valentines Crossword Puzzles

Crossword 2023-01-27

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The X in XOXO
  2. Mythological God of love
  3. Was originally celebrated on February 14th
  4. Chocolate covered fruit you eat on Valentines Day
  5. Lighter color associated with Valentines Day
  6. Rose color symbolizing purity
  7. Shakespeare play that references Valentines Day
  8. The O in XOXO
  9. How many US towns are named Valentines
  10. Greeting you send on Valentines Day
  11. How many roses are sent each year for valentines day
  12. Famous gangster who organized the St. Valentines Day Massacre
  13. Day of Valentines Day
  14. Symbol for Valentines Day
  1. Yellow Roses signify this
  2. US State producing the most chocolate
  3. Common flower for Valentines Day
  4. Porgie Who kissed the girls and made them cry
  5. What activity increases a persons heart rate to 110 BPM
  6. Sweet candy
  7. Darker color associated with Valentines Day
  8. Love hormone
  9. Valentines gift full of color
  10. Month of Valentines Day
  11. Roman Goddess of love and beauty

25 Clues: Sweet candyLove hormoneThe X in XOXOThe O in XOXODay of Valentines DayMonth of Valentines DayMythological God of loveYellow Roses signify thisSymbol for Valentines DayRose color symbolizing purityValentines gift full of colorCommon flower for Valentines DayRoman Goddess of love and beautyGreeting you send on Valentines Day...

Crossword 2022-01-25

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Sweet candy
  2. Day of Valentines Day
  3. How many US towns are named Valentines
  4. Valentines gift full of color
  5. Rose color symbolizing purity
  6. Yellow Roses signify this
  7. Shakespeare play that references Valentines Day
  8. Darker color associated with Valentines Day
  9. The O in XOXO
  10. US State producing the most chocolate
  11. Mythological God of love
  12. Common flower for Valentines Day
  13. Lighter color associated with Valentines Day
  14. What activity increases a persons heart rate to 110 BPM
  1. Love hormone
  2. Famous gangster who organized the St. Valentines Day Massacre
  3. Was originally celebrated on February 14th
  4. Greeting you send on Valentines Day
  5. Month of Valentines Day
  6. The X in XOXO
  7. Symbol for Valentines Day
  8. How many roses are sent each year for valentines day
  9. Porgie Who kissed the girls and made them cry
  10. Chocolate covered fruit you eat on Valentines Day
  11. Roman Goddess of love and beauty

25 Clues: Sweet candyLove hormoneThe X in XOXOThe O in XOXODay of Valentines DayMonth of Valentines DayMythological God of loveSymbol for Valentines DayYellow Roses signify thisValentines gift full of colorRose color symbolizing purityRoman Goddess of love and beautyCommon flower for Valentines DayGreeting you send on Valentines Day...

Crossword 2024-01-24

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The X in XOXO
  2. Mythological God of love
  3. Was originally celebrated on February 14th
  4. Chocolate covered fruit you eat on Valentines Day
  5. Lighter color associated with Valentines Day
  6. Rose color symbolizing purity
  7. Shakespeare play that references Valentines Day
  8. The O in XOXO
  9. How many US towns are named Valentines
  10. Greeting you send on Valentines Day
  11. How many roses are sent each year for valentines day
  12. Famous gangster who organized the St. Valentines Day Massacre
  13. Day of Valentines Day
  14. Symbol for Valentines Day
  1. Yellow Roses signify this
  2. US State producing the most chocolate
  3. Common flower for Valentines Day
  4. Porgie Who kissed the girls and made them cry
  5. What activity increases a persons heart rate to 110 BPM
  6. Sweet candy
  7. Darker color associated with Valentines Day
  8. Love hormone
  9. Valentines gift full of color
  10. Month of Valentines Day
  11. Roman Goddess of love and beauty

25 Clues: Sweet candyLove hormoneThe X in XOXOThe O in XOXODay of Valentines DayMonth of Valentines DayMythological God of loveYellow Roses signify thisSymbol for Valentines DayRose color symbolizing purityValentines gift full of colorCommon flower for Valentines DayRoman Goddess of love and beautyGreeting you send on Valentines Day...

Crossword 2024-01-30

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The X in XOXO
  2. Mythological God of love
  3. Was originally celebrated on February 14th
  4. Chocolate covered fruit you eat on Valentines Day
  5. Lighter color associated with Valentines Day
  6. Rose color symbolizing purity
  7. Shakespeare play that references Valentines Day
  8. The O in XOXO
  9. How many US towns are named Valentines
  10. Greeting you send on Valentines Day
  11. How many roses are sent each year for valentines day
  12. Famous gangster who organized the St. Valentines Day Massacre
  13. Day of Valentines Day
  14. Symbol for Valentines Day
  1. Yellow Roses signify this
  2. US State producing the most chocolate
  3. Common flower for Valentines Day
  4. Porgie Who kissed the girls and made them cry
  5. What activity increases a persons heart rate to 110 BPM
  6. Sweet candy
  7. Darker color associated with Valentines Day
  8. Love hormone
  9. Valentines gift full of color
  10. Month of Valentines Day
  11. Roman Goddess of love and beauty

25 Clues: Sweet candyLove hormoneThe X in XOXOThe O in XOXODay of Valentines DayMonth of Valentines DayMythological God of loveYellow Roses signify thisSymbol for Valentines DayRose color symbolizing purityValentines gift full of colorCommon flower for Valentines DayRoman Goddess of love and beautyGreeting you send on Valentines Day...

Valentines day 2021-01-29

Valentines day crossword puzzle
  1. people make this connection a lot
  2. people also give this on valentines day
  3. he is the valentines day mascot
  4. where people find love
  5. cupid shoots these to lovers
  6. this is the month Valentines day is
  7. people give this on valentines day
  1. this is a fictional liquid used on valentines day
  2. people give this to their significant others
  3. this also shows love
  4. this shows love
  5. this is the day the valentines day is celebrated
  6. one of the valentines day colors
  7. people receive this on valentines day
  8. these are the most common types of valentines day flowers
  9. the other valentines day color

16 Clues: this shows lovethis also shows lovewhere people find lovecupid shoots these to loversthe other valentines day colorhe is the valentines day mascotone of the valentines day colorspeople make this connection a lotpeople give this on valentines daythis is the month Valentines day ispeople receive this on valentines day...

Valentines day 2022-02-12

Valentines day crossword puzzle
  1. people make this connection a lot
  2. people also give this on valentines day
  3. he is the valentines day mascot
  4. where people find love
  5. cupid shoots these to lovers
  6. this is the month Valentines day is
  7. people give this on valentines day
  1. this is a fictional liquid used on valentines day
  2. people give this to their significant others
  3. this also shows love
  4. this shows love
  5. this is the day the valentines day is celebrated
  6. one of the valentines day colors
  7. people receive this on valentines day
  8. these are the most common types of valentines day flowers
  9. the other valentines day color

16 Clues: this shows lovethis also shows lovewhere people find lovecupid shoots these to loversthe other valentines day colorhe is the valentines day mascotone of the valentines day colorspeople make this connection a lotpeople give this on valentines daythis is the month Valentines day ispeople receive this on valentines day...

Valentines 2021-02-10

Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. ____ of the peace
  2. Another word for love
  3. Symbol of love
  4. Father of the Bride
  5. Flowers
  6. Women love for Valentines
  7. Dinner for ____
  8. Dark creamy candy
  9. Valentines Day was a _____ festival
  10. Licence Couples sign
  11. New York
  12. Symbols of Valentines
  1. Bird associated with Valentines Day
  2. With this ring I ____ Wed
  3. Angel
  4. Somebody who likes you (unaware)
  5. Shotgun
  6. I __
  7. Women do to get gifts/attention
  8. Country that can not celebrate Valentines
  9. RyanONeal & Alie McGraw
  10. Songs
  11. Will you marry me?

23 Clues: I __AngelSongsShotgunFlowersNew YorkSymbol of loveDinner for ________ of the peaceDark creamy candyWill you marry me?Father of the BrideLicence Couples signAnother word for loveSymbols of ValentinesRyanONeal & Alie McGrawWith this ring I ____ WedWomen love for ValentinesWomen do to get gifts/attentionSomebody who likes you (unaware)...

Valentines Day 2024-01-12

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. First greeting card company to go national
  2. A bunch of flowers is called this
  3. People get and eat a lot of this on Valentines Day
  4. This was the top used emoji in 2023 (2 words)
  5. If this is your job you are the number one recipient of valentines
  6. this is a color of love
  7. Millions of these are sold every year on valentines day
  8. they spend the most on valentines day
  9. this chocolate company was the first to sell chocolates in heart boxes
  10. twenty percent of people give valentines to their____
  11. an inventor applied for a patent for this on valentines day
  1. This state has the most chocolatiers.
  2. This is the most popular type of chocolate in the box
  3. This shape represents Valentines Day
  4. He shoots arrows
  5. this is the most popular flower on Valentines Day
  6. These have little messages on them and are given on valentines day.(2 words)
  7. The first valentine's day celebration occurred in this city in France
  8. This is the most popular day for men to do this.

19 Clues: He shoots arrowsthis is a color of loveA bunch of flowers is called thisThis shape represents Valentines DayThis state has the most chocolatiers.they spend the most on valentines dayFirst greeting card company to go nationalThis was the top used emoji in 2023 (2 words)This is the most popular day for men to do this....

Everything Valentines 2020-02-05

Everything Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. The Valentines cards we know today did not actually become a thing until the
  2. Oldest known Valentine still in existence was a poem written by
  3. The Heart was once widely believed to be this
  4. This person was the first to sell boxed chocolates in Heart shaped boxes
  5. Cupid is the symbol for Valentines, Cupid is also known as the son of Venus. Venus is known as this
  6. This singer has a song called My Valentine
  7. Valentines day has the most of these out of any other day in the year
  8. It is believed Valentines day was moved to February 14th because it is the beginning of this
  9. Ester Howard the creator of the sentimental Valentine is known as this
  1. Men and Women in the middle ages would pin hearts on them during Valentines to show their feelings. What is this called
  2. St Valentine is rumoured to have signed this at the end of a letter to his jailer’s daughter after he was imprisoned by an emperor
  3. Valentines day has origins linked to this roman festival
  4. Candy Heart Messages were first created as this
  5. This gets given out more on Valentines than chocolate or flowers
  6. Only one other day beats out Valentines for Flower sales
  7. These guys were one of the first to mass produce Valentines day cards
  8. These people receive more Valentines day cards than anyone else
  9. It is estimated this many heart shaped boxes are sold each year
  10. This movie has valentine in the title and was released twice. 1981 and 2009
  11. This movie came out on Valentines day 2005

20 Clues: This singer has a song called My ValentineThis movie came out on Valentines day 2005The Heart was once widely believed to be thisCandy Heart Messages were first created as thisValentines day has origins linked to this roman festivalOnly one other day beats out Valentines for Flower sales...

Everything Valentines 2020-02-05

Everything Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. The Heart was once widely believed to be this
  2. Only one other day beats out Valentines for Flower sales
  3. These guys were one of the first to mass produce Valentines day cards
  4. This gets given out more on Valentines than chocolate or flowers
  5. St Valentine is rumoured to have signed this at the end of a letter to his jailer’s daughter after he was imprisoned by an emperor
  6. Men and Women in the middle ages would pin hearts on them during Valentines to show their feelings. What is this called
  7. Valentines day has origins linked to this roman festival
  8. It is believed Valentines day was moved to February 14th because it is the beginning of this
  1. Valentines day has the most of these out of any other day in the year
  2. Ester Howard the creator of the sentimental Valentine is known as this
  3. These people receive more Valentines day cards than anyone else
  4. This singer has a song called My Valentine
  5. It is estimated this many heart shaped boxes are sold each year
  6. This movie came out on Valentines day 2005
  7. Oldest known Valentine still in existence was a poem written by
  8. Candy Heart Messages were first created as this
  9. This movie has valentine in the title and was released twice. 1981 and 2009
  10. The Valentines cards we know today did not actually become a thing until the
  11. This person was the first to sell boxed chocolates in Heart shaped boxes
  12. Cupid is the symbol for Valentines, Cupid is also known as the son of Venus. Venus is known as this

20 Clues: This singer has a song called My ValentineThis movie came out on Valentines day 2005The Heart was once widely believed to be thisCandy Heart Messages were first created as thisOnly one other day beats out Valentines for Flower salesValentines day has origins linked to this roman festival...

Valentines Day 2024-02-14

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. What's the love hormone
  2. Flower bought the most for valentines day
  3. Goddess of love
  4. Number one candy bought on valentines
  5. Valentines day emotion
  6. When valentines day was created
  7. What state is known as the valentine state
  1. Who created valentines day
  2. What does cupid shoot
  3. Date of Valentines Day
  4. A common valentine day treat
  5. Who valentines day is named after
  6. Town that produces the most chocolate
  7. color associated with valentine's day
  8. The symbol for valentines day

15 Clues: Goddess of loveWhat does cupid shootDate of Valentines DayValentines day emotionWhat's the love hormoneWho created valentines dayA common valentine day treatThe symbol for valentines dayWhen valentines day was createdWho valentines day is named afterTown that produces the most chocolatecolor associated with valentine's day...

Lauren's Valentines Crossword 2022-02-13

Lauren's Valentines Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Most streamed song on Valentines according to Spotify. (Hint: Not Dolly Parton, but close)
  2. In Italy, these items are given instead of cards (Hint: Schitt's Creek singles game)
  3. Valentines Day is second to this holiday in cards mailed
  4. Agapornis birds from Africa fit in well on both Valentine's Day, and also describing you and me. What is another term for these birds?
  5. In China, Valentines Day is referred to as ____ Festival
  6. Every year thousands of Valentine's Day cards are sent to Italy to this fictional character. (Hint: Think Shakespeare)
  7. One of the oldest homes in NH, the original owner's name was Valentine, and ironically a good place to go for such an occasion
  8. In Gilmore Girls, how does Logan help Luke on Valentine's Day?
  9. Most popular meal on Valentines
  1. Richard Cadbury invented the first of these on Valentines Day win the late 19th century (would not be a big deal to you, but would be for me)
  2. What was Roy's present to Pam for Valentine's Day in the Office?
  3. What does Monica 'make' for Chandler for Valentines day?
  4. 220,000 is the average number of these on Valentine's Day each year
  5. Most watched Valentines Day movie
  6. As Niles prepares for Valentines Day in Fraser's apartment, what ruins everything?
  7. Interesting combination with eggs on Valentines
  8. This action on Valentines is considered good luck all year
  9. This profession is the number one recipient of Valentines cards?

18 Clues: Most popular meal on ValentinesMost watched Valentines Day movieInteresting combination with eggs on ValentinesWhat does Monica 'make' for Chandler for Valentines day?Valentines Day is second to this holiday in cards mailedIn China, Valentines Day is referred to as ____ FestivalThis action on Valentines is considered good luck all year...

valentines 2019-02-14

valentines crossword puzzle
  1. what Valentines Day celebrates
  2. hugs and kisses
  3. the 14th of Valentines Day
  4. to play against each other
  5. something soft and special for someone you love
  6. another color of Valentines Day
  7. the day of love
  8. a color of Valentines Day
  1. to watch movies
  2. a sweet treat for someone to eat
  3. something romantic
  4. gliding across the floor
  5. the symbol of Valentines Day
  6. walking on ice
  7. a popular Valentines flower

15 Clues: walking on iceto watch movieshugs and kissesthe day of lovesomething romanticgliding across the floora color of Valentines Daythe 14th of Valentines Dayto play against each othera popular Valentines flowerthe symbol of Valentines Daywhat Valentines Day celebratesanother color of Valentines Daya sweet treat for someone to eat...

Valentines day crossword!!! 2024-01-08

Valentines day crossword!!! crossword puzzle
  1. A valentines day cherib
  2. When parental opposition intensifies love
  3. irresistible charm or charisma
  4. A common gift along side chocolate
  5. liking someone or some thing
  6. closeness
  7. A secret fan of yours
  8. A organ in your body
  9. The month of valentines day
  10. A person you feel secret love for
  1. A movie starring
  2. The origin of valentines day
  3. to have a good opnion for another
  4. to win another's love
  5. The city of love
  6. Romantic love
  7. The most popular flower on valentines day
  8. A valentines day classic
  9. being persistent in pursuit of something
  10. to be engaged to another

20 Clues: closenessRomantic loveA movie starringThe city of loveA organ in your bodyto win another's loveA secret fan of yoursA valentines day cheribA valentines day classicto be engaged to anotherThe month of valentines dayThe origin of valentines dayliking someone or some thingirresistible charm or charismato have a good opnion for another...

HARC Valentines 2023-02-06

HARC Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. arranged bunch of flowers
  2. cupid's weapon
  3. darker color of valentines
  4. the x in xoxo
  5. he shoots arrows
  6. brown and yummy sweets
  7. valentines flowers
  8. greek goddess of love and beauty
  9. happy hormone
  10. valentines movie; journal
  11. date of valentine's (number)
  12. tied around boxes/lace
  13. ________ admirer
  14. mix of red and white
  1. when someone's face gets red
  2. the o in xoxo
  3. yellow roses signify this
  4. a pair (2) of people
  5. valentines symbol/shape
  6. love hormone
  7. chocolate covered fruit
  8. month of valentine's
  9. shakespeare tragic love story
  10. valentines is the day of ____
  11. roman goddess of love

25 Clues: love hormonethe o in xoxothe x in xoxohappy hormonecupid's weaponhe shoots arrows________ admirervalentines flowersa pair (2) of peoplemonth of valentine'smix of red and whiteroman goddess of lovebrown and yummy sweetstied around boxes/lacevalentines symbol/shapechocolate covered fruitarranged bunch of flowersyellow roses signify this...


  1. Many people choose to do this on Valentines Day
  2. The favorite flavor in a box of Valentine candy
  3. More people spend Valentine's Day here than indoors
  4. What color rose do you give to a friend on valentines day
  5. Love interest of Juliet
  6. This internal organ was believed to cause love in Medieval times
  7. Receive the most amount of Valentine's Day cards
  8. 10 million Valentines cards are bought for these
  9. 8 billion of these kind of hearts are manufactured each year
  10. What a mix of red and white roses typically means
  11. What fruit was once known as a "love apple" for aphrodisiac properties
  12. What country calls Valentines Day Friends Day
  13. the mother of Cupid in Roman mythology
  14. What color rose is sent on Valentine's Day to say, "I'm sorry"
  15. What the X's and O's stand for at the end of a letter
  1. What major invention was patented on Valentine's Day
  2. 17 million Valentines cards are bought for these
  3. Name of the singer of Top Ten hit in 1961 "Cupid"
  4. Valentine's Day is mentioned in this Shakespearean play
  5. 35 million of heart shaped boxes containing these are sold on Valentines Day
  6. Most common phase said on Valentines Day
  7. Love interest of Romeo
  8. How many Valentines day are given each year
  9. Purchase about 85% of Valentine's Day cards
  10. Cupid's name in Greek mythology
  11. How many billion dollars Americans spend on jewelry for Valentine's Day
  12. The U.S State that produces most of the country's red roses
  13. Percentage of flowers purchased by women for themselves on Valentines Day
  14. 250 million of these are grown just for Valentines Day.
  15. Causes heart rate to increase to 110 beats per minute

30 Clues: Love interest of RomeoLove interest of JulietCupid's name in Greek mythologythe mother of Cupid in Roman mythologyMost common phase said on Valentines DayHow many Valentines day are given each yearPurchase about 85% of Valentine's Day cardsWhat country calls Valentines Day Friends DayMany people choose to do this on Valentines Day...

Smooth & Light Valentine's Crossword 2024-02-15

Smooth & Light Valentine's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The place where you put important messages
  2. The person who appreciates you the most
  3. The person you go out with on valentines day
  4. The month of Valentines day
  5. The brand associated with valentines day
  6. Something you give to show appreciation
  7. Something given to a person on valentines day
  8. A shape/organ associated with valentines day
  1. The night out for valentines day is called a
  2. Many valentines share this during the day
  3. When two people share a connection
  4. When you give flowers it's usually these flowers
  5. The person who shoots arrows of love
  6. Valentines day would be considered a
  7. A group of flowers

15 Clues: A group of flowersThe month of Valentines dayWhen two people share a connectionThe person who shoots arrows of loveValentines day would be considered aThe person who appreciates you the mostSomething you give to show appreciationThe brand associated with valentines dayMany valentines share this during the day...

DT+ Palentines Day 2024-02-16

DT+ Palentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. Good Charlotte's 'My Bloody Valentine' was inspired by what story
  2. What hormone is known as the cuddle or 'love' hormone
  3. Who Julia Roberts replaced in the cast of Valentines Day
  4. What website had it's launch on Valentines Day 2005
  5. Notorious gangster who orchestrated the St. Valentines Day massacre
  6. The how many million roses are sent each Valentines Day
  7. The Greek Goddess of love and fertility
  8. The God of love in classical mythology
  1. Romcom starring Julia Roberts
  2. The most streamed love song on Spotify
  3. Ship name for a celeb couple who divorced in 2021
  4. What country calls Valentines Day 'Friends Day'
  5. Where the oldest known Valentines Day message was sent
  6. The victorian name for mean Valentines Day cards
  7. Which state produces most of America's red roses
  8. Shakespeare mentions Valentines Day in what play
  9. Known as the 'Love Apple' for its aphrodisiac properties
  10. In Friends which of Ross's three wives did he marry first?

18 Clues: Romcom starring Julia RobertsThe most streamed love song on SpotifyThe God of love in classical mythologyThe Greek Goddess of love and fertilityWhat country calls Valentines Day 'Friends Day'The victorian name for mean Valentines Day cardsWhich state produces most of America's red rosesShakespeare mentions Valentines Day in what play...


  1. Many people choose to do this on Valentines Day
  2. The favorite flavor in a box of Valentine candy
  3. More people spend Valentine's Day here than indoors
  4. What color rose do you give to a friend on valentines day
  5. Love interest of Juliet
  6. This internal organ was believed to cause love in Medieval times
  7. Receive the most amount of Valentine's Day cards
  8. 10 million Valentines cards are bought for these
  9. 8 billion of these kind of hearts are manufactured each year
  10. What a mix of red and white roses typically means
  11. What fruit was once known as a "love apple" for aphrodisiac properties
  12. What country calls Valentines Day Friends Day
  13. the mother of Cupid in Roman mythology
  14. What color rose is sent on Valentine's Day to say, "I'm sorry"
  15. What the X's and O's stand for at the end of a letter
  1. What major invention was patented on Valentine's Day
  2. 17 million Valentines cards are bought for these
  3. Name of the singer of Top Ten hit in 1961 "Cupid"
  4. Valentine's Day is mentioned in this Shakespearean play
  5. 35 million of heart shaped boxes containing these are sold on Valentines Day
  6. Most common phase said on Valentines Day
  7. Love interest of Romeo
  8. How many Valentines day are given each year
  9. Purchase about 85% of Valentine's Day cards
  10. Cupid's name in Greek mythology
  11. How many billion dollars Americans spend on jewelry for Valentine's Day
  12. The U.S State that produces most of the country's red roses
  13. Percentage of flowers purchased by women for themselves on Valentines Day
  14. 250 million of these are grown just for Valentines Day.
  15. Causes heart rate to increase to 110 beats per minute

30 Clues: Love interest of RomeoLove interest of JulietCupid's name in Greek mythologythe mother of Cupid in Roman mythologyMost common phase said on Valentines DayHow many Valentines day are given each yearPurchase about 85% of Valentine's Day cardsWhat country calls Valentines Day Friends DayMany people choose to do this on Valentines Day...

Happy Valentines Day 2020-02-14

Happy Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. He carries a bow ands arrows.
  2. A popular flower given on Valentines Day.
  3. The " O" in XOXOX
  4. A favorite boxed treat.
  5. You are the best _________ ever!
  6. Valentines Day is a celebration of _______.
  7. Valentines day is the most___________holiday.
  8. Candies with a message.
  9. Valentines Day falls on __________14th.
  1. A common color for Valentines Day.
  2. Children often exchange these at school.
  3. A common Valentines Day request.
  4. The "X" in XOXOX
  5. Will you be my _________?
  6. How I feel about you (3 words)

15 Clues: The "X" in XOXOXThe " O" in XOXOXA favorite boxed treat.Candies with a message.Will you be my _________?He carries a bow ands arrows.How I feel about you (3 words)A common Valentines Day request.You are the best _________ ever!A common color for Valentines Day.Valentines Day falls on __________14th.Children often exchange these at school....

Valentine Days Cat3 2024-02-14

Valentine Days Cat3 crossword puzzle
  1. Valentines Day comes from this place
  2. This shape is everyone on Valentines Day
  3. Couples go on this on Valentine Days
  4. The month that Valentines Day is in
  5. the day of the month Valentines Day is on
  6. The baby with a bow and arrow
  1. The candy usually given out on Valentines Day
  2. What you ask someone to be of yours
  3. Universal Symbol for Valentines Day
  4. The thing that crosses through the heart sometimes on Valentines Day
  5. Valentines Day is all about this feeling
  6. What do girls do if they don't have a Valentines Day
  7. The thing you send multiple people
  8. Popular color for Valentines Day
  9. The best flower to give someone on Valentines Day

15 Clues: The baby with a bow and arrowPopular color for Valentines DayThe thing you send multiple peopleWhat you ask someone to be of yoursUniversal Symbol for Valentines DayThe month that Valentines Day is inValentines Day comes from this placeCouples go on this on Valentine DaysThis shape is everyone on Valentines Day...

Valentines Day at GA Puzzle 2022-02-02

Valentines Day at GA Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. People give these on valentine's day
  2. Common flower for valentines
  3. Dinner for___
  4. sweet candy
  5. Valentine's day was a _________ festival
  6. ancient Roman god of love
  7. Month of Valentines Day
  8. country that does not celebrate valentine's day
  9. Roses are red, valets are
  10. Rose color symbolizing purity
  11. the X in XOXO
  1. another word for love
  2. People make this connection a lot
  3. Chocolate covered fruit you eat on valentines day
  4. Valentine's Day 2022
  5. greetings you send on valentine's day
  6. Symbol for valentines day
  7. Yellow roses signify this
  8. Lighter color associated with valentine's day
  9. The state that produces the most chocolate
  10. dark color associated with valentine's day
  11. How many US towns are named Valentines?

22 Clues: sweet candyDinner for___the X in XOXOValentine's Day 2022another word for loveMonth of Valentines Dayancient Roman god of loveSymbol for valentines dayYellow roses signify thisRoses are red, valets areCommon flower for valentinesRose color symbolizing purityPeople make this connection a lotPeople give these on valentine's day...

Valentines Day at GA Puzzle 2022-12-17

Valentines Day at GA Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. People give these on valentine's day
  2. Common flower for valentines
  3. Dinner for___
  4. sweet candy
  5. Valentine's day was a _________ festival
  6. ancient Roman god of love
  7. Month of Valentines Day
  8. country that does not celebrate valentine's day
  9. Roses are red, valets are
  10. Rose color symbolizing purity
  11. the X in XOXO
  1. another word for love
  2. People make this connection a lot
  3. Chocolate covered fruit you eat on valentines day
  4. Valentine's Day 2022
  5. greetings you send on valentine's day
  6. Symbol for valentines day
  7. Yellow roses signify this
  8. Lighter color associated with valentine's day
  9. The state that produces the most chocolate
  10. dark color associated with valentine's day
  11. How many US towns are named Valentines?

22 Clues: sweet candyDinner for___the X in XOXOValentine's Day 2022another word for loveMonth of Valentines Dayancient Roman god of loveSymbol for valentines dayYellow roses signify thisRoses are red, valets areCommon flower for valentinesRose color symbolizing purityPeople make this connection a lotPeople give these on valentine's day...

February Newsletter 2023-01-16

February Newsletter crossword puzzle
  1. Month of valentines
  2. Favorite Valentines Treat
  3. Valentines Participants
  4. Shiny gift for women
  5. Cupids Bow and...
  1. Fuzzy animal given on valentines
  2. activity to do with a loved one; like dinner.
  3. Valentines Logo
  4. Valentines Plant
  5. Valentines Mascot
  6. Valentines Theme
  7. Manner of speech for a crush

12 Clues: Valentines LogoValentines PlantValentines ThemeValentines MascotCupids Bow and...Month of valentinesShiny gift for womenValentines ParticipantsFavorite Valentines TreatManner of speech for a crushFuzzy animal given on valentinesactivity to do with a loved one; like dinner.

Valentines Day Crossword 2019-02-13

Valentines Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Cupid uses these
  2. Exchanged by couples along with gifts
  3. Often shown on Valentines Day
  4. A colour associated with Valentines Day
  5. Admirer They send a gift signed with a ?
  6. A sweet action
  7. The date of Valentines Day
  8. The other half of a couple
  9. You may receive one on this special day
  1. Often written in a card or by a poet
  2. A genre of film that goes with the holiday
  3. He may shoot an arrow your way
  4. Couples go on one of these to celebrate
  5. One half of a couple
  6. Love You A sentiment said to each other by couples
  7. A flower often given on Valentines Day
  8. The month in which valentines falls
  9. A yummy gift that also gets given
  10. Another sweet action
  11. The symbol of Love

20 Clues: A sweet actionCupid uses theseThe symbol of LoveOne half of a coupleAnother sweet actionThe date of Valentines DayThe other half of a coupleOften shown on Valentines DayHe may shoot an arrow your wayA yummy gift that also gets givenThe month in which valentines fallsOften written in a card or by a poetExchanged by couples along with gifts...

Happy Valentines Day 2015-02-13

Happy Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. He carries a bow ands arrows.
  2. A popular flower given on Valentines Day.
  3. The " O" in XOXOX
  4. A favorite boxed treat.
  5. You are the best _________ ever!
  6. Valentines Day is a celebration of _______.
  7. Valentines day is the most___________holiday.
  8. Candies with a message.
  9. Valentines Day falls on __________14th.
  1. A common color for Valentines Day.
  2. Children often exchange these at school.
  3. A common Valentines Day request.
  4. The "X" in XOXOX
  5. Will you be my _________?
  6. How I feel about you (3 words)

15 Clues: The "X" in XOXOXThe " O" in XOXOXA favorite boxed treat.Candies with a message.Will you be my _________?He carries a bow ands arrows.How I feel about you (3 words)A common Valentines Day request.You are the best _________ ever!A common color for Valentines Day.Valentines Day falls on __________14th.Children often exchange these at school....

Valentines Day 2024-02-14

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. what you do on valentines
  2. what you bake on valentines
  3. plants
  4. darker valentines color
  5. write to your love
  6. hersheys...
  7. Red Flower
  8. best gift to give on valentines
  1. Action between one and another
  2. Feelings between two people
  3. pretty color
  4. Yummy candy
  5. when you go to sleep you...
  6. a good food to eat on valentines
  7. when you care for someone else

15 Clues: plantsRed FlowerYummy candyhersheys...pretty colorwrite to your lovedarker valentines colorwhat you do on valentinesFeelings between two peoplewhat you bake on valentineswhen you go to sleep you...Action between one and anotherwhen you care for someone elsebest gift to give on valentinesa good food to eat on valentines

Valentine 2015-02-11

Valentine crossword puzzle
  1. colour of love
  2. how love usually starts
  3. what you get when you're in love
  4. symbol of love
  5. food of love
  6. month of valentines
  7. who created valentines day
  8. what valentines is about
  9. what people do on valentines
  1. what people give you on valentines
  2. how you are to the one you love
  3. where the feeling of love is from
  4. when people want to be together forever
  5. A symbol of affection
  6. Mascot of valentine

15 Clues: food of lovecolour of lovesymbol of lovemonth of valentinesMascot of valentineA symbol of affectionhow love usually startswhat valentines is aboutwho created valentines daywhat people do on valentineshow you are to the one you lovewhat you get when you're in lovewhere the feeling of love is fromwhat people give you on valentines...

valentines day crossword 2022-02-11

valentines day crossword crossword puzzle
  1. day of valentines
  2. hallmark makes these
  3. month of valentines
  4. fond emotion
  5. a dozen...
  6. romantic appointment
  1. bouquet
  2. son of venus
  3. box of
  4. valentines color
  5. greek goddess of love
  6. bow and _____
  7. roman goddess of love
  8. valentines shape

14 Clues: box ofbouqueta dozen...son of venusfond emotionbow and _____valentines colorvalentines shapeday of valentinesmonth of valentineshallmark makes theseromantic appointmentgreek goddess of loveroman goddess of love

Valentine 2015-02-11

Valentine crossword puzzle
  1. where the feeling of love is from
  2. symbol of love
  3. Mascot of valentine
  4. A symbol of affection
  5. what valentines is about
  6. colour of love
  7. what you get when you're in love
  8. when people want to be together forever
  9. who created valentines day
  1. what people do on valentines
  2. food of love
  3. what people give you on valentines
  4. how love usually starts
  5. month of valentines
  6. how you are to the one you love

15 Clues: food of lovesymbol of lovecolour of loveMascot of valentinemonth of valentinesA symbol of affectionhow love usually startswhat valentines is aboutwho created valentines daywhat people do on valentineshow you are to the one you lovewhat you get when you're in lovewhere the feeling of love is fromwhat people give you on valentines...

February 2019-02-14

February crossword puzzle
  1. February 29, happens every four years
  2. short for February
  3. February 2, predicts the future
  4. another color of valentines, can mix with blue and yellow
  5. number of days in February
  6. the winner of the Superbowl
  7. February holiday
  1. pretty plant
  2. shortest month
  3. box of candy during valentines
  4. big sports event, lots of eating
  5. a symbol of love
  6. a bell-shaped chocolate
  7. icon of valentines day, has a bow
  8. color of valentines

15 Clues: pretty plantshortest montha symbol of loveFebruary holidayshort for Februarycolor of valentinesa bell-shaped chocolatenumber of days in Februarythe winner of the Superbowlbox of candy during valentinesFebruary 2, predicts the futurebig sports event, lots of eatingicon of valentines day, has a bowFebruary 29, happens every four years...

Valentines Day Crossword 2018-01-09

Valentines Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Which God of love was known for shooting people with an arrow of love?
  2. Roman Goddess of love also named after a planet.
  3. Touch lips.
  4. Famous romantic/Christmas film 'Love ____________'.
  5. You send it in an envelope.
  6. Be my ________________.
  7. Valentines day happens during this month.
  8. You may have a secret ______________.
  9. An old fashioned way of saying your dating someone.
  10. When going out on Valentines day you need to make a dinner _____________.
  11. Symbol of love.
  1. "I ___________you" commonly said by those in love.
  2. A colour associated with Valentines Day.
  3. who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
  4. Ed Sheeran Song "_________ of you".
  5. Another word for love.
  6. Colour associated with Valentines day.
  7. A sweet treat in a heart shaped box.
  8. What flower is traditionally given on Valentines Day?
  9. French word for love.
  10. Another word for present.
  11. When you wrap your arms around someone.

22 Clues: Touch lips.Symbol of love.French word for love.Another word for love.Be my ________________.Another word for present.who wrote Romeo and Juliet?You send it in an envelope.Ed Sheeran Song "_________ of you".A sweet treat in a heart shaped box.You may have a secret ______________.Colour associated with Valentines day....

valentines day 2023-01-10

valentines day crossword puzzle
  1. he shoots arrows
  2. sweet food given during valentines
  3. tied around boxes
  4. cupid's weapon
  5. valentines is the day of _____
  6. ______ admirer
  7. _____ and kisses
  8. valentines shape
  1. valentines color; mixed red and white
  2. brown and yummy sweets
  3. will you be my _____________
  4. valentines flowers
  5. you give this along with candy
  6. day valentine's day is on

14 Clues: cupid's weapon______ admirerhe shoots arrows_____ and kissesvalentines shapetied around boxesvalentines flowersbrown and yummy sweetsday valentine's day is onwill you be my _____________you give this along with candyvalentines is the day of _____sweet food given during valentinesvalentines color; mixed red and white

Valentines Crossword 2023-02-12

Valentines Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. $1 _____ of chocolate is purchased for valentines every year
  2. the number one recipient of valentines
  3. 2003 christmas rom com with an entourage of A-list actors "love ____"
  4. 1987 rom com film starring Nicolas Cage and Cher
  5. 27.6 million households give valentines to their _____
  6. candy hearts original purpose
  7. the first of this was sent in the 15th century
  8. the "X" in XOXO
  1. 250 million people write to this shakespeare "star crossed lover" each year
  2. Arizona, Nebraska, Texas and Virginia each have cities with the name
  3. the first valentines day was celebrated here
  4. 58 million pounds of this are sold each year on valentines day
  5. 1981 horror/valentine flick "my _____ valentine"
  6. The ____ of flower given on Valentine's Day holds meaning
  7. 250 million of these are grown for valentines day each year
  8. the tradition of giving these started in the 17th century
  9. top grossing rom com of all time, grossing over $241M "my big fat ____ wedding"
  10. "dinner for _____"

18 Clues: the "X" in XOXO"dinner for _____"candy hearts original purposethe number one recipient of valentinesthe first valentines day was celebrated herethe first of this was sent in the 15th century1981 horror/valentine flick "my _____ valentine"1987 rom com film starring Nicolas Cage and Cher27.6 million households give valentines to their _____...

Valentines Crossword 2023-02-12

Valentines Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. $1 _____ of chocolate is purchased for valentines every year
  2. the number one recipient of valentines
  3. 2003 christmas rom com with an entourage of A-list actors "love ____"
  4. 1987 rom com film starring Nicolas Cage and Cher
  5. 27.6 million households give valentines to their _____
  6. candy hearts original purpose
  7. the first of this was sent in the 15th century
  8. the "X" in XOXO
  1. 250 million people write to this shakespeare "star crossed lover" each year
  2. Arizona, Nebraska, Texas and Virginia each have cities with the name
  3. the first valentines day was celebrated here
  4. 58 million pounds of this are sold each year on valentines day
  5. 1981 horror/valentine flick "my _____ valentine"
  6. The ____ of flower given on Valentine's Day holds meaning
  7. 250 million of these are grown for valentines day each year
  8. the tradition of giving these started in the 17th century
  9. top grossing rom com of all time, grossing over $241M "my big fat ____ wedding"
  10. "dinner for _____"

18 Clues: the "X" in XOXO"dinner for _____"candy hearts original purposethe number one recipient of valentinesthe first valentines day was celebrated herethe first of this was sent in the 15th century1981 horror/valentine flick "my _____ valentine"1987 rom com film starring Nicolas Cage and Cher27.6 million households give valentines to their _____...

Valentine's Day 2024-02-14

Valentine's Day crossword puzzle
  1. Sweets
  2. A special flower
  3. Physical action to show affection
  4. day we celebrate Valentines on
  5. Valentines mascot
  6. Shot from cupids bow
  7. February 14th
  1. Popular gift
  2. Emotion
  3. Cuddly object used as a gift
  4. Your lover
  5. Popular candy choice
  6. Who spends Valentines together?
  7. Month we celebrate Valentines on
  8. Used to write a thoughtful message

15 Clues: SweetsEmotionYour loverPopular giftFebruary 14thA special flowerValentines mascotPopular candy choiceShot from cupids bowCuddly object used as a giftday we celebrate Valentines onWho spends Valentines together?Month we celebrate Valentines onPhysical action to show affectionUsed to write a thoughtful message

Valentines Crossword 2023-02-12

Valentines Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. $1 _____ of chocolate is purchased for valentines every year
  2. the number one recipient of valentines
  3. 2003 christmas rom com with an entourage of A-list actors "love ____"
  4. 1987 rom com film starring Nicolas Cage and Cher
  5. 27.6 million households give valentines to their _____
  6. candy hearts original purpose
  7. the first of this was sent in the 15th century
  8. the "X" in XOXO
  1. 250 million people write to this shakespeare "star crossed lover" each year
  2. Arizona, Nebraska, Texas and Virginia each have cities with the name
  3. the first valentines day was celebrated here
  4. 58 million pounds of this are sold each year on valentines day
  5. 1981 horror/valentine flick "my _____ valentine"
  6. The ____ of flower given on Valentine's Day holds meaning
  7. 250 million of these are grown for valentines day each year
  8. the tradition of giving these started in the 17th century
  9. top grossing rom com of all time, grossing over $241M "my big fat ____ wedding"
  10. "dinner for _____"

18 Clues: the "X" in XOXO"dinner for _____"candy hearts original purposethe number one recipient of valentinesthe first valentines day was celebrated herethe first of this was sent in the 15th century1981 horror/valentine flick "my _____ valentine"1987 rom com film starring Nicolas Cage and Cher27.6 million households give valentines to their _____...

Valentines 2023-02-06

Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. Cupid shoots you with is *
  2. I* You
  3. stuffed animal typically given on valentines day
  4. the day valentines day is on
  5. Baby that shoots arrows
  6. when you love someone but dont want them to know you become they're secret*
  7. what beats in our chest
  8. what cupid has on his back
  9. XOXO stands for hugs and*
  1. candy given on valentines day
  2. the month valentines day is in
  3. the color of a heart is
  4. what cupid shoots
  5. valentines day flower
  6. these are on rose stems

15 Clues: I* Youwhat cupid shootsvalentines day flowerthe color of a heart isBaby that shoots arrowswhat beats in our chestthese are on rose stemsXOXO stands for hugs and*Cupid shoots you with is *what cupid has on his backthe day valentines day is oncandy given on valentines daythe month valentines day is instuffed animal typically given on valentines day...

Valentines day 2024-02-14

Valentines day crossword puzzle
  1. something you write to someone
  2. emotion when you like someone a lot
  3. something you do with the person you like to get their attention
  4. sugary food gifted on valentines
  5. are red flowers given on valentines
  6. people who are dating
  7. thing you go on on special occasions
  8. word that describes someone pretty
  9. a word used to describe candy
  1. the person who holds an arrow
  2. the word used to describe who you are with on valentines
  3. what you call who your dating
  4. popular candy comes in lots of shapes
  5. something you do with your boyfriend
  6. gift given to your date on valentines
  7. a group of flowers gifted
  8. color associated with valentines

17 Clues: people who are datinga group of flowers giftedthe person who holds an arrowwhat you call who your datinga word used to describe candysomething you write to someonesugary food gifted on valentinescolor associated with valentinesword that describes someone prettyemotion when you like someone a lotare red flowers given on valentines...

A Valentines Surprise for Noah XO 2023-02-14

A Valentines Surprise for Noah XO crossword puzzle
  1. Mom's favorite thing from you
  2. Your Secret Valentines Day gift!
  3. Your Dream Car
  4. Your birth month
  5. Valentines Day Month
  6. Pucker up
  7. All you need is...
  1. Favorite candy on Valentines Day
  2. Best dog ever
  3. Year you graduated from high school
  4. Most popular flower on Valentines day
  5. Valentines Day mascot
  6. Cupid shoots these to lovers

13 Clues: Pucker upBest dog everYour Dream CarYour birth monthAll you need is...Valentines Day MonthValentines Day mascotCupid shoots these to loversMom's favorite thing from youFavorite candy on Valentines DayYour Secret Valentines Day gift!Year you graduated from high schoolMost popular flower on Valentines day

Mine 2023-02-03

Mine crossword puzzle
  1. On A Calendar
  2. Go To Snack
  3. Loving Action
  4. A Hobby
  5. Our Baby
  6. Valentines Color
  7. Amount of Time
  8. Us
  9. Be Mine
  1. A Good Feeling
  2. Shoots Arrows
  3. Sweet Treat
  4. Another Show
  5. One of Our Shows
  6. Valentines Flower
  7. Said before bed

16 Clues: UsA HobbyBe MineOur BabyGo To SnackSweet TreatAnother ShowOn A CalendarShoots ArrowsLoving ActionA Good FeelingAmount of TimeSaid before bedOne of Our ShowsValentines ColorValentines Flower

Valentines Day Crossword 2024-02-13

Valentines Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Students often exchange these at school on Valentines Day
  2. Valentines Day is a celebration of
  3. He carries a bow and arrows
  4. Candies with a message
  5. The X in XOXOXO
  1. Popular flowers given on Valentines Day
  2. Valentines Day is celebrated on February
  3. A favorite boxed treat
  4. A common Valentines Day request
  5. The O in XOXOXO
  6. Common Color for Valentines Day
  7. Month we celebrate Valentines Day

12 Clues: The O in XOXOXOThe X in XOXOXOA favorite boxed treatCandies with a messageHe carries a bow and arrowsA common Valentines Day requestCommon Color for Valentines DayMonth we celebrate Valentines DayValentines Day is a celebration ofPopular flowers given on Valentines DayValentines Day is celebrated on February...

Clone of Valentines Crossword 2023-02-13

Clone of Valentines Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. $1 _____ of chocolate is purchased for valentines every year
  2. the number one recipient of valentines
  3. 2003 christmas rom com with an entourage of A-list actors "love ____"
  4. 1987 rom com film starring Nicolas Cage and Cher
  5. 27.6 million households give valentines to their _____
  6. candy hearts original purpose
  7. the first of this was sent in the 15th century
  8. the "X" in XOXO
  1. 250 million people write to this shakespeare "star crossed lover" each year
  2. Arizona, Nebraska, Texas and Virginia each have cities with the name
  3. the first valentines day was celebrated here
  4. 58 million pounds of this are sold each year on valentines day
  5. 1981 horror/valentine flick "my _____ valentine"
  6. The ____ of flower given on Valentine's Day holds meaning
  7. 250 million of these are grown for valentines day each year
  8. the tradition of giving these started in the 17th century
  9. top grossing rom com of all time, grossing over $241M "my big fat ____ wedding"
  10. "dinner for _____"

18 Clues: the "X" in XOXO"dinner for _____"candy hearts original purposethe number one recipient of valentinesthe first valentines day was celebrated herethe first of this was sent in the 15th century1981 horror/valentine flick "my _____ valentine"1987 rom com film starring Nicolas Cage and Cher27.6 million households give valentines to their _____...

Valentines Crossword 2023-02-07

Valentines Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. $1 _____ of chocolate is purchased for valentines every year
  2. the number one recipient of valentines
  3. 2003 christmas rom com with an entourage of A-list actors "love ____"
  4. 1987 rom com film starring Nicolas Cage and Cher
  5. 27.6 million households give valentines to their _____
  6. candy hearts original purpose
  7. the first of this was sent in the 15th century
  8. the "X" in XOXO
  1. 250 million people write to this shakespeare "star crossed lover" each year
  2. Arizona, Nebraska, Texas and Virginia each have cities with the name
  3. the first valentines day was celebrated here
  4. 58 million pounds of this are sold each year on valentines day
  5. 1981 horror/valentine flick "my _____ valentine"
  6. The ____ of flower given on Valentine's Day holds meaning
  7. 250 million of these are grown for valentines day each year
  8. the tradition of giving these started in the 17th century
  9. top grossing rom com of all time, grossing over $241M "my big fat ____ wedding"
  10. "dinner for _____"

18 Clues: the "X" in XOXO"dinner for _____"candy hearts original purposethe number one recipient of valentinesthe first valentines day was celebrated herethe first of this was sent in the 15th century1981 horror/valentine flick "my _____ valentine"1987 rom com film starring Nicolas Cage and Cher27.6 million households give valentines to their _____...

Valentines Day 2023-01-19

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. The month that valentines takes place
  2. Hand written gift
  3. A greeting you give to someone on valentines
  4. A common treat to give on Valentines Day
  5. Candies with flirty sayings
  1. This day celebrates self-love
  2. Celebrating valentines day with friends
  3. What Cupid shoots
  4. Symbol of love
  5. Roman goddess of love
  6. Most popular color of valentines day
  7. The U.S national flower
  8. Hugs & Kisses
  9. Greek counterpart is Eros.

14 Clues: Hugs & KissesSymbol of loveWhat Cupid shootsHand written giftRoman goddess of loveThe U.S national flowerGreek counterpart is Eros.Candies with flirty sayingsThis day celebrates self-loveMost popular color of valentines dayThe month that valentines takes placeCelebrating valentines day with friendsA common treat to give on Valentines Day...

Valentines Day Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-30

Valentines Day Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The shape that describes Valentines Day
  2. It is very sweet and we love to receive it
  3. Will you be my .........
  4. A type of candy that is brown
  5. wrote me a love .....
  6. This person flies and shoots arrows
  7. Cupid uses this to shoot with his bow
  1. A fluffy toy that you might receive on Valentines Day
  2. This flower symbolizes romance, love, beauty and courage
  3. .... and kisses
  4. The colour of Valentines Day
  5. They smell really nice and we give them to our loved once
  6. ...... 14th
  7. This is what Valentines Day is about
  8. the second colour of Valentines Day

15 Clues: ...... 14th.... and kisseswrote me a love .....Will you be my .........The colour of Valentines DayA type of candy that is brownthe second colour of Valentines DayThis person flies and shoots arrowsThis is what Valentines Day is aboutCupid uses this to shoot with his bowThe shape that describes Valentines Day...

Valentines 2023-02-13

Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. Cupid shoots you with is *
  2. I* You
  3. stuffed animal typically given on valentines day
  4. the day valentines day is on
  5. Baby that shoots arrows
  6. when you love someone but dont want them to know you become they're secret*
  7. what beats in our chest
  8. what cupid has on his back
  9. XOXO stands for hugs and*
  1. candy given on valentines day
  2. the month valentines day is in
  3. the color of a heart is
  4. what cupid shoots
  5. valentines day flower
  6. these are on rose stems

15 Clues: I* Youwhat cupid shootsvalentines day flowerthe color of a heart isBaby that shoots arrowswhat beats in our chestthese are on rose stemsXOXO stands for hugs and*Cupid shoots you with is *what cupid has on his backthe day valentines day is oncandy given on valentines daythe month valentines day is instuffed animal typically given on valentines day...

BHM- Addy Loy- Love Day 2019-02-08

BHM- Addy Loy- Love Day crossword puzzle
  1. everyone enjoys this in all kinds on valentines day
  2. this is something lots of people around the world feel on valentines day
  3. these colorful items are given to bring joy on valentines day
  4. this is a event that lots of schools put on for valentines day
  5. this is the most used symbol on valentines day
  6. two most common colors during valentines season
  7. this is something lots of people use to decorate and get a little glam for valentines day
  1. this is the most seen people group on valentines day
  2. a very old candy that are shaped like hearts
  3. a lot of people eat this on valentines day
  4. a lot of people read this thing on valentines day
  5. this kind of shop is always crowded on valentines day

12 Clues: a lot of people eat this on valentines daya very old candy that are shaped like heartsthis is the most used symbol on valentines daytwo most common colors during valentines seasona lot of people read this thing on valentines dayeveryone enjoys this in all kinds on valentines daythis is the most seen people group on valentines day...

Valentines Day 2023-01-19

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. Greek counterpart is Eros.
  2. a greeting you give to someone on valentines
  3. What Cupid shoots
  4. Candies with flirty sayings
  5. hand written gift
  6. The U.S national flower
  1. The day celebrates self-love
  2. Most popular color of valentines day
  3. a common treat to give on Valentines Day
  4. celebrating valentines day with friends
  5. the month that valentines takes place
  6. symbol of love
  7. Hugs & Kisses
  8. Roman goddess of love

14 Clues: Hugs & Kissessymbol of loveWhat Cupid shootshand written giftRoman goddess of loveThe U.S national flowerGreek counterpart is Eros.Candies with flirty sayingsThe day celebrates self-loveMost popular color of valentines daythe month that valentines takes placecelebrating valentines day with friendsa common treat to give on Valentines Day...

Valentines 2024-02-14

Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. The greek goddess of love
  2. The utility Cupid uses to make people fall in love
  3. Something you give to somebody special
  4. The spanish word for love.
  5. Something you tell somebody to make them feel special
  6. A hangout between lovers that happpens on Valentines Day
  7. A strong connection between 2 people
  1. Symbol of love
  2. A piece of jewelery that you may give somebody on valentines day for their finger
  3. 2 people who are meant to be
  4. a character that is associated with valentines day
  5. A type of candy often bought as a valentines day gift
  6. A red flower associated with Love
  7. Something you write on valentines day
  8. the person your with on valentines day

15 Clues: Symbol of loveThe greek goddess of loveThe spanish word for love.2 people who are meant to beA red flower associated with LoveA strong connection between 2 peopleSomething you write on valentines daySomething you give to somebody specialthe person your with on valentines dayThe utility Cupid uses to make people fall in love...

Valentine's day 2024-02-16

Valentine's day crossword puzzle
  1. Second color most used during valentines?
  2. What is the most cut out design on valentines?
  3. Who shoots people with love arrows?
  4. What day of the month is valentine's on?
  5. What color is associated with Valentine's?
  6. What is the most famous sweet given out?
  7. _____ of cards are given on valentines.
  1. What percent of women send themselves flowers?
  2. Who is the goddess of love?
  3. What month is Valentine's Day?
  4. What is the most common word used on valentines day?
  5. What are the most famous flowers given?
  6. Who buy more gifts between the two genders?
  7. Where was valentines first brought up.
  8. What jewelry is most given?

15 Clues: Who is the goddess of love?What jewelry is most given?What month is Valentine's Day?Who shoots people with love arrows?Where was valentines first brought up.What are the most famous flowers given?_____ of cards are given on valentines.What day of the month is valentine's on?What is the most famous sweet given out?...

Valentine's Day Crossword 2022-03-14

Valentine's Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Shakespeare's play that refers to Valentines day
  2. an angel that spread love with arrows
  3. the day we celebrate valentines day
  4. red flowers that are often given on valentines day
  5. The X in XOXO
  1. the greek goddess of love and beauty
  2. a present that is a desert and they come in a box
  3. the month Valentines day falls in
  4. lighter colour symbolising valentines day
  5. a common gift on valentines day
  6. The O in XOXO
  7. dark colour symbolising valentines day

12 Clues: The O in XOXOThe X in XOXOa common gift on valentines daythe month Valentines day falls inthe day we celebrate valentines daythe greek goddess of love and beautyan angel that spread love with arrowsdark colour symbolising valentines daylighter colour symbolising valentines dayShakespeare's play that refers to Valentines day...

valentines day 2021-02-12

valentines day crossword puzzle
  1. give it too people
  2. shoot it to people
  3. the shape of valentines
  4. the color of valentines
  5. what valentines is for
  6. has a good smell
  7. _ mine
  1. yummy coco candy
  2. yummy snack
  3. where valentines started
  4. its red
  5. the month of valentines day

12 Clues: _ mineits redyummy snackyummy coco candyhas a good smellgive it too peopleshoot it to peoplewhat valentines is forthe shape of valentinesthe color of valentineswhere valentines startedthe month of valentines day

Valentine's Day Crossword 2022-03-14

Valentine's Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an angel that spread love with arrows
  2. a common gift on valentines day
  3. The X in XOXO
  4. a present that is a desert and they come in a box
  5. dark colour symbolising valentines day
  6. the month Valentines day falls in
  7. the day we celebrate valentines day
  1. Shakespeare's play that refers to Valentines day
  2. The O in XOXO
  3. lighter colour symbolising valentines day
  4. red flowers that are often given on valentines day
  5. the greek goddess of love and beauty

12 Clues: The O in XOXOThe X in XOXOa common gift on valentines daythe month Valentines day falls inthe day we celebrate valentines daythe greek goddess of love and beautyan angel that spread love with arrowsdark colour symbolising valentines daylighter colour symbolising valentines dayShakespeare's play that refers to Valentines day...

Valentines Day Puzzle 2018-02-08

Valentines Day Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a strong felling of romance
  2. shots arrows of love
  3. a boys best friend
  4. love and respect
  5. Valentines Day color
  6. a felling of love
  7. Valentines Day color
  8. a piece of candy
  1. a fowler of god
  2. a girls best friend
  3. a common treat on Valentines Day
  4. delivered to people on Valentines Day
  5. a romantic meet
  6. a Valentines shape
  7. a person who has romantic interest in someone

15 Clues: a fowler of goda romantic meetlove and respecta piece of candya felling of lovea Valentines shapea boys best frienda girls best friendshots arrows of loveValentines Day colorValentines Day colora strong felling of romancea common treat on Valentines Daydelivered to people on Valentines Daya person who has romantic interest in someone

Birthday Present To... 2019-03-30

Birthday Present To... crossword puzzle
  1. The things i write you
  2. My GF teddy
  3. Anniversary theme
  4. 1st Birthday disaster place
  5. The breakfast you perfected for me
  6. The game we are waiting for to come out
  7. 2nd Valentines breakfast here
  8. Our ESCAPE room time
  9. 1st Cinema trip
  1. Castle with history lesson
  2. 1st Holiday abroad
  3. 1st Valentines getaway
  4. 1st valentines meal
  5. The ginger guy we saw
  6. 1st Family trip
  7. Our best snack
  8. How we began dating(social media)
  9. Ginger guys support act
  10. Our hut game saviour
  11. Watched when you got sunburn

20 Clues: My GF teddyOur best snack1st Family trip1st Cinema tripAnniversary theme1st Holiday abroad1st valentines mealOur hut game saviourOur ESCAPE room timeThe ginger guy we sawThe things i write you1st Valentines getawayGinger guys support actCastle with history lesson1st Birthday disaster placeWatched when you got sunburn2nd Valentines breakfast here...

My Feb. crossword 2019-02-14

My Feb. crossword crossword puzzle
  1. you and your friends have so much ___.
  2. the month of love.
  3. when ever he shoots people with an arrow they fall in love.
  4. you and your partner slow ____.
  5. a box of __________.
  6. February 14 .
  7. something that you give someone on valentines day.
  8. you _____ your family.
  1. you and your partner have ________ for each other.
  2. Hershey ____.
  3. popular flowers to give to people on valentines day.
  4. main color of valentines day.
  5. writing something sweet.
  6. shape that symbolizes love.
  7. you ___ your partner.

15 Clues: Hershey ____.February 14 .the month of love.a box of ___ your _____ your family.writing something sweet.shape that symbolizes love.main color of valentines and your partner slow and your friends have so much and your partner have ________ for each other....

Valentines Day 2019-02-14

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. They smell beautiful and we love to give them on Valentines
  2. Two people in _____
  3. I wonder who my secret_____is
  4. Cupid's weapon
  5. The shape of love
  6. Sweet treat made from cocoa beans
  7. A bunch of flowers
  8. Will you go on a____ with me?
  1. Lips on Lips
  2. Your special someone on valentines day
  3. The color of love
  4. The month we celebrate love
  5. What day is Valentines?
  6. Some thing you give out on Valentines day
  7. We use this to tie around boxes
  8. ____ and kisses

16 Clues: Lips on LipsCupid's weapon____ and kissesThe color of loveThe shape of loveA bunch of flowersTwo people in _____What day is Valentines?The month we celebrate loveI wonder who my secret_____isWill you go on a____ with me?We use this to tie around boxesSweet treat made from cocoa beansYour special someone on valentines day...

OT Valentines Puzzle 2023-02-06

OT Valentines Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the Valentines character that has a bow and arrow
  2. a flower that can be a bouquet gift on Valentines
  3. What month is Valentines
  4. The sport played in the Superbowl
  5. The season the month of February is in
  6. One of the colors you think of with Valentines
  7. Holiday on the fourteenth of February
  1. The big football game in February
  2. a group of roses wrapped up as gift
  3. The things cupid shoots from his pack
  4. What day in the month of February is Valentines
  5. Symbol of Valentines

12 Clues: Symbol of ValentinesWhat month is ValentinesThe big football game in FebruaryThe sport played in the Superbowla group of roses wrapped up as giftThe things cupid shoots from his packHoliday on the fourteenth of FebruaryThe season the month of February is inOne of the colors you think of with ValentinesWhat day in the month of February is Valentines...

Valentine's Day Crossword 2023-02-14

Valentine's Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Ed Sheeran Song "______ of you."
  2. Hallmark makes these
  3. Roman Goddess of love also named after a planet.
  4. Romantic Appointment
  5. How I feel about you (3 words)
  6. common flower or Valentines Day
  7. You may have a secret _______.
  8. bow and _____
  9. Will you be my _________?
  10. Color associated with Valentines Day.
  1. A favorite boxed treat
  2. These are on rose stems
  3. fond emotion
  4. Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
  5. Mythological God of love
  6. Month of Valentines Day
  7. French word for love.
  8. The X in XOXO
  9. Symbol of love

19 Clues: fond emotionThe X in XOXObow and _____Symbol of loveHallmark makes theseRomantic AppointmentFrench word for love.A favorite boxed treatThese are on rose stemsMonth of Valentines DayMythological God of loveWill you be my _________?Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?How I feel about you (3 words)You may have a secret _______.common flower or Valentines Day...

Valentines day crossword 2024-02-14

Valentines day crossword crossword puzzle
  1. made or bought for many occasions
  2. a male you go on dates with
  3. another common gift for valentines
  4. gone on by two people who are dating
  5. hopefully what a couple is on valentines
  6. the color associated with passion
  7. baby symbol of love
  8. That warm fuzzy feeling
  1. commonly gifted for valentines
  2. a sweet treat
  3. a synonym for candy
  4. a female you go on dates with
  5. the universal symbol of love
  6. I ______ about you!
  7. commonly worn on valentines

15 Clues: a sweet treata synonym for candybaby symbol of loveI ______ about you!That warm fuzzy feelinga male you go on dates withcommonly worn on valentinesthe universal symbol of lovea female you go on dates withcommonly gifted for valentinesmade or bought for many occasionsthe color associated with passionanother common gift for valentines...

Valentines 2022-02-01

Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. Loving embrace in arms.
  2. Common Valentine gift.
  3. Will you be my _________?
  4. Tie your present up with ribbon and a ______.
  5. The month of Valentines.
  6. Secondary Valentines day color.
  7. Paper you give to show you care.
  1. Popular gift that is a stuffed animal.
  2. How you draw love.
  3. Sugary treat.
  4. Favorite color to wear on Valentines day.
  5. The emotion of Valentines day.
  6. Who flies and shoots love arrows?
  7. Gift with petals.

14 Clues: Sugary treat.Gift with petals.How you draw love.Common Valentine gift.Loving embrace in arms.The month of Valentines.Will you be my _________?The emotion of Valentines day.Secondary Valentines day color.Paper you give to show you care.Who flies and shoots love arrows?Popular gift that is a stuffed animal.Favorite color to wear on Valentines day....

February 2019-02-14

February crossword puzzle
  1. ogden jr.high who won the championship for basketball
  2. what is the flower usually bought for valentines day
  3. what other color is usual for valentines day
  4. when its cold you put on a jacket
  5. Math teacher
  6. not a lot of people like the season
  7. who is the best teacher
  1. Brrrrr!
  2. always in valentines day
  3. a baby that makes everyone fall in love
  4. was the super bowl boring
  5. what's white and on the ground still
  6. who won the super bowl
  7. what color is usual for valentines day
  8. February incentive

15 Clues: Brrrrr!Math teacherFebruary incentivewho won the super bowlwho is the best teacheralways in valentines daywas the super bowl boringwhen its cold you put on a jacketnot a lot of people like the seasonwhat's white and on the ground stillwhat color is usual for valentines daya baby that makes everyone fall in love...

Puzzple 2024-02-12

Puzzple crossword puzzle
  1. Hearts
  2. Thousands
  3. Hubby
  4. Way
  5. Valentines
  6. Heart
  7. Friend
  8. 7cups
  9. MeriJaan
  10. Deeply
  11. Brownbread
  1. Destiny
  2. February
  3. Partner
  4. Bond
  5. Malaysia
  6. Ulludapatha
  7. Believe
  8. Falling
  9. Willyoubemyvalentine
  10. World
  11. Celebrate
  12. Four
  13. Miles
  14. Forever
  15. India
  16. Moments
  17. Joy
  18. Love
  19. Grow

30 Clues: WayJoyBondFourLoveGrowHubbyWorldMilesHeart7cupsIndiaHeartsFriendDeeplyDestinyPartnerBelieveFallingForeverMomentsFebruaryMalaysiaMeriJaanThousandsCelebrateValentinesBrownbreadUlludapathaWillyoubemyvalentine

Crossword Puzzle 2023-02-01

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The next holiday.
  2. The things that Girl Scouts sell.
  3. The symbol for Valentines day.
  4. A flower associated with Valentines day.
  5. Things that people give out on Valentines day.
  6. ____ is in the air.
  7. Our most popular cookies.
  1. Something that Girl Scouts earn.
  2. The group of girls who are here.
  3. The second month of the year.
  4. Something sweet you may eat or receive on Valentines day.
  5. The opposite of sour.
  6. The mascot for Valentines day.

13 Clues: The next holiday.____ is in the air.The opposite of sour.Our most popular cookies.The second month of the year.The symbol for Valentines day.The mascot for Valentines day.Something that Girl Scouts earn.The group of girls who are here.The things that Girl Scouts sell.A flower associated with Valentines day....

valentines day 2022-02-08

valentines day crossword puzzle
  1. kids always eat a lot of ____ this day
  2. many people send one to a friend on Valentines day
  3. heart shaped candy's
  4. valentines day is the day of ____
  5. the month of valentines day
  6. expression often used on valentines day "Be ___"
  1. shoots arrows at people
  2. the name of the holiday
  3. best flower for valentines day
  4. girls always get _________ for valentines day
  5. most used color on valentines day

11 Clues: heart shaped candy'sshoots arrows at peoplethe name of the holidaythe month of valentines daybest flower for valentines dayvalentines day is the day of ____most used color on valentines daykids always eat a lot of ____ this daygirls always get _________ for valentines dayexpression often used on valentines day "Be ___"...

Valentines 2022-02-01

Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. The emotion of Valentines day.
  2. Common Valentine gift.
  3. Favorite color to wear on Valentines day.
  4. Secondary Valentines day color.
  5. Paper you give to show you care.
  6. Loving embrace in arms.
  7. The month of Valentines.
  1. Gift with petals.
  2. Will you be my _________?
  3. Sugary treat.
  4. Who flies and shoots love arrows?
  5. Popular gift that is a stuffed animal.
  6. How you draw love.
  7. Tie your present up with ribbon and a ______.

14 Clues: Sugary treat.Gift with petals.How you draw love.Common Valentine gift.Loving embrace in arms.The month of Valentines.Will you be my _________?The emotion of Valentines day.Secondary Valentines day color.Paper you give to show you care.Who flies and shoots love arrows?Popular gift that is a stuffed animal.Favorite color to wear on Valentines day....

Valentines 2024 2024-01-10

Valentines 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. "dinner for ___"
  2. chocolate covered fruit you eat on valentines day
  3. people give these on valentines day
  4. sweet candy
  5. common valentines flower
  6. greeting sent on valentines day
  7. number of flowers in a bouquet of roses
  1. number of cities named valentine in the world
  2. the x in xoxo
  3. month of valentines
  4. "roses are red, violets are ___"
  5. ancient roman god of love

12 Clues: sweet candythe x in xoxo"dinner for ___"month of valentinescommon valentines flowerancient roman god of lovegreeting sent on valentines day"roses are red, violets are ___"people give these on valentines daynumber of flowers in a bouquet of rosesnumber of cities named valentine in the worldchocolate covered fruit you eat on valentines day

Crossword 2013-02-10

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Collection of flowers in a creative arrangement
  2. Favorite food on Valentines Day
  3. Emotion of Strong Affection
  4. Greek God of Love
  5. Sweetheart
  6. Something that your husband should give you on Valentines Day
  7. Affection shown by lips
  8. Hollow Muscle that pumps blood
  9. Women's Best Friend
  1. Love Affair
  2. To Hold in one's arms
  3. Be My ______
  4. Valentines Day
  5. Month of Romance
  6. Birds who symbolize love and peace
  7. Believed to be the favorite color of small girl
  8. Color of Love

17 Clues: SweetheartLove AffairBe My ______Color of LoveValentines DayMonth of RomanceGreek God of LoveWomen's Best FriendTo Hold in one's armsAffection shown by lipsEmotion of Strong AffectionHollow Muscle that pumps bloodFavorite food on Valentines DayBirds who symbolize love and peaceCollection of flowers in a creative arrangement...

February 2019-02-14

February crossword puzzle
  1. what is the flower usually bought for valentines day
  2. February incentive
  3. a baby that makes everyone fall in love
  4. ogden jr.high who won the championship for basketball
  5. when its cold you put on a jacket
  6. who is the best teacher
  7. Math teacher
  1. Brrrrr!
  2. was the super bowl boring
  3. what other color is usual for valentines day
  4. who won the super bowl
  5. always in valentines day
  6. not a lot of people like the season
  7. what's white and on the ground still
  8. what color is usual for valentines day

15 Clues: Brrrrr!Math teacherFebruary incentivewho won the super bowlwho is the best teacheralways in valentines daywas the super bowl boringwhen its cold you put on a jacketnot a lot of people like the seasonwhat's white and on the ground stillwhat color is usual for valentines daya baby that makes everyone fall in love...

Valentines Day 2023-02-15

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. mix red and white
  2. when you like someone but they don't know
  3. he shoots heart arrows
  4. these birds are a symbol of love
  5. Month of valentines day
  6. a primary colour that is used on Valentine's Day
  7. chocolate fruit you eat on valentines day
  1. the X in XOXO
  2. candy you give someone on valentines day
  3. _________ Valentine's Day
  4. when you really like someone
  5. a valentine's shape
  6. the most common flower on valentines day
  7. what cupid shoots
  8. something you wear on your finger when you are about to be married

15 Clues: the X in XOXOmix red and whitewhat cupid shootsa valentine's shapehe shoots heart arrowsMonth of valentines day_________ Valentine's Daywhen you really like someonethese birds are a symbol of lovecandy you give someone on valentines daythe most common flower on valentines daywhen you like someone but they don't know...

any 2016-02-05

any crossword puzzle
  1. love c
  2. happy c
  3. arrow c
  4. Mary c
  5. valentines c
  6. to c
  7. darling c
  1. from c
  2. with c
  3. heart c
  4. day c
  5. Rob c
  6. always c
  7. my c
  8. cupid c
  9. dazzling c
  10. eros c
  11. all c

18 Clues: my cto cday cRob call cfrom cwith clove cMary ceros cheart chappy carrow ccupid calways cdarling cdazzling cvalentines c

Valentines Day 2024-02-14

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. The Bird accosiated with love
  2. The name of the holiday
  3. Popular Candy
  4. Common colour for Valentines
  5. Popular symbol of love
  6. Mascott of love
  1. start of a Beatles song
  2. X
  3. another colour popular with Valentines day
  4. What people go on
  5. Bear
  6. Most common flower for love
  7. What is written to others
  8. What goes through the Heart
  9. O

15 Clues: XOBearPopular CandyMascott of loveWhat people go onPopular symbol of lovestart of a Beatles songThe name of the holidayWhat is written to othersMost common flower for loveWhat goes through the HeartCommon colour for ValentinesThe Bird accosiated with loveanother colour popular with Valentines day

Valentines Day 2023-02-08

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. a fragrant gift often given for valentines
  2. common edible Valentine's gift
  3. the flower of love
  4. anonymous card sent to the person you love on Feb14th
  5. color that symbolizes love
  6. a biblical word for love
  7. a candy Hersheys first manufactured in 1907
  1. a bird often associated with valentines
  2. the protector of the home
  3. an emotion associated with valentines
  4. month in which valentines is celebrated
  5. "whoso findeth a _______ findeth a good thing"-Prov. 18:22
  6. fictional character that shoots arrows of love
  7. 4 Chamber construct that circulates life liquid
  8. what does the o symbolize in xoxo
  9. what does the x symbolize in xoxo

16 Clues: the flower of lovea biblical word for lovethe protector of the homecolor that symbolizes lovecommon edible Valentine's giftwhat does the o symbolize in xoxowhat does the x symbolize in xoxoan emotion associated with valentinesa bird often associated with valentinesmonth in which valentines is celebrateda fragrant gift often given for valentines...

Valentine Crossword 2024-02-14

Valentine Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the month when valentines is celebrated
  2. day, a very special loving day
  3. most bought candy on valentines day
  4. card, item you send to someone to express your gratitude
  5. three letter word for happy
  6. a feeling you get when you see someone you like
  7. what is the one thing someone says to another when they really like them
  8. the number day when valentines is celebrated
  1. item purchased for someone else that ryhmes with hour
  2. when two people love each other and have a...
  3. three letter word where you give something to someone else
  4. food kids love baught during valentines day
  5. this is a human body part that also represents something else
  6. is in the air, common saying when something is in the air
  7. the universal color for love

15 Clues: three letter word for happythe universal color for loveday, a very special loving daymost bought candy on valentines daythe month when valentines is celebratedfood kids love baught during valentines daythe number day when valentines is celebratedwhen two people love each other and have a...a feeling you get when you see someone you like...

Valentine's Day 2014-02-04

Valentine's Day crossword puzzle
  1. The percent of women that send themselves flowers on Valentines Day
  2. Who buys most of the gifts
  3. Invented the first Valentines Day candy box in the late 1800s
  4. the “home town” of the patron saint of Valentines Day
  5. The number of heart shaped chocolate boxes sold(millions)
  6. This is what physicians suggested that heart broken patients eat for a broken heart
  7. The day Alexander Graham Bell applied for his patent on the telephone
  8. the amount of chocolate bought for Valentines Day(dollars)
  1. The number of stems of roses sold in the US (millions)
  2. Where the oldest surviving love poem till date is written
  3. The number of countries in the world that celebrate Valentines Day
  4. Women buy this percent of all valentines
  5. the name of the saint that the holiday is named after
  6. the type of holiday Valentine’s Day is

14 Clues: Who buys most of the giftsthe type of holiday Valentine’s Day isWomen buy this percent of all valentinesthe “home town” of the patron saint of Valentines Daythe name of the saint that the holiday is named afterThe number of stems of roses sold in the US (millions)Where the oldest surviving love poem till date is written...

February Crossword 2023-02-08

February Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A baby who shoots someone with love arrows
  2. The first U.S. President whose birthday is in February
  3. A candy tastes _ _ _ _ _
  4. The things that a letter goes in
  5. The projectile that cupid shoots
  6. Something that you may have as a substitute for cake.
  7. What bees take pollen from
  8. A holiday about love in February
  9. An animal that has a holiday in February
  10. Another U.S. President whose birthday is in February
  11. A color associated with Valentines day
  1. Something that the groundhog may or may not see
  2. A sweet that you eat that is brown and can melt
  3. Something that you tell someone that they cannot share with anyone
  4. A sweet that can come in every color and is gummy
  5. Something that you eat that is sweet
  6. An emotion that you may feel for another
  7. The bond between you and someone else
  8. A shape that is associated with Valentines Day
  9. A red flower often given to your sweetheart at valentines day

20 Clues: A candy tastes _ _ _ _ _What bees take pollen fromThe things that a letter goes inThe projectile that cupid shootsA holiday about love in FebruarySomething that you eat that is sweetThe bond between you and someone elseA color associated with Valentines dayAn emotion that you may feel for anotherAn animal that has a holiday in February...

Valentines Day Crossword Puzzle 2023-01-22

Valentines Day Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Which pope started the Valentine's day tradition?
  2. Feeling associated with Valentines day?
  3. What is a common Valentines gift?
  4. What is the symbol for this day?
  5. What does the god of love shoot?
  6. Which Saint is the connected to this day?
  1. In what month is Valentines day?
  2. What do people do on Valentines day they go on a ...
  3. What is the name of the candy that are hearts with love messages on them?
  4. What day of the month is Valentines day?
  5. Common candy you would give on Valentines day?
  6. What is the god of love's name?

12 Clues: What is the god of love's name?In what month is Valentines day?What is the symbol for this day?What does the god of love shoot?What is a common Valentines gift?Feeling associated with Valentines day?What day of the month is Valentines day?Which Saint is the connected to this day?Common candy you would give on Valentines day?...

Toasty Thursday (on Friday) Valentine's Day Crossword 2021-02-12

Toasty Thursday (on Friday) Valentine's Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a symbol for valentines day
  2. the most popular flower for Valentine's Day
  3. a type of kiss
  4. the color often associated with Valentine's Day
  5. someone who gives you a gift but doesn't reveal their identity
  6. A common Valentine's Day treat
  7. a taste + a symbol
  8. the name of the arrow shooting baby
  9. a more expensive gift to give for valentines day
  10. Valentine's Day is one of the most common days to do this
  1. what you give your classmates on Valentine's Day in elementary school
  2. valentines day is all about
  3. a genre of writing that often rhymes and can be used to express love through words
  4. the month Valentine's Day is in
  5. Cupid shoots these at couples
  6. dinner and a movie
  7. a type of bird often associated with Valentine's Day
  8. someone you may give a rose to on Valentines day
  9. will you be my ___________?
  10. something you tie a gift up with

20 Clues: a type of kissdinner and a moviea taste + a symbola symbol for valentines dayvalentines day is all aboutwill you be my ___________?Cupid shoots these at couplesA common Valentine's Day treatthe month Valentine's Day is insomething you tie a gift up withthe name of the arrow shooting babythe most popular flower for Valentine's Day...

Valentines day 2023-01-27

Valentines day crossword puzzle
  1. this shows love
  2. people receive this on valentines day
  3. this is the day valentines day is celebrated
  4. he is the valentines day mascot
  5. people give this on valentines day
  1. what is the most common valentines color
  2. people make this connection a lot
  3. people give this to their significant others
  4. people also give this on valentines day
  5. this is the month Valentines day is
  6. one of the valentines day colors pink

11 Clues: this shows lovehe is the valentines day mascotpeople make this connection a lotpeople give this on valentines daythis is the month Valentines day ispeople receive this on valentines dayone of the valentines day colors pinkpeople also give this on valentines daywhat is the most common valentines colorpeople give this to their significant others...

Valentines 2022-01-23

Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. what is something you give out on Valentines day
  2. something that is in the air on valentines day
  3. what is red and the sign of love
  4. somewhere, where you take your partner
  5. something your bring your partner
  6. what is another name for Valentines
  1. is the most preferred candy on Valentines
  2. something you tell your female partner
  3. something you tell your male partner
  4. what is the color of valentine's day
  5. what is the name of the second month of the year
  6. what is another color of valentines day

12 Clues: what is red and the sign of lovesomething your bring your partnerwhat is another name for Valentinessomething you tell your male partnerwhat is the color of valentine's daysomething you tell your female partnersomewhere, where you take your partnerwhat is another color of valentines dayis the most preferred candy on Valentines...

Groundhog Day 2020-01-05

Groundhog Day crossword puzzle
  1. The symbol of love
  2. Hugs and Kisses
  3. Exchanged by couples along with gifts
  4. Couples go on one of these to celebrate
  5. Romans executed St. Valentine on February 14th because he defied the ban on this
  6. Cupid is the child of this roman goddess
  1. There are at least 36 million boxes of these sold on Valentines Day
  2. Valentines Day celebrates this
  3. A color associated with Valentines Day
  4. Popular flower given to loved ones on Valentines Day
  5. This Duke of Orleans wrote the first recorded Valentines in 1415
  6. Often written inside a card

12 Clues: Hugs and KissesThe symbol of loveOften written inside a cardValentines Day celebrates thisExchanged by couples along with giftsA color associated with Valentines DayCouples go on one of these to celebrateCupid is the child of this roman goddessPopular flower given to loved ones on Valentines Day...

Valentines day 2023-01-27

Valentines day crossword puzzle
  1. this shows love
  2. people receive this on valentines day
  3. this is the day valentines day is celebrated
  4. he is the valentines day mascot
  5. people give this on valentines day
  1. what is the most common valentines color
  2. people make this connection a lot
  3. people give this to their significant others
  4. people also give this on valentines day
  5. this is the month Valentines day is
  6. one of the valentines day colors pink

11 Clues: this shows lovehe is the valentines day mascotpeople make this connection a lotpeople give this on valentines daythis is the month Valentines day ispeople receive this on valentines dayone of the valentines day colors pinkpeople also give this on valentines daywhat is the most common valentines colorpeople give this to their significant others...

Valentines Day 2023-02-01

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. Popular fruit enjoyed covered in chocolate.
  2. Winged figure shoots arrows at people making them fall in love.
  3. _________ are red, violets are blue, Happy Valentines Day from me to you!
  4. Plush and fuzzy gift given on Valentines Day.
  1. The month Valentines Day is in.
  2. Be My ______________.
  3. Popular edible treat gifted on Valentines Day.
  4. Emotion tied to Valentines Day.
  5. Shape most frequently associated with Valentines Day also a vital organ.
  6. Color commonly associated with Valentines Day.

10 Clues: Be My ______________.The month Valentines Day is in.Emotion tied to Valentines Day.Popular fruit enjoyed covered in chocolate.Plush and fuzzy gift given on Valentines Day.Popular edible treat gifted on Valentines Day.Color commonly associated with Valentines Day.Winged figure shoots arrows at people making them fall in love....

Valentines Day 2023-02-01

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. Popular fruit enjoyed covered in chocolate.
  2. Winged figure shoots arrows at people making them fall in love.
  3. _________ are red, violets are blue, Happy Valentines Day from me to you!
  4. Plush and fuzzy gift given on Valentines Day.
  1. The month Valentines Day is in.
  2. Be My ______________.
  3. Popular edible treat gifted on Valentines Day.
  4. Emotion tied to Valentines Day.
  5. Shape most frequently associated with Valentines Day also a vital organ.
  6. Color commonly associated with Valentines Day.

10 Clues: Be My ______________.The month Valentines Day is in.Emotion tied to Valentines Day.Popular fruit enjoyed covered in chocolate.Plush and fuzzy gift given on Valentines Day.Popular edible treat gifted on Valentines Day.Color commonly associated with Valentines Day.Winged figure shoots arrows at people making them fall in love....

Valentines Day 2023-02-01

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. Popular fruit enjoyed covered in chocolate.
  2. Winged figure shoots arrows at people making them fall in love.
  3. _________ are red, violets are blue, Happy Valentines Day from me to you!
  4. Plush and fuzzy gift given on Valentines Day.
  1. The month Valentines Day is in.
  2. Be My ______________.
  3. Popular edible treat gifted on Valentines Day.
  4. Emotion tied to Valentines Day.
  5. Shape most frequently associated with Valentines Day also a vital organ.
  6. Color commonly associated with Valentines Day.

10 Clues: Be My ______________.The month Valentines Day is in.Emotion tied to Valentines Day.Popular fruit enjoyed covered in chocolate.Plush and fuzzy gift given on Valentines Day.Popular edible treat gifted on Valentines Day.Color commonly associated with Valentines Day.Winged figure shoots arrows at people making them fall in love....

Valentines Day 2024 2024-02-13

Valentines Day 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. The "O" in XOXO
  2. Common name for Agapornis bird
  3. Thousands of people send Valentines each year to this fictional character
  4. Most common flower given on the holiday
  5. Form of the oldest record of a valentine being sent
  6. Greek god inspiration for modern "Cupid"
  7. The Love Hormone
  8. A food, drink, or drug that stimulates sexual desire.
  9. The first______ box of chocolates was introduced in 1861
  1. The "X" in XOXO
  2. First greeting card company to go National
  3. Most added song on Spotify love-themed playlists (3 Wds)
  4. A couple from this country set the world record for longest continuous kiss which lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds
  5. Conversation hearts got their start as medical ______
  6. According to Goodreads, this is the top ranked romance novel of all time (3 wds)
  7. Number one recipient of Valentines
  8. Highest rated romance movie according to IMDB
  9. Mammal with the largest heart (2 Wds)
  10. Most common gift to give on Valentines Day
  11. Number of states that have a city named Valentine
  12. This invention was applied for a patent on Valentines Day 1876

21 Clues: The "X" in XOXOThe "O" in XOXOThe Love HormoneCommon name for Agapornis birdNumber one recipient of ValentinesMammal with the largest heart (2 Wds)Most common flower given on the holidayGreek god inspiration for modern "Cupid"First greeting card company to go NationalMost common gift to give on Valentines Day...

Valentines Day 2022-02-11

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. the candy of love
  2. the month of valentines
  3. a romantic appointment
  4. valentines color
  5. valentines shape
  1. the day of valentines
  2. a bouquet
  3. another valentines color
  4. popular flower of valentines

9 Clues: a bouquetvalentines colorvalentines shapethe candy of lovethe day of valentinesa romantic appointmentthe month of valentinesanother valentines colorpopular flower of valentines

Valentines Day 2024-02-15

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. gets shot at people to make them fall in love
  2. something you give to someone you care about
  3. a symbol of valentines day; being that makes people fall in love
  4. something you tell someone to make them feel happy
  5. a symbol of valentines day; an organ
  6. something you write to someone you care about
  7. a strong feeling you feel for someone you care about
  1. girl part of a couple
  2. something a couple does together
  3. a candy gift given on valentines day
  4. male part of a couple
  5. goddess of love
  6. day a day to celebrate love
  7. a type of flower that symbolizes love
  8. two people that go out on a date

15 Clues: goddess of lovegirl part of a couplemale part of a couplesomething a couple does togetherday a day to celebrate lovetwo people that go out on a datea candy gift given on valentines daya symbol of valentines day; an organa type of flower that symbolizes lovesomething you give to someone you care about...

Valentines Day 2024-02-15

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. gets shot at people to make them fall in love
  2. something you give to someone you care about
  3. a symbol of valentines day; being that makes people fall in love
  4. something you tell someone to make them feel happy
  5. a symbol of valentines day; an organ
  6. something you write to someone you care about
  7. a strong feeling you feel for someone you care about
  1. girl part of a couple
  2. something a couple does together
  3. a candy gift given on valentines day
  4. male part of a couple
  5. goddess of love
  6. day a day to celebrate love
  7. a type of flower that symbolizes love
  8. two people that go out on a date

15 Clues: goddess of lovegirl part of a couplemale part of a couplesomething a couple does togetherday a day to celebrate lovetwo people that go out on a datea candy gift given on valentines daya symbol of valentines day; an organa type of flower that symbolizes lovesomething you give to someone you care about...

February Crossword 2023-02-17

February Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Greek goddess of love
  2. The name of the Year with 29 Days
  3. The most common dinner on Valentines Day
  4. What do many people dip chocolate in
  5. Color associated with Valentines Day
  6. Symbol of Valentines Day
  1. What is a common treat given on Valentines Day
  2. Where do many couples go on Valentines Day
  3. Cards given to people on February 14th
  4. What Activity increases a persons heart rate to 170 bpm

10 Clues: Greek goddess of loveSymbol of Valentines DayThe name of the Year with 29 DaysWhat do many people dip chocolate inColor associated with Valentines DayCards given to people on February 14thThe most common dinner on Valentines DayWhere do many couples go on Valentines DayWhat is a common treat given on Valentines Day...

Valentines Day 2013-01-24

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. "Here! I made a ______ for you!"
  2. Made of cocoa
  3. _________ and boyfriend
  4. The color of your heart
  5. A stuffed animal you give your lover on Valentines Day
  6. The thing that beats inside your chest
  7. In "XOXOXOX," an X represents this action
  8. I _____ you
  1. "Love at first _____"
  2. The holiday for lovers
  3. The one who shoots arrows of love
  4. Valentine's Day falls on _______ 14
  5. "________ Valentines Day!"
  6. A piece of jewelry worn around the neck
  7. The most popular flower for valentines day
  8. In "XOXOXOX," an O represents this action

16 Clues: I _____ youMade of cocoa"Love at first _____"The holiday for lovers_________ and boyfriendThe color of your heart"________ Valentines Day!""Here! I made a ______ for you!"The one who shoots arrows of loveValentine's Day falls on _______ 14The thing that beats inside your chestA piece of jewelry worn around the neck...

valentines 2023-02-17

valentines crossword puzzle
  1. - “Life is like a box of _________”
  2. - “Will you marry me?”
  3. - Iconic shape of the day
  4. - Love______
  5. - Secret _______
  6. letters- To the person you secretly admirer
  7. - Jewelry that hangs
  8. - Two love birds make a heart
  9. - Your lover
  10. - Sweet treat
  11. - We exchange these.
  12. bear- Cuddly plush
  1. - Can be exchanged as a candy or not
  2. - Word of the day
  3. - Friend zoned again
  4. - Cupid’s weapon of love
  5. - Flower commonly given
  6. - Primary color of the day
  7. - “ I ____ You”!
  8. - Common present for that special someone
  9. - Time of the year
  10. - When you get rejected
  11. - Baby that loves to love

23 Clues: - Your lover- Love______- Word of the day- Sweet treatbear- Cuddly plush- Secret _______- Time of the year- “ I ____ You”!- Jewelry that hangs- We exchange these.- Friend zoned again- “Will you marry me?”- Cupid’s weapon of love- Flower commonly given- Iconic shape of the day...

Valentines 2024-01-23

Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. Symbol of love and affection
  2. Intense and ardent love or desire
  3. A collection of flowers, often given as a gift
  4. Classic flowers associated with love and passion
  5. Decorative material often used to tie gifts
  6. A romantic outing with a partner
  7. A sweet treat often given on Valentine's Day
  8. A gesture of affection involving the lips
  9. A tender and emotional feeling or attitude
  10. Infinite or everlasting love
  11. Soft, romantic lighting often used for special occasions
  12. A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner
  13. A gentle feeling of fondness and tenderness
  14. A strong commitment and dedication to a person or cause
  1. Soft spoken words of endearment
  2. To have deep affection and admiration for someone
  3. Expressive and artistic writing often associated with love
  4. A strong affection or deep romantic attachment
  5. The Roman god of love, often depicted with a bow and arrow
  6. Close friendship and partnership
  7. The feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love
  8. An embrace expressing warmth and affection
  9. Attractive qualities that captivate and delight
  10. French word for love
  11. To captivate or fill with delight and charm
  12. To hold dear and treasure with love
  13. A pleasing arrangement or combination, often in relationships
  14. A term of endearment for a loved one
  15. A long, intent look expressing affection or admiration
  16. Intense but short-lived passion or admiration

30 Clues: French word for loveSymbol of love and affectionInfinite or everlasting loveSoft spoken words of endearmentClose friendship and partnershipA romantic outing with a partnerIntense and ardent love or desireTo hold dear and treasure with loveA term of endearment for a loved oneA gesture of affection involving the lips...

Valentines 2021-01-31

Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. what is the date of valentines day
  2. The month of love
  3. the valentines day mascot who carries a bow and arrows
  4. something you give out on valentines day that may include a card and a small piece of candy
  1. a bunch of flowers that you may send to a loved one is called a ____
  2. what valentines day celebrates
  3. the symbol of valentines day
  4. a sweet treat that is often given as a gift for valentines day
  5. A dozen
  6. the color of love

10 Clues: A dozenThe month of lovethe color of lovethe symbol of valentines daywhat valentines day celebrateswhat is the date of valentines daythe valentines day mascot who carries a bow and arrowsa sweet treat that is often given as a gift for valentines daya bunch of flowers that you may send to a loved one is called a ____...

valentines 2019-02-07

valentines crossword puzzle
  1. Doing special things like flowers and going out on Valentine´s Day is _______ (adj.)
  2. A romantic partner who is a man (noun)
  3. A bunch of flowers (noun)
  4. When two people touch lips (verb)
  5. You put a card in an _______ (noun)
  6. A romantic partner who is a woman (noun)
  7. A holiday in February (name)
  8. A feeling of affection that we celebrate on Valentine´s Day (noun)
  9. Another word for a gift (noun)
  10. The month of Valentine´s Day (name)
  11. Valentine´s Day is on the _______ day of the moth (number)
  12. A shape (and body organ) that is a symbol of love and Valentine´s Day (noun)
  13. Beautiful colorfuol plants that you give as a special gift (noun)
  14. A person who is so in love that he/she loses their mind is _______ (adj.)
  15. White birds that symbolize love (noun)
  16. You can _______ a person, or a food, or a film... but it is not love (verb)
  17. A romantic flower (noun)
  18. A decorative note that you give on a special occasion (noun)
  19. Two people go out together on a romantic _______ (noun)
  1. A person who wants to love someone is ________ (adj.)
  2. The happy feeling of liking someone is _______ (noun)
  3. Sweets (noun)
  4. A color for Valentine´s Day (noun)
  5. The Greek god who makes people fall in love (name)
  6. You can show affection by giving someone a _______ and a kiss (noun)
  7. A sweet liquid food that is a name for someone you love (noun)
  8. Cupid has these two things (noun+noun)
  9. A brown sweet food (noun)
  10. Floating decorations filled with air (noun)
  11. You give a _______ to another person for a special occasion (noun)
  12. You can _______ a card to make it beautiful (verb)
  13. A color for Valentine´s Day (noun)
  14. A piece of writing made of verses (noun)
  15. To put your arms around someone (verb)
  16. A person you like, but not a boyfriend/girlfriend (noun)
  17. Totally in love (adj.)
  18. A special day, for example Valentine´s Day or Christmas (noun)

37 Clues: Sweets (noun)Totally in love (adj.)A romantic flower (noun)A bunch of flowers (noun)A brown sweet food (noun)A holiday in February (name)Another word for a gift (noun)When two people touch lips (verb)A color for Valentine´s Day (noun)A color for Valentine´s Day (noun)You put a card in an _______ (noun)The month of Valentine´s Day (name)...

Valentines 2024-01-25

Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. To protect and care for someone lovingly (Action)
  2. Showing or caused by strong feelings (Descriptive)
  3. Shot by Cupid to incite love (Symbol)
  4. A term of endearment for someone loved (Term)
  5. To regard with respect or warm approval (Action)
  6. Type of love idealized for its purity and beauty (Concept)
  7. A romantic meeting (Event)
  8. A collection of flowers, a common gift (Gift)
  9. Often given as a sweet treat (Gift)
  10. Roman god of love (Mythology)
  11. The color most associated with love (Color)
  1. A close association between two people (Relationship)
  2. Someone who expresses love anonymously (Role)
  3. Traditional Valentine's Day flowers (Gift)
  4. Often holds a love letter (Object)
  5. Common symbol of love (Symbol)
  6. The month when Valentine's Day is celebrated (Time)
  7. Often written expressions of love (Expression)
  8. A gentle feeling of fondness or liking (Feeling)
  9. A request for marriage, sometimes made on Valentine's Day (Event)

20 Clues: A romantic meeting (Event)Roman god of love (Mythology)Common symbol of love (Symbol)Often holds a love letter (Object)Often given as a sweet treat (Gift)Shot by Cupid to incite love (Symbol)Traditional Valentine's Day flowers (Gift)The color most associated with love (Color)Someone who expresses love anonymously (Role)...

Valentines Crossword 2022-02-02

Valentines Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. receive something from your secret ____________. (7)
  2. A bouquet of ____________. (7)
  3. ______and kisses. (4)
  4. wrapped up and tied with a bow. (7)
  5. Talneneisv. (anagram) (10)
  6. traditionally given to your Valentines. (4)
  7. a flower that comes in many colours but red represents love (4)
  1. A sweet treat made from cocoa. (9)
  2. the Greek goddess of love (9)
  3. you might do this into your pillow if you don't get a Valentines (3)
  4. the day in February we celebrate Valentines Day. (10)
  5. A type of bird associated with love. (4)
  6. Cupids weapon. (3)
  7. the shape that represents love (5)

14 Clues: Cupids weapon. (3)______and kisses. (4)Talneneisv. (anagram) (10)the Greek goddess of love (9)A bouquet of ____________. (7)A sweet treat made from cocoa. (9)the shape that represents love (5)wrapped up and tied with a bow. (7)A type of bird associated with love. (4)traditionally given to your Valentines. (4)...

Valentines 2018-02-14

Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. Which British coin is also known as a bob?
  2. How many legs does a spider have?
  3. How many rings make up the Olympic games symbol?
  4. Young frogs and toads.
  5. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? (two words)
  6. In which continent is the country of Egypt found?
  7. Which Greek God stole fire for mankind's benefit?
  8. What color of jersey is worn by the winners of each state of the Tour De France?
  9. How many holes on a golf course?
  10. Layer of earth and home of the Flintstones.
  11. What are Egyptian kings called?
  12. What color are emeralds?
  13. Peter Pan nemesis (two words)
  14. Who led a gang of merry men outlaws in Sherwood Forest in Nottingham, England?
  1. Which war ended in 1989? (three words)
  2. Arachnophobia is the fear of what?
  3. What is a group of lions called?
  4. Which famous ocean liner sank on her first voyage in 1912?
  5. Great Whites and Hammerheads are what type of animal?
  6. Name the only US state that starts with a P
  7. Scooby Doo and his friends travel around in which vehicle? (three words)
  8. Pooh's depressed friend.
  9. Which NBA player was known as "The Black Mamba" (two words)
  10. How many sides does a dodecagon have?
  11. What does cupid shoot?
  12. How many strings does a cello have?

26 Clues: Young frogs and toads.What does cupid shoot?Pooh's depressed friend.What color are emeralds?Peter Pan nemesis (two words)What are Egyptian kings called?What is a group of lions called?How many holes on a golf course?How many legs does a spider have?Arachnophobia is the fear of what?How many strings does a cello have?...

Valentines 2022-01-24

Valentines crossword puzzle
  1. People working together for a common goal
  2. Flowers for Valentine's Day?
  3. Piece of paper for Valentine's Day
  4. I will always love you singer
  5. Someone in life or business perhaps?
  6. Month when we first met
  7. Facecovering for a deep clean?
  8. - Easily broken, not so easily mended
  9. an intense feeling of deep affection
  10. Preferred drink for toasting
  11. .......ever after, a sentiment from fairy tales
  1. Name of the restaurant of our first date
  2. On and off more than a hookers drawers
  3. A Valentine colour?
  4. Apparently he needed sexual healing
  5. Love is all around according to this group!
  6. Closely guarded or an admirer perhaps?
  7. A Cherub with a bow and arrow?
  8. Tiny ceramics pieced together
  9. Transport to Santas
  10. A sweeet food or a pet name for your partner
  11. First name of our first concert together

22 Clues: A Valentine colour?Transport to SantasMonth when we first metFlowers for Valentine's Day?Preferred drink for toastingTiny ceramics pieced togetherI will always love you singerA Cherub with a bow and arrow?Facecovering for a deep clean?Piece of paper for Valentine's DayApparently he needed sexual healingSomeone in life or business perhaps?...