diabetes Crossword Puzzles

The most common disease 2023-12-22

The most common disease crossword puzzle
  1. the most common pain in the head.
  2. a problem for not eat food.
  3. the problem with the alcohol.
  4. don't have a currently clean or healthy the body.
  5. the problem for eat wrote food.
  1. a illness that you can born with this or get in the life.
  2. a acute illness in the heart
  3. v you can breathe properly when you have fly.
  4. make you feeling tired also fiver.
  5. a little organ that produces a strong pain when is inflammation.

10 Clues: a problem for not eat food.a acute illness in the heartthe problem with the alcohol.the problem for eat wrote food.the most common pain in the head.make you feeling tired also fiver.v you can breathe properly when you have fly.don't have a currently clean or healthy the body.a illness that you can born with this or get in the life....

Body Wrap 2018-03-13

Body Wrap crossword puzzle
  1. A contra-action
  2. A contra-indication bigining with D
  1. Given as after care to drink plenty of....
  2. helps the improvement of .....
  3. done by therapist before wrapping client
  4. wraps can be left on client up to .. minutes

6 Clues: A contra-actionhelps the improvement of .....A contra-indication bigining with Ddone by therapist before wrapping clientGiven as after care to drink plenty of....wraps can be left on client up to .. minutes

chronic illness 2021-01-14

chronic illness crossword puzzle
  1. institution where you can get health screening
  2. high levels of blood cholesterol
  3. forms a big component of a balanced meal
  4. medical emergency
  1. another word for high blood pressure
  2. chronic condition where sugar level is abnormally high

6 Clues: medical emergencyhigh levels of blood cholesterolanother word for high blood pressureforms a big component of a balanced mealinstitution where you can get health screeningchronic condition where sugar level is abnormally high

GAME TIME 2021-12-06

GAME TIME crossword puzzle
  1. What test can be done to check diabetes
  2. The 4 food groups are ________, Protein,Vegetable & fat
  3. Which organ produces insulin?
  4. A exercise prescription is
  1. What medication to start low and go slow
  2. Risk factor of Pre DM?

6 Clues: Risk factor of Pre DM?A exercise prescription isWhich organ produces insulin?What test can be done to check diabetesWhat medication to start low and go slowThe 4 food groups are ________, Protein,Vegetable & fat

Fun crossword 2013-02-18

Fun crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What medicine do most diabetics take?
  2. How many colours are there in a rainbow?
  3. What's another name for blood glucose?
  4. What do you do if you think your blood sugar is low?
  5. What animal is all black and white stripes?
  1. What organ does insulin come from?
  2. How many legs does a spider have?
  3. Which fruit is the same colour as its name?
  4. What kind of fizzy drinks are best for diabetics?
  5. How many kinds of diabetes are there?

10 Clues: How many legs does a spider have?What organ does insulin come from?What medicine do most diabetics take?How many kinds of diabetes are there?What's another name for blood glucose?How many colours are there in a rainbow?Which fruit is the same colour as its name?What animal is all black and white stripes?...

Point of Care Collections 2013-11-03

Point of Care Collections crossword puzzle
  1. What is the abbreviation for international normalized ratio?
  2. low density lipoprotein cholesterol, referred to as the bad cholesterol
  3. What is the abbreviation for quality control?
  4. Heart damage POC testing
  5. An analytical test that measures oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
  1. fatty acids and glycerol that circulate in the blood and are stored as body fat
  2. A chronic disease of the pancreas
  3. What is the abbreviation for prothrombin time?
  4. Abbreviation for hematocrit
  5. high density lipoprotein cholesterol, referred to as the good cholesterol

10 Clues: Heart damage POC testingAbbreviation for hematocritA chronic disease of the pancreasWhat is the abbreviation for quality control?What is the abbreviation for prothrombin time?What is the abbreviation for international normalized ratio?low density lipoprotein cholesterol, referred to as the bad cholesterol...

West Virginia Crossword 2019-09-16

West Virginia Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. West Virginia's ranking in teeth loss/divorce/disabilities/diabetes/drug overdoses
  2. West Virginia is known as 'The _____________ State'
  3. Home of the West Virginia History Museum
  4. Capital of West Virginia & "The Heartbeat of the Appalachians"
  5. Video game series set in West Virginia
  6. Home of the PRT & West Virginia University
  1. Mountain Range the covers half of West Virginia
  2. 75% of this is covering West Virginia
  3. Home of Marshall University
  4. The Northern city in West Virginia that was the first capital of West Virginia

10 Clues: Home of Marshall University75% of this is covering West VirginiaVideo game series set in West VirginiaHome of the West Virginia History MuseumHome of the PRT & West Virginia UniversityMountain Range the covers half of West VirginiaWest Virginia is known as 'The _____________ State'Capital of West Virginia & "The Heartbeat of the Appalachians"...

Nursing Intermediate UNIT 4 DIABETES CARE 2020-12-02

Nursing Intermediate UNIT 4 DIABETES CARE crossword puzzle
  1. - a condition in which there is too much glucose in the blood
  2. - the organ which produces insulin
  3. - when the levels of sugar in someone's blood become dangerously low and they feel ill and may eventually become unconscious
  4. - too fat
  5. - urine test
  6. - a person who suffers from diabetes
  1. - substances, such as sugar or starch, that provide the body with energy
  2. - a long, very thin tube used to take liquids out of the body
  3. - presence of glucose in urine
  4. - intended to be thrown away after use

10 Clues: - too fat- urine test- presence of glucose in urine- the organ which produces insulin- a person who suffers from diabetes- intended to be thrown away after use- a condition in which there is too much glucose in the blood- a long, very thin tube used to take liquids out of the body...

English 2020-04-28

English crossword puzzle
  1. Many people in poor countries ...... from hunger
  2. Driving an ...... truck is forbidden in many countries
  3. When you are ill for ..... you shouldn't eat a lot
  4. The worst involvement of flu is ......
  5. Human organisms have a lot of ......
  1. When you're not sleeping for long time you can fall ill in .....
  2. It's very important to have ....... during hard time
  3. Almost every animal often ...... their resources.
  4. Many people struggles with ..... in 21st century
  5. When something ..... it's hard to get rid of that next time

10 Clues: Human organisms have a lot of ......The worst involvement of flu is ......Many people in poor countries ...... from hungerMany people struggles with ..... in 21st centuryAlmost every animal often ...... their resources.When you are ill for ..... you shouldn't eat a lotIt's very important to have ....... during hard time...

TECHNOLOGY_FOCUS 4_7 2020-11-19

TECHNOLOGY_FOCUS 4_7 crossword puzzle
  1. A disease in which there is too much sugar in the blood.
  2. Being overweight in a way that is dangerous to your health.
  3. Involving a lot of sitting and no exercise.
  4. Sleeplessness; inability to sleep.
  5. To connect a file to an email.
  6. To search for information on the Internet.
  1. The period when someone has stopped taking drugs.
  2. Another word for an appliance or machine, e.g. a computer or a mouse.
  3. Dependence on harmful substances.
  4. To look quickly through information on the Internet.

10 Clues: To connect a file to an email.Dependence on harmful substances.Sleeplessness; inability to sleep.To search for information on the Internet.Involving a lot of sitting and no exercise.The period when someone has stopped taking drugs.To look quickly through information on the Internet.A disease in which there is too much sugar in the blood....

Running clown 2021-12-08

Running clown crossword puzzle
  1. the way the body breaks down food
  2. what takes all molecules where they need to
  3. makes it so that after eating is painful
  4. what is needed by the body to get molded to make energy
  5. what starch is broken down into
  6. Makes it so less oxygen gets free the lungs so less energy
  1. makes glucose low and effects the body energy
  2. the way the body takes in oxygen and reals carbon dioxide
  3. what proteins is broken down into
  4. a molecule used to make energy

10 Clues: a molecule used to make energywhat starch is broken down intothe way the body breaks down foodwhat proteins is broken down intomakes it so that after eating is painfulwhat takes all molecules where they need tomakes glucose low and effects the body energywhat is needed by the body to get molded to make energy...

smoking and Tobacco 2021-12-08

smoking and Tobacco crossword puzzle
  1. Breathing in other peoples smoke
  2. The baby can develop different types of what?
  3. when the mother smokes what does she limit
  4. sudden infant death syndrome
  1. the mother can develop _____ or pneumonia
  2. when a baby is born before due date
  3. when the lip of the baby looks creased
  4. Every time the pregnant women smokes it doesn’t just effect the mothers lungs it effects the foetus’ _____
  5. what does smoking weaken?
  6. smoking during pregnancy ________ risk of heath problems for developing babies

10 Clues: what does smoking weaken?sudden infant death syndromeBreathing in other peoples smokewhen a baby is born before due datewhen the lip of the baby looks creasedthe mother can develop _____ or pneumoniawhen the mother smokes what does she limitThe baby can develop different types of what?...

smoking and Tobacco 2021-12-08

smoking and Tobacco crossword puzzle
  1. Breathing in other peoples smoke
  2. The baby can develop different types of what?
  3. when the mother smokes what does she limit
  4. sudden infant death syndrome
  1. the mother can develop _____ or pneumonia
  2. when a baby is born before due date
  3. when the lip of the baby looks creased
  4. Every time the pregnant women smokes it doesn’t just effect the mothers lungs it effects the foetus’ _____
  5. what does smoking weaken?
  6. smoking during pregnancy ________ risk of heath problems for developing babies

10 Clues: what does smoking weaken?sudden infant death syndromeBreathing in other peoples smokewhen a baby is born before due datewhen the lip of the baby looks creasedthe mother can develop _____ or pneumoniawhen the mother smokes what does she limitThe baby can develop different types of what?...

Module 5 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) 2022-02-18

Module 5 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) crossword puzzle
  1. Women with PCOS have an increased risk of type 2 _____, dyslipidemia, and coronary heart disease
  2. _____ resistance is common among women with PCOS
  3. Changes to hair commonly seen with PCOS
  4. Score used to assess hirsutism
  5. Women with PCOS have excess _____
  6. Measure a _____ level if PCOS is suspected
  1. Lifestyle modifications such as weightloss, diet, and _____ are recommended for all women with PCOS
  2. _______ Ultrasound used to identify polycystic ovarian morphology
  3. Common skin manifestation of androgen excess
  4. Excessive coarse, dark hair growth

10 Clues: Score used to assess hirsutismWomen with PCOS have excess _____Excessive coarse, dark hair growthChanges to hair commonly seen with PCOSMeasure a _____ level if PCOS is suspectedCommon skin manifestation of androgen excess_____ resistance is common among women with PCOS_______ Ultrasound used to identify polycystic ovarian morphology...

Sistem Ekskresi 2023-06-08

Sistem Ekskresi crossword puzzle
  1. Proses pengeluarkan zat sisa metabolisme dari dalam tubuh
  2. Cairan yang dihasilkan oleh hati yang berasal dari perombakan eritrosit
  3. Organ yang hasil ekskresinya adalah urine
  4. kondisi di mana kandungan gula dalam darah melebihi normal dan cenderung tinggi
  5. Kulit menghasilkan hasil ekskresi berupa
  1. Lapisan terluar dari kulit
  2. kelainan dengan ditemukannya butiran kalsium karbonat di dalam saluran ginjal
  3. Or6gan yang berfungsi menghasilkan zat sisa karbondioksida dan uap air
  4. Istilah proses penyaringan darah pada ginjal tahap pertama ginjal
  5. Tempat membongkar sel darah merah yang telah tua atau rusak

10 Clues: Lapisan terluar dari kulitKulit menghasilkan hasil ekskresi berupaOrgan yang hasil ekskresinya adalah urineProses pengeluarkan zat sisa metabolisme dari dalam tubuhTempat membongkar sel darah merah yang telah tua atau rusakIstilah proses penyaringan darah pada ginjal tahap pertama ginjal...

Vocab word search 2023-04-10

Vocab word search crossword puzzle
  1. A trending weight loss diet that guarantees fast weight loss.
  2. Exercise that breaks down glucose without having the need to use oxygen
  3. Bmi ≥ 30
  4. An impairment of the body’s insulin related abilities
  5. The amount of the human body that
  1. Exercises that increase the heart rate and use of oxygen
  2. Bmi ≥ 25
  3. Mental tension caused by a hard situation
  4. The mass of the body divided by the square of your height
  5. An immune system disease that is transferred through sexual intercorse

10 Clues: Bmi ≥ 25Bmi ≥ 30The amount of the human body thatMental tension caused by a hard situationAn impairment of the body’s insulin related abilitiesExercises that increase the heart rate and use of oxygenThe mass of the body divided by the square of your heightA trending weight loss diet that guarantees fast weight loss....

Patho 2023-09-15

Patho crossword puzzle
  1. The first people to keep accurate written health records.
  2. Treatment for spastic colon or gastric ulcers.
  3. Therapeutic technique primitive healers/shamans used.
  4. Pioneered nursing and reformed hospital sanitation.
  1. Considered the “Savior of Mothers.”
  2. Common medical practice used by the Egyptians.
  3. A type of treatment used during the Dark Ages.
  4. This was used by doctors to diagnose women in Ancient China.
  5. French physician who invented the stethoscope.
  6. This is where people smelled and tasted urine to determine if someone had diabetes.

10 Clues: Considered the “Savior of Mothers.”Common medical practice used by the Egyptians.Treatment for spastic colon or gastric ulcers.A type of treatment used during the Dark Ages.French physician who invented the stethoscope.Pioneered nursing and reformed hospital sanitation.Therapeutic technique primitive healers/shamans used....


  1. disease that is caused by growth hormone deficiency
  2. has exocrine ducts that connect to the intestines, and endocrine parts where the hormones are present
  3. gland that secretes melatonin an serotonin
  4. hormone found in the zona glomerulosa
  5. 2 pairs of glands located posterior to the thyroid
  1. Located behind the sternum, takes part in t cell production
  2. gland that secretes thyroxine
  3. disease characterized by the incorrect metabolization of glucose
  4. endocrine hormone found in the testes
  5. hormone found in the posterior pituitary gland

10 Clues: gland that secretes thyroxineendocrine hormone found in the testeshormone found in the zona glomerulosagland that secretes melatonin an serotoninhormone found in the posterior pituitary gland2 pairs of glands located posterior to the thyroiddisease that is caused by growth hormone deficiency...

Kelenjar dan hormon 2023-05-10

Kelenjar dan hormon crossword puzzle
  1. Mengatasi kadar gula yang rendah pada penderita diabetes
  2. Terdiri dari kortek adrenal dan medula adrenal
  3. Hormon yang digunakan untuk mengatur kinerja beberapa organ tubuh
  4. Hormon yang berfungsi sebagai mobilisator kalsium dari tulang ke darah
  1. Terletak di pertemuan saluran empedu dan usus halus
  2. Menghasilkan hormon tiroksin + triiodo trionin
  3. Sapi mempunyai 4 .....
  4. Nama lain kejang-kejang karena hipoparateroid
  5. Hormon yang memastikan otak tetap terjaga,waspada, dan sensitif terhadap keadaan di sekitar dan rangsangan yang diterima oleh tubuh
  6. Hormon yang membantu penyerapan glukosa dalam sel tubuh

10 Clues: Sapi mempunyai 4 .....Nama lain kejang-kejang karena hipoparateroidMenghasilkan hormon tiroksin + triiodo trioninTerdiri dari kortek adrenal dan medula adrenalTerletak di pertemuan saluran empedu dan usus halusHormon yang membantu penyerapan glukosa dalam sel tubuhMengatasi kadar gula yang rendah pada penderita diabetes...

Bioteknologi 3 2023-03-13

Bioteknologi 3 crossword puzzle
  1. bahan dasar pembuatan keju
  2. bahan dasar pembuatan roti
  3. bakteri yang digunakan dalam pembuatan roti
  4. penggunaan enceng gondok untuk menanggulagi pencemaran pada perairan
  5. salah satu produk bioteknologi yang menggunakan kedelai hitam
  1. proses peningkatan sistem kekebalan tubuh dengan melakukan suntik vaksin
  2. mikroorganisme yang digunakan untuk menghambat tumbuhnya mikroorganisme yang berbahaya
  3. binatang yang dilakukakn rekayasa genetik dengan tujuan meningkatkan produksi sus, daging yang berkualita dan banyak
  4. penggunakan bakteri dalam penanggulangan pencemaran perairan laut
  5. produk bioteknologi dalam medis yang digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit diabetes

10 Clues: bahan dasar pembuatan kejubahan dasar pembuatan rotibakteri yang digunakan dalam pembuatan rotisalah satu produk bioteknologi yang menggunakan kedelai hitampenggunakan bakteri dalam penanggulangan pencemaran perairan lautpenggunaan enceng gondok untuk menanggulagi pencemaran pada perairan...

Tips on how to stay slim and healthy 2024-01-23

Tips on how to stay slim and healthy crossword puzzle
  1. take breaks from screen to focus on outdoor activities or mind ful relaxation
  2. Utilize fitness apps for guided workouts and tracking your progress.
  3. How to keep your body fresh and healthy
  4. How to train muscles
  5. To avoid diabetes
  1. Save costs and control food portions
  2. Habits that must be changed
  3. Laughter can be a natural stress-reliever and contribute to a positive mindset.
  4. Implement circuit training for a combination of strength and cardiovascular benefits.
  5. Maintain calories in the body

10 Clues: To avoid diabetesHow to train musclesHabits that must be changedMaintain calories in the bodySave costs and control food portionsHow to keep your body fresh and healthyUtilize fitness apps for guided workouts and tracking your progress.take breaks from screen to focus on outdoor activities or mind ful relaxation...

grade 7 puzzle 2024-03-10

grade 7 puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Bony covering of the brain.
  2. Elongated tube-like structure extending downwards from the urinary bladder.
  3. Structural and the functional unit of Nervous system.
  4. Substances that provoke allergy.
  5. The opening in the eye that passes light to the lens.
  1. A long-term disease that causes kidney damage.
  2. Tissue present beneath the skin with other tissues.
  3. Wheezing is an example of which environmental variation.
  4. The allergy characterised by the raised welts on an individual's skin.
  5. Process of removing excess salts and other wastes from blood.

10 Clues: Bony covering of the brain.Substances that provoke allergy.A long-term disease that causes kidney damage.Tissue present beneath the skin with other tissues.Structural and the functional unit of Nervous system.The opening in the eye that passes light to the lens.Wheezing is an example of which environmental variation....


ANTIBIOTICO ITU crossword puzzle
  1. urólito que é formado por bactérias urease positivas
  2. cilindros podem ser encontrados na urinálise na pielonefrite
  3. produzido pelas bactérias na cistite enfisematosa
  4. ANTB betalactâmico indicado no tratamento da pielonefrite enquanto aguarda urocultura
  5. bactéria gram negativa urease positiva envolvida na formação urólitos estruvita
  6. doença sistêmica que pode cursar com pielonefrite
  1. ANTB de escolha empírica até resultado urocultura cistite enfisematosa
  2. principal comorbidade envolvida na cistite enfisematosa
  3. principal bactéria envolvida na cistite enfizematosa
  4. ANTB profilático usado no trans operatório dos procedimentos urológicos

10 Clues: produzido pelas bactérias na cistite enfisematosadoença sistêmica que pode cursar com pielonefriteurólito que é formado por bactérias urease positivasprincipal bactéria envolvida na cistite enfizematosaprincipal comorbidade envolvida na cistite enfisematosacilindros podem ser encontrados na urinálise na pielonefrite...

yyy 2021-11-24

yyy crossword puzzle
  1. Penyakit yang disebabkan tingginya kadar gula dalam darah
  2. Lokasi Radjak Hospital di Jakarta
  3. Prosedur yang dilakukan untuk membersihkan plak dan karang pada gigi
  4. Salah satu cara menjaga kesehatan
  5. Nama alat yang digunakan dalam proses artroskopi
  1. Gangguan yang menyebabkan penderitanya sering “mengompol”
  2. Salah satu pencegahan inkontinensia urine dengan cara melatih otot panggul
  3. Metode membuat sayatan sebesar lubang kunci pada prosedur artroskopi
  4. Tindakan pembakaran atau pemutusan sumber kelistrikan jantung yang abnormal
  5. Ruangan khusus untuk melakukan pemeriksaan rontgen, sinar-X, atau CT Scan

10 Clues: Lokasi Radjak Hospital di JakartaSalah satu cara menjaga kesehatanNama alat yang digunakan dalam proses artroskopiGangguan yang menyebabkan penderitanya sering “mengompol”Penyakit yang disebabkan tingginya kadar gula dalam darahMetode membuat sayatan sebesar lubang kunci pada prosedur artroskopi...

Health Challenges- Tiahanna Durrant 1st Pd 2022-02-04

Health Challenges- Tiahanna Durrant 1st Pd crossword puzzle
  1. an immune system reaction that occurs soon after eating a certain food
  2. a sexually transmitted disease
  3. eating abnormally large quantities of food in one sitting
  4. mental illness that affects your diet
  1. a persisting illness or disease
  2. eating disorder characterized by extremely low body weight
  3. binge eating then purging
  4. the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure
  5. a chronic health disease that affects the way your body processes sugar
  6. difficulty digesting food

10 Clues: binge eating then purgingdifficulty digesting fooda sexually transmitted diseasea persisting illness or diseasemental illness that affects your dieteating abnormally large quantities of food in one sittingeating disorder characterized by extremely low body weightan immune system reaction that occurs soon after eating a certain food...

Listeria 2013-12-10

Listeria crossword puzzle
  1. A symptom linked with Listeria
  2. The name of bacteria found in soil, water and some animals
  3. A way of treating Listeria
  4. A type of meat that is most contaminated
  1. One of the main symptoms related with Listeria
  2. One of the food to watch out for
  3. A way of diagnosing Listeria
  4. This makes you 20 times more likely to get Listeria
  5. The type of fruit that was contaminated in the 2011 outbreak
  6. If you have this, you are at risk of getting Listeria

10 Clues: A way of treating ListeriaA way of diagnosing ListeriaA symptom linked with ListeriaOne of the food to watch out forA type of meat that is most contaminatedOne of the main symptoms related with ListeriaThis makes you 20 times more likely to get ListeriaIf you have this, you are at risk of getting Listeria...

Group F15 9 2015-10-09

Group F15 9 crossword puzzle
  1. vitamin c increases absorption of this nutrient
  2. hormone used to identify early pregnancy
  3. increased risk of this condition due to stagnation of fluids in the kidneys
  4. increased clotting factors and decreased fibrinolytic activity cause this state
  5. the uterus is this size at 7 weeks
  1. used to determine estimated date of delivery
  2. never have had a delivery at greater than 20 weeks gestation
  3. nutrient to prevent neural tube defects
  4. this sign is the softening of the cervix
  5. screening procedure to assess for gestational diabetes

10 Clues: the uterus is this size at 7 weeksnutrient to prevent neural tube defectshormone used to identify early pregnancythis sign is the softening of the cervixused to determine estimated date of deliveryvitamin c increases absorption of this nutrientscreening procedure to assess for gestational diabetes...

Daily Crossword 2014-08-22

Daily Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes : I like ___, not sweets.
  2. Insy, winsy spider climbing up the wall. Who said I am black?
  3. The sexy godess who arises from the Tr-Devi
  4. Kyonki Saas bhi kabhi Zebra thi. What is this amalgamation?
  5. My life is incomplete without it
  1. The ring that binds Us together
  2. Aaj Blues hai paani, paani, paani, dil bhi ___
  3. Oh! You don't hear important news from me until __ days later. Punishable offence, much?
  4. mami The Tamil equivalent of chennai chikamma
  5. The chemistry of ____ : Alcohols, Phenols and ethers

10 Clues: The ring that binds Us togetherMy life is incomplete without itDiabetes : I like ___, not sweets.The sexy godess who arises from the Tr-DeviAaj Blues hai paani, paani, paani, dil bhi ___mami The Tamil equivalent of chennai chikammaThe chemistry of ____ : Alcohols, Phenols and ethersKyonki Saas bhi kabhi Zebra thi. What is this amalgamation?...

Vocabulary 2023-02-07

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the band and chorus teacher does this
  2. the workers are doing this outside
  3. the student needed to __ to show she got it correct
  4. I need to find my way so I____ it.
  1. the doctor ___ me with diabetes
  2. I had to make a guess on what this is going to mean.
  3. if I come to it I____ it
  4. I wanted to add something I____ it.
  5. if we are connected we are _
  6. the student needed to get used to this area

10 Clues: if I come to it I____ itif we are connected we are _the doctor ___ me with diabetesthe workers are doing this outsideI need to find my way so I____ it.I wanted to add something I____ it.the band and chorus teacher does thisthe student needed to get used to this areathe student needed to __ to show she got it correct...

Vocab Unit 6 2022-12-20

Vocab Unit 6 crossword puzzle
  1. The Sugar Plum fairy wowed the audience with her _ talent.
  2. the final vote was _.
  3. You can use a plastic bag as a _ poncho.
  4. I have the _ respect for my parents.
  1. We watched a quick _ of the new Marvel movie.
  2. People are forced to _ on supplies when the economy is doing poorly.
  3. I wish doctors and scientists would _ type one diabetes.
  4. The deposit into our savings is _.
  5. The hero can _ the bad guy and capture him.
  6. There is a _ restaurant on top of the hill.

10 Clues: the final vote was _.The deposit into our savings is _.I have the _ respect for my parents.You can use a plastic bag as a _ poncho.The hero can _ the bad guy and capture him.There is a _ restaurant on top of the hill.We watched a quick _ of the new Marvel movie.I wish doctors and scientists would _ type one diabetes....

Tugas IPA 2023-04-01

Tugas IPA crossword puzzle
  1. penyakit yang disebabkan karena urin mengandung glukosa
  2. sisa metabolisme yang dikeluarkan melalui urin
  3. organ ekskresi yang mengeluarakn sisa metabolisme berupa karbondioksida
  4. saluran jalannya urin dari ginjal menuju kandung kemih
  5. tahapan pada pembentukan urin yang menghasilkan urin sesungguhnya
  6. lapisan terluar pada ginjal
  1. tahapan pada ginjal yang menyerap kembali zat-zat yang dibutuhkan lagi oleh tubuh seperti glukosa dan asam amino
  2. tahapan penyaringan darah pada ginjal yang terjadi di glomerulus
  3. organ tubuh yang berfungsi sebagai alat ekskresi sekaligus indra peraba
  4. organ yang diserang oleh penyakit hepatitis

10 Clues: lapisan terluar pada ginjalorgan yang diserang oleh penyakit hepatitissisa metabolisme yang dikeluarkan melalui urinsaluran jalannya urin dari ginjal menuju kandung kemihpenyakit yang disebabkan karena urin mengandung glukosatahapan penyaringan darah pada ginjal yang terjadi di glomerulus...

health 2023-04-14

health crossword puzzle
  1. a number related to your age, height, and weight/body mass index
  2. a disease were people do not eat correctly due to body dysmorphia (two words)
  3. disease that affects glucose in the blood
  4. plate diagram that shows all the food groups
  1. helps build muscle
  2. when people are overweight
  3. your emotions and how you perceive things (two words)
  4. physical activity
  5. someone changing the way they eat to lose or gain weight
  6. food group that is in milk, cheese, and yogurt

10 Clues: physical activityhelps build musclewhen people are overweightdisease that affects glucose in the bloodplate diagram that shows all the food groupsfood group that is in milk, cheese, and yogurtyour emotions and how you perceive things (two words)someone changing the way they eat to lose or gain weight...

Medical Vocabulary 2023-02-12

Medical Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. an illness that makes it difficult to breathe
  2. I feel like I'm spinning. I feel _____.
  3. I hurt myself by lifting a heavy box. Now I have a ________.
  4. His temperature is too high. He has a ______.
  5. Another word for medicine
  6. My stomach feels bad. I feel _________.
  1. Write your ______ to show that everything on the form is true.
  2. I am ______ to cats.
  3. If you have_______ you should not eat too much sugar.
  4. I sneeze in the summer because I have ____ _____.

10 Clues: I am ______ to cats.Another word for medicineI feel like I'm spinning. I feel _____.My stomach feels bad. I feel _________.an illness that makes it difficult to breatheHis temperature is too high. He has a ______.I sneeze in the summer because I have ____ _____.If you have_______ you should not eat too much sugar....

Pharmacy 2021-02-25

Pharmacy crossword puzzle
  1. is the anti-hypertensive drug that is also used in managing anxiety
  2. is the antidote for organophosphorus poisoning
  3. is the name of Indian COVID-19 Vaccine
  4. Science of detecting medical device adverse events
  5. is the drug of choice in managing gestionational diabetes
  1. Science of detecting and reporting of adverse events related to blood and blood products
  2. is the drug for narcolepsy
  3. is the abbrevation of antimicrobial resistance
  4. is the name of Russian COVID-19 vaccine
  5. is the type of insulin that acts upto 48 hours

10 Clues: is the drug for narcolepsyis the name of Indian COVID-19 Vaccineis the name of Russian COVID-19 vaccineis the abbrevation of antimicrobial resistanceis the antidote for organophosphorus poisoningis the type of insulin that acts upto 48 hoursScience of detecting medical device adverse eventsis the drug of choice in managing gestionational diabetes...

Cardiac Rehab Week Crossword 2021-02-09

Cardiac Rehab Week Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The name of good cholesterol
  2. Heart attack symptom
  3. Feeling too much of this every day can increase heart rate and blood pressure
  4. Too much of this can in crease blood pressure
  5. Most important heart disease risk factor that you can change
  6. This Medicine is prescribed to relieve discomfort of chest pain
  1. The name of bad cholesterol
  2. Metabolic disease that is result of consistent high blood sugar levels
  3. Best type of exercise for the heart
  4. Number of chambers of the heart

10 Clues: Heart attack symptomThe name of bad cholesterolThe name of good cholesterolNumber of chambers of the heartBest type of exercise for the heartToo much of this can in crease blood pressureMost important heart disease risk factor that you can changeThis Medicine is prescribed to relieve discomfort of chest pain...


ENDOCRINE SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. A glandular organ located in the abdomen behind the stomach
  2. Iodine is necessary for the production of ____.
  3. of Acini _______ produces the pancreatic fluid.
  4. It increases the speed of cellular respiration, leading to weight loss
  5. It helps to control calcium levels in blood.
  1. It regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism
  2. _______ is secreted by the testes.
  3. Gland which has a rich blood supply
  4. Mellitus A condition where the insulin level is low and sugar level is high.
  5. It regulates amount of blood.

10 Clues: It regulates amount of blood._______ is secreted by the testes.Gland which has a rich blood supplyIt helps to control calcium levels in blood.It regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolismIodine is necessary for the production of ____.of Acini _______ produces the pancreatic fluid.A glandular organ located in the abdomen behind the stomach...

Actividad 1. Crossword 2021-09-08

Actividad 1. Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. I'm not consuming because of my hypertension
  2. I have a cold
  3. You have a glucose of 170 mg/dl on an empty stomach
  4. Laura doesn't drink milk and broke her hand
  1. I don't agree with Herbalife's miraculous drinks
  2. I don't want to gain weight so I add and decrease
  3. Fruit is a source of macronutrients
  4. Fat Arturo doesn't hate avocado in his sandwich
  5. The doctor told me to consume omega 3
  6. Sara eats eight burgers a day

10 Clues: I have a coldSara eats eight burgers a dayFruit is a source of macronutrientsThe doctor told me to consume omega 3Laura doesn't drink milk and broke her handI'm not consuming because of my hypertensionFat Arturo doesn't hate avocado in his sandwichI don't want to gain weight so I add and decreaseYou have a glucose of 170 mg/dl on an empty stomach...

Unhealthy Diet 2021-07-20

Unhealthy Diet crossword puzzle
  1. below the standard weight range for your height
  2. Vitamin D deficiency
  3. the foods and beverages a person eats and drinks
  4. the long-term absence from the diet of one or more essential nutrients
  1. very fat
  2. suffering from extreme hunger
  3. heavier than the standard weight range for your height
  4. A condition in which the body is unable to produce enough insulin, the hormone required for the metabolism of sugar
  5. a lack of minerals, that causes poor growth
  6. not healthy

10 Clues: very fatnot healthyVitamin D deficiencysuffering from extreme hungera lack of minerals, that causes poor growthbelow the standard weight range for your heightthe foods and beverages a person eats and drinksheavier than the standard weight range for your heightthe long-term absence from the diet of one or more essential nutrients...

TTS Prakarya pengolahan kelas IX 2023-09-26

TTS Prakarya pengolahan kelas IX crossword puzzle



  1. sebutan zat kimia yang membantu proses pencernaan kimiawi
  2. tempat terjadinya gerak peristalsis
  3. nutrien yang dapat melarutkan vitamin A,D,E,K
  4. penyakit yang dipicu oleh kelebihan mengkosumsi zat pemanis
  5. pewarna alami untuk memperoleh warna kuning
  1. salah satu buah yang mengandung vitamin C
  2. enzim pada mulut yang berfungsi memecah pati menjadi glukosa
  3. salah satu makanan sumber karbohidrat
  4. organ tempat terjadinya proses pencernaan secara mekanik dan kimiawi yang dibantu oleh enzin pepsin
  5. nutrien yang berfungsi untuk membangun tubuh atau membentuk struktur tubuh

10 Clues: tempat terjadinya gerak peristalsissalah satu makanan sumber karbohidratsalah satu buah yang mengandung vitamin Cpewarna alami untuk memperoleh warna kuningnutrien yang dapat melarutkan vitamin A,D,E,Ksebutan zat kimia yang membantu proses pencernaan kimiawipenyakit yang dipicu oleh kelebihan mengkosumsi zat pemanis...


  1. MELITUS Penyakit yang muncul karena pankreas tidak dapat menghasilkan hormon insulindalam jumlahyang cukup
  4. Proses penyerapan kembali zat pada air seni primer yang masih dapat digunakan tubuh
  5. Pengeluaran zat - zat sisa metabolisme yang sudah tidak berguna lagi bagi tubuh
  4. Sisa metabolisme yang dikeluarkan ginjal


Molecule Biology 2024-02-14

Molecule Biology crossword puzzle
  1. A food that contains carbon.
  2. Disease that stops allowing you to properly process sugar.
  3. Process where plants use the sun's energy, carbon dioxide, and water to get energy.
  4. Chemical reactions that store food molecules and turning it into food.
  1. Nutrients that regulate chemical reactions.
  2. A food that does contain carbon.
  3. Process living things use to keep the body balanced.
  4. Measurement of energy that is inside of food.
  5. Pores in leaves of plants.
  6. A nutrient that grows and repairs tissue.

10 Clues: Pores in leaves of plants.A food that contains carbon.A food that does contain carbon.A nutrient that grows and repairs tissue.Nutrients that regulate chemical reactions.Measurement of energy that is inside of food.Process living things use to keep the body balanced.Disease that stops allowing you to properly process sugar....

Diagnosis Coding 2024-04-28

Diagnosis Coding crossword puzzle
  1. an infection in your lungs, air sacs fill up with fluid/pus
  2. progressive disease beginning with memory loss
  3. serious condition, infection fighting causing organs to work poorly
  4. to break or crack a bone
  5. condition that weakens bones, making them fragile
  1. break in the skin becomes inflamed, die, and are shed (needs debridement)
  2. elevated lipids- like cholesterol
  3. when your blood glucose or sugar is too high
  4. when the pressure in your blood vessels are too high
  5. most common form of arthritis, degenerative joint disease

10 Clues: to break or crack a boneelevated lipids- like cholesterolwhen your blood glucose or sugar is too highprogressive disease beginning with memory losscondition that weakens bones, making them fragilewhen the pressure in your blood vessels are too highmost common form of arthritis, degenerative joint disease...

(Aidil.M.A) laporan teks hasil observasi 2024-09-04

(Aidil.M.A) laporan teks hasil observasi crossword puzzle
  1. sarana untuk mencari arti kata
  2. hewan pemakan tumbuhan
  3. salah satu sarana untuk mencari kata
  4. bagian tubuh berupa rongga perut yang berisi alat pencernaan
  5. adalah selaput kulit tipis atau lebaran bahan tipis yangmerupakan pemisah
  1. berkaitan dengan malam hari, beraktivitas tentang hewan pada malam hari
  2. kepiting binatang air yang memiliki kedua capit dan bisa diolah menjadi makanan siap saji
  3. seluruh jumlah orang atau penduduk disuatu daera
  4. diabetes adalah penyakit yang ditimbulkan akibat terlalu banyak konsumsi gula
  5. adalah cangkang telur yang berfungsi melindungi telur dari serangga

10 Clues: hewan pemakan tumbuhansarana untuk mencari arti katasalah satu sarana untuk mencari kataseluruh jumlah orang atau penduduk disuatu daerabagian tubuh berupa rongga perut yang berisi alat pencernaanadalah cangkang telur yang berfungsi melindungi telur dari seranggaberkaitan dengan malam hari, beraktivitas tentang hewan pada malam hari...

Disasters 2015-03-30

Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. an event when the ocean or rivers rises over their normal level
  2. when you need to leave in a hurry because of danger
  3. an event that causes great and often sudden damage or suffering
  4. to see something with your own eyes
  5. the opposite of losing
  6. something you can use to pluck your eyebrows
  1. the man with the whistle at football matches
  2. a big snowstorm
  3. to feel ashamed or foolish in front of other people
  4. an event that causes the earth to shake
  5. a large swirling storm that can damage buildings and trees
  6. medicin you need if you have diabetes
  7. not smart

13 Clues: not smarta big snowstormthe opposite of losingto see something with your own eyesmedicin you need if you have diabetesan event that causes the earth to shakethe man with the whistle at football matchessomething you can use to pluck your eyebrowsto feel ashamed or foolish in front of other peoplewhen you need to leave in a hurry because of danger...

Weihnachtskreuzworträtsel 2019-11-19

Weihnachtskreuzworträtsel crossword puzzle
  1. German Christmas biscuits, similar to gingerbread
  2. Christmas tree
  3. Christmas nativity pyramid
  4. A popular spiced Christmas drink
  5. The man who leaves gifts in children's boots on December 6th
  1. Things children look forward to on Christmas Eve
  2. A wreath that is used at Christmas time
  3. A market only around at Christmas time
  4. A countdown from the 1st to the 24th of December where a piece of chocolate or sweet is behind every door
  5. What Jesus lay in after his birth
  6. A sweet, hot Christmas drink for children
  7. What you get after eating too much Christmas food
  8. A popular Christmas cake, usually including marzipan

13 Clues: Christmas treeChristmas nativity pyramidA popular spiced Christmas drinkWhat Jesus lay in after his birthA market only around at Christmas timeA wreath that is used at Christmas timeA sweet, hot Christmas drink for childrenThings children look forward to on Christmas EveGerman Christmas biscuits, similar to gingerbread...

Health Issues Vocabulary 2021-02-18

Health Issues Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a substance found in your body
  2. awake, able to understand what's happening
  3. pain and suffering that affects the mind and body
  4. an illness that causes someone to not think clearly
  5. something that stops blood from moving freely
  6. an illness that affects the sugar in your body
  7. a feeling that your are spinning and going to fall
  1. an illness that causes someone to lose their memory
  2. unable to talk clearly
  3. an illness caused by the cold
  4. a very bad headache
  5. a serious illness that is causes when a blood vessel in your brain is blocked
  6. not sure, not being able to thinking clearly

13 Clues: a very bad headacheunable to talk clearlyan illness caused by the colda substance found in your bodyawake, able to understand what's happeningnot sure, not being able to thinking clearlysomething that stops blood from moving freelyan illness that affects the sugar in your bodypain and suffering that affects the mind and body...

Vocabulary Crossword 2019-01-07

Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. rainfall made sufficiently acidic by atmospheric pollution that it causes environmental harm
  2. a layer in the earth's stratosphere
  3. CPR for cardiac arrest
  4. A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood
  5. a skin doctor
  1. is a first aid procedure used to treat upper airway obstructions
  2. nerve cell activity in the brain is disturbed, causing seizures
  3. the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere
  4. a strong, heated container used for chemical reactions
  5. a substance used for destroying insects
  6. CPR without mouth breaths
  7. a person who specializes in something
  8. a site for the disposal of waste

13 Clues: a skin doctorCPR for cardiac arrestCPR without mouth breathsa site for the disposal of wastea layer in the earth's stratospherea person who specializes in somethinga substance used for destroying insectsa strong, heated container used for chemical reactionsA group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood...

Crossword Vocabulary 2019-01-07

Crossword Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. place to dispose of refuse and other waste material
  2. A medical practitioner qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorders.
  3. Layer A layer in the earth's stratosphere
  4. Rain Rainfall made sufficiently acidic by atmospheric pollution
  5. elevated levels of glucose
  6. Only CPR without mouth-to-mouth breaths
  7. Effect trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere
  8. nerve cell activity in the brain is disturbed
  1. a person highly skilled in a specific and restricted field.
  2. substance used for destroying insects
  3. Resuscitation medical procedure for a patient's chest
  4. A strong, heated container used for chemical reactions
  5. Thrusts also called the Heimlich maneuver

13 Clues: elevated levels of glucosesubstance used for destroying insectsOnly CPR without mouth-to-mouth breathsThrusts also called the Heimlich maneuverLayer A layer in the earth's stratospherenerve cell activity in the brain is disturbedplace to dispose of refuse and other waste materialResuscitation medical procedure for a patient's chest...

health vocab 2019-01-08

health vocab crossword puzzle
  1. cpr with no mouth to mouth
  2. a place to dispose of waste materials
  3. substance used to kill insects harmful to plants/animals
  4. a doctor who treats skin disorders
  5. the suns warmth, trapped in a planets lower atmosphere
  6. a neurological disorder causing reoccurring sensory disturbance
  7. rainfall made acidic by atmospheric pollution
  8. a person who focuses mainly on a particular subject
  1. heated container used for chemical reactions
  2. cpr
  3. the Heimlich maneuver used to treat airway obstruction
  4. a layer of earths stratosphere that absorbs uv rays from the sun
  5. the body reaction to insulin causing glucose in the blood stream

13 Clues: cprcpr with no mouth to moutha doctor who treats skin disordersa place to dispose of waste materialsheated container used for chemical reactionsrainfall made acidic by atmospheric pollutiona person who focuses mainly on a particular subjectthe Heimlich maneuver used to treat airway obstructionthe suns warmth, trapped in a planets lower atmosphere...

Health Vocab 2019-01-07

Health Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. The reason for global warming
  2. rain precipitation that is parciurally acidic
  3. A place where we throw away our waste
  4. When someone is choking you use this procedure
  5. chemicals that keep pests away from crops
  6. a doctor that focuses on a specific type of medicine
  1. a container to contain chemical reactions
  2. when someone stops breathing and their pulse stops you do this procedure
  3. protects us from UV rays
  4. when you cannot produce or respond to insulin
  5. CPR with hands and no mouth to mouth
  6. a nerulagical disease that acts up when the sensories are overloaded
  7. A doctor that focuses on skin

13 Clues: protects us from UV raysThe reason for global warmingA doctor that focuses on skinCPR with hands and no mouth to mouthA place where we throw away our wastea container to contain chemical reactionschemicals that keep pests away from cropswhen you cannot produce or respond to insulinrain precipitation that is parciurally acidic...

Endocrine System 2023-04-06

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. excessive growth and height caused by hypersecretion of growth hormones
  2. underproduction of a hormone by a gland
  3. glands that secrete their products into ducts that lead to target cells
  4. hormone secreted by the fat cells that suppresses appetite
  5. below average height caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone
  1. organs that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream to travel to target cells; ductless glands
  2. mellitus disease resulting from underproduction of insulin
  3. overproduction of a hormone by a gland
  4. chemicals produced by glands that regulate many body functions
  5. female gonads
  6. enlargement of certain body parts (face, hands, feet, etc.)
  7. male gonads
  8. period of a womans life when menstruation stops

13 Clues: male gonadsfemale gonadsoverproduction of a hormone by a glandunderproduction of a hormone by a glandperiod of a womans life when menstruation stopsmellitus disease resulting from underproduction of insulinhormone secreted by the fat cells that suppresses appetiteenlargement of certain body parts (face, hands, feet, etc.)...

chapter 12 2023-08-22

chapter 12 crossword puzzle
  1. your immune system reacts to a substance
  2. five main group is fruits grains vegetables, protein food, and dairy
  3. not eating enough food
  4. condition in which the body cannot properly control the level of sugar in the blood
  5. food guidance system with a set of online tools to help people plan nutritious diets to fit their individual needs
  6. hormone that lowers the level of glucose
  7. how the body uses the foods taken
  8. lack of proper nutrients in your diet
  1. most severe allergic reaction
  2. substance that causes the allergic reaction
  3. eating too much
  4. the fear of something new
  5. food that help build and maintain the body

13 Clues: eating too muchnot eating enough foodthe fear of something newmost severe allergic reactionhow the body uses the foods takenlack of proper nutrients in your dietyour immune system reacts to a substancehormone that lowers the level of glucosefood that help build and maintain the bodysubstance that causes the allergic reaction...

Creative work 2024-02-03

Creative work crossword puzzle
  1. - a long period when there is no rain
  2. - someone who studies plants
  3. - a group of plants or animals that share similar characteristics
  4. - a sharp point on the stem of a plant
  5. - something that makes someone with an illness healthy again
  6. - strange or unusual
  7. - a serious disease when cells in the body grow in a way that is uncontrolled and abnormal
  1. - a medical condition when your body cannot control the level of sugar in blood
  2. - the way a person or thing looks
  3. - the good or bad things that happen to you
  4. - to hold something tightly
  5. - an area of very wet, soft land
  6. - extremely large

13 Clues: - extremely large- strange or unusual- to hold something tightly- someone who studies plants- an area of very wet, soft land- the way a person or thing looks- a long period when there is no rain- a sharp point on the stem of a plant- the good or bad things that happen to you- something that makes someone with an illness healthy again...

Nutritional Needs Throughout Pregnancy 2015-11-18

Nutritional Needs Throughout Pregnancy crossword puzzle
  1. It is the optimal method of infant feeding
  2. Hypertension/a condition characterized by high blood pressure during pregnancy.
  3. D/ Helps develops the baby's teeth and bones
  4. Docosahexaenoic Acid
  5. Supplement
  1. from conception to birth
  2. Diabetes/Caused by pregnancy hormones can block insulin from doing its job.
  3. Birth/the delivery of a baby through a cut in the mother's belly and uterus.

8 Clues: SupplementDocosahexaenoic Acidfrom conception to birthIt is the optimal method of infant feedingD/ Helps develops the baby's teeth and bonesDiabetes/Caused by pregnancy hormones can block insulin from doing its job.Birth/the delivery of a baby through a cut in the mother's belly and uterus....

Hipotálamo y la Hipófisis 2023-09-26

Hipotálamo y la Hipófisis crossword puzzle
  1. Trastorno causado por niveles aumentdos. de PRL.
  2. Estimula la secreción y produción de leche en las células alveolares.
  3. Hormonas hipotalámicas de placer.
  1. Otro nombre para la hormona antidiurética (ADH).
  2. Trastorno causado por una producción excesiva de la GH, affecta el crecimiento.
  3. Diabetes insípida occure por una secreción inadecuada de la hormona ____.
  4. Adrenocorticotrofina.

7 Clues: Adrenocorticotrofina.Hormonas hipotalámicas de placer.Otro nombre para la hormona antidiurética (ADH).Trastorno causado por niveles aumentdos. de PRL.Estimula la secreción y produción de leche en las células alveolares.Diabetes insípida occure por una secreción inadecuada de la hormona ____....

multi bloop blop bl00op 2024-02-07

multi bloop blop bl00op crossword puzzle
  1. Needed for nerve function,excess linked with heart and kidney disease
  2. important for heart, brain, kidney, muscles
  3. A important for eyes, skin
  4. important for bones,teeth,heart
  1. vital for red blood cells
  2. Fiber Lowers risk of diabetes and heart disease
  3. Builds cell membranes and excess is linked with heart disease
  4. C Helps body absorb

8 Clues: C Helps body absorbvital for red blood cellsA important for eyes, skinimportant for bones,teeth,heartimportant for heart, brain, kidney, musclesFiber Lowers risk of diabetes and heart diseaseBuilds cell membranes and excess is linked with heart diseaseNeeded for nerve function,excess linked with heart and kidney disease

Nutrition And Homeostasis San 2024-02-06

Nutrition And Homeostasis San crossword puzzle
  1. Vital for red Blood cells
  2. A Important for eyes,skin
  3. Needed for nerve function, excess is linked with heart and kidney disease
  4. Builds cell membranes, and excess is linked with heart disease
  1. Important for heart,brain,kidney,muscles
  2. Important for bones,teeth,heart
  3. Fiber Lowers risk of diabetes and heart disease
  4. C Helps body absorb iron

8 Clues: Vital for red Blood cellsC Helps body absorb ironA Important for eyes,skinImportant for bones,teeth,heartImportant for heart,brain,kidney,musclesFiber Lowers risk of diabetes and heart diseaseBuilds cell membranes, and excess is linked with heart diseaseNeeded for nerve function, excess is linked with heart and kidney disease

World Health Day 2022-04-12

World Health Day crossword puzzle
  1. A big center where we go to get well
  2. The ultimate goal of every person
  3. The absence of an illness
  4. A substance in the air we need for our cells
  1. We have it when we feel sick
  2. The ability to work with others
  3. When blood sugar is high, then we have this

7 Clues: The absence of an illnessWe have it when we feel sickThe ability to work with othersThe ultimate goal of every personA big center where we go to get wellWhen blood sugar is high, then we have thisA substance in the air we need for our cells

Lifetyle Disease 2023-03-12

Lifetyle Disease crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes is a long term condition that causes blood sugar level to become too high.
  2. Disease conditions that affect your skin.
  1. a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
  2. defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.

4 Clues: Disease conditions that affect your skin.defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.Diabetes is a long term condition that causes blood sugar level to become too high.a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.

Personal Health 2018-01-03

Personal Health crossword puzzle
  1. stong heated container used for chemical reactions
  2. first aid procedure to treat upper airway obstuctions
  3. a place where trash fills the earth
  4. atmospheric layer that blocks ultraviolet light from the sun
  5. procedure combining chest compressions with artificial ventilation
  6. agent to destroy pests
  1. doctor that specializes in skin disorders
  2. the process where radiation heats the earth to a higher temperature
  3. person who has detailed knowledge in one subject
  4. rain with high levels of hydrogen ion
  5. CPR without mouth to mouth breaths
  6. a group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood
  7. nerve cell activity in the brain is disturbed causing seizures

13 Clues: agent to destroy pestsCPR without mouth to mouth breathsa place where trash fills the earthrain with high levels of hydrogen iondoctor that specializes in skin disordersperson who has detailed knowledge in one subjectstong heated container used for chemical reactionsfirst aid procedure to treat upper airway obstuctions...

Food tech 2023-11-06

Food tech crossword puzzle
  1. protect body against disease and regulate body processes,
  2. - deficiency in one or more nutrients
  3. What are proteins made from?
  4. Nausea, bloating, stomach pain, headaches, nausea.
  1. - consume excess of one or more nutrients
  2. - lack of iron entering red blood cells which carries oxygen to body tissues
  3. Throat closing up, hives, rashes, swelling of the face.
  4. NON-NUTRIENTS not nutrients but assist with body processes to maintain health
  5. protect body against disease and regulate body processes
  6. disease - diseases regarding the heart and blood vessels
  7. - calcium deficiency - brittle bones
  8. There are....main nutrients
  9. 2 diabetes - too much glucose in the blood and not enough insulin

13 Clues: There are....main nutrientsWhat are proteins made from?- calcium deficiency - brittle bones- deficiency in one or more nutrients- consume excess of one or more nutrientsNausea, bloating, stomach pain, headaches, nausea.Throat closing up, hives, rashes, swelling of the face.protect body against disease and regulate body processes...

Christmas Crossword 2023-12-12

Christmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. not chronic bronchitis but...
  2. treatment of choice if AF has been present for <48 hours
  3. random glucose must be above this twice for diabetes diagnosis
  4. the type of oxygen mask commonly used in COPD patients
  5. Banana shape bleed
  6. Type of lines seen on X-ray of heart failure
  1. First line hypertension for over 55s
  2. the main inhibitory neurotransmitter dysfunctional/reduced in epilepsy
  3. a preferred diagnostic test for COPD
  4. Which one of Santa’s reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot?
  5. What is Scrooge's first name in A Christmas Carol?
  6. what do you typically do under mistletoe
  7. management of Korsakoff’s syndrome

13 Clues: Banana shape bleednot chronic bronchitis but...management of Korsakoff’s syndromeFirst line hypertension for over 55sa preferred diagnostic test for COPDwhat do you typically do under mistletoeType of lines seen on X-ray of heart failureWhat is Scrooge's first name in A Christmas Carol?the type of oxygen mask commonly used in COPD patients...

Die Bauchspeicheldrüse 2014-01-10

Die Bauchspeicheldrüse crossword puzzle
  1. Was produzieren Beta-Zellen der BSD?
  2. Welcher Teil der BSD regelt den Blutzuckerspiegel?
  3. Was ist der Teil der BSD, der für die Verdauung zuständig ist?
  4. Wie wird die die BSD noch genannt?
  1. Welcher Typ von Diabetes tritt oft wegen Übergewicht auf?
  2. Wie ist ihre Struktur?
  3. Was bilden die Alpha-Zellen der BSD?

7 Clues: Wie ist ihre Struktur?Wie wird die die BSD noch genannt?Was produzieren Beta-Zellen der BSD?Was bilden die Alpha-Zellen der BSD?Welcher Teil der BSD regelt den Blutzuckerspiegel?Welcher Typ von Diabetes tritt oft wegen Übergewicht auf?Was ist der Teil der BSD, der für die Verdauung zuständig ist?

Therapiemöglichkeiten bei Diabetes mellitus 2016-09-29

Therapiemöglichkeiten bei Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Welche Alternative gegenüber der Insuliinspritze gibt es?
  2. Was hat der Typ 1 Patient immer bei sich?
  3. Was muss der Typ 1 Patient jeden Tag nehmen?
  1. Was bedeutet HbA?
  2. Was ist das Ziel des Diabetes mellitus? (Allgemein)
  3. Was ist der HbA1 - Wert?
  4. Wie wird der HbA1c - Wert angegeben? (Einheit)

7 Clues: Was bedeutet HbA?Was ist der HbA1 - Wert?Was hat der Typ 1 Patient immer bei sich?Was muss der Typ 1 Patient jeden Tag nehmen?Wie wird der HbA1c - Wert angegeben? (Einheit)Was ist das Ziel des Diabetes mellitus? (Allgemein)Welche Alternative gegenüber der Insuliinspritze gibt es?

Healthy eating 2020-02-07

Healthy eating crossword puzzle
  1. They are tasty and sweet but healthy too
  2. It contains milk based products
  3. They are green and healthy and provide vitamins and minerals
  1. you don't want to eat this as it can be unhealthy
  2. It helps our bones
  3. it causes diabetes so be warned
  4. they reduce heart attack chances

7 Clues: It helps our bonesit causes diabetes so be warnedIt contains milk based productsthey reduce heart attack chancesThey are tasty and sweet but healthy tooyou don't want to eat this as it can be unhealthyThey are green and healthy and provide vitamins and minerals

Common Sicknesses 2024-06-28

Common Sicknesses crossword puzzle
  1. Inflammation of the joints causing pain and stiffness
  2. Inflammation of the stomach lining causing pain and discomfort
  3. Skin condition characterized by red, itchy patches
  1. Sudden, involuntary contraction of muscles
  2. Condition causing frequent urination and high blood sugar
  3. Severe headache often accompanied by nausea
  4. Difficulty in breathing, often due to a respiratory condition

7 Clues: Sudden, involuntary contraction of musclesSevere headache often accompanied by nauseaSkin condition characterized by red, itchy patchesInflammation of the joints causing pain and stiffnessCondition causing frequent urination and high blood sugarDifficulty in breathing, often due to a respiratory condition...

eating disorder 2021-10-05

eating disorder crossword puzzle
  1. short-term effect of bulimia
  2. short-term effect of anorexia
  3. eating disorders are more common in this person
  4. has an influence on getting an eating disorder
  5. Eating disorder treatment
  1. long-term effect of bulimia
  2. serious mental health conditions that can happen to anyone to cause people to eat either little or too much.
  3. short-term effect of Binge eating disorders

8 Clues: Eating disorder treatmentlong-term effect of bulimiashort-term effect of bulimiashort-term effect of anorexiashort-term effect of Binge eating disordershas an influence on getting an eating disordereating disorders are more common in this person...

Obesidad y Sobrepeso 2022-02-08

Obesidad y Sobrepeso crossword puzzle
  1. indicador de la relación entre el peso y talla para indicar el sobrepeso y obesidad
  2. consume menos energía de la que necesita
  3. consume mas energía de la que necesita
  4. Enfermedad de riesgo de sobrepeso y obesidad
  5. Vitaminas y minerales
  1. Proteinas, grasas y carbohidratos
  2. Area con 37.3% de prevalencia de obesidad
  3. Mayor ingesta de alimentos hipercaloricos, poca actividad física, predisposición genética

8 Clues: Vitaminas y mineralesProteinas, grasas y carbohidratosconsume mas energía de la que necesitaconsume menos energía de la que necesitaArea con 37.3% de prevalencia de obesidadEnfermedad de riesgo de sobrepeso y obesidadindicador de la relación entre el peso y talla para indicar el sobrepeso y obesidad...

Racism and Health 2022-01-31

Racism and Health crossword puzzle
  1. reduced salary for the same work
  2. associated with greater prevalence of HIV/AIDS, diabetes, hypertension and mental illness
  3. impaired patient-provider relationship
  4. govern the labor market and working conditions may impact Latino health through their effect on structural racism
  5. placement of toxic wastes in minority neighborhoods
  1. desire to drive undocumented immigrants away from the state and restrict their rights
  2. micro-aggressions
  3. voter restrictions

8 Clues: micro-aggressionsvoter restrictionsreduced salary for the same workimpaired patient-provider relationshipplacement of toxic wastes in minority neighborhoodsdesire to drive undocumented immigrants away from the state and restrict their rightsassociated with greater prevalence of HIV/AIDS, diabetes, hypertension and mental illness...

Jackie Robinson 2021-02-04

Jackie Robinson crossword puzzle
  1. The city where Jackie Robinson was born
  2. People are treated different because
  3. When people are separated because of their skin color
  1. Jackie Robinson played this sport with the Dodgers
  2. When an athlete is in his first year
  3. When people of different skin color can be together
  4. A health disease that affects your blood
  5. Belonging to a smaller group of people

8 Clues: When an athlete is in his first yearPeople are treated different becauseBelonging to a smaller group of peopleThe city where Jackie Robinson was bornA health disease that affects your bloodJackie Robinson played this sport with the DodgersWhen people of different skin color can be togetherWhen people are separated because of their skin color

O.A.J.U. last Wednesday of February Year of our Lord 2021 2021-02-24

O.A.J.U. last Wednesday of February Year of our Lord 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. conclusion current studies, Cataract via Diabetes
  2. different second of name part midyear on Dearbonite type Electric Vehicle screen Novi, Northville Health Center
  3. Initials ophthalmologist LOL University of Washington Irvine different University of California Irving
  4. Year,complete half numbers Bible's books
  1. Faculty diagnose phases Pseudophakic (CME) retinal telangiectasia, capillary dilation
  2. Dislocation
  3. JFMAMJJASOND Pseudophakic (CME) earliest was publication
  4. antidote case series Latanoprost and Timolol Glaucoma

8 Clues: DislocationYear,complete half numbers Bible's booksconclusion current studies, Cataract via Diabetesantidote case series Latanoprost and Timolol GlaucomaJFMAMJJASOND Pseudophakic (CME) earliest was publicationFaculty diagnose phases Pseudophakic (CME) retinal telangiectasia, capillary dilation...

Food and Nutrition biochemistry 2023-07-20

Food and Nutrition biochemistry crossword puzzle
  1. A,B,C,E,K
  2. A substance that provides nourishment for every day life & growth
  3. Hormone that lowers the level of glucose in the blood
  4. Inability to regulate blood sugars
  5. The nutrients contain beans ,dairy products & drugs
  1. The nutrients contained in bread,grains and starchy vegetables
  2. Found in red meats in two forms haem/non haem
  3. . Protein is break down into these

8 Clues: A,B,C,E,K. Protein is break down into theseInability to regulate blood sugarsFound in red meats in two forms haem/non haemThe nutrients contain beans ,dairy products & drugsHormone that lowers the level of glucose in the bloodThe nutrients contained in bread,grains and starchy vegetables...

SweetBlood 2023-10-10

SweetBlood crossword puzzle
  1. who is the main character?
  2. who is lucis doctor?
  3. what type of reactions does luci have to deal with/(physical reactions)
  4. what is the point of view for SweetBlood?
  1. what does luci always have to keep track and take care of?
  2. What disease does luci have?
  3. what does luci always research or talk about?
  4. who does luci really like in school?

8 Clues: who is lucis doctor?who is the main character?What disease does luci have?who does luci really like in school?what is the point of view for SweetBlood?what does luci always research or talk about?what does luci always have to keep track and take care of?what type of reactions does luci have to deal with/(physical reactions)

Patho 1 2023-09-20

Patho 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Father of modern medicine, made an oath after him
  2. Preformed by Ancient India, for childbirth
  3. This is what ancient India called diabetes
  4. Ruled alot of Dark and Middle Age medical procedures
  5. Used by Ancient China for ALL women patients
  1. Ruled a lot of ancient medicine
  2. Public baths used by the Romans
  3. The first country to study the cause of disease

8 Clues: Ruled a lot of ancient medicinePublic baths used by the RomansPreformed by Ancient India, for childbirthThis is what ancient India called diabetesUsed by Ancient China for ALL women patientsThe first country to study the cause of diseaseFather of modern medicine, made an oath after himRuled alot of Dark and Middle Age medical procedures

Struktur dan Organ Ekskresi 2024-09-03

Struktur dan Organ Ekskresi crossword puzzle
  1. Alat pernafasan yang berhubungan erat dengan sistem ekskresi
  2. Penyakit yang ditandai adanya kadar gula (glukosa) yang tinggi dalam darah
  3. Penyaringan darah disebut
  4. Zat sisa metabolisme yang diekskresikan melalui paru-paru
  5. mengeluarkan keringat yang mengandung urea dan garam
  1. Pengeluaran keringat dipengaruhi oleh
  2. Peradangan pada sel-sel hati
  3. Organ utama dalam sistem ekskresi manusia yang bertanggung jawab untuk menyaring darah dan membuang limbah metabolik

8 Clues: Penyaringan darah disebutPeradangan pada sel-sel hatiPengeluaran keringat dipengaruhi olehmengeluarkan keringat yang mengandung urea dan garamZat sisa metabolisme yang diekskresikan melalui paru-paruAlat pernafasan yang berhubungan erat dengan sistem ekskresiPenyakit yang ditandai adanya kadar gula (glukosa) yang tinggi dalam darah...

Rice Appreciation Day 2018-04-30

Rice Appreciation Day crossword puzzle
  1. Rice symbolises life and ___________.
  2. Rice grows to _______ feet upon maturity.
  3. Eating too much white rice can lead to this.
  4. Brown rice is high in ______________ and iron.
  1. Black rice is also known as '____________' rice.
  2. White rice consists of less ____________ compared to red, brown or black rice.
  3. Red rice has its colour due to its _______________ content.
  4. ________ rice has a high glycemic index.

8 Clues: Rice symbolises life and ___________.________ rice has a high glycemic index.Rice grows to _______ feet upon maturity.Eating too much white rice can lead to this.Brown rice is high in ______________ and iron.Black rice is also known as '____________' rice.Red rice has its colour due to its _______________ content....

O.A.J.U. last Wednesday of February Year of our Lord 2021 2021-02-24

O.A.J.U. last Wednesday of February Year of our Lord 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. Dislocation
  2. different second of name part midyear on Dearbonite type Electric Vehicle screen Novi, Northville Health Center
  3. conclusion current studies, Cataract via Diabetes
  4. Faculty diagnose phases Pseudophakic (CME) retinal telangiectasia, capillary dilation
  5. JFMAMJJASOND Pseudophakic (CME) earliest was publication
  1. antidote case series Latanoprost and Timolol Glaucoma
  2. Initials ophthalmologist LOL University of Washington Irvine different University of California Irving
  3. Year,complete half numbers Bible's books

8 Clues: DislocationYear,complete half numbers Bible's booksconclusion current studies, Cataract via Diabetesantidote case series Latanoprost and Timolol GlaucomaJFMAMJJASOND Pseudophakic (CME) earliest was publicationFaculty diagnose phases Pseudophakic (CME) retinal telangiectasia, capillary dilation...

voeding 2020-10-26

voeding crossword puzzle
  1. Deze datum kan je terugvinden op de meeste verpakkingen
  2. Deze voedingsstof kan je vooral terugvinden in melkproducten
  3. Deze voedingsstof kan je vooral terugvinden in brood
  4. Met deze bewaarmethode kan je voedingsmiddelen lang bewaren
  1. Koeken, frisdranken, snoeprepen, chips zijn allemaal voorbeelden van
  2. Kant-en-klare producten zijn duurder dan verse...producten
  3. Geef een synoniem voor heel noodzakelijke voedingsstoffen
  4. Geef een synoniem voor suikerziekte

8 Clues: Geef een synoniem voor suikerziekteDeze voedingsstof kan je vooral terugvinden in broodDeze datum kan je terugvinden op de meeste verpakkingenGeef een synoniem voor heel noodzakelijke voedingsstoffenKant-en-klare producten zijn duurder dan verse...productenMet deze bewaarmethode kan je voedingsmiddelen lang bewaren...

book talk crossword 2022-11-01

book talk crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the girl who died in 1993
  2. the main character's dog
  3. the narrator who has diabetes
  4. the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.
  5. the first victim of the lake
  1. seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury.
  2. the podcast about the estate
  3. the estate named after the first family who lived there

8 Clues: the main character's dogthe girl who died in 1993the podcast about the estatethe first victim of the lakethe narrator who has diabetesthe estate named after the first family who lived thereseeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury.the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.

Immunologist 2024-05-28

Immunologist crossword puzzle
  1. When the pancreas does not make enough insulin
  2. Engineered immune cells used to treat cancer
  3. The study of biological viruses
  4. Produces hormones for growth
  5. A pump is used to add this to the body when there is a shortage
  1. The cancer that Car-t has been approved to help
  2. When your disease or cancer returns after being cancer free
  3. Chemical messengers

8 Clues: Chemical messengersProduces hormones for growthThe study of biological virusesEngineered immune cells used to treat cancerWhen the pancreas does not make enough insulinThe cancer that Car-t has been approved to helpWhen your disease or cancer returns after being cancer freeA pump is used to add this to the body when there is a shortage


  1. Fungsi gula dalam badan adalah untuk menghasilkan
  2. Salah satu komplikasi kencing manis
  3. Nama ubat kencing manis jenis injeksi
  1. Salah satu tanda hipoglisemia
  2. Nama ubat kencing manis jenis tablet
  3. Salah satu tanda hiperglisemia: kerap_______

6 Clues: Salah satu tanda hipoglisemiaSalah satu komplikasi kencing manisNama ubat kencing manis jenis tabletNama ubat kencing manis jenis injeksiSalah satu tanda hiperglisemia: kerap_______Fungsi gula dalam badan adalah untuk menghasilkan

Dash Diet 2013-05-09

Dash Diet crossword puzzle
  1. When choosing dairy, aim for lowfat or ______.
  2. Look for foods high in Omega-3 like nuts, seeds, and _______.
  3. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop ________.
  4. Avoid salted or _______ popcorn.
  5. Avoid _____ fats.
  1. A main goal of the DASH diet is to lower _______ intake.
  2. This diet helps lower blood ______.
  3. Eat foods rich in potassium, calcium, and _____.
  4. Avoid soups that come in a ____, as they tend to have high sodium content.
  5. The DASH diet helps prevent High Blood Pressure, Osteoporosis, Cancer, Heart Disease, Stroke, and ________

10 Clues: Avoid _____ fats.Avoid salted or _______ popcorn.This diet helps lower blood ______.When choosing dairy, aim for lowfat or ______.Eat foods rich in potassium, calcium, and _____.DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop ________.A main goal of the DASH diet is to lower _______ intake.Look for foods high in Omega-3 like nuts, seeds, and _______....

Healthy Living 2013-07-15

Healthy Living crossword puzzle
  1. stress causes high
  2. improves heart health and burns calories
  3. number of calories to burn 1 LB of fat
  1. there are two types whole grain or refined
  2. fruits and these should be a part of your daily diet
  3. leading cause of death in America
  4. disease that affects the vessels of the body
  5. exercise imporves this and you should get 8HRS a night
  6. foods rich in this help you feel full and good for digestion
  7. these are essitial to your health A,D,B,K,E

10 Clues: stress causes highleading cause of death in Americanumber of calories to burn 1 LB of fatimproves heart health and burns caloriesthere are two types whole grain or refinedthese are essitial to your health A,D,B,K,Edisease that affects the vessels of the bodyfruits and these should be a part of your daily diet...

Renal Crossword 2018-02-11

Renal Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Type of neurogenic bladder caused by upper motor neuron lesions at or above T12
  2. CKD has how many stages?
  3. Major sign of Nephrotic Syndrome
  4. Inability of kidneys to maintain acid and base balance
  1. Electrolyte that is restricted in renal failure patient's diet
  2. Elevated BUN levels can lead to loss of this
  3. Leading cause of renal failure
  4. Most kidney stones are made of this element
  5. Chronic Glomerulonephritis is this type of progressive disease
  6. Food source high in biologic protein

10 Clues: CKD has how many stages?Leading cause of renal failureMajor sign of Nephrotic SyndromeFood source high in biologic proteinMost kidney stones are made of this elementElevated BUN levels can lead to loss of thisInability of kidneys to maintain acid and base balanceElectrolyte that is restricted in renal failure patient's diet...

Nutrition Crossword Puzzle 2019-05-15

Nutrition Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Unit of energy produced by food and used by the body
  2. These are great sources of energy in fruits and vegetables
  3. Disease caused by deficiency of iodine
  4. The component of food which help our bodies fight against infection
  1. Building block of protein
  2. The mineral which controls the functioning of Thyroid
  3. This occurs naturally in milk
  4. Disease in which the body makes little or no insulin
  5. The protein found in red blood cells
  6. The part of grains and plant foods which cannot be digested

10 Clues: Building block of proteinThis occurs naturally in milkThe protein found in red blood cellsDisease caused by deficiency of iodineUnit of energy produced by food and used by the bodyDisease in which the body makes little or no insulinThe mineral which controls the functioning of ThyroidThese are great sources of energy in fruits and vegetables...

Brain Teaser 2017-12-05

Brain Teaser crossword puzzle
  1. Zone of ischemia surrounding the core infarct
  2. Acronym for heart healthy diet to assist in lifestyle alterations for pre-hypertensive patients
  3. when a blood vessel opens abnormally and spills blood into brain tissue
  4. Risk factor for stroke
  5. Severe anaphylactic reaction to TPA
  6. Goal for temperature management
  1. Can mimic a stroke
  2. Acronym to help identify someone having a stroke
  3. Generally begins on day 4 after hemorrhage occurs and may continue for as long as 21 days
  4. Method of permanently securing a cerebral aneurysm

10 Clues: Can mimic a strokeRisk factor for strokeGoal for temperature managementSevere anaphylactic reaction to TPAZone of ischemia surrounding the core infarctAcronym to help identify someone having a strokeMethod of permanently securing a cerebral aneurysmwhen a blood vessel opens abnormally and spills blood into brain tissue...

yyy 2021-11-24

yyy crossword puzzle
  1. Lokasi Radjak Hospital di Jakarta
  2. Gangguan yang menyebabkan penderitanya sering “mengompol”
  3. Salah satu pencegahan inkontinensia urine dengan cara melatih otot panggul
  4. Nama alat yang digunakan dalam proses artroskopi
  1. Penyakit yang disebabkan tingginya kadar gula dalam darah
  2. Tindakan pembakaran atau pemutusan sumber kelistrikan jantung yang abnormal
  3. Prosedur yang dilakukan untuk membersihkan plak dan karang pada gigi
  4. Metode membuat sayatan sebesar lubang kunci pada prosedur artroskopi
  5. Salah satu cara menjaga kesehatan
  6. Ruangan khusus untuk melakukan pemeriksaan rontgen, sinar-X, atau CT Scan

10 Clues: Lokasi Radjak Hospital di JakartaSalah satu cara menjaga kesehatanNama alat yang digunakan dalam proses artroskopiPenyakit yang disebabkan tingginya kadar gula dalam darahGangguan yang menyebabkan penderitanya sering “mengompol”Prosedur yang dilakukan untuk membersihkan plak dan karang pada gigi...

smoking and Tobacco 2021-12-08

smoking and Tobacco crossword puzzle
  1. Breathing in other peoples smoke
  2. The baby can develop different types of what?
  3. when the mother smokes what does she limit
  4. sudden infant death syndrome
  1. the mother can develop _____ or pneumonia
  2. when a baby is born before due date
  3. when the lip of the baby looks creased
  4. Every time the pregnant women smokes it doesn’t just effect the mothers lungs it effects the foetus’ _____
  5. what does smoking weaken?
  6. smoking during pregnancy ________ risk of heath problems for developing babies

10 Clues: what does smoking weaken?sudden infant death syndromeBreathing in other peoples smokewhen a baby is born before due datewhen the lip of the baby looks creasedthe mother can develop _____ or pneumoniawhen the mother smokes what does she limitThe baby can develop different types of what?...

smoking and Tobacco 2021-12-08

smoking and Tobacco crossword puzzle
  1. when the lip of the baby looks creased
  2. Breathing in other peoples smoke
  3. smoking during pregnancy ________ risk of heath problems for developing babies
  4. The baby can develop different types of what?
  1. Every time the pregnant women smokes it doesn’t just effect the mothers lungs it effects the foetus’ _____
  2. what does smoking weaken?
  3. the mother can develop _____ or pneumonia
  4. when a baby is born before due date
  5. sudden infant death syndrome
  6. when the mother smokes what does she limit

10 Clues: what does smoking weaken?sudden infant death syndromeBreathing in other peoples smokewhen a baby is born before due datewhen the lip of the baby looks creasedthe mother can develop _____ or pneumoniawhen the mother smokes what does she limitThe baby can develop different types of what?...

Influenza_flu 2021-05-24

Influenza_flu crossword puzzle
  1. best way to prevent the flu
  2. not to be taken for the flu
  3. fever, headache, tiredness, weakness,cough,sore throat,runny nose,muscle and body aches,diarrhea,vomiting
  4. a contagious disease that is caused by the influenza virus
  5. very small and can cause infections in humans
  6. help fight off viruses
  1. bacterial pneumonia,dehydration,asthma,diabetes,sinus and ear infections
  2. nasal spray form of the flu vaccine which contains weakened live flu viruses
  3. washing hands frequently
  4. another name for influenza

10 Clues: help fight off viruseswashing hands frequentlyanother name for influenzabest way to prevent the flunot to be taken for the fluvery small and can cause infections in humansa contagious disease that is caused by the influenza virusbacterial pneumonia,dehydration,asthma,diabetes,sinus and ear infections...

Pregnancy induced HTN 2022-11-13

Pregnancy induced HTN crossword puzzle
  1. The only "true" treatment of preeclampsia
  2. This will be found in the urine
  3. hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count
  4. If seizure occurs, what is your priority
  5. This will be given to help prevent seizures
  6. you are still at risk for preeclampsia up to how many weeks post delivery
  1. When then high blood pressure causes a seizure
  2. Another name for swelling of the lower extremities
  3. Hypertension disorder during pregnancy
  4. Diabetes, history of HTN, previous diagnoses, multifetal gestation, IVF

10 Clues: This will be found in the urineHypertension disorder during pregnancyIf seizure occurs, what is your priorityThe only "true" treatment of preeclampsiaThis will be given to help prevent seizuresWhen then high blood pressure causes a seizureAnother name for swelling of the lower extremitieshemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count...

Bahmni crossword 2022-01-25

Bahmni crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Vulnerability recently identified
  2. One person, two different entries. Solution?
  3. Module to start consultation
  4. Bahmni is now registered as --- under ABDM
  5. When physical consulatation is not possible
  1. Need to create a form in Bahmni
  2. Colour of Bahmni's UI in retrospective mode
  3. Module to begin the patient's journey
  4. Adding Multiple drugs at one go
  5. If I want to know the total number of OPD/IPD visits or the number of patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, etc, I would run ____ on Bahmni

10 Clues: Module to start consultationNeed to create a form in BahmniAdding Multiple drugs at one goVulnerability recently identifiedModule to begin the patient's journeyBahmni is now registered as --- under ABDMColour of Bahmni's UI in retrospective modeWhen physical consulatation is not possibleOne person, two different entries. Solution?...

Vocab Unit 6 2022-12-20

Vocab Unit 6 crossword puzzle
  1. The Sugar Plum Fairy wowed the audience with her _ talent.
  2. The final vote was _.
  3. You can use a plastic bag for a _ poncho.
  4. I have the _ respect for my parents.
  1. We watched a _ of the new Marvel movie.
  2. People are forced to _ on supplies when economy is doing poorly.
  3. I wish doctors and scientists would _ type one diabetes.
  4. The deposit into our savings is _.
  5. The hero can _ the bad guy and capture them.
  6. There is a _ restaurant on the top of the hill.

10 Clues: The final vote was _.The deposit into our savings is _.I have the _ respect for my parents.We watched a _ of the new Marvel movie.You can use a plastic bag for a _ poncho.The hero can _ the bad guy and capture them.There is a _ restaurant on the top of the hill.I wish doctors and scientists would _ type one diabetes....

Vocabulary 2023-02-07

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the band and chorus teacher does this
  2. the workers are doing this outside
  3. the student needed to __ to show she got it correct
  4. I need to find my way so I____ it.
  1. the doctor ___ me with diabetes
  2. I had to make a guess on what this is going to mean.
  3. if I come to it I____ it
  4. I wanted to add something I____ it.
  5. if we are connected we are _
  6. the student needed to get used to this area

10 Clues: if I come to it I____ itif we are connected we are _the doctor ___ me with diabetesthe workers are doing this outsideI need to find my way so I____ it.I wanted to add something I____ it.the band and chorus teacher does thisthe student needed to get used to this areathe student needed to __ to show she got it correct...

Health 2023-04-13

Health crossword puzzle
  1. physical activity
  2. How you view your body and want it to look
  3. Weighing less than you should
  4. used to measure how much energy you get from food and drinks
  1. measures how much you should weigh based on your weight and height
  2. weighing more than you should
  3. Condition caused by too much sugar in your blood
  4. Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Grapes
  5. rice, wheat, barley, oat, corn
  6. The taking in and use of food and other nourishing material by the body.

10 Clues: physical activityweighing more than you shouldWeighing less than you shouldrice, wheat, barley, oat, cornApples, Oranges, Lemons, GrapesHow you view your body and want it to lookCondition caused by too much sugar in your bloodused to measure how much energy you get from food and drinks...

Nutrition 2023-04-13

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Sugar Molecules
  2. (two word answer)One of the three main types of health
  3. Helps with muscle movement and blood clothing
  4. Microorganisms that may provide healthful benefits when consumed
  5. Help with vision, growth, cell division, reproduction and immunity.
  6. Fat found in your blood
  1. When you have a problem and can't eat anything sweet
  2. Units of energy that a food or drink provides
  3. Helps protect your cells against the effects of free radicals
  4. A liquid that is a type of dairy

10 Clues: Sugar MoleculesFat found in your bloodA liquid that is a type of dairyUnits of energy that a food or drink providesHelps with muscle movement and blood clothingWhen you have a problem and can't eat anything sweet(two word answer)One of the three main types of healthHelps protect your cells against the effects of free radicals...

TTS LM BIOLOGI 2023-03-28

TTS LM BIOLOGI crossword puzzle
  1. hormon yang berfungsi merangsang kelenjar korteks adrenal untuk menyekresi glukokortikoid
  2. Pengeluaran urin dipengaruhi oleh
  3. diabetes merupakan penyakit akibat kurang hormon
  4. meningkatkan frekuensi jantung, metabolisme, dan konsumsi oksigen
  5. sistem yang mengatur kerjasama antara saraf dan hormone terdapat pada daerah
  1. hormon pertumbuhan disebut juga hormon
  2. zat penghilang nyeri alamiah yang merespons stres dan aktivitas
  3. yang dihasilkan oleh sel leydig di dalam kelenjar testis adalah hormon
  4. senyawa organik pembawa pesan kimiawi didalam aliran darah menuju ke sel sel atau jaringan tubuh
  5. menghasilkan hormon estrogen dan progesteron

10 Clues: Pengeluaran urin dipengaruhi olehhormon pertumbuhan disebut juga hormonmenghasilkan hormon estrogen dan progesterondiabetes merupakan penyakit akibat kurang hormonzat penghilang nyeri alamiah yang merespons stres dan aktivitasmeningkatkan frekuensi jantung, metabolisme, dan konsumsi oksigen...


  1. Salah satu tanaman yang tumbuh subur di Indonesia
  2. Jenis kacang yang satu keluarga dengan cherry, apricot dan peach
  3. Jenis tanaman yang bermanfaat untuk menurunkan hiperteni, mengontrol diabetes
  4. Sumber protein ketela pohon terdapat di bagian
  5. Tanaman yang tergolong dalam kerabat dekat tanaman polong - polongan
  1. Hasil pertanian sebagai makanan pokok sehari- hari
  2. Jenis minuman yang dapat dibuatdari bahan kedelai
  3. Mengolah bahan makanan dalam cairan yang sudah mendidih
  4. Pengolahan bahan makanan didalam oven dengan panas segala arah
  5. Tanaman Umbi yang biasanya dibuat makanan perkedel

10 Clues: Sumber protein ketela pohon terdapat di bagianSalah satu tanaman yang tumbuh subur di IndonesiaJenis minuman yang dapat dibuatdari bahan kedelaiHasil pertanian sebagai makanan pokok sehari- hariTanaman Umbi yang biasanya dibuat makanan perkedelMengolah bahan makanan dalam cairan yang sudah mendidih...

Common Diseases crossword 2024-07-28

Common Diseases crossword crossword puzzle
  1. inflammation of the bronchi in the lungs
  2. common mosquito-borne disease
  3. AKA white death, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, generally affects lungs
  4. AKA varicella, caused by infection of varicella zoster virus
  5. commonly refered to as the 'flu'
  1. high blood sugar levels due to pancreas not producing enough insulin
  2. inflammatory condition of the lungs, affects alveoli
  3. abnormally rapid uncontrollable cell growth
  4. caused by eating raw / uncooked meat
  5. chest pain caused by narrow / blocked blood vessels around the heart, limiting blood flow

10 Clues: common mosquito-borne diseasecommonly refered to as the 'flu'caused by eating raw / uncooked meatinflammation of the bronchi in the lungsabnormally rapid uncontrollable cell growthinflammatory condition of the lungs, affects alveoliAKA varicella, caused by infection of varicella zoster virus...