vocabulary Crossword Puzzles

Unit 4 vocabulary for Form 5 2021-01-10

Unit 4 vocabulary for Form 5 crossword puzzle
  1. vahetus
  2. õppeaine
  3. keskenduma
  4. ajalugu
  5. vormiriietus
  6. praktiline
  7. sääsk
  8. üle kordama
  9. sõnavara
  10. tähthaaval ütlema
  11. teadma
  12. nautima
  1. keeruline, raske
  2. järgi kordama
  3. range
  4. teadus
  5. harjutama
  6. puidutöö
  7. mõistma
  8. homme
  9. kohustuslik
  10. kontrollima

22 Clues: rangehommesääskteadusteadmavahetusajalugumõistmanautimaõppeainepuidutöösõnavaraharjutamakeskendumapraktilinekohustusliküle kordamakontrollimavormiriietusjärgi kordamakeeruline, rasketähthaaval ütlema

Summer 2018-09-16

Summer crossword puzzle
  1. üleöö
  2. narivoodi
  3. privaatselt
  4. terrass, platvorm
  5. moodne
  6. kuurort
  7. kellegagi arvestama
  8. vaidlema
  9. suplemine
  10. lahti riietuma
  11. tavaline
  1. akendeta
  2. aiakuur
  3. sõnavara
  4. vabatahtlikult töötama
  5. rööbas
  6. lamamistool
  7. hoiustama, ladustama
  8. masin
  9. vaade
  10. peamiselt
  11. ratas

22 Clues: üleöömasinvaaderatasrööbasmoodneaiakuurkuurortakendetasõnavaravaidlematavalinenarivoodipeamiseltsuplemineprivaatseltlamamistoollahti riietumaterrass, platvormkellegagi arvestamahoiustama, ladustamavabatahtlikult töötama

Classroom words pt 2 2024-09-27

Classroom words pt 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Bedömning
  2. Läxförhör
  3. öva,
  4. Uppgift
  5. Rast
  6. Förmåga
  7. Vänligt
  8. Sant
  1. Ordförråd
  2. Läxa
  3. Betyg
  4. Uppgift
  5. träna
  6. Nödvändigt
  7. Studera, plugga
  8. Lektion

16 Clues: Läxaöva,RastSantBetygtränaUppgiftUppgiftFörmågaLektionVänligtOrdförrådBedömningLäxförhörNödvändigtStudera, plugga

What's your favorite subject? 2016-02-09

What's your favorite subject? crossword puzzle
  1. rédaction
  2. vocabulaire
  3. conjugaison
  4. bibliothèque
  5. récréation
  6. lecture
  7. temps libre
  8. histoire
  9. grammaire
  1. ateliers
  2. littérature
  3. arts-visuels
  4. cantine
  5. étude
  6. poésie
  7. orthographe

16 Clues: étudepoésiecantinelectureateliershistoirerédactiongrammairerécréationlittératurevocabulaireconjugaisonorthographetemps librearts-visuelsbibliothèque

Skimming and Scanning 2021-10-29

Skimming and Scanning crossword puzzle
  1. scanning for _____ information
  2. reading to get details
  3. reading to get the main idea
  4. look for chances to practice English
  5. make objectives (2 words)
  6. letters are thicker and more noticable
  1. use new words in ____ every day
  2. make vocabulary ____
  3. letters appear slanted
  4. skimming for the _____ idea
  5. use clues to ____ the meaning of words
  6. keep a ____ notebook to learn new words

12 Clues: make vocabulary ____reading to get detailsletters appear slantedmake objectives (2 words)skimming for the _____ ideareading to get the main ideascanning for _____ informationuse new words in ____ every daylook for chances to practice Englishuse clues to ____ the meaning of wordsletters are thicker and more noticable...

English 2023-05-04

English crossword puzzle
  1. 2
  2. 7
  3. 6
  4. 11
  5. 10
  6. 5
  7. 4
  8. 12
  1. 3
  2. 8
  3. 13
  4. 15
  5. 9
  6. 1
  7. 14

15 Clues: 382796154131511101412

B1E 2025-02-13

B1E crossword puzzle
  1. donderdag
  2. chocolade
  3. eieren
  4. verven
  5. hoofdstuk
  6. Paashaas
  7. stapstenen
  8. grammatica
  1. Engels
  2. Pasen
  3. lente
  4. woordenschat
  5. vrij
  6. Krokusvakantie
  7. docent

15 Clues: vrijPasenlenteEngelseierenvervendocentPaashaasdonderdagchocoladehoofdstukstapstenengrammaticawoordenschatKrokusvakantie

English Vocabulary Hodgepodge and Chapter 8 and 9 Review 2016-11-22

English Vocabulary Hodgepodge and Chapter 8 and 9 Review crossword puzzle
  1. It is common in other countries for police officers to accept _____.
  2. Most swimmers have very _____ shoulders.
  3. The language you're focusing on in this class.
  4. Thanksgiving is always on this day of the week.
  5. the part of a plant that grows underground
  6. vocabulary word that means 'to try to find'
  7. vocabulary word that means 'to include'
  8. Police officers are in a position of _____.
  9. a bird that is traditionally eaten for Thanksgiving
  10. Exercise is an _____ way to help you lose weight.
  11. a typical Thanksgiving pie flavor
  12. vocabulary word that means 'short'
  13. something you're trying to achieve or something you aim to do
  1. to damage or rip something
  2. During a snowstorm, the lines on the road may not be _____.
  3. A popular pie people eat for Thanksgiving made with nuts.
  4. The man won an _____ amount of money playing the lottery.
  5. The current month.
  6. Sue quit dancing because she wasn't very _____.
  7. A man made of snow that children like to build.
  8. the number of days in the previous month
  9. The judge did not show _____ when he sentenced the terrorists to life in prison.
  10. The lady _____ the man of stealing her purse.
  11. a sport that many Americans watch on Thanksgiving Day

24 Clues: The current month.to damage or rip somethinga typical Thanksgiving pie flavorvocabulary word that means 'short'vocabulary word that means 'to include'Most swimmers have very _____ shoulders.the number of days in the previous monththe part of a plant that grows undergroundvocabulary word that means 'to try to find'...

the 7th grade 2024-11-18

the 7th grade crossword puzzle
  1. век
  2. таблица, стол
  3. словарь
  4. иностранный
  5. словарный запас
  1. занять
  2. родной
  3. развивать
  4. возможно, вероятно
  5. нести
  6. Латынь
  7. язык
  8. грамматика
  9. культура
  10. только, единственный
  11. даже
  12. звучать

17 Clues: векязыкдаженестизанятьроднойЛатыньсловарьзвучатькультураразвиватьграмматикаиностранныйтаблица, столсловарный запасвозможно, вероятнотолько, единственный

English Seniors English Literature First Monthly Test 2023-09-26

English Seniors English Literature First Monthly Test crossword puzzle
  1. People using two or more languages regularly.
  2. A variety of language that is unique in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.
  3. Improvised languages stripped of grammar.
  4. Judging something from another culture with reference to what is usual in your own culture.
  5. Circumstances that surround the writing and reading of a text.
  6. Places in the world where English is spoken.
  7. The act of importing words into one language from another culture's language.
  8. The concept that language determines what we are able to think.
  1. Language spoken by people who do not share a native language.
  2. The level of formality expressed through one's use of language.
  3. A person's unique use of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
  4. The words that one culture borrows and incorporates from another language.
  5. The process of cultures splitting off from each other, developing their use of language separately.
  6. Vocabulary and manner of speech that define and reflect a particular profession
  7. The value of a language

15 Clues: The value of a languageImprovised languages stripped of grammar.Places in the world where English is spoken.People using two or more languages regularly.Language spoken by people who do not share a native language.Circumstances that surround the writing and reading of a text.The level of formality expressed through one's use of language....

English-French Cognates 2023-08-24

English-French Cognates crossword puzzle
  1. suspect
  2. salad
  3. vocabulary
  4. absence
  5. effort
  6. ballet
  7. abundance
  8. complication
  9. academy
  10. history
  11. brillant
  12. professor
  13. evolution
  1. calculator
  2. alphabetical
  3. diligent
  4. information
  5. banquet
  6. dentist
  7. accident
  8. generous(m)
  9. education
  10. agile
  11. hotel
  12. accent

25 Clues: saladagilehoteleffortballetaccentsuspectabsencebanquetdentistacademyhistorydiligentaccidentbrillantabundanceeducationprofessorevolutioncalculatorvocabularyinformationgenerous(m)alphabeticalcomplication

La educación 2024-09-08

La educación crossword puzzle
  1. to-avoid
  2. to-help
  3. words
  4. to-learn
  5. to-work
  6. distractions
  7. to-know
  8. daily
  9. to-answer
  1. to-participate
  2. rules
  3. to-arrive
  4. vocabulary
  5. late
  6. to-get
  7. questions
  8. grades
  9. to-discuss
  10. homework
  11. to bring

20 Clues: lateruleswordsdailyto-getgradesto-helpto-workto-knowto-avoidto-learnhomeworkto bringto-arrivequestionsto-answervocabularyto-discussdistractionsto-participate

In the classroom 2019-09-14

In the classroom crossword puzzle
  1. ceruza
  2. angol
  3. ablak
  4. osztályterem
  5. tanár
  6. radír
  1. toll
  2. tanár
  3. ...book=füzet
  4. szék
  5. szótár
  6. ajtó
  7. diák
  8. pad,íróasztal
  9. tábla
  10. fiú

16 Clues: fiútollszékajtódiáktanárangolablaktáblatanárradírceruzaszótárosztályterem...book=füzetpad,íróasztal

6th Grade Science 2013-02-01

6th Grade Science crossword puzzle
  1. matter
  2. strength
  3. pulls
  4. speed
  5. push
  6. length
  7. steepness
  8. duration
  1. SI Units
  2. direction
  3. words
  4. rub
  5. movement
  6. scale
  7. distance

15 Clues: rubpushpullswordsspeedscalematterlengthSI Unitsstrengthmovementdistancedurationdirectionsteepness

Mfg 2023-03-16

Mfg crossword puzzle
  1. big gift
  2. she got…
  3. brother
  4. gift
  5. name
  6. town
  7. scary
  8. keys
  9. key to success
  1. feeling
  2. read
  3. bad thing
  4. swimming
  5. bad
  6. religion
  7. beliefs

16 Clues: badreadgiftnametownkeysscaryfeelingbrotherbeliefsbig giftshe got…swimmingreligionbad thingkey to success

Cuba 2022-05-13

Cuba crossword puzzle
  1. cut of all recourses from a place
  2. means foreigner
  3. the religion of Cuba
  4. means bottle but in cuban vocabulary its to give some one a ride
  5. a crisis that happen during war
  6. a longest river
  1. the first governor
  2. a country that is founded 1508
  3. the second longest river
  4. the most socialist political system
  5. the capital of Cuba
  6. is a slang word used in cuban vocabulary
  7. means ball but in cuba it means gossip

13 Clues: means foreignera longest riverthe first governorthe capital of Cubathe religion of Cubathe second longest rivera country that is founded 1508a crisis that happen during warcut of all recourses from a placethe most socialist political systemmeans ball but in cuba it means gossipis a slang word used in cuban vocabulary...

Lesson 1 Word Search 2023-03-29

Lesson 1 Word Search crossword puzzle
  1. 출력하다
  2. 친숙한
  3. ~에 빠지다
  4. 경기, 맞추다
  5. 후기, 복습
  6. 경우, 사례, 통
  7. 향상시키다
  8. 동기를 주다
  9. 외국의
  10. 게시하다
  1. 에 익숙하다
  2. 제안하다
  3. 어휘
  4. 공연하다,수행하다
  5. 번역하다
  6. 요구, 필수
  7. 자막
  8. 소셜미디어
  9. 추천하다
  10. 암기하다
  11. 완벽한

21 Clues: 어휘자막친숙한외국의완벽한제안하다출력하다번역하다추천하다암기하다게시하다소셜미디어향상시키다에 익숙하다요구, 필수~에 빠지다후기, 복습동기를 주다경기, 맞추다공연하다,수행하다경우, 사례, 통

Components of Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol 2023-06-10

Components of Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol crossword puzzle
  1. Comprehension _____ is the 3rd component
  2. Simplify without "watering down"material
  3. Dictionaries and ____ are spelling resources
  4. Encourage more ____ responses
  5. First component
  6. Use______ material
  7. Where vocabulary words can hang
  8. What is the acronym for this model?
  9. Students must be ____ for effective lesson delivery
  10. How the student will learn the content
  11. Verbal and Procedural ____ are important
  1. what the student will learn during the lesson
  2. Teachers must avoid these kind of words
  3. 4th Component
  4. Building Background is the ___ component
  5. Allow student ______
  6. Teachers must use ____ Speech
  7. 7th component
  8. Organizers to assist students
  9. Teachers must present and ____ key vocabulary
  10. 5th component
  11. Review and _____ is the 8th component
  12. How many Components are there?
  13. Must be quick enough to engage students but not too quick

24 Clues: 4th Component7th component5th componentFirst componentUse______ materialAllow student ______Encourage more ____ responsesTeachers must use ____ SpeechOrganizers to assist studentsHow many Components are there?Where vocabulary words can hangWhat is the acronym for this model?Review and _____ is the 8th componentHow the student will learn the content...

Vocabulary Week 1 2025-01-06

Vocabulary Week 1 crossword puzzle
  1. to keep, hold or remember
  2. idea or notion
  3. based on or influenced by
  4. the same meaning
  1. successful, useful, productive
  2. specific, particular
  3. situation surrounding, circumstance, condition
  4. list of terms or vocabulary (usually in back of a book
  5. terms or vocabulary
  6. the opposite meaning

10 Clues: idea or notionthe same meaningterms or vocabularyspecific, particularthe opposite meaningto keep, hold or rememberbased on or influenced bysuccessful, useful, productivesituation surrounding, circumstance, conditionlist of terms or vocabulary (usually in back of a book

languages 2013-06-10

languages crossword puzzle
  1. číst
  2. slovní zásoba
  3. cvičení
  4. učebnice
  5. jazyk
  6. plynule
  7. naťukat
  1. odpovídat
  2. tvořit
  3. výslovnost
  4. opakovat
  5. psát
  6. sešit
  7. ptát se
  8. úroveň

15 Clues: čístpsátsešitjazyktvořitúroveňcvičeníptát seplynulenaťukatopakovatučebniceodpovídatvýslovnostslovní zásoba

Understand of text 2025-01-12

Understand of text crossword puzzle
  1. Kosa kata
  2. Gambaran
  3. Umum
  4. Bagaimana
  5. Pertanyaan
  6. Focus title
  7. Lengkap
  8. Rinci
  1. Judul
  2. kesimpulan
  3. idea Ide pokok
  4. Tujuan
  5. Tertentu
  6. Focus question
  7. Berit
  8. Bacaan,wacana
  9. Hal Penting

17 Clues: UmumJudulBeritRinciTujuanLengkapGambaranTertentuKosa kataBagaimanakesimpulanPertanyaanFocus titleHal PentingBacaan,wacanaFocus questionidea Ide pokok

Words 2022-07-24

Words crossword puzzle
  1. поворот
  2. успешный
  3. велосипедист
  4. подготовка
  5. получать квалификацию
  6. архитектура
  7. лаборатория
  1. медицина
  2. квалификация
  3. строгий
  4. словарный запас
  5. закон
  6. психология
  7. доиться
  8. ходить (в школу)

15 Clues: законповоротстрогийдоитьсямедицинауспешныйподготовкапсихологияархитектуралабораторияквалификациявелосипедистсловарный запасходить (в школу)получать квалификацию

Year 5, Unit 1 2013-09-14

Year 5, Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. sõnavara
  2. nägu
  3. lehekülg
  4. tunniplaan
  5. eestlane, eesti keel
  6. vihkama
  7. rühm, grupp
  8. parvetamine
  9. sukelduma
  10. nöör, köis
  1. kammima, kamm
  2. koolipäev
  3. hea küll
  4. seiklus
  5. vihik
  6. ronimine
  7. mägi
  8. rumal
  9. pea või koolidirektor
  10. luuletus
  11. redel
  12. üks kord

22 Clues: nägumägivihikrumalredelseiklusvihkamahea küllsõnavaralehekülgronimineluuletusüks kordkoolipäevsukeldumatunniplaannöör, köisrühm, gruppparvetaminekammima, kammeestlane, eesti keelpea või koolidirektor

Jan - December review 2020-01-20

Jan - December review crossword puzzle
  1. морская черепаха
  2. сверстник
  3. устаревший
  4. Крещение
  5. словарный запас
  6. гуси
  7. барабан
  8. сериал
  9. служанка
  1. вносить вклад
  2. it's what you do with vitamins
  3. перечислять
  4. сухопутная черепаха
  5. трубка
  6. тысяча
  7. ряд
  8. сто
  9. *** a meal пропускать прием пищи
  10. груша
  11. лебедь

20 Clues: рядстогусигрушатрубкатысячасериаллебедьбарабанКрещениеслужанкасверстникустаревшийперечислятьвносить вкладсловарный запасморская черепахасухопутная черепахаit's what you do with vitamins*** a meal пропускать прием пищи

Rotation 7 Reshen 2023-03-21

Rotation 7 Reshen crossword puzzle
  1. Bathroom
  2. Drink water
  3. Warm-up
  4. New vocabulary
  5. Review
  6. You
  7. Practice
  1. Come in
  2. Write
  3. Read aloud
  4. Go out
  5. What does it mean?
  6. Person
  7. Chinese language
  8. Read
  9. Who
  10. Talk
  11. Where

18 Clues: WhoYouReadTalkWriteWhereGo outPersonReviewCome inWarm-upBathroomPracticeRead aloudDrink waterNew vocabularyChinese languageWhat does it mean?

Module two crossword puzzle 2024-10-22

Module two crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Adding extra sounds in words, like "Simith" for "Smith."
  2. A word placed before a verb to indicate time or meaning, such as "does" in "does teach" to signal present tense and regularity in Caribbean Creoles.
  3. A language with European-derived vocabulary but non-European grammar, like St. Lucian Kwéyòl.
  4. The everyday language used by people within a community or region.
  5. Switching between different language forms, like from Standard English to Creole, within a conversation.
  6. A person's unique way of speaking or writing, shaped by pronunciation, vocabulary, and sentence structure.
  7. A regional or social variation of a language, with unique vocabulary and pronunciation. Caribbean Creole includes several dialects, like Jamaican and Bajan.
  8. Dropping an unstressed initial vowel in words, such as "spector" for "inspector."
  9. A language that combines English vocabulary with grammar from other languages, arising from oppression and cultural blending.
  10. Different levels of language formality used in different situations, from formal to casual.
  11. A person's first language learned in childhood, also called native or family language.
  1. A language used globally for communication between speakers of different native languages, such as English, Spanish, or French.
  2. Phrases with figurative meanings, like "raining cats and dogs" or Caribbean Creole's "to kiss/suck teeth.”
  3. A native language formed by people who need to communicate but don't share a common language.
  4. Everyday speech that shows Creole influences, used regularly in certain communities.
  5. A structured system for expressing ideas, including dialects and variations. Languages can be international, official, or belong to language families.
  6. where sounds or letters in a word are rearranged, such as "aks" for "ask," "flim" for "film," or "cripsy" for "crispy."
  7. A standardized form of English used across the Caribbean for formal matters, mutually understandable across the region
  8. Non-verbal expressions that convey emotions, beliefs, or identity.
  9. A digital representation, such as a name or icon, that uniquely identifies a person or entity.
  10. The most prestigious dialect used for education and formal matters

21 Clues: Adding extra sounds in words, like "Simith" for "Smith."The everyday language used by people within a community or region.Non-verbal expressions that convey emotions, beliefs, or identity.The most prestigious dialect used for education and formal mattersDropping an unstressed initial vowel in words, such as "spector" for "inspector."...

Curious Incident Crossword 2019-05-03

Curious Incident Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. doubtful in authenticity or possibly untrue
  2. to be against God or to be highly offensive
  3. something that is reversed in order or action
  4. unwilling to take risks
  5. a departure from the purpose or main point of something
  6. one game we played to review vocabulary
  7. another game we played to review vocabulary
  8. to disfigure the appearance of
  1. characterized by extreme anger
  2. of or relating to multiple ethnicities or cultures
  3. extreme exhaustion
  4. to be unimportant or insignificant
  5. the action of making a false statement about someone
  6. a continuing sound or ring

14 Clues: extreme exhaustionunwilling to take risksa continuing sound or ringcharacterized by extreme angerto disfigure the appearance ofto be unimportant or insignificantone game we played to review vocabularydoubtful in authenticity or possibly untrueto be against God or to be highly offensiveanother game we played to review vocabulary...

Words 2022-07-24

Words crossword puzzle
  1. архитектура
  2. психология
  3. доиться
  4. получать квалификацию
  5. медицина
  6. ходить (в школу)
  7. строгий
  8. лаборатория
  1. словарный запас
  2. успешный
  3. закон
  4. велосипедист
  5. подготовка
  6. квалификация
  7. поворот

15 Clues: закондоитьсястрогийповоротуспешныймедицинапсихологияподготовкаархитектуралабораториявелосипедистквалификациясловарный запасходить (в школу)получать квалификацию

Words 2022-07-24

Words crossword puzzle
  1. поворот
  2. успешный
  3. велосипедист
  4. подготовка
  5. получать квалификацию
  6. архитектура
  7. лаборатория
  1. медицина
  2. квалификация
  3. строгий
  4. словарный запас
  5. закон
  6. психология
  7. доиться
  8. ходить (в школу)

15 Clues: законповоротстрогийдоитьсямедицинауспешныйподготовкапсихологияархитектуралабораторияквалификациявелосипедистсловарный запасходить (в школу)получать квалификацию

Morphemes! 2023-10-04

Morphemes! crossword puzzle
  1. A suffix indicating past tense
  2. A Latin root word meaning "to see or look"
  3. A Latin root word meaning "to carry"
  4. To look into (vocabulary word)
  1. To carry out of a place (vocabulary word)
  2. One who looks (vocabulary word)
  3. A prefix meaning "across"
  4. A prefix meaning "out of"

8 Clues: A prefix meaning "across"A prefix meaning "out of"A suffix indicating past tenseTo look into (vocabulary word)One who looks (vocabulary word)A Latin root word meaning "to carry"To carry out of a place (vocabulary word)A Latin root word meaning "to see or look"

Voc unit 0 and 1 2024-10-06

Voc unit 0 and 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Vocabulaire
  2. Les vacances
  3. Langues
  4. Savoir
  5. Faire du ski
  6. Erreur
  7. Lecture
  8. Locuteur
  1. Passion
  2. Apprendre
  3. Espagnol
  4. Aller
  5. Ecriture
  6. Chinois
  7. Parler

15 Clues: AllerSavoirParlerErreurPassionLanguesChinoisLectureEspagnolEcritureLocuteurApprendreVocabulaireLes vacancesFaire du ski

Cuba 2022-05-13

Cuba crossword puzzle
  1. cut of all recourses from a place
  2. means foreigner
  3. the religion of Cuba
  4. means bottle but in cuban vocabulary its to give some one a ride
  5. a crisis that happen during war
  6. a longest river
  1. the first governor
  2. a country that is founded 1508
  3. the second longest river
  4. the most socialist political system
  5. the capital of Cuba
  6. is a slang word used in cuban vocabulary
  7. means ball but in cuba it means gossip

13 Clues: means foreignera longest riverthe first governorthe capital of Cubathe religion of Cubathe second longest rivera country that is founded 1508a crisis that happen during warcut of all recourses from a placethe most socialist political systemmeans ball but in cuba it means gossipis a slang word used in cuban vocabulary...

Language Therapy 2013-10-22

Language Therapy crossword puzzle
  1. The type of therapy used for clients who routinely use verbal expression as their primary mode of communication.
  2. Expansion of the child’s utterances, plus an additional unit of information.
  3. The appropriate use of language in context.
  4. Understanding and use of the smallest meaning units in language.
  5. Study of the sound system associated with language.
  6. __________ a child to his/her environment during indirect therapy.
  7. A language skill allowing one to express concepts and vocabulary.
  8. Expansion, extension and recasting are techniques often used in ____________ therapy sessions.
  9. when the clinician describes what he or she is doing while the client watches the clinician.
  1. Always select age-appropriate __________ in language therapy.
  2. Rules governing the order of words in a sentence.
  3. Adding a word or two for grammatical correctness.
  4. when the clinician describes/comments on what the child is doing.
  5. A language skill allowing one to understand concepts and vocabulary.
  6. Changes the child’s utterance into a different type of utterance.
  7. Concepts, vocabulary, relationships, event, and so forth relate to an object, idea person or place.
  8. ___________therapy is often used with young children and nonverbal clients, including those who occasionally say one utterance.

17 Clues: The appropriate use of language in context.Rules governing the order of words in a sentence.Adding a word or two for grammatical correctness.Study of the sound system associated with language.Always select age-appropriate __________ in language therapy.Understanding and use of the smallest meaning units in language....

Rap Vocabulary 2023-04-13

Rap Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. This vocabulary word means a set of words meant to be sung.
  2. This is the person who releases a song for the artist.
  3. This is where music artists make music.
  4. This word means to make and release something.
  5. This is the person who sings the rap music.
  6. This word means to speak lyrics.
  7. This is someone who supports an artist.
  8. This is where music artists perform in concerts.
  9. This vocabulary word means a collection of songs.
  10. This is what makes an artists voice sound different.
  1. This word means to move in a fun way.
  2. This person isn't always apart of a artists crew, though if they are hired, they write the lyrics for someone else to sing.
  3. This is a representation of an artist.
  4. This is what you earn when working, you also buy stuff with this.
  5. This is an event that music artists host where they perform songs.
  6. This is a group of people who work together to make a brand and get money out of it.
  7. This is someone who protects an artist and makes investments to keep their brand alive.
  8. This is the music that plays behind the lyrics of a song.
  9. This person takes care whoever is making the music.
  10. This vocabulary means a word or more in a song.

20 Clues: This word means to speak lyrics.This word means to move in a fun way.This is a representation of an artist.This is where music artists make music.This is someone who supports an artist.This is the person who sings the rap music.This word means to make and release something.This vocabulary means a word or more in a song....

ILE 3 Unit 1 2013-09-11

ILE 3 Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. ujuma
  2. sõnavara
  3. luuletus
  4. köis, nöör
  5. tunniplaan
  6. lehekülg
  7. nägu
  8. õppetükk, õppeühik
  1. rumal, nõme
  2. sukelduma
  3. koolipäev
  4. seiklus
  5. vihik, märkmik
  6. ronimine
  7. hea küll

15 Clues: näguujumaseiklussõnavaraluuletusroniminehea külllehekülgsukeldumakoolipäevköis, nöörtunniplaanrumal, nõmevihik, märkmikõppetükk, õppeühik

Spanish and English Cognates 2021-11-16

Spanish and English Cognates crossword puzzle
  1. Glosario
  2. Aniversario
  3. Académico
  4. Biography
  5. Vocabulario
  6. Aventura
  7. Clásico
  8. Conflicto
  1. Trágico
  2. Misterioso
  3. Electrónico
  4. Historia
  5. Exclamar

13 Clues: TrágicoClásicoGlosarioHistoriaExclamarAventuraAcadémicoBiographyConflictoMisteriosoAniversarioElectrónicoVocabulario

Spanish and English Cognates 2024-07-02

Spanish and English Cognates crossword puzzle
  1. Glosario
  2. Aniversario
  3. Académico
  4. Biography
  5. Vocabulario
  6. Aventura
  7. Clásico
  8. Conflicto
  1. Trágico
  2. Misterioso
  3. Electrónico
  4. Historia
  5. Exclamar

13 Clues: TrágicoClásicoGlosarioHistoriaExclamarAventuraAcadémicoBiographyConflictoMisteriosoAniversarioElectrónicoVocabulario

Unstoppable rise of American English 2018-01-30

Unstoppable rise of American English crossword puzzle
  1. blazer
  2. opfindsom
  3. citationstegn
  4. datid
  5. konkurrence
  6. tegnsætning
  7. blåbær
  1. ubegrundet
  2. udvikle sig
  3. udråbstegn
  4. kæmpe
  5. stavning
  6. ordforråd
  7. forøge

14 Clues: kæmpedatidblazerforøgeblåbærstavningopfindsomordforrådubegrundetudråbstegnudvikle sigkonkurrencetegnsætningcitationstegn

Unit Two Review 2023-11-13

Unit Two Review crossword puzzle
  1. An example of a memoir
  2. A vocabulary word meaning to analyze
  3. Poetic language where a writer chooses specific words to include over others
  4. The central message of a story
  5. The central idea of an argument
  6. Interview With John Lewis is an example of what type of text/media
  7. Author of I Have A Dream
  8. A literary device where a writer uses clues to hint at future events
  9. At Langely Research Center, the female mathematicians were called ____________.
  10. The _________ reflects why the author wrote a text
  11. A vocabulary word meaning unhappy or lonely
  12. How an author thinks or feels about a subject
  13. Authors use _______ to support their claim
  14. A vocabulary word meaning to cause freedom or salvation
  15. The time and place a story is set
  16. An example of a graphic novel
  17. Questions that do not require or expect an answer
  1. Author of Hidden Figures
  2. A literary device where a commonly used expression means something different than the literal meaning of its words
  3. Poetic language where the author deliberately makes a subject seem less important
  4. A word meaning the suppression or prohibition of materials deemed politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
  5. Hidden Figures is an example of what type of text
  6. An African American figure that was fictionalized in Booker T. & W.E.B. Advocated for equal treatment of African Americans
  7. Words that appeal to the reader's five senses to help them picture what is happening in the text
  8. A vocabulary word meaning to create in a controlled setting
  9. The setting of Reading Lolita in Tehran
  10. A part of speech that takes the place of a noun or pronoun
  11. A short story where the main character ironically becomes consumed by his job
  12. A literary device where something happens that is the opposite of what one would expect
  13. Rhetorical device that repeats the same word or phrase for emphasis
  14. A type of text that tells a story or conveys information in a series of frames that show action, along with narrative text
  15. Main Character in The Censors
  16. Punctuation that is used in writing to introduce a list
  17. A vocabulary word that means to assign or designate
  18. An informed guess without prior knowledge
  19. The main character in Reading Lolita in Tehran
  20. Rhetorical device that uses similar grammatical structures to express related or equally important ideas
  21. I Have A Dream is an example of what type of writing

38 Clues: An example of a memoirAuthor of Hidden FiguresAuthor of I Have A DreamMain Character in The CensorsAn example of a graphic novelThe central message of a storyThe central idea of an argumentThe time and place a story is setA vocabulary word meaning to analyzeThe setting of Reading Lolita in TehranAn informed guess without prior knowledge...

Vocabulary 115-118 2023-03-24

Vocabulary 115-118 crossword puzzle
  1. richtig/korrekt
  2. gesteuerte Übung
  3. etw (richtig) schreiben
  4. Unterhaltung
  5. Rechnung
  6. Verstehen
  7. Lücke
  8. verpflichtend
  9. (jdn/etw) igonieren
  10. Lücke im Text
  1. Zusammenfassung
  2. Dialog
  3. Übersicht
  4. die Naturwissenschaften
  5. Rechtschreibung
  6. Biologie
  7. Wortschatz
  8. Aufmerksamkeit
  9. (etw) verlangen
  10. Muster
  11. Summe
  12. Hausaufgaben

22 Clues: SummeLückeDialogMusterBiologieRechnungÜbersichtVerstehenWortschatzUnterhaltungHausaufgabenverpflichtendLücke im TextAufmerksamkeitZusammenfassungrichtig/korrektRechtschreibung(etw) verlangengesteuerte Übung(jdn/etw) igonierendie Naturwissenschaftenetw (richtig) schreiben

Laser B1 U1 WB 2020-03-20

Laser B1 U1 WB crossword puzzle
  1. świadectwo
  2. różnica
  3. uwaga
  4. słownictwo
  5. zadanie
  6. samokształcenie
  7. powtórzenie
  8. przeszkadzać
  1. zawracać głowę
  2. udany
  3. popsuć, rozpieszczać
  4. wrażenie
  5. wierzący
  6. zdumiony

14 Clues: udanyuwagaróżnicazadaniewrażeniewierzącyzdumionyświadectwosłownictwopowtórzenieprzeszkadzaćzawracać głowęsamokształceniepopsuć, rozpieszczać

Vocabulary Review 17.05.23 2023-05-16

Vocabulary Review 17.05.23 crossword puzzle
  1. a safety _____ is worn around the waist and thighs to attach to the climbing rope.
  2. Nerve _____ Causing extreme anxiety or tension
  3. Without the proper clothing for icy conditions, the expedition was ______ from the start
  4. a piece of equipment you might use to climb a mountain
  5. From our unit vocabulary. when he reached the top of the mountain, he was _________
  1. hair ____. Terrifying or frightening
  2. Hang loosely
  3. From our unit vocabulary. All ______ mountain climbers must undergo 2 days of training
  4. gather together loosely
  5. From our unit vocabulary. Climbing Mt. Everest was his life's ______

10 Clues: Hang looselygather together looselyhair ____. Terrifying or frighteningNerve _____ Causing extreme anxiety or tensiona piece of equipment you might use to climb a mountainFrom our unit vocabulary. Climbing Mt. Everest was his life's ______a safety _____ is worn around the waist and thighs to attach to the climbing rope....

Chores & commands 2023-09-28

Chores & commands crossword puzzle
  1. Speak in Spanish!
  2. Vacuum the rug! (Pass the vaccuum on the rug!)
  3. Play in the yard!
  4. Put the dishes in the dishwasher!
  5. Read the book!
  6. Feed the pets!
  7. Study the vocabulary!
  8. Set the table!
  9. Take out the trash!
  10. Come to the party!
  11. Clean the toilet!
  12. Wash the clothes!
  13. Water the plants!
  14. Think!
  15. Close the door!
  1. Make the bed!
  2. Put the phone in the backpack!
  3. Sweep the floor!
  4. Open the window!
  5. Say the vocabulary in Spanish!
  6. Do the homework!
  7. Cut the grass!
  8. Sleep on the sofa!
  9. Serve the tacos!
  10. Go to Spanish class!
  11. Have lunch in the cafeteria!
  12. Wash the dishes!
  13. Hurry up! (use a tener phrase for to hurry)
  14. Eat in the dining room!
  15. Clear the table!

30 Clues: Think!Make the bed!Cut the grass!Read the book!Feed the pets!Set the table!Close the door!Sweep the floor!Open the window!Do the homework!Serve the tacos!Wash the dishes!Clear the table!Speak in Spanish!Play in the yard!Clean the toilet!Wash the clothes!Water the plants!Sleep on the sofa!Come to the party!Take out the trash!Go to Spanish class!...

Rap Vocabulary 2023-04-13

Rap Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. This word means to speak lyrics.
  2. This vocabulary word means a collection of songs.
  3. This is someone who protects an artist and makes investments to keep their brand alive.
  4. This is someone who supports an artist.
  5. This is an event that music artists host where they perform songs.
  6. This vocabulary means a word or more in a song.
  7. This is what you earn when working, you also buy stuff with this.
  8. This is where music artists make music.
  9. This is a representation of an artist.
  10. This is a group of people who work together to make a brand and get money out of it.
  11. This person isn't always apart of a artists crew, though if they are hired, they write the lyrics for someone else to sing.
  1. This is what makes an artists voice sound different.
  2. This is where music artists perform in concerts.
  3. This is the person who sings the rap music.
  4. This vocabulary word means a set of words meant to be sung.
  5. This word means to make and release something.
  6. This is the music that plays behind the lyrics of a song.
  7. This person takes care whoever is making the music.
  8. This word means to move in a fun way.
  9. This is the person who releases a song for the artist.

20 Clues: This word means to speak lyrics.This word means to move in a fun way.This is a representation of an artist.This is someone who supports an artist.This is where music artists make music.This is the person who sings the rap music.This word means to make and release something.This vocabulary means a word or more in a song....

Maori stuff 2017-10-30

Maori stuff crossword puzzle
  1. excellence
  2. the best roopu
  3. jump
  4. running
  5. walking
  6. dance
  7. skip
  1. god
  2. gosh
  3. stomp
  4. clap
  5. yum suff
  6. turn around
  7. ono
  8. vocabulary

15 Clues: godonogoshjumpclapskipstompdancerunningwalkingyum suffexcellencevocabularyturn aroundthe best roopu

Etymology and Origins 2024-11-24

Etymology and Origins crossword puzzle
  1. The set of letters used to write a language.
  2. A word borrowed from another language.
  3. Words that have a common origin.
  4. The core part of a word to which affixes are added.
  5. The study of word meaning.
  6. To change in form.
  7. Referring to the earliest form of a language.
  8. Regional variations of a language.
  9. A major source of English vocabulary.
  1. A word from which another word descends.
  2. A language's vocabulary.
  3. The study of word origins.
  4. Added at the end of a word.
  5. The base part of a word.
  6. A word form that no longer changes.
  7. Added at the start of a word.

16 Clues: To change in form.A language's vocabulary.The base part of a word.The study of word origins.The study of word meaning.Added at the end of a word.Added at the start of a word.Words that have a common origin.Regional variations of a language.A word form that no longer changes.A major source of English vocabulary.A word borrowed from another language....

Name: _____________ 2024-11-13

Name: _____________ crossword puzzle
  1. Mr. B’s lore is so deep and complex that it's completely _.
  2. After finishing, the student felt a twinge of _ for not studying more.
  3. By some stroke of _, Mr. B was distracted and forgot to hand out the test today.
  4. The vocabulary test looked _ — it was 1,000 questions long with no breaks allowed.
  5. Brianna was _ with her notes, scattering pages everywhere right before the test.
  6. Mr. B said he wouldn’t _ us if we didn’t know all the vocabulary.
  7. We had to _ from our minds every fact about vocabulary we’d ever heard to get through Mr. B’s test.
  1. "If anyone can beat me in a vocabulary duel, I will _ my position as teacher!”
  2. Mindy gave an _ response about the lore of Skibidi Toilet that left the class wanting to hear more.
  3. The test included a _ section where students had to count how many Spongebob's were on the board.
  4. To _ the class panic, Sir Jonathan promised there’d be no trick questions (but we weren’t so sure).
  5. “I'd rather _ the meaning of life than take this test” said the #deep student.
  6. A rumor spread that Mr. B would _ any and all Costco Guys content.
  7. The only _ in the class who didn’t stress over the test was Theo, who laughed in Mr. B's face and put his feet up on the table.
  8. If you write anything silly, Sir Jonathan will _ it from the test with his famous red pen or magic eraser.
  9. After the test ended, there was an _ of students fleeing the classroom.

16 Clues: Mr. B’s lore is so deep and complex that it's completely _.Mr. B said he wouldn’t _ us if we didn’t know all the vocabulary.A rumor spread that Mr. B would _ any and all Costco Guys content.After finishing, the student felt a twinge of _ for not studying more.After the test ended, there was an _ of students fleeing the classroom....

Vocab #9 Review - Evan 2023-05-10

Vocab #9 Review - Evan crossword puzzle
  1. He was ________ with his book.
  2. I __________ that author's purpose is a weird vocabulary word.
  3. He ___________ the impact.
  4. The native Americans experienced ___________.
  5. There was enough _______ evidence to convict the man.
  6. One of the vocabulary words is __________ __________.
  7. The teacher asked what __________ the story was written from.
  8. Wikapedia is not a _________ source.
  9. His __________ did not persuade the people witnessing the debate.
  1. Some people are _______ to their religion.
  2. The military could be considered a _______ of the government.
  3. We had to __________ on our paper.
  4. People like to experience other people's __________.
  5. He was ___________ with the food.
  6. Sometimes you have to make an __________ about an story.
  7. It's usually not good to act on _______.
  8. He felt ________.

17 Clues: He felt ________.He ___________ the impact.He was ________ with his book.He was ___________ with the food.We had to __________ on our paper.Wikapedia is not a _________ source.It's usually not good to act on _______.Some people are _______ to their religion.The native Americans experienced ___________....

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 2024-05-02

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner crossword puzzle
  1. name of woman who won the dice game
  2. a form of water
  3. last name of author
  4. harsh, oppressive(see page 579 vocabulary)
  5. is a type of bird
  1. gloomy(see page 579 vocabulary)
  2. the name of sailor in story
  3. last word in poem
  4. evenings(see page 584)
  5. weapon used to kill the bird
  6. name of the ocean in story
  7. type of poetry(see page 578)

12 Clues: a form of waterlast word in poemis a type of birdlast name of authorevenings(see page 584)name of the ocean in storythe name of sailor in storyweapon used to kill the birdtype of poetry(see page 578)gloomy(see page 579 vocabulary)name of woman who won the dice gameharsh, oppressive(see page 579 vocabulary)

Spanish Cognates 2022-12-13

Spanish Cognates crossword puzzle
  1. musica
  2. insecto
  3. dinosaurio
  4. religiòn
  5. regular
  6. diferente
  7. televisiòn
  8. vocabulario
  9. accidente
  10. mapa
  11. adulto
  12. autógrafo
  13. actor
  14. profesor
  15. carro
  1. family
  2. micròfono
  3. desastre
  4. producto
  5. interesante
  6. normal
  7. publico
  8. bàsico
  9. artista
  10. elefante
  11. enorme
  12. animal

27 Clues: mapaactorcarrofamilymusicanormalbàsicoenormeadultoanimalinsectopublicoregularartistadesastreproductoreligiònelefanteprofesormicròfonodiferenteaccidenteautógrafodinosauriotelevisiòninteresantevocabulario

crossword 41 2018-07-17

crossword 41 crossword puzzle
  1. on
  2. read
  3. subject
  4. signal words
  5. look
  6. make
  7. tell
  8. students
  9. information
  10. another, other
  11. something
  12. that
  13. via, through
  14. that
  1. about
  2. a
  3. the
  4. vocabulary
  5. central government
  6. important
  7. take
  8. short
  9. next
  10. lesson, class
  11. exercise
  12. find

26 Clues: aonthereadtakelookmakenexttellfindthatthataboutshortsubjectexercisestudentsimportantsomethingvocabularyinformationsignal wordsvia, throughlesson, classanother, othercentral government

naema 2024-05-17

naema crossword puzzle
  1. to draw
  2. to play
  3. park
  4. french
  5. vampire
  6. school
  7. to eat
  8. to hate
  9. english
  10. to watch
  11. to sleep
  12. to like
  1. vocabulary
  2. to listen
  3. to sing
  4. to dance
  5. to read
  6. to write
  7. to study
  8. to love

20 Clues: parkfrenchschoolto eatto drawto playto singvampireto readto hateenglishto loveto liketo danceto writeto watchto studyto sleepto listenvocabulary

Curious Incident Crossword 2019-05-03

Curious Incident Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to be against God or to be highly offensive
  2. a continuing sound or ring
  3. a departure from the purpose or main point of something
  4. unwilling to take risks
  5. doubtful in authenticity or possibly untrue
  6. the action of making a false statement about someone
  7. something that is reversed in order or action
  8. extreme exhaustion
  1. to disfigure the appearance of
  2. characterized by extreme anger
  3. to be unimportant or insignificant
  4. of or relating to multiple ethnicities or cultures
  5. one game we played to review vocabulary
  6. another game we played to review vocabulary

14 Clues: extreme exhaustionunwilling to take risksa continuing sound or ringto disfigure the appearance ofcharacterized by extreme angerto be unimportant or insignificantone game we played to review vocabularyto be against God or to be highly offensiveanother game we played to review vocabularydoubtful in authenticity or possibly untrue...

Unit 19 2013-10-23

Unit 19 crossword puzzle
  1. - promarnit čas
  2. -zjevně, evidentně
  3. - bohužel
  4. - chyba, omyl
  5. - upustit
  6. - slovní zásoba
  7. - naštvaný
  8. - objednat
  1. - předchozí
  2. - manželský pár
  3. - pevně, rozhodně
  4. - předem
  5. - spokojený
  6. - práce na částečný úvazek
  7. - vrátit peníze
  8. - dovolit si
  9. - obviňovat
  10. - řádný
  11. - zákazník

19 Clues: - řádný- předem- bohužel- upustit- zákazník- naštvaný- objednat- předchozí- spokojený- obviňovat- dovolit si- chyba, omyl- manželský pár- promarnit čas- vrátit peníze- slovní zásoba- pevně, rozhodně-zjevně, evidentně- práce na částečný úvazek

CROSSWORD 3 2021-02-24

CROSSWORD 3 crossword puzzle
  1. widgets
  2. vocabulary
  3. internet
  4. behave
  1. electronic
  2. article
  3. cambridge

7 Clues: behavewidgetsarticleinternetcambridgeelectronicvocabulary

Six Week Review Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-23

Six Week Review Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. name of the people from Scandinavia that raided
  2. exaggeration (type of figurative language)
  3. name of the first cobra that Rikki killed
  4. apostle that betrayed Jesus
  5. the first emperor of Rome
  6. friendly dog killed by huskies
  7. affix that means "all"
  8. language of the Romans
  9. a comparison using LIKE or AS
  10. name of the little boy that found Rikki
  11. human qualities to something not human
  1. European country that looks like a boot
  2. affix that means "half"
  3. leader of the Catholic Church
  4. 100 years
  5. Buck's first owner
  6. affix that means "four"
  7. to call someone over using your hand
  8. first major kingdom/empire after the Romans
  9. Buck's antagonist in our novel
  10. to compete (vocabulary word)
  11. last name of author of The Call of the Wild
  12. in disguise (vocabulary word)

23 Clues: 100 yearsBuck's first owneraffix that means "all"language of the Romansaffix that means "half"affix that means "four"the first emperor of Romeapostle that betrayed Jesusto compete (vocabulary word)leader of the Catholic Churcha comparison using LIKE or ASin disguise (vocabulary word)Buck's antagonist in our novelfriendly dog killed by huskies...

Vocabulary p.139 + 148 2020-07-07

Vocabulary p.139 + 148 crossword puzzle
  1. annehmen; voraussetzen
  2. Blindenhund
  3. still
  4. Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt
  5. belauschen; zufällig mit anhören
  6. Haferbrei
  7. Erzähler(in)
  8. verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
  9. zusammenfassen
  10. Examen; Prüfung
  11. mündlich
  1. Verpflichtung
  2. benachteiligt
  3. entweder.. oder
  4. neulich
  5. Gärtner(in)
  6. gucken; spähen
  7. Vokabular; Wortschatz
  8. Volk
  9. stolz auf
  10. (Warte-)Schlange

21 Clues: Volkstillneulichmündlichstolz aufHaferbreiBlindenhundGärtner(in)Erzähler(in)Verpflichtungbenachteiligtgucken; spähenzusammenfassenentweder.. oderExamen; Prüfung(Warte-)SchlangeVokabular; Wortschatzannehmen; voraussetzenSchmerzgrenze; kritischer Punktbelauschen; zufällig mit anhörenverantwortlich machen; beschuldigen

Vocabulary p.139 + 148 2020-07-07

Vocabulary p.139 + 148 crossword puzzle
  1. zusammenfassen
  2. mündlich
  3. annehmen; voraussetzen
  4. verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
  5. neulich
  6. belauschen; zufällig mit anhören
  7. Verpflichtung
  8. benachteiligt
  9. gucken; spähen
  1. Blindenhund
  2. Vokabular; Wortschatz
  3. still
  4. (Warte-)Schlange
  5. Erzähler(in)
  6. Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt
  7. Gärtner(in)
  8. Volk
  9. stolz auf
  10. Examen; Prüfung
  11. Haferbrei
  12. entweder.. oder

21 Clues: Volkstillneulichmündlichstolz aufHaferbreiBlindenhundGärtner(in)Erzähler(in)Verpflichtungbenachteiligtzusammenfassengucken; spähenExamen; Prüfungentweder.. oder(Warte-)SchlangeVokabular; Wortschatzannehmen; voraussetzenSchmerzgrenze; kritischer Punktbelauschen; zufällig mit anhörenverantwortlich machen; beschuldigen

English / Spanish Cognates 2021-11-28

English / Spanish Cognates crossword puzzle
  1. active
  2. celebrate
  3. laboratory
  4. traffic
  5. delicious
  6. application
  7. pharmacy
  8. curious
  9. park
  10. biography
  11. action
  12. september
  13. palace
  14. temporary
  15. dragon
  16. accident
  1. moments
  2. insects
  3. student
  4. information
  5. vocabulary
  6. class
  7. converse
  8. intelligent
  9. connection
  10. fabulous
  11. baseball
  12. organic

28 Clues: parkclassactiveactionpalacedragonmomentsinsectsstudenttrafficcuriousorganicpharmacyconversefabulousbaseballaccidentcelebratedeliciousbiographyseptembertemporarylaboratoryvocabularyconnectioninformationapplicationintelligent

Vocabulary p.139 + 148 2020-07-07

Vocabulary p.139 + 148 crossword puzzle
  1. verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
  2. Blindenhund
  3. Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt
  4. still
  5. Volk
  6. Verpflichtung
  7. (Warte-)Schlange
  8. annehmen; voraussetzen
  9. Gärtner(in)
  10. Examen; Prüfung
  1. Haferbrei
  2. Vokabular; Wortschatz
  3. stolz auf
  4. benachteiligt
  5. entweder.. oder
  6. belauschen; zufällig mit anhören
  7. neulich
  8. gucken; spähen
  9. mündlich
  10. zusammenfassen
  11. Erzähler(in)

21 Clues: VolkstillneulichmündlichHaferbreistolz aufBlindenhundGärtner(in)Erzähler(in)benachteiligtVerpflichtunggucken; spähenzusammenfassenentweder.. oderExamen; Prüfung(Warte-)SchlangeVokabular; Wortschatzannehmen; voraussetzenSchmerzgrenze; kritischer Punktbelauschen; zufällig mit anhörenverantwortlich machen; beschuldigen

Vocabulary p.139 + 148 2020-07-07

Vocabulary p.139 + 148 crossword puzzle
  1. Verpflichtung
  2. Erzähler(in)
  3. zusammenfassen
  4. Gärtner(in)
  5. entweder.. oder
  6. annehmen; voraussetzen
  7. Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt
  8. stolz auf
  9. verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
  10. (Warte-)Schlange
  11. Examen; Prüfung
  1. Vokabular; Wortschatz
  2. benachteiligt
  3. belauschen; zufällig mit anhören
  4. Haferbrei
  5. neulich
  6. Blindenhund
  7. Volk
  8. still
  9. gucken; spähen
  10. mündlich

21 Clues: VolkstillneulichmündlichHaferbreistolz aufGärtner(in)BlindenhundErzähler(in)benachteiligtVerpflichtungzusammenfassengucken; spähenentweder.. oderExamen; Prüfung(Warte-)SchlangeVokabular; Wortschatzannehmen; voraussetzenSchmerzgrenze; kritischer Punktbelauschen; zufällig mit anhörenverantwortlich machen; beschuldigen

England 2020-03-23

England crossword puzzle
  1. rik
  2. arkitektur
  3. smeknamn
  4. huvudstad
  5. folkmassa,många åskådare
  6. hamnstad
  7. varuhus
  8. befolkning
  9. mångkulturell
  10. födelseort
  11. ursprung
  12. fisk/köttgryta
  13. framgångsrik
  1. minnesvärd
  2. sevärdheter
  3. liknande,likadan
  4. rivaliserande
  5. genombrott
  6. uttal
  7. ordlista,ordförråd
  8. bekant
  9. lagra
  10. vetenskaplig
  11. folkslag
  12. mur,vägg

25 Clues: rikuttallagrabekantvaruhussmeknamnhamnstadfolkslagursprungmur,vägghuvudstadminnesvärdarkitekturgenombrottbefolkningfödelseortsevärdhetervetenskapligframgångsrikrivaliserandemångkulturellfisk/köttgrytaliknande,likadanordlista,ordförrådfolkmassa,många åskådare

Ταυτότητα 2023-09-04

Ταυτότητα crossword puzzle
  1. ID
  2. under 18 years old
  3. moustache
  4. male
  5. female
  6. age
  7. preschool
  8. teenager
  9. last name
  10. appearance
  11. origin
  12. gender
  13. character
  14. vocabulary
  1. title
  2. beard
  3. earrings
  4. citizen
  5. baby
  6. descendant
  7. guess
  8. detail
  9. actor
  10. job
  11. skin
  12. wrinkles
  13. generation

27 Clues: IDagejobbabymaleskintitlebeardguessactorfemaledetailorigingendercitizenearringsteenagerwrinklesmoustachepreschoollast namecharacterdescendantappearancegenerationvocabularyunder 18 years old

School Subjects 2024-06-06

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviours for physical activity and physical fitness.
  2. Studies human society and issues.
  3. Teaches music theory and how to play instruments.
  4. Is the study of Earth and the forces that shape it, both physical and human.
  5. Analyses the Spanish language's grammar and vocabulary.
  6. Analyses the Portuguese language's grammar and vocabulary.
  7. This subject helps students learn about paintings and encourage self-expression and creativity.
  1. Teaches students how to create original and imaginative works of literature, poetry, prose, or scripts.
  2. Integrates digital technologies to enhance learning and teaching processes.
  3. Analyses the English language's grammar and vocabulary.
  4. This subject helps students to understand how books, verse, poetry, and prose contribute to culture.
  5. The systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.
  6. Studies nature and properties of matter and energy.
  7. Deals with numbers and operations using them.
  8. This is the study of change and development in society over time.

15 Clues: Studies human society and issues.Deals with numbers and operations using them.Teaches music theory and how to play instruments.Studies nature and properties of matter and energy.Analyses the English language's grammar and vocabulary.Analyses the Spanish language's grammar and vocabulary.Analyses the Portuguese language's grammar and vocabulary....

Mrs Gebauerová 2023-02-16

Mrs Gebauerová crossword puzzle
  1. poslouchat hudbu
  2. slovní zásoba
  3. čtyři
  4. příklad
  5. podtrhnout
  6. slabika
  7. kladná věta
  1. dvanáct
  2. stažený tvar
  3. výslovnost
  4. píseň
  5. možné
  6. přítomný čas
  7. pravidlo

14 Clues: píseňmožnéčtyřidvanáctpříkladslabikapravidlovýslovnostpodtrhnoutkladná větastažený tvarpřítomný časslovní zásobaposlouchat hudbu

ILE 3 Unit 1 2013-09-11

ILE 3 Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. nägu
  2. rumal, nõme
  3. seiklus
  4. vihik, märkmik
  5. luuletus
  6. sõnavara
  7. sukelduma
  1. koolipäev
  2. hea küll
  3. lehekülg
  4. tõlge
  5. köis, nöör
  6. rühm, grupp
  7. kammima, kamm
  8. vihkama

15 Clues: nägutõlgeseiklusvihkamahea külllehekülgluuletussõnavarakoolipäevsukeldumaköis, nöörrumal, nõmerühm, gruppkammima, kammvihik, märkmik

Vocabulary p.139 + 148 2020-07-07

Vocabulary p.139 + 148 crossword puzzle
  1. Haferbrei
  2. Vokabular; Wortschatz
  3. Verpflichtung
  4. Blindenhund
  5. Erzähler(in)
  6. gucken; spähen
  7. stolz auf
  8. neulich
  9. belauschen; zufällig mit anhören
  10. still
  11. Examen; Prüfung
  1. benachteiligt
  2. Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt
  3. zusammenfassen
  4. verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
  5. mündlich
  6. Volk
  7. entweder.. oder
  8. Gärtner(in)
  9. annehmen; voraussetzen
  10. (Warte-)Schlange

21 Clues: VolkstillneulichmündlichHaferbreistolz aufBlindenhundGärtner(in)Erzähler(in)benachteiligtVerpflichtungzusammenfassengucken; spähenentweder.. oderExamen; Prüfung(Warte-)SchlangeVokabular; Wortschatzannehmen; voraussetzenSchmerzgrenze; kritischer Punktbelauschen; zufällig mit anhörenverantwortlich machen; beschuldigen

The Secret Life of Bees - Chapter 1 & 2 2021-10-20

The Secret Life of Bees - Chapter 1 & 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Lily's mom takes this from high shelf in the closet.
  2. The story is told from this point of view
  3. Bees swarm before......
  4. The bees make their nest in the walls of this room
  5. T.Ray does not want Lily doing this at the peach stand.
  6. The name of T.Ray's dog
  7. The fruit that T.ray grows and sells
  8. The narrator's name
  1. Vocabulary: Not concerned
  2. The narrator's stand-in mother
  3. What the narrator calls her father instead of dad
  4. Lily's mother's name
  5. The name of the town Lily discovers in her mother's things.
  6. The color of Lily's mom's hair
  7. Lily must kneel on these as a punishment
  8. Vocabulary: A stupid person
  9. Rosaleen stole these from a church

17 Clues: The narrator's nameLily's mother's nameBees swarm before......The name of T.Ray's dogVocabulary: Not concernedVocabulary: A stupid personThe narrator's stand-in motherThe color of Lily's mom's hairRosaleen stole these from a churchThe fruit that T.ray grows and sellsLily must kneel on these as a punishmentThe story is told from this point of view...

Language Development in Middle Years 2021-09-22

Language Development in Middle Years crossword puzzle
  1. words with opposite meaning
  2. words with similar meaning
  3. acquiring two languages
  4. language rules when writing and speaking
  5. learning from the expertise of someone
  1. same pronunciation but different meaning
  2. context in which language is used
  3. body of words from a specific language
  4. It's raining cats and dogs
  5. contributes enormously to vocabulary growth

10 Clues: acquiring two languageswords with similar meaningIt's raining cats and dogswords with opposite meaningcontext in which language is usedbody of words from a specific languagelearning from the expertise of someonesame pronunciation but different meaninglanguage rules when writing and speakingcontributes enormously to vocabulary growth

sharee 2021-06-07

sharee crossword puzzle
  1. good
  2. phone
  3. tradition
  4. door
  5. monster
  6. egg
  1. butter
  2. sweet
  3. grammar
  4. favourite
  5. darkness
  6. taste

12 Clues: egggooddoorsweetphonetastebuttergrammarmonsterdarknessfavouritetradition

ВПР 7 класс 2021-11-24

ВПР 7 класс crossword puzzle
  1. начинать
  2. словарь
  3. бегать
  4. занимать
  5. язык
  6. нести
  7. становиться
  1. вероятно
  2. даже
  3. звонить
  4. развивать
  5. приходить

12 Clues: дажеязыкнестибегатьсловарьзвонитьвероятноначинатьзаниматьразвиватьприходитьстановиться

New Vocabulary 2023-03-19

New Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. תמונה
  2. חלק
  3. הודעה
  4. להמשיך
  5. הטוב ביותר
  6. חשוב
  7. ללמד
  8. שימושי/מועיל
  1. אוצר מילים
  2. פירוש
  3. משחק
  4. לפני
  5. בן/בת עשרה
  6. מצלמה

14 Clues: חלקמשחקלפניחשובללמדתמונהפירושהודעהמצלמהלהמשיךאוצר מיליםהטוב ביותרבן/בת עשרהשימושי/מועיל

Text 5 2023-09-10

Text 5 crossword puzzle
  1. tuottaa
  2. olennainen
  3. motivaatio
  4. iskulause
  5. huutaa
  6. turhautunut
  7. taso
  1. kokoontuminen
  2. täsmällinen
  3. sanasto
  4. tekniikka
  5. kuitenkin

12 Clues: tasohuutaasanastotuottaatekniikkaiskulausekuitenkinolennainenmotivaatiotäsmällinenturhautunutkokoontuminen

Geography 2023-01-10

Geography crossword puzzle
  1. With every chapter we will have a map...
  2. Vocabulary definitions will be in your own...
  3. How much are exams worth?
  4. Exams and quizzes are...
  5. What time are quizzes and
  6. When should you email our professor?
  7. How many chapter quizzes are there?
  1. With each chapter we will have a class...
  2. Where should drafts be submitted?
  3. Do vocabulary words have to only be the bolded vocab from the book?
  4. How many topics will we focus on from each chapter?
  5. Are map quizzes open notes?
  6. The final exam is...
  7. How many cartography skills quizzes are there?
  8. due?
  9. How many attempts do you have on exams?

16 Clues: due?The final exam is...Exams and quizzes are...How much are exams worth?What time are quizzes andAre map quizzes open notes?Where should drafts be submitted?How many chapter quizzes are there?When should you email our professor?How many attempts do you have on exams?With every chapter we will have a map...With each chapter we will have a class......

Phoenix 2022-02-03

Phoenix crossword puzzle
  1. a room for physical education
  2. a person who leads teachers and staff in school
  3. a room for gatherings, plays or musicals
  4. a room with many books
  5. being able to display politeness
  6. someone who is able to acquire information
  7. to be present in a place like school
  8. an online game to practice vocabulary and play against other classmates
  9. being able to speak one language
  1. being able to speak two languages
  2. a room where meetings or important business occurs
  3. being absent from school without permission
  4. an online game to practice vocabulary words
  5. a place we eat in
  6. being accountable for your actions and behaivors
  7. a person who helps with records, attendance and filing
  8. the name of Delavan's public library
  9. a room where classes are held

18 Clues: a place we eat ina room with many booksa room for physical educationa room where classes are heldbeing able to display politenessbeing able to speak one languagebeing able to speak two languagesto be present in a place like schoolthe name of Delavan's public librarya room for gatherings, plays or musicalssomeone who is able to acquire information...

38 2025-01-29

38 crossword puzzle
  1. a flight- repülőjegyet foglalni
  2. nyelvtan
  3. kenu
  4. sports- vízi sportok
  5. food- helyi kaja
  6. skiing- vízi sí
  7. szélvitorlázás
  1. beszél
  2. tengerpart
  3. napozás
  4. szörfözés
  5. diving- búvárkodás
  6. szótár
  7. hallgat
  8. tags- kérdőszavak
  9. vitorlázás

16 Clues: kenubeszélszótárnapozáshallgatnyelvtanszörfözéstengerpartvitorlázásszélvitorlázásskiing- vízi sífood- helyi kajatags- kérdőszavakdiving- búvárkodássports- vízi sportoka flight- repülőjegyet foglalni

ILE 3 U 1-3 2021-10-21

ILE 3 U 1-3 crossword puzzle
  1. aset leidma
  2. kogunema
  3. tähistama
  4. kaunistama
  5. lõuna
  6. rahatäht
  7. aednik
  8. Põhja-Iirimaa
  9. nöörredel
  10. Ühendkuningriik
  11. ilutulestik
  12. lääs
  1. Ameerika Ühendriigid
  2. ristikhein
  3. sõnavara
  4. tunniplaan
  5. Uus-Meremaa
  6. luuletus
  7. rahvuslind
  8. sümbol
  9. Austraalia
  10. karuohakas
  11. nartsiss
  12. (millestki) põhja pool
  13. Suurbritannia
  14. paraad

26 Clues: lääslõunasümbolaednikparaadkogunemasõnavaraluuletusnartsissrahatähttähistamanöörredelristikheintunniplaankaunistamarahvuslindAustraaliakaruohakasaset leidmaUus-MeremaailutulestikSuurbritanniaPõhja-IirimaaÜhendkuningriikAmeerika Ühendriigid(millestki) põhja pool

słówka dział 4 2024-03-21

słówka dział 4 crossword puzzle
  1. zachęcać
  2. rozrywka
  3. kariera
  4. przerwa szkolna
  5. nadzwyczajny
  6. surowy, wymagający
  7. biblioteka
  8. stresujący
  9. zajęcia plastyczne
  10. dyrektor szkoły
  11. urządzenie
  12. podejście
  1. słownictwo
  2. gramatyka
  3. zastanawiać się
  4. teoria
  5. kolega, koleżanka z klasy
  6. ... languages - języki obce
  7. zaleta, korzyść
  8. słynny, znany
  9. utalentowany
  10. konkurencja, konkurs

22 Clues: teoriakarierazachęcaćrozrywkagramatykapodejściesłownictwobibliotekastresującyurządzenienadzwyczajnyutalentowanysłynny, znanyzastanawiać sięzaleta, korzyśćprzerwa szkolnadyrektor szkołysurowy, wymagającyzajęcia plastycznekonkurencja, konkurskolega, koleżanka z klasy... languages - języki obce

unit 5 2024-12-20

unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. relating to the whole world
  2. sign
  3. important
  4. local
  5. gas
  6. 1,000,000,000
  7. underground
  8. admire
  9. flat
  10. attention
  1. word
  2. way/method
  3. fight against
  4. opinion
  5. connect
  6. even though
  7. the noun form of vary
  8. event
  9. mention
  10. particular
  11. point of view
  12. request

22 Clues: gaswordsignflatlocaleventadmireopinionconnectmentionrequestimportantattentionway/methodparticulareven thoughundergroundfight against1,000,000,000point of viewthe noun form of varyrelating to the whole world

The Pearl, chapters 1-3 2023-04-26

The Pearl, chapters 1-3 crossword puzzle
  1. A story that teaches a lesson
  2. kino's most valuable possession (before the pearl!)
  3. The baby is stung by a _______
  4. The story takes place in _________,Mexico
  5. Juana makes a poultice of _____ for Coyotito
  6. this vocabulary word means "poor or needy."
  7. They hang out in front of the church
  8. This character wants to get the doctor for Coyotito
  9. Ch.2 begins: "the town lay on a broad ______."
  10. the first song that Kino hears is the song of the...
  11. the story's protagonist
  1. The 62nd word on page 20
  2. the doctor still longs for____, where he used to live
  3. kino's brother
  4. A short novel, usually around 100 pages
  5. after Kino found the pearl, he ______.
  6. The author was born in _____, California
  7. The author is John __________.
  8. This character is a lazy, greedy racist
  9. this vocabulary word means "greed."

20 Clues: kino's brotherthe story's protagonistThe 62nd word on page 20A story that teaches a lessonThe baby is stung by a _______The author is John __________.this vocabulary word means "greed."They hang out in front of the churchafter Kino found the pearl, he ______.A short novel, usually around 100 pagesThis character is a lazy, greedy racist...

คำที่ 229-240 2020-05-04

คำที่ 229-240 crossword puzzle
  1. มูลค่า
  2. บริกรหญิง
  3. ช่วงวันหยุด
  4. บริกรชาย
  5. มาเยี่ยม
  6. รอคอย
  1. ชั้นบน
  2. เสียงพูด
  3. กระเป๋าสตางค์
  4. รายการคำศัพท์
  5. เสียงสระ
  6. ผัก

12 Clues: ผักรอคอยชั้นบนมูลค่าเสียงพูดเสียงสระบริกรชายมาเยี่ยมบริกรหญิงช่วงวันหยุดกระเป๋าสตางค์รายการคำศัพท์

SSSS 2021-06-08

SSSS crossword puzzle
  1. ground
  2. eclipse
  3. hard
  4. tea
  5. egg
  6. tradition
  1. good
  2. butter
  3. pasta
  4. grammar
  5. huge
  6. phone

12 Clues: teaegggoodhardhugepastaphonebuttergroundeclipsegrammartradition

Vocabulary 2020-12-09

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. small
  2. smallest unit of language
  3. Specialized words, used mostly in science, though some, like photograph, are common
  4. super
  5. referring to a disease condition
  6. the mineral silicon
  7. Develops simultainiously
  8. second largest for speaking vocabulary
  9. Common, short, everyday, down-to-earth words used frequently in ordinary situations and found in school primers
  10. words we use, recognize, and respond to in meaningful acts of communication
  11. First to develop
  1. related to viewing
  2. study of meaningful units of language and how they are combined in word formation.
  3. Most of these have relatively constant meanings that are easily definable.
  4. beings in stages
  5. dust
  6. eruption from earth
  7. a morphophonemic language
  8. learned through acting on and interaction with the environment through direct, purposeful experiences
  9. when a sound is modified so that it becomes similar to the adjacent sound
  10. related to the lung

21 Clues: dustsmallsuperbeings in stagesFirst to developrelated to viewingeruption from earththe mineral siliconrelated to the lungDevelops simultainiouslysmallest unit of languagea morphophonemic languagereferring to a disease conditionsecond largest for speaking vocabularyMost of these have relatively constant meanings that are easily definable....

Cambridge Follow Up Ch 1-6 2021-11-10

Cambridge Follow Up Ch 1-6 crossword puzzle
  1. Zuurstof
  2. Basisschool
  3. Gespierd
  4. Verwaarlozen
  5. Natuurkunde
  6. Afstammeling
  1. Woordenschat
  2. Zakken voor
  3. Bacterie
  4. Spieken
  5. Gevoelig
  6. Scheiding

12 Clues: SpiekenZuurstofBacterieGespierdGevoeligScheidingZakken voorBasisschoolNatuurkundeWoordenschatVerwaarlozenAfstammeling

Catcher Crossword 2021-10-06

Catcher Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Holden's best subject
  2. Vocabulary word meaning calm/cool
  3. The coach who lets athletes use his car(nospaces)
  4. The "best thing" about it is that everything stays right where it is
  5. symbolizes Holden's emotional baggage
  6. Holden's roommate who goes on a date with Jane
  7. the city Holden is currently in
  8. The girl Holden goes on a date with (nospaces)
  9. This color represents innocence
  1. The prostitute who seems young
  2. Vocabulary word meaning loud/ noisy
  3. Author of the story (nospaces)
  4. The teacher Holden visits at Pencey (nospaces)
  5. The two ______ have cheap suitcases
  6. Holden likes to wear his hat this way
  7. Holden buys this for Phoebe but it breaks
  8. Holden thinks almost everyone is a _______

17 Clues: Holden's best subjectThe prostitute who seems youngAuthor of the story (nospaces)the city Holden is currently inThis color represents innocenceVocabulary word meaning calm/coolVocabulary word meaning loud/ noisyThe two ______ have cheap suitcasessymbolizes Holden's emotional baggageHolden likes to wear his hat this way...

The English Language 2016-08-21

The English Language crossword puzzle
  1. udtale
  2. immigration
  3. navneord
  4. overflødig
  5. kultur
  6. afsnit
  1. ordforråd
  2. modersmål
  3. sociolekt
  4. fast vending
  5. dialekt
  6. verbum

12 Clues: udtaleverbumkulturafsnitdialektnavneordordforrådmodersmålsociolektoverflødigimmigrationfast vending

Crossword 6th grade 2021-05-17

Crossword 6th grade crossword puzzle
  1. školní předmět
  2. ptát se
  3. záklandí škola
  4. internátní škola
  5. opakovat si učivo
  6. zeměpis
  7. chápat, rozumět
  8. kontrolovat
  9. ústní zkoušení
  1. slovíčka,slovníček
  2. loď
  3. vědět, znát
  4. dělat si poznámky
  5. procvičovat
  6. věda
  7. soustředit se
  8. opakovat po někom
  9. informatika

18 Clues: loďvědaptát sezeměpisvědět, znátprocvičovatinformatikakontrolovatsoustředit seškolní předmětzáklandí školaústní zkoušeníchápat, rozumětinternátní školadělat si poznámkyopakovat po někomopakovat si učivoslovíčka,slovníček

U.S. History 2024-05-02

U.S. History crossword puzzle
  1. 1st President of the U.S.
  2. Branch of government that interprets the laws
  3. Branch of government that enforces the laws
  4. The first English settlement founded in 1607
  5. A reform group that wanted to end slavery
  6. Where the pilgrims landed in 1620
  1. Branch of government that makes the laws
  2. Having great pride in your country
  3. Vocabulary word that means to cancel
  4. A change to the U.S. Constitution
  5. The document that governs our country
  6. In favor of a strong national government
  7. 7th president of the U.S.
  8. A process of people moving from rural to urban ares.
  9. Vocabulary word that means to approve

15 Clues: 1st President of the U.S.7th president of the U.S.A change to the U.S. ConstitutionWhere the pilgrims landed in 1620Having great pride in your countryVocabulary word that means to cancelThe document that governs our countryVocabulary word that means to approveBranch of government that makes the lawsIn favor of a strong national government...

Chapter 2: Communications: Unit 4 Lesson 4 v2023.07 2023-11-25

Chapter 2: Communications: Unit 4 Lesson 4 v2023.07 crossword puzzle
  1. the way info is organized and presented
  2. avoid wordiness
  3. section of report containing detailed account of the incident
  4. an effective report is this
  5. juvenile (jargon)
  1. language used by a particular trade
  2. language used in text messaging
  3. will help avoid use of jargon/slang
  4. significant facts of the incident
  5. informal vocabulary; invented words

10 Clues: avoid wordinessjuvenile (jargon)an effective report is thislanguage used in text messagingsignificant facts of the incidentlanguage used by a particular tradewill help avoid use of jargon/slanginformal vocabulary; invented wordsthe way info is organized and presentedsection of report containing detailed account of the incident

Language 2025-01-08

Language crossword puzzle
  1. Changes in a word's form to express grammar.
  2. The vocabulary of a language.
  3. The study of word origins.
  4. Rules for structuring sentences.
  5. The study of speech sounds.
  6. An expert in the study of languages.
  1. A word similar in two languages due to shared origins.
  2. A regional or social variation of a language.
  3. The structure of words and their parts.
  4. The collection of words a person knows.
  5. A phrase with a meaning different from the literal.
  6. The meaning of words and phrases.
  7. A set of letters used in writing.
  8. The arrangement of words in a sentence.
  9. A word replacing a noun, like "he" or "she."

15 Clues: The study of word origins.The study of speech sounds.The vocabulary of a language.Rules for structuring sentences.The meaning of words and phrases.A set of letters used in writing.An expert in the study of languages.The structure of words and their parts.The collection of words a person knows.The arrangement of words in a sentence....

Maya 2020-12-08

Maya crossword puzzle
  1. svor
  2. eksekvere
  3. ordforråd
  4. udtryk
  5. grundlov
  6. administrerede
  1. præsident
  2. højtideligt
  3. forberedelse
  4. obligatorisk
  5. indsættelse
  6. evne

12 Clues: svorevneudtrykgrundlovpræsidenteksekvereordforrådhøjtideligtindsættelseforberedelseobligatoriskadministrerede

ВПР 7 класс 2021-11-24

ВПР 7 класс crossword puzzle
  1. начинать
  2. словарь
  3. занимать
  4. вероятно
  5. язык
  6. становиться
  1. развивать
  2. нести
  3. звонить
  4. бегать
  5. даже
  6. приходить

12 Clues: языкдаженестибегатьсловарьзвонитьначинатьзаниматьвероятноразвиватьприходитьстановиться

Wordcross 2014-05-09

Wordcross crossword puzzle
  1. ____ Affair, first horrible boat-related mess from 2001
  2. First Labour PM, anywhere (surname)
  3. Flame-haired racist who never did get murdered (surname)
  4. second horrible boat related mess from 2001
  5. Last National Party PM (surname)
  6. Word not in John Howard's vocabulary
  7. Howard and Keating's last stop before PM
  8. Flame-haired racist who never did get murdered (first name)
  1. Word not in Tony Abbott's vocabulary
  2. birthplace of ALP, more or less
  3. the poison that killed the Tree of Knowledge
  4. Constituency larger than Spain but all but uninhabited
  5. Final solution

13 Clues: Final solutionbirthplace of ALP, more or lessLast National Party PM (surname)First Labour PM, anywhere (surname)Word not in Tony Abbott's vocabularyWord not in John Howard's vocabularyHoward and Keating's last stop before PMsecond horrible boat related mess from 2001the poison that killed the Tree of Knowledge...

ВПР 7 класс 2021-11-24

ВПР 7 класс crossword puzzle
  1. язык
  2. приходить
  3. начинать
  4. развивать
  5. занимать
  6. нести
  1. словарь
  2. бегать
  3. даже
  4. вероятно
  5. становиться
  6. звонить

12 Clues: языкдаженестибегатьсловарьзвонитьначинатьвероятнозаниматьприходитьразвиватьстановиться

ВПР 7 класс 2021-11-24

ВПР 7 класс crossword puzzle
  1. даже
  2. занимать
  3. приходить
  4. начинать
  5. язык
  6. вероятно
  1. развивать
  2. нести
  3. словарь
  4. становиться
  5. звонить
  6. бегать

12 Clues: дажеязыкнестибегатьсловарьзвонитьзаниматьначинатьвероятноразвиватьприходитьстановиться

Croseryow rag Studhyoryon 1 2021-04-20

Croseryow rag Studhyoryon 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Sheep
  2. Child
  3. Ruler
  4. Box
  5. Girl
  6. About
  7. Vocabulary
  8. Tomorrow
  9. Image
  10. Eat
  11. ball
  12. Male
  13. How
  14. Man
  15. Visit
  1. Cat
  2. Window
  3. Learn
  4. Door
  5. Teacher
  6. Hammer
  7. Strong
  8. Twenty
  9. Bed
  10. Also
  11. Fall
  12. Snake
  13. Woman
  14. Pen
  15. Dog

30 Clues: CatBoxBedEatPenHowDogManDoorGirlAlsoFallballMaleSheepChildRulerLearnAboutImageSnakeWomanVisitWindowHammerStrongTwentyTeacherTomorrowVocabulary

4. Classroom crossword 2020-08-13

4. Classroom crossword crossword puzzle
  1. limtub
  2. plansch
  3. mapp
  4. elev
  5. hålslag
  6. markeringspenna
  7. linjerat papper
  8. tuschpenna
  9. bokhylla
  10. ordlista
  11. bokhylla
  12. suddgummi
  13. pennvässare
  14. krittavla
  15. rutigt papper
  16. återvinningslåda
  1. dokumentkamera
  2. lärare
  3. linjal
  4. skåp
  5. ordbok
  6. blyertspenna
  7. övningsbok
  8. basket skräpkorg
  9. stiftpenna
  10. häftapparat
  11. krita
  12. byrålåda
  13. bläckpenna,kulspetspenna
  14. pulpet

30 Clues: mappskåpelevkritalimtublärarelinjalordbokpulpetplanschhålslagbokhyllaordlistabokhyllabyrålådasuddgummikrittavlaövningsboktuschpennastiftpennahäftapparatpennvässareblyertspennarutigt papperdokumentkameramarkeringspennalinjerat papperbasket skräpkorgåtervinningslådabläckpenna,kulspetspenna

cooper's crossword 2014-02-16

cooper's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Free, community
  2. Gathering, performance
  3. Commend, mention
  4. Outstandingly, extraordinarily
  5. Pact, contract
  6. Temperature, weather
  7. Clerk, administrator
  8. Freezing, cold
  1. Obtain, gain
  2. Group, collection
  3. Opportune, suitable
  4. Admit, obtain
  5. Lexicon, vocabulary
  6. Peacefulness, calmness
  7. Administrator, hit
  8. Ensemble, group
  9. Disagreement, argument
  10. Administrator, manager
  11. Alcohol, whiskey
  12. Environment, bushed

20 Clues: Obtain, gainAdmit, obtainPact, contractFreezing, coldFree, communityEnsemble, groupCommend, mentionAlcohol, whiskeyGroup, collectionAdministrator, hitOpportune, suitableLexicon, vocabularyEnvironment, bushedTemperature, weatherClerk, administratorGathering, performancePeacefulness, calmnessDisagreement, argumentAdministrator, manager...

Escuela 3 2018-03-03

Escuela 3 crossword puzzle
  1. back devolver
  2. derecho
  3. diario
  4. examen
  5. correcto
  6. prestar
  7. ortografía
  8. completar
  9. incorrecto
  10. pizarra
  11. libro de trabajo
  12. carca
  13. adolescente
  1. antes de
  2. extra
  3. pedir prestado
  4. escritura
  5. adulto
  6. instrucción
  7. adivinar
  8. deletrear
  9. gramática
  10. cuaderno
  11. libro de texto
  12. vocabulario
  13. principiante
  14. avanzado
  15. dupdo

28 Clues: extradupdocarcaadultodiarioexamenderechoprestarpizarraantes deadivinarcorrectocuadernoavanzadoescrituradeletreargramáticacompletarortografíaincorrectoinstrucciónvocabularioadolescenteprincipianteback devolverpedir prestadolibro de textolibro de trabajo

cooper's crossword 2014-02-16

cooper's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Obtain, gain
  2. Alcohol, whiskey
  3. Freezing, cold
  4. Environment, bushed
  5. Administrator, manager
  6. Pact, contract
  7. Peacefulness, calmness
  8. Ensemble, group
  9. Group, collection
  10. Gathering, performance
  1. Free, community
  2. Opportune, suitable
  3. Clerk, administrator
  4. Lexicon, vocabulary
  5. Outstandingly, extraordinarily
  6. Disagreement, argument
  7. Temperature, weather
  8. Admit, obtain
  9. Commend, mention
  10. Administrator, hit

20 Clues: Obtain, gainAdmit, obtainFreezing, coldPact, contractFree, communityEnsemble, groupAlcohol, whiskeyCommend, mentionGroup, collectionAdministrator, hitOpportune, suitableLexicon, vocabularyEnvironment, bushedClerk, administratorTemperature, weatherAdministrator, managerDisagreement, argumentPeacefulness, calmnessGathering, performance...