work Crossword Puzzles

Work, work, work,... 2024-10-09

Work, work, work,... crossword puzzle
  1. person that buys from a business
  2. a person who designs buildings
  3. a person specialised in healing
  4. a person who receives guests and deals with bookings
  5. a professional cook
  6. a person who keeps and analyses financial accounts
  7. a person that transports packages and documents
  8. a person engaged in the army
  9. a person who is in charge
  10. a person who teaches
  11. a commercial business
  12. a person who sells something
  1. a person who installs electrical equipment
  2. all the people employed by an organization
  3. a person who provides expert advice professionally
  4. a person who repairs pipes and heating systems
  5. an animal doctor
  6. place for professional work
  7. a person who knows about sciences
  8. build or make
  9. a payment paid on a monthly basis to an employee
  10. a person who trains people or animals
  11. a person who cultivates land or raises animals
  12. a person who represents clients in a court
  13. someone who is paid to work for someone else

25 Clues: build or makean animal doctora professional cooka person who teachesa commercial businessa person who is in chargeplace for professional worka person engaged in the armya person who sells somethinga person who designs buildingsa person specialised in healingperson that buys from a businessa person who knows about sciences...

Work Work 2021-07-28

Work Work crossword puzzle
  1. coconut
  2. earth
  3. the lockers are
  4. day and
  5. a nice wind
  6. costing no money
  7. opposite of multiply
  8. opps
  9. not dirty
  1. a place where you swim
  2. ouch
  3. not inside
  4. to clean up the leaves
  5. to say hello
  6. organized
  7. you use the oven for this
  8. not real
  9. not wrong
  10. sand, ocean, hot
  11. to have fun

20 Clues: ouchoppsearthcoconutday andnot realorganizednot wrongnot dirtynot insidea nice windto have funto say hellothe lockers arecosting no moneysand, ocean, hotopposite of multiplya place where you swimto clean up the leavesyou use the oven for this

Work Work Work 2020-11-08

Work Work Work crossword puzzle
  1. work with someone he is your?
  2. You need it almost everyday
  3. many hours do people work?
  4. should you wear in a company
  5. pants shouldn't you wear in a company
  6. employee has their own?
  7. a company needs ...
  1. people start to work they sign a?
  2. works with children he is a?
  3. people work on one project they work in?
  4. someone helps people there job is a?
  5. you go to work you earn?
  6. works in a bakery
  7. work with a lot of people you work in a Firma
  8. owner of the company is your?

15 Clues: works in a bakeryemployee has their own?you go to work you earn?a company needs ...many hours do people work?You need it almost everydayworks with children he is a?should you wear in a companywork with someone he is your?owner of the company is your?people start to work they sign a?someone helps people there job is a?...

work work work 2022-05-18

work work work crossword puzzle
  1. making you feel worried and nervous
  2. older
  3. the written work to do with any particular job
  4. younger or having a lower rank
  5. quick and firm in your choice
  6. being effective without wasting time or effort or expense
  7. lower in rank or position
  8. a person who manages or directs activities
  9. difficult in an interesting or enjoyable way
  1. able to change or to take in new ideas
  2. fancy
  3. having the ability to do what is needed
  4. making you feel pleased by providing what you need or want
  5. reasonable
  6. station a desk and the area around it where you work in an office

15 Clues: fancyolderreasonablelower in rank or positionquick and firm in your choiceyounger or having a lower rankmaking you feel worried and nervousable to change or to take in new ideashaving the ability to do what is neededa person who manages or directs activitiesdifficult in an interesting or enjoyable waythe written work to do with any particular job...

Work work work work work 2022-04-20

Work work work work work crossword puzzle
  1. a man who serves food in a restaurant
  2. a person who delivers letters
  3. I ___ talking on the phone.
  4. officer a person who catches criminals and protects people
  5. My mother _________ at Costa Cordillera School.
  6. The person who takes care of airplane passengers
  7. a person who takes care of people's health
  8. My compliments to the _______. The food was delicious!
  1. a person who travels to space
  2. the person who puts out fires
  3. a woman who serves food in a restaurant
  4. a person who makes breads and pastries
  5. a person who grows vegetables and raises animals for food

13 Clues: I ___ talking on the phone.a person who travels to spacethe person who puts out firesa person who delivers lettersa man who serves food in a restauranta person who makes breads and pastriesa woman who serves food in a restauranta person who takes care of people's healthMy mother _________ at Costa Cordillera School....

work, work, work 2024-09-23

work, work, work crossword puzzle
  1. with enthusiasm
  2. pain caused by a movement or position
  3. using offensive language
  4. mental collapse
  5. discomfort
  6. reign to be the king/queen
  7. essentially
  1. has good consequences
  2. elevation to Godly status
  3. to make jokes
  4. anxiety
  5. brutal
  6. sorrows
  7. the verge of about to

14 Clues: brutalanxietysorrowsdiscomfortessentiallyto make jokeswith enthusiasmmental collapsehas good consequencesthe verge of about tousing offensive languageelevation to Godly statusreign to be the king/queenpain caused by a movement or position

Work 2016-10-10

Work crossword puzzle
  1. stanowisko
  2. nużący
  3. awans
  4. umiejętność
  5. wynająć
  6. wymagający
  7. odejść na emeryturę
  8. stażysta
  9. kolega/koleżanka z pracy
  10. satysfakcjonujący
  11. świadczenia
  1. umowa (o pracę)
  2. jednostajny
  3. umiejętnośći
  4. odejść z pracy
  5. wolny strzelec
  6. zwolniony
  7. osiągnięcie
  8. zatrudnić
  9. podwyżka
  10. dodatek (np. służbowy samochód)

21 Clues: awansnużącywynająćstażystapodwyżkazwolnionyzatrudnićstanowiskowymagającyjednostajnyosiągnięcieumiejętnośćświadczeniaumiejętnośćiodejść z pracywolny strzelecumowa (o pracę)satysfakcjonującyodejść na emeryturękolega/koleżanka z pracydodatek (np. służbowy samochód)

Work 2014-02-18

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Aussehen
  2. Florist/in
  3. Blumenladen
  4. fleißig
  5. Polizist/in
  6. Französisch
  7. Pfleger/in
  8. angemessen_gekleidet
  9. Anzeige
  10. anfangen
  11. früh
  1. Krankenhaus
  2. Mit_freundlichen_Grüßen
  3. andere
  4. Schreibner/in
  5. Bewerbungsgespräch
  6. pünktlich
  7. Berufserfahrung
  8. Benehmen
  9. höflich

20 Clues: frühanderefleißighöflichAnzeigeAussehenBenehmenanfangenpünktlichFlorist/inPfleger/inKrankenhausBlumenladenPolizist/inFranzösischSchreibner/inBerufserfahrungBewerbungsgesprächangemessen_gekleidetMit_freundlichen_Grüßen

Work 2021-03-24

Work crossword puzzle
  1. stoping work for getting something
  2. you dont have a job
  3. you get it if you work
  4. a deal
  5. New guy in the job
  6. Pysyvä
  7. guy who owns the place
  8. Leave the job
  9. you get payed more if you have more of them
  10. someone who gives u the job
  11. Its the day when you get your money
  1. how good you are at your job
  2. job what you do for free, so then you are____
  3. Toimitusjohtaja
  4. Your whole time of job
  5. Work friend
  6. you do it at summer
  7. Too old for working
  8. it tells how much you get in a hour
  9. the leader
  10. Where the job is made

21 Clues: a dealPysyväthe leaderWork friendLeave the jobToimitusjohtajaNew guy in the jobyou dont have a jobyou do it at summerToo old for workingWhere the job is madeyou get it if you workYour whole time of jobguy who owns the placesomeone who gives u the jobhow good you are at your jobstoping work for getting somethingit tells how much you get in a hour...

Work 2022-03-10

Work crossword puzzle
  1. clerical
  2. diligent
  3. redundancies
  4. prerequisite
  5. outsource
  6. occupation
  7. laborious
  8. disposal
  9. demanding
  1. merit
  2. union
  3. vacancy
  4. liability
  5. executive
  6. strenuous
  7. accountable
  8. designate
  9. enterprise
  10. merge
  11. contractor

20 Clues: meritunionmergevacancyclericaldiligentdisposalliabilityexecutivestrenuousdesignateoutsourcelaboriousdemandingenterpriseoccupationcontractoraccountableredundanciesprerequisite

Work 2022-01-07

Work crossword puzzle
  1. First 10 commandments
  2. The Three-fifths Compromise was an agreement reached during the 1787 United States Constitutional Convention over the counting of slaves in determining a state's total population. This count would determine the number of seats in the House of Representatives and how much each state would pay in taxes.
  3. French Judge
  4. The Connecticut Compromise was an agreement reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that in part defined the legislative structure and representation each state would have under the United States Constitution
  5. is a mixed or compound mode of government that combines a general government with regional governments in a single political system,
  6. 1st President
  7. God picked them to rule
  8. Helped write the Constitution
  9. Monarch or ruler
  1. form of republicanism developed in the Renaissance inspired by the governmental forms and writings of classical antiquity, especially such classical writers as Aristotle, Polybius, and Cicero.
  2. Congress shall have power
  3. 4th Us President
  4. supreme law of the United States of America.
  5. an act of vesting the legislative, executive, and judicial powers of government in separate bodies.
  6. counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated, typically those ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of individuals or groups.
  7. the restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws.
  8. King or queen
  9. introductory and expression statement in a document that explains the document's purpose
  10. Faughther of liberalism
  11. people who where against Federalism

20 Clues: French JudgeKing or queen1st President4th Us PresidentMonarch or rulerFirst 10 commandmentsFaughther of liberalismGod picked them to ruleCongress shall have powerHelped write the Constitutionpeople who where against Federalismsupreme law of the United States of America....

work 2022-09-02

work crossword puzzle
  1. syn courage
  2. syn statement
  3. syn exactly
  4. syn shape
  5. syn lush
  6. syn increase
  7. syn repeat
  8. syn flexible
  9. syn wanting
  10. syn untidy
  1. syn tricky
  2. syn place
  3. syn unconfirmed
  4. syn impassive
  5. syn idea
  6. syn degrade
  7. syn stern
  8. syn two-handed
  9. syn carefully
  10. syn open wide

20 Clues: syn ideasyn lushsyn placesyn shapesyn sternsyn trickysyn repeatsyn untidysyn couragesyn exactlysyn degradesyn wantingsyn increasesyn flexiblesyn impassivesyn statementsyn carefullysyn open widesyn two-handedsyn unconfirmed

Work 2022-02-11

Work crossword puzzle
  1. prawnik
  2. premia
  3. straszny
  4. aktor
  5. stolarz
  6. kucharz
  7. elektryk
  8. strażak
  1. mechanik
  2. szef
  3. listonosz
  4. piosenkaż
  5. trudny
  6. szef kuchni
  7. kariera
  8. piekarnia
  9. fabryka
  10. tańceż
  11. doradzić
  12. żeglarz/żeglarka

20 Clues: szefaktorpremiatrudnytańceżprawnikkarierafabrykastolarzkucharzstrażakmechanikstrasznydoradzićelektryklistonoszpiosenkażpiekarniaszef kuchniżeglarz/żeglarka

Work 2021-02-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Zak's home town
  2. Spencer teaches at
  3. Taylor played in college
  4. Ashley's celebrity crush
  5. Todd's likes to do this with the miniatuire figures he creates
  6. Brandy likes to hunt
  7. Betty W volunteers at
  8. one of Laura's joys in life
  9. Mark's favorite movie genre
  10. Sam loves to play
  11. Missy's eyes get this way some times
  12. How many kids Courtney has
  13. Jordan dislikes
  14. Ryan's hobby
  15. Katie's favorite beverage
  16. April loves
  17. Sue W has a fur baby named
  18. Lana's home town
  1. Babmi loves the
  2. Tiff's favorite channel
  3. Ger's birthday is the 19th of
  4. Julie loves
  5. Susan loves
  6. Heather's daughter
  7. Clara collects
  8. Connor likes
  9. Jennifer F's favorite place to travel
  10. Jody lives in
  11. Chris's favorite color
  12. Julies favorite food
  13. Bobbie loves
  14. Hannah-Mae coaches
  15. Dan loves
  16. Andrea's favorite team
  17. Jon wants to crack
  18. Betty O loves

36 Clues: Dan lovesJulie lovesSusan lovesApril lovesConnor likesBobbie lovesRyan's hobbyJody lives inBetty O lovesClara collectsBabmi loves theZak's home townJordan dislikesLana's home townSam loves to playSpencer teaches atHeather's daughterHannah-Mae coachesJon wants to crackBrandy likes to huntJulies favorite foodBetty W volunteers at...

work 2019-10-22

work crossword puzzle
  1. too willing to believe that someone is telling the truth, that people's intentions in general are good, or that life is simple and fair.
  2. to be helped by something or to help someone
  3. to show, express, or be a sign of something
  4. a situation in which two things do not match and are opposed
  5. to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have
  6. something that you [***] or do to help produce or achieve something together with other people, or to help make something successful
  7. without considering; not needing to allow for; regardless; despite; not being affected by something
  8. a group with fixed upper and lower limits
  9. [***] prices, costs, numbers, etc. are higher than they should be, or higher than people think is reasonable.
  10. not fair
  11. the standard unit of money used in the us, canada, australia, new zealand, and other countries
  12. if something [***] a particular treatment, it deserves or is considered important enough to be treated in that way
  1. a condition giving a greater chance of success
  2. the unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities, money, etc. than other people
  3. not fair or acceptable
  4. practical work, especially when it involves hard physical effort
  5. money that is earned from doing work or received from investments
  6. to share something out differently from before, especially in a fairer way
  7. a difference between two things
  8. an advantage, for example more money or a better job, that someone receives if they are successful, work hard, etc.

20 Clues: not fairnot fair or acceptablea difference between two thingsa group with fixed upper and lower limitsto show, express, or be a sign of somethingto be helped by something or to help someonea condition giving a greater chance of successa situation in which two things do not match and are opposed...

Work! 2020-12-08

Work! crossword puzzle
  1. e-share secretly
  2. The executive head of an organization
  3. A form of management considered undesirable by most employees
  4. Entry-level employee
  5. Work meet and greet in a less formal setting usually close to the weekend. Or five dollar shots
  6. "Receiving"'s sister. Get your inventory sent
  7. "Nice to ___ you!" in the digital age
  8. A startup's benefactors
  9. Your latest and greatest product, released
  10. An unkillable plant found on many office desks
  11. "Let's get to know eachother..." exercise at the beginning of a meeting
  1. Work from the coffee shop device
  2. THE business phone of the early 2000's. PDA and cell phone in one
  3. Business people come together to learn
  4. "The elixir of life" You wake up and smell it
  5. An article of clothing or the NYC district in which 229 is located
  6. A workspace or the building one goes to for work
  7. Go fast! Or a widely used video conferencing app
  8. WeWork has been one of the go-to workspace solution for these growing businesses
  9. The year of hoarding toilet paper

20 Clues: e-share secretlyEntry-level employeeA startup's benefactorsWork from the coffee shop deviceThe year of hoarding toilet paperThe executive head of an organization"Nice to ___ you!" in the digital ageBusiness people come together to learnYour latest and greatest product, released"The elixir of life" You wake up and smell it...

WORK 2023-03-29

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. : a course of study designed to prepare students for entering programmes of vocational or technical education and to acquaint them with the working world
  2. : a person who previously held the position or office in question
  3. : the time a person holds the office of prime minister or the duties of that office
  4. : An experienced practitioner who oversees clinical practise and supports students' and staff members' application of theory to practise
  5. : a leader who sits before all others
  6. : a period before one leaves a job and ceasing to work
  7. : a meeting or talk that takes place before a job interview
  8. : the time before the regular market session when trading takes place
  9. : to create something in advance (ready-made)
  1. to purchase something before it is available for sale
  2. : the process of organising or designing something before it is made
  3. : a person who works under a professional to gain experience
  4. : to determine the cost of something in advance
  5. : a proponent or promoter of something being preserved, especially old structures and artefacts
  6. : work done in advance of another activity ; preliminary work
  7. : someone who is aware of or notified beforehand
  8. : a person who holds a position equal to the president or chairman
  9. : calculating income or profits prior to the application of taxes
  10. : being necessary or completed before a worker starts a new job
  11. Occupancies : the state of being entirely bewildered or busy

20 Clues: : a leader who sits before all others: to create something in advance (ready-made): to determine the cost of something in advance: someone who is aware of or notified beforehandto purchase something before it is available for sale: a period before one leaves a job and ceasing to work: a meeting or talk that takes place before a job interview...

work 2023-04-26

work crossword puzzle
  1. class lever a lever where the fulcrum is in the middle of the input and output
  2. force x distance
  3. the rate at which work is done
  4. there are two different formulas for___________
  5. unit for distance
  6. what kind of inclined plane can you see at a park
  7. plane wedge is a part of what simple machine family
  8. how many kinds of simple machine are there
  9. unit for work
  10. how many simple machine families are there
  1. when the fulcrum is all the way on the side, input in the middle, and output on the opposite side of the fulcrum
  2. work / distance =
  3. type of force
  4. WORK IS _______
  5. unit for power
  6. how many different classes of levers are there
  7. helps us do work by redistributing the work
  8. for mechanical advantage there are no ______
  9. work/force
  10. a flag pole is an example of a _______

20 Clues: work/forcetype of forceunit for workunit for powerWORK IS _______force x distancework / distance =unit for distancethe rate at which work is donea flag pole is an example of a _______how many kinds of simple machine are therehow many simple machine families are therehelps us do work by redistributing the work...

Work 2023-07-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. deterance
  2. mesures prises actíons-taken
  3. budget-cut
  4. triggerastrike
  5. to pacify a group of people
  6. tohire
  7. self-taught
  8. salary-conditions
  9. tumble
  10. reducelower
  11. broadcastannouncement
  12. hiring
  13. turnover
  14. director.manager
  15. diverted
  16. the board
  17. the-school-curriculum
  18. winacontract
  19. higher-education
  20. upstream
  1. growth
  2. giveurbest
  3. resignation
  4. pay-contributions
  5. iconic
  6. self-criticism
  7. effective
  8. parental-leave
  9. at the end of
  10. guideline
  11. resign
  12. summon
  13. easily
  14. make a mistake
  15. executive
  16. project director

36 Clues: growthiconictohireresigntumblesummoneasilyhiringturnoverdivertedupstreamdeteranceeffectiveguidelinethe boardexecutivegiveurbestbudget-cutresignationself-taughtreducelowerwinacontractat the end ofself-criticismtriggerastrikeparental-leavemake a mistakedirector.managerproject directorhigher-educationpay-contributionssalary-conditions...

Work 2023-11-17

Work crossword puzzle
  1. our primary method of peer to peer communication
  2. all problems have…
  3. percentage of time spent actively speaking to someone on the phone
  4. the first S
  5. application used to get our meeting alerts and emails
  6. the computers we use
  7. our parent company
  8. our partners who sponsor us for their members
  9. we leave these after ever member call
  10. when finishing a CP we must leave a _____ to indicate what we did
  11. our first member
  12. the team dedicated to assisting members with their questions and savings opportunities
  13. what we call the doctors office
  14. the people we are here to help
  1. where we find savings alerts and medication history
  2. voice clips
  3. this feeds us all of our cases and CPs
  4. home to our CPs and Cases
  5. click _____ to see the portal from the members perspective
  6. the tasks we work to save the members money
  7. the tasks we work to save the members money
  8. emails requesting feedback
  9. emails from members, tickets created for pricing errors, etc
  10. Cover My Meds
  11. tried
  12. paid time off

26 Clues: triedvoice clipsthe first SCover My Medspaid time offour first memberall problems have…our parent companythe computers we usehome to our CPs and Casesemails requesting feedbackthe people we are here to helpwhat we call the doctors officewe leave these after ever member callthis feeds us all of our cases and CPs...

Work 2023-09-28

Work crossword puzzle
  1. raamatupidaja
  2. bioloog
  3. kalakaupmees
  4. kohtunik
  5. torumees
  6. sekretar
  7. jurist
  8. talunik
  9. kaitsja
  1. loomaarst
  2. kirurg
  3. keemik
  4. teller
  5. kokk
  6. töö
  7. müüriladuja
  8. preester
  9. õmbleja
  10. dirigent
  11. diskor

20 Clues: töökokkkirurgkeemiktellerjuristdiskorbioloogõmblejatalunikkaitsjakohtunikpreestertorumeessekretardirigentloomaarstmüüriladujakalakaupmeesraamatupidaja

work 2024-02-21

work crossword puzzle
  1. NaBr
  2. Potassiumsulfide
  3. Cesiumnitride
  4. H2Se
  5. TetraphosphorusPentasulfide
  6. Disphosphoruspentoxide
  7. Mecury(I)Flourine
  8. P2O5
  9. NaH
  10. Hydroboricacid
  11. calciumcholride
  1. H3As
  2. Ag2S
  3. HCl
  4. DihydrogenOxide
  5. Nickel(I)Sulfide
  6. NitrogenTribromide
  7. Mangnesium boride
  8. Silversulfide
  9. Tetrachloride

20 Clues: HClNaHH3AsNaBrAg2SH2SeP2O5CesiumnitrideSilversulfideTetrachlorideHydroboricacidDihydrogenOxidecalciumcholridePotassiumsulfideNickel(I)SulfideMecury(I)FlourineMangnesium borideNitrogenTribromideDisphosphoruspentoxideTetraphosphorusPentasulfide

Work 2024-05-17

Work crossword puzzle
  1. when you have a lot of qualifications and experience
  2. a person who works for somebody
  3. a written legal agreement
  4. an area or category of jobs that share certain similarities
  5. the state of having paid work
  6. the entire collection of skills you use to complete your work
  7. an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress
  8. job lasting for a short time
  9. the experience, skills, and knowledge you need for a job
  10. working for yourself, not for a company
  1. job for only a part of the day or week
  2. a person or company that employs other people
  3. a company or individual with whom you're seeking employment
  4. job lasting for a long time
  5. to leave a job because you wanted to
  6. practical wisdom with an employer by learning about a particular role, organisation or career path
  7. lasting for almost a whole day
  8. job defines your personal ISN and makes it specific to you and your company
  9. career that you enjoy
  10. to stop working when you reach a certain age

20 Clues: career that you enjoya written legal agreementjob lasting for a long timejob lasting for a short timethe state of having paid worklasting for almost a whole daya person who works for somebodyto leave a job because you wanted tojob for only a part of the day or weekworking for yourself, not for a companyto stop working when you reach a certain age...

work 2024-08-26

work crossword puzzle
  1. someone who bakes bread and cakes
  2. someone whose job is to handle communication,
  3. a process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or activity
  4. and records for another person in an office
  5. to make a public announcement that something is available
  6. a man whose job is to sell things
  7. a chance to do something good, such as a job
  8. a group of people who work for an organization or business
  9. someone who tells people the news by any form of media
  10. a group formed for a particular purpose
  11. one part of an organization
  12. someone who hires other people to work for them
  13. someone who plans how something new will look and be made
  14. an amount of money a worker is paid each year
  15. an organization that makes, buys or sells something for money
  16. someone who writes news stories
  17. job that someone does for a long time
  18. someone who is trained in sports
  19. someone whose job is to give medical care to animals
  20. someone who writes, sings, or plays music
  1. relating to work that needs special training or education
  2. someone who is elected to be the leader who governs a town or city
  3. a good or helpful result or effect
  4. a particular job that has been given to you
  5. someone who attacks and steals from a ship at sea
  6. high or higher in rank
  7. a business that provides a particular service
  8. someone who teaches at a college or university
  9. someone whose job is to find information about a crime
  10. an organization that makes, buys, or sells something for money
  11. an agreement especially in business
  12. someone who writes books, poems, stories, and articles
  13. someone whose job is to give advice about the law
  14. someone who flies an airplane or helicopter
  15. the people and activities in one type of business
  16. to buy and sell goods or services
  17. someone who tells the actors what to do
  18. someone who is in charge of an organization
  19. someone who works to put out fires
  20. someone who repairs machines and keeps them running properly
  21. someone who works in a library

41 Clues: high or higher in ranksomeone who works in a libraryone part of an organizationsomeone who writes news storiesjob that someone does for a long timesomeone who is trained in sportssomeone who bakes bread and cakessomeone who works to put out firesand records for another person in an office...

work 2024-03-07

work crossword puzzle
  1. life työelämä
  2. pätevä
  3. palkankorotus
  4. työttömyyskorvaus
  5. luontaisedut
  6. palkka
  7. väiaikaistyöntekijä
  8. eläke
  9. (payment) irtisanoutumiskorvaus
  10. työpaikka
  11. työtön
  12. irtisanoutua
  1. harjoittelija
  2. lakko
  3. hakemus
  4. erottaa
  5. henkilökunta
  6. työntekijä
  7. työharjoittelu
  8. (job) matalapalkkatyö
  9. avoin työpaikka
  10. yksityisyrittäjä

22 Clues: lakkoeläkepäteväpalkkatyötönhakemuserottaatyöpaikkatyöntekijähenkilökuntaluontaisedutirtisanoutuaharjoittelijalife työelämäpalkankorotustyöharjoitteluavoin työpaikkayksityisyrittäjätyöttömyyskorvausväiaikaistyöntekijä(job) matalapalkkatyö(payment) irtisanoutumiskorvaus

Work 2024-03-08

Work crossword puzzle
  1. remotely wrork from a distance/away from the place where a person usually works
  2. putting a lot of effort into a job and doing it well
  3. a person who supervises somebody/something
  4. the opposite of soft skills
  5. to travel regularly by bus, train, car, etc. between your place of work and your home
  6. an extra amount of money that is added to a payment, especially to somebody’s wages or salary as a reward
  7. a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week or every month, for work or services
  8. a person or company that pays people to work for them
  9. employed for or occupying only part of the usual working day or week
  10. that you can rely on to be good, honest, sincere, etc.
  11. able to wait for a long time or accept annoying behaviour or difficulties without becoming angry
  1. working hard at something because it is very important to you
  2. feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful
  3. an organization of workers, usually in a particular industry, that exists to protect their interests, improve conditions of work, etc.
  4. a job, often as part of a course of study, where you get some experience of a particular kind of work
  5. a system in which employees work a particular number of hours each week or month but can choose when they start and finish work each day
  6. time that you spend working at your job after you have worked the normal hours
  7. to officially tell somebody that you are leaving your job, an organization, etc.
  8. a person who is paid to work for somebody
  9. the quality of being physically strong/being good at something/knowing a lot about someting
  10. to leave your job and stop working, especially because you have reached a particular age
  11. happening or doing something at the arranged or correct time; not late
  12. a written record of your education and the jobs you have done, that you send when you are applying for a job
  13. a move to a more important job or rank in a company or an organization

24 Clues: the opposite of soft skillsa person who is paid to work for somebodya person who supervises somebody/somethingputting a lot of effort into a job and doing it wella person or company that pays people to work for themthat you can rely on to be good, honest, sincere, etc.working hard at something because it is very important to you...

WORK 2024-10-27

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. a person who assists women in childbirth
  2. a person whose job is to keep, inspect, and analyse financial accounts
  3. a person employed to protect a building against intruders or damage
  4. a person who owns or manages a farm
  5. a person whose job is to clean an animal, usually by brushing its fur or hair
  6. a person who cuts men's hair and shaves or trims beards as an occupation
  7. an official who holds inquests into violent, sudden, or suspicious deaths
  8. a skilled worker who repairs and maintains vehicle engines and other machinery
  9. a person trained to care for the sick or infirm
  10. a person who prepares food, especially as a job or in a specified way
  11. someone who scientifically studies humans and their customs, beliefs, and relationships
  12. also known as lorry driver
  13. a man whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant
  14. a person who shows people to their seats, especially in a cinema or theatre or at a wedding
  1. a person who sells food and small household goods
  2. a person who has written something or who writes in a particular way
  3. someone who affects or changes the way that other people behave or what they buy
  4. a person employed to show around places of interest
  5. a comic entertainer, sometimes seen at the circus
  6. a person who greets and deals with clients
  7. health care professionals who identify, assess and manage disorders of hearing
  8. a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures
  9. a person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby
  10. a person who fits and repairs the pipes (involved in water)
  11. a person in charge of or assisting in a library

25 Clues: also known as lorry drivera person who owns or manages a farma person who assists women in childbirtha person who greets and deals with clientsa person trained to care for the sick or infirma person in charge of or assisting in a librarya person who sells food and small household goodsa comic entertainer, sometimes seen at the circus...

work 2024-11-22

work crossword puzzle
  1. - to speed up
  2. - a wire coil around a metal core (usually iron) that acts like a magnet when an electric current flows through it
  3. - a piece of iron or other material that attracts other pieces of iron or steel
  4. - the science of very low temperatures, far below the freezing point of water
  5. - a place equipped for scientific research, experiments or testing
  6. - a state of matter with definite volume but no definite shape, like water
  7. - former name of Jefferson Lab; stands for Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
  8. - a substance composed of two or more elements, such as water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), or table sugar (C12H22O11)
  9. Lab - a nuclear physics research facility built to explore quarks in the nucleus of the atom, located in Newport News, Virginia
  10. - a material through which electricity or heat does not flow easily (like many plastics, glasses and ceramics)
  11. - particles that hold quarks together
  12. - a temperature scale that begins at absolute zero, where there is no molecular movement (Water freezes at 273 K and boils at 373 K.)
  13. - a closed path through which an electric current flows
  14. - an abbreviation for Linear Accelerator
  15. Change - a change in the chemical composition of a substance to produce a new material with new properties (An example of a chemical change is wood turning to ash and smoke when it burns.)
  16. - stands for Free Electron Laser; a tunable laser made by wiggling a beam of electrons (Jefferson Lab's FEL is the most powerful in the world.)
  17. - a worldwide network of computers linked together for the purpose of exchanging information (also sometimes called the Information Superhighway or Cyberspace)
  18. Current - movement of electricity, measured in charges per second (just as river current is measured in liters per second)
  19. - information represented in the form of a picture, diagram or drawing
  20. - a ray of light; a group of particles traveling together along a well-defined path
  21. - any substance that cannot be broken up into simpler substances by chemical means (Currently 115 elements have been observed and are displayed on the Periodic Table of Elements. Gold, silver, iodine, oxygen and nickel are examples of elements.)
  22. - a series of actions carried out to test a theory, demonstrate a fact or find out what happens
  23. Reaction - a chemical change in which one or more substances are changed into one or more new substances
  24. - the first section of an accelerator, where electrons are torn away from atoms and accelerated to an energy sufficient for them to be injected into the cavities of the accelerator
  25. - a programmable machine that inputs, processes and outputs data
  26. - an acronym for HyperText Markup Language; the programming language or code used for the creation of internet web pages
  27. - the capacity to do work
  28. - a temperature scale at which water freezes at 32° and boils at 212°
  29. Variable - the responding variable; the variable that may change as a result of a change in the independent variable
  30. - the transportation of heat or electricity from one place to another directly through an object (A frying pan is warmed by a hot stove due to conduction.)
  31. - a temperature scale on which water freezes at 0° and boils at 100°
  32. - a pattern of horizontal and vertical lines forming squares of uniform size on a map or chart
  1. Properties - characteristics of a substance that determine how it will react with other substances
  2. - the acronym for Becoming Enthusiastic About Math and Science
  3. Variable - the manipulated variable; the variable that is changed on purpose in an experiment
  4. - a group of measurements, facts or statistics
  5. - a material (like a metal) through which electricity and heat flow easily
  6. - the measure of the amount of matter an object has in it; measured in grams or kilograms
  7. - one of the two basic building blocks of matter (An electron is a lepton.)
  8. - act with each other
  9. - the process of making something look bigger
  10. - a person who uses science and math to design, build or operate equipment, structures and systems (A person who receives a college degree in engineering might be an electrical, mechanical, industrial, chemical, environmental, biochemical or aeronautical engineer.)
  11. Suspension - a material that has properties of more than one state of matter, such as Jell-o
  12. - a set of numbers that determines the location of a point in space
  13. - the transportation of heat from one place to another by the movement of a liquid or gas (A classroom is warmed by a hot air blower due to convection.)
  14. Accelerator - a machine used in physics experiments that makes particles go faster in a straight line
  15. - the amount of electricity carried by a body (A charge can be negative, like an electron, or positive, like a proton. Objects with opposite charges attract one another, while objects with like charges repel one another.)
  16. - matter that is exactly the opposite in every way from its matter counterpart: antiquark/quark; positron/electron
  17. - something that has mass which can exist in the form of a solid, liquid, gas or plasma
  18. - steady; uninterrupted
  19. - a state of matter with no definite shape or volume, like air
  20. - a machine which accelerates charged particles to high energies
  21. - a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas (Helium becomes a liquid near absolute zero. Liquid helium is used to cool Jefferson Lab's accelerator components.)
  22. - a tiny particle with a negative charge which orbits an atom's nucleus
  23. - a push or pull (There are four basic forces: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear.)
  24. - an educated guess that can be tested or investigated
  25. - an atom or molecule that has an electric charge because it has either gained or lost electrons
  26. - the smallest unit of a chemical element, made up of a nucleus surrounded by electrons

58 Clues: - to speed up- act with each other- steady; uninterrupted- the capacity to do work- particles that hold quarks together- an abbreviation for Linear Accelerator- the process of making something look bigger- a group of measurements, facts or statistics- an educated guess that can be tested or investigated...

Work 2022-03-22

Work crossword puzzle
  1. A person in charge of a company.
  2. A file that can be run directly by a computer's hardware or a p-code interpreter with no further processing.
  3. A second reading of a text in an attempt to gain new insights.
  4. A generally accepted means of exchange and measure of value.
  5. To confirm.
  6. To proceed, spring up or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances.
  7. To refuse to accept.
  8. A contest for a prize.
  9. A patch file, a file that describes changes to be made to a computer files, usually changes made to a computer program that fix a programming bug.
  10. A beverage made by infusing the beans of the coffee plant in hot water.
  11. An individual who provides labor to a company.
  12. A person who formulates schemes.
  13. Multiple computers connected together to share information.
  14. To submit oneself as a candidate.
  15. A process by which a task is completed.
  1. A state of mind producing serious, long-term lowering of enjoyment of life.
  2. To develop.
  3. To search for and eliminate malfunctioning elements or errors in something, especially a computer program or machinery.
  4. Any group of people involved in the same activity.
  5. A new company designed for rapid growth.
  6. A statement of the meaning of a word.
  7. A job taken by a student in order to learn a profession.
  8. A piece of work done as part of one’s duties.
  9. The distribution of an initial or new and upgraded version of a computer software product.
  10. Encoded computer instructions, usually modifiable.
  11. To express or convey ideas, either through verbal or nonverbal means.
  12. A proposal that has been made.
  13. The experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest, especially in one's career.
  14. A person which pays for the services of another person.
  15. Job.

30 Clues: Job.To develop.To confirm.To refuse to accept.A contest for a prize.A proposal that has been made.A person in charge of a company.A person who formulates schemes.To submit oneself as a candidate.A statement of the meaning of a word.A process by which a task is completed.A new company designed for rapid growth....

WORK 2015-05-10

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. League 1 winners 2014/15.
  2. All time premier league top goalscorer, now a BBC pundit.
  3. Team who conceded the most goals in any premier league season (1993-94).
  4. Winners of the championship in 2014/15.
  5. Horizontal bar across the top of the goal.
  6. Number of teams in the premier league.
  7. World Cup runners up in 2014.
  8. Arsenal's nickname.
  9. Bottom club in championship 2014/15.
  10. The Potters.
  11. Bristol Rovers top scorer (2014/15).
  1. Team that beat Alex Ferguson's Man Utd 2-0 in his first game in charge.
  2. Serbian Chelsea defender with cool surname.
  3. Liverpool manager.
  4. Nickname of Sunderland AFC.
  5. They play at the Liberty Stadium.
  6. Nicknamed the toffees, this club is based in the north west of England.
  7. When a ball is passed between teammates laterally, across the field of play.
  8. When a player scores two goals in a single match.
  9. Home of Chelsea.
  10. Young Spurs forward tipped for international stardom.
  11. FA Cup runners up in 2014.
  12. Euro 2016 host country.

23 Clues: The Potters.Home of Chelsea.Liverpool manager.Arsenal's nickname.Euro 2016 host country.League 1 winners 2014/15.FA Cup runners up in 2014.Nickname of Sunderland AFC.World Cup runners up in 2014.They play at the Liberty Stadium.Bottom club in championship 2014/15.Bristol Rovers top scorer (2014/15).Number of teams in the premier league....

WORK 2023-03-29

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. : a course of study designed to prepare students for entering programmes of vocational or technical education and to acquaint them with the working world
  2. : a person who previously held the position or office in question
  3. : the time a person holds the office of prime minister or the duties of that office
  4. : An experienced practitioner who oversees clinical practise and supports students' and staff members' application of theory to practise
  5. : a leader who sits before all others
  6. : a period before one leaves a job and ceasing to work
  7. : a meeting or talk that takes place before a job interview
  8. : the time before the regular market session when trading takes place
  9. : to create something in advance (ready-made)
  1. : to purchase something before it is available for sale
  2. : the process of organising or designing something before it is made
  3. : a person who works under a professional to gain experience
  4. : to determine the cost of something in advance
  5. : a proponent or promoter of something being preserved, especially old structures and artefacts
  6. : work done in advance of another activity ; preliminary work
  7. : someone who is aware of or notified beforehand
  8. : a person who holds a position equal to the president or chairman
  9. : calculating income or profits prior to the application of taxes
  10. : being necessary or completed before a worker starts a new job
  11. Occupancies : the state of being entirely bewildered or busy

20 Clues: : a leader who sits before all others: to create something in advance (ready-made): to determine the cost of something in advance: someone who is aware of or notified beforehand: a period before one leaves a job and ceasing to work: to purchase something before it is available for sale: a meeting or talk that takes place before a job interview...

work 2020-04-01

work crossword puzzle
  1. the person who services your tap
  2. the person who takes care of your beauty
  3. the person who takes care of your hair
  4. the person who sews clothes
  5. the person who arranges bouquets
  6. the person who fights in the war
  7. the person who treats the animals
  8. the person who leads the magazine
  9. the person who is the owner of the company
  10. the person who plays in the movies
  11. the person who sweeps the floor
  12. the person who spreads letters
  1. the person who processed wood
  2. the person who cultivates fields
  3. the person who designs the website
  4. the person who extinguishs fire flames
  5. the person who teaches children
  6. the person who performs at a concert
  7. the person who treats your teeth
  8. the person who works in the kitchen

20 Clues: the person who sews clothesthe person who processed woodthe person who spreads lettersthe person who teaches childrenthe person who sweeps the floorthe person who services your tapthe person who cultivates fieldsthe person who arranges bouquetsthe person who fights in the warthe person who treats your teeththe person who treats the animals...

WORK 2020-04-19

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. zarobki
  2. wolny strzelec
  3. pojeżdżać do pracy
  4. miejsce pracy
  5. ratownik
  6. polityk
  7. pracownik
  8. koledzy z pracy
  9. emerytura
  10. zatrudniać
  11. pracodawca
  12. farmaceuta
  13. termin wykonania zadania
  14. umowa
  15. tymczasowy
  16. ratownik medyczny
  1. doświadczenie
  2. awansować kogoś
  3. referencje
  4. podatek
  5. wolna posada
  6. osoba starająca się o pracę
  7. zysk
  8. podwyżka wynagrodzenia
  9. stały
  10. warunki
  11. praca zespołowa
  12. bezrobotny
  13. premia
  14. podatek
  15. napiwek

31 Clues: zyskstałyumowapremiazarobkipodatekpolitykwarunkipodateknapiwekratownikpracownikemeryturareferencjezatrudniaćpracodawcafarmaceutabezrobotnytymczasowywolna posadadoświadczeniemiejsce pracywolny strzelecawansować kogośkoledzy z pracypraca zespołowaratownik medycznypojeżdżać do pracypodwyżka wynagrodzeniatermin wykonania zadania...

Work 2020-12-11

Work crossword puzzle
  1. when many people come to your work to get items you get ___
  2. this is important when your in a rush and you need to get things done
  3. projects that you like to do everyday
  4. little jobs needing to be done
  5. a good mind set and better attitude makes you more _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  6. jumping in to help when needed
  7. completing or accomplishing something
  8. the _____ makes the dreamwork
  9. you should be this to customer's and other workers
  10. groups of people who work together to compete task faster
  11. you need this to get through your day and to succeed
  1. able to do most everything with proper dedicate and no mistakes
  2. helping others and giving caring advice
  3. going to work for someone that owns a company
  4. when you can be nerve free and not worry about your tasks and where your at
  5. a good _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gets you further and more people will like you and give it back
  6. when your lazy, non trusting, inappropriate and making bad work vibes
  7. when to much happens and theirs not many people to help you get
  8. able to be yourself and talk to people like your friends
  9. working with other team members to get things done

20 Clues: the _____ makes the dreamworklittle jobs needing to be donejumping in to help when neededprojects that you like to do everydaycompleting or accomplishing somethinghelping others and giving caring advicegoing to work for someone that owns a companyworking with other team members to get things doneyou should be this to customer's and other workers...

Work 2021-03-24

Work crossword puzzle
  1. You take care of the children
  2. The numbers of hours you work
  3. Work
  4. Someone you work with
  5. account There are all of your money
  6. You get it in return for your work
  7. Work that you only do in the summer
  8. They arrest people
  9. You do the sweeping
  10. the second part of the day
  11. Can't afford everything
  1. Rich people are ....
  2. You get it though work
  3. Where you work
  4. You lead everything in that job
  5. A favorite shop for every child
  6. There are a lot of animals
  7. A letter you send off to try and get a job
  8. The first part of the working day
  9. Stuff you need in your work

20 Clues: WorkWhere you workThey arrest peopleYou do the sweepingRich people are ....Someone you work withYou get it though workCan't afford everythingThere are a lot of animalsthe second part of the dayStuff you need in your workYou take care of the childrenThe numbers of hours you workYou lead everything in that jobA favorite shop for every child...

work 2021-03-24

work crossword puzzle
  1. job
  2. place where you can buy toys
  3. makes kids to learn stuff
  4. you send it to someone to get job from them
  5. puts down fires
  6. animals are in
  7. work during summer
  8. puts bad people in jail
  9. place where you work with
  1. gives medicine to sick people
  2. plays in movies
  3. people who work
  4. when is your turn to work
  5. boss
  6. business
  7. time when you need to work
  8. money you get from working
  9. give food
  10. you can get food in your workplace
  11. people work there

20 Clues: jobbossbusinessgive foodanimals are inplays in moviespeople who workputs down firespeople work therework during summerputs bad people in jailmakes kids to learn stuffwhen is your turn to workplace where you work withtime when you need to workmoney you get from workingplace where you can buy toysgives medicine to sick people...

WORK 2021-03-24

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. a person who is with children
  2. the place where you work
  3. a person who helps sick people
  4. help with your home cleaning
  5. better off
  6. fortunate
  7. in the morning at work
  8. a salary
  1. the time you are at work
  2. a person who is working with you
  3. in the summer at work
  4. adults who are in school
  5. the account to which the money comes
  6. be part of the time
  7. you are at work all day
  8. someone you are working for
  9. take care of children
  10. drive a car with a red and blue light
  11. earn a living
  12. practising

20 Clues: a salaryfortunatebetter offpractisingearn a livingbe part of the timein the summer at worktake care of childrenin the morning at workyou are at work all daythe time you are at workadults who are in schoolthe place where you worksomeone you are working forhelp with your home cleaninga person who is with childrena person who helps sick people...

work 2021-03-24

work crossword puzzle
  1. person who you work with
  2. you go to work there
  3. gives you food in restaurants
  4. take care of children
  5. your working squad
  6. a job and work in a hospital
  7. person who gives you a job
  8. you get it through work
  9. a letter you send off to try and get a job
  10. working in the morning
  1. you can form it for example with your friend
  2. working in the evening
  3. you can get it if you are bad worker
  4. will serve you in the stores
  5. time you work for
  6. you have to do something
  7. pay
  8. work you do in the summer
  9. your working path
  10. a large business

20 Clues: paya large businesstime you work foryour working pathyour working squadyou go to work theretake care of childrenworking in the eveningworking in the morningyou get it through workperson who you work withyou have to do somethingwork you do in the summerperson who gives you a jobwill serve you in the storesa job and work in a hospital...

Work 2021-03-24

Work crossword puzzle
  1. told about the work
  2. people at work
  3. takes food to customers
  4. work in summer
  5. you don't have worktime.
  6. you work with them
  7. long experience
  8. experience at work
  9. you earn at work
  10. you put something to go
  11. the boss works there
  1. where the earned money goes
  2. you work from morning to afternoon
  3. send before getting the job
  4. here you work
  5. give you a job
  6. you accept the offer
  7. you work from afternoon to evening
  8. all hours at work
  9. big international building

20 Clues: here you workpeople at workgive you a jobwork in summerlong experienceyou earn at workall hours at workyou work with themexperience at worktold about the workyou accept the offerthe boss works theretakes food to customersyou put something to goyou don't have worktime.big international buildingwhere the earned money goessend before getting the job...

work 2018-11-14

work crossword puzzle
  1. valittaa
  2. antelias
  3. avustus, raha
  4. pärjätä
  5. tarpeeksi
  6. vaikea
  7. maksaa
  8. onnekas
  9. keskittyä
  10. lopettaa
  11. osa-aikainen
  12. säästää
  13. luvata
  1. lastentarha
  2. tärkeä
  3. ansaita
  4. kiitollinen
  5. tukea, elättää
  6. kokemus
  7. toimisto
  8. sairaanhoitaja
  9. riippua
  10. ura
  11. kiinnostunut
  12. rikas
  13. tarjota
  14. kesätyö
  15. palkka
  16. olla lapsenvahtina

29 Clues: urarikastärkeävaikeamaksaapalkkaluvataansaitakokemuspärjätäriippuaonnekastarjotakesätyösäästäävalittaaanteliastoimistolopettaatarpeeksikeskittyälastentarhakiitollinenkiinnostunutosa-aikainenavustus, rahatukea, elättääsairaanhoitajaolla lapsenvahtina

WORK 2023-12-03

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. jutalom
  2. egyéb juttatások
  3. ismétlődő
  4. ügyvéd
  5. könyvelő
  6. szabadúszó
  7. fizetés
  8. háziorvos
  9. ösztöndíjjal való tanulás
  10. közgazdász
  1. mentőorvos
  2. felügyel,nyomonkövet
  3. vállalkozás
  4. diploma
  5. vízvezetékszerelő
  6. jutalmazó
  7. ösztöndíj
  8. önéletrajz
  9. fizikus
  10. asztalos

20 Clues: ügyvédjutalomdiplomafizetésfizikuskönyvelőasztalosismétlődőjutalmazóösztöndíjháziorvosmentőorvosönéletrajzszabadúszóközgazdászvállalkozásegyéb juttatásokvízvezetékszerelőfelügyel,nyomonkövetösztöndíjjal való tanulás

WORK 2023-08-23

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. personal
  2. guess
  3. A replica
  4. theory
  5. branch of knowledge
  6. gauge
  7. capacity to use scientific knowledge
  8. changeable
  9. critical thinking
  10. goal
  1. synthetic
  2. reliant
  3. viewing
  4. favoritism or unfairness
  5. inferable
  6. assumptions
  7. individual
  8. explore
  9. assume
  10. rule
  11. exactness
  12. arrange
  13. perfection

23 Clues: rulegoalguessgaugetheoryassumereliantviewingexplorearrangepersonalsyntheticA replicainferableexactnessindividualchangeableperfectionassumptionscritical thinkingbranch of knowledgefavoritism or unfairnesscapacity to use scientific knowledge

WORK 2023-09-10

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. The way income is shared among society.
  2. Skills that can applied across different jobs.
  3. Work at lower pay to learn a trade.
  4. An activity done as part of a job.
  5. Payment based on job achievement.
  6. Work with an employer for a period until it is finished. (2 wds)
  7. 21st ________ skills.
  8. Regular work with normal hours. (2 wds)
  9. Unpaid work such as home cleaning, cooking.
  10. Work done away from the workplace, such as at home.
  11. Type of deep thinking.
  12. Regular work with fewer hours than normal. (2 wds)
  13. Income for some paid by government.
  14. Feeling of worth. (2 wds)
  15. Wellbeing from income.
  16. Employment in particular work, possibly part of a career.
  17. Income for business owner.
  18. Work done without being paid money.
  1. Skill involving language.
  2. Being on time.
  3. Income for shareholder.
  4. Wellbeing from non-income quality of life. (2 wds)
  5. Work with regular hours but changing times.
  6. Doing things without being told to.
  7. Skills central to general success.
  8. A series of jobs in the same field. An occupation.
  9. Irregular work with the same employer.
  10. Regular weekly / fortnightly pay
  11. Thinking of novel things / ways.
  12. Skill involving collaboration.
  13. Legal minimum pay for a job.
  14. Annual pay for a profession.
  15. Unpaid work to help others in the community.
  16. A trial period of work.

34 Clues: Being on time.21st ________ skills.Type of deep thinking.Wellbeing from income.Income for shareholder.A trial period of work.Skill involving language.Feeling of worth. (2 wds)Income for business owner.Legal minimum pay for a job.Annual pay for a profession.Skill involving collaboration.Regular weekly / fortnightly pay...

Work 2024-05-17

Work crossword puzzle
  1. job lasting for a short time
  2. to leave a job because you wanted to
  3. a written legal agreement
  4. job for only a part of the day or week
  5. to stop working when you reach a certain age
  6. practical wisdom with an employer by learning about a particular role, organisation or career path
  7. the state of having paid work
  8. an area or category of jobs that share certain similarities
  9. job defines your personal ISN and makes it specific to you and your company
  1. a person or company that employs other people
  2. career that you enjoy
  3. job lasting for a long time
  4. a company or individual with whom you're seeking employment
  5. when you have a lot of qualifications and experience
  6. an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress
  7. the experience, skills, and knowledge you need for a job
  8. lasting for almost a whole day
  9. working for yourself, not for a company
  10. a person who works for somebody
  11. the entire collection of skills you use to complete your work

20 Clues: career that you enjoya written legal agreementjob lasting for a long timejob lasting for a short timethe state of having paid worklasting for almost a whole daya person who works for somebodyto leave a job because you wanted tojob for only a part of the day or weekworking for yourself, not for a companyto stop working when you reach a certain age...

Work 2024-03-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Apa nama lain kota Madinah?
  2. Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?
  3. Apa sebutan berserah diri kepada Allah SWT setelah berikhtiar?
  4. Rasulullah berdakwah 10 tahun dimana?
  5. Apa nama dari perang pertama umat Islam?
  6. Siapa nama malaikat yang meniup sangkakala?
  7. Siapa nama malaikat yang menyampaikan wahyu?
  1. Apa sebutan berubah dari perilaku yang buruk ke perilaku yang baik?
  2. Apa sebutan orang yang menerima zakat?
  3. Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?
  4. Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?
  5. Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?
  6. Apa sebutan harta yang tertimbun di tanah?
  7. Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?
  8. Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?
  9. Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?
  10. Apa sebutan orang yang kelilit hutang?
  11. Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?
  12. Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?
  13. Disebut apa jumlah minimal harta dizakatkan?

20 Clues: Apa nama lain kota Madinah?Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?...

Work 2024-03-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?
  2. Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?
  3. Apa sebutan berserah diri kepada Allah SWT setelah berikhtiar?
  4. Apa sebutan orang yang menerima zakat?
  5. Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?
  6. Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?
  7. Siapa nama malaikat yang menyampaikan wahyu?
  8. Apa nama lain kota Madinah?
  1. Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?
  2. Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?
  3. Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?
  4. Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?
  5. Apa nama dari perang pertama umat Islam?
  6. Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?
  7. Siapa nama malaikat yang meniup sangkakala?
  8. Apa sebutan orang yang kelilit hutang?
  9. Rasulullah berdakwah 10 tahun dimana?
  10. Apa sebutan berubah dari perilaku yang buruk ke perilaku yang baik?
  11. Disebut apa jumlah minimal harta dizakatkan?
  12. Apa sebutan harta yang tertimbun di tanah?

20 Clues: Apa nama lain kota Madinah?Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?...

work 2023-10-18

work crossword puzzle
  1. What is the English of " Aktor" .....
  2. What is the English of " Pelayan" .....
  3. What is the English of " Musisi" .....
  4. What is the English of " Guru" ....
  5. What is the English of " Supir" .....
  6. What is the English of " Seniman" .....
  7. What is the English of " Koki" .....
  8. What is the English of " Mekanik" .....
  9. What is the English of " Hakim" .....
  10. What is the English of " Sekretaris" .....
  11. Assistant What is the English of " Asisten Penjualan" .....
  12. What is the English of " Jurnalis" .....
  13. What is the English of " Penata Rambut" .....
  1. What is the English of " Dokter" .....
  2. What is the English of " Petani" .....
  3. What is the English of " Montir Listrik" .....
  4. What is the English of " Pilot" .....
  5. What is the English of " Kebersihan" .....
  6. What is the English of " Pemadam Kebakaran" .....
  7. What is the English of " Suster" .....
  8. What is the English of " Tukang Kebun" .....
  9. What is the English of " Dokter Hewan" .....
  10. What is the English of " Polisi" .....
  11. What is the English of " Ilmuan " .....

24 Clues: What is the English of " Guru" ....What is the English of " Koki" .....What is the English of " Pilot" .....What is the English of " Aktor" .....What is the English of " Supir" .....What is the English of " Hakim" .....What is the English of " Dokter" .....What is the English of " Petani" .....What is the English of " Musisi" ........

Work 2024-08-18

Work crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 11
  3. 8
  4. 26
  5. 3
  6. 22
  7. 14
  8. 15
  9. 18
  10. 17
  11. 13
  12. 25
  13. 19
  14. 7
  1. 10
  2. 9
  3. 16
  4. 12
  5. 2
  6. 6
  7. 4
  8. 21
  9. 24
  10. 23
  11. 20
  12. 27
  13. 5

27 Clues: 198263457101611122622212414152318172027132519

work 2024-08-26

work crossword puzzle
  1. someone who is in charge of an organization
  2. someone who hires other people to work for them
  3. an amount of money a worker is paid each year
  4. someone whose job is to handle communication,
  5. to make a public announcement that something is available
  6. a process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or activity
  7. and records for another person in an office
  8. a chance to do something good, such as a job
  9. an agreement especially in business
  10. someone who repairs machines and keeps them running properly
  11. someone who writes, sings, or plays music
  12. an organization that makes, buys, or sells something for money
  13. someone who tells people the news by any form of media
  14. a group formed for a particular purpose
  15. someone who writes news stories
  16. one part of an organization
  17. someone who plans how something new will look and be made
  18. an organization that makes, buys or sells something for money
  19. someone whose job is to find information about a crime
  1. someone who works in a library
  2. job that someone does for a long time
  3. someone who is elected to be the leader who governs a town or city
  4. someone who is trained in sports
  5. a particular job that has been given to you
  6. a man whose job is to sell things
  7. relating to work that needs special training or education
  8. high or higher in rank
  9. a business that provides a particular service
  10. someone who teaches at a college or university
  11. someone whose job is to give medical care to animals
  12. the people and activities in one type of business
  13. someone who attacks and steals from a ship at sea
  14. someone who works to put out fires
  15. a good or helpful result or effect
  16. someone who writes books, poems, stories, and articles
  17. someone whose job is to give advice about the law
  18. someone who flies an airplane or helicopter
  19. to buy and sell goods or services
  20. someone who tells the actors what to do
  21. someone who bakes bread and cakes
  22. a group of people who work for an organization or business

41 Clues: someone who works in a libraryhigh or higher in ranksomeone who writes news storiesone part of an organizationjob that someone does for a long timesomeone who is trained in sportssomeone who bakes bread and cakessomeone who works to put out firesand records for another person in an office...

Work 2024-12-12

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Disagreements or tension between individuals
  2. Feeling emotionally or mentally overburdened by demands
  3. Organizing tasks based on their importance or urgency
  4. Maintaining a healthy equilibrium between personal and professional life
  5. Tasks that must be completed within a limited time frame
  6. The process of learning or developing a new ability
  7. Developing the necessary skills and knowledge for a job
  8. Repeated trials or rehearsals to improve performance
  9. Advancing in one's professional journey or growth
  10. The point at which a person can no longer cope with stress
  11. Techniques for controlling or reducing stress
  12. The process of assigning tasks or responsibilities to others
  13. Gaining hands-on experience in real-world settings
  14. The mental fatigue and stress resulting from difficult situations
  15. Sharing expertise and information between individuals
  16. Activities or experiences that enhance self-assurance
  1. Practice exercises focused on emergency response and safety
  2. Continuous growth and learning within a career
  3. Simulated situations used for practice or training
  4. Tension resulting from excessive stress or effort
  5. The act of showing or explaining how something works
  6. Guidance provided by a more experienced individual
  7. Enhancing skills and knowledge for a specific trade or career
  8. Developing the ability to recover from setbacks
  9. The mental or emotional burden caused by stress or challenges
  10. The ability to recognize and manage one’s emotions and those of others
  11. The process of planning and controlling how to allocate time effectively
  12. The usefulness or relevance of skills or knowledge in real-world scenarios
  13. A program where one learns a trade through hands-on experience
  14. Negative response or unhappiness from clients
  15. Feeling disheartened or lacking motivation due to setbacks
  16. Stress or pressure caused by the demands of a specific situation
  17. Risks or dangers associated with a particular job or profession
  18. The process of resolving disputes or disagreements
  19. Training focused on teaching specialized knowledge or skills
  20. Uneven distribution of tasks leading to stress
  21. The practice of being aware and present in the moment
  22. Under intense stress or pressure to perform
  23. The process of defining objectives to be achieved over a specified period
  24. Strategies or behaviors used to manage difficult emotions or situations
  25. A practice scenario designed to mimic real-life situations
  26. The ability to adjust to new or changing conditions
  27. Physically or emotionally exhausted from overwork
  28. Observing an experienced person in their work to learn
  29. The process of acquiring new skills for improved performance

45 Clues: Under intense stress or pressure to performDisagreements or tension between individualsNegative response or unhappiness from clientsTechniques for controlling or reducing stressContinuous growth and learning within a careerUneven distribution of tasks leading to stressDeveloping the ability to recover from setbacks...

work 2024-12-13

work crossword puzzle
  1. Striped, exotic
  2. Sweet, rich tone
  3. Light, soft
  4. Pale, smooth grain
  5. Nut-bearing, durable
  6. Lightweight, pliable
  7. Luxurious, dense
  8. Shockproof, hard
  9. Sturdy, versatile
  10. Red-hued, decay-resistant
  11. Hard, tough
  1. Panda food
  2. Tough, sturdy
  3. Aromatic, resistant
  4. Construction-grade
  5. Flexible, split-resistant
  6. Fine, dense grain
  7. Strong, flexible
  8. Easy to carve
  9. Weatherproof, durable
  10. Coniferous, softwood
  11. Dark, heavy

22 Clues: Panda foodLight, softDark, heavyHard, toughTough, sturdyEasy to carveStriped, exoticSweet, rich toneStrong, flexibleLuxurious, denseShockproof, hardFine, dense grainSturdy, versatileConstruction-gradePale, smooth grainAromatic, resistantNut-bearing, durableConiferous, softwoodLightweight, pliableWeatherproof, durableFlexible, split-resistant...

Work 2020-04-24

Work crossword puzzle
  1. The ability to do something well.
  2. Not permanent.
  3. Person who helps and takes care of all animals and pets.
  4. Person who takes care of ill people
  5. Person who tells you what to do at work.
  6. A room for bureaucratic work.
  7. This person helps students and works in a school.
  8. Location where someone works for employer.
  9. Person who takes interviews from other people
  10. A person, who knows the law very well.
  11. Empty space.
  1. Help someone.
  2. Attractive and exciting.
  3. Person who works with babies and kids at home
  4. A person who receives a pension.
  5. Person who works deep underground.
  6. Person, who works with you.
  7. This person can build and repair machines.
  8. Practice for a performance.
  9. A person, who arriving at the right time.
  10. Person who puts out fires.

21 Clues: Empty space.Help someone.Not permanent.Attractive and exciting.Person, who works with you.Practice for a performance.Person who puts out fires.A room for bureaucratic work.A person who receives a pension.The ability to do something well.Person who works deep underground.Person who takes care of ill peopleA person, who knows the law very well....

Work 2021-04-13

Work crossword puzzle
  1. langweilig
  2. Vorgesetzter
  3. verkaufen
  4. einstellen
  5. Abteilung
  6. Arbeitgeber
  7. Kollege
  8. Einstellungsgespräch
  9. Praktikum
  10. Art
  11. Vertrag
  1. verantwortlich
  2. Freiberufler
  3. undankbar
  4. feuern
  5. Firma
  6. Arbeitnehmer
  7. produzieren
  8. Termin
  9. Ausbildung
  10. Lebensunterhalt

21 Clues: ArtFirmafeuernTerminKollegeVertragundankbarverkaufenAbteilungPraktikumlangweiligeinstellenAusbildungproduzierenArbeitgeberFreiberuflerVorgesetzterArbeitnehmerverantwortlichLebensunterhaltEinstellungsgespräch

Work 2021-10-25

Work crossword puzzle
  1. szczeble kariery
  2. urzędnik państwowy
  3. długowieczność, długotrwałość
  4. organizator imprez
  5. przedsiębiorca
  6. wykluczyć, nie brać pod uwagę
  7. literówka (w tekście)
  8. bez szans na rozwój
  9. lista rzeczy do zrobienia w życiu
  10. urlop opiekuńczy
  11. zostać wylanym z pracy
  12. dodatkowa korzyść (w pracy)
  13. keep one's nose to the _____
  14. przynoszący wzajemne korzyści
  15. słusznie, rozsądnie (w rozmowie)
  1. uprawnienia, kompetencje zawodowe
  2. umowa o pracę na pełny etat
  3. nie zrozumieć sedna
  4. podwyżka
  5. być zwolnionym grupowo
  6. list motywacyjny
  7. stanowiący wyzwanie
  8. nużący, męczący
  9. nudny, jednostajny
  10. strzyc (owce)
  11. mieć dzień wolny = to be _____ _____
  12. odnawialny (np. energia)
  13. dający satysfakcję

28 Clues: podwyżkastrzyc (owce)przedsiębiorcanużący, męczącyszczeble karierylist motywacyjnyurlop opiekuńczyurzędnik państwowyorganizator impreznudny, jednostajnydający satysfakcjęnie zrozumieć sednastanowiący wyzwaniebez szans na rozwójliterówka (w tekście)być zwolnionym grupowozostać wylanym z pracyodnawialny (np. energia)umowa o pracę na pełny etat...

work 2021-10-01

work crossword puzzle
  1. togoforawalk
  2. mynameis
  3. tolistentomusic
  4. totext
  5. toplayvideogames
  6. ihavealotofsisters
  7. ilike
  8. myfavoritecoloris
  9. toshop
  10. tocook
  11. mother
  12. toread
  13. towatchtv
  14. ilivein
  15. myfavoriterestaurantis
  16. myfavoritefoodis
  17. uncle
  18. iam16yearsold
  19. ihaveabrotherandsister
  1. icomefrom
  2. ihaveabrother
  3. ihavealotofbrothers
  4. tojog
  5. siblings
  6. aunt
  7. myfavoritehobbyis
  8. grandmother
  9. ihaveasister
  10. father
  11. iamcalled
  12. grandfather
  13. toplaysoccer
  14. to sing
  15. parents

34 Clues: aunttojogilikeuncletotextfathertoshoptocookmothertoreadto singiliveinparentssiblingsmynameisicomefromiamcalledtowatchtvgrandmothergrandfathertogoforawalkihaveasistertoplaysoccerihaveabrotheriam16yearsoldtolistentomusictoplayvideogamesmyfavoritefoodismyfavoritehobbyismyfavoritecolorisihavealotofsistersihavealotofbrothersmyfavoriterestaurantis...

work 2022-03-31

work crossword puzzle
  1. individuals who organize to win elections, operate government, and influence public policy
  2. a form of protest in which demonstrators occupy a place, refusing to leave until their demands are met.
  3. the practice or policy of favoring individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously
  4. the media
  5. advocating or based on thorough or complete political or social change; representing or supporting an extreme or progressive section of a political party
  6. withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest
  7. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
  8. political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual.
  9. a person who takes part in an organized attempt to influence legislators.
  10. the refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of political protest
  11. group of people that seeks to influence public policy on the basis of a particular common interest or concern
  12. a fundamental point of a political or other program
  13. a condition or system in which two major parties dominate a political unit.
  1. An opinion poll
  2. the declared policy of a political party or group
  3. relating to a person or group besides the two primarily involved in a situation
  4. a system to characterize and classify different political positions in relation to one another.
  5. make or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent
  6. favoring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas
  7. lack of interest among voters in the elections of representative democracies

20 Clues: the mediaAn opinion pollthe declared policy of a political party or groupa fundamental point of a political or other programmake or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violentpolitical and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual.a person who takes part in an organized attempt to influence legislators....

work 2022-03-31

work crossword puzzle
  1. individuals who organize to win elections, operate government, and influence public policy
  2. a form of protest in which demonstrators occupy a place, refusing to leave until their demands are met.
  3. the practice or policy of favoring individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously
  4. the media
  5. advocating or based on thorough or complete political or social change; representing or supporting an extreme or progressive section of a political party
  6. withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest
  7. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
  8. political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual.
  9. a person who takes part in an organized attempt to influence legislators.
  10. the refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of political protest
  11. group of people that seeks to influence public policy on the basis of a particular common interest or concern
  12. a fundamental point of a political or other program
  13. a condition or system in which two major parties dominate a political unit.
  1. An opinion poll
  2. the declared policy of a political party or group
  3. relating to a person or group besides the two primarily involved in a situation
  4. a system to characterize and classify different political positions in relation to one another.
  5. make or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent
  6. favoring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas
  7. lack of interest among voters in the elections of representative democracies

20 Clues: the mediaAn opinion pollthe declared policy of a political party or groupa fundamental point of a political or other programmake or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violentpolitical and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual.a person who takes part in an organized attempt to influence legislators....

WORK 2022-04-23

WORK crossword puzzle
  2. KING OF _ _ _ _ _ (5).
  4. OLD FELLA (4).
  6. STUDY OF EGYPT (10).
  7. RIVER (4)
  9. THE SUN (2).
  11. FAMOUS STONE (7).
  2. FASTING (7).
  4. SNAKE (3).
  6. BODY OF A LION (6).
  8. A VALLEY (3,5).
  9. TIGHT PANTS (5,3).
  10. DAM (5).
  11. QUEEN OF BOOBS (9).
  12. GET IN YOUR JOCKS (4).


Work 2018-02-21

Work crossword puzzle
  1. decide to employ someone (two words)
  2. the company is closing down so you lose your job
  3. react well to change
  4. a business which gives advice
  5. decide to no longer use a product
  6. people you work with
  7. things you are good at
  8. no longer working because of your age
  9. given a better job with more money
  10. the company has no money left and owes money
  1. on time
  2. work well in different environments
  3. enthusiastic and determined
  4. without a job
  5. decide to give up your job
  6. people can count on you
  7. things you are not so good at
  8. given a worse job with less money
  9. another word for sacked
  10. decide not to employ someone (two words)

20 Clues: on timewithout a jobreact well to changepeople you work withthings you are good atpeople can count on youanother word for sackeddecide to give up your jobenthusiastic and determinedthings you are not so good ata business which gives advicegiven a worse job with less moneydecide to no longer use a productgiven a better job with more money...

Work. 2013-01-11

Work. crossword puzzle
  1. A person (usually woman) who delivers babies
  2. A place where you can find and buy goods
  3. Money added to someone's wages, especially as a reward for good work
  4. A person who installs and repairs plumbs
  5. A person who provides work for another
  6. A person who buys
  7. Money given in return for doing work
  8. A person who isn't experienced
  9. Not easy, risky
  10. Something (text, picture, video) to attract people's attention
  11. An institution for sick and injured people
  12. A person who is being trained for his/her job
  13. A place for scientific experiments and research
  1. A person who works for another
  2. Low-payed and unskilled job
  3. A work time that is less than the usual
  4. A woman who serves tables in a restaurant or a cafe
  5. To apply for a job people need to send a job ___________
  6. A person whose responsibilities usually are greeting people and answering the phone
  7. A group of workers

20 Clues: Not easy, riskyA person who buysA group of workersLow-payed and unskilled jobA person who works for anotherA person who isn't experiencedMoney given in return for doing workA person who provides work for anotherA work time that is less than the usualA place where you can find and buy goodsA person who installs and repairs plumbs...

WORK 2013-11-17

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. A job or profession that you do for a long time
  2. Careful study to find more about the company
  3. A chance to study and learn something practical
  4. Someone who pays somebody to work for him or her
  5. The person who asks the questions in an interview
  6. First meeting with the people you want to work for
  7. Teachers have to deal ____ parents
  8. The abilities you need to do something well
  9. He is ____ charge of the marketing department
  10. A piece of work that you have to do
  11. Be capable ____ doing something
  1. __________ (verb) your legs or arms
  2. A record of your school qualifications and work experience
  3. __________ (verb) an interview.
  4. Rules about the clothes you should wear to work
  5. The skills or qualifications you need to do a job
  6. A strong, favourable, or remarkable effect
  7. Be responsible ____ something
  8. When you write to say that you would like a job
  9. Look someone in the eye
  10. An area of study or work
  11. A person who applies for a job
  12. A recomendation of someone's abilities
  13. A person who performs or offers to perform a service voluntarily
  14. Person that works in a company

25 Clues: Look someone in the eyeAn area of study or workBe responsible ____ somethingA person who applies for a jobPerson that works in a company__________ (verb) an interview.Be capable ____ doing somethingTeachers have to deal ____ parents__________ (verb) your legs or armsA piece of work that you have to doA recomendation of someone's abilities...

work 2023-11-02

work crossword puzzle
  1. refer
  2. hello
  3. houston
  4. together
  5. office machine
  6. newbie
  7. where we live
  8. fearless leader
  9. the best
  10. southern
  11. loves working
  12. ring that bell
  13. caterer
  1. title
  2. way to struggle
  3. pay me please
  4. most important staff member
  5. flyers
  6. walk on in
  7. cracker
  8. type of history
  9. kitchen neighbor
  10. partner
  11. what we do
  12. we depend on
  13. certificate
  14. majority

27 Clues: titlereferhelloflyersnewbiehoustoncrackerpartnercaterertogetherthe bestsouthernmajoritywalk on inwhat we docertificatewe depend onpay me pleasewhere we liveloves workingoffice machinering that bellway to strugglefearless leadertype of historykitchen neighbormost important staff member

Work 2023-11-02

Work crossword puzzle
  1. a fixed regular payment made by an employer, often monthly, for professional or office work as opposed to manual work
  2. to be ... - to lose your job
  3. payment in return for work or services, especially made to workmen on a daily, hourly or weekly basis
  4. carefully considering things
  5. good or quick at noticing things
  6. to employ someone
  7. not taking or showing enough care and attention
  8. to leave your job or stop working because of old age
  9. a job or position which has not been filled
  10. to be on ... - an employee who is on-call isn't working, but they are available in case they need to
  11. not easily satisfied or pleased; worried or careful about unimportant details
  1. to be made ... - no longer employed because there is no more work available
  2. a written record of your education and jobs
  3. to work ... - to do a job for a period of time during the day or night
  4. having finished a training course, or having particular skills
  5. a person or organization that employs people
  6. someone who is paid to work for someone else
  7. a job, a rank or level in a company
  8. able to be obtained, used, or reached
  9. to leave your job
  10. deserving trust, dependable
  11. to ... for a job - to make a formal written request for a job

22 Clues: to leave your jobto employ someonedeserving trust, dependableto be ... - to lose your jobcarefully considering thingsgood or quick at noticing thingsa job, a rank or level in a companyable to be obtained, used, or reacheda written record of your education and jobsa job or position which has not been filled...

Work 2024-01-02

Work crossword puzzle
  1. forfremmelse
  2. pendling
  3. jobbsøknad
  4. prosjektleder
  5. jobbtilfredshet
  6. kontorist/saksbehandler
  7. ingeniør
  8. overtid
  9. arbeidskultur
  10. administrerende direktør
  11. bærekraftig arbeid
  12. arbeidsmengde
  1. regnskapsfører
  2. rørlegger
  3. profesjonell
  4. markedsføring
  5. intervju
  6. advokat
  7. grafisk designer
  8. frist
  9. oppgave
  10. nettverksbygging
  11. arbeidserfaring
  12. CV
  13. kollega

25 Clues: CVfristadvokatovertidoppgavekollegapendlingintervjuingeniørrørleggerjobbsøknadforfremmelseprofesjonellprosjektledermarkedsføringarbeidskulturarbeidsmengderegnskapsførerjobbtilfredshetarbeidserfaringgrafisk designernettverksbyggingbærekraftig arbeidkontorist/saksbehandleradministrerende direktør

Work 2024-01-19

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Chronic liver disease often caused by alcohol abuse
  2. Inflammation of the liver, often alcohol-related
  3. Substances that slow down the central nervous system
  4. Unpleasant after-effects of excessive drinking (Hangover)
  5. Excessive dose of a substance
  6. Condition caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy
  7. Poisoning caused by excessive alcohol consumption
  8. Measure of the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream
  9. Restraint or suppression of behavior (Inhibition)
  10. Uncontrolled consumption leading to health issues.
  11. Substance commonly found in alcoholic beverages
  1. Alcoholic beverages with a higher alcohol content
  2. Aiding or supporting someone's addictive behavior
  3. Process of breaking down substances in the body
  4. Process of removing toxins from the body
  5. Person addicted to alcohol
  6. Temporary loss of consciousness due to excessive drinking (Blackout)
  7. Driving while influenced by alcohol
  8. State of being influenced by alcohol (Intoxication or Intoxicated)
  9. Exposure to danger or harm

20 Clues: Person addicted to alcoholExposure to danger or harmExcessive dose of a substanceDriving while influenced by alcoholProcess of removing toxins from the bodyProcess of breaking down substances in the bodySubstance commonly found in alcoholic beveragesInflammation of the liver, often alcohol-relatedAlcoholic beverages with a higher alcohol content...

WORK! 2024-04-11

WORK! crossword puzzle
  1. snack
  2. jaune fruit
  3. ham
  4. mal long legume vert
  5. vivre dans l'océan
  6. tart
  7. rogue fruit
  8. manges la soupe avec un ___
  9. lemons
  10. le petit-déjeuner et le dîner
  11. pepper
  1. vous faire pleurer
  2. desserts
  3. coffee
  4. knife
  5. tu manges la soupe dans un ___
  6. pork
  7. duck
  8. orange fruit
  9. bread

20 Clues: hamtartporkducksnackknifebreadcoffeelemonspepperdessertsjaune fruitrogue fruitorange fruitvous faire pleurervivre dans l'océanmal long legume vertmanges la soupe avec un ___le petit-déjeuner et le dînertu manges la soupe dans un ___

Work 2024-03-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?
  2. Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?
  3. Apa sebutan orang yang kelilit hutang?
  4. Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?
  5. Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?
  6. Siapa nama malaikat yang meniup sangkakala?
  7. Apa sebutan berubah dari perilaku yang buruk ke perilaku yang baik?
  8. Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?
  9. Apa nama lain kota Madinah?
  10. Apa sebutan berserah diri kepada Allah SWT setelah berikhtiar?
  11. Apa sebutan harta yang tertimbun di tanah?
  12. Rasulullah berdakwah 10 tahun dimana?
  1. Apa nama dari perang pertama umat Islam?
  2. Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?
  3. Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?
  4. Siapa nama malaikat yang menyampaikan wahyu?
  5. Apa sebutan orang yang menerima zakat?
  6. Disebut apa jumlah minimal harta dizakatkan?
  7. Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?
  8. Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?

20 Clues: Apa nama lain kota Madinah?Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?...

Work 2024-03-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Apa nama lain kota Madinah?
  2. Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?
  3. Apa sebutan berserah diri kepada Allah SWT setelah berikhtiar?
  4. Rasulullah berdakwah 10 tahun dimana?
  5. Apa nama dari perang pertama umat Islam?
  6. Siapa nama malaikat yang meniup sangkakala?
  7. Siapa nama malaikat yang menyampaikan wahyu?
  1. Apa sebutan berubah dari perilaku yang buruk ke perilaku yang baik?
  2. Apa sebutan orang yang menerima zakat?
  3. Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?
  4. Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?
  5. Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?
  6. Apa sebutan harta yang tertimbun di tanah?
  7. Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?
  8. Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?
  9. Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?
  10. Apa sebutan orang yang kelilit hutang?
  11. Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?
  12. Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?
  13. Disebut apa jumlah minimal harta dizakatkan?

20 Clues: Apa nama lain kota Madinah?Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?...

Work 2024-03-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Apa nama lain kota Madinah?
  2. Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?
  3. Apa sebutan berserah diri kepada Allah SWT setelah berikhtiar?
  4. Rasulullah berdakwah 10 tahun dimana?
  5. Apa nama dari perang pertama umat Islam?
  6. Siapa nama malaikat yang meniup sangkakala?
  7. Siapa nama malaikat yang menyampaikan wahyu?
  1. Apa sebutan berubah dari perilaku yang buruk ke perilaku yang baik?
  2. Apa sebutan orang yang menerima zakat?
  3. Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?
  4. Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?
  5. Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?
  6. Apa sebutan harta yang tertimbun di tanah?
  7. Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?
  8. Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?
  9. Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?
  10. Apa sebutan orang yang kelilit hutang?
  11. Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?
  12. Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?
  13. Disebut apa jumlah minimal harta dizakatkan?

20 Clues: Apa nama lain kota Madinah?Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?...

work 2024-08-26

work crossword puzzle
  1. an organization that makes, buys, or sells something for money
  2. someone who is elected to be the leader who governs a town or city
  3. someone who is in charge of an organization
  4. a good or helpful result or effect
  5. to buy and sell goods or services
  6. an organization that makes, buys or sells something for money
  7. relating to work that needs special training or education
  8. someone whose job is to find information about a crime
  9. someone whose job is to handle communication,
  10. someone who works to put out fires
  11. a group of people who work for an organization or business
  12. someone who works in a library
  13. job that someone does for a long time
  14. someone who tells the actors what to do
  15. someone who tells people the news by any form of media
  16. someone who teaches at a college or university
  17. someone whose job is to give advice about the law
  18. a man whose job is to sell things
  19. someone who plans how something new will look and be made
  20. an amount of money a worker is paid each year
  1. someone who repairs machines and keeps them running properly
  2. someone who bakes bread and cakes
  3. someone who writes books, poems, stories, and articles
  4. an agreement especially in business
  5. someone who hires other people to work for them
  6. someone who flies an airplane or helicopter
  7. high or higher in rank
  8. a process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or activity
  9. the people and activities in one type of business
  10. and records for another person in an office
  11. someone who writes, sings, or plays music
  12. to make a public announcement that something is available
  13. a particular job that has been given to you
  14. a group formed for a particular purpose
  15. someone who attacks and steals from a ship at sea
  16. someone who writes news stories
  17. a business that provides a particular service
  18. someone whose job is to give medical care to animals
  19. one part of an organization
  20. someone who is trained in sports
  21. a chance to do something good, such as a job

41 Clues: high or higher in ranksomeone who works in a librarysomeone who writes news storiesone part of an organizationsomeone who is trained in sportsjob that someone does for a long timesomeone who bakes bread and cakessomeone who works to put out firesto buy and sell goods or services...

Work 2022-11-09

Work crossword puzzle
  1. sack
  2. supervise
  3. responsible
  4. cooperate
  5. demand
  6. carpenter
  7. skill
  8. retire
  9. strike
  10. employ
  11. temporary
  12. clerk
  1. shift
  2. earnaliving
  3. profession
  4. earn
  5. crucial
  6. negotiate
  7. recruit
  8. qualified
  9. accustomedto
  10. turndown
  11. benefit
  12. letterofapplication

24 Clues: sackearnshiftskillclerkdemandretirestrikeemploycrucialrecruitbenefitturndownsupervisenegotiatecooperatequalifiedcarpentertemporaryprofessionearnalivingresponsibleaccustomedtoletterofapplication

Work 2023-09-25

Work crossword puzzle
  1. lukio
  2. koulutus
  3. käytännöllinen
  4. firman auto
  5. työnantaja
  6. ammattikoulu
  7. vastuu
  8. tieteilijä
  9. työedut
  10. työhaastattelu
  11. tehdä työkseen
  12. ylennys
  13. insinööri
  1. ammatti (virallinen esim.lomakkeessa)
  2. työaika
  3. school yläaste
  4. vaativa
  5. johtaja,esimies
  6. eläke
  7. työkaveri
  8. tarjoilija
  9. vuorotyö
  10. yliopisto
  11. palkka
  12. työntekijä
  13. työhakemus
  14. todistus
  15. esimies
  16. ammatti
  17. ansaita

30 Clues: lukioeläkepalkkavastuutyöaikavaativaesimiestyöedutammattiansaitaylennyskoulutusvuorotyötodistustyökaveriyliopistoinsinööritarjoilijatyöntekijätyönantajatyöhakemustieteilijäfirman autoammattikouluschool yläastekäytännöllinentyöhaastattelutehdä työkseenjohtaja,esimiesammatti (virallinen esim.lomakkeessa)

work 2024-09-12

work crossword puzzle
  1. Collaborative effort to achieve a common goal
  2. Plan of action to achieve business goals
  3. Team focused on generating revenue through customer acquisition
  4. Machines used for a variety of office tasks
  5. Department handling employee relations and benefits
  6. Head of a company's operations and strategy
  7. Set of rules or guidelines established by an organization
  8. Person responsible for financial management
  9. Department responsible for promoting products and services
  10. Division that manages technology and computer systems
  11. Devices used for producing hard copies of documents
  12. Large meeting for professionals to discuss industry topics
  13. Educational event focused on specific topics
  14. Scheduled discussions among colleagues
  15. Evaluation of employee work and productivity
  16. Experienced individual who guides a less experienced colleague
  17. Ability to do tasks using minimal resources
  18. Equipment that digitizes physical documents
  19. Specific work or duty assigned to an employee
  20. Introduction of new ideas or methods
  21. Student or recent graduate gaining work experience
  22. Due date for completing a task or project
  1. Process of planning and executing projects
  2. Financial plan for a specific period
  3. List of items to be discussed in a meeting
  4. Assessment of work performance or quality
  5. Regular payment for work or services
  6. Process of exchanging information between people
  7. Advancement to a higher position
  8. Detailed steps to complete a task or process
  9. Department that deals with budgeting and investments
  10. Educational activities to improve skills
  11. Working together with others to achieve a common goal
  12. Perks provided to employees beyond salary
  13. Document summarizing work, findings, or progress
  14. Document outlining a person's work history and skills
  15. Measure of output per unit of input
  16. Agreement outlining terms of employment
  17. Sequence of steps to complete a task
  18. Team managing day-to-day activities of a company
  19. Building relationships with professional contacts
  20. Guidelines on appropriate workplace attire
  21. Adherence to laws, regulations, or standards
  22. Introduction process for new employees
  23. Process of recruiting new employees

45 Clues: Advancement to a higher positionMeasure of output per unit of inputProcess of recruiting new employeesFinancial plan for a specific periodRegular payment for work or servicesSequence of steps to complete a taskIntroduction of new ideas or methodsScheduled discussions among colleaguesIntroduction process for new employees...

Work 2024-11-13

Work crossword puzzle
  1. zinošs
  2. stabils kritums
  3. polimāts
  4. uzņēmējs
  5. nodarbinātības iespējas
  6. uzstāj
  7. būt atbildīgam
  8. atbirums
  9. uzplaukt
  10. aprēķināt
  11. laika vadība
  12. vienprātība
  13. tāds, kurš viegli padodās
  14. apņemties
  15. atstāts novārtā
  16. nododamās prasmes
  17. apliecināt
  18. apgūt
  1. sasniegt
  2. darbaspēks
  3. padomnieks
  4. izlutināts
  5. lietišķā zinātne
  6. pārliecināt
  7. garlaicīgs
  8. prasība
  9. apmeklētība
  10. atsauces
  11. audzināšana
  12. pamest
  13. ienesīgs
  14. mazumtirdzniecība
  15. praktikants
  16. bērnelis, knēvelis
  17. mērķtiecīgs

35 Clues: apgūtzinošsuzstājpamestprasībasasniegtpolimātsuzņēmējsatsaucesatbirumsuzplauktienesīgsaprēķinātapņemtiesdarbaspēkspadomnieksizlutinātsgarlaicīgsapliecinātpārliecinātapmeklētībaaudzināšanavienprātībapraktikantsmērķtiecīgslaika vadībabūt atbildīgamstabils kritumsatstāts novārtālietišķā zinātnemazumtirdzniecībanododamās prasmesbērnelis, knēvelis...

Work 2014-02-18

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Aussehen
  2. Blumenladen
  3. fleißig
  4. früh
  5. Benehmen
  6. Schreibner/in
  7. pünktlich
  8. angemessen_gekleidet
  9. Pfleger/in
  10. Anzeige
  11. Florist/in
  1. höflich
  2. Polizist/in
  3. Berufserfahrung
  4. andere
  5. Bewerbungsgespräch
  6. Krankenhaus
  7. Mit_freundlichen_Grüßen
  8. anfangen
  9. Französisch

20 Clues: frühanderehöflichfleißigAnzeigeAussehenBenehmenanfangenpünktlichPfleger/inFlorist/inBlumenladenPolizist/inKrankenhausFranzösischSchreibner/inBerufserfahrungBewerbungsgesprächangemessen_gekleidetMit_freundlichen_Grüßen

work 2014-06-03

work crossword puzzle
  1. in welke wet staan de regels over gezond en veilig werken?
  2. wat is het geheel van de vraag naar en het aanbod van arbeidskrachten?
  3. Hoe noem je de situatie als het deel van mensen dat met pensioen is groeit?
  4. wat doe je als je reageer op een vacaturen?
  5. wat zijn de mensen tussen de 15 en 65 die een baan hebben of zouden willen hebben?
  6. hoe halen bedrijven consumenten over om hun producten te kopen?
  7. hoe noem je de vergoeding die je krijgt voor het sparen van geld?
  8. wat is het geheel van afspraken dat een werkgever en werknemer met elkaar maken?
  9. welke organisatie komt op voor de belangen van de consument en houd zich bezig met het testen en vergelijken van producten?
  10. hoe noem je een ondernemer die geen mensen in dienst heeft?
  11. hoe heet de situatie waarbij de werknemers tijdelijk het werk neerleggen om iets voor elkaar te krijgen bij de werkgever?
  12. hoe noem je een openstaande positie bij een organisatie waarvoor een werknemer wordt gezocht?
  1. hoe noem je een persoon of bedrijf dat geld steekt in een bedrijf voor eventuele winst van het bedrijf zodra het is opgestart?
  2. wat noem je het geheel waarin producten en diensten in de samenleving worden gemaakt, verspreid en gebruikt?
  3. hoe noem je de afspraken die in een arbeidsovereenkomst staan?
  4. hoe noem je de periode waarin de werknemer en werkgever de arbeidsovereenkomst op elk moment kunnen beëindigen?
  5. welke organisatie komt op voor de rechten van werknemers van een bedrijf of bedrijfstak?
  6. hoe noem je de groep mensen binnen een bedrijf die meepraten over de belangrijke beslissingen die binnen een bedrijf genomen worden?
  7. wat doe je als je geld opzij zet voor later?
  8. hoe noem je het overzicht waarin je je inkomsten en uitgaven in kaart breng zodat je kan kijken hoeveel geld je te besteden heb?
  9. hoe noem je de belasting die je betaal over de producten die je koop?

21 Clues: wat doe je als je reageer op een vacaturen?wat doe je als je geld opzij zet voor later?in welke wet staan de regels over gezond en veilig werken?hoe noem je een ondernemer die geen mensen in dienst heeft?hoe noem je de afspraken die in een arbeidsovereenkomst staan?hoe halen bedrijven consumenten over om hun producten te kopen?...

Work 2019-10-14

Work crossword puzzle
  1. ettekujutus
  2. õudusunenägu
  3. heasüdamlik
  4. kartma
  5. suuresüdamegaolema
  6. vanamoodne
  7. vabakoht
  8. ülbe
  9. kergeusklik
  10. arenema
  1. maharahunema
  2. väljavaade
  3. lahtimuukima
  4. kohtumine
  5. närvesööv
  6. laiskvorst
  7. muretu
  8. raudkõva
  9. hädavajalik
  10. üleannetu

20 Clues: ülbemuretukartmaarenemaraudkõvavabakohtkohtuminenärvesöövüleannetuväljavaadelaiskvorstvanamoodneettekujutusheasüdamlikhädavajalikkergeusklikmaharahunemalahtimuukimaõudusunenägusuuresüdamegaolema

Work 2021-01-20

Work crossword puzzle
  1. to guarantee
  2. to support or praise
  3. Give a brief account or summary
  4. a badly behaved child
  5. intelligent and well informed
  6. to make stronger with new materials or support
  7. suffering a lack of proper care
  8. the start or beginning of something
  9. the sale of goods in small quantities directly to consumers
  10. making you feel happy and satisfied
  1. to gain or receive good results from something
  2. To gain possession of
  3. having to work too much
  4. to enlist
  5. having a clear aim or purpose
  6. an amount of money that is collected and kept for a particular purpose
  7. to try to persuade strongly
  8. to leave behind
  9. happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time; on time
  10. to work too hard or too much
  11. variety
  12. having the ability to do something well
  13. prosper; flourish
  14. A result that a person aims for and works hard to reach
  15. not flexible

25 Clues: varietyto enlistto guaranteenot flexibleto leave behindprosper; flourishto support or praiseTo gain possession ofa badly behaved childhaving to work too muchto try to persuade stronglyto work too hard or too muchhaving a clear aim or purposeintelligent and well informedGive a brief account or summarysuffering a lack of proper care...

WORK 2021-02-10

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. someone who plays soccer, especially as a job the regular work that a person does to earn money
  2. someone who works in an office, writing letters, making phone calls, and arranging meetings for a person or for an organization
  3. a male member of a police force
  4. someone whose job is to teach in a school or college
  5. a person who sails in a ship and attacks other ships in order to steal from them
  6. someone whose job is repairing the engines of vehicles and other machines
  7. someone who pretends to be someone else while performing in a movie, play, or television or radio program
  8. a man whose job is to bring the food to customers at their tables in a restaurant
  9. a planned occasion when people come together, either in person or online
  10. a group of traveling performers including acrobats (= people skilled in difficult physical movements) or those who work with trained animals, or a performance by such people usually in a large tent
  11. a person who writes news stories or articles for a newspaper or magazine or broadcasts them on radio or television
  12. a person whose job is to design or build machines, engines, or electrical equipment, or things such as roads, railroads, or bridges, using scientific principles
  1. a large cylinder-shaped object that moves very fast by forcing out burning gases, used for space travel or as a weapon
  2. a person who takes photographs, either as a job or hobby
  3. a woman who rules a country because she has been born into a royal family, or a woman who is married to a king
  4. a building or set of buildings where large amounts of goods are made using machines
  5. a person who has been trained for traveling in space
  6. someone who drives a vehicle
  7. a man who works in business, especially one who has a high position in a company
  8. a special vehicle used to take sick or injured people to the hospital
  9. someone who owns or takes care of a farm
  10. someone who paints, draws, or makes sculptures
  11. a person with a medical degree whose job is to treat people who are sick or hurt
  12. a person who sings
  13. a person who flies an aircraft
  14. information or reports about recent events
  15. an entertainer who wears funny clothes, has a painted face, and makes people laugh by performing tricks and behaving in a silly way

27 Clues: a person who singssomeone who drives a vehiclea person who flies an aircrafta male member of a police forcesomeone who owns or takes care of a farminformation or reports about recent eventssomeone who paints, draws, or makes sculpturesa person who has been trained for traveling in spacesomeone whose job is to teach in a school or college...

Work 2021-02-21

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Lohn
  2. einstellen
  3. Belegschaft, Arbeiterschaft
  4. befördert werden: to be ...
  5. Lebenslauf (Abkürzung)
  6. Bewerbungsgespräch: job ...
  7. Gehalt
  8. Ausbildung
  9. männerdominiert
  10. Arbeitnehmer
  11. entlassen
  1. Auszubildender
  2. Arbeitgeber
  3. Freiberufler
  4. Überstunden leisten: to work...
  5. Bewerbung
  6. teilzeit
  7. Kunde
  8. sich bewerben
  9. in Schichten arbeiten: to work in ...
  10. Arbeitsbedingungen: working ...
  11. Personal

22 Clues: LohnKundeGehaltteilzeitPersonalBewerbungentlasseneinstellenAusbildungArbeitgeberFreiberuflerArbeitnehmersich bewerbenAuszubildendermännerdominiertLebenslauf (Abkürzung)Belegschaft, Arbeiterschaftbefördert werden: to be ...Bewerbungsgespräch: job ...Überstunden leisten: to work...Arbeitsbedingungen: working Schichten arbeiten: to work in ...

Work 2021-01-18

Work crossword puzzle
  1. fizetés
  2. képzettség
  3. fizetésemelés
  4. sebész
  5. pszichológus
  6. önfoglalkoztató(egyén vállalkozó)
  7. jelentkezés
  8. felajánlani
  9. elfogadni
  10. műszak
  11. zenész
  12. részmunkaidős
  13. politikus
  1. rosszul fizetett
  2. aláírni
  3. kereskedelmi képviselő
  4. életrajz
  5. bér
  6. jól fizetett
  7. (fel)szolgálni
  8. tapasztalat
  9. túlóra
  10. fordító
  11. szerződés
  12. szedni
  13. teljes munkaidős
  14. korábbi

27 Clues: bérsebésztúlóraszedniműszakzenészaláírnifizetésfordítókorábbiéletrajzelfogadniszerződéspolitikusképzettségtapasztalatjelentkezésfelajánlanijól fizetettpszichológusfizetésemelésrészmunkaidős(fel)szolgálnirosszul fizetettteljes munkaidőskereskedelmi képviselőönfoglalkoztató(egyén vállalkozó)

Work 2019-05-28

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Trustful
  2. someone whose job is repairing the engines of vehicles and other machines
  3. the group of people who work for an organization
  4. the process of making or growing goods to be sold
  5. full of activity, or very busy and fast
  6. Hard working
  7. someone who helps someone else to do a job
  8. someone who works in an office, writing letters, making phone calls, and arranging meetings for a person or for an organization
  9. the department that sells a company’s products
  10. regular jobs in office
  11. a person who writes books or articles to be published
  12. having a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich
  1. a male or female member of the police force
  2. wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people
  3. to work or cause something to work, be in action, or have an effect
  4. the part of a business that tries to find ways to improve existing products, and to develop new ones
  5. something that it is your job or duty to deal with
  6. someone whose work is related to the arranging of text and pictures
  7. a person whose job is to take care of other people's children in her or his own home
  8. someone whose job is to cut and arrange people's hair

20 Clues: TrustfulHard workingregular jobs in officefull of activity, or very busy and fastsomeone who helps someone else to do a joba male or female member of the police forcethe department that sells a company’s productsthe group of people who work for an organizationthe process of making or growing goods to be sold...

work 2021-03-24

work crossword puzzle
  1. The place where builders work
  2. Something that is global
  3. Something you need to get a job
  4. A person who is working
  5. Food you can take to work
  6. A room where you can work
  7. If you work in the summer
  8. Something you send when you apply for a job
  1. The people you work with
  2. The money what you get for working
  3. The time you work
  4. If you're the boss, you ... the company
  5. A person who works at a school
  6. Something you do to make money
  7. Salary
  8. If you work in the morning
  9. Your salary will be paid to a...
  10. The person who gives you the job
  11. If you work in the afternoon
  12. The place where you work at

20 Clues: SalaryThe time you workA person who is workingThe people you work withSomething that is globalFood you can take to workA room where you can workIf you work in the summerIf you work in the morningThe place where you work atIf you work in the afternoonThe place where builders workA person who works at a schoolSomething you do to make money...

Work 2021-11-01

Work crossword puzzle
  1. a sealed plastic unit containing a length of audiotape.
  2. unhealthy tobacco.
  3. a small kitchen.
  4. a thin board.
  5. the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.
  6. a raised step behind a rampart.
  7. somewhat dull or flat surface.
  8. brown-haired.
  9. a pudding made of stewed fruit with a casing or covering of bread, sponge cake, biscuits, or breadcrumbs.
  10. a fringe of hair or curls worn on the forehead by women.
  11. a journal or newspaper.
  1. espresso, and steamed milk.
  2. table napkin.
  3. a puppet worked by strings.
  4. the dark shape, and outline of someone or something visible in restricted light against a brighter background.
  5. a dish of beaten eggs cooked in a frying pan.
  6. "Grooming water" slightly scented water.
  7. a block of compressed coal dust or peat used as fuel.
  8. to determine the winning number.
  9. a young unmarried woman.

20 Clues: table napkin.a thin board.brown-haired.a small kitchen.unhealthy tobacco.a journal or newspaper.a young unmarried woman.espresso, and steamed milk.a puppet worked by strings.somewhat dull or flat surface.a raised step behind a determine the winning number."Grooming water" slightly scented water....

Work 2022-03-22

Work crossword puzzle
  1. A file that can be run directly by a computer's hardware or a p-code interpreter with no further processing.
  2. To develop.
  3. A person who formulates schemes.
  4. To proceed, spring up or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances.
  5. To confirm.
  6. A beverage made by infusing the beans of the coffee plant in hot water.
  7. Job.
  8. A person in charge of a company.
  9. Any group of people involved in the same activity.
  10. A statement of the meaning of a word.
  11. Encoded computer instructions, usually modifiable.
  12. A piece of work done as part of one’s duties.
  13. A state of mind producing serious, long-term lowering of enjoyment of life.
  1. A contest for a prize.
  2. A patch file, a file that describes changes to be made to a computer files, usually changes made to a computer program that fix a programming bug.
  3. A second reading of a text in an attempt to gain new insights.
  4. A new company designed for rapid growth.
  5. To search for and eliminate malfunctioning elements or errors in something, especially a computer program or machinery.
  6. Multiple computers connected together to share information.
  7. The distribution of an initial or new and upgraded version of a computer software product.
  8. An individual who provides labor to a company.
  9. The experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest, especially in one's career.
  10. To express or convey ideas, either through verbal or nonverbal means.
  11. A proposal that has been made.
  12. A generally accepted means of exchange and measure of value.
  13. A process by which a task is completed.
  14. A job taken by a student in order to learn a profession.
  15. To submit oneself as a candidate.
  16. A person which pays for the services of another person.
  17. To refuse to accept.

30 Clues: Job.To develop.To confirm.To refuse to accept.A contest for a prize.A proposal that has been made.A person who formulates schemes.A person in charge of a company.To submit oneself as a candidate.A statement of the meaning of a word.A process by which a task is completed.A new company designed for rapid growth....

work 2022-03-14

work crossword puzzle
  1. a course along which someone or something moves, faces or points.
  2. The property of matter due to its mass and velocity
  3. Energy stored energy that results from the position or shape of an object
  4. The length of a path between two points
  5. of Universal gravitation the scientific law that states that every object in the universe attracts every other object
  6. A push or pull exerted on an object that causes it to move, change speed or direction or stop moving (measured in Newtons)
  7. Friction Occurs between stationary objects;
  8. Friction friction that occurs when an object rolls over a surface
  9. How far an object moved from its original position and in what direction the object moved.
  10. Friction friction that occurs when one solid surface slides over another
  11. A measure of the force of gravity on an object
  12. Movement or change in the position of an object according to its reference point.
  13. The rate at which velocity changes (speeds up/slows down)
  14. Arrows used to show force
  1. Point A place or object used for comparison to determine if an object is in motion
  2. first law An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
  3. Forces Forces that do not cancel each other out and result in a net force on an obejct
  4. Adding up ALL numbers (data points) and DIVIDING by how many numbers (data points) you have.
  5. A force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses.
  6. Energy the energy an object has due to its motion
  7. the amount of matter in an object
  8. Friction Also known as air resistance. When an object moves through fluid, the object experiences fluid friction.
  9. the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.
  10. Second Law Force equals mass times acceleration
  11. Third Law For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
  12. the speed of an object in a particular direction
  13. Forces Equal forces acting on an object in opposite directions
  14. distance/time (formula)
  15. Force The combination of all forces acting on an object

29 Clues: distance/time (formula)Arrows used to show forcethe amount of matter in an objectThe length of a path between two pointsFriction Occurs between stationary objects;A measure of the force of gravity on an objectSecond Law Force equals mass times accelerationthe speed of an object in a particular direction...

WORK 2022-02-11

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. szef
  2. strażak
  3. trudny
  4. astronauta
  5. premia
  6. szef kuchni
  7. klient
  8. straszny
  9. kucharz
  10. lekarz
  11. piosenkarz
  1. kariera
  2. budowniczy
  3. umiejętności
  4. organizowac
  5. aktor
  6. zadanie
  7. dentysta
  8. fabryka
  9. tancerz

20 Clues: szefaktortrudnypremiaklientlekarzkarierastrażakzadaniefabrykatancerzkucharzdentystastrasznybudowniczyastronautapiosenkarzorganizowacszef kuchniumiejętności

work 2023-01-20

work crossword puzzle
  1. polytheistic
  2. crop rotation
  3. indigenous
  4. basin and range
  5. adobe
  6. nomadic
  7. kill site
  8. great plains
  9. hogan
  1. colorado plateau
  2. subsistence farming
  3. matrilineal
  4. acequia
  5. rocky mountains
  6. shaman
  7. tipi
  8. kachinas
  9. sedentary
  10. kiva
  11. wikiup

20 Clues: tipikivaadobehoganshamanwikiupacequianomadickachinassedentarykill siteindigenousmatrilinealpolytheisticgreat plainscrop rotationrocky mountainsbasin and rangecolorado plateausubsistence farming

WORK 2023-02-01

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. Funktion
  2. Lagerhaus
  3. Geschäftsführer
  4. Karriere
  5. Beförderung
  6. Fabrik
  7. Arbeitskollege
  8. Hauptniederlassung
  9. Praktikant/in
  10. Beruf
  1. Labor
  2. Baustelle
  3. Kundenkontaktcenter
  4. selbstständig
  5. Lehrling
  6. Redakteur/in
  7. freiberuflich
  8. Rechtsanwalt
  9. Erfahrung
  10. Rettungssanitäter/in
  11. Verwalter/in

21 Clues: LaborBerufFabrikFunktionLehrlingKarriereBaustelleLagerhausErfahrungBeförderungRedakteur/inRechtsanwaltVerwalter/inselbstständigfreiberuflichPraktikant/inArbeitskollegeGeschäftsführerHauptniederlassungKundenkontaktcenterRettungssanitäter/in

Work 2023-04-28

Work crossword puzzle
  1. (The __ moves as a force is applied.)
  2. (and axle is a simple machine consisting of two circular objects of different sizes.)
  3. (occurs when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force.)
  4. (machines are made of two or more simple machines.)
  5. (Some machines can __ force more than others.)
  6. (The less work a machine has to do to overcome friction, the more ___ it is.)
  7. (consisting of a grooved wheel that holds a rope or cable.)
  8. (Plane, that is a straight slanted surface, a ramp)
  9. (the more moving parts a machine has, the __ its mechanical efficiency.)
  1. (is a device that helps make work easier)
  2. (Most compound machines have __ mechanical efficiency.)
  3. (consists of a bar that pivots at a fixed point, called a fulcrum.)
  4. (efficiency is a comparison of a machine’s work output with the work input.)
  5. (is the rate at which work is done.)
  6. (is a double-inclined plane that moves.)
  7. (The direction of the object's motion is the same as ___ of the force applied.)
  8. (Work __ can never be greater than work input.)
  9. (is an inclined plane that is wrapped in a spiral.)
  10. (Applying a ___ doesn’t always result in work being done.)
  11. (Work ___ is the work you do on a machine.)

20 Clues: (is the rate at which work is done.)(The __ moves as a force is applied.)(is a double-inclined plane that moves.)(is a device that helps make work easier)(Work ___ is the work you do on a machine.)(Some machines can __ force more than others.)(Work __ can never be greater than work input.)(machines are made of two or more simple machines.)...

work 2023-05-03

work crossword puzzle
  1. of equality between two expressions consisting of variables and/or numbers.
  2. a number that when multiplied by the original number gives the product as 1
  3. the form of a number that has a decimal point, either actual or implied
  4. Terms whose variables with any exponents are the same.
  5. the number of digits in a given value or a measurement, necessary to decide the accuracy and precision of measurement
  6. the number of times a number needs to be multiplied by itself.
  7. A real number that can NOT be made by dividing two integers
  8. square root, cube root, etc.
  9. a number that when added to a given number sums to zero.
  10. of eqaality any of various mathematical rules regarding the addition of numbers.
  11. in One Variable an equation which is expressed in the form of ax+b = 0, where a and b are two integers, and x is a variable and has only one solution
  12. the number that needs to be multiplied three times to get the original number
  1. a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the number
  2. a quantity that may change within the context of a mathematical problem or experiment.
  3. an expression which is made up of variables and constants, along with algebraic operations
  4. the property that allows the multiplication of the same quantity to each side of an equation while maintaining the equality
  5. A method of expressing numbers in terms of a decimal number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.
  6. a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.
  7. A number expressed as a product of an integer by itself
  8. an Algebraic Expression to find the value of the expression when the variable is replaced by a given number.
  9. a method of simplifying the writing and handling of very large or very small numbers
  10. the operation that undoes or reverses the action by the previous operation

22 Clues: square root, cube root, etc.A number expressed as a product of an integer by itselfTerms whose variables with any exponents are the same.a number that when added to a given number sums to zero.A real number that can NOT be made by dividing two integersthe number of times a number needs to be multiplied by itself....

work 2023-09-08

work crossword puzzle
  1. last for 90 days
  2. system used by to track time
  3. did you read yours?
  4. we all work for
  5. makes the chips
  6. started in San Antonio
  7. bags the chips
  8. employees who get benefits and work 40 hours
  9. for when employees disagree
  10. work around 29 hours a week
  11. call to take a leave of absence
  12. we track efficiency to determine
  1. resource
  2. Hottest plant on earth
  3. drives the chips
  4. loads the boxes of chips
  5. fill out for a new role or shift or schedule
  6. mary and crystal
  7. boss
  8. we have 3 of these
  9. very important
  10. employees schedule

22 Clues: bossresourcebags the chipsvery importantwe all work formakes the chipsdrives the chipslast for 90 daysmary and crystalwe have 3 of theseemployees scheduledid you read yours?Hottest plant on earthstarted in San Antonioloads the boxes of chipsfor when employees disagreework around 29 hours a weeksystem used by to track time...

Work 2023-11-28

Work crossword puzzle
  1. These are suggested power
  2. the branch of gov charge with the interpretation of laws and administration of justice
  3. a change
  4. the rights of the people to rule the declaration
  5. specific powers granted to the congress by the US constitution
  6. the right to rise
  7. a settlement of a dispute
  8. the branch of government that execute and enforce laws and poices and adminisiters public affairs
  9. the government must follow established procedures
  10. include the freedom the religion
  11. the branch of gov thatmaakes laws and has the power to propose debate and pass bills
  1. the division of legislative executive and judicail
  2. in which the power of government strengthened
  3. is the power that belongs to the states
  4. a body of people representing the states of the US, who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president
  5. economy of a city slows down
  6. assist by witch each branch of gov
  7. sharing power between federal and state government
  8. a law
  9. the process by which US citizenship is granted to a lawful permanet resident after meeting the requirements established by congress

20 Clues: a lawa changethe right to riseThese are suggested powera settlement of a disputeeconomy of a city slows downinclude the freedom the religionassist by witch each branch of govis the power that belongs to the statesin which the power of government strengthenedthe rights of the people to rule the declaration...

Work 2024-09-01

Work crossword puzzle
  1. teori sudra
  2. perdagangan
  3. jalur Sutra laut
  4. jaya baya
  5. Kertanegara
  6. sanjaya
  7. kuno
  8. politik
  9. isyana
  10. pertunjukan
  11. aden
  1. teori brahmana
  2. teori arus balik
  3. Tiongkok
  4. pemerintah
  5. teori kesatria
  6. Indonesia
  7. teori Waisya
  8. kebudayaan
  9. Kutai
  10. Syailendra
  11. stupa

22 Clues: kunoadenKutaistupaisyanasanjayapolitikTiongkokjaya bayaIndonesiapemerintahkebudayaanSyailendrateori sudraperdaganganKertanegarapertunjukanteori Waisyateori brahmanateori kesatriateori arus balikjalur Sutra laut

Work 2023-10-23

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Scheduled gathering for discussion.
  2. Place where business is conducted.
  3. To seek out and enlist new members or employees.
  4. When two companies become one.
  5. One with an interest in a company's success.
  6. Working from a location other than the office.
  7. Building professional relationships.
  8. Ongoing business expenses not tied to a specific product or service.
  9. A bill detailing services rendered.
  10. Process of creating a distinct image for a product or business.
  11. A plan for achieving a particular goal.
  1. Legally binding agreement between parties.
  2. Time by which something must be completed.
  3. A person or company using services or advice.
  4. Visual and/or oral display of information.
  5. Collection of an artist or designer's work.
  6. Regular payment for an employee.
  7. One who starts a business.
  8. Authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods in a particular area.
  9. One who oversees employees.

20 Clues: One who starts a business.One who oversees employees.When two companies become one.Regular payment for an employee.Place where business is conducted.Scheduled gathering for discussion.A bill detailing services rendered.Building professional relationships.A plan for achieving a particular goal.Legally binding agreement between parties....

Work 2023-12-10

Work crossword puzzle
  1. very noticeable, important, or famous
  2. to increase in size, number, or importance, or to make something increase in this way
  3. to move easily without stopping and without effort or noise
  4. all ... of life
  5. the state of feeling healthy and happy
  6. very surprised
  7. (of behaviour) too bad to be accepted
  8. upset and confused
  9. to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradual
  10. not good at making decisions
  11. pull sg with effort
  1. negative and showing that you do not like something
  2. a person who is calm and reasonable and shows good judgment
  3. something that prevents someone from giving their attention to something else
  4. impossible or almost impossible to read because of being very untidy or not clear
  5. wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you
  6. a person who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe
  7. very clearly
  8. a big mistake, especially one resulting from a lack of care or thought
  9. to exist or be present in, among

20 Clues: very clearlyvery surprisedall ... of lifeupset and confusedpull sg with effortnot good at making decisionsto exist or be present in, amongvery noticeable, important, or famous(of behaviour) too bad to be acceptedthe state of feeling healthy and happynegative and showing that you do not like something...

Work 2024-03-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. i
  2. h
  3. tt
  4. hj
  5. nn
  6. n
  7. ll
  8. mm
  9. q
  10. t
  1. oi
  2. kk
  3. s
  4. mn
  5. uu
  6. u
  7. o
  8. m
  9. r
  10. qt

20 Clues: ishuomnrqtoikkmnuutthjnnllmmqt

Work 2024-03-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?
  2. Siapa nama malaikat yang menyampaikan wahyu?
  3. Apa sebutan orang yang kelilit hutang?
  4. Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?
  5. Apa sebutan berserah diri kepada Allah SWT setelah berikhtiar?
  6. Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?
  7. Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?
  8. Disebut apa jumlah minimal harta dizakatkan?
  9. Siapa nama malaikat yang meniup sangkakala?
  10. Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?
  11. Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?
  1. Apa sebutan berubah dari perilaku yang buruk ke perilaku yang baik?
  2. Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?
  3. Apa sebutan orang yang menerima zakat?
  4. Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?
  5. Apa nama lain kota Madinah?
  6. Apa sebutan harta yang tertimbun di tanah?
  7. Rasulullah berdakwah 10 tahun dimana?
  8. Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?
  9. Apa nama dari perang pertama umat Islam?

20 Clues: Apa nama lain kota Madinah?Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?...

Work 2024-03-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?
  2. Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?
  3. Apa sebutan berserah diri kepada Allah SWT setelah berikhtiar?
  4. Apa sebutan orang yang menerima zakat?
  5. Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?
  6. Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?
  7. Siapa nama malaikat yang menyampaikan wahyu?
  8. Apa nama lain kota Madinah?
  1. Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?
  2. Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?
  3. Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?
  4. Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?
  5. Apa nama dari perang pertama umat Islam?
  6. Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?
  7. Siapa nama malaikat yang meniup sangkakala?
  8. Apa sebutan orang yang kelilit hutang?
  9. Rasulullah berdakwah 10 tahun dimana?
  10. Apa sebutan berubah dari perilaku yang buruk ke perilaku yang baik?
  11. Disebut apa jumlah minimal harta dizakatkan?
  12. Apa sebutan harta yang tertimbun di tanah?

20 Clues: Apa nama lain kota Madinah?Apa nama lain dari kata Takut?Apa nama perang di gunung Uhud?Apa sebutan orang yang berzakat?Apa nama lain dari kata Mahabbah?Apa nama lain dari kata Berharap?Apa nama masjid kedua di Madinah?Apa sebutan orang mengelola zakat?Apa nama masjid pertama di Madinah?Rasulullah berdakwah 13 tahun dimana?...

Work 2024-10-17

Work crossword puzzle
  1. price The final amount to be paid, including all costs.
  2. address The billing address where the invoice for a purchase is sent.
  3. : The charge for transporting goods by ship, train, or truck.
  4. : A reduction in the total price, often offered as a special promotion or incentive.
  5. The person or entity to whom goods are shipped or delivered.
  6. : An estimate of the cost of goods or services provided by a seller to a potential buyer.
  7. of delivery : Conditions agreed upon for the delivery of goods, including time and location.
  8. number A unique identifier assigned to a transaction or document to track and organize records.
  1. An item manufactured for sale.
  2. goods Large quantities of goods sold in loose or unpackaged form.
  3. Materials used to protect and contain goods during transportation.
  4. price The price of a single unit of product.
  5. The party that sends goods to another party, usually the seller or supplier.
  6. list : A detailed list of goods and their corresponding prices.
  7. of payment : The method agreed upon for payment, such as cash, credit, or bank transfer.
  8. : A large public event where businesses display and sell products.
  9. Physical items that are produced, bought, and sold.
  10. The party responsible for sending goods from one place to another.
  11. details Information used to reach a person or organization, such as a phone number, email, or address.
  12. : A place where goods are bought and sold, either physically or virtually.

20 Clues: An item manufactured for sale.price The price of a single unit of product.Physical items that are produced, bought, and sold.price The final amount to be paid, including all costs.The person or entity to whom goods are shipped or delivered.list : A detailed list of goods and their corresponding prices....