cells Crossword Puzzles

CELLS! CELLS! CELLS! 2012-10-10

CELLS! CELLS! CELLS! crossword puzzle
  1. Colored Chemical Compounds that Absorb Light
  2. The Cells Control Center
  3. The Process Where Molecules Move from an Area of Higher Concentration to an area of Low Concentration
  4. Small Openings on the Underside of the Plants Leaf
  5. An Organelle in The Plant Cell That Captures Energy From The Sun and Use It To Produce Food for the Plant
  6. Multi-Celled Organism
  7. A Substance That Cannot Be Broken Down into Similar Substances
  8. A Group of Organs That Work Together to Perform a Specific Function
  9. A Group of Cells That Work Together to Perform a Specific Function
  10. Two or More Elements Combine Chemically
  11. Theory on the Relationship Between Cells and Living Things
  12. The Diffusion of Water
  1. A Rigid Layer of Non-Living Material That Surrounds a Plant Cell
  2. Single-Celled Organism
  3. Organisms That Can't Make Their own Food
  4. A Protein That Gives the Cells Shape
  5. Organisms That can Make Their own Food
  6. The Cells Mail Room
  7. A Group of Tissues That Work Together to Perform a Specific Function
  8. Forms All Living Organism

20 Clues: The Cells Mail RoomMulti-Celled OrganismSingle-Celled OrganismThe Diffusion of WaterThe Cells Control CenterForms All Living OrganismA Protein That Gives the Cells ShapeOrganisms That can Make Their own FoodTwo or More Elements Combine ChemicallyOrganisms That Can't Make Their own FoodColored Chemical Compounds that Absorb Light...

CELLS! CELLS! CELLS! 2024-03-25

CELLS! CELLS! CELLS! crossword puzzle
  1. Colored Chemical Compounds that Absorb Light
  2. The Cells Control Center
  3. The Process Where Molecules Move from an Area of Higher Concentration to an area of Low Concentration
  4. Small Openings on the Underside of the Plants Leaf
  5. An Organelle in The Plant Cell That Captures Energy From The Sun and Use It To Produce Food for the Plant
  6. Multi-Celled Organism
  7. A Substance That Cannot Be Broken Down into Similar Substances
  8. A Group of Organs That Work Together to Perform a Specific Function
  9. A Group of Cells That Work Together to Perform a Specific Function
  10. Two or More Elements Combine Chemically
  11. Theory on the Relationship Between Cells and Living Things
  12. The Diffusion of Water
  1. A Rigid Layer of Non-Living Material That Surrounds a Plant Cell
  2. Single-Celled Organism
  3. Organisms That Can't Make Their own Food
  4. A Protein That Gives the Cells Shape
  5. Organisms That can Make Their own Food
  6. The Cells Mail Room
  7. A Group of Tissues That Work Together to Perform a Specific Function
  8. Forms All Living Organism

20 Clues: The Cells Mail RoomMulti-Celled OrganismSingle-Celled OrganismThe Diffusion of WaterThe Cells Control CenterForms All Living OrganismA Protein That Gives the Cells ShapeOrganisms That can Make Their own FoodTwo or More Elements Combine ChemicallyOrganisms That Can't Make Their own FoodColored Chemical Compounds that Absorb Light...

cells cells cells 2022-12-09

cells cells cells crossword puzzle
  1. makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the body
  2. makes most of the energy for the cell and have their own genetic material that is different from the genetic material found in the nucleus
  3. separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment
  4. membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes.
  5. single-celled organism that has neither a distinct nucleus with a membrane nor other specialized organelles
  6. move microbes and debris up and out of the airways
  7. separates the interior contents of the cell from the exterior environment
  8. a large, dynamic structure that serves many roles in the cell including calcium storage, protein synthesis and lipid metabolism
  1. complex molecular machine found inside the living cells that produce proteins from amino acids
  2. The fluid inside a cell but outside the cell's nucleus
  3. organelle that contains the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll that captures sunlight and converts it into useful energy, thereby, releasing oxygen from water.
  4. a long whiplike structure by which some tiny plants and animals move
  5. any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus
  6. organelle found in most eukaryotic cell
  7. tiny cellular structure that performs specific functions within a cell
  8. the structure in a cell that contains the chromosomes.

16 Clues: organelle found in most eukaryotic cellmove microbes and debris up and out of the airwaysThe fluid inside a cell but outside the cell's nucleusthe structure in a cell that contains the chromosomes.makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the bodyany cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus...

Cells Cells Cells 2022-12-14

Cells Cells Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Contains green pigment
  2. Does not contain a nucleus
  3. Surrounds types of cells
  4. Controls the entry and exit of materials from cell
  5. Transportation system in a prokaryotic cell
  6. Breaks down and cleans up materials
  1. Packages and sorts proteins
  2. Contains a nucleus
  3. Moves debris out of the airway
  4. Has one or more specific jobs to perform in the cell
  5. Gel-like fluid inside the cell
  6. Found within all cells
  7. Enables movement and chemotaxis
  8. Contains chromosomes
  9. Plant and animal cells both have
  10. Smallest unit of life

16 Clues: Contains a nucleusContains chromosomesSmallest unit of lifeContains green pigmentFound within all cellsSurrounds types of cellsDoes not contain a nucleusPackages and sorts proteinsMoves debris out of the airwayGel-like fluid inside the cellEnables movement and chemotaxisPlant and animal cells both haveBreaks down and cleans up materials...

Cells Cells Cells 2022-12-14

Cells Cells Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Contains green pigment
  2. Does not contain a nucleus
  3. Surrounds types of cells
  4. Controls the entry and exit of materials from cell
  5. Transportation system in a prokaryotic cell
  6. Breaks down and cleans up materials
  1. Packages and sorts proteins
  2. Contains a nucleus
  3. Moves debris out of the airway
  4. Has one or more specific jobs to perform in the cell
  5. Gel-like fluid inside the cell
  6. Found within all cells
  7. Enables movement and chemotaxis
  8. Contains chromosomes
  9. Plant and animal cells both have
  10. Smallest unit of life

16 Clues: Contains a nucleusContains chromosomesSmallest unit of lifeContains green pigmentFound within all cellsSurrounds types of cellsDoes not contain a nucleusPackages and sorts proteinsMoves debris out of the airwayGel-like fluid inside the cellEnables movement and chemotaxisPlant and animal cells both haveBreaks down and cleans up materials...

cells cells cells 2022-12-09

cells cells cells crossword puzzle
  1. makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the body
  2. makes most of the energy for the cell and have their own genetic material that is different from the genetic material found in the nucleus
  3. separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment
  4. membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes.
  5. single-celled organism that has neither a distinct nucleus with a membrane nor other specialized organelles
  6. move microbes and debris up and out of the airways
  7. separates the interior contents of the cell from the exterior environment
  8. a large, dynamic structure that serves many roles in the cell including calcium storage, protein synthesis and lipid metabolism
  1. complex molecular machine found inside the living cells that produce proteins from amino acids
  2. The fluid inside a cell but outside the cell's nucleus
  3. organelle that contains the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll that captures sunlight and converts it into useful energy, thereby, releasing oxygen from water.
  4. a long whiplike structure by which some tiny plants and animals move
  5. any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus
  6. organelle found in most eukaryotic cell
  7. tiny cellular structure that performs specific functions within a cell
  8. the structure in a cell that contains the chromosomes.

16 Clues: organelle found in most eukaryotic cellmove microbes and debris up and out of the airwaysThe fluid inside a cell but outside the cell's nucleusthe structure in a cell that contains the chromosomes.makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the bodyany cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus...

Cells Cells Cells 2022-12-14

Cells Cells Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Contains green pigment
  2. Does not contain a nucleus
  3. Surrounds types of cells
  4. Controls the entry and exit of materials from cell
  5. Transportation system in a prokaryotic cell
  6. Breaks down and cleans up materials
  1. Packages and sorts proteins
  2. Contains a nucleus
  3. Moves debris out of the airway
  4. Has one or more specific jobs to perform in the cell
  5. Gel-like fluid inside the cell
  6. Found within all cells
  7. Enables movement and chemotaxis
  8. Contains chromosomes
  9. Plant and animal cells both have
  10. Smallest unit of life

16 Clues: Contains a nucleusContains chromosomesSmallest unit of lifeContains green pigmentFound within all cellsSurrounds types of cellsDoes not contain a nucleusPackages and sorts proteinsMoves debris out of the airwayGel-like fluid inside the cellEnables movement and chemotaxisPlant and animal cells both haveBreaks down and cleans up materials...

cells! cells! cells! 2021-09-06

cells! cells! cells! crossword puzzle
  1. basic block of living things
  2. transports proteins and makes liquids
  3. where photosynthesis takes place
  4. power house of the cell
  5. brain of the cell
  6. has only 1 cell
  7. makes protein
  8. stores water food and waste
  1. protects and organizes the cell
  2. gives extra protection and strength to the cell
  3. cousins on the organelles
  4. has more than 1 cell
  5. protects package proteins
  6. stores water and helps give shape to cell
  7. digestive system of the cell

15 Clues: makes proteinhas only 1 cellbrain of the cellhas more than 1 cellpower house of the cellcousins on the organellesprotects package proteinsstores water food and wastebasic block of living thingsdigestive system of the cellprotects and organizes the cellwhere photosynthesis takes placetransports proteins and makes liquids...

cells cells cells! 2016-02-15

cells cells cells! crossword puzzle
  1. chromatin condenses and nuclear envelope breaks up
  2. individual starnds of DNA
  3. allows materials to move into, out of and through a cell
  4. where most of the cells life cycle is spent
  5. a cell organelle that contains a centriole surrounded by spindle fibers
  6. this pulls apart chromosomes in Anaphase
  1. for most of a cells lifetime, DNA excist as
  2. this is inside the centromere and is connected to spindle fibers
  3. long continuous strands of tightly coiled DNA
  4. the replication process that allows the cell to split into 2 identical daughter cells
  5. each chromosome splits into 2 chromatis that seperate to opposite ends of the cell
  6. spindle fibers line up chromosomes along the cell equator
  7. spindle fibers attach to this so that DNA can break up
  8. cell splits into 2 new daughter cells
  9. chromatids begin to uncoil into chromatin

15 Clues: individual starnds of DNAcell splits into 2 new daughter cellsthis pulls apart chromosomes in Anaphasechromatids begin to uncoil into chromatinfor most of a cells lifetime, DNA excist aswhere most of the cells life cycle is spentlong continuous strands of tightly coiled DNAchromatin condenses and nuclear envelope breaks up...

cells! cells! cells! 2022-05-13

cells! cells! cells! crossword puzzle
  1. basic block of living things
  2. transports proteins and makes liquids
  3. where photosynthesis takes place
  4. power house of the cell
  5. brain of the cell
  6. has only 1 cell
  7. makes protein
  8. stores water food and waste
  1. protects and organizes the cell
  2. gives extra protection and strength to the cell
  3. cousins on the organelles
  4. has more than 1 cell
  5. protects package proteins
  6. stores water and helps give shape to cell
  7. digestive system of the cell

15 Clues: makes proteinhas only 1 cellbrain of the cellhas more than 1 cellpower house of the cellcousins on the organellesprotects package proteinsstores water food and wastebasic block of living thingsdigestive system of the cellprotects and organizes the cellwhere photosynthesis takes placetransports proteins and makes liquids...

cells cells cells! 2016-02-15

cells cells cells! crossword puzzle
  1. a cell organelle that contains a centriole surrounded by spindle fibers
  2. individual strans of DNA
  3. chromatin condenses into individual chromosomes, nuclear envelope breaks up
  4. cell splits into 2 new daughter cells
  5. allows materials to move into, out of and through the cell
  6. long continuous strands of tightly coiled DNA
  7. for most of a cells lifetime, DNA excist as
  1. where most of a cells life cycle is spent
  2. chromatids begin to uncoil into chromatin
  3. this pulls apart chromosomes drawing them to opposite ends of the cell
  4. spindle fibers attach to this so that DNA can break apart
  5. each chromosome splits into 2 chromatids that seperate to oppisite ends of the cell
  6. a replication process that allowa the cell to split into 2 identical daughter cells
  7. spindle fibers line up chromosomes along the cell equator
  8. this is inside the centromere connected to spindle fibers

15 Clues: individual strans of DNAcell splits into 2 new daughter cellswhere most of a cells life cycle is spentchromatids begin to uncoil into chromatinfor most of a cells lifetime, DNA excist aslong continuous strands of tightly coiled DNAspindle fibers attach to this so that DNA can break apartspindle fibers line up chromosomes along the cell equator...

Cells, Cells, Cells! 2017-01-18

Cells, Cells, Cells! crossword puzzle
  1. The basic building blocks of every living thing
  2. Organelle that contains digestive enzymes
  3. Liquid inside of the cell that holds all of the organelles
  4. Organelle that contains genetics
  5. A cell that contains a nucleus and organelles
  6. Protects the cell headquarters
  7. A cell that does not have a membrane bound nucleus
  8. A cell that needs a host cell to survive
  1. Organelle that produces protein for the cell
  2. Protects the plant cell
  3. Controls what materials go in and out of the cell
  4. The powerhouse of the cell
  5. A disorder of structure or function of a living thing
  6. Cell headquarters
  7. A cell that can survive extreme heat or cold

15 Clues: Cell headquartersProtects the plant cellThe powerhouse of the cellProtects the cell headquartersOrganelle that contains geneticsA cell that needs a host cell to surviveOrganelle that contains digestive enzymesOrganelle that produces protein for the cellA cell that can survive extreme heat or coldA cell that contains a nucleus and organelles...

cells! cells! cells! 2021-09-06

cells! cells! cells! crossword puzzle
  1. has more than 1 cell
  2. where photosynthesis takes place
  3. protects and organizes the cell
  4. power house of the cell
  5. stores water and helps give shape to cell
  6. transports proteins and makes lipids
  7. basic block of living things
  8. gives extra protection and strength to the cell
  9. makes protein
  1. has only 1 cell
  2. protects package proteins
  3. stores water food and waste
  4. brain of the cell
  5. cushions on the organelles
  6. digestive system of the cell

15 Clues: makes proteinhas only 1 cellbrain of the cellhas more than 1 cellpower house of the cellprotects package proteinscushions on the organellesstores water food and wastebasic block of living thingsdigestive system of the cellprotects and organizes the cellwhere photosynthesis takes placetransports proteins and makes lipids...

cells cells cells! 2022-12-12

cells cells cells! crossword puzzle
  1. Contains DNA
  2. separates the inside content from the outside contents
  3. found in bacteria
  4. the powerhouse
  5. Found in animals and plants
  6. jelly like fluid
  7. found only in animal cells
  8. produces energy through photosynthesis
  1. produces protein for the rest of cells
  2. folded membranes
  3. Gets rid of waste products
  4. synthesizes lipids
  5. the transport of substances
  6. produces protein

14 Clues: Contains DNAthe powerhousefolded membranesproduces proteinjelly like fluidfound in bacteriasynthesizes lipidsGets rid of waste productsfound only in animal cellsthe transport of substancesFound in animals and plantsproduces protein for the rest of cellsproduces energy through photosynthesisseparates the inside content from the outside contents

cells! cells! cells! 2021-09-06

cells! cells! cells! crossword puzzle
  1. protects package proteins
  2. has more than 1 cell
  3. transports proteins and makes liquids
  4. cousins on the organelles
  5. has only 1 cell
  6. stores water and helps give shape to cell
  7. digestive system of the cell
  8. brain of the cell
  1. power house of the cell
  2. where photosynthesis takes place
  3. makes protein
  4. protects and organizes the cell
  5. gives extra protection and strength to the cell
  6. stores water food and waste

14 Clues: makes proteinhas only 1 cellbrain of the cellhas more than 1 cellpower house of the cellprotects package proteinscousins on the organellesstores water food and wastedigestive system of the cellprotects and organizes the cellwhere photosynthesis takes placetransports proteins and makes liquidsstores water and helps give shape to cell...

cells cells cells 2023-03-21

cells cells cells crossword puzzle
  1. membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes.
  2. single-celled organism that has neither a distinct nucleus with a membrane nor other specialized organelles
  3. separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment
  4. tiny cellular structure that performs specific functions within a cell
  5. makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the body
  1. the structure in a cell that contains the chromosomes.
  2. complex molecular machine found inside the living cells that produce proteins from amino acids
  3. a large, dynamic structure that serves many roles in the cell including calcium storage, protein synthesis and lipid metabolism
  4. organelle that contains the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll that captures sunlight and converts it into useful energy, thereby, releasing oxygen from water.
  5. any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus
  6. makes most of the energy for the cell and have their own genetic material that is different from the genetic material found in the nucleus
  7. organelle found in most eukaryotic cell
  8. separates the interior contents of the cell from the exterior environment
  9. The fluid inside a cell but outside the cell's nucleus

14 Clues: organelle found in most eukaryotic cellthe structure in a cell that contains the chromosomes.The fluid inside a cell but outside the cell's nucleusmakes up all living organisms and the tissues of the bodyany cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleusmembrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes....

Cells 2020-12-10

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Releases energy from food
  2. Supports and protects a plant cell
  3. Important in the synthesis and packaging of proteins.
  4. Directs a cell's activities
  5. Cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes.
  6. What covers the outside part of your body ?
  7. Multicellular organisms contain cells that each perform their own
  8. Structure each cell contains to perform its own function
  9. The chemical that turns plants green is called
  10. In complex organisms, groups of cells form
  11. What do all organs rely on?
  12. Which cell feature processes proteins?
  13. Looks like long limp hot dogs; found in pairs
  14. The basic unit of structure and function in all living things
  15. What types of organisms have cells with very large vacuoles?
  1. Made up of DNA
  2. A mitochondrion is a cell's
  3. The part of the cell that lets things in and out is called the
  4. contains the information necessary to build and maintain an organism.
  5. Can make their own food because they have special organelles called chloroplast
  6. Makes food for the cell
  7. A vacuole is the cell's
  8. A jellylike substance containing chemicals that help the cell stay healthy
  9. Stores food, water, and wastes
  10. The basic unit of structure and function in all living things
  11. You will not find a cell wall in what type of organisms?
  12. To make food, plants use a process called
  13. Organs that work together form
  14. Protein builders of the cell
  15. Tissues with similar functions form

30 Clues: Made up of DNAMakes food for the cellA vacuole is the cell'sReleases energy from foodA mitochondrion is a cell'sDirects a cell's activitiesWhat do all organs rely on?Protein builders of the cellStores food, water, and wastesOrgans that work together formSupports and protects a plant cellTissues with similar functions form...

Cells 2022-08-30

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. passageways where chemicals are made
  2. structure that contains DNA and regulates genes
  3. structures that converts nutrients to energy
  4. sac that stores water, nutrients, or waste products
  5. structure that manufactures ribosome
  6. a miniature model of something
  7. stack of membranes that packages chemicals
  8. treatment for poisoning by neutralizing the toxic properties
  9. structure that organizes motion of chromosomes
  10. having cells that lack membrane-bound nuclei
  11. coming to existence
  12. the usually rigid nonliving permeable wall that surrounds the plasma membrane and encloses and supports the cells of most plants, bacteria, fungi, and algae
  13. jelly-like substance within the cell membrane
  1. membrane that protects the nucleus
  2. plant cell organelles that convert light energy into relatively stable chemical energy via the photosynthetic process
  3. small structure that synthesizes proteins
  4. an apparatus that separates particles from a suspension
  5. the branch of biology that studies the structure and function of cells
  6. organelles that carry out many functions in plant cells, including photosynthesis
  7. having cells with `good' or membrane-bound nuclei
  8. the organic processes that are necessary for life
  9. sac filled with digestive chemicals
  10. a specialized part of the cell
  11. package created by the golgi apparatus
  12. membrane that surrounds and protects the cell

25 Clues: coming to existencea miniature model of somethinga specialized part of the cellmembrane that protects the nucleussac filled with digestive chemicalspassageways where chemicals are madestructure that manufactures ribosomepackage created by the golgi apparatussmall structure that synthesizes proteinsstack of membranes that packages chemicals...

cells 2022-08-24

cells crossword puzzle
  1. lipidbilayer
  2. golgibody
  3. cellwall
  4. chromosome
  5. cytoskeleton
  6. nucleolus
  7. chromatin
  8. endoplasmicreticulum
  9. ribosomes
  10. cytosol
  1. nuclearenvelope
  2. cytoplasm
  3. flagella
  4. plasmamembrane
  5. chloroplast
  6. lysosome
  7. cilia
  8. nucleus
  9. vesicles
  10. vacuole

20 Clues: cilianucleusvacuolecytosolflagellacellwalllysosomevesiclescytoplasmgolgibodynucleoluschromatinribosomeschromosomechloroplastlipidbilayercytoskeletonplasmamembranenuclearenvelopeendoplasmicreticulum

Cells 2022-09-22

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Types of cell with a nucleus
  2. A specialised cell that carries oxygen around the body
  3. These give plant cells their green colour
  4. The microscope lens that points at the specimen
  5. This fills cells, its a bit like jelly
  6. Added to a microscope slide to make it easier to see the specimen
  7. The microscope lens that you look through
  8. A device used to see cells
  9. This controls a cell
  1. These cells never have chloroplasts
  2. Types of cell with no nucleus
  3. Where respiration takes place
  4. Can be found in the vacuole
  5. A group of the same type of cell
  6. Controls what gets into and out of cells
  7. The outer layer of a plant cell
  8. One of the cells used in reproduction
  9. Contains cell sap
  10. A type of cell that has a tail to swim
  11. A type of cell that has a cell wall

20 Clues: Contains cell sapThis controls a cellA device used to see cellsCan be found in the vacuoleTypes of cell with a nucleusTypes of cell with no nucleusWhere respiration takes placeThe outer layer of a plant cellA group of the same type of cellThese cells never have chloroplastsA type of cell that has a cell wallOne of the cells used in reproduction...

Cells 2022-09-12

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. color of chloroplasts
  2. when something eats
  3. used to see cels
  4. where the slide is placed
  5. repro_________
  6. ______________ reticulum
  7. where you pick up a microscope
  8. basic unit of life
  9. the bottom part of the microscope
  10. ___cretion
  11. when something gets larger
  12. where you look through a microscope
  1. the lenses that determine magnification
  2. to make energy from food
  3. controls the cell
  4. to see things more clearly
  5. fills up the cell
  6. when something reacts
  7. organelle that controls what enters the cell
  8. vacuole stores water, waste, and _______
  9. what mitochondria makes

21 Clues: ___cretionrepro_________used to see celscontrols the cellfills up the cellbasic unit of lifewhen something eatscolor of chloroplastswhen something reactswhat mitochondria makesto make energy from food______________ reticulumwhere the slide is placedto see things more clearlywhen something gets largerwhere you pick up a microscope...

Cells 2022-12-05

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. Within the nucleus and makes ribosomes
  3. Synthesizes lipids and detoxifies the body
  4. Produces glucose and oxygen
  5. A product of photosynthesis
  6. Has lysosomes and centrioles
  7. Made of cellulose
  8. Helps the ribosomes, plays a role in protein synthesis
  9. Made by the nucleolus, plays a role in protein synthesis
  10. Have a role in cell division
  11. Code for making proteins
  1. Photosynthesis occurs here
  2. Produces less ATP
  3. Breakdown molecules
  4. Plant or animal
  5. The energy currency of our cells
  6. Made of phospholipid bilayer, selectively permeable
  7. Has cell wall and chloroplasts
  8. Packages and ships proteins out of the cell
  9. Causes the nucleus to be pushed to the side in plant cells
  10. Bacteria
  11. Contains the nuclear membrane, nuclear pores, and nucleolus
  12. The type of cellular respiration where one of the reactants is oxygen
  13. A product of photosynthesis, plant food
  14. Cellular respiration occurs here
  15. Three types, plays a role in protein synthesis

26 Clues: BacteriaCarbon dioxidePlant or animalProduces less ATPMade of celluloseBreakdown moleculesCode for making proteinsPhotosynthesis occurs hereProduces glucose and oxygenA product of photosynthesisHas lysosomes and centriolesHave a role in cell divisionHas cell wall and chloroplastsThe energy currency of our cellsCellular respiration occurs here...

Cells 2022-12-15

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Converts what it’s consumed into energy. Eukaryotic
  2. move substances in or out of the cell. Eukaryotic(Plants)
  3. Helps the cell to move. Both
  4. helps maintain the shape of the cell. Eukaryotic(Plants)
  5. Protects the cell. Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic
  6. single-celled organisms
  7. Proteins are received from the ER. Eukaryotic
  8. help support the cell. Eukaryotic
  1. Storage. Eukaryotic
  2. Provides extra protection to plant cells. Eukaryotic(Plants)
  3. Makes glucose. Eukaryotic(Plants)
  4. complex, multi-cellular organisms
  5. Organize microtubules. Eukaryotic(Animals)
  6. Contains digestive enzymes. Eukaryotic
  7. Where chromosomes are formed. Both
  8. Protein is made here. Both
  9. Proteins are transported here. Eukaryotic
  10. Adheres to surfaces. Prokaryotic
  11. Structure where the DNA is located. Eukaryotic
  12. Surrounds the organelles. Both

20 Clues: Storage. Eukaryoticsingle-celled organismsProtein is made here. BothHelps the cell to move. BothSurrounds the organelles. BothAdheres to surfaces. ProkaryoticMakes glucose. Eukaryotic(Plants)complex, multi-cellular organismshelp support the cell. EukaryoticWhere chromosomes are formed. BothContains digestive enzymes. Eukaryotic...

Cells 2022-12-20

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Basic unit of life
  2. photosynthesis
  3. Cells without a nucleus
  4. monomer of lipids
  5. Small area of cytoplasm above the nucleus
  6. energy production
  7. compound whose molecues can turn into polymers when joined together
  8. apparatus net-like structure in the cytoplasm
  9. Gives the cell shape
  10. membrane Thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the cell
  11. "Brain" of the cell
  1. transports materials throughout the cell
  2. Special part of the cell
  3. Helps with cell movement
  4. cells with a nucleus
  5. Complex protein that acts as a catalyst
  6. peptide with over 10 amino acids
  7. hereditary characteristics in dna
  8. Border of the plant cell
  9. Big complex molecules
  10. helps make proteins
  11. cavity with liquid in the cytoplasm of the cell

22 Clues: photosynthesismonomer of lipidsenergy productionBasic unit of lifehelps make proteins"Brain" of the cellcells with a nucleusGives the cell shapeBig complex moleculesCells without a nucleusSpecial part of the cellHelps with cell movementBorder of the plant cellpeptide with over 10 amino acidshereditary characteristics in dna...

Cells 2022-10-04

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. small membrane-enclosed transport units that can transfer molecules between different compartments.
  2. sites of energy and ATP formation and are the powerhouse of the cell.
  3. type of cells that contain a nucleus.
  4. a small body located near the nucleus.
  5. do not have ribosomes.
  6. cells that lack a nucleus
  7. catalyze reactions that produce hydrogen peroxide.
  8. the centrosome makes...
  9. when the energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy, this process takes place in the chloroplasts.
  10. store materials, usually water. plant cells have a central one of these.
  1. only found in animal cells, are involved in cell divison and are composed of microtubles.
  2. the additional layer that is found around the outside of plant cells and bacteria.
  3. the nucleolous is surrounded by a...
  4. fiberous proteins in cytoplasm that maintain the shape of the cell.
  5. ER do not have ribosomes.
  6. flattened stacks of membrane that function as a packaging plant for modifying proteins and lipids.
  7. chloroplasts contain...
  8. the process of making proteins is called...
  9. a mesh of interconnected membranes that serve a function involving protein synthesis and transport.
  10. large vesicles formed by the Golgi that are found only in animal cells.
  11. thin layer that surrounds the cell that is made of phospholipids and proteins.
  12. attracted to rough er and are free floating, all cells have these and manufacture proteins.
  13. consists of semi-fluid that fills the cell and suspends organelles.
  14. ribosomes are made in the...
  15. control center in the cell and contains DNA.
  16. produce glucose from carbon dioxide & water, have a green pigment.

26 Clues: do not have ribosomes.chloroplasts contain...the centrosome makes...cells that lack a nucleusribosomes are made in the...ER do not have ribosomes.the nucleolous is surrounded by a...type of cells that contain a nucleus.a small body located near the nucleus.the process of making proteins is called...control center in the cell and contains DNA....

CELLS! 2023-01-11

CELLS! crossword puzzle
  1. a cell with a true nucleus a cover around DNA
  2. an example of a lipid
  3. does not contain the element carbon
  4. can be broken down into elements
  5. fats, waxes, and starches
  6. the building blocks of all life
  7. examples oxygen hydrogen gold helium
  8. starches and sugars
  9. all the parts of the cell
  10. most of the cell is made of this compound
  11. the boss of the cell
  12. the shape of DNA twisted ladder
  1. carbon hydrogen oxygen sulfur nitrogen
  2. carbon hydrogen oxygen phosphorus nitrogen
  3. door guard
  4. an example of a carbohydrate
  5. an example of a protein
  6. 1 percent of a cell
  7. found in the nucleus and passed to offspring
  8. a compound that contains the element carbon
  9. the shape of an animal cell

21 Clues: door guardstarches and sugars1 percent of a cellthe boss of the cellan example of a lipidan example of a proteinfats, waxes, and starchesall the parts of the cellthe shape of an animal cellan example of a carbohydratethe building blocks of all lifethe shape of DNA twisted laddercan be broken down into elementsdoes not contain the element carbon...

CELLS 2019-12-10

CELLS crossword puzzle
  1. The inner membrane for mitochondria has a specific namethat called as _____ .
  2. ________ is diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane such as the plasma membrane is specifically .
  3. Gap junctions is functions to allow communication and can be found in the heart on the area of ________ .
  4. Solution that had largest amount of substances present is called _______ .
  5. Chemical substances that can or nor be present are actually depends on the specific cell typeis related to _______ .
  6. FLUID ____________ is a solution containing small amounts of gases, nutrients, salt, and dissolves wastes .
  7. _______ that have at outside the nucleus and inside teh plasma membrane is cytoplasm .
  8. Cytoplasm have 3 components;the cytosol, inclusions, and ______ .
  9. The structure for ________ can be described as tiny, thin rhombus, or sausage-shaped organelles.
  10. _______ is created to digest food, dispase wastes, reproduce and grow.
  11. Dissolved in the cytosol, which is largely water, are nutrients and avariety of other .
  1. Where did the chromosomes line up?
  2. Nucletides join in a _______ way .
  3. ________ can be found in gap junctions that connected by hollow cylinders composed of proteins .
  4. _______ is a hemogeneous mixture of two or more components .
  5. What is the major building material for cells?
  6. Nutrients and ions can be found in _______ .
  7. PERMEABILITY ___________- means that a barrier allows some substances to pass through it while exclusing others.
  8. _________ is actually pushes solute-containing fluid from higher-pressure area through the filter to the lower pressure.
  9. ________ is the unassisted diffusion of solutes through the plasma membrane .
  10. During what phase the centromenes that have held the chromatids together split?
  11. Generally occurs only areas capillary walls is called ________ .
  12. ________ is a building block to form DNA .
  13. What is the other protein that perform functional roles in the body?
  14. What happen if cytoplasm is not diuded?
  15. Every cell in the body is transport by passive membrane is called _______ .
  16. What process usually begin during late anaphase and completes during telophase?
  17. Key substances for all aspect of cell life is a ______ .
  18. What phase is essentially prophase in reverse?
  19. Nutrients or cell have been stored in inclusions and they include the lipid droplets common in ______ .

30 Clues: Where did the chromosomes line up?Nucletides join in a _______ way .What happen if cytoplasm is not diuded?________ is a building block to form DNA .Nutrients and ions can be found in _______ .What is the major building material for cells?What phase is essentially prophase in reverse?Key substances for all aspect of cell life is a ______ ....

Cells! 2017-01-31

Cells! crossword puzzle
  1. DNA shape in prokaryotic cells
  2. Includes membrane bound organelles
  3. Everything within a cell wall
  4. Genetic information found in nucleus
  5. more than two sets of chromosomes
  6. Eukaryotic cells contain a _______ membrane bound nucleus
  7. Motion of cell entities
  8. Condensed DNA during cell division
  9. reproductive cells
  10. Cellular soup
  1. Present in plant, but not animal cells
  2. Contain membrane bound organelles
  3. Contains the majority of a cell's DNA
  4. All prokaryotes are _____
  5. The plasma membrane is a:
  6. body cells
  7. chromosomes found in gametes
  8. surrounds nucleus
  9. First to observe and describe cells
  10. Maintains internal cell pressure
  11. chromosomes found in somatic cells
  12. Combination of DNA and proteins

22 Clues: body cellsCellular soupsurrounds nucleusreproductive cellsMotion of cell entitiesAll prokaryotes are _____The plasma membrane is a:chromosomes found in gametesEverything within a cell wallDNA shape in prokaryotic cellsCombination of DNA and proteinsMaintains internal cell pressureContain membrane bound organellesmore than two sets of chromosomes...

Cells 2019-01-09

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. What eukaryotic cell walls are mostly made of
  2. A stage where DNA replicates prior to mitosis
  3. The organelle that controls the cell's activities
  4. The name of cell division in prokaryotic cells
  5. The fluid left at the top of the test tube during ultracentrifugation
  6. The stage of mitosis where the chromatids are pulled to the poles
  7. What prokaryotic cells walls are made of
  8. Small cytoplasmic granules that are found in all cells and are the site of protein synthesis
  9. The name of the protein that DNA is associated with in eukaryotic cells
  10. The organelle that keeps cells turgid
  11. Small and circular pieces of DNA
  1. The organelles that carry out photosynthesis
  2. Division of the cytoplasm
  3. The organelle that has cristae and a matrix
  4. The organelle that forms lysosomes as one of its functions
  5. The stage of mitosis where chromosomes become visible
  6. Protects bacterium from other cells
  7. One of the important reasons for mitosis
  8. The stage of mitosis where the nucleolus reforms and the spindle disintegrates
  9. The stage of mitosis where spindle fibres form and chromosomes line up on the equator

20 Clues: Division of the cytoplasmSmall and circular pieces of DNAProtects bacterium from other cellsThe organelle that keeps cells turgidOne of the important reasons for mitosisWhat prokaryotic cells walls are made ofThe organelle that has cristae and a matrixThe organelles that carry out photosynthesisWhat eukaryotic cell walls are mostly made of...

Cells 2019-11-20

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. movement of molecules from high to low concentration
  2. sugar made by plants
  3. main source of energy used in photosynthesis
  4. the diffusion of water
  5. reticulum transport things in the cell
  6. where photosynthesis takes place
  7. in mitosis when the chromosomes first become visible
  8. where energy is produced
  9. found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
  10. makes ATP energy
  11. last phase of mitosis before cytokinesis
  12. made of DNA, we have 46
  13. in mitosis when then chromosomes line up in the middle
  14. bacteria cell
  15. type of transport that requires no energy
  16. when 2 new daughter cells split
  17. storage tank of the cell
  18. needed to release energy from glucose in the the mitochondria
  1. control center of cell
  2. phase before mitosis when cells grow and duplicate DNA
  3. gives plant cell support and protection
  4. cell division
  5. makes glucose and oxygen
  6. type of transport that uses energy
  7. name given to 2 new identical cells after mitosis
  8. waste made by cellular respiration
  9. cells with a nucleus
  10. controls what comes in and out of cell
  11. gets rid of cell waste
  12. protein-making site

30 Clues: cell divisionbacteria cellmakes ATP energyprotein-making sitesugar made by plantscells with a nucleuscontrol center of cellthe diffusion of watergets rid of cell wastemade of DNA, we have 46makes glucose and oxygenwhere energy is producedstorage tank of the cellwhen 2 new daughter cells splitwhere photosynthesis takes place...

Cells 2019-11-21

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Organisms that make their own food
  2. Site of cellular respiration, converts sugar into ATP
  3. Movement of materials across the membrane which requires the expenditure of energy
  4. Taking in a liquid molecule
  5. Evolutionary history of a species or a group of organisms
  6. Simple cells
  7. Cell division
  8. Branching diagram that represents the proposed phylogeny
  9. Outer boundary of an animal cell, selectively permeable
  10. Taking in a solid particle
  11. Branch of biology that deals with the classification and naming of living things
  12. Movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration
  13. Site of protein synthesis
  14. Control center of the cell
  15. Storage area in cell
  16. Basic building blocks of life
  1. The diffusion of water
  2. Complex cells
  3. A group of tissues that work together to perform a specific function
  4. New species arise or evolve over long periods of time from preexisting species
  5. Converts light energy into chemical energy
  6. The movement of materials out of the cell at the cell membrane
  7. The cell engulfs a substance outside the cell and surrounds it with the cell membrane
  8. A group of cells that perform the same function
  9. Supports and protects the cell

25 Clues: Simple cellsComplex cellsCell divisionStorage area in cellThe diffusion of waterSite of protein synthesisTaking in a solid particleControl center of the cellTaking in a liquid moleculeBasic building blocks of lifeSupports and protects the cellOrganisms that make their own foodConverts light energy into chemical energy...

Cells 2019-11-24

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Storage area for water, food, or waste
  2. Site of protein synthesis
  3. Site of cellular respiration, makes ATP
  4. Allows certain materials to pass through it
  5. Within nucleus, where ribosomes are made
  6. Control center for cell processes
  7. Site of photosynthesis, only in plant cells
  8. Watery material inside cell, holds organelles
  1. A group of cells that perform the same function
  2. Folded membrane that transports materials around the cell
  3. Surrounds the nucleus, selectively permeable
  4. Movement of molecules from high concentration to low
  5. A group of organs that work together
  6. The movement of materials out of the cell at the cell membrane
  7. Packaging and secreting of proteins out of the cell parts
  8. Outer boundary of the cell, selectively permeable
  9. has enzymes which digest wastes and worn out cell parts
  10. A group of tissues that work together to perform a specific function
  11. Rigid structure outside cell membrane, only in plant cells
  12. Movement of materials from low to high concentration
  13. Cell division, only in animal cells
  14. The cell engulfs a substance outside the cell and surrounds it with the cell membrane
  15. Basic building blocks of life
  16. The shrinking of the cell membrane
  17. Diffusion of water

25 Clues: Diffusion of waterSite of protein synthesisBasic building blocks of lifeControl center for cell processesThe shrinking of the cell membraneCell division, only in animal cellsA group of organs that work togetherStorage area for water, food, or wasteSite of cellular respiration, makes ATPWithin nucleus, where ribosomes are made...

CELLS 2019-07-10

CELLS crossword puzzle
  1. contended that every cell comes from a preexisting cell
  2. are specialized peroxisomes found in plants and also in filamentous fungi
  3. the material or protoplasm within a living cell, excluding the nucleus.
  4. dense region composed of protein complex, located in the outer region face of each centromere
  5. a narrow thread of cytoplasm that passes through the cell walls of adjacent plant cells and allows communication between them.
  6. a colorless organelle found in plant cells, used for the storage of starch or oil.
  7. are the pigments that give red, purple, and blue plants their rich coloring.
  8. a carbohydrate whose molecules consist of a number of sugar molecules bonded together.
  9. is the physical process of cell division, which divides the cytoplasm of a parental cell into two daughter cells.
  10. is the specialized DNA sequence of a chromosome that links a pair of sister chromatids.
  11. discovered in 1955 by George E. Palade nd described them as small particles in the cytoplasm.
  12. a substance formed in or necessary for metabolism.
  13. organisms whose cells have a nucleus enclosed within membranes
  14. any of a number of organized or specialized structures within a living cell.
  15. are a type of leucoplast that is specialized for the storage of lipids in plants.
  16. found in zones of the plant where growth can take place.
  17. is the phase of the cell cycle in which a typical cell spends most of its life.
  1. one cell divides once to form two identical cells.
  2. are the food producers of the cell.
  3. is the first phase of mitosis, the process that separates the duplicated genetic material carried in the nucleus of a parent cell into two identical daughter cells.
  4. any of a class of substances which occur as constituents of the cell walls of plants
  5. concluded that all living tissue is composed of cells
  6. are tiny, numerous organelles that are bounded by 2 membrane
  7. tiny, keg-shaped structures
  8. component of the cytoplasm of a cell, within which various organelles and particles are suspended.
  9. a narrow thread of cytoplasm that passes through the cell walls of adjacent plant cells and allows communication between them.
  10. invloved in the architecture of cells and internal movement.
  11. Within the __________, proteins are stored, modified, sorted, and packed into vesicles (which are then closed off as Golgi vesicles) for further transport.
  12. is a naturally occurring substance (a polysaccharide) found in berries, apples and other fruit.

29 Clues: tiny, keg-shaped structuresare the food producers of the cell.one cell divides once to form two identical cells.a substance formed in or necessary for metabolism.concluded that all living tissue is composed of cellscontended that every cell comes from a preexisting cellfound in zones of the plant where growth can take place....

CELLS 2019-09-19

CELLS crossword puzzle
  1. cell / is the male reproductive cell.
  2. / Also known as erythrocytes
  3. / Are closed sacs, made of membranes
  4. / Composed of amino acids
  5. / Structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus
  6. / Membrane systems are suspended & biochemical occurs
  7. / known as Deoxyribonucleic acid.
  8. / Group of organelles that are found in the cytoplasm
  9. / Forms such as sugar, starches, and fibers
  10. / Fats, oils, waxes, and sterols
  11. / Stores the cell's hereditary material, or DNA
  12. / The protein production machinery for the cell
  13. wall / Provide protection & support for plants
  14. / protein molecules in cells and biological catalyst
  15. / class of lipids that are a major component of all cell membranes.
  16. / Reducing enzyme catalase and usually some oxidases
  1. / Organisms cells that have nucleus
  2. apparatus / Protein packaging plant
  3. membrane / Separates cell from the outside environment.
  4. / Cylindrical organelle near the nucleus in animal cells
  5. / Whip-like structure that allows a cell to move
  6. / Are polymers of tubulin that form part of the cytoskeleton
  7. / Unicellular organisms that lacks of nucleus
  8. / Outside of the nucleus and nearby within the cell membrane
  9. / Power house of the cell
  10. / Aids movement of materials in and out
  11. / A small dense spherical structure in the nucleus
  12. / Smallest living units of an organism.

28 Clues: / Composed of amino acids/ Power house of the cell/ Also known as erythrocytes/ Fats, oils, waxes, and sterols/ known as Deoxyribonucleic acid./ Organisms cells that have nucleus/ Are closed sacs, made of membranescell / is the male reproductive cell.apparatus / Protein packaging plant/ Smallest living units of an organism....

Cells 2020-10-01

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. When the enzyme is working at its best
  2. An animal cell shrinks when placed in this solution
  3. The name of the process for building up a substrate
  4. When substances enter and exit the cell
  5. Insulin is found in human what?
  6. Controls balance and muscular activity
  7. Enzymes are made of _____
  8. the 4 bases that make up DNA are guanine, ____, Thymine and Adenine
  9. They are biological catalysts
  10. the thing the enzyme breaks down or builds up
  11. These stem cells can turn into any type of tissue
  1. the last thing to reform around the chromosomes
  2. Pyruvate is formed when ____ is broken down
  3. Where aerobic respiration starts
  4. The movement of water in cells
  5. Fermentation takes place in the absence of _____
  6. What pulls apart the chromatids
  7. Protein synthesis takes place here
  8. when the substrate no longer fits the enzyme
  9. The part of DNA made of sugar and phosphate

20 Clues: Enzymes are made of _____They are biological catalystsThe movement of water in cellsWhat pulls apart the chromatidsInsulin is found in human what?Where aerobic respiration startsProtein synthesis takes place hereWhen the enzyme is working at its bestControls balance and muscular activityWhen substances enter and exit the cell...

Cells 2020-10-01

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. What are enzymes made of?
  2. What two daughter cells are produced in the end of mitosis
  3. a medical product made by genetic engineering.
  4. This type of respiration requires oxygen
  5. this feature is often found on a bacterial cell for movement
  6. What is the name given to the movement of diffusion?
  7. this is a high sugar/salt concentration
  8. This molecule carries a copy of code for protein synthesis
  9. _________ cells have the ability to turn into all tissue types
  10. The appearance of a plant cell when placed in pure water becomes
  11. These are the building blocks of protein
  12. At what temperatures do enzymes work best
  13. bacteria reproduces _________ and quickly.
  14. What is it called when enzymes breaks down the substance
  1. This structure controls balance and muscular co-ordination
  2. ATP is formed by phosphate and ?
  3. Guanine joins up with this to create a base pair
  4. A membrane is what permeable
  5. the circular piece of DNA in the bacterial cell.
  6. this stops a plant cell from bursting when placed in water
  7. This store long uncoiled chromosomes
  8. This organelle is only present in plant cells
  9. Fermentation only occurs in the what?
  10. This is the cause of muscle fatigue
  11. modified plants been made to resist certain chemicals and ________ so that they can grow stronger increasing yield.
  12. Protein synthesis takes place in this organelle
  13. These chemical messengers travel in your blood and bind to receptors
  14. Active transport gains this from respiration
  15. cells in a isotonic solution stay the same
  16. The active site changes shape when it becomes what?

30 Clues: What are enzymes made of?A membrane is what permeableATP is formed by phosphate and ?This is the cause of muscle fatigueThis store long uncoiled chromosomesFermentation only occurs in the what?this is a high sugar/salt concentrationThis type of respiration requires oxygenThese are the building blocks of protein...

cells 2020-08-26

cells crossword puzzle
  1. green pigment that captures the light energy that drives the light reactions of photosynthesis
  2. region in animal cells made of two centrioles
  3. organelle in an animal cell that functions as the cell’s digestive component; it breaks down proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, nucleic acids, and even worn-out organelles
  4. (singular = mitochondrion) cellular organelles responsible for carrying out cellular respiration, resulting in the production of ATP, the cell’s main energy-carrying molecule
  5. entire region between the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope, consisting of organelles suspended in the gel-like cytosol, the cytoskeleton, and various chemicals
  6. darkly staining body within the nucleus that is responsible for assembling the subunits of the ribosomes
  7. theory,see unified cell theory
  8. semi-solid fluid inside the nucleus that contains the chromatin and nucleolus
  9. membrane, phospholipid bilayer with embedded (integral) or attached (peripheral) proteins, and separates the internal content of the cell from its surrounding environment
  10. membrane-bound sac, somewhat larger than a vesicle, which functions in cellular storage and transport
  11. small, round organelle that contains hydrogen peroxide, oxidizes fatty acids and amino acids, and detoxifies many poisons
  12. vacuole, large plant cell organelle that regulates the cell’s storage compartment, holds water, and plays a significant role in cell growth as the site of macro molecule degradation
  13. protein-DNA complex that serves as the building material of chromosomes
  14. gel-like material of the cytoplasm in which cell structures are suspended
  15. cell, cell that has a membrane-bound nucleus and several other membrane-bound compartments or sacs
  1. cellular structure that carries out protein synthesis
  2. structure within the nucleus that is made up of chromatin that contains DNA, the hereditary material
  3. compartment or sac within a cell
  4. envelope, double-membrane structure that constitutes the outermost portion of the nucleus
  5. cell organelle that houses the cell’s DNA and directs the synthesis of ribosomes and proteins
  6. an instrument that magnifies an object
  7. wall, rigid cell covering made of various molecules that protects the cell, provides structural support, and gives shape to the cell
  8. microscope, an instrument that magnifies an object using a beam visible light passed and bent through a lens system to visualize a specimen
  9. microscope,an instrument that magnifies an object using a beam of electrons passed and bent through a lens system to visualize a specimen
  10. plant cell organelle that carries out photosynthesis
  11. small, membrane-bound sac that functions in cellular storage and transport; its membrane is capable of fusing with the plasma membrane and the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus

26 Clues: theory,see unified cell theorycompartment or sac within a cellan instrument that magnifies an objectregion in animal cells made of two centriolesplant cell organelle that carries out photosynthesiscellular structure that carries out protein synthesisprotein-DNA complex that serves as the building material of chromosomes...

cells 2021-09-20

cells crossword puzzle
  1. proteins for the cell
  2. things
  3. organism that cannot make its own food.
  4. things
  5. organs" of the cell that carry out specific functions
  6. food, water, waste; larger in plant cells
  7. reproduction/process of reproduction involving a single parent that results in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent
  8. reticulum/transports goods and materials throughout the cell
  9. of cells working together
  10. cell prokaryotic, contains no nucleus, no membrane bound organelles
  11. van Leeuwenhoek/A dutch scientist who discovered bacteria by looking at the gunk on peoples teeth.
  12. of the cell control center;In both plant and animal cells; controls cellular functions: Contains DNA (genetic material)
  13. inside the nucleus and produces ribosomes
  14. Schleiden/concluded that all plants are made of cells
  15. Membrane/controls what comes in and out of the cell
  16. substance the cell organelles float in.
  17. body/processes, packages, and transports proteins made by the cell. "the golden packer"
  1. organism that makes its own food
  2. of more than one cell
  3. Wall/Gives support and provides protection to cell. Only in plant cells
  4. group of tissues that are organized together to perform similar functions
  5. or "Energy producer"
  6. Schwann/A German zoologist who viewed animal parts under a microscope and discovered that animal parts are also made of cells.
  7. down larger food molecules into smaller molecules "cleans the cell"
  8. reproduction/A reproductive process that involves two parents that combine their genetic material to produce a new organism, which differs from both parents
  9. photosynthesis occurs; in plant cells only
  10. basic unit of structure and function in living things
  11. acid; the genetic material that carries information about an organism and is passed from parent to offspring. Found in the nucleus of a cell
  12. that contain the genetic material that tells the cell how to function. Found in the nucleus.
  13. single celled organism
  14. Hooke/discovered cells in cork

31 Clues: thingsthingsor "Energy producer"proteins for the cellof more than one cellsingle celled organismof cells working togetherHooke/discovered cells in corkorganism that makes its own foodorganism that cannot make its own food.substance the cell organelles float in.food, water, waste; larger in plant cellsinside the nucleus and produces ribosomes...

Cells 2021-09-02

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. The lens nearest to the specimen
  2. The guard of a cell
  3. Energy production
  4. Collection of tissues
  5. Control centre
  6. Smallest structural units of living things
  7. Multiple cells
  8. Large knob
  9. Thin glass sheet
  10. Adapted to a special function
  1. One cell
  2. Making new body cells
  3. Group of organs
  4. Performs functions to survive on its own
  5. Gel-like fluid
  6. Provides structure to the cell
  7. Keeps objects pressed flat
  8. Simple cell
  9. Storage container
  10. Layer of cells
  11. What to put your eye nearest to, on a microscope
  12. Small knob

22 Clues: One cellLarge knobSmall knobSimple cellGel-like fluidControl centreLayer of cellsMultiple cellsGroup of organsThin glass sheetEnergy productionStorage containerThe guard of a cellMaking new body cellsCollection of tissuesKeeps objects pressed flatAdapted to a special functionProvides structure to the cellThe lens nearest to the specimen...

cells 2021-09-02

cells crossword puzzle
  1. A group of similar tissue working together to perform a specific function
  2. What you put over the specimen to cover it and remove the air bubbles.
  3. A thin layer surrounding the cell which controls what gets in and out.
  4. A group of organs working together to perform specific functions
  5. Anything that is alive
  6. A group of similar cells working to perform similar functions
  7. An organism made up of one cell
  8. The simplest form of life
  9. The knob on a microscope that controls the general focus and can't be uesd at higher magnification
  10. A type of cell that is for a very specific function
  11. A group of unicellular organisms
  12. The liquidy stuff filling up the blank space and allowing things to drift around.
  1. An organelle that converts sugar into energy
  2. A knob on the microscope that controls the focus that is used on higher magnification levels.
  3. the Lens on a microscope that controls the magnification
  4. An organism made up of more than one, working together cells.
  5. The lens on a microscope that you look through
  6. An organelle that stores excess waste and liquid
  7. The process of duplicating the necessary parts of a cell and splitting into 2 cells.
  8. What you put the specimin on when inspecting something under a microscope
  9. the control panel of the cell which gives directions and hold DNA

21 Clues: Anything that is aliveThe simplest form of lifeAn organism made up of one cellA group of unicellular organismsAn organelle that converts sugar into energyThe lens on a microscope that you look throughAn organelle that stores excess waste and liquidA type of cell that is for a very specific function...

Cells 2021-09-27

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Moves material out of the cell
  2. Organelles that help separate chromosomes
  3. Most common passive transport
  4. Site of ribosome production
  5. Bulk transport moving things into the cell
  6. Membrane method of construction
  7. Water loving
  8. Normal cell phase
  9. Modifies and packages proteins for shipping out of the cell
  1. Studded with ribosomes, makes membrane materials
  2. Sites of protein synthesis in the cell
  3. Material outside the nucleus and inside the cell
  4. Takes energy to move material
  5. Composed of DNA and protein
  6. Where energy is created in the cell
  7. Nuclear division
  8. Building blocks of all living things
  9. Organelles that destroy or digest things
  10. Water hating
  11. Phase where chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the cell
  12. The ability to pick and choose what goes in and out of the cell
  13. Responsible for increasing surface area
  14. Where the chromatin lives

23 Clues: Water hatingWater lovingNuclear divisionNormal cell phaseWhere the chromatin livesComposed of DNA and proteinSite of ribosome productionMost common passive transportTakes energy to move materialMoves material out of the cellMembrane method of constructionWhere energy is created in the cellBuilding blocks of all living things...

Cells 2021-03-15

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Secrete enzymes and hormones.
  2. Help with cell division.
  3. The brain of a cell.
  4. Stores water in a cell.
  5. All living organisms are made of.
  6. ER covered with ribosomes.
  7. Liquid that fills up the cell.
  8. Robert ____ discovered cells.
  9. Centrioles are only found in ____ cells.
  10. Makes plant cells stronger.
  11. Chloroplast is only found in this type of cell.
  1. Makes protein in cells.
  2. Destroyer of bacteria.
  3. Organism made of one cell.
  4. Not rough ER.
  5. Structures within a cell.
  6. Doorman of animal cell.
  7. The power of a cell.
  8. There are one ______ cells in a human body.
  9. Nucleus holds this genetic material.
  10. In charge of photosynthesis.

21 Clues: Not rough ER.The brain of a cell.The power of a cell.Destroyer of bacteria.Makes protein in cells.Stores water in a cell.Doorman of animal cell.Help with cell division.Structures within a cell.Organism made of one cell.ER covered with ribosomes.Makes plant cells stronger.In charge of photosynthesis.Secrete enzymes and hormones....

Cells 2021-10-10

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. only in plant cells; photosythesis occurs here
  2. found in both plant and animal cells; a semipermable boundary between the cell and external enviornment
  3. major role in cell divison
  4. the first person to observe living cells
  5. said that cells must come from pre exsisting cells
  6. acts as a support for organelles; maintains cell shape
  7. recieves processing packaging and shipping of protiens
  8. said that all animals are made of cells
  9. degrades hydrogen peroxide
  10. used for temporary storage
  11. an explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is supported by facts gathered over time is
  12. surrounds the organelles
  13. found that all plants are made of cells
  14. breakdown of toxic sunstances; lipid synthesis happens here
  1. boundary around the plant cell outside of the cell membrane
  2. was observing a slice of cork under a microscope and described what he saw as cells.
  3. was instrumental in the devolopment of the cell theory
  4. makes ribosomes
  5. location of protien synthesis
  6. converts food into energy, makes ATP, cellular respiration
  7. covered in ribosomes; helps with the delivery and making of protiens
  8. breaks down invading objects, food particles, or worn out cell parts
  9. Storage center of the DNA, manages the cells insructions
  10. conversion of light energy to chemical energy stored in the bonds of gluclose
  11. doesn't have a nucleus
  12. has a nucleus

26 Clues: has a nucleusmakes ribosomesdoesn't have a nucleussurrounds the organellesmajor role in cell divisondegrades hydrogen peroxideused for temporary storagelocation of protien synthesissaid that all animals are made of cellsfound that all plants are made of cellsthe first person to observe living cellsonly in plant cells; photosythesis occurs here...

Cells 2021-10-08

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. the transportation system of the eukaryotic cell, and has many other important functions such as protein folding
  2. a microscopic network of protein filaments and tubules in the cytoplasm of many living cells, giving them shape and coherence.
  3. mall, membrane-enclosed organelles that contain enzymes involved in a variety of metabolic reactions, including several aspects of energy metabolism.
  4. is a cylindrical organelle composed mainly of a protein called tubulin.
  5. hairlike vibrating structure found in large numbers on the surface of certain cells, either causing currents in the surrounding fluid, or, in some protozoans and other small organisms, providing propulsion.
  6. a molecule, consisting of hundreds – and sometimes even thousands – of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
  7. is any eukaryotic organism that is not an animal, plant, or fungus.
  8. is a small, extrachromosomal DNA molecule within a cell
  9. is the largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.
  1. a subcellular structure that has one or more specific jobs to perform in the cell
  2. a whip-like appendage on the cell body of certain cells. It is primarily involved in locomotion
  3. (a prokaryotic cell) that contains the genetic material DNA and therefore controls the activity of the cell.
  4. the material of which the chromosomes of organisms other than bacteria (i.e., eukaryotes) are composed. It consists of protein, RNA, and DNA.
  5. cell) a membrane-bound organelle that contains the cell's chromosomes.
  6. Generates energy ATP
  7. that is the site of photosynthesis, which is the process by which energy from the Sun is converted into chemical energy for growth.
  8. short, hair-like structures on the cell surface of prokaryotic cells
  9. a member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms which have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus, including some that can cause disease.
  10. a rigid layer of polysaccharides lying outside the plasma membrane of the cells of plants, fungi, and bacteria. In the algae and higher plants it consists mainly of cellulose.
  11. a small case or container, especially a round or cylindrical one.

20 Clues: Generates energy ATPis a small, extrachromosomal DNA molecule within a cellis the largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.a small case or container, especially a round or cylindrical one.is any eukaryotic organism that is not an animal, plant, or fungus.short, hair-like structures on the cell surface of prokaryotic cells...

cells 2021-05-13

cells crossword puzzle
  1. a green color like that of moss.
  2. the tough outer part of a loaf of bread.
  3. the vascular tissue in plants that conducts sugars and other metabolic products downward from the leaves
  4. a minute, typically one-celled, reproductive unit capable of giving rise to a new individual without sexual fusion, characteristic of lower plants, fungi, and protozoans.
  5. a simple, nonflowering, and typically aquatic plant of a large group that includes the seaweeds and many single-celled forms.
  6. the material or protoplasm within a living cell, excluding the nucleus.
  7. The smallest structural and functional unit of an organism
  8. the material in plants that carries water and minerals upwards from the root
  9. the simplest and smallest forms of life.
  10. lungs are important to us, also it it an_____
  11. a long, hollow cylinder of metal, plastic, glass, etc. for holding or transporting something, chiefly liquids or gases.
  12. a single-celled freshwater animal that has a characteristic slipper-like shape and is covered with cilia.
  13. They bind messenger RNA and transfer RNA to synthesize polypeptides and proteins
  14. another term for pseudopodium.
  15. an eyelash
  16. when the seed of a plant germinates or is germinated, it starts to grow
  17. having no fixed shape (unlike a solid) and no fixed volume (unlike a liquid).
  18. a fungus used in making beer and wine, or to make bread rise
  19. plants need carbon dioxide, water, and ______ for photosynthesis.
  20. any of a group of spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including molds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools.
  21. relating to chemistry, or the interactions of substances as studied in chemistry
  22. to put pollen into a plant so that seed develops; to join sperm with an egg so that a baby or young animal develops
  23. the main long thin part of a plant above the ground from which the leaves or flowers grow;
  24. the ability to put effort and enthusiasm into an activity, work
  25. fine powder, usually yellow, that is formed in flowers
  1. stamen’s plural
  2. a collection of cells that form the different parts of humans, animals and plants
  3. a single-celled organism with two flagella, occurring in large numbers in marine plankton and also found in fresh water
  4. a slender threadlike structure, especially a microscopic appendage that enables many protozoa, bacteria, spermatozoa
  5. cone, the cone of a volcano
  6. a single-celled animal that catches food and moves about by extending fingerlike projections of protoplasm.
  7. a space or vesicle within the cytoplasm of a cell, enclosed by a membrane and typically containing fluid.
  8. substance such as tin, salt, or sulphur
  9. (in green plant cells) a plastid that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place.
  10. if sth contains sth else, it has that thing inside it or as part of it
  11. You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to out
  12. an organelle in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells containing degradative enzymes enclosed in a membrane.
  13. pistil's plural
  14. a dense organelle present in most eukaryotic cells, typically a single rounded structure bounded by a double membrane, containing the genetic material.
  15. the chemical element of atomic number 7

40 Clues: an eyelashstamen’s pluralpistil's pluralcone, the cone of a volcanoanother term for pseudopodium.a green color like that of moss.substance such as tin, salt, or sulphurthe chemical element of atomic number 7the tough outer part of a loaf of bread.the simplest and smallest forms of life.lungs are important to us, also it it an_____...

Cells 2021-08-31

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. A part of the body that performs a specific function
  2. The lens you look through to see the specimen in the microscope
  3. A cell with specific features that allow them to do a specific job
  4. An organelle that stores fluids and nutrients
  5. A unicellular microorganism which can cause disease
  6. The layer surrounding the cytoplasm of all cells and protecting them
  7. the most basic and important optical element for magnification
  8. The control center of a cell which contains DNA
  9. an organelle that generates energy
  10. when an adult cell splits into two cells both with identical DNA
  1. An organism with two or more cells
  2. Helps provide extra support for plant cells as well as protecting the cell from things
  3. A fluid which fills a cell and is enclosed by the cell membrane
  4. A group of cells that are similar
  5. A group of organs in the body that perform a function
  6. this is used to protect the specimen on the slide
  7. An organism with only one cell
  8. Used to improve the focus quality of the specimen after being put into approximate focus
  9. A rectangular piece of glass that holds the specimen under the microscope
  10. the smallest structural unit of a organism
  11. This is used to bring the specimen into approximate focus
  12. Something living and has cells

22 Clues: An organism with only one cellSomething living and has cellsA group of cells that are similarAn organism with two or more cellsan organelle that generates energythe smallest structural unit of a organismAn organelle that stores fluids and nutrientsThe control center of a cell which contains DNAthis is used to protect the specimen on the slide...

cells 2021-08-25

cells crossword puzzle
  1. (singular = mitochondrion) cellular organelles responsible for carrying out cellular respiration, resulting in the production of ATP, the cell’s main energy-carrying molecule
  2. an instrement that magnifies an object
  3. compartment or sac within a cell
  4. small,round organelle that contains hydrogen peroxide, oxidizes fatty acids and amino acids, and detoxifies many poisons
  5. entire region between the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope, consisting of organelles suspended in the gel-like cytosol, the cytoskeleton, and various chemicals
  6. cell cell that has a membrane-bound nucleus and several other membrane-bound compartments or sacs
  7. green pigment that captures the light energy that drives the light reactions of photosynthesis
  8. semi-solid fluid inside the nucleus that contains the chromatin and nucleolus
  9. an intstrument that magnifies an object using a beam of electrons passed and bent through a lens system to visualize a specimen
  10. large plant cell organelle that regulates the cell’s storage compartment, holds water, and plays a significant role in cell growth as the site of macromolecule degradation
  11. plant cell organelle that carries out photosynthesis
  12. gel-like material of the cytoplasm in which cell structures are suspended
  13. region in animal cells made of two centrioles
  14. darkly staining body within the nucleus that is responsible for assembling the subunits of the ribosomes
  1. see unified cell theory
  2. cellular structure that carries out protein synthesis
  3. phospholipid bilayer with embedded (integral) or attached (peripheral) proteins, and separates the internal content of the cell from its surrounding environment
  4. structure within the nucleus that is made up of chromatin that contains DNA, the hereditary material
  5. membrane-bound sac, somewhat larger than a vesicle, which functions in cellular storage and transport
  6. organelle in an animal cell that functions as the cell’s digestive component; it breaks down proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, nucleic acids, and even worn-out organelles
  7. an instrument that magnifies an objectusing a beam visible light passed and bent through a lens system to visualize a specimen
  8. double-membrane structure that constitutes the outermost portion of the nucleus
  9. cell organelle that houses the cell’s DNA and directs the synthesis of ribosomes and proteins
  10. protein-DNA complex that serves as the building material of chromosomes
  11. small,membrane-bound sac that functions in cellular storage and transport; its membrane is capable of fusing with the plasma membrane and the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus
  12. rigid cell covering made of various molecules that protects the cell, provides structural support, and gives shape to the cell

26 Clues: see unified cell theorycompartment or sac within a cellan instrement that magnifies an objectregion in animal cells made of two centriolesplant cell organelle that carries out photosynthesiscellular structure that carries out protein synthesisprotein-DNA complex that serves as the building material of chromosomes...

cells 2023-02-09

cells crossword puzzle
  1. protects cell keeps it from dying
  2. hard ridged provides shape and form in plant cells
  3. protects cell controls what comes in and out
  4. produce proteins
  5. structures found inside of cell
  6. produces an energy power house of cell
  7. gel like fluid that fills the cell
  8. the control center
  9. where DNA is found
  10. store food, water, waste
  11. two or more tissues working together
  12. sends and revives materials
  1. two or more cells working together
  2. needs energy to work
  3. all living things are made of cells
  4. used to propel themselves through their environment
  5. helps cell maintain its shape
  6. sends and revives materials from one place to the other
  7. break down food, water, waste in cell
  8. captures energy from sunlight

20 Clues: produce proteinsthe control centerwhere DNA is foundneeds energy to workstore food, water, wastesends and revives materialshelps cell maintain its shapecaptures energy from sunlightstructures found inside of cellprotects cell keeps it from dyingtwo or more cells working togethergel like fluid that fills the cellall living things are made of cells...

Cells 2023-02-21

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Different types of tissues that work together to do the same job
  2. Group of cells that do the same similar work
  3. Found animalcules in pond water
  4. Contains chlorophyll which helps make plants make food
  5. A group of organs working together to do a certain job
  6. Moves out waste products
  7. Man who said all animals are made of from cells
  8. Protoplasm within a living cell
  9. Lets a bacteria cell move
  10. Supplies cell with water
  11. He proved things come from other living things
  12. functional unit of an organism
  13. Provides cell with protein
  14. Man who disproved spontaneous generation
  15. Theory that all living things are made from cells
  16. Man who created cell theory
  1. Packs up used proteins and moves them out the cell
  2. Central most important part of a object
  3. Lets things in and out of the nucleus
  4. Found microbes in the air
  5. Man who said all plants are made of from cells
  6. Moves materials from nucleus to cell membrane
  7. fluid that surrounds the cells nucleus
  8. surrounds the outside of a cell, lets things in and out
  9. Gives the cell energy
  10. Man who found and called cells "cells"
  11. Moves proteins from nucleus to cell membrane
  12. Controls what happens in the nucleus
  13. Gel-like substance that moves things around the cell
  14. Tells cell info and holds DNA
  15. Many systems working together
  16. Material that is present in all living Organims

32 Clues: Gives the cell energyMoves out waste productsSupplies cell with waterFound microbes in the airLets a bacteria cell moveProvides cell with proteinMan who created cell theoryTells cell info and holds DNAMany systems working togetherFound animalcules in pond waterProtoplasm within a living cellfunctional unit of an organism...

Cells 2023-02-15

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. A physical barrier that divides a low concentration of a substance from a high concentration of the same or different substance
  2. Organelle that changes the chemical energy in food into a form that is easier for the cell to use (looks like a hot dog with mustard)
  3. Structure that assembles proteins (looks like a polka dot)
  4. Fluid portion of the cell outside the nucleus
  5. Structure around plant cells, fungus cells, and some bacterial cells that supports and protects
  6. Structure in a cell that acts like a specialized organ
  7. The assembly of ribosomes begins here
  8. Cell with DNA that is enclosed in a nucleus
  9. Cell with DNA that is not enclosed in a nucleus
  10. Allows the passage of some molecules or ions and inhibits the passage of others
  11. Movement of ions or molecules with the concentration gradient, does not require energy.
  12. One cell
  13. Saclike structure that stores material like water and nutrients. (tiny vacuoles found near Golgi Body/Apparatus)
  14. A type of Endocytosis involving water
  15. A type of bulk transport that removes molecules in vesicle
  16. Multiple cells
  17. Movement of ions or molecules against the concentration gradient, assisted by enzymes and requiring energy
  18. The concentration of ions and molecules are the same inside and outside of the cell.
  1. A type of bulk transport that keeps molecules in vesicle
  2. The supposed production of living organisms from nonliving matter
  3. A type of Endocytosis involving solids
  4. Theory All living things are made of one or more cells; cells are the basic units of structure and function; and new cells come from previously existing cells
  5. It consists of protein, RNA, and DNA. Not found in Prokaryotes.
  6. Structure in animal cells that helps organize cell division. (looks like stubby twizzler)
  7. Saclike structure that stores material like water and nutrients. (very large in plants, looks like a game controller)
  8. Internal membrane system of a cell where proteins are assembled. Rough has ribosomes.
  9. Allows proteins, RNA, and other molecules into and out of the nucleus.
  10. Cell structure that contains genetic material
  11. Made of two lipid bilayers with pores. Encases nucleus.
  12. Diffusion of molecules through a protein channel
  13. Enzyme-filled structure that breaks down complex molecules or worn-out organelles. (looks like beans in a bowl)
  14. Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane
  15. Thin polar membrane made of two layers of lipid molecules.
  16. Structure in plant cells that captures the sun's energy and changes it into chemical energy. (looks like it has stacks of coins)
  17. Network of protein that gives a cell its shape and organizes its organelles. (looks like hair or a hose)
  18. A type of active transport that moves large molecules
  19. Movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
  20. Thin, semi-permeable, flexible barrier that separates the cell from its environment
  21. Basic unit of life
  22. Series of flattened sacs that prepares proteins and other materials for export from the cell. (looks like a lava lamp)

40 Clues: One cellMultiple cellsBasic unit of lifeThe assembly of ribosomes begins hereA type of Endocytosis involving waterA type of Endocytosis involving solidsCell with DNA that is enclosed in a nucleusFluid portion of the cell outside the nucleusCell structure that contains genetic materialCell with DNA that is not enclosed in a nucleus...

cells 2023-02-21

cells crossword puzzle
  1. moves out waste products
  2. discovered cells come from other cells
  3. biggest cell
  4. year cells were discovered
  5. controls the entry and exit materials from cell
  6. gives plant color
  7. Rutherford discovered nucleus
  8. only found in plant cell
  9. Cell control center
  10. cells mail room
  11. helps cell maintain shape
  12. discovered cells
  13. membrane separates inside and outside of cell
  14. gel like fluid inside the cell
  15. center of nucleus
  1. plant and animal cells both have
  2. produces protein
  3. group of similar cells working together
  4. only found in plant cells
  5. surrounds the cell
  6. forms all living organisms
  7. only found in animal cells
  8. protein that gives the cell its shape
  9. piece of cell with specific function
  10. contains a nucleus
  11. contains green pigment
  12. carries genetic information
  13. works together to make organs
  14. jelly like substance that holds everything in place
  15. where ribosomes are made

30 Clues: biggest cellcells mail roomproduces proteindiscovered cellsgives plant colorcenter of nucleussurrounds the cellcontains a nucleusCell control centercontains green pigmentmoves out waste productsonly found in plant cellwhere ribosomes are madeonly found in plant cellshelps cell maintain shapeyear cells were discoveredforms all living organisms...

cells 2023-02-22

cells crossword puzzle
  1. looked at a cork under the microscope and noticed little empty boxes that he called "cells"
  2. making food by changing energy from the sun
  3. respiration occurs when oxygen is present
  4. gives the support and structure
  5. all living things are made of cells
  6. all plants are made of cells
  7. pack up used proteins and move them out of the cell
  8. the theory that living things come only from other living things
  9. when nucleus divides to form 2 new cells
  10. boiled broth in flasks
  11. let's things in and out of the nucleus
  12. controls what happens in the nucleus
  13. the structure within the cytoplasm that carrys on specific jobs to make the cell function
  14. the total of chemical activities of an organism that enable it to stay alive, grow, and reproduce
  15. directs all activities that happen in the cell
  16. moves out waste products
  17. when the particle is too large to exit the cell so the material fuses with the cell membrane
  18. water through the cell membrane
  1. uses no energy to move particles in and out of the cell
  2. provide the cell with protein
  3. all animals are made of cells
  4. organisms that make their own food, like plants
  5. chromosomes-holds the DNA tells the cell information
  6. is when materials need energy to help them move through a cell membrane
  7. when the particle is too large to enter through active or passive transport
  8. supplies the cell with water
  9. respiration occurs when oxygen levels are low
  10. outside the layer of the cell lets things in and out
  11. that cannot make their own food like humans
  12. gel like substance that moves things through the cell

30 Clues: boiled broth in flasksmoves out waste productssupplies the cell with waterall plants are made of cellsprovide the cell with proteinall animals are made of cellsgives the support and structurewater through the cell membraneall living things are made of cellscontrols what happens in the nucleuslet's things in and out of the nucleus...

Cells 2012-10-27

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. evolved first; no nucleous; example is bacteria
  2. stores and moves wastes or other particles
  3. controls all functions of the cell
  4. packages protein for transport
  5. a cell that is prokaryotes but has no chloroplasts or a large vacuole
  6. take in suns energy and use it to make food; found in plant cells
  7. protects the cell and decides what stays in the cell or what enters and exits
  8. the step of mitosis in which chromotids line up at the equator
  9. digests and breaks down food or other materials for the cell
  10. evolved from prokaryotes; have a nucleous; example animal
  11. genetic material
  12. rigid structure that protects and gives the cell shape
  1. takes food and creates energy for the cell
  2. stores excess food and water; only found in plant cells
  3. transport or pathway in the cell
  4. jelly like fluid that fills the cell and holds the organelles
  5. makes proteins
  6. a cell containing chloroplasts and a large vacuole along with other cell parts
  7. storage for the cell
  8. the step of mitosis in which chromotids are pulled to opposite sides of the cell

20 Clues: makes proteinsgenetic materialstorage for the cellpackages protein for transporttransport or pathway in the cellcontrols all functions of the celltakes food and creates energy for the cellstores and moves wastes or other particlesevolved first; no nucleous; example is bacteriarigid structure that protects and gives the cell shape...

CELLS 2012-10-13

CELLS crossword puzzle
  4. LIGHT
  5. AT TOP


cells 2012-10-16

cells crossword puzzle
  1. What is the first stage of the cell cycle
  2. Form the parts of an organism and carry out all of the organisms processes or functions
  3. An example of oxygen and nitrogen
  4. The diffusion of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane
  5. The process by which a cell captures energy in sunlight
  6. An organism that cannot make it's own food
  7. An organism that makes its own food
  8. The process by which molecules move from higher to lower concentration
  1. Small opening on the undersides of the leaves where carbon dioxide enters
  2. A process by which cells change in structure and become capable of carrying out specialized functions
  3. The organelle in which photosynthesis occurs
  4. Pairs with adenine during DNA replication
  5. The final stage of the cell cycle
  6. What makes a leaf appear green
  7. The process by which cells obtain energy from glucose
  8. What is the second stage of the cell cycle
  9. A place where fermentation occur
  10. The green color on plants
  11. The energy releasing process that does not require oxygen
  12. An example of carbon dioxide

20 Clues: The green color on plantsAn example of carbon dioxideWhat makes a leaf appear greenA place where fermentation occurThe final stage of the cell cycleAn example of oxygen and nitrogenAn organism that makes its own foodWhat is the first stage of the cell cyclePairs with adenine during DNA replicationWhat is the second stage of the cell cycle...

Cells 2012-12-02

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Stores water waste and enzymes
  2. Makes plants green
  3. Keeps organelles in place
  4. Transports proteins
  5. Transports substances
  6. Only animal cells have it
  7. Long chain of protein
  8. Rarely found in plant cells
  9. Basic units of living organisms
  10. Has three parts
  11. collects,modifies,and ships substances
  12. Makes ribosomes
  13. Site of photosynthesis
  14. One part of the cytoskeleton
  15. has a nucleus and organelles
  1. only plant cells have it
  2. Provides support and shape to cells
  3. "control center" of a cell
  4. A structure in a cell that has a specific function
  5. makes lipids
  6. Made of protein
  7. "Powerhouse" of the cell
  8. site of protein synthesis
  9. Helps make chromosomes during cell division
  10. Has no membrane bound organelles
  11. Found in eukaryotic cells

26 Clues: makes lipidsMade of proteinHas three partsMakes ribosomesMakes plants greenTransports proteinsTransports substancesLong chain of proteinSite of photosynthesisonly plant cells have it"Powerhouse" of the cellKeeps organelles in placeOnly animal cells have itsite of protein synthesisFound in eukaryotic cells"control center" of a cell...

Cells 2012-11-26

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. The site of protein synthesis
  2. It provides shape to the cell
  3. Produces energy
  4. It is the brain of the cell and it produces DNA
  5. The people who finds out about cells
  6. The thing you look at cells through
  7. Found in blood
  8. Produces protein
  9. the smallest unit in a living organism
  1. The kind of science you do when you study cells
  2. Site of photo synthesis converting energy into chemical energy
  3. Selectively preambles boundary for entry and exit of nutrients and waste
  4. The kind of cell you find in animals
  5. found in plants
  6. Metabolism of materials ingested by endocythosis
  7. Contains DNA
  8. Responsible for the secretion of waste products from the cell
  9. entry and exit for nutrients and waste
  10. IS associated with the production of fats.
  11. Storage of nutrients and water

20 Clues: Contains DNAFound in bloodProduces energyfound in plantsProduces proteinThe site of protein synthesisIt provides shape to the cellStorage of nutrients and waterThe thing you look at cells throughThe kind of cell you find in animalsThe people who finds out about cellsentry and exit for nutrients and wastethe smallest unit in a living organism...

Cells 2012-11-26

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. storage site of genetic information
  2. provides the shape to the cell
  3. the site of photosynthesis
  4. storage of genetic information
  5. an organelle in the cytoplasm
  6. site of energy metabolism
  7. boundary for entry and exit of nutrients and waste
  8. assist in adhesion
  9. oxidative metabolism of nutrients
  10. surface on which ribosomes bind for protien synthesis
  11. assists in movement
  12. contains all of the dna in a cell
  1. storage of nutrients and water
  2. transports liquids and nutrients in a cell
  3. smallest unit of all living things
  4. the site of protien synthesis
  5. body a netlike structure in the cytoplasm
  6. a cell without a nucleus
  7. boundary for entry and exit of nutrients and water
  8. permeable boundary

20 Clues: assist in adhesionpermeable boundaryassists in movementa cell without a nucleussite of energy metabolismthe site of photosynthesisthe site of protien synthesisan organelle in the cytoplasmstorage of nutrients and waterprovides the shape to the cellstorage of genetic informationoxidative metabolism of nutrientscontains all of the dna in a cell...

Cells 2014-08-13

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Type of cell that is made up of a nucleus, cell membrane and cytoplasm, but no cell wall.
  2. wall A rigid structure in plant and fungal cells that gives them structure and support.
  3. A specialised cell that has a tail so it can swim towards an egg cell.
  4. A specialised cell that has long axons to carry electrical messages long distances.
  5. Organelles that carry out cellular respiration to produce energy for the cell.
  6. An organism that consists of a single cell.
  7. The part of the cell which controls the activity of the cell.
  8. The green pigment in chloroplasts.
  9. The organelle that carries out photosynthesis in a plant cell.
  10. A specialised cell that is biconcave in shape in order to carry more oxygen.
  11. Type of cell that contains chloroplasts and a cell wall made of cellulose.
  12. In plants this organelle is very large and used to store water, sap and waste products.
  1. cell A specialised plant cell for photosynthesis that contains many chloroplasts.
  2. The 'skin' of the cell; it controls what substances can enter and exit the cell.
  3. Cells that have specific structural adaptations to efficiently carry out a particular role in an organism.
  4. A specialised cell that has a long thing projection to increase the surface area, allowing more water to be absorbed.
  5. An organism that consists of many different cells working together.
  6. Type of cell that contains a cell wall but no chloroplasts.
  7. Single celled organisms such as Salmonella.
  8. A specialised cell that has many mitochondria so that energy is continually available to the cell.
  9. A single celled organism such as Euglena.
  10. The jelly-like fluid inside the cell in which chemical reactions take place.

22 Clues: The green pigment in chloroplasts.A single celled organism such as Euglena.An organism that consists of a single cell.Single celled organisms such as Salmonella.Type of cell that contains a cell wall but no chloroplasts.The part of the cell which controls the activity of the cell.The organelle that carries out photosynthesis in a plant cell....

Cells 2014-11-12

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Living unit that makes up all living things from microscopic organisms to the most complex organism
  2. material in which chromosomes of other organisms other than bacteria are composed
  3. dense region where tiny organelles essential for making proteins are assembled
  4. short hair like structures that cover some or all of the cell surface and helps the organism swim and capture food
  5. storehouse for most genetic information or DNA in your cells
  6. high absorbing pigment molecule in Photosynthetic organism
  7. A threadlike structure of nucleic acid and proteins found in the nucleus of most living cells
  8. The taking in of matter by a living cell by inavigation of its membrane to form a vacuole
  9. whip like structure outside of a cell that is used for movement
  10. cell that does not have a nucleus or other membrane bound organelles
  11. The diffusion of water across A selectively permeable membrane
  12. membrane-bound organelle that clean the cell
  1. cylindrical organelle near the nucleus in animal cells
  2. cell that has a membrane-bound organelle
  3. membrane-bound structure that is specialized to form a distinct process with in a cell
  4. fluid filled sac used for the storage of materials needed by a cell
  5. The cells main source of energy that have their own DNA
  6. organelles that carries out photosynthesis and converts solar energy
  7. Movement of particles from an area of high concentration to low concentration
  8. tiny organelles that link amino acids together to form proteins
  9. jelly like substance that contains dissolved molecular building blocks

21 Clues: cell that has a membrane-bound organellemembrane-bound organelle that clean the cellcylindrical organelle near the nucleus in animal cellsThe cells main source of energy that have their own DNAhigh absorbing pigment molecule in Photosynthetic organismstorehouse for most genetic information or DNA in your cells...

cells 2014-11-21

cells crossword puzzle
  1. movement of large particles out of the cell
  2. the two layers of phosphlipids form
  3. dose like water
  4. helps digest food particles
  5. movement of water milecules acroos a membrane
  6. dose not like water; is afraid of it
  7. requires energy
  8. basic unit of life
  9. movement of large particles into the cell
  10. protein maker
  11. determins the cell shape
  12. particles move from an area opf high to low concentration
  13. equal concentration; cell stays the same
  1. temporary storage
  2. water leaving the cell
  3. protect cell from its surroundings
  4. known as the 'powerhouse of the cell'
  5. shows atoms arrangement
  6. water coming inside the cell
  7. dose not require energy
  8. the brain of the cell

21 Clues: protein makerdose like waterrequires energytemporary storagebasic unit of lifethe brain of the cellwater leaving the cellshows atoms arrangementdose not require energydetermins the cell shapehelps digest food particleswater coming inside the cellprotect cell from its surroundingsthe two layers of phosphlipids form...

Cells 2015-03-02

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. humans, animals, plants
  2. a sack like structure used for storage
  3. found only in plant cells, takes energy from the sun and uses it for photosynthesis
  4. hair like structures used for movement
  5. a thick fluid throughout the entire cell
  6. uses energy to move material through cell membrane
  7. the powerhouse of the cell, changes food energy into useful energy
  8. sticky outer layer of a prokaryotic cell, makes us sick
  9. where protein is created
  10. basic unit of structure and function
  1. bacteria cell
  2. the control center of a eukaryotic cell, contains DNA
  3. strands of DNA contained within the nucleus
  4. uses no energy to move material through cell membrane
  5. a whip like structure used for movement
  6. found only in plant cells, an extra layer of support
  7. what was being studied when the first cells where discovered
  8. adenosine triphosphate
  9. acts as the bouncer
  10. where ribosomes are made, inside the nucleus

20 Clues: bacteria cellacts as the bounceradenosine triphosphatehumans, animals, plantswhere protein is createdbasic unit of structure and functiona sack like structure used for storagehair like structures used for movementa whip like structure used for movementa thick fluid throughout the entire cellstrands of DNA contained within the nucleus...

Cells 2014-10-17

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. One of the seven life processes, getting rid of waste.
  2. Like a very thin bag.
  3. One of the seven life processes, to change place or position.
  4. A storage place and is filled with a liquid.
  5. An object you use to look through a microscope.
  6. A tool used to magnify an object.
  7. a cell that is in an animal
  8. The 'control center' of the cell.
  9. Absorbs as much water as possible.
  10. It is flexible to move around the corners of your body.
  11. a cell that is in a plant.
  1. It helps reproduce and fertilizes the egg cell.
  2. Long and wide reaching.
  3. One of the seven life processes, a process in cells that releases energy.
  4. To create new organisms.
  5. Removes bad things from entering the body.
  6. Contains half DNA.
  7. One of the seven life processes, obtaining food for growth, energy and repair.
  8. Increasing in size or number.
  9. One of the seven life processes, to respond to the surroundings.
  10. Anagram of the seven life processes
  11. A jelly-like substance.
  12. Allows the plant to make food.
  13. Supports the cell.

24 Clues: Contains half DNA.Supports the cell.Like a very thin bag.Long and wide reaching.A jelly-like substance.To create new organisms.a cell that is in a plant.a cell that is in an animalIncreasing in size or number.Allows the plant to make food.A tool used to magnify an object.The 'control center' of the cell.Absorbs as much water as possible....

CELLS 2015-08-18

CELLS crossword puzzle
  1. protein filled bubble made by ER
  2. staying the same
  3. cell division
  4. "skin" around animal cell
  5. combines simple molecules into larger molecules
  6. cell wall is made of this
  7. the building blocks for plants and animals
  8. dark spot inside the nucleus
  9. cell jelly
  10. you have 100 trillion of them
  1. organelles that make protein
  2. control center of the cell
  3. "power house of the cell"
  4. organelles that break down bigger molecules
  5. where plants create food
  6. rough and smooth protein maker or collector
  7. process of turning glucose into energy
  8. a process to ensure life goes on
  9. why offspring look like their parents
  10. found only in plants, it helps them stand tall
  11. specialized part of a cell that acts like an organ
  12. "bubbles" that store food or waste

22 Clues: cell jellycell divisionstaying the samewhere plants create food"power house of the cell""skin" around animal cellcell wall is made of thiscontrol center of the cellorganelles that make proteindark spot inside the nucleusyou have 100 trillion of themprotein filled bubble made by ERa process to ensure life goes on"bubbles" that store food or waste...

CELLS 2015-11-12

CELLS crossword puzzle
  1. protein filled bubble made by ER
  2. staying the same
  3. cell division
  4. "skin" around animal cell
  5. combines simple molecules into larger molecules
  6. cell wall is made of this
  7. the building blocks for plants and animals
  8. dark spot inside the nucleus
  9. cell jelly
  10. you have 100 trillion of them
  1. organelles that make protein
  2. control center of the cell
  3. "power house of the cell"
  4. organelles that break down bigger molecules
  5. where plants create food
  6. rough and smooth protein maker or collector
  7. process of turning glucose into energy
  8. a process to ensure life goes on
  9. why offspring look like their parents
  10. found only in plants, it helps them stand tall
  11. specialized part of a cell that acts like an organ
  12. "bubbles" that store food or waste

22 Clues: cell jellycell divisionstaying the samewhere plants create food"power house of the cell""skin" around animal cellcell wall is made of thiscontrol center of the cellorganelles that make proteindark spot inside the nucleusyou have 100 trillion of themprotein filled bubble made by ERa process to ensure life goes on"bubbles" that store food or waste...

Cells 2016-10-01

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Proteins are made
  2. Carries specific activites
  3. Structures in a system of microscopic fibers
  4. Seperates the cell interior
  5. Short hairlike structures
  6. Made of a phospate group and 2 fatty acids
  7. Stores water
  8. Outer boundary
  9. Organism with a nucleus
  10. Transports substances
  1. Single celled organism with no nucleus
  2. Move proteins
  3. Small spherical organelles
  4. Packaging and serving distrubution center
  5. Arranged in a double layer
  6. All eukaryotic cells contain this
  7. Houses cells DNA
  8. Use light energy
  9. Has 3 parts
  10. Surrondes the cell membrane

20 Clues: Has 3 partsStores waterMove proteinsOuter boundaryHouses cells DNAUse light energyProteins are madeTransports substancesOrganism with a nucleusShort hairlike structuresCarries specific activitesSmall spherical organellesArranged in a double layerSeperates the cell interiorSurrondes the cell membraneAll eukaryotic cells contain this...

cells 2016-12-06

cells crossword puzzle
  1. group of tissue that work together
  2. enzymes which break down proteins ans carbs
  3. evolutionary history of a species f organisms
  4. folded membrane
  5. food molecules are broken down
  6. have organelles
  7. storage area
  8. movement of materials out of the cell
  9. when dna is bound with proteins
  10. watery material inside cell
  11. surrounds the genetic material
  1. packaging of proteins
  2. contains dna and rna genes
  3. group of cells
  4. outer boundary of the cell
  5. classification and naming of living things
  6. group of organs that work together
  7. lack organelles
  8. cell engulfs a substance outside the cell
  9. light energy
  10. attached to the er
  11. basic building blocks of life
  12. rigid structure
  13. cell division
  14. within nucleus

25 Clues: light energystorage areacell divisiongroup of cellswithin nucleuslack organellesfolded membranehave organellesrigid structureattached to the erpackaging of proteinscontains dna and rna genesouter boundary of the cellwatery material inside cellbasic building blocks of lifefood molecules are broken downsurrounds the genetic material...

Cells 2017-02-15

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. The tiniest structural/functional part of an organism; consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus in a membrane; unicellular
  2. Group of tiny unicellular organisms that lack organelles and an organized nucleus
  3. "Highway" of the cell
  4. Pathway into the cell for small particles and fluid
  5. "Conveyor belt" organelles
  6. Proteins made by the cell are modified by ?
  7. What plants and animals are made of that contain their cells and such
  8. Parts within a cell
  9. Maintains homeostasis
  10. During mitosis, separates chromosone pairs
  11. An organism whose cells have a nucleus surrounded by a membrane and DNA is bound by proteins into chromosones
  12. Storage for food, water, and toxic waste
  13. Group of organs working together
  14. "Brain" of the cell (controls activity)
  15. Supports and protects the cell
  1. Breaks down and gets the important parts from starch
  2. Transports and makes proteins
  3. Transports elements from the ER to the Golgi Body
  4. "Powerhouse" of the cell
  5. Makes proteins
  6. Organizes microtables
  7. Digests food/waste
  8. Controls material going in/out of the nucleus
  9. An organism made of one cell that doesn't have a membrane-bound mitochondria or any membrane-bound organelles
  10. Cell in a plant that makes leaves green and does photosynthesis
  11. An infection made of a molecule in a protein coat that can only multiply in the living cells of a host
  12. 1 All living beings are made of cells 2 All cells come from other cells 3 Cell is the basic unit of structure for organisms
  13. Makes ribosomes
  14. An important self-contained part of an organism
  15. Jello-like substance that surrounds organelles

30 Clues: Makes proteinsMakes ribosomesDigests food/wasteParts within a cellOrganizes microtables"Highway" of the cellMaintains homeostasis"Powerhouse" of the cell"Conveyor belt" organellesTransports and makes proteinsSupports and protects the cellGroup of organs working together"Brain" of the cell (controls activity)Storage for food, water, and toxic waste...

cells 2017-04-25

cells crossword puzzle
  1. (also called the "microtubule organizing center") a small body located near the nucleus - it has a dense center and radiating tubules. The centrosomes is where microtubules are made. During cell division (mitosis), the centrosome divides and the two parts move to opposite sides of the dividing cell. Unlike the centrosomes in animal cells, plant cell centrosomes do not have centrioles.
  2. jellylike material outside the cell nucleus in which the organelles are located.
  3. organelle within the nucleus - it is where ribosomal RNA is produced.
  4. (plural grana) A stack of thylakoid disks within the chloroplast is called a granum.
  5. a process in which plants convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into food energy (sugars and starches), oxygen and water. Chlorophyll or closely-related pigments (substances that color the plant) are essential to the photosynthetic process.
  6. (rough ER) a vast system of interconnected, membranous, infolded and convoluted sacks that are located in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane). Rough ER is covered with ribosomes that give it a rough appearance. Rough ER transport materials through the cell and produces proteins in sacks called cisternae (which are sent to the Golgi body, or inserted into the cell membrane).
  7. is short for adenosine triphosphate; it is a high-energy molecule used for energy storage by organisms. In plant cells, ATP is produced in the cristae of mitochondria and chloroplasts.
  8. the thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the cell, but is inside the cell wall. The cell membrane is semipermeable, allowing some substances to pass into the cell and blocking others.
  9. a large, membrane-bound space within a plant cell that is filled with fluid. Most plant cells have a single vacuole that takes up much of the cell. It helps maintain the shape of the cell. lysosome/(also called cell vesicles) round organelles surrounded by a membrane and containing digestive enzymes. This is where the digestion of cell nutrients takes place.
  10. spherical to rod-shaped organelles with a double membrane. The inner membrane is infolded many times, forming a series of projections (called cristae). The mitochondrion converts the energy stored in glucose into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for the cell.
  11. a thick, rigid membrane that surrounds a plant cell. This layer of cellulose fiber gives the cell most of its support and structure. The cell wall also bonds with other cell walls to form the structure of the plant.
  12. thylakoid disks are disk-shaped membrane structures in chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll. Chloroplasts are made up of stacks of thylakoid disks; a stack of thylakoid disks is called a granum. Photosynthesis (the production of ATP molecules from sunlight) takes place on thylakoid disks.
  13. part of the chloroplasts in plant cells, located within the inner membrane of chloroplasts, between the grana.
  1. small organelles composed of RNA-rich cytoplasmic granules that are sites of protein synthesis.
  2. an organelle in some plant cells that stores starch. Amyloplasts are found in starchy plants like tubers and fruits.
  3. an elongated or disc-shaped organelle containing chlorophyll. Photosynthesis (in which energy from sunlight is converted into chemical energy - food) takes place in the chloroplasts.
  4. (smooth ER) a vast system of interconnected, membranous, infolded and convoluted tubes that are located in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane). The space within the ER is called the ER lumen. Smooth ER transport materials through the cell. It contains enzymes and produces and digests lipids (fats) and membrane proteins; smooth ER buds off from rough ER, moving the newly-made proteins and lipids to the Golgi body and membranes
  5. the membrane that surrounds the nucleus.
  6. chlorophyll is a molecule that can use light energy from sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide gas into sugar and oxygen (this process is called photosynthesis). Chlorophyll is magnesium based and is usually green.
  7. spherical body containing many organelles, including the nucleolus. The nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell (by controlling protein synthesis) and contains DNA (in chromosomes). The nucleus is surrounded by the nuclear membrane
  8. (also called the golgi apparatus or golgi complex) a flattened, layered, sac-like organelle that looks like a stack of pancakes and is located near the nucleus. The golgi body packages proteins and carbohydrates into membrane-bound vesicles for "export" from the cell.
  9. (singular crista) the multiply-folded inner membrane of a cell's mitochondrion that are finger-like projections. The walls of the cristae are the site of the cell's energy production (it is where ATP is generated).

22 Clues: the membrane that surrounds the nucleus.organelle within the nucleus - it is where ribosomal RNA is produced.jellylike material outside the cell nucleus in which the organelles are located.(plural grana) A stack of thylakoid disks within the chloroplast is called a granum....

Cells 2017-11-14

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. (2 words) only in plant cells, supports and protects
  2. material that holds organelles
  3. control center of the cell
  4. saw single cells under a microscope
  5. transports materials around the cell
  6. site of cellular respiration
  7. (2 words) surounds nucleous, selectively permeable
  8. where dna is bound with proteins
  9. a group of orgnans (2 words)
  10. (2 words) packages and secretes materials
  11. all animals are made of cells
  12. storage area
  1. only in plant cells, site of photosynthesis
  2. digests waste in the cell
  3. all plants are made of cells
  4. lacks organelles \
  5. (2 words)outer boundary of the cell, selectively permeable
  6. discovered nucleous
  7. has all its organelles
  8. only in animal cells, cell division
  9. in nucleous, where ribosomes are made
  10. group of tissue
  11. site of protein synthesis
  12. group of cells
  13. baic building matter of life

25 Clues: storage areagroup of cellsgroup of tissuelacks organelles \discovered nucleoushas all its organellesdigests waste in the cellsite of protein synthesiscontrol center of the cellall plants are made of cellssite of cellular respirationa group of orgnans (2 words)baic building matter of lifeall animals are made of cellsmaterial that holds organelles...

Cells 2018-12-10

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. storage a in cell
  2. cells arise from preexisting cells
  3. building blocks of life
  4. saw single cell organisms
  5. digest waste and worn out cell parts
  6. watery material inside cell
  7. control center
  8. sugar is converted into ATP
  9. taking in solid particles
  10. movement of materials out of the cell at the cell membrane
  11. movement from high concentration to low
  12. site of protein synthesis
  1. DNA bound with proteins
  2. all animals are made of cells
  3. light energy is changed into chemical energy
  4. a group of tissues
  5. cell membrane swells
  6. unicellular autotroph
  7. taking in liquid molecules
  8. shrinking of the cell membrane
  9. for cell division
  10. all plants are made of cells
  11. saw boxlike structure
  12. diffusion of water
  13. cells that perform the same function

25 Clues: control centerstorage a in cellfor cell divisiona group of tissuesdiffusion of watercell membrane swellsunicellular autotrophsaw boxlike structureDNA bound with proteinsbuilding blocks of lifesaw single cell organismstaking in solid particlessite of protein synthesistaking in liquid moleculeswatery material inside cellsugar is converted into ATP...

Cells! 2021-11-19

Cells! crossword puzzle
  1. Makes Ribosomes
  2. Structures the cell and provides support.
  3. Enables movement in the cell
  4. Controls what enters and leaves the Nuclues
  5. Makes energy (ATP)
  6. Moves water around the cell
  7. Cell division
  8. Stores water
  9. Gives structure to the cell and gives plants their shape
  10. Causes chemical reactions and floats around in the cell
  11. Cleans the cells using enzymes
  1. Mass production of protein
  2. Controls what enters and leaves the cell
  3. Mass production of lipids
  4. Makes protein
  5. Transports products throughout the cell
  6. Stores Waste
  7. Makes food in plant cells using sunlight
  8. Control Center of the Cell
  9. Packing and transportation of UPS

20 Clues: Stores WasteStores waterMakes proteinCell divisionMakes RibosomesMakes energy (ATP)Mass production of lipidsMass production of proteinControl Center of the CellMoves water around the cellEnables movement in the cellCleans the cells using enzymesPacking and transportation of UPSTransports products throughout the cell...

Cells 2021-11-22

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Movement of particles from an area of high concentration too an area of low concentration
  2. Envelope Surrounds nucleus
  3. a group of similar cells working together
  4. For cell division
  5. Light energy is changed into Chemical energy
  6. Transport Movement of materials which requires an expenditure of energy
  7. Digest waste and worn out cell parts
  8. Storage area in cell for water, food, or waste
  9. Where ribosomes are made
  10. bodies packaging and secreting
  11. The process of maintaining a constant internal environment
  1. Energy is released (ATP)
  2. Control Center
  3. The movement of materials out of the cell
  4. Membrane Selectively Permeable
  5. watery material inside cell, holds organelles
  6. Transports Materials
  7. a group of similar tissues working together
  8. a group of similar organs working together
  9. site of protein synthesis
  10. Theory All organisms are made up of one or more cells, All cells carry on life activity, and new cells arise only from other living things
  11. Wall rigid structure outside cell membrane supports and protects the plant
  12. The movement of water from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
  13. something capable of a relatively independent existence

24 Clues: Control CenterFor cell divisionTransports MaterialsEnergy is released (ATP)Where ribosomes are madesite of protein synthesisEnvelope Surrounds nucleusMembrane Selectively Permeablebodies packaging and secretingDigest waste and worn out cell partsa group of similar cells working togetherThe movement of materials out of the cell...

cells 2022-03-02

cells crossword puzzle
  1. the outside layer of the cell lets things in and out
  2. when molecules are distributed evenly through a space _________ has been reached
  3. moves out waste products
  4. provides the cell with protein
  5. ________ is when a particle is too large to exit the cell s the material fuses with the cell membrane and is released
  6. cell membranes are ______ _____ which means they will let some materials into the cell while keeping others out
  7. directs all the activities that happen in the cell
  8. gives the cell energy and food molecules
  9. chromosomes- holds the DNA tells the cell information
  10. ______ respiration occurs when oxygen levels are low
  11. producers make their own food by changing energy from the sun into a sugar form carbon dioxide (CO2) the cell process is called _____________
  12. organisms that cannot make their own food like humans are called ________
  1. _________ ________ is when a cell uses no energy to move particles in and out of the cell
  2. controls what happens in the nucleus
  3. the total of all chemical activities of an organism that enable it to stay alive grow and reproduce is called _____________
  4. supplies the cell with a lot of water
  5. lets things in and out of the nucleus
  6. organisms that make their own food like plants are called ________
  7. when molecules move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration this process is called ___________
  8. moves materials from the nucleus to the cell membrane
  9. when producers or consumers break down food in their cells to release usable energy this process is called __________
  10. contains chlorophyll which helps the plant make its own food
  11. supplies the cell with water
  12. ________ respiration occurs when oxygen is present
  13. ________ is when a particle is too large to enter through active or passive transport so the cell “engulfs” the material
  14. a gel-like substance that moves things around the cell
  15. transport _________ _________ is when materials need energy to help them move through a cell membrane
  16. the diffusion of water through a cell membrane is called ________

28 Clues: moves out waste productssupplies the cell with waterprovides the cell with proteincontrols what happens in the nucleussupplies the cell with a lot of waterlets things in and out of the nucleusgives the cell energy and food moleculesdirects all the activities that happen in the cell________ respiration occurs when oxygen is present...

Cells 2023-10-09

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. hydrophilic region
  2. the empty space in the cell
  3. hydrophobic region
  4. telephone
  5. made of cellulose
  6. jelly-like substance within cytoplasm
  7. plural for the power house of the cell
  8. also known as the phospholipid bilayer
  9. stores water and waste
  10. small specialized compartments in cells
  11. make protein
  12. locked doors
  13. UPS of the cell
  1. transportation within the cell
  2. cell that contains a cell wall and a chloroplast
  3. organelle that makes energy using light
  4. brain of the cell
  5. contains hereditary information
  6. name tags
  7. cell that is round in shape
  8. garbage can of the cell
  9. liquid portion of cytoplasm
  10. pigment found in plant cells

23 Clues: telephonename tagsmake proteinlocked doorsUPS of the cellmade of cellulosebrain of the cellhydrophilic regionhydrophobic regionstores water and wastegarbage can of the cellthe empty space in the cellcell that is round in shapeliquid portion of cytoplasmpigment found in plant cellstransportation within the cellcontains hereditary information...

Cells 2023-10-19

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. The tough outer part of plant cells.
  2. Take in like a sponge.
  3. Changed to fit better.
  4. Sorts and packages things in a cell.
  5. What makes plants green and helps them eat sunlight.
  6. A plant cell that takes in water.
  7. The feelers of a nerve cell.
  8. The powerhouse of the cell.
  9. A long part of a nerve cell.
  10. Cells that make up your brain.
  11. Helps make and transport protein in a cell.
  12. Slimy stuff in your nose.
  13. A mark or spot on something.
  14. A thin layer that holds things together.
  1. A strong material in plant cell walls.
  2. Very good at one thing.
  3. The part of blood that carries oxygen.
  4. Stores water and food in plant cells.
  5. Tiny blood vessel.
  6. The cells that carry oxygen.
  7. What something does or its job.
  8. A cell with little hairs on it.
  9. A leaf cell that helps with photosynthesis.
  10. The part of a plant cell that does photosynthesis.
  11. The control center of a cell.
  12. A jelly-like substance inside a cell.
  13. The color in things.
  14. Tiny hairs that help move things.

28 Clues: Tiny blood vessel.The color in things.Take in like a sponge.Changed to fit better.Very good at one thing.Slimy stuff in your nose.The powerhouse of the cell.The cells that carry oxygen.The feelers of a nerve cell.A long part of a nerve cell.A mark or spot on something.The control center of a cell.Cells that make up your brain....

Cells 2023-11-30

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. controls what goes in and out of the cell
  2. Pro=no- type of cell that does NOT have a nucleus
  3. diffusion of water
  4. ________ body that packages proteins
  5. type of passive transport where particles move across the membrane from high to low
  6. where photosynthesis happens
  7. cushions organelles in the cell, jelly like substance.
  8. EU=do- type of cell that has a nucleus
  9. where cellular respiration happens
  10. process where plants to sunlight into food
  1. trash collector
  2. type of transport that takes NO energy
  3. control center for Eukaryotic cells
  4. low to high where cell kicks material out
  5. Cellular ______________ is where a cell turns glucose into ATP.
  6. active transport where cell engulfs (eats) material
  7. gives structure and support to plant cells
  8. type of transport that requires energy
  9. ____ _____ _____ = energy (DAB)
  10. hold the DNA, stores in nucleus of eukaryotic cells.

20 Clues: trash collectordiffusion of waterwhere photosynthesis happens____ _____ _____ = energy (DAB)where cellular respiration happenscontrol center for Eukaryotic cells________ body that packages proteinstype of transport that takes NO energytype of transport that requires energyEU=do- type of cell that has a nucleus...

CELLS 2023-11-09

CELLS crossword puzzle
  1. organisms that includes microorganisms such as yeasts and molds, as well as the more familiar mushrooms.
  2. an organelle found in the cells of most eukaryotes, such as animals, plants and fungi.
  3. the gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of a cell.
  4. cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus.
  5. Synthesizes lipids,Phospholipids as in plasma membranes and steroids.
  6. a subcellular structure that has one or more specific jobs to perform in the cell
  7. a structural layer surrounding some types of cells, just outside the cell membrane
  8. membrane a biological membrane that separates and protects the interior of a cell from the outside environment
  9. a network of protein fibers that form the structural network of the cell
  1. tiny, single-celled living organisms.keeps your body healthy
  2. a membrane-bound organelle which is present in plant and fungal cells and some protist, animal, and bacterial cells.
  3. single-celled organism that has neither a distinct nucleus with a membrane nor other specialized organelles.
  4. the largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells
  5. link amino acids together in the order specified by the codons of messenger RNA molecules to form polypeptide chains.
  6. plant cell organelles that convert light energy into relatively stable chemical energy via the photosynthetic process
  7. bubble-like membranous structure that stores and transports cellular products, and digests metabolic wastes within the cell
  8. a short microscopic hairlike vibrating structure found in large numbers on the surface of certain cells
  9. an organelle in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells containing degradative enzymes enclosed in a membrane.
  10. a hairlike appendage(tail)that protrudes from certain plant and animal sperm cells
  11. paired barrel-shaped organelles located in the cytoplasm of animal cells near the nuclear envelope.
  12. the membrane-enclosed organelle within a cell that contains the chromosomes.

21 Clues: the gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of a cell.the largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cellscell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus.tiny, single-celled living organisms.keeps your body healthySynthesizes lipids,Phospholipids as in plasma membranes and steroids....

Cells 2023-11-20

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. the amount of DNA copies needed to start mitosis
  2. This is how DNA is usually found in the cell
  3. The cell is _______ in interphase
  4. this is where oxygen reacts with glucose to make ATP
  5. all of the biomes on earth make this up
  6. The stage before cytokinesis
  7. This is made up of cells
  8. Chromosomes are pulled to opposite ends of the cell
  9. This is where the DNA is stored
  10. Plants, animals, fungi but not bacteria
  1. one reason that mitosis might happen
  2. These are basically the organs of a cell
  3. These cells only have one set of chromosomes.
  4. This type of reproduction results in identical clones
  5. During __________ the chromosomes must be copied.
  6. nuclear envelope goes away
  7. These cells are all haploid
  8. bacteria are examples of this
  9. wall This is not found in animal cells
  10. a cell with both sets of chromosomes

20 Clues: This is made up of cellsnuclear envelope goes awayThese cells are all haploidThe stage before cytokinesisbacteria are examples of thisThis is where the DNA is storedThe cell is _______ in interphaseone reason that mitosis might happena cell with both sets of chromosomesall of the biomes on earth make this upwall This is not found in animal cells...

Cells 2023-11-10

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. separates the cell from the surrounding environment and functions as a selective barrier for the import and export of materials.
  2. What is the first level of organization?
  3. I have a cell wall and contain chloroplast.
  4. is a part of a cell that has a special function, much like an organ.
  5. Supports the cell membrane of a plant cell.
  6. the brain
  7. a complex of folded membranes involved in packaging and secretion of proteins
  8. A category of organisms made up of more then one
  1. Makes proteins
  2. Powerhouse of the cell, organelle that is the site of ATP (energy) production
  3. A category of organisms made up of one cell
  4. A cell structure that controls which substances can enter or leave the cell
  5. used during cell division
  6. a green pigment that captures sunlight
  7. contains digestive enzymes
  8. process that turns light energy into chemical energy
  9. I do not have a cell wall or contain chloroplast.
  10. Stores water, food, and waste
  11. An organelle found in plant and algae cells where photosynthesis occurs
  12. the jelly-like substance between the cell membrane and nucleus that contains the organelles and other cell bodies.

20 Clues: the brainMakes proteinsused during cell divisioncontains digestive enzymesStores water, food, and wastea green pigment that captures sunlightWhat is the first level of organization?A category of organisms made up of one cellI have a cell wall and contain chloroplast.Supports the cell membrane of a plant cell....

cells 2024-01-29

cells crossword puzzle
  1. the cells control center
  2. complex cells and contain 3 membrane bound things
  3. large molecules made from stringing amino acids together
  4. A jelly-like substance that contains the organells
  5. genetic information
  6. The passing of traits from one generation to the next.
  7. A genetically determined characteristic of an organism.Genotype
  8. An organelle that has the digestive chemicals
  9. The genes an organism has; cannot be observed.Phenotype
  10. the cells powerhouse
  11. An organism that has different alleles–on dominant and one recessive.
  12. the parts of a cell
  13. An organism that has two of the same allele.
  1. inside the nucleus and creates ribosomes
  2. The traits an organism expresses; can be observed.Homozygous
  3. protein making factories in a cell
  4. single celled bacteria and don't have 3 things membrane bound
  5. Segments of DNA strands that code for a specific trait
  6. when mistakes are made when DNA forms
  7. in only plant cells and are organelles produce food
  8. storage
  9. the cell produced due to sexual reproduction
  10. The basic unit of life
  11. a fashioned from the DNA pattern
  12. molecule that help a chemical reaction proceed

25 Clues: storagegenetic informationthe parts of a cellthe cells powerhouseThe basic unit of lifethe cells control centera fashioned from the DNA patternprotein making factories in a cellwhen mistakes are made when DNA formsinside the nucleus and creates ribosomesthe cell produced due to sexual reproductionAn organism that has two of the same allele....

Cells 2023-12-08

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. This organelle packages and sorts proteins.
  2. Groups of what make up an organ system.
  3. what make up tissues.
  4. What requires energy form the cell.
  5. What breaks down and clean up materials.
  6. What type of diffusion does not require protiens.
  7. What does oxygen move acrose the cell membrane.
  8. Groups of what make up organs.
  9. What scientist discovered the cell.
  1. What can vacuoles provide for the plant.
  2. What type of microscope makes 3d images.
  3. This organelle creates proteins for the cell.
  4. what might require extra lysosomes.
  5. which type of diffusion requires the use of protiens.
  6. What does not require the energy of the cell.
  7. This type of cell has a nucleus.
  8. This type of cell does not have a nucleus.
  9. Plants and animals both have this.
  10. What cells did Robert hooke study under a microscope.
  11. What cell may require excessive moitochodria in their cells in order to function.

20 Clues: what make up tissues.Groups of what make up organs.This type of cell has a nucleus.Plants and animals both have this.what might require extra lysosomes.What requires energy form the cell.What scientist discovered the cell.Groups of what make up an organ system.What can vacuoles provide for the plant.What type of microscope makes 3d images....

Cells 2023-12-08

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. This organelle packages and sorts proteins.
  2. Groups of what make up an organ system.
  3. what make up tissues.
  4. What requires energy form the cell.
  5. What breaks down and clean up materials.
  6. What type of diffusion does not require protiens.
  7. What does oxygen move acrose the cell membrane.
  8. Groups of what make up organs.
  9. What scientist discovered the cell.
  1. What can vacuoles provide for the plant.
  2. What type of microscope makes 3d images.
  3. This organelle creates proteins for the cell.
  4. what might require extra lysosomes.
  5. which type of diffusion requires the use of protiens.
  6. What does not require the energy of the cell.
  7. This type of cell has a nucleus.
  8. This type of cell does not have a nucleus.
  9. Plants and animals both have this.
  10. What cells did Robert hooke study under a microscope.
  11. What cell may require excessive moitochodria in their cells in order to function.

20 Clues: what make up tissues.Groups of what make up organs.This type of cell has a nucleus.Plants and animals both have this.what might require extra lysosomes.What requires energy form the cell.What scientist discovered the cell.Groups of what make up an organ system.What can vacuoles provide for the plant.What type of microscope makes 3d images....

Cells 2023-12-07

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Cells that contain a distinct nucleus
  2. A molecule that carries genetic information
  3. Act as a barrier against bacteria and funguses
  4. Something that contains centrioles
  5. Cells that are made for the storage of energy
  6. A muscle cell
  7. A particle that is made up of RNA
  8. Something that covers the cytoplasm of a cell
  9. Something that assembles a cell's ribosomes
  10. Cells that are used for reproduction
  11. Something that helps process proteins
  12. A organelle that contains the cell's chromosomes
  1. Cells that help our bones grow and develop
  2. Something that breaks down excess debris in a cell body
  3. are responsible for sending and receiving neurotransmitters
  4. Generates energy to power a cell's chromosomes
  5. an organelle that helps plants grow and yield
  6. Provides structural strength and support
  7. Cells that choose what they want to be
  8. Cells that can be red or white and you need them to live

20 Clues: A muscle cellA particle that is made up of RNASomething that contains centriolesCells that are used for reproductionCells that contain a distinct nucleusSomething that helps process proteinsCells that choose what they want to beProvides structural strength and supportCells that help our bones grow and develop...

cells 2024-01-23

cells crossword puzzle
  1. the basic structual and functional unit of all forms of life;they are able to replicate independently
  2. The cell’s packaging, sorting, and distributing organelle.
  3. Transport proteins on the cell’s membrane transport substances into and out of the cell without energy.
  4. all organisms are made of cell one or more: the cell is the basic building block of life in structure and function every cell comes from another existing cell
  5. Protein-making factories in a cell.
  6. A protective double membrane surrounding the nucleus that controls the flow of materials in and out of the nucleus.
  7. in every cell, there is a layer on the outside of the cell that holds the cell togeather, controls the flowof material in and out of the cell
  8. Jelly-like substance in the cell containing all the organelles in the cell.
  9. calcuim strorage protein synthes
  10. The movement of things in and out of the cell without the use of energy.
  11. Large molecules made from stringing amino acids together.
  1. digestive chemcicals that break down food, cell waste ans others
  2. Glucose in food reacts with oxygen, producing carbon dioxide, water and energy in the mitochondria; waste products are carbon dioxide and water
  3. A type of diffusion; it is simply the process of water molecules from a higher to a lower concentration through a membrane.
  4. The movement of molecules from an area of high to low concentration.
  5. This transport requires energy to move a substance into and out of a cell
  6. Another chemical reaction where energy is released through the breakdown of food; occurs where oxygen is not present.
  7. The cell’s powerhouse, releasing energy in food
  8. cells control center
  9. plants algae fungi and some bacteria have an extra computer layer the is very rigid and though helps protect the cell. gives shape
  10. Organism that is composed of many cells,
  11. the parts of a cell. They process and releas energy,destroy and digest materials,and replicate genetic information
  12. The chemical reaction a plant carries out in order to produce energy from sunlight. Chlorophyll
  13. A small structure found inside the nucleus that makes ribosomes and transports them to the cytoplasm
  14. compounds that can be added togeather to make proteins

25 Clues: cells control centercalcuim strorage protein synthesProtein-making factories in a cell.Organism that is composed of many cells,The cell’s powerhouse, releasing energy in foodcompounds that can be added togeather to make proteinsLarge molecules made from stringing amino acids together.The cell’s packaging, sorting, and distributing organelle....

Cells 2023-09-05

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. The golgi apparatus is like the ________ of the cell.
  2. Produces energy, "Powerhouse" of the cell
  3. Cell part that stores food, water, and minerals
  4. Movement of molecules from low to high concentration using energy.
  5. What does active transport require?
  6. Produce lipids
  7. Specialized structures within a cell that have their own function
  8. The proposed theory on the makeup of the cell membrane
  9. Gel-like material that gives a cell its shape
  10. The amount of a substance that something contains.
  11. Outer layer that separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell
  12. Where proteins are made
  13. Structures found in the nucleus that store DNA
  14. A lipid is a _____________
  1. The movement of ANY molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration.
  2. Breaks down lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates from foods
  3. Basic unit of all living things
  4. Genetic information that makes you who you are
  5. Osmosis is the diffusion of what type of molecules?
  6. A group of similar cells working together.
  7. Control center of the cell
  8. The idea that each type of cell within your body has a specific function.
  9. Cells that contain a nucleus and organelles
  10. Cells that do not contain a nucleus or organelles
  11. When will molecules stop diffusing?
  12. apparatus Packages and sends proteins throughout the cell
  13. When the solution on the outside of the cell is the same concentration as inside the cell
  14. Organelle that breaks down material within the cell
  15. A group of similar tissues working together.
  16. Thin, flexible layer around the cell that holds everything in

30 Clues: Produce lipidsWhere proteins are madeControl center of the cellA lipid is a _____________Basic unit of all living thingsWhat does active transport require?When will molecules stop diffusing?Produces energy, "Powerhouse" of the cellA group of similar cells working together.Cells that contain a nucleus and organelles...

Cells 2023-09-22

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. multiply eye piece by the objective lens
  2. Jelly like substance in a cell
  3. Has more than one cell
  4. Prostist with cilia
  5. Has a nucleus
  6. Also known as Plasma membrane and Cell membrane
  7. Powerhouse of the cell
  8. Movement because of light
  1. Protist with Flagella
  2. How many parts of the cell theory are there
  3. All cells have a specific Job
  4. Storage area of a cell
  5. Microscope that shows greater detail
  6. The theory that Prokaryotes came before Eukaryotes
  7. Conduct protein syntheisis
  8. Eventually get a "job"
  9. Contains chlorophyll and conducts photosynthesis
  10. No nucleus
  11. Keeping a stable balance in a cell
  12. True or False Animals have a cell wall
  13. Movement because of chemical reactions
  14. Protist with pseudopods

22 Clues: No nucleusHas a nucleusProstist with ciliaProtist with FlagellaStorage area of a cellEventually get a "job"Has more than one cellPowerhouse of the cellProtist with pseudopodsMovement because of lightConduct protein syntheisisAll cells have a specific JobJelly like substance in a cellKeeping a stable balance in a cell...

Cells 2023-10-02

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Requires the cell to use energy in order to move molecules across the membrane
  2. A rigid structure found in only plant cells
  3. When concentrations are equal
  4. The energy required to start a reaction
  5. A network of fibers that hold the cell together
  6. The process of making molecules using absorbed molecules
  7. An organelle that holds the main DNA of the cell
  8. A structure in the nucleus that assembles ribosomes
  9. The movement of molecules from higher concentration to lower concentration
  10. The study of cells
  11. A solution whose concentration of solute is the same as inside the cell
  12. The theory that cells are the basic units of structure and function for all life
  13. A jelly-like substance that protects cell organelles inside the cell membrane
  14. Cells that do not have a nucleus or any membrane bound organelles
  15. An organelle that is only found in animal cells, and is responsible for hydrolysis reactions
  1. A solution whose concentration of solute is lower than inside the cell
  2. Molecules that do not dissolve in water
  3. The barrier around all cells that protects them from the outside world
  4. A non-membrane bound organelle that is responsible for protein synthesis
  5. A solution whose concentration has a higher concentration of solute than inside the cell
  6. Does not require the cell to use energy
  7. A membrane bound pouch
  8. Cells that have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles
  9. An organelle that converts nutrients into energy
  10. Molecules that do not dissolve in water

25 Clues: The study of cellsA membrane bound pouchWhen concentrations are equalMolecules that do not dissolve in waterDoes not require the cell to use energyThe energy required to start a reactionMolecules that do not dissolve in waterA rigid structure found in only plant cellsA network of fibers that hold the cell together...

Cells 2023-10-02

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. study of cells
  2. organelle that stores, and holds food or waste
  3. have no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
  4. only in plant cells, made of cellulose and pectin
  5. organelle responsible for protein synthesis
  6. organelle only in animals, breaks down things
  7. have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
  8. organelle containing pigments used in photosynthesis
  9. organelle where nutrients are converted to ATP
  10. molecules that do not dissolve in water
  11. short, hair-like, helps cells move
  12. stores and transports substances
  13. lipid that makes up the cell membrane
  14. energy
  1. network of proteins that strengthen the cell
  2. long, thin, moves cell by whipping back and forth
  3. units inside cells that perform certain tasks
  4. basic building blocks of life
  5. making molecules using absorbed molecules
  6. the molecule which an enzyme binds to
  7. jelly-like substance, keeps organelles in place
  8. solution that has same concentration of solute inside and out of the cell
  9. plastid that supports photosynthesis
  10. only in plant cells
  11. contains a eukaryotic cell's DNA

25 Clues: energystudy of cellsonly in plant cellsbasic building blocks of lifecontains a eukaryotic cell's DNAstores and transports substancesshort, hair-like, helps cells moveplastid that supports photosynthesisthe molecule which an enzyme binds tolipid that makes up the cell membranemolecules that do not dissolve in water...

Cells 2024-08-30

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Delivers materials throughout the cell
  2. Generates most of the cells energy needed to power its reactions
  3. Breaks down food and waste
  4. Site of protein synthesis
  5. Organelle found in plant cells
  6. A group of cells that work together
  7. Helps maintain cell shape
  8. Folded membranes that process and move materials
  9. A specialized part of a cell
  1. A parent cell divides into two daughter cells
  2. Jelly like substance that fills all cells
  3. Cells that have a nucleus
  4. Contains the DNA of the cell
  5. Process where green plants transform light into energy
  6. Two or more tissues working together
  7. Moves water in and out of the cell
  8. Protective outer covering of the cell
  9. Found in the nucleus and makes ribosomes
  10. Cells that lack a nucleus
  11. Only plant cells have this hard layer

20 Clues: Cells that have a nucleusSite of protein synthesisCells that lack a nucleusHelps maintain cell shapeBreaks down food and wasteContains the DNA of the cellA specialized part of a cellOrganelle found in plant cellsMoves water in and out of the cellA group of cells that work togetherTwo or more tissues working together...

Cells 2024-09-02

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Site of protein synthesis.
  2. Type of cell that does contains a nucleus.
  3. Plant cell organelles that convert sunlight into energy.
  4. Organelles that are the digestive system of the cell.
  5. Involved in movement of organelles and other structures.
  6. Network of membranes in which proteins and molecules move.
  7. Organelles that helps to process and package protein and lipid models.
  8. Stores waste from the cell
  1. Organelles that organize microtubules.
  2. Provides protection for a cell and is semi-permeable; in both animal and plant cells.
  3. Liquid that fills the cell and holds the organelles in place.
  4. Organelles that are sacs and used to organize cellular substances for storage and transport.
  5. Special type of cell division in which sexually reproducing animals produce gametes.
  6. Cell division in which chromosomes are replicated to produce two cells.
  7. Protein fibers that form the structural network of the cell.
  8. Type of cell that contains no nucleus.
  9. Contains genetic information.
  10. Powers the cell.
  11. Allows cells to be selectively permeable.
  12. Only found in plant cells and provides protection for the cell.

20 Clues: Powers the cell.Site of protein synthesis.Stores waste from the cellContains genetic information.Organelles that organize microtubules.Type of cell that contains no nucleus.Allows cells to be selectively permeable.Type of cell that does contains a nucleus.Organelles that are the digestive system of the cell....

Cells 2024-05-06

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Organelles responsible for generating energy (ATP) through cellular respiration.
  2. Organelles in plant cells where photosynthesis occurs, converting light energy into chemical energy.
  3. Specialized structures within cells that perform specific functions (organs of the cell).
  4. (2 words) The process by which cells develop specific structures and functions suited to their roles in multicellular organisms.
  5. The central organelle that contains the genetic material (DNA) and controls the activities of the cell.
  6. Cells that store excess energy in the form of fat molecules.
  7. Blood cells that transport oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body.
  8. Cells found in bone tissue responsible for bone formation and maintenance.
  9. The lens closest to the specimen, responsible for primary magnification.
  10. Specialized cells found in plant leaves that control the opening and closing of stomata, regulating gas exchange and water loss.
  11. (2 words) An optical instrument that uses visible light to magnify and observe specimens.
  12. (2 words) The magnification achieved by multiplying the magnification of the objective lens by the magnification of the ocular lens.
  13. (2 words) Cells that make up skeletal muscles, responsible for voluntary movement.
  14. The process by which plants and some other organisms convert light energy into chemical energy (glucose).
  1. The gel-like substance within cells where organelles are suspended and cellular processes occur.
  2. (2 words) A rigid structure found in plant cells that provides support and protection.
  3. Cellular structures where protein synthesis occurs.
  4. (2 words) The semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell, controlling the movement of substances into and out of the cell.
  5. Structures composed of multiple tissues that perform specific functions in the body.
  6. (2 words) The process by which cells break down glucose molecules to produce ATP, releasing energy for cellular activities.
  7. The lens closest to the eye, further magnifying the image produced by the objective lens.
  8. words) The area visible through the microscope when looking at a specimen.
  9. A membrane-bound organelle in plant and fungal cells that stores water, nutrients, and waste products.
  10. (2 words) Cells found in involuntary muscles, such as the heart and digestive tract, responsible for involuntary movements.
  11. (2 words) A group of organs that work together to carry out specific functions in the body.
  12. A type of eukaryotic cell found in plants, characterized by the presence of cell walls and chloroplasts.
  13. Specialized cells that transmit electrical signals throughout the body.
  14. Blood cells that play a crucial role in the immune system, defending the body against pathogens.
  15. A group of similar cells that work together to perform a particular function.
  16. A type of eukaryotic cell found in animals, lacking cell walls and chloroplasts.
  17. The basic structural and functional units of living organisms.

31 Clues: Cellular structures where protein synthesis occurs.Cells that store excess energy in the form of fat molecules.The basic structural and functional units of living organisms.Specialized cells that transmit electrical signals throughout the body.The lens closest to the specimen, responsible for primary magnification....

Cells!! 2024-09-16

Cells!! crossword puzzle
  1. Additional external barrier in a plant cell - helps provide structure to the plant
  2. (Part of a cell) Large fluid-filled sac that can be used for storage
  3. Surround the cell, enclosing organelles within it - like security guards
  4. Organisms that can only be seen under a microscope
  5. Powerhouse of the cell
  6. Like the brain of a cell - DNA is held here
  7. Makes ribosomes, located in the cell's nucleus
  8. Unicellular, has cell wall + membrane, no nucleus, no membrane-bound organelles
  9. Branch of science that deals with microorganisms
  10. Describes the properties that all cells have in common and their role in living things
  11. (part of a cell) Like a tail, assists cell in moving around
  1. Organisms that consist of two or more cells
  2. This is where plants make 'food' and other chemical energy from sunlight
  3. Organisms that consist of one cell
  4. Hooke He invented the microscope
  5. (part of a cell) Small hair-like structures that surround a cell that assist it in moving around
  6. Series of flattened sacs that help package and transport molecules around or to other cells - like a postal network
  7. Contains nucleus, usually multicellular and contain membrane-bound organelles
  8. Microbes that live in our bodies - help to digest food and provide us with vitamins.
  9. The building blocks of life

20 Clues: Powerhouse of the cellThe building blocks of lifeOrganisms that consist of one cellHooke He invented the microscopeOrganisms that consist of two or more cellsLike the brain of a cell - DNA is held hereMakes ribosomes, located in the cell's nucleusBranch of science that deals with microorganismsOrganisms that can only be seen under a microscope...

Cells 2024-11-13

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. The cell's outer membrane that regulates what enters and exits the cell, essential for cell integrity during division.
  2. The region within the nucleus where ribosomes are assembled; it is highly active during interphase.
  3. The organelle where protein synthesis occurs, necessary for growth and development of new cells.
  4. A structure made of DNA and protein that carries genetic information.
  5. Each half of a duplicated chromosome.
  6. The sequence of phases that a cell goes through as it grows and divides.
  7. Programmed cell death, a process that removes unnecessary or damaged cells.
  8. The type of cell division that produces gametes (sperm and egg cells) with half the original chromosome number.
  9. The process of cell division in somatic cells, resulting in two identical daughter cells.
  10. The process by which a cell becomes specialized for a specific function in a multicellular organism.
  11. The organelle that houses the cell's DNA and controls cell activities, including cell division.
  12. Small membrane-bound structures involved in transport within cells, especially during cytokinesis.
  13. Any body cell other than reproductive cells.
  14. A cell with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
  15. A change in DNA that can affect cell cycle control and potentially lead to disease.
  16. The phase of the cell cycle where the cell grows, duplicates DNA, and prepares for division.
  17. The cell formed by the fusion of two gametes, starting the development of a new organism.
  18. The final phase of mitosis where chromosomes decondense, and new nuclear membranes form around each set.
  19. An undifferentiated cell that can give rise to various cell types.
  1. The powerhouse of the cell, providing energy (ATP) for cell growth, division, and other activities.
  2. Protein structures that help separate chromatids during cell division.
  3. The network of membranes involved in protein and lipid synthesis; plays a role in cell cycle progression.
  4. The first stage of mitosis where chromosomes condense, and the nuclear envelope breaks down.
  5. A cell with a single set of chromosomes, such as a gamete.
  6. Contains enzymes for breaking down waste materials and cellular debris, aiding in cell maintenance.
  7. The stage where chromosomes align in the center of the cell.
  8. The division of the cytoplasm, resulting in two separate cells after mitosis or meiosis.
  9. A disease caused by uncontrolled cell division due to mutations in cell cycle-regulating genes.
  10. An organelle responsible for packaging and transporting proteins, which is critical for cell growth and division.
  11. The region where two chromatids are joined, playing a role in chromosome movement during mitosis and meiosis.
  12. The organelle that organizes spindle fibers during mitosis.
  13. The stage where sister chromatids are pulled apart to opposite ends of the cell.
  14. A reproductive cell (sperm or egg) produced by meiosis with half the usual chromosome number.
  15. The material that makes up chromosomes, consisting of DNA and protein.
  16. A cell with two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent.

35 Clues: Each half of a duplicated chromosome.Any body cell other than reproductive cells.A cell with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.A cell with a single set of chromosomes, such as a gamete.A cell with two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent.The organelle that organizes spindle fibers during mitosis....

Cells 2024-12-17

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. named cells
  2. move chromosomes during cell division
  3. discovered but didn't name nucleus
  4. discovered cells divide and make new cells
  5. only found in autotrophs
  6. moves things around within a cell
  7. controls what enters and leaves a cell
  8. gives support to the cell
  9. where cell respiration happens
  10. completes molecule changes
  11. transports substances
  12. said all plants are made of cells
  13. modifies toxins
  14. have pigments to absorb colors in plants
  15. makes protein
  1. shape of prokaryotic chromosome
  2. digests food vacuoles and dead organelles
  3. said all cells come from other cells
  4. named the nucleus
  5. contains mostly water
  6. make ATP for energy
  7. where ingredients for photosynthesis are stored
  8. small hair-like structures for movement
  9. modifies proteins
  10. what a cell membrane is made of
  11. long hair-like structures for movement
  12. organelle for photosynthesis
  13. where the ingredients for cellular respiration are stored
  14. said all animals are made of cells
  15. where photosynthesis reaction happens
  16. similar to a nucleus
  17. makes ribosomes
  18. has organelles with membranes
  19. store starch
  20. has no organelles with membranes
  21. contains the chromatin and nucleolus
  22. required for cellular respiration
  23. how many chromosomes prokaryotic cells have

38 Clues: named cellsstore starchmakes proteinmakes ribosomesmodifies toxinsnamed the nucleusmodifies proteinsmake ATP for energysimilar to a nucleuscontains mostly watertransports substancesonly found in autotrophsgives support to the cellcompletes molecule changesorganelle for photosynthesishas organelles with membraneswhere cell respiration happens...

cells 2025-02-27

cells crossword puzzle
  1. protective layer that allows things to enter/exit
  2. produces proteins/hormones
  3. enzymes that dispose waste
  4. jelly-like substance inside the cell that gives cell shape between organelle
  5. more than one cell
  6. storage
  7. phospholipid occurs
  8. preps proteins for movement to parts of the cell
  9. one cell
  10. central part, contains DNA tells cells to do things
  1. a type of cell that is simple, like bacteria
  2. transports proteins around the cell
  3. produces steroids
  4. creates energy for the cell
  5. a type of cell that is more complex, like plant cells and animal cells
  6. tube-like structure pulls chromosomes across cell
  7. make proteins
  8. protective layer rigid
  9. stand-alone functioning structure in a living organism
  10. substructure in a cell that has a specific function or job to perform with a cell

20 Clues: storageone cellmake proteinsproduces steroidsmore than one cellphospholipid occursprotective layer rigidproduces proteins/hormonesenzymes that dispose wastecreates energy for the celltransports proteins around the cella type of cell that is simple, like bacteriapreps proteins for movement to parts of the cell...

Cells 2025-03-18

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Its a part of a cell that is there when the cell performs the correct functions
  2. A visual representation of a organisms complete set of chromosomes
  3. Cell divisions that results in 4 daughter cells
  4. The creation of an offspring from parents of 2 sexes
  5. The cycle from birth to death
  6. A pair of thread like DNA that had the same gene
  7. Something that happens in a certain order to end in cell divison
  8. Something that can help organisms survive in different environments
  9. The fusion of two gametes to produce a new organism
  10. The ability to have a offspring
  11. You can reproduce with only one parent
  12. A molecule that contains genes
  1. When a part of the parent cell breaks off
  2. A large molecule made up of many small molecules
  3. It is a cell formed by division
  4. A specific protein which turns into a code for a trait
  5. Its a thread structure of DNA
  6. Something that happens after a cell cycle
  7. A physical characteristic of an organism
  8. A permanent change to DNA
  9. Cell divisions that results in 2 daughter cells
  10. The passing of traits from one generation to the next
  11. Make a copy

23 Clues: Make a copyA permanent change to DNAIts a thread structure of DNAThe cycle from birth to deathA molecule that contains genesIt is a cell formed by divisionThe ability to have a offspringYou can reproduce with only one parentA physical characteristic of an organismWhen a part of the parent cell breaks offSomething that happens after a cell cycle...

Cells 2025-03-18

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. Its a part of a cell that is there when the cell performs the correct functions
  2. A visual representation of a organisms complete set of chromosomes
  3. Cell divisions that results in 4 daughter cells
  4. The creation of an offspring from parents of 2 sexes
  5. The cycle from birth to death
  6. A pair of thread like DNA that had the same gene
  7. Something that happens in a certain order to end in cell divison
  8. Something that can help organisms survive in different environments
  9. The fusion of two gametes to produce a new organism
  10. The ability to have a offspring
  11. You can reproduce with only one parent
  12. A molecule that contains genes
  1. When a part of the parent cell breaks off
  2. A large molecule made up of many small molecules
  3. It is a cell formed by division
  4. A specific protein which turns into a code for a trait
  5. Its a thread structure of DNA
  6. Something that happens after a cell cycle
  7. A physical characteristic of an organism
  8. A permanent change to DNA
  9. Cell divisions that results in 2 daughter cells
  10. The passing of traits from one generation to the next
  11. Make a copy

23 Clues: Make a copyA permanent change to DNAIts a thread structure of DNAThe cycle from birth to deathA molecule that contains genesIt is a cell formed by divisionThe ability to have a offspringYou can reproduce with only one parentA physical characteristic of an organismWhen a part of the parent cell breaks offSomething that happens after a cell cycle...

Cells 2024-12-20

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. is a rigid covering that protects the cell, provides structural support, and gives shape to the cell.
  2. is the membrane-enclosed organelle within a cell that contains the chromosomes.
  3. a saclike organelle that contains enzymes which can break down materials (as food particles and waste) within a cell.
  4. a microscopic single-celled organism that does not contain a distinct nucleus with a membrane nor other specialized organelles.
  5. are thin (7 nm) molecules composed principally of actin protein subunits, which polymerize to form elongated actin filaments.
  6. is a fluid-filled sac used for the storage of materials needed by a cell.
  7. an organism consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic material is DNA in the form of chromosomes contained within a distinct nucleus.
  8. is an analytical technique used to visualize the smallest structures in matter.
  9. a descriptive generalization about how some aspect of the natural world behaves under stated circumstances.
  10. a short, microscopic hairlike vibrating structure found in large numbers on the surface of certain cells, either causing currents in the surrounding fluid
  11. a structure found inside the nucleus of a cell. A chromosome is made up of proteins and DNA organized into genes.
  12. a narrow, hollow tube-like structure found in the cytoplasm (the fluid inside a cell) of plant and animal cells.
  13. a continuous membrane system that forms a series of flattened sacs within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.
  14. is a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate laws, hypotheses, and facts.
  15. a small structure in a cell that is surrounded by a membrane and has a specific function.
  1. the smallest unit that can live on its own and that makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the body.
  2. is a double layer that encloses the cell's nucleus, where the chromosomes reside.
  3. is a low-magnification stereomicroscope used especially in examining or dissecting biological specimens.
  4. are plant cell organelles that convert light energy into relatively stable chemical energy via the photosynthetic process.
  5. is a microscope that uses multiple lenses to enlarge the image of a sample.
  6. is a microscope that uses electrons instead of light to form an image.
  7. a watery, gel-like substance made of mostly salt and water that provides a structure for the cell parts so they can move freely within the cell membrane.
  8. are tiny organelles that link amino acids together to form proteins, and it is the site of protein synthesis in the cell.
  9. consists of a lipid bilayer that is semipermeable.
  10. is responsible for transporting, modifying, and packaging proteins and lipids into vesicles for delivery to targeted destinations.
  11. a mixture of DNA and proteins that form the chromosomes found in the cells of humans and other higher organisms.
  12. membrane-bound cell organelles (mitochondrion, singular) that generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions.
  13. an area inside the nucleus of a cell that is made up of RNA and proteins and is where ribosomes are made.
  14. hairlike structure that acts primarily as an organelle of locomotion in the cells of many living organisms.
  15. is a small circular DNA molecule found in bacteria and some other microscopic organisms.

30 Clues: consists of a lipid bilayer that is semipermeable.is a microscope that uses electrons instead of light to form an image.is a fluid-filled sac used for the storage of materials needed by a cell.is a microscope that uses multiple lenses to enlarge the image of a sample.is the membrane-enclosed organelle within a cell that contains the chromosomes....

Cells 2019-02-04

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. division / (the division of a cell into two daughter cells with the same genetic material.)
  2. / (any of the distinct types of material of which animals or plants are made, consisting of specialized cells and their products)
  3. thing / (Alive)
  4. / ( Light sheet o layer of a cell)
  5. / (bacterium)
  6. / ( Consisting of a single cell)
  7. / ( glass)
  8. permeability / (Property of cellular membranes)
  9. / ( lens that is closest to the eye)
  10. clips / ( gear)
  11. layer / (cell on the surface of an organism)
  1. / (relating to or consisting of living cells)
  2. / (The act of omitting; neglect or failure to do something required)
  3. / (the loss of the ability to move)
  4. / ( Action of spreading light
  5. / ( A organism or part)
  6. / (A number of organized or specialized structures)
  7. system / (group of organs )
  8. (an optical instrument)
  9. piece / ( the part of a microscope to which the objective lenses are attached)
  10. / (a single-celled animal)
  11. / ( better view)
  12. / ( swelling of a part of the body)

23 Clues: / ( glass)/ (bacterium)thing / (Alive)/ ( better view)clips / ( gear)(an optical instrument)/ ( A organism or part)/ (a single-celled animal)/ ( Action of spreading lightsystem / (group of organs )/ ( Consisting of a single cell)/ ( Light sheet o layer of a cell)/ (the loss of the ability to move)...