economics Crossword Puzzles

Economics 2022-10-27

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. health maintenance orginization
  2. amount of money the insurance gives the beneficiary
  3. a package that allows employees to select different benefits
  4. basic type of perminant life insurance which can provide lifetime protection at a level premium
  5. does not build up cash value
  6. set fee payed by the policy holder for medical expenses
  7. a period to sign up for insurance
  8. the amount that the policy holder mst pay within a specified amount before the insurance will pay the rest
  9. in case of terminal illness the proceeds of a life insurance policy are paid to offset medical expenses
  10. cover expenses of bodily damage or death
  1. mathmatical calculation of how long a culture or group of people live
  2. a policy issued to one that is expired
  3. the date which an insurance policy becomes eligible to pay for claims
  4. applicant with pre existent poor health or or is in substandard physical condition
  5. this is who gets your life insurance if you die
  6. federal program to pay the medical needs of the needy
  7. someone who buys something on your behalf
  8. pays for your hospital bill
  9. the cost of the insurance
  10. insurance policy without a deductable

20 Clues: the cost of the insurancepays for your hospital billdoes not build up cash valuehealth maintenance orginizationa period to sign up for insuranceinsurance policy without a deductablea policy issued to one that is expiredcover expenses of bodily damage or deathsomeone who buys something on your behalfthis is who gets your life insurance if you die...

economics 2023-11-14

economics crossword puzzle
  1. organization of workers that tries to improve working conditions and wages
  2. sells merchandise at reduced prices for their members
  3. companies reach out to other companies to do a specific job
  4. a certificate of ownership in a corporation
  5. movement of company operations to a different country
  6. business organization owned by two or more people
  7. demand for labor
  8. wage rate or price of labor services that is set when demand for workers is met
  9. business owned and managed by a single individual
  1. two or more firms competing in the same market with the same good
  2. all nonmilitary people who are employed or unemployed
  3. an organized work stoppage intended to force an employer to address union demands
  4. theory about the relationship between education and wages
  5. money and other valuables
  6. authorization from local government to run a business
  7. business organization owned by a group of people
  8. legal entity owned by individual stock holders
  9. formal contract issued by a corporation
  10. debts
  11. negotiating labor contracts that keeps unnecessary workers on the company payroll

20 Clues: debtsdemand for labormoney and other valuablesformal contract issued by a corporationa certificate of ownership in a corporationlegal entity owned by individual stock holdersbusiness organization owned by a group of peoplebusiness organization owned by two or more peoplebusiness owned and managed by a single individual...

economics 2023-11-24

economics crossword puzzle
  1. the business of trying to persuade people to buy products or services
  2. the percentage of an amount of money that is charged or paid by a bank or other financial company
  3. a balancing of two opposing situations or qualities, both of which are desired
  4. As opposed to unlimited demand
  5. useful or attractive together
  6. Something happen by nature will slowing down or destroying economic growth
  7. money that is earned from doing work or received from investments
  8. The government provides money to reduce the prices faced by producers and consumers.
  9. all the people living in a particular country, area, or place
  10. the income that a government or company receives regularly
  11. a tax charged on goods and services rather than on the money that people earn
  1. products that can satisfy some of the same customer needs as each other
  2. a business or organization
  3. to provide something that is wanted or needed, often in large quantities and over a long period of time
  4. to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused
  5. work, especially the type of work that needs a lot of physical effort
  6. money that is earned in trade or business after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services
  7. next best alternative given up
  8. the situation in which large numbers of educated and very skilled people leave their own country to live and work in another one where pay and conditions are better
  9. someone who buys or uses goods or services

20 Clues: a business or organizationuseful or attractive togetherAs opposed to unlimited demandnext best alternative given upsomeone who buys or uses goods or servicesthe income that a government or company receives regularlyall the people living in a particular country, area, or placemoney that is earned from doing work or received from investments...

Economics 2023-12-07

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Risk-taking individuals who introduces new products or services in search of profits; one of the four factors of production.
  2. Cost of the next best alternative use of money, time, or resources, when one choice is made rather than another.
  3. Tangible economic product that is useful, transferable, to others, and used to satisfy needs and wants.
  4. Tools, equipment, and factories used in the production of goods and services; one of the four factors of production.
  5. Work or labor performed for someone; economic product that includes haircuts, home repairs, and forms of entertainment.
  6. Good that lasts for at least three years when used regularly.
  7. Productive resources needed to produce goods; the four factors are land, capital, labor, and entrepreneurship.
  8. Item that wears out or lasts fewer than three years when used regularly.
  9. A visual representation showing the relationship between the factor market (where income is obtained) and the product market (where income is used to make purchases).
  1. People with all their abilities and efforts; one of the factors of production; does not include the entrepreneur.
  2. Fundamental economic problem of meeting people’s virtually unlimited needs and wants with scarce resources.
  3. Social science dealing with how people satisfy seemingly unlimited needs and wants with scarce resources.
  4. Basic requirement for survival, including food, clothing, and shelter.
  5. Graph, figure, equation, or diagram used to describe how the economy is expected to perform in the future.
  6. Something we would like to have but is not necessary for survival.
  7. Tool, equipment, or other manufactured good used to produce other goods and services; a factor of production.
  8. Natural resources or “gifts of nature” not created by human effort; one of the four factors of production.
  9. Increase in a nation’s total output of goods and services over time.
  10. Measure of the amount of output produced in a specific time period with a given amount of resources; normally refers to labor, but can apply to all factors of production.
  11. Good intended for final use by consumers other than businesses.

20 Clues: Good that lasts for at least three years when used regularly.Good intended for final use by consumers other than businesses.Something we would like to have but is not necessary for survival.Increase in a nation’s total output of goods and services over time.Basic requirement for survival, including food, clothing, and shelter....

economics 2024-01-21

economics crossword puzzle
  1. offering that encourages
  2. legal entity legal stockholder
  3. right to make
  4. scarcity
  5. ambitious leader
  6. managed by single individual
  7. business
  8. nationalincome
  9. evenly distributed wealth
  10. money
  11. maximize production of goods
  12. opportunity
  1. consumerexpenditures
  2. centrally planned economy
  3. products
  4. advantage of ability
  5. using fewer resources
  6. struggle among producers
  7. own property
  8. private ownership
  9. good or service unavailable
  10. owned by two or more
  11. point of underutilization
  12. given amt of resources
  13. gap between two produts

25 Clues: moneyproductsscarcitybusinessopportunityown propertyright to makenationalincomeambitious leaderprivate ownershipconsumerexpendituresadvantage of abilityowned by two or moreusing fewer resourcesgiven amt of resourcesgap between two produtsoffering that encouragesstruggle among producerscentrally planned economypoint of underutilization...

Economics 2024-02-19

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Force The sum of employed plus the unemployed
  2. A system of value that facilities the exchange of goods in an economy
  3. Certificates that entitle the holder of the stock to a proportionate share of ownership in a company
  4. The rate of increase prices over a given period of time
  5. The increase in the production of goods and services
  6. A field of applied economics that studies the finaical organizational, market-related, ad enviromental issues
  7. A form of regulation that is usually set in place by the government to limit the quantity of a good
  8. The of income not spent or count expenditures
  9. The system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
  10. Items that satisfy human wants
  1. The total amount of a specific good or service that is available to consumers
  2. The process by which varoius sellers each try to offer better products
  3. A recipt of funds or assets must have been freely given
  4. Intermedies between depositors who lend money to the bank and borrowers
  5. The movement of flow of money through the economy
  6. The income that firms recieves from the sale of a good or service to its consumers
  7. The production of goods that will be used to produce other goods
  8. A medium of exchange for goods and services
  9. A mandatory payment of charge collected by local state
  10. A good or service bought in one country that was prepared in another country

20 Clues: Items that satisfy human wantsA medium of exchange for goods and servicesForce The sum of employed plus the unemployedThe of income not spent or count expendituresThe movement of flow of money through the economyThe increase in the production of goods and servicesA mandatory payment of charge collected by local state...

Economics 2024-03-18

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. all other factors being equal, as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity of goods or services that suppliers offer will increase, and vice versa.
  2. A sole proprietorship is the simplest and most common structure chosen to start a business. It is an unincorporated business owned and run by one individual with no distinction between the business and the owner. You are entitled to all profits and are responsible for all your business's debts, losses and liabilities.
  3. a financial institution licensed to receive deposits and make loans
  4. profit is the excess over the returns to capital, land, and labor (interest, rent, and wages).
  5. the quantity of. money for which one may buy or sell a commodity
  6. Unions: a nonprofit-making money cooperative whose members can borrow from pooled deposits at low-interest rates.
  7. the using up of a resource.
  8. send (goods or services) to another country for sale.
  9. people, especially the personnel employed by a given company, institution, or the like.
  10. the natural wealth of a country, consisting of land, forests, mineral deposits, water, etc.
  11. the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind.
  12. bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale.
  13. an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government
  14. Tools, machines, and factories used to produce goods.
  15. is a system that relies on customs, history, and time-honored beliefs.
  16. the situation in an economy where the desires and needs of consumers control the output of producers.
  1. A partnership is an arrangement between two or more people to oversee business operations and share its profits and liabilities
  2. The law of demand states that if all other factors remain equal, the higher the price of a good, the fewer people will demand that good. In other words, the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded.
  3. the action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the process of being so manufactured.
  4. essentially anyone or anything other than the government. Private property may consist of real estate, buildings, objects, intellectual property (for example, copyrights or patents ).
  5. the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
  6. the propensity of an individual to behave creatively, act with foresight, use intuition, and be alert to new opportunities.
  7. Competition refers to a situation in a market in which firms or sellers independently strive for the patronage of buyers in order to achieve a particular business objective, e.g., profits, sales and/or market share
  8. an economic system combining private and public enterprise.
  9. a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.
  10. Free enterprise is an economic system that provides individuals the opportunity to make their own economic decisions, free of go.
  11. an economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.
  12. the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.
  13. encompasses a wide variety of economic laws and theories that define or explain how an economy attempts to satisfy the unlimited demand in the marketplace with a finite supply of resources available to do so
  14. A corporation is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners. Under the law, corporations possess many of the same rights and responsibilities as individuals. They can enter contracts, loan and borrow money, sue and be sued, hire employees, own assets, and pay taxes.

30 Clues: the using up of a resource.send (goods or services) to another country for sale.Tools, machines, and factories used to produce goods.the state of being scarce or in short supply; economic system combining private and public enterprise.bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale....

Economics 2024-03-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The expenses incurred when starting a new business or project.
  2. Market structure in which a single seller or producer controls the entire supply of a certain product
  3. The practice of charging different prices to different customers for the same product or service.
  4. Competing on factors other than price, such as quality or customer service.
  5. Group of independent market participants who collude with each other
  6. Large business organization that controls and dominates a particular industry or market
  7. The combining of two or more companies into a single entity.
  8. Market structure in which there are many small firms
  9. The cost advantages that come with large-scale production.
  10. Market structure in which a small number of large firms dominate the market
  11. Perfect competition
  12. The process of removing government regulations from an industry or sector.
  13. A business model in which a company grants the right to use its name and sell its products or services to independent operators in exchange for a fee.
  14. The ability of a company to control the prices and/or quantities of goods or services in a given market.
  15. A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold.
  1. The process of making a product or service unique in order to distinguish it from competitors.
  2. A set of exclusive rights granted to an inventor or assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for public disclosure of an invention.
  3. A legal agreement that grants permission to use a particular product, service, or technology.
  4. An illegal agreement between companies to restrict competition.
  5. fixing An illegal agreement between companies to set prices for a product or service.
  6. A situation in which a single company is the most efficient provider of a product or service due to factors such as economies of scale or the need for a large infrastructure.
  7. war A situation in which companies repeatedly lower their prices to gain market share.
  8. Any obstacle that makes it difficult for new companies to enter a market.
  9. A situation in which a single company or group owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service.
  10. A situation in which the government is the sole provider of a particular product or service.
  11. The practice of lowering prices to drive competitors out of business, after which prices are raised again.
  12. Laws that are designed to prevent monopolies, promote competition, and protect consumers from anti-competitive practices.

27 Clues: Perfect competitionMarket structure in which there are many small firmsThe cost advantages that come with large-scale production.The combining of two or more companies into a single entity.The expenses incurred when starting a new business or project.An illegal agreement between companies to restrict competition....

Economics 2024-05-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The act of leaving one's job or ceasing to work, typically occurring at an age when individuals have reached a certain level of financial security and choose to no longer participate in the workforce.
  2. Compulsory financial charges imposed by governments on individuals or businesses to fund public expenditures.
  3. how, what, for whom?
  4. Payments made by a corporation to its shareholders as a distribution of profits, usually on a regular basis.
  5. the type of economy in which the consumer answers the three basic questions
  6. father of modern economics, wrote the wealth of nations
  7. Securities that represent ownership in a corporation and entitle the shareholder to a portion of the company's assets and earnings.
  8. economy in which both consumer and government answer the three basic questions
  9. The value of the next best alternative foregone when a decision is made. It represents the benefits that could have been gained from choosing an alternative course of action.
  10. The activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services, aimed at attracting and persuading customers to purchase those products or services.
  1. A policy or attitude of letting things take their own course without interfering, particularly used in economics to advocate for minimal government intervention in the economy.
  2. someone starting and operating a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
  3. goods or services that are used together with another good or service. When the price of one complement increases, the demand for its complementary goods may decrease.
  4. British economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics. Keynes advocated for government intervention in the economy to counteract economic downturns and promote stability.
  5. A sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time, resulting in a decrease in the purchasing power of money.
  6. economy in which the government answers the 3 questions
  7. An economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production, market competition, and profit motive, with minimal government intervention in the economy.
  8. A contract that transfers the risk of financial loss from an individual or business to an insurance company in exchange for payment of a premium.
  9. goods or services that can be used as alternatives to each other. When the price of one good increases, the demand for its substitutes may increase as consumers seek cheaper alternatives
  10. The process of creating a plan to manage income and expenses over a specific period of time, typically aimed at achieving financial goals and priorities.

20 Clues: how, what, for whom?economy in which the government answers the 3 questionsfather of modern economics, wrote the wealth of nationsthe type of economy in which the consumer answers the three basic questionseconomy in which both consumer and government answer the three basic questions...

Economics 2024-06-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Bitcoin is
  2. The ammount a commotity should be available by desire
  3. The lowest wage allowed by law
  4. a market were people can sell and buy with minimal government supervision
  5. A board game were you controll everything
  6. the Soviet union economic system
  7. A system of money in a country
  8. A company or group of people that's acts as an entity
  9. a card that allows you to use your own money
  10. A market to sell illegal items
  1. N ot enough of an item is made
  2. A score that shows you how responsible you are with money
  3. An economic system controlled by a private owner
  4. A low amount remains
  5. an economic that prioritizes collective ownership
  6. Buissness use their price to attract customers
  7. the value of an item
  8. A card that allows you to borrow the banks money
  9. Going against a rival
  10. a small percentage you pay for borrowed money

20 Clues: Bitcoin isA low amount remainsthe value of an itemGoing against a rivalN ot enough of an item is madeThe lowest wage allowed by lawA system of money in a countryA market to sell illegal itemsthe Soviet union economic systemA board game were you controll everythinga card that allows you to use your own money...

Economics 2024-05-20

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. price that equates quantity supplied to the quantity demanded
  2. collection of buyers and sellers
  3. a list with specific quantities of one or more goods
  4. relationship between the quality of a good and price that consumers are willing to buy
  5. situation in which the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded
  6. a condition of preferring a risky income to a guaranteed income
  7. deals with the aggregate economic variables
  8. condition of preferring a guaranteed income to a risky income
  9. all combinations of goods for which the total amount of money is equal to income
  10. a graph showing all possible combinations of labor and capital for a given total cost
  11. the cost of utilizing all economic resources in production
  12. relationship between the quality and price of a good that producers are willing to sell
  13. the actual expenses plus any depreciation charges
  1. a cost that does not vary with the amount of output
  2. expenditure that has been made and can never be recovered
  3. absolute price of a good, unadjusted for inflation
  4. cost that vary as the output produced varies
  5. condition of being indifferent between a guaranteed income and a fixed income
  6. situation in which the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied
  7. price of a good relative to an aggregate measure of prices
  8. total cost consisting of fixed and variable costs
  9. change in revenue resulting from a one unit increase in output
  10. policy of treating a one time expenditure as a cost spread out over many years
  11. deals with the behaviors of individual economic units
  12. percentage change in one variable resulting from a one percent increase in another
  13. two goods for which incr price of one leads to decr in quantity
  14. a curve relating the quantity of a good consumed to income
  15. additional output produced as the input is increased by one unit
  16. two goods for which an incr in price of one leads to an incr in quantity
  17. a curve representing all combinations of market baskets associated with the same satisfaction

30 Clues: collection of buyers and sellersdeals with the aggregate economic variablescost that vary as the output produced variestotal cost consisting of fixed and variable coststhe actual expenses plus any depreciation chargesabsolute price of a good, unadjusted for inflationa cost that does not vary with the amount of output...

Economics 2020-08-19

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The cost of borrowing
  2. A markets responsiveness to a change in price
  3. The amount of money a government charges for a commodity
  4. The state of supply and demand being equal
  5. The number of people willing and able to work who are not
  6. The prefix that describes the branch of economics that studies the whole of the economy
  7. Incremental
  8. The term for countries manufacturing what they have an advantage in
  9. One company controlling the majority of a market
  10. Few companies controlling a market
  11. The amount of a resource available in a market
  1. The impact a policy has outside its intended market
  2. A good being shipped out of a country
  3. The amount of a resource desired in a market
  4. The term used to describe a decrease in purchasing power over time
  5. A period of poor economic performance
  6. The prefix that describes the branch of economics dealing with a particular business, industry, or market
  7. How economists view economic agents and consumers
  8. A good being brought into a country
  9. The term meaning more supply than demand

20 Clues: IncrementalThe cost of borrowingFew companies controlling a marketA good being brought into a countryA good being shipped out of a countryA period of poor economic performanceThe term meaning more supply than demandThe state of supply and demand being equalThe amount of a resource desired in a marketA markets responsiveness to a change in price...

Economics 2021-12-02

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A franchise has to pay the parent company _____.
  2. Every few years the union and corporation will engage in ____.
  3. Labor unions in the early 1900s were much more likely to ___ than today.
  4. John and Eric have a ________.
  5. Women are often regarded as having to break through this.
  6. A fast food worker or a janitor.
  7. Amazon and Disney are ______ because they own other businesses that diversify them.
  8. The government will liquidate your _____ if you do not pay.
  9. Ownership in a company.
  1. Saint Jude, Red Cross, etc.
  2. UPS and other companies will often bring these new hires on.
  3. Vans is the worlds largest ____ of skate shoes.
  4. Running your own business.
  5. Tod got hired on because he graduated school. This is due to the ____.
  6. simple form of investment that gives interest.
  7. Work that has to be specialized in.
  8. A third party making legal binding decisions.
  9. A person or entity that is purchasing a good or service.
  10. Someones obligation to pay their debts.
  11. Anyone who is capable of working.
  12. When two sides cannot come to an agreement they will look for _____.

21 Clues: Ownership in a company.Running your own business.Saint Jude, Red Cross, etc.John and Eric have a ________.A fast food worker or a janitor.Anyone who is capable of working.Work that has to be specialized in.Someones obligation to pay their debts.A third party making legal binding decisions.simple form of investment that gives interest....

economics 2021-12-03

economics crossword puzzle
  1. if a singal firm can serve that market at a lowe cost than any other firms
  2. a condition which the losses that the owners may incur are limited to the amount of capital invested
  3. where the is only one seller in the market
  4. depicts how firms are differentiated and categorised based on goods
  5. when all companies sell identical products
  6. a consumer's desire to purchase goods
  7. goods bought and used by consumers
  8. an unincorporated business that is owned by one individual
  9. amount of money giving for a good or service
  1. a market with many firms that sell good and services
  2. the total amount of a specific good or service that is available to consumers
  3. a full legal responsilillty that business owners and partners assume for all business debts
  4. graphic representation od the relationship between product price and quantity of product that a seller is welling and able to supply
  5. any structure that allows buyers and sellers to exchange goods
  6. a product that is directly related with the use of another product
  7. are factors that may cause changes in or affect the supply of a product in the marketplace.
  8. a arrangement between two or more people to oversee business operations
  9. a market characterized by a small number of firms who realize they are interdependent in their pricing.
  10. a graphic representation of the relationship between product price and the quantity
  11. a security that represents the ownership of a fraction of a corporation.

20 Clues: goods bought and used by consumersa consumer's desire to purchase goodswhere the is only one seller in the marketwhen all companies sell identical productsamount of money giving for a good or servicea market with many firms that sell good and servicesan unincorporated business that is owned by one individual...

economics 2022-04-07

economics crossword puzzle
  1. difference between the potential yew home good and the actual yew home good
  2. things of value or earning power
  3. when economy is slow and combines with big price time
  4. big price time during night in the park
  5. shopping cart of goods and services of a household
  6. request for some good or service
  7. big price time
  8. big sad time in economics
  1. account accessible by writing money on unchecked piece of paper
  2. big price time over 500 percent
  3. yew home good
  4. tells you the difference in price level
  5. annoying people that want your money
  6. valuable metals shaped in round shape used for exchanging goods
  7. type of unemployment that occurs in some period of time
  8. the pain you have to pay extra on imported goods
  9. the 21 percent pain you have to pay with everything you buy in a shop
  10. opposite of number one
  11. rate of people that do not work
  12. people that use people who want money
  13. fulfills the request for some good or service

21 Clues: yew home goodbig price timeopposite of number onebig sad time in economicsbig price time over 500 percentrate of people that do not workthings of value or earning powerrequest for some good or serviceannoying people that want your moneypeople that use people who want moneytells you the difference in price level...

Economics 2022-04-07

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. it makes you more happy, some say no
  2. With what do you call someone?
  3. how do you survive
  4. They take and give money
  5. what happens when you invest your money in stocks but haven’t thought it out and invested too much money and now your scared?
  6. he is good with money
  7. in what did hispanic women have trouble because of their ethnicity and gender?
  8. when you you are inflating something what have you done?
  9. sworn in as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in 2006
  10. what did you earn when working in a job?
  1. when you are inflating something but it is not inflating what is it called?
  2. what happened in zimbabwe?
  3. which country is not kind to mexicans?
  4. you can buy this with money
  5. he will make you like VR
  6. person who likes to look at money and what it does
  7. when people don’t have money, what do they do?
  8. in other words the climax
  9. what is a slang for a Federal bureau agent?
  10. going back

20 Clues: going backhow do you survivehe is good with moneyhe will make you like VRThey take and give moneyin other words the climaxwhat happened in zimbabwe?you can buy this with moneyWith what do you call someone?it makes you more happy, some say nowhich country is not kind to mexicans?what did you earn when working in a job?...

Economics 2013-12-02

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. marginal revolution economist from switzerland
  2. marginal revolution economist from US
  3. suported free trade
  4. written by adam smith
  5. condemned in excessive luxury usury and unproductive labor
  6. specie flow theory
  7. advocates stable monetary policy
  8. theory of population and economic decline
  9. decorated soldier and student of Socrates
  10. marginal revolution economist from australia
  11. was the driving force behind the return to classical economics
  12. true father of modern economics
  13. talk about alienation and exploitation of the workers
  14. marginal revolution economist from england
  15. lead character on our story.
  16. agriculture as the most productive sector of the economy
  1. instituionalist who challenged smith's theory
  2. eminent surgeon and doctor
  3. one of the greek thought
  4. "natural effect of commerce is to lead to peace
  5. vacillated between liberty and socialism
  6. wrote the fable of the bees
  7. "law of subsistence wages and permanent misery of the working class
  8. leading french physiocrat
  9. also called the great depression.
  10. advantage of thrift, free trade and growing population
  11. believed in private property
  12. industry is more productive than agriculture
  13. they resuscitated the invisible hand of smith
  14. was an absolutist

30 Clues: was an absolutistspecie flow theorysuported free tradewritten by adam smithone of the greek thoughtleading french physiocrateminent surgeon and doctorwrote the fable of the beesbelieved in private propertylead character on our story.true father of modern economicsadvocates stable monetary policyalso called the great depression....

Economics 2013-12-16

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. measures and reports the change in prices of a set of stocks
  2. profit made from the sale of securities
  3. the percentage of the labor force that is job-less and looking for work
  4. buys and sells stocks for customers
  5. the market value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given period of time
  6. bank chartered by national government
  7. possibility for loss on an investment
  8. the profit or loss made on an investment
  9. the use of income today that allows for a future benefit
  1. anything people will accept for goods or services
  2. all the institutions that help transfer funds between savers and investors
  3. income not used for consumption
  4. occurs when stock market prices rise steadily over time
  5. the condition where a persons income and resources do not allow them to achieve a minimum standard of living
  6. paper money and coins
  7. / market activities that go unreported due to being illegal or to avoid taxation
  8. the increase in a nations real GDP over a period of time
  9. a market where securities are bought and sold
  10. the ratio of the amount of output produced to the amount of input
  11. occurs when stock market prices decline steadily over time
  12. bank chartered by state government

21 Clues: paper money and coinsincome not used for consumptionbank chartered by state governmentbuys and sells stocks for customersbank chartered by national governmentpossibility for loss on an investmentprofit made from the sale of securitiesthe profit or loss made on an investmenta market where securities are bought and sold...

Economics 2014-03-06

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. goods that leave a country as part of trade
  2. Resources activities of people who decide what kind of economic activities to pursue
  3. Country a country with an established economy generally containing all 4 forms of production
  4. exchange of something of value
  5. actions that are capable of satisfying peoples wants
  6. a person who buys and uses goods and services
  7. a person who grows agricultural products or manufactures items
  8. the purchase or use of goods and services
  9. Trade countries relying on one another to satisfy wants and needs 20/ Import goods brought into a country as part of trade
  10. interaction of buyers and sellers exchanging goods and services
  11. quantities of goods ans services produced
  12. Resources something found in nature
  13. the quantities or productive resources
  1. objects that are capable of satisfying peoples wants
  2. the quantities of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy
  3. the act of combining natural resources ,human resources capital goods & entrepreneurship to make goods & services
  4. Country a country whose economy is still being built
  5. Resources resources made by humans such as building tools and machinery
  6. concentration of production on fewer kinds of goods & services
  7. lack of sufficient resources to produce all the goods and services people desire
  8. the quantities of a good or service that producers are willing and able to provide at various prices during a given time period

21 Clues: exchange of something of valueResources something found in naturethe quantities or productive resourcesthe purchase or use of goods and servicesquantities of goods ans services producedgoods that leave a country as part of tradea person who buys and uses goods and servicesobjects that are capable of satisfying peoples wants...

Economics 2014-03-16

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. / negotiators call in a neutral third party, or mediator, to listen to the arguments of boths sides and to suggest ways on which agreement may be reached.
  2. / lenght of a firm's life or amount of time the bussiness operates.
  3. / is the holding of priviledges based on the number of years a worker has been employed by a firm.
  4. /partner that enjoy equal decision making authority.
  5. / court order to prohibit the dispatches from striking.
  6. / money invested in entrepreneurial enterprises.
  7. / making up for patterns of discrimination against women, members of minority groups and others who were traditionally with disadvantages in the workplace.
  8. / the percentage of people's disposable income, money available after taxes are paid, that is not spent.
  9. / expansion of the capital goods existing in an economy.
  10. / nonmonetary reasons for working at a particular job.
  11. / the hourly, weekly, monthly or yearly pay that a worker receives in exchange for his or her labor.
  12. / organization of workers that negotiates with employers for better wages, improved working condition and job security.
  13. / process of mechanizing all major forms of production.
  14. / requite the saver to leave money in the account for a specific amount of time.
  15. / numerical goals, for hiring and promoting women and minorities.
  1. / in which workers could be hired if they first joined a union.
  2. / buisness owned and operated by one person.
  3. / enterprise that used the original company's name to sell goods and services.
  4. / are owned collectively by their members.
  5. / amount that the borrower must pay for the use of those funds.
  6. / when an employer closes a company's doors to striking workers until negotiator reach a contract agreement that is satisfactory to management.
  7. / legally distinct from their owners and are treated as if they were individuals.
  8. / mean that a person chooses a variety of investments.
  9. / nonwage payments, commonly, including paid sick days, health and life insurances and saving retirement plans.
  10. / occurs when a company joins with or absorbs another.
  11. / producing goods primarly through animal and human power.
  12. / payments that remain constants from month to month such as payments for a mortage or insurance premiums.
  13. / amount of money in the account drops below the specified level.
  14. / partners join as investor who provide financial capital in exchange for a share of the profits..
  15. / in which workers did not have to join a union.
  16. / organized effort to stop purchases of a firm's products.
  17. /all financial planning begins with a spending and saving plan.
  18. / responsability for a debt.
  19. / means that assest such an account cant be converted into cash with little or no loss in interest payments.

34 Clues: / responsability for a debt./ are owned collectively by their members./ buisness owned and operated by one person./ money invested in entrepreneurial enterprises./ in which workers did not have to join a union./partner that enjoy equal decision making authority./ mean that a person chooses a variety of investments....

Economics 2015-05-01

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Liability a situation in which a business owner is responsible for all the losses and debts of the business
  2. the effort that people devote to a task for which they are paid
  3. human made items, such as machines and tools, that are used to produce goods and services
  4. Economy an economic system in which people make economic decisions based on customs and beliefs
  5. a situation in which demand is greater than supply
  6. a formal organization of sellers or producers who regulate the production, pricing, and marketing of a product
  7. someone who buys and uses goods and services
  8. economy an economic system in which the government makes all economic decisions
  9. natural resources that are used to make goods and services
  10. Market stock market prices rise steadily overtime
  11. Act first antitrust law in america
  12. studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and their management
  13. the central bank of the united states
  1. a sustained rise in the general price level, or a sustained fall in the purchasing power of money
  2. market stock market prices slowly decline over time
  3. the study of the behaviors of the economy as a whole; concerned with the large scale of activity
  4. an economic system in which individuals, not the government control the production and distribution of goods and services; also called market system
  5. a market structure in which only a few sellers offer a similar product
  6. Capital skills and knowledge gained by a worker through education and experience
  7. Net economic programs to prevent a financial fall

20 Clues: Act first antitrust law in americathe central bank of the united statessomeone who buys and uses goods and servicesMarket stock market prices rise steadily overtimeNet economic programs to prevent a financial falla situation in which demand is greater than supplymarket stock market prices slowly decline over time...

Economics 2015-11-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. ________ cost - Change with the level of outputs
  2. _______ economy -Economic system which fully controlled by Goverment (Public sector)
  3. Reward from Enterprise
  4. ________ economies of scale - Benefit enjoyed within the firm
  5. ___________ cost - The Next Best Alternative cost
  6. Reward from Land
  7. Business Know-how
  8. Country that has Mixed economic system in Asia
  9. Process of transforming inputs into outputs
  10. ________ good - Wanted for its Own Sake
  11. Economies of _____ - Advantages enjoyed by the large firms
  1. Economic system is how economies decide on the __________ of resources
  2. Limited Resouces
  3. Economic ______ - An outward movement of PPC
  4. _________ economy - Small percentage of primary sector
  5. Feature of Division of Labour
  6. Reward from Capital
  7. _____ cost - Sum of Fixed cost and Variable cost
  8. Man-made goods
  9. Resources that used to make Output

20 Clues: Man-made goodsLimited ResoucesReward from LandBusiness Know-howReward from CapitalReward from EnterpriseFeature of Division of LabourResources that used to make Output________ good - Wanted for its Own SakeProcess of transforming inputs into outputsEconomic ______ - An outward movement of PPCCountry that has Mixed economic system in Asia...

Economics 2015-05-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for limited
  2. A level of income which people cannot enjoy access to basic needs
  3. A demand factor in which one product can replace another product
  4. Also known as personal income tax
  5. A point on the business cycle where GDP is falling slowly
  6. Gross domestic product
  7. A level of poverty that is experienced when there is a serious deprivation of basic needs
  8. A type of market structure that have a few firms in the industry
  9. One firm in the industry
  10. CPI that excludes volatile items
  11. A supply factor that affects GDP
  12. Refers to a rise in the level of prices for goods and services over a period of time
  13. When consumers and producers are satisfied with the price
  14. Goods or services bought from sellers in another country
  15. A type of market structure that have several firms in the industry and has strong market power
  16. Events such as cyclones, droughts and floods
  17. A point on the business cycle where the GDP of a country is negative
  18. Every 20% of income distributed
  1. Another word for unlimited
  2. Part of the lorenz diagram that shows the degree of income or wealth quality or inequality
  3. A demand factor that can increase GDP
  4. A type of policy that includes taxes
  5. A measure of resource efficiency
  6. 80% of a business cost
  7. A factor in the AD formula
  8. A type of measure for inflation
  9. When prices are generally falling over a period of time
  10. A point on the business cycle where the GDP is high
  11. A supply factor that can affect the cost of production of the business
  12. A point on the business cycle where GDP is going up slowly
  13. A number between 0-1 that measures the equality of the distributional income
  14. When people are willing and able to work but do not have jobs
  15. Every 10% of income distributed
  16. A type of policy that includes interest rates
  17. A situation where prices rise very quickly and go out of control
  18. Natural resources that are used to produce goods and services
  19. Goods or services produced in one country but sold to buyers in another country
  20. Unlimited wants and needs but not enough resources
  21. Payments received by businesses from selling goods and services
  22. All buildings, equipment and human skills used to produce goods and services

40 Clues: 80% of a business costGross domestic productAnother word for limitedOne firm in the industryAnother word for unlimitedA factor in the AD formulaA type of measure for inflationEvery 10% of income distributedEvery 20% of income distributedA measure of resource efficiencyCPI that excludes volatile itemsA supply factor that affects GDP...

Economics 2015-12-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. average income per person in a country
  2. father of free enterprise
  3. north american free trade agreement
  4. used to predict future economic activity
  5. after tax income for retirement
  6. central banking system of the US
  7. not backed by physical commodity
  8. world trade organization
  9. money set aside in case of emergency
  10. how much a business is worth
  11. lowest point in a business cycle
  12. highest point in a business cycle
  1. temporary economic decline
  2. cost of imports exceeds value of exports
  3. ability to produce more products efficiently
  4. money was backed by gold or precious metal
  5. taxing imports to protect country
  6. introduced fiscal policy
  7. increase in the value of one currency
  8. income exceeds expenditures
  9. temporary economic growth
  10. ability to produce more products physically
  11. stopped inflation by stopping the printing of money
  12. created reagonomics
  13. trade without tariffs, quotas etc.

25 Clues: created reagonomicsintroduced fiscal policyworld trade organizationfather of free enterprisetemporary economic growthtemporary economic declineincome exceeds expenditureshow much a business is worthafter tax income for retirementcentral banking system of the USnot backed by physical commoditylowest point in a business cycle...

ECONOMICS 2016-08-24

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. A loss of economic efficiency that can occur when equilibrium for a good or service is not achieved or is not achievable
  2. A monetary union of 19 of the 28 European Union member states which have adopted the euro (€) as their common currency.
  3. This organisation was created at an international conference convened in Bretton Woods in July 1945
  4. This economic principle tells that you cannot control all three policy variables together, namely, the free movement of capital, an independent monetary policy, and a fixed or pegged exchange rate policy (6) (7) .
  5. An informal index introduced in The Economist in September 1986 for measuring the purchasing power parity (PPP) between two currencies. It is based on the cost of a single Big Mac burger as sold by the McDonald's fast food restaurant chain.
  6. Exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money.
  7. A state of allocation of resources in which it is impossible to make any one individual better off without making at least one individual worse off.
  8. A tax whose amount is based on the value of a transaction.
  9. Economic theory based on the belief that a country's wealth could best be judged by the amount of precious metals or bullion it possessed.
  10. Sale of a security that is not owned by the seller, or that the seller has borrowed.
  11. The rate at which the Reserve Bank of India lends money to commercial banks in the event of any shortfall of funds.
  12. A comprehensiveagreement that sets the rules for international trade and investment between Canada, the United States, and Mexico
  13. An organisation which holds securities of investors in electronic form through a registered depository participant (4) (4)
  14. A form of international money, created by the International Monetary Fund, and defined as a weighted average of various convertible currencies.
  15. A tax imposed on imported goods and services.
  1. A stable state of a system involving the interaction of different participants, in which no participant can gain by a change of strategy if the strategies of the others remain unchanged (___ ________).
  2. a graphical representation of the relationship between tax rates, tax revenue, and taxable income.
  3. A situation in which a debt is difficult or impossible to pay typically because high interest payments prevent re-payment of principal
  4. Fresh issue of shares or convertible securities for sale by an unlisted company for the first time to the public.
  5. Anautonomous apex statutory body which regulates and develops the insuranceindustry in India.
  6. A form of monetary action in which a central bank seeks to limit the effect of inflows and outflows of capital on the money supply
  7. The situation when an entity can survive or continue its activities without external assistance or international trade.
  8. An intergovernmental organization of 14 nations to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its member countries and ensure the stabilization of oil markets.
  9. All economic agents are supposed to be ______.
  10. A free-float market-weighted stock market index of top 30 companies listed on Bombay Stock Exchange
  11. When every open covering of a set has a finite sub-cover it is called ______ ___
  12. Regional intergovernmental organization and geopolitical union in South Asia
  13. A process developed by the India's Stock Market Regulator SEBI for applying to IPO in which an IPO applicant's account doesn't get debited until shares are allotted to them

28 Clues: A tax imposed on imported goods and services.All economic agents are supposed to be ______.A tax whose amount is based on the value of a transaction.Regional intergovernmental organization and geopolitical union in South AsiaExchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money....

Economics 2016-05-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers
  2. a gov. program guaranteeing access to some benefit by members of a specific group & based on established right
  3. philosopher best known for his defense of classical liberalism
  4. a government-imposed price control or limit on how high a price is charged for a product
  5. being useful, profitable, or beneficial
  6. the least you can get paid
  7. a political theory derived from Karl Marx
  8. an intergovernmental organization which regulates international trade
  9. measures changes in the price level of a market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households
  10. Series of statistical figures, such as the consumer price index or the gross domestic product
  11. the broadest quantitative measure of a nation's total economic activity
  12. A measure of the total output of a country that takes the gross domestic product (GDP) and divides it by the number of people in the country.
  13. the theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
  14. the system by which the value of a currency was defined in terms of gold, for which the currency could be exchanged
  15. English economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments.
  16. usually given to remove some type of burden
  17. a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control
  18. an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a trilateral trade
  19. having too much supply
  20. a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced
  21. a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course
  22. a policy followed by some international markets in which countries' governments do not restrict imports from, or exports to, other countries
  23. a government- or group-imposed price control or limit on how low a price can be charged for a product
  1. the state or quality of producing something
  2. a formal authorization or proposition
  3. an economic measure of a negative balance of trade in which a country's imports exceeds its exports
  4. the process by which the monetary authority of a country controls the supply of money
  5. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit
  6. the level of employment rates where there is no cyclical or deficient-demand unemployment
  7. The depreciation of a country's currency refers to a decrease in the value of that country's currency
  8. to produce a greater quantity of a good, product, or service than competitors, using the same amount of resources
  9. American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis
  10. being scarce or in short supply
  11. big businesses that override the government
  12. Fed‍, or the central banking system of the United States.
  13. allows business owners to measure the additional benefits
  14. the ability of a firm or individual to produce goods and/or services at a lower opportunity cost than other firms
  15. a situation in which income exceeds expenditures
  16. an economic system where few restrictions are placed on business activities and ownership
  17. A Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economy
  18. running out of supply
  19. a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services
  20. the means by which a government adjusts its spending levels and tax rates to monitor and influence a nation's economy
  21. something that incites to action or exertion or quickens action, feeling, thought

44 Clues: running out of supplyhaving too much supplythe least you can get paidbeing scarce or in short supplya formal authorization or propositionbeing useful, profitable, or beneficiala political theory derived from Karl Marxthe state or quality of producing somethingbig businesses that override the governmentusually given to remove some type of burden...

Economics 2016-05-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services
  2. the least you can get paid
  3. being scarce or in short supply
  4. Series of statistical figures, such as the consumer price index or the gross domestic product
  5. running out of supply
  6. an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a trilateral trade
  7. the theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
  8. American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis
  9. philosopher best known for his defense of classical liberalism
  10. Fed‍, or the central banking system of the United States.
  11. the process by which the monetary authority of a country controls the supply of money
  12. a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course
  13. the broadest quantitative measure of a nation's total economic activity
  14. an intergovernmental organization which regulates international trade
  15. having too much supply
  16. to produce a greater quantity of a good, product, or service than competitors, using the same amount of resources
  17. the state or quality of producing something
  18. something that incites to action or exertion or quickens action, feeling, thought
  19. a government-imposed price control or limit on how high a price is charged for a product
  20. big businesses that override the government
  1. a formal authorization or proposition
  2. usually given to remove some type of burden
  3. an economic measure of a negative balance of trade in which a country's imports exceeds its exports
  4. a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers
  5. measures changes in the price level of a market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households
  6. being useful, profitable, or beneficial
  7. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit
  8. English economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments.
  9. the system by which the value of a currency was defined in terms of gold, for which the currency could be exchanged
  10. The depreciation of a country's currency refers to a decrease in the value of that country's currency
  11. the ability of a firm or individual to produce goods and/or services at a lower opportunity cost than other firms
  12. a political theory derived from Karl Marx
  13. the level of employment rates where there is no cyclical or deficient-demand unemployment
  14. an economic system where few restrictions are placed on business activities and ownership
  15. allows business owners to measure the additional benefits
  16. the means by which a government adjusts its spending levels and tax rates to monitor and influence a nation's economy
  17. a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced
  18. a policy followed by some international markets in which countries' governments do not restrict imports from, or exports to, other countries
  19. a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control
  20. a situation in which income exceeds expenditures
  21. A measure of the total output of a country that takes the gross domestic product (GDP) and divides it by the number of people in the country.
  22. a gov. program guaranteeing access to some benefit by members of a specific group & based on established right
  23. A Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economy
  24. a government- or group-imposed price control or limit on how low a price can be charged for a product

44 Clues: running out of supplyhaving too much supplythe least you can get paidbeing scarce or in short supplya formal authorization or propositionbeing useful, profitable, or beneficiala political theory derived from Karl Marxusually given to remove some type of burdenthe state or quality of producing somethingbig businesses that override the government...

Economics 2016-03-01

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Produced in the home country.
  2. Average number of years a person in a country is expected to live.
  3. Money used to buy goods and services.
  4. How many people want an available good.
  5. Amount of a good available.
  6. Limited supply of a good.
  7. The percentage of people over the age of 15 that can read and write.
  8. Countries that depend more on manufacturing than agriculture.
  9. A government stops trade with another country.
  1. When the amount of goods available depend on how many consumers want the product.
  2. The ability to borrow money.
  3. People or nations produce a few goods and services and trade those goods and services for other things.
  4. Limits that nations impose to interfere with free trade.
  5. Goods or services that are produced in one country and sold to other countries.
  6. Exchange of goods and services between people and nations.
  7. Costs related to running a business.
  8. Level of comfort measured by the goods, services, and luxuries that are available.
  9. Tax placed on imported goods.
  10. Limit on the number of goods or services that may be imported.
  11. Goods and services between people and nations.

20 Clues: Limited supply of a good.Amount of a good available.The ability to borrow money.Produced in the home country.Tax placed on imported goods.Costs related to running a business.Money used to buy goods and services.How many people want an available good.Goods and services between people and nations.A government stops trade with another country....

Economics 2016-05-19

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. financial gain made in a transaction
  2. the point of balance between price and quantity
  3. the effort that a person devotes to a task for which that person is paid
  4. any human-made resource that is used to produce other goods and services
  5. all other things held constant
  6. businesses that specialize in trading stocks
  7. consumers decide what gets produced
  8. one's own personal gain
  9. to sell state-owned firms to individuals
  10. the additional cost of producing one more unit of output
  11. combination of two or more companies into a single firm
  12. sudden shortage of a good
  13. physical objects such as shoes or shirts
  14. tax on the production or sale of a good
  1. a product that is the same no matter who produces it
  2. claims on property or income, securities
  3. high-yield securities, are lower-rated, and potentially higher-paying
  4. any factor that makes it difficult for a new firm to enter a market
  5. something necessary for survival
  6. costs of production such as air and water pollution
  7. price ceiling placed on rents
  8. an investment report
  9. increase in income causes demand for these goods to fall
  10. the right to sell a good or service within an exclusive market

24 Clues: an investment reportone's own personal gainsudden shortage of a goodprice ceiling placed on rentsall other things held constantsomething necessary for survivalconsumers decide what gets producedfinancial gain made in a transactiontax on the production or sale of a goodclaims on property or income, securitiesto sell state-owned firms to individuals...

Economics 2023-03-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. small change
  2. Market structure few LARGE sellers dominate the industry
  3. A firm that has at least four businesses each making unrelated products, and none responsible for a majority of its sales.
  4. Because of SCARCITY we have to make decisions, which causes
  5. additional amount of effort, expense, or time needed from making a choice.
  6. Corporation that has manufacturing service operations in a number of different countries
  7. one does the other follows
  8. worker like teachers/farmers etc
  9. Invest in new place of business, equipment advertising, and products.
  10. Recognized by law as a separate legal entity; owned by stockholders
  11. Takes places when firms that produce the SAME kind of product join forces.
  12. Business owned and run by a single individual
  13. not enough resources, limited of soemthing
  1. Market structure with only one seller of a particular product
  2. Market structure is the market structure that has all the condition of perfect competition except for IDENTICAL PRODUCTS
  3. Resources like land,and farm
  4. Market structure characterized by a large number of buyers and sellers who exchange identical products
  5. the cost of the next best alternative
  6. Individual who takes a risk in order to find profit
  7. Business that is jointly owned by two or more persons
  8. When companies involved in different stages of manufacturing or marketing join together
  9. because resources are scarce
  10. tools to use to produce goods
  11. A way of comparing the costs of an action to the benefits received
  12. positive effect of a choice

25 Clues: small changeone does the other followspositive effect of a choiceResources like land,and farmbecause resources are scarcetools to use to produce goodsworker like teachers/farmers etcthe cost of the next best alternativenot enough resources, limited of soemthingBusiness owned and run by a single individual...

Economics 2023-03-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. small change
  2. Market structure few LARGE sellers dominate the industry
  3. A firm that has at least four businesses each making unrelated products, and none responsible for a majority of its sales.
  4. Because of SCARCITY we have to make decisions, which causes
  5. additional amount of effort, expense, or time needed from making a choice.
  6. Corporation that has manufacturing service operations in a number of different countries
  7. one does the other follows
  8. worker like teachers/farmers etc
  9. Invest in new place of business, equipment advertising, and products.
  10. Recognized by law as a separate legal entity; owned by stockholders
  11. Takes places when firms that produce the SAME kind of product join forces.
  12. Business owned and run by a single individual
  13. not enough resources, limited of soemthing
  1. Market structure with only one seller of a particular product
  2. Market structure is the market structure that has all the condition of perfect competition except for IDENTICAL PRODUCTS
  3. Resources like land,and farm
  4. Market structure characterized by a large number of buyers and sellers who exchange identical products
  5. the cost of the next best alternative
  6. Individual who takes a risk in order to find profit
  7. Business that is jointly owned by two or more persons
  8. When companies involved in different stages of manufacturing or marketing join together
  9. because resources are scarce
  10. tools to use to produce goods
  11. A way of comparing the costs of an action to the benefits received
  12. positive effect of a choice

25 Clues: small changeone does the other followspositive effect of a choiceResources like land,and farmbecause resources are scarcetools to use to produce goodsworker like teachers/farmers etcthe cost of the next best alternativenot enough resources, limited of soemthingBusiness owned and run by a single individual...

Economics 2023-03-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. An economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in markets for goods and services
  2. The extra benefit of adding one unit
  3. Goods produced domestically and sold to foreigners.
  4. A graph that describes the maximum amount of one good that can be produced for every possible level of production of the other good.
  5. The cost of producing one more unit of a good.
  6. A business made up of two or more people.
  7. A maximum price that can be charged for a product.
  8. Consumers want more of a good or service than producers are willing to make.
  9. Any change will cause a shift of the entire demand curve.
  10. The most desirable alternative given up as the result of a decision.
  11. The claim that, other things equal, the quantity supplied of a good rises when the price of the good rises
  12. A minimum price for a good or service.
  13. An economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.
  1. Quality of life based on ownership of necessities and luxuries that make life easier.
  2. Anything in its natural state - oil, natural gas, coal, trees.
  3. The claim that, other things being equal, the quantity demanded of a good falls when the price of the good rises
  4. All resources used causes an increase of 1 good that leads to greater forgone production of another good.
  5. A business owned by stockholders.
  6. A business owned by one person.
  7. Goods produced abroad and sold domestically.
  8. An economy in which goods and services are produced the way it has always been done.
  9. Price at which consumers and producers agree.
  10. Machinery used in production.
  11. Limited resources
  12. Shortages may be temporary or longterm whereas scarcity always exists.
  13. An increase in the amount of goods and services produced per head of the population over a period of time.

26 Clues: Limited resourcesMachinery used in production.A business owned by one person.A business owned by stockholders.The extra benefit of adding one unitA minimum price for a good or service.A business made up of two or more people.Goods produced abroad and sold domestically.Price at which consumers and producers agree....

economics 2023-03-02

economics crossword puzzle
  1. something we are interested in what we want
  2. the incentive to improve material well being
  3. the people working in the workforce
  4. something that we must have
  5. not enough of an product
  6. Factors of production
  7. market structure with only one seller of a particular product
  8. Business owned and run by a single individual
  9. Individual who takes a risk trying to start a business
  10. Business jointly owned by two or more people
  1. decisions rationalizing your decisions thinking clearly
  2. tax on imported good
  3. the cost of the next best alternative
  4. of supply price has a complementary relationship to quantity supplied
  5. payments payment made to individuals by the federal government through various social benefit programs
  6. tools, equipment, machinery, and factories used in production
  7. of Demand a change in price is inverse to the relationship to the quantity demanded
  8. structures Nature and degree of competition among firms doing business in the same industry
  9. in order to have more of one thing, you have to accept having less of something else
  10. leadership one does the other follows
  11. Poritas all things being equal

21 Clues: tax on imported goodFactors of productionnot enough of an productsomething that we must havePoritas all things being equalthe people working in the workforcethe cost of the next best alternativeleadership one does the other followssomething we are interested in what we wantthe incentive to improve material well being...

Economics 2023-03-02

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. increase in prices over a given period of time
  2. change in cost and change in tech
  3. a financial gain
  4. number of consumers
  5. basic material or product which can be purchased in large quantities for the product
  6. involving two or more firm
  7. alternative choice to make decision
  8. no money
  9. the proportion of a loan that is charged as interest
  10. goods you can use with other goods
  1. is a global credit union
  2. no government control
  3. the theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition
  4. available to someone
  5. economic transactions that are made between countries
  6. supply and demand are equal
  7. the financial decision-making process of individuals,
  8. the quality of being fair and impartial
  9. interest rate a nation's central bank charges
  10. the cost next best alternate
  11. not having enough resourse to produce a product

21 Clues: no moneya financial gainnumber of consumersavailable to someoneno government controlis a global credit unioninvolving two or more firmsupply and demand are equalthe cost next best alternatechange in cost and change in techgoods you can use with other goodsalternative choice to make decisionthe quality of being fair and impartial...

Economics 2022-10-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a tax on sales or on the receipts from sales.
  2. an investment program funded by shareholders that trades in diversified holdings and is professionally managed.
  3. tax-is the tax on profits realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset.
  4. tax on the value of a property
  5. employees are paid at a set hourly rate which is multiplied by the hours worked during a pay period.
  6. the process of allocating capital in a way that reduces the exposure to any one particular asset or risk
  7. is a record of a borrower's responsible repayment of debts.
  8. a record of your payment behavior on all credit accounts, such as credit cards and loans
  9. a fixed regular payment
  1. a bank account that earns interest.
  2. is a type of credit that does not have a fixed number of payments, in contrast to installment credit
  3. a share which entitles the holder to a fixed dividend, whose payment takes priority over that of common-stock dividends.
  4. an individual's total earnings throughout a given period before any deductions are made
  5. an employee's earnings after all deductions are taken out.
  6. not-for-profit organizations that exist to serve their members.
  7. an unchanging rate charged on a liability, such as a loan or mortgage
  8. a company that lends customers small amounts of money at high interest rates, on the agreement that the loan will be repaid when the borrower receives their next paycheck.
  9. security under which the issuer owes the holder a debt, and is obliged – depending on the terms
  10. federal health insurance for people 65 or older,
  11. the proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower, typically expressed as an annual percentage of the loan outstanding.

20 Clues: a fixed regular paymenttax on the value of a propertya bank account that earns interest.a tax on sales or on the receipts from sales.federal health insurance for people 65 or older,an employee's earnings after all deductions are taken a record of a borrower's responsible repayment of debts....

economics 2022-12-16

economics crossword puzzle
  1. the topic of this course
  2. the currency used in Mr. Wilcox's class
  3. as price goes up, the quantity demanded goes down
  4. previously made goods used to help produce another good
  5. percentage of the labor force that is unemployed
  6. natural resources
  7. this desk payment is $375 each month
  8. goods used for the production of a final good
  9. the desire and ability to produce a good
  10. money given by the government to a citizen
  11. human effort to produce a good or service
  12. giving up the next best thing
  13. gross domestic product using current prices
  14. the willingness and ability to purchase a good
  15. type of unemployment due to lack of skills
  16. gross domestic product adjusted for inflation
  1. a diagram that shows the exchange of goods and services for money
  2. limited resources for unlimited wants
  3. occurs when buyers and sellers come together
  4. Germany experienced this between the two world wars
  5. an equation used to add up the spending on domestically made goods
  6. general rise in prices
  7. a person who doesn't have a job but is actively looking
  8. type of unemployment caused by a recession
  9. exports - imports
  10. employed and the unemployed together
  11. spending by firms on factories and machines
  12. Gross Domestic Product
  13. type of unemployment caused by the worker transitioning between jobs.
  14. also known as factors of production

30 Clues: exports - importsnatural resourcesgeneral rise in pricesGross Domestic Productthe topic of this coursegiving up the next best thingalso known as factors of productionemployed and the unemployed togetherthis desk payment is $375 each monthlimited resources for unlimited wantsthe currency used in Mr. Wilcox's class...

Economics 2022-12-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to produce a good using fewer inputs than another producer
  2. the setting of the money supply by policymakers in the central bank
  3. Amount you pay monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually to purchase different types of insurance
  4. Dollar amount if all final goods and services produced in a country in a year
  5. The ability of a country to produce a good at a lower cost than another country can
  6. in order to have more of one thing you have to have less of another
  7. GDP measured in current prices
  8. period of reduced economic activity
  9. the act of giving up one benefit in order to gain another, greater benefit
  10. Amount you must pay before you begin receiving any benefits from your insurance company
  11. whatever must be given up to obtain some item
  1. capital goods, entrepreneurship, land, and labor
  2. Traditional, market, and command
  3. GDP from base year changes in price
  4. A continuous rise in the price of goods and services
  5. A situation in which unlimited wants exceed the limited resources available to fulfill those want
  6. Consumer willingness and ability to buy products
  7. The amount of goods available
  8. the quantity of goods and services produced from each unit of labor input
  9. House holds and businesses flow. House holds sell resources to businesses for money. Business sell their goods to the house holds.
  10. The study of how people seek to satisfy their needs and wants by making choices
  11. Countries specialize in producing a good which they have comparative advantage

22 Clues: The amount of goods availableGDP measured in current pricesTraditional, market, and commandGDP from base year changes in priceperiod of reduced economic activitywhatever must be given up to obtain some itemcapital goods, entrepreneurship, land, and laborConsumer willingness and ability to buy products...

Economics 2022-12-07

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. costs that change month to month
  2. you did plan to get it but it was near the cash register and you got it last minute
  3. the account people have for emergencies and hope to rarely use
  4. how much people want the product
  5. this determines if you get a high or low interest rate
  6. what banks charge you in exchange for loaning you money
  7. for a doctor's office, the portion you pay before insurance kicks in
  8. portion you pay before insurance kicks in (non-medical)
  9. what banks give you as a thank you for keeping your money in their bank
  10. the amount you pay your insurance company so you can have insurance
  1. when you run out of a product
  2. when a company buys stuff for you and you pay them back later
  3. costs that stay the same month to month
  4. when you buy something with it, the money comes out of your bank account right then
  5. someone who starts or invests in a business
  6. amount of a product you have to sell
  7. when you have too much of a product
  8. when your purchase is covered in the future if it breaks
  9. the account people use to buy everyday items
  10. this details what is covered in your insurance
  11. money left over after paying all expenses

21 Clues: when you run out of a productcosts that change month to monthhow much people want the productwhen you have too much of a productamount of a product you have to sellcosts that stay the same month to monthmoney left over after paying all expensessomeone who starts or invests in a businessthe account people use to buy everyday items...

Economics 2023-02-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. measure of goods and services produced
  2. study of decisions
  3. risk taker in search of profits
  4. equipment and factories used to make goods
  5. capacity to be useful
  6. lasts three years or more
  7. producers sell goods and services
  8. the work done to produce a good
  9. work, efforts, abilities and skills
  1. accumulation of tangible items
  2. useful tangible item
  3. factors of production are bought and sold
  4. next best alternative
  5. not necessary for survival
  6. what something is worth
  7. gifts of nature
  8. alternative choices
  9. lasts less than three years
  10. sum of skills, abilities,health and knowledge
  11. necessary for survival
  12. location where buyers and sellers can exchange
  13. delegated tasks
  14. factors of _____?

23 Clues: gifts of naturedelegated tasksfactors of _____?study of decisionsalternative choicesuseful tangible itemnext best alternativecapacity to be usefulnecessary for survivalwhat something is worthlasts three years or morenot necessary for survivallasts less than three yearsaccumulation of tangible itemsrisk taker in search of profits...

economics 2023-02-03

economics crossword puzzle
  1. performing tasks they can do better
  2. for final use by individuals
  3. lasts for less than 3 years
  4. people working to make stuff
  5. factors of production bought and sold
  6. dollar value of final goods
  7. output of goods increases
  8. worth in dollars and cents
  9. factories
  10. buyers and sellers exchange products
  11. measure of amount of stuff produced
  1. high and low value
  2. risktaker in search of profits
  3. goods that last 3 or more years
  4. sum of peoples skills
  5. resources required to produce things
  6. producers sell goods and services
  7. tools from factories
  8. useful tangible item
  9. the study of how people satisfy wants
  10. work performed by someone
  11. natural resources
  12. something we would like to have
  13. basic requirement for survival

24 Clues: factoriesnatural resourceshigh and low valuetools from factoriesuseful tangible itemsum of peoples skillsoutput of goods increaseswork performed by someoneworth in dollars and centslasts for less than 3 yearsdollar value of final goodsfor final use by individualspeople working to make stuffrisktaker in search of profits...

economics 2023-02-03

economics crossword puzzle
  1. output of goods and services increases
  2. worth in dollars
  3. measure of amount of goods and services
  4. basic problem in economics
  5. tools, equipment, and machinery required for making goods
  6. natural resources
  7. work done for someone
  8. amount of money someone has
  9. sum of people skills
  10. item that lasts for fewer than 3 years
  11. work people do
  12. useful item
  1. goods that last for more than 3 years
  2. study of satisfying wants and needs
  3. requirement to survive
  4. goods intended for final use
  5. resources required to produce the things we want
  6. factor of production
  7. dollar value of final goods
  8. risk-taker in search of projects
  9. a place to buy products
  10. capacity to be useful
  11. perform only tasks they can do good
  12. where factors of production are bought and sold
  13. something that would be nice to have

25 Clues: useful itemwork people doworth in dollarsnatural resourcesfactor of productionsum of people skillscapacity to be usefulwork done for someonerequirement to survivea place to buy productsbasic problem in economicsdollar value of final goodsamount of money someone hasgoods intended for final userisk-taker in search of projects...

Economics 2017-03-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a sum of money paid regularly (typically quarterly) by a company to its shareholders out of its profits (or reserves).
  2. the state of being responsible for something, especially by law.
  3. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
  4. a thing used to tie something or to fasten things together.
  5. an extra benefit supplementing an employee's salary, for example, a company car, subsidized meals, health insurance, etc.
  6. a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.
  7. an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.
  8. the situation prevailing in a market in which buyers and sellers are so numerous and well informed that all elements of monopoly are absent and the market price of a commodity is beyond the control of individual buyers and sellers.
  9. is a type of monopoly that exists as a result of the high fixed costs or startup costs of operating a business in a specific industry.
  10. The basic purpose and function of zoning is to divide a municipality into residential, commercial, and industrial districts (or zones), that are for the most part separate from one another, with the use of property within each district being reasonably uniform.
  1. an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, e.g., providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a company's products.
  2. is the simplest and most common structure chosen to start a business.
  3. the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution.
  4. the maintaining of prices at a certain level by agreement between competing sellers.
  5. the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
  6. the action or process of differentiating.
  7. is an organization whose purpose is something other than making a profit.
  8. A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem.
  9. people of royal blood or status.
  10. a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.

20 Clues: people of royal blood or status.the action or process of differentiating.a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.a thing used to tie something or to fasten things together.the state of being responsible for something, especially by the simplest and most common structure chosen to start a business....

Economics 2017-03-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, e.g., providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a company's products.
  2. is an organization whose purpose is something other than making a profit.
  3. an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.
  4. the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
  5. Share of earnings given to a franchise as payment.
  6. is the simplest and most common structure chosen to start a business.
  7. the maintaining of prices at a certain level by agreement between competing sellers.
  8. a thing used to tie something or to fasten things together.
  9. the action or process of differentiating.
  10. A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem.
  11. a sum of money paid regularly (typically quarterly) by a company to its shareholders out of its profits (or reserves).
  12. the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution.
  13. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
  1. the situation prevailing in a market in which buyers and sellers are so numerous and well informed that all elements of monopoly are absent and the market price of a commodity is beyond the control of individual buyers and sellers.
  2. is a type of monopoly that exists as a result of the high fixed costs or startup costs of operating a business in a specific industry.
  3. an extra benefit supplementing an employee's salary, for example, a company car, subsidized meals, health insurance, etc.
  4. the state of being responsible for something, especially by law.
  5. a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.
  6. is to divide a municipality into residential, commercial, and industrial districts (or zones), that are for the most part separate from one another, with the use of property within each district being reasonably uniform.
  7. a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.

20 Clues: the action or process of differentiating.a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.Share of earnings given to a franchise as payment.a thing used to tie something or to fasten things together.the state of being responsible for something, especially by the simplest and most common structure chosen to start a business....

Economics 2017-03-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, e.g., providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a company's products.
  2. an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.
  3. the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
  4. the situation prevailing in a market in which buyers and sellers are so numerous and well informed that all elements of monopoly are absent and the market price of a commodity is beyond the control of individual buyers and sellers.
  5. an extra benefit supplementing an employee's salary, for example, a company car, subsidized meals, health insurance, etc.
  6. a thing used to tie something or to fasten things together
  7. Such companies have offices and/or factories in different countries and usually have a centralized head office where they coordinate global management.
  8. limit commercial use of land in order to prevent oil, manufacturing or other types of businesses from building in residential neighborhoods.
  9. a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers
  10. a sum of money paid regularly (typically quarterly) by a company to its shareholders out of its profits (or reserves).
  11. the state of being responsible for something, especially by law.
  1. a sum of money paid to a patentee for the use of a patent or to an author or composer for each copy of a book sold or for each public performance of a work.
  2. Something you own
  3. a government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.
  4. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others
  5. the maintaining of prices at a certain level by agreement between competing sellers
  6. the simplest business form under which one can operate a business.
  7. the action or process of differentiating.
  8. a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.
  9. the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution

20 Clues: Something you ownthe action or process of differentiating.a thing used to tie something or to fasten things togetherthe state of being responsible for something, especially by law.the simplest business form under which one can operate a business.the maintaining of prices at a certain level by agreement between competing sellers...

Economics 2017-03-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. An extra benefit supplementing an employee's salary
  2. A sum of money paid to a patentee for the use of a patent
  3. the situation prevailing in a market in which buyers and sellers are so numerous and well informed that all elements of monopoly are absent
  4. A state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.
  5. The maintaining of prices at a certain level by agreement between competing sellers.
  6. A sum of money paid regularly by a company to its shareholders out of its profits
  7. Limit commercial use of land in order to prevent oil
  8. An authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities
  1. An organization whose purpose is something other than making a profit.
  2. A type of monopoly that exists as a result of the high fixed costs or startup costs of operating a business
  3. A government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period
  4. Something you own
  5. The action or process of differentiating.
  6. The state of being responsible for something, especially by law.
  7. A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.
  8. The goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution.
  9. An agreement with legal force, in particular.
  10. Secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
  11. The exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
  12. An association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level

20 Clues: Something you ownThe action or process of differentiating.An agreement with legal force, in particular.An extra benefit supplementing an employee's salaryLimit commercial use of land in order to prevent oilA sum of money paid to a patentee for the use of a patentThe state of being responsible for something, especially by law....

Economics 2020-02-28

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. obstacles that might discourage a from from entering a market
  2. where a dominant business is able to set the price charged in the whole market
  3. informal agreements between firms to restrict competition
  4. since most monopolists are large, they are able to exploit ???
  5. attempt by a firm to distinguish its product from that of rival
  6. commercial exploitation of a new invention
  7. company that starts to sell goods or services in a market where they have not sold them before
  8. where the actions of one large firm will have a direct effect on those
  9. rivalry that exists between firms when trying to sell goods to the same group of consumers
  10. the products sold by each competitive market are close ??? for each other
  1. where one firm in the industry reduces price causing others to do the same
  2. A disadvantages to consumers because unprofitable firms eventually leave the market.
  3. market dominated by a few firms
  4. to remove or reduce the number of government controls on a particular business activity
  5. situation that occurs when one firm in an industry can serve the entire market at a lower cost than would be possible if the industry were composed of many smaller firms
  6. groups of customers that share similar characteristics
  7. licence that grants permission to operate as a solo producer of a newly designed product
  8. a word means when trading conditions become challenging, small firms may find it more difficult to survive than their larger rivals
  9. where a group of firms or countries join together and agree on pricing or output levels in the market
  10. situation where there is one dominant seller in a market

20 Clues: market dominated by a few firmscommercial exploitation of a new inventiongroups of customers that share similar characteristicssituation where there is one dominant seller in a marketinformal agreements between firms to restrict competitionobstacles that might discourage a from from entering a market...

Economics 2020-03-24

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a commercial business
  2. social science, which studies how society uses limited resources to meet its desires
  3. the amount of money you expect to pay forsomethong
  4. a record or statement of financial expenditure and receipts relating to a particular period
  5. a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other commodities.
  6. making or manufacturing from components or raw materials
  7. an insistent and peremptory request, made as of right
  8. things to be transported, as distinct from passengers travellers who are not the ones driving the car
  9. borrowing money
  10. a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose
  11. paying someone or something or of being paid
  12. a fixed regular payment
  13. a large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law
  14. the state of being bankrupt
  1. delivering letters, parcels, or goods
  2. a compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.
  3. a small plastic card issued by a bank
  4. coins and banknotes collectively
  5. a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something
  6. require the payment of before it can be acquired or done
  7. the cost of something
  8. the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others
  9. take or carry from one place to another by means of a vehicle, aircraft, or ship.
  10. money received for work or through investments
  11. a person without a paid job
  12. a person using services of other people or organizations an organized group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business or government department
  13. money that has been saved
  14. a system of rules

28 Clues: borrowing moneya system of rulesa commercial businessthe cost of somethinga fixed regular paymentmoney that has been saveda person without a paid jobthe state of being bankruptcoins and banknotes collectivelydelivering letters, parcels, or goodsa small plastic card issued by a bankpaying someone or something or of being paid...

Economics 2020-04-29

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Raw materials used to make goods and services (land, labour, capital & enterprise)
  2. All human effort, both physical and intellectual
  3. Ability to combine all resources to make something (plan, recipe, system etc)
  4. An organization that sells goods
  5. A company which operates in several countries with its headquarters in the parent country. (Apple)
  6. Income flows which are added to the Circular Flow of Income model (investment, govt. spending, exports)
  7. where goods and services are bought and sold.
  8. Payment for use of land
  9. Basic units used to make goods and services
  10. The study of how people use scarce resources to satisfy needs and wants
  11. That part of earnings not spent
  12. Complex group of firms in many countries each producing a component of a final product.
  13. Income flows that are removed from the Circular Flow model. (savings, tax, imports)
  14. Goods and services bought from overseas
  15. A system where factors of production are owned by the government
  16. for the use of resources
  17. Money paid at a particular rate for the money lent
  18. Situation where demand is greater than supply
  19. Purchase of new capital
  1. The cost of the next-best alternative opportunity
  2. An economy where people produce only enough goods and services for their own family
  3. Equipment used to make goods and services
  4. Payment per year for labour
  5. Organisations that make goods and services
  6. Compulsory government levy
  7. A company that operates in many countries with independent headquarters in each.(McDonalds)
  8. Organization with authority to make decisions for the population
  9. Goods and services sold overseas
  10. Payment per hour for labour
  11. Actions done for consumers by producers
  12. A system where all factors of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services are controlled by the government
  13. Goods and services which we desire but don’t need
  14. Physical items used by consumer and services for a profit
  15. A system which allows private ownership of the factors of production
  16. Where actions by one party have impacts on another, particularly economically.
  17. Institution which handles money for households and firms
  18. Financial assistance given to people by the Government
  19. Action of only doing one part of the process
  20. All resources provided by nature
  21. Payment earned by entrepreneurs
  22. Place where factors of production are bought and sold
  23. Place where goods and services are bought and sold (Coles,, Fremantle markets) Same as Market
  24. Basic necessities for life
  25. Used to pay for goods and services
  26. Final users of goods and services to satisfy their needs and wants

45 Clues: Payment for use of landPurchase of new capitalfor the use of resourcesCompulsory government levyBasic necessities for lifePayment per year for labourPayment per hour for labourThat part of earnings not spentPayment earned by entrepreneursAn organization that sells goodsGoods and services sold overseasAll resources provided by nature...

Economics 2021-02-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. amount of physical, mental, and social effort used to produce goods and services in an economy
  2. industry that handles cash, credit, and other financial transactions
  3. imports exceed exports
  4. Social science that analyzes and describes the consequences of choices made concerning scarce productive resources
  5. accounting of a country's international transactions for a particular time period
  6. exports of a nation outweigh its imports
  7. economic growth and economic freedom, advocating laissez-faire ideas and belief in free competition
  8. study of decisions made by people and businesses regarding the allocation of resources, and prices at which they trade goods and services.
  9. strategic behavior of firms, regulatory policy, antitrust policy and market competition
  10. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  1. decline of purchasing power of a given currency
  2. increase in the production of economic goods and services
  3. policy of protecting domestic industries against foreign competition
  4. nontangible things provided to customers
  5. exchange of goods and services between countries
  6. study of the role of the government in the economy
  7. unemployed and looking for a job
  8. total amount of money in circulation
  9. how an economy functions on a large scale
  10. governments used their economies to augment state power at the expense of other countries
  11. study of how the allocation of resources and goods affects social welfare

21 Clues: imports exceed exportsunemployed and looking for a jobtotal amount of money in circulationnontangible things provided to customersexports of a nation outweigh its importshow an economy functions on a large scaledecline of purchasing power of a given currencyexchange of goods and services between countries...

Economics 2021-02-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. people who are looking for work but cannot find work
  2. economics concerned with single factors
  3. practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition.
  4. economic activity where there is an exchange of values
  5. an industry that handles cash, credit and other financial transactions.
  6. increase of production of goods and services
  7. of economics dealing w/ strategic behavior of firms, regulatory policy, antitrust policy and market competition.
  8. economic idea that focused on economic growth, freedom and laissez-faire ideas and belief in free competition.
  9. deals w/ taxation and expenditure of civic organizations
  10. difference between a value of a country's exports and value of imports.
  11. field of economics concerned w/ application of economic theory in optimizing production and distribution of food.
  12. report of all transactions made between entities
  1. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility.
  2. total amount of money
  3. economics concerned w/ large-scale or general factors
  4. an economic measure of a positive balance of trade, where a country's exports exceed its imports.
  5. economic field that seeks to understand the dynamics of the markets for wage laborers.
  6. economic study of urban areas (includes crime, education, housing, etc...)
  7. general increase in prices and fall of value of money
  8. exchange of goods and services between countries.
  9. academic study of economic or economic events of the past.

21 Clues: total amount of moneyeconomics concerned with single factorsincrease of production of goods and servicesreport of all transactions made between entitiesexchange of goods and services between countries.items that satisfy human wants and provide utility.people who are looking for work but cannot find work...

Economics 2020-10-28

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. are goods that are used together, so a rise demand for one increase the demand for the other.
  2. is the extra cost of producing one more unit.
  3. is a set of rules or laws designed to control bussines behavior.
  4. is the money made from the sale of each additional unit of output.
  5. is a change in the amount that consumer will buy because they buy substitute goods instead.
  6. are goods that consumer demand more of when their incomes rise.
  7. when a change in price, either up or down leads toa relatively large change in the quantity demanded.
  8. is the level of production at which they realized.
  9. is the desire to have some goog or service and the ability to pay for it.
  10. states that producers are willing to sell more of a good or services at a higher price than they are at a lower price.
  11. are expense that the owners of a business must incuir whether they produce nothings, a little or a lot.
  12. is the desire and ability to produce and sell a product.
  13. graphically shows the data from demand schelude.
  1. state that the marginalbenefit of using each additional unit of a product during a given period will decline.
  2. is the change in the amount that consumer will buy because the purchasing power of their income changes.
  3. states that when the price of a good or services falls, consumers buy more for it.
  4. is the sum of fixed and variable cost.
  5. shows the data from a market supply schedule in graph form.
  6. is the price of the resources used to make products.
  7. when a changes in price leads to a relatively smaller change in the quantity demanded.
  8. graphically shoes the data from a market demand schedule.
  9. are businnes cost that vary as the level of production output changes.
  10. are goods that consumer demand less of when their incomes rise.
  11. are goods and services that can be used in place of each other.
  12. is a tax on the making or selling of certain good or services.
  13. shows the date from supply schedule in graph form.

26 Clues: is the sum of fixed and variable the extra cost of producing one more unit.graphically shows the data from demand the level of production at which they realized.shows the date from supply schedule in graph the price of the resources used to make the desire and ability to produce and sell a product....

Economics 2020-12-22

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. an economic system in which both the private and public sectors play an important role
  2. an economic system where the government makes the crucial decisions, land and capital are state-owned and resources are allocated by directives
  3. the total supply of a product
  4. the willingness and ability to buy a product
  5. the study of the behaviour and decisions of households and firms, the performance of individual markets
  6. products whose demand decreases when income increases and increases when income falls
  7. the additional of individual components to arrive at a total amount
  8. the way households and firms interact to decide the allocation of resources
  9. the institutions, organizations and mechanisms that influence economic behavior and determine how resources are allocated
  10. the willingness and ability to sell a product
  1. an economic system where consumers determine what is produced, resources are allocated by the price mechanism and land and capital are privately owned
  2. a product that is used together with another product
  3. firms owned by shareholders and individuals
  4. a product that can be used in place of another
  5. the total demand for a product
  6. the study of the whole economy
  7. those who undertake economic activities and make economic decisions
  8. an arrangement which brings buyers into contact with sellers
  9. products whose demand increases when income increases and decreases when income falls
  10. a situation where demand and supply are not equal at the current price
  11. a situation where demand and supply are equal at the current price

21 Clues: the total supply of a productthe total demand for a productthe study of the whole economyfirms owned by shareholders and individualsthe willingness and ability to buy a productthe willingness and ability to sell a producta product that can be used in place of anothera product that is used together with another product...

Economics 2020-12-23

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. an economic system in which both the private and public sectors play an important role
  2. an economic system where the government makes the crucial decisions, land and capital are state-owned and resources are allocated by directives
  3. the total supply of a product
  4. the willingness and ability to buy a product
  5. the study of the behaviour and decisions of households and firms, the performance of individual markets
  6. products whose demand decreases when income increases and increases when income falls
  7. the additional of individual components to arrive at a total amount
  8. the way households and firms interact to decide the allocation of resources
  9. the institutions, organizations and mechanisms that influence economic behavior and determine how resources are allocated
  10. the willingness and ability to sell a product
  1. an economic system where consumers determine what is produced, resources are allocated by the price mechanism and land and capital are privately owned
  2. a product that is used together with another product
  3. firms owned by shareholders and individuals
  4. a product that can be used in place of another
  5. the total demand for a product
  6. the study of the whole economy
  7. those who undertake economic activities and make economic decisions
  8. an arrangement which brings buyers into contact with sellers
  9. products whose demand increases when income increases and decreases when income falls
  10. a situation where demand and supply are not equal at the current price
  11. a situation where demand and supply are equal at the current price

21 Clues: the total supply of a productthe total demand for a productthe study of the whole economyfirms owned by shareholders and individualsthe willingness and ability to buy a productthe willingness and ability to sell a producta product that can be used in place of anothera product that is used together with another product...

Economics 2021-02-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. smaller economic unit
  2. a larger economic unit
  3. an economic practice by which governments used their economies to augment state power at the expense of other countries
  4. the unlawful use or threat of violence particularly against the state or the public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion
  5. field of economics dealing with the strategic behavior of firms, regulatory policy, antitrust policy and market competition
  6. a social science that analyzes and describes the consequences of choices
  7. a nation's imports exceed its exports
  8. where a nation utilizes its economic resources fully instead of building a trade surplus
  9. the study of politics, economics and law on a global level
  10. the study of what is likely to happen when individuals make choices due to other factors
  1. a chemical, biological or radioactive weapon capable of causing widespread death and destruction
  2. to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor
  3. government policies that restrict international trade to help domestic industries
  4. the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time
  5. a nation's exports exceed its imports
  6. an applied field of economics concerned with the application of economic theory in optimizing the production and distribution of food and fiber
  7. an organization not connected to national government; independent and 'stateless'
  8. when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work
  9. a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole
  10. broadly the economic study of urban areas
  11. the allocation of goods and resources for promoting social welfare

21 Clues: smaller economic unita larger economic unita nation's exports exceed its importsa nation's imports exceed its exportsbroadly the economic study of urban areasthe study of politics, economics and law on a global levelthe decline of purchasing power of a given currency over timethe allocation of goods and resources for promoting social welfare...

Economics 2021-02-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. government policies that restrict international trade to help domestic industries
  2. a larger economic unit
  3. the study of politics, economics and law on a global level
  4. a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole
  5. an organization not connected to national government; independent and 'stateless'
  6. the allocation of goods and resources for promoting social welfare
  7. the study of what is likely to happen when individuals make choices due to other factors
  8. a nation's exports exceed its imports
  9. where a nation utilizes its economic resources fully instead of building a trade surplus
  10. the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time
  11. when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work
  12. a social science that analyzes and describes the consequences of choices
  1. a nation's imports exceed its exports
  2. a chemical, biological or radioactive weapon capable of causing widespread death and destruction
  3. the unlawful use or threat of violence particularly against the state or the public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion
  4. smaller economic unit
  5. field of economics dealing with the strategic behavior of firms, regulatory policy, antitrust policy and market competition
  6. to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor
  7. an applied field of economics concerned with the application of economic theory in optimizing the production and distribution of food and fiber
  8. an economic practice by which governments used their economies to augment state power at the expense of other countries

20 Clues: smaller economic unita larger economic unita nation's imports exceed its exportsa nation's exports exceed its importsthe study of politics, economics and law on a global levelthe decline of purchasing power of a given currency over timethe allocation of goods and resources for promoting social welfare...

Economics 2021-02-27

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Cost is $ and outcome is natural units = _____ analysis
  2. Medical events that occur as a result of a disease or treatment are _____ outcomes
  3. Choice between how much time to trade to remain in perfect health
  4. Measures what it is supposed to measure
  5. State used with events that have short-term effects
  6. Done to bring the value of past costs and consequences to present-day value
  7. Cost is $ and outcome is $ = _____ analysis
  8. The description and analysis of the costs and consequences of pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical services, and their impact on individuals, health care systems, and society
  9. Measurable effects of treatment that are thought to be indicative of a specific long-term, final health outcome are known as _____ endpoints
  10. Represent nonfinancial outcomes of disease and medical care
  1. Cost is $ and outcome is QALYs = _____ analysis
  2. Costs valued as real money but are not directly paid for the treatment of a disease
  3. Measures the true variation in scores while minimizing variation due to random error
  4. Equal to the sum of benefits minus the sum of costs
  5. Health state that patients cannot leave
  6. A multidimensional concept referring to a person's total well-being including their psychological, social, and physical state
  7. Done to determine the present value of all future costs and to incorporate society's time preference for money
  8. Mutually exclusive health state that delineates different scenarios a patient might reasonably experience
  9. Patient satisfaction, preferences, and quality of life are _____ outcomes
  10. special arrangement of temporary states arranged so that each has a transition only to the next

20 Clues: Measures what it is supposed to measureHealth state that patients cannot leaveCost is $ and outcome is $ = _____ analysisCost is $ and outcome is QALYs = _____ analysisEqual to the sum of benefits minus the sum of costsState used with events that have short-term effectsCost is $ and outcome is natural units = _____ analysis...

economics 2021-04-06

economics crossword puzzle
  1. for sale at high prices
  2. demanded varies by its price
  3. various supply sold
  4. and decision making
  5. in place of other products
  6. in price effects family income
  7. change in price/demand
  8. offered for sale
  9. demanded
  10. by everyone intrested in buying
  11. various prices sold at firms
  12. shifts its self
  13. offered
  1. from buying 1 or more units
  2. change in demand
  3. shows change in demand
  4. we get diminishes
  5. causes large change in demand
  6. desire to buy goods and services
  7. increases other products
  8. of quantities sold at various prices
  9. of in/dependent variable
  10. causes small change in demand
  11. change cuz of price
  12. demanded at every price
  13. brought to market

26 Clues: offereddemandedshifts its selfchange in demandoffered for salewe get diminishesbrought to marketvarious supply soldand decision makingchange cuz of priceshows change in demandchange in price/demandfor sale at high pricesdemanded at every priceincreases other productsof in/dependent variablein place of other productsfrom buying 1 or more units...

economics 2021-04-06

economics crossword puzzle
  1. a rise in the prices charged for goods and services
  2. any means that buyers and sellers use to exchange money for goods or services
  3. refers to a government’s spending and how it affects the economy
  4. the extent to which an investment is funded with borrowed money the investor is relying on earning a return in order to pay off the debt and still make a profit
  5. is a school of thought that centres on the idea that the volume of money
  6. examines how customers’ buying habits change when prices increase
  7. how much is available of a particular good or service
  8. a measure of growth and how it increases over a period of time
  9. is the cost of missing an opportunity
  10. opposite of inflation
  11. items a business uses to produce goods or services to sell to consumers
  1. calculated by applying a percentage to the amount of the principal being borrowed
  2. studies how the economy behaves in the aggregate
  3. describes the process of breaking down tasks so that separate groups or individuals can carry out each task.
  4. how much economic variable changes in response to another
  5. anyone that uses goods or services
  6. refers to a government’s spending and how it affects the economy, particularly if spending levels change.
  7. when the demand for a product or service goes up or down due to factors other than a change in price
  8. when a lot of people want to buy something,
  9. describes an economy that is experiencing slow economic growth
  10. refers to the amount of satisfaction a consumer has by consuming a good or service
  11. the extent to which assets could quickly be converted to cash
  12. short supply
  13. barriers relate to a government policy or regulation that limits or controls

24 Clues: short supplyopposite of inflationanyone that uses goods or servicesis the cost of missing an opportunitywhen a lot of people want to buy something,studies how the economy behaves in the aggregatea rise in the prices charged for goods and serviceshow much is available of a particular good or service...

Economics 2021-05-16

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. : A financial institution that collects deposits from the public and extends credit to businesses and households.
  2. : Means the positive change in the production of goods and services in an economy over a given period.
  3. : A sharp downturn in general economic activity.
  4. : In economics, this refers to rivalry between several agents for the same market.
  5. : Selling part of the production of goods or services in the other country
  6. : Decrease in the general price level
  7. : Situation of a business owner who cannot pay his debts, keep his commitments.
  8. : A person who starts a business
  9. : Excess of expenditure over earnings.
  1. : The situation of a person who wants to work and has the capacity to do so, but finds himself or herself jobless in spite of searching.
  2. : Entry into a country of goods or services from another country
  3. : Also called a firm, it is an organisation whose purpose is to produce and supply goods or services to a set of customers.
  4. : A situation in which one supplier has an exclusive position on a product or service offered to a multitude of buyers.
  5. : To be prudent in spending, to set aside money for a particular purpose.
  6. : It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company
  7. : An immediate expenditure intended to increase the wealth of the person incurring it in the long term
  8. : Periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee
  9. : It is a practice to record all the flows, expenses and revenues of the company.
  10. : The sum of a company's sales of goods or services over an accounting period.
  11. : Rising prices of goods and services.

20 Clues: : A person who starts a business: Decrease in the general price level: Rising prices of goods and services.: Excess of expenditure over earnings.: A sharp downturn in general economic activity.: It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company: Periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee...

Economics 2021-06-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. What is the study of how people satisfy their wants and needs by making choices?
  2. the change in quantity demanded due to a change in price is called?
  3. What states the quantity purchased varies inversely with price?
  4. What is the broadest measure of economic growth?
  5. What is it called to make something needed or wanted available to someone?
  6. The amount of money that you have to pay to the government so it can pay for public services is called?
  7. ____ occurs when a person is actively searching for a job but can't find one.
  8. What is the basic problem in economics?
  9. What is an estimation of revenue and expenses over a specified future period of time ?
  10. What can refer to any mechanism used for generating future income.
  11. When money is given to another party in exchange for repayment is called
  12. The change in interest rates and money supply is called?
  13. What is it called when the quantity does not change when the price does?
  1. Which type of economic system is the most common in the world?
  2. Government spending and taxation to influence the economy is called?
  3. The total amount of money, cash, coins and balances in the bank accounts called?
  4. The loss of a potential gain from other alternatives is called?
  5. The cycle of ups and downs in the economy is called ?
  6. An insistent and peremptory request made by its rights?
  7. What is the measure of the rate of rising prices of goods and services?
  8. What is the name for the protection of rights and interests of the general pool of buyers,or an obsession with buying material goods.
  9. Regulations and agreements that control imports, exports to foreign countries called?
  10. What is a contract agreement to borrow a sum of money and repay the lender at a later date?
  11. The area of the economy frequently subtracted from the GDP is called?

24 Clues: What is the basic problem in economics?What is the broadest measure of economic growth?The cycle of ups and downs in the economy is called ?An insistent and peremptory request made by its rights?The change in interest rates and money supply is called?Which type of economic system is the most common in the world?...

Economics 2021-06-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. (Two words) - A utopian socialist. During the depression, he did not lay off any of his workers and he showed that there is no excuse for bad working conditions and low wages. He believed that the main way to improve society was to improve their environment. This could happen by providing more opportunities for schooling, housing, hospitals, as well as child-care.
  2. (Two words) - Canada has this service universal and publicly funded, making it free, or almost free to all. In other places such as the states, this service is private, and therefore very expensive, resulting in a decline in people's health and willingness to seek medical help when needed.
  3. (Two words) - This problem arose in 2008. Banks had been lending money to encourage investing and spending on houses, this was because of the vast amount of jobs that would result from building more houses. The banks were failing to look into employment status, credit history and income levels before offering these huge loans which resulted in rising interest rates and eventually falling housing prices. All together this led to a large increase in mortgage foreclosures.
  4. (Two words) - When a government begins to pay out more money than they are getting back. This is typically only used as a means of getting an economy out of a recession. It tends to involve things such as a general increase in government spending to allow for higher job creation, but it also can occur in the form of handouts and benefits such as the CERB fund for the current pandemic. If the government were to continue giving out this fund to the point where they are not collecting an overage in tax revenue, the government is forced to take out loans. This increases the country's overall debt amount.
  5. (Three words) - An economic system revolving around supply and demand in which there is very little to no government control. Often, this goes hand in hand with capitalism, although they are not exactly the same.
  6. (Two words) - This motivating factor of capitalism was first developed by Adam Smith. This selfish motivation will promote a better society as others will work harder. For example, when the common person notices that the Rich spend money on luxurious yachts, cars, and homes it motivates the common person to work harder to achieve a better lifestyle.
  7. (Two words) - A deal that was introduced after the 1932 election by the new president. It was made up of a series of programs and policies made to try and get the country out of it’s depression. It involved providing the American people with a regained trust and confidence in both their economic and political systems. The three main measures introduced with this act to help deal with the depression were; relief, recovery & reform.
  8. (Three words) - An idea brought about by Milton Friedman. It involved the theory that having the wealthy keep their wealth by having lower taxes, would cause a domino effect throughout the economy and overall help everyone. This was championed by Ronald Reagan and Margeret Thatcher in the 80s. It fell under the idea of Supply-Side Economics.
  9. - Typically, inflation occurs when an economy is booming. However, sometimes it may happen when the economy is in a bust, or just at a standstill. This term is used to describe when the inflation is going up, but the economy is not going up with it, it's stagnated. This occurrence can lead to large economic issues that are hard to come back from as people are buying even less than usual to begin with, and yet inflation is still increasing.
  10. (Two words) - Falls under Supply-Side Economics, and supported by politicians such as Milton Friedman. It involved the lowering of interest rates so that citizens would continue to borrow more from banks, and therefore spending more.
  11. (Two words) - a statement that states all problems are in some way connected to the supply of money. This states that the ways to fix problems within inflation and deflation are opposites; Raise interest rates vs. Lower interest rates, Decrease government spending vs. increase government spending.
  12. - Occurs when the business cycle begins to retract. Often this is caused when consumer spending begins to decrease. It has the potential to lead to or result in a depression.
  13. - An increased role of government with the end goal of making life generally better for the common person. These people came mostly from the educated and middle class, they wanted to ‘fix’ politics. To increase people's general everyday life, they wanted to increase democracy, and therefore involve citizens more directly within the government decision making.
  14. (Three words) - This was a time that came right after a large boom in the 19th century. The biggest problem that led to this time was the Wall Street Crash of 1929, when wall street ‘overheated’ while also dealing with accusations of corruption and insider-trading. This time was also a result of very high wealth inequalities where 40% of the population was living below the poverty line, and the top 5% were earning 33% of the country's overall income. Millions of Canadians and Americans were left with no options of work, and businesses began to struggle to stay afloat.
  1. (Two words) - These people believed in an unrealistic perfect economy and world. Included were; Robert Owen, Charles Fourier.
  2. (Three words) - A fund created by Premier Peter Lougheed in 1976. The three main goals were to save for the future, strengthen & diversify the economy, and improve the Albertan quality of life. In 2006, each Albertain received a cheque of $400 as a result of this fund.
  3. - The reduction or complete removal of government power, within a specific industry. This is used to help improve competition, but it can also help create higher efficiency and lower costs.
  4. (Two words) - This man believed in supply side economics - his own form being known as “Reaganomics”. He advocated for tax reductions, and decreases in government spending.
  5. - The last name of the man who wrote The Communist Manifesto, he believed in everybody being equal. To do this required the government to provide everyone with their basic needs such as food, shelter, and help for their physical and mental needs. It was also a goal to abolish all private property, profit motive as well as crime. He wanted to create a society in which everyone was equal no matter where they came from.
  6. (Two words) - This policy was in effect as a means of helping an economy get out of a depression. It involved lower taxation so that people have more spending money available to them, as well as an increase in government spending. Government spending was beneficial in this case as they would start large-scale projects or build infrastructure, which would provide more people with jobs and therefore more people with spending money.
  7. (Two words) - This man was a counter to Keynes, as he supported supply side economics. His basic principles involved taxing and subsidizing. His theory was in classical liberalism and trusted in the invisible hand to prevent and solve economic cycles.
  8. - This term refers to something we have been experiencing recently with the Covid-19 pandemic. It often results in a bust in the economy as citizens are without money to spend, and are therefore saving as much as they can and only buying the absolute essentials. As a means to temporarily protect the economy while these rates are increasing, government’s will often put out some type of relief fund (such as CERB) or stimulus cheques.
  9. (Three words) - The creator of Alphabet Agencies and the New Deal. He believed that people needed confidence in both their economic and political systems and therefore he added in a series of measures to try and keep people on his side. These included; abolishing Prohibition, Bank Holidays, Removing America from the Gold Standard, etc. He also did not believe in handouts form the government, he wanted people to earn their sense of worth. He served as the president of the United States up until his death in 1945.
  10. (Two words) - Set up by FDR, these things were named as a group based on their shortened acronyms. Included are things such as the Agricultural Adjustment Act, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, and the Civilian Conservation Corps.
  11. - Used specifically in 2008 in terms of the Subprime Crisis. The Big Three; Ford, Chrysler and GM requested these from the government in order to keep their companies afloat and up to par with competition.

25 Clues: (Two words) - These people believed in an unrealistic perfect economy and world. Included were; Robert Owen, Charles Fourier.(Two words) - This man believed in supply side economics - his own form being known as “Reaganomics”. He advocated for tax reductions, and decreases in government spending....

Economics 2021-06-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. What is the study of how people satisfy their wants and needs by making choices?
  2. the change in quantity demanded due to a change in price is called?
  3. What states the quantity purchased varies inversely with price?
  4. What is the broadest measure of economic growth?
  5. What is it called to make something needed or wanted available to someone?
  6. The amount of money that you have to pay to the government so it can pay for public services is called?
  7. ____ occurs when a person is actively searching for a job but can't find one.
  8. What is the basic problem in economics?
  9. What is an estimation of revenue and expenses over a specified future period of time ?
  10. What can refer to any mechanism used for generating future income.
  11. When money is given to another party in exchange for repayment is called
  12. The change in interest rates and money supply is called?
  13. What is it called when the quantity does not change when the price does?
  1. Which type of economic system is the most common in the world?
  2. Government spending and taxation to influence the economy is called?
  3. The total amount of money, cash, coins and balances in the bank accounts called?
  4. The loss of a potential gain from other alternatives is called?
  5. The cycle of ups and downs in the economy is called ?
  6. An insistent and peremptory request made by its rights?
  7. What is the measure of the rate of rising prices of goods and services?
  8. What is the name for the protection of rights and interests of the general pool of buyers,or an obsession with buying material goods.
  9. Regulations and agreements that control imports, exports to foreign countries called?
  10. What is a contract agreement to borrow a sum of money and repay the lender at a later date?
  11. The area of the economy frequently subtracted from the GDP is called?

24 Clues: What is the basic problem in economics?What is the broadest measure of economic growth?The cycle of ups and downs in the economy is called ?An insistent and peremptory request made by its rights?The change in interest rates and money supply is called?Which type of economic system is the most common in the world?...

Economics 2022-05-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. toimitusjohtaja
  2. arvo
  3. taloudellinen
  4. tarjonta
  5. säästöt
  6. velka
  7. lainta
  8. kauppasiirto
  9. lama
  10. sijoitus
  1. luotto
  2. kirjanpitäjä
  3. ylijäämä
  4. markinnat
  5. kysyntä
  6. budjetti
  7. tulos
  8. tappio
  9. kuluttaja
  10. taloustiede

20 Clues: arvolamavelkatulosluottolaintatappiosäästötkysyntätarjontaylijäämäbudjettisijoitusmarkinnatkuluttajataloustiedekirjanpitäjäkauppasiirtotaloudellinentoimitusjohtaja

Economics 2022-11-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. an example would be Pepsi and Coca Cola
  2. occurs when there are not enough resources to satisfy human wants
  3. consists of all goods and services in order for society to function
  4. desire and ability to produce& sell a product
  5. a system in which society usually in form of the government owns and controls production
  6. two good that are bought and used together
  7. a side effect of a product that affects someone other then the seller or buyer
  8. goods provided by public governments
  9. is the study of how societies satisfy wants with limited resources
  10. any arrangement that allows buyers and sellers to exchange things
  11. describes that is not sensitive to change
  1. government in which one leader or group holds absolute power
  2. money left over after all overhead costs
  3. theory or system in which where all property is ascribed to the community
  4. are desires that can be satisfied by consuming a good or service
  5. are things necessary for survival
  6. ideal model of a market economy
  7. a group that acts together to set prices
  8. occurs when there is only 1 seller in. a market
  9. government programs that protect people
  10. desire to own something and the ability to pay
  11. describes demand that is sensitive to change

22 Clues: ideal model of a market economyare things necessary for survivalgoods provided by public governmentsan example would be Pepsi and Coca Colagovernment programs that protect peoplemoney left over after all overhead costsa group that acts together to set pricesdescribes that is not sensitive to changetwo good that are bought and used together...

ECONOMICS 2022-10-20

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. is the medium of exchange in most modern economies
  2. the collection of firms involved in making a similar range of items that usually compete with each other such as the financial services industry or the car industry
  3. The quantity of a particular good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at various price levels
  4. remove money from the circular flow of income
  5. the integration between different countries and economies and the increased impact of international influences on all aspects of life and economic activity
  6. are good or services that are produced domestically and purchased overseas
  7. The natural resource used to produce goods and services
  8. The return factor of production enterprise for its role in the production of goods and services
  9. money spent to help increase the economy
  10. when supply and demand are equal
  11. occurs when an organisation pays another business to perform a function that it does not regard as a core part of its business focus
  1. a market structure consisting of a few large firms producing slightly different products
  2. is the case with each financial asset can be transformed into cash so it can be used as a medium of exchange
  3. the amount of money or other benefits measured in money terms that flows to individuals or households usually for their contribution to the production process or as a direct payment from the government over a period of time
  4. a single business dominating the industry
  5. are the profit returns received by the share holders of a business
  6. a human effort both physical and mental used to produce goods and services
  7. are costs and benefits that private agents in a market do not consider in their decision-making process
  8. the process whereby unemployment in the current period results in the persistence of unemployment in future periods as unemployed people can lose their skills job contracts and motivation to work
  9. the sustained increase in the general level of prices over a period of time usually one year
  10. occurs when the government sells public trading enterprises to the private sector

21 Clues: when supply and demand are equalmoney spent to help increase the economya single business dominating the industryremove money from the circular flow of incomeis the medium of exchange in most modern economiesThe natural resource used to produce goods and servicesare the profit returns received by the share holders of a business...

Economics 2022-09-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. makes up 75% of exports
  2. the AD formula
  3. occurs when there is high GDP and unemployment decreases
  4. occurs when there is 2 years of consecutive negative GDP & low inflation
  5. global agreement
  6. supply factor where amount of output is produced with any given number of input
  7. tax on individuals income and the bulk of government revenue
  8. something being forgone in order to get something else
  9. unemployment cause by discouragement of job prospects and not counted in statistics
  10. unemployment when an individual is in between jobs
  11. living standards measured by goods and services
  12. a type of market structure with little competition but not much effect
  13. limited resources not being able to meet unlimited needs and wants
  14. geographically located agreement
  15. living standards of an individual's quality of life with no monetary factors
  16. part time/ casual workers that work similar hours as full time
  1. part of AD formula and is affected by population growth
  2. income after tax
  3. part of AD formula and is affected by business confidence
  4. unemployment caused due to lack of aggregate demand
  5. test done to check individual’s income and ownership
  6. what is interest rate
  7. a type of market structure with no competition
  8. unemployment due to automation
  9. taxes on specific goods and services like tobacco
  10. consumers being optimistic about their future
  11. leading forum to facilitate trade/ investment and economic growth consisting of 21 countries

27 Clues: the AD formulaincome after taxglobal agreementwhat is interest ratemakes up 75% of exportsunemployment due to automationgeographically located agreementconsumers being optimistic about their futurea type of market structure with no competitionliving standards measured by goods and servicestaxes on specific goods and services like tobacco...

Economics 2022-11-28

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the process by which individuals, firms and economies concentrate on producing those goods and services where they have an advantage over others
  2. a statement that is based on the economist's opinion or value judgement and which cannot be proven
  3. an economic system where most decisions are taken through the market mechanism
  4. time period when all key inputs into production are variable
  5. inputs available for the production of goods and services
  6. a situation in which wants and needs are greater than the resources available
  7. the maximum output that can be produced when all resources are used fully
  8. a good that is thought to be undesirable for consumers and is overprovided by the market because of information failure
  9. resources are scarce so individuals, firms and governments have to consider alternatives
  10. a simplified view of reality used to explain economic problems and issues
  11. a statement that is based on facts or actual evidence
  1. time period when all factors of production are variable but with a constant, such as the state of technology
  2. an economic system where resources are state owned and allocated by a central body
  3. as a factor of production, enterprise involves organising production and taking risks
  4. an economic system where both market forces and government are involved in resource allocation decisions
  5. the cost expressed in terms of the next best alternative that is foregone when a choice is made
  6. where consumption by one person of a good or service reduces the availability of the good or service for others
  7. a good that is thought to be desirable for consumers but which is underprovided by the market because of information failure
  8. time period when a firm can change at least one but not all factor inputs
  9. where it is possible to stop someone from consuming a good or service
  10. a Latin phrase meaning 'other things equal' or 'other things are unchanged'; used by economists to model the effects of one change at a time
  11. things that are necessary for survival, such as food

22 Clues: things that are necessary for survival, such as fooda statement that is based on facts or actual evidenceinputs available for the production of goods and servicestime period when all key inputs into production are variablewhere it is possible to stop someone from consuming a good or service...

Economics 2022-11-28

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. rely on someone else for a thing you need
  2. something people do for money
  3. do a certain job or one kind of job
  4. people depend on each other
  5. something we have to have to survive
  6. something you would like to have but don't need
  7. bring goods in from other places
  8. anything that you buy that you can hold or touch
  9. money that you earn
  10. things we use to satisfy our wants and needs
  11. resources found in people
  12. a person who makes a good or provides a service
  13. goods that are used to make other goods
  1. money you pay the bank to use their money
  2. things provided by nature that we use
  3. exchange one good or service for another
  4. pick something
  5. the bank pays you to keep your money there
  6. a person who buys a good or service
  7. how much of something people want
  8. when there is not enough of something
  9. money
  10. how much of something is available
  11. whatever you give up to get something
  12. send goods out to another place

25 Clues: moneypick somethingmoney that you earnresources found in peoplepeople depend on each othersomething people do for moneysend goods out to another placebring goods in from other placeshow much of something people wanthow much of something is availabledo a certain job or one kind of joba person who buys a good or service...

Economics 2018-02-25

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Country's monetary authority that manages the nation's money supply.
  2. Company operating in several countries.
  3. Non-price related determinant of supply
  4. Taxation system that deducts a lower proportion of income as the income levels rise
  5. The purchasing of goods and services by a country resulting in outflow of money
  6. Economic system that relies on the market forces of demand and supply to allocate resources, with minimal government intervention
  7. Curve on a diagram that shows opportunity cost
  8. Advantage of a market economy
  9. Characteristic of a perfectly competitive market in terms of product quality
  10. Labour unions that recruit professional, administrative and clerical staff and other non-manual workers.
  11. Disadvantage of a sole trader
  12. Payment to an employee in the form of a percentage of the value of products/services sold
  13. Inflation caused by a shift of aggregate demand to the right
  14. The ability and willingness of firms to provide goods and services at given price levels
  1. Characteristic of a monopoly in terms what it's market share/power allows it to become
  2. The external cost of consumption of cars
  3. The name we give to the [X-M] section of aggregate demand
  4. Policy used to improve aggregate demand thus boost GDP in terms of lowering interest rates and increasing monetary supply
  5. The merging of two firms from the same sector of production
  6. Unemployment caused by regular periodical changes in the demand for certain goods or services
  7. Consequence of Inflation regarding fluctuations in price levels and customers spending time to find the best deals
  8. What occurs when import value exeeds export value
  9. Employment scheme regarding firms employing elder people with more experience due to longer life expectancy
  10. Fall in the rate of inflation
  11. Policy used to boost the productivity of the factors of production
  12. Expansionary fiscal policy and supply-side policy
  13. Macroeconomic objective of governments in regard to inflation
  14. Characteristic of Money

28 Clues: Characteristic of MoneyFall in the rate of inflationAdvantage of a market economyDisadvantage of a sole traderCompany operating in several countries.Non-price related determinant of supplyThe external cost of consumption of carsCurve on a diagram that shows opportunity costWhat occurs when import value exeeds export value...

Economics 2018-08-30

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. / What Australia sends to overseas countries in exchange for their contribution to aggregate demand.
  2. tax / The more you earn the more tax you pay.
  3. / unemployment resulting from industrial reorganisation, typically due to technological advancement.
  4. / The government’s budget if their outlays are greater than their receipts.
  5. / Businesses spending on materials, plant and capital affecting aggregate demand.
  6. / tax system that collects tax proportionally more for lower income earners when compared to lower income earners.
  7. / Those with the skills and business 'know how'.
  8. / income after one has paid back any loan/mortgage, also affected by interest rates.
  9. / lowest point of the economic business cycle (includes no inflation, low GDP and business bankruptcy.
  10. / Disposable income plus indirect government benefits in the form of goods and services.
  11. / highest point of the economic business cycle (includes inflation, high GDP and many businesses opening)
  12. / Demand factor that is determined by the RBA that controls how much householder with a loan have to pay back.
  13. / the largest proportion of income the government receives on the revenue pie.
  14. / the labour force will have no cyclical unemployment and some (minimal) natural employment.
  15. / Government spending on goods and services used to help satisfy consumers needs and wants. (teachers, defense workers, etc)
  16. / Government implemented policy controlling the tax rates.
  17. / Supply factor that generally is labelled as favourable or unfavourable (having to do with the weather).
  18. / The government’s budget if their outlays and receipts match up.
  19. / those considered as employed however, are not working as many hours as they would like.
  20. / Consumers being optimistic or pessimistic about the future of their business.
  21. / unemployed for longer than one year.
  22. / The factor affected by consumer's spending on goods and services contributing to the aggregate demand.
  23. / unemployed due to a lack of aggregate demand.
  24. / 2-4 (few) businesses dominating the market.
  25. / Generally those unemployed will be receiving benefits under here.
  26. / Part of the circular flow model that ‘leakes’ money out of the economy.
  27. / The RBA controlling interest rates as a means to expand or contract the economy.
  28. / Where not all of the resources are not being 'utilised' efficiently.
  29. / Australia purchasing overseas goods to create an even further advanced good to sell as an export.
  1. / After the occurrence of unfavorable climatic conditions, the ___ curve will shift to the left.
  2. / the largest proportion of spending on the government's expenditure pie.
  3. / the unemployment due to people being in the process of moving from one job to another.
  4. / the next best thing foregone.
  5. / Business owners and entrepreneurs being optimistic or pessimistic about the future profitability of their business.
  6. employed / working in paid employment for a minimum of 12 hours per week.
  7. / unemployment due jobs highly demanded in a certain season to a certain time of the year and industry they work in.
  8. / private or market income plus direct cash benefits received from the government.
  9. / income after tax.
  10. income / income collected from the government (Pension).
  11. / what Australia buys from overseas countries.
  12. / a highly competitive market structure with many similarities to a perfect competition.
  13. / Part of the circular flow model that injects’ money out of the economy.
  14. / those unemployed for an extended period of time, can be due to those with a criminal record or a disability.
  15. / has and index of between 0 and 1.
  16. / a situation where resources are limited in terms of meeting consumers demands (needs and wants).
  17. / naturally occurring resources used in the production of goods and services.
  18. / products in the marketplace are exactly the same, generally found in a perfect competitive market.
  19. / unemployed however can be working for the black economy, cash in hand. (Removed themselves from any data.
  20. / Calculates the total assets a household has, and determines whether they need further assistance from the government.
  21. / Where both the supply and demand curve meet.
  22. / machinery used in the production process to produce a further advanced good.
  23. / After an increase in population, the ____ curve will shift to the right.
  24. / The government’s budget if its receipts is greater than their expenses.
  25. / a diagram that demonstrates the choice or option available when deciding how to allocate scarce resources.
  26. / the physical and mental effort put in by human beings.
  27. income / income collected for the the contribution in the production process.
  28. / One business dominating the market.
  29. employed / working more than 32 hours a week.

58 Clues: / income after tax./ the next best thing foregone./ has and index of between 0 and 1./ unemployed for longer than one year./ One business dominating the market./ Where both the supply and demand curve meet./ what Australia buys from overseas countries./ 2-4 (few) businesses dominating the market....

economics 2019-03-27

economics crossword puzzle
  1. expenses such as wages, taxes and interest that have not yet been paid at the date of the balance sheet
  2. This market is where investors buy and sell securities they already own
  3. bondholders get this back on a fixed maturity date
  4. according to this principle, when preparing accounts, one must assume that the enterprise will still be viable in the years to come
  5. the money that is calculated by taking revenue minus the money spent during a certain period
  6. someone who owns parts of a company
  7. a person specializing in a company's tax affairs
  8. according to this principle, accounts should be produced using the same principles from one year to the next
  9. payments by companies to their shareholders
  10. income represents the amount of money remaining after all expenses have been deducted from a company's total revenue.
  11. issue share to the market for the first time
  12. according to this principle, it is normal to act pessimistically so that profits and assets are not overstated, and expenses and liabilities realistically valued
  13. how much income bond gives
  14. buying price of a security
  15. an asset which does not have physical nature
  16. this kind of bond allows investor to change it into share in the future
  1. the length of time for bond/stock is issued until it is repaid
  2. an entry in an account recording a payment received
  3. a legal status of a person or other entity who cannot repay debts to creditors.
  4. amounts that will be collected in the normal course of business within one year
  5. interest payment of bond
  6. profits that have not been distributed to shareholders
  7. loss of tangible asset value over time
  8. this principle is concerned with the timing of recognition of transactions in the accounts
  9. all the money belonging to the company's owners
  10. the other name of "ordinary share"
  11. fund that invest money that will be paid to people after they retire from work
  12. inspecting and reporting on accounts and financial records
  13. legal obligations of a company to pay other parties
  14. administrative staff responsible for processing the records of a business's financial activities
  15. this statement show the difference between the revenues and expenses of a period

31 Clues: interest payment of bondhow much income bond givesbuying price of a securitythe other name of "ordinary share"someone who owns parts of a companyloss of tangible asset value over timepayments by companies to their shareholdersissue share to the market for the first timean asset which does not have physical nature...

Economics 2019-03-29

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Increase
  2. money
  3. stabalisers
  4. QNHS
  5. extra
  6. worst
  7. Convert
  8. workers
  9. Quality
  10. Long
  11. quantity
  12. Superior
  13. deposits
  14. money
  15. short
  16. downward
  17. leakage
  1. Long-run.
  2. everyone
  3. recession
  4. Income
  5. Used
  6. Study
  7. tools
  8. high
  9. shift
  10. Store
  11. Injection
  12. fluctuates
  13. refinancing
  14. shift
  15. Cost
  16. Domestic
  17. CPI.
  18. Liquidity

35 Clues: UsedQNHShighLongCostCPI.StudymoneytoolsextraworstshiftStoreshiftmoneyshortIncomeConvertworkersQualityleakageeveryoneIncreasequantitySuperiorDomesticdepositsdownwardLong-run.recessionInjectionLiquidityfluctuatesstabalisersrefinancing

Economics 2019-05-27

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. fixed costs can be changed
  2. the amount of people who are willing and able to work
  3. shows relationship between unemployment and inflation
  4. the increase in the price level
  5. the maximum amount of goods a country can produce
  6. market for different currencies
  7. type of unemployment that relates to jobs that only exist for part of the year
  8. an exchange of goods that if done correctly allows a country to consume outside its PPC
  9. Only one firm in a market
  10. Moved by changing the money supply or by lowering taxes
  1. an economist that advocated fro government intervention in the market
  2. many firms with differentiated products
  3. type of unemployment that relates to the changes in the business cycle
  4. The amount of happiness derived from one more unit of a good
  5. revenue minus costs
  6. value of all economic activity in a year
  7. few firms with barrier to entry
  8. many firms with identical products
  9. type of unemployment that relates to unemployment between jobs or between education and job
  10. moved by changes in resource number or chnage in technology

20 Clues: revenue minus costsOnly one firm in a marketfixed costs can be changedthe increase in the price levelfew firms with barrier to entrymarket for different currenciesmany firms with identical productsmany firms with differentiated productsvalue of all economic activity in a yearthe maximum amount of goods a country can produce...

ECONOMICS 2018-11-11

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. necessities
  2. opposite of equilibrium
  3. income of employees
  4. properties
  5. process of combining various materials
  6. investment
  7. lack of resources
  8. second branch of economics
  9. greek prefix word “mikro”
  10. employees
  1. paribus latin phrase meaning “other things equal”
  2. state where supply and demand are balanced
  3. first branch of economics
  4. utility consumer gains from consuming one good
  5. consumers willingness to pay a price for a good
  6. desires
  7. goods that producers are willing to provide
  8. measure of a variable’s sensitivity to a change in another variable
  9. market that is dominated by only a few large firms
  10. market structure characterized by single seller

20 Clues: desiresemployeespropertiesinvestmentnecessitieslack of resourcesincome of employeesopposite of equilibriumfirst branch of economicsgreek prefix word “mikro”second branch of economicsprocess of combining various materialsstate where supply and demand are balancedgoods that producers are willing to provide...

Economics 2018-11-23

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Something that encourages a person to take action.
  2. In economics this means additional.
  3. Produced goods that can be used as resources for further production.
  4. Able to be felt by touch.
  5. Smith Scottish economist, philosopher and author as well as a moral philosopher, a pioneer of political economy and a key figure during the Scottish Enlightenment.
  6. The branch of economics that deals with human behavior and choices as they relate to the entire economy.
  7. A means for deciding who gets what portion of the available resources and goods.
  8. The quality of bringing satisfaction or happiness.
  9. Tasks that people pay others to perform for them.
  10. Any place where people go to buy and sell goods or services.
  11. The amount of money by which total cost exceeds total revenue.
  1. The loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
  2. A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
  3. Consequences Actions of people or government have unanticipated effects.
  4. The graphical representation of the law of demand.
  5. A thing we desire to have
  6. A sense of how the world works.
  7. A situation in which more of one thing necessarily means less of something else.
  8. The condition in which our wants are greater than the resources available.
  9. The science that studies the choices of people trying to satisfy their wants in a world of scarcity.
  10. An economics system in which government controls and may own many of the resources.
  11. A financial payment made by government for certain actions.

22 Clues: A thing we desire to haveAble to be felt by touch.A sense of how the world works.In economics this means additional.Tasks that people pay others to perform for them.The graphical representation of the law of demand.Something that encourages a person to take action.The quality of bringing satisfaction or happiness....

Economics 2023-05-25

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. distributed ledger used to make a digital record of the ownership of assets, in particular cryptocurrencies.
  2. measure of the responsiveness of one variable to changes in another.
  3. gradual reduction in the value of an asset (or a debt) over time
  4. a balance between the supply of and demand for a good at a market-clearing price
  5. Goods and services acquired from outside the country
  6. communism
  7. Goods and services sent to outside the country.
  8. Trade The cause that led to the founding of The Economist in 1843
  9. policy Decisions relating to the amount a government raises in taxes and spends on public services
  10. cost cost of producing an extra unit of something.
  11. money amount one is due to pay back to another
  12. can be used to create economic value
  13. result of economic activity
  1. takeover by the state of private businesses
  2. item pledged as security against a loan
  3. coined to describe the use of private capital to finance economic activity
  4. Tokens created digitally and at the moment privately, although some central banks have created their own (see this article)
  5. Institutions at the heart of the financial system
  6. plumbing of the economy
  7. act of protecting yourself against the financial impact of risk
  8. usually refers to reducing the role of the government
  9. financial markets take a trend too far

22 Clues: communismplumbing of the economyresult of economic activityfinancial markets take a trend too faritem pledged as security against a loantakeover by the state of private businessescan be used to create economic valueGoods and services sent to outside the country.Institutions at the heart of the financial system...

economics 2023-05-23

economics crossword puzzle
  1. a graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied
  2. total revenue minus total cost
  3. A bank card that automatically deducts the amount of a purchase from the checking account of the cardholder
  4. A business in which two or more persons combine their assets and skills
  5. A focus on a particular activity or area of study
  6. has some form of checking, savings or money market account
  7. people who don't have bank accounts
  8. moneyreceived, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
  9. the cost of producing one more unit of a good
  10. an establishment formed to carry on commercial enterprise
  11. when consumers react to an increase in a good's price by consuming less of that good and more of other goods
  12. The portion of corporate profits paid out to stockholders
  13. fixed costs plus variable costs
  1. A business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not personally responsible for its debts
  2. A financial security that represents a promise to repay a fixed amount of funds
  3. What you expect prices to do in the future can influence your buying habits today.
  4. A pool of money used by a company to purchase a variety of stocks, bonds or money market instruments. Provides diversification and professional management for investors.
  5. A general and progressive increase in prices
  6. A plastic card used to make purchases now and pay for them later.
  7. Price x Quantity
  8. A business owned by one person
  9. shares of ownership in a company
  10. Trends and fashions that are highly desirable to the consumer
  11. The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes

24 Clues: Price x Quantitytotal revenue minus total costA business owned by one personfixed costs plus variable costsshares of ownership in a companypeople who don't have bank accountsA general and progressive increase in pricesthe cost of producing one more unit of a goodA focus on a particular activity or area of study...

economics 2023-11-14

economics crossword puzzle
  1. a person with temporary permission to work in another country
  2. output per worker or per hour worked
  3. a type of business often run by a board to provide a benefit to the public
  4. a merger between two firms involved in different stages of production join together
  5. a group of people whose job is to fight for an increase of wages and safer work conditions for its members
  6. a relationship between people or groups based on shared feelings, interest, or experience
  7. to obtain goods from a foreign supplier
  8. a demand for a commodity or service which is a consequence of the demand for something else
  9. business owned and operated by individuals for their shared benefit
  10. a business agreement by two or more individuals to share responsibilities
  1. the practice of basing some of a company's process overseas to take advantage of lower costs
  2. a business owned by one person
  3. the state of being responsible of something
  4. pays a fee to the parent company for the exclusive right to sell something
  5. a merger between two competing companies in the same industry
  6. to provide someone with advantageous economic or working conditions
  7. the process by which education increases productivity and results in higher wages
  8. most complex form of business owned by individual stockholders
  9. gives workers the right to decide whether to join a union or not in the workplace
  10. wages fluctuate with respect to the demand and supply of labor

20 Clues: a business owned by one personoutput per worker or per hour workedto obtain goods from a foreign supplierthe state of being responsible of somethinga person with temporary permission to work in another countrya merger between two competing companies in the same industrymost complex form of business owned by individual stockholders...

Economics 2023-11-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. output per worker or per hour worked.
  2. the exclusive authority to determine how a resource is used, whether that resource is owned by government or by individuals.
  3. business practice of hiring a party outside a company to perform services or create goods that were traditionally performed in-house by the company's own employees and staff.
  4. sum of the employed plus the unemployment
  5. the demand for a good or service that results from the demand for a different, or related, good or service.
  6. Business owned by on person
  7. owner licenses its operation along with products,branding,and knowledge.
  8. two or more individuals share responsibility,assets,profit,and financial/legal liabilities.
  9. merger of two or more companies that provide different supply chain functions.
  10. the process by which education increases productivity and results in higher wages.
  11. being responsible for something,especially by law
  1. the transferring activities or ownership of a complete business process to a different country from the country (or countries) where the company receiving the services is located.
  2. a worker who is hired on a temporary or fixed-term contract basis to provide specific services for a specific project or period of time.
  3. condition or state in which economic forces are balanced.
  4. merger occurring between companies in the same industry.
  5. investor lends money to company for period of time in exchange for regular price interest.
  6. an unfair labor practice that occurs when a union requires an employer to pay for services they did not perform.
  7. semi independent business that pays fees
  8. the theory that the completion of college indicates to employers that a job applicant is intelligent and hard-working.
  9. foreign national who is permitted to live and work temporarily in a host country.

20 Clues: Business owned by on personoutput per worker or per hour worked.semi independent business that pays feessum of the employed plus the unemploymentbeing responsible for something,especially by lawmerger occurring between companies in the same industry.condition or state in which economic forces are balanced....

Economics 2023-11-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. one of four factors of production soil
  2. The exchange of goods and services amongst buyers and sellers
  3. factor of production representing workers effort
  4. a job type that is ongoing but less that 35 hours per week
  5. A focus on the production of a particular good or service
  6. The person who buys goods and services
  7. The people or organisations that supply goods and services
  8. you can only use it once it will not last forever
  9. work type that is often irregular hours
  10. when someone leaves the work force usually at the age of 67 of 67
  11. the study of how society uses resources for needs and wants
  1. time and labour given without payment in return
  2. the way participants in an economy rely on each other for goods and services they cannot produce
  3. something you would like to have
  4. combines all factors of production together
  5. type of work that is ongoing and more than 35 hours per week
  6. the value of the best alternative given up when making a choice for something else
  7. something you need to survive
  8. having limited resources to meet all the needs and wants
  9. money earnt from working in the form of a wage
  10. The way we distribute the scarce resources
  11. machinery, tools and building used to produce goods and services

22 Clues: something you need to survivesomething you would like to haveone of four factors of production soilThe person who buys goods and serviceswork type that is often irregular hoursThe way we distribute the scarce resourcescombines all factors of production togethermoney earnt from working in the form of a wage...

Economics 2023-11-15

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A graphic representation of a ______ schedule
  2. A measure that ___ mandatory union membership
  3. Movement of a company’s resources of production to another ____
  4. An individuals own personal ____
  5. Objects that are ____
  6. Something _________ for survival
  7. A contract that includes a promise to repay ______ money
  8. The amount of a good or service that is available.
  9. Demand that is not as sensitive to price ______
  10. The money a business gets back from its _______
  11. Effort that is ___ for
  1. Actions someone performs for _______
  2. the ____ obligation to pay debts
  3. A ______ or group of people living in a single _________.
  4. The desire to ___ something and the ability to ___ for it
  5. A demand set by the ____ for another good or service
  6. Human made _______ used to create other goods and services
  7. The struggle among producers for the _____ of consumers.
  8. Demand that is very sensitive to change in _____
  9. Organization that uses ______ to produce a product or service

20 Clues: Objects that are ____Effort that is ___ forthe ____ obligation to pay debtsAn individuals own personal ____Something _________ for survivalActions someone performs for _______A graphic representation of a ______ scheduleA measure that ___ mandatory union membershipDemand that is not as sensitive to price ______...

Economics 2023-11-15

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. business organization owned by a group of people
  2. all non military people who are employed or unemployed
  3. negotiating labor contracts that keeps unnecessary workers on the company payroll
  4. wage rate or price of labor services that is set when demand for workers is met
  5. formal contract issued by a corporation
  6. business organization owned by 2 or more people
  7. business owned and managed by a single individual
  8. a certificate of ownership in a corporation
  9. authorization from local government to run a business
  10. an organized work stoppage intended to force an employer to address union demands
  11. theory about the relationship between education and wages
  12. movement of company operations to a different country
  13. legal entity owned by individual stock holders
  1. debts
  2. demand for labor
  3. companies reach out to other companies to do a specific job
  4. 2 or more firms competing in the same market with the same good
  5. organization of workers that tries to improve working conditions and wages
  6. sells
  7. money and other valuables

20 Clues: debtssellsdemand for labormoney and other valuablesformal contract issued by a corporationa certificate of ownership in a corporationlegal entity owned by individual stock holdersbusiness organization owned by 2 or more peoplebusiness organization owned by a group of peoplebusiness owned and managed by a single individual...

Economics 2023-11-15

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. gives a company exclusive rights to sell a new good or service for a specific period of time
  2. the struggle among producers for the dollars of consumers
  3. the act of redirecting resources from being consumed so benefits can be created in the future
  4. something essential for survival
  5. a formal contract issued by a corporation other entity
  6. the portion of stock is issued in
  7. the amount of good or service that is available
  8. the coins and bills used as money
  9. a business organization owned and operated by a group of individuals for their shared benefits
  10. the price paid for using borrowed money
  11. companies contract with other companies to do a specific job
  1. the extra cost of adding one unit
  2. negotiating labor contracts that keep unnecessary workers on the company payroll
  3. love of ones country
  4. something we desire but is not necessary for survival
  5. an authorization from the local government to operate a business
  6. money or other values that one person contributes in a partnership
  7. an organized work stoppage intended to force an employer to adress union demands
  8. desire to own something and the ability to pay for it
  9. a market dominated by a few large profitable firms

20 Clues: love of ones countrysomething essential for survivalthe extra cost of adding one unitthe portion of stock is issued inthe coins and bills used as moneythe price paid for using borrowed moneythe amount of good or service that is availablea market dominated by a few large profitable firmssomething we desire but is not necessary for survival...

Economics 2023-11-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. formal contract issued by a corporation
  2. an organized work stoppage
  3. effect theory about the relationship of education to wages
  4. business owned by two or more people
  5. all nonmilitary people who are unemployed or employed
  6. no owner ran by board of directors provides benefit to the public
  7. a neutral person who works on both sides to solve a problem
  8. business owned/operated by a group of people for shared benefit
  9. companies contract with another company to do specific jobs
  10. one partner is general partner
  1. selling merchandise to their members for a reduced price
  2. demand for labor
  3. money or valuables
  4. authorization to local government to operate a business
  5. company moving their operations or resources to another country
  6. negotiating labor contracts keeping unnecessary workers on payroll
  7. two or more firms competing in the same market with same good/service
  8. a third person to listen to both sides and makes a decision
  9. unpaid debts
  10. certificate of ownership in a corporation

20 Clues: unpaid debtsdemand for labormoney or valuablesan organized work stoppageone partner is general partnerbusiness owned by two or more peopleformal contract issued by a corporationcertificate of ownership in a corporationall nonmilitary people who are unemployed or employedauthorization to local government to operate a business...

Economics 2023-09-19

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a business organization recognized by law as a separate legal entity (you'll hear some people say "evil -----------"
  2. the type of liability where the owner is responsible for all losses and debts(and they could go on forever)
  3. represents non-voting ownership shares (people like this more because it pays out first))
  4. a government document that gives permission to create a corporation
  5. a stock of finished goods and parts in reserve
  6. when a union negotiates with management over issues such as pay, hours, health care, etc
  7. wooly mammoths are buried in this
  8. an organization of workers formed to represent its members' interests (it has nothing to do with a woman giving birth)
  9. a business that is jointly owned by two or more people (like a doubles' tennis relationship)
  10. ____(flow) total amount of new funds a business generates from operation
  11. a written promise to repay the amount borrowed (007)
  12. corporations producing and selling without regard to nation boundaries (I made the word plural by accident)
  13. Likes to chase mice
  14. Flying mammal
  15. organization like a business but not for financial gain
  16. income common measure of business profits found by subtracting all expenses from revenues
  17. a voluntary association formed to carry on an economic activity that benefits its members (people shorten the word and it looks like their talking about a chicken house)
  18. the amount borrowed
  19. Man's best friend
  1. combination of two or more businesses to form a single business
  2. merger combination of two or more firms producing the same kind of product
  3. gradual wear on capital goods
  4. the price paid for the use of another's money
  5. Has a trunk
  6. a business owned by a single individual
  7. ownership certificate
  8. union a financial organization that accepts deposits from, makes loans to, employees of a particular company or govt agency
  9. a check that transfers a portion of the corporate earnings (the name is comes from the idea of splitting up the profits evenly)
  10. merger combination of firms involved in different stages of manufacturing or marketing
  11. ____ (statement) a report showing a firm's sales, expenses, net income, and cash flows for a certain period
  12. examples are water, sewerage, electric services
  13. firm with four or more businesses making unrelated product, with no single business responsible for a majority of its sales
  14. represents basic ownership of a corporation (it's not unusual)
  15. a blood sucking insect blamed for Lyme disease
  16. Large marsupial
  17. a young dog or seal

36 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micea young dog or sealthe amount borrowedownership certificategradual wear on capital goodswooly mammoths are buried in thisa business owned by a single individualthe price paid for the use of another's moneya stock of finished goods and parts in reserve...

Economics 2024-05-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the consumer makes market decisions
  2. general increase in prices and fall in the value of money
  3. when the market is growing and doing well
  4. property consisting of lang of buildings
  5. 20-30 years, much cheaper
  6. stock dividing and then paying out to you
  7. tax on privately owned property
  8. giving up the best thing for and alternative
  9. business run individually and for people who pay money
  10. business run and paid for by the government
  11. when the stocks go down and economy is struggling
  1. when economy suffers government should influx money
  2. performance how well a stock is doing based on how others are doing
  3. have disadvantages because they pay higher taxes
  4. the more you make the more luxury you can buy
  5. have advantages because they don't get taxed as much
  6. anything you gave up to make a finacial decision
  7. automatically pays out, more expensive,
  8. a share in the ownership of a company
  9. hands-off economy will self regulate
  10. father of modern economics, wealth of nations, capitalism

21 Clues: 20-30 years, much cheapertax on privately owned propertythe consumer makes market decisionshands-off economy will self regulatea share in the ownership of a companyautomatically pays out, more expensive,property consisting of lang of buildingswhen the market is growing and doing wellstock dividing and then paying out to you...

ECONOMICS 2024-04-22

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. diem a daily allowance paid to an employee
  2. the principle holding that two
  3. a legal contract between the insurance company
  4. where the insured pays a share of the payment
  5. Risk risks directly affecting an individual or fam
  6. the person who owns the insurance policy.
  7. savings a type of personal savings
  8. any medical service that requires
  9. healthcare provider provide comprehensive primary.
  10. people who do not have insurance
  11. an amount the insured pays before insurance claim
  12. what you pay monthly
  13. a type of insurance policy in which
  14. you don't have to be hospitalized for
  1. company provides compensation for specific loss
  2. The amount you pay for covered health care
  3. the person or entity that will receive
  4. Risk when a party can be responsible for losses.
  5. gives workers and their families benefits
  6. risk damage due to uncontrollable forces like fire
  7. a formal request by a policyholder
  8. The process through which an approved
  9. reckless or unreasonable actions that
  10. A general term referring to any service
  11. medicine thats paid for though company
  12. what you're reimbursed with
  13. there is a contractual agreement with that health plan regarding the rates for services.
  14. spending through employer lets you pay
  15. the use of electronic information
  16. the amount of risk or liability that is
  17. a payment made by a beneficiary in addition to insurer
  18. of network when a contact has no been established

32 Clues: what you pay monthlywhat you're reimbursed withthe principle holding that twopeople who do not have insuranceany medical service that requiresthe use of electronic informationa formal request by a policyholdersavings a type of personal savingsa type of insurance policy in whichThe process through which an approved...

economics 2024-02-16

economics crossword puzzle
  1. a compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods
  2. something that has grown or is growing
  3. something that produces good or helpful results
  4. the money used to build, run, or grow a business
  5. a action of began or selling goods services
  6. send goods or sureness to another country for sale
  7. rate the proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower
  8. money to a worthy cause or volunteering time
  9. a current medium of exchange in the from coins and dollars
  10. to move something available to someone or possible to someone
  11. a plan for saving and spending
  1. a marketplace where securities, commodities, derivatives and other financial instruments are traded.
  2. items that satisfy human wants, provide utility or usefulness, and are
  3. an abundance of valuable possessions for money
  4. money receded on a regular basis
  5. an economic concept that relates to a consumer's desire to purchase goods and services
  6. a good or service bought in one country that was produced in another.
  7. system of inter-related production and consumption
  8. the state of being or in short supply of
  9. a place where you can make saving deposite
  10. the value you give up when you pay for something

21 Clues: a plan for saving and spendingmoney receded on a regular basissomething that has grown or is growingthe state of being or in short supply ofa place where you can make saving depositea action of began or selling goods servicesmoney to a worthy cause or volunteering timean abundance of valuable possessions for money...

economics 2024-02-19

economics crossword puzzle
  1. something that is sent out
  2. ll the materials available in our environment which are technologically accessible
  3. money or goods given to the less fortunate
  4. is a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public
  5. something provided for money
  6. any income not used for immediate consumption
  7. a trade
  8. how fast something is done
  9. regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions,
  1. quantity of a good that consumers are willing and able to purchase at various prices during a given time.
  2. he quantity of payment or compensation expected, required, or given by one party to another in return for goods or services.
  3. a certain number of sales to reach
  4. discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.
  5. two contedors or rivals for the same thing
  6. services provided for a price
  7. estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
  8. the process of increasing physical size
  9. commitment of resources to achieve later benefits
  10. an advantage or profit gained from something.
  11. amount of a resource that firms, producers, labourers, providers of financial assets, or other economic agents are willing and able to provide to the marketplace

20 Clues: a tradesomething that is sent outhow fast something is donesomething provided for moneyservices provided for a pricea certain number of sales to reachthe process of increasing physical sizediscussion aimed at reaching an or goods given to the less fortunatetwo contedors or rivals for the same thing...

Economics 2024-02-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A financial plan that outlines the amount of money a corporation can spend in a certain amount of time.
  2. A good or service bought in one country that was produced in another.
  3. The demand for a good or service is greater than the availability of the good or service.
  4. Quantity of a good that consumers are willing and able to purchase at various prices during a given time.
  5. The cost of debt for the borrower and the rate of return for the lander.
  6. The income that a firm receives from the sale of a good or service to it's customers.
  7. A scenario where different economic firms are in contention to obtain limited goods by varying the marketing mix elements: price, product, promotion, and place.
  8. A show in the ownership of a company, including a claim on the companies earning and assests.
  9. The total amount of a specific good provided to the market for consumption.
  1. The sum of the employment plus the un-employed.
  2. A strategic discussion between two parties to resolve an issue in a way that both find acceptable.
  3. The price at which the amount of good or service supplied by all sellers in a market is equal to the amount demanded by all buyers.
  4. A government imposed trade restriction that limits the number of goods that a country can import or export during a particular period.
  5. Goods or services on the form of a gift given to a person or group by another person or group.
  6. A mandatory payment or charge collected by local, state, and national government services, goods and activities.
  7. A composition of systems, industries, producers, social relations pr infrastructures where by parties engage in exchange.
  8. The sale and purchase of assests and securities between two consensual sides.
  9. Components used to produce goods for consumers.
  10. When someone has finanicial freedom during all economic resources that can be measured in terms of either real goods or money values.
  11. The value you give up when you choose one economic activity over the next best economic activity.

20 Clues: The sum of the employment plus the un-employed.Components used to produce goods for consumers.A good or service bought in one country that was produced in another.The cost of debt for the borrower and the rate of return for the lander.The total amount of a specific good provided to the market for consumption....

Economics 2024-02-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. An advantage or profit gained from something
  2. the way total output, income, or wealth is distributed among individuals
  3. anything that confers value or benefit to its owner such as a factory and its machinery
  4. Exchange for other goods and services without using money
  5. a market place where securities, commodities, derivatives, and others are traded
  6. an activity involving two or more firms in which each firm tries to get people to buy their goods
  7. Economic concept that relates to a consumers desire to purchase goods
  8. Items that satisfy human wants, provide utility, or usefulness and are scarse
  9. medium of exchange for goods and services
  1. A persons regular occupation, profession, or trade
  2. A product or service produced in one country but sold to a buyer abroad
  3. transaction between two parties in which one supplies money, goods, services, or securities in return for a promised future payment
  4. the monetary value of goods and services purchased by producers and consumers
  5. public availability or knowledge of something
  6. A financial institution licensed to receive and make loans
  7. an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time
  8. people who buy or use goods and services to satisfy their wants
  9. an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need
  10. a fixed income instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower
  11. The large set of inter-related production, consumption, and exchange activities

20 Clues: medium of exchange for goods and servicesAn advantage or profit gained from somethingpublic availability or knowledge of somethingA persons regular occupation, profession, or tradeExchange for other goods and services without using moneyA financial institution licensed to receive and make loans...

Economics 2024-03-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. - to begin an activity to introduce something (e.g. a new product onto the market)
  2. - the use of media which normally communicate information both visually and using sound; also adj.
  3. - the underlying subject, idea or theme used to advertise something
  4. - means of mass communication that may or may not carry advertising e.g. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, the internet; also used as an abstract noun to denote the media as an industry or sector
  5. - an advertisement on TV or radio
  6. - an abstract group of potential or existing customers for a given product or service
  7. - a physical or abstract collection of work or clients, both past and present; a physical portfolio may be contained in a large document and show artwork and printed advertising in order to attract new clients
  8. - a physical or electronic document, normally containing promotional material or advertising
  1. - a planned set of related activities to achieve a goal
  2. - a phrase used to advertise a product or service which can become a way of identifying the product (e.g. Just do it - Nike)
  3. - Unique Selling Proposition; a statement of what makes a product different from its competitors
  4. - a person whose work involves writing copy, often to be used in advertising material
  5. - a sheet of paper with printed advertising
  6. - something given for free, often as part of an advertising campaign or to tempt somebody to buy a product or service
  7. - a document containing a list of products and services, often with more detailed information than the marketing materials
  8. - something, normally written text in printed materials or on an internet page, which spans the entire page, normally placed at the top
  9. - publicity designed to promote services or products in media such as newspapers, TV, internet, magazines etc.
  10. - the effect of something e.g. the degree to which an advertising campaign has reached its target audience
  11. - a symbol used by organisations to identify themselves and normally to promote their services or products
  12. - a private individual who purchases goods and services; the target of B2C advertising

20 Clues: - an advertisement on TV or radio- a sheet of paper with printed advertising- a planned set of related activities to achieve a goal- the underlying subject, idea or theme used to advertise something- to begin an activity to introduce something (e.g. a new product onto the market)...

Economics 2024-04-29

Economics crossword puzzle


Economics 2024-05-23

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Ownership in a company.
  2. A good who demand decreases when income increases.
  3. When buyers and sellers hold different information.
  4. The overconsumption of common resources. It is called the Tragedy of the...
  5. Tendency to take fewer precautions b/c of insurance.
  6. Rise of overall prices in an economy.
  7. When the supplier can prevent people from consuming.
  8. Type of advantage where you have the lowest opportunity cost.
  9. Measure of economic growth.
  10. A loan issued by a borrower.
  11. When spending exceeds tax revenue.
  1. What you give up to get something.
  2. Responsible for monetary policy.
  3. Responsible for fiscal policy.
  4. When more than one person can consume a good.
  5. Side effect of someone else's behavior.
  6. Benefit from something without contributing.
  7. Type of advantage where you can make more in a given amount of time.
  8. Money backed by gold.
  9. Concerned with individual decisions.
  10. Unemployment caused by a careful job search.
  11. Core element of economic growth.

22 Clues: Money backed by gold.Ownership in a company.Measure of economic growth.A loan issued by a borrower.Responsible for fiscal policy.Responsible for monetary policy.Core element of economic growth.What you give up to get something.When spending exceeds tax revenue.Concerned with individual decisions.Rise of overall prices in an economy....

Economics 2024-07-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. To put money in a bank account.
  2. The money paid by a borrower for the use of borrowed money.
  3. The amount of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a certain price.
  4. The money that a country uses; a specific kind of money.
  5. Money, property, etc., that is used to start or operate a business.
  6. A share of the value of a company which can be bought, sold, or traded as an investment.
  7. A period of time in which there is a decrease in economic activity.
  8. The loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
  9. To use money to earn more money; to use your money to purchase stock in a company, to buy property, etc., in order to make future profit.
  10. An amount of money that a government requires people to pay according to their income, the value of their property, etc., and that is used to pay for the things done by the government.
  11. Money that is made in a business, through investing, etc., after all the costs and expenses are paid; a financial gain.
  1. An amount of money available for spending that is based on a plan for how it will be spent.
  2. A person who buys goods and services.
  3. Money that a bank or business will allow a person to use and then pay back in the future.
  4. An amount of money that is used for a special purpose.
  5. An amount of money that you owe to a person, bank, company, etc.
  6. To increase in value.
  7. An amount that is less than the amount that is needed.
  8. The inability to satisfy all wants at the same time; all resources and goods are limited.
  9. The amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to sell at a certain price.
  10. The process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought.
  11. The activity or process of buying, selling, or exchanging goods or services.
  12. A continual increase in the price of goods and services.

23 Clues: To increase in value.To put money in a bank account.A person who buys goods and services.An amount of money that is used for a special purpose.An amount that is less than the amount that is needed.The money that a country uses; a specific kind of money.A continual increase in the price of goods and services....

Economics 2021-02-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. finance, the study of the role of the government in the economy
  2. organizations, an organization established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own international legal by personality
  3. economics, using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  4. a branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals and firms in making decisions regarding the allocation of scarce resources and the interactions among these individuals and firms.
  5. the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives
  6. the economic policy of restricting imports from other countries through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, import quotas, and a variety of other government regulations
  7. economics, an area of economics that studies the financial impact of environmental policies
  8. an economic policy that is designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports for an economy
  9. economics, seeks to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor
  10. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  1. a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole
  2. a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates a demand deposit while simultaneously making loans
  3. trade, the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories because there is a need or want of goods or service
  4. growth, an increase in the production of goods and services over a specific period
  5. development, he process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives
  6. a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer
  7. conflict, religious violence or intolerance that may lead to war
  8. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  9. surplus, an economic measure of a positive balance of trade, where a country's exports exceed its imports
  10. supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time

20 Clues: items that satisfy human wants and provide utilityfinance, the study of the role of the government in the economyconflict, religious violence or intolerance that may lead to wara general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of moneysupply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time...

Economics 2021-02-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer
  2. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  3. economics, using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  4. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  5. a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates a demand deposit while simultaneously making loans
  6. economics, seeks to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor
  7. economics, an area of economics that studies the financial impact of environmental policies
  8. conflict, religious violence or intolerance that may lead to war
  9. development, he process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives
  10. an economic policy that is designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports for an economy
  1. the economic policy of restricting imports from other countries through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, import quotas, and a variety of other government regulations
  2. a branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals and firms in making decisions regarding the allocation of scarce resources and the interactions among these individuals and firms.
  3. trade, the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories because there is a need or want of goods or service
  4. finance, the study of the role of the government in the economy
  5. a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole
  6. surplus, an economic measure of a positive balance of trade, where a country's exports exceed its imports
  7. organizations, an organization established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own international legal by personality
  8. supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time
  9. growth, an increase in the production of goods and services over a specific period
  10. the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives

20 Clues: items that satisfy human wants and provide utilityfinance, the study of the role of the government in the economyconflict, religious violence or intolerance that may lead to wara general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of moneysupply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time...

Economics Crossword Puzzle 2023-01-18

Economics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Study of people and choices
  2. Makes people more productive
  3. Economy- Gov’t controls the economy
  4. Classless society with no private ownership
  5. Only private and Gov’t ownership
  6. Economy- Total Gov’t control
  7. Economy- Free and Gov’t markets
  8. Visuals that help explain concepts
  1. Tension between unlimited wants and limited resources
  2. Cost- Whatever you give up when making a decision
  3. Student of economics as individuals
  4. Makes people better off
  5. Trade- Mutually beneficial to both countries
  6. Study of economics as a whole
  7. Motivators that explains our choices
  8. Market Economy- Individuals run businesses

16 Clues: Makes people better offStudy of people and choicesMakes people more productiveStudy of economics as a wholeEconomy- Total Gov’t controlOnly private and Gov’t ownershipEconomy- Free and Gov’t marketsVisuals that help explain conceptsStudent of economics as individualsEconomy- Gov’t controls the economyMotivators that explains our choices...

Economics 2021-06-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. What is how many dollars worth of goods and services made in a country over time called?
  2. What type of policy does the fed use that deals with money?
  3. What is the protection of consumers interest?
  4. What is the point where the supply curve and demand curve cross called?
  5. What is the word for how a lender decides if you’ll default your debt obligations?
  6. What type of monetary policy decreases the money supply?
  7. If GDP is increasing, producing more goods than before, what is the business cycle going through?
  8. What is a government payment to an individual, business, or other group encouraging them?
  9. What type of economics mainly focuses on psychological, social, and emotional factors?
  10. What is the idea of limited resources?
  11. What type of policy does the government use that deals with taxes?
  1. What kind of unemployment is caused by a recession?
  2. What is the desire, ability, and willingness to buy a product?
  3. What type of price is the lowest a legal price can be paid for a product?
  4. What is the study of behavior/decisions as an economy?
  5. What type of economy is a government that shares economic decisions with individuals?
  6. What is an increase in prices called?
  7. What is a mix of inflation and recession?
  8. What kind of demand does a change in price effects the quantity demanded?
  9. What is the tools, equipment, and machinery used to produce?
  10. What is it called when you share a piece of a company?
  11. What type of tax is any sales tax?
  12. What type of budget is when government makes more money than it spends?
  13. what is an alternative that is available whenever a choice is made?
  14. Which of the 5 C’s is the insurance if the borrower doesn’t repay the loan?

25 Clues: What type of tax is any sales tax?What is an increase in prices called?What is the idea of limited resources?What is a mix of inflation and recession?What is the protection of consumers interest?What kind of unemployment is caused by a recession?What is the study of behavior/decisions as an economy?...

Economics 2021-06-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. What is the greatest cost of taking on credit?
  2. Which "Savings Plan" offers no/low minimum deposits, low interest, and no penalty for withdrawing funds?
  3. The three characteristics of a normal,healthy economy are Full employment,Low inflation, and…….?
  4. In the United States, in which factor of production do we have an advantage? In which do we have a disadvantage?We have an advantage in Capital and a disadvantage in….?
  5. The two main goals of the U.S federal reserve is to fight high inflation and…..?
  6. What is the basic problem in economics?
  7. A person who is making rational economic decisions when purchasing a good or service is first considering….?
  8. Competition is good for the buyers in an economy because it decreases prices and increases what quality?
  9. What is the largest form of debt that most people will have in their lifetime?
  10. What is the TOTAL of all of the money earned within the United States?
  11. They make their own decisions for their best interest?
  12. Since wealthy people tried to avoid paying the estate tax by giving away their property before they died, what tax was passed to prevent this?
  13. Who has the power to actually test whether an economic model can benefit the whole society?
  14. The desire,ability,and willingness to buy a product.
  15. In the United States, who typically goes into debt?Government,Companies,Groups/Organizations,and….?
  1. In the U.S., which area of the economy frequently subtracts from the GDP?
  2. Which type of unemployment is caused by different hiring needs at different times of the year?
  3. A trade off is a what?
  4. What three issues can the Fed address with monetary policy.Increase employment,Control inflation,and…?
  5. What are the two "Fiscal Policy" tools that are used to address problems in the economy?Government spending and..?
  6. How Many dollars worth of goods and services are made in a country over time (typically one year).What is this?
  7. According to the "Law of Supply", as the price of a product increases, the quantity supplied will?
  8. A shift of the demand curve.
  9. If a good has many substitutes, its price is more likely to be?
  10. What is shown when drawing a very flat demand curve?

25 Clues: A trade off is a what?A shift of the demand curve.What is the basic problem in economics?What is the greatest cost of taking on credit?What is shown when drawing a very flat demand curve?The desire,ability,and willingness to buy a product.They make their own decisions for their best interest?...