diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Het hormonaal stelsel 2014-04-06

Het hormonaal stelsel crossword puzzle
  1. Produceert adrenaline.
  2. Welke hormoonklier produceert insuline en glucagon?
  3. Welk type diabetes noemt men het insulineafhankelijke diabetes?
  4. Wat stimuleert de ontwikkeling van de vrouwelijke geslachtsorganen maar ook de secundaire geslachtskenmerken?
  1. Wat produceert de schildklier?
  2. Hoeveel hormonen produceert de hypofyse?
  3. Wat doet het glucosegehalte dalen?
  4. Welk hormoon bevordert de ontwikkeling van het borstklierweefsel?
  5. Waar in het lichaam worden deze hormooninjecties toegediend?
  6. Naar wat wordt glucose dan omgezet

10 Clues: Produceert adrenaline.Wat produceert de schildklier?Wat doet het glucosegehalte dalen?Naar wat wordt glucose dan omgezetHoeveel hormonen produceert de hypofyse?Welke hormoonklier produceert insuline en glucagon?Waar in het lichaam worden deze hormooninjecties toegediend?Welk type diabetes noemt men het insulineafhankelijke diabetes?...

gh 2015-03-25

gh crossword puzzle
  1. awful rodents
  2. thyroid stims
  3. muppet creature
  4. twice a day
  5. Has a trunk
  6. red bird
  7. makes estrogen
  8. aussie animal
  9. Likes to chase mice
  1. baby cat
  2. for diabetes
  3. Man's best friend
  4. pituitary hormone
  5. Large marsupial
  6. enzyme in er
  7. Flying mammal
  8. stimulates cortisol

17 Clues: baby catred birdtwice a dayHas a trunkfor diabetesenzyme in erawful rodentsthyroid stimsFlying mammalaussie animalmakes estrogenmuppet creatureLarge marsupialMan's best friendpituitary hormonestimulates cortisolLikes to chase mice

Diabets mellitus 2021-05-31

Diabets mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Was ist eine Ausweichmöglichkeit für das Messen des Blutzuckers?
  2. Welches Organ wird stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen?
  3. Wo wird der Blutzucker gemessen?
  4. Wie wird die Blutzuckerkrankheit genannt?
  5. Welche Altersgruppe leidet häufig an Typ 1 Diabetes?
  6. Welcher Typ von Zuckerkrankheit kommt am häufigsten vor?
  7. Welches Medikament hat grossen Einfluss auf den Blutzucker?
  1. Wo wird das Insulin gebildet?
  2. Welches Hormon fehlt bei der Blutzuckerkrankheit?
  3. Was sind Typ 2 Diabetiker häufig?

10 Clues: Wo wird das Insulin gebildet?Wo wird der Blutzucker gemessen?Was sind Typ 2 Diabetiker häufig?Wie wird die Blutzuckerkrankheit genannt?Welches Hormon fehlt bei der Blutzuckerkrankheit?Welches Organ wird stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen?Welche Altersgruppe leidet häufig an Typ 1 Diabetes?Welcher Typ von Zuckerkrankheit kommt am häufigsten vor?...

Diabets mellitus 2021-05-31

Diabets mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Wo wird der Blutzucker gemessen?
  2. Welches Medikament hat grossen Einfluss auf den Blutzucker?
  3. Was sind Typ 2 Diabetiker häufig?
  4. Welches Organ wird stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen?
  1. Wo wird das Insulin gebildet?
  2. Was ist eine Ausweichmöglichkeit für das Messen des Blutzuckers?
  3. Welches Hormon fehlt bei der Blutzuckerkrankheit?
  4. Wie wird die Blutzuckerkrankheit genannt?
  5. Welche Altersgruppe leidet häufig an Typ 1 Diabetes?
  6. Welcher Typ von Zuckerkrankheit kommt am häufigsten vor?

10 Clues: Wo wird das Insulin gebildet?Wo wird der Blutzucker gemessen?Was sind Typ 2 Diabetiker häufig?Wie wird die Blutzuckerkrankheit genannt?Welches Hormon fehlt bei der Blutzuckerkrankheit?Welches Organ wird stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen?Welche Altersgruppe leidet häufig an Typ 1 Diabetes?Welcher Typ von Zuckerkrankheit kommt am häufigsten vor?...

Diabets mellitus 2021-05-31

Diabets mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Welches Organ wird stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen?
  2. Welches Hormon fehlt bei der Blutzuckerkrankheit?
  3. Wo wird das Insulin gebildet?
  4. Welcher Typ von Zuckerkrankheit kommt am häufigsten vor?
  1. Was sind Typ 2 Diabetiker häufig?
  2. Wo wird der Blutzucker gemessen?
  3. Was ist eine Ausweichmöglichkeit für das Messen des Blutzuckers?
  4. Welche Altersgruppe leidet häufig an Typ 1 Diabetes?
  5. Welches Medikament hat grossen Einfluss auf den Blutzucker?
  6. Wie wird die Blutzuckerkrankheit genannt?

10 Clues: Wo wird das Insulin gebildet?Wo wird der Blutzucker gemessen?Was sind Typ 2 Diabetiker häufig?Wie wird die Blutzuckerkrankheit genannt?Welches Hormon fehlt bei der Blutzuckerkrankheit?Welches Organ wird stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen?Welche Altersgruppe leidet häufig an Typ 1 Diabetes?Welcher Typ von Zuckerkrankheit kommt am häufigsten vor?...

Emmie's Crossword 2022-04-03

Emmie's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the medicine used to manage diabetes
  2. my name
  3. A autoimmune disease leading to an inability to eat gluten
  4. A health condition due to a lack of insulin
  5. a gluten free yellow fruit
  1. a brown or white grain
  2. The diet one must go on after a celiac diagnosis
  3. your name
  4. The blood in our sugar
  5. a noodle eaten with tomato sauce or pesto that is not gluten free

10 Clues: my nameyour namea brown or white grainThe blood in our sugara gluten free yellow fruitthe medicine used to manage diabetesA health condition due to a lack of insulinThe diet one must go on after a celiac diagnosisA autoimmune disease leading to an inability to eat glutena noodle eaten with tomato sauce or pesto that is not gluten free

Squeeze Puzzle #2 2024-08-12

Squeeze Puzzle #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Something that belongs in the bathroom
  2. Natural Disaster
  3. Common Male Dog Name
  4. Ice Cream Flavor
  5. A Number
  6. Flying Insect
  7. Diabetes
  8. Vegetable
  1. Common Phobia
  2. Planet
  3. Animal Baboon
  4. Popular kids game
  5. Month
  6. Flower
  7. Poisonous Animal
  8. Spanish Speaking Country
  9. Notorious National Anthem
  10. King of Pride Rock

18 Clues: MonthPlanetFlowerA NumberDiabetesVegetableCommon PhobiaAnimal BaboonFlying InsectNatural DisasterPoisonous AnimalIce Cream FlavorPopular kids gameKing of Pride RockCommon Male Dog NameSpanish Speaking CountryNotorious National AnthemSomething that belongs in the bathroom

Patología ambiental 2022-04-16

Patología ambiental crossword puzzle
  1. Dilataciones (abombamiento) congénitas o adquiridas de los vasos sanguíneos del corazón
  2. Lesión inicial de la ateroesclerosis que se caracteriza por la presencia de macrófagos espumosos y por una lesión mayor a 1cm
  3. Afectación en los riñones que puede ser consecuencia de la diabetes mellitus
  4. Tipo de diabetes mellitus que se caracteriza por una destrucción de las células beta y crea deficiencia absoluta de insulina
  5. Consecuencia dada por el uso de la cocaína, causa una alteración en el ritmo cardíaco
  6. Tipo de infarto que afectan todo el espesor del ventrículo (hay elevación del segmento ST y puede haber ondas Q negativas)
  7. Células del páncreas que secretan la insulina
  8. Arterioesclerosis que se caracteriza por un engrosamiento de la pared en "capa de cebolla"
  9. Apetito excesivo estimulado por la disminución de la reserva, no hay glucosa en la célula y no tienen energía
  10. Principal causa de un infarto de miocardio
  11. Actividad física beneficiosa para el cuerpo
  12. El uso de es recomendado para prevenir el cáncer piel causado por los rayos UV generados por el sol
  13. Tipo de diabetes mellitus en la que sí hay producción de insulina pero hay una resistencia a esta
  14. Evitar el uso de... ya que pueden crear adicciones y contribuir al desarrollo de patologías más fácilmente
  15. Crecimiento celular descontrolado causado por mutaciones en el DNA
  1. Disminución del riesgo sanguíneo (y por lo tanto de oxígeno) que no causa necrosis
  2. Exceso de grasa (aumento de peso) en el cuerpo que es un factor de riesgo para generar diabetes mellitus
  3. Patología ocasionada por el alcoholismo crónico
  4. Para evitar complicaciones graves, es importante acudir a una…
  5. Alimentación balanceada y adecuada para cada persona
  6. Ausencia completa y permanente de consciencia que lleva al fin de la vida
  7. Engrosamiento de la pared vascular y pérdida de la elasticidad (endurecimiento de las arterias)
  8. Disminución del riego sanguíneo y oxígeno que lleva a una muerte celular (necrosis) secundaria a la isquemia
  9. Tipo de arterioesclerosis que se caracteriza por calcificación de la media
  10. Tipo de infarto que se limita al tercio interno del miocardio; no suelen asociarse a elevaciones en el segmento ST ni ondas Q

25 Clues: Principal causa de un infarto de miocardioActividad física beneficiosa para el cuerpoCélulas del páncreas que secretan la insulinaPatología ocasionada por el alcoholismo crónicoAlimentación balanceada y adecuada para cada personaPara evitar complicaciones graves, es importante acudir a una…...

Endocrine Crossword 2024-05-21

Endocrine Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Prolactin secretion is inhibited by _______.
  2. Cortisol, aldosterone, and some androgens are released by the adrenal _______.
  3. These hormones can be stored in vesicles, enabling the rate of synthesis to be different from the rate of secretion.
  4. Hydrophilic hormones act on ________ receptors that are often linked to second messenger pathways.
  5. When one hormone requires the presence of another hormone in order to be fully effective.
  6. The defining characteristic of diabetes mellitus is __________, which means the patient has excessively high blood glucose levels.
  7. When hormones work together to have a combined effect that is greater than what they could have accomplished on their own.
  8. Also known as T4, this is the less active form of thyroid hormone.
  9. Dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine are all hormones derived from which amino acid?
  10. This hormone is released by alpha cells from the pancreas in response to low blood glucose levels.
  11. Vasopressin is an example of a hormone released by the _______ pituitary.
  12. _________’s disease involves the destruction of the thyroid gland, which results in hypothyroidism.
  13. HbA1c is another way to refer to glycolated __________, which at high levels can be a sign of diabetes.
  14. These hormones require a carrier protein to circulate in the bloodstream because they are not soluble in plasma on their own.
  1. An excess of growth hormone after puberty can lead to this condition.
  2. This hormone does not respond to secretions of the anterior pituitary gland; instead, it is released in response to angiotensin II.
  3. Managing Type I diabetes involves regular injections of this peptide hormone.
  4. A _________ endocrine disorder involves some defect of the hypothalamus.
  5. A goiter is an overgrowth of the ________ gland.
  6. In untreated diabetes mellitus, metabolic ________ occurs as a result of the liver producing ketone bodies to use as an alternative fuel source.
  7. Growth hormone-releasing hormone is inhibited by _________.
  8. This hormone amplifies uterine contractions during childbirth and also promotes the release of milk from the mammary glands during breastfeeding.
  9. The main catecholamine released by the adrenal medulla.
  10. __________-releasing hormone stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone from the anterior pituitary.
  11. A deficiency of this essential mineral can lead to the development of a goiter.

25 Clues: Prolactin secretion is inhibited by _______.A goiter is an overgrowth of the ________ gland.The main catecholamine released by the adrenal medulla.Growth hormone-releasing hormone is inhibited by _________.Also known as T4, this is the less active form of thyroid hormone.An excess of growth hormone after puberty can lead to this condition....

Woordenschat synoniemen 2014-10-12

Woordenschat synoniemen crossword puzzle
  1. einder
  2. respect
  3. genocide
  4. vernielzucht
  5. collecte
  1. toezicht
  2. doorzichtig
  3. diabetes
  4. publiek
  5. firma

10 Clues: firmaeinderrespectpubliektoezichtdiabetesgenocidecollectedoorzichtigvernielzucht

PHARMAZZLE 2020-05-02

PHARMAZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. PPI
  2. Edema
  3. ACE
  4. Fat
  5. BP
  6. Cancer
  1. BP
  2. Gout
  3. NSAID
  4. Diabetes
  5. A-

11 Clues: BPA-BPPPIACEFatGoutEdemaNSAIDCancerDiabetes

LALA 2024-06-18

LALA crossword puzzle
  1. kr
  2. N
  3. fr
  4. laag
  5. kerncentrale
  6. suikerziekte
  1. fz
  2. elektronen
  3. alvleesklier
  4. erb

10 Clues: Nfzkrfrerblaagelektronenalvleesklierkerncentralesuikerziekte

Jenis Penyakit 2024-02-21

Jenis Penyakit crossword puzzle
  1. :PenyakityangbisadicegahdenganvasinasiCampak
  2. :PenyakitPeradanganpadaHatiatauLever
  3. :GuladarahTinggi
  4. :PenyakityangdisebabkaninfeksibakteriSalmonel
  5. :Penyakityangdisebabkanolehpertumbuhanselabnormalyangtidakterkendalidalamtubuh
  1. :Penyakityangdisebabkanolehinfeksibakterimycobacteriumtuberculosis
  2. :DisebabkanolehGigitanNyamukAnopheles
  3. :Buangairbesarenceratauberairyangterjadilebihdari3kalidalamsehari
  4. :DisebabkanolehgigitanNyamukAedesAegypti
  5. :Salahsatuwajahakanterlihatlebihturundantidakbisatersenyusertamulutbengkok

10 Clues: :GuladarahTinggi:PenyakitPeradanganpadaHatiatauLever:DisebabkanolehGigitanNyamukAnopheles:DisebabkanolehgigitanNyamukAedesAegypti:PenyakityangbisadicegahdenganvasinasiCampak:PenyakityangdisebabkaninfeksibakteriSalmonel:Buangairbesarenceratauberairyangterjadilebihdari3kalidalamsehari:Penyakityangdisebabkanolehinfeksibakterimycobacteriumtuberculosis...

Oswego lab 2016-04-29

Oswego lab crossword puzzle
  1. electromagnetic wave tech
  2. ombre
  3. Head hancho
  4. phlebotomy equipment
  5. It's what Lionel Ritchie is looking for
  6. opposite of civilized
  7. testing patience
  8. STD
  9. quivers
  10. means springtime or fouth female
  1. Dark Knight
  2. HgA1c
  3. rarely seen
  4. type of beans
  5. floss boss moss
  6. department
  7. it's what we are
  8. Michigan
  9. not there but here

19 Clues: STDHgA1combrequiversMichigandepartmentDark KnightHead hanchorarely seentype of beansfloss boss mossit's what we aretesting patiencenot there but herephlebotomy equipmentopposite of civilizedelectromagnetic wave techmeans springtime or fouth femaleIt's what Lionel Ritchie is looking for

Education and more 2015-03-08

Education and more crossword puzzle
  1. New class plans
  2. Traveler Protagonist
  3. Park in lines or get ___
  4. Rhode Island ____ Institute
  5. Jono’s childhood friend
  6. JoeGoes alternate
  7. ____ Cells produce insulin
  8. Traveler Author
  9. _____ Archive
  10. Boneheads staple
  11. Part of immune system
  1. Potosi city Prosecutor
  2. Grey's helicopter
  3. Family with Bolivian art
  4. Country missing artwork
  5. neurotransmitter
  6. TEDDY study journal
  7. _____ Johnson
  8. ______ diabetes

19 Clues: _____ Johnson_____ ArchiveNew class plans______ diabetesTraveler AuthorneurotransmitterBoneheads stapleGrey's helicopterJoeGoes alternateTEDDY study journalTraveler ProtagonistPart of immune systemPotosi city ProsecutorCountry missing artworkJono’s childhood friendFamily with Bolivian artPark in lines or get _______ Cells produce insulin...

ZHH Team Sport 2022-07-08

ZHH Team Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Rancy's Focus
  2. Spiritual Support
  3. Central Intake Gatekeeper
  4. ______ Engagement Specialist
  5. Geriatric Excellence
  6. ______ Improvement Committee
  7. Sing Happy Birthday Twice
  8. Nurse _______
  9. Medication Safety
  10. Resident Graduation Month
  1. Nursing-Pharmacy-PT Collaboration
  2. Green Yellow Orange Red
  3. Magnet Consultant
  4. Nursing's Flower
  5. _________ Behavioral Therapy
  6. Certified Nurse Providers
  7. Chef Sunny
  8. Thursday Evening Support
  9. MPD

19 Clues: MPDChef SunnyRancy's FocusNurse _______Nursing's FlowerMagnet ConsultantSpiritual SupportMedication SafetyGeriatric ExcellenceGreen Yellow Orange RedThursday Evening SupportCertified Nurse ProvidersCentral Intake GatekeeperSing Happy Birthday TwiceResident Graduation Month_________ Behavioral Therapy______ Engagement Specialist...

Unit 4: Diet and Exercise 2023-10-31

Unit 4: Diet and Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 8
  3. 2
  4. 9
  5. 5
  6. 3
  7. realize
  8. disease where blood sugar is too high
  9. 11
  1. 6
  2. attack heart muscle dies due to loss of blood
  3. reason
  4. completed before the proper time
  5. 7
  6. mental or emotional strain
  7. 4
  8. 10
  9. poor blood flow to the brain, causes cell death
  10. goal

19 Clues: 6178429531011goalreasonrealizemental or emotional straincompleted before the proper timedisease where blood sugar is too highattack heart muscle dies due to loss of bloodpoor blood flow to the brain, causes cell death

numberz 2018-05-10

numberz crossword puzzle
  1. raw toast
  2. cat puppies
  3. swirly boi
  4. Type of gun
  5. breakfast bagels
  6. sneeze paper
  7. food revenge
  8. bread mushroom
  1. tree skin
  2. keeps doktorz away
  3. Ctrl+i
  4. cool____Games
  5. 2 to the power of 10
  6. big hilly boi
  7. candle lighters
  8. Jon un
  9. snowman blood

17 Clues: Ctrl+iJon untree skinraw toastswirly boicat puppiesType of gunsneeze paperfood revengecool____Gamesbig hilly boisnowman bloodbread mushroomcandle lightersbreakfast bagelskeeps doktorz away2 to the power of 10

Blodsukker og diabetes 2021-03-07

Blodsukker og diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Det er det man ikke laver nok af når man har type-1 diabetes.
  2. Det er det stof man måler i blodet når man måler blodsukker.
  3. Det er det der ikke virker, når man har type-2 diabetes.
  4. Det er de celler der laver glukagon (bemærk her er en bindestreg i ordet).
  5. Det er det polysakkarid man oplagrer i leveren (dannes ud fra glukose).
  1. Det siges at kunne nedbringe symptomerne på type-2 diabetes.
  2. Det er dét hormon der regulerer blodsukkeret ned (når det er højt).
  3. Det er det organ der producerer insulin.
  4. Det er dét hormon der regulerer blodsukkeret op (når det er lavt).
  5. Det er de celler der laver insulin. (bemærk her er en bindestreg i ordet).

10 Clues: Det er det organ der producerer insulin.Det er det der ikke virker, når man har type-2 diabetes.Det siges at kunne nedbringe symptomerne på type-2 diabetes.Det er det stof man måler i blodet når man måler blodsukker.Det er det man ikke laver nok af når man har type-1 diabetes.Det er dét hormon der regulerer blodsukkeret op (når det er lavt)....

Emmie's Celiac and Diabetes Crossword 2022-04-03

Emmie's Celiac and Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what a diabetes pump inserts into your body
  2. your mom's name!
  3. A disease that is characterized by no or little insulin being created
  4. my name
  5. your name
  1. Another word for the sugar in your blood
  2. the diet one must follow about getting a celiac diagnosis
  3. a gluten free grain. white or brown
  4. often paired with tomato sauce or pesto. not naturally gluten free
  5. a gluten free yellow fruit

10 Clues: my nameyour nameyour mom's name!a gluten free yellow fruita gluten free grain. white or brownAnother word for the sugar in your bloodwhat a diabetes pump inserts into your bodythe diet one must follow about getting a celiac diagnosisoften paired with tomato sauce or pesto. not naturally gluten free...

Emmie's Crossword 2022-04-03

Emmie's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the medicine used to manage diabetes
  2. my name
  3. A autoimmune disease leading to an inability to eat gluten
  4. A health condition due to a lack of insulin
  5. a gluten free yellow fruit
  1. a brown or white grain
  2. The diet one must go on after a celiac diagnosis
  3. your name
  4. The blood in our sugar
  5. a noodle eaten with tomato sauce or pesto that is not gluten free

10 Clues: my nameyour namea brown or white grainThe blood in our sugara gluten free yellow fruitthe medicine used to manage diabetesA health condition due to a lack of insulinThe diet one must go on after a celiac diagnosisA autoimmune disease leading to an inability to eat glutena noodle eaten with tomato sauce or pesto that is not gluten free

Reduce 2023-11-02

Reduce crossword puzzle
  1. lowers your blood pressure
  2. Prevent weight gain and/or promote weight loss
  3. poor diet and not being active are key factors that can increase a person's cancer risk
  4. decreases your risk of type 2 diabetes
  5. lower your cholesterol levels
  1. improve your brain health
  2. Good nutrition can enhance sporting performance
  3. Reduce the risk of chronic diseases
  4. strengthen bones and muscles
  5. improves your ability to do everyday activities

10 Clues: improve your brain healthlowers your blood pressurestrengthen bones and muscleslower your cholesterol levelsReduce the risk of chronic diseasesdecreases your risk of type 2 diabetesPrevent weight gain and/or promote weight lossGood nutrition can enhance sporting performanceimproves your ability to do everyday activities...

Crossword - Test 1 2015-10-29

Crossword - Test 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.
  2. Diabetes: A chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar. (two words)
  3. The condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal.
  4. The assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties.
  5. Diabetes: A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. (two words)
  6. A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes.
  7. CPR (two words)
  1. Occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, and your body doesn't have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions.
  2. EAP (three words)
  3. The condition of having an abnormally low body temperature, typically one that is dangerously low.
  4. AED (three words)

11 Clues: CPR (two words)EAP (three words)AED (three words)The condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal.A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes....

Crossword - Test 1 2015-10-29

Crossword - Test 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.
  2. Diabetes: A chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar. (two words)
  3. The condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal.
  4. The assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties.
  5. Diabetes: A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. (two words)
  6. A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes.
  7. CPR (two words)
  1. Occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, and your body doesn't have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions.
  2. EAP (three words)
  3. The condition of having an abnormally low body temperature, typically one that is dangerously low.
  4. AED (three words)

11 Clues: CPR (two words)EAP (three words)AED (three words)The condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal.A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes....

Crossword - Test 1 2015-10-29

Crossword - Test 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.
  2. The condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal.
  3. Diabetes: A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. (two words)
  4. CPR (two words)
  5. EAP (three words)
  6. The assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties.
  7. Occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, and your body doesn't have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions.
  8. Diabetes: A chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar. (two words)
  1. AED (three words)
  2. The condition of having an abnormally low body temperature, typically one that is dangerously low.
  3. A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes.

11 Clues: CPR (two words)AED (three words)EAP (three words)The condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal.A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes....

Crossword - Test 1 2015-10-29

Crossword - Test 1 crossword puzzle
  1. The condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal.
  2. EAP (three words)
  3. CPR (two words)
  4. The condition of having an abnormally low body temperature, typically one that is dangerously low.
  5. A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.
  6. Diabetes: A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. (two words)
  1. The assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties.
  2. AED (three words)
  3. Occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, and your body doesn't have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions.
  4. A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes.
  5. Diabetes: A chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar. (two words)

11 Clues: CPR (two words)AED (three words)EAP (three words)The condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal.A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes....

Test 1 - Section 2 2015-10-29

Test 1 - Section 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.
  2. Diabetes: A chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar. (two words)
  3. CPR (two words)
  4. EAP (three words)
  5. The condition of having an abnormally low body temperature, typically one that is dangerously low.
  6. The assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties.
  7. Occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, and your body doesn't have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions.
  1. AED (three words)
  2. Diabetes: A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. (two words)
  3. The condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal.
  4. A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes.

11 Clues: CPR (two words)AED (three words)EAP (three words)The condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal.A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes....

geel_3 2017-04-07

geel_3 crossword puzzle
  1. uitstulping doorheen een zwakke plek
  2. rood bloedlichaampje
  3. verwijding
  4. pijnlijke menstruatie
  5. rechtszijdig
  6. bemoeilijkt stemgeluid
  7. monstrueuze afmetingen van de ledematen
  8. huidontsteking
  9. hersenverweking
  1. urineblaasontsteking
  2. niet-ingedaalde testis
  3. doorligwonde
  4. draaiing naar binnen
  5. twaalfvingerige darm
  6. suikerziekte (hoge glycemie)

15 Clues: verwijdingdoorligwonderechtszijdighuidontstekinghersenverwekingurineblaasontstekingrood bloedlichaampjedraaiing naar binnentwaalfvingerige darmpijnlijke menstruatieniet-ingedaalde testisbemoeilijkt stemgeluidsuikerziekte (hoge glycemie)uitstulping doorheen een zwakke plekmonstrueuze afmetingen van de ledematen

Crucigrama de enfermedad aterosclerótica 2021-11-04

Crucigrama de enfermedad aterosclerótica crossword puzzle
  1. Es la principal complicación microvascular de la diabetes mellitus
  2. Es secundaria a la erosión o rotura de una placa ateroesclerótica que determina la formación de un trombo intracoronario que produce oclusión
  3. La mayoría de los pacientes con este tipo de diabetes presentan obesidad
  4. Es el engrosamiento de la íntima y la acumulación de lípidos
  5. Respuesta inflamatoria y de cicatrización crónica de la pared arterial tras una lesión endotelial
  6. Trastornos metabólicos que comparten la característica de hiperglucemia
  7. Es un tipo de placa ateroesclerótica con un núcleo lipídico grande y cubierta fibrosa delgada
  8. Dolor torácico que se puede producir en la cardiopatía isquémica debido a la falta o disminución del flujo coronario
  9. Se presenta resistencia a la insulina y disfunción de las células beta
  10. Involucra el desequilibrio entre demanda de oxígeno y el flujo sanguíneo coronario
  11. Gracias a esta se puede dar la captación y utilización de la glucosa por los tejidos
  1. En esta enfermedad se puede dar la muerte súbita cardíaca
  2. Incluye estos trastornos: angina inestable e infarto agudo al miocardio sin o con elevación del segmento ST
  3. Hay endurecimiento, engrosamiento y pérdida de la elasticidad de las arterias
  4. Enfermedad autoinmunitaria en la que se presenta destrucción de las células beta pancreáticas
  5. Se divide en hialina e hiperplásica
  6. Es un factor de riesgo para la enfermedad isquémica del corazón
  7. En esta afección crónica se presenta la siguiente triada: poliuria, polidipsia y polifagia
  8. Se da cuando la obstrucción del riego arterial es persistente y ocasiona necrosis tisular isquémica del miocardio
  9. Parte de la etiología de la enfermedad isquémica del corazón (en inglés)

20 Clues: Se divide en hialina e hiperplásicaEn esta enfermedad se puede dar la muerte súbita cardíacaEs el engrosamiento de la íntima y la acumulación de lípidosEs un factor de riesgo para la enfermedad isquémica del corazónEs la principal complicación microvascular de la diabetes mellitus...

WHO Classification of Diabetes 2022-07-14

WHO Classification of Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome (HHS) is a common complication for this form of diabetes
  2. this form of diabetes occurs during pregnancy
  3. the type of diabetes that is due to autoimmune destruction of beta cells
  4. this class of diuretic is one of the drugs that can induce diabetes
  1. the priority of the WHO classification system is to help doctors choose the best ____ to prescribe to their patients
  2. this disease of the exocrine pancreas can induce diabetes

6 Clues: this form of diabetes occurs during pregnancythis disease of the exocrine pancreas can induce diabetesthis class of diuretic is one of the drugs that can induce diabetesthe type of diabetes that is due to autoimmune destruction of beta cellsHyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome (HHS) is a common complication for this form of diabetes...

Health vocab 2019-01-07

Health vocab crossword puzzle
  1. garbage
  2. absorbs ultraviolet radiation
  3. CPR
  4. medical practitioner
  5. destroys insects
  1. for choking
  2. skin
  3. trapping warmth
  4. device
  5. neurological disorder
  6. no mouth to mouth
  7. obesity
  8. comes from pollution

13 Clues: CPRskindevicegarbageobesityfor chokingtrapping warmthdestroys insectsno mouth to mouthcomes from pollutionmedical practitionerneurological disorderabsorbs ultraviolet radiation

Study 2024-03-18

Study crossword puzzle
  1. of hearing. HOH
  2. lap
  3. GYN
  4. dependent diabetes mellitus IDDM
  5. and output I&O
  6. of consciousness;loss of consciousness LOC
  7. of bed HOB
  8. menstrual period LMP
  9. time Hs
  10. aid;headache HA
  11. vein open KVO
  12. HTN
  13. lat
  1. Hx
  2. KUB
  3. and delivery L&D
  4. isol
  5. tolerance test GTT
  6. IV

19 Clues: HxIVKUBlapGYNHTNlatisoltime Hsof bed HOBvein open KVOof hearing. HOHand output I&Oand delivery L&Daid;headache HAtolerance test GTTmenstrual period LMPdependent diabetes mellitus IDDMof consciousness;loss of consciousness LOC

Diabetes Puzzle 2022-02-02

Diabetes Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. first line oral agent
  2. long-acting insulin
  3. Med class that can increase blood sugar
  4. Diaphoresis and somnolence frequent signs of this
  5. Beta cells of the
  1. May cause blood sugar rise
  2. Frequent cause of hospitalization that can cause increase in blood sugar
  3. Inhibits DPP-4 breakdown of incretins
  4. quick acting insulin, used for coverage

9 Clues: Beta cells of thelong-acting insulinfirst line oral agentMay cause blood sugar riseInhibits DPP-4 breakdown of incretinsMed class that can increase blood sugarquick acting insulin, used for coverageDiaphoresis and somnolence frequent signs of thisFrequent cause of hospitalization that can cause increase in blood sugar

Diabetes Drugs 2023-08-02

Diabetes Drugs crossword puzzle
  1. Which drug class has the highest risk of hypoglycemia?
  2. Which type of insulin regulates lipolysis and the output of hepatic glucose? Hint: Basal or bolus?
  3. Which class of drugs has "-glif" in their names?
  4. Which drug class decreases glucagon release?
  5. Glargine, the drug that our CBL patient took, is a ____ insulin analog. Hint: long acting analog
  1. What is the most important side effect of metformin?
  2. Which type of insulin, human or analog, is better for an uninsured patient who has to pay out of pocket for their insulin?
  3. Which type of insulin is short acting? Hint: Basal or bolus?
  4. Which drug class inhibits GLP-1 degradation, thus increasing glucose-dependent insulin secretion and reducing glucose without causing hypoglycemia?
  5. What drug is part of the class of biguanides?

10 Clues: Which drug class decreases glucagon release?What drug is part of the class of biguanides?Which class of drugs has "-glif" in their names?What is the most important side effect of metformin?Which drug class has the highest risk of hypoglycemia?Which type of insulin is short acting? Hint: Basal or bolus?...

All or Nothing: 20 POINTS 2022-06-29

All or Nothing: 20 POINTS crossword puzzle
  1. Rancy's Focus
  2. Spiritual Support
  3. Central Intake Gatekeeper
  4. ______ Engagement Specialist
  5. Geriatric Excellence
  6. ______ Improvement Committee
  7. Sing Happy Birthday Twice
  8. Nurse _______
  9. Medication Safety
  10. Resident Graduation Month
  1. Nursing-Pharmacy-PT Collaboration
  2. Green Yellow Orange Red
  3. Magnet Consultant
  4. Nursing's Flower
  5. _________ Behavioral Therapy
  6. Certified Nurse Providers
  7. Chef Sunny
  8. Thursday Evening Support
  9. MPD

19 Clues: MPDChef SunnyRancy's FocusNurse _______Nursing's FlowerMagnet ConsultantSpiritual SupportMedication SafetyGeriatric ExcellenceGreen Yellow Orange RedThursday Evening SupportCertified Nurse ProvidersCentral Intake GatekeeperSing Happy Birthday TwiceResident Graduation Month_________ Behavioral Therapy______ Engagement Specialist...

Unit 6 2020-11-22

Unit 6 crossword puzzle
  1. portsjon
  2. süsivesik
  3. hästi tasakaalustatud toitumine
  4. täispiim
  5. lahja piim, pett
  6. tarbima
  7. piimatooted,piimapood
  8. tarbija
  9. tervisliku toitumise taldrik
  10. hapni
  11. tasakaalustatud
  12. koostisaine,koostisosa
  13. kogus, hulk
  1. kiudaine
  2. lisaaine,lisand
  3. kaltsium
  4. toitaine
  5. soojustus
  6. kooritud, rasv osaliselt eemaldatud
  7. allikas, pärinemiskoht
  8. suhkruhaigus
  9. säilitusaine
  10. antioksüdant
  11. hindama,hinnangut andma
  12. madala rasvasusega
  13. valk

26 Clues: valkhapnitarbimatarbijakiudaineportsjonkaltsiumtoitainetäispiimsüsivesiksoojustuskogus, hulksuhkruhaigussäilitusaineantioksüdantlisaaine,lisandtasakaalustatudlahja piim, pettmadala rasvasusegapiimatooted,piimapoodallikas, pärinemiskohtkoostisaine,koostisosahindama,hinnangut andmatervisliku toitumise taldrikhästi tasakaalustatud toitumine...

Kryds og tværs - sygdom 2023-02-23

Kryds og tværs - sygdom crossword puzzle
  1. Sygdom i hjernen
  2. Diabetes
  3. Trakea
  4. Lungeblærer
  5. Amyotrofisk lateral sklerose
  6. Kroppens største organ
  7. Nitrit, leucocytter, erytrocytter er tegn på
  8. Tidlig opsporing kritisk sygdom score
  9. Blodkar
  10. Mestringsevne
  11. Early warning score
  12. Elektronisk dokumentationsredskab
  1. Demensblomst
  2. Egenomsorg
  3. Vena Pulmonales
  4. Åndedræt
  5. Tidlig opsporing begyndende sygdom score
  6. Død
  7. Angina Pectoris
  8. At huske tilbage
  9. Iltmætning
  10. Prioriteringsredskab

22 Clues: DødTrakeaBlodkarÅndedrætDiabetesEgenomsorgIltmætningLungeblærerDemensblomstMestringsevneVena PulmonalesAngina PectorisSygdom i hjernenAt huske tilbageEarly warning scorePrioriteringsredskabKroppens største organAmyotrofisk lateral skleroseElektronisk dokumentationsredskabTidlig opsporing kritisk sygdom scoreTidlig opsporing begyndende sygdom score...

MNT Pathological Conditions by Kenya Norris 2021-12-14

MNT Pathological Conditions by Kenya Norris crossword puzzle
  1. swelling due to fluid
  2. indigestion
  3. difficulty swallowing
  4. inflamed pancreas
  5. degeneration
  6. metabolic disorder
  7. plaque formation
  8. potassium deficiency
  9. infarction heart attack
  10. loss of muscle tissue
  1. abnormal neuromuscular function
  2. fatty stool
  3. imperfect absorption
  4. delayed gastric emptying
  5. yellowish tint
  6. unhealthy lipid levels
  7. fluid accumulation
  8. affects arteries leading to the brain
  9. high blood pressure
  10. mental deterioration

20 Clues: fatty stoolindigestiondegenerationyellowish tintplaque formationinflamed pancreasfluid accumulationmetabolic disorderhigh blood pressureimperfect absorptionmental deteriorationpotassium deficiencyswelling due to fluiddifficulty swallowingloss of muscle tissueunhealthy lipid levelsinfarction heart attackdelayed gastric emptying...

Medical Abbreviations 2022-11-01

Medical Abbreviations crossword puzzle
  1. Over the counter
  2. meals a.c:
  3. Fasting blood sugar
  4. Oculus dexter/right eye
  5. 3 times daily
  6. Congenital heart failure
  7. As needed
  8. one half
  9. Intravenous
  1. drip
  2. Cytomegalovirus
  3. barium edema
  4. supplement
  5. 4 times daily
  6. Otis media
  7. Temporomandibular
  8. Diabetes mellitus
  9. Congenital heart defects
  10. Nothing by mouth
  11. Oculus sinister/left eye

20 Clues: dripone halfAs neededmeals a.c:supplementOtis mediaIntravenousbarium edema4 times daily3 times dailyCytomegalovirusOver the counterNothing by mouthTemporomandibularDiabetes mellitusFasting blood sugarOculus dexter/right eyeCongenital heart failureCongenital heart defectsOculus sinister/left eye

Medical stuff 2024-03-22

Medical stuff crossword puzzle
  1. elevation leads II, III, aVF
  2. region of the back
  3. cardiac medication
  4. systemic infection
  5. slow heart rate
  6. neuro disorder
  7. bruising
  8. type of injection
  9. low blood pressure
  10. endocrine disorder
  11. internal organ
  1. heart chambers
  2. anatomical position
  3. fast heart rate
  4. outer layer skin
  5. upper airway
  6. largest artery
  7. long bone
  8. gas
  9. swelling
  10. largest organ

21 Clues: gasbruisingswellinglong boneupper airwaylargest organheart chamberslargest arteryneuro disorderinternal organfast heart rateslow heart rateouter layer skintype of injectionregion of the backcardiac medicationsystemic infectionlow blood pressureendocrine disorderanatomical positionelevation leads II, III, aVF

All or Nothing: 20 POINTS 2022-07-11

All or Nothing: 20 POINTS crossword puzzle
  1. Nurse _______
  2. Rancy's Focus
  3. Green Yellow Orange Red
  4. Chef Sunny
  5. Sing Happy Birthday Twice
  6. Central Intake Gatekeeper
  7. ______ Engagement Specialist
  8. Resident Graduation Month
  9. Spiritual Support
  10. Certified Nurse Providers
  11. ______ Improvement Committee
  1. Medication Safety
  2. Stepdown Service from ML5/2S
  3. MPD
  4. Nursing's Flower
  5. Geriatric Excellence
  6. Thursday Evening Support
  7. _________ Behavioral Therapy
  8. Magnet Consultant
  9. Nursing-Pharmacy-PT Collaboration

20 Clues: MPDChef SunnyNurse _______Rancy's FocusNursing's FlowerMedication SafetyMagnet ConsultantSpiritual SupportGeriatric ExcellenceGreen Yellow Orange RedThursday Evening SupportSing Happy Birthday TwiceCentral Intake GatekeeperResident Graduation MonthCertified Nurse ProvidersStepdown Service from ML5/2S_________ Behavioral Therapy...

Vocabulary Recap 2023-03-28

Vocabulary Recap crossword puzzle
  1. chęć, chcieć coś zrobić
  2. opuszczony,zdany na własne siły
  3. spór
  4. winny, ponosić winę
  5. dawca
  6. bezcelowy
  7. cukrzyca
  8. podważać
  9. wiedza specjalistyczna
  10. praktyka zawodowa
  11. wymiotować
  12. swędzący
  1. zjawisko
  2. zbudować więź
  3. wirus pokarmowy
  4. oczyścić atmosferę, wyjaśnić sytuację
  5. świadek wydarzenia
  6. pochlebna recenzja
  7. we śnie
  8. stać po czyjejś stronie
  9. podrażniona (np. skóra)
  10. napięcie
  11. kuleć

23 Clues: spórdawcakulećwe śniezjawiskocukrzycanapięciepodważaćswędzącybezcelowywymiotowaćzbudować więźwirus pokarmowypraktyka zawodowaświadek wydarzeniapochlebna recenzjawinny, ponosić winęwiedza specjalistycznachęć, chcieć coś zrobićstać po czyjejś stroniepodrażniona (np. skóra)opuszczony,zdany na własne siłyoczyścić atmosferę, wyjaśnić sytuację

B-RC-U2-B 2023-10-30

B-RC-U2-B crossword puzzle
  1. phr. ~에 달하다
  2. v. 노예로 만들다
  3. n. 살인
  4. adj. 선진화된
  5. n. 장비
  6. adj. 가혹한
  7. n. 비만
  8. n. 도둑질
  9. n. 당뇨병
  10. phr. 갑자기
  11. phr. 줄곧, 내내
  1. v. 웅크리다
  2. adj. 근육의, 근육질의
  3. adv. 지나치게
  4. phr. 계단을 오르다
  5. adj. 기적적인
  6. v. 저벅저벅 밟다
  7. adj. 자신 있는
  8. adj. 귀신이 나오는
  9. v. 강화하다

20 Clues: n. 살인n. 장비n. 비만n. 도둑질n. 당뇨병v. 웅크리다v. 강화하다adj. 가혹한phr. 갑자기adv. 지나치게adj. 기적적인adj. 선진화된v. 노예로 만들다v. 저벅저벅 밟다adj. 자신 있는phr. ~에 달하다phr. 줄곧, 내내phr. 계단을 오르다adj. 귀신이 나오는adj. 근육의, 근육질의

Diabetes Mellitus 2021-11-02

Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. most common type
  2. first appears during pregnancy
  3. what type of disease is type 1
  4. formerly known as insulin dependent
  1. low blood glucose levels
  2. high blood glucose levels
  3. hormone produced by the pancreas
  4. between normal and high glucose level, indicative of progressing to Type 2 diabetes
  5. social participation can cause one to feel extremely tired due to low glucose levels

9 Clues: most common typelow blood glucose levelshigh blood glucose levelsfirst appears during pregnancywhat type of disease is type 1hormone produced by the pancreasformerly known as insulin dependentbetween normal and high glucose level, indicative of progressing to Type 2 diabetes...

N2MM3 Diabetes 2021-11-08

N2MM3 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A HbA1c test measures the amount of blood sugar (glucose) attached to _______.
  2. this diabetic complication is where the eye's clear lens clouds, blocking sight.
  3. this complication can cause numbness of the feet
  4. This is a naturally occurring hormone secreted by your pancreas
  1. this general term refers to all complications involving the innermost layer of tissue of the eye
  2. Having larger amounts of protein in the urine is called this
  3. people with diabetes are much more likely to have this type of disease or stroke
  4. this acronymn refers to the irreversible disease that can occur in the kidneys
  5. acronym for diabetic emergency where ketones will be found in the urine

9 Clues: this complication can cause numbness of the feetHaving larger amounts of protein in the urine is called thisThis is a naturally occurring hormone secreted by your pancreasacronym for diabetic emergency where ketones will be found in the urineA HbA1c test measures the amount of blood sugar (glucose) attached to _______....

Diabetes Technology 2022-06-09

Diabetes Technology crossword puzzle
  1. intermittent CGM should be scanned at least once every _____ hours
  2. this is a real-time CGM
  3. insulin delivery device can either be disposable or refillable
  4. at camp insulin decisions must be made with a glucose from what technology
  5. also known as a "patch pump"
  6. this insulin delivery device comes in 0.3 ml, 0.5 ml, 1 ml.
  1. this medication can interfere with results of glucose oxygenase monitors
  2. these should be offered to patients with dexterity or visual impairments
  3. this is an intermittent CGM

9 Clues: this is a real-time CGMthis is an intermittent CGMalso known as a "patch pump"this insulin delivery device comes in 0.3 ml, 0.5 ml, 1 ml.insulin delivery device can either be disposable or refillableintermittent CGM should be scanned at least once every _____ hoursthis medication can interfere with results of glucose oxygenase monitors...

Diabetes pregestacional 2023-10-20

Diabetes pregestacional crossword puzzle
  1. Hormona que tiene su pico máximo de acción en la semana 24 a 28
  2. Aumenta su riesgo de acuerdo al valor de Hb Glicosilada A1c previa al embarazo
  3. Condición que aumenta el riesgo de macrosomia, y preeclamsia
  4. Diabetes que se manifiesta previo al embarazo
  1. Asociación frecuente a la DM Pregestacional Tipo 1.
  2. Dícese del mecanismo por el cual se metilan proteínas y puede generan complicaciones a largo plazo.
  3. Trastorno evolutivo crónico que debe ser tratado previo a la gesta.
  4. Hormona que se eleva en la semana 32 de la gestacional
  5. Substancia grasa que atravesando la pladenta interviene en la formación de membranas y hormonas

9 Clues: Diabetes que se manifiesta previo al embarazoAsociación frecuente a la DM Pregestacional Tipo 1.Hormona que se eleva en la semana 32 de la gestacionalCondición que aumenta el riesgo de macrosomia, y preeclamsiaHormona que tiene su pico máximo de acción en la semana 24 a 28Trastorno evolutivo crónico que debe ser tratado previo a la gesta....

TTS 3 2023-01-21

TTS 3 crossword puzzle
  1. الحِمْيَةُ
  2. سَمَّاعَةٌ
  3. حُمَّى
  4. حَلْقٌ
  5. الخَضْرَوَاتُ
  6. السُّكَّرِيُّ
  1. الطِّبُّ
  2. ضَغْطُ الدَّمِ
  3. مُسْتَشْفَى
  4. سَمِيْنٌ

10 Clues: حُمَّىحَلْقٌالطِّبُّسَمِيْنٌالحِمْيَةُسَمَّاعَةٌمُسْتَشْفَىالخَضْرَوَاتُالسُّكَّرِيُّضَغْطُ الدَّمِ

ㄷㅇ 2024-04-07

ㄷㅇ crossword puzzle
  1. 늘리다, 연장하다
  2. 초과하다
  3. 흡수하다
  4. 소비하다
  5. 당뇨병
  6. 성분
  1. 썩다
  2. 심장박동
  3. 전형적인
  4. 지나친

10 Clues: 썩다성분지나친당뇨병심장박동초과하다전형적인흡수하다소비하다늘리다, 연장하다

Pasen 2014 2014-03-16

Pasen 2014 crossword puzzle
  1. voorwaartse kromming van de rug
  2. bouw van het lichaam
  3. breuk
  4. botontkalking
  5. voorkomen
  6. weefsel dat gewrichtsvlakken bedekt
  7. intertrigo
  8. suikerziekte
  1. slijtage-reuma
  2. suikers
  3. tegengestelde partners
  4. huidsmeer
  5. obesitas
  6. hiermee zijn de spieren vastgehecht aan de botten
  7. melkkorstjes

15 Clues: breuksuikersobesitashuidsmeervoorkomenintertrigomelkkorstjessuikerziektebotontkalkingslijtage-reumabouw van het lichaamtegengestelde partnersvoorwaartse kromming van de rugweefsel dat gewrichtsvlakken bedekthiermee zijn de spieren vastgehecht aan de botten

Child Development Review Crossword 2017-03-13

Child Development Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Twinsortripletsorquadripletswhodevelopfrimtwoormorefertilizedeggsanddifferingeneticmakeup
  2. Femalesexcell/egg
  3. Reflexthathelpsbabyeat,Baby'sheadautomaticallymovestowardwhattoucheditscheekormouthandbeginstosuck
  4. Singlecellformedatconception,alsocalledfertilizedegg
  5. Sideoffootisstroked,thebigtoeextends
  6. Lossofafetusafterthe2othweekofpregnancy,babyisborndeceased
  7. Thecervixflattensandopens
  8. Extremelyseverementalillnes,requirestreatment,keywordisPsychosis
  9. Entirefootisstroked,alltoesflex
  10. Surgicalcuttohelpwidenthecervix
  11. Babieswhodevelopedfromthesameeggandhavethesamegeneticmakeup
  12. Unionoftheovumandspermcells
  13. Organinwhichthebabydevelopsandisprotecteduntilbirth
  14. MildPPDisorder,goesawayonitsown,don'tneedtreatment
  1. Disordercausedbythebody'sinabilitytousesugarproperly,involvesinsullan
  2. Babythatisbornamonthorearlyierbeforeitissupposedto
  3. PhysicalorBiochemicalproblemsthatarepresentinababyatbirth
  4. 2 hollow tubes,connectstouterus,hasfingerlikeprojectionsthatreachtowardeachovery
  5. Seriousformofdepression,often happensagaininfuturepregnancy,needtreatment
  6. Strokebaby'spalm,babygripsittightly
  7. Whenfetusturnsaroundandgetsintothecorrectbirthposition
  8. Alargeinstrumentusedtohelpinbirth
  9. Malesexcell
  10. Explulsionofthebabyfromthemother'sbodybeforeweek20ofpregnancy
  11. Thetestusedtomakesurethebabydoesn'tneedanyextraimmediateemergencyormedicalcare

25 Clues: MalesexcellFemalesexcell/eggThecervixflattensandopensUnionoftheovumandspermcellsEntirefootisstroked,alltoesflexSurgicalcuttohelpwidenthecervixAlargeinstrumentusedtohelpinbirthStrokebaby'spalm,babygripsittightlySideoffootisstroked,thebigtoeextendsBabythatisbornamonthorearlyierbeforeitissupposedtoMildPPDisorder,goesawayonitsown,don'tneedtreatment...

Medical Abbreviations 2022-11-01

Medical Abbreviations crossword puzzle
  1. As needed
  2. before meals
  3. Oculus dexter/right eye
  4. Diabetes mellitus
  5. Cytomegalovirus
  6. one half
  7. Fasting blood sugar
  8. drip
  9. Otis media
  10. Intravenous
  1. 3 times daily
  2. 4 times daily
  3. Nothing by mouth
  4. Congenital heart defects
  5. Over the counter
  6. Congenital heart failure
  7. supplement
  8. barium edema
  9. Temporomandibular
  10. Oculus sinister/left eye

20 Clues: dripone halfAs neededsupplementOtis mediaIntravenousbefore mealsbarium edema3 times daily4 times dailyCytomegalovirusNothing by mouthOver the counterDiabetes mellitusTemporomandibularFasting blood sugarOculus dexter/right eyeCongenital heart defectsCongenital heart failureOculus sinister/left eye

Medical Abbreviations 2022-11-01

Medical Abbreviations crossword puzzle
  1. As needed
  2. before meals
  3. Oculus dexter/right eye
  4. Diabetes mellitus
  5. Cytomegalovirus
  6. one half
  7. Fasting blood sugar
  8. drip
  9. Otis media
  10. Intravenous
  1. 3 times daily
  2. 4 times daily
  3. Nothing by mouth
  4. Congenital heart defects
  5. Over the counter
  6. Congenital heart failure
  7. supplement
  8. barium edema
  9. Temporomandibular
  10. Oculus sinister/left eye

20 Clues: dripone halfAs neededsupplementOtis mediaIntravenousbefore mealsbarium edema3 times daily4 times dailyCytomegalovirusNothing by mouthOver the counterDiabetes mellitusTemporomandibularFasting blood sugarOculus dexter/right eyeCongenital heart defectsCongenital heart failureOculus sinister/left eye

천일문146-147 2023-11-07

천일문146-147 crossword puzzle
  1. 충돌 갈등
  2. 멀티태스킹
  3. 구경꾼
  4. 입양으로 맺어진
  5. 당뇨
  6. 감독 관리자
  7. 비만
  8. 혼잡한(c-)
  9. 광고하다
  10. 끔찍한(d-)
  11. 부유한
  12. 갈겨쓰다 낙서하다
  13. 습도
  1. 심사숙고하다 명상하다
  2. 관중
  3. 보행자
  4. 기꺼이 함 의향
  5. 유통기한
  6. 신뢰할 수 있는
  7. 영향 충격
  8. 철저한 빈틈없는
  9. 귀족의 숭고한
  10. 10년
  11. 복수
  12. 바라다 바람 욕구
  13. 불안하게 만들다
  14. 역경

27 Clues: 관중복수당뇨비만역경습도보행자구경꾼10년부유한유통기한광고하다충돌 갈등영향 충격멀티태스킹감독 관리자귀족의 숭고한혼잡한(c-)끔찍한(d-)기꺼이 함 의향신뢰할 수 있는입양으로 맺어진철저한 빈틈없는불안하게 만들다바라다 바람 욕구갈겨쓰다 낙서하다심사숙고하다 명상하다

SILANG KATA BM 2024-07-09

SILANG KATA BM crossword puzzle
  1. mencuci tangan dengan sabun sebelum makan
  2. bermain di makmal boleh menyebabkan kecedaraan
  3. amalkan pemakanan yang sihat
  4. makanan seimbang mengandungi protein, karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin dan garam mineral
  1. kita mestilah menggosok gigi 2 kali sehari
  2. penyakit kencing manis juga dikenali sebagai diabetes
  3. gunakan ubat gigi berfluorida semasa memberus gigi
  4. hidup sejahtera tanpa menghisap dadah
  5. kita perlu patuh kepada peraturan sekolah

9 Clues: amalkan pemakanan yang sihathidup sejahtera tanpa menghisap dadahmencuci tangan dengan sabun sebelum makankita perlu patuh kepada peraturan sekolahkita mestilah menggosok gigi 2 kali seharibermain di makmal boleh menyebabkan kecedaraangunakan ubat gigi berfluorida semasa memberus gigipenyakit kencing manis juga dikenali sebagai diabetes...

Cytology 2024-02-26

Cytology crossword puzzle
  1. What does the nucleus contain
  2. What is the major location of DNA1
  3. What is the cytoplasm like?
  4. When you have diabetes there is glucose in high levels in the?
  1. What does the nucleus take part in?
  2. How is the nucleus shaped?
  3. How is the cell membrane described as?
  4. What does cytoplasm + nucleoplasm =?
  5. What do improper insulin levels =?

9 Clues: How is the nucleus shaped?What is the cytoplasm like?What does the nucleus containWhat is the major location of DNA1What do improper insulin levels =?What does the nucleus take part in?What does cytoplasm + nucleoplasm =?How is the cell membrane described as?When you have diabetes there is glucose in high levels in the?

FL Science of Medicines Diabetes 2015-01-12

FL Science of Medicines Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. The side effect of IPTD was severe ______________, which led to the suggestion that IPTD could be used to treat diabetes.
  2. Medications are prescribed for Type 2 diabetes when patient's symptoms are unable to be controlled by diet and _______________ alone.
  3. The class of medicines that reduce blood glucose by causing the B cells in the pancreas to release more insulin.
  4. Hypoglycaemia involves ______ blood levels of glucose.
  5. The hormone secreted from the pancreas when blood sugar levels are high.
  6. The higher the level of blood sugar, the __________ insulin is released.
  7. ______ factors for Type 2 diabetes include weight, family history and lifestyle.
  1. A slow or modified _________ tablet does not disintegrate quickly but releases its drug load over a longer period than conventional tablets.
  2. High blood levels of glucose.
  3. In cells, particularly liver cells, glucose is stored as ____________ for later use.
  4. The class of drugs to which gliclazide belongs.
  5. Overall, insulin ____________ the amount of glucose in the blood.
  6. The time taken for the drug concentration in the elimination phase to drop to half its concentration.
  7. The name of the central structural section of sulfonylurea drugs, that remains unchanged during the molecular evolution from sulfanilamide to gliclazide.
  8. A drug’s half-life determines when a patient needs to take the next _______ of medicine.

15 Clues: High blood levels of glucose.The class of drugs to which gliclazide belongs.Hypoglycaemia involves ______ blood levels of glucose.Overall, insulin ____________ the amount of glucose in the blood.The hormone secreted from the pancreas when blood sugar levels are high.The higher the level of blood sugar, the __________ insulin is released....

Hill's Rx diet uses 2024-01-13

Hill's Rx diet uses crossword puzzle
  1. c/d
  2. d/d (allergy, limited ingredient)
  3. Metabolic
  4. h/d
  5. Onc Care
  6. w/d
  7. i/d
  8. l/d
  9. g/d
  1. b/d
  2. j/d
  3. k/d
  4. Derm Complete
  5. Biome(with probiotic)
  6. t/d
  7. z/d (allergy, HP)

16 Clues: c/db/dj/dh/dk/dt/dw/di/dl/dg/dOnc CareMetabolicDerm Completez/d (allergy, HP)Biome(with probiotic)d/d (allergy, limited ingredient)

고1 본문 3과 단어 2024-04-07

고1 본문 3과 단어 crossword puzzle
  1. 지나친
  2. 늘리다, 연장하다
  3. 썩다
  4. 심장박동
  5. 초과하다
  1. 소비하다
  2. 성분
  3. 흡수하다
  4. 당뇨병
  5. 전형적인

10 Clues: 성분썩다지나친당뇨병소비하다흡수하다심장박동전형적인초과하다늘리다, 연장하다

dm 2024-05-08

dm crossword puzzle
  1. Jika kamu terdiagnosis diabetes, kamu sebaiknya melakukan
  2. Jika nilai GDS adalah ≥200 mg/dL (11,1 mmol / L) darah, ini mengidikasikan bahwa orang tersebut memiliki
  3. pada diabetes tipe 2, pankreas menghasilkan jumlah yang tidak memadai
  1. Jika Anda menderita diabetes tipe 2 dan gula darah terkontrol selama pengobatan (diet, olahraga, dan pengobatan), itu berarti rencana pengobatan anda
  2. Kelebihan gula dapat merusak organ seperti mata dan ginjal, serta dapat menyebabkan komplikasi seperti kerusakan saraf dan penyakit
  3. Diabetes tipe 2 adalah penyakitgenetik

6 Clues: Diabetes tipe 2 adalah penyakitgenetikJika kamu terdiagnosis diabetes, kamu sebaiknya melakukanpada diabetes tipe 2, pankreas menghasilkan jumlah yang tidak memadaiJika nilai GDS adalah ≥200 mg/dL (11,1 mmol / L) darah, ini mengidikasikan bahwa orang tersebut memiliki...

hypo and hyperglycemia 2023-10-29

hypo and hyperglycemia crossword puzzle
  1. serious life threatening condition of diabetes leading to diabetic coma
  2. long term complication of sustained hyperglycemia
  3. symptom of severe hypoglycemia
  4. common symptom of hypoglycemia
  5. hormone responsible for raising blood glucose level
  1. in hypoglycemia what organ releases glucose into blood stream
  2. first line treatment for hypoglycemia
  3. prolonged hyperglycemia is hallmark of
  4. common symptom of hypoglycemia
  5. primary hormone regulating blood glucose levels

10 Clues: symptom of severe hypoglycemiacommon symptom of hypoglycemiacommon symptom of hypoglycemiafirst line treatment for hypoglycemiaprolonged hyperglycemia is hallmark ofprimary hormone regulating blood glucose levelslong term complication of sustained hyperglycemiahormone responsible for raising blood glucose level...

Problem 3 - No Sugarcoating Things 2024-02-15

Problem 3 - No Sugarcoating Things crossword puzzle
  1. Chronic condition where the pancreas produces little or no insulin.
  2. A metabolic disorder in which the body has high sugar levels for prolonged periods of time.
  3. A hormone produced in the pancreas which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.
  4. A condition where the eye's optic nerve, which provides information to the brain, is damaged. If untreated, causes gradual vision loss.
  5. The most common type of diabetes where your body does not make insulin well.
  6. A blood test that measures your average blood sugar levels over a 3 month period.
  1. Condition in which women develop diabetes during pregnancy.
  2. Medical term for high blood sugar level.
  3. The organ that produces insulin.
  4. A simple sugar which is an important energy source in living organisms and is a component of many carbohydrates.

10 Clues: The organ that produces insulin.Medical term for high blood sugar level.Condition in which women develop diabetes during pregnancy.Chronic condition where the pancreas produces little or no insulin.The most common type of diabetes where your body does not make insulin well....

Science Crossword 2019-10-24

Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This type of diabetes may be caused by a genetic predisposition.
  2. As the blood glucose levels fall, the glycogen is converted back to __________.
  3. The pancreas is a small, pink organ found in found under your _____________.
  4. Many people can restore their normal blood glucose balance by eating a balanced diet with carefully controlled amounts of ____________.
  5. is the regulation of the internal conditions of cells to maintain optimum conditions for functioning in response to internal and external changes.
  6. The __________ creates a balance for your blood glucose level.
  1. If you have Type 1 diabetes, you need replacement insulin before _______.
  2. When your blood glucose concentration rises, the pancreas produces ________.
  3. In this type of diabetes the pancreas usually makes some insulin.
  4. This injected insulin allows glucose to be taken into your body cells and converted into _________.

10 Clues: The __________ creates a balance for your blood glucose level.This type of diabetes may be caused by a genetic predisposition.In this type of diabetes the pancreas usually makes some insulin.If you have Type 1 diabetes, you need replacement insulin before _______.When your blood glucose concentration rises, the pancreas produces ________....

Diabetes mellitus 2017-03-26

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. name the hormone that lowers the blood sugar level
  2. name a organ that stores glucose
  3. name the hormone that raises the blood sugar level
  4. how are hormones transported?
  5. where in the body is glucose stored?
  1. what for do we need glucose in our body?
  2. insulin and glucagon are ...
  3. ... produces insulin and glucagon
  4. the full name of the illness diabetes...

9 Clues: insulin and glucagon are ...how are hormones transported?name a organ that stores glucose... produces insulin and glucagonwhere in the body is glucose stored?what for do we need glucose in our body?the full name of the illness diabetes...name the hormone that lowers the blood sugar levelname the hormone that raises the blood sugar level

Diabetes (ENA) 2019-05-22

Diabetes (ENA) crossword puzzle
  1. If your bloodglucose returns to normal levels you are cured of your diabetes(Myth or Fact)
  2. What is a common cause that can lead to uncontrolled blood glucose levels?
  3. What abnormality do you look for in the urine of a diabetic patient
  4. Name a condition for elevated blood glucose levels
  5. What testing apparatus do you use to test for blood glucose.
  1. What type of diabetes is usually diagnosed before the age of 25?
  2. Food nutrients like proteins, fats, carbohydrates all affect your ___________
  3. What apparatus do you use to puncture skin for collecting of blood drop for testing?
  4. Heart attacks and strokes are the most common cause of death in diabetic patients(Myth or Fact)

9 Clues: Name a condition for elevated blood glucose levelsWhat testing apparatus do you use to test for blood glucose.What type of diabetes is usually diagnosed before the age of 25?What abnormality do you look for in the urine of a diabetic patientWhat is a common cause that can lead to uncontrolled blood glucose levels?...

Word Search 2023-02-23

Word Search crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes
  2. Cancer
  3. Mental Health
  1. Malria
  2. AIDS
  3. Tuberculosis

6 Clues: AIDSMalriaCancerDiabetesTuberculosisMental Health

praca domowa 2020-04-29

praca domowa crossword puzzle
  1. gromadzić
  2. cierpieć
  3. udar
  4. otyłość
  5. zapalenie
  6. cukrzyca
  1. przeciażyć
  2. zmagać się
  3. szacuje się
  4. uzupełniać

10 Clues: udarotyłośćcierpiećcukrzycagromadzićzapalenieprzeciażyćzmagać sięuzupełniaćszacuje się

Tomasz Pierzecki 2022-04-24

Tomasz Pierzecki crossword puzzle
  1. defibrylacja
  2. skrzep
  3. demencja
  4. drgawki
  5. urojenia
  6. śmiertelny
  1. w ciąży
  2. uczulenie na orzeszki ziemne
  3. udar mózgu
  4. cukrzyca
  5. poród

11 Clues: poródskrzepw ciążydrgawkicukrzycademencjaurojeniaudar mózguśmiertelnydefibrylacjauczulenie na orzeszki ziemne

Sistema Urinário e Endócrino - 7° ano - páginas 68 à 77 2024-05-24

Sistema Urinário e Endócrino - 7° ano - páginas 68 à 77 crossword puzzle
  1. Como é formado o sistema urinário?
  2. Como é composto o sistema endócrino?
  3. Glândula localizada na base do cérebro.
  4. Quais os hormônios produzidos pelo pâncreas?
  5. Tubo ligado à pelve renal que conduz a urina até a bexiga urinária.
  6. Substância usada para o tartamento do Hipotireodismo.
  7. renais Doença conhecida como pedra nos rins.
  8. Doença causada pelo excesso de produção de hormônios pela glândula tireóidea.
  1. Insuficiência na produção dos hormônios tireoidianos.
  2. Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga urinária.
  3. é a parte central do rim.
  4. Qual mineral foi utilizado no desenvolvimento do rim artificial?
  5. Sistema responsável pela eliminação de resíduos tóxicos ao corpo.
  6. Canal pelo qual passa a urina da bexiga urinária até o exterior do corpo.
  7. Nome das estruturas na membrana da célula que reconhecem especificamente cada hormônio.
  8. Nesse tipo de diabetes, há uma contínua produção de insulina pelo pâncreas.
  9. Doença provocada pela produção e/ou ação insuficientes da insulina.

17 Clues: é a parte central do rim.Como é formado o sistema urinário?Como é composto o sistema endócrino?Glândula localizada na base do cérebro.Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga urinária.Quais os hormônios produzidos pelo pâncreas?renais Doença conhecida como pedra nos rins.Insuficiência na produção dos hormônios tireoidianos....

Diabetes Mellitus 2020-08-07

Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. A sign of hyperglycemia.
  2. Signs of this include nausea, vomiting, weakness, lethargy.
  3. What the body breaks down when glucose is not available for cell energy.
  4. This should be assess on a daily basis at home and at the hospital.
  1. This urine test should be done any time the blood glucose is >300, or if the patient feels sick or has signs of hyperglycemia
  2. This can happen to tissue if injection sites are not rotated.
  3. A sign of hypoglycemia
  4. this is an important component in maintaining good control of diabetes.
  5. Diabetes should carry some form of this with them at all times.

9 Clues: A sign of hypoglycemiaA sign of hyperglycemia.Signs of this include nausea, vomiting, weakness, lethargy.This can happen to tissue if injection sites are not rotated.Diabetes should carry some form of this with them at all times.This should be assess on a daily basis at home and at the hospital....

Diabetes Management 2021-09-15

Diabetes Management crossword puzzle
  1. post-prandial blood sugar checks occur 2 hours after the _______ bite
  2. T or F: healthcare workers can use a patient's continuous glucose monitor for hourly blood sugar checks
  3. a hypoglycemic reading of 60-79 mg/dL warrants giving 15 g oral ___________
  4. the gold standard for managing diabetes in pregnancy
  1. this condition affects the baby if maternal blood sugar is poorly controlled
  2. T or F: patients receiving insulin often require 2 IV sites due to incompatibilities with other medications
  3. maintenance fluid can be given with insulin to prevent hypoglycemia episodes
  4. this medical emergency requires prompt recognition and treatment: ________ ketoacidosis
  5. Initiation of an insulin drip will require a _______ RN to independently view orders and pump set up

9 Clues: the gold standard for managing diabetes in pregnancypost-prandial blood sugar checks occur 2 hours after the _______ bitea hypoglycemic reading of 60-79 mg/dL warrants giving 15 g oral ___________this condition affects the baby if maternal blood sugar is poorly controlledmaintenance fluid can be given with insulin to prevent hypoglycemia episodes...

Diabetes mellitus 2021-09-07

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Quando o pâncreas está inflamado não produz a insulina, inicia no paciente a:
  2. Grupo de doenças que resultam em muito açúcar no sangue.
  3. Responsável pela produção de insulina.
  4. das ilhotas de langenhans.
  5. Adquiriu por algum fator.
  1. Aumento da glicose no sangue.
  2. Funciona como fonte de energia para entrada de glicose nas células.
  3. Nasceu com a condição.
  4. Produzido nas

9 Clues: Produzido nasNasceu com a condição.Adquiriu por algum fator.das ilhotas de langenhans.Aumento da glicose no sangue.Responsável pela produção de insulina.Grupo de doenças que resultam em muito açúcar no sangue.Funciona como fonte de energia para entrada de glicose nas células....

Revisão - Prova 2 2022-06-01

Revisão - Prova 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Exoftalmia, taquicardia, irritabilidade, insônia,sudorese, perda de peso, insônia são sintomas de .....
  2. Hormônio responsável pelo transporte de glicose para os tecidos periféricos
  3. Carcinógeno biológico associado ao câncer de colo do útero
  4. Nomenclatura de tumor maligno de tecido epitelial
  5. Principal substância sintetizada na medula da adrenal
  6. Mineral essencial para o bom funcionamento do organismo, deficiência relacionada a problemas na tireoide
  7. Tumor composto de células cromafins
  8. Juntamente com perda de peso, polidipsia e polofagia compreendem os 4Ps da diabetes
  9. Hormônio produzido pela hipófise que estimula a produção de hormônios tireoidianos
  10. Nome dado ao aumento do volume da tireoide
  11. Genes que sofrem mutação de ganho de função no desenvolvimento tumoral e promovem proliferação descontrolada.
  12. Última etapa do processo de carcinogênese
  13. Alteração laboratorial comum a todos os tipos de diabetes
  14. Nomenclatura de tumor maligno de tecido mesenquimal
  15. Uma exceção à regra de nomenclatura tumoral
  1. Disseminação do tumor do tecido de origem para outros tecidos
  2. Tumor benigno do tecido adiposo
  3. No hipotireoidismo ---------- observa-se redução nos níveis séricos T3 e T4 e aumento de TSH
  4. Primeira etapa da carcinogênese
  5. Via de disseminação de metástases
  6. Tumores bem delimitados, crescimento lento, alto grau de diferenciação celular, não invadem e não geram metástases
  7. Substâncias que aumentam a probabilidade de desenvolvimento tumoral
  8. Principal manifestação clínica do hiperaldosteronismo
  9. Processo de múltiplas etapas resultante do acúmulo de múltiplas alterações genéticas que coletivamente dão origem ao fenótipo transformado
  10. Hormônio aumentado na Síndrome de Cushing
  11. Capacidade das células neoplásicas de infiltrar e destruir progressivamente o tecido adjacente
  12. Região da adrenal responsável pela produção de cortisol, aldosterona e hormônios esteroides
  13. Tipo de diabetes caracterizado pela resistência à insulina

28 Clues: Tumor benigno do tecido adiposoPrimeira etapa da carcinogêneseVia de disseminação de metástasesTumor composto de células cromafinsHormônio aumentado na Síndrome de CushingÚltima etapa do processo de carcinogêneseNome dado ao aumento do volume da tireoideUma exceção à regra de nomenclatura tumoralNomenclatura de tumor maligno de tecido epitelial...

Renal y Endócrino 2020-06-10

Renal y Endócrino crossword puzzle
  1. Deficiencia en el sistema reproductivo masculino en el hipotiroidismo
  2. ¿Cómo se llama el síndrome que presenta; edema, proteinuria, hiporoteinuria, hiperlipidemia y edema?
  3. En que condiciones se encuentra el yodo en personas con hipotiroidismo
  4. Efecto en las manos y en la lengua por el hipotiroidismo
  5. ¿Qué carga tiene la membrana basal en el riñón?
  6. ¿Es un trastorno metabólico?
  7. ¿Cómo se le llama al aumento del tamaño del riñón?
  8. Hormona con efectos genómicos y no genómicos
  9. ¿Cómo se le llama a la patología en la cual se presentan cálculos en cualquier nivel del tracto urinario?
  10. Estado de hiperfunción hormonal
  11. ¿Qué tipo de diabetes no produce insulina?
  12. Se le denomina a la perdida de proteínas en sangre
  13. Proceso de eliminación de orina menos de 400 ml en 24 horas
  14. ¿Cómo es la frecuencia cardiaca en el hipotiroidismo?
  15. Personas donde se presenta con más frecuencia el hipotiroidismo
  1. ¿En qué sexo hay más predominancia en el hipertiroidismo?
  2. Sustancia que abunda en la lipiduria
  3. ¿Qué cambio de peso se presenta en el hipotiroidismo?
  4. ¿Tipo de diabetes que puede aparecer en el embarazo?
  5. ¿Patología donde hay grandes cantidades de T3 y T4?
  6. Enfermedad que predomina en el hipertiroidismo
  7. ¿Qué enfermedad de tiroides no produce suficientes hormonas?
  8. Estado de deficiencia hormonal
  9. ¿Qué proteína principal sale en el síndrome nefrótico?
  10. Se le denomina a la perdida masiva de proteínas
  11. Es un tratamiento para el síndrome nefrítico
  12. Sustancia que abunda en la lipiduria
  13. Tipo de diabetes mellitus que genera insulina insuficiente
  14. Se define como alto nivel de azúcar en sangre
  15. ¿En la hipotensión hay aumento de qué hormona?
  16. ¿Cómo está el gasto cardiaco en el hipertiroidismo?

31 Clues: ¿Es un trastorno metabólico?Estado de deficiencia hormonalEstado de hiperfunción hormonalSustancia que abunda en la lipiduriaSustancia que abunda en la lipiduria¿Qué tipo de diabetes no produce insulina?Hormona con efectos genómicos y no genómicosEs un tratamiento para el síndrome nefríticoSe define como alto nivel de azúcar en sangre...

PE 113 Final Review 2012-12-01

PE 113 Final Review crossword puzzle
  1. Condition in which the arteries that supply the heart muscle with oxygen & nutrients are narrowed by fatty deposits
  2. Endurance Ability of a muscle to exert submaximal force repeatedly over time
  3. Elongation Temporary lengthening of soft tissue
  4. Noncancerous
  5. Exercise that does not require oxygen to produce the necessary energy to carry out the activity
  6. The movement of cells from one part of the body to another
  7. Recorded as the point where the sound of the pulse becomes audible
  8. Increase in the size of the cell
  9. Decrease in the size of the cell
  10. Fixed number of repetitions
  11. Array of conditions that affect the heart & blood vessels
  12. Condition in which a blood vessel that feeds the brain ruptures or is clogged
  1. Elongation Permanent lengthening of soft tissue
  2. in situ Encapsulated malignant tumor that has not spread
  3. The intentional and inappropriate use of over-the- counter or prescribed medications; for example, taking more medication than prescribed or mixing drugs
  4. The intentional and inappropriate use of a drug resulting in physical, emotional, financial, intellectual, social, spiritual, or occupational consequences
  5. A type of physical activity that requires planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement
  6. The point where the sound disappearsAerobic Exercise that requires oxygen to produce the necessary energy to carry out the activity
  7. Cancerous
  8. Moving joints beyond the accustomed range of motion
  9. Fibers Muscle fibers with greater anaerobic potential
  10. Activity Bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles
  11. Achievable range of motion at a joint or group of joints
  12. Fibers Muscle fibers with greater aerobic potential
  13. 2 Diabetes Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or adult-onset diabetes
  14. Amount of weight lifted

26 Clues: CancerousNoncancerousAmount of weight liftedFixed number of repetitionsIncrease in the size of the cellDecrease in the size of the cellElongation Permanent lengthening of soft tissueElongation Temporary lengthening of soft tissueMoving joints beyond the accustomed range of motionFibers Muscle fibers with greater aerobic potential...

Crucigrama aterosclerosis, diabetes y cardiopatía isquémica. 2021-11-10

Crucigrama aterosclerosis, diabetes y cardiopatía isquémica. crossword puzzle
  1. El infarto al miocardio tiene como signo principal la elevación de las __________.
  2. Endurecimiento, engrosamiento y pérdida de la plasticidad de las arterias.
  3. Término utilizado para señalar a una persona que come mucho, es común en diabetes mellitus tipo II.
  4. Lesión inicial compuesta por macrófagos espumosos, no tienen elevción y no generan trastornos de flujo.
  5. Tipo de arteriosclerosis que se caracteriza por placas de lípidos que invaden la arquitectura de las arterias.
  6. Término que describe una situación de alta ingesta líquida y mucha sed.
  7. Puto el que lo lea
  8. Consecuencia de la enfermedad isquémica del corazón en la cual los latidos se presentan de forma irregular debido a la necrosis tisular.
  9. Excesiva producción de orina.
  10. Medicamento usado para la insuficiencia cardíaca crónica que inhibila la enzima convertidora de angiotensina.
  11. Consecuencia de aterosclerosis que produce una protuberancia en la pared arterial.
  12. Arteria coronomaria con mayor riesgo de obstrucción en la enfermedad isquémica del corazón.
  1. Zona de necrosis isquémica causada por oclusión arterial o del drenaje venoso.
  2. Inhiben las síntesis de LDL.
  3. Sustancia que opsoniza bacterias y activa el complemento, adhiere leucocitos y es un factor para el pronóstico del riesgo cardiovascular. El tratamiento con estatinas la disminuye.
  4. Término utilizado para describir a un neonato más grande que el promedio.
  5. Consecuencia de aterosclerosis en 3era fase clínica en la cual la placa ya se roto, pero sigue creciendo.
  6. Tipo de diabetes que se presenta durante el embarazo por hiperglucemia materna.
  7. Signo clínico consecuencia de la diabetes producido por Clostridium perfringens.
  8. Consecuencia de aterosclerosis en la que la placa coagulada se desprende de la pared arterial y viaja por el torrente sanguíneo.
  9. Dolor de pecho que se siente al ejercer esfuerzo físico en las personas con mala irrigación miocárdica.

21 Clues: Puto el que lo leaInhiben las síntesis de LDL.Excesiva producción de orina.Término que describe una situación de alta ingesta líquida y mucha sed.Término utilizado para describir a un neonato más grande que el promedio.Endurecimiento, engrosamiento y pérdida de la plasticidad de las arterias....

Bioteknologi 2024-02-18

Bioteknologi crossword puzzle
  1. ilmuwan memanfaatkan bakteri genus pseudomonas untuk membersihkan...
  2. salah satu gejala awal penderita diabetes melitus yaitu...
  3. pembuatan minuman beralkohol juga melibatkan proses fermentasi yang dilakukan oleh...
  4. pemanfaatan bakteri untuk mengderadasi atau mengurangi polutan yang mencemari lingkungan disebut...
  5. salah satu produk bioteknologi yang fermentasinya dilakukan dengan menumbuhkan jamur rhizopus oryzae adalah...
  6. proses fermentasi susu menjadi yoghurt melibatkan peranan bakteri...
  7. peningkatan produksi susu dilakukan dengan cara memeproduksi hormon...
  8. mikroorganisme yang berperan dalam pembuatan biogas adalah bakteri...
  9. produk bioteknologi seperti alkohol dapat disalah gunakan untuk dibuat menjadi minuman beralkohol yang apabila dikonsumsi terus-menerus dapat menimbulkan dampak buruk bagi...
  10. produk bioteknologi hasil rekayasa genetika dapat menyingkirkan plasma...
  11. salah satu teknik yang banyak digunakan pada bioteknologi dalam bidang peternakan yaitu teknik...
  12. Alexander Fleming telah mendapat penemuan didalam bidang kesehatan yaitu antibiotik...
  1. teknik yang menggunakan tanaman untuk mangatasi pencemaran diperairan adalah ..
  2. salah satu produk yang fermentasi dilakukan oleh bakteri lactobacillus casei adalah...
  3. salah satu produk hasil bioteknologi yang terbuat dari kacang kedelai...
  4. untuk mangatasi penyakit diabetes melitus tipe 1 penderita perlu mendapatkan tambahan hormon insulin...
  5. untuk mencari atau menginvestigasi pelaku suatu tindak kejahatan menggunakan teknik..
  6. tanaman yang susunan gennya telah dimanipulasi disebut dengan tanaman...
  7. penggunaan tanaman transgenik juga dapat menimbulkan...
  8. salah satu tanaman yang memanfaatkan rekayasa genetika adalah...
  9. selain untuk meningkatkan produksi susu rekayasa genetika juga dapat dilakukan pada hewan ternak agar tahan terhadap...
  10. teknik rekayasa genetika dikenal juga dengan istilah teknik DNA...
  11. keju merupakan makanan yang dihasilkan dari proses...
  12. jantung, penderita diabetes jika tidak segera ditangani akan mengakibatkan komplikasi seperti...
  13. salah satu produk bioteknologi yang dibantu mikroorganisme yaitu saccharomyces cerevisiae adalah...

25 Clues: keju merupakan makanan yang dihasilkan dari proses...penggunaan tanaman transgenik juga dapat menimbulkan...salah satu gejala awal penderita diabetes melitus yaitu...salah satu tanaman yang memanfaatkan rekayasa genetika adalah...teknik rekayasa genetika dikenal juga dengan istilah teknik DNA......

Crucigrama aterosclerosis, diabetes y cardiopatía isquémica. 2021-11-10

Crucigrama aterosclerosis, diabetes y cardiopatía isquémica. crossword puzzle
  1. Término utilizado para señalar a una persona que come mucho, es común en diabetes mellitus tipo II.
  2. Tipo de arteriosclerosis que se caracteriza por placas de lípidos que invaden la arquitectura de las arterias.
  3. Arteria coronomaria con mayor riesgo de obstrucción en la enfermedad isquémica del corazón.
  4. Zona de necrosis isquémica causada por oclusión arterial o del drenaje venoso.
  5. Consecuencia de la enfermedad isquémica del corazón en la cual los latidos se presentan de forma irregular debido a la necrosis tisular.
  6. Medicamento usado para la insuficiencia cardíaca crónica que inhibila la enzima convertidora de angiotensina.
  7. Inhiben las síntesis de LDL.
  1. Excesiva producción de orina.
  2. Término utilizado para describir a un neonato más grande que el promedio.
  3. Sustancia que opsoniza bacterias y activa el complemento, adhiere leucocitos y es un factor para el pronóstico del riesgo cardiovascular. El tratamiento con estatinas la disminuye.
  4. Consecuencia de aterosclerosis en la que la placa coagulada se desprende de la pared arterial y viaja por el torrente sanguíneo.
  5. Lesión inicial compuesta por macrófagos espumosos, no tienen elevción y no generan trastornos de flujo.
  6. Signo clínico consecuencia de la diabetes producido por Clostridium perfringens.
  7. Tipo de diabetes que se presenta durante el embarazo por hiperglucemia materna.
  8. Término que describe una situación de alta ingesta líquida y mucha sed.
  9. Consecuencia de aterosclerosis en 3era fase clínica en la cual la placa ya se roto, pero sigue creciendo.
  10. Endurecimiento, engrosamiento y pérdida de la plasticidad de las arterias.
  11. El infarto al miocardio tiene como signo principal la elevación de las __________.
  12. Dolor de pecho que se siente al ejercer esfuerzo físico en las personas con mala irrigación miocárdica.
  13. Consecuencia de aterosclerosis que produce una protuberancia en la pared arterial.

20 Clues: Inhiben las síntesis de LDL.Excesiva producción de orina.Término que describe una situación de alta ingesta líquida y mucha sed.Término utilizado para describir a un neonato más grande que el promedio.Endurecimiento, engrosamiento y pérdida de la plasticidad de las arterias....

Nutrition 1.9-1.11 2022-03-24

Nutrition 1.9-1.11 crossword puzzle
  1. this gender has a higher risk of developing diabetes
  2. the death of tissues in the bodies extremities (e.g. toes)
  3. associated with adolescence
  4. this lifestyle factor reduces the risk of developing obesity and type-2 diabetes.
  5. the condition associated with brittle bones
  6. a BMI > 30
  7. a mineral required to aid with oxygen transport around the body
  8. CHD is known as ________ Heart Disease
  9. this complex carbohydrate is an intermediate energy source, stored in liver cells.
  10. the development of fatty plaques in blood vessels
  11. this index is used to determine the effect a food has on raising blood sugar levels
  12. adipose tissue stored in the abdomen is known as _________ fat
  13. increasing this food component reduces the risk of constipation
  1. the release of gasseous waste from the gut microbiome
  2. a condition where the body cannot effectively respond to hyperglycaemia
  3. produced by the pancreas to reduce blood sugar levels
  4. diet-related disorders increase with this unavoidable factor
  5. the disaccharide found in breast milk
  6. inflammation of small pouches in the large intestine
  7. a blood clot in the brain may result in this
  8. the stage in life from 0-12 months
  9. high levels of this fat increase LDL levels
  10. diets high in this mineral, increase the risk of hypertension
  11. this female stage in development increases the risk of developing osteoporosis
  12. this type of fibre reduces cholesterol absorption in the small intestine
  13. this monosaccharide triggers the production of VLDLs by the liver
  14. the term describing breast milk production
  15. people with this condition are at a higher risk of all over nutrition-related disorders

28 Clues: a BMI > 30associated with adolescencethe stage in life from 0-12 monthsthe disaccharide found in breast milkCHD is known as ________ Heart Diseasethe term describing breast milk productionthe condition associated with brittle boneshigh levels of this fat increase LDL levelsa blood clot in the brain may result in this...

diabetes and wound healing 2017-07-18

diabetes and wound healing crossword puzzle
  1. if present in the wound reservoir for toxins and bacteria
  2. contributing factor to formation and impaired healing of foot ulcers.
  3. cells in islets of Langerham that release insulin into blood.
  4. Cells do not respond to effects of insulin.
  5. cramping pain in calf and leg muscles that is intermittent.
  6. haemoglobin that has a higher affinity for oxygen.
  7. excessive thirst due to high blood sugar levels.
  8. frequent urination due to high blood sugar levels.
  9. process is delayed if an area is poorly supplied with blood.
  10. released into wound bed are needed to remove damaged tissue components.
  1. higher blood _________ caused by increased blood sugar levels.
  2. phase of wound healing impaired because of reduced number of leukocytes.
  3. membrane that is thickened in diabetic patients capillaries.
  4. wound healing is __________ in patients with diabetes.
  5. wounds that are non healing area at risk of____________.
  6. aim is to reduce blood loss and prevent pathogens from entering the body.
  7. presence of fatty plaque within arteries.
  8. thrive on increased glucose available in blood stream.
  9. development of new blood vessels.
  10. produce collagen.
  11. if poorly supplied to tissues results in hypoxia.

21 Clues: produce collagen.development of new blood vessels.presence of fatty plaque within arteries.Cells do not respond to effects of insulin.excessive thirst due to high blood sugar levels.if poorly supplied to tissues results in hypoxia.haemoglobin that has a higher affinity for oxygen.frequent urination due to high blood sugar levels....

MPA Quality Measures and Screenings 2024-02-21

MPA Quality Measures and Screenings crossword puzzle
  1. Feeling down or hopeless
  2. Tripping hazards and poor lighting can cause this
  3. Cancer screening done every 27 months
  4. If my patients BP is over 140/90, I need to do this
  5. This screening can by done by telephone, e-visit or patient portal
  6. Fall risk assessment
  7. Document allergies for this group of medications
  8. You may be living the Low Salt Life if this is high
  9. MSSP helps provide high quality care on this type of health insurance
  1. Lots of soda, cookies and candy can lead you to this screening
  2. Found on patient storyboard
  3. The blue hyperlink will take you to this screening
  4. This test is done to screen for breast cancer
  5. This point of care test helps us screen for diabetes
  6. Promotes accountability for a patient population
  7. This screening helps detect the HPV virus

16 Clues: Fall risk assessmentFeeling down or hopelessFound on patient storyboardCancer screening done every 27 monthsThis screening helps detect the HPV virusThis test is done to screen for breast cancerPromotes accountability for a patient populationDocument allergies for this group of medicationsTripping hazards and poor lighting can cause this...

349 Exam 2 Crossword Competition 2022-10-30

349 Exam 2 Crossword Competition crossword puzzle
  1. mild diuretic used to treat primary HTN
  2. inhaled steroid that should not be used for acute attacks
  3. antibiotic that has the side effect of photosensitivity
  4. medication used to liquify respiratory secretions
  5. loop diuretic causing a loss of potassium which could cause cardiac arrhythmias
  6. diuretic used to decrease IOP and ICP
  1. suppress the cough reflex, example is dextromethorphan
  2. used for rapid relief of bronchoconstriction even in anaphylaxis
  3. CV meds that should not be prescribed with insulin
  4. xanthine used primarily in the ICU
  5. must have an inhaled corticosteroid prescribed with these
  6. cause drowsiness and sedation and have anticholinergic effects
  7. common trade name for sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim
  8. sympathomimetic sometimes referred to as a recue inhaler
  9. antidiabetic drug for children 10 years old and older with type 2 diabetes
  10. best antidiabetic drug for patients with gestational diabetes

16 Clues: xanthine used primarily in the ICUdiuretic used to decrease IOP and ICPmild diuretic used to treat primary HTNmedication used to liquify respiratory secretionsCV meds that should not be prescribed with insulinsuppress the cough reflex, example is dextromethorphancommon trade name for sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim...

Type 2 Diabetes 2013-12-05

Type 2 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Machine used to test blood glucose level
  2. Low blood glucose level
  3. Something you will need to change to control blood glucose level
  4. Another term for sugar
  5. Found in bread, pasta, potato etc.
  1. Control blood glucose level
  2. High blood glucose level
  3. Organ that is not working properly in Diabetes
  4. Something you should do everyday to control Diabetes
  5. Short name for Hypoglycaemia and when you may be feeling unwell with a low blood glucose level

10 Clues: Another term for sugarLow blood glucose levelHigh blood glucose levelControl blood glucose levelFound in bread, pasta, potato etc.Machine used to test blood glucose levelOrgan that is not working properly in DiabetesSomething you should do everyday to control DiabetesSomething you will need to change to control blood glucose level...

Karnival Kesihatan Komuniti 2022-09-27

Karnival Kesihatan Komuniti crossword puzzle
  1. Elakkan penyimpanan ubat dari _______ dan suhu tinggi.
  2. Salah satu penyebab tekanan darah tinggi.
  3. ____________ atau ketumbuhan luar biasa merupakan tanda-tanda awal kanser mulut.
  4. Tempat yang paling sesuai untuk penyimpanan insulin.
  5. teknik urutan bahu & leher merupakan salah satu teknik _______
  1. Aktiviti ______ dapat mengurangkan risiko komplikasi diabetes
  2. Penyakit berikut disebabkan paras gula tinggi dalam darah
  3. nyatakan alat di bawah.
  4. Sakit dan ____ pada sendi merupakan tanda masalah sendi.
  5. Perokok _______ tiga kali ganda berisiko berbanding perokok aktif.

10 Clues: nyatakan alat di bawah.Salah satu penyebab tekanan darah tinggi.Tempat yang paling sesuai untuk penyimpanan insulin.Elakkan penyimpanan ubat dari _______ dan suhu tinggi.Sakit dan ____ pada sendi merupakan tanda masalah sendi.Penyakit berikut disebabkan paras gula tinggi dalam darahAktiviti ______ dapat mengurangkan risiko komplikasi diabetes...

KIN 6160 Puzzle Assignment 2020-04-20

KIN 6160 Puzzle Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. Hormone released to compensate for low calcium levels
  2. An insulin that provides a constant 24 hour release for a patient diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus
  3. An adverse effect of Oxytocin
  4. inhibits uterine contractions but increases the heart rates of the mother and fetus
  5. Hormones that would be elevated during a fast
  6. hormone secreted from the thyroid gland to help regulate tissue growth
  7. inhibits bone resorption
  8. Regulates hormones released by the anterior pituitary
  9. Increases the reabsorption of water into blood, blood is
  1. Binds to specific receptors to produce its effects
  2. Long-acting insulin preparation
  3. stimulates contraction of the uterus to facilitate delivery of babies
  4. are used to inhibit uterine contractions
  5. adverse effect of thioamide drugs
  6. Oral antidiabetic agent that increases the incretin’s duration of action
  7. Hormone disorder that leads to mental retardation in infancy
  8. Decreased growth hormone leads to
  9. A parameter that helps differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  10. ADH secretion is inhibited, blood is

19 Clues: inhibits bone resorptionAn adverse effect of OxytocinLong-acting insulin preparationadverse effect of thioamide drugsDecreased growth hormone leads toADH secretion is inhibited, blood isare used to inhibit uterine contractionsHormones that would be elevated during a fastBinds to specific receptors to produce its effects...

Endocrine system 2020-04-16

Endocrine system crossword puzzle
  1. cells
  2. syndrome
  3. organ
  4. disease
  5. mechanism
  6. lutem
  1. hormones
  2. disease
  3. mellitus
  4. of Langerhans
  5. hormone

11 Clues: cellsorganlutemdiseasediseasehormonehormonessyndromemellitusmechanismof Langerhans

Cellular Respiration Crossword 2021-12-07

Cellular Respiration Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. gas that is created in cellular respiration and breathed out
  2. This molecule gets broken down to create glucose
  3. name of the energy molecule we produce
  4. important molecule that is not used in cellular respiration
  5. the process of releasing energy from glucose and oxygen molecules
  6. the part of the cell where respiration occurs
  7. Gets released during cellular respiration, powers our cells
  8. type of reaction that produces a new substance
  9. main organ where food gets broken down
  1. System that brings in oxygen and takes out carbon dioxide
  2. The molecule from air we need to do cellular respiration
  3. Elisa's Condition
  4. hormone that "opens up" the cells to glucose, people with diabetes do not produce enough
  5. System that involves the heart and movement of molecules around the body
  6. The molecule from food we need to do cellular respiration
  7. broken down to amino acids
  8. created during cellular respiration from hydrogen and oxygen atoms

17 Clues: Elisa's Conditionbroken down to amino acidsname of the energy molecule we producemain organ where food gets broken downthe part of the cell where respiration occurstype of reaction that produces a new substanceThis molecule gets broken down to create glucoseThe molecule from air we need to do cellular respiration...

TEAM SPORT 2022-06-07

TEAM SPORT crossword puzzle
  9. MPD
  6. NURSE "______"


Cellular Respiration Crossword 2021-12-07

Cellular Respiration Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. gas that is created in cellular respiration and breathed out
  2. This molecule gets broken down to create glucose
  3. name of the energy molecule we produce
  4. important molecule that is not used in cellular respiration
  5. the process of releasing energy from glucose and oxygen molecules
  6. the part of the cell where respiration occurs
  7. Gets released during cellular respiration, powers our cells
  8. type of reaction that produces a new substance
  9. main organ where food gets broken down
  1. System that brings in oxygen and takes out carbon dioxide
  2. The molecule from air we need to do cellular respiration
  3. Elisa's Condition
  4. hormone that "opens up" the cells to glucose, people with diabetes do not produce enough
  5. System that involves the heart and movement of molecules around the body
  6. The molecule from food we need to do cellular respiration
  7. broken down to amino acids
  8. created during cellular respiration from hydrogen and oxygen atoms

17 Clues: Elisa's Conditionbroken down to amino acidsname of the energy molecule we producemain organ where food gets broken downthe part of the cell where respiration occurstype of reaction that produces a new substanceThis molecule gets broken down to create glucoseThe molecule from air we need to do cellular respiration...

First aid 2016-11-11

First aid crossword puzzle
  1. pancreatic disease
  2. stops bleeding
  3. transportation
  4. gas needed for lungs
  5. stabilizes neck
  6. saves lives
  7. thins blood
  1. high blood sugar
  2. convulsions
  3. shaking
  4. covers a boo boo
  5. from a tic bite
  6. pumps blood
  7. heart rate
  8. revives heroin overdose

15 Clues: shakingheart rateconvulsionspumps bloodsaves livesthins bloodstops bleedingtransportationfrom a tic bitestabilizes neckhigh blood sugarcovers a boo boopancreatic diseasegas needed for lungsrevives heroin overdose

Renal y Endócrino 2020-06-10

Renal y Endócrino crossword puzzle
  1. ¿Es un trastorno metabólico?
  2. ¿Cómo es la frecuencia cardiaca en el hipotiroidismo?
  3. Estado de hiperfunción hormonal
  4. ¿Tipo de diabetes que puede aparecer en el embarazo?
  5. Se le denomina a la perdida de proteínas en sangre
  6. ¿Cómo está el gasto cardiaco en el hipertiroidismo?
  7. Personas donde se presenta con más frecuencia el hipotiroidismo
  8. ¿Patología donde hay grandes cantidades de T3 y T4?
  9. Es un tratamiento para el síndrome nefrítico
  10. ¿Cómo se llama el síndrome que presenta; edema, proteinuria, hiporoteinuria, hiperlipidemia y edema?
  11. ¿Cómo se le llama a la patología en la cual se presentan cálculos en cualquier nivel del tracto urinario?
  12. Se le denomina a la perdida masiva de proteínas
  13. Sustancia que abunda en la lipiduria
  14. ¿En qué sexo hay más predominancia en el hipertiroidismo?
  15. Se define como alto nivel de azúcar en sangre
  1. Deficiencia en el sistema reproductivo masculino en el hipotiroidismo
  2. En que condiciones se encuentra el yodo en personas con hipotiroidismo
  3. Hormona con efectos genómicos y no genómicos
  4. ¿Qué tipo de diabetes no produce insulina?
  5. ¿Qué proteína principal sale en el síndrome nefrótico?
  6. ¿Cómo se le llama al aumento del tamaño del riñón?
  7. Proceso de eliminación de orina menos de 400 ml en 24 horas
  8. ¿En la hipotensión hay aumento de qué hormona?
  9. ¿Qué cambio de peso se presenta en el hipotiroidismo?
  10. Estado de deficiencia hormonal
  11. Efecto en las manos y en la lengua por el hipotiroidismo
  12. ¿Qué carga tiene la membrana basal en el riñón?
  13. Tipo de diabetes mellitus que genera insulina insuficiente
  14. ¿Qué enfermedad de tiroides no produce suficientes hormonas?
  15. Enfermedad que predomina en el hipertiroidismo

30 Clues: ¿Es un trastorno metabólico?Estado de deficiencia hormonalEstado de hiperfunción hormonalSustancia que abunda en la lipiduria¿Qué tipo de diabetes no produce insulina?Hormona con efectos genómicos y no genómicosEs un tratamiento para el síndrome nefríticoSe define como alto nivel de azúcar en sangre¿En la hipotensión hay aumento de qué hormona?...

Crucigrama aterosclerosis, diabetes y cardiopatía isquémica. 2021-11-10

Crucigrama aterosclerosis, diabetes y cardiopatía isquémica. crossword puzzle
  1. Término utilizado para señalar a una persona que come mucho, es común en diabetes mellitus tipo II.
  2. Tipo de arteriosclerosis que se caracteriza por placas de lípidos que invaden la arquitectura de las arterias.
  3. Arteria coronomaria con mayor riesgo de obstrucción en la enfermedad isquémica del corazón.
  4. Zona de necrosis isquémica causada por oclusión arterial o del drenaje venoso.
  5. Consecuencia de la enfermedad isquémica del corazón en la cual los latidos se presentan de forma irregular debido a la necrosis tisular.
  6. Medicamento usado para la insuficiencia cardíaca crónica que inhibila la enzima convertidora de angiotensina.
  7. Inhiben las síntesis de LDL.
  1. Excesiva producción de orina.
  2. Término utilizado para describir a un neonato más grande que el promedio.
  3. Sustancia que opsoniza bacterias y activa el complemento, adhiere leucocitos y es un factor para el pronóstico del riesgo cardiovascular. El tratamiento con estatinas la disminuye.
  4. Consecuencia de aterosclerosis en la que la placa coagulada se desprende de la pared arterial y viaja por el torrente sanguíneo.
  5. Lesión inicial compuesta por macrófagos espumosos, no tienen elevción y no generan trastornos de flujo.
  6. Signo clínico consecuencia de la diabetes producido por Clostridium perfringens.
  7. Tipo de diabetes que se presenta durante el embarazo por hiperglucemia materna.
  8. Término que describe una situación de alta ingesta líquida y mucha sed.
  9. Consecuencia de aterosclerosis en 3era fase clínica en la cual la placa ya se roto, pero sigue creciendo.
  10. Endurecimiento, engrosamiento y pérdida de la plasticidad de las arterias.
  11. El infarto al miocardio tiene como signo principal la elevación de las __________.
  12. Dolor de pecho que se siente al ejercer esfuerzo físico en las personas con mala irrigación miocárdica.
  13. Consecuencia de aterosclerosis que produce una protuberancia en la pared arterial.

20 Clues: Inhiben las síntesis de LDL.Excesiva producción de orina.Término que describe una situación de alta ingesta líquida y mucha sed.Término utilizado para describir a un neonato más grande que el promedio.Endurecimiento, engrosamiento y pérdida de la plasticidad de las arterias....

Endocrine Disorder Search 2022-03-18

Endocrine Disorder Search crossword puzzle
  1. is the second most common cancer of the thyroid, after papillary carcinoma.
  2. a hormonal disorder that develops when your pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone during adulthood
  3. the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States
  4. a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy in women who don't already have diabetes
  5. a condition in which one or more of your parathyroid glands become overactive and release (secrete) too much parathyroid hormone (PTH)
  6. a transient inflammatory thyroid disease usually associated with pain and tenderness of the gland, as well as generalized somatic symptoms
  7. an uncommon disorder that occurs when your body doesn't produce enough of certain hormones
  8. the irregular growth of the thyroid gland
  9. a condition caused by insufficient amounts of growth hormone in the body
  10. a disorder that occurs when your body makes too much of the hormone cortisol over a long period of time
  11. high blood glucos
  1. a rare cancer that begins in one or both of the small, triangular glands (adrenal glands) located on top of your kidneys.
  2. occurs when your thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine.
  3. problems that prevent children from developing normal height, weight, sexual maturity or other features
  4. When the tumor is isolated to the thyroid gland, we find the most success with surgery
  5. a rare cancer that affects the thyroid gland
  6. a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy
  7. the leading cause of death in the United States.
  8. the result of your glands making too much or not enough of certain hormones.
  9. an immune system disorder that results in the overproduction of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism)

20 Clues: high blood glucosthe irregular growth of the thyroid glanda rare cancer that affects the thyroid glandthe leading cause of death in the United States.the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United Statesa condition caused by insufficient amounts of growth hormone in the body...

First on the Scene 2014-05-20

First on the Scene crossword puzzle
  1. When there is an Emergency in a ‘No Service’ Area and calling 000 doesn’t work, you call ___ instead.
  2. What does the ‘A’ in DRSABCD stand for?
  3. What time can a seizure occur?
  4. Where are red belly black snakes seen?
  5. In the Recovery Position, their body must be laid ____.
  6. How many Australians have Suffered Diabetes/Pre-Diabetes?
  7. Common Allergies include hay fever, asthma, hives and ___.
  8. What is the First Aid action plan needed for when sprains and strains occur?
  1. What must you use to fix anaphylaxis?
  2. How long can the Taipan Snake grow?
  3. The most severe Allergic reaction is ____.
  4. Which Spider bite is Most Dangerous?
  5. When performing CPR to a baby, you must only use ___ fingers.
  6. Where are Funnel Web spiders found?
  7. How many Australians suffer from Asthma?

15 Clues: What time can a seizure occur?How long can the Taipan Snake grow?Where are Funnel Web spiders found?Which Spider bite is Most Dangerous?What must you use to fix anaphylaxis?Where are red belly black snakes seen?What does the ‘A’ in DRSABCD stand for?How many Australians suffer from Asthma?The most severe Allergic reaction is ____....

Miracle's Boys list 1 2022-10-31

Miracle's Boys list 1 crossword puzzle
  1. trembling
  2. worker A professional who provides services and aid for the economically, physically, mentally, or socially disadvantaged
  3. To imitate closely; to ridicule by imitation
  4. A long-lasting health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy
  5. An oversimplified opinion or prejudiced attitude
  6. Full to the limit
  7. Exactly defined or stated
  1. To open or open the clasp of
  2. Physically immature or undeveloped; young
  3. spoon A curved material used in putting on a shoe; a shoe horn
  4. Immediate charge and control by a person or authority
  5. A usually hard or tough outer layer
  6. A protein given to diabetes patients to help the body turn food into energy
  7. Subnormal temperature of the body
  8. to travel by securing free rides from passing vehicles

15 Clues: tremblingFull to the limitExactly defined or statedTo open or open the clasp ofSubnormal temperature of the bodyA usually hard or tough outer layerPhysically immature or undeveloped; youngTo imitate closely; to ridicule by imitationAn oversimplified opinion or prejudiced attitudeImmediate charge and control by a person or authority...

Fatty Liver and Pancreatitis 2019-03-25

Fatty Liver and Pancreatitis crossword puzzle
  1. This organ is able to produce glucose
  2. Avoid drinking this in both conditions
  3. Fever and _______ are common symptoms of acute pancreatitis
  4. Pancreatitis develops when the pancreas is ______
  5. The technical term for fatty liver with inflammation
  6. The acronym for fatty liver not caused by alcohol
  7. This type of enzyme causes damage to the pancreas when activated inappropriately
  8. For both conditions, should limit foods with added
  1. What you call oily/smelly stools
  2. A condition that causes scar tissue to replace your healthy liver cells
  3. This disease is a risk factor for both conditions
  4. Other than diabetes and cancer, this can be a complication of pancreatitis
  5. Excessive alcohol and _______ cause 80% of pancreatitis cases
  6. Pancreatitis may be _______ or chronic
  7. True or false: you can reverse chronic pancreatitis

15 Clues: What you call oily/smelly stoolsThis organ is able to produce glucoseAvoid drinking this in both conditionsPancreatitis may be _______ or chronicThis disease is a risk factor for both conditionsPancreatitis develops when the pancreas is ______The acronym for fatty liver not caused by alcoholFor both conditions, should limit foods with added...

Unit 3 List 1 2023-11-08

Unit 3 List 1 crossword puzzle
  1. trembling
  2. worker A professional who provides services and aid for the economically, physically, mentally, or socially disadvantaged
  3. To imitate closely; to ridicule by imitation
  4. A long-lasting health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy
  5. An oversimplified opinion or prejudiced attitude
  6. Full to the limit
  7. Exactly defined or stated
  1. To open or open the clasp of
  2. Physically immature or undeveloped; young
  3. spoon A curved material used in putting on a shoe; a shoe horn
  4. the protective care or guardianship of someone or something
  5. A usually hard or tough outer layer
  6. A protein given to diabetes patients to help the body turn food into energy
  7. Subnormal temperature of the body
  8. to travel by securing free rides from passing vehicles

15 Clues: tremblingFull to the limitExactly defined or statedTo open or open the clasp ofSubnormal temperature of the bodyA usually hard or tough outer layerPhysically immature or undeveloped; youngTo imitate closely; to ridicule by imitationAn oversimplified opinion or prejudiced attitudeto travel by securing free rides from passing vehicles...


  1. Punca penyakit tak berjangkit
  2. Berkaitan gigi
  3. Antara langkah mencegah penyakit tidak berjangkit
  4. Kandungan dalam makanan ; perlu seimbang bagi mengelak penyakit tak berjangkit
  5. Kesan diabetes
  6. Bahan yang terhasil apabila insulin memproses glukos
  7. Antara simptom penyakit buah pinggang selain daripada kelihatan lemah serta hilang selera makan
  8. Arteri atau vena tersumbat ; Darah ke jantung tersekat ; punca dari darah beku
  9. Sakit dada; berkaitan dengan sakit jantung
  10. Lapisan gigi yang terjejas oleh asid yang terhasil dalam tindak balas kimia antara bakteria dan makanan
  1. lapisan gigi yang terdedah kepada bakteria selepas enamel terhakis
  2. Fungsi buah pinggang yang terjejas akibat penyakit buah pinggang
  3. Tidak membawa penyakit tak berjangkit
  4. Pankreas tak dapat hasilkan hormon untuk tukar glukosa kepada glikogen
  5. Nama lain bagi buah pinggang
  6. Berkaitan pemeriksaan kesihatan, untuk mengetahui tahap kesihatan diri
  7. Arteri atau vena tersumbat ; Darah ke jantung tersekat ; punca dari bahan yang mengalir bersama dalam darah menyebabkan sumbatan salur darah
  8. Sel mati ; anggota badan terpaksa dipotong
  9. Alahan ; tindakbalas histamin yang terlampau ; penghasilan lendir untuk memerangkap alergen

19 Clues: Berkaitan gigiKesan diabetesNama lain bagi buah pinggangPunca penyakit tak berjangkitTidak membawa penyakit tak berjangkitSel mati ; anggota badan terpaksa dipotongSakit dada; berkaitan dengan sakit jantungAntara langkah mencegah penyakit tidak berjangkitBahan yang terhasil apabila insulin memproses glukos...


IMPLEMENTATION crossword puzzle
  1. works by slowing down the heart by blocking the action of adrenaline
  2. It works by reducing hormones that cause pain and swelling in the body
  3. used for difficulty pooing
  4. antidepressant
  5. a lipid lowering medication
  6. checking your drug chart against the wrist band is to _ patient
  7. They work by preventing calcium from entering the cells of the heart and arteries
  8. an example of penicillin
  9. is an antacid
  10. this medication is given 30-60 minutes before meals
  11. This is used for type 1 diabetes or reduces the amount of glucose produced in the liver and makes muscle tissue absorb more glucose
  1. it helps by reducing inflammation
  2. What will you check before giving amlodipine
  3. vitamin B9
  4. This is used for type 2 diabetes or increases the amount of insulin your body makes
  5. Enalapril
  6. this is to regulate the heart rate
  7. helps to relieve oedema,excess fluid build
  8. urinary urgency and frequency control

19 Clues: Enalaprilvitamin B9is an antacidantidepressantan example of penicillinused for difficulty pooinga lipid lowering medicationit helps by reducing inflammationthis is to regulate the heart rateurinary urgency and frequency controlhelps to relieve oedema,excess fluid buildWhat will you check before giving amlodipine...

Small Animal Medicine 2024-06-04

Small Animal Medicine crossword puzzle
  1. What can hypoxia and heart disease cause?
  2. What animal more commonly gets right heart failure?
  3. What part of the urinary system contains the kidneys and ureter?
  4. First step to diagnostic method?
  5. What is the disease process type?
  6. Which animal more commonly has Type 1 diabetes?
  7. What is the common name for Hypoadrenocorticism disease?
  8. What color pleural fluid is chylous effusion?
  9. What type of anemia has an inadequate new red blood cell production?
  10. What disease has a large volume of diarrhea a few times a day?
  11. Type 2 diabetes is insulin _________?
  1. What is the medical name for oxygen saturation of hemoglobin?
  2. What thyroid disease is caused by atrophy of the thyroid gland?
  3. DKA?
  4. What part of the urinary system contains the bladder and urethra?
  5. What can happen shortly after eating with no recthing?
  6. What is the medical word for concentrated urine?
  7. What disease causes mucous in the feces?
  8. The disease of what organ can cause jaundice?
  9. What part of the respiratory system do you want to increase a cough for supportive care?

20 Clues: DKA?First step to diagnostic method?What is the disease process type?Type 2 diabetes is insulin _________?What disease causes mucous in the feces?What can hypoxia and heart disease cause?What color pleural fluid is chylous effusion?The disease of what organ can cause jaundice?Which animal more commonly has Type 1 diabetes?...