states Crossword Puzzles
Westward Expansion 2022-02-06
- Means to give up territory
- The term that describes Americans' desire to expand west
- This issue delayed Texas' annexation for nine years
- The religious group that was persecuted and forced westward
- First people to settle in a region
- Means to add new territory
- An area identified by certain features
- This ocean is located in eastern United States
- Movement of people from one place to another
- He was the Manifest Destiny President
- Acquired from Great Britain in 1818
- Acquired from Spain in 1819
- Texans fought this country to become independent
- The law that established a process for adding new states
- Acquired from Great Britain in 1783
- This ocean is located in western United States
- Acquired from Great Britain in 1846
- The most popular trail taken to move west
- Annexed by the United States in 1845
- Acquired from France in 1803
20 Clues: Means to give up territory • Means to add new territory • Acquired from Spain in 1819 • Acquired from France in 1803 • First people to settle in a region • Acquired from Great Britain in 1818 • Acquired from Great Britain in 1783 • Acquired from Great Britain in 1846 • Annexed by the United States in 1845 • He was the Manifest Destiny President • ...
Samantha Skulskie 6th hour 2023-03-06
- a settler in kansas that wants kansas to be free.
- a person who was killed for their beliefs.
- to be free
- splitting the us in 2 haves free states and slave states.
- cancel, over turning something.
- resiton to a higher source of power.
- a person trying to end slavery.
- person who invests in something hoping they can sell it for a greater price.
- going against your country's constitution.
- a principle consuming what is right or wrong.
- capture a town
- first territorial governor
- attempting to overthrow the government.
- a criminal
- a person who wants to expand.
- a crop that is grown for profit
- to seal off something
- a religious man who thought that he was chosen from god to end slavery no matter what.
- bloodshed in kansas from slave states and free states.
- allowing people to vote
20 Clues: a criminal • to be free • capture a town • to seal off something • allowing people to vote • first territorial governor • a person who wants to expand. • a crop that is grown for profit • cancel, over turning something. • a person trying to end slavery. • resiton to a higher source of power. • attempting to overthrow the government. • going against your country's constitution. • ...
Samantha Skulskie 6th hour 2023-03-06
- a settler in kansas that wants kansas to be free.
- a person who was killed for their beliefs.
- to be free
- splitting the us in 2 haves free states and slave states.
- cancel, over turning something.
- resiton to a higher source of power.
- a person trying to end slavery.
- person who invests in something hoping they can sell it for a greater price.
- going against your country's constitution.
- a principle consuming what is right or wrong.
- capture a town
- first territorial governor
- attempting to overthrow the government.
- a criminal
- a person who wants to expand.
- a crop that is grown for profit
- to seal off something
- a religious man who thought that he was chosen from god to end slavery no matter what.
- bloodshed in kansas from slave states and free states.
- allowing people to vote
20 Clues: a criminal • to be free • capture a town • to seal off something • allowing people to vote • first territorial governor • a person who wants to expand. • a crop that is grown for profit • cancel, over turning something. • a person trying to end slavery. • resiton to a higher source of power. • attempting to overthrow the government. • going against your country's constitution. • ...
Reconstuction 2023-06-01
- shot Abraham Lincoln
- gave african americans the same rights as white americans
- laws that limit african americans freedom
- official pardon
- democrats accepted Hayes´s victory
- mean fellows
- leaders of radical republicans
- gave african americans equal rights
- rebuilding the nation and southern states without slavery
- allowed african americans to vote
- Assassinated at Ford's theater
- confederate states can make a new government if ten percent of their population took loyalty oaths
- divided the south into five districts
- granted citizenship to people in the us
- before states could rejoin the union they had to follow two rules
- wanted the southern states to change
- severe economic downfall
- southern republicans that moved south
- this amendment made slavery illegal
- to deny african americans votes
- mandatory separation between whites and blacks
- provided relief for the poor
- charges against a public official
- opposed civil rights movement and used violence
24 Clues: mean fellows • official pardon • shot Abraham Lincoln • severe economic downfall • provided relief for the poor • leaders of radical republicans • Assassinated at Ford's theater • to deny african americans votes • charges against a public official • allowed african americans to vote • democrats accepted Hayes´s victory • this amendment made slavery illegal • ...
Final Crossword 2023-06-13
- Principal of your School
- Slave who attempted to argue his freedom to the Supreme Court
- Deadly battle that led to a famous speech by Lincoln
- The Amendment that banned slavery
- The Proclamation issued by Lincoln to free the Confederate slaves
- Male Assistant Principal of your School
- Current President of the United States
- Jackson's policy that relocated the Native Americans
- Doubled the Size of the United States
- Rule Book to for the Government
- The leader of the Confederate army
- Abolitionist who wrote a famous autobiography
- The class you are currently in
- The fixing of America following the Civil War
- Any Change to the Constitution
- First President
- Current Capital of the United States
- Current Vice-President of the United States
- Union General who famously "Marched to the Sea"
- Female Assistant Principal of your School
20 Clues: First President • Principal of your School • The class you are currently in • Any Change to the Constitution • Rule Book to for the Government • The Amendment that banned slavery • The leader of the Confederate army • Current Capital of the United States • Doubled the Size of the United States • Current President of the United States • Male Assistant Principal of your School • ...
The Jackson Era 2025-02-12
- Andrew Jackson’s wife.
- System Giving jobs to friends after winning an election.
- Removal Act Law that moved Native Americans west.
- of Abominations Tax on goods that upset the South.
- Party Political group started by Jackson’s followers.
- Conventions Meetings to pick party leaders.
- Civilized Tribes Native groups affected by relocation.
- Bargain A secret deal in the 1824 election.
- Bank of the US A national bank Jackson didn’t like.
- of 1837 A financial crisis after Jackson left office.
- Republicans Party that did not like Jackson.
- Leaving the United States.
- The right to vote.
- Van Buren President after Jackson.
- Democracy Giving more power to common people.
- C. Calhoun Jackson’s first Vice President.
- States saying “no” to federal laws.
- Rights Idea that states can make their own choices.
- Hickory Jackson’s nickname.
- Biddle Leader of the national bank Jackson opposed.
- of Tears Forced journey of Native Americans to new lands.
21 Clues: The right to vote. • Andrew Jackson’s wife. • Leaving the United States. • Hickory Jackson’s nickname. • Van Buren President after Jackson. • States saying “no” to federal laws. • C. Calhoun Jackson’s first Vice President. • Conventions Meetings to pick party leaders. • Bargain A secret deal in the 1824 election. • Republicans Party that did not like Jackson. • ...
Articles of Confederation 2022-02-13
- __________Papers are 85 essays that gave reasons for ratification
- one house
- A loose confederation of the states with a weak central government
- _____Amendment- Freedom of Speech
- people hold the sovereign power
- _______ Amendment- Trial by jury
- Madison called for 3 branches of government
- __________ Ordinance of 1787 set rules for creating new states
- _________ Amendment- protection against unreasonable searches and seizures
- unicameral legislature based on equal representation
- majority rule with minority rights
- Drafted the nation's first constitution
- ________ Amendment- Power to the states
- could elect their own officials
- Father of the Constitution
- supported the Constitution and strong national government
- the government's control extends to almost every aspect of citizens lives
- Ambassador in France
- division of power between central and local government
- presided over the Constitutional Convention
- ________ Powers- powers which are shared by both the federal and states governments
- power comes from the people
- "Smelt a rat"
- __________ Amendment- power to the people
24 Clues: one house • "Smelt a rat" • Ambassador in France • Father of the Constitution • power comes from the people • could elect their own officials • people hold the sovereign power • _______ Amendment- Trial by jury • _____Amendment- Freedom of Speech • majority rule with minority rights • Drafted the nation's first constitution • ________ Amendment- Power to the states • ...
Samantha Skulskie 6th hour 2023-03-06
- a settler in kansas that wants kansas to be free.
- a person who was killed for their beliefs.
- to be free
- splitting the us in 2 haves free states and slave states.
- cancel, over turning something.
- resiton to a higher source of power.
- a person trying to end slavery.
- person who invests in something hoping they can sell it for a greater price.
- going against your country's constitution.
- a principle consuming what is right or wrong.
- capture a town
- first territorial governor
- attempting to overthrow the government.
- a criminal
- a person who wants to expand.
- a crop that is grown for profit
- to seal off something
- a religious man who thought that he was chosen from god to end slavery no matter what.
- bloodshed in kansas from slave states and free states.
- allowing people to vote
20 Clues: a criminal • to be free • capture a town • to seal off something • allowing people to vote • first territorial governor • a person who wants to expand. • a crop that is grown for profit • cancel, over turning something. • a person trying to end slavery. • resiton to a higher source of power. • attempting to overthrow the government. • going against your country's constitution. • ...
Samantha Skulskie 6th hour 2023-03-06
- a settler in kansas that wants kansas to be free.
- a person who was killed for their beliefs.
- to be free
- splitting the us in 2 haves free states and slave states.
- cancel, over turning something.
- resiton to a higher source of power.
- a person trying to end slavery.
- person who invests in something hoping they can sell it for a greater price.
- going against your country's constitution.
- a principle consuming what is right or wrong.
- capture a town
- first territorial governor
- attempting to overthrow the government.
- a criminal
- a person who wants to expand.
- a crop that is grown for profit
- to seal off something
- a religious man who thought that he was chosen from god to end slavery no matter what.
- bloodshed in kansas from slave states and free states.
- allowing people to vote
20 Clues: a criminal • to be free • capture a town • to seal off something • allowing people to vote • first territorial governor • a person who wants to expand. • a crop that is grown for profit • cancel, over turning something. • a person trying to end slavery. • resiton to a higher source of power. • attempting to overthrow the government. • going against your country's constitution. • ...
Antebellum South 2023-01-12
- people for slavery
- banned the further importation of slaves beginning in 1808.
- known for use of slavery.
- formally put an end to a system practice or institution.
- had 9 new slave states enter between 1789 and 1860
- planters projected the maount of cotton based on salve amount
- Turner led the second rebellion.
- a person who is owned and has no rights
- an owner of slaves.
- free blacks were lighter skinned women.
- people against slavery
- a boat powered by steam
- wrote Uncle Toms Cabin
- the state of being a slave
- known as Petit gulf cotton a mix of mexican georgia strains
- what most slaves were used for.
- exstention of states territory by encroaching on that of other nations
- any Southern states in US which slavery was legal before the civil war.
- a person killed for religious beleifs
- what slave states were known as
20 Clues: people for slavery • an owner of slaves. • wrote Uncle Toms Cabin • people against slavery • a boat powered by steam • known for use of slavery. • the state of being a slave • what most slaves were used for. • what slave states were known as • Turner led the second rebellion. • a person killed for religious beleifs • a person who is owned and has no rights • ...
The Emancipation Proclamation 2024-05-11
- President who issued the proclamation
- Year the preliminary proclamation was issued
- Era following the Civil War and emancipation
- Promise of the proclamation for many enslaved people
- States where the proclamation did not apply
- Technology used to transmit the proclamation
- People freed by the proclamation in rebellious states
- Thousand, number of slaves immediately freed by the proclamation
- First, date the final proclamation took effect
- Celebration of the proclamation reaching Texas
- Necessity, justification used by Lincoln for the proclamation
- Frederick, prominent Black abolitionist who met with Lincoln
- Proclamation issued in September 1862
- Order, type of presidential action used for the proclamation
- States where slavery remained legal despite the proclamation
- Power invoked by Lincoln to issue the proclamation
- States where the proclamation freed slaves
- Of African Americans formed in Union-occupied areas
- Term for slaves who escaped to Union lines
- Amendment that later abolished slavery nationwide
20 Clues: Proclamation issued in September 1862 • President who issued the proclamation • States where the proclamation freed slaves • Term for slaves who escaped to Union lines • States where the proclamation did not apply • Year the preliminary proclamation was issued • Era following the Civil War and emancipation • Technology used to transmit the proclamation • ...
Unit 9 voc 2018-05-09
- a tax levied on every adult, without reference to income or resources.
- an informal, unwritten deal that settled the intensely disputed 1876 U.S. presidential election
- a bill proposed for the Reconstruction of the South written by two Radical Republicans
- Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted
- : a post-Civil War American secret society advocating white supremacy
- the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.
- that a southern state could be readmitted into the Union once 10 percent of its voters
- residency and property restrictions and extra-legal activities
- were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States
- Was an agency of the United States Department of War to "direct such issues of provisions
- a wing of the Republican Party organized around an uncompromising opposition to slavery before and during the Civil War
- A white Southerner who collaborated with northern Republicans during Reconstruction, often for personal profit
- was any person from the Northern United States who came to the Southern states after the American Civil War and was perceived to be exploiting the local populace for their own purposes
- All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof
- The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
- a tenant farmer who gives a part of each crop as rent.
- were laws passed by Southern states in 1865 and 1866 in the United States after the American Civil War with the intent and the effect of restricting African Americans' freedom
17 Clues: a tenant farmer who gives a part of each crop as rent. • residency and property restrictions and extra-legal activities • : a post-Civil War American secret society advocating white supremacy • a tax levied on every adult, without reference to income or resources. • a bill proposed for the Reconstruction of the South written by two Radical Republicans • ...
The History of Slavery 2021-12-17
- a type of punishment for slave that was enforced with a whip
- states in which slavery was illegal
- a plantation manager
- a slave who led a big rebellion against slave owners in Virginia
- the president who set the slaves free
- the trade of enslaved people among states of the U.S.
- states in which slavery was legal
- a machine that picked seeds from cotton and caused the demand for slavery to increase
- a war between northern states and southern states that eventually freed the slaves
- a practice where one human owns another human.
- a large farm or area of land used for agriculture, often using slaves for labor
- a system of secret routes and safe houses to help and house slaves that had escaped.
- an order by President Lincoln to free all slaves
- the first state that abolished slavery in 1777
- a white plant that slaves often picked
- a person who owned slaves
- a person who is legal property of another and is forced to obey them.
- the setting free of slaves
- laws that limit the rights of slaves
- an African American religious folk song
20 Clues: a plantation manager • a person who owned slaves • the setting free of slaves • states in which slavery was legal • states in which slavery was illegal • laws that limit the rights of slaves • the president who set the slaves free • a white plant that slaves often picked • an African American religious folk song • the first state that abolished slavery in 1777 • ...
From Slavery to Presidency 2018-10-05
- what the AA fought for in the 1960s
- the Southern states which seceeded
- the secrete routes used by runaway slaves
- places where runaway slaves could stay on thier way to freedom
- the institution where segregation was said to be unconstitutional
- Southern states which did not join the Confederacy
- killing someone without bringing them to stand trial
- a programme to help AA and other minorities
- the law which guaranteed the AA men the right to vote
- the woman who started the bus boycott
- it Means to get rid of slavery (verb)
- the old organization fighting for racial equality
- the system used to oppress AAs in the Southern States
- according to this law run-away slaves had to be returned to their owners
- someone who was against slavery
- famous Confederate general
- the soldiers who fought against the Union
- where the slaves were sold
- the people who helped slaves escape to the free states
- the document which freed the slaves issued by Lincoln
- the big farms where cotton etc was grown
- the Laws which secured White supremacy in the Southern States
- abbreviation for the new movement which fight against discrimination
23 Clues: famous Confederate general • where the slaves were sold • someone who was against slavery • the Southern states which seceeded • what the AA fought for in the 1960s • the woman who started the bus boycott • it Means to get rid of slavery (verb) • the big farms where cotton etc was grown • the soldiers who fought against the Union • the secrete routes used by runaway slaves • ...
U.S. Citizenship Test 2012-10-26
- Name of the current President
- The ocean that is on the east coast of the United States.
- The capital of Illinois.
- He is the "Father of Our Country."
- This branch of the government makes the laws.
- The longest river in the United States.
- The Congress has 100 members of these.
- This person signs and vetoes bills.
- Change or addition to the Constitution
- He wrote the Declaration of Independence.
- He was President during World War I
- He freed the slaves, preserved the Union, and led the United States during Civil War.
- Current governor of Illinois
- Rights of speech, religion and press are protected in this amendment
- We vote for the President in this month.
- Supreme law of the land
- The Flag Day is celebrated in this month.
- U.S. bought this territory from France in 1803
- This U.S. national holiday is in December.
- The main concern of the United States during the Cold War.
- This country borders the United States to the south.
- He was famous for writing "Poor Richard's Almanac" and started the first free libraries.
- Name of the current Vice President
23 Clues: Supreme law of the land • The capital of Illinois. • Current governor of Illinois • Name of the current President • He is the "Father of Our Country." • Name of the current Vice President • This person signs and vetoes bills. • He was President during World War I • The Congress has 100 members of these. • Change or addition to the Constitution • ...
Jackson fives Government Vocab 2023-10-19
- James Madison wrote this
- first president of the Nation
- provides each branch of government with individual powers to check the other branches
- designed to protect the security and power of smaller states
- the upper chamber of the United States Congress
- the principle that the leaders of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people
- responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress
- The branch that makes the decisions about the laws and those who break them
- electors who are selected to elect a candidate to particular offices
- established the United States would be allowed two representatives; in the House of Representatives
- strong national government with three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial
- known as the Founding Father of the constitution
- people who support a strong government
- supreme law of the United States of America.
- officer next in rank to a president
- Branch that holds the President
- people who are against a strong government
- Branch that makes laws for North Carolina
- the plan that allows black Slaves to vote
- United States highest court
20 Clues: James Madison wrote this • United States highest court • first president of the Nation • Branch that holds the President • officer next in rank to a president • people who support a strong government • Branch that makes laws for North Carolina • the plan that allows black Slaves to vote • people who are against a strong government • ...
Civil War Vocabulary 2024-06-06
- State where slavery was allowed
- Figure that found a compromise
- Southern states did this when they left the Union
- The Union's strategy to prevent the Confederacy from selling goods to other countries
- Free African American and abolitionist
- The tax Southern's did not want
- Nickname given to the territory of Kansas
- States that had mixed feelings about the Civil War
- Enslaved man that sued for his freedom
- Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin
- The name of the Union's plan to win the Civil War
- General Jackson's nickname
- President of the Confederacy during the Civil War
- First major battle of the Civil War
- The North and South liking their side more than the whole country
- Document written by President Lincoln that freed enslaved people in Confederate states
- Bloodiest day of the war
- People opposed to slavery
- General that Lincoln sought advice from
- Battle that started the war
- State where slavery was illegal
- Compromise set where enslaved people needed to be returned to the South if they escaped and states could vote on whether
- President of the United States during the Civil War
- Famous Massachusetts' infantry regiment
24 Clues: Bloodiest day of the war • People opposed to slavery • General Jackson's nickname • Battle that started the war • Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin • Figure that found a compromise • State where slavery was allowed • The tax Southern's did not want • State where slavery was illegal • First major battle of the Civil War • Free African American and abolitionist • ...
Civil war crossword 2023-05-05
- The part of America in the Confederate Union
- one of the main causes of the civil war
- first state to secede from the union
- To formally withdraw
- When a person is murdered for political reasons
- A persone who dies for their cause
- Who won the civil war?
- The group of states that seceded out of america
- Slave states that border with the free states during the United States Civil War. They still stayed part of the US
- This proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."
- He was a war general for the Union who led them to victory
- The year the war ended(No numbers - spell it out)
- Required slaves to be turned by to their owners
- to join the army
- One of the greatest abolitionists.She made 13 trips back to slavehood and rescued about 70 people
- How many women helped in the civil war(4 words-two of which are nums)
- A war against citizens of the same country
- The president elected right before the start of the war
- Were the first confederate attack took place
- The part of America in the Union
20 Clues: to join the army • To formally withdraw • Who won the civil war? • The part of America in the Union • A persone who dies for their cause • first state to secede from the union • one of the main causes of the civil war • A war against citizens of the same country • The part of America in the Confederate Union • Were the first confederate attack took place • ...
Modern Era Domestic Policies (USDIT1) 2022-06-16
- a plan, announced in 1969, to turn over the control of some federal programs to state and local governments and institute block grants, revenue sharing, etc.
- a major political scandal in the United States involving the administration of U.S. President Richard Nixon from 1972 to 1974 that led to Nixon's resignation
- a political movement made up especially of Protestants, opposed especially to secular humanism, and concerned with issues especially of church and state, patriotism, laissez-faire economics, pornography, and abortion
- the 37th president of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974
- a series of spontaneous protests by members of the gay community in response to a police raid that began in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969
- the 38th president of the United States from 1974 to 1977
- the failure of 1,043 out of the 3,234 savings and loan associations in the United States from 1986 to 1995
- an agency of the United States federal government whose mission is to protect human and environmental health
- the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989
- the 41st president of the United States from 1989 to 1993
- the 39th president of the United States from 1977 to 1981
- the practice or policy of favoring individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously
- a global campaign, led by the U.S. federal government, of drug prohibition, military aid, and military intervention, with the aim of reducing the illegal drug trade in the United States
- a disease in which there is a severe loss of the body's cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy
- a macroeconomic theory that postulates economic growth can be most effectively fostered by lowering taxes, decreasing regulation, and allowing free trade
- persistent high inflation combined with high unemployment and stagnant demand in a country's economy
- removal or reduction of laws or other demands of governmental control
17 Clues: the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989 • the 41st president of the United States from 1989 to 1993 • the 39th president of the United States from 1977 to 1981 • the 38th president of the United States from 1974 to 1977 • the 37th president of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974 • ...
Early America Review 2023-03-24
- Laws passed that gave the President the power to deport at his discretion
- Undeclared war that resulted from the XYZ Affair.
- Group that wanted a Bill of Rights in the Constitution
- Concept created by the Marbury vs. Madison decision
- Affair during Adam's presidency that almost started a war.
- Group that promoted strong state governments
- Second President of the United States
- Federalist and first Secretary of the Treasury
- Laws passed that criminalized speaking against the government.
- What America's society was mostly in 1790
- Federalists promoted high _______ to help the economy.
- First President of the United States
- Expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory
- Group that supported the Federalists
- Place where the "Necessary & Proper" clause is in the Constitution
- Rebellion over an excise tax created by Hamilton
- Treaty that ended hostilities with the British that was unpopular
- War during Jefferson's presidency with pirates
- Group that promoted a strong central government
- Major issue that Federalists and Anti-Federalists argued over
- Size of peacetime army wanted by Democratic-Republicans
- Territory sold to the United States by France
- Fourth President of the United States
- Third President of the United States
24 Clues: Group that supported the Federalists • Third President of the United States • First President of the United States • Fourth President of the United States • Second President of the United States • What America's society was mostly in 1790 • Group that promoted strong state governments • Territory sold to the United States by France • ...
U.S. Citizenship Test 2022-01-04
- He was famous for writing "Poor Richard's Almanac" and started the first free libraries.
- The ocean that is on the east coast of the United States.
- Change or addition to the Constitution
- This country borders the United States to the south.
- He was President during World War I
- Current governor of Illinois
- We vote for the President in this month.
- Rights of speech, religion and press are protected in this amendment
- The main concern of the United States during the Cold War.
- This person signs and vetoes bills.
- Supreme law of the land
- The capital of Illinois.
- The Flag Day is celebrated in this month.
- Name of the current President
- He freed the slaves, preserved the Union, and led the United States during Civil War.
- He is the "Father of Our Country."
- The Congress has 100 members of these.
- U.S. bought this territory from France in 1803
- The longest river in the United States.
- Name of the current Vice President
- This U.S. national holiday is in December.
- This branch of the government makes the laws.
- He wrote the Declaration of Independence.
23 Clues: Supreme law of the land • The capital of Illinois. • Current governor of Illinois • Name of the current President • He is the "Father of Our Country." • Name of the current Vice President • He was President during World War I • This person signs and vetoes bills. • The Congress has 100 members of these. • Change or addition to the Constitution • ...
HISTORY 2017-03-07
Station 17 2021-10-13
- a plan that cut off supplies just like an anaconda would cut off oxygen supplies
- the proslavery states
- states that share a border between the union and the confederacy
- an economic motivation towards other countries to support the confederate's efforts in the civil war, through stopping cotton trade
- the capital of the us
- a well known confederate general
- Lincoln's declaration that all people held as slaves in the confederate states will be declared as free men.
- the battle of bull run
- the capital of the confederacy
- the person who assassinated Lincoln
- a war between two sides of a divided nation
- The turning point of the civil war and the most deadly war in the civil war
- a military leader and the 18th president of the united states
- A law passed to force participation within the military.
- the nonslave states
- ____vs____. a naval battle between the union and the confederacy
- The place where the confederates formerly surrendered to the union
- a strategic union victory that led to lincoln's emancipation proclamation
- A union general who used 'scorched earth' strategies to effectively prevent the confederates from rebuilding
- The 16th president who served during the civil war
20 Clues: the nonslave states • the proslavery states • the capital of the us • the battle of bull run • the capital of the confederacy • a well known confederate general • the person who assassinated Lincoln • a war between two sides of a divided nation • The 16th president who served during the civil war • A law passed to force participation within the military. • ...
Interim Review Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-27
- Process where a government's executive is subject to review by the judiciary.
- France fought against shifting European powers.
- War between the US and indigenous allies against the UK and indigenous allies.
- New constitution written in Philadelphia during 1787.
- War between British Army and the United States Army in 1815.
- Guide person for Lewis and Clark's expedition.
- British navy enslaving men into their army during 1812
- Adopted by the Continental Congress on November 15, 1777.
- Land deal between the United States and France, bought 827,000 square miles of land west for $15 million.
- The United States anthem.
- An official way to verify a treaty.
- The first ten amendments in the Constitution.
- Movement against the creation of a stronger U.S. government.
- A new method for admitting new states to the Union.
- Fort used during the Battle of Baltimore.
- A serious felony punishable by fines and prison time.
- An agreement reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
- A collection of articles written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay.
- Established judicial review in the United States in 1803.
- Violent uprising in the Massachusetts countryside from 1786-1787.
20 Clues: The United States anthem. • An official way to verify a treaty. • Fort used during the Battle of Baltimore. • The first ten amendments in the Constitution. • Guide person for Lewis and Clark's expedition. • France fought against shifting European powers. • A new method for admitting new states to the Union. • New constitution written in Philadelphia during 1787. • ...
unit 4 part 2 2023-12-12
- the 31st president of the united states
- an ambitious employment and infrastructure program
- the worldwide economic downturn that start in 1929 and ended in 1939
- a U.S. government oversight agency responsible for regulating the securities markets and protecting investors.
- 323nd president of the united states from 1933 to 1945
- a deficit occurs when the federal governments spending exceeds its own revenues
- the drought-affected south central United States in the aftermath of horrific dust storms.
- provided jobs for young unemployed men
- an area in or near a city in which poor people live in small, badly built houses.
- were a series of evening radio addresses given by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States
- Federal aid to the States to enable them to provide cash pensions to their needy aged
- franklin roosevelt became president
- the united states stock market crash on oct, 29
- a series of programs that helped the recovery from the great depression
- a place people could go for a cheap or free meal
- a town built by the homeless
- buying stocks at a great risk with the anticipation that the price will rise
- an independent agency created by the Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation's financial system.
- a group that helped farmers recover from the great depression
19 Clues: a town built by the homeless • franklin roosevelt became president • provided jobs for young unemployed men • the 31st president of the united states • the united states stock market crash on oct, 29 • a place people could go for a cheap or free meal • an ambitious employment and infrastructure program • 323nd president of the united states from 1933 to 1945 • ...
Government 2020-12-03
- act creating new state
- believed God gave you 3 rights life,liberty, and property; constitutionalism
- system of government in which entities such as states or provinces share power with a national government
- found directly in Constitution
- agreements among states
- big non fictional book
- an act directing people of the territory to frame a proposed constitution
- Constitution establishes the Constitution and United States laws as the supreme Law of the Land
- not directly in constitution but are reasonably implied through expressed powers
- USA is sovereign
- total amount of elector votes available
- that the gov only has so little power
- tax on colony for British Army in US
- Constitution ensures that States recognize the laws and, documents, and court proceedings of the other States
- levy and collect taxes; establish courts
- conduct elections;establish public schools
- would like to see a strong absolute ruler;philosophical absolution
- a member of electoral college
- coin money; declare war
- grants of federal money or other resources to the states and/or their cities, counties, or localities
- Party members select the best candidate through a series of discussions and vote
- A person authorized to represent others as an elected representative to a political party conference
- in law to save East India Trade Co.
- legal process by which a fugitive from justice in one State is returned to that State
- Party members vote for the best candidate that will represent them in the general election.
25 Clues: USA is sovereign • act creating new state • big non fictional book • coin money; declare war • agreements among states • a member of electoral college • found directly in Constitution • in law to save East India Trade Co. • tax on colony for British Army in US • that the gov only has so little power • total amount of elector votes available • ...
History 2020-10-01
- was a political and mercantile protest
- was a proposal to the united states constitutional convention
- Was a small battle during the american revolutionary
- authorized the federal government to break up tribal lands
- series of forced relocations
- belief in the benefits of profitable trading
- executive order issued by the united states
- was a american political leader
- was the movement to end slavery
- was a decisive vitory
- was the acquisition of the territory of louisiana by the united states
- conflict fought between the united states and its allies
- imperialist cultural belief in the 19th century
- a minority group or culture comes to resemble a dominat group or assume the values
- unsuccesfully sued for his freedom
- was an american statesman
- abolished slavery and involuntary servitude
- form of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly
- was established in 1865 by congress to help millions of former black slaves
- proposal for the sturcture of the united states government
- state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the southern united states
- also called plantation act or revenue act
- series of laws passed by the british parliament
- using small arms and howitzer fire, the troops drove the people out of their camp.
- spanned part of what is now the state of kansas
- assassination of Abraham Lincoln
- imposed a direct tax on the british colonies
- compromise the first 10 ammendments
- was an escaped slave
- a colony
30 Clues: a colony • was an escaped slave • was a decisive vitory • was an american statesman • series of forced relocations • was a american political leader • was the movement to end slavery • assassination of Abraham Lincoln • unsuccesfully sued for his freedom • compromise the first 10 ammendments • was a political and mercantile protest • also called plantation act or revenue act • ...
the cival war 2023-02-16
- a long blade or knife at the end of a musket
- a law passed by congress in 1850 that said escaped enslaved people in free states had to be returned their
- Putting the local interests and customs ahead of the entire country.
- a nickname for United States paper money that was first used in 1862
- when a person is murdered for political reasons
- An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
- the part of the war fought in the Eastern United States including Virgina,West Virgina,Maryland, and Pennysylvania
- large caliber like firearms like cannons and mortars
- these states were slave states that did not leave the union
- a nickname from people from the north as well as union soldiers
- a person who want to abloish or eliminate slavery
- a canvas bag that many cival wars soldiers used to carry food
- a term used to describe people who supported the union
- a side of an army or military unit
- A soldier that is wounded or killed during battle.
- A northerner who moved to the South during the reconstruction in order to become rich.
- a nickname for the confederate states of america or the confederacy
- a term meaning "before war" often used to describe the united state before the cival war
- a nickname for the south
- an ankle high shoe worn by soldiers in the cival war
20 Clues: a nickname for the south • a side of an army or military unit • a long blade or knife at the end of a musket • when a person is murdered for political reasons • a person who want to abloish or eliminate slavery • A soldier that is wounded or killed during battle. • an ankle high shoe worn by soldiers in the cival war • ...
Nixon 2023-01-23
- relaxation in tensions
- leaked the pentagon papers
- A period of high inflation combined with economic stagnation
- What kind of troubles did the US go through in Nixon's first years
- name of the spacecraft
- Nixon tried to get North Vietnam to accept a _____
- imposed an embargo, or ban, on shipping oil to the United States.
- Nixons National security advisor
- asked to be attorney general
- joined Armstrong
- Nixon obtained a ____ ____ to stop publication
- states were asked to assume greater responsibility for the well-being of their citizens
- Nixon uses new relations with China to get USSR to talk about limiting the ______ arms race.
- spending more money in a year than the government receives in revenues
- Nixon felt that ____ ____ was threatened
- The United states decided to join other nations in recognizing the chinese _____
- In 1972, the United States and the Soviet Union signed the first strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, known as
- Nixon had hoped to slowly remove the US from the war while helping ______ to defend itself
- first man to walk on the moon
- What rose due to federal spending
- During the early 1970s, relations eased between the United States and ____
21 Clues: joined Armstrong • relaxation in tensions • name of the spacecraft • leaked the pentagon papers • asked to be attorney general • first man to walk on the moon • Nixons National security advisor • What rose due to federal spending • Nixon felt that ____ ____ was threatened • Nixon obtained a ____ ____ to stop publication • Nixon tried to get North Vietnam to accept a _____ • ...
Civil War Crossword 2023-02-16
- This is what the south's name was.
- An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
- A long gun with a smooth bore that soldiers shot from the shoulder.
- This is when you production and management wealth.
- He was the leader of the north.
- This is what the north´s name was.
- The president at the time of the civil war.
- He was the leader of the south.
- nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers.
- This is when you give up.
- A state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.
- This is the country that the civil war happened in.
- Some one who waned to stop slavery.
- When the southern states chose to leave the United States and to no longer be a part of the country.
- These states were slave states that did not leave the Union
- The side of an army or military unit.
- This means before the war.
- The truing point of the war
- Relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns.
- The date april 12, 1861.
20 Clues: The date april 12, 1861. • This is when you give up. • This means before the war. • The truing point of the war • He was the leader of the south. • He was the leader of the north. • This is what the south's name was. • This is what the north´s name was. • Some one who waned to stop slavery. • The side of an army or military unit. • The president at the time of the civil war. • ...
Civil War Crossword Puzzle 2020-03-13
- gin A machine used to separate cotton
- A type of gun.
- Break Away
- of Antietam The bloodiest day of the war
- Scott An african american man they wanted to win his freedom after his owner died.
- proclamation This was released on Jan 1st, 1863.
- A fight between two groups or single people
- Lincoln America’s 16th president
- Address This speech was told November 19, 1863.
- Were most Pro Slavery people lived at
- Sumter Were the first battle of the Civil War took place
- People who fought in the war are...
- Slave act The act if any slave runs away, people have the right to take them back.
- The head of the United States
- To make amends for someone's wrongdoing.
- E Lee General that led the confederate army
- An act established and put in place by the government
- War The war between citizens in the exact same country
- States The states that were not free
- The state of being held captive by a person
- Were moth Anti Slave people lived
- Crittden Former Politician from Kentucky
- Brady Photographer for the Civil War
- of Bull Run The Union’s first victory in the War
- States The free states
25 Clues: Break Away • A type of gun. • States The free states • The head of the United States • Were moth Anti Slave people lived • Lincoln America’s 16th president • People who fought in the war are... • gin A machine used to separate cotton • States The states that were not free • Brady Photographer for the Civil War • Were most Pro Slavery people lived at • ...
STAT 334 Key Terms 2022-04-20
- all states communicate
- continuous waiting time
- exponential of SBM
- continuous process with uncountable states
- not guaranteed to return
- counting rv
- bell curve
- discrete multiple waiting time
- equally likely
- splitting up
- repeated over and over
- group of states that communicate
- lots of bell curves
- disjoint
- function mapping events to Real numbers
- sequences of rvs
- discrete waiting time rv
- counting number of events
- subset of sample space
- knowing info already about a rv
- sum of a random number of rvs
- only returns on a multiple of d steps
- knowing info already
- stuck there forever
- discrete process with countable states
- can leave
- continuous multiple waiting time
- yes or no
- list of possible outcomes
- guaranteed to return
- no influence
- flipping direction of conditioning
- continuous process with countable states
- trials with more than two outcomes
- E[X] = E[E[X|Y]]
- variance of process
- can get back and forth
- classifying events
- can't leave
- can return on different numbers of steps with gcd 1
- place you can be
- trend
42 Clues: trend • disjoint • can leave • yes or no • bell curve • counting rv • can't leave • no influence • splitting up • equally likely • E[X] = E[E[X|Y]] • place you can be • sequences of rvs • exponential of SBM • classifying events • stuck there forever • variance of process • lots of bell curves • knowing info already • guaranteed to return • all states communicate • subset of sample space • repeated over and over • ...
Civil War Crossword 2023-05-15
- the man who assassinated President Lincoln
- law brought runaway slaves back to their owners
- another word for Northern states
- amendment abolished slavery
- Confederate General Thomas Jackson’s nickname
- first major battle of the Civil War
- conductor of the Underground Railroad
- the place that General Robert E. Lee surrendered to end the war
- leader of the Confederate states
- word means to break away from
- leader of the abolitionist movement
- Proclamation (executive order) by President Lincoln freeing slaves in rebelling states
- the place the first shot of the war was fired
- another word for southern states
- Union Commander that helped win the war and later became the 18th President
- Product the South grew and sold for large profits
- a speech that starts, “Four score and seven years ago…?”
- Confederate Commander and expert military leader
- the nickname for people that lived in the South
- 16th President of the United States
- the nickname for people that lived in the North
- founder of the Red Cross
- Union General that led a deadly "March to the Sea"
- war between people of the same country
24 Clues: founder of the Red Cross • amendment abolished slavery • word means to break away from • another word for southern states • another word for Northern states • leader of the Confederate states • 16th President of the United States • first major battle of the Civil War • leader of the abolitionist movement • conductor of the Underground Railroad • ...
Jackson fives Government Vocab 2023-10-19
- James Madison wrote this
- first president of the Nation
- provides each branch of government with individual powers to check the other branches
- designed to protect the security and power of smaller states
- the upper chamber of the United States Congress
- the principle that the leaders of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people
- responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress
- The branch that makes the decisions about the laws and those who break them
- electors who are selected to elect a candidate to particular offices
- established the United States would be allowed two representatives; in the House of Representatives
- strong national government with three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial
- known as the Founding Father of the constitution
- people who support a strong government
- supreme law of the United States of America.
- officer next in rank to a president
- Branch that holds the President
- people who are against a strong government
- Branch that makes laws for North Carolina
- the plan that allows black Slaves to vote
- United States highest court
20 Clues: James Madison wrote this • United States highest court • first president of the Nation • Branch that holds the President • officer next in rank to a president • people who support a strong government • Branch that makes laws for North Carolina • the plan that allows black Slaves to vote • people who are against a strong government • ...
Cold War Crossword 2025-02-05
- Government where one is in total control
- A spy plane that got shot down in Soviet territory
- Government where the people of the country have a say in lawmaking
- Boundary between South and North Korea
- Alliance of nations that would support one another against NATO
- Nation that supports communism
- The most populated country in the world
- Air supplies that were dropped in West Berlin
- Strategy to be protected against attacks
- Nation that supports democracy and freedom
- The democratic side of Korea
- The first president of the United States during World War II
- Support West Europe in recovery from war
- A boundary dividing West and East Europe
- Led the Red Scare of the United States
- The communist side of Korea
- hatred between the US and Russia
- Shelters created to protect against explosive warfare
- Communist leader during the Cold War
- States that were taken control by Russia after the war
- Alliance of nations that would defend one another
- The United States would support military aid to countries fighting against communism
- The idea of preventing communism from spreading
- Created to investigate communist activities in the United States
24 Clues: The communist side of Korea • The democratic side of Korea • Nation that supports communism • hatred between the US and Russia • Communist leader during the Cold War • Led the Red Scare of the United States • Boundary between South and North Korea • The most populated country in the world • Government where one is in total control • Strategy to be protected against attacks • ...
Articles of Confederation Review 2025-01-31
- City where the Constitutional Convention was held to replace the Articles
- The federal government lacked this, making defense difficult
- First governing document of the United States
- The type of legislature under the Articles of Confederation
- Congress lacked authority to regulate this, leading to economic disputes
- Uprising in Massachusetts that exposed the weaknesses of the Articles
- This was missing, meaning there was no president to enforce laws
- Replaced the Articles in 1789 to create a stronger federal government
- 1787 law that set rules for governing new territories
- States retained this under the Articles, meaning they had independent power
- Also missing, leaving no national court system
- Number of states under the Articles of Confederation
- Agreement negotiated under the Articles that ended the American Revolution
- Number of states needed to approve laws under the Articles
- 1785 law that organized new territories
- Weakness in this area led Britain and Spain to ignore U.S. requests
- The only governing body under the Articles
- The Articles required unanimous approval from states for this
- Congress lacked this power, making it difficult to raise money
19 Clues: 1785 law that organized new territories • The only governing body under the Articles • First governing document of the United States • Also missing, leaving no national court system • Number of states under the Articles of Confederation • 1787 law that set rules for governing new territories • Number of states needed to approve laws under the Articles • ...
Jeel Soni - CWP 2021-05-03
- The belief that the United States should expand to the coast
- Time after the Civil War in which the States rejoined the US, laws were changed, slavery was abolished
- War between the southern and northern US states.
- The northern states during the Civil War
- Adding land into a nation
- Major cash crop in the south during the 1860s
- A spanish mission in which a battle was fought. It is located in San Antonio
- Location of deadliest hurricane in Texas in 1900
- An economic slump during the 1930s that was caused by overproduction of supplies with lack of demand
- River along the border of Mexico and Texas
- Fights between farmers and ranchers about land
- Name of the ship which was coming to England and was attacked by the German people. This attack led the US to joining World War I.
- Oil was found at this location in caused a great oil boom in Texas
- Country that borders Texas
- A town that rapidly grows/urbanizes due to sudden prosperity
- President of Mexico who was a dictator, ordered execution of soldiers at Goliad
- Storms of dust that caused the fleeing of the affected states -- poor farming techniques led to this
- The southern states during the Civil War
- Invention that is put around land to keep someone/something out. For example, farmers used this to keep cattle from ruining their crops.
- First European to map the coast of Texas
20 Clues: Adding land into a nation • Country that borders Texas • The northern states during the Civil War • The southern states during the Civil War • First European to map the coast of Texas • River along the border of Mexico and Texas • Major cash crop in the south during the 1860s • Fights between farmers and ranchers about land • ...
the cival war 2023-02-16
- a long blade or knife at the end of a musket
- a law passed by congress in 1850 that said escaped enslaved people in free states had to be returned their
- Putting the local interests and customs ahead of the entire country.
- a nickname for United States paper money that was first used in 1862
- when a person is murdered for political reasons
- An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
- the part of the war fought in the Eastern United States including Virgina,West Virgina,Maryland, and Pennysylvania
- large caliber like firearms like cannons and mortars
- these states were slave states that did not leave the union
- a nickname from people from the north as well as union soldiers
- a person who want to abloish or eliminate slavery
- a canvas bag that many cival wars soldiers used to carry food
- a term used to describe people who supported the union
- a side of an army or military unit
- A soldier that is wounded or killed during battle.
- A northerner who moved to the South during the reconstruction in order to become rich.
- a nickname for the confederate states of america or the confederacy
- a term meaning "before war" often used to describe the united state before the cival war
- a nickname for the south
- an ankle high shoe worn by soldiers in the cival war
20 Clues: a nickname for the south • a side of an army or military unit • a long blade or knife at the end of a musket • when a person is murdered for political reasons • a person who want to abloish or eliminate slavery • A soldier that is wounded or killed during battle. • an ankle high shoe worn by soldiers in the cival war • ...
Civil War in Georgia 2022-01-14
- The amount of prisoners that Fort Sumter housed
- First and largest battle ever fought in Georgia
- The Union Army was trying to prevent the Confederacy from doing this by implementing the Union Blockade
- This term refers to the southern states disbanding from the northern states
- The people against slavery
- The Emancipation Proclamation allowed these people to enlist in the Union Army
- Northern states led by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War
- Sherman led some 60,000 soldiers on a 285-mile march from Atlanta to Savannah
- General of the Union army during the Civil War; led March to the Sea and Atlanta Campaign
- There were this many military prisons during the Civil War
- President Abraham Lincoln was against the expansion of this in the West
- series of battles fought throughout northwest Georgia and the area around Atlanta during the summer of 1864
- The people for slavery
- The Union Blockade was a part of this plan
- Deadliest military prison during the Civil War
- Naval strategy by the United States to prevent the Confederacy from trading
- City where the Union Blockade took place
- An edict issued by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves of the Confederate States in rebellion against the Union
- Issued the Emancipationan Proclamation and was President during the Civil War
- he impact the Union Blockade had on the economies of other countries
- Southern states that had seceded from the Union during the Civil War
21 Clues: The people for slavery • The people against slavery • City where the Union Blockade took place • The Union Blockade was a part of this plan • Deadliest military prison during the Civil War • The amount of prisoners that Fort Sumter housed • First and largest battle ever fought in Georgia • There were this many military prisons during the Civil War • ...
Foreign Policy 2016-04-06
- nations have similar power to deter from war
- a balance of power between the countries involving nuclear weapons
- forcing men into the navy
- An international organization established after World War I under the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles.
- the united states will interfer with anything having to do with latin america
- the policy or status of a nation that does not participate in a war between other nations
- events in one country will cause similar events in close countries
- proposal that united states will be givin access to Chinese markets
- one country taking over another
- research program that began by united states in 1983 to explore technology to find a way to detory incoming missiles
- A nuclear race developed during the Cold War, an intense period between the Soviet Union and the United States.
- security cooperation of several countries to strengthen the security of each country
- a reference to the general easing of the geo-political tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States
- a chemical, biological or radioactive weapon capable of causing widespread death and destruction.
- thinking ones beliefs and opinons are better then anothers
- over exagrgeration of news stories to sway public opinion
- Fourteen goals of the United States in the peace negotiations after World War I created by President Woodrow Wilson
- preventing the spread of communism to other countries
- avoiding involvement in affairs of other nations
- givimg into someone demands to avoid conflict
20 Clues: forcing men into the navy • one country taking over another • nations have similar power to deter from war • givimg into someone demands to avoid conflict • avoiding involvement in affairs of other nations • preventing the spread of communism to other countries • over exagrgeration of news stories to sway public opinion • ...
The Civil War Key Term Review 2023-04-06
- A sum of money given as a bonus for joining the military.
- A failed diplomatic mission by two envoys of the Confederate States.
- Long knives attached to the top of guns.
- One of the first African-American regiments to fight on the Union side was from this state.
- Notorious Civil War prison in Georgia.
- Confederate general Thomas Jackson's nickname.
- Battlefield nurse who eventually founded the American Red Cross
- Most common surgery during the Civil War.
- The armed conflict between the United States and Confederate States of America.
- General Farragut won some battles to take control of this important city on the Mississippi and Gulf of Mexico.
- Forcing people into military service.
- Issued by Lincoln to liberate slaves in rebellious states.
- Republican-speak for "Peace Democrats."
- Woman who started the first US nurse training program.
- Bloody one-day battle in Maryland "won" by the Union.
- De factor leader of the Confederate Army.
- The president of the Confederate States.
- Wearing down an enemy's soldiers and resources.
- Biscuit-like food that soldiers ate during the Civil War.
- The name of the Union's military plan.
- The president of the United States during the Civil War.
- A person's right not to be imprisoned unless charged with a crime and given a trial.
- Another name for the new national currency created during the Civil War.
- Invention by Samuel Morse in 1837 that greatly improved military communication.
24 Clues: Forcing people into military service. • The name of the Union's military plan. • Notorious Civil War prison in Georgia. • Republican-speak for "Peace Democrats." • The president of the Confederate States. • Long knives attached to the top of guns. • De factor leader of the Confederate Army. • Most common surgery during the Civil War. • ...
Civics 2013-03-12
- Law making body for the small states
- Helps president enforce laws
- Government for the entire nation
- A complaint
- To deny
- Government cannot interfere in personal life
- One person makes decisions for a group
- Checks and _____
- Everyone has equal say
- Law making body for the big states
- Head of the Executive Branch
- To remove from office
- Governments for individual states
- Determines laws unconstitutional
- Makes laws
- Enforces laws
- No one is above the law
- Body of judges
18 Clues: To deny • Makes laws • A complaint • Enforces laws • Body of judges • Checks and _____ • To remove from office • Everyone has equal say • No one is above the law • Head of the Executive Branch • Helps president enforce laws • Government for the entire nation • Determines laws unconstitutional • Governments for individual states • Law making body for the big states • ...
U.S. Grography 2021-09-30
- Island state
- California, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona border this country
- federal capital
- third most populous country in the world
- Ocean to the west of the United States
- largest river in the U.S.
- The capital city of Texas
- U.S. territory that belonged to Spain
- territory in the Pacific
- territory in the Atlantic
- This river flows across the middle of the United States from Minnesota to Louisiana
- Mexico is __________ of the U.S.
- mountain range on the Eastern side of the U.S.
- Canada is _________ of the U.S.
- the number of states bordering the country North of the U.S.
- important landmark in New York
- Ocean to the east of the United States
17 Clues: Island state • federal capital • territory in the Pacific • territory in the Atlantic • largest river in the U.S. • The capital city of Texas • important landmark in New York • Canada is _________ of the U.S. • Mexico is __________ of the U.S. • U.S. territory that belonged to Spain • Ocean to the east of the United States • Ocean to the west of the United States • ...
Andrew Jackson- Paige, emery 2024-01-30
- is the constitutional theory that individual states can invalidate federal laws or judicial decisions they deem unconstitutional
- states have the power to make any decisions the Federal Government does not make
- served as chief justice of the United States Supreme Court for more than three decades
- an American lawyer, diplomat, and statesman who served as the eighth president of the United States from 1837 to 1841
- Southerners, arguing that the tariff enhanced the interests of the Northern manufacturing industry at their expense
- formal withdrawal of a group from a political entity
- the forced westward migration of American Indian tribes from the South and Southeast
- second federally authorized Hamiltonian national bank in the United States
- 9th U.S. President
- conservative political party that existed in the United States during the mid-19th century
- one of the two major political parties, alongside the Republican Party
- opposed by the Cherokee nation
- the country's first central banker
- often managed by individuals closely tied the Democratic Party, were granted privileged status in the banking system, and were lent substantial amounts of public funds
- Andrew Jacksons nickname
- practice in which a political party, after winning an election, gives government jobs to its supporters, friends
- a member of an American Indian people originally from Tennessee and North Carolina.
- extended from the present Texas-Oklahoma border to the Nebraska-Dakota border
- the right to vote in political elections
- a problem in Europe, when the stock market crashed
20 Clues: 9th U.S. President • Andrew Jacksons nickname • opposed by the Cherokee nation • the country's first central banker • the right to vote in political elections • a problem in Europe, when the stock market crashed • formal withdrawal of a group from a political entity • one of the two major political parties, alongside the Republican Party • ...
American Civil War 2025-01-12
- A high-ranking officer in the army.
- The process of selecting people to serve in the military.
- The act of freeing someone from slavery.
- A person who wanted to end slavery.
- The general of the Union Army who later became president.
- The southern states that wanted to keep slavery and fought against the Union.
- To withdraw from a larger group, such as a state leaving the Union.
- A large group of soldiers organized to fight in a war.
- The official document outlining the laws and principles of the United States government.
- The states that stayed loyal to the U.S. government during the Civil War.
- The process of rebuilding the South after the Civil War.
- A war between groups in the same country.
- The general of the Confederate Army.
- The 16th president of the United States, who led the country during the Civil War.
- The practice of owning and forcing people to work without pay.
- Tubman A famous abolitionist and conductor of the Underground Railroad, helping slaves escape to freedom.
- A major battle fought in Pennsylvania in 1863, considered a turning point in the war.
- Former slaves who were freed after the Civil War.
- The northern states that were against slavery during the Civil War.
- The government formed by the southern states that left the Union.
- A fight between armies during the war.
- People who were owned and forced to work without freedom.
22 Clues: A high-ranking officer in the army. • A person who wanted to end slavery. • The general of the Confederate Army. • A fight between armies during the war. • The act of freeing someone from slavery. • A war between groups in the same country. • Former slaves who were freed after the Civil War. • A large group of soldiers organized to fight in a war. • ...
American Civil War 2025-01-12
- The act of freeing someone from slavery.
- The southern states that wanted to keep slavery and fought against the Union.
- The practice of owning and forcing people to work without pay.
- A famous abolitionist and conductor of the Underground Railroad, helping slaves escape to freedom.
- Former slaves who were freed after the Civil War.
- A major battle fought in Pennsylvania in 1863, considered a turning point in the war.
- The 16th president of the United States, who led the country during the Civil War.
- To withdraw from a larger group, such as a state leaving the Union.
- A fight between armies during the war.
- The process of rebuilding the South after the Civil War.
- A war between groups in the same country.
- The northern states that were against slavery during the Civil War.
- People who were owned and forced to work without freedom.
- The government formed by the southern states that left the Union.
- The states that stayed loyal to the U.S. government during the Civil War.
- The process of selecting people to serve in the military.
- The general of the Confederate Army.
- The general of the Union Army who later became president.
- A person who wanted to end slavery.
- A large group of soldiers organized to fight in a war.
- A high-ranking officer in the army.
- The official document outlining the laws and principles of the United States government.
22 Clues: A person who wanted to end slavery. • A high-ranking officer in the army. • The general of the Confederate Army. • A fight between armies during the war. • The act of freeing someone from slavery. • A war between groups in the same country. • Former slaves who were freed after the Civil War. • A large group of soldiers organized to fight in a war. • ...
Lesson 2 2020-08-09
- an ancient Native American culture that spanned the present-day Four Corners region of the United States, comprising southeastern Utah, northeastern Arizona, northwestern New Mexico, and southwestern Colorado
- continent of the Eastern Hemisphere south of the Mediterranean Sea and adjoining Asia on its northeastern border
- to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan
- continent of the northern part of the Eastern Hemisphere between Asia and the Atlantic Ocean
- to set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude
- a substance used to color materials
- spear-throwing device used by early peoples to hurl spears and darts; effective in enabling hunters to send their darts and spears greater distances
- state in the western United States; attracted thousands of miners during gold rush of 1849
- state in the western United States; settled by Mormons in 1840s
- to establish an institution often with terms of future maintenance
- a culture in the western Southwest known for building a vast system of canals
- legitimate proof of an idea, occurrence, or action that has been questioned by an individual or society
- flat stone on which corn is ground into meal
- state in the southwestern United States; ceded to the United States by Mexico in 1848
- state in the western United States
- tool used to grind corn into meal
- a leveled area on a hillside
- a trade product that is brought into a country
- state in the western United States
- continent in the northern part of the Western Hemisphere between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
- way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs
- state in the southwestern United States; 48th state to enter the Union
- to make fit for a specific or new use or situation by modifying or changing
- a religious leader and teacher trained in Jewish law, rituals, and tradition
- one of the approximately 250 domains into which Japan was divided under the Tokugawa
- a period of little rainfall, in which growing crops becomes difficult
- country in North America south of the United States
- a barrier built to hold back water and raise its level
28 Clues: a leveled area on a hillside • tool used to grind corn into meal • state in the western United States • state in the western United States • a substance used to color materials • flat stone on which corn is ground into meal • a trade product that is brought into a country • country in North America south of the United States • ...
Civil War 2022-01-07
- - An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
- - Soldiers that fight and travel by foot.
- - A long gun with a smooth bore that soldiers shot from the shoulder.
- - A cap worn by Civil War soldiers.
- - A nickname for southern whites who supported the Republican Party.
- - A term used to describe people who supported the Union.
- Man's best friend
- Likes to chase mice
- - The name given to the states that stayed loyal to the United States government. Also called the North.
- - A soldier that is wounded or killed during battle.
- - A nickname given to people in the South supporting the Confederate States.
- - A long blade or knife attached to the end of a musket. Soldiers would use it like a spear in close combat.
- - A nickname for northerners who were against the Civil War. Dixie - A nickname for the South.
- - The side of an army or military unit.
- - An army of citizens used during emergencies.
- Flying mammal
- - A canvas bag that many Civil War soldiers used to carry their food.
- - A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers.
- - A person who wanted to eliminate or "abolish" slavery.
- Large marsupial
- - Crackers eaten by Civil War soldiers made from flour, water, and salt.
- - Large caliber firearms like cannons and mortars.
- Slave Law - A law passed by Congress in 1850 that said escaped slaves in free states had to be returned to their owners.
- Has a trunk
- - An ankle high shoe worn by soldiers during the Civil War. Carpetbagger - A northerner who moved to the South during the reconstruction in order to become rich.
- - Another name for the Confederate States of America or the South. The Confederacy was a group of states that left the United States to form their own country.
- - A nickname for United States paper money that was first used in 1862. It got its name from the green ink used in printing.
27 Clues: Has a trunk • Flying mammal • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice • - A cap worn by Civil War soldiers. • - The side of an army or military unit. • - Soldiers that fight and travel by foot. • - An army of citizens used during emergencies. • - Large caliber firearms like cannons and mortars. • - A soldier that is wounded or killed during battle. • ...
amendments 2023-09-29
- Papers/A collection of articles and essays promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution
- Constitution/A document that embodies the fundamental laws and principles by which the United States is governed.
- of Confederation/The original constitution of the US, ratified in 1781
- Amendment: Right to be free from discrimination in states to have due process of law, to have equal protection of the law
- Carta/A document constituting a fundamental guarantee of rights and privileges.
- of Versailles/It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers
- of Rights/The first ten amendments to the US Constitution, ratified in 1791
- Amendment/Abolition of poll taxes
- Amendment/Black Suffrage
- Amendment/Election of National Senators
- of Independence/The fundamental document establishing the United States as a nation, adopted on July 4, 1776.
- Points/Statement given on January 8, 1918 by United States President Woodrow Wilson
- Doctrine/United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from authoritarian forces.
- Bill of Rights/An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown.
- Amendment/Abolition of slavery Outlawed
- Amendment/18 year olds given the right to vote
- Amendment/Individual Income Tax
- Amendment/Women's Suffrage
18 Clues: Amendment/Black Suffrage • Amendment/Women's Suffrage • Amendment/Individual Income Tax • Amendment/Abolition of poll taxes • Amendment/Abolition of slavery Outlawed • Amendment/Election of National Senators • Amendment/18 year olds given the right to vote • of Confederation/The original constitution of the US, ratified in 1781 • ...
U.S. Geography 2021-09-30
- Island state
- California, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona border this country
- federal capital
- third most populous country in the world
- Ocean to the west of the United States
- largest river in the U.S.
- The capital city of Texas
- U.S. territory that belonged to Spain
- territory in the Pacific
- territory in the Atlantic
- This river flows across the middle of the United States from Minnesota to Louisiana
- Mexico is __________ of the U.S.
- mountain range on the Eastern side of the U.S.
- Canada is _________ of the U.S.
- the number of states bordering the country North of the U.S.
- important landmark in New York
- Ocean to the east of the United States
17 Clues: Island state • federal capital • territory in the Pacific • territory in the Atlantic • largest river in the U.S. • The capital city of Texas • important landmark in New York • Canada is _________ of the U.S. • Mexico is __________ of the U.S. • U.S. territory that belonged to Spain • Ocean to the east of the United States • Ocean to the west of the United States • ...
Chp. 10 - American Federalism 2022-11-28
- political arrangement in which power is divided between the federal and state governments
- System where the central government possesses all of the power.
- Rules that govern the use of money given to states through federal grants.
- Tax mandated by the 16th amendment.
- Has to do with the division of power among the governments within a nation.
- Federalism where Congress issues more penalties than incentives.
- Powers given by the Constitution to both the national and the state governments.
- Monies that the national government gives to states or local governments for some designated purpose.
- System where the local units possesses all political power & delegates select powers.
- Orders that have become increasingly burdensome to the states.
- Belief that a state could ignore a law if they deemed it unconstitutional.
- General purpose grants that allow states to have more jurisdiction in how to use the funds.
- Powers given to the national government by the Constitution.
- Powers which are reserved by the Constitution for the states or the people.
- Case which banned Congress from policing local school zones.
- When a federal law supersedes or overrides a similar state law.
- Federalism that central government began to work with states.
- Grants that are for a more specific purpose.
18 Clues: Tax mandated by the 16th amendment. • Grants that are for a more specific purpose. • Powers given to the national government by the Constitution. • Case which banned Congress from policing local school zones. • Federalism that central government began to work with states. • Orders that have become increasingly burdensome to the states. • ...
H5 Civil War Review 2024-11-14
- Georgia city that was given to Lincoln as a Christmas present
- A POW prison camp to hold Union soldiers
- someone who strongly opposed slavery and worked to end it
- what South Carolina practiced when President Jackson put a tax on goods imported from Europe
- the immediate result of the Emancipation Proclamation
- a tax on imported goods
- what the North got out of the Compromise of 1850
- led the Atlanta campaign and the March to the Sea
- The location of the end of the Civil War
- A battle that was considered the turning point of the war
- event that happened in 1860 which led to the secession of Southern states
- an enslaved man whose court case led to the declaration that enslaved people were property, not citizens
- the idea that states should be able to make their own choices about laws in their states
- the battle that prompted Lincoln to write the Emancipation Proclamation
- The uniform color of the Confederates
- The northern states during the Civil War
- a military maneuver meant to prevent goods/soldiers from passing through
- city integral to the war effort because of its economic importance and ability to supply goods to the army
- the month in which the end of slavery is celebrated
- the first state to secede from the Union
- The uniform color of the Union
- Sumter The location of the start of the Civil War
- the president of the US during the Civil War
- the EVENTUAL result of the Emancipation Proclamation
- the last state to free their slaves
- what the South got out of the Compromise of 1850
- The southern states during the civil war
- Major Southern general
- A compromise to make northern states free states and southern states free was named after this state in 1820
- Georgia's biggest export
- Major Norther general and the 18 US president
- Location of a major battle near the Georgia-Tennessee boarder
32 Clues: Major Southern general • a tax on imported goods • Georgia's biggest export • The uniform color of the Union • the last state to free their slaves • The uniform color of the Confederates • A POW prison camp to hold Union soldiers • the first state to secede from the Union • The southern states during the civil war • The location of the end of the Civil War • ...
Constitution & Federalism 2019-08-28
- form of democracy in which political power is exercised directly by citizens
- Doctrine holding that state governments and the federal government have almost completely separate functions
- Replaced the Stamp Act; imposed new taxes on imports; Led to rallying cry "no taxation without representation"
- powers not expressly granted to congress but added through the necessary and proper clause
- initial governing authority of the United States, 1781-88
- system of government in which ultimate authority rests with the national government
- makes the laws
- Makes federal law supreme over state laws
- Compromise on legislative representation whereby the lower chamber is based on population, and the upper chamber provides equal representation to the states
- to formally withdraw from a nation-state
- The 1776 document declaring American independence from Great Britain and calling for equality, human rights, and citizen participation
- powers expressly granted to congress by the constitution
- form of government in which power derives from citizens, but public officials make policy and govern according to existing law
- process for selecting state judges whereby the original nomination is by appointment, and subsequent retention is by a retention election
- authority of the president to block legislation passed by congress. Congress can override a veto by a two-thirds majority in each chamber
- Meeting in 1787 at which twelve states intended to revise the Articles of Confederation but ended up proposing an entirely new constitution
- right of states to invalidate acts of congress they believe to be illegal
- compromise over slavery at the constitutional convention that granted states extra representation in the house of representatives based on their number of slaves at the ratio of three-fifths
- powers retained by the states under the constitution
- formal process of changing the Constitution
- Documents or set of documents that establish the basic rules and procedures for how a society should be governed
- the presidential electors, selected to represent the votes of their respective states, who meet every four years to cast the electoral votes for president and vice president
- system of government in which sovereignty is constitutionally divided between national and state governments
- authority of courts to declare laws passed by congress and acts of the executive branch to be unconstitutional
- system of government in which ultimate authority rests with the regional governments
- required states to return runaway slaves; negated by the thirteenth amendment
- view that states have strong independent authority to resist federal rules under the constitution
- first ten amendments to the constitution, which provide basic political rights
- rule by the people
- gives congress the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, with Indian tribes, and among the various states
30 Clues: makes the laws • rule by the people • to formally withdraw from a nation-state • Makes federal law supreme over state laws • formal process of changing the Constitution • powers retained by the states under the constitution • powers expressly granted to congress by the constitution • initial governing authority of the United States, 1781-88 • ...
States of Matter 2022-08-30
- Anything that takes up space
- conversion of substance from liquid to gas
- matter composed of tiny particles
- temperature which liquid goes to solid
- vapor condenses to liquid,no change in substance temperature
- closely packed particles contain least KE
- liquid changes into a vapor
- temperature at which a sold melts
- no fixed shape and no fixed volume
- the degree of heat presented in substance
- being turned into ice or another solid object
- positive charged particles and negative charged
- define shape but no fixed volume
- becoming liquidfied
- water vapor becomes liquid
15 Clues: becoming liquidfied • water vapor becomes liquid • liquid changes into a vapor • Anything that takes up space • define shape but no fixed volume • temperature at which a sold melts • matter composed of tiny particles • no fixed shape and no fixed volume • temperature which liquid goes to solid • the degree of heat presented in substance • ...
States of Matter 2022-08-30
- A sample of matter that takes the shape of a container
- A state of matter that has neither indeenden shape nor volume
- The temperature at which a liquid begins to vaporize
- A degree measured on a definite scale
- Change from a liquid state to a gaseous state
- A theory based on the idea that matter is composed of tiny particles that are always in motion
- Substance made up of various types of particles and has inertia
- The temperature at which a gas condenses
- The temperature a which a solid melts
- Change from a solid to a liquid
- Change from a gaseous state to a liquid state
- A charged particle
- The temperature at which a liquid freezes
- Change from a liquid state to a solid
- A state of matter that retains its shape and density
15 Clues: A charged particle • Change from a solid to a liquid • The temperature a which a solid melts • Change from a liquid state to a solid • A degree measured on a definite scale • The temperature at which a gas condenses • The temperature at which a liquid freezes • Change from a gaseous state to a liquid state • Change from a liquid state to a gaseous state • ...
states of matter 2022-08-31
- boiling
- firm and stable in shape
- ice freezing
- heat or cool
- Point,the temperature at which the vapour pressure is equal.
- point, the temperature at which a given solid will melt
- water turning into a solid
- evaporation
- process where water vapor becomes liquid
- Point,the temperature at which a vapor condenses into a liquid without a change in the temperature of the substance.
- an electric and magnetic feild
- Molecular, Theory gasses are composed of a large number of particles that behave hard.
- made up of mass
- point,the temperature at which a liquid turns into a solid when cooled.
- water and other things not made up of mass
15 Clues: boiling • evaporation • ice freezing • heat or cool • made up of mass • firm and stable in shape • water turning into a solid • an electric and magnetic feild • process where water vapor becomes liquid • water and other things not made up of mass • point, the temperature at which a given solid will melt • Point,the temperature at which the vapour pressure is equal. • ...
states of matter 2022-08-31
- boiling
- firm and stable in shape
- ice freezing
- heat or cool
- Point,the temperature at which the vapour pressure is equal.
- point, the temperature at which a given solid will melt
- water turning into a solid
- evaporation
- process where water vapor becomes liquid
- Point,the temperature at which a vapor condenses into a liquid without a change in the temperature of the substance.
- an electric and magnetic feild
- Molecular, Theory gasses are composed of a large number of particles that behave hard.
- made up of mass
- point,the temperature at which a liquid turns into a solid when cooled.
- water and other things not made up of mass
15 Clues: boiling • evaporation • ice freezing • heat or cool • made up of mass • firm and stable in shape • water turning into a solid • an electric and magnetic feild • process where water vapor becomes liquid • water and other things not made up of mass • point, the temperature at which a given solid will melt • Point,the temperature at which the vapour pressure is equal. • ...
states of US 2022-05-30
- The biggest state.
- Mexico number 2
- Connects states up north
- Has four "eyes" but cannot see
- A big mountainous statue of presidents id here.
- Home to N.W.A
- Is a few islands.
- The name says "mountain"
- Where KFC was invented
- the northernmost state.
- Has a west state
- Home to Detroit pistons.
- This state has 3 NBA teams.
- Its capital is denver
- the smallest U.S state
15 Clues: Home to N.W.A • Mexico number 2 • Has a west state • Is a few islands. • The biggest state. • Its capital is denver • Where KFC was invented • the smallest U.S state • the northernmost state. • Home to Detroit pistons. • Connects states up north • The name says "mountain" • This state has 3 NBA teams. • Has four "eyes" but cannot see • A big mountainous statue of presidents id here.
states of US 2022-05-30
- The biggest state.
- Mexico number 2
- Connects states up north
- Has four "eyes" but cannot see
- A big mountainous statue of presidents id here.
- Home to N.W.A
- Is a few islands.
- The name says "mountain"
- Where KFC was invented
- the northernmost state.
- Has a west state
- Home to Detroit pistons.
- This state has 3 NBA teams.
- Its capital is denver
- the smallest U.S state
15 Clues: Home to N.W.A • Mexico number 2 • Has a west state • Is a few islands. • The biggest state. • Its capital is denver • Where KFC was invented • the smallest U.S state • the northernmost state. • Home to Detroit pistons. • Connects states up north • The name says "mountain" • This state has 3 NBA teams. • Has four "eyes" but cannot see • A big mountainous statue of presidents id here.
States of Matter 2022-11-22
- ransition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas state, without passing through the liquid state
- water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it
- substance that flows freely
- conversion of a substance from the liquid or solid phase into the gaseous phase
- bringing a liquid to the temperature at which it turns to vapor
- below 32°F (0°C)
- highly defined arrangements of molecular chains
- any noncrystalline solid in which the atoms and molecules are not organized in a definite pattern
- temperature at which it starts to change into steam or vapor
- process of turning from liquid into vapor
- the temperature at which a given solid will melt
- substance that has no fixed shape
- firm and stable shape
- expands freely to fill the whole of a container
- becoming liquefied by heat
15 Clues: below 32°F (0°C) • firm and stable shape • becoming liquefied by heat • substance that flows freely • substance that has no fixed shape • process of turning from liquid into vapor • expands freely to fill the whole of a container • highly defined arrangements of molecular chains • the temperature at which a given solid will melt • ...
United States Constitution 2022-11-17
- Which area of states did the 3/5 compromise benefit the most?
- Who wanted a Bill of Rights in the constitution?
- How many colonies were needed to sign the constitution at first?
- Oldest attendee?
- last state to sign the constitution?
- What plan did the smaller states support?
- What were the first ten amendments called?
- Last name of the man who is considered the father of the constitution?
- How many branches of goverment were proposed
- What was the meeting that created the constitution called?
- What size government did antifederalists want?
- What plan did big states support
- How many years were the presidential terms proposed by the constitution?
- People who attended the constitutional convention?
- first word of the constitution?
15 Clues: Oldest attendee? • first word of the constitution? • What plan did big states support • last state to sign the constitution? • What plan did the smaller states support? • What were the first ten amendments called? • How many branches of goverment were proposed • What size government did antifederalists want? • Who wanted a Bill of Rights in the constitution? • ...
States of Matter 2019-03-07
- slicing vegetables is an example of a ____ change
- The ability to combust is a _______________
- particles collide with each other and the laws of their _____
- related to the average kinetic energy of an object's atoms or molecules
- Particles are in constant, _______, motion
- explains how particles in matter behave
- Matter that has an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume
- the particles are positively and negatively charged
- The color of my dog is a ________
- Matter has more space and slides past each other
- increase in size of a substance when the temperature increases and contracts when cooled
- anything that has mass and takes up space
- Matter that has a definite shape and definite volume
- all matter is _____ of particles
- cooking vegetables is an example of a ______ change
15 Clues: all matter is _____ of particles • The color of my dog is a ________ • explains how particles in matter behave • anything that has mass and takes up space • Particles are in constant, _______, motion • The ability to combust is a _______________ • Matter has more space and slides past each other • slicing vegetables is an example of a ____ change • ...
States of Matter 2020-10-07
- A state of matter that fills its container.
- A tool used to measure volume.
- The measurement of how much matter an object has.
- A tool used to measure mass.
- Turning from a liquid to a gas.
- A tool to measure temperature.
- The measurement of how much heat an object has.
- Turning from a gas to a liquid.
- Turning from a solid to a liquid.
- A state of matter that takes the shape of its container.
- A state of matter that has a defined shape.
- The measurement of how much space an object takes up.
- Water that is evaporated.
- Has mass and takes up space.
- Turning from a liquid to a solid.
15 Clues: Water that is evaporated. • Has mass and takes up space. • A tool used to measure mass. • A tool used to measure volume. • A tool to measure temperature. • Turning from a liquid to a gas. • Turning from a gas to a liquid. • Turning from a solid to a liquid. • Turning from a liquid to a solid. • A state of matter that fills its container. • ...
States of Matter 2023-03-08
- - a complex arrangement of negatively charged electrons arranged in defined shells about a positively charged nucleus.
- - The smallest particle of a substance that has all of the physical and chemical properties of that substance
- - a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of every atom
- - Change of a substance from liquid phase to solid.
- - subatomic particles found inside the nucleus of every atom
- - Change from solid to a gas without becoming a liquid.
- - Change from liquid to gaseous form.
- Point - the temperature at which the substance changes from a solid to a liquid
- - the sharing of electrons between two or more atoms
- - A state of matter with no definite shape or volume
- - Change from gas to liquid form.
- - a negatively charged subatomic particle that can be either bound to an atom or free
- - a type of matter with specific properties that make it less rigid than a solid but more rigid than a gas
- - a state of matter that retains its shape and density
- - Change from solid phase to liquid.
- Point - the temperature at which its vapor pressure is equal to the pressure of the gas above it
16 Clues: - Change from gas to liquid form. • - Change from solid phase to liquid. • - Change from liquid to gaseous form. • - Change of a substance from liquid phase to solid. • - A state of matter with no definite shape or volume • - the sharing of electrons between two or more atoms • - a state of matter that retains its shape and density • ...
States of Matter 2023-02-22
- this bench is very hard
- solids, liquid, and gas
- has melting and boiling points
- seismic plates hit each other hard
- this has lines to show how much is in a container
- this is inside a balloon
- takes the shape of its container
- can be used to see how big and heavy a watermelon is
- how we hang things on the refrigerator
- used to figure out the mass of an object
- hot or cold
- the measuring cup could only hold one cup of water
- air, rocks, water, even people
- the golf ball sinks in the water
- needs a triple beam balance to measure this
15 Clues: hot or cold • this bench is very hard • solids, liquid, and gas • this is inside a balloon • air, rocks, water, even people • has melting and boiling points • the golf ball sinks in the water • takes the shape of its container • seismic plates hit each other hard • how we hang things on the refrigerator • used to figure out the mass of an object • ...
States of Matter 2012-11-24
- You can change the state of matter by either adding or subtracting _________ (4)
- A solid always takes up the same amount of this (5)
- Particles in a gas are _________ apart than the particles in a liquid (7)
- Change from a solid to a gas (11)
- Temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas is its _________point (7)
- State where particles take the shape of the container and do not have a definite volume (3)
- Gases_______to fill whatever space is available to them (6)
- Change from a liquid to a gas (11)
- Anything that has mass and occupies space (6)
- Ice floats on water because it is less _________ than the water (5)
- Change from a liquid to a solid
- Temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid is its________ point (7)
- If you add heat to matter, the atoms that make up the matter will begin to move ________ (6)
- state which has a definite shape and volume (5)
- State where particles take the shape of the container (6)
15 Clues: Change from a liquid to a solid • Change from a solid to a gas (11) • Change from a liquid to a gas (11) • Anything that has mass and occupies space (6) • state which has a definite shape and volume (5) • A solid always takes up the same amount of this (5) • State where particles take the shape of the container (6) • ...
states of matter 2013-05-23
- makes the particles move faster
- the scientific name for squashing
- this matter can flow
- a substance/matter easy to compress
- how many states of matter
- what does solid do when heated
- a method of seperating salt and water
- a gas needed by animals
- a combination of substances that can be seperated
- a gas given off by yeast/ we breath out
- this matter has no fixed shape
- a method used to seperate a mixture of sand and water
- this matter has a definite shape and volume
- the only metal at room temperature
- small pieces of matter
15 Clues: this matter can flow • small pieces of matter • a gas needed by animals • how many states of matter • this matter has no fixed shape • what does solid do when heated • makes the particles move faster • the scientific name for squashing • the only metal at room temperature • a substance/matter easy to compress • a method of seperating salt and water • ...
States of Matter 2014-04-21
- pressure exerted by a vapor.
- is a type of chart used to show conditions at which thermodynamically distinct phases can occur at equilibrium
- the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid equals the pressure surrounding the liquid and the liquid changes into a vapor
- gases describes a gas as a large number of small particles (atoms or molecules), all of which are in constant, random motion
- non-crystalline solid is a solid that lacks the long-range order characteristic of a crystal.
- a unique arrangement of atoms or molecules in a crystalline liquid or solid
- is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure
- is the transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase
- is the temperature at which it changes state from solid to liquid at atmospheric pressure
- of an element or compound is a phase transition from the liquid phase to gas phase
- is any force that holds together the atoms making up a molecule or compound
- is space that is devoid of matter
- is the property of some chemical elements to exist in two or more different forms
- the temperature and pressure at which the three phases (gas, liquid, and solid) of that substance coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium.
- is a type of vaporization of a liquid that occurs from the surface of a liquid into a gaseous phase that is not saturated with the evaporating substance
15 Clues: pressure exerted by a vapor. • is space that is devoid of matter • is any force that holds together the atoms making up a molecule or compound • a unique arrangement of atoms or molecules in a crystalline liquid or solid • is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure • ...
United States History 2014-01-16
- opening statement of the constitution
- amendment gives you the right to bear arms
- bill of ____
- branch that makes laws
- number of terms a president can serve
- amendments
- current us president
- Washington First US president
- articles in the constitution
- executes or enforces laws
- The states capital is in Washington _
- the two parties are republican and ____
- court judicial branch
- branches of government
- the president takes ___ of office
15 Clues: amendments • bill of ____ • current us president • court judicial branch • branch that makes laws • branches of government • executes or enforces laws • articles in the constitution • Washington First US president • the president takes ___ of office • opening statement of the constitution • The states capital is in Washington _ • number of terms a president can serve • ...
states of matter 2016-05-18
- temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid is its____
- change from plasma to gas
- change from solid to liquid
- state where particles take the shape of the container and don't have a definite volume
- state where particles have a definite shape and volume
- change from solid to gas
- change from gas to solid
- change from liquid to solid
- change from gas to liquid
- temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas is its____
- change from liquid to gas
- state where particles take the shape of the container and have a definite volume
- change from gas to plasma
- state similar to gas but capable to conduct electricity
- anything that has mass and occupies space
15 Clues: change from solid to gas • change from gas to solid • change from gas to liquid • change from liquid to gas • change from plasma to gas • change from gas to plasma • change from liquid to solid • change from solid to liquid • anything that has mass and occupies space • state where particles have a definite shape and volume • ...
United States Constitution 2022-02-03
- people who supported a strong state government
- a branch of government that votes on laws; includes the senate and house
- the first government of the United States; weak
- a group of people who vote on laws; votes based on population
- unpaid workers who have no rights and are treated as property; count as 3/5's of a person for population
- a document that states the basic principles of the United States
- a branch of government that judges laws; includes the court system
- a branch of government that enforces laws; includes the president
- people who want a strong central government
- a meeting to discuss the constitution
- the prosses of approving the constitution
- a group of people that vote on laws; 2 votes per state
- held by the people in the United States
- the first government, under the articles of confederation, were ______
- mandatory payment to the government to pay for things like military, schools, and government workers
15 Clues: a meeting to discuss the constitution • held by the people in the United States • the prosses of approving the constitution • people who want a strong central government • people who supported a strong state government • the first government of the United States; weak • a group of people that vote on laws; 2 votes per state • ...
States of Objects 2023-07-27
- Turned into ice due to extreme cold temperature.
- Torn or split forcefully, causing damage to an object.
- A substance with a consistent volume but no fixed shape, like water.
- Extended or pulled to make longer or wider, often without breaking.
- A state of matter without a fixed volume or shape, like air or helium.
- Firm and stable in shape; not liquid or gas.
- Broken with lines on the surface, but not completely separated.
- Changed from a straight shape to a curved or angled shape.
- Changed from a gas to a liquid state, often due to cooling.
- Filled with air or gas, becoming expanded and larger in size.
- Changed from a solid to a liquid state due to heat.
- When a liquid reaches its boiling point and turns into vapor (gas).
- Reduced in size or volume, usually by releasing air or gas.
- Mixed and fully incorporated into a liquid, usually referring to a solute in a solvent.
- Changed from a liquid to a gas state, usually due to heat.
15 Clues: Firm and stable in shape; not liquid or gas. • Turned into ice due to extreme cold temperature. • Changed from a solid to a liquid state due to heat. • Torn or split forcefully, causing damage to an object. • Changed from a liquid to a gas state, usually due to heat. • Changed from a straight shape to a curved or angled shape. • ...
States of Matter 2023-12-07
- What particles are always doing.
- The amount of measurable kinetic energy of a particle.
- The state of matter with the least amount of kinetic energy.
- The unit for measuring temperature.
- The positive part of an atom is called what.
- Do gas particles move more or less than a solid liquid.
- The state of matter where particles cling together and slide past one another.
- What is the name of the process when a liquid changes into a solid.
- The amount of energy of a particle due to its motion.
- The process in which a solid changes directly from a solid to a gas.
- When particles lose energy do they move more or less.
- The temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid
- The state of matter with the most amount of kinetic energy.
- The name of the process when a liquid changes into a gas.
- What all solids, liquids, and gases are made of.
15 Clues: What particles are always doing. • The unit for measuring temperature. • The positive part of an atom is called what. • What all solids, liquids, and gases are made of. • The temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid • The amount of energy of a particle due to its motion. • When particles lose energy do they move more or less. • ...
States and Capitals 2023-12-15
15 Clues: Dover • Boise • Topeka • Juneau • Denver • Phoenix • Atlanta • Honolulu • Hartford • Sacramento • Montgomery • Des Moines • Tallahassee • Little Rock • Indianapolis
- matter turning from a liquid to a gas, when heat is added
- matter that is hardened and stable in shape
- anything that takes up space and can be weighed
- matter turning from a solid to a gas, without ever becoming a liquid
- a state of matter that has no specific shape, and can expand to any size
- how much space an object takes up, in regards to its mass
- matter turning from a gas to a liquid, when heat is removed
- the type of energy that impacts temperature, which directly impacts the state of matter
- the amount of matter that a substance is made from
- a state of matter that flows freely, and holds the shape of its container
- matter turning from a gas to a solid, without ever becoming a liquid
- matter turning from a liquid to a solid, when heat is removed
- tendency of an object to rise or float after being submerged in a fluid
- matter turning from a solid to a liquid, when heat is added
- what matter is made from
15 Clues: what matter is made from • matter that is hardened and stable in shape • anything that takes up space and can be weighed • the amount of matter that a substance is made from • matter turning from a liquid to a gas, when heat is added • how much space an object takes up, in regards to its mass • matter turning from a solid to a liquid, when heat is added • ...
13 Original States 2024-03-04
- home to Boston, also claimed part of Maine
- the smallest state in the US
- has a sister state south of it, virginia is north
- northernmost state at the time
- Which country did these colonies break off from
- home to the largest city in the world
- directly north of Georgia
- The southernmost state
- How many original states were there
- a small state next to Rhode Island
- small state south of New Jersey
- this land was named for Mary
- we live here
- home of Philadelphia, west of New Jersey
- first colony to be founded, home of George Washington
15 Clues: we live here • The southernmost state • directly north of Georgia • the smallest state in the US • this land was named for Mary • northernmost state at the time • small state south of New Jersey • a small state next to Rhode Island • How many original states were there • home to the largest city in the world • home of Philadelphia, west of New Jersey • ...
states of matter 2024-03-27
- ____ is something that is caught in the filter paper and it holds the stuff you want to filter out of the mixture.
- what is something that can't be dissolved?
- _______ happens when water hits 100°C.
- When something like ink migrates on a bit of paper it is called?
- ______ Is when you separate two things by using something that separates it
- _____ Is when two things are mixed together.
- when you add too much of something like a powder into water it becomes _____
- What do you put the solute?
- What do the particles do when you make them colder?
- _____ Is when gravity has so much hold on something
- _____ Is how much space something takes up
- A ____ is when you try something you have never done before.
- ____ is when something gets bigger when heated
- A liquid when frozen becomes a _____
- What goes from a soiled to a _____ when melted?
15 Clues: What do you put the solute? • A liquid when frozen becomes a _____ • _______ happens when water hits 100°C. • _____ Is how much space something takes up • what is something that can't be dissolved? • _____ Is when two things are mixed together. • ____ is when something gets bigger when heated • What goes from a soiled to a _____ when melted? • ...
States of Matter 2024-11-01
- Solid water is ____.
- Water in the form of a gas is called _____. (no spaces)
- Raindrops are this state of matter.
- Best subject in school
- When heat is applied to a substance it causes the volume to increase, Thermal ______
- A measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample
- The amount of matter something contains is its ______.
- When a solid is heated up and turns into a liquid, it ____.
- Solid matter does not change _____.
- The amount of space that matter takes up is its _____.
- Liquid matter takes the shape of its ____.
- When atoms are in this state of matter, they fly around freely.
- When heat is lost from a substance, it causes the volume to decrease, thermal _______
- At 32 degrees Fahrenheit, water _____.
- Matter that has a definite shape and volume is in this state.
15 Clues: Solid water is ____. • Best subject in school • Raindrops are this state of matter. • Solid matter does not change _____. • At 32 degrees Fahrenheit, water _____. • Liquid matter takes the shape of its ____. • The amount of space that matter takes up is its _____. • The amount of matter something contains is its ______. • ...
New England States 2024-09-19
- Capital of Vermont
- Capital of New York
- state that the hamburger was created
- home of Yale University in Connecticut
- Home of the Original Chicken Wing
- home of Major League Baseball's Red Sox
- Sticky substance poured on pancakes/made in Vermont
- Capital of Rhode Island
- crustacean mainly found in Maine
- Capital of Massachusetts
- Capital of Connecticut
- smallest state in the US
- Capital of Maine
- Capital of New Hampshire
- city that features Times Square and Broadway
- town in Massachusetts when witches were burned at the stake
16 Clues: Capital of Maine • Capital of Vermont • Capital of New York • Capital of Connecticut • Capital of Rhode Island • Capital of Massachusetts • smallest state in the US • Capital of New Hampshire • crustacean mainly found in Maine • Home of the Original Chicken Wing • state that the hamburger was created • home of Yale University in Connecticut • home of Major League Baseball's Red Sox • ...
states of matter 2024-09-20
- liquid turns to gas
- the temperature at which a solid turns into a liquid
- gas turns to liquid
- gas turns into solid
- solid turns to liquid
- molecules are tightly packed and vibrating
- anything that takes up space and is a solid, liquid, or gas
- solid turns into gas
- the temperature at which a liquid turns into a gas
- molecules are moving around very fast and bouncing off the walls
- molecules are moving more freely and bouncing into one another
- liquid turns to solid
- the temperature at which a liquid turns into a solid
- the amount of space something takes up
- causes molecules to speed up or slow down
15 Clues: liquid turns to gas • gas turns to liquid • solid turns into gas • gas turns into solid • liquid turns to solid • solid turns to liquid • the amount of space something takes up • causes molecules to speed up or slow down • molecules are tightly packed and vibrating • the temperature at which a liquid turns into a gas • the temperature at which a solid turns into a liquid • ...
States of Matter 2025-01-20
- - A state of matter characterized by a fixed shape and volume.
- - The phase change from a liquid to a solid when heat is removed, causing particles to lose energy and become more closely packed.
- - A high-energy state of matter consisting of ionized particles (positive ions and free electrons). Occurs at extremely high temperatures, such as in stars or lightning.
- - Anything that has mass and takes up space.
- - The phase change in which a solid transforms directly into a gas without passing through the liquid phase. An example is dry ice
- - A molecule composed of two atoms, which may be the same (e.g., O2O_2,
- - A state of matter with neither a definite shape nor volume.
- - A state of matter with a definite volume but no fixed shape
- - The phase change in which a gas transforms into a liquid as it loses heat. An example is water vapor forming dew.
- - The phase change in which a gas transforms directly into a solid without passing through the liquid phase. An example is frost formation.
- - The phase change from a solid to a liquid when heat is applied, as the particles gain energy.
- - A molecule or ion composed of three or more atoms bonded together.
- - The process by which a liquid changes into a gas at its surface, occurring below the boiling point, as particles gain enough energy to escape the liquid phase.
- - A group of two or more atoms bonded together chemically, representing the smallest unit of a compound that retains its chemical properties.
- - The smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element..
15 Clues: - Anything that has mass and takes up space. • - A state of matter with neither a definite shape nor volume. • - A state of matter with a definite volume but no fixed shape • - A state of matter characterized by a fixed shape and volume. • - A molecule or ion composed of three or more atoms bonded together. • ...
American Cit Crossword Puzzle 2024-05-21
- System that ensures no single branch of government gains too much power.
- The supreme law of the United States.
- The branch of government that enforces laws.
- Branch of government responsible for making laws.
- The introductory part of the Constitution.
- The principle that government derives its power from the consent of the governed.
- A change or addition to the Constitution.
- The first President of the United States.
- War fought between the North and South in the United States.
- Document declaring American independence from Britain.
- The right to vote.
- A system where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
- The movement to end slavery in the United States.
- The right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.
- First ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
- The highest court in the United States.
16 Clues: The right to vote. • The supreme law of the United States. • The highest court in the United States. • A change or addition to the Constitution. • The first President of the United States. • The introductory part of the Constitution. • The branch of government that enforces laws. • First ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. • ...
Interim Review 2023-11-30
- Ordinance Established a government for the northwest territory
- Against the constitution
- an action to begin a riot
- she aided Lewis and Clark
- declared war on Britain due to impressment
- Battle of january 8, 1815
- A Vote to confirm
- right to job but the job was void
- Land agreement between France and the United States
- The first constitution of the united states/ agreement among the 13 states
- First 10 amendments
- failed bombardment
- The movement of American farmers who protested against high taxes
- An agreement made among the delegates to the Constitutional Convention
- The “Federalist Papers” are a series of essays supporting the ratification of the U.S. Constitution
- national anthem of the United States
- A gathering to address the weak laws of AOF
- force american sailors to fight
- How to determine its constitutional
19 Clues: A Vote to confirm • failed bombardment • First 10 amendments • Against the constitution • an action to begin a riot • she aided Lewis and Clark • Battle of january 8, 1815 • force american sailors to fight • right to job but the job was void • How to determine its constitutional • national anthem of the United States • declared war on Britain due to impressment • ...
Chapter 9 - Civil War and Reconstruction 2020-09-11
- – A barrier of troops or ships to keep people and supplies from moving in and out of an era.
- – A situation when groups on each side of an issue give in a little to reach an agreement.
- – The United States; also the Northern States that remained part of the nation and fought against the Confederacy in the Civil War.
- – The period when laws were passed that sought to rebuild and heal the northern and southern regions of the United States after the Civil War.
- – Together, the Southern states that left the United States and formed their own nation; the Confederate States of America.
- – A system in which someone who owns land lets someone else “rent” the land to farm it.
- – To murder someone famous or powerful, usually for political reasons.
- – The act of bringing charges of wrongdoing against a high government official by the House of Representatives.
- – To join the military.
- – A method of warfare that seeks to destroy civilian as well as military targets to force a surrender.
- – The separation of a state from a nation.
- – The division of groups of people, usually by race.
- – A person who works to end or get rid of something, especially slavery.
- – The freeing of a group from slavery.
- – A military blockade and extended attack designed to make a city or other location surrender.
- – The celebration of the day when enslaved African Americans were freed during the Civil War.
- – Northerners who went South after the Civil War to start businesses and make money.
- – A group of laws passed in the late 1800s that denied African American men the right to vote, kept African Americans from owning guns or taking certain types of jobs.
- – Before the Civil War, a series of secret routes out of the South along which escaped slaves traveled to freedom in the North.
- – The right of each United States state to make its own local laws.
- – A large farm, especially in the southern United States, that usually grows one kind of crop.
- – A change or improvement.
- – An official announcement, usually by the government.
23 Clues: – To join the military. • – A change or improvement. • – The freeing of a group from slavery. • – The separation of a state from a nation. • – The division of groups of people, usually by race. • – An official announcement, usually by the government. • – The right of each United States state to make its own local laws. • ...
New Nation vocab 2021-09-29
- A statement that describes a document's purpose.
- was an agreement over counting of slaves as the state's total population.
- A document to establish organization in the state
- which the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures took the position that the federal Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.
- A treaty that defined The border between the United States and Spanish florida.
- A person who opposed the U.S constitution.
- 85 essays of a proposed declaration of independence.
- The elected head of a republic
- pin name for hamilton in the 85 articles.
- to give consent
- The first ten amendment of the U.S constitution
- was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review in the United States,
- A violent tax protest.
- a series of violent attacks on courthouses and other government properties in Massachusetts
- agreement that assuaged antagonisms between the United States and Great Britain.
- The highest judicial court in a state or country.
- Maryland lacked to tax the bank.
- created legislative bodies in congress.
- A member or supporter of the federalist party.
- A judge of the supreme court.
- refers to the judicial appointments made by President John Adams just before he was succeeded by President Thomas Jefferson
- A meeting of the political party.
- The lower house of us congress.
- an act that is used to show gratitude.
- interpreting state laws
- carries out and enforces laws.
- The first set of laws in the United states.
- The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition of the territory of Louisiana by the United States from Napoleonic France
- a procedure by which a court can review an administrative action by a public body
- France seizing ships and the United States Failed to negotiate with France because America refused to pay.
- Establish the number of something.
- were four acts passed by the Federalist-dominated 5th United States Congress and signed into law by President John Adams
- several states form a unity but remain independent
- Make all the laws.
- A form of government in which it is held by the people.
- the US congress
36 Clues: the US congress • Make all the laws. • A violent tax protest. • interpreting state laws • to give consent • A judge of the supreme court. • carries out and enforces laws. • The elected head of a republic • The lower house of us congress. • Maryland lacked to tax the bank. • A meeting of the political party. • Establish the number of something. • ...
Civics Test 2024-09-17
- Who was President during World War I?
- How old do citizens have to be to vote?
- If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President?
- Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
- Who signs bills and vetoes bills?
- What is the economic system in the United States?*
- What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?
- Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II?
- Who is the "Father of our country" and the first President?
- What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
- Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now?
- What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?
- How many Supreme Court Justices are there?
- What is the last day to file taxes?
- What did Martin Luther King, Jr. fight for`?
- What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States?
- When was the Constitution written?
- The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?
- What is the name of the national anthem?
- What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?
- Who makes federal laws?
- The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
- We elect a senator for how many years?
- How many senators are there?
- What is the capital of the United States?*
- Who is the Governor of AZ?
- When do we celebrate Independence Day?*
- Name the longest river in the United States.
- What is the supreme law of the land?
- During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States?
- How many amendments does the Constitution have?
- What is an amendment?
- Who is in charge of the executive branch?
- Name the U.S. war between the North and the South.
- What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?
- What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States?
36 Clues: What is an amendment? • Who makes federal laws? • Who is the Governor of AZ? • How many senators are there? • Who signs bills and vetoes bills? • What is the last day to file taxes? • When was the Constitution written? • What is the supreme law of the land? • Who was President during World War I? • We elect a senator for how many years? • ...
US History Ch 10 Vocab 2025-03-04
- of 1837 – A financial crisis caused by Jackson’s economic policies, including the veto of the national bank and the Specie Circular.
- Banks – State banks where Jackson placed federal funds after dismantling the national bank.
- War – Jackson’s campaign to destroy the Second Bank of the United States, which he viewed as corrupt.
- Crisis – A confrontation between South Carolina and the federal government over the Tariff of 1828, leading to debates on states' rights.
- Removal Act (1830) – Law signed by Jackson that forced Native American tribes to relocate west of the Mississippi River.
- Circular – Jackson’s order that government land could only be bought with gold or silver, contributing to the economic downturn.
- v. Georgia (1832) – Supreme Court case ruling that Georgia had no authority over Cherokee lands; Jackson ignored the ruling.
- Rights Doctrine – The belief that states have the right to ignore federal laws they deem unconstitutional.
- Bill (1833) – Gave Jackson the power to use military force to enforce federal tariffs in response to the Nullification Crisis.
- Tariff of 1833 – A tariff proposed by Henry Clay to ease tensions over the Tariff of Abominations.
- Democracy – A movement for more democratic participation in government, expanding voting rights to more white men.
- System – The practice of rewarding political supporters with government jobs.
- Van Buren – Jackson’s close ally and successor as the 8th President; dealt with the Panic of 1837.
- of Tears – The forced migration of Cherokee and other tribes to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma), resulting in thousands of deaths.
- C. Calhoun – Jackson’s Vice President who supported states' rights and nullification.
- of Abominations (1828) – A high tariff on imports that angered Southern states, especially South Carolina.
- Jackson – The 7th President of the United States (1829-1837); known for his populist policies and expansion of presidential power.
- Party – The political party founded by Jackson and his supporters, emphasizing states' rights and limited government.
- Clay – A political rival of Jackson who supported the American System and helped negotiate the Compromise Tariff of 1833.
- Party – A political party formed in opposition to Jackson, supporting a strong Congress and internal improvements.
20 Clues: System – The practice of rewarding political supporters with government jobs. • C. Calhoun – Jackson’s Vice President who supported states' rights and nullification. • Banks – State banks where Jackson placed federal funds after dismantling the national bank. • ...
February Crossword 2019-02-14
- The 26th president of the United States
- The 1st president of the United States
- A piece of paper (a gift) that talks about or illustrates someone's love
- A deep admiration for someone
- The day the United States represents their thanks for the presidents
- A flavor that is in many sweets and is a sweet it self
- The 2nd president of the United States
- A beautiful white bird that is often represented as a symbol of love
- A holiday to show your love
- Sharp red flower
- Small snacks packed with sugar
- The shape that represents love
- A small piece of chocolate in the shape similar to a bell. Also seen as a way of affection
- The first color of the rainbow
- The 16th president of the United States
- The god that makes people fall in love
16 Clues: Sharp red flower • A holiday to show your love • A deep admiration for someone • Small snacks packed with sugar • The shape that represents love • The first color of the rainbow • The 1st president of the United States • The god that makes people fall in love • The 2nd president of the United States • The 26th president of the United States • ...
7th Grade Social Studies - Interim #4 Review Guide 2025-02-21
- An _____ is a journey with a clearly set purpose or set of purposes
- The _____ roughly doubled the size of the United States for 15 million dollars in 1803 (2 words)
- Type of road where users had to pay every few miles to use it
- The British process of taking US sailors hostage to serve in the British Royal Navy
- The _____ stated that the United States would not permit Europe from interfering with Central or South America (2 words)
- The United States belief that God wanted it to conquer all of the land from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean (2 words)
- A large unsettled but not uninhabited area next to a settled area is called a _____
- The young Congressmen who wanted to go to war with Great Britain before the War of 1812 started were nicknamed the _____ (2 words)
- Shawnee Native American leader who lead armed resistance against the United States until his death in 1813
- President _____ (last name) signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 into law
- The President takes the ____ to officially become the President of the United States on inauguration day (3 words)
- The modern day state of Oklahoma used to be called _____ (2 words)
- Last name of the US Army officer who found was sent to find the headwaters of the Mississippi River, along with mapping the Rocky Mountains and the Spanish Southwest
- Fishhooks and sewing needles made out of _____ were the primary trading tools with Native Americans used by Lewis and Clark
- In early US Presidential elections, whoever came in second place became _____ (2 words)
- To process of being removed from the usual place or land
- The _____ is the system used to formally elect the President of the United States (2 words)
- Made made waterway connecting two or more bodies of water
- Type of watercraft powered by a steam powered engine
- The point in the Rocky Mountains where water flows either to the east or west is called the _____ (2 words)
- The _____ Court is the highest and most powerful court in the United States
- The Battle of the _____ ended with the biggest military defeat the United States ever received by Native American forces
- The United States bought this Spanish held area from Spain during Monroe's Presidency
- The _____ Gap was a pass found through the Appalachian Mountains by Daniel Boone in 1769
- The Presidential ____ is a group of expert advisors meant to help the President make decisions on different issues impacting the United States overall
- A _____ is an example for future actions or decisions
26 Clues: Type of watercraft powered by a steam powered engine • A _____ is an example for future actions or decisions • To process of being removed from the usual place or land • Made made waterway connecting two or more bodies of water • Type of road where users had to pay every few miles to use it • The modern day state of Oklahoma used to be called _____ (2 words) • ...
Unit 2: Articles of Confederation, Constitution, Bill of Rights 2012-04-27
- The A. of C. required this type of decision to pass amendments
- To approve an amendment
- The amendment protecting you from illegal search and seizure
- Percentage of states that must ratify an amendment
- Constitutional Convention president
- Powers for the national government
- The President's branch
- This rebellion confirmed the need for a new government
- The amendment protecting you from incriminating yourself
- Powers that are shared
- The Courts' branch
- Congress' branch
- System of shared power between national and local governments
- Powers that belong to the states
- 20 year policy of not talking about slavery in Congress
- Plan for 1 legislative house, favors smaller states
- The A. of C. government struggled with money because it could not collect ___
- "Father of the Constitution"
- Plan for 2 legislative houses, favors larger states
- The amendment prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment
20 Clues: Congress' branch • The Courts' branch • Powers that are shared • The President's branch • To approve an amendment • "Father of the Constitution" • Powers that belong to the states • Powers for the national government • Constitutional Convention president • Percentage of states that must ratify an amendment • Plan for 1 legislative house, favors smaller states • ...
Chapter 5 Review 2016-10-30
- A person who supported the Constitution
- Chosen to lead the Constitutional Convention
- Farmer who led a rebellion against the government
- Number of people five African American slaves equaled
- Branch created by Article III of the Constitution
- Plan favored by larger states that based government representation on a state's population
- Divided into two houses
- America's First Government
- Ninth state to approve the Constitution
- Change to the Constitution
- Branch created by Article II of the Constitution
- Number of Articles in the Constitution
- Branch created by Article I of the Constitution
- Connecticut leader who proposed the Great Compromise
- System of government in which power is divided between the federal and stave governments
- Number of states needed to agree on a change to the government
- To approve
- A detailed written plan of government
- Introduction to the Constitution
- Plan favored by smaller states that granted equal representation to all states
20 Clues: To approve • Divided into two houses • America's First Government • Change to the Constitution • Introduction to the Constitution • A detailed written plan of government • Number of Articles in the Constitution • A person who supported the Constitution • Ninth state to approve the Constitution • Chosen to lead the Constitutional Convention • ...
Chapter 5 Review 2016-10-30
- Ninth state to approve the Constitution
- A detailed written plan of government
- System of government in which power is divided between the federal and state governments
- Plan favored by larger states that based government representation on a state's population
- Number of Articles in the Constitution
- Branch created by Article II of the Constitution
- Plan favored by smaller states that granted equal representation to all states
- Chosen to lead the Constitutional Convention
- Branch created by Article I of the Constitution
- Change to the Constitution
- Branch created by Article III of the Constitution
- America's First Government
- To approve
- Divided into two houses
- Farmer who led a rebellion against the government
- Introduction to the Constitution
- Number of people five African American slaves equaled
- Number of states needed to agree on a change to the government
- A person who supported the Constitution
- Connecticut leader who proposed the Great Compromise
20 Clues: To approve • Divided into two houses • America's First Government • Change to the Constitution • Introduction to the Constitution • A detailed written plan of government • Number of Articles in the Constitution • Ninth state to approve the Constitution • A person who supported the Constitution • Chosen to lead the Constitutional Convention • ...
Civil War Word Puzzle 2021-02-09
- Confederacy's first general officer
- Took over men's work, disguised as men in order to fight, etc.
- Capital of the Union
- Union naval ships and soldiers captured Port Royal
- President of the United States during the Civil War
- A war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy
- Former slave, traveled the country speaking out against slavery, newspaper called North Star
- A war between citizens of the same country
- The Southern states during the Civil War
- African American unit in the Union ArmyU
- Former slave, freed himself and others during blockade
- Capital of the Confederacy
- The Northern States during the Civil War
- General of the Union
- The Union Navy cut off South's major port from trade
- General of the Confederate
- at fort sumter First battle of the Civil War
- Freed slaves
- Confederate submarine
- President of the Confederate States of America
20 Clues: Freed slaves • General of the Union • Capital of the Union • Confederate submarine • Capital of the Confederacy • General of the Confederate • Confederacy's first general officer • African American unit in the Union ArmyU • The Northern States during the Civil War • The Southern states during the Civil War • A war between citizens of the same country • ...
The Civil War Alayna Aguon Ordot 2017-02-15
- was the final major military action
- two armies fought on September 17 beside a sluggish creek
- Southern states
- color of cross
- the last battle of the American Civil war
- amendment for slaves
- given no rights
- 16th president of the United States
- 18th president of the United states
- the president of confederate states of America
- Johnston was wounded, and command of the army passed to
- emancipation proclamation freed slaves
- the site of a famous civil war
- before heavy casualties and widespread desertions
- Union and Confederate forces during Civil war
- help decide the outcome of most civil war battles
- withdraw formally from membership in a federal union
- Union strategy to conquer South
- american stage actor
- was a military campaign of the American Civil war
- where the civil war started
- Union had advantages
22 Clues: color of cross • Southern states • given no rights • amendment for slaves • american stage actor • Union had advantages • where the civil war started • the site of a famous civil war • Union strategy to conquer South • was the final major military action • 16th president of the United States • 18th president of the United states • emancipation proclamation freed slaves • ...
Conner texas history 2022-04-21
- was The first major war between many countries at once
- The flattest region in texas
- was The first president of texas
- the movement westward across the country
- one of the most deadly
- to stop separating groups of people by race, religion, or ethnicity.
- the event of the native Americans getting moved from their original homes
- each branch of government has control over the other two branches
- the rebellion was created in texas
- texas joins the united states
- remember the
- the practice of achieving goals such as social change through symbolic protests.
- migrating within one country or state
- villages that were paced near missions
- the dictator and military leader of Mexico
- southern States that left the United States in 1861
- constitution limits the government on what they can do.
- a financial gain
- the region closest the texas coast
- the Northern States during the Civil War
20 Clues: remember the • a financial gain • one of the most deadly • The flattest region in texas • texas joins the united states • was The first president of texas • the region closest the texas coast • the rebellion was created in texas • migrating within one country or state • villages that were paced near missions • the movement westward across the country • ...
midterm cross word 2020-09-29
- a conflict fought between the United States and its allies
- a small but pivotal battle during the American Revolutionary War
- omprises the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution
- The last battle of the Revolutionary War
- A democratic republic
- the acquisition of the territory of Louisiana by the United States
- a 2,170-mile east-west, large-wheeled wagon route and emigrant trail in the United States
- an armed conflict between the United States and Mexico
- belief in the benefits of profitable trading
- The Navigation Acts were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament that imposed restrictions on colonial trade
- a proposal for the structure of the United States Government presented by William Paterson at the Constitutional Convention
- the first president of the United States
- is the pronouncement adopted by the Second Continental Congress
- colonial history, British legislation aimed at ending the smuggling trade in sugar and molasses from the French and Dutch West Indies
- was a series of forced relocations of approximately 60,000 Native Americans
- King George III declared all lands west of the Appalachian Divide off limits to colonial settlers
- was a widely held American imperialist cultural belief in the 19th-century United States that American settlers were destined to expand across North America
- the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on March 6, 1857, that having lived in a free state and territory did not entitle an slaved person
- a political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston
- a proposal to the United States Constitutional Convention for the creation of a supreme national government with three branches and a bicameral legislature
- King of Great Britain
- transport is a means of transferring passengers and goods on wheeled vehicles running on rails
- was an American stage actor who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln
- was an American statesman, politician, legal scholar, military commander, lawyer, banker, and economist
- was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States
- pure democracy is a form of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly
- an estate on which crops such as coffee sugar and tobacco are cultivated by resident labor
- a person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution
- an act regulating stamp duty (a tax on the legal recognition of documents)
- The French and Indian War pitted the colonies of British America against those of New France
- the process in which a minority group or culture comes to resemble a dominant group
31 Clues: A democratic republic • King of Great Britain • The last battle of the Revolutionary War • the first president of the United States • belief in the benefits of profitable trading • an armed conflict between the United States and Mexico • a conflict fought between the United States and its allies • a person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution • ...
Pre Civil War Vocab - SHS McCurry 2025-03-03
- Tax on imports
- _________________ Railroad - Secret network helping enslaved people escape. Not an actual railroad
- Land within the mainland boundaries of the country that had not yet become a state by 1861.
- A Latin phrase that means "before the war". It's used to describe the time period before the Civil War, which lasted from 1861–1865.
- ______________ - A term for the pre-Civil War era in the South, when the economy was based on slave labor and plantation farming.
- Wealth and resources of a nation
- Someone who wishes to abolish or get rid of slavery.
- a dramatic and wide-reaching change in the way something works or is organized or in people's ideas about it.
- When a state focuses on its own region's needs instead of the nation's interests.
- _____________ Compromise (1820) - Agreement about admitting new states. Missouri entered as slave state, Maine entered as free state. Set 36°30' parallel as slavery boundary
- Warehouse of weapons
- Compromise of Eighteen-_______ - Series of bills to maintain balance between free/slave state and included controversial Fugitive Slave Law
- Another word for Rebellion
- Loyalty to one's region over the nation
- Manufacturing goods from raw materials, such as cloth from cotton or machine parts from iron.
- Party: A political party generally against slavery and its expansion into the territories. This political party had basically been swallowed up by the Democrat and Republican parties by the time of the Civil War.
- Rights: This doctrine held the powers of the individual states as greater than the powers of the Federal government. States rights meant that the Federal government held its power only through the consent of the states and that any powers not specifically given to the Federal government remained in control of the states.
- the 1857 Supreme Court ruling that enslaved people were not U.S. citizens and could not sue in federal court. The decision also declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional
- Product purchased from other nations
- Community that shares laws and culture
- The science of growing crops or raising livestock; farming.
- _____________________ line: A boundary surveyed in the 1760s that ran between Pennsylvania to the North and Delaware, Maryland and (West) Virginia to the South. It became a symbolic division between free states and slave states.
- A nickname for the South.
- ________ Gin - Invented by Eli Whitney in 1793. Machine that quickly removed seeds from cotton
- Popular ______________ - Letting voters in territories decide about slavery
- Withdrawal from the Federal government of the United States. Southern states, feeling persecuted by the North, seceded by voting to separate from the Union. Southerners felt this was perfectly legal but Unionists saw it as rebellion.
- Free __________ - Political movement opposing slavery's expansion. Wanted western territories free for white settlers
- _______ Crops - crops grown to be sold
28 Clues: Tax on imports • Warehouse of weapons • A nickname for the South. • Another word for Rebellion • Wealth and resources of a nation • Product purchased from other nations • Community that shares laws and culture • _______ Crops - crops grown to be sold • Loyalty to one's region over the nation • Someone who wishes to abolish or get rid of slavery. • ...
Civil War Crossword 2022-05-23
- The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
- an informal, unwritten deal that settled the disputed 1876 U.S. Presidential election
- the process by which a legislative body or other legally constituted tribunal initiates charges against a public official for misconduct.
- restricted black people's right to own property, conduct business, buy and lease land, and move freely through public spaces.
- a member of the United States House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. He was one of the leaders of the Radical Republican faction of the Republican Party during the 1860s.
- A case in which the Court held that the creation of a Louisiana slaughterhouse monopoly did not violate the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments.
- a United States federal law in force from 1867 to 1887 that was intended to restrict the power of the president to remove certain office-holders without the approval of the Senate.
- a largely historical term used by Southerners to describe opportunistic Northerners who came to the Southern states after the American Civil War
- an American politician who served as the 25th Governor of New York and was the Democratic candidate for president in the disputed 1876 United States presidential election.
- an American politician, minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and a college administrator.
- granted citizenship and equal civil and legal rights to African Americans and enslaved people who had been emancipated after the American Civil War.
- a legal arrangement with regard to agricultural land in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on that land.
- the 17th president of the United States, serving from 1865 to 1869.
- abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime.
- an American lawyer and politician who served as the 19th president of the United States from 1877 to 1881, after serving in the U.S. House of Representatives and as governor of Ohio.
- tate and local laws enforcing racial segregation in the Southern United States.
- a faction of American politicians within the Republican Party from the founding of the Republican Party in 1854 until the end of Reconstruction in the Compromise of 1877.
- Bill required that 50% of all voters in the Confederate states, as opposed to Lincoln's proposed 10%, must pledge allegiance to the Union before reunification
- a war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives pursued, especially one in which the laws of war are disregarded.
- a person who resides on land owned by a landlord.
- an American white supremacist terrorist hate group founded in 1865
- white Southerners who supported Reconstruction policies and efforts after the conclusion of the American Civil War
- the period after the American Civil War from 1865 to 1877, during which the United States grappled with the challenges of reintegrating into the Union the states that had seceded and determining the legal status of African Americans.
- to provide food, shelter, clothing, medical services, and land to displaced Southerners, including newly freed African Americans.
- a financial crisis that triggered an economic depression in Europe and North America that lasted from 1873 to 1877 or 1879 in France and in Britain.
25 Clues: a person who resides on land owned by a landlord. • an American white supremacist terrorist hate group founded in 1865 • the 17th president of the United States, serving from 1865 to 1869. • abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. • tate and local laws enforcing racial segregation in the Southern United States. • ...
American Government 2023-05-16
- the current government of the United States
- When the president rejects a law written by Congress
- First Black judge on the Supreme Court
- this half of Congress has two representatives per state
- the first government of the United States
- the building that holds Congress
- This branch contains the Supreme Court
- whose rebellion lead to the end of the Articles of Confederation?
- a change to the Constitution
- this group of men wrote the Constitution
- first ten amendments of the Constitution
- this half of Congress has each states representatives by population
- First Black woman on the Supreme Court
- current president of the United States
- This branch writes the laws
- The person in charge of the Executive Branch
- another word for the Legislative Branch
- this person chooses the Supreme Court Justices
- How many years does a president's term last?
- and Balances
20 Clues: and Balances • This branch writes the laws • a change to the Constitution • the building that holds Congress • First Black woman on the Supreme Court • current president of the United States • First Black judge on the Supreme Court • This branch contains the Supreme Court • another word for the Legislative Branch • this group of men wrote the Constitution • ...
TEST PREP PERIOD 3 - US Imperialism & WWI 2021-05-25
- California Gold Rush, Homestead Act, and the Completion of transcontinental railroad all factors that contributed to Westward _________________.
- _________________ telegram was part of an effort to enlist Mexican support for Germany if the United States declared war.
- construction of the _________________ become more important to the United States after the Spanish-American War because the navy needed a faster way to move ships between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
- Renewal of unrestricted _________________ warfare by Germany was one of the events that influenced President Woodrow Wilson’s decision to enter World War I
- Securing land for the Panama Canal and military interventions in Latin America are examples of Roosevelt's use of the "________________" diplomacy.
- _________________ companies sold land in the West for very low price.
- After World War I, senators who opposed United States participation in the ___________________ argued that American membership in the organization would involve the nation in future world conflicts.
- As a result of low land prices and the Homestaed Act many farmers moved West and the Native American Indians on the Great Plains were forced onto _________________.
- _________________ policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, interception of the Zimmermann Note, and American loans to Allied nations led to United States entry into World War I.
- ____________________ bonds were used during the administration of President Woodrow Wilson to help finance (pay for) the war effort.
- Some of the major reasons for United States _________________ included: the desire for markets and raw materials; closing of the western frontier; missionary spirit; belief in the White Man's Burden.
- The United States Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles after World War I because many senators believed that the League of Nations could draw the United States into future ___________________.
- President Theodore Roosevelt's __________________ strengthened the Monroe Doctrine by establishing the policy that the United States would intervene in Latin America to prevent European interference.
- The United States tried to avoid involvement in World War I by following a policy of _________________.
- President Theodore Roosevelt’s commitment to the proverb, “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far,” was most clearly shown when he intervened in _________________ affairs.
- The primary goal of the _________________ of 1887 regarding Native American Indians was to assimilate Native American Indians into mainstream American life.
- _________________ Offered free 160 acres of land in the West to anyone willing to live on it for 5 years.
- The disclosure of the Zimmerman document contributed to the entry of the United States into _________________.
- During World War I, President Woodrow Wilson outlined the ___________________ suggesting a peace plan to prevent future wars.
- The federal government supported rail road construction by giving rail road companies _________________ grants.
- One of the major characteristics of American imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was acquiring _________________ to promote economic and strategic interests.
- A major result of the _________________ War (1898) was that the United States assumed a more prominent role in world affairs.
- American newspapers used yellow journalism to build public support for the war against _________________.
- Secretary of State John Hay sent his Open Door Notes (1899–1900) to world powers to gain equal access to _________________ markets.
- The Homestead Act and grants of land to railroads were used to encourage settlement of the _________________.
- Exaggerated, sensational newspaper headlines and articles are often referred to as __________________ journalism.
- The establishment of the Open Door policy (1899–1900) and the response to the _________________ Rebellion (1900) showed that the United States wanted to protect American trading interests in China.
27 Clues: _________________ companies sold land in the West for very low price. • The United States tried to avoid involvement in World War I by following a policy of _________________. • _________________ Offered free 160 acres of land in the West to anyone willing to live on it for 5 years. • ...