scientific method Crossword Puzzles

Scientific Method Review 2024-09-12

Scientific Method Review crossword puzzle
  1. A student determines that, according to his research tests taken on Fridays have overall lower scores
  2. You read some articles about how gum companies make their flavor last longer
  3. The part of an experiment that is changed in order to see a response
  4. You expose plants to different colored light bulbs and measure their growth
  5. Mrs. Morgan wonders what type of puzzle helps the students learn the best
  6. You post a TikTok about the results of your research on bacteria in CBA toilets
  1. You decide you need to determine the brand of pen which will last the longest
  2. The part of an experimental set up which remains the same for all test subjects
  3. Because communication can lead to new questions, we say that the Scientific Method is actually a _____
  4. A student thinks he will perform better on a test if he listens to classical music while he studies
  5. A visual representation of your data
  6. You graph some data on a scatter plot and look for positive or negative trends in the data points
  7. You collect the heights of every CBA student to see how age age height relate. What have you gathered?

13 Clues: A visual representation of your dataThe part of an experiment that is changed in order to see a responseMrs. Morgan wonders what type of puzzle helps the students learn the bestYou expose plants to different colored light bulbs and measure their growthYou read some articles about how gum companies make their flavor last longer...

The Scientific Method 2021-09-08

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. When you look at something and record what you see. Happens at all stages of the scientific method
  2. The number of stages in the scientific method
  3. We need to do this if we need more information before making a hypothesis
  4. The first step of the scientific method
  5. The information we collect in order to prove a claim
  1. Never use this website for research!
  2. A prediction or explanation for a scientific question
  3. A way to display data. Has an x and y axis
  4. The variable that we change or manipulate
  5. The 5th step of the scientific method when you make sense of your data

10 Clues: Never use this website for research!The first step of the scientific methodThe variable that we change or manipulateA way to display data. Has an x and y axisThe number of stages in the scientific methodThe information we collect in order to prove a claimA prediction or explanation for a scientific question...

swaggy monkey 2016-02-17

swaggy monkey crossword puzzle
  1. also applied scientific method
  2. scientifically defined an element
  3. discovered how bood moved through the body
  4. used to dicover the cell
  5. age from 1600s to 1700s
  6. the scientific method in his studies
  7. sophisticated thinkers
  8. French philospher who was arrested
  9. born in 1642
  10. book isaac Newton wrote
  11. also investigated planetary movements
  1. discovered the nature of combustion
  2. to practice new political ideas
  3. Polish scientist
  4. theories that attempted to explain facts
  5. used a microscope to dicover the cell
  6. defied french law
  7. 28 volume work
  8. Used math to prove that planets moved around the sun
  9. discovered the existence of oxygen
  10. French philosopher

21 Clues: born in 164228 volume workPolish scientistdefied french lawFrench philosophersophisticated thinkersage from 1600s to 1700sbook isaac Newton wroteused to dicover the cellalso applied scientific methodto practice new political ideasscientifically defined an elementdiscovered the existence of oxygenFrench philospher who was arrested...

Scientific Revolution 2021-10-28

Scientific Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. Galileo improved what invention that was used to look further into space?
  2. johannes Kepler said that the planets rotated around the sun in what shape?
  3. what system of thought was based on the belief that *reason* is the chief source of knowledge?
  4. nicolaus Copernicus used _________________ to come up with his theory.
  5. francis Bacon argued that the truth could not be known at the beginning of a question, but only at the end after a long process of?
  6. Issac Newton discovered what?
  7. the idea that the earth is the center of the universe is the what theory.
  8. the Catholic Church attacked Galileo because he defended they system that said the _______ revolved around the sun
  9. galileo ideas were so controversial that he was placed in?
  10. the Scientific Revolution challenged many medieval ideas about science. All of the following were astronomers during the Scientific Revolution except __.
  1. During the scientific revolution people started using experiments to test theories rather than just believing the ___________
  2. what type of math was Newton known for developing?
  3. the idea that the sun is the center of the universe is the ____________ theory.
  4. he pioneered the use of inductive reasoning for the use in the scientific method.
  5. _____________________ was an Italian astronomer who developed the telescope, which then confirmed Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory
  6. during the Scientific Revolution the heliocentric view of the universe was first proposed by __.
  7. Robert Boyle explained the effect of temperature and pressure on what?
  8. what method of reasoning did Francis Bacon say was most appropriate with the Scientific Method?
  9. what crime was Galileo charged with after his publishing his book?
  10. Which scientist developed laws of motion?

20 Clues: Issac Newton discovered what?Which scientist developed laws of motion?what type of math was Newton known for developing?galileo ideas were so controversial that he was placed in?what crime was Galileo charged with after his publishing his book?nicolaus Copernicus used _________________ to come up with his theory....

The scientific method crossword 2024-05-20

The scientific method crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The process of observing your experiment
  2. The final result after you have verified your hypothesis.
  3. Every graph should have a what
  4. a variable (often denoted by y ) whose value depends on that of another.
  5. covering for the hand worn for protection against harmful chemicals
  6. any variable that's held constant in a research study.
  7. Testing if your hypothesis was correct.
  8. A statement you believe to be true.
  9. a protective mask covering the nose and mouth when doing a procedure.
  1. The steps you should do before every procedure.
  2. a lipped cylindrical glass container for laboratory use.
  3. Safety glasses used to keep your eyes from chemicals
  4. a method of procedures that has systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.
  5. The process of putting your research into a graph.
  6. An object used to measure equal distribution of weight, amount,
  7. Gathering all the information
  8. The thing you ask at the beginning of the experiment.
  9. key words used to keep all the points organized.
  10. a variable (often denoted by x ) whose variation does not depend on that of another.

19 Clues: Gathering all the informationEvery graph should have a whatA statement you believe to be true.Testing if your hypothesis was correct.The process of observing your experimentThe steps you should do before every procedure.key words used to keep all the points organized.The process of putting your research into a graph....

The Scientific Method 2022-08-19

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. The process used by scientists to solve problem
  2. An educated guess
  3. The outcome of the experiment
  4. Should be performed before the experiment
  5. collected during the experiment
  1. Can be done using graphs
  2. How you test the hypothesis
  3. The first step in scientific method
  4. The last step in scientific method
  5. What scientists write to summarize their experimental result

10 Clues: An educated guessCan be done using graphsHow you test the hypothesisThe outcome of the experimentcollected during the experimentThe last step in scientific methodThe first step in scientific methodShould be performed before the experimentThe process used by scientists to solve problemWhat scientists write to summarize their experimental result

Nature of Science 2022-09-20

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. There are ____ ways to do the scientific method
  2. Part of doing the scientific method is data _________.
  3. The scientific method can be the foundation for the scientific ________.
  4. The _________ variable goes on the y-axis
  5. The ___________ variable goes on the
  1. All the variables you keep the same are called ________
  2. The __________ group stays the same while the experimental group doesn't
  3. Consitency is ___
  4. Science is _____ for knowledge
  5. The main goal of science is to gain more _________

10 Clues: Consitency is ___Science is _____ for knowledgeThe ___________ variable goes on theThe _________ variable goes on the y-axisThere are ____ ways to do the scientific methodThe main goal of science is to gain more _________Part of doing the scientific method is data _________.All the variables you keep the same are called ________...

Psychology Chapter 1 2016-08-25

Psychology Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. : the act or result of being aware of the inner nature of things
  2. science : the pursuit of knowledge about natural phenomena for its own sake
  3. Behav : Something which is clearly apparent
  4. : based on observation or experiment
  5. : an assumption of prediction about behavior that is tested through scientific research
  6. : a psychologist who studies the basic elements that make up conscious mental experiences
  7. process : involves conscious intellectual activity ,such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering
  8. : is a result of physiological and cognitive processes
  9. Behav : Something not openly acknowledged or displayed
  1. Method : method used to ensure proper data collection
  2. : as set of assumptions used to explain phenomena and offered for scientific study
  3. : to get or obtain
  4. : is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
  5. : The study of humans
  6. science : discovering ways to use scientific findings to accomplish practical goals

15 Clues: : to get or obtain: The study of humans: based on observation or experimentBehav : Something which is clearly apparentMethod : method used to ensure proper data collection: is a result of physiological and cognitive processesBehav : Something not openly acknowledged or displayed: is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes....

Psychology 2016-08-25

Psychology crossword puzzle
  1. science : discovering ways to use scientific findings to accomplish practical goals
  2. : a psychologist who studies the basic elements that make up conscious mental experiences
  3. : based on observation or experiment
  4. science : the pursuit of knowledge about natural phenomena for its own sake.
  5. process: involves conscious intellectual activity ,such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering.
  6. : as set of assumptions used to explain phenomena and offered for scientific study.
  7. Behav : Something not openly acknowledged or displayed.
  1. Method : method used to ensure proper data collection.
  2. : an assumption of prediction about behavior that is tested through scientific research.
  3. : The study of humans
  4. : to get or obtain
  5. : is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
  6. : the act or result of being aware of the inner nature of things
  7. : is a result of physiological and cognitive processes.
  8. Behav : Something which is clearly apparent.

15 Clues: : to get or obtain: The study of humans: based on observation or experimentBehav : Something which is clearly apparent.Method : method used to ensure proper data collection.: is a result of physiological and cognitive processes.Behav : Something not openly acknowledged or displayed.: is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes....

Psychology Ch1 2016-08-25

Psychology Ch1 crossword puzzle
  1. science the pursuit of knowledge about natural phenomena for its own sake.
  2. is a result of physiological and cognitive processes.
  3. Method method used to ensure proper data collection.
  4. a psychologist who studies the basic elements that make up conscious mental experiences
  5. science discovering ways to use scientific findings to accomplish practical goals
  6. behavior Something which is clearly apparent.
  7. an assumption or prediction about behavior that is tested through scientific research.
  8. is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
  9. as set of assumptions used to explain phenomena and offered for scientific study.
  1. to get or obtain
  2. based on observation or experiment
  3. process involves conscious intellectual activity ,such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering.
  4. The study of humans
  5. the act or result of being aware of the inner nature of things
  6. behavior Something not openly acknowledged or displayed.

15 Clues: to get or obtainThe study of humansbased on observation or experimentbehavior Something which is clearly a result of physiological and cognitive processes.Method method used to ensure proper data the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.behavior Something not openly acknowledged or displayed....

Scientific Revolution 2023-01-16

Scientific Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. who popularized the Scientific Method
  2. sun center model
  3. German astronomer who discovered three major laws of planetary motion
  4. he wrote the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, introduced the universal law of gravitation, etc.
  5. invented by Galileo
  6. planets moving backward for a while
  7. ancient Greek astronomer who proposed a model based on both Islamic knowledge and Christian knowledge
  8. the first to observe the sky through telescope, made amazing contribution to modern astronomy
  9. “new star”
  1. specific—> generalization
  2. who introduced the deductive reasoning method
  3. He proposed the first heliocentric model
  4. something related to the Sun that challenged medieval conception of universe
  5. method of inquiry through hypothesis, confirm, reject, refine, and repeat
  6. earth center model
  7. He proposed the geo-heliocentric model, collected precise data without using telescope, and recorded supernova
  8. perception toward the world

17 Clues: “new star”sun center modelearth center modelinvented by Galileospecific—> generalizationperception toward the worldplanets moving backward for a whilewho popularized the Scientific MethodHe proposed the first heliocentric modelwho introduced the deductive reasoning methodGerman astronomer who discovered three major laws of planetary motion...

Scientific Method & Scientific Measurement Vocab 2024-08-08

Scientific Method & Scientific Measurement Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a relationship or connection between two or more things
  2. a statement that explains something based on the evidence and facts
  3. a chart that organizes and displays information in rows and columns
  4. a logical, systematic approach to the solution of a scientific problem
  5. also called the responding variable; the thing the researcher measures in an experiment
  6. an educated guess about what might happen that you can test to see if it's right
  7. a variable that stays the same in the experiment to make sure the results are accurate
  8. a standard quantity used as a basis for measuring how big or small something is
  9. to look at and think about your results to see how well they answer your question
  1. an idea you create based on clues and what you already know
  2. a system of measurement based on the number 10
  3. a visual way to show data with lines, bars, or dots
  4. also called the manipulated variable; this is the thing that is changed by the researcher in an experiment
  5. a collection of measurements or observations

14 Clues: a collection of measurements or observationsa system of measurement based on the number 10a visual way to show data with lines, bars, or dotsa relationship or connection between two or more thingsan idea you create based on clues and what you already knowa statement that explains something based on the evidence and facts...


SCIENTIFIC METHOD crossword puzzle


Scientific method 2022-06-16

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. to inference on what’s gonna happen
  2. to study the results
  3. to ask
  4. to see and study something with your 5 senses
  1. Something that could change
  2. to test if your inference was right
  3. the results
  4. Facts and answers put into analysis

8 Clues: to askthe resultsto study the resultsSomething that could changeto test if your inference was rightto inference on what’s gonna happenFacts and answers put into analysisto see and study something with your 5 senses

Scientific method 2022-06-13

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. the things you will use in the experiment
  2. measure and collect information from the experiment
  3. steps that you will use in your experiment
  4. what I found out
  1. asking something you don’t know
  2. predict the outcome
  3. what happened at the end of the experiment
  4. to find information and facts

8 Clues: what I found outpredict the outcometo find information and factsasking something you don’t knowthe things you will use in the experimentwhat happened at the end of the experimentsteps that you will use in your experimentmeasure and collect information from the experiment

Scientific Method 2022-07-05

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Black hole theory
  2. Factor that is adjusted by the experimenter
  3. Shows trends or how data changes over time
  4. Factor whole value depends on the independent variable
  1. An educated guess or testable prediction
  2. Law of gravity
  3. used to show a fixed quantity is broken down into parts
  4. useful for comparing information collected by counting

8 Clues: Law of gravityBlack hole theoryAn educated guess or testable predictionShows trends or how data changes over timeFactor that is adjusted by the experimenteruseful for comparing information collected by countingFactor whole value depends on the independent variableused to show a fixed quantity is broken down into parts

Scientific method 2022-03-31

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. Ask
  3. same
  4. Process
  1. changeable
  2. look
  3. different
  4. guess

8 Clues: AsklooktestsameguessProcessdifferentchangeable

Scientific method 2022-03-31

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. Ask
  3. same
  4. Process
  1. changeable
  2. look
  3. different
  4. guess

8 Clues: AsklooktestsameguessProcessdifferentchangeable

Scientific method 2022-03-31

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. Ask
  3. same
  4. Process
  1. changeable
  2. look
  3. different
  4. guess

8 Clues: AsklooktestsameguessProcessdifferentchangeable

Scientific Method 2023-10-02

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. A scientist will __________________ what he has observed.
  2. A scientist will __________________ the experiment to be sure of his results.
  3. a scientist will use his 5 senses during an investigation to make _____________________.
  1. A scientist will _________________ to draw conclusions about his investigation.
  2. science investigations begin with a
  3. A scientist will plan an ______________________ to try and answer their question.
  4. A scientist will make a ______________________ about what the answer to the question might be.
  5. A scientist will _______________________ his results with others.

8 Clues: science investigations begin with aA scientist will __________________ what he has observed.A scientist will _______________________ his results with others.A scientist will __________________ the experiment to be sure of his results.A scientist will _________________ to draw conclusions about his investigation....

Scientific Method 2024-09-06

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. A series of steps that is used by scientists.
  2. The scientific word for seeing something, or used in stalking.
  3. A variable you don't change, typically in the scientific method.
  1. A variable you change on purpose
  2. The ending of the scientific method.
  3. A test used to prove your question/hypothesis.
  4. A variable that changes depending on the variable you purposefully change.
  5. Something you do after an experiment, like seeing data.

8 Clues: A variable you change on purposeThe ending of the scientific method.A series of steps that is used by scientists.A test used to prove your question/hypothesis.Something you do after an experiment, like seeing data.The scientific word for seeing something, or used in stalking.A variable you don't change, typically in the scientific method....

Scientific Method Review 2022-05-11

Scientific Method Review crossword puzzle
  1. To watch carefully with attention to details
  2. The fifth step of the scientific method is to analyze the ____.
  3. The fourth step of the scientific method is to conduct an ____.
  4. An organized way scientists gather information and answer questions
  5. To carefully examine something in order to explain it
  6. The sixth step of the scientific method is to draw a ____.
  1. To arrive at a judgement or opinion based on an experiment
  2. An explanation for a problem to be tested
  3. The second step of the scientific method is to make an ____.
  4. The third step of the scientific method is to form a ____.
  5. A planned procedure done to test a hypothesis
  6. The first step of the scientific method is to ask a ____.

12 Clues: An explanation for a problem to be testedTo watch carefully with attention to detailsA planned procedure done to test a hypothesisTo carefully examine something in order to explain itThe first step of the scientific method is to ask a ____.To arrive at a judgement or opinion based on an experiment...

Scientific method 2020-09-03

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. things you need to complete the experiment
  2. showing your data/results so it's easier to read
  3. reflect, is your hypothesis correct? what might you change next time?
  4. educated guess about what will happen
  5. what you are curious about
  1. making sense of your results (2 words)
  2. using your senses to collect information
  3. steps you take to carry out the experiment

8 Clues: what you are curious abouteducated guess about what will happenmaking sense of your results (2 words)using your senses to collect informationthings you need to complete the experimentsteps you take to carry out the experimentshowing your data/results so it's easier to readreflect, is your hypothesis correct? what might you change next time?

scientific method 2021-11-24

scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. testable question
  2. educational guess
  3. don't receive treatment
  1. investigate
  2. receive the treatment
  3. you see
  4. statement or comment that is based on
  5. being logically

8 Clues: you seeinvestigatebeing logicallytestable questioneducational guessreceive the treatmentdon't receive treatmentstatement or comment that is based on

Scientific method 2022-03-31

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. Ask
  3. same
  4. Process
  1. changeable
  2. look
  3. different
  4. guess

8 Clues: AsklooktestsameguessProcessdifferentchangeable

Scientific method 2014-06-02

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. The information collected during an experiment
  2. Discuss your findings and answer your questions
  3. The first step of scientific method is to identify this
  4. You test your question by doing this
  1. - Changing factor in an experiment
  2. It is important for an experiment to be this
  3. The part of a scientific investigation that remains the same
  4. An educated guess

8 Clues: An educated guess- Changing factor in an experimentYou test your question by doing thisIt is important for an experiment to be thisThe information collected during an experimentDiscuss your findings and answer your questionsThe first step of scientific method is to identify thisThe part of a scientific investigation that remains the same

Scientific Method 2022-09-19

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. the information from an experiment
  2. the type of variable you change
  3. the first step in the scientific method
  4. a test to answer a question
  5. the first step in the scientific method
  1. what you learn from an experiment
  2. what happens because you change something
  3. what must be identified before an experiment
  4. a guess in an experiment

9 Clues: a guess in an experimenta test to answer a questionthe type of variable you changewhat you learn from an experimentthe information from an experimentthe first step in the scientific methodthe first step in the scientific methodwhat happens because you change somethingwhat must be identified before an experiment

Scientific Method 2022-08-29

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Create conditions for the interesting thing to happen again in relation to the prediction
  2. Make a prediction about the interesting topic
  3. 7 step process of scientific experiments
  4. Find out more about the interesting topic
  1. record data and compare the prediction to the experiment
  2. Recognition of something interesting
  3. Tell the world about the experiment process
  4. Be curious about the interest

8 Clues: Be curious about the interestRecognition of something interesting7 step process of scientific experimentsFind out more about the interesting topicTell the world about the experiment processMake a prediction about the interesting topicrecord data and compare the prediction to the experiment...

Scientific Method 2021-09-20

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. parts of the cell that make it work
  2. stores food, water, and waste
  3. can only be seen with a microscope
  4. a basic unit of life
  5. a living thing that maintains vital life processes
  1. directs the cells activity it is the brain of the cell
  2. a simple organism
  3. membrane a thin covering surrounding a cell
  4. jelly-like substance that helps the cell stay healthy
  5. Wall supports and protects a plant cell

10 Clues: a simple organisma basic unit of lifestores food, water, and wastecan only be seen with a microscopeparts of the cell that make it workWall supports and protects a plant cellmembrane a thin covering surrounding a cella living thing that maintains vital life processesjelly-like substance that helps the cell stay healthy...

Scientific Method 2021-08-25

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Observations that contain your senses (sight, smell, taste, sound, and touch)
  2. Make an educated guess for your question's answer
  3. Identify a problem that you can find an answer to
  4. Study your results and observations and determine their significance
  5. Explain your findings and whether or not your hypothesis was correct
  1. observations that contain a number
  2. Make a plan and test your hypothesis
  3. Record your results and observations

8 Clues: observations that contain a numberMake a plan and test your hypothesisRecord your results and observationsMake an educated guess for your question's answerIdentify a problem that you can find an answer toStudy your results and observations and determine their significanceExplain your findings and whether or not your hypothesis was correct...

Scientific Method 2021-08-05

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Factors which might affect observations
  2. Variables prevented from affecting an experiment
  3. Reasoning from specific observations to a general conclusion
  4. A statement that might be true
  5. Reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions
  6. Theory A comprehensive explanation of a phenomenon that is backed up by
  1. An artificially created situation that is used to test a hypothesis
  2. evidence
  3. Method Set of procedures by which scientists learn about the world

9 Clues: evidenceA statement that might be trueFactors which might affect observationsVariables prevented from affecting an experimentReasoning from general principles to specific conclusionsReasoning from specific observations to a general conclusionAn artificially created situation that is used to test a hypothesis...

Scientific method 2022-06-09

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. something you do to gather data and see if your hypothesis is wrong or right
  2. A type of variable that changes based on what you changed
  3. The end of the scientific method
  4. A type of variable that always stays the same
  5. A series of steps to find an answer to a question using science!
  1. OBSERVING something to gain data
  2. An educated guess or prediction
  3. A type of variable that you change

8 Clues: An educated guess or predictionOBSERVING something to gain dataThe end of the scientific methodA type of variable that you changeA type of variable that always stays the sameA type of variable that changes based on what you changedA series of steps to find an answer to a question using science!...


SCIENTIFIC METHOD crossword puzzle
  1. a detailed examination of a topic.
  2. a process of collection of data or documentation.
  3. information that is discovered
  4. it is the answer to the question posed in step one.
  1. information that has been collected, observed or created e.g. facts & numbers.
  2. a prediction/ statement that can be tested by scientific research.
  3. what you think will happen in the future.
  4. books, journal articles, and newspapers are... of information.

8 Clues: information that is discovereda detailed examination of a topic.what you think will happen in the future.a process of collection of data or is the answer to the question posed in step one.books, journal articles, and newspapers are... of information.a prediction/ statement that can be tested by scientific research....

Scientific Method 2023-08-17

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. 8. Using our 5 senses to study something
  2. 1. steps used to solve a problem or answer a question, the scientific ____
  3. 4. a condition you change in an experiment, the manipulated ____
  4. 3. a statement that can be tested with experimentation
  1. 5. A visual used to represent data
  2. 7. a summary statement that describes evidence gathered, often supports or rejects a hypothesis
  3. 6. information gathered from observations and often recorded
  4. 2. a procedure designed to test a hypothesis

8 Clues: 5. A visual used to represent data8. Using our 5 senses to study something2. a procedure designed to test a hypothesis3. a statement that can be tested with experimentation6. information gathered from observations and often recorded4. a condition you change in an experiment, the manipulated ____...

Scientific Method 2023-08-28

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. a prediction
  2. things that can change the outcome
  3. test out a theory
  4. the result of an experiment
  5. end result that can be proven by facts
  1. a way of doing something by following steps
  2. carefully watch something
  3. information or facts

8 Clues: a predictiontest out a theoryinformation or factscarefully watch somethingthe result of an experimentthings that can change the outcomeend result that can be proven by factsa way of doing something by following steps

Scientific method. 2023-09-25

Scientific method. crossword puzzle
  1. a variable that you change
  2. a comment based on what you've seen
  3. a scientific procedure
  4. a variable that stays the same
  1. asking something
  2. a variable that changed because of an independant
  3. a proposition
  4. collected together for analysis

8 Clues: a propositionasking somethinga scientific procedurea variable that you changea variable that stays the samecollected together for analysisa comment based on what you've seena variable that changed because of an independant

scientific method 2024-08-28

scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. opposite
  2. make bigger
  3. what your wondering
  4. what you think will happen
  1. information
  2. what you see
  3. prediction
  4. define again

8 Clues: oppositepredictioninformationmake biggerwhat you seedefine againwhat your wonderingwhat you think will happen

Scientific method 2024-09-17

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. data collecting information about your experiment Yes
  2. is the scientific method experimenting, studying to reach conclusion is one thing you need to have in your conclusion stating if hypothesis was correct or not
  3. variable relies on the scientist
  4. the scientific method follow the same steps every experiment No
  1. try to find the answer to something
  2. prediction
  3. variable never changes
  4. variable what you change on purpose
  5. variable depends on the Independent variable Dependent variable

9 Clues: predictionvariable never changestry to find the answer to somethingvariable what you change on purposevariable relies on the scientistdata collecting information about your experiment Yesvariable depends on the Independent variable Dependent variablethe scientific method follow the same steps every experiment No...

scientific method 2024-08-23

scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. collected during the experiment
  2. the first step in the scientific method
  3. data that is collected using your 5 senses
  4. a statement to test in an experiment
  5. the variable that scientists manipulate
  1. data that can be measured
  2. tests the hypothesis
  3. the variable that is measured by the scientists

8 Clues: tests the hypothesisdata that can be measuredcollected during the experimenta statement to test in an experimentthe first step in the scientific methodthe variable that scientists manipulatedata that is collected using your 5 sensesthe variable that is measured by the scientists

Scientific Method 2024-09-09

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. The details we noticed during observation will spark our curiosity. The most interesting ones will make us ask questions that we want answered.
  2. It is the tentative explanation to our initial question based on what we know so far. As scientists or science learners, our initial research and keen observation equip us to form informed hypotheses.
  3. It is a process of investigation to find or produce measurable and reliable results that answer a specific question.
  1. This is when we compare our expected results with our actual results. We gather measurable results that can prove if our hypothesis is true or false.
  2. These are the things or information we note by using our five senses. It is the way we notice important details in our surroundings.
  3. This is the stage where we get to test our hypothesis. It can be a test or a series of tests done in a controlled environment to validate our observations and answer our questions.
  4. It is important to look up what is already known. Research opens us up to answered and unanswered questions about our topic. It also prepares us for the next step in this process.
  5. We draw conclusions from our analysis. Our conclusion summarizes the information we gathered during the scientific process and shares if our hypothesis is correct or can be supported.

8 Clues: It is a process of investigation to find or produce measurable and reliable results that answer a specific question.These are the things or information we note by using our five senses. It is the way we notice important details in our surroundings....

Scientific method 2024-09-17

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. has to stay the same
  2. notice about something
  3. testing hypothesis
  4. final answer to question
  1. detailed examination
  2. step by step guide
  3. educated guess on what will happen
  4. response to the dependent

8 Clues: step by step guidetesting hypothesisdetailed examinationhas to stay the samenotice about somethingfinal answer to questionresponse to the dependenteducated guess on what will happen

Year 8 Scientific Method 2017-02-05

Year 8 Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. For transferring liquids.
  2. For holding flasks during heating.
  3. Used to measure mass of materials.
  4. Used to accurately measure time.
  5. You close the air hole by rotating this part of the bunsen burner.
  6. Used to hold small pieces of solid.
  7. Can be used to hold a test tube.
  8. Curved surface of a liquid.
  9. For transferring small amounts of liquid.
  10. Can be used for holding a solid when it is hot.
  1. Another name for the yellow flame.
  2. Common temperature scale.
  3. Used to measure the temperature of a liquid.
  4. Usually used to hold liquids.
  5. Part of a pair of apparatus used for crushing.
  6. The colour of the flame used for heating.
  7. When lighting a bunsen burner the hole should be ...
  8. Another name for the yellow flame.
  9. After lighting a match, we turn on the ...

19 Clues: For transferring liquids.Common temperature scale.Curved surface of a liquid.Usually used to hold liquids.Used to accurately measure time.Can be used to hold a test tube.Another name for the yellow flame.For holding flasks during heating.Used to measure mass of materials.Another name for the yellow flame.Used to hold small pieces of solid....

scientific method 2013-08-16

scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. the reason for scientific inquiry
  2. group, the group used as a reference or comparison
  3. group, the group subjected to the variable
  4. educated explination
  5. data, subjective data based on opinion or experience
  1. statement either supporting or refuting the hypothesis based on the experiment
  2. objective visual data
  3. data, actual measurement data

8 Clues: educated explinationobjective visual datadata, actual measurement datathe reason for scientific inquirygroup, the group subjected to the variablegroup, the group used as a reference or comparisondata, subjective data based on opinion or experiencestatement either supporting or refuting the hypothesis based on the experiment

Scientific Method 2015-08-06

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. The summary of an experiment and its results
  2. The steps used during an experiment
  3. The part of the experiment that is not being tested
  4. The information collected during an experiment
  1. The first step of the scientific method is to identify this
  2. An educated guess
  3. The part of the experiment that is being tested
  4. This is done using our five senses

8 Clues: An educated guessThis is done using our five sensesThe steps used during an experimentThe summary of an experiment and its resultsThe information collected during an experimentThe part of the experiment that is being testedThe part of the experiment that is not being testedThe first step of the scientific method is to identify this

Scientific Method 2021-08-04

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Factors which might affect observations
  2. Variables prevented from affecting an experiment
  3. Reasoning from specific observations to a general conclusion
  4. A statement that might be true
  5. Reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions
  6. Theory A comprehensive explanation of a phenomenon that is backed up by
  1. An artificially created situation that is used to test a hypothesis
  2. evidence
  3. Method Set of procedures by which scientists learn about the world

9 Clues: evidenceA statement that might be trueFactors which might affect observationsVariables prevented from affecting an experimentReasoning from general principles to specific conclusionsReasoning from specific observations to a general conclusionAn artificially created situation that is used to test a hypothesis...

Scientific Method 2021-10-13

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. It is a situation or a question raised for inquiry, consideration or solution
  2. This helps scientist make a hypothesis or collect data during an experiment
  3. carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the facts
  1. A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.
  2. The summary of an experiment and its results
  3. An educated guess
  4. Step by step process taken by the researcher in conducting an investigation
  5. The information collected during an experiment

8 Clues: An educated guessThe summary of an experiment and its resultsThe information collected during an experimentcarry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the factsThis helps scientist make a hypothesis or collect data during an experimentStep by step process taken by the researcher in conducting an investigation...

Scientific Method 2021-11-24

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. help find the conclusion
  2. receives the treatment
  3. ask a question
  4. using you five senses
  5. the item testing
  1. receive no treatment
  2. the item being measured
  3. make a prediction

8 Clues: ask a questionthe item testingmake a predictionreceive no treatmentusing you five sensesreceives the treatmentthe item being measuredhelp find the conclusion

Scientific method 2022-10-10

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. you would do things the same.
  2. stays the same.
  3. changes on purpose
  1. the steps you take to conduction to experment.
  2. look over.
  3. a dangures virus
  4. it relies on the scinitsis changes.
  5. to work with subsitense

8 Clues: look over.stays the same.a dangures viruschanges on purposeto work with subsitenseyou would do things the relies on the scinitsis changes.the steps you take to conduction to experment.

Scientific method 2022-03-31

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. Ask
  3. same
  4. Process
  1. changeable
  2. look
  3. different
  4. guess

8 Clues: AsklooktestsameguessProcessdifferentchangeable

Scientific method 2022-03-31

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. Ask
  3. same
  4. Process
  1. changeable
  2. look
  3. different
  4. guess

8 Clues: AsklooktestsameguessProcessdifferentchangeable

scientific method 2022-08-26

scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. something that takes in something and gives off something
  2. The variable that is delectably changed
  1. experement where only one variable is changed
  2. an estimate that can be tested
  3. the group that is given a base
  4. The variable that is changed according to the independent variable
  5. codes for proteins
  6. information you collect in an experiment

8 Clues: codes for proteinsan estimate that can be testedthe group that is given a baseThe variable that is delectably changedinformation you collect in an experimentexperement where only one variable is changedsomething that takes in something and gives off somethingThe variable that is changed according to the independent variable

Scientific Method 2022-06-13

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. What did you find
  2. To predict the results
  3. To measure and collect information
  4. What are you trying to find out
  5. The steps that you have done
  1. What was the results
  2. Look and write the notes
  3. What did you use to do the project

8 Clues: What did you findWhat was the resultsTo predict the resultsLook and write the notesThe steps that you have doneWhat are you trying to find outWhat did you use to do the projectTo measure and collect information

Scientific Method 2022-07-05

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. factor that is adjusted by the experimenter
  2. an educated guess
  3. law of gravity
  4. counting something (the amount of something)
  1. percentage of something (out of 100%)
  2. shows trends/how data changed over time
  3. black hole theory
  4. factor that depends on the independent variable

8 Clues: law of gravityblack hole theoryan educated guesspercentage of something (out of 100%)shows trends/how data changed over timefactor that is adjusted by the experimentercounting something (the amount of something)factor that depends on the independent variable

Scientific Method 2022-09-04

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. To collect and record data, which enables them to construct and then test hypotheses and theories.
  2. A testable statement about the relationship between two or more variables or a proposed explanation for some observed phenomenon.
  3. A process of finding the answer to a question using various research methods.
  1. A statement of the expected results of the experiment based on the hypothesis
  2. A statement based on experimental measurements and observations.
  3. The facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observations.
  4. An inquiry starting from given conditions to investigate
  5. Touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste.

8 Clues: Touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste.An inquiry starting from given conditions to investigateA statement based on experimental measurements and observations.The facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observations.A statement of the expected results of the experiment based on the hypothesis...

scientific method 2023-03-28

scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. published three works in 1548-1600
  2. he studied the laws of gravity and motion and invented the telescope
  3. one of the great philosophers of the scientific revolution
  4. Hans created this in 1608
  5. a successful physicist at oxford
  1. avid student of astronomy & in 1543 published de revolutionibus orbium coelestium
  2. Galileo galilei created this in 1593
  3. an ancient greek physician, his work was the centerpiece of traditional biology and anatomy

8 Clues: Hans created this in 1608a successful physicist at oxfordpublished three works in 1548-1600Galileo galilei created this in 1593one of the great philosophers of the scientific revolutionhe studied the laws of gravity and motion and invented the telescopeavid student of astronomy & in 1543 published de revolutionibus orbium coelestium...

Scientific Method 2023-10-09

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. the variable that is being tested in the experiment.
  2. are conditions that stay the same throughout our investigations.
  3. To know how long a table is you need to _______ .
  4. a fair test.
  1. before you ask a question you need to make an _____ .
  2. changes based on the independent variable.
  3. In each experiment, scientists change only one ______ .
  4. When scientists conduct investigations they collect _____ .

8 Clues: a fair test.changes based on the independent variable.To know how long a table is you need to _______ .the variable that is being tested in the experiment.before you ask a question you need to make an _____ .In each experiment, scientists change only one ______ .When scientists conduct investigations they collect _____ ....

Inquiry review 2020-09-30

Inquiry review crossword puzzle
  1. observation that uses adjectives to describe something
  2. when you look at your data and try to make sense of it
  3. part of the scientific method where you tell what you think will happen
  4. drawing a conclusion about the present or past based on observations and experience
  5. observation that includes a number (counting or measuring)
  1. where you list the items you will need to conduct the experiment
  2. an educated guess about the future based on observations and experience
  3. part of the scientific method where you reflect on the overall experiment and tell whether your hypothesis was correct or not
  4. process used by scientists to answer questions they are curious about or solve problems
  5. you might turn your data into one of these so it's easier to read/interpret
  6. using your senses to collect information
  7. in the scientific method, these are the steps you follow to conduct the experiment
  8. part of the scientific method where you describe what it is you want to know

13 Clues: using your senses to collect informationobservation that uses adjectives to describe somethingwhen you look at your data and try to make sense of itobservation that includes a number (counting or measuring)where you list the items you will need to conduct the experimentan educated guess about the future based on observations and experience...

Scientific method (Eva's) 2022-08-25

Scientific method (Eva's) crossword puzzle
  1. The variable that stays the same in an experiment
  2. Graph
  3. A set of organized steps
  4. An educated guess or statement
  5. A way of problem-solving by making a Hypothesis and testing it
  1. The final summary of the data and results
  2. Fact observation
  3. Using your senses
  4. Manipulated variable
  5. Responding variable
  6. The question in an experiment that is being tested
  7. Answer to a problem

12 Clues: GraphFact observationUsing your sensesResponding variableAnswer to a problemManipulated variableA set of organized stepsAn educated guess or statementThe final summary of the data and resultsThe variable that stays the same in an experimentThe question in an experiment that is being tested...

Scientific Method Review 2019-09-25

Scientific Method Review crossword puzzle
  1. A summary of the important parts and results of your experiment.
  2. The factor that is measured during the experiment.
  3. The factors that change during an experiment.
  4. A detailed, step by step description of how an experiment is conducted.
  5. An experiment in which only one variable is changed at a time.
  6. The process of interpreting the meaning of the data collected in an experiment, finding patterns in the data, and thinking about what the patterns mean.
  1. Factors that remain the same throughout the experiment.
  2. It is a process that is used to find answers to questions about the world around us.
  3. Facts, figures and other evidence gathered through observation during an experiment.
  4. A question to be answered using the scientific method.
  5. The variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis.
  6. Predicting the answer to your question or the outcome of the experiment.

12 Clues: The factors that change during an experiment.The factor that is measured during the experiment.A question to be answered using the scientific method.Factors that remain the same throughout the experiment.The variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis.An experiment in which only one variable is changed at a time....

Scientific Method Review 2019-09-25

Scientific Method Review crossword puzzle
  1. A detailed, step by step description of how an experiment is conducted.
  2. An experiment in which only one variable is changed at a time.
  3. The factor that is measured during the experiment.
  4. The factors that change during an experiment.
  5. A question to be answered using the scientific method.
  6. The process of interpreting the meaning of the data collected in an experiment, finding patterns in the data, and thinking about what the patterns mean.
  1. The variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis.
  2. Factors that remain the same throughout the experiment.
  3. Predicting the answer to your question or the outcome of the experiment.
  4. It is a process that is used to find answers to questions about the world around us.
  5. A summary of the important parts and results of your experiment.
  6. Facts, figures and other evidence gathered through observation during an experiment.

12 Clues: The factors that change during an experiment.The factor that is measured during the experiment.A question to be answered using the scientific method.Factors that remain the same throughout the experiment.The variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis.An experiment in which only one variable is changed at a time....

Scientific Method Vocab 2021-09-30

Scientific Method Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a group that receives a treatment in an experiment.
  2. method Has six steps
  3. a tryout or experiment to test quality, value, or usefulness
  4. the variable that is being measured or tested in an experiment.
  1. a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
  2. descriptive and conceptual findings collected through questionnaires, interviews, or observation
  3. come up with a thesis
  4. facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
  5. control an experimental element which is constant and unchanged throughout the course of the investigation
  6. the standard to which comparisons are made in an experiment
  7. the variable the experimenter manipulates or changes
  8. any pieces of information that can be displayed using numbers.

12 Clues: method Has six stepscome up with a thesisa group that receives a treatment in an experiment.the variable the experimenter manipulates or changesthe standard to which comparisons are made in an experimenta conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.a tryout or experiment to test quality, value, or usefulness...

The Scientific Method 2012-09-13

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. describes the steps you use during an experiment
  2. summarizes the results of an experiment
  3. used to communicate the results of an experiment
  4. the part of the experiment that is changed
  1. an educated guess
  2. information we gather by using out senses
  3. data that can be collected using the 5 senses
  4. process used by scientists that is being tested or the part that is changed by the person doing the experiment
  5. data that can be measured such as mass, volume, and length
  6. the part of the experiment that responds to changes in other variables
  7. an activity designed to test a hypothesis
  8. information collected during an experiment

12 Clues: an educated guesssummarizes the results of an experimentinformation we gather by using out sensesan activity designed to test a hypothesisthe part of the experiment that is changedinformation collected during an experimentdata that can be collected using the 5 sensesdescribes the steps you use during an experiment...

The Scientific Method 2014-04-06

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. a summary of the experiment's results, and how those results match up to your hypothesis
  2. a tool that you design to find out if your ideas about your topic are right or wrong
  3. a variable that can be changed
  4. the first stage in understanding the problem
  5. type of graph that shows how dependent variable changes in response to independent variable
  1. is used to solve scientific questions
  2. predicted answer to the question, if-then statement
  3. a possible solution to a problem, based on knowledge and research
  4. group in the procedure where there is no change, normal conditions
  5. variable that depends on the independent variable
  6. type of graph that displays data in a number of distinct categories
  7. data is displayed in this

12 Clues: data is displayed in thisa variable that can be changedis used to solve scientific questionsthe first stage in understanding the problemvariable that depends on the independent variablepredicted answer to the question, if-then statementa possible solution to a problem, based on knowledge and research...

Scientific Method Vocabulary 2024-09-05

Scientific Method Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. To examine carefully to identify causes, key factors, possible results, or patterns.
  2. The process of identifying a clear, defined, step-by-step solution to a complex problem.
  3. Information that has been measured or observed in an experiment.
  4. Facts are given to support the truth or a claim from data
  5. An explanation given to prove a hypothesis true or false.
  1. An if, then statement that makes a prediction to solve a problem.
  2. A conclusion that is reached because of known facts or evidence.
  3. One factor in an experiment that can be changed or is different.
  4. Factors in an experiment that do not change.
  5. A statement made that is true based on evidence from data collected.
  6. An organized set of steps that are used to solve a problem.
  7. One factor in an experiment that is measured.

12 Clues: Factors in an experiment that do not change.One factor in an experiment that is measured.Facts are given to support the truth or a claim from dataAn explanation given to prove a hypothesis true or false.An organized set of steps that are used to solve a problem.A conclusion that is reached because of known facts or evidence....

The Scientific Method 2024-09-17

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. a statement that explains what will happen every time the
  2. conditions are present
  3. An educated guess
  4. The many factors that stay the same throughout the experiment
  5. Numerical information
  6. the one variable that is changed in the experiment
  1. a well tested possible explanation
  2. a test under controlled conditions to answer a question
  3. the result that is being measured in an experiment
  4. the test group that is not changed during the experiment
  5. Descriptive information
  6. The information you collect during an experiment

12 Clues: An educated guessNumerical informationconditions are presentDescriptive informationa well tested possible explanationThe information you collect during an experimentthe result that is being measured in an experimentthe one variable that is changed in the experimenta test under controlled conditions to answer a question...

Biology 2021-09-28

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. the first step in the scientific method
  2. method- science is characterized by an organized response called
  3. smallest unit that can perform all life's processes
  4. study of life
  5. bacteria, archaea, eukarya
  6. electron microscope- can see into the actual specimen
  1. the fourth step in the scientific method
  2. animalia, plantae, fungi, protista, archaea, bacteria
  3. electron microscope- can only see the surface of the specimen
  4. structures that carry out specialized jobs within an organs system
  5. the high degree of order within an organism's internal and external parts and its interactions with the living world
  6. light microscope-shines light through a specimen

12 Clues: study of lifebacteria, archaea, eukaryathe first step in the scientific methodthe fourth step in the scientific methodlight microscope-shines light through a specimensmallest unit that can perform all life's processesanimalia, plantae, fungi, protista, archaea, bacteriaelectron microscope- can see into the actual specimen...

Biology 2021-09-28

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. the first step in the scientific method
  2. method- science is characterized by an organized response called
  3. smallest unit that can perform all life's processes
  4. study of life
  5. bacteria, archaea, eukarya
  6. electron microscope- can see into the actual specimen
  1. the fourth step in the scientific method
  2. animalia, plantae, fungi, protista, archaea, bacteria
  3. electron microscope- can only see the surface of the specimen
  4. structures that carry out specialized jobs within an organs system
  5. the high degree of order within an organism's internal and external parts and its interactions with the living world
  6. light microscope-shines light through a specimen

12 Clues: study of lifebacteria, archaea, eukaryathe first step in the scientific methodthe fourth step in the scientific methodlight microscope-shines light through a specimensmallest unit that can perform all life's processesanimalia, plantae, fungi, protista, archaea, bacteriaelectron microscope- can see into the actual specimen...

Andrew Trimester 1 Vocabulary 2021-11-03

Andrew Trimester 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The results you see
  2. Makes protein.
  3. Jelly-like substance within the cell-membrane
  4. This organelle has little dots on it called ribosomes; makes proteins
  5. Single celled organism
  6. Shares all additional info with everyone
  7. The powerhouse organelle it gives you energy...Remember it as MIGHTY MITOCHONDRIA!!
  8. Reports to the teacher how the group worked together.
  1. something that makes you go, “WHAT?????”
  2. The thing that you can change in the experiment
  3. An educated guess
  4. Has the ability to remove any waste products from the cell. Vacuoles are extremely important in providing structural support
  5. The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge: basically a scientific recipe
  6. Makes sure that all supplies and materials needed for the task are available.
  7. Contains all that RNA stuff

15 Clues: Makes protein.An educated guessThe results you seeSingle celled organismContains all that RNA stuffsomething that makes you go, “WHAT?????”Shares all additional info with everyoneJelly-like substance within the cell-membraneThe thing that you can change in the experimentReports to the teacher how the group worked together....

Scientific Method and Measurement 2023-05-08

Scientific Method and Measurement crossword puzzle
  1. Centimeters is a unit of __________.
  2. The experimental group is sometimes called the _________ group.
  3. In a CER conclusion the _____________ tells the scientific laws or rules that make the claim true.
  4. Mass is measured with a ___________ or a scale.
  5. The metric unit for temperature is ______________.
  6. In a data table the independent variable goes in this column.
  7. A hypothesis has to have this word in it
  8. Constants stay the _________ during an experiment
  9. In a summary conclusion we need to tell if the data _______ the hypothesis.
  10. During data collection and analysis we sometimes have to make ___________.
  1. What is the one word that must be in a testable question?
  2. The labels on graphs have to have the ___________ units.
  3. This variable responds to the change the scientist made.
  4. Density is _____________ not measured.
  5. Time is the ___________ between two events.
  6. Some American standard units for _________ are cup, quart, and teaspoon.
  7. A claim tells the ___________ between the variables.
  8. In a graph the independent variable always goes here.

18 Clues: Centimeters is a unit of __________.Density is _____________ not measured.A hypothesis has to have this word in itTime is the ___________ between two events.Mass is measured with a ___________ or a scale.Constants stay the _________ during an experimentThe metric unit for temperature is ______________....

Scientific Method Crossword 2022-09-23

Scientific Method Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A step by step method to complete a task
  2. The ________ variable is the one you change
  3. The information that you have gathered during the experiment
  4. Something that can change in a test.
  5. A remark or comment based on something one has seen, heard, or noticed
  6. The ________ variable is what changes because of the other variable
  1. to repeat
  2. An observation about characteristics
  3. An educated guess or inference on an observation
  4. A measured observation
  5. to consistently repeat a measurement
  6. Information gathered during testing
  7. to make a measurement as close to the true result as possible

13 Clues: to repeatA measured observationInformation gathered during testingAn observation about characteristicsto consistently repeat a measurementSomething that can change in a test.A step by step method to complete a taskThe ________ variable is the one you changeAn educated guess or inference on an observation...

Scientific Method Review 2020-10-19

Scientific Method Review crossword puzzle
  1. receives the independent variable
  2. does not receive the independent variable
  3. information received from our five senses
  4. a conclusion drawn from our observations
  5. a widely accepted explanation
  6. the variable being tested
  1. steps used to solve problems
  2. the control group is need for this reason
  3. the data/results
  4. summary of your results
  5. a testable prediction
  6. question that can be solved through experiments

12 Clues: the data/resultsa testable predictionsummary of your resultsthe variable being testedsteps used to solve problemsa widely accepted explanationreceives the independent variablea conclusion drawn from our observationsthe control group is need for this reasondoes not receive the independent variableinformation received from our five senses...


THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD crossword puzzle


Scientific Method Vocabulary 2022-08-25

Scientific Method Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a prediction about the relationship between variables
  2. the variable that stays the same for the experiment
  3. the variable that responds to the change
  4. an accepted hypothesis
  5. observations that use numbers or measurements
  1. a process that allows us to create explanations of how something may work
  2. the testable part of the experiment
  3. the variable that is changed by the scientist
  4. observations that are made using only senses
  5. all the information collected during the experiment
  6. to examine the data and determine if the hypothesis was proven correct or incorrect
  7. an explanation or interpretation of an observation based on prior knowledge

12 Clues: an accepted hypothesisthe testable part of the experimentthe variable that responds to the changeobservations that are made using only sensesthe variable that is changed by the scientistobservations that use numbers or measurementsall the information collected during the experimentthe variable that stays the same for the experiment...

Scientific Method Crossword 2023-09-07

Scientific Method Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The item in an experiment that stays the same
  2. To look at something carefully by attention to its parts.
  3. A logical, systematic approach to the solution of a scientific problem.
  4. The item that is being changed
  5. A statement that requires an answer
  1. The act of noticing and describing events or processes using your senses.
  2. A method or way of doing something, step by step directions.
  3. A summary of an experiment's findings (based on evidence or facts).
  4. Evidence; information gathered from observations.
  5. A procedure carried out to gather data about an object or event
  6. A testable prediction
  7. The item in an experiment that is being affected (effect) or measured

12 Clues: A testable predictionThe item that is being changedA statement that requires an answerThe item in an experiment that stays the sameEvidence; information gathered from observations.To look at something carefully by attention to its parts.A method or way of doing something, step by step directions....

The Scientific Method 2024-09-09

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. what scientists must have in order to think of new ideas, design experiments, solve problems, and think outside the box
  2. a variable that you change on purpose
  3. a conclusion drawn from observations and evidence
  4. a story or idea that is not based on scientific evidence
  5. a personal belief not always based on factual evidence
  6. a systematic way of learning about the natural world
  7. a statement about patterns in nature and what happens under certain conditions
  8. a way to test a hypothesis
  1. an educated prediction that is specific and testable
  2. evidence based on information that scientists gather from observations and experiments
  3. an explanation of how something works in nature based on evidence from many experiments
  4. a variable that you measure

12 Clues: a way to test a hypothesisa variable that you measurea variable that you change on purposea conclusion drawn from observations and evidencean educated prediction that is specific and testablea systematic way of learning about the natural worlda personal belief not always based on factual evidence...

Scientific method 2022-03-31

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. Ask
  3. same
  4. Process
  1. changeable
  2. look
  3. different
  4. guess

8 Clues: AsklooktestsameguessProcessdifferentchangeable

Scientific method 2022-03-31

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. Ask
  3. same
  4. Process
  1. changeable
  2. look
  3. different
  4. guess

8 Clues: AsklooktestsameguessProcessdifferentchangeable

Scientific Method 2022-09-05

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. a statement based on the data/ results of an experiment
  2. to examine something (like data), in order to form a conclusion
  3. a test of a prediction
  4. a consequence, effect, or outcome of something
  1. what will happen if the hypothesis is correct
  2. something that you notice using your senses
  3. a testable, possible answer to the question
  4. factual information (such as measurements or statistics)

8 Clues: a test of a predictionsomething that you notice using your sensesa testable, possible answer to the questionwhat will happen if the hypothesis is correcta consequence, effect, or outcome of somethinga statement based on the data/ results of an experimentfactual information (such as measurements or statistics)...

Scientific Method 2022-10-26

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. if then because statement
  2. exactly what you do
  3. a list of things you will use in an experiment
  4. a variable that changes in an experiment
  1. able to be changed
  2. something that is measured in an experiment
  3. a variable that does not change in an experiment
  4. testing your hypothesis

8 Clues: able to be changedexactly what you dotesting your hypothesisif then because statementa variable that changes in an experimentsomething that is measured in an experimenta list of things you will use in an experimenta variable that does not change in an experiment

Scientific Method 2020-10-05

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. 2nd Step
  2. 4th step
  3. 8th step
  4. 7th step
  5. 1st Step
  1. 6th step
  2. 5th step
  3. 3rd Step

8 Clues: 6th step2nd Step5th step3rd Step4th step8th step7th step1st Step

Scientific Method 2022-12-15

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. a statement based on experimental measurements and observations
  2. You should conduct background on your topic to learn as much as you can about it.
  3. the process of interpreting the meaning of the data we have collected, organized, and displayed in the form of a table or graph.
  4. Sometimes you may want to state an objective and a problem and then phrase it in the form of a
  1. If plants are grown under red light, then they will be taller than plants grown under white light.
  2. record them in a lab book or another way
  3. Scientists can gather their____by observing the natural world, performing an experiment in a laboratory, or by running a model
  4. test it

8 Clues: test itrecord them in a lab book or another waya statement based on experimental measurements and observationsYou should conduct background on your topic to learn as much as you can about it.Sometimes you may want to state an objective and a problem and then phrase it in the form of a...

Scientific method 2023-03-03

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. you use it to identify the problem you would like to solve
  2. you use your touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste
  3. you do it when you gather more data
  1. for this step you have to look carefuly and understand what it means
  2. a way to ask and answer specific questions
  3. when you try to give an explanation or answer
  4. when you test something
  5. the last step of the scientific method

8 Clues: when you test somethingyou do it when you gather more datathe last step of the scientific methoda way to ask and answer specific questionswhen you try to give an explanation or answeryou use your touch, sight, hearing, smell, and tasteyou use it to identify the problem you would like to solve...

scientific method 2023-09-06

scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. The part where you test your hypothesis
  2. The start of the scientific method - step 1
  3. The 6 steps scientists use to research
  1. The part where you write down what you find
  2. what you would use to collect data
  3. Looking at data to see if your hypothesis was right
  4. What do scientists do with thier research
  5. A possible answer to the question

8 Clues: A possible answer to the questionwhat you would use to collect dataThe 6 steps scientists use to researchThe part where you test your hypothesisWhat do scientists do with thier researchThe part where you write down what you findThe start of the scientific method - step 1Looking at data to see if your hypothesis was right

Scientific Method Vocab 2020-08-23

Scientific Method Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. and educated guess that is created based on observations and research
  2. summarizes what happened; tells if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect
  3. the variable that is being measured
  4. to look at your information and/or data carefully
  5. a variable that does not change; something you do because you know what will happen
  1. the variable being changed or tested
  2. a guess as to what will happen in the future based on your prior knowledge
  3. a prediction based on observations and prior knowledge
  4. the detailed steps or directions you follow to do an experiment
  5. any factor that can change in an experiment
  6. factors that stay the same in an experiment
  7. information you gather with your senses

12 Clues: the variable that is being measuredthe variable being changed or testedinformation you gather with your sensesany factor that can change in an experimentfactors that stay the same in an experimentto look at your information and/or data carefullya prediction based on observations and prior knowledge...

Scientific Method Vocabulary 2022-09-09

Scientific Method Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the purpose for conducting the experiment
  2. statement on whether the hypothesis is supported
  3. what is measured in the end
  4. what is changed on purpose at the beginning
  5. educated guess about the outcome of an experiment
  6. information collected during the experiment
  1. the number of times the experiment is performed
  2. step that involves creating a graph
  3. directions for completing an experiment
  4. things that remain the same throughout the experiment
  5. the normal way of doing something, used as comparison
  6. using computers/books/interviews to find out info

12 Clues: what is measured in the endstep that involves creating a graphdirections for completing an experimentthe purpose for conducting the experimentwhat is changed on purpose at the beginninginformation collected during the experimentthe number of times the experiment is performedstatement on whether the hypothesis is supported...

The Scientific Method 2022-08-28

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. The ______ describes the steps you use during an experiment.
  2. The _________ variable is the effect of the other variable.
  3. The ____________ is a process used by scientists to find answers to questions or solve a problem.
  4. After the scientist makes a hypothesis, they perform an _____ to collect data.
  5. After an experiment, scientists write a ______ which summarizes their experiment and results.
  1. The _________ variable does not depend on that of another variable. It is the cause.
  2. - The first step of the scientific method is to define or identify the _____.
  3. Scientists make _____ to help them make a hypothesis or collect data during an experiment.
  4. The __________ is an educated guess.
  5. The __________ is the part of an experiment that is not being tested and is used for comparison.
  6. Scientists use their data to make charts and ___ to communicate the results of an experiment.
  7. Scientists look at the data to determine what happened and why.

12 Clues: The __________ is an educated guess.The _________ variable is the effect of the other variable.The ______ describes the steps you use during an experiment.Scientists look at the data to determine what happened and why.- The first step of the scientific method is to define or identify the _____....

Scientific Method Vocab 2024-06-13

Scientific Method Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. where you answer if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect
  2. data that is collected by counting or measuring
  3. the variable you change
  4. the variable(s) that are kept the same
  5. an opinion you made based on an observation
  6. what you want to learn more about and get an answer to
  7. an educated guess about the outcome of the experiment
  1. data that is observed using your senses
  2. a procedure to test your hypothesis
  3. the variable that is affected by the change
  4. gathering info about your question and topic
  5. use your data and observations to draw conclusions about your experiment

12 Clues: the variable you changea procedure to test your hypothesisthe variable(s) that are kept the samedata that is observed using your sensesthe variable that is affected by the changean opinion you made based on an observationgathering info about your question and topicdata that is collected by counting or measuring...

Scientific Method Vocabulary 2024-08-08

Scientific Method Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. An experiment is reproduced by another person with a goal of obtaining similar results.
  2. The methodical examination of phenomena or behavior, which is carried out to obtain reliable, unbiased data.
  3. The one factor in a scientific investigation that is deliberately manipulated by the person experimenting (test variable).
  4. Observations, measurements, and other types of data that is collected to test and evaluate scientific explanations.
  5. The factors in an experiment that remain the same.
  6. Multiple sets of data from numerous trials, usually conducted by one person.
  1. The group in a experiment that is used for comparison--the independent variable is not changed.
  2. The use of words to describe what is observed in an investigation or experiment.
  3. A testable prediction, idea, or explanation that leads to scientific investigation.
  4. The measured factor that is the direct result of the manipulation of the independent variable (outcome variable).
  5. The group in an controlled experiment used to study relationships among variables by changing the independent variable.
  6. The use of numbers to describe what is measured in an investigation or experiment.

12 Clues: The factors in an experiment that remain the same.Multiple sets of data from numerous trials, usually conducted by one person.The use of words to describe what is observed in an investigation or experiment.The use of numbers to describe what is measured in an investigation or experiment....

Scientific Method Grant 2024-09-04

Scientific Method Grant crossword puzzle
  1. an explanation given to prove a hypothesis true or false
  2. an organized set of steps
  3. factors in an experiment that do not change
  4. one factor in an experiment that can change
  5. one factor in an experiment that is measure or tested
  1. the process of identifying a clear, defined, step-by-step solution to a complex problem
  2. a conclusion that is reacted because known facts or evidence
  3. an if,then statement that makes a prediction
  4. a statement made that is true based on evidence from data collected
  5. to examine carefully to identify causes, key factors,possible results,or patterns
  6. information that has been measured or observed in an experiment
  7. facts are given to support the truth or a claim from data that has been collected

12 Clues: an organized set of stepsfactors in an experiment that do not changeone factor in an experiment that can changean if,then statement that makes a predictionone factor in an experiment that is measure or testedan explanation given to prove a hypothesis true or falsea conclusion that is reacted because known facts or evidence...

Scientific Method MD 2024-03-19

Scientific Method MD crossword puzzle
  1. First step. Ask a _____________________.
  2. Sixth Step. Determine if your hypothesis was correct.
  3. Group that does receive the treatment.
  4. Third Step. Testable prediction of the natural world.
  5. Group that doesn't receive the treatment.
  6. Research Second step. Completed to understand your topic.
  1. The manipulated variable that is being tested.
  2. Information collected during the experiment
  3. The outcome variable that is measured.
  4. Fourth Step. Testing of your hypothesis.
  5. The variables that stay the same.
  6. Fifth step. Make sense of your data.

12 Clues: The variables that stay the same.Fifth step. Make sense of your data.The outcome variable that is measured.Group that does receive the treatment.First step. Ask a _____________________.Fourth Step. Testing of your hypothesis.Group that doesn't receive the treatment.Information collected during the experiment...

Cell Vocabulary 2022-09-06

Cell Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The basic structural and functional unit in living organisms
  2. A category of organisms made up of one cell
  3. An educated guess/ what you think the answer to your question will be
  4. Step 4 of the scientific method
  1. A category of organisms made up of more than one cell and of different types of cells
  2. First step of the scientific method
  3. The real answer to your question
  4. Step 2 of the scientific method
  5. Step 5 of the scientific method

9 Clues: Step 2 of the scientific methodStep 5 of the scientific methodStep 4 of the scientific methodThe real answer to your questionFirst step of the scientific methodA category of organisms made up of one cellThe basic structural and functional unit in living organismsAn educated guess/ what you think the answer to your question will be...

Science and technology 2022-01-12

Science and technology crossword puzzle
  1. löytö
  2. taulukko
  3. laadullinen
  4. pätevä
  5. teoria
  6. väite
  7. luotettava
  8. määrällinen
  9. tieteellinen
  10. järjestelmällinen
  1. pohdinta
  2. menetelmä
  3. analyysi
  4. kokeellinen
  5. johdanto
  6. jakauma
  7. muuttuja
  8. osallistuja

18 Clues: löytöväitepäteväteoriajakaumapohdintataulukkoanalyysijohdantomuuttujamenetelmäluotettavalaadullinenkokeellinenosallistujamäärällinentieteellinenjärjestelmällinen

Scientific Method Crossword Puzzle 2022-08-11

Scientific Method Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A statement about what happens in nature and that seems to be true all the time.
  2. An explanation of things or events based on knowledge from many repeated experiments.
  3. Describes the steps you use during an experiment.
  4. Occurs when a scientist's expectations change how the results of an experiment are viewed.
  5. The first step of the scientific method is to define or identify the ____________.
  6. The part of the experiment that is not being tested and is used for comparison.
  7. A process used by scientists to find answers to questions or solve a problem.
  8. This variable is the part of the experiment that is being tested or the part that is changed by the person doing the experiment.
  9. This variable is the part of the experiment that is affected by the independent variable.
  1. After the experiment, scientists organize and _____ the data.
  2. An educated guess.
  3. Sometimes scientists make a mistake, or _____, and need to do an experiment again.
  4. Scientists make _______to help them make a hypothesis or collect data during an experiment.
  5. Scientists write this after an experiment to summarize their experiment and results.
  6. Can be used to represent an idea, object, or event that is too big, too small, too complex, or too dangerous to observe or test directly.
  7. Scientists use their data to make charts and _____ to communicate the results of an experiment.
  8. The information collected during an experiment.
  9. After scientists make a hypothesis, they perform a(n) _____ to collect data.

18 Clues: An educated guess.The information collected during an experiment.Describes the steps you use during an experiment.After the experiment, scientists organize and _____ the data.After scientists make a hypothesis, they perform a(n) _____ to collect data.A process used by scientists to find answers to questions or solve a problem....

The Scientific Method Name:______________________ Date:___/___/2022 2022-07-15

The Scientific Method  Name:______________________ Date:___/___/2022 crossword puzzle
  1. This a quantity that can have more than a single value.
  2. This is the first step of the scientific method.
  3. This happens when what the scientist expects changes how the results are viewed.
  4. This variable is always found on the horizontal axis usually called x-axis.
  5. This is an explanation of things or events based on knowledge gained from many observations and investigations.
  6. It is the application of science to help people.
  7. This should be performed before the hypothesis.
  8. Scientists do this to learn new information about the natural world.
  9. This is a statement of what happens in nature and seems to be true all the time.
  1. This is an organized set of investigation procedures.
  2. In the scientific method you do this to test the effect of one thing on another using controlled conditions.
  3. This variable is always found on the vertical axis, usually called y-axis.
  4. It resembles something in the natural world. Scientists build it and then test it to see how it acts.
  5. This is a factor that doesn't change when other variables change.
  6. This is a possible explanation for a problem using what you already know and what you observe.
  7. This is the standard by which the test results can be compared.

16 Clues: This should be performed before the hypothesis.This is the first step of the scientific method.It is the application of science to help people.This is an organized set of investigation procedures.This a quantity that can have more than a single value.This is the standard by which the test results can be compared....

Scientific Method Vocabulary 2017-09-07

Scientific Method Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Facts, figures and other evidence gathered through observation during an experiment.
  2. Factors that remain the same throughout the experiment.
  3. The variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis.
  4. The process of interpreting the meaning of the data collected in an experiment, finding patterns in the data, and thinking about what the patterns mean.
  5. The factor that is measured during the experiment.
  6. A detailed, step by step description of how an experiment is conducted.
  7. Predicting the answer to your question or the outcome of the experiment.
  1. An experiment in which only one variable is changed at a time.
  2. A summary of the important parts and results of your experiment.
  3. It is a process that is used to find answers to questions about the world around us.
  4. The factors that change during an experiment.
  5. A question to be answered using the scientific method.

12 Clues: The factors that change during an experiment.The factor that is measured during the experiment.A question to be answered using the scientific method.Factors that remain the same throughout the experiment.The variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis.An experiment in which only one variable is changed at a time....

Scientific Method Crossword 2018-11-16

Scientific Method Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. If a bull is colorblind than it doesn't really care about the color of the flag then it will just charge after anything that is sees waving around, this is our __________________
  2. We collected our information, what is this______________?
  3. We looked at the information about what the bull did, what is this__________?
  4. Our ________ is that bulls will chase anything it is just that they can see the red flag better, but it doesn't matter what the color is, or who is doing it.
  5. The different type of flag is the cause this is our ______________
  6. The diet, set up time, bulls that came from same farm, same routine for a week, same time this is all the same this is our ________
  7. Our _________ is if we get two of the same bulls have them on the same diet and same set up at precisely 4:00 p.m. if we put one on an arena and wave a red flag, vs the other with no flag what will happen?
  1. We turned that information into a _________ to record our data
  2. Does the color red really cause a bull to get mad and attack, This is our_________?
  3. The bulls mood could change, or if they run could change, this is our _____________________
  4. The bull with the red flag is he regular one, the standard comparison this is our________________?
  5. We _______ and found that the color red is supposed to anger the bull, but they are functionally colorblind the bull is incited to charge by the movement of the red cape. The muleta is thought to be red to mask the bull's blood, tradition.

12 Clues: We collected our information, what is this______________?We turned that information into a _________ to record our dataThe different type of flag is the cause this is our ______________We looked at the information about what the bull did, what is this__________?Does the color red really cause a bull to get mad and attack, This is our_________?...

Scientific Method Vocabulary 2021-08-29

Scientific Method Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the factor you measure at the end of the experiment
  2. data that involves descriptions
  3. any factor that can change in a controlled experiment
  4. asking a question
  5. used as a comparison for the experiment
  6. the factor you change in an experiment
  1. data that involves numbers
  2. the things the person performing the experiment sees, hears, feels, smells, or tastes
  3. a prediction that can be tested
  4. statements that sum up the results of the experiment
  5. information, observations and measurements recorded during the experiment
  6. a statement of what is thought to be true due to scientific evidence

12 Clues: asking a questiondata that involves numbersa prediction that can be testeddata that involves descriptionsthe factor you change in an experimentused as a comparison for the experimentthe factor you measure at the end of the experimentstatements that sum up the results of the experimentany factor that can change in a controlled experiment...

Scientific Method Vocab 2020-08-23

Scientific Method Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. and educated guess that is created based on observations and research
  2. summarizes what happened; tells if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect
  3. the variable that is being measured
  4. to look at your information and/or data carefully
  5. a variable that does not change; something you do because you know what will happen
  1. the variable being changed or tested
  2. a guess as to what will happen in the future based on your prior knowledge
  3. a prediction based on observations and prior knowledge
  4. the detailed steps or directions you follow to do an experiment
  5. any factor that can change in an experiment
  6. factors that stay the same in an experiment
  7. information you gather with your senses

12 Clues: the variable that is being measuredthe variable being changed or testedinformation you gather with your sensesany factor that can change in an experimentfactors that stay the same in an experimentto look at your information and/or data carefullya prediction based on observations and prior knowledge...

Scientific Method ACH 2020-09-02

Scientific Method ACH crossword puzzle
  1. a possible explanation that can be tested by comparison with scientific evidence
  2. a theory that has been tested many times without contradictions
  3. the variable you change in an experiment
  4. the "recipe" of an experiment
  5. a factor that affects how an experiment works
  6. describes evidence that can be seen independently by others if they repeat the same experiment or observation in the same way
  7. describes evidence that documents only what actually happened as exactly as possible.
  1. a variable that is kept constant during the experiment
  2. the variable that you are measuring in an experiment
  3. each time an experiment is tried
  4. a situation specifically set up to investigate relationships between variables
  5. a scientific explanation supported by a lot of evidence collected over a long period of time

12 Clues: the "recipe" of an experimenteach time an experiment is triedthe variable you change in an experimenta factor that affects how an experiment worksthe variable that you are measuring in an experimenta variable that is kept constant during the experimenta theory that has been tested many times without contradictions...

Scientific Method Vocabulary 2024-03-29

Scientific Method Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. variable: The variable in an experiment that is observed and measured to see how it responds to changes in the independent variable.
  2. A standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment. It remains constant and unaffected by the variables being tested.
  3. A statement or decision reached after considering evidence, observations, and results obtained from experiments or investigations.
  4. Any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types, and can be manipulated, measured, or controlled in an experiment.
  5. Involving or relating to quantities or numerical measurement rather than qualities or descriptions.
  1. A proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through experimentation or observation.
  2. A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of evidence and has stood up to repeated testing and scrutiny.
  3. Information gathered through observation, experimentation, or documentation, often used as evidence in scientific research.
  4. Based on or verifiable through observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
  5. A controlled procedure carried out to test a hypothesis or demonstrate a known fact.
  6. variable: The variable in an experiment that is manipulated or changed by the experimenter.
  7. The act of watching or perceiving something to gather information, often a key component of the scientific method.

12 Clues: A controlled procedure carried out to test a hypothesis or demonstrate a known fact.Based on or verifiable through observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.variable: The variable in an experiment that is manipulated or changed by the experimenter....