back to school Crossword Puzzles

A2 Back to School 2022-10-14

A2 Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. hhuooseld
  2. rtyaeersc
  3. acstnmarf
  4. ltumaeits
  5. tsblotflsiraho
  1. ltraaiwmera
  2. iocconletl
  3. susesinb
  4. bhoby
  5. neseg
  6. ymene
  7. tame
  8. ratchafind
  9. enniadwicitlts
  10. neginere
  11. lorwd

16 Clues: tamebhobynesegymenelorwdsusesinbneginerehhuooseldrtyaeerscacstnmarfltumaeitsiocconletlratchafindltraaiwmeraenniadwicitltstsblotflsiraho

Back to School Essentials 2023-02-15

Back to School Essentials crossword puzzle
  1. you write with it but doesn’t erase
  2. sticky plastic adhesive
  3. technology with keyboard
  4. you writing utensils go in it
  5. sharp metal, used to cut
  6. hold liquids and ice
  7. you write with it
  8. vivid translucent color marker
  1. gets rid of pencils mistakes
  2. loose leaf…
  3. loose leaf paper is put in it
  4. backpacks homes during school
  5. makes line straight
  6. makes math easy
  7. you read from it
  8. holds your afternoon meal

16 Clues: loose leaf…makes math easyyou read from ityou write with itmakes line straighthold liquids and icesticky plastic adhesivetechnology with keyboardsharp metal, used to cutholds your afternoon mealgets rid of pencils mistakesloose leaf paper is put in itbackpacks homes during schoolyou writing utensils go in itvivid translucent color marker...

Back to School - BMS 2024-08-12

Back to School - BMS crossword puzzle
  1. an optional place where students can store their belongings
  2. can be heard in the hallway between passing time
  3. a meal we eat while at school
  4. can be used to measure distance or create a straight edge
  5. our school mascot
  6. a writing utensil - can be erased
  7. something we use to write in
  8. where classes are held
  1. what students use to carry their supplies from class to class
  2. leader of the school
  3. where students wait for school to start in the morning and where PE class takes place
  4. a piece of technology given to students to complete their work
  5. these materials are read and usually stored on shelves
  6. a writing utensil - cannot be erased
  7. leaders of the classroom
  8. a yellow vehicle that some students take to get to and from school

16 Clues: our school mascotleader of the schoolwhere classes are heldleaders of the classroomsomething we use to write ina meal we eat while at schoola writing utensil - can be eraseda writing utensil - cannot be erasedcan be heard in the hallway between passing timethese materials are read and usually stored on shelves...

Back to school! 2013-02-04

Back to school! crossword puzzle
  1. teachers use to correct your homework
  2. we use to sit
  3. bag you carry your books
  4. used to stick papers together
  5. we see the sun through it
  6. erase the mistakes
  1. we write with it
  2. to make squares
  3. used to cut paper
  4. teachers write on it
  5. we have one to study English

11 Clues: we use to sitto make squareswe write with itused to cut papererase the mistakesteachers write on itbag you carry your bookswe see the sun through itwe have one to study Englishused to stick papers togetherteachers use to correct your homework

back to school 2013-09-24

back to school crossword puzzle
  1. kan je uitwissen
  2. gebruik je om iets te rekenen
  3. gebruik je om te schrijven
  4. kan je je spullen insteken
  5. kan je gebruiken om een lijn te tekenen
  1. is voor balpennen in te steken
  2. gebruik je om iets weg te gommen
  3. kan je ook weggommen
  4. is voor een ronde cirkel te tekenen
  5. kan je weggommen
  6. om bladeren in te steken

11 Clues: kan je uitwissenkan je weggommenkan je ook weggommenom bladeren in te stekengebruik je om te schrijvenkan je je spullen instekengebruik je om iets te rekenenis voor balpennen in te stekengebruik je om iets weg te gommenis voor een ronde cirkel te tekenenkan je gebruiken om een lijn te tekenen

Back to School 2020-09-03

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. instructor
  2. tool for writing
  3. group of students
  4. place to go to learn
  5. book you read online
  6. I see my teacher on my remote days
  1. vehicle that carries some children to school
  2. head of the school
  3. device used to complete work, create, and research
  4. work table at school
  5. you can go to find your assignments for the day

11 Clues: instructortool for writinggroup of studentshead of the schoolwork table at schoolplace to go to learnbook you read onlineI see my teacher on my remote daysvehicle that carries some children to schoolyou can go to find your assignments for the daydevice used to complete work, create, and research

Back to school 2020-12-13

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. An object we write with.
  2. A place where we play.
  3. This is rung to show that a lesson is over.
  4. used to rub off the mistakes we make when writing.
  5. The person who teaches us.
  6. Something the teacher writes on.
  1. A chart which tells us what lessons we have for the day.
  2. Used to draw straight lines.
  3. Time to eat and play.
  4. A bag we carry to school.
  5. A place children go to learn.

11 Clues: Time to eat and play.A place where we play.An object we write with.A bag we carry to school.The person who teaches us.Used to draw straight lines.A place children go to learn.Something the teacher writes on.This is rung to show that a lesson is over.used to rub off the mistakes we make when writing....

back to school 2017-08-28

back to school crossword puzzle
  1. you use these to listen to stuff on your computer
  2. these are not allowed in the classroom
  3. what markers do you use to highlight stuff
  4. something to hold small items in your desk
  5. a story that is real
  6. a tool that cuts paper
  1. what color pens can you donate to the classroom
  2. name of the school
  3. something that is not alive
  4. something that is alive
  5. assignments that you do at home

11 Clues: name of the schoola story that is reala tool that cuts papersomething that is alivesomething that is not aliveassignments that you do at homethese are not allowed in the classroomwhat markers do you use to highlight stuffsomething to hold small items in your deskwhat color pens can you donate to the classroom...

Back to school 2024-09-04

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. cursus van Mr Baddredine, Delespes,...
  2. = études
  3. = service
  4. U.S
  5. veel personen
  6. studenten/kinderen op school
  1. Cursus van Mr Cnockaert, Mvr De Kejizer, Mvr Vanhorle,
  2. een nieuwe taal leren bij een andere school of een andere stad/land
  3. in een hotel of een huis slapen
  4. tof, goed, aangenaam
  5. resultaat/ project

11 Clues: U.S= études= serviceveel personenresultaat/ projecttof, goed, aangenaamstudenten/kinderen op schoolin een hotel of een huis slapencursus van Mr Baddredine, Delespes,...Cursus van Mr Cnockaert, Mvr De Kejizer, Mvr Vanhorle,een nieuwe taal leren bij een andere school of een andere stad/land

Back to School 2024-09-13

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. Life Having an issue with your dorm or maybe your meal plan? Go to this office in the tunnels, underneath Dugan Hall.
  2. Looking to submit or find your Griff Audit? Maybe get access to D2L? Or even register for classes? Look this website up in your browser.
  3. Need advice? Or maybe some counseling services? This dorm houses their office.
  4. Wondering where to find your professor's office? This building might be the place to look!
  5. This one-credit class is a requirement for all freshmen as a way to help them acclimate to college.
  6. Find this sacred place in the middle of the Quad.
  7. This is a term used to describe the regular weekly meetings our clubs have on campus.
  1. "Canisius, Where _____ are made."
  2. Hall Looking to pick up a package from your favorite two mailmen? This is where to go!
  3. This office on campus is responsible for planning events like Griff-Flix and the Leadership Retreat.
  4. This festival-like Canisius event is taking place over September 27th-29th!

11 Clues: "Canisius, Where _____ are made."Find this sacred place in the middle of the Quad.This festival-like Canisius event is taking place over September 27th-29th!Need advice? Or maybe some counseling services? This dorm houses their office.This is a term used to describe the regular weekly meetings our clubs have on campus....

A1 Back to School 2022-10-12

A1 Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. beatbalslk
  2. iecensc
  3. rat
  4. chsiattel
  5. sphaicly iacntoeud
  6. oadimntbn
  7. oehykc
  8. shtma
  1. inehgls
  2. gesnid goytohncle
  3. tflbaool
  4. nniets
  5. gssayncmti
  6. oishtry
  7. horgagepy
  8. uismc

16 Clues: ratuismcshtmannietsoehykcinehglsiecenscoishtrytflbaoolchsiattelhorgagepyoadimntbnbeatbalslkgssayncmtigesnid goytohnclesphaicly iacntoeud

Back to School Vocabulary 2022-08-23

Back to School Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. escritorio
  2. biblioteca
  3. pencil
  4. pen
  5. maestra
  6. paper
  7. libros
  8. matematicas
  9. student
  1. history
  2. board
  3. mochila
  4. class
  5. tijeras
  6. science
  7. borrador

16 Clues: penboardclasspaperpencillibroshistorymochilatijerasmaestrasciencestudentborradorescritoriobibliotecamatematicas

Back to School Basics 2022-08-25

Back to School Basics crossword puzzle
  1. This is the period we have lunch after (spell it out)
  2. Our principal is Mr.
  3. This is the FCS teacher's last name...
  4. This is what we should not do during study hall.
  5. Our school name is ______ County High School.
  6. Go _____!
  7. The school superintendent is Mr.
  8. What is the first day that we have off from school?
  1. This is when we have tutor time.
  2. Our Chemistry/Earth Science/Anatomy teacher is Ms.
  3. This is what a teacher takes at the beginning of class.
  4. The first name of the custodian (who we appreciate so much) is...
  5. This is the most important subject you learn (Hint: It's what Ms. Redmon teaches)
  6. Our librarian is Ms.
  7. This is where you go if you get good grades during study hall.
  8. This is where you go to do homework.

16 Clues: Go _____!Our principal is Mr.Our librarian is Ms.This is when we have tutor time.The school superintendent is Mr.This is where you go to do homework.This is the FCS teacher's last name...Our school name is ______ County High School.This is what we should not do during study hall.Our Chemistry/Earth Science/Anatomy teacher is Ms....

A2 Back to School 2022-10-14

A2 Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. atsri
  2. loofr
  3. upcardbo
  4. wilplo
  5. noiwwd
  6. oodr
  7. osfa
  8. icnbibedeseadt
  1. rorimr
  2. craeefipl
  3. lwla
  4. kcooer
  5. aiasnhsbw
  6. elotit
  7. cegnlii
  8. dbe

16 Clues: dbelwlaoodrosfaatsriloofrrorimrkcooerwilplonoiwwdelotitcegnliiupcardbocraeefiplaiasnhsbwicnbibedeseadt

Back to School Crossword 2023-08-23

Back to School Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the sport in which runners run across natural terrain, such as dirt or grass
  2. the study of numbers
  3. a bag with shoulder straps used for carrying objects
  4. writing utensil containing a graphite center
  5. a game of two teams, typically of six players, in which a ball is hit by hand over a net, aimed at the ground on the other side
  6. the person with the highest authority in a school
  7. a person who provides education to others
  8. the study of past events
  1. the study of the English language
  2. a team game played with an oval ball, in North America
  3. a writing utensil in which it contains an ink cartridge
  4. multiple written or printed sheets of paper bound together
  5. physical education
  6. the performance of organized chanting and cheering
  7. the process of learning about the natural world
  8. a book for writing notes in

16 Clues: physical educationthe study of numbersthe study of past eventsa book for writing notes inthe study of the English languagea person who provides education to otherswriting utensil containing a graphite centerthe process of learning about the natural worldthe person with the highest authority in a school...

Miller Middle School Back to School 2022-08-02

Miller Middle School Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. pe and pbis coach
  2. Assistant principal
  3. major form of school transportation
  4. item that tells the time
  5. Miller's principal
  6. rides on a scooter
  7. Miller's school secretary
  8. traditional writing utensil
  9. students sit hear
  10. follow these
  11. passage
  1. head football coach
  2. fall brings the pigskin
  3. a lot of books are here
  4. Millers mascot
  5. we eat here
  6. Miller's girls will be hitting the diamond
  7. he keeps the building clean and maintained
  8. your hall monitor
  9. be a ____ In Me
  10. it has a keyboard and screen
  11. best part of the school day

22 Clues: passagewe eat herefollow theseMillers mascotbe a ____ In Mepe and pbis coachyour hall monitorstudents sit hearMiller's principalrides on a scooterhead football coachAssistant principalfall brings the pigskina lot of books are hereitem that tells the timeMiller's school secretarytraditional writing utensilbest part of the school day...

Back to School Crossword 2023-08-23

Back to School Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the sport in which runners run across natural terrain, such as dirt or grass
  2. the study of numbers
  3. a bag with shoulder straps used for carrying objects
  4. writing utensil containing a graphite center
  5. a game of two teams, typically of six players, in which a ball is hit by hand over a net, aimed at the ground on the other side
  6. the person with the highest authority in a school
  7. a person who provides education to others
  8. the study of past events
  1. the study of the English language
  2. a team game played with an oval ball, in North America
  3. a writing utensil in which it contains an ink cartridge
  4. multiple written or printed sheets of paper bound together
  5. physical education
  6. the performance of organized chanting and cheering
  7. the process of learning about the natural world
  8. a book for writing notes in

16 Clues: physical educationthe study of numbersthe study of past eventsa book for writing notes inthe study of the English languagea person who provides education to otherswriting utensil containing a graphite centerthe process of learning about the natural worldthe person with the highest authority in a school...

Back to School Puzzle 2024-09-11

Back to School Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a season when leaves fall
  2. an orange squash
  3. creativity
  4. a tool you write with
  5. a place you make money
  6. a room you go to learn
  7. a scary holiday
  8. a book of blank pages
  1. a holiday with pilgrims
  2. something you create with a brush
  3. a bag you carry
  4. people you like to hang out with
  5. a place you go to learn
  6. something you say during Halloween
  7. something you eat during Halloween
  8. a body of bones

16 Clues: creativitya bag you carrya body of bonesa scary holidayan orange squasha tool you write witha book of blank pagesa place you make moneya room you go to learna holiday with pilgrimsa place you go to learna season when leaves fallpeople you like to hang out withsomething you create with a brushsomething you say during Halloween...

Back to Virtual School 2021-08-26

Back to Virtual School crossword puzzle
  1. What you do in school
  2. Another name for an assessment for the work you have studied.
  3. The teacher uses this to write on her white board
  4. A student sits at this
  5. A Virtual classroom in which the facilitator and participants use the same screen at the same time
  6. What is the next name for the break period during the morning
  7. Something you can use to type and go online on.
  8. Another word for a group of friends
  1. What you should take during lessons
  2. You read them, and there is one or more than one for each subject
  3. A student uses this to draw lines and measure
  4. Another word for homework
  5. You find these in books
  6. Another word for eraser
  7. It is white and it comes in white
  8. Where you find countries on

16 Clues: What you do in schoolA student sits at thisYou find these in booksAnother word for eraserAnother word for homeworkWhere you find countries onIt is white and it comes in whiteWhat you should take during lessonsAnother word for a group of friendsA student uses this to draw lines and measureSomething you can use to type and go online on....

A2 Back to School 2022-10-14

A2 Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. lteemh
  2. aradkesobt
  3. bblktaeasl
  4. kcoomiboc
  5. game doeiv amge
  6. ugtiar
  7. dlcamiraieatg
  1. sulsgnseas
  2. tebookno
  3. aadnhgb
  4. hacwt
  5. pac
  6. volegs
  7. carfs
  8. sertirna
  9. cceliby

16 Clues: pachacwtcarfslteemhvolegsugtiaraadnhgbccelibytebooknosertirnakcoomibocsulsgnseasaradkesobtbblktaeasldlcamiraieatggame doeiv amge

Back to School, 2022! 2022-08-08

Back to School, 2022! crossword puzzle
  1. where you will find Mrs. Wilcoxon & books
  2. Social Studies teacher
  3. length of a passing period
  4. science teacher
  5. counselor and guinea pig lover
  6. 7th grade ELA teacher
  7. 8th grade ELA teacher
  8. the fancy name for a test
  9. your first class of the day
  10. our school mascot
  1. best math teacher ever
  2. 7th and 8th grade PE teacher
  3. art teacher
  4. Mrs. Yeagle's class pet
  5. principal at BRIJHS
  6. helpful teacher with lots of strategies

16 Clues: art teacherscience teacherour school mascotprincipal at BRIJHS7th grade ELA teacher8th grade ELA teacherbest math teacher everSocial Studies teacherMrs. Yeagle's class petthe fancy name for a testlength of a passing periodyour first class of the day7th and 8th grade PE teachercounselor and guinea pig loverhelpful teacher with lots of strategies...

Back to school 1 2024-09-02

Back to school 1 crossword puzzle
  1. One tool needed for school.
  2. Your Principal's last name is ___?
  3. Another word for "Behavior".
  4. The best time at school is _____?
  5. The main reason why students fail exams is because they did not ___?
  6. The Bahamas is a _______?
  7. Most classrooms are always _____?
  8. All Final Grades on the report card are calculated to give you a ___?
  9. On subject studied at school.
  1. The Ministry that is in charge of the schools?
  2. The person in charge of the school.
  3. New Providence is an _____?
  4. One subject studied at school with art is ____?
  5. The road your school is on is ____?
  6. Which school term are we starting now? ____
  7. The name of the Minister of Education.

16 Clues: The Bahamas is a _______?One tool needed for school.New Providence is an _____?Another word for "Behavior".On subject studied at school.The best time at school is _____?Most classrooms are always _____?Your Principal's last name is ___?The person in charge of the school.The road your school is on is ____?The name of the Minister of Education....

Back to School crossword 2021-08-31

Back to School crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the room where a class is held
  2. the class where you can act
  3. the sport where you can't use your hands
  4. the school mascot
  5. the year you enter Rolla High (9th grader)
  6. tells you when and where your classes are
  7. the new band director
  1. a sport where you can score a touchdown
  2. the color of the school mascot
  3. the Rolla high school color that is not grey
  4. the name of the yearbook
  5. leaders that help with freshman orientation
  6. the last name of the RHS principal
  7. what you need to leave a classroom
  8. name of school paper

15 Clues: the school mascotname of school paperthe new band directorthe name of the yearbookthe class where you can actthe color of the school mascotthe room where a class is heldthe last name of the RHS principalwhat you need to leave a classrooma sport where you can score a touchdownthe sport where you can't use your hands...

Back-to-School Crossword! 2021-08-19

Back-to-School Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. A class where you draw or paint.
  2. Work you didn't finish at school.
  3. A class where you learn about numbers.
  4. A class where you learn about the past.
  5. You go to school to get an ______
  6. You and your friends are _____
  7. What you carry your stuff in.
  8. The people you hang out with and enjoy.
  1. What you (hopefully) are doing at school
  2. The adults who help you learn.
  3. Leaving school to learn about something.
  4. A person to whom you are attracted (and they probably don't know).
  5. A class where you do sports.
  6. Fun time that only elementary kids get.
  7. A class where you do experiments.

15 Clues: A class where you do sports.What you carry your stuff in.The adults who help you learn.You and your friends are _____A class where you draw or paint.Work you didn't finish at school.A class where you do experiments.You go to school to get an ______A class where you learn about numbers.Fun time that only elementary kids get....

Back to School Crossword 2019-06-23

Back to School Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Used to store your belongings
  2. Many students use this form of transportation to get to school
  3. Person in charge of the school
  4. Make new ones but keep the old
  5. ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science
  6. You set these to be successful
  7. Carries school supplies
  1. Some kids participate in these extracurricular events
  2. Person who helps you to learn new things
  3. Pencils/Paper
  4. A set of expectations you must follow
  5. You often have to dress out for this
  6. Box that carries food
  7. To get extra help you may get one of these
  8. Some schools have these- Science Olympiad, Drama, Exercise

15 Clues: Pencils/PaperBox that carries foodCarries school suppliesUsed to store your belongingsPerson in charge of the schoolMake new ones but keep the oldYou set these to be successfulELA, Math, Social Studies, ScienceYou often have to dress out for thisA set of expectations you must followPerson who helps you to learn new things...

Back to School Bash 2024-09-07

Back to School Bash crossword puzzle
  1. - Trouble making
  2. - Quick break
  3. - Writer
  4. - Education Facility
  5. - Bag storage
  6. - Mistake remover
  7. - Multiplication
  8. - Education Free Fun Action
  9. - Beyond serious trouble making consequences
  1. - Food devour
  2. - Information taking
  3. - Education Free Fun Place
  4. - Electric Book
  5. - Book storage
  6. - Serious Trouble Making Consequence

15 Clues: - Writer- Food devour- Quick break- Bag storage- Book storage- Electric Book- Trouble making- Multiplication- Mistake remover- Information taking- Education Facility- Education Free Fun Place- Education Free Fun Action- Serious Trouble Making Consequence- Beyond serious trouble making consequences - Back To School 2021-09-20 - Back To School crossword puzzle
  1. What you do in school
  2. Work to do after school
  3. At the end of the day you ____ ____ your computer
  4. You need them to write
  5. Scores
  6. When it’s clear, you ____
  7. Give your attention
  8. The surface you work on
  1. Something you write in
  2. To make sharp
  3. Electronic device
  4. A break at school
  5. Material you need at school
  6. To carry your books
  7. Can you ____ me?

15 Clues: ScoresTo make sharpCan you ____ me?Electronic deviceA break at schoolTo carry your booksGive your attentionWhat you do in schoolSomething you write inYou need them to writeWork to do after schoolThe surface you work onWhen it’s clear, you ____Material you need at schoolAt the end of the day you ____ ____ your computer

A2 Back to School 2022-10-14

A2 Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. tialrnlib
  2. oenuldfrw
  3. ptceotr
  4. oalyl
  5. ooprduf
  6. ulasu
  1. out nifd tou
  2. etprox
  3. wcaht
  4. lfoluf
  5. rgsont
  6. maabtoud
  7. lyf
  8. laclo
  9. eiakl

15 Clues: lyfwcahtoalyllacloulasueiakletproxlfolufrgsontptceotrooprdufmaabtoudtialrnliboenuldfrwout nifd tou

A2 Back to School 2022-10-14

A2 Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. aslstasmce
  2. esvider
  3. ertga
  4. ougnmeotthre
  5. eictnaduo
  6. eerftdibns
  1. coirhstlpo
  2. xelbeilf
  3. itagnnpi
  4. etrfiova
  5. ezcniti
  6. igradnw
  7. otaodg
  8. uhb
  9. sono

15 Clues: uhbsonoertgaotaodgesviderezcnitiigradnwxelbeilfitagnnpietrfiovaeictnaduocoirhstlpoaslstasmceeerftdibnsougnmeotthre

Welcome Back To School! 2016-08-16

Welcome Back To School! crossword puzzle
  1. a building where students learn
  2. what all children do
  3. a hope or a dream that you want to come true
  4. Each and _____ one of us is special!
  5. it is very _____ to look both ways before crossing the street
  6. a place: RJDS is _____ we go to school
  7. alive
  1. a common word used a lot in writing and speaking
  2. opposite of bad
  3. our current season
  4. the opposite of under
  5. our current month
  6. a greeting
  7. what our brains do
  8. ____ you coming over to my house today?

15 Clues: alivea greetingopposite of badour current monthour current seasonwhat our brains dowhat all children dothe opposite of undera building where students learnEach and _____ one of us is special!a place: RJDS is _____ we go to school____ you coming over to my house today?a hope or a dream that you want to come true...

Back to School-Classroom 2021-12-26

Back to School-Classroom crossword puzzle
  1. Lapicero
  2. map mapa
  3. Plumones
  4. Libro
  5. Proyector
  6. Monitor
  7. Escritorio
  1. Podio
  2. Silla
  3. Alarma
  4. Pizarra
  5. Reloj
  6. Cuaderno
  7. Pantalla
  8. Lapiz

15 Clues: PodioSillaRelojLapizLibroAlarmaPizarraMonitorLapiceromap mapaCuadernoPlumonesPantallaProyectorEscritorio

Back to School Time 2013-06-26

Back to School Time crossword puzzle
  1. a break between learning time
  2. you use this to write on
  3. used to transport items to and from school
  4. the person in charge of the whole school
  5. a noise to let you know when to come and go
  6. a place you go to learn
  1. yellow transportation
  2. a relationship you make at school
  3. a subject in school where you learn to type
  4. a place you sit at in school
  5. a person who gives you information
  6. you bring this from home to eat
  7. something you write with
  8. a room where you get books to borrow
  9. an item you open to get information

15 Clues: yellow transportationa place you go to learnyou use this to write onsomething you write witha place you sit at in schoola break between learning timeyou bring this from home to eata relationship you make at schoola person who gives you informationan item you open to get informationa room where you get books to borrow...

DeMoiToYou - Back To School 2024-08-26

DeMoiToYou - Back To School crossword puzzle
  1. Work to do after school
  2. What you do in school
  3. You need them to write
  4. At the end of the day you ____ ___ your computer
  5. Material you need at school
  6. To make sharp
  7. When it’s clear, you __________
  1. Something you write in
  2. Electronic device
  3. Scores
  4. Give your attention
  5. A break at school
  6. To carry your books
  7. Can you ____ me?
  8. The surface you work on

15 Clues: ScoresTo make sharpCan you ____ me?Electronic deviceA break at schoolGive your attentionTo carry your booksWhat you do in schoolSomething you write inYou need them to writeWork to do after schoolThe surface you work onMaterial you need at schoolWhen it’s clear, you __________At the end of the day you ____ ___ your computer

Back to School 2022-09-19

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. something to write with
  2. something to get rid with
  3. to organize
  4. to make notes
  1. a table
  2. to sit in
  3. a storage
  4. to write on
  5. to clean with
  6. to read

10 Clues: a tableto readto sit ina storageto write onto organizeto clean withto make notessomething to write withsomething to get rid with

Back to School 2022-08-25

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. 100 sheets of paper combined.
  2. I'm neon and I make words stand out.
  3. You can erase me.
  4. Take me page by page so I can help you.
  1. Computers and pencils I hold it all.
  2. Inky and packed with color.
  3. Covering up misspelled words.
  4. I briefly take you through the year.
  5. Waxy and colorful.
  6. Comes in a stick and liquid form.

10 Clues: You can erase me.Waxy and colorful.Inky and packed with color.100 sheets of paper combined.Covering up misspelled words.Comes in a stick and liquid form.Computers and pencils I hold it all.I briefly take you through the year.I'm neon and I make words stand out.Take me page by page so I can help you.

Back to School 2022-09-15

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. something you use to get rid of something you wrote with a pencil
  2. something you use to hold multiple papers together
  3. made from graphite and you right with it
  4. what you use to cut papers
  5. work you do after school
  1. a one foot long stick that uses inches and centimeters
  2. something that used to show your name
  3. whats in front of you where you sit in class
  4. what you sit on in the classroom
  5. the name for a person who teaches you

10 Clues: work you do after schoolwhat you use to cut paperswhat you sit on in the classroomsomething that used to show your namethe name for a person who teaches youmade from graphite and you right with itwhats in front of you where you sit in classsomething you use to hold multiple papers togethera one foot long stick that uses inches and centimeters...

Back to School 2020-09-04

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. On P.E days, I get to wear this all day.
  2. Everything you need to help you work is in your _____.
  3. We can't do this at the moment because it can spread germs.
  4. We will do this in the classroom and not the hall.
  5. We will eat our lunch in the ____.
  1. How many seconds should we wash our hands for?
  2. Doors to the classroom need to be ___.
  3. We can't play this game as it is unsafe.
  4. We put our used equipment in this.
  5. We have to follow these to keep everyone safe.

10 Clues: We put our used equipment in this.We will eat our lunch in the ____.Doors to the classroom need to be ___.On P.E days, I get to wear this all day.We can't play this game as it is unsafe.How many seconds should we wash our hands for?We have to follow these to keep everyone safe.We will do this in the classroom and not the hall....

Back to school 2021-09-07

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. they are always with you if you are in any trouble in school
  2. a person who manages the whole school
  3. a thing which teachers use to write with the chalk piece
  4. a piece of equipment that projects pictures or films onto a screen in school
  5. a person who teaches us new things in our school everyday
  1. the thing you use to erase mistakes in your books
  2. this place is for students physical activities
  3. this subject is one of the course subjects
  4. this is also used for writing in notebooks
  5. This is used for writing in textbooks

10 Clues: a person who manages the whole schoolThis is used for writing in textbooksthis subject is one of the course subjectsthis is also used for writing in notebooksthis place is for students physical activitiesthe thing you use to erase mistakes in your booksa thing which teachers use to write with the chalk piece...

BACK TO SCHOOL 2021-09-29

BACK TO SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. ruler
  2. chair
  3. schoolbag
  4. book
  5. sharpener
  1. eraser
  2. scissors
  3. glue
  4. desk
  5. pencil

10 Clues: gluebookdeskrulerchaireraserpencilscissorsschoolbagsharpener

Back to School! 2021-10-13

Back to School! crossword puzzle
  1. Come to school bright and early for…
  2. UMS front desk extraordinaire!
  3. The tenth month on the calendar
  4. Dean of the 7th grade
  5. Go here to drop off your stuff before class.
  1. School’s out in…
  2. A class starting at 12:20
  3. Head of the UMS
  4. Home of Dewey, Ragan, and B. Man…
  5. Performing arts classes are located in the…

10 Clues: Head of the UMSSchool’s out in…Dean of the 7th gradeA class starting at 12:20UMS front desk extraordinaire!The tenth month on the calendarHome of Dewey, Ragan, and B. Man…Come to school bright and early for…Performing arts classes are located in the…Go here to drop off your stuff before class.

back to school 2013-10-06

back to school crossword puzzle
  1. holding school suplies
  2. writing
  3. history
  4. first month of scool
  5. sum product add subtract
  1. notes
  2. boss of teachers
  3. earth
  4. language
  5. Michigan test or students

10 Clues: notesearthwritinghistorylanguageboss of teachersfirst month of scoolholding school supliessum product add subtractMichigan test or students

Back to School 2023-08-22

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. Teachers favorite fruit.
  2. Remember to put your stuff in your ________.
  3. do not gnaw on your pencils eraser.
  4. Bring food for _____.
  5. Make sure your dog doesn't eat your ________.
  1. Who teaches us?
  2. What do you write with?
  3. Teachers love to teach ____.
  4. Where do we learn?
  5. Always have a good ______ at your side.

10 Clues: Who teaches us?Where do we learn?Bring food for _____.What do you write with?Teachers favorite fruit.Teachers love to teach not gnaw on your pencils eraser.Always have a good ______ at your side.Remember to put your stuff in your ________.Make sure your dog doesn't eat your ________.

Back To School 2023-09-06

Back To School crossword puzzle
  1. main event at end of Michaelmas term
  2. where you get to eat the delicious GHS cookies
  3. where all your lessons are laid out
  4. the best brand of highlighter
  5. unwelcome animal residents of every Year 7 cloakroom
  6. immediate detention
  1. heavy books to lug around
  2. no more than a hand above the knee
  3. stress in paper form
  4. a must have for assembly

10 Clues: immediate detentionstress in paper forma must have for assemblyheavy books to lug aroundthe best brand of highlighterno more than a hand above the kneewhere all your lessons are laid outmain event at end of Michaelmas termwhere you get to eat the delicious GHS cookiesunwelcome animal residents of every Year 7 cloakroom

Back to School 2023-09-04

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. Provides lessons and guidance to students
  2. The sound when it's time to change classes
  3. Where you jot down important information
  4. Helps you draw neat lines
  5. Where learning and discussions take place
  1. Essential tool in every student's backpack
  2. What you bring to enjoy your midday meal
  3. School assignments completed outside the classroom
  4. Where you keep your belongings
  5. A quiet place to read and study

10 Clues: Helps you draw neat linesWhere you keep your belongingsA quiet place to read and studyWhat you bring to enjoy your midday mealWhere you jot down important informationProvides lessons and guidance to studentsWhere learning and discussions take placeEssential tool in every student's backpackThe sound when it's time to change classes...

Back to School 2023-09-05

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. The car some people ride before school and after school.
  2. The person you meet at school
  3. The people how you are gonna be with for the rest of the year.
  4. The thing people always dislike
  5. The thing you read.
  6. This thing is what you use to write and erase.
  1. This is you.
  2. The people you like for at recess
  3. The thing that can store your stuff in.
  4. The place you go to after Summer Vacation.

10 Clues: This is you.The thing you read.The person you meet at schoolThe thing people always dislikeThe people you like for at recessThe thing that can store your stuff in.The place you go to after Summer Vacation.This thing is what you use to write and erase.The car some people ride before school and after school....

Back to School 2024-08-31

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. You will use all the time
  2. best part of your school day
  3. the place you wil go
  4. you Will look smart
  5. you study from this
  1. The one incharge
  2. School snack
  3. your room
  4. Something used when you make mistakes
  5. to keep your items together

10 Clues: your roomSchool snackThe one inchargeyou Will look smartyou study from thisthe place you wil goYou will use all the timeto keep your items togetherbest part of your school daySomething used when you make mistakes

Back to school 2024-04-25

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. a response to a question
  2. consisting of pages bound in covers
  3. break time at school day
  4. people you like to be with
  5. draw straight lines with this
  1. used for colouring
  2. box- used to carry food to school
  3. a person who teaches in a chool
  4. ten times four
  5. bag-keep your belongings

10 Clues: ten times fourused for colouringa response to a questionbreak time at school daybag-keep your belongingspeople you like to be withdraw straight lines with thisa person who teaches in a choolbox- used to carry food to schoolconsisting of pages bound in covers

Back to School 2024-07-20

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. a person who teaches you
  2. carries your books and supplies
  3. you write in this
  4. you use this to cut paper
  1. you sit at this in the classroom
  2. a place where you play outside
  3. you use these to color pictures
  4. you use this to write on paper
  5. where you keep your books
  6. you read this in class

10 Clues: you write in thisyou read this in classa person who teaches youwhere you keep your booksyou use this to cut papera place where you play outsideyou use this to write on paperyou use these to color picturescarries your books and suppliesyou sit at this in the classroom

Back to School 2021-01-12

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. Do you need to sharpen yours?
  2. Write or draw on this
  3. It has a keyboard and a screen
  4. Draw straight lines with this
  5. Read this at home or at school
  6. We use this to colour with
  1. You write on this with chalk
  2. Where you go to play at lunch
  3. Please write your name on your book
  4. Use this to correct mistakes with pencil

10 Clues: Write or draw on thisWe use this to colour withYou write on this with chalkDo you need to sharpen yours?Where you go to play at lunchDraw straight lines with thisIt has a keyboard and a screenRead this at home or at schoolPlease write your name on your bookUse this to correct mistakes with pencil

Back to School 2020-06-04

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. Come one, come all (two words)
  2. Leaders in blue and silver (two words)
  3. Sennockian who was a former cricketer and returned to teach (two words)
  4. A Math teacher with happy feet (two words)
  1. Pizza cravings
  2. The winner is the highest bidder (two words)
  3. A weekend drinking event that stopped in 2004 (two words)
  4. Annual school run (two words)
  5. When you had coffee cravings but no Starbucks
  6. No Saturday school

10 Clues: Pizza cravingsNo Saturday schoolAnnual school run (two words)Come one, come all (two words)Leaders in blue and silver (two words)A Math teacher with happy feet (two words)The winner is the highest bidder (two words)When you had coffee cravings but no StarbucksA weekend drinking event that stopped in 2004 (two words)...

Back to School 2020-06-04

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. Sennockian who was a former cricketer and returned to teach (two words)
  2. Leaders in blue and silver (two words)
  3. The winner is the highest bidder (two words)
  4. No Saturday school
  1. A weekend drinking event that stopped in 2004 (two words)
  2. Come one, come all (two words)
  3. Annual school run (two words)
  4. Pizza cravings
  5. A Math teacher with happy feet (two words)
  6. When you had coffee cravings but no Starbucks

10 Clues: Pizza cravingsNo Saturday schoolAnnual school run (two words)Come one, come all (two words)Leaders in blue and silver (two words)A Math teacher with happy feet (two words)The winner is the highest bidder (two words)When you had coffee cravings but no StarbucksA weekend drinking event that stopped in 2004 (two words)...

Back to School 2020-09-10

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. one of the best ways to keep yourself safe is to ___________ your hands
  2. you should be a little longer than an _______'s length apart when walking as a class
  3. the number of feet you should be apart from others
  4. students should always be on this side of the hallway when walking
  5. you should always be using this during the day
  6. the name of the virus that has infected many
  1. everything in your desk needs to be put in a __________________ bag each night
  2. we cannot do this with materials this year
  3. please always ______________ permission before leaving your desk
  4. every time you enter the room you need to use _____________ sanitizer

10 Clues: we cannot do this with materials this yearthe name of the virus that has infected manyyou should always be using this during the daythe number of feet you should be apart from othersplease always ______________ permission before leaving your deskstudents should always be on this side of the hallway when walking...

Back to School 2021-09-11

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. To get better at
  2. An after-school activity
  3. Something that describes who you are
  4. Something that teaches you
  5. Boring or uneventful
  1. Tools you use at school
  2. Something that seems illegal or questionable
  3. The main person in charge at a school
  4. Very sad
  5. To remember

10 Clues: Very sadTo rememberTo get better atBoring or uneventfulTools you use at schoolAn after-school activitySomething that teaches youSomething that describes who you areThe main person in charge at a schoolSomething that seems illegal or questionable

Back to School 2021-08-26

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. I get very loud when it's time to change classes.
  2. I help you practice the things you learned during the day.
  3. I am a tasty and healthy snack. Do I really keep the doctor away?
  4. I am the biggest place to eat lunch.
  1. I am the person with the most work in the whole class.
  2. I help you get rid of your mistakes.
  3. I am the boss of the school.
  4. I am filled with graphite and you write with me.
  5. I am a time when you can play with your friends outside (unless it's raining)
  6. I am the reason you go to school.

10 Clues: I am the boss of the school.I am the reason you go to school.I help you get rid of your mistakes.I am the biggest place to eat lunch.I am filled with graphite and you write with me.I get very loud when it's time to change classes.I am the person with the most work in the whole class.I help you practice the things you learned during the day....

Back to school 2014-10-01

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. kinderen moeten vanaf 18 jaar naar school gaan das leerplichtig
  2. is alleen werken
  3. is u eigen verantwoordelijkheid
  4. komt op geregelde tijdstippen samen en kan volgende functies hebben
  1. 2 maanden vakantie
  2. waar je dingen leert
  3. zieke mensen die thuis les krijgen
  4. is de baas van de school en hij kiest of er iets veranderd word of niet
  5. aangeduid door het procentteken % is altijd op 100
  6. kinderen die brossen

10 Clues: is alleen werken2 maanden vakantiewaar je dingen leertkinderen die brossenis u eigen verantwoordelijkheidzieke mensen die thuis les krijgenaangeduid door het procentteken % is altijd op 100kinderen moeten vanaf 18 jaar naar school gaan das leerplichtigkomt op geregelde tijdstippen samen en kan volgende functies hebben...

Back to school 2014-10-01

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. Langdurig
  2. Het overzicht van heel de bundel, het boek... met vermeldingen van pagina's
  3. Gevoel of uiting waarmee je laat merken dat je iemand aanvaardt als een waardig en waardevol mens
  4. Gezond, voedzaam, weldadig zegenrijk
  1. De wettelijke verplichting kinderen onderwijs te laten volgen
  2. Als je in plaats van op school thuis les krijgt
  3. Iedreen apart, iedreen afzonderlijk
  4. Brossen
  5. Een uitspraak met een algemene levenswijsheid of morele implicatie.
  6. Openbare discussie

10 Clues: BrossenLangdurigOpenbare discussieIedreen apart, iedreen afzonderlijkGezond, voedzaam, weldadig zegenrijkAls je in plaats van op school thuis les krijgtDe wettelijke verplichting kinderen onderwijs te laten volgenEen uitspraak met een algemene levenswijsheid of morele implicatie....

Back to school 2014-07-23

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. Deze dienst organiseert sportkampen en de scholenveldloop
  2. Activiteit van alle diensten op woe. 1 april
  3. Hier vind je het sierteeltmuseum
  4. Naam van de mascotte van de jeugddienst
  1. Deze dienst organiseert oa. de sinterklaasnamiddag
  2. Lochristi is vooral gekend voor zijn ... (oa. azalea's,...)
  3. Naam van het speelplein
  4. Dit kan je gratis in de bib ontlenen
  5. Deze dienst geeft je alle info over recycleren
  6. De bib vind je in Lochristi, Zaffelare, Zeveneken en ...

10 Clues: Naam van het speelpleinHier vind je het sierteeltmuseumDit kan je gratis in de bib ontlenenNaam van de mascotte van de jeugddienstActiviteit van alle diensten op woe. 1 aprilDeze dienst geeft je alle info over recyclerenDeze dienst organiseert oa. de sinterklaasnamiddagDe bib vind je in Lochristi, Zaffelare, Zeveneken en ......

Back to School 2024-02-02

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. toilette
  2. infirmiere
  3. rideaux
  4. bulb
  1. repeater
  2. ventilo
  3. français
  4. language
  5. fenetre
  6. rubbish

10 Clues: bulbventilofenetrerideauxrubbishrepeatertoilettefrançaislanguageinfirmiere

Back To School 2023-03-25

Back To School crossword puzzle
  1. classroom
  2. flag
  3. lavatory
  4. teacher
  5. school
  6. mosque
  1. hall
  2. students
  3. library
  4. warehouse

10 Clues: hallflagschoolmosquelibraryteacherstudentslavatoryclassroomwarehouse

Back To School 2023-03-25

Back To School crossword puzzle
  1. classroom
  2. flag
  3. lavatory
  4. teacher
  5. school
  6. mosque
  1. hall
  2. students
  3. library
  4. warehouse

10 Clues: hallflagschoolmosquelibraryteacherstudentslavatoryclassroomwarehouse

Back To School 2023-03-19

Back To School crossword puzzle
  1. Always ________ for your turn to speak.
  2. An open area in the school where students play in H&PE period.
  3. 2. A place where many books are kept for us to read or borrow.
  4. 3.An area in classroom where games, puzzles, blocks and manipulatives are kept.
  5. We learn many things in our__________.
  1. The _____________ is the head of the school.
  2. We have to do this when someone else is talking.
  3. You have to do this before giving answers in the class.
  4. 1.The place in school where you study and learn Classroom
  5. Teacher writes with chalk on this.

10 Clues: Teacher writes with chalk on this.We learn many things in our__________.Always ________ for your turn to speak.The _____________ is the head of the school.We have to do this when someone else is talking.You have to do this before giving answers in the class.1.The place in school where you study and learn Classroom...

BACK TO SCHOOL 2024-07-30

BACK TO SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. trực 1 giá trị cốt lõi của Greenfield school
  2. Màu đồng phục đặc trưng của trường
  3. Linh vật của trường
  4. Olympics Sự kiện thể thao lớn nhất tại Greenfield
  1. Bully Chiến dịch phòng chống BLHĐ của trường
  2. school Tên gọi khác của Greenfield school
  3. Festival Sự kiện âm nhạc cuối năm của trường
  4. Địa điểm của Greenfield school
  5. hệ Số lượng các hệ học của trường
  6. giọt nước Tên gọi khác của sân trường

10 Clues: Linh vật của trườngĐịa điểm của Greenfield schoolhệ Số lượng các hệ học của trườngMàu đồng phục đặc trưng của trườnggiọt nước Tên gọi khác của sân trườngschool Tên gọi khác của Greenfield schoolBully Chiến dịch phòng chống BLHĐ của trườngtrực 1 giá trị cốt lõi của Greenfield schoolFestival Sự kiện âm nhạc cuối năm của trường...

back to school 2024-07-18

back to school crossword puzzle
  1. task used to measure knowledge of aptitude
  2. what school is all about
  3. card written documentation of academic performance
  4. place to borrow books
  5. task or work given as part of a school project
  1. what is the name of the train that takes Harry Potter to his first day of school
  2. someone who goes to school
  3. Lessons done at home
  4. things to set and strive for
  5. it helps you measure and draw straight lines

10 Clues: Lessons done at homeplace to borrow bookswhat school is all aboutsomeone who goes to schoolthings to set and strive fortask used to measure knowledge of aptitudeit helps you measure and draw straight linestask or work given as part of a school projectcard written documentation of academic performance...

Back to School! 2024-08-13

Back to School! crossword puzzle
  1. a bag to put your school supplies
  2. a sandy, sunny place with an ocean nearby
  3. a long time away from home to enjoy something new
  4. cream a sweet, cold treat on a hot day
  5. of july a yearly party of America's freedom
  6. a large area kids play in after lunch
  1. a long trip in a car
  2. a writing tool you can erase
  3. a two-wheeled vehicle you can ride
  4. a place where learning happens

10 Clues: a long trip in a cara writing tool you can erasea place where learning happensa bag to put your school suppliesa two-wheeled vehicle you can ridea large area kids play in after lunchcream a sweet, cold treat on a hot daya sandy, sunny place with an ocean nearbyof july a yearly party of America's freedom...

back to school 2024-10-17

back to school crossword puzzle
  1. Activities pursued outside of regular classroom learning, such as sports, clubs, or hobbies.
  2. A feeling of anxiety or uneasiness about a future event or situation.
  3. To keep something in a particular state or condition.
  4. A favorable or suitable time or chance for something.
  5. A change from one state or condition to another.
  6. Making someone feel frightened or nervous due to a challenging or overwhelming situation.
  1. Successfully dealing with or finding a solution to a problem or challenge.
  2. Items or materials that are needed for a particular purpose.
  3. Coming together or meeting again after a separation.
  4. Having a strong desire or willingness to achieve something.

10 Clues: A change from one state or condition to another.Coming together or meeting again after a separation.To keep something in a particular state or condition.A favorable or suitable time or chance for something.Having a strong desire or willingness to achieve something.Items or materials that are needed for a particular purpose....

Back to School 2023-07-16

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. how many kids feel on the first day
  2. a tool you use to complete your work
  3. putting two numbers together to find a sum
  4. you eat this in the cafeteria
  5. the time we get to play outside
  1. the class you take to study books and how to read
  2. someone you get along with
  3. the person in charge of teaching you
  4. you may ride this to get to school
  5. where you sit in class

10 Clues: where you sit in classsomeone you get along withyou eat this in the cafeteriathe time we get to play outsideyou may ride this to get to schoolhow many kids feel on the first daythe person in charge of teaching youa tool you use to complete your workputting two numbers together to find a sumthe class you take to study books and how to read

Back to School 2023-07-21

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. I keep you safe and help you learn.
  2. Eat me in the cafeteria.
  3. Find me in the library.
  4. Don't run with me!
  1. Sharpen me when needed.
  2. A time to run and play.
  3. People you learn and play with.
  4. I come in the colors of the rainbow.
  5. I'm all about numbers!
  6. I can take you to school.

10 Clues: Don't run with me!I'm all about numbers!Sharpen me when needed.A time to run and play.Find me in the library.Eat me in the cafeteria.I can take you to school.People you learn and play with.I keep you safe and help you learn.I come in the colors of the rainbow.

BACK TO SCHOOL 2023-01-25

BACK TO SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. study
  2. use to study
  3. organize materials
  4. open and close
  5. centimeters
  1. teacher write on it
  2. students use a lot to study
  3. photo
  4. do again, repeat
  5. there 4 in the classroom

10 Clues: studyphotocentimetersuse to studyopen and closedo again, repeatorganize materialsteacher write on itthere 4 in the classroomstudents use a lot to study

Back to School 2022-08-05

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. right and wrong
  2. the past
  3. acting
  4. vocabulary
  5. numbers
  1. the world
  2. nature
  3. creative
  4. sound
  5. exercise

10 Clues: soundnatureactingnumberscreativethe pastexercisethe worldvocabularyright and wrong

Back to school 2022-09-28

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. A writing tool made of graphite
  2. A writing tool that is used to sign papers
  3. The school mascot
  4. The building that you learn in
  5. A object to write your notes in
  1. It holds your papers, notebook, pencil case and more
  2. Leader of the school
  3. You can cut, fold, or write on it
  4. Where you hold your lunch
  5. A object to read your favorite stories

10 Clues: The school mascotLeader of the schoolWhere you hold your lunchThe building that you learn inA writing tool made of graphiteA object to write your notes inYou can cut, fold, or write on itA object to read your favorite storiesA writing tool that is used to sign papersIt holds your papers, notebook, pencil case and more

Back to School 2022-09-21

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. to write on
  2. something you read
  3. writing utensil
  4. a table
  5. storage for kids
  1. fixing mistakes
  2. used to clean
  3. remembering lessons
  4. organize papers
  5. used to sit

10 Clues: a tableto write onused to sitused to cleanfixing mistakesorganize paperswriting utensilstorage for kidssomething you readremembering lessons

Back to School 2023-08-29

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. How we receive new information
  2. The tool you use to access digital content; may also be used to access Youtube
  3. The person you talk at school about any emotional difficulties you're having
  4. Necessary to do assignments
  5. The school leader; another name may be "administrator"
  1. This could come from excitement or fear
  2. The belief someone has that you will do something
  3. Any material you need to write down to understand a lesson that is taught; may also use them to review information
  4. A sport being played by boys this year
  5. What you use to carry your things at the beginning and end of the day

10 Clues: Necessary to do assignmentsHow we receive new informationA sport being played by boys this yearThis could come from excitement or fearThe belief someone has that you will do somethingThe school leader; another name may be "administrator"What you use to carry your things at the beginning and end of the day...

BACK TO SCHOOL 2023-05-02

BACK TO SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. used to carry food to school
  2. you keep your school belongings in it
  3. they help you learn new things
  4. ten times three
  5. used for colouring
  1. school transportation
  2. consisting of pages bound in covers
  3. a response to a question
  4. it has a keyboard and a screen
  5. you work with numbers and solve problems in this subject

10 Clues: ten times threeused for colouringschool transportationa response to a questionused to carry food to schoolit has a keyboard and a screenthey help you learn new thingsconsisting of pages bound in coversyou keep your school belongings in ityou work with numbers and solve problems in this subject

Back to school 2024-09-12

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. You can write with this thing
  2. You can cut paper with these
  3. You use them to lock and unlock doors
  4. You write your notes (zápisky) in it
  5. You use this when you need to do a straight (rovná) line
  1. You have pens, markers and other stuff here
  2. This has many colours, you use it to underline facts
  3. You use this to sharpen your pencils
  4. Your books, snack, bottle, keys are there
  5. You erase (vymazat) things on the paper with this

10 Clues: You can cut paper with theseYou can write with this thingYou use this to sharpen your pencilsYou write your notes (zápisky) in itYou use them to lock and unlock doorsYour books, snack, bottle, keys are thereYou have pens, markers and other stuff hereYou erase (vymazat) things on the paper with this...

Back to School 2022-01-02

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. The number of siblings Joseph has
  2. The number of sisters this class has in total
  3. The number of PE lessons we will have every week
  4. The number of weeks we have just had for holiday
  5. The person who won the chess tournament
  6. The festival that many people celebrated
  7. What we will have every Friday with the whole Upper School
  1. The number of weeks between now and the end of this school year.
  2. The number of brothers this class has in total
  3. The number of siblings Callia has
  4. The number of cats Mrs. Chan has
  5. The festival that Jewish people celebrated

12 Clues: The number of cats Mrs. Chan hasThe number of siblings Joseph hasThe number of siblings Callia hasThe person who won the chess tournamentThe festival that many people celebratedThe festival that Jewish people celebratedThe number of sisters this class has in totalThe number of brothers this class has in total...

Back to School 2013-08-27

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. how do you feel when you are sad
  2. the time of day when you wake up and go
  3. not leaving
  4. the exact opposite of same
  1. more than one sometimes excessive
  2. she is your parent's sister
  3. you have many of these sitting near you
  4. enough to fulfill the job
  5. he is your parent's brother
  6. a teachers pupil

10 Clues: not leavinga teachers pupilenough to fulfill the jobthe exact opposite of sameshe is your parent's sisterhe is your parent's brotherhow do you feel when you are sadmore than one sometimes excessiveyou have many of these sitting near youthe time of day when you wake up and go

back to school 2014-10-01

back to school crossword puzzle
  1. zonder toestemming van school wegblijven.
  2. thuis les krijgen als ziek bent.
  3. college van bestuurs.
  4. (onderwijs) periode van drie maanden.
  5. geheel van ambtenaren.
  1. alleen werken.
  2. langdurig.
  3. rekenkundige, wiskundige opgave; som.
  4. honderdste deel; per honderd (symbool: %).
  5. uitdrukken tot uitdrukking komen merkbaar worden, blijken.

10 Clues: langdurig.alleen van bestuurs.geheel van ambtenaren.thuis les krijgen als ziek bent.rekenkundige, wiskundige opgave; som.(onderwijs) periode van drie maanden.zonder toestemming van school wegblijven.honderdste deel; per honderd (symbool: %).uitdrukken tot uitdrukking komen merkbaar worden, blijken.

Back to school 2014-10-01

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. Idee dat niet rechtstreeks uitgesproken wordt.
  2. Beginpunt in andere woorden.
  3. Gevoel of uiting waarmee je laat merken dat je iemand aanvaardt als een waardig en waardevol mens.
  4. Toestand dat je iets goed kunt overzien.
  1. Het geven van lessen.
  2. Iemand die in dezelfde klas zit.
  3. Opzettelijk wegblijven van school door een kind, zodat het zich aan de leerplicht onttrekt.
  4. Lessen thuis krijgen.
  5. Van de ene plaats naar de andere brengen.
  6. Wat is er om het leerrecht van alle kinderen en jongeren te garanderen?

10 Clues: Het geven van lessen.Lessen thuis krijgen.Beginpunt in andere woorden.Iemand die in dezelfde klas zit.Toestand dat je iets goed kunt overzien.Van de ene plaats naar de andere brengen.Idee dat niet rechtstreeks uitgesproken wordt.Wat is er om het leerrecht van alle kinderen en jongeren te garanderen?...

Back to school 2014-10-01

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. jongeren die op school zitten zijn
  2. Zieke kinderen die thuis les krijgen
  3. eindigt altijd op 100
  4. waar je iets gaat leren
  5. op school zijn er bepaalde
  1. onder de 18 jaar zijn
  2. volwassenen die les geven in school zijn
  3. zelfstandig werken
  4. jongeren die niet aanwezig zijn op school en die niet ziek zijn maar ergens anders
  5. periode van drie maanden

10 Clues: zelfstandig werkenonder de 18 jaar zijneindigt altijd op 100waar je iets gaat lerenperiode van drie maandenop school zijn er bepaaldejongeren die op school zitten zijnZieke kinderen die thuis les krijgenvolwassenen die les geven in school zijnjongeren die niet aanwezig zijn op school en die niet ziek zijn maar ergens anders

back to school 2014-10-01

back to school crossword puzzle
  1. Waar Rook is, is ........?
  2. Waarvan heb jij de........ vol?
  3. Wat heb je niet goed onder de........?
  4. Wat........ er door je hoofd als je aan school denkt?
  5. Waardoor ben je vlug op je........ getrapt?
  6. Waarvoor neem je graag de........?
  1. Alle wegen leiden naar ..........?
  2. Waarvoor trek jij je........ op?
  3. Van ....... komt afstel?
  4. Wat ligt er op je..........?

10 Clues: Van ....... komt afstel?Waar Rook is, is ........?Wat ligt er op je..........?Waarvan heb jij de........ vol?Waarvoor trek jij je........ op?Alle wegen leiden naar ..........?Waarvoor neem je graag de........?Wat heb je niet goed onder de........?Waardoor ben je vlug op je........ getrapt?Wat........ er door je hoofd als je aan school denkt?

back to school 2016-09-23

back to school crossword puzzle
  1. an are of knooledge that is studied at school
  2. the traning and skills needed for a paiticear jobor profesion
  3. do na eat part of sth
  4. a person oro is studgi ng at school
  1. succeed in an exam
  2. an examination
  3. go from are plaare to anolter
  4. a formal test
  5. sveral differeant thingt
  6. plaie olere cluedren are educated

10 Clues: a formal testan examinationsucceed in an examdo na eat part of sthsveral differeant thingtgo from are plaare to anolterplaie olere cluedren are educateda person oro is studgi ng at schoolan are of knooledge that is studied at schoolthe traning and skills needed for a paiticear jobor profesion

Back to School 2022-09-14

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. Mr Paredes's lookalike
  2. Viral backflip teacher
  3. Homecoming theme
  4. California ___ Foundation (CSF)
  5. ___ the Day, Cents!
  1. Most expensive rock on campus
  2. UC High JROTC branch
  3. Requires graphite sticks
  4. ASB advisor Samantha ___
  5. Infamous senior condition

10 Clues: Homecoming theme___ the Day, Cents!UC High JROTC branchMr Paredes's lookalikeViral backflip teacherRequires graphite sticksASB advisor Samantha ___Infamous senior conditionMost expensive rock on campusCalifornia ___ Foundation (CSF)

Back to school 2022-09-13

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. you need a racket to play this sport
  2. the most famous British playwright
  3. the time of year between June and August
  4. a literary genre, such as short story, fairytale
  5. a person who likes to spend time alone
  1. where Mariel is from
  2. you need this to go online
  3. the name of the tree outside the academy
  4. a movie genre, such as drama
  5. something you do in your free time, such as reading or playing sports

10 Clues: where Mariel is fromyou need this to go onlinea movie genre, such as dramathe most famous British playwrightyou need a racket to play this sporta person who likes to spend time alonethe name of the tree outside the academythe time of year between June and Augusta literary genre, such as short story, fairytale...

Back to school 2020-02-28

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. Subject in which you learn all about number
  2. Place to learn
  3. People you like being around
  4. Book with blank pages for writing
  5. Tool you need for writing
  6. Person who helps you learn
  1. Great tool for coloring
  2. Person in charge of school
  3. You can sue this to measure
  4. Helpful when you make a mistake

10 Clues: Place to learnGreat tool for coloringTool you need for writingPerson in charge of schoolPerson who helps you learnYou can sue this to measurePeople you like being aroundHelpful when you make a mistakeBook with blank pages for writingSubject in which you learn all about number

Back to School 2021-03-18

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. one of our awesome classroom aides
  2. I wear this on my face to protect myself and others
  3. transportation to and from school
  4. a fun day where we share videos as a class
  5. To stay 6ft away from others to be safe
  1. You all have done such a great job logging onto this each school day
  2. We do this before eating and after using the restroom
  3. The ability to wait calmly
  4. While on Zoom, do this so we can hear you!
  5. please cover this by using your elbow, then wash hands

10 Clues: The ability to wait calmlytransportation to and from schoolone of our awesome classroom aidesTo stay 6ft away from others to be safeWhile on Zoom, do this so we can hear you!a fun day where we share videos as a classI wear this on my face to protect myself and othersWe do this before eating and after using the restroom...

Back to School 2021-04-28

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. land made of sand near the ocean
  2. Large marsupial
  3. to set a tent outdoors in the wild
  4. Flying mammal
  1. Has a trunk
  2. to make food, dish, or a meal
  3. land used by a farmer to grow food
  4. Man's best friend
  5. to play in the water
  6. Likes to chase mice

10 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceto play in the waterto make food, dish, or a mealland made of sand near the oceanland used by a farmer to grow foodto set a tent outdoors in the wild

Back To School 2022-08-01

Back To School crossword puzzle
  1. 15% attach rate
  2. From "Cheese" to Bon Voyage
  3. LQO
  4. Colors of the World
  1. 10% back on all purchases
  2. 25% Off
  3. work,Learn, ?
  4. Community Give Back
  5. We are not going back we are going....
  6. 40% attach rate

10 Clues: LQO25% Offwork,Learn, ?15% attach rate40% attach rateCommunity Give BackColors of the World10% back on all purchasesFrom "Cheese" to Bon VoyageWe are not going back we are going....

BACK TO SCHOOL 2022-11-20

BACK TO SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. 校园
  2. 教授
  3. 黑板
  4. 图书馆
  5. 笔记本
  1. 老师
  2. 校长
  3. 教室
  4. 作业
  5. 电脑

10 Clues: 老师校园校长教室教授黑板作业电脑图书馆笔记本

Back to school 2017-01-02

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. write or draw on it
  2. write with chalk on it
  3. has a screen and a keyboard
  4. use a pen or pencil for it
  5. read them at home or at school
  1. go here in your break time( recess) with your friends
  2. use it to draw a straight line
  3. need to sharpen it
  4. helps you to learn new things
  5. teacher sits here

10 Clues: teacher sits hereneed to sharpen itwrite or draw on itwrite with chalk on ituse a pen or pencil for ithas a screen and a keyboardhelps you to learn new thingsuse it to draw a straight lineread them at home or at schoolgo here in your break time( recess) with your friends

Back to school 2018-11-20

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. is a bulding where the student learn.
  2. is a man who takes the students to school.
  3. is a man or woman who manages the school.
  4. is a sport that pupils practise with a ball.
  5. is a book where there are definition.
  1. two months when the students are not working.
  2. is an object where you put pens.
  3. is a bag where there are copybooks.
  4. is a man who repairs what is broken.
  5. is a man or woman who teaches pupils.

10 Clues: is an object where you put a bag where there are a man who repairs what is a bulding where the student a man or woman who teaches a book where there are a man or woman who manages the a man who takes the students to a sport that pupils practise with a ball....

Back to School 2023-06-21

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. when someone else is talking, we are ....
  2. the warmest season of the year
  3. a place to write notes
  4. use this to measure objects
  5. a utensil that can be erased
  1. device to help with math problems
  2. things that should be done at home
  3. use this to get rid of a mistake
  4. what happens in school every day
  5. electronic device for the classroom

10 Clues: a place to write notesuse this to measure objectsa utensil that can be erasedthe warmest season of the yearuse this to get rid of a mistakewhat happens in school every daydevice to help with math problemsthings that should be done at homeelectronic device for the classroomwhen someone else is talking, we are ....

BACK TO SCHOOL 2023-07-28

BACK TO SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. an informal test given to students
  2. a small cupboard that can be locked, where you can leave your clothes, bags, etc. while you play a sport or go somewhere
  3. one of the two periods that the school or college year is divided into
  4. a practice exam that you will do before the official one
  1. a small electronic device or a piece of software for calculating with numbers
  2. a book that gives a list of the words of a language in alphabetical order and explains what they mean, or gives a word for them in a foreign language
  3. a point in time by which sth must be done
  4. a room or building used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc
  5. the series of computer slides that accompany the talk when sb gives a presentation at a meeting
  6. a list of the topics, books, etc. that students should study in a particular subject at school or college

10 Clues: an informal test given to studentsa point in time by which sth must be donea practice exam that you will do before the official oneone of the two periods that the school or college year is divided intoa room or building used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc...

Back to School 2023-08-22

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. Teachers love to teach ____.
  2. do not gnaw on your pencils eraser.
  3. What do you write with?
  4. Bring food for _____.
  5. Always have a good ______ at your side.
  1. Make sure your dog doesn't eat your ________.
  2. Remember to put your stuff in your ________.
  3. Who teaches us?
  4. Teachers favorite fruit.
  5. Where do we learn?

10 Clues: Who teaches us?Where do we learn?Bring food for _____.What do you write with?Teachers favorite fruit.Teachers love to teach not gnaw on your pencils eraser.Always have a good ______ at your side.Remember to put your stuff in your ________.Make sure your dog doesn't eat your ________.

Back to School 2023-08-22

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. Teachers love to teach ____.
  2. do not gnaw on your pencils eraser.
  3. What do you write with?
  4. Bring food for _____.
  5. Always have a good ______ at your side.
  1. Make sure your dog doesn't eat your ________.
  2. Remember to put your stuff in your ________.
  3. Who teaches us?
  4. Teachers favorite fruit.
  5. Where do we learn?

10 Clues: Who teaches us?Where do we learn?Bring food for _____.What do you write with?Teachers favorite fruit.Teachers love to teach not gnaw on your pencils eraser.Always have a good ______ at your side.Remember to put your stuff in your ________.Make sure your dog doesn't eat your ________.

Back to school 2023-09-21

Back to school crossword puzzle
  1. used to sit on
  2. used to carry water
  3. used to charge electronics
  4. something you can take notes in
  1. electronic device
  2. to store writing equipment
  3. wood drawing tool
  4. used to carry things
  5. writing tool
  6. something to read

10 Clues: writing toolused to sit onelectronic devicewood drawing toolsomething to readused to carry waterused to carry thingsto store writing equipmentused to charge electronicssomething you can take notes in

Back to School 2024-01-25

Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. Those are a small cutting tool with two sharp blades that are screwed together.
  2. a white liquid for covering mistakes in written or typed texts so they can be corrected.
  3. It's a device used for putting staples into sheets of paper.
  4. a small piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a pencil.
  5. a pencil in which the lead is pushed out by turning or pressing a part of the pencil.
  1. a device used for measuring and drawing angles. It is usually in the form of half a circle made from transparent plastic with degrees printed on it.
  2. a board with a clip at the top that holds sheets of paper in position and provides a surface for writing on.
  3. It's a piece of plastic or cardboard folded down the middle and used for keeping loose papers in.
  4. a special pen containing bright ink, used to mark words in a book, magazine, etc.
  5. a short, sharp pin with a flat, round top, used especially for putting up notices.

10 Clues: It's a device used for putting staples into sheets of paper.a small piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a pencil.Those are a small cutting tool with two sharp blades that are screwed together.a special pen containing bright ink, used to mark words in a book, magazine, etc....

back to school 2024-07-08

back to school crossword puzzle
  1. place to play.
  2. house for books
  3. we sit, learn and enjoy with classmates here.
  4. why do you go to school.
  1. who guide and help us to learn.
  2. head of the institution
  3. mode of transport
  4. prayer and announcements.
  5. to read
  6. meal we eat in school.

10 Clues: to readplace to for booksmode of transportmeal we eat in school.head of the institutionwhy do you go to school.prayer and announcements.who guide and help us to learn.we sit, learn and enjoy with classmates here.

Back to School! 2024-08-19

Back to School! crossword puzzle
  1. EMU's own social media platform
  2. Website for EMU's clubs, orgs, and events
  3. The "Winter Student Involvement Fair"
  4. The "Fall Student Involvement Fair"
  1. Campus hub for events and socializing
  2. Former name of EMU's newspaper
  3. EMU's library, full of helpful resources
  4. The city EMU calls home
  5. Current name of EMU’s newspaper
  6. EMU’s feathered mascot

10 Clues: EMU’s feathered mascotThe city EMU calls homeFormer name of EMU's newspaperEMU's own social media platformCurrent name of EMU’s newspaperThe "Fall Student Involvement Fair"Campus hub for events and socializingThe "Winter Student Involvement Fair"EMU's library, full of helpful resourcesWebsite for EMU's clubs, orgs, and events

Back To School 2024-09-20

Back To School crossword puzzle
  1. The same every week yet you can't remember it
  2. "Smart minds over smart..."
  3. "Drowning in..."
  4. A pen you need to sharpen
  5. 3 strikes and out
  6. Used for everything but reading
  1. "I am not reading a book during..."
  2. The most important things
  3. Is over sooner than it started
  4. A weight on your back

10 Clues: "Drowning in..."3 strikes and outA weight on your backThe most important thingsA pen you need to sharpen"Smart minds over smart..."Is over sooner than it startedUsed for everything but reading"I am not reading a book during..."The same every week yet you can't remember it

back to school 2014-10-01

back to school crossword puzzle
  1. Alle wegen leiden naar........!
  2. Waarvoor trek jij je.......... op?
  3. Wie A zegt moet ook.......... zeggen.
  4. Niet.......... is altijd mis.
  5. Wat heb je niet goed onder de..........?
  6. Beter.......... dan nooit.
  1. Het gras is altijd......... aan de overkant.
  2. Waarvoor neem je graag de..........?
  3. Waarvan heb jij de......... vol?
  4. Wie het laatst lacht, lacht het........!

10 Clues: Beter.......... dan nooit.Niet.......... is altijd mis.Alle wegen leiden naar........!Waarvan heb jij de......... vol?Waarvoor trek jij je.......... op?Waarvoor neem je graag de..........?Wie A zegt moet ook.......... zeggen.Wie het laatst lacht, lacht het........!Wat heb je niet goed onder de..........?Het gras is altijd......... aan de overkant.