biology Crossword Puzzles

FRENCH 2020-02-11

FRENCH crossword puzzle
  4. pe
  1. fRENCH
  5. sPANISH
  7. ART
  8. CHOIR
  14. MATH


Lista de Vocabulario 2020-02-06

Lista de Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. optional
  2. math
  3. themaleteacher
  4. gradelevel,level
  5. health
  6. biology
  7. chemistry
  8. spanish
  9. art
  10. english
  11. eigth
  12. bathroom
  1. first
  2. literature
  3. class
  4. geography
  5. biology
  6. languages
  7. fourth
  8. fifth
  9. physics
  10. calculus
  11. history
  12. popular
  13. music
  14. sixth
  15. choir
  16. big
  17. seventh

29 Clues: artbigmathfirstclassfifthmusicsixthchoireigthfourthhealthbiologyphysicsbiologyhistoryspanishpopularenglishseventhoptionalcalculusbathroomgeographylanguageschemistryliteraturethemaleteachergradelevel,level

Unit 2 Vocab 2021-11-10

Unit 2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a month
  2. today
  3. a class
  4. next (m)
  5. easy
  6. to look at
  7. to be cold
  8. to take a test
  9. above all
  10. i love
  1. business administration
  2. sunday
  3. to have
  4. economics
  5. biology
  6. to prepare
  7. to like better
  8. tuesday
  9. i hate
  10. to study

20 Clues: easytodaysundayi hatei lovea monthto havebiologya classtuesdaynext (m)to studyeconomicsabove allto prepareto look atto be coldto like betterto take a testbusiness administration

Horario de clases & Prepocisiones 2022-01-13

Horario de clases & Prepocisiones crossword puzzle
  1. in front(of)
  2. on top of
  3. History
  4. between
  5. Biology
  6. behind/in back of
  7. Art
  8. male teacher
  9. here
  10. English
  11. above
  1. Science
  2. underneath
  3. close to/next to
  4. female teacher
  5. behind
  6. Math
  7. Geography
  8. in front of/across
  9. Spanish
  10. there

21 Clues: ArtMathherethereabovebehindScienceHistorybetweenBiologySpanishEnglishon top ofGeographyunderneathin front(of)male teacherfemale teacherclose to/next tobehind/in back ofin front of/across

Les matieres 2017-03-05

Les matieres crossword puzzle
  1. rubbish
  2. creative
  3. Geography
  4. boring (e..)
  5. useless
  6. a waste of time (2/5/2/5)
  7. boring (b..)
  8. fun
  9. Science (esp. Biology)
  10. English
  11. difficult
  1. useful
  2. complicated
  3. inspiring
  4. easy
  5. French
  6. Music
  7. excellent
  8. interesting
  9. Technology
  10. relaxing
  11. PE
  12. History

23 Clues: PEfuneasyMusicusefulFrenchrubbishuselessHistoryEnglishcreativerelaxingGeographyinspiringexcellentdifficultTechnologycomplicatedinterestingboring (e..)boring (b..)Science (esp. Biology)a waste of time (2/5/2/5)

Spelling sheet week 2 2018-10-21

Spelling sheet week 2 crossword puzzle
  1. electricity
  2. taking in air and exhale
  3. acting in an uncertain manner
  4. confront
  5. estimate
  6. bodily
  7. “butterflies in your stomach”
  8. persist
  9. job
  1. condition
  2. relating to branch of biology
  3. unlucky
  4. negative
  5. crowded
  6. study of mental illness
  7. destroyed
  8. toxic
  9. waste
  10. puzzle
  11. puff

20 Clues: jobpufftoxicwastebodilypuzzleunluckycrowdedpersistnegativeconfrontestimateconditiondestroyedelectricitystudy of mental illnesstaking in air and exhalerelating to branch of biologyacting in an uncertain manner“butterflies in your stomach”

Day 14 2016-11-07

Day 14 crossword puzzle
  1. 다발,꾸러미
  2. 청중,관객
  3. 전기,일대기
  4. 법원,법정,막대
  5. 재난,참사
  6. 우주비행사
  7. 숙고하다,생각하다
  8. 생물학
  9. 장인,기능공
  10. ~하는경향이있는
  11. 복종하다,따르다
  1. 붕대를감다
  2. 울타리
  3. 당황하게하다
  4. 점성학,점성술
  5. 인공의,모조의
  6. 묶다
  7. 천문학
  8. 의견,심정,마음가짐,자세
  9. 적응시키다,각색하다
  10. 결속,유대

21 Clues: 묶다울타리천문학생물학붕대를감다청중,관객재난,참사우주비행사결속,유대다발,꾸러미당황하게하다전기,일대기장인,기능공점성학,점성술인공의,모조의법원,법정,막대~하는경향이있는복종하다,따르다숙고하다,생각하다적응시키다,각색하다의견,심정,마음가짐,자세

Study 2013-07-23

Study crossword puzzle
  1. การบัญชี
  2. คณิตศาสตร์
  3. สถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์
  4. การบิน
  5. ภาษา
  6. กฎหมาย
  7. ประวัติศาสตร์
  8. การโฆษณา
  9. ปรัชญา
  10. อิเลคทรอนิกส์
  11. ทางด้านเศรษฐกิจ
  12. ศาสนา
  13. วิชาการหนังสือพิมพ์
  14. วิทยาศาสตร์
  1. นักเขียนโปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร์
  2. กีฬา
  3. การจัดภูมิทัศน์
  4. ฟิสิกส์
  5. วิศวกรรม
  6. การละคร
  7. ภาษาอังกฤษ
  8. ศิลป
  9. เศรษฐศาสตร์
  10. ชีววิทยา
  11. ทันตแพทยศาสตร์
  12. จิตวิทยา
  13. จิตเวช
  14. แพทยศาสตร์

28 Clues: กีฬาภาษาศิลปศาสนาการบินกฎหมายปรัชญาจิตเวชฟิสิกส์การละครการบัญชีวิศวกรรมชีววิทยาการโฆษณาจิตวิทยาคณิตศาสตร์ภาษาอังกฤษแพทยศาสตร์เศรษฐศาสตร์วิทยาศาสตร์ประวัติศาสตร์อิเลคทรอนิกส์ทันตแพทยศาสตร์การจัดภูมิทัศน์ทางด้านเศรษฐกิจสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์วิชาการหนังสือพิมพ์นักเขียนโปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร์

school subjects 2023-03-14

school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. anatomy
  3. oceangraphy
  4. statistics
  5. Communication
  6. science
  7. creative writing
  8. chemistry
  9. literature
  10. journalism
  11. business
  12. government
  13. photography
  14. music
  1. computer science
  2. cinema studies
  3. physics
  4. math
  5. foreign language
  6. finance
  7. choir
  8. astronomy
  9. history
  10. biology
  11. philosophy
  12. ceramics

26 Clues: mathchoirmusicanatomyphysicsfinancesciencehistorybiologybusinessceramicsgeographychemistryastronomystatisticsliteraturejournalismphilosophygovernmentoceangraphyphotographyCommunicationcinema studiescomputer scienceforeign languagecreative writing

When is the class?/The courses 2023-03-31

When is the class?/The courses crossword puzzle
  1. at1:00
  2. history
  3. at2:00
  4. English
  5. typing
  6. Italian
  7. geometry
  8. mathematics
  9. science
  10. at11:00
  11. drama
  12. choir
  13. languages
  14. physics
  15. biology
  16. PE
  1. at9:00
  2. chemistry
  3. calculus
  4. Bible
  5. civics
  6. Spanish
  7. art
  8. algebra
  9. at10:00
  10. German
  11. French

27 Clues: PEartBibledramachoirat9:00at1:00civicsat2:00typingGermanFrenchhistorySpanishEnglishItalianalgebraat10:00scienceat11:00physicsbiologycalculusgeometrychemistrylanguagesmathematics

Spanish words 2024-03-22

Spanish words crossword puzzle
  1. Matemáticas
  2. biología
  3. Química
  4. el laboratorio
  5. literatura
  6. repruebas un examen
  7. geografía
  8. hacer un examen
  9. el comedor
  10. tomar apuntes
  1. física
  2. Presta atención
  3. la sala de computación
  4. Historia
  5. el aula
  6. levantar la manob
  7. el pasillo
  8. la biblioteca
  9. elgimnasio
  10. el baños

20 Clues: físicaQuímicael aulabiologíaHistoriael bañosgeografíaliteraturael pasilloelgimnasioel comedorMatemáticasla bibliotecatomar apuntesel laboratorioPresta atenciónhacer un examenlevantar la manobrepruebas un examenla sala de computación

Las Clases 2022-11-30

Las Clases crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. Spanish
  3. English
  4. math
  5. history
  6. French
  7. chemistry
  1. physical education
  2. geography
  3. social studies
  4. art
  5. biology
  6. music

13 Clues: artmathmusicFrenchscienceSpanishEnglishbiologyhistorygeographychemistrysocial studiesphysical education

english 2023-09-08

english crossword puzzle
  1. “The……of us getting our biology teacher to teach us biology is close to 0”
  2. signal
  3. strong will
  4. “This year latvian basketball team is ……”
  5. not clear
  6. “men don’t do household chores”
  1. deep mental involvement in something.
  2. skip, dip
  3. inexactness
  4. “This year’s school program …… us to do laboratory work in LU”

10 Clues: signalskip, dipnot clearinexactnessstrong will“men don’t do household chores”deep mental involvement in something.“This year latvian basketball team is ……”“This year’s school program …… us to do laboratory work in LU”“The……of us getting our biology teacher to teach us biology is close to 0”

School subjects 2023-01-12

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. музыка
  2. ИЗО и дизайн
  3. литература
  4. физкультура
  5. география
  1. естествознание
  2. история
  3. биология
  4. английский
  5. обществознание
  6. математика
  7. французский
  8. драм.иск-во

13 Clues: музыкаисториябиологиягеографияанглийскийматематикалитературафранцузскийдрам.иск-вофизкультураИЗО и дизайнестествознаниеобществознание

School subjects 2018-01-20

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Výtvarná výchova
  2. Fyzika
  3. Hudební výchova
  4. Dějepis
  5. Chemie
  6. Angličtina
  7. Zeměpis
  1. Francouzština
  2. Biologie
  3. Přírodní vědy (biologie, fyzika, chemie...)
  4. Občanská nauka
  5. Matematika
  6. Informatika
  7. Tělocvik
  8. Náboženská výchova

15 Clues: FyzikaChemieDějepisZeměpisBiologieTělocvikMatematikaAngličtinaInformatikaFrancouzštinaObčanská naukaHudební výchovaVýtvarná výchovaNáboženská výchovaPřírodní vědy (biologie, fyzika, chemie...)

Spanish 2 Crossword 2023-09-19

Spanish 2 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. tennis court
  2. act
  3. investigate
  4. rehearse
  5. literature
  6. analyze
  1. lockers
  2. dance
  3. physical-educacion
  4. calculus
  5. field
  6. orchestra
  7. trigonometry
  8. train
  9. biology

15 Clues: actdancefieldtrainlockersbiologyanalyzecalculusrehearseorchestraliteratureinvestigatetennis courttrigonometryphysical-educacion

Science 2023-12-09

Science crossword puzzle
  1. The study of the Earth's atmosphere and weather patterns.
  2. The study of the Earth's structure, composition, and processes that shape its surface.
  3. Science The study of computers, programming, and the processing of information.
  4. Science The study of the interactions between living organisms and their environment.
  5. The scientific study of the mind and behavior of humans and animals.
  6. The science that deals with the composition, properties, and reactions of substances.
  7. The study of fossils and ancient life forms to understand the history of life on Earth.
  1. The study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environment.
  2. The scientific study of celestial objects such as stars, planets, and galaxies.
  3. The abstract science of number, quantity, and space, including arithmetic, geometry, and algebra.
  4. The study of society, human social relationships, and institutions.
  5. The branch of biology that focuses on the study of plants.
  6. The study of genes, heredity, and the variation of organisms.
  7. The study of matter, energy, and the fundamental forces that govern the universe.
  8. The branch of biology that focuses on the study of animals.

15 Clues: The study of the Earth's atmosphere and weather patterns.The branch of biology that focuses on the study of plants.The branch of biology that focuses on the study of animals.The study of genes, heredity, and the variation of organisms.The study of society, human social relationships, and institutions....

Spanish Vocab Puzzle 2020-11-12

Spanish Vocab Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. monday
  2. accounting
  3. to rest
  4. biology
  5. journalism
  6. to rest
  7. now
  8. to draw/to sketch
  9. to eat dinner
  10. to sing
  11. to return
  1. to arrive
  2. art
  3. to buy
  4. chemistry
  5. because
  6. to answer
  7. to prepare
  8. to study
  9. to eat breakfast

20 Clues: artnowmondayto buyto restbecausebiologyto restto singto studyto arrivechemistryto answerto returnaccountingto preparejournalismto eat dinnerto eat breakfastto draw/to sketch

Przybory szkolne, lekcje, pomieszczenia 2019-10-24

Przybory szkolne, lekcje, pomieszczenia crossword puzzle
  1. matematyka
  2. słownik
  3. chemia
  4. literatura
  5. temperówka
  6. plac zabaw
  7. zajęcia teatralne/artystyczne
  8. biologia
  1. fizyka
  2. biblioteka
  3. sala komputerowa
  4. boisko
  5. sala plastyczna
  6. globus

14 Clues: fizykachemiaboiskoglobussłownikbiologiabibliotekamatematykaliteraturatemperówkaplac zabawsala plastycznasala komputerowazajęcia teatralne/artystyczne

School 2022-09-13

School crossword puzzle
  1. математика
  2. словарь
  3. учебник
  4. скрепки
  5. доска
  1. расписание
  2. наука
  3. биология
  4. литература
  5. мелок
  6. атлас
  7. блокнот

12 Clues: наукамелокатласдоскасловарьблокнотучебникскрепкибиологиярасписаниематематикалитература

German school subjects 2020-10-13

German school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. german
  3. history
  4. biology
  5. Spanish
  1. math
  2. chemistry
  3. art
  4. subject
  5. P.E.
  6. physics
  7. english

12 Clues: artmathP.E.germansubjectphysicshistoryenglishbiologySpanishchemistrygeography

Classes In Spanish 2020-10-19

Classes In Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. band
  2. biology
  3. history
  4. chemistry
  5. technology
  6. health
  1. math
  2. spanish
  3. music
  4. french
  5. art
  6. english

12 Clues: artmathbandmusicfrenchhealthspanishbiologyhistoryenglishchemistrytechnology

School Subjects 2020-12-04

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Religion
  2. Geographie
  3. Hauswirtschaft
  4. Mathematik
  5. Algebra
  1. Biologie
  2. Französisch
  3. Sport
  4. Deutsch
  5. Geschichte
  6. Geschichte
  7. Englisch
  8. Kunst

13 Clues: SportKunstDeutschAlgebraBiologieReligionEnglischGeographieGeschichteGeschichteMathematikFranzösischHauswirtschaft

Crossword 2023-03-18

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 2
  3. 7
  4. 8
  5. 3
  6. 9
  7. 10
  1. 1
  2. 5
  3. 11
  4. 12
  5. 4

12 Clues: 156278349111210

School subjects 2016-09-17

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Hauptwort
  2. plants
  3. pyramids
  4. nails
  5. planets
  6. Mozart
  1. handstand
  2. welcome
  3. God
  4. Austria
  5. numbers
  6. laptop

12 Clues: GodnailsplantslaptopMozartwelcomeAustrianumbersplanetspyramidshandstandHauptwort

Prefixes 2022-01-26

Prefixes crossword puzzle
  1. movingalot
  2. laterdate
  3. studyoflife
  4. writeonself
  5. changelanguage
  6. doagain
  1. measuretemperature
  2. studyofearth
  3. carsbuses
  4. onelanguage
  5. workalone
  6. globaldisease

12 Clues: doagaincarsbuseslaterdateworkalonemovingalotonelanguagestudyoflifewriteonselfstudyofearthglobaldiseasechangelanguagemeasuretemperature

Log 2022-03-14

Log crossword puzzle
  1. listingofwords
  2. wordsofoneperson
  3. studyoflife
  4. wordlover
  5. bookofwords
  1. studyoftheoriginofwords
  2. studyofanimals
  3. wordsbetweenpeople
  4. wordbeforehand
  5. studyofone’sfamilyhistory
  6. afterword
  7. worddiarrhea

12 Clues: afterwordwordloverstudyoflifebookofwordsworddiarrheastudyofanimalswordbeforehandlistingofwordswordsofonepersonwordsbetweenpeoplestudyoftheoriginofwordsstudyofone’sfamilyhistory

Les matières scolaires 2023-10-05

Les matières scolaires crossword puzzle
  1. Business
  2. Maths
  3. History
  4. French
  5. Chemistry
  6. Geography
  1. Biology
  2. Tech
  3. Art
  4. English
  5. Computing
  6. PE

12 Clues: PEArtTechMathsFrenchBiologyEnglishHistoryBusinessComputingChemistryGeography

vocabulary unit 5 2024-10-15

vocabulary unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Ciudadania
  2. Deberes
  3. Geografia
  4. Horario
  5. Informaica
  6. Biologia
  1. politicayrelacionesinternacionales
  2. Historia
  3. ponersealmismonivel
  4. Marketing
  5. Teatro
  6. Derecho

12 Clues: TeatroDeberesHorarioDerechoHistoriaBiologiaMarketingGeografiaCiudadaniaInformaicaponersealmismonivelpoliticayrelacionesinternacionales

tic tac toe 2022-01-12

tic tac toe crossword puzzle
  1. high school
  2. recess
  3. to fight
  4. used to
  5. to play
  6. to camp
  7. spiders
  8. to swing
  9. essay
  1. biology
  2. stickers
  3. to share
  4. to hate
  5. youth
  6. to build things
  7. to cry

16 Clues: youthessayrecessto crybiologyused toto hateto playto campspidersstickersto fightto shareto swinghigh schoolto build things

Science 2023-12-05

Science crossword puzzle
  1. The study of the Earth's atmosphere and weather patterns.
  2. The study of the Earth's structure, composition, and processes that shape its surface.
  3. Science The study of computers, programming, and the processing of information.
  4. Science The study of the interactions between living organisms and their environment.
  5. The scientific study of the mind and behavior of humans and animals.
  6. The science that deals with the composition, properties, and reactions of substances.
  7. The study of fossils and ancient life forms to understand the history of life on Earth.
  1. The study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environment.
  2. The scientific study of celestial objects such as stars, planets, and galaxies.
  3. The abstract science of number, quantity, and space, including arithmetic, geometry, and algebra.
  4. The study of society, human social relationships, and institutions.
  5. The branch of biology that focuses on the study of plants.
  6. The study of genes, heredity, and the variation of organisms.
  7. The study of matter, energy, and the fundamental forces that govern the universe.
  8. The branch of biology that focuses on the study of animals.

15 Clues: The study of the Earth's atmosphere and weather patterns.The branch of biology that focuses on the study of plants.The branch of biology that focuses on the study of animals.The study of genes, heredity, and the variation of organisms.The study of society, human social relationships, and institutions....

Speak 2023-01-19

Speak crossword puzzle
  1. A school club that Heather joined
  2. Melinda's English teacher
  3. Melinda's lab partner/hero
  4. Melinda's ex-best friend
  5. What Melinda uses for her artwork
  6. The second thing being dissected in biology class
  7. The sport Melinda has a talent for
  1. Melinda's first friend in high school
  2. The person Melinda is afraid of
  3. The first thing being dissected in biology class
  4. The object Melinda receives in art class
  5. The job the survey says Heather should have

12 Clues: Melinda's ex-best friendMelinda's English teacherMelinda's lab partner/heroThe person Melinda is afraid ofA school club that Heather joinedWhat Melinda uses for her artworkThe sport Melinda has a talent forMelinda's first friend in high schoolThe object Melinda receives in art classThe job the survey says Heather should have...

Chapter 1 Lesson 3 2021-08-13

Chapter 1 Lesson 3 crossword puzzle
  1. homeostasis
  2. asexual reproduction
  3. metabolism
  1. biosphere
  2. dna
  3. biology
  4. sexual reproduction

7 Clues: dnabiologybiospheremetabolismhomeostasissexual reproductionasexual reproduction

French 2017-11-09

French crossword puzzle
  1. latin
  2. physics
  3. subject
  4. geometry
  5. arabic
  6. biology
  7. A class
  8. calculus
  1. chemistry
  2. languages
  3. A friend(girl)
  4. Professeur A teacher(female)
  5. english
  6. geography
  7. A high school

15 Clues: latinarabicphysicssubjectenglishbiologyA classgeometrycalculuschemistrylanguagesgeographyA high schoolA friend(girl)Professeur A teacher(female)

Bence 22 July 2024 2024-07-22

Bence 22 July 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. - kémikus
  2. - biológia
  3. - veszteség
  4. - gyógyszer
  5. - fizikus
  6. ... nor ... - sem - sem
  7. - növénytan
  8. ... out experiments - kísérleteket hajt végre
  9. - botanikus
  10. ... or ... - vagy-vagy
  11. ... pig - kísérleti nyúl/alany (tengerimalac)
  1. - genetika
  2. - állattan
  3. - földrajz
  4. - kémia
  5. - genetikus
  6. - csillagász

17 Clues: - kémia- kémikus- fizikus- genetika- állattan- biológia- földrajz- veszteség- gyógyszer- genetikus- növénytan- botanikus- csillagász... or ... - vagy-vagy... nor ... - sem - sem... out experiments - kísérleteket hajt végre... pig - kísérleti nyúl/alany (tengerimalac)


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. KJLK
  2. MLKM
  3. LMKML
  4. MLK
  2. GHG
  3. JKLJ
  4. HOIO
  5. KJK
  6. HJHJ
  7. LKJLK
  8. MLKML


bio7 2021-08-06

bio7 crossword puzzle
  1. Zoology
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Botany
  4. Cytology
  5. Microorganisms
  6. Viruses
  7. Biology
  8. Anatomy
  1. Walls
  2. Microbiology
  3. cytoplasm
  4. Kingdom

12 Clues: WallsBotanyZoologyKingdomVirusesBiologyAnatomyCytologycytoplasmMicrobiologyCarbohydratesMicroorganisms

School Subjects 2020-11-19

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. kemi
  2. engelska
  3. idrott
  4. musik
  5. biologi
  1. naturkunskap
  2. geografi
  3. fysik
  4. samhällskunskap
  5. matematik
  6. bild
  7. historia

12 Clues: kemibildfysikmusikidrottbiologigeografiengelskahistoriamatematiknaturkunskapsamhällskunskap

German school subjects 2020-10-13

German school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. german
  3. history
  4. biology
  5. Spanish
  1. math
  2. chemistry
  3. art
  4. subjet
  5. P.E.
  6. physics
  7. english

12 Clues: artmathP.E.subjetgermanphysicshistoryenglishbiologySpanishchemistrygeography

Subjects 2020-11-25

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. - біологія
  2. - фізкультура
  3. - хімія
  4. - література
  5. - медицина
  1. - географія
  2. - інженерія
  3. - інформатика
  4. - історія
  5. - математика
  6. - маркетинг
  7. - правознавство

12 Clues: - хімія- історія- біологія- медицина- географія- інженерія- маркетинг- математика- література- фізкультура- інформатика- правознавство

Unit 4 kouluaineet 2023-01-18

Unit 4 kouluaineet crossword puzzle
  1. fysiikka
  2. biologia
  3. musiikki
  4. liikunta
  5. kemia
  1. suomi
  2. matematiikka
  3. ruotsi
  4. maantiede
  5. englanti
  6. historia
  7. käsityö

12 Clues: suomikemiaruotsikäsityöfysiikkaenglantibiologiamusiikkiliikuntahistoriamaantiedematematiikka

Crossword 2023-03-18

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 8
  2. 10
  3. 1
  4. 9
  5. 4
  6. 7
  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 2
  4. 12
  5. 5
  6. 11

12 Clues: 386215947101211

French Classes 2023-09-18

French Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Math
  2. History
  3. Choir
  4. Algebra
  5. Class
  6. Chemistry
  1. French
  2. Art
  3. Biology
  4. English
  5. Pencil
  6. P.E

12 Clues: ArtP.EMathChoirClassFrenchPencilBiologyHistoryEnglishAlgebraChemistry

En clase vocabulary 2024-08-15

En clase vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. desk
  3. door
  4. seat
  5. cafeteria
  6. clock
  7. pen
  1. chemestry
  2. literature
  3. science
  4. test
  5. book

12 Clues: pendesktestbookdoorseatclockbiologysciencechemestrycafeterialiterature

vocabulary unit 5 2024-10-15

vocabulary unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Física
  2. Informática
  3. Teatro
  4. Medicina
  5. Ciudadanía
  6. Derecho
  7. Arte
  1. Psicología
  2. Marketing
  3. Química
  4. Música
  5. Biología

12 Clues: ArteFísicaTeatroMúsicaQuímicaDerechoMedicinaBiologíaMarketingPsicologíaCiudadaníaInformática

Les matières 2022-03-16

Les matières crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. school subjects
  3. german
  4. spanish
  5. mathematics
  6. art class
  7. biology
  8. computer science (computer apps)
  9. physics
  1. music/chorus
  2. chemistry
  3. english (ELA)
  4. french
  5. physical education
  6. science
  7. history social studies)

16 Clues: germanfrenchspanishsciencebiologyphysicsgeographychemistryart classmathematicsmusic/chorusschool subjectsphysical educationenglish (ELA)history social studies)computer science (computer apps)

Exploring Life 2020-09-02

Exploring Life crossword puzzle
  1. The study of algae.
  2. A scientist that studies viruses.
  3. Can't be tested by science as it is personal aesthetics.
  4. Belief that the star alignment directly affects you.
  5. Study of microscopic organisms.
  6. Can't be tested by science as it is based on belief.
  7. Claims that your personality is based on the shape of your head.
  1. One or more hypotheses that have been repeatedly tested.
  2. The study of fungi.
  3. Study of how physics interacts with living things.
  4. The study of living things.
  5. The study of plants.
  6. Biology that involves ionizing radiation on living things.
  7. An observation that can be tested.
  8. Science of how organisms are related.
  9. Study of parasitic organisms.
  10. Explains what happens, but not why.

17 Clues: The study of fungi.The study of algae.The study of plants.The study of living things.Study of parasitic organisms.Study of microscopic organisms.A scientist that studies viruses.An observation that can be tested.Explains what happens, but not why.Science of how organisms are related.Study of how physics interacts with living things....

Hailee Bell 2023-11-07

Hailee Bell crossword puzzle
  1. when you write you should have good...
  2. the study of life
  3. syn
  4. democrat
  5. gamete
  6. fund
  7. exo
  8. tropos
  1. meter
  2. where you can find books
  3. bio
  4. log
  5. kinesis
  6. acquit
  7. biblio
  8. acer
  9. anti

17 Clues: biologsynexoacerantifundmeteracquitbibliogametetroposkinesisdemocratthe study of lifewhere you can find bookswhen you write you should have good...

School Subjects 2023-04-03

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. You're playing this game on it.
  2. When things happened.
  3. You listen to it every day.
  4. Known for being considered boring.
  5. You do it to friends, but you probably don't want to create a book with it.
  6. The one this sentence quite lacking this is.
  7. Where things are.
  8. Sounds similar t "calculate".
  9. You do it every day and don't realize it.
  1. The study of shapes.
  2. A common shortening is "trig".
  3. The study of atoms.
  4. The study of living things.
  5. What every elementary school student thinks math is.
  6. Find x! No, don't circle it, find it!
  7. Learn new words, such as "incomprehensible" and "unbearable".
  8. You can do this, but youy cann alsso dooh diss.
  9. None of the above.
  10. A vast subject that includes many things, such as biology and chemistry.

19 Clues: Where things are.None of the above.The study of atoms.The study of shapes.When things happened.You listen to it every day.The study of living things.Sounds similar t "calculate".A common shortening is "trig".You're playing this game on it.Known for being considered boring.Find x! No, don't circle it, find it!...

Biologists Crossword Puzzle 2022-12-06

Biologists Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. First scientist to combine DNA molecules from two different organisms
  2. transfer of traits
  3. Published findings that some microbes caused diseases
  4. Scientist who studies animals
  5. chemicals in the body that are used in almost everything cells do
  6. Greek philosopher who was a student of Aristotle's
  7. Study of living things
  1. scientists who study things that deal with heredity
  2. Word meaning characteristics
  3. a scientist who studies microbes
  4. Scientists who specialize in biology
  5. A British naturalist

12 Clues: transfer of traitsA British naturalistStudy of living thingsWord meaning characteristicsScientist who studies animalsa scientist who studies microbesScientists who specialize in biologyGreek philosopher who was a student of Aristotle'sscientists who study things that deal with heredityPublished findings that some microbes caused diseases...

James McClintock - Modern Scientist Project 2024-01-08

James McClintock - Modern Scientist Project crossword puzzle
  1. Country where he did his research
  2. The medal he receive for Education and Communication
  3. University with the best Marine Biology Program
  4. Echinoderm is the study of ______
  5. The topic of James McClintock 2nd book
  6. "_____ Antartica" One of his two books published
  1. First name
  2. Where he received his PhD
  3. Study of underwater organisms and there ecosystems
  4. What plant was his peer reviewed article studying
  5. Number of scientific expeditions he led
  6. What science he studies and teachs

12 Clues: First nameWhere he received his PhDCountry where he did his researchEchinoderm is the study of ______What science he studies and teachsThe topic of James McClintock 2nd bookNumber of scientific expeditions he ledUniversity with the best Marine Biology Program"_____ Antartica" One of his two books published...

LANGFEST Crossword Competition: Final Round 2024-11-29

LANGFEST Crossword Competition: Final Round crossword puzzle
  1. The part of the plant that absorbs water.
  2. The smallest unit of life in biology.
  3. A shape with three sides.
  4. A polygon with four equal sides.
  5. The process plants use to make food using sunlight.
  6. A large body of water surrounded by land.
  7. The organ used to pump blood in the body.
  1. The capital city of Indonesia.
  2. The study of numbers and equations.
  3. A country known for sushi.
  4. A science subject that studies living organisms.
  5. The force that pulls objects toward Earth.
  6. A continent known for the Eiffel Tower.
  7. The largest planet in the solar system.
  8. The opposite of "exit".
  9. The main gas humans need to breathe.

16 Clues: The opposite of "exit".A shape with three sides.A country known for sushi.The capital city of Indonesia.A polygon with four equal sides.The study of numbers and equations.The main gas humans need to breathe.The smallest unit of life in biology.A continent known for the Eiffel Tower.The largest planet in the solar system....

Biology 2022-12-06

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Someone Who specializes in specifically plants
  2. British Naturalist
  3. Tiny organisms visible only under a microscope
  4. Single individual life form
  1. French Naturalist who introduced the word biology
  2. People who Study biology
  3. Canadian Biologist
  4. Scientist who studies plants/animals
  5. Ecologist who banned pesticide
  6. The young of an organism

10 Clues: Canadian BiologistBritish NaturalistPeople who Study biologyThe young of an organismSingle individual life formEcologist who banned pesticideScientist who studies plants/animalsSomeone Who specializes in specifically plantsTiny organisms visible only under a microscopeFrench Naturalist who introduced the word biology

Careers in Biology 2017-09-11

Careers in Biology crossword puzzle
  1. (A _____ studies plants/flora)
  2. (A _____ studies life at the chemical level)
  3. (A ______ studies pharmacology)
  4. (A ____ studies animals)
  5. ( A _____ _____ teaches Biology)
  6. (A _____ studies genetics)
  1. (An ______ studies insects)
  2. (An ______ studies the effect of outer space on living organisms)
  3. (A _____ studies microorganisms)
  4. (A _____ uses the principle of biology and the techniques of engineering to make things)

10 Clues: (A ____ studies animals)(A _____ studies genetics)(An ______ studies insects)(A _____ studies plants/flora)(A ______ studies pharmacology)(A _____ studies microorganisms)( A _____ _____ teaches Biology)(A _____ studies life at the chemical level)(An ______ studies the effect of outer space on living organisms)...

School subjects 2022-08-19

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Tyska
  2. Bild
  3. Hemkunskap
  4. Träslöjd
  5. Fysik
  6. Kemi
  1. Syslöjd
  2. Franska
  3. Biologi
  4. Idrott
  5. Matte
  6. Spanska
  7. Svenska

13 Clues: BildKemiTyskaMatteFysikIdrottSyslöjdFranskaBiologiSpanskaSvenskaTräslöjdHemkunskap

unit 6 2021-05-08

unit 6 crossword puzzle
  1. expensive
  2. interesting
  3. history
  4. prizes
  5. easy
  6. biology
  7. art
  1. i don't like
  2. maths
  3. physical education
  4. own
  5. us
  6. them

13 Clues: usownarteasythemmathsprizeshistorybiologyexpensiveinterestingi don't likephysical education

Spanish Vocab Puzzle 2020-11-12

Spanish Vocab Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. monday
  2. accounting
  3. to rest
  4. biology
  5. journalism
  6. to rest
  7. now
  8. to draw/to sketch
  9. to eat dinner
  10. to sing
  11. to return
  1. to arrive
  2. art
  3. to buy
  4. chemistry
  5. because
  6. to answer
  7. to prepare
  8. to study
  9. to eat breakfast

20 Clues: artnowmondayto buyto restbecausebiologyto restto singto studyto arrivechemistryto answerto returnaccountingto preparejournalismto eat dinnerto eat breakfastto draw/to sketch

Ruby's spelling words 2019-09-12

Ruby's spelling words crossword puzzle
  1. a lie or false statement
  2. not fashionable or impressive
  3. the branch of biology
  4. a collection of myths
  5. the study of the movements
  6. begin a course of action
  7. happening or done at an unsuitable time
  8. a system of ideas and ideals
  9. the study of living organisms
  1. not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice
  2. the study of the nature of God and religious belief
  3. the study and treatment of tumours
  4. take off one's clothes
  5. in the opposite direction to the way in which the hands of a clock move round
  6. the science which deals with the physical structure

15 Clues: the branch of biologya collection of mythstake off one's clothesa lie or false statementbegin a course of actionthe study of the movementsa system of ideas and idealsnot fashionable or impressivethe study of living organismsthe study and treatment of tumourshappening or done at an unsuitable timethe study of the nature of God and religious belief...


  1. where the proteins are made
  2. the level above genus
  3. the taxon above species
  4. the largest taxon
  5. storage organelle for water and waste
  6. full genetic information
  7. seperate cell from outside
  8. most specific level
  9. exchange of gases
  10. the level above family
  11. moving of particles from high to low
  12. phosphate,sugar and nucleic acid
  13. diffusion of water
  14. have a nucleus and many organelles
  15. where photosynthesis happens
  16. partial genetic information
  1. device to predict offspring
  2. the level above class
  3. 7th grade biology
  4. there are 6 of these
  5. all living things made of one or more cells
  6. the sugar in dna
  7. cniderians
  8. production gametes
  9. do not have a nucleus
  10. body cell division
  11. the sugar in rna
  12. the study of life
  13. mollusks
  14. made of cellulose and plants
  15. archaebacteria and eubacteria
  16. the level above order

32 Clues: molluskscnideriansthe sugar in dnathe sugar in rna7th grade biologythe largest taxonthe study of lifeexchange of gasesproduction gametesbody cell divisiondiffusion of watermost specific levelthere are 6 of thesethe level above classthe level above genusdo not have a nucleusthe level above orderthe level above familythe taxon above species...

Physics Keywords 2021-11-02

Physics Keywords crossword puzzle
  1. tools
  2. detect
  3. difference
  4. mistake
  1. scale
  2. driver
  3. Biology
  4. basic
  5. direction
  6. victor
  7. move
  8. walk

12 Clues: movewalkscaletoolsbasicdriverdetectvictorBiologymistakedirectiondifference

Vocabulary unit 5 2024-10-15

Vocabulary unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Arquitectura
  2. Música
  3. Filosofía
  4. Física
  5. Biología
  6. Ley
  1. Medicina
  2. Matemáticas
  3. Arte
  4. Inglés
  5. Psicología
  6. Literatura

12 Clues: LeyArteInglésMúsicaFísicaMedicinaBiologíaFilosofíaPsicologíaLiteraturaMatemáticasArquitectura

vocabulary unit 5 2024-10-15

vocabulary unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Devolver
  2. horario
  3. derecho
  4. Entregar
  5. Biologia
  6. cienciasdelacomunicación
  7. Filosofía
  1. Repetirunexamen
  2. Evaluacion
  3. Hacerunesfuerzo
  4. Quimica
  5. ponersealmismonivel

12 Clues: horarioQuimicaderechoDevolverEntregarBiologiaFilosofíaEvaluacionRepetirunexamenHacerunesfuerzoponersealmismonivelcienciasdelacomunicación

We made it! 2021-03-10

We made it! crossword puzzle
  1. "Make it a great day or not the _____ is yours."
  2. Be ___ to one another (syn- nice).
  3. Lions are this type of consumer.
  4. Term that means small piece used to build polymer...similar to Lego bricks to build a larger structure.
  5. Place where an organism lives.
  6. A term that means nonliving factors in an environment.
  7. You and preschoolers need 9-12 hours of ______.
  1. Viking pride means picking up ____ after lunch.
  2. Our mascot's first name.
  3. Term to describe your cells.
  4. ____ hundred building is no more.
  5. ____ quarter begins after Spring Break.
  6. Your biology teacher's first name.
  7. Double stranded nucleic acid.
  8. Older students model how to ____ the S.
  9. Biology is the study of ____.
  10. "...hit 'em ___ let's win tonight."
  11. _____coming is a winter spirit week at SHS.

18 Clues: Our mascot's first name.Term to describe your cells.Double stranded nucleic acid.Biology is the study of ____.Place where an organism lives.Lions are this type of consumer.____ hundred building is no more.Be ___ to one another (syn- nice).Your biology teacher's first name."...hit 'em ___ let's win tonight."____ quarter begins after Spring Break....

Root words and Prefixes 2023-11-13

Root words and Prefixes crossword puzzle
  1. a pair
  2. one
  3. light
  4. man or human
  5. different,other
  6. seed
  7. many
  1. Earth
  2. below,under
  3. ball
  4. out
  5. Living,life
  6. heat
  7. within

14 Clues: oneoutballheatseedmanyEarthlighta pairwithinbelow,underLiving,lifeman or humandifferent,other

school subjects 2021-02-16

school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. repas du midi
  3. géographie
  4. maths
  5. techno
  6. récréation
  1. éducation musicale
  2. français
  3. anglais
  4. SVT
  5. histoire
  6. sport
  7. arts plastiques

13 Clues: SVTsportmathstechnoanglaissciencefrançaishistoiregéographierécréationrepas du midiarts plastiqueséducation musicale

Kouluaineita 2023-02-22

Kouluaineita crossword puzzle
  1. matematiikka
  2. kirjallisuus
  3. kotitalous (kirjoita sanat yhteen)
  4. historia
  5. fysiikka
  6. uskonto
  7. biologia
  1. käsityö
  2. ruotsi
  3. liikunta
  4. maantieto
  5. suomen kieli
  6. kemia

13 Clues: kemiaruotsikäsityöuskontoliikuntahistoriafysiikkabiologiamaantietomatematiikkakirjallisuussuomen kielikotitalous (kirjoita sanat yhteen)

Schule 2014-01-23

Schule crossword puzzle
  1. History
  2. Music
  3. PE
  4. Geography
  5. French
  6. chemistry
  1. English
  2. Art
  3. Favourite subject
  4. Biology
  5. Maths
  6. German
  7. ICT or Computer Science

13 Clues: PEArtMusicMathsGermanFrenchEnglishBiologyHistoryGeographychemistryFavourite subjectICT or Computer Science

Subjects 2013-07-06

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 8
  3. 11
  4. 2
  5. 6
  6. 12
  7. 5
  1. 3
  2. 1
  3. 10
  4. 9
  5. 7

12 Clues: 314892675101112

School subjects 2021-04-08

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. fizyka
  2. plastyka
  3. biologia
  4. informatyka
  5. technika
  6. wf
  1. matematyka
  2. muzyka
  3. historia
  4. chemia
  5. religia
  6. geografia

12 Clues: wfmuzykafizykachemiareligiahistoriaplastykabiologiatechnikageografiamatematykainformatyka

Hoofdstuk 2 Theme Words 2022-01-18

Hoofdstuk 2 Theme Words crossword puzzle
  1. negende
  2. muziek
  3. schrift
  4. verschrikkelijk
  5. bureau
  1. geschiedenis
  2. eerste
  3. lesrooster
  4. cijfer
  5. biologie
  6. spieken
  7. interessant

12 Clues: eerstemuziekcijferbureaunegendeschriftspiekenbiologielesroosterinteressantgeschiedenisverschrikkelijk

Matérias da Escola 2024-02-27

Matérias da Escola crossword puzzle
  1. sociology
  2. biology
  3. history
  4. math
  5. geography
  1. philosophy
  2. physics
  3. chemistry
  4. portuguese
  5. science
  6. english
  7. art

12 Clues: artmathphysicsbiologysciencehistoryenglishsociologychemistrygeographyphilosophyportuguese

Greek Roots 2024-09-29

Greek Roots crossword puzzle
  1. light
  2. Earth
  3. rules
  4. Heat
  5. time
  6. shapes
  1. weatherman
  2. identical
  3. fast
  4. life
  5. pain
  6. maps

12 Clues: fastlifeHeattimepainmapslightEarthrulesshapesidenticalweatherman

Speak 2023-01-19

Speak crossword puzzle
  1. A school club that Heather joined
  2. Melinda's English teacher
  3. Melinda's lab partner/hero
  4. Melinda's ex-best friend
  5. What Melinda uses for her artwork
  6. The second thing being dissected in biology class
  7. The sport Melinda has a talent for
  1. Melinda's first friend in high school
  2. The person Melinda is afraid of
  3. The first thing being dissected in biology class
  4. The object Melinda receives in art class
  5. The job the survey says Heather should have

12 Clues: Melinda's ex-best friendMelinda's English teacherMelinda's lab partner/heroThe person Melinda is afraid ofA school club that Heather joinedWhat Melinda uses for her artworkThe sport Melinda has a talent forMelinda's first friend in high schoolThe object Melinda receives in art classThe job the survey says Heather should have...

Speak 2023-01-19

Speak crossword puzzle
  1. A school club that Heather joined
  2. Melinda's English teacher
  3. Melinda's lab partner/hero
  4. Melinda's ex-best friend
  5. What Melinda uses for her artwork
  6. The second thing being dissected in biology class
  7. The sport Melinda has a talent for
  1. Melinda's first friend in high school
  2. The person Melinda is afraid of
  3. The first thing being dissected in biology class
  4. The object Melinda receives in art class
  5. The job the survey says Heather should have

12 Clues: Melinda's ex-best friendMelinda's English teacherMelinda's lab partner/heroThe person Melinda is afraid ofA school club that Heather joinedWhat Melinda uses for her artworkThe sport Melinda has a talent forMelinda's first friend in high schoolThe object Melinda receives in art classThe job the survey says Heather should have...

Types of Classes 2020-10-14

Types of Classes crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. health
  3. music
  4. art
  5. spanish
  6. english
  1. mathematics
  2. biology
  3. band
  4. chemistry
  5. theater
  6. construction

12 Clues: artbandmusichealthbiologyhistorytheaterspanishenglishchemistrymathematicsconstruction

German school subjects 2020-10-13

German school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. math
  3. physics
  4. history
  5. Spanish
  1. german
  2. art
  3. geography
  4. P.E.
  5. chemistry
  6. english
  7. subject

12 Clues: artmathP.E.germanbiologyphysicshistoryenglishsubjectSpanishgeographychemistry

School Subjects 2020-11-19

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. musik
  2. engelska
  3. samhällskunskap
  4. biologi
  5. bild
  6. naturkunskap
  1. matematik
  2. fysik
  3. geografi
  4. kemi
  5. idrott
  6. historia

12 Clues: kemibildfysikmusikidrottbiologigeografiengelskahistoriamatematiknaturkunskapsamhällskunskap

School Subjects 2024-02-27

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. português
  2. física
  3. história
  4. geografia
  1. biologia
  2. arte
  3. química
  4. filosofia
  5. sociologia
  6. inglês
  7. ciências
  8. matemática

12 Clues: artefísicainglêsquímicabiologiahistóriaciênciasportuguêsfilosofiageografiasociologiamatemática

Vocabulary unit 5 2024-10-15

Vocabulary unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Arquitectura
  2. Música
  3. Filosofía
  4. Física
  5. Biología
  6. Ley
  1. Medicina
  2. Matemáticas
  3. Arte
  4. Inglés
  5. Psicología
  6. Literatura

12 Clues: LeyArteInglésMúsicaFísicaMedicinaBiologíaFilosofíaPsicologíaLiteraturaMatemáticasArquitectura

Living and Non-living 2015-03-14

Living and Non-living crossword puzzle
  1. Living things respond to a _______.
  2. The study of life.
  3. Animals cannot make their own food, this makes them ___________.
  4. Waste product extcreted by humans.
  5. The study of Plants.
  6. "to study".
  1. Plants are able to make their own food, making them __________.
  2. Before Mr Margettes became a teacher, he was a _________.
  3. The study of Animals.
  4. An indepth understanding of Biology can help humans save endangered animals from __________.
  5. For living organisms to pass their gene's on, they must _________.
  6. Chemical substance used by all living things _____.
  7. When humans use more energy, they require more ______.
  8. Greek word for 'life'.

14 Clues: "to study".The study of life.The study of Plants.The study of Animals.Greek word for 'life'.Waste product extcreted by humans.Living things respond to a _______.Chemical substance used by all living things _____.When humans use more energy, they require more ______.Before Mr Margettes became a teacher, he was a _________....

Speak- pages 100-154 2018-10-14

Speak- pages 100-154 crossword puzzle
  1. - Merryweather In-School Suspension
  2. - The poster in Melinda's closet
  3. The art teacher
  4. - The group of people Heather hangs out with
  5. Keen - Biology teacher
  6. - The only class Melinda has an A in
  7. - A word David Petrakis uses to describe the winning shot at a basketball game
  8. - the English teacher
  9. - the latest school mascot
  10. - "Who saw the truth. Who painted the truth, molded it ripped from the earth with two angry hands."
  1. Blocks - the blocks that Melinda keeps using for art class
  2. - Melinda's best friend in middle school
  3. - The place Melinda bought pants with her mom
  4. of Mercy Hospital - The place Melinda ended up going to instead of the mall
  5. Club - The club that Rachel/Rachelle is apart of
  6. - The main character
  7. Petrakis - Melinda's biology partner
  8. - The thing Melinda is drawing in art class
  9. - Melinda's ex-friend
  10. Evans - The boy who kissed Melinda "IT"

20 Clues: The art teacher- The main character- Melinda's ex-friend- the English teacherKeen - Biology teacher- the latest school mascot- The poster in Melinda's closet- Merryweather In-School SuspensionPetrakis - Melinda's biology partner- The only class Melinda has an A inEvans - The boy who kissed Melinda "IT"- Melinda's best friend in middle school...

unit 4 2022-03-28

unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. subject that we learn how to play piano etc.
  2. to be able to make decision fast and confidently
  3. a man who married your mother but not your dad
  4. a woman who married your father but not your mom
  5. talking a lot
  6. to have a talk
  7. child who only started talking
  8. sister who is the daughter of either mom or dad
  9. who can express themselves easily
  1. brother who is the son of either mother or father
  2. our first languege
  3. subject that we learn about biology
  4. to work out
  5. go to mountains my feet
  6. subject that we learn how to divide, plus, multiply
  7. to hurt or attack
  8. subject that we learn about the past
  9. a young person between 12 to 19 years old
  10. to lose hope and leave
  11. subject that we learn about locations
  12. go through water by hands and feet

21 Clues: to work outtalking a lotto have a talkto hurt or attackour first languegeto lose hope and leavego to mountains my feetchild who only started talkingwho can express themselves easilygo through water by hands and feetsubject that we learn about biologysubject that we learn about the pastsubject that we learn about locations...

Hot Zone Crossword 2022-10-28

Hot Zone Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. thing done in bio
  2. the cave where ebola came from
  3. the mountain where kitum cave is in
  4. cutting open animals
  5. transmitted virus
  6. something which has heat in it
  7. red liquid inside the body
  8. a vet and scientist
  9. Continent of Ebola
  10. shedding blood
  11. mystery in a movie that lasts long
  12. test animals for lab
  13. inside of a thing
  14. biology for tiny organisms
  15. an army rank
  16. Belief in someone or something
  1. A state and US capital
  2. Nancy Jaax's husband
  3. armed forces of a nation
  4. deadly virus of Africa
  5. is a cell for biology
  6. something that could kill you
  7. ex:lungs
  8. us people
  9. sharp bladed instrument
  10. something scary
  11. A army rank
  12. Men formal dress
  13. a sister virus to ebola
  14. caused before Aids
  15. makes you feel sick

31 Clues: ex:lungsus peopleA army rankan army rankshedding bloodsomething scaryMen formal dressthing done in biotransmitted virusinside of a thingContinent of Ebolacaused before Aidsa vet and scientistmakes you feel sickNancy Jaax's husbandcutting open animalstest animals for labis a cell for biologyA state and US capitaldeadly virus of Africa...


SCIENCE COSSWORD M1 TO M9 crossword puzzle
  1. It supports the microscope
  2. An ecological community.
  3. can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, adapt, and maintain homeostasis.
  4. Eukaryotic cell with no cell wall.
  5. Robert Hooke suggested the name in 1665.
  6. affect the ability of organisms to survive and reproduce.
  7. predator-prey relationship
  8. Symbiotic relationship where species involved benefit from their interactions.
  9. cell part where chemical reaction reactions takes place.
  1. the concentrations of salts in water or soils.
  2. gram negative bacteria that causes diarrhea.
  3. Affected by change in abiotic factors
  4. the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.
  5. They are reproductive cells
  6. A cell is considered the ____unit of life.
  7. Instrument that makes an enlarged image of a small object.
  8. The study of living organisms.
  9. father of Biology.
  10. Collection of tissues that perform a particular function.
  11. Product of reproductive processes of living things

20 Clues: father of Biology.An ecological community.It supports the microscopepredator-prey relationshipThey are reproductive cellsThe study of living organisms.Eukaryotic cell with no cell wall.Affected by change in abiotic factorsRobert Hooke suggested the name in 1665.A cell is considered the ____unit of life.gram negative bacteria that causes diarrhea....

Unit 1 Vocab 2023-10-04

Unit 1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. All organisms in a place with their environment
  2. Noticing something
  3. Organized way of gathering and analyzing evidence
  4. Logical interpretation based on what scientists know
  5. An experiment where only 1 variable is changed
  6. Simpler cell, genetic material not separated from rest of cell
  7. Living part of the environment
  8. The study of life
  9. Scientist tool to view small objects
  1. Gathering information
  2. Complex cell, genetic material separated from rest of cell
  3. Concept of biology
  4. Thin, flexible layer surrounding a cell
  5. A particular preference or point of view
  6. Group of the same species
  7. Study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environment
  8. Genetic code
  9. Different populations in the same area
  10. Organisms that can breed and produce offspring
  11. Contains genetic material in a cell
  12. Nonliving part of the environment
  13. Group of ecosystems with similar climate and organisms

22 Clues: Genetic codeThe study of lifeConcept of biologyNoticing somethingGathering informationGroup of the same speciesLiving part of the environmentNonliving part of the environmentContains genetic material in a cellScientist tool to view small objectsDifferent populations in the same areaThin, flexible layer surrounding a cell...

Crossword Puzzle 2024-10-23

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Canis lupus familiaris (en Español)
  2. DNA's cousin molecule
  3. genetic molecule
  4. Last name of the AHS head principal
  5. largest state in Mexico
  6. the capital city of this state is Culiacán
  7. science class you'll take in 10th grade
  8. AHS mascot
  9. Street our school is on
  10. Class that Mr. Frietze & Ms. Goldman teach
  11. active transport that brings material into a cell
  12. Largest continent on Earth
  13. Number of biology classes Mr. H has
  1. worst NFL team ever
  2. Last name of the AHS football coach
  3. Best metal band ever
  4. 2nd worst NFL team ever
  5. state directly East of Nuevo México
  6. 45+15
  7. capital city of New Mexico
  8. class you are doing this for
  9. State we live (en Español)
  10. city we live in
  11. city where las Chivas are from
  12. Canis Lupus (en Español)
  13. Largest country on Earth (size)
  14. 3rd worst NFL team ever

27 Clues: 45+15AHS mascotcity we live ingenetic moleculeworst NFL team everBest metal band everDNA's cousin molecule2nd worst NFL team everlargest state in MexicoStreet our school is on3rd worst NFL team everCanis Lupus (en Español)capital city of New MexicoState we live (en Español)Largest continent on Earthclass you are doing this for...

subjects 2020-03-12

subjects crossword puzzle
  1. rootsi keel
  2. saksa keel
  3. kunst
  4. ajalugu
  5. keemia
  6. rootsi keel
  7. bioloogia
  1. soome keel
  2. füüsika
  3. kehaline kasvatus
  4. hispaania keel
  5. maateadus
  6. muusika
  7. matemaatika
  8. inglis keel

15 Clues: kunstkeemiafüüsikamuusikaajalugumaateadusbioloogiasoome keelsaksa keelrootsi keelmatemaatikainglis keelrootsi keelhispaania keelkehaline kasvatus

Chapter 2 French Crossword 2012-02-17

Chapter 2 French Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a high school
  2. strong (masc)
  3. same
  4. history
  5. a teacher
  6. a friend (masc)
  7. biology
  8. all
  1. strict
  2. chemistry
  3. difficult
  4. bad (masc)
  5. easy
  6. english

14 Clues: allsameeasystricthistoryenglishbiologychemistrydifficulta teacherbad (masc)a high schoolstrong (masc)a friend (masc)

Education 2017-11-16

Education crossword puzzle
  1. uskonto
  2. biologia
  3. jälki-istunto
  4. läksyt
  5. opetus
  6. luokkatoveri
  1. talonmies
  2. ammattikorkeakoulu
  3. käytävä
  4. lukukausi
  5. historia
  6. yhteiskuntaoppi

12 Clues: läksytopetususkontokäytäväbiologiahistoriatalonmieslukukausiluokkatoverijälki-istuntoyhteiskuntaoppiammattikorkeakoulu


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. kuvataide
  2. historia
  3. yhteiskuntaoppi
  4. uskonto
  5. fysiikka
  6. maantieto
  1. käsityö
  2. matematiikka
  3. biologia
  4. musiikki
  5. kemia
  6. liikunta

12 Clues: kemiakäsityöuskontobiologiahistoriamusiikkifysiikkaliikuntakuvataidemaantietomatematiikkayhteiskuntaoppi

School Subjects in French 2024-02-06

School Subjects in French crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. English
  3. Spanish
  4. History
  5. Music
  6. Computer Science
  7. Geometry
  1. Algebra
  2. Biology
  3. Physics
  4. German
  5. French

12 Clues: MusicGermanFrenchAlgebraBiologyPhysicsEnglishSpanishHistoryGeometryChemistryComputer Science

Materias Espanol 2024-03-19

Materias Espanol crossword puzzle
  1. Geometry
  2. Sciences
  3. Chorus
  4. Music
  5. Italian
  6. Algebra
  1. Math
  2. Band
  3. Biology
  4. Spanish
  5. Social Studies
  6. French

12 Clues: MathBandMusicChorusFrenchBiologySpanishItalianAlgebraGeometrySciencesSocial Studies

Speak 2023-01-19

Speak crossword puzzle
  1. A school club that Heather joined
  2. Melinda's English teacher
  3. Melinda's lab partner/hero
  4. Melinda's ex-best friend
  5. What Melinda uses for her artwork
  6. The second thing being dissected in biology class
  7. The sport Melinda has a talent for
  1. Melinda's first friend in high school
  2. The person Melinda is afraid of
  3. The first thing being dissected in biology class
  4. The object Melinda receives in art class
  5. The job the survey says Heather should have

12 Clues: Melinda's ex-best friendMelinda's English teacherMelinda's lab partner/heroThe person Melinda is afraid ofA school club that Heather joinedWhat Melinda uses for her artworkThe sport Melinda has a talent forMelinda's first friend in high schoolThe object Melinda receives in art classThe job the survey says Heather should have...

biologist 2022-12-06

biologist crossword puzzle
  1. study of animals
  2. tiny organisms visible only under microbes
  3. who was a student of Aristotle
  4. study of living things.
  5. scientists who specialize in biology
  1. scientists who study things that deal with heredity
  2. scientists who study this relationship between organisms and where they live
  3. the young of a particular organism
  4. a scientist who studies plants and/or animals
  5. the study of organisms
  6. earth quake studies
  7. a later microbiologist who was able to discover

12 Clues: study of animalsearth quake studiesthe study of organismsstudy of living things.who was a student of Aristotlethe young of a particular organismscientists who specialize in biologytiny organisms visible only under microbesa scientist who studies plants and/or animalsa later microbiologist who was able to discover...

Speak 2023-01-19

Speak crossword puzzle
  1. A school club that Heather joined
  2. Melinda's English teacher
  3. Melinda's lab partner/hero
  4. Melinda's ex-best friend
  5. What Melinda uses for her artwork
  6. The second thing being dissected in biology class
  7. The sport Melinda has a talent for
  1. Melinda's first friend in high school
  2. The person Melinda is afraid of
  3. The first thing being dissected in biology class
  4. The object Melinda receives in art class
  5. The job the survey says Heather should have

12 Clues: Melinda's ex-best friendMelinda's English teacherMelinda's lab partner/heroThe person Melinda is afraid ofA school club that Heather joinedWhat Melinda uses for her artworkThe sport Melinda has a talent forMelinda's first friend in high schoolThe object Melinda receives in art classThe job the survey says Heather should have...

Les matières à l'école 2024-02-07

Les matières à l'école crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish
  2. German
  3. Art
  4. Social Studies
  5. Visual Arts
  6. Computer Science
  7. Literature
  1. Gym
  2. English
  3. Biology
  4. Math
  5. Natural Sciences
  6. History

13 Clues: GymArtMathGermanEnglishBiologySpanishHistoryLiteratureVisual ArtsSocial StudiesNatural SciencesComputer Science

Spanish Vocab 10/13/12 2021-10-13

Spanish Vocab 10/13/12 crossword puzzle
  1. to paint
  2. literature
  3. often, a lot
  4. biology
  5. to make
  6. spanish
  7. to read
  8. to walk
  1. to sleep
  2. great
  3. difficult
  4. it begins
  5. sometimes
  6. art
  7. to run

15 Clues: artgreatto runbiologyto makespanishto readto walkto sleepto paintdifficultit beginssometimesliteratureoften, a lot

Khaled Hosseini 2021-01-05

Khaled Hosseini crossword puzzle
  1. They country in which the author was born.
  2. His mother was a __________.
  3. Which type of degree did he earn for biology?
  4. He was a medical resident in which city?
  5. He is a Goodwill Ambassador for _________.
  6. To which state (US) did he and his family move?
  7. He currently lives with his __________.
  1. The first book the author wrote.
  2. He has written _________ novels thus far.
  3. The author attended _________ University.
  4. How many children does he have?
  5. He obtained a degree in which subject?
  6. At which university did he study medicine?

13 Clues: His mother was a __________.How many children does he have?The first book the author wrote.He obtained a degree in which subject?He currently lives with his __________.He was a medical resident in which city?He has written _________ novels thus far.The author attended _________ University.They country in which the author was born....

What do you know about Northwest? 2022-06-17

What do you know about Northwest? crossword puzzle
  1. the unit of mass used in Science
  2. office where to find your administrator
  3. the northwest high principal
  4. fifty Mr. Olsson's Honors Biology classroom
  5. the department next to the health room
  6. paws Wednesday lessons
  1. the instrument used to measure mass in Biology
  2. the top of the surface of water in a graduated cylinder
  3. the number of stars on the classroom flag
  4. the floor where the greenhouse can be found
  5. the color of the first floor pass
  6. blanket the protection device used on burning clothing
  7. the northwest high mascot

13 Clues: paws Wednesday lessonsthe northwest high mascotthe northwest high principalthe unit of mass used in Sciencethe color of the first floor passthe department next to the health roomoffice where to find your administratorthe number of stars on the classroom flagthe floor where the greenhouse can be foundthe instrument used to measure mass in Biology...

Biology Crossword puzzle 2022-09-27

Biology Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The part of the genetic makeup of a cell.
  2. when the heterozygous genotype results in a phenotype where both alleles are fully and separately expressed
  3. also known as cellular biology
  4. type of genotype is composed of similar alleles that produce gametes that are all alike
  5. The composite of an organism's observable characteristics or traits.
  1. The branch and specialty of biology that studies bacteria
  2. A branch of science that encompasses the description, identification, nomenclature, and classification of organisms.
  3. A DNA molecule consisting all the genetic material of an organism
  4. The study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms.
  5. The branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom.

10 Clues: also known as cellular biologyThe part of the genetic makeup of a cell.The branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom.The branch and specialty of biology that studies bacteriaA DNA molecule consisting all the genetic material of an organismThe composite of an organism's observable characteristics or traits....