that decreases blood sugar py promoting the uptake of glucose by cells
  13. system responsible for breathing
  14. a protein produced by the by the immune system tag, destroy invasive microbes
  15. what lines the stomach and the respiratory tract
  16. thought of as the powerhouse of the cell
  17. outer layer of a cell (surrounding)
  18. the taking in of food
  19. organelle that contains chlorophyll
  20. what system eliminates non solid waste
  21. the system that converts food into energy
  22. the enzyme in the alive that chemically digests food
  23. digestive plant for fats, carbs and proteins for the cell
  24. waste product for muscle action
  25. carries blood to;
  26. a nitrogen waste produced in the liver from a breakdown of protein

50 Clues: carries blood to;system of the heartsystem of the kidneysthe taking in of foodcarries blood away from;the object that is dissolvedtype of teeth for cutting foodwaste product for muscle actionsystem responsible for breathingwhat an object is dissolved intohormone that regulates metabolismholds a large concentration of O2...

Cells and Systems Science Crossword 2018-01-16

Cells and Systems Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. provides protection for chest cavity
  2. filters blood in order to remove cellular waste products from the body
  3. type of teeth for cutting food
  4. system that pushes molecules into the blood system
  5. multiple tubes that subdivide from bronchi
  6. membrane bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal
  7. the object that is dissolved
  8. object that contains epinephrine, fights anaphylactic reactions
  9. we have 46 of them, they contain instructions for traits and characteristics
  10. system of the kidneys
  11. hormone that tells the body to produce sperm
  12. hormone that decreases blood sugar py promoting the uptake of glucose by cells
  13. movement of particles from a low to high concentration
  14. the taking in of food
  15. system of the heart
  16. the enzyme in the alive that chemically digests food
  17. one of two major tubes in the neck, leading from the pharynx to the lungs
  18. the bolus after being broken down by hydrochloric acid
  19. system responsible for breathing
  20. the breaking down of food into nutrients
  21. a nitrogen waste produced in the liver from a breakdown of protein
  22. disease that can be transmitted from animal to human and back
  23. organelle that contains chlorophyll
  24. a protein produced by the by the immune system tag, destroy invasive microbes
  25. tubes that carry urine from the pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder
  26. the system that converts food into energy
  27. waste product for muscle action
  1. a protein our body produces to differ between “self and not self”
  2. carries blood away from;
  3. outer layer of a cell (surrounding)
  4. the taking in of nutrients by cells
  5. what system eliminates non solid waste
  6. what lines the stomach and the respiratory tract
  7. flap of tissue that guards entrance to trachea
  8. scientific term for being just right
  9. what temporarily stores urine until released
  10. thought of as the powerhouse of the cell
  11. dome shaped muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity
  12. where the digestive process begins
  13. what an object is dissolved into
  14. holds a large concentration of O2
  15. muscular contractions in the esophagus to force the bolus to the stomach
  16. hormone that regulates metabolism
  17. digestive plant for fats, carbs and proteins for the cell
  18. protein packaging plant for the cell
  19. where majority of absorption takes place, contains villi
  20. produced from the breakdown of rna/dna
  21. tube that carries urine out of the body
  22. carries blood to;
  23. contains vocal cords, where sound is produced

50 Clues: carries blood to;system of the heartsystem of the kidneysthe taking in of foodcarries blood away from;the object that is dissolvedtype of teeth for cutting foodwaste product for muscle actionwhat an object is dissolved intosystem responsible for breathingholds a large concentration of O2hormone that regulates metabolism...

Cells and Systems Science Crossword 2018-01-16

Cells and Systems Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the bolus after being broken down by hydrochloric acid
  2. where the digestive process begins
  3. carries blood to;
  4. produced from the breakdown of rna/dna
  5. one of two major tubes in the neck, leading from the pharynx to the lungs
  6. multiple tubes that subdivide from bronchi
  7. we have 46 of them, they contain instructions for traits and characteristics
  8. filters blood in order to remove cellular waste products from the body
  9. waste product for muscle action
  10. what temporarily stores urine until released
  11. membrane bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal
  12. provides protection for chest cavity
  13. the taking in of food
  14. outer layer of a cell (surrounding)
  15. hormone that tells the body to produce sperm
  16. the taking in of nutrients by cells
  17. holds a large concentration of O2
  18. hormone that decreases blood sugar py promoting the uptake of glucose by cells
  19. flap of tissue that guards entrance to trachea
  20. tubes that carry urine from the pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder
  21. organelle that contains chlorophyll
  22. dome shaped muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity
  23. system of the heart
  24. the system that converts food into energy
  25. carries blood away from;
  26. hormone that regulates metabolism
  1. the object that is dissolved
  2. object that contains epinephrine, fights anaphylactic reactions
  3. type of teeth for cutting food
  4. a nitrogen waste produced in the liver from a breakdown of protein
  5. thought of as the powerhouse of the cell
  6. the enzyme in the alive that chemically digests food
  7. what an object is dissolved into
  8. a protein produced by the by the immune system tag, destroy invasive microbes
  9. disease that can be transmitted from animal to human and back
  10. system that pushes molecules into the blood system
  11. digestive plant for fats, carbs and proteins for the cell
  12. movement of particles from a low to high concentration
  13. muscular contractions in the esophagus to force the bolus to the stomach
  14. what lines the stomach and the respiratory tract
  15. system of the kidneys
  16. scientific term for being just right
  17. system responsible for breathing
  18. protein packaging plant for the cell
  19. a protein our body produces to differ between “self and not self”
  20. the breaking down of food into nutrients
  21. where majority of absorption takes place, contains villi
  22. tube that carries urine out of the body
  23. what system eliminates non solid waste
  24. contains vocal cords, where sound is produced

50 Clues: carries blood to;system of the heartthe taking in of foodsystem of the kidneyscarries blood away from;the object that is dissolvedtype of teeth for cutting foodwaste product for muscle actionwhat an object is dissolved intosystem responsible for breathingholds a large concentration of O2hormone that regulates metabolism...

Cells and Systems Science Crossword 2018-01-16

Cells and Systems Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. system of the heart
  2. protein packaging plant for the cell
  3. the bolus after being broken down by hydrochloric acid
  4. multiple tubes that subdivide from bronchi
  5. holds a large concentration of O2
  6. flap of tissue that guards entrance to trachea
  7. digestive plant for fats, carbs and proteins for the cell
  8. a nitrogen waste produced in the liver from a breakdown of protein
  9. what temporarily stores urine until released
  10. hormone that regulates metabolism
  11. the enzyme in the alive that chemically digests food
  12. one of two major tubes in the neck, leading from the pharynx to the lungs
  13. system responsible for breathing
  14. a protein produced by the by the immune system tag, destroy invasive microbes
  15. carries blood to;
  16. where majority of absorption takes place, contains villi
  17. provides protection for chest cavity
  18. tubes that carry urine from the pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder
  19. the taking in of food
  20. waste product for muscle action
  21. what an object is dissolved into
  22. where the digestive process begins
  1. a protein our body produces to differ between “self and not self”
  2. the taking in of nutrients by cells
  3. muscular contractions in the esophagus to force the bolus to the stomach
  4. what system eliminates non solid waste
  5. organelle that contains chlorophyll
  6. outer layer of a cell (surrounding)
  7. thought of as the powerhouse of the cell
  8. system of the kidneys
  9. filters blood in order to remove cellular waste products from the body
  10. hormone that tells the body to produce sperm
  11. movement of particles from a low to high concentration
  12. dome shaped muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity
  13. carries blood away from;
  14. the system that converts food into energy
  15. hormone that decreases blood sugar py promoting the uptake of glucose by cells
  16. scientific term for being just right
  17. tube that carries urine out of the body
  18. we have 46 of them, they contain instructions for traits and characteristics
  19. produced from the breakdown of rna/dna
  20. membrane bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal
  21. disease that can be transmitted from animal to human and back
  22. object that contains epinephrine, fights anaphylactic reactions
  23. the breaking down of food into nutrients
  24. type of teeth for cutting food
  25. system that pushes molecules into the blood system
  26. what lines the stomach and the respiratory tract
  27. contains vocal cords, where sound is produced
  28. the object that is dissolved

50 Clues: carries blood to;system of the heartsystem of the kidneysthe taking in of foodcarries blood away from;the object that is dissolvedtype of teeth for cutting foodwaste product for muscle actionsystem responsible for breathingwhat an object is dissolved intoholds a large concentration of O2hormone that regulates metabolism...

Cells and Systems Science Crossword 2018-01-16

Cells and Systems Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. digestive plant for fats, carbs and proteins for the cell
  2. carries blood away from;
  3. produced from the breakdown of rna/dna
  4. membrane bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal
  5. hormone that tells the body to produce sperm
  6. contains vocal cords, where sound is produced
  7. system of the kidneys
  8. thought of as the powerhouse of the cell
  9. a protein produced by the by the immune system tag, destroy invasive microbes
  10. movement of particles from a low to high concentration
  11. scientific term for being just right
  12. system responsible for breathing
  13. what an object is dissolved into
  14. waste product for muscle action
  15. provides protection for chest cavity
  16. protein packaging plant for the cell
  17. where majority of absorption takes place, contains villi
  18. object that contains epinephrine, fights anaphylactic reactions
  19. flap of tissue that guards entrance to trachea
  20. tubes that carry urine from the pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder
  21. carries blood to;
  22. system of the heart
  23. hormone that regulates metabolism
  1. outer layer of a cell (surrounding)
  2. the object that is dissolved
  3. what lines the stomach and the respiratory tract
  4. where the digestive process begins
  5. holds a large concentration of O2
  6. the taking in of nutrients by cells
  7. what temporarily stores urine until released
  8. organelle that contains chlorophyll
  9. disease that can be transmitted from animal to human and back
  10. what system eliminates non solid waste
  11. dome shaped muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity
  12. muscular contractions in the esophagus to force the bolus to the stomach
  13. multiple tubes that subdivide from bronchi
  14. the system that converts food into energy
  15. the enzyme in the alive that chemically digests food
  16. we have 46 of them, they contain instructions for traits and characteristics
  17. type of teeth for cutting food
  18. the breaking down of food into nutrients
  19. hormone that decreases blood sugar py promoting the uptake of glucose by cells
  20. a protein our body produces to differ between “self and not self”
  21. filters blood in order to remove cellular waste products from the body
  22. the taking in of food
  23. system that pushes molecules into the blood system
  24. a nitrogen waste produced in the liver from a breakdown of protein
  25. tube that carries urine out of the body
  26. one of two major tubes in the neck, leading from the pharynx to the lungs
  27. the bolus after being broken down by hydrochloric acid

50 Clues: carries blood to;system of the heartsystem of the kidneysthe taking in of foodcarries blood away from;the object that is dissolvedtype of teeth for cutting foodwaste product for muscle actionsystem responsible for breathingwhat an object is dissolved intoholds a large concentration of O2hormone that regulates metabolism...

Plant and Animal Systems 2014-11-02

Plant and Animal Systems crossword puzzle
  1. The vascular tubes in plants that carry water from the roots to the leaves
  2. The large vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  3. The organ in the human body that pumps blood around the body
  4. The human body system that fights disease
  5. The vessels that return blood to the heart
  6. The human body system that removes wastes from the body
  7. The part of the plant that collects water and nutrients from the soil
  8. The human body system that keeps you upright and gives your body its shape
  9. The vascular tubes in plants that carry sugars (glucose) and nutrients around the plant
  1. The human body system involved in taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide
  2. The part of the plant that contains chlorophyll for photosynthesis
  3. The human body system that creates movement
  4. The human body system that extracts nutrients from food
  5. The human body system that sends signals from the brain to the rest of the body
  6. The organ in the human body that filters blood to make urine
  7. The organ in the human body that processes drugs, alcohol and toxins
  8. The bone structure that protects the brain

17 Clues: The human body system that fights diseaseThe vessels that return blood to the heartThe bone structure that protects the brainThe human body system that creates movementThe large vessels that carry blood away from the heartThe human body system that extracts nutrients from foodThe human body system that removes wastes from the body...

Renal System- First Aid Project 2021-12-09

Renal System- First Aid Project crossword puzzle
  1. system that sends blood to kidneys for cleaning
  2. cleans blood stream and sends urine to bladder
  3. system that includes kidneys, bladder, ureters
  4. system that signals the brain when bladder is full
  5. sends urine from bladder to outside of body
  1. organ that houses urine
  2. system that sends some waste (CO2) into blood
  3. narrow tube that connects kidney to bladder

8 Clues: organ that houses urinenarrow tube that connects kidney to bladdersends urine from bladder to outside of bodysystem that sends some waste (CO2) into bloodcleans blood stream and sends urine to bladdersystem that includes kidneys, bladder, ureterssystem that sends blood to kidneys for cleaningsystem that signals the brain when bladder is full

Respiratory/circulatory CrossWord 2023-02-16

Respiratory/circulatory CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. Before the Epiglottis but after the Nasal cavity
  2. Blood comes from the Superior Vena-Cava to this chamber of the heart
  3. carries oxygen to all of the body's cells
  4. underneath the lungs;helps you to breathe out
  5. pumps blood throughout the body
  6. Alternating expansion and relaxation of an artery causing this
  7. the start of the respiratory system
  8. carries oxygen depleted blood back to the heart
  9. smallest of all blood vessels
  10. Holds most of the oxygen
  1. Measure of how much pressure is exerted against the blood vessels by the blood
  2. Inhaling and Exhaling
  3. collect and stick to the vessel at the wound site
  4. Traps foreign particles in your nose and then sweeps them towards your throat
  5. branches into smaller tubes called bronchioles
  6. Caused by smoking and breathing toxic materials in
  7. blood travels through these tubes from the heart to the body
  8. Long tube in the chest cavity
  9. Carries the blood and other important nutrients for the body
  10. Individual air sacks
  11. Respiratory pathways become irritated and bronchioles constrict

21 Clues: Individual air sacksInhaling and ExhalingHolds most of the oxygenLong tube in the chest cavitysmallest of all blood vesselspumps blood throughout the bodythe start of the respiratory systemcarries oxygen to all of the body's cellsunderneath the lungs;helps you to breathe outbranches into smaller tubes called bronchioles...

Respiratory System - Adv Mammalian Physiology 2021-11-08

Respiratory System - Adv Mammalian Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. Inflammatory condition of the lungs
  2. Nerve that innervates the diaphragm
  3. Largest muscle of the respiratory system
  4. Reduces alveolar surface tension
  5. State in which CO2 is transported
  6. Outer chest wall
  7. The effort required to distend the lung
  8. The voice box
  9. Pressure within the pleural sac
  10. Molecule in blood that carries oxygen
  11. Blueness of the skin in absence of oxygen
  1. oxygen starvation in tissue
  2. The physiologically accurate word for breathing
  3. increased ventilation rate
  4. insufficient oxygen in the blood
  5. Opening to the larynx
  6. Condition of abnormal air in the pleural cavity
  7. Inflammation of the pleural sac
  8. Device that measures lung volume changes

19 Clues: The voice boxOuter chest wallOpening to the larynxincreased ventilation rateoxygen starvation in tissuePressure within the pleural sacInflammation of the pleural sacinsufficient oxygen in the bloodReduces alveolar surface tensionState in which CO2 is transportedInflammatory condition of the lungsNerve that innervates the diaphragm...

Cardiovascular/Respiratory System Crossword Puzzle 2017-02-24

Cardiovascular/Respiratory System Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Contains the vocal cords
  2. Condition in which airways are narrow
  3. Cells that have no nucleus and are disk shaped
  4. Cells that keep you healthy by fighting pathogens
  5. Dome shaped muscle under the lungs
  6. Branch into smaller tubes called bronchioles
  7. Gas that is exhaled
  8. Condition that occurs when alveoli are damaged
  9. Tiniest type of blood vessel
  10. Gas that is inhaled
  1. Pieces of larger cells found in bone marrow
  2. Organs where oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled
  3. Closed circulatory system
  4. Small air sacs in the lungs
  5. System that the lungs belong to
  6. Inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria or viruses
  7. Blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart
  8. Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  9. Extends from the mouth to the larynx

19 Clues: Gas that is exhaledGas that is inhaledContains the vocal cordsClosed circulatory systemSmall air sacs in the lungsTiniest type of blood vesselSystem that the lungs belong toDome shaped muscle under the lungsExtends from the mouth to the larynxCondition in which airways are narrowPieces of larger cells found in bone marrow...

Human Body Systems 2013-08-15

Human Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. System The System of organs that produce, collect, and eliminates waste
  2. System The framework of the body, consisting of bones
  3. System The System of organs and glands responsible for the ingestion, digestion, and absorption of food
  4. System The System that regulates the body’s responses to internal and external stimuli
  5. System The System consisting of the skin and its associated structures, such as the hair, nails
  1. System The System of organs involved in the intake and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
  2. System Body's defence system
  3. System Body's transport system
  4. System The System that is composed of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissue and functions in movement of the body
  5. System The System of endocrine glands that chemically controls the various functions of cells, tissues, and organs through the secretion of hormones

10 Clues: System Body's defence systemSystem Body's transport systemSystem The framework of the body, consisting of bonesSystem The System of organs that produce, collect, and eliminates wasteSystem The System that regulates the body’s responses to internal and external stimuli...

Respiratory Pathway 2024-08-13

Respiratory Pathway crossword puzzle
  1. On the pneumonia pathway, the use of alternative antibiotics or viral medication for therapy is based upon identification of a ______ or severe illness.
  2. When using an MDI, you need to wait ______ seconds between each puff.
  3. On the asthma pathway, a continuous nebulizer is used for children with a score of _______ or greater.
  4. The respiratory score assessment is the _____ for treatment and plan of care for the patient on the pathway.
  5. Signs of respiratory clinical ______ include drowsiness, confusion, change in level of consciousness, silent chest exam, progressive hypoxia, increasing oxygen demands, increasing respiratory score, cyanosis, and apnea.
  6. A respiratory intervention may include but is not limited to _____, nebulizer treatment, and application or escalation in supplemental oxygen.
  7. A patient on continuous albuterol needs to be assessed, scored, and documented every ______.
  8. Scoring, assessments, albuterol treatments, and suctioning _____ are based upon the pre-intervention score.
  1. Most community acquired pneumonia in children is ______ in origin.
  2. Patients on the pathways follow the score-________-score care management.
  3. On the pneumonia pathway, moderately ill in patients are placed on the oral antibiotic ______ if tolerated.
  4. On the asthma pathway, albuterol is weaned based upon a score of _____ or less.
  5. Oral feeding should be held if there is clinical evidence of ______ which includes choking with feeds, gagging, and worsening tachypnea or if respiratory rate is sustained over upper limit of normal for age.
  6. A nurse, a respiratory therapist, and/or a provider can _____ the patient.
  7. Notify the ______ for failure to progress, need for escalation of therapy, weaning in therapy, and signs of clinical deterioration.
  8. All other scores for asthma are treated with ______ treatments.
  9. All MDI treatments should be given with a _____.
  10. The asthma action plan is being renamed the ______ care plan and any patient going home on an inhaler will receive one.

18 Clues: All MDI treatments should be given with a _____.All other scores for asthma are treated with ______ treatments.Most community acquired pneumonia in children is ______ in origin.When using an MDI, you need to wait ______ seconds between each puff.Patients on the pathways follow the score-________-score care management....

Plant and Animal Systems 2014-11-02

Plant and Animal Systems crossword puzzle
  1. The human body system that creates movement
  2. The vessels that return blood to the heart
  3. The organ in the human body that processes drugs, alcohol and toxins
  4. The human body system that removes wastes from the body
  5. The part of the plant that collects water and nutrients from the soil
  6. The vascular tubes in plants that carry sugars (glucose) and nutrients around the plant
  7. The large vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  8. The bone structure that protects the brain
  9. The human body system that keeps you upright and gives your body its shape
  1. The human body system that extracts nutrients from food
  2. The organ in the human body that pumps blood around the body
  3. The human body system that sends signals from the brain to the rest of the body
  4. The human body system involved in taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide
  5. The vascular tubes in plants that carry water from the roots to the leaves
  6. The human body system that fights disease
  7. The organ in the human body that filters blood to make urine
  8. The part of the plant that contains chlorophyll for photosynthesis

17 Clues: The human body system that fights diseaseThe vessels that return blood to the heartThe bone structure that protects the brainThe human body system that creates movementThe large vessels that carry blood away from the heartThe human body system that extracts nutrients from foodThe human body system that removes wastes from the body...

Enhancing the Cardio- Respiratory System 2022-10-13

Enhancing the Cardio- Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. substances and methods used to enhanced delivery of oxygen to the working muscles, improving and/or altering the function of the cardiorespiratory system that may cause harm or provide an unfair advantage
  2. devices to assist traditional aerobic training methods and enhance the performance of the cardiorespiratory system and provide instantaneous feedback, allowing the athlete to monitor and track the work being completed and ensure they are meeting proposed training aims
  3. a training principle that states the minimum times a week that training needs to be completed for chronic adaptations to occur
  4. nvolves the process of infusing extra human blood (red blood cells) into the body prior to performance. It can be an athlete’s own blood or that of someone else of same blood type
  5. a training principle that states the minimum duration that training a training session or program needs to be completed for chronic adaptations to occur
  6. long term changes to the body at the structural and physiological level in response to demands of training and lead to improved fitness
  7. factors that influence behaviour and participation including income, education, influence of self, family, peers, influence of coaches and sporting organisations
  8. This hormone stimulates the production of red blood cells. Athletes may use a synthetic version of EPO in order to gain an advantage over others, particularly in endurance-based sports
  9. a device that tracks the athlete's global position that can be used to track movement patterns, distances and speeds
  1. involves activity that lasts a minimum of twenty minutes with no rest at the required submaximal (70–85 % max HR) intensity. It leads to an improvement in aerobic power and hence the delivery of oxygen to working muscles. Commonly used by runners, swimmers and cyclists, as well as in team sports as a preseason training method to establish a sound aerobic base.
  2. a training principle that states the specific training method and exercises that needs to be completed for the desired chronic adaptations to occur
  3. a device used to monitor intensity to ensure the correct aerobic training zone is reached to gain maximal benefit from training sessions
  4. (W:R) describes that proportion of work time and rest time during interval type training and determines the energy system being targeted and the level of fatigue and recovery experienced during the training session
  5. involves set periods of work followed by set periods of rest or recovery, repeated several times in an exercise session. Involves working at a submaximal intensity for longer distances with a work-to-rest ratio of 1 : 1 or 2:1
  6. variation of continuous training that involves changes of intensity throughout the session. Continuous submaximal efforts interspersed with high intensity efforts allow the athlete to work both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems, simulating the interplay that may be required in many individual and team sports. This benefits the athlete through improvements in anaerobic capacity and speed, as well as aerobic power and endurance.
  7. involves repeated bouts of high intensity efforts (90–95+ per cent HR max) followed by varying periods of recovery at a lower intensity (40–50 per cent HR max). These efforts can be manipulated to suit endurance athletes, with work periods ranging from 30 seconds to eight minutes
  8. medical drugs that block adrenalin hormones from binding to receptors on nerves, thus reducing the effect these hormones have on the heart and blood vessels.
  9. a training principle that states the minimum amount of effort or load (eg. % maximum HR)that training needs to be completed at for chronic adaptations to occur
  10. a legal training method that involves training at levels greater than 1500 metres above sea level to induce physiological changes that enhance the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.

19 Clues: a device that tracks the athlete's global position that can be used to track movement patterns, distances and speedsa training principle that states the minimum times a week that training needs to be completed for chronic adaptations to occur...

Intro to the Respiratory System 2023-01-03

Intro to the Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Protein that turns from bright red to dark red when gas concentrations change in blood
  2. Muscle that forms the lower boundary of the chest cavity.
  3. Sense of smell
  4. Serous membranes that cover the lungs
  5. Also called nostrils
  6. Right lung- number of lobes
  7. Air that is inhaled but never reaches the alveoli
  8. Cavity that contains the lungs
  1. The process of substances moving from areas of high to areas of low concentration
  2. Extra air that can be exhaled is called ___RV
  3. In general, it is any serous membrane that touches the cavity
  4. They prevent the trachea from closing
  5. It means to moisture is added to the air
  6. Location of the trachea in relationship to the esophagus (directional term)
  7. General name for the tube system that warms inhaled air
  8. The position(number)of the cranial nerve pair for smell
  9. They are at the end of bronchioles
  10. In general, it is any serous membrane that touches the organ it surrounds
  11. Left lung- number of lobes

19 Clues: Sense of smellAlso called nostrilsLeft lung- number of lobesRight lung- number of lobesCavity that contains the lungsThey are at the end of bronchiolesThey prevent the trachea from closingSerous membranes that cover the lungsIt means to moisture is added to the airExtra air that can be exhaled is called ___RV...

Respiratory system Rister 4-2024 2024-05-03

Respiratory system Rister 4-2024 crossword puzzle
  1. The two main branches of the trachea that lead into the lungs, where air passes through to reach the smaller airways.
  2. A medical device used to measure lung function by assessing the volume and flow of air inhaled and exhaled.
  3. Tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs. Oxygen from the air is absorbed into the bloodstream, and carbon dioxide is released from the bloodstream into the air.
  4. A chronic respiratory condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to difficulty breathing, wheezing, and coughing.
  5. A dome-shaped muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing. When it contracts, it flattens out and pulls downward, increasing the space in the chest cavity and allowing the lungs to expand.
  6. Dioxide A waste product of cellular metabolism. It's expelled from the body during exhalation.
  7. The part of the throat that connects the nasal cavity and mouth to the esophagus and trachea. It serves as a passage for air and food.
  8. The process of breathing, which involves inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.
  9. A flap of tissue at the base of the tongue that closes off the windpipe during swallowing, preventing food or liquid from entering the airway.
  10. The organs in the chest that are responsible for breathing. They take in oxygen from the air and release carbon dioxide.
  11. The smaller air passages in the lungs that branch off from the bronchi and carry air to the alveoli.
  1. A gas essential for life. It's taken in during respiration and used by the body's cells to produce energy.
  2. Rate The number of breaths taken per minute. It varies depending on factors like activity level, age, and health condition.
  3. Tiny hair-like structures lining the respiratory tract that help trap dust, bacteria, and other particles, preventing them from entering the lungs.
  4. System The organs and tissues involved in breathing, including the nose, mouth, trachea, lungs, and diaphragm.
  5. The process of inhaling and exhaling air. It's essential for supplying oxygen to the body and removing carbon dioxide.
  6. Also known as the windpipe, it's the tube that carries air from the nose and mouth to the lungs.
  7. A sensation of difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. It can be caused by various factors, including physical exertion, respiratory conditions, or anxiety.
  8. Cavity The space inside the nose through which air passes before reaching the throat and lungs. It's lined with mucous membranes that help filter and humidify the air.
  9. Function Test A diagnostic test that measures how well the lungs are functioning by assessing factors like lung capacity and airflow.

20 Clues: The process of breathing, which involves inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.Dioxide A waste product of cellular metabolism. It's expelled from the body during exhalation.Also known as the windpipe, it's the tube that carries air from the nose and mouth to the lungs....

GCSE PE Revision 2016-04-21

GCSE PE Revision crossword puzzle
  1. Needs to be completed before exercise
  2. Having body fat in excess of normal
  3. An opportunity to get involved in sport
  4. An immediate effect of exercise on the body which increases during exercise
  5. One factor that affects optimum weight
  6. A long term effect of participation on the muscular system
  7. Commonly know as the calf located at the back of the bottom of the leg
  8. The three ball juggle is a test of this component
  9. I would use this on a muscle strain
  10. A socially acceptable drug
  11. I will improve my 30metre sprint time by 6 weeks
  12. Maximum pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts
  13. Helps to improve bone density
  1. the volume of blood pumped out of the heart by each ventricle during one contraction
  2. Facilities need to be available at the right time for you to use otherwise this influences you on taking part
  3. How well a task is completed
  4. The range of movement possible at a joint
  5. good cholesterol
  6. A main function of the respiratory system
  7. Wide hips and narrow shoulders and additional fatness
  8. A form of protective equipment used in Rugby
  9. To make maximum use of an athletes energy resources by taking on a this necessary nutrient
  10. A disease of the lungs and respiratory system
  11. I matched my training to what I wanted to improve
  12. Break of a bone part way
  13. The amount of air inspired and expired with each normal breath at rest or during exercise
  14. Weak skeleton and bones
  15. I play badminton at my local leisure center once a week so therefore I am at what stage of the sports participation pyramid
  16. A main function of the skeletal system rotation If the movement is around then the movement is rotation
  17. A drug that can be used to reduce pain
  18. training method that includes both aerobic and anaerobic exercise
  19. In order to create a balance competition this is something you can introduce
  20. Nutrient that helps with the functioning of the digestive system

33 Clues: good cholesterolWeak skeleton and bonesBreak of a bone part wayA socially acceptable drugHow well a task is completedHelps to improve bone densityHaving body fat in excess of normalI would use this on a muscle strainNeeds to be completed before exerciseOne factor that affects optimum weightA drug that can be used to reduce pain...

systems 2023-11-27

systems crossword puzzle
  1. oxygen-poor blood
  2. 4
  3. collecting and processing info
  4. moves blood around the body
  5. largest artery
  1. transports oxygen
  2. a passage for food and air
  3. where gas exchanges occur in the respiratory system
  4. protection, support
  5. carries oxygen-rich blood away

10 Clues: 4largest arterytransports oxygenoxygen-poor bloodprotection, supporta passage for food and airmoves blood around the bodycollecting and processing infocarries oxygen-rich blood awaywhere gas exchanges occur in the respiratory system

Parts of the Body 2024-01-30

Parts of the Body crossword puzzle
  1. Nervous
  2. Connects the arms with the body
  3. Human hard organs
  4. Nice!
  5. Ring
  1. Some have dimples, some don't
  2. A muscular organ located in the mouth
  3. Part of the respiratory system
  4. A very important body organ
  5. Fine hair above the eyes

10 Clues: RingNice!NervousHuman hard organsFine hair above the eyesA very important body organSome have dimples, some don'tPart of the respiratory systemConnects the arms with the bodyA muscular organ located in the mouth

Health 2015-03-18

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Provides support
  2. You exhale this
  3. Chemical formula of O2
  4. Protects the heart and lungs
  5. Responsible for movement of the human body
  6. Main organ which keeps you alive
  7. Connects bones to other bones
  8. What food gives you
  1. Oxygen is inhaled through it
  2. Connects muscles to bones
  3. A food group
  4. Provides structural support for your body
  5. A type of wellbeing
  6. Protects the brain
  7. Main organs of the respiratory system

15 Clues: A food groupYou exhale thisProvides supportProtects the brainA type of wellbeingWhat food gives youChemical formula of O2Connects muscles to bonesOxygen is inhaled through itProtects the heart and lungsConnects bones to other bonesMain organ which keeps you aliveMain organs of the respiratory systemProvides structural support for your body...

Metabolism Vocabulary 2022-11-15

Metabolism Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. molecule that organisms can use to release energy, and that is made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen molecules
  2. system/The body system that takes in food and breaks it down
  3. type of energy storage molecule made of many glucose molecules connected together
  4. group of atoms joined together in a particular way
  5. ability to make things move or change
  6. reaction/A process in which atoms rearrange to form new substances
  7. respiration/The chemical reaction between oxygen and glucose that releases energy into cells
  8. category of large molecules that perform important functions inside living things
  9. system/The body system that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
  10. proposed answer to a question about the natural world
  11. molecules that organisms get from the air or water around them and use to release energy
  1. argument/A claim supported by evidence
  2. parts that make up a molecule
  3. process of making clear how your evidence supports your claim
  4. system/The body system that transports molecules to and from all cells of the body
  5. body's use of molecules for energy and growth
  6. dioxide/A molecule made of carbon and oxygen atoms
  7. acids/Molecules that are the building blocks of proteins
  8. set of interacting parts forming a complex whole
  9. about the natural world that is used to support or go against a claim

20 Clues: parts that make up a moleculeability to make things move or changeargument/A claim supported by evidencebody's use of molecules for energy and growthset of interacting parts forming a complex wholegroup of atoms joined together in a particular waydioxide/A molecule made of carbon and oxygen atomsproposed answer to a question about the natural world...

Body Systems 2023-11-11

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. can relax and contract
  2. nervous system function
  3. found in the skin, organs & muscles
  4. carry blood away from the heart
  5. carry blood to the heart
  6. the function is breathing
  1. commonly called the windpipe
  2. when contract the tricep relax
  3. the organ that pulls air into the body
  4. the heart muscle is called
  5. hair, nails, and skin
  6. muscle you use to breathe
  7. is an involuntary organ
  8. supports and protects
  9. largest organ

15 Clues: largest organhair, nails, and skinsupports and protectscan relax and contractnervous system functionis an involuntary organcarry blood to the heartmuscle you use to breathethe function is breathingthe heart muscle is calledcommonly called the windpipewhen contract the tricep relaxcarry blood away from the heartfound in the skin, organs & muscles...

respiratory 2022-04-15

respiratory crossword puzzle
  1. Flonase
  2. Serevent
  3. Spiriva
  4. Afrin
  5. Theo-dur
  6. Brovana
  1. Foradil
  2. Daliresp
  3. Pulmicort
  4. Tudorza
  5. Singulair
  6. Tamiflu
  7. Nasonex
  8. Allegra
  9. Claritin

15 Clues: AfrinForadilFlonaseTudorzaTamifluSpirivaNasonexAllegraBrovanaDalirespSereventTheo-durClaritinPulmicortSingulair

Pertussis 2021-09-25

Pertussis crossword puzzle
  1. Where does the bacteria attach itself in the upper part of the respiratory system?
  2. What is the first stage of Pertussis symptoms called?
  3. After how many years should you receive a booster shot
  4. What type of infection is Pertussis?
  5. What is the third stage of Pertussis symptoms called?
  1. Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory ____
  2. What type of transmission does Pertussis use to spread?
  3. Healthcare workers should wear surgical masks if they are within ____ feet of infected individuals
  4. What is the second stage of Pertussis symptoms called?
  5. Booster shots are required to ensure _____

10 Clues: What type of infection is Pertussis?Booster shots are required to ensure _____Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory ____What is the first stage of Pertussis symptoms called?What is the third stage of Pertussis symptoms called?After how many years should you receive a booster shotWhat is the second stage of Pertussis symptoms called?...

Circulation, Respiration, and Nervous System Crossword 2013-05-19

Circulation, Respiration, and Nervous System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. special region of the heart that sets the tempo of the heartbeat
  2. tiy air sacs in the lungs
  3. selects which information to pass on
  4. a nervous system that is made up mostly of nerves that carry signals into and out of the CNS
  5. prepares the body for intense, energy-consuming activities
  6. a sheet of muscle that borders the bottom of the lungs
  7. the alternating processes of inhalation and exhalation
  8. circulatory system in which the circulating fluid is pumped through open-ended vessels and flows out among the cells
  9. the movement of molecules along a concentration gradient, from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration
  10. voice box
  11. short, numerous, and highly branched extensions
  12. when the heart is relaxed and blood flows in
  13. the force that blood exerts against the walls of your blood vessels
  14. bits of cytoplasm pinched off from larger cells in the bone marrow
  15. part of brain that controls breathing
  1. the voltage across the plasma membrane of a resting neuron
  2. carries blood away from the heart
  3. a type of breathing when air rushes in through your mouth and nostrils toward the region of lower pressure
  4. a gelatinous bundle of nerve fibers that lies inside the spinal column
  5. an extensive system of internal tubes that branch throughout the body
  6. part of an animal where oxygen from the environment diffuses into living cells and carbon dioxide diffuses in the surrounding environment
  7. involves extreme mood swings
  8. planning center for body movements
  9. where the digestive and respiratory systems meet
  10. extensions, or outfoldings, of the body surface where the respiratory surfaces are found in aquatic animals
  11. a nervous system that carries signals to and from skeletal mucles, mainly in response to external stimuli
  12. circulatory system in which blood is confined to vessels and is distinct from the intersitial fluid
  13. returns blood back into the heart
  14. one of the deadliest forms of cancer
  15. circuit that carries blood between the heart and the lungs

30 Clues: voice boxtiy air sacs in the lungsinvolves extreme mood swingscarries blood away from the heartreturns blood back into the heartplanning center for body movementsselects which information to pass onone of the deadliest forms of cancerpart of brain that controls breathingwhen the heart is relaxed and blood flows in...

General Anatomy & Physiology 2014-09-16

General Anatomy & Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. The oval, bony case that protects the brain.
  2. This system forms the physical foundation of the body.
  3. This system serves as a protective coating and helps regulate the body's temperature.
  4. This system protects the body from disease by developing immunities and destroying disease-causing toxins and bacteria.
  5. The two bones that form the sides and crown of the cranium.
  6. This type of tissue lines the heart and the digestive and respiratory organs.
  7. The largest artery in the human body.
  8. The part of the muscle that does not move.
  9. Digestive __________ are chemicals that can change certain types of food into a soluble form that can be used by the body.
  10. Sensory nerve endings that are located close to the surface of the skin.
  11. Glands that secrete about 30 steroid hormones and control metabolic processes of the body, including the fight-or-flight response.
  12. The primary nasal muscle of concern to cosmetologists.
  13. The organs that control the body's vision.
  14. The connection between two or more bones
  1. The constructive phase of metabolism
  2. The broad muscle that covers the top of the head.
  3. The muscles at the base of the fingers that draw the fingers together.
  4. White blood cells are also known as: _______________
  5. This type of tissue contracts and moves various parts of the body.
  6. The chemical process through which cells are nourished and carry out their activities
  7. This system enables breathing, supplying the body with oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide as a waste product.
  8. The study of the human body structures that can be seen with the naked eye and how the body parts are organized.
  9. The organ that controls the body.
  10. The _____________ is the protoplasm of a cell, except for the protoplasm of the nucleus.
  11. The organ that removes waste created by digestion.
  12. The heart is the organ that circulates the body's __________
  13. The basic unit of all living things
  14. This system purifies the body by elimination of waste matter.
  15. The ___________ cranial nerve is the chief motor nerve of the face.
  16. Covers the body and is the external protective coating.

30 Clues: The organ that controls the body.The basic unit of all living thingsThe constructive phase of metabolismThe largest artery in the human body.The connection between two or more bonesThe part of the muscle that does not move.The organs that control the body's vision.The oval, bony case that protects the brain....

Systems Review - Cells, Ecosystem, and Body Systems 2023-10-26

Systems Review - Cells, Ecosystem, and Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. a group of parts that work together to perform a task
  2. all of the living and nonliving things that interact in a place
  3. things that do not need energy, do not grow and do not reproduce
  4. the shape of plant cells
  5. the system that has heart, blood, and blood vessels as its parts
  6. the shape of animal or human cells
  7. only plant cells have this, it helps give plants their shape
  8. the control center of the cell
  1. this system helps give the body shape and hold it up
  2. things that need energy to grow and reproduce
  3. this system had lungs and nose as its parts
  4. all living things are made up of this
  5. they make food for plant cells and are green

13 Clues: the shape of plant cellsthe control center of the cellthe shape of animal or human cellsall living things are made up of thisthis system had lungs and nose as its partsthey make food for plant cells and are greenthings that need energy to grow and reproducethis system helps give the body shape and hold it up...

Body Organ Systems 2022-09-15

Body Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. The system that contains the heart and the blood vessels and moves blood throughout the body.
  2. organ system consisting of skin, hair, nails, and exocrine glands.
  3. The organ in the digestive system used to break down food, absorb nutrition, eliminate indigestable material.
  4. we exercise when we use this organ
  5. brings O2, supply nutrients, and hormones throughout the body, removes waste.
  6. filters out chemical waste, salt waste, and nitrogenous waste.
  1. The system that drains lymph fluid from cells and tissue recirculating it into the bloodsteam, also storing T-cells in lymph tissue.
  2. system that allow movement in the body is the result of muscle contraction.
  3. Transmit signals from the brain to the rest of the body & Internal organs to control the abilities to function.
  4. system that makes a baby
  5. A system where the hypothalamus secretes hormones to control reproduction, growth, and metabolism.
  6. system that protects the body from pathogens, releasing lymphocytes to destroy foreign material.
  7. Bones, ligaments and cartilage make up this system
  8. What protects and supports the organs, produces heat, synthesizes vitamin D, and protects tissues from abrasion?
  9. What system removes waste gases, picking up de-oxygenated blood, releases oxygenated blood into the body.

15 Clues: system that makes a babywe exercise when we use this organBones, ligaments and cartilage make up this systemfilters out chemical waste, salt waste, and nitrogenous waste.organ system consisting of skin, hair, nails, and exocrine glands.system that allow movement in the body is the result of muscle contraction....

Body Organ Systems 2022-09-15

Body Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. Transmit signals from the brain to the rest of the body & Internal organs to control the abilities to function.
  2. What protects and supports the organs, produces heat, synthesizes vitamin D, and protects tissues from abrasion?
  3. organ system consisting of skin, hair, nails, and exocrine glands.
  4. The organ in the digestive system used to break down food, absorb nutrition, eliminate indigestable material.
  5. The system that contains the heart and the blood vessels and moves blood throughout the body.
  6. we exercise when we use this organ
  1. What system removes waste gases, picking up de-oxygenated blood, releases oxygenated blood into the body.
  2. system that makes a baby
  3. brings O2, supply nutrients, and hormones throughout the body, removes waste.
  4. The system that drains lymph fluid from cells and tissue recirculating it into the bloodsteam, also storing T-cells in lymph tissue.
  5. system that protects the body from pathogens, releasing lymphocytes to destroy foreign material.
  6. Bones, ligaments and cartilage make up this system
  7. filters out chemical waste, salt waste, and nitrogenous waste.
  8. system that allow movement in the body is the result of muscle contraction.
  9. A system where the hypothalamus secretes hormones to control reproduction, growth, and metabolism.

15 Clues: system that makes a babywe exercise when we use this organBones, ligaments and cartilage make up this systemfilters out chemical waste, salt waste, and nitrogenous waste.organ system consisting of skin, hair, nails, and exocrine glands.system that allow movement in the body is the result of muscle contraction....

Body Organ Systems 2022-09-15

Body Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. Bones, ligaments and cartilage make up this system
  2. Transmit signals from the brain to the rest of the body & Internal organs to control the abilities to function.
  3. system that allow movement in the body is the result of muscle contraction.
  4. organ system consisting of skin, hair, nails, and exocrine glands.
  5. A system where the hypothalamus secretes hormones to control reproduction, growth, and metabolism.
  6. system that protects the body from pathogens, releasing lymphocytes to destroy foreign material.
  7. we exercise when we use this organ
  8. What protects and supports the organs, produces heat, synthesizes vitamin D, and protects tissues from abrasion?
  1. The system that contains the heart and the blood vessels and moves blood throughout the body.
  2. filters out chemical waste, salt waste, and nitrogenous waste.
  3. brings O2, supply nutrients, and hormones throughout the body, removes waste.
  4. What system removes waste gases, picking up de-oxygenated blood, releases oxygenated blood into the body.
  5. system that makes a baby
  6. The organ in the digestive system used to break down food, absorb nutrition, eliminate indigestable material.
  7. The system that drains lymph fluid from cells and tissue recirculating it into the bloodsteam, also storing T-cells in lymph tissue.

15 Clues: system that makes a babywe exercise when we use this organBones, ligaments and cartilage make up this systemfilters out chemical waste, salt waste, and nitrogenous waste.organ system consisting of skin, hair, nails, and exocrine glands.system that allow movement in the body is the result of muscle contraction....


HUMAN BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. controls the body through the use of electrical signals
  2. disposes if the body's waste
  3. carries blood around the body delivering oxygen and nutrients
  4. breaks down food and turns it into energy
  5. the skin and its appendages
  6. enables all the movement of the body
  1. communicates with the body using chemicals called hormones
  2. keeps body fluids in balance and fights against inflections
  3. system of organs involved in producing offsprings
  4. carries air into the body, allowing oxygen to enter blood
  5. supports the body and enables movement with the help of the muscular system
  6. the body's drainage system for removing urine

12 Clues: the skin and its appendagesdisposes if the body's wasteenables all the movement of the bodybreaks down food and turns it into energythe body's drainage system for removing urinesystem of organs involved in producing offspringscontrols the body through the use of electrical signalscarries air into the body, allowing oxygen to enter blood...

Body Systems Vocab 2020-12-10

Body Systems Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. these chew food
  2. produces for the small intestine
  3. supplies the bodies needed oxygen
  4. liquid that breaks down food in the mouth
  5. gets rid of body waste
  6. bones
  7. chemical messengers
  8. fibers that contract and relax
  1. relaxing muscle
  2. pipes that enter the lungs
  3. largest bone in the body
  4. the foot contains 14...
  5. like a telegraph
  6. bone that looks like a sesame seed
  7. controlled by autonomic nervous system

15 Clues: bonesrelaxing musclethese chew foodlike a telegraphchemical messengersgets rid of body wastethe foot contains 14...largest bone in the bodypipes that enter the lungsfibers that contract and relaxproduces for the small intestinesupplies the bodies needed oxygenbone that looks like a sesame seedcontrolled by autonomic nervous system...

Human Body 2021-12-10

Human Body crossword puzzle
  1. Liquid in blood
  2. Transfers blood in
  3. The blood cell that fights disease
  4. Removes cell waste
  5. Structures that look like fingers
  6. Absorption takes place here
  7. Smallest blood vessel
  1. Low chamber of heart
  2. Absorbs water the most
  3. Blood cell that delivers oxygen
  4. Tube that connects mouth to stomach
  5. Fragment that makes scabs
  6. system Brings oxygen and eliminates CO2
  7. Big sac that has mechanical and chemical digestion
  8. Transfers blood out

15 Clues: Liquid in bloodTransfers blood inRemoves cell wasteTransfers blood outLow chamber of heartSmallest blood vesselAbsorbs water the mostFragment that makes scabsAbsorption takes place hereBlood cell that delivers oxygenStructures that look like fingersThe blood cell that fights diseaseTube that connects mouth to stomach...

Levels of organization - by Simona Lerena 2024-04-11

Levels of organization - by Simona Lerena crossword puzzle
  1. Contains the cell organelles
  2. Adaptation:they have microvilli
  3. Take and release air
  4. Prevents cells contents from escaping
  5. Gives our bodys shape
  1. Responsible for aerobic respiration
  2. Produce testosterone
  3. Everything keeps in balance by the removing of urea
  4. Where photosynthesis take place
  5. Its function is reproduction
  6. Group of cells with similar structures
  7. Produce eggs(ova)
  8. Carries dust and bacteria
  9. Open and close
  10. Is a system releated to food

15 Clues: Open and closeProduce eggs(ova)Produce testosteroneTake and release airGives our bodys shapeCarries dust and bacteriaContains the cell organellesIts function is reproductionIs a system releated to foodWhere photosynthesis take placeAdaptation:they have microvilliResponsible for aerobic respirationPrevents cells contents from escaping...

Prim 4 2023-07-08

Prim 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Fox that lives in desert
  2. Organ that pumps the blood to all body parts
  3. Organs of sight
  4. Bear that lives in polar regions
  1. first organ of digestive system
  2. Organ that chew food
  3. First organ of respiratory system
  4. Organs of hearing

8 Clues: Organs of sightOrgans of hearingOrgan that chew foodFox that lives in desertfirst organ of digestive systemBear that lives in polar regionsFirst organ of respiratory systemOrgan that pumps the blood to all body parts

Organ Systems Crossword 2024-04-25

Organ Systems Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the system responsible for removing waste from the body
  2. The larger chambers of the heart which pump blood to other parts of the body
  3. The organ responsible for filtering toxins out of our blood.
  4. Name of the System responsible for oxygen and co2 regulation
  5. The intestine where the MOST absorption of nutrients takes place.
  6. Name of the system responsible for breaking down and making food usable
  7. The organ that air travels through as it passes from the mouth to the lungs.
  8. The muscle responsible for controlling movement of the lungs
  9. The organ responsible for holding urine before removal
  1. Produced by the pancreas/liver to digest food
  2. Name of the system responsible for controlling movement and stimuli responses
  3. One of the two members of the CENTRAL nervous system
  4. The organ that food travels through as it passes from the mouth to the stomach.
  5. Name of the system responsible for moving blood around the body
  6. carries blood TOWARDS the heart
  7. The section of the lungs where CO2 and Oxygen exchange
  8. The smaller chambers of the heart that RECEIVE blood.
  9. Carries blood AWAY from the heart.

18 Clues: carries blood TOWARDS the heartCarries blood AWAY from the heart.Produced by the pancreas/liver to digest foodOne of the two members of the CENTRAL nervous systemThe smaller chambers of the heart that RECEIVE blood.The section of the lungs where CO2 and Oxygen exchangeThe organ responsible for holding urine before removal...

Tobacco 2017-05-12

Tobacco crossword puzzle
  1. Air sac are destroyed
  2. ? Smoke is exhaled smoke
  3. ? smoke is from burning cigarette
  4. Sticky and thick fluid
  5. Smoking harms ? system
  6. Abnormal cells in the mouth
  7. Inflammation of bronchial tubes
  8. Smoking causes ? skin
  9. Chronic obstructive ? disease
  10. Smoking increases ? rate and increases blood pressure
  1. Smoking aggravates ?
  2. Smokeless Tobacco
  3. Smoking cause ? disease
  4. ? smoke that is inhaled in your lungs
  5. Chemical known to cause cancer?
  6. Smoking gives you ? breath
  7. Less blood and ? flow to muscles
  8. Nicotine is a ? drug
  9. Plant that contains Nicotine?
  10. Smoking causes accidents in your ? and car

20 Clues: Smokeless TobaccoSmoking aggravates ?Nicotine is a ? drugAir sac are destroyedSmoking causes ? skinSticky and thick fluidSmoking harms ? systemSmoking cause ? disease? Smoke is exhaled smokeSmoking gives you ? breathAbnormal cells in the mouthPlant that contains Nicotine?Chronic obstructive ? diseaseChemical known to cause cancer?...


  1. / The main organ of the system.
  2. / Arteries lead to __.
  3. / Chamber of the heart.
  4. / Main artery to the body.
  5. / Veins bring blood into an upper __.
  6. / Travel in the blood bringing things to and from the body cells.
  7. / The heart constantly __ blood throughout the body.
  8. / From an atrium blood flows through a valve called __.
  1. / Circulatory and __ system work together.
  2. / Responsible for circulatory.
  3. / Carry blood away from the heart.
  4. / Blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart.
  5. / Is pumped out of the ventricle through an artery.

13 Clues: / Arteries lead to __./ Chamber of the heart./ Main artery to the body./ Responsible for circulatory./ The main organ of the system./ Carry blood away from the heart./ Veins bring blood into an upper __./ Circulatory and __ system work together./ Is pumped out of the ventricle through an artery./ Blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart....

Body Organization and Systems 2021-12-14

Body Organization and Systems crossword puzzle
  1. A collection of tissues that carry out a specialized function of the body
  2. System that breaks down food and absorbs nutrients.
  3. Basic unit of life
  4. System that detects information from the environment and controls body functions.
  5. System that takes in oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide.
  1. A group of organs that work together in performing vital body functions.
  2. a body made up of organs, organelles, or other parts that work together to carry out life processes.
  3. System that delivers oxygen and nutrients, removes carbon dioxide and other wastes.
  4. System that removes wastes
  5. System that allows organisms to procreate; make offspring
  6. A group of similar cells that perform the same function.

11 Clues: Basic unit of lifeSystem that removes wastesSystem that breaks down food and absorbs nutrients.A group of similar cells that perform the same function.System that allows organisms to procreate; make offspringSystem that takes in oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide.A group of organs that work together in performing vital body functions....

General Anatomy & Physiology 2014-09-16

General Anatomy & Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. The part of the muscle that does not move.
  2. The ___________ cranial nerve is the chief motor nerve of the face.
  3. The largest artery in the human body.
  4. Digestive __________ are chemicals that can change certain types of food into a soluble form that can be used by the body.
  5. The muscles at the base of the fingers that draw the fingers together.
  6. The two bones that form the sides and crown of the cranium.
  7. The chemical process through which cells are nourished and carry out their activities
  8. This system serves as a protective coating and helps regulate the body's temperature.
  9. The connection between two or more bones
  10. The _____________ is the protoplasm of a cell, except for the protoplasm of the nucleus.
  11. The organ that controls the body.
  12. The organ that removes waste created by digestion.
  13. The organs that control the body's vision.
  14. Glands that secrete about 30 steroid hormones and control metabolic processes of the body, including the fight-or-flight response.
  15. The heart is the organ that circulates the body's __________
  16. Covers the body and is the external protective coating.
  17. Sensory nerve endings that are located close to the surface of the skin.
  18. This type of tissue contracts and moves various parts of the body.
  19. The oval, bony case that protects the brain.
  20. This system protects the body from disease by developing immunities and destroying disease-causing toxins and bacteria.
  1. This system forms the physical foundation of the body.
  2. The study of the human body structures that can be seen with the naked eye and how the body parts are organized.
  3. This system enables breathing, supplying the body with oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide as a waste product.
  4. The basic unit of all living things
  5. White blood cells are also known as: _______________
  6. This type of tissue lines the heart and the digestive and respiratory organs.
  7. The broad muscle that covers the top of the head.
  8. The constructive phase of metabolism
  9. This system purifies the body by elimination of waste matter.
  10. The primary nasal muscle of concern to cosmetologists.

30 Clues: The organ that controls the body.The basic unit of all living thingsThe constructive phase of metabolismThe largest artery in the human body.The connection between two or more bonesThe part of the muscle that does not move.The organs that control the body's vision.The oval, bony case that protects the brain....

The Respiratory System 2016-01-27

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Also known as the windpipe
  2. An organ protected by the ribs
  3. Muscles found in between the ribs
  4. Bones that protect our lungs and heart
  1. You breathe in through this organ
  2. This muscle is found below the lungs, it moves up and down when we breathe
  3. A pair of organs that help us to breathe
  4. Small tubes found in the respiratory system
  5. The place in the lungs where gas exchange takes place

9 Clues: Also known as the windpipeAn organ protected by the ribsYou breathe in through this organMuscles found in between the ribsBones that protect our lungs and heartA pair of organs that help us to breatheSmall tubes found in the respiratory systemThe place in the lungs where gas exchange takes place...

The respiratory system 2015-11-09

The respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Air passage to the bronchus.
  2. A protective cage around the organs of the chest.
  3. Found between the ribs, contracting and relaxing in the breathing process.
  4. Sheet of the muscle dividing the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity.
  1. Positioned inside the chest cavity.
  2. Has rings of cartilage to allow the tubes to be flexible and to stay open.
  3. Tubes attached to the Trachea so the air can flow to the lungs.
  4. Smaller sub-divisions of the Bronchi leading to the Alveoli.
  5. Small air sac; there are millions in the lungs. Gaseous Exchanged takes place here.

9 Clues: Air passage to the bronchus.Positioned inside the chest cavity.A protective cage around the organs of the chest.Smaller sub-divisions of the Bronchi leading to the Alveoli.Tubes attached to the Trachea so the air can flow to the lungs.Sheet of the muscle dividing the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity....

The Respiratory System 2017-03-07

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Gas we breathe IN
  2. Breathe IN
  3. Windpipe
  4. Tubes that lead to the lungs
  5. Where oxygen from the air is transferred to the blood
  1. dioxide Gas we breathe OUT
  2. Breathe OUT
  3. A muscle under the lungs to help them inhale
  4. Sticky substance in the nose that traps particles

9 Clues: WindpipeBreathe INBreathe OUTGas we breathe INdioxide Gas we breathe OUTTubes that lead to the lungsA muscle under the lungs to help them inhaleSticky substance in the nose that traps particlesWhere oxygen from the air is transferred to the blood

The Respiratory System 2013-03-03

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Tiny sacs of lung tissue
  2. Tiny hair like extensions in the nose
  3. The main organ of the respiratory System
  4. Oxygen and glucose combines and creates chemical reactions
  5. The passages that direct air to the lungs
  1. Connective tissue that produce your voice
  2. The voice box
  3. A large, dome shaped muscle
  4. The windpipe

9 Clues: The windpipeThe voice boxTiny sacs of lung tissueA large, dome shaped muscleTiny hair like extensions in the noseThe main organ of the respiratory SystemConnective tissue that produce your voiceThe passages that direct air to the lungsOxygen and glucose combines and creates chemical reactions

The Respiratory System 2021-02-01

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Air sacs found in lungs where gas exchange occurs
  2. Structures that prevent trachea from collapsing
  3. Process by which gases are exchanged in the lungs
  4. You can find one of these in each lung
  5. Flap that covers the wind pipe during swallowing
  1. Cells that secrete mucus in the ciliated epithelium
  2. Hair like projections found on epithelial cells which filter air and waft mucus to the back of the throat
  3. There are many of these tubes in the lungs
  4. The scientific name for the wind pipe

9 Clues: The scientific name for the wind pipeYou can find one of these in each lungThere are many of these tubes in the lungsStructures that prevent trachea from collapsingFlap that covers the wind pipe during swallowingAir sacs found in lungs where gas exchange occursProcess by which gases are exchanged in the lungs...

Respiratory System Crossword 2022-05-09

Respiratory System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The throat
  2. Door that allows food, drink, and air into correct tubes
  3. large proteins that contain four iron containing heme components
  4. Lines the respiratory system with mucous cells.
  5. The upside down tree
  1. the exchange of gases between the blood and alveolar air
  2. Thin walled and surrounded by capillaries
  3. Where air enters
  4. Air in the alveoli

9 Clues: The throatWhere air entersAir in the alveoliThe upside down treeThin walled and surrounded by capillariesLines the respiratory system with mucous cells.the exchange of gases between the blood and alveolar airDoor that allows food, drink, and air into correct tubeslarge proteins that contain four iron containing heme components

The Respiratory System 2021-08-11

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Elastic sacs with branching passages into which air is drawn
  2. Where air enters your respiratory system
  3. Contracts and flattens causing the chest cavity to enlarge. Creating a vacuum, pulling air into the lungs.
  4. Tiny air sacs of the lungs which hold air.
  5. The passage air uses to travel between the trachea and mouth, also known as the throat
  1. The small branches into which a bronchus divides
  2. Transports the oxygen in you alveoli into your blood stream
  3. The major air passages of the lungs which diverge from the windpipe
  4. Passage between throat and lungs, also known as the windpipe.

9 Clues: Where air enters your respiratory systemTiny air sacs of the lungs which hold air.The small branches into which a bronchus dividesTransports the oxygen in you alveoli into your blood streamElastic sacs with branching passages into which air is drawnPassage between throat and lungs, also known as the windpipe....

The Respiratory System 2023-03-08

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. fresh air we breathe in
  2. dioxide stale air we breathe out
  3. the air branches into these smaller parts
  4. clusters of grapes where an exchange occurs
  1. air enters the
  2. covering over the windpipe
  3. windpipe
  4. the air is split into the the left and the right
  5. air goes through the voice box

9 Clues: windpipeair enters thefresh air we breathe incovering over the windpipeair goes through the voice boxdioxide stale air we breathe outthe air branches into these smaller partsclusters of grapes where an exchange occursthe air is split into the the left and the right

The Respiratory System 2024-01-03

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Tiny air sacs in the lungs that are found at the end of each bronchiole. Resembles a cluster of grapes.
  2. 2 tubes that carry air from the trachea to each lung.
  3. Air enters the body through here.
  4. Air enters the body through here.
  5. Carries air from the pharynx to the bronchi. Lined with rings of Cartlidge and also known as the windpipe.
  6. Is also known as the voice box.
  1. A dome shaped breathing muscle.
  2. Also known as bronchiole tubes - they are less than 1 millimetre in diameter and carry air to the alveoli.
  3. Tiny hairs that cover the inner surface of the trachea. They catch dust which is removed by coughing.
  4. The chamber at the back of the throat.

10 Clues: A dome shaped breathing muscle.Is also known as the voice box.Air enters the body through here.Air enters the body through here.The chamber at the back of the throat.2 tubes that carry air from the trachea to each lung.Tiny hairs that cover the inner surface of the trachea. They catch dust which is removed by coughing....

Respiratory System Crossword 2024-04-08

Respiratory System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. large muscle that contracts and relaxes to help with breathing
  2. contain alveoli that help you breath
  3. Windpipe (tube that allows air into the lungs)
  4. The system that the respiratory system works closely with
  5. small grape-like structures that are the site of gas exchange
  1. flap of tissue that opens and closes for breathing and eating
  2. disease caused by the deterioration of the alveoli
  3. disease that makes it hard to breathe after exercising
  4. Voicebox

9 Clues: Voiceboxcontain alveoli that help you breathWindpipe (tube that allows air into the lungs)disease caused by the deterioration of the alveolidisease that makes it hard to breathe after exercisingThe system that the respiratory system works closely withflap of tissue that opens and closes for breathing and eating...

The Respiratory System 2024-08-11

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. connects larger bronchi to the alveoli
  2. main organ of the respiratory system
  3. enable airflow to and from the lungs
  4. filters incoming air, removing dust and particles
  1. main airways into the lungs
  2. common pathway for both air and food
  3. plays a crucial role in gas exchange
  4. primary entry point for air
  5. allows air to pass through it while preventing food and drink from blocking the airway

9 Clues: main airways into the lungsprimary entry point for aircommon pathway for both air and foodplays a crucial role in gas exchangemain organ of the respiratory systemenable airflow to and from the lungsconnects larger bronchi to the alveolifilters incoming air, removing dust and particles...

Biology 2013-09-26

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Cell division that creates genetically identical clones
  2. Blood Cell Carries oxygen through the body
  3. Body system responsible for movement of blood
  4. needed for photosynthesis
  5. Cell division that creates gametes
  6. Movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration
  1. Controls what goes in and out of the cell
  2. Body system responsible for breathing
  3. used to transport products of photosynthesis up and down the plant
  4. Site of respiration
  5. Male parts of a flower
  6. Female parts of a flower

12 Clues: Site of respirationMale parts of a flowerFemale parts of a flowerneeded for photosynthesisCell division that creates gametesBody system responsible for breathingControls what goes in and out of the cellBlood Cell Carries oxygen through the bodyBody system responsible for movement of bloodCell division that creates genetically identical clones...

Body Parts and Organs 2023-11-27

Body Parts and Organs crossword puzzle
  1. Multi-fingered appendage located at the end of the forearm or forelimb.
  2. Largest external organ in the body.
  3. Connects the head with the torso.
  4. Used to hear.
  5. The opening of a creature through which food is ingested.
  6. Used to see.
  7. The most dilated portion of the digestive system
  1. Primary organs of the respiratory system.
  2. Largest internal organ in the body.
  3. Used to smell.
  4. Pumping oxygenated blood to other body parts.
  5. Types include incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.

12 Clues: Used to see.Used to hear.Used to smell.Connects the head with the torso.Largest internal organ in the body.Largest external organ in the body.Primary organs of the respiratory system.Pumping oxygenated blood to other body parts.The most dilated portion of the digestive systemTypes include incisors, canines, premolars, and molars....

(CN) Airway 2023-08-12

(CN) Airway crossword puzzle
  1. anatomic space between base of tongue and epiglottis
  2. most narrow portion of adult airway
  3. moving air in and out of lungs
  4. trachea, bronchioles, main bronchus, alveoli
  5. process of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide
  6. amount of air moved in or out in one breath
  7. requires energy and uses muscles to breathe
  8. respiratory back-up system
  9. center of pons that is secondary center if medulla fails
  1. Most common cause of upper airway obstruction
  2. high pitched sound heard in inspiration and/or expiration in lower airways
  3. balloon like cluster of air sacs covered in surfactant
  4. leaf-shaped flap that protects the opening
  5. thin, slippery membrane around lung
  6. nasal pharynx, pharynx, oral pharynx, mouth, epiglottis, larynx
  7. tissues and cells do not receive enough O2
  8. process of loading O2 onto hemoglobin in the bloodstream
  9. heard with fluid in smaller lower airway
  10. another name for trachea
  11. drives primary respiratory drive
  12. warm, filter, and humidify air
  13. low-pitched, indicates fluid in lower airways
  14. split between right and left bronchi
  15. loud high-pitched "whistling" heard during inspiration
  16. lies posterior to trachea

25 Clues: another name for trachealies posterior to trachearespiratory back-up systemmoving air in and out of lungswarm, filter, and humidify airdrives primary respiratory drivethin, slippery membrane around lungmost narrow portion of adult airwaysplit between right and left bronchiheard with fluid in smaller lower airway...

Human System 2024-05-17

Human System crossword puzzle
  1. System Which part of the digestive system connects the mouth to the stomach?
  2. System Which system does the muscular system needs to work with?
  3. System What part of the respiratory system exchange gases?
  1. System Which part of the circulatory system delivers blood to the other parts of the body?
  2. System Which part of the skeletal system protects the digestive system?

5 Clues: System What part of the respiratory system exchange gases?System Which system does the muscular system needs to work with?System Which part of the skeletal system protects the digestive system?System Which part of the digestive system connects the mouth to the stomach?...

Human System 2024-05-17

Human System crossword puzzle
  1. System Which part of the digestive system connects the mouth to the stomach?
  2. System Which system does the muscular system needs to work with?
  3. System What part of the respiratory system exchange gases?
  1. System Which part of the circulatory system delivers blood to the other parts of the body?
  2. System Which part of the skeletal system protects the digestive system?

5 Clues: System What part of the respiratory system exchange gases?System Which system does the muscular system needs to work with?System Which part of the skeletal system protects the digestive system?System Which part of the digestive system connects the mouth to the stomach?...

the respiratory system 2016-03-10

the respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. the membrane-lined cavity behind the nose and mouth, connecting them to the esophagus.
  2. a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest
  3. are tiny sacs within our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and bloodstream
  4. a flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, which is depressed during swallowing to cover the opening of the windpipe.
  5. a tube that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs
  6. the opening in the lower part of the human face, surrounded by the lips, through which food is taken in and from which speech and other sounds are emitted.
  1. a large air filled space above and behind the nose in the middle of the face. Each cavity is the continuation of one of the two nostrils.
  2. any of the minute branches into which a bronchus divides
  3. the muscle that separates the chest (thoracic) cavity from the abdomen. the main muscle of respiration. Contraction of the muscle expands the lungs during inspiration when one is breathing air in.

9 Clues: any of the minute branches into which a bronchus dividesa tube that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungsa pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chestthe membrane-lined cavity behind the nose and mouth, connecting them to the esophagus....


  1. common passage for food and air
  2. pair of spongy organs
  3. prevents the food from entering windpipe.
  4. protected by the ribcage
  1. two tubes leading in the lungs
  2. breathing without oxygen
  3. helps in the movement of rib cage
  4. air rushes out of the nose
  5. diaphragm is pulled downwards
  6. keeps the airway clean

10 Clues: pair of spongy organskeeps the airway cleanbreathing without oxygenprotected by the ribcageair rushes out of the nosediaphragm is pulled downwardstwo tubes leading in the lungscommon passage for food and airhelps in the movement of rib cageprevents the food from entering windpipe.

Teaching Respiratory System 2023-01-27

Teaching Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. mammals can change the size of their lungs to dive down deep
  2. vocal cords and used for breathing, swallowing, and talking
  3. is a common disease that can be treated with an inhaler
  4. a heater, humidifier
  5. have nares humans have nostrils
  6. is bigger than the left to accommodate the heart.
  1. is a voice box and the airway to the larynx
  2. very bad drug that can give you lung cancer
  3. job is to move fresh air into your body while removing waste gases and the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide

9 Clues: a heater, humidifierhave nares humans have nostrilsis a voice box and the airway to the larynxvery bad drug that can give you lung canceris bigger than the left to accommodate the a common disease that can be treated with an inhalervocal cords and used for breathing, swallowing, and talking...

Teaching Respiratory System 2023-01-27

Teaching Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. mammals can change the size of their lungs to dive down deep
  2. vocal cords and used for breathing, swallowing, and talking
  3. is a common disease that can be treated with an inhaler
  4. a heater, humidifier
  5. have nares humans have nostrils
  6. is bigger than the left to accommodate the heart.
  1. is a voice box and the airway to the larynx
  2. very bad drug that can give you lung cancer
  3. job is to move fresh air into your body while removing waste gases and the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide

9 Clues: a heater, humidifierhave nares humans have nostrilsis a voice box and the airway to the larynxvery bad drug that can give you lung canceris bigger than the left to accommodate the a common disease that can be treated with an inhalervocal cords and used for breathing, swallowing, and talking...

The Respiratory System 2022-06-02

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. These large organs inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
  2. The two pipes that lead into your lungs that break off from the trachea.
  3. A round dome-shaped muscle that helps the lungs inhale and exhale.
  4. Tiny sacs at the end of bronchioles that convert air into blood.
  5. Air is normally inhaled through this.
  1. A piece of flesh in your throat that covers your trachea when you eat.
  2. A condition which airways are swollen and have mucus.
  3. Smaller tubes that branch off the bronchi to deliver air to the alveoli.
  4. The passage in your throat where air travels.

9 Clues: Air is normally inhaled through this.The passage in your throat where air travels.A condition which airways are swollen and have mucus.These large organs inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.Tiny sacs at the end of bronchioles that convert air into blood.A round dome-shaped muscle that helps the lungs inhale and exhale....