vocabulary Crossword Puzzles
Unit 4 vocabulary for Form 5 2021-01-10
22 Clues: range • homme • sääsk • teadus • teadma • vahetus • ajalugu • mõistma • nautima • õppeaine • puidutöö • sõnavara • harjutama • keskenduma • praktiline • kohustuslik • üle kordama • kontrollima • vormiriietus • järgi kordama • keeruline, raske • tähthaaval ütlema
Summer 2018-09-16
22 Clues: üleöö • masin • vaade • ratas • rööbas • moodne • aiakuur • kuurort • akendeta • sõnavara • vaidlema • tavaline • narivoodi • peamiselt • suplemine • privaatselt • lamamistool • lahti riietuma • terrass, platvorm • kellegagi arvestama • hoiustama, ladustama • vabatahtlikult töötama
Classroom words pt 2 2024-09-27
What's your favorite subject? 2016-02-09
16 Clues: étude • poésie • cantine • lecture • ateliers • histoire • rédaction • grammaire • récréation • littérature • vocabulaire • conjugaison • orthographe • temps libre • arts-visuels • bibliothèque
Skimming and Scanning 2021-10-29
- scanning for _____ information
- reading to get details
- reading to get the main idea
- look for chances to practice English
- make objectives (2 words)
- letters are thicker and more noticable
- use new words in ____ every day
- make vocabulary ____
- letters appear slanted
- skimming for the _____ idea
- use clues to ____ the meaning of words
- keep a ____ notebook to learn new words
12 Clues: make vocabulary ____ • reading to get details • letters appear slanted • make objectives (2 words) • skimming for the _____ idea • reading to get the main idea • scanning for _____ information • use new words in ____ every day • look for chances to practice English • use clues to ____ the meaning of words • letters are thicker and more noticable • ...
English 2023-05-04
B1E 2025-02-13
15 Clues: vrij • Pasen • lente • Engels • eieren • verven • docent • Paashaas • donderdag • chocolade • hoofdstuk • stapstenen • grammatica • woordenschat • Krokusvakantie
English Vocabulary Hodgepodge and Chapter 8 and 9 Review 2016-11-22
- It is common in other countries for police officers to accept _____.
- Most swimmers have very _____ shoulders.
- The language you're focusing on in this class.
- Thanksgiving is always on this day of the week.
- the part of a plant that grows underground
- vocabulary word that means 'to try to find'
- vocabulary word that means 'to include'
- Police officers are in a position of _____.
- a bird that is traditionally eaten for Thanksgiving
- Exercise is an _____ way to help you lose weight.
- a typical Thanksgiving pie flavor
- vocabulary word that means 'short'
- something you're trying to achieve or something you aim to do
- to damage or rip something
- During a snowstorm, the lines on the road may not be _____.
- A popular pie people eat for Thanksgiving made with nuts.
- The man won an _____ amount of money playing the lottery.
- The current month.
- Sue quit dancing because she wasn't very _____.
- A man made of snow that children like to build.
- the number of days in the previous month
- The judge did not show _____ when he sentenced the terrorists to life in prison.
- The lady _____ the man of stealing her purse.
- a sport that many Americans watch on Thanksgiving Day
24 Clues: The current month. • to damage or rip something • a typical Thanksgiving pie flavor • vocabulary word that means 'short' • vocabulary word that means 'to include' • Most swimmers have very _____ shoulders. • the number of days in the previous month • the part of a plant that grows underground • vocabulary word that means 'to try to find' • ...
the 7th grade 2024-11-18
17 Clues: век • язык • даже • нести • занять • родной • Латынь • словарь • звучать • культура • развивать • грамматика • иностранный • таблица, стол • словарный запас • возможно, вероятно • только, единственный
English Seniors English Literature First Monthly Test 2023-09-26
- People using two or more languages regularly.
- A variety of language that is unique in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.
- Improvised languages stripped of grammar.
- Judging something from another culture with reference to what is usual in your own culture.
- Circumstances that surround the writing and reading of a text.
- Places in the world where English is spoken.
- The act of importing words into one language from another culture's language.
- The concept that language determines what we are able to think.
- Language spoken by people who do not share a native language.
- The level of formality expressed through one's use of language.
- A person's unique use of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
- The words that one culture borrows and incorporates from another language.
- The process of cultures splitting off from each other, developing their use of language separately.
- Vocabulary and manner of speech that define and reflect a particular profession
- The value of a language
15 Clues: The value of a language • Improvised languages stripped of grammar. • Places in the world where English is spoken. • People using two or more languages regularly. • Language spoken by people who do not share a native language. • Circumstances that surround the writing and reading of a text. • The level of formality expressed through one's use of language. • ...
English-French Cognates 2023-08-24
25 Clues: salad • agile • hotel • effort • ballet • accent • suspect • absence • banquet • dentist • academy • history • diligent • accident • brillant • abundance • education • professor • evolution • calculator • vocabulary • information • generous(m) • alphabetical • complication
La educación 2024-09-08
20 Clues: late • rules • words • daily • to-get • grades • to-help • to-work • to-know • to-avoid • to-learn • homework • to bring • to-arrive • questions • to-answer • vocabulary • to-discuss • distractions • to-participate
In the classroom 2019-09-14
6th Grade Science 2013-02-01
Mfg 2023-03-16
Cuba 2022-05-13
- cut of all recourses from a place
- means foreigner
- the religion of Cuba
- means bottle but in cuban vocabulary its to give some one a ride
- a crisis that happen during war
- a longest river
- the first governor
- a country that is founded 1508
- the second longest river
- the most socialist political system
- the capital of Cuba
- is a slang word used in cuban vocabulary
- means ball but in cuba it means gossip
13 Clues: means foreigner • a longest river • the first governor • the capital of Cuba • the religion of Cuba • the second longest river • a country that is founded 1508 • a crisis that happen during war • cut of all recourses from a place • the most socialist political system • means ball but in cuba it means gossip • is a slang word used in cuban vocabulary • ...
Lesson 1 Word Search 2023-03-29
Components of Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol 2023-06-10
- Comprehension _____ is the 3rd component
- Simplify without "watering down"material
- Dictionaries and ____ are spelling resources
- Encourage more ____ responses
- First component
- Use______ material
- Where vocabulary words can hang
- What is the acronym for this model?
- Students must be ____ for effective lesson delivery
- How the student will learn the content
- Verbal and Procedural ____ are important
- what the student will learn during the lesson
- Teachers must avoid these kind of words
- 4th Component
- Building Background is the ___ component
- Allow student ______
- Teachers must use ____ Speech
- 7th component
- Organizers to assist students
- Teachers must present and ____ key vocabulary
- 5th component
- Review and _____ is the 8th component
- How many Components are there?
- Must be quick enough to engage students but not too quick
24 Clues: 4th Component • 7th component • 5th component • First component • Use______ material • Allow student ______ • Encourage more ____ responses • Teachers must use ____ Speech • Organizers to assist students • How many Components are there? • Where vocabulary words can hang • What is the acronym for this model? • Review and _____ is the 8th component • How the student will learn the content • ...
Vocabulary Week 1 2025-01-06
10 Clues: idea or notion • the same meaning • terms or vocabulary • specific, particular • the opposite meaning • to keep, hold or remember • based on or influenced by • successful, useful, productive • situation surrounding, circumstance, condition • list of terms or vocabulary (usually in back of a book
languages 2013-06-10
Understand of text 2025-01-12
17 Clues: Umum • Judul • Berit • Rinci • Tujuan • Lengkap • Gambaran • Tertentu • Kosa kata • Bagaimana • kesimpulan • Pertanyaan • Focus title • Hal Penting • Bacaan,wacana • Focus question • idea Ide pokok
Words 2022-07-24
15 Clues: закон • поворот • строгий • доиться • медицина • успешный • подготовка • психология • архитектура • лаборатория • квалификация • велосипедист • словарный запас • ходить (в школу) • получать квалификацию
Year 5, Unit 1 2013-09-14
22 Clues: nägu • mägi • vihik • rumal • redel • seiklus • vihkama • hea küll • sõnavara • lehekülg • ronimine • luuletus • üks kord • koolipäev • sukelduma • tunniplaan • nöör, köis • rühm, grupp • parvetamine • kammima, kamm • eestlane, eesti keel • pea või koolidirektor
Jan - December review 2020-01-20
20 Clues: ряд • сто • гуси • груша • трубка • тысяча • сериал • лебедь • барабан • Крещение • служанка • сверстник • устаревший • перечислять • вносить вклад • словарный запас • морская черепаха • сухопутная черепаха • it's what you do with vitamins • *** a meal пропускать прием пищи
Rotation 7 Reshen 2023-03-21
18 Clues: Who • You • Read • Talk • Write • Where • Go out • Person • Review • Come in • Warm-up • Bathroom • Practice • Read aloud • Drink water • New vocabulary • Chinese language • What does it mean?
Module two crossword puzzle 2024-10-22
- Adding extra sounds in words, like "Simith" for "Smith."
- A word placed before a verb to indicate time or meaning, such as "does" in "does teach" to signal present tense and regularity in Caribbean Creoles.
- A language with European-derived vocabulary but non-European grammar, like St. Lucian Kwéyòl.
- The everyday language used by people within a community or region.
- Switching between different language forms, like from Standard English to Creole, within a conversation.
- A person's unique way of speaking or writing, shaped by pronunciation, vocabulary, and sentence structure.
- A regional or social variation of a language, with unique vocabulary and pronunciation. Caribbean Creole includes several dialects, like Jamaican and Bajan.
- Dropping an unstressed initial vowel in words, such as "spector" for "inspector."
- A language that combines English vocabulary with grammar from other languages, arising from oppression and cultural blending.
- Different levels of language formality used in different situations, from formal to casual.
- A person's first language learned in childhood, also called native or family language.
- A language used globally for communication between speakers of different native languages, such as English, Spanish, or French.
- Phrases with figurative meanings, like "raining cats and dogs" or Caribbean Creole's "to kiss/suck teeth.”
- A native language formed by people who need to communicate but don't share a common language.
- Everyday speech that shows Creole influences, used regularly in certain communities.
- A structured system for expressing ideas, including dialects and variations. Languages can be international, official, or belong to language families.
- where sounds or letters in a word are rearranged, such as "aks" for "ask," "flim" for "film," or "cripsy" for "crispy."
- A standardized form of English used across the Caribbean for formal matters, mutually understandable across the region
- Non-verbal expressions that convey emotions, beliefs, or identity.
- A digital representation, such as a name or icon, that uniquely identifies a person or entity.
- The most prestigious dialect used for education and formal matters
21 Clues: Adding extra sounds in words, like "Simith" for "Smith." • The everyday language used by people within a community or region. • Non-verbal expressions that convey emotions, beliefs, or identity. • The most prestigious dialect used for education and formal matters • Dropping an unstressed initial vowel in words, such as "spector" for "inspector." • ...
Curious Incident Crossword 2019-05-03
- doubtful in authenticity or possibly untrue
- to be against God or to be highly offensive
- something that is reversed in order or action
- unwilling to take risks
- a departure from the purpose or main point of something
- one game we played to review vocabulary
- another game we played to review vocabulary
- to disfigure the appearance of
- characterized by extreme anger
- of or relating to multiple ethnicities or cultures
- extreme exhaustion
- to be unimportant or insignificant
- the action of making a false statement about someone
- a continuing sound or ring
14 Clues: extreme exhaustion • unwilling to take risks • a continuing sound or ring • characterized by extreme anger • to disfigure the appearance of • to be unimportant or insignificant • one game we played to review vocabulary • doubtful in authenticity or possibly untrue • to be against God or to be highly offensive • another game we played to review vocabulary • ...
Words 2022-07-24
15 Clues: закон • доиться • строгий • поворот • успешный • медицина • психология • подготовка • архитектура • лаборатория • велосипедист • квалификация • словарный запас • ходить (в школу) • получать квалификацию
Words 2022-07-24
15 Clues: закон • поворот • строгий • доиться • медицина • успешный • подготовка • психология • архитектура • лаборатория • квалификация • велосипедист • словарный запас • ходить (в школу) • получать квалификацию
Morphemes! 2023-10-04
8 Clues: A prefix meaning "across" • A prefix meaning "out of" • A suffix indicating past tense • To look into (vocabulary word) • One who looks (vocabulary word) • A Latin root word meaning "to carry" • To carry out of a place (vocabulary word) • A Latin root word meaning "to see or look"
Voc unit 0 and 1 2024-10-06
15 Clues: Aller • Savoir • Parler • Erreur • Passion • Langues • Chinois • Lecture • Espagnol • Ecriture • Locuteur • Apprendre • Vocabulaire • Les vacances • Faire du ski
Cuba 2022-05-13
- cut of all recourses from a place
- means foreigner
- the religion of Cuba
- means bottle but in cuban vocabulary its to give some one a ride
- a crisis that happen during war
- a longest river
- the first governor
- a country that is founded 1508
- the second longest river
- the most socialist political system
- the capital of Cuba
- is a slang word used in cuban vocabulary
- means ball but in cuba it means gossip
13 Clues: means foreigner • a longest river • the first governor • the capital of Cuba • the religion of Cuba • the second longest river • a country that is founded 1508 • a crisis that happen during war • cut of all recourses from a place • the most socialist political system • means ball but in cuba it means gossip • is a slang word used in cuban vocabulary • ...
Language Therapy 2013-10-22
- The type of therapy used for clients who routinely use verbal expression as their primary mode of communication.
- Expansion of the child’s utterances, plus an additional unit of information.
- The appropriate use of language in context.
- Understanding and use of the smallest meaning units in language.
- Study of the sound system associated with language.
- __________ a child to his/her environment during indirect therapy.
- A language skill allowing one to express concepts and vocabulary.
- Expansion, extension and recasting are techniques often used in ____________ therapy sessions.
- when the clinician describes what he or she is doing while the client watches the clinician.
- Always select age-appropriate __________ in language therapy.
- Rules governing the order of words in a sentence.
- Adding a word or two for grammatical correctness.
- when the clinician describes/comments on what the child is doing.
- A language skill allowing one to understand concepts and vocabulary.
- Changes the child’s utterance into a different type of utterance.
- Concepts, vocabulary, relationships, event, and so forth relate to an object, idea person or place.
- ___________therapy is often used with young children and nonverbal clients, including those who occasionally say one utterance.
17 Clues: The appropriate use of language in context. • Rules governing the order of words in a sentence. • Adding a word or two for grammatical correctness. • Study of the sound system associated with language. • Always select age-appropriate __________ in language therapy. • Understanding and use of the smallest meaning units in language. • ...
Rap Vocabulary 2023-04-13
- This vocabulary word means a set of words meant to be sung.
- This is the person who releases a song for the artist.
- This is where music artists make music.
- This word means to make and release something.
- This is the person who sings the rap music.
- This word means to speak lyrics.
- This is someone who supports an artist.
- This is where music artists perform in concerts.
- This vocabulary word means a collection of songs.
- This is what makes an artists voice sound different.
- This word means to move in a fun way.
- This person isn't always apart of a artists crew, though if they are hired, they write the lyrics for someone else to sing.
- This is a representation of an artist.
- This is what you earn when working, you also buy stuff with this.
- This is an event that music artists host where they perform songs.
- This is a group of people who work together to make a brand and get money out of it.
- This is someone who protects an artist and makes investments to keep their brand alive.
- This is the music that plays behind the lyrics of a song.
- This person takes care whoever is making the music.
- This vocabulary means a word or more in a song.
20 Clues: This word means to speak lyrics. • This word means to move in a fun way. • This is a representation of an artist. • This is where music artists make music. • This is someone who supports an artist. • This is the person who sings the rap music. • This word means to make and release something. • This vocabulary means a word or more in a song. • ...
ILE 3 Unit 1 2013-09-11
15 Clues: nägu • ujuma • seiklus • sõnavara • luuletus • ronimine • hea küll • lehekülg • sukelduma • koolipäev • köis, nöör • tunniplaan • rumal, nõme • vihik, märkmik • õppetükk, õppeühik
Spanish and English Cognates 2021-11-16
Spanish and English Cognates 2024-07-02
Unstoppable rise of American English 2018-01-30
Unit Two Review 2023-11-13
- An example of a memoir
- A vocabulary word meaning to analyze
- Poetic language where a writer chooses specific words to include over others
- The central message of a story
- The central idea of an argument
- Interview With John Lewis is an example of what type of text/media
- Author of I Have A Dream
- A literary device where a writer uses clues to hint at future events
- At Langely Research Center, the female mathematicians were called ____________.
- The _________ reflects why the author wrote a text
- A vocabulary word meaning unhappy or lonely
- How an author thinks or feels about a subject
- Authors use _______ to support their claim
- A vocabulary word meaning to cause freedom or salvation
- The time and place a story is set
- An example of a graphic novel
- Questions that do not require or expect an answer
- Author of Hidden Figures
- A literary device where a commonly used expression means something different than the literal meaning of its words
- Poetic language where the author deliberately makes a subject seem less important
- A word meaning the suppression or prohibition of materials deemed politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
- Hidden Figures is an example of what type of text
- An African American figure that was fictionalized in Booker T. & W.E.B. Advocated for equal treatment of African Americans
- Words that appeal to the reader's five senses to help them picture what is happening in the text
- A vocabulary word meaning to create in a controlled setting
- The setting of Reading Lolita in Tehran
- A part of speech that takes the place of a noun or pronoun
- A short story where the main character ironically becomes consumed by his job
- A literary device where something happens that is the opposite of what one would expect
- Rhetorical device that repeats the same word or phrase for emphasis
- A type of text that tells a story or conveys information in a series of frames that show action, along with narrative text
- Main Character in The Censors
- Punctuation that is used in writing to introduce a list
- A vocabulary word that means to assign or designate
- An informed guess without prior knowledge
- The main character in Reading Lolita in Tehran
- Rhetorical device that uses similar grammatical structures to express related or equally important ideas
- I Have A Dream is an example of what type of writing
38 Clues: An example of a memoir • Author of Hidden Figures • Author of I Have A Dream • Main Character in The Censors • An example of a graphic novel • The central message of a story • The central idea of an argument • The time and place a story is set • A vocabulary word meaning to analyze • The setting of Reading Lolita in Tehran • An informed guess without prior knowledge • ...
Vocabulary 115-118 2023-03-24
22 Clues: Summe • Lücke • Dialog • Muster • Biologie • Rechnung • Übersicht • Verstehen • Wortschatz • Unterhaltung • Hausaufgaben • verpflichtend • Lücke im Text • Aufmerksamkeit • Zusammenfassung • richtig/korrekt • Rechtschreibung • (etw) verlangen • gesteuerte Übung • (jdn/etw) igonieren • die Naturwissenschaften • etw (richtig) schreiben
Laser B1 U1 WB 2020-03-20
14 Clues: udany • uwaga • różnica • zadanie • wrażenie • wierzący • zdumiony • świadectwo • słownictwo • powtórzenie • przeszkadzać • zawracać głowę • samokształcenie • popsuć, rozpieszczać
Vocabulary Review 17.05.23 2023-05-16
- a safety _____ is worn around the waist and thighs to attach to the climbing rope.
- Nerve _____ Causing extreme anxiety or tension
- Without the proper clothing for icy conditions, the expedition was ______ from the start
- a piece of equipment you might use to climb a mountain
- From our unit vocabulary. when he reached the top of the mountain, he was _________
- hair ____. Terrifying or frightening
- Hang loosely
- From our unit vocabulary. All ______ mountain climbers must undergo 2 days of training
- gather together loosely
- From our unit vocabulary. Climbing Mt. Everest was his life's ______
10 Clues: Hang loosely • gather together loosely • hair ____. Terrifying or frightening • Nerve _____ Causing extreme anxiety or tension • a piece of equipment you might use to climb a mountain • From our unit vocabulary. Climbing Mt. Everest was his life's ______ • a safety _____ is worn around the waist and thighs to attach to the climbing rope. • ...
Chores & commands 2023-09-28
- Speak in Spanish!
- Vacuum the rug! (Pass the vaccuum on the rug!)
- Play in the yard!
- Put the dishes in the dishwasher!
- Read the book!
- Feed the pets!
- Study the vocabulary!
- Set the table!
- Take out the trash!
- Come to the party!
- Clean the toilet!
- Wash the clothes!
- Water the plants!
- Think!
- Close the door!
- Make the bed!
- Put the phone in the backpack!
- Sweep the floor!
- Open the window!
- Say the vocabulary in Spanish!
- Do the homework!
- Cut the grass!
- Sleep on the sofa!
- Serve the tacos!
- Go to Spanish class!
- Have lunch in the cafeteria!
- Wash the dishes!
- Hurry up! (use a tener phrase for to hurry)
- Eat in the dining room!
- Clear the table!
30 Clues: Think! • Make the bed! • Cut the grass! • Read the book! • Feed the pets! • Set the table! • Close the door! • Sweep the floor! • Open the window! • Do the homework! • Serve the tacos! • Wash the dishes! • Clear the table! • Speak in Spanish! • Play in the yard! • Clean the toilet! • Wash the clothes! • Water the plants! • Sleep on the sofa! • Come to the party! • Take out the trash! • Go to Spanish class! • ...
Rap Vocabulary 2023-04-13
- This word means to speak lyrics.
- This vocabulary word means a collection of songs.
- This is someone who protects an artist and makes investments to keep their brand alive.
- This is someone who supports an artist.
- This is an event that music artists host where they perform songs.
- This vocabulary means a word or more in a song.
- This is what you earn when working, you also buy stuff with this.
- This is where music artists make music.
- This is a representation of an artist.
- This is a group of people who work together to make a brand and get money out of it.
- This person isn't always apart of a artists crew, though if they are hired, they write the lyrics for someone else to sing.
- This is what makes an artists voice sound different.
- This is where music artists perform in concerts.
- This is the person who sings the rap music.
- This vocabulary word means a set of words meant to be sung.
- This word means to make and release something.
- This is the music that plays behind the lyrics of a song.
- This person takes care whoever is making the music.
- This word means to move in a fun way.
- This is the person who releases a song for the artist.
20 Clues: This word means to speak lyrics. • This word means to move in a fun way. • This is a representation of an artist. • This is someone who supports an artist. • This is where music artists make music. • This is the person who sings the rap music. • This word means to make and release something. • This vocabulary means a word or more in a song. • ...
Maori stuff 2017-10-30
Etymology and Origins 2024-11-24
- The set of letters used to write a language.
- A word borrowed from another language.
- Words that have a common origin.
- The core part of a word to which affixes are added.
- The study of word meaning.
- To change in form.
- Referring to the earliest form of a language.
- Regional variations of a language.
- A major source of English vocabulary.
- A word from which another word descends.
- A language's vocabulary.
- The study of word origins.
- Added at the end of a word.
- The base part of a word.
- A word form that no longer changes.
- Added at the start of a word.
16 Clues: To change in form. • A language's vocabulary. • The base part of a word. • The study of word origins. • The study of word meaning. • Added at the end of a word. • Added at the start of a word. • Words that have a common origin. • Regional variations of a language. • A word form that no longer changes. • A major source of English vocabulary. • A word borrowed from another language. • ...
Name: _____________ 2024-11-13
- Mr. B’s lore is so deep and complex that it's completely _.
- After finishing, the student felt a twinge of _ for not studying more.
- By some stroke of _, Mr. B was distracted and forgot to hand out the test today.
- The vocabulary test looked _ — it was 1,000 questions long with no breaks allowed.
- Brianna was _ with her notes, scattering pages everywhere right before the test.
- Mr. B said he wouldn’t _ us if we didn’t know all the vocabulary.
- We had to _ from our minds every fact about vocabulary we’d ever heard to get through Mr. B’s test.
- "If anyone can beat me in a vocabulary duel, I will _ my position as teacher!”
- Mindy gave an _ response about the lore of Skibidi Toilet that left the class wanting to hear more.
- The test included a _ section where students had to count how many Spongebob's were on the board.
- To _ the class panic, Sir Jonathan promised there’d be no trick questions (but we weren’t so sure).
- “I'd rather _ the meaning of life than take this test” said the #deep student.
- A rumor spread that Mr. B would _ any and all Costco Guys content.
- The only _ in the class who didn’t stress over the test was Theo, who laughed in Mr. B's face and put his feet up on the table.
- If you write anything silly, Sir Jonathan will _ it from the test with his famous red pen or magic eraser.
- After the test ended, there was an _ of students fleeing the classroom.
16 Clues: Mr. B’s lore is so deep and complex that it's completely _. • Mr. B said he wouldn’t _ us if we didn’t know all the vocabulary. • A rumor spread that Mr. B would _ any and all Costco Guys content. • After finishing, the student felt a twinge of _ for not studying more. • After the test ended, there was an _ of students fleeing the classroom. • ...
Vocab #9 Review - Evan 2023-05-10
- He was ________ with his book.
- I __________ that author's purpose is a weird vocabulary word.
- He ___________ the impact.
- The native Americans experienced ___________.
- There was enough _______ evidence to convict the man.
- One of the vocabulary words is __________ __________.
- The teacher asked what __________ the story was written from.
- Wikapedia is not a _________ source.
- His __________ did not persuade the people witnessing the debate.
- Some people are _______ to their religion.
- The military could be considered a _______ of the government.
- We had to __________ on our paper.
- People like to experience other people's __________.
- He was ___________ with the food.
- Sometimes you have to make an __________ about an story.
- It's usually not good to act on _______.
- He felt ________.
17 Clues: He felt ________. • He ___________ the impact. • He was ________ with his book. • He was ___________ with the food. • We had to __________ on our paper. • Wikapedia is not a _________ source. • It's usually not good to act on _______. • Some people are _______ to their religion. • The native Americans experienced ___________. • ...
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 2024-05-02
- name of woman who won the dice game
- a form of water
- last name of author
- harsh, oppressive(see page 579 vocabulary)
- is a type of bird
- gloomy(see page 579 vocabulary)
- the name of sailor in story
- last word in poem
- evenings(see page 584)
- weapon used to kill the bird
- name of the ocean in story
- type of poetry(see page 578)
12 Clues: a form of water • last word in poem • is a type of bird • last name of author • evenings(see page 584) • name of the ocean in story • the name of sailor in story • weapon used to kill the bird • type of poetry(see page 578) • gloomy(see page 579 vocabulary) • name of woman who won the dice game • harsh, oppressive(see page 579 vocabulary)
Spanish Cognates 2022-12-13
27 Clues: mapa • actor • carro • family • musica • normal • bàsico • enorme • adulto • animal • insecto • publico • regular • artista • desastre • producto • religiòn • elefante • profesor • micròfono • diferente • accidente • autógrafo • dinosaurio • televisiòn • interesante • vocabulario
crossword 41 2018-07-17
26 Clues: a • on • the • read • take • look • make • next • tell • find • that • that • about • short • subject • exercise • students • important • something • vocabulary • information • signal words • via, through • lesson, class • another, other • central government
naema 2024-05-17
20 Clues: park • french • school • to eat • to draw • to play • to sing • vampire • to read • to hate • english • to love • to like • to dance • to write • to watch • to study • to sleep • to listen • vocabulary
Curious Incident Crossword 2019-05-03
- to be against God or to be highly offensive
- a continuing sound or ring
- a departure from the purpose or main point of something
- unwilling to take risks
- doubtful in authenticity or possibly untrue
- the action of making a false statement about someone
- something that is reversed in order or action
- extreme exhaustion
- to disfigure the appearance of
- characterized by extreme anger
- to be unimportant or insignificant
- of or relating to multiple ethnicities or cultures
- one game we played to review vocabulary
- another game we played to review vocabulary
14 Clues: extreme exhaustion • unwilling to take risks • a continuing sound or ring • to disfigure the appearance of • characterized by extreme anger • to be unimportant or insignificant • one game we played to review vocabulary • to be against God or to be highly offensive • another game we played to review vocabulary • doubtful in authenticity or possibly untrue • ...
Unit 19 2013-10-23
19 Clues: - řádný • - předem • - bohužel • - upustit • - zákazník • - naštvaný • - objednat • - předchozí • - spokojený • - obviňovat • - dovolit si • - chyba, omyl • - manželský pár • - promarnit čas • - vrátit peníze • - slovní zásoba • - pevně, rozhodně • -zjevně, evidentně • - práce na částečný úvazek
CROSSWORD 3 2021-02-24
Six Week Review Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-23
- name of the people from Scandinavia that raided
- exaggeration (type of figurative language)
- name of the first cobra that Rikki killed
- apostle that betrayed Jesus
- the first emperor of Rome
- friendly dog killed by huskies
- affix that means "all"
- language of the Romans
- a comparison using LIKE or AS
- name of the little boy that found Rikki
- human qualities to something not human
- European country that looks like a boot
- affix that means "half"
- leader of the Catholic Church
- 100 years
- Buck's first owner
- affix that means "four"
- to call someone over using your hand
- first major kingdom/empire after the Romans
- Buck's antagonist in our novel
- to compete (vocabulary word)
- last name of author of The Call of the Wild
- in disguise (vocabulary word)
23 Clues: 100 years • Buck's first owner • affix that means "all" • language of the Romans • affix that means "half" • affix that means "four" • the first emperor of Rome • apostle that betrayed Jesus • to compete (vocabulary word) • leader of the Catholic Church • a comparison using LIKE or AS • in disguise (vocabulary word) • Buck's antagonist in our novel • friendly dog killed by huskies • ...
Vocabulary p.139 + 148 2020-07-07
- annehmen; voraussetzen
- Blindenhund
- still
- Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt
- belauschen; zufällig mit anhören
- Haferbrei
- Erzähler(in)
- verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
- zusammenfassen
- Examen; Prüfung
- mündlich
- Verpflichtung
- benachteiligt
- entweder.. oder
- neulich
- Gärtner(in)
- gucken; spähen
- Vokabular; Wortschatz
- Volk
- stolz auf
- (Warte-)Schlange
21 Clues: Volk • still • neulich • mündlich • stolz auf • Haferbrei • Blindenhund • Gärtner(in) • Erzähler(in) • Verpflichtung • benachteiligt • gucken; spähen • zusammenfassen • entweder.. oder • Examen; Prüfung • (Warte-)Schlange • Vokabular; Wortschatz • annehmen; voraussetzen • Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt • belauschen; zufällig mit anhören • verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
Vocabulary p.139 + 148 2020-07-07
- zusammenfassen
- mündlich
- annehmen; voraussetzen
- verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
- neulich
- belauschen; zufällig mit anhören
- Verpflichtung
- benachteiligt
- gucken; spähen
- Blindenhund
- Vokabular; Wortschatz
- still
- (Warte-)Schlange
- Erzähler(in)
- Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt
- Gärtner(in)
- Volk
- stolz auf
- Examen; Prüfung
- Haferbrei
- entweder.. oder
21 Clues: Volk • still • neulich • mündlich • stolz auf • Haferbrei • Blindenhund • Gärtner(in) • Erzähler(in) • Verpflichtung • benachteiligt • zusammenfassen • gucken; spähen • Examen; Prüfung • entweder.. oder • (Warte-)Schlange • Vokabular; Wortschatz • annehmen; voraussetzen • Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt • belauschen; zufällig mit anhören • verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
English / Spanish Cognates 2021-11-28
28 Clues: park • class • active • action • palace • dragon • moments • insects • student • traffic • curious • organic • pharmacy • converse • fabulous • baseball • accident • celebrate • delicious • biography • september • temporary • laboratory • vocabulary • connection • information • application • intelligent
Vocabulary p.139 + 148 2020-07-07
- verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
- Blindenhund
- Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt
- still
- Volk
- Verpflichtung
- (Warte-)Schlange
- annehmen; voraussetzen
- Gärtner(in)
- Examen; Prüfung
- Haferbrei
- Vokabular; Wortschatz
- stolz auf
- benachteiligt
- entweder.. oder
- belauschen; zufällig mit anhören
- neulich
- gucken; spähen
- mündlich
- zusammenfassen
- Erzähler(in)
21 Clues: Volk • still • neulich • mündlich • Haferbrei • stolz auf • Blindenhund • Gärtner(in) • Erzähler(in) • benachteiligt • Verpflichtung • gucken; spähen • zusammenfassen • entweder.. oder • Examen; Prüfung • (Warte-)Schlange • Vokabular; Wortschatz • annehmen; voraussetzen • Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt • belauschen; zufällig mit anhören • verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
Vocabulary p.139 + 148 2020-07-07
- Verpflichtung
- Erzähler(in)
- zusammenfassen
- Gärtner(in)
- entweder.. oder
- annehmen; voraussetzen
- Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt
- stolz auf
- verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
- (Warte-)Schlange
- Examen; Prüfung
- Vokabular; Wortschatz
- benachteiligt
- belauschen; zufällig mit anhören
- Haferbrei
- neulich
- Blindenhund
- Volk
- still
- gucken; spähen
- mündlich
21 Clues: Volk • still • neulich • mündlich • Haferbrei • stolz auf • Gärtner(in) • Blindenhund • Erzähler(in) • benachteiligt • Verpflichtung • zusammenfassen • gucken; spähen • entweder.. oder • Examen; Prüfung • (Warte-)Schlange • Vokabular; Wortschatz • annehmen; voraussetzen • Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt • belauschen; zufällig mit anhören • verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
England 2020-03-23
25 Clues: rik • uttal • lagra • bekant • varuhus • smeknamn • hamnstad • folkslag • ursprung • mur,vägg • huvudstad • minnesvärd • arkitektur • genombrott • befolkning • födelseort • sevärdheter • vetenskaplig • framgångsrik • rivaliserande • mångkulturell • fisk/köttgryta • liknande,likadan • ordlista,ordförråd • folkmassa,många åskådare
Ταυτότητα 2023-09-04
27 Clues: ID • age • job • baby • male • skin • title • beard • guess • actor • female • detail • origin • gender • citizen • earrings • teenager • wrinkles • moustache • preschool • last name • character • descendant • appearance • generation • vocabulary • under 18 years old
School Subjects 2024-06-06
- Provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviours for physical activity and physical fitness.
- Studies human society and issues.
- Teaches music theory and how to play instruments.
- Is the study of Earth and the forces that shape it, both physical and human.
- Analyses the Spanish language's grammar and vocabulary.
- Analyses the Portuguese language's grammar and vocabulary.
- This subject helps students learn about paintings and encourage self-expression and creativity.
- Teaches students how to create original and imaginative works of literature, poetry, prose, or scripts.
- Integrates digital technologies to enhance learning and teaching processes.
- Analyses the English language's grammar and vocabulary.
- This subject helps students to understand how books, verse, poetry, and prose contribute to culture.
- The systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.
- Studies nature and properties of matter and energy.
- Deals with numbers and operations using them.
- This is the study of change and development in society over time.
15 Clues: Studies human society and issues. • Deals with numbers and operations using them. • Teaches music theory and how to play instruments. • Studies nature and properties of matter and energy. • Analyses the English language's grammar and vocabulary. • Analyses the Spanish language's grammar and vocabulary. • Analyses the Portuguese language's grammar and vocabulary. • ...
Mrs Gebauerová 2023-02-16
14 Clues: píseň • možné • čtyři • dvanáct • příklad • slabika • pravidlo • výslovnost • podtrhnout • kladná věta • stažený tvar • přítomný čas • slovní zásoba • poslouchat hudbu
ILE 3 Unit 1 2013-09-11
15 Clues: nägu • tõlge • seiklus • vihkama • hea küll • lehekülg • luuletus • sõnavara • koolipäev • sukelduma • köis, nöör • rumal, nõme • rühm, grupp • kammima, kamm • vihik, märkmik
Vocabulary p.139 + 148 2020-07-07
- Haferbrei
- Vokabular; Wortschatz
- Verpflichtung
- Blindenhund
- Erzähler(in)
- gucken; spähen
- stolz auf
- neulich
- belauschen; zufällig mit anhören
- still
- Examen; Prüfung
- benachteiligt
- Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt
- zusammenfassen
- verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
- mündlich
- Volk
- entweder.. oder
- Gärtner(in)
- annehmen; voraussetzen
- (Warte-)Schlange
21 Clues: Volk • still • neulich • mündlich • Haferbrei • stolz auf • Blindenhund • Gärtner(in) • Erzähler(in) • benachteiligt • Verpflichtung • zusammenfassen • gucken; spähen • entweder.. oder • Examen; Prüfung • (Warte-)Schlange • Vokabular; Wortschatz • annehmen; voraussetzen • Schmerzgrenze; kritischer Punkt • belauschen; zufällig mit anhören • verantwortlich machen; beschuldigen
The Secret Life of Bees - Chapter 1 & 2 2021-10-20
- Lily's mom takes this from high shelf in the closet.
- The story is told from this point of view
- Bees swarm before......
- The bees make their nest in the walls of this room
- T.Ray does not want Lily doing this at the peach stand.
- The name of T.Ray's dog
- The fruit that T.ray grows and sells
- The narrator's name
- Vocabulary: Not concerned
- The narrator's stand-in mother
- What the narrator calls her father instead of dad
- Lily's mother's name
- The name of the town Lily discovers in her mother's things.
- The color of Lily's mom's hair
- Lily must kneel on these as a punishment
- Vocabulary: A stupid person
- Rosaleen stole these from a church
17 Clues: The narrator's name • Lily's mother's name • Bees swarm before...... • The name of T.Ray's dog • Vocabulary: Not concerned • Vocabulary: A stupid person • The narrator's stand-in mother • The color of Lily's mom's hair • Rosaleen stole these from a church • The fruit that T.ray grows and sells • Lily must kneel on these as a punishment • The story is told from this point of view • ...
Language Development in Middle Years 2021-09-22
- words with opposite meaning
- words with similar meaning
- acquiring two languages
- language rules when writing and speaking
- learning from the expertise of someone
- same pronunciation but different meaning
- context in which language is used
- body of words from a specific language
- It's raining cats and dogs
- contributes enormously to vocabulary growth
10 Clues: acquiring two languages • words with similar meaning • It's raining cats and dogs • words with opposite meaning • context in which language is used • body of words from a specific language • learning from the expertise of someone • same pronunciation but different meaning • language rules when writing and speaking • contributes enormously to vocabulary growth
sharee 2021-06-07
ВПР 7 класс 2021-11-24
New Vocabulary 2023-03-19
Text 5 2023-09-10
Geography 2023-01-10
- With every chapter we will have a map...
- Vocabulary definitions will be in your own...
- How much are exams worth?
- Exams and quizzes are...
- What time are quizzes and
- When should you email our professor?
- How many chapter quizzes are there?
- With each chapter we will have a class...
- Where should drafts be submitted?
- Do vocabulary words have to only be the bolded vocab from the book?
- How many topics will we focus on from each chapter?
- Are map quizzes open notes?
- The final exam is...
- How many cartography skills quizzes are there?
- due?
- How many attempts do you have on exams?
16 Clues: due? • The final exam is... • Exams and quizzes are... • How much are exams worth? • What time are quizzes and • Are map quizzes open notes? • Where should drafts be submitted? • How many chapter quizzes are there? • When should you email our professor? • How many attempts do you have on exams? • With every chapter we will have a map... • With each chapter we will have a class... • ...
Phoenix 2022-02-03
- a room for physical education
- a person who leads teachers and staff in school
- a room for gatherings, plays or musicals
- a room with many books
- being able to display politeness
- someone who is able to acquire information
- to be present in a place like school
- an online game to practice vocabulary and play against other classmates
- being able to speak one language
- being able to speak two languages
- a room where meetings or important business occurs
- being absent from school without permission
- an online game to practice vocabulary words
- a place we eat in
- being accountable for your actions and behaivors
- a person who helps with records, attendance and filing
- the name of Delavan's public library
- a room where classes are held
18 Clues: a place we eat in • a room with many books • a room for physical education • a room where classes are held • being able to display politeness • being able to speak one language • being able to speak two languages • to be present in a place like school • the name of Delavan's public library • a room for gatherings, plays or musicals • someone who is able to acquire information • ...
38 2025-01-29
16 Clues: kenu • beszél • szótár • napozás • hallgat • nyelvtan • szörfözés • tengerpart • vitorlázás • szélvitorlázás • skiing- vízi sí • food- helyi kaja • tags- kérdőszavak • diving- búvárkodás • sports- vízi sportok • a flight- repülőjegyet foglalni
ILE 3 U 1-3 2021-10-21
26 Clues: lääs • lõuna • sümbol • aednik • paraad • kogunema • sõnavara • luuletus • nartsiss • rahatäht • tähistama • nöörredel • ristikhein • tunniplaan • kaunistama • rahvuslind • Austraalia • karuohakas • aset leidma • Uus-Meremaa • ilutulestik • Suurbritannia • Põhja-Iirimaa • Ühendkuningriik • Ameerika Ühendriigid • (millestki) põhja pool
słówka dział 4 2024-03-21
- zachęcać
- rozrywka
- kariera
- przerwa szkolna
- nadzwyczajny
- surowy, wymagający
- biblioteka
- stresujący
- zajęcia plastyczne
- dyrektor szkoły
- urządzenie
- podejście
- słownictwo
- gramatyka
- zastanawiać się
- teoria
- kolega, koleżanka z klasy
- ... languages - języki obce
- zaleta, korzyść
- słynny, znany
- utalentowany
- konkurencja, konkurs
22 Clues: teoria • kariera • zachęcać • rozrywka • gramatyka • podejście • słownictwo • biblioteka • stresujący • urządzenie • nadzwyczajny • utalentowany • słynny, znany • zastanawiać się • zaleta, korzyść • przerwa szkolna • dyrektor szkoły • surowy, wymagający • zajęcia plastyczne • konkurencja, konkurs • kolega, koleżanka z klasy • ... languages - języki obce
unit 5 2024-12-20
22 Clues: gas • word • sign • flat • local • event • admire • opinion • connect • mention • request • important • attention • way/method • particular • even though • underground • fight against • 1,000,000,000 • point of view • the noun form of vary • relating to the whole world
The Pearl, chapters 1-3 2023-04-26
- A story that teaches a lesson
- kino's most valuable possession (before the pearl!)
- The baby is stung by a _______
- The story takes place in _________,Mexico
- Juana makes a poultice of _____ for Coyotito
- this vocabulary word means "poor or needy."
- They hang out in front of the church
- This character wants to get the doctor for Coyotito
- Ch.2 begins: "the town lay on a broad ______."
- the first song that Kino hears is the song of the...
- the story's protagonist
- The 62nd word on page 20
- the doctor still longs for____, where he used to live
- kino's brother
- A short novel, usually around 100 pages
- after Kino found the pearl, he ______.
- The author was born in _____, California
- The author is John __________.
- This character is a lazy, greedy racist
- this vocabulary word means "greed."
20 Clues: kino's brother • the story's protagonist • The 62nd word on page 20 • A story that teaches a lesson • The baby is stung by a _______ • The author is John __________. • this vocabulary word means "greed." • They hang out in front of the church • after Kino found the pearl, he ______. • A short novel, usually around 100 pages • This character is a lazy, greedy racist • ...
คำที่ 229-240 2020-05-04
SSSS 2021-06-08
Vocabulary 2020-12-09
- small
- smallest unit of language
- Specialized words, used mostly in science, though some, like photograph, are common
- super
- referring to a disease condition
- the mineral silicon
- Develops simultainiously
- second largest for speaking vocabulary
- Common, short, everyday, down-to-earth words used frequently in ordinary situations and found in school primers
- words we use, recognize, and respond to in meaningful acts of communication
- First to develop
- related to viewing
- study of meaningful units of language and how they are combined in word formation.
- Most of these have relatively constant meanings that are easily definable.
- beings in stages
- dust
- eruption from earth
- a morphophonemic language
- learned through acting on and interaction with the environment through direct, purposeful experiences
- when a sound is modified so that it becomes similar to the adjacent sound
- related to the lung
21 Clues: dust • small • super • beings in stages • First to develop • related to viewing • eruption from earth • the mineral silicon • related to the lung • Develops simultainiously • smallest unit of language • a morphophonemic language • referring to a disease condition • second largest for speaking vocabulary • Most of these have relatively constant meanings that are easily definable. • ...
Cambridge Follow Up Ch 1-6 2021-11-10
Catcher Crossword 2021-10-06
- Holden's best subject
- Vocabulary word meaning calm/cool
- The coach who lets athletes use his car(nospaces)
- The "best thing" about it is that everything stays right where it is
- symbolizes Holden's emotional baggage
- Holden's roommate who goes on a date with Jane
- the city Holden is currently in
- The girl Holden goes on a date with (nospaces)
- This color represents innocence
- The prostitute who seems young
- Vocabulary word meaning loud/ noisy
- Author of the story (nospaces)
- The teacher Holden visits at Pencey (nospaces)
- The two ______ have cheap suitcases
- Holden likes to wear his hat this way
- Holden buys this for Phoebe but it breaks
- Holden thinks almost everyone is a _______
17 Clues: Holden's best subject • The prostitute who seems young • Author of the story (nospaces) • the city Holden is currently in • This color represents innocence • Vocabulary word meaning calm/cool • Vocabulary word meaning loud/ noisy • The two ______ have cheap suitcases • symbolizes Holden's emotional baggage • Holden likes to wear his hat this way • ...
The English Language 2016-08-21
Crossword 6th grade 2021-05-17
18 Clues: loď • věda • ptát se • zeměpis • vědět, znát • procvičovat • informatika • kontrolovat • soustředit se • školní předmět • záklandí škola • ústní zkoušení • chápat, rozumět • internátní škola • dělat si poznámky • opakovat po někom • opakovat si učivo • slovíčka,slovníček
U.S. History 2024-05-02
- 1st President of the U.S.
- Branch of government that interprets the laws
- Branch of government that enforces the laws
- The first English settlement founded in 1607
- A reform group that wanted to end slavery
- Where the pilgrims landed in 1620
- Branch of government that makes the laws
- Having great pride in your country
- Vocabulary word that means to cancel
- A change to the U.S. Constitution
- The document that governs our country
- In favor of a strong national government
- 7th president of the U.S.
- A process of people moving from rural to urban ares.
- Vocabulary word that means to approve
15 Clues: 1st President of the U.S. • 7th president of the U.S. • A change to the U.S. Constitution • Where the pilgrims landed in 1620 • Having great pride in your country • Vocabulary word that means to cancel • The document that governs our country • Vocabulary word that means to approve • Branch of government that makes the laws • In favor of a strong national government • ...
Chapter 2: Communications: Unit 4 Lesson 4 v2023.07 2023-11-25
- the way info is organized and presented
- avoid wordiness
- section of report containing detailed account of the incident
- an effective report is this
- juvenile (jargon)
- language used by a particular trade
- language used in text messaging
- will help avoid use of jargon/slang
- significant facts of the incident
- informal vocabulary; invented words
10 Clues: avoid wordiness • juvenile (jargon) • an effective report is this • language used in text messaging • significant facts of the incident • language used by a particular trade • will help avoid use of jargon/slang • informal vocabulary; invented words • the way info is organized and presented • section of report containing detailed account of the incident
Language 2025-01-08
- Changes in a word's form to express grammar.
- The vocabulary of a language.
- The study of word origins.
- Rules for structuring sentences.
- The study of speech sounds.
- An expert in the study of languages.
- A word similar in two languages due to shared origins.
- A regional or social variation of a language.
- The structure of words and their parts.
- The collection of words a person knows.
- A phrase with a meaning different from the literal.
- The meaning of words and phrases.
- A set of letters used in writing.
- The arrangement of words in a sentence.
- A word replacing a noun, like "he" or "she."
15 Clues: The study of word origins. • The study of speech sounds. • The vocabulary of a language. • Rules for structuring sentences. • The meaning of words and phrases. • A set of letters used in writing. • An expert in the study of languages. • The structure of words and their parts. • The collection of words a person knows. • The arrangement of words in a sentence. • ...
Maya 2020-12-08
ВПР 7 класс 2021-11-24
Wordcross 2014-05-09
- ____ Affair, first horrible boat-related mess from 2001
- First Labour PM, anywhere (surname)
- Flame-haired racist who never did get murdered (surname)
- second horrible boat related mess from 2001
- Last National Party PM (surname)
- Word not in John Howard's vocabulary
- Howard and Keating's last stop before PM
- Flame-haired racist who never did get murdered (first name)
- Word not in Tony Abbott's vocabulary
- birthplace of ALP, more or less
- the poison that killed the Tree of Knowledge
- Constituency larger than Spain but all but uninhabited
- Final solution
13 Clues: Final solution • birthplace of ALP, more or less • Last National Party PM (surname) • First Labour PM, anywhere (surname) • Word not in Tony Abbott's vocabulary • Word not in John Howard's vocabulary • Howard and Keating's last stop before PM • second horrible boat related mess from 2001 • the poison that killed the Tree of Knowledge • ...
ВПР 7 класс 2021-11-24
ВПР 7 класс 2021-11-24
Croseryow rag Studhyoryon 1 2021-04-20
30 Clues: Cat • Box • Bed • Eat • Pen • How • Dog • Man • Door • Girl • Also • Fall • ball • Male • Sheep • Child • Ruler • Learn • About • Image • Snake • Woman • Visit • Window • Hammer • Strong • Twenty • Teacher • Tomorrow • Vocabulary
4. Classroom crossword 2020-08-13
30 Clues: mapp • skåp • elev • krita • limtub • lärare • linjal • ordbok • pulpet • plansch • hålslag • bokhylla • ordlista • bokhylla • byrålåda • suddgummi • krittavla • övningsbok • tuschpenna • stiftpenna • häftapparat • pennvässare • blyertspenna • rutigt papper • dokumentkamera • markeringspenna • linjerat papper • basket skräpkorg • återvinningslåda • bläckpenna,kulspetspenna
cooper's crossword 2014-02-16
- Free, community
- Gathering, performance
- Commend, mention
- Outstandingly, extraordinarily
- Pact, contract
- Temperature, weather
- Clerk, administrator
- Freezing, cold
- Obtain, gain
- Group, collection
- Opportune, suitable
- Admit, obtain
- Lexicon, vocabulary
- Peacefulness, calmness
- Administrator, hit
- Ensemble, group
- Disagreement, argument
- Administrator, manager
- Alcohol, whiskey
- Environment, bushed
20 Clues: Obtain, gain • Admit, obtain • Pact, contract • Freezing, cold • Free, community • Ensemble, group • Commend, mention • Alcohol, whiskey • Group, collection • Administrator, hit • Opportune, suitable • Lexicon, vocabulary • Environment, bushed • Temperature, weather • Clerk, administrator • Gathering, performance • Peacefulness, calmness • Disagreement, argument • Administrator, manager • ...
Escuela 3 2018-03-03
28 Clues: extra • dupdo • carca • adulto • diario • examen • derecho • prestar • pizarra • antes de • adivinar • correcto • cuaderno • avanzado • escritura • deletrear • gramática • completar • ortografía • incorrecto • instrucción • vocabulario • adolescente • principiante • back devolver • pedir prestado • libro de texto • libro de trabajo
cooper's crossword 2014-02-16
- Obtain, gain
- Alcohol, whiskey
- Freezing, cold
- Environment, bushed
- Administrator, manager
- Pact, contract
- Peacefulness, calmness
- Ensemble, group
- Group, collection
- Gathering, performance
- Free, community
- Opportune, suitable
- Clerk, administrator
- Lexicon, vocabulary
- Outstandingly, extraordinarily
- Disagreement, argument
- Temperature, weather
- Admit, obtain
- Commend, mention
- Administrator, hit
20 Clues: Obtain, gain • Admit, obtain • Freezing, cold • Pact, contract • Free, community • Ensemble, group • Alcohol, whiskey • Commend, mention • Group, collection • Administrator, hit • Opportune, suitable • Lexicon, vocabulary • Environment, bushed • Clerk, administrator • Temperature, weather • Administrator, manager • Disagreement, argument • Peacefulness, calmness • Gathering, performance • ...