diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Diabetes Type 2 2020-04-18

Diabetes Type 2 crossword puzzle
  1. This occurs when the body doesnt produce enough insulin or the body resists insulin
  2. Medical word for low blood sugar
  3. What is a way of treating diabetes without medicine?
  1. Medical word for high blood sugar
  2. What tool does a diabetic use to check blood sugar levels
  3. A sugar that comes from the food we eat
  4. An injectable medication used to treat diabetes

7 Clues: Medical word for low blood sugarMedical word for high blood sugarA sugar that comes from the food we eatAn injectable medication used to treat diabetesWhat is a way of treating diabetes without medicine?What tool does a diabetic use to check blood sugar levelsThis occurs when the body doesnt produce enough insulin or the body resists insulin

ZHH Team Sport 2022-06-22

ZHH Team Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Green Yellow Orange Red
  2. Medication Safety
  3. _______ Improvement Committee
  4. MPD
  5. Nursing's Flower
  6. _____ Engagement Specialist
  7. Nurse ________
  1. Chef Sonny
  2. Sing Happy Birthday Twice
  3. Rancy's Focus
  4. _______ Behavioral Therapy
  5. Nursing-Pharmacy-PT Collaboration
  6. Magnet Vendor
  7. Geriatric Excellence
  8. Thursday Evening Support

15 Clues: MPDChef SonnyRancy's FocusMagnet VendorNurse ________Nursing's FlowerMedication SafetyGeriatric ExcellenceGreen Yellow Orange RedThursday Evening SupportSing Happy Birthday Twice_______ Behavioral Therapy_____ Engagement Specialist_______ Improvement CommitteeNursing-Pharmacy-PT Collaboration

The Great Hypertension Trials Crossword 2016-03-13

The Great Hypertension Trials Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. There was a significant 25% reduction in the rate of fatal or nonfatal stroke in hypertensive patients with LVH randomized to losartan instead of atenolol.
  2. Lower BP associated with lower total kidney volume in PKD
  3. Ramipril significantly reduces the rates of death, myocardial infarction, & stroke in a broad range of high-risk patients who are not known to have a low ejection fraction or heart failure.
  4. ACE inhibitor/calcium channel blocker better than beta blocker/thiazide diuretic combination in reducing major cardiovascular outcomes in people with hypertension.
  5. Losartan has a renoprotective effect in diabetic nephropathy
  6. No significant reduction of SBP in resistant hypertension 6 months after renal-artery denervation as compared with a sham control.
  7. Ramipril and Telmisartan in combination associated with increased risk of AKI
  8. Tight blood pressure control in patients with hypertension & type 2 diabetes achieves a clinically important reduction in the risk of deaths related to diabetes, complications related to diabetes, progression of diabetic retinopathy & deterioration in visual acuity.
  9. Reduction in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality with more intensive BP target (SBP less than 120mmHg)
  1. Compared with doxazosin, chlorthalidone yields essentially equal risk of CHD death/nonfatal MI but significantly reduces the risk of combined CVD events, particularly CHF, in high-risk hypertensive patients.
  2. AOBP is more accurate than office BP
  3. Perindopril and indapamide reduce BP 12/5 & significantly reduce rate of stroke in normal and hypertensive patients with previous stroke/TIA.
  4. No additional benefit of slowing progression of hypertensive nephrosclerosis was observed in African-Americans with the lower BP goal, but still some additional reduction in proteinuria.
  5. Candesartan 16 mg once daily is as effective as lisinopril 20 mg once daily in reducing blood pressure and microalbuminuria in hypertensive pts with type 2 diabetes.
  6. No benefit in diabetic kidney disease for combined ACE inhibitor and ARB
  7. Among elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension, antihypertensive drug treatment starting with nitrendipine reduces the rate of cardiovascular complications.
  8. Treatment of the patients older than 80 years remains beneficial with diuretic with or without ACE inhibitor.

17 Clues: AOBP is more accurate than office BPLower BP associated with lower total kidney volume in PKDLosartan has a renoprotective effect in diabetic nephropathyNo benefit in diabetic kidney disease for combined ACE inhibitor and ARBRamipril and Telmisartan in combination associated with increased risk of AKI...

The Great Hypertension Trials Crossword 2016-03-17

The Great Hypertension Trials Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. There was a significant 25% reduction in the rate of fatal or nonfatal stroke in hypertensive patients with LVH randomized to losartan instead of atenolol [4]
  2. AOBP is more accurate than office BP [5]
  3. Reduction in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality with more intensive BP target (SBP less than 120mmHg) [6]
  4. No benefit in diabetic kidney disease for combined ACE inhibitor and ARB [10]
  5. Among elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension, antihypertensive drug treatment starting with nitrendipine reduces the rate of cardiovascular complications [7]
  6. Treatment of the patients older than 80 years remains beneficial with diuretic with or without ACE inhibitor [5]
  7. Candesartan 16 mg once daily is as effective as lisinopril 20 mg once daily in reducing blood pressure and microalbuminuria in hypertensive pts with type 2 diabetes [4]
  8. Compared with doxazosin, chlorthalidone yields essentially equal risk of CHD death/nonfatal MI but significantly reduces the risk of combined CVD events, particularly CHF, in high-risk hypertensive patients [6]
  9. Tight blood pressure control in patients with hypertension & type 2 diabetes achieves a clinically important reduction in the risk of deaths related to diabetes, complications related to diabetes, progression of diabetic retinopathy & deterioration in visual acuity [5]
  1. Lower BP associated with lower total kidney volume in PKD [7]
  2. Perindopril and indapamide reduce BP 12/5 & significantly reduce rate of stroke in normal and hypertensive patients with previous stroke/TIA [8]
  3. Ramipril and Telmisartan in combination associated with increased risk of AKI [8]
  4. No significant reduction of SBP in resistant hypertension 6 months after renal-artery denervation as compared with a sham control [10]
  5. Losartan has a renoprotective effect in diabetic nephropathy [6]
  6. Ramipril significantly reduces the rates of death, myocardial infarction, & stroke in a broad range of high-risk patients who are not known to have a low ejection fraction or heart failure [4]
  7. No additional benefit of slowing progression of hypertensive nephrosclerosis was observed in African-Americans with the lower BP goal, but still some additional reduction in proteinuria [4]
  8. ACE inhibitor/calcium channel blocker better than beta blocker/thiazide diuretic combination in reducing major cardiovascular outcomes in people with hypertension [5]

17 Clues: AOBP is more accurate than office BP [5]Lower BP associated with lower total kidney volume in PKD [7]Losartan has a renoprotective effect in diabetic nephropathy [6]No benefit in diabetic kidney disease for combined ACE inhibitor and ARB [10]Ramipril and Telmisartan in combination associated with increased risk of AKI [8]...

The Great Hypertension Trials Crossword 2016-03-17

The Great Hypertension Trials Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ACE inhibitor/calcium channel blocker better than beta blocker/thiazide diuretic combination in reducing major cardiovascular outcomes in people with hypertension [5]
  2. Reduction in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality with more intensive BP target (SBP less than 120mmHg) [6]
  3. Perindopril and indapamide reduce BP 12/5 & significantly reduce rate of stroke in normal and hypertensive patients with previous stroke/TIA [8]
  4. Compared with doxazosin, chlorthalidone yields essentially equal risk of CHD death/nonfatal MI but significantly reduces the risk of combined CVD events, particularly CHF, in high-risk hypertensive patients [6]
  5. No benefit in diabetic kidney disease for combined ACE inhibitor and ARB [10]
  6. There was a significant 25% reduction in the rate of fatal or nonfatal stroke in hypertensive patients with LVH randomized to losartan instead of atenolol [4]
  7. Treatment of the patients older than 80 years remains beneficial with diuretic with or without ACE inhibitor [5]
  1. Among elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension, antihypertensive drug treatment starting with nitrendipine reduces the rate of cardiovascular complications [7]
  2. Tight blood pressure control in patients with hypertension & type 2 diabetes achieves a clinically important reduction in the risk of deaths related to diabetes, complications related to diabetes, progression of diabetic retinopathy & deterioration in visual acuity [5]
  3. Lower BP associated with lower total kidney volume in PKD [7]
  4. Losartan has a renoprotective effect in diabetic nephropathy [6]
  5. Ramipril significantly reduces the rates of death, myocardial infarction, & stroke in a broad range of high-risk patients who are not known to have a low ejection fraction or heart failure [4]
  6. Ramipril and Telmisartan in combination associated with increased risk of AKI [8]
  7. No significant reduction of SBP in resistant hypertension 6 months after renal-artery denervation as compared with a sham control [10]
  8. Candesartan 16 mg once daily is as effective as lisinopril 20 mg once daily in reducing blood pressure and microalbuminuria in hypertensive pts with type 2 diabetes [4]
  9. AOBP is more accurate than office BP [5]
  10. No additional benefit of slowing progression of hypertensive nephrosclerosis was observed in African-Americans with the lower BP goal, but still some additional reduction in proteinuria [4]

17 Clues: AOBP is more accurate than office BP [5]Lower BP associated with lower total kidney volume in PKD [7]Losartan has a renoprotective effect in diabetic nephropathy [6]No benefit in diabetic kidney disease for combined ACE inhibitor and ARB [10]Ramipril and Telmisartan in combination associated with increased risk of AKI [8]...


  1. RENALIS nama lain dari kulit ginjal
  2. penyakit pada ginjal karena kerusakan pada glomerulus yang disebabkan oleh infeksi kuman
  3. penyakit radang atao pembekakan pada hati
  4. kumpulan cabang cabang yang halus /anyaman pembuluh darah kapiler dibagian korteks adalah...
  5. nama lain dari kulit
  6. kelainan pada ginjal karena terdapat albumin dan protein didalam urine
  7. lapisan yang betfungsi menahan gesekan dari luar adalah lapisan
  1. diabetes melitus adalah kelainan pada ginjal karena adanya
  2. proses pengeluaran zat sisa metabolisme yang sudah tidak dipakai lagi oleh sel dan darah adalah...
  3. kurap adalah suatu penyakit kulit menular yg disebabkan oleh
  4. proses pembentukan urine yang menghasilkan urine primer
  5. nama lain dari hati
  6. diabetes insipidus adalah suatu kelainan pada sistem ekresi karena kekurangan hormon
  7. pada glomerulus terdapat sel sel ... sehingga memudahkan proses penyaringan
  8. akumulasi cairan didalam perut

15 Clues: nama lain dari hatinama lain dari kulitakumulasi cairan didalam perutRENALIS nama lain dari kulit ginjalpenyakit radang atao pembekakan pada hatiproses pembentukan urine yang menghasilkan urine primerdiabetes melitus adalah kelainan pada ginjal karena adanyakurap adalah suatu penyakit kulit menular yg disebabkan oleh...

JDRF T1D Crossword 2023-02-09

JDRF T1D Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This bear with Diabetes® is our cuddly friend who helps kids and their families learn about life with T1D.
  2. Created in the 1960’s, a prototype insulin ____ was so large it had to be worn like a backpack.
  3. Some of the symptoms of T1D include feeling fatigued, having an increase in appetite, or extreme ______.
  4. JDRF provides _________ for every step of the T1D journey—from a new diagnosis to going to college, and for all the milestones in your life.
  5. People with T1D have to manage this closely and do their best to keep it in a healthy range.
  6. A way to determine a person's risk for type 1 diabetes by looking for T1D autoantibodies in the blood.
  1. Until we find _____ for T1D, JDRF will never stop working, researching, and funding clinical trials.
  2. _____ Cell Replacement Therapy, where insulin-producing cells are placed into the body, is a potential cure for T1D that JDRF is pursuing.
  3. For people living with T1D, this organ does not make enough, or any, insulin.
  4. The first disease-modifying therapy to delay clinical T1D in people at risk of developing the disease, was approved by the FDA in November 2022. Studies have shown that this drug can delay the onset of T1D for approximately 2 years.
  5. By working with congressional leaders to improve policies for people living with T1D, JDRF’s ________ work has led to significant federal funding for diabetes research.
  6. This hormone helps regulate blood-sugar levels throughout the day and night, a key to managing diabetes.

12 Clues: For people living with T1D, this organ does not make enough, or any, insulin.People with T1D have to manage this closely and do their best to keep it in a healthy range.Created in the 1960’s, a prototype insulin ____ was so large it had to be worn like a backpack....

Examen NW 5DA 2024-06-14

Examen NW 5DA crossword puzzle
  1. mechanische energie omzetten
  2. regenwoud
  3. suikerziekte
  4. celmembranen
  5. noten
  1. wegverharding
  2. goud
  3. ferromagnetische stof
  4. groenwassen
  5. demonteerbaar

10 Clues: goudnotenregenwoudgroenwassensuikerziektecelmembranenwegverhardingdemonteerbaarferromagnetische stofmechanische energie omzetten

Crossword basic vocabulary VD 2014-10-22

Crossword basic vocabulary VD crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes mellitus
  2. Voedselpiramide
  3. Zoetstof
  4. Zoutarm
  5. Verdikkingsmiddel
  6. Onderzoek, proef, test
  1. Slank
  2. Verzadiging
  3. Huidplooimeter
  4. Natrium

10 Clues: SlankNatriumZoutarmZoetstofVerzadigingHuidplooimeterVoedselpiramideDiabetes mellitusVerdikkingsmiddelOnderzoek, proef, test

Week 4 2023-08-27

Week 4 crossword puzzle
  1. and Adenoidectomy T&A
  2. Fx
  3. Infarction MI
  4. TB
  5. Mellitus DM
  1. B Virus HBV
  2. Transmitted Infection STI
  3. exam PE
  4. Out R/O
  5. Accident CVA
  6. Respiratory Infection URI
  7. CA
  8. history FH
  9. Tract Infection UTI

14 Clues: FxCATBAccident CVAand Adenoidectomy T&AInfarction MIB Virus HBVexam PEMellitus DMTransmitted Infection STIhistory FHTract Infection UTIRespiratory Infection URIOut R/O

CONWW 2023-04-27

CONWW crossword puzzle


Week 3 Diabetes 2021-10-20

Week 3 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. One of the 3 Ps of hyperglycemia
  2. Cells become resistant to insulin
  3. 86 million adults have this and don't know it
  4. Highest prevalence of diabetes for ethnic group
  5. Can cause hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients
  6. type 1 DM is this type of disease
  1. Glucose attached to hemoglobin
  2. This type of insulin should be given within 15 minutes of mealtime
  3. Bodies that are a product of fat metabolism
  4. Most significant risk factor for Type 2 DM
  5. Loss of fat tissues in areas of repeated injections
  6. Type of insulin that is secreted continuously
  7. Insulin absorbs fastest here

13 Clues: Insulin absorbs fastest hereGlucose attached to hemoglobinOne of the 3 Ps of hyperglycemiaCells become resistant to insulintype 1 DM is this type of diseaseMost significant risk factor for Type 2 DMBodies that are a product of fat metabolismType of insulin that is secreted continuously86 million adults have this and don't know it...

Diabetic Medical Terms 2021-10-07

Diabetic Medical Terms crossword puzzle
  1. The blood _______ level is how much _______ is in your blood at a given time. This level is very important for people with diabetes, and they must monitor their blood _______ level throughout the day.
  2. It is a foreign substance (such as a virus or bacteria) that invades the body.
  3. is a very serious condition. It occurs when there is no insulin to help the body use glucose for energy.
  4. specialized proteins that are part of the immune system. They are created when an antigen (such as a virus or bacteria) is detected in the body.
  1. These are a group of antibodies that “go bad” and mistakenly attack and damage the body’s tissues and organs.
  2. Your body breaks these down to get glucose, which then provides energy to the body.
  3. This system produces hormones that control bodily function. Diabetes is an __________ disorder because insulin is a hormone.
  4. This form of diabetes can occur during pregnancy.
  5. This occurs when an injection site is overused. The skin swells and a node can develop.
  6. This is a hormone made by the pancreas. It raises the blood glucose level, so it counteracts the effects of the hormone insulin.
  7. One of the possible long-term complications of diabetes is kidney disease and failure. If your kidneys aren’t working well, they can’t clean the blood. __________ is a treatment option.
  8. After we eat, the pancreas releases the right amount of the hormone insulin to process the carbohydrates in the meal; that’s the _____ secretion.

12 Clues: This form of diabetes can occur during pregnancy.It is a foreign substance (such as a virus or bacteria) that invades the body.Your body breaks these down to get glucose, which then provides energy to the body.This occurs when an injection site is overused. The skin swells and a node can develop....

Maciej Krawczyk 2022-04-25

Maciej Krawczyk crossword puzzle
  1. ciąża
  2. alergia
  3. mięsień sercowy
  4. dusznica
  5. demencja
  6. atak serca
  1. anafilaksja
  2. cukrzyca
  3. układ immunologiczny
  4. skrzep

10 Clues: ciążaskrzepalergiacukrzycadusznicademencjaatak sercaanafilaksjamięsień sercowyukład immunologiczny

2024 Diabetes Updates 2024-07-31

2024 Diabetes Updates crossword puzzle
  1. Its use is beneficial and recommended for individuals at high risk for hypoglycemia.
  2. If using an ambulatory glucose profile or glucose management indicator to assess glycemia, a parallel goal for many nonpregnant adults is a time-in-range of more than ___ percent
  3. Dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and GLP-1 receptor agonist
  4. Screen people with diabetes, caregivers, and family members for diabetes distress at least ___ a year
  5. Most cost-effective tool for the initial screening of people with prediabetes or diabetes for clinically significant liver fibrosis
  1. A growing and emerging specialty in the field of nutrition and biology that tries to understand how the timing of food ingestion affects metabolic health
  2. Drug approved to delay the onset of stage 3 type 1 DM among adults with stage 2 type 1 DM
  3. Hormonal medication that should be prescribed for all individuals taking insulin or at high risk for hypoglycemia
  4. Proposed term to replace nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) to identify steatotic liver disease in the presence of at least one cardiometabolic risk factor associated with insulin resistance
  5. Virus targeted by a new vaccine recommended for adults aged 60 years and older with diabetes

10 Clues: Dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and GLP-1 receptor agonistIts use is beneficial and recommended for individuals at high risk for hypoglycemia.Drug approved to delay the onset of stage 3 type 1 DM among adults with stage 2 type 1 DMVirus targeted by a new vaccine recommended for adults aged 60 years and older with diabetes...

week 7 2024-02-05

week 7 crossword puzzle
  1. ___ is the category of acute limb ischaemia has audible venous Doppler signals and mild to moderate muscle weakness?
  2. ____ test was NOT a diagnostic criteria for PVD used in UKPDS?
  3. NICE recommends ____ as first line imaging for PVD.
  4. ______ typically presents with ulceration and gangrene?
  5. Which of the following is not a diabetes specific risk factor associated with PVD? Smoking, Ethnicity, Gender smoking
  1. Long-term anti-platelet therapy is NOT recommended for people with diabetes and _____
  2. Critical limb ischaemia, Asymptomatic, Claudication and ____ are the 4 clinical presentations of PVD.
  3. NICE recommends contrast enhanced magnetic resonance ____ for those that need further imaging for PVD after ultrasound.
  4. In the POPADAD study, ___% of people with diabetes aged 40+ had PVD?

9 Clues: NICE recommends ____ as first line imaging for PVD.______ typically presents with ulceration and gangrene?____ test was NOT a diagnostic criteria for PVD used in UKPDS?In the POPADAD study, ___% of people with diabetes aged 40+ had PVD?Long-term anti-platelet therapy is NOT recommended for people with diabetes and _____...

Anti-Hyperglycemic drugs 2020-06-24

Anti-Hyperglycemic drugs crossword puzzle
  1. what is abnormally high blood sugar during pregnancy
  2. slows carbohydrate absorption
  3. a condition where the body produces little to no insulin
  4. Metformin is what class of drug?
  1. what decrease hepatic glucose production, decrease gastrointestinal glucose absorption, and increase target cell insulin sensitivity.
  2. what Inhibits the upper gastrointestinal enzymes that convert dietary starch and other complex carbohydrates into simple sugars, which can be absorbed?
  3. A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose).
  4. what is the most common AHG?
  5. Sulfonylureas Class AHG are contraindicated in PTs with what allergy?

9 Clues: what is the most common AHG?slows carbohydrate absorptionMetformin is what class of drug?what is abnormally high blood sugar during pregnancya condition where the body produces little to no insulinSulfonylureas Class AHG are contraindicated in PTs with what allergy?A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose)....

herhalingsoefening 2018-11-03

herhalingsoefening crossword puzzle
  1. tussenschot.
  2. bundels van...
  3. Alvleesklier
  4. Kenmerk Type 1
  5. suikerziekte.
  6. hartzakje.
  7. ader
  8. hier ontstaat het hartritme.
  1. grote lichaamsslagader.
  2. klep aanwezig in het rechter ventrikel.
  3. Voorkamer
  4. hormoon dat zeer belangrijk is bij suikerziekte.
  5. binnenste laag van het hart.
  6. coronaire vaten
  7. een te hoge bloedsuikerspiegel.
  8. Kleine slagader
  9. vezels van...

17 Clues: aderVoorkamerhartzakje.tussenschot.Alvleeskliersuikerziekte.vezels van...bundels van...Kenmerk Type 1coronaire vatenKleine slagadergrote lichaamsslagader.binnenste laag van het hart.hier ontstaat het hartritme.een te hoge bloedsuikerspiegel.klep aanwezig in het rechter ventrikel.hormoon dat zeer belangrijk is bij suikerziekte.

endocrine disorders 2022-08-29

endocrine disorders crossword puzzle
  1. what kind of test can addison's disease be diagnosed from
  2. kallmann's syndrome can delay or prevent _
  3. diabetes affects what organ?
  4. growth hormone deficiency can impair your _
  5. a symptom of diabetes is increased _
  1. addison's disease is where your _ glands don't produce enough cortisol
  2. kallmann's syndrome can be treated through _ therapy
  3. the adrenal glands produce _ and other hormones
  4. this syndrome affects the hypothalamus

9 Clues: diabetes affects what organ?a symptom of diabetes is increased _this syndrome affects the hypothalamuskallmann's syndrome can delay or prevent _growth hormone deficiency can impair your _the adrenal glands produce _ and other hormoneskallmann's syndrome can be treated through _ therapywhat kind of test can addison's disease be diagnosed from...

Aim High 3 Unit 4 vocabulary revision (1) 2023-02-22

Aim High 3 Unit 4 vocabulary revision (1) crossword puzzle
  1. [n.] เขาวงกต
  2. [n.] ข้าวโพด
  3. [n.] ความสำเร็จ
  4. [n.] ต้นกระเทียม
  5. [n.] บาดเจ็บ
  6. [n.] แม่ม้า
  1. [n.] โรคเบาหวาน
  2. [n.] ข้อเท้า
  3. [n.] ความทรงจำ
  4. [n.] รั่ว
  5. [n.] คนต่างด้าว
  6. [n.] นายกเทศมนตรี

12 Clues: [n.] รั่ว[n.] แม่ม้า[n.] ข้อเท้า[n.] เขาวงกต[n.] ข้าวโพด[n.] บาดเจ็บ[n.] ความทรงจำ[n.] โรคเบาหวาน[n.] คนต่างด้าว[n.] ความสำเร็จ[n.] ต้นกระเทียม[n.] นายกเทศมนตรี

Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 2013-02-13

Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 crossword puzzle
  1. LTG2 : decrease ______ sugar to 70-130mg/dL
  2. Lower risk of this
  3. What hormone does the pancreas make
  4. When blood sugar is to low
  5. TP1: 20 minutes on a _____ 3x/week
  6. STG1; Reduce fatigue from 8 to 5 at the end of the day in __ weeks
  7. Type of exercise
  8. Low to _____ intensity
  9. Diagnosis
  10. We expect to see lower blood
  11. The benefits of exercise helps to control these levels
  12. STG2- Reduce pre meal insulin dose by __%
  13. LTG1- Reducing fatigue from ___to 3 at the end of each day within 6 weeks
  14. TP2: Strength training program(progression2); Maintain reps at 12x, ___set from 1/day to twice a day, 3x/week
  15. Always carry this at every exercise session to avoid hypoglycemia
  1. TI1- 20 mins of brisk ____ 3x/wk
  2. Impairment 1 – opposite of energized
  3. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle we anticipate an increase in this (two words)
  4. Wearing a ID ____ indicates one’s diabetic condition
  5. Avoid exercise if blood glucose levels are above ___mg/dl or under 100mg/dl
  6. Drink plenty of this
  7. Strength training program(initial2)); have patient contract the ___ muscle by bringing the distal end of their arm towards the proximal part of the shoulder with a 5lbs weight
  8. Impairment2 – decrease________ to insulin
  9. Never exercise in extreme _____
  10. TI2: _____training program
  11. Wear adequate ___
  12. This is a ___that rates fatigue severity
  13. Reduced _____
  14. Strength training program; (initial2) have patient take a big step forward, then slowly lower their body into a ____ position
  15. TP1:Strength training program(initial2); have patient go against a wall with feet, shoulder width apart and bend

30 Clues: DiagnosisReduced _____Type of exerciseWear adequate ___Lower risk of thisDrink plenty of thisLow to _____ intensityWhen blood sugar is to lowTI2: _____training programWe expect to see lower bloodNever exercise in extreme _____TI1- 20 mins of brisk ____ 3x/wkTP1: 20 minutes on a _____ 3x/weekWhat hormone does the pancreas make...

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2016-07-12

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. abbreviation BS
  2. system of the body that has glands and regulates hormones
  3. low level of glucose in the blood
  4. person who specializes in the study of the feet
  5. overdose of insulin into the body
  6. an antibody reacting against the body itself
  7. condition during pregnancy; associated with hypertension
  8. test to diagnose T1DM (A1c test)
  9. night time bedwetting
  10. test to diagnose T1DM after fasting overnight
  11. cell clusters in the pancreas that produce insulin and glucagon
  12. condition in which the kidneys cannot conserve water
  13. lab test of the urine
  14. glucose in the urine
  15. a person who specializes in diet and nutrition
  1. excessive thirst
  2. excessive urination
  3. dry skin
  4. increased acidity due to too many ketones
  5. person who specializes in the study of hormones and endocrine system
  6. system of the body that expels metabolic wastes
  7. autoimmune disease in which the body cannot produce insulin
  8. high amount of glucose in the blood
  9. pertaining to the kidneys
  10. abnormal sensation (tingling, burning)
  11. physician who specializes in the study of pediatrics
  12. organic compound (ex. acetone)
  13. method to treat T1DM that injects insulin into the body "around the clock" (abbreviation)
  14. increased hunger
  15. hormone that decreases blood glucose levels

30 Clues: dry skinabbreviation BSexcessive thirstincreased hungerexcessive urinationglucose in the urinenight time bedwettinglab test of the urinepertaining to the kidneysorganic compound (ex. acetone)test to diagnose T1DM (A1c test)low level of glucose in the bloodoverdose of insulin into the bodyhigh amount of glucose in the blood...

medische termen 2019-01-26

medische termen crossword puzzle
  1. te vroeg geboren baby's
  2. menselijke kiem
  3. inenting
  4. afdeling oogziekten
  5. inzinking = in de put zitten
  6. botontkalking
  7. koortsblaasjes
  8. griep
  9. vallende ziekte
  10. magerzucht
  1. borstonderzoek
  2. vraatzucht
  3. zwaarlijvigheid
  4. dokter die je doet slapen tijdens een operatie
  5. suikerziekte
  6. dokter voor je geestelijke gezondheid
  7. een stukje weefsel wegnemen = biopsie
  8. prikje in de rug als verdoving bij bevalling
  9. behandeling

19 Clues: griepinentingvraatzuchtmagerzuchtbehandelingsuikerziektebotontkalkingborstonderzoekkoortsblaasjesmenselijke kiemzwaarlijvigheidvallende ziekteafdeling oogziektente vroeg geboren baby'sinzinking = in de put zittendokter voor je geestelijke gezondheideen stukje weefsel wegnemen = biopsieprikje in de rug als verdoving bij bevalling...

Child Development unit 2 2022-10-27

Child Development unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. B vitamin
  2. felt by the mother
  3. Conception to Birth
  4. Children from multiple births
  5. before 39 weeks of pregnancy
  6. Medical Evaluation
  7. condition of healthy blood cells
  8. Condition
  9. Defect
  10. First stage of labor
  11. Organ
  12. Disorder
  1. Expulsion
  2. Takes off of work
  3. Delievery method
  4. Takes off of work
  5. Feeling of affection
  6. Chromosomal Condition
  7. Describes baby
  8. reproductive glands

20 Clues: OrganDefectDisorderExpulsionB vitaminConditionDescribes babyDelievery methodTakes off of workTakes off of workfelt by the motherMedical EvaluationConception to Birthreproductive glandsFeeling of affectionFirst stage of laborChromosomal Conditionbefore 39 weeks of pregnancyChildren from multiple birthscondition of healthy blood cells


  1. Risk for ___________ skin integrity related to failure to rotate insulin injection site.
  2. You are mixing a combination of insulins. You need 10 ml of insulin. You have already pulled up 3 ml of regular insulin, how much of the NPH do you need to pull up in your syringe?
  3. The pancreas produces ___ which increases plasma glucose levels. It is also administered for severe hypoglycemia.
  4. ___ dysfunction patients are at greater risk for hypoglycemia using meglitinides.
  5. You are educating a very petite and skinny young woman on how to inject herself with insulin. You show her that she needs to ______ her lower abdomen and inject herself with the needle at 45 degrees to ensure that she is getting the insulin in her subcutaneous tissue.
  6. A 19 year old male who has had diabetes for 2 years comes in with a raised lump on his lower abdomen. You ask him if this is the spot that he normally injects himself with insulin. He replies that this is the only place he injects himself twice a day. The raised lump is called what?
  7. HOURS You administer NPH insulin to a patient. How long before this type of Intermediate insulin starts to peak?
  8. A new admit that has Type 11 diabetes is put on your floor. She says she if very hungry and would like to eat something soon. What type of insulin would you administer to her if she was to eat in the next 30 minutes.
  9. The actions of these hormones tell your body to release insulin after you eat.
  10. SCALE You have a patient that just came out of surgery who is a type II diabetic. Her blood glucose in the last three hours has not been stable. Your decide that it is best to follow the ___________ ___________ protocol and administer adjusted doses of insulin based off of her blood glucose reading every shift.
  11. An overdose of insulin may lead to your patient falling into a __________.
  1. The FDA warns that due to this drug's ability to complement the effects of insulin, it increases the risk of insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia.
  2. A patient comes in and is very worried about injecting herself with insulin due to fear of needles. She lives a very busy lifestyle of work and travel. She is curious if there are any other methods than using the Lantus pen she is prescribed. You would educate her on the idea of an Insulin _______.
  3. It is the start of your shift and you give one of your patients a shot of Humalog insulin. In how many hours do you expect to be returning to said patient to give the next shot.
  4. The process in the previous question interacts with oral drugs by effecting their ___.
  5. A 16 year old female with type II Diabetes comes into the office very concerned about how her stomach looks. You find that she has been misinformed and has been injecting herself with insulin in the same spot (lower abdomen) every day. You assess her stomach and find that her stomach is pitting in the injection spot. What do you educate her on?
  6. A 76 year old female comes into the ED. Her daughter who is with her tells you that the she has not been eating regularly at her nursing home. Her daughter says she skipped breakfast this morning and believes did not eat much for dinner the night before. Your patient is very fatigued and anxious, has a fast heartbeat and is sweating profusely. You take her blood sugar and it is 47 mg/dL. You would chart your patient as?
  7. Which route would you administer the insulin of the 26 year old male who is hypoglycemic.
  8. A result of insulin deficiency.
  9. Many DM drugs inhibit or suppress ___ release of glucagon by delaying gastric emptying.
  10. A 26 year old male comes into the ED. He is very lethargic and very disoriented. You take his blood sugar and find that he is hypoglycemic. What type of insulin would you administer?
  11. Ketoacidosis causes alterations in the metabolism of both glucose and what?
  12. Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.

23 Clues: A result of insulin deficiency.Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.An overdose of insulin may lead to your patient falling into a __________.Ketoacidosis causes alterations in the metabolism of both glucose and what?The actions of these hormones tell your body to release insulin after you eat....

Diabetes by Bryce Gaubert 2015-01-22

Diabetes by Bryce Gaubert crossword puzzle
  1. both of these can fail
  2. the disease can run if _____ history
  3. this can help but only at a low dose
  4. out of 100,000 how many people get it
  5. what age of people can get this
  6. control of this poorly can worsen
  7. can take this from you and test it
  8. will lose this with even trying
  9. everyone can get it both females and?
  10. can make the kidneys fail
  11. is bad for the lungs
  12. this can cause you to get it
  1. doctor can check this to see if you have had symptoms
  2. can stop beating
  3. another name for type1
  4. he can actually see if you have it
  5. staying active can help you?
  6. you will do this a lot
  7. you can visit this a lot while having diabetes
  8. these can get blurry and can't see
  9. medicine that can help
  10. is this disease contagious?
  11. drugs that help high cholesterol
  12. eating this can cause an attack

24 Clues: can stop beatingis bad for the lungsboth of these can failanother name for type1you will do this a lotmedicine that can helpcan make the kidneys failis this disease contagious?staying active can help you?this can cause you to get itwhat age of people can get thiswill lose this with even tryingeating this can cause an attack...

Phacts for Pharmacists: Diabetes 2023-06-19

Phacts for Pharmacists: Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Absolute contraindication for use of GLP-1 agonist (two words, no spaces)
  2. Glucose dependent insulin secretions
  3. Generic name for a rapid acting insulin
  4. Classification for patients with HbA1c between 5.7% and 6.4%
  5. Known to have active metabolites
  6. Relative contraindication/Precaution for use of DDP4 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists
  7. The only GLP-1 agonist that is available in an oral formulation
  8. Generic name for a basal insulin
  9. Classification for patients with a HbA1c > 6.5%
  10. Causes glucose independent insulin secretion
  11. The only SGLT2 inhibitor thus far not showing robust benefit for dm patients with CKD, HF, or decrease risk of MACE
  12. Decreases hepatic glucose production
  1. Electrolyte disorder that may be associated with SGLT-2i therapy
  2. Condition associated with symptoms of tachycardia, diaphoresis, tremors, and mental confusion
  3. A GLP-1 agonist that does not have a lead-in dose
  4. A central neuropathy that effects gastric emptying
  5. Must be administered with first bite of carbohydrate containing meal
  6. One of the three predominant symptoms of hyperglycemia
  7. The only DDP-4 inhibitor that does not require a renal dose adjustment
  8. A condition characterized by serum glucose > 600mg/dl, elevated serum osmolality, and urine negative for ketones
  9. A medication class with a U.S. box warning for heart failure NYHA Class III-IV
  10. A medication that should be used with caution in patients with Osteoporosis
  11. Is first line therapy for patients with Type 1 diabetes

23 Clues: Known to have active metabolitesGeneric name for a basal insulinGlucose dependent insulin secretionsDecreases hepatic glucose productionGeneric name for a rapid acting insulinCauses glucose independent insulin secretionClassification for patients with a HbA1c > 6.5%A GLP-1 agonist that does not have a lead-in dose...

Pulmonary and Diabetes Lecture 2024-08-28

Pulmonary and Diabetes Lecture crossword puzzle
  1. Which medication is in the biguanide class?
  2. What causes type-1 diabetes
  3. What type of insulin is Lantus?
  4. The most common type of function test
  5. Which lab value is a ratio of other lab values
  6. Which generic medication is a common inhaled corticosteroid?
  7. A pulmonary disease that has problems emptying the lungs
  8. Which organ produces insulin?
  1. The medical term for increased thirst
  2. Which type of inhaler should be held leveled like a hamburger?
  3. What is the name of the injection that patients with a blood sugar level under 54mg/dL would use
  4. Common cardiovascular event associated with hypoglycemia
  5. What device is used to test blood sugar level?
  6. Group of methods to measure lung function
  7. Which lab value measures exhalation within 1 second?
  8. Which of the following medications is a common SABA
  9. Which class does glipizide belong to?
  10. A pulmonary disease that has problems filling the lungs
  11. Which lab value is used to measure total lung volume?
  12. Measures average blood sugar level over past 3 months

20 Clues: What causes type-1 diabetesWhich organ produces insulin?What type of insulin is Lantus?The medical term for increased thirstThe most common type of function testWhich class does glipizide belong to?Group of methods to measure lung functionWhich medication is in the biguanide class?What device is used to test blood sugar level?...

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 2017-08-29

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Abnormally high blood glucose
  2. simple sugar
  3. are cytokines (cell signaling proteins) secreted by adipose tissue
  4. a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired
  5. satiety hormone
  1. Anti-Diabetic Medication
  2. plays a key role in digestion and glucose control
  3. blood sugar level is high but not enough to be Diabetes
  4. is a peptide hormone produced by beta cells of the pancreatic islets
  5. any of the insulin-producing cells in the islets of Langerhans
  6. vital organ only found in vertebrates

11 Clues: simple sugarsatiety hormoneAnti-Diabetic MedicationAbnormally high blood glucosevital organ only found in vertebratesplays a key role in digestion and glucose controlblood sugar level is high but not enough to be Diabetesany of the insulin-producing cells in the islets of Langerhansare cytokines (cell signaling proteins) secreted by adipose tissue...

Cuadro Ortográfico 10 2022-02-01

Cuadro Ortográfico 10 crossword puzzle
  1. Cambiar de dirección
  2. Lugar cubierto
  3. Aviso
  4. Antiguo
  5. No ha sido tocado
  6. Riqueza
  7. Demuestra tesón
  8. Vive en el mismo lugar
  9. Sobresale por su importancia
  10. Enfermedad
  11. Pendiente profunda
  1. Mayor en cantidad
  2. Renta
  3. Hacer fuerza física
  4. Abertura
  5. Falta de inseguridad
  6. Excesivamente firme
  7. Acción de asediar
  8. Despierto
  9. Arteria
  10. Suerte
  11. Ratificar
  12. Buen juicio
  13. Tranqui
  14. Sobrante

25 Clues: RentaAvisoSuerteAntiguoArteriaRiquezaTranquiAberturaSobranteDespiertoRatificarEnfermedadBuen juicioLugar cubiertoDemuestra tesónMayor en cantidadAcción de asediarNo ha sido tocadoPendiente profundaHacer fuerza físicaExcesivamente firmeCambiar de direcciónFalta de inseguridadVive en el mismo lugarSobresale por su importancia

Nafisa 7C 2019-11-07

Nafisa 7C crossword puzzle
  1. meredakan radang tenggorokan
  2. menyehatkan ginjal
  3. mengobati diabetes
  4. merah mengatasi sembelit
  5. menurunkan berat badan
  6. mencegah anemia
  7. mencegah jerawat
  8. mencegah kanker
  9. melindungi jantung
  10. mengatasi konstipasi
  11. bagus untuk pencernaan
  12. mengurangi mual
  1. mengontrol kadar gula darah
  2. kesehatan otak
  3. mengurangi berat badan
  4. mencegah depresi
  5. panjang membuat tidur lebih nyenyak
  6. banyak vitamin
  7. meningkatkan kesehatan mata
  8. mencegah tulang keropos

20 Clues: kesehatan otakbanyak vitaminmencegah anemiamencegah kankermengurangi mualmencegah depresimencegah jerawatmenyehatkan ginjalmengobati diabetesmelindungi jantungmengatasi konstipasimengurangi berat badanmenurunkan berat badanbagus untuk pencernaanmencegah tulang keroposmerah mengatasi sembelitmengontrol kadar gula darahmeningkatkan kesehatan mata...

39 2024-08-23

39 crossword puzzle
  1. Space explorer
  2. Motor vehicle
  3. Heart listener
  4. Vision correction
  5. Flying machine
  6. Strong metal
  7. Illumination invention
  8. Diabetes cure
  9. Voice transmitter
  10. Immunization tool
  11. Star gazer
  12. Building material
  1. Music recorder
  2. Cooling technology
  3. Tiny processor
  4. Temperature controller
  5. Sound amplifier
  6. Visible energy
  7. Astronomical tool
  8. Bacterial medicine
  9. Ancient remains
  10. Communication wave
  11. Nuclear energy
  12. Small object viewer
  13. Digital network

25 Clues: Star gazerStrong metalMotor vehicleDiabetes cureMusic recorderSpace explorerTiny processorVisible energyHeart listenerFlying machineNuclear energySound amplifierAncient remainsDigital networkAstronomical toolVision correctionVoice transmitterImmunization toolBuilding materialCooling technologyBacterial medicineCommunication waveSmall object viewer...

Illness and medicine 2023-01-23

Illness and medicine crossword puzzle
  1. ustępować (o bólu), słabnąć
  2. hamować
  3. bigunka
  4. trzymać z dala/na dystans
  5. odpaść, zmiejszyć się
  6. świszczenie
  7. realizować receptę
  8. oczekiwanie
  9. recepta
  10. dziedziczny
  11. kołatanie serca
  1. ciśnienie
  2. palacz
  3. rozsadzający,pękający (ból)
  4. zatwardzenie
  5. cukrzyca
  6. dostępny bez recepty
  7. spłukać, popijać
  8. artretyzm
  9. umówić wizytę
  10. dawka
  11. lekarz
  12. oddychanie
  13. wyleczyć
  14. męka,gehenna, droga przez mękę
  15. tabletka

26 Clues: dawkapalaczlekarzhamowaćbigunkareceptacukrzycawyleczyćtabletkaciśnienieartretyzmoddychanieświszczenieoczekiwaniedziedzicznyzatwardzenieumówić wizytękołatanie sercaspłukać, popijaćrealizować receptędostępny bez receptyodpaść, zmiejszyć siętrzymać z dala/na dystansustępować (o bólu), słabnąćrozsadzający,pękający (ból)męka,gehenna, droga przez mękę

Diseases 2022-04-13

Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. 17.
  2. 23
  3. 27
  4. 11.
  5. 22.
  6. 24
  7. 34
  8. 13.
  9. 21.
  10. 4.
  11. 29
  12. 2.
  13. 12.
  14. 8.
  15. 28
  16. 30
  17. 10.
  1. 19
  2. 18.
  3. 6.
  4. 5.
  5. 9.
  6. 15.
  7. 14.
  8. 35
  9. 26
  10. 7.
  11. 37
  12. 16.
  13. 3.
  14. 32
  15. 33
  16. 36
  17. 20
  18. 1.
  19. 25
  20. 31

37 Clues:

Specialist Care 2024-08-15

Specialist Care crossword puzzle
  1. urinary tract
  2. pain during surgery
  3. newborns
  4. skin problems
  5. reproductive and fertility
  6. eye
  7. children birth to 18 years
  8. liver
  9. cancer
  10. hormonal disease including diabetes
  11. reviews x-ray, sonogram, MRI
  1. pregnancy
  2. mental disorders
  3. kidneys
  4. bones, joints, muscles
  5. blood disorders like leukemia, lymphoma
  6. heart problems
  7. ear, balance
  8. stomach, intestinal disease
  9. brain, nerves
  10. allergies and asthma

21 Clues: eyelivercancerkidneysnewbornspregnancyear, balanceurinary tractskin problemsbrain, nervesheart problemsmental disorderspain during surgeryallergies and asthmabones, joints, musclesreproductive and fertilitychildren birth to 18 yearsstomach, intestinal diseasereviews x-ray, sonogram, MRIhormonal disease including diabetes...

10 POINTS 2022-09-21

10 POINTS crossword puzzle
  1. Green Yellow Orange Red
  2. Nurse _______
  3. Stepdown Service from ML5/2S
  4. Certified Nurse Providers
  5. Medication Safety
  6. Geriatric Excellence
  7. Sing Happy Birthday Twice
  8. Nursing's Flower
  9. Nursing-Pharmacy-PT Collaboration
  10. MPD
  1. ______ Improvement Committee
  2. _________ Behavioral Therapy
  3. Central Intake Gatekeeper
  4. ______ Engagement Specialist
  5. Rancy's Focus
  6. Chef Sunny
  7. Spiritual Support
  8. Resident Graduation Month
  9. Thursday Evening Support

19 Clues: MPDChef SunnyNurse _______Rancy's FocusNursing's FlowerSpiritual SupportMedication SafetyGeriatric ExcellenceGreen Yellow Orange RedThursday Evening SupportCentral Intake GatekeeperResident Graduation MonthCertified Nurse ProvidersSing Happy Birthday Twice______ Improvement Committee_________ Behavioral Therapy______ Engagement Specialist...

medicin 2022-03-17

medicin crossword puzzle
  1. gyógyszerész
  2. köptető
  3. cukorbeteg
  1. measuring- nyomás mérés
  2. köhögés
  3. hátfájás
  4. fogfájás
  5. therapy- fizikális terápia
  6. influenza
  7. segítség

10 Clues: köhögésköptetőhátfájásfogfájássegítséginfluenzacukorbeteggyógyszerészmeasuring- nyomás méréstherapy- fizikális terápia

Health 2024-07-29

Health crossword puzzle
  1. diabète
  2. équilibré
  3. nourrir
  4. insécurité
  5. publicité
  1. maladie
  2. calorique
  3. régime (alimentaire)
  4. faire de la publicité
  5. faim

10 Clues: faimmaladiediabètenourrircaloriqueéquilibrépublicitéinsécuritérégime (alimentaire)faire de la publicité

10 POINTS 2022-09-21

10 POINTS crossword puzzle
  1. Sing Happy Birthday Twice
  2. Certified Nurse Providers
  3. Central Intake Gatekeeper
  4. Thursday Evening Support
  5. Nursing's Flower
  6. MPD
  7. Rancy's Focus
  8. ______ Engagement Specialist
  9. Medication Safety
  10. Stepdown Service from ML5/2S
  11. ______ Improvement Committee
  1. Spiritual Support
  2. Geriatric Excellence
  3. _________ Behavioral Therapy
  4. Nursing-Pharmacy-PT Collaboration
  5. Resident Graduation Month
  6. Chef Sunny
  7. Nurse _______
  8. Green Yellow Orange Red

19 Clues: MPDChef SunnyRancy's FocusNurse _______Nursing's FlowerSpiritual SupportMedication SafetyGeriatric ExcellenceGreen Yellow Orange RedThursday Evening SupportSing Happy Birthday TwiceCertified Nurse ProvidersCentral Intake GatekeeperResident Graduation Month_________ Behavioral Therapy______ Engagement SpecialistStepdown Service from ML5/2S...

Pharmacy 2021-12-06

Pharmacy crossword puzzle
  1. diabetic patients may use this to treat nerve
  2. an insulin used to treat diabetes
  3. marketed as a non addictive pain medication
  1. used to treat opioid dependence
  2. used for Alzheimer's
  3. used for ADHD and fatigue in elderly patients
  4. best option for arthritis
  5. used to treat diabetes (tablet)

8 Clues: used for Alzheimer'sbest option for arthritisused to treat opioid dependenceused to treat diabetes (tablet)an insulin used to treat diabetesmarketed as a non addictive pain medicationused for ADHD and fatigue in elderly patientsdiabetic patients may use this to treat nerve

teste 2022-08-07

teste crossword puzzle
  1. sintese muscular
  2. teor glicose sangue
  3. défict calórico
  4. vogais de potassio
  5. alimento alto perfil nutreico
  6. fonte de energia
  7. segundo cérebro
  8. termogenese adaptativa
  1. hormonio felicidade
  2. excesso adoece
  3. simbolo magnesio
  4. estado cetogênico
  5. inimigo do diabetes
  6. rico omega 3
  7. mineral essencial vida

15 Clues: rico omega 3excesso adoecedéfict calóricosegundo cérebrosintese muscularsimbolo magnesiofonte de energiaestado cetogênicovogais de potassiohormonio felicidadeteor glicose sangueinimigo do diabetesmineral essencial vidatermogenese adaptativaalimento alto perfil nutreico

Case study for Mdm B 2022-09-11

Case study for Mdm B crossword puzzle
  1. An expert that gives advice about food and eating.
  2. A condition that affects the memory and reasoning in the mental process
  3. A drug to treat diabetes patients
  4. urine output exceeding 3L/day
  5. A drug that controls hypertension
  1. Abnormal fats accumulation in the body
  2. A drug that controls hyperlipidemia
  3. Blood Pressure higher than normal
  4. A medical condition that changes the blood sugar levels
  5. A healthcare profession that treats disorders to your feet or lower leg

10 Clues: urine output exceeding 3L/dayBlood Pressure higher than normalA drug to treat diabetes patientsA drug that controls hypertensionA drug that controls hyperlipidemiaAbnormal fats accumulation in the bodyAn expert that gives advice about food and eating.A medical condition that changes the blood sugar levels...

Karnival Kesihatan Komuniti 2022-09-27

Karnival Kesihatan Komuniti crossword puzzle
  1. Penyakit berikut disebabkan paras gula tinggi dalam darah
  2. nyatakan alat untuk menyukat paras gula dalam darah.
  3. teknik urutan bahu & leher merupakan salah satu teknik _______
  4. Aktiviti ______ dapat mengurangkan risiko komplikasi diabetes
  5. Perokok _______ tiga kali ganda berisiko berbanding perokok aktif.
  1. ____________ atau ketumbuhan luar biasa merupakan tanda-tanda awal kanser mulut.
  2. Tempat yang paling sesuai untuk penyimpanan insulin.
  3. Sakit dan ____ pada sendi merupakan tanda masalah sendi.
  4. Salah satu penyebab tekanan darah tinggi.
  5. Elakkan penyimpanan ubat dari _______ dan suhu tinggi.

10 Clues: Salah satu penyebab tekanan darah tinggi.Tempat yang paling sesuai untuk penyimpanan insulin.nyatakan alat untuk menyukat paras gula dalam darah.Elakkan penyimpanan ubat dari _______ dan suhu tinggi.Sakit dan ____ pada sendi merupakan tanda masalah sendi.Penyakit berikut disebabkan paras gula tinggi dalam darah...

Diabetic meds 2023-01-17

Diabetic meds crossword puzzle
  1. intermediate acting insulin
  2. the drug that has to be held 48 hours before and after IV dye
  3. when the nurse administers glucose orally when a patient is unresponsive
  4. an oral hypoglycemic that increases insulin production
  5. confusion, clammy skin, sweating are some of the signs of _____
  6. the type of diabetes where a person does not made insulin
  7. rapid acting insulin (also called aspart)
  1. they type of diabetes where cells are resistant to insulin
  2. oral hypoglycemics can put a pt at risk for a serious _____
  3. a hormone that regulates blood glucose
  4. DKA is a medical _______
  5. an insulin given at night that can't be mixed with other insulin
  6. short action insulin

13 Clues: short action insulinDKA is a medical _______intermediate acting insulina hormone that regulates blood glucoserapid acting insulin (also called aspart)an oral hypoglycemic that increases insulin productionthe type of diabetes where a person does not made insulinthey type of diabetes where cells are resistant to insulin...

Healthy Lifestyle 2022-06-03

Healthy Lifestyle crossword puzzle
  1. A _____ diet with whole fruits and vegetables and free of processed foods increases your body's recovery time.
  2. Helps to prevent muscle sprain and strain injuries.
  3. Causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
  4. Decreases your risk of developing diseases related to a sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Is a uniquely harmful type of fat distribution that is linked to an increased risk of cardiometabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease
  1. Ensures that your body is functioning optimally and helps to prevent heat related illness.
  2. Can cause liver diseases and cancer when consumed in excess.
  3. Helps your body to recover from mental and physical stress.
  4. A high intake is linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
  5. Its color tells you how hydrated you are.

10 Clues: Its color tells you how hydrated you are.Helps to prevent muscle sprain and strain injuries.Helps your body to recover from mental and physical stress.Can cause liver diseases and cancer when consumed in excess.A high intake is linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease....

Sjukvård 2021-08-21

Sjukvård crossword puzzle
  1. лекарство
  2. врач
  3. паралич
  4. спид
  5. аппендицит
  6. хирург
  7. шприц
  8. заражать
  9. туберкулёз
  10. повязка
  11. скорая помощь
  12. диабет
  13. коронавирус
  14. медсестра
  15. астма
  1. воспаление лёгких
  2. инфаркт
  3. вакцинация
  4. анализ крови
  5. головная боль
  6. простуда
  7. воспаление
  8. тромб
  9. рана
  10. язва желудка
  11. кашель
  12. операция
  13. грипп
  14. насморк
  15. рак
  16. кровяное давление
  17. пациент
  18. больница

33 Clues: ракврачспидранатромбшприцгриппастмакашельхирургдиабетинфарктпараличнасморкповязкапациентпростудаоперациязаражатьбольницалекарствомедсестравакцинациявоспалениеаппендициттуберкулёзкоронавирусанализ кровиязва желудкаголовная больскорая помощьвоспаление лёгкихкровяное давление

STEMI Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-27

STEMI Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Opposite of depression
  2. Anti-platelet
  3. Before final destination
  4. County
  5. Advanced EMS provider
  6. Give heads up
  7. Transport unit
  8. State
  9. Replace
  10. What they feel
  11. Not normal
  12. What we see
  1. Picture of heart
  2. High sugars
  3. Angina equivalent skin condition
  4. Go around
  5. Relating to heart
  6. Reduces pre/after load
  7. Lifepak
  8. Medical Director
  9. To send
  10. Cardiac lab value

22 Clues: StateCountyLifepakTo sendReplaceGo aroundNot normalHigh sugarsWhat we seeAnti-plateletGive heads upTransport unitWhat they feelPicture of heartMedical DirectorRelating to heartCardiac lab valueAdvanced EMS providerOpposite of depressionReduces pre/after loadBefore final destinationAngina equivalent skin condition

Hot Topic Inside HybRiD 2019-07-16

Hot Topic Inside HybRiD crossword puzzle
  1. HPV
  2. MMA


Hot Topic Inside HybRiD 2019-07-16

Hot Topic Inside HybRiD crossword puzzle
  1. MMA
  4. HPV


Sport Science 2020-12-04

Sport Science crossword puzzle
  1. lactic
  2. severs
  3. CDstretch
  4. acute
  5. gender
  6. weather
  7. others
  8. personnel
  9. conc
  10. salt
  11. rice
  12. splint
  13. poorcoach
  14. arousal
  15. compound
  16. kyph
  17. cut
  18. gumshield
  19. lordo
  20. diab
  1. heatstroke
  2. skillre
  3. hockeystick
  4. asthma
  5. playingsurf
  6. muscle inj
  7. RA
  8. tennis
  9. chronic
  10. massage
  11. scolio
  12. bruise
  13. sleep
  14. bandage
  15. mobil
  16. epilepsy
  17. CD

37 Clues: RACDcutconcsaltricekyphdiabacutesleepmobillordolacticseversasthmagendertennisotherssplintscoliobruiseskillreweatherchronicmassagearousalbandagecompoundepilepsyCDstretchpersonnelpoorcoachgumshieldheatstrokemuscle injhockeystickplayingsurf

Les 7 Uitscheiding 2013-10-23

Les 7 Uitscheiding crossword puzzle
  1. urineleider
  2. boonvormige organen
  3. zuiveringseenheid
  4. bij diabetes in urine
  5. urine opvangzak
  6. kapsel van...
  7. bloeddrukregulerend hormoon
  8. eerste voorurine
  9. kringspier bij de blaas
  10. lis van...
  11. binnenste nierlaag
  12. middelste nierlaag
  13. botopbouwend hormoon
  1. vorming van urine
  2. plasbuis
  3. bindweefsel om de nier
  4. vaatkluwen
  5. afvalstof uit eiwit
  6. komen niet in de urine
  7. lichaam van...
  8. buitenste nierlaag
  9. gedeelte voor het nierbekken

22 Clues: plasbuisvaatkluwenlis van...urineleiderkapsel van...lichaam van...urine opvangzakeerste voorurinevorming van urinezuiveringseenheidbuitenste nierlaagbinnenste nierlaagmiddelste nierlaagboonvormige organenafvalstof uit eiwitbotopbouwend hormoonbij diabetes in urinebindweefsel om de nierkomen niet in de urinekringspier bij de blaas...

Day 5 2022-01-25

Day 5 crossword puzzle
  1. 성대
  2. 중독물질, 약물, 약품
  3. 중요한, 의미 있는
  4. 유전
  5. 습관
  6. 사소한 것
  7. 니코틴
  8. 트랙, 길
  9. 은밀한, 수상한
  10. 폐, 허파
  11. 당뇨병
  12. 통화의
  13. 악의, 원한
  14. 끝마치다
  1. 중독성의, 중독성이 있는
  2. 성장
  3. 소파, 긴 의자
  4. 참다, 견디다
  5. 담배
  6. 지구력, 인내[심]
  7. 합리적인, 타당한
  8. 책임, 의무
  9. 존재, 실존
  10. 풍부
  11. 특징을 짓다
  12. 풍부한

26 Clues: 성장성대담배유전습관풍부니코틴당뇨병통화의풍부한끝마치다사소한 것트랙, 길폐, 허파책임, 의무존재, 실존특징을 짓다악의, 원한참다, 견디다소파, 긴 의자은밀한, 수상한합리적인, 타당한중요한, 의미 있는지구력, 인내[심]중독물질, 약물, 약품중독성의, 중독성이 있는

Taalschat blok 2 en 3 2016-06-23

Taalschat blok 2 en 3 crossword puzzle
  1. opbrengst
  2. indruk maken
  3. innen, binnenhalen
  4. geurig maken
  5. weer goedmaken
  1. slachthuis
  2. suikerziekte
  3. onvoorbereid uitvoeren
  4. bijverschijnselen die een ziekte erger maken
  5. maar af en toe
  6. een overtuiging opdringen
  7. kortgeleden
  8. een optocht houden

13 Clues: opbrengstslachthuiskortgeledensuikerziekteindruk makengeurig makenmaar af en toeweer goedmakeninnen, binnenhaleneen optocht houdenonvoorbereid uitvoereneen overtuiging opdringenbijverschijnselen die een ziekte erger maken

Sydney Christensen 2014-11-13

Sydney Christensen crossword puzzle
  1. short
  2. student teacher
  3. girl who plays saxophone
  4. loves cats
  5. is good at hair stuff
  6. birthday was yesterday and smart
  7. loves wolves
  1. royals fan
  2. awesome teacher
  3. new kid
  4. has diabetes
  5. lions fan
  6. redhead
  7. is sick today
  8. really strong

15 Clues: shortnew kidredheadlions fanroyals fanloves catshas diabetesloves wolvesis sick todayreally strongstudent teacherawesome teacheris good at hair stuffgirl who plays saxophonebirthday was yesterday and smart

Homeostasis 2022-03-25

Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. This hormone is released when blood glucose is low
  2. This is a chemical messenger
  3. This describes the regulation of blood gluocose
  4. When a person is dehydrated
  5. This is a disease that results in high blood glucose
  6. This is a risk factor of developing type 2 diabetes
  1. Glucose is converted into this by insulin
  2. The maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment
  3. This hormone is released when blood glucose in high
  4. This organ/gland releases insulin

10 Clues: When a person is dehydratedThis is a chemical messengerThis organ/gland releases insulinGlucose is converted into this by insulinThis describes the regulation of blood gluocoseThis hormone is released when blood glucose is lowThis hormone is released when blood glucose in highThis is a risk factor of developing type 2 diabetes...

keywords - Book 3 units 2-9 - klara 2023-12-21

keywords - Book 3 units 2-9 - klara crossword puzzle
  1. when you need money
  2. literacy. lack of knowledge in the health sector
  3. not so strong, and not so weak - pain
  4. very strong pain
  5. type one. typical disease in children and older people
  1. For good communication, a document must be
  2. one of the complications of diabetes, affects the eyes
  3. disease. number one disease in cases in the world
  4. doctor who treats cancer patients
  5. It is necessary to have when treating or talking to a patient

10 Clues: very strong painwhen you need moneydoctor who treats cancer patientsnot so strong, and not so weak - painFor good communication, a document must beliteracy. lack of knowledge in the health sectordisease. number one disease in cases in the worldone of the complications of diabetes, affects the eyes...

Patología ambiental 2022-10-30

Patología ambiental crossword puzzle
  1. Patrón de infarto más frecuente que afecta a todo el espesor de la paren ventricular y en el EKG hay elevación del segmento ST.
  2. Nombre de la lesión producida en la íntima que protruyen hacia las luces vasculares en la ateroesclerosis.
  3. Tipo de cardiopatía isquémica donde hay una insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva progresiva, secundaria a lesión isquémica miocárdica acumulada o respuesta compensatoria inadecuada.
  4. uso indebido de la heroína puede generar un paro…
  5. Medida preventiva para reducir el riesgo de desarrollar diabetes, la cual va orientada a disminuir el sedentarismo.
  6. Factor de riesgo mayor modificable que podemos evitar para reducir el riesgo de desarrollar ateroesclerosis.
  7. El consumo excesivo e indebido de la cocaína puede provocar un infarto…
  8. Tipo de células del páncreas endócrino que secretan insulina.
  9. Tipo de angina más común, que se da en situaciones de actividad física, estrés psicológico o en excitación emocional. Hay una sensación de presión oprimente, y se mejoran los síntomas con el reposo. Responde a vasodilatadores o a antagonistas del calcio.
  10. Como medida preventiva tanto para la diabetes como para la ateroesclerosis, es el tener una alimentación...
  11. Tipo de células del páncreas endócrino que secretan glucagón.
  12. Tipo de diabetes donde hay resistencia a la insulina y se tiene disfunción de las células beta.
  13. Afecta a arterias pequeñas y las arteriolas. Puede causar lesión isquémica distal. Dos variantes: hialina e hiperplásica.
  14. Tipo de diabetes, donde es una enfermedad autoinmunitaria desarrollada por la destrucción de los islotes por células efectoras que reaccionan frente a los antígenos de las células beta. Inicia en la infancia.
  1. Tipo de lesión donde hay acumulación preferentemente intracelular de lípidos. Inician como máculas amarillas pequeñas y planas, que evolucionan hasta formar placas. Se observa en adolescentes, incluso aquellos que carecen de factores de riesgo conocidos.
  2. El consumo indebido de marihuana puede generar pérdida de la…
  3. Una medida que puede prevenir o retrasar la aparición de la diabetes es no tener obesidad, por lo que es importante mantener un peso...
  4. Tipo de angina donde el dolor precordial es creciente y prolongado, se presenta en reposo o con mínima actividad física, el IAM es inminente y no responde a vasodilatadores.
  5. Endurecimiento y pérdida de la elasticidad de las arterias debida al engrosamiento de sus paredes por acúmulo de lípidos en la túnica íntima.
  6. Patrón de infarto que produce necrosis que afecta el tercio interno de la pared ventricular. En el EKG no hay elevación del segmento ST.
  7. Tipo de placa ateroesclerótica que presenta una cubierta fibrosa fina, núcleo lipídico grande y mayor inflamación, la cual tiene más probabilidades de romperse.
  8. Efecto perjudicial del uso de metanfetaminas, que se caracteriza por el movimiento incontrolable de los músculos que sucede cuando las células nerviosas se irritan, sobreexcitan o algo ponen presión pobre ellas para que no funcionen adecuadamente.
  9. ¿Qué sustancia secretan las células delta del páncreas endócrino?
  10. Para evitar la aparición de un infarto agudo al miocardio, podemos evitar el abuso de drogas como la….
  11. El uso de marihuana de manera indebida puede generar predisposición a desarrollar esta enfermedad (cáncer de sangre).

25 Clues: uso indebido de la heroína puede generar un paro…El consumo indebido de marihuana puede generar pérdida de la…Tipo de células del páncreas endócrino que secretan insulina.Tipo de células del páncreas endócrino que secretan glucagón.¿Qué sustancia secretan las células delta del páncreas endócrino?...

Lecture 19- Diabetes-Obesity 2022-11-21

Lecture 19- Diabetes-Obesity crossword puzzle
  1. muscle cells express this transporter in their cell membrane to mediate glucose uptake
  2. leptin binds to these neurons to stimulate the release of this substance and create sense of satiety
  3. this enzyme phosphorylates glucose in the glycolysis cycle to ultimately produce ATP
  4. insulin-producing cells are destroyed by this process in Type 1 diabetes
  5. the ob/ob transgenic mouse is deficient in _____________
  6. this hormone stimulates differentiation of fat cells from multipotent stem cells
  7. diabetic ____________ is associated with degeneration of peripheral nerves
  8. this biomarker reflects average blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 months
  9. phosphorylation of these amino acid residues on IRS-1 leads to insulin resistance
  10. this calcium -dependent movement of insulin granules out of the cell
  1. the leptin receptor is located in the pituitary, reproductive system and this central brain gland
  2. this hormone is released when blood glucose is too low
  3. diabetic ___________ is the leading cause of blindness
  4. having a large ________ size is associated with greater abdominal fat, and central adiposity
  5. these cells secrete insulin
  6. this syndrome is associated with insulin resistance, high triglycerides, central adiposity
  7. this enzyme converts androgens to estrogens
  8. this kinase is activated by physiological stressors associated with obesity, stress and inflammation
  9. the insulin receptor phosphorylates targets on these amino acid residues
  10. adipose tissue is comprised of these cells

20 Clues: these cells secrete insulinadipose tissue is comprised of these cellsthis enzyme converts androgens to estrogensthis hormone is released when blood glucose is too lowdiabetic ___________ is the leading cause of blindnessthe ob/ob transgenic mouse is deficient in _____________this calcium -dependent movement of insulin granules out of the cell...

Teka-teki "Diabetes Melitus" 2022-11-28

Teka-teki "Diabetes Melitus" crossword puzzle
  1. Kelebihan urine
  2. Sediaan insulin yang dibuat dari bakteri
  3. Sel yang menghasilkan glukagon
  4. Hormon yang disuntikkan kedalam tubuh untuk mengobati DM
  5. Spesialite klorpropamid
  6. DM yang tidak bergantung pada insulin
  7. Rosiglitazon dan Pioglitazon termasuk golongan
  8. OAD pilihan utama untuk DM tipe 2
  9. Organ yang memproduksi insulin dan glukagon
  10. Generik Amaryl
  1. Nama lain anti hiperglikemia
  2. Rendahnya kadar gula darah
  3. Insulin disuntikkan pada
  4. Spesialite insulin manusia
  5. Jenis insulin sediaan campuran
  6. Gangguan metabolisme yang ditandai dengan hiperglikemia
  7. Glikogen menjadi glukosa
  8. Tidak ada gejala lalu mucul komplikasi
  9. Produsen obat Glikuidon
  10. DM yang bergantung pada insulin

20 Clues: Generik AmarylKelebihan urineSpesialite klorpropamidProdusen obat GlikuidonInsulin disuntikkan padaGlikogen menjadi glukosaRendahnya kadar gula darahSpesialite insulin manusiaNama lain anti hiperglikemiaJenis insulin sediaan campuranSel yang menghasilkan glukagonDM yang bergantung pada insulinOAD pilihan utama untuk DM tipe 2...

231 study Diabetes 2022-10-30

231 study Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. diabetics should have alcohol ____ a meal or directly after
  2. DM patients should avoid ____ temps when working out
  3. manifestations = slow onset, dehydration, neurological, BG 600-1200
  4. sick day rules DM testing every ___ hour(s)
  5. manifestations = shakiness, confusion, blurred vision sweating
  6. usually given to DM2, increases sensitivity to insulin, can cause renal impairment. not a substitute for nutrition, exercise, or weight loss
  7. one unit of insulin is ___ grams carbs
  8. exercise _____ BG levels
  1. exercise ____ insulin utilization
  2. what happens when diabetics have alcohol on an empty stomach
  3. manifestations = polyuria, dry mouth, fruity odor, dry skin
  4. sick day rules, drink fluids with sugar every ___ hour(s)
  5. sick day rules, eat ___ meals
  6. DM patients should exercise ____ times a week

14 Clues: exercise _____ BG levelssick day rules, eat ___ mealsexercise ____ insulin utilizationone unit of insulin is ___ grams carbssick day rules DM testing every ___ hour(s)DM patients should exercise ____ times a weekDM patients should avoid ____ temps when working outsick day rules, drink fluids with sugar every ___ hour(s)...

Type one diabetes 2024-05-18

Type one diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. when there is too much glucose in the blood
  2. chronic
  3. device used to monitor blood sugars
  4. type of long acting insulin
  5. drug used to control sugar levels
  6. hormone system
  1. organization that supports diabetics
  2. test that measures the amount of glucose in your blood
  3. organ that contains enzymes that break down sugars, fats, and starches
  4. what the body uses to make glucose
  5. acid build up in the blood
  6. When insulin isn’t as effective as it should be
  7. device used to distribute insulin

13 Clues: chronichormone systemacid build up in the bloodtype of long acting insulindevice used to distribute insulindrug used to control sugar levelswhat the body uses to make glucosedevice used to monitor blood sugarsorganization that supports diabeticswhen there is too much glucose in the bloodWhen insulin isn’t as effective as it should be...

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 2024-04-14

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. The hormone that causes GDM
  2. The diagnostic test used for GDM
  3. Medication used to control blood sugar levels
  4. Excessive hunger
  5. High blood sugar
  6. The body is resistant to this hormone in GDM
  7. A GDM diet should be rich in this nutrient
  1. Over this maternal age increases your risk for GDM
  2. Excessive urination
  3. The trimester GDM is diagnosed in
  4. What cell is dysfunctional in GDM
  5. Excessive thirst
  6. Larger than average newborn size

13 Clues: Excessive hungerExcessive thirstHigh blood sugarExcessive urinationThe hormone that causes GDMThe diagnostic test used for GDMLarger than average newborn sizeThe trimester GDM is diagnosed inWhat cell is dysfunctional in GDMA GDM diet should be rich in this nutrientThe body is resistant to this hormone in GDM...

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2016-07-12

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. increased acidity due to too many ketones
  2. condition in which the kidneys cannot conserve water
  3. hormone that decreases blood glucose levels
  4. a person who specializes in diet and nutrition
  5. condition during pregnancy; associated with hypertension
  6. high amount of glucose in the blood
  7. person who specializes in the study of the feet
  8. cell clusters in the pancreas that produce insulin and glucagon
  9. glucose in the urine
  10. test to diagnose T1DM (A1c test)
  11. an antibody reacting against the body itself
  12. overdose of insulin into the body
  13. system of the body that expels metabolic wastes
  14. increased hunger
  1. physician who specializes in the study of pediatrics
  2. abnormal sensation (tingling, burning)
  3. system of the body that has glands and regulates hormones
  4. organic compound (ex. acetone)
  5. method to treat T1DM that injects insulin into the body "around the clock"
  6. low level of glucose in the blood
  7. lab test of the urine
  8. test to diagnose T1DM after fasting overnight
  9. person who specializes in the study of hormones and endocrine system
  10. excessive thirst
  11. autoimmune disease in which the body cannot produce insulin
  12. pertaining to the kidneys
  13. night time bedwetting
  14. abbreviation BS
  15. dry skin
  16. excessive urination

30 Clues: dry skinabbreviation BSexcessive thirstincreased hungerexcessive urinationglucose in the urinelab test of the urinenight time bedwettingpertaining to the kidneysorganic compound (ex. acetone)test to diagnose T1DM (A1c test)low level of glucose in the bloodoverdose of insulin into the bodyhigh amount of glucose in the blood...

Diabetes Update Crossword Puzzle 2019-01-15

Diabetes Update Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Can you combine glicalzide MR with metformin and Forxiga
  2. Which SU binds to the SU receptors in the heart
  3. Is Empagliflozin indicated or contra-indicated in patients with CKD stage 4( eGFR less than 30ml/min/1.73m2)
  4. Name one of the trials included in the Mbanya meta-analysis showing the lower incidence of hypoglycaemia on Gliclazide versus other SU`s
  5. The mean annual costs for a T2D patient with nephropathy increases dramatically by what percentage
  6. Who put the Guidance for Industry together to establish the safety of new anti-diabetic therapies
  7. What can the primary endpoint of CVOT`s consist of
  8. Which DPP-4i has shown renal protection in CVOT`s in T2D patients
  9. Coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease or peripheral arterial disease are also known as what type of CV disease
  10. Which SGLT-2i was compared to placebo in the EMPA-REG outcome trial
  11. What percentage regression to normoalbuminuria was seen in the ADVANCE Study,with a strategy based on Gliclazide modified release
  12. Which SU has shown to achieve greater HbA1C reductions than DPP-4i`s, SGLT-2i`s and other SU`s in the Jia Meta-Analysis
  13. In up to what % of patients with T2D is ASCVD,HF and CKD present
  14. When albumin is passed into the urine as a result of damaged kidneys, what is it called?
  15. What is the name of the CVOT that compares Linagliptin with Glimepiride
  1. Name one meta-analysis that has shown better CV safety of Gliclazide relative to other SU`s
  2. How many SGLT-2i CVOT`s have shown a significant reduction in the risk of hospitalisation for heart failure
  3. Which SU was compared to Gliclazide MR in the GUIDE Study
  4. Predictor of outcomes and microvascular complications
  5. Does diabetic kidney disease increase or decrease the risk of hypoglycaemia
  6. Name one of the challenges when managing patients with diabetic kidney disease
  7. What DPP-4i in the SAVOR -TIMI trial has shown an increase in hospitalisation for heart failure
  8. More than ?(how many) patients were included in the EASY-Dia Observational Study
  9. Which side-effect of anti-diabetic agents is considered an indirect contributor to CV risk
  10. Approximately what percentage of adults have signs of CKD before diagnosis of diabetes

25 Clues: Which SU binds to the SU receptors in the heartWhat can the primary endpoint of CVOT`s consist ofPredictor of outcomes and microvascular complicationsCan you combine glicalzide MR with metformin and ForxigaWhich SU was compared to Gliclazide MR in the GUIDE StudyIn up to what % of patients with T2D is ASCVD,HF and CKD present...

Prevent Type 2 Diabetes 2023-09-07

Prevent Type 2 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Achieving weight and activity goals may prevent you from needing some of this.
  2. When talking about diabetes, this is another word for sugar.
  3. Different than a serving size, this is the amount that you actually eat.
  4. These should be small, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound.
  5. This is the best level for physical activity.
  6. Reduce intake of this nutrient to 50% or less of daily calories.
  7. An event that kicks off an urge to do something.
  8. Nutritions in this type of grain include fiber, unsaturated fat, protein, vitamins and minerals.
  9. Loaded in saturated fat, sodium and sometimes sugar, it is best to eat less of this.
  10. This is a simple, visual tool for helping to know how much of different food groups to include at meals.
  1. This type of grain, found in white bread and white rice, will very quickly increase blood sugar.
  2. This can increase blood sugar levels so its important to find ways to relax.
  3. This form of carbohydrate helps keep you regular, feeling full longer and slows the response of insulin.
  4. Building these can increase strength, improve self-confidence, mood and sleep, boost metabolism and more.
  5. If you can do this while exercising, you may want to put in a bit more effort.
  6. This is type of fat is good for your heart.
  7. The goal for this is 150 minutes per week.
  8. Choose lean meats and plant sources to get enough of this nutrient.
  9. This a tool to help keep track of what you have eaten, at what time, in what amount.
  10. Examples of this type of fat found are found in fried and processed foods, baked goods & pastries.

20 Clues: The goal for this is 150 minutes per week.This is type of fat is good for your heart.This is the best level for physical activity.An event that kicks off an urge to do something.When talking about diabetes, this is another word for sugar.Reduce intake of this nutrient to 50% or less of daily calories....

Phacts for Pharmacists: Diabetes 2024-06-11

Phacts for Pharmacists: Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A condition characterized by serum glucose > 600mg/dl, elevated serum osmolality, and urine negative for ketones
  2. Condition associated with symptoms of tachycardia, diaphoresis, tremors, and mental confusion
  3. Is first line therapy for patients with Type 1 diabetes
  4. Relative contraindication/precaution for use of DPP4 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists
  5. causes glucose dependent insulin secretion
  6. Classification for patients with HbA1c between 5.7% and 6.4%
  7. A medication that should be used with caution in patients with Osteoporosis
  8. One of the three predominant symptoms of hyperglycemia
  9. Generic name for a basal insulin
  10. A GLP-1 agonist that does not have a lead-in dose
  11. Known to have active metabolites
  12. decreases hepatic glucose production
  13. Must be administered with first bite of carbohydrate containing meal
  1. The only SGLT-2 inhibitor thus far not showing robust benefit for patients with CKD, HF, or reduction in MACE outcomes
  2. A medication class with a U.S. box warning for heart failure NYHA Class III-IV
  3. Electrolyte disorder that may be associated with SGLT-2 inhibitor therapy
  4. Absolute contraindication for use of GLP-1 agonist (two words, no spaces)
  5. The only DPP-4 inhibitor that does not require a renal dose adjustment
  6. Generic name for a rapid acting insulin
  7. A central neuropathy that effects gastric emptying
  8. Causes glucose independent insulin secretion
  9. The only GLP-1 agonist that is available in an oral formulation
  10. Classification for patients with a HbA1c >6.5%

23 Clues: Generic name for a basal insulinKnown to have active metabolitesdecreases hepatic glucose productionGeneric name for a rapid acting insulincauses glucose dependent insulin secretionCauses glucose independent insulin secretionClassification for patients with a HbA1c >6.5%A GLP-1 agonist that does not have a lead-in dose...

bitter sweet 2017-09-19

bitter sweet crossword puzzle
  4. game
  3. GREEN
  6. junk food


Jagoda Kubiaczyk 2022-04-25

Jagoda Kubiaczyk crossword puzzle
  1. demencja
  2. skrzep
  3. tętniak
  4. urojenia
  1. defibrylacja
  2. wstrząs anafilaktyczny
  3. cukrzyca
  4. udar mózgu
  5. śpiączka
  6. zespół ostrej niewydolności oddechowej

10 Clues: skrzeptętniakdemencjacukrzycaśpiączkaurojeniaudar mózgudefibrylacjawstrząs anafilaktycznyzespół ostrej niewydolności oddechowej

Tópico 8. Distúrbios pancreáticos - da pancreatite ao diabetes mellitus 2021-05-03

Tópico 8. Distúrbios pancreáticos - da pancreatite ao diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. 4 Principal transportador de glicose que depende de insulina ser exposto na membrana de mioócitos ou adipócitos
  2. Distúrbio inflamatório no pâncreas que varia quanto à gravidade
  3. Crônica Tipo de condição inflamatória do pâncreas que provoca destruição progressiva e irreversível do pâncreas endócrino e exócrino. Caracteriza-se por episódios de dor e distúrbio epigástrico, embora sejam menos intensos
  4. Comportamento consequente ao aumento de glicose e de água na urina; regulado pelo hipotálamo.
  5. Aguda Tipo de condição inflamatória do pâncreas, devido à ativação inapropriada das enzimas pancreáticas, com manifestações que podem variar de leves a graves e potencialmente fatais
  6. 2 Tipo de diabetes provocado por resistência insulínica e pela disfunção das células beta a longo prazo
  1. Ductal Invasivo Tipo de tumor pancreático muito grave e a neoplasia mais comum desse órgão
  2. Principal fator etiológico comportamental da pancreatite
  3. Principal molécula que desencadeia a liberação de insulina pela célula beta do pâncreas
  4. Característica comum de um grupo de distúrbios metabólicos conhecidos como diabetes melito
  5. Tipo celular importante por sofrer com espécies reativas de oxigênio geradas pela glicotoxicidade; Relacionada com o sistema cargiovascular
  6. diabética Nome de uma importante causa de doença renal crônica, está associada a demandas aumentadas de trabalho e à microalbuminúria imposta por níveis de glicemia inadequadamente controlados
  7. Comportamento consequente ao aumento da lipólise (e ácidos graxos livres); regulado pelo hipotálamo.
  8. Sigla (em inglês) para um conjunto de moléculas tóxicas derivadas da ligação de carboidratos + proteínas de forma não enzimática
  9. Comportamento consequente à depleção volumétrica encontrado no diabetes; regulado pelo hipotálamo.
  10. 1 Tipo de diabetes causado pela deficiência de secreção de insulina provocada pela destruição das células beta
  11. biliar Principal fator etiológico mecânico da pancreatite; relacionado com a vesícula biliar

17 Clues: Principal fator etiológico comportamental da pancreatiteDistúrbio inflamatório no pâncreas que varia quanto à gravidadePrincipal molécula que desencadeia a liberação de insulina pela célula beta do pâncreasDuctal Invasivo Tipo de tumor pancreático muito grave e a neoplasia mais comum desse órgão...

Actividades fisicas 2022-02-20

Actividades fisicas crossword puzzle
  1. jdggggggggggggggggggggg
  2. jgdddddddddddddddddd
  3. jgdddddddddddddddd
  4. dgjjjjjjjjjjjj
  5. djggggggggggggggggggggg
  1. jgddddddddddd
  2. dgjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
  3. jdggggggggggggg
  4. djgggggggggggggggggg
  5. dgjjjjjjjjjjj

10 Clues: jgddddddddddddgjjjjjjjjjjjdgjjjjjjjjjjjjjdgggggggggggggdgjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgddddddddddddddddjgdddddddddddddddddddjggggggggggggggggggjdgggggggggggggggggggggdjggggggggggggggggggggg

Endocrine System 2022-12-09

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. Disorder leading to diabetes and infertility
  2. Disorder affecting how the body uses food energy
  3. Manages your sleep cycle by releasing melatonin
  4. Creates digestive enzymes
  5. Produce sperm and release testosterone
  1. Produce and store female eggs
  2. Butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck
  3. Main control of the endocrine system

8 Clues: Creates digestive enzymesProduce and store female eggsMain control of the endocrine systemProduce sperm and release testosteroneDisorder leading to diabetes and infertilityManages your sleep cycle by releasing melatoninDisorder affecting how the body uses food energyButterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck


  1. Desarrolló análogos químicos que se usan en el tratamiento la leucemia.
  2. Cuidado de la salud (ing).
  3. Reduce la absorción de azúcares en el intestino delgado.
  4. Útil en campos tan diversos con la detección de la caza ilegal de ballenas.
  5. Enfermedad que se produce por la carencia de una enziman necesaria para el metabolismo de algunos aminoácidos.
  6. Representó un impacto clínicosocial en el S.XX.
  7. Enfermo que presenta déficit de acción insulínica.
  1. Unión de moléculas simples a otras más complejas.
  2. Proceso que produce la transformación de energía en los organismos.
  3. Hiperglucemia (ing.)
  4. Glucosa (ing.)
  5. Enfermedad que se caracteriza por provocar la forma de medialuna en los eritrocitos.
  6. Inventó la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa.
  7. Molécula que impide la acción de una enzima.
  8. Biomolécula compleja al que pertenecen las enzimas.
  9. Marcador postoperatorio en el suministro y consumo de oxígeno.
  10. Papiro que contiene la primera referencia de la diabetes.
  11. Enfermedad que se caracteriza por el aumento de la glucosa sanguínea.

18 Clues: Glucosa (ing.)Hiperglucemia (ing.)Cuidado de la salud (ing).Molécula que impide la acción de una enzima.Inventó la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa.Representó un impacto clínicosocial en el S.XX.Unión de moléculas simples a otras más complejas.Enfermo que presenta déficit de acción insulínica.Biomolécula compleja al que pertenecen las enzimas....

Disorders of the Endocrine System 2022-04-29

Disorders of the Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. when your parathyroid glands create too much parathyroid hormone in the bloodstream
  2. occurs when 1 or more of your parathyroid glands are underactive
  3. adult, myxedema
  4. occurs when your thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine
  5. a condition in which one or both adrenal glands produce too much of the hormone aldosterone
  6. an X-linked recessive condition resulting in a failure of normal masculinization of the external genitalia in chromosomally male individuals
  7. child, gigantism
  8. Cushing's syndrome
  9. a condition in which your blood sugar (glucose) level is lower than normal
  10. child, cretinism
  11. diabetes insipidus
  1. hirsutism,steroid "rages"
  2. depression associated with late autumn and winter and thought to be caused by a lack of light.
  3. a complex network of glands and organs
  4. adult, gigantism
  5. diabetes mellitus, high blood glucose
  6. irregular growth of the thyroid gland
  7. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder characterized by an excess of androgens produced by the ovaries.
  8. child, pituitary dwarfism
  9. Addison's disease

20 Clues: adult, myxedemaadult, gigantismchild, gigantismchild, cretinismAddison's diseaseCushing's syndromediabetes insipidushirsutism,steroid "rages"child, pituitary dwarfismdiabetes mellitus, high blood glucoseirregular growth of the thyroid glanda complex network of glands and organsoccurs when 1 or more of your parathyroid glands are underactive...

Renal Disease 2022-08-05

Renal Disease crossword puzzle
  1. 03
  2. 05
  3. 06
  1. 10
  2. 09
  3. 08
  4. 04
  5. 07
  6. 01

9 Clues: 100908030407050106

BAHASA MELAYU 2021-11-03

BAHASA MELAYU crossword puzzle
  1. strict
  2. criminal
  3. environment
  1. special
  2. diabetes
  3. jemu
  4. dream
  5. give
  6. greedy

9 Clues: jemugivedreamstrictgreedyspecialdiabetescriminalenvironment

Canine 2024-04-20

Canine crossword puzzle
  1. a
  2. i
  3. c
  4. g
  5. e
  1. d
  2. b
  3. f
  4. h

9 Clues: dbafichge

Clothesline 2013-11-18

Clothesline crossword puzzle
  1. Who assisted Dr. Frederick Banting?
  2. What percentage of net proceeds raised by Clothesline directly support the Canadian Diabetes Association.
  3. Reusable items are recycled which has a positive effect on the ________
  4. Value Village is a thrift retailer owned and operated by who?
  1. The Clothesline program has enjoyed an exclusive partnership with which store?
  2. Insuling was extracted from a _______ by Dr. Banting to treat diabetes.
  3. Lead the ______ against diabetes and find a cure

7 Clues: Who assisted Dr. Frederick Banting?Lead the ______ against diabetes and find a cureValue Village is a thrift retailer owned and operated by who?Insuling was extracted from a _______ by Dr. Banting to treat diabetes.Reusable items are recycled which has a positive effect on the ________...

diabetic crossword 2015-07-17

diabetic crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a symptom of diabetes
  2. place where insulin is produced
  3. a risk factor of diabetes
  1. a disease in which the body can't produce (enough) insulin to store glucose
  2. a form of sugar
  3. a hormone that assists in controlling the body’s glucose level

6 Clues: a form of sugara symptom of diabetesa risk factor of diabetesplace where insulin is produceda hormone that assists in controlling the body’s glucose levela disease in which the body can't produce (enough) insulin to store glucose

Homeostasis Crossword puzzle 2021-04-05

Homeostasis Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. (alpha and beta cells)
  2. 1 Diabetes
  3. / Response
  4. feedback mechanisms
  1. 2 Diabetes
  2. feedback mechanisms
  3. receptor (insulin / glucagon)
  4. Diabetes

8 Clues: Diabetes2 Diabetes1 Diabetes/ Responsefeedback mechanismsfeedback mechanisms(alpha and beta cells)receptor (insulin / glucagon)

PJPK TING 2: Penyakit 2022-09-13

PJPK TING 2: Penyakit crossword puzzle
  1. Jika bacaan ____ darah ialah > 6 mmmol/L ujian darah selanjutnya akan dilakukan.
  2. Jika keluarga anda mempunyai ____ penghidap diabetes, anda juga perlu melakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan.
  3. _____ adalah keadaan tekanan darah melebihi 140/90 mmHg.
  4. Jika berat anda berlebihan atau ___, lakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan.
  5. ____ sekurang-kurangnya 3 kali seminggu, melebihi 30 minit setiap sesi.
  6. Ujian pemeriksaan glukosa boleh dijalankan dengan mengambil sedikit darah di ____ jari.
  7. Pemeriksaan kesihatan perlu dilakukan secara ____.
  8. Mudah berasa _____, kerap berdebar-debar dan berpeluh dengan banyak merupakan gejala penyakit kardiovaskular.
  1. Penyakit ______ berlaku apabila otot jantung tidak mendapat bekalan darah secukupnya.
  2. Penyakit merupakan keadaan tidak _____ yang menyebabkan penghidapnya tidak dapat menjalani kehidupan seharian seperti biasa.
  3. Penyakit terbahagi kepada 2 kategori iaitu ____ dan tidak ______.
  4. Jika paras glukosa darah tinggi, sila ke klinik berhampiran untuk menjalani ujian ____.
  5. Kita perlu amalkan ___ seimbang untuk kekal sihat.
  6. _____ berlaku apabila paras gula tinggi di dalam darah.
  7. Penyakit tidak berjangkit tidak _____.
  8. Penyakit respiratori kronik disebabkan _____ pada salur pernafasan.

16 Clues: Penyakit tidak berjangkit tidak _____.Kita perlu amalkan ___ seimbang untuk kekal sihat.Pemeriksaan kesihatan perlu dilakukan secara ____._____ berlaku apabila paras gula tinggi di dalam darah._____ adalah keadaan tekanan darah melebihi 140/90 mmHg.Penyakit terbahagi kepada 2 kategori iaitu ____ dan tidak ______....

Managing Health Conditions 2012-10-05

Managing Health Conditions crossword puzzle
  1. Taking time to relax.
  2. Not a postive way to deal with stress.
  3. Makes it difficult to prepare food in the kitchen.
  4. Situations are part of life and cant be avoided.
  5. Puts an additional strain on the body.
  6. Diets can help lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
  7. May lose interest in eating.
  8. Helps reduce stress.
  9. Is a physical or mental tension triggered by an event or situation in your life.
  10. is a period of recovery after a serious illness or injury.
  1. Is a condition in which the body cannot control blood sugar properly resulting in high blood sugar levels.
  2. Related in a number of ways.
  3. Know that good nutrition is essential to the healing process.
  4. If a patient has an illness that can spread to others.
  5. People with diabetes must be closely followed.
  6. Allergy Reaction after eating a certain food.

16 Clues: Helps reduce stress.Taking time to relax.Related in a number of ways.May lose interest in eating.Not a postive way to deal with stress.Puts an additional strain on the body.Allergy Reaction after eating a certain food.People with diabetes must be closely followed.Situations are part of life and cant be avoided....


DOENÇAS HUMANAS crossword puzzle
  1. IST que aparece como pequenas verrugas na pele da região genital.
  2. É uma doença sexualmente transmissível causada por um fungo.
  3. É uma IST que causa ardência na micção do homem e da mulher.
  4. Também é de origem genética.
  5. Doença causada pelo HIV.
  6. Doença provocada pela produção e/ou insuficiência de insulina.
  7. É um tipo de diabetes que deve-se à destruição das células produtoras de insulina.
  8. Seu nome científico é Treponema pallidum.
  9. Doença bacteriana causada pelo Haemophilus ducreyi.
  10. Também é conhecido pelo nome de chato.
  1. Doença causada pelo excesso de hormônio tireoidiano.
  2. Infecta as células do fígado.
  3. Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga.
  4. É um resultado de processo inflamatório que atinge parte do néfron.
  5. É uma IST que se desenvolve em três fases se não for tratada.
  6. Apresenta dificuldade em urinar devido a presença de cristais formando pedras.

16 Clues: Doença causada pelo HIV.Também é de origem genética.Infecta as células do fígado.Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga.Também é conhecido pelo nome de chato.Seu nome científico é Treponema pallidum.Doença bacteriana causada pelo Haemophilus ducreyi.Doença causada pelo excesso de hormônio tireoidiano....

Sick Day Management of Diabetes 2014-09-29

Sick Day Management of Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. You should check your BS at least q hours?
  2. Seek this room if not able to get a hold of doctor when ill
  3. Should drink 1 cup of liquid q hr to prevent this
  4. If your not able to keep liquids or solids down call your
  5. Check this regularly to monitor illness
  6. Make a sick day before you get sick
  1. When sick you should monitor your urine for?
  2. Count these when you are sick
  3. A person who has diabetes should always have a emergency diabetes
  4. Do not stop taking this medication while sick
  5. Keep blood sugars below hundred to prevent ketone formation
  6. Try to eat meals frequently

12 Clues: Count these when you are sickTry to eat meals frequentlyCheck this regularly to monitor illnessMake a sick day before you get sickWhen sick you should monitor your urine for?You should check your BS at least q hours?Do not stop taking this medication while sickShould drink 1 cup of liquid q hr to prevent this...

Mind and Metabolism: T2D and AD Crossword 2024-02-01

Mind and Metabolism: T2D and AD Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Shared risk factor for both AD and T2D
  2. One of the first areas of the brain to be impacted in AD
  3. Protein that normally binds to and stabilises microtubules in healthy neurons
  4. Important lifestyle modification for diabetes and Alzheimer's prevention
  5. Clumps of a protein called beta-amyloid that gather between nerve cells in the brain
  6. Risk factor of AD
  7. First stage of Alzheimer's progression
  1. Type of sugar found in the bloodstream
  2. This hormone plays an essential role in neuronal survival and brain function
  3. Pancreatic cells responsible for producing and releasing the hormone insulin
  4. One symptom of T2D
  5. One pathophysiological link between AD and T2D

12 Clues: Risk factor of ADOne symptom of T2DShared risk factor for both AD and T2DType of sugar found in the bloodstreamFirst stage of Alzheimer's progressionOne pathophysiological link between AD and T2DOne of the first areas of the brain to be impacted in ADImportant lifestyle modification for diabetes and Alzheimer's prevention...

Chronic Kidney Disease Crossword 2022-11-14

Chronic Kidney Disease Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. How many stages of chronic kidney disease are there
  2. What comes out of your bladder
  3. You use this to keep your teeth clean
  4. What filter system to cleans your blood and keeps the good stuff
  5. The cause of diabetes and hurts the kidneys too
  1. People with kidney failure end up on this
  2. What is a cause of CKD
  3. How many kidneys you have
  4. Where does the clean blood goes after the kidney cleans it
  5. This yucky habit damages your blood vessels and you should quit
  6. Drinking this is good for the body/kidneys?
  7. _____ blood pressure weakens and damages the blood vessels in the kidneys

12 Clues: What is a cause of CKDHow many kidneys you haveWhat comes out of your bladderYou use this to keep your teeth cleanPeople with kidney failure end up on thisDrinking this is good for the body/kidneys?The cause of diabetes and hurts the kidneys tooHow many stages of chronic kidney disease are there...

Pregnancy and Lactation 2022-11-14

Pregnancy and Lactation crossword puzzle
  1. ________ drugs are poorly transferred across the placenta.
  2. Drug absorption is _________ in pregnancy.
  3. What is the fetomaternal organ?
  4. What happens to a patient's blood volume during pregnancy?
  5. What medication can be given off-label to increase milk production?
  6. What is the antigen isotype that can easily cross the placenta?
  7. High blood pressure disorder associated with pregnancy
  8. What hormone is highest right before delivery?
  9. What is a medication that can be used to prevent seizures during pregnancies.
  10. Nursing inhibits _________.
  11. What is condition that occurs in mothers during childbirth?
  1. This term refers to male breast development
  2. Risk of permanent tooth staining in infant
  3. _____ diabetes is glucose intolerance during pregnancy.
  4. Neurotransmitter that decreases prolactin secretion
  5. Why is TSH decreased during pregnancy?
  6. Factors that cause embryonic malformations
  7. What is the period of weeks 1-8 of gestation?
  8. Location of fertilization.
  9. How much alcohol is safe for the fetus?
  10. what oral diabetes class of medications do not cross the placenta?
  11. Cell that releases HCG prior to placental development.
  12. How is maternal blood pH affected by pregnancy?

23 Clues: Location of fertilization.Nursing inhibits _________.What is the fetomaternal organ?Why is TSH decreased during pregnancy?How much alcohol is safe for the fetus?Risk of permanent tooth staining in infantDrug absorption is _________ in pregnancy.Factors that cause embryonic malformationsThis term refers to male breast development...

Chap 14 urinary system disorders 2023-05-31

Chap 14 urinary system disorders crossword puzzle
  1. an abnormally low urinary output between 100 and 400 ml/day
  2. occurs when we are unable to voluntarily control the external sphincter
  3. protein in the blood, caused by physical exertion,pregnancy
  4. low urinary output less than 100 ml/day
  5. occurring primarily in older men is an enlargement of the prostate gland
  6. an inflammation of the urethra
  7. excretes large volumes of urine
  8. insipidus can lead to severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance
  9. the need to get up during the night to urinate, plagues almost 2/3 of this population
  10. feeling that it is necessary to void
  11. kidney inflammation
  1. the kidneys may drop to a lower position
  2. glomerular filters become clogged with antigen-antibody complexes resulting from the strep infection
  3. is a degenerative condition that appears to run in family
  4. urine can no longer pass through the ureters backs up and exerts pressure on the kidneys tissue
  5. a condition found in male babies only
  6. calculi kidney stones
  7. painful urination
  8. retention the bladder is unable to expel its contained urine
  9. bladder inflammation
  10. glucose in the urine, sign of diabetes mellitus

21 Clues: painful urinationkidney inflammationbladder inflammationcalculi kidney stonesan inflammation of the urethraexcretes large volumes of urinefeeling that it is necessary to voida condition found in male babies onlylow urinary output less than 100 ml/daythe kidneys may drop to a lower positionglucose in the urine, sign of diabetes mellitus...

TTS HIDUP SEHAT 2023-08-31

TTS HIDUP SEHAT crossword puzzle
  1. Gangguan perasaan akibat dari pola hidup yang berlebihan dan tidak sehat
  2. Kegiatan sebelum melakukan aktivitas fisik untuk membantu meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan mengurangi risiko cedera
  3. Zat makanan yang diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tubuh
  4. Kegiatan olahraga yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengisi waktu luang
  5. Kekurangan zat besi
  6. Manfaat karbohidrat
  7. Contoh minuman tidak sehat
  8. Kandungan berbahaya dalam makanan instan
  9. Manfaat protein bagi tubuh sebagai
  10. Buah yang memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang tinggi
  11. Jumlah jam tidur yang baik untuk remaja
  12. Tubuh kelebihan lemak dan berat badan
  1. Kondisi kadar gula darah terlalu tinggi
  2. Apabila dikonsumsi berlebihan dapat meningkatkan risiko tekanan darah tinggi dan penyakit jantung
  3. Senam yang membutuhkan persatuan
  4. Contoh minuman sehat
  5. Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus
  6. Contoh makanan tidak sehat
  7. Contoh makanan sehat
  8. Mengonsumsi makanan yang hanya berasal dari tumbuhan
  9. Membekali tubuh untuk memulai aktivitas setiap pagi
  10. Apabila dikonsumsi berlebihan dapat meningkatkan risiko diabetes dan obesitas
  11. Respons mental dan fisik terhadap tekanan yang berlebihan
  12. Kandungan dalam makanan yang membantu pencernaan, mengurangi risiko sembelit, dan menjaga kesehatan usus
  13. Menjaga keseimbangan cairan dalam tubuh dan membantu proses metabolisme

25 Clues: Kekurangan zat besiManfaat karbohidratContoh minuman sehatContoh makanan sehatContoh makanan tidak sehatContoh minuman tidak sehatSenam yang membutuhkan persatuanManfaat protein bagi tubuh sebagaiPenyakit yang disebabkan oleh virusTubuh kelebihan lemak dan berat badanKondisi kadar gula darah terlalu tinggiJumlah jam tidur yang baik untuk remaja...


  1. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  2. Natrium benzoat merupakan garam dari…
  3. Hipertensi merupakan salah satu faktor resiko penyakit…
  4. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  5. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  6. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  7. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  8. Kadar natrium dalam tubuh bisa mengalami penurunan apabila natrium berinteraksi dengan zat gizi…
  9. Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…
  10. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  11. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  12. Pengaturan eksresi dilakukan untuk mempertahankan…
  13. Keringat adalah cairan hipotonik yang berisi…
  14. Natrium benzoat sering digunakan pada…
  1. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  2. Fungsi dari natrium…
  3. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  4. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…
  5. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…
  6. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  7. hipertensi terjadi karena…
  8. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  9. Tekanan darah terdiri atas 2 bagian tekanan sistolik dan tekanan…
  10. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  11. simptomatik haus muncul jika ada kehilangan…
  12. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  13. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  14. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  15. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  16. Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…

30 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…hipertensi terjadi karena…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…salah satu sumber alami natrium…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…Natrium benzoat merupakan garam dari…...

The Cardiovascular System 2022-04-01

The Cardiovascular System crossword puzzle
  1. cardiovascular disease
  2. disease of the heart muscle; enlarged heart
  3. insufficient
  4. thin muscular tubes that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
  5. lifelong condition that causes your blood sugar level to become too high
  6. chest
  7. carries the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart's left atrium
  8. An invasive test which injects dye into the veins to reach the coronary arteries
  9. excessive
  10. uses radio waves, magnets, and a computer to create pictures of the heart
  11. peripheral vascular disease
  12. hardened arteries
  13. muscular pumping 'device'
  1. blood vessels that connect small arteries and veins
  2. carries deoxygenated blood and carbon dioxide back to the heart
  3. when the heart is unable to pump blood around the body properly
  4. EKG/ECG
  5. fast
  6. diabetes mellitus
  7. uses sound waves to create a moving picture of the heart.
  8. chest pain caused by restricted blood flow to the heart
  9. coronary artery bypass graft surgery
  10. radiofrequency
  11. heart failure
  12. excision
  13. shows the shape and size of the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels

26 Clues: fastchestEKG/ECGexcisionexcessiveinsufficientheart failureradiofrequencydiabetes mellitushardened arteriescardiovascular diseasemuscular pumping 'device'peripheral vascular diseasecoronary artery bypass graft surgerydisease of the heart muscle; enlarged heartblood vessels that connect small arteries and veins...

medicinal plants 2021-05-01

medicinal plants crossword puzzle
  1. leaves serve as heat-reducing medicines and fevers
  2. leaved act as cures for fever and side sickness
  3. serves as rheumatick sciantica and backache
  4. berries serve asa cure for acid and cough
  5. works as a cure for sweets and diabetes
  6. served as a cure for dengue fever
  7. enhances the appetite
  8. roots served as medicine for bad breath and body odor
  9. of thorns serves as an antidote to the venom of snakes
  10. ACTS as asore throat medicine and gets a cold
  1. as a cure for cold medicine and it digestion
  2. served as a cure for eye and heart ailments
  3. is a lozenge for pain
  4. plants serves as medicine for mouth ulcers and bleeding gums
  5. saga can cure cough ulcers
  6. served as an eye pain medication and a nosebleed
  7. works as a cure for sweet pee and colitis
  8. served as a cancer and diabetes preventive medicine
  9. serves as an antidote to both venom and stomach ulcer
  10. leaves serve as a high-blood-reducing medicine
  11. serves as a cure for deep-hot soup soup and rock urine

21 Clues: is a lozenge for painenhances the appetitesaga can cure cough ulcersserved as a cure for dengue feverworks as a cure for sweets and diabetesworks as a cure for sweet pee and colitisberries serve asa cure for acid and coughserved as a cure for eye and heart ailmentsserves as rheumatick sciantica and backache...

science 2022-01-14

science crossword puzzle
  1. non-insulin dependent
  2. common effect of uncontrolled diabetes
  3. hormone that regulates blood sugar
  4. disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin
  1. insulin-dependent
  2. hyperglycemia with blood glucose values above normal but below those diagnostic of diabetes

6 Clues: insulin-dependentnon-insulin dependenthormone that regulates blood sugarcommon effect of uncontrolled diabetesdisease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulinhyperglycemia with blood glucose values above normal but below those diagnostic of diabetes

Postpartum Depression (PPD) 2022-10-26

Postpartum Depression (PPD) crossword puzzle
  1. diabetes that some women get during pregnancy
  2. people who meet together or go online to share feeling and experiences about certain topics
  3. a therapy that helps manage negative thoughts
  4. a rare and severe form of depression
  5. a therapy that helps you identify and deal with conditions and problems in your personal life
  6. when your baby dies before birth
  1. best food for baby throughout their first year of life
  2. chemicals in your body
  3. feeling of sadness you may have after having baby(Not PPD)
  4. medicine used to defeat many kinds of depression
  5. body cells that store instructionsfor the way your body grows and work
  6. plays an important part in your menstral cycle and pregnancy
  7. a gland in your neck that helps your body store and use energy from food
  8. pre existing diabetes
  9. helps protect baby from harmful infections
  10. a medical condition that many women get after having a baby

16 Clues: pre existing diabeteschemicals in your bodywhen your baby dies before birtha rare and severe form of depressionhelps protect baby from harmful infectionsdiabetes that some women get during pregnancya therapy that helps manage negative thoughtsmedicine used to defeat many kinds of depressionbest food for baby throughout their first year of life...





  1. A device that measures blood sugar
  2. (high blood glucose) means there is too much sugar in the blood because the body lacks enough insulin
  3. A type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy
  4. Another name for Type 1 Diabetes
  5. Insulin is a natural hormone secreted by which organ or gland
  1. is a condition in which your blood sugar (glucose) level is lower than normal.
  2. Foods, such as beans, dark leafy greens, nuts, and berries, that are slow to break down into glucose, are said to have a low
  3. A type of diabetes which which the kidneys are unable to conserve water.

8 Clues: Another name for Type 1 DiabetesA device that measures blood sugarA type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancyInsulin is a natural hormone secreted by which organ or glandA type of diabetes which which the kidneys are unable to conserve water.is a condition in which your blood sugar (glucose) level is lower than normal....

Section 14. Diabetes in Children and Adolescents 2022-06-10

Section 14. Diabetes in Children and Adolescents crossword puzzle
  1. Patients on continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) pumps can either lower their basal insulin rates or ______ them during exercise.
  2. There is a strong link between blood sugar _____ and amount of blood sugar testing.
  3. Blood glucose goals for patients prior to exercising range from 126-_______________.
  4. Term for the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.
  1. A comorbidity that can be a complication of diabetes.
  2. Patients should have fast-acting these on hand when exercising to prevent hypoglycemia.
  3. Nutritional management of diabetes should be effective and ____________.
  4. Type ____ diabetes is most prevalent in pediatric patients.

8 Clues: A comorbidity that can be a complication of diabetes.Type ____ diabetes is most prevalent in pediatric patients.Nutritional management of diabetes should be effective and ____________.There is a strong link between blood sugar _____ and amount of blood sugar testing....

ED Endocrinology 2020-06-05

ED Endocrinology crossword puzzle
  1. Mineralocorticoid used to treat postural hypotension
  2. Drug which can be used to treat SIADH
  3. Neuropathy with vomiting, postural hypotension and erectile dysfunction
  4. Syndrome of congenital hypogonadism and anosmia
  5. Most common cause of Hypothyroidism in the Western world
  6. Class of drug which increases peripheral insulin sensitivity
  7. Weakness, cold intolerance, coarse skin and coma
  8. Syndrome of hypernatraemia, hypokalaemia and hypertension
  9. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy leads to...
  10. Proptosis and tachycardia in a young woman
  11. Neuropathy associated with burning in the peripheries (5,5)
  12. Excess growth hormone prior to growth plate fusion is...
  13. Treatment for craniogenic diabetes insipidus
  1. Most common pituitary tumour in MEN1
  2. Test used to differentiate between endogenous and exogenous insulin overdose
  3. Hypoglycaemia in liver failure is due to impaired...
  4. Low in Hyperparathyroidism
  5. Drug which can cause hypoglycaemia secondary to insulin release
  6. Joint damaged due to peripheral sensory neuropathy
  7. Karyotype of Turner's Syndrome
  8. Syndrome of pituitary damage secondary to PPH
  9. Hirsutism, acne and infertility
  10. Urinary test for a phaeochromocytoma
  11. Class of drug used in diabetic nephropathy management
  12. Psychiatric drug which may induce nephrongenic diabetes insipidus

25 Clues: Low in HyperparathyroidismKaryotype of Turner's SyndromeHirsutism, acne and infertilityMost common pituitary tumour in MEN1Urinary test for a phaeochromocytomaDrug which can be used to treat SIADHProptosis and tachycardia in a young womanTreatment for craniogenic diabetes insipidusSyndrome of pituitary damage secondary to PPH...

Disorders of the Endocrine System 2024-04-26

Disorders of the Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. the syndrome when a male, genetically XY, because of various abnormalities of the X chromosome, is resistant to the actions of the androgen hormones, which in turn stops the forming of the male genitalia and gives a female phenotype
  2. hypersecretion growth hormone in adults
  3. tetany
  4. technical terms for "high blood glucose"; diabetes mellitus
  5. crushing's syndrome
  6. when the amount of hormones that are released is too low
  7. hirsutism
  8. hypothyroidism in children
  9. S.A.D
  10. low blood glucose
  11. diabetes insipidus
  1. hyposecretion growth hormone in child
  2. occurs when the adrenal glands release too much aldosterone
  3. an enlarged thyroid gland which results when diet is deficient in iodine
  4. rickets; develops from too much activity in one or more parathyroid glands
  5. Addison's Disease
  6. giantism
  7. hypothyroidism in adult
  8. happens when you have an excess amount of androgens in your body
  9. another name for steroid abuse that's NOT hirsutism
  10. the protrusion of one or both eyes anteriorly out of the orbit due to an increase in orbital contents within the rigid bony orbit

21 Clues: S.A.DtetanygiantismhirsutismAddison's Diseaselow blood glucosediabetes insipiduscrushing's syndromehypothyroidism in adulthypothyroidism in childrenhyposecretion growth hormone in childhypersecretion growth hormone in adultsanother name for steroid abuse that's NOT hirsutismwhen the amount of hormones that are released is too low...

Abbreviations #1 2023-12-07

Abbreviations #1 crossword puzzle
  1. Intensive care unit
  2. Degenerative joint disease
  3. Beats per minute
  4. ratio Albumin to globulin ratio
  5. Acute renal failure
  6. Inflammatory bowel disease
  7. Diabetes insipidus
  8. Below the knee amputation
  9. History of
  10. Chief complaint
  11. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  12. Deep tendon reflexes
  13. History and physical examination
  14. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  15. Alive no evidence of disease
  16. Acute myocardial infarction
  17. Basic metabolic panel
  18. Critical care unit
  19. Above the knee amputation
  20. Graft vs. Host disease
  21. Dyspnea on exertion
  22. Hemoglobin and hematocrit
  23. Dilation and curettage
  24. Complaint of
  25. Culture and sensitivity
  1. Coronary artery bypass graft
  2. Diabetes mellitus
  3. Do not resuscitate
  4. Acute renal failure
  5. Incision and drainage
  6. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  7. Bilateral salpingoophorectomy
  8. Borderline personality disorder
  9. Acute respiratory distress syndrome
  10. cubic centimeters
  11. Hormone replacement therapy
  12. Continuous positive airway pressure
  13. Implantable cardioverter defibrillator
  14. Adverse drug reactions
  15. Cerebrovascular accident
  16. Intensive therapy unit
  17. Blood pressure
  18. Complete dental evaluation
  19. Deep Vein Thrombosis
  20. Antidiuretic hormone
  21. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  22. Ductal carcinoma in situ
  23. Complete blood count

48 Clues: History ofComplaint ofBlood pressureChief complaintBeats per minuteDiabetes mellituscubic centimetersDo not resuscitateDiabetes insipidusCritical care unitIntensive care unitAcute renal failureAcute renal failureDyspnea on exertionDeep tendon reflexesDeep Vein ThrombosisAntidiuretic hormoneComplete blood countIncision and drainage...

Test je kennis 2018-03-05

Test je kennis crossword puzzle
  1. De parameter die aangeeft hoe fel het bloed in de slagaders geduwd wordt
  2. Levensbedreigende aandoening waarbij zorgvragers hun trachea dicht gedrukt wordt door een ontstoken strotteklep
  3. Doordat dit niet meer aanwezig is, kan astma bij t.h.v. de bronchiolen zorgen voor benauwdheid.
  4. Deze aandoening kan leiden tot amputatie bij personen met diabetes
  5. Deze bacterie kan via een sepsis meningitis veroorzaken
  6. Spier die buik- en borstholte van elkaar scheiden
  7. Ontsteking van de keelamandelen
  8. Vochtophoping
  1. Bij een hyperglycemie is dit verhoogd
  2. Als je dit te veel inneemt krijg je een hypoglycemie
  3. Vertrekt altijd vanuit het hart, meestal met zuurstofrijk bloed
  4. Dit zet glycogeen om in glucose
  5. Dit is aangetast bij personen die langere tijd hun diabetes niet verzorgen waardoor ze wondjes niet voelen
  6. Zuurstof wordt vervoerd door de ... bloedcellen
  7. Zorgt voor de overgang van ader naar slagader

15 Clues: VochtophopingDit zet glycogeen om in glucoseOntsteking van de keelamandelenBij een hyperglycemie is dit verhoogdZorgt voor de overgang van ader naar slagaderZuurstof wordt vervoerd door de ... bloedcellenSpier die buik- en borstholte van elkaar scheidenAls je dit te veel inneemt krijg je een hypoglycemie...