shapes Crossword Puzzles
MATHS 2021-12-17
Collage Vocab 2024-02-07
- Separate parts working together in a composition
- An arrangement of shapes closely fitted together, in a repeated pattern, without gaps or overlapping.
- Shapes often found in nature.
- Shapes like triangles, squares, circles, rectangles, etc.
- A collage made of multiple different types of materials.
- The repetition of one or more components.
- A picture made by gluing different materials onto a flat background.
- A technique that uses two or more art materials in a single composition.
8 Clues: Shapes often found in nature. • The repetition of one or more components. • Separate parts working together in a composition • A collage made of multiple different types of materials. • Shapes like triangles, squares, circles, rectangles, etc. • A picture made by gluing different materials onto a flat background. • ...
Math Puzzle 2023-12-12
20 Clues: - • ➗ • 8 • + • ✖️ • 7=7 • 5+9 • 7+7 • 1/2 • 0.36 • Right • shapes • 4 to 8 • ————————— • 8 divided by 4 • Inside of a shape • Outside of a shape • Another word for addition • Ones,tens,hundreds, thousands,etc • You do this to find the length pf something
ASL Our health 2022-05-19
- body faced S opening and fallig down
- S shapes alternating forward circles
- e shape/R shape
- closed 5s ND hand palm up with D hand tapping at wrist
- closed 5s arms crossed palms on chest
- g shape pulling away from nose
- r shape twists into a 2 fingered x shape
- S shape pulling from chest
- ND S shape/D closed 2 pulled over top of ND
- closed 2 D hand make a cross on ND arm
- ND closed 5 palm down/D closed 5 circling ND
- closed 5, back of hand on forehead
- 5 shaped hands with middle fingers forward with D on forehead and ND hand on stomach
- bent 5s. pulling down from your chin
- thumbs up pulled up
- upward facing Ys falling down
- closed 5 palm out/bent 5s at shoulders coming down into a fist
- c shapes near face pulling out, open mouth
- 5 shape pulling away from face closing fingers together
- 1 shape, twisting fingertips at each other near stomach
- open 5 circling face
- 5 shape with thumb to middle finger and flick
- ND hand closed 5 palm up. D hand 5 shape with middle finder forward touching middle of ND palm
- 1 shape, twisting fingertips at each other near ear
- bent 1 rocking up and down
- bent 1 shape, rocking down
- pinched 5 pulling from forehead and opening
- downward facing v turns sideways
- S shapes turn to palms facing each other
- 1 shape, twisting fingertips at each other near forehead
30 Clues: e shape/R shape • thumbs up pulled up • open 5 circling face • bent 1 rocking up and down • bent 1 shape, rocking down • S shape pulling from chest • upward facing Ys falling down • g shape pulling away from nose • downward facing v turns sideways • closed 5, back of hand on forehead • body faced S opening and fallig down • bent 5s. pulling down from your chin • ...
Grammar and Geometry Review 2019-04-15
- What we call two shapes that are exactly the same shape but different in area
- A line that touches the circumference of a circle in two places and passes through the middle
- A relationship between two lines that follow the same path and never cross
- a parallelogram with 4 right angles
- The number of degrees in an acute angle
- The name for an angle with more than ninety degrees
- a relationship between two intersecting lines that create 4 ninety degree angles
- The part of speech that describes a noun
- how many sides are there in a septagon?
- What we call the portion of a sentence that contains the verb.
- How many obtuse angles are there in a rhombus?
- how many obtuse angles are in an obtuse scalene triangle?
- The number of degrees in a straight angle
- What we call two shapes that are exactly the same area but different in shape
- The part of a sentence that is completing the action.
- The part of speech of "a" in the sentence, "Would you hand me a pencil?"
- The distance around any polygon
- What we call a triangle where all sides are different in length
- What part of speech is the word, on, in, "Fluff sits on the dog toy."
- A sentence that asks a question.
- What we call two shapes that are exactly the same shape and area
- How many acute angles are in a nonagon?
- a quadrilateral with 2 sets of parallel sides
- What we call a triangle with two sides of the same length
- How many obtuse angles are in an isosceles trapezoid?
25 Clues: The distance around any polygon • A sentence that asks a question. • a parallelogram with 4 right angles • How many acute angles are in a nonagon? • The number of degrees in an acute angle • how many sides are there in a septagon? • The part of speech that describes a noun • The number of degrees in a straight angle • a quadrilateral with 2 sets of parallel sides • ...
Inkscape Review 2024-04-12
- a blend between multiple colors
- the square points that are created when you click with the pen tool, also known as nodes
- the tool that lets you add text
- the name of the vector art software we used n class to create mandalas
- the menu that you can find Document Setup under
- the menu that you can find the Layers and Objects panel under
- the line with round dots at each end that appears when you make a curve with the pen tool
- the line of tools on the left side of the screen
- the boolean operation that allows us to cut one shape out of another
- the menu that you can find undo and redo under
- the boolean operation that allows us to combine two shapes into one
- the name of the color around a shape
- the type of curve that the pen tool makes (French word)
- ____ editor, the name of the tool we use to edit paths
- the boolean operation that only keeps the non-overlapping areas of two shapes
- the name of the tool we use to trace objects and create straight lines or smooth curves
- the menu you can find the boolean operations under
- the boolean operation that only keeps the overlapping areas of two shapes
- vector art is infinitely ________
- the menu you can find grouping options under
- path ______, the panel where you can do things like rotate copies or mirror symmetry
- the name of the color inside a shape
22 Clues: a blend between multiple colors • the tool that lets you add text • vector art is infinitely ________ • the name of the color around a shape • the name of the color inside a shape • the menu you can find grouping options under • the menu that you can find undo and redo under • the menu that you can find Document Setup under • ...
Grammar and Geometry Review 2019-04-15
- What we call the portion of a sentence that contains the verb.
- What we call two shapes that are exactly the same shape but different in area
- The name for an angle with more than ninety degrees
- What we call a triangle with two sides of the same length
- A sentence that asks a question.
- A line that touches the circumference of a circle in two places and passes through the middle
- What we call a triangle where all sides are different in length
- The distance around any polygon
- a quadrilateral with 2 sets of parallel sides
- What we call two shapes that are exactly the same shape and area
- how many obtuse angles are in an obtuse scalene triangle?
- The number of degrees in a straight angle
- A relationship between two lines that follow the same path and never cross
- What part of speech is the word, on, in, "Fluff sits on the dog toy."
- a parallelogram with 4 right angles
- The part of speech of "a" in the sentence, "Would you hand me a pencil?"
- The part of a sentence that is completing the action.
- The part of speech that describes a noun
- How many acute angles are in a nonagon?
- The number of degrees in an acute angle
- What we call two shapes that are exactly the same area but different in shape
- How many obtuse angles are there in a rhombus?
- a relationship between two intersecting lines that create 4 ninety degree angles
- how many sides are there in a septagon?
24 Clues: The distance around any polygon • A sentence that asks a question. • a parallelogram with 4 right angles • How many acute angles are in a nonagon? • The number of degrees in an acute angle • how many sides are there in a septagon? • The part of speech that describes a noun • The number of degrees in a straight angle • a quadrilateral with 2 sets of parallel sides • ...
Geographic Tools 2020-07-22
- a person who draws or produces maps
- projection that shows the correct shapes of land but distorts size, especially near the poles
- a visual explanation of the symbols used on a map
- the gathering of data from a distance
- uses the numbers and letters of a grid to help readers find specific locations
- words that identify a location
- projection that shows the correct size but distorts shapes
- visual images that show information using pictures or symbols
- place that stores information
- images taken from space
- images of the Earth’s surface taken from the sky
- a three dimensional model of the Earth
- the map element that describes the theme or subject of a map
- a book of maps
- projection that shows correct shapes and sizes but makes measuring distances difficult
- the presentation of an image on a surface
- used on a map to determine where things are in relation to other things
- the alteration of the original shape of something
- refers to the relationship between distance on a map and the corresponding distance on the ground
- a flat representation of a part of the Earth
- a series of horizontal and vertical lines running across a map
- map that features a main idea like weather, roads, sports teams, or population
- map that shows natural features of Earth, like mountains, rivers, and deserts
- a computer based program used to store, manage, and analyze data
- graphics that represent something on a map
- map that shows man-made boundaries, like countries, states and cities
26 Clues: a book of maps • images taken from space • place that stores information • words that identify a location • a person who draws or produces maps • the gathering of data from a distance • a three dimensional model of the Earth • the presentation of an image on a surface • graphics that represent something on a map • a flat representation of a part of the Earth • ...
food 2014-08-18
Geometry and Grammar Vocabulary review 2019-04-15
- A line that touches the circumference of a circle in two places and passes through the middle
- a parallelogram with 4 right angles
- What we call a triangle where all sides are different in length
- What we call a triangle with two sides of the same length
- The part of speech that describes a noun
- how many sides are there in a septagon?
- What part of speech is the word, on, in, "Fluff sits on the dog toy."
- How many obtuse angles are in an isosceles trapezoid?
- a quadrilateral with 2 sets of parallel sides
- a relationship between two intersecting lines that create 4 ninety degree angles
- The part of speech of "a" in the sentence, "Would you hand me a pencil?"
- A relationship between two lines that follow the same path and never cross
- How many acute angles are in a nonagon?
- What we call two shapes that are exactly the same area but different in shape
- What we call the portion of a sentence that contains the verb.
- A sentence that asks a question.
- The part of a sentence that is completing the action.
- The distance around any polygon
- The number of degrees in an acute angle
- What we call two shapes that are exactly the same shape but different in area
- What we call two shapes that are exactly the same shape and area
- The number of degrees in a straight angle
- How many obtuse angles are there in a rhombus?
- The name for an angle with more than ninety degrees
- how many obtuse angles are in an obtuse scalene triangle?
25 Clues: The distance around any polygon • A sentence that asks a question. • a parallelogram with 4 right angles • How many acute angles are in a nonagon? • how many sides are there in a septagon? • The number of degrees in an acute angle • The part of speech that describes a noun • The number of degrees in a straight angle • a quadrilateral with 2 sets of parallel sides • ...
MS World Geography: Unit 3 - Geographic Tools 2023-08-15
- a book of maps
- the alteration of the original shape of something
- the map element that describes the theme or subject of a map
- projection that shows correct shapes and sizes but makes measuring distances difficult
- a flat representation of a part of the Earth
- a three dimensional model of the Earth
- a computer based program used to store, manage, and analyze data
- words that identify a location
- a visual explanation of the symbols used on a map
- shows man-made boundaries, like countries, states and cities
- a series of horizontal and vertical lines running across a map
- visual images that show information using pictures or symbols
- images of the Earth’s surface taken from the sky
- shows natural features of Earth, like mountains, rivers, and deserts
- projection that shows the correct size but distorts shapes
- the gathering of data from a distance
- used on a map to determine where things are in relation to other things
- images taken from space
- uses the numbers and letters of a grid to help readers find specific locations
- refers to the relationship between distance on a map and the corresponding distance on the ground
- projection that shows the correct shapes of land but distorts size, especially near the poles
- place that stores information
- features a main idea like weather, roads, sports teams, or population
- the presentation of an image on a surface
- graphics that represent something on a map
- a person who draws or produces maps
26 Clues: a book of maps • images taken from space • place that stores information • words that identify a location • a person who draws or produces maps • the gathering of data from a distance • a three dimensional model of the Earth • the presentation of an image on a surface • graphics that represent something on a map • a flat representation of a part of the Earth • ...
Vocabulary Words 2018-10-30
- a repeating of colors, shapes, or figures
- a style of art using forms and shapes that looks like a puzzle
- harmonious arrangement of parts within a painting
- the colors orange, green, and purple
- lines going side to side
- a drawing, painting, or photograph of a person
- not representing reality or nature
- happening again and again in a regular pattern
- lines going up and down
- the colors red, blue, and yellow
- expressing things as they really are
11 Clues: lines going up and down • lines going side to side • the colors red, blue, and yellow • not representing reality or nature • the colors orange, green, and purple • expressing things as they really are • a repeating of colors, shapes, or figures • happening again and again in a regular pattern • a drawing, painting, or photograph of a person • ...
MATHS 2021-12-17
CROSSWORD 2022-02-10
Terrance Smith-Staar Math Vocabulary 2013-05-01
- the original value made to a smaller amount
- the total amount of two numbers
- the number of events to occur
- two shapes that have the same sides
- two shapes that are the same
- the area of the base
- a product lowered down to its smallest form
- an educational guest of an event to occur
- a percent subtracted from the original amount
- fraction when the numerator is bigger than the denominator
- root something multiplied by itself
11 Clues: the area of the base • two shapes that are the same • the number of events to occur • the total amount of two numbers • two shapes that have the same sides • root something multiplied by itself • an educational guest of an event to occur • the original value made to a smaller amount • a product lowered down to its smallest form • a percent subtracted from the original amount • ...
Weihnacht 2022-12-05
- ready-to-eat treats with realistic shapes
- Gingerbread cookie
- a decorated candle arch
- Advent calender
- Chistmas tree
- Nicholas
- nativity scene
- December
- Advent wreath
- Chist child
- Oh Christmas Tree
- Holy night
- Christmas Cookies
- Christmas man
- Chirstmas decorations
- Christmas market
- Nutcracker
- christmas pyramide
- Star
- Chistmas Eve
- Fruit Cake
21 Clues: Star • Nicholas • December • Holy night • Nutcracker • Fruit Cake • Chist child • Chistmas Eve • Christmas man • Chistmas tree • Advent wreath • nativity scene • Advent calender • Christmas market • Christmas Cookies • Oh Christmas Tree • Gingerbread cookie • christmas pyramide • Chirstmas decorations • a decorated candle arch • ready-to-eat treats with realistic shapes
ILE Y5 U11 "New York City" 2023-02-10
- reisijuht/raamat
- lai/kuju
- kujud
- äri
- igal/täistunnil
- kuju/poolest/erinema
- massiivne/muuseum
- kulutama/veetma/3pv
- müüma/3pv
- turistikaart
- lohuta/mind/palun
- sa/saad/hakkama
- suuruse/poolest erinema
- raha/kulutama
- puhka/ülejäänud/päev
- kenad/velotaksod
- hiigelsuur/kuju
- roheline/klaviatuur
- aega/veetma
- tasuta/sissepääs
- uus/suur/kauplus
21 Clues: äri • kujud • lai/kuju • müüma/3pv • aega/veetma • turistikaart • raha/kulutama • sa/saad/hakkama • hiigelsuur/kuju • igal/täistunnil • reisijuht/raamat • kenad/velotaksod • tasuta/sissepääs • uus/suur/kauplus • lohuta/mind/palun • massiivne/muuseum • roheline/klaviatuur • kulutama/veetma/3pv • puhka/ülejäänud/päev • kuju/poolest/erinema • suuruse/poolest erinema
Math Puzzle 2023-12-12
20 Clues: - • ➗ • 8 • + • ✖️ • 7=7 • 5+9 • 7+7 • 1/2 • 0.36 • Right • shapes • 4 to 8 • ————————— • 8 divided by 4 • Inside of a shape • Outside of a shape • Another word for addition • Ones,tens,hundreds, thousands,etc • You do this to find the length pf something
Week 38 Vocabulary 2014-05-14
- the apparent shapes of the moon in the sky
- on the other side of an issue
- Earth casts a shadow on the Moon
- someone who owns a business with another person
- hollow area or pit in the ground
- money someone puts into a business to make more money
- old-fashioned or sappy
- money a business earns
- The Moon casts a shadow on Earth
- a cut-out pattern used for making letter shapes with paint or markers
- item that is sold by a business
- a span of one hundred years
12 Clues: money a business earns • old-fashioned or sappy • a span of one hundred years • on the other side of an issue • item that is sold by a business • The Moon casts a shadow on Earth • Earth casts a shadow on the Moon • hollow area or pit in the ground • the apparent shapes of the moon in the sky • someone who owns a business with another person • ...
Fun with Shapes 2020-04-26
- An animal with 8 arms.
- The shape of an egg.
- A shape with 4 unequal adjacent sides and 4 right angles.
- The shape of a pizza.
- The shape of cells of a beehive.
- A shape with 5 sides and 5 angles.
- A shape with 3 sides and 3 angles.
- Shapes with four sides and four corners.
- Any shape that has 3 or more sides with no curves.
- The study of shapes.
- A shape with 4 equal sides and 4 right angles.
- A shape with 8 sides and 8 angles.
12 Clues: The study of shapes. • The shape of an egg. • The shape of a pizza. • An animal with 8 arms. • The shape of cells of a beehive. • A shape with 3 sides and 3 angles. • A shape with 8 sides and 8 angles. • A shape with 5 sides and 5 angles. • Shapes with four sides and four corners. • A shape with 4 equal sides and 4 right angles. • ...
Geometric Transformations 2023-11-01
- when a shape changes size and is similar
- a 4 sided shape
- Mirrored/flipped over a point or line
- a flat surface that extends infinitely
- the math that is about shapes and its properties
- a shape that is the same but different size
- an object that moves across a plane
- two shapes that are the same in size
- a circle motion around a point
- a closed shape of any number of sides
- if folded in half, both sides would be exact
- to draw on a graph
12 Clues: a 4 sided shape • to draw on a graph • a circle motion around a point • an object that moves across a plane • two shapes that are the same in size • a closed shape of any number of sides • Mirrored/flipped over a point or line • a flat surface that extends infinitely • when a shape changes size and is similar • a shape that is the same but different size • ...
1NT Science Puzzle 2 2020-09-26
- The handle of a cooking pot is made of plastic as it has low ____________ conductivity.
- Acids have ________ effect on red litmus paper.
- Solute dissolves faster in solvent if you do _______________.
- A ceramic cup has a ________ melting point and does not conduct heat well.
- When a suspension is filtered, the liquid that is obtained is called the _______________
- The liquid that a solute dissolves in is called the ____________
- __________ have no fixed shapes and no fixed volumes.
- Solubility of a solute in a solvent if the _________________ of the solvent is higher.
- ____________ sugar dissolves faster in water than rock sugar.
- Liquids have __________ volumes but no fixed shapes.
- _____________________ is the ability of a material to return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed.
- Oil floats on water because oil has ____________ density than water.
- A cooking pot is made of __________ because such a material has high thermal conductivity.
- A good electrical conductor is able to conduct electricity __________.
- A ________________ is formed when a solute dissolves in a solvent.
- The temperature of ice remains ____________ during melting.
- A gold ring sinks in water because the gold ring has a _____________ density than water.
- ____________ have fixed shapes and fixed volumes.
- A solvent that has a _______________ temperature causes solutes to dissolve faster.
- The solid that dissolves in a solvent is called the ____________.
- ____________________ used to separate a solute that has dissolved in a solvent.
- ____________ are solutions that have pH values of 0 to 6.9.
- ____________________ is used to separate a solute that is insoluble in a solvent.
- ______________ are solutions that have pH values of 7.1 to 14.
24 Clues: Acids have ________ effect on red litmus paper. • ____________ have fixed shapes and fixed volumes. • Liquids have __________ volumes but no fixed shapes. • __________ have no fixed shapes and no fixed volumes. • The temperature of ice remains ____________ during melting. • ____________ are solutions that have pH values of 0 to 6.9. • ...
Ecosystem Vocabulary 2023-02-28
- place where organism makes a home
- factor living organism that shapes its enviroment
- mass of a unit volume of a material substance
- factor enviromental factor that tends to limit population size
- all the inhabitants of a particular town
- single cell life form
- the process of turning liquid into vapor
- factor non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes it enviroment
- Web predator-prey and consumer-resource interactions
- falling products of condensation in the atmospher
- a biological communityu of interactive organisms
- Pyramid shows the flow of energy at each trophic level
12 Clues: single cell life form • place where organism makes a home • all the inhabitants of a particular town • the process of turning liquid into vapor • mass of a unit volume of a material substance • a biological communityu of interactive organisms • factor living organism that shapes its enviroment • falling products of condensation in the atmospher • ...
7th Grade Math 2022-05-23
- Numbers that are fractions and decimals
- 2 ratios that are equal to each other
- all the negative and positive numbers
- solve using two steps and isolate the variable
- The space inside a 3D object
- ___________ of proportionality (y/x)
- Another name for a fraction
- similar shapes have proportional whats?
- similar shapes have equal what?
- the kind of dot when it is just > or < than
10 Clues: Another name for a fraction • The space inside a 3D object • similar shapes have equal what? • ___________ of proportionality (y/x) • 2 ratios that are equal to each other • all the negative and positive numbers • Numbers that are fractions and decimals • similar shapes have proportional whats? • the kind of dot when it is just > or < than • ...
2D shapes 2021-03-13
- the intersection point of all the altitudes from a triangle
- a triangle with three equal sides
- the intersection point of all the medians in a triangle
- the angle in an isosceles triangle between the two equal legs
- a triangle with two equally long sides
- the angle in an isosceles triangle between the base and one of the other legs
- line segment connecting a vertex and the midpoint of the opposite side
- line segment that starts at a vertex and is perpendicular to the opposite side
8 Clues: a triangle with three equal sides • a triangle with two equally long sides • the intersection point of all the medians in a triangle • the intersection point of all the altitudes from a triangle • the angle in an isosceles triangle between the two equal legs • line segment connecting a vertex and the midpoint of the opposite side • ...
2D Shapes 2019-11-23
8 Clues: 3 sides • 6 sides • 4 equal sides • Half a circle • Squashed circle • 2 semicircles together • Fit together with no gaps • 2 different pairs of parallel sides
2D Shapes! 2020-11-30
8 Clues: I have four corners • I have a curved side • I am similar to a circle • A triangle has _____ sides • A circle has _____ corners • Half of me makes another shape • All my sides are the same length • All my sides can have different lengths
Geometrical shapes 2021-05-14
8 Clues: round shaped figure • a six sided polygon • having 6 square faces • 3D shape with length, breadth and height • pyramid having the circular cross-section • figures that are equiangular and equilateral • sum of interior three angles is always 180 degree • the lines that never meet but apart at a same distance
2D Shapes 2022-02-16
2D Shapes 2018-11-20
8 Clues: Looks like an egg • 3 sides the same length • Can be used to make rings • Has no sides and no corners • Has 4 sides the same length • Can be seen in the sky at night • Can feel it beating in your chest • Opposite sides are the same length
Geometry 2021-01-19
- a general term for four specific ways to manipulate the shape of a point,a line, or shape.
- a triangle with one obtuse angle greater than 90°
- A type of symbol where one half is the
- a triangle with only two equal sides.
- a triangle that has one right angle that is a 90 degree angle
- the angle of an object compared to compass
- a triangle that has three unequal sides all sides are different.
- a triangle with all three angles are less than 90°
- a polygon that is equiangular
- using Roman numerals: I II III
- a shape that looks the same after a rotation
- a pattern made of identical shapes. The shapes must fit together without any gaps The shapes should not overlap.
- a triangle with all three sides of equal length and all the angles are 60°.
- or the axes of a Cartesian plane.
- when you can turn, Flip and/or Slide one so it fits exactly on the other.
- a term used in geometry to describe a function that moves an object a certain distance.
- of the other half.
- angles are equal in measure and equilateral
- has a central point that stays fixed and everything’s else moves around that point in a circle.
- a transformation in which a geometric figure is reflected across a line, creating a mirror image
- a figures having the same shape; having corresponding sides proportional and corresponding angles equal.
- The new position of a point, a line, a line segment, or a figure after a transformation
- Also by convention they are often
23 Clues: of the other half. • a polygon that is equiangular • using Roman numerals: I II III • or the axes of a Cartesian plane. • Also by convention they are often • a triangle with only two equal sides. • A type of symbol where one half is the • the angle of an object compared to compass • angles are equal in measure and equilateral • a shape that looks the same after a rotation • ...
EMTECH 2021-05-21
- this makes the design pleasing to the viewers
- the process of altering images
- this makes the design pleasing to the viewers
- images are very effective in communicating messages because they are easily understood
- a group of lines can also create patterns or shapes
- it is a facility for programming or developing an application tailored to the user's specifications
- MAPS these APIs enable the developers to display accurate map
- users are also capable of posting information on their wall
- use many colored pixels
- representation of any three dimensional surface of an object via specialized software
- capable of being individually positioned
- allow for more flexibility
- for selecting rectangular or other regular
- enables users to send and read short messages with 140 characters
- can catch the attention of the viewers
- resize images in a process often called image scaling
- this format applies a lossy compression method to image files
- the intention for the creation of this file format is to be a free and open source substitute for gif
- users of the site create a private account wherein they can upload images
- this file format supports 256 colors only
- upload videos for public and private viewing
- this describes the placement of elements, shapes, or lines throughout the image
- can be done by using patterns and by repeating various elements
- the arrangement of elements in an image may be done by combining elements with different properties and characteristics
- these are defined by the enclosure created by a combination of multiple lines
- this file format can use either the lossless or the lossy compression method
26 Clues: use many colored pixels • allow for more flexibility • the process of altering images • can catch the attention of the viewers • capable of being individually positioned • this file format supports 256 colors only • for selecting rectangular or other regular • upload videos for public and private viewing • this makes the design pleasing to the viewers • ...
Two Dimensional Shapes 2017-01-28
- triangle with all three equal sides and equal angles.
- Shapes with three sides.
- triangle with two equal sides and two equal angles.
- Has as many sides as an octopus has legs.
- 4 sided polygon with 1 pair of parallel sides.
- 2D shape with 7 sides and 7 angles.
- Has 4 equal sides.
- 4 sided polygons.
- Has 4 sides, the parallel sides are the same length.
- 2D shape with 6 sides and 6 angles.
- 2D shapes with the same number of sides and angles.
- triangle with no equal sides.
12 Clues: 4 sided polygons. • Has 4 equal sides. • Shapes with three sides. • triangle with no equal sides. • 2D shape with 6 sides and 6 angles. • 2D shape with 7 sides and 7 angles. • Has as many sides as an octopus has legs. • 4 sided polygon with 1 pair of parallel sides. • 2D shapes with the same number of sides and angles. • triangle with two equal sides and two equal angles. • ...
Mosque 2021-11-18
- beautiful writing used to decorate mosque
- The man who leads the prayers at the mosque
- mat Muslims use to pray on
- where the Imam will give a sermon (a talk)
- A school where kids are taught to speak Arabic
- helps people identify a mosque
- often used to call prayers
- symmetrical patterns made from shapes
- where Muslims perform a special wash before prayer
- large empty hall used to pray in
- A decoration that includes calligraphy and shapes
- an archway in the wall at the front prayerhall
12 Clues: mat Muslims use to pray on • often used to call prayers • helps people identify a mosque • large empty hall used to pray in • symmetrical patterns made from shapes • beautiful writing used to decorate mosque • where the Imam will give a sermon (a talk) • The man who leads the prayers at the mosque • A school where kids are taught to speak Arabic • ...
Cells 2021-01-27
- wall Surrounds, protects and shapes plant cells
- They break down excess worn out cell parts
- Organelle that converts sunlight into chemical energy
- A Cell that gives you energy
- Controls the cell filled with protons
- part of the cell that provides protein
- Liquid living inside your cells.
- found anywhere,all shapes and sizes
- Stores food, water, waste and it expands
- makes your genetic instructions
10 Clues: A Cell that gives you energy • makes your genetic instructions • Liquid living inside your cells. • found anywhere,all shapes and sizes • Controls the cell filled with protons • part of the cell that provides protein • Stores food, water, waste and it expands • They break down excess worn out cell parts • wall Surrounds, protects and shapes plant cells • ...
Elements of Art 2021-10-04
- the color of something that may feel hot
- when one shape is put on top of another
- colors that are blue, green and purple
- cut and glue paper to make art
- shapes that have names
- shapes that come from nature and do not have names
- colors that are red, orange, and yellow
- the color of the ocean water
- the color of some leaves in autumn
- artist who made paper cut-outs
- the color of cool grass
11 Clues: shapes that have names • the color of cool grass • the color of the ocean water • artist who made paper cut-outs • cut and glue paper to make art • the color of some leaves in autumn • colors that are blue, green and purple • colors that are red, orange, and yellow • when one shape is put on top of another • the color of something that may feel hot • ...
Elements of Art 2024-03-22
- How something feels
- Shapes that do not split in half evenly
- The color you get when you mix red and orange
- The 3D version of shape
- Purple, green and orange are this kind of colors
- Red, blue and yellow are this kind of colors
- A line that goes up and down
- Shapes that split in half evenly
- How light or dark a color is
- The other name for purple
- A line that goes side-to-side
- A line that goes down at an angle
12 Clues: How something feels • The 3D version of shape • The other name for purple • A line that goes up and down • How light or dark a color is • A line that goes side-to-side • Shapes that split in half evenly • A line that goes down at an angle • Shapes that do not split in half evenly • Red, blue and yellow are this kind of colors • The color you get when you mix red and orange • ...
Geometry 2022-05-18
- an intersecting system of lines
- proportional sides of similar shapes
- a degree of measure of an angle at the center of a circle whose arc length
- opposite over hypotenuse
- adjacent over hypotenuse
- shapes that are exactly the same size and shape
- when two lines intersect, they are the angles across from each other (congruent)
- the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle
- the branch of mathematics concerned with angles and sides of triangles
- side attached to the reference angle
- same shape but proportional size
- opposite over adjacent
12 Clues: opposite over adjacent • opposite over hypotenuse • adjacent over hypotenuse • an intersecting system of lines • same shape but proportional size • proportional sides of similar shapes • side attached to the reference angle • shapes that are exactly the same size and shape • the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle • ...
Operations, Problem Solving, Perimeter and Area Unit Crossword 2022-06-03
8 Clues: pattern analysis • signed whole numbers • balanced proportions • a problem-solving plan • deriving a conclusion using logic • interior of two dimensional shapes • sum of edges of two dimensional shapes • and check the most powerful problem solving strategy
Juneteenth Crossword (June 2023) 2023-06-12
- One of three shapes on the Juneteenth flag, representing Texas, where Juneteenth was first celebrated.
- Juneteenth is an example of this linguistic practice where two words are blended together.
- U.S. Constitutional Amendment ending slavery within the United States, enacted in 1865.
- One of three shapes on the Juneteenth flag, representing a new horizon of opportunities and promises that lay ahead since Emanicipation.
- Texas teacher and activist largely credited with campaign behind creating Juneteenth as a federal holiday.
- Common flavor of soft drink served at Juneteenth celebrations.
- Early name given by former slaves for Juneteenth celebrations.
- First U.S. State to declare Juneteenth a state holiday in 1980.
- One of three shapes on the Juneteenth flag, representing African-Americans' new beginning since 1865.
- Foods connected with this cooking method are often considered the culinary centerpiece of most Juneteenth celebrations.
- Brother poet & composer combination credited with "Life Every Voice and Sing" in 1905.
- Emancipation Park, built in this Texas city, by former slaves for the celebration of Juneteenth.
- Primary color most associated with Juneteenth, meant to symbolize resilience and joy.
- U.S. Union General credited with announcing Emancipation Proclamation to the former slaves through General Order Number 3.
- Texas city where Juneteenth credited with beginning in 1865.
- Famous African-American novelist, whose posthumously published novel in 1999 served to widen Juneteenth's recognition with the wider public.
- Boston activist responsible for creating the Juneteenth flag.
17 Clues: Texas city where Juneteenth credited with beginning in 1865. • Boston activist responsible for creating the Juneteenth flag. • Common flavor of soft drink served at Juneteenth celebrations. • Early name given by former slaves for Juneteenth celebrations. • First U.S. State to declare Juneteenth a state holiday in 1980. • ...
A game of shapes 2020-06-18
3d shapes 2021-09-15
8 Clues: in egypt • next to each other • the _ _ _ _ of a cake • a line is _ _ _ _ _ _ • the _ _ _ _ of a shape • a triangular _ _ _ _ _ • the _ _ _ _ _ of a sword • the _ _ _ _ _ _ of a table
3D Shapes 2020-06-26
8 Clues: shape of a dice • a ball looks like this • a 2D structure for a 3D shape • the shape of your birthday cap • each face of a cube is a ..... • shape having 3 faces and 2 edges • Your NCERT textbook is in this shape • you can see light break into rainbow colours using this
3D Shapes 2019-11-03
- A 3D shape with 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 corners.
- A 3D shape with a point at the end.
- 3D shapes that have rectangles and triangles.
- Another word for corner.
- How many dimensions does 3D shapes have.
- What is the flat surface of a shape called.
- A 3D shape without corners.
- A 3D shape with no faces, edges and corners.
8 Clues: Another word for corner. • A 3D shape without corners. • A 3D shape with a point at the end. • How many dimensions does 3D shapes have. • What is the flat surface of a shape called. • A 3D shape with no faces, edges and corners. • 3D shapes that have rectangles and triangles. • A 3D shape with 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 corners.
Geometric Shapes 2020-04-20
8 Clues: a polygon that has 3 sides • a polygon that has 7 sides • a polygon that has 4 sides • a polygon that has 5 sides • a polygon that has 6 sides • a polygon that has 8 sides • a curved shape that is not a polygon • a polygon that has 4 sides and 4 right angles
2D Shapes 2020-12-03
8 Clues: I am round in shape • A circle has _ corners • in the shape of a window • A circle is in this shape • A signpost is in the shape of this • What does the D stand for in 2D shapes • How many side lengths does a triangle have? • Opposite side lengths in this shape are equal
3D shapes 2023-02-02
8 Clues: and 1 edge. • I am very famous in Egypt. • I have 1 face; 0 vertices and 0 edges. • I have 3 faces (2 flat and 1 curved); 1 • An example of me is 'tobleron'chocolate. • I have 6 faces; 12 edges and 8 vertices. • An example of me is a birthday party cap. • I have 6 equal faces; 12 edges and 8 vertices.
3D Shapes 2023-02-13
8 Clues: where faces meet • surfaces on the shape • with 1 vertex, 2 faces, and 1 edge • with 0 vertices, 3 faces, and 2 edges • points where at least three edges meet • a 3D shape that has four triangular faces • perfectly rounded with no edges and vertices • 8 vertices with edges that are all the same length.
Mathmatics 2014-09-16
- the difference between the highest and lowest numbers
- when a line crosses an axis
- a method of demostraiting how elements in a sample space are distributed
- LWD=
- when a porabloa is moved on an axis it is ___________
- when two shapes are identical
- the mathmatics of shapes
- the middle of a set of naumbers when arranged in order
- probability experiments can be done with or without __________
- a shape with the same angles and sides in the same ratiio
- the a value in a turning point form parabolaa
- an angle at 90 degrees
- the average of a set of numbers
- ____________ angles, angles within parallel lines that add to 180 degrees
- an irrational number with a square root symbol
- a quadratic with a square
- lines that are side by side and never meet
17 Clues: LWD= • an angle at 90 degrees • the mathmatics of shapes • a quadratic with a square • when a line crosses an axis • when two shapes are identical • the average of a set of numbers • lines that are side by side and never meet • the a value in a turning point form parabolaa • an irrational number with a square root symbol • the difference between the highest and lowest numbers • ...
Art Review 2024-05-14
- mixing paint with water and adding a thin layer to the canvas before starting your art
- the blank area around the object in a piece
- color scheme: green, blue, purple
- EOA: a 3 dimensional object
- color scheme: red, blue, yellow
- shapes we see in nature
- a chemical reaction that requires light
- color scheme: colors on the opposite side of the color wheel
- color scheme: red, orange, yellow
- EOA: a 2 dimensional object
- when an art piece only contains values of one color
- shapes we study in math
- painting with watercolor before even getting my brush wet
- created the iconic Campbells Soup art
- point in perspective drawings, this is the point the lines converge to
- color scheme: mixing red and orange would make a _______ color.
- color scheme: purple, orange, green
17 Clues: shapes we study in math • shapes we see in nature • EOA: a 2 dimensional object • EOA: a 3 dimensional object • color scheme: red, blue, yellow • color scheme: green, blue, purple • color scheme: red, orange, yellow • color scheme: purple, orange, green • created the iconic Campbells Soup art • a chemical reaction that requires light • ...
Elements of Art 2022-12-01
- This texture is what an object feels like
- This texture looks like a certain texture
- This element is used to create the look of depth
- Free flowing and natural shapes.
- Made when a line encloses an area. Two dimensional.
- Red, orange, and yellow colors
- The lightness or darkness of a color
- Opposite each other on the color wheel.
- Shapes that are rectilinear or curvilinear.
- A path that a moving point makes on a surface.
- The most important three colors in art.
- Blue, green, and violet colors
12 Clues: Blue, green, and violet colors • Red, orange, and yellow colors • Free flowing and natural shapes. • The lightness or darkness of a color • Opposite each other on the color wheel. • The most important three colors in art. • This texture is what an object feels like • This texture looks like a certain texture • Shapes that are rectilinear or curvilinear. • ...
Art and Culture Support Work 2013-08-16
- The substance an artist uses to create artwork.
- What we call pure colours, which are the 7 colours of the rainbow,
- Means to "come forward"
- What do we create when we mix black with any other colour.
- The french work for glue.
- Colours that are used to create contrast.
- The mark made by a moving point.
- A textured, thick, expensive piece of paper.
- Known as the brightness of colour.
- Shapes that we often find in mathematics.
- The organisation/arragngement and combination of objects within the boarders of a drawing space.
- Means to "go back"
- Colours that are found next to eachother on the colour wheel.
- Colours that make object appear larger.
- Are lines that show strength.
- Shapes that are classified as abstract.
- 2 Dimentional enclosed space is called.
- What do we create when we mix white with any other colour.
18 Clues: Means to "go back" • Means to "come forward" • The french work for glue. • Are lines that show strength. • The mark made by a moving point. • Known as the brightness of colour. • Colours that make object appear larger. • Shapes that are classified as abstract. • 2 Dimentional enclosed space is called. • Colours that are used to create contrast. • ...
Countries and Culture 2023-10-03
- A Brazilian martial art that combines dance and acrobatics
- The country known for its Viking heritage
- The Turkish coffeehouse tradition of fortune telling from coffee grounds
- A ceremonial Maori dance from New Zealand
- The art of folding napkins into decorative shapes
- The Russian alcoholic beverage made from fermented grains
- A Mexican holiday celebrated with colorful skulls and marigold flowers
- The Mexican dish made of tortillas filled with various ingredients
- The Mexican tradition of breaking a decorated container filled with sweets
- The Italian term for a festive meal with multiple courses
- The dance style associated with Argentina
- The practice of folding paper into intricate shapes, originating in Japan
- The Chinese philosophy focused on the balance of opposites
- A traditional Japanese robe
- The Hindu festival of lights celebrated in India.
- A traditional Irish folk dance
- The Chinese philosophy emphasizing harmony and balance
- The Korean New Year celebration
18 Clues: A traditional Japanese robe • A traditional Irish folk dance • The Korean New Year celebration • The dance style associated with Argentina • The country known for its Viking heritage • A ceremonial Maori dance from New Zealand • The Hindu festival of lights celebrated in India. • The art of folding napkins into decorative shapes • ...
Around the room 2020-11-11
- We solve this
- We sit on it when we study
- We use this to make the laptop battery full
- The shapes and designs that we put on a white background
- We use these to cut things
- A big, brown chair
- We use these each day to write and make presentations
- The young person we read with
- We stayed at home for eight weeks because of the Corona virus
- We do this three times a week to stay healthy
- Colours and shapes from different countries
- We read these each day
- We sit here for lunchtime when the weather is nice
- The teachers write on this
- We use this to put images on the whiteboard
- We put these on the couch
- The operating system of the laptops that we use
- We cut these to use cardboard
18 Clues: We solve this • A big, brown chair • We read these each day • We put these on the couch • The teachers write on this • We sit on it when we study • We use these to cut things • The young person we read with • We cut these to use cardboard • We use this to put images on the whiteboard • We use this to make the laptop battery full • Colours and shapes from different countries • ...
3.03 key words 2022-12-16
- the use of colored light for a soothing effect
- A concept map that uses ovals and circles to represent rooms and their relationships
- a free standing cabinetry in the kitchen
- spaces for private living like bedrooms
- functional areas where work occurs
- public areas including living room,
- bathroom thats attached to a bedroom
- diagram that refines the shapes of the bubbles into rooms and more clearly align the shapes and their locations
- design of products to be used by anyone
- routes people follow as they move from place to place in a space
- multiple rooms combined in one room
- The patterns in which users move within a space
- each room is separated by walls
- room, etc.
- series of cabinets that are only connected to the main body of the kitchen
- three major work areas in the kitchen
- small room for storage
- hybrid of closed and open floor plan
18 Clues: room, etc. • small room for storage • each room is separated by walls • functional areas where work occurs • multiple rooms combined in one room • public areas including living room, • hybrid of closed and open floor plan • three major work areas in the kitchen • bathroom thats attached to a bedroom • spaces for private living like bedrooms • ...
Transformations Crossword Name:____________ 2023-08-29
- when you reflect over this, the x value turns negative but the y value stays the same
- a "spin"
- the default direction for rotations
- the figure after a transformation
- when you reflect over this, the y value turns negative and the x value stays the same
- the opposite of 8 across
- i.e a dilation then a reflection
- the figure before a transformation
- (x,y) goes to ( , )
- Shapes that are the same shape but different sizes
- Shapes that are the same shape and size
- the line that you reflect over in a reflection
- a "flip"
- a "slide"
- ____ parts of congruent figures are congruent
- a transformation that makes a shape bigger or smaller
- when no center of rotation is given, this is the default
- an arrow that tells you the direction and length of a translation
18 Clues: a "flip" • a "spin" • a "slide" • (x,y) goes to ( , ) • the opposite of 8 across • i.e a dilation then a reflection • the figure after a transformation • the figure before a transformation • the default direction for rotations • Shapes that are the same shape and size • ____ parts of congruent figures are congruent • the line that you reflect over in a reflection • ...
12 Clues: Bananas are... • Some pigs are... • Tree trunks are... • The shape of a pizza • Sweet potatoes are... • The colour of the sky • Tigers are black and... • A shape with three sides • The colour of most leaves • Apples can be green or... • A shape with four equal sides • The colour you see when there is no light
Shapes and Angles 2021-03-25
Colours and shapes 2023-11-30
Understanding Elementary shapes 2024-06-18
- less than one fourth of the revolution
- The distance between the end points of a line segment is its length.
- we use to measure the size of an angle in degrees.
- two intersecting lines are ____ if the angle between them is 90 degree.
- all three side equal polygon.
- half of a revolution
- 1/4 revolution
- When the sum of the measure of two angles is that of a right angle,then each one of them is ___.
- A rhombus with 4 right angles
- polygon having 8 sides
- polygon with 5 sides
- More than half revolution
12 Clues: 1/4 revolution • half of a revolution • polygon with 5 sides • polygon having 8 sides • More than half revolution • A rhombus with 4 right angles • all three side equal polygon. • less than one fourth of the revolution • we use to measure the size of an angle in degrees. • The distance between the end points of a line segment is its length. • ...
Shapes in Geometry 2024-10-01
- a four-sided, or quadrilateral, geometric figure in which all four sides are of the same length and each of the two pairs of opposite sides are parallel to each other
- a three-dimensional shape, with a polygonal base and flat triangular faces, which join at a common point called the apex
- a solid three-dimensional figure, which has 6 square faces, 8 vertices and 12 edges
- a closed flat shape, having four sides, and each angle equal to 90 degrees
- a polygon with 6 sides and 6 angles
- a three-dimensional shape in geometry that narrows smoothly from a flat base to a point called the apex or vertex
- a three-dimensional object that is round in shape, no faces, no vertices, no edges
- a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges
- a three-dimensional solid that holds two parallel bases joined by a curved surface, at a fixed distance
- a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles
- a polygon with 5 sides and 5 angles
- a polygon with three corners and three sides
12 Clues: a polygon with 5 sides and 5 angles • a polygon with 6 sides and 6 angles • a polygon with three corners and three sides • a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges • a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles • a closed flat shape, having four sides, and each angle equal to 90 degrees • ...
Baking Utensils 2024-08-14
15 Clues: Citrus tool • Piping tool • Shapes dough • Removes skin • Mixes batter • Shreds cheese • Removes lumps • Applies glaze • Bakes cupcakes • Flips pancakes • Flattens dough • Nonstick surface • Holds ingredients • Cools baked goods • Measures ingredients
Thanksgiving Vocabulary 2023-01-22
16 Clues: pèlerin • un char • un défilé • un ballon • une tarte • un groupe • des formes • un artiste • une récolte • un drapeaux • des biscuits • des danseurs • des chanteurs • une citrouille • des spectateurs • un porteur de drapeau
Algebra 2013-10-20
- This presentation is about me
- Specific type of maths concerned with shapes, size and positioning
- A form of representing information
- I am not very specific
- I have no value yet I am a placehoder
- As humans we are constantly using our brain for this
- I come in many different sizes and arrangements
- You place things on them, eat tea at them and draw them a lot in maths
- Bars, lines and pies
- You could use a ruler or a car to find me
- ???????
- I like to repeat and can look very nice
- The term which describes thinking using algebra
- In human form we are way too skinny and look horrible, in maths we display something
- People solve me while eating pizzas
- Chairs, paper, screens, books are all .......
- 1,2,3,657
17 Clues: ??????? • 1,2,3,657 • Bars, lines and pies • I am not very specific • This presentation is about me • A form of representing information • People solve me while eating pizzas • I have no value yet I am a placehoder • I like to repeat and can look very nice • You could use a ruler or a car to find me • Chairs, paper, screens, books are all ....... • ...
the amazing cross 2023-09-21
- the branch of biology that deals with organisms
- the natural home or environment
- factor a living organism that shapes environment.
- a biological community of interacting organisms
- the doctrine that mutual dependence is necessary
- the regions of the surface, atmosphere,
- a comfortable or suitable position in life
- factor any of the factors in an environment capable of limiting a process
- the practice of living as a parasite
- close, prolonged association between two or more different species
- the preying of one animal on others.
- a particular section, group, or type of people or animals living in an area
- willingness to tolerate something,
- factor non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes
- community an interacting group of various species in a common location
- the species that benefits from the association
- a Large area characterized by its vegetation
17 Clues: the natural home or environment • willingness to tolerate something, • the preying of one animal on others. • the practice of living as a parasite • the regions of the surface, atmosphere, • a comfortable or suitable position in life • a Large area characterized by its vegetation • the species that benefits from the association • ...
Ashley Ferrufino 2018-09-24
9 Clues: Vertical line • Horizontal line • Where two faces meet • A shapes flat surface • A shapes mirror image • Turning around axis or center • When a shape is slide but not turned • A repeated pattern that fills a space without overlaps or gaps • Moving a shape a certain distance without rotating of flipping
Unit 1 Drake Ahrens 2023-04-04
- A thing that has to happen to a human or they will die
- organisms with multiple cells
- a non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment
- organism with 1 cell
- an organism deriving its nutritional requirements from complex organic substances.
- a living organism that shapes its environment
- physical and chemical conditions
- Produced by more than 1 parent
- produced by 1 parent
- measured by the quantity of something
- to recognize or give expression to a difference
- an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances
- measured by the quality of something
- any organism that is chiefly characterized by a cell devoid of a well-defined
- any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus
15 Clues: produced by 1 parent • organism with 1 cell • organisms with multiple cells • Produced by more than 1 parent • physical and chemical conditions • measured by the quality of something • measured by the quantity of something • a living organism that shapes its environment • to recognize or give expression to a difference • A thing that has to happen to a human or they will die • ...
Geometry Vocab CNW 2021-12-17
- this transformation turns a shape
- it divides a line or segment into 2 equal parts
- this is how angles are measured
- the sides or similar shapes are. . .
- this type of angle is exactly 90 degrees
- 2 or more angles that add up to 90 degrees
- lines that never cross and go the same direction
- this trig function is opp/adj
- this tool helps us make difficult calculations
- when 2 lines intersect at a 90 degree angle
- 2 or more angles that add up to 180 degrees
- another way to say 2 things are equal/the same
- this is the longest side of a right triangle
- this theorem uses a, b, and c
- when shapes look the same but are different sizes
- this transformation changes that size of a shape
- the distance from the center of a circle to the side
- this trig function is adj/hyp
18 Clues: this theorem uses a, b, and c • this trig function is adj/hyp • this trig function is opp/adj • this is how angles are measured • this transformation turns a shape • the sides or similar shapes are. . . • this type of angle is exactly 90 degrees • 2 or more angles that add up to 90 degrees • when 2 lines intersect at a 90 degree angle • ...
Geometry Crossword 2013-02-03
- A decagon is a ten ________ shape.
- A line that connects two side opposite each other.
- Two straight line that meet at a right angle.
- Two staright line opposite each other.
- A prism has the same bisector all along its length.
- Line __________ is the part of a line consisting of two endpoints.
- Can either be acute, obtuse, right or straight line.
- A straight ________ is a type of ________
- An isosceles triangle is a __________ shape.
- A square is a 4 sided ___________ .
- 3D Shape, Similar to a square.
- Four sided shapes are __________
- The ___________ of a triangle.
- A flat shape consiting of straight lines and has no gaps.
- Special kind of point that describes the corners or intersections of geometric shapes.
15 Clues: 3D Shape, Similar to a square. • The ___________ of a triangle. • Four sided shapes are __________ • A decagon is a ten ________ shape. • A square is a 4 sided ___________ . • Two staright line opposite each other. • A straight ________ is a type of ________ • An isosceles triangle is a __________ shape. • Two straight line that meet at a right angle. • ...
Proportions and Logic 2023-08-24
- If Q then P
- a list of statements and reason used in math and physics
- a graph of a straight line
- __ variable: that can be changed; the x-value
- an unknown number that changes
- also known as an input/output table
- __ variable: that depends on the independent variable; the y-value
- If not Q then not P
- lines and arcs in a geometric diagram that shows congruence
- a variable quantity having a constant ratio to another quantity
- two or more shapes with proportional dimensions
- statement that contains an "if" clause and a "then" clause: If P then Q
- two or more shapes with congruent dimensions
- If not P then not Q
- __ theorem = a² + b² = c²
15 Clues: If Q then P • If not Q then not P • If not P then not Q • __ theorem = a² + b² = c² • a graph of a straight line • an unknown number that changes • also known as an input/output table • two or more shapes with congruent dimensions • __ variable: that can be changed; the x-value • two or more shapes with proportional dimensions • ...
Solve the Puzzle 2021-05-05
- Making choice from multiple options
- sequence of items that are arranged in order.
- Containers that store information
- solving problems using shapes
- fixed size list comprising collection of variables.
- Series of steps that performs one after other.
- Solving the problem using steps
- Solving problems using shapes and code
- Process of repeating steps
9 Clues: Process of repeating steps • solving problems using shapes • Solving the problem using steps • Containers that store information • Making choice from multiple options • Solving problems using shapes and code • sequence of items that are arranged in order. • Series of steps that performs one after other. • fixed size list comprising collection of variables.
First Semester Vocabulary 2023-11-30
- method that deletes one shape from a group
- a type of function that is called inside another function to assist it in performing its tasks
- keyword to test if at least one of two conditions is true
- method that removes all shapes from a group at once
- a block of code that can take inputs to perform a certain task
- the person who tests a program and presses the mouse or key to make things happen, without seeing or understanding the code
- the actual values passed into a function used to perform an action
- the naming case when the first letter is lowercase, and then the first letter of each new word is in uppercase
- the parameter for onKeyPress and onKeyRelease
- a test used inside an if or elif statement that results to true or false
- method that creates a new shape for a group
- keyword to make some test case the opposite of its result, or false
- type of object that combines shapes to be moved or changed as one shape
- type of or that tests if either but not both test cases are true
- a type of function that performs some action that is visible in the canvas or console
- the method called on the app to halt all events
- keyword to test if two conditions are both true
- type of or that tests if either or both test cases are true
- a name given to store an object or shape, which can be used to change properties of that object or shape
- type of gradient that fades from the center of a shape outwards to its borders
- type of gradient that fades straight across a shape
- the parameter for onKeyHold
- words that are specific to python and cannot be used inside function or variable names
- the inputs of a function following the function name in a function definition, can be one or more
- the function that checks if any key is pressed and not released for some time
- conditionals that use the keywords or, and or not to combine simple test cases
- a shape inside of a group
- the property specific to stars only
- lines of code starting with # that are ignored by Python
- conditionals that use compound and nested conditionals to test more complicated cases
- the property that changes the color of a shape
- the 400x400 blank area that displays shapes and actions coded in a program
- conditionals that indent a conditional inside the body of another conditional
- the indented code of a function or conditional where the instructions and tasks are written
- any variable named outside of a function that can be used anywhere in a program
- the statement that tells Python to do nothing
- property that shows or hides shapes or groups of shapes
37 Clues: a shape inside of a group • the parameter for onKeyHold • the property specific to stars only • method that deletes one shape from a group • method that creates a new shape for a group • the parameter for onKeyPress and onKeyRelease • the statement that tells Python to do nothing • the property that changes the color of a shape • ...
Build Me Up 2024-08-25
6 Clues: - example of two dimensional shapes • example of three dimensional shapes • - example of one dimensional shapes • - They are solid structures that occupy space. • - these have dimensions length and width (x-axis and y-axis). • - these shapes are essentially lines with only length and no width or height
Factors Impacting Ecosystems 2022-09-12
- Flying mammal
- Man's best friend
- The concentration of dissolved inorganic salts in a body of water.
- Succession where an area that was previously occupied by living things is disturbed, then re-colonized following a disturbance.
- Has a trunk
- Ecosystem in the water.
- the regular and periodic changes in temperature, rainfall, humidity,upwelling ect.
- Electromagnetic radiation perceived by the human eye.
- The number of different species in a given area.
- Succession where newly exposed or newly formed rock is colonized by living things for the first time.
- A living organism that shapes its environment.
- Change in global or regional climate patterns.
- the concentration of the hydrogen ions in a solution.
- Large marsupial
- Ecosystem with high salt concentration.
- Likes to chase mice
- Non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment.
17 Clues: Has a trunk • Flying mammal • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice • Ecosystem in the water. • Ecosystem with high salt concentration. • A living organism that shapes its environment. • Change in global or regional climate patterns. • The number of different species in a given area. • the concentration of the hydrogen ions in a solution. • ...
The Elements of Art 2021-09-10
- Seen by the way light reflects off of a surface
- This element has height, width, and depth
- The way something looks like it feels
- The area around, above, between, inside or below objects
- The language used to communicate in art
- These kind of shapes are found in nature
- The illusion of depth on a 2D surface
- An area that has height + width
- This kind of space is an area occupied by an object
- The way something actually feels
- The way something feels or looks like it feels
- These kind of shapes are mathematical
- The path of a moving point
- A gradual change from light to dark
- The lightness or darkness of a color
15 Clues: The path of a moving point • An area that has height + width • The way something actually feels • A gradual change from light to dark • The lightness or darkness of a color • The way something looks like it feels • These kind of shapes are mathematical • The illusion of depth on a 2D surface • The language used to communicate in art • These kind of shapes are found in nature • ...
DD Crossword Puzzle 2023-03-27
- The shorthand for "effects" - layer styles
- Who you are selling the design to.
- Image file format that allows transparent properties.
- (plural) Outermost line of a workspace.
- License that holds all basic elements of other copyrights.
- Tab that allows you to use shapes to edit other shapes.
- File format that allows layers to be editable.
- What the Y in CMYK stands for.
- "(insert word here) Space" - empty space of a design.
- "(insert word here)" Point - main subject of a project design.
- Tab that allows you to edit your Bleeds, Slugs and Margins.
- What the B in RGB stands for.
- License that does not allow changes.
- Last name of your teacher.
- (styles) Can be nested into a Paragraph Style.
15 Clues: Last name of your teacher. • What the B in RGB stands for. • What the Y in CMYK stands for. • Who you are selling the design to. • License that does not allow changes. • (plural) Outermost line of a workspace. • The shorthand for "effects" - layer styles • (styles) Can be nested into a Paragraph Style. • File format that allows layers to be editable. • ...
revision with 2d shapes 2 2020-03-21
- all 2d shapes are f____.
- a triangle with 2 equal sides and 2 equal angles
- its angles add up to 180 degrees
- a shape whose sum of angles adds up to 360 degrees
- meeting at 90 degrees.
- a decagon has ______ sides.
- a triangle in which all sides and angles are different
- a 2d shapes with 8 sides.
- a parallelogram with 4 equal sides. It looks like a diamond.
- a triangle whose sides are all equal.
- the number of sides in a heptagon
- a polygon with all angles and sides equal.
- lines that never meet.
- a 2d shape with 6 sides
- a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.
- a 2d shape with 5 sides
- the angles at the centre of a circle add up to three-hundred and ______________ degrees.
- the number of sides in a nonagon
18 Clues: lines that never meet. • meeting at 90 degrees. • a 2d shape with 6 sides • a 2d shape with 5 sides • all 2d shapes are f____. • a 2d shapes with 8 sides. • a decagon has ______ sides. • its angles add up to 180 degrees • the number of sides in a nonagon • the number of sides in a heptagon • a triangle whose sides are all equal. • a polygon with all angles and sides equal. • ...
Cheeseburger Crossword 2023-04-28
- common American food
- vegetable used in salads
- dairy product melted on burger patty
- place where cows are raised
- vegetable grown in grape shapes or full shapes
- grain used to make burger buns
- edible seeds put in burger buns
- animal we get many resources from including milk
- the meat that comes from cows
9 Clues: common American food • vegetable used in salads • place where cows are raised • the meat that comes from cows • grain used to make burger buns • edible seeds put in burger buns • dairy product melted on burger patty • vegetable grown in grape shapes or full shapes • animal we get many resources from including milk
crosswords 2024-08-29
Shapes and Angles 2021-03-25
- The number of acute angles in the shape below
- The total number of angles in the shape below
- The shape below has 12 of these angles
- A triangle with 3 equal length sides
- A triangle with no right angles but 3 different length sides
- A 2D shape with 3 sides
- An angle >90 degrees
- A triangle with 2 equal length sides
- A 2D shape with 8 corners
- The number of sides on a pentagon
- The number of right angles in the shape below
- An angle of 90 degrees
12 Clues: An angle >90 degrees • An angle of 90 degrees • A 2D shape with 3 sides • A 2D shape with 8 corners • The number of sides on a pentagon • A triangle with 2 equal length sides • A triangle with 3 equal length sides • The shape below has 12 of these angles • The number of acute angles in the shape below • The total number of angles in the shape below • ...
Colours and Shapes 2020-10-22
- 4 equal sides and 4 equal corners
- round shaped, has no corners or edges
- shape with 5 points
- the colour of the pig
- the colour of the cherry
- the colour of the cube
- the colour of the book
- like a circle but is wider in one direction than the other
- 3 sides and 3 corners
- the colour of the leave
- the colour of the tulip
- the colour of the yolk
12 Clues: shape with 5 points • 3 sides and 3 corners • the colour of the pig • the colour of the yolk • the colour of the cube • the colour of the book • the colour of the leave • the colour of the tulip • the colour of the cherry • 4 equal sides and 4 equal corners • round shaped, has no corners or edges • like a circle but is wider in one direction than the other
Two Dimensional Shapes 2023-10-10
- A line that divides a figure into 2 mirror images.
- visually looks like a "dent" in the polygon
- is a 4 sided polygon classified by their sides and angles
- measure exactly 90 degrees
- are 6 sided polygons
- are 5 sided polygons
- measures more than 90 degrees
- 2 figures that are exactly the same shape and size.
- Same shapes, different sizes
- is a closed 2 dimensional figure made up of 3 or more line segments.
- is a 3 sided polygon
- measures less than 90 degrees
12 Clues: is a 3 sided polygon • are 6 sided polygons • are 5 sided polygons • measure exactly 90 degrees • Same shapes, different sizes • measures less than 90 degrees • measures more than 90 degrees • visually looks like a "dent" in the polygon • A line that divides a figure into 2 mirror images. • 2 figures that are exactly the same shape and size. • ...
Facial shapes/profile 2024-04-23
12 Clues: childlike look • 1.5times longer • dramatic effect • prominent forehead • wide at the temple • outline of the face • narrow forehead/chin • not too big or small • all hairstyle flatter • centerpart to elongate • hair should not be too long • hair should be darker at the side
Shapes and Angles 2024-06-10
- it has one curved surface and one base
- it has 1 curved surface and no flat face
- it has two pair of equal opposite sides
- it has 4 sides
- this shape is round
- there are 3 lateral faces and 2 bases
- the shape of the base of a triangular pyramid
- this shape has 4 equal sides and 4 right angles
- it's an angle smaller than right angle
- it's an angle bigger than right angle
- it has 6 faces, and its lateral faces are triangle
- it has 6 sides
12 Clues: it has 4 sides • it has 6 sides • this shape is round • it's an angle bigger than right angle • there are 3 lateral faces and 2 bases • it's an angle smaller than right angle • it has one curved surface and one base • it has two pair of equal opposite sides • it has 1 curved surface and no flat face • the shape of the base of a triangular pyramid • ...
Tech and Design Quiz 2024-01-11
- The organization of objects into a sequential relationship or continuity.
- Creation of a stylistic plan to which all parts of the design subscribe
- Using the elements to guide the viewer to an area of prominence
- A repeated decorative design or arrangement, often seen in costumes, set elements, or lighting effects.
- The visual element that adds interest and emotion to costumes, set pieces, and lighting in a performance.
- The tactile quality or feel of surfaces on stage, often created through the use of props, costumes, or set materials.
- Slight changes in the elements to prevent similarity or monotony.
- Illumination that shapes and enhances the visibility of actors and set elements on the stage.
- An elongated mark connecting two points or defining the edge of a shape.
- Equalization of visual “weight.”
- The visual flow or dynamic arrangement of elements such as patterns, colors, and shapes on the stage, creating a sense of energy.
- A defined flat space enclosed by a line, 2-D having width and height, but NO depth.
- The manipulation of mass and scale to create visual interest.
- The proportional size of elements on the stage in relation to each other and the performance space.
- The area between or within shapes.
- Using the juxtaposition of dissimilar forms to create interest
- A defined space with surfaces, 3-D having width, height, AND depth.
- Patterns of repeated visual forms to create movement.
18 Clues: Equalization of visual “weight.” • The area between or within shapes. • Patterns of repeated visual forms to create movement. • The manipulation of mass and scale to create visual interest. • Using the juxtaposition of dissimilar forms to create interest • Using the elements to guide the viewer to an area of prominence • ...
Optical Illusions Crossword 2022-10-04
- material that exists in three dimensions
- relating to how information is processed
- a repeated design
- the bouncing back of light
- something seemingly contradictory
- intersecting sets of parallel lines
- coming together or meeting at a point
- true to fact
- having parts that are unequal or unbalanced
- relating to the body
- characterised by regular lines or shapes
- the point at which something is viewed
- that part of the eye that receives images
- arrangement of shapes in a repeated pattern
- a form of abstract art that seems to move
- how the eye reacts to light being reflected
- the world as it actually exists
- bizarre of fantastical
- the part of the eye that controls light
- tangible or concrete
- relating to sight
- something perceived through the senses
- the point at which lines or waves meet
- fools the eye illusion that appears real
- misrepresentations of reality
- an image that persists after the original
26 Clues: true to fact • a repeated design • relating to sight • tangible or concrete • relating to the body • bizarre of fantastical • the bouncing back of light • misrepresentations of reality • the world as it actually exists • something seemingly contradictory • intersecting sets of parallel lines • coming together or meeting at a point • the point at which something is viewed • ...
Biological molecules 2022-10-23
- part of cell that is selectively, partially or semi permeable
- a key element in chlorophyll
- a plant polymer of glucose
- the key element in protein
- reverse diffusion that requires energy
- colour biuret goes with protein
- proteins can form many shapes e.g. the ____ ____ of enzymes
- a large molecule containing many different atoms
- monomer of proteins
- proteins can form many shapes e.g. the ____ that are made by white blood cells
- a part oof lipids
- used to test for fats
- the fruit of this flower has a lot of vitamin C
- movement of water from an area of high to low water potential across a semi permeable membrane
- made from the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
- the scientific word for fats and oils
- a part of lipids
- a monomer of starch
- tests for vitamin C
- turns red if glucose is present
- contain a lot of energy
- needed for growth and repair of cells
- turns iodine blue black
23 Clues: a part of lipids • a part oof lipids • a monomer of starch • tests for vitamin C • monomer of proteins • used to test for fats • contain a lot of energy • turns iodine blue black • a plant polymer of glucose • the key element in protein • a key element in chlorophyll • turns red if glucose is present • colour biuret goes with protein • the scientific word for fats and oils • ...
Transformations Crossword 2024-01-27
- a dilation that makes the shape smaller
- transformation that changes a shape size
- a transformation that slides each point of a figure the same distance in the same direction
- turning a shape the way a clock goes
- turning a preimage into a different quadrant
- the original figure
- a change in the location, orientation, or size of a figure
- a transformation that flips a shape over a line to get its mirror image
- turning a shape the opposite way a clock goes
- shapes have the same shape
- (0,0) on a coordinate plane
- a dilation that makes a shape bigger
- the vertical axis in a coordinate plane
- the figure after a transformation
- the horizontal axis in a coordinate plane
- the way an object is positioned
- shapes are the same shape and size
- the number you multiply a dilated shape by
- The four sections on a coordinate plane
- points on a coordinate plane
20 Clues: the original figure • shapes have the same shape • (0,0) on a coordinate plane • points on a coordinate plane • the way an object is positioned • the figure after a transformation • shapes are the same shape and size • a dilation that makes a shape bigger • turning a shape the way a clock goes • a dilation that makes the shape smaller • the vertical axis in a coordinate plane • ...
Drywall basics 2024-02-21
- Used to cut things like wood into different shapes
- Used to tighten or loosen nuts with high speed
- A tool that is designed to apply grout in spaces between tiles
- Used for cutting curved lines and unique shapes
- Ülemine vöö
- Elektrikaablid või juhtmed
- Used to create non-permanent joints
- Used to drive nails into wood or other materials
- Külgnev
- You can cut wires with these
- Tool you can use to cut materials like wood
- Eemaldama
- Vuugi pahtel
- Used for attaching drywall to wall studs
- Tellingud
- Ei külgne, ei lähe vastu
- Tool to remove paint with hot air
- Puuliistud
- Ebatasasused
- Kipsplaat
- Karkass
- Horisontaalselt
- A machine that requres a battery for it to work
- Tool used to bend pipes
- Things you need to do your work properly
- Used to spread building materials like plaster or cement
- Karkass-sein
- A device that secures the reinforcing steel or 'rebar'
- Sisesein
- Sile
30 Clues: Sile • Karkass • Külgnev • Sisesein • Kipsplaat • Eemaldama • Tellingud • Puuliistud • Ülemine vöö • Ebatasasused • Karkass-sein • Vuugi pahtel • Horisontaalselt • Tool used to bend pipes • Ei külgne, ei lähe vastu • Elektrikaablid või juhtmed • You can cut wires with these • Tool to remove paint with hot air • Used to create non-permanent joints • Things you need to do your work properly • ...
Vocabulary 2024-04-05
- It gets weaker or smaller.
- Shapes that have 4 sides.
- The whole earth.
- Descriptions that include touch, sight, taste, sound, and smell.
- A building used to grow plants all year long.
- The moral, message, or lesson in the story.
- To become or cause to become too hot.
- The reader is part of the story.
- The narrator exists outside the events of the story.
- The natural area where an animal lives or a plant grows.
- It is not allowed.
- To get rid of or destroy.
- To fall or shrink together abruptly and completely.
- The narrator is a person in the story, telling the story.
- Shapes that have more than one side.
- To create, manufacture, or cultivate.
- What is the paragraph mostly about.
- To break free, to get out of a situation you don't want to be in.
- The writer's way of deciding who is telling the story to whom.
- To measure.
- What is the whole text mostly about.
21 Clues: To measure. • The whole earth. • It is not allowed. • To get rid of or destroy. • Shapes that have 4 sides. • It gets weaker or smaller. • The reader is part of the story. • What is the paragraph mostly about. • Shapes that have more than one side. • What is the whole text mostly about. • To create, manufacture, or cultivate. • To become or cause to become too hot. • ...
Geometry Vocab 2022-05-26
- shapes that share the same shape, but different size
- Polygon with 5 sides and 5 angles
- located at the median of a line
- type of angle relationship where two angles share the same intersecting lines
- triangle that forms a 90 degree angle
- relationship where lines intersect, forming a 90 degree angle
- angle less than 90 degrees
- polygon with 4 sides
- angle more than 90 degrees
- Polygon with six sides and six angles
- triangle with two equal sides
- triangle with no equal sides
- triangle with 3 equal sides
- shapes that are exactly the same in shape and size
- Rectangle with four equal sides
- ratio of a circle
- relationship where two lines share the same slope (will never intersect)
- theorem with a formula A^2+B^2=C^2
- distance from one side to the other of a circle
- distance from center to perimeter of a circle
- point where angle is formed
21 Clues: ratio of a circle • polygon with 4 sides • angle less than 90 degrees • angle more than 90 degrees • triangle with 3 equal sides • point where angle is formed • triangle with no equal sides • triangle with two equal sides • Rectangle with four equal sides • located at the median of a line • Polygon with 5 sides and 5 angles • theorem with a formula A^2+B^2=C^2 • ...
I LOVE ART:) 2015-05-27
- shiny surface and protects the piece of clay
- sculptures are presented in a 3D form and aren't attached to a flat background
- taking material away from the piece
- method of building handmaid ceramics
- first firing in the kiln
- form a pot by doing this with the clay
- Object that can be hung from a ceiling or case
- adding material to the piece
- clay spins on this to form a piece
- applied to previously painted areas, modifies the color
- clay is to the point where all shrinkage is complete
- scratching to reveal a lower layer of color etc.
- liquid form of clay
- when clay is hard, but not yet fired
- dried as much as possible
- 3D shapes which are suspended and free moving
- impression that the sculpted material is raised above the background plane
- scratching hatch marks into clay
- different shapes of clay put together to form an object
- exposing areas of a metal plate to acid
20 Clues: liquid form of clay • first firing in the kiln • dried as much as possible • adding material to the piece • scratching hatch marks into clay • clay spins on this to form a piece • taking material away from the piece • method of building handmaid ceramics • when clay is hard, but not yet fired • form a pot by doing this with the clay • exposing areas of a metal plate to acid • ...
Sp II, Unit 4 – Viteri / El clima 2016-04-12
- The topic of this crossword.
- Weather you go to the pool in.
- A little bit of water falling from the clouds (not RIGHT NOW!)
- What comes out of cumulonimbus clouds.
- Count the seconds between _______ to see how close a storm is.
- What happens when tectonic plates rub together.
- Water falling from the clouds RIGHT NOW!
- Water falling from the clouds in freezing temperature RIGHT NOW!
- Weather that is very very very BAD!
- Every day in Chicago.
- A tropical storm generally named after a female.
- Low lying clouds.
- The opposite of a drought.
- Weather when there is a lot of the things in the sky you make shapes out of.
- I scream you scream we all scream for ___ cream!
- The prediction the weatherman makes every morning.
- The things in the sky you make shapes out of.
- Winter weather in the North of the United States.
- Weather that is very very very GOOD!
- _________ never strikes twice.
- Violently rotation winds.
21 Clues: Low lying clouds. • Every day in Chicago. • Violently rotation winds. • The opposite of a drought. • The topic of this crossword. • Weather you go to the pool in. • _________ never strikes twice. • Weather that is very very very BAD! • Weather that is very very very GOOD! • What comes out of cumulonimbus clouds. • Water falling from the clouds RIGHT NOW! • ...
Foods 2022-04-04
- Mix of vegetables and water.
- It's essential for any living being.
- A burguer with cheese.
- Red smooth fruit, which is often mistaken for a vegetable.
- It comes from Italy, and its round and flat.
- There are many types, of all shapes and sizes. They live underwater.
- It's white and sweet and used for baking cakes.
- Vegetarians and vegans don't eat this.
- Fatty food made from milk.
- A drink made of fruits.
- Bubbly drink, usually very sweet.
- Green leafy vegetal, usually found in salads.
- Drink created by monks, hundred of years ago. It can be red, white or green.
- White grain used in sushi.
- Long curved yellow fruit
- dark-brown beverage that is drunk all over the world.
- Usually it's long and thin, but there are many types of all shapes. Boiled before eaten.
- Drink made from leaves found in Asia.
- Usually yellow, bitter-tasting and bubbly. Better when cold.
- It comes mainly from cows.
20 Clues: A burguer with cheese. • A drink made of fruits. • Long curved yellow fruit • White grain used in sushi. • It comes mainly from cows. • Fatty food made from milk. • Mix of vegetables and water. • Bubbly drink, usually very sweet. • It's essential for any living being. • Drink made from leaves found in Asia. • Vegetarians and vegans don't eat this. • ...
Math Vocabulary 2023-12-11
- Triangle with 3 equal sides
- 2D figure that passes through two points and goes on infinitely in either direction
- 3D shape with 1 vertex, 2 faces, and 1 edge
- (two words) 3D shape with rectangles as the base shapes
- 3D share with no vertices, 3 faces, 2 edges
- Point at which two lines cross
- Angle exactly 90º
- Lines that never touch
- 3D shape with either a square or triangle base, triangle faces, and one vertex opposite the base
- Triangle with no equal sides
- Angle larger than 90º
- 3D shape with no vertices, 1 face, and no edges
- (two words) Total area of each side of a 3D shape
- 2D figure with one endpoint and goes on infinitely
- Triangle with 2 equal sides
- Total length around a figure
- Angle less than 90º
- Amount of space a 3D object can hold
- (two words) 3D shape with two triangles as the base shapes
- (two words) 2D figure with a start and end point
20 Clues: Angle exactly 90º • Angle less than 90º • Angle larger than 90º • Lines that never touch • Triangle with 3 equal sides • Triangle with 2 equal sides • Total length around a figure • Triangle with no equal sides • Point at which two lines cross • Amount of space a 3D object can hold • 3D shape with 1 vertex, 2 faces, and 1 edge • 3D share with no vertices, 3 faces, 2 edges • ...
Geometry Final Exam 2024-05-09
- a comparison between 2 numbers
- when 2 shapes have corresponding parts
- opposite
- this is the mother shape of the rhombus and rectangle
- the total space inside of a 2D shape
- when shapes are completely similar
- what shape is the Earth?
- has 4 right angles but not all sides are congruent
- the area formula for this shape is ½ bh
- this shape looks similar to a pyramid but has circle base
- 2 lines that never intersect
- you can solve for a missing side with the pythagorean theorem
- how much a 3D shape can hold
- a line across a circle that goes through the center of the circle
- this shape looks similar to a rhombus but not all sides are congruent
- has 1 arc that equals 180 degrees
- this shape has a lateral area that is ½ the lateral area of a prism
- 2 lines that do intersect and form 90 degree angles
- this shape has no sides
- goes on forever/does not have endpoint
20 Clues: opposite • this shape has no sides • what shape is the Earth? • how much a 3D shape can hold • 2 lines that never intersect • a comparison between 2 numbers • has 1 arc that equals 180 degrees • when shapes are completely similar • the total space inside of a 2D shape • when 2 shapes have corresponding parts • goes on forever/does not have endpoint • ...
Geometry Puzzle 2024-12-01
- Angles that sum to 90
- A flat surface
- The number of sides in an octagon
- When a shape has equal angles
- (x,y)->(-y,x) is an example of this
- The point at which to sides of a shape meet
- The line that cuts two parallel lines
- Two or more shapes that have corresponding sides in the same proportion
- A shape has this when it can be reflected on top of itself
- Two shapes that are identical
- A 6-sided figure
- A type of non-ridid transformation
- Formed when lines intersect at right angles
- ASA, SAS, or AAS for example
- When two angles sum to 180
- The distance from one side to the opposite vertex of a triangle
- Inverse, contrapositive, and this
- A shape that is equiangular and equilateral
- A line with two endpoints
- Coplanar lines that do not intersect
- A triangle with three unequal sides
- A line with one endpoint
- The point (0,0) on the coordinate plane
23 Clues: A flat surface • A 6-sided figure • Angles that sum to 90 • A line with one endpoint • A line with two endpoints • When two angles sum to 180 • ASA, SAS, or AAS for example • When a shape has equal angles • Two shapes that are identical • Inverse, contrapositive, and this • The number of sides in an octagon • A type of non-ridid transformation • (x,y)->(-y,x) is an example of this • ...
Foods 2022-04-04
- Mix of vegetables and water.
- It's essential for any living being.
- A burguer with cheese.
- Red smooth fruit, which is often mistaken for a vegetable.
- It comes from Italy, and it's round and flat.
- There are many types, of all shapes and sizes. They live underwater.
- It's white and sweet and used for baking cakes.
- Vegetarians and vegans don't eat this.
- Fatty food made from milk.
- A drink made of fruits.
- Bubbly drink, usually very sweet.
- Green leafy vegetal, usually found in salads.
- Drink created by monks, hundred of years ago. It can be red, white or green.
- White grain used in sushi.
- Long curved yellow fruit
- dark-brown beverage that is drunk all over the world.
- Usually it's long and thin, but there are many types of all shapes. Boiled before eaten.
- Drink made from leaves found in Asia.
- Usually yellow, bitter-tasting and bubbly. Better when cold.
- It comes mainly from cows.
20 Clues: A burguer with cheese. • A drink made of fruits. • Long curved yellow fruit • White grain used in sushi. • It comes mainly from cows. • Fatty food made from milk. • Mix of vegetables and water. • Bubbly drink, usually very sweet. • It's essential for any living being. • Drink made from leaves found in Asia. • Vegetarians and vegans don't eat this. • ...
Drawing and Composition Review Crossword Puzzle 2020-09-02
- an area of emphasis
- the fourth drawing step
- the arrangement of an image
- a line that represents movement/pose
- drawing values as shapes or planes
- the second drawing step
- creating a border around your focal point
- less is more
- pattern, emphasis, movement, rhythm, etc.
- parallel lines used for value
- artist painted lonely people in the city
- line that creates dynamic visual movement
- dividing into 4 "hot spot" intersections
- artist painted happy bologna sandwiches
- line, shape, form, texture, value, etc.
- curved hatching, contour lines for value
- the perspective that you place the viewer
- the third drawing step
- a varied line that describes edges
- implied line created by a figure looking
- three is more interesting than four
- the first drawing step
- 2 sets of overlapping parallel lines
- animal subjects in your recent project are__
- a 3D shape
- giving room to move
- lines or shapes in an image pointing places
- "filling the frame" includes this technique
28 Clues: a 3D shape • less is more • an area of emphasis • giving room to move • the third drawing step • the first drawing step • the fourth drawing step • the second drawing step • the arrangement of an image • parallel lines used for value • a varied line that describes edges • drawing values as shapes or planes • three is more interesting than four • a line that represents movement/pose • ...
Geometry Vocab and Terms 2023-05-16
- A parallelogram. All sides parallel and congruent.
- Made of points. Extends forever in all directions.
- Same distance. Can refer to 2d or 3d shapes.
- A parallelogram. Has 4 congruent sides.
- Usually used for angles. Adds to 90.
- Usually used for angles. Adds to 180.
- Starts at an endpoint. Extends forever.
- An angle. Meaasures more than 90. (2 wrds.)
- Closed 3d figure. Made of polygon regions.
- A figure. 2 sides parallel.
- An angle. Measures less than 90. (2 wrds)
- Made of 2 rays. Sharing a common endpoint.
- A line or ray. Cuts an angle in half. (2 wrds)
- Referring to points. Lying on the same line.
- A point on a line. marks the middle.
- Made of an infinite number of points. Extends forever.
- Closed figure. 3 or more sides.
- Used for 2d or 3d shapes. Number of square units required.
- A parallelogram. 2 pairs opposite sides parallel.
- Referring to points. Lying in the same plane.
20 Clues: A figure. 2 sides parallel. • Closed figure. 3 or more sides. • A point on a line. marks the middle. • Usually used for angles. Adds to 90. • Usually used for angles. Adds to 180. • A parallelogram. Has 4 congruent sides. • Starts at an endpoint. Extends forever. • An angle. Measures less than 90. (2 wrds) • Closed 3d figure. Made of polygon regions. • ...