vocabulary Crossword Puzzles

Figurative Language Quiz 2021-12-12

Figurative Language Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. A _____ is a word that sounds, and may even be spelled, the same as another word. Often used in puns
  2. Simile, metaphor, personification and hyperbole are just a few examples of figurative language
  3. _____ are sayings that you have to memorize just like vocabulary words; you probably won't understand them by just looking at their literal meaning
  4. You don't have to use figurative language in your writing, but it does help you show more _____.
  5. Both similes and metaphors are comparisons; a metaphor is just an _____ comparison.
  1. "Sheep should shower in the shed" is an example of _____
  2. Words meant to mimic, or copy, sounds
  3. If you take simile, metaphor, personification or hyperbole _____, you will not understand it
  4. Both similes and metaphors are comparisons; a simile is just a more _____ comparison
  5. The tone of "The Grinch" is mocking; the _____ of "The Grinch" is humorous. Tone is "on the page"; _____ is in your brain

10 Clues: Words meant to mimic, or copy, sounds"Sheep should shower in the shed" is an example of _____Both similes and metaphors are comparisons; a metaphor is just an _____ comparison.Both similes and metaphors are comparisons; a simile is just a more _____ comparison...

Wyatt green per 8 avid 2024-09-09

Wyatt green per 8 avid crossword puzzle
  1. a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright.
  2. characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit
  3. is an institution of higher learning, especially one providing a general or liberal arts education rather than technical or professional training
  4. Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading.
  5. a person who has successfully completed a course of study or training, especially a person who has been awarded an undergraduate academic degree.
  1. is a period of instruction given by a university or college tutor to an individual or very small group.
  2. is the body of words used in a particular language.
  3. an educational institution designed for instruction, examination, or both, of students in many branches of advanced learning, conferring degrees in various faculties, and often embodying colleges and similar institutions.
  4. a person who makes plans.
  5. a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.

10 Clues: a person who makes plans.characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuitis the body of words used in a particular language.Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading.a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright.a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep....

Special dictionaries 2024-03-27

Special dictionaries crossword puzzle
  1. dictionaries are designed to cover the terminology and vocabulary of a specific subject area or field.
  2. definitions that provides detailed explanations, examples, and usage
  3. A specialized dictionary for healthcare professionals and students, containing terms and definitions specific to the medical field.
  4. Glossary designed for scientists and researchers, offering definitions of technical terms and jargon across various scientific disciplines.
  1. Legal …………… Focuses on legal terms, providing definitions and explanations used in law, jurisprudence, and legal practice.
  2. Context of specialized dictionaries are indispensable for students and researchers, providing accurate and detailed information in specific fields of study.
  3. This context facilitate clear and accurate communication, ensuring the correct usage of technical terms and jargon.

7 Clues: definitions that provides detailed explanations, examples, and usagedictionaries are designed to cover the terminology and vocabulary of a specific subject area or field.This context facilitate clear and accurate communication, ensuring the correct usage of technical terms and jargon....

could be any (bold) form of the word! 2020-04-20

could be any (bold) form of the word! crossword puzzle
  1. The Badlands are called "bad" because the ground is __ and dopes not produce much vegetation.
  2. In the Bible, Jacob's brothers came to Egypt to buy food because of a severe __ back home in their country.
  3. After all the snow this winter, there will be no __ in our area.
  4. When you walk along the Angostura beach, signs of __ are everywhere on the sand dunes.
  5. Your brain will __ unless you keep it sharp and active.
  6. What did your breakfast __ of today, cereal or toast?
  7. __ is an antonym of barren.
  8. In Psalm 23, Jesus is the Good Shepherd leading us to green __ and refreshing water.
  1. Psalm 18:6 "In my __ (distress, problem) I cried out to God."
  2. The forest and grasslands __ with antelope and deer.
  3. Germany has taken in more __ than any other country in Europe.
  4. Under the shelter in place order, many people __ to working from home and cooking from scratch.
  5. Your vocabulary knowledge and spelling skills __ by doing this school assignment.
  6. There are not many __ in this desert.
  7. Your 3-year old sister's drawing might be __, but grandma still loves it and hangs it on her fridge.

15 Clues: __ is an antonym of barren.There are not many __ in this desert.The forest and grasslands __ with antelope and deer.What did your breakfast __ of today, cereal or toast?Your brain will __ unless you keep it sharp and active.Psalm 18:6 "In my __ (distress, problem) I cried out to God."Germany has taken in more __ than any other country in Europe....

CH.4/5 APHUMGEO 2016-09-22

CH.4/5 APHUMGEO crossword puzzle
  1. A system of communication through the use of speech a collection of sounds understood by a group of people to have the same meaning
  2. A subdivision of a dilect
  3. traditionally practiced primarily by small homogeneous groups living in isolated rural areas
  4. A restriction on behavior imposed by religious law or social custom
  5. The language adopted for use by a government for the conduct of business
  6. A dialect spoken by some African Americans
  7. A symbol that represents a word rather than a sound
  8. is found in a large heterogeneous societies that share certain habits despite differences in other personal characteristics
  9. A regional variety of a language distinguished by vocabulary , spelling , and pronunciation.
  1. A repetitive act preformed by a particular individual
  2. a process adjustment to the dominate culture while retaining features of a folk culture or syncretism
  3. A language spoken in daily use with literacy tradition that is not widely distributed
  4. The contribution of a locations distinctive physical features to the way food tastes
  5. A combination of Spanish and English spoken by Hispanic Americans
  6. the frequent reputation of an act to the extent that it becomes characteristics of the group of people performing the act

15 Clues: A subdivision of a dilectA dialect spoken by some African AmericansA symbol that represents a word rather than a soundA repetitive act preformed by a particular individualA combination of Spanish and English spoken by Hispanic AmericansA restriction on behavior imposed by religious law or social custom...

America On the Move (Wk 22) Crossword 2021-04-12

America On the Move (Wk 22) Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The motivations for people to migrate.
  2. Man dedicated to education who wrote new reading and spelling textbooks, as well as a new dictionary for Americans. (2 words)
  3. People moving from place to place in the world.
  4. Whose invention made farming in the prairie lands possible? (2 words)
  5. A large channel dug in the earth that is filled with water for boats to use.
  6. Who wrote biographies of historical figures to teach about morals and the heroes of America. (2 words)
  7. Eli Whitney's invention that simplified the work of harvesting cotton. (2 words)
  8. A tool with a blade that turns soil over and creates rows for planting.
  9. Plan created to pay off America's debt from war. (2 words)
  1. Innovative books created to teach phonics, sentences, vocabulary, and reading skills. (2 words)
  2. The most beloved American poet of the 1800s. (3 words)
  3. A system of money.
  4. The most influential American writer in the 1800s (and Mrs. Gaddis' favorite) (3 words)
  5. New technology in the 1800s that was used to create better transportation on water and on land. (2 words)
  6. Who created a plan to pay America's debt from The War of 1812? (2 words)

15 Clues: A system of money.The motivations for people to migrate.People moving from place to place in the world.The most beloved American poet of the 1800s. (3 words)Plan created to pay off America's debt from war. (2 words)Whose invention made farming in the prairie lands possible? (2 words)...


CROSS-WORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. - are old and overused expressions that have lost their novelty and meaning because of constant use.
  2. - a paper that is a popular academic text that requires thoughtful, reading, research and writing.
  3. - an inspiring and amusing story about a person or an event meant to teach a lesson.
  4. - are expressions or a special set of vocabulary used by a particular profession
  5. - an analysis that is only to explain something from a unique perspective
  6. - it is a condensation of significant facts from an original piece of writing.
  7. - it is to restate the passage using one’s own words
  1. - an order that gives information in order of appearance or event
  2. - Quick glancing
  3. - must consider the subject, tone, diction, sentence structure, and the degree of argumentation for a specific type of audience or reader.
  4. - they are also known as text connecting or inter-sentence inferences for they maintain textual integrity.
  5. - a solution that presents a problem, its cause, and possible solution.
  6. - specific to broad
  7. - use of simple language for easy decoding and comprehension of messages
  8. - are nonfiction texts used to convince the reader to agree with the author’s perspective about the issue.

15 Clues: - Quick glancing- specific to broad- it is to restate the passage using one’s own words- an order that gives information in order of appearance or event- a solution that presents a problem, its cause, and possible solution.- use of simple language for easy decoding and comprehension of messages...

Ap HUG Katie Currier 2022-05-10

Ap HUG Katie Currier crossword puzzle
  1. , the time it takes to diffuse something to a distant place
  2. , factors include landforms, climate, vegetation, availability of water, soil quality, minerals , and wildlife
  3. , Used to determine an individual's exact location on Earth
  4. ,anguage distinguished by vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation
  5. , mportant to geography because it helps show natural increase
  6. , where new ideas and innovations spring up and spread to other parts of the world
  7. , often emerges when two or more languages coexist in a small geographic area
  8. ,results from the mixing of a colonizer's language with the indigenous language of the people being dominated
  1. , study of death rates or the actual ability of an individual to die
  2. , usually is given as a fraction or a ratio-1/10,000 or 1:10,000
  3. , Ethnic minorities are associated with homelands
  4. , map in which a certain variable (such as population) is replaced by land area or distance, and the space of the map is altered in order to accommod ate this new variable
  5. , forced to leave their traditional lands due to persecution or material hardship within their society
  6. ,a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth
  7. , the cyclical movement upwards and downwards in a graph

15 Clues: , Ethnic minorities are associated with homelands, the cyclical movement upwards and downwards in a graph, Used to determine an individual's exact location on Earth, the time it takes to diffuse something to a distant place, mportant to geography because it helps show natural increase...

2021 Homecoming Week 2021-09-15

2021 Homecoming Week crossword puzzle
  1. program used to practice reading skills
  2. subject in which we learn how to read
  1. program used to practice vocabulary skills

3 Clues: subject in which we learn how to readprogram used to practice reading skillsprogram used to practice vocabulary skills

Writing and Grammar: For Your Chapter Novel & Essays 2021-09-23

Writing and Grammar: For Your Chapter Novel & Essays crossword puzzle
  1. when you make a comparison with two different concepts . Clue rhymes with "I smell a tree"
  2. your chance as a writer to explore issues. rhymes with "mop pic"
  3. when you write down your ideas for your chapter book or essay clue: rhymes with "rain storm"
  4. using the 5 senses to help you write
  5. the way a writer uses their personality to write
  6. focusing on one or two main ideas. clue: rhymes with "arrow wing"
  7. the rhyming and rhyme of a writer
  1. using long sentences mixed with short sentences for variety
  2. drawing bubbles and filling it in with ideas and connecting ideas . clue: rhymes with "mustard map"
  3. when you use the word like to draw a comparison: Clue: "Sim a lee"
  4. Essay a 5 paragraph essay. The top bun is the introduction. The meat in the middle is the main idea, your evidence and your personal analysis. The ketchup is transitional phrases. The bottom bun is the conclusion.
  5. a short way to say "vocabulary"
  6. the first writing activity to complete in English class

13 Clues: a short way to say "vocabulary"the rhyming and rhyme of a writerusing the 5 senses to help you writethe way a writer uses their personality to writethe first writing activity to complete in English classusing long sentences mixed with short sentences for varietyyour chance as a writer to explore issues. rhymes with "mop pic"...

emiro goyeneche 2018-08-27

emiro goyeneche crossword puzzle
  1. it helps us in the training process because it informs us about everything we have to take into account for a good general development of the course,
  2. Here you will find the evaluation lessons with their respective qualifications
  3. Here we find a small vocabulary that we need
  4. This forum is used to communicate with our tutors and classmates, to inform or clear up doubts about any academic concerns we may have.
  5. We find everything related to rules and policies
  1. Here we will develop the activities that will be carried out in a group
  2. Where they inform us about the different instructions that we must take into account for the realization of the activities that are in progress
  3. In this link, we find the curriculum, of course,

8 Clues: Here we find a small vocabulary that we needIn this link, we find the curriculum, of course,We find everything related to rules and policiesHere we will develop the activities that will be carried out in a groupHere you will find the evaluation lessons with their respective qualifications...

Special dictionaries 2024-03-27

Special dictionaries crossword puzzle
  1. dictionaries are designed to cover the terminology and vocabulary of a specific subject area or field.
  2. definitions that provides detailed explanations, examples, and usage
  3. A specialized dictionary for healthcare professionals and students, containing terms and definitions specific to the medical field.
  4. Glossary designed for scientists and researchers, offering definitions of technical terms and jargon across various scientific disciplines.
  1. Legal …………… Focuses on legal terms, providing definitions and explanations used in law, jurisprudence, and legal practice.
  2. Context of specialized dictionaries are indispensable for students and researchers, providing accurate and detailed information in specific fields of study.
  3. This context facilitate clear and accurate communication, ensuring the correct usage of technical terms and jargon.

7 Clues: definitions that provides detailed explanations, examples, and usagedictionaries are designed to cover the terminology and vocabulary of a specific subject area or field.This context facilitate clear and accurate communication, ensuring the correct usage of technical terms and jargon....

Module 7 2023-10-15

Module 7 crossword puzzle
  1. a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based
  2. human communication through spoken language
  3. involves how you shape and organize your communication. A discourse that is logical has well-connected concepts that flow naturally.
  1. The speaker's capacity for clear and concise communication when speaking in public is referred to as this. It involves the unrestricted exchange of thoughts, words, and expressions.
  2. in public speaking involves using proper grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. '
  3. refers to your voice's expression and emotional range when you're speaking in public. Your voice might exude passion, assurance, authority, or empathy.

6 Clues: human communication through spoken languagea standard on which a judgment or decision may be basedin public speaking involves using proper grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. 'involves how you shape and organize your communication. A discourse that is logical has well-connected concepts that flow naturally....

Sociology of Education 2021-12-15

Sociology of Education crossword puzzle
  1. Describes the view that jobs are allocated to people based on their hard work and talent
  2. The C_____ theory suggests that school is structured in a very similar way to the workplace
  3. Marxist sociologist who believed that school acts as an ideological state apparatus
  1. Durkheim suggests that schools are a m_________ of society, or a miniature version of society
  2. The term Marxists use to dismiss the idea that society is meritocratic
  3. When schools group students together according to who needs the most help then this is known as t_________
  4. The language code of the middle class, which uses more complex sentences and vocabulary, according to Bernstein
  5. Functionalists believe that most people agree with and follow society's norms and values, meaning there is a value c_________
  6. According to Sugarman, working class people believe that nothing can be done to change their situation

9 Clues: The term Marxists use to dismiss the idea that society is meritocraticMarxist sociologist who believed that school acts as an ideological state apparatusDescribes the view that jobs are allocated to people based on their hard work and talentThe C_____ theory suggests that school is structured in a very similar way to the workplace...

School 2023-06-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. simple we use it for habits and everyday routines, normally with adverbs (2 words)
  2. continous we use it for backround descriptions, especially in stories
  1. we use a/an before singular countable nouns
  2. write words we dont understand,then write what it means
  3. continous we use it for actions that are happening at the time of speaking (2 words)
  4. simple we use it for a completed past action or a past state (2 words)

6 Clues: we use a/an before singular countable nounswrite words we dont understand,then write what it meanscontinous we use it for backround descriptions, especially in storiessimple we use it for a completed past action or a past state (2 words)simple we use it for habits and everyday routines, normally with adverbs (2 words)...

Course activities 2018-09-04

Course activities crossword puzzle
  1. articulate and emit sounds to speak
  2. Set of rules and rules to speak and write a language correctly.
  3. Written or oral test that is done to demonstrate proficiency in a given subject or aptitude for a certain activity or position.
  4. Apply the intelligence or exercise the understanding to acquire the knowledge of a thing, learn an art or a profession, memorize the content of something.
  1. task Speak it is also necessary to learn a language
  2. Space to review the dates in which the different activities of the course will be carried out
  3. Set of words of a language
  4. To pass the sight by the signs of a written word or text to interpret them mentally or to translate them into sounds.

8 Clues: Set of words of a languagearticulate and emit sounds to speaktask Speak it is also necessary to learn a languageSet of rules and rules to speak and write a language correctly.Space to review the dates in which the different activities of the course will be carried out...

ELT Methods and Approaches Summary 2021-01-24

ELT Methods and Approaches Summary crossword puzzle
  1. A method of language teaching developed by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
  2. An oral-based approach that drills student in the use of grammatical sentence patterns.
  3. In this method, Students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn.
  4. A teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov.
  1. The approach based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning.
  2. A method of foreign or second language teaching which consider translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.
  3. A method was known for introducing second language grammar and vocabulary in natural situations.
  4. This method concentrates on the emotional factors in language learning.

8 Clues: This method concentrates on the emotional factors in language learning.A teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov.An oral-based approach that drills student in the use of grammatical sentence patterns.A method was known for introducing second language grammar and vocabulary in natural situations....

ELT Methods and Approaches Summary 2021-01-24

ELT Methods and Approaches Summary crossword puzzle
  1. A teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov.
  2. A method of foreign or second language teaching which consider translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.
  3. This method concentrates on the emotional factors in language learning.
  4. A method was known for introducing second language grammar and vocabulary in natural situations.
  5. The approach based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning.
  1. An oral-based approach that drills student in the use of grammatical sentence patterns.
  2. A method of language teaching developed by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
  3. In this method, Students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn.

8 Clues: This method concentrates on the emotional factors in language learning.A teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov.An oral-based approach that drills student in the use of grammatical sentence patterns.A method was known for introducing second language grammar and vocabulary in natural situations....

Childhood Literacy 2023-08-03

Childhood Literacy crossword puzzle
  1. Despite being the most important predictor of high school graduation, _/3 (number, spelled) of children fail to have reading proficiency.
  2. Reading together can be a great tool for parent-child ____.
  3. Increased developmental risk for children have been associated with _______ reading aloud and increased health risk related to medication dosing errors and lower rates of adherence to medical regimens.
  4. Reading program started by East Tennessee resident - Imagination __________.
  1. Parents reading with their kids greatly improves social-_____________ development.
  2. Reading aloud with young children has been found to increase the richness of the ________.
  3. In one study, there was a ___-month developmental increase in receptive language skills of children (average age, 4 years) whose families were participating in Reach out and Read.
  4. Program name to promote childhood literacy (Reach out and _____)

8 Clues: Reading together can be a great tool for parent-child ____.Program name to promote childhood literacy (Reach out and _____)Reading program started by East Tennessee resident - Imagination __________.Parents reading with their kids greatly improves social-_____________ development....

L1 and L2 Acquisition 2023-12-06

L1 and L2 Acquisition crossword puzzle
  1. the ability for humans to learn and develop language skills is language _________________
  2. both standards try to make the language _____________ and useful the learners
  3. Freeman and Freeman want to lessen the emphasis of ____________ in L2 acquisition
  4. a way that students can show their acquisition skills is when they can ____________ with others using the target language
  1. students who have a better understanding of _____________ can usually communicate at a higher level
  2. Researcher who investigated the positives and negatives that come applying L1 skills when acquiring L2
  3. without input there is no ___________
  4. how many C’s are talked about in the ACTFL Standards
  5. who said all humans have the “innate ability to acquire language”
  6. this period of time is associated with both L1 and L2 acquisition, but it is given more consideration in L1 acquisition then learners who are working to acquire L2
  7. Linguist who examined the impact that additional factors, like comfort/anxiety levels in a classroom, play in language acquisition.
  8. the national standards of language acquisition, have distinct levels- Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Superior, Distinguished
  9. what standards provide more detailed expectations of what students should be able to do

13 Clues: without input there is no ___________how many C’s are talked about in the ACTFL Standardswho said all humans have the “innate ability to acquire language”both standards try to make the language _____________ and useful the learnersFreeman and Freeman want to lessen the emphasis of ____________ in L2 acquisition...

School Subjects 2023-12-08

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Problem-solving and numerical concepts, developing logical thinking and foundational mathematical skills.
  2. Science Introduction to physics and chemistry concepts, hands-on experiments, and understanding basic scientific principles.
  3. Language Arts Reading, writing, and communication skills, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and language mastery.
  4. Studies Understanding society, history, and geography, promoting cultural awareness and a sense of global citizenship.
  5. Learning Introduction to a foreign language, focusing on vocabulary, basic phrases, and cultural awareness.
  6. Study of past events, civilizations, and historical figures, fostering a sense of time, continuity, and change.
  7. Creative expression through various art forms, encouraging imagination, fine motor skills, and artistic appreciation.
  1. Extensions Advanced mathematical concepts, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills beyond the standard curriculum.
  2. Science Basics of coding, problem-solving, and digital literacy, empowering students to navigate the digital world.
  3. Creative expression through acting and performance, developing communication skills and self-confidence.
  4. Exploration of the natural world through experiments, observations, and learning about various scientific phenomena.
  5. Science Understanding ecosystems, conservation, and environmental issues, promoting ecological awareness and responsibility.
  6. Introduction to musical concepts, instruments, and appreciation, fostering a love for music and rhythm.
  7. Education Physical activities and games promoting fitness, coordination, teamwork, and a healthy lifestyle.
  8. Exploration of the Earth's features, cultures, and environments, enhancing spatial awareness and global knowledge.

15 Clues: Introduction to musical concepts, instruments, and appreciation, fostering a love for music and rhythm.Creative expression through acting and performance, developing communication skills and self-confidence.Problem-solving and numerical concepts, developing logical thinking and foundational mathematical skills....

Hard Level Round 1 2023-01-26

Hard Level Round 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Lizzy was cramping before her vocabulary test because she was very busy this week. When it was time to take the test, she could only remember the first couple of words. This is an example of?
  2. Supports the phrase “love is blind”
  3. Binet was scared that his findings would label children and ____ their opportunities
  1. This makes it seem like you are always in the right
  2. This general cognition method can lead to errors.

5 Clues: Supports the phrase “love is blind”This general cognition method can lead to errors.This makes it seem like you are always in the rightBinet was scared that his findings would label children and ____ their opportunities...

Chapter 8 Part 2 Discussion Board Crossword 2021-03-19

Chapter 8 Part 2 Discussion Board Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. this type of test is designed to predict what you will be able to learn.
  2. The ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations.
  3. Success is a combination of talent and
  4. The 1st of four abilities associated with emotional intelligence
  5. The 2nd of the four abilities associated with emotional intelligence
  6. this type of intelligence is our accumulated knowledge, as reflected in vocabulary and word-power test.
  1. The 4th of the four abilities associated with emotional intelligence
  2. If you worry that your group or “type” often doesn’t do well on a certain kind of test or task, your self-doubts and self-monitoring may hijack your working memory and impair attention, performance, and learning
  3. this type of test is designed to reflect what you have learned.
  4. The 3rd of the four abilities associated with emotional intelligence
  5. this type of intelligence is our ability to reason speedily and abstractly, as when solving unfamiliar logic problems.

11 Clues: Success is a combination of talent andthis type of test is designed to reflect what you have learned.The 1st of four abilities associated with emotional intelligenceThe 4th of the four abilities associated with emotional intelligenceThe 3rd of the four abilities associated with emotional intelligence...

Ballet 2013-04-08

Ballet crossword puzzle
  1. From Italian ballare, to dance
  2. de ballet Dancers who appear only in large groups. The corps de ballet is the backbone of every ballet company
  3. From the French passser, to pass. A movement in which the pointed foot of the “ working” leg passes the knee of the supporting leg.
  4. A skirt used in classical ballet made of many layers of tulle or netting
  5. Someone who makes dances
  6. de deuz A dance for two people
  1. to bend
  2. A series of turns on pointe (on tips of toes) or demi-pointe executed in a line or in a circle, in which the feet remain close to the floor and the weight is transferred rapidly from one foot to the other as the body revolves
  3. A complete turn of the body on one foot
  4. applies to a rigorous basic vocabulary of steps and movements capable of infinite variations and a system of instruction that makes such a variation possible for individual dancers
  5. A leading female dance of ballet company

11 Clues: to bendSomeone who makes dancesFrom Italian ballare, to dancede deuz A dance for two peopleA complete turn of the body on one footA leading female dance of ballet companyA skirt used in classical ballet made of many layers of tulle or netting...

From Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers 2024-10-01

From Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers crossword puzzle
  1. the practice of cultivating soil, growing crops, and raising animals for food.
  2. a supply of something that can be used to meet needs, such as materials, money, or labor.
  3. the act of buying, selling, or exchanging goods and services between people or groups.
  4. a person or group of people who move from place to place in search of food and resources, rather than settling in one location.
  5. Age: the earliest period of human history, marked by the use of stone tools and the development of early human culture.
  1. Crescent: a region in the Middle East known for its rich soil and the birthplace of agriculture and early civilizations.
  2. to train or adapt wild plants and animals for human use, such as farming or keeping as pets.
  3. Words Defined
  4. Age: the period in human history when people began to farm, settle in one place, and develop communities.
  5. a scientist who studies human societies, cultures, and their development.
  6. a group of species that includes modern humans and their closest ancestors.

11 Clues: Words Defineda scientist who studies human societies, cultures, and their development.a group of species that includes modern humans and their closest ancestors.the practice of cultivating soil, growing crops, and raising animals for food.the act of buying, selling, or exchanging goods and services between people or groups....

Phrasal Verbs 2023-10-16

Phrasal Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I really like Christmas time. Everyone is usually optimistic and __________ the holidays and vacation.
  2. At the end of the TV show "Friends", Ross and Rachel __________ together.
  3. When it finally __________ everyone that the worst of the hurricane had passed, they celebrated having survived it all.
  4. Weekends are our opportunity to __________ from all the problems from the week.
  1. It's is always good to remember that life is a series of difficulties we need to __________ in between wonderful experiences that make it all worthwhile.
  2. It is easy to __________ vocabulary when you are learning multiple languages.

6 Clues: At the end of the TV show "Friends", Ross and Rachel __________ together.It is easy to __________ vocabulary when you are learning multiple languages.Weekends are our opportunity to __________ from all the problems from the week.I really like Christmas time. Everyone is usually optimistic and __________ the holidays and vacation....

Vocabulary of Vocabulary 2024-01-31

Vocabulary of Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A descriptive term (word or phrase) used to characterize a person or thing, that has become popular is commonly understood. Example: Abraham Lincoln the Great Emancipator
  2. An saying that has that has gained credit through long use. Example: Where there's smoke, there's fire.
  3. a word that describes a verb (usually ends in ‘ly’)
  4. An expression that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meanings of the words. Quite a few idioms are language specific, and thus difficult to translate. (Vermont) Example: That dog won’t hunt
  5. When a word is used in strict factual sense, not figuratively. For example logs may float down the river, or an actress may “float” into the room (Figurative)
  6. An extended or non-literal use of a word. For example, we might say that an angry person came into the room “breathing fire” which would be __________ implying the man’s hostile state of mind.
  7. a word that means the opposite or almost the opposite
  8. A concise, clever, sometimes paradoxical statement, thought or observation; Example: It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”
  9. the part of the beginning of a word that may modify its meaning (‘un’ or ‘pre’ for example)
  10. A word or phrase that names a person, place, thing
  11. the middle part of a word that might provide the core meaning of the word or words similar to it
  12. An overly commonplace, banal or trite saying, expression or idea. This term can be defined as any expression worn out by too frequent use. These are often used thoughtlessly and without individual conviction. Example: It rained cats and dogs.
  1. A simple and short saying, widely known, often metaphorical, which expresses a basic truth or practical precept, based on common sense or cultural experience. Example: Honesty is the best policy.
  2. the implied additional meaning or associations of a word which could either be positive or negative. Example: you may say a woman is “skinny” (Negative – implying too thin) or that a woman is “slim” (Positive imply a healthy weight). Both say the same thing, but communicate different messages.
  3. A saying, adage, motto, epigram, or proverb. This term stresses the succinct formulation of a fundamental principle, general truth, or rule of conduct. Example: Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
  4. A word describing a noun
  5. a word that means the same or almost the same
  6. an action word
  7. A person’s working vocabulary
  8. the specific meaning given in a dictionary
  9. This term is a statement that seemingly or actually contains an irresolvable contradiction. Thus it contradicts itself and yet might be true. Example: You are unique just like everyone else
  10. a letter or groups of letters at the end of a word

22 Clues: an action wordA word describing a nounA person’s working vocabularythe specific meaning given in a dictionarya word that means the same or almost the samea letter or groups of letters at the end of a wordA word or phrase that names a person, place, thinga word that describes a verb (usually ends in ‘ly’)...

15 words 2022-02-17

15 words crossword puzzle
  1. the body of words used in a particular language and also something we use in spelling that we say a lot.
  2. when heaven is the ultimate abode of the just.
  3. something pledged as security for repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of a default.
  4. the ability to understand something; comprehension.
  5. the disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surroundings.
  1. the action or process of classifying something also if you say something wrong you have to.............. it right.
  2. anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen
  3. an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to a deity.
  4. a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.
  5. a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound arguments.
  6. a class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics.

11 Clues: when heaven is the ultimate abode of the just.the ability to understand something; comprehension.anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happena room or building for the display or sale of works of art.a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound arguments....

Exceptional Children's Week 2021-02-26

Exceptional Children's Week crossword puzzle
  1. The acronym for a student's education plan
  2. Care should be taken that ________ language learners are not inappropriately referred to special education
  3. the concept of Universal Design started in this area
  4. In order to qualify for special education, a student must have a disability and require __________-__________ instruction
  5. Students from a different ________ might have different views of eye contact, role of women, or definition of family.
  6. This area is where NCLB conflicts most with special ed law
  7. Families of students with special needs are statistically _________ than other families.
  8. High expectations for all students is the #1 reason to practice this
  9. Parents of children with disabilities go through this process
  10. The acronym for the special ed law
  11. A high percentage of teachers in poor, urban schools are in their _______ _________ of teaching.
  12. This terminology means mentioning a child's disability LAST, if a at all.
  1. When more of a certain racial group is in special ed than is in the whole district.
  2. A principle of IDEA which means NO child is turned away
  3. Evaluations should be fair and NOT this
  4. Least ___________ means most like general ed.
  5. A __________ 504 plan is for a student who doesn't need special ed, but does need some classroom accommodations
  6. Something that is designed for a specific population, that is helpful to everyone
  7. Not being prepared & lower vocabulary development may be signs a child is living in _________.

19 Clues: The acronym for the special ed lawEvaluations should be fair and NOT thisThe acronym for a student's education planLeast ___________ means most like general ed.the concept of Universal Design started in this areaA principle of IDEA which means NO child is turned awayThis area is where NCLB conflicts most with special ed law...

CRP 2024-04-12

CRP crossword puzzle
  1. Cultural _____broader perspective from which to view our behaviors as they relate to our own actions with individuals across a variety of cultures that are different from our own
  2. __________childhood experiences
  3. acronym for a type of working memory assessment
  4. acronym for the interpreting process
  5. a strategy involving silently rehearsal
  6. ____experience; follows test-teach-retest principle
  7. commonplace verbal, behavioral or environmental slights, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative attitudes toward stigmatized or culturally marginalized groups
  8. ____reading; strategy for increasing reading fluency
  9. assessment in which we look at the child’s body of work to help determine difference vs disorder
  1. ____bilingualism; Two languages acquired at the same time
  2. acronym for basic interpersonal communication skills(also CILF)
  3. interview style which is a collaborative endeavor between the interviewer and the interviewee
  4. active ____; strategy for learning new vocabulary
  5. view that ones own culture do things the right way
  6. model of disability which includes the idea that environment that creates the handicaps and barriers, not the disability
  7. our sense of who we are as individuals and as members of social groups
  8. Bilingualism does _____ cause language disorders
  9. Reverting to monolingualism ____ cure language disorders
  10. acronym for conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks

19 Clues: __________childhood experiencesacronym for the interpreting processa strategy involving silently rehearsalacronym for a type of working memory assessmentBilingualism does _____ cause language disordersactive ____; strategy for learning new vocabularyview that ones own culture do things the right way...

Explore the course 2018-02-11

Explore the course crossword puzzle
  1. / you can find information about the level, language skills, methodology and evaluation of this course.
  2. and evaluation / There you can make the delivery of work and development of evaluationgs
  3. / it is the priority communication channel between the different actors involved in the development of the course.
  4. / there, you can visualize the grades as well as the feedback received for each of the activities carried out in the course.
  1. / you will find the explanation about environments, mailing, grades and important sections.
  2. / this is a useful tool to check the vocabulary we will learn in this course.
  3. / this is a link the user can view and update the contact information (mail, location, phone, photo and description).
  4. / there, you can consult the schedule for the development of all activities

8 Clues: / there, you can consult the schedule for the development of all activities/ this is a useful tool to check the vocabulary we will learn in this course.and evaluation / There you can make the delivery of work and development of evaluationgs/ you will find the explanation about environments, mailing, grades and important sections....

Explore the course 2018-02-11

Explore the course crossword puzzle
  1. / there, you can visualize the grades as well as the feedback received for each of the activities carried out in the course.
  2. / you can find information about the level, language skills, methodology and evaluation of this course.
  3. / There you can make the delivery of work and development of evaluationgs
  1. / you will find the explanation about environments, mailing, grades and important sections.
  2. / this is a useful tool to check the vocabulary we will learn in this course.
  3. / this is a link the user can view and update the contact information (mail, location, phone, photo and description).
  4. / there, you can consult the schedule for the development of all activities
  5. / it is the priority communication channel between the different actors involved in the development of the course.

8 Clues: / There you can make the delivery of work and development of evaluationgs/ there, you can consult the schedule for the development of all activities/ this is a useful tool to check the vocabulary we will learn in this course./ you will find the explanation about environments, mailing, grades and important sections....

ELT Methods and Approaches Summary 2021-01-24

ELT Methods and Approaches Summary crossword puzzle
  1. An oral-based approach that drills student in the use of grammatical sentence patterns.
  2. A method was known for introducing second language grammar and vocabulary in natural situations.
  3. A teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov.
  1. The approach based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning.
  2. In this method, Students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn.
  3. A method of foreign or second language teaching which consider translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.
  4. This method concentrates on the emotional factors in language learning.
  5. A method of language teaching developed by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

8 Clues: This method concentrates on the emotional factors in language learning.A teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov.An oral-based approach that drills student in the use of grammatical sentence patterns.A method was known for introducing second language grammar and vocabulary in natural situations....

ELT Methods and Approaches Summary 2021-01-24

ELT Methods and Approaches Summary crossword puzzle
  1. The approach based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning.
  2. A method of language teaching developed by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
  3. An oral-based approach that drills student in the use of grammatical sentence patterns.
  1. A method of foreign or second language teaching which consider translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.
  2. This method concentrates on the emotional factors in language learning.
  3. A method was known for introducing second language grammar and vocabulary in natural situations.
  4. A teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov.
  5. In this method, Students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn.

8 Clues: This method concentrates on the emotional factors in language learning.A teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov.An oral-based approach that drills student in the use of grammatical sentence patterns.A method was known for introducing second language grammar and vocabulary in natural situations....

Finding the Words 2022-02-18

Finding the Words crossword puzzle
  1. a combination of words in a language that happens very often and more frequently than would happen by chance; e.g. "heavy rain" but "strong wind"
  2. nonsense
  3. To make a short trip to complete a specific task or chore; "to do chores" away from home
  1. turn into or treat as a product that can be bought and sold
  2. to finally realise; e.g. "to ... on someone". Also another word for the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise
  3. determined not to change your opinion or attitude (often negative connotation); obstinate
  4. to follow; to do something or try to achieve something over a period of time; collocates with "dream", "goal", "a career", etc.
  5. covering a large number and wide scope, comprehensive; collocates with "vocabulary"

8 Clues: nonsenseturn into or treat as a product that can be bought and soldcovering a large number and wide scope, comprehensive; collocates with "vocabulary"To make a short trip to complete a specific task or chore; "to do chores" away from homedetermined not to change your opinion or attitude (often negative connotation); obstinate...

Vocab Puzzle 1-Summer 2023 2023-06-30

Vocab Puzzle 1-Summer 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. the system and structure of a language, usually taken as consisting of syntax (word order and arrangement), punctuation and word meaning and use (semantics).
  2. generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person.
  3. given, felt or done in return for something. "She was hoping for some reciprocal comment or gesture".
  4. the body of words used in a particular language.
  1. a form that is derived from a verb but that functions as a noun, in English ending in -ing.
  2. a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition toward a particular thing.
  3. no longer existing or functioning.
  4. the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques

8 Clues: no longer existing or functioning.the body of words used in a particular language.generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person.a form that is derived from a verb but that functions as a noun, in English ending in -ing.given, felt or done in return for something. "She was hoping for some reciprocal comment or gesture"....

Culture Vocabulary 2021-10-05

Culture Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A type of government run by the people
  2. A form of a government in which one person has absolute power to rule and control the government, the people, and the economy
  1. The set of beliefs, behavior, and traits shared by a group of people
  2. A regional variation of a language with unique features, such as vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation
  3. The system of government in which a country by a king or a queen

5 Clues: A type of government run by the peopleThe system of government in which a country by a king or a queenThe set of beliefs, behavior, and traits shared by a group of peopleA regional variation of a language with unique features, such as vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation...

Background Knowledge 2024-01-29

Background Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Reading ____ is needed in order to understand what your reading and tells you what knowledge to activate.
  2. The amount of information a person has on a specific topic.
  3. You can gain background knowledge by ___ or listening to a text.
  1. This is an indicator of background knowledge, if you know the words then you will have a better understanding of the topic.
  2. Background knowledge is accumulated by an ___ you have in your life.

5 Clues: The amount of information a person has on a specific topic.You can gain background knowledge by ___ or listening to a text.Background knowledge is accumulated by an ___ you have in your life.Reading ____ is needed in order to understand what your reading and tells you what knowledge to activate....

General English: Key Terms 2019-01-31

General English: Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. refers to those aspects of texts that prompt emotional and critical reactions; as such, the aesthetic is closely tied to reader/audience positioning; aesthetic features and stylistic devices may draw upon and interplay with textual features used for other purposes
  2. choose and arrange subject matter, evidence, quotations and other textual information and combine them into a coherent whole text
  3. aspects of texts (such as words, sentences, images), how they are arranged, and how they affect meaning; examples of stylistic devices include narrative viewpoint, approaches to characterisation, structure of stanzas, juxtaposition, nominalisation and lexical choice
  4. the categories into which texts are grouped; the term has a complex history within literary and linguistic theory and is often used to distinguish texts on the basis of, e.g. their subject matter (detective fiction, romance fiction, science fiction, fantasy fiction) and form and structure (poetry, novels, short stories); genres are not static but change in response to a range of factors, such as social context, purpose and experimentation; some texts are hybridised or multigenic perspective: in English, the way a reader/viewer is positioned by a text, or how a particular ideology is embedded in a text, e.g. a feminist perspective; a point of view or way of regarding/thinking about situations, facts and texts
  5. to develop a text logically and purposefully, e.g. to arrange information in paragraphs to ensure meaning is clear
  6. opinions or ideas about an issue
  7. the morphology and syntax structures used to create and express meaning in texts, by systematic arrangement of words, phrases, clauses and sentences to express meaning in texts for particular purposes
  8. the context of a text, its historical and social setting
  1. decisions about the selection of vocabulary that is appropriate to particular purposes and contexts
  2. a genre’s distinguishing structures, features and patterns that relate to context, purpose and audience
  3. features of vocabulary, syntax and grammar that bind different parts of a text together; examples include connectives, ellipses, synonyms; in multimodal texts examples include establishing shots in films and icons for links on web pages
  4. characteristics, qualities, philosophical and emotional stances, e.g. moral principles or standards, often shared with others in a cultural group
  5. ideas, beliefs or attitudes about such things as gender, religion, ethnicity, youth, age, disability, sexuality, social class and work that are taken for granted as being part of the fabric of the social practices of a particular culture; cultural assumptions underpin texts and can be used to position audiences
  6. textual constructions that give shape to ways of thinking about or acting in the world; texts re-present concepts, identities, times and places, underpinned by the cultural assumptions, attitudes, beliefs, values or world view of the writer, shaper, speaker/signer, designer (and of the reader, viewer, listener)
  7. people or characters in texts who are representations of identities in (lived) cultural and social contexts
  8. ideas or themes embedded in a text
  9. convictions that people have based on opinion

17 Clues: opinions or ideas about an issueideas or themes embedded in a textconvictions that people have based on opinionthe context of a text, its historical and social settingdecisions about the selection of vocabulary that is appropriate to particular purposes and contexts...

Vocabulary of Vocabulary 2024-01-31

Vocabulary of Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A descriptive term (word or phrase) used to characterize a person or thing, that has become popular is commonly understood. Example: Abraham Lincoln the Great Emancipator
  2. An saying that has that has gained credit through long use. Example: Where there's smoke, there's fire.
  3. a word that describes a verb (usually ends in ‘ly’)
  4. An expression that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meanings of the words. Quite a few idioms are language specific, and thus difficult to translate. (Vermont) Example: That dog won’t hunt
  5. When a word is used in strict factual sense, not figuratively. For example logs may float down the river, or an actress may “float” into the room (Figurative)
  6. An extended or non-literal use of a word. For example, we might say that an angry person came into the room “breathing fire” which would be __________ implying the man’s hostile state of mind.
  7. a word that means the opposite or almost the opposite
  8. A concise, clever, sometimes paradoxical statement, thought or observation; Example: It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”
  9. the part of the beginning of a word that may modify its meaning (‘un’ or ‘pre’ for example)
  10. A word or phrase that names a person, place, thing
  11. the middle part of a word that might provide the core meaning of the word or words similar to it
  12. An overly commonplace, banal or trite saying, expression or idea. This term can be defined as any expression worn out by too frequent use. These are often used thoughtlessly and without individual conviction. Example: It rained cats and dogs.
  1. A simple and short saying, widely known, often metaphorical, which expresses a basic truth or practical precept, based on common sense or cultural experience. Example: Honesty is the best policy.
  2. the implied additional meaning or associations of a word which could either be positive or negative. Example: you may say a woman is “skinny” (Negative – implying too thin) or that a woman is “slim” (Positive imply a healthy weight). Both say the same thing, but communicate different messages.
  3. A saying, adage, motto, epigram, or proverb. This term stresses the succinct formulation of a fundamental principle, general truth, or rule of conduct. Example: Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
  4. A word describing a noun
  5. a word that means the same or almost the same
  6. an action word
  7. A person’s working vocabulary
  8. the specific meaning given in a dictionary
  9. This term is a statement that seemingly or actually contains an irresolvable contradiction. Thus it contradicts itself and yet might be true. Example: You are unique just like everyone else
  10. a letter or groups of letters at the end of a word

22 Clues: an action wordA word describing a nounA person’s working vocabularythe specific meaning given in a dictionarya word that means the same or almost the samea letter or groups of letters at the end of a wordA word or phrase that names a person, place, thinga word that describes a verb (usually ends in ‘ly’)...

Literacy Vocabulary 2020-10-19

Literacy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Strategies for identifying words that involve looking at letters, breaking the word into parts, and/or matching letters and letter combinations with the sounds they make; phonics strategies.
  2. A graph line drawn from a students current level of performance to a fixed benchmark score. The slope of the line depicts ongoing progress scores needed to meet the final benchmark score.
  3. The ability to read texts accurately, quickly, and with expression.
  4. Strategies for identifying words that focus on the conventions and rules related to sentence structure; grammatical strategies. Syntactic strategies involve figuring out whether a word sounds right in a sentence as if someone were talking.
  5. The middle score. If a student reads three grade level passages at 40 words per minute, 76 words per minute, and 50 words per minute, the median or middle score would be 50 words per minute.
  6. A form of reading practice in which students read narrative and expository passages on a. variety of subjects.
  7. Scores that allow teachers to compare students rate of improvement with other students in the same grade and at the same level, thus providing another indicator of how effective instruction is for a student.
  8. A teaching approach designed to help learners build an effective system for reading a variety of increasingly challenging text over time.
  1. Strategies for identifying words that focus on meaning. Semantic strategies focus on whether or not a word makes sense in a sentence.
  2. A fluency-based passage reading teaching strategy that involves teacher modeling, discussion of passage meaning, choral reading, performances for peers and home practice.
  3. Any of the wide variety of technology applications designed to help students with disabilities learn, communicate, enjoy recreation, and otherwise function more independently by bypassing their disabilities. Also called adaptive technology.
  4. A 5-day multi dimensional fluency-building activity that involves pre-reading vocabulary and background knowledge activities, echo reading, choral reading, partner reading, and post reading summarization activities.
  5. The ability to read texts orally using appropriate phrasing, intonation, and attention to punctuation.
  6. A method of reading in which all students in the class read aloud from the same book, regardless of their reading levels. The teacher calls on individuals to read, usually following a predetermined order.
  7. Planned reading of texts to children for a specific purpose. These oral reading sessions have the potential to develop comprehension skills, oral language, vocabulary, core knowledge, ability to visualize, motivations for the subject or reading in general, and ultimately reading comprehension, but only if they and conducted in an interactional style.

15 Clues: The ability to read texts accurately, quickly, and with expression.The ability to read texts orally using appropriate phrasing, intonation, and attention to punctuation.A form of reading practice in which students read narrative and expository passages on a. variety of subjects....

Personal Vocabulary Vocabulary 2022-09-21

Personal Vocabulary Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Your payment before an insurance company begins coverage
  2. The amount of money borrowed, or the amount of money still owed on a loan
  3. Investment that represents a loan to gov't or corporation (low risk)
  4. Amount paid on an insurance policy per a given time period
  5. occurs when benefits outweigh the cost
  6. A business whose main purpose is to receive deposits and make loans
  7. More money is taken out based on a larger pay check (federal tax)
  8. Risk transfer to a third party
  9. interest on the original loan
  10. A collections of securities chosen and managed by a group of professional fund managers
  11. Investments that represent ownership in business (risky)
  12. interest paid on both the original loan and interest earned.
  13. Used when a person is not capable of working
  1. The recipient of funds or other benefits from insurance policies
  2. All social classes pay the same percentage
  3. Insurance that protects your belongings from theft and destruction
  4. Benefits survivors or the deceased
  5. A periodic payment for the use of borrowed funds
  6. Smaller amount of money take out of pay check (sales tax)
  7. Used when a person is sick

20 Clues: Used when a person is sickinterest on the original loanRisk transfer to a third partyBenefits survivors or the deceasedoccurs when benefits outweigh the costAll social classes pay the same percentageUsed when a person is not capable of workingA periodic payment for the use of borrowed fundsYour payment before an insurance company begins coverage...

Personal Vocabulary Vocabulary 2022-09-21

Personal Vocabulary Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The recipient of funds or other benefits from insurance policies
  2. The amount of money borrowed, or the amount of money still owed on a loan
  3. Used when a person is sick
  4. Used when a person is not capable of working
  5. Your payment before an insurance company begins coverage
  6. Risk transfer to a third party
  7. interest on the original loan
  8. A business whose main purpose is to receive deposits and make loans
  9. interest paid on both the original loan and interest earned.
  1. All social classes pay the same percentage
  2. Investment that represents a loan to gov't or corporation (low risk)
  3. More money is taken out based on a larger pay check (federal tax)
  4. Insurance that protects your belongings from theft and destruction
  5. A periodic payment for the use of borrowed funds
  6. Amount paid on an insurance policy per a given time period
  7. occurs when benefits outweigh the cost
  8. Benefits survivors or the deceased
  9. Investments that represent ownership in business (risky)
  10. A collections of securities chosen and managed by a group of professional fund managers
  11. Smaller amount of money take out of pay check (sales tax)

20 Clues: Used when a person is sickinterest on the original loanRisk transfer to a third partyBenefits survivors or the deceasedoccurs when benefits outweigh the costAll social classes pay the same percentageUsed when a person is not capable of workingA periodic payment for the use of borrowed fundsInvestments that represent ownership in business (risky)...

Vocabulary 2014-10-15

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. uses the sounds and rhythms of words in variety of forms to suggest images and express feelings
  2. parts of the text,such as titles headings, or captions
  3. photos or drawings,such as maps or charts that stand for ideas or add to details in the text
  4. gives facts and examples about topic
  5. to figure out that is not stated directly
  6. the in which events happen
  7. is a story that was written to entertain
  8. is a present day story with events that could take place in real life
  9. a sentence is a group of words that express a complete thought
  1. to find ways that two or more things are similar
  2. gives informational text by telling a true story
  3. the important parts of a story,including to problem,or conflict,plot events surrounding the problem,and the problems solution
  4. briefly tell the important parts of text in your own words
  5. the main word that tells whom or what the subject is or does
  6. to spot difficulties and figure out how to understand
  7. seeks to convince the reader to or act in a certain way
  8. to keep track of your understanding
  9. to find ways that two or more things are different
  10. the main word that tells what the subject does or is

19 Clues: the in which events happento keep track of your understandinggives facts and examples about topicto figure out that is not stated directlyis a story that was written to entertainto find ways that two or more things are similargives informational text by telling a true storyto find ways that two or more things are different...

Vocabulary 2014-10-22

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Make it up on the spot
  2. A short story told personal
  3. Man's best friend
  4. Looking carefully
  5. Type of laywer
  6. One existing thing
  7. Lack of skill
  8. Blocking something
  1. Confused
  2. Memory
  3. Giving non-living things human quality
  4. Destroy
  5. Wrong idea
  6. Japanese poem
  7. A combination of songs
  8. Never stopping
  9. Connections between computer users
  10. Calm
  11. graphic A text that connects to pictures

19 Clues: CalmMemoryDestroyConfusedWrong ideaJapanese poemLack of skillNever stoppingType of laywerMan's best friendLooking carefullyOne existing thingBlocking somethingMake it up on the spotA combination of songsA short story told personalConnections between computer usersGiving non-living things human qualitygraphic A text that connects to pictures

Vocabulary 2014-10-22

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Make it up on the spot
  2. A short story told personal
  3. Man's best friend
  4. Looking carefully
  5. Type of laywer
  6. One existing thing
  7. Lack of skill
  8. Blocking something
  1. Confused
  2. Memory
  3. Giving non-living things human quality
  4. Destroy
  5. Wrong idea
  6. Japanese poem
  7. A combination of songs
  8. Never stopping
  9. Connections between computer users
  10. Calm
  11. graphic A text that connects to pictures

19 Clues: CalmMemoryDestroyConfusedWrong ideaJapanese poemLack of skillNever stoppingType of laywerMan's best friendLooking carefullyOne existing thingBlocking somethingMake it up on the spotA combination of songsA short story told personalConnections between computer usersGiving non-living things human qualitygraphic A text that connects to pictures

Vocabulary 2013-09-26

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Garment wearing girls can be long or short
  2. Furniture where people sit
  3. Animal made milk
  4. Is in a good mood
  5. Material that we use to write
  6. Transport that has two wheels that you engine
  7. That? Minuts.segons, hours ...
  8. A person who has a lot of beauty
  9. Planet we live
  10. Color usually of plants
  1. Shoes used by girls
  2. Animal that flies
  3. Pet barks
  4. Place to learn
  5. Activity amusing
  6. Round fruit which can be red or green
  7. School supplies which point the subject
  8. Object that we use to search for information
  9. Person who sing

19 Clues: Pet barksPlace to learnPlanet we livePerson who singActivity amusingAnimal made milkAnimal that fliesIs in a good moodShoes used by girlsColor usually of plantsFurniture where people sitMaterial that we use to writeThat? Minuts.segons, hours ...A person who has a lot of beautyRound fruit which can be red or green...

vocabulary 2015-11-03

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. without color
  2. abnormally bent
  3. to cover with soft adhesive matter
  4. to wear to shreds
  5. to be watchful
  6. menacing
  7. to make longer in size
  8. to want too much
  9. transmission
  10. a special section
  1. large organized unit
  2. a large group
  3. no longer in use
  4. tend to move
  5. lack of calm
  6. becoming smaller
  7. spread throughout all parts
  8. very happy blissful
  9. depressed sullen

19 Clues: menacingtend to movelack of calmtransmissionwithout colora large groupto be watchfulabnormally bentno longer in usebecoming smallerto want too muchdepressed sullento wear to shredsa special sectionvery happy blissfullarge organized unitto make longer in sizespread throughout all partsto cover with soft adhesive matter

Vocabulary 2021-01-12

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Foolishly impractical
  2. To put down/to put an end to.
  3. To place side by side
  4. to banish by voting
  5. Something held as an established opinion.
  6. to gain favor or favorable acceptance for by deliberate effort.
  7. A crime less serious than a felony.
  8. a statement seemingly opposed to common sense
  1. Failure or refusal to conform to an establishment.
  2. Eager or quick to argue or fight
  3. Disagreeably harsh
  4. A person with a neurotic impulse to steal without economic motive.
  5. To sparkle
  6. Fruitful/happy
  7. To cause to divide into parts.
  8. Belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine.
  9. To sparkle
  10. The quality or state of being lax.
  11. To prepare/to be useful
  12. Of or relating to the process of aging.

20 Clues: To sparkleTo sparkleFruitful/happyDisagreeably harshto banish by votingFoolishly impracticalTo place side by sideTo prepare/to be usefulTo put down/to put an end to.To cause to divide into parts.Eager or quick to argue or fightThe quality or state of being lax.A crime less serious than a felony.Of or relating to the process of aging....

VOCABULARY 2020-12-08

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  2. SCOPE


Vocabulary 2021-03-05

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. cake
  2. cake
  3. baptize
  4. happy
  5. celebrate
  6. obituary
  7. banquet
  8. wait
  9. wake
  1. to surprise
  2. burial
  3. rejoice
  4. coffin
  5. to exchange
  6. birthday
  7. cemetery
  8. be born
  9. happiness
  10. biscuit
  11. congratulations

20 Clues: cakecakewaitwakehappyburialcoffinrejoicebe bornbaptizebanquetbiscuitbirthdaycemeteryobituarycelebratehappinessto surpriseto exchangecongratulations

VOCABULARY 2017-01-31

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle


vocabulary 2017-03-19

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. not knowing,ignorant
  2. beggar
  3. well known for being bad
  4. causing sadness
  5. weak
  6. leave,abandon
  7. hot and sweaty
  8. good at tricking people
  9. light rain showers
  1. useless,futile
  2. announce
  3. firm
  4. unfriendly
  5. beg,plead
  6. with the intention of doing harm
  7. attack
  8. very happy
  9. thin and transparent
  10. strange

19 Clues: firmweakbeggarattackstrangeannouncebeg,pleadunfriendlyvery happyleave,abandonuseless,futilehot and sweatycausing sadnesslight rain showersnot knowing,ignorantthin and transparentgood at tricking peoplewell known for being badwith the intention of doing harm

vocabulary 2018-09-05

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. fülke
  2. táj
  3. ajánlani
  4. távolsági busz
  5. hálóhely
  6. ármány
  7. rugalmasság
  8. felelős
  9. világítás
  10. alkalmazni, kölcsönözni
  1. lakókocsi
  2. szálláshely
  3. jármű
  4. fokoz
  5. indulás
  6. megérkezni
  7. mozgáskorlátozott
  8. lehetőség
  9. szolgáltatás

19 Clues: tájfülkejárműfokozármányindulásfelelősajánlanihálóhelylakókocsilehetőségvilágításmegérkezniszálláshelyrugalmasságszolgáltatástávolsági buszmozgáskorlátozottalkalmazni, kölcsönözni

Vocabulary 2019-03-07

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. extreme or serious action
  2. brag about smt
  3. result of an action
  4. talk with smn about the price
  5. satisfied or very happy
  6. to travel by any kind of vehicle
  7. required by law or rule
  8. to change or alter
  9. honest in direct way
  10. discharge or release
  1. movement of your body
  2. strange habit
  3. very attractive or stylish
  4. expect
  5. temporary room to stay in
  6. tend to drop or break things
  7. to make smt true
  8. afraid or nervous
  9. to hope or wish

19 Clues: expectstrange habitbrag about smtto hope or wishto make smt trueafraid or nervousto change or alterresult of an actionhonest in direct waydischarge or releasemovement of your bodysatisfied or very happyrequired by law or ruleextreme or serious actiontemporary room to stay invery attractive or stylishtend to drop or break things...

Vocabulary 2019-09-23

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. easily torn or broken.
  2. to take apart.
  3. the horizontal line that splits the earth into two equal hemispheres.
  4. a type of writing that uses quotation marks to show when someone is speaking.
  5. Lines that divide the globe into horizontal sections
  6. lines that divide the globe vertical sections
  7. to continue to exist or remain alive.
  8. The part of a sentence that tells what the subject is doing.
  9. to put together.
  1. something put into place to stay.
  2. a figure with 2 sets of parallel sides.
  3. seemingly.
  4. half of a sphere.
  5. the part of a sentence that tells who the sentence is about.
  6. the distance around a closed figure.
  7. The amount of space inside a closed figure
  8. to give your consent or approval.
  9. something that happens.
  10. Meridian the line at 0 degrees longitude.

19 Clues: seemingly.to take apart.to put together.half of a sphere.easily torn or broken.something that happens.something put into place to stay.to give your consent or approval.the distance around a closed figure.to continue to exist or remain alive.a figure with 2 sets of parallel sides.Meridian the line at 0 degrees longitude....

Vocabulary 2020-10-27

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. having an affection or taste for (usu. fol. by "of")
  2. violent and dangerous
  3. very light
  4. a hill or shore with steep sides
  5. to bother in a stubborn or persistent way; harass
  6. to cry with short gasps of breath
  7. the place you are in and everything/everyone around you
  8. to suffer through something
  9. dangerous
  10. to surprise greatly
  11. lively flair or style
  1. interest fully
  2. deeply important or serious
  3. badgered, badgering,
  4. showing that you like or love someone
  5. able to be heard
  6. extreme sadness
  7. to become greater in amount, force, or loudness
  8. absolutely necessary

19 Clues: dangerousvery lightinterest fullyextreme sadnessable to be heardto surprise greatlybadgered, badgering,absolutely necessaryviolent and dangerouslively flair or styledeeply important or seriousto suffer through somethinga hill or shore with steep sidesto cry with short gasps of breathshowing that you like or love someone...

Vocabulary 2021-03-29

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. clothing of a particular kind
  2. happening or coming after something else
  3. arranged in the order that things happened or came to be
  4. to soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or association
  5. very small or too small in amount
  6. the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc.
  7. loyalty to a person, country, group, etc
  8. to hit something or each other with strong force
  9. attracting attention : STRIKING <a conspicuous success
  10. to expect or look ahead to (something) with pleasure : to look forward to (something)
  11. temporary replacement for something
  1. to make (something) worse
  2. large in amount or degree
  3. afraid that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen
  4. to entice/ persuade by pleasure or gain
  5. to hate (someone or something) very much
  6. showing that someone cannot be trusted
  7. something that borders, limits, or bounds, edge. threshold
  8. temporary replacement for something
  9. to have control of or power over (someone or something)

20 Clues: to make (something) worselarge in amount or degreeclothing of a particular kindvery small or too small in amounttemporary replacement for somethingtemporary replacement for somethingshowing that someone cannot be trustedto entice/ persuade by pleasure or gainhappening or coming after something elseto hate (someone or something) very much...

Vocabulary 2021-09-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. happy satisfied
  2. something a person does for fun
  3. happy with what is happening or what you are doing
  4. brave or feeling no fear
  5. look in an angry way
  6. to help people begin to get to know each other
  7. well known to you and easy to recognize
  8. a gift; being in attendance; to show or tell a group of people
  1. to keep someone or something out of a group or place
  2. move in a circle
  3. bother, annoy someone
  4. kind to a person or and animal who is suffering
  5. make someone believe something or decide to do something
  6. to go somewhere with someone
  7. listen in secretly to other people
  8. to throw something hard and fast
  9. fall and roll over and over
  10. afraid or filled with fear
  11. to promise something will happen
  12. to become aware of someone or something

20 Clues: happy satisfiedmove in a circlelook in an angry waybother, annoy someonebrave or feeling no fearafraid or filled with fearfall and roll over and overto go somewhere with someonesomething a person does for funto throw something hard and fastto promise something will happenlisten in secretly to other peoplewell known to you and easy to recognize...

Vocabulary 2021-10-01

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. astonish and shock
  2. when lips pucker or contract
  3. lost in thought
  4. to arrange in columns
  5. a present crowd going forward
  6. a concurrence without connection
  7. the mental action of acquiring knowledge
  8. a monarch or ruler
  9. to tell or inform someone
  10. able to be touched
  1. a warning or indication
  2. contrary to what is right or good
  3. hostility, hate
  4. people living in an area
  5. having shown keen mental discernment
  6. a fact or situation that is observed
  7. the combination of theories
  8. destined to happen
  9. total honesty

19 Clues: total honestyhostility, hatelost in thoughtastonish and shockdestined to happena monarch or rulerable to be touchedto arrange in columnsa warning or indicationpeople living in an areato tell or inform someonethe combination of theorieswhen lips pucker or contracta present crowd going forwarda concurrence without connection...

VOCABULARY 2021-09-23

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. refers to more than one subject or predicate
  2. not true to life
  3. naming words
  4. action or state of being words
  5. used to describe all the words that modify the subject or predicate along with them
  6. used to describe the single word which is the subject or predicate
  7. an account of someone's life written by him
  8. not real
  1. that which can be proven to be true
  2. a words used instead of nouns
  3. writing that follows the natural patterns found in everyday speech
  4. true to life
  5. an account of someone's life written by someone else
  6. type of literature that conveys a thought in lyrical arrangement of words
  7. another name for play
  8. the time and place in which a story takes place
  9. the persoon or thing spoken about in a sentence
  10. a group of words put together to make a complete thought
  11. tells something about the subject in a word

19 Clues: not realtrue to lifenaming wordsnot true to lifeanother name for playa words used instead of nounsaction or state of being wordsthat which can be proven to be truean account of someone's life written by himtells something about the subject in a wordrefers to more than one subject or predicatethe time and place in which a story takes place...

Vocabulary 2021-09-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. an educated guess
  2. participants do not know whether they are in the experimental group or the control group
  3. total group to be studied or described and from whom samples may be drawn
  4. a type of question that prompts or encourages the desired answer
  5. the group exposed to the treatment
  6. an investigator manipulates one or more variables to observe the effect
  7. any factor other than the I.V.
  8. type of sample where each member of the population has an equal chance of selection
  9. collecting data through human or animal participants
  10. might produce an effect in an experiment
  11. the group not exposed to the treatment
  1. portion of the target population that is similar to the target population
  2. both the participants and researchers are unaware of who is receiving the treatment
  3. the experimental factor (treatment) that is manipulated
  4. type of sample where subgroups are represented proportionally
  5. a predisposition to a certain point of view despite what the facts suggest
  6. collecting data by asking questions of people in a particular group
  7. a substance or treatment that has no effect apart from a person’s belief in its effect
  8. standards for proper and responsible behavior
  9. the outcome factor

20 Clues: an educated guessthe outcome factorany factor other than the I.V.the group exposed to the treatmentthe group not exposed to the treatmentmight produce an effect in an experimentstandards for proper and responsible behaviorcollecting data through human or animal participantsthe experimental factor (treatment) that is manipulated...

Vocabulary 2021-09-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the group exposed to the treatment
  2. total group to be studied or described and from whom samples may be drawn
  3. a substance or treatment that has no effect apart from a person’s belief in its effect
  4. both the participants and researchers are unaware of who is receiving the treatment
  5. an educated guess
  6. standards for proper and responsible behavior
  7. type of sample where each member of the population has an equal chance of selection
  8. the outcome factor
  9. a type of question that prompts or encourages the desired answer
  10. collecting data through human or animal participants
  1. type of sample where subgroups are represented proportionally
  2. portion of the target population that is similar to the target population
  3. an investigator manipulates one or more variables to observe the effect
  4. a predisposition to a certain point of view despite what the facts suggest
  5. any factor other than the I.V.
  6. collecting data by asking questions of people in a particular group
  7. participants do not know whether they are in the experimental group or the control group
  8. the experimental factor (treatment) that is manipulated
  9. might produce an effect in an experiment
  10. the group not exposed to the treatment

20 Clues: an educated guessthe outcome factorany factor other than the I.V.the group exposed to the treatmentthe group not exposed to the treatmentmight produce an effect in an experimentstandards for proper and responsible behaviorcollecting data through human or animal participantsthe experimental factor (treatment) that is manipulated...

Vocabulary 2021-10-21

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. An illogical sentence would be the opposite of this
  2. Carni___e, omni___e
  3. ___ Z (my opinion willn't be admitted)
  4. I admire how honest and ______ you are
  5. The opposite of embracing
  6. _____biology
  7. Usually the result of overcrowded places
  8. a synonym for the word is regardless
  9. If you're a confident person accepting a challenge, you would have none of it
  10. A doctor proves to be a very ______ career
  1. If you make someone mad, they'll be _________ towards talking directly to you
  2. ____volent, ____ficial
  3. ____dity,an ____d taste
  4. A trigger-happy person is very _____ about violence
  5. "It would be ______ to only do half of the assignment."
  6. Il___inate,___inescent
  7. An antonym would be keeping an idea away from the light of day
  8. A few planets are of ____scopic distance from Earth
  9. im____, ex____, de____

19 Clues: _____biologyCarni___e, omni___e____volent, ____ficialIl___inate,___inescentim____, ex____, de________dity,an ____d tasteThe opposite of embracinga synonym for the word is regardless___ Z (my opinion willn't be admitted)I admire how honest and ______ you areUsually the result of overcrowded placesA doctor proves to be a very ______ career...

Vocabulary 2021-04-22

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A large scale clearing of trees
  2. When farmers can sell crops that they farm
  3. The background or culture that people share
  4. When the land is becoming a desert and the area loses its vegetation
  5. Farmers that grow enough crops to live off of
  6. When their is to much of something
  7. One person or a small group of people that are in charge
  8. When one area conquers the other
  9. People who hunt for their food and gather their food
  10. People who are wanderers
  11. When one can not meet the basic needs for themselves
  1. The artificial application of water to land
  2. When their is not enough supplies
  3. The spreading of customs and beliefs from one group to another
  4. roads, railroads and schools and knowledge
  5. When there is not rain for a long time
  6. When their is little or no moisture
  7. When the nature wears away at the soil like wind and water and makes it bad for farming
  8. A tribe in Africa that are nomadic and speak Maa

19 Clues: People who are wanderersA large scale clearing of treesWhen one area conquers the otherWhen their is not enough suppliesWhen their is to much of somethingWhen their is little or no moistureWhen there is not rain for a long timeWhen farmers can sell crops that they farmroads, railroads and schools and knowledge...

Vocabulary 2022-02-22

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a girl becomes a _ after their teen years
  2. something you have on you everyday
  3. the reason why we barely have school
  4. something that teens don't wear even if it's cold
  5. someone we see Monday through Friday
  6. something you can close and open
  7. teachers are addicted to drinking this
  8. we see these animals in the sky frequently
  9. we use these everyday in School
  10. where you live
  1. what it feels like during winter
  2. something Colorado is known for
  3. the noise your father makes when he's sleeping
  4. something you do during parties
  5. something you can listen to or create
  6. something doctors recommend drinking
  7. we see these in the night sky
  8. activity that you get wet in
  9. a dog's worst enemy

19 Clues: where you livea dog's worst enemyactivity that you get wet inwe see these in the night skysomething Colorado is known forsomething you do during partieswe use these everyday in Schoolwhat it feels like during wintersomething you can close and opensomething you have on you everydaythe reason why we barely have school...

Vocabulary 2022-02-28

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. special skills may be developed through educational programs in the armed services
  2. a contribution of free labor, usually to a non-profit organization
  3. the action or fact of achieving a goal toward which one has worked
  4. mutual relationship or connection between two or more things
  5. a sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university
  6. financial aid that doesn’t have to be repaid (unless, for example, you withdraw from school and owe a refund)
  7. a direction of movement
  8. money awarded to students based on academic or other achievements to help pay for education expenses. Scholarships generally do not have to be repaid
  9. an official document showing the educational work of a student in a school or college
  10. post-secondary institution offering a collection of degrees in one specific area; also an undergraduate division or school in a university
  11. the process or state of changing to fit a new environment or different conditions, or the resulting change
  12. borrowed money you must repay with interest
  1. the quality of being adequately or well qualified in a skill or ability
  2. a sharp increase in the costs of goods and services
  3. a collection of colleges, has undergraduate programs which award bachelor degrees and graduate programs for masters’ degrees and doctorates.
  4. a type of work experience for entry-level job-seekers
  5. a period of declining economic growth
  6. an official document that gives proof and details of something such as personal status educational achievements, ownership, or authenticity
  7. clear enough to read
  8. a relationship in which two or more things are mutual or complementary, or one thing is caused by another

20 Clues: clear enough to reada direction of movementa period of declining economic growthborrowed money you must repay with interesta sharp increase in the costs of goods and servicesa type of work experience for entry-level job-seekersmutual relationship or connection between two or more things...

Vocabulary 2022-05-16

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the north's plan against the south
  2. the first black major of atlanta
  3. system where the landlord/planter allows a tenant to use the land in exchange for a share of the crop
  4. the first native americans
  5. led the march to the sea through atlanta
  6. creator of the cotton gin
  7. just needed land to farm
  8. a terrorist group to keep black people from voting
  9. harriet beecher stowe wrote this book
  10. killed the cotton and other crops
  1. chief of the creeks, got scalped
  2. loyal to the king
  3. legislative, judicial, and executive
  4. a prison camp in the civil war
  5. a legislature with two parts
  6. tom watson was in this party
  7. oglethorpe the leader of the trustee colony
  8. the people from the south going through the union blockade in fishing ships undercover
  9. was kiled by the knights of mary phagan

19 Clues: loyal to the kingjust needed land to farmcreator of the cotton ginthe first native americansa legislature with two partstom watson was in this partya prison camp in the civil warchief of the creeks, got scalpedthe first black major of atlantakilled the cotton and other cropsthe north's plan against the southlegislative, judicial, and executive...

VOCABULARY 2022-03-20

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. FALE
  4. CORRA
  7. LAGO
  9. LAPIS
  3. PRATO
  6. BOLO
  7. COBRA


Vocabulary 2022-03-24

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. unnamed, without the name of the person involved, unknown
  2. to root out, get rid of, destroy completely
  3. waiting to be settled
  4. to prevent from accomplishing a purpose
  5. in, at, or near the edge or margin
  6. unusual force or violence
  7. to view beforehand
  1. Important, well-known
  2. not capable of being copied or imitated
  3. active, energetic, forceful
  4. the extreme limit
  5. to trap, catch
  6. to order for medical purposes
  7. A person easily tricked or deceived, to deceive
  8. Clever, ingenious
  9. unwilling, holding back
  10. a temporary substitute for something else
  11. to nibble, graze
  12. stern merciless

19 Clues: to trap, catchstern mercilessto nibble, grazethe extreme limitClever, ingeniousto view beforehandImportant, well-knownwaiting to be settledunwilling, holding backunusual force or violenceactive, energetic, forcefulto order for medical purposesin, at, or near the edge or marginnot capable of being copied or imitated...

vocabulary 2022-08-17

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. effect which makes the object move in a pattern
  2. information arranged in horizontal rows and vertical columns
  3. visual depiction of information which helps a user effectively deliver information
  4. controls how the animation appears
  5. control how objects on slides appear when being viewed
  6. dictates how the object disappears
  7. major organizational unit of Microsoft® PowerPoint®
  8. arranges the content of the slides
  9. file which contains the colors, background format, font styles and accent colors
  1. brings attention to the object or text
  2. region of a slide reserved for inserting text or graphics
  3. view which lets a user change placeholders and layouts applied to the slides in a presentation
  4. effects which occur in a presentation when moving from one slide to another
  5. combination of colors, fonts, effects and backgrounds which are applied to the
  6. of a presentation
  7. the audience
  8. a presentation
  9. areas where rows and columns intersect
  10. list of words, phrases, sentences or paragraphs with a special character to the left at each point

19 Clues: the audiencea presentationof a presentationcontrols how the animation appearsdictates how the object disappearsarranges the content of the slidesbrings attention to the object or textareas where rows and columns intersecteffect which makes the object move in a patternmajor organizational unit of Microsoft® PowerPoint®...

Vocabulary 2022-10-27

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the study of past events
  2. the study of the physical features of the earth and it’s atmosphere
  3. a genre of movies that tends to make you laugh
  4. someone who is not kind
  5. a sport done in the water (pool)
  6. a person that works in the hospital and helps the doctor
  7. someone who talks too much
  8. a person who works in a hospital and treats people
  9. a sport played on a field and has a goal on each side, this sport is played by foot only
  1. someone who does not talk too much
  2. a meal you have every morning
  3. look at and comprehend the meaning of something in a form of a book
  4. a baby cat
  5. a meal you have every evening
  6. something everyone enjoys listening to which has both vocal instrumental sounds combined
  7. an animal doctor
  8. a genre of movies that tend to have love stories
  9. a meal you have around noon or mid day
  10. a genre of movies that tend to make you scared

19 Clues: a baby catan animal doctorsomeone who is not kindthe study of past eventssomeone who talks too mucha meal you have every morninga meal you have every eveninga sport done in the water (pool)someone who does not talk too mucha meal you have around noon or mid daya genre of movies that tends to make you laugh...

Vocabulary 2022-11-17

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. non-random difference in reproductive output among replicating entities
  2. an organism consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic material is DNA in the form of chromosomes contained within a distinct nucleus. Eukaryotes include all living organisms other than the eubacteria and archaebacteria.
  3. a new species evolve from a single ancestral species while inhabiting the same geographic region
  4. an organism deriving its nutritional requirements from complex organic substances.
  5. the action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics.
  6. various cells, tissues, and organs in a body which no longer serve a function. A vestigial structure can arise due to a mutation in the genome. This mutation will cause a change in the proteins that are required for the formation of the structure.
  7. similar structures that evolved from a common ancestor.
  8. A speciation in which biological populations are physically isolated by an extrinsic barrier and evolve intrinsic (genetic) reproductive isolation
  1. the system of nomenclature in which two terms are used to denote a species of living organism, the first one indicating the genus and the second the specific epithet.
  2. selection applied by humans in order to produce genetic change.
  3. an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide.
  4. the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution.
  5. branch of biology that deals with phylogenesis.
  6. a branching diagram showing the cladistic relationship between a number of species.
  7. features of different species that are similar in function but not necessarily in structure and which do not derive from a common ancestral feature (compare to homologous structures) and which evolved in response to a similar environmental challenge.
  8. a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
  9. a principal taxonomic category that ranks above species and below family, and is denoted by a capitalized Latin name, e.g. Leo.
  10. a microscopic single-celled organism that has neither a distinct nucleus with a membrane nor other specialized organelles. Prokaryotes include the bacteria and cyanobacteria.
  11. the classification of something, especially organisms.

19 Clues: branch of biology that deals with phylogenesis.the classification of something, especially organisms.similar structures that evolved from a common ancestor.selection applied by humans in order to produce genetic change.the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution....

Vocabulary 2022-04-21

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A flatterer
  2. Criminal, Villain
  3. Calm, peaceful
  4. Able to recover quickly
  5. A brief, cleverly worded statement that makes a wise observation about life
  6. A false argument made to deceive someone
  7. Stubborn
  8. Strictness, severity
  1. To delay
  2. Extremely old
  3. Looking or sounding sad
  4. To cast overboard, get rid of
  5. A demon spirit supposed to haunt humans in their bedrooms at night
  6. Divides body into upper and lower parts
  7. Skillful, expert in the use of the hands or mind\
  8. Tending to show off one's learning
  9. Boundary
  10. The act of expressing opposition
  11. A swamp

19 Clues: A swampTo delayBoundaryStubbornA flattererExtremely oldCalm, peacefulCriminal, VillainStrictness, severityLooking or sounding sadAble to recover quicklyTo cast overboard, get rid ofThe act of expressing oppositionTending to show off one's learningDivides body into upper and lower partsA false argument made to deceive someone...

Vocabulary 2022-04-22

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. physical environment
  2. clearly very much better than what is usual
  3. an ability or capability someone has to succeed
  4. not usual or normal
  5. the burden of physical or mental distress
  6. a feeling of liking or wanting one person or thing more than another person or thing
  7. a person who receives medical care or treatment
  8. to take or hold possession or control of
  9. to show someone where to look using your finger
  10. an idea that you try to make other people accept or understand
  1. involving or working less than customary or standard hours
  2. having all its proper parts or components
  3. to perform a function
  4. a profession or a career one has
  5. a substance (such as a cosmetic preparation) of oily consistency
  6. not shut or locked
  7. a gift
  8. a group of people who work together in an organized way for a shared purpose
  9. bodily part
  10. the way someone stands, sits, or lies down

20 Clues: a giftbodily partnot shut or lockednot usual or normalphysical environmentto perform a functiona profession or a career one hasto take or hold possession or control ofhaving all its proper parts or componentsthe burden of physical or mental distressthe way someone stands, sits, or lies downclearly very much better than what is usual...

Vocabulary 2022-07-06

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the month when classes usually start.
  2. 59
  3. the hottest season.
  4. the 7th day of the week.
  5. 12th month of the year.
  6. the man a wife is married to.
  7. the colour of pumpkins.
  8. The colour of chocolate.
  9. preposition.
  10. the coldest season
  1. Your mother's mother.
  2. the fifth month of the year.
  3. the colour of polar bears.
  4. 15
  5. the second day of the week.
  6. The female child of a husband and a wife.
  7. your mum and dad.
  8. the season that starts in September.
  9. 7

19 Clues: 71559preposition.your mum and dad.the coldest seasonthe hottest season.Your mother's mother.12th month of the year.the colour of pumpkins.the 7th day of the week.The colour of chocolate.the colour of polar bears.the second day of the week.the fifth month of the year.the man a wife is married to.the season that starts in September....

Vocabulary 2022-09-12

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. big room
  2. line east to west
  3. important
  4. the same every time
  5. part of the eye
  6. goal
  7. specific type
  8. to water crops
  9. imaginary line around the earth
  10. move
  11. the best
  1. examining something
  2. more open
  3. recorded on film
  4. line of zero longitude
  5. line north and south
  6. poor
  7. equal
  8. earth,sphere

19 Clues: poorgoalmoveequalbig roomthe bestmore openimportantearth,spherespecific typeto water cropspart of the eyerecorded on filmline east to westexamining somethingthe same every timeline north and southline of zero longitudeimaginary line around the earth

Vocabulary 2022-09-20

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the desert is very bare
  2. the pipe began to drip of water
  3. my dad was a little angry and grumpy today because I didn't finish my studying
  4. the escape room gave us a slight hint
  5. the plant began to grow and become beautiful
  6. the same old movie with the same plots
  7. she gave a brief summary about her work experiences
  8. this was a endless flight to Miami filled with crying children
  9. they gave us a warning on the show and its rating
  10. the rocket rushed through through space
  1. my boss gave me a reward for working an extra shift on the weekend
  2. the workers restored the old house to good condition
  3. they disturbed our meeting
  4. the detective asked the suspect many questions
  5. the long line of owners in the family
  6. the two countries had a pause in war for recovery
  7. the school was next to the houses
  8. my dog is very wicked and evil when she doesn't get her treats
  9. the passengers got down from the plane

19 Clues: the desert is very barethey disturbed our meetingthe pipe began to drip of waterthe school was next to the housesthe long line of owners in the familythe escape room gave us a slight hintthe same old movie with the same plotsthe passengers got down from the planethe rocket rushed through through spacethe plant began to grow and become beautiful...

vocabulary 2023-06-21

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. what it is above everything
  2. a place where plants and some animals grow and live.
  3. a liquid that all animals and plants need to live
  4. a type of plant that grows in the forest
  5. the opposite of warm
  6. a habitat that is also called a rain forest
  7. a synonym of wet
  8. animals that can live in any habitat.
  9. the jungle sare near this invisible line
  1. what covers the body of animals
  2. the part of a plant that is under the ground
  3. the opposite of wet
  4. the opposite of thin
  5. to give
  6. in the ocean we can´t find these.
  7. the opposite of shallow
  8. plants that grow in the ocean
  9. the water in oceans
  10. the opposite of cold

19 Clues: to givea synonym of wetthe opposite of wetthe water in oceansthe opposite of thinthe opposite of warmthe opposite of coldthe opposite of shallowwhat it is above everythingplants that grow in the oceanwhat covers the body of animalsin the ocean we can´t find these.animals that can live in any habitat.a type of plant that grows in the forest...

Vocabulary 2023-02-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause (noun)
  2. Deprive of feeling or responsiveness (adjective)
  3. The likely course of a medical condition (noun)
  4. The loss of the ability to move in part or most of the body (noun)
  5. Introduce into the body with a syringe
  6. Extreme fear (verb)
  7. Experience a sudden loss of consciousness (phrasal verb)
  8. A movement or series of moves requiring skill and care (noun & verb)
  9. Dwell on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure (verb)
  1. a substance used to stimulate immunity to a particular infectious disease or pathogen (noun)
  2. Annoyed, unhappy, or bored, especially with a situation that has existed for a long time (adjective)
  3. A tube with a nozzle and piston or bulb for sucking in and ejecting liquid in a thin stream, used for cleaning wounds or body cavities, or fitted with a hollow needle for injecting or withdrawing fluids (noun)
  4. Disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good than one had believed (adjective)
  5. Feel or manipulate with the hands (verb)
  6. A person who provides advice professionally (noun)
  7. A long, low sound made by a person expressing physical or mental suffering or sexual pleasure.
  8. Smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way (verb & noun)
  9. A tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged (noun)
  10. Lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern (noun)

19 Clues: Extreme fear (verb)Introduce into the body with a syringeFeel or manipulate with the hands (verb)Lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern (noun)The likely course of a medical condition (noun)Deprive of feeling or responsiveness (adjective)A person who provides advice professionally (noun)A tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged (noun)...

Vocabulary 2023-02-25

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to take a spiral form, to coil
  2. to reduce dust or powder, as by pounding or grinding
  3. walk like a duck
  4. to murmur or mutter in discontent; complain sullenly
  5. to wander aimlessly. ramble
  6. disciplined and not easy
  7. unable to be destroyed
  8. to emerge or come into view
  1. to turn on, like to turn on a bonfire
  2. very calm
  3. agreement or treaty
  4. to treat well, with kindness and care
  5. to make timid; fill with fear
  6. to regard with wonder or surprise
  7. to change direction or turnabout or aside
  8. strange, unusual or odd
  9. overwhelm or shocked
  10. pertaining to the sky, or to the universe beyond the earth's atmosphere
  11. not in operation, not in effect

19 Clues: very calmwalk like a duckagreement or treatyoverwhelm or shockedunable to be destroyedstrange, unusual or odddisciplined and not easyto wander aimlessly. rambleto emerge or come into viewto make timid; fill with fearto take a spiral form, to coilnot in operation, not in effectto regard with wonder or surpriseto turn on, like to turn on a bonfire...

Vocabulary 2023-03-07

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to fight for superiority to contend to compete eagerly so as to gain something
  2. great in number innumerable multitudinous
  3. a rope, cable etc. that holds something in place whilst allowing some movement
  4. to yield assent to accord agree or acquiesce to adapt oneself to consent or conform
  5. To distribute or apportion by or as if by lot
  6. the quality of being long-lasting, especially of life
  7. A particular group or social class of people that have a superior intellectual social or economic status as the elite of society
  8. a view, vista, or outlook
  9. Showing willingness to take bold risks recklessly daring
  10. stubborn and determined
  11. to goad or urge forward to set on to provoke to incite
  12. easily scared or startled timid
  1. directly related connected or pertinent to a topic
  2. To seize something and hold it firmly
  3. to make incapable of doing something
  4. to disturb to bother or unsettle
  5. empty having none of completely without
  6. very big in size or quantity gigantic colossal huge
  7. to gather a significant quantity of to accumulate

19 Clues: stubborn and determineda view, vista, or outlookeasily scared or startled timidto disturb to bother or unsettleto make incapable of doing somethingTo seize something and hold it firmlyempty having none of completely withoutgreat in number innumerable multitudinousTo distribute or apportion by or as if by lot...

Vocabulary 2023-04-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the action or fact of carefully choosing someone or something as being the best or most suitable.
  2. the activities of governments concerning the political relations between countries.
  3. feeling or expressing distress and annoyance, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.
  4. the organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity so as to enable them to work together effectively.
  5. an establishment or hospital department where outpatients are given medical treatment or advice, especially of a specialist nature.
  6. choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting.
  7. pause before saying or doing something, especially through uncertainty.
  8. choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting.
  9. equal in rank or importance.
  10. the abstract science of number, quantity, and space. Mathematics may be studied in its own right ( pure mathematics ), or as it is applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering
  11. a doctor having direct contact with and responsibility for patients, rather than one involved with theoretical or laboratory studies.
  1. the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.
  2. the action of pausing or hesitating before saying or doing something.
  3. carefully choose as being the best or most suitable.
  4. a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office.
  5. vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
  6. an expert in or student of mathematics.
  7. the process or fact of isolating or being isolated.
  8. a person who plays a musical instrument, especially as a profession, or is musically talented.
  9. cause (a person or place) to be or remain alone or apart from others.

20 Clues: equal in rank or importance.an expert in or student of mathematics.the process or fact of isolating or being isolated.carefully choose as being the best or most suitable.the action of pausing or hesitating before saying or doing something.cause (a person or place) to be or remain alone or apart from others....

Vocabulary 2023-05-02

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a trace of something that no longer exists
  2. speaking against a God or sacred things
  3. finding something good by accident
  4. obedient to a servile degree
  5. to talk much and foolishly chatter
  6. fearless, adventurous
  7. to provide something desired or needed
  1. bright and showy
  2. cunning and intelligence
  3. a large amount of somthing
  4. form an idea about the amount or quality of something
  5. commotion
  6. seeming probable
  7. harsh and discordant mixture of sounds
  8. extreme anger
  9. boring
  10. a pause or gap in a series or process
  11. to do something because of force or manipulation
  12. not in harmony with surroundings

19 Clues: boringcommotionextreme angerbright and showyseeming probablefearless, adventurouscunning and intelligencea large amount of somthingobedient to a servile degreenot in harmony with surroundingsfinding something good by accidentto talk much and foolishly chattera pause or gap in a series or processharsh and discordant mixture of sounds...

Vocabulary 2023-05-10

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Flur
  2. kindersicher
  3. Umgebung
  4. Eingang
  5. Gelegenheit
  6. dokumentieren
  1. Entwicklung
  2. Waschküche
  3. Empfang
  4. sicher
  5. Speisekammer
  6. Lätzchen
  7. Garderobe
  8. Basteln
  9. Versammlung
  10. beurteilen
  11. Windel
  12. Mappe
  13. Schere

19 Clues: FlurMappesicherWindelSchereEmpfangBastelnEingangLätzchenUmgebungGarderobeWaschküchebeurteilenEntwicklungVersammlungGelegenheitSpeisekammerkindersicherdokumentieren

vocabulary 2023-05-04

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. ziemniak
  2. mięso
  3. chleb
  4. pociąg
  5. staw
  6. wakacje
  7. pomidor
  8. poduszka
  9. warzywa
  1. ocean
  2. ciocia
  3. koc
  4. owoce
  5. marchewka
  6. wujek
  7. szkoła
  8. chomik
  9. morze
  10. plecak

19 Clues: kocstawoceanmięsochlebowocewujekmorzeciociapociągszkołachomikplecakwakacjepomidorwarzywaziemniakpoduszkamarchewka

Vocabulary 2023-05-05

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. brown hair
  2. menu
  3. restaurant
  4. the chair
  5. handsome (m)
  6. short (length) (m)
  7. the bill
  8. long (m)
  9. old (m)
  10. rich, tasty
  1. I would like
  2. the cup
  3. black hair
  4. the dessert
  5. blonde hair
  6. I am lacking
  7. red-haired
  8. gray hair
  9. now

19 Clues: nowmenuthe cupold (m)the billlong (m)gray hairthe chairblack hairbrown hairred-hairedrestaurantthe dessertblonde hairrich, tastyI would likeI am lackinghandsome (m)short (length) (m)

Vocabulary 2023-06-03

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. You need a password to get _____ to the computer system.
  2. Making you feel shy, uncomfortable or ashamed.
  3. Food looks or smells so good that you want to eat it immediately.
  4. Safe
  5. Making you think a lot about a subject or issue
  6. A _____ animal attacks and eats humans
  7. The scene was one of _________ beauty.
  8. Seeming to last forever
  9. The state of being free from the attention of the public
  1. The special effects in the film were truly _____.
  2. To make sure that somebody/something is not harmed, injured, damaged, etc.
  3. The songs remain in _____.
  4. The part of a view, picture, etc. that is nearest to you when you look at it
  5. Having achieved a better result or higher level than has ever been achieved before
  6. The place on a computer or other electronic device where you can choose the way that it works or looks
  7. causing feelings of happiness and pleasure
  8. extremely boring
  9. extremely sad
  10. The act of allowing somebody to do something

19 Clues: Safeextremely sadextremely boringSeeming to last foreverThe songs remain in _____.A _____ animal attacks and eats humansThe scene was one of _________ beauty.causing feelings of happiness and pleasureThe act of allowing somebody to do somethingMaking you feel shy, uncomfortable or ashamed.Making you think a lot about a subject or issue...

Vocabulary 2023-06-07

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. This month is the final month of the year.
  2. This month is the eighth month of the year.
  3. The shortest month of the year.
  4. This month comes after June.
  5. This day is after Tuesday.
  6. This day comes before Friday.
  7. The first day of the week.
  8. The last day of the week.
  1. This month is the second last month of the year.
  2. This month is known for Spring.
  3. This month has Halloween.
  4. This is the last day of the week.
  5. The third month of the year.
  6. The sixth month of the year.
  7. This day is before Wednesday.
  8. Fourth month of the year.
  9. The first month of the year.
  10. This is the first day of the weekend.
  11. This month comes after April.

19 Clues: This month has Halloween.Fourth month of the year.The last day of the week.This day is after Tuesday.The first day of the week.The third month of the year.The sixth month of the year.This month comes after June.The first month of the year.This day is before Wednesday.This day comes before Friday.This month comes after April....

Vocabulary 2023-05-22

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. it is a circular rotating bar used to transmit power and motion from one part to another
  2. it is a machine that converts power (energy) into motion (movement)
  3. synonym of “under”
  4. it is a rotating wheel with teeth used to transform the speed of rotation and transmit the power
  5. it is a small gear
  6. synonym of “next to”
  7. opposite of “in front of”
  8. shape with four equal sides and right angles
  9. it is a circular rotating object that is usually fixed under vehicles to make them move
  10. natural material which composes trees
  11. it is a machine that transforms rotational energy (like wind power or hydropower) into electricity
  1. hard and strong grey material composed of iron and carbon
  2. round shape that you can draw with a compass
  3. material with which you make clothes
  4. it is a red/brown metal with which you used to make coins
  5. it is a device that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy
  6. synonym of “over”
  7. it is a large flat part of a tool or machine, used to push back water or air.
  8. a precious shiny grey/white metal

19 Clues: synonym of “over”synonym of “under”it is a small gearsynonym of “next to”opposite of “in front of”a precious shiny grey/white metalmaterial with which you make clothesnatural material which composes treesround shape that you can draw with a compassshape with four equal sides and right angleshard and strong grey material composed of iron and carbon...

Vocabulary 2024-05-23

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. This type of succession begins after a disturbance
  2. two or more atoms bound together
  3. Igneous rock that has small crystal due to rapid cooling above the surface
  4. The chemical symbol for iron
  5. This type of air typically has clear skies
  6. Something solid or molten, with varying textures and crystal sizes, may or may not contain organic components
  7. Not derived from living things
  8. The species most important in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem
  1. Ocean currents move this direction in the Northern hemisphere
  2. This kind of species is anything that does not need soil to grow but can help form soil
  3. The fuel of a candle
  4. A stable state within an organism or ecosystem
  5. a substance made of two or more elements bound together
  6. Particles that have been weathered off of rock, metals, and other solids
  7. The process of decay that returns nutrients to the soil
  8. The way light reflects off a mineral
  9. This tide has the least difference between high and low tide
  10. The chemical name for Zn
  11. Something solid, inorganic, naturally occurring, with a crystal structure and definite chemical composition

19 Clues: The fuel of a candleThe chemical name for ZnThe chemical symbol for ironNot derived from living thingstwo or more atoms bound togetherThe way light reflects off a mineralThis type of air typically has clear skiesA stable state within an organism or ecosystemThis type of succession begins after a disturbance...

Vocabulary 2024-06-05

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. zegarek na rękę
  2. płaszcz
  3. czerwiec
  4. tenisówki
  5. rower
  6. książka
  7. nogi
  8. dłoń
  9. 11
  1. pomidory
  2. kurtka
  3. tort
  4. klej
  5. nożyczki
  6. żółty
  7. koszula
  8. luty
  9. jabłko
  10. grudzień

19 Clues: 11tortklejlutynogidłońżółtyrowerkurtkajabłkopłaszczkoszulaksiążkapomidorynożyczkiczerwiecgrudzieńtenisówkizegarek na rękę

Vocabulary 2023-12-02

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. vt
  2. ie
  3. er
  4. nw
  5. ny
  6. ul
  7. wl
  8. tk
  1. ee
  2. dp
  3. gk
  4. ve
  5. pr
  6. hh
  7. pt
  8. ig
  9. hy
  10. sd
  11. sg

19 Clues: eedpgkvtveprhhptieigernwhynysdsgulwltk

Vocabulary 2024-07-11

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who travels on water in a ship.
  2. Feeling uncomfortable and a little stupid.
  3. To practice something before you perform it in front of people.
  4. Someone who produce (something, such as a useful device or process) for the first time .
  5. A form of transport that takes people to hospital.
  6. To happen, or affect people, with force.
  7. The word for one thousand times one thousand.
  8. To use a tool to make a hole in the ground.
  9. Something bad that happens that often hurts you.
  1. Another word for electricity.
  2. Something that belongs to you.
  3. A person who works in the army.
  4. A picture or a painting of a person.
  5. Someone who works for another person in their house.
  6. A source of energy that we use for lights and many machines.
  7. Very, very cold.
  8. To put something in the ground and cover it.
  9. A large machine that you use to cook food.
  10. You use this to make a building warm.

19 Clues: Very, very cold.Another word for electricity.Something that belongs to you.A person who works in the army.A picture or a painting of a person.You use this to make a building warm.Someone who travels on water in a ship.To happen, or affect people, with force.Feeling uncomfortable and a little stupid.A large machine that you use to cook food....

Vocabulary 2023-12-05

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A big building where kings and queens live.
  2. If you haven´t slept very well, you are...
  3. Baby animals often look very...
  4. The same as very big.
  5. The opposite of friend.
  6. The opposite of war.
  7. The opposite of best.
  8. A dark place where you can see bats.
  9. Your aunt´s child is your...
  10. The second month of the year
  1. A person you don´t know is a ____ to you.
  2. A person who never lies is very...
  3. If you skipped your breakfast and lunch, you are...
  4. When you go on holiday, you usually pack this.
  5. The same as smart or wise.
  6. The opposite of full.
  7. Another word for great, fantastic and marvellous.
  8. The opposite of ordinary.
  9. If the weather is very cold, you can say it´s...

19 Clues: The opposite of war.The opposite of full.The same as very big.The opposite of best.The opposite of friend.The opposite of ordinary.The same as smart or wise.Your aunt´s child is your...The second month of the yearBaby animals often look very...A person who never lies is very...A dark place where you can see bats....

Vocabulary 2023-10-27

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Conductive to suggestive of good health and physical well-being
  2. Exist in large numbers or amounts
  3. A measure to take in advance to prevent dangerous, unpleasant,or inconvenient from happing
  4. A collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place
  5. Made,done,happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision
  6. Causing great sadness or distress
  7. Lacking good manners,refinement,or grace
  8. A small hole in a tire resulting in an escape of air
  9. A long or arduous search for something
  1. The relative social,professional, or other standing of someone or something
  2. A fire or light set up in a high prominent position as warning,signal,or celebration
  3. The action of making a statement or situation less confused and more comprehensible
  4. Pleasantly smooth or soft, free from harshness
  5. Have a restraining or moderating effect on
  6. Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
  7. Diminish the worth or value of a (quality or achievement)
  8. Speak or shout at length in a wild,impassioned way
  9. Unexpectedly experience or be faced with
  10. A state of great disturbance, confusion,or uncertainty

19 Clues: Exist in large numbers or amountsCausing great sadness or distressA long or arduous search for somethingUnexpectedly experience or be faced withLacking good manners,refinement,or graceHave a restraining or moderating effect onPleasantly smooth or soft, free from harshnessSpeak or shout at length in a wild,impassioned way...

Vocabulary 2023-10-06

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Stubbornly unyielding
  2. Surrender under agreed conditions
  3. Harmful to living things
  4. Lucky
  5. Found in the ordinary course of events
  6. Anything short-lived
  7. Intended to attract notice/impress others
  8. A feeling of extreme joy
  9. Habitually complaining
  1. Repeated too often
  2. Shown to be right by proof or evidence
  3. Provide evidence to support something
  4. A difficult problem
  5. Tending to betray
  6. Showing resenment or bitterness
  7. Lacking imagination
  8. Long life
  9. Acting without thought or care
  10. Unrestrained by propriety or convention

19 Clues: LuckyLong lifeTending to betrayRepeated too oftenA difficult problemLacking imaginationAnything short-livedStubbornly unyieldingHabitually complainingHarmful to living thingsA feeling of extreme joyActing without thought or careShowing resenment or bitternessSurrender under agreed conditionsProvide evidence to support something...

vocabulary 2023-10-24

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Displaying bravery and fearlessness in challenges.
  2. Reliable and worthy of confidence and trust.
  3. Making quick and firm decisions.
  4. Working cooperatively and harmoniously with others.
  5. Providing assistance and encouragement to others.
  6. Modest and not excessively self-focused.
  7. Genuine and true to oneself and others.
  8. Motivating and encouraging others.
  9. Introducing new ideas and creative solutions.
  10. Showing good judgment and discernment.
  1. Encouraging and inspiring action and progress.
  2. Possessing a compelling and magnetic personality.
  3. Bouncing back from setbacks and adversity.
  4. Guided by moral principles and values.
  5. Responsible and answerable for actions.
  6. Capable of adjusting and thriving in different situations.
  7. Having a well-thought-out plan for success.
  8. Having a clear and inspiring future vision
  9. Having the power to make an impact.

19 Clues: Making quick and firm decisions.Motivating and encouraging others.Having the power to make an impact.Guided by moral principles and values.Showing good judgment and discernment.Responsible and answerable for actions.Genuine and true to oneself and others.Modest and not excessively self-focused.Bouncing back from setbacks and adversity....

Vocabulary 2023-10-18

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. organism that makes its own food
  2. substance that living things need to survive (fat, protein, carbohydrates)
  3. all the living and nonliving things that surround an organism
  4. an animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal
  5. break down into simple nutrients
  6. a drawing, object or idea that represents an event, object or process
  7. a waste product made by cells of the body
  1. small organism your eyes can’t see
  2. any individual living thing
  3. a group of different populations that live together and interact in an environment
  4. to put harmful materials into the air, water, or soil
  5. a group of organisms that share similar characteristics and can mate with each other for offspring
  6. model that shows one set of feeding relationship among living things
  7. create new material from used products
  8. an animal that hunts and eats other animals
  9. the many different types of life that exits in an environment
  10. model for different feeding relationships between living things
  11. organism that eats other living things for energy
  12. to break down

19 Clues: to break downany individual living thingorganism that makes its own foodbreak down into simple nutrientssmall organism your eyes can’t seecreate new material from used productsa waste product made by cells of the bodyan animal that hunts and eats other animalsorganism that eats other living things for energy...

Vocabulary 2023-12-04

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a secondary area of focus in postsecondary education
  2. Official approval to do something professionally or legally
  3. A degree that is given to a student who has completed a bachelor's degree ending with a high grade point average and is more specialized in a subject
  4. Ab application submited to the US government that makes you eligible for federal student loans, grants, work study programs, and military benefits
  5. A measurement of the return one gets in exchange for the cost
  6. The action of teaching a person a particular skill or behavior
  7. A class you must successfully complete prior to taking other courses
  8. Funds that you borrow from public or private institutions to help you pay for postsecondary education
  9. Funds for school that you are not required to pay back; often described as "free money"
  10. Funds typically given by the federal or state government that you are not required to pay back
  11. A written account of a particular job or posistion including the duties and responsibilities, level of education and skills, required, and more
  12. An arrangement in hich a person learns an art, trade, or job under another, more experienced
  1. Educations that occurs after high school
  2. The highest academic degree that often requires extensive research and work in a subject area
  3. A document provided by a competent authority granting permission to engage in a business or occupation
  4. The primary area of study in postsecondary education and the foundation on which a student's postsecondary education is built
  5. A degree given to a student by a college or university after four years of study
  6. A school that focuses on preparing students for a specific job as opposed to providing a general education such as a bachelor's degree
  7. A degree granted after a 2 year course of study, especially by a community or junior college

19 Clues: Educations that occurs after high schoola secondary area of focus in postsecondary educationOfficial approval to do something professionally or legallyA measurement of the return one gets in exchange for the costThe action of teaching a person a particular skill or behaviorA class you must successfully complete prior to taking other courses...