diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Bauchspeicheldrüse 2018-11-06

Bauchspeicheldrüse crossword puzzle
  1. Was hat Insulin für eine Aufgabe beim Blutzucker
  2. Was müssen Diabetiker in ihrem Leben umstellen?
  3. Was wird man bei der Untersuchung von Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs machen bzw. verwenden?
  4. Eine mögliche Therapie bei Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs?
  5. Was schüttet die Bauchspeicheldrüse unteranderem noch aus
  6. Eine weitere Erkrankung ist Mukoviszidose, dabei gibt es oft eine Funktionsstörung im Salzkanal. Was ist deshalb ein guter Test zum nach weis dieser Erkrankung?
  7. Was ist wiederum die Aufgabe des Glukagons in Bezug auf den Blutzuckerspiegel
  8. Was beeinflussen die Hormone der Bauchspeicheldrüse
  9. Pankreatitis Anderes Wort für akute Bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung?
  1. Das Fachwort für Bauchspeicheldrüse?
  2. Welche Untersuchung wird noch durchgeführt um z.B. den Blutzucker zu messen
  3. Ein Hormon der Bauspeicheldrüse
  4. Welcher Test wird bei Diabetes Typ-1 durchgeführt?
  5. Das andere Hormon der Bauchspeicheldrüse
  6. Wie wird die Erkrankung genannt wo die Insulin Ausschüttung gehemmt ist bzw. Insulin nicht aufgenommen wird?

15 Clues: Ein Hormon der BauspeicheldrüseDas Fachwort für Bauchspeicheldrüse?Das andere Hormon der BauchspeicheldrüseWas müssen Diabetiker in ihrem Leben umstellen?Was hat Insulin für eine Aufgabe beim BlutzuckerWelcher Test wird bei Diabetes Typ-1 durchgeführt?Was beeinflussen die Hormone der Bauchspeicheldrüse...

Endocrine System 2013-11-27

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. this hormones increases the level of calcium in the blood
  2. produces the insulin and glucagon hormones
  3. has 2 parts the anterior lobe and the posterior lobe
  4. Excessive amounts of glucocorticoid hormones can lead to this syndrome
  5. 'en--c--ne
  1. the hormone that helps you grow
  2. 'h--m--e-'
  3. two triangular glands,there is one on top of each kidney
  4. Locatedin the front part of the lower neck
  5. a collection of specialized cells that is located in the lower central part of the brain
  6. a condition in which the levels of thyroid hormones in the blood are excessively high
  7. contols your body
  8. this type of diabetes is when the body can't produce normal amounts of insulin
  9. pumps blood around your body
  10. this type of diabetes is when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin

15 Clues: 'h--m--e-''en--c--necontols your bodypumps blood around your bodythe hormone that helps you growLocatedin the front part of the lower neckproduces the insulin and glucagon hormoneshas 2 parts the anterior lobe and the posterior lobetwo triangular glands,there is one on top of each kidneythis hormones increases the level of calcium in the blood...

KIN 6160 Puzzle Assignment 2020-04-20

KIN 6160 Puzzle Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. Inhibits uterine contractions but increases the heart rates of the mother and fetus
  2. Hormones that would be elevated during a fast
  3. Detects changes in the salt concentration in the plasma
  4. Hormone disorder that leads to mental retardation in infancy
  5. Long-acting insulin preparation
  6. Inhibits bone resorption
  7. ADH secretion is inhibited, blood is
  8. An insulin that provides a constant 24 hour release for a patient diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus
  9. Decreased growth hormone leads to
  1. Regulates hormones released by the anterior pituitary
  2. A parameter that helps differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  3. Binds to specific receptors to produce its effects
  4. Stimulates contraction of the uterus to facilitate delivery of babies
  5. An adverse effect of Oxytocin
  6. Increases the reabsorption of water into blood, blood is
  7. Adverse effect of thioamide drugs
  8. Hormone secreted from the thyroid gland to help regulate tissue growth
  9. Oral antidiabetic agent that increases the incretin’s duration of action
  10. Hormone released to compensate for low calcium levels
  11. Are used to inhibit uterine contractions

20 Clues: Inhibits bone resorptionAn adverse effect of OxytocinLong-acting insulin preparationAdverse effect of thioamide drugsDecreased growth hormone leads toADH secretion is inhibited, blood isAre used to inhibit uterine contractionsHormones that would be elevated during a fastBinds to specific receptors to produce its effects...

Biologi 2021-01-29

Biologi crossword puzzle
  1. limbah yang dikeluarkan kulit
  2. latin dari kulti
  3. sedikit urine karena meningkatnya ADH
  4. pembentukan materi keras menyerupai batu yang berasal dari mineral dan garam di dalam ginjal
  5. letak kelenjar keringat
  6. nama lengkungan diantara TKP dan TKD
  7. penyakit dimana urine banyak mengandung protein
  8. letak reabsorpsi
  9. rusaknya makrofag paru-paru karena ada silikat
  10. kelainan dimana tidak terbentuknya urine, yang disebabkan kerusakan pada glomerulus adalah
  11. latin dari hati
  12. lapisan dalam ginjal
  13. radang di selaput paru-paru
  14. penyakit yang terjadi karena terdapat glukosa dalam urin
  1. Penyakit diabetes insipidus disebabkan karena kekurangan hormon
  2. yang mengelilingi glomerulus
  3. lapisan luar ginjal
  4. letak filtrasi
  5. penyakit dimana glomeruli meradang
  6. banyak urine karena kurang ADH
  7. mengatur banyak dikit urine
  8. nama bakteri penyakit TBC
  9. latin dari paru-paru
  10. penyakit hati karena serangan virus hepatitis
  11. penyambung ginjal dan kantung kemih
  12. Organ yang mengeluarkan zat sisa metabolisme yang mengandung senyawa nitrogen
  13. organ ekskresi yang berfusi untuk pernafasan juga
  14. Hati mengekskresikan empedu sebagai hasil perombakan dan penguraian
  15. latin dari ginjal
  16. tempat dikeluarkan urine setelah kantung kemih
  17. letak augmentasi

31 Clues: letak filtrasilatin dari hatilatin dari kultiletak reabsorpsiletak augmentasilatin dari ginjallapisan luar ginjallatin dari paru-parulapisan dalam ginjalletak kelenjar keringatnama bakteri penyakit TBCmengatur banyak dikit urineradang di selaput paru-paruyang mengelilingi glomeruluslimbah yang dikeluarkan kulitbanyak urine karena kurang ADH...

Renal Crossword 2022-02-22

Renal Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Type of kidney tumor in pediatrics
  2. Syndrome with hearing loss
  3. High pH with high HCO3
  4. Immunoglobulin elevated in a certain nephritic syndrome
  5. Kidney infection
  6. Congenital kidney disease with apical fusion
  7. GBM description when it is split
  8. Lysosomal storage disorder
  9. Condition associated with peaked T waves
  10. Blood vessel arising from the interlobar vessels
  11. Drug given to reduce brain swelling
  12. Hyponatremia cause
  13. These constrict the afferent arteriole
  14. More severe form of minimal change disease
  15. Antibodies vs basement membrane
  16. Type of diabetes with ADH resistance
  1. Red-green birefringence
  2. Inhibitors of the NCC
  3. Elevated BUN and Creatinine
  4. Butterfly rash and arthralgias
  5. Kidney stones
  6. Type of RTA due to impaired H+ secretion
  7. Cause of anion gap metabolic acidosis in uncontrolled diabetes
  8. Ion bound to calcium to form a common stone
  9. Area of the nephron where amino acids are reabsorbed
  10. Gene commonly mutated in renal cell carcinoma
  11. These have foot processes
  12. Common finding in nephritic syndrome
  13. A triangular part of the bladder

29 Clues: Kidney stonesKidney infectionHyponatremia causeInhibitors of the NCCHigh pH with high HCO3Red-green birefringenceThese have foot processesSyndrome with hearing lossLysosomal storage disorderElevated BUN and CreatinineButterfly rash and arthralgiasAntibodies vs basement membraneGBM description when it is splitA triangular part of the bladder...

Diabetes Crossword Puzzle 2023-03-21

Diabetes Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. When treating hypoglycemia on a conscious patient, you should recheck a glucose after ___ mins.
  2. An A1C goal for someone with diabetes is less than ___.
  3. After meals
  4. When ill, the patient with T1 DM should monitor their urine for ____.
  5. Lispro is a ____-acting insulin.
  1. This medication can be used to raise blood glucose when someone is hypoglycemic and unconsious.
  2. The 3 Ps of diabetes are polyuria, polydipsia, and _____.
  3. This electrolyte imbalance is common in DKA.
  4. How many grams of carbs is a carb exchange?
  5. Hypoglycemia is considered a blood glucose < ____.
  6. DKA can lead to metabolic _____.

11 Clues: After mealsLispro is a ____-acting insulin.DKA can lead to metabolic _____.How many grams of carbs is a carb exchange?This electrolyte imbalance is common in DKA.Hypoglycemia is considered a blood glucose < ____.An A1C goal for someone with diabetes is less than ___.The 3 Ps of diabetes are polyuria, polydipsia, and _____....

What Is Your Sickness? 2022-06-01

What Is Your Sickness? crossword puzzle
  1. Serangan Jantung
  2. Sakit Gigi
  3. Sakit Mata
  4. Demam
  5. kencing manis
  1. Sakit Perut
  2. Kanker
  3. Bisul
  4. Sakit Kepala
  5. Cold

10 Clues: ColdBisulDemamKankerSakit GigiSakit MataSakit PerutSakit Kepalakencing manisSerangan Jantung

Sport Medicine 2022-03-13

Sport Medicine crossword puzzle
  1. البرودة
  2. الصوم
  3. السكري
  4. ارتفاع ضغط الدم
  5. التهاب المفاصل
  6. المنشطات
  1. السرطان
  2. التغذية
  3. الضغط النفسي
  4. الانقطاع عن التدريب

10 Clues: الصومالسكريالبرودةالسرطانالتغذيةالمنشطاتالضغط النفسيالتهاب المفاصلارتفاع ضغط الدمالانقطاع عن التدريب

Social Constructions of Stigmatizing Discourse Around Type 2 Diabetes Diagnoses 2024-03-28

Social Constructions of Stigmatizing Discourse Around Type 2 Diabetes Diagnoses crossword puzzle
  1. It is used when someone has diabetes.
  2. Where was the research done.
  3. A type of social stigma also known as self-perceived stigma, after a negative experience how you view your self
  4. The potential outcomes of possessing overt diabetes indicators.
  1. A type of stigma that is described as both an individual's possession of a characteristic viewed by others as not normal.
  2. experts: Someone who could influence the undiagnosed perceptions of those living with diabetes.
  3. A type of social stigma that refers to interactions that occurs between the stigmatized and non-stigmatized.
  4. The identification of an illness.

8 Clues: Where was the research done.The identification of an illness.It is used when someone has diabetes.The potential outcomes of possessing overt diabetes indicators.experts: Someone who could influence the undiagnosed perceptions of those living with diabetes....

Diabetes 2022-03-31

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes is the leading cause of _____ in working-age adults?
  2. Roughly how many millions of Americans have diabetes?
  1. How can you prevent type two diabetes?
  2. What factor differentiates type one and type two diabetes?
  3. Which type of diabetes is most prevalent?

5 Clues: How can you prevent type two diabetes?Which type of diabetes is most prevalent?Roughly how many millions of Americans have diabetes?What factor differentiates type one and type two diabetes?Diabetes is the leading cause of _____ in working-age adults?


  1. cacat mata kerna lensa mata terlalu cekung dan bolamata terlalu panjang. Hal ini dapat dibantu dengan lensa cekung
  2. Hormon yang berfungsi merangsang kontraksi otot uterus pada ibu melahirkan
  3. tonjolan-tonjolan yang bersifat kasar pada lidah
  4. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon yang mengatur fungsi kelenjar lain
  5. Alat indera yang berfungsi menjadi fotoreseptor
  6. Bagian pada mata yang disebut selaput pelangi
  7. peradangan pada permukaan kulit. Ditandai dengan gatal-gatal merah,bengkak,melepuh,dan berair.
  1. Senyawa organik pembawa pesan kimiawi dalam aliran darah
  2. Kelenjar yang terletak pada daerah leher dekat jakun
  3. Alat indera pengecap
  4. Alat indera yang peka terhadap suhu dan memproduksi keringat
  5. Hormon yang disuntikkan pada penderita diabetes melitus
  6. Hormon yang disekresikan saat hamil dan menyusui (ASI)
  7. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon fungsinya untuk mengatur kadar gula dalam darah
  8. Kelenjar yang bermasalah dalam menghasilkan hormonnya pada penyakit diabetes melitus

15 Clues: Alat indera pengecapBagian pada mata yang disebut selaput pelangiAlat indera yang berfungsi menjadi fotoreseptortonjolan-tonjolan yang bersifat kasar pada lidahKelenjar yang terletak pada daerah leher dekat jakunHormon yang disekresikan saat hamil dan menyusui (ASI)Hormon yang disuntikkan pada penderita diabetes melitus...

Diabetes - Brand and Generic 2022-10-20

Diabetes - Brand and Generic crossword puzzle
  1. humalog
  2. farxiga
  3. diabeta
  4. jardiance
  5. invokana
  6. glucotrol
  7. janumet
  8. januvia
  9. ozempic
  10. lantus
  1. levemir
  2. trulicity
  3. basaglar
  4. glucophage
  5. mounjaro
  6. victoza
  7. tradjenta
  8. actos
  9. amaryl
  10. novolog

20 Clues: actosamaryllantuslevemirhumalogfarxigadiabetavictozajanumetjanuviaozempicnovologbasaglarmounjaroinvokanatrulicityjardiancetradjentaglucotrolglucophage

Karakteristik Serelia dan Umbi-umbian 2023-12-13

Karakteristik Serelia dan Umbi-umbian crossword puzzle
  1. kue apem adalah makanan tradisional jawa yang terbuat dari
  2. Fungsi utama karbohidrat bagi tubuh yaitu sebagai
  3. Tepung maizena merupakan olahan bahan pangan yang terbuat dari
  4. tepung tapioka adalah tepung pati yang diekstrak dari
  5. Jenis serelia yang biasanya diolah menjadi tepung terigu yaitu
  1. kandungan utama yang terkandung dalam beras
  2. Jenis umbi-umbian yang biasanya di olah menjadi perkedel
  3. Jenis umbi-umbian yang aman dikonsumsi penderita diabetes
  4. Kandungan vitamin E pada talas dapat membantu menurunkan resiko penyakit
  5. jenis serelia pengganti beras yang aman dikonsumsi oleh penderita diabetes

10 Clues: kandungan utama yang terkandung dalam berasFungsi utama karbohidrat bagi tubuh yaitu sebagaitepung tapioka adalah tepung pati yang diekstrak dariJenis umbi-umbian yang biasanya di olah menjadi perkedelJenis umbi-umbian yang aman dikonsumsi penderita diabeteskue apem adalah makanan tradisional jawa yang terbuat dari...

Diabetes 101/ Life on a pump 2021-02-23

Diabetes 101/ Life on a pump crossword puzzle
  1. which CGM do Control-IQ and Basal-IQ pumps use?
  2. type of diabetes which can occur during pregnancy.
  3. sugars and starches found in food that provide a main source of energy to the human body.
  4. what is the name of the first Tandem pump that had CGM integration?
  5. dangerous condition caused when there's not enough insulin in the body, causing high levels of ketones.
  6. reservoir which holds insulin and requires to be changed every 2-3 days.
  7. what is the name of the pump supply used to get the insulin from the cartridge to the patient's body?
  8. name the part of the infusion set that gets inserted to the patient's skin to deliver insulin:
  9. doing this can increase insulin sensitivity in a person's body.
  10. what is the software used to download data from your pump for patients and doctors to review?
  11. what is the name of the Tandem pump which can hold up to 480u of insulin?
  12. what does CGM stand for?
  13. type of bolus used to bring BG closer to target range.
  14. where does the pump screen display the insulin that is active in the patient's body?
  15. which type of diabetes is caused by insulin resistance?
  16. what kind of bolus is used to cover for meals and snacks?
  17. what does IPT stand for?
  1. test that measures average Blood Glucose in past 2-3 months.
  2. what emergency kit is used when a person is unconscious from severe low blood glucose?
  3. term used to describe elevated blood glucose.
  4. term to describe blood glucose which have dropped below normal levels.
  5. what does LADA stand for?
  6. what kind of insulin do Tandem pumps use?
  7. what does MDI stand for?
  8. what is the name of the first pump released by Tandem?
  9. what is chronic, common and controllable?
  10. What kind of illness is type 1 diabetes?
  11. chronic health condition in which the pancreas stops producing enough insulin to sustain the body.
  12. what is the name of the hormone which helps regulate blood glucose in a person's body?
  13. what can the pump calculate based on carbs eaten and/or blood glucose?
  14. what is the name of the Tandem pump that has two-way Bluetooth communication?
  15. Who determines the insulin delivery settings entered into the pump?
  16. the pump will deliver smaller doses of "background insulin" based on this setting:

33 Clues: what does MDI stand for?what does CGM stand for?what does IPT stand for?what does LADA stand for?What kind of illness is type 1 diabetes?what kind of insulin do Tandem pumps use?what is chronic, common and controllable?term used to describe elevated blood glucose.which CGM do Control-IQ and Basal-IQ pumps use?...

diabetes and your heart 2024-02-05

diabetes and your heart crossword puzzle
  1. This can help you keep your sugar levels in a good range
  2. What sort of diet can improve sugar levels?
  3. High sugar levels can effect this?
  1. Who can help you manage your diabetes?
  2. Being ..... helps manage diabetes
  3. What condition causes high sugar levels

6 Clues: Being ..... helps manage diabetesHigh sugar levels can effect this?Who can help you manage your diabetes?What condition causes high sugar levelsWhat sort of diet can improve sugar levels?This can help you keep your sugar levels in a good range

GI tract - pancreas 2020-05-11

GI tract - pancreas crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin binds to this kinase membrane receptor.
  2. Insulin increases cell uptake of nutrients during which metabolic state
  3. Characterised by a decreased uptake of glucose in cells. This results in PU/PD and high USG.
  4. What is the flow rate when there is no reabsorption and the pancreatic juice stays alkaline during digestion.
  5. What is the flow rate when HCO3- is being reabsorbed into acinar cells
  6. This can occur when there is an insulin overdose or tumour in the beta cells of the pancreas. Ruminants are very sensitive to this.
  7. Glucose uptake is enhanced by the mobilisation of which transporter protein?
  8. Horses have pancreatic juices that are low in this. To compensate they secrete a lot of pancreatic juices and the ileum secretes it also.
  9. A hormone released alpha cells in the pancreas
  10. The hormones secreted by the endocrine pancreas travel to what organ to be used. Glucagon only affects this organ.
  11. This part of the pancreas is responsible for hCHO, fat and protein digestion. It releases lipases and amylases and proteases.
  12. The ionic composition of pancreatic juices is similar to what
  13. This part of the body is not sensitive to insulin but is still sensitive to glucose levels.
  14. This stimulates pancreatic juices and is released from the duodenum in response to H+.
  1. A hormone released by delta cells in the pancreas
  2. A hormone released by beta cells in the pancreas
  3. This is released in the duodenum and causes an increase in pancreatic enzymes (also contracts the gall bladder).
  4. A peptide hormone released due to high plasma glucose, high amino acids, and the parasympathetic NS.
  5. This form of diabetes mellitus occurs when there is a lack of insulin receptors or they are not responsive to insulin anymore.
  6. This occurs due to diabetes, where lipids are degraded due to a lack of glucose in the cells. Incomplete FFA breakdown produces this.
  7. This occurs due to diabetes, where the kidneys can't reabsorb the large amount of glucose. It's limit has been exceeded.
  8. This is part of the pancreatic juices but it neutralises stomach acid and provides a perfect environment for the digestive enzymes.
  9. A peptide hormone released due to low plasma glucose, low amino acids and the parasymp/sympathetic NS.
  10. Glucagon binds to receptors in target cells and via a GPCR it activates this enzyme.
  11. Glucagon increases plasma glucose by stimulating liver glycogenolysis and ___________.
  12. This type of animal is the only one to have an intermittent pancreatic juice flow.
  13. This form of diabetes mellitus occurs when insulin is no longer made by the pancreas.
  14. This part of the pancreas is responsible for regulating metabolism. It secretes insulin, glucagon and somatostatin.

28 Clues: A hormone released alpha cells in the pancreasInsulin binds to this kinase membrane receptor.A hormone released by beta cells in the pancreasA hormone released by delta cells in the pancreasThe ionic composition of pancreatic juices is similar to whatWhat is the flow rate when HCO3- is being reabsorbed into acinar cells...

vocab 2022-10-10

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. diseases that can not be transmitted
  2. the most common form of arthritis
  3. substance that can cause an allergic reaction
  4. a substance capable of causing
  5. a drug that causes widening of the bronchi, e.g., any of those taken by inhalation for the alleviation of asthma.
  6. blood pressure that is higher than normal
  7. those that stay in their primary location without invading other sites of the body
  8. a procedure used to open blocked coronary arteries caused by coronary artery disease.
  9. a chemical found in some of the body's cells
  10. illness persisting for a long time
  11. called insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes
  12. a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body
  13. a swelling of a part of the body, generally without inflammation, caused by an abnormal growth of tissue, whether benign or malignant.
  14. a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans
  15. passing on of physical or mental characteristics
  16. painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints.
  17. the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on the artery walls
  18. the thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries
  19. A disease in which the function or structure of the affected tissues or organs changes for the worse over time
  1. Something that increases the chance of developing a disease
  2. causes itchy welts that may be triggered by foods, medications or other substances
  3. a chronic progressive disease causing inflammation in the joints and resulting in painful deformity and immobility, especially in the fingers, wrists, feet, and ankles.
  4. occurs when something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts
  5. cells that grow uncontrollably and spread locally and/or to distant sites
  6. disease that gets over time
  7. a disease that affects your lungs.
  8. health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy
  9. a sudden and sometimes fatal occurrence of coronary thrombosis, typically resulting in the death of part of a heart muscle
  10. a drug or other compound that inhibits the physiological effects of histamine, used especially in the treatment of allergies.
  11. an impairment in the way the body regulates and uses sugar as fuel
  12. structural or functional anomalies that occur during intrauterine life
  13. hyper reaction to a substances

32 Clues: disease that gets over timea substance capable of causinghyper reaction to a substancesthe most common form of arthritisa disease that affects your lungs.illness persisting for a long timediseases that can not be transmittedblood pressure that is higher than normala chemical found in some of the body's cells...

Non-communicable diseases 2021-07-15

Non-communicable diseases crossword puzzle
  1. smoking may result in...
  2. a disease that cannot be transferred from person to person
  3. an addictive chemical found in cigarettes
  4. when the body is unable to produce insulin
  5. the possible result of unprotected exposure to the sun
  1. when the body is unable to control the amount of sugar in the blood
  2. type of tumour that stays in one area of the body
  3. type of tumour that can spread throughout the body
  4. uncontrolled growth of cells
  5. a lifelong condition that causes a person's blood sugar levels to become too high
  6. another word for alcohol
  7. a major cause of type 2 diabetes
  8. medicines used to stop or slow the growth of cancer cells
  9. what substance can cause slurred speech, drowsiness and vomiting, if consumed too much.

14 Clues: smoking may result in...another word for alcoholuncontrolled growth of cellsa major cause of type 2 diabetesan addictive chemical found in cigaretteswhen the body is unable to produce insulintype of tumour that stays in one area of the bodytype of tumour that can spread throughout the bodythe possible result of unprotected exposure to the sun...


DOENÇAS HUMANAS crossword puzzle
  1. Seu nome científico é Treponema pallidum.
  2. Doença causada pelo excesso de hormônio tireoidiano.
  3. É um resultado de processo inflamatório que atinge parte do néfron.
  4. É uma IST que se desenvolve em três fases se não for tratada.
  5. É uma doença sexualmente transmissível causada por um fungo.
  6. Infecta as células do fígado.
  1. MOLE Doença bacteriana causada pelo Haemophilus ducreyi.
  2. IST que aparece como pequenas verrugas na pele da região genital.
  3. Também é conhecido pelo nome de chato.
  4. JUVENIL É um tipo de diabetes que deve-se à destruição das células produtoras de insulina.
  5. Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga.
  6. renal Apresenta dificuldade em urinar devido a presença de cristais formando pedras.
  7. É uma IST que causa ardência na micção do home e da mulher.
  8. II Também é de origem genética.
  9. Doença provocada pela produção e/ou insuficiência de insulina.
  10. Doença causada pelo HIV.

16 Clues: Doença causada pelo HIV.Infecta as células do fígado.II Também é de origem genética.Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga.Também é conhecido pelo nome de chato.Seu nome científico é Treponema pallidum.Doença causada pelo excesso de hormônio tireoidiano.MOLE Doença bacteriana causada pelo Haemophilus ducreyi....


DOENÇAS HUMANAS crossword puzzle
  1. Seu nome científico é Treponema pallidum.
  2. Doença causada pelo excesso de hormônio tireoidiano.
  3. É um resultado de processo inflamatório que atinge parte do néfron.
  4. É uma IST que se desenvolve em três fases se não for tratada.
  5. É uma doença sexualmente transmissível causada por um fungo.
  6. Infecta as células do fígado.
  1. MOLE Doença bacteriana causada pelo Haemophilus ducreyi.
  2. IST que aparece como pequenas verrugas na pele da região genital.
  3. Também é conhecido pelo nome de chato.
  4. JUVENIL É um tipo de diabetes que deve-se à destruição das células produtoras de insulina.
  5. Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga.
  6. renal Apresenta dificuldade em urinar devido a presença de cristais formando pedras.
  7. É uma IST que causa ardência na micção do home e da mulher.
  8. II Também é de origem genética.
  9. Doença provocada pela produção e/ou insuficiência de insulina.
  10. Doença causada pelo HIV.

16 Clues: Doença causada pelo HIV.Infecta as células do fígado.II Também é de origem genética.Inflamação que ocorre na bexiga.Também é conhecido pelo nome de chato.Seu nome científico é Treponema pallidum.Doença causada pelo excesso de hormônio tireoidiano.MOLE Doença bacteriana causada pelo Haemophilus ducreyi....

6GW T2 Examen kerst 2018-11-30

6GW T2 Examen kerst crossword puzzle
  1. dolor
  2. leverontsteking
  3. roodheid
  4. verzamelnaam van dode witte bloedcellen + wondvocht + micro organismen
  5. wegnemen van zichtbaar vuil
  6. septicaemie
  7. overbrengen van micro organismen via hoesten, praten...
  8. in beweging, veranderlijk
  9. wegnemen van een lidmaat
  10. suikerziekte
  11. kiemvrij, alle leven is weg
  1. calor
  2. lichaamsvreemde stof
  3. fytotherapie
  4. zwelling
  5. reactie van het lichaam tegen vreemde stoffen
  6. een ontvettingsmiddel, zeer prikkelend
  7. ontsteking
  8. gifstoffen

19 Clues: calordolorzwellingroodheidontstekinggifstoffensepticaemiefytotherapiesuikerziekteleverontstekinglichaamsvreemde stofwegnemen van een lidmaatin beweging, veranderlijkwegnemen van zichtbaar vuilkiemvrij, alle leven is wegeen ontvettingsmiddel, zeer prikkelendreactie van het lichaam tegen vreemde stoffen...

Winfield Scott Hancock 2022-05-20

Winfield Scott Hancock crossword puzzle
  1. death day
  2. birthday
  3. death cause
  4. children amount
  5. general rank
  1. spouse
  2. nickname
  3. political party
  4. home state
  5. home town

10 Clues: spousenicknamebirthdaydeath dayhome townhome statedeath causegeneral rankpolitical partychildren amount

Morning Report 2021-09-22

Morning Report crossword puzzle
  1. Updated mailing samples with DM matching campaign can be found in what box?
  2. Don't forget to claim your continuing ed credit for Sci Sessions by October what
  3. International Experts Outline Diabetes Remission Diagnosis Criteria says “People with type 2 diabetes should be considered in remission after sustaining normal blood glucose (sugar) levels for
  4. What is Gumshe's full name
  5. Once a tote bag is requested through us in the CFI how many weeks until the receive it?
  1. The most recent Healthy Living News letter has an article called Curious about what
  2. an innovative program connecting youth at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. This program empowers youth to make healthy lifestyle choices and encourages youth to develop sustainable healthy household habits
  3. How many ATE's there are in the month of Aug
  4. Our new point of contact for ATE is Sara
  5. There's an online matching gift campaign with

10 Clues: What is Gumshe's full nameOur new point of contact for ATE is SaraHow many ATE's there are in the month of AugThere's an online matching gift campaign withUpdated mailing samples with DM matching campaign can be found in what box?Don't forget to claim your continuing ed credit for Sci Sessions by October what...

Biotechnology 2022-05-23

Biotechnology crossword puzzle
  1. A scientist who studies the processes that allow cells to work
  2. Microscopic, single cell organism that can be found in diverse environments. They can be used to make insulin to treat people with diabetes
  3. A process when humans choose specific traits they want and breed organisms together for those specific traits
  4. When humans use natural biological processes to solve a human problem
  5. Genetic material that holds the unique code for each organism
  1. A branch of science that studies the chemical processes in biological (living) systems
  2. Is a group of diseases that causes too much sugar in the bloodstream. Diabetes can usually be controlled by insulin
  3. Doctors inject healthy DNA into a person’s cell to replace damaged DNA for specific disorders
  4. A characteristic belonging to a population or organism. Humans can manipulate traits through artificial selection
  5. Part of a chromosome that is inherited from the parent(s) and determine some of an organism’s characteristics

10 Clues: Genetic material that holds the unique code for each organismA scientist who studies the processes that allow cells to workWhen humans use natural biological processes to solve a human problemA branch of science that studies the chemical processes in biological (living) systems...

Diet and Excercise 2015-09-08

Diet and Excercise crossword puzzle
  1. needed for chemical reactions
  2. stores energy
  3. maintain health
  4. releases energy
  5. helps digest food
  6. high blood sugar
  7. strong bones and teeth
  8. extreme weight
  9. can't have gluten
  1. growth and repair
  2. fatty substance
  3. poor diet
  4. protein deficiency
  5. lack of calcium

14 Clues: poor dietstores energyextreme weightfatty substancemaintain healthreleases energylack of calciumhigh blood sugargrowth and repairhelps digest foodcan't have glutenprotein deficiencystrong bones and teethneeded for chemical reactions

TEKA TEKI GIZI 2020-04-01

TEKA TEKI GIZI crossword puzzle
  1. makanan pokok
  2. terdapat pada susu
  3. gangguan tidur
  4. usia 12-18 tahun
  5. usia 1-5 tahun
  6. makanan pendamping bayi
  7. sumber protein nabati
  8. kelebihan gula
  1. sumber energi
  2. sumber lemak nabati
  3. sayur mengandung
  4. kekurangan protein
  5. kelebihan lemak
  6. terdapat pada babi

14 Clues: sumber energimakanan pokokgangguan tidurusia 1-5 tahunkelebihan gulakelebihan lemakusia 12-18 tahunsayur mengandungterdapat pada susukekurangan proteinterdapat pada babisumber lemak nabatisumber protein nabatimakanan pendamping bayi

kruiswoordpuzzel 2014-10-28

kruiswoordpuzzel crossword puzzle
  1. halfzijdige verlammig
  2. ontsmettingsmiddel
  3. ontlastingsklachten
  4. doorligplekken
  5. rekje bij de voet
  1. niet kunnen lopen
  2. gewichtdwangstand/stijfheid
  3. vochtophoping
  4. optilhaak
  5. suikerziekte

10 Clues: optilhaaksuikerziektevochtophopingdoorligplekkenniet kunnen lopenrekje bij de voetontsmettingsmiddelontlastingsklachtenhalfzijdige verlammiggewichtdwangstand/stijfheid

Pharamaserve 2023-07-03

Pharamaserve crossword puzzle
  1. Cardiovascular
  2. diabetes
  3. Blood clots
  4. Weight Loss
  1. Asthama
  2. Blood Sugar
  3. Blood sugar level
  4. Toenail Fungus
  5. Oral anticoagulant
  6. Insulin

10 Clues: AsthamaInsulindiabetesBlood SugarBlood clotsWeight LossCardiovascularToenail FungusBlood sugar levelOral anticoagulant

Brain Wire 2015-08-11

Brain Wire crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for leg cramps
  2. Substance which improves glycogen stores in muscles
  3. Production of _______ is central to the pathogenesis of diabetes
  1. cells In type 1 diabetes there is loss of insulin-producing pancreatic ___cells
  2. These may ameliorate complications of diabetes
  3. Medical name for leg cramp

6 Clues: Medical name for leg crampAnother name for leg crampsThese may ameliorate complications of diabetesSubstance which improves glycogen stores in musclesProduction of _______ is central to the pathogenesis of diabetescells In type 1 diabetes there is loss of insulin-producing pancreatic ___cells

wunden 2014-05-19

wunden crossword puzzle
  1. Vom Arzt erzeugt
  2. Risikofaktor für chronische Wunde
  3. Geschwür
  4. Abtrennung der Kopfschwarte
  5. Blase in der Dermatologie
  6. Eiweißverbindung in Wunden
  7. abgestorbenes Gewebe
  1. Wundwasser
  2. Mikroorganismen ohne immunologische und klinische Reaktion
  3. Mit Eiter gefüllter Hohlraum
  4. Wundstarrkrampf
  5. Wunde mit extrem hoher Infektionsgefahr
  6. Aufquellen des Stratum corneum
  7. Blutvergiftung
  8. Lat: Wunde
  9. Juckflechte

16 Clues: GeschwürWundwasserLat: WundeJuckflechteBlutvergiftungWundstarrkrampfVom Arzt erzeugtabgestorbenes GewebeBlase in der DermatologieEiweißverbindung in WundenAbtrennung der KopfschwarteMit Eiter gefüllter HohlraumAufquellen des Stratum corneumRisikofaktor für chronische WundeWunde mit extrem hoher Infektionsgefahr...

La Feuille d'Or 03/07/2014 2014-06-17

La Feuille d'Or 03/07/2014 crossword puzzle
  1. sitagliptine
  2. simvastatine + ezetrol
  3. 3maandelijkse suikermeting
  4. docvadis
  5. simvastatine
  6. medisch online platform MSD
  7. leeftijd Mark + Stijn
  8. sitagliptine aantal innames/dag
  9. maximum geldigheidsduur privaatvervoer diabetici(jaar)
  1. glucagonproductie
  2. % daling LDL toevoeging ezetrol
  3. medicamenteuze basisbehandeling diabetes
  4. MSD
  5. voor Vorst, voor ... en voor Recht
  6. streefwaarde LDL type 2 diabeet
  7. % daling LDL dosisverdubbeling statine

16 Clues: MSDdocvadissitagliptinesimvastatineglucagonproductieleeftijd Mark + Stijnsimvastatine + ezetrol3maandelijkse suikermetingmedisch online platform MSD% daling LDL toevoeging ezetrolstreefwaarde LDL type 2 diabeetsitagliptine aantal innames/dagvoor Vorst, voor ... en voor Recht% daling LDL dosisverdubbeling statine...

November Crossword 2017-10-13

November Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Veterans Day
  2. black Friday
  3. St. Andrew Day
  4. giving Tuesday
  5. National pizza day
  6. Great american smokeout
  7. All saints day
  8. world television day
  9. Day lights savings
  1. Thanks giving day
  2. Science day for peace and environment
  3. World philosophy day
  4. national children's university day
  5. world diabetes day
  6. cyber Monday
  7. National unfriend day
  8. election day
  9. small business day

18 Clues: Veterans Dayblack Fridaycyber Mondayelection daySt. Andrew Daygiving TuesdayAll saints dayThanks giving dayworld diabetes dayNational pizza daysmall business dayDay lights savingsWorld philosophy dayworld television dayNational unfriend dayGreat american smokeoutnational children's university dayScience day for peace and environment

Medical Terms 2021-09-16

Medical Terms crossword puzzle
  1. doctor of osteopathic medicine
  2. dead of arrival
  3. white blood count
  4. diphtheria
  5. doctor of dental medicine
  6. date of birth
  7. diagnostic related group
  8. date of death
  1. dram
  2. dextrose in saline
  3. dental hygienist
  4. do not resuscitate
  5. diabetes mellitus
  6. dry sterile tremors
  7. dressing
  8. doctor of pediatric medicine
  9. director of nursing
  10. doctor of veterinary medicine

18 Clues: dramdressingdiphtheriadate of birthdate of deathdead of arrivaldental hygienistwhite blood countdiabetes mellitusdextrose in salinedo not resuscitatedry sterile tremorsdirector of nursingdiagnostic related groupdoctor of dental medicinedoctor of pediatric medicinedoctor of veterinary medicinedoctor of osteopathic medicine

Disorders of the Endocrine System 2018-01-21

Disorders of the Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. Abnormal enlargement of the thyroid, also called: enlarged thyroid.
  2. Use of substances containing steroids to increase muscle mass.
  3. a condition marked by intermittent muscular spasms, caused by malfunction of the parathyroid glands and a consequent deficiency of calcium.
  4. a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth owing to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormone
  5. also: growth hormone deficiency; is a condition in which the pituitary gland does not make enough growth hormone.
  6. called the complete androgen insensitivity syndrome, this is a genetic disorder that makes XY fetuses insensitive (unresponsive) to androgens (male hormones). Instead, they are born looking externally like normal girls.
  7. growth hormone deficiency; a condition in which the pituitary gland does not make enough growth hormone.
  8. a medical condition wherein too much aldosterone is produced by the adrenal glands, which can lead to lowered levels of potassium in the blood (hypokalemia) and increased hydrogen ion excretion (alkalosis).
  9. in child, excessive growth hormone in childhood.
  10. a disorder in which the adrenal glands don't produce enough hormones.
  1. A softening and weakening of bones in children; usually due to inadequate vitamin D.
  2. mood disorder characterized by depression that occurs at the same time every year.
  3. A disorder of salt and water metabolism marked by intense thirst and heavy urination.
  4. longstanding low level of thyroid hormone in the blood.
  5. low blood sugar.
  6. an excess of androgens produced by the ovaries.
  7. an abnormally high blood glucose (blood sugar) level; a hallmark sign of diabetes (both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes) and prediabetes.

17 Clues: low blood sugar.an excess of androgens produced by the ovaries.in child, excessive growth hormone in childhood.longstanding low level of thyroid hormone in the blood.Use of substances containing steroids to increase muscle mass.Abnormal enlargement of the thyroid, also called: enlarged thyroid....

Unit 6 2021-01-11

Unit 6 crossword puzzle
  1. tarbija
  2. täispiim
  3. soojustus
  4. lisaaine,lisand
  5. hindama, hinnangut andma
  6. allikas, pärinemiskoht
  7. tervisliku toitumise taldrik
  8. portsjon
  9. hästi tasakaalustatud toitumine
  10. süsivesik
  11. tasakaalustatud
  12. lahja piim, pett
  13. kogus, hulk
  14. kiudaine
  15. mustikas
  16. hapnik
  1. antioksüdant
  2. kooritud, rasv osaliselt eemaldatud
  3. tarbima
  4. karusmari, tikker
  5. piimatooted,piimapood
  6. koostisaine, koostisosa
  7. säilitusaine
  8. valk
  9. kaltsium
  10. suhkruhaigus
  11. murakas
  12. toitaine
  13. madala rasvasusega
  14. vaarikas

30 Clues: valkhapniktarbijatarbimamurakastäispiimportsjonkaltsiumtoitainekiudainemustikasvaarikassoojustussüsivesikkogus, hulkantioksüdantsäilitusainesuhkruhaiguslisaaine,lisandtasakaalustatudlahja piim, pettkarusmari, tikkermadala rasvasusegapiimatooted,piimapoodallikas, pärinemiskohtkoostisaine, koostisosahindama, hinnangut andma...

Med Abbr MNO 2021-11-16

Med Abbr MNO crossword puzzle
  1. medical doctor
  2. no know allergies
  3. muscular skeletal
  4. operating room
  5. NA
  6. nothing by mouth
  7. non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  8. nasogastric tube
  9. over the counter
  10. pt
  1. motor vehicle accident
  2. normal saline
  3. neonatal intensive care unit
  4. methicilin resistant staphyloccus auresu
  5. muscular dystrophy
  6. out of bed
  7. magnetic resonance imaging
  8. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  9. nausea vomiting
  10. os
  11. no compliant
  12. nurse practitioner
  13. nursing office

23 Clues: NAosptout of bedno compliantnormal salinemedical doctoroperating roomnursing officenausea vomitingnothing by mouthnasogastric tubeover the counterno know allergiesmuscular skeletalmuscular dystrophynurse practitionermotor vehicle accidentmagnetic resonance imagingnausea, vomiting, diarrheaneonatal intensive care unit...

Het zenuwstelsel 2014-03-26

Het zenuwstelsel crossword puzzle
  1. micro organisme
  2. symptoom van hersenvliesontsteking
  3. onderkoeling
  4. symptoom van clonische fase
  5. deel van het centrale zenuwstelsel
  6. koorts
  7. stofwisselingsziekte
  8. hersenvliesontsteking
  9. stroke
  10. diepe bewusteloosheid
  11. mal grote aanval
  12. koffie
  13. niet kunnen praten
  1. bloedklonter
  2. niet kunnen handelen
  3. afwezigheid
  4. symptoom koortstuipen
  5. beven
  6. deel van perifeer zenuwstelsel
  7. bescherming vd hersenen
  8. verlengde vd hersenen
  9. oorzaak van flauwvallen
  10. flauwvallen
  11. niet kunnen herkennen

24 Clues: bevenkoortsstrokekoffieafwezigheidflauwvallenbloedklonteronderkoelingmicro organismemal grote aanvalniet kunnen pratenniet kunnen handelenstofwisselingsziektesymptoom koortstuipenverlengde vd hersenenhersenvliesontstekingdiepe bewusteloosheidniet kunnen herkennenbescherming vd hersenenoorzaak van flauwvallensymptoom van clonische fase...

36 2024-08-23

36 crossword puzzle
  1. Focused light
  2. Gutenberg's invention
  3. Newton's force
  4. Electronics component
  5. Milk preservation
  6. Marconi's invention
  7. Darwin's theory
  8. Antibiotic discovery
  9. Galileo's device
  10. Basic unit of matter
  1. Einstein’s theory
  2. Imaging technique
  3. Diabetes treatment
  4. Volta’s invention
  5. Industrial revolution power
  6. Wright brothers' invention
  7. Magnifying device
  8. Physics discovery
  9. Bell's invention
  10. Genetic code
  11. Global network
  12. Disease prevention
  13. Edison’s invention
  14. Power discovery
  15. Turing's machine

25 Clues: Genetic codeFocused lightNewton's forceGlobal networkDarwin's theoryPower discoveryBell's inventionTuring's machineGalileo's deviceEinstein’s theoryImaging techniqueVolta’s inventionMagnifying devicePhysics discoveryMilk preservationDiabetes treatmentDisease preventionEdison’s inventionMarconi's inventionAntibiotic discoveryBasic unit of matter...

Diabetes mellitus 2017-11-11

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Hauptursache von Diabetes
  2. Blutzuckermessung von wo
  3. Überzucker
  1. Langzeitzuckerwert
  2. Unterzucker
  3. Hormon nicht ausreichend gebildet bei Diabetes

6 Clues: ÜberzuckerUnterzuckerLangzeitzuckerwertBlutzuckermessung von woHauptursache von DiabetesHormon nicht ausreichend gebildet bei Diabetes

Midsommar 2023 2023-06-22

Midsommar 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. Wonder2
  2. Cover2
  3. Filmlåt1
  4. Cover4
  5. Instrument Fredrik spelar
  6. Martins älsklingsdjur
  7. Filmlåt2
  8. Wonder3
  9. Ledaren i Ryssland
  10. Cover1
  11. Filmlåt5
  1. Wonder1
  2. Filmlåt3
  3. Cover3
  4. Människans bästa vän
  5. Där såg Thornells Metallica
  6. Där jobbar Elli
  7. Filmlåt4
  8. ? Amadeus Mozart
  9. Vill tomten ha?
  10. Wonder4
  11. Berömt fartyg som sjönk
  12. Sjukdomen Tessan sköter på Råssla
  13. Polis i Vilda Västern
  14. Farlig teknik?

25 Clues: Cover2Cover3Cover4Cover1Wonder1Wonder2Wonder4Wonder3Filmlåt3Filmlåt1Filmlåt4Filmlåt2Filmlåt5Farlig teknik?Där jobbar ElliVill tomten ha?? Amadeus MozartLedaren i RysslandMänniskans bästa vänMartins älsklingsdjurPolis i Vilda VästernBerömt fartyg som sjönkInstrument Fredrik spelarDär såg Thornells MetallicaSjukdomen Tessan sköter på Råssla

Anniinan ristikko 2023-10-04

Anniinan ristikko crossword puzzle
  1. överdos
  2. mordfösök
  3. blandmissbrukare
  1. barnlöshetsbehandling
  2. drogsug
  3. fängelse
  4. palliativ vård
  5. diabetes vuxendiabetes
  6. familjen

9 Clues: drogsugöverdosfängelsefamiljenmordfösökpalliativ vårdblandmissbrukarebarnlöshetsbehandlingdiabetes vuxendiabetes

Les mois de l'année 2024-04-14

Les mois de l'année crossword puzzle
  1. April Fool's Day
  2. Bastille Day
  3. New Year's Day
  4. Malaysia Day
  5. Women's Day
  6. Halloween
  1. Valentine's Day
  2. Father's Day
  3. National Day of Malaysia
  4. World Diabetes Day
  5. Mother's Day
  6. Christmas Day

12 Clues: HalloweenWomen's DayBastille DayFather's DayMalaysia DayMother's DayChristmas DayNew Year's DayValentine's DayApril Fool's DayWorld Diabetes DayNational Day of Malaysia

evaluatie kruiswoordpuzzel 2022-03-26

evaluatie kruiswoordpuzzel crossword puzzle
  1. Indien je diabetische voet niet verzorgd kan dit leiden tot ...
  2. Suikerziekte of ...
  3. Glucose of suiker is ... voor de cellen.
  4. Wisselend humeur kan wijzen op ...
  1. Als er onvoldoende zuurstof in het bloed is kan de huid ... verkleuren.
  2. Dit wijst op een te hoge bloedsuikerspiegel.
  3. Er kunnen acute of ... problemen optreden bij diabetes
  4. De alvleesklier maakt ... aan.

8 Clues: Suikerziekte of ...De alvleesklier maakt ... aan.Wisselend humeur kan wijzen op ...Glucose of suiker is ... voor de cellen.Dit wijst op een te hoge bloedsuikerspiegel.Er kunnen acute of ... problemen optreden bij diabetesIndien je diabetische voet niet verzorgd kan dit leiden tot ......

obesity 2022-03-25

obesity crossword puzzle
  1. more affected by heat, so you will
  2. is a common treatment for obesity.
  3. your ____ size increases your risk of diabetes
  4. pain this usually happens when you eat too much
  5. symptoms of obesity that causes dizziness,and sleepiness.
  1. you may develop after being obese for a long time
  2. helps to become less obese.
  3. what is a disease you can get from being obese?
  4. is something that causes obesity?

9 Clues: helps to become less obese.is something that causes obesity?more affected by heat, so you willis a common treatment for obesity.your ____ size increases your risk of diabeteswhat is a disease you can get from being obese?pain this usually happens when you eat too muchyou may develop after being obese for a long time...

Surgical Interventions for Diabetic Retinopathy 2023-02-21

Surgical Interventions for Diabetic Retinopathy crossword puzzle
  1. A common symptom of diabetic retinopathy is loss of ______.
  2. Diabetes has become a global ________.
  3. ______ surgery can be used to treat diabetic retinopathy.
  1. A form of laser surgery to treat diabetic retinopathy.
  2. A possible treatment for diabetic retinopathy.
  3. Patients with _____ can develop diabetic retinopathy.
  4. Diabetic _____.
  5. A possible surgical intervention that reduces bleeding in the eye.

8 Clues: Diabetic _____.Diabetes has become a global ________.A possible treatment for diabetic retinopathy.Patients with _____ can develop diabetic retinopathy.A form of laser surgery to treat diabetic retinopathy.______ surgery can be used to treat diabetic retinopathy.A common symptom of diabetic retinopathy is loss of ______....

Brain Wire 2015-08-11

Brain Wire crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for leg cramps
  2. Production of _______ is central to the pathogenesis of diabetes
  3. Substance which improves glycogen stores in muscles
  1. In type 1 diabetes there is loss of insulin-producing pancreatic ___cells
  2. These may ameliorate complications of diabetes
  3. Medical name for leg cramp

6 Clues: Medical name for leg crampAnother name for leg crampsThese may ameliorate complications of diabetesSubstance which improves glycogen stores in musclesProduction of _______ is central to the pathogenesis of diabetesIn type 1 diabetes there is loss of insulin-producing pancreatic ___cells

Just Juice: Section 3 2020-07-30

Just Juice: Section 3 crossword puzzle
  1. to bet
  2. what Ma said Pa was that made him feel proud
  3. the first thing Pa fixes that he gets paid to do
  4. the disease that Ma has
  5. a shot of this is given to treat diabetes
  6. a way of buying things that Ma said could get a person in a heap of trouble
  1. having obligations to someone
  2. what kind of building Juice finds for Pa’s shop
  3. what Pa plays

9 Clues: to betwhat Pa playsthe disease that Ma hashaving obligations to someonea shot of this is given to treat diabeteswhat Ma said Pa was that made him feel proudwhat kind of building Juice finds for Pa’s shopthe first thing Pa fixes that he gets paid to doa way of buying things that Ma said could get a person in a heap of trouble

BI Solutions Plus 2014-05-21

BI Solutions Plus crossword puzzle
  1. iCMS
  2. After Denial
  3. diabetes
  4. Corporate
  5. BI
  6. special drugs
  7. IFA
  8. SOB
  9. what I pay
  10. M.D.
  11. Help
  12. Headquarters
  13. Work Building
  14. after copay
  15. Federally Funded
  1. Plan Year vs?
  2. thank you for calling
  3. Stroke
  4. Insurance Provider
  5. before coinsurance
  6. RxCrossroads in under...
  7. Pharmacy Benefits
  8. Employment
  9. diabetes
  10. Bluecross Blue Shield
  11. Initial Contact
  12. BI
  13. Requirement for Coverage
  14. NG
  15. State Funded

30 Clues: BIBINGIFASOBiCMSM.D.HelpStrokediabetesdiabetesCorporateEmploymentwhat I payafter copayAfter DenialState FundedHeadquartersPlan Year vs?special drugsWork BuildingInitial ContactFederally FundedPharmacy BenefitsInsurance Providerbefore coinsurancethank you for callingBluecross Blue ShieldRxCrossroads in under...Requirement for Coverage

Test on Diabetes mellitus 2020-02-13

Test on Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Long acting inhaled insulin preparation (approved by US FDA in 2014, withdrawn from market, by EMA in 2018)
  2. The longest acting insulin, which can be mixed with other insulins too
  3. This DPP4 inhibitor does not requires dose adjustment in renal failure patients, but it increases risk of heart failure
  4. Insulin secretion will_______by cholinergic-muscarinic activation by Ach
  5. Only oral ADA that has been demonstrated to reduce macrovascular events in type 2 DM
  6. The most potent insulinotropic sulfonyl urea, which has property of sequestered in beta cells
  7. This organ receives the highest concentration of endogenous insulin but not the exogenous insulin
  8. A hormone, which is a “universal inhibitor”, inhibits the release of insulin from beta cells
  9. Insulin acts on this specific receptor located on cell membrane of every cells (practically)
  10. This injectable ADA used in type 2 DM and recently approved for management of obesity
  1. Secreted by beta cells of pancreas along with insulin that also helps in decreasing blood sugar
  2. The only drug approved for treatment of both type 1 DM as well as type 2 DM (other than insulin)
  3. Beta blockers can mask all the warning signs of hypoglycaemia, except this one
  4. Accumulation of this substance in tissue is responsible for long term complications in diabetes (like end organ damage)
  5. A long acting insulin, should never mix with other insulin
  6. This insulin can be given intravenously
  7. The most rapidly acting insulin analogue
  8. This ADR of insulin occurs due to local reaction on subcutaneous fat around injection site
  9. Anemia long term use of metformin can result in this adverse effect
  10. All insulin or insulin analogues preparations available at neutral pH, except this one, which is at pH 4

20 Clues: This insulin can be given intravenouslyThe most rapidly acting insulin analogueA long acting insulin, should never mix with other insulinAnemia long term use of metformin can result in this adverse effectThe longest acting insulin, which can be mixed with other insulins tooInsulin secretion will_______by cholinergic-muscarinic activation by Ach...

Test on Diabetes mellitus 2020-02-13

Test on Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Accumulation of this substance in tissue is responsible for long term complications in diabetes (like end organ damage)
  2. This insulin can be given intravenously
  3. The most potent insulinotropic sulfonyl urea, which has property of sequestered in beta cells
  4. All insulin or insulin analogues preparations available at neutral pH, except this one, which is at pH 4
  5. This ADR of insulin occurs due to local reaction on subcutaneous fat around injection site
  6. Long term use of metformin can result in this adverse effect
  7. This DPP4 inhibitor does not requires dose adjustment in renal failure patients, but it increases risk of heart failure
  8. Insulin secretion will_______by cholinergic-muscarinic activation by Ach
  9. Beta blockers can mask all the warning signs of hypoglycaemia, except this one
  10. The most rapidly acting insulin analogue
  1. This organ receives the highest concentration of endogenous insulin but not the exogenous insulin
  2. Secreted by beta cells of pancreas along with insulin that also helps in decreasing blood sugar
  3. Insulin acts on this specific receptor located on cell membrane of every cells (practically)
  4. The longest acting insulin, which can be mixed with other insulins too
  5. The only drug approved for treatment of both type 1 DM as well as type 2 DM (other than insulin)
  6. A hormone, which is a “universal inhibitor”, inhibits the release of insulin from beta cells
  7. A long acting insulin, should never mix with other insulin
  8. This injectable ADA used in type 2 DM and recently approved for management of obesity
  9. Only oral ADA that has been demonstrated to reduce macrovascular events in type 2 DM
  10. Long acting inhaled insulin preparation (approved by US FDA in 2014, withdrawn from market, by EMA in 2018)

20 Clues: This insulin can be given intravenouslyThe most rapidly acting insulin analogueA long acting insulin, should never mix with other insulinLong term use of metformin can result in this adverse effectThe longest acting insulin, which can be mixed with other insulins tooInsulin secretion will_______by cholinergic-muscarinic activation by Ach...

Test on Diabetes mellitus 2020-02-13

Test on Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. The most rapidly acting insulin analogue
  2. This organ receives the highest concentration of endogenous insulin but not the exogenous insulin
  3. Only oral ADA that has been demonstrated to reduce macrovascular events in type 2 DM
  4. This injectable ADA used in type 2 DM and recently approved for management of obesity
  5. Long term use of metformin can result in this adverse effect
  6. A hormone, which is a “universal inhibitor”, inhibits the release of insulin from beta cells
  7. This insulin can be given intravenously
  8. The longest acting insulin, which can be mixed with other insulins too
  9. Long acting inhaled insulin preparation (approved by US FDA in 2014, withdrawn from market, by EMA in 2018)
  10. Insulin secretion will_______by cholinergic-muscarinic activation by Ach
  11. Secreted by beta cells of pancreas along with insulin that also helps in decreasing blood sugar
  1. Beta blockers can mask all the warning signs of hypoglycaemia, except this one
  2. The only drug approved for treatment of both type 1 DM as well as type 2 DM (other than insulin)
  3. Insulin acts on this specific receptor located on cell membrane of every cells (practically)
  4. This ADR of insulin occurs due to local reaction on subcutaneous fat around injection site
  5. The most potent insulinotropic sulfonyl urea, which has property of sequestered in beta cells
  6. This DPP4 inhibitor does not requires dose adjustment in renal failure patients, but it increases risk of heart failure
  7. All insulin or insulin analogues preparations available at neutral pH, except this one, which is at pH 4
  8. Accumulation of this substance in tissue is responsible for long term complications in diabetes (like end organ damage)
  9. A long acting insulin, should never mix with other insulin

20 Clues: This insulin can be given intravenouslyThe most rapidly acting insulin analogueA long acting insulin, should never mix with other insulinLong term use of metformin can result in this adverse effectThe longest acting insulin, which can be mixed with other insulins tooInsulin secretion will_______by cholinergic-muscarinic activation by Ach...

Disease Pathology 2024-03-20

Disease Pathology crossword puzzle
  1. - Sclerosis Neurological disorder.
  2. - High blood pressure.
  3. - Lung infection.
  4. - Abnormal cell growth.
  5. - Brain blood flow interruption.
  6. - Movement disorder.
  7. - Joint inflammation.
  1. - Bone density loss.
  2. - Metabolic disorder.
  3. - Artery plaque buildup.
  4. - Neurodegenerative disorder.
  5. - Invasion by microorganisms.
  6. - Chronic respiratory condition.
  7. - Blood cancer.
  8. - Stomach and intestine inflammation.

15 Clues: - Blood cancer.- Lung infection.- Bone density loss.- Movement disorder.- Metabolic disorder.- Joint inflammation.- High blood pressure.- Abnormal cell growth.- Artery plaque buildup.- Neurodegenerative disorder.- Invasion by microorganisms.- Chronic respiratory condition.- Brain blood flow interruption.- Sclerosis Neurological disorder....

REVIEW VOCAB 2024-04-01

REVIEW VOCAB crossword puzzle
  1. ống tiêm
  2. dịch bệnh
  3. đáng tin cậy
  4. bệnh tiểu đường
  5. cấp cứu
  6. ích kỷ
  7. hay quên, đãng trí
  8. thích phiêu lưu
  1. bệnh nhân
  2. kê đơn
  3. công việc tự do
  4. thuốc tây (nói chung)
  5. sự suy thoái
  6. hào phóng
  7. lây nhiễm (adj)

15 Clues: kê đơních kỷcấp cứuống tiêmbệnh nhândịch bệnhhào phóngđáng tin cậysự suy thoáicông việc tự dobệnh tiểu đườnglây nhiễm (adj)thích phiêu lưuhay quên, đãng tríthuốc tây (nói chung)

Abbreviations 2018-03-16

Abbreviations crossword puzzle
  1. Congestive Heart Failure
  2. Abbreviation for Heart Attack
  3. History of Present Illness
  4. Every four hours
  5. QD
  6. Rx
  7. XR
  8. Diagnosis
  1. FHx
  2. Bx
  3. Abbreviation for a type of deep venous blood clot
  4. BID means how many times a day?
  5. Four times a day
  6. Social History
  7. Diabetes Mellitus

15 Clues: BxQDRxXRFHxDiagnosisSocial HistoryEvery four hoursFour times a dayDiabetes MellitusCongestive Heart FailureHistory of Present IllnessAbbreviation for Heart AttackBID means how many times a day?Abbreviation for a type of deep venous blood clot

Term 3 week 2 ng/n EJ 2017-07-25

Term 3 week 2 ng/n EJ crossword puzzle
  1. infection from diabetes
  2. scientific study
  3. weak from fatigue
  4. coming from bronchi
  5. suffocation from heat
  6. short tempered
  7. loss of money
  8. aggressive talking
  9. strong to weak beats
  1. kills fungus
  2. always optimistic
  3. existing at the time
  4. different from the others
  5. religious worship like Christianity
  6. laziness

15 Clues: lazinesskills fungusloss of moneyshort temperedscientific studyalways optimisticweak from fatigueaggressive talkingcoming from bronchiexisting at the timestrong to weak beatssuffocation from heatinfection from diabetesdifferent from the othersreligious worship like Christianity

Dilated Cardiomyopathy 2023-10-11

Dilated Cardiomyopathy crossword puzzle
  1. Reduced ejection
  2. A pathophysiologic mechanism
  3. One cause
  4. One phenotype of dilated cardiomyopathy
  5. Cause is a nutrient deficiency
  6. Heart Sound
  7. Diagnosis Tool
  1. Last-resort treatment
  2. One cause of cardiomyopathy
  3. Feeling very tired
  4. Respiratory symptom
  5. Type of dysfunction
  6. Increased fluid
  7. Jugular
  8. Another diagnostic tool

15 Clues: JugularOne causeHeart SoundDiagnosis ToolIncreased fluidReduced ejectionFeeling very tiredRespiratory symptomType of dysfunctionLast-resort treatmentAnother diagnostic toolOne cause of cardiomyopathyA pathophysiologic mechanismCause is a nutrient deficiencyOne phenotype of dilated cardiomyopathy

November Issue 2023-10-26

November Issue crossword puzzle
  1. ______ Spice Latte
  2. Dia de los ________
  3. Another word for autumn
  4. Red liquid in our bodies
  5. Senior____ week
  6. C6H12O6
  7. School ___ council
  8. Hormone produced in the pancreas
  1. parent/teacher ______
  2. Dances of the _____
  3. Gathering of crops
  4. National _____ Awareness Month
  5. November 3
  6. Copa Bravo ____ tournament
  7. Halloween candy____

15 Clues: C6H12O6November 3Senior____ week______ Spice LatteGathering of cropsSchool ___ councilDances of the _____Dia de los ________Halloween candy____parent/teacher ______Another word for autumnRed liquid in our bodiesCopa Bravo ____ tournamentNational _____ Awareness MonthHormone produced in the pancreas

Preventative Diseases 2013-01-30

Preventative Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. You may need to inject insulin every day if you develop ........
  2. To live a healthy life you must stay ......
  3. Another name for cardio-vascular disease.
  4. Which preventable disease can result in weak bones?
  5. Slurred speech is a symptom of this disease.
  6. Healthy .... is the first step in preventing Type II Diabetes.
  1. Many diseases which cause death are ............
  2. One sign of a heart attack is ..... pain.
  3. Reducing the ....... size of your meal can help reduce obesity.
  4. A consequence of poor diet and inactivity is .......
  5. The four signs of a stroke are Face, Arms, ...... and Time (F.A.S.T.)

11 Clues: Another name for cardio-vascular disease.One sign of a heart attack is ..... pain.To live a healthy life you must stay ......Slurred speech is a symptom of this disease.Many diseases which cause death are ............Which preventable disease can result in weak bones?A consequence of poor diet and inactivity is ..........

Preventable Diseases- Watch all 5 videos then answer the crossword. 2013-02-06

Preventable Diseases- Watch all 5 videos then answer the crossword. crossword puzzle
  1. Which preventable disease can result in weak bones?
  2. To live a healthy life you must stay ....
  3. Some diseases can be .... by a healthy lifestyle.
  4. A healthy .... is the first step in preventing Type II Diabetes.
  5. You may need to inject insulin if you develop ....
  1. One sign a of heart attack is .... pain.
  2. Another name for cardio-vascular disease?
  3. Reducing the .... size of your meals can help reduce obesity.
  4. A possible consequence of poor diet and inactivity is ....
  5. Slurred speech is a symptom of this disease.
  6. The four signs of a stroke are Face, Arms, .... and Time (F.A.S.T.)

11 Clues: One sign a of heart attack is .... pain.Another name for cardio-vascular disease?To live a healthy life you must stay ....Slurred speech is a symptom of this disease.Some diseases can be .... by a healthy lifestyle.You may need to inject insulin if you develop ....Which preventable disease can result in weak bones?...

Nutrition 2021-02-15

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. are good sources of fiber and vitamin B
  2. is a chain of amino acids
  3. cereal is a source of B12
  4. is a good source of vitamin D
  5. are high in potassium
  6. is a good source of iron
  7. fat and trans fat help reduce your risk of heart disease.
  1. help lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer.
  2. contain important nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals
  3. consumption during older adulthood may reduce chronic disease
  4. fiber also may help lower your risk for heart disease and reduce your risk for Type 2 diabetes

11 Clues: are high in potassiumis a good source of ironis a chain of amino acidscereal is a source of B12is a good source of vitamin Dare good sources of fiber and vitamin Bfat and trans fat help reduce your risk of heart disease.consumption during older adulthood may reduce chronic diseasecontain important nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals...

Diabetes Review 2018-01-07

Diabetes Review crossword puzzle
  1. this test measures the blood glucose in a thee month period
  2. the name for elevated blood sugar
  3. a hormone that regulates high blood glucose
  4. a disease in which the pancreas does not produce insulin
  1. the name for low blood sugar
  2. you should perform this activity daily to loose weight
  3. The name of the clinic is the Diabetes center of
  4. this action describes a modified food intake

8 Clues: the name for low blood sugarthe name for elevated blood sugara hormone that regulates high blood glucosethis action describes a modified food intakeThe name of the clinic is the Diabetes center ofyou should perform this activity daily to loose weighta disease in which the pancreas does not produce insulin...

Health Vocabulary 2019-01-07

Health Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Erica's siezure
  2. bad for rainforest
  3. Choking CPR
  4. Large dumpsters
  5. no mouth-to-mouth
  6. Good at it
  1. skin doctor
  2. Bad for plants
  3. Protection over Earth
  4. CPR
  5. process of preserving warmth
  6. Sugary blood
  7. reaction container

13 Clues: CPRGood at itskin doctorChoking CPRSugary bloodBad for plantsErica's siezureLarge dumpstersno mouth-to-mouthbad for rainforestreaction containerProtection over Earthprocess of preserving warmth


FARMAKOLOGI KEREN crossword puzzle
  1. kencing manis
  2. sembelit
  3. kejang perut
  4. melancarkan buang air besar
  5. darah tinggi
  6. meredekan batuk kering
  1. meredekan nyei
  2. menyebabkan muntah
  3. obat penenang
  4. membasmi cacing
  5. batuk berdahak
  6. menghentikan buang air besar

12 Clues: sembelitkejang perutdarah tinggiobat penenangkencing manismeredekan nyeibatuk berdahakmembasmi cacingmenyebabkan muntahmeredekan batuk keringmelancarkan buang air besarmenghentikan buang air besar

Evan fun facts <3 2023-11-27

Evan fun facts <3 crossword puzzle
  1. biggest fear
  2. dream job
  3. comfort show
  4. zodiac sign
  5. needs to survive
  6. cat with a musical name
  1. chronic illness lol
  2. favorite color
  3. hometown
  4. number of siblings
  5. mother's name
  6. likes to collect...
  7. name of my (first) car
  8. sigma pi pledge name
  9. body count

15 Clues: hometowndream jobbody countzodiac signbiggest fearcomfort showmother's namefavorite colorneeds to survivenumber of siblingschronic illness lollikes to collect...sigma pi pledge namename of my (first) carcat with a musical name

REVIEW VOCAB 2024-04-01

REVIEW VOCAB crossword puzzle
  1. ống tiêm
  2. dịch bệnh
  3. đáng tin cậy
  4. bệnh tiểu đường
  5. cấp cứu
  6. ích kỷ
  7. hay quên, đãng trí
  8. thích phiêu lưu
  1. bệnh nhân
  2. kê đơn
  3. công việc tự do
  4. thuốc tây (nói chung)
  5. sự suy thoái
  6. hào phóng
  7. lây nhiễm (adj)

15 Clues: kê đơních kỷcấp cứuống tiêmbệnh nhândịch bệnhhào phóngđáng tin cậysự suy thoáicông việc tự dobệnh tiểu đườnglây nhiễm (adj)thích phiêu lưuhay quên, đãng tríthuốc tây (nói chung)

Hypoglycemia 2024-04-17

Hypoglycemia crossword puzzle
  1. A blood sugar level below normal range
  2. True or false, tight control in contraindicated in older adults and affects the heart
  3. Medication that can mask hypoglycemia
  4. Common treatment for severe hypoglycemia; often carried by unconscious individuals
  5. A type of diabetes medication that can cause hypoglycemia
  6. A hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels
  7. Symptoms include shakiness, sweating, and confusion
  8. Symptoms of hypoglycemia that can cool the skin
  9. Given to conscious patients with low glucose level
  1. Monitor patient for hypoglycemia up to 3 hours after taking med
  2. Treatment for hypoglycemia often involves consuming this
  3. A hormone released in response to low blood sugar levels; can raise blood sugar levels
  4. is needed for patient traveling to alert others that patient have diabetes

13 Clues: Medication that can mask hypoglycemiaA blood sugar level below normal rangeSymptoms of hypoglycemia that can cool the skinA hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levelsGiven to conscious patients with low glucose levelSymptoms include shakiness, sweating, and confusionTreatment for hypoglycemia often involves consuming this...

First aid 2014-05-12

First aid crossword puzzle
  1. good food and exercise
  2. pointy
  3. fatty foods
  4. rhymes with tractor
  5. Peter Parker
  6. flame
  7. if you witness an incident
  1. asthma attack
  2. when you cannot eat particular foods
  3. football
  4. chemist
  5. action plan
  6. can happen at any time
  7. position: sleep
  8. to stop infection

15 Clues: flamepointychemistfootballfatty foodsaction planPeter Parkerasthma attackposition: sleepto stop infectionrhymes with tractorgood food and exercisecan happen at any timeif you witness an incidentwhen you cannot eat particular foods

Chronic Disease in the United States: Terms 2015-05-20

Chronic Disease in the United States: Terms crossword puzzle
  1. disease in which the body has a shortage of insulin, a decreased ability to use insulin, or both
  2. blood flow to the heart is blocked by a blood clot.
  3. plaque build up in the walls of the arteries.
  4. cells Multiplying uncontrollably.
  5. when the heart is not pumping as it should.
  1. disease all diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. disease Lasts longer than 3 months.
  3. therapy Uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells
  4. Helps immune system fight cancer.
  5. Not yet diabetic, but glucose levels are higher than normal.
  6. Uses drugs to kill cancer cells.

11 Clues: Uses drugs to kill cancer cells.Helps immune system fight cancer.cells Multiplying uncontrollably.disease Lasts longer than 3 months.when the heart is not pumping as it should.plaque build up in the walls of the arteries.blood flow to the heart is blocked by a blood clot.disease all diseases of the heart and blood vessels....

CROSSWORD 2020-03-06

CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Full form
  2. This crossword is about?
  3. ________ disorder
  4. AKA
  5. Risk factor
  6. Complication
  1. High in blood
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Insulin manufacturer
  4. Complication
  5. Injection
  6. Complication

12 Clues: AKAPregnancyFull formInjectionRisk factorComplicationComplicationComplicationHigh in blood________ disorderInsulin manufacturerThis crossword is about?

Sleeping Beauty 2024-03-29

Sleeping Beauty crossword puzzle
  1. Effect (n)
  2. Fever
  3. Medical Condition
  4. Infectious microbe
  5. (cancer,diabetes and other)
  1. Unusual
  2. Headache
  3. No move
  4. Regular
  5. Time sections

10 Clues: FeverUnusualNo moveRegularHeadacheEffect (n)Time sectionsMedical ConditionInfectious microbe(cancer,diabetes and other)

nemoci 2024-02-15

nemoci crossword puzzle
  1. zápal plic
  2. diabetes...
  3. zarděnky
  4. pravé neštovice
  5. plané neštovice
  1. chřipka
  2. rakovina
  3. kašel
  4. spála

9 Clues: kašelspálachřipkarakovinazarděnkyzápal plicdiabetes...pravé neštoviceplané neštovice

B3 Crossword II 2021-11-26

B3 Crossword II crossword puzzle
  1. The organ that is attacked by the immune system of someone with Type 1 Diabetes
  2. FSH (three words)
  3. A monthly cycle that helps to prepare the body for pregnancy (Two words)
  4. A hormone that stimulates the liver to convert glycogen into glucose
  5. A hormone that maintains the lining of the uterus
  1. LH (two words)
  2. A condition where you are unable to effectively control blood glucose levels using insulin
  3. A hormone that stimulates the liver to convert glucose into glycogen
  4. The gland that releases FSH (two words)
  5. IVF (three words)
  6. The release of an egg from the ovaries
  7. An energy store used by the body to make ATP
  8. A hormone secreted by the ovaries that builds up the lining of the uterus

13 Clues: LH (two words)IVF (three words)FSH (three words)The release of an egg from the ovariesThe gland that releases FSH (two words)An energy store used by the body to make ATPA hormone that maintains the lining of the uterusA hormone that stimulates the liver to convert glucose into glycogen...

Health Grade 8 2023-03-29

Health Grade 8 crossword puzzle
  1. a doctor trained to treat people with cancer
  2. disease when the body produces abnormal cells
  3. what your body can become if you consume too much sugar and your body cannot control insulin
  4. a disease where the body's ability to make glucose is impaired
  5. a hormone produced by the pancreas which helps regulate our body's sugar
  6. strong drugs given to treat cancer
  7. mass of noncancerous tissue in the body
  1. what type 2 diabetes can be if people lose weight and exercise
  2. cancer causing agents
  3. using high energy waves to destroy cancer cells
  4. removal of a tiny piece of tissue to test it for cancer
  5. have a higher chance of getting cancer
  6. cancer cells in the body

13 Clues: cancer causing agentscancer cells in the bodystrong drugs given to treat cancerhave a higher chance of getting cancermass of noncancerous tissue in the bodya doctor trained to treat people with cancerdisease when the body produces abnormal cellsusing high energy waves to destroy cancer cellsremoval of a tiny piece of tissue to test it for cancer...

Early Childhood Puzzle 2023-08-22

Early Childhood Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. people with diabetes need to use this regularly
  2. diet A diet that will make you feel alive and well
  3. a rectition your body has to certain things
  4. the act of eating too much
  5. a substance that causes an allergic reaction
  6. the fear of anything new, especially a persistent and abnormal fear
  7. something consumed to balance your diet
  8. not meeting the right requirements in your diet
  1. a disease that affects the sugar and insulin
  2. food that is good for you
  3. being unhealthy with the food your eating
  4. shock a side effect of having an allergic reaction
  5. n easy-to-follow food guide, to help parents to figure out how to feed their kids nutritious, balanced meals

13 Clues: food that is good for youthe act of eating too muchsomething consumed to balance your dietbeing unhealthy with the food your eatinga rectition your body has to certain thingsa disease that affects the sugar and insulina substance that causes an allergic reactionpeople with diabetes need to use this regularly...

nemoci 2024-02-15

nemoci crossword puzzle
  1. zápal plic
  2. diabetes...
  3. zarděnky
  4. pravé neštovice
  5. plané neštovice
  1. chřipka
  2. rakovina
  3. kašel
  4. spála

9 Clues: kašelspálachřipkarakovinazarděnkyzápal plicdiabetes...pravé neštoviceplané neštovice

Zetia-Niaspan 2017-11-30

Zetia-Niaspan crossword puzzle
  1. Cholesterol
  2. Anti-Biotic
  3. Glaucoma
  4. Anti-Depressant
  1. Diabetes
  2. Hypertension
  3. A.D.H.D.
  4. Anti-gout
  5. Menopause
  6. Cholesterol

10 Clues: DiabetesA.D.H.D.GlaucomaAnti-goutMenopauseCholesterolAnti-BioticCholesterolHypertensionAnti-Depressant

Adherencia a medicamentos 2023-02-21

Adherencia a medicamentos crossword puzzle
  1. Lugar donde se buscan medicamentos.
  2. Enfermedad autoinmune en el cual la tiroides produce demasiadas hormonas.
  3. Personas con hipertensión deben limitar su consumo de ______.
  4. Ejercicio con música.
  5. Jugo que no se puede tomar con muchos medicamentos.
  6. “Alta presión”
  1. Es tomarse los medicamentos tal y como le fue indicado por su médico.
  2. Medicamento inyectado para tratar la diabetes.
  3. Se desarrolla cuando hay una cantidad alta de “Colesterol malo” o cantidad baja de “Colesterol bueno” en la sangre
  4. Se desarrolla con grandes cantidades de azúcar en la sangre.
  5. Caja pequeña para guardar y organizar medicamentos.
  6. Persona que trabaja en la farmacia y se dedica a preparar medicamentos.
  7. Enfermedad autoinmune en el cual la tiroides no produce suficientes hormonas.

13 Clues: “Alta presión”Ejercicio con música.Lugar donde se buscan medicamentos.Medicamento inyectado para tratar la diabetes.Caja pequeña para guardar y organizar medicamentos.Jugo que no se puede tomar con muchos medicamentos.Se desarrolla con grandes cantidades de azúcar en la sangre.Personas con hipertensión deben limitar su consumo de ______....

Unit 2 - Puzzle 2 2013-11-18

Unit 2 - Puzzle 2 crossword puzzle
  1. product of living cells that circulates in blood and produces a specific effect on the activity of cells
  2. A protein hormone secreted by pancreatic endocrine cells that raises blood glucose levels
  3. magnifies/amplifies a process or output
  4. solution with a high solute concentration
  5. abnormal decrease of blood sugar
  6. a substance that is dissolved in a solvent
  7. type of diabetes usually diagnosed in childhood characterized by a lack of insulin
  1. determines the average blood sugar concentration for the preceding 2-3mo
  2. type of diabetes characteristically diagnosed in adults with high blood sugar
  3. triggers a response that counteracts the initial fluctuation
  4. A test of the body’s ability to metabolize glucose
  5. abnormal increase of blood sugar
  6. solution with a low solute concentration

13 Clues: abnormal increase of blood sugarabnormal decrease of blood sugarmagnifies/amplifies a process or outputsolution with a low solute concentrationsolution with a high solute concentrationa substance that is dissolved in a solventA test of the body’s ability to metabolize glucosetriggers a response that counteracts the initial fluctuation...

electrolytes, vitamins and minerals 2019-05-22

electrolytes, vitamins and minerals crossword puzzle
  1. fat people
  2. advantages
  3. in milk
  4. in oranges
  5. rhymes with bun
  1. disadvantages
  2. relaxation
  3. rhymes with beet
  4. in water
  5. running

10 Clues: in milkrunningin waterrelaxationfat peopleadvantagesin orangesdisadvantagesrhymes with bunrhymes with beet

G7 Thursday 2021-04-08

G7 Thursday crossword puzzle
  1. 자원/재료
  2. 농축하다/압축하다
  3. 명소/명물
  4. 결정/판단
  5. 도랑/물미끄럼틀
  1. 그러므로
  2. 속이다/부정행위를 하다
  3. 필요한
  4. 당뇨병
  5. 추가/첨가하다

10 Clues: 필요한당뇨병그러므로자원/재료명소/명물결정/판단추가/첨가하다도랑/물미끄럼틀농축하다/압축하다속이다/부정행위를 하다

D.psy. 2022-11-09

D.psy. crossword puzzle
  1. disease kan uyuşmazlığı
  2. civa
  3. böcek ilacı
  4. diabetes şeker yüklemesi
  5. of pain acı eşiği
  6. birth weight düşük doğum kilosu
  1. frengi
  2. düşük
  3. kızamık
  4. bel soğukluğu
  5. kurşun

11 Clues: civadüşükfrengikurşunkızamıkböcek ilacıbel soğukluğuof pain acı eşiğidisease kan uyuşmazlığıdiabetes şeker yüklemesibirth weight düşük doğum kilosu

Type 1 Diabetes 2024-02-27

Type 1 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Juice commonly used for hypoglycemia
  2. Often counted at mealtime
  3. Low blood sugar
  4. Antidote to insulin
  5. Injectable medication
  6. Diabetic specialist
  7. Inspect daily
  1. Development only during pregnancy
  2. High blood sugar
  3. Produces insulin
  4. Nerve Damage
  5. Spring loaded device for blood sugars

12 Clues: Nerve DamageInspect dailyLow blood sugarHigh blood sugarProduces insulinAntidote to insulinDiabetic specialistInjectable medicationOften counted at mealtimeDevelopment only during pregnancyJuice commonly used for hypoglycemiaSpring loaded device for blood sugars

diet, obesity & diabetes 2024-03-24

diet, obesity & diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. obesity is characterized by chronic, low-grade______________
  2. when insulin-responsive cells do not respond to insulin normally
  3. a measure used to assess an individual's body weight & height
  4. an overlooked aspect of a balanced diet
  5. a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy
  6. another term used to describe 'fat tissue'
  1. a condition that damages coronary arteries and increases the risk of developing diabetes
  2. a condition that can be prevented by intaking adequate fiber
  3. the hormone that is involved in the transfer of glucose from bloodstream into cells
  4. when the body starts breaking down fat for energy due to a lack of insulin
  5. insulin treatment can involve taking insulin in the form of ___________
  6. a type of dietary fat that contributes to obesity

12 Clues: an overlooked aspect of a balanced dietanother term used to describe 'fat tissue'a type of dietary fat that contributes to obesitya type of diabetes that develops during pregnancya condition that can be prevented by intaking adequate fiberobesity is characterized by chronic, low-grade______________...

Chronic disease awareness 2024-07-19

Chronic disease awareness crossword puzzle
  1. Fever & Night Sweats
  2. vision problem
  3. heart contractions
  4. joint pains
  5. Frequent urination
  6. memory loss
  1. lumps
  2. mucus build up
  3. eating disorder
  4. Short breath
  5. lost of consciousness

11 Clues: lumpsjoint painsmemory lossShort breathmucus build upvision problemeating disorderheart contractionsFrequent urinationFever & Night Sweatslost of consciousness

Diabetes Typ 2 & Typ 4 2019-01-29

Diabetes Typ 2 & Typ 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Welcher Wirkstoff gegen Typ 2 Diabetes wird vom BfArM nicht empfohlen?
  2. Name des Insulin produzierenden Organs?
  3. Diabetes mellitus zu deutsch?
  4. Ein anderes Wort Schwangerschaftsdiabetes?
  1. Fachbegriff für Arterienverkalkung?
  2. Folgen zu hoher Blutzuckerkonzentration in den Arterien?
  3. Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber Insulin?

7 Clues: Diabetes mellitus zu deutsch?Fachbegriff für Arterienverkalkung?Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber Insulin?Name des Insulin produzierenden Organs?Ein anderes Wort Schwangerschaftsdiabetes?Folgen zu hoher Blutzuckerkonzentration in den Arterien?Welcher Wirkstoff gegen Typ 2 Diabetes wird vom BfArM nicht empfohlen?

Chapter 9 2015-06-18

Chapter 9 crossword puzzle
  1. An enlarged thyroid gland that appears as a swelling in the neck.
  2. Growth hormone, erythropoietin, and parathyroid hormones are all examples of ___ hormones.
  3. Chemicals that relay messages to glands or tissues to instruct them to respond in certain ways.
  4. Excessive urination.
  5. The most common form of thyroid cancer.
  6. Diabetes can lead to degeneration of the eyes, called diabetic ___.
  7. In a ___ feedback loop, the response reduces the stimulus causing it.
  8. Excessive levels of thyroid hormone.
  9. Abnormally low blood sugar.
  10. Type 1 and Type 2 are different kinds of diabetes ___.
  11. Also called growth hormone.
  1. Outside of the United States, the most common cause of hypothyroidism is a deficiency of ___.
  2. Autoimmune hyperthyroid is called ___ disease.
  3. Type of cells that produce insulin in the pancreas.
  4. A treatment in which blood is diverted out of the body and artificially filtered.
  5. The presence of excessive insulin in the blood.
  6. Hypothyroid is diagnosed by measuring ___ levels.
  7. Cortisol and testosterone are both examples of ___ hormones.
  8. The apron of fatty tissue that hangs down over the abdominal organs.

19 Clues: Excessive urination.Abnormally low blood sugar.Also called growth hormone.Excessive levels of thyroid hormone.The most common form of thyroid cancer.Autoimmune hyperthyroid is called ___ disease.The presence of excessive insulin in the blood.Hypothyroid is diagnosed by measuring ___ levels.Type of cells that produce insulin in the pancreas....

Heart Diseases Crossword! 2023-12-13

Heart Diseases Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. High blood cholesterol, high blood pressure & promotes injury to rye artery walls
  2. The heart skips beats / irregular beats
  3. a weakened area of a blood vessel ; can also cause a stroke
  4. exercise to maintain a healthy weight
  5. pressure force created when the heart pumps blood
  6. the increase of plaque build up in the artery walls
  7. a device implanted in the heart to stimulate normal heart contractions
  8. autoimmune action in the heart; some symptoms are swollen joints & skin rashes.
  9. a substance that can increase addiction but can also decrease the risk of developing diabetes
  10. Chest pain due to narrowed coronary arteries
  1. blood pressure range that increases the risk for heart disease and stroke
  2. disease of the heart and blood vessels
  3. a drug that lowers hypertension/ high blood pressure
  4. certain food groups (fruits, vegetables) decrease the risk of CHD
  5. causes astherosclerosis
  6. Hardened deposits of fat
  7. hardening and thickening of the arteries
  8. decreases the risk of heart disease if you stay healthy & maintained
  9. caused by blocked or broken vessel(s) in the brain

19 Clues: causes astherosclerosisHardened deposits of fatexercise to maintain a healthy weightdisease of the heart and blood vesselsThe heart skips beats / irregular beatshardening and thickening of the arteriesChest pain due to narrowed coronary arteriespressure force created when the heart pumps bloodcaused by blocked or broken vessel(s) in the brain...


COMPONENTS OF FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. FATS
  2. WHEAT


Jonas Brothers 2023-05-09

Jonas Brothers crossword puzzle
  1. Their dad
  2. Joe's DJ project
  3. The documentary
  4. Cinematic gem from the boys
  5. Nick's diabetes song
  6. Frankie's first single
  7. Closing dates of tour
  1. New album masterpiece
  2. Joe's wife
  3. Everyone's favorite song
  4. Residencies
  5. Nick's wife
  6. Kevin's wife
  7. They're from there

14 Clues: Their dadJoe's wifeResidenciesNick's wifeKevin's wifeThe documentaryJoe's DJ projectThey're from thereNick's diabetes songNew album masterpieceClosing dates of tourFrankie's first singleEveryone's favorite songCinematic gem from the boys

November Issue 2023-10-26

November Issue crossword puzzle
  1. Dia de los ________
  2. Senior____ week
  3. Another word for autumn
  4. November 3
  5. Gathering of crops
  6. C6H12O6
  7. Hormone produced in the pancreas
  1. parent/teacher ______
  2. Copa Bravo ____ tournament
  3. School ___ council
  4. Red liquid in our bodies
  5. National _____ Awareness Month
  6. Halloween candy____
  7. ______ Spice Latte

14 Clues: C6H12O6November 3Senior____ weekSchool ___ councilGathering of crops______ Spice LatteDia de los ________Halloween candy____parent/teacher ______Another word for autumnRed liquid in our bodiesCopa Bravo ____ tournamentNational _____ Awareness MonthHormone produced in the pancreas

Diabetes Typ 2 & Typ 4 2019-01-29

Diabetes Typ 2 & Typ 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Name des Insulin produzierenden Organs?
  2. Fachbegriff für Arterienverkalkung?
  3. Diabetes mellitus zu deutsch?
  1. Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber Insulin?
  2. Ein anderes Wort Schwangerschaftsdiabetes?
  3. Folgen zu hoher Blutzuckerkonzentration in den Arterien?
  4. Welcher Wirkstoff gegen Typ 2 Diabetes wird vom BfArM nicht empfohlen?

7 Clues: Diabetes mellitus zu deutsch?Fachbegriff für Arterienverkalkung?Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber Insulin?Name des Insulin produzierenden Organs?Ein anderes Wort Schwangerschaftsdiabetes?Folgen zu hoher Blutzuckerkonzentration in den Arterien?Welcher Wirkstoff gegen Typ 2 Diabetes wird vom BfArM nicht empfohlen?

Advanced First Aid 2014-04-09

Advanced First Aid crossword puzzle
  1. First stage of a generalized seizure.
  2. A brain disorder, recurrent seizures.
  3. Very high blood sugar causes the patient to become unconscious.
  4. The sudden onset of severe abdominal pain.
  5. Blockage of an artery or vein caused by blood clot.
  6. Type of partial seizure in which the patient may experience an altered mental status or be unresponsive.
  7. Generalized seizure in which there are minimal or no movements.
  8. A situation in which a person becomes ill because of an imbalance of insulin and sugar.
  9. Seizure brought by high fever in children.
  1. Phase First stage of generalized seizure, visual disturbances.
  2. A disturbances in a patients consciousness, confusing.
  3. A type of diabetes that occurs only during pregnancy.
  4. Abnormal bulging of an artery.
  5. Also known as tonic clonic seizures.
  6. Whole body contractions loss of consciousness.
  7. Level of glucose circulating in t he blood measured using a glucometer.
  8. Third phase of generalized seizure, experiencing seizure itself.
  9. A disease in which there are high levels of blood glucose due to defects in insulin production, action, or both.
  10. Simple sugar that is primary source of energy in body's tissue.

19 Clues: Abnormal bulging of an artery.Also known as tonic clonic seizures.First stage of a generalized seizure.A brain disorder, recurrent seizures.The sudden onset of severe abdominal pain.Seizure brought by high fever in children.Whole body contractions loss of consciousness.Blockage of an artery or vein caused by blood clot....

Jarin Ristikot 2020-02-22

Jarin Ristikot crossword puzzle
  1. Mikä tulee talven jälkeen
  2. Suloisin kani
  3. Automerkki
  4. Ilkikurisin pentu perheessä
  5. Planeetta
  1. Sukunimi
  2. Sokeritauti
  3. Millä auto kulkee
  4. Valkoinen asukas
  5. Kännykkämerkki

10 Clues: SukunimiPlaneettaAutomerkkiSokeritautiSuloisin kaniKännykkämerkkiValkoinen asukasMillä auto kulkeeMikä tulee talven jälkeenIlkikurisin pentu perheessä

Diabetes Mellitis 2015-02-23

Diabetes Mellitis crossword puzzle
  1. Starker Durst zählt zu den ersten Anzeichen von …
  2. Die Therapie bei Typ 2 Diabetes beginnt mit einer gesünderen Lebensweise: Gewichtsreduktion, fettarme und … Ernährung sowie verstärkte körperliche Betätigung.
  3. Für wen wurden ursprünglich Zuckeraustauschstoffe und energiefreie Süßstoffe auf den Markt gebracht?
  4. Womit kann man Insulin spritzen?
  1. Wozu kann die Acidose führen?
  2. Aus dem Einfachzucker kann die Pflanze … und Polysaccharide bilden und speichern.
  3. Insulin ist ein … Hormon.
  4. Anzeichen für Unterzuckerung sind starkes …, Zittern und Ohnmacht.

8 Clues: Insulin ist ein … Hormon.Wozu kann die Acidose führen?Womit kann man Insulin spritzen?Starker Durst zählt zu den ersten Anzeichen von …Anzeichen für Unterzuckerung sind starkes …, Zittern und Ohnmacht.Aus dem Einfachzucker kann die Pflanze … und Polysaccharide bilden und speichern....

Diabetes Mellitis 2015-02-23

Diabetes Mellitis crossword puzzle
  1. Starker Durst zählt zu den ersten Anzeichen von …
  2. Die Therapie bei Typ 2 Diabetes beginnt mit einer gesünderen Lebensweise: Gewichtsreduktion, fettarme und … Ernährung sowie verstärkte körperliche Betätigung.
  3. Anzeichen für Unterzuckerung sind starkes …, Zittern und Ohnmacht.
  4. Aus dem Einfachzucker kann die Pflanze … und Polysaccharide bilden und speichern.
  5. Womit kann man Insulin spritzen?
  1. Wozu kann die Acidose führen?
  2. Insulin ist ein … Hormon.
  3. Für wen wurden ursprünglich Zuckeraustauschstoffe und energiefreie Süßstoffe auf den Markt gebracht?

8 Clues: Insulin ist ein … Hormon.Wozu kann die Acidose führen?Womit kann man Insulin spritzen?Starker Durst zählt zu den ersten Anzeichen von …Anzeichen für Unterzuckerung sind starkes …, Zittern und Ohnmacht.Aus dem Einfachzucker kann die Pflanze … und Polysaccharide bilden und speichern....

Sugar & Diabetes 2022-06-23

Sugar & Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. a solid, naturally occurring inorganic substance
  2. any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods
  3. a group of organic compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition
  1. Refers to the stomach and intestines. Also called gi
  2. a class of nitrogenous organic compounds which have large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms
  3. sugar which is an important energy source in living organisms
  4. a thread or filament from which a vegetable tissue, mineral substance
  5. a natural oily substance occurring in animal bodies

8 Clues: a solid, naturally occurring inorganic substancea natural oily substance occurring in animal bodiesRefers to the stomach and intestines. Also called giany of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foodssugar which is an important energy source in living organismsa thread or filament from which a vegetable tissue, mineral substance...

diabetes nutrition 2024-04-21

diabetes nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. sick
  2. kinds
  3. disease
  1. no vessels
  2. carbohydrates
  3. food
  4. red
  5. fat

8 Clues: redfatfoodsickkindsdiseaseno vesselscarbohydrates

MT6317 Lecture Carbohydrates Crossword 2021-11-07

MT6317 Lecture Carbohydrates Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Primary food source for the brain
  2. Method where glucose + o-toluidine + acetic acid + heat forms N-glycosylamine
  3. A test to assess glucose after being given a high glucose load. Acronym only
  4. Very important in several biosynthetic reactions such as production of ribose and NADPH
  5. Linkage of two monosaccharides
  6. Simple sugar
  7. Hormone involved in controlling blood sugar levels
  8. Process in which glucose is stored as glycogen
  9. An individual with this type of diabetes has a higher tendency to produce ketones
  10. A sign of diabetes mellitus that refers to excessive thirst
  11. In the EMP, pyruvate will be converted to Acetyl-Coa and will enter which cycle?
  12. Increased levels of galactose in plasma as a result of a congenital deficiency of one of three enzymes involved in galactose
  13. Carbonyl group in the middle
  14. Reduction of NADP+ to NADPH -
  15. Test which is obtained in the morning after an approximately 8-10 hours fast, but not longer than 16 hours. Acronym ONLY
  16. This may occur after the renal tubular transporter system for glucose becomes saturated
  17. Group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both
  18. End product of the Folin-Wu method
  19. Yields more than 10 monosaccharides on hydrolysis
  20. This is the result of an imbalance in the rate of glucose appearance and disappearance from the circulation
  1. This type of diabetes mellitus has been defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy
  2. Carbohydrate with 6 carbons
  3. Yields 2 ATP
  4. Carbohydrate with three carbons
  5. Most essential carbohydrate
  6. The body's physiological process for absorbing nutrients and delivering energy as needed.
  7. The process by which food is converted to energy through chemical processes in the cells of the body.
  8. A form of type 1 diabetes that has no known etiology, is strongly inherited, and does not have β-cell autoimmunity
  9. Involves the measurement of colored solution compared with a standard, which contains a known concentration of the substance being analyzed
  10. is acted upon this enzyme to produce glucose-6-phosphate
  11. Formation of glucose-6-phosphate from noncarbohydrate sources
  12. Smallest carbohydrate
  13. Hormone produced by the pancreas that allows your body to use the glucose from carbohydrates found in food
  14. Organ that filters urea(plural)
  15. Glucose is converted to pyruvate or lactate for production of energy
  16. Three to ten sugar units
  17. This can be done after fasting or non-fasting. This is done using a glucometer and is used for glucose monitoring. Acronym only
  18. More accurate and specific than glucose-oxidase method
  19. Type ___ diabetes includes hyperglycemia cases that result from insulin resistance with an insulin secretory defect
  20. Enzyme that breaks down masticated food in the mouth
  21. This is a high-energy molecule that is needed in the first step for all three pathways so glucose can be converted to glucose-6-phosphate
  22. Regulate key physiological functions including cell metabolism, growth, differentiation, and apoptosis.
  23. Type of test where the sample can be collected anytime of the day without fasting. Acronym only
  24. Where urea is excreted
  25. Aldehyde group
  26. Glycogenesis only occurs in this organ
  27. A long-term monitoring of glucose regulation. Glycosylated hemoglobin is the average glucose concentration for three months.
  28. Proteins that increase the rate of metabolism
  29. The color of the solution once Benedict’s solution and simple carbohydrate is heated.
  30. The most common congenital form of glycogen storage disease

50 Clues: Yields 2 ATPSimple sugarAldehyde groupSmallest carbohydrateWhere urea is excretedThree to ten sugar unitsCarbohydrate with 6 carbonsMost essential carbohydrateCarbonyl group in the middleReduction of NADP+ to NADPH -Linkage of two monosaccharidesCarbohydrate with three carbonsOrgan that filters urea(plural)Primary food source for the brain...

DMP 2022-02-08

DMP crossword puzzle
  1. Depressionen
  2. chronische Rückenschmerzen
  3. Asthma
  1. Rheumatoide Arthritis
  2. Brustkrebs
  3. Koronare Herzkrankheit
  4. Diabetes Mellitus
  5. Osteoporose
  6. COPD

9 Clues: COPDAsthmaBrustkrebsOsteoporoseDepressionenDiabetes MellitusRheumatoide ArthritisKoronare Herzkrankheitchronische Rückenschmerzen

Insulin 2016-03-16

Insulin crossword puzzle
  1. What does insulin work alongside with?
  2. Where is this hormone located?
  3. What is the response called from the sympathetic nervous system?
  4. Where is stored glucose found?
  5. What relies on glucose as a source of energy?
  6. This diabetes is caused by the beta cells having an impaired ability to produce insulin.
  7. Which specialised cells release insulin into the bloodstream?
  1. What does insulin have to lower?
  2. This diabetes is caused by the pancreas not producing enough insulin.
  3. If someone takes too much insulin injections what have they taken too much of?
  4. When adrenaline is released what happens to the insulin release?
  5. When absorbing glucose into the bloodstream, what does it give to the cells?

12 Clues: Where is this hormone located?Where is stored glucose found?What does insulin have to lower?What does insulin work alongside with?What relies on glucose as a source of energy?Which specialised cells release insulin into the bloodstream?What is the response called from the sympathetic nervous system?...