countries Crossword Puzzles

LIBF Topic 6 Global Events and Ethics 2023-11-06

LIBF Topic 6 Global Events and Ethics crossword puzzle
  1. A way to measure the performance of an economy
  2. Large companies that dominate markets
  3. An organisation with 160 member countries, promoting cooperation and trade between them
  4. The practice of moving some of a company's operational functions to overseas locations
  5. Large corporations buying up smaller businesses
  6. The rise in prices of goods and services over a time period
  7. Paying another company to provide certain functions previously performed inhouse
  8. High levels of economic growth in countries other than the traditional developed industrialised countries
  9. An infectious disease spreading globally
  1. The level of people in an economy that are not working
  2. The word invented to describe the UK leaving the European Union
  3. An organisation with 10 member countries located in Asia
  4. Accountants with a duty to check the accuracy of published accounts
  5. The amount of currency one can buy with another currency
  6. Countries buying and selling goods with other countries
  7. The cost of borrowing money
  8. A period of time when there is no growth in the economy
  9. An international body that aims to promote international co-operation on economic matters
  10. A measure of how satisfied UK households are with their lives
  11. The amount of interest set by the Bank of England
  12. A resource or raw material bought or sold on formalised markets e.g. oil
  13. Putting money into a financial instrument hoping it will grow in value
  14. The term for the international integration of business, industry and society

23 Clues: The cost of borrowing moneyLarge companies that dominate marketsAn infectious disease spreading globallyA way to measure the performance of an economyLarge corporations buying up smaller businessesThe amount of interest set by the Bank of EnglandThe level of people in an economy that are not working...

Africa - Sammie 2021-12-09

Africa - Sammie crossword puzzle
  1. number of countries in Africa
  2. the stronger and powerful countries colonized Africa
  3. the singer who was part of the child soldiers when he was younger
  4. title of a song about the blood diamond trade
  5. drugs are referred to as candy in the song "little weapon"
  1. why were the Europeans interested in Africa
  2. title of a song about child soldiers
  3. killing because of the group they are in
  4. writer of the two songs (blood diamonds and child soldiers)
  5. whites and colored separated
  6. name of the continent
  7. started the child soldiers army
  8. kidnap children for the army
  9. the reason African countries were invented to the Berlin Conference
  10. when powerful countries take over weaker countries

15 Clues: name of the continentwhites and colored separatedkidnap children for the armynumber of countries in Africastarted the child soldiers armytitle of a song about child soldierskilling because of the group they are inwhy were the Europeans interested in Africatitle of a song about the blood diamond trade...

Margo 2023-04-11

Margo crossword puzzle
  1. становиться
  2. страна
  3. возможность
  4. объединить
  5. наука
  6. несомненно
  7. различный
  8. популярный
  9. друг друга
  10. мир
  11. другой
  1. It is ___ in almost all countries
  2. страны
  3. общаться
  4. полтика
  5. культура
  6. язык
  7. причина
  8. that's ____ - вот почему
  9. почти
  10. по сравнению с
  11. буква
  12. сложный
  13. легкий
  14. заимствовать
  15. необходимый

26 Clues: мирязыкнаукапочтибуквастраныстраналегкийдругойполтикапричинасложныйобщатьсякультураразличныйобъединитьнесомненнопопулярныйдруг другастановитьсявозможностьнеобходимыйзаимствоватьпо сравнению сthat's ____ - вот почемуIt is ___ in almost all countries

Globalization 2022-12-13

Globalization crossword puzzle
  1. Others hope that human rights and … will spread through globalization?
  2. Climate change is an … problem?
  3. A person who can not return home, because of war or persecution?
  4. Conformation to a global culture. Which section of globalization is meant by that?
  5. Most important policy issues like climate changes, the financial crises, …?
  6. The first era was about global … between countries?
  7. The world has become so …?
  8. The … of the products is easier and faster?
  9. Television and telecommunication?
  10. Globalization 1.0 und 2.0 were driven by European and American … and businesses?
  11. A person who leaves their home country to live and work in another country?
  12. … economic growth is one of the disadvantages?
  1. Some countries profit more than others. Newly industrialized countries like Taiwan and South Korea as well as the rapidly developing India, … and Brazil gained considerable advantage from their integration into the world economy?
  2. The amount of money left after all payments have been made?
  3. The … of the workers in developing countries is one of the disadvantages?
  4. 2.0 Where does my company fit into the global economy? Which of the three eras of globalization is it?
  5. Another word for customers?
  6. Organizations like … and the UN connect countries, especially smaller countries politically?
  7. People think that the motto of globalization is “the survival of the …”?
  8. The most important section for globalization?
  9. McWorld describes how Western culture, especially popular culture becomes dominant and destroys cultural …?
  10. Global players only want profit and …?

22 Clues: The world has become so …?Another word for customers?Climate change is an … problem?Television and telecommunication?Global players only want profit and …?The … of the products is easier and faster?The most important section for globalization?… economic growth is one of the disadvantages?The first era was about global … between countries?...

Foreign Aid 2016-04-28

Foreign Aid crossword puzzle
  1. the large scale term for economical instability
  2. part of the federal government department and it operates under the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  3. term used to mean resulting in good, favourable outcomes
  4. group of people with the authority to govern a state
  5. the term for being exposed to the possibility of harm or danger
  6. a set of goals that lay out international obligations for a better world
  7. when one government helps another
  8. acronym for more economically developed countries
  9. the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university
  10. emergency relief support given to the countries that have recently suffered in disaster and are in need of the provision of resources.
  11. the money of an individual given to NGOs
  12. the term for the country receiving foreign aid
  13. just behaviour or treatment.
  1. the term for having or showing interest in doing immoral things for money
  2. term for extending or reaching out internationally or across the world
  3. the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
  4. an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
  5. aid given to poorer countries to become wealthier, or healthier. It can also be given to help meet a range of longer-term development objectives
  6. one of the areas in which NGOs get financial support
  7. refers to unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender
  8. when richer and better developed countries give help to poorer countries
  9. make use of (in an unfair way) of resources provided for a country
  10. many countries contributing aid sources through a central agency
  11. freedom from disturbance; tranquility
  12. one of the countries that Australia funds the most
  13. acronym for less economically developed countries
  14. intergovernmental organisation that promotes equity, human rights, peace and ecologically sustainable environments
  15. the term for the country giving foreign aid
  16. the region that Australia mostly provides foreign aid to
  17. another word for help
  18. short for non governmental organisation

31 Clues: another word for helpjust behaviour or treatment.when one government helps anotherfreedom from disturbance; tranquilityshort for non governmental organisationthe money of an individual given to NGOsthe term for the country giving foreign aidthe term for the country receiving foreign aidthe large scale term for economical instability...

International Trade 2023-11-28

International Trade crossword puzzle
  1. Often described as "the way things are done here"
  2. ________________ economies. Countries with high levels of industrialization, income, and advanced infrastructure.
  3. Goods sent to another country for sale, e.g. Dutch tulips.
  4. A legal agreement whereby a franchisee buys the rights to use the name and business model of a franchisor.
  5. A variety of agreements entered into by countries in order to reduce barriers to trade between members. Examples include the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and the Mercosur in South America.
  6. _______________ markets. Economies undergoing rapid industrialization and experiencing higher-than-average growth rates
  7. When one business purchases another business.
  8. The value of one currency in terms of another
  9. Goods purchased from another country, e.g. bananas.
  1. where the average unit cost of production decreases as the level of output increases
  2. ______ ______________ economies. Countries with lower levels of industrialization, income, and infrastructure
  3. When a country or business focuses on producing a specific good or service that they are good at.
  4. The unrestricted exchange of goods and services between countries without tariffs or trade barriers.
  5. corporations that operate in at least two countries, one of which is outside the corporation's 'home' country.
  6. United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. A trade agreement between the United States, Mexico
  7. The increasing interconnectedness of countries across the world in terms of communication, culture, trade, and the movement of people.
  8. The increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy.
  9. A political and economic union of European countries aimed at fostering economic cooperation and integration.

18 Clues: When one business purchases another business.The value of one currency in terms of anotherOften described as "the way things are done here"Goods purchased from another country, e.g. bananas.Goods sent to another country for sale, e.g. Dutch tulips.The increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy....

Kyoto and Beyond 2011-12-05

Kyoto and Beyond crossword puzzle
  1. This country agreed on maintaining their 1990 emissions.
  2. The Kyoto protocol signed in this country.
  3. Canada will not make a commitment to this round of Kyoto.
  4. DIOXIDE The most concentrated in the atmosphere.
  5. KENT Canada's environment minister.
  6. One way that greenhouse gases are increased.
  7. EIGHT The number of countries that committed to cutting their emissions by 5% below 1990 levels by 2012.
  8. This country would have been allowed to increase greenhouse gas emissions.
  9. YEAR 1990
  1. Developing countries complain that these countries did not need to focus on cutting emissions while their economies were developing.
  2. These countries aren't required to cut emissions.
  3. STATES This country did not ratify because the President thought it would ruin their economy.
  4. Primary responsibility for the production of greenhouse gases belongs to them.
  5. EFFECT The process of the sun's rays bouncing off the earth, hitting atmospheric gases and bouncing back to the earth's surface.
  6. How developed and developing countries should be treated according to industrialized countries.
  7. A country that contributes 5 times the greenhouse gases that the population indicates they should.

16 Clues: YEAR 1990KENT Canada's environment minister.The Kyoto protocol signed in this country.One way that greenhouse gases are increased.DIOXIDE The most concentrated in the atmosphere.These countries aren't required to cut emissions.This country agreed on maintaining their 1990 emissions.Canada will not make a commitment to this round of Kyoto....

Margarita 2023-04-11

Margarita crossword puzzle
  1. становиться
  2. страна
  3. возможность
  4. объединить
  5. наука
  6. несомненно
  7. различный
  8. популярный
  9. друг друга
  10. мир
  11. другой
  1. It is ___ in almost all countries
  2. страны
  3. общаться
  4. полтика
  5. культура
  6. язык
  7. причина
  8. that's ____ - вот почему
  9. почти
  10. по сравнению с
  11. буква
  12. сложный
  13. легкий
  14. заимствовать
  15. необходимый

26 Clues: мирязыкнаукапочтибуквастраныстраналегкийдругойполтикапричинасложныйобщатьсякультураразличныйобъединитьнесомненнопопулярныйдруг другастановитьсявозможностьнеобходимыйзаимствоватьпо сравнению сthat's ____ - вот почемуIt is ___ in almost all countries

Caribbean Integration 2023-04-21

Caribbean Integration crossword puzzle
  1. An agreement between three or more countries that outlines the terms of a relationship or cooperation on a particular issue.
  2. A company that operates in multiple countries and has assets and operations in more than one country.
  3. The process by which neighboring states agree to cooperate and work together to achieve common economic goals.
  4. A country that has a low level of economic and social development.
  5. A type of regional integration that involves the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people among member countries.
  6. Government policy that involves the control of the money supply and interest rates to influence the economy.
  7. A deep form of regional integration that involves the complete coordination of economic policies among member countries, a common currency, and a common regulatory framework.
  8. The process of international integration through the exchange of goods, services, and ideas.
  9. A country that has complete political sovereignty and is not controlled by another country.
  10. The process of removing barriers to trade, such as tariffs, quotas, and subsidies, between countries.
  11. A group of countries that have come together to promote trade and economic cooperation among themselves.
  1. Government policy that involves the use of taxation and spending to influence the economy.
  2. A type of regional integration where member countries remove all trade barriers between them and adopt a common external tariff on imports from non-members.
  3. A country that has a high level of economic and social development.
  4. A country that is in the process of economic and social development.
  5. A process by which neighboring states come together to promote economic, social, and political cooperation.
  6. An agreement between two countries that outlines the terms of a relationship or cooperation on a particular issue.

17 Clues: A country that has a low level of economic and social development.A country that has a high level of economic and social development.A country that is in the process of economic and social development.Government policy that involves the use of taxation and spending to influence the economy....

Chapter 2 2021-09-21

Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. consumer wants to buy
  2. countries buy from another
  3. movement of people
  4. maps shows land and water features
  5. circle Earth/Pole to Pole
  6. set of beliefs, behaviors, traits
  7. Half spheres
  8. maps names and borders of countries
  9. economy shrinks grows slowly
  10. producer wants to sell
  1. free trade between countries
  2. goods shipped out
  3. Rising prices
  4. parallel to Equator
  5. trade or exchange of goods
  6. lack of resource

16 Clues: Half spheresRising priceslack of resourcegoods shipped outmovement of peopleparallel to Equatorconsumer wants to buyproducer wants to sellcircle Earth/Pole to Polecountries buy from anothertrade or exchange of goodsfree trade between countrieseconomy shrinks grows slowlyset of beliefs, behaviors, traitsmaps shows land and water features...

Globalization Crossword Quiz_Pelaez 2022-02-17

Globalization Crossword Quiz_Pelaez crossword puzzle
  1. The poor countries also ___ because their losing local business in their country.
  2. any of the world's main continuous expanses of land.
  3. The ___ harvested by the Filipinos were sent to Mexico and sold there.
  4. the production of less than enough to satisfy the demand or of less than the usual amount.
  5. The trade route between China and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E. helped in the spread of globalization in history.
  6. They said, the rich countries still become richer while the poor ones anguish in ___.
  7. Another advantage is the ___ exchange that happens between trading countries because of economic integration.
  8. the capital of the Philippines.
  9. having paid employment.
  10. This is referred to as ___ integration.
  11. This happened from 1565 - 1815 now known in our country as the ___.
  12. refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.
  13. the introduction of machines or automatic devices into a process, activity, or place
  14. This results in ___ of both countries as the labor in the rich countries denied work at the same time.
  15. is referred to as the exchange of goods, services, and capital.
  16. It is surmised that the invasions of ___ The Great were among the reasons behind the hastening of globalization.
  17. creates employment and job opportunities.
  18. ___ is now easy. Due to improvements of transportation like boats became ships, caravan changed into bikes, etc.
  19. The culture which is the combination of the western and eastern cultures was formed because of this.
  1. It is ___ for large corporation to conduct their business to poor countries.
  2. corporation bring to our country not only material goods but their culture as well. Subtly imbedded in every finished products is the introduction of a new culture.
  3. promotes long–term economic development and poverty reduction by providing technical and financial support to help countries.
  4. mentality is deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of the country’s colonization.
  5. is a legal entity created through the laws of its state of incorporation.
  6. The type of business put up by ___ investors in the Philippines.
  7. They will occur because of ___ tools such as television, radio, networking sites, computers, mobile phones.
  8. ___ is now globalized. For example, Americans now listen to African music and read comics created by Japan.
  9. According to the book of ___ entitled “ Australia and the Politics of Globalization.”
  10. in the products is possible because the products are available in other countries also become available in the country.
  11. The rich countries freely get raw materials from ___ countries.
  12. The Silk Road the trade route between ___ and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E. helped in the spread of globalization in history.
  13. With the development of ___, globalization spread rapidly during the 20th century.
  14. The process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.
  15. countries have a lay of capital and have many corporations but only a limited market for the large number of products that they produce.
  16. They are primarily service-oriented like Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) which includes _.
  17. ___ now have the means to buy products and to support their needs.
  18. The conquest and subsequent establishment of ___ colonies in different parts of the world are also one of the reasons for globalization.
  19. When the ___ colonized the Philippines
  20. The ___ Revolution happened in a number of places in the world during the last of 18th century up to the early part of the 19th century.
  21. One of the goals of of European was to bring and spread ___ in the place they colonized

40 Clues: having paid employment.the capital of the Philippines.When the ___ colonized the PhilippinesThis is referred to as ___ integration.creates employment and job opportunities.any of the world's main continuous expanses of land.The rich countries freely get raw materials from ___ referred to as the exchange of goods, services, and capital....

Viri and Bella- NGO and IGO 2023-10-02

Viri and Bella- NGO and IGO crossword puzzle
  1. An assembly of countries attempting to promote unit and sovereignty
  2. United countries collaborating in order to accelerate economic growth in the eastern and northern hemisphere
  3. convene leaders get together to discuss the priorities for the following year
  4. promotes solutions to a more eco-friendly future
  5. Global resource for developing countries to access funding and knowledge
  6. movement that upholds human dignity
  7. A group of countries founded to stimulate and promote economic growth
  1. An agency responsible for the public health
  2. A UN fund and international financial situation
  3. largest humanitarian movement
  4. A collection of countries South of the Arctic Ocean
  5. organization that helps people in your community make it feel like home
  6. environmental movement fore wilderness preservation
  7. Maintains a smooth and free flow of international trade
  8. primarily focused on human rights like preventing discrimination.
  9. global movement to end poverty and injustice

16 Clues: largest humanitarian movementmovement that upholds human dignityAn agency responsible for the public healthglobal movement to end poverty and injusticeA UN fund and international financial situationpromotes solutions to a more eco-friendly futureA collection of countries South of the Arctic Oceanenvironmental movement fore wilderness preservation...

Globalization 2022-02-15

Globalization crossword puzzle
  1. _____ now have the means to buy products and to support their needs.
  2. promotes long–term economic development and poverty reduction by providing technical and financial support to help countries.
  3. They said, the rich countries still become richer while the poor ones anguish in _____.
  4. mentality is deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of the country’s colonization.
  5. One of the goals of of European was to bring and spread _______ in the place they colonized
  6. The rich countries freely get raw materials from _______ countries.
  7. When the ____ colonized the Philippines
  8. the introduction of machines or automatic devices into a process, activity, or place
  9. The ______ Revolution happened in a number of places in the world during the last of 18th century up to the early part of the 19th century.
  10. countries have a lay of capital and have many corporations but only a limited market for the large number of products that they produce.
  11. With the development of ______, globalization spread rapidly during the 20th century.
  12. _______resulted from the activities of people and governments around the world.
  13. This results in ________ of both countries as the labor in the rich countries denied work at the same time.
  14. having paid employment.
  15. ______ is now globalized. For example, Americans now listen to African music and read comics created by Japan.
  16. It is _____ for large corporation to conduct their business to poor countries.
  17. The _____ culture which is the combination of the western and eastern culture was formed because of this.
  18. This is referred to as _____ integration.
  19. the production of less than enough to satisfy the demand or of less than the usual amount.
  20. _______ is now easy. Due to improvements of transportation like boats became ships, caravan changed into bikes, etc.
  21. is referred to as the exchange of goods, services, and capital.
  1. According to the book of ______ entitled “ Australia and the Politics of Globalization.”
  2. _____the trade route between China and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E. helped in the spread of globalization in history.
  3. in the products is possible because the products are available in other countries also become available in the country.
  4. The type of business put up by _____ investors in the Philippines.
  5. corporation bring to our country not only material goods but their culture as well. Subtly imbedded in every finished products is the introduction of a new culture.
  6. the capital of the Philippines.
  7. It is surmised that the invasions of _____ The Great were among the reasons behind the hastening of globalization.
  8. refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.
  9. The conquest and subsequent establishment of _______ colonies in different parts of the world are also one of the reasons for globalization.
  10. Another advantage is the ______ exchange that happens between trading countries because of economic integration.
  11. The Silk Road was the trade route between ____ and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E.
  12. any of the world's main continuous expanses of land.
  13. The _____ harvested by the Filipinos were sent to Mexico and sold there.
  14. This happened from 1565 - 1815 now known in our country as the ______.
  15. creates employment and job opportunities.
  16. is a legal entity created through the laws of its state of incorporation.
  17. They will occur because of ______ tools such as television, radio, networking sites, computers, mobile phones.
  18. They are primarily service-oriented like Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) which includes _____.
  19. The poor countries also ______ because their losing local business in their country.

40 Clues: having paid employment.the capital of the Philippines.When the ____ colonized the Philippinescreates employment and job opportunities.This is referred to as _____ integration.any of the world's main continuous expanses of referred to as the exchange of goods, services, and capital....

CROSSWORD 2022-02-17

CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. The conquest and subsequent establishment of ______ colonies in different parts of the world are also one of the reasons for globalization.
  2. They said, the rich countries still become richer while the poor ones anguish in ______.
  3. _______ in the products is possible because the products are available in other countries also become available in the country.
  4. the production of less than enough to satisfy the demand or of less than the usual amount.
  5. The Silk Road was the trade route between ____ and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E.
  6. The _____ harvested by the Filipinos were sent to Mexico and sold there.
  7. The ______ culture which is the combination of the western and eastern culture was formed because of this.
  8. _____resulted from the activities of people and governments around the world.
  9. ______ is referred to as the exchange of goods, services, and capital.
  10. _____ the capital of the Philippines.
  11. The ________ Revolution happened in a number of places in the world during the last of 18th century up to the early part of the 19th century.
  12. A new way of mass producing steel was introduced and the mining of carbon, which is the main source of __, was begun.
  13. _______ promotes long–term economic development and poverty reduction by providing technical and financial support to help countries.
  14. They will occur because of _______ tools such as television, radio, networking sites, computers, mobile phones.
  15. _______ mentality is deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of the country’s colonization.
  16. ______ now have the means to buy products and to support their needs.
  17. _________ refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.
  18. When the ____ colonized the Philippines.
  19. having paid employment.
  20. It is surmised that the invasions of _____ The Great were among the reasons behind the hastening of globalization.
  21. This results in ______ of both countries as the labor in the rich countries denied work at the same time.
  22. ________ is the introduction of machines or automatic devices into a process, activity, or place.
  23. This happened from 1565 - 1815 now known in our country as the ______.
  24. the production of less than enough to satisfy the demand or of less than the usual amount.
  25. _____ creates employment and job opportunities.
  1. ________ is a legal entity created through the laws of its state of incorporation.
  2. One of the goals of of European was to bring and spread ______ in the place they colonized.
  3. Many articles and book says that there is no descriptive or standard definition of globalization because even the _____ have different point of views about the term.
  4. This is referred to as ______ integration.
  5. The rich countries freely get raw materials from _______ countries.
  6. Another advantage is the ______ exchange that happens between trading countries because of economic integration.
  7. They are primarily service-oriented like Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) which includes ______.
  8. It is ______ for large corporation to conduct their business to poor countries.
  9. _____ the trade route between China and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E. helped in the spread of globalization in history.
  10. ______ is now globalized. For example, Americans now listen to African music and read comics created by Japan.
  11. ________ is now easy. Due to improvements of transportation like boats became ships, caravan changed into bikes, etc.
  12. The type of business put up by ______ investors in the Philippines.
  13. _______ countries have a lay of capital and have many corporations but only a limited market for the large number of products that they produce.
  14. With the development of ______, globalization spread rapidly during the 20th century.
  15. The poor countries also _______ because their losing local business in their country.

40 Clues: having paid employment._____ the capital of the Philippines.When the ____ colonized the Philippines.This is referred to as ______ integration._____ creates employment and job opportunities.The rich countries freely get raw materials from _______ countries.The type of business put up by ______ investors in the Philippines....

Outcome 3 Crossword Puzzle - Social 20-2 2023-02-17

Outcome 3 Crossword Puzzle - Social 20-2 crossword puzzle
  1. An international organization of some European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members.
  2. A global institution to promote international trade and to settle international trade disputes among member nations.
  3. Often referred to as a parliament of nations, it is composed of member states, which meet to consider the world's most pressing problems.
  4. Promoting positive action for human welfare and social reform and progress.
  5. Policy where a country opts out of participating in international social, economic, political and military affairs, not involving themselves with other countries or global initiatives.
  6. A process in which the world's richest nations chose to forgive poor nations' obligations to pay back loans or debt because it is causing major harm to the people of an area.
  7. An international organization of French speakers that aims to promote the French language and culture in all countries.
  8. Military alliance created in 1949 made up of 12 non-Communist countries, including Canada and the United States, that support each other if attacked.
  9. People's growing awareness of belonging to a global community and how our actions affect others around the world.
  10. A situation in which there is economic growth, rising national income, high and steady employment, and steadiness in the general level of prices.
  11. Policy of a country responding to events on its own without agreements with, or support from, other countries.
  12. US-Canadian military organization formed in 1958 responsible for aerospace warning, aerospace control, and maritime warning at the height of the Cold War nuclear crisis.
  13. The cultural inheritance from the past that all people share and that is preserved in world heritage sites, traditional skills and knowledge, and the arts.
  14. An influential non-governmental organization that operates globally to monitor and try to rectify glaring abuses of political (not economic or social) human rights.
  1. Policy by which countries agree to abide by the decisions of an international organization made up of independent appointed officials or representatives elected by member states.
  2. A group within the United Nations responsible for human health, including combating the spread of infectious diseases and health issues related to natural disasters.
  3. Agreements between two countries to work toward resolving issues that concern both countries.
  4. United Nations agency created to assist developing nations by loans guaranteed by member governments.
  5. Policy that involves several countries working together to meet challenges and solve problems.
  6. The condition of protecting all members of a group or collective from danger. UN tries to ensure the security of all member states.
  7. Belief that all members of the global community should accept collective responsibility for the challenges that face the world.
  8. Restrictions intended to force non-compliant countries into complying with international law.
  9. A condition in which people are deprived of basic human needs such as food, shelter, clean water and sanitation.
  10. NGO that works provide sports equipment and funding for sport and game to people in developing countries.
  11. A multilateral organization composed of representatives from the eight circumpolar states and six indigenous organizations.

25 Clues: Promoting positive action for human welfare and social reform and progress.Agreements between two countries to work toward resolving issues that concern both countries.Restrictions intended to force non-compliant countries into complying with international law....

Internationalism 2024-05-01

Internationalism crossword puzzle
  1. The value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year.
  2. A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them.
  3. Sovereign states have the responsibility to protect their citizens and if they can't, then the international community has the obligation to act.
  4. The policy of a country responding to events on its own without agreements with, or support from, other countries.
  5. A trade agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico that encourages free trade between these North American countries.
  6. An international organization of 8 nations who meet annually to deal with major economic and political issues facing their domestic societies and the international community.
  7. An international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members.
  8. An organization that takes an internationalist approach. Focusing on human health since it is a concern that knows no borders.
  9. The ability of a government to determine their own course of their own free will.
  1. Debt incurred by a government that was not democratically chosen, and the borrowed money may have even helped a brutal regime stay in power.
  2. This organization promotes sustainable development and is dedicated to protecting the arctic region's fragile environment and indigenous cultures.
  3. The doctrine that all members of the global community accept collective responsibility for the challenges that face the world.
  4. A policy by which countries agree to abide by the decisions of an international organisation made up of independent appointed officials or representatives elected by member states.
  5. A situation in which there is economic growth, rising national income, high employment, and steadiness in the general level of prices; to reduce possible extreme ups and downs of the standard of living.
  6. A 15-member panel which bears the UN's major responsibility for keeping international peace.
  7. When developed countries and businesses make more money they will spend more money, as a result it will "trickle down" into the hands of less developed countries.
  8. Promoting human welfare and social reform.
  9. This organization brought the defence of the U.S. and Canada to a joint command to protect against any nuclear attack from The Soviet Union.
  10. Agreements between two countries to work toward resolving issues that concern both countries.
  11. A country's plan for dealing with other countries of the world.
  12. An international organization formed after WWII to promote international peace, security, and cooperation.
  13. A minimum level of subsistence that no family should be expected to live below.
  14. A feeling of being free from fear, danger, etc.
  15. A policy that involves several countries working together to meet challenges and solve problems. The United Nations is multilateral in nature.
  16. Inability to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.
  17. An alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries.

26 Clues: Promoting human welfare and social reform.A feeling of being free from fear, danger, etc.Inability to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.A country's plan for dealing with other countries of the world.The value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year....

Imperialism 2013-02-20

Imperialism crossword puzzle
  1. Orders given to complete/follow actions, normally given by a leader
  2. During the industrial revolution, England sent their criminals to an English colony in this country
  3. The order to influence/direct people or countries
  4. A country discovers by Captain Cook
  5. the power of being superior, or being superior over someone or a group of people
  6. A person who has committed a crime and must serve time in jail, or be transported to work in America
  7. In the Victorian era, Queen Victoria was named Empress of this country
  8. A leader/head of an elected governments. E.g, Julia Gillard
  9. A large group of people, united by a common decent, history, language or culture/beliefs
  10. To control and conduct the actions and affairs of a state/country
  11. A leader/ruler of certain counrties who is of royal blood
  12. A monarch/leader of a country has very much of this. E.g, similar to being rich
  13. A crime committed against a Monarch or leader which normally lead to terrible punishments in the industrial revolution
  14. During the Victorian era, many countries where found by Captain Cook. What is another word for found, associated with countries or land?
  15. A male monarch is a....
  16. The ability to have authority over objects and people
  17. An armed conflict between countries over a disagreement or prejudice
  1. A powerful policy that enables a nation to have authority over other nations (normally gained by war and aggressive behaviour
  2. In the industrial revolution, one third of this country was controlled by England
  3. A country or part of a country owned by another nation/country or countries
  4. A country or nation which is linked with other nations or countries around the world
  5. A leader of a republican state
  6. When a country fights a war for freedom. This type of war is called a war for...
  7. During the industrial revolution, when a convict had committed a crime, they would be sent away to America. This is called?
  8. During the Victorian era, imperialistic countries gained this from other their people and other countries, for being brave and courageous
  9. The rule of a king or queen, as Queen Victoria did during the Victorian era
  10. A nation with its own government, and occupies its own land. E.g, Australia, China, Italy
  11. A country which is not run by a single monarch, but by a group of people/politicians
  12. Different countries under the rule of one main nation
  13. A female monarch is a....

30 Clues: A male monarch is a....A female monarch is a....A leader of a republican stateA country discovers by Captain CookThe order to influence/direct people or countriesDifferent countries under the rule of one main nationThe ability to have authority over objects and peopleA leader/ruler of certain counrties who is of royal blood...

Human Development Index 2014-11-05

Human Development Index crossword puzzle
  1. The reason why natural may occur
  2. The member of the BRICS that has the lowest ranking
  3. The country where human progress is the slowest
  4. The region with highest number countries that have rising inequality
  5. The elephant of the HDI Table
  6. Countries must score a .800 to be put in this HDI Value range
  7. The country that is ranked highest amongst the Asian countries on the HDI, and that has been ranked highest three times
  8. The level of human development when inequality is taken into account
  9. One of the largest criticism of the HDI, in which it doesn't consider this issue
  10. The country that is at positive 5 in the HDI, but drops down to about a 28 when the IHDI is applied
  11. A country that is criticized to have a misleading human development rank. It is also known as the "dragon" of the HDI
  12. The second founder of the HDI who is from Pakistan
  13. Another criticism
  14. The HDI Value range where countries score from .700 to .799
  1. The HDI value range where countries range with a score less than .550
  2. One of the founders of the HDI who is from India
  3. A country's economic status and performance can look much less impressive when adjusted for?
  4. The reason why the poor, and informal workers, are vulnerable to economic and health shocks
  5. The third dimension of the HDI with an indicator of GNI per capita
  6. The country that is ranked highest out of the Latin American country considered to have a "Very High Development"
  7. A word to describe the HDI, in which describes how the numerical numbers were derived to rank the countries
  8. Something that the poor, informal workers, and socially excluded people are vulnerable to
  9. The HDI value range where countries range from.550 to .699
  10. The country with the highest HDI
  11. The organization that published the Human Development Index (abbreviation only)
  12. A word that criticizers use to describe the development categories
  13. In the low Human Development category, every country is in Africa or Asia. Is this true or false?
  14. The region with highest number countries that have living inequality
  15. Another component of the HDI with an indicator of expected years of schooling and mean years of schooling
  16. The region with 13 countries that have rising inequality
  17. One of the dimensions of the HDI with an indicator of life expectancy

31 Clues: Another criticismThe elephant of the HDI TableThe reason why natural may occurThe country with the highest HDIThe country where human progress is the slowestOne of the founders of the HDI who is from IndiaThe second founder of the HDI who is from PakistanThe member of the BRICS that has the lowest ranking...

European Union 2022-10-26

European Union crossword puzzle
  1. The second longest river in Europe boarding countries such as German, Austria, and Slovakia
  2. (f) Six countries that were founding members of the European Union
  3. How many stars are on the EU flag
  4. Tallinn is the capital of this EU country
  5. (D) Six countries that were founding members of the European Union
  6. This non-EU country, along with Iceland and Switzerland, is part of the Schengen agreement on border-free travel
  7. (A) Six countries that were founding members of the European Union
  1. (C) Six countries that were founding members of the European Union
  2. the latest country to have joined the EU in 2013
  3. The EU anthem "Ode to Joy" is part of this classical artist's symphony
  4. (E) Six countries that were founding members of the European Union
  5. The current European Parliament President (last name)
  6. (B) Six countries that were founding members of the European Union

13 Clues: How many stars are on the EU flagTallinn is the capital of this EU countrythe latest country to have joined the EU in 2013The current European Parliament President (last name)(C) Six countries that were founding members of the European Union(E) Six countries that were founding members of the European Union...

Urbanisation 9GEOY HKHS OB 2024-07-29

Urbanisation 9GEOY HKHS OB crossword puzzle
  1. What percentage of France's population lives in Urban Places?
  2. What is the most populated city?
  3. What practice of moving across a country or continent will be responsible for urbanisation?
  4. Which country is now more urban than rural?
  5. How much of the Earth's surface is occupied by cities?
  6. Which 2 countries have low levels of urbanisation in Africa?
  7. Weekly, how many people are added to urban populations?
  8. Correct term for an extremely large city?
  9. Global urban population will ______ by 2050.
  1. How many new residents are added to urban areas each year?
  2. Providing infrastructure such as _____ is one of the biggest challenges for rapidly urbanising countries.
  3. Which 2 countries have the highest levels of urbanisation?
  4. Which 2 continents are the least urbanised regions?
  5. By 2050, what percentage of the world's population be urban?
  6. What country in Africa is expected to be 50% urban by 2050?
  7. Providing infrastructure such as _____ is one of the biggest challenges for rapidly urbanising countries.
  8. Providing what is one of the biggest challenges to rapidly urbanising countries?
  9. Which of China's ancient Megacities are experiencing rapid population growth?
  10. What type of countries have the fastest urbanisation rate?
  11. Providing infrastructure such as _____ is one of the biggest challenges for rapidly urbanising countries.

20 Clues: What is the most populated city?Correct term for an extremely large city?Which country is now more urban than rural?Global urban population will ______ by 2050.Which 2 continents are the least urbanised regions?How much of the Earth's surface is occupied by cities?Weekly, how many people are added to urban populations?...

Globalisation 2024-04-08

Globalisation crossword puzzle
  1. - Goods and services bought from other countries.
  2. - Exchange of goods and services between countries.
  3. - Goods and services sold to other countries.
  4. - Growth of cities resulting from rural migration and industrialization.
  5. - Tax imposed on imported or exported goods.
  6. - Company that operates in multiple countries.
  7. - Movement of people from one place to another.
  8. - System of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
  1. - Process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.
  2. - Exchange of information through various mediums.
  3. - Tools and methods used to solve problems or achieve goals.
  4. - Contracting work to an external provider, often in another country, to reduce costs.
  5. - Reliance of one country on another for economic stability or resources.
  6. - Mutual reliance between countries on each other for economic, social, and political needs.
  7. - Beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people.
  8. - Introduction of new ideas, methods, or products.

16 Clues: - Tax imposed on imported or exported goods.- Goods and services sold to other countries.- Company that operates in multiple countries.- Movement of people from one place to another.- Goods and services bought from other countries.- Exchange of information through various mediums.- Introduction of new ideas, methods, or products....

Globalization Crossword Quiz_Pelaez 2022-02-17

Globalization Crossword Quiz_Pelaez crossword puzzle
  1. the introduction of machines or automatic devices into a process, activity, or place
  2. Another advantage is the ___ exchange that happens between trading countries because of economic integration.
  3. The conquest and subsequent establishment of ___ colonies in different parts of the world are also one of the reasons for globalization.
  4. ___ is now easy. Due to improvements of transportation like boats became ships, caravan changed into bikes, etc.
  5. The culture which is the combination of the western and eastern cultures was formed because of this.
  6. With the development of ___, globalization spread rapidly during the 20th century.
  7. ___ now have the means to buy products and to support their needs.
  8. One of the goals of of European was to bring and spread ___ in the place they colonized
  9. They will occur because of ___ tools such as television, radio, networking sites, computers, mobile phones.
  10. According to the book of ___ entitled “ Australia and the Politics of Globalization.”
  11. It is surmised that the invasions of ___ The Great were among the reasons behind the hastening of globalization.
  12. promotes long–term economic development and poverty reduction by providing technical and financial support to help countries.
  13. the production of less than enough to satisfy the demand or of less than the usual amount.
  14. mentality is deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of the country’s colonization.
  15. The ___ Revolution happened in a number of places in the world during the last of 18th century up to the early part of the 19th century.
  16. the capital of the Philippines.
  17. countries have a lay of capital and have many corporations but only a limited market for the large number of products that they produce.
  18. The rich countries freely get raw materials from ___ countries.
  19. The poor countries also ___ because their losing local business in their country.
  20. refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.
  21. The Silk Road the trade route between ___ and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E. helped in the spread of globalization in history.
  22. This results in ___ of both countries as the labor in the rich countries denied work at the same time.
  1. corporation bring to our country not only material goods but their culture as well. Subtly imbedded in every finished products is the introduction of a new culture.
  2. This happened from 1565 - 1815 now known in our country as the ___.
  3. is a legal entity created through the laws of its state of incorporation.
  4. They are primarily service-oriented like Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) which includes _.
  5. The process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.
  6. When the ___ colonized the Philippines
  7. creates employment and job opportunities.
  8. The type of business put up by ___ investors in the Philippines.
  9. ___ is now globalized. For example, Americans now listen to African music and read comics created by Japan.
  10. This is referred to as ___ integration.
  11. It is ___ for large corporation to conduct their business to poor countries.
  12. in the products is possible because the products are available in other countries also become available in the country.
  13. having paid employment.
  14. The ___ harvested by the Filipinos were sent to Mexico and sold there.
  15. any of the world's main continuous expanses of land.
  16. They said, the rich countries still become richer while the poor ones anguish in ___.
  17. is referred to as the exchange of goods, services, and capital.
  18. The trade route between China and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E. helped in the spread of globalization in history.

40 Clues: having paid employment.the capital of the Philippines.When the ___ colonized the PhilippinesThis is referred to as ___ integration.creates employment and job opportunities.any of the world's main continuous expanses of land.The rich countries freely get raw materials from ___ referred to as the exchange of goods, services, and capital....

Man's name 2024-09-17

Man's name crossword puzzle
  1. Name of several British kings; also popular in the U.S.
  2. Greek name meaning “healer”; popular in many Western countries
  3. Common name in English-speaking countries; also associated with the "Monty Python" film
  4. Irish name associated with St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland
  5. Name meaning “just” or “fair”; also popular in modern times
  6. Name of a famous English king known as Richard the Lionheart
  7. Common name of British royalty; the name of a famous book in the New Testament
  8. Biblical name known as the first man; also a common name in many cultures
  9. Name of the famous Macedonian conqueror; also a popular name in many countries
  10. Name meaning “gift from God”; also a common name in English-speaking countries
  11. Name meaning “maker of tiles”; popular in modern times
  12. Archangel's name in various religious traditions; also a common name in the U.S.
  13. Name of several English kings and saints; also common in many cultures
  14. Name of the first disciple called by Jesus; also a common name in Scotland
  15. Irish name popular in English-speaking countries; also known from the film "Home Alone"
  16. Biblical name known for the Book of Joel; also a common name in various cultures
  17. Biblical name meaning “high mountain”; also a common name in various cultures
  18. Name of one of the apostles and the first book of the New Testament
  19. Biblical figure known for leading the Israelites into the Promised Land
  20. Name of the first Christian martyr; also a common name in English-speaking countries
  21. Scottish name popular in the U.S.; also known from the fast-food mascot Ronald McDonald
  22. Short form of Francis; also associated with the famous American inventor Benjamin Franklin
  23. Name of a biblical figure and several early Christian saints
  24. One of the most common names in English-speaking countries; also a well-known gospel writer
  25. Scottish name meaning “dark river”; also a common name in English-speaking countries
  1. Name of a British prince and several kings of England
  2. Scandinavian name meaning “eternal ruler”; also popular in English-speaking countries
  3. Biblical name meaning “son of the right hand”; also a common name in the U.S.
  4. English name meaning “hill covered with broom”; popular in the U.S.
  5. Apostle who wrote many letters in the New Testament; also a common name
  6. Name of several saints; also popular in many English-speaking countries
  7. Scottish name meaning “handsome”; also a common name in the U.S.
  8. Biblical prophet known for anointing David as king
  9. Name of the patron saint of England and several British kings
  10. Name of several notable figures, including the founder of psychoanalysis, Carl Jung
  11. Name meaning “follower of Dionysus”; popular in English-speaking countries
  12. Name associated with the famous physicist Albert Einstein
  13. Name of a Scottish king and the famous explorer Robert the Bruce
  14. Irish name meaning “little king”; popular in modern times
  15. Name meaning “from Laurentum”; also associated with the British poet Lawrence Durrell
  16. Name of several British kings, including William the Conqueror
  17. Name meaning “gift of God”; also a common name in many cultures
  18. A name popular in biblical times, known for the story in the lion’s den
  19. Short form of Christopher; also common in English-speaking countries
  20. Common name in the U.S. and the UK; also associated with the famous explorer Robert Scott
  21. Biblical king known for slaying Goliath; also a common name in Israel
  22. Common name in biblical and contemporary contexts; also the name of a notable technologist
  23. Name of one of the four evangelists in the New Testament
  24. A name associated with the doubting apostle in the Bible
  25. Name associated with the American actor Gary Cooper; also common in English-speaking countries

50 Clues: Biblical prophet known for anointing David as kingName of a British prince and several kings of EnglandName meaning “maker of tiles”; popular in modern timesName of several British kings; also popular in the U.S.Name of one of the four evangelists in the New TestamentA name associated with the doubting apostle in the Bible...

countries and nationalyties 2022-10-03

countries and nationalyties crossword puzzle
  1. nationalyties france
  2. nationalyties albanian
  3. nationalyties romanian
  4. countries japan
  1. countries india
  2. nationalyties germanian
  3. countries china
  4. countries ukraine
  5. countries THE UK
  6. nationalyties mexican

10 Clues: countries indiacountries chinacountries japancountries THE UKcountries ukrainenationalyties francenationalyties mexicannationalyties albaniannationalyties romaniannationalyties germanian

Human Development Index 2014-11-05

Human Development Index crossword puzzle
  1. The reason why natural disasters may occur
  2. A word that criticizers use to describe the development categories
  3. The country with the highest HDI
  4. In the low Human Development category, every country is in Africa or Asia. Is this true or false?
  5. One of the largest criticism of the HDI, in which it doesn't consider this issue
  6. The member of the BRICS that has the lowest ranking
  7. The HDI value range where countries range from.550 to .699
  8. The elephant of the HDI Table
  9. The region with 13 countries that have rising inequality
  10. One of the dimensions of the HDI with an indicator of life expectancy
  11. The HDI Value range where countries score from .700 to .799
  12. Something that the poor, informal workers, and socially excluded people are vulnerable to
  13. The country where human progress is the slowest
  14. Another criticism
  15. The organization that published the Human Development Index (abbreviation only)
  1. A word to describe the HDI, in which describes how the numerical numbers were derived to rank the countries
  2. The HDI value range where countries range with a score less than .550
  3. The country that is ranked highest amongst the Asian countries on the HDI, and that has been ranked highest three times
  4. Countries must score a .800 to be put in this HDI Value range
  5. The region with highest number countries that have living inequality
  6. Another component of the HDI with an indicator of expected years of schooling and mean years of schooling
  7. One of the founders of the HDI who is from India
  8. The reason why the poor, and informal workers, are vulnerable to economic and health shocks
  9. The country that is ranked highest out of the Latin American country considered to have a "Very High Development"
  10. The country that is at positive 5 in the HDI, but drops down to about a 28 when the IHDI is applied
  11. The level of human development when inequality is taken into account
  12. The second founder of the HDI who is from Pakistan
  13. The region with highest number countries that have rising inequality
  14. The third dimension of the HDI with an indicator of GNI per capita
  15. A country's economic status and performance can look much less impressive when adjusted for?
  16. A country that is criticized to have a misleading human development rank. It is also known as the "dragon" of the HDI

31 Clues: Another criticismThe elephant of the HDI TableThe country with the highest HDIThe reason why natural disasters may occurThe country where human progress is the slowestOne of the founders of the HDI who is from IndiaThe second founder of the HDI who is from PakistanThe member of the BRICS that has the lowest ranking...


INTERNATIONALISM crossword puzzle
  1. A Canadian charitable organization.
  2. The belief that all members of the global community have a collective responsibility for the challenges that the world faces and that all countries should search for a solution.
  3. A political and economical union made up of 28 member-states that are primarily located in Europe.
  4. An international organization formed to increase political and economical cooperation between member countries.
  5. National organization responsible for aerospace control for North America.
  6. An organization that promotes international financial stability and monetary cooperation.
  7. A corporate organization that owns/controls the production of goods or services in two or more countries.
  8. Organization that is made up of mainly sovereign states.
  9. Agreements between two countries to work towards resolving problems present in both countries.
  10. A specialized agency of the UN that is concerned with public health.
  11. The separation of like minded people in to isolated groups that are hostile to people whose values differ from their own.
  12. When armed forces use force for reasoning other than self-defence.
  13. A policy that includes several countries working together to solve problems.
  14. When armed forces maintain peace by keeping enemies apart until a crisis can be resolved through negotiation.
  1. A policy where a country completely secludes itself from international, social, economic and political affairs.
  2. An intergovernmental forum that deals with issues based around the Arctic governments and the indigenous people in the Arctic.
  3. Primary judicial branch of the UN
  4. An intergovernmental organization that deals with international trade.
  5. Help that is given by a country and in return, the country who received the help will agree to only buy goods and services from the country that supplied aid.
  6. Non-profit organizations.
  7. An intergovernmental organization that has the jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
  8. An intergovernmental military alliance between several North American and European countries.
  9. An organization responisble for cooperation in education, science, culture and communication.
  10. A policy where countries agree to follow decisions made by an international organization with appointed officials.
  11. American initiative to aid Western Europe.
  12. The policy of a country responding to events on their own without any other country.
  13. A debt that is incurred by a despotic power.
  14. The world considered as a single community linked by telecommunications.
  15. An international financial institution that provides loans to countries for capital programs.
  16. An epidemic/infectious disease that has largely spread across human population.

30 Clues: Non-profit organizations.Primary judicial branch of the UNA Canadian charitable organization.American initiative to aid Western Europe.A debt that is incurred by a despotic power.Organization that is made up of mainly sovereign states.When armed forces use force for reasoning other than self-defence....

Internationalism Ch.9-12 2023-12-07

Internationalism Ch.9-12 crossword puzzle
  1. The action of cutting off trade with a country in an effort to force it to follow a particular course of action.
  2. A policy where a country completely refuses to participate in international social, economic, political, and military affairs.
  3. A policy by which countries agree to abide by the decisions of an international organization made up of independent appointed officials or representatives elected by member states.
  4. A country that has physical borders and a single government.
  5. The idea that all members of the global community accept responsibility for challenges that the world faces and the motives of nation and nation-states must be respected in the search for solutions.
  6. The policy of a country responding to events on its own without agreements without support from other countries.
  7. A global organization working to achieve prosperity and growth for all of its 190 members.
  8. Armed forces who maintain peace by keeping enemies apart until a crisis can be resolved through diplomacy and negotiations.
  9. The cultural inheritance from the past that all people share and that is preserved in heritage sites, knowledge, traditional skills, and the arts.
  10. A global organization responsible mostly for peace, security, and freedom of its members and working towards solving international issues, it also promotes respect for human rights.
  11. A plan of action that guides a government's decisions about its official relations with other countries.
  12. Agreements between two countries to work toward resolving issues that concern both countries.
  13. An organization that is responsible for the health of the world.
  14. A bi-nation organization charged with aerospace protection, warning, control, and maritime warning for North America .
  15. A group that promotes freedom and security to all of its members created after WW2.
  1. The separation of like-minded people into isolated groups that are hostile to people whose values differ from their own.
  2. The power to control one's own affairs.
  3. The country the USA economically sanctioned in 1990.
  4. Countries want to be able to buy and sell products to other countries.
  5. The idea that people should work to relieve suffering of people around the world.
  6. A policy that involves several countries working together to meet challenges and solve problems.
  7. An organization that is not run by the government.
  8. Help that is given with strings attached.
  9. An organization that takes an international approach formed in 1996 that includes countries with Arctic territory.
  10. The creation of the internet interconnecting the people of the world and ending most isolation.

25 Clues: The power to control one's own affairs.Help that is given with strings attached.An organization that is not run by the government.The country the USA economically sanctioned in 1990.A country that has physical borders and a single government.An organization that is responsible for the health of the world....

Globalization 2022-02-17

Globalization crossword puzzle
  1. promotes long–term economic development and poverty reduction by providing technical and financial support to help countries.
  2. Another advantage is the __ exchange that happens between trading countries because of economic integration.
  3. _ now have the means to buy products and to support their needs.
  4. He brought culture of Ancient Greek to Southwest Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe.
  5. an organization that regulates and facilitates international trade between nations.
  6. The trade route between China and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E.
  7. The type of business put up by _ investors in the Philippines.
  8. is a legal entity created through the laws of its state of incorporation.
  9. countries have a lay of capital and have many corporations but only a limited market for the large number of products that they produce.
  10. The rich countries freely get raw materials from ___ countries.
  11. is referred to as the exchange of goods, services, and capital.
  12. They will occur because of __ tools such as television, radio, networking sites, computers, mobile phones.
  13. refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.
  14. Global trade creates employment and __ opportunities.
  15. an organization working to faster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty around the world.
  16. __ countries trading products, services and capitals between them eventually form cooperation of a political nature.
  17. Because of the capital being brought to the country by the large foreign investors, a number of Filipinos became ___, being employed.
  18. Many articles and book says that there is no descriptive or standard definition of globalization because even the __ have different point of views about the term.
  19. It is said that ___ can be gained in trading products, services and capitals with the other countries because the number of products one can choose from the market increases significantly.
  20. __ is now globalized. For example, Americans now listen to African music and read comics created by Japan.
  21. This is referred to as _ integration.
  1. the production of less than enough to satisfy the demand or of less than the usual amount.
  2. It is _ for large corporation to conduct their business to poor countries.
  3. mentality is deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of the country’s colonization.
  4. When the Spaniards colonized the Philippines, the tobacco harvested by the Filipinos were sent to Mexico and sold there.
  5. This results in ____ of both countries as the labor in the rich countries denied work at the same time.
  6. ___ is now easy. Due to improvements of transportation like boats became ships, caravan changed into bikes, etc.
  7. in the products is possible because the products are available in other countries also become available in the country.
  8. Refers to extensive mechanization in the production system which resulted into shift from land based manufacturing to a large scale factory production.
  9. They said, the rich countries still become richer while the poor ones anguish in _
  10. The _ culture which is the combination of the western and eastern culture was formed because of this.
  11. mechanization in the making of products such as __ began to materialize
  12. Transnational Corporations or Multinational companies lead globalization.
  13. the capital of the Philippines.
  14. Loosely defined, refers to the international exchange of products, services and capital by one country with the next.
  15. According to the book of __ entitled “ Australia and the Politics of Globalization.”
  16. The _ harvested by the Filipinos were sent to Mexico and sold there.
  17. A new way of mass producing steel was introduced and the mining of carbon, which is the main source of __, was begun.
  18. With the development of __, globalization spread rapidly during the 20th century.
  19. Religion that was spread by the catholic missionaries.

40 Clues: the capital of the Philippines.This is referred to as _ integration.Global trade creates employment and __ opportunities.Religion that was spread by the catholic missionaries.The type of business put up by _ investors in the Philippines.The rich countries freely get raw materials from ___ countries....

Globalization Crossword Quiz_Pelaez 2022-02-17

Globalization Crossword Quiz_Pelaez crossword puzzle
  1. With the development of ___, globalization spread rapidly during the 20th century.
  2. The rich countries freely get raw materials from ___ countries.
  3. The ___ harvested by the Filipinos were sent to Mexico and sold there.
  4. ___ is now easy. Due to improvements of transportation like boats became ships, caravan changed into bikes, etc.
  5. the production of less than enough to satisfy the demand or of less than the usual amount.
  6. When the ___ colonized the Philippines
  7. The type of business put up by ___ investors in the Philippines.
  8. having paid employment.
  9. The Silk Road the trade route between ___ and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E. helped in the spread of globalization in history.
  10. They will occur because of ___ tools such as television, radio, networking sites, computers, mobile phones.
  11. ___ is now globalized. For example, Americans now listen to African music and read comics created by Japan.
  12. The conquest and subsequent establishment of ___ colonies in different parts of the world are also one of the reasons for globalization.
  13. any of the world's main continuous expanses of land.
  14. According to the book of ___ entitled “ Australia and the Politics of Globalization.”
  15. the capital of the Philippines.
  16. It is ___ for large corporation to conduct their business to poor countries.
  17. The culture which is the combination of the western and eastern cultures was formed because of this.
  18. The ___ Revolution happened in a number of places in the world during the last of 18th century up to the early part of the 19th century.
  1. This is referred to as ___ integration.
  2. The trade route between China and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E. helped in the spread of globalization in history.
  3. in the products is possible because the products are available in other countries also become available in the country.
  4. is a legal entity created through the laws of its state of incorporation.
  5. corporation bring to our country not only material goods but their culture as well. Subtly imbedded in every finished products is the introduction of a new culture.
  6. refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.
  7. The poor countries also ___ because their losing local business in their country.
  8. They are primarily service-oriented like Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) which includes _.
  9. The process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.
  10. the introduction of machines or automatic devices into a process, activity, or place
  11. Another advantage is the ___ exchange that happens between trading countries because of economic integration.
  12. This results in ___ of both countries as the labor in the rich countries denied work at the same time.
  13. mentality is deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of the country’s colonization.
  14. promotes long–term economic development and poverty reduction by providing technical and financial support to help countries.
  15. This happened from 1565 - 1815 now known in our country as the ___.
  16. ___ now have the means to buy products and to support their needs.
  17. It is surmised that the invasions of ___ The Great were among the reasons behind the hastening of globalization.
  18. is referred to as the exchange of goods, services, and capital.
  19. creates employment and job opportunities.
  20. One of the goals of of European was to bring and spread ___ in the place they colonized
  21. They said, the rich countries still become richer while the poor ones anguish in ___.
  22. countries have a lay of capital and have many corporations but only a limited market for the large number of products that they produce.

40 Clues: having paid employment.the capital of the Philippines.When the ___ colonized the PhilippinesThis is referred to as ___ integration.creates employment and job opportunities.any of the world's main continuous expanses of land.The rich countries freely get raw materials from ___ referred to as the exchange of goods, services, and capital....

SS10 Related Issue 3 Crossword 2023-12-06

SS10 Related Issue 3 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An economic system that relies on free markets, private ownership of business, and profit motive
  2. A corporation that operates in two or more countries
  3. Was created in the Bretton Woods Agreement to work with the IMF to give long term financial aid to struggling countries.
  4. The price at which one country's currency can be purchased with another country's currency
  5. Includes the seven most developed countries with the strongest economies, used to be eight before the removal of Russia
  6. An economy in which the government does not interfere with business activities while supply and demand are not regulated
  7. The idea that there is not enough resources to meet all human wants and needs
  1. The selling of government owned industries to private investors or citizens
  2. The process of removing barriers to trade
  3. A government owned business in Canada, created to provide essential services such as Canada Post.
  4. An agreement signed by the Allied countries in 1944 that established many financial institutions and a system of rules and regulations to promote international trade in the global economy
  5. Established in the Bretton Woods Agreement to help rebuild countries after war. Now they are mostly known for giving short-term loans to countries in financial aid
  6. The total value of goods and services produced in a country in a year
  7. The original agreement between Canada and the United States to make trade more accessible to both countries
  8. Countries that take financial aid from the World Bank that are already severely in debt to developed nations.
  9. The opening of an industry to more competition by removing government regulations originally put in place to limit competition
  10. Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
  11. The agreement that expanded the FTA to include Mexico

18 Clues: The process of removing barriers to tradeA corporation that operates in two or more countriesThe agreement that expanded the FTA to include MexicoThe total value of goods and services produced in a country in a yearThe selling of government owned industries to private investors or citizens...

Countries / Paesi 2022-09-17

Countries / Paesi crossword puzzle
  1. Egypt
  2. United States
  3. Denmark
  4. Switzerland
  5. Poland
  6. Japan
  7. Antarctica
  1. Germany
  2. United Kingdom
  3. France
  4. China
  5. Mexico
  6. Ireland
  7. Spain

14 Clues: EgyptChinaSpainJapanFranceMexicoPolandGermanyDenmarkIrelandAntarcticaSwitzerlandUnited StatesUnited Kingdom

mediterranean countries 2022-11-02

mediterranean countries crossword puzzle
  1. s....(european coast)
  2. i....(asian coast)
  3. t...(african coast)
  4. l...(asian coast)
  5. m....(european coast)
  6. e....(african coast)
  7. a....(african coast)
  8. m....(african coast)
  1. t...(asian coast)
  2. f....(european coast)
  3. a....(europran coast)
  4. l....(african coast)
  5. s....(european coast)
  6. i...(european coast)
  7. g....(european coast)

15 Clues: t...(asian coast)l...(asian coast)i....(asian coast)t...(african coast)l....(african coast)i...(european coast)e....(african coast)a....(african coast)m....(african coast)f....(european coast)a....(europran coast)s....(european coast)s....(european coast)m....(european coast)g....(european coast)

European Countries 2021-02-18

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Talinn
  2. Athens
  3. Paris
  4. Vienna
  5. Sofia
  6. Budapest
  1. Brussels
  2. Dublin
  3. Prague
  4. Nicosia
  5. Copenhagen
  6. Helsinki
  7. Zagreb
  8. Berlin

14 Clues: ParisSofiaTalinnDublinAthensPragueZagrebViennaBerlinNicosiaBrusselsHelsinkiBudapestCopenhagen

Countries ארצות 2023-06-16

Countries ארצות crossword puzzle
  1. אנגליה
  2. מצרים
  3. ארצות הברית
  4. סין
  5. ווילס
  6. אוסטרליה
  7. צרפת
  1. יוון
  2. יפן
  3. ישראל
  4. איטליה
  5. סקוטלנד
  6. ספרד
  7. ברזיל

14 Clues: יפןסיןיווןספרדצרפתמצריםישראלווילסברזילאנגליהאיטליהסקוטלנדאוסטרליהארצות הברית

countries nationalities 2018-10-24

countries nationalities crossword puzzle
  1. official language of Paris
  2. the birthplace of kangaroos
  3. who came up with rolls
  4. what could football
  5. president of this country Putin
  6. where is niagara falls
  7. the land of the rising sun
  1. the hottest country
  2. what actor jackie chan
  3. what state is queen elizabeth 2
  4. what nationality Avril Lavigne
  5. state of 50 states
  6. the capital of this country is paris
  7. its capital is Beijing

14 Clues: state of 50 statesthe hottest countrywhat could footballwhat actor jackie chanwho came up with rollswhere is niagara fallsits capital is Beijingofficial language of Paristhe land of the rising sunthe birthplace of kangarooswhat nationality Avril Lavignewhat state is queen elizabeth 2president of this country Putin...

Countries 1 2024-02-29

Countries  1 crossword puzzle
  1. A vast and multicultural country known for its stunning natural landscapes, friendly people, and high quality of life.
  2. The largest country in the world spanning Eastern Europe and Northern Asia, known for its vast landscapes, rich history, and cultural heritage.
  3. A continent and country located in the Southern Hemisphere known for its unique wildlife, beautiful beaches, and laid-back lifestyle.
  4. A country in North America known for its rich history, colorful traditions, and delicious cuisine like tacos and enchiladas.
  5. States A large and diverse country in North America known for its freedom, democracy, and cultural influence around the world.
  6. A European country known for its ancient history, art, architecture, and culinary traditions like pasta, pizza, and gelato.
  1. A vast and populous country in East Asia known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and rapid economic growth.
  2. A diverse and populous country in South Asia known for its ancient civilization, rich culture, and bustling cities like Mumbai and New Delhi.
  3. A European country known for its art, culture, and cuisine, with iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and Louvre Museum.
  4. Kingdom A sovereign state comprising four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, with a rich history and diverse culture.
  5. An island nation in East Asia known for its unique culture, cutting-edge technology, and stunning natural scenery.
  6. A European country known for its strong economy, rich cultural heritage, and historic landmarks like the Berlin Wall and Brandenburg Gate.
  7. The largest country in South America known for its diverse culture, vibrant cities like Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, and lush rainforests like the Amazon.
  8. A European country known for its vibrant culture, historic landmarks, and popular attractions like the Sagrada Familia and Alhambra.
  9. Korea A dynamic country in East Asia known for its rapid economic development, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine like kimchi and bibimbap.

15 Clues: A vast and populous country in East Asia known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and rapid economic growth.An island nation in East Asia known for its unique culture, cutting-edge technology, and stunning natural scenery.A vast and multicultural country known for its stunning natural landscapes, friendly people, and high quality of life....

Countries 2 2024-02-29

Countries  2 crossword puzzle
  1. A European country known for its ancient history, beautiful islands, and iconic landmarks like the Acropolis and Parthenon.
  2. A South American country known for its passionate culture, tango music, and delicious cuisine like steak and empanadas.
  3. A Southeast Asian country known for its tropical beaches, ornate temples, and flavorful cuisine like pad Thai and green curry.
  4. Zealand A country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean known for its breathtaking landscapes, outdoor activities, and Maori culture.
  5. A transcontinental country bridging Europe and Asia, known for its unique blend of cultures, historic sites, and delicious cuisine.
  6. A mountainous country in Central Europe known for its stunning Alpine scenery, precision engineering, and delicious chocolate.
  7. A Nordic country known for its breathtaking fjords, northern lights, and high standard of living.
  8. A country in East Africa known for its diverse wildlife, including lions, elephants, and rhinos, and stunning natural landscapes like the Maasai Mara.
  1. A country in North Africa known for its ancient civilization, including the pyramids, Sphinx, and Nile River.
  2. A Scandinavian country known for its stunning natural landscapes, progressive social policies, and innovative design.
  3. Arabia A country in the Middle East known for its vast deserts, rich history, and Islamic landmarks like the Kaaba and Medina.
  4. Africa A country at the southern tip of Africa known for its diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage.
  5. A Southeast Asian country known for its thousands of islands, diverse cultures, and stunning natural beauty.
  6. A Southeast Asian country known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine like pho and banh mi.
  7. A South American country known for its passionate culture, tango music, and delicious cuisine like steak and empanadas.

15 Clues: A Nordic country known for its breathtaking fjords, northern lights, and high standard of living.A Southeast Asian country known for its thousands of islands, diverse cultures, and stunning natural beauty.A country in North Africa known for its ancient civilization, including the pyramids, Sphinx, and Nile River....

Low Countries 2024-04-30

Low Countries crossword puzzle
  1. 1/3 of this Country is Underwater
  2. ___ de Villers, Abbey in French
  3. Biggest Dam in The Netherlands
  4. Trail that spans Luxembourg
  5. Museum in The Hague
  6. Atomic Structure in Brussels
  1. Obelisk in Luxembourg
  2. In Amsterdam, Used for Trade
  3. Country that Invaded the Low Countries in the 1940s
  4. Smallest Country in the Low Countries
  5. Capital of Belgium
  6. Reason for the Canals of Amsterdam and Fort Island Pampus
  7. Language of Netherlands and Flanders
  8. Political Center of The Netherlands

14 Clues: Capital of BelgiumMuseum in The HagueObelisk in LuxembourgTrail that spans LuxembourgIn Amsterdam, Used for TradeAtomic Structure in BrusselsBiggest Dam in The Netherlands___ de Villers, Abbey in French1/3 of this Country is UnderwaterPolitical Center of The NetherlandsLanguage of Netherlands and FlandersSmallest Country in the Low Countries...

Low Countries 2024-04-30

Low Countries crossword puzzle
  1. 1/3 of this Country is Underwater
  2. ___ de Villers, Abbey in French
  3. Biggest Dam in The Netherlands
  4. Trail that spans Luxembourg
  5. Museum in The Hague
  6. Atomic Structure in Brussels
  1. Obelisk in Luxembourg
  2. In Amsterdam, Used for Trade
  3. Country that Invaded the Low Countries in the 1940s
  4. Smallest Country in the Low Countries
  5. Capital of Belgium
  6. Reason for the Canals of Amsterdam and Fort Island Pampus
  7. Language of Netherlands and Flanders
  8. Political Center of The Netherlands

14 Clues: Capital of BelgiumMuseum in The HagueObelisk in LuxembourgTrail that spans LuxembourgIn Amsterdam, Used for TradeAtomic Structure in BrusselsBiggest Dam in The Netherlands___ de Villers, Abbey in French1/3 of this Country is UnderwaterPolitical Center of The NetherlandsLanguage of Netherlands and FlandersSmallest Country in the Low Countries...

Health Crossword U4 2023-10-03

Health Crossword U4 crossword puzzle
  1. Type of sustainability involving meeting the needs of people.
  2. An organisms ecosystems they are a part of
  3. Human Development Dimension Related to Schooling
  4. Relates to the freedoms and conditions which every person is entitled to.
  5. Total Value of Goods a country's citizens produce
  6. Things available now and into the future
  7. A result on the ocean due to climate change.
  8. Drug advertised heavily towards poorer countries.
  9. Safe disposal of human waste.
  10. Activities of a company associated with selling a product/service to poorer countries.
  1. Reduction of boundaries between country's
  2. Discrimination towards spiritual beliefs.
  3. Type Of Characteristics Involving Global Trade
  4. Type of countries with poor social security systems.
  5. Preserving resources from nature into the future.
  6. The rate of premature deaths.
  7. Many people moving from their homes usually to safety.
  8. Communicable disease transmitted through infected mosquitoes.
  9. Abbreviated term for the measurement of average achievements of countries for specific dimensions.

19 Clues: The rate of premature deaths.Safe disposal of human waste.Things available now and into the futureReduction of boundaries between country'sDiscrimination towards spiritual beliefs.An organisms ecosystems they are a part ofA result on the ocean due to climate change.Type Of Characteristics Involving Global Trade...


INTERNATIONALISM crossword puzzle
  1. A policy where a country completely secludes itself from international, social, economic and political affairs.
  2. An epidemic/infectious disease that has largely spread across human population.
  3. An organization that promotes international financial stability and monetary cooperation.
  4. A Canadian charitable organization.
  5. Agreements between two countries to work towards resolving problems present in both countries.
  6. A political and economical union made up of 28 member-states that are primarily located in Europe.
  7. The separation of like minded people in to isolated groups that are hostile to people whose values differ from their own.
  8. An intergovernmental organization that deals with international trade.
  9. National organization responsible for aerospace control for North America.
  10. A specialized agency of the UN that is concerned with public health.
  11. Organization that is made up of mainly sovereign states.
  12. Primary judicial branch of the UN
  13. American initiative to aid Western Europe.
  14. A policy that includes several countries working together to solve problems.
  15. A policy where countries agree to follow decisions made by an international organization with appointed officials.
  1. Help that is given by a country and in return, the country who received the help will agree to only buy goods and services from the country that supplied aid.
  2. A corporate organization that owns/controls the production of goods or services in two or more countries.
  3. An intergovernmental organization that has the jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
  4. When armed forces maintain peace by keeping enemies apart until a crisis can be resolved through negotiation.
  5. An international organization formed to increase political and economical cooperation between member countries.
  6. An organization responisble for cooperation in education, science, culture and communication.
  7. Non-profit organizations.
  8. An intergovernmental forum that deals with issues based around the Arctic governments and the indigenous people in the Arctic.
  9. The belief that all members of the global community have a collective responsibility for the challenges that the world faces and that all countries should search for a solution.
  10. An international financial institution that provides loans to countries for capital programs.
  11. An intergovernmental military alliance between several North American and European countries.
  12. When armed forces use force for reasoning other than self-defence.
  13. The world considered as a single community linked by telecommunications.
  14. The policy of a country responding to events on their own without any other country.
  15. A debt that is incurred by a despotic power.

30 Clues: Non-profit organizations.Primary judicial branch of the UNA Canadian charitable organization.American initiative to aid Western Europe.A debt that is incurred by a despotic power.Organization that is made up of mainly sovereign states.When armed forces use force for reasoning other than self-defence....

Human Development Index 2014-11-05

Human Development Index crossword puzzle
  1. The country that is at positive 5 in the HDI, but drops down to about a 28 when the IHDI is applied
  2. The HDI Value range where countries score from .700 to .799
  3. The country with the highest HDI
  4. The country that is ranked highest out of the Latin American country considered to have a "Very High Development"
  5. The reason why natural disasters may occur
  6. The HDI value range where countries range from .550 to .699
  7. Another component of the HDI with an indicator of expected years of schooling and mean years of schooling
  8. The reason why the poor, and informal workers, are vulnerable to economic and health shocks
  9. The second founder of the HDI who is from Pakistan
  10. Something that the poor, informal workers, and socially excluded people are vulnerable to
  11. One of the founders of the HDI who is from India
  12. The third dimension of the HDI with an indicator of GNI per capita
  13. One of the dimensions of the HDI with an indicator of life expectancy
  14. The region with 13 countries that have rising inequality
  15. A country that is criticized to have a misleading human development rank. It is also known as the "dragon" of the HDI
  16. Another criticism of the HDI
  17. The country where human progress is the slowest
  1. One of the largest criticism of the HDI, in which it doesn't consider this issue
  2. Countries must score a .800 to be put in this HDI Value range
  3. A word that criticizers use to describe the development categories
  4. The organization that published the Human Development Index (abbreviation only)
  5. The region with highest number countries that have living inequality
  6. The region with highest number countries that have rising inequality
  7. A country's economic status and performance can look much less impressive when adjusted for?
  8. In the low Human Development category, every country is in Africa or Asia. Is this true or false?
  9. The member of the BRICS that has the lowest ranking
  10. The HDI value range where countries range with a score less than .550
  11. The elephant of the HDI Table
  12. A word to describe the HDI, in which describes how the numerical numbers were derived to rank the countries
  13. The level of human development when inequality is taken into account
  14. The country that is ranked highest amongst the Asian countries on the HDI, and that has been ranked highest three times

31 Clues: Another criticism of the HDIThe elephant of the HDI TableThe country with the highest HDIThe reason why natural disasters may occurThe country where human progress is the slowestOne of the founders of the HDI who is from IndiaThe second founder of the HDI who is from PakistanThe member of the BRICS that has the lowest ranking...

International Trade: Introduction 2020-03-24

International Trade: Introduction crossword puzzle
  1. Adjective; a synonym of foreign/international
  2. Products and services sold to other countries
  3. Raw material and agricultural products
  4. When the quantity of imported products is limited by a country (quota)
  5. When countries ease restrictions to exchange products with other countries
  6. When there is an excess in the production of something
  1. When countries impose restrictions to exchange products with other countries
  2. Products and services bought from other countries
  3. When countries exchange products and services
  4. Adjective; the opposite of foreign
  5. Intangible products which that cannot be seen or touched

11 Clues: Adjective; the opposite of foreignRaw material and agricultural productsAdjective; a synonym of foreign/internationalProducts and services sold to other countriesWhen countries exchange products and servicesProducts and services bought from other countriesWhen there is an excess in the production of something...

Regional Integration 2022-02-11

Regional Integration crossword puzzle
  1. Country seeking to become more advanced economically.
  2. Growing interdependence of the world
  3. Formed to remove trade barriers
  4. Politically free
  5. less developed economically
  6. Industrialized country
  7. Loosening of government controls
  8. Company operating in several countries.
  9. Control of the quantity of money available
  10. Profitable
  11. Type of trade bloc in which most trade barriers have been removed
  12. Company
  1. Between two countries
  2. Coming Together
  3. Between three or more countries
  4. Measures to stabilize the economy
  5. North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA)
  6. Buying and selling goods and services.
  7. Consciousness of and loyalty to a distinct region
  8. CARICOM Single Economy

20 Clues: CompanyProfitableComing TogetherPolitically freeBetween two countriesIndustrialized countryCARICOM Single EconomyBetween three or more countriesFormed to remove trade barriersLoosening of government controlsMeasures to stabilize the economyGrowing interdependence of the worldNorth American Free Trade Area (NAFTA)...

fear of war grows 2023-10-26

fear of war grows crossword puzzle
  1. someone that is a Muslim
  2. gun comonly used by Hamas
  3. a Palestinian enclave on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea,
  4. states USA
  5. when you invade a countries
  6. shoots down rockets
  7. a terror group
  8. killing mass amounts of people of one religion
  9. a middle eastern countries by isreal
  1. not in a military
  2. someone in a military
  3. missile bomb
  4. when you kill someone
  5. the north Atlantic treaty organization
  6. long range bombs
  7. terrorist group
  8. explodes
  9. the act of being a terrorist
  10. a middle eastern countries regarded by Jews
  11. prominent religion in isreal

20 Clues: explodesstates USAmissile bomba terror groupterrorist grouplong range bombsnot in a militaryshoots down rocketssomeone in a militarywhen you kill someonesomeone that is a Muslimgun comonly used by Hamaswhen you invade a countriesthe act of being a terroristprominent religion in isreala middle eastern countries by isreal...

Internationalism 2017-12-01

Internationalism crossword puzzle
  1. Organization that was founded to protect human life and health
  2. exchange rates were pegged to the price of gold
  3. Forces that maintain peace
  4. Aims to have free movement of goods and services within Europe
  5. spearheads international disease control
  6. Handles regulation of trade in goods and services
  7. making decisions without agreement
  8. Brings war criminal to trial
  9. Sets the agenda for the UN's decision making members
  10. Countries have collective responsibility for things that concern the earth
  11. Brings to light issues for governments in the arctic
  12. non profit wanting to bring change towards their goal
  13. the increased use of telephones/communications to metaphorically shrink the world
  14. Several countries working together
  15. Armed forces in a region who use force for things other than self-defense
  16. works to develop international peace
  17. Francophonie Represents countries where french was the first language
  18. Disease that spreads to alot of people over a huge region
  19. Responsible for the preservation of global peace and security
  1. aimed to removed landmines around the world
  2. Obeying the decisions of an international organization
  3. Settles legal disputes sent from countries
  4. gives warning about attack by air
  5. those who become hostile toward those who differ in values
  6. Promoting peace and security through international participation
  7. countries working together to strengthen global financial cooperation
  8. Ceasing all economic interaction with outside countries
  9. Two counties working together
  10. A country receiving help can only buy from the country supplying
  11. used to strengthen a dictatorial government

30 Clues: Forces that maintain peaceBrings war criminal to trialTwo counties working togethergives warning about attack by airmaking decisions without agreementSeveral countries working togetherworks to develop international peacespearheads international disease controlSettles legal disputes sent from countriesaimed to removed landmines around the world...

Crossword Puzzle Activity 19.3 2022-04-28

Crossword Puzzle Activity 19.3 crossword puzzle
  1. Country that previously controlled Ghana, Kenya, Botswana, Uganda
  2. Values many African countries had that conflicted with foreign ideas
  3. Continent colonized by many Western/European powers
  4. French colony granted independence after guerrilla war in 1962
  5. South African party formed against white rule
  6. Large group of people whose roles changed in African countries after gaining independence
  7. An exported good Nigeria depended on
  8. An overthrowal of the government
  9. Nigerian author who wrote of conflict between Western and traditional values
  10. Country that previously controlled Morocco and Tunisia
  11. Countries that didn’t take a particular side during the Cold War
  12. Worldwide epidemic that hit Africa the hardest
  13. Ghanan leader who helped gain independence from Great Britain
  14. Where 60% of the African population lives today
  1. An exported good Liberia relied on
  2. Colony surrendered by Portugal in 1975
  3. Country with an unstable government due to Tutsi and Hutu fighting
  4. Racial segregation laws in South Africa
  5. First black president of South Africa
  6. Goods African countries depended on from the West
  7. First British colony to gain independence
  8. French colony granted full independence in 1956
  9. Misuse of power common in many independent African countries
  10. Cold War conflicts many African countries were drawn into
  11. Areas in Africa controlled by foreign powers
  12. Form of government used in Africa based on traditions
  13. Unity of all black Africans
  14. Conflicts created by the contrasting ways of life for different African people
  15. Brutal dictator overthrown in Uganda
  16. African group that supported anti-colonialism

30 Clues: Unity of all black AfricansAn overthrowal of the governmentAn exported good Liberia relied onAn exported good Nigeria depended onBrutal dictator overthrown in UgandaFirst black president of South AfricaColony surrendered by Portugal in 1975Racial segregation laws in South AfricaFirst British colony to gain independence...

WW1 2023-12-04

WW1 crossword puzzle
  1. demand of terms
  2. increase rapidly
  3. 3 countries 1907
  4. items forbbiden by law
  5. misleading nature
  6. strong military
  7. joining country
  8. patriotism
  9. drafted
  1. 3 countries 1882
  2. fixing
  3. choosing neither sides
  4. making troops moveable
  5. submarines
  6. avoid alliances
  7. assassination
  8. holes in the group used to attack
  9. weapons
  10. airship
  11. extend power
  12. killing

21 Clues: fixingweaponsairshipkillingdraftedsubmarinespatriotismextend powerassassinationdemand of termsavoid alliancesstrong militaryjoining country3 countries 1882increase rapidly3 countries 1907misleading naturechoosing neither sidesmaking troops moveableitems forbbiden by lawholes in the group used to attack

Internationalism Crossword 2017-12-10

Internationalism Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A policy of remaining apart from political affairs and interests of other countries.
  2. usually a disease that is prevalent over the entire country
  3. Treaty a treaty that eliminates anti-personnel landmines internationally
  4. General Assembly main representative of the UN that decides matters of peace and security
  5. Village to consider the world as one community through communication
  6. extreme pride towards one's country
  7. Cross and international organizations that provides care to those in need
  8. Criminal Court an organization that prosecutes international crimes
  9. an attempt to bring about peace between nations
  10. cultural, economic or political relations between two countries.
  11. Union a political group that establishes economic policies
  12. Debt a legal doctrine that holds debt brought upon by a regime that does not serve the interests of a nation
  13. Plan program in which US gave aid to Europe after WW2
  14. Francophonie an international organization that represents French speaking countries
  15. a global organization involved in trade relations
  1. specialized agency that is involved in public health
  2. to actively maintain a truce between two nations
  3. Bank a financial institution that provides loans internationally
  4. Woods monetary agreement that fixed exchange rates with the US dollar
  5. A policy of of cooperation between countries for their common good.
  6. A kind of alliance in which multiple countries reach a specific goal.
  7. nation An international organization that helps with economic and political cooperation among nations.
  8. Acting or making political or economic decisions without support from other countries.
  9. Balkanization the process of separating a state into smaller more hostile states
  10. a term for the departure of Britain from the EU
  11. to play a global organization that teaches children by means of educational games
  12. aid foreign aid that has to be used in the country providing the aid or in selected countries.
  13. bi-national organization that handles missions of aerospace
  14. Council an intergovernmental organization that works with issues in the Arctic

29 Clues: extreme pride towards one's countrya term for the departure of Britain from the EUan attempt to bring about peace between nationsto actively maintain a truce between two nationsa global organization involved in trade relationsspecialized agency that is involved in public healthPlan program in which US gave aid to Europe after WW2...

Globalization Quiz 2022-02-14

Globalization Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. These are the people whose goal is to spread Catholicism in the place they colonized.
  2. The invasion of this person were among the reasons behind hastening of globalization.
  3. This has a big effect on a country’s politics because whoever holds the economic power holds the political power as well.
  4. 2nd country who dominated WTO
  5. An organization that regulates and facilitates international trade between nations.
  6. It was founded after world war in 1944.
  7. This refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.
  8. An organization working to faster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, Facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty around the world.
  9. Two countries trading products, services and capitals between them eventually form cooperation of a political nature.
  10. These are harvested in the Philippines to be sold in Mexico.
  11. 3rd country who dominated WTO
  12. Number one country who dominated WTO
  13. It is the free and comprehensive interaction of countries in the world in the areas of politics, economics, society, technology, and culture
  14. The trade route between china and other countries
  15. The combination of the western and eastern culture was formed because of this.
  16. Transnational Corporations or Multinational companies lead globalization. They formed different institution and organization like World Bank, International Monetary Fund, GATT – WTO to control the economy of the world.
  17. We are forced to produce flowers, pineapple, banana, broccoli and others because these are what foreign countries needed. These resulted into?
  18. Mechanization in the making of products such as this began to materialize.
  19. With the development of this, globalization spread rapidly during the 20th century. Air transportation flourished including the use of telephone and postal mail.
  20. 4th country who dominated WTO
  21. The labor in the rich countries denied work at the same time. The poor countries also suffered because their losing local business in their country.
  22. This organization was founded in January 1, 1995.
  1. These people lost a lot because they need to pay higher tax to the government.
  2. Colonial mentality is deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of country’s colonization.
  3. The catholic missionaries from Europe also spread this in Latin America in 1492, as well as in the Philippines in 1521.
  4. Refers to extensive mechanization in the production system
  5. Information technology has paved the way to cultural globalization. We get informed of events in different countries instantly in real time.
  6. This is where they sold tobaccos harvested from the Philippines.
  7. Because of the capital being brought to the country by the large foreign investors, a number of Filipinos became employed, being employed.
  8. Abbreviation of the World Trade Organization is formerly known as.
  9. Due to globalization activities and beliefs in other countries or parts of the world influenced the activities and beliefs of people in other countries.
  10. Creates employment and job opportunities. Thus increasing the peoples abilities to become self sufficient.
  11. It is said that benefits can be gained in trading products, services and capitals with the other countries because the number of products one can choose from the market increases significantly.
  12. This happened from 1565 - 1815 now known in our country as the?
  13. People come and go to other parts of the world to study, take a vacation, enjoy, work, compete and research.
  14. They colonized the Philippines and sold the harvested tobaccos in Mexico
  15. One of the countries the Europeans spread Catholicism.
  16. UN was organized to help all countries about their territorial disputes in other countries which created different diplomatic agreements, embassy or consulate in other countries. United Nation also founded different agencies that will improved the way of life of the people.
  17. This is deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of country’s colonization.
  18. 5th country who dominated WTO
  19. This was started on October 24, 1945.

41 Clues: 2nd country who dominated WTO3rd country who dominated WTO5th country who dominated WTO4th country who dominated WTONumber one country who dominated WTOThis was started on October 24, 1945.It was founded after world war in 1944.The trade route between china and other countriesThis organization was founded in January 1, 1995....

Countries Crossword 2015-12-01

Countries Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Judo is from
  2. Vladimir Putin
  3. Home of meatballs, IKEA and ABBA
  4. South american nation
  5. Home of refugees and migrants! GRRR!
  6. Where does a Eskimo come from?
  1. Made in...
  2. Rio de Janeiro
  3. North and south fight
  4. Chernobyl explosion
  5. Down under
  6. God save our gracious queen
  7. Pasta and pizza
  8. Bonjour!

14 Clues: Bonjour!Made in...Down underJudo is fromRio de JaneiroVladimir PutinPasta and pizzaChernobyl explosionNorth and south fightSouth american nationGod save our gracious queenWhere does a Eskimo come from?Home of meatballs, IKEA and ABBAHome of refugees and migrants! GRRR!

Countries Crossword 2015-12-01

Countries Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. North and south fight
  2. Judo is from
  3. Home of meatballs, IKEA and ABBA
  4. South american nation
  5. Home of refugees and migrants! GRRR!
  6. Rio de Janeiro
  7. God save our gracious queen
  8. Chernobyl explosion
  1. Pasta and pizza
  2. Bonjour!
  3. Where does a Eskimo come from?
  4. Vladimir Putin
  5. Made in...
  6. Down under

14 Clues: Bonjour!Made in...Down underJudo is fromVladimir PutinRio de JaneiroPasta and pizzaChernobyl explosionNorth and south fightSouth american nationGod save our gracious queenWhere does a Eskimo come from?Home of meatballs, IKEA and ABBAHome of refugees and migrants! GRRR!

Countries & Nationalities 2021-12-11

Countries & Nationalities crossword puzzle
  1. I am Russian. Where am I from?
  2. I am German. Where am I from?
  3. I am from China. What is my nationality?
  4. I am Australian. Where am I from?
  5. I am Portuguese. Where am I from?
  6. I am from Brazil. What is my nationality?
  1. I am Japanese. Where am I from?
  2. I am Mexican. Where am I from?
  3. I am from America. What is my nationality?
  4. I am Egyptian. Where am I from?
  5. I am from Spain. What is my nationality?
  6. I am from Italy. What is my nationality?
  7. I am from Morocco. What is my nationality?
  8. I am from France. What is my nationality?

14 Clues: I am German. Where am I from?I am Russian. Where am I from?I am Mexican. Where am I from?I am Japanese. Where am I from?I am Egyptian. Where am I from?I am Australian. Where am I from?I am Portuguese. Where am I from?I am from China. What is my nationality?I am from Spain. What is my nationality?I am from Italy. What is my nationality?...

Countries / Paesi 2022-09-17

Countries / Paesi crossword puzzle
  1. Switzerland
  2. Antarctica
  3. Poland
  4. Ireland
  5. Denmark
  6. United States
  1. Mexico
  2. Japan
  3. France
  4. United Kingdom
  5. Spain
  6. Germany
  7. China
  8. Egypt

14 Clues: JapanSpainChinaEgyptMexicoFrancePolandGermanyIrelandDenmarkAntarcticaSwitzerlandUnited StatesUnited Kingdom

random countries 2023-01-12

random countries crossword puzzle
  1. blue background with a yellow cross
  2. white green red
  3. white blue red
  4. Blue and white
  5. red leaf
  6. Red background with a black eagle
  7. red with a big yellow star
  1. red white blue
  2. white moon with a red background
  3. white and red
  4. white background with a red cross
  5. white blue red but with a emblem
  6. red with many yellow stars
  7. weird flag

14 Clues: red leafweird flagwhite and redred white bluewhite blue redBlue and whitewhite green redred with many yellow starsred with a big yellow starwhite moon with a red backgroundwhite blue red but with a emblemwhite background with a red crossRed background with a black eagleblue background with a yellow cross

Word Countries 2023-06-25

Word Countries crossword puzzle
  1. A country in central Europe, known for its engineering prowess, castles, and the Autobahn.
  2. A vast country in North America, known for its stunning natural beauty, maple syrup, and ice hockey.
  3. Africa A country located at the southernmost tip of Africa, known for its diverse wildlife, beautiful landscapes, and historical sites like Robben Island.
  4. Kingdom A country in Europe, consisting of four nations (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland), known for landmarks like Big Ben and the Tower of London.
  5. A country in southwestern Europe, known for its rich history, flamenco dancing, and beautiful beaches.
  6. A country and continent surrounded by the Pacific and Indian Oceans, famous for its unique wildlife like kangaroos and koalas.
  7. A country in western Europe, famous for its art, culture, iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, and delicious cuisine.
  8. An island nation in East Asia, famous for its technological advancements, sushi, and cherry blossoms.
  1. A country in South America, famous for its tango dance, delicious steaks, and the breathtaking Iguazu Falls.
  2. A country in South Asia, known for its vibrant culture, delicious food, and the Taj Mahal.
  3. The most populous country in the world, known for its rich history, culture, and the Great Wall.
  4. A country in North America, known for its ancient Mayan ruins, delicious cuisine, and vibrant festivals like Day of the Dead.
  5. States A large country in North America, famous for its diverse landscapes, freedom, and the Statue of Liberty.
  6. The largest country in the world, spanning across Europe and Asia, with beautiful landscapes and rich history.
  7. The largest country in South America, renowned for its Amazon rainforest, soccer, and Carnival festival.

15 Clues: A country in South Asia, known for its vibrant culture, delicious food, and the Taj Mahal.A country in central Europe, known for its engineering prowess, castles, and the Autobahn.The most populous country in the world, known for its rich history, culture, and the Great Wall....

Countries 3 2024-02-29

Countries 3 crossword puzzle
  1. A Scandinavian country known for its progressive social policies, historic castles, and picturesque coastline.
  2. A country in Western Europe known for its picturesque canals, vibrant tulip fields, and progressive social policies.
  3. A Nordic country known for its stunning natural scenery, including forests, lakes, and the Northern Lights, as well as its sauna culture.
  4. A Central European country known for its stunning Alpine scenery, classical music heritage, and historic cities like Vienna and Salzburg.
  5. A European country on the Iberian Peninsula known for its historic cities, stunning coastline, and delicious cuisine like bacalhau and pastéis de nata.
  6. A country in North America known for its rich history, colorful traditions, and delicious cuisine like tacos and enchiladas.
  1. An island nation in Northwestern Europe known for its lush green landscapes, rich history, and vibrant pub culture.
  2. A country in North Africa known for its vibrant souks, ancient medinas, and diverse landscapes, including the Sahara Desert and Atlas Mountains.
  3. A country in Western Europe known for its medieval towns, rich chocolate, and delicious waffles.
  4. A European country known for its ancient history, art, architecture, and culinary traditions like pasta, pizza, and gelato.
  5. A long, narrow country in South America known for its diverse geography, including the Atacama Desert, Andes Mountains, and Patagonia region.
  6. A South American country known for its ancient Inca ruins, stunning Andean landscapes, and diverse cuisine like ceviche and lomo saltado.
  7. Korea A dynamic country in East Asia known for its rapid economic development, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine like kimchi and bibimbap.
  8. A country in North Africa known for its ancient civilization, including the pyramids, Sphinx, and Nile River.

14 Clues: A country in Western Europe known for its medieval towns, rich chocolate, and delicious waffles.A country in North Africa known for its ancient civilization, including the pyramids, Sphinx, and Nile River.A Scandinavian country known for its progressive social policies, historic castles, and picturesque coastline....

Countries 2 2024-02-29

Countries  2 crossword puzzle
  1. Africa A country at the southern tip of Africa known for its diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage.
  2. A Nordic country known for its breathtaking fjords, northern lights, and high standard of living.
  3. A Southeast Asian country known for its tropical beaches, ornate temples, and flavorful cuisine like pad Thai and green curry.
  4. A Scandinavian country known for its stunning natural landscapes, progressive social policies, and innovative design.
  5. A country in North Africa known for its ancient civilization, including the pyramids, Sphinx, and Nile River.
  6. A South American country known for its passionate culture, tango music, and delicious cuisine like steak and empanadas.
  7. Arabia A country in the Middle East known for its vast deserts, rich history, and Islamic landmarks like the Kaaba and Medina.
  1. A mountainous country in Central Europe known for its stunning Alpine scenery, precision engineering, and delicious chocolate.
  2. A Southeast Asian country known for its thousands of islands, diverse cultures, and stunning natural beauty.
  3. A country in East Africa known for its diverse wildlife, including lions, elephants, and rhinos, and stunning natural landscapes like the Maasai Mara.
  4. A transcontinental country bridging Europe and Asia, known for its unique blend of cultures, historic sites, and delicious cuisine.
  5. A South American country known for its passionate culture, tango music, and delicious cuisine like steak and empanadas.
  6. A Southeast Asian country known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine like pho and banh mi.
  7. A European country known for its ancient history, beautiful islands, and iconic landmarks like the Acropolis and Parthenon.
  8. Zealand A country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean known for its breathtaking landscapes, outdoor activities, and Maori culture.

15 Clues: A Nordic country known for its breathtaking fjords, northern lights, and high standard of living.A Southeast Asian country known for its thousands of islands, diverse cultures, and stunning natural beauty.A country in North Africa known for its ancient civilization, including the pyramids, Sphinx, and Nile River....

Countries 2 2024-02-29

Countries  2 crossword puzzle
  1. A European country known for its ancient history, beautiful islands, and iconic landmarks like the Acropolis and Parthenon.
  2. A South American country known for its passionate culture, tango music, and delicious cuisine like steak and empanadas.
  3. A Southeast Asian country known for its tropical beaches, ornate temples, and flavorful cuisine like pad Thai and green curry.
  4. Zealand A country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean known for its breathtaking landscapes, outdoor activities, and Maori culture.
  5. A transcontinental country bridging Europe and Asia, known for its unique blend of cultures, historic sites, and delicious cuisine.
  6. A mountainous country in Central Europe known for its stunning Alpine scenery, precision engineering, and delicious chocolate.
  7. A Nordic country known for its breathtaking fjords, northern lights, and high standard of living.
  8. A country in East Africa known for its diverse wildlife, including lions, elephants, and rhinos, and stunning natural landscapes like the Maasai Mara.
  1. A country in North Africa known for its ancient civilization, including the pyramids, Sphinx, and Nile River.
  2. A Scandinavian country known for its stunning natural landscapes, progressive social policies, and innovative design.
  3. Arabia A country in the Middle East known for its vast deserts, rich history, and Islamic landmarks like the Kaaba and Medina.
  4. Africa A country at the southern tip of Africa known for its diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage.
  5. A Southeast Asian country known for its thousands of islands, diverse cultures, and stunning natural beauty.
  6. A Southeast Asian country known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine like pho and banh mi.
  7. A South American country known for its passionate culture, tango music, and delicious cuisine like steak and empanadas.

15 Clues: A Nordic country known for its breathtaking fjords, northern lights, and high standard of living.A Southeast Asian country known for its thousands of islands, diverse cultures, and stunning natural beauty.A country in North Africa known for its ancient civilization, including the pyramids, Sphinx, and Nile River....

Mr Clear Crossword puzzle 2022-05-18

Mr Clear Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Periphery- Developing countries Ex- India
  2. Countries- Poor countries Ex- Kenya
  3. Diffusion- Diffusion of something that spreads throughout a population
  4. Line- North and South divide each other
  5. Boundary- Nonfunctional boundaries that still exist Ex- great wall of china
  6. When citizens who fled their country due to war, violence, or persecution move to another country
  1. Fright/ Terror of strangers
  2. city with a number of citizens of more than 10 Million
  3. Countries- Developed countries the Ex-United States
  4. Language- A language combined
  5. name for a place
  6. Language- A pidgin language taught to further generations
  7. Franca- A common language used for business etc Ex- English
  8. Desert- Shortage to access healthful and affordable food

14 Clues: name for a placeFright/ Terror of strangersLanguage- A language combinedCountries- Poor countries Ex- KenyaLine- North and South divide each otherPeriphery- Developing countries Ex- IndiaCountries- Developed countries the Ex-United Statescity with a number of citizens of more than 10 MillionDesert- Shortage to access healthful and affordable food...

Emmys economic review 2024-05-07

Emmys economic review crossword puzzle
  1. a person that provides something
  2. something that be used again or can grow back
  3. someone that is related to use and came before use
  4. what a business or company makes
  5. some one that buys something someone made
  6. something that can not be used again
  7. something that is provided
  1. a lot of somthing
  2. countries mature and sophisticated economy
  3. makes and sells something that consumers will purchase
  4. a government that is both a little of purely command and purely market
  5. limited supply of somthing
  6. system a countries plan on how to use limited resources
  7. capita per person
  8. all decisions made be the government
  9. trade without money
  10. countries countries with a less mature and sophisticated economy

17 Clues: a lot of somthingcapita per persontrade without moneylimited supply of somthingsomething that is provideda person that provides somethingwhat a business or company makesall decisions made be the governmentsomething that can not be used againsome one that buys something someone madecountries mature and sophisticated economy...

Chapter 4 vocab 2020-11-20

Chapter 4 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  2. A business enterprise that companies set up together
  3. good purchased from other countries
  4. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  5. all things used in producing goods and services
  6. Goods and services sold to other countries
  7. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  8. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  9. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  10. Letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  1. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  2. International trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  3. Trade the exchange of goods among nations
  4. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  5. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  6. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  7. Total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  8. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.
  9. Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  10. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  11. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  12. Tax on imports

22 Clues: Tax on importsgood purchased from other countriesTrade the exchange of goods among nationsGoods and services sold to other countriesEurope's trading bloc in a unified currency.all things used in producing goods and servicesEstablishment of a business in a foreign countryA business enterprise that companies set up together...

Chapter 4 Vocab 2020-11-19

Chapter 4 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  2. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  3. International trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  4. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.
  5. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  6. Goods and services sold to other countries
  7. trade Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  8. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  9. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  10. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  11. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  1. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  2. of trade Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  3. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  4. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  5. Goods and services purchased from other countries
  6. all things used in producing goods and services
  7. Total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  8. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  9. A business enterprise that companies set up together
  10. Letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  11. Tax on imports

22 Clues: Tax on importsGoods and services sold to other countriesEurope's trading bloc in a unified currency.all things used in producing goods and servicesEstablishment of a business in a foreign countryThe exchange of goods and services among nationsGoods and services purchased from other countriesA business enterprise that companies set up together...

chapter 4 vocabulary 2020-11-20

chapter 4 vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  2. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  3. A business enterprise that companies set up together
  4. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  5. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  6. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  7. all things used in producing goods and services
  8. tax on imports
  9. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  10. Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  11. Letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  1. international trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  2. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.
  3. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  4. Goods and services purchased from other countries
  5. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  6. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  7. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  8. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  9. Goods and services sold to other countries
  10. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  11. Total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country

22 Clues: tax on importsGoods and services sold to other countriesEurope's trading bloc in a unified currency.all things used in producing goods and servicesThe exchange of goods and services among nationsEstablishment of a business in a foreign countryGoods and services purchased from other countriesA business enterprise that companies set up together...

B.May Chp4 DECA Crossword 2020-11-20

B.May Chp4 DECA Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  2. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  3. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency
  4. Total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  5. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  6. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  7. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  8. all things used in producing goods and services
  9. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  1. International trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  2. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  3. Goods and services purchased by other countries
  4. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  5. Difference in value between a nation's exports and imports
  6. A business enterprise that companies set up together
  7. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  8. Trade The exchange of goods and services among nations
  9. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  10. Goods and services sold to other countries
  11. Letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  12. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  13. Tax on imports

22 Clues: Tax on importsGoods and services sold to other countriesEurope's trading bloc in a unified currencyGoods and services purchased by other countriesall things used in producing goods and servicesEstablishment of a business in a foreign countryA business enterprise that companies set up togetherTrade The exchange of goods and services among nations...

chapter 4 vocab 2020-11-19

chapter 4 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  2. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  3. Letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  4. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  5. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  6. International trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  7. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  8. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  9. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  10. Total ban on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  11. all things used in producing goods and services
  1. Goods and services sold to other countries
  2. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  3. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  4. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  5. Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  6. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  7. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.
  8. A business enterprise that companies set up togethe
  9. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  10. Goods and services purchased from other countries
  11. Tax on imports

22 Clues: Tax on importsGoods and services sold to other countriesEurope's trading bloc in a unified currency.all things used in producing goods and servicesEstablishment of a business in a foreign countryThe exchange of goods and services among nationsGoods and services purchased from other countriesA business enterprise that companies set up togethe...

International Trade and Economy (Ch. 4) 2020-11-23

International Trade and Economy (Ch. 4) crossword puzzle
  1. - International trade agreement between USA, Canada, Mexico.
  2. - Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.
  3. - Goods and services sold to other countries.
  4. - Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade.
  5. - Total ban on specific goods or services coming into and leaving a country.
  6. - Commericial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations.
  7. - Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region.
  8. - Large corporations that have operations in several countries.
  9. - Limits either the quantity or monetary value a product that may be imported.
  10. - An organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of its citizens.
  11. - Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries.
  1. - A company's use of an existing product/promotion that's changed to suit a specific region.
  2. - Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports.
  3. - The exchange of goods and services among nations.
  4. - Goods and services bought from other countries.
  5. - Letting another country use a trademark, patent, special formula, company name.
  6. - Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries.
  7. - Establishment of a business in a foreign country.
  8. - Tax on imports.
  9. - Mid to Small-sized Companies that have operations in foreign countries.
  10. - All things used in producing goods or services.
  11. - A business enterprise that companies set up together.

22 Clues: - Tax on imports.- Goods and services sold to other countries.- Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.- Goods and services bought from other countries.- All things used in producing goods or services.- The exchange of goods and services among nations.- Establishment of a business in a foreign country....

Chapter 4 vocab 2023-11-08

Chapter 4 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Exchange of goods and services among nations
  2. an international trade agreement among the united states canda and mexico
  3. involves hiring a foreign manufacturer to make products according to a companys specifications
  4. Creating specially designed products or promotions for certain countries or regions.
  5. a companys use of an existing product or promotion from which changes are made
  6. A total ban on specefic goods coming into and leaving a country
  7. Midsize or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  8. Goods and services purchased from other countries
  9. Complete standardization
  1. Europes trading block
  2. Limits either the quanity or the monetary value of a product
  3. The establishment of a business in a foreign country
  4. A tax on imports
  5. The commercial exchange between nations
  6. A business enterprise that a domestic company and a foreign company undertake together
  7. A global colation of nations that make the rules governing international trade
  8. Involves letting anonther company or license use a trade mark patent or some other intelectual property
  9. A goverments establishment of economic policies that systematicaly restrict imports in order to protect domestic industries
  10. A trade surplus occurs when a nation exports more than it imports
  11. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  12. goods and services sold to other countries

21 Clues: A tax on importsEuropes trading blockComplete standardizationThe commercial exchange between nationsgoods and services sold to other countriesExchange of goods and services among nationsGoods and services purchased from other countriesThe establishment of a business in a foreign countryLimits either the quanity or the monetary value of a product...

SDG Crossword 2024-08-28

SDG Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Many ____________ countries are facing a debt crisis
  2. More than 108.4 million people had been forcibly __________ worldwide as of end-2022
  3. High-Income countries leave a larger __________ footprint compared to low-income countries
  4. 100_______________ hectares of healthy and productive land was degraded every year from 2015-2019
  5. Without additional measures, by 2030 only 1 in 6 countries will achieve universal ___________ school completion target
  6. Global _____________ is expected to fall below pre-pandemic levels, but not in low-income countries
  1. We must conserve and __________ use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
  2. 1 in 3 people worldwide struggle with moderate to severe _________ insecurity
  3. The world is not on track to achieve ___________ equality by 2030
  4. Deep, rapid and sustained GHG ________ reductions by 43% by 2030 and to net zero by 2050
  5. Ensure ___________ lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  6. We must make cities and human settlements ___________, safe, resilient and sustainable
  7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern ______for all
  8. We can end __________ in all its forms everywhere
  9. We must build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable ____________ and foster innovation
  10. In 2022 2.2 billion people ________ safely managed drinking water
  11. We are hoping to reduce inequality within and among __________

17 Clues: We can end __________ in all its forms everywhereMany ____________ countries are facing a debt crisisWe are hoping to reduce inequality within and among __________The world is not on track to achieve ___________ equality by 2030In 2022 2.2 billion people ________ safely managed drinking water...

Marketing Essentials Chapter 4 2020-11-20

Marketing Essentials Chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. the exchange of goods and services among nations
  2. collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  3. all things used in producing goods and services
  4. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  5. limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  6. tax on imports
  7. large corporations that have operations in several countries
  8. creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  9. letting other country use a trademark,patent, special formula, company name
  10. total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  11. goods and services sold to other countries
  12. company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  1. government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  2. goods and services purchased from other countries
  3. difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  4. selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  5. europe's trading bloc in a unified currency
  6. international trade agreement among u.s. canada, and mexico
  7. establishment of a business in a foreign country
  8. mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  9. commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  10. a business enterprise that companies set up together

22 Clues: tax on importsgoods and services sold to other countrieseurope's trading bloc in a unified currencyall things used in producing goods and servicesthe exchange of goods and services among nationsestablishment of a business in a foreign countrygoods and services purchased from other countriesa business enterprise that companies set up together...

Marketing Essentials Chapter 4 2020-11-20

Marketing Essentials Chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  2. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  3. trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  4. Total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  5. letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  6. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  7. goods and services purchased from other countries
  8. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  9. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  10. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  11. Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  12. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  13. all things used in producing goods and services
  14. A business enterprise that companies set up together
  1. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  2. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  3. Goods and services sold to other countries
  4. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  5. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.
  6. limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  7. Tax on imports
  8. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries

22 Clues: Tax on importsGoods and services sold to other countriesEurope's trading bloc in a unified agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexicoall things used in producing goods and servicesThe exchange of goods and services among nationsEstablishment of a business in a foreign countrygoods and services purchased from other countries...

Marketing Essentials Chapter 4 2020-11-19

Marketing Essentials Chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  2. exchange of goods and services among
  3. collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  4. international trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  5. selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  6. all things used in producing goods and services
  7. goods and service purchased from other countries
  8. mid size or smaller companies that have operation in foreign countries
  9. establishment of a business in a foreign country
  10. limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  11. a business enterprise that companies set up together
  12. commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  1. company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  2. europe's trading bloc in a united currency
  3. goods and services sold to other countries
  4. creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  5. large corporations that have operations in several countries
  6. letting other country use a trademark, patent, special formula, company name
  7. government policy that restricts imports to protest domestic industries
  8. tax on imports
  9. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of its people
  10. total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country

22 Clues: tax on importsexchange of goods and services amongeurope's trading bloc in a united currencygoods and services sold to other countriesall things used in producing goods and servicesgoods and service purchased from other countriesestablishment of a business in a foreign countrya business enterprise that companies set up together...

Marketing Essentials Chapter 4 2020-11-19

Marketing Essentials Chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of its people
  2. international trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  3. tax on imports
  4. all things used in producing goods and services
  5. collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  6. europe's trading bloc in a united currency
  7. selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  8. a business enterprise that companies set up together
  9. limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  10. commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  1. goods and services sold to other countries
  2. goods and service purchased from other countries
  3. exchange of goods and services among
  4. mid size or smaller companies that have operation in foreign countries
  5. establishment of a business in a foreign country
  6. large corporations that have operations in several countries
  7. creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  8. government policy that restricts imports to protest domestic industries
  9. total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  10. difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  11. company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  12. letting other country use a trademark, patent, special formula, company name

22 Clues: tax on importsexchange of goods and services amonggoods and services sold to other countrieseurope's trading bloc in a united currencyall things used in producing goods and servicesgoods and service purchased from other countriesestablishment of a business in a foreign countrya business enterprise that companies set up together...

Deca 2020-11-19

Deca crossword puzzle
  1. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  2. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  3. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  4. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  5. A business enterprise that companies set up together
  6. Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  7. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  8. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  9. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  10. Goods and Services sold to other countries
  11. total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  1. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  2. International trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  3. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  4. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  5. Goods and Services purchased from other countries
  6. all things used in producing goods and services
  7. tax on imports
  8. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  9. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency
  10. Letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  11. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people

22 Clues: tax on importsGoods and Services sold to other countriesEurope's trading bloc in a unified currencyall things used in producing goods and servicesEstablishment of a business in a foreign countryThe exchange of goods and services among nationsGoods and Services purchased from other countriesA business enterprise that companies set up together...

Chapter 4 vocab 2020-11-19

Chapter 4 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  2. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  3. Goods and services sold to other countries
  4. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  5. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  6. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  7. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  8. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  9. Goods and services purchased from other countries
  10. Total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  1. Letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  2. Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  3. International trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  4. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  5. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency
  6. A business enterprise that companies set up together
  7. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  8. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  9. all things used in producing goods and services
  10. Tax on imports
  11. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  12. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region

22 Clues: Tax on importsGoods and services sold to other countriesEurope's trading bloc in a unified currencyall things used in producing goods and servicesThe exchange of goods and services among nationsEstablishment of a business in a foreign countryGoods and services purchased from other countriesA business enterprise that companies set up together...

Geography 6.6 2024-07-04

Geography 6.6 crossword puzzle
  1. Production of goods and services done in developing countries where labor is cheap
  2. Large Companies that are involved in foreign finance, investments and shipping of goods and services
  3. This factor primarily comes from the migrants home
  4. When Countries become more and more dependent on each other.
  5. One indicator of climate change
  6. Obtaining goods and services through import and export
  7. The rise of temperature of the Earth's surface due to human activity
  8. Linking of nations by trade, technology and communication
  9. Ensures that exchange rates remain stable
  1. Set up to promote fair trade practices between countries
  2. Trapping of the sun's warmth in the lower atmosphere
  3. A political and economic union between 28 countries
  4. This factor primarily comes from the influences around the migrant
  5. Treaty between Mexico, Canada and the United States - Also known as the North American Free Trade Agreement
  6. Provides low interest loans and technical support to developing countries
  7. a sequence of stages involved in the creation of goods or services
  8. Someone facing displacement due to conflict, violence, disaster and other reasons in their country
  9. Colorless gas that is used for refrigerant, and arousals
  10. The act of treating someone unfairly for your own gain
  11. Long-term changes in weather patterns
  12. Involvement of People, governments and companies

21 Clues: One indicator of climate changeLong-term changes in weather patternsEnsures that exchange rates remain stableInvolvement of People, governments and companiesThis factor primarily comes from the migrants homeA political and economic union between 28 countriesTrapping of the sun's warmth in the lower atmosphere...

Five Innovations that will Change Business in 2023 2023-03-03

Five Innovations that will Change Business in 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. supermarkets
  2. housework
  3. purpose
  4. future
  5. temperature
  6. resource
  7. robots
  1. transformation
  2. producing
  3. countries
  4. military
  5. operated
  6. personal
  7. autopilot

14 Clues: futurerobotspurposemilitaryoperatedpersonalresourceproducingcountrieshouseworkautopilottemperaturesupermarketstransformation

International Trade and Economy (Ch. 4) 2020-12-01

International Trade and Economy (Ch. 4) crossword puzzle
  1. - Mid.- Small-sized companies that have operations in foreign countries.
  2. - Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.
  3. - Goods and services purchased from other countries.
  4. - An international trade agreement between the USA, Canada, and Mexico.
  5. - A business enterprise that companies set up together.
  6. - Letting another country use a trademark, patent, special formula, or company name.
  7. - Company's use of an existing product/promotion that's changed to suit the region.
  8. - Organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of its people.
  9. - Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports.
  10. - Goods and Services sold to other countries.
  1. - Establishment of a business in a foreign country.
  2. - Govt. policy that restricts imports to domestic industries.
  3. - Large corporations that have operations in several countries.
  4. - Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported.
  5. - Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region.
  6. - Collection of nations that makes the rules governing international trade.
  7. - Total ban on specific goods coming into and leaving a country.
  8. - The exchange of goods and services among nations.
  9. - Tax on imports.
  10. - Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations.
  11. - Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries.
  12. - All things used in producing goods and services.

22 Clues: - Tax on imports.- Goods and Services sold to other countries.- Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.- All things used in producing goods and services.- Establishment of a business in a foreign country.- The exchange of goods and services among nations.- Goods and services purchased from other countries....

Laura & Dan 2023-08-12

Laura & Dan crossword puzzle
  1. We can’t live without this kitchen appliance
  2. What countries have Laura & Dan been to? (#3)
  3. How did Laura & Dan connect?
  4. How did Dan propose to Laura?
  5. What countries have Laura & Dan been to? (#1)
  6. Laura & Dan’s favorite TV show
  7. Laura told Dan that he had to finish this series before he proposed
  1. Where did Dan propose?
  2. What game do Laura & Dan like to play together?
  3. What city was Laura & Dan’s first date in?
  4. What is Laura & Dan’s cat’s name?
  5. What countries have Laura & Dan been to? (#4)
  6. What countries have Laura & Dan been to? (#2)
  7. What instrument does Dan play?
  8. One of Laura & Dan’s favorite dates?
  9. What instrument does Laura play?

16 Clues: Where did Dan propose?How did Laura & Dan connect?How did Dan propose to Laura?What instrument does Dan play?Laura & Dan’s favorite TV showWhat instrument does Laura play?What is Laura & Dan’s cat’s name?One of Laura & Dan’s favorite dates?What city was Laura & Dan’s first date in?We can’t live without this kitchen appliance...


  1. formerly known as General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT)– an organization that regulates and facilitates international trade between nations. Founded in January 1, 1995.Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
  2. The gathered and abstain natural resources and products of these countries. The developed markets and places to bring their products by means of conquering.When the Spaniards colonized the Philippines, the tobacco harvested by the Filipinos were sent to Mexico and sold there.
  3. deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of country’s colonization. Filipinos penchant for things foreign are reflected in their preference in cloths. foods, music, movies and others.
  4. United Nation was started on October 24, 1945. Before they only have 51 members but now it has 193 members.UN was organized to help all countries about their territorial disputes in other countries which created different diplomatic agreements, embassy or consulate in other countries.
  5. can be gained in trading products, services and capitals with the other countries because the number of products one can choose from the market increases significantly.
  6. One of the goals of of European was to bring and spread __________ in the placed they colonized.
  7. it was founded after world war in 1944. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, originally , its loans helped rebuild countries devastated by World War soon it became World Bank which promotes long – term economic development and poverty reduction by providing technical and financial support to help countries.
  8. has a big effect on a country’s politics because whoever holds the economic power holds the political power as well. Meaning these two entities are inseparable.
  9. a term used to describe how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place. It also captures in its scope the economic and social changes that have come about as a result.
  10. Multinational corporation bring to our country not only material goods but their culture as well.
  11. happened in a number of places in the world during the last of 18th century up to the early part of the 19th century.
  12. Transnational Corporations or Multinational companies lead globalization. They formed different institutions and organization like Wold Bank, International Monetary Fund, GATT – WTO to control the economy of the world.
  1. Due to globalization activities and beliefs in other countries or parts of the world influenced the activities and beliefs of people in other countries.
  2. Information technology has paved the way to cultural globalization. Nowadays, information spread faster and more easily through the internet and cyberspace technology.
  3. Globalization also augurs the_________ of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and World Trade Organization
  4. refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.
  5. _______such as CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera and many others deliver world news as they happened in real-time.
  6. has paved the way to cultural globalization. Nowadays, information spread faster and more easily through the internet and cyberspace technology.
  7. an organization working to faster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty around the world.
  8. Because of the capital being brought to the country by the large foreign investors, a number of Filipinos became employed, being employed.
  9. Due to improvements of transportation like boats became ships much larger more faster, caravan change into bike, motorcycles, cars, buses and airplanes.
  10. They said, the_______still become richer while the poor ones anguish in poverty because of the lack of economic protection of the poor countries.
  11. Cooperation Two countries trading products, services and capitals between them eventually form cooperation of a political nature.
  12. The World Trade Organization has 164 members. Aim of the Organization is to liberalise international trade and it helps to remove trade barriers and create a free environment for foreign trade.
  13. was started on October 24, 1945. Before they only have 51 members but now it has 193 members.UN was organized to help all countries about their territorial disputes in other countries which created different diplomatic agreements, embassy or consulate in other countries.

25 Clues: One of the goals of of European was to bring and spread __________ in the placed they colonized.Multinational corporation bring to our country not only material goods but their culture as well._______such as CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera and many others deliver world news as they happened in real-time....

Minda's Crossword 2016-12-05

Minda's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. No restrictions on trade.
  2. Oil is an example of this.
  3. These come from the Earth.
  4. Synonym for taxes.
  5. Something that sets up rules for deciding what to produce and who will get them.
  6. A limit on how many items a country can get.
  1. Countries that are limited to their sources.
  2. Water is an example of ___________.
  3. Countries that have a great deal of manufacturing.
  4. If you study biology, you’ll discover that there is a great deal of ______________ between plants and animals.
  5. Countries that are creating new manufacturing and businesses.
  6. Buying goods from other countries.
  7. Selling goods to other countries.

13 Clues: Synonym for taxes.No restrictions on trade.Oil is an example of this.These come from the Earth.Selling goods to other countries.Buying goods from other countries.Water is an example of ___________.Countries that are limited to their sources.A limit on how many items a country can get.Countries that have a great deal of manufacturing....

unit 5 vocab 2023-11-17

unit 5 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Economy Where goods and services are exchanged without money. Emphasizes on trading and bartering of products and services.
  2. level jobs Are jobs that focus on manufacturing and processing of goods.
  3. Economy An economy where the government controls the production of goods and services.
  4. Farming is farming or just your family (small scale)
  5. Countries countries have a high population growth rate which lead to overpopulation and resource shortages.
  6. Farming produces crops or animals for big market (large scale)
  7. when countries work together to get done what they need to. This happens when countries trade with each other.
  8. Countries A Rich/Wealthy.
  1. Countries that are not near water.
  2. economy an economy that involves businesses competing against each other for consumer demand. Also known as capitalism.
  3. Lanes a regularly used navigable route for large water vessels on wide waterways such as oceans, large lakes.
  4. jobs are jobs that deal directly with resources at the bottom or first level.
  5. is the income earned by each person in a country.
  6. Is the study of how people distribute their wealth
  7. Jobs are jobs that provide a service such as transportation, retail trade, and information technology.
  8. Economy Combines the features of a market and command economy.
  9. Measures the total number of goods produced by a country each year.

17 Clues: Countries A Rich/Wealthy.Countries that are not near the income earned by each person in a country.Is the study of how people distribute their wealthFarming is farming or just your family (small scale)Economy Combines the features of a market and command economy.Farming produces crops or animals for big market (large scale)...

Random countries 2022-06-16

Random countries crossword puzzle
  1. Your country
  2. A state in the benelux
  3. A former sovet state
  4. Another Baltic state
  5. The free country of Europe
  6. informally called holland
  1. A major country south of the UK.
  2. Defender of the war
  3. One of the baltic states
  4. My country
  5. The most northerly of the baltic states
  6. An Iberian state
  7. A nordic country
  8. Aggressor of the war

14 Clues: My countryYour countryAn Iberian stateA nordic countryDefender of the warA former sovet stateAnother Baltic stateAggressor of the warA state in the beneluxOne of the baltic statesinformally called hollandThe free country of EuropeA major country south of the UK.The most northerly of the baltic states

Countries (2) 2022-11-15

Countries (2) crossword puzzle
  1. You will find Aukland there (3,7)
  2. An island in the Caribbean Sea (7)
  3. The Pharaohs lived here (5)
  4. Otherwise known as the British Isles (6,7)
  5. Aloha! Men wear lovely floral shirts on this island (6)
  6. it has the stars and stripes on its flag (3)
  1. In 1789 there was a famous revolution here (6)
  2. Florence is a city in the north (5)
  3. Norway, Sweden and Denmark make up this area (11)
  4. Where Berlin is (7)
  5. The Republic of Ireland (4)
  6. Close neighbour of Spain (8)
  7. Its largest city is Istanbul (6)
  8. Warsaw is its capital city (6)

14 Clues: Where Berlin is (7)The Republic of Ireland (4)The Pharaohs lived here (5)Close neighbour of Spain (8)Warsaw is its capital city (6)Its largest city is Istanbul (6)You will find Aukland there (3,7)An island in the Caribbean Sea (7)Florence is a city in the north (5)Otherwise known as the British Isles (6,7)...

Oceania Countries 2023-05-11

Oceania Countries crossword puzzle
  1. location 7
  2. location 14
  3. location 5
  4. location 9
  1. location 8
  2. location 4
  3. location 13
  4. location 10
  5. location 1
  6. location 6
  7. location 12
  8. location 3
  9. location 2
  10. location 11

14 Clues: location 8location 4location 1location 6location 7location 5location 3location 2location 9location 13location 10location 14location 12location 11

Oceania Countries 2023-07-12

Oceania Countries crossword puzzle
  1. ナウル
  2. ミクロネシア
  3. ツバル
  4. ニュージーランド
  5. サモア
  6. フィジー
  1. マーシャル諸島
  2. キリバス
  3. バヌアツ
  4. ソロモン諸島
  5. パプアニューギニア
  6. トンガ
  7. オーストラリア
  8. パラオ

14 Clues: ナウルトンガツバルパラオサモアキリバスバヌアツフィジーソロモン諸島ミクロネシアマーシャル諸島オーストラリアニュージーランドパプアニューギニア

Knox - Countries 2024-05-10

Knox - Countries crossword puzzle
  1. This country and the U.S are 2 miles apart
  2. Deepest cave in the Caribbean
  3. Red and White Flag
  4. It's the second most populated country in the world
  5. Red and White Flag again
  6. Four Official Languages
  7. Spanish Language
  8. Most tea drunk everyday
  1. Cacao Beans grow here
  2. Worlds Widest Avenue
  3. Tokyo
  4. Eiffel Tower
  5. Leaning Tower of Pisa
  6. This country eats 100 acres of pizza a day

14 Clues: TokyoEiffel TowerSpanish LanguageRed and White FlagWorlds Widest AvenueCacao Beans grow hereLeaning Tower of PisaFour Official LanguagesMost tea drunk everydayRed and White Flag againDeepest cave in the CaribbeanThis country and the U.S are 2 miles apartThis country eats 100 acres of pizza a dayIt's the second most populated country in the world

Countries 3 2024-02-29

Countries 3 crossword puzzle
  1. A Scandinavian country known for its progressive social policies, historic castles, and picturesque coastline.
  2. A country in Western Europe known for its picturesque canals, vibrant tulip fields, and progressive social policies.
  3. A Nordic country known for its stunning natural scenery, including forests, lakes, and the Northern Lights, as well as its sauna culture.
  4. A Central European country known for its stunning Alpine scenery, classical music heritage, and historic cities like Vienna and Salzburg.
  5. A European country on the Iberian Peninsula known for its historic cities, stunning coastline, and delicious cuisine like bacalhau and pastéis de nata.
  6. A country in North America known for its rich history, colorful traditions, and delicious cuisine like tacos and enchiladas.
  1. An island nation in Northwestern Europe known for its lush green landscapes, rich history, and vibrant pub culture.
  2. A country in North Africa known for its vibrant souks, ancient medinas, and diverse landscapes, including the Sahara Desert and Atlas Mountains.
  3. A country in Western Europe known for its medieval towns, rich chocolate, and delicious waffles.
  4. A European country known for its ancient history, art, architecture, and culinary traditions like pasta, pizza, and gelato.
  5. A long, narrow country in South America known for its diverse geography, including the Atacama Desert, Andes Mountains, and Patagonia region.
  6. A South American country known for its ancient Inca ruins, stunning Andean landscapes, and diverse cuisine like ceviche and lomo saltado.
  7. Korea A dynamic country in East Asia known for its rapid economic development, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine like kimchi and bibimbap.
  8. A country in North Africa known for its ancient civilization, including the pyramids, Sphinx, and Nile River.

14 Clues: A country in Western Europe known for its medieval towns, rich chocolate, and delicious waffles.A country in North Africa known for its ancient civilization, including the pyramids, Sphinx, and Nile River.A Scandinavian country known for its progressive social policies, historic castles, and picturesque coastline....

Countries 1 2024-09-10

Countries 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 台湾
  2. (U.K.) イギリス
  3. 日本
  4. フランス
  5. 韓国
  6. インド
  7. アジア
  8. ノルウェー
  1. シンガポール
  2. 中国
  3. ヨーロッパ
  4. スペイン
  5. イタリア
  6. ドイツ

14 Clues: 中国台湾日本韓国インドドイツアジアスペインフランスイタリアヨーロッパノルウェーシンガポール(U.K.) イギリス

Unit 6 Vocabulary 2023-05-10

Unit 6 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. global organization for peace and stability
  2. organization of countries with access to oil/petroleum
  3. rating of development
  4. countries leading in economic, political, and social development
  5. using resources in a manner that preserves availability for future generations
  6. percentage of population who can read and write
  7. renewing an urban neighborhood to displace current low-income residents
  8. manufacturing jobs
  9. the rapid growth of cities
  10. economic organization of European member states
  11. the growth of manufacturing beginning in the 1700s
  1. economic activity that is not tracked/regulated by the government
  2. countries lacking economic, political, and social development
  3. extraction of raw materials
  4. economic organization between Canada, the US, and Mexico
  5. physical characteristics of a place
  6. service jobs
  7. countries who have recently industrialized
  8. uncontrolled growth of urban or suburban areas
  9. relative location
  10. economic activity that is tracked/regulated by the government
  11. total amount of money made from goods and services within a country

22 Clues: service jobsrelative locationmanufacturing jobsrating of developmentthe rapid growth of citiesextraction of raw materialsphysical characteristics of a placecountries who have recently industrializedglobal organization for peace and stabilityuncontrolled growth of urban or suburban areaspercentage of population who can read and write...

HE+ NS 2023-09-28

HE+ NS crossword puzzle
  1. helps support youth globally
  2. group that works within state authority
  3. helps the Oriental region by helping to progress their economies
  4. protects species while helping local communities
  5. gives global loans to countries in need to help the global economy
  6. upholds dignity of others and advances their liberties
  7. organization that supports globally sustainable economic growth
  8. helps developing countries build their trade capacity
  9. group made up of independent organizations that promotes environmental sustainability
  10. humanitarian group that provides care for victims of war, violence, and emergencies
  11. wellness group
  12. group that operates independently from state authority
  1. helps families who struggle with house financing
  2. safeguard of freedom and security politically and militarily
  3. world's largest human right's organization
  4. fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice
  5. globally connects governments to improve the international enviroment
  6. promotes togetherness between the continent with the most countries
  7. promotes peace and security on the Eastern Hemisphere
  8. countries that work together to solve common problems and maintain relations

20 Clues: wellness grouphelps support youth globallygroup that works within state authorityworld's largest human right's organizationhelps families who struggle with house financingprotects species while helping local communitiesfighting inequality to end poverty and injusticehelps developing countries build their trade capacity...

Bus101 2020-12-15

Bus101 crossword puzzle
  1. A business enterprise that companies set up together
  2. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  3. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.
  4. Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  5. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  6. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  7. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  8. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  9. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  10. Goods and services purchased from other countries
  1. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  2. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  3. all things used in producing goods and services
  4. International trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  5. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  6. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  7. Tax on imports
  8. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  9. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  10. Letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  11. Goods and services sold to other countries
  12. Total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country

22 Clues: Tax on importsGoods and services sold to other countriesEurope's trading bloc in a unified currency.all things used in producing goods and servicesThe exchange of goods and services among nationsEstablishment of a business in a foreign countryGoods and services purchased from other countriesA business enterprise that companies set up together...

DECA chapter 4 2020-11-19

DECA chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. all things used in producing goods and services
  2. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  3. Goods and services purchased from other countries
  4. Total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  5. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  6. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.
  7. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  8. Goods and services sold to other countries
  9. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  10. International trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  1. Letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  2. A business enterprise that companies set up together
  3. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  4. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  5. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  6. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  7. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  8. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  9. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  10. difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  11. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  12. tax on imports

22 Clues: tax on importsGoods and services sold to other countriesEurope's trading bloc in a unified currency.all things used in producing goods and servicesEstablishment of a business in a foreign countryThe exchange of goods and services among nationsGoods and services purchased from other countriesA business enterprise that companies set up together...

Chapter 4 Vocab. 2020-11-19

Chapter 4 Vocab. crossword puzzle
  1. Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports.
  2. The exchange of goods and services among nations.
  3. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade.
  4. International trade agreement among U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
  5. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries.
  6. All things used in producing goods and services.
  7. Goods and services purchased from other countries.
  8. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries.
  9. Established of a business in a foreign country.
  10. Limits the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported.
  11. A business enterprise that companies set up together.
  12. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations.
  1. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region.
  2. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.
  3. Goods and services sold to other countries.
  4. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region.
  5. Large corporations that have operations in several countries.
  6. Letting other country use a trademark, patent, special formula, company name.
  7. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries.
  8. Tax on imports.
  9. Organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people.
  10. Total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country.

22 Clues: Tax on imports.Goods and services sold to other countries.Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.Established of a business in a foreign country.All things used in producing goods and services.The exchange of goods and services among nations.Goods and services purchased from other countries.A business enterprise that companies set up together....

Chapter 4 Vocab 2020-11-20

Chapter 4 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  2. all things used in producing goods and services
  3. government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  4. Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  5. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  6. Goods and services purchased from other countries
  7. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  8. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  9. Letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  10. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  11. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  12. total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  1. A business enterprise that companies set up together
  2. International trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  3. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  4. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  5. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  6. Goods and services sold to other countries
  7. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  8. Union Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.
  9. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  10. Tax on Imports

22 Clues: Tax on ImportsGoods and services sold to other countriesall things used in producing goods and servicesThe exchange of goods and services among nationsEstablishment of a business in a foreign countryGoods and services purchased from other countriesUnion Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency.A business enterprise that companies set up together...

Marketing Essentials Chapter 4 2020-11-20

Marketing Essentials Chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Goods and services purchased from other countries
  2. Europe's trading block in a unified currency.
  3. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  4. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  5. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  6. International trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  7. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  8. all things used in producing goods and services
  9. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  1. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  2. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  3. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  4. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  5. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  6. Goods and services sold to other countries
  7. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  8. letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  9. Tax on imports
  10. Total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  11. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  12. Venture A business enterprise that companies set up together
  13. Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports

22 Clues: Tax on importsGoods and services sold to other countriesEurope's trading block in a unified currency.all things used in producing goods and servicesEstablishment of a business in a foreign countryThe exchange of goods and services among nationsGoods and services purchased from other countries...

chapter 4 vocab 2023-11-08

chapter 4 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A total ban on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  2. A governments establishment of econmonic policies that systematically restrict imports in order to protect domestic industry
  3. Goods and Services purchased from other countries
  4. Is a tax on imports
  5. Involves letting another company or licensee, use a trademark, patent, special formula, company name, or some other rintulectual property for free or royalty
  6. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  7. Europes trading bloc.
  8. Hiring foreign manufacturure
  9. The difference in value between imports and exports
  10. Company's use of an existing product or promotion from which changes are made
  11. Complete standardizations
  12. Goods and Services sold to other countries
  13. International trade agreement among the USA, Canada, Mexico
  1. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  2. Midsize or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  3. The commercial exchange between nations
  4. The establishment of a business in a foreign country
  5. A business enterprise that a domestic company and a foreign company undertake together
  6. A global coalition of nations that make the rules governing international trade
  7. Creating specially designed products or promotion as for certain countries or regions
  8. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported

21 Clues: Is a tax on importsEuropes trading bloc.Complete standardizationsHiring foreign manufacturureThe commercial exchange between nationsGoods and Services sold to other countriesThe exchange of goods and services among nationsGoods and Services purchased from other countriesThe difference in value between imports and exports...

alex 2023-11-21

alex crossword puzzle
  1. very powerful country
  2. wars:attack weapons
  3. assured destruction:the agreement not to nuke eachother
  4. race:the race to get to space between countries
  5. tension
  6. talking about the economy in russia
  1. program in russia
  2. arrow:a town in oklohoma
  3. race:a race between countries for weapons
  4. people i one area
  5. political party
  6. Charlie:a passage in berlin
  7. call linea for specific things
  8. push away
  9. curtain:the wall between other countries
  10. shelter:a shelter for bombs

16 Clues: tensionpush awaypolitical partyprogram in russiapeople i one areawars:attack weaponsvery powerful countryarrow:a town in oklohomaCharlie:a passage in berlinshelter:a shelter for bombscall linea for specific thingstalking about the economy in russiacurtain:the wall between other countriesrace:a race between countries for weapons...

Chapter 4 vocab 2020-11-19

Chapter 4 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  2. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  3. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  4. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  5. A business enterprise that companies set up together
  6. Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  7. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  8. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  9. Collection of nations that makes rules governing international trade
  10. Goods and services sold to other countries
  11. Total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  1. Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  2. International trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  3. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  4. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  5. Goods and services purchased from other countries
  6. all things used in producing goods and services
  7. Tax on imports
  8. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  9. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency
  10. Letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  11. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people

22 Clues: Tax on importsGoods and services sold to other countriesEurope's trading bloc in a unified currencyall things used in producing goods and servicesEstablishment of a business in a foreign countryThe exchange of goods and services among nationsGoods and services purchased from other countriesA business enterprise that companies set up together...

Marketing Essentials Chapter 4 2020-11-24

Marketing Essentials Chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Difference in the value between a nation's exports and imports
  2. The exchange of goods and services among nations
  3. (WTO)Collection of nations that makes rules governing international tradeNorth American
  4. (NAFTA)International trade agreement among U.S. Canada, and Mexico
  5. Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
  6. all things used in producing goods and services
  7. Goods and services purchased from other countries
  8. Mid size or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries
  9. (FDI)Establishment of a business in a foreign country
  10. Limits either the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  11. A business enterprise that companies set up together
  12. Commercial exchange between nations without restrictive regulations
  1. Company's use of an existing product/promotion that is changed to suit the region
  2. Europe's trading bloc in a unified currency
  3. Goods and services sold to other countries
  4. Creating specially designed products or promotions for a region
  5. Large corporations that have operations in several countries
  6. Letting other country use a trademark,Patent, special formula, company name
  7. Government policy that restricts imports to protect domestic industries
  8. tax on imports
  9. organized way a nation provides for the needs and wants of it's people
  10. Total band on specific goods coming into and leaving a country

22 Clues: tax on importsGoods and services sold to other countriesEurope's trading bloc in a unified currencyall things used in producing goods and servicesThe exchange of goods and services among nationsGoods and services purchased from other countriesA business enterprise that companies set up together(FDI)Establishment of a business in a foreign country...