school Crossword Puzzles

vocabulary school 2015-01-06

vocabulary school crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments;
  2. a room in which classes are conducted, in a school or college;
  3. a hard or rigid surface made of smooth usually dark substance, used for writing or drawing on with chalk in teaching;
  4. a plane geometric figure having four equal sides and four right angles.
  5. a thin cylindrical instrument used for writing, drawing, etc..., consisting of a rod of graphite or other marking substance, usually either encased in wood and sharpened or held in a mechanical metal device;
  6. a strip of wood, metal or other material, having straight edges graduated usually in millimetres or inches, used for measuring and drawing straight lines;
  1. a room or set of rooms where books and other literary materials are kept;
  2. a restaurant attached to a factory, school, etc..., providing meals for large numbers of people;
  3. ROOM: a group of people employed by a company, individual, etc..., for executive, clerical, sales work, etc...;
  4. a large room or hall equipped with bars, weights, ropes, etc..., for games or physical training;
  5. OFFICE: the principal of school;
  6. a soft fine-grained white sedimentary rock consisting of nearly pure calcium carbonate, containing minute fossil fragments of marine organism, usually without a cementing material;
  7. LABORATORY: a room equipped with tape recorders,etc..., for learning foreign languages;
  8. the act of dressing and preparing oneself;
  9. OFFICE: the act or a instance of serving or giving aid;
  10. a device for performing mathematical calculations;
  11. LABORATORY: the systematic study of the nature and behaviour of the material and physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms;
  12. a cream to dark brown elastic material obtained by coagulating and drying the latex from certain plants;
  13. a seat with a back on which one person sits, typically having four legs and often having arms;
  14. an implement for writing or drawing using ink, formerly consisting of a sharpened and split quill, and now of a metal nib attached to a holder;

20 Clues: OFFICE: the principal of school;the act of dressing and preparing oneself;a device for performing mathematical calculations;OFFICE: the act or a instance of serving or giving aid;a room in which classes are conducted, in a school or college;a plane geometric figure having four equal sides and four right angles....

school education 2014-02-19

school education crossword puzzle
  2. ZAINO
  3. GESSO
  6. COLLA
  7. AULA
  10. MENSA
  11. SEDIA
  15. BAGNI
  2. BANCO
  10. MATITA
  11. PENNA
  14. CLASSE


SCHOOL ITEMS 2016-10-13

SCHOOL ITEMS crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of plastic or cardboard folded down the middle and used for keeping loose papers in
  2. a small device that you can hold in your hand or use on a table to push staples through pieces of paper
  3. a machine or tool for making things such as pencils or knives sharper:
  4. a small electronic device that is used for doing calculations:
  5. a board with a smooth, white surface, often attached to a wall, on which you can write and draw using special pens
  6. a small piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a pencil:
  7. a brush used for putting paint on a surface or on a picture
  8. a sticky substance that is used for joining things together permanently, produced from animal bones and skins or by a chemical process
  9. a long, thin object used for writing or drawing with ink
  10. a written text that can be published in printed or electronic form:
  11. a device used for cutting materials such as paper, cloth, and hair, consisting of two sharp blades that are joined in the middle, and two handles with holes to put your fingers through:
  1. a pen with a thick writing point for writing or drawing
  2. a V-shaped device that is used for drawing circles or measuring distances on maps
  3. a book that contains a list of words in alphabetical order and that explains their meanings, or gives a word for them in another language; a similar product for use on a computer:
  4. a small stick of coloured wax used for drawing or writing:
  5. a device used for measuring and drawing angles. It is usually in the form of half a circle made from transparent plastic with degrees printed on it.
  6. a special pen containing bright ink, used to mark words in a book, magazine, etc.
  7. a small piece of equipment that you connect to a computer or other piece of electronic equipment to copy and store information
  8. a device that uses lenses to make very small objects look larger, so that they can be scientifically examined and studied:
  9. a long, narrow, flat piece of plastic, metal, or wood with straight edges where centimetres or inches, or both are printed. It is used for measuring things and for drawing straight lines.
  10. a map of the world made in the shape of a ball and attached to a support, that can be turned around at the same angle as the earth turns in space:
  11. case a small bag for holding pens, pencils, etc., often used at school
  12. a computer that is small enough to be carried around easily and is flat when closed
  13. a book of plain paper or paper with lines, for writing on

24 Clues: a pen with a thick writing point for writing or drawinga long, thin object used for writing or drawing with inka book of plain paper or paper with lines, for writing ona small stick of coloured wax used for drawing or writing:a brush used for putting paint on a surface or on a picturea small electronic device that is used for doing calculations:...

50 - School 2016-07-29

50 - School crossword puzzle
  1. somewhere to eat lunch
  2. the area around a school where sport can be played
  3. people that attend school
  4. extra work to do in the evening or at the weekend
  5. people paid to help you learn
  6. notes that a teacher writes about a student that the student's parents see
  7. another word for students
  8. (verb) to punish
  9. to test once again because you failed
  10. a performance related mark
  11. fun learning activities
  12. rooms to do experiments
  13. an indoor sports area
  14. to gather in the morning for various activities
  1. to receive an unacceptable grade
  2. when the teacher checks attendance
  3. a paper to assess ability
  4. periods of time when you learn in school
  5. a place where bad boys smoke behind
  6. a period of extra study time given for bad behaviour
  7. a very large room
  8. to achieve an acceptable grade
  9. a space to study with classmates
  10. an end of term test of knowledge
  11. the act of skipping school
  12. another word for points

26 Clues: (verb) to punisha very large rooman indoor sports areasomewhere to eat lunchfun learning activitiesanother word for pointsrooms to do experimentsa paper to assess abilitypeople that attend schoolanother word for studentsthe act of skipping schoola performance related markpeople paid to help you learnto achieve an acceptable grade...

School Days 2016-04-21

School Days crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. homework
  3. bookstore
  4. school
  5. wake up!
  6. silly
  7. to study
  8. number
  9. to do homework
  10. get up!
  11. language
  1. library
  2. to know
  3. to read
  4. to write
  5. ask
  6. story
  7. to pay attention
  8. students
  9. work
  10. late
  11. on time

22 Clues: askbookworklatestorysillyschoolnumberlibraryto knowto readget up!on timehomeworkto writestudentswake up!to studylanguagebookstoreto do homeworkto pay attention


SCHOOL NEWSPAPER crossword puzzle
  1. To persuade another person to act in a certain way.
  2. Of, in or from a country or an area other than one's own.
  3. To say or show that one is unwilling to give, accept or do something.
  4. Showing too much pride in oneself and too little consideration for others.
  5. The direction in which the sun sets.
  6. A young cat
  7. A device we hold over our heads to protect ourselves from rain.
  8. A person walking in the street, not somebody in a vehicle.
  9. A small rise in the land. It is similar to a mountain, but smaller.
  10. To put somebody/something into working order, to arrange parts, people, etc into an efficient system.
  11. The work that a student is required to do in the house.
  12. A film or radio or television programme giving facts about something especially animals.
  13. The sports of fighting with swords.
  14. Not graceful in movement, awkward.
  15. Having a lot of money or property, wealthy.
  16. A person that one does not know or who is not familiar to one.
  17. Unable to hear at all or to hear well.
  18. A bird's house
  19. A large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it.
  20. Not difficult
  21. Any type of drink except water.
  22. A large covered area that contains many different shops.
  23. To treat things that have already been used so that they can be used again.
  24. A state of fighting between nations or groups within a nation using military force.
  25. The release of harmful substances into the air or water.
  26. The sea in the south of Turkey.
  27. To be of the same opinion.
  28. A process of burning that produces light and heat and often smoke and flames.
  29. Feeling shy, ashamed or guilty about something.
  30. The natural environment of an animal or a plant.
  31. The author of the book series Harry Potter
  32. Any of the long stiff hairs that grow near the mouth of some animals.
  33. A sentence that asks for information.
  34. A spoken or written request to go somewhere.
  35. The largest continent of the world.
  36. A person who cuts and sells meat.
  37. Causing great interest or enthusiasm.
  38. The smallest planet of the solar system.
  39. To give goods in exchange for money.
  1. The regular pattern of weather conditions.
  2. An activity that involves breaking the law.
  3. An animal that eats meat.
  4. Important
  5. An area of land, and the buildings on it, used for growing crops or keeping animals.
  6. A conversation in which a journalist puts questions to someone such as a famous person or politician.
  7. To change something spoken or especially written into another language.
  8. An idea or plan put forward for someone to think about.
  9. To find or learn about a place, object, etc for the first time.
  10. A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit round a star.
  11. Moving fast or doing something in a short time.
  12. An unusual, exciting or dangerous experience.
  13. To converse with a salesperson, negotiating a lower price.
  14. Causing amusement or laughter.
  15. Holding attention, causing curiosity.
  16. A person who is invited to visit one's house.
  17. Success in a war, contest, game, etc.
  18. A pair of covering made of leather, wool, etc for the hand, usually with separate parts for each finger and the thumb.
  19. A public notice offering or asking for goods, services etc.
  20. warm.
  21. A violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean.
  22. An open area with swings, rides, etc. for people to have fun.
  23. A person between thirteen and nineteen years old.
  24. Of excellent ability or quality.
  25. The process of cutting down or burning a forest.
  26. A person who travels into or around a country in order to learn about it.
  27. A thick woollen covering used, especially on beds, for keeping
  28. A sport done on a type of shoe with small wheels fitted to the bottom.
  29. The day before today.
  30. Thinking first of one's own interests, needs, etc without concern for others, not sharing what one has with others.
  31. The highest level of educational institution, in which students study for degrees and academic research is done.
  32. A line of hair growing on a man's upper lip.
  33. Without a bend or curve; extending or moving continuously in one direction.
  34. To take over something and have or use it as one's own.
  35. A large strong wild bird that hunts and eats small animals.
  36. The part of the house in which people sleep.
  37. A body of water which travels through a channel in the Earth’s surface.

76 Clues: warm.ImportantA young catNot difficultA bird's houseThe day before today.An animal that eats meat.To be of the same opinion.Causing amusement or laughter.Any type of drink except water.The sea in the south of Turkey.Of excellent ability or quality.A person who cuts and sells meat.Not graceful in movement, awkward.The sports of fighting with swords....

SCHOOL SYSTEM 2017-01-30

SCHOOL SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. ___________ mistakes
  2. a discipline
  3. training course
  4. to copy information at the exams
  5. __________ homework
  6. member of the government dedicated to develop the education policies
  7. the way your subjects or activities are organised on a day
  8. get bad marks in an exam
  9. get more than 5 in an exam
  10. a university or college course, normally lasting three years or more.
  11. as one's lifework.
  1. urgency, as that induced by deadlines at school or work
  2. to enter
  3. to stop attending school or college
  4. without interest or energy to so anything
  5. ___________ an exam
  6. a gift of money to help a student
  7. adjective that describes a classroom with too many students
  8. fees money you pay for your education
  9. an occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training,
  10. teachers qualifications for a subject

21 Clues: to entera disciplinetraining courseas one's lifework.___________ an exam__________ homework___________ mistakesget bad marks in an examget more than 5 in an examto copy information at the examsa gift of money to help a studentto stop attending school or collegefees money you pay for your educationteachers qualifications for a subject...

School II 2018-11-29

School II crossword puzzle
  1. Arbeitsgemeinschaft (AG)
  2. letzte/r
  3. morgen
  4. Gitarre
  5. dort
  6. verpassen
  7. Teilzeitjob
  8. gestern
  9. Problem
  10. Wochenende
  11. sparen
  1. Sommer
  2. Zeitung
  3. Kantine
  4. Ergebnis
  5. denken
  6. Theater AG
  7. gegen
  8. Sporthalle
  9. verdienen
  10. aufwachen
  11. bleiben

22 Clues: dortgegenSommerdenkenmorgensparenZeitungKantineGitarregesternProblembleibenletzte/rErgebnisverpassenverdienenaufwachenTheater AGSporthalleWochenendeTeilzeitjobArbeitsgemeinschaft (AG)

School Supplies 2018-11-27

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. few, not many
  2. chemistry
  3. uniform
  4. sweater
  5. shorts
  6. First I have...and afterwards I have
  7. jacket
  8. shoes
  9. history
  10. pen
  11. es... My favorite subject is...
  12. Spanish
  13. What classes do you have this afternoon?
  14. German
  15. physical education
  16. scientific calculator
  17. backpack
  18. color pencil box
  19. dress shirt
  20. a little, not much
  21. It's easy/hard
  22. shop/workshop
  23. yes, I have a ton of them
  24. computer science/technology
  25. French
  26. lunch
  27. art/the arts
  28. What's your favorite subject?
  29. social studies/history
  30. skort
  31. science
  32. biology
  33. sweatshirt
  34. to have
  35. pants
  36. scissors
  37. glue
  1. in the morning/afternoon
  2. folder
  3. school subjects
  4. clothes
  5. pencil/pencils
  6. socks
  7. Do you need anything for school/art class?
  8. No, I don't need anything
  9. yes, I need a lot of things
  10. physics
  11. periodic table
  12. school supplies
  13. a lot of/much
  14. loose leaf
  15. notebook
  16. computer
  17. religion
  18. grid
  19. language and communication
  20. mathematics
  21. ruler
  22. clock, watch/clocks/watches
  23. pencil sharpener
  24. Do you have...?
  25. a lot of/many
  26. paper
  27. dictionary
  28. t-shirt
  29. skirt
  30. English
  31. to come

68 Clues: pengridgluesocksshoesrulerlunchpaperskirtskortpantsfoldershortsjacketGermanFrenchclothesuniformsweaterphysicshistorySpanisht-shirtscienceEnglishbiologyto haveto comebackpacknotebookcomputerreligionscissorschemistryloose leafdictionarysweatshirtdress shirtmathematicsart/the artsfew, not manya lot of/muchshop/workshopa lot of/manypencil/pencils...

School objects 2022-04-02

School objects crossword puzzle
  1. "I shine so bright that your eyes love me."
  2. Colour bursting in all direction from it's tip that is shaped like a cone
  3. Joins papers with it's sharp metal like teeth
  4. It removes your mistakes
  5. Is expressionless and pale in colour
  6. Is a place for keeping notes together
  7. It's ink is used to write beautifully
  8. It is a soft compressed powder
  9. Is a smart piano
  10. Has many pages but are all blank
  11. Likes to rest on your back
  1. Is a lifesaver in many cases
  2. "I like to cut off extras."
  3. Likes to stick with others
  4. It likes to compare its height with others
  5. "Don't know where to go? Well use me for direction!"
  6. It's height shortens as it grows older
  7. Has 4 legs that clings to the ground
  8. Is thick and contains lots of knowledge
  9. A furniture with a leveled top
  10. "I tick as time goes by."

21 Clues: Is a smart pianoIt removes your mistakes"I tick as time goes by."Likes to stick with othersLikes to rest on your back"I like to cut off extras."Is a lifesaver in many casesA furniture with a leveled topIt is a soft compressed powderHas many pages but are all blankHas 4 legs that clings to the groundIs expressionless and pale in colour...

School Supplies 2021-12-13

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. stapler
  2. clips
  3. color pencil
  4. notebook
  5. MW bottle of
  6. MW for cubes and boards
  7. MW for flat surface
  8. tape
  9. smartboard
  10. to return
  11. desk
  12. scissors
  13. paper
  14. to borrow
  15. eraser
  16. MW for writing tools
  1. chair
  2. pencils
  3. paper clip
  4. whiteboard
  5. school supplies
  6. pencil sharpener
  7. can. may. be allowed
  8. textbook
  9. glue
  10. binder
  11. backpack
  12. ruler
  13. MW for to grab with

29 Clues: tapegluedeskchairclipsrulerpaperbindereraserpencilsstaplernotebooktextbookbackpackscissorsto returnto borrowpaper clipwhiteboardsmartboardcolor pencilMW bottle ofschool suppliespencil sharpenerMW for flat surfaceMW for to grab withcan. may. be allowedMW for writing toolsMW for cubes and boards

School Verbs 2021-12-15

School Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to live (in)
  2. to visit (a place)
  3. to think (that)
  4. to attend
  5. to give
  6. to fail
  7. to telephone
  8. to meet
  9. to share
  10. to teach
  11. to meet up with; to find (again)
  12. to study
  13. to arrive
  14. to eat
  15. to forget
  1. to prepare (for)
  2. to look for
  3. to take an exam
  4. to work
  5. to draw
  6. to ask
  7. to look at, to watch
  8. to listen
  9. to have dinner
  10. to begin
  11. return (home)
  12. to explain
  13. to speak on the phone
  14. to find, to think
  15. to travel

30 Clues: to askto eatto workto drawto giveto failto meetto beginto shareto teachto studyto attendto listento arriveto travelto forgetto explainto look forto live (in)to telephonereturn (home)to have dinnerto take an examto think (that)to prepare (for)to find, to thinkto visit (a place)to look at, to watchto speak on the phoneto meet up with; to find (again)

School Tools 2022-01-05

School Tools crossword puzzle
  1. map
  2. chair
  3. desk
  4. pen
  5. scissors
  6. calculator
  7. bookcase
  8. clock
  9. table
  10. book
  11. eraser
  12. paper
  1. teacher
  2. whiteboard
  3. notebook
  4. student
  5. stapler
  6. pencil
  7. computer
  8. ruler

20 Clues: mappendeskbookchairrulerclocktablepaperpencileraserteacherstudentstaplernotebookscissorscomputerbookcasewhiteboardcalculator

school rules 2022-02-06

school rules crossword puzzle
  1. cour de récréation
  2. porter
  3. amener
  4. couloir
  5. animaux domestiques
  6. professeur principal
  7. infirmière
  1. la principale
  2. acheter
  3. délégué
  4. sortir
  5. écrire
  6. manger
  7. panier repas
  8. aller
  9. lire
  10. écouter
  11. bibliothèque
  12. pourquoi

20 Clues: lireallerporteramenersortirécriremangeracheterdéléguécouloirécouterpourquoiinfirmièrepanier repasbibliothèquela principalecour de récréationanimaux domestiquesprofesseur principal

School Puzzle 2022-02-07

School Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. We wish we can eat this for school lunch.
  2. We eat school _____.
  3. You sharpen it.
  4. ____ is the tallest in the class?
  5. You write on this with chalk.
  6. Online lessons.
  7. The best subject in school.
  8. Please _______ your name on this.
  9. They teach students.
  10. You study on this.
  1. The leader of the school.
  2. _____ do you come to school?
  3. Sweets to give to your teachers.
  4. You can join one.
  5. Mr. Flo's brother.
  6. The room for your class.
  7. Draw straight lines with this.
  8. You don't like these, but you must study for them.
  9. You use this to get to school.
  10. Where you play indoor sports.

20 Clues: You sharpen it.Online lessons.You can join one.Mr. Flo's brother.You study on this.We eat school _____.They teach students.The room for your class.The leader of the school.The best subject in school._____ do you come to school?You write on this with chalk.Where you play indoor sports.Draw straight lines with this.You use this to get to school....

School education 2022-04-20

School education crossword puzzle
  1. официальная (одежда)
  2. разделен на
  3. университет
  4. попадать в беду
  5. мужского полa
  6. частная школа
  7. строгий
  8. средняя школа
  9. четверть, семестр
  1. наказывать
  2. профессиональная подготовка
  3. сдавать экзамены
  4. государственное обоазование
  5. ученик
  6. перемена
  7. начальная школа
  8. детский сад
  9. женского рода
  10. нарушать правила
  11. посещать
  12. предмет
  13. закончить школу

22 Clues: ученикпредметстрогийпеременапосещатьнаказыватьразделен науниверситетдетский садженского родамужского полaчастная школасредняя школапопадать в бедуначальная школазакончить школусдавать экзаменынарушать правилачетверть, семестрофициальная (одежда)профессиональная подготовкагосударственное обоазование

Our School 2022-04-20

Our School crossword puzzle
  1. the best ela teacher in all the land :)
  2. school mascot
  3. you visit her for all your library needs
  4. Mrs. Coleman teaches this subject/class
  5. 8th grade math
  6. this is a special elective at our school
  7. this teacher's last name is also one name for a male deer
  8. computer teacher
  9. teaches Social Studies on the Clydesdale's team
  10. one of the school colors
  11. one of the PE teachers
  12. This teacher's classroom number is 221
  13. the street the school is on
  14. may 25th
  15. teaches 7th grade science this year, but taught 6th grade science two years ago
  16. two teachers have this same last name, mother and daughter
  17. where you go when you are dismissed
  1. This teacher's classroom number is 215
  2. Mr. Averitt teaches this
  3. this principal's name is also what you would call a thin layer of ice covering your grass or windows
  4. the main Principal at NPMS
  5. 7th grade math teacher
  6. teaches Science on the Rangers team
  7. assistant principal that is on maternity leave
  8. this teacher's name is the opposite of small
  9. 6th grade teacher, big Titans fan
  10. the band teacher
  11. 8th grade principal
  12. the 8th grade counselor
  13. this is one of the food options in the cafeteria almost daily
  14. this ela teacher's name is almost a color, but spelled differently
  15. number of grade levels that are at NPMS
  16. 6th grade ELA teacher

33 Clues: may 25thschool mascot8th grade maththe band teachercomputer teacher8th grade principal6th grade ELA teacher7th grade math teacherone of the PE teachersthe 8th grade counselorMr. Averitt teaches thisone of the school colorsthe main Principal at NPMSthe street the school is on6th grade teacher, big Titans fanteaches Science on the Rangers team...

Kruiswoordpuzzel school 2023-08-21

Kruiswoordpuzzel school crossword puzzle
  1. afdelingsleider van de onderbouw
  2. stinkend
  3. in dit lokaal wordt veel bewogen
  4. dit ben jij
  5. hier komen je cijfers, rooster en schoolzaken op te staan
  6. na de eerste twee lesuur begint de eerste
  7. herfst, kerst, voorjaar, mei en zomer
  8. dit doe je na de gymles
  9. hier wordt je kennis getest
  10. hier kan je te eten en drinken halen
  11. hier kan je op zitten
  12. hier kan je je fiets stallen
  13. handig hulpmiddel in het dragen van je spullen
  1. kan op slot en is van jou
  2. hier regel je ziekmeldingen en te laatjes
  3. op iedere verdieping vindt je deze
  4. dit krijg je aan het eind van een periode
  5. groen stuk op het schoolplein met twee doeltjes
  6. je afval gaat hier in
  7. hier kan je chillen en eten in de pauze
  8. hier schrijf je je huiswerk in en heb je altijd bij je

21 Clues: stinkenddit ben jijje afval gaat hier inhier kan je op zittendit doe je na de gymleskan op slot en is van jouhier wordt je kennis getesthier kan je je fiets stallenafdelingsleider van de onderbouwin dit lokaal wordt veel bewogenop iedere verdieping vindt je dezehier kan je te eten en drinken halenherfst, kerst, voorjaar, mei en zomer...

School supplies 2023-09-29

School supplies crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. keybord
  3. ruler
  4. student desk
  5. pencil sharpener
  6. banderas
  7. staples
  8. screen
  9. trash
  10. clocks
  11. scissors
  12. window
  13. desk
  14. computer
  15. markers
  1. calculator
  2. tables
  3. projector
  4. dictionary
  5. pen
  6. stapler
  7. poster
  8. quiz
  9. walls
  10. door
  11. erasers
  12. trashcan
  13. papers
  14. homework
  15. mouse

30 Clues: pentestquizdoordeskrulerwallstrashmousetablesposterscreenclockspaperswindowkeybordstaplesstaplererasersmarkersbanderastrashcanscissorshomeworkcomputerprojectorcalculatordictionarystudent deskpencil sharpener

School Materials 2023-10-04

School Materials crossword puzzle
  1. Líquido branco usado para apagar erros feito a caneta
  2. Deixa os meus traços retinhos
  3. Usado pelos professores para escreverem no quadro
  4. Geralmente é feito de madeira
  5. Usamos para nos sentar
  6. Usamos para procurar significados das palavras
  7. Normalmente apenas o professor tem uma
  8. Lugar onde podemos guardar os livros
  9. Faz círculos perfeitos
  10. Existe um para cada matéria
  11. Uso para apoiar meu caderno para escrever
  12. Usamos para apagar nossos erros de escrita
  13. Com ele deixo os meus lápis bem apontados
  14. Nele posso guardar meus lápis
  15. É onde podemos jogar nossos lixos
  16. Usamos para destacar palavras ou frases importantes
  1. Uso quando quero enfeitar alguma folha ou trabalho
  2. É uma lousa que não se usa giz
  3. Com ele posso fixar algum recado em uma superfície de isopor
  4. Posso carregá-la nas costas
  5. Com ele não vamos perder a hora
  6. Objeto cilíndrico que serve como cola
  7. Cuidado para não se cortar
  8. Nos ajuda a fazer contas
  9. O professor usa para passar a matéria
  10. Usamos para prender nossas folhas
  11. Deixa nossos desenhos mais coloridos
  12. Se parecem com lápis de cor mas não são
  13. Usamos para guardar algum material
  14. Posso grampear meus trabalhos
  15. Quase indispensável para fazer uma pintura
  16. Usamos para anotar nossos compromissos
  17. Usamos para nos localizar quando estamos perdidos
  18. Com ela posso escrever mas com cuidado para não errar

34 Clues: Usamos para nos sentarFaz círculos perfeitosNos ajuda a fazer contasCuidado para não se cortarPosso carregá-la nas costasExiste um para cada matériaDeixa os meus traços retinhosGeralmente é feito de madeiraPosso grampear meus trabalhosNele posso guardar meus lápisÉ uma lousa que não se usa gizCom ele não vamos perder a hora...

School Supplies 2023-09-11

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. Adults
  2. Educational play centre
  3. Health Service/Department
  4. ond Secondary education, high school
  5. Daycare centre-nursery
  6. School principal,headmaster
  7. Illness, disease
  8. Target group
  9. Teens
  10. Child-/daycare
  11. Protocol
  12. Day nursery
  13. Cuddly toy
  14. Afterschool care
  15. The elderly
  16. Playground
  17. Disability
  18. Bullying
  19. Institution
  1. Teacher’s/teaching assistent
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Moving house
  4. Supervisor
  5. Craft
  6. Colleagues
  7. Toddler
  8. Primary education
  9. Play truant
  10. Diaper nappy
  11. Welfare
  12. Tasks
  13. Parents
  14. Life stages
  15. Adolescent
  16. Puberty
  17. Timetable
  18. Infant
  19. Client

38 Clues: CraftTeensTasksAdultsInfantClientToddlerWelfareParentsPubertyProtocolBullyingPregnancyTimetableSupervisorColleaguesCuddly toyAdolescentPlaygroundDisabilityPlay truantDay nurseryLife stagesThe elderlyInstitutionMoving houseTarget groupDiaper nappyChild-/daycareIllness, diseaseAfterschool carePrimary educationDaycare centre-nursery...

School objects 2023-10-20

School objects crossword puzzle
  1. DESK
  5. PEN
  9. CHAIR
  12. BOOK
  13. GLUE
  15. RULER


Countryview School 2023-12-01

Countryview School crossword puzzle
  1. round glasses, loves girly things
  2. blond hair, spirited
  3. short, fun
  4. athletic, always happy
  5. blond hair, only 3rd grader
  6. short, blond hair, good at hockey
  7. tallish, really kind
  8. spunky, tall
  9. small, wild, glasses
  10. short, loves hockey
  11. good at sports, quiet but fun
  12. small, very sweet, fun
  1. cool, funny
  2. really smart, a big reader
  3. fun, first grader, wild
  4. tallest, FUN, loves coffee
  5. brown hair, only boy in his grade, funny
  6. competitive, good at sports
  7. very sweet, animated
  8. good at softball, hilarious
  9. tells funny jokes, tallest in the class
  10. super fast at reading, fun
  11. full of interesting facts
  12. loves all animals, oldest in the grade
  13. spicy, sweet, the aid
  14. gives hugs, tallest girl in her grade

26 Clues: short, funcool, funnyspunky, tallshort, loves hockeyblond hair, spiritedvery sweet, animatedtallish, really kindsmall, wild, glassesspicy, sweet, the aidathletic, always happysmall, very sweet, funfun, first grader, wildfull of interesting factsreally smart, a big readertallest, FUN, loves coffeesuper fast at reading, funcompetitive, good at sports...

Trade School 2024-02-23

Trade School crossword puzzle
  1. a path you take in a job to support yourself
  2. a person employed to look after technical equipment
  3. an alternate to college
  4. this is something provided by most universities
  5. a career path that involves everything; the career path that runs our world
  6. a symbol signifying you have an undergraduate degree from a university
  7. a concept similar to college
  8. an award signifying a rank or level of educational attainment associates
  9. someone who works to install electrical power
  1. something you do to prepare for something
  2. the amount given to someone doing a job
  3. receiving knowledge/learning (at school, college, etc.)
  4. something you receive after doing something for a long time
  5. the process of working together to the same end
  6. a place to go where you get the requirements you need for your desired work
  7. a paid position of regular employment.
  8. a type of degree
  9. the action of giving work to someone
  10. the job of joining of metal parts
  11. relating to an occupation or employment

20 Clues: a type of degreean alternate to collegea concept similar to collegethe job of joining of metal partsthe action of giving work to someonea paid position of regular employment.the amount given to someone doing a jobrelating to an occupation or employmentsomething you do to prepare for somethinga path you take in a job to support yourself...

School Supplies 2024-02-01

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. picture of places in the world
  2. measuring stick
  3. red,white, and blue
  4. sticky
  5. used to cut
  6. math helper
  7. a bag on your back
  8. 3 clips to hold paper
  9. thick color on paper
  10. time on wall
  11. large square
  1. a place for trash
  2. yellow stick to write
  3. write on this
  4. pink on a pencil
  5. open hands and write
  6. earth spinning on axis
  7. collection of paper
  8. sticky on paper
  9. you sit on this in class

20 Clues: stickyused to cutmath helpertime on walllarge squarewrite on thismeasuring sticksticky on paperpink on a pencila place for trasha bag on your backred,white, and bluecollection of paperopen hands and writethick color on paperyellow stick to write3 clips to hold paperearth spinning on axisyou sit on this in classpicture of places in the world

Trade School 2024-02-27

Trade School crossword puzzle
  1. A professional job that creates different types of artworks
  2. a person who examines a customers mouth
  3. a person who installs compuer parts
  4. a person who installs large tanks and boilers
  5. A job that includes cooking and baking
  6. a person who checks issues in a home
  7. people that work on medicine
  8. the practice of making ones living or making money
  1. a person who does radiation treatment to patients who have cancer or other diseases
  2. make sure air aircraft is safe to fly or find out any problems
  3. install, maintain, and repair electrical power
  4. the art and science of forming objects, systems or organizations
  5. job that creates websites
  6. a person who repairs or installs elevators
  7. install and maintain piping
  8. Programing, data administration and information security
  9. install, maintain, and repair heating
  10. the process of fusing two or more parts using heat
  11. prevention of health and illness
  12. a person who removes or installs carpets

20 Clues: job that creates websitesinstall and maintain pipingpeople that work on medicineprevention of health and illnessa person who installs compuer partsa person who checks issues in a homeinstall, maintain, and repair heatingA job that includes cooking and bakinga person who examines a customers moutha person who removes or installs carpets...

school/classroom 2023-12-12

school/classroom crossword puzzle
  1. pupitre
  2. mapa
  3. alfabeto
  4. calculadora
  5. borrador
  6. papel
  7. lapices
  8. ciencia
  9. arte
  10. computadora
  1. grapadora
  2. mathematics
  3. cinta
  4. tijeras
  5. pegamento
  6. bandera
  7. silla
  8. boligrafo
  9. lectura
  10. historia

20 Clues: mapaartecintasillapapelpupitretijerasbanderalecturalapicescienciaalfabetoborradorhistoriagrapadorapegamentoboligrafomathematicscalculadoracomputadora

Wine School 2023-12-09

Wine School crossword puzzle
  1. On the right bank of Bordeaux __________ usually is majority of the blend.
  2. Mold which removes moisture from grapes to make sweet wines
  3. Chardonnay grown on Kimmeridgian clay soils are from here.
  4. This heavenly body plays into biodynamic farming.
  5. King varietal in Burgundy.
  6. The longest region in France spanning over 800km.
  7. This type of climate will usually produce fuller wines with higher alcohols
  8. If a producer chooses to not fine, filter or add extra sulfites their wine might be called______.
  9. Gamay and Nerello Mascalese are served in this type of glass.
  10. When tasting wines our brain can confuse fruit with what?
  11. Sparkling wine from Spain is usually called _________.
  1. A farming philosophy guided by the teaching of Rudolf Stiner
  2. The term for leaving grapes on the vine to raise the brix level in order to make sweet styles of wine
  3. A slight _______ is appropriate when opening a bottle of sparkling wine.
  4. Glassware, bottles, corks and service are all done to the ________ of the guest.
  5. The system used in making fino sherry is called _________.
  6. __________ is the species of grapes which is most commonly used to make wine.
  7. This grape variety does very well in Burgundy, Oregon, and California.
  8. Melon de Bourgogne is the varietal from this region.
  9. Schist, marl, silt, clay are all types of ____________.
  10. What grape is King of the southern Rhone?
  11. This region is ruled by 2 rivers and 1 estuary.

22 Clues: King varietal in Burgundy.What grape is King of the southern Rhone?This region is ruled by 2 rivers and 1 estuary.This heavenly body plays into biodynamic farming.The longest region in France spanning over 800km.Melon de Bourgogne is the varietal from this region.Sparkling wine from Spain is usually called _________....


SCHOOL BUILDING crossword puzzle
  1. Dekat
  2. Laboratorium IPA
  3. Taman
  4. Bendera
  5. Masjid
  6. Diantara
  7. Kelas
  8. Perpustakaan
  9. Perempatan
  10. Kantin
  11. Kamar mandi
  1. Ruang kepala sekolah
  2. Halaman sekolah
  3. Gudang
  4. UKS
  5. Ruang seni
  6. Ruang guru
  7. Disamping
  8. Dibelakang
  9. didepan
  10. Pertigaan

21 Clues: UKSDekatTamanKelasGudangMasjidKantinBenderadidepanDiantaraDisampingPertigaanRuang seniRuang guruDibelakangPerempatanKamar mandiPerpustakaanHalaman sekolahLaboratorium IPARuang kepala sekolah

School Subjects 2024-01-10

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. school
  3. language
  4. geometry
  5. Spanish
  6. assembly
  7. history
  8. class
  9. chemistry
  10. orchestra
  11. schoolsubject
  12. science
  13. recess
  14. English
  15. language
  1. algebra
  2. computerscience
  3. lunchtime
  4. mathematics
  5. socialstudies
  6. geography
  7. schoolsubject
  8. physicaleducation
  9. band
  10. civics
  11. literature
  12. art
  13. finearts
  14. socialscience
  15. studyhall
  16. choir
  17. technology

32 Clues: artbandclasschoirschoolcivicsrecessalgebrabiologySpanishhistoryscienceEnglishlanguagegeometryassemblyfineartslanguagelunchtimegeographychemistryorchestrastudyhallliteraturetechnologymathematicssocialstudiesschoolsubjectsocialscienceschoolsubjectcomputersciencephysicaleducation

School things 2023-09-12

School things crossword puzzle
  1. règle
  2. élève
  3. chaise
  4. feutres
  5. crayon de papier
  6. pochette
  7. ordinateur
  8. cahier
  9. tube de colle
  10. infirmier(e)
  11. carnet de liaison
  1. crayons de couleur
  2. gomme
  3. surligneur
  4. table
  5. correcteur
  6. manuel
  7. ciseaux
  8. pochette
  9. tableau
  10. professeur

21 Clues: règlegommeélèvetablechaisemanuelcahierciseauxfeutrestableaupochettepochettesurligneurcorrecteurordinateurprofesseurinfirmier(e)tube de collecrayon de papiercarnet de liaisoncrayons de couleur

School Supplies 2023-09-12

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. It helps me draw a perfect line.
  2. This helps with equations.
  3. I take notes in it.
  4. Something I use to stick images on sheets of paper.
  5. I put all my writing material in it.
  6. If I get too many demerits, I go to __________.
  7. It is useful to cut paper.
  8. I use it when I have many papers to keep together.
  9. I use it to hold papers together.
  10. I sit at my _______ in class.
  1. Something I put my exercise books and sheets in.
  2. I see all the grades from different school subjects.
  3. I look at the time on it.
  4. I use it when I make a mistake.
  5. The teacher writes on this in class.
  6. I wait for it to ring before leaving class.
  7. What I bring my homework in.
  8. Where I can hang out during lunch time. (hint: outisde)
  9. I use it when my pencil does not write anymore.
  10. I write with it.

20 Clues: I write with it.I take notes in it.I look at the time on it.This helps with equations.It is useful to cut paper.What I bring my homework in.I sit at my _______ in class.I use it when I make a mistake.It helps me draw a perfect line.I use it to hold papers together.The teacher writes on this in class.I put all my writing material in it....

SCHOOL THINGS 2023-09-06

SCHOOL THINGS crossword puzzle
  1. tool to write 2
  2. to highlight
  3. to sharpen your pencil
  4. to cut
  5. to underline
  6. it represent a country
  7. to count
  8. made from wood
  9. coloured pencils
  10. you can read it
  11. classroom furniture
  12. teacher's table
  1. bag for school
  2. contains your pens
  3. eraser
  4. ICT tool 1
  5. useful in class
  6. you can sit on it
  7. ICT tool 2
  8. tool to write 1
  9. book for lessons
  10. basket

22 Clues: eraserto cutbasketto countICT tool 1ICT tool 2to highlightto underlinebag for schoolmade from woodtool to write 2useful in classtool to write 1you can read itteacher's tablebook for lessonscoloured pencilsyou can sit on itcontains your pensclassroom furnitureto sharpen your pencilit represent a country

School Supplies 2023-09-18

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. مساحة
  2. خزانه
  3. قلم
  4. phone: هاتف خلوي
  5. مجلس
  6. دفتر
  7. لون
  8. طالب
  9. كرسي
  10. كتاب
  11. مكتب
  1. مجلد
  2. مظلة
  3. حاسوب
  4. مقص
  5. قاموس
  6. جدار
  7. sharpener: بَرَّايَة
  8. خريطة
  9. hole punch: ثلاثة ثقب لكمة
  10. معلم
  11. علامه
  12. الاحذيه

23 Clues: مقصقلملونمجلدمظلةمجلسجداردفترمعلمطالبكرسيكتابمكتبمساحةحاسوبخزانهقاموسخريطةعلامهالاحذيهphone: هاتف خلويsharpener: بَرَّايَةhole punch: ثلاثة ثقب لكمة

School Vocabulary 2023-09-14

School Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. bookstore
  2. quarter
  3. laboratory
  4. pen
  5. schedule
  6. course
  7. art
  8. music
  9. economics
  10. geography
  11. school
  12. homework
  13. accounting
  14. library
  15. cafeteria
  1. semester
  2. biology
  3. exam
  4. university
  5. chalk
  6. quiz
  7. classmate (female)
  8. house
  9. classmate (male)
  10. computer science
  11. stadium
  12. science
  13. physics
  14. class
  15. Spanish

30 Clues: penartexamquizchalkmusichouseclasscourseschoolquarterbiologystadiumsciencephysicslibrarySpanishsemesterschedulehomeworkbookstoreeconomicsgeographycafeterialaboratoryuniversityaccountingclassmate (male)computer scienceclassmate (female)

trade school 2024-02-28

trade school crossword puzzle
  1. National Average Salary: $14.80 per hour Primary Duties: Medical assistants prepare patients for their examinations. They are responsible
  2. duties: In this role, you perform administrative tasks that support attorneys. You might do research, create filing systems or draft
  3. For those who love designing and expressing themselves creatively, becoming a fashion designer is the perfect fit.
  4. IT Technician Job Description: Carpenters construct and repair a variety of structures ranging from kitchen cabinets to highways and bridges. Program length .
  5. also called General Contractor or Project Manager, is one of the highest paying trades on this list that does not always require a degree.
  6. At any type of trade school you attend, from dental hygienist trade school to marine mechanic school, you can expect to be prepared for an entry-level career in ...
  7. Licensed vocational nurse; Locksmith; Makeup artist; Marine mechanic; Masseuse; Paralegal; Plumber; Technology specialist; Welder. Salaries for Common Trade .
  8. When something goes wrong with your computer and you can't find a quick fix online, your next step is to contact an IT technician
  9. Works in physical therapy centers, as well as nursing homes, and hospitals and home health,. If you decide to pursue a career as an Occupational Therapist
  10. As such, most work near major airports or on military installations.
  11. Skilled trade and and other career training options include programs like welding, HVAC technician, automotive technology, medical assisting, and healthcare
  12. Primary duties: In this job, you clean patients' teeth, provide preventive dental care and teach patients how to improve their oral health
  1. will have the knowledge and ability to work with diesel engines in several important ways
  2. . Primary Duties: Welders are responsible for fabricating and assembling metal products. They operate welders, shapers, measuring tools and cutters to
  3. sonographers assist physicians and surgeons with diagnosing illnesses and other medical conditions
  4. Primary duties: In this job, you install, repair and maintain pipes in residential, business and industrial settings.
  5. Technician Also known as wind techs, wind turbine technicians oversee the functions of turbines that turn wind energy into electricity
  6. performs pharmacy-related functions. Training, certification, licensing, and actual practice of pharmacy technicians varies not only worldwide but in some countries regionally as well as by employer.
  7. . Primary duties: In this field, you install and fix electrical systems, lights and communication setups in a variety of settings.
  8. Primary Duties: Cosmetologists provide professional hair care. Their duties include shampooing, conditioning, cutting and styling hair.
  9. Technician Primary duties: HVAC technicians install and repair heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration units.
  10. a specialized healthcare practitioner trained in critical care and cardio-pulmonary medicine in order to work therapeutically with people who have acute critical conditions, cardiac and pulmonary disease.
  11. you could be working at a Michelin-star restaurant, barbeque joint, food truck…the list goes on. That said, you'll likely be working long hours
  12. , such as job placement assistance, to help students find employment after completing their programs.

24 Clues: As such, most work near major airports or on military installations.will have the knowledge and ability to work with diesel engines in several important wayssonographers assist physicians and surgeons with diagnosing illnesses and other medical conditions...

School - Logistics 2024-03-04

School - Logistics crossword puzzle
  1. when you can't wait to do sth, because it's interesting, so you are very excited
  2. Are you .......... in sports?- Oh, yes, I love sports!
  3. a machine that "sells" chocolate or drinks
  4. What .... do you learn at school?
  5. öko
  6. it produces electricity, it's on the roof
  7. to revise the material
  8. to review the material
  9. when you look at your classmate's paper during a test
  10. carrying goods from one place to another by plane, truck or train
  11. selling+buying - it's a subject: foreign .....
  12. not literature but ...
  13. a subject dealing with money
  1. how to keep things in a warehouse
  2. on the other side, facing sth,
  3. you will become a ... when you finish school
  4. nyomás
  5. not grammar but ......
  6. Foreign trade is a logistics-...... special subject
  7. where you have your IT lessons
  8. to collect the garbage separately (paper, metal,plastic, glass)
  9. where you have the P.E. lessons
  10. French is a ............. language
  11. someone who is not fair
  12. where you have lunch at school
  13. children who don't have parents get here

26 Clues: ökonyomásnot grammar but revise the materialto review the materialnot literature but ...someone who is not faira subject dealing with moneyon the other side, facing sth,where you have your IT lessonswhere you have lunch at schoolwhere you have the P.E. lessonshow to keep things in a warehouseWhat .... do you learn at school?...

My School 2024-03-18

My School crossword puzzle
  1. A personal computer that can be easily moved and carry
  2. Used for typing
  3. A device for fastening together sheets of paper with a staple
  4. A compartment that may be closed with a lock
  5. A small bag for stationary/makeup
  6. A room where teachers and students gather and discuss a meeting
  7. A small area filled with water and used for swimming
  8. A piece of fabric to cover a table
  9. A place to eat together at lunch
  10. A rubber to eraser mistakes from a pencil
  11. Clothes we wear to school
  12. A room that contains stalls and toilets
  13. A book that contains words/sentences
  1. An office for teachers
  2. A room for students to study
  3. A furniture with a flat surface and drawers
  4. A holder made of stiff cardboard for storing paper
  5. Used for drawing/writing
  6. The grounds of a school
  7. A chart showing days, weeks, and months of a year
  8. A clip to clip papers
  9. A place to read books
  10. A circular shape designed like earth
  11. A pen with a wide tip that is filled with ink and used to make thick lines
  12. A furniture to sit on
  13. A long corridor with rooms on the sides
  14. A device that is placed inside a computer room
  15. A place to do science and experiments
  16. A large building or hall used for public gatherings, typically speeches or stage performance
  17. A place to do physical education

30 Clues: Used for typingA clip to clip papersA place to read booksA furniture to sit onAn office for teachersThe grounds of a schoolUsed for drawing/writingClothes we wear to schoolA room for students to studyA place to eat together at lunchA place to do physical educationA small bag for stationary/makeupA piece of fabric to cover a table...

Trade school 2024-03-09

Trade school crossword puzzle
  1. work in mechanic shops to fix vehicles
  2. Install and repair heating
  3. plumb pipes
  4. cooks food
  5. Fixing/Replacing locks and duplicating keys
  6. a person that fixes aircrafts
  7. operate heavy,Cargo loaded vehicles
  8. work underwater to complete jobs
  9. draw blood for a variety of purposes
  10. help you travel
  11. a person that holds hot liquids
  1. work at hospitals to operate magnetic resonance imaging scanners
  2. work with electrical systems
  3. makes detailed technical drawings
  4. makes websites
  5. work at airports to coordinate approaching and departing aircraft’s
  6. A hands in school
  7. works with wood
  8. Someone that welds things together
  9. a tradesman that works in the iron industry

20 Clues: cooks foodplumb pipesmakes websitesworks with woodhelp you travelA hands in schoolInstall and repair heatingwork with electrical systemsa person that fixes aircraftsa person that holds hot liquidswork underwater to complete jobsmakes detailed technical drawingsSomeone that welds things togetheroperate heavy,Cargo loaded vehicles...

school items 2023-10-27

school items crossword puzzle
  1. something you write with that uses lead
  2. a large device that allows you to browse the internet
  3. something you read
  4. something you place items on
  5. something you write on that can be easily erased with a cloth
  6. something you use to clip paper together
  7. a book based on a singular subject that is used for studying
  8. something you write with that uses ink
  9. something you write with that is typically used on a whiteboard
  1. something you stick things together with that uses paper
  2. something you carry with you to hold items
  3. something you sit on
  4. something you use to type words
  5. something you use to wash your hands
  6. something you use to cut paper
  7. a tool that clips paper together when pushed down
  8. something you write notes in
  9. something you stick things together with that needs to dry
  10. something you use to remove mistakes on paper
  11. a small sheet that you can write on

20 Clues: something you readsomething you sit onsomething you place items onsomething you write notes insomething you use to cut papersomething you use to type wordsa small sheet that you can write onsomething you use to wash your handssomething you write with that uses inksomething you write with that uses leadsomething you use to clip paper together...

middle school 2023-10-25

middle school crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. hall - a designated time during the school day for students to study or complete schoolwork.
  3. - an educator who instructs and guides students in their learning.
  4. - a period of free time during the school day for students to play and relax.
  5. - the collaborative effort of a group of students to achieve a common goal.
  6. Has a trunk
  7. - a small storage compartment in school where students can keep their belongings.
  8. schooler - a student who attends middle school, typically between the ages of 11 and 14.
  9. - tasks or assignments given to students to be completed outside of school hours.
  10. - a person who is of the same age or grade level as another student.
  11. - the head or leader of a middle school, responsible for the overall administration and discipline.
  1. activities - activities or clubs that take place after school hours, such as sports, music, or art.
  2. Man's best friend
  3. ride - the journey to and from school on a bus.
  4. Likes to chase mice
  5. - a classroom where a group of students gather each morning for attendance and announcements.
  6. Flying mammal
  7. - a plan that shows the times when different activities or events will happen.
  8. break - a period of time during the school day when students have a break to eat their meal.
  9. - a class or course that students can choose to take based on their interests.

20 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceride - the journey to and from school on a bus.- an educator who instructs and guides students in their learning.- a person who is of the same age or grade level as another student.- the collaborative effort of a group of students to achieve a common goal....


VOCABULARY (SCHOOL) crossword puzzle
  1. Arti dari Hat
  2. Arti dari Map
  3. Arti dari Ruler
  4. Arti dari Table
  5. Arti dari Globe
  6. Arti dari Bag
  7. Arti dari Eraser
  8. Arti dari Chalk
  9. Arti dari Tie
  10. Arti dari Glue
  1. Arti dari Uniform
  2. Arti dari Whiteboard
  3. Arti dari Kursi
  4. Arti dari Pen
  5. Arti dari School
  6. Arti dari Shoes
  7. Arti dari Book
  8. Arti dari Flag
  9. Arti dari Student
  10. Arti dari Teacher
  11. Arti dari Pencil

21 Clues: Arti dari HatArti dari MapArti dari PenArti dari BagArti dari TieArti dari BookArti dari FlagArti dari GlueArti dari KursiArti dari RulerArti dari ShoesArti dari TableArti dari GlobeArti dari ChalkArti dari SchoolArti dari EraserArti dari PencilArti dari UniformArti dari StudentArti dari TeacherArti dari Whiteboard

School Things 2023-10-03

School Things crossword puzzle
  1. tužka
  2. úkolníček
  3. bělítko
  4. ořezávátko
  5. batoh
  6. kniha
  7. šanon
  8. tabule na křídu
  9. slovník
  10. rýsovací pomůcky
  11. lepící páska
  12. sešívačka
  13. lepící guma
  14. sešit
  1. bílá tabule
  2. fix
  3. papír
  4. zvýrazňovač
  5. lepidlo
  6. křída
  7. penál
  8. nůžky
  9. složka
  10. kružítko
  11. pravítko
  12. guma

26 Clues: fixgumatužkapapírkřídabatohpenálknihanůžkyšanonsešitsložkalepidlobělítkoslovníkkružítkopravítkoúkolníčeksešívačkaořezávátkobílá tabulezvýrazňovačlepící gumalepící páskatabule na křídurýsovací pomůcky

School Life 2024-04-09

School Life crossword puzzle
  1. a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
  2. a large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution.
  3. names of grammar schools or independent fee-paying secondary schools
  4. happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time.
  5. a first-year student at university.
  6. articipate in social activities; mix socially with others.
  7. talk in a friendly and informal way.
  8. adapt to the prevailing level of light and become able to see clearly.
  9. a thing that serves to relieve inhibitions or tension between people.
  10. a task that someone in authority has asked you to do
  11. related to or working by means of election.
  1. a particular level of rank, quality.
  2. the action of introducing something.
  3. anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems.
  4. seek information or advice from
  5. unable to think clearly; bewildered.
  6. latest time or date by which something should be completed.
  7. a person connected by blood or marriage.
  8. a person who provides expert advice professionally.
  9. easily agitated or alarmed.
  10. an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
  11. schedule (something) to take place at a particular time.
  12. give particular emphasis or importance to (a point, statement, or idea) made in speech or writing.
  13. a schoolchild or student in relation to a teacher.
  14. work jointly towards the same end.

25 Clues: easily agitated or information or advice fromwork jointly towards the same end.a first-year student at university.a particular level of rank, quality.the action of introducing something.unable to think clearly; in a friendly and informal way.a person connected by blood or marriage....

School B1.2 2024-04-16

School B1.2 crossword puzzle
  1. principal, the person in charge of a school
  2. the study about the natural world
  3. to make a formal request, usually in writing, for sth such as a job, a place at college, university, etc
  4. education, skills, and work experience needed to do a particular job
  5. the teacher of a particular class
  6. the study of matter and how it changes
  7. laboratory where scientific experiments take place
  8. time period devided for students to study
  9. a place to live in while you're studying
  10. a school subject that focuses on the study of the English language
  1. Study of the Earth
  2. course of study or programme in a school or college
  3. school a school for children aged 5 to 11
  4. the study or science of numbers and shapes
  5. related to education, schools, universities, etc.
  6. The study of life
  7. sport and physical activity taught as a school subject
  8. the study of matter and energy
  9. to go to or be present at
  10. A formal process of learning in which some people consciously teach while others adopt the social role of learner.

20 Clues: The study of lifeStudy of the Earthto go to or be present atthe study of matter and energythe study about the natural worldthe teacher of a particular classthe study of matter and how it changesa place to live in while you're studyingschool a school for children aged 5 to 11time period devided for students to study...

School Vocabulary 2024-09-23

School Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. door
  3. pen
  4. whiteboard
  5. desk
  6. teacher
  7. lamp
  8. tissue
  9. marker
  10. recycling
  11. map
  12. coloredpencils
  13. pencil sharpener
  14. eraser
  1. bookshelf
  2. chair
  3. tape
  4. paper
  5. scissors
  6. computer
  7. backpack
  8. stapler
  9. pencil
  10. calculator
  11. ruler
  12. glue

26 Clues: penmapbookdoortapedesklampgluechairpaperrulerpenciltissuemarkereraserteacherstaplerscissorscomputerbackpackbookshelfrecyclingwhiteboardcalculatorcoloredpencilspencil sharpener

School - (Skólinn) 2024-09-25

School - (Skólinn) crossword puzzle
  1. krít
  2. klukka
  3. reglustika
  4. kennari
  5. skrifstofa
  6. skápur
  7. útskrift
  8. skrifborð
  9. penni
  10. heftari
  11. glósubók
  12. tafla
  13. gráða
  14. ritari
  1. bókasafn
  2. sími
  3. tölva
  4. strokleður
  5. skólastjóri
  6. dagatal
  7. skólastofa
  8. einkunn
  9. nemandi
  10. leikvöllur
  11. prentari
  12. blýantur

26 Clues: krítsímitölvapennitaflagráðaklukkaskápurritarikennaridagataleinkunnnemandiheftaribókasafnútskriftprentariblýanturglósubókskrifborðreglustikastrokleðurskrifstofaskólastofaleikvöllurskólastjóri

School Vocabulary 2024-08-19

School Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. schools
  2. table
  3. box
  4. paper
  5. student
  6. pen
  7. i sing
  8. paredes
  9. marker
  1. scissors
  2. teacher
  3. basura
  4. i learn
  5. clases
  6. lapiz
  7. desk
  8. book
  9. floor
  10. bandera
  11. regla
  12. i play

21 Clues: boxpendeskbooklapiztablepaperfloorreglabasuraclasesi singi playmarkerteacheri learnschoolsbanderastudentparedesscissors

School 2 2024-05-06

School 2 crossword puzzle
  1. table
  2. school
  3. cahier
  4. chaise
  5. porte
  6. trousse
  7. schoolbag
  8. window
  9. ruler
  1. tableau blanc
  2. devoir
  3. récréation
  4. felt-tip
  5. livre
  6. compas
  7. école
  8. stylo
  9. crayon
  10. leçon
  11. ordinateur

20 Clues: tablelivreporteécolestyloleçonrulerdevoirschoolcahierchaisecompascrayonwindowtroussefelt-tipschoolbagrécréationordinateurtableau blanc

School 3 2024-05-06

School 3 crossword puzzle
  1. chair
  2. classroom
  3. pen
  4. white board
  5. door
  6. école
  7. playground
  8. notebook
  1. diary
  2. teacher
  3. pupil
  4. équerre
  5. head teacher
  6. cour de récréation
  7. compass
  8. lesson
  9. tableau noir
  10. maitre
  11. pencil case
  12. scissors

20 Clues: pendoordiarypupilchairécolelessonmaitreteacheréquerrecompassscissorsnotebookclassroomplaygroundwhite boardpencil casehead teachertableau noircour de récréation

school subjects 2024-04-22

school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. ,were you test myths
  2. ,were you lean other languages
  3. ,were you learn to type
  4. ,is the lights in theater
  5. ,were you learn to cook
  6. ,is lab experiment's
  7. ,were you learn the past
  8. ,can be dramatic
  9. ,is about history but is core class
  10. ,is athletic
  11. ,people do in class and use a pencil
  1. ,is classical
  2. ,can be hard and enraging
  3. , were you test your brain
  4. ,most people like it or hate it
  5. ,learn technology systems
  6. ,use a brush
  7. ,makes videos
  8. ,is singing
  9. ,can do rock and roll

20 Clues: ,is singing,use a brush,is athletic,is classical,makes videos,can be dramatic,were you test myths,is lab experiment's,can do rock and roll,were you learn to type,were you learn to cook,were you learn the past,can be hard and enraging,is the lights in theater,learn technology systems, were you test your brain,were you lean other languages...

School Review 2024-04-22

School Review crossword puzzle
  1. taquilla
  2. mapa
  3. cuaderno
  4. ventana
  5. agenda
  6. lee
  7. sientense
  8. lapiz
  9. reciclaje
  10. repite
  11. marcador
  12. levantense
  13. audifonos
  14. borrador
  15. impresora
  16. pupitre
  1. basura
  2. escucha
  3. computadora
  4. libro
  5. mochila
  6. bandera
  7. silla
  8. escribe
  9. pared
  10. reloj
  11. telefono
  12. regla
  13. habla
  14. sala
  15. carpeta
  16. boligrafo
  17. pantalla
  18. puerta
  19. papel

35 Clues: leemapasalalibrosillaparedrelojreglahablalapizpapelbasuraagendarepitepuertaescuchamochilabanderaventanaescribecarpetapupitretaquillacuadernotelefonomarcadorpantallaborradorsientensereciclajeboligrafoaudifonosimpresoralevantensecomputadora

School supplies 2024-04-24

School supplies crossword puzzle
  1. "calculatrice" in English
  2. "trousse" in English
  3. "stylo" in English
  4. "livre in English
  5. "gomme" in American English
  6. "Sac à dos" in English
  7. "pinceau" in English
  8. "équerre" in English
  9. "taille crayon" in English
  10. "feutres" in English
  1. "trombone" in English
  2. "crayon à papier" in English
  3. "papier" in English
  4. "colle" in English
  5. "cahier" in English
  6. "peinture" in english
  7. "classeur" in English
  8. "crayons de couleurs" in English
  9. "compas" in English
  10. "gomme" in British english
  11. "scotch" in English
  12. "ciseaux" in English
  13. "règle" in English

23 Clues: "livre in English"colle" in English"stylo" in English"règle" in English"papier" in English"cahier" in English"compas" in English"scotch" in English"trousse" in English"ciseaux" in English"pinceau" in English"équerre" in English"feutres" in English"trombone" in English"peinture" in english"classeur" in English"Sac à dos" in English...

School Signs 2024-10-10

School Signs crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. Principles
  3. School
  4. cafeteria
  5. test
  6. Science
  7. french
  8. asl
  9. Biology
  10. Algebra
  1. computers
  2. pool
  3. Schedule
  4. homework
  5. Math
  6. Art
  7. spanish
  8. Teacher
  9. library
  10. Lunch

20 Clues: ArtaslbookpoolMathtestLunchSchoolfrenchspanishTeacherSciencelibraryBiologyAlgebraSchedulehomeworkcomputerscafeteriaPrinciples

School Supplies 2024-10-02

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. To store pens, pencils, markers, etc.
  2. To throw garbage in it.
  3. Painters use these.
  4. A sticky stripe to put things together.
  5. To write your notes, it has a spiral.
  6. Bright colour marker.
  7. Waxy colours.
  8. To write with ink.
  9. Where the teacher writes.
  10. (UK) This is used to store information to put in a laptop.
  11. Where we write and draw.
  12. They use ink to draw with colours.
  13. To make pencils pointy.
  14. To see where countries are 2D.
  15. To put your papers, it opens and closes.
  16. To write on a board.
  1. (UK) To store school supplies.
  2. To fix mistakes made with a pen.
  3. To write things that can be erased.
  4. Where we do our work.
  5. To clip papers together.
  6. to see where countries are 3D.
  7. To make cuts.
  8. To sit down.
  9. (UK) to undo mistakes.
  10. (US) To store school supplies.
  11. To get inside the classroom.
  12. (US) to undo mistakes.
  13. (US) This is used to store information to put in a laptop.

29 Clues: To sit down.To make cuts.Waxy colours.To write with ink.Painters use these.To write on a board.Where we do our work.Bright colour marker.(UK) to undo mistakes.(US) to undo mistakes.To throw garbage in it.To make pencils pointy.To clip papers together.Where we write and draw.Where the teacher writes.To get inside the classroom....

At School 2024-10-17

At School crossword puzzle
  1. the class where you exercise
  2. where you put your chromebook when you use it
  3. you are a __________
  4. what you can use to stick something together
  5. the class where you draw and paint
  6. what you use to add papers to your notebook
  7. what Mr. Sandoval writes on
  8. what you use to write in Math class
  9. what you use to cut
  10. where you glue your assignments
  11. the class where you add, subtract, multiply, and divide
  12. the thing you sit in
  13. what you use to write on a whiteboard
  14. what you use to write with, but be careful you cannot erase this
  1. the list of classes you have
  2. the class where you learn biology, chemistry, and physics
  3. where you are right now
  4. the class where you learn words like "hola"
  5. the class where you learn to read and write
  6. the thing that you read to learn about a subject
  7. the class where you learn History
  8. the place you go to learn
  9. Mr. Sandoval is a ________

23 Clues: what you use to cutyou are a __________the thing you sit inwhere you are right nowthe place you go to learnMr. Sandoval is a ________what Mr. Sandoval writes onthe list of classes you havethe class where you exercisewhere you glue your assignmentsthe class where you learn Historythe class where you draw and paintwhat you use to write in Math class...

School Life 2024-08-08

School Life crossword puzzle
  1. - A person who provides additional, personalized instruction to help students understand specific subjects or skills.
  2. Counselor - A professional who provides academic advice, career counseling, and support to students.
  3. - A break period during the school day when students can relax, play, or socialize.
  4. - A system of evaluating a student’s performance, often represented by letters (A, B, C, etc.) or numbers.
  5. - An outline of the subjects and topics to be covered in a course.
  6. - A half-year term during which classes are held, typically lasting around 15-18 weeks.
  7. - An oral presentation given by a teacher or professor on a specific topic.
  8. Assignment - Specific tasks given to students to complete at home, reinforcing what is taught in class.
  9. - A book used as a standard work for the study of a particular subject.
  10. - A fellow student who is in the same class or course as another student.
  11. - The head administrator of a school, responsible for overseeing the daily operations and academic programs.
  12. - The act of being present at school or in a class, often tracked to ensure students are participating regularly.
  13. Trip - An educational outing where students visit locations outside of school to enhance learning.
  14. Card - A document issued to students and parents that details a student's academic performance and grades.
  1. Office - The administrative office of the school principal, often where disciplinary issues and important school matters are handled.
  2. - The set of courses and their content offered at a school or educational institution.
  3. - A disciplinary action where students are required to stay after school or during breaks as a consequence for misbehavior.
  4. - A room where students receive instruction and learn from a teacher.
  5. - A test designed to assess a student’s knowledge and understanding of a subject.
  6. - The grounds and buildings of a school or college.
  7. - A teacher or professor who delivers lectures on a specific subject.
  8. - A place where students can borrow books, use computers, and study.
  9. - Activities or programs that are not part of the standard academic curriculum, such as sports, clubs, or arts.
  10. - Assignments given to students to be completed outside of regular class hours.
  11. Group - A group of students who meet to discuss and study course material together.

25 Clues: - The grounds and buildings of a school or college.- An outline of the subjects and topics to be covered in a course.- A place where students can borrow books, use computers, and study.- A room where students receive instruction and learn from a teacher.- A teacher or professor who delivers lectures on a specific subject....

At School 2024-07-31

At School crossword puzzle
  1. tangga
  2. kantor
  3. bunga
  4. tempat parkir
  5. motor
  6. lantai
  7. pintu
  8. laboratorium
  9. kepala sekolah
  10. jendela
  11. jadwal
  1. pohon
  2. pojok baca
  3. lapangan
  4. kamar kecil
  5. sepeda
  6. kolam
  7. guru
  8. dinding
  9. murid
  10. perpustakaan
  11. mobil
  12. pintu gerbang
  13. kelas
  14. kantin

25 Clues: gurupohonkolammuridbungamotormobilpintukelastanggakantorsepedalantaikantinjadwaldindingjendelalapanganpojok bacakamar kecilperpustakaanlaboratoriumtempat parkirpintu gerbangkepala sekolah

School Environment 2024-11-10

School Environment crossword puzzle
  1. a person who is actively engaged in learning
  2. A person responsible for cleaning and maintaining the school environment to ensure it is clean and safe.
  3. A person who educates and guides students in different subjects and helps them gain knowledge and skills.
  4. A place in the school where students and teachers can buy and eat meals or snacks.
  5. An outdoor area where students can play and participate in sports or recreational activities during breaks.
  6. A special room equipped with tools and instruments where students conduct experiments and practical activities, especially for science subjects.
  7. A staff member who helps with paperwork, records, and other organizational tasks to keep the school running smoothly.
  8. Assignments given by teachers that students need to complete at home as a part of their learning process.
  1. students explain a topic to the class, often using slides or other visuals.
  2. A particular area of knowledge that students study in school, such as Mathematics, Science, or English.
  3. A specific set of clothes that students are required to wear to school to show unity and discipline.
  4. A person who trains and motivates students in sports, helping them to develop their athletic skills and teamwork.
  5. A person who manages the library, organizes books, and assists students in finding reading or research materials.
  6. A gathering of students and teachers, usually held in the school hall, to discuss important announcements or events.
  7. A room in a school where students learn.
  8. a service offered by the school where students can talk to a counselor about personal or academic issues.
  9. The level or score a student receives based on their performance in tests, exams, or assignments.
  10. The head of the school who is responsible for managing the school and making important decisions.
  11. A formal test given to students to assess their understanding and knowledge of a particular subject.
  12. A room or building that contains a collection of books, resources, and other study materials for students to read and borrow.

20 Clues: A room in a school where students learn.a person who is actively engaged in learningstudents explain a topic to the class, often using slides or other visuals.A place in the school where students and teachers can buy and eat meals or snacks.The level or score a student receives based on their performance in tests, exams, or assignments....

school 2A 2024-11-01

school 2A crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. art
  3. math
  4. The class of...
  5. Spanish class
  6. lunch
  7. english
  8. 6
  9. physical education
  10. to talk
  11. 8
  12. 2
  13. the schedule
  14. science class
  15. 3
  1. in the... hour
  2. social studies
  3. class
  4. 1
  5. calcuator
  6. to study
  7. technology
  8. 7
  9. 5
  10. the homework
  11. to teach
  12. 10
  13. 4

28 Clues: 91756824310artmathclasslunchenglishto talkto studyto teachcalcuatortechnologythe homeworkthe scheduleSpanish classscience classin the... hoursocial studiesThe class of...physical education

School Things 2024-11-01

School Things crossword puzzle
  1. A person you like and enjoy spending time with.
  2. A list of times for classes or events.
  3. A room full of books that students can borrow.
  4. A tool used for writing, usually erasable.
  5. The meal eaten in the middle of the day.
  6. A board where teachers write with chalk.
  7. A round model of Earth.
  8. Work that students are given to complete by a certain date.
  9. The subject about events from the past.
  10. Assignments students complete outside of school.
  11. A place where students go to learn.
  12. The subject that deals with numbers and calculations.
  13. A test given to check students' knowledge.
  1. Special clothes some students wear to school.
  2. A tool used to measure length.
  3. A book that explains the meanings of words.
  4. A vehicle that takes students to and from school.
  5. trip An educational trip taken outside of school.
  6. A device used for doing math problems.
  7. A subject where students create drawings or paintings.
  8. A bag used to carry books and school supplies.
  9. A pen used for writing on a whiteboard.
  10. A tool used to remove pencil marks.
  11. The person who helps students learn in school.
  12. A book used for writing notes and assignments.
  13. A drawing of an area showing where things are located.

26 Clues: A round model of Earth.A tool used to measure length.A tool used to remove pencil marks.A place where students go to learn.A device used for doing math problems.A list of times for classes or events.A pen used for writing on a whiteboard.The subject about events from the past.The meal eaten in the middle of the day....

School Life 2024-11-12

School Life crossword puzzle
  1. The mechanical infrastructure that leads us up
  2. The name of our year mentor
  3. An open area, clean slate
  4. The structure of the staircase taking the shape of a snail shell
  5. The subject 6. teaches
  6. The name of the year 4 celebration
  7. A stall that involves a pun with the school’s name
  8. A gothic novel we read for literature
  9. A sport we played this year has this fermented snack in its name
  10. The sweetest aunty who sells healthy food?
  11. 2024 colour of class
  1. The long boat that we all sat on in year 2 and OBS
  2. The score all of us hope to get for IB
  3. Running challenge
  4. Jeffrey A sassy uncle who sells snacks
  5. What country did our friends journey for service learning
  6. The all-girl band that plays at every school event
  7. The activity we did for BLU this year
  8. A Theban princess a theatre showcase had the name of
  9. The location that the sports fiesta was held at
  10. The name of the year 4 dance showcase
  11. The theme of the year 4 celebration

22 Clues: Running challenge2024 colour of classThe subject 6. teachesAn open area, clean slateThe name of our year mentorThe name of the year 4 celebrationThe theme of the year 4 celebrationThe activity we did for BLU this yearThe name of the year 4 dance showcaseA gothic novel we read for literatureThe score all of us hope to get for IB...

School Life 2024-11-12

School Life crossword puzzle
  1. The mechanical infrastructure that leads us up
  2. The name of our year mentor
  3. An open area, clean slate
  4. The structure of the staircase taking the shape of a snail shell
  5. The subject 6. teaches
  6. The name of the year 4 celebration
  7. A stall that involves a pun with the school’s name
  8. A gothic novel we read for literature
  9. A sport we played this year has this fermented snack in its name
  10. The sweetest aunty who sells healthy food?
  11. 2024 colour of class
  1. The long boat that we all sat on in year 2 and OBS
  2. The score all of us hope to get for IB
  3. Running challenge
  4. Jeffrey A sassy uncle who sells snacks
  5. What country did our friends journey for service learning
  6. The all-girl band that plays at every school event
  7. The activity we did for BLU this year
  8. A Theban princess a theatre showcase had the name of
  9. The location that the sports fiesta was held at
  10. The name of the year 4 dance showcase
  11. The theme of the year 4 celebration

22 Clues: Running challenge2024 colour of classThe subject 6. teachesAn open area, clean slateThe name of our year mentorThe name of the year 4 celebrationThe theme of the year 4 celebrationThe activity we did for BLU this yearThe name of the year 4 dance showcaseA gothic novel we read for literatureThe score all of us hope to get for IB...

School Life 2024-11-12

School Life crossword puzzle
  1. The mechanical infrastructure that leads us up
  2. The name of our year mentor
  3. An open area, clean slate
  4. The structure of the staircase taking the shape of a snail shell
  5. The subject 6. teaches
  6. The name of the year 4 celebration
  7. A stall that involves a pun with the school’s name
  8. A gothic novel we read for literature
  9. A sport we played this year has this fermented snack in its name
  10. The sweetest aunty who sells healthy food?
  11. 2024 colour of class
  1. The long boat that we all sat on in year 2 and OBS
  2. The score all of us hope to get for IB
  3. Running challenge
  4. Jeffrey A sassy uncle who sells snacks
  5. What country did our friends journey for service learning
  6. The all-girl band that plays at every school event
  7. The activity we did for BLU this year
  8. A Theban princess a theatre showcase had the name of
  9. The location that the sports fiesta was held at
  10. The name of the year 4 dance showcase
  11. The theme of the year 4 celebration

22 Clues: Running challenge2024 colour of classThe subject 6. teachesAn open area, clean slateThe name of our year mentorThe name of the year 4 celebrationThe theme of the year 4 celebrationThe activity we did for BLU this yearThe name of the year 4 dance showcaseA gothic novel we read for literatureThe score all of us hope to get for IB...

Wayside School 2024-10-30

Wayside School crossword puzzle
  1. to look at someone or something for a long time
  2. able to cause harm or injury
  3. unable to be seen
  4. to move or act with speed
  5. a way of thinking about something
  6. an area for children to play
  7. having a lot to do
  8. not able to be done
  9. strange or unusual
  10. to touch someone lightly which causes them to laugh
  11. to control or influence someone in a skillful but often unfair way
  12. to make an unhappy expression by bringing your eyebrows together
  13. requiring careful thought; not joking
  14. to let something fall
  15. something said or done to cause laughter
  16. to move smoothly along a surface
  17. to raise something up
  18. to speak very loudly
  19. something given to someone without expecting anything in return
  20. having or showing intense interest or excitement
  21. to move around without a clear purpose or direction
  22. to make a sound with your voice that shows you are happy or find something funny
  23. to confuse someone very much
  24. to describe something as bigger or more important than it really is
  25. a problem or difficulty
  1. to grab something that is moving
  2. very strange or unusual
  3. an unexpected event or piece of news
  4. very silly or unreasonable
  5. to clean or dry something with a cloth
  6. to shout loudly
  7. to choose or select
  8. making little or no noise
  9. to laugh in a silly way
  10. to feel anxious or concerned
  11. to make someone feel upset because of being unable to achieve something
  12. to catch someone or something
  13. not making sense or following reasoning
  14. to speak very quietly so others can hardly hear
  15. to make someone unsure or unclear about something
  16. to move with light steps, hopping
  17. a piece of furniture with a flat top for writing or working
  18. unusual or unexpected
  19. showing courage
  20. having greater height than average
  21. a drawing showing the features of an area
  22. difficult to understand or explain
  23. to make a happy face with your mouth
  24. to act as if something is true when it is not
  25. a reason or explanation to defend or justify something

50 Clues: to shout loudlyshowing courageunable to be seenhaving a lot to dostrange or unusualto choose or selectnot able to be doneto speak very loudlyto let something fallunusual or unexpectedto raise something upvery strange or unusualto laugh in a silly waya problem or difficultyto move or act with speedmaking little or no noisevery silly or unreasonable...

School Vocabulary 2024-09-16

School Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. school subjects
  2. lesson 1
  3. primary school
  4. senior high school
  5. social sciences
  6. art
  7. university
  8. timetable
  9. a little bit
  10. from
  11. boring
  12. cleaning
  13. junior high student
  14. lunch break
  15. until
  16. senior high student
  17. weak at
  1. physical education
  2. favourite
  3. national language
  4. junior high school
  5. primary student
  6. mathematics
  7. home economics
  8. music
  9. difficult
  10. technology
  11. what year level
  12. English
  13. science

30 Clues: artfrommusicuntilboringEnglishscienceweak atlesson 1cleaningfavouritetimetabledifficultuniversitytechnologymathematicslunch breaka little bitprimary schoolhome economicsschool subjectssocial sciencesprimary studentwhat year levelnational languagephysical educationjunior high schoolsenior high schooljunior high studentsenior high student

School educations 2024-11-19

School educations crossword puzzle
  1. - vaikų darželis
  2. - egzaminas
  3. - abiturientas
  4. - vidurinė mokykla
  5. - profesinė mokykla
  6. - trimestras
  7. - pertrauka
  8. - klasiokas
  9. - stipendija
  10. - mokinys
  11. - užsienio kalba
  12. - diplomas
  13. - mokykla
  14. - kolegija
  1. - baigti mokyklą
  2. - pradinė mokykla
  3. - braižyba
  4. - pažymys
  5. - apgau(dinė)ti
  6. - dėstytojas
  7. - direktorius
  8. - "špargalka"
  9. - mokymo planas
  10. - pasirenkamas
  11. - universitetas

25 Clues: - pažymys- mokinys- mokykla- braižyba- diplomas- kolegija- egzaminas- pertrauka- klasiokas- dėstytojas- trimestras- stipendija- direktorius- "špargalka"- abiturientas- pasirenkamas- apgau(dinė)ti- mokymo planas- universitetas- baigti mokyklą- vaikų darželis- užsienio kalba- pradinė mokykla- vidurinė mokykla- profesinė mokykla

Middle school 2025-01-07

Middle school crossword puzzle
  1. - A subject about past events and people.
  2. - A subject involving numbers and calculations.
  3. - A particular area of study like math or science.
  4. - The person who educates students.
  5. - The place where students eat lunch.
  6. - Where a student sits in the classroom.
  7. - A session of teaching on a specific topic.
  8. - A bag for carrying school supplies.
  9. - Special clothes students wear to school.
  10. - A subject involving physical exercises and sports.
  11. - A subject about places and the earth’s features.
  1. - A tool used for writing or drawing.
  2. - A subject where students create drawings, paintings, etc.
  3. - A score indicating the quality of a student's work.
  4. - Used to remove pencil marks.
  5. - A place with many books for reading and studying.
  6. - A book used for studying a particular subject.
  7. - Assignments given to students to complete at home.
  8. - The place where students learn.
  9. - A subject about the natural world and its phenomena.
  10. - A fellow student in the same class.
  11. - Used for writing notes.
  12. - A subject where students learn about and play music.

23 Clues: - Used for writing notes.- Used to remove pencil marks.- The place where students learn.- The person who educates students.- A tool used for writing or drawing.- The place where students eat lunch.- A bag for carrying school supplies.- A fellow student in the same class.- Where a student sits in the classroom....

School Life 2025-01-24

School Life crossword puzzle
  1. A place in school with many books.
  2. A topic or class, like math or history.
  3. Someone who goes to school to learn.
  4. Clothes that students wear to school.
  5. A small object used to remove pencil marks.
  6. The overall list of subjects and topics taught at a school.
  7. A book for writing notes in.
  8. The person in charge of a school.
  9. A rest time between classes, also called recess.
  10. A big test at the end of a term or year.
  11. A person who helps students learn.
  12. A place where lessons happen.
  13. Work given by a teacher to do at home.
  14. A plan showing times for classes or activities.
  15. A container for bringing food to school.
  16. Another word for a blackboard, used for writing with chalk.
  17. A meeting of all students and teachers, often in the morning.
  18. Activities outside of regular classes, like sports or clubs.
  1. A room with equipment for science experiments.
  2. The act of being present in class.
  3. The ceremony when students finish school.
  4. A task or project given to students by a teacher.
  5. A bag for carrying books and supplies.
  6. Something you use to write or draw, and it can be erased.
  7. An outdoor area where students play.
  8. A piece of furniture where you sit and write.
  9. A large board that teachers write on with chalk.
  10. A person who gives advice to students about school or life.

28 Clues: A book for writing notes in.A place where lessons happen.The person in charge of a school.A place in school with many books.The act of being present in class.A person who helps students learn.Someone who goes to school to learn.An outdoor area where students play.Clothes that students wear to school.A bag for carrying books and supplies....

Trade School V Traditional College 2024-02-16

Trade School V Traditional College crossword puzzle
  1. Avg. salary of Trade school graduates
  2. College Another another name for trade school
  3. Better overall experience
  4. Another example of a course at rade school
  5. A course available in Trade School
  6. Average length of Traditional College
  7. Takes longer to complete
  8. Traditional College is......
  9. I deserve a........
  10. Is gotten from Trade School
  11. Traditional College is....
  1. Another name for Trade
  2. Average length of Trade School
  3. Trade School is.....
  4. Your favorite toothpaste brand shares a name with this college
  5. Example of Trade School
  6. Is gotten from Trad. College
  7. Lessexpensive
  8. Amount of years it takes to pay off college debt (average)
  9. NOT a course available in Trade School

20 Clues: LessexpensiveI deserve a........Trade School is.....Another name for TradeExample of Trade SchoolTakes longer to completeBetter overall experienceTraditional College is....Is gotten from Trade SchoolIs gotten from Trad. CollegeTraditional College is......Average length of Trade SchoolA course available in Trade School...

Dc Public Highschools 2025-01-29

Dc Public Highschools crossword puzzle
  1. This school was the first public high school for Black students in the U.S.
  2. This school is known for their specialization in STEM.
  3. This school is named after a famous African American mathematician and astronomer.
  4. This school is known for their specialization is architecture and engineering.
  5. This school is the newest D.C. public high school, opening in 2023.
  6. This school is known for their specialization in the arts.
  7. This school has the same name as a body of water in D.C.
  8. This school's mascot is the Penguins.
  9. This school has the same name as a classical language.
  10. This school's mascot is the Colts.
  1. This school was renamed for Edna __, their first Black teacher, and Vincent __, their first Black principal.
  2. This school is known for offering language immersion in Spanish, French, and Chinese.
  3. This school's mascot is the Knights.
  4. This school is named after an African American clergyman, politician, and educator.
  5. This school is named after the 26th president.
  6. This school's mascot is the Ramblers.
  7. This school is named after an American inventor who created the first telephone.
  8. This school's mascot is the Warriors.
  9. This school offers grades 5-12.

19 Clues: This school offers grades 5-12.This school's mascot is the Colts.This school's mascot is the Knights.This school's mascot is the Ramblers.This school's mascot is the Penguins.This school's mascot is the Warriors.This school is named after the 26th president.This school is known for their specialization in STEM....

for school 2013-02-04

for school crossword puzzle
  1. an illegal urb
  2. a movie about a teddy bear
  3. short for television
  4. you can write on it
  5. you are sitting on a...
  6. you only live once
  7. you use it every day and it is in your pencilcase
  8. a blue book you read every day
  9. norway is a part of it.
  10. can't go out in the sun.
  11. we live in...
  12. a norwegian tradisjon
  13. barack obamas middle name
  1. not summer but...
  2. H2O
  3. after jerry
  4. the biggest contry in the world.
  5. you can call with it
  6. life is like a box of...
  7. north of USA
  8. an ... a day keeps the doctor away.
  9. a cow and a crow are both.
  10. i am looking forward to summer...
  11. italian food
  12. a tablet

25 Clues: H2Oa tabletafter jerrynorth of USAitalian foodwe live illegal urbnot summer only live onceyou can write on itshort for televisionyou can call with ita norwegian tradisjonyou are sitting on a...norway is a part of is like a box of...can't go out in the sun.barack obamas middle namea movie about a teddy bear...

Onze school. 2013-03-23

Onze school. crossword puzzle
  1. Is het gebouw waar je werkt
  2. Jouw duo-collega
  3. Hij staat voor twee groepen
  4. Zij heeft de afgelopen jaren heel veel werk verzet
  5. Werkt niet alleen aan onze school
  6. Jouw buurvrouw op school
  7. Duo-collega van jouw buurvrouw op school
  8. Zo starten wij de schoolweek
  9. Is de moeder van 2 jonge jongens
  10. Regelt de zaken op school
  1. Hier geef je les aan
  2. Is creatief en helpt waar nodig is
  3. Hier houden we om de beurt de wacht
  4. Een persoon waar de school niet zonder kan
  5. Hij fiets vaak heel wat kilometers om naar school te gaan
  6. Is verhuist voor de liefde
  7. Een collega die al beppe is
  8. Hoe heet een persoon waar je mee samenwerkt op school?
  9. Staat niet voor de groep, maar doet belangrijk werk.
  10. Rookt graag en sigaretje
  11. Zij heeft twee volwassen kinderen
  12. Onze jongste collega

22 Clues: Jouw duo-collegaHier geef je les aanOnze jongste collegaJouw buurvrouw op schoolRookt graag en sigaretjeRegelt de zaken op schoolIs verhuist voor de liefdeIs het gebouw waar je werktHij staat voor twee groepenEen collega die al beppe isZo starten wij de schoolweekIs de moeder van 2 jonge jongensWerkt niet alleen aan onze school...

At school 2013-04-21

At school crossword puzzle
  1. Something that is used to take the activity sheets and paper.
  2. A piece of furniture that students use to sit on.
  3. A book that contains information for the study of a particular subject.
  4. Each branch of knowledge which is studied at school.
  5. An object that students use to write.
  6. A student who is in the same class as you.
  7. A room where there are toilets and wash basins.
  8. The person who manages and organizes a school.
  9. which is used to carry books and notebooks.
  10. The time when students have a rest at school.
  11. The space which is used to go to the different classrooms.
  12. Something that is used to represent a part of the Earth's surface.
  1. A piece of furniture which contains shelves to hold books.
  2. An electronic machine which can store information and perform various processes on it.
  3. The place where students learn new things.
  4. An object that contains pens, pencils, rubbers, etc.
  5. A dark smooth surface which is used for writing or drawing, usually with chalk.
  6. A book of plain paper in which notes can be written.
  7. The place where students and teachers borrow books.
  8. The place where students are during their lessons.

20 Clues: An object that students use to write.The place where students learn new things.A student who is in the same class as you.which is used to carry books and notebooks.The time when students have a rest at school.The person who manages and organizes a school.A room where there are toilets and wash basins....

School Shopping 2013-08-05

School Shopping crossword puzzle
  1. pencil
  2. Teacher
  3. book
  4. backpack
  5. Soda
  6. Clothing
  7. school bus
  8. pen
  9. school
  10. estudiante
  1. Thing
  2. shirt
  3. waiter
  4. opening
  5. Folder or binder
  6. Store
  7. pantes
  8. box or cash register
  9. pen
  10. Professor
  11. employee
  12. Tshirt
  13. blouse

23 Clues: penpenbookSodaThingshirtStorepencilwaiterpantesTshirtblouseschoolopeningTeacherbackpackClothingemployeeProfessorschool busestudianteFolder or binderbox or cash register

School Subjects 2014-02-19

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Science
  2. Home ec
  3. Drama
  4. Subject
  5. Industrial arts
  6. interesting
  7. difficult
  8. Nat. language
  9. easy
  10. fun/enjoyable
  11. Maths
  1. School
  2. so so
  3. Art
  4. very
  5. Japanese
  6. Period
  7. History
  8. boring
  9. PE
  10. Geography
  11. strict
  12. English
  13. Music

24 Clues: PEArtveryeasyso soDramaMusicMathsSchoolPeriodboringstrictScienceHome ecHistorySubjectEnglishJapaneseGeographydifficultinterestingNat. languagefun/enjoyableIndustrial arts

AT SCHOOL 2014-02-20

AT SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. formaggio
  2. burro
  3. birra
  4. avere bisogno
  5. cetriolo
  6. sogliola
  7. gambero
  8. fragola
  9. bollire
  10. pomodoro
  11. pane
  12. arrostire
  13. uva
  14. maturo
  1. torta
  2. amaro
  3. arancia
  4. riso
  5. uovo
  6. cavolfiore
  7. funghi
  8. vino
  9. cavolo cappuccio
  10. marcio
  11. fagioli
  12. manzo
  13. saporito
  14. zuppa
  15. friggere

29 Clues: uvarisouovovinopanetortaamaroburrobirramanzozuppafunghimarciomaturoaranciagamberofragolabollirefagiolicetriolosogliolapomodorosaporitofriggereformaggioarrostirecavolfioreavere bisognocavolo cappuccio

The School 2014-03-20

The School crossword puzzle
  1. The Poker Face
  2. The Fluent English Speaker (7)
  3. The Gay (Visitation of the Gods)
  4. The Patient Guru
  5. The Duchess
  6. The Dentist
  7. The Shy Type
  8. The Titleholder
  9. The Beautiful Girl (4)
  10. The Dancer
  11. The Best Director
  12. The Princess
  13. The Craft Teacher
  14. The President
  15. Mama Bear
  1. The Vice
  2. The Summer Guru
  3. Memory Verse Queen
  4. The Best Actress
  5. The Megaphone
  6. The Worship Leader
  7. The Voice
  8. The Guide
  9. The Spelling Wizard
  10. The Duke
  11. The Doctor
  12. The King
  13. The Rapper
  14. The K-POP Star (English Name)

29 Clues: The ViceThe DukeThe KingThe VoiceThe GuideMama BearThe DoctorThe DancerThe RapperThe DuchessThe DentistThe Shy TypeThe PrincessThe MegaphoneThe PresidentThe Poker FaceThe Summer GuruThe TitleholderThe Best ActressThe Patient GuruThe Best DirectorThe Craft TeacherMemory Verse QueenThe Worship LeaderThe Spelling WizardThe Beautiful Girl (4)...

School Project 2014-08-19

School Project crossword puzzle
  1. chloropyll
  2. hydrogen
  3. helium
  4. sodium
  5. carbondioxide
  6. sulfur
  7. titanium
  8. nitrogen
  9. oxygen
  10. lead
  1. calcium
  2. phosphorous
  3. gallium
  4. magnesium
  5. ecosystem
  6. keratin
  7. fiber
  8. zinc
  9. metallic
  10. nitrate

20 Clues: zincleadfiberheliumsodiumsulfuroxygencalciumgalliumkeratinnitratehydrogentitaniummetallicnitrogenmagnesiumecosystemchloropyllphosphorouscarbondioxide


SCHOOL OBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. pincel
  2. mochila escolar
  3. tinta
  4. marcador de texto
  5. quadro de giz
  6. grafite
  7. carteira
  8. livro
  9. prova
  10. cola de gliter
  11. régua
  12. lancheira
  13. lapiseira
  14. armário
  15. cadeira
  16. apagador
  17. agenda de endereços
  18. calculadora
  19. giz de cera
  20. compasso
  21. caderno
  22. caneta
  23. globo
  24. lata de lixo
  25. prateleira
  26. estojo
  27. pasta
  1. computador
  2. tesoura
  3. giz
  4. quadro de avisos
  5. cola de bastão
  6. elástico de papéis
  7. lápis
  8. texto
  9. quadro negro
  10. mapa
  11. aquarela
  12. livro de texto
  13. mesa
  14. livro de exercício
  15. grampeador
  16. merenda escolar
  17. clipe
  18. apostila
  19. apontador
  20. papel
  21. estilete
  22. cola
  23. relógio

50 Clues: gizmapamesacolatintalápistextolivroprovaréguaclipepapelglobopastapincelcanetaestojotesouragrafitearmáriocadeiracadernorelógioaquarelacarteiraapostilaapagadorestiletecompassolancheiralapiseiraapontadorcomputadorgrampeadorprateleiracalculadoragiz de ceraquadro negrolata de lixoquadro de gizcola de bastãolivro de textocola de glitermochila escolar...

School things 2014-12-01

School things crossword puzzle
  1. heranfahren
  2. wann
  3. Tabelle
  4. Sprache
  5. Einheit
  6. phrases Sätze für den Untterricht
  7. wer ist
  8. Beispiel
  9. use benutzen
  10. copy abschreiben
  11. schlimm
  12. sie
  1. Fenster
  2. people Leute treffen
  3. Dialog
  4. Stuhl
  5. Schreibtisch
  6. mit
  7. Alphabet
  8. wer
  9. Reihenfolge
  10. Kantine
  11. gemein
  12. Baum

24 Clues: mitwersiewannBaumStuhlDialoggemeinFensterTabelleSpracheEinheitwer istKantineschlimmAlphabetBeispielheranfahrenReihenfolgeSchreibtischuse benutzencopy abschreibenpeople Leute treffenphrases Sätze für den Untterricht

School Objects 2015-06-10

School Objects crossword puzzle
  1. Grifa Texto
  2. Cola
  3. Pasta
  4. Lápis de Cor
  5. Caneta
  6. Calculadora
  7. Canetão
  8. Apontador
  9. Livro
  10. Giz de Cera
  1. Tesoura
  2. Estojo
  3. Lapiseira
  4. Mochila
  5. Cola Bastão
  6. Lápis
  7. Dicionário
  8. Grampeador
  9. Borracha
  10. Caderno

20 Clues: ColaLápisPastaLivroEstojoCanetaTesouraMochilaCanetãoCadernoBorrachaLapiseiraApontadorDicionárioGrampeadorGrifa TextoCola BastãoCalculadoraGiz de CeraLápis de Cor

School words 2015-02-15

School words crossword puzzle
  1. when some thing is past down
  2. when something happens that they realy don't want
  3. when someone has something about them that someone likes
  4. when someone is not responsible
  5. when someone just starts something
  6. someone that makes glass
  7. when someone is serton of them self
  8. a jail tipe of thing
  9. when some one moves something
  1. when some one is in a coffin and there body is still there
  2. when some one likes music
  3. when some is freaking out because someone is close or talking loudly
  4. when some one thinks of some thing that is makeberleve for example unicorns
  5. a drink that is orange and apple
  6. people loose wheight and you keep one the same diet and you don't loose weight
  7. when someone dose not need to do something
  8. when someone need some doctor to open them up and see what is wrong with them
  9. something that has the date of the year on it
  10. when someone likes to wonder
  11. a beat that people like

20 Clues: a jail tipe of thinga beat that people likesomeone that makes glasswhen some one likes musicwhen some thing is past downwhen someone likes to wonderwhen some one moves somethingwhen someone is not responsiblea drink that is orange and applewhen someone just starts somethingwhen someone is serton of them self...

School Supplies 2015-07-10

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. borracha
  2. ______________
  3. canetinha
  4. cola
  5. marca texto
  6. grampeador
  7. caderno
  8. mochila
  9. lápis de cor
  10. giz de cera
  11. estojo
  12. pasta
  13. régua
  1. apontador
  2. bloquinho/caderninho de anotações
  3. caneta
  4. quadro de avisos
  5. lapiseira
  6. ______________
  7. ______________
  8. livro
  9. tesoura
  10. lápis
  11. cadeira
  12. carteira

25 Clues: colalivrolápispastaréguacanetaestojocadernomochilatesouracadeiraborrachacarteiraapontadorlapiseiracanetinhagrampeadormarca textogiz de ceralápis de cor__________________________________________quadro de avisosbloquinho/caderninho de anotações


SCHOOL SUPPLIES crossword puzzle
  1. it is used to maintain things together.
  2. It means "things to be done"
  3. Printed information work of fiction or nonfiction, on sheets of paper bound together within covers.
  4. You need it to make a perfect circle
  5. The basic object in school that uses graphite
  6. Piece of equipment where you can store several pens, pencil, markers, etc.
  7. It has to have ink
  8. something you use to store food.
  9. An instrument used in measuring or drawing angles
  10. You use it to store books or school supplies
  11. Something you use to taper a pencil.
  1. Something that can measure up to 30 cm.
  2. a very thin,portable computer, usually battery-powered,having a touchscreen
  3. Something you need to underline a paragraph
  4. it is used when you make a mistake.
  5. Pages in Blank for recording notes, especially used by students in class.
  6. Mainly used to correct pen ink
  7. Machine that you need in math class
  8. a machine for fastening together sheets of paper
  9. An object you use to navigate on the web

20 Clues: It has to have inkIt means "things to be done"Mainly used to correct pen inksomething you use to store is used when you make a mistake.Machine that you need in math classYou need it to make a perfect circleSomething you use to taper a pencil.Something that can measure up to 30 is used to maintain things together....

School work 2016-02-28

School work crossword puzzle
  1. - more than needed
  2. - non fat
  3. - in the middle of your wrist and elbow
  4. - makes no sense
  5. - inside
  6. - shout
  7. - notch
  8. - did not finish
  9. - a warning for a future event
  10. - not decent
  11. - the best at something
  12. - did not stop
  13. - make longer
  1. - psychic
  2. - go out
  3. - coming weather
  4. - above your eyebrows
  5. - seeing the big picture
  6. - opposite of fiction
  7. - not the right answer
  8. - the money you make in a job
  9. - to give a gesture with any part of your body
  10. - not wanted and gone from the group
  11. - make it bigger

24 Clues: - shout- notch- go out- inside- psychic- non fat- not decent- make longer- did not stop- coming weather- makes no sense- did not finish- make it bigger- more than needed- above your eyebrows- opposite of fiction- not the right answer- the best at something- seeing the big picture- the money you make in a job- a warning for a future event...

School Life 2016-04-26

School Life crossword puzzle
  1. teacher in room 118
  2. # of classes a day
  3. book, action
  4. two teachers
  5. study of life
  6. Library
  7. type of website you're on
  8. buses leave at ___
  9. pass the ____ ceremony
  10. graduate 15-16
  11. pencil & pen, action
  12. back-to-back,school
  13. student services
  14. release date, month
  1. advanced history
  2. 3 first names, h optional
  3. graduate 16-17
  4. senior skip day
  5. newbies to high school
  6. teaches real life & politics
  7. top choice, class for 16-17
  8. served on Mondays
  9. Mr.P teaches, in Spanish
  10. opposite onyx, person
  11. grade after 11th
  12. best period of the day
  13. long paper

27 Clues: Librarylong paperbook, actiontwo teachersstudy of lifegraduate 16-17graduate 15-16senior skip dayadvanced historygrade after 11thstudent servicesserved on Mondays# of classes a daybuses leave at ___teacher in room 118back-to-back,schoolrelease date, monthpencil & pen, actionopposite onyx, personnewbies to high schoolpass the ____ ceremony...

School Days 2016-07-09

School Days crossword puzzle
  1. _______ Perfect 2012 movie starring Anna Kendick and featuring the song “Cups”
  2. The __________ Club 1985 movie about a school detention
  3. Revenge of the _______ 1984 movie about a group of ultra-smart misfits
  4. ___________ Jungle 1955 movie that help start the career of Sidney Poitier
  5. ____ _____’s Day Off 1986 movie about 3 students playing hooky (2 Words)
  6. _________ 1997 movie starring Matt Damon as an MIT janitor turned student
  7. 1986 Gene Hackman movie about a small Indiana School’s trip to state basketball championship
  8. _________ House 1978 movie starring John Belushi
  9. _____ 222 – 1970’s TV show about a high school starring Karen Valentine
  10. ____ on Me 1989 movie about a black principal starring Morgan Freeman
  11. __________ Pie 1999 movie starring Jason Biggs a pact by 4 boys to lose their virginity by graduation
  12. ____ ____ With Love 1967 movie about a black teacher in England
  1. 1981 raunchy comedy about a group of high school boys in Florida trying to lose their virginity
  2. Harry ________ 2001 movie about a school for witchcraft
  3. ______ _______ 90210 1990’s TV Show about high school friends in in California (2 words)
  4. Our Miss ______ 1950’s TV show starring Eve Arden as a school teacher
  5. ______ __ 1986 Comedy starring Rodney Dangerfield as an adult in college (2 Words)
  6. Welcome Back _________ 1970’s TV show starring Gabe Kaplan (no relation)
  7. Fast Times at _______________ High 1982 movie starring Sean Penn
  8. Legally _________ 2001 movie about a Ditzy Law student starring Reese Witherspoon
  9. ______ Public 2000-2004 TV Show about the faculty at a Massachusetts high school
  10. _________ Candles 1984 movie starring Mollie Ringwald
  11. 1978 musical starring Olivia Newton John and John Travolta
  12. Remember the ____________ 2000 movie an Afro-American football coach in an integrated high school
  13. Pretty in ________ 1986 movie starring Mollie Ringwald
  14. 1993 movie about a boy’s dream about playing football for Notre Dame

26 Clues: _________ House 1978 movie starring John Belushi_________ Candles 1984 movie starring Mollie RingwaldPretty in ________ 1986 movie starring Mollie RingwaldHarry ________ 2001 movie about a school for witchcraftThe __________ Club 1985 movie about a school detention1978 musical starring Olivia Newton John and John Travolta...

school objects 2016-09-18

school objects crossword puzzle
  1. porte
  2. requin
  3. poubelle
  4. jaune
  5. règle
  6. vert
  7. juin
  8. stylo
  9. ordinateur
  10. baleine
  11. gagnant
  12. ardoise
  1. bureau
  2. drapeau
  3. école
  4. gomme
  5. kangourou
  6. december
  7. professeur
  8. abeille
  9. fenêtre
  10. élève
  11. lundi

23 Clues: vertjuinporteécolegommejaunerègleélèvestylolundibureaurequindrapeauabeillefenêtrebaleinegagnantardoisedecemberpoubellekangourouprofesseurordinateur

At School 2018-03-11

At School crossword puzzle
  1. we take our pencils and _____ the lesson in our copybooks.
  2. When it is time for lunch the pupils can go there.
  3. We colour our drawings with a coloured _____.
  4. If we don't _____ some words, the teacher explains them.
  5. The teacher writes on it.
  6. We use it to cut paper at school. It is a pair of _____.
  7. You need to buy a new _____ because you have a maths exercise to do.
  8. You write many things in it.
  9. We usually use it for the geometry lesson.
  10. The teacher always _____ questions about the text.
  1. we open our books and _____ the text.
  2. We write our lessons in it. It is an _____ book.
  3. I've bought some _____ to stick things in my book.
  4. When the lessons are finished, the pupils leave the classroom and have a break there.
  5. He teaches and explains the lessons to the pupils.
  6. My pen, pencil, coloured pencils, and eraser are in my gorgeous _____.
  7. The pupils try to _____ the questions.
  8. We use it to write in our exercise books. It is a _____.
  9. They go to school to learn and they sometimes wear a uniform.
  10. We erase mistakes with it.
  11. The pupils put all their books, notebooks and their pencil cases inside it.
  12. We can read many texts in this. It is a _____.
  13. About 10.00 am and 12.00 pm the pupils stop working and have a _____.

23 Clues: The teacher writes on it.We erase mistakes with it.You write many things in it.we open our books and _____ the text.The pupils try to _____ the questions.We usually use it for the geometry lesson.We colour our drawings with a coloured _____.We can read many texts in this. It is a _____.We write our lessons in it. It is an _____ book....

school words 2019-12-17

school words crossword puzzle
  1. das Kehrblech
  2. das Schulfach
  3. die Kreide
  4. das Etui
  5. der Fußboden
  6. die Schüler
  7. der Schwamm
  8. der Lehrer
  9. der Stundenplan
  10. die Schulstunde
  11. die Aula
  12. der Rucksack
  13. der Parkplatz
  14. die Fensterbank
  15. das Radiergummi
  16. die Heizung
  17. der Schulhof
  18. der Handfeger
  19. die Tür
  1. der Ausgang
  2. der Locher
  3. der Korridor
  4. das Pult
  5. die Tafel
  6. der Schreibblock
  7. der Lichtschalter
  8. der Eingang
  9. die Regale
  10. der Schulleiter
  11. die Decke die Zimmerdecke
  12. der Tacker / Hefter
  13. die Stühle
  14. der Besen

33 Clues: die Türdas Pultdas Etuidie Auladie Tafelder Besender Locherdie Kreidedie Regaleder Lehrerdie Stühleder Ausgangdie Schülerder Eingangder Schwammdie Heizungder Korridorder Fußbodender Rucksackder Schulhofdas Kehrblechdas Schulfachder Parkplatzder Handfegerder Schulleiterder Stundenplandie Schulstundedie Fensterbankdas Radiergummider Schreibblock...

Skokie School 2019-10-23

Skokie School crossword puzzle
  1. reads aloud
  2. page turner
  3. seamstress
  4. acts out
  5. principal
  6. bandages
  7. improves talk
  8. senorita
  9. attendance
  10. assistant
  11. cubs fan
  12. places order
  1. social worker
  2. makes you sweat
  3. it adds up
  4. gracias
  5. math girl
  6. creative one
  7. blinded me with science
  8. noise maker
  9. creative writer
  10. oui, oui
  11. bookworm
  12. cleans up
  13. mascot
  14. memory maker

26 Clues: mascotgraciasacts outbandagessenoritaoui, ouibookwormcubs fanprincipalmath girlcleans upassistantit adds upseamstressattendancereads aloudpage turnernoise makercreative oneplaces ordermemory makersocial workerimproves talkmakes you sweatcreative writerblinded me with science

school objects 2019-10-27

school objects crossword puzzle
  1. board
  2. bag
  3. player
  4. pencil
  5. radio
  6. lamp
  7. pencil case
  8. door
  9. watch/clock
  10. wall
  11. ceiling
  12. calendar
  13. chair
  14. I have
  15. at home
  16. planner
  1. window
  2. classroom
  3. floor
  4. map
  5. folder
  6. mobile phone
  7. computer
  8. house
  9. locker
  10. laptop
  11. table
  12. TV
  13. exercise book
  14. phone
  15. pen
  16. book

32 Clues: TVbagmappenlampdoorwallbookboardfloorhouseradiotablechairphonewindowplayerfolderpencillockerlaptopI haveceilingat homeplannercomputercalendarclassroompencil casewatch/clockmobile phoneexercise book

School Supplies 2020-05-01

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. Attaches things together with a small metal clip
  2. pencils writes in color
  3. A small wood stick with graphite in it
  4. see trough thing that sticks 2 things together
  5. holds all the pencils together
  6. keeps notes and other info that you write inside
  7. Gets rid of wanted mistakes
  8. Helps with math problems
  9. search up the meaning and how to spall a word in here
  1. covers mistakes so it looks just white
  2. A stick of wood that helps to draw and graph lines
  3. Used to keep papers together
  4. Used to color stuff
  5. Something to write on
  6. Used to cut paper
  7. Holds all of your stuff
  8. Used to attach one thing to another easily
  9. Used to highlight something and emphasize it
  10. Used to keep food in it for later
  11. something you read

20 Clues: Used to cut papersomething you readUsed to color stuffSomething to write onpencils writes in colorHolds all of your stuffHelps with math problemsGets rid of wanted mistakesUsed to keep papers togetherholds all the pencils togetherUsed to keep food in it for latercovers mistakes so it looks just whiteA small wood stick with graphite in it...

School subjects 2020-05-04

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. szünet
  2. rajz
  3. ofö
  4. tanulószoba
  5. tanóra
  6. tesi
  7. erkölcstan
  8. technika
  9. hittan
  10. angol
  11. történelem
  1. földrajz
  2. nyelvtan
  3. dráma
  4. természetismeret
  5. ének
  6. irodalom
  7. matek
  8. info
  9. úszás

20 Clues: oförajzénektesiinfodrámamatekúszásangolszünettanórahittanföldrajznyelvtanirodalomtechnikaerkölcstantörténelemtanulószobatermészetismeret

School crossword 2020-05-18

School crossword crossword puzzle
  1. you put all your books and school supplies in it
  2. you can see it on geography class
  3. you can solve math problems faster with it
  4. if you don't have glue you can use stick things
  5. you can write with it
  6. all the classrooms have a chair and a ....
  7. useful to stick things
  8. you can read a lot of them
  9. big surface on which the teacher usually writes
  10. you use it when your pencil has no tip
  1. the person who teach you new things
  2. you can use it to see the important words
  3. you sit on it
  4. when you finish high school you go to the
  5. an easy way to do perfect circles with a...
  6. you can usually use it un technology class
  7. you can do perfect straight lines with it
  8. I need a ... to cut this paper
  9. you can erase your mistakes with it
  10. you need to open one to get in a class

20 Clues: you sit on ityou can write with ituseful to stick thingsyou can read a lot of themI need a ... to cut this paperyou can see it on geography classthe person who teach you new thingsyou can erase your mistakes with ityou need to open one to get in a classyou use it when your pencil has no tipyou can use it to see the important words...

School Days 2020-04-23

School Days crossword puzzle
  1. Head of school
  2. transportation to school
  3. Food area
  4. Fort Street School
  5. Add it up
  6. Instruments
  7. After school programs
  8. Mascot
  9. Place where books can be read
  10. Piece of furniture used to write on
  11. Class to calculate
  12. Used to show knowledge of weekly lessons
  13. There is always room to sweat
  1. Experiments and formulas
  2. Recess area
  3. Putting letters together
  4. Writing utensil
  5. Person in a school
  6. Area for learning
  7. Short break
  8. Person pushing knowledge
  9. Class of many colors
  10. High School
  11. Study of past events

24 Clues: MascotFood areaAdd it upRecess areaShort breakInstrumentsHigh SchoolHead of schoolWriting utensilArea for learningFort Street SchoolPerson in a schoolClass to calculateClass of many colorsStudy of past eventsAfter school programsExperiments and formulastransportation to schoolPutting letters togetherPerson pushing knowledge...

Nursery School 2020-04-27

Nursery School crossword puzzle
  1. spoken or written in secret and intended to be kept secret
  2. an amount of Money Paid for Services before they are delivered
  3. to have a connection in some way
  4. to give something to someone or make it available to them, because they need it or want it
  5. to take Action or make changes that you have officially decided should happen
  6. to make certain that something will happen properly
  7. to make something save from being attacked, harmed, or lost
  8. exciting or full of new ideas (opposite of boring)
  9. to make something continue in the same way or at the same standard as before
  10. to give someone the confidence to do something
  1. a set of papers, records, etc. that contain information about a particular person or subject
  2. to begin to feel happy and relaxed in a new situation, home, job, or school
  3. the subjects that are taught in School/college or the Things that are studied in a particular subject
  4. to improve something
  5. the speed at which something happens over a period of time
  6. period of time that the schoolor University year is divided into
  7. to make someone become very excited, interested, or angry
  8. the process of gradually becoming bigger, better, stronger, or more advanced
  9. when something changes from one form or state to another
  10. something you hope to achieve by doing something

20 Clues: to improve somethingto have a connection in some wayto give someone the confidence to do somethingsomething you hope to achieve by doing somethingexciting or full of new ideas (opposite of boring)to make certain that something will happen properlywhen something changes from one form or state to another...

Middle School 2020-05-20

Middle School crossword puzzle
  1. The part of the school day where you have a break and enjoy some tasty food
  2. The class you read so many books in and write so many stories
  3. This is where your backpack and items for the day go
  4. A time where all students and staff come together in the gym
  5. Assemblies are held here and so are basketball games
  6. The person who gives students the information to learn and obtain knowledge on a given subject
  7. You can sign up to participate in these, practices are typically after school
  8. A game outside with four people and a ball
  9. You sit at a ____ during class
  10. You will be sent to the _________ if you're big trouble
  1. A class to learn about the past
  2. This person is at the school to help anyone who has been hurt or is sick
  3. This class you learn about the reason behind things through labs and experiments
  4. 1+1=2 , which class do you learn this in?
  5. These show on your report card
  6. This is where all the lovely learning is done!
  7. A class that gives you freedom to create something with anything from a pencil to paint
  8. What role do you play at Skyview Middle School?
  9. These are here to keep you from standing during class
  10. This class is also a club where students learn about theatre and acting

20 Clues: These show on your report cardYou sit at a ____ during classA class to learn about the past1+1=2 , which class do you learn this in?A game outside with four people and a ballThis is where all the lovely learning is done!What role do you play at Skyview Middle School?This is where your backpack and items for the day go...

Sunday School 2020-06-17

Sunday School crossword puzzle
  1. the land over which a king rules
  2. totally committed to another person
  3. one who rules over and controls another usually owned by the ruler
  4. the wisest and richest king ever
  5. garments
  6. lights a room from its stand
  7. believing without seeing
  8. the act of taking what does not belong to you
  9. our pumping muscle
  10. flying pests attracted to light and love to eat your clothes
  11. hidden prize found at the X
  12. intruders who take what belongs to you
  13. difficulty, problems, unrest
  14. that eternal reward for which we yearn
  15. that which Satan cannot possess in his darkness
  16. botanical beauties
  1. the one and only truth and Creator
  2. ruin, annihilate
  3. windows to the soul
  4. emotion deeper than hate
  5. male parent
  6. opposite of taken
  7. those who do not worship God, but do worship other things
  8. the next day
  9. opposite of love
  10. humbly placing oneself at the behest of another
  11. a human body full of vigor and energy is said to be very ___
  12. the grandeur of pomp and circumstance
  13. being right or justified because of Christ
  14. great concern about circumstances

30 Clues: garmentsmale parentthe next dayruin, annihilateopposite of loveopposite of takenour pumping musclebotanical beautieswindows to the soulemotion deeper than hatebelieving without seeinghidden prize found at the Xlights a room from its standdifficulty, problems, unrestthe land over which a king rulesthe wisest and richest king ever...