work Crossword Puzzles

IST work 2022-03-15

IST work crossword puzzle
  1. brief A design brief is a project management document outlining the specifics of a design project.
  2. map Concept maps are visual representations of information.
  3. is cost-benefit analysis? A cost-benefit analysis is the process of comparing the projected or estimated costs and benefits (or opportunities) associated with a project decision to determine whether it makes sense from a business perspective.
  4. protocols A protocol is a set of step-by-step guidelines
  5. the action of working with someone to produce something.
  6. a way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or performance of an artistic work or a scientific procedure.
  7. factors ethics are principles, codes of conduct and values that govern fundamental behaviors of humans
  8. study an assessment of the practicality of a proposed plan or method.
  9. criteria Evaluation Criteria are the standards by which accomplishments of required technical and operational effectiveness and/or suitability characteristics or the resolution of operational issues may be assessed
  10. of solution Functional requirements define the specific behaviors, responses, information, rules, or operations of a solution.
  1. a limitation or restriction.
  2. facilitator A facilitator plans, guides and manages a group event to meet its goals.
  3. factors It is a score card on the financial performance of your business that reflects when sales are made and when expenses are incurred
  4. group discussion to produce ideas or solve problems.
  5. dynamics the study or use of the processes involved when people in a group interact.
  6. work work done by a group of people in collaboration.
  7. the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.
  8. benefit analysis
  9. path the sequence of stages determining the minimum time needed for an operation, especially when analysed on a computer for a large organization.
  10. chart a chart in which a series of horizontal lines shows the amount of work done or production completed in certain periods of time in relation to the amount planned for those periods.

20 Clues: benefit analysisa limitation or discussion to produce ideas or solve work done by a group of people in collaboration.protocols A protocol is a set of step-by-step guidelinesthe action of working with someone to produce Concept maps are visual representations of information....

work/energy 2024-04-08

work/energy crossword puzzle
  1. of conservation of energy energy can neither be created nor be destroyed
  2. energy the power an atom's charged particles have to cause an action or move an object
  3. power or ability to be active
  4. he state or quality of being efficient, or able to accomplish something with the least waste of time and effort; competency in performance
  5. the force or speed of an object in motion, or the increase in the rate of development of a process
  6. the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center
  7. a careful preservation and protection of something
  8. energy
  9. be engaged in physical or mental activity in order to achieve a result; do work.
  10. energy the energy of either an object in motion or the energy that is stored in objects by their position
  1. energy a form of energy released from the nucleus, the core of atoms, made up of protons and neutrons
  2. energy energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules
  3. output only converted from one form of energy to another
  4. spectrum the range of all types of EM radiation
  5. energy a type of energy that is stored in an object due to its position relative to other objects
  6. energy energy that is transferred by electromagnetic radiation
  7. can neither be created nor be destroyed
  8. energy the energy an object has because of its motion.
  9. The SI derived unit used to measure energy or work

19 Clues: energypower or ability to be activecan neither be created nor be destroyedspectrum the range of all types of EM radiationa careful preservation and protection of somethingThe SI derived unit used to measure energy or workenergy the energy an object has because of its energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules...

Work Crossword 2018-09-02

Work Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Area de apoyo y fortalecimiento de contenidos
  2. contiene las fechas de apertura y entrega de las actividades
  3. persona que direcciona y orienta el aprendizaje
  4. asociación de contenidos de aprendizaje
  5. conjunto de personas
  6. Donde se adjunta los trabajos finales y presentan los quiz
  7. herramienta que permite enviar y recibir mensajes
  8. herramienta para verificar el grupo y personas inscritas al curso
  9. sistema de gestión de investigación del curso
  1. lista de actividades a realizar
  2. y control Verificación de calificaciones y cursos matriculados
  3. herramienta para la interaccion con el tutor y exposición de inquietudes
  4. recurso donde el estudiante lleva el seguimiento de los avances del desarrollo del curso
  5. Contenidos y glosario para el desarrollo de las actividades
  6. acompañamiento sincronico virtual para el fortalecimiento de conceptos
  7. entorno donde se encuentran las normas y condiciones para el desarrollo del curso .

16 Clues: conjunto de personaslista de actividades a realizarasociación de contenidos de aprendizajeArea de apoyo y fortalecimiento de contenidossistema de gestión de investigación del cursopersona que direcciona y orienta el aprendizajeherramienta que permite enviar y recibir mensajesContenidos y glosario para el desarrollo de las actividades...

home work 2021-09-21

home work crossword puzzle
  1. teachers make you do this if work is sloppy
  2. when something sticks you must pull it out
  3. second time going in
  4. read again
  5. Bakers get the oven ready before baking
  6. choose not to accept
  7. before a football game
  8. pay before you must pay
  9. go again
  1. freshened
  2. dinosaurs are
  3. to turn off
  4. form again
  5. unfreeze
  6. preview before hand
  7. Nostradamus

16 Clues: unfreezego againfreshenedform againread againto turn offNostradamusdinosaurs arepreview before handsecond time going inchoose not to acceptbefore a football gamepay before you must payBakers get the oven ready before bakingwhen something sticks you must pull it outteachers make you do this if work is sloppy

WORD WORK 2021-01-21

WORD WORK crossword puzzle
  3. LIFT UP
  5. PLOT


work ethics 2021-01-24

work ethics crossword puzzle
  1. - your appearance to how you conduct yourself in the workplace.
  2. - achieving a significant amount or result.
  3. - firm belief in the ability of someone.
  4. - everyone plays a role in achieving common goals.
  5. - consistently good in quality or performance.
  6. - the degree of excellence of something.
  7. - having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role.
  8. - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
  9. - something remarkable that has been done or achieved.
  10. - done in the same way over time.
  1. - the quality of being committed to a task or purpose.
  2. - the practice of training people to obey rules
  3. – It helps employees to motivate others around them.
  4. - to come up with effective action plans.
  5. - the characteristic of being able to complete a required task or fulfill an obligation before or at a previously designated time.
  6. - The ability to handle or minimize the physical and emotional effects of such anxiety

16 Clues: - done in the same way over time.- firm belief in the ability of someone.- the degree of excellence of something.- to come up with effective action plans.- achieving a significant amount or result.- consistently good in quality or performance.- the practice of training people to obey rules- everyone plays a role in achieving common goals....

word work 2022-04-19

word work crossword puzzle
  1. my socks are in ...
  2. I ate the last ...
  3. in a long line you have to...
  4. day dreaming
  5. path, road
  6. in the pool i like to...
  7. sleds
  8. the number before 9
  1. resting and relaxing
  2. drops of water
  3. I ... the food
  4. heavy or light
  5. more than 1 day
  6. stop
  7. scale heavy or light
  8. grizzly,polar,panda

16 Clues: stopsledspath, roadday dreamingdrops of waterI ... the foodheavy or lightmore than 1 dayI ate the last socks are in ...grizzly,polar,pandathe number before 9resting and relaxingscale heavy or lightin the pool i like a long line you have to...

Study/Work 2022-07-04

Study/Work crossword puzzle
  1. This place has many people with different backgrounds
  2. a short period of rest
  3. Willing to help others
  4. the food is so delicious that you want to eat more
  5. Pretend to be sick to avoid working or going to school
  6. it's delicious and has a good presentation
  7. Third-year student
  1. Fourth-year student
  2. First-year student
  3. Second-year student
  4. It's beautiful like a picture
  5. inspiring respect and admiration
  6. Its extremely cheap
  7. It's so beautiful that you cannot breath
  8. What you study in university
  9. To help release stress

16 Clues: First-year studentThird-year studentFourth-year studentSecond-year studentIts extremely cheapa short period of restWilling to help othersTo help release stressWhat you study in universityIt's beautiful like a pictureinspiring respect and admirationIt's so beautiful that you cannot breathit's delicious and has a good presentation...

French work 2021-06-21

French work crossword puzzle
  1. lo contrer de dificil
  2. 60 minute
  3. rouge avec du jaune
  4. un véhicule qui ne peut aller que dans l'eau
  5. un véhicule qui ne peut aller que dans la route
  6. une sorte de façon de dire bonsoir mais le matin
  1. le mieur ami de l'home
  2. blanc avec du noir
  3. 60 second
  4. de la neige fondue
  5. une facon de dire que vous avez beaucoup de muscle
  6. une montre de gratitude
  7. une garcon ou fille qui a moin de 3 ans
  8. 365.25 jour
  9. jaune avec du bleu
  10. 24 heures

16 Clues: 60 second60 minute24 heures365.25 jourblanc avec du noirde la neige fonduejaune avec du bleurouge avec du jaunelo contrer de dificille mieur ami de l'homeune montre de gratitudeune garcon ou fille qui a moin de 3 ansun véhicule qui ne peut aller que dans l'eauun véhicule qui ne peut aller que dans la route...

Cargo Work 2021-04-18

Cargo Work crossword puzzle
  1. стрела
  2. вместимость
  3. кран
  4. вручную
  5. люк
  6. корпус
  7. буксир
  8. льяльные крышки
  9. подводная часть судна
  1. шарнир
  2. рыбинсы
  3. спасательная шлюпка
  4. склад
  5. лебедка
  6. осадка
  7. льяла

16 Clues: люккранскладльялашарнирстрелакорпусбуксиросадкарыбинсывручнуюлебедкавместимостьльяльные крышкиспасательная шлюпкаподводная часть судна

Work vocabulary 2021-04-21

Work vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. sairaala
  2. ylennys
  3. toimisto
  4. esimies
  5. vastuu
  6. taito
  7. vaativa
  1. potilas
  2. työskennellä
  3. eläke
  4. veri
  5. opiskella
  6. rikkoa
  7. selittää
  8. ansaita
  9. palkka

16 Clues: verieläketaitorikkoavastuupalkkapotilasylennysesimiesansaitavaativasairaalatoimistoselittääopiskellatyöskennellä

english work 2020-11-08

english work crossword puzzle
  1. corona
  2. I don't want that
  3. hmm interesting
  4. librarian
  5. same old life
  6. I expect for company
  7. you need to do this
  8. i see a _______
  9. show
  1. area 51
  2. oh really
  3. I wanna live for ever
  4. i-i-i was ehe waa
  5. you got to _____
  6. aizik newton
  7. no pressure dude

16 Clues: showcoronaarea 51oh reallylibrarianaizik newtonsame old lifehmm interestingi see a _______you got to _____no pressure dudeI don't want thati-i-i was ehe waayou need to do thisI expect for companyI wanna live for ever

Comerce work 2023-03-01

Comerce work crossword puzzle
  1. ITEMS
  4. ADS
  7. .ORG
  3. JOBS
  6. TV
  9. ACCC


word work 2023-03-07

word work crossword puzzle
  1. a person, thing, or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance
  2. attached or connected to an organisation
  3. being involved with or participating in something
  4. feeling or expressing contempt or derision
  5. distribute or spread over a wide area
  6. charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong
  7. feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems
  8. impossible to understand
  9. to feel or express worry, annoyance, discontent
  10. make more beautiful or attractive
  1. done in accordance with rules of convention or etiquette; suitable for or constituting an official or important situation or occasion
  2. a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action
  3. a badge or emblem of an organisation or military rank
  4. not perturbed or concerned
  5. a building or object in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect
  6. ability to move quickly and easily

16 Clues: impossible to understandnot perturbed or concernedmake more beautiful or attractiveability to move quickly and easilydistribute or spread over a wide areaattached or connected to an organisationfeeling or expressing contempt or derisionto feel or express worry, annoyance, discontentbeing involved with or participating in something...

School work 2023-03-27

School work crossword puzzle
  1. A type of bird with a long neck and webbed feet
  2. A popular breakfast food made from ground oats
  3. A popular dessert that is often made with chocolate and cream
  4. A type of fish that is commonly eaten raw as sushi
  5. The opposite of cold
  6. The opposite of "light"
  7. A type of lizard that can change the color of its skin to match its surroundings
  8. A type of fabric that is commonly used in suits
  9. A type of fruit that is yellow and sweet
  10. A unit of time that is equivalent to 60 seconds
  1. A type of flower that is often red and given on Valentine's Day
  2. A popular sport played with a round ball and goals
  3. A unit of length that is equivalent to 12 inches
  4. A type of vegetable that is often used in salads and sandwiches
  5. A popular social media platform
  6. word meaning "to give permission"

16 Clues: The opposite of coldThe opposite of "light"A popular social media platformword meaning "to give permission"A type of fruit that is yellow and sweetA popular breakfast food made from ground oatsA type of bird with a long neck and webbed feetA type of fabric that is commonly used in suitsA unit of time that is equivalent to 60 seconds...

Team Work 2023-12-11

Team Work crossword puzzle
  1. Types traits which individuals express
  2. Leadership when the leader is a visionary and appeals to a team’s ideals and values
  3. Roles designated roles which depend on the goals of the group
  4. when a leader gives little to no direction to team members, but provides support
  5. cooperative action of a group of people in order to achieve a goal
  6. act of working effectively with others to achieve a common goal
  7. knowledge and abilities one gains throughout life
  8. ability and process of motivating people toward a common goal; ability and
  9. of affecting the thoughts and behaviors of others
  10. natural abilities an individual is born with
  1. when a leader has all of the power and decision-making authority
  2. when everything is done according to the plan
  3. Leadership participative leadership style which allows team members to be included in the decision making process
  4. empathy
  5. when the leader rewards work or punishes members for not working
  6. ability to understand and express one’s own emotions; allows individuals to

16 Clues: empathyTypes traits which individuals expressnatural abilities an individual is born withwhen everything is done according to the planknowledge and abilities one gains throughout lifeof affecting the thoughts and behaviors of othersRoles designated roles which depend on the goals of the group...

Work Wives 2024-03-05

Work Wives crossword puzzle
  1. benja…
  2. the room where it …
  3. the best type of green
  4. Edison’s love
  5. New Year’s party
  6. Shaun spelt backwards
  7. well Alice
  1. I am a … dancer
  2. Cat lift
  3. not one of PB’s boys
  4. do good
  5. opposite to 14 down
  6. Harris farm quality
  7. you’ve got what it takes, you’ve got …
  8. Yeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh
  9. … Lister

16 Clues: benja…do goodCat lift… Listerwell AliceEdison’s loveI am a … dancerNew Year’s partythe room where it …opposite to 14 downHarris farm qualityYeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhnot one of PB’s boysShaun spelt backwardsthe best type of greenyou’ve got what it takes, you’ve got …

trae work 2024-04-10

trae work crossword puzzle
  1. what happend what made it happen
  2. retells the main events of a story in a shorter version
  3. books that gives information
  4. who is telling the story 1st 2nd 3rd person
  5. the voice that tells a story
  6. 2 words that mean the opposite thing
  7. the message of a fiction story
  1. change how does the story impact the story impact the character
  2. the spoken words in a play
  3. a story told to entertain the reader.
  4. why did the author write the selection
  5. a fact can be proven. opinion is based on feeling.
  6. 2 words that mean the same thing
  7. what an article is mostly about
  8. a group of lines in a poem
  9. to use evidence to reach a conclusion

16 Clues: the spoken words in a playa group of lines in a poembooks that gives informationthe voice that tells a storythe message of a fiction storywhat an article is mostly aboutwhat happend what made it happen2 words that mean the same thing2 words that mean the opposite thinga story told to entertain the use evidence to reach a conclusion...

Work Studies 2024-06-02

Work Studies crossword puzzle
  1. a fixed compensation periodically paid to a person for regular work or services
  2. any of a series of steps or stages, as in a process or course of action; a point in any scale
  3. the compensation paid to an employee after completing a task, which is, often, selling a certain number of products or services
  4. you feel that it is your duty to do it
  5. your pathway to becoming a qualified tradesperson or skilled worker in Australia
  6. the act of performing a ceremony, play, piece of music, etc
  1. the process of giving a particular job or piece of work to someone, or of sending someone to a chosen place to do a job
  2. the process of making or manufacturing goods and products from raw materials or components
  3. the payment an employee receives for the work they have done during the current period
  4. to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems
  5. a barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of ground to prevent or control access or escape
  6. a globe-shaped body
  7. an activity or piece of work which you have to do, usually as part of a larger project
  8. the act of putting yourself or someone else onto the official list of members of a course, college or university, or group
  9. Clayton's world
  10. an individual who starts their own business based on an idea they have or a product they have created while assuming most of the risks and reaping most of the rewards of the business

16 Clues: Clayton's worlda globe-shaped bodyyou feel that it is your duty to do itthe act of performing a ceremony, play, piece of music, etca fixed compensation periodically paid to a person for regular work or servicesyour pathway to becoming a qualified tradesperson or skilled worker in Australia...

class work 2021-11-11

class work crossword puzzle
  1. a derived unit of energy
  2. you use it wiht force arows
  3. a unit in science class
  4. downward movement under gravity
  5. a space devoid of matter.
  6. exertion of force
  7. energy in motion
  8. mass and volicity
  1. the ground pushing up
  2. comes from the sun
  3. speed in a sertan direction
  4. an illusion
  5. a push or pull
  6. distance divided by time
  7. you get it when you eat
  8. a unit of power or radiant flux.

16 Clues: an illusiona push or pullenergy in motionexertion of forcemass and volicitycomes from the sunthe ground pushing upa unit in science classyou get it when you eata derived unit of energydistance divided by timea space devoid of matter.speed in a sertan directionyou use it wiht force arowsdownward movement under gravitya unit of power or radiant flux.

class work 2021-11-11

class work crossword puzzle
  1. a derived unit of energy
  2. you use it wiht force arows
  3. a unit in science class
  4. downward movement under gravity
  5. a space devoid of matter.
  6. exertion of force
  7. energy in motion
  8. mass and volicity
  1. the ground pushing up
  2. comes from the sun
  3. speed in a sertan direction
  4. an illusion
  5. a push or pull
  6. distance divided by time
  7. you get it when you eat
  8. a unit of power or radiant flux.

16 Clues: an illusiona push or pullenergy in motionexertion of forcemass and volicitycomes from the sunthe ground pushing upa unit in science classyou get it when you eata derived unit of energydistance divided by timea space devoid of matter.speed in a sertan directionyou use it wiht force arowsdownward movement under gravitya unit of power or radiant flux.

Spelling Work 2021-11-10

Spelling Work crossword puzzle
  1. a place to work
  2. underwater ship
  3. make stronger
  4. in all
  5. guard
  6. ask for something
  7. show
  8. build courage
  1. work partner
  2. trust with
  3. smash
  4. partner
  5. make bigger
  6. together
  7. get higher office
  8. tesbus backwards

16 Clues: showsmashguardin allpartnertogethertrust withmake biggerwork partnermake strongerbuild couragea place to workunderwater shiptesbus backwardsask for somethingget higher office

work effectively 2012-12-17

work effectively crossword puzzle
  1. respond
  2. complain
  3. react
  4. brainwave
  5. help
  6. on time
  7. exact
  8. organise
  1. graft
  2. turn up
  3. communicate
  4. carry out
  5. orders
  6. admire
  7. tidy
  8. assist

16 Clues: tidyhelpgraftreactexactordersadmireassistrespondturn upon timecomplainorganisecarry outbrainwavecommunicate

Work Experience 2020-02-19

Work Experience crossword puzzle
  1. a person who designs software
  2. a physical work
  3. a person who looks after a child or children while their parents are out
  4. an announcement which promotes a product, service or even a job vacancy
  5. a person who deals with payments in a shop, bank or business
  6. a person who teaches a single pupil, helps with homework
  7. a person who works with cars, car parts and so on
  8. a person who works in an office, helping with making notes and other tasks
  1. a person whose job is to serve customers their tables in a restaurant
  2. a person who writes for newspapers, magazines or news websites
  3. a person who cuts and styles hair
  4. a task or a piece of work which is paid
  5. a person who helps in particular work
  6. the state of having paid work
  7. a person who constructs or repair houses
  8. a person who helps customers with money transaction

16 Clues: a physical worka person who designs softwarethe state of having paid worka person who cuts and styles haira person who helps in particular worka task or a piece of work which is paida person who constructs or repair housesa person who works with cars, car parts and so ona person who helps customers with money transaction...

Word Work 2021-04-15

Word Work crossword puzzle
  1. express the sense of (words or text) in another language. move from one place or condition to another.
  2. a medicine (such as penicillin or its derivatives) that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms.
  3. the action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported. the action or practice of transporting convicts to a penal colony.
  4. make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of. the product of a transformation.
  5. a thing or event that existed before or logically precedes another. preceding in time or order; previous or preexisting.
  6. a polysyllabic word.
  7. a blood protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen. Antibodies combine chemically with substances which the body recognizes as alien, such as bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances in the blood.
  1. a liquid, typically one based on ethylene glycol, that can be added to water to lower the freezing point, chiefly used in the radiator of a motor vehicle.
  2. crossing the Atlantic. concerning countries on both sides of the Atlantic. relating to or situated on the other side of the Atlantic; British or European (from an American point of view).
  3. contrary to the laws and customs of society; devoid of or antagonistic to sociable instincts or practices. not sociable; not wanting the company of others.
  4. precede in time; come before (something) in date. indicate or discover that (a document, event, or word) should be assigned to an earlier date.
  5. nearer the front, especially situated in the front of the body or nearer to the head. coming before in time; earlier.
  6. occurring before noon of or relating to the forenoon antemeridian chores at 9 o'clock — compare ante meridiem.
  7. a synthetic resin in which the polymer units are linked by ester groups, used chiefly to make synthetic textile fibers. a fabric made from polyester fiber.
  8. a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.
  9. knowing or using several languages. a person who knows and is able to use several languages.

16 Clues: a polysyllabic word.a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.knowing or using several languages. a person who knows and is able to use several the sense of (words or text) in another language. move from one place or condition to another....

home work 2021-04-20

home work crossword puzzle
  1. seeds from a small tropical American evergreen tree, from which cocoa, cocoa butter, and chocolate are made.
  2. they were in charge of carrying the quipus, messages and gifts, up to 240 km per day through the chasquis relay system.
  3. gerund or present participle trepanning
  4. an ancient city and capital of the Aztec empire on the present site of Mexico City razed by Cortés
  5. societySpanish conquistador who conquered the Incas in what is now
  6. An ancient ritual sport that involved keeping a rubber ball in play in designated courts.
  7. an ancient Inca device for recording information, consisting of variously colored threads knotted in different ways
  8. Look up San Lorenzo in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
  1. Canals are marked by aquatic vegetation and standing water during the wet season and darker vegetation and soils during the dry season.
  2. Aztec sun and war god, one of the two principal deities of Aztec religion, often represented in art as either a hummingbird
  3. Pizarro Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incas in what is now
  4. from relative obscurity to a great power, his building projects in the city
  5. The most frequently cited examples of mother cultures are Ancient Egypt in the Mediterranean, and the Olmec in Mesoamerica.
  6. an ancient manuscript text in book form.
  7. City- a village in SE Mexico, in Chiapas state: ruins of an ancient Mayan city.
  8. The meaning of the name Aztlan is uncertain. One suggested meaning is place of Herons or place of egrets.

16 Clues: gerund or present participle trepanningan ancient manuscript text in book form.Look up San Lorenzo in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.societySpanish conquistador who conquered the Incas in what is nowPizarro Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incas in what is nowfrom relative obscurity to a great power, his building projects in the city...

Work Crossword 2018-09-03

Work Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. list of activities to be done
  2. you can find content and the glossary for the development of activities
  3. there you can attach the final works and present the quiz
  4. virtual synchronic accompaniment to strengthen concepts
  5. This is a tool that allows you to send and receive messages
  6. environment where the rules and conditions for the development of the course are found.
  7. tool to verify the group and people enrolled in the course
  8. This is the content support and strengthening area
  9. people who work together
  1. there you can check the qualifications and courses enrolled
  2. This is a resource where the student keeps track of the progress of the course development
  3. This is a tool for interaction with the tutor and exposure of concerns
  4. contains the opening and delivery dates of the activities
  5. course research management system
  6. association of learning contents
  7. person who directs and guides the learning

16 Clues: people who work togetherlist of activities to be doneassociation of learning contentscourse research management systemperson who directs and guides the learningThis is the content support and strengthening areavirtual synchronic accompaniment to strengthen conceptscontains the opening and delivery dates of the activities...

work effectively 2012-12-17

work effectively crossword puzzle
  1. precise
  2. finish
  3. respects
  4. complain
  5. turn up
  6. on time
  7. instructs
  8. neat
  1. assist
  2. organise
  3. respond
  4. brainwave
  5. react
  6. talk
  7. graft
  8. help

16 Clues: talkhelpneatreactgraftassistfinishrespondpreciseturn upon timeorganiserespectscomplainbrainwaveinstructs

Lab Work 2016-02-18

Lab Work crossword puzzle
  1. Device used to pour liquids through a small opening
  2. This uses gas as fuel to produce a flame
  3. Method of DNA visualisation
  4. Nationality of inventor of compound microscope
  5. What are the three P's for using a fire extinguisher?
  6. Deposition process of covering a specimen before scanning electron microscopy
  7. What is the triple A rule?
  1. Ida Henrietta Hyde, an American physiologist invented the________in the 1930's
  2. Flask used in titrations and in reactions that need more containment
  3. Instrument used to observe things beyond current line of sight
  4. First fluorescence based cytometry developed in year Nineteen______ ________
  5. Method for sorting a heterogeneous mixture of biological cells into two or more containers, one cell at a time, based upon the specific light scattering and fluorescent characteristics of each cell
  6. Valve consisting of a rotating circular plate or a pair of hinged semicircular plates, attached to a transverse spindle and mounted inside a pipe in order to regulate or prevent flow
  7. Measures the volume of liquids
  8. Instrument used to detect gravitational waves
  9. Used to scoop chemicals out of containers

16 Clues: What is the triple A rule?Method of DNA visualisationMeasures the volume of liquidsThis uses gas as fuel to produce a flameUsed to scoop chemicals out of containersInstrument used to detect gravitational wavesNationality of inventor of compound microscopeDevice used to pour liquids through a small opening...

The work 2021-04-29

The work crossword puzzle
  1. helps people learn new things.
  2. helps animals when they are sick.
  3. grows vegetables they sell in stores.
  4. delivers your mail to your house.
  5. helps people find books in the library.
  6. catches the bad guys.
  7. assists the doctor.
  1. takes care of you if you get sick.
  2. help take care of the house.
  3. answers the phone at a business.
  4. can fix your car if it breaks.
  5. cooks food in a resaurant.
  6. puts out fires.
  7. spends a lot of time in a courtroom.
  8. can help you with your pipes.
  9. stars in movies.

16 Clues: puts out fires.stars in movies.assists the doctor.catches the bad guys.cooks food in a take care of the house.can help you with your pipes.can fix your car if it breaks.helps people learn new things.answers the phone at a business.helps animals when they are sick.delivers your mail to your house.takes care of you if you get sick....

Vocab Work 2021-05-26

Vocab Work crossword puzzle
  1. You're full of annoyed feelings.
  2. You are scared of something or from something.
  3. to tell or persuade someone to do something.
  4. that in a certain way you are lazy.
  5. Someone gives off a messy appearance.
  6. Something that holds lots of water.
  7. something like a boat that is able to be turned over.
  8. A bird that lives in a cold habitat.
  1. Like you are calm when it comes to being peaceful.
  2. your not physically doing well
  3. You pick up things by bodys of water.
  4. you are dreading something.
  5. Someone who is scary or can be sketchy.
  6. something that you can make corn with and can grow it.
  7. You get very angry easily.
  8. an animal that cries in a unique way.

16 Clues: You get very angry are dreading something.your not physically doing wellYou're full of annoyed feelings.that in a certain way you are lazy.Something that holds lots of water.A bird that lives in a cold habitat.You pick up things by bodys of water.Someone gives off a messy animal that cries in a unique way....

Work It! 2021-10-20

Work It! crossword puzzle
  1. knowledge or skills learned from doing things
  2. lose your job
  3. learing new things at work
  4. people get together to discuss important things
  5. somebody who is addicted to work
  6. when a job makes you worry
  7. get a raise in pay and responsibility
  8. hard working and trustworthy
  9. that day when you get your salary
  1. the latest time or date something must be done by
  2. special meeting with a possible boss or manager
  3. a document that lists your school, other jobs, and skills
  4. get accepted to start working
  5. thing or duty or task you must do
  6. a special speech, sometimes with images projected on a screen, usually with a handout
  7. money you get for workings

16 Clues: lose your joblearing new things at workwhen a job makes you worrymoney you get for workingshard working and trustworthyget accepted to start workingsomebody who is addicted to workthing or duty or task you must dothat day when you get your salaryget a raise in pay and responsibilityknowledge or skills learned from doing things...

word work 2022-04-19

word work crossword puzzle
  1. my socks are in ...
  2. I ate the last ...
  3. in a long line you have to...
  4. day dreaming
  5. path, road
  6. in the pool i like to...
  7. sleds
  8. the number before 9
  1. resting and relaxing
  2. drops of water
  3. I ... the food
  4. heavy or light
  5. more than 1 day
  6. stop
  7. scale heavy or light
  8. grizzly,polar,panda

16 Clues: stopsledspath, roadday dreamingdrops of waterI ... the foodheavy or lightmore than 1 dayI ate the last socks are in ...grizzly,polar,pandathe number before 9resting and relaxingscale heavy or lightin the pool i like a long line you have to...

word work 2022-04-19

word work crossword puzzle
  1. my socks are in ...
  2. I ate the last ...
  3. in a long line you have to...
  4. day dreaming
  5. path, road
  6. in the pool i like to...
  7. sleds
  8. the number before 9
  1. resting and relaxing
  2. drops of water
  3. I ... the food
  4. heavy or light
  5. more than 1 day
  6. stop
  7. scale heavy or light
  8. grizzly,polar,panda

16 Clues: stopsledspath, roadday dreamingdrops of waterI ... the foodheavy or lightmore than 1 dayI ate the last socks are in ...grizzly,polar,pandathe number before 9resting and relaxingscale heavy or lightin the pool i like a long line you have to...

Book Work 2022-09-16

Book Work crossword puzzle
  1. the story
  2. a collection of sentences
  3. a recap
  4. beginning of the book that catches the reader's eye
  5. they are found in the table of contents
  6. the draw-er
  7. one of many in a book
  8. where the story takes place
  9. beginning, middle, ___
  1. found on the back of the book usually
  2. person who tells the story
  3. the authors last words
  4. unicorns, elves, e.g
  5. between the part between the back and the cover
  6. the writer
  7. character's talking

16 Clues: a recapthe storythe writerthe draw-ercharacter's talkingunicorns, elves, e.gone of many in a bookthe authors last wordsbeginning, middle, ___a collection of sentencesperson who tells the storywhere the story takes placefound on the back of the book usuallythey are found in the table of contentsbetween the part between the back and the cover...

Morning Work 2022-08-30

Morning Work crossword puzzle
  1. The word "magic" makes a __________ 'a' sound
  2. An example of a text feature that shows the reader an image
  3. What is a synonym for the word "thoughtful"?
  4. What a character physically looks like
  5. The main idea can often be found in the ___________ sentence in a paragraph
  6. Central idea is the same thing as ______ idea
  7. What character trait would describe someone who makes you laugh?
  8. These support the main idea
  1. The _________ of a sentence is the action part of the sentence (verb)
  2. The word "lake" makes a __________ 'a' sound
  3. Character _________ describe a character's personality
  4. If a person asked a lot of questions they would have a character trait of being ________
  5. You have gained ____________ through past events and feelings
  6. The subject of a sentence is a __________, which tells who or what
  7. A character can have different character traits in the beginning of a story versus the ______
  8. Important words are often found in ___________ print

16 Clues: These support the main ideaWhat a character physically looks likeWhat is a synonym for the word "thoughtful"?The word "lake" makes a __________ 'a' soundThe word "magic" makes a __________ 'a' soundCentral idea is the same thing as ______ ideaImportant words are often found in ___________ printCharacter _________ describe a character's personality...

spanish work 2022-05-17

spanish work crossword puzzle
  1. (nephew)
  2. (cusin M)
  3. (sister)
  4. (Step mom)
  5. (grandpa)
  6. (brither)
  7. (cusin F)
  1. (grandma)
  2. (uncle)
  3. (niece)
  4. (son)
  5. (step dad)
  6. (daugter)
  7. (aunt)
  8. (dad)
  9. (mom)

16 Clues: (son)(dad)(mom)(aunt)(uncle)(niece)(nephew)(sister)(grandma)(cusin M)(daugter)(grandpa)(brither)(cusin F)(step dad)(Step mom)

Work vocabulary 2023-05-18

Work vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. To find a particular thing or things in a group
  2. To make something new such as a product
  3. To make arrangements for something to happen
  4. To keep a road, machine, building, etc. in good condition
  5. To advertise something
  6. To watch a person or activity to make sure everything is done safely and correctly
  7. To do a job or task
  8. To draw or plan something before making or doing it
  9. To examine the details of something carefully, in order to explain or understand it
  1. To make, manufacture or grow something
  2. To learn the skills you need to do the job
  3. To be in control of something like and office or a shop
  4. To show or prove that something is true
  5. To decide how something will be done
  6. To make certain that something is done
  7. To get something useful or positive

16 Clues: To do a job or taskTo advertise somethingTo get something useful or positiveTo decide how something will be doneTo make, manufacture or grow somethingTo make certain that something is doneTo make something new such as a productTo show or prove that something is trueTo learn the skills you need to do the job...

School work 2023-03-27

School work crossword puzzle
  1. A type of bird with a long neck and webbed feet
  2. A popular breakfast food made from ground oats
  3. A popular dessert that is often made with chocolate and cream
  4. A type of fish that is commonly eaten raw as sushi
  5. The opposite of cold
  6. The opposite of "light"
  7. A type of lizard that can change the color of its skin to match its surroundings
  8. A type of fabric that is commonly used in suits
  9. A type of fruit that is yellow and sweet
  10. A unit of time that is equivalent to 60 seconds
  1. A type of flower that is often red and given on Valentine's Day
  2. A popular sport played with a round ball and goals
  3. A unit of length that is equivalent to 12 inches
  4. A type of vegetable that is often used in salads and sandwiches
  5. A popular social media platform
  6. word meaning "to give permission"

16 Clues: The opposite of coldThe opposite of "light"A popular social media platformword meaning "to give permission"A type of fruit that is yellow and sweetA popular breakfast food made from ground oatsA type of bird with a long neck and webbed feetA type of fabric that is commonly used in suitsA unit of time that is equivalent to 60 seconds...

Individual Work 2023-12-23

Individual Work crossword puzzle
  1. To solve the system and find x-y;-3x+5y=-22,3x+4y=4,4x-8y=32.
  2. a11=2 a12=1 a21=3 a22=4,what is the determinant this matrix?
  3. m=y2-y1/x2-x1 what can be found with this formula?
  4. What is it called when you switch the rows and columns of az matrix?
  5. What is a matrix having all zero elements below its main diagonal called?
  6. A square matrix whose all elements above the main diagonal are zero is called a...
  7. How many elements in az 3x3 matrix?
  8. a+3b=7,3a+4b=11, findc a+b.
  1. A matrix with the same number of rows and column.
  2. The dimension of the null space of a matrix is called...
  3. A matrix whose determinant is zero.
  4. A matrix that is both upper and lower triangular is called?
  5. A=[a11=2 a12=-3 a13=1 a21=5 a22=10 a23=6 a31=8 a32=-7 a33=5] find the rank of the matrix and multiply the answer by seven.
  6. A diagonal matrix having all diagonal elements equal to each other.
  7. What is the number of linearly independent rows and columns of a matrix?
  8. 4a+2b+3c=5,-2a+5b=-9,12c=-12 find a in this system.

16 Clues: a+3b=7,3a+4b=11, findc a+b.A matrix whose determinant is zero.How many elements in az 3x3 matrix?A matrix with the same number of rows and column.m=y2-y1/x2-x1 what can be found with this formula?4a+2b+3c=5,-2a+5b=-9,12c=-12 find a in this system.The dimension of the null space of a matrix is called......

trae work 2024-04-10

trae work crossword puzzle
  1. what happend what made it happen
  2. retells the main events of a story in a shorter version
  3. books that gives information
  4. who is telling the story 1st 2nd 3rd person
  5. the voice that tells a story
  6. 2 words that mean the opposite thing
  7. the message of a fiction story
  1. change how does the story impact the story impact the character
  2. the spoken words in a play
  3. a story told to entertain the reader.
  4. why did the author write the selection
  5. a fact can be proven. opinion is based on feeling.
  6. 2 words that mean the same thing
  7. what an article is mostly about
  8. a group of lines in a poem
  9. to use evidence to reach a conclusion

16 Clues: the spoken words in a playa group of lines in a poembooks that gives informationthe voice that tells a storythe message of a fiction storywhat an article is mostly aboutwhat happend what made it happen2 words that mean the same thing2 words that mean the opposite thinga story told to entertain the use evidence to reach a conclusion...


WORK VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. Skills, knowledge or experiences necessary to perform a specific job.
  2. Receive money in exchange for work or services provided.
  3. Work that requires working fewer hours than a full-time job.
  4. Be promoted to a position of greater responsibility or authority.
  5. Not having a job and looking for work.
  6. Work of limited or temporary duration.
  7. Working for oneself, without being hired by another person or company.
  8. Be in charge or have authority over something or someone.
  1. Specific period of work within a day.
  2. Work additional hours beyond regular hours.
  3. Work that requires working a standard number of hours per week.
  4. Apply for a job.
  5. Physical place where work is done.
  6. Stop working permanently, usually upon reaching a certain age.
  7. Quit a job voluntarily.
  8. To be fired from a job.

16 Clues: Apply for a job.Quit a job voluntarily.To be fired from a job.Physical place where work is done.Specific period of work within a day.Not having a job and looking for work.Work of limited or temporary duration.Work additional hours beyond regular hours.Receive money in exchange for work or services provided....

Economics: Work 2013-05-09

Economics: Work crossword puzzle
  1. pay as an annual total, no overtime is paid
  2. benefits paid to the unemployed, based on evidence that the worker is seeking employment
  3. Why people work
  4. Why people work
  5. businesses demand workers because they are needed to produce goods and services to sell
  6. where each worker concentrates on only one small aspect of the entire production process.
  7. Why people may not work
  1. pay after deductions (take home pay)
  2. protect workers rights and often negotiate pay awards
  3. payment for achieving a certain target
  4. allow a worker to earn up to a certain level before they start paying income tax., increasing these make sit more attractive for the unemployed to work as they pay no or less tax.
  5. work that is only required during a particular period of a year
  6. more workers will want to work that there are jobs available; this is likely to lead to lower wages in this occupation as business can afford to pay less.
  7. Why people may not work
  8. those who are not currently working but who are available for work
  9. workers who are more adaptable, with time, location, or method of work e.g. home working
  10. payment given to workers to compensate for any expenditure necessary to complete the work
  11. doing something because you want to do it

18 Clues: Why people workWhy people workWhy people may not workWhy people may not workpay after deductions (take home pay)payment for achieving a certain targetdoing something because you want to do itpay as an annual total, no overtime is paidprotect workers rights and often negotiate pay awardswork that is only required during a particular period of a year...

Work Experience 2020-02-19

Work Experience crossword puzzle
  1. a person who designs software
  2. a physical work
  3. a person who looks after a child or children while their parents are out
  4. an announcement which promotes a product, service or even a job vacancy
  5. a person who deals with payments in a shop, bank or business
  6. a person who teaches a single pupil, helps with homework
  7. a person who works with cars, car parts and so on
  8. a person who works in an office, helping with making notes and other tasks
  1. a person whose job is to serve customers their tables in a restaurant
  2. a person who writes for newspapers, magazines or news websites
  3. a person who cuts and styles hair
  4. a task or a piece of work which is paid
  5. a person who helps in particular work
  6. the state of having paid work
  7. a person who constructs or repair houses
  8. a person who helps customers with money transaction

16 Clues: a physical worka person who designs softwarethe state of having paid worka person who cuts and styles haira person who helps in particular worka task or a piece of work which is paida person who constructs or repair housesa person who works with cars, car parts and so ona person who helps customers with money transaction...

work ethics 2021-01-24

work ethics crossword puzzle
  1. behavior - your appearance to how you conduct yourself in the workplace.
  2. - done in the same way over time.
  3. - the practice of training people to obey rules
  4. - the characteristic of being able to complete a required task or fulfill an obligation before or at a previously designated time.
  5. - achieving a significant amount or result.
  6. - the quality of being committed to a task or purpose.
  7. - everyone plays a role in achieving common goals.
  8. Management - The ability to handle or minimize the physical and emotional effects of such anxiety
  9. - consistently good in quality or performance.
  1. - something remarkable that has been done or achieved.
  2. - having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role.
  3. - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
  4. - firm belief in the ability of someone.
  5. - the degree of excellence of something.
  6. – It helps employees to motivate others around them.
  7. Goals - to come up with effective action plans.

16 Clues: - done in the same way over time.- firm belief in the ability of someone.- the degree of excellence of something.- achieving a significant amount or result.- consistently good in quality or performance.- the practice of training people to obey rulesGoals - to come up with effective action plans.- everyone plays a role in achieving common goals....

Work Flow 2021-10-07

Work Flow crossword puzzle
  1. Will paint a room for you
  2. First franchise
  3. Shoe covers
  4. Blue shirts
  5. Customer service
  6. 5 star
  7. The office mascot
  1. We want to be the employer of
  2. Checks go here
  3. 5702
  4. Never say anything about
  5. Ipad and Iphone
  6. Always park on
  7. 14/13/7
  8. Damion's middle name
  9. Monday morning

16 Clues: 57025 star14/13/7Shoe coversBlue shirtsChecks go hereAlways park onMonday morningFirst franchiseIpad and IphoneCustomer serviceThe office mascotDamion's middle nameNever say anything aboutWill paint a room for youWe want to be the employer of

english work 2021-10-22

english work crossword puzzle
  1. a place in need of money and gratitude
  2. causing big problems by getting into a fight
  3. loss or without hope
  4. a group of people with authority to run a country state or military
  5. asking personal questions to someone else
  6. the regard that something is held to deserve
  7. a system of values or principles
  8. a group that is superior in terms of ability
  1. to deal with a fear or problem
  2. the capacity to recover quickly
  3. a call to someone to participate in something
  4. a plan of action
  5. greedy people with power
  6. to face your fears
  7. mental or emotional strain
  8. a difficult or unpleasant situation

16 Clues: a plan of actionto face your fearsloss or without hopegreedy people with powermental or emotional strainto deal with a fear or problemthe capacity to recover quicklya system of values or principlesa difficult or unpleasant situationa place in need of money and gratitudeasking personal questions to someone else...

Work crossword 2022-03-10

Work crossword crossword puzzle
  1. If your company no longer needs you then you are made _____
  2. Most people _____ between the age of 65 and 70
  3. He decided to set _____ his own business last year
  4. A person who grows plants and flowers is a _____
  5. Another way of saying 'resign'
  6. I need this to apply for a job
  7. My company has more than 90,000 _____ around the world
  8. The money which I earn from my job
  9. My partner works _____: he works at night one week, then during the day the next
  10. The opposite of a permanent job.
  1. A _____ cuts your hair
  2. This person wears a suit and works in an office
  3. I don't have a job. I'm _____
  4. the person who tells you what to do at work is your _____
  5. An animal doctor
  6. I'm going to _____ for that job I saw online

16 Clues: An animal doctorA _____ cuts your hairI don't have a job. I'm _____Another way of saying 'resign'I need this to apply for a jobThe opposite of a permanent job.The money which I earn from my jobI'm going to _____ for that job I saw onlineMost people _____ between the age of 65 and 70This person wears a suit and works in an office...

Fun @ work 2022-04-22

Fun @ work crossword puzzle
  1. Which room has no walls?
  2. If you have one, you want to share it. But once you share it, you do not have it. What is it?
  3. Where is an ocean with no water?
  4. How many seconds are there in a year?
  5. What never asks a question but gets answered all the time?
  6. Forwards I’m heavy but backwards I’m not. What am I?
  7. What are two things you can never eat for breakfast?
  1. What travels the world while stuck in one spot?
  2. Imagine you’re in a room that’s filling up with water quickly. There are no windows or doors. How do you get out?
  3. What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
  4. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?
  5. What starts with “e” and ends with “e” but only has one letter in it?
  6. What goes up as soon as the rain comes down?
  7. What can you hold without touching it at all?
  8. If you threw a red rock into a green sea, what would it come back as?
  9. What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?

16 Clues: Which room has no walls?Where is an ocean with no water?How many seconds are there in a year?How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?What goes up as soon as the rain comes down?What can you hold without touching it at all?What travels the world while stuck in one spot?Forwards I’m heavy but backwards I’m not. What am I?...

word work 2022-04-19

word work crossword puzzle
  1. my socks are in ...
  2. I ate the last ...
  3. in a long line you have to...
  4. day dreaming
  5. path, road
  6. in the pool i like to...
  7. sleds
  8. the number before 9
  1. resting and relaxing
  2. drops of water
  3. I ... the food
  4. heavy or light
  5. more than 1 day
  6. stop
  7. scale heavy or light
  8. grizzly,polar,panda

16 Clues: stopsledspath, roadday dreamingdrops of waterI ... the foodheavy or lightmore than 1 dayI ate the last socks are in ...grizzly,polar,pandathe number before 9resting and relaxingscale heavy or lightin the pool i like a long line you have to...

word work 2022-04-19

word work crossword puzzle
  1. my socks are in ...
  2. I ate the last ...
  3. in a long line you have to...
  4. day dreaming
  5. path, road
  6. in the pool i like to...
  7. sleds
  8. the number before 9
  1. resting and relaxing
  2. drops of water
  3. I ... the food
  4. heavy or light
  5. more than 1 day
  6. stop
  7. scale heavy or light
  8. grizzly,polar,panda

16 Clues: stopsledspath, roadday dreamingdrops of waterI ... the foodheavy or lightmore than 1 dayI ate the last socks are in ...grizzly,polar,pandathe number before 9resting and relaxingscale heavy or lightin the pool i like a long line you have to...

word work 2022-04-19

word work crossword puzzle
  1. my socks are in ...
  2. I ate the last ...
  3. in a long line you have to...
  4. day dreaming
  5. path, road
  6. in the pool i like to...
  7. sleds
  8. the number before 9
  1. resting and relaxing
  2. drops of water
  3. I ... the food
  4. heavy or light
  5. more than 1 day
  6. stop
  7. scale heavy or light
  8. grizzly,polar,panda

16 Clues: stopsledspath, roadday dreamingdrops of waterI ... the foodheavy or lightmore than 1 dayI ate the last socks are in ...grizzly,polar,pandathe number before 9resting and relaxingscale heavy or lightin the pool i like a long line you have to...

word work 2022-04-19

word work crossword puzzle
  1. my socks are in ...
  2. I ate the last ...
  3. in a long line you have to...
  4. day dreaming
  5. path, road
  6. in the pool i like to...
  7. sleds
  8. the number before 9
  1. resting and relaxing
  2. drops of water
  3. I ... the food
  4. heavy or light
  5. more than 1 day
  6. stop
  7. scale heavy or light
  8. grizzly,polar,panda

16 Clues: stopsledspath, roadday dreamingdrops of waterI ... the foodheavy or lightmore than 1 dayI ate the last socks are in ...grizzly,polar,pandathe number before 9resting and relaxingscale heavy or lightin the pool i like a long line you have to...

work crossword 2024-06-02

work crossword crossword puzzle
  1. any hours per day
  2. working while doing school
  3. non-technical skills that describe how you work and interact with others
  4. skills to get a job
  5. to work on worksites
  6. days off from work with pay
  7. to get an full-time job
  8. someone that hires employees
  1. extra hours to get to extra pay
  2. working after finished school
  3. to tell someone to leave
  4. practical guides to achieving the standards of health and safety required under the model WHS Act
  5. to apply for a job
  6. allows entire recruiting teams to see where a candidate is in the process, what touchpoints have occurred, and remaining next steps
  7. someone that works for a company
  8. go on holiday or something

16 Clues: any hours per dayto apply for a jobskills to get a jobto work on worksitesto get an full-time jobto tell someone to leaveworking while doing schoolgo on holiday or somethingdays off from work with paysomeone that hires employeesworking after finished schoolextra hours to get to extra paysomeone that works for a company...

Individual Work 2023-12-23

Individual Work crossword puzzle
  1. 4a+2b+3c=5,-2a+5b=-9,12c=-12 find a in this system.
  2. A=[a11=2 a12=-3 a13=1 a21=5 a22=10 a23=6 a31=8 a32=-7 a33=5] find the rank of the matrix and multiply the answer by seven.
  3. How many elements in az 3x3 matrix?
  4. A matrix whose determinant is zero.
  5. What is the number of linearly independent rows and columns of a matrix?
  6. What is a matrix having all zero elements below its main diagonal called?
  7. To solve the system and find x-y;-3x+5y=-22,3x+4y=4,4x-8y=32.
  8. a11=2 a12=1 a21=3 a22=4,what is the determinant this matrix?
  1. A square matrix whose all elements above the main diagonal are zero is called a...
  2. A matrix with the same number of rows and column.
  3. A matrix that is both upper and lower triangular is called?
  4. What is it called when you switch the rows and columns of az matrix?
  5. A diagonal matrix having all diagonal elements equal to each other.
  6. m=y2-y1/x2-x1 what can be found with this formula?
  7. The dimension of the null space of a matrix is called...
  8. a+3b=7,3a+4b=11, findc a+b.

16 Clues: a+3b=7,3a+4b=11, findc a+b.How many elements in az 3x3 matrix?A matrix whose determinant is zero.A matrix with the same number of rows and column.m=y2-y1/x2-x1 what can be found with this formula?4a+2b+3c=5,-2a+5b=-9,12c=-12 find a in this system.The dimension of the null space of a matrix is called......

Work vocabulary 2024-09-12

Work vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Adjective. =Boring and tiring.
  2. Synonym: co-worker
  3. A type of job that does not improve your situation.
  4. A type of leave given to a mother before and after giving birth.
  5. Two words. A route which provides more rapid results.
  6. A contract type between a client and someone who is self-employed.
  7. Synonym: workforce
  8. Adjective. =Testing one's abilities. Synonym: demanding
  9. Adjective. =Providing satisfaction
  1. A contract type for a given, shorter period of time.
  2. Two words. A person employed in the public sector by the government.
  3. A type of leave in which the employee does not get paid.
  4. Synonym: quit
  5. Synonym: make redundant
  6. Two words. A series of jobs from the lowest to the highest paid.
  7. Synonym: fire

16 Clues: Synonym: quitSynonym: fireSynonym: co-workerSynonym: workforceSynonym: make redundantAdjective. =Boring and tiring.Adjective. =Providing satisfactionA type of job that does not improve your situation.A contract type for a given, shorter period of time.Two words. A route which provides more rapid results....

Work Unit 2023-02-06

Work Unit crossword puzzle
  1. to consider someone else's opinion
  2. to make art
  3. the quality of being in charge
  4. being able to change
  5. busy
  6. a fight
  1. being able to change or bend
  2. to speak
  3. a solution to a problem
  4. being able to be relied on
  5. speaking listening reading writing
  6. showing understanding
  7. working with others to learn
  8. working with a group of people
  9. an adverb that means to produce a result
  10. hearing what someone is saying

16 Clues: busya fightto speakto make artbeing able to changeshowing understandinga solution to a problembeing able to be relied onbeing able to change or bendworking with others to learnthe quality of being in chargeworking with a group of peoplehearing what someone is sayingto consider someone else's opinionspeaking listening reading writing...

Work Physiology 2017-06-21

Work Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. Duration is dependent on energy exertion and exertion duration
  2. Phase of energy production supplying ATP at a very fast rate
  3. Contraction of a sarcomere increases ___ of actin and myosin
  4. Contractile unit of myofibril
  5. Delivers signal to muscle fiber
  6. Contraction produced when velocity = 0
  7. Max heart rate depends on this
  8. Motor neuron + skeletal muscle fiber
  1. Work output ÷ Energy uptake
  2. NIOSH recommended energy consumption
  3. Predictive equations use information about the task and this to predict energy consumption
  4. Energy consumption based on Garg’s metabolic equations depend on this measurement
  5. Determines maximal possible muscle force
  6. Motion producing maximal force of a muscle
  7. Rating of perceived exertion
  8. Filament strands of two types of molecules with heads

16 Clues: Work output ÷ Energy uptakeRating of perceived exertionContractile unit of myofibrilMax heart rate depends on thisDelivers signal to muscle fiberNIOSH recommended energy consumptionMotor neuron + skeletal muscle fiberContraction produced when velocity = 0Determines maximal possible muscle forceMotion producing maximal force of a muscle...

BVP2 (Work) 2017-06-04

BVP2 (Work) crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who investigates, does research, and develops new products
  2. A person who is trained to do medical work in an emergency, but who is not a doctor or nurse
  3. Someone who pretends to be someone else while performing in a film, play, or television or radio programme
  4. A person who makes decisions in legal cases
  5. A diplomatic official of the highest rank
  6. Someone who repairs the engines of vehicles and other machines
  7. Someone who studies the human mind and human emotions and behaviour
  8. A person with a medical degree whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt
  9. Someone who has specialised knowledge about economics, which is the study of the production, consumption and transfer of wealth
  1. Visitors must check in with them
  2. Someone who works in an office, writing letters, making phone calls, and arranging meetings for a person or for an organisation
  3. Someone who teaches at a college, university or institution
  4. Someone who takes care of people who are ill or injured, usually at a hospital
  5. Someone who works a lot of the time and finds it difficult not to work
  6. A person who give advices to people about the law and speaks for them in court
  7. A person whose job is treating people's teeth

16 Clues: Visitors must check in with themA diplomatic official of the highest rankA person who makes decisions in legal casesA person whose job is treating people's teethSomeone who teaches at a college, university or institutionSomeone who repairs the engines of vehicles and other machinesSomeone who investigates, does research, and develops new products...

Work Crossword 2018-09-02

Work Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. course research management system
  2. Area of ​​support and strengthening of contents
  3. tool for interaction with the tutor and exposure of concerns
  4. person who directs and guides the learning
  5. resource where the student keeps track of the progress of the course development
  6. contains the opening and delivery dates of the activities
  7. virtual synchronic accompaniment to strengthen concepts
  8. people who work together
  1. environment where the rules and conditions for the development of the course are found.
  2. list of activities to be done
  3. Verification of grades and courses enrolled
  4. association of learning contents
  5. Contents and glossary for the development of activities
  6. tool that allows you to send and receive messages
  7. tool to verify the group and people enrolled in the course
  8. and monitoring Where the final works are attached and present the quiz

16 Clues: people who work togetherlist of activities to be doneassociation of learning contentscourse research management systemperson who directs and guides the learningVerification of grades and courses enrolledArea of ​​support and strengthening of contentstool that allows you to send and receive messages...

Individual Work 2023-12-23

Individual Work crossword puzzle
  1. What is it called when you switch the rows and columns of az matrix?
  2. What is a matrix having all zero elements below its main diagonal called?
  3. A matrix whose determinant is zero.
  4. How many elements in az 3x3 matrix?
  5. 4a+2b+3c=5,-2a+5b=-9,12c=-12 find a in this system.
  6. What is the number of linearly independent rows and columns of a matrix?
  7. A matrix with the same number of rows and column.
  1. A square matrix whose all elements above the main diagonal are zero is called a...
  2. a+3b=7,3a+4b=11, findc a+b.
  3. The dimension of the null space of a matrix is called...
  4. m=y2-y1/x2-x1 what can be found with this formula?
  5. a11=2 a12=1 a21=3 a22=4,what is the determinant this matrix?
  6. A matrix that is both upper and lower triangular is called?
  7. A=[a11=2 a12=-3 a13=1 a21=5 a22=10 a23=6 a31=8 a32=-7 a33=5] find the rank of the matrix and multiply the answer by seven.
  8. A diagonal matrix having all diagonal elements equal to each other.
  9. To solve the system and find x-y;-3x+5y=-22,3x+4y=4,4x-8y=32.

16 Clues: a+3b=7,3a+4b=11, findc a+b.A matrix whose determinant is zero.How many elements in az 3x3 matrix?A matrix with the same number of rows and column.m=y2-y1/x2-x1 what can be found with this formula?4a+2b+3c=5,-2a+5b=-9,12c=-12 find a in this system.The dimension of the null space of a matrix is called......

Work 2017-09-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. I help people that have health issues
  2. I work in a newspaper
  3. I build houses
  4. I paint houses
  5. I attach metal to metal with high temperature
  1. I work at a school
  2. I take pictures
  3. I repair pipes in bathrooms
  4. I repair cars

9 Clues: I repair carsI build housesI paint housesI take picturesI work at a schoolI work in a newspaperI repair pipes in bathroomsI help people that have health issuesI attach metal to metal with high temperature

work 2021-03-10

work crossword puzzle
  1. a task that you must do but that you find unpleasant or boring.
  2. capable of being changed
  3. the people you work with, especially in a professional job
  4. it makes you so tired, either physically or mentally, that you have no energy left.
  1. the physical location where someone works
  2. the money that someone earns each month or year from their employer. responsibility
  3. the possibility of future success
  4. : something that aids or promotes well-being
  5. a plan that gives a list of events or tasks and the times at which each one should happen or be done

9 Clues: capable of being changedthe possibility of future successthe physical location where someone works: something that aids or promotes well-beingthe people you work with, especially in a professional joba task that you must do but that you find unpleasant or boring.the money that someone earns each month or year from their employer. responsibility...

WORK 2022-02-07

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. everyone who works in a company
  2. a person who buys products or uses services
  3. someone who works for a business
  4. extra money a worker gets
  1. money you get regularly when you do a job
  2. a job you have to do
  3. a place where many people work at desks
  4. a business that makes or sells things or provides services
  5. a person who manages the workers

9 Clues: a job you have to doextra money a worker getseveryone who works in a companya person who manages the workerssomeone who works for a businessa place where many people work at desksmoney you get regularly when you do a joba person who buys products or uses servicesa business that makes or sells things or provides services

Work 2020-10-25

Work crossword puzzle
  1. everyone who works in a company
  2. a person who buys products or uses services
  3. someone who works for a business
  4. extra money a worker gets
  1. money you get regularly when you do a job
  2. a job you have to do
  3. a place where many people work at desks
  4. a business that makes or sales things or provides services
  5. a person who manages the workers

9 Clues: a job you have to doextra money a worker getseveryone who works in a companya person who manages the workerssomeone who works for a businessa place where many people work at desksmoney you get regularly when you do a joba person who buys products or uses servicesa business that makes or sales things or provides services

WORK 2020-03-30

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. Revenue-expenses=…….
  2. A successful job (or jobs) during your working life
  3. The rate at which a company/country makes goods
  4. Another word that means “to take on new employees”
  5. To receive money for the job you do
  1. When you stop your working life
  2. When one company takes control of another company by buying its shares.
  3. A transfer to a higher position within a company
  4. One of the offices or shops that forms part of a larger organisation

9 Clues: Revenue-expenses=…….When you stop your working lifeTo receive money for the job you doThe rate at which a company/country makes goodsA transfer to a higher position within a companyAnother word that means “to take on new employees”A successful job (or jobs) during your working lifeOne of the offices or shops that forms part of a larger organisation...

Work 2023-01-11

Work crossword puzzle
  1. D
  2. B
  3. I
  4. G
  5. C
  1. J
  2. S
  3. d
  4. P
  5. A

10 Clues: JSdDPBIAGC

Work 2023-06-21

Work crossword puzzle


work 2023-09-19

work crossword puzzle
  1. - continually and always
  2. - to pull or draw out of
  3. - document stating the basic form and rules of a government
  4. - without choosing, against a person’s will
  1. - the right to command obedience
  2. - of or relating to national, tribal, racial, religious, language, or cultural background
  3. - to disagree
  4. - person who goes on a religious journey
  5. - to get

9 Clues: - to get- to disagree- continually and always- to pull or draw out of- the right to command obedience- person who goes on a religious journey- without choosing, against a person’s will- document stating the basic form and rules of a government- of or relating to national, tribal, racial, religious, language, or cultural background

work 2023-09-18

work crossword puzzle
  1. - continually and always
  2. - to pull or draw out of
  3. - document stating the basic form and rules of a government
  4. - without choosing, against a person’s will
  1. - the right to command obedience
  2. - of or relating to national, tribal, racial, religious, language, or cultural background
  3. - to disagree
  4. - person who goes on a religious journey
  5. - to get

9 Clues: - to get- to disagree- continually and always- to pull or draw out of- the right to command obedience- person who goes on a religious journey- without choosing, against a person’s will- document stating the basic form and rules of a government- of or relating to national, tribal, racial, religious, language, or cultural background

Work experience 2017-03-13

Work experience crossword puzzle
  1. směny
  2. mzda
  3. týdenní mzda
  4. získané zkušenosti
  5. práce na zkrácený úvazek
  1. výplatní den
  2. pracovní den
  3. přesčas
  4. práce na plný úvazek
  5. zaměstnavatel
  6. přechodné zaměstnání
  7. vydělat peníze
  8. zaměstnanec
  9. dobře placený
  10. cíle

15 Clues: mzdacílesměnypřesčaszaměstnanecvýplatní denpracovní dentýdenní mzdazaměstnavateldobře placenývydělat penízezískané zkušenostipráce na plný úvazekpřechodné zaměstnánípráce na zkrácený úvazek

WORK 2 2017-04-04

WORK 2 crossword puzzle
  1. An opportunity for getting into a higher position.
  2. Benefits like a company car, lunch vouchers, holiday or wellness vouchers.
  3. Physically demanding.
  4. Thrilling.
  5. Too boring.
  6. Hardworking.
  7. Something that requires wit, endurance or physical strength to complete.
  8. An Independent worker selling his or her workforce in the labour market.
  9. Extra money employees get for extra achievement.
  1. Mentally not easy.
  2. Job that is not full-time.
  3. An organization protecting employees' rights.
  4. A situation in which superfluous employees are dismissed from a firm.
  5. A situation in which people are out of work.
  6. Not the usual 9 to 5 working hours

15 Clues: Thrilling.Too boring.Hardworking.Mentally not easy.Physically demanding.Job that is not full-time.Not the usual 9 to 5 working hoursA situation in which people are out of work.An organization protecting employees' rights.Extra money employees get for extra achievement.An opportunity for getting into a higher position....

Work - crossword 2017-04-24

Work - crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ... collar workers are usually better paid
  2. Jane's friend went drunk to work and her boss ... her
  3. A person who is addicted to work
  4. The company have an ... in newspapers
  5. I'm tired. Yesterday I came home very late because I worked...
  6. It's a person who works in shop and takes and gives out money
  7. Someone who fixes leaking pipes
  8. My sister is jobless. She decided to ... for the job.
  1. When people don't have job for which they are paid
  2. A person who gives us work and pays for it
  3. It's a free work position
  4. Someone who puts out the fire
  5. A person who works at graveyard and buries the dead people
  6. A person who gives advices about the law
  7. When boss want to lay you off, you get the ...

15 Clues: It's a free work positionSomeone who puts out the fireSomeone who fixes leaking pipesA person who is addicted to workThe company have an ... in newspapersA person who gives advices about the law... collar workers are usually better paidA person who gives us work and pays for itWhen boss want to lay you off, you get the ......

Work Physiology 2017-06-21

Work Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. Energy production sustainable for a long duration
  2. Delivers signal to muscle fiber
  3. Duration is dependent on energy exertion and exertion duration
  4. Production from anaerobic exercise causes muscle fatigue
  5. Energy consumption based on Garg’s metabolic equations depend on this measurement
  6. Subjective measurement approach to task assessment
  7. Have a higher basal metabolic rate
  8. Metabolic rate for vital human body function
  9. Contractile unit of myofibril
  1. Motion producing maximal force of a muscle
  2. Work output ÷ Energy uptake
  3. Determines maximal possible muscle force
  4. Filament strands of two types of molecules with heads
  5. Phase of energy production supplying ATP at a very fast rate
  6. Rating of perceived exertion

15 Clues: Work output ÷ Energy uptakeRating of perceived exertionContractile unit of myofibrilDelivers signal to muscle fiberHave a higher basal metabolic rateDetermines maximal possible muscle forceMotion producing maximal force of a muscleMetabolic rate for vital human body functionEnergy production sustainable for a long duration...

Justins work 2013-03-04

Justins work crossword puzzle
  1. Type of phase thats on its own
  2. The part that turns in the due to a magnetic field
  3. The name of a switch in a motor that can reverse current
  4. The current in front
  5. What is the abreviation for a motor with direct current
  6. The name of a switch that cuts out the start winding
  7. The name of the force that causes the rotor to turn
  8. Type of phase that is divided
  1. Where cows live
  2. The name of the cage surrounding a rotor
  3. The name givin when storing electrical charge
  4. The current behind
  5. The moving part of a DC motor
  6. what is the abriveation for a motor with alternating current
  7. The centre part of a squirell cage

15 Clues: Where cows liveThe current behindThe current in frontThe moving part of a DC motorType of phase that is dividedType of phase thats on its ownThe centre part of a squirell cageThe name of the cage surrounding a rotorThe name givin when storing electrical chargeThe part that turns in the due to a magnetic field...

Metal work 2021-09-17

Metal work crossword puzzle
  1. used for gas canisters
  2. major metal
  3. Can affect work hardness
  4. .3 to .5 carbon
  5. steel that can easily be bent
  6. pulling force
  1. distortion from compression
  2. impact strength
  3. easy to scratch and bend
  4. Very Hard to bend
  5. doesn’t need to be coated
  6. Doesn’t rust
  7. contains iron
  8. the temperature to make it soft
  9. to burn oxygen from steels

15 Clues: major metalDoesn’t rustcontains ironpulling forceimpact strength.3 to .5 carbonVery Hard to bendused for gas canisterseasy to scratch and bendCan affect work hardnessdoesn’t need to be coatedto burn oxygen from steelsdistortion from compressionsteel that can easily be bentthe temperature to make it soft

Home work 2021-02-25

Home work crossword puzzle
  1. Instrument and a form of celebrating
  2. clumsy careless mistake
  3. Lost hope
  4. A way of doing something
  5. Very loud and powerful
  6. Fast moving liquid
  7. Run hurriedly
  8. Forced
  1. Scared
  2. very painful
  3. Rubbish and remains
  4. Gasping for air
  5. Opposite of lightly
  6. Fierce attack
  7. Set of massive waves

15 Clues: ScaredForcedLost hopevery painfulFierce attackRun hurriedlyGasping for airFast moving liquidRubbish and remainsOpposite of lightlySet of massive wavesVery loud and powerfulclumsy careless mistakeA way of doing somethingInstrument and a form of celebrating

Word Work 2022-04-01

Word Work crossword puzzle
  1. Tom Brady's Wife
  2. Ava is
  3. We won Jeff Cup
  4. Dillsburg
  5. The fourth month of the year
  6. My soccer on thursday got
  1. Dinosaur
  2. Bethany is
  3. Gold
  4. Sign Language
  5. Me
  6. Diary
  7. Math
  8. Addition answer
  9. Writing

15 Clues: MeGoldMathDiaryAva isWritingDinosaurDillsburgBethany isSign LanguageAddition answerWe won Jeff CupTom Brady's WifeMy soccer on thursday gotThe fourth month of the year

Work Necessities 2022-09-13

Work Necessities crossword puzzle
  1. used to keep files organized and separate
  2. another one of our CDI physicians
  3. used to pin documents to a board
  4. one of our CDI physicians
  5. and the last of our CDI physicians
  6. used to stick object together
  7. used to mark up parts of a document with a bright color
  8. used to add, subtract, multiple or divide
  1. used to remove marks of pencil
  2. used to transfer information to paper
  3. you have one of these on your desk, I don't
  4. used to cut materials like paper, cloth, tape
  5. another one of our CDI physicians
  6. used for writing on a board
  7. your office has this, mine doesn't
  8. ours is over in primary care

16 Clues: one of our CDI physiciansused for writing on a boardours is over in primary careused to stick object togetherused to remove marks of pencilused to pin documents to a boardanother one of our CDI physiciansanother one of our CDI physiciansand the last of our CDI physiciansyour office has this, mine doesn'tused to transfer information to paper...

Physics work 2020-06-14

Physics work crossword puzzle
  1. the second element
  2. the centre of a cell
  3. particle with neutral charge
  4. particle with negative charge
  5. what a sponge does to water
  6. the first element
  7. what everything is made of
  1. what radiation does to cells
  2. created to balance a charge
  3. particle with positive charge
  4. where electrons are contained
  5. a particle can become:
  6. the radiation found in fire alarms
  7. after a certain period things can:
  8. the wave like radiation

15 Clues: the first elementthe second elementthe centre of a cella particle can become:the wave like radiationwhat everything is made ofcreated to balance a chargewhat a sponge does to waterwhat radiation does to cellsparticle with neutral chargeparticle with positive chargewhere electrons are containedparticle with negative charge...

@WORK 2 2019-09-03

@WORK 2 crossword puzzle
  1. terveys
  2. käytävä
  3. juuret
  4. laite
  5. poreallas
  6. omakotitalo
  7. tytäryhtiö
  1. toistaa
  2. loskainen
  3. riippumatto
  4. esittely, esitys
  5. toimitilat
  6. asumuserossa
  7. vaatenaulakko
  8. spinning - pyöräily

15 Clues: laitejuurettoistaaterveyskäytäväloskainenporeallastoimitilattytäryhtiöriippumattoomakotitaloasumuserossavaatenaulakkoesittely, esitysspinning - pyöräily

science work 2020-05-21

science work crossword puzzle
  1. the hot thing that leaks or shots out of volcanoes
  2. the furthest section of the earth layers away from the crust
  3. when two plate boundaries hit each other straight on.
  4. the same type of volcano as a strato
  5. the puzzle pieces of the earth.
  6. lava thats under ground
  7. a result of cooled lava starting with p
  1. a volcano that can explode
  2. famous volcano eruption in Italy MT Vesuvius
  3. directly above where the earthquake originates.
  4. where an earthquake starts
  5. at the end of an plate(plate....)
  6. the whole thing that connects to the earth and contains ash among other things.
  7. a dead volcano
  8. a measurement tool of earthquakes

15 Clues: a dead volcanolava thats under grounda volcano that can explodewhere an earthquake startsthe puzzle pieces of the the end of an plate(plate....)a measurement tool of earthquakesthe same type of volcano as a stratoa result of cooled lava starting with pfamous volcano eruption in Italy MT Vesuvius...

Work Together! 2023-02-15

Work Together! crossword puzzle
  1. Best show on Comedy Central in 2008
  2. 6th grade English
  3. Mobley or Getz
  4. a state & person the size of a state
  5. Carved into a cliff
  6. daughter of Zeus or a pad with pals
  7. You might eat this on a ferry from Dover to Calais
  8. Middle namesake
  1. "I'll be the roundabout.."
  2. kiwis
  3. Pagosa Springs mountain range
  4. At the end of the line
  5. Name a Victor
  6. the leaders name was Dale
  7. mexican beer & person

15 Clues: kiwisName a VictorMobley or GetzMiddle namesake6th grade EnglishCarved into a cliffmexican beer & personAt the end of the linethe leaders name was Dale"I'll be the roundabout.."Pagosa Springs mountain rangeBest show on Comedy Central in 2008daughter of Zeus or a pad with palsa state & person the size of a state...

ICT work 2023-04-19

ICT work crossword puzzle
  1. 7.DAC
  2. 10.ATMs
  3. 5.OCR
  4. 14.UID
  5. 3.GPS
  6. 4.OMR
  1. 15.sat navs
  2. 1.DTP
  3. 9.EPOS
  4. 13.NFC
  5. 8.BACS
  6. 2.EWT
  7. 6.ADC
  8. 12.PIN
  9. 11.EFT

15 Clues: 1.DTP7.DAC5.OCR2.EWT6.ADC3.GPS4.OMR9.EPOS13.NFC8.BACS12.PIN11.EFT14.UID10.ATMs15.sat navs

Kimia work 2024-01-31

Kimia work crossword puzzle
  1. salah satu cara pembuatan oksigen
  2. salah satu kegunaan oksigen
  3. unsur yang sukar bereaksi, hanya bereaksi pada suhu tinggi
  4. bahan yang digunakan untuk bahan bakar roket
  5. campuran HCL dan HNO3
  6. sifat nitrogen
  1. Amonia terbuat dari nitrogen dan hidrogen
  2. bahan pembuatan pupuk
  3. hasil dari respirasi untuk manusia
  4. yang tidak dapat larut oleh asam nitrat
  5. hasil dari elektrolisis air di katode
  6. KNO3
  7. bahan peledak yang terbuat dari asam nitrat
  8. gas yang berbau khas dan menyengat
  9. unsur yang digunakan dalam proses pembakaran

15 Clues: KNO3sifat nitrogenbahan pembuatan pupukcampuran HCL dan HNO3salah satu kegunaan oksigensalah satu cara pembuatan oksigenhasil dari respirasi untuk manusiagas yang berbau khas dan menyengathasil dari elektrolisis air di katodeyang tidak dapat larut oleh asam nitratAmonia terbuat dari nitrogen dan hidrogenbahan peledak yang terbuat dari asam nitrat...

Word work 2024-02-22

Word work crossword puzzle
  1. A business that has the to make more money then the cost of running th business
  2. putting money into your bank account
  3. An agreement to exchange between 2 idividuals
  4. Borrowing money form a bank or financial institution to buy a property
  5. When a person decides to end their career and live off their pension or savings
  6. A business or organization developed from similiar systems and ideas
  7. The person that finalizes the transaction when you make a purchase
  1. A person that manages the finacial statement of a business or person
  2. The financial systems or study of financial patterns
  3. An oppinion or anoucement
  4. when someone takes a chance to make more money or to lose money
  5. An operation in which a product or service is created and sold
  6. The money situation of a person or organization
  7. The use of money in a country
  8. Taking money out of a bank account

15 Clues: An oppinion or anoucementThe use of money in a countryTaking money out of a bank accountputting money into your bank accountAn agreement to exchange between 2 idividualsThe money situation of a person or organizationThe financial systems or study of financial patternsAn operation in which a product or service is created and sold...

Word work 2024-02-22

Word work crossword puzzle
  1. A business that has the to make more money then the cost of running th business
  2. putting money into your bank account
  3. An agreement to exchange between 2 idividuals
  4. Borrowing money form a bank or financial institution to buy a property
  5. When a person decides to end their career and live off their pension or savings
  6. A business or organization developed from similiar systems and ideas
  7. The person that finalizes the transaction when you make a purchase
  1. A person that manages the finacial statement of a business or person
  2. The financial systems or study of financial patterns
  3. An oppinion or anoucement
  4. when someone takes a chance to make more money or to lose money
  5. An operation in which a product or service is created and sold
  6. The money situation of a person or organization
  7. The use of money in a country
  8. Taking money out of a bank account

15 Clues: An oppinion or anoucementThe use of money in a countryTaking money out of a bank accountputting money into your bank accountAn agreement to exchange between 2 idividualsThe money situation of a person or organizationThe financial systems or study of financial patternsAn operation in which a product or service is created and sold...

Work 2021-12-22

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Written agreement between persons
  2. What you submit when you want a job
  3. Working from 9am to 5pm
  4. Fixed regular payment
  5. Someone who does an activity as a paid job not just for fun
  1. Someone applying for a job
  2. A job you are trained for and can advance in
  3. Clothes you must wear for school or work
  4. Someone you work with

9 Clues: Someone you work withFixed regular paymentWorking from 9am to 5pmSomeone applying for a jobWritten agreement between personsWhat you submit when you want a jobClothes you must wear for school or workA job you are trained for and can advance inSomeone who does an activity as a paid job not just for fun

Work 2021-12-15

Work crossword puzzle
  1. the raison d'être of the organization
  2. at the end of each month they rent
  3. non-working day
  1. building where people work
  2. what will a person get for their work
  3. remuneration for work or participation in work
  4. moving up the career ladder.
  5. suspension of activities
  6. it is built to get results

9 Clues: non-working daysuspension of activitiesbuilding where people workit is built to get resultsmoving up the career the end of each month they rentwhat will a person get for their workthe raison d'être of the organizationremuneration for work or participation in work

work 2021-10-18

work crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 9
  3. 10
  4. 3
  1. 11
  2. 4
  3. 7
  4. 1
  5. 6

9 Clues: 45791361110

work 2021-10-21

work crossword puzzle
  1. of Change
  2. relationships A relationship between two variables in which the data do not increase or decrease together at the same rate.
  3. A measure of the steepness of a line on a graph; the rise divided by the run.
  4. equation
  1. The first number in an ordered pair; it tells the distance to move right or left from the origin (0,0).
  2. data A set of data that is made of two paired variables.
  3. intercept form an equation A linear equation written in the form y=mx+b, where m represents slope and b represents the y-intercept.
  4. The point where x = 0 (0, b). The point on the graph where the equation crosses the y-axis.
  5. equation whose solutions form a straight line on a coordinate plane.
  6. The second number in an ordered pair; it tells the distance to move up or down from the origin (0,0).

10 Clues: equationof Changedata A set of data that is made of two paired variables.equation whose solutions form a straight line on a coordinate plane.A measure of the steepness of a line on a graph; the rise divided by the run.The point where x = 0 (0, b). The point on the graph where the equation crosses the y-axis....

work 2022-10-21

work crossword puzzle
  1. a person who treats teeth
  2. at the age of 65/60 they go for it
  3. a person who cooks professionally
  4. a person who heals others
  5. the person who plants the grain
  1. a person works at hosptsl
  2. a preson who drive a car
  3. a person who works at school
  4. a person who digs coal
  5. workplace of administrative workers

10 Clues: a person who digs coala preson who drive a cara person works at hosptsla person who treats teetha person who heals othersa person who works at schoolthe person who plants the graina person who cooks professionallyat the age of 65/60 they go for itworkplace of administrative workers

work 2024-01-09

work crossword puzzle
  1. check something closely to learn more about it
  2. study something carefully to learn new information
  3. put a lot of effort into a job and do it well
  4. take someone into police custody because they did something wrong
  5. believe in yourself and your abilities
  6. plan and arrange things in a neat and orderly way
  1. be in charge of a business or organization
  2. make something, usually using machines
  3. able to change and adjust to different situations

9 Clues: make something, usually using machinesbelieve in yourself and your abilitiesbe in charge of a business or organizationput a lot of effort into a job and do it wellcheck something closely to learn more about itstudy something carefully to learn new informationable to change and adjust to different situations...

Work 2024-01-29

Work crossword puzzle
  1. ______=force x distance
  2. a push or pull that causes an object to stop, move, or change direction.
  3. The amount of energy exerted when the force is one Newton
  4. the object's overall change in position
  5. Is work being done is an object is stationary?
  1. True or False: the ability to work is energy
  2. a force applied to an object that move in the same direction as the force.
  3. True or False: Work can happen if the object moves the opposite direction of the force
  4. What do you do to force and distance to get work
  5. The ability to do work

10 Clues: The ability to do work______=force x distancethe object's overall change in positionTrue or False: the ability to work is energyIs work being done is an object is stationary?What do you do to force and distance to get workThe amount of energy exerted when the force is one Newton...

work 2024-06-12

work crossword puzzle
  1. безработный
  2. in ___of a team of people
  3. зарабатывать
  4. провалиться, не сработать
  5. зарабатывать
  6. ____their own business
  7. соревноваться
  1. собеседование
  2. причина
  3. быть уволенный

10 Clues: причинабезработныйзарабатыватьзарабатыватьсобеседованиесоревноватьсябыть уволенный____their own businessin ___of a team of peopleпровалиться, не сработать

WORK 2024-09-13

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. extra money given to a worker
  2. a worker
  3. a fixed, regular sum of money given to someone for doing a job
  4. a business that makes or sells things or provides services
  5. a job you need to do
  1. a place where many people work at desks
  2. a person or business that pays workers to do a job
  3. everyone who works in the company
  4. a person who manages the workers in the company

9 Clues: a workera job you need to doextra money given to a workereveryone who works in the companya place where many people work at desksa person who manages the workers in the companya person or business that pays workers to do a joba business that makes or sells things or provides servicesa fixed, regular sum of money given to someone for doing a job

WORK 2021-03-24

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. you future look perfect
  2. you wannabe selfish
  3. when you wake up and you realize that you have go there
  4. you thinking what you live mean in there
  5. you are teenage who wants new experience
  1. you don't have any money
  2. you watch time because you want to go home
  3. earn money
  4. your annoying friends

9 Clues: earn moneyyou wannabe selfishyour annoying friendsyou future look perfectyou don't have any moneyyou are teenage who wants new experienceyou thinking what you live mean in thereyou watch time because you want to go homewhen you wake up and you realize that you have go there

work 2021-10-18

work crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 9
  3. 10
  4. 3
  1. 11
  2. 4
  3. 7
  4. 1
  5. 6

9 Clues: 45791361110

Work 2021-10-05

Work crossword puzzle
  1. required to be paid; due
  2. person or organization that provides something needed such as a product or service
  3. a fixed or limited period for which something is due
  4. transfer of money from one account to another by computer
  1. a person or company offering something for sale
  2. a list of goods sent or services provided
  3. orders, used to control products and services from external suppliers
  4. a sum of money due
  5. the computer-to-computer exchange of business documents

9 Clues: a sum of money duerequired to be paid; duea list of goods sent or services provideda person or company offering something for salea fixed or limited period for which something is duethe computer-to-computer exchange of business documentstransfer of money from one account to another by computer...

work 2023-04-28

work crossword puzzle
  1. a long deep hole
  2. a place for hikers to stay
  3. the tallest moutan in the world
  4. they help you climb
  5. someone who like climbing the Moutan
  1. The routes through a mountain range
  2. bottom of the Moutan
  3. top of the Moutan
  4. the gide for the moutan

9 Clues: a long deep holetop of the Moutanthey help you climbbottom of the Moutanthe gide for the moutana place for hikers to staythe tallest moutan in the worldThe routes through a mountain rangesomeone who like climbing the Moutan